#but the ibis holding……… it haunts me…………..
candlewitches · 1 year
absolutely devastated. we moved our bettongs (my favorites) into temporary holding while the back pens are redone which means now if i want to see them (the highlight of my day and my favorite routine) i have to clean the temporary ibis holding (the devil’s bird and my least favorite routine)
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black-dhalias · 2 years
Bigger than the Whole Sky
Ibis X F!Reader
Warnings: big angst, death, mentions of blood/violence
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Each day, every person is given the chance to serve out their purpose. A destiny prewritten in some manner of speaking, whether determined by genetics or choices or deities, but prewritten to exist. Designed to occur, and implied to be fate.
Your awareness of these choices, these destinies is profound and unexplainable—however, incredibly useful to the Xadian Royal Family. The Dragon King chose you many years ago for your gift of knowing, he claimed it was prophecy and asked you to join them at Storm Spire. As a Moon Shadow elf, you were isolated and exiled—your brother and his husband fought for you. He pleaded, but they feared what did not make sense. They feared the unknown, because when you were near—it was not unknown in the slightest.
So you couldn’t bring yourself to say no to the Dragon King, but Ibis made your new life tolerable. In some ways, Ethari felt better knowing that you were somewhere that wanted you, but it terrified him nonetheless. You are right in the middle of the unrest, his little sister. His sweet Y/N, who never asked for any of it. Yet again, Ibis smoothed the worry with his assurances—you would see no harm for as long as Ibis breathed.
That is how it was. You felt like there was shelter from the war, through all of the terrors—through the loss, and it was all because of your love. Ibis made the whole sky so much bigger than you imagined it could be, he filled the world with joy. He painted clouds with color and brightened every room he entered, your bitter edges became soft and hopeful.
A sense of dread overwhelms you as the air goes completely cold. Your entire mind had gone dark and all you could see was his face—the image of mist seems haunting and ominous. Unfamiliar.
Something is wrong.
You arise from the bed and followed your instincts, a painful and consuming ache has formed. The pit in your chest has grown deeper with every step—Xadian lore say it is the connection that comes from loving someone so deeply. You already know.
A sob escapes your lips, every part of your being is preparing for the worst, but the tiny heart in your womb hopes for better. “Ibis?”
Only you could not breathe, his name has clawed it’s way out of your throat. It does not offer any comfort. Your stomach twists into a knot; a scuffle occurring on the garden. Just as you turn the corner. You attempt to stifle your cries, watching your husband become… You lean into yourself, but manage to stumble down the stairs…
“Ibis?” And as your hands cup his cheeks, his eyes have already lost their life. “My love?” All you can head is his killers pleas and apologies… And when you meet his eye, murderer, all he can see is your swollen stomach.
Blindly, one of your hands attempt to stifle the blood loss, but it is not flowing. It is pooled. Even as your fingers go slick with blood, you wish you could find the urge to scream, but all you manage is the feeling of a choking sensation leaving your throat. Words barely legible, but you say them: “You stole him…”
You wish you could hush your cries and aches, “My sweetest sky, please return to me. To our son.” When the killers are gone, you see him coming to—his voice is choked by his own blood with a rise and fall going to fast.
“To the top.”
“No, you need to rest. Please?” You are pleading but his hands runs along your cheek, you can barely see where the red of your dress and the red of his life force.
“Trust- m-Me.” And you do, just as you have for as long as you can remember.
“I do.”
Ibis holds onto you for dear life, climbing the stairs to the top of the spire. Every stumbling, painful step burns you deeper because you are crying out for him.
“What—” He inhales sharply. “Tell me the name of our son.” Your lip trembles at the top of the spire becomes so much more clear than before. Reality is becoming more apparent.
“I thought Cellion.” While it is painful, you glance over at him with your will and see him smile. You see him see your sons entire future in that single, very real moment.
“Tell me what our Cellion will become?” You almost choke on the words, but know Ibis well enough to know this will bring him peace. To leave this world with one thought.
“Cellion is both a warrior and a mage, a combination of us both. A wise leader. He has my eyes, but your Sky born smile. He is both compassionate and good— knowledgeable in the great arts…” Your lip trembles and feel him leaning heavier on you, falling onto your limited strength. “I tell him about you every night, raise him on stories of our adventures…”
So many adventures and it’s all coming to an end. Because of the selfishness of humans, you feel his life faltering—hanging in the balance. Ibis stops, kissing your cheek as gently as he can as his hand rests on your swollen stomach.
“You’re going to make a wonderful mother.” You place your hand over his, flexing your fingers.
“I wish you would be there.” He nods, glancing at the final ascent—two steps.
“Me too.” You falter now. “And I will.” He drops his hand, beginning to pull away, a veil preparing to separate you almost entirely.
“I’ll be the summer breeze that kisses your cheeks.” And then, he is stumbling up the steps and you are stuck. Unable to move. Just watching him. Then you turn away and lean onto the stairs, turning your eyes to the sky.
You see his last breath, and your eyes close: “We will see you in the next life and sunset skies, Ibis.” Swallowing, “My great love.”
Rising to your feet, body swaying with every step—lost in the bitterest sensation of loss. Cheeks burning, to some extent there is no pain at all anymore. Just sensations.
You hear the rustle of the breeze, but when the wind hits your cheeks—your lip trembles.
“I’ll find them. For you. For me. And our son.” You pause, “I don’t know what I’ll do.” You might kill them, it’s not your husbands way, but you were a warrior. Raised with warriors blood, and with his blood on your hands—the blood boils.
“But I’ll find them.”
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year
Callum's body ached as he collapsed onto the Storm Spire, his mage wings reverting back into arms. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he struggled to catch his breath. Ibis landed gracefully beside him, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Surely one more time to the ground and back shouldn't be so hard, right?" Ibis chuckled, observing Callum's exhaustion.
Shaking his head, Callum gasped for air and wiped the perspiration from his brow. "Count me out! I hit my limit hours ago. Becoming a Sky mage is tougher than I imagined."
As Callum rose to his feet, his arms throbbed with fatigue. "Honestly, if I had known Sky magic was this hard, I might have considered a different Arcanum."
Ibis allowed his wings to fade away, and his staff returned to his hand with a wave of his fingers.
"There's more to being a rune mage than merely studying spells in dusty tomes," Ibis explained. "That holds true for any primal source. Unlike Dark Mages, we cannot simply tear out our power from magical creatures."
With a graceful wave of his staff, the rocks surrounding them came to life, floating in unison.
"We don't perform magic solely with our minds, Callum," Ibis continued. "We channel it through our..."
"...bodies and spirits," Callum interjected, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Huh,” Ibis was impressed. “I suppose someone must have taught that to you. Then again how else did you learn an Arcanum.”
Callum nodded, looking very proud of himself. “Someone I love once told me. That sometimes there’s too much for our minds to understand, but if we just slow down and focus, our spirit and our body and catch up and help out.”
“Well, you are correct, young mage,” Ibis said. “But don’t interrupt! There’s still so much more you don’t know than you think. And I hear you’re traveling back tomorrow, so there’s much more I have left to show you till then.”
Waving his hand dismissively, Callum replied, "Psht, not a problem! I can always fly back, and you can teach me more next time!"
Restless and tormented, Callum tossed and turned, unable to find solace in sleep. Aaravos's malevolent grip on his mind consumed his thoughts, haunting him in his restless state. Every time he closed his eyes, the Fallen Star's smirking visage appeared, taunting him with his ominous promise.
“Destined to play right into my hands”
Before long, Callum abandoned any hope of finding rest and left his companions behind in the antechamber. Stepping outside into the cool night air, he welcomed the darkness that matched his mood. The gentle breeze whispered against his face, providing a semblance of calm as he ascended the steps of the pinnacle, preparing to confront...
...he froze. Ibis's body lay covered by a shroud before him, and the realization of his former mentor's demise struck Callum with a paralyzing dread. Ibis, once a trusted guide and friend, now lay before him, motionless.
It wasn’t as though Callum wasn’t familiar with death. Having lost all those he considered parents before his fifteenth birthday, death had become a familiar, though unwelcome, acquaintance.
But Ibis was one of the most powerful mages he had ever met. In all likelihood, Callum thought, he could have even defeated Claudia and Lord Viren combined. With his mentor gone and no means to reach him, Callum found himself adrift, devoid of guidance in his quest to...
Suddenly, a flicker of hope sparked within his mind. Scarcely pausing to think, Callum hurriedly flipped through the pages of his book, vaguely recalling a spell that could...
"...yes!" Callum exclaimed triumphantly. He had stumbled upon the incantation that would allow him to summon the voice of a nearby Sky mage, if only for a fleeting moment. Tracing the rune in the air, he spoke the words:
“Arcanum Recolligo.”
Around him, the wind swirled, coalescing into a silhouette. Gradually, the form materialized, revealing the ethereal presence of the fallen Sky mage.
However, instead of directing his gaze towards Callum, the apparition of Ibis drifted toward the edge of the pinnacle.
“No! Wait!” Callum cried out, rushing to the spirit’s side. “I need to ask you about Aaravos. You knew about the Staff of Ziard and the ‘Fallen Star.’ You have to tell me everything I need to know, we don’t have time!”
“Time is a construct,” Ibis said. “Like the wind, it flows in myriad directions. Creatures of the Sky know that only the present can be trusted.”
Turning his attention to the dim horizon, Ibis continued, "I spent countless years gazing upon this pinnacle, captivated by its view, yet I could never glimpse beyond it. As a Master of the Four Winds, I delved into the very essence of the wind, foreseeing and averting numerous catastrophes. And after each one, there was always another... all converging here but never further."
Callum understood his meaning. “B-because this is where you died. You couldn’t see a future after that moment.”
Ibis turned to face Callum, a playful wink in his spectral eyes. “We can’t see the future, only its possibilities. Just as I saw the possibilities in you, Callum. You have such a capacity for goodness. You always excelled, but not because you craved mastery, but because of your fear of failure.”
Callum shrugged, admitting his fault. “That’s what made me a great mage, I guess.”
Shaking his head, Ibis gently admonished him. “That’s precisely what kept you from greatness. Even now, fear still keeps you from realizing the simplest and most significant lesson I have yet to teach you.”
Curiosity piqued. “Which is?”
Ibis turned his ethereal essence fully toward Callum, peering deeply into the young mage's eyes.
“That it’s not about you.”
The weight of those words struck Callum with sudden clarity. All this time, he had been obsessed of learning more, discovering more, all so that he can master all of primal magic and be of use to his friends and brother, and all it did was bring him ever closer to Aaravos’ control.
Ibis nodded his head.”Those of us who know the Sky Arcanum know that knowledge is as much a burden as it is a gift. For thousands of years, the Masters of the Four Winds were the guardians of Xadia’s knowledge, and when knowledge holds such power, desperate measures are taken to obtain it, necessitating equally drastic measures to protect it."
Ibis shuddered. “I hated the thought of killing, but as you once learned, sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve a higher purpose.”
Gesturing toward the staff behind them, Ibis emphasized,  “Just as you have to serve a higher purpose now. Your friends need your strength, just as you need theirs, now more than ever, if you hope to have a chance of stopping Aaravos.”
Callum shook his head, tears piercing the edges of his eyes. “I’m not ready...”
Ibis looked longingly to the horizon again, the faintest glimmers of the rising sun becoming visible. 
“No one ever is...we don’t get to choose our time. We only get to choose what to do with the time that is given to us.”
A chuckle escaped Ibis. “You’d think after all this time I’d be ready. But look at me! Drawing out one final moment just so that I can watch the sun.”
As the first rays of sunlight broke through the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the world, Callum couldn’t help but crack a smile. “You know, I always thought--”
But when he turned to look at Ibis, he was gone, leaving only a gentle breeze. Standing alone on the pinnacle, Callum took a deep breath, fixing his gaze once more upon the horizon.
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cobalt-knave · 3 years
Lesser Known Podcast Recs
The Mistholme Museum Of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality
Let the AI Audio Tour Guide take you on a tour of the museum. Hear the stories - some horror, some soft, some strange, and some tragic - of the various exhibits. If your Audio Tour Guide is behaving... strangely, you should deposit your audio device in the nearest incinerator. 
Much like The Magnus Archives, this is episodic stories, but it builds up a meta plot as the Audio Tour Guide develops and evolves. 
The Antique Shop
The audio journal of Maya, a university student who takes a job at an antique shop. The shop contains strange and magical and cursed items. It also contains Madam Norna, who can help people with supernatural problems but there is always a cost, and the Madam must work with fate and not against it-- something Maya doesn’t agree with. There is also a great enemies (or acquaintances with animosity between them) to friends relationship that makes me happy.  
Though we only hear the story from Maya (one voice actor), the characters are all incredibly well-developed and interesting: the Madams, Reid, Chronos, Finn, and all of the one off characters. It manages to be very character driven and based strongly in relationships (platonic!) without every needing other voice actors for Ghostly Thistle to bounce off of. 
Ok I have to plug Hubris. It is anthology - disconnected stories and writers and worlds all interpreting the season’s theme differently. And... each episode was written, performed, and produced in 24 hours. That’s right. This is a 24 hour fiction podcast challenge, and it is wonderful. I am actually a writer and voice actor on one of the episodes ;). 
For some specific episodes to recommend:
“Just Wait For Dawn” Season 1 Episode 3. 
This one is apocalyptic horror showing four people trying to hold out in their office building. The characters are all really interesting (I would listen to a whole series following Rain and Anthony) and well-acted. 
“Not Safe For Work” Season 2 Episode 1.
This episode is murder fiction humor. Alexander had a simple job: get in, kill the target, get out. And it would have been perfect if not for an unexpected bystander. Alexander's solution? Take the bystander with her. Featuring: Awkward interactions with your ex-turned-corpse-disposal-expert! Awkward conversations with the person who kidnapped you! Proper wearing of seatbelts while driving getaway cars!
“Extreme Ornithology” Season 2 Episode 5. 
This episode is hilarious. Here is their synopsis: After falling asleep on a cruise ship, an American pigeon, Franklin, finds himself stranded in Melbourne, Australia. With the help of an eccentric ibis and a protective magpie, our young birb has one chance, maybe, to make it back home - youtuber and Extreme Ornithologist Jay Talon is heading home, and has a permit to take specimens back with him. But Franklin isn't the only bird with his eye on the prize…
There... There is a dance battle. It is the greatest thing. 
“Spring Will Bloom” Season 2 Episode 7.
You should know that, as a participant, I can tell you we were all terrified of this team long before hearing the episode. It is excellent. 
Get ready for some guided meditation that will fill your very soul with fear. 10/10 would be terrified again. It is horror, in case that wasn’t clear. 
Highly recommend that you give Hubris a try! And, anyone who is a voice actor, writer, composer, or sound engineer should consider signing up as a participant from the website 24hourhubris.com. It is really fun, and you get to work with amazing people!!
The McIlwraith Statements
This is another great fiction podcast by Ghostly Thistle. It is completed and has two seasons. It is supernatural fiction. 15 years after the fact, Sarah McIlwraith is making her statements regarding the infamous IPP study. The IPP study was a psychology-focused scientific study into mediums, hauntings, and the paranormal. It lasted three years before it was revealed to be a hoax, ruining the careers of those involved. Sarah was a phd student working on the study. But here is the thing: the study never found anything, but Sarah has always been able to see ghosts. And many of those haunted locations were indeed haunted. 
Sarah is a great character, and the stories she tells are all very interesting as you hear about how the study worked, the ghosts she met and helped, the mediums that always seemed to be faked. Meanwhile, Sarah is looking into the mysterious funding the projects got, which keeps a good meta plot going. 
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The Nominations So Far (Kinda)
Some of you have been asking to see who’s nominated in which category, so I’m putting up what I’ve done so far. This is by no means everyone nominated, as we’ve had 96 submissions to the form, and I’m not going to be able to log them all until nominations close. But if you’ve been contacted to say you’re up for an award, you should be listed below...
Good Luck to everyone nominated x
1. THE ONE THAT MADE YOU GASP! — A story which had a plot twist you didn’t see coming. Something that caught you so off guard that you had to stop a minute and take a breath before devouring the rest. What’s the story for you?
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
Chaotic Peter Parker by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Cycle Through by Ambivalentangst
Ever In Your Favor by Iron_Spider
Irondad Ficlets by Ironxprince
Like Father, Like Son by An_Odd_Idea
Love Leaves A Memory No-One Can Steal by Ironmum
More Peril In Thine Eye  by Iron_Spider
No Longer In Service by Starryknight09
Proof Of Concept by Flurrbee
Serenity by Jolinarjackson
Spidey Tot by Kevy_Grayce
Stab Me In The Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7
Stop, Look, Listen by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
  2. THE MULTI-CHAPTER YOU COULDN’T PUT DOWN — A story which kept you up all night or calling in sick for work so you were free to read. Who’s the culprit?
 A Parent Apparent by Happyaspie
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
A Sailor Went To Sea by by Yellowdistress
Air I Breathe by Heartofcathedrals
And You’ll Blow Us All Away by Losingmymindtonight
Astronomy In Reverse by Pansley
Come My Darling, Homeward Bound by Iamirondad
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth by Da_Moose
Five Times Tony And Peter Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
I Will Carry You (Always) by Thestarvingwriter
Identity Crisis by Kitcat992
If They All Knew About You by Mshermia
In Unlikely Places by Looneylizzie
Irondad Ficlets by Ironxprince
Mr. Parker Declined To Commentby Apisdn
Pain Will Always Come Back To Haunt You by Kevy_Grayce
Permanence by Theexhaustedalchemist
Pieces Of Echoes by Geekymoviemom
Proof Spiderman Loves Clickbait by Mauvera
The Lost And Forgotten by Lizcraz
 3. THE ONE-SHOT THAT THAT HAD YOU HOOKED — Some writers can cram more greatness into less words than a 100k monster. What’s the one-shot that did it for you?
 5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did by Losingmymindtonight
Countless Ways To Say I Love You            by Hopeless_Hope
Familiar Faces by Happyaspie
First Wednesday Of March by The Case Of The Missing Museum Bea-Storer
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by Aloneintherain
I Can Hold The Weight Of Worlds (If That's What You Need) by Bluesweatshirt
I Promise I'll Do Better by 221broadwayiron
I Will Soften Every Edge by Losingmymindtonight
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Something Here Will Eventually Have To Explode by Madasthesea
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal  by Finny3120
 4. THE BEST THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES — A drabble (under 1k) can pack in all the goodness that you need in a coffee break read. What’s that story for you?
 Butter Me Up by Iron_Spider
Cuddle Bug by Marvelous_Writer
Food At Home by Aimaim94
Insomniacs In The Dark by Littlemissagrifina
Irondad Cuddles by Lilacsoulw
Let The Mind Games Begin by Ironmum
 5. THE BIODAD THAT TOUCHED YOUR HEART — Some of the greatest stories flip canon and make Tony Peter’s biological father. Be it baby Peter taking his first steps or Tony dealing with the fact his son is following in his superhero footsteps as Spider-Man, which is the one you loved most of all?
 An Abstract Concept by Iron-Spider
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Built From Scraps by  Peter Stank
Happy Hogan Never Forgets A Face by Jen27ny
Hardest Lessons (Softest Results) by Mainstreamelectricalparade
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
My Little Bambino by Maicaly
Return To Me, The One I Love So Endlessly by Superherotiger
Slow Down, Start Again From The Beginning by Cassiecasyl
Sound Logic by Aytheria
Spiderson by Emily_F6
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Yellowdistress.
The Less Than Secret Life by Yellowdistress
The Ties That Bind Us by Winterturtle
They Say Boys Don't Cry (But Your Dad Has Shed A Lot Of Tears) by Tempestaurora
What’s In A Name? by Geekymoviemom
 6. THE ONE WITH THE FIELD TRIP — The field trip trope is one of the most popular in the fandom. What’s the story that you think pulls all the elements together to make it great?
 A Different Take by Cyberwolfwrites
Constant Internal [Spider] Screaming: Semi-Connected Scenes From A Graduating Senior’s Life by Isadancurtisproduction
Field Trip by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Field Trip Flip by  Happyaspie
I Don’t Want To Talk About It Anymore by Bees_And_Wasps
Mr Stark Enough For You? (Another Field Trip Fic Bcs We Dont Have Enough) by Livinei
Neon Liar (Hiding In Plain Sight) by Isadancurtisproduction
No Reason To Go by Pokegeek151
Tower Of Donuts And Doubts by              Platinumdollz
Who Is He? by Velarisstars
 7. THE TIME AFTER TIME ONE — There’s some great time travel stories out there, but which is your favorite?
 Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth) by Da_Moose
I Have Time by Peterparkr
The End Is Just A New Beginning              by Tytach
The Time Traveler’s Mentor by Iamirondad
Whatever It Takes by Starryknight09
 8. THE ONE WITH ALL THE OWIES — Another massively popular Irondad trope is hurt/comfort, and there’s some amazing stuff out there. Which is the one that you love most of all?
 A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
Air I Breathe by Heartofcathedrals
Be Weak by Fluencca
But What Is Grief? by Odd_1
But What Is Grief? by Odd_1
Danger Pizza by Alice_In_Ink
Darkness Will Be Rewritten by Marveal
Dude, Do These Tacos Taste Funny To You? by First_Page
Follow The North Star Home by Fallingforbees
Foolish, Fragile Spine by Plnkblue
Outnumbered by Heartofcathedrals
Sometimes It’s Easier To Just Swim Down by Mjscorner
The Room Where It Happens by Notapartytrick
We All Chase After A Few Dying Stars by Losingmymindtonight
What I Have, I Give To You by Aatticsaltt
When My Body Won't Hold Me Anymore (Where Will I Go) by Madasthesea
Your Heart Changed (Mine Stayed The Same) by Loisselina (Loisselina)
 9. THE ONE THAT HURTS SO GOOD — We all like a bit of angst sometimes, so what’s the story that you wanted to hide from but you had to keep reading to get to the happy ending?
 Built From Scraps by Peterstank
Cycle Through by Ambivalentangst
Fifteen Years In The Making by Potts89
Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me by Itsreallylaterightnow And Killerqueenwrites
I Need You To Be Free by Marveal
I Promise I'll Do Better by 221broadwayiron
If You Listen You Can Hear The Ibis by Yellowedistress
Let's Get On With Living (While We Can) by Almond_Blossoms
Let's Get On With Living (While We Can) by Almond_Blossoms
Love Leaves A Memory No-One Can Steal by Ironmum
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling by Embarrassing_Myself
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron_Spider
Of Flying And Falling by Polaroid15
Sunlight by Ardenskyeholmes221
The Room Where It Happens by Notapartytrick
When Trauma Comes Knocking by Kevy_Grayce
 10. THE ONE THAT SOOTHES THE PAIN — What’s the story that you go to when you need a pick-me-up after the angst?
 5 Times A Spider-Baby Got Dad Smooched by Buckets_Of_Stars
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud by Grilledcheesing
5 Times Tony Stark Protected Penny Parker by Emily_F6
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Bitch Better Have My Money by Neicy286
Career Day: A Short Story by Shewritesall
Early Childhood Education by Thedisneyoutsider
Five Times Peter And Tony Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
Hardest Lessons (Softest Results) by Mainstreamelectricalparade
I Can Hold The Weight Of The Worlds (If That's What You Need) by Bluesweatshirt
Instant Kill Mode by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Kids These Days  by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
The Road So Far by Nicolemoon8
No More Lonely by Shewritesall
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
That's How You And I Will by Frostysunflowers
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal by Finny3120
Whatever It Takes by Starryknight90
 11. THE ONE WITHOUT A HOME TO GO TO — There’s some wonderful homeless Peter stories out there, so which is the one you were blown away by?
 A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
After The Landslide by Freyaatterton
Distracted by A Dime by Happyaspie
I Told You I Had Issues by Bergen
Is It Too Much To Ask For Home That Lasts? Ft. Peter Parker by Wakandaforever2357
The Little Things (That I Miss) by Da_Moose
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Unexpected (Everything I Never Knew I Wanted) by Moonchild2593
 12. THE ONE THAT’S A WHOLE NEW WORLD — There’s lots of imaginative AUs in Irondad fic. Whether it’s Steve and Tony as baseball players or Pepper being Peter’s mom, which one is your number one?
  A Guardian Among Us by Superherotiger
A Soul's Best Friend by Superherotiger
Ever In Your Favor by Iron_Spider
Have Patience, A Quick Wit, And A Gentle Heart by Ironfamjam
I Battle My Jerk Step-Dad by Andromath
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Sea Spider by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Spidey Tot by Kevy_Grayce
Though Everything Is A Miracle by Overtures
Until It Disappeared From Me by Ashleyparker2815
When I Am On Your Shoulders by Ladyblackwater
You Mispronounced Spider by Lliblo
 13. THE TWEAKING THE SETTINGS ONE — There’s things we all wish we could change in canon — *cough* Endgame *cough* — so which canon divergence does it for you?
 5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud by Grilledcheesing
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It          by Savana_Marlark
Beautiful Boy by Emily_Davison
Bittersweet by Kevy_Grayce
Built From Scraps by Peterstank
I Will Restore All That Was Broken            by Killerqueenwrites
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling by               Embarrassing_Myself
Moulded Minds by Wingswithstrings
Pieces Of Echoes by Geekymoviemom
The End Of Infinity by Friendlyneighborhoodfangirls
The Returned by Nicolemoon8
What Was Missing Was You by Happyaspie
What Were The Words I Meant To Say Before You Left by Madasthesea
 14. THE ONE YOU GO BACK TO AGAIN AND AGAIN — Some fics deserve a re-read or ten. What’s the story you go find yourself going back to?
 A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood by Ambivalentangst
A Parent Apparent by Happyaspie
Age Regression Was Impossible... Right? by Chvotic
Am I Just A Shadow You Drew by Ironxprince
Apartment 43B by Ironfamjam
Back To Bed by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Beautiful Boy by Emily_Davison
Family Is More Than Blood (It Is Light) by Moonchild2593
Keeping Company by Whumphoarder And Xxx_Cat_Xxx
Keeping Company by Whumphoarder And Xxx_Cat_Xxx
Moulded Minds by Wingswithoutstrings
Play by Losingmymindtonight
Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Ironmum
Sins Of The Fathers by Geekymoviemom
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by Starryknight09
The Lost And Forgotten by Litcraz
The One Where Peter Is Bucky’s Weakness by Jinxquickfoot
The Rise And Fall Of A Spider by Spidersoning
The Spider-Man Conspiracy by Tempestaurora
 15. THE SERIES THAT SWEPT YOU AWAY — Some of us love to go on a long ride with a series, so which is the world of multiple stories that you binged or waited anxiously for each update?
 Another June Day by Skeeter_110
Chaotic Peter Parker by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Home by Glwilliams97
I Love You More Than Anything (Bio Dad Au) by Iron_Spider
I Love You More Than Anything (Bio Dad Au) by Iron_Spider
Irondad NSAP by Chvotic
Lights To Guide You Home by Jolinarjackson
Mr. Stark & His Kid by Writerstrash
Once Upon An Adoption by Kevy_Grayce
Out Of Darkness by Starryknight09
Soul Stone Realm by Marvelmusicmystery
The Room Saga by Iamirondad
Tony Stark Is A Good Mentor by Happyaspie
Was That A Star Wars Reference, Dr. Stark? by Jen27ny
We Forgot Peter by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Webcams And Webshooters by Losingmymindtonight
 16. THE IN-PROGRESS ADVENTURE — What’s the story that has you checking your email each day, hoping for an update?
  A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Perfect Storm by Grilledcheesing
Ain't My Blood; Still My Boys by Parkrstark
All The Stars Align by Ashleyparker2815
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It           by Savana_Marlark
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth) by Da_Moose
Fifteen Years In The Making by Potts89
Found Family by Thedisneyoutsider
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
If You're Going Through Hell, Keep On Going by Baloobird
Mr. Stark, Something Is Wrong by @Simping-For-Peggy
Outnumbered by Heartofcathedrals
Outnumbered by Heartofcathedrals
Peter’s New Step-Brother by Bowtiez
Priorities by Jlmonroe1234
Priorities by Jlmonroe1234
Return To Me, The One I Love So Endlessly by Superherotiger
Sleeping Through A Rogue Winter Storm by Pogokitten
Survivors Guilt   by Ember_Darla And Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_Fan
Tech Of Nondestructive Yakking by Wabisabi
The Case Of The Missing Museum Bea-Storer by Ironmum
The Hero Of Our Own Story by Kingdomfaraway
The Many Adventures Of Iron Dad And Spider Son by Lbigreyhound13
What You Were Then I Am Today by Madasthesea
You Are My Sunshine by Iamconstantine
 17. THE COMPLETE FIC THAT YOU CHERISH — Whether or not you’ve got the patience for an in-progress or not, there’s a wealth of complete stories you can devour at leisure or all in one coffee-fuelled binge. What’s yours?
 Intern Spider by Emily_F6
Only For A Little While by Eccentric_Artist_221b
The Guardian by Emily_F6
 18. THE ONE THAT GAVE YOU ALL THE LOVE — We all love Irondad, but some stories come with bonus bonds that give us just as much. Do you have a Peter & Bucky, or a Peter & Steve working alongside which delivers all the found family goodness?
 "I Have A Nephew!" by Zimnokurw
5 Times Happy Hogan Nearly Had A Heart Attack Because Of Peter Parker by Thespydersargon
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Brighten Up, Sunshine by Iron_Spider
It Must Be Nice (To Have Mrs. Potts On Your Side by Sdottkrames
It Takes A Village (To Make Sure You're Okay) by Baloobird
Kingdom Come Undone by Killerqueenwrites
Project: Get Bucky Barnes A Dog by Ruxian
Road Work Ahead by Toniwilder
Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Ironmum
When In The Dark by Kevy_Grayce
 19. THE PROLIFIC WRITER AWARD — Irondad has some amazingly prolific writers. Which are the ones you’ve subscribed to get at that fic-wonder goodness of 10 works or more?
 20. THE NEWBIE — New writers are joining the fandom all the time. Who’s the newbie (posting for 12 months or less) that’s delivering the good stuff for you?
 21. THE OG — Who’s the writer that’s been around for a while (12 months or more) that keeps you captivated?
 22. THE WILD CARD STORY — The story that does (or doesn’t) fit into the above categories but you believe deserves the prize. Which one is that for you?
  Aliens Really Are Out To Get You Aren't They? by Some_Sort_Of_Trash
Born To Cherish by Ironfamjam
Everyday Superhero by Stoneage_Woman
Five Times Tony And Peter Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
Guess I’m Not Good Enough by Freyaatterton
I Can Hold The Weight Of Worlds (If That's What You Need) by Bluesweatshirt
I Will Soften Every Edge by losingmymindtonight
I’m Not Telling Him. Period by Scooter3scooter
Irondad NSAP by Chvotic
Irondad NSAP by Chvotic
Kids Suck, But You're Great by Gymlily06
Long Gone | Marvel Au Strangerlyparker
Play by Losingmymindtonight
Tech Of Non-Destructive Yakking by Wabisabi
The Reinvention Of Tony Stark by Losingmymindtonight
This Ride Is A Wild One  by Just_Ppeachy
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal  by Finny3120
 ART 1 — DIGITAL MEDIA - Who has those PhotoShop skills, who makes the best mood boards? We have some wonderful artists in the Irondad fandom, and we’re here to celebrate them. Who's your favorite artist?
 @Itsybitsyspiderling (Tumblr)
@monireh (Tumblr)
@Blackchessknight (Tumblr)
 ART 2 — SKETCHES  — Who has the skills with the original medium of art in sketches? Whose pencil can create the characters we love best?
 @broskev (Tumblr)
@Dakt37 (Tumblr)
@monireh89 (Tumblr)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
 ART 3 — CARTOONS — Chibis, Manga, Anime, who can create the very best?
 @Maryo274 (Tumblr)
yes-i-am-happyaspie (Tumblr)
 ART 4 — FANVID — Some of the greatest creators are the ones that match the music to the mood, find the perfect scenes to make us laugh and cry. Who does that for you?
 All My Life || Tony & Peter (Father/Son Au) by Akapotatogirl (YouTube)
Emsxworld (YouTube)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker | Ashes  by Mythicalroyalty (YouTube)
 ART 5 — BEST IRON FAMILY FANART — Who can create those feeling of Ironfam with their art? Who captures the characters we love in that iconic family.
 @broskev (Tumblr)
@moonestaly (Tumblr)
eccentric_artist_221b (AO3)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
145 notes · View notes
mimosaeyes · 5 years
“Moonshadow elf markings are a way to signal your identity. We renew them when they fade, and we redo them if we feel like we’ve changed. But you don’t just decide for yourself. You choose someone you trust. Someone who means the most to you.”
Post 3x09. Rayla asks Callum to help her paint markings on her arms.
[also available here on AO3]
Callum wakes, and reaches for her instinctively.
Since the battle — since the clash and clamour, the fall and then the flight — he’s needed Rayla beside him while they both wait for sleep to come. He thinks she needs him, too. He’s noticed all the times she twitches and flinches from the things that dwell in her subconscious, and come out to haunt her at night. His being there… helps. Sometimes, at least.
But when he creaks his bleary eyes open, he finds that the room is empty. Callum sits up, his brow furrowing, his movements still slow and clumsy. Where could she be? Where would she go?
He suspects he knows the answer, and yet it still surprises him somewhat when he finds her on the very top of the Spire.
The moon is full tonight. It seems to fill the entire sky with its glow, and it renders the silhouette of a certain elf nearly invisible. Rayla is little more than a shadow, curled up into herself on the edge of the platform.
Callum’s breath catches slightly in his throat. In the dream-like atmosphere, he approaches her and then, without saying a word, sits next to her.
After a moment, Rayla scoots closer and leans her head on his shoulder. After a few more moments, she sighs, and reappears out of her shadow form.
“There you are,” Callum murmurs.
He’s learning — gradually, and against his usual impulse — not to force her to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering her. The best thing he can do is be present, and wait for her to open up in her own time.
Rayla trembles ever so slightly.
“Are you cold?” he asks, and starts to tug at his scarf with his free arm.
She’s already shaking her head. “It’s just… you reminded me of Ethari.”
Of course. When Ethari temporarily broke the spell that ghosted Rayla, that’s what he said. Take my hand. There you are.
Which means… “You’re missing home.”
He doesn’t say it like a question, but she understands that it sort of is. “Always,” Rayla quietly admits. “But I don’t think I’m ready to go back and confront anyone. Not yet.”
She takes a deep breath and pulls back from him so she can look at him directly. “There’s something else I need to do. And I need your help.”
“Anything,” Callum says automatically. Then he flushes, embarrassed. “Uh, that came out a little too fast.”
For the first time since they’ve been up here, Rayla cracks a bit of a smile. “You’ve already jumped off a mountain for me. I think we’re a ways past that.”
Callum seizes his chance. “Speaking of, would you mind if we continue this conversation just a bit further from the deadly precipice?” Even seated and alone, sans monomaniacal dark mage, seeing Rayla here makes his heart clench.
“Oh!” Rayla’s eyes widen and she all but drags Callum away from the edge. “Better?”
Just those two words are enough for him to realise they’ve shifted for his benefit rather than hers. Even though she was the one who threw herself off the Spire without even a sliver of a chance at survival, he’s the one who gets nightmares about her falling. About not being in time to catch her.
On one occasion in the past few days, Rayla woke up crying and scrabbled around in the dark for him. She dreamt that he’d done as she asked and fled with Zym, and that as she stared down faceless human armies alone, she realised much too late that all she wanted was to see him one last time. That was what really horrified her.
Callum remembers her musing, almost detachedly, that she wondered if her parents had thought of her when they made their final stand. He hugged her for ages after she said that.
Now her hands are on his arms. She’s here, she’s safe, and she’s so impossibly brave and beautiful. Callum huffs through his nose. “Amazing,” he says, tipping his chin at her.
Rayla watches him with that one expression of hers that roughly translates to I don’t understand your human ways, but I find them quite endearing.
Callum clears his throat. “So, uh, what did you need help with?”
She answers with an apparent non sequitur. “How much do you know about these?” she asks, indicating the purple markings under her eyes.
“I know they’re temporary,” Callum ventures. Rayla mentioned as much in passing once. “And that they mean something, but I don’t know what. Is it a language of some sort?”
Rayla squints, considering. “In a way. There isn’t a real alphabet, or grammar. It’s pictorial.”
“Like linguistics, but with pictures…” He snaps his fingers. “Pinguistics!”
She rolls her eyes at him, but her expression is fond. “Why do I love you?”
“I dunno. But I love you too.” He beams at her.
Then she says, “I need you to fly me down to the forest.”
Callum hasn’t conjured mage wings since the battle. He’s not entirely sure it’ll even work for him again. Maybe that first time was a fluke, or a moment of grace born of desperation. After all, Ibis said that even for Skywing elves, mastering the spell is rare.
But he nods. “Stand back,” he warns. He doesn’t want the wings to knock into her. He holds out both arms and closes his eyes, focusing on his own breaths.
In. Out. In.
“Manus. Pluma. Volantus.”
Disappointed, Callum reopens his eyes. Rayla takes a couple of steps toward him. He watches her and shrugs his distinctly non-feathery arms. “I’m sorry, Rayla. I—”
He cuts himself off as she steps right into his space and wraps both her arms around his neck securely. She stands so close that he can feel the ridges of her armour through his tunic. She gives him a gentle smile and leans forward to press their foreheads together. “I trust you, Callum.”
And it’s like something slots into place in his chest, evicting the lingering fear and anxiety, and leaving just: love, love, love. Barely moving his lips, Callum whispers, “Manus. Pluma. Volantus.”
He knows at once that it’s worked. His wings materialise around Rayla, enfolding her in softness and warmth.
She pulls back just enough to smirk at him. “I think your magic likes me,” she teases.
Callum makes a face at her. “Are we headed any direction in particular?”
“I’ll know it when I see it,” she replies, which doesn’t clear up his confusion at all. She clings tight as they take off, and he wishes once again that the spell gave him wings in addition to his arms, so he could hold her himself.
They drift down through the cloud layer and fly low over the treetops, on Rayla’s request. The moonlight is bright enough that Callum isn’t quite flying blind, but it’s still mildly terrifying. Not for Rayla, though. She whoops and howls a couple of times, until Callum starts asking himself if she really just wanted a joyride. He’d be okay with that, honestly.
Then she exclaims, “I see it! Down there!” She points at a small clearing, through which runs a brook.
As soon as they’ve landed, and before Callum is even done reversing the spell, Rayla is running over to a nondescript bush with dark berries. He can’t make out the colour at first, but then she plucks several of them and holds them out to him.
They’re the exact same purple as her markings.
“I’m not sure what they were called before we started using them as a pigment, but these are glyphberries,” Rayla explains.
Callum looks down at her palm, where the squishy berries have already left some juice. “Isn’t your hand going to be splotchy now?”
She shakes her head and reaches back to pluck a single leaf from the bush. “It’s only permanent — well, semi-permanent — when you crush the berries on the leaves.”
Suddenly she looks shy. “We, uh… We don’t do that bit ourselves.”
Some part of Callum realises that this is her repressed Moonshadow elf way of asking him to make the glyphberry pigment for her. He immediately takes the berries and leaf. “What do you mean?” he prods, while he sits on the grass and gets to work.
Rayla joins him on the ground and pulls out one of her swords. It really says something about how far they’ve come, that he doesn’t even flinch seeing the wicked curve of a weapon she threatened to kill him with, not too long ago.
She hands him the sword. He takes it with a gulp, and follows her instructions to lightly scrape the leaf, removing its waxy surface. Then he starts squeezing the berries, letting their juice drip onto the exposed area.
It feels… oddly natural, even though obviously he’s never done this before. Callum quickly becomes absorbed in his task, so he jumps a little when Rayla belatedly answers his question.
“Moonshadow elf markings are a way to signal your identity. We renew them when they fade, and we redo them if we feel like we’ve changed.”
That makes sense. After their journey together, after everything they’ve been through, Callum also feels like a different person from when they began.
“But you don’t just decide for yourself,” Rayla continues. “You choose someone you trust. Someone who means the most to you. And under a full moon, that person helps you inscribe who you are.”
Callum is blown away. Not only at the fact that Rayla chose him — he’ll have to file that away to think about later — but at the intimacy and complexity of the whole ritual. “So it’s a form of magic?” he speculates. “Are there words in ancient draconic I should be saying right now?”
“Is it magical?” Rayla smiles wryly at him. “I told you once that in Xadia, magic is everywhere. Even in ordinary things like dancing, and crafting.”
His eyes widen. “Like your key into Silvergrove. And the assassins’ flowers!”
Excited, he pauses his work, hand hovering over the grass. Rayla nudges it back over the leaf to avoid wasting any berry juice.
She looks pleased that he’s so quickly understood this aspect of her culture. But her face is clouded over by the same sadness it held up on the Spire earlier. Callum sobers once he notices.
He leans forward and briefly cups her cheek with the hand that isn’t covered in berry juice. He lifts her chin and gives her a small smile. He waits for her to return it.
Then he says, “Good thing I have this with me,” and produces the brush he used to paint the runes on his arms for the mage wings spell.
“Wait,” she says. Callum watches as she shrugs out of her outer armour, the parts that usually cover her upper arms and wrists. He realises suddenly that he’s never seen her without it. Its absence makes her look oddly vulnerable. Rayla rubs her arms idly, unused to the sensation as well.
“What are you thinking?” he asks quietly.
It takes her a moment to respond. “About my parents. How brave they were — are. How her laugh sounds, how he used to do different voices when he told me stories of the Dragon Guard. About Ethari, too. And Runaan.”
Her voice wobbles. “I want to honour them.” She doesn’t say because I may never see them again. She doesn’t have to.
Rayla puts her hand on his — the one that’s holding the brush. Together, they dip it in the glyphberry solution.
Callum can barely tell whether it’s him or her moving the brush. Part of him thinks that this is the worst way to paint anything remotely permanent: freehand, and in tandem. Yet somehow, in the moonlight, they’re perfectly in sync. He recalls the brief glimpse of Rayla’s parents he got. Their passion and vitality and togetherness. He pictures Runaan on the castle ramparts, expression fierce until the sight of the egg changed it to one of awe and compassion. He thinks about Ethari by the fountain in Silvergrove; his grief and confusion.
The new marking on Rayla’s upper arm is all curves, swirls, and cascading lines. Looking at it makes Callum think of lineage and sacrifice. Love, and loss. Once it’s complete, they move to her other arm and paint it there too, pausing only to dip the brush again.
Then Rayla hesitates. Their hands go still, midair.
“And you,” she says, as if they’ve been conversing all this time. In a way, they have. “You and Ezran.”
This time Callum can tell the impetus comes from her hand. She moves the brush to her left wrist. The one her assassin’s binding was on.
He stops her, because he can tell immediately what her intention is. “All the elves I’ve seen — their markings are symmetrical,” Callum points out. He wonders if it’s alright to take this sacred Moonshadow ritual, and introduce anything human into it.
“I’m a break from tradition,” Rayla says lightly, but with a solemn face.
They trace a line partway around her wrist. But they don’t close the circle. Instead, both ends of it veer off into a minimalist impression of wings. It’s a cross between the Katolis crown and dragon wings. In place of her assassin’s binding: her sworn loyalty to both humans and Xadia.
They paint the same symbol around his right wrist.
Callum puts down the brush and blinks as if waking from a trance. The glyphberry pigment has dried quite rapidly; he traces the lines on Rayla’s arms and wrist. She quivers as he does; not from the cold, he realises, but because this is her bare spirit, her core. And the two of them are bound together in their understanding of what it all means. Rayla takes his right hand with her left. Their markings match perfectly.
“Wow,” is all he can say.
They grin at each other for a moment, suddenly dizzy.
Returning Zym to his mother did work as a symbolic gesture, but there’s still a long way to go before peace. Ezran and Aanya have guaranteed Zubeia the cooperation of their kingdoms. But Rayla killing Viren while he was officially King, and Aanya killing Prince Kasef, means neither Katolis nor Duren can assure Xadia they can unite the other members of the Pentarchy for peace. Grudges will still be held. Prejudice will persist.
Everything else is a chaotic mess of politics and pride. Soon, they’ll probably be roped in as ambassadors on both sides of the border. Tough as it was to get Zym home, they really have their work cut out for them now. But they’ll do it together. And Rayla… Callum just knows her. She’s his point of stillness, his fulcrum, his north star.
Still looking steadily at him, she picks up the brush with her free hand.
“Oh,” Callum says, surprised. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to—”
“I know,” Rayla interjects. “Other elves might not take too kindly to markings you can’t hide under your jacket. But…”
She leans over and rinses the brush in the brook, then flicks away the excess water.
And she draws, invisibly and yet indelibly in Callum’s eidetic memory, countless spirals and dots and lines all down his arms. She outlines feathers, and runes that Callum doesn’t recognise but swears to himself he’ll remember and look up later. This is how I see you, she seems to be saying without words. How I know you. How I love you.
Moonshadow elves don’t have things like Big Feelings Time, Callum thinks distantly, because they say it all with actions instead.
The brush tickles now that his hand isn’t guiding it, too. Callum starts to laugh, but then Rayla squeezes his hand and he stills.
Finally, she reaches up to his face. He closes his eyes as she brushes a symmetrical pattern over his cheeks. After another moment, he feels her press a kiss to his forehead.
He opens his eyes. She’s smiling at him.
“There you are,” she says softly.
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yespoetry · 5 years
Janice Lee: Separation Anxiety
five poems from Separation Anxiety
but the settlers but the felled trees but the lingering but the frontier but the ignored assertion of killing set forth in the ancient question are they able to — ?
human or animal which is more ancient? the mutation of one affects the other and so, animal is the newer distinction our own friendship is haunted the animal is a word time elapsed
appellation to have already died to have already admitted to being ashamed of being ashamed foreshadowing mourning hearing oneself being named is a little bit like the apocalypse itself
an animal looks at me how to respond? yes or no 
an animal looks at me how to respond? yes or no
an animal responds yes or no
unmap and vivify
so we can see them how we are bound by causality
the aim is to shapeshift rather than to become complacent in the loop
right you’re smart but you’re not awake 
the pool in my journey was small I couldn’t track the will because it was bound up in so much shadow
no response
no response
no response is still a response is still information
doubled, as the body becomes stiff as granite
fair skies: my apologies for keeping you waiting
just how determined is history to deteriorate the collaborative survival and exponentially replicate the precocity of self: self as private property self as containment self as contaminant self as toxic chemical self as global catastrophe self as fire
what about the borders between us? what about them?
which of the following is touch?
                ) . . . (                         
                ) . (                        
Janice Lee is a Korean-American writer, editor, publisher, and shamanic healer. She is the author of 7 books of fiction, creative nonfiction & poetry: KEROTAKIS (Dog Horn Press, 2010), Daughter (Jaded Ibis, 2011), Damnation (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013), Reconsolidation (Penny-Ante Editions, 2015), The Sky Isn’t Blue (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016), Imagine a Death (The Operating System, 2021), and Separation Anxiety (CLASH Books, 2022). She writes about interspecies communication, plants & personhood, the filmic long take, slowness, the apocalypse, architectural spaces, inherited trauma, and the concept of han in Korean culture, and asks the question, how do we hold space open while maintaining intimacy? She combines shamanic and energetic healing with plant & animal medicine and teaches workshops on inherited trauma, healing, and writing. She is Founder & Executive Editor of Entropy, Co-Publisher at Civil Coping Mechanisms, Contributing Editor at Fanzine, and Co-Founder of The Accomplices LLC. She currently lives in Portland, OR where she is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Portland State University.
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dttra · 7 years
A A. G. Cook - Drop FM - England - 16.4.15 A. G. Cook + Oneohtrix Point Never - Bubs - England & US - 22.3.16 A. M. Deballot - Wudu - Benin - 7.5.15 Abdellah M. Hassak - 7 Heavens - Morocco - 21.5.19 Abdelmoniem Ekhaldi - Droob A Shoag - Sudan - 27.11.18 Aby Ngana Diop - Dieuleul-Dieuleul - Senegal - 8.1.15 Addy Flor Orchestra, The - Days Of Summer - US - 21.2.18 Adel Hassan - You Cry - Sudan - 14.2.18 Adrian Knight - Alice - US - 9.10.14 (pre-recorded live session) Adrian Knight - Deep Dark Eyes - US - 9.10.14 (pre-recorded live session) Adrian Knight - Pedini Cabinets - US - 9.4.14 Adrian Knight - Scaring All The Girls Away - US - 9.10.14 (pre-recorded live session) Ahmed Malek - Omar Gatlato - Algeria - 28.2.18 Aichata Sidibe - Tamala - Mali - 13.12.17 Aida Vedishcheva - Comment Te Dire Adieu - Russia - 13.11.14 Air Max '97 - All The Things U Sad (AM97 Rerun) - Australia - 7.3.18 Akiko Yano - Shut Up And Bring It Here - Japan - 27.9.17 Al Bowlly - Guilty - England/South Africa - 13.12.17 Al Bowlly - Heartaches - England/South Africa - 13.12.17, 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Alan Feanch & Cecil Wary - Amorique - France - 28.3.18 Alan Parker - My World - England - 11.12.13 Aldous RH - Sick & Tired - England - 26.4.16, 25.10.17 Amboy Dukes, The - I'm Not A Juvenile Delinquent - US - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Alem Kebede - Jemberwa - Ethiopia - 21.3.18 Alem Kebede - Shemma Tal - Ethiopia - 13.9.17, 12.2.19 Alemayehu Eshete - Ayalqem Tedengo - Ethiopia - 9.10.13 Alemayehu Eshete - Gizew Honeshenna - Ethiopia - 7.2.18 Alèmayèhu Eshèté - Teye Gidyeleshime [extract] - Ethiopia - 19.3.15, 7.2.18 Alessandro Alessandroni - Mitzi - Italy - 4.12.14 Alex Burey - Unspoken - England - 9.10.14 Alhaji K. Frimpong - Susu Ne Wonka - Ghana - 5.11.14 Alice Coltrane - Jagadishwar - US - 18.10.17 Alvino Rey Orchestra - My Buddy - US - 22.3.16 AMAZONDOTCOM - Ra Ra Raspberry - Mexico? - 1.11.17 Ammar 808 - Alech Taadini - Tunisia - 13.11.18 Amirani Nekerauli - Tush Balalaika Melody - Azerbaijan? - 4.6.19 Andre Tschaskowski - Sentimental View 2 & Emotional Tension 2 - Poland? - 4.6.19 Andrew Cedermark - On Me - US - 22.1.15 Andrew Todd - Quiet Games - US - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Angelo Mikhailov - The Three Hundred Year Itch - Bulgaria - 9.4.15 Anna Meredith - R-Type - England - 23.2.16 Arabian Prince In A UK World - The Feeling Of Being On A Diet - England - 25.10.17 Ariel Pink - I'm Inside R. Stevie's Brain - US - 27.9.17 Ariel Pink - One More Time - US - 5.11.14 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Let's Get Married Tonite - US - 5.11.14 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Phantasthma - US - 5.11.14 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - She Don't Know What To Do With Herself - US - 12.2.14 Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Something Isn't Something - US - 5.11.14 Arjun Ram Srivatsa - This Place In Time - US - 8.1.19, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Aron Abraham - Amani'do Yetselem - Eritrea - 19.3.15 Aron Abraham - Ayresaekuken - Eritrea - 19.3.15 Aron Abraham - Hiwet Haftey - Eritrea - 21.2.18 Arthur Lyman - Autumn Leaves - US (Hawaii) - 13.11.14 Arthur Russell - Instrumentals A - US - 5.2.14 Arto Lindsay - Mulata Fuzarqueira - US - 21.1.16 Asa Chang & Junray - Hana - Japan - 8.16.15 Asei Kobayashi & Micky Yoshino - Eat - Japan - 11.12.14 Asei Kobayashi & Micky Yoshino - Main Theme - Japan - 11.12.14 Ashra - Deep Distance - Germany - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Aster Aweke - Segno - Ethiopia - 11.9.13 Aster Aweke - Segno (live) - Ethiopia - 21.6.16 Asuka Sakai & Yu Miyake - Overture II - Japan - 9.4.14 Ata Kak - Bome Nnwom - Ghana - 11.6.15 Audrey - Sliding Doors - England - 26.4.16 Audrey/Svetlana - Chanel Afterparty - England - 1.11.17 Aue La Feia E - Pupu Himene de Maeva - Tahiti - 28.5.15 Auntie Flo - Daabi - Scotland - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Aurelian Andreescu - Oameni - Romania - 18.9.13 Austin White - Easy 2 Please - US - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Ava Luna - Carbon - US - 9.7.15 Ava Luna - I Don't Care - US - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Avena de Castro & Joao Peixoto Prima - Romance de Amor - Brazil - 5.3.14 Aventuras De Kirlian - En Francia - Spain - 8.1.14 Aventuras De Kirlian - Los Genios - Spain - 8.1.14 Avi Zahner - She's Leaving Home - US - 21.6.16 Awalom Gebremariam - Desdes - Eritrea - 26.4.16 Ayalew Mesfin - Bel Belew - Ethiopia - 28.5.19 B B. Zivkovic - Eastern Influence - Croatia - 14.5.15 Bad News Bears in Breaking Training OST - Life Is Looking Good - US - 18.9.13 Bahta Gebre Hiwot - Tigrigna - Ethiopia - 1.11.17 Balalaika - Tula Samovar - Russia - 28.2.18 Barel Coppet et Mister Lof - Jeunesse Vauclin - Martinique - 25.9.13 (selected by Huw Oliver) Belbury Poly - Your Stories - Wales/England - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Belle Du Soir - Quantum Leap - Australia - 4.9.13 Benoit Widemann - Tsunami - France - 21.1.16 Betty Chung - Bang Bang - China - 28.2.18, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Beverly Glenn-Copeland - Deep River - US - 13.11.18 Beverly Glenn-Copeland - Ever New - US - 29.11.17, 16.10.18 Bezawork Asfaw - Lehid Lesededew - Ethiopia - 26.3.19, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Bezawork Asfaw - Tezeta - Ethiopia - 6.11.18 Bezunesh Bekele - Sintun Ayehu Bante - Ethiopia - 4.9.13 Bezunesh Bekele & Army Band - Yeakaleh Armanegn - Ethiopia - 4.4.18 Bhakti Jazz - Glimpses Of Truth - Germany? - 30.10.14 Bianca Scout & Junior XL - Dreams That Know The Future - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) Biff Rose - Ball Me Out To The Take Game - US - 4.12.14 Biff Rose - Evolution - US - 4.12.14 Bill Charleson - Sun Tan - England - 19.3.19 Bill Wells - Lemondale - Scotland - 9.7.15 Björk - I Love To Love - Iceland - 2.7.15 Björk - Musastiginn - Iceland - 18.9.13 "Blue" Gene Tyranny - Leading A Double Life - US - 21.5.19 "Blue" Gene Tyranny - Next Time Might Be Your Time - US - 5.3.14, 22.3.16 "Blue" Gene Tyranny - Out Of The Blue - US - 8.1.14 "Blue" Gene Tyranny - The CBCD Intro - US - 21.1.16 Blue Gas - Shadows From Nowhere - Italy - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 7.5.19 Blue Jazz TV - Karaoke Life (Radio Edit) - US - 28.3.18 Blue Jazz TV - Theme To Star Wars - 21.3.18 bo en - Everyday - England - 22.1.15 bo en - I'll Fall (feat. COR!S) - England - 22.1.15 bo en - Love In A Song - England - 14.2.18 Boys Age - Cult Pop - Japan - 23.2.16 Boys Age - In The Doldrums - Japan - 25.9.14 Boys Age - Just As Satan Says - Japan - 25.9.14 Bran Flakes, The - I Have A Friend - US/Canada - 26.2.14, 26.4.16 Bran Flakes, The - Sunshine Country - US - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Brenda Ray - D'ya Hear Me! - England - 19.3.14 Brian Gascoigne & Brian Patten - The Mouse's Invitation - England - 23.2.16 Brigadier General R. Pirngadie - Bahtera Ladju - Indonesia - 21.1.16 Brigadier General R. Pirngadie - Lamabaian Bunga - Indonesia - 23.4.19 Brigadier General R. Pirngadie - Pilu - Indonesia - 21.1.16 Brigadier General R. Pirngadie - Senandung Anak Dara - Indonesia - 23.4.19 Bubbles - Babycakes - England - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Buddy Wayne - I Wish That Little Girl Was Mine - US - 1.11.17 Bud Tutmarc - White Ginger Blossoms - US - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Buk Bak - I'm Going 2 Come - Ghana - 26.4.16 Buk Bak - U 4 Know - Ghana - 26.4.16 Bulgarian State Radio & Television Female Vocal Choir - Kalimankou Denkou - Bulgaria - 22.3.16, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Bullion - Wouldn't It Be Nice - England - 22.3.16 Burial - Archangel (Serious Version) - England - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) C Cake, The - Extroverted Introvert - US - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) Calum Bowen - Lovely City - England - 28.2.18 Cambridge Sacred Harp All-Dayer 2019 - 107 Russia - England - 28.5.19 Careful - It's Funny - US - 25.6.15 Carlos Guitarlos - The Love I Want - US - 15.1.14 Carmen Serban - Am Si Eu Pe Cineva - Romania - 21.2.18 Carrie Nations, The - In The Long Run - US - 18.12.14 Carver Area High School, The - Get Live '83 [excerpt] - US - 7.2.18 Cats, The - Swan Lake - England - 18.12.14 CHAMBRE - Sur les rochers - France - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Charles - Call The Cops On Me - US - 26.4.16 Charlie Megira - Tomorrow's Gone - Israel - 19.3.15 Chillera - Ostrova Bezi - Ukraine - 19.3.19 Chris Karen - The Face I Love - US? - 2.7.15 Christian Chevallier - Rosebud - France - 18.9.18 Chuck Edwards - Ooh La La La - US - 13.11.14, 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Cindy Lee - Power & Possession - US - 16.10.18 Clement Gourand - Cap Horn - France - 15.1.14, 24.1.18 Cloud Becomes Your Hand - Garden of the Ape - US - 29.11.17 Coconut - Congratulation - US - 4.12.13 Coconut - Hold Your Bunny - US - 4.12.13 Colleen Green - Sock it to Me - US - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Conlon Nancarrow - Study For Player Piano No. 2 - US - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) Connie Converse - How Sad, How Lovely - US - 15.11.17 Cooltombs - Feel It In Your Bones - US - 18.9.13 Comrade Chinx - Munhu Denga Nenyika - Zimbabwe - 29.11.17 Cornelius Cardew - British Imperialism - England - 26.3.19 Cortex - Huit Octobre 1971 - France - 12.2.14 Cryptacize - Dig That Treasure - US - 25.9.13, 16.7.15 Cst Amankwah - Biibiba - Ghana - 25.9.14, 23.2.16 CST Amankwah - Saade Wobe Su - Ghana - 27.11.18 Cymbals - Show Business - Japan - 27.9.17 D D'Eon - Aviation Graveyard - Canada - 29.11.17 Dan Armeanca - Sao Roma Daje - Romania - 24.1.18, 23.4.19 Dan Armeanca - ? - Romania - 27.9.17 Dan Deacon - Call Me Maybe (147 Times Exponentially Layered) - US - 7.5.15 Dani Botafogo - A Life ON Loop - Spain - 8.1.19 Daniel Age 9 - Lonely Shoe - England - 21.1.16 Dara Puspita - To Love Somebody - Indonesia - 2.4.14 Darrell Banks - Open The Door To Your Heart - US - 18.9.14 Darrell Banks - You Better Leave - US - 18.9.14 Daudi Kabaka - Pole Musa - Kenya - 28.5.15 David Darling & Wulu Bunun - Ku-Isa Tama Lag - England/Taiwan - 2.10.14 David Darling & Wulu Bunun - Lugu Lugu Kan-Ibi - England/Taiwan - 2.10.14 David Darling & Wulu Bunun - Pis Lai - England/Taiwan - 21.1.16 Dear John Love Emma - Music For a Flood - South Africa - 9.10.13 Dear John Love Emma - When Our Love Moves So Quietly - South Africa - 9.10.13 De De Mouse - Goodbye Parade - Japan - 22.3.16, 4.4.18 De De Mouse - Little Twin Stars - Japan - 22.1.15 Deerhoof - Green Cosmos - US - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) Delia Derbyshire - Falling - England - 2.4.19 (selected by Martha Skye Murphy) Delia Derbyshire - Mattachin - England - 26.3.14 Delia Derbyshire - Ziwzih Ziwzih oo-oo-oo - England - 4.6.15 Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card - US/Cambodia - 25.9.13 (selected by Huw Oliver) Dennis Farnon & Marni Nixon - Very Contrary Mary - US/Canada - 26.2.14 Derevolutions, The - Yell It Out! - US - 18.9.13 Destaw Teshager - Silebarekew New - Ethiopia - 12.2.19 Devo - Come Back Jonee (EZ Listening Disc version) - US - 22.11.17 Dexplicit - Lion King - England/Ethiopia - 9.4.19 (selected by No Hats No Hoods) Dinosaur L - No, Thank You - US - 18.9.13 Dirty Projectors - Nevermind - US - 4.6.19 Diveo - Fairytale Girl - US - 23.2.16 DJ Amps - Stuck on Rhythm - US - 23.2.16 DJ Jacob - Attalakou - Ivory Coast - 19.3.19 DJ Katapila - Sakawa - Ghana - 22.3.16 DJ Paypal - Whisper Zone - US - 16.4.15, 21.1.16 DJ Rashad - Petrone In My Cup - US - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) DJ Sandji - Bacoungana - Mali - 27.9.17 DJ Save The NHS - Screaming Song - England - 24.1.18 DJ Warlord - Cadenza - England - 23.4.19 DJ Warlord - Never Ending War - England - 22.3.16 DJ Warlord - Warlord Loves You - England - 21.1.16 DJ 光光光 - Beats From... Banaspati - Japan - 21.6.16 Domotic - Le Démon (theme) - France - 25.6.15 Doug Tielli - A Dream That I Am - Canada - 5.2.14 Dr. Nico & l'African Fiesta - Marie Nella - Congo - 15.1.14 Drew Price's Bermuda Triangle - Bright Castle - US - 26.4.16, 14.5.19 Drew Price's Bermuda Triangle - Game Plan - US - 14.5.19 Drew Price's Bermuda Triangle - I Never Have Those (Electric Crash) - US - 26.4.16 Drew Price's Bermuda Triangle - Tropical Hospital - US - 26.4.16 Drinks - Blue From The Dark - Wales/US - 21.5.19 Dunes, The - Lonely Sands - US - 7.2.18 Dur-Dur Band - Dooyo - Somalia - 20.11.14 Dux Content - Snow Globe - England - 20.12.17 Dux Kidz - Nightspeeder - England - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) E Eartheater - Homonyms - US - 21.6.16, 1.11.17 Eartheater - Youniverse - US - 2.10.18 easyFun - Infinity Glisten - England - 2.4.15, 26.4.16 easyFun - Sondico - England - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Ed Askew - Blue Eyed Baby - US - 5.2.14 Ed Lincoln - Catedral - Brazil - 9.7.15 Ed Lincoln - O Chôro Do Bebê - Brazil - 9.7.15 Eddie Callahan - Shake Your Woogie - US - 9.10.13 Eddie Harris - Carnival - US - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Elias Rahbani - Dance of Maria - Lebanon - 2.4.15 Elihu Knowles - Aaron's Lullaby - US - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Elysia Crampton - Ax Amores - US - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbroù - Homesickness - Ethiopia - 22.3.16 Emahoy Tsegué-Mariam Guèbroù - Mother's Love - Ethiopia - 25.9.13 Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbroù - Presentiment - Ethiopia - 9.4.14 Emily A. Sprague - Piano 2 (Mount Vision) - US - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Ephrem Tamiru - Anech Nesh Gelay - Ethiopia - 9.4.15 Ephrem Tamiru - Aynua - Ethiopia - 18.9.13 Ephrem Tamiru - Mafqer Sewnetie - Ethiopia - 23.4.15 Eric Fabrizi - Can't Stop Thinking About You - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Eric Fabrizi - Sexual Frustration - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Ernest Hood - At The Store - US - 18.10.17 Ernest Hood - Gloaming - US - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) European Sound Stage Orchestra, The - Cmon In - England - 16.4.15 Ever Ending Kicks - Our Associations - US - 7.5.15 Evolutionary Jass Band, The - Lost in the Stars - US - 21.1.16 Evolutionary Jass Band, The - 1968 - US - 21.1.16 Ewnet Yet Legegnesh - Instrumental - Ethiopia - 11.12.13 F F. Kenya - Dadi Kyi - Ghana - 8.16.15 Fares Karam - Darak Wayn - Lebanon - 7.2.18 Fatouma Mansour - ? - Djibouti - 13.11.14 Felix Kubin & Coolhaven - There Is A Garden - Germany - 26.2.14, 19.3.19, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Feysel Shemolo - Teney Lemuhaba - Ethiopia - 23.10.18 Filardo - I Can Love You More - US- 14.3.18 Final Fantasy - The Donor - Canada - 23.4.15 Five Revolutions - I Had A Dream - Zambia - 26.4.16 Florin Salam - Hai Pahar Pahar Pahar - Romania - 28.3.18, 16.4.19 Floyd Tillman - I Love You So Much It Hurts Me - US - 21.1.16 Foodman - Jazz - Japan - 9.10.18 Fool's Gold - Nadine - US - 22.1.15 Fore Thoughts, The - Shahbaz Qalander - Pakistan - 21.6.16 Foster Manganyi Na Tintsumi Ta Tilo - I'm Taking A Journey - South Africa - 27.9.17 Francis The Great - Ravissante Baby - Cameroon - 9.7.15 Franck Pourcel - Who Can Say - France - 22.1.15, 23.2.16 Frank Reyes - Tu Eres Ajena - Dominican Republic - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Frank Zappa - Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - Lemme Take You To The Beach - US - 15.1.15 Frank Zappa - Oh No - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - Son Of Mr Green Genes - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance (The Lost Episodes ver.) - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - The Beltway Bandits - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - The Orange County Lumber Truck - US - 21.5.15 Frank Zappa - What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (demo) - US - 21.5.15 Free Design, The - Never Tell The World - US - 9.4.15 Free Weed - Negative Energy - US - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Freedom (Hourya) - Abadane - Algeria - 22.3.16 Friandises - Les Moules Et Les Frites - France - 14.3.18 Furious Pig - I Don't Like Your Face - England - 20.9.17 G Gablé - Ella - France - 26.4.16, 21.2.18 Garden Centre - Monster Energy - England - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) Gary Wilson - Debbie Debbie - US - 29.1.19 Gary Wilson - In The Night - US - 12.3.14 Gary Wilson - When You Walk Into My Dreams - US - 12.3.14 Genet Abate - Man Lilekih - Ethiopia - 7.3.18 Geremew Gualu - Sim Alew Gonder - Ethiopia - 15.11.17 GFOTY - Interlude - England - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Giant Claw - Deep Thoughts 001 - US - 1.11.17 Girl Ray - I'll Make This Fun - England - 22.3.16 Girma Bèyènè - Enkèn Yèlélèbesh - Ethiopia - 22.1.14 Girma Tefera Kassa - Ene Aydelehuma - Ethiopia - 16.4.19 Girma Tefera Kassa - Man Neber Yalanci - Ethiopia - 19.3.14, 22.3.16, 25.10.17 GKR - Hello - Iceland - 26.4.16 GKR - Morgunmatur - Iceland - 21.1.16 Glass Ghost - The Same - US - 19.3.14 Glows - Passing Talk - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) Go Home Productions - Grandstand Supreme - England - 1.11.17 Go! Team, The - Aerial Station Wagon - England - 23.2.16 Go! Team, The - All The Way Live [excerpt] - England - 7.2.18 Go! Team, The - Chain Link Fence - England - 7.2.18 Go! Team, The - Back Like 8 Track [extract] - England - 19.3.15, 7.2.18 Go! Team, The - Rolodex The Seasons - England - 19.3.15 Go! Team, The - The Art of Getting By (Song For Heaven's Gate) - England - 19.3.15 Go! Team, The - Yosemite Theme [extract] - England - 19.3.15 Googoosh - Gol Bi Goldoon - Iran - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Graham Kartna - Null 2 - US - 21.1.16 Graves - Pine Cone - US - 25.9.13 Greybags - The Ineffable Mysteries Of Crayon Clown featuring Andrew Sayles - England - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Grocery Store Music - Sounds For The Supermarket 5 - US - 21.5.19 Groove, The - Love, It's Getting Better - US - 9.4.14 Guest, The - I'll Love You (Like I Always Do) - England - 26.2.19 Guest, The - Theme From Failure (pt.1) - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Guildhall Military Orchestra - SHIVER - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) H h hunt - pêche (sketches) - England - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) h hunt - wrong ii - England - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Hachiro Kasuga - Wharf Farewell Song - Japan - 18.12.14 Hailu Mergia - Eti Gual Blenai - Ethiopia - 13.11.18 Hailu Mergia - Lala Belu - Ethiopia - 2.10.18 Hailu Mergia - Sewnetuwa - Ethiopia - 2.4.15 Hailu Mergia & His Classical Instrument - Wegene - Ethiopia - 21.5.19 Hama - Torodi - Niger - 21.6.16 Hamelmal Abate - Endemal Kere - Ethiopia - 26.3.14 Happy End - Natsu Nandesu - Japan - 18.9.18 Harpers Bizarre - Come To The Sunshine - US - 22.1.14 Harry Merry - Stevie Storm - Netherlands - 19.3.15, 16.4.19 Haruomi Hosono - Sportsmen - Japan - 21.1.16 Hawaii - Lady Of My Heart - US (Hawaii) - 30.4.19 Henrik The Artist - On The Moon - Norway - 23.2.16 Henrik The Artist - Perfect Workout - Norway - 8.16.15 Hibo Nuura - Haddii Hoobalkii Gabay - Somalia - 10.1.18 Hiroshi Satoh - This Boy - Japan - 9.4.15 Hiroshi Yoshimura - Green - Japan - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Hirut Bekele - Esu New Messelegne - Ethiopia - 18.12.13 Hirut Bekele - I'm Yours Forever - Ethiopia - 12.2.19 Ho Mei Fan - China Night - Japan/China? 15.1.15 Hogarth - The End Zone - England - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Holly Waxwing - Teva Suite - US - 23.2.16 Holiday City Hot Cha Kitchen Band, The - I'm Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover - US - 13.9.17 Holy Shit - Rough & Tumble - US - 28.3.18 Honey_Ear - Depresterday - US - 22.1.15 Honey Hahs - OK - England - 27.9.17 Honeymoon Killers, The - Route Nationale 7 - Belgium - 4.9.13 Horsey - Park Outside Your Mother's House - England - 14.3.18 Hosono, Suzuki, Yamashita - Coral Reef - Japan - 26.2.14 Hosono, Suzuki, Yamashita - Nostalgia of Island - Japan - 21.1.16 Hosono, Suzuki, Yamashita - Passion Flower - Japan - 12.3.19, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Hot Point - To Tomorrow - Japan - 11.6.15 Howie Lee - Bei Hai - China - 13.11.18 I I Am Just A Pupil - Family Dollar - US - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless), 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) I Am Just A Pupil - Oasis - US - 11.10.17 Iasos - Lueena Coast - US/Greece - 13.9.17 Iftin - Gabar ii Noqee - Somalia - 18.12.14 Iftin - Lamahuraan - Somalia - 18.12.14 Ignorants - Uncolonised - England/Ethiopia - 9.4.19 (selected by No Hats No Hoods) Ihssan El Munzer - Khabarie - Lebanon - 1.11.17 iji - Unimpressed By Mountains - US - 4.9.13 Illaiyaraaja - Thanimayil - India - 25.6.15 Imogen Heap - Glittering Cloud - England - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) in the blue shirt - Everything Affair - Japan - 27.9.17 in the blue shirt - Send Around - Japan - 27.9.17 Incredible String Band, The - Air - England - 13.11.14 Infinite Bisous - Life + You - England - 23.2.16 Inga Copeland - Smitten - England - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) Inoyama Land - Glass Chaim - Japan - 13.11.14 Inoyama Land - Pokala - Japan - 12.3.19 Inoyama Land - 8-31 - Japan - 13.11.14, 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Ippu-Do - Yomotolo Waya - Japan - 27.9.17 Irama Trio - Bengawan Solo - Indonesia - 21.6.16 Isao Tomita - Arabesque No.1 - Japan - 7.5.15, 11.10.17 Isao Tomita - Clair de Lune - Japan - 26.4.16 Isao Tomita - Passepied - Japan - 29.1.19 Islam Chipsy & EEK - El Bawaba - Egypt - 16.10.18 Islam Yusufov - Song About Stalin - Azerbaijan - 22.3.16 Ivan Lins - Corpos - Brazil - 22.1.15 Ivor Cutler - I'm Happy - Scotland - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Ivor Cutler - Little Black Buzzer - Scotland - 2.4.19 (selected by Martha Skye Murphy) J J.A. Adofo & City Boys International - Enfa Odo Ndi Agoro - Ghana - 25.9.13 Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom - Distant Space - US - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 7.5.19 Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom - Talk 1 - US - 19.3.19 Jacqueline Taïeb - La Petite Fille Amour - France/Tunisia 26.2.14 Jacques Siroul - Reflets - Belgium - 21.3.18 Jake Thackray - Lah-di-dah - England - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells), 21.6.16 James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - Tascheter - England/US/Ukraine - 21.1.16 James Chance & The Contortions - Design To Kill - US - 2.4.15 James Ferraro - Runaway - US - 7.3.18 James Ferraro - Ten Songs For Humanity - US - 11.10.17 James Ferraro - Twilight Pretender - US - 10.1.18 James Rabbit - George Gershwin - US - 25.9.13 Jamie Farrington - Jamalalia - England - 8.1.19 Jan & Dean - It's As Easy As 1,2,3 - US - 7.2.18 Janeen Brady - I'm A Mormon - US - 1.11.17 Jazz Liberatorz - Clin D'oeil - France - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Jean-Jacques Perrey - Hectic Joker - France - 23.4.15 Jean-Jacques Perrey - Indicative Spatial - France - 30.10.14 Jeannie Piersol - The Nest - US - 13.12.17 Jerkcurb - Autopsy of a Pinball Wizard - England - 12.2.14 Jerkcurb - Daddy's Little Girl - England - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 28.5.19 Jerkcurb - Midnight Snack - England - 12.2.14 Jerry Paper - Is This It? - US - 5.3.14 Jerry Paper - Reprogram Ourselves - US - 5.3.14 Jerskin Fendrix - Onigiri - England - 24.1.18, 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Jib Kidder - Windowdipper - US - 25.9.13, 22.3.16 Jill Gibson - It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3 - US - 7.2.18 Jim O'Rourke - Close To You - US - 2.10.14 Jim Reeves - But You Love Me Daddy - US - 12.2.14 Jlin - Black Diamond - US - 23.2.16 Jockstrap - Charlotte (Taylor Skye Remix) - England - 16.4.19 Jockstrap - Hayley - England - 9.10.18 Jockstrap - I Want Another Affair (Taylor Skye Remix) [extract] - England - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Joe Davolaz - Piña Colada - Sweden - 30.10.14 Joe Meek - I Hear A New World - US - 18.9.14 John Carpenter - Here Come The Storms - US - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Johnny Dupont - Ebb Tide - US - 13.11.14 Jon Tabakin - It's Never Too Late To Smile - US - 11.10.17 Jonna Gault & Her Symphonopop Scene - Wonder Why, I Guess - US - 23.10.14 JQ - Goodnight Spider - UK - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Joseph Spence - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - US - 20.12.17 Joskar et Flamzy - Faroter - Ivory Coast - 28.5.15 Julee Cruise - Floating - US - 18.9.14 Julia Wolfe - Characteristics - US - 26.4.16 Julian Lynch - Banana Jam, pt.1 - US - 7.2.18 Julian Lynch - Es's - US - 4.9.13 Julian Lynch - Harmonium - US - 4.9.13 Julian Lynch - May - US - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Julian Lynch - North Line - US - 21.6.16 Julian Lynch - Onions - US - 7.2.18 Julian Lynch - Terra - US - 9.7.15 Julie Byrne - Emeralds - US - 28.5.15 Julien Gasc - Infoutu De - France - 11.12.14 Jun Ishikawa - Quiet Forest - Japan - 24.1.18 Jun Konagaya - Schlafen - Japan - 12.3.19 Jun Miyake - Tokonatsu No Urei - Japan - 19.3.14 Jun Togawa - Femme Fatale - Japan - 23.10.18 Jun Togawa - It Hurts To Say Goodbye - Japan - 14.5.19 Jun Togawa - Suki Suki Daisuki - Japan - 2.7.15, 12.3.19 Jun Togawa - 17才 - Japan - 14.2.18, 23.10.18 K K Leimer - Ceylon - Canada - 21.6.16 K-Tel Wet Dream - Sissy Bar - England? - 7.2.18 Kaba Blon - Dekou Dekou - Mali - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Kaba Blon - Moribiyassa - Mali - 21.1.16 Kahimi Karie - Zoom Up! - Japan - 22.1.15 Kali Malone - Prelude - US - 18.12.18 Karen Dalton - Are You Leaving For The County? - US - 22.3.16 Karl Blau - Pain Runnin' - US - 26.4.16 Kate NV - пес DOG - Russia - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Kate NV - Kata - Russia - 2.10.18 Kate NV - вас YOU - Russia - 13.11.18 KateGoes - Animals Who Want To Be Other Animals - England - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Katey Red - Where Da Melph At - US - 2.10.18 Katie Dey - Data - Australia - 7.2.18 Kawasaki Band - Summer '78 - Belgium - 10.1.18 Kazuhiko Kato - Gardenia - Japan - 25.10.17 Kazumasa Hashimoto - Noaro - Japan - 19.3.14 Keel Her - Don't Look At Me - England - 29.1.14 Keel Her - Heaps Of Sheeps (Robert Wyatt cover) - England - 21.3.18 Keel Her - Women Lost In Thought - England - 29.1.14 Kelora - All I Want Is You - Scotland - 4.6.19 Kennedi Mengesha & Yeshimebet Dubale - Alkedahim Bilesh - Ethiopia - 14.5.19 Kennedy Mengesha & Yeshimebet Dubale - Liyish - Ethiopia - 29.1.14, 26.4.16 Kero Kero Bonito - My Party (Bo En remix) - England - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Ketema Mekonnen - Beneena Anche - Ethiopia - 30.4.19 Khadijah Juswil - Shh, - Malaysia - 8.1.19 Khana Bierbood - Starshine (แสงดาว) - Thailand - 28.5.19 Khana Sanguan Sin - Chak Bai - Thailand - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Khosi Mosotho Chakela - Ho Etsa Hampe Le Hantle - Lesotho - 1.11.17 Khosi Mosotho Chakela - Nkekebe Ka Tlohela - Lesotho - 28.2.18, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Kidorikko - Nikoniko's Shirokama - Japan - 14.3.18 Kino - Kamchatka - Russia - 7.5.15 Kiran Leonard - Abductor - England - 18.12.13 (pre-recorded live session) Kiran Leonard - Oakland Highball - England - 4.12.13 Kiran Leonard - Southport - England - 18.12.13 (pre-recorded live session) Kit Mosley - Ex-Voto - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) Kiyohiko Senba & The Haniwa All-Stars - Sports Festival - Japan - 11.10.17 Krar Collective - Welaita - Ethiopia - 2.7.15 Kuba Kapsa Ensemble - No. 4 - Poland - 11.6.15 Kuku Sebsebe - Benafequote Newe - Ethiopia - 12.2.14 Kwam - Hot Boy - England - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Kwamena Ray Ellis - Sasabonsam - Ghana - 12.2.14 Kyaw Thet Aung - Min Hnitpar Pwe Taw - Myanmar - 21.6.16 L L. Pierre - Sad Laugh - Scotland - 26.3.14 L. Pierre - The Kingdom - Scotland - 23.2.16 Laetitia Sadier - Turn The Other Cheek - England/France - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Langley Schools Music Project, The - Space Oddity - US - 11.9.13 Langley Schools Music Project, The - The Long And Winding Road - US - 30.4.19 Langley Schools Music Project, The - To Know Him Is To Love Him - US - 30.4.19 Larry Chernicoff - Wind Horses - US - 9.10.18 Larry Chernicoff - Woodstock, New York - US - 21.5.19 Last Shark - Paloma - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) Lata Mangeshkar - Ab To Hai Tumse Har Khushi Apni [extract & full] - India - 19.3.15, 2.7.15 Laurel Halo - Embassy - US - 11.12.14 Lemed Janvier - Nazali Nayo - Benin - 9.4.15 Lemma Demissew - Lezelalem Nuri - Ethiopia - 26.2.14 Lena Platonos (Λένα Πλάτωνος) - Μάρκος - Greece - 25.6.15, 29.1.19 Leon Bukasa - Congo Zaire Ya Biso - Congo - 29.1.14 Leoncie - Enginn Þrikantur Hér (No Threesome Here) - India/England/Iceland - 27.11.18 Leoncie - Love In A Pub - India/England/Iceland - 27.11.18 Les Maledictus Sound - Jim Clark Was Driving Recklessly - France - 25.10.17 Leslie Scott - I Hate Myself Every Morning - US - 7.5.19 Let's Eat Grandma - Chimpanzees In Canopies - England - 21.6.16 Let's Eat Grandma - Chocolate Sludge Cake - England - 15.1.15 (recorded live at Cafe Oto) Let's Eat Grandma - Deep Six Textbook - England - 23.2.16 Let's Eat Grandma - Eat Shiitake Mushrooms - England - 15.1.15 (recorded live at Cafe Oto) Let's Eat Grandma - Everest - England - 15.1.15 (recorded live at Cafe Oto) Let's Eat Grandma - Intro - England - 15.1.15 (recorded live at Cafe Oto) Lewis - Even Rainbows Turn Blue - US - 21.6.16 Lewis Evans - Dear 2018 - England - 18.12.18 Lil Data - Wondercoin Pt. 1 - England - 21.6.16 Lil Data - Wondercoin Pt. 2 - England - 21.6.16 Linos Wengara Magaya & Gary Cove - Track 07 - Zimbabwe/England - 23.2.16 Lio - Clothes - Belgium - 22.1.15 Lipgloss Twins - Doodle - England - 26.4.16 Lolingo - Lalibela - England/Ethiopia - 9.4.19 (selected by No Hats No Hoods) Lonnie Holley - Sometimes I Wanna Dance - US - 23.10.18 Lorin Frank Productions Inc. - Carling Jingle - US - 24.1.18 Los Hermanos Ayala - Jingle Bells Polka - Mexico - 18.12.18 Los Twist - Viendolo - Argentina - 23.2.16 Lotic - Like A Diamond - US - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Lou Christie & The Tammys - US - Egyptian Shumba - 7.2.18 Louis & Bebe Barron - Ancient Krell Music - US - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Louise Tsuei - 愛的路上我和你 - Taiwan - 4.6.19 Ludus - My Cherry Is In Sherry - England - 5.3.14, 21.6.16 Luke Temple - Those Kids - US - 4.4.18 Lula Cortes e Lailson - Blues Do Cachorro Muito Louco - Brazil - 11.12.14 M Mag & The Suspects - Thousands Dead - England? - 9.10.13, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Maharadja Sweets - Something's Been Lost - US - 23.4.19 Maher Shalal Hash Baz - A Mere Form - Japan - 11.9.13 Mahmoud Ahmed - Abbay Mado - Ethiopia - 11.6.15, 21.1.16 Mahmoud Ahmed - Be Leselese Qu'al - Ethiopia - 8.1.14, 1.11.17, 12.2.19 Mahmoud Ahmed - Bemin Sebeb Litlash - Ethiopia - 20.11.14 Mahmoud Ahmed - Imbwa Belew - Ethiopia - 21.1.16 Mahmoud Ahmed - Neshtie - Ethiopia - 16.4.15 Mamelon - Koumba Frifri - Mali - 26.2.19 Mammane Sani Et Son Orgue - Tunan - Niger - 22.1.15, 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless), 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Maraudeur - I Crave - Switzerland - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) Mareshal DJ feat. DJ Arafat - Adjame Freedom - Ivory Coast - 6.12.17 Maria Minerva - The Sound - Estonia - 21.1.16 Mariah - 視線 - Japan - 22.3.16, 6.12.17 Mariangela - My Dear Life - Greece - 22.1.15, 7.3.18 Mariko Fuji - 憂うつな午前5時 - Japan - 23.2.16 Marios Group - Borungku Si Derita - Indonesia - 18.9.18 Mark Isham - On The Threshold Of Liberty - US - 18.10.17 Mark Isham - Something Nice For My Dog - US - 13.11.14 Marnie Stern - Female Guitar Players Are The New Black - US - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) Martha Skye Murphy - I'm Not Looking [live in studio] - England - 2.4.19 (live in studio) Mary Kay Cosmetics - Saints Go Marchin' In - US - 20.9.17 Marzieh - Mayzadeh - Iran - 16.10.13 Matia Bazar - Solo Tu - Italy - 23.10.14, 18.12.18 Matt Fishbeck - You Made My Dreams Come True - US - 14.5.19 Max Rambhojan - Tou't Jou Pa Min'm - Guadeloupe - 26.3.19 Maxo - Eddy Vancouver - US - 6.12.17 Maxo - Not That Bad (feat. GFOTY) - US/England - 21.6.16 Mayumi Kojima - Ding Ding (Doo Ron Ron) - 28.5.15 Mayumi Kojima - Me & My Monkey On The Moon - Japan - 18.12.13 Mayumi Kojima - 恋の極楽特急 - Japan - 24.1.18 Mdou Moctar - Tahoultine - Niger - 14.3.18 Melkamu Tebeje - Yam Ale Yam Ale - Ethiopia - 5.2.14 Melkutus - Taru Aaltojen Ruokopillistä - Finland - 29.1.19 Melodiya - Шербурские зонтики (I Will Wait For You) - Russia - 8.1.15 Mennonites, The - If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Right Now - US - 9.4.14 Merawi Yohannis - Teleyeshign - Ethiopia - 22.1.15 Mescherin Orchestra - Сибирская мелодия (Siberian Melody) - Russia - 22.1.14 Mesfin Abebe - Weyin Alem - Ethiopia - 25.6.15 Meshugga Beach Party - If I Were A Rich Man - US - 22.1.15 Mesita - Somewhere Else - US - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Mighty Sparrow, The - Sparrow Dead - Trinidad - 22.1.14 Mikane Cat Homeless (三毛猫ホームレス) x happy machine - ペパーミント脱走計画 - Japan - 26.4.16, 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) Mistletoe Disco Band - We Wish You A Merry Christmas - US - 20.12.17 Mohamed Al Ali - Mili Alay - Syria - 16.4.15, 16.7.15, 4.4.18, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Molly Drake - Happiness - England - 2.4.14 Molly Drake - Never Pine For The Old Love - England - 2.4.14 Momus - Born To Be Adored - England - 5.3.19 Momus - Foxy Little Otter - England - 5.3.19 Momus - Hypnoprism - Scotland - 15.1.14 Momus - Nervous Heartbeat - Scotland - 4.6.15 Momus - Precocious Miss Calloway - England - 5.3.19 Momus - Pygmalism - England - 5.3.19 Momus - The Angels Are Voyeurs - England - 5.3.19 Momus - The Charm Song - England - 4.4.18 Momus - The Criminal - Scotland - 15.1.14, 26.4.16, 5.3.19 Momus - Widow Twanky - England - 5.3.19 Monroe Transfer, The - Twinkle Twinkle - US? - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Moog Machine, The - O Holy Night - US - 20.12.17 Moores, The - Stevie and Linda pt.2 - US - 31.1.18 Moose Hill - Captain Coo - Japan - 23.4.15 Moose Hill - Little Hawaii - Japan - 21.1.16 Mor Thiam - Ayo Ayo Nene - Senegal - 4.12.13, 23.2.16 Mort Garson - Rhapsody in Green - Canada - 21.1.16 Mort Garson - Swingin' Spathiphyllums - Canada - 4.9.13, 11.9.18 Mosaic.Wav - AKIBA-POP the Future - Japan - 21.2.18 Mosiac.Wav - Falsie the Pseudo-Science Girl - Japan - 2.4.15, 26.4.16 Motifs, The - Night Sky - Australia - 16.10.13 Motifs, The - Tell Me More - Australia - 16.10.13 Mr. Rogers - Nice - US - 26.2.14 Mualusie - Malamulele Sukubeza - South Africa - 28.5.19 Mulatu Astatke - Yegelle Tezeta - Ethiopia - 12.2.14 Muluken Melesse - Lakilign - Ethiopia - 25.9.13 Murlo - Lanced - England - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Musique Chienne - Etre En Vie - France - 28.5.19 Muzak LLC - C'Mon Smile - US - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Mziuri - Legend Of Tbilisi - Georgia - 23.10.18 N N-Qia - shootingstar - Japan - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Naima Bock - Are You Working? - England - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Najat Aâtabou - Ândak Tkoun Boudina - Morocco - 29.1.19 Nakasako Sakana - ばーちゃんのよこ - 28.2.18 Naked City - Speedfreaks - US - 21.6.16, 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Namdup Lepcha - Katso Khel - Nepal - 1.11.17 Nancy Dupree - Cold - US - 20.11.14, 22.3.16, 1.11.17, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Nancy Kerr - Gan Tan The Kye / Peacock Followed The Hen - England - 28.5.19 Naoya Matsuoka - Mambo Island - Japan - 24.1.18 Naoya Matsuoka - Watermelon Dandies - Japan - 20.9.17 naran ratan - jam for bwengo - England - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Nedelle Torrisi - Cathartica - US - 21.6.16 Negib Ould Ngainich - Guetna - Unknown (Sahara Region) 20.9.17 Netsanet Melese - Yale Senebet - Ethiopia - 30.10.14 Netsanet Melesse - Yametagn Jemere - Ethiopia - 14.2.18 Neway Debebe - Maebel - Ethiopia - 15.1.14 Neway Debebe - Yitikimt Abeba - Ethiopia - 16.10.13 Nicholas Krgovich - Blue Wave - US - 6.12.17 Nicholas Krgovich - Country Boy - US - 6.12.17 Nikolaienko - Under The Integral - Ukraine - 19.3.19 Nimcaan Hilaac - Baaq - Somalia - 7.2.18 Niwat Charoenmit - Prom Likit - Thailand - 8.1.14, 16.7.15, 23.2.16 Nokwazi - Thula Mphikeni - South Africa - 21.1.16 Noor Jehan - Disco Dildar Mera - Pakistan - 8.16.15 Nora Bumbiere - Dudievins - Latvia - 7.5.19 Nora Guthrie - Home Before Dark - US - 23.10.18 Novos Baianos - Cosmos E Damião - Brazil - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) O Obeid Al Jum'aa - Instrumental Mejwiz - Syria - 14.5.15 Old Harp Singers of Eastern Tennessee - Ocean - US - 4.6.15, 22.3.16, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Old Harp Singers of Eastern Tennessee, The - Wondrous Love - US - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Oliver Buckland - Acediat - England - 15.1.19 (selected by Oliver Buckland) Oliver Buckland - CYCLE - England - 15.1.19 (selected by Oliver Buckland) Oliver Buckland - Solitariat - England - 15.1.19 (selected by Oliver Buckland) Oliver Buckland - Time For Festivities - England - 8.1.19 Oliver Buckland - Vacillate - England - 8.1.19 Oluko Imo - Praise Jah - Trinidad - 2.4.15 Oqtay Aayev - Qaytar Eqimi - Azerbaijan - 19.3.15 Орэра - Старый Мотив (Old Motive) - Georgia - 27.11.18 Orion Salih - Aykessen - Eritrea - 4.12.14 Orville Shannon - Oh Lover - US - 8.1.14 Oswald D'Andrea - Swimming Lotus - Tunisia - 23.2.16 Outer Limit Recordings - Sugar Pie - US - 11.9.18 P Pale Cocoon - Shunmin - Japan - 11.12.14 Palm - Two Toes - US - 25.9.18 (selected by Kiran Leonard) PAMS - Reindeer - US - 20.12.17 Panda Bear - Untitled 3 - US - 11.6.15 Paolo Casa - Hi Vi - Italy - 5.2.14 Parish Council - Same Cake - England - 29.1.19 Parks Burton - Don't Stare - US - 8.1.19 Pascal Comelade - Nature Morte Aux Maracas - France - 23.10.18 Pastor T.L. Barrett & the Youth for Christ Choir - Nobody Knows - US - 5.2.14, 21.6.16 Patience & Prudence - Tonight You Belong To Me - US - 18.12.13 Paul Mark - Comparing Heights - US (Hawaii) 22.11.17, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Paul Ndlovu - Tsakane - South Africa - 23.2.16 Pend Orielle - Middleman - England - 23.4.15 People Like Us - Downtown Once More - England - 25.9.14 Perfume - 時の針 - Japan - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) Pet Grotesque - Fantasy - England - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) Pet Grotesque - Going Out - England - 5.2.19 (selected by Slow Dance) Pet Grotesque - 2 Late - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Petchubon, Uraiporn & Tin Isan - Isan Klab Tin - Thailand - 28.3.18 Pete Um - Real Rock & Roll - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Philippe Brejean - So Tenderly - France? - 4.6.19 Phong Thuyet Nguyen - Cum Num Cum Niu - Vietnam - 21.6.16 Phong Thuyet Nguyen - Ly Ngua O - Vietnam - 21.6.16 Piero Piccioni - Acapulco - Italy - 13.9.17 Piero Piccioni - Blue Sutura - Italy - 7.3.18 Piero Umiliani - Sophisticated Lady - Italy - 12.2.14, 21.6.16 Piggleswick Folk, The - Teddy Bears Picnic - England - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Pizzicato Five - The Girl From Ipanema - Japan - 26.3.14 Platonica Erotica - Hamlet - US/England - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Platonica Erotica - Wasted - England - 8.1.19 /please/ - Phantom Fireworks - England - 21.6.16 Pobbles - Pobbles - England - 6.12.17 Poev Vannary - Plich Bong Min Ban - Cambodia - 14.2.18 Popol Vuh - Take The Tension High - Germany - 23.2.16 Portable Rock - Picnic - Japan - 29.1.14 PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises - Neo Sunsetters - US - 10.1.18 Proc Fiskal - Geez Script - Scotland/Ethiopia - 9.4.19 (selected by No Hats No Hoods) Prum Manh - Two Wives Are Twice The Problem - Cambodia - 6.11.18 Q Quartet Excelsior - Batuque No Morro - Brazil - 8.1.15 R R. Stevie Moore - A Whiter Shade Of Pale - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - Auld Lang Syne - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - Cuss Me Out - US - 12.2.14 R. Stevie Moore - Don't Be Ridiculous - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - Dewey Decimal System - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - I Go Into Your Mind - US - 12.2.14 R. Stevie Moore - I Wouldn't Mind Dyin' - US - 12.2.14 R. Stevie Moore - I'm Looking Over A Four-Leaf Clover - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - I've Begun To Fall In Love - US - 12.2.14 R. Stevie Moore - I've Begun To Fall In Love (Midi-Bran Piano Roll) - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - Showbiz Is Dead - US - 31.1.18 R. Stevie Moore - You're Gonna Lose That Girl - US - 31.1.18 rAHHH - Dog Days - England - 27.9.17 Rajesh Roshan - Superman, Superman - India - 18.9.14, 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Raze De Soare - Fereastra Usa - Romania - 27.9.17 Really Big Pinecone - Skyscraper - US - 8.1.15 Reels, The - Cry - Australia - 4.12.14 Reels, The - This Guy's In Love With You - Australia - 29.1.14 Remington Super 60 - Please Don't Go - Norway - 26.3.14 Research Institute of Cosmetics (НИИ Косметики) - Счастлив - Russia - 23.10.14 Research Institute of Cosmetics (НИИ Косметики) - Пушка - Russia - 23.10.14 Richard Dawson - I Will Kiss You Goodnight - England - 11.9.18 Richard Dawson - Poor Old Horse - England - 8.16.15 Rising Storm, The - Bright Lit Blue Skies - US - 5.11.14 Rizan Said - Electric Mawwal I - Syria - 13.11.18 Ro Sie - Sigh - England - 8.1.19 Robbie Basho - Orphan's Lament - US - 25.9.13 Robert Drinkwater - Take One Determined Breath and Then Let It Go (Part 1 of 3) - England? - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Roberto Cacciapaglia - Find Your Way - Italy - 26.3.19 Roberto Cacciapaglia - Media - Italy - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Roberto Cacciapaglia - My Time - Italy/US - 12.3.14, 16.7.15, 23.2.16 Roberto Cacciapaglia - Sparkling World - Italy/US - 1.11.17 Rococo Instrumental Ensemble - Lazy Shake - Russia - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Rodeo Jones - Aberdeen - Scotland - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Roha Band & Hamelmal Abate - Abeba Abeba - Ethiopia - 12.2.19 Roland Bocquet - Flash - France - 23.10.18 Rory Smith - Sometimes It's Nice To Reminisce For No Reason - England - 15.1.19 (selected by Oliver Buckland) Rosielou - Blostma - England - 11.9.13 Rosielou - Tangerine - England - 11.9.13, 6.11.18 Roy & Roe - Just Don't Come Back -US (Hawaii) - 21.6.16 Ruscigan - Sin Palabras - Italy - 25.9.14 Rüstəm Quliyev - Qəmərim - Azerbaijan - 4.6.19 Ry Rocklen - Under The Radar - US - 19.3.15 S Sachiko Nishida - Chin Chin Chidori - Japan - 26.4.16 Saeko Suzuki - Good Morning - Japan - 28.5.19 Saeko Suzuki - Hello Shoo Shoo - Japan - 22.3.16 Saeko Suzuki - Kaspar's Statement - Japan - 12.3.19 Sally Oldfield - Answering You - England - 13.11.14 Sally Oldfield - Easy - England - 13.11.14 Sam Chalpin - Bang Bang - US - 29.1.19 Sam Chalpin - Somewhere - US - 14.2.18 Samsimar - Bapikek Balam - Indonesia - 13.12.17 Samsimar - Indang Pariaman - Indonesia - 12.3.14, 4.4.18, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 16.4.19 Samuel Belay - Keresh Endewaza - Ethiopia - 12.2.19 Samuel Belay - Lebene Sheweswhew - Ethiopia - 5.3.14 Scheele - (slay tool) - Sweden - 22.3.16 (Adam Laurence guest mix) Science Fiction Corporation, The - Hit Parade In The Light Year 25 - Germany - 14.5.15 Science Fiction Corporation, The - Souk El Juma - Germany - 14.5.15 Science Fiction Corporation, The - Visitors of AD 2022 - Germany - 14.5.15 Scott Walker - Patriot (A Single) - US - 2.4.19 (selected by Martha Skye Murphy) Sean O'Hagan - Here Come The Rattling Trees [extract] (live in studio) - England - 11.12.13 Sean O'Hagan - Ring of Gold (live in studio), 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) - England - 11.12.13 Sebastian Cabot - Like A Rolling Stone - England - 22.11.17 Sein Sah Thin - Really Strange And Weird Things - Myanmar - 30.4.19 Selamawit Yohannes - Senay - Ethiopia - 25.10.17 Selomon Shibeshi - Fikre Tetchawetchi - Ethiopia - 2.4.14, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) SF - Endlos - Germany - 21.1.16 Shankar Jaikishan - Title Theme From 'Bombay Talkie' - India - 2.4.14 Shelley Duvall - He Needs Me - US - 16.10.13, 14.5.19 Shenmue OST - Tomato Convenience Store - Japan - 16.4.15 Shigeo Sekito - The Word II - Japan - 13.11.14 Shintaro Sakamoto - Birth Of The Super Cult - Japan - 2.10.18 Shlohmo - Pretty Boy Swag - US - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Shooby Taylor - Over The Rainbow - US - 24.1.18, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Shudan - Hyenas of Harar - England/Ethiopia - 9.4.19 (selected by No Hats No Hoods) Sibusile Xaba - Open Letter To Adoniah - South Africa - 16.10.18 Silver Forest - Tsurupettan - Japan - 18.9.18 Silvio Perez Cruz - Cucurrucucu Paloma - Spain - 2.7.15 Simeon May - Untitled - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Six Boys In Trouble - Riding Hood Boogy Man - US - 27.9.17 Sohail Rana - Cobra Sway - Pakistan - 11.9.18 Sonidos del Espacio - Tiempo Modulado - Spain - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Sophia Kennedy - Hello, I Found You - US - 22.11.17 Souleymane Faye - Teylulen - Senegal - 26.4.16, 28.2.18 Space Lady, The - Synthesize Me - US - 16.10.13 Spliff - Heut’ Nacht - Germany - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Sporting Life - Badd - US - 21.1.16 Sri Dawson Gross - At The Grass Roots - US - 22.3.16 Standingwave - Mason Jars - US - 15.1.19 (selected by Oliver Buckland) Stella Chiweshe - Chachimurenga - Zimbabwe - 18.9.18 Stephen Steinbrink - Call You Later - US - 18.9.14 Stephen Steinbrink - Inanimate Dust - US - 28.5.15 Stereolab - Cybele's Reverie (demo) - England/France - 4.12.14 Steve Martland - Principia - England - 11.9.13 Storm Band - Trust Me (Lama Bada) - Egypt - 14.5.15 Stranglers, The - My Young Dreams - England - 9.4.14 Structures Sonores Lasry-Baschet - Manège - France - 13.11.14 Sume - Forventing / Ankomst - Greenland - 2.10.14 Summer Salt - Sweet To Me - US - 14.5.15 Suni McGrath - Pea Plucker's Pavane - US - 1.11.17 Super Eccentric Theatre - Oh Les Beaux Japonais! - Japan - 9.10.14, 16.7.15, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Super Sounds Namba - Yes Indeed - Ghana - 4.6.15 Superstar & Star - I Ain't Missing You - US - 2.4.14, 9.10.18 Susan - Ah Soka! - Japan - 5.11.14, 12.3.19 Susan - Modern Flowers In A Boot - Japan - 26.3.19 Susumu Yokota - Song Of The Sleeping Forest - Japan - 23.2.16 Suthep Wongkamhaeng - Chan Rak Thoe - Thailand - 28.3.18, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Suthep Wongkamhaeng - Lap Mai Long - Thailand - 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 23.4.19 Suzanne Jacob - Abitibi - Canada - 26.4.16 Sven Borgland - Duck Flambe - France/Belgium? - 26.3.19 Sven Libaek - Dancing Penguins - Australia - 2.10.14 Sven Libaek - The Set - Australia - 2.10.14 Sven Libaek - Start Growing Up - Australia - 2.10.14 Svetlana - Bali Hai - England - 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Svetlana - Fabric Of The Sky - England - 24.1.18 Svetlana - Soho House - England - 15.11.17 Swamp Dogg - Star Dust - US - 16.10.18 Swick & Lucid - Rubber - Australia - 15.11.17 Syd Dale - Match Play - England - 7.5.15 Sylvers, The - I'll Never Be Ashamed - US - 25.9.13 Sylvie Akindrin - Moye - Nigeria - 23.4.19, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Synmaan - Makhulu - Kenya - 6.12.17 Syrinx - Hollywood Dream Trip - US - 18.10.17 T Tabu Ley Rochereau - Lina - Congo - 9.10.14 Tafo/Nahid Akhtar - Shola Sa Bharka - Pakistan - 18.12.18 Tahitian Choir, The - Morotiri Nei - Tahiti - 11.6.15 Tahitian Choir, The - Te Matamua - Tahiti - 11.6.15 Takashi Kokubo - 海底の中の夢 (Dreaming In The Deep Sea) - Japan - 4.12.18 (DTT Speechless), 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Tamao Koike - Automne Dans Un Mirior - Japan - 4.12.13 Tamao Koike - Runnin' Away - Japan - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio), 12.3.19 Tamao Koike - 鏡の中の10月(demo ver.) - Japan - 6.12.17 Tara King Th. - Ventolin - France - 28.5.15 Tatsuro Yamashita - Christmas Eve - Japan - 20.12.17 Tatsuro Yamashita - Nightwing (Karaoke) - Japan - 9.4.15 Tatsuro Yamashita - Touch Me Lightly - Japan - 26.4.16 Taylor Skye - Kode Fine - England - 20.11.18 (selected by Jockstrap) Taylor Skye - Take A Walk - England - 26.3.19, 3.4.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Ted Chippington - Feel Like Buddy Holly - England - 8.1.15 Ted Chippington - She Loves You - England - 8.1.15, 9.7.15, 14.3.18, 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Television Personalities - Geoffrey Ingram - England - 16.4.15 Television Personalities - Where's Bill Grundy Now? - England - 16.4.15 Television Personalities - Wonder What It Was - England - 2.4.14 Tempest Le Mans - Lamb - US - 11.12.14 Teshome Meteku - Gara Ser New Betesh - Ethiopia - 22.1.15 Teshome Meteku - Mot Adeladlogn - Ethiopia - 22.11.17 Teshome Wolde - Track 4 - Ethiopia - 4.6.15 Tewodros Tadesse - Emiye Ethiopia - Ethiopia - 23.10.14 Theme Hospital OST - On The Mend - US? - 7.5.15 Thorny Group - Roller Games - Italy - 29.1.19 Three-weeks-old Lovesick Puppy - Empty Park - Japan - 9.4.14 Tilahun Gessesse - Bemishit Chereka - Ethiopia - 18.9.14, 29.1.19 Timur Selçuk Orkestrası - Dünden Bugüne - Turkey - 12.3.14 Timur Selçuk Orkestrası - Trafik - Turkey - 11.9.13 Tiny Tim - Be My Baby - US - 4.12.14 Tirzah - Holding On - England - 16.10.18 Tom Waits - A Good Man Is Hard To Find - US - 30.10.14 Tonetta - A Little At A Time - US - 26.2.19 Tonetta - I'll Remain As I Am - US - 13.12.17 Tonetta - The Saint - US - 13.12.17 Tonstartssbandht - Hymn Eola - US - 8.1.14 Tonte Theintan - Lover Of The Winter And Snow - Myanmar - 13.9.17 Torkelsen - Christmas - Norway - 18.12.14, 20.12.17 Toshi Ichiyanagi - Aria: 1 Japanese Ballad - Japan - 21.5.19 Touhou - Pettan Pettan Tsurupettan - Japan - 15.11.17 Traffique - Sunny - US - 11.9.13 Trailblazers, The - Cowboy - Australia - 24.1.18 Trixie's Big Red Motorbike - Fairytales - England - 25.9.13, 7.2.18 Trixie's Big Red Motorbike - Norman & Narcissus - England - 25.9.13, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Trixie's Big Red Motorbike - When He's By My Side - England - 26.2.19 Trixie's Big Red Motorbike - White Horses (John Peel Session) - England - 7.2.18 Tsegaye Eshetu - Sew Yalesew - Ethiopia - 12.3.14, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) TV Coahran - You Can't Write a Song - US - 31.1.18 T2 - Heartbroken (Dux Content remix) - England - 1.5.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) U Uncle Tesco - Croydon Underpass - England - 19.2.19 (selected by Pet Grotesque) U1 - Make A Jam! - Japan - 21.2.18 V Vagif Mustafazadeh - Roads - Azerbaijan - 9.4.15 Van Dyke Parks - The Attic - US - 22.1.14 Van Dyke Parks - City of Light (Brave Little Toaster OST) - US - 22.1.14 Van Dyke Parks - Opportunity For Two - US - 22.1.14 Variètè - Good-Night Age - Japan - 13.11.14 Vashti Bunyan - Gunpowder - England - 2.10.18 Vashti Bunyan - I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind - England - 13.11.18 Veera Bamrungsri - Mercy - Thailand - 4.12.14, 10.1.18 Ventla - Unessential - Japan - 22.1.19 (selected by Max Rosemin) Ventla - 軌跡は七曲がり - Japan - 12.2.14 Virginia Astley - A Summer Long Since Passed - England - 18.10.17 Virginia Astley - Tender - England - 20.9.17 Virna Lindt - Underwater Boy - Sweden - 15.11.17 Visible Cloaks - Wheel - US - 27.11.18 Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima, Satsuki Shibano - Stratum - US/Japan - 7.5.19 Vladimir Cosma - Cristalline - Romania/France - 4.6.15 Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra - Ночная мелодия (Night Melody) - Russia - 11.12.18 (DTT Speechless) Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra - Persistent Robot - Russia - 25.9.14 W Warda Al-Jazairia - Ya Lahbab - Algeria - 22.11.17 Warfield Spillers - Daddy's Little Girl - US - 19.3.14, 16.7.15, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Washington Phillips - Mother's Last Word To Her Son - US - 22.3.16, 27.2.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) Washington Phillips - Train Your Child - US - 22.3.16 Washington Phillips - What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? - US - 22.3.16 Ween - Hey There Fancy Pants (demo) - US - 20.11.14 Ween - Ocean Man (demo) - US - 20.11.14 Ween - That's Poppycock (demo) - US - 20.11.14 Wenge Musica Maison Mère - Intervention Rapide - Congo - 26.2.19 Wharfwhit - Elbows (Evidently Mix) - England - 13.9.17 Wharfwhit - Little Pebbles In My Sock (feat. Sonny) - England - 25.10.17 Wiktor Stribog - Czas Pracy - Poland - 26.2.19 Wild Man Fischer - Frank - US - 24.1.18 Will M Hall - Cobbled Streets [c.2011] - England - 6.11.18 Will M Hall - Little Lite Whies - England - 6.11.18 Will M Hall - Warm Autumn v.1 [c.2011] - England - 6.11.18 William Onyeabor - Fantastic Man - Nigeria - 9.10.13 Willow - Still - ? - 25.6.15 Willy Hoffman Orchestra - Coconuts - US - 25.9.14 Wondimagegn Chane - Gelaye - Ethiopia - 24.1.18 Woo - Make Me Tea - England - 30.10.14 Woo - Nostalgia - England - 20.9.17 Woo - Romantics - England - 18.9.18 Woo - Sixties Swing - England - 20.9.17 Woo - Skylight - England - 20.9.17 Woo - Taizee - England - 30.10.14 Woo - The Garden Path - England - 30.10.14 Woo - 1001 Decisions - England - 26.3.14, 7.2.18 World's End Girlfriend - Les Enfants du Paradis - Japan - 26.4.16 World's End Girlfriend - Xmas Song - Japan - 18.12.18 Woubeshet Feseha - 'Track One' - Ethiopian - 4.12.13 X Xasan Diiriye - Qaraami - Somalia - 10.1.18, 30.4.19 Y Yeshimebet Dubale - Ayimeshim - Ethiopia - 11.10.17, 11.9.18 Yeshimebet Dubale - I Remember A Man - Ethiopia - 4.9.13, 16.7.15, 24.1.18 Yeshimebet Dubale & Kenedy Mengesha - Dabes - 9.10.18 Yeli Fuzzo - Abandé - Mali - 23.2.16 Yemane Barya - Kulu Entnay N'aki - Eritrea - 29.11.17 Yemane Barya - Zemen - Eritrea - 27.9.17 Yola Fatoush - Skeleton (A. G. Cook remix) - 21.3.18 Yoshio Suzuki - Meet Me In The Sheep Meadow - Japan - 26.2.19 Yukari Fresh - Yippee To Kate - 21.3.18 Yung Bae - 私は愛に ハイです - US - 6.11.18 Z Z-Rock Hawaii - I Get A Little Taste Of You - US/Japan - 22.11.17 Zaidan Ibrahim - Ma Hammack Azabna - Sudan - 27.11.18, 16.4.19 Zespół Instrumentalny Marka Sewena - Polynesian Dance - Poland - 5.3.14 Ziad Rahbani - Ya Ana Ya Ana - Lebanon - 23.4.15 Zikiri Abdoulaye - Karamoko Befo Junior - Mali - 7.5.19 Zinja Hlungwani - N'wagezani - South Africa - 21.6.16 (DJ Kurt Vonnegut mix) Zoey Van Goey - You Told The Drunks I Knew Karate - Scotland - 30.4.15 (selected by Robert Wells) Zola - Pop-a-Nova - Spain - 26.3.14 ? ? - Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence - Japan - 2.4.15, 26.4.16 ? - Untitled - ? - 21.6.16 ? - Iz-zaqqieq - Malta - 4.6.19 ??? - ??? (Cambodian Cassette Archive) - Cambodia - 5.3.19 (on Slow Dance Radio) ????? - ????? - China - 30.4.19 何大傻、呂紅 - 天之嬌女 - China - 11.9.18 周聰、呂紅 - 快樂進行曲 - China - 9.10.18 공중도둑 (Mid-Air Thief) - 쇠사슬 (Ahhhh, These Chains) - South Korea - 18.12.18 Ιωάννης Χαλκιάς - Το μινόρε του τεκέ - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Γιώργος Μπάτης & Στράτος Παγιουμτζής - Ζεμπεκάνο Σπανιόλο - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Αντώνης Διαμαντίδης (Νταλγκάς) - Που να βρώ γυναίκα να σου μοιάζει - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Στελλάκης Περπινιάδης - Ο Αντώνης ο βαρκάρης - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Τα Άσπρα Πουλιά - Ο Μπέζος στην Αμερική - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Στελλάκης Περπινιάδης & Στράτος Παγιουμτζής - Θέλω σπίτι και λεφτά - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos) Στελλάκης Περπινιάδης & Στράτος Παγιουμτζής - Ο Τσιτσάνης στην Παραγουάη - Greece - 30.10.18 (selected by Antonis Rousounelos)
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forsoothsayer · 7 years
Zone by Guillaume Apollinaire
At last you’re tired of this elderly world
Shepherdess O Eiffel Tower this morning the bridges are bleating
You’re fed up living with antiquity
Even the automobiles are antiques Religion alone remains entirely new religion Remains as simple as an airport hangar
In all Europe only you O Christianism are not old The most modem European Pope Pius X it’s you The windows watch and shame has sealed The confessionals against you this morning Flyers catalogs hoardings sing aloud Here’s poetry this morning and for prose you’re reading the tabloids Disposable paperbacks filled with crimes and police Biographies of great men a thousand various titles
I saw a pretty street this morning I forgot the name New and cleanly it was the sun’s clarion Executives laborers exquisite stenographers Criss-cross Monday through Saturday four times daily Three times every morning sirens groan At the lunch hour a rabid bell barks The lettering on the walls and billboards the doorplates and posters twitters parakeet-style I love the swank of that street Situated in Paris between the rue Aumont-Thieville and the avenue des Ternes
Here’s the young street and you’re still a baby Dressed by your mother in blue and white only You’re very pious and with your oldest friend Rene Dalize Nothing is more fun than Masses and Litanies
It’s nine o’clock the gaslight is low you leave your bed You pray all night in the school chapel Meanwhile an eternal adorable amethyst depth Christ’s flamboyant halo spins forever Behold the beautiful lily of worship Behold the red-haired torch inextinguishable Behold the pale son and scarlet of the dolorous Mother Behold the tree forever tufted with prayer Behold the double gallows honor and eternity Behold the six-pointed star Behold the God who dies on Friday and rises on Sunday Behold the Christ who flies higher than aviators He holds the world’s record for altitude
Christ pupil of the eye Twentieth pupil of the centuries knows its stuff And bird-changed this century like Jesus climbs the sky Devils in the abyss look up to watch They say this century mimics Simon Magus in Judea It takes a thief to catch a thief they cry Angels flutter around the pretty trapeze act Icarus Enoch Elijah Apollonius of Tyana Hover as close to the airplane as they can Sometimes they give way to other men hauling the Eucharist Priests eternally climbing the elevating Host The plane descends at last its wings unfolded bursts into a million swallows Full speed come the crows the owls and falcons From Africa ibis storks flamingoes The Roc-bird famous with writers and poets Glides Adam’s skull the original head in its talons The horizon screams an eagle pouncing And from America there comes a hummingbird From China sinuous peehees Who have only one wing and who fly in couples And here’s a dove immaculate spirit Escorted by lyre-bird and shimmery peacock
Phoenix the pyre the self-resurrected Obscures everything ardently briefly with ash The sirens abandon their perilous channels Each one singing more beautifully arrives Everyone eagle Phoenix Chinese peehees Eager to befriend a machine that flies
You are walking in Paris alone inside a crowd Herds of buses bellow and come too close Love-anguish clutches your throat You must never again be loved In the Dark Ages you would have entered a monastery You are ashamed to overhear yourself praying You laugh at yourself and the laughter crackles like hellfire The sparks gild the ground and background of your life Your life is a painting in a dark museum And sometimes you examine it closely
You are walking in Paris the women are bloodsoaked It was and I have no wish to remember it was the end of beauty
In Chartres from her entourage of flames Our Lady beamed at me The blood of your Sacred Heart drenched me in Montmartre I’m sick of hearing blissful promises The love I feel is a venereal disease And the image possessing you in your pain your insomnia Vanishes and it is always near you
And now you are on the Riviera Under lemon trees that never stop blooming You are boating with friends One is from Nice one is from Menton two from La Turbie We are staring terrified at giant squid At fish the symbols of Jesus swimming through seaweed
You are in the garden at an inn outside of Prague You are completely happy a rose is on the table And instead of getting on with your short-story You watch the rosebug sleeping in the rose’s heart
Appalled you see yourself reproduced in the agates of Saint Vitus You were sad near to death to see yourself there You looked as bewildered as Lazarus In the Jewish ghetto the clock runs backwards And you go backwards also through a slow life Climbing the Hradchen listening at nightfall To Bohemian songs in the singing taverns
You in Marseilles among the watermelons
You in Coblenz at the Hotel Gigantic
You in Rome beneath a Japanese tree
You in Amsterdam with a girl you find pretty who is ugly She’s engaged to marry a student from Leyden Where you can rent rooms in Latin Cubicula locanda I remember spending three days there and three in Gouda
You are in Paris hauled before the magistrate You are under arrest you are a criminal now
You went on sorrowful and giddy travels Ignorant still of dishonesty and old age Love afflicted you at twenty and again at thirty I’ve lived like a fool and I’ve wasted my time You dare not look at your hands I want to weep all the time On you on the one I love on everything that frightened you
And now you are crying at the sight of refugees Who believe in God who pray whose women nurse babies The hall of the train station is filled with the refugee-smell Like the Magi refugees believe in their star They expect to find silver mines in the Argentine And to return like kings to their abandoned countries One family carries a red eiderdown you carry your heart Eiderdown and dreams are equally fantastic
Some of the refugees stay on in Paris settling Into slums on the rue des Rosiers or the rue des Ecouffes I have seen them often at dusk they breathe at their doorways They budge from home as reluctantly as chessmen They are chiefly Jewish the women wear wigs And haunt backrooms of little shops in little chairs
You’re standing at the metal counter of some dive Drinking wretched coffee where the wretched live
You are in a cavernous restaurant at night
These women are not evil they are used-up regretful Each has tormented someone even the ugliest
She is the daughter of a police sergeant from Jersey
Her hands I’d never noticed are hard and cracked
My pity aches along the seams of her belly
I humble my mouth to her grotesque laughter
You’re alone when morning comes The milkmen jingle bottles in the street
Night beautiful courtesan the night withdraws Fraudulent Ferdine or careful Leah
And you drink an alcohol as caustic as your life Your life you drink as alcohol
You walk to Auteuil you want to go on foot to sleep At home among your South Sea and Guinean fetishes Christs of another shape another faith Subordinate Christs of uncertain hopes
Goodbye Goodbye
Sun cut throated
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topmixtrends · 6 years
IN HIS FASCINATING linked novellas The Garbage Times and White Ibis, Sam Pink exposes the absurdity hidden just below the surface of everyday life. In The Garbage Times, this takes the form of a deep dive into society’s underbelly to reveal the grime most people turn away from when walking down the street: homeless people defecating, rats scurrying, pigeons eating dirty food, drug addicts having illogical conversations. It is all there, and Pink won’t allow the reader to ignore it.
The Garbage Times is an homage to the randomness of life, the inevitability of shit, scum, and death, and the beauty that glimmers amid the filth. The story’s unnamed narrator is a man who deals with all manner of absurd behavior as he loads garbage, plunges toilets and sinks, and works as a bouncer at a bar. Despite the character’s peculiarities, readers will likely find his barrage of thoughts, explosive emotions, fantasies of violence, and bursts of tenderness easy to relate to. Most of us, Pink implies, are more like this “crazy” garbage man than we would like to admit as we “plunge” our way through life trying to get rid of the shit — pun intended.
The narrator is diligent in his job. Surrounded by rats and pigeons, he takes on each clog with vigor and an absence of fear or disgust, and this endless drive to clean up the messes of others — shit seems to be everywhere — takes on a hilarious cast. Throughout, Pink’s profanity-laced prose feels fitting, as it places the reader deep in the minds of characters choking on the so-called civilized world’s muck.
In counterbalance to the crassness and moments of violence that punctuate The Garbage Times, Pink’s narrator shows a deep, humanizing love and respect for women and animals. For example, when he returns home to his cat Rontel, one of his main companions, he thinks,
Inside my apartment, Rontel was lying on the stove — his eyes half closed, wagging his tail.
He went to meow but didn’t make a sound.
He stretched, knocking a metal burner off the stove.
“Come here, my little shithead,” I said.
I picked him up and kissed his head four times real quick.
In a really deep and gravelly voice, I said, “Rontel, you a handsome baby!”
He was blinking a lot and licking his snoot, staring up at the ceiling.
Sun lit my room.
Pink’s fascination with animals continues in White Ibis, in which there is a sad, profound moment where the narrator sympathizes with a lizard trying to defend itself against the housecat Dotty, who is slowly killing it by batting it around:
This lizard was for real.
It looked up at her, gill things puffed out, like “All right, all right yeah, big tough guy, let’s have it. [wipes nose] You wanna pick on someone? Yeah ok, all right, pick on me, tough guy, go ahead and — ” but Dotty just mangled it some more.
She left it broken and mostly dead, on its back, barely breathing.
Since the lizard is suffering, the narrator’s girlfriend pressures him to kill it, and he does:
I smashed the lizard’s head with the heel of my boot. Its guts came out its side. Fuck. You tried. You tried. I get it. Sometimes you just gotta pick a place and say, “Right here. Here’s where it happens. Right here.” Gills out, boss, gills out. R.I.P.
The power, humor, sadness, and tenderness in Pink’s writing is haunting when he is at his best, as in this observation of a turtle at a laundromat aquarium in The Garbage Times:
Short bookcases with aquariums on them — turtles swimming in shallow water.
I watched this one turtle trying to swim through the aquarium wall as I dumped a garbage bag of my clothing into a washer.
The turtle made the same sideways swimming motion with both arms.
The same tap of the head against the glass.
Same tiny wave of water bouncing off the glass and coming backwards.
Each time.
Fucking shit.
This is the beauty of Pink’s work — he shows the simple devastations of containment, of beings (in this case animals) living without dignity but still striving toward hope, over and over again, as we all do, wanting things to come out all right. This is the heart of his message, the essence of his book: we will never stop trying to keep moving no matter how confined we are. No matter how random life is, we press on toward something intangible in the distance with only the will to live fueling us.
In this quest for life and dignity is an equally powerful desire to succumb to death. Its inevitability curls underneath each page, hides in each scene. Morbid readers will really dig this book. As will lovers of the absurd, though the magic of Pink is that he turns the absurd to a purpose. The novellas are hilarious and unabashedly honest in showing how bizarre life is, how unpredictable people are, and yet how each person craves love, dignity, freedom — the fundamental needs we all share. In its surreality and sadness, The Garbage Times leaves readers with an impression of characters living in the grime of the world, amid constant violence and despair, yet striving to rise above and make sense of it all.
Pink is a master of dialogue. He nails slang and the odd way people often misuse or mispronounce words, particularly folks who have been traumatized in some way or just talk funny. For example, in The Garbage Times, the narrator frequents a bar where he has a strange affection for the female bartender, who has a bizarre accent that he imitates good-naturedly:
“Stahhp! Quit maykin me laugh! Oh hey, watch [Regular] over dair. He’s doing the hair ting.”
[Regular] was a Vietnam vet who came in every day
he was whipping his long hair around, and hiking his pants over his huge belly, sitting at the corner of the bar with a group of people behind him.
His face was totally red and he was talking to himself.
The look on his face was so evil.
I laughed.
The novellas, as eccentric as they are, are grounded in scenes with a powerful sense of authority. And some of Pink’s lines are pure gold, encapsulating some universal truth or humorous insight, or both: “And all the animals headed back to their corners, to wait for tomorrow. Hiding from the things with real teeth and power.”
At the same time, Pink can get carried away. There are moments of overindulgence and repetition where the narrator will pick up a thought and run with it too long. But Pink’s audacity in taking risks is admirable. His style is purposefully messy — he is having fun writing and playing with how obsessive the brain can be. He thrills in breaking convention.
The conversational tone only adds to the humor of these novellas. Despite its odd formatting, the book becomes very readable once the reader adapts to its strange, galloping style. Pink takes the reader on an adventure, and there is a mysterious momentum at work in the voice-driven narrative, a Murakami-like invisible hand that guides these characters with a purpose to press on and preserve dignity, preserve authenticity, through a seemingly sordid, artificial world.
In White Ibis, the unnamed narrator admires the strange, titular bird that walks to and fro at the end of his driveway in Florida, the way it shoots judgmental glances and avoids direct contact with anyone or anything. It serves as a symbol for the narrator’s desire to be free of domestication, of playing along, but he’s torn because he wants to keep his girlfriend and maintain some sense of normalcy. So, while he struggles to get a job, attends parties, and carries on normal conversations, the pull of the white ibis strutting around and doing its own thing perpetually calls to him. When he sees it, he thinks, “I really wanted the white ibis to like me and to be my friend. And to its credit, it — seemingly — did not. Ok. Well. Hell, I understood.”
In pondering the nature of the ibis and all creatures that fight for survival, he articulates the theme that links the two novellas beautifully:
The peacock and other weird non-bad-ass birds like the white ibis seemed hilarious, given evolution.
I imagined all creatures at the beginning of time, right before it all begins, in private, devising their offenses/defenses and then coming out into an open field and revealing them.
Into the field of existence with means to survive.
Like hey, check this out, got a big horn on my face!
In the hands of a lesser writer, the narrator would rebel against being in a relationship and the story would implode with bickering. Instead, the young couple in White Ibis seems genuinely happy and in sync with one another, and she accepts his social anxiety as his to deal with.
White Ibis ends on a tender note. A Girl Scout troop holds a sleepover at the couple’s home, and while the narrator at first resists he ultimately enjoys the girls and their exuberance. He empathizes with their fears about being ugly as he is pressured into drawing their portraits (he is known as “the artist”), and as a result finds unexpected meaning and beauty in connection with other alienated humans.
Reading Sam Pink is an unpredictable experience. He hits varied tones and moods, and readers never know where he is taking them next. He’s been labeled “experimental,” but these novellas are just good fiction. He sucks readers in and makes them see the world as his narrators do. His stories are unique and true and impossible to put down — what more could anyone want?
Taylor Larsen is the author of the novel Stranger, Father, Beloved (Gallery Books/Simon & Schuster, 2016). She teaches fiction writing for Catapult and the Sackett Street Writers Workshop and is co-editor of the literary website The Negatives.
The post The Things with Real Teeth and Power: Two Novellas from Sam Pink appeared first on Los Angeles Review of Books.
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danielanduranb · 7 years
12 Best Kids Friendly Places to Visit Near Bengaluru
I grew up hearing about the soothing weather Bengaluru offers but sadly never got an excuse to excuse myself to visit the city but I often take virtual tours to some of the tourist attractions in the city, all thanks to Google Earth. During my virtual expedition, I stumbled upon some of the best sites I thought are perfect for kids, so after tons of research here I am with a list of the 12 places to visit with kids but only this time, outside the city. By reading this blog, you may get serious travelling goals with your kids when you can enjoy the great outdoor visiting the national parks and bird sanctuaries; the mystic beauty of the heritage sites and the illuminating night shows at the lustrous gardens built in a complete Islamic style of architecture. But these are not the only places to cover, kids who love glitz and glamour can visit the film city, there are trekking places for those who love adventure and also camping sites for those who enjoy dwelling in the wild. Don’t worry, I have also listed less adrenaline-pumping places to that can be suitable for both kids and you, come let us scroll down to know more.
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Bannerghatta National Park: A place where kids can get first hand wildlife experience
As an 8-year-old, wildlife was something new to me, something magical yet realistic, the only thing I remember was seeing a beautiful red panda running through the bushes finally climbing a tree. Such instances make childhood memories worth remembering, so why not you do the same for your kids. Before 10 years of age it is the best time to take your kids to the national parks and for that matter, you can visit Bannerghatta National Park located just an hour away from the city centre of Bengaluru. Since you’re travelling with kids, chances are you may get exhausted by the end of the day and to relieve your tiredness; BNP has jungle lodges and resorts like Muyura Vanashree that offers sleeping accommodation and restaurants to fill your tummy. And to make things even more convenient, there is another restaurant called Hill View located in the vicinity of the national park. In addition to witnessing beautiful animals via safari, the park also facilitates boating activities to relax.
Timings: 09:30 to 17:00
Safari: 10:00 to 16:30
Distance from Bengaluru: 35.7 km by NH48
Also Read: Top 50 National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in India
Innovative Film City: A place where the kids can learn, explore and enjoy
Getting bored is out question when you visit Innovative Film City and I mean for both kids and parents. This entertaining hub has a lot of kid-friendly activities where you get to see amazing attractions and museums, venture on adventure sports and explore the studios by that I mean the 3D ones. Basically, you’ll make the day out of it and your kids won’t make haste to go home. At the film city near Bengaluru, the attractions that can lure your kids is probably the Cartoon City where you’ll be surrounded by old and new toon friends, caution, even you (parent) will be a kid again. There are other attractions too like the Aqua Kingdom where you can soak in the waters in hot summers and enjoy watersports like a wave pool, lazy rivers and slides. Do you love dinosaurs, well then experience the lost world where dinos rule at Dino Park and also explore the Haunted Mansion where skeletons, zombies and everything scary will to life. There are other fun things to do here like Go Karting, Bungy Jumping and even a Bull Ride. What’s best are the tours to studios like Bigg Boss House and the Innovative Film Academy along with museums such as Wax Museum and Tribal Museum that helps kids learn and educate about filmmaking and art and craft.
Timings: 10:00 to 19:00
Distance from Bengaluru: 40.7 km by NH275
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Mysore: A city that offers something for all kinds of attractions from amusement parks, to heritage sites
The southwestern Karnataka city of Mysore now known as Mysuru is amongst the best cities to visit with kids since it has a cluster of family-friendly attractions. One place kids would love to visit in Mysore is the amusement park called GRS Fantasy Park where exciting children rides like Ramp Slide, Baby Train, Mini Aqua Bowl are the all-time favourites. The park also features some rides for adults like Freefall Crazy Cruise, Dragon’s Den etc. Mysore Zoo on the other hand is also a notable place to visit that houses all sorts of animals and birds like anacondas, zebras, baboons, tigers etc. If you are bored of that, visit the Rail Museum which is another best attraction for kids because along with exploring the toy train and vintage locomotives, the exhibits also offer kids very informative tour around the museum. Karanji Lake is another great place where you can enjoy boating and sightsee many birds like ibises, storks black swans and a wide range of butterfly.
Timings: 08:30 to 17:30
Distance from Bengaluru: 149 km by NH275
Also Read: 21 Best Places to Visit in and around Mysore
Shivanasamudra Waterfalls: A soothing paradise of waterfalls where not only you but even your kids will not want to leave from
The fresh smell of the waft that gently pass through the air when the water hits the hard surface of the rocks has always been my favourite sight to see. Similar to the national parks, this is one of the most cherished memories that I’d like to revisit time and again. But coming back to the waterfalls there in a distant place three-hour drive from Bengaluru is a small island city of Shivanasamudra that offers a visual treat of Barachukki and Gaganachukki waterfalls. What can you do here is, of course, adore the phenomenal sight from the two respective viewpoints, there is also another viewpoint called Dargah which offers a spectacular sight of the waterfall. Asia’s first hydroelectric power station is also located in Shivanasamudra built in 1902. Shivanasamudra also has a few ancient temples and a boating facility near Madhya Ranga Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple, which is one of the renowned temples in the whole of Karnataka.
Distance from Bengaluru: 138 km by NH275
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Horsley Hills: A place away from the car fumes where only sweet fragrance of nature and spine-tingling attractions exist
Another romantic destination near in Andhra Pradesh that is also one of the most preferred places for a family getaway is Horsley Hill. This town offers a soothing environment that results in best escapade for city dwellers, the uninterrupted view of the mountains and lake from the viewpoint is quite a reputed attraction here. Often seen lovebirds parading holding hands, sights of family trippers wearing giant hats and pitch black shades on top of fluorescent ‘kurta pajama‘ can also be seen (no offence). Besides adoring the endless expanse of lustrous land and the orange dipping sunset, you can also visit Gali Bandalu. A rocky attractive slope aka Windy Rock is another famous attraction that as its bonafide tag receives a lot of speedy wind. If you are not tired of waterfalls and animals yet, Horsley Hills also features Kaigal Falls running down from forty feet high along with wildlife destination, the Horsley Hill Zoo.
Distance from Bengaluru: 157 km by Bellary Road
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Brindavan Gardens: A perfect resting place surrounded by freshness of flora and magical fountains dancing to the rhythm of music
Adjacent to Kaveri River and the Dam, this beautifully Mughal built Brindavan Gardens is one of the most popular tourist spots in the state of Karnataka. This symmetric design terrace garden is surrounded by colourful ornamental plants that also feature a number of fountains that illuminate with colourful lighting during the night show. As a kid, seeing the fountains dance in the rhythm of the music is one one of the most memorable experiences. The Brindavan Gardens are divided into South Brindavan, North Brindavan and Childrens’ Garden, there is also a fruit orchard, two Horticulture Farms and Cacti and Succulent Garden.
Timings: 6:30 to 21:00
Distance from Bengaluru: 149 km by NH275
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Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary: A home to migratory birds and a place where boat rides never seemed more adventurous
Let’s cheer for one of the best bird sanctuaries in India, Ranganathittu that offers a safe refuge to some of the exotic birds. Since it is located on the banks of River Cauvery with a wide expanse of deciduous forests, it gives an inviting feel not only to birds but also aviary lovers. One of the fascinating things you’ll get to see as soon as you enter the bird sanctuary is probably the huge bamboo trees which the city dweller hardly get to see. Similarly, a collection of eucalyptus, figs, karanji, jamun also makes the park radiant. Along with bird species such as white ibis, little cormorant, spoon bills, painted stork, open-billed stork, lesser whistling teal and many more, this sanctuary also is home to mammals and reptiles like common mongoose, common otter, flying fox, bonnet macaque, palm civet and marsh crocodile. If you seek for an adventure activity, boat rides tours are also offered guided by experienced boatmen where you may get a glimpse of species like crocodiles.
Timings: 9:00 to 18:00
For Indians
Entry: Rs 50 I Rs 25
Boating: Rs 50 I Rs 25
For Foreigners
Entry: Rs 300
Boating: Rs 300
Distance from Bengaluru: 135 km by NH275
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Janapada Loka: A destination that treasures crafts and artworks offering insights on state’s culture
You’ll come across Janapada Loka or Folk World en route Mysuru from Bengaluru and it is often ignored by many passersby but this museum is a must visit for all the right reasons. Preserving the rural Karnataka folk culture, here a sense of old world charm can be felt. I know it may not seem to be an ideal place for kids, but truth be told, it could help in education. The museum treasures a collection of shadow puppets that is around 500-year-old, folk-art objects, musical instruments, temple chariots, festival costumes and replica of a traditional Karnataka village. One of the best things about Janapada Loka is that it offers a platform for local musicians, rural artisans and even craftspeople to highlight their artworks. The main attractions of Janapada Loka, however, are the multiple sculptures of the rural Karnataka folk culture. A visit here provides an opportunity to witness the traditions of Karnataka all in one place, now, the next time you pass by, make sure to at least spend some time here, take lots of pictures and buy souvenirs. Note: Closed on Tuesdays
Timings: 09:00 to 17:00/30
Distance from Bengaluru: 57.7 km by NH275
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Channapatna: A place to learn the ancient method of toy making
Welcome to the ‘Toy Town’ of Karnataka in Channapatna, a small south Indian destination famed for the wooden toys and lacquerware. The speciality of the toys here are that, they are made from soft ivory wood completely prepared from vegetable dyes, interesting isn’t it? You can come with kids and your visit here will be even more exciting, take a look around the toy bazaar you’ll see an assortment of Channapatna toys displayed by the artisans. If we go back to the history to unravel on how it all started, Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore invited artisans from Persia and trained them to make wooden toys. But who says toys are only for kids, in fact, there are also a number small toys with a hook that work best as a keychain or something to hang on your car mirror or simply at home. Besides visiting the toy bazaar, Channapatna also lets you visit the temple of Navaneetha Krishna, visit wine testing and also the Bharat Art And Crafts.
Distance from Bengaluru: 66.7 km by NH275
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Channarayana Durga: A perfect trek to find complete isolation, a rustic fort and few ancient temples
For little adventurous ones, Channarayana Durga is a perfect destination to venture on a trek to a fort located on a hill. This trek is considered to be a moderate all year round, but I’d rather stay away during the monsoons since the stones remain slippery. For beginner kids who enjoy trek, this is not a bad option, however, there are no signboards to make aware of the directions due to fewer tourists, but that was years ago, hopefully, there are a few signs put up now. Thankfully, guides can also be hired form the village in case you feel safer that way. The trek to the hill fort starts from a small village of the same name, Channarayana Durga and it has three stages. The top most part of the fort consists of pond, temples and vegetation, the second rather has the ruins damaged by treasure hunters, it was probably used for storing ammunition and food grains. There is also a watchtower that overlooks at the dry green shrub and hillocks in the third part of the fort. Note: During the medieval times, this ancient Channarayana Durga was one of the most prised forts and many battles were fought for its possession finally falling into the hands of the Maratha Kingdom.
Distance from Bengaluru: 97.9 km by SH3
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Melukote: A destination filled with rich heritage temples, each displaying exquisite architecture
A land filled with the richness of heritage, Melukote is one of the sacred destinations in the whole of Karnataka surrounded by ancient temples each telling stories through their architecture. This place is famous for the temple of Cheluvanarayana Swamy that is beautifully built displaying intricate design and an exquisite collection of the jewels. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and it is also believed to have visited by Lord Ram. During the famous festival of Vairamudi Sevam, the idol is paraded around the temple wearing a diamond crown which is displayed only during special occasions. If you are planning to visit here during the months of March-April, make sure to witness this phenomenal event. Yoga Narasimha Temple is also another most visited shrine located on a hilltop which makes it a vantage point for birdwatching. Dedicated to the Lord Yoga Narasimha, it is said that the King of Mysore presented a golden crown to the Lord here. Apart from the heritage attractions, Melukote Temple Wildlife Sanctuary is another wildlife place famous for housing wild cats like leopard, langur, pangolin and bonnet macaque.
Distance from Bengaluru: 143 km by NH275
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Bheemeshwari: A place perfect for kids to experience wildlife and grownups to plunge in the lap of luxury
Something the kids would enjoy and perhaps never forget, I certainly wouldn’t, Bheemeshwari is one of the best places for camping and experiencing jungle life. It does not matter whether you’re visiting with kids just to be closer to nature or being a part of thrilling adventure activities. Bheemeshwari’s Nature and Adventure Camp will certainly offer a great weekend holiday for kids as well as grown-ups. The adventure sports the camp offers are zip-lining, rope walking, and even kayaking, for wildlife seekers, you can spot animals like elephants, deer, turtles, crocodiles, snakes and a lot of bird species and the largest game fish know to all fishing lovers, the great mahseer. I’d say a stay here is an experience since Bheemeshwari Nature and Adventure Camp features five jungle camps and around eighteen resorts and even tree houses and charming huts each offering their best facilities all at a comfort to the wallet prices (depends on how you like your stay).
Distance from Bengaluru: 108 km by NH275
Also Read: 30 Best Wildlife Jungle Resorts Near Bangalore
Bengaluru is one of the outstanding destinations in India that offer beautiful attractions to visit for all kind of travellers, true that. But it also has some promising places around it and hopefully, after reading the blog, you found ideal places to take your kids to. And if it is the transportation or tickets you are worried about, you can give us a call at ( +91-9212553106/07 ) to know about our best tour packages. Liked whatever you just read? Well, then give my blog a big thumb up and also share and re-share because good information should be passed to all.
The post 12 Best Kids Friendly Places to Visit Near Bengaluru appeared first on Tour My India.
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cosmiculture · 7 years
CosmiCulture 01
       The Sol System is haunted by a spectre. The spectre of THEM, dedicated to the highest of crimes and most terrible of terrorisms. The exact aim and nature of THEM is largely unknown, even to its own agents. Its masterminds are shrouded in shadow and deceit.         BUT! whenever, wherever, THEM strikes, waiting to foil their dastardly schemes is HARPO, stationed across the Sol System, but its main headquarters in an unknown location in the Asteroid Belt, HARPO owes no allegiance to any planet or nation, only the safety of every citizen in both the Inner Planets and Outer Moons.         Recently, following an explosion in one of the more fashionable corners of Horus City on the Jovian moon Io, the moon's own Princess Gloria had been kidnapped. THEM left behind only this poorly constructed ransom note, "You want princess? We got her. We got princess. You want princess you leave fifty billion space credits by the parking meter near Embassy of Io in Rocket City on Earth Moon. We have money in two days, no we mean weeks. We have money or princess dies."         A call was made to one Drake Moog, of Division X-77, a union between HARPO and Ibis Industries, responsible for the construction of the Moog model robot. Drake Moog was silver-plated with glowing turquoise eyes and and a glowing red antenna. He was most comfortable in a green corduroy suit and an avocado tie and an electric cigarette in hand, and this was exactly how he was attired as he entered the Jet Fuel Cafe, under the guise of a war veteran turned prosperous agent for hire. He sat and ordered a Sterling's Gin with pineapple juice in a martini glass and waited for his contact, one Jeanne deSmarte, suspected agent of THEM. He was soon joined at the bar by a woman with a dark green chelsea-cut and black catsuit.         "On Mars," she said, "the dogs never bark except when it snows."         "My cat, she meows," he said, "at the rising of the full moons."         "Mr. Moog, if you would join us at our booth."         Drake Moog grabbed his drink and followed deSmarte to a smoke filled booth in the back of the bar. Three others were sitting in the booth. There was a man in a navy blue ascot cap and matching shirt. The cap's brim obscured his eyes. He kept a toothpick in his mouth. There was a woman with long matted blonde hair in a yellow peacoat and black disco pants. In her eyes were stars. There was a man with short hair and a trimmed Robin Hood goatee. He looked like he was smiling, even when he wasn't. "You will see around us Gus Wrent," the man in the cap. "The mysterious Ms. Argent, and Guy Ivers. This will be the whole of our team, if you agree to join us."         "And if I do not."          "Then you will die, Mr. Moog."         "Well, then, what's the mission."         "You have read by now, I would imagine, the kidnapping of the Princess Gloria by THEM."        "I have read."         "We are going to kidnap her from THEM."        "You are not THEM."        "THEM has issued ransom for the princess. If they receive the ransom, they are obligated to return the princess. However, if the princess were to be kidnapped a second time, they would have the money but no princess, and no obligation to return her."        "That logic sounds dubious."        "It is the logic of THEM, and is THEM not dubious?"        "What then is the plan?"        "Mr. Wrent is on explosives. Mr. Ivers is on distraction. Ms. Argent is on extraction. You know your way around a zapgun?"        "I do."        "And the Holloway Hover Car Artemis model."        "I believe I test drove one once. Not by permission, of course. But I hardly think that would be a problem."        "Good we must do this with perfect timing and with great spectacle. The System must know the Princess has been kidnapped by a rival enterprise, but only after THEM has picked up the ransom. We know she is being held in the Hotel Morrison, downtown. We are going to blow up a few of its rooms providing ample spectacle. A gun fight will ensue, involving myself and Mr. Ivers with the agents holding the princess. Ms. Argent has certain gifts. They were not explained to us, we were only ensured that she will get the princess out of the hotel amongst the chaos, safely, and deliver her to your car. You are to deliver the princess to the destination given to you by Ms. Argent at the time of her delivery. At this point THEM will have the ransom, and we will have the princess."         "And what do we want with the princess?"         "You are only a hired hand, Mr. Moog. The necesity of the princess to our organization is no concern of yours."         "Of course, well, when do we get started, Ms. deSmarte."         "You will be contacted. Until then you will have no contact with myself or the rest of the team."         Drake Moog returned to headquarters and X-77 set up the money drop with assurances of the rescue of the princess and the return of the money. A few nights later at 7:45 P.M Lunar Orbit Time precisely, a man in a bowler hat and grey trenchcoat left a black briefcase beside a parking meter outside the Io Embassy. Drake Moog was to be at the Hotel Morrison at precisely 8:00. He had fifteen minutes. He stood in a black suit, carrying a briefcase, eyes switched to night vision, and watched as two men in black robber costumes picked up the money. It was go time. The agents were running off with the suitcase, Drake ran right into them, and switching into robotic X-tra Speed, switched the suitcases, and continued to his hover car, checking the suitcase. The money was there. The agents disappeared into the night.         Drake arrived at the Hotel Morrison, surrounded by the chaos of explosion, blue zapgun shots illuminating the smoke. He pulled across the street, stepped out of his car, lit an electric cigarette and waited. Ms. Argent appeared at precisely 8:05, out of nowhere. Teleportation. An exciting sight for Drake Moog. The mysterious blonde woman was holding a body wrapped in a cloth.         "Mr. Moog, you must know deSmarte knows who you are and who you work for. HARPO is not the only agency wishing to see to the safety of Princess Gloria. ARGENT wishes you the best of luck, but can offer nothing more. The both of you get out of town safely before you are caught!"         "Who is deSmarte? Who does she work for?"         "GUESS! I can say no more. You must go now before we are discovered!" Drake laid the princess in the back seat still sheathed and gunned the engine. He blasted off into the streets of Rocket City trailed by both the blue and red of police hovercrafts and the black cars of THEM. The police and THEM were fighting each other while chasing Moog, and zapguns blasted throughout the streets of Rocket City. They rollicked through the twisting streets of the city, round corners, through lights, down alleyways, mounting sidewalks, driving straight through the lobby of a high-end office building and right out the back again. All the time THEM agents were taking out police cars and slowly disappearing themselves. It was always the plan Moog would get away, but he would never make his fated rendezvous with deSmarte. Instead, Moog psychotronically activated a concourse in the street, leading below the city, to the parking garage of HARPO HQ Rocket City. He slid the hover car into a parking spot, and pulled out a cigarette. He turned to the back seat and lifted the sheet to check on the princess. He found only a dummy in the military uniform of the American Kingdom. Quickly he opened the briefcase full of money, only to find blank sheets. The old counterfeit money disappearing ink trick. He rifled through the blank credits and found, finally, a note. "Better luck next time Drake. XXOO THEM." There was a crude drawing of a naked woman below the signature. Frustrated, Drake punched the steering wheel, engaging the airbag. It knocked him back to the seat, and he allowed his circuits to switch unconscious.
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