#but the excitement gets old and getting yelled at and snapped at and ignored by someone you respect and like and work really hard for....?
tomsmother · 1 year
Pre drinking a lil to go to an expectedly awkward farewell dinner with my ex-bosses/landlords/friends.... and now the dudes dad is coming which tbh makes it even weirder? We used to be close and had lots of fun drinking together (maybe too much fun to be Appropriate btw bosses and employee but ... hey! I liked it) and now I don't know what has been said behind closed doors, but they're both so awkward with me now and barely drink and don't say too much and it's like fucking crickets when we hang?? I wanna know
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belladonazeppole · 3 months
The Many Suitors of Miss Fortune
"I fucking knew it!" Adam yelled while pointing at Husk, this asshole reborn as a sinner and didn't took him long enough to come to the hotel asking for a place to stay since it look that lot of sinners could recognizr him and they weren't happy.
Charlie, the bleeding heart that she had, accept him even if she wasn't excited of him be here but she believe that everybody deserve redemption even if that person was Adam who took a liking on Husk.
"You almost convince me that you were a dude!" For some reason Adam believe that Husk is a woman. Maybe it was his chest fur since Angel gave him a shampo that gave Husk more volume or maybe Adam is into woman with deep voices or he's just a fucking moron. "You look so hot that I can get over you having the bitchest personality in this dump."
"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD YOU CAN'T BE THIS FUCKING STUPID! " Husk yelled angrily at Adam, he has this argument to many times and just fially he succed in making him see reason in that thick skull of his."I'M JUST IN DRAG!"
The fact that he comes from Adam just makes him lose hope.
Sadly he can't make this moron see reason but he was right in one thing, he look really good. Husk has to congratulate Angel for making his grumpy old ass look this great. Husk was wearing a golden-yellow backless dress with a slip on the side, golden heels to match, a short wig that was the same color that his fur. It make Husk remember his youth when he do some drag as "Lady Luck" but that was when he was alive.
"As crude and imbecile Adam can be, he is right for once, you look quite wonderful tonight, my dear Husker." Said Alastor while spawning out nowhere in the stool of the bar while glaring at Husk. That was actually kinda sweet from Alastor since after their deal was broken their relationship was.... weird. Alastor sometimes tried to treat still like his pet but now Husk could actually refuse.
Alastor still was a bitch in deer clothing but maybe they can move on from their owner/pet relationship, maybe even making Alastor see Husk as an actual person and not his cat.
"Thanks, Al. That—
"Your welcome! But I do have a problem while the dress fits you like a glove the color just don't see like the right one." He squints his eyes while looking at him up and down to then snapping his fingers making the dress changing from golden-yellow to red, "There! It isn't better? Red was always a color that look better on you, my friend."
Or maybe not.
"No thanks. This color fits me way better than red." He said with a smug smile while snaping his fingers and, return the dress from Alastor signature red to his original golden-yellow, which make one of Alastor's ears twitch.
"Just ignore them you can't deal with stupid or batshit crazy." Said Angel while not giving Adam or Alastor much of a thought, the first just flip him in return while the latter strains his smile, "Now give me a spin! I want to see all my hard work before your date ravish you!"
"DATE WITH FUCKING WHO?" Adam yelled now angry knowing that the hottie that he was trying to bang was gonna be bang for somebody else.
"Husker!?" Alastor was shocked that his former (pet) associate was having date he believe that he and Angel were going to one of their silly "going out" but that somebody was having interest in his oldest... friend. It make Alastor feel angry and possesive. Meanwhile, Husk just rolls his eyes and ignore the outburst of these dumbass but still does what his friend ask him, after all Angel did help him and looking like this-
"This is just a first date, Angel."
"Just do what I'll do."
"I won't do anal in the first date." He cringes at bit at the sound of radio interference but refuse to giving Alastor the attention, "Buuh you whore!" Angel said jokingly while Husk just snorted at him.
"There you are!" A new voice make himself know, that was coming from the TV, it was Vox, who succed in coming out of the TV before Alastor could destroy it. "Fuck you old fossil!!" He yell while giving the finger to the radio demon.
Ever since Vox saw Alastor defeat agaisnt Adam he become more bold in entering to the hotel to mock the other overlord and old rival much to everybody else annoyance. Even fake dating Husk to have more info but the dumbass become more invested in Husk.
He may become Husk unofficial sugar daddy.
They don't even fuck.
Vox just gaves Husk money like an idiot for doing nothing.
Again Vox is a moron.
"Are you gonna fuck a fucking TV instead of having me? The Dickmaster?" Adam asked in disbelieve, fuck he fall really hard in this one. "He looks soo desperate."
"Inded and needy." Alastor glare harder at Vox, "I would expect that you have a better taste than this, Husker." At hint of dissapointment was in Alastor voice. Vox, for the first time, didn't put a lot of mind on them, "And you two are better?" He asked while crossing his arms to them point to Adam, "You! A broke fallen angel that is so fucking desperate that come to the place that tried to destroy in the first place!" Now pointing at Alastor, "And you! A coward who escape in battle and treat him like a pet at best!"
Now looking smug, "While I'm a powerful overlord that has tons of money and can make any of his whishes reality."
"I mean he isn't wrong."
"True, but Husk has a date with somebody waaayy better than any of you guys."
"WHO?" The three of them ask in anger.
"Hoo Mama!"
The three sinners slowly begin to turn around to see Lucifer the King of Hell with a bottle of apple cider and his mouth wide open at the sight of Husk, so he was the date.
That motherfucker.
Lucifer seeing that there were more people watching him pulled himself together as best he could, failure of course, "I mean…uh- You look beautiful tonight Hu- I mean Miss Fortune, yes, that color suits you excellently." He said hurriedly as he handed the bottle of apple cider to Husk who only smiled at his reaction.
He hands the bottle to Angel, "Thanks, Duckie." He laughs a little as the redness in his cheeks appears, "But you have Angel to thank, he's the one who made my geezer self look this awesome."
"Uuhhh, thank you Angel." He said a little awkward as with the use of his magic made another bottle appear, "A thank you for making Husk look amazing…I mean more! More amazing than you normally look, you always look good but now? I almost fainted…"
He really was Charlie's father.
The same verbal diarrhea when they're nervous.
It was adorable if he was honest.
"I understand you look amazing today too, Duckie." He said once again using Lucifer's nickname which only made him smile more and more relaxed, "I'll wait for you outside."
"Thanks, Short King" Said Angel with the bottle in his hand and leaving to his room, "Have a good fuck you two!" He just waves his hand a bit awkwardly, "Don't worry I'll make sure Husk has a night he won't forget."
He was ready to leave until he sees the three sinners looking at him with daggers in their eyes, his awkward posture changes to an arrogant one while he flashes them the finger, "You three want to be me so badly right now."
"Adam, looks like third time's the charm after all. Alfred I'm sorry for not being able to stay for a conversation but I have date right now…. and who are you?" He said the last while pointing at Vox but shakes his head nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if I'm honest. I have go to my date with Miss Fortune and if I'm lucky it will soon be Mrs Fortune." He said while sticking his tongue out between his fingers.
"Toodles!" He cheerfully as he leaves the three of them alone.
The King had a date and felt really lucky if he is honest!
(This takes inspiration by a small convo that @adyophene and I had it was too good for me not write.)
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
loud and clear — gojo satoru x gn!reader
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a/n: @xhamper I hope this is up to your liking! I couldn’t find the request in the inbox 🥲
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as a high school student in jujutsu tech, you have learned to take any chance to sleep.
however, said sleep of tonight is, unfortunately, disturbed by something.
trying to ignore the noise, you turn groggily in your sleep. the ruckus doesn’t pipe down; you toss and turn. finally, done with everything, you slowly open your eyes, “what the…”
you concentrate and you hear a song playing. albeit a bit muffled, it’s still pretty loud.
perhaps your neighbors are having a party again? but they just had one yesterday; in addition, the sound is pretty close to you unlike before.
when you finally get up, you head towards the window and you’re met with something you would’ve never expected.
you see nanami, geto and haibara dancing: nanami is frowning and his dancing is as stiff as the tree beside him, geto is smiling but he also just looks defeated and helpless, and haibara is having fun and making the most out of it.
it’s a sight to behold and you want to scurry and get a camera, but the rest of the scene catches your attention.
you also see dj shoko, who looks like she is about to commit a murder, frowning and holding the speakers behind the boys as they do their ‘part’.
lastly, there is gojo, your crush, holding a mic and obnoxiously singing golden hour, “it’s yoUR GOLDEN HOOOOOOUR!”
he is really into it, knees on the ground, clutching his chest, and everything, “YOU SLOW DOWN TIMEEEEEEEEEE—!”
so it’s no surprise when your very kind neighbor throws a bag of cashews at him.
and it is also no surprise when he yells back, but you don’t expect his response, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH CONFESSING MY LOVE, YOU CRANKY OLD LADY?!”
geto tries to hold him back, “satoru, let’s not create a bigger scene than this, yaga will have our heads—“
satoru shakes him off and looks at you, determined and with a very annoying smirk on his face. he walks to his bag and gets out a megaphone.
he holds it up and once again surprises you, “I!LOVE!YOU!Y/N!”
he is panting, by the time he finishes his rant. you know he is waiting for a response, but in your shocked state you cant get anything out except, “what?”
you nod hurriedly and run down the stairs. the moment you open the door, shoko pulls your arm and pushes you on satoru, who holds you up easily and whispers a small ‘hey’ with a smile.
geto pats shoko’s back and takes over, “so y/n, satoru likes you as you may have guessed by now.”
satoru, glaring at him, corrects him, “love! not like, thank you very much!”
you intertwine your fingers and it flusters him, but you don’t notice—geto does, however, and satoru is one second away from mixing colors.
nanami walks up to you guys, “and y/n obviously likes you back.”
finally haibara runs, smiling and excited, “now kiss!”
you laugh, “as if we would do that in front of you guys—“
the words die in your throat as satoru connects your lips gently. his hand is settled on your cheek and his other is pulling you closer by the waist.
shoko’s gagging, nanami’s groaning, haibrara’s clapping, and geto’s nodding proudly.
with all of that, you can only focus on the guy in front of you who pulls away with a cheeky smile, “that was nice, no?”
you mutter weakly, “s-shut up.”
he laughs and leans into your ear, “do you want to dance to the song?”
another bag of cashews is thrown on your—now—boyfriend’s head, “ YOU CAN DANCE TO THE SONG IN YOUR MOM’S—“
a kind neighbor indeed.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will send the kind neighbor after yo ass
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lace-coffin · 1 month
Hi!!! I really like your headcanons and I would’ve liked if your wrote some headcanons for Brahms Heelshire, Thomas Hewitt and Yautja (male if possible) with a muscular female reader. A muscle mommy if you will.
Pretty please :3
Hi! I’m so glad you like my headcanons that’s so lovely to hear < 3 I had such a good time writing this omg! I’m gonna write a fem yautja aswell for my little lesbian self !
How would the slashers react to a Muscle mommy!Reader? (NSFW)
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Requests are open!
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms loves your muscles, he thinks you’re the most attractive person on this earth anyway but the muscles are an added bonus. He always feels so safe wrapped in your big arms when he’s having a bad day, it makes him feel grounded and protected.
He absolutely loves being put in his place, Brahms can be pretty stubborn at the best of times. Refusing to go to his lessons or take a bath? Up you go! Feel free to give his ass a slap if he kicks. He’ll yell and play up but he loves it, being manhandled over your shoulder like an object. Just ignore the boner pressing into you that he totally doesn’t have and is very angry about.
Demands to add your workout to his schedule. Brahms absolutely sits at the table with a little cup of tea and enjoys the show. The way the sweat drips down your arms is absolutely sinful and he loves every moment.
He absolutely hides behind you if you see a mouse or rat scuttle along the floor of the old mansion. Will your muscles realistically help against a mouse? Probably not. Is the mouse actually going to hurt a fully grown man? No. Does Brahms give a shit? No to both.
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy is a big guy himself, especially in the arm department, so he can appreciate how much work and time goes into your muscles. He defiantly has some weights and gym equipment in the basement for when it’s too hot to work out outside or you don’t feel like leaving the house. It’s a lot darker and cooler down there so you don’t have to worry about passing out from the heat or getting sunburnt.
Tommy will make himself ‘Busy’ in the basement when you’re working out. In reality he’s just moving things around pointlessly in an attempt to look like he’s not ogling you from across the room. If you tease him about it his ears will go a cute shade of pink. Let him know he’s allowed to just watch, he doesn’t need an excuse, hell, give him a little show whilst you’re at it.
Arm wrestling is a family event, and by that I mean you and Tommy wrestle and Hoyt yells from the sidelines. It’s nice for Tommy to have someone to roughhouse with without worrying about snapping their arm like a twig. It’s all fun and games so it’s not about who’s winning. Who’s counting anyway? (You’re totally winning)
If you want to fluster him easily then flex for him, pop him a flex whilst you’re helping move barn equipment, he eats it up every time. If you’re sweaty from the heavy lifting too? Even better
Hoyt has less chance of messing with or insulting you if you’re ripped. knowing that he’s an older man and that you could crush him like a tin can saves you from his scrutiny most of the time. Not that you think you would get to kick his ass before Tommy jumped in, but the idea is nice.
Male Yautja
Your partner is used to seeing female yautja bigger and stronger than himself but seeing it on you is so…different and exciting. He’s fascinated by the way the hard muscle sits on your human frame. He’d be lying if he said your strength didn’t lure him in.
He’s super proud of you, shows you off as his mate at any given chance, excitedly talking about how committed to training you are and how you’re perfectly made for hunting. His human is so little but so strong!!
Your mate loves to gift you jewellery and clothing, especially ones that accentuate your arms and midriff, totally not for his own prying eyes or anything. Bone accessories hang around your biceps, hand tied by your mate. He won’t be offended if you gain more muscle and he needs to alter his jewellery, infact he’d be delighted.
You’re not as strong as him considering he’s a massive reptile-esque alien who could crush you like a bug but you’re strong enough for him to not be as worried about hurting you as he would a normal human. You can play rough and dish it out at the same time. Sometimes he lets you win but he won’t tell you that.
Play fighting is always exiting, one minute you’re cuddling in your nest and the next you have him in a headlock, it’s a dirty move but it’s so worth it to see his mandibles flair as he flails in surprise. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it a little hot too.
Female Yautja
Female Yautja are known for their strength and stature so having someone who stands on even ground (or as even as it can be with your mates strength) is impressive and new to her.
Dressing you up is a favourite pass time of hers, draping you in the finest silky materials from all over the planets and bone jewellery, hand crafted and hunted personally. Your mate is gratuitous in using semi-transparent fabrics for your outfits, giving herself ample opportunity to see slithers of taught muscles as you go about day to day.
Mating is always intense to say the least, usually females will wrestle the males for dominance during intercourse and well, you pack some weight behind you. Both of you are well defined in the muscle area and neither of you like to loose. Luckily you both have pretty good stamina so you’re not exhausted before you actually get to the deed. Sometimes you manage to pin her and the look on her face is gorgeous, fucked out flustered, she might even tilt her head in submission and give you access to her neck if you’re lucky.
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221bshrlocked · 2 months
Broken and Grazed, Loved and Saved
Pairing: Crosshair x Jedi AFAB!Reader
Words: 4724
Warnings: Mutual Pining. Mentions of violence and blood. Touching Confessions! Angst to fluff because you know it. Crosshair being a tiny bit soft...just a tiny bit.
Summary: You get shot while trying to save Crosshair. He's shocked and confused as to why you would do such a thing. You both slowly reveal your feelings for each other as he patches you up.
A/N: I crawled back from my writer's block hell hole to post this. This is during The Clone Wars series folks, hence the Jedi insert. Once again, thank you so much to @cloneficgiftexchange for holding this event and single-handedly getting me to write every once in a while. This is for the lovely @arctrooper69 who inadvertently gave me a challenge with Crosshair. I hope you enjoy it babes and I hope I got his character down correctly. This is the first time I write for him. As always, let me know how I am doing in the comments please and thank you.
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When Obi-Wan informed you that you’d be accompanying Clone Force 99 on another mission, you tried your best to not let your excitement come through. But one look at your old friend and the smirk on his face made you realize you may not have been as subtle as you originally thought. 
“Shut it Kenobi,” you walk past him, shaking your head when you briefly glanced to the side and saw him raising an eyebrow at you. He chuckles at your embarrassment, and you’re torn between making fun of him and letting him be. It was rare to see him display such an elated emotion, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him when finally caught up with you and patted you on the back. 
“In all seriousness, do be careful out there.” A worried expression breaks through the smile and you nod at him, knowing that the sentiment wasn’t one of warning but deep concern for your safety. 
“As weird as it is to admit this, I feel like I might potentially be safest with them.” You come to a stop once you reach the door of the Temple, looking around the awfully quiet space before returning your attention to Obi-Wan once more. 
“I would have to disagree with you there. The rate at which they use explosives is severely higher than any other force I have fought alongside. Nevertheless, I trust your judgment. Do keep me updated, yes?” When you don’t respond right away, Obi-Wan follows your line of sight and notices where your attention suddenly lies. He groans to himself and wishes he wasn’t the keeper of so many secrets. 
“Young one!?” You snap out of your momentary haze when Obi-Wan quite literally yells at you, his voice carrying across the grounds and catching the curiosity of none other than the man you found yourself barely able to stop thinking of. 
“Sorry, yes?” You feign ignorance, giggling like a young padawan when Obi-Wan rubs his temples and swears beneath his breath.
“I’m only joking. Yes I will be careful, sure I’ll try my best not to get into trouble, and of course I won’t partake in Wrecker’s booming tactics. Satisfied?” You don’t wait for him to respond, already walking towards the Marauder and praying to the Force that the introvert of the group is less hostile towards you this time around. When you grow near to the clones standing at the foot of the ramp, you turn around one last time and wave goodbye to Obi-Wan, laughing when he rolls his eyes at you and heads back into the Temple. As soon as you turn around, you’re met with an incredibly energetic Wrecker, your shock turning into hysterical laughter as soon as he wraps his arms around you and picks you up. 
“Heyyy, it’s our favorite Jedi!” His grip on you remains gentle even though he’s lifted you off of the ground a good bit. 
“Hey Wrecker, I see you missed me as much as I missed you.” You gently tap him on his shoulder, hoping he’d put you down before any other Jedi sees how familiar you are with him. 
“Wreck, put the General down.” You glance to the side and see Hunter standing with his hands on his hips, his facial expression a bit unreadable. You laugh nervously at the leader of the Bad Batch, hoping Wrecker wouldn’t get in trouble because of your friendliness. 
To his chagrin, Wrecker puts you down and backs away, whispering a few apologies before returning to stand next to Tech.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t encourage it.” You tell Hunter as the two of you walk away from the rest of the Batch, your eyes unintentionally remaining on your favorite member of the group. If Hunter notices how you pay more attention to Crosshair, he says nothing of it and pretends you weren’t watching him like a hawk. 
“No need for any apologies, General. I don’t particularly care but I know how things are on Coruscant. Wouldn’t want him to be misunderstood.” Hunter points towards the Clones standing around the Temple with other Jedi Masters, smiling nervously at you when you sigh anxiously at the prospect of being the reason behind Wrecker potentially getting in trouble. 
“I promise to talk to him. And I’ll make sure to only be friendly when we’re not surrounded by…you know.” You try to laugh off the circumstances you find yourself in, only for Hunter’s body language to shift at the implications behind your words. 
“I’d be careful if I were you. Even if they aren’t around, others tend to misunderstand and- well, let’s just say that things get a little heated when we finish a mission and you aren’t on-board anymore.” You furrow your eyebrows at Hunter’s response, only to follow his line of sight and see who he’s staring at. When you’re met with Crosshair’s narrowed, irritated eyes shifting between you and Wrecker, you realize that Hunter may know more than he let on. 
“I- I don’t think you-” You trip over your words, unsure of how to respond now that Hunter knew of your inclinations as well. 
“Save it, I’m not judging…just giving you a heads up.” He excuses himself, saying something or other to Tech as the two of them ascend the Marauder. You look to the ground as you make your way to the ship, afraid of making eye contact with any of the others out of fear of making things more awkward. Even as you walk past Crosshair, you ignore him completely, pretending to fix the lightsaber hanging from your belt so you don’t have to deal with him now. As soon as you go to the cockpit, you throw a quick hello to Echo and walk back, pushing through the supplies scattered around so you can sit in the small space at the end of the ship. 
Even though you want to sit near Crosshair, you decide against it, knowing that you don’t have the capacity to deal with his passive aggressive comments now. You haven’t seen him in a long while, and there’s nothing you wish to do more than be near him, even if the two of you were to remain silent. But if the conversation with Hunter proved anything, it’s the fact that Crosshair was begging to pick a fight right now. You just didn’t want it to be with you. 
Taking a deep breath, you do your best to center yourself and ignore the whispers and murmurs traveling from the cockpit. You manage a fair job for most of the flight, but the closer you get to the Outer Rim planet, you vaguely hear your name thrown around between Hunter, Tech and Wrecker. You know better than to listen to what they’re saying, and before you can decide on whether or not you should ignore them, Wrecker stands up and grumbles something louder than the others would have preferred. 
“She doesn’t mind! You’re just telling me what to do because Crosshair won’t listen to you and talk to her.” Your eyes shoot wide open at his words, and as you turn around to face them, you see all of their expressions turn blank. Wrecker only recognizes just how loud he is when he faces you and sees a quizzical look on your features. He chuckles nervously and sits down as Echo makes his way towards you. 
“Sorry about that, we know how much you like to meditate.” He sits down beside you, glaring quickly at Wrecker so he doesn’t accidentally give anything else away. 
“It’s okay, it’s not like I was getting much meditation done anyway. You guys whisper pretty loudly.” 
“You mean you- could you hear us this whole time?” Echo asks, the direct gaze you offer him letting him know that yes, you could certainly hear what they were going on about this whole time. 
“You know then.” It was more of a comment than a question, but you shrug your shoulders at him regardless, unsure of whether they were telling the truth or just reading into the interactions between you and Crosshair. Before you can respond however, you feel the ship drop out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the planet.
“Another time Echo,” you ignore the pleading look on Echo’s face, not wanting to continue this conversation now that the mission officially commenced. Making your way to the front of the ship, you look across the yellow planet below you and sigh in irritation when you notice the storms forming just above the surface. 
“Did you know that Eshil is one of three desert planets that receives frequent rain? Rain storms are often violent here, delivering up to seven millimeters per minute. It is more likely for one to drown down there than to die of thirst.” The ease with which Tech spoke made you giggle, and you couldn’t help but thank him politely for the unsolicited knowledge when you saw Wrecker and Echo glare at him worryingly. 
“Don’t worry big guy, nothing will happen to you on my watch.” You pat Wrecker on the back as you begin your descent onto Eshil, and before you can attempt to calm him down a little, the Marauder begins to shake violently due to the rain and thunderstorms. In a moment of distraction, you lose your balance and fly backward, suddenly feeling a pair of slim fingers grab onto your waist to prevent you from falling. Thinking it’s Hunter who just saved you, you turn around to thank him, only to find a pair of steel, hazel eyes staring dead at you. 
The faint gasp doesn’t go unnoticed by Crosshair, nor does the disappointed look you throw at him when he lets go so he can push you into one of the seats. 
“Don’t hurt yourself, Jedi.” His tone is mocking in a way, but you don’t dwell too much on it and instead look around to see if anyone noticed the little interaction. Everyone is blissfully unaware of the tense moment you shared with Crosshair, and even though you can feel his eyes on you, you choose to avoid his gaze, afraid he would see how much of an effect he has on you. 
It takes too long to your liking to land, not because you didn’t like the turbulence, but because you couldn’t stand being in close proximity with Crosshair any longer. An hour ago, you were excited to join the team, wanting nothing more than to try and get closer to Crosshair, or at the very least, figure out why he’s always more passive aggressive with you than with anyone else. But after the not-so-subtle comment from Hunter, and the rather awkward conversation you overheard, you couldn’t finish this mission and be back on Coruscant fast enough. Somehow, knowing that the animosity was a product of mutual feelings made things worse.
No, not worse. That wasn’t the right word. 
Real. It made things real. It made things more accessible, which meant that the probability of anything happening was simultaneously high and low. 
“We’re here,” Hunter’s announcement is a welcomed distraction, and you wait until everyone stands aside to review the plan before jumping out of the Marauder. The rain comes down harsher than you’ve anticipated but you take a few seconds to appreciate it regardless, knowing that it wasn’t everyday you experienced rain caused by clean, natural clouds. It was so much different than Coruscant, strangely soothing as it seeped through your clothes and kissed your cheeks. 
The cool sensation suddenly shifts into a warmer breeze, causing your eye muscles to clench tightly in confusion. The feeling engulfs you almost like a hug, and you’re not sure how or why it becomes hotter with each passing second. It’s only when you open your eyes and glance to the side that you finally understand why you were being flooded with such intensity. You quickly avert your gaze as soon as you notice Crosshair’s embarrassment when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at you. 
“Alright fellas, listen up. Our mission is simple: infiltrate the base undetected, retrieve the classified intel from their innermost vaults, exfiltrate before they even know we’re there. Stay sharp and Wrecker…no explosives unless I say so.” Hunter points firmly at the bigger clone, and you almost giggle when you see the hint of a grin appearing on his face. 
“Awww man!” Wrecker throws his hands up in the air, walking away and crossing his arms when he sees you approaching him. 
“Don’t worry big guy, there’s always a next time.” You pat him on the back, laughing to yourself when he retorts at you like a child.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“But I really mean it this time,” you twist your head down until you can get a better look at him, and when you meet his eyes, you watch as he tries his best to not crack a smile in return. When he does, you walk past him and stay behind Hunter as he slowly moves through the barren land. The closer you get to the compound though, the more you become uneasy at your lack of cover, but before you can say anything, the rain begins to come down harder than you thought it possible, making you squint to try and see where everyone is. 
“I guess that should do the trick!” You hear Echo scream from behind you, but the sentiment makes you uncomfortable. The idea of losing the rest of them before you even make it to the enemy line is disconcerting, and you make your way towards Hunter quickly. When he sees you approaching him, he stops and waits for you to catch up. 
“Follow my lead and make sure everyone keeps their helmets on so they can see.” You throw the hood of your cloak over your head a little further, the action not helping one bit as the water continues to crash down on you like a waterfall. 
“When we get there-” 
“I’ll signal for Echo so he can unlock the doors.” Waiting until he nods in agreement, you continue your journey towards the compound, praying to the maker that the enemy’s visibility is as bad as yours. The trek to the compound takes longer than you like, but when you finally have it in sight, you turn around and wait for the others to reach you. Hunter and Tech are ahead of everyone, and you squint hard until you can see Echo and Wrecker behind them. When Crosshair doesn’t show right away, you begin to worry, afraid that the rain became less of an inconvenience and more of a trigger to him. You’re about to run past the guys when you finally see him walking through the heavy downfall, no longer holding his firearm in his hands and instead taking his time as he walks towards the rest of the team. Even though you can’t see his expression, you know for a fact that Hunter is smirking beneath his mask, and you choose to ignore him as you go back to the front of the Batch and walk closer to the compound.
“There aren’t any guards posted outside. The storm must have sent everyone back inside.” You make a note, signaling for Echo to move ahead of you while the others wait a little farther away in case things don’t go according to plan. Anxiety washes over you all of a sudden, and you glance at the only member of the Batch you know dislikes the rain more than anyone. If Crosshair notices the way you’re staring at him worryingly, he says nothing and keeps his attention on your surroundings, ready to fire at anyone who comes in the way. 
When Echo unlocks the door, Tech follows after and heads straight towards the secured vaults at the heart of the compound. It’s quieter than you expect, but you figure it’s only because the storm continues to rage outside and grow louder by the second. As you move towards the vault however, you find the silence nearly deafening, and you wonder briefly if this entire mission could be a set-up. Before you can voice your concerns to Hunter, Tech gains access to the room with ease, already getting to work for the intel with Echo. You stand guard outside while Hunter and Wrecker scout the hallways and ensure you don’t have any visitors. 
Using the distraction to your advantage, you slowly make your way to Crosshair and stand beside him, waiting until he acknowledges your presence with a glance before attempting to break the awkward air around the two of you. 
“I hope the rain isn’t too much of a bother.” You’re not sure what else to say, and as you realize he won’t be responding any time soon, you figure it’s best to not try and fix whatever it is between the two of you now. Knowing that it will be even more uncomfortable if you walk away from him, you remain standing where you are, turning your attention to Tech and Echo to see if they’re almost done. 
The abrupt sound of guns firing pushes you forward immediately, and you watch as several weapons descend from the ceiling and the walls, instantly firing at everyone in the room. You make your way to the nearest wall and burn through the small firearms with your lightsaber, watching as Crosshair hits several more on the opposite side of the wall while Tech and Echo extract the intel. 
“I knew it was too quiet.” You mutter to yourself, running as fast as you can across the space to get as many of the little suckers as possible. When there aren’t any left, you sheath your weapon again and move towards the door. 
“Time to head out,” Hunter screams across the hallway and as you file out, you sense movement at one of the corners of the room. It’s instinctive the way you run towards Crosshair and shield him with your body, and your curse at yourself for not ensuring that all of them were taken down. Anger seeps through your mind at what could have been a fatal mistake and you ignite your saber instantly, propelling it towards the small object and bringing it back into the palm of your hand as more smoke fills the room. 
“We need to leave, now.” Your voice is stern, and even though you can see Crosshair staring at where you’ve just been shot, you don’t pay him any mind as you run through the winding hallways and make your way out of the compound. It’s somehow raining even harder than earlier, and you feel your body grow more faint with each step you take. The faster you try to run, the more unbearable the pain becomes, and it occurs to you that you would be no good to any of them if you slowed them down. 
You come to a stop and haunch over, applying pressure against your stomach and wincing in pain when more blood oozes through your fingers. Thinking that they’re all ahead of you, you kneel down and allow the rain to become less of an inconvenience and more of a calming presence. 
“What are you doing?” Crosshair hisses as he comes up behind you, and when you lock contact with his eyes, you regret not pushing yourself harder. 
“I’m fine…go!” You hope your voice isn’t as wavering to his ears as it is to your own, and when he shakes his head, you attempt to stand to confront him, only to fall back to the ground again. 
“Tech, bring the ship to my position.” You cruse yet again as Crosshair pushes a button on the side of his helmet while speaking to Tech. 
“Why have you stopped?” You can hear Hunter ask through the comms, and you look at Crosshair again, silently begging him to leave so he doesn’t get hurt. 
“The General’s been compromised.” He leans down and pushes your hands aside to inspect the wound, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think that he was angry at you for getting shot…for saving him. 
“You need to go to the Marauder. That’s an order.” You hiss in pain when you feel him bring your hand back to your stomach and push on it harder than before. 
“You’re currently bleeding all over the floor. You’re in no shape to give me orders…General.” He’s pushing your buttons, but unlike before, when he smirked at every snarky comment he threw your way and chuckled when you retorted in likeness, his voice is laced with unspoken feelings now, as if he was silently thanking you for what you did for him. 
Before you can dwell too much on the change in his behavior, the Marauder lands right beside you, allowing you a moment of respite before Wrecker comes down the ramp and takes you in his arms. The jolting movements make you cough as your stomach throbs in pain, and you take one last look at Crosshair, finding his expression as irritated as when you were on your way here. 
To his credit, Wrecker does try to be more slow and soft with his movements, but when he lays you down, you can’t help but scream in agony at the wound tearing through your skin. 
“S-sorry.” You shake your head at Wrecker and assure him with a smile, only to drop it when Tech comes with a medkit and asks his brother to give you some privacy. 
“I do apologize General but I must cut your robe to administer the bacta spray and patches properly.” Ever the gentleman, Tech waits for your consent before taking out a pair of scissors. He’s about to cut through your robes when Crosshair walks in and stands behind him.
“If you can wait out-”
“I’ll do it.” Crosshair doesn’t give Tech a chance to finish his request, and when he stands up to argue with him, you reach for Tech’s hand and nod at him, waiting until he places everything down before moving towards the front of the ship. 
You’re sure Crosshair didn’t think this far ahead because he remains standing and doesn’t once turn his sight away from your wound. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You break the silence and push your head back as the wound continues to burn. It must be all Crosshair needs to hear because he gets right to business, not once saying anything to you as he rips through your robes and begins to disinfect the flesh around the gash. You hiss and instantly slam your hand against his thigh, digging your nails into the plastoid covering him as he sterilizes the laceration to prevent any infection. 
“What were you thinking?” It’s the first time he’s ever spoken to you so softly, and you figure it’s because you’re hurt and can’t respond in likeness. But when you open your eyes and look at him, you’re shocked to find worry and fear swimming in his hazel brown orbs. It throws you off a little, and you shake the thoughts aside, knowing that you may just be reading too much into his behavior.
“At the time, I thought it was a great idea!” You chuckle only to curse out loud when he begins to apply the bacta spray on top of the wound. You think he’ll smile at catching you off guard, but when you look at him again, he’s as somber as a few seconds ago.
“And now?” Crosshair growls at you, actually growls, the sound coming as a shock to you. It occurs to you that maybe, just maybe, he was attempting to show you that he cares, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. When he stops what he’s doing and continues to keep his gaze on you, you lay your head back down and allow the subsiding pain to calm you a little. 
“Maybe…maybe not so much.” He narrows his eyes at you then, the expression becoming a little too intense for you and making you turn away to face the wall. Not another word is exchanged between you and him, and as he finally places the bacta patches on your stomach, you turn to face him again, no longer able to keep playing whatever game he started. 
“Thank you, for not leaving…for staying with me.” Crosshair continues to remain silent, his focus completely on the wound he was dressing. 
“And thank you for patching me up.” Again, he doesn’t acknowledge any of your words, waiting until he’s sure the wound is perfectly protected before throwing everything back into the medkit. You think he’s about to leave but when he finally looks up, you notice his eyebrows relax as he lets out a deep breath. 
“Why would you do that?”
The question catches you off guard, and you figure you may as well tell him how you feel because you’re not sure what will happen tomorrow. 
“You know why.” The simple whisper holds a thousand confessions, and Crosshair clenches his jaw tightly as he reaches for your hand. You gasp at the warmth of his skin, and swallow the lump in your throat when he grabs a wet towel and begins to clean the dried blood. You’re not sure how long you hold your breath, but when he’s done, he doesn’t let go. In fact, he does the opposite, bringing both of his rough palms around your own and keeping it as close to him as possible. 
“I- I’m not worth your-” The sentiment breaks your heart and you furrow your eyebrows at him as you attempt to sit up, not wanting him to finish whatever he was about to say. The stinging returns a thousandfold but you ignore the shooting pain and pull Crosshair towards you.
“Don’t ever say that.” You want to say more. You want to tell him that you’d gladly do it again to ensure his safety, that you wouldn’t give it a second thought because you care for him more than you’re allowed, more than he’ll ever know. But the way he looks at you makes it difficult to say anything else, and you lay back down again when your muscles beg you for some respite. Crosshair doesn’t let go of your hand. If anything, his hold on you tightens as he moves to sit closer to you. 
“It was annoying.” Whatever you thought he was going to say is certainly not those three words, and the confusion etched on your face makes him crack a smile before finally looking from your hand to you. 
“The rain.” You look at him for what feels like hours before you finally register what he was trying to tell you. 
“Wow, it took me getting shot at for you to finally answer my question…an hour later?” The joke doesn’t sit too well with him and you apologize quickly, afraid he’d get up and leave you all alone. 
“I- I didn’t think you’d…” The words die in his throat, and you look down at where your hands are intertwined, wanting to give him some privacy as he comes to terms with what he was feeling, what he was oversharing with you. 
“Remember?” You finish for him, smiling when he nods quietly and begins to trace the lines across the back of your hand.
“I remember everything you tell me, Crosshair.” Once again, the simple response is laced with too many revelations to your liking, but you know you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t use this moment to show him how much you care. 
How much you love him.
He looks at you then, about to say something when he sees your face twist at the returning stinging sensations. 
“You need to rest.” His voice is firm, making you wish you weren’t hurt and could actually make whatever this is last longer. 
“Will you be here when I wake up?” Before, you would have been annoyed with yourself for being so vulnerable in front of him, but the question must be the one thing he needed to hear because he smiles softly at you before nodding in silence, bringing his chair a little closer to you can rest your arm better as you keep holding his hands.
“Sleep, cyare. I’ll protect you.”
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Has Austin ever accidentally hurt readers feelings? How did they work through it?
hi anon!
thank you for the ask!
to answer your question, yes!
austin has unfortunately hurt reader's feelings, and reader has accidentally hurt his at times too. though usually their main way to work things through is to take some time apart to cool down and then come together after to talk out a resolution.
here is an example of a time austin accidentally hurt reader's feelings during the time they'd just moved into their first place together:
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“ Hey.” You knocked on the door seal of Austin’s office where he was head deep into a book surrounding the WWII history of pilots. He was doing major background work for his role of Major Gale Clevens and you were excited to see him diving back into work after both Elvis wrapping, and the scare he gave you during his hospital stay.
You could see the papers littered everywhere and the empty coffee pot on a nearby table. “ I know you said to let you know when dinner was finished, and I’m done. I made that lasagna soup recipe I was telling you about from tik-tok. Why don’t you take a break and come have a bite, babe.” 
He didn’t bother looking up from the pages, “ In a minute honey.” He muttered. 
Frowning you couldn’t help but feel worried since he’d told you the same thing at lunch and then later when you’d offered him a snack. He hadn’t been out of this room all day and you knew his body  needed something more to run off of than hours old coffee.
You stepped inside closer, “ You know you said that earlier, baby. And I just think a little break to re-fuel would be good.” 
Again he didn’t look up, “ I said in a minute sweetheart, now please.” He attempted to dismiss you.
Still you weren’t satisfied, “ Aus I know but-
“ Dammit, Y/N!  I said in a minute! I am a grown ass man and I’ll eat something when I’m ready.  ” He snapped, looking up at you.
A lump quickly formed in your throat and you quickly exited the room, slamming the door behind you and ignoring his calls after you. You could feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes. In a split decision you decided to get some air, grabbing your bag and picking up a disoriented Magnus fast to go out the door.
For a while you’d just driven around, let the windows down to take in the breeze of the setting sky, and just allowed your mind to blank for awhile.
You then stopped and impulsively got a honey matcha for you and pup-cup for Mags at a little coffee place you'd come to like , went into Target and walked out with an undisclosable amount of body products, and then had a good cry in said Target parking lot.
You and Austin has only been living together officially for six weeks, but the last two had proven to be a bit rougher on your relationship. It was evident that the two of you were still getting use to learning how to share a space 24/7 and find balance in togetherness and your respective solitudes.
By the time you’d pulled back into the garage of the loft, you’d walked into the door and found Austin sitting with his hands in his lap in the chair facing the doorway with a grave look on his face. “ Where’d you go? Without this.” He held up your phone.
In your haze you must have left it, “ Nowhere in particular. Just ran a few errands, is all. Needed some time to myself.” 
He nodded, “ Do you have a minute? “
You walked past him, “ For you to yell or snap at me. No, not really. I’m heading up to shower and then I’m going to bed.” 
He sighed, “ I’m not going to snap or yell at you, baby. I just need a minute to apologize.” He followed you toward the stairs.
Still you didn’t stop your ascent, “ Y/N..please don’t walk away. Just give me a minute.” He pleaded.
Stopping halfway up, you turn around and drop the bags on the stairs to stop and sit, “ Here you go. Here’s your minute.” 
Running a hand through his hair he started, “ First off, I wanna say that I apologize for snapping at you, honey. I didn’t mean it and I surely didn’t mean to make you cry.  It’s not an excuse but I think I’m still getting used to having someone around all the time that calls me out on my bad habits and wants to take care of me. Been awhile since I’ve lived with someone else and I'm used to obsessing over my work alone.” 
You nodded, “ I understand.” 
“ Good. Now, second, I’m gonna ask that if the next time we unfortunately have a moment, which we will have more tough moments together since we’re stuck with each other forever, I need you to take your phone. Not so you can pick up my twenty phone calls trying to apologize, but because the world is crazy and in case of an emergency, honey. You need your phone, okay.” You could hear a slight strain to his voice. 
You felt a tad bad knowing he probably got a bit nervous when you’d left it, he was a big stickler on you being safe. 
“ Okay.” You whispered, wiping tears from your eyes.
Austin then made his way to meet you on the steps and pull you up into his arms, “ I’m sorry, honey. Daddy’s sorry. You were just trying to take care of me and I snapped. I apologize. You’re so considerate always. And it doesn’t go unappreciated.” He kissed your forehead and comforted you as you let out little sniffles. 
" You hurt my feelings, babe." You whispered.
He sighed, " I know, mama. I'm sorry. Don't want anyone making my best girl cry. Even me."
“ I’ve been a mean Baboo.” He joked in an attempt to get you to laugh.
And you did, “ Yeah you have. “ You giggled. “ Don’t let it happen again, buddy. Or I’ll have to stick my ferocious guard dog on you.” You referenced Magnus who was passed out in the living room corner from his treat, knowing full well all he was capable of was licking someone to death.
“ Noted.” Austin laughed, holding you tighter. " Now, come on so I can warm up this delicious soup I keep hearing about. I'm excited."
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the-kr8tor · 11 months
Hello again you're probably going to get annoyed with me but I do got another request for you can you please do a Hobie x punk rock star reader
where Hobie finds out that reader is a famous female punk rock star and he just happens to go to one of her concerts and she's on stage performing paparazzi by Kim Dracula 💕😍🥰
Hi hun! Thanks for the request! I'm sorry but I don't know that song I feel so old so I hope you don't mind me not adding it in. Hope you like it ❤️
Hobie Brown x fem!reader
Cursing, FLUFF
Hobie doesn't boast, he definitely doesn't, but he can't help but talk about you to his friend. Hobie finds himself yelling over the concert's speakers announcing a new act on stage.
"I'm telling you, mate" he grabs Ned's arm to get his attention "she's fantastic! We clicked just like that!" Hobie snaps his fingers "we talked about everything, there was never an awkward pause"
Hobie smiles through his praises.
Ned side eyes Hobie, annoyed at hearing the exact same story that Hobie told him mere minutes ago "yeah, you clicked so much, you forgot to ask for her number. You didn't even bother to ask for her name!"
"Yeah, I kinda forgot about that!" Hobie yells through the crowd's screams, he mentally slaps himself for his stupidity.
"Well if it's meant to be, you're bound to see each other again" Ned finally takes his full attention towards the new band, the lights flicker and change colors to match the new song.
Hobie doesn't believe in soulmates, fate or love at first sight, but with you, he's starting to question his beliefs.
A guitar riff sounds aloud throughout the concert hall. Hobie ignores it, his mind still on your last encounter.
"What's up, London!" You scream at your mic, hyping up the crowd. A wave of excited shouts and shrieks reverberate around the place.
Hobie almost breaks his neck with how fast he moved towards the familiar voice.
"Hoooly shiiittt" He shakes Ned's shoulders. "That's her! Bruv, that's her!" Hobie smiles widely, he can't believe it.
"Fuck off, really?" Ned shoves off Hobie "no way, mate, she's bloody famous!"
Hobie doesn't reply, he stood throughout your entire set, eyes glued to your form. Everytime you play your guitar, he watches your fingers expertly play it, he hangs onto every song lyric you sing out.
He barely registers your wink thrown at him on stage. Was that even for him?
You smirk, the tip of your tongue peeks through your teeth, nodding at his direction, you point at him with the head of your cherry red guitar, as you play your guitar solo, head bobbing up and down to the music.
That was definitely for him.
Hobie smiles proudly, while Ned stares at him in disbelief.
After your band's set, you thank the crowd for being such a great audience. Sweat and adrenaline clings to you.
You drop down gracefully from the stage, running towards Hobie's general direction.
He notices this immediately, so he pushes through the crowd to get to the front of the stage. Hobie ignores all the angry stares thrown at him, he dodges an elbow, still pushing through the tightly packed crowd.
You both get to the front at the same time, a huge smile on your lips, Hobie mirrors your expression.
A metal barricade separating you two. The event's security held back the crowd, they try to stop Hobie from getting closer to you but you signal them that he's okay.
"Hey there, stranger" your voice, velvety smooth.
"Found you"
"That you did" you laugh, "you forgot something, the last time we saw each other"
Hobie looks at you curiously "What is it?" He doesn't remember if he left something at the pub where you met.
"My name and number"
"That right?" His grin gets bigger, Hobie flirts back.
"Mmhm, I'll see you backstage, stranger" you leave him speechless.
Maybe Hobie does believe in fate.
Thanks for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️❤️
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
A Man of Mistakes – Gator Tillman
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Everyone makes mistakes in their life. The biggest mistake I made was trusting Gator Tillman. We have been together since high school. At the beginning of this year, I found out I was pregnant. I don't think I've ever seen Gator more excited.
But that's when he started to change.
He didn't change toward me or the baby. He came home later and later. When he did finally come home, he was angry and jittery. I tried talking to him about it, several times. Each time, he'd brush me off and tell me he was fine.
Things escalated.
I was about six months pregnant when Gator came home drunk.
I jumped when the door was kicked open. I looked over my shoulder to see Gator struggling to take off his shoes.
"Son of a bitch!" He yelled.
"Gator?" I took off my blanket and slowly stood up. I couldn't help but place my hands over my belly.
"Sorry, baby," he whispered loudly. "Did I wake you?"
"Wake me? Gator, it's 5 o'clock."
"Oh," he chuckled. "My bad. Time got away from me."
"Where were you?"
"Hanging with my dad," he slurred.
Oh no.
"And he took you to a bar," I said instead of asking.
"Duh," Gator scoffed. I jumped when he threw his gun belt over onto the table.
"Gator," I hesitated.
"Don't start with me, Y/N," he snapped. He brushed past me, slightly bumping my shoulder. My heart sank when he went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
"Are you sure you should. . ."
Gator cut me off by throwing the completely full beer at me. Luckily he was drunk so it hit the wall to my right instead of me. I looked at the broken beer bottle before turning my shocked eyes to my boyfriend.
"Get out."
"Y/N. . ."
"Get out!"
Gator came back the next day completely sober. He apologized and begged me to take him back. I was firm and clear about what he needed to do if he wanted to be a part of our child's life. He swore that he would do everything.
At first, it seemed like he really meant it. He started coming home right at 5:10. He'd bring home dinner and a gift for the baby. He was with me when I went into labor and he stayed by my side until we brought our daughter, Annabelle, home. Everything was going great. I actually started to believe that we could build a life, a family, together.
I woke up from that fantasy real quick.
It only took one shoot-out at the grocery store that Annabelle and I got in the middle of for me to kick him out for good.
"Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?"
"We needed more diapers," I said slowly, still shaken from the shoot-out.
Gator looked down at Annabelle in my arms. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw her still asleep.
"Damn," he chuckled. "This little babe can sleep through just about anything."
My anger took over when he reached for her. I used my arm that wasn't holding her and pushed him away.
"I'm done," I said through my teeth. "Stay the hell away from me and my daughter."
"Y/N. . ."
"This wasn't a normal police shoot-out," I cut him off. "You and your crew were wearing masks. What were you doing? Robbing the place?!"
"No," he said slowly.
"Then what. . ." I didn't need to finish my question. "You are just like your father," I said under my breath. "And I will not allow my baby girl to be around someone like him."
Ever since the store shoot-out, I've ignored Gator's many attempts to see me and our daughter. I also haven't slept. I kept having nightmares about that day. I looked over at the clock and sighed when I saw it was almost two in the morning.
I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I made some tea to hopefully help me sleep. I had barely started my first cup when I heard sirens. I didn't get nervous until the lights started bouncing off my kitchen. I jumped when the front door was forced open.
"Y/N!" Gator yelled as he ran to me. "I'm so happy you're okay. I can explain. . ."
"Gator! There's a baby in this house!" I yelled, pushing him away from me. "You can't come barging in here with the lights going and the sirens blaring as our two-month-old daughter sleeps!"
"I'm sorry," he stuttered. "I was just. . . I can explain."
"I can't wait to hear this," I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Please, explain."
"We need to get you and Annabelle out of here." He started to walk toward her nursery, but I pushed him again.
"That's not an explanation," I said through my teeth. "And I am not taking her anywhere until you tell me what's going on."
"Okay," he sighed. "Look, a while ago I arrested a guy connected to a pretty big drug smuggling ring. And now. . ."
"Now what?"
"They threatened you and Annabelle."
"Wait, what?" I asked, taking a step away from him.
"They left me a message that if I don't release their boss, they'll come after my family."
"So, what are you saying?" I asked my voice low.
"I need to put you in protective custody," he said. I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off. "I'm sorry, but I have to make sure you're safe. They threatened you, Y/N. They threatened our daughter. I know you and I are working through some things right now, but that doesn't mean I am going to sit back and let them take you from me."
"Gator," I sighed. "Why would you get involved with those kind of guys?"
"My dad. . ."
"Would you stop with that?!" I snapped. "Gator, you are not your father!"
"I want to be!"
"You shouldn't," I said, strangely calm. Gator's face fell as I took a small step closer to him. "You have the ability of being better than your father. He did his job horribly. You know that. You know how many people got hurt, how many criminals he let slide. When I told you I was pregnant, do you remember the promise you made me?"
"I promised to make the town safe for our daughter," he answered, his voice soft.
"So let me ask you something," I said, softening my own voice. "Do you think you've done that?"
Gator opened and closed his mouth. I could see the tears threatening to spill.
"I haven't," he admitted. He quickly added, "I can start though. If you and Annabelle come with me, I can keep you guys safe. And once the threat is gone. . ."
"There will be another one," I sighed. "You can't fix these types of things, Gator. Once you get started down that road, it's nearly impossible to go back. I can't keep my daughter close to trouble."
I started to walk away, but Gator grabbed my hand. "What are you saying?" He stuttered.
"I'm saying that my top priority is keeping my baby safe," I said, my voice breaking, "even if that means taking her away from here."
"Away from me," he said slowly.
"It's not like it's an easy decision," I scoffed. "You have to understand why I would make it, Gator."
"I do," he stuttered. "But that doesn't mean. . ."
"I've been having nightmares."
"You what?" Gator gasped, stepping toward me. "What are your nightmares about, baby?"
"That day," I said, my voice breaking. "At the grocery store. It's one of two dreams. Either I get shot or. . ."
"Or?" Gator gently pushed as he cupped my cheek.
"Or Annabelle."
"Shit," he mumbled. He took another step closer to me and gently grabbed my arms. "I'm so sorry, baby. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," I said softly. "I just. . . I don't want to have them anymore."
Gator pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around me. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.
"You know," he whispered, "sleeping next to someone who would take a bullet for you helps get rid of nightmares."
"That's kind of hard when the person next to you is mixed up in what's causing your nightmares," I said softly as I pulled out of his embrace.
"What if I wasn't in a job that gave you nightmares?"
"What?" I stuttered. "Gator. . . You can't. . . Are you. . ."
Gator sighed when we were interrupted. "What?" He snapped at the officer.
"We should really get your family out of here," the guy said slowly. Gator turned toward me with pleading eyes.
"Please," he whispered. "We will have this conversation, I promise, but can we do it at a safe house?"
"I'll go pack a bag for me," I said softly. "Will you pack some things for Annabelle?"
"Of course," he said letting out a sigh of relief.
He leaned in and quickly kissed me before jogging to the nursery. I messed with my hands as I went to my room. My mind was swarming with questions and what-ifs as I packed a bag. When I was done, I put it on the kitchen table and went to check on Gator.
I froze in the doorway when I saw him in the rocking chair, holding our daughter. My heart jumped into my throat as he softly sang her favorite lullaby.
"I see you haven't started packing her bag," I said my voice almost a whisper. Gator looked up at me and smiled.
"She woke up," he smiled. I walked over, leaned down, grabbed his face, and pressed my lips to his. I had tears streaming down my face as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss and pressed my forehead against his.
"I've missed you."
"Really?" He asked as I leaned back. "I've missed you too, baby. And our little girl. I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect both of you. Even if that means leaving my job and this town."
"This is everything you've ever worked for, Gator. You'd really walk away?"
"For you and Annabelle?" He whispered. He stood up, still holding our daughter, and pulled me into his side. "I'd do anything to protect my family."
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pinkxlicious · 1 year
Yule Ball
Part 2
Draco Malfloy
*Doesn't follow timeline*
Words: 2,017
The first day of Draco's 6th year had just started. New classmates, new students, same teachers. But new students meant new blood, and new blood meant new victims. As Draco scanned the Great Hall for any unfamiliar faces, new faces to pick on... His thoughts were quickly interrupted by Dumbledore's voice from his wooden podium.
"Welcome, new and old students! This year, we have an abnormal amount of new students, of course this is not a bad thing. I am very excited to learn about every new student, I expect all students who have been here before to help guide our new scholars. I wish you all an exciting year... Now let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said with a chuckle, the old man waddled back to his seat with a satisfied smile.
"Disgusting..." Blaise mumbled under his breath, "Have you heard? We're probably all going to be separated due to the amount of transfer students and new coming students. Our classes are all gonna be filled with newbies."
Theo and Draco scowled at the thought.
"Imagine having to be some insufferable freak's personal guide because they can't find the toilets," Draco scoffed as Blaise chuckled.
"This is even worse, new students AND confused first years. The amount of questions we will be asked..." Blaise groaned in annoyance, "I hope my potions partner won't be some incompetent newbie."
Draco scoffed,
"At this point I'm just hoping for a random that's been going to Hogwarts. I'm not in the mood to be someone's tutor," Draco held his head up high with disgust at the thought of having to walk through every single step of a potion with a confused newcomer.
"Personally, Potter sounds like a good potions partner right now," Theo joked,
"You've gone mad,"
Draco was overwhelmed by the amount of students in the hall. Yes, it was usually crowded, but this was different. New students flooded the halls, millions of voices asking for directions. Draco prayed for a tablemate that wasn't a new stupid student.
When Draco reached the potions classroom, he was nearly five minutes late. But he wasn't even the last one to make it into the class. At least half of the class was missing due to the hall traffic. Professor Snape looked annoyed, but he understood why half of his students were missing.
"We should've sent the rest of the student body to the bottom of the Black Lake," Snape grumbled under his breath as five new students rushed into the room. Stress painted on their face as they ambushed Snape with gushing apologies, hoping to make a good impression. Snape felt a migraine coming as he yelled at them to get to their seats.
Draco snickered and checked the seating chart. He suddenly felt his body freeze, an unfamiliar name was written in ink right next to his name. His head rose and turned to his table, and he suddenly released a breath of relief. He hadn't recognized the name, but he knew the face... a little too well.
He had seen this face in the hall, he had only gotten quick glimpses of her. But he had a slight hallway crush on her. He knew nothing about the details about her, the only part of her that he knew was her face. He knew nothing about what house she was in, her name, her friends, nothing. He glanced down, hoping to see a Slytherin uniform, but his hopes were quickly crushed by a black and yellow tie and Hufflepuff crest.
She was speaking quietly to Harry Potter, which instantly made his blood boil. His mind searched for possibilities for why she would be speaking to such a lame loser. He walked to the table confidently and placed his items down on the table with a loud slap. She barely flinched and ignored him, but Harry didn't.
"Quit your staring, Potter, or I'll knock your teeth out," Draco snapped in annoyance, as Harry began to retort Snape slammed his hands on his table and the classroom went silent.
"You will be doing textbook reading and you will fill out this 50 question paper about the polyjuice potion. If you do not finish it by the end of class, its homework," Snape said lazily, already exhausted from the start of the day.
"Who even are you," Draco said, masking his curiosity with annoyance and disgust.
"I'm Y/n L/n. And you are?..."
Draco scoffed,
"Draco Malfloy, do you not know?"
"No I don't" She replied simply, and just as she began to open her textbook, Draco slammed it down.
"Well I've never seen you before," Draco taunted, "you're just another Hufflepuff nobody, is that right?"
"Yes, I suppose I am," She said, attempting to take back her textbook, but Draco kept his hand firm on the back of the book, keeping it in place. "What's your issue?"
"My issue is that I'm paired with a filthy mudblood Hufflepuff nobody. I deserve a better potion's partner, I need someone who can actually read." Draco sneered, silently regretting his harsh words. But there was no going back with his 'bad boy' facade. It would be so pathetic of him to suddenly apologize for his behavior. He was Draco Malfloy! He never apologized to anyone, and she is no different, so she didn't deserve any special treatment.
"Okay, then take that up with Professor Snape. I didn't choose the seats, therefore it is NOT my fault," She grew irritated by his insults, although she tried to calm herself down. Not wanting to let him have the satisfaction of her reaction.
"Well yo-"
"SILENCE," Snape boomed, "If either one of you two utter a SINGLE word again its detention for the whole week. I have enough of this bickering and it is ONLY the first day."
She glared angrily at Draco and shoved his hand away from her textbook and began working. The presence of her hand lingered on Draco's hand as he attempted to hide the butterflies dancing in his stomach. He decided that he would try to get her attention, he liked seeing her mad, and he just wanted to look at her.
He kicked her leg and her breath hitched slightly,
"Hey" Draco whispered, "Hey!"
"Give me a pencil,"
"DETENTION," Snape roared, she side eyed him with anger.
"Now look at what you've done," She tugged on her tie, "I literally hate you."
Draco? Draco!" Blaise waved his hand in front of his face as Draco flinched,
"What?" He snapped, his train of thought was suddenly lost.
"You've been staring at that girl for like five minutes. Kind of creepy,  eh?" Blaise snickered as Draco swatted his hand from his face.
"I have not, I don't even know who you're talking about,"
"Y/n L/n? Literally the finest girl in Hogwarts? How have you NOT heard of her, half the student body asked her to the Yule ball already. I heard shes considering going with that one Durmstrang dude," Theo butted in,
"Victor Krum?" Blaise asked, Draco's face nearly dropped as his veins exploded with jealousy.
"No not him, some other kid, he goes to Durmstrang but hes not Krum," Theo explained, "I heard Harry Potter was asking her in potions today."
Draco let out a breath, proud of himself that he interrupted their conversation earlier before class started.
"Are you gonna ask her out, Draco?" Blaise asked smugly as he watched his friend's face.
"I- no, why would I?" Draco said scoffing, "I already argued with her in potions, why would I switch up so suddenly."
"Sure, acting like you weren't just drooling over her five seconds ago,"
"Shut up you prick,"
Later that night in detention, the two were furiously scrubbing the already dirty cauldrons.
"This is all your fault," Draco scoffed angrily, as her eyes widened with disbelief.
"How are you blaming this on me? You kept on bothering me, of course we got detention. You can't keep a hold of yourself," She snapped back,
"If you had just given me a pencil instead of arguing with me, none of this would've happened," Draco said flatly, secretly enjoying talking (arguing) with her.
"Why would I give you a pencil if you started your first impression by being rude to me,"
"Oh please, I was doing you a favor by waving away that Potter fellow for you," Draco said smugly as she shook her head.
"You're ridiculous, and have you not forgotten about how you insulted me like five times," She looked at him, "What did I even do to you? I know you're a bitch but I've literally never spoken to you in my entire life."
Draco was slightly caught off guard, he didn't have an answer. What was he supposed to say? 'I'm only mean to you because I'm too afraid to be nice to you and let my guard down.' Absolutely not.
"Your presence annoys me,"
"That's real sweet, Malfloy,"
"Thank you, love,"
She stared at him for a second before brushing off the nickname, ignoring the fact that made her heart increase it's speed.
As the sky darkened so did the classroom, the two were nearing the last few cauldrons as they were nearing their last straws with each other.
"I can't stand you! You're so stuck up and I don't understand how you have a whole dog pack following you everywhere!?" Y/n shouted as he yelled back.
"Oh I'm insufferable? Look at you! You're so obsessed with being nice and good to people, do you know how lame that is? You're such an insufferable love bug Hufflepuff," Draco sneered,
"Is that supposed to offend me? You spend your free time bullying people! Who's the pathetic one now?" She shot back as she threw down the dirty sponge, she finally finished her last cauldron as did Draco. She began to stand up but Draco snatched her wrist and stood up with her. He got close to her.
"This isn't over mudblood," he hissed as she kept the eye contact,
"You think I'm scared of you? I'm not even muggleborn, you have no idea what you're talking about," She whispered, the tension in the room was thick as the two stayed in the close contact position before she backed away.
"Aw, you couldn't handle a simple staring contest?" Draco taunted, pouting his lips in mockery.
"Ugh, you're so immature. I truly despise you," She said irritatingly as she slammed the door on her way out.
For the next few evenings, the two spent hours cleaning dirty cauldrons and potion bottles. Y/n had gotten used to his stupid comments and insults. She just tuned him out as he grew annoyed at the fact that he wasn't getting a reaction from her anymore.
"Hello?? Can you even hear me?" Draco asked annoyed,
"Yes I can hear you," She mumbled,
"I asked you a question," Draco said as he rolled his eyes,
"And what was that?"
"I asked if you were going to the Yule ball,"
Her head perked up,
"Yes, I am. Are you?" She asked curiously,
"Uh, yeah," he coughed, "Are you going with anyone?"
"Yeah, why are you asking?" she said cocking her head to the side, unsure where the conversation was going.
"Just making conversation," He grumbled, disappointed by his response. "I haven't really talked to anyone other than you for the past few days, so I figured I would make conversation before I went insane from boredom."
"Hm, are you going with anyone?"
"Typically, I don't but I'm going with Pansy Parkinson. She wouldn't lay off unless I said yes," He said annoyed, "She's so insufferable, even worse than you."
"You're so snarky," She responded, "Pansy's pretty, do you know what you're gonna wear?"
"Just a tux, who are you going with?" He asked disinterested, waiting for a name of some lame nobody.
"Well, it was a hard decision-"
"Why, you have so many suitors?" Draco scoffed,
"Yes, I actually do, jealous?" she teased, smiling a bit.
"Never, just tell me who it is,"
"You were the one who interrupted! Whatever, I'm going with Blaise Zabini, he's real charming. I don't know why I haven't noticed him before," she said as Draco's eyes widened.
"Blaise?" He said, taken aback, "He's one of my friends, I didn't know he was into you."
"I didn't either, I didn't even know he knew I existed,"
"Should've stayed that way," Draco huffed, growing jealous and a bit angry. He was going to have a talk with Blaise later.
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multifandomwriter56 · 9 months
Karissa's 31 Days of October Fun
Day: 1
Prompt: "I bet you can't catch a leaf." from this.
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Characters: Shelby family x Shelby!Reader, Sister!Reader
Warnings: language
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It was a chilly day, the leaves falling for the first time for the autumn weather.
Y/n Shelby was awoken by an overly excited Finn who kept rambling about a road trip.
"Shut up, Finn! I'm sleeping!" She snapped as she covered her face with her quilt.
"Come on, Y/n." The eleven year old whines at his sister. "Tommy said we have to be downstairs in five minutes or else he's not going to take us."
The youngest Shelby frowns at her brother even though her face is hidden by the quilt. "Fuck off, Finn. Tommy doesn't take us anywhere." Not anymore, at least.
Finn pulls the quilt until it falls to the floor, ignoring his sister's threats. "Y/n, come on! I don't want to go by meself. It'll be more fun if you go."
She smiles at his confession. The two youngest Shelby's do almost everything together. Their Aunt Polly has always had a love/hate relationship with the fact that they stick together constantly.
"Oi! Finn! Is she coming or what?" John yells from the bottom of the stairs.
"She won't get up!" Finn yells back.
"Oi! Stop fucking yelling inside!" Polly scolds from somewhere in the kitchen.
Y/n groans. She's about to yell for everyone to fuck off when ten digits jab into her ribs. She turns to punch John, but freezes when she realizes it's not John.
No... it's the last brother she would've ever guessed.
"Tommy, stop!"
"Then get the fuck up and let's go." Tommy orders with no heat in his voice. He's too pleased with himself with catching his sister off guard.
When Tommy removes his fingers from her sides, Y/n moves as far as she can without having to get up. "Where are we going?"
"We're going for a drive."
Immediately, Y/n is on edge, her eyes narrowing. "Tommy Shelby never does anything without a reason. What gives?"
Tommy's eyebrows disappear underneath his hair. "I'm your big brother. I ask the questions around here."
"Then how am I to learn if I don't ask questions, eh?"
"Oi! I say we leave her." John pipes in.
Sensing that Tommy might agree with their brother, she pulls herself out of bed. "I'll go."
Eyebrows still raised high, Tommy questions his sister's change of attitude. "Why?"
Y/n shrugs her shoulders. "If you're wanting to drive your siblings around, either you've gone mad or something crazy's going to happen." She pauses, a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. "And I want to be there for either one."
Tommy chuckles. Y/n has been the only person to ever give him so much cheek without retribution.
The ride itself would have only taken thirty minutes, but with the Shelby clan, it was closer to an hour.
When Tommy parks the car on the side of the road that cuts through the middle of a field of grass with a few trees nearby, Y/n for sure thinks her brother has gone mad. "Where are we?"
Her question is ignored by everyone as they all start piling out. Seeing she has no other choice, she follows them.
She watches as Polly and Ada lay down three different blankets side by side while her brothers unload the car.
"Picnic? We're having a picnic?"
"Aw, John. Our little girl is growing up. She knows what a picnic is." Arthur teases before taking a sip of what Y/n assumes is a bottle of whiskey.
"Come help us with the food, love." Polly calls.
"I'm must be dreaming." Y/n mutters as she obeys her aunt.
The Shelby family enjoys the food, the quiet, and each other's presence. The youngest Shelby doesn't remember the last time she was this happy.
Just when she thought she couldn't be happier, the wind picks up, forcing the dead leaves to fall from the trees.
Finn jumps up and starts trying to grab the leaves before they touch the ground.
Wanting to join in on the fun, Y/n stands to her feet and runs to her brother's side. A few minutes later, John joins them. Then Arthur. And then Ada.
Y/n laughs as John tries to climb up Arthur's back to grab a big, beautiful yellow leaf; which causes them both to fall to the ground. She looks over at the only brother not participating, sitting by their aunt.
She runs over to them, a mischievous smirk in place. "I bet you can't catch a leaf." She taunts him.
Tommy's smile reflects her own. "I can't, eh?" He glances at their aunt who shakes her head no. "Well, I must prove you two women wrong." He stands to his feet, grabbing Y/n and throwing her over his shoulder.
Y/n giggles in delight. Tommy's been too busy with his new woman to be around his siblings.
Just when Y/n thought she could die from happiness, a cold feeling runs through her body. She blinks, hoping the feeling will go away.
"Get up, Y/n! I need your help in the betting shop!"
Y/n frowns when she realizes she's not outside any more; but back in her room. She looks at Ada, who is holding an empty bucket. She looks down and sees that she is soaking wet.
"What? But- We were-" She looks to her sister for help. "Tommy was just-"
Ada's anger melts away. Y/n had another dream. "Tommy's not here, Y/n." She reminds her softly. "The boys are still at war."
The cold feeling runs through her body again.
Right. Her three older brothers are fighting in the war. The rest of them are trying to keep the family business going.
Any hope she has left dies. Life will never be the same.
Peaky Blinders: @raincoffeeandfandoms @runnning-outof-time @zablife @lovemissyhoneybee
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maxislvt · 1 year
Hey hi, I see your request are open...
Can you make an AU on this???
warnings: pet play (kitten), aggressive behaviors, possessive behavior, collaring
Wanda was overbearing. That wasn't a conclusion you ever thought you'd make in the years you spent dating Wanda, but now you were sure that was the case.
When Wanda first moved you out to this cabin, you were excited. It was small, but it was in the middle of a beautiful forest and even had a nice lake. Everyday Wanda would take you for a walk or let you swim around. Then she'd make you lunch and let you do whatever you wanted inside the house until dinner time. It was fun, but it didn't last very long.
Slowly, Wanda gave you less and less freedom. First you weren't allowed to use the sharp knives or the stove without permission. Then you had to ask her to leave the house. Most days she wouldn't even let you get dressed by yourself. There was so much fuss about you needing her help to do anything and then suddenly she disappeared and gave all her attention to that stupid book. It pissed you off.
The first time was excusable but the tenth time was too much for you. You knew your worth. You didn't need to beg anybody for affection, not even Wanda. She could have all the power and knowledge in the world, but you were not going to lose to some old ass book and its stupid spells. You were just going to leave. Maybe you'd come back or maybe you'd move on, but you weren't going to figure that out trapped in that cabin.
You didn't even give Wanda the benefit of an explanation. While she was busy studying, you packed your bags and got ready to leave. Of course, nothing was ever that easy with Wanda.
"And where is my precious little kitten going out all by themselves?"
You grimaced at the pet name. "I'll be back in a bit." You turned the knob of the front door only for it to lock. A frustrated groan slipped through your nostrils. "I'm just going out for a little while, alright? Don't make this difficult." No matter how hard you tugged at the knob, it didn't budge.
Wanda clicked her tongue. "The only one being difficult here is you, kitty." She snapped her fingers twice signaling you to come towards her. "If you're upset you have to tell mommy or-"
"If I'm upset? Wanda, you've been ignoring me for days! I couldn't even tell you what was wrong if I wanted to!" you felt like you were going to explode. She couldn't just walk out on you for days at a time and expect everything to be peaches and cream. What did she take you for? "I'm just going for a walk, I'll be back soon. Just give me some space."
Wanda shook her head and sighed. "Is that what this is about? You're upset mommy isn't giving you enough attention?" She laughed. Her kitty could be so dramatic at times. "If you take your punishment like a good pet, then I'll spend the whole day with you. Doesn't that sound fair?" She reached out to grab your hand but you pulled away too fast.
You tucked your hand underneath your arm. "No it doesn't sound fair at all! You're not listening to me!" The way Wanda's face began to change wasn't lost on you, but you didn't want to back down. "I'm not some toy you can put to the side when you feel like it! I don't want to be a kitten anymore!"
Wanda clenched her jaw. "You don't mean that." She reached out for your hand again. It was more forceful this time. "Mommy let you spend too much time by yourself and suddenly you think you're all big and tough. I know just how to fix that." The strength she used to drag you around was almost inhuman. All the softness she approached you with before was long gone. "If you want to be mean to me, mommy gets to be mean to you." She tossed you over the shared bed and began tearing your clothes off.
You yelled and desperately tried to push Wanda off you. "Get off me, damn it! I'm not messing around with you!" All the strength used to push her off of you was useless. Wanda had always been much stronger than you. It only took seconds for her to get you completely naked. All your clothes were torn to shreds. You were terrified. You'd never been scared of Wanda before. It didn't feel right.
"And I'm not messing with you either." Wanda reached into her bedside drawer and grabbed your collar. She wasted no time fastening the red leather accessory to your neck and tightening. "You're my kitty and I get to do whatever I want with you and your useless little body!" The leash was tied to the bedpost and Wanda immediately got off of you. "I can ignore you and you're going to be thankful if I decide to bring you lunch."
Wanda left your shared bedroom in a rush, slamming the door behind her.
For a moment, you just stared at the door. Was she serious? Of course she wasn't. Wanda would come back once she cooled off. She had to come back. You were her kitten.
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Pairing: Newfie!Jaehyun x fem Basenji!reader Genre: fluff Rating: PG Warnings: pregnancy, Jaehyun’s a little sad in the beginning Summary: Jaehyun gets called into work on Valentine’s day, and you surprise him. Word Count: 1,245 words Note: this was supposed to be posted on Valentine’s Day, but here we are a week and a half later! Enjoy! And thank you to the loml @raibebe​ for beta reading this!!! 💕💕
Newfie!Jaehyun Masterlist || Neo Hybridverse Masterlist
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Why did he have to work today of all days? It isn’t fair. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if there wasn’t a huge appointment he wanted to be at with you today. It doesn’t matter that it is his birthday. He is far more concerned that his co-worker had to call out because of a first date when he was supposed to go to your gynecologist with you to find out what sex your pup was going to be. Jaehyun sits back in the desk chair, tired of looking at his history assignment, his ears drooping so low they almost blended in with his hair. A few girls he was watching at this after-school care program are clearly gossiping, and it is likely about him. It almost always is; he isn’t blind to how these little 10-year-olds thought they could date him. He just found it entertaining at this point. Their made-up stories get more and more elaborate and ridiculous every time.
With a sigh, Jaehyun shakes his head. His floppy brown ears gently hit his cheeks with the movement. He pushes a lock of blonde hair out of his eye before looking back down at his textbook. He really doesn’t want to be doing this right now. He could actually think of about ten things he wants to do more right now off the top of his head. His mind is far too fixated on you and your pup. Nevertheless, he reluctantly starts reading the book’s pages to complete the assignment. A few parents arrive to pick up their kids, and Jaehyun just wishes them a happy Valentine’s day as they leave, his smile more forced than on an average day. Only a few kids are left by the time 4 o’clock rolls around. It’s rather surprising given that today is meant to be a national couples day. He just assumes that the parents hired proper babysitters to watch their kids.
His sensitive ears pick up more footsteps approaching his classroom. At first, he ignores it expecting it to be a parent coming to get one of the five children remaining here. Then, he processes the scents approaching with the footsteps. It’s you. He snaps his textbook shut almost immediately, and his tail starts wagging a mile a minute. He’s not allowed to leave the room; he’d get fired for leaving elementary schoolers alone in a classroom. All he can do is wait by the doorway like a helpless puppy (that he pretty much is) and wait for you.
“Hi, Jae,” you giggle, a hand resting against your small baby bump, “how’s work been going?”
“Boring, are you sure you’re allowed-”
“I talked to the secretary on the way in. She’s always liked you, so she let me slide,” you explain.
One of the little girls gasps and then grumbles under her breath when she sees you talking to Jaehyun. You heard Jaehyun’s stories about the kids who have naïve little crushes on him. Now you finally get to see it in fruition. The little girl, maybe around 9 or 10, but not much older than that. She still has to grow into her ears for a while; right now, the blonde floppy bunny ears look almost cartoonishly big on her head.
“How did your visit go? Is the pup okay? Are you okay?” Jaehyun spits questions at you a mile a minute, his tail still furiously wagging to show his excitement. It’s so cute to you that you can’t keep your smile at bay.
“We’re both okay. He’s okay; I’m okay.”
“I’m sorry I got called into work. I wanted to be there with you and- wait, he…” Jaehyun takes a moment to process, “We’re having a boy?!” he nearly yells, scaring one of the younger kids.
“I know you really wanted a girl-” “I’m so over the moon you have no idea! He’s a boy! I know we can’t really tell what type of pup yet, but-”
“His ears were pretty obviously floppy,” you giggle, your hand subconsciously rubbing your baby bump where the little pup is steadily growing.
“He’s a Newfie?” Jaehyun’s voice suddenly drops to a normal talking voice, though his smile remains as big as ever.
“He’s a Newfie just like his dad,” you beam.
Suddenly, Jaehyun grabs a chair and pulls it up to the teacher’s desk beside the chair he had previously been sitting in. He ushers you to sit in the desk chair since it’s slightly more comfortable than the hard plastic one he brought over.
“We’re researching names,” he says definitively.
“Yes,” he states, turning on the boxy computer in front of you, “I don’t want to go another day without him having a name.”
“Don’t you need to watch the students?” you smile at his eagerness.
“Look at them. They’re just fine playing with the toys,” he assures you, already pulling up Google.
Over the next few minutes, you scroll through different websites and forums looking at baby boy names. Jaehyun keeps a list of your favorites to choose from at the end, so by the end of your search, you have a paper full of potential names. In between hushed discussions about how you will not - over your dead body - name your child a ridiculous name, Jaehyun still does his job and helps a few kids get their things together when their parents come to get them. While he helps one of the small hamster hybrids get his bookbag repacked (the 6-year-old insisted that he took everything out to ensure it was all there), you look over the list and cross out a few that just don’t seem to fit your pup.
“What are we down to?” your boyfriend asks, a small puppy hybrid standing beside him, “She’s the only one left. She’s good, I promise.”
“It’s okay. She’s not bugging anyone,” you open your arms to her, and she happily climbs onto your lap, “We’re down to Subin, Daeseong, Baekhyun, and Hyunwoo.”
“I like Hyunwoo. It-” “This one,” the small pup pokes her finger into the paper.
You look down and see her finger harshly pushed against where Jaehyun wrote down the name Baekhyun. You know that she probably has no idea what the context is or what the word she’s touching says, but it’s still very endearing. She looks up at you with big puppy eyes, then over to Jaehyun with the same expression. You and Jaehyun share a look before you let your lips grow into a smile.
“I think we had the same idea, little one. I like that name too. You might have to convince Mr. Jaehyun, though,” you tease your boyfriend slightly.
“It’s pretty,” she pouts at him.
“Do you know what it says?” he asks the 5-year-old.
She looks down at the paper again and starts sounding out the word in front of her. It takes her a few moments to fully understand what it says. Then she gasps and looks at both of you.
“Baekhyun!” she exclaims, “It says Baekhyun! I read it!”
“You did, pup,” Jaehyun chuckles, “Come to think of it, I think Baekhyun will suit our pup best.”
Jaehyun watches her with a loving smile, and you know that at that moment, he’s going to be a great dad. There was never a doubt before, but now, it feels real. You’re nowhere near prepared. No one ever is. But you’re facing this together, and that’s all you could ask for.
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nevakay · 2 years
"How was I such an idiot to believe, out of all people, you loved me?"
Law x GN!Reader. A oneshot.
¬ M.List
Warnings:Yelling, fighting, cursing, mild gaslighting, ANGST.
¬ Requests open
You knew something was wrong. Law knew it. The crew knew it. You knew being with Law was gonna take work, but he wasn't a child. Yeah, he was hot-headed and let his pride get in the way sometimes, but he was still man who could still own up to his actions. He wasn't an open book, but he wasn't a closed one either! His pages were just a little stuck together. So why was he acting like this?
First it was the coffee machine. Law had wondered into the submarine's kitchen holding his mug. You digging in the fridge.
He had opened the machine and cringed at the smell of old coffee grounds and slammed the lid shut causing you to jump.
"Why don't you clean the damn thing when you're done with it?" He growled.
Him falsely accusing you of something really pissed you off, but maybe he was just stressed? So you pushed away the annoyance and replied calmly. "I didn't brew that batch."
He grumbled something under his breath and stormed out of the kitchen. A door slammed in the distant.
Then it was him sleeping in his office instead of your shared bedroom. He did this often when he lost track of time, so you'd knock on his door until he let you in then drag him to bed. Now he didn't even let you in the room.
You had just finished making the bed and pulling back the covers when you glanced at the clock. 9:46P.M. You sighed and tiredly wobbled out of the room and down the hallway to a door.
You knocked. "Law?" Again. "Law, it's late-"
"I'm not coming to bed."
You stood shocked. Usually he'd let you in and then act annoyed, but now he just brushes you off and shows no signs of letting up soon.
"Oh. Okay."
Maybe he was busy. He was the captain after all.
But the small fights Law seemed to always want to have and the nights he wasn't sleeping in the same bed as you carried on and on.
You approached Penguin and Bepo who were playing cards.
The two seemed excited to have you join them, but frowned when they noticed your shiny eyes and scrunched eyebrows.
"Alright, Y/N?" Penguin asks. You cuddle up to Bepo's side. Letting his soft fur comfort you.
You shake your head. "Law's been upset with me for weeks, and I don't know why." You admit, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
That night both Bepo and Penguin went to talk to Law which resulted in him coming into your room demanding a talk. You were happy the two finally got him out of his trance-
"Why do you always need someone else to solve your fucking problems?" Law had snapped. "Why didn't you just come find me your damn self?"
In shock and anger tears rolled down your cheeks. "I've tried! You don't talk to me!" You cry. "I didn't even ask them to talk to you- I didn't even know they were going to!"
Once the yelling had started the crew had ran off to thier rooms to hide.
You and Law glared at each other, a non-verbal challenge. "Why have you been so upset with me?" You finally ask.
He doesn't respond. His glare still stuck on you.
"You said I should've found you myself! So talk!" You yell, hiccuping.
The demand only seems to anger Law more. "Don't tell me what the hell to do." He spits. "I told you when we got together that I'll probably be busy most of the time!" You had told yourself that everytime he snapped at you or ignored you. He was just busy. But hearing him say it just made it sound like an excuse.
"Yeah, but this is just childish!" You blink away tears that seem to stick to your eyelashes. "You're looking for a way out!"
"Oh, what the hell are you talking about now Y/N?"
A sob escaped from you, taking Law by surprise. "How-" hiccup. "How was I such an idiot?" hiccup. "To believe out of all people, you could love me?"
"Y/N, stop. You're spiralling."
"No- I want to get off at the next island!"
Law stared down at you. Your tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes sent a pierce through his chest, but he tried not to show it.
You coughed and stormed out of the bedroom leaving him alone.
Part two?
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rosinbae · 1 year
hiraeth ⋆ sung hanbin
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◜✧◞ SYNOPSIS ─ a love story that ended tragically for the two souls.
◜✧◞ PAIRING ─ sung hanbin x male!reader
◜✧◞ GENRE ─ heavy angst, somewhat fluff.
◜✧◞ WARNINGS ─ mentions of bullying and homophobia.
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y/n shifts, gaze softening as he notices his son at the door. he doesn't know why his son is awake at 1 in the morning, but he doesn't say anything more as he pats the spot on his bed beside him. "hi han, why are you up this late?"
the six year old, haneul, sits down beside his father as he clears his throat. "um— well, i wanted you to tell me a story".
"a story?" y/n raised an eyebrow.
"for an assignment, we have to ask our parents to tell us a story important to their lives, do you have any stories for me?"
y/n hums, mind racing for stories that he thought haneul would be interested in. he smiles as a familiar story comes to his mind, one that he was sure haneul would like since he always asked.
"well, would you like to learn about your other parent?"
haneul's eyes widen as he stares at his father with a shocked expression. "really?" he squeals, excited because he had always wanted to know about his other parent, one which he had never met before, only heard of from small memories or on vhs tapes his father owned.
y/n nods, though a painful one, as he stares at his son with his enamored eyes. "well, i never told you about them, might as well now, don't you think?"
haneul nods excitedly, clapping his hands as he stares at his father patiently, waiting for him to start the story.
"right.." y/n whispers, running a hand up and down his son's back. "where do i start?"
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"yah! l/n y/n!"
the sixteen year old y/n groans as he hears the familiar shout. he stops dead in his tracks and turns around, whispering small complaints under his breath as he faces seok matthew.
"matthew! you have to stop yelling my name" he grits his teeth as he says those words. the seok simply giggles as he stares at his best friend, shaking his head at his words.
"shush, you love me" he replies. "i heard that the theater's getting a renewal! meaning next year, your finally allowed to put on that show!"
y/n looks shocked for a moment, but then a small smile crosses his face as he thinks about how this situation went well for him.
"congratulations y/n!"
"thank you!"
but y/n only pays attention to that voice for a little while, because his eyes immediately move to search for a certain friend of his. he catches another pair of brown eyes, and smiles at the sight of that friend.
ah yes, that sung hanbin— the boy who was constantly on his mind and always plagued his mind at the worst times. the boy who was always there when y/n had breakdowns over his parents' harsh words, the boy who y/n could always go to whenever he needed comfort.
once hanbin registers their eye contact, he gives y/n a small smile. "congrats n/n." he mouths, and y/n simply laughs sarcastically. "no need to congratulate me, you did much better."
hanbin simply shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively. he walks up to y/n, casually throwing an arm around his shoulder as he stares at him with enamored eyes. "i did better? learn to appreciate yourself, y/n".
"oh shut up" y/n scoffs, lightly nudging hanbin who gives a little grunt. "you did do better, don't try to convince me otherwise".
the sung rolls his eyes, though he gives another smile as a tiny of red spread across his cheeks.
he tries his best to ignore it, as he listens to y/n chatter with some other people, members of the school council, former theater members, even some of the teachers, hanbin just stood there, thinking.
"hey" hanbin snaps out of his thoughts when he feels a flick to his forehead. he winces and gives a small glare to y/n, which didn't last long since he gaze immediately softened upon seeing the look in his eyes.
"huh? what?" he inquires, and y/n chuckles at his forgetful behavior.
"stop being so spacey" he mutters, nudging him with his shoulder. "we have to go congratulate you" he gives a teasing smile, linking arms with hanbin as he makes his down the hall with him.
for some reason, sung hanbin just can't stop staring.
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"don't you think he's a little troubling, honey?"
y/n is always used to his parents not using the nicest remarks when referring to him, his older brother was the golden child, even though he had as many achievements now that he was in his junior year of high school.
they refused to acknowledge any of that though, all because of his stupid sexuality, a sexuality he hadn't even figured out yet.
y/n remembers getting restlessly bullied by his brother for stuff he couldn't control, stuff that his parents told him was wrong, like liking boys for example. he never truly understood what was so wrong about it, but he had heard his parents discussing conversion therapy before.
he couldn't bear to think about such a thing.
"troubling as in messing around? then yeah".
"but what are supposed to do?" his mother says, clearly trying to whisper but failing to do so. "we can't have him be— a homosexual, not only is it wrong, but it's disgusting! do you know what this does to our reputation if anyone finds out about this? we have to send him to that camp you mentioned earlier—"
"but, then we have to explain to people why he's gone, where he disappeared off to, and then we have to try and figure out a cover up story".
"i'm telling you! it's all because those people he's hanging out with! we should stop him from going to school, he's clearly hanging around the wrong people!"
y/n sighs, not even making an effort to be silent as he slams his room door, locking it instantly. they don't care, of course they don't care, they only care about their stupid reputation, his stupid brother, their stupid beliefs which aren't supposed to have any hold of him.
he simply sits down on his bed, mind racing as he thinks about how he doesn't really have any options as long as he lives in this household. his only real passion is theater, and it won't get him anywhere as long his older brother is the one with all the achievements.
he's too lost in his thoughts when he hears a knock at his window, his face lights up as soon as he sees who it is, and he rushes to go open it. "hi" hanbin simply smiles, sticking out his tongue.
"i'll close the window on your fingers if you don't just come in" y/n deadpans, and hanbin chuckles at the overly aggressive tone in his voice.
"so.." hanbin closed the window as soon as he climbs in. "what's wrong?"
"you look like your about to cry" hanbin replies, and y/n curses internally because he knows him so well, curse sung hanbin for being so attentive towards him and caring so much about how he feels.
y/n sighs, simply letting himself fall into hanbin's arms as the sung cages him in his arms. "maybe i heard my parents discussing on how they are going to probably send me to conversion therapy because they don't like how i'm attracted to you" he mumbles casually.
"but besides that, i'm just naturally sensitive, you know?" he buries his face into hanbin's chest. "i am much of a crybaby.."
"don't say that" hanbin lifts y/n's head, cupping his face with his hands as he stares at him lovingly. "you know what? it's really stupid how your parents think, they can't see how much they scored with a child like you".
y/n stares back, biting his inner cheek as he listens to hanbin continue talking. "y/n, you are literally so talented, i don't know how i got with a person like you, because i am genuinely so grateful for you, and everything you have done for me".
"i should be telling you that" y/n replies, shaking his head as he smacks him on the shoulder. "your probably one of the best things that's happened to me in my sixteen years of living".
"is that an exaggeration?"
"i mean— i am the president of the theater club, it's kind of my job".
hanbin chuckles, simply staring at his boyfriend with that loving gaze which makes y/n feel as if he's about to suffocate.
"ugh, y/n i love you so much".
"stop it, you sound so corny".
"that's what you get for deciding to date me" he teases in a singsong voice, y/n rolls his eyes. he watches as hanbin takes another simple glance at him, sticking out his tongue once again.
"your stupid.." he mutters under his breath.
but that wasn't really true.
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"y/n, i have to tell you something!"
y/n flips through the manual for that years theater performances as he only hums at the voice calling to him. he smiles as he catches sight of matthew from behind him, but his best friend doesn't seem so happy.
he removes his earpiece. "is something wrong matthew? did i do something wrong?" he asks, and he watches his best friends face fall even more as a thought crosses his mind.
"can we talk.. um— alone?" he asks, his gaze momentarily flicks over to hanbin, but he takes y/n's wrist and leads him out of the room, making the l/n stumble as he doesn't expect for that to happen.
"matthew what? what's going on—"
"why didn't you tell me!?" the seok immediately exclaims, he looks as if he wants to be pissed off, but for some reason he can't, because this is his best friend of eight years he's talking about.
"about your parents!? about them planning to send you away— oh my god! when were you planning on telling hanbin—"
"i was planning on telling him soon!" y/n shrieks, his voice wavering as he thinks about the horrible decision of him to not tell his partner about what his parents planned on doing. "i just thought— i feel like he's going to be mad!"
"mad? y/n! this is sung fucking hanbin were talking about! he'd move a whole ass universe for you! do you understand that if you don't tell him now your gonna regret it when you two eventually separate?"
y/n takes in his best friends words, and matthew sort of steps back, as he feels he's come off as a bit..aggressive with that tone of his. "sorry, i know that might've come off as aggressive".
"it's alright, you were looking out for me" y/n hangs his head as he mumbles those words under his breath. "i should tell him, but i definitely do have to tell him, i know that he's gonna be disappointed when i leave without telling him anything—"
"y/n, you leave next friday, either you break it to him or you don't, and leave" matthew explains, hugging his sweater as he shoots a sympathetic look to his best friend.
"i know.." he covers his face with his hands. "i just have so much to do, and my parents— fuck they're not gonna let it go if they figure out i've been with him for over eight months now".
"honestly, fuck what they think y/n. if they can't see beyond who you love, then i'm sorry, but you need to cut them off".
those words linger through y/n's head as he continues on with everything else that week. as friday approaches, his mind constantly races as he goes from telling hanbin to simply just going off and never speaking to him again.
well i can't do that— that would be so stupid of me to just leave him behind without saying anything then we never see each other again for the next few years! that's awful!
y/n is so grateful when it rains, because his parents are petty and hate rain. he doesn't listen to their shouts as he mindlessly walks into the rain, smiling as it immediately falls onto him and begins messing up his hair.
he knows, he just knows that this is where they'll probably meet for the last time, but that's okay, it doesn't matter anymore.
"i knew you'd show up".
"shut up" he scoffs at the sight of sung hanbin, his first and only ever love. he looks so messy, his hair is wet from the rain and looks a little messy, but he still looks so good, y/n can't help but love.
y/n immediately pulls him by his wrist, making hanbin stumble and let out a yelp, then a small giggle escapes his lips as he stares at y/n with loving eyes.
"you know, i've always wanted to do this" y/n says, wrapping his arms around hanbin's neck, tilting his head and squinting his eyes to get a better look at him.
"do what?" hanbin asks, genuinely curious, even though he probably has an idea of what y/n wants to do with how he's staring at him.
"kiss someone in the rain" he replies, and hanbin hums as his arms unconsciously wrap around his waist. he tilts his head, inquiring slowly. "but your not worried that your parents are gonna see?"
"i don't care about them anymore" he mumbles, gaze now focused on hanbin's lips. "are you gonna kiss me now, or what?" he asks, tilting his head again as he stares at hanbin.
"i thought you were gonna do it".
"okay, be quiet".
hanbin rolls his eyes, moving forward to capture y/n's lips in a kiss, which takes him by surprise despite him being the one to bring it up in the first place. he lets out a small yelp, but quickly relaxes as hanbin runs a hand up and down his waist, a small reassurance.
in all honesty, this is exactly how y/n imagined a kiss in the rain. it feels so magical to him, and he can't help but giggle as he feels himself lightly stumble due to how tight hanbin is holding him.
he moves up his hand and runs it through hanbin's wet hair. he bites his bottom lip and it makes hanbin laugh, making him pull away as he giggles at the sight of the sight of his love.
"that" y/n doesn't finish his sentence as he just laughs, shaking his head. "that was amazing" he explains, pulling hanbin closer as the sung lets out a little yelp.
"fuck, i love you so much" y/n mumbles, the rain still falling so hard that his clothes are drenched. he doesn't care if he's wet and gross, he doesn't want to let go of hanbin, he just wants to spend the rest of his life with him, he doesn't really care about his future endeavors as long as he just spends the rest of his life with hanbin—
he can't imagine going on without him.
hanbin seems to begin getting emotional, but he shakes his head and buries it into y/n's neck. "i— i know a lot of this is my fault and i'm so sorry for everything y/n".
"it's not your fault, none of it is your fault" y/n chuckles, but hanbin just keeps his head buried in his shoulder. "hey, look at me".
reluctantly, hanbin lifts up his head, y/n using his finger to pick up his chin so he could stare him in the eyes. "you know this isn't the end, right? we'll see each other again".
hanbin tears up, and lets his head hang low. "don't make promises you can't keep" he mutters, a few tears running down his cheeks. y/n wipes the tears away from his thumb, and he simply chuckles again.
"your so stupid.." he mutters under his breath.
but it still wasn't really true.
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"wow.." haneul mumbles, looking down at his fingers as he takes in the story. he always knew his grandparents and uncle weren't the best of people, but he never knew how much his father really went through just because of who he loved.
when he looks up, he notices the tears welling up in his father's eyes as he finishes the story he had refrained himself from telling for so long. "dad? are you okay?"
y/n sniffles, quickly wiping away his tears with his sleeve. "yeah, sorry, i get emotional whenever i bring hanbin up" he mumbles, but he smiles at his son. he looks so much like him.. he thinks with a small smile, running a hand over haneul's hair.
"it's okay" haneul whispers, looking down again as he pouts. "i can't believe you never told me about him, i mean— i always wanted to know".
"i didn't want you to feel disappointed.." y/n mutters, sighing as he closes his eyes, hands still resting on haneul's head. "he's the one who chose your name, you know?"
haneul lights up. "really?"
"yep" y/n nods, heart piercing as he thinks about how long it's been since he talked to hanbin, since he even mentioned him. "he named you haneul, after the sky, i couldn't disagree with him because it was so nice".
haneul giggles, feeling his father run his fingers through his hair once again. "so when can i meet him, dad? or..?"
"you already have" y/n whispers, much to haneul's surprise. "you just don't remember".
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"what!? he's so cute hanbin!" y/n exclaims, gaze stuck on the child with beautiful dark brown eyes and chocolate colored hair. he was pretty much an identical to hanbin, like a mini hanbin in so many ways y/n could literally make a whole list.
"i knew you'd like him" the child lights up and immediately runs over to hanbin, hugging him around the leg. hanbin pats his head, running his fingers through his hair. "his name is haneul".
"like the sky?" y/n inquires, watching as the kid attaches himself to hanbin's leg. hanbin nods, smiling at him. he looks down at haneul, who is still nervous about y/n's presence, clearly.
"hanie, this is y/n, my partner" hanbin says, he notices haneul nod, and he smiles once again. "no need to worry, he's gonna take care of you too, like i am" he whispers, and haneul turns to y/n, giving him a shy smile.
y/n simply stares at haneul, that familiar look of love in his eyes similar to the one he always looks at hanbin with. he smiles at haneul, and reaches over to pat his head, making the young boy giggle.
hanbin looks back over at y/n, shaking his head as he continues to stare lovingly at his partner. he's so pretty, so amazing, talented, he could never imagine his life without him. as he looks back down at haneul, he can't believe how far his life has gotten.
"y/n?" he calls out, and the l/n looks back at him, giving a small hum. hanbin smiles as he sees his partner so pretty, even if he's so casual about everything, hanbin can't contain how much he loves him. "i love you" he says.
y/n smiles, looking to both haneul and hanbin with endearing eyes. he could feel his heart getting warmer as he looks in him in the eyes, he loves him so much, he wants to spend the rest of his life with him, with haneul , he just wants to be happy.
"i love you too, hanbin".
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wildflowerdylan · 1 year
Pairing: Sam Taylor x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ content (eventually lol), cursing, misogyny. 
Concept: You move to a new town and meet the local construction owner.
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We drove down the dirt road in our baby blue LaSalle with a black overhead and big silver rims. The sun was shining down bright and happy in between fluffy clouds as they strolled through the air politely. We stop in front of a large, white house. A couple of other roadsters behind us stopped too. We packed up all of our favorite items and left the rest behind with the plan to buy new things. I sighed in relief, excited to get out of this car. I open the door carefully and step out. My brother, Vincent, immediately ran over to me and tried helping me out after the fact. My father, who was helping my brother and I move not too far from our old home, had some words of anger to share as he watched the whole ordeal happen. I sighed lightly to myself, wishing that he would just let me be. But he didn’t want a daughter who raised her voice or took care of herself. I did my best to ignore his hateful words while still responding enough that he thought I cared. 
I walked up to the large, beautiful house and stared for a moment. This house was mine. And, sort of, Vincent’s, who would only be staying with me until I found an appropriate mate.
I begin to move to walk into the gorgeous piece of architecture when I once again get yelled at. “Y/F/N Y/M/N! Let Vincent in first! Remember your manners.” My father shouted from away. I turn to look at him and nod before stepping aside and letting Vincent in. The blonde man looks at me with a worrisome eye before nodding his head and stepping in. 
Vincent was kind and loving towards me. He hated my father just as much as I did. But he had the unfortunate habit of forgetting his place and leaving me to get the fall back of his less than assertive nature. He stepped aside lightly to let me walk past him as I wandered the halls of my future. I was going to finally be free from the grip of an uncaring man. At least, until I was to be set up with whatever suitor my father inevitably finds for me. 
I step up the freshly built staircase and walk around the upstairs joyously as the men who traveled with me carry my belongings in and place them where they see fit. There was one room at the end of the hallway that particularly intrigued my whimsy as its door was the only door that was closed. I waltz over carefully before swinging it open in cheer. That’s when I saw him. 
I let out a loud scream before turning and closing the door and running back out of the house into my brother’s arms. “Grab the gun! There’s an intruder!” I shout while pointing to the house vigorously. My father scoffs as I cry out, waiting for me to calm down. Once I finally did, he spoke, “There is no such thing.” I shake my head with widened eyes and feel my heart begin to raise again - this time from anger. He takes a breath to begin a tangent - most likely about me being a troublesome liar - when the man I saw before pops out. I turn to look at the man quickly pointing my finger, “There he is!” The brunette man puts his hands up carefully and calmly, like he’s been through this before. He has the same look in my eyes - fear.
My father lets out a hearty laugh that is sudden and loud. We all snap our heads to the older man before he explains, “You stupid girl. That’s the contractor.” I change my face, it’s offended and confused. “He built the house, “Y/N/N.” Vincent says quietly from behind me. I turn to look at the man again, his face is soft and understanding. “Oh.” I say shortly. “Mr. Taylor, this is my ill-mannered daughter, Y/N.” Mr. Taylor nods his head slowly, smiling small with his brown eyes. My father moves to grab Vincent carefully, “And this is my son, Vincent. He’ll be the man of the house until we can find a suitor for Y/N.” Sam nods his head again, beginning to gain a look of discomfort. “Y/N, Sam will look after you when I’m away in the city for work.” Vincent says suddenly. I nod my head shortly, unsure of how I should act at this point. There was nothing I wanted less than to have my father yell at me again. Especially in front of the handsome man before me. 
“Well, I’m sure you’re more than capable of handling things yourself, but I’ll be around if you need me.” He smiles softly as he tries to show that he does not feel the same way as the old man. “Nonsense. She’ll be with you whenever Vincent is not here. I don’t want her running around alone.” Sam nods his head uncomfortably. He clearly hasn’t learned how to talk to my father just yet. “I promise not to be a bother, Mr. Taylor.” I send him a polite smile while trying to please my father. “Please, call me Sam.” My father scoffs again, “Mr. Taylor, please do not teach my daughter improper manners. The only men she doesn’t have to address by their last name are me and my son.” Sam looked at him with wider eyes than before as he nodded his head carefully.
“Vincent, everything is inside where it needs to be. I must be getting back home to your mother.” Vincent nodded his head in response to my father before moving next to me so that we could watch my father and his helpers leave together. Once the only roadster in sight was our LaSalle, Vincent let his breath go. I turned to him carefully as he moved to sit on the steps of the house just in front of Mr. Taylor. The two sat down next to each other. I walked over carefully and stood quietly.
“Y/N, we should lay down some clear guidelines.” I nod my head at Vincent calmly, but I instantly feel fear. Was he going to be as ruthless as my father after all? “First thing, you can call Mr. Taylor, Sam. Just not around father. And you don’t have to be watched at all times, you’re a grown woman and it’s time you get treated as such.” I nodded my head carefully as I watched the two with furrowed eyebrows. Sam pulled his hand out and reached it out to shake my own. I grab it slowly. “Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” I smile softly, maybe things are going to be okay here after all.
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ok but what about the annoying s/o we all love with an equally annoying/protective pet chihuahua that loves to bug the shit out of sevika (they have a love hate relationship tbh)
i love your page so much youre one of my fav writers on this godforsaken site💪💪💗
Thank you sm <333 So sorry this took so long, it's a wonderful idea and thank you for trusting me with it :)
Disclaimer: Chihuahuas aren’t always demon dogs. This one just hates Sev and is old :)
Oh it's hate at first sight with that dog
It's your first time taking Sevika home and you're so excited for her to meet your best friend. You're talking them up, saying they're so cute, they're so independent, and they're a great alarm
Sevika's relieved you have something to protect you. She worries enough about you as it is. And you’re constantly spending money on your dog, she notices, so it must really earn its place
And when you tell her to wait in the living room while you go wake them up, she's a little shocked that they have their own room. Odd, but if you have the space, y'know?
So when you bring out this expired, decrepit looking thing, Sevika fucking laughs
It's barely working ears somehow catch the noise and sets it off
It runs to Sevika, barking and snarling like she wouldn't be able to punt it across the room
Her shoe is bigger than it
"I thought you said you had a dog."
"They are-"
"Sweetheart that is a rat."/“I think that thing escaped from Jericho's kitchen”
Its name is something cutesy like Angel, Honey, Cinnamon
When it gets too riled up it’ll always end up wheezing and hacking, followed by Sevika’s ridicule
“Not much of an alarm”/“Pathetic”
Sevika has beef with your dog. She deems it useless and she has to compete with it for your attention.
Sevika watches you comfort and coo over it with a disgusted look on her face. It’s like a child, and Sevika loathes those. She’ll purposely irritate it sometimes until you yell at her
It pisses on her shoes. You swear it was fully house trained before. Of course you never scold it, and go and cuddle it instead because "They must be getting old, Vika"
It knows what it's doing
Good lord. When it has some kind of infection or illness and needs medicine, Sevika's tasked with holding it. She begs you to let mother nature take its course
When you’re on the couch holding your baby in your lap and Sevika tries to sit next to you, it will yap and snap at her. Its bites don’t hurt that much because the thing lost all of its teeth by now so she just ignores it. Sevika does not surrender. She puts her arm around you regardless while it tears at her vest
As much as she loves you and doesn’t want to see you sad, in the beginning she was just counting the days until that thing passed away
Then one day she’s eating her breakfast on a quiet morning before work. You’re still asleep so she took it upon herself to wake the fire-breathing cretin, earning her hand several toothless bites, and took it outside to potty while debating how long it’d take you to get over it if it ‘ran away’. She’d never do that to you but imagining a time where she doesn’t have to live under its fearful reign is her way of coping
So she’s eating her breakfast, fully expecting it to hobble back to its grossly luxurious bed, but when she looks down it's staring at her. Not with hate, or malice, or its usual bloodthirsty leer. Its tongue is poked out between its gums, no teeth there to hold it in place. Sevika tracks its gaze to the last piece of bacon in her hand. Oh. A spark of hope flickers in her chest and she tries not to appear too eager as she gently crouches and makes her offering
It eats it, hacks it up, then eats it again. Until Sevika leaves, the dog is right by her side, eventually falling asleep on her foot when they realize she doesn’t have any more food. She’s late for work that day
When you later discover the old pup asleep on Sevika’s lap one day, you’re ecstatic. And who do you congratulate? The dog, of course. But by now you recognize Sevika’s different levels of scowling and know which one is ‘I’m jealous of your dog’ so you give her some love too
You often tease her for it and pet her head/ coo at her the way you do your dog until she grumbles and turns away from you (she will never admit she loves it)
Also you, being your annoying self, proclaim Sevika its 'daddy'. And start buying her father shit. "Proud dad" "Furbaby Father" "I'm a daddy". No matter how much she hates it, you refer to her as such whenever you're talking to your dog
"Is daddy grumpy today?"
"Stop calling me that. That thing is older than me."
Sevika has to drag you away from the dog toys at stores. She trips on them and nearly breaks her damn neck everyday. She'll be freshly awake, going to make her coffee and step on the loudest motherfucking squeaky toy that could rival Piltover's alarm. It has enough damn toys. And it doesn't even play anymore, but you swear it gets excited with each one you bring home. She has to check your bag because you'll try to smuggle some home
Even with their newfound relationship, the mutt still has limits. If you give her the task of waking it up in the morning, it starts growling as soon as she walks through the door
The door creaks on rusty hinges, alerting Sevika of yet another thing she needs to fix in this dingey apartment of yours. The noise is remarkably close to the rumbling, broken sounds strangling their way out of the awaiting mutt's throat, triggered by the hulking silhouette of the other competitor for its owner’s attention.
“Yeah, yeah. Time for breakfast.” Sevika snarls back.
She grabs the small blanket on top of a dresser, a dresser, filled with sweaters and bows and bandannas for this leech. In Sevika’s opinion, you could throw money down the garbage disposal for less hassle. All of this to help this glorified rat live a pampered life of luxury while most of your jackets have a minimum of three holes. Seriously, doesn’t this thing have fur for a reason? 
She tries to tell you. Tries to get you to look after yourself a bit better. But, if you’re not going to do it, she will, spending money on items of comfort for you while you do the same for your baby.
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