#but that’s the basic overview
clamsjams · 1 year
Wait how did q!max get into a ptsd spiral D:?
bad was describing his vision of a little egg council with all the eggs sitting around a table in little suits etc etc, same thing he’s described to a few other ppl and then max started freaking out and talking about how he saw trump and then trump was leaving and he was yelling for him to stay. and foolish was also there and started describing seeing the room fill with smoke bc there were bombs in the room which obviously made max freak out more :(
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nopanamaman · 8 months
How does it feel knowing that there’s pafl content out there that you might never see?
How do YOU feel there's pafl content you will never ever see. Think about that
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months
I am currently trying to add a new page to this blog with frequently asked questions and such!! If you have suggestions of what you would like so see, please let me know! In the meantime, bear with me as I figure out how to do all of this!!
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nookstain · 2 months
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harmonia-goddesses · 1 month
I am officially asking to hear your headcanons about anthea and concordia
ooh. okay. where to start...
Adopted at age 11 solely for the purpose of taking care of N.
Concerningly good liars.
They were best friends as children and by the time of BW, but they fought a lot as teenagers.
Persistent fear of not being useful enough, even after getting away from Ghetsis.
Serious issues with expressing emotion to or trusting anyone except each other.
They both love N very much, but are scared to refer to him as family until sometime after they reunite post-BW2.
Aroace and genderqueer; uses mirror pronouns once he discovers them
Loves Pokémon battling, and has really good instincts for it--like "could have been a champion if she'd had the opportunity to go on a journey" good
She's a healer because Ghetsis wanted one of them to have basic medical knowledge so he wouldn't have to bring in doctors any more than necessary--fewer strange adults means fewer chances for N to be exposed to outside ideas. Thea doesn't like the stress of being a healer, but doesn't know what else to do with itself.
Has an unflinching determination that humans are good (because she decided that her siblings needed her to)
Was the first to figure out that Ghetsis was lying to them
Likes Bug-type Pokémon and cozy clothing.
Cisgender bisexual.
Kind of hates that her name is just the same goddess twice; generally goes by "Connie"
Doesn't show emotion strongly, and tends to look/sound calm and level even when she's not.
Always alert to information and rumors, and has a tendency to snoop and eavesdrop that she clings to for a long time even once they're out of the castle.
Living under Ghetsis has seriously messed up her sense of self-esteem; she considers herself a bad person for the things she had to do to survive in Team Plasma, and for failing at being a good caretaker (cut yourself some slack girl you had no good examples and were 11)
Likes knitting, books, and learning about history.
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markantonys · 6 months
one of my earliest WOT book-related memories is reading the brief wikipedia summaries for each book and getting to one of the slog books that mentioned "perrin continues searching for his wife" and i thought "damn, he still hasn't found her yet?" little did i know
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tag-that-oc · 1 year
Do you have any Ocs you’d like to talk about??
oh boy do i
im gonna introduce my scrungly my poor little meow meow my pathetic loser the love of my life. Arvid Sheldon Moreno <3
ill add trigger tags too of course but just in case: warning for abuse, violence, death, and kidnapping
first of all i am a Terrible artist but here's a commission i got of him from the lovely jester @/ghostcasket (with commissions still open here is the info post. go commission them he's wonderful)
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anyways. ARVID. basically he's a second generation oc from the project me and the other mod have. he is like. 3/4 alien?? something like that. but he was born on earth and that's where he grew up.
his parents are lovely and perhaps very strange but they are so good to their kids. Arvid is a mama's boy in particular he is very close to her and very protective of her.
so. what's wrong with him then???? surely he has Every Problem Ever. well he does. when he was a kid he didn't really have any friends. he was outcasted and bullied from various sources but none more so than Alex. fuck Alex we hate that guy.
Alex caused problems for Arvid basically his whole life. he was harassed and followed and beaten and manipulated and. well a lot of things!!
Arvid met and became friends with Izan who was infinitely better for Arvid and nicer and they were just really close. however that didn't stop Alex from being an asshole ya know. and it got even worse when Izan broke off from Arvid due to trying to manage his own trauma of a recent event unrelated to Arvid's stuff
so what did Arvid do? he clung to Alex and they became "friends". during this time Alex really drilled into Arvid's head the idea that he shouldn't cry, that he was weak, that no one else could tolerate him, and Arvid believed it all. things escalated until Alex and one of his other friends attacked and stabbed Arvid during a time when Izan and Arvid were trying to patch things up. and they left him there.
Izan got him help, but Arvid refused to let Alex get into trouble. in fact he had a strong fondness and loyalty to him and so what did he do? he confessed that he was in love with Alex. and Alex, ever amused and delighted by the power and control he had over Arvid, accepted his confession and they started dating.
and they didn't break up for a really really long time!
however this is all the backstory info! (well not all of his backstory but Some of it) this isn't even taking into account the story events! the story events being Arvid and his entire family gets kidnapped and taken to an alien planet because these fucked up brothers were trying to get and erase information on the esp experiments that happened during the first generation (meaning the things Arvid's parents went through) and. well long story short Dawson (does anyone remember when i talked about him?) was forced by his older brothers to kill Arvid and his mom. fucked up!!
but it's okay, isn't it? yeah Arvid comes back to life thanks to a wish made by Dawson on this super powerful wish granting magical rock. and they all live happily ever after on earth!
but not really.
when Arvid gets back he discovers that in addition to being brought back to life, he's now immortal. which is the LAST thing he wants because he didn't even want to be brought back to life if he was being honest. and Alex being the wonderful person he is decides to use this to his advantage (basically isn't it fun to kill your boyfriend over and over while he remains blindly loyal to you? Alex seems to think so)
however Arvid has other relationship drama going on. he has feelings for soo many other people but didn't feel worthy enough to be in a relationship with any of them. why would anyone ever like him back ya know?
except a lot of them did like him back. a lot actually. and Arvid starts dating others and building this lovely little polycule of people who really and genuinely love and care about him. and it takes a long time, but eventually Arvid breaks things off with Alex and tries to be happy. key word being that he tries because sometimes he doesn't do a very good job of it. he's still got it in his head that he deserves to suffer and will go on self destructive spirals now that he doesn't have a boyfriend beating him to shit constantly anymore.
some fun facts about Arvid is that he's a supervillain. i mean not Really a supervillain but he's a loser and tells everyone that he's evil. type of guy to steal from large corporations but not from local places. but this is all evil deeds he swears it. he also has plans to take over the world which he only shares with people he really trusts. he's so lame <3
he's also extremely emotional and will cry really easily but. well due to Alex Reasons he will belittle himself for showing sadness. he is obsessed with people seeing him as strong when his 5'3 ass can't even open a pickle jar
Arvid is also very very soft and sensitive about bugs he loves bugs!!! they were his best friends back when he didn't have any friends and even now he still treats them so gently. it's a really cool contrast to his usual edgy personality.
also!! he has really bad luck all the time <3 constantly tripping over stuff and falling in puddles and breaking his phone and. other bad luck stuff.
anyways i hope you enjoyed my insane ramblings about my scrungy little guy
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communistkenobi · 2 years
writing a research paper and I cannot find sources for a fact that I KNOW is true. so dude just trust me
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canisbeasts-ooc · 2 days
pulls out a railgun i had hidden in my breast pocket
tell me about lykoii onkoii or the moon gets it
Gosh, I’m a big fan of the moon, can’t let that happen.
Hmmm…what to talk about…
(Putting this under the cut cause i realized i talked…a fair bit!)
Well! Lykoii was basically made in response to Sphinx, thus his name! His last name though, stems from the plural for onkos, a variety of Greek mask typically used to make the wearer appear larger and more intimidating. It’s indicative of what Ottermom wanted, someone who could live up to the expectation of a powerful highblood. It’s why he adopts Sphinx’s last name over time.
He and Sphinx are opposites in many ways! When he was a grub, he was able to float on the water like an otter pup. This small fact led to a chain of dominos that led to him being raised as a violetblood! He was pushed to make connections, and this led him to the path of the clurch. I think he was always somewhat apprehensive to his connection to the clurch. Although he was a staunch believer for the longest time, that does not mean he was fully comfortable with the clurch as a whole, sea dwellers are not always thought of the most kindly, and he was quite the small fish in a much too big pond at that point.
Although ottermom has always pushed him for more, the final time she would was when she broke off his horns. They were not necessarily a very clean break, but he was able to take care of it until he could get further help. He knew he couldn’t stay with ottermom, but he also knew he would not find much more sympathy or safety from the clurch. He knew he needed to leave.
Once he was off on his own, he was able to stumble upon Stryss, who helped him out greatly in his survival. She proved to him that it is possible for him to live out there, that he isn’t totally abandoned, that there is still a bit of hope to be found despite the emptiness in his pusher. They quickly became friends. He mainly stuck to his own, only venturing closer to people when he needed specific items. His only interaction tended to be with Styrss, which even then could be quite spotty. His faith, although still stong, has waivered some with how his life had changed, especially getting to know someone else outside of the circles he was raised in.
Once he gets to the session, meets new people, he finds a lot of peace. He has a nice time working on his frogs and talking to calixtus especially. He is somewhere he is assured he is safe, for the most part. Though as the Beforans enter the session, he gets a lot more worried again. As I mentioned before, he and Sphinx end up hating each other for some time. They’re everything the other wished they could be! But then, of course, they become the space siblings. He gets a happy ending all around and I’m very happy about it :>
Fun Facts:
Because he was in isolation for so long, he loves touch and contact, especially the fact of knowing that people are there and not going away any time soon. This leads to him leaning on, holding, or touching anyone he’s close to. He leans against Sphinx, holds hands with Styrss, has just. so much PDA with Calixtus.
He sometimes still gets nightmares about being entirely alone and forsaken again, some of these dreams include his loved ones getting hurt from the clurch.
He starts learning how to cook with more flavor from Sphinx on Continua, she has him help in the kitchen a lot.
He never met the Carillion, not officially, anyway.
He loves aquariums and star gazing. (Especially with Calixtus).
His gills honestly don’t work very well, at least, before godtiering.
He has a lot of scars from both a mix of time in the clurch and also his time apart from society. His least favorite to talk about is probably his horns. His second least favorite is one along his arm when he tried hanging up a windchime for Stryss and fell from the tree. He has been told “I told you so” more times than he can remember.
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boosstergold · 2 months
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Didn't get a reply back on this but I'm going to post a few (DC) recs anyway? These are mostly places I think are good to start. (Disclaimer that these are influenced by personal taste).
Easy mode: Short contained run, probably less than 30 issues (can be more), very unlikely to have any crossovers, does not require much (if any) further knowledge of characters.
Medium mode: Approx 40-75 issues, will have some crossovers but you won't need to read them if you don't want to, may require a little wiki-ing about some characters/events but only if you're curious.
Hard(er) mode: We're reaching 100+ issue territory, many crossovers (some which can be ignored, some which may be confusing if ignored but you can wiki those if you don't want to read them). Believe me it is fairly easy to ignore a missing crossover/event issue and barrel on back to the main story in most cases.
Green Lanterns
Easy: Far Sector, Green Lantern: Legacy - both self-contained, introduce new characters.
Medium: Green Lantern Corps vol 2(2006-2011) - a few crossovers events here, (don't feel you have to read every blackest night crossover lmao just read what you want even if that is just this comic alone), Green Lanterns (2016-2018) (Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz).
Hard(er): Green Lantern vol 3 (1990-2006) (Kyle Rayner's run) #48 onwards, long run, not all of it is amazing quality but it is more good than not. Significant number of crossovers because this spans 12 years.
Easy: The Man of Steel (1986) six issue mini reintroducing Superman post-crisis, Superman Red & Blue (2021), Superman Smashes the klan (2019-2020), Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022-ongoing)
Hard(er): Superman (1987-2006) + The Adventures of Superman (1987-2006) + Action Comics (1938-2011 starting at #597) These 3 titles run concurrently and the story sometimes moves from one to the next meaning you will miss something if you're not reading all three. (I am currently reading these and am only in the first quarter so cannot say anything about quality of later issues).
More under read more
Blue Beetle
Easy: Blue Beetle vol 2 (1986-1988)(Ted Kord), Blue Beetle vol 3 (2006-2011)(Jaime Reyes)
Hard(er): Justice League International/America (it renames at issue #26) (1987-1998) Team book (obviously) and a long run where quality is not always consistent but is fun overall and essential for Ted's character.
Booster Gold
Easy: Booster Gold vol 1 (1986)
Hard-(er): Justice League International/America (see above)
Easy: Young Justice (1998-2003) (if you like Tim, Kon, Bart, Cassie etc an essential read)
Medium: Wonder Woman vol 5 (2016-2023) #1-#54 a good re-introduction of Diana post n52 (side note that I've heard Wonder Woman vol 2 (1987-2006) is good but I have not read it yet).
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In inspiration of that Whoopsy-Daisy wiki Ice Fail Moment™🤪, please reblog and/or tag with your personal Ice School/Magic/Wizard headcanons or stories because I know fuck all about Ice wizards and y'all need some love ot seems like
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starrystevie · 2 years
steve harrington is confused. steve loves women, loves how soft they are with their bodies and their voices, loves their long hair and their pretty smiles and their gentle hands. loves the way he can slip his hand into theirs when they walk down the street, the little slap of indignation he gets on his arm when he tries to sneak it into their back pockets. loves the way his mother dotes on them and his father claps him on the shoulder when he brings home an extraordinarily pretty little thing in a pretty dress and kitten heels, a job well done.
but steve harrington is confused. steve hates the vile thing growing in his chest when he looks at someone who isn't soft, doesn't have gentle hands or kitten heels but he has curls falling over his shoulder and the prettiest smile steve's ever seen. he can't bring him home and he can't hold his hand and he can't slide his hand into his back pocket unless he's in the safety of the alleyway shadows. he gives steve the butterflies he wishes he could get with the women he picks up. he wraps a callused hand around steve's and it has his heart beating out of his chest. he talks and steve listens, hanging on every fucking word because he can't get enough.
steve harrington is angry. steve kicks and punches and screams into the forest under the watchful eye of the moon. he makes his knuckles bleed just to feel normal, yells until his throat feels raw and ugly, tries to find a way to bring him back to factory settings. he's not supposed to like him. he's supposed to find someone with a soft voice and a soft body, gentle hands and pretty dress, someone to make his parents proud. he feels wrong, like his skin is too tight. he feels bad, the pit in his stomach becoming a crater of guilt laced with rage. he feels mean, picking out every flaw eddie munson could barely have to convince himself he doesn't feel how he feels.
steve harrington is broken. steve is in love like he's always wanted to be but this time... it's terrifying.
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phatcatphergus · 7 months
So..I might be really bad at dc stuff, but wasn’t red hood the one who like, got kidnapped and murdered by the joker?
He was brought back to life via a “Lazarus pit” that is used by an assassin association to keep their leader alive for hundreds of years. The pit comes with a downside of “pit mania” where you’re filled with rage and bloodthirsty behaviors. This is what drove Jason Todd to try and kill batman/batfam. He was already insecure and didn’t feel like he was a good enough Robin and could never be loved like Dick was, so he felt that Bruce failed him and left him to die. Which is what drove the pit mania to be even more intense and make him try to kill bruce/the batfam. Also he hated Tim Drake bc he was the Robin that replaced him and he saw that as Bruce not even caring about his death
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hibiscera · 5 months
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Another writing wip… (:
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yupyupppippi · 4 months
absolutely sick of hearing about AI. i know there are actual fantastic uses for tech that falls under the AI umbrella but i never even hear about it bc there's too much noise about scams, theft, bots, and the exponentially increased enshittification of formerly perfectly good products and services
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magic-swords-art · 8 months
About my worldbuilding: the Tega'si
The Tega’si are a species of aliens from the planet Tega. Tega is almost completely covered on water, and Tega even means “water”—“Tega’si” means “from the water.” Tega’si live both on land and underwater, and as a result have both gills and lungs and have better night vision than humans. A lot of what’s edible to Tega’si on Tega is harmful to humans, but Tega’si cannot have dairy—they’re all lactose intolerant.
Some more interesting things about them: Tega'si are born with no legs and no working lungs. Instead, they have a tail and must be kept underwater until their lungs fully develop around 1 year of age. (They can be taken out of water for short periods of time). Their legs also grow in around the same time, and their tail continues to shrink until they reach anywhere from 8-13, and it drops off. They live around the same length as humans. 
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Some of them are also born with markings--like these jellyfish rings.
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They also have the possibility to develop magic, either aethermancy (light magic) or umbromancy (shadow magic). Each type of magic has their own subset of abilities, which magic users can choose which ones they specialize in—or dip a little into them all! (I'd talk more about the magic system, but that would take it's own post)
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