#but the dude that texted me was cool !!
housecow · 5 months
i’m gonna let y’all know one of my deepest darkest secrets…..
i used to be kinda well known on ifunny, like to the point i had a sweet unique username and constant features 😭😭 that was years ago but someone just texted me and called me by that username and i had major flashbacks
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amazingdeadfish · 7 months
Self indulgent LMK X Kirby AU thought process but it's just Macaque and Mayor because I have favourites.
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payasita · 8 months
"your art is great but I fucking hate (ship/character/media)"
cool! you have been blocked for vibe poison
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pocketslook · 2 months
this is what it feels like to get into a ship then looking it up on ao3
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seraphsfire · 1 year
so funny that Strange New Worlds spock has Only women friends (except New Dad/older brother/ ......mancrush 1.0?) and they are the Most intense people on any starship ever in the history of starfleet 
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Would've posted the last update yesterday but I basically collapsed into bed the moment I got home, so y'all can have it now lmao. I managed to hold it together until around 9pm, at which point I'd been working for over 12 hours at that point, so I think I did pretty good. Supervisor hit us on the radio to tell us it looked like we wouldn't be done til past midnight, and we were supposed to be out of there by 10pm, so that was the last straw for me bc I just wanted to go home and I mumbled something about going to the bathroom so I could cry for a minute. Came back, apparently that was also the last straw for my partner who evidently knew literally the entire time bc dude fucking goes "so do you wanna talk or are we just gonna keep pretending you haven't been feeling like shit all day", I tried to downplay it, it didn't work obviously, he looked at me like 😒, you hate to see it. He wanted to make sure I wasn't actually gonna become a patient so he did a quick assessment, my vitals were ✨ abnormal ✨ which was fun. We didn't have to do much else work related the rest of the shift so it was nice to just vibe for a bit. Finally got to leave, partner didn't trust me to drive myself home that late while I was still running a fever so he drove me home, we got food on the way back, I showered, then immediately went to sleep after crying a little but bc everything hurt so bad lmao
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kindleaf · 4 months
it is like a wee bit crazy going through my art tag from even the past couple of months and seeing like. actual marked improvement. what getting into a podcast does to a man.
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mymarifae · 5 months
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the-punforgiven · 7 months
YOOOO Love that funky kick move in the trailer too, if that's a new fist weapon I'm gonna be so hyped
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8millionscorpions · 6 months
also thinking abt the immigrant workers they hire as part of like. company deal for them visiting america cuz of the motel chains (extremely extremely common in this city) and at the last motel we were at there was a dude who happened to have had the same exact name as a really really popular celebrity n he was visiting from brazil, so he could transfer USD to BRL for the currency rate so he could send home his family money back home. he was sooo sweet. one time some weirdo guy was following me and Ace. so we told him all freaked out cuz he was in the lobby. and he went LOOKING AROUND the property for him after we gave him a description of the guy with our other homeless friends. like damn i felt so looked out for that day
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thearchivalist · 8 months
talking to cishet men in their 40s is wild when you're a gnc trans dude. sometimes they'll gender me so woman. then they'll turn around and say the most fuckless why-would-I-want-to-talk-to-my-wife-or-spend-time-with-her-you-know-the-way-women-are shit and look at me like it's time to bond over a completely neutral and shared experience of masculinity
like, that's fascinating. anyway, I have a constant running montage of my beautiful wife playing in my head on loop like visual white noise, he's everything to me. I could've been insufferable and hateful too, but my version of masculinity is deeply pathetic and fuckable, so idrk if that's possible for me. I'm sure your thing's cool too though. (hey girl, leave him)
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digitaldiseas3 · 1 month
i’m still kinda working on it but getting over my antisocial habits is literally improving my life so fucking much
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californiaquail · 2 months
my brother said he would co sign for me. ok guys should i go for the $1000/mo room with the overly talkative music teacher and two other women or the random guy who may have been flirting with me's room for $700. or should i hold off on choices until i hear back from option 3 which i think is also $1000 and more private and much better commute but would not allow any pets and idk what her application process and requirements are like when i think i've got a good chance with the other ones.
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floral-hex · 2 months
One of my brothers is moving away to college today + I have to skip therapy, so it’s a lot of… a lot. a lot.
#he was just a baby! he was just a little kid I carried around and took care of!#no nope. not gonna get into it right now. I WILL cry. it’s not even 6am and I do not need that right now#and I don’t really know if therapy today would really help#if I got into it I’d just start crying in front of this nice dude for an hour#though yeah… might be nice to.. I dunno… just talk about it.#I am always simultaneously ‘therapy is good’ and ‘what’s the point in talking about it?’#so maybe I do need that person that’s like ‘this is your time. just fucking talk.’#but also right now it’s like… talking about it won’t take me back to when my brother was little and far off from leaving#blegh…#whatever. anyway. it’s gonna be a sad day. I’m gonna cry A LOT. I’m gonna be alone in this apartment and just sooooobbbbbbing#and then keep this inside for another week before I can go to therapy and talk about this bc god forbid I talk to a family member about it#ok now it’s 6am. I think he’s leaving in about 4 hours. it’s cool. it’ll be cool. 😎 I’ll just miss my bro so dang much#but maybe I’ll walk down to the dollar store and stock up on snacks and I’ll get blasted and fatter and try to stay positive#uggghhh#I’m too emotional#time just keeps moving for us all. to my dismay.#’time is the fire in which we burn’#you can ignore this#I don’t think I’ll ever have kids. I’ll never have kids. and being there. with him. with my brothers. that was the closest I’ll ever get.#and it’s over… so… 🤷🏻‍♂️… it’s just done… they’re grown. and I’m still here. I don’t know what else to say…#but that’s life. they’re doing their thing. I’m happy for them and I want them to be happy too. I’m just a big crybaby#IAN!… stop typing!#just making myself sad at this point#it’s fine. it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m cool. everything’s… cool 😎#this isn’t important#text
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beananium · 2 months
the pain of wanting to look up long ass game you just got into on tumblr but knowing its been a couple of years since it came out so the tag is probably littered with spoilers
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the-mehlwurm · 5 months
I am now at my friend's house because their partner sucks and I was worried
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