#but the characters are aggrivating
fandomtrash264 · 2 years
I'm not going to lie to yall,
As sad as it makes me, my first impression of When You Finish Saving the World? I don't like it.
I'd like to think that I'll look back on it and change my opinion but idk.
I also may read the book and then make my opinion becayse ad a movie adaptation, it could be that they did an amazing job and I just don't like the story. But yes. I was not a fan of the story.
I can elaborate on why, I just don't want to spew a negative review when I haven't read the og story. I just really wanted to talk about it.
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ghostsandmirrors · 6 days
it's been like 3 weeks since i last did an edit. i need to edit something later.
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People for real can read the kiss on the Beach in Catching Fire between Peeta and Katniss and...come away thinking Katniss wasn't anything other than deeply in love with Peeta.
Or worse. Somehow still thinking she is better with Gale.
Like I am hardcore for respecting others opinions. But something so very clear and objective as that scene and it's after effects (Gales 'she never kissed me like that') cannot do a better job at spelling out Katniss's feelings in black and white. Like for real the only way more explict is for Katniss to do the very out of character thing and say the big 'i love you' in a long, heartfelt speech. Again, NOT how she does things.
Instead, she admits quietly to needing him- the closest thing she can express to wanting something. And kisses him truely and intimately despite the cameras that were previously holding her back.
Gale himself later implies even HE accepts it here. That he wasn't ever a choice, not really.
Dislike that Katniss does truely love and choose Peeta for whatever reason you want. But it really is aggrivating to see it debated that she didn't have real love (and spesifically a romantic kind of love) for Peeta when it is shown so clearly that she does.
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pterygoidwalk · 1 month
When I started shipping KimJean, I felt bad about it. Was I fatphobic? Ageist? There was also the thought of "they are too alike so it's not interesting!!1" Anyway, at the time I was growing closer to a friend's friend, who is now my partner. Like Kim and Jean, we have similar personalities (I'm more of a Kim) and an age gap of almost 10 years. We also started our acquaintance on a notably bad note. Looking back, I think my sudden interest in the ship was my subconscious giving me ~hints.
ok actually this brings up something that aggrivates me: the idea that a ship you prefer says something definitive about your morals. i've seen people imply that wanting to see kim with anyone besides harry means you 1. hate harry 2. hate addicts 3. hate mentally ill people (nevermind that jean's also usually depicted with disruptive mental illnesses and addiction issues lol)
Jean is a completely different character with different traits who would have a completely different dynamic with Kim than Harry does, and I found it interesting. Maybe I'd like to see how Kim could be with someone who didn't forget his entire life recently. Someone who didn't have to rely on Kim to understand basic concepts. Someone who has full awareness of Kim's record and has openly praised him for his performance as a cop; a thing Kim takes a lot of personal pride in.
like why would wanting to explore that imply anything about hating harry or anything to do with him. it isn't a sin to see kim with another character.
anyway. happy for you. i'm a white guy dating an asian guy but that's about where the similarities between my own life and my otp end lol. sometimes you just like a pairing. this is the otp life.
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imagine-knb · 9 months
GOM and Seirin react to Kuroko suddenly have a gf and it is not Satsuki. Satsuki reaction is a plus.
Hope you don't mind me doing these as headcanons since there's quite a few characters. Gentle reminder that I've always interpreted asking for "Seirin" as all of their teammates, unless specifically stated as "Seirin's starting lineup", since they do feature more characters in the show than the other teams. Admin Neon
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he's one of the few people who knew Kuroko was courting a girl before he started dating her, so the news doesn't come as big of a surprise to him
though he's happy for his good friend, Kagami outwardly jokes with Kuroko that his new girlfriend better not distract him from getting better at basketball
"wait, really, you were serious when you said there was nothing between you at that other girl?" he's absolutely confused, considering how touchy Momoi always was
he starts to wonder what exactly was going through Kuroko's head whenever Momoi would cling to him; was he really that dense on how obvious she had been?
he's definitely thinking it, but Kiyoshi won't admit that he had thought Momoi was already Kuroko's girlfriend; he accepts easily that he was mistaken
the pat he gives Kuroko's back in congratulations is hard, nearly knocking over the shorter male, but there's absolutely no malace behind the move; he's happy for Kuroko
immediately starts cracking jokes about love being in the air and is disappointed when nobody pays him any mind because of it
on the more serious side, he's actually impressed with Kuroko over his new girlfriend and congratulates his younger teammate on his new relationship in his own weird way
extremely respectful about the news, Mitobe simply gives Kuroko a smile and a pat on the shoulder when he hears about the shadow's new girlfriend
he's not a very nosy person in comparison to the rest of the team, so he doesn't really bother Kuroko with questions (or at least, Koganei can't interpret any questions he has)
he's teasing Kuroko, asking his teammate when they all finally get to meet the mystery girl who has stolen their shadow's heart; he loves romance
Koganei is very supportive in Kuroko's new relationship to the point he doesn't even mention Momoi, despite a part of him in the back of his mind worrying about her
being the only other team member on Seirin to have a girlfriend, Tsuchida wonders if he should get closer with Kuroko so they could all go out on double dates
though Kuroko doesn't talk about his girlfriend much, Tsuchida loves hearing the stories when he does because it reminds him of his own gushy moments with his girlfriend
he's both surprised and happy for Kuroko, congratulating him on finding someone he wanted to date, but feeling just a slight bit of jealousy
he feels nervous every time Kuroko brings his new girlfriend around for practice, feeling like he has to be on his best behavior or better
he's only slightly aggrivated that Kuroko managed to get a girlfriend before he did; he thought he had enough charm to have one by now too
hates to admit it, but he gets a little sad at the realization that the team may not see Momoi around anymore now that Kuroko was dating another girl
he says he's not surprised — after all, he had seen Kuroko and his girlfriend talking with each other before they started dating — but in reality, he hadn't expected Kuroko to actually land her
he pulls Kuroko aside one day, asking how he managed to get his girlfriend and asking him for tips on how he could talk to his classroom crush
she sees this as an opportunity to finally get a manager of their own for the team, teasing Kuroko that he could see his girlfriend more if he convinced her to join
a part of her is secretly glad they won't be seeing Momoi often anymore, since she had never really gotten along with the busty pink haired girl
he almost puts his foot in his mouth when he sees a picture of Kuroko's new girlfriend and nearly blurts out "but that's not Momoicchi"
he's particularly confused about Kuroko finding love in someone else, because he had always thought that his friend reciprocated the pinkette's feelings in his own way
he's honestly a bit surprised when he finds out that Kuroko is dating a girl and it's not the pinkette who's been fawning over him since middle school
on the outside, he's annoyed because now Momoi is crying to him about her failed love life, but on the inside, Aomine can't fault Kuroko for falling in love with someone else
she is absolutely devastated to find out Kuroko is dating someone before she had the chance to date him herself; she should have tried to make things official earlier
on the outside, she tries not to show that it's affecting her so much, but really close friends (Aomine) can see just how much it's breaking her on the inside
he takes the news as if someone were merely talking to him about the weather; in other words, he doesn't have much of a reaction and doesn't really care to know more
it isn't until Aomine is calling him, complaining about Momoi's crying, that he realizes that someone did indeed get hurt with this news
he's absolutely confused by the news because he had thought all along that Kuroko and Momoi were already dating; for a split second he wonders about infidelity
when it's revealed to him that the pair had never been dating and this was Kuroko's first girlfriend, Murasakibara drops the subject entirely
there is no physical sign that Akashi is surprised by the news other than a simple quirk of his brow and a quiet, "oh really?"; he mentions nothing about Momoi
other than a quick congratulatory message to Kuroko, Akashi doesn't have much of an opinion on the blue haired teen's new girlfriend
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toaster-fire-art · 10 months
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part 7 of my not-so-mini OC dump that lowkey keeps getting more questionable
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Arthur / Gale / Nick / Valentine / Thallen / Talen / Eddie & Axel
Deeply concieted and violent, Elias is quick to aggrivate. A jealous boy who thinks only of himself, taking pleasure in the manipulation of others. This includes his own family. He is in custody of Talen, his maternal uncle and gaurdian. Though he would never admit, he is desperate for attenton and agency. Elias will do anything for both without qualms, and often without an expressed reason.
finishing off the antagonists ones with Elias here except there's more I just don't want to draw them LOL. The songs i scribbled for him (pardon my music less than average music tastes again) are Overconficence by Tallah, Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge and Libra by Free Refills. Though I also added You Don't Know How Luck You Are by Keaton Henson who owes me so many thearapy sessions at this point I highly highly reconnmend. I also have to out myself I used to have Monster by Meg & Dia in his playlist....iykyk.
He's sort of a stereotypical bully character, at least that's what he is at the core and what he started as. Still is, it's just gotten worse and he has motives even if they're very questionable. I drew him like once, he did not have any distiguishable origenal features except black hair and blue eyes like the pretty boy he is @belovedknightdraws have him
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hustlerose · 1 year
finally finished FILTH by irvine welsh. i stand by what i said abt it before. this book would put 99% of puritanical twitter geeks in the fucking hospital
if the middle third (or even the middle half) of it was removed or reduced, this might be my new favorite novel. as it stands, there's so little plot in there, it really drags. until the ending, of course, which is the best thing i've read in a long time
i can see the argument that the lack of plot is a positive, though. filth is a study of bruce robertson as a character. the murder mystery plot is secondary. and the directionlessness serves to donstrate that bruce's life fucking sucks. this is the life you get when you act like robbo: hollow, dull, aggrivating, gross, full of petty bullshit, and slowly getting worse.
if he actually did his job, or had deep relationships with other people, this would be a normal detective novel. instead, it's an experimental scottish acid trip. it's a slow drop down a bottomless pit
and i love this character. he really is good enough to make you keep reading, plot or no plot, just to see him do stuff. he starts already depraved, and only gets worse. he is disgusting in very ordinary, human ways, even while everything ramps up to absurdity. every aspect of him is horribly plausible. i saw myself in him sometimes, and felt sick
thats whats so compelling abt characters like humbert humbert or patrick bateman. you hate him, obviously, but we've all been that guy once or twice, just a little bit
no spoilers, but the ending is amazing. it reminded me of lolita in a lot of ways. its the same sudden gut punch, where we see what other ppl really think of the main character. he thought he was soooo smart, so in control, the master manipulator. he thought everyone would see him as the most masculine, powerful, interesting guy in the world. what a fuckin joke
btw someone on the disco elysium team was definitely a big fan of this book. the fascism, the loser cop archetype, the divorce, the focus on character over plot, the dreamlike introspective stuff. the mix of comedy and tragedy, condemnation and empathy. it all fits so well. it would be pretty easy to make a hdb who's basically an alternate universe robbocop
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soleminisanction · 2 months
Your Anti-Stephanie Brown is the only reason I am still living I have no understanding of why she became everyone's favorite girly. What's your least favorite Stephanie brown headcannon or moment in comics?
Heh, thank you. About once a month I'll get a new person who goes through liking all of my Steph-crit posts, and it's reaffirming to know that people get some relief out of finding someone who shares a common opinion on these frustrations.
As for least favorite moments/headcanons... TBH it varies a lot depending on when you catch me. In terms of canon moments, the entirety of Batgirl 2009 and her part of YJ 2019 pretty much constantly battle it out for least favorite. BG09 is kind of my white whale because it's just... it's such a bad book, badly written, badly drawn, badly conceived, with bad themes and outright offensive characterization, and yet there are people who treat it like the height of comics literature because it worships at the altar of Stephanie.
And while I'm more sad about most of YJ19 than anything else since I can tell it got hard-core screwed over by some behind-the-scenes nonsense, Steph's sections are so blatantly just done to appease people who were harassing the creators, are so infuriatingly Mary Sue-ish (I'm still mad about Earth-3 Steph being a heroic Batwoman just because She's Specialer Than You), and take up so much time that could've been used smoothing out the story for the characters who actually belonged there. It's so aggrivating.
As for headcanons, I mostly don't care what other people do in fandom -- it's fandom, my philosophy is live and let live. But I do side-eye hard anybody who tries to depict her as Black. Stephanie is an extremely white character of the suburban, conservative, welfare-hating, definitely-would've-voted-for-Regan-and-Bush-if-she'd-been-old-enough variety, who gets away with what she does almost entirely because of the white woman victimhood narrative. People who try to make her Black because she's not a millionaire and her hair is curly just weird me out.
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theenpcbracket · 1 year
Seeding Round: Poll 6
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Image IDs included! Click the images to see the full character please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character Descriptions are in the order of their appearance in the poll!
Character 1
Name: HE Party: The Misdemeanor Mateys Relationship to party: Businessman, aggrivating party stalker, final boss
What makes them the best NPC: Mysterious tiny man with static for a head, and the loudest screechiest voice you can imagine (DM once blew out their vocal chords because of him). Levitates and teleports at will, and can pop objects in and out of existence. Runs a business granting magical favors. Originally tried to hire the party to help his business but the group said "fuck no". Now regularly pops in to nag, cause trouble, or play meme songs on a calliope, and occasionally provides useful information. HE controls an alternate dimension called the Mercantile Pile full of items from different times and places, including lots of modern-day technology (unlike the D&D campaign setting). He can be summoned by writing out his name. His calling card is a 7 of Spades, which he can also use to influence the world & cast spells remotely. HE mainly wears business suits & suspenders, but has also appeared in a hazmat suit (riding a tricycle), turtleneck sweater and thigh holster, wetsuit with suspenders painted on, sequin jacket with '69' on the back, peacock burlesque, and nurse drag outfit. He once killed 20 guards with a snap of his fingers. He also destroyed a walkman with a flamethrower. Implied to be the father of the ultra-powerful kid whose primary pastime is handing out enchanted "friendship nuggets" [chicken]. His #1 business competitor is Michael's Wonder Emporium. Eventually turns out to be one of the most central characters to the story.
Quote: "STAY OFF MY THRONE!" "You're going to call me when you need me!"
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Character 2
Name: Parsnip Party: Soup Squad Relationship to party: [Submitter's PC, Barley's] pocket frog/run off prince from a nearby land
What makes them the best NPC: Tumblr sexyman material, and has fighter stats as a druid. He uses wildshape for the express purpose of tagging along with a literal child. This lead to him literally melting in Barley's bag once.
Quote: "So what's with the, uh, rivalry you have with the wizard that's trying to kill us, Barley?"
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Character 3
Name: Mary Byram Party: Ambiscade Gang Relationship to party: Coworker, divorcee
What makes them the best NPC: Mary Byram is living proof that the song “No Children” by The Mountain Goats doesn’t just have to be about romantic relationships gone wrong. She’s a bright red tiefling rogue with a storied past, currently working for a guild called the Thinfingers alongside one of the party members. Previously, she worked with a tiefling rights movement called Hellflame, but something happened there that she doesn’t really talk about. She’s still passionate about both the movement and the group, though.
Our bard lovingly calls her “Mare-Bear.” She hates this. She’s a day drinker. She’s exhausted always. She cares so much but will never admit it unless under duress. I think she genuinely thinks that god cursed her by metaphorically putting her in a get-along shirt with our rogue PC. Their dynamic allowed our party to coin the term “Coworker Divorce” except they’re literally not allowed to actually get rid of each other. She is also constantly saddled with the skater-pilled rogue who was also submitted to the bracket, so she’s usually outnumbered when it comes to harebrained schemes. She’s largely anti-antics, but is down for some antics if she's in control of them. She’s a mastermind and usually gives the help bonus action either by telling people what they fucked up or by telling them NOT to fuck something up. She deserves a break she’ll simply never get.
Quote: "Thoughts?" -the warlock, asking Mary about a proposed plan. "...More than you. Apparently." -Mary
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raspbeyes · 1 year
ace good character question mark (not really morally but yes)
(another one of my longer ones, this one more self-indulgent than actually analytical sorryyy i might just be spouting off stuff already said)
okay out of the gate i love ace as a character and i had to just spit out words into the void of why such an asshole of a character just rose to the top of my list of fav drdt characters
now drdt definetely has a lot of assholes in its cast: arturo, arei, j, charles, and recently teruko herself as of chapter 2. now while i do love the latter three, i cant help but say i dont really love arturo and arei as much and find their asshole tendancies more aggrivating
SO WHY ACE? what did he do? out of anyone, he's the one who's become actually more of an asshole compared to ch 2. at least teruko has ch 1 and a reason for being a jerk, j has her redeemable moments and isnt inherently bad, just coarse, charles was redeemed as was arei, and arturo hasn't done anything that made him inherently worse from ch 1 (i can hear u say "what about the whole j thing?" and my point still stands ... he's still just as insufferable lol). meanwhile, ace has turned from a comedic relief who swears profusely to an actual bully, who while still is probably just bite, actually threatens nico's life several times during ch 2.
i think its the sparse moments of "calm" between his hectic swearing that makes him so much more compelling to me. when a character, especially a character as far gone and stubborn as ace shows these slight moments of awareness of themselves, i think it reveals so much to their character beneath surface level without overtly doing a full reveal, making them sm more interesting to me. what makes ace compelling is where the expectations of his supposedly hot headed demeanor dont add up
rambling time ~
ace has a strange relationship with his talent. for someone who is a red headed, athletic, and foul mouthed character is already signing the alarm bells of a leon kuwata character. those three major traits signal to some sort of pride ace would have for his talent. and while in some ways he is like leon in that he doesn't train much, its actually ace's fear of failure that keeps him pushing past his fear of horses. ace has a habit of supplementing one fear for another, like how he overcame his fear of levi with his fear of the killing game. but at the end of the day, ace lives not by any level of cockiness like his brash character design may suggest, but rather by constant fear.
though ace is aware of his cowardice, as seen in his dialogue in ch1, ep2
Ace: Damn ... I know I'm scared of everything, alright? You don't gotta point that out to me. I wanna overcome my fears, but it's really fuckin' hard!
Right away, when called out, ace admits to knowing of his flaw and even more, he wants to improve! it's wild that a character who seems so bull-headed would even comprehend the thought of self-improvment, especially coming from ace. ace doesn't just have the desire to be safe, but he also has the desire to grow past that mindset (though clearly not enough to actually change). moreover, his line of saying how teruko doesn't have to "point that out" will show up again later
i dont have much to say on the trial outside of the obvious ace being a dick and going along with popular concensus. tho his outburst on levi is interesting. especially where he calls levi a coward
Ace: That's right. Shut your damn mouth, you coward -
I wonder how ace now is the one calling levi a coward when ace previously was terrified of levi. he seems especially peeved off by levi's peacemaker attitude the most. honestly, this is some good ol' fashion projection. Ace is well aware he's a coward, but he calls out levi for somehow the same thing.
personally, i think ace is pissed off that someone as intimidating as levi manages to maintain his anger and fears when ace cannot. We know Levi has a darker past that we aren't aware of and with the slight collpase in his character after ace's sharp remarks, it's clear levi isn't as much of a pushover as he lets on. ace noticed this from the start due to his own paranoia - which is why ace feared levi intially sm - and seeing levi somehow being the better person infuriates him. he wishes to be better, but when he fails, seeing levi further rubs salt into that wound.
a clear but inevitable change occurs within ace from chapter 1 to 2, with the creator (i believe i cant find the screenshot sorryyy) mentioning that ace hasn't been dying his hair red like he usually does to hide away his grey hairs, probably due to the stress. out of anyone's reactions following min's exection, ace's is the most vocal
Ace: Get me the fuck out of here! I don't want to be here anymore! Someone, anyone out there, please help me!!
Because everything, from the body discovery, to the trial, to the execution, were all something ace feared would happen and kept wanting to deny by having outbursts and trying to gain some short-term joy in picking fights. but now, every one last of his fears have been proven true, justifying all of his negative emotions. next we see him in chapter 2 is believing the food eden and levi prepared is poisoned and jumping to the conclusion teruko died when she arrived early.
during the motive reveal, ace says off-handedly
Ace: You've been nothing but a complainer this whole time, Teruko, and that's coming from me.
Again, small detail, but shows ace's awareness that he often complains. just adds to how ace views himself.
Tho more concerningly ace says later
Ace: You know what, fuck it! Fuck this motive, fuck investigating, fuck this killing game, I'm just going to walk around randomly and get my head blown off by whatever's waiting for us. Who cares! Buh-bye!
I will touch on this more later, but here we get the first glimpse of ace's self-destructivness. perhaps in some desperate way to escape his fear of death and everything from the last chapter, ace chooses apathy as the solution to facing death
during teruko's exploration at the gym, ace constantly brings up levi's threat from the trial. but unlike before, where he might cower away, ace shows no fear in snatching levi's stretch band and running away. it seems that while before ace may have wanted to improve by following levi, seeing levi do something ace would have done while facing no reprucussions from the rest of cast drives ace mad. after all, levi did threaten to actually harm ace, while ace only makes cowardly attempts to fight, but somehow people are way more willing to look past levi compared to ace.
however, after teruko calls ace "utterly useless" and "volatile, a coward" and "will die quickly" ace comes rushing back into the gym
however, when confronted and teruko only doubles down on her statement, ace is taken aback before saying
Ace: Tch, I should have realized it from the start. In this killing game, everyone is out to get me. Especially people who love picking fights with me, people like you and Levi (side note: in all of my talk of his self awareness, ace still doesn't realize he's the one starting fights smhh). I can't believe I wasted my time with all that dumb shit like arm wrestling and running around screaming at meaningless stuff. I was fucking stupid to not take this killing game seriously from the start. I'm done with being everyone's kickable scaredy cat. The only thing I should do is look out for myself and myself alone.
His previous awareness of his cowardly-ness now has transformed to self-loathing, as he is angry at himself for not "taking the killing game seriously". it sure seems like he did, judging by his fear of it; but it seems to me he more means trying to let himself get caught up in miniscule conflicts to distract from bigger problems. in some ways, it's like teruko in which ace tried to open up (not a lot, mind you) to distract from the looming fear of dying. but now that it has been confirmed, he feels like he has been played for a fool. his awareness of his "scaredy cat" label further intrigues the audience, because it seems ace truly does loathe how much of a coward he is, but is unable to truly overcome it. before, he seemed more willing to openly express it, and his desire to change, exposing himself slightly. but now he realized how much of a weakness that was for him, as pointed out by teruko, so now ace is determined more than ever to mask his fear with more destructive tendancies.
next we see ace is with what becomes the start with his rivalry with nico. we do get a hint in chapter 1 of ace picking on nico, but here, it fully explodes to actually bullying.
when asked what set ace off, nico recounts how he mentioned that if ace keeps on yelling, people will "keep thinking you're dumb". now idk when this happened, but likely right after teruko said pretty much veratim what nico is warning ace about happening. with it already proven true, ace is already prepared to fire back and now direct all his resentment towards his classmates of their perception of him on nico.
Ace: You all think I'm damaged in the head. But more than that ... Levi, Teruko, Nico, Veronika, and everyone else. You all think you can say whatever the fuck you want to my face, right? I'm stupid, irritating, a good-for-nothing, and a spineless coward. Is that what everyone really thinks of me? And it's fine that you drill it into my head over and over again, because you think that I'll forget about it in 5 minutes like you do? Ha! Ha ha ha ha! You're sooo funny! So fucking funny, did anyone ever tell you that? You think I act like this for fun, and then I go to bed and sleep soundly at night, you dumb piece of shit?
THIS! THIS IS WHAT MAKES ACE SO COMPELLING! Because as much as it seems like Ace is rejecting what everyone is saying from the list he made of negative traits, I'd argue only Teruko hands-down affirmed what Ace says about himself. Levi apologized multiple times, Nico further explained he meant it as constructive critcism, and well ... idk Veronika is just thrilled so she doesn't care. Honestly, while it might be true the cast thinks that of him, only 4 people have mentioned it, and two already apologized. But that was enough for ace, because form this dialogue alone, it inadvertenly reveals this is how ace views himself constantly
that's why i love ace's character writing. he can outwardly seem like such a jerk (and he is, no denying that) from being a coward, but with his dialogue, it reveals so much about it without him ever uncharacteristically acting vulnerable. he fully weaponizes his own self-hatred and chooses to instead reframe it as everyone else's full hatred of him. he is constantly hating himself, but at the same time, it conflicts with his want to be seen by others better. due to his own self hatred however, he believes that everyone already looks down on him, which creates its own self-fufilling prophecy
(SPOILER FOR THE RECENT EP 9) this even connects with his relationship with food. while jockies do develop eds due to the strict weight limiations to correctly ride the horse, that quickly can spiral to body image issues, and thus how people view them. ace's ed likely further adds to his hatred to not just himself but his own body, an ed that is further justified by said talent. moreover, we know previously how it is his fear of being viewed a failure that pushes him to become a jockey.
but instead of being able to better himself, he chooses to project and cover these self-loathing thoughts as not just his own, but everyone else's. and with nico - someone ace despises due to nico being the coward ace likely fears he is seen as (get it ... scaredy cat ... cuz ... cuz nico looks like a cat ... hehehe ill see myself out) - to point it out to him right after being told off by teruko is what broke the camel's back for him.
moreover, with how ace questions the others about him choosing to act the way he does "for fun" hints to the actual lack of control ace feels he has not just on the world, but himself. he cannot find anything in himself to like, but because he doesn't know how to be better, he's left constantly internalizing it. it may be why he constantly causing a stir and lashing out, in order to never be left alone to think about it like he would at night
it may be why ace threatens to "bash" veronica's "brain out", so veronika, in all her psycho analysis, only points out the surface level fear of the killing game pushing ace to act the way he does, treating ace like a coward. and he is, but ace knows that more than anyone else about himself and the constant treatment of him as pathetic infuriates him because in his eyes, they all aren't pin pointing anything ace doesn't know about himself that he may be able to control.
(tho before i continue on, just know whatever i've been rambling on about is not a justification of any of ace's actions, especially him being a massive asshole to nico, only due to his own insecurity and not because of nico himself. while ace didn't deserve to be attempted-murder-ed for it, he is the one who took the first shot and people have the right to be upset, especially nico. pls dont take this post as me justifiying ace's actions or his words at all T^T he's an intersting characters and i just like watching characters cause interesting conflicts)
During the cafeteria scene, when david intervenes in ace exposing nico's secret, ace says
Ace: Tch. Of course. You always need people like David to save you from mean bullies like me, huh? What a pathetic weakling. The truth is, you're nothing but a spineless whelp who can't stand up for yourself.
Nico: Why are you so cruel?
Ace: Go ahead and cry. Let everyone swoop in and help you.
Nico: You're ... You're the worst.
Ace: Yeah? And?
Ace refers to himself as a "mean bully" and accepts the label as "the worst" from nico fully, showing how he plans on only "looking out for himself". Ace is aware what he is doing is wrong, which is interesting from the bully archetype.
And as others have mentioned before, his line of calling nico a "pathetic weakling" feels less just directed at nico, but more himself. Ace, in his perspective, finds it unfair that Nico has aroused others' pity while ace only manages to drive them away (here's a thought: don't start a fight first chance u get lol). he believes that nico and him are both equals in terms of "patheticness" but nico, in ch 1, is sought after by xander and teruko (something ace interjects into). In some vain way to gain an edge over what ace views as his worst qualities, ace antagonizes nico, but it only leads to more people supporting nico (obviously lol). we'll see often ace referring to nico as a coward, 100% projecting.
but after david, hu, and nico run out the cafeteria, i think ace's interaction with rose is particularly interesting and definitely worth looking into.
Rose: Ace, you definitely went too far.
Ace: Haah? You wanna go --
Rose: You're doing it again. How do you have so much energy to fight all the time?
Ace: Tch - Look, I just ... I struggle to control myself sometimes when I get angry. Or something.
Levi: Still, that in no way warrants what you said to Nico -
Ace: Oh, like you're one to talk. Why am I sticking around this dump? I'm leaving.
I have to wonder what Rose said that caught Ace off-guard. this is speculation, but initially ace seemed fired up to fight. But when Rose instead poses a question rather than a statement of ace's character, it's what manages to cool him down enough to admit his own anger issues. In a way, Rose may have been a lingering question Ace often thinks himself, and for Rose to verbalize it manages to cool Ace down. But when Levi makes a statement about ace, that and what ace views as levi's hypocrisy is enough to put ace back on the offensive (or defensive... idk he's just angry all over again)
now onto nico's attempted murder (also have to say this, but omg i love ace's va, Seth Raffield. especially during ch 6. bro put his everything to sound actually in pain its incredible work all throughout!)
while most of ace's reaction is in line of what you'll expect ace - hell anyone really if they were nearly murdered - to say (ie swear profusely and scream).
however, for once, ace is offered help from levi and eden (idk about teruko lol but ig she gives advice in telling ace to give up on finding nico.
Ace: Don't bother. I'd rather bleed all over my room than accept any sort of help from you.
Levi: Don't say that. Your injury is serious. If you don't get medical treatment right now, you're going to make your situation worse -
Ace: Then I'll let it get worse! I'd rather die alone than accept your help! It's inevitable anyway, so why should I take your pity on top of everything else I have to suffer through?! Don't talk to me ever again!
Levi: ...
Eden: Don't say that ...
Ace: You know ... Heh. I've always wondered which is worse, dying young or living a long shitty life of suffering. But it turns out neither of those options are as bad as this.
Teruko: What's 'this'?
Ace: Don't ask stupid crap. And also? Go eat shit. [Ace proceeds to pass out]
This always confuses me. LIKE WHAT IS 'THIS' REFERRING TO? The killing game? Being murdered? Nico getting away with murder??? WHAT AHHH?
It's so puzzling I cannot for the life of me figure out what ace is alluding to by what is so bad from dying at nico's hand. Whatever it is is clearly important since teruko points out ace's vague phrasing BUT I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!! ( T^T )
Though from what i do know, ace clearly still holds a deep resentment for levi, rather wanting to die than get his help. And that's a huge jump from ace of ch1 who was terrified of death, and perhaps he still is. but we did see early in ch2 after the motive reveal this self-destructive attitude he has adopted since the min's execution.
He fully accepts his death, calling it inevitable, which may be even more true for ace's case with the understanding of his ed. with his body "falling apart" and eds being known to get in the way of a body being able to properly recover, ace's paranoia of death becomes something not just delusion but a constant reality for him. Death is always present in his mind, with it seeming he has spent a long time questioning whether dying young or old is better or worse.
I don't have much to say as of newer material since it's pretty expected of ace's reaction. tho its really jarring how people are fully unwilling to accept the possibility nico attempted to kill ace WHEN HE WAS CLEARLY INJURED. it's wild. i can't say i agree with him fully going after nico during the investigation, but i cant say i think ace is in the wrong since LITERALLY NOBODY IS WILLING TO BELIEVE ACE, not even eden nor teruko choose to back him up on what they saw.
so uh tl;dr (don't blame u)
soo ...yeah ace cool character maybe? idk if anything i really said was anything ground breaking i just had to compile them all together in this big ol' post. ace is a character who idk resonates with me in all of his frustration. a lot of what he says feels like a very human feeling of knowing his wrongs but feeling powerless to make a change, creating a cycle of bitter frustration. it's what really makes ace stand out, as while at first he appears to be a one off hot headed joke, ch 2 takes the breadcrumbs laid out in ch 1 and truly expands on the implications it means. He's the bully trope, but instead of bullying out of confidence, he bullies from insecurity. And not just that, he is very aware of it and hates himself for how he acts. A bully who wants to do better but can't control himself is just intriguing and i cant wait to see more ace development
now anyway ill be off in my sacrifice circle to manifest survivor ace
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ultraericthered · 7 months
One Villainous Scene: When Love Is Gone
As Valentine's Day is the day of love, my Valentine's gift is not one but two One Villainous Scenes featuring love as the central theme, one leaning on the darkly comical side, the other on just plain dark.
This would be the latter. From the excessive amount of featuring he got in promotion and marketing forToy Story 3, it was clear in 2010 that Lotso Huggin' Bear was one of the film's most major characters, and that they likely had a lot to hide from the audience concering him given how little we were really seeing from him aside from his debut scene. The most common guess was "Lotso is actually the villain!", and....yeah, that turned out correct. It wasn't much a surprise, as it got outed in Lotso's second scene. What turned out to be the real surprise was the extent to which Lotso was a villain. No one was prepared for just how dark, how vile, and how cruel a villain he'd be.
This scene comes right at the climactic point of the film. Woody and the rest of Andy's toys think they're free from Sunnyside Daycare when down comes Lotso and his gang, having tortured their escape plan out of Chatter. Lotso mocks the notion that the toys want to leave Sunnyside to go back to their kid, who "don't want them no more." Woody decrying this statement as a lie prompts the still smug and self-assured Lotso to challenge him "If your kid loves you so much, why is he leavin'? You think you're special, cowboy? You're a piece of plastic! You were made to be thrown away!" There's actually an undercurrent of irritation at Woody when Lotso says this, like it really does bother him that the sheriff would have the gall to believe he's loved enough by his owner to be held in higher regard that your average toy, and never be discarded the way toys so often are.
"Speak of the devil", the garbage truck slowly begins to come down the lane, so Lotso proposes his ultimatum: come back to Sunnyside and be complacent with their stations in communal life together, or get thrown in the dumpster to be picked up by the garbage truck. But then not only do Jessie and Barbie tell him off rather than be shaken by his threats, but Ken, one of his own chief lackeys, comes to stop him from throwing Barbie away and advocates for structural reform to Sunnyside from the dictatorship Lotso's made of it over the years. Note that at this point in the story, we have never seen Lotso get angry. We saw him snap in his backstory, but in the present day events, he has remained mentally fettered, cheerfully authoritative, and in total control at all times. At Ken's show of care for Barbie, Lotso gets even more aggrivated than he was at Woody mere seconds ago, to the point of hurling him across the dumpster to where Stretch and Andy's toys are, and then while his smugness returns as Ken makes his plea, he again dispalys visible anger and displeasure as he argues against the idea that he's the problem with Sunnyside. "I didn't throw you away, your kid did! Ain't one kid ever loved a toy really! Chew on that while you're in the dump!" His mind is made up, and he turns to leave his victims to their coming fate.
"Wait! What about Daisy?" Comes Woody's voice from behind him, and you could almost hear a pin drop at this part. At first Lotso denies knowing what Woody's talking about so as to not expose any of his covered past to his minions, but when Woody presses the matter, the bear claims "and then she threw us out." "No" Woody counters, "she loved you." "She replaced us!" snaps Lotso, prompting Woody to scald him with the truth. "She replaced YOU. And if you couldn't have her, no one could! You LIED to Big Baby and you've been lying ever since!" Woody throwing over Big Baby's heart pin that Daisy wrote her name on is accompanied by more truth that Lotso doesn't want to hear: Daisy loved Lotso as much as a kid could ever love a toy, and it was due to that love for her Lotso Huggin' Bear that her parents bought a replacement Lotso for her after her first one got left behind. Much as she might've also liked Chuckles and Big Baby, only Lotso mattered that much to her that she'd immediately need him back. As a human, she had no way of viewing the Lotsos as their own, different and distinct sentient beings: she just loved Lotso as a toy. Therefore, it was Lotso who ultimately showed he never truly loved Daisy enough to value her happiness over his own, and his friendship with Chuckles and Big Baby proved just as fleeting, as he lied about all three of them having gotten replaced to Big Baby and made Chuckles, who'd seen otherwise, swear to uphold this lie.
But what comes next is the real telling bit. Lotso just screams at Woody "She NEVER loved me!", but Big Baby can only start to cry as he looks down at the heart with his ex-owner's name written on it. At the single utterance of "Mama", Lotso's last thread snaps. "What, you want your mommy back? She NEVER LOVED YOU! DON'T BE SUCH A BABY!" And what's striking is the parallel we can draw to the backstory where Lotso first saw he'd been replaced and snapped. To hammer in his lie to Big Baby, he'd said "She don't love you no more!" Notice that phrasing: "no more", signifying that Lotso did believe that Daisy had sincerely loved the three toys but felt like by not going back for them and even replacing him, she'd shown she'd stopped loving them. The love had been passing and transcactional on the kid's end. But the phrasing in this scene is different: she NEVER loved me, and she NEVER loved you. So over time, Lotso stopped believing that the love and affection he'd been shown by his kid was ever genuine. He stopped believing love truly existed, least of all in the hearts of human toy owners, hence "Ain't one kid ever loved a toy really." In his denial that Daisy ever truly loved him, Lotso forgot what the love felt like, and in turn forgot what it was like to love. His ever hardened heart knows only sorrow, frustration, hatred, and pain. When he established his tyrannical rule over Sunnyside, for all his talk of being a happy found family and "no owners means no heartbreak", he had no good intentions behind any of what he's done: he lives his life as a toy perpetually hurting on the inside, and figured that how much less hurt he could feel could only be measured by how much more he could hurt others.
And worst of all, Lotso reveals here that at his now rotten core, he's also a nihilist. Demanding Andy's toys and Ken get pushed into the dumpster and slugging Big Baby with his cane, he rants furiously that toys should not go thinking for themselves, as "We're all just TRASH waitin' to be THROWN AWAY! That's all a toy is!" With Ned Beaty's voice acting sounding totally deranged with rage and almost on the verge of choking up, Lotso loudly declares that he believes nothing in a toy's life truly matters if toys are all made to ultimately meet the end of being thrown out with the trash, and so he values nothing. Not life, not love or friendship, not even himself. In his mind, he exists in a "every toy for themselves" reality, and so if he can't navigate through it by the empowering self-determination of putting himself on top of others and securing that power by pushing others ever further down beneath him, then he might as well not exist at all....for what else then would he even exist as except a piece of disposable garbage?
Lotso is a strikingly dark, twisted character to come out of this franchise, who asserts himself as truly evil by his world's standards. He's such an absolute monster that we can feel nothing but satisfied glee and relief when Big Baby goes full Darth Vader on his fuzzy, strawberry-scented ass, picking him up and hurling him into the dumpster, then closing the lid down on him against his protests. You get what you deserve, Lotso....and not even for the last time either!
OK, here's the "Where's your kid now, Sheriff?" scene since that's no doubt the Losto villainous scene that comes to most minds. This one features the entire legendary sequence, including the well-deserved fate worse than the Caterpillar Room that Lotso ends up meeting.
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thenixkat · 9 months
I've been chewing on it but if Flamela and the Elf Queen are like supposed to be referencing Dark Elves rather than just say some poorly drawn dark-skinned folks then it's turning my opinions about the designs of the ambiguously brown characters from disappointed to aggrivated.
*Edit. Apparently, the super dark elf thing is explained in-universe as a rare trait in the royal line. That being said the more images I see in the artbooks does illustrate that the mangaka is really bad at drawing/coloring folks who arent pale. Between giving them Eurocentric features and being so inconsistent in coloring for the same lighting that Kabru, Kiki, and Kaka (and also Flamela) are really changing colors more than a chameleon at a rave.
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attackfish · 2 years
I saw a deeply stupid post in the Ursa tag the other day, which is unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence, but in this case, this particular post took aim not only at Ursa, the fictional character, but at the human beings who defend her parenting of Azula. The poster said that it really bothers them when people try to justify Ursa's reactions to Azula' behavior by saying that Ursa was just worried about her daughter's behavior, because after all, that's what the abusive parents of neurodiverse children say too, they say it's about the behavior not the child.
This line of logic is deeply flawed and dare I say problematic. Azula wasn't stimming. She wasn't talking too much in class. She wasn't misreading social cues and upsetting someone. She wasn't doing any number of things that neurodivergent children do that are ultimately harmless, for which they are punished. She wasn't even doing something that was potentially dangerous to herself, for which she had minimal understanding or control over. The behavior that concerned her mother was the skillful manipulation, control and bullying, of her brother and companions, animal cruelty, and speculating openly and gleefully about her grandfather's possible death or usurpation, something that would be echoed not long after by her equally gleeful taunting of her brother with the prospect that their father is about to murder him.
This behavior is all very much the product of Ozai's abusive parenting, and a sign of deep psychological damage that has been done to her. It's also dangerous to herself and to her peers, including her brother, and if it isn't somehow stopped, it indicates that she will grow into a dangerous adult. I want to repeat that, her behavior, leaving aside the concerns for what it might mean for her future development, is already dangerous to herself and other children.
This is a thing that happens in the real world. Children, including traumatized children, often exhibit behavior that is dangerous to themselves and others, and that behavior should absolutely concern the caring adults in their lives. Likewise, behavior that is the sign of trauma and abuse should also concern the caring adults in a child's life.
Ursa is not aghast that her child is acting in socially frowned upon ways. She is coping with a child who is engaging in deliberate and profound cruelty aimed at other children, including her brother. There would be something very wrong with Ursa as a parent if that didn't scare her, as indeed there is something extremely wrong with Ozai, who encourages it.
The use of neurodiversity here is especially aggrivating to me for two reasons, the first, because it feels manipulative as hell, and is used to claim that any parent who is concerned about their child's very worrying behavior is in fact ableist, and a bad parent. More, this logic is overtly aimed not at Ursa the fictional character, but at the real people who don't agree that her treatment of Azula was mistreatment. It's the manipulative use of accusations of ableism and supporting the abuse of neurodiverse children to win a fannish arguement, and as a disabled and neurodiverse person, seeing ableism against neurodiverse children used as effectively a manipulation tactic in this way is offensive, and also dangerous, because it is exactly the kind of argument that ableist parents bring up to counter people advocating on behalf of neurodiverse children, who want them to not be punished for behaviors that are part of their neurodiversity.
The other reason I find this particular argument nauseating is because of the exact type of behavior that Azula was engaging in, which is to say the bullying of her brother and companions, in which she exhibits a high level of social awareness, and certain types of strong social skills. I was regularly bullied by children with strong social skills and high levels of social awareness, for my lack of those things, and for my weirdness, almost all of which was born from either my neurodiversity, or my lack of social experience thanks to my disabilities. This bullying was often either ignored, or encouraged by the parents and teachers of the bullying children. They did not view this deliberate cruelty as concerning. And they should have.
Azula has one parent who sees that behavior as concerning, as extremely troubling, and one parent who doesn't. The fact that so many people in this fandom seem to think that realizing this kind of behavior is troubling, inherently makes someone a bad parent, is frustrating in the extreme, because it is in fact an example of good parenting, and Ozai's lack of concern about that behavior is part of what makes him one of the most abusive fathers in children's media.
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stellarunimoon · 5 months
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im so scared right now. this is the first time ive posted on here in a WHILE so my artstyle is :skull: completely different. i plan on revamping this whole uhh profile. ill still keep up the artwork though so my growth can be visible :- )
so this is a part of my blue diamond au i was doodling. i dont plan on making any comics or anything just some little silly pictures cause i like that kind of thing.
so i kind of felt like keeping all their previous personalities, i dont like when they take after the one that they were replacing, but thats just a personal preference. im just gonna infodump lmao
yellow - since shes more of an easily aggrivated one and has a superiority complex, i thought instead of controlling gems like white does, she could paralyze them, so the finale keeps its effect while still being in character. her pearl is still the same, likely a different outfit or form though, i havent decided yet.
pink - she's still childish and tempermental, but it's more forgiven due to her rank, and it's less because of her responsibilities. her old pearl, pink pearl, was still given to white, however white also already had a pearl. she just has two now. ( it is not our regular pearl, its a new one with a new design ill give. ), she's probably the one who needs them the most, and they will NOT be controlled, pink pearl will just be rejuvinated and given a new form <3 more on that later. our pearl does not exist in this au, or she does, i guess, but since our pearl is just the "default" settings, i feel like THIS pink would give her a form that actually matches her, and due to the different style of her being raised, she felt less remorse for damaging pink pearl. still remorse, just less so due to her desensitization and her having to shatter gems with her role.
white - this was mentioned in the artwork but my handwriting is sloppy so ill repeat it. she controls all the gems in her court, because she wants perfection. this includes the gems of different colors, for example.. our peridot, our peridot WILL be a different gem, and she'll probably be a light pink naturally, white when controlled. during future all of whites court will be freed. these gems are controlled from screens, like the ones in yellows room in SU:F. most of her gems remain idle until necessary, but her pearls would assist her in controlling them because. That's a lotta work. she likely has a lot of different gadgets to figure this out cause, yeah, the gempire is big but . . i made this up like an hour ago so cut me some slack.
blue - blue will still be emotional, and that's likely a causation of her rebellion. her pearl is the same as hers in the canon, she did not hit her like pink did. their relationship is still toxic, and like rose in canon, she was trying to change. she just failed. while pink affected the gems because she didn't realize the power she held, and never finished what she started ( spinel being abandoned... she's a little freak for that honestly. also commanding pearl to stay silent, (i don't think that was intentional, i think she just felt like it was a normal request, and didn't realize how much power she still held. that could be debated though cause "for my last order to you as a diamond"..) i think blue affected them emotionally. guilt tripping, self pity, and 2-D thinking. blue was probably more prone to shattering, but would also be very hypocritical. she could not see from the rebel gems perspective EVEN THOUGh she's trying to recruit them. to her, she just wants to win.
anyways that was what i was thinking lmao i kinda just made this up #Sorry
i only drew banded white agate because i did "random steven universe character generator" and it was like "holly blue agate" and i was like Yea Sure im down.
thanks for listening if you did. if not i dont really care i mighjt just add do this IDK WHAT IM DOING!!! this is probably just gonna be a doodle account for my different fixations. (except saw i dont like drawing real people. yet.)
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Home
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So ya'll ever watch a movie you know for a fact, just by looking at it, is made for babies and very small children? Yeah, that's what Home is, in like, almost every way. It is a dumb movie made for dumb children. I didn't like it. Let's get into why.
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The Boov are (super quirky omgzz) alien race that take over the planet Earth as their new home, relocating humans, all except for Tip, a no-nonsense girl who's determined to find her missing mother. She teams up with Oh, perhaps the most fucking annoying Boov of all to the point that he's hated even by his fellow aliens, as they travel across the Earth to find Tip's mom.
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Simple premise, simple movie. And yet despite that, it still manages to have really weird and fucky pacing? Like moments that should be spent on actually developing the characters and their relationships with each other are just... glossed over through montages or very brief scenes? It's really, really weirdly paced, I don't even know how to properly explain it. It felt like the movie was speed running itself (fine with me, the sooner it ended, the better.)
So if the movie isn't focusing on that, what is it focusing on? Well some pretty unexciting action scenes for one, but then there's the real thing this movie is about: humor. Really shitty, bad, immature, lame potty humor and "omgz so random!" kind of humor that was running rampant in the 2010s. Like I said, this is a baby movie, for babies. So all of the jokes are very simple and dumbed down and not a single one of them got even a smile out of me. This entire movie was a flaccid, joyless experience.
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When it isn't smacking you in the face with fart and piss jokes, its trying so damn hard to hit you in the feels. But in that reguard, it takes a swing and misses completely because I felt nothing for these characters in the slightest. Oh might just be one of the most annoying Dreamworks protagonists yet, with this really aggrivating way of talking that all the Boov have where they skip words or just say things wrongly and I get it, that's the joke, but fuck if it doesn't become grating almost immediately. Tip is only a little better, but she's largely an inconsistant character, hating Oh at one point and then being besties with him the next that I barely even knew what her characterization was even supposed to be.
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What else, what else? Uh.... There was a villain? The leader of the Boov? I don't remember anything significant about him? Oh and uhhh the uhhh (checks Wikipedia page bc this movie made such a nothing impact on me i can barely remember it only ten minutes after viewing it) the Gorg, which is also a nothing threat, just there to be "oooh scary" until the end where it's revealed it isn't actually scary at all and just wanted its babies back (fucking Chicken Little did this first and better, you know your movie sucks if I'm saying goddamn Chicken Little is better).
The animation is very basic, very unimpressive character designs in a very average looking world. It's not what you'd expect from Dreamworks, that's for sure; I'd say its more along the lines of Illumination's normal quality. The soundtrack was all done by Rihanna, who voices Tip, and uhhh I'm not a big Rihanna fan, just gonna admit that up front. Her songs also just feel ill-placed throughout this very silly, zany romp, it just felt so weird at times to hear these soulful ballads when I had to fucking look at Oh's stupid face like what were they thinking with this???
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So yeah, bad movie for babies. Sucks because I know Dreamworks can do better, they have so many times before. Unfortunately, sometimes, I think they just go for whatever they think will sell. And well, I'm sure they thought Oh would turn into a million marketable plushies (he probably did idk). But anyway, Home can go the fuck home so I never have to look at it again.
Overall Rating: 3/10
Verdict: Get assassinated with the Shush wand or whatever the fuck it was called idk i stopped paying attention halfway through this dumbass movie to play on my Switch
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Previous Review (The Penguins of Madagascar)
Next Review (Kung Fu Panda 3)
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starlit-mansion · 11 days
One of the things that kills me about athena is that a character who is actually genuinely socially awkward but skilled, or whose chipper persona is mostly to completely fake would be an interesting addition to the weird girl menagerie, but that's not what's going on with her. Instead, they tell you she was a serious little girl with severe social and sensory problems as a child but she just decided to not be like that anymore. and they tell you she's terrified to be in half the places she goes after the fact but don't let you see the edges of the facade. she acts appropriately enough to just make her come of as quirky, and her shown emotions are appropriate 90% of the time. she has this fake persona that's also funtionally her real personality. and it really aggrivates me. like i KNOW 'bad writing' is the misogynist's fig leaf but i love most of the women in the games. she just genuine grates on me.
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