#but the aberr is gorgeous as well
daily-teki · 3 months
Day 161: Finally announcing the winners of the DTIYS competition! Sorry it took so long to get around to lads TwT
I’m amazed at how many entries i got, and they were all wonderful! If you check out the #daily teki dtiys tag you can check em all out for yourself ^^!
It was really hard to pick between the top 5, (so much so that I changed having a top 3 for a top 5) so without further ado:
Coming in at 5th place, we’ve got @frenchgremlim1808 !!
I rlly love the bright colours and shading, plus your style is always absolutely iconic.
4th place goes to @nina-the-ninth !
The shading and more realistic style is spellbinding, and it’s composed rlly well- it was super tough choosing between 4th and 3rd place. This was 100% the reason I ended up deciding to do a top 5 rather than a top 3- I absolutely couldn’t leave it out
In 3rd place we have @bagofjax !!
The lighting and the textured hand drawn calligraphy contrasted to the bright pixel colours of the game sprites really got to me, and then seeing the strings of numbers making up the background absolutely pushed it over the line into the top 3 for me.
An incredibly close second place goes to @goldyluna !
I am such a sucker for the flow and styling of that hair- she looks like she could be right at home on a figurine shelf. I love the unique chains around her neck seeing as she doesn’t say a word ingame, and I love that you added more chains as well. I also love your font with the calligraphy, the spiky fringe, and even the spotted pattern in the background looking like someone’s watching. Overall I think it’s my favourite drawing of teki herself, and both second and first place are on a skill level I’d love to someday achieve.
And in 1st place is @averagecatdoodlesenjoyer !
The chromatic aberration adds extra depth, and I love the addition of the chains in the background. I flipped so many times between first and second place because they’ve both got so much going for them in so many different aspects. The lighting and composition is what ultimately won me over, and the slight change in pose really works too. It’s truly beautiful, it even looks like she’s under a stage light with the poses falling down like pieces of paper or giant confetti. And so it certainly gets the confetti from me.
I loved absolutely everyone’s entries for this, and a huge thank you to everyone who participated! I’ll have to think of something to give to all the winners seeing as just a thank you and a pat on the back seems a little cheap for everyone’s hard work on these.
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edotvie · 10 months
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Technically Part 2 of this but you don't need to read the first part WARNING: BG3 post-game spoilers! WARNING: Sexual content The lock turned with a familiar 'click' before the door creaked open. Tav pushed it with her shoulder, her attention on the bags and basket in her arms. She shuffled her hold on them, careful not to drop any of the items she'd spent the evening purchasing.
"I'm home!" she called despite the obvious ruckus she was making. The response came first in the form of a little hum of acknowledgement.
"Welcome back, my love. Let me help you with that." Astarion appeared from the kitchen of their little apartment, moving to take one of Tav's bags and free her arm.
"Thank you-"
Tav's words faced a wall of soft lips pressing against her own, if only for a beat, and Astarion pulled back with a smile.
"It's my pleasure," he purred, the tone alone bringing some heat to her face, "How was your outing?"
"Good. I got enough supplies to last us a few days. Oh, and the paper for today."
After delivering the goods onto a table in the kitchen, Tav returned to lock the door after herself. She could hear Astarion rummaging through the paper bags before returning to him.
"Did you get the good soap, like I asked?" he asked casually.
"Yes. It's in there. The people in the Upper City looked at me down their noses, by the way."
Astarion smirked.
"Ah, the dangers you face for my sake. The adventures of 'Yarkona the Courageous' never end! Our dear friend Volo is still working on that book, isn't he?"
Tav shook her head, electing not to answer, and grabbed another bag to pull out the fish and meat she'd purchased in order to store it. Meat was fickle and needed to be put away before it could spoil.
"You should consider bringing it in fresh, Darling. That way the both of us could enjoy the same dinner," stated Astarion in a playful tone. Tav rolled her eyes despite her smile.
"There's not exactly a great amount of prey in a city. At least, not the kind I'd agree to eat," she stated with a quirked brow. Astarion chuckled.
"Don't knock it 'til you try it, Love. The taste of an aberrant criminal can be quite... Addicting," he mused, darkened eyes quickly scanning Tav's frame, "Though, not quite as addicting as the treat I already have under my roof."
She couldn't help but let out a laugh. It was clear Astarion was in a good mood, and whenever he was, it was infectious.
"Is that a request for blood or sex?" she teased back, her head tilting and shoulders pulling to the front instinctively, as if to make herself more alluring. She didn't miss the way Astarion focused on her, his attention flicking across the shifting landscape of her appearance.
"Honestly, can't I lather compliments on my gorgeous lover without an ulterior motive? You hurt me," he purred without missing a beat, his smirk an obvious tell of his amusement.
"If that's all you wanted, feel free to keep going," Tav stated easily, turning to place fruits and vegetables into two baskets she had on the counter. She felt him move closer, now a blurry shape right at the edge of her vision.
"I can feel the way your heart is beating. Your body is already begging for me to pin you down and have my way with you," came the low voice she already knew to expect. Astarion's cool hand came to her chin, a single finger lifting it so her eyes would meet his. The hunger present in them created a pleasant knot in Tav's stomach.
"Mm, if you could see your face right now. Your eyes are like morning mist on a summer day, hazy with desire. The way that lovely red covers the shining copper of your skin with the slightest of touches," he continued, his hand moving to brush back some of the loose strands of hair framing Tav's face. The touch was so light it may have as well been done with a feather, causing a pleasant ticklish sensation. Her breath came out with a barely-there tremble.
"You just don't disappoint, do you?" she answered breathlessly, a smile tugging her lips, "You could sell me sand on the desert and I wouldn't question it once."
"As much as I enjoy hearing you sing my praises, you do make it easy. You're a phenomenal subject for flattery, of course, but also quite easy to please."
"I'm taking that as a good thing," Tav stated playfully, "But even so, I wouldn't react this way if it wasn't you weaving that poetry. I could-" she sighed, "I could listen to you recite the dictionary for a whole afternoon and be satisfied."
"Darling, I can do much better than the dictionary," Astarion stated, almost offended, and stepped all the way into Tav's personal space, "But right now I'd rather hear you recite pretty nonsense beneath me."
Before he was finished with his statement, Astarion's arms had snaked into a convenient grip around Tav. He lifted her into the air and against himself. Her ankles quickly linked around the Vampire before their lips connected in a passionate kiss.
The path into the bedroom wasn't long, but it was still awkward with an entire Wood Elf in his arms. Astarion released one hand from her thigh, albeit reluctantly, to use as his eyes while he fumbled through the doorframe. The journey was made all the more perilous by the continuous touching of their lips, hungry and needy with neither daring to pull away. When they eventually made it to the bed, they moreso ran into it rather than climbed on, falling into a mess of limbs and breathy moans as they went to shed each other of their suddenly bothersome layers of clothing.
Most of their good days were like this, had been ever since the Netherbrain was defeated. Not only had Astarion recently reclaimed sex as something he enjoyed, but the longest chunk of any day he had to spent cooped up indoors. With all that extra energy, it tended to be channeled toward his very willing partner every time they were in each other's reach. Which happened to be often, considering they shared a home. Most surfaces in the apartment had already been claimed for love-making, once or twice at the threat of the entire place burning down.
The surfaces where there was room were all covered in light sources, usually candles. That, and the occasional spell, kept the apartment as well lit as possible since the shining of the sun was no longer an option. The windows were covered with thick curtains, at least two over each to make sure light didn't breach them. Still, Tav was determined to keep color in Astarion's daily life, considering how obvious it was he missed it. In time, when they finally got an inkling of where to start, they'd graduate to sunlight. Or so she wished with all her heart.
The room previously filled with moans and creaks of a bedframe settled into a warm afterglow. Tav caught her breath where she laid on the sheets, beads of shining sweat decorating her skin like fine pearls. Astarion stretched out like a happy cat, resting on his stomach with his head pillowed in his arms. A smile still lingered on his lips while he enjoyed the sight of his spent lover.
"Well. That was fun," he stated, reaching out to toy with the end of Tav's long braid, "Though I didn't mean to wear you out completely, Darling. I could personally go for another round."
Tav laughed softly, shifting onto her side to face her partner.
"Give me a minute, my love. I'll bounce back," she countered lightly, "I was just out for hours, you know."
"Yes, I know. I missed you, if that wasn't painfully obvious."
Conflicted emotions surfaced at the admission, Tav's smile turning tight. She hated that she was the only real source of entertainment for Astarion. It was better than being forced to spend his nights unwillingly bedding strangers or being tortured, but it wasn't ideal. If it went on for too long, Astarion would begin to resent her instead of bathing her in affection each night. Not to mention the pressure this arrangement put on her to remain entertaining.
"I saw Blurg, by the way," she stated unbidden, placing her hand over Astarion's where it played with her.
"I know for a fact that isn't your usual idea of pillow talk," mused Astarion, his brow raised in curiosity. He turned his palm up and their fingers interlaced naturally. Tav chuckled.
"He was doing some experimentation on one of the... Dead tadpoles," Tav stated uneasily. Astarion picked up on this and squeezed her hand.
"And... I don't know, I kind of spaced out after I saw the thing," she laughed, nervous, "It's so big when you think about how it... Goes into your eye, right? Disgusting."
"Yes, thank you, I don't need a reminder," Astarion stated, at least as squeamish about the experience as Tav was, "But I suspect you have a reason for bringing this up."
She blinked back into the present, the brief haze in her eyes gone.
"Not the worm thing, really. But we talked, after. I wanted to see if I could recruit his help."
Astarion perked up, lifting himself up halfway on his arms.
"Well, knowledge from the Underdark could come in handy, I suppose. While I'm not a fan, I can see the appeal it might hold for another Vampire. Who knows? Maybe there's answers there."
"That's what I thought. He said he'll look into things for us, which was sweet. Actually--"
Tav paused, an uncertain look crossing her face. Astarion felt it his cue to shuffle closer and let go of her hand to instead cup her jaw. A kiss was all it took to soften her expression.
"He said something that I thought was interesting. It could be nothing. But on the off chance that it is..."
"Oh, for gods sakes. Don't keep me in suspense, Dear. We've already been reading through a hundred books. I realize that's not much when we're looking for a needle in a haystack, but I'm tired of this pointless search. It would be nice to get a little lucky."
When Tav gave him an amused look, Astarion rushed to continue.
"In more ways than one," he purred, then leaned in to kiss her neck. Tav instinctively tilted her head to the side and let out a soft breath, the feeling of Astarion's lips trailing over her skin quite distracting.
"He, uh... He had this ring," she sighed, the kisses trailing lower down the center of her chest. He gently pushed her shoulder until Tav was laying on her back for better access.
"Silver, with a... Bright ruby on the center. Astarion," she moaned. Astarion's arm had snaked around her thigh while he sucked gently on the skin on the inner side. He raised his head with a mischievous hum and tilted his head, those white curls tickling her already sensitive skin.
"It's hard to talk when you're doing, well, that," Tav breathed. He chuckled low in return.
"And here I thought you enjoyed a challenge. Go on, pretty thing. Keep talking..."
She couldn't bear the distraction of both watching Astarion and feeling what he was doing. So she laid her head back onto the pillow, biting her lip to keep from voicing just how much she was enjoying herself.
"It was, it, uh..." she paused to swallow, hoping her voice wouldn't tremble the next time, "He called it 'Sunwalker's Gift.'"
Astarion's head lifted from where he'd focused his attention. Tav took the opportunity to breathe freely, rising onto her elbows to meet his eyes.
"It grants the wearer darkvision," she explained. Astarion frowned.
"Darling, we're Elves."
"I'm aware, thank you," she laughed, running her hand through his hair. Astarion climbed up Tav's body to rest his head against her shoulder.
"Apparently it's related to another piece of jewellery. He couldn't remember it in detail, but... I thought it was interesting. Maybe that other trinket could have a power related to the Sun, or darkness, somehow. That's the thought that crossed my mind, anyway."
She lowered her chin to meet Astarion's eyes. The uncertainty was back. She was scared to promise so much to him based on so little, but it could be a lead. If there was a magic ring, earring or necklace that could solve their problems, it was worth looking into.
The response was lacking. Though it had initially unsettled her when Astarion suddenly went quiet, she now knew his silence to mean he needed to think. She decided to spend the time laying little kisses on the top of his head, her arm wrapping around his pale shoulders.
After a short time she was rewarded, his attention back on her. The Elf angled his chin so the next time Tav leaned in, their lips met. Astarion shifted until he was hovering over her, his red, pretty eyes half lidded.
"Well, it's something to look into. Thank you for telling me." Hips lips brushed against hers, parted, not quite a kiss. It had her heart skipping a beat all the same.
"It seems you still have something else on your mind," Tav teased, one of her knees rising to meet his interest. He sighed in response, landing another open mouthed kiss.
"I do," he admitted, sighing a second time when his lover shifted her leg, "But not just that."
Getting off her for now, Astarion sat up on his side of the bed. She followed his example, though brought some of their silky cover with her. Her love was very particular about the materials of their beddings - really anything they could afford to spend a little extra coin on. Which wasn't much, but she liked making him happy.
"I want to take you out. Find a nice place with music and drinks. Take a break from the libraries and the, quite frankly, dull time I have sitting at home by myself. Who knows? If you get me tipsy, maybe I'll even spin you across the dance floor."
A fondness swelled within Tav's chest that bled right into her expression. She placed her hand over Astarion's and squeezed it.
"Are you sure?"
Diving into the nightlife of Baldur's Gate seemed a double edged sword. So far it had been something Astarion dreaded to face again lest it set him off.
"Yes. I think it's about time I start rewriting those memories with better ones. Ones with someone I love, rather than whoever I had to seduce into Cazador's dungeon."
Tav cupped his face, pulling Astarion closer to brush her nose against his. He suppressed a laugh at the sentimental action, willing down the barrier he was subconsciously putting up. The conflict still had him averting his eyes.
"What do you say? Will you wear that delectable green dress you had on the other night?"
Her eyes widened briefly, followed by a bright smile.
"Oh, when they graciously awarded each of us with 5000 gold for saving the city?" she joked, "I didn't know you liked it that much."
"I was quite upset they wouldn't leave Karlach and Wyll's portions with us. For safekeeping! Aren't we the trusthworthy, brave heroes?" Astarion countered, "As for the dress. Darling, have you seen yourself? Most things look amazing on you. And off you."
Tav pursed her lips in amusement.
"You know that was an easy one."
"Yes," mused Astarion, placing his hands on her shoulders. He pulled her closer, kissing the space between her eyebrows. The next one was laid on her nose. Before he could get to her lips, Tav leaned in and completed the process for him. A little smirk and kisses that trailed to his ear were followed with shoving Astarion down into the beddings this time. She settled over him and dragged her teeth over his bottom lip, earning herself a groan.
"We're not in a hurry yet, are we?" she hummed, leaving Astarion just enough space to pull her back into him. They devolved into sighs and shuffling of sheets. Yes, they had their troubles. But just for the moment, those could wait, drowned in the desires of new love. Part 2 will appear at some point
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cleomigadon · 4 months
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Is there already a ship name for Jaheira x Durge? I couldn't find anything. So I guess… OneSided!Durgeira. It's got a nice ring to it. Really, is this even a thing? I was looking hard for content to consume, but it's as sparse as a mimic's treasure chest. Very disappointed at the lack of Ja-Durgenauts content.
As Jaheira watched, she couldn't help but feel captivated by the sight of Raven sitting by the firepit, with the dancing flames casting a subtle, enchanting glow on his face. The companions were resting one last time before going to Moonrise Towers to get more information about the Nightsong - the relict that made Ketheric Thorm invincible…
Raven remained strangely silent, and she could tell he was distraught. She made her way towards the fire.
Although she had suspicions about him, she decided to exercise patience and give him the benefit of the doubt. However, she recognized the telltale signs - the predatory grace in his movements, the palpable aura that emanated from him, screaming what she had long dreaded... that he was indeed a Bhaalspawn. This shouldn't be any worse or any less unsettling than knowing he was a murderer or thief or any other dark secrets his background may have concealed. But this would open wounds of hers, raw and tender as if they had been inflicted only yesterday or perhaps just hours ago. The passage of time didn't diminish the personal nature of her ordeal. The mere thought of Imoen, uncertain of her fate, caused her heart to constrict with a mixture of sorrow and anger.
The hour was late. The backyard was vacant since most people were out or asleep upstairs.
"Penny for your thoughts, Raven?" she whispered as she came to sit beside him. "Is there something troubling you, my friend?" She nudged him playfully on the arm.
Raven stirred and looked at her. There was a glimmer of something behind those ice-blue eyes, but it passed before she could say anything more.
The corner of his mouth twitched, and Jaheira realized he was suppressing a grin. "Oh, so we're back to being friends?" he mused. "I've noticed the way you stare at me, Jaheira. You see me as a threat."
There was something off about his gaze. However, there was no doubt about it this time: his Bhaalspawn instinct was kicking in.
Jaheira shifted slightly. "Yes," she admitted.
Raven chuckled softly. His gaze narrowed just a bit. He leaned in closer.
"I'm curious. What do you know about me?"
Jaheira hesitated. She wondered how much she should reveal. "Well," she said finally, "as I mentioned, your path was unknown. But your appearance alone speaks volumes about who and what you are. The sheer magnetism is unsettling. I've only encountered it years ago." Her tone was cautious. "Raven... It's not just your combat skills that remind me of the darkness I once encountered. It's something more. I feel a god's essence radiating from you. Your possible lineage makes it difficult for me not to detect this bond."
His lips twisted into a scowl. "Do you know who I am or was?"
"A little bit," Jaheira admitted. "It's true, there were always rumors, especially in the North. But that was all they were. Regarding the Dread Lord... concerning the offspring of Bhaal, born from his own bloodshed. Despite that... It was a major blunder for Bhaal, the force that thrives on conflict, to bring you into existence. The process of breeding such a gorgeous... or, rather, aberration. Formed to die and be his host."
"Do you truly believe that my existence and demise are nothing more than a design of the blood god?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mixture of terror and disbelief.
Jaheira waved her hand dismissively. "If he is the one who brought you into existence, he did a woeful job of trying to shape you to resemble him. It's hard to imagine your arrival here being anything other than good, especially considering your tremendous impact on the grove. Am I mistaken?"
"Not necessarily."
The half-elf gave a suspicious look. "And yet... wherever you go, whispers of destruction linger in the air. That many have died in your name. You are to be separated from such deeds as you lost all memories, but what do you say, no feel about that? That you are a child of Bhaal?"
"Why are you asking? Are you trying to test me? Let's see if I can hold up under your questioning."
"Hmmm." With a low hum, she fixated on Raven, her mind churning as she processed his answer. With an even and soft voice, she continued to search for something, her words hanging in the air. "Tell me, relying on instinct rather than recollection - do you hold affection for your father, cup?"
He maintained his composure and remained utterly still.
Jaheira grinned, giving reassurance. "Just so you know, there's no right or wrong answer."
Silence. Jaheira continued. "Ever wonder why he lets you live?"
With a slight movement of his head, his piercing eyes tracked her. "I can not know why," he replied, his brows furrowing slightly. Nothing happened for a moment, and then there was a sudden movement. He inched closer.
Her brown orbs went wide.
With a firm grip, Raven lifted the arm of the white-haired half-elf higher and higher until the underside of her arm was fully exposed, displaying every inch and freckle. And also a scar hiding there.
Jaheira couldn't avert her gaze. She felt stunned and uncomfortable, yet curiosity overruled her prudence.
It wasn't just her reaction and Raven's persistent pressure at her arm that caused it; it was her will and curiosity getting the better of her.
"What's this about, cup?"
His eyes took the shape of slits. "I've noticed you tend to touch that scar whenever you gaze at me."
Jaheira flinched. This wound was earned in the battle against Sarevok… … the Bhaalspawn. What did it say about her state of mind when she thought about this bastard so many years after his demise, his death?
She groaned, and a sharp pain flashed over her whole body when Raven pinned her hand above her head.
As he inched closer, a distinct scent reached her nose, instantly recognizable. She felt him. It was like he didn't even pursue someone and captivated them nonetheless. He smelled divine.
Jaheira clenched her fists. "Cup, I am old enough to have seen generations come and go before you were even born. It's not nice to tease me. And this scar, a jagged reminder of a painful past. Listen well: Long ago, a BHAALSPAWN tore into my flesh!"
He clicked his tongue. "Seeing you squirm is amusing, Granny." Then he let go of her, causing her to lean back so forcefully that she nearly lost her balance. He laughed.
That part where he called her Granny was totally on them, as was her calling him a cup.
With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Raven flashed a wide, boyish grin. At that moment, Jaheira felt an iron fist tightening within her soft gut, causing her to feel as if she were crumbling apart in the blink of an eye. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her, her body betraying her at that moment.
If he knew, he played dumb.
She had let herself become infatuated with the cup. It was weird. Similar to a vacuum. There was a massive emptiness. It didn't matter how she felt. It was a severe violation of responsibility. A mistake. It could never occur... because there was a certain doom, yes, doom looming ahead. Because all Bhaalspawn…
..were fated to die.
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kalechipslives · 1 year
sorekara setting design
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Here are some notes on the development of SOREKARA's style and presentation. If you couldn't already tell, SK takes a lot of inspiration from 70's/80's anime, Nobody's Boy Remi being the reference point for much of it. I've always respected Dezaki for his monumental work so I've always wanted to pay tribute to it (especially the early stuff). I don't think I was as successful as I'd like to have been, but alas! There is still more to come! So without further ado!
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I was just talking about Dezaki , but now I shall talk about something completely different. To set the tone, I created the cat and the trolley setting first. The Girl's design should be plenty obvious (lol). But the background here I paid special attention to... I find the paints of Night on the Galactic Railroad to be very unique. They have a line less, airbrushed quality to them that blends in surprisingly well with the characters. I did some research and studied 児玉喬夫 Takao Kodama's work, as they were credited with setting design for this film as well as Genji Monogatari. Actually, if you look at Genji Monogatari's backgrounds, they have the exact same airbrushed quality! I had never done a background like this before (I am certainly not an environmental artist) but I think I did a fairly good job of it.
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...I immediately switched gears and without thinking, went back to Dezaki works. I can't say I was very faithful at all. The night sky is easy to paint, with it's notable color spray and paint blots, but I diverged quite a bit with the watercolor textures. Shichiro Kobayashi is the artist I looked to the most, and this project made me appreciate him more than ever before. Just looking at his paints gets me emotional... The vibrant colors, the dramatic angles, you can just feel his reverence for life overflowing from the work. There really isn't anyone better. I need to study more if I'm to capture even a fraction of his skill. That being said, I did make sure to animate the backgrounds slightly with the sparkles on the water-- The reflection of light on water is my favorite to draw! Also, flowers are a very important motif (for various reasons, ohohoho). Kobayashi seemed to love drawing flowers, the paint around the edges give is a delicate look. Actually, if you look at the textbox...
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Instead of full-color CGs, I opted to use "postcard memories". This was a technique Dezaki used where he would show a detailed, scratchy-lined illustration to highlight important moments instead of fully animating them. It creates a really memorable image that draws out all of your emotions! I tried to emulate them (the more single-toned ones, that is) for the game. It was 1/3 Dezaki worship, 1/3 time-saving technique, and 1/3 excuse to draw lots of scratchy lines. I love scratchy lines. This way, I could make a lot of memorable shots that were visually interesting without overworking myself.
As another note, I looked to Akio Sugino's character art when drawing. The characters don't really look like Sugino characters, but I was emulating his shading technique with (once-again) the scratchy lines. Ah, I was in heaven. Looking at his older work, the linework is hardly ever clean-- but the rough, hand-drawn edge gives everything a tactile quality and the strong anatomy makes everyone so gorgeous. It's like an engraving come to life.
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Finally, the anime effects! On the left you can see soothat before his values are adjusted (very dark, isn't he?) and on the right you can see he is in-game, values adjusted with a more appropriate "anime" look. This is because anime cells are put onto a CRT screen, so they end up looking very different. I created an auto action in CSP to adjust the color grating and line quality of every asset before popping them into the game for the chromatic aberration to take effect. The lines are slightly crunched a blurrier compared to the original. It gives it a more "physical" look. The colors are fixed up-- you'll see there is no pure black. If you look at a physical anime cell, you'll see they more often than not do not include pure black. There is usually a tint of green or red in there.
The chromatic aberration filter... I don't know how noticeable it is to the average player, but the game actually has a built-in filter that creates a slight "chroma" effect to emulate the look of frames through a crt/light. This means the red + blue + green values of the entire screen are split up and adjusted to layer slightly off from each other, giving it a little visual interest. It was AN EXTREME doozy to put in, with my poor programmer coding it and re-coding it until the end. It seemed simple at first, but there are parts where the game zooms in which totally broke the filter! It made out eyes bleed! But it was repaired in the end, so blessing upon you, Sandy. You saved my life.
The reason why I looked to Ie Naki Ko/Nobody's Boy Remi specifically is because that's where I feel the most "pure" energy from. It is a show that leans incredibly hard on it's techniques to get by but because of that it really embodies what I love about old anime-- It has a selfless reverence for its subject that drives you to watch and surrender your heart. Dezaki's powerful directing, Sugino's gorgeous drawings and Kobayashi's majestic paintings come together to make a work that shines. The setting is truly at the forefront with the characters getting lost in the grandeur. That's the attitude I had with SOREKARA: "There are things much greater than us, so isn't it wonderful that we are able to see them side-by-side?" There are many animation techniques that are cost-effective while still being utterly beautiful, I would love to copy them someday but I wasn't able to go that far yet. At least not in the demo. There's still time, I suppose... Studying limited animation from old anime is actually extremely useful when creating visual novels. Understanding the placement of cells and their layering/movement has given me even more ideas for stories!
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I ended up going on a rant about anime again ^^" But it's so beautiful, you must now understand my heart going into the work. I always think of my characters and their journey, of course, but before that I think of the setting. I want the player to experience beautiful and mysterious things alongside their traveling companions. There is still so much more to make. I hope to incorporate more Dezaki-style techniques in this and future works. Please remember the true message of my works.... Not that love finds a way, or that your connections can transform your world...it's that....anime is very, very cool.
Thank you for reading 🙇🏽‍♂️
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butchlander idea i can not stop fuckin' thinkin' about
*fake omega* alpha lady homelander and *fake alpha* omega man butcher, both complete aberrations to society (their real dynamics) and mad at the world, cause bitch they got needs and secret desires that aren't being met (and their dynamics are publicly listed as reverse of what they really are because of course they are, and hidden, whose up for illegal suppressants for billy y'all~<3 billy sure is)
hear me out (and of course gotta mention the translady homie and transman butcher option, cause that option is cute too if a little different. mayhaps with some logical workings cause vought, but honestly who the fuck would be able to stop a former dysphoric man homie from getting things to transition into lady homie if she wanted to??? nobody, that's fuckin' who, not even a fucking republican legislator, she would def need enhanced possibly with compound v?? hormones tho)
for lady alpha homelander logics (and why vought wouldn't start over for a boy) the genetics behind abo could fuck up and make it harder to tell between alphas prior to birth (plus limited genetic material to make her) or someone fucked up real bad in the process~
the point is, i want a gorgeous goddess lady homelander (MUST) with a massive, well and neatly managed lady schlong to rail a grumpy and forever adorable man butcher (or lady billy because also yes) with a swampy, smelly, ripe, untrimmed jungle of a man cunt down south (MUST, i could not tell you why i need butcher with a pussy so bad. i just do, butt secret butt cunt as per typical of omegaverse is always an option too)
i want to divinely punish him for his obsessive use of the word cunt because i'm petty and thats my thing bitch but also BITCH butcher with a swampy cunt
and this can run three ways for both physically i guess at least how i imagine it. mentally, there's def a slightly more specific picture though i guess, what with the hang ups and their fake dynamics~<3<3<3
for ladylander, she can be rockin' that amazonian blonde goddess look and mommy please step on me muscle and skull crushing thighs. because... YES PLEASE GOTDAMN (personal fave here, i really fuckin' like muscle)?? kinda comic accurate i guess?? she is absolutely an alpha and people question her fake (omega) dynamic, but she's just so beautiful (and obviously a superhero), she slips on by~<3 and yes, she absolutely fucking breasts boobily down those fucking stairs, boob window required... because i wish homelander had a dick tease window
she could be more akin to the show, medium/leaner build, still very much goddess with a bit more subtlety and *perfect* model height just under 6 ft for the 'perfect woman' image vought could build around this version (little less larger than life than the glamazon ladylander) dynamic is easier to hide
OR, to fit the 'babygirl' aesthetic people like to joke about, we have a small, cutesy, demure, and sweetie pie polite short girl ladylander~<3 who is the *perfect* image of her *fake* dynamic (omega) that absolutely no one is aware of the raging pussy splitting monster in her pants. she is VERY good at tucking and just the prettiest little thing... but probably absolutely the most dangerous of the 3 options (some inbetween and tweakidge is perfectly fine if ya want any of these ideas, even if i hate it, these are just my horny night ramblin's free to take)
and~ she'd be an absolute DEVIL in disguise, literally lookin' like a goddamn angel regardless of sexy form. she would absolutely bully the shit out of men to fuckin' tears and step on them, always finding them pathetic because they just don't have that drive or fight that makes them the perfect tsun tsun~ firecracker she is secretly longing for. ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) with the potential to dial up yandere tendencies<3 she'd love a good hole is a hole~<3 much to vought's dismay, but certain elements like vought frequently telling her to 'hold back' and 'not be an alpha (literal in this sense) take on a WHOLE different set a connotations with a lady~<3 (especially a gal who's very misaligned with the expectations for her) and the potential for chaos is just... lemme tell ya...
lemme not, feel free to imagine because this will derail if i go into that~<3
suit options for world building might go opposite direction in which her outfit *hides* muscle to make her look less strong, especially if shes supposed to be that sweet and demure 'omega' (ripped and compact always makes me so fucking happy) but her lady relationships would also become even more complicated than they already are (the possibility of that is damn near scary) and she'd be hella jealous and upset looking at pregnant women/omegas because she'd probably desperately want a child more specifically to pump one into an omega (yay for vought dismay~<3)
for billy boo~<3? oh, his daddy issues would deepen to high hell, but good god, butcher, you crusty ass burnt ass fuckin' marshmallow~<3, that sweet n' fluffy goodness in him that he tries so desperately to hide could definitely be played with~<3! billy being an omega when his piece of shit father wanted a strong alpha son could deepen the layers there between what billy really wanted and what he's been made into (we know what a nurturing mama bear sweetie he can be on his loved ones<3 especially lenny<3<3<3... and what a goddamn twink he was as a young adult LMAO) but it'd also explain the constant need to reassure himself of the toxic machismo to the point of (will never fucking let this shit go, lost all interest in you potentially topping with this, billy~<3<3<3) *unironically* calling himself an *alpha male*...
bitch i cannot get over that, no i don't care if he was trying to land an inappropriate joke, we all know he meant it. and raynor IS more alpha than him<3
but anywho~<3
image wise, billy can be struggling with not being the typical alpha (obviously), being a smol but angry thing that gets by working his ass off for muscle, using blockers and fake alpha scent, think he pairs well with that glamazon~<3 but smol togetherness is cute too, harder to prove fake dynamic
he can also be a big buff boi who meets all the standards for an alpha on the outside, height, muscle, whatever it may be~<3 except of course for that swampy cunt<3<3<3 and deep seeded desire to get railed and knotted so damn hard. and i'd say smol 'babygirl' sweetie ladylander would be the perfect one to give him what he needs~<3<3<3 but i love me a sexy buff couple too~<3! no question to the faked alpha status
course, show option middle a the road toned but not extreme butcher is there. skinny little ankles and all~<3... i saw a picture of urban shirtless the other day with this beautiful pudgy little belly (shut up) and it TOOK my mind PLACES (SHUT UP). i'm not saying it was absolutely the perfect image for mpreg just starting that second trimester. butt. (shut up~<3) i am absolutely saying that
story options actually offer some roads here, especially if infertility/sterility (yes i am absolutely thinking of billy being ryan's 'mum' and mpreg being involved, hwy do you ask~<3?) are explored. i'd imagine female alphas/male omegas are both deemed infertile/sterile in this kinda world build (where both are considered aberrations) but it could be one or the other (and in their case, sorry not sorry billy, i love it when that shit's wrong~<3)
could also be *neither*<3 but they're still considered aberrations because people are absolute sexist foreskins and because kindred souls~<3
i will say that if becca is billy's wife and that christmas party does happen for them to meet, ladylander would absolutely take interest in *billy* and billy alone immediately and definitely know what he was behind all the chemical shit with her super senses~<3 and if they meet before billy's with becca, there's not a chance he isn't spreading his legs for ladylander with absolute enthusiasm
do i even have enough self awareness i do to understand why i want a ladylander with a massive but also appropriately pretty schlong shut the fuck up to completely destroy shut and impregnate the fuck a very swampy needs a goddamn lawnmower up belonging to one william butcher SHUT THE FUCK UP and why i find it... so fucking hawt? no, i absolutely do i do not yes i fucking do this question is rhetorical don't you dare try to fucking answer it but i still fucking want it. I JUST NEED THE SWAMPY CUNT BUTCHER IF NOTHING ELSE SATAN PLEASE
also, her name is joan/joanie because MOTHERFUCK YES. but she's shy about it~<3
okay, i'm done... good god these ideas... well brain, it's out there now.
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drippingmoon · 2 years
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A Year of Writing -- 2022
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Welcome, welcome.
We’ve gone through another year now.
And I intend on tracing back my steps month by month. Feel free to tag along! Take a seat. Take a sip. Take a cat. And let’s cherish the entirety of 2022 together while it’s still here. And I do hope the good outweighs the bad for us all.
This is a feel-good, be-proud fiesta, so if you wanna hear a fellow writer cherishing their discoveries and writing journey, buckle up and I hope some  — if not all  — of these feelings pass on to you as well<3
First off, a million thanks to maguayans​ for hosting the event again!<3 She had a gorgeous idea for this year’s theme too, though I couldn’t make the most out of it personally. So in the first part we’ll tackle two of her proposed themes  — then I’ll be talking about my two highlights for the year.
Word Count
Aquiver, Aglow  — 217k
Aberration of Sunlight — 140k
I think I’ve learnt an important lesson this year, guys. Word count used to stress me out so much, I had to deactivate it. But even then, when I crossed that 10k mark, and no matter how justified it was... I made me depressed. Then I started working on Aberration. I said, well, this time I’ll take it easy, it really won’t matter how long it is. It’s not that I’d work less on it, or that it was less important to me than ‘quiv. But I just wanted to feel good, you know? To actually just enjoy it, instead of feeling guilty all the time. After that... I just gave up on my publishing expectations. Oh, I’ll edit both WIPs to the best of my ability, over and over again as always, but... if they stand proudest at 150k, I won’t force it further. Even if it means I won’t publish them because that won’t be good enough, yeah?
I’m not pretending they will be flawless, or that every salvaged scene will seem worth it at first glance. But it will be all I want to tell. Better than any thoughts of getting published... I’d rather just work on the two things I love best, in the only way I know.
YouTube Wrapped
Total: 13k minutes
Top artists: Borislav Slavov, HAEVN, BrunuhVille, Tom Odell, Aviators
Top song: Another Love by Tom Odell
Top tracks: Minefields by Faouzia and John Legends, Baldur’s Gate 3 OSTS: Down by the River, The Power and Wash My Pain Away by Borislav Slavov
My music personality: The Vibe Diver (you lead the charge in finding unexpected faves and stay loyal to what you love; Deep Cuts, Loyal, Chill)
And that was it for the first part! My top genres aren’t anything but Fantasy (and lately Sci-fi!) so I skipped those. Now on to the year, and how exactly it’s looked like:
January - June
Oh, these were hell lol. To say that uni as a whole — and especially the last semester — was absolute hell for me, is more than a bit of an understatement. But whatever, it’s done and over with, and I’m never returning to those days, HOO-RAY. But... this also fell in line with my going on a hiatus. I was mentally in a very bad headspace, and it just so aligned that for the first time in my life tumblr silence really got to me... and it wasn’t pretty. So I left. At one point, I guess... I didn’t feel so welcome on writeblr anymore. Not as a writer, at least. I still don’t think I’ve fully come back from that hiatus, and maybe never will. I'm basically still here for my friends, who deserve better.
No writing here; except for a notes draft I began during my two breaks. They dealt with Mezusa and Yles mainly (more about it in the ‘quiv section), and honestly? I needed them really back bad then, I’m not exactly surprised that even now, months later, my head is all full of “Catch me in your inwings?”
Ah. Ah. This is where the real fun begins. This is where I started taking back control of my life, and it was glorious. I began draft 4 at the very end of July, a few days after my bday, and ah.
This was when, very slowly, I started realizing I could possibly keep writing and rewriting ‘quiv all my life, and still fall in love with it every time, again. Over and over and over. Which is a pretty dangerous thought considering I do want it a completed story one day, but until then, the freedom. I have no words for how much this story means to me. But this year in particular, it’s reminded me that I am a writer. From the bottom of my heart, I do love writing, and it makes me happy.
Basically, starting from July, the remaining months turned 2022 into my very best writing year.
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Draft 4 ran from August till September. There were a lot of little changes and whatnot, but I want to particularly talk about the biggest two, and my plans for the future. (which is looking particularly bright!!)
A little bit about my drafting process first. I’m a pantser through and through — I see an outline? No, I don’t, otherwise it gets my panties in a twist, I go mad, the writing goes stale, and everything gets driven straight into a tree. So I don’t do outlines, ever. So when I say I write a new draft, I rewrite the entire thing from finish to end, no skipping, no leaving anything for later, we’re doing it like we have to defend our thesis and we’ve forgotten all our notes. Very few, if any, scenes will repeat, unless they’re central events. Basically retellings of the same story lol. What’s this madness for, you ask? At the end of the drafting process (aka the mass rewrites until the plot feels natural and tight under my fingers and my characters guide me seamlessly because I’ve got them right, so not having an outline is vital because they do everything), all those drafts will come and fight in a giant reading session arena where I pick which draft did what best, and edit from there. 
This is where ‘quiv is now. 
Yles and Mezusa. Yles is far from being new, but I did her best and I did her justice here. That’s thanks to one character with an amusing evolution throughout all drafts: Mezusa. She started as a nameless blob of an angel character mentioned only once in draft 1 — as the tuba angel who got kicked off the choir (skylarks had made nests in her tuba). All good and fine. Then, at some point between drafts — without my knowing — she met up with Yles, and planned the biggest plot hijack I’ve ever experienced. And gave herself a name. And a plot. And a conclusion. I’m still mad about that (and incredibly proud shh).
So, who’s Mezusa now? An angel living in solitude in a cloud forest full of skylarks, who sings a song to Anne one night and asks her to come take her light. She’s a runaway from Heaven, and most angels know that she went mad, and that’s why she fled. She’s also got talons on her fingers (she couldn’t decide if birds got talons on their hands or feet and nobody provided a satisfactory answer), and a thickly smoky voice that, coupled with her word choice, sends a shiver down everyone’s spine. She’s also dying, and is very well aware of it. There’s corruption visible on her flesh, decaying her body by the day.
But this is not her story. She plays pied piper to Yles’s.
Yles’s chapter goes like this: she was blinded, thousands of years ago, during one of her visitations. Now she wishes to weave herself a new pair of eyes from the souls of their descendants, in a city that towers like a ghost over her life. It basically starts with Yles crashing through the gates all but wreathed in flames. But the thing is... she’s kept postponing the day of vengeance. Up until Anne tosses the shard of light Yles’s way, who can’t get into the starfields (angels haven’t been able to find their way there, since the Turning), so she can’t anchor Mezusa there (though she doesn’t know whose shard it is). And that’s when Yles begins to change. That’s also where Mezusa comes in. She’s forced to see why she’s hesitated so much, all while walking down the old roads her feet still know in that city made of metal, to the Citadel of Endurance.
They meet... and things change. Not that fast; Mezusa’s pretty mad at first because her shard told her Yles was about to die, cue her entrance. They fight a lot. Yles gets hurt a lot. And Mezusa... Mezusa offers her her taloned hand and gets her through the city, the memories, the pain. And she tries to teach her a lesson, because lessons are all she has to give now that she’s dying: when they’re not happy, when they’ve strayed from what they wished for desperately, their bodies listen to them. And they slowly start breaking down. Because nobody wants to suffer, and not eternally. And the body listens much more closely than they realize. So what does Yles actually seek in the Citadel?
(Yeah, that spoilers lmaooo)
In short, Mezusa starts to mean a lot to Yles. She begs her to return to Heaven, and they’ll try, together, to enter the starfields if Anne has abandoned them. She falls in love with Mezusa over the course of the chapters...
And Mezusa is dying. Now it’s starting to bother her a little. She isn’t hidden under the flocks of her skylarks, where it’s all warmth. She stays with Yles, who locks eyes with her, and tells her her dream as an angel has always been the same as Mezusa’s. And that she’s deeply thankful.
(she also refuses to let Mezusa give in to her death)
So what does Mezusa do? She gives a weak smile, says cheekily — but there’s fear in her eyes: “Catch me in your inwings?”
Aka: I think now I can find my way into the starfields if I have you. I don't want to leave you alone
I am not okay.
(One of her eyes is a hive-eye she can’t see through, half of her face looks like rotted honeycombs. She gave her shard of light to Anne so she could find her way to the stars after she died. It’s angel belief that, if they die away from Heaven, they’ll grope eternally in solitude and darkness, and they most fear the loneliness. Afterlife for angels is blind. They’ve always known what afterlife looks for them. It’s beautiful, but also cold.)
In case you were wondering how bonkers I was over these two, they made me write 13k in a single friggin' day. But that's not even the impressive part. So I started that notes draft earlier in the year, yeah? Yeah. It mostly had a scene or two sketched out. At most. And they changed completely. Meaning, I wrote 13k of spontaneous plot with a clear beginning and end, and tbh it was one of the most coherent things I've ever written.
I was possessed y'all wtf
Anne and Tyrone. Yep, this was to be expected; I can’t go through a wrap-up without losing my head over these two. The reason why ‘quiv even exists. I can’t call them parent-child, or even friends, and definitely not lovers. Dunno, I just put all my love into them, and it’s a thing without name. And you know what’s my very favourite part about rewriting? Some things, like the final arc, won’t really change, even with my system. Those scenes can’t be any other. But they can be better, and I’m always extraordinarily tickled pink to see how the build-up leads to a world of other feels. And the build-up between the final arc and the pre-arc really did leave me in tears this year<3333
Anyway, this is a spoilers minefield, so I’ll just leave you with the mental image of: Anne pulling Tyrone on a bed of feathers of her wing wrapped under him. His head rests on her leg, and she holds a hand to his forehead, wishing him sweet dreams while she’s telling the events as they’d happened in Imera’s time, and that he shouldn’t take them to heart. Not him.
What’s to come? Basically the frankendraft, and slowly, very slowly, the very last of edits. I still need to rework the kinks in Imera’s and Malchior’s bits (and bear in mind that the Yles and Mezusa bits are technically a draft 1), but at least it’s just two things this time, oh gods. With Malchior I’m gonna try a riskier thing... as in, he won’t be old friends with Anne anymore. I hope the payoff will be worth it, but hey, I’ve got all my other drafts to rescue me^^
So slowly, veeeery slowly, ‘quiv is coming to an end. Idk how to feel about it right now, other than overwhelmed lmao;( I am not ready at all
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9 p.m. sharp after getting home, the closed door, a mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream to the fairy lights on my tables, and tap-tap-tap till 11 or sometimes even 12. That's what my life looked like for two months, and I honest-to-god can’t wait to go back to that.
I’m extremely happy to introduce my newest darling, the pride and joy of this writing year of mine. I didn’t expect to love another WIP after ‘quiv, and certainly not so soon, but here we are, and this WIP means everything to me, the other side of the coin.<3
Huge cheers to all the Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST OSTs and Grace by Lewis Capaldi for basically carrying me through them two months, and I highly recommend checking the OSTs if you’re craving great quality sci-fi songs and don’t know them; for those of you that do, you’re welcome for the nostalgia. Also huge shout-out to my nightfriend, for being the main catalyst why this year got turned topsy-turvy into the best<3 love you so much! I’m so happy to have had the chance to know you, both as a writer and a person. You’re incredible to me<3
What’s it about? (and forgive the blurb quality)
The universe has always been haunted by a story: a Beast of the Deep Night, a remnant of a black hole, the one being people can't steal from, as they say. It roams the Deep Night, and any astronaut who values their life knows to pay tribute in their heart, and to mind their actions. It's the Beast's realm. And they call the Beast the lambent guardian, taking back from humanity everything they take from the universe. 
A foolish man, A. Holloway, goes into rosy space in search of immortality. Between the Beast and the war, it doesn't seem likely that he'll find it. Soon a new recruit joins the ship, and things take a strange turn: she's an oddball, that one. Laughing, but distressed, the crew starts betting if she's the Beast in disguise, come aboard their ship for judgement. 
She smiles and never denies anything. 
But that universe doesn't look the same now. Hundreds, if not thousands of years after Holloway, the world is ending. The Beast is rampaging, ships sinking in the night, and now it turns a planet into fire and brimstone. Humanity's had to give up on its dream of freedom, and what remains are cities of rust. 
Those who have nothing to live for go between planets, to ferry supplies, while they still can. 
Police Superintendent Madigan sometimes receives distress calls. There's no sending any help, ever; Command says, a ship sighted by the Beast is a ship that is never returning home. 
Command is right. The world is dying, and they better not offer it more sacrifices. All those who go know the risk. All those who remain... better find a new meaning and hope they'll be left for last. One day, Madigan receives another distress call. He picks it up, without knowing that the boy on the other end didn't expect anyone to help. He merely wished to hear another human voice. But Madigan's fallen into a deep state of apathy. Cities rusted from within, sinking in flames. If it's ending, it doesn't matter what he does anymore. So Madigan steals a ship, and decides to give his one shot to humanity.
Soon, they'll be two back-to-back against the Beast, carrying all of hope on their shoulders. 
[You know what’s fun? I’m a very baby sci-fi fan. It’s been, what, six months since I’ve read two series I’ve really enjoyed, and that made me stop a little. Because it seemed so wrong. I adored to bits Aliens, Halo, Gears of War, but usually... it's not my genre, and I found pieces written so clinically, I just didn't have anything to connect to. And I was never big on robots; they seem to me to mirror the way people still regard animals, but with more prestige, because they’re humanoids, you see? So it’s just not my world. Or wasn’t. I did a little more digging and... I think it’s the space horror that’s shaped my earliest years of my life. I’m definitely one of those people who need the Very Dark to appreciate the light stuff truly, and Aberration helped me explore that in spades.
(And, yeah, I’m aware Halo isn’t exactly horror. But the drop-dead gorgeous atmosphere of ODST does the trick for me; that mixture of loneliness and uncertainty that make you feel so small in the universe, which I absolutely wanted to pay a tribute to. But that failed in like... chapter 1 lmao;) only the jazz is kept (and I’m gonna hang to it with my teeth!) but even that is warped into a glitched, disturbed thing that resembles the Beast more.)]
This was my NaNo project, y’all! Aberration won Nano on November 21 at 55k, and became a completed first draft... exactly one month later?? On December 21. Even when I came home tired to the bone, it was the thing I most looked forward to; I always sat down and at least did par, and you know? It always cheered me up. It was such a healthy experience, so much that, I didn’t skip on any single day on those two months.
Aberration itself became an idea at the beginning of 2021, when I was listening to an Ori OST remake, and my head went instantly, if space had any single sound, this would be it. The Beast came very soon after. 
Then it was my 1k story for my admission, and eventually it turned into the outline for the foolish man (Holloway’s) part of story. Everything in his parts was there, in that 1k original, and that’s when I knew I wanted it to be a book.
Meaning, the rest of it, the entirety of Madigan’s story which is the core of Aberration, came to me as some sort of mystical trance the very day before NaNo. Some details in Holloway’s too. I completely revamped the WIP, as, at that time, something felt missing, and finally it clicked for me. I wanted it to become something much darker, rich in a way like those three series felt to me, aaaand this also means that the light-hearted story about a Beast joining a ship and cherishing them got thrown out of the window lol:') 
Instead, we got my pride and joy:< and since it was the day before NaNo, my brain went, heyyyy, what if...?? And I went, heyyy to you too, if I manage to come up with an intro by tonight, then we’ll do it.
And the rest is history^^
Who's Madigan? He's the easiest boss to boss around, a pushover like a doormat's never been, and that's until he starts really caring about something. And if you look deeper, you'll see that's exactly how he wants others to perceive him. So they won't ever be afraid to approach him because of his status. At his core, Madigan loves people, and he loves them deeply. His job is his life’s calling. He feels the happiest when he’s protecting others. He sure as hell would mind losing his life... but rather than losing his loved ones, he'd rather risk his own. People are too precious to him. Even so, he's mostly alone. Oh, yes, people respect him and his close colleagues smile fondly his way, his mantle is his everything. But at the end of the day, there's nobody waiting for him. And what's even worse, he doesn't even realize this, not until very late. And when he does, he doesn't think it's right for him to be that close to someone. They have others in their life already, and he only complicates stuff.
Also!! The structure is way different from ‘quiv, and we’ve got titled chapters which I’m awfully proud of, so we’ll be going through them for the final leg of this journey<3 and, and! You know what’s the best part of it all? I know exactly what goes on in each of them, by heart. *flails hands* I love them so much!!
Cracked Visor, Scorpion Grass  — Act 1
Okay, this one is a huge mess, but I already know what I want it to become. And it did its job more than well launching me into the Aberration atmosphere, crisp with loneliness and desolation, and the main event of Madigan finding the broken helmet in a field of purple forget-me-nots, which makes him feel connected to humanity as a whole. It makes him decide to answer that distress call. He hears himself there.
Into the Blinking Red
This is where I got kicked out of my own story and plans again, and in the best way possible. Originally, Spica (or Hahn’s boy, until the 40k story marker lmao) was supposed to be just some mangled body Madigan finds on the ship at the end of that distress call, launching us straight into the horror.
Instead, he’s our one-armed best little soldier who... how do I even describe it? He refuses from the very beginning to ever leave Madigan behind, even with the Beast’s teeth snapping at their backs. Then they’re having each other’s back, bringing the other from the brink of death, worrying over their bed if they’re ever going to recover from their wounds. Then they’ve only got each other on a dark ship in cold, dead space, but they’re always trying to give the other hope, even if they don’t have it. Then they’re talking about space, humanity’s long dream of being free and instead caging itself away from the Beast and how much Spica’s mission means to them all, then little, very little by little... Spica recognizes Madigan as his hero, and Madigan realizes Spica’s become his loved one. And it’s too late to take it back, and the boy means everything to him 
Aberration of Light
Ah, yes. The Holloway chapters, which are the ones in italics. What went wrong, you ask? Well, what in the world, except that I had an outline, like an idiot, and no lesson learnt:') :') :') from the beginning this made me feel like I was slamming my head into a wall, and everything bad that I have to completely rewrite stems from the goddamn outline
(otherwise, fun Beast mythology oh yeahhhh)
Nightfall’s Reflection
Enter Lieutenant Hahn himself, the dad, who rides in furiously, and the first thing he does is to unhinge his jaw and gave rise to a howl from the depths of his angry little soul: to demote Madigan, specifically:') but it’s all good, he’s a good dad actually, just thinks his Superintendent is a wet little sock and loves screaming at him. He’s also so loyal to the man he’d die for him. He’s also not pleased that the Beast’s bitten off one of his son’s arms.
Who Lays These Tombs in Ice
Ah, yes. One of the two Luitgart chapters, the magnate of ice. A planet that’s had half of its sunlit face scarred by the Beast, and is in no hurry to forget this. This was also when I pulled an all-nighter because I got possessed, for the second time this year it seems, by the new plot ideas I spontaneously got for the Luitgart arc. And boy. Boy. I’ve got to tell you. This is where the story takes a very dark turn into true horror that also extends a bit beyond the Beast itself and it gets to the point of no return, because, soon, our crew will be stranded on an icy planet around which the Beast’s looped itself:')
(In short, this is, perhaps, the most punchy arc in perhaps the entire book, because you do not expect it)
As for Luitgart... it deserves a little love. As does Hahn, who’ll be my new objective come next draft. Now, Luitgart. It doesn’t spin on its axis. Meaning, one face is always sunlit, and that’s where humans lived before the Beast struck. Its dark half is full of unforgiving ice. But the ruined landscape also has a big impact on its gravity, and that’s where things get a lot of fun, and with horizontal ice rain:<
We also get Madigan digging graves in the ice for frozen corpses, in spite of his broken ribs, because he can’t stop, not now, and do I love that man<3
Lemon-Dotted Dice — Act 2
So yeah, Acts 1 and 2 for Holloway are going to be rewritten completely, with the outline (thank god) thrown out of the window. Great news is, their Act 3 slammed me in the face with the exact solution, via a couple of plot twists I was not expecting and wtf they did they build themselves??
Bad news is, this makes the current summary moot lmao. But it’s what draft 1 is, so it had to stay. Great news is, I’m hyper thrilled for the new version<3
This was where the plot started deviating from the outline, and it showed<3
Corpse Snow
Aka the second and final part of the Luitgart chapters. A whole lot of things go down in this 20k behemoth, and mostly? I don’t think anything will change. Not much at all. It feels strange to return to a WIP with plot, but strange in a good way, and everything in Corpse Snow somehow magically came out as I wanted to tell it. Or re-reading will tell? Anyway I can’t connect two braincells about this particular act without wanting to heart and cry vomit
You know what the sad thing is? It could’ve been longer. It should’ve been longer, Hahn included, but I got deathly afraid of that 20k at one point, and decided to cut some stuff out. I’m thinking of adding them back in draft 2, but I’ll sleep on it. I need to sleep on it, or else I risk losing some really good stuff.
And this is also the chapter when Madigan wakes up and sees clearly, wide-eyed, oh, Spica’s his loved one
[also gonna throw this out into the world before it can ever become a thing. There’s nothing romantic between them; Madigan’s exactly 43 as per one of his random rants, and Spica is in his early twenties. They’re got the most familial relationship out there and that’s it]
Wine in the Hanging Lights
What Goes Around... — Act 3
Sadly this is where I’ll have to learn to shut up kindly, because the heavy spoilers begin. So I’ll just spoil you with emoji lmaooo:<
THIS. THIS ONE. HOLY FUCK. The plot twist it threw right into my face woke me up from a 8h zombie state of post-proofreading work, and I was pretty much swearing out loud the entire night. All praise Outreach, it solved all my outline issues<3333
Days in Darkness
Now, on the other hand, I was highkey looking forward to this chapter the most out of all. The gorgon (aka the ship Madigan stole, ahem, borrowed) is getting character development here as well, and it’s a beast:<
(It seems the smallest Act, yeah? Yeah, it was the longest)
Echo Terminal — Act 4
We little people on a loop system... heading for the end of the universe... heading for certain doom... lalalala nice background music... oh, someone loses  a leg. Oh, someone dies again. A ghostly explosion around the gorgon... oh, I see the Beast’s fangs.
Where Have You Gone?
This does not mean what you think it does, I guarantee you. Also where we part with Holloway’s story, and why it matters for Madigan’s. How they connect.
One of the two log chapters, the other being Echo Terminal. They’re much shorter, but very... to the point. The plot twist from Outreach? Gets built and expanded here. And here goes in all my revamp from the day before NaNo.
Beads of Orichalcum
Nothing to see here, just a tonnuva righteous fury, parallelism like it’s nobody’s business, Madigan being highkey a badass finally, and we’re very very near to the end. Though it doesn’t feel so. Not at all. It’s back to the bleak atmosphere of the beginning, but now there’s a change: they have each other now. And there’s no separating them.
The End of the Deep Night
...on the other hand, in case you were wondering how possessed I was about this chapter and really, WIP, hear me out: I actually dreamt of those two and that became the very last scene of the book. Which, whoops, spoilers? They’ve got each other. Till the end. But that’s all I’m saying lalala...
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Whew! Must’ve felt like another year. In reading, though, because for me it passed in an instant hahahaha. Or it would’ve, if tumblr hadn’t screwed me over and thrown me out of my drafts thus deleting everything I’d written on Aberration...
All that remains are a lot of heartfelt thanks! If you’ve made it this far and accompanied me to the bottom of the post, I’m whipping up a mug of the most delicious cocoa with whipped cream you’ve ever had, you more than deserve it and I love you<3
I hope to see more of you and your incredible writing. And I hope you also feel like writing is a part of you and... fuck drafts, fuck perfectionism, fuck everything lol. This is what makes us happy. For a visible reason. And each and every one of you can and does shine through your writing, and the love or feeling you pour inside. I believe in you, and there’s nothing you can’t do ❤🥂
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weirdphilosopher · 6 months
thanks so much for the questions <2
💕 - What are your favorite breeds?
my favorite breeds are Guardians, Skydancers, and Aberrations!
i don't know why i love guardians so much really. maybe it's because it was my chosen progen breed but they're also just huge loveable dragons to me... i like their lore as well so that could be another factor
skydancers are great because 1. wind flight breed 2. their lore is interesting 3. i cant get enough of them. i want SO MANY skydancers they're just gorgeous!
aberrations are my favorite ancient since they're two-headed and two-tailed! to me they're very plural but some other people interpret them as having one mind, shared with two heads- not to me, both heads are their own individuals in my idea! i like to give them each their own names for that reason. i only have one at the moment but i hope to find more pretty ones to add to my lair!
honorable mention for Gaolers and Pearlcatchers on that list because i like them a lot too (gaolers fluffy and pearlcatchers have cool lore) but not enough to be considered a 'favorite' for me
📚 - Does your clan have lore? If so, give us a rundown!
i do have lore, but i'm doing a bad job at actually writing it down or getting more work done on it besides a few vague ideas mixed together. some of my dragons have lore in their bios but i haven't written down the story of the whole clan-
in a short vague summary of things: my clan was founded by Malgam (my custom progen) who wanted to create a community for misfits and outcasts. their goal is to create a place where dragons who are outside the "norm" can be safe and find acceptance, understanding and be celebrated as who they are.
🌱 - What name, breed and colors did you choose for your custom progen and why?
Malgam was named such based on the word "Amalgam" which literally just means 'a mixture of different elements'. i dont really remember why i chose this name in particular but i guess it could be a representation of the diverse community he wishes to foster? that could work maybe. be patient with me LOL
as for the breed: guardian was my choice, mostly because i just preferred its design over mirror, fae or tundra, i think... it was the most 'classic dragon' choice and i also liked the name 'guardian' for what it represented
the colors i chose were beige and lavender, based on the queer chevron flag:
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i chose beige because the white on this flag is actually an 'off-white', and i thought beige would match that. i could have also chosen silver- it's closer to the off-white in the flag, but beige is what i preferred when i spent my time deciding on colors. i think they look just fine with beige/lavender anyway:
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still needs the primary gene (jaguar) and their outfit, but isnt he beautiful? i love them so much
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libraryofbaxobab · 2 years
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July 9, 2018:
Devour slowly! Gorgeous, disorienting, dense and deep as the sea. Peppered with poetry, and prose so haunting it may as well be. Unusual yet careful: every aberration is oh so deliberate. ?/10 because I haven't yet learned everything it has to teach me #WhatsKenyaReading
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
LQR is the one who goes off the deep end with Lan Love Madness in his generation, maybe?
In their defense, there was no way they could have known.
After all, the Lan sect curse of love-madness was almost in every case one of romantic love, not platonic or familial love – there were a few known cases, but they were rare, aberrations. How could they have known that one would hit in the present generation..?
Perhaps they should have taken more precautions. Maybe if they had, they wouldn’t have ended up as miserably as they had.
Qingheng-jun, for one. He’d been in love, as any good Lan ought to be; only he’d been terribly unlucky with it – which happened, sometimes. He’d fallen for a gorgeous and free-spirited young mistress, a female cultivator who liked him well enough but not well enough. She’d refused his (many) requests to marry him, but she’d slept with him enough times to get pregnant with his child.
Lan Qiren had fallen in love with his little nephew at first sight.
That was the problem.
Maybe it wouldn’t have been, if not for the fact that when she’d finally recovered from the birth and weaned the baby, He Kexin, free spirit that she was and remained, had indicated that she wanted to leave the Lan sect behind, with the little Lan Xichen left behind to stay with his father. Qingheng-jun, who loved her to madness, was devastated, and in no way interested in the son he’d fathered…
Everything had gone rather a mess after that.
You see, Lan Qiren was smart, very smart, and no one paid any attention to him – no one had realized that he loved his little nephew more than morals, and no one would realize it, not until his carefully planned trap had sprung around them and the only way out for either of them was a forced marriage and forced seclusion. Even then they might not have ever realized what had been behind their tragedy, if it hadn’t been for the two of them waking up over a year and a half later, dazed and drugged, with Lan Qiren standing there regarding them with a cold but satisfied expression.
“Why?” Qingheng-jun demanded once he’d put it all together, aghast. “You don’t even want to rule the sect!”
“I don’t,” Lan Qiren admitted. “But Xichen’s been asking for a little brother. If I can’t get him his parents’ love, it’s the least I can do for him – I want him to be happy.”
He smiled, even as they stared at him, horrified.
“He will be happy,” he told them. “No matter what.”
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
Aberration - Chapter 3
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Third chap, here we go! It’ll start picking up soon. I know there isn’t much ‘horror’ rn, but it will get there, I promise. Also, I’m sorry Tamaki’s part is a bit longer than Hawks. I just adore Tamaki so much and he deserves the world and lots of hugs and kithes.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing. More to come.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
You peek over your clipboard to see his cocky smirk and hide your eyes again. "Keigo, would you please put on a shirt?"
He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows. "What, too embarrassed to look at me, baby bird? I'll tell you what. You tell me who you are, and if you're single, and I'll cover myself."
"My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist in this facility, here to observe you, hoping it helps to find a cure. And there is no need for you to know my relationship status."
"Ah, ah, ah. If you don't tell me, you'll have to do this interview while gazing at my gorgeous body." You hear the cockiness in his voice.
"I swear to fu- fine, yes I'm currently happily single. Now, please put your shirt on." You mumble under your breath, "this is so inappropriate."
After a minute of rustling, Keigo leans back onto his bed. "Okay, my single baby bird. I'm all covered up for you."
You lower your clipboard just below your eyes to make sure, seeing the smirking bird man lounging on his bed with a shirt on. You finally lower your clipboard all the way before giving a curt nod. Making your way to the desk chair, you smile at the man.
"Thank you, Keigo. As I said before, my name is Y/N and I'm here to get to know you."
He snickers, "well, I'm here to answer any questions you have for me, baby bird. Fire away."
You sigh and open your notebook. "Must you call me such a name?"
"Awe, do you not like when I call you that?"
Sighing once more, you decide to just move on. You know you'll end up going in circles. "Please state your full name, age and date of birth for me."
"My name is Keigo Takami. I'm 28 years old. My birthday is December 28th." He paused to let you write that down before opening his mouth again. "Did you need my star sign and my relationship status? Well, I'm a Capricorn and I am definitely sin-"
"Nope, that's enough." You cut him off before he could ramble on even more. "Now, can you tell me what your quirk is exactly?"
Keigo blinks before turning around, the chains on his ankles clanking against the bed frame. Your eyes light up being able to actually see the giant, beautiful red bird wings coming from his back. You frowned slightly noticing they were pinned down, preventing him from being able to use them.
"Does that hurt? Having them pinned like that?" You tilt your head eyes following the edges of each feather.
Keigo lets out a quiet chuckle, eyeing you from over his shoulder. "A little. But nothing I can't handle. Why, is my baby bird worried about little ole me?"
Your frown turns into a glare and you clear your throat. "So, what exactly can you do with these wings of yours?"
Keigo's mouth twitches into a smirk as he turns back around to face you. "Well, I can fly. And I can also disconnect each feather from my wings and use them individually."
You nod, not wanting to show how impressed you were, knowing he'd make a crack at it. You finish writing down that information before asking your next question. "Now, can you tell me why you are here?"
"Getting down to the nitty-gritty, I see. Well, I was arrested and charged with Drug Trafficking, Forgery and Assault." You look at him, motioning him to continue. He shrugs. "There isn't much else to it. I'm a mafia leader. This shit happens on a daily basis, for years. Just so happened that I eventually got caught, on account of a leak in my group. Fortunately, for me, I use other people to do the killing for me. So that means they couldn't get me with murder." He cocks his head. "Unfortunately, though, trafficking and forgery are also felonies, so. That's why I'm here."
"So you spent your life moving copious amounts of drugs, forging money and assaulting clients who did you wrong?"
Keigo thinks about your words for a moment and nods. "Essentially, yes."
"Alright then." You stand up and bow your head to the mafia leader who was watching you carefully. "I will take my leave, as I have one more inmate to see before the end of my shift." You head towards the door, but pause for a moment. "Oh, and Keigo?" You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder. "Your wings are beautiful."
Keigo's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly, watching you walk out that door. His face turns bright red after processing your words. He mutters under his breath, "oh, baby bird…"
After shutting the door behind you, you breathe out. Aizawa looks up from his phone. "How'd it go?"
You raise a brow, "what, you weren't watching me through the security cameras like before?"
"Oh, I was," he deadpanned. "But, visually, it didn't look as compromising as the last two visits. The cameras don't pick up audio."
"Well, besides the lack of clothing in the beginning and the incessant flirting, I was pleasantly surprised."
Aizawa looked at his watch. "Now, I think we have time for one more before we have to turn in paperwork and unchain the more dangerous inmates from their beds to give them some room to stretch out." Aizawa flips through the profiles before stopping on one. "How about Amajiki?"
You turn to his profile and scan the words in front of you. "A cannibal, huh. Well that's not something you see every day."
"I think he'd be good to end the day with. Despite him being, well, a cannibal, he's actually extremely reserved and quite timid. I don't think he'd try to hurt you or get close to you. He suffers from borderline personality disorder, as you see." Aizawa looks up from his notes and eyes you. "However, he is a level 10. He may come across as innocent and somewhat angelic, but remember, he is one of the most dangerous criminals in this facility. He has multiple murders under his belt. So just keep that in mind."
You nod your head, slightly bouncing with excitement. This one sounds quite interesting to you. You've never met a cannibal before and this one has a quirk that sounds intriguing. Aizawa sighs before turning away from Hawk's door and heading further down the long hallway. He stops in front of a heavy door and scans you in.
Once you step inside the white room, you furrow your brows, not really noticing anyone. That's when you hear a small whimper and a few muffled, stuttered words coming from the floor next to the bed.
"W-Who are you?"
You lean to the side to see an indigo-haired figure huddled against the wall between the desk and the bed. You notice his body is trembling, only his eyes visible through his bangs, his arms covering the rest of his face. Head tilted, you squat down from a distance and smile.
"Hi there, Amajiki. My name is Y/N. I'm the newest scientist at this facility. I'm here to talk to you and get to know you to help further our findings for a cure. I'd like to be friends, if that's possible." You reply gently. You can tell he's scared out of his mind.
He raises his head up, giving you a full view of his…
Your eyes widen slightly. The bottom half of Amajiki's face, from his nose to under his chin, is completely covered by a silver muzzle. It's strapped around his head and locked in place by a padlock. Your eyes travel down to see his wrists chained together with quirk cancelling cuffs and, as you expected, both of his ankles are chained to the heavy duty bed frame.
"They have you muzzled like that?" You stare in disbelief, slightly angered at the treatment. You understand that he's a known cannibal, but to strap that heavy muzzle around his head on top of chains already weighing him down.
Amajiki nods shyly, "y-yeah. I guess it's because of the whole e-eating people… thing."
You sit yourself down on the floor across from him, your notes in your lap. "Is it uncomfortable?" He nods slowly, his eyes avoiding yours. You give him a small smile. "I'm sorry."
His eyes shoot to yours, confusion flashing through them. "Why are you sorry?"
"It...seems like a lot of you are possibly being mistreated here. I've noticed a few things here and there."
Amajiki's brows furrow. "And why should you care? W-We're criminals."
"True. However, this facility isn't supposed to be judge, jury and executioner. You're entitled to a fair trial, just like everyone else. That includes not being mistreated." Your smile never leaves your face as you look the man in the eyes. "I am not only here to research a cure, but make sure in doing so, it won't harm any of you. It'll be humane, I promise." Amajiki just stares at you with an unreadable expression. You sigh and click your pen. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions, Amajiki?" He shakes his head but stays quiet.
"Can you please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
"U-um. Tamaki Amajiki, 25, March 4th."
"Thank you. And what is your quirk?"
Amajiki hugs his knees tighter. "I-It's called Manifestation. Essentially, whatever I eat and digest, I can manifest as a body part."
Your leg bounces in excitement. "So, if you were to eat, let's say, Takoyaki, you can turn your hand into tentacles?" He nods his head. Your eyes light up. "That is incredible, Amajiki. That's such a powerful quirk!"
Amajiki's eyes widened, a blush spreading across his cheeks that were partially hidden under his muzzle. This is the first time he's ever been thankful to have this thing attached to his face. "U-um, t-thanks."
You let out a soft giggle and continue writing in your notes. "Here's a little bit more of a difficult question, Amajiki. Can you please tell me why you are incarcerated in this facility?"
Amajiki stays quiet, not looking at you. You notice his hesitation. You think for a moment before looking around the room. Amajiki sneaks a glance at you, watching you look around the room. His brows furrow. "W-What are you…"
You finally spot the locations of the camera and move your body so your back was facing it. Ignoring his question, you place your pen down directly in front of you so only Amajiki can see. You furrow your brows in concentration and stick your tongue out as you hover your hand over your pen. To Amajiki's utter shock, the pen starts floating in the air.
"Y-You have a quirk?!"
You nod your head and release the pen from your power. "Yeah, I do. It's nothing fancy like yours, but it is a mutation, nonetheless. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who understands more of your situation than you might think. So that's why I wanted to show you." You smile at the man, who is looking at you with pure adoration. "Please, keep this to yourself. I don't know what Aizawa would do if he found out about it." 
"I-I won't tell anyone, I promise."
You giggle and sit back down in your original spot. "Thank you. Now, can you please tell me why you're in this facility?"
He nods his head, still slightly dazed about this new-found information. "I was charged with multiple counts of 1st degree murder a-and…" his voice drops to a whisper, "s-serial cannibalism."
You couldn't help your interest in the subject and started rambling. "Would you be so kind as to explain how this came about? Did you grow up into a family of cannibals or-"
"NO!" He lashes out, causing you to flinch slightly. He winces as your reaction, not intending to scare you. "N-no. Nothing like that. It happened… against my will, so to say?" Amajiki sighs and rests his chin on his arms, not meeting your eyes. "I was one of the only kids in my small town to have been born with a mutation. My parents tried to hide it, tried to hide me. I don't know if it was from fear of people hurting me or fear of everyone judging them for having me."
He blinks a few times before continuing. "The town I lived in was small, a bad side to say the least. Lots of low-lifes and gangs running around. Well, long story short, someone found out about me and what my quirk was. They kidnapped me and…" He trails off. Suddenly, his eyes snapped to yours, an uncomfortable and intense feeling overwhelming you. "They forced me to eat another person, someone with a quirk. They wanted to see if I could turn their power into my own."
He cocks his head and lets out a cackle, still making eye contact with you. "Can you believe that?! It actually worked! So what did they do? They forced me to eat ANOTHER quirk user. They wanted to turn me into an ultimate weapon." Amajiki lets out a strange noise, sounding like a mixture between a guttural sob and a laugh. "Well, the joke was on them in the end. I ended up killing and eating them in the end and escaping. But after that point, something mutated further in my quirk. I couldn't stop craving human flesh." He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. "A-And that's why I'm here now."
Your eyes are wide and your breath is heavy. Something inside you feels a sense of panic, looking at the clearly broken man in front of you. It's so much information to take in, you stay quiet for awhile, your body on high alert. Amajiki notices how quiet you are and he opens his eyes. He notices a terrified look on your face and internally panics.
"W-Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I-I'm not going to hurt you." He finally moves out from his huddled form and kneels instead, the sound of chains clinking together snapping you out of it. "I-I would n-never hurt you." He whispers the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it.
You clear your throat after taking a few deep breaths. "T-Thank you for telling me this, Amajiki. It was really brave of you to relive those experiences." You look at him and notice the fear and concern in his face. Giving him a small smile, you close your notebook. "I'm fine, I promise." You stand up on shaky legs and bow your head. "I need to get going."
Amajiki quickly stands up, making you slightly flinch again, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. "Y-You're leaving already? Will I get to see you again?"
"You will. I'm an employee here now, so I'll be the one to check up on all the inmates and work on everyone's individual sessions." You turn your back and walk to the door. "I'll see you later, Amajiki."
The indigo-haired man watches you walk through his door, longing written across his face. The only thing running through his mind are thoughts of the pretty telekinesis that made his heart race.
Once out the door, Aizawa meets you in the hallway. "How'd it go with the man-eater?"
You scowl at the doctor. "Why do you say things like that? He has a name."
"He's a criminal, Y/N. They're all criminals. Shouldn't matter what we call them." He rolls his eyes. "Just come with me. We have to finish our paperwork before the end of the day."
You grumble under your breath but follow the tired-looking doctor to his office. "You also need to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You will be meeting Kaminari, Midoriya, Shinso, Bakugo, Todoroki, Dabi and Kai. And 5 out of the 7 are level 8 and above."
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @megumitodoroki @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @dabis-s-whore @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors @maggiecc @tspice283 @orenjineki @aaannabbanana @letskidaddle @yzviea @jjk-is-my-shit  @iwachanslove
[If your name is bolded, I wasn’t able to tag you]
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Bon Appetite
hello my people!
This was a Spencer Reid request from @aberrant-annie with Chef!Reader that cooks for the team, catches Spencer’s eye. I made Reader as Rossi’s niece because that just made it 10x better. 
This was actually so much fun to write, thank you for requesting :)
“Ciao, Uncle Dave! What can I do for you this fine evening?” I said cheerfully, putting my hands in the pockets of my apron. My uncle grabbed my face with a smile, kissing me on both cheeks. 
He pulled away, and I noticed the people gathering behind him, most likely his team. “I know you’re about to close, but could you prepare one last dinner tonight?” 
Dave looked at me with pleading eyes, and I knew I couldn’t say no to the old Italian. I smiled as I rolled my eyes at him. “Okay, old man. Take a seat.” I gestured to my waiters behind me. “Go ahead and get home guys, it’s late.”
The waiters nodded gratefully, and I looked over at the most gorgeous man I had ever seen taking a seat next to Dave. He chuckled at something my uncle had said, a faint smile falling on his lips. His hair was delightfully messy, he was at least six feet tall, and the navy blue sweater vest he was wearing was adorable.
“Uh, hey, Uncle Dave? I could use some help in the kitchen,” I caught Dave’s attention, waving him into the messy kitchen area. He happily followed me. 
While chopping onions, I asked a not so subtle question. “So... who’s the one in the sweater vest? With the good hair?”
I could feel Dave’s stare even though my eyes were still fixed on the onions. “That is Dr. Spencer Reid. The kid’s a genius, for starters. It’s been proven many times over... and I know your next question. Yes, he is single.”
“Uh, well, you couldn’t know I was going to ask that,” I said, fighting the smile coming to my lips. 
Dave glanced over at me, now chopping garlic bread. “Yes, I could.” __
After cooking dessert and feeling my hands almost cramp, I began cleaning the kitchen. Old school rock and roll was playing softly on the small speaker, and I was so invested in the cleaning that I didn’t even notice Dr. Spencer Reid walk in the kitchen. 
My heart nearly leapt out of my chest. “Dr. Reid! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. My uncle told me everyone’s names.” Just my luck, I make a fool of myself in a stained apron in front of the most handsome man in the world. 
A soft smile graced his lips. “No, I’m sorry for sneaking up on you, um,” he paused, looking around my still messy kitchen. “I was wondering if you wanted any help. Conversation is getting dry out there.”
I almost said no, but my shoulders ached with exhaustion, a reminder that a little help would speed things up. A bonus being spending time with the charming doctor. “Yes, yes please. That would be wonderful, Dr. Reid.”
Dr. Reid smiled, rolling his sleeves up his forearms and grabbing a rag. “And, by the way, call me Spencer.”
We cleaned the kitchen in relative silence, him occasionally asking me where something goes, and the gentle tunes of old school rock and roll. I started singing softly to the music, ‘Jack & Diane’ by John Mellencamp. 
“Your voice is beautiful, by the way,” Spencer commented, not looking up from the counter he was cleaning. 
I rolled my eyes playfully. “I guess, I definitely can’t dance though.”
“Oh, really? I don’t believe that for a second,” Spencer looked over at me, the rag completely forgotten on the counter. He smiled as he walked forward, smoothly grabbing my free hand and gently placing an arm around my waist. “I can teach you.”
I giggled as we danced jokingly to the music, Spencer spinning me under his arm. In a matter of moments, he had pulled me completely out of the kitchen and into our own little world, his hand resting comfortably around my waist and our noses too close not to get butterflies. 
“And you said you can’t dance,” he chuckled as he pulled me into a shallow dip. Spencer was quickly becoming a completely perfect man when my uncle cleared his throat. 
Spencer dropped me. He looked up at Dave glaring at us in the kitchen doorway, his face went pale and he actually dropped me on the floor. 
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry,” he said, reaching out his hand to help me up again. As soon as I was steady back on my feet, he let go, both of us ultra conscious of my uncle’s accusing eyes. 
“Hey, Reid, I think it’s time to go,” Dave said in a flat tone. Spencer looked down at me, giving me a smile that could melt a glacier. 
“Bye, I had fun, YFN,” Spencer said before pushing nervously past my uncle. 
“Me too, Spencer,” I mumbled as Dave rolled his eyes jokingly before leaving, a check with a massive tip lying on the table. 
It wasn’t until after I got home that I found the little napkin in my apron pocket, with Spencer’s phone number written on it with a small smiley face.  __
One year later...
Spencer never got sick much, but when he did, I saw it as a blessing in disguise. It meant a day or two of taking care of Spencer, which he felt guilty for but something I absolutely loved. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, he’s sick on our one year anniversary, which meant we could actually enjoy the day together instead of being in different states. I actually woke up in bed next to him, his nose red and his brown eyes closed, loud snores erupting from his mouth. 
I kissed him lightly on the forehead before making breakfast. “Happy anniversary, I love you.”
He just grumbled sleepily in reply before snoring again. 
Spencer’s work shirt hung comfortably off my figure as I danced around the kitchen, making some of the best omelettes in the history of cooking. I was so in the zone, listening to soft rock and roll that I didn’t even hear the knock at the door, or the hinges squeaking as it opened. 
I don’t know what was worse, my loud scream, Spencer’s staggering run down the hall to see what happened, or my uncle’s mortified face from seeing me dancing around Spencer’s kitchen wearing nothing but his long work shirt.
“Are you... how long... Huh?” Dave stammered, looking from my petrified face to Spencer’s. “How long have you two been dating and I had no idea?”  
Spencer sniffled as he cleared his throat. “Happy one year anniversary, YFN.”
I offered the pan of omelettes to Dave, having no idea what to do next. “You want an omelette?”
Dave gave me his what the fuck? face. “All I did was come by to check on Reid, and this-” he gestured to Spencer and I, both with massive bed heads and in pajamas “-is what I find. But yes, I would like an omelette.”
TAG LIST:  @squirrellover1967 @yomama-umbridge @tiktokslut @ sknnymnne @pinkdiamond1016 @vixengustin88 @infallible-thoughts
DM me if you want to be added!
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randoimago · 3 years
Thoughts on C3E1 so far??
Lots of thoughts which I will put below the "Read More" thing so it doesn't spoil others (I'll include the tag but for safety I'll do the read more).
My thoughts are also going to be scattered a bit so please have some patience with me!
Okay so I'm really excited about all the things planned for Marquet. Just the idea of desert travel and rolling a die to see what could happen during is very interesting to me (I always love seeing how different climates affect traveling in D&D).
The characters are great. I loved the ExU characters so them being back is cool. I was definitely surprised with them being back as well but I wasn't upset about it. I love Robbie Daymond a lot and Dorian is great.
I do hope Orym takes more of a lead from time to time since I know for ExU Liam stated he was having Orym take the backseat for the new players.
I will say I was watching on Twitch and also live chatting on Tumblr and I felt disappointed with the fandom a bit when all I saw was "Where's Travis?!" the whole time Robbie was there. I mean I love Travis but Robbie is a guest so be respectful? And obviously the show isn't just going to remove Travis completely. It was just very disheartening to see (I have heard Youtube is a lot nicer with the comments so I might just watch live from there from now on).
I am so so interesting in what's going on with Imogen and Laudna. Like I've seen theories and they're interesting (Laudna being a Dhampir feeding off of Imogen's Aberrant Mind stuff being one). Okay but the idea of Laudna having some tie to the De Rolos or Briarwoods is so cool.
I'm also very curious about Ashton and Fresh Cut Grass. I know Sam gave us some sad backstory already but none of that had been Insight checked so who's to say. Also Ashton having a huge hole in his head already gives lots of "big backstory!!" (also in his art he has a Clasp symbol on like a pouch or something so hello??)
The introduction of Bertrand definitely threw me for a loop because obviously something is up (we had been told to expect many twists). So I'm expecting Bertrand being a lead up to introducing Travis's actual character. I mean he is level 5 while everyone is level 3 (then again I know Dimension 20 has done campaigns like that but I still don't expect Bertrand to stay).
Emphasis on him being level 5 too cause what happened between the oneshots and now (I have scene like house rules of when characters don't adventure for a while they lose levels so maybe that, he is an old man)??
Okay but the set. The set is gorgeous. I watched the behind the scenes video (and cried when Marisha did) but to see it in action with the changing lights? Oh my god can you imagine how it'll be during like sandstorms or thunder? Or if they end up going underwater at any point? I love it.
Definitely cried when I saw them all at the same table again because the physical acting was something I loved so much. Not to mention all the hugging or when they're laughing so hard they lean on each other.
I definitely am excited for session 2 but I'm also trying not to be too excited. I mean we've only seen 1 session and I don't want to hype myself up too much. I trust Matt and the cast to deliver with their storytelling so I'm trying to force myself to be patient. Like answers will happen eventually, ya know?
Okay I think this is the majority of the thoughts that I had. Like I said, they're kind of scattered all over the place a bit. I'm just really excited to find out what's going on and see how things progress.
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cystalhide-jester · 3 years
Hi this is Sannithe-fr 576452 and I won this G1 obe Lotus from you in a contest back in October. I struggled with how to gene them until the day aberrations came out and suddenly it all clicked together. They are doing great now and finally about to have their first nest in my lair!
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oooh!! They turned out gorgeous!! Glad to see they're doing so well! :D
They give me big poisonous flower vibes with that tert! It looks absolutely stunning!
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Biggest Fan // Spencer Reid x Reader
Blurb request by @aberrant-annie ! This was cute tbh.
Summary - Y/n meets her favorite Doctor, and they hit it off.
Prompt - "I'm your biggest fan!"
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Y/n's mother had always called her an 'unusual specimen.'
She found it weird that she was so 'outgoing' and 'popular' (by her standards). While also being a complete nerd who was interested heavily in Criminal Justice and Chemistry. She had articles upon articles posted in her room about her favorite theories and subjects. That was the only thing that she was teased about, even a little bit, which was mostly by her family. Her mother, and everyone else, had gotten quite use to this once the girl was out of highschool.
Y/n had actually recently graduated from Hampton University with a full ride just last year. But she was still struggling greatly with finding a full time job with it.
She thought back to all of the interning jobs with the police force and even a very small section of the FBI, but nothing really came of it.
That's when she saw the flyers for the FBI seminar being held at her college.
The flyer was ripped from the utility pole outside of her apartment.
*The FBIs very own BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) is coming to Hampton University June 20th from 1 pm to 3:30 pm. Agents will be coming in to talk about solved cases and answer any questions you have! Agents David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Aaron Hotchner. Along with Dr. Spencer Reid and their Technical analyst Penelope Garcia.*
Her eyes bulged as she read the paper, Spencer Reid was going to be there?! At her old college?! **Talking about Crime?!**
She will absolutely be there.
Here she was, standing in front of the building she had spent grueling hours studying in. Making friends, meeting the man the poor girl had her longest relationship with in, and then dumping his sorry ass. A building full of memories.
And was *hopefully* about to make another meaningful memory.
She clutched the small notebook in her hands while the colorful sundress she sported swished with her movements. She peered around the entrance, remembering all the times she had walked in here, not a care in the world. *Except for exams*.
She made her way to the auditorium and looked down at her watch.
Whoops, she was a little early. White sneakers echoed as she walked to the front row, planting herself in the front row. Y/n sat sideways, propping her feet up on the seat beside her and pulling out a book.
*The Dissapearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements*
When she saw it at Barnes and Noble, she read the spine of the book and immediatly bought it when her eyes read periodic table. It was a slight fascination of hers.
She read for a while, finding it so intriguing that she effortlessly flipped through the pages. After about 10 or so minutes of reading, her ears perked up at the sound of a door opening and closing. Assuming that it was another person interested in the seminar, her eyes remained glued to the book. Just to make sure she wasn't too caught up in the book, she checked her phone for the time.
*12:25* Her guess was pretty accurate.
That's when she heard a slight giggle from behind her. She jumped from the seat a bit, slinging her legs over so that she wasn't laying across two chairs. Her hand grabbed my chest over her heart.
"Holy shit!" She looked over to see a familiar face, not one she had expected would be sneaking behind her and laughing. "Dr. Reid?" Her breath calmed. His smile faltered slightly.
"You know who I am?" She nodded profusely. Of course she knew who he was, he was part of the articles on her wall at home. She found his articles particularly interesting.
~~He was the whole reason she came to the seminar.~~
"Yes! I love your writings, I'm probably your biggest fan!" Her cheeks flushed at the comment, so she did what she always did when something slightly embarrassing happened.
*She rambled.*
"I love your article on the method to applying microfluidic electrochemical technologies to single-electron transfer redox-neutral reactions. I thought it was so cool that you went back to Caltech to mentor those students and ended up finding out that placing the components near one another in a microfluid platform worked! I could never even think like that, you are fascinating."
Spencer had never met someone who knew so much about him, let alone someone who was genuinly interested in what he did. Outside of his official career.
Y/n's face was slowly getting more read as she kept talking.
"I'm so sorry, I'm probably totally overwhelming you." She said with a nervous laugh.
"No no!" His hands flew up in surrender. "I'm just kind of fascinated that you know all of this stuff." His hand flew to his mouth in regret immediatly. "That sounded very sexist, that's not how I meant it. You just look a little young to know about it." Now it was his turn for a red face.
"*I'm* a little young to know about this stuff?" She scoffed lightly with a chuckle. "Says the one who graduated high school at 12."
"Touché." He nodded.
"What were you laughing at anyway, you snuck up on me like a ghost."
"Your lock screen." He pointed to her phone, the screen of course displayed a Chemistry joke.
*What do you do with a sick chemist?*
*If you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well barium.*
"Do you have a job that deals with Chemistry?"
"Uh, not yet. I just graduated last year, from here actually." Her hands gestured around the room. "I majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Psychology and Chemistry. So I'm not *that* young." She joked. "I've been trying to land a job but it's proving to be pretty hard." She gave a slightly sad smile.
"That's incredible! Do you mind if I ask how old you are?" He was invested in this interesting girl now, he wanted to soak up everything about her and her pretty eyes and gorgeous smile.
"I'm 26."
*Perfect.* He thought.
"Also," his eyes glanced at his watch. "How long have you been sitting here?"
"Around 15 ish minutes now. I like to be punctual" She shrugged.
"Is it still punctual if you're 10 minutes early?" Dr. Reid teased with a smile. This made a smile creep onto her face and her eyes rolled.
"I just wanted a good seat to listen to my favorite Doctor." She replied nonchalantly. It took her off guard how flirtatious and confident she was being all of the sudden, not that either of them minded it.
"That is a valid reason." He nodded at her and pointed his thumb behind him. "I actually have to get going, we ar going over the cases a last time before we present them to the crowd."
"Not that you need it with that Eidetic memory of your Dr. Reid." She grinned. He chuckled back with a big smile, she knew a lot about him, it was flattering.
"Trust, me it's not my choice to go over it a million times." She waved aslt him as he turned to the exit door. Right before he got to the door he whipped around, looking at her again. "You can call me Spencer by the way." Y/n threw up the 'OK' symbol with her hands and his her face behind her book as he stumbled into the door.
*What a girl. How am I going to do this whole presentation in front of her?*
But he did fine. In Y/n's eyes he did *perfect*.
Towards the end of the seminar, the group was giving out their business cards. They went row by row, take one pass it on. But Spencer's was delivered personally. She flipped it over to see a number on the back. He looked at her as she flipped the number side to him, tapping on it and winking.
Y/n watched as the woman she now knew as Emily Prentiss nudged his shoulder and waved at you.
*She hoped to get to know all these people very well.*
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eurosong · 3 years
Undo my ESC '21 (semi-final two)
Good afternoon folks, and welcome to the second part of Undo my ESC – my annual quest to make the year’s Eurovision better (at least, for me xD) by making a feasible change in each country – it could be something as small as altering a lyric or a staging detail, or as big as a different artist entirely winning the NF. Semi-final one was here so let's jump straight into SF2!
🇸🇲 San Marino: We're thrown into the deep end here with a fan fav that doesn't do at all for me. I'm one of maybe 5 people on the planet who prefers Freaky by far, I guess? I'm happy for Senhit to be getting so much love and for the diminutive serene republic to finally have a shot at a good result - but I'm not so keen on the way it's been done. There's a bit of cognitive dissonance for me because my favourite thing about Adrenalina is Flo Rida's rap, but I don't like the idea of bringing in famed American artists like "ringers" to elevate a song above one with "only" local talent. I would be so tempted to give the rap part to local artist IROL instead to spit some hot bars in Italian.
🇪🇪 Estonia: I had hope this year, I really did, for my era of absolutely adoring Estonia at ESC to be revived after 4 painful years. There were so many good songs at this year's Eesti Laul, like those of Ivo Linna, Egert, Gram of fun, Heleza - but ultimately, my huge favourite was, as expected, Jüri Pootsmann. Anyone who followed this blog back in 2016 knows how much I adore Jüri and was desperate to see him get a redemption arc at ESC itself. Magus melanhoolia was one of the best songs of the season for me and one of the best stagings. As much as I prefer '20 artists to get their shot in '21, problematic Uku with his toxic ex vibes song will have to step aside and let the Jüri renaissance happen here.
🇨🇿 Czechia: I really dig Benny Cristo - he has personality, presence and his own enjoyable style. At first I was kinda disappointed with Omaga because I was expecting something more in the vein of Kemama, with more pronounced Afrobeat influences. But it has grown on me a lot too. My change? Add more Czech than just one blink-and-you-miss-it line, mate! (Article continues below)
🇬🇷 Greece: I see this being talked up as potential televote top 3 and I just don't get it. Maybe it's the way the chorus rhymes dance with itself three times (and uses the term rockin' romance unironically); maybe it's the way that there are better 80s-inspired songs both in ESC and many fallen tributes in the NF season... it just leaves me cold. I actually preferred Supergirl and my change would be for Stefania to bring something with some actual Greek flair.
🇦🇹 Austria: I’ll echo what I said last year about Österreich – how did they go from Conchita to a guy who wished he wouldn’t have gay kids like this? I find both of this guy's songs insipid in different ways and I would invite Pænda back instead to avenge her getting robbed with the beautiful Limits. Or give a second shot at glory to the incredible Cesár!
🇵🇱 Poland: Unpopular opinion, but I absolutely love The Ride, and I feel bad for Alicja, but I much prefer it to Empires. What started as an ironic fondness for Rafał's cringy uncle vibes ended up being genuine appreciation - it's one of the few 80s-inspired songs that sound like they actually could have come out of that decade rather than like modern pastiches. And Raf actually does have an awkward charisma. My change - insert some Polish! Poland does so well with natural sounding bilingual efforts in JESC, they should bring it to the main contest too!
🇲🇩 Moldova: I was lowkey prepared to be disappointed by Moldova - I actually enjoyed Prison a lot and the news that they were going in a completely different direction didn't sit so well with me. And yet, I also love Sugar. Natalia's power! My changes: get rid of that weird scene with literally egg on her face - too on the nose for me. And incorporate a bit of the stellar Russian translation, Tuz bubi, because I'm always going to be advocating for more linguistic diversity xD
🇮🇸 Iceland: Daði Freyr can literally do no wrong with me. Whilst it doesn't have the same intense extra-fandom hype that Think about things did, I think I like Ten years even more. Nothing to change here.
🇷🇸 Serbia: It's no secret that Hurricane were far from my favourites at Beovizija 20, and that I find this a downgrade for Sanja compared to her powerful '16 song. And yet... Hasta la vista grew on me a lot, and so has Loco loco. It's something that is definitely scratching an itch at this year's ESC and the burst of anarchic energy it'll provide will be amazing. I am seriously tempted to change to the acoustic version, though, which has all the attitude of the original but is more beautiful for me and lets the girls' voices shine more.
🇬🇪 Georgia: Georgia keeps serving acquired tastes, and as a patron saint of marginal genres and I love them for that. This year, they've gone for something that even many fans of Tornike find hard to swallow - gone is the roaring rock of last year, replaced with a much more contemplative, soft effort that reminds me a little of Lou Reed. I enjoy both songs, but I can't deny preferring 2020. At the same time, I admire the chutzpah required to send something so different. I just wish there could be a moment to properly showcase T's powerhouse vocals.
🇦🇱 Albania: It was an odd Festival i këngës this year, outdoors in the freezing cold and without the orchestra that makes the songs soar so much more for me. Karma is a perfectly respectable winner, albeit one that lacks the immediacy and rawness of Shaj, Ktheju tokës and Mall. In my ideal alternate reälity, Arilena Ara would have been invited back. She'd bring a song as beautiful as Shaj - and not do a revamp into English that removes its edge this time.
🇵🇹 Portugal: 2015-2020 was a full on Portugal stan era for me. I want to believe that this year is an aberration and that in 2022, our lusitanian neighbours will produce the goods once again. Because ending a colossal streak of not sending songs that don't include Portuguese for this? I am baffled. I wanted the anthemic Joana do mar, produced beautifully by Luísa Sobral, or the timeless Contramão, which sounds like it escaped a Nouvelle Vague soundtrack. Saudade, Por um triz or a number of others would have been grand too.
🇧🇬 Bulgaria: I wasn't expecting much from Bulgaria - I really didn't and don't like TGS and the majority of songs in Victoria's NF-but-not-really aren't my cup of tea. I was happy she got her second chance, but resigned to not liking the song much that would get picked. And then, my fav, which was last in many community ratings, ended up being her pick. I adore GUIGO and believe it has the possibility to do very, very well at Rotterdam and be one of the 'moments' of the evening.
🇫🇮 Finland: CRIMINAL how YLE treated Aksel - it felt like he wasn't the defending champion, and that Erika Vikman had won the previous year. They also - I believe, deliberately - split his vote by making his just one of a number of ballads, so of course what stood out most were the two decidedly non-ballady songs. Finland only two years ago had a single-artist UMK. They could and should have brought it back for Aksel. I'd hope Hurt would win it, because that song is stunning.
🇱🇻 Latvia: I was, and am, delighted that Latvia stuck with Samanta Tina. The lady lives and breathes ESC, even wrote a university thesis about it, and if she tried so many times, finally won and then DIDN'T get to go to ESC, I would have gone to LTV headquarters personally to remonstrate. I really like both her songs. The moon is rising is poised, powerful and like nothing else this year. The only thing I'd change is adding some Latvian because it's a gorgeous language and we've been waiting for ages to hear it again.
🇨🇭 Switzerland: Gjon's song is once again not really my cup of tea, or tears - but I enjoy it better than last year's and I'm glad he's back. Highkey wish it did include Albanian or Romansch like confused commenters last year thought it did.
🇩🇰 Denmark: There is literally no excuse for Denmark's treatment of Ben & Tan. I'm not even a big fan of their music at all, out to not even allow them to compete in DMGP to defend their win with Iron heart? Even though there are songs that competed in DMGP that I prefer a lot, most notably Står lige her, I would probably have let them have a proper second chance.
And the automatic qualifiers voting in this semi -
🇫🇷 France: For me, France had an absolutely enthralling, sincere, perfectly Gallic entry that hit me so hard in the feels. And whilst I respect Voilà, no, that wasn't it. It was Pourvu qu'on m'aime, easily one of the best songs I heard all year inside NFs or out. I find Voilà a little too mannered and affected, whilst PQM is a shot straight from Juliette's heart into mine. In my dream, it'd have won CVQD and be receiving the same love that Voilà is right now.
🇪🇸 Spain: Whilst it is getting next to no love in the fandom and seems quite forgotten, I find Voy a quedarme one of the best songs sent from this country in several years - and I say that having preferred Memoria. I am proud of Blas and love that he had a hand in writing this song. My change? He said recently that the staging in Rotterdam won't be inspired by the poignant music video despite wanting it to be - I would incorporate elements from it in the live.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Frankly, I think almost all the Big 5+1 brought it this year, with the notable exception of Germany. Embers is the banger that I never thought was coming from James Newman, and it's been one of the biggest earworms of the season. I wouldn't change anything about it - I'd just ensure that the staging replicated the energy of the video as much as possible!
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ferociouspompom · 3 years
Hope you’ve been doing well.
The HQ has been seeing a lot of reblogs of mandlarioian (and they’re adorable).If you’re answering asks here too - we’d like a report to know what hooked you into the show/characters (no need for all of them, just a general short answer works just fine!)
Sending some love so you can quickly be as fine as possible *airshipping pedas and gulab jamuns*💕
- Agent Jalebi
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Hello hello AJ :D
I’m loving that gif, omg. I’m okay -- I hope you’re well!
Oh, Star Wars is one of my favourite properties! I’m not as into it as I’d like to be -- I never fully immersed myself into the Expanded Universe -- but I’ve watched a few things here and there and read the comics and books where possible. There’s a part of me that dislikes what Disney has done to it (especially the whole shoving the Expanded Universe into some alternate timeline called Legends and starting again), but The Mandalorian has been pretty high on my watch list since it was announced. 
I guess the biggest point of interest to me was that it was about a Mandalorian -- Mandalorian lore has always been so mysterious and fascinating. And then of course, The Child is just adorable. I was waiting for a DVD/Blu-Ray release so I could watch it without subscribing to yet another streaming service, and by the time I realised there wouldn’t be any DVDs (at least for now), we had to move and restart our lives and what-not. I just wasn’t in the headspace for it.
But PK and I worked it out eventually, we substituted our Netflix for DisneyPlus and I binged the entire series in two days. I’ve watched it twice through now while my husband is still on Chapter 7!
I reckon The Mandalorian is done superbly -- it’s right up there alongside Rogue One as one of my favourite parts of the franchise. Plus, it has gorgeous cinematography. I’ve even started making gifs because I love it so much!
So yeah, this is not a one-off or an aberration, nothing hooked me into the series. I love the universe! I just had to wait for my life to calm down a little before I could enjoy the series. 
And now that we have DisneyPlus, I can binge Kim Possible! Yay!
Thanks for asking! ❤️And thanks for the sweets hahaha.
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