#but thank you so much ahhhhhhh this really made my day when i got it im sorry its so delayed
moeblob · 1 year
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@natakesgamingcorner aaaaaah thank you hello! This is many days late but I wanted to say thank you so much for sending this ! ;w; I got it after work during a rough day and it means a whole lot to me to hear this so I wanted to doodle a little more for you?? but uh when I was planning to doodle Hiruma on stream everyone in chat was like "WHY DOES HE HAVE A GUN IT'S ABOUT FOOTBALL" and. I didn't want to waste the entire time trying to draw a gun so I just did a bust up on stream.
But! I wanted to draw him with a gun because I realized people that follow me/know me for FE that don't know about the series don't know he just casually has a lot of guns. So. Yeah. Thank you again for the ask it means a lot that someone else knows both topics!
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h1mmel · 2 months
Hello hi! I’m sorry if this is out of no where, but I just wanted to say I really love your artwork and explanation posts. I just got into Seven Swords and they take up an unhealthy amount of space in my brain. (They’re the WORST found family ever I adore them) and reading all of your threads has been super helpful in understanding all the characters when so much misinformation has been spread about them due to lack of translations. So I just wanted to say thank you for that! Ok that’s it have a nice day bye‼️‼️
Ahhhhhhh omg this makes me so happy to hear you have no idea 🥹❤️ I’m actually working on another 7s thread right now about Lingshuang too!! All of those guys occupy my head rent free and if you are ever interested in chatting about them I can talk endlessly about them. Also I don’t think I ever shared this on tumblr and I’m sorry if I have but this also made me remember I made a 7s lore timeline a while back if you or anyone else is interested!!
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norbezjones · 4 months
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Sketch sheet of the 4th love interest of Romance The Backrooms, my upcoming dating sim visual novel. Meet the scared boy, Zenobos! He was designed by jemii.
This poor guy. T_T Under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have survived in the backrooms as long as he has lmaooooo! He can't really fight and is very cowardly. However, his spiral eye can see where reality "no-clips" and entrances to other levels appear. That comes in very handy when you're running away from a Smiler or the like! Also, he thankfully ran into the other love interests, and now they protect him from any violent opponents around.
The idea of Zenobos being able to see entrances into other levels came about in the same brainstorming discussion I brought up in my last post, with my friend L. I don't think I mentioned this yet, so I'll mention it now: it was L who said that each of the characters' strengths should have a drawback/weakness, which has been an important element for each of my love interests. L really helped make the characters who they are now, and I owe them a lot. <3
Zenobos is voiced by @auroraaveva , who does a fantastic job playing my "adorable little bundle of nerves", as she described him (great description, Aurora!). People seemed to like the casting story I told in my last post for Sam, so I'll also tell the story of how Aurora got cast!
It was early May, and the deadline to the casting call was approaching fast. I had gotten a few auditions to Zenobos that were pretty close to what I had in mind for him, and I trying to figure out which one I liked best in case I had to choose one of them.
Then, literally a DAY before the casting call was to close, someone named Aurora comes into my inbox with an audition! She had auditioned only for Zenobos, which was something no one else did. I was also pleasantly surprised to see a non-masc person auditioning for the part.
I listened to xer audition, and was blown away. It was pretty different than all of the auditions I had received for Zenobos, in pitch and delivery, and it captured dimensions of the character that I hadn't really heard in other auditions yet. It really made me smile--there was my scared little guy; he had finally arrived in Aurora's voice! Hooray!
I was very excited when I got to contact xer and tell xer she got the part. Ok, that's true for all the voice actors, you got me lol. I should also mention that I try to keep things very professional when I contact people, but when it comes to bringing on talent for a project, 99% of the time I'm fangirling inside lmao. So when I say, "Hi, I'm the project lead for [game] and we received your work," inside I'm like, "HI OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M TALKING TO YOU, YOUR AUDITION/ART/WRITING/ETC IS GREAT AND I AM SO EXCITED TO BRING YOU ON BOARD AHHHHHHH!" Just being honest with y'all. ;3
That's all for today. Thanks for reading about my "adorable little bundle of nerves" (I can't emphasize enough how much I love that description)!
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hey there
I just read all the snippets of "legacy (what is a legacy) and they are beautifully written and I'm already enamoured by Sid and the kids and the fact that he's trying hard for them; also Geno!! I really can't wait to read more of this fic.
So I was wondering if you have an ao3 account where you post your writings or if you use other platforms and what's your username?
You're such a good writer.
all the best! :)
ahhhhhhh thank you!! this made my day!!
i do have an Ao3 account! its carpe_history. I don't use any other platforms anymore, though I'm sure my fanfic.net account still exists somewhere.
I don't have Legacy up yet, as it's not finished. What I'm posting to Tumblr is, like, draft 2? It's not the rough draft, but it's still a work in progress. I'm about 25K ahead of what's posted. That's the rough draft - its completely unedited. (I've also got a loose outline, but that is, by definition, loose. The outline also has all of my darlings I had to kill, so the draft total is like 14K words to the current total of 46.5K words)
When I'm done (and what will go up on ao3), I'll have gone back and reworked, added, and shifted things as needed to make sure the story is complete, satisfying, makes sense (narratively and with emotions), and isn't as much "talking heads", or "all sets all the time!".
It takes me a long time to write. sorry ;-;
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02zhoonie · 1 year
here’s a dump on how seeing enha in real life is like
heeseung: when they say heeseung comes for u when u see him in person they are absolutely not kidding it’s true. his live vocals are stunning and i just found myself in awe whenever he sang into the mic THAT MIC IS ON!!!! so gorgeous like honey and he’s soooooooo attractive like fr attractive and his stage presence is MWAHHHHH chef’s kiss
jay: i don’t want to talk about it… every time he was on screen i screamed like he’s JUST SOOOOOOOOOOO. HES TEWWWWW FINE !!!! n the guitar playing i nearly died he’s so handsome in real life. HIS MELANIN LIKE HELLO…. he’s so tall tanned n handsome u can’t help but fall for him like …. ahhhhhhh he’s also a huge dork !!! ah my jongsaengie 😭😭😭 when can i see u again
jake: SMOLLLLL HES TINY !!! but also so fkinh good looking like he’s so puppy hehehhe i cant im giggling just thinking about jake. ik that jake wasn’t feeling well during the concerts but i really like couldn’t tell he was doing so well. also he like makes eye contact with everyone like he blew me a kiss r u obsessed with me or smthg jake sim ???(typing this dump half way and JAEYUN WENT LIVE. )
sunghoon: MY PRINCE !! when they call him god of the big screen they’re really not kidding cos every time he appeared on screen I LITERALLY COULDNT STOP SCREAMING THAT HE WAS HANDSOME IN THREE DIFF LANGUAGES. we made eye contact for a solid 5 seconds and i swear he is the prettiest person i’ve ever seen ever. also i got a high five from him so safe to say my status as a sunghoon girl still stands. and his legs r genuinely sooooo fking long . liek it’s crazy i think I HAVE LONG LEGS and i’m pretty sure he beats me
sunoo: HES AN ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART AND A CUTIE PIE. no joke he’s sunshine incarnate. like every time he was on screen everyone around me n including me was liKE AWEEEEE SO CUTE. but liek during performances and all like U CAN SEE HIS SWITCH AND ITS SAURRRR CRAZY i cant do it today !!!
jungwon: JUNGWONNNNN SHAKES FISTS… this boy REALLY LOVES ENGENES SO MUCH AND U CAN FEEL IT . also high fived him hehe. he shines unbelievably bright on stage and it’s just so so so beautiful like after day one i kept thinking about how he just captures everyone’s attention on stage and also everyone screaming every time he comes on screen is sooooo real 😭😭😭 man jumped up my bias list like hello???
niki: MANNNNNN MANNNNNN?? he’s just genuinely so handsome … like i keep looking at niki and thinking he’s just HANDSOMEEEE. but he’s also their baby ya know ?? u can tell that he’s their precious kiddo!! his energy on stage is immaculate!!! niki does so well in everything !!! he’s so great hehe
in conclusion i need to see enha again and immediately please n thank you
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skitskatdacat63 · 23 days
For your lore a day, I know you’ve made separate portraits of Vettonso but how would they react to a joint portrait? I feel like they’d argue on their poses seeing that their image is important to them
— Penalanon
misc lore drop day 38/?
Ahhhhhhh oh my god penalanon ilysm, thank you for the prompt, I really appreciate it!!! <3  Funny you should ask this specifically though when I'm already dr- no no, spoilers, I shan't. Also, I like how one of the first sketches for this AU was a joint portrait but...it never got past the sketch stage sigh.
You know them so well!! I think they'd debate over every aspect of the portrait, there's just so many crucial elements. Fernando constantly micromanaging the painter, and Seb's like, don't worry he's always like this. Then proceeds to contradict every specification Fernando gave. Though please do note that having joint portraits is very important to them, since they need to portray they’re a very functional, efficient, combined unit. But as you said, it’s tough to decide how to portray themselves. Because Seb is very much: this is an era of peace, let’s look very friendly and magnanimous! And Fernando on the other hand thinks people should be in awe and a bit of terror upon seeing the painting, like wow, I don’t wanna mess with these guys. They can’t figure out whether to wear matching outfits or opposing colors both to represent their kingdoms but also broadcast that they’re very much individuals. Matching colors would represent that we’re a unified front, Seb says. I’d rather die than wear your colors, says Fernando. So they’d have to settle on a midground, maybe neutrals but with special accents for each of them. Okay that’s sorted, what next? 
Oh no, they’re arguing over what color the background and/or seating should be. A neutral, okay okay. Now how do they pose? This is the part where their obsession over image comes into play. They don’t really have to agree on anything jointly necessarily, but you know they'll still snipe at each other. Seb would probably sit all demure, very coy, and Fernando’s like “...are you sure you’re the Emperor…?” Then Fernando sits in a way which he says “exudes confidence and manhood.” But it’s like the most uncouth thing ever, like that meme about “pussy facing the world.” He cares a lot about decorum but he also cares a lot about being front and center, and taking up all the space. Borderline trying to shove Seb out of frame, is this a couple’s portrait or solo, asks the artist. Also you know how when you take group pics, the photographer is like, “now a silly one!!” That's what Seb is constantly trying to pull. Fernando thinks they should be stoic, Seb thinks they should smile, as he said before, it’s an era of peace after all! They see the progress of the portrait after, and are like, “why does Fernando look so constipated, and why does Seb look so mischievous?” So yeah, they have a few kinks to work out before the next painting session. 
Also Fernando would get so annoyed at the fact Seb can't keep a straight face, or keep his pose consistent across multiple sessions. YET Fernando's the one who keeps whispering things to Seb and subtly poking him. And then gets fake annoyed like, "OH MY LORD, SEB, CAN'T YOU KEEP STILL!?" The artist is probably like, don’t worry, I’ve got it down mostly! Seb then pretends to get all huffy and annoyed, and threatens to get up and leave the session. Then they have that iconic wrist-grabbing moment, “No, stay stay Sebastian.” They look at the version of the portrait after that session and start dying together over how it looks like they’re eye-fucking each other. “Hey, no, it shows we get along!!” “We cannot let anyone see this Seb…” Rest in peace the artist who has to start over because that particular work in progress “went missing.”
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just-a-carrot · 10 months
when i first got into our wonderland i made these characters because the game really seriously inspired me,, i wanted to make it a game but i have no idea how to code!! but anyways the game wouldve been called ghost hunters and its a group of kids who get paid to remove ghosts from homes n they start dying off one by one.. ofc they do, it was our wonderland inspired!!!!
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its really old and the style is very much giving 5 year old tried to draw like carrot .. but it holds a place in my heart :3
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Heres all the characters and what not.. idk why im showing you this I just feel you should know how much your work truly inspires people, our wonderland is an amazing game and i hope to make awesome games like you one day!!!!!!
ohhhh!!!! these are super cute??? 🥺💕 ahhhhh i feel so touched that my game inspired you to think up such a fun idea and come up with these characters!! they look so fun ahhhhhhh LMAO I also didn't know how to code when i got started, so don't let that stop you if you do want to try 🤣
you are so kind sob... thank you for sharing these with me!! i'm honestly so moved. it really does mean so much hearing that ppl loved the game so much that they are inspired to make their own games or stories!! i wish you luck if you ever do try to make it into a game or any other games you want to make in the future!!
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Started with a train journey from my parents up to Edinburgh which of course meant more 13-ing on the train! My best friend is great at arty stuff so of course I recruited her to help me! We ended up sat beside the sweetest girl and her dad who were SO excited to see Taylor and did our first bracelet trades of the day
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A very gloomy day in Edinburgh - but that matched my Tortured Poets outfit perfectly!!!! The clouds were really matching my vibe!
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Found my twitter bestie Marisa who was dressed as the other side of TTPD Taylor - I'd gone for white dress Taylor with the necklaces like she wears on tour and Marisa was the dark side of Fortnight Taylor!
Myself and my best friend (Jordyn) were actually in hospitality this night which was AMAZING!!!! they had this awesome balloon set up for photos which we absolutely took advantage of!
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A VERY crucial detail of my outfit!!!! Thankfully Jordyn has the most beautiful handwriting so she wrote it for me!
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We made it to our seats and HELLO LOOK AT OUR VIEW AHHHHH
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And of COURSE we took pics with the Eras Stage in the background! Plus I needed to show off the back of my jacket <3
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the excitement NEVER wears off - I was literally buzzing with excitement for my 5th eras tour show!!!!
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ITS A CLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!
The show as always was beautiful, astounding and incredible. I truly need to write a post about it, but I can't fit into words my love for this tour.
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Here is Speak Now Taylor in her princess dress in front of Edinburgh Castle - I have been wanting a picture of this since Edinburgh shows were announced and couldn't believe I got to take it!
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Surprise songs happened.....and as a debut era swiftie, I could not believe my luck with getting Crazier! I think my face says enough about how much this meant to me - thank you Taylor thank you thank you thank you! I started sobbing when I saw my bracelet turn green as it really cemented the fact I'd received what I'd been hoping for for months - a debut surprise songs, and the fact it was the 1st ever live performance of Crazier made it even more special!!!!
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Me post surprise songs....oh I was SO HAPPY AND IN SHOCK AHHHHHHH THEY WERE SO GOOD????????? like the bolder x getaway car AND all of the girls you loved before x CRAZIER??? MIND BLOWN!!!
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Pure and utter magic. That's what the Eras Tour is to me. It was an incredible night and to experience it with my best friend beside me was so so so special. And I couldn't wait to do it all again the next day!!!!!
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morathicain · 3 months
HELLO CAIN!!! First of all how are you my favourite mutual? (can you believe we've been mutuals for 4 years now? So weird)
As you may have noticed I got back into my Thai series obsession - Uni is KILLING ME - and I'm rediscovering some series that came out during these years that I unfortunately missed and let me tell you I am both EXTATIC and dissapointent
So let's start with the dissapoint: I've noticed that after bad buddy (straight up one of the best BL ever made) Thai series, but EXPECIALLY gmmtv, have started to make the couple fall in love very VERY soon in the series which for me - a slow build and slow burn lover - is AWFUL
What do you MEEEEEAN they kiss in episode 3?!? Come on where is the drama? Where is the falling in love??? Heck they are making me miss the love triangles just saying
And because of this some series just, stop making sense after a certain point? Like the story is finished so they fish out a random and stupid storyline to fill the last episode which sucks⭐✨⭐✨ (coff coff 23.5)
We are getting so many GLs!!!!!! LET'S GO!!! GIVE ME THE LESBIANS!
But also they are pushing a lot more on the "self discovery" arc of the characters which is really good? Like because the romance happens so soon the rest of the episodes are about the characters as their own and honestly? Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad
Like the self discovery in We are? Amazing
In My boo? Eeeeeh...
Now for the series i'm watching
Airing: We are and My boo
We are grew on me
At the beginning I did not like it but it was still something simple and sweet to watch after a bad day in uni but now... Damn Cain I'm getting attached to these idiots
It's truly a lovely story about friendship and simple love that even if stereotypical it's still very very good because it's ""real"""? If it makes sense? I'm currently writing a LONG review about it that when I remember how to write properly I will publish (oh yeah btw I also started posting small reviews)
My boo is... Something
It exist, it's sweet but the main couple is that type of sweet that it becomes annoying after a while
Honestly I'm here for the side couple
ALSO IT'S SO WEIRD?!? Because it's clear that GMMTV put a LOT of money into this but it's still??? Mediocre??? Man idk let's see how it ends
I've just finished Mama gogo and I really liked it! It has its ups and downs but it's still a very funny and sweet series so 8.5 lovely IT COULD have given me more but in 12 it did what it could
23.5 made me incredibly mad but it's still a good GL to start with for GMMTV and that's all I'm going to say
Currently watching
Girl I remember watching it while it was airing: I dropped after 3 episodes
But then! Like 3 days ago I was like "y'know I miss Krist (phrase never said by anyone, I know but listen) let me see what people think of "be my favorite"... BOOM 8 on MDL
So I thought "okay let's give it another go..."
Cain truly I'm at ep 7 and I'm so fucking intrigued
It's so nice and different?!?! Why no one talks about it!!! Plus Gawin
That man was written and made for women he is SUCH A GOOD ACTOR JESUS
Anyway sorry for the long ass ask but everytime I get back into this fixation my first thought is "let me message Cain"
I hope you are doing well!!!!
- Randy✨
Update from my last ask (sempre Randy✨) Girl i Be my favorite was so fucking good man Not going to spoil anything but if you liked "He's coming to me" I would 100% recommend this show Truly a 10/10
Hello Randy!!!
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Thank you for thinking of me when watching Thai shows and then sending me whole novels, WOW!!!!
Also sorry for replying late, I wanted to take proper time and work has been slightly exhausting ^^° still, thank you so much for all your words!
It's really fascinating because AHHHHHHH MAMA GOGO! I really love the show so much with all the characters and arcs and growth and little stories and tropes. Right up my alley XD
I have neither watched We are nor My Boo so far, so I can't say anything about it but I'm happy you are enjoying We are a lot =^^= it's on my potential watch list, albeit not up high, which is mostly because I am currently brain rotten about Wandee and At 25:00 in Akasaka XD
I started 23.5 degrees but was slightly discouraged by the catfishing at the beginning, so I stopped for a while. When the show basically vanished from my dash towards the final, I was already wondering what went wrong, and I now suppose a lot did? Tbh I have been enjoying the Japanese GLs more than the Thai ones so far, but there's so many coming out soon and currently, I will find the ones for me =^^=
Regarding Be My Favourite, I'm happy you enjoyed it so much <3 it was THE talk when it aired, but too many shows make it impossible for most shows to stick. I know a lot of people who really liked it actually ^^ I did, too, for several episodes. Sadly, it used a trope I really can't endure and my interest dropped, so I dropped the show in the middle. Might continue one day or not, but my interest kinda vanished ^^° which is okay, can't be for everyone but I know lots of people who had their fun and that's nice =^^=
Anygay, hope you continue to have all the fun and joy with the shows and that enough slow burn will get produced for you :D I do enjoy a good slow burn, too, but I also LOVE when a couple is interested early on and they keep the dynamic and tension till later like in Wandee.
What luck that we have so many shows to choose from now :D
Take care and stay safe and healthy. I wish you the best and a wonderful day (with lots of Gawin-feels!) <3
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gothsuguru · 8 months
KAIRO MY BELOVED im breaking in again w cookies and flowers 🍪🍪💐💐 for u!! 
i was gonna thank u for ur rb in the replies but my comment got too long 😭😭 U ALWAYS SAY THE SWEETEST THINGS I JUST WANT TO THANK U PROPERY…. 💔💔 but also!! while im here!!! tysm for ur tags on the gojo fics 🥺🥺 i dont want this to get too long phshdjs it will but i appreciate literally every single one of ur words & i always agree w ur stsg takes u just Get them…  im especially happy that u enjoyed the poly fic hehe u & satoru are suguru’s babies so true!! he loves u soo much <33 told me to give u a kiss on the forehead from him <333
anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH <33 for ur tags on the sugu fic everytime i see u in my notifs i giggle and kick my feet genuinely. IM SO GLAD THE SUMMER VIBE HIT …. i listened to uncomfortable while reading ur tags what a banger AND IM SOOO HAPPY U LIKED DRUNK!SUGU he’s so special to me…. ”papabear turned babybear” NO EXACTLY u always get it…. AND WAHHH U NOTICED THE 3S????? ur so observant and thoughtful im so touched 😭😭😭 it always feels like you’re a scientist and my fics are lil fish that you’re dissecting under a microscope lmao IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY <3333 i cant tell u how overjoyed i am that the ending hit too!!! seriously!!! i was a lil worried that i made it too sappy so that felt so reassuring 🥺🥺
in conclusion TYSM FOR BLESSING ME W UR THOUGHTS mwah mwah MWAH i hope u have a lovely day kairo!! pls invite me to the wedding when u marry sugu <333 ill bring u gifts!!
ARI PLEASEEEEEEE WHY ARE YOU THE MOST SWEETEST PRECIOUS ADORABLE PERSON ON THE PLANET I’M IN TEARS 🥹🩷 the way you always connect w people & be so kind to them… sniffles just know I Would Die For You <3 & THE GOJO FICS & POLY!SATOSUGU FIC LITERALLLLLLLLY REWIRED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY……… literally felt like i was IN the stories it was insane in the best way possible 😭 A SMOOCH FROM SUGU YOU SAY??? a kiss from a bad bitch like him is literally all i want in life thank you legend
AHHHHHHH LISTENNNNNNN THE DRUNK!SUGU FIC WAS SO FUCKING SWEET LIKENDNDDNND literally had ME giggling twirling my hair kicking my feet etc……… & YOU LISTENED TO THE SONG??? 🥹 uncomfortable is one of my favs and it always gave me evening summer vibes so when i listened to it while reading your fic… oh it just hit SO good <3 seeing sugu’s soft sensitive side was so precious 2 me i feel like i don’t often see that in fics and WHEW you did it so well <333
AND THE THREES I’M SO FOND OF THE THREES!!!!! omfg not me in my kenjaku shoko dissection era……… methinks kenjaku & shoko would love to dissect your brain (massive compliment) bc the way you think of & write your stories…… oh just DELICIOUS. & YES THE ENDING WAS PERFECTTTTTTTT!!!!!! literally the perfect amt of sap it actually felt really cozy :’)
ALSO THANK YOU SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH FOR YOUR TAGS ON THAT LIL TEASER SNIPPET IT LITERALLY MADE ME SO :’) as i was writing it i was like damn this shit is choppy as hell smh BUT I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE SERPENT FANGS & REMORSE DISCERNING WHERE TO RESIDE HEHEHEHE <3 your tags made me feel so much better so thank you again :’)
THANK YOU FOR BLESSING US W YOUR FICS LIKE OMFG??? JUST BANGERS EVERYTIME HOW DO YOU DO IT??? i get so excited whenever you come out w a new story it’s like christmas morning fr <3 AND OFMFMDMD TRUST that you’re invited to mine & sugu’s wedding <333 you can bring shoko as your plus one <3 I HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER I HOPE IT’S AS WONDERFUL AS YOU ARE :’) MWAH MWAH MWAH <3
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onceuponalegendbg · 1 year
Thoughts During TOH 3x03 Watching and Dreaming
Here we go. The finale. This is it.
I’m going to be honest, I didn’t record my reactions to the first half of this so some general thoughts before I continue.
So, seeing kind of King, Luz, and Eda’s worst fears be reaffirmed by the dreams was the worst, but we also got out of the actual dreams a lot quicker than I expected. It’s fine, I understand.
Raine needs to rest after all this.
We’re actually teaching the Collector about actual friendship and kindness and the permanence of death, huh.
The fact that Luz actually reassured the Collector that what they did wasn’t wrong when they tried to apply their lessons of forgiveness and kindness to Belos but it’s just the issue itself is so much more complicated than that. That kind of approach isn’t going to work on someone like Belos. I just really appreciate her letting them know that they didn’t do anything wrong.
And finally, before I continue, Luz’s “death” got me to cry. Especially when it showed Camilla crying even as a puppet like she knew! Ugh. Pain!
Okay, back to the live reacting.
“I should have thanked them.” AHHHHHHH! Pain!
Who voices him? It’s an interesting voice.
Oh that’‘s a cool design.... Bye Titan Daddy.
Gus! Friends! Camilla! .... “She’ll be okay.” Frick why am I crying again!?
Okay so, two things. The voice acting for the Collector right now? Amazing. He sounds like such a scared kid. Love it. Second, Luz’s Titan Witch design? Gorgeous! 10/10.
OH MY GOD! My baby is casting spells with spell circles and Eda is supporting her and the animation got real smooth and I’m getting emotional again!
Look at all my babies go!
I haven’t mentioned it yet but this version of the theme is killing me! Oh my god!
The overview of the Titan! Like back in episode 2! A callback to the scene that made me realize I was going to love this show! How dare! Crying in the club a lot tonight!
And then they do an episode 4 callback! “From the heart!” Hell yes it does!
OPENING SCENE CALLBACK! “I am the Good Witch Luz. Child of the Human Realm. Student of the Demon Realm. And Warrior of Peace!” She better say what came after- “NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!” YESSSSSS LEETTTTS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And oh my god the animation! That looked like Studio Trigger there for a second! LWA anyone?
Nice try Belos. Love how Luz didn’t say a word.
So... No more glyphs.
Oh that last shot was just mean!
Alright. So.... full thoughts later. Right now I’m just gonna cry. It’s been emotionally taxing day with my shows so... Yeah.
Thank you Dana. Thank you Owl Crew. You guys really brought us something special!
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shrineheart · 2 years
this is gonna be incredibly cheesy but i finally got back to reading senbazuru. its been like over a year but i thought hey its koros birthday lets do it. i stopped reading because stuff just got so busy and i wasnt into ass class as much anymore. but when i first read it man best thing ive ever read genuinely. changed so much of my ways of thinking and made me feel more positive overall and be able to face hard things. like i legitimately find myself thinking and WORRYING about the ending. like oh god how emotionally devastated am I going to be when this is over. anyways I finally read more of it last night, and i cried bro. on like the miraikan chapter and afterwards stuff. cried. jesus forgot how emotional and wonderful and sweet and serious this is. its helped me throught sad times and through hard gender times and AHHHHHHH. when its all done im gonna print it out for myself and have a forever copy (but still go back and check on it online) senbazuru means sososososo much to me, thank you so much for your hard work and heart you put into it.
I had a scare with my mom recently and my cat's health is declining. As a result, I've been in a pretty bad place mentally the past week.
So seeing this message in my ask box?
Congrats. You made me cry too. <3 (in a good way, I assure you)
I'm glad you love it. I'm glad you kept reading. And I hope the ending won't disappoint. (even if it takes me like, five years to get there jesus christ)
Thank you for reading this self indulgent mess that I've poured so much love and thought into.
Like... with everything going on sometimes life feels really hard and meaningless. It's been really rough lately for me. But seeing things like this, knowing other people have read this thing and love it makes me happy. It makes me feel like I've done something. Even if it's a small something.
I'm still working on Senbazuru. It's usually in bits and pieces. A paragraph here or there before bed. But it's something I'm determined to finish because I want people to get the ending I have written.
I'm hoping, one day, I can get more chapters into my original work to so I can show what I can do outside of the fanfiction genre. The world I have set up for To Take What is Freely Given is fun and has a lot of opportunities for story in it.
Thank you for reading and loving it enough to come back and continue reading. Thank you for this message. It's made my night a little better.
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
Hello Nemi 💞
I hope this ask finds you in a good health!
Before I start screaming about the chapter (whew and i have some very incoherent, illegible thoughts about it) let me thank you.
Thank you for launching this delight of a ghost ship, thank you for writing this story that was so kind and loving and let Tay hurt and let him heal in his own time.
I am so grateful I could be here for every update and although the story still will have more fics written it is technically completed so, I'm glad to be here for the end.
I have told you many times how I love and appreciate how you let Tay heal and become his own person here but what I really love is how by loving Tay you made him love himself too, you gave him all this space of love for him and it can be felt in every scene, how just beloved he is, not only by the characters but also by the writer and idk it just makes me want to hug you very badly.
I appreciate how you handled the theme of first and last loves. Because the fic was mostly about it. About Tay getting over his first love, Kinn getting to be with his first love and Porsche the lucky bastard having two of those.
No but I love how they are presented
Like Porsche with the sweetness of the first loves, of both that intense burning and the comfortable quiet love. He gets the privilege of never knowing how if feels to get over one.
And then Kinn with his first love being Tay (i love that it's not Tawan, like YEAH FUCK HIM EVEN FURTHER), it's that feeling of almost sometimes at the beginning, the kind of love that could have been, the first one, the experience that shaped you and stayed with you, a love that is always sort of there even if both of you move on to another people because there is always a part of you that belongs to that person, a kind of love that you gave a part of your heart to and never took it back
And then Tay with his learning how to move past his first love. The love that shaped him for so long and I cannot just tell you how much I cried at the Time-Tay talk because I'm so proud of Tay for coming along so far. Cycles are so fucking hard to break and I'm glad he broke this one, he deserves it.
So yeah, I laughed, I screamed and I cried to this story and I loved every part of it, thank you for writing it Nemi 💞
Now onto my incoherent thoughts (today we have less because honestly I cannot state how much mind blowing this smut was)
First, all the love for Yok and Yok-Tay interaction was not something i thought i needed but i got anyway and I'm so fucking glad I did because oh my god, give me more please
Just the possessive Kinn, the needy Porsche, the teasing ahhhhhhh
Like I loved the idea of Porsche and Kinn telling Tay what they are up to
Oh also the make-up scene - doing someone's make up can be such a personal and horny thing and we should really embrace it more
Also I loved the mention of every date 🥺
And oh my, when you got Porsche to dirty talk in the car I was like !!!!!!
And then Kinn tying Porsche up and oh my god just Porsche being only able to watch I'm 🥴🤤
Tay getting just all the love poured into him as he deserved was what I absolutely needed
TAY FUCKING PORSCHE, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god
I just ahhhhh enzisjsjsn
I am so very- just
Not articulate about this chapter but good fucking delicious smut, I loved it, it was emotional and loving and kinky and hot ahhh 💕💞💓
Anyway thank you for writing this chapter!
I hope you have a good day/night Nemi 💞
The fic in question: Last Loves
👉👈🥺You're welcome, but let me assure you, no thanks are needed. I just reaaallly wanted this OT3 to be a thing and to share fun stuff with people, and I'm SO ridiculously gratified that some people hopped on the ship! Besides, every fandom deserves an especially strong OT3.
And yessss, I adore Tay and just wanted to give him some space to come into his own! He's been hurting a lot time, and honestly he needed to get out long ago, and he kept making the choice not to leave. But I didn't want to punish him or Time for their bad choices -- I just want them to grow.
I appreciate how you handled the theme of first and last loves.
Funny thing, but when I was in the middle of writing Last Loves, I came across a post somewhere that ranted that not enough fic writers tackle non-first-love relationships. And I was like... heh. I got this.
And everything you describe about the relationships is SOOO GOOD. I like threesomes that feel whole, complete, and like each relationship stands on its own merit. Thank you for digging into how I decided to present the relationships in Last Loves!
Haha, Yok's non-advice to Tay. 🤣 You know, sometimes the best "advice" is just sympathy/empathy.
And MUAHAHAHAHA, yessss, very much with the kinkiness in chapter 4. 😍 I just wanted to have some fun with it.
As for the makeup scene, that was actually requested by @iffervescent, so you have her to thank for it!
Hehe, I like the idea that with Kinn and Porsche, Tay is going to discover how much he loves the switch life. Because sometimes you want a little of this, and sometimes you want a little of that, right?!
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ramen8008 · 1 year
Y'all I know I haven't talked about the awakening movie but I literally don't know what to say 😭
I've watched it for a while now so I guess I'll try my best (also spoilers obviously)
First of all I do love Lou's voice and as much as I'm kinda upset about Cristina not singing cause she also has a beautiful voice I can't be that petty cause Lou is also very talented.
Another thing is there are obviously big differences between the show characters and the movie characters. (Especially Adrien but imma talk about him later)
Same with the plot line it's obviously different for many reasons.
I was 3 minutes in and Marinette just busts into a song?!? I DID NOT expect that😭.
How and why?!?
AND that song was supposed to be for both Adrinette and Ladynoir. Where Adrien is in love with both and vice versa but THEY JUST TOOK OUT THAT WHOLE STORYLINE FROM THE MOVIE?!?
Also Adrien saying "Marinette is so weird" 🤨 He WOULD NOT day that.
OKAY back to the songs we DID get.
1. Literally in love with the "You are ladybug" loved Tikki and it was really uplifting and motivating I loved it. Also tikki's sarcasm the whole time like "I'm about to kick your butt if you don't start to listen" 😑 to Marinette trying to convince Tikki she isn't cut out to be ladybug 😭.
"You saved the world every day with your mask but the girl behind it saved my heart"
AHHHHHHH!!! Omg my sweet cinnamon boy
"What is this feeling now? I cannot fall for him"
DO YOU SEE?!? Literally all their feelings out into one song INCLUDING their feelings in the show throughout all the seasona
3. "MY LADY" !! cat noir's song! OH MY SWEET SUNSHINE BOY ✨
"It's been a while since I smiled and meant it" !!!😭😭😭
Every lyric in this song brings me back to season 1- 3 chat noir! Oh I love it so much.
I guess I do have a lot to say huh? Mostly about the songs but I'll make a whole different post about all of them because I don't think Y'ALL UNDERSTAND THE DEPTH OF THESE SONGS.
My next point isn't that big of a deal but I would have LOVED to see a scene with every ship dynamic in the movie. Like a small scene with Marichat, and another one with Ladrien. I was just WAITING to see a small clip of each of the ships of the love square.
Great animation but that was expected especially with how long we waited.
Another thing is with how this ended. I know the whole storyline was different with how it was Marinette's first day to many other things which makes sense because it was Zag's work and also because obviously they could just make half the movie the same as the origins.
With how it ended I am a little sceptical about the next film which is said to be released in 2026 (none of us believe it) but with how it ended I think we'll see a dynamic we've never actually seen in the show.
Meaning that them knowing each other's identities and being in love and then fighting a new villian. This is a dynamic we haven't seen in the show - other than clips of it during episodes where their memories were erased. And I am really excited for that.
Also I feel like since they made Gabriel a good guy I do think they'll make Natalie truly evil. WHICH I CANNOT STAND TO SEE. Do I really hope that's not the case.
ALSO speaking of Gabriel the god damn difference between how he treated Adrien when he found out he was chat noir in the movie vs the show will never not be funny to me 😭.
I think THIS was the difference between the Gabriel who just wanted his wife and the mother of his child back vs the Gabriel who got too obsessed with getting the miraculous and didn't actually care about his son.
That's all (for now) thanks for coming to my ted talk. I really thought I didn't have much to say but it turns out I did.
I'll post about all the songs in the movie later
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
Kateeeeeeeee 7k of Pre outbreak Joel Miller is a delicious breakfast treat and now Honey I will drown you in my thots just like you deserve 🤭💖
I mean, I would love to be Joel’s treat, but I’d love to be yours way more 😍😋
“You seemed shy and sweet. He had never been against sex work but he always imagined a different type of people in that business.” I kind of made the observation a lot of times that those who are shy and sweet or sometimes on the other side really freaky.😈🤗
Imagine you think a guy wants to ask you out on a date and he’s like “no babes I just want that pussy appointment.” 😁
“I want —, he scratched the back of his neck and continued, “just the usual, I guess.” Me ordering the same comfort food again and again. Sorry I had to laugh 😆
“I don’t think we want it to be ‘just’ sex, Joel. How about we make it special.” Idk why, but I kinda wanna have sex with her and not with him but since I’m her doesn’t that mean I want to have sex with myself?🤔🤭
My God I remember watching “Pretty Woman” and now that I think about it, maybe that put the whole escort/sugar daddy thing into my head 🤯
It’s not only Joel who’s in heaven I am in heaven to reading all of this, Kate I’m serious. I love you. I will say that again and again I will never stop. 😮‍💨💖
“He was dangerously close to coming and painting your mouth creamy white. But he had other plans for you.” I would give a lot to have him paint my mouth creamy white Jesus Christ 🥵🙏🏻(why does it kind of sound like a rhyme?)
“Joel watched pleasure twisting your face while his cock was slowly parting your insides. He moaned at the sensation of your wet warm pussy welcoming him, grasped your hips tightly and when you took all of him, your ass was flush with his balls, you both loudly sighed.” The way you write is just so spectacular it always paints such a clear picture for me to imagine in my head. 😍
Let it be known that if you put your breast in my face, I will most definitely see you as the goddess of my universe and pray to you every single night.😇
“Soon your jeans were discarded on the floor while his head was between your trembling thighs. Joel was licking up your juices straight from the source, grunting into your wet cunt and fucking his tongue into your clenching hole.” I can honestly not decide if I want to be Joel or reader, both are good positions to be in. 🥵🫠😋
“Can I slap your pretty pussy with my cock, sweetheart?” He gripped his cock at the base, squeezing it a little to postpone his climax and when you whispered a sultry ‘yes’ he slapped your clit with the tip of his throbbing length.” I’m begging to be slapped by his cock in the face next……pleaseeeee. You have officially reduced me to a crying little hole 🤭😈
“You didn’t need a single father in your life” hmmm no babe wrong I do need a single father in my life 😌
If I was there that asshole client would’ve gotten his shit rocked. I’m just looking for an excuse to let my anger out and a stupid asshole who makes my girl feel like she’s a cheap hooker seems like the perfect excuse. 😏
I’m so happy that they finally kissed at the end that was probably one of the best birthday gifts he got that day, my heart feels all warm and fuzzy 🥹😍
And then the little snippet of their life together and tem saying I love you to each other ahhhhhhh 🥹❤️
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I literally did a little dance when I saw your ask, Mina😍
I’m always so happy to receive them and it’s such a pleasure to get drowned in your thots about this story🙏😁😘 tbh I love when I’m horny not only for the blorbo, but also for reader so I’m very happy to hear that you wanna boink her too😁 can relate ahaha Thank you so much for your reactions and thots! You made me giggle and even blush a few times😏❤️ Love you, baby! I’m sending you kisses and hugs😘🫂🫂🫂 Have a great day!💖💖💖
I know better than to call you mine
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Hi hello saw your rb and tags and I can't pick one of your fics as a favourite because I love so many of them so much and I reread all of them (that aren't hurt no comfort because I have to be in a Particular Mood for that, but still I have so much admiration for the quality of writing in those) fairly regularly. I did go back to try and pick a favourite or a few favourites just now and I ended up opening tabs for half of your batman fics, which is unfortunately too many to list here.
BUT. The FIRST fic I ever read by you was "to speak in some such candor, i rip from the condor's wing", and I think it might also have been The Reason I made an Ao3 account? That particular one does just live rent free in my brain. Definitely still a comfort read on bad days. Most of your Jason-and-Tim-centric enemy to caretaker fics are comfort reads for me. Tim being rescued by Bruce and/or Dick from various horrible situations is still lovely, of course, but there's something about your Jason (s? multiple slightly different but related characterisations depending on surrounding context?) that really gets to me when nothing else will. that first one I ever read alone got me through some Times. Many internet hugs to you and thanks for everything you've written and put out there.
ahhhhhhh thank you so much!!! <33333
i do always get worried that my characterisation might be a little off so its v v nice to know that you enjoy it
and yeah, one of my major motivations in writing fic is putting something out there that might help someone else whether its providing a comfort fic or making someone laugh on a bad day or helping someone process something difficult, so im very happy that i was able to help you like that.
i hope times are better for you now and thank you again <3
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