#they were honest living people who made human problems
fandomtrash264 · 2 years
I'm not going to lie to yall,
As sad as it makes me, my first impression of When You Finish Saving the World? I don't like it.
I'd like to think that I'll look back on it and change my opinion but idk.
I also may read the book and then make my opinion becayse ad a movie adaptation, it could be that they did an amazing job and I just don't like the story. But yes. I was not a fan of the story.
I can elaborate on why, I just don't want to spew a negative review when I haven't read the og story. I just really wanted to talk about it.
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drchucktingle · 5 months
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this was a comment on one of my post from a recent live event. it was photos of joyful queer buckaroos celebrating together and proving love is real through creation, community, and a trot of love. most important I AM LITERALLY IN PHOTO AS A REAL FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN
it got me thinking about how DEEP AND VICIOUS the irony poisoning of these early internet communities goes. the way buds like this cannot fathom someone just being a sincere person unrelated to their OWN old days of cynical posting. it is fascinating, and i will admit, sad too
despite a DECADE of work, countless live events, 350 tinglers written well before large language models were a thing, there are still people who cannot imagine someone like me could exist. it is a strange place to be. not just part of me, but my entire EXISTENCE is often gatekept
it is easy to say ‘well chuck your art IS strange’ but honestly i think it is more than that. magical realism is common. there are stories about dinosaurs and bigfeet and unicorns. this scoundrel reaction is about two unspoken things: my art is neurodivergent, and my art is queer
heres the thing: I WILL BE FINE. what concerns me is not an issue of MYSELF, it is a concern for the other young outsider buckaroos who see comments like this one and think ‘is that what they will say if i express MY unique way? will i be dehumanized like this at every turn?'
i will be honest, i cannot say that WONT happen, but i CAN say this: for as deep as this irony poisoning goes, it is slowly dying. the way i was treated at the start of my career is LIGHTYEARS DIFFERENT from the way i am treated now. there is a massive shift towards sincerity
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY. to young artists trotting up, the things that i am harassed over and doubted for and made fun of for are NOT tangental to what has made me successful, THEY ARE LITERALLY THE SAME THINGS THAT HAVE MADE ME SUCCESSFUL. YES I AM STRANGE, WHAT OF IT?
the things that you tuck away for fear of a review that says ‘there is a PROBLEM with this art because it has always been done another way’ THOSE ARE YOUR SUPERPOWERS. the gatekeepers want you to tuck those parts of yourself away because THEY TUCKED AWAY THOSE PART OF THEMSELVES
never forget that your unique way is PURE UNFILTERED 100 PERCENT ROCKET FUEL. it will stick out (maybe, if you are lucky, scoundrels will even say that someone like you could never actually be real), but sticking out isnt so bad when you are waving the flag of love.
in fact, when youre waving the flag of love, sticking out is pretty dang cool. what are flags for, after all? LOVE IS REAL BUCKAROOS. thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed this long post then please consider preordering BURY YOUR GAYS.
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radiance1 · 1 year
There was a new cafe open in Gotham.
Such thing would usually not be a problem whatsoever, except for the fact that the family that ran said bakery just appeared out of nowhere one day. No one knew who they were, not where they came from.
The two parents- Mr. and Mrs. Fenton seemed to be the usual case of brilliant scientists about to snap and go crazy, and yes, everyone who visited said store waited with baited breath for said thing to happen.
Except, it never did.
They were just being your normal (as you can get in Gotham) run of the mill parents taking care of their two kids while simultaneously running a bakery.
Almost made them feel silly for waiting for the other shoe to drop, but in Gotham you could never be too sure.
Their oldest child, Jasmine Fenton passed college with flying colors, and seemed to be your normal run of the mil teenage girl busy with taking care of school and stuff.
Their youngest and last child- Danny Fenton- was a bit of an enigma, to be honest. He didn't seem to be going to school, instead staying and helping run his parents' bakery alongside- or alone when they were busy with something else- his parents. The room noticeably got colder whenever he was around, his touch colder than the normal human should be, his breath a tad too cold whenever he was speaking over someone's shoulder, and his teeth literal fangs.
They assume him to be a meta, and if he didn't already have parents would have assumed him to be Mr. Freeze's long-lost child or something.
Everyone was determined to treat them like a normal family, maybe a tad weird but honestly, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say there was something weird about everyone who lived in Gotham.
They were just a normal family, maybe have a past they're running from, who are the Gothamites to judge. At least, until they were attacked by one of Gotham's rouges.
The daughter was at school, well out of the fire zone.
Ms. Fenton calmly rang out a bell on the counter, while Mr. Fenton didn't even stop from where he was carrying multiple people's orders (with the help from small green beings the Fenton's call blob ghosts) and then out from the ceiling appeared what looked like extremely high-tech weapons and without a second's delay were they fired, the villain was not killed, but were knocked out cold.
Then their son appeared from the kitchen, dusting his hands off on his apron, calmly walked to the villain and proceeded to throw them out of the establishment as easy as breathing and walk back into the kitchen as if nothing had happened.
They knew there was another shoe just waiting to drop, and drop it did. They're just glad it wasn't the result of another villain added to the rogue's ranks.
And hey, they'll be turning a blind eye for as long as they could when said family makes some of the best pastries and meanest cups of coffee in Gotham.
(Two days after that was it made known that their daughter pulled out one of those same high-tech guns on the Red Hood.)
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mrmeowski · 2 months
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˚✧𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐/𝟐✧˚
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Synopsis: You never imagined that after a year in this place, you'd be carrying the kid of some celestial being. To be honest, you were terrified; you had no idea this would happen, and he had never discussed it. You hesitated initially to tell him, but as things became too difficult to conceal, you gave in and informed him of the news, unsure how he'd take it.
CW: Slight angst, Lesson 76 spoiler [End part of Simeon's], faintly mentions breeding kink [Michael]
Word Count: 4.6k
Characters: 🧡༻✧ Barbatos [746] 💜༻✧ Diavolo [692] 🧡༻✧ Mephistopheles [599] 💜༻✧ Michael [692] 🧡༻✧ Raphael [690] 💜༻✧ Simeon [728] 🧡༻✧ Solomon [520] Surprise Pregnancy Pt. 1/2»
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The ever-vigilant butler detected a problem before you even noticed it. Barbatos has become accustomed to your regular visits to the Demon Lord's Castle and is always at the entryway to greet you. So when your customary arrival time passed, he patiently waited; perhaps something came up and you had to delay. However, his patience has dwindled, and his wait has become longer.
Before he was able to figure it out on his own, you sent a message indicating that you were feeling nauseated and were unable to make it to the castle. He scowled; this wasn't enough; people don't go around feeling ill for no cause. Because you insisted on leaving the matter and not taking it seriously, he knew you wouldn't bring more information. So he took action, using his ability to see into the past. The Young Master instructed him not to use this incredible talent whenever he felt like it, but when it came to you... it is necessary.
He wanted to know whether he had put something on your food that made you feel that way, but he came up empty-handed because everything he provided you, drinks and food, was in excellent condition. He considered other details that he had overlooked in the past, such as whether you or someone else touched you and caused you to have the illness. Again, nothing came to pass. Feeling defeated, he instead looked ahead to see if your illness worsens.
His fear came to be, it intensified to the point that you began to vomit. Still, he can't find the source of your nausea. Until a specific day, you had a positive pregnancy test. The demon butler's blood went cold. He needed to take a breather but wanted to know if things went well in the end. A human pregnant with a demon child is not and never will be safe for the mother! So, even if he didn't want to, he went forward, further into the future. He witnessed all feasible branches, all of which resulted in your death, the kid's death, or, worst of all, both dying.
The butler doesn't realize he's crying and he needs to stop. He had always been so strong and composed, but now he was a wreck. Despite the sadness and pain, he saw a ray of hope. A path that allows you to both survive and thrive. He needed to direct you and his child there. Abandoning all of his duties for a short while—Diavolo must understood his reasoning—he went to the House of Lamentation without asking for permission to enter then straight to your room.
He was the one who informed you of your pregnancy. You had no idea—you didn't even suspect it! His red bulging eyes indicated that he had seen something, and if he wanted to keep his young one, it had to be nice. You simply trusted him throughout the future voyage. After the revelation, you very much lived at the Demon Lord's Castle, much to the dismay of the brothers, with the exception of Lucifer. The Demon Prince and the firstborn were the only ones who knew about this.
The butler still performs his young master's tasks, much to the latter's dismay, as he had advocated devoting his time completely to you, but your demon persisted. You always have herbal tea along with foods that are soothing for you and your child. But, despite all of this delight, he occasionally wonders about the road he has chosen, fearing that if he makes one mistake, he will ruin everything.
But he doesn't have to worry any longer, because you were under ideal conditions, at least for a human bearing a demon child. Even though he has seen everything and has a torture chamber in the castle's depths, he can't bring himself to look at your pained countenance and those troubled gasps. He felt his stomach twist and spin as it does when he sees rodents, but this time it was far worse. He hoped for a happy ending and to see his little one in your arms. He did everything correctly, and there was nothing—
He opened his eyes and heard a wail, but it wasn't from you; it was from a child. Then a nurse approached him and congratulated him, but he paid them little heed. His eyes fixed on your shape, beaming at him, and there in your eyes was his little one. He couldn't be happier.
You didn't know how to tell him; you were afraid, afraid of what the people would think. From the start, there were concerns about Diavolo's ability to reign especially given his young age—for a demon. If his heir is half-human, the kingdom will judge him! All of these things make your head pound, and even though the Demon Prince is preoccupied with paperwork, he knows something's been bothering you.
When you told him the news, he fell silent, and his smile couldn't help but flatten. That look, he was upset, and it was evident he did not want the baby. It saddens you, but you fully understand him. So you suggested not keeping the child, which surprised him. He can see in your eyes that you are going against your own statements, so he asks you why you didn't want to have the child. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but smile when he heard your explanation.
The prince is unconcerned about what his people think of him; he can withstand any backlash from those lowly demons! But... he does worry about your health. A human carrying a demon spawn is never safe, but his genealogy includes one of the most powerful demons in existence. He knew killing it was the wisest option, but he also wanted to keep this young. If things had gone differently, this would have been the joyous day of his life.
So, even though the odds are stacked against you, he entrusts his most loyal butler to guide him and you all the way. Being assured by the latter that there is a chance, you persisted in keeping the child. The demon prince could never be against you, and he did leave the option for you; even if he hadn't, his response would have been the same as yours.
Since everything is settled, he throws a large celebration to inform the Devildom that there will be an heir to the throne. You were against it when he originally told you, but after witnessing how deflated he became, you gave in and let the man be. After all, if someone is brave enough to abduct or worse, attack you, you know you're in capable hands. In addition, you have the seven brothers' pacts.
He connects you with the best doctors in Devildom and even transports you back to your realm, for reasons you don't question. It bothers him, but he can't abandon all of his obligations to this kingdom, and because he knows Barbatos wouldn't have enough time to care for you, he entrusts his right-hand man to do so when he can't. Your lover does his best to be there for you, especially during the last few months.
He absolutely loves to feel your baby bump, especially when his little one's active and kicking. It implies that they are healthy and alive whilst you're in great condition. He can't get enough of it, so sometimes you have to stop him, and he pouts, which makes you feel horrible so you'll let him continue, then the cycle begins. These are the instances when he forgets the consequences of keeping the child.
When you go into labor, there are already far too many nurses available to assist you. Throughout, he sat by you, playing with your hair and telling you that you were doing well. He may appear calm on the outside, but deep inside, he is terrified. Even though he knew the butler would not fail him, he began to question Barbatos' perceptions. The prince lost his mother when she gave birth to him, and he can't bear losing you.
Everything went silent until his ears caught up with the cries of his young. He couldn't breathe, his heart was about to burst as he clutched the child. He makes certain you are well and alive, which you are, and he feels so... blessed to have started a family with you without dire consequences. His childhood was sheltered and lonely; he will not repeat his father's mistakes. He'll make sure his young can go out and see the world, to have many, genuine friends.
The man choked on the Hell Coffee you prepared for him, nearly spitting it on the paperwork. With wide eyes, he peered around the room, asking that there be cameras and that someone cry, "Got you!" but none of that happened. He was scared; why wouldn't he be? You are bearing his child; it is a demonic child! If you hadn't soothed him, he might have fainted right there and then.
After calming down, he felt... quite good, perhaps even great. Knowing that it was his child, not Lucifer's, he felt awful that Diavolo had taken a liking to you, but at this point, he didn't pay attention to them. His thoughts were completely on you and his upcoming child. He had always had a soft place for children and had considered having one with you, even if it was adopted, after watching how you interact with Luke. So this was absolutely wonderful, and it was his own blood!
With claims that he is richer than the Demon Prince, there was no need to worry about the cost of baby clothes and toys. He was pleased to be shopping at the mall, and it felt surreal that it was actually happening. You should expect nothing less than the best treatment from him and his employees. If one of them dares to touch you in the wrong way, they should wish for a speedy death since he will not be the only one who wants to hear their cries.
Rubs it hard on Lucifer, enraging him, but he can't do anything since you'll stop him, making Mephisto even more smug. In addition to gloating to the Avatar of Pride, he reads about demonic-human pregnancy but finds little information on it. However, if this is successful, he will ask for your permission to publish it in the newspaper. He sincerely hopes it works out, but he is afraid he may lose you, the baby, or both.
If he isn't available—due to work or family obligations—he'll have his salamander with you so you have a piece of him on your side. He is confident you will take good care of the adorable salamander! Perhaps you can educate him on how to behave, as the demon cannot seem to. When he is there, he'll be glued to your side, wherever you are, he's just one step behind you ready to buy you something or pounce at anyone and anything.
Feeling the baby bump is still surreal to him; he feels like he'll waking up in a dream. But then he feels his little love kick and move, and he realizes... he knows it's all true, and this will be a new exciting chapter in his life.
His fear had surfaced; he had always pushed it aside, focusing solely on the brilliant sight of this strange pregnancy. He was uneasy whenever you gasped in pain, but he stayed by your side even when he wanted to vomit or pass out. It was a long and difficult process, but it was all worthwhile, and he is so proud to have stayed by your side, all the while commenting on how well you were doing and that everything will be alright.
As he carried his little demon, he whispered a quiet vow into their ears. He may be unable to perform his duties as Diavolo's right-hand man, but he will ensure that he is the perfect father for his child. He will not fail this time; he has a new purpose, one that can only be achieved by him, not Lucifer or anyone else.
He may or may not have laughed in your face when you delivered him the news, believing it was a cruel joke and that you wanted him to feel something. But when you kept silent with a wounded expression on your face, he realized you weren't joking. He felt his heart plummet; first and foremost, he had no idea this was conceivable! There were only a few instances when he indulged himself with you, and in those handful of times he somehow... created life in you?
Despite the shocking revelations, Michael is unable to refuse the child, but he also cannot risk losing you. He was still in denial, asking you whether you were mistaken and that... It isn't his child—saying that pains him—and you didn't respond; instead, you gave him a look to dismiss the concept.
Your relationship with him has always been kept private; if it were to be revealed, he would fear the sanctions that his Father would impose on him, particularly on you. He knew he'd be the one to shoulder the repercussions, but now that you bear his child, he's not sure. He can be guaranteed that at least one person will come to his help. Simeon.
The angel may not like him, but he doesn't care; as long as your life is in danger, he knows Simeon would aid, and the man does. Unfortunately, he is unable to be present at all times to care for you, so he delegated responsibility to Raphael. Whenever he has the chance, he'll immediately be by your side, asking how you're doing and if everything is okay. He is overjoyed to learn that there's a path you and his little angel will live a flourishing life.
Being as strong as he is, even in his absence, he can be confident that the protective blessing he bestowed upon you will be activated when danger approaches. Absolutely babies you; he is known to exhaust people that were beneath him with a slew of responsibilities, yet when it comes to you, he won't even let you lift a finger for assistance. Especially today, given your current situation. It can be a strain at times, but you can't stop him; he appears to enjoy doing these things for you, and it's his way of showing you how important you are, as does this child.
During his break, he'd read about parenting since he knew nothing about it. When he discovered that the baby could hear outside voices even while in the womb, he began telling your stories about him and the brothers as well as Simeon and Raphael. He would go on and on, and if given the opportunity, he would stay with you all day, but he cannot abandon the Celestial Realm's responsibilities.
When the bump becomes evident, he seems unable to move his gaze away from it. His hands remained on them, feeling his child's kicks and movements. He has never thought about love or family, and he is unaware that he is capable of having children. Whenever Father makes an angel, they are his younger sibling and he is their older brother, never their father. He can't put into words the emotions that are stirring inside him. Fear and excitement were obvious... however, there was something else with them. It was... a thrill to see you carry his child and his alone. He sort of wants to put another...
He hasn't paid attention to it since the day came. He flew down to Devildom under the cover of the Demon Prince, hoping to speak with him. Although they did discuss RAD, the genuine explanation is that you are giving birth. He stayed at your side, but he was struggling; he hadn't been exposed to much pain, and the most recent was The Fall, which occurred centuries ago.
As soon as his little angel was born, the man squealed, the most composed and feared angel squeaked like a rat when he saw the second most beautiful being. He cradled his little dove with such care and affection. What a miracle... and his mind cannot help but recall his earlier desires.
You needed to tell him somewhere quiet so he would feel at ease; this is where the child was made, the garden grounds of Purgatory. He was a little perplexed, as you could see in his eyes, and when you broke the news, he fell silent. The air from his lungs was removed. He was afraid. I'm terrified of what can happen, and I'm worried about you. That gaze shattered your heart, and you suggested not keeping the child, but to your surprise, he declined. He is scared, but he knows there is hope, and there is only one way to find it: he knows of an angel who would not snitch on Michael or his Father, and who also admired you.
Simeon was thrilled with the news, but Raphael knew deep down that the latter did not take it well, as seen by the faint quiver in the angel's eyes. Nevertheless, he assisted them in taking the situation directly to the Demon Prince. This made him nervous, but it was the only way to secure your safety while carrying this miracle of a child. He held out hope while he waited for the butler to discover such a passage, and there it was.
Despite being in the Devildom, Michael would still load him with a slew of tasks, so he couldn't always attend to you, much to his dismay. Sometimes he takes the fall and slacks a little; the other angels can handle it, and he has other problems to attend to—he's having his own child, which no one expected! You always surprise them. It was fate that Lucifer chose you as the other human exchange student.
The seraphim has long been known as someone not to mess with unless you want to be pelted with spears. He was protective of you back then, but not overwhelming; nevertheless, this cannot be stated today. As a small nuisance, he is prepared to spear down the lesser demons. He does not allow anyone other than the demon and angel brethren to come near you. He'd be right behind you, giving them a filthy look.
He has always struggled to express himself verbally, therefore he does so through his actions. Even if he's worn out, he'll do anything for you, such as carry heavy objects, he may not be the finest cook, but he'll give it his best shot. He put in so much effort that you could see him reading about pregnancy, the dos and don'ts. It's rather adorable. There is one thing he can accomplish with words: sing. He enjoys singing for the brothers back then, and he enjoys it even more now with you and his child. His voice is so calming that it sometimes puts you to sleep.
Because he does not want the others to find out and the news to spread to the Celestial Realm, relocating you to the palace grounds and returning you to the human realm is the best option for both of you. Ah, but don't worry, he'll be your guardian angel when you return home—he promises. You insisted on safeguarding your child instead, but he declined because you were still more important to him, and it has been shown that angels can... reproduce with humans so it's not something to worry about that much.
Your labor day was a nightmare for the nurses, as your beloved stood behind them, observing every movement they made like a hawk with its prey, only he had a spear. He was prepared to tear the nurses apart if they made even the smallest error. You wanted to beg him to settle down, but the pain was tremendous, consuming your entire being.
He only dropped the spear when he saw his baby was born. He let you hold them first, adoring his child, noticing all the similarities between you and him, it was a fine piece of art. Even if you'll be leaving this realm soon, he promises his child that he will be there for them when they need him the most and that he will give his life to protect them and you.
When the results come back positive, you won't believe it. You had no idea how to tell him, let alone that it was conceivable to have children with an angel. But when you told him, there was a great smile on his face, but it was evident that he wasn't sure. Your connection has always been kept private; if words were leaked back into the Celestial Realm, he fears what may happen. However, it was too late; he was too in love with you, and there was no turning back. Then again, Simeon was never too concerned with his realm's rules...
Since his kind doesn't procreate as humans and demons do, they're wielded into life by his Father, so this was a miracle and... a curse. He doesn't know what will happen. If you'd be safe he could be normal. So he seeks the help of the Demon Prince and his utmost royal butler. He knew doesn't sit right with the prince but if it was about you, he knew Diavolo would help him and his intuitions were right.
Barbatos anticipated a road where you and your kid would be secure, but the residual fear haunts him. How could he explain this to Luke and Raphael? If a young kid comes around calling him dad, he's done for. He is adamant that you and his child would not be affected but in his case... it will not be the same.
There were no major changes in how he treated you since he has always been a gentleman to you. Even if there isn't a bump, his hand can't help but touch and feel your stomach; vaguely, he can sense the essence of life. He still can't believe he'll be starting a family with you. He has written about this—not exactly you and him, but characters loosely based on the two of you. Back then, he believed it was an impossible fantasy, but love always finds a way.
Only a few people, including those who aided along with Lucifer, are aware of this revelation. He needed to understand why you were spending so much time in the Purgatory. Solomon caught up on your regular trips, but he didn't mind because you'd been spending the majority of your time with the brothers. Luke and Raphael, on the other hand, were completely unaware of it.
As the months passed and you felt it more and more, the bumps became more visible and difficult to hide. You stayed in the Demon Prince's palace grounds until the child was born to reduce the possibility of the story spreading. When the young is born, you will be sent back to your world; you have overstayed your welcome in Devildom, and it is about time. This... it pained the angel that he wouldn't be able to visit you and his child as frequently, but he knew it would be safer.
When the dreaded day had come, he was only able to watch the first part until he feels a bit to faint and had to leave. He feels guilty that he can't be there but even if he was he knew he'd faint on the floor and only cause more trouble and stress for the nurse as well as you which he doesn't want. Minutes had passed and the nurse came outside before she could say anything he rushed for the room.
He breathed a sigh of relief, there you were, and his little angel. It was a sight that he'd cherish until his own demise. He held the kids so gently like they were feathers. Even if he could not be always present in their lives, he promised them that he'd give them the best life he could. Speaking of which, you only stayed at the Devildom for a week before... you needed to leave. No one was there but the four who knew.
But it doesn't end there; not long after you return to your realm. There came a knock on the door, and your angel appeared. He seemed a little too happy. That's when he revealed that he had become human, just like you. You questioned him how and what he did, but he didn't answer. He simply hugged and twirled you in his arms. You felt horrible, but also... good. Finally, you would be together with nothing keeping you back.
He wasn't even surprised when you told him the news; he seemed to be expecting it. You assumed he'd be concerned, but the broad grin on his face says otherwise. He never considered having a family until he met you. It was then that he realized he would have the finest future with you.
He always passively aggressively rubs it into all of the brothers, especially the eldest, whenever he gets the chance. He's way too cocky when people get envious or annoyed, knowing they can't hurt him because of you. No matter how many times you beg him to stop, he continues to do it, this time behind your back. The only way you learn about it is when a white-haired demon comes to you and complains about your lover's teasing.
Protecting you had become his pastime, and he had even forgotten that he had cast the protective magic for you. Said hobby only grew following the news, bordering on overprotectiveness. He'd be busy searching for and manufacturing remedies to help you get through the adventure. He reads about parenting because he hasn't had any experience with children in a long time—except for Luke but he's an angel and not a human.
Because Asmo is displeased with the sorcerer, Solomon commands begs him to assist you and him to purchase baby clothes and toys! The Avatar of Lust was left with no other choice, but in the end, he appreciated it, as did your significant other.
There is one thing that your partner believes will be the ideal method to express his love for you:... Cooking for you! You claimed you nearly fainted at those remarks. You pleaded with him to take culinary lessons from Barbatos or to at least follow the recipes exactly and not add anything else. That kind of upsets him, but he had heard that when pregnant, one's sense of smell and taste intensifies, so he disregarded it as his meals being more 'spicy' than usual.
But even then, you had to triple—quadruple that he didn't add anything or that he didn't mix salt and sugar like the last time. You can't dismiss him, especially because he seemed to be pleased with what he has made, so you gave in... Surprisingly, it was edible; while the flavor is still a little odd, you can eat it! He must be taking your situation very seriously, which makes you happy.
Since you're back in the human realm, he thinks you and your child are the prettiest home and husband material—but don't count his cooking abilities, even if they improve. You're frightened he'll revert to his old ways.
The sorcerer is well prepared for the labor; the smallest sign and you're straight to the hospital bed. He did his best to calm down and soothe you; unlike the others, he is much better at keeping his cool. He's ecstatic to hold his tiny darling, his smile so wide it hurts as he slowly rocks the bundle of joy. He can't believe that you and he created something so gorgeous, the again the mother is magnificent.
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stinkrascal · 3 months
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Breanna: It don't hurt, does it? Vladislaus: It is healed, mostly. I am grateful you only took one bite.
Breanna: [ slurping ] You want some of this? Vladislaus: No. Thank you. Breanna: Uhuh. Hey, so is cannibalism a thing with vampires?
Vladislaus: Of course. Cannibalism is found within many species. It is only natural it occurs in our kind as well. Breanna: Oh. I bet that's a big problem. Hey, what about restaurants?
Vladislaus: What about them? Breanna: Do vampires got restaurants? I bet that would help with the cannibalism thing. Vladislaus: There is an entire city at our disposal. There are many such opportunities for fine dining experiences.
Breanna: Huh? Oh. You could've just said yes, but okay. I bet you read a lot.
Breanna: Hey, so do vampires have libraries? Vladislaus: Yes, Breanna. We have libraries. Breanna: Yeah, you sound like you read a lot. Vladislaus: Thank you. Breanna: That wasn't a compliment.
Breanna: Hey, by the way, where are we going? Vladislaus: To the headmaster. She wishes to meet you. Breanna: Oh, right. Hey, so I got another question. Vladislaus: Yes, I'm sure you do.
Breanna: What's that supposed to mean? Vladislaus: Nothing at all. Breanna: I feel like you're making fun of me.
Vladislaus: What is your question, my dear?
Breanna: It was—uh—oh. Yeah. About when I bit you. You were bleeding. And last night, when you cut your hand—you bled then too. How's that work? How do you bleed if you're dead?
Vladislaus: You are mistaken. We are not dead. It is the opposite. As vampires, we are made to live. We experience life in its most concentrated form. Food tastes better, music sounds sweeter, and my God, Breanna, the sex.
Breanna: ...
Vladislaus: ...
Vladislaus: [ clears throat ] My point is, we are not dead, we are more alive than any other. Breanna: That's... good? Right? Frankie: Hey! Heyyyyy! HEEEYYYYYY! HEYY VLADDY DADDY! [ coughs ] ah shit, HEY VLAD! C'MON LITTLE MAN, I KNOW YOU SEE ME!!!!!!! HEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vladislaus: Of course. If you pay no mind to the minor setbacks. Breanna: Huh? What setbacks?
Vladislaus: The part where we eat the flesh of innocents, my sweet summer child. Breanna: Oh. How'd you know my birthday's in the summer? Frankie: C'mon peepaw! Get some fuckin' hearin' aids! [ whistles ] Yoohoo! Over hereee!
Breanna: Who's that guy over there? I think he's calling for you.
Breanna: Hello? Mr. Straud? Are you listening to me?
Breanna: Do you know that guy? Vladislaus: [ clears throat ] No. Vladislaus: [ in Frankie's mind ] Leave me alone. Frankie: Aww, c'mon, you don't gotta be like— Vladislaus: [ in Frankie's mind ] I SAID LEAVE. Frankie: Agh, get outta my head ya pervert.
Breanna: It kinda seems like you know him. Vladislaus: [ clears throat, louder this time ] As I was saying--our powers come at a great cost. You will do well to remember that. Breanna: Huh? Oh. You're still on that. I don't really care to be honest.
Vladislaus: You should. You were human not 24 hours ago. Would you turn your back on your people so quickly? Breanna: Who's my people? They're lucky I'm nice enough to stick to blood packs. Vladislaus: The blood packs are a byproduct of our sin.
Vladislaus: For every blood pack you consume, someone must die. Someone must be slaughtered. Breanna: Get off your high horse dude, you're a vampire too. If you think it's so bad you shouldn't have asked to be turned. Vladislaus: Is that what you believe?
Vladislaus: [ sighs ] Forgive me. I am being haughty. Truthfully, I envy your nature. You are suited for this life. This world was not made for me, and every interaction I have reminds me so.
Vladislaus: You, however, seem very good at enjoying yourself. You seek decadence, do you not? Vampirism is a decadent lifestyle. You will thrive. I can already tell. Breanna: ...Oh.
Breanna: [ giggles ] That sounds fun.
Breanna: You make me sound like I put some thought into it.
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rekino2114 · 9 days
Welcome back I hope you had a lovely trip
Can I get a meeting with S/O family for the chainsaw man girls
The chainsaw man girls meeting your family
Your parents were nervous to be meeting with her actually
When you told them you were dating the head of public safety herself, they didn't believe you until you showed them photos, and even then, they were like, "How?"
Makima is very kind and polite throughout the meeting, she makes sure your parents see how much she truly loves you and how she'd do anything for you. She does everything she can to appear as the best girlfriend you could have.....meanwhile your parents are freaking out cause one of the most important women in Japan is standing in their living room and holding hands with their child.
She categorically refuses to use powers on your parents to make them like her as that would hurt you and that's the last thing she would ever wanna do
"I promise you, as long as y/n will be with me they will be loved safe and cared for, all of their needs will be met and I will try to make them the happiest person on this planet"
"Excuse me, but are you alright? You look nervous"
"O-oh no i-it's alright......please continue"
This.....did not go too well
It's not because you were dating a fiend or anything, your parents were actually pretty supportive of that, it's that power doesn't really have manners.......at all
She talked over them,yelled at them when they served her vegetables, and called them "humans" multiple times
She also brought meowy along with her....she thought bringing a cute cat might get her some points which it actually kinda did
You had to do a lot of.....damage control, but eventually your parents figured out power was a genuinely good "person" and gave her permission to continue dating you
"Listen to me humans you should be grateful the great power has chosen your child to be her romantic partner"
"........please don't stand on the table"
She was actually pretty excited to meet your parents and prove herself a good girlfriend
She made sure she was sober and didn't drink the night before to not have a hangover. She did have to put on a lot of perfume on to hide the smell of alcohol and cigarettes though
The meeting went pretty well, himeno was nice,fun and showed them her love for you.....she also flirted a lot with you but you're used to that at this point
If you have any little siblings, then she's like the cool big sister in their eyes. she gave them piggyback rides, played with them, and showed them some cool tricks with her ghost devil powers
"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs l/n, it's great to finally meet the people who gave birth to this cutie"
".......even now?"
"What? Is there a problem with me showing how much I love you?"
Kobeni higashiyama
As usual, she was very nervous to meet your family, she loves you and was very scared of them not approving of her for any reason
She tried to look her best and only had 2 panic attacks while getting ready
She was very relieved when the meeting actually went well and your parents approved of her, it was like a giant weight got lifted off of her
She doesn't have the best relationship with her family so she's really happy at least yours like her
"I-it's nice to m-meet you, m-my name is k-kobeni higashiyama, I-i am y/n's g-girlfriend"
"......are you OK? You're shaking"
"Y-yeah, t-totally fine"
Despite her many partners, this was actually going to be the first time she met one of their families since all of the other members of the harem are fiends and don't really have families as a result
Speaking of, you decided to keep the whole harem thing a secret for now to not overwhelm your parents
She left her swords at home and put on her best suits to go to the meeting, where she held your hand most of the time and let you do most of the talking
To be honest, your parents are kinda scared of her. It seems like her one eye is always glaring and judging them, but they can still see the loving looks she gives you and eventually grow to like her
"Mr and Mrs l/n, I promise you I will protect y/n with everything I have, I will die before I let anyone hurt the people I love especially them"
".......I think I got a shiver down my spine"
"Me too"
Asa mitaka
Another girl who was really nervous about the meeting, she has a pretty low self-esteem and she thought your family would hate her for anything she did
She literally begged yoru not to ruin the occasion as she at least wanted the opportunity to look like a good girlfriend, and the war devil surprisingly agreed (maybe because she wanted to watch asa embarass herself of her own)
She tried to strike up conversations with your parents....keyword being try, this often results in voids of uncomfortable silence that you try to fill
In large parts thanks to you eventually your parents grew to like asa and approved of her, which she couldn't be happier,after her parents died, she feels like yours could kinda help her deal with that
"I swear this is so boring, I'll take a nap ok?"
"Whatever just don't bother me"
"........Uhm....sorry but who were you talking to?"
"I-i said that out loud?"
.......this was....weird. you can't really say "Hey mom,dad, I'm dating the literar representation of war that's possessing the body of one of my classmates" so you decided to improvise
Yoru pretended to be a human, she covered her scars with makeup and put contacts to cover her horseman eyes. Your parents were kinda surprised to how similar she was to asa so you decided to say they were sisters
Yoru was kinda unpleasant the whole dinner, saying snarky comments and laughing at inappropriate times but you convinced them that she was a good girlfriend
She had to stop herself from laughing when your dad gave her a warning not to break your heart as she could easily kill him right there if she wanted....she didn't though thankfully
"So what did you think about my parents?"
"Oh they were great, I'm sure they'd make really powerful weapons"
"........don't-don't turn my parents into weapons"
"Calm down I was just joking"
She was actually fairly excited to meet your family.....mostly for the food they'd be serving her, in fact you specifically told your parents to cook a lot for her
She tried to eat with more etiquette than she usually has,but kinda gave up halfway through when she realized just how good the food was
When she's not eating, she's telling them how much she loves you and how she'll cherish you and protect you forever, which makes you blush and them like her even more
Your mom actually loves her and asks you to invite her more often since fami eats everything she cooks
"Your cooking is great"
"Oh thank you, you really like food don't you?"
"I love it, the only thing I love more is your child"
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
Like any honest, well-adjusted human being, I've often had reason in my life to daydream about owning my own 1,600-ton sheet metal press. I don't want to have to go to the junkyard for a fourth time this weekend just because I forgot the passenger door is also rusted out.
Why should the automakers have all the fun? Sure, they have millions upon millions of dollars, whereas I have about fifteen bucks in my wallet. They have enormous facilities capable of serving the mechanical and electrical demands of such an intense machine, and I have a motorcycle gas tank on my kitchen table because there's simply nowhere else to put it. Automakers can source kilometers-long rolls of precision-engineered high-strength steel, and I think I might be able to weld some stolen road signs together with enough advance notice. This, it turns out, is all details compared to the big problem with setting up my own autobody foundry in my backyard: the noise.
Yes, friends. Like in many well-meaning jurisdictions all across this once-great land, the bigwigs at City so-called Hall have decided to stick their noses where they don't belong. Regulating that residential neighbourhoods are not allowed to operate massive industrial machinery in the backyards is against what the founding motherfathers intended when they stole this country from the people who were already living there. Back then, people made wagon wheels in their backyard. They didn't have the luxury of going on RockAuto and ordering them from a distant trading partner, somewhere that they still built things.
What am I saying? We need to shake up government in this country. I envision a world in which the government pays you to punch out new tailgates for a 1993 F-150, immaculate bumperettes for a Valiant, and rust-free patch panels for Escorts. They will tell you it can't be done, which is even more proof that we need to go do it ourselves. If you manage to find someone willing to back this political project, send them by my house. I'll be there all weekend trying to figure out where the Princess Auto warranty on $10 hydraulic bearing presses and $3 ball-peen hammers becomes invalid.
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blues824 · 2 years
Hello. Can I request Muzan, Douma, Akaza, Daki and Gyutaro (separately) with human S/O, who willingly help them for two reasons: first, their love towards them, and second, the fact that they f*cking hate people (lol, I really shouldn't watch YGOTAS that much)?
I am so sorry for how late this is. Also, imma make it so that you are married to them because I had no idea how else to execute this. Also also, kind of OOC, but eh.
Also also also, I hate people as well. All my readers are exceptions tho.
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Muzan Kibutsuji
“My love, why are you so willing to help me?” He asked after you already went through most of his task list by yourself. You were even willing to lay down your own life for him if it ever came to that point. But why??
“Well, because I love you. In our wedding vows, I vowed that I would support you in any way that I could. I also just hate people” You responded honestly. Even if you had a horrible past, people just sucked in general.
Muzan seemed satisfied by your answer, responding by putting his hands on the side of your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. It was small moments like these with your husband that you treasured the most.
“Darling, on our wedding day, you looked so ethereal. As if you were a snow monarch in the midst of the stars of the night sky” He whispered into your ear. He always managed to make your heart squeeze in adoration for him.
“And you looked so unbelievably handsome, I was nervous about tripping on the aisle because I was so distracted.” You giggled as you looked into your husband’s eyes. He had a smile gracing his lips. It wasn’t normal for you both to be seen as lovey-dovey, but that doesn’t mean it never happens
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As a result of being joined together in matrimony, it only made sense that his followers became your followers as well. While being praised as a deity definitely has its perks, it was a lot to get used to in such a short amount of time. Especially if you weren’t particularly fond of humankind.
“Y/N, how are you adjusting to being the spouse of a highly worshiped demon?” He asked with a smile. We all know that he’s genuinely apathetic, but when he saw you for the first time… Alexa, play This Is What Falling In Love Feels Like by JVKE. 
“It’s a lot to adjust to, if I’m being honest. All the worship is a lot to handle. You know how much I don’t like people” You let out a weak laugh as you gave him your answer. He had a frown on his face as you said it. He pulled you into a hug and placed a kiss on your temple.
“On our very special day, I vowed that I would protect you and provide for you. If you don’t tell me these things, then I’m not doing my job as your husband.” He whispered to you. He felt like he failed you. Why wouldn’t you tell him something like this?
“You are doing a wonderful job as my husband, honey. It’s your followers that are the problem. I understand that you would get praise, but I would rather not have it.” Douma made a mental note to warn his followers that if they were so much as to breathe in your direction from now on, they would meet their end.
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He has forgotten what the word home meant before he met you. You were just so loving and you acted like his rock that kept him stable. You gave him a purpose other than becoming stronger. This is how he knew that he absolutely needed to marry you. However, you were still human.
“Baby, do you ever miss your family?” He asked as he saw you making something in the kitchen of your shared home. Times like these are times he can mistake you both as being a normal married couple in a normal house with normal lives. 
“You are my family.” You didn’t look up, instead you continued chopping the vegetables you were making for the stew. You knew that Akaza wasn’t able to consume it, but you were still human. “You’re the only one I need.”
“Yes, but before me you had a life with your friends and family. Surely you must miss them, or at least hold some resentment towards me?” You always hated when he would get insecure because he never saw how great he treated you compared to the people from your past.
“If I had to choose between you and my family, I would choose you no matter what. We made a vow to stick with each other for better, for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health.” He seemed happy with your answer, as he gave you a kiss on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
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We all know how much of a child she is, but when you agreed to marry her, it increased by a lot. She became super clingy because of her past. However, you don’t mind. I mean, you knew you would never be treated horribly by her because of it. But she still has her insecurities.
“Sweetie, why are you still with me? You’re human, and you had a life before I took you away from it.” She ended her tangent with a sad sigh. It pained you to see her so blue, so you knelt in front of her and took her hands in yours.
“I’m still with you because we’re married and it’s not that easy to leave. I also love you and hate humans.” You said with a soft smile. Memories of your wedding day flashed through your mind: your wife (then fiance) was so beautiful in the white kimono. Gyutaro was sobbing in the front.
“If you could, would you ever go back?” She asked. She had never felt so sad, because she knew that she originally didn’t really give you a choice in the whole matter. Wasn’t marriage supposed to be a mutual agreement between both parties?
“Absolutely not. Instead, I would go back so that I could be the one to ask you to marry me. I love you, Daki. I wouldn’t give up what we have for the world.” You whispered. She had shed a few tears during your ‘speech’. Then she pulled you into her lap (she’s strong, your size doesn’t matter) and squeezed you tightly.
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If you think Daki was clingy, you haven’t seen anything yet. Sure at first he was extremely distant, but when you reassured him that you weren’t leaving he held on for dear life. If his hand isn’t in yours, his whole arm is around your waist.
“Baby, why don’t you leave me? You’ve always stuck by my side, but why?” Even if he was super powerful, he still had those days of doubt. And on those days, you would make him lay his head in your lap and run your fingers through his hair while you tell him the reasons why you love him.
“Let’s see… because you’re the most handsome, loving, amazing husband that I could ever ask for. You protect me, love me, and make good on your promises to me that you made at our wedding.” With each thing you listed, Gyutaro’s blush worsened more and more.
“But you could do so much better than settling down with me. You’re graceful, kind, and a good listener.” He rambled on and on. Once he got going, it was hard for him to stop. It saddened you that you couldn’t just reach in and extract all self-deprecating thoughts from his mind.
“Gyu, I chose you for a reason. If I didn’t want to marry you, I wouldn’t have said yes when you proposed. I wouldn’t have said I do after our vows. I love you, Gyutaro. Now, accept it.” You jokingly threatened. You always knew how to make him feel better.
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 14
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 14: snake demon
I slithered through the heavy crowd. Everyone had either a drink or money in their hand. The matches were about to start and everyone was putting their bets in. I held my human appearance but I kept scratching my neck where my short hair touched my skin. I wasn't used to this new hairstyle.
It had been a few weeks since I left Alastor's manor. During that time, I had found my new purpose. My first morning of freedom was spent dealing with ring guards and getting children out of cages. Those under 18 I brought to the orphanage while those above that went with me to the next town to find a job and make a living. I felt guilty leaving them to figure it out on their own, but it was a much better fate than dying worthlessly in a fighting ring.
Evading Alastor and Husker had been a challenge. At first I hid in old attics during the night and only ventured out at midday. I cut my hair short and stayed far away from any shadows.
It didn't take me long to discover what Husker looked like with his human appearance. He looked like an angry wolverine and his body emitted an orange glow from using his magic. I could sense and smell his presence as soon as he stepped foot in town.
I moved from town to town without pattern. I was surviving off the generosity of others or my own sneaky tactics. I had found a map in one of the general stores and decided to live in a town close to Ultopa. The two surroundings towns had recently legalized fighting rings, which meant there was a huge amount of trapped fighters. I would live nearby and make it a routine to free these enslaved fighters.
Ultopa was also far from Alastor's manor. I had a feeling he wouldn't think to look for me so close to a legalized ring fighting town. He knew my history and how much I hated these things. Why would he look for me at the one place I despise?
It wasn't until I was on the last leg of my journey near Ultopa that I realized I was making a name for myself. Word had gotten around that a Snake Demon of sorts was attacking ring fights. I guessed they used the term snake because there were rumors of the fighter Python being the savior. And I knew they used the word demon because I looked like one. The world still has yet to know what Full mages really are.
The name felt nice, to be honest. I was making a new name for myself in the way I wanted. I was saving people and causing problems for criminals. Fighters were no longer fearing my name, but wishing for it.
However, that meant that security around the rings went up. I discovered this at the town I would call home. I had secured a job that day as an Under Cook for a noble house. I was in charge of making sure the servants who fed the nobles were fed themselves. It kept me busy during the day and off the streets, away from prying eyes. At night, I disappeared into the forest to attend a ring fight.
At first I walked around the bleachers to get a feel for how upstairs worked. Who made the bets, where were they kept, who were the masters, and so on. Once I overheard a master praising their fighter, I would step in and ask to see. I had seen other people do this before and masters were always willing to show off their caged fighter.
This allowed me to see what underneath looked like. It felt strange and uncomfortable to be walking around with masters while fighters coward in cages I knew all too well. Their eyes looked at me with desperation, anger, or nothing at all. Pretending to be impressed was even more challenging at first. Eventually, though, I grew more accustomed knowing I was going to save them that morning.
"You're not leaving, are you?"
I was about to before a man stopped me. He was tall, ridiculously so, and he had a long stick that served as a smoke. He was bald but wore a fuzzy pink hat and long coat. I had just left the underground cages and was about to walk back through the forest.
"Something came up and I have to run back," I answered, "But I'm hoping to be back before they're finished."
"What could have possibly come up at this time of night?" he questioned.
"Personal matters." I turned to leave but he sped through the air to stand in my way. I could see his pink outline fade away. Based on how strong the color had been, I immediately knew he was a Demon.
"Come now, you wouldn't want to miss the first fight. They're always the best one. Unless, of course, that's not your fancy." He tapped his smoke so the ash fell. "Though I'm not sure why you'd be here, then."
"I'm sorry but I really must be going. It's very time sensitive." I walked around him. Fear tickled the back of my throat as I stepped into the shadows.
"You know, we have a policy in place for undercover cops."
I stopped. “You think I'm one of them?" I turned to face him, firmly planting my hands on my hips.
"Our rules here is anyone who comes to watch must stay the whole time. It's for security reasons, I'm sure you can understand."
I realized then that I was talking to the owner of this ring. "Well, I'm new in town and wasn't made aware of this rule. Perhaps you can grant me an accommodation this time?"
He laughed so his sharp teeth glinted in the light from nearby lanterns. One of them was gold. His outline grew bright pink again. "I'm not a very forgiving man," he said, "and I have been running this operation for far too long to allow someone to ruin it. So, if you're not a cop, then stay. Enjoy the show. It's why you came in the first place, is it not?"
I was silent for a moment. He knew what my human appearance looked like, which meant he could find me in town. Yet if I followed through with this, he would notice that I didn't belong to the police. I could keep my act up without moving. This was the only town close enough to Ultopa and the others.
"I suppose my matter could wait," I said with a smile. I stepped out of the shadows and walked back up the path.
He chuckled. "I thought so."
The bleachers had grown more crowded as everyone quickly found their favorite seat. I went to hide among them when the owner grabbed my arm.
"Come, sit with me," he insisted, "I want you to have the best seat in the house." He didn't wait for an answer and pulled me up the steps. At the very top of the bleachers was a pink couch and a television camera.
"You broadcast these?" I asked.
He laughed in response. "It's an exclusive offer to certain patrons. Perhaps you'd like the opportunity?"
"I prefer them in person," I said.
"Of course. Come, sit." He sat on the couch and drew in a huge breath of his smoke. I forced myself to sit down and keep myself proper.
This was going to be a challenge. I had never watched these fights before. I had always left before they started in order to dye my hair black before arriving a few hours later. I was going to have to pretend to be invested. I could feel the owner watching me as the first fight began. 
The first fight was between two adults who seemed equally good at fighting. Everyone was shouting their bet and cheering when one of them landed a good hit. The guards around the ring kept their Slight magic from reaching the audiences. I leaned forward on my knees and started whispering. I kept my gaze focused on the girl, never once letting my eyes leave her. My facade was going to be focus. Extreme focus. 
Eventually, after a long, five minute fight, the man slammed her head into the wall and her body fell limp. I slammed my fist into my knee and sat up straight. Had he killed her or just made her unconscious? 
"I told you the first ones were the best," the owner said, tapping the ash off his smoke again. 
"Do they always last that long?" I asked.
"The first ones do. Gets everyone all rile up and ready for the next one."
We went through several more rounds until the crowd visibly grew bored with the quick fights. Each time a fight ended I was either happy or angry, always hiding my disgust and sadness behind my hands until it ended. 
"Now comes the fun part," the owner laughed. 
"I haven't seen enough blood today. Soo..." he gestured to the ring as the new fighters stepped in. It was two teenagers. One of them looked normal but the other was on all fours, drooling all over the place and making weird noises.
"What happened to them?" 
"Oh we just gave them a little something to help boost their chances." He pulled out a bag of pink powder. 
"What is that? A type of drug?" 
His chuckle was deep in his throat. "Indeed. It makes the recipient...revisit some memories. They become incredibly susceptible to anything they're told."
I fell silent. That must be the same drug that was used on me, both in Rosie's store and at Alastor's manor. That must mean the teenager was currently visiting a horrible memory and reliving it as if it was real. And they were taking it out on their opponent. 
"You don't seem too happy about this." 
I cleared my throat. "Doesn't it dampen their fighting? It doesn’t seem very...authentic." 
"Oh it's authentic alright. Most fighters use magic to kill their opponent but where's the fun in that? Everyone comes here to see blood and desperation, not a magic show."
"That's true." I turned my attention back to the fight, internally letting out a sigh of relief. He almost caught me.
The crazed teenager was chasing their opponent in circles. Even when their arm broke they kept moving as if it hadn't happened. It was only a matter of time before their opponent grew tired and they tore them apart, literally. 
My face paled. Everything in me tensed. Don't look away. Don't look away. Don't look away.
"You know," the owner's voice was in my ear, "you seem awfully familiar. Have we met before?"
"I don't think so," I answered without looking. 
"Perhaps not in person. But tell me, where did you get this scar on your cheek?" He brushed the back of his finger along the fine line on my cheek. 
"Alastor." I closed my mouth too late. Why did I say that? I reached out with my magic to feel for his presence. But there wasn’t anything there. He wasn't in my mind? He took another smoke but this time it came out pink.
"That's interesting. How did you survive a fight with the Radio Demon?" he asked next.
"He saved me from bounty hunters." 
Shut up! I couldn't stop myself from answering. Everything felt warm, then it grew way too hot. I was sweating and the image of Striker started to come to mind. It felt like he was sitting right next to me.
"How generous of him. Say," he leaned in close so our faces were almost touching, "does he have a matching cut on his face?"
Then I felt his presence. I immediately pushed back and kept him out of my head. My shields held as he fought against me.
"Did he take you anywhere?" 
I was sweating so much. My eyes stared down at the bloody scene. My body wasn't moving, wasn't listening. I needed to run. He kept pushing me, trying to force his way into my head. My shields were starting to bend. 
"To a house."
"What house, sweetheart?"
I pushed harder against him. If I couldn't move my body, I was going to keep him out of my head. I felt him give a little. 
"Is it on a cliff?" he asked next.
"Tell me sweetheart," he put his sharp claws on my shoulder, slammed into my shields, and practically yelled in my ear, “is he your soulmate?"
"y-y...ye..." I pushed back hard. I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally screamed as I pushed him completely out of my head. He dug his claws into my shoulder and the pain brought me back. I grabbed hold of my body and abruptly stood up. "Thank you for your kindness, but I must be leaving now. Until next time." I turned on my heels and marched down the stairs. 
I left the ring and bolted into the shadows. I carried myself all the way back to my apartment with the wind. I had lost. He knew Alastor was my soulmate. How long before he started sending people after me? Kill me and you've killed the Radio Demon. 
Why am I so bad at this?
The next day I had disappeared from the town. I hitched a ride earlier that morning to the town neighboring Ultopa and stared out the window. Surely living in this town would be normal. I didn't want to live in a town that legalized ring fights but now I was out of options.
The town next to Ultopa was a trading port, called Kelendale. It was relatively small and known only for its ship repairs. The next big city wasn't too far but ships that suffered from a bad storm needed somewhere closer to repair and restock.
I scavenged the town for a job but came back with nothing. Roles had already been filled in such a small town, leaving me with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I would have to try somewhere else. But for tonight, I hid in the ship yard and died my hair black already. I had overheard one of the sailors talking about the ring fight between here and Ultopa. Apparently they shared a ring on this side with Kelendale and another with their other neighboring town. 
I didn't bother with surveying the ring. I waited well into the night before making my way through the wilderness. The familiar crawl of nerves went up my spine. I followed the road until I came to the clearing that held the ring. It looked like someone had picked up a building from town and plopped it right in the middle of the field. It was a three story building and people were still crowding outside, desperately trying to see in.
It wasn't long before the fighting for the night had come to an end. People got in their cars or carriages and drove back home. I stayed hidden in the bushes until everyone had left, which took a surprisingly short amount of time. Everyone had gone for the night and the lights on all levels turned off. 
I waited another ten minutes before I dared to venture out. I kept myself hidden in the dark shadows of the tree then melted into the building's. I went to the backdoor were a woman stood guard. She let out a sigh, looked around, then pulled out a phone. I took a slow, calculated step forward, raising the rock in my hand. I put my hand up to her head, careful not to touch her, then brought the rock down.
Her body went limb and folded on the ground. I pulled her to a sitting position against the wall. She wasn't dead but I had only a short time before she would wake up. 
Inside was pitch black. I used the moon's light to lighten it just enough for me too see. My mouth gapped open as I looked around. The floors had been cleared out save for the edges where people probably watched from. Everywhere above me were hanging cages that held the fighters. In the center of the whole thing was a massive chained net. This was no traditional fighting ring.
The fighters didn't notice me. They were all fast asleep. It wasn't uncommon for them to drug fighters at night. They could be a hazard when left unsupervised and able to converse with each other. That would make things hard for me, though.
I opened my wings and flew up to the top floor. The net reached all the way to the third floor and came to a point. This point was attached to the ceiling to allow those on the third floor to look down into the fighting net. There was a small opening on the one side that told me how they put the fighters in. A net like this was hard to fight in since it moved around with the slightest of movement, making the fights even more interesting. The platforms surrounding the net were furnished with all kinds of cushy seating. Bottles and paper lay scattered all over the place. 
Countless pairs of eyes all stared silently down at me. The fighters up here were awake. Some of them waved desperately to me for help. I was surprised to hear nothing from them. It was quiet, too quiet. Had their tongues been cut? If that was the case they would still be able to make some sort of noises. They always did when the opportunity of freedom was presented to them. 
The silence was making me uncomfortable. I looked around for a trap but there was none. The only noise came from the occasional clang of the chains from the wind or the soft screeching of metal from the cages. Something felt wrong but I couldn't figure out what. It wasn't as if I could stop.
The problem was moving the sleeping fighters. I would probably have to move them last. There were too many of them that were asleep. This ring had a normal amount of fighters, which seemed strange for a legal ring, but waking them up would drain me. I had done it before but the process took a lot of energy. I would have to save only a few then come back another time. 
At the very least I could free those who were awake. I went to each cage and helped lower them to the ground. They didn't wait for each other, instead running off down the stairs to freedom. The locks all had a magic touch to them but it wasn't hard for me to break through it and melt it off. 
I went to one of the cages near the net and opened it. The man was larger than me and his cage was dangerously close to the opening of the net. One wrong move and he would plunge down into the net. I could only imagine the injury that could cause. I used the wind to start swinging his cage from side to side. I hung on the side of the cage and waited for him.
He jumped and I flew after him. I grabbed his arm and furiously flapped to slow his fall. Pain shot through my wing. A gunshot echoed through the building and I screamed as I fell hard into the floor. A huge gust of wind slammed into me and pushed me towards the edge. I hid my wings but it only made the pain go through my spine. I flailed helpless as I was pulled through the opening and into the net. 
I grabbed onto a chain and screamed when my shoulder popped. The bar slipped from my hand as I plummeted down. I casted wind beneath me but it only cushioned my fall so much. The chains dug into my shoulders as I landed. 
The lights all turned on, momentarily blinding me. People starting filing in from the entrances, coming dangerously close to my injured figure. I used my good arm and struggled to pull myself up to my feet. The bottom of the net was a square but it still swayed as I moved. My back was searing in pain.
"Well well, look who we have here folks." A man with slick brown hair and a dark blue suite stood at the very top of the net. "If it isn't the infamous Snake Demon. The wonderful savior has graced us with her presence. You're all in for a real treat, tonight."
Author’s note:
Ta daa 😘
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teriri-sayes · 11 months
Reactions to Young Master Shield's Chapter 207
TL;DR - Cale plans his revenge on HD for spreading the boom-boom word. Cale's parents worried about him. Cale feels awkward with their affection. Cale's parents plan to renovate and boost the black castle's defense. Cale has a talk with Lock. Cale's speech curse strikes again.
Cale's Head Goes Boom Boom This was a funny part. To explain, back when HD first mentioned about the possibility of Cale's head exploding when he opened the Bai Hui Point, HD actually used the word "boom-boom" to describe it. I only translated it as "explode" in my posts.
And then, everyone copied HD and used the boom-boom word too. 🤣🤣🤣
HD: Your head almost went boom-boom! Raon: M-My human's head almost went b-boom-boom?! Cale to Alberu: My head almost went boom-boom. Alberu to Cale's parents: Cale's head almost went boom-boom. Violan to Cale: I heard you nearly died because your head almost went boom-boom? Deruth to Cale: Cale, I-I heard from the crown prince that y-you almost we-went b-boom-boom... Cale: (That damn HD bastard! Why did he have to use the boom-boom word! I'll summon him in Aipotu and make him work hard!)
Worried Parents and Awkward Son There were some touching scenes of Deruth being worried about Cale. He wanted to stop Cale if Cale was going somewhere dangerous, but knew that his family were stubborn people.
As for Cale, after he accepted the Henituse as his family, and the more he spent time with them, he felt awkward at the love and care he received.
But it was nice to see Cale being honest with them about his plans, and his parents knowing him well. This part was funny though 😂:
Cale: The dragons will be going with me too. Cale: (If I say that, I'm sure they'll be relieved because the dragons are powerful) Violan: So you're going somewhere dangerous? Deruth: Is your enemy a dragon then? Cale: (How did these two notice?! Why are they not relieved?)
✨The Henituse Flex ✨ Cale brought up the topic of the black castle going to Aipotu, and his parents offered to renovate and boost the castle's defense with their money. But he underestimated his own parents. Cale thought that his stay in Roan was short, so the renovation would be minimal.
However, his parents thought differently. They were willing to open the safe and spend a lot in order to renovate the castle in a short amount of time. Repair old castle walls? Okay. Install magic cannons? No problem. Replace the moat with a sea of fire? Yes. Magic shield? Let's do it. Magic arrows against flying enemies? Consider it done.
Of course, Sheritt was pleased with the couple's help. And thus, a collection of state-of-the-art magic engineering devices was born in the history of the Roan Kingdom, no, the Eastern and Western continents... 😂 The black castle would also be known in the future as the pioneer and standard in magic engineering... Cale, I guess you really need to spend more time with your family because you still don't fully know them. 🤣🤣🤣
Lock's Career Counselling The author only mentioned in a sentence about Cale's career counselling with his younger siblings. Lock was given more focus today.
Cale praised Lock for having grown, and told him that it was okay to want to be acknowledged. Everyone had already acknowledged Lock's strength. So Cale said to Lock that Lock should acknowledge himself more than seek the acknowledgement of others.
This part was quite touching yet also sad. Cale taking care of the kids made me think about KRS himself. That if there was someone who took care of child KRS, he might have lived a better life. Then again, that someone would end up dead because of the effect of WS's curse on KRS. Ugh, KRS's life is really sad. 😭
KRS's Speech Curse Strikes Again?! The planted flag last chapter did not disappoint us. Alberu left a message that someone sent a warning to the academy, threatening to blow up the place if Cale gives his speech. Even adding that Cale's shield would not be enough to stop it.
And our Cale was dumbfounded to hear that. His speech curse is back? He might have to use his shield again to stop the explosion? Cale had a bad feeling about this.
I have some doubts about the sender of this threat though. Well, it could be a real terrorist or someone who hated Cale. But it could also be a Cale fan staging an explosion plot in order to see Cale's famous shield again. 😂 Or... it could be a continuation of Alberu's revenge to prevent Cale from ditching the speech because he knows Cale would want to protect the audience. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks It's just a speech, but why has this gone so complicated? 😂 Is the threat real or not? Will Caleism spread further? Just how much will Cale kill his slacker life dream? Monday, please come sooner~!
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My thoughts on AQPDO
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So, did this image appear in the actual film? Yeah, that's what I thought...
I loved it, and I was disappointed by it. This is long, so buckle in. Major Spoilers discussed below.
First, the outstanding: the performances. Holy hell. Lupita. Just...her talent is breathtaking. To sustain that level of intensity without overdoing it, I am simply in awe. Well done. I hope some attention is paid to her performance when award season rolls around. Ditto Alex Wolff. He did a LOT with so little screentime. Djimon too; they all were so, so moving.
Joe was so heartbreaking, and yet Joe's character is one of the things I am disappointed about, because I needed more. Not because I love Joe, but because the story needed it. I know there was a backstory that was cut, and to be honest I don't think that was necessarily a poor decision, but the issue is it was cut late in the creative process, versus in the writing, and that is where the problem is. More on that in a bit, but Joe delivered a sensitive and moving performance, and really understated as well. Not a bit of the cheeky Joe we have come to love so much that also I think pops out in Eddie and Michael occasionally. He was wholly immersed in Eric's reality and his energy complimented Lupita's so well; you can see how much they worked off each other. Dare I say she elevated his game. Another marathon performance and I can imagine how exhausting it must be to sustain that.
Second, Michael Sarnoski, hats off to you sir. The pacing, the way you put the story together visually, your heartbreaking script, just so well done. I hope they release the shooting script because I would love to read it and see the words (or lack of) that Joe and Lupita interpreted so movingly. I wonder if Michael has processed the death of a parent recently, because I felt so much emotion from this story. This film is about accepting the inevitability of death, while going through the five stages of grief, yet seeking to live fully regardless. Trigger warning: DO NOT see this movie if you are going through a rough time with someone who is terminally ill. It will wreck you. But this film is tragically, beautifully human. To deliver that story in a Hollywood big budget action film is a hat trick. Every actor in Hollywood who wants to grow creatively should be calling their agents asking to work with Michael Sarnoski right now.
Also, shout out to the production design people. They completely suspended my disbelief that the characters weren't in New York. Set design, lighting, like I could SMELL New York. Virtual production is getting so fucking good - we're well past the Unreal Wall vistas of the Mandalorian. If you ask yourself how A24 could shoot an Iraq war movie in the pastoral hills of England this is your answer.
Now, the not so good.
Go back and watch the first and second trailers and tell me how many of those moments were in the movie. Answer: barely any.
Map claw hand? We have to get out of the city? Gay couple? Old man turning off engine? Nada.
So, was this all misdirection in the marketing, making the audience think they were coming to see a summer action movie? That's legit, trying to get butts in seats, but I have a strong feeling Michael delivered a very different movie that was hacked up in the testing process. All of those scenes probably made the movie feel 'too long', and they had to cut them back to balance the action sequences with the emotional sequences.
The helicopters overhead spelling out THEY CAN'T SWIM probably came from focus group comments where someone was like 'why didn't the aliens just cross the river and start eating people in New Jersey?' (good point). But I'll bet you they wanted to give Alex Wolff's character a more significant death in regard to Samira's emotional journey, so they reshot the scene with the old man turning off the engine and had Alex do it instead.
Also, I get the strong feeling Eric showed up in the story much earlier in the original cut of the film, and the scene with Map Claw Hand illustrates that. The big question regarding Eric is why this random sad British dude gloms on to Samira and I'm not sure they answer that question in the final cut. Joe absolutely sells it, but it doesn't make sense and I suspect it's because it wasn't written that way.
Also, and call me crazy, but I think Joe is wearing a wig in some parts of this movie and not in other parts. It would make sense if there were significant reshoots based on early testing of the film. I wonder if the Alien Lava Tiki Bar (what...was that actually) scene was added later. Like, I get why Eric went up there- actually I don't, I think Eric would have been focused on getting the medicine back to her and wouldn't have taken a detour up scaffolding to follow I cat at all, but that's just me.
Finally, let's talk about the cat. Both Schnitzel and Nico are exquisite and enjoyable to watch, though how no one got scratched or bitten by a disgruntled feline is a mystery. We had a long debate about whether The Cat Represents Samira's Life, or The Cat is An Angel, or Fate, but ultimately we just went with KITTY and that made the story more enjoyable.
Samira is on a quest, to die on her terms, and once she accepts her fate, she sheds the things that no longer matter to her, and in the process gives Eric a purpose. The scene in the jazz bar was so moving. The final shot is also incredibly moving, and I hope the city was filled with the sound of music one last time, a beautiful elegy accompanying her soul to heaven.
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oroontheheels · 15 days
Daddy’s gonna be real honest with you kittens.
I’m disappointed with current Venom Run. Let me be real CLEAR here. I don’t hate it. I don’t have beef with its creator. So for a long period of time I was telling everyone “it’s a mess, but it’s better that Donnie Cates”.
But I think comparing them is not correct and let me explain why.
So Donnie Cates. Our boy. Extra edgy, made some terrifically BAD retcons, hated symbrock, tried to make Eddie Brock as trad as possible (giving him human son and all). Plus he ignored the fact that Sleeper was a child of Venom and Eddie. “nOt BioLoGiCalLy” Eddie’s but he called Eddie “father” and they both deeply cared about each other. So Donnie Cates couldn’t allow this either.
But! Donnie Cates while fighting the yaoi made the story ironically even more gayer. It was a train wreck but at the end of the day at least it was fun to laugh at this “closeted shipper” as I like to call him.
And most importantly? At the end they were still “Venom family”. All 4 of them. In Donnie Cates comics.
Now Al Ewing and Ram V… It was… ok. I like Dylan, I like Venom, I like Sleeper. I didn’t like that they “killed” Eddie right at the start of the story and sent him running solo trough time traveling shenanigans. I liked him interacting with Doctor Doom. I liked Meridus being gay with Kang and with that one old man.
But what I lacked is interactions between Venom and Eddie. They almost didn’t interact.
But like, okay. Let Eddie do his thing, let Venom singlemom it out. Also did I mention Ewing and V made Dylan Venom’s son? That was NICE. That’s I liked. A LOT.
And immideatly got my hops up.
Which was a mistake.
So the problem is where Donnie was closeted shipper, I’m starting to believe that Ewing and V don’t actually see Venom and Eddie as a romantic partnership. Or even all that important partnership.
If you check Spider Man Venom War comics, Venom talks A LOT about how much “Saint Peter”(Parker) means to him. It’s very gay very romantic very deep. But at the next pages it also downgraded Eddie role in Venoms life?? Venom is like “so yeah Peter taught me to save lives so I saved Eddie from offfing himself”. And that’s almost it. No emphasis on their bond, on Eddie’s feelings, of their bond. Almost nothing, really.
And now it’s Venom War and Venom says “wow Peter and I are sooo perfect, also it feels nice punching Eddie in the face”.
So what. Venom hates Eddie now? After all those years of forgiveness?? And it wasn’t elaborated in the slightest??
I would hate it but I WOULD understand if they wanted to make Parker new host for Venom for a while. But they don’t?? Apparently Al Ewing planing to give Venom new host (all of the candidates SUCK for the role btw). And if I understood one of his interviews correctly he want to send all the characters their separate ways.
Here’s the statement
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Which annoyed me. A LOT. Like i understand that cis hetero males bring all the money to Marvel. We little faggots don’t bring so much cash. So our feelings and wants are not important. But isn’t there big ass FANDOM for symbrock? People who advertise comics for free with their art and activities?? Are we not important whatsoever? And on top of that wasn’t EVERYONE celebrating when Eddie got Venom back (in 2016)?? Don’t we all love homoerotic weird ass bond these two have??
And what does it even mean “yeah it’s been a while since Eddie and Venom have been together”. It wasn’t. Donnie Cates first made Venom into amnesiac DOG, then sent him into exile and then kept him and Eddie from having meaningful interaction until the very end of his run. Everyone who loves symbrock were STARVING.
And Al Ewing and Ram V story separated Eddie into his own story line.
And now Al Ewing tilling us “yeah it’s been too long, it’s time to move on”.
It’s like giving starving person a cup of water and saying “well now you are fed, let’s go on a 20km hike”.
“My work here is done” Tuxedo Mask meme
So like… yeah.
If they’ll make Sleeper a traitor this will be so bad. This will drop from 6/10 to 0/10 immediately.
Not looking forward to Venom future.
And the WORST part? I feel like they are pulling out “this relationship is toxic so it’s cancelled” card on symbrock. They never do that on hetero ships, but they happily destroy gay ships with that argument.
It sucks.
I hope I’m wrong. But like Venom gets new host this December. There’s not much room left to give us decent amount of Symbrock IF writers even want that.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Deadly Proposal: Part Two
Pairing: Vampire!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: none, minor angst, vampire bites and drinking blood
Summary: Dean takes you to his mansion where you will be living. There are only two rules to being his. Will you comply or leave? Will he let you? More importantly, will he be able to keep his past separate from his future?
Square Filled: satin for @spnonewordbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Being in the presence of a vampire is something you never thought you be. All you’ve heard is horror stories of them kidnapping humans and feeding off them like blood slaves. Dean is different. He took one taste of your blood and decided you were worth saving. He hasn’t tried to hurt you, hasn’t tried to feed on you, and tries to keep you comfortable on the ride to his place.
Vampires can reside anywhere throughout the United States, but they tend to stay in the colder parts. Dean has plenty of places scattered across the States but his main property is in Rhode Island. They have cold winters but cool summers which Dean appreciates. The drive is kind of tense since this is a new situation for you, but you try to calm yourself down.
Dean’s property is acres upon acres that houses a huge mansion, a massive pool/seating area, and probably much more. There are high bushes and trees blocking the view of the house from all sides, and there is a security gate at the entrance. Dean is very serious about his privacy which you can understand why. You would be too if you were a centuries-old vampire. 
Why you? Why is your blood special? Why doesn’t he just kill you like any other vampire would? When Dean offered you his deal, you thought you were making a smart decision. Your sister has become a very serious problem that you hate dealing with because it’s the same shit all the time. However, since arriving at Dean’s mansion, you’re not so sure you made the right decision.
“Wow, this is beautiful and looks expensive.”
“When you’ve lived as long as I have, you learn to save and put your money in the right stocks. It took a while, but I make money every hour without having to lift a finger.”
“Must be nice,” you scoff.
Dean parks in his multi-car garage and you both get out. He escorts you inside and to the room you’re going to be staying in. This room is massive with a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. The California King bed sits on a platform with a couch to the right of it. A vanity is on the right of it and next to that is a huge walk-in closet fit with carousels, a platform, headless mannequins, and a couch. Past the closet is a massive bathroom with a walk-in shower and a big tub for luxurious baths. You’re not prepared to live in a place like this when all you’ve ever known were one-story houses where you had to share a bathroom with three other people.
“There is a live-in chef and maid on site at all times who can help you with whatever you need.”
“Wow, this is kind of overwhelming if I’m being honest.”
That’s the same thing Annabeth said when he first brought her here centuries ago.
“This is overwhelming if I’m being honest,” Annabeth says and touches the satin sheets on the bed.
“I know.”
“I’m not used to such luxury.” She comes from a very poor family who makes enough money to scrape by. “I’ve never known this life.”
“Would you like to stay somewhere else? I have many houses to choose from.”
“I’m sure they’re all the same. You’ve been alive for thousands of years. You must be the wealthiest man in the world.”
“I guess,” Dean shrugs.
“Where are you staying?”
“Down the hall.”
“You don’t want to sleep next to me?”
Dean closes the distance between them and cups her jaw gently.
“Sweetheart, I’m afraid that if I do, I won’t be able to hold myself back from you.”
“What if I don’t want you to?” she asks and steps closer to him.
“Annabeth,” Dean whispers and closes his eyes.
“Kiss me.”
Dean can’t resist and kisses her hungrily.
“I make minimum wage at a bar with tips that are trash and you’re sitting on millions if not billions of dollars in a house too big for even ten people. Can I be a vampire?” you joke.
“Where is your room?”
“Down the hall.”
“Don’t you ever get lonely living here by yourself?”
“I have the chef and maid.”
“Right, because I’m sure they’re your BFFs.”
Dean sighs and puts more distance between you two.
“Look, there are only two rules I keep here. Bedtime is at nine every night. You don’t have to go to sleep but you do need to be in your bedroom at that time. Second, never go in the basement.”
“Why? What’s in there?”
“Nothing of importance to you.”
“Why nine?”
“Because I said so.” You roll your eyes and Dean would love nothing more than to give you a reason to roll your eyes. “I have somewhere I need to be but make yourself at home. I have a gym, plenty of game rooms, movie theater… explore.”
Dean leaves your new room and you’re left alone with your thoughts. You walk to the window that overlooks the front of the house and see Dean pull out of the garage in one of his many cars. You could break his number two rule but you have a feeling that he’d be able to smell you down there. It wouldn’t do you any good to piss him off the first day you’re here.
You stow away your curiosity for now and leave your room in search of his. A bedroom can tell a lot about a person, and Dean’s is just as mysterious as him. His room is bare with minimal-looking furniture. His room is dark because of his black walls and grey aesthetic. His curtains are open to let in natural light but it’s not as bright as it should be.
You walk into his closet which is equally as dark with black suits, shirts, and pants with the occasional white and grey shirt. You brush your fingers over the fabrics in thought. You leave his closet and scan the room for any kind of personal effects he might have. There are no pictures of him, his family, or people he’s loved over the years. He shows up on film and he has a reflection, so where are his pictures?
If you were thousands of years old, you’d have a big house full of pictures from over the years. You’d be a living historical document. He’s the complete opposite unless all of his pictures are in the basement. Maybe his whole life is and he doesn’t want someone snooping through it. Maybe that’s why you were attracted to him from the beginning. You should have run for the hills once you found out what he was but you stayed. 
You have a thing for the mysterious guys.
Your sister, Amber, is only an hour away from you but she needs to learn a lesson about what can happen if she continues down this path. You’ll give her a week and maybe she might want to change her life for the better. Your phone rings and you jump at the sudden noise. You haven’t talked to your parents since you left them for Amber, so you reluctantly answer your mother’s call.
“Hey, mom.”
“Where are you? Have you arrived in Boston?”
“I’m in Rhode Island right now. I got held up.”
You don’t tell your parents you encountered Dean or the fact that he’s a vampire. If they heard this, they would surely drive down just to stake him themselves.
It didn’t matter where in the United States a person lived, everyone had heard of the vampire rumors. Any time they are brought up in conversation, your parents would shut that shit down immediately. They’d always say they’re not real but then come back and say they’re too dangerous. They’d tell anyone with fang scars on their necks that they’re fake and they’re doing this for attention. 
It’s the precise reason why you’re not telling them about Dean.
“Don’t worry. I’m staying with a friend right now.”
“A friend? What friend? You don’t have any friends.”
“Thanks, Mom,” you roll your eyes. “He’s an online friend I met. Everything is okay.”
“Listen, you should come home. Amber chose this life. She knew what she was getting into when she chose drugs and alcohol. You know all she’s going to cause you is trouble.”
“Amber is a lot of things, but she’s still my sister. She’s still your daughter. She’s not a bad person.”
“Yes, she is,” your dad’s voice comes from the other line. He might be in the room but he’s not close enough to the phone to hear clearly. “If you even think about bailing her out, then you might be just as bad as she is.”
This pisses you off.
“I’ll be home soon. Bye.”
You hang up the phone without waiting for their response. Amber isn’t the best person but she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. She needs help and her own parents gave up on her. Not you. You’re not going to do this to her. What if you were in her in her shoes? Would you want her to come after you?
Dean was right about one thing, this place is massive with many things to do. If he’s been alive for centuries, it makes sense that he would have such a big house with lots of entertainment. A movie theater, three game rooms, a gym, a bowling alley, a pool room, a spa, a huge library, a volleyball and tennis court, and much more. This place would make anyone want to stay here forever. If you had all the money in the world, you’d do something like this.
After exploring what you can, you end up in the kitchen with a delicious-looking meal in front of you. The chef is cleaning up the dishes when Dean enters. You’re pushing your food around on the plate with your fork since you’re not really hungry. Sure Dean has given you everything you could ever hope for, you don’t want to live in this house alone.
“Where have you been?” you ask.
“Are you going to tell me anything about you?” you sigh.
“No.” Dean grabs a beer from the fridge before turning to you. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“Not hungry.”
Dean chuckles and sits next to you at the massive table.
“This isn’t how this arrangement is going to go. You keep yourself healthy and I drink your blood. If you don’t eat, you won’t be healthy. Then, I’m going to force you to eat, and trust me, you don’t want that.”
The giddiness from agreeing to this fancy lifestyle has worn out. The excitement had dwindled to nothing. You’re not sure you want to do this anymore.
“Maybe I want out.”
“Not going to happen,” Dean shakes his head. “Eat or I’ll feed you myself.” You take a single bite of food in hopes that will please him but he doesn’t get up. “Finish the rest.”
You do but you’re not sure if it’s because you’re scared of him or if you’re actually hungry. Dean sits there and waits until you’ve eaten everything. The chef takes away your dishes to clean when Dean grabs the bottom of your chair to pull you closer to him.
“My turn.”
He grabs your face and tilts it to the left to reveal the side of your neck, and his fangs slide out smoothly. He leans in and sinks his fangs into the side of your neck. You gasp thinking it’s going to hurt but you only feel a small pinch. Whatever pain you think you’re going to have isn’t powerful because the feeling you get from him sucking your blood is much more pleasurable.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as euphoria flows through your entire body. Dean moans when he gets a taste of your blood but fights off the urge to drain you dry. He needs to pace himself or you won’t last long. The time between you and Annabeth is centuries, and if he is going to make you last eighty to a hundred years, then he can’t take too much. He only takes two pints but that’s enough to make you woozy.
He leans back in his chair when he’s taken enough and lets the power in your blood consume him from the inside. He’s been chasing this high since Annabeth and he’s elated to have found it again. When he comes down from his high, he gets up and grabs some paper towels to clean your wound.
He scoops you up bridal style to take you to bed. He thinks back to Annabeth and how different things were back then. He’s going to do a lot of things differently so the same thing won’t happen as it did back then. He’s not going to let you manipulate him like she did. He’s not going to fall for you like he did with her.
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I love how the book of bill turns Letting The Triangle Into Your Dimension into more of a moral dilemma than it was in the show, or even Journal 3. “To Bill this is only a game, but to us, it would mean the end of the world.” Except that actually, to Bill it’s his home, and it’s the ragtag gang of scrappy orphan rascals that he took charge of, gave purpose to, and became the protector/leader of, and all of their lives at stake. He tried to brush it off, but it seems like he genuinely feels responsible for them. They’re scared. Of course, they’re still criminals. If you did let them in, they would wreck your home and end/ruin lots of people’s lives, and that would be wrong. But just leaving them to die feels messed up.
I love that the book humanizes Bill without trying to convince you that anything he did wasn’t as bad as we thought. (Well, Bill is constantly trying to tell you that, but we’re all very well aware that he’s an unreliable narrator.) But he doesn’t know how the Edge of the Nightmare Realm came about. He gets defensive. (this was touched on in weirdmageddon, but I don’t see nearly enough people talking about how he can’t take what he dishes.) He’s not some master manipulator who knows you inside and out, better than you could ever know yourself or him, he just scans some of your memories for some stuff you might care about and runs with it. The only reason it worked so well with Ford was because they already had similar trauma and compatible personalities. I honestly think that if Bill had just told the truth about the true purpose of the portal that they would have been great friends. Ford -knowing what would happen this time- wouldn’t have ever tried to build the portal, but he would help Bill problem-solve to find a way to not be eaten by the Edge. Bill could get him all the information, and the context, and the what the living there was like without ever getting interdimensional travel involved, because you know he could, and then nothing bad would’ve happened, and how it really went was fucking tragic.
I love that we get even more psychological horror journal pages, even more intense than Journal 3 had. And I love that it shows us that Bill made a mistake and the consequences of it were so traumatic that his memories of that day are repressed. He’s just . . a guy. Who has too much power how ill adjusted he is.
But I am deeply annoyed at how Bill all but told us that his relationship to Ford was romantic in nature. I maintain that Ford never thought of Bill in a romantic way, because he is aroace. It’s very clear in the show, but especially in Journal 3. Anyone who tells you otherwise either has no reading comprehension skills or is retconning something. But I can’t deny that Bill clearly outlined how he would court someone, and that he has done those things to Ford. Can I pretend that was just him screwing with us because he knew we would come to that conclusion? *deep dramatic sigh* Probably not because of how how he acted when he was drunk. To yoose guys this is delightful, I know, but to me all the stuff above that I said I did like were enough to make this a fascinating dynamic. The romance part is just kind of there. All inconveniently. Making it feel less interesting and meaningful.
Will definitely do an essay on what the book of Bill implies about Billy’s home world at some point. Might make a comic about The Good Timeline where Bill was honest to begin with.
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pjblob · 8 months
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OC time! Prolly a bit early considering I made this tumblr alive again like a week ago but yk what i dont care.
Meet my PJ Masks OC Kitsu! To be honest, she was my first OC ever made… back then I was still trying to find a nice art style and I was too shy to make OCs. But yeah I saw other people making OCs so i was like “yo why not try it myself!”, so i made her back in 2017? 2018? Somewhere during season 3 of the show. She has gotten so many redesigns, but i’m pretty chill with this one for now :]
Her personality:
She is cunning and mischievous, always trying to find new ways of entertaining herself. She’s sharp-witted and a quick thinker, but can make very stupid decisions sometimes, especially when she’s full of herself. She normally can’t take criticism and will most likely take it as a joke, if not insult you back. She does love to tease people, trying to push them to their limits for the soul purpose of entertainment. She rarely takes anybody seriously, which is why she sees herself as higher than others. But below that, she’s very loyal and does care for the people she trusts the most.
She doesn’t know what her purpose is in this world, so she tries to just make the best of her experience by doing anything she wants. And the best way to do that is by causing conflict between everyone else. She’s not on anyone’s side really,, She will change sides depending on how fun it’ll be for her. Which does make her quite lonely at times. girly just needs some friends 😭😭💔
So her powers:
Kitsu has shape shifting powers, can take the form of anyone and anything she wants, but won’t inherit the powers of the one who’s trying to mimic. She can hold the form for as long as she likes. Her second power is Agility. She’s quite fast, can climb easily and dodge with no problem.
Now her backstory:
It’s pretty hard to talk about her backstory, because it’s very similar to munki-gu. Again, she was created wayy before him and it just so happened that the writers came up with the same idea. So I was kinda forced to change it 🥲
So in her verse, before mystery mountain was a floating island above the city, it was a part of a different universe. The mountain was on a land, where there was a village protected by 4 mountains, all on different sides of the land. The Dragon mountain of the East, the Vermilion Bird mountain of the South, the White Tiger mountain of the West and the Turtle mountain of the North(yes this is a reference to the four symbols, look it up). In the middle of these mountains was a town, which was protected by these mountains. An Yu lived on the dragon mountain. Since she was born of the “dragon blood”, she would be trained to become the protector of the mountain. (yes i have made designs for the other protectors too >:3)
There were loads of magical creatures living amongst the humans, most of which were harmful to them. So An Yu’s ancestors, having so much power and control, decided it would be best to imprison the creatures to prevent further harm. (hence why Munki-gu was imprisoned too) Kitsune’s were a big harm to society however, that their magical box prisons weren’t enough, considering they could shapeshift. So they decided to exterminate them all. An Yu witnessing all of it, decided to secretly save just one (that being Kitsu).
Years later, there was a war between the mountain guardians and ninjas, who wanted to steal their powers (I thought Night ninja and his ninjalinos could be descendants of them). It ended up in the universe getting completely destroyed, with An Yu having to sacrifice herself to save her mountain, getting imprisoned in the gong as a result. An Yu, after getting rescued, still held the burden of her ancestors imprisoning Kitsu’s species, so ashamed of their past actions, that she never tried to set Kitsu free. She was too scared to confront her, since she thought her and other magical creatures would rise against her and blame her for everything.
A few days after the PJ Masks rescue An Yu in the show, one day, they decide to give her a visit. While An Yu was showing the PJs around the pagoda, Catboy becomes a bit too curious and finds the box where Kitsu was imprisoned, accidentally letting her out in the process. When Kitsu was set free, she needed to give herself a new physical form, so she chose to mimic the first person to let her out, that being Catboy. But since she can only mimic the physical appearance of someone and not their powers, her “PJ Mask” suit didn’t include an animal symbol on her chest. Her suit can still light up when using her own powers though. Finally let out, she fled into the city, until she was ready to start causing mischief. After that, An Yu forbid the PJs from entering the mountain for a while, but still blaming herself for letting her guard down and letting Kitsu free.
so that’s what I have so far, the rest will be decided with time since the show is episodic annd literally anything can happen xd
hope u enjoyed reading this paragraph 🫶🫶ndhdhdhjd
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
I like Oda as a character, I like the way he contributes to the story and how he influences the narrative. I do not however like Oda any more than say Karma or Fitzgerald. And in my very honest opinion, the huge problem with Oda's fandom characterization comes from idolization and the cool dead guy trope. The fandom sees Oda as this affable guy but also sees him through Dazai's eye where Dazai idolized him and puts him on a pedestal. The fandom sets Oda up as this faultless, flawless, perfect man who had all his shit together and was wise beyond his years and could do no wrong, all powerful token of perfection. He goes from a flawed interesting character to a Mary sue with silly quirks for "flaws". And this is why people so often misinterpret his relationship dynamic with Dazai and the impact of his final words. People are not allowed to analyse and critique Oda as a character because the moment you say you don't like him you have to put out an apology for hurting the fandom's feelings (real event, one user on tiktok had to actually apologise).
Oda is not perfect, he is not ideal and he is not faultless. Oda is not some pure soul like people insist he is, he was an assassin and while he no longer kills he was still working for the mafia. He was still involved in an organization dealing in assassinations, murders, gang violence, trafficking and more. He's barely 22 when he dies, he is young, he is traumatized and struggling to connect. Aside from that he takes dumb as hell actions like repeatedly going to visit the kids he adopted in broad daylight while there was a literal terrorist with a vendetta against him on the loose. He also repeatedly indulges Dazai's spirals, something that Ango explicitly calls him out on. Yes it makes Dazai feel like he has a peer but Oda is literally one of the most passive personalities in Dazai's life until his death, he rarely calls Dazai out on his spirals, often indulging his worst self destructive tendencies. He also struggles to place Dazai, putting him on a pedestal and alternating between seeing him as someone born to remain in the darkness and a child on the verge of tears. Oda also repeatedly fails to understand the sheer amount of hope Dazai had during dark era, most notable in their second last meeting when Dazai desperately tries to stop him from his suicide mission by trying to give him hope. Dazai is a very hopeful character who latches onto the most minor things in his life and postpones his death for them despite being actively suicidal. Oda's final words to Dazai take away any real hope he had while telling him that he should live to serve other people. Oda's words made Dazai into a martyr who only values himself through what he can do to save the innocent.
And no, I'm not saying this to slander Oda. I'm saying this to humanize him. Nobody in bsd is perfect. Everyone is flawed and human. Oda made stupid decisions, was involved with the mafia, etc and that makes him human. That makes his ending a tragedy greater than the fall of some faultless pious hero. Oda's final words were meant to give Dazai hope to keep living, to leave the mafia in a way that he never did and to do good in a way that he never could. And the problem was that he didn't understand Dazai was always this hopeful guy. He needed to be told that he will find a reason but Oda thought he wouldn't cause Oda was actively projecting on Dazai, and that's a theme in bsd, everyone projects on Dazai. In his final moments he told this suicidal kid looking for something to keep living for, that he will never find anything to live for and to dedicate himself to other people.
Yes Oda helped Dazai escape but he also broke something in that boy. And Atsushi is desperately trying to tell him now that no, Dazai doesn't need to martyr himself for others, that he deserves to live regardless.
Ready to get cancelled but I don't like the fandom Oda. I much prefer the Oda who accidentally fucked up his last words because he was projecting too hard. Like beast universe literally exists because that versions of Dazai took Oda's words way too seriously and tried to create a world where everyone but he survives and remains happy.
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