#but the legs at least are done 👍
seagullcharmer · 9 months
attempting to teach myself to sew. successfully made something that looks like pants
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madam montalogera, an eccentric milfy goliath who runs her own cosmetics/fashion company (nevata: finery and maquillage)
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mosscrab · 6 months
mgsv has so many literary references to books i have essays abt it kind of makes me.
#i'm sick this is my slightly fever-induced thought stream in the rest of the tags sorry ->#all the 1984 stuff is really interesting. the position of both ocelot and kaz as the people running room 101 is really fascinating.#because it somehow manages to place huey in the position of winston while also having venom be in the position of winston.#<- would that make quiet julia? actually yes it does bc of her nature motifs.#and the whole game seems to doublethink of whats real and what isn't. though it starts to tell you what isn't real its still there.#and then with moby dick you have pequod which is just. the ship. and queegueg who is ishmaels friend. which is why its kind of perfect he i#the other pilot we see who takes kaz places. and theres other stuff with him but i don't want to get into that. i could go on for a while.#but whats interesting is that ahab seems to apply more to kaz than it does to venom. esp because his own deception results in his downfall.#whereas that isn't true with venom if youve played mg1 he just kinda keeps going with it to at least some degree.#and i guess kaz is working for foxhound but you know what i mean.#ocelot even being the perfect counterpart to starbuck who works at kaz's side but disagrees with his methods to an extreme.#he isn't of the same morals as starbuck but its just the oppositional character type.#does that mean cipher is moby dick. yes actually bc of the leg thing with kaz. oh my god.#<- funny enough i am actually getting moby dick back out of the library bc i never finished it and its been ages since i read what i did.#i remember the narration being kind of nuts.#honestly the lord of the flies stuff feels less like a reference and more like eli read that book and decided he wanted to do it irl. lol.#i can't say these books are even close to being favorites but i'm intimately familiar with both 1984 and lotf so those are. those.#and moby dick is genuinely just kind of. what in the hell did i experience. theres a lot to unpack.#and i didn't even finish the damn thing.#ok i'm done now i just needed to get that out of my system. now i'm off to read veniss underground. 👍#.txt
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hyunjinsjeans · 1 month
He Knows (Hyunjin ver.)
Chan ver. | Lee Know ver. | Changbin ver.
Synopsis: You have been meaning to tell your husband you want to have a baby, but since you have had issues with your periods he is wary of your health. The right time comes when you are with him during a schedule.
Type: Fluff 🧸, 👍 SFW, female reader 💃
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and periods/period issues.
Word count: 3825 words (oopsie doopsie!)
AN: Sorry this is not really a blurb... I couldn’t stop writing :) so if it is longer than the previous ones… well, it is what it is. Also, FYI: I do believe I will post the full-length fic at some point (because yeah, I did write a lot this time...). No real proofreading.
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You groaned from the back of the large car. An SUV, the manager had called it. The cameras were already on sight and you began feeling the burning of anxiety creeping up your legs like ants on a tree.
A hand reached out from the seat to your right, it found your knee and squeezed with the ring finger and thumb. You took in a deep breath and reached to put your hand on the extended forearm. To your left, there was a shift as the seat belt came undone.
“It’s okay, they know you already” Hyunjin tried to reassure you.
As much as he wanted you to be calm, he was struggling to keep it together himself.
“Yeah, but I’ve never walked the airport with you…” you whispered.
Han leaned over your shoulder to speak to the two of you.
“If it’s too much you could walk in the back with the staff like you usually do,” your friend offered. 
Hyunjin tilted his head, his large Versace glasses already laid on top of his hair like a headband. His eyes showed little liking for the idea although the three of you knew it was the safer option, as you had done it that way several times in the past and fans seemed to take little notice of you. 
“I’d rather hold your hard through it, but if you’re more comfortable with that…”
Both of your eyes slid down to your hands as his fingers came to cover your hand that was still touching his arm. You let your head hang, biting your bottom lip, you tried to think about it.
“I’d prefer to be with you,” you admitted, still deep in thought.
Han watched you two for a second and leaned back on his seat, to him it was clear what was going to happen and he did not need to intrude in your conversation any further.
To your right, Hyunjin pressed a feather-like kiss to your forehead.
“We can be the last in line then,” he offered.
After you nodded, he looked back at Han and reached out his hand to catch his attention.
“Do you think you could go before us?”
Han hummed a positive response and gave you a smile in time for the car to come to a stop. “Let’s go!” He nudged you.
The airport was crazy. An entirely new experience for you. Whatever the boys ever said about it to describe it fell short to the true madness of flashes, phones, faces, yelling and shoving that went on while you walked hand in hand with your husband. It was true that you had traveled together, but the times you had tagged along you had walked behind them and surrounded by their staff. A couple of times you even got to leave in a different car, entering the airport far behind the boys, cameras already packing up and leaving. This time you were walking in the middle of the chaos, hand held in Hyunjin’s firm grip. You squeezed his hand back and thanked him in your head for handing you the cap, face mask and big sunglasses. You were well concealed, safe from the scrutiny even if you were standing right there in front of everyone. 
The walk to the gate was interesting, to say the least. Fans knew who you were, Hyunjin made little effort to hide you from them after he decided he wanted to marry you. Nobody was entirely shocked you were there, some were curious as to how your relationship was. The dynamic was foreign to his fans, never having seen you two interact for long periods of time as you let him do his thing and got cut from any content if you happened to be captured on videos or photos. 
You sat together in business class, each in a little compartment of your own. A small curtain set the seats apart, though it did nothing to pull you from each other. You two still managed to watch the same movie chat while the credits rolled. Hyunjin took some time to draw in his sketchbook, in the meantime you pulled out your tablet and continued reading a manuscript for work. 
“Is that one good?” Felix wondered from the seat to your left. 
You made a face, unable to decide yet since you had only read a few pages. “It could be, I’m only starting it. But the writer is new so who knows.”
Felix liked to ask about the manuscripts you worked on, as an assistant editor it was your job to get the stories clean and ready for publishing. Your boss always asked you to read a story before deciding if it had potential, so you were in a constant loop of editing and reading, editing and reading. 
You were each caught up in your own worlds when your alarm went off. Phone buzzing on the little table next to your seat. You shut it off and went to reach inside your carry on, quickly taking a couple of small pills from your prepackaged pill case and went to grab your water bottle ignoring the way hyunjin’s brow arched watching your actions. As far as he knew you were not on any medication and you’d taken your vitamins in the morning; so why are you taking some pills now? 
A couple months ago, he had insisted on going with you to see the doctor; you had been dealing with what he referred to as “inhuman pain” during your periods for the last few months. He didn’t know how to help, so he did the only thing he could think of, which was taking you to see someone who knew what to do. Hyunjin had simply had enough of coming home to his favorite person curled in a ball of sweat under a blanket while some drama played on tv. He wasn’t even able to properly hold you because sometimes the cramps were so bad you couldn’t straighten up enough for that, so he had to curl himself around you. The pain would also take away your appetite and make you nauseous. The whole thing was a head scratcher for your husband. 
A good thing was, the doctor could not find anything alarming in your ultrasound and although he laid it out clearly, he gave you two options. Hyunjin had been a little more than upset when the doctor turned to him as if it was his decision what to do with your body. He knew enough about keeping a straight face to turn the attention to you, making it clear it was your call. You could either take a stronger form of medicine, work out more and change your diet to appease your period cramps or you could go on birth control.
You two had not talked much about having kids, besides knowing and agreeing you would be fine having only one baby. Hyunjin was sure he might be tempted to have a second one, but if life was too busy he would call it a win if he managed to give his love and attention to a smaller family. He just didn’t want to bite off more than he could chew. And you were on the same page. 
The doctor sensed you two needed to have a chat and gave you an appointment for the following week. 
You didn’t talk about it a lot. Hyunjin told you whatever you wanted to do was okay by him, but he did remind you that the birth control route sounded a lot easier considering you already had a busy and fast paced routine. 
He was clueless indeed. Even the doctor thought about it. In the meantime your husband was thinking you had a million reasons to consider the two options. And he missed the one that was actually making you doubtful. 
You did not tell Hyunjin anything other than the same you told him when you first started having sex. That you didn’t want to play with your hormones and you preferred to use condoms as a way to be safe. He respected that then, same way he respected it today. 
This time, though… It was a bit of a lie. You kind of hoped he would get it, of course he didn’t. You talked to your favorite confidant in Hyunjin’s group. Changbin. He heard you and knew right away that you declined the offer of birth control so that you could easily become pregnant if you and Hyunjin decided to try. 
“Why didn’t he get that?” You asked Changbin and he simply shrugged, reminding you that he was a founding member of baboracha. 
“I doubt he missed that on purpose,” he tried to comfort you. 
So there you were, flying together to Italy. To Milan, to be precise. It was your first time there, Hyunjin was excited to bring you to his dinner with some big names from the Versace brand. He also could not wait to whip out his camera and spend film after film with you in those beautiful streets. 
Landing was quiet, you all picked up your stuff and you got ready to get off the plane and run along with Hyunjin to go through customs and then have a quick walk out to the large cars waiting outside for the group. 
You were at the hotel soon enough and Chan was handing out room keys. He met his girlfriend there so at least you weren’t the only girl tagging along with the boys anymore. 
You had a room key each, agreeing on using mostly Hyunjin’s you put yours away in your wallet. You rode the elevator with I.N and Seungmin, Hyunjin had quickly draped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you onto his side but he kept a light conversation going with his members. You laughed along and intervened to help the boys pick at Seungmin’s new hair. He looked great but he was being annoying about having to change it again for this event.
You said your goodbyes in the hallway and everyone parted to their assigned rooms. Hyunjin let you inside first and you pulled your luggage behind you with a sigh at the fresh scent of a clean room. You were exhausted after the nerves of the airport shenanigans and then the flight, and then the usual travel stress… Hyunjin had not shut the door behind him when you threw yourself face first into the bed, fluffy pillows swallowing you up. 
He chuckled and it reminded you of the dooking of a ferret. 
Fortunately, you landed in time for dinner so you would not have to stay awake for that much longer. 
“You should have slept more on the way”, your husband commented, pushing the suitcases into the closet space. 
You groaned. “Yeah yeah, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
Hyunjin dropped his jacket on the armchair by the desk. “We have like 30 minutes before it’s dinner time.”
“Uhmmmm,” you flipped onto your back and stared at the ceiling for a moment. “I’ll get changed then”
Hyunjin watched you as you went for your white suitcase, you opened it and looked around for a solid minute before pulling out a yellow dress and a pair of sandals. You picked up your hair with an elastic that was on your wrist and kicked off your shoes. You grabbed your bag of toiletries and your plastic shower sandals and pointed at the bathroom. 
“I’ll be quick,” you said over your shoulder and saw Hyunjin nod. 
He decided to get changed too, giving up the well thought out look for a simple pair of sweatpants, sneakers and a t-shirt. He sat down in the middle of the bed with the sketch book and continued with his drawings until you came out of the bathroom. You managed to shower and dry your hair in record time. You changed right there, in the small closet space across from Hyunjin, he looked at you pulling up your pink panties and then a nude strapless bra. You then threw the yellow dress over your head with a huff before fixing your earrings and necklace, your rings shining bright on your left hand. You stepped into the selected brown sandals and turned to your husband. 
He was staring. 
“I’m ready, I did it.” You gave yourself a pat on the shoulder, happy to have freshened up in such a short time. 
Hyunjin turned to his phone to see the time and got a text right away. It was Chan on the group chat, asking everyone to meet in the lobby in 5 minutes.
“Just in time too.” He celebrated.
Dinner was a lot of fun, while everyone was tired it was still fun to walk around the streets of Italy with your favorite people. Hyunjin was always happy to see his members take to you so well, especially the younger ones. Felix, Seungmin and I.N were fond of you like little ducklings following their mother; and you enjoyed the feeling of having younger siblings, having grown up as an only child of divorced parents… siblings were something you could only dream of before meeting Hyunjin. 
On the other hand, you were also close to Changbin. The older member was protective of Hyunjin, and when you were introduced to him he could not help but see how similar the two of you were. He had also seen so much of his own sister in you he was unable to do much more than to treat you in a familiar way; which was great because you ended up moving in with the two for a while before you and Hyunjin were able to move into your own place.
So the group had a lot of fun ahead of their busy schedules for the next couple of days. Chan’s girlfriend was there too, and the boys were excited to hang out with the two of you. Unable to help themselves, would their partners have the same chemistry as they did among themselves? So far, the answer was yes. You walked back with your arm intertwined with Chan’s girlfriend’s. The two of you came from different parts of the country, both were eager to learn about the other and how you found yourselves in such a unique place. Chan’s girlfriend was slower when she spoke, more calculated; while you were all giddy and eager. A true strange pair, but you kept laughing and giggling. Turning to your partners ever so often. 
“They’ll be plotting our demise soon enough,” Chan joked with Hyunjin. 
“No kidding, what are they even looking at? What’s so funny?” Hyunjin had a puzzled look on his face that made the others laugh. 
You woke up to the morning sun slipping through the curtains. It warmed up your side of the bed and left a yellow line that ran through the carpet and sheets and across your figure. 
Behind you Hyunjin still slept. You could hear the soft whisper of his deep tranquil breathing. You rolled onto your other side and turned your back on both the sun and the alarm clock that would go off in a few hours. The boys didn’t have to be out until later in the afternoon so you wanted to avoid waking up your husband if he had time to sleep some more. 
He looked peaceful, his brow relaxed and his lips loose - mouth open a little bit. You sighed with the soft squeeze of glee taking over your chest. Hyunjin’s chest moved up in slow time and then once his lungs had acquired enough air his chest would move down once more. You closed your eyes, focusing on how his breathing sounded. Like ocean waves crashing into the shore and being pulled back into the immense body of water. 
You were beginning to feel heavy and numb when his slim fingers found your waist and traveled around it to your back, pulling you closer to his warm body that was now facing you. Hyunjin groaned in his sleep and dug his arm around you higher, until your own arm held on to his back and your cheek was pressed against his neck. 
“Do you want to sleep in?” He whispered, breath hitting the top of your head with every word. “We could have room service, or go out and get a coffee..” 
You took a deep breath, inhaling his strong scent. It was woody and fresh, sweet with a hint of lemon. A smell you were used to being surrounded by at home, where the pillows and the closet smelled like him even when he was away for work. You focused yourself and replied in a whisper as well, unwilling to break the morning daze using  a higher volume.
“I thought you wanted to sleep in,” you nuzzled his neck, “we should get ready and go out for a bit, maybe find a café or something.”
“Mhmmm,” Hyunjin felt goosebumps form on his skin but didn’t pull away, “I’ll take a quick shower.”
Five minutes later, you two were still unable to peel yourselves off of each other, you laid on top of his body while his breathing remained even, an arm covering his eyes. He had to mentally slap himself into consciousness, opening his eyes to the beautiful cream colored details on the ceiling, turning to his side to find your eyes closed and your hair a mess behind you all over the pillow. He ran his fingers through it and pushed his head down to kiss the top of your head. 
“I wanted to ask you something,” he started. “I saw you taking some pills on the plane. What… what were those?”
You opened your eyes slowly and blinked a couple of times, you rubbed your eyes with your hand and tilted your head back to look up at him. 
He truly was clueless. 
“I’m taking some new vitamins,” you explained, mentally bracing for the two opposite ways this conversation could go. “I spoke to the doctor a few days ago, and I was thinking…” you doubted a little. 
His fingers dancing on your naked shoulder caught your attention and you consciously had to find the sound of his steady heartbeat to focus again. He granted you his patience, puffy morning eyes staying on your face while your eyes stared far into the wall.
“I was thinking we could have that baby we talked about,” you finished, at last gaze returning to look in his direction. 
“… that baby we talked about,” he repeated under his breath, he did remember. 
You pushed yourself up, your hand on his chest as you did so. He looked up at the ceiling now, his eyes moving from side to side as they did when he was deep in thought. 
“You are taking vitamins. And you want a baby.” He said. “You want to have my baby?” His gaze suddenly fell on your face. 
You nodded, your hair cascading down your back as you sat up to look at him. Your hello kitty pjs pooled around your waist, the pants’ legs bunched up at your knees. He, on the other hand, seemed to be perfect all the time, having slept in his underwear only his hair looked somewhat out of shape. Dark strands sticking out in all directions.
But to him you looked perfect too. His arms pushed him to a sitting position as well, and you stared at each other for a moment. 
“Who else’s?” You slapped his knee with a giggle, “yes, Jinnie. I want to have your baby. It’s all I’ve been able to think about since we saw the doc that time.”
Thinking back, Hyunjin could see how obvious you had been. Throwing hints here and there, volunteering to hold people’s babies, babying kkami to an almost stupid degree (not that anything you did was stupid in his eyes), being so eager during sex, being so disappointed and grumpy during your periods the last three months… looking up freaking baby socks patterns for your next knitting projects…
“What if it’s painful?” Hyunjin could not help but be concerned. “You have a bad time every month, I don’t want this to cause you worse pain” he explained, reaching out to hold your hand. “And giving birth sounds terrifying!” 
His dramatic side was coming out; you saw it often and you were used to it, but you were surprised to hear this from your husband. He was being honest telling you about his fears of going into something so big and important. He was not wrong about everything. 
“Giving birth does sound terrifying,” you admitted. “But we’ll have a baby afterwards!” You could not help the joyful smile that took over your features. “And I’m healthy, we are safe to go.”
Hyunjin sighed and pushed his hair back. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to hold you and kiss you and have you wrapped in his love, though there was no way he could do so as freely… it was your body, your wellbeing on the line here.
He was a man, but he was no fool; you would give up your autonomy for 9 months to grow a baby - your baby inside your womb. You would not be able to live your life the way you were used to, you wouldn’t be able to travel or drink, you would have to be at the doctor’s office every other week. You would have to give up your clothes and your comfort, take time off from work and see your own body change with the miracle of life. He considered you a little crazy for wanting all of that. 
At the same time he considered himself so lucky to have you want all of that with him. He saw how much you not only loved but also trusted him. You were ready to face any challenge with him, meaning you could rely on him entirely. He knew you would only ask if you were sure the two of you could handle it.
Being honest, he was a little crazy too. And he wanted the same things you wanted, it had always been that way.  
“If we try,” he let his thumb run over the back of your hand, “I don’t want you to worry about it. If it takes time for it to work…”
You nodded in understanding. “I’ll be patient”
“Then I’ll be patient too.”
You jumped to sit on your ankles, “so… is that a yes?”
Your eyes were open wide like a child’s waiting for permission to go to the playground. Hyunjin tsked and looked to the side. 
“Yes Y/N, I want to have a baby with you,” he leaned forward and kissed the back of your hand.
“Jinnie!” You threw yourself at your husband.
It was arms flying in the air to wrap around him, he found himself lying on the bed again with you on top of him kissing all over his face in excitement. 
Likes, Reblogs and Comments are welcome! Thank you for reading!
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miasmaghoul · 7 months
Here, have some soft dewther emotional hurt/comfort for reasons that do not at all reflect anything about my current mental state no siree👍
It's past midnight when Aether flops onto the common room sofa, exhausted from back to back shifts in the infirmary. It's a night he wishes that his own quintessence would work on himself, that he could wick away the ache in his back and the searing heat behind his eyes. He'd dragged himself here in search of food - Aether can't remember the last thing he ate, or when - but the sight of the couch had forced him to redirect.
So here he sits, alone in the dark common room, staring out the massive windows flanking the fireplace and watching the stars twinkle. He knows he should get up, should find something to put in his stomach so he can at least try to sleep, but his legs weigh a thousand pounds each and the thought of moving is enough to have Aether groaning into the silence surrounding him.
He wishes he were like Rain, like Swiss. That he could just close his eyes and be on his way to dreamland. That he didn't have to deal with the storm in his head, the revolving door of tasks to be done on his next shift. Reviewing the cases he'd handled today; there had been a flu outbreak in the human wing, and Aether stretches his hands while he thinks of every fever he'd soothed, every cough he'd calmed, every bit of suffering he'd pulled from those fragile bodies and let sink into himself.
Ghouls may not be susceptible to human illness, but the power it takes to heal them always leaves him feeling ill. Empty. Hollow.
Aether cracks his knuckles as the memory of one particular Sibling crosses his mind - a young girl, no more than twenty. Pale and shivering, hacking up a lung into the sleeve of her habit while she curled up in the corner of the waiting area. She was the only one who has arrived at the infirmary alone, a newly anointed Sister of Sin who hadn't found her footing yet. Hadn't found her family yet.
Her pain had been some of the worst for Aether to handle. Not because she was sick, there were other Siblings in far worse condition, but because she was alone. Aether could feel it in his bones the moment he touched her hand. An icy wave of anxiety and regret that had washed over every part of him, an ache even Aether couldn't soothe.
It would pass, he'd assured her. Everyone goes through this - the fear, the loneliness, the feeling that you've made a huge mistake by abandoning everything you knew and loved in the name of something new. Something better. Because there are expectations, assumptions, promises made that paint the church in an ideal, rose-colored light that draws in those eager for a place to belong.
It would pass, he'd assured her. It always does. She would find her routine, find Brothers and Sisters eager to take her under their wing. Find comfort in their Papa's sermons, in prayer and worship, as they all do. Eventually, everything would fall into place. She just needed to give it time. To let it happen.
She'd looked much better once her treatment was complete, had thanked him with a hug he could still feel untold hours later, and Aether was glad to see it. Truly.
But that cold pit of loneliness had stuck around long after she'd left the infirmary, a whirlpool of despair still swirling around in his chest. It's happened a few times before, when he's drained like this, but it's unpleasant all the same. Sore, almost. Like a thorn in his heart, digging deeper with every beat.
He should just go to bed. Make his legs work and drag himself down the impossible distance of the hall. Should collapse into his own bed and try to ignore the chill, the ache, the pounding in his head. He'd get to sleep eventually, right? It would be better than this - at least he'd be laying down. He should at least try.
The kitchen light flips on behind him, and Aether's too tired to jolt.
"Aeth?" A sleep-thick voice creeps into his ears, familiar, and Aether's shoulders sag. "What're you doin' in here?"
The soft patter of bare feet follows, and Aether sighs when their owner comes into view.
"Hey, Dew."
"Hey yourself," the little ghoul mumbles, rubbing at tired eyes. He's dressed in one of Aether's beat-up old shirts and a pair of sunflower printed pajama pants that undoubtedly belong to Sunshine. "I could smell you from my room," he says through a yawn, and Aether cringes. "D'you just get back?"
"Yeah," Aether rasps, working immediately to get his scent under control. It's something he always struggles with on nights like this. "Long day."
He crosses his arms over his chest, rolls his neck, and Dew frowns.
"Looks like more than that." Aether hugs himself a little tighter. "Wanna talk about it?"
"It's nothing," Aether huffs, the guilt of having woken Dewdrop enough to have that thorn sinking in further. "Go back to bed, love, I'm fine."
"Pfft," Dew waves a hand, dismissive, "how many times do I have to tell you you're a shitty liar?"
Aether groans, tosses his glasses to the side to dig the heels of his hands into his burning eyes. He hears Dew's tail thump against the area rug, obvious concern that he must be too tired to hide.
"I just...it was a long day," Aether sighs, resting his elbows on his knees and hunching over. "I'll be fine, I'm just...just tired, that's all."
Warm, bony hands come to rest on his shoulders, and it takes everything Aether has not to whimper at how good that simple touch feels.
"Aether," Dew says, low, "look at me."
He doesn't want to. Knows he too exhausted to hide the way the void in his chest will have darkened his eyes, brought out every line on his face. He knows that if he does, Dew will see the hurt. Hurt that isn't his problem, isn't something he needs to worry about. It's not his job.
"C'mon, Aeth," the little ghoul encourages, one hand leaving a shoulder to glide through Aether's thick, unruly hair. Aether does whimper then, can't help it, but silently prays Dew doesn't hear it. "Please?"
There's something so sincere in that one word that Aether can't deny him. He heaves a mighty sigh, leans back into the couch and begrudgingly lets Dew see.
Those copper eyes bore into him like white hot fire, and it only takes two breaths for Dew to understand.
"Oh, Aether," he breathes, cupping his worn face in those incredible hands. Aether sinks into the touch, something he can't quite name caught in the back of his throat. "What can I do?"
Nothing. Everything. Aether has no idea, too scattered and distracted by the icy claws scratching at his rib cage to do more than shake his head and flex his fingers. Dew won't break his gaze, looking down at him with concern knitting his brow and his mouth turned down at the corners. He brings his own hands up to hold Dew's wrists, overcome by the need for...for...
"Could you just -" a hiccup, one he can't help, "just...remind me I'm not alone?"
The words are miserable to say, a request he feels stupid for making and regrets instantly. Wishes he could take them back the second they pass his lips, a flush of embarrassment rushing up his throat when Dew tips his head. When a lock of golden hair that had slipped from his bun floats across his forehead, those gorgeous eyes gone soft around the edges.
But he doesn't have time to take them back, because Dew's already moving. Gently shaking off Aether's trembling grip and moving to straddle him on the couch. Skinny thighs bracketing his own while Dew settles in, leaning forward to get his arms under Aether's wrinkled white coat, looping them around his waist. Scooching closer until they're chest to chest, no more than their clothes to separate them, and then Dew's resting his head on Aether's shoulder.
"Don't worry, starlight," he lilts, soft as Aether's ever heard him. Dew kisses his neck, no more than a chaste peck. "'S long as I'm around, you never have to be alone."
The little ghoul starts to purr, his unnatural heat seeping into Aether's whole being, and Aether shudders. Wraps him up in strong arms and holds on tight, breathing in cedar and burnt cinnamon. Something so distinctly Dew that it overrides the mess in his head, in his heart, and as it does Aether can do nothing but believe him.
"Thank you, firefly," he huffs, voice thready. Something Dew would normally tease him for, but not tonight. He nuzzles closer, and Aether lets his cheek rest against the little ghoul's head. "Thank you."
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alextydaisuda123 · 4 months
Pizza Tower AU/👁Weirdcore Tower👁 (part 4)
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Oh yeah! I'm done with the main group of characters! Well, enjoy the description👍✨️
Pizzahead is a local creature with a rotten body (before this it was not so very rotten) that has crippled many lives, and continues to do so, albeit hiding behind the usual nature of a clown. He tortures others and is not ashamed of it, he locked all the inhabitants in the tower and does not let anyone out. If someone dares to disobey him or tries to get out (which was done by Pepperman the very first), he will punish. He is connected with Peppino a little more than it seems at first glance, because it was thanks to the chance first meeting that he remembered him. He created his clone, albeit not the way he wanted, and was disappointed in his abilities. His voice is similar to Gabriel from the Mandella Catalogue (who knows, understands).
Fake Peppino (Bruno) is a distorted clone of Peppino who was created by Pizzahead for one purpose for which he was not suitable due to his huge and crooked defects. He is the only almost successful clone of all that Pizzahead has ever made, and unfortunately the last. At the same time friendly and at the same time wild, and just learning to feel. He managed to become friends with all the bosses, even Noise. He somehow became friends with Peppino and Gustavo, although he frightened them greatly at the first meeting, especially Peppino. The only one with whom he did not become friends was the creator himself, since he managed to torment him and harm him with his dream catchers that were everywhere on his floor, which Bruno himself does not like. Initially, his name was simply Fake Peppino; the name Bruno was given to him by one of the bosses, which our clone liked better. Bruno is able to grow limbs of any number (as he did with his legs, because his body is too heavy and can barely stand on at least two legs). His voice is like the original, rewinding words and slurred speech.
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wordsvomit101 · 6 months
This will be a short one, with credits to Hikifans (@shyanimeboi), and here is the link: https://twitter.com/shyanimeboi/status/1778300826995335505
I will use metaphors this, a lot of metaphors for the H-scenes if you're curious. Hopefully it Bible friendly.
Ok here we go
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I could never be an MC, like I cannot be a player, I do not have the rizz to think of another man while rubbing another dude's abs like this
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Well MC isn't wrong, I barely see his abs in his S card. The guy looks broad but I thought he wore baggy clothes the longer I look at him.
So Ppyong slipped into MC's clothes and touched her soft stomach and apparently, it might be MC's weak spot causing her huha be quaking and ya'll:
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It might seem normal but think it is the regular Ppyong saying it. MC is stronger than me cause I would already be laughing at the images in my head
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I'm so gonna draw this, but it gonna be Minhyeok wearing what he wears in my other fics-
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Are we fighting???
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"Was always careful with you"... in what??? In WHAT????
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... I guess the reason why I like this ship so much is how it could work. It's weird, but it's not as weird as MC's romances. They literally felt like that side couple or ship in drama media that I often like more than the main couple. I'm also a sucker for the friends-to-lovers trope
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WOAH OK- Sir you spend too much time with Sitri-
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Wait- Hold up- MC has rizz- OMG they have rizz
YO she taco-ed her legs around his thighs and holding his waist and saying all this? Absurd- I could never- The girl got game
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You don't have to call me out like that you know?
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Idk why but it's kind of wholesome, his smile is so cute that it is hard to focus on the tension. Like that smile is a puppy smile but his hands do be parting MC's rear like Moses parting the Red Sea like- Bro is giving her booty a rubdown treatment
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It can be somewhat flattering and comedic in fiction but it would be scary irl, but that's just me
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I-🧍- Ihsbhjdabdsjbd- What? What do you mean by that?? *Shaking him on the shoulders* Ayo what do you mean by that??????
I need to calm tf down cause either I'm misreading and misunderstanding his words or the translation sucks but it could mean A FEW THINGS HERE SIR *(¬¬)🙄 bombastic,side eye(¬¬")(◔_◔)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)¬‿¬(ಡ᎔ಡ)( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)* and one of them is how you definitely want to be sandwiched between them-
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Ok now this is the cringy smack metaphors territory, don't say I didn't warn you:
Ok so when I said his hands are kneading her double cheeks like dough I mean it, like he could rip both her pants and bum open right there-
Then he went on to ask if Minhyeok had ever seen her making her applesaucy face before and they were sweating because of their sitting marathon session with their hands and Ppyong dead ass told MC to lick his sweat to see if it was the same as Minhyeok.
And MC does what MC does, it doesn't matter if she doesn't know what Minhyeok tastes like, she sucks on Ppyong's face like he is the last ice cream cone in flaming summer. As if his face is a soft serve with zero net carbs, as if he is cannoli gelato, and her tongue is all over it, or in her words "like a dog that stuck his nose in a bowl as soon as the rein is released"
It tastes salty mixing with the sweet scent of flesh if you're wondering and she salivating all over his face. Going full Beelzebub on his face like she is slurping on the finest meal of her life. Hey at least, Ppyong enjoys it👍
Then when Ppyong asked if Minhyeok ever saw her this parched and MC recalled how Minhyeok always came into his room on time after she was done petting the cat, finding Nemo, sexy DIY, etc... you get the gist. MC speculated that Minhyeok was definitely outside waiting for her to be done like a peeping tom, you know, creeper behavior <3/jk
The thought makes MC dripping like a faucet, overflowing like a dam. Then they are back in their hands on investigating shenanigans and we get to the part where it would get the original poster banned on YouTube if they posted there. I also just gonna leave these here, MC is a player istg:
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OK that's enough smut for this week bye-
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rabid-mercenary16 · 9 months
I understand that I am about 3 Days Late to the party but at the very least half of the gift is finished.
I come with Doodles!
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1st: Voci trying to teach Norman to use a gun. When I was thinking this put I was thinking Jax would tend to steal newly baked stuff or equipment from his place. So at least Norman knows how to use a gun to prevent the rabbit from making a steal.
2nd: This man is way too short to be doing any Parkour so he always gets stuck on Erebus's level and he's constantly warned not to do it. But for him having no bones he's pretty thick skulled. So he constantly has to get rescued. (With his short ass arms and legs)
3rd: Even if Norman is the most sane out of the bunch you cannot leave this man alone by all means. As in if you take your eyes off him for five minutes he's already in the middle of doing some crazy stuff. That's why I kinda thought if Erebus had to leave her area to do something and shut off the parkour area and leave Voci to watch him. This man takes his eyes off of him for a minute and he's somehow all the way up on the floating tile thinking, "How the hell did he get up there."
Anyways this was just half of what I planned. Hopefully I get it done soon but I hope you like what I got done so far and Happy Late Birthday!
(Also have a good day/night 🙂👍)
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Norman is just a silly dude and I appreciate that
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valaruakars · 2 years
I'm so happy you opened up prompts. Don't worry about poor time management; life is too short to fret! Work on your own schedule and do what makes you happy. 😘
Always casually pulls up in your inbox like a Mcdonald's drive-thru.
*taps on mic* Can I get a uhhhh number 35 with perhaps pervy Viktor? 🥴
Uhhhh yeah, pull around 👍
Tags/Warnings: 18+, Viktor x AFAB Reader, unethical student/teacher relationship, masturbation, finger sucking
It’s not weird that you’re waiting for him in his office. Viktor lets you do that sometimes. Sorry, Professor Viktor. He’s generous that way, so that you might work comfortably while you pass the time. Generous in a way you’re not sure he is with anyone else, but perhaps it’s only hubris to presume that you’re special.
It gets a little weird, though, when you have the horrible thought to lock the door behind you. Weirder, when you settle into the fine leather chair at his desk and let your thighs inch wider as the pressure builds and the cling of cotton between your legs feels distinctly wetter. He’s not due out of class for at least twenty more minutes…
You have time.
Time to arrange your latest research results to show him, yes, but first… Time to slip the button of your pants through the eyelet, to shimmy them scantly down your hips. Oh yes, you have plenty of time to touch yourself in his office, just as you’ve fantasized about ever since he first spoke your name and called your work inspired.
Your head tips back against the chair as two of your fingers drag up the sticky seam of you, and it’ll be quick, you think. Scratch that—you know it’ll be quick, because you’re imagining that they’re his when you roll your hips into your hand and slip them inside you. In and out in quick, panting flicks of your wrist, your clit catches the heel of your palm over and over and over. Your teeth bite blunt into your lower lip as you imagine, too, how he might coo for you to be a good girl and keep quiet. Wouldn’t want anyone catching an academy professor with his hand between the legs of a student, now would we?
The sensation, the risk, the deviance—it all sets your nerves alight and you are so close, so quickly. The brink is right there, but, well, so is the sound of a key sliding into a lock.
You scramble to wipe your dirty fingers on the inside of your pants and pull them up properly. They’re not even buttoned all the way and there he is. Early, for fuck’s sake. He’s never early!
His eyes are pretty and wide and a little too searching for comfort when they fall on you, but at least he smiles.
“Hi,” is all you can say with your thick, stupid tongue and something in the way he’s looking at you changes.
His eyes sharpen like he’s running a calculation. You plus a locked door, plus an utterly disheveled appearance equals…
He huffs a quiet laugh as he closes the door behind him. And, wait… Was that the bolt of the lock?
“Good afternoon,” he says, ever casual as he comes closer. To put his things down, of course, why are you panicking? He’s too polite, too sweet to suspect you’ve been so vile, but he’s got that smug spark in his eye. The one he gets when he knows he’s done his math right. “Apologies if I’ve kept you waiting. May I see your hand?”
You nearly choke. “My what?”
“Your hand, please.” And because he’s smart, smarter than you, he specifies: “The dominant one.”
You pray it’s not still wet when you place it in his waiting hand, though that doesn’t really matter in the end. Not when he takes it with that wicked little smile and makes sure you’re watching when he kisses the knuckles that you’d sunk all the way inside yourself. He inhales deeply against your skin, and your heart nearly stops.
“So… You touch yourself to the thought of me?” he asks, his voice low and utterly pleased.
You can’t stop watching, awe-struck and throbbing, when he draws two fingers into the warm, wet clutch of his mouth for a taste. For confirmation, because apparently the way you whispered, “Yes,” wasn’t quite enough.
He’s nothing but thorough, cleaning the lingering salty sweetness off your skin with lewd, slick noises as the color deepens along his cheeks, and a prominent strain in his slacks becomes very noticeable.
He pulls off and cradles your hand close, eyes molten.
“I’d like to see that in action.”
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~League of villains members as things I said/done/whatever~
Y'all will think I'm messed up but oh well
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Tomura: "yawned whole time and ate chips in front of psychologist while sitting next to best friend that was low key nervous and anxious (I was with best friend for support @wholelottawidows thas you dawg 💀), offered psychologist chips and later when I ate whole bag, I licked my fingers in front of both of them and picked my ear when psychologist wasn't watching."
"Drank like 3-4 mugs of coffee and monster energy drink in one day but still fell asleep anyway"
"What's the point of all these hard work if we will all die either way, sooner or later?"
"When having breakdown, I remember something funny and stupid which makes me burst into laughter and forget what I was crying so violently about"
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Dabi: "I'll start working out this summer, just to be able to fist fight and beat up our dads one day"
"chased sibling with knife around house it was a joke just to scare him don't worry no one got hurt lol"
"Life is short make it shorter"
"Made my younger step sibling hit step father in the head few times with something"
"Damn this headache fucking me in brain really hard now"
"It is what it is (I would say that after I fucked up something 💀)"
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Toga: "Slept with knife under my pillow few times"
"have one stabbed pillow on bed which is covered with old t shirt"
"when I was a child I used to bring dead hedgehogs and mouses to my mother saying: Look at this poor kitty mom, let's help it!!! While the fucking animals were flattened like pancake and were literally full of ants and flies"
"Tried to snatch a street kitten once but failed and gave up"
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Spinner: "Tried to eat cigarettes and rocks I found on ground as kid"
"I know I'm atheist and don't believe in that shit, but you hoes need Jesus"
"one time i ran through a swarm of tiny flies and my mouth was opened since I was gasping for air because of running and some of these tinyass flies got into my mouth accidentally I could feel them in my throat and gave up from trying to spit damn bug out so I swallowed it 💀"
"Who needs bitches when you have perfect sandwich"
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Twice: "-Why is your nails painted pink? I mean you are mostly dressed in black it's surprising.
- Because I'm fucking fabulous"
"Smoked one or two times my whole pack of cigarettes and than my best friend's whole pack of cigarettes in one day (dw she gave me it I didn't just stole it and smoked it without her permission and I'm not heavy smoker now 👍💀👍)"
"Feels confident and looks at mirror whole time thinking how good I look, than after 30 minutes look at myself in mirror and either cry or laugh saying how dumb I look"
"accidentally choked on my own spit few times"
"Tried to help my best friend to get up one time because she fell but right when I got closer to her I tripped and fell as well"
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Magne: "cold & badass women are daddies and cold & badass men are babygirls and pretty princesses"
"Bullies my siblings but when someone else does it I go protective mode like: "I'm the only one that can bully this dumbasses"
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Mr Compress and Kurogiri:
"I can't stand you bitches so I'm cutting my legs off"
"Smacks siblings hand/head when they touch something they're not supposed to or something that's dangerous for them"
"one time while I was making coffee, my younger brother came to me to bother me and annoy me out of boredom, so I told him to go away. He did go away but not really far away, he stood at one line of kitchen floor half of meter away from me, I saw what was he trying to do he was trying to provoke me so I was like: If you want to provoke me at least do it fucking right you idiot
And I grabbed him and pulled him with me as I stepped on the actual ending line of kitchen floor and left him there as I went back to making coffee for myself"
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~We gotta go baba now ~
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I apologize to all people that I told earlier I'm going to sleep, sorry y'all but this idea farted up on my mind and I had to write it immediately so that I don't forget it 😍😍😍
Got a lil distracted 😔😔😔😔
(I hope people won't unfollow me bc of this💀💀💀)
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merlions · 4 months
Cats, especially females, are supposed to start getting bloodwork for their kidneys and thyroids done when they turn six. Kidney and thyroid disease are extremely common, so similar to getting pap smears and cholesterol levels and other things for humans, it's just good practice to do these tests regularly starting at age six for cats, especially female cats.
So I took my cat into our vet when she turned six, and asked them to do the bloodwork. They refused, saying "we have our own schedule for doing that". Which like, ok, fine. They didn't want to give her preventative flea meds either, which was weird but...I guess I'll trust them, whatever. 👍
But recently she turned eight, and started losing hair. Like literally all of her hair on her stomach and legs. Literally nothing about her daily environment had changed, so I took her back in and asked again for bloodwork to be done. I also mentioned her history of allergies and asked again for preventative flea meds just in case.
They told me it was.....wait for it.........anxiety!! Said her household must have a lot of changes happening in it all the time (it doesn't). Said it couldn't POSSIBLY be anything else. And they wouldn't prescribe the flea meds but INSTEAD prescribed her a medication which tends to make cats really out of it. And which extremely stresses her out for me to force down her throat, increasing her anxiety tenfold at least. And said they wouldn't do any bloodwork until I gave it to her every single day for months.
As if she was a HUMAN. At a HUMAN DOCTOR
Tibby...I feel so much kinship to you and your medical gaslighting struggles. I can't believe that nasty bitch would say that to you. #solidarity
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
House x reader - cold weather, pain, and comfort
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hiya! i seen you wrote for house from house md a while ago and was wondering if i could request a reader insert of him? basically the reader has a bad leg as well and with the weather worsening so has the pain (my leg is awful atm) house has been experiencing this as well and the pair try to distract themselves from the pain but also subtly comfort eachother? Thanks for reading this! 👍 - Anon💜
Limping into House’s office, you let out a small groan as you sat on the chair as started to gentle message your knee with your hand.
“Can’t you fix your leg somewhere else?” He yawned.
“Nope, because I know for a fact your office is the warmest office in the building.”
Leaning back, you picked up the ball from his desk and tossed it up and down in your hands a couple of times before gesturing took him with it.
He sent is game down and held his hands out, letting you lightly toss the ball into his hands before he tossed it back.
“Bad bones and cold weather don’t mix.”
“Neither do bad muscles.” You replied.
You shifted a little in your seat but you carried on throwing the ball to your friend as you did.
“You usually takes rainy days off because of your leg.” He noted.
“I had to come in to watch over some interns, they were so annoying.”
“At least my team aren’t children.”
“Your team are the biggest kids in this hospital House.”
He shrugged and offered you a small grin as he tossed the ball to you.
“Maybe they are, but I’m not.”
“Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that.”
He gasped a little.
“Words hurt.”
You snickered a little bit and set the ball back on the desk as you shuffled around again, trying to get yourself comfortable.
House went to say something but he was stopped by one of your interns running in, rambling something about messing up their paperwork.
With a heavy sigh, you hauled yourself up.
“See you around.”
With that, you limped after the intern to help him fix whatever mistake it was he made.
When you were done, you couldn’t be bothered to head back to House’s office, so you made your way to yours and turned the heating up.
Sitting on your couch, you grabbed a few patient files from next to it and kicked your legs up, draping the blanket over to you try heat up your sore bones.
You stayed there while you worked, filling things in, reading up on progress and treatments.
After a little while, your door finally opened, but you didn’t bother to look up, the sound of the cane on the floor gave away who it was.
“You stole the heating from my office.” House grumbled.
“You’ve been using it all day, my turn.”
“They need fix the crappy pipes.”
You hummed and nodded your head in agreement.
Lifting your legs up, you waited for him to sit down before putting them lightly in his lap.
House adjusted the blanket to cover his legs and you reached under the blanket.
“Hey, if you want to hold hands at least buy my dinner.” He said.
Rolling your eyes, you pulled a hot water bottle out from under your leg.
“Here, I’m using two.”
He took it, setting it in his leg as he took his medication, handing you yours for your to take.
While he decided to take a nap, you carried on with your work.
After maybe half an hour you got up, grabbed the stood and lifted his legs, resting them in it and grabbed another blanket, covering the rest of his legs before you sat down again.
You decided to take a nap as well, hoping that it would give time for the pain to ease over.
While you were asleep, house woke up and grabbed both hot water bottles, filling them up before putting yours back, and placing his in a different position before falling asleep.
That’s how cuddy found the pair of you when she was looking for house to tell him off for something.
Swaddled up in blankets, fast asleep, his head on your stomach as the pair of you rested.
“They’ve been having a hard time with the weather.” Wilson whispered.
“I can tell, it’s like a sauna in here.” She laughed softly.
Turning the heating down just a little bit so neither of you overheated, she left the office and let the pair of your carry on sleeping.
At least you wouldn’t be in pain while you were asleep, and at least house wouldn’t in causing any trouble either.
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greatyme · 1 year
Our bl boys love the beach or a gay little pool scene, yet sometimes their swim technique… could use a little improvement. As an ex swimmer I can’t help but notice when certain characters aren’t swimming properly so I’ve compiled a short & silly list going from least worst to most worst of imo the worst swimming atrocities in bl
this would probably look a lot better with gifs so you could see them in action but I don’t have the skill
1. Kongpob in sotus ep8 2/4
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he drowned for attention :/ like get up lol. Gay people are so dramatic
2. Palm in never let me go ep2 2/4
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Now we’re onto actual swimming critique. I’m sorry but what are his feet & legs doing. He’s here to practice swimming but he’s not even kicking above water?? I don’t see a single splash. Why is he turning his whole chest for every stroke. His head is above the water too so we gotta get a lot more horizontal and start looking down. Love u Palm but you gotta work on that. Also very funny that nuengdiao sits and watches him swim... like your gay ass doesn’t care abt needing a “teacher” you’re just here to Gaze Homosexually. I know Pond also worked on swimming for the role so he kinda gets a pass. I appreciate the effort!
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THIS HAS UPSET ME SINCE I FIRST WATCHED IT YEARS AGO…. WHY DID HE DIVE LIKE THAT. YOUR ARMS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OVER YOUR HEAD??? what REALLY kills me is the fact that this is supposed to be his super cool introduction scene. You have all this build up and by the end all I can think abt is how he doesn’t know how to dive. Again, love u Pete but wtf was that. I’m aware Tay was worried about looking cool but he pulled that off just fine.. the fact that the diving wasn’t done properly just makes me burst out laughing every time. The angle they chose for the series does a little justice but the bts where we can see it from the side just settles how bad it is. I’m sorry.
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(ily Pete ily Tay but this is kinda peak comedy..)
In the same bts clip Tay literally says his belly turned red and that is because he did not dive but in fact bellyflopped 👍
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+ after he dives he isn’t kicking above water/swimming horizontally either like Palm did. Help
I would like to give a special shoutout to the swimmers in until we meet again though bc they swam wonderfully!!
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I’m seeing proper dives! I’m seeing splashes from kicking! I’m even seeing flip turns! Great work all around everyone! Of course, these characters are swimmers so naturally one would expect they should know what they’re doing, but it’s still nice to actually see it in action
Now this little list is just put together from what’s at the top of my head (I’m not watching bls for swimming technique after all) and it’s also not meant to be taken that seriously either lmao. I’ve just always found it unintentionally comedic whenever a supposed swimmer character can’t do something an irl swimmer would deffo have to know. Long live our swimmer bl boys!
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bonestrouslingbones · 27 days
ok apparently im not done yelling about my own character designs after all bc i just fffFINALLYYY figured out why fluff's design has always felt slightly off to me and it's that the bitch is UNBALANCED
so basically an unspoken rule in character designs like mine with more simple color pallettes is that a character should have similar colors in both the top and bottom portions of the design to help everything feel connected. as in, if a character has a dominant cool color on their torso, you might want to put more cool colors around their feet too to balance it out. i don't think they have to be the exact shade or anything, just at least in the same ballpark of color.
im using the unedited versions of these guys for best accuracy so they look kinda ugly & disproportionate but bear with me ok
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so like u see how these two have a very very similar range of values right? probably a little too low-contrast if im being honest but this aint about that right now. the biggest difference is that (save for the very small technically-lineart-so-i'm-not-counting-it solid black part of his heels) edge's darkest value is consistent and present throughout his whole design, while fluff's darkest value is only his boots and gloves. edge's lightest value is his skull and spine, one being at the top and the other being midway down to balance it out. the lighter parts of his boots also help with this i think, all the small highlights making everything more cohesive & intentional. fluff's lightest value is his face, zipper, and jacket fur. save for the small detail of the zipper his legs have NO highlights to bring everything together which makes him look a bit top-heavy in terms of detail. you can definitely tell that i designed his ask portraits before ever actually thinking much about what the rest of him would look like.
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but THEN if i just shift a couple things around, it suddenly comes off as a lot more intentional. i gave them both some better contrast (the only thing changed on edge was making his armor slightly darker) and changed a bit of fluff's look to make all the bits fit together a bit better. the weird mouse-drawn-chain-things help carry that lighter value down his legs, which is also supported even further down by lighter shading on the ripped bits. i also darkened the hood fluff to make it match the gold parts better, with the added bonus of looking a bit grungier which admittedly wayyy more fitting for this guy lmao. in the final redesign i'm probably gonna scrap his shoe design altogether, making them lighter & more red helps but they're still boringgggg.... i also desaturated his jacket just a teeny bit to fit the more grungy colors better
so um basically tl;dr i continue to really like color to kind of an insane degree 👍
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Silver Blaze pt 3
So, the last part buried my dreams of Silver Blaze cantering gaily across the moor, enjoying his new life of freedom and pony companions, apparently he is in the other stable (and hopefully being treated well by the guy in charge if only because he's worth something). But what really happened that night.
Also the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime is in this part, I believe.
Also, apparently the curious incidents of the sheep in the field:
“Have you noticed anything amiss with them of late?” “Well, sir, not of much account; but three of them have gone lame, sir.”
If someone has been practising how to lame a horse by laming sheep they are going in the special prison for animal cruelty.
Someone's been practising making animals lame on the sheep, haven't they?
Either that or there's a mysterious livestock-laming illness going around. What does foot and mouth do? (Apparently does make animals lame, but also has several other unpleasant symptoms, so they probably would have noticed that.)
But if Silver Blaze was ill, then having the horse 'stolen' so it couldn't run would probably be a better way of getting insurance money. Maybe. Surely he'd be insured against illness as well, though maybe not for as much? I know nothing about animal insurance, or race horses.
Colonel Ross still wore an expression which showed the poor opinion which he had formed of my companion's ability...
Colonel Ross is still being a dick, I see. Consistent characterisation there, I commend you. It does seem to be his one distinguishing feature. The parade of unpleasant colonels continues.
That was quite fun to say.
“To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” “The dog did nothing in the night-time.” “That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.
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The Colonel was very angry. “I have been on the turf for twenty years, and never was asked such a question as that before,” said he. “A child would know Silver Blaze, with his white forehead and his mottled off-foreleg.”
...because there's absolutely no way to cover up those sorts of markings. At all... Nope. Impossible.
Oh, Mr Heath Newton... don't give your horse a racist name. Dude. Don't make the animal an accessory to your bigotry. I was all ready to like you for being the only person without a title, but nope. And there's another colonel in the running, are there really no other army ranks available? How many colonels does the British army have in the 1890s that they can just run around murdering and being murdered with such abandon?
(Colonel Wardlaw has neither murdered nor been murdered as far as I'm aware. Currently his only crime is calling a horse 'Pugilist' which is just a bad name, but at least it's not racist 😃👍. Colonel Ross has also not currently murdered anyone either, but I get the impression he kind of wants to murder Holmes.)
“That's not my horse,” cried the owner. “That beast has not a white hair upon its body. What is this that you have done, Mr. Holmes?”
He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, this one, huh?
“You have only to wash his face and his leg in spirits of wine, and you will find that he is the same old Silver Blaze as ever.” “You take my breath away!”
This is the part I knew, I confess. I think there must be an Enid Blyton book with the same plot, because I remember it being a black horse with the markings covered with shoe polish, but same difference. I'm having fun judging Col. Ross for not realising this sooner, but honestly it's probably not his fault. Although it does seem logical that if someone steals a famous horse, they'd try to hide any well-known markings it has.
Of course, these days horses are microchipped, but Leverage already worked out how to get around that.
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“My dear sir, you have done wonders. The horse looks very fit and well. It never went better in its life. I owe you a thousand apologies for having doubted your ability. You have done me a great service by recovering my horse. You would do me a greater still if you could lay your hands on the murderer of John Straker.”
Oh wow, an actual apology. Maybe not all colonels are bad...
The Colonel flushed angrily. “I quite recognize that I am under obligations to you, Mr. Holmes,” said he, “but I must regard what you have just said as either a very bad joke or an insult.”
Now Holmes is just having fun with him. This plus the 'it was the horse!' followed by 'but I have a bet on, so you'll have to wait' is just plain vindictive. Clearly the colonel's apology wasn't quite enough to absolve him of all punishment in Holmes' eyes.
"...the immense significance of the curried mutton occurred to me..."
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Not quite as catchy, but it could totally be a sequel.
"Powdered opium is by no means tasteless. The flavor is not disagreeable, but it is perceptible."
I did wonder about this, but I don't know enough about powdered opium to comment. So the immense significance of the curried mutton was that it was spicy?
And the curious incident of the dog in the night-time is that it did not bark when someone stole the horse. Meaning it must have been an inside job, but Ned was apparently not involved. His drugging was honest.
"There have been cases before now where trainers have made sure of great sums of money by laying against their own horses, through agents, and then preventing them from winning by fraud."
The classic betting fraud scam, which is why insider betting is illegal. Not an insurance scam. Those are pretty much the only reasons to steal a racehorse, right? Well, I guess maybe you just want a racehorse... Always possible.
"You must know, with your wide experience of turf matters, Colonel Ross, that it is possible to make a slight nick upon the tendons of a horse's ham, and to do it subcutaneously, so as to leave absolutely no trace."
Well Straker was a total dick. He really did practise on those sheep, huh? Poor animals. They're the real victims in all of this.
"...Straker was leading a double life, and keeping a second establishment. The nature of the bill showed that there was a lady in the case, and one who had expensive tastes."
So he hurt animals, tried to fix races, and was an adulterer. Just a gem of a human being. And he drugged that one guy, which is pretty horrible, too.
“Ah, it bolted, and was cared for by one of your neighbors. We must have an amnesty in that direction, I think. This is Clapham Junction, if I am not mistaken, and we shall be in Victoria in less than ten minutes."
Who just happened to cover up the markings in such a way as to make the horse unrecognisable to you, but that's nbd. What's this? Almost our stop?
Like the colonel can't put together those pieces of information. He has pretty much 1 neighbour who happens to have a stable. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together on that one.
I suppose you could call the travellers 'neighbours', but that seems unlikely.
The colonel was not a criminal, but he was kind of unlikeable, so he's going down in the tally of unpleasant colonels, if anyone's keeping track. Did ACD have a bad experience with a colonel? This is turning into a pattern.
Next up: The Beryl Coronet, which I remember the name of, but nothing about. In my head it just links back to The Blue Carbuncle, probably because they're both jewels and they have the same initials.
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daryldixonsjizzrag · 8 months
An angsty little drabble ab my oc bc I'm feeling depressed as fuck 👍 (send help I'm literally sleeping in my school clothes so that I don't have to get dressed tomorrow morning)
Warnings: prior drug use (heroin), prior self-harm, a whole lotta angst, really crappy writing that's meant to be read slowly, daryl being season 1-3 teenage angst daryl at the start
Pairing: Daryl Dixon and Original female character (my girl Tallulah :) )
"What the fuck is this?" Daryl stormed into Tallulah's room from her bathroom, holding up a needle and bloody bandages. "I was just tryna take a piss and I see these!" He shoved them closer to her, eyeing down the track marks on her forearm. No wonder she's been wearing long sleeves lately.
"It's not your business" She said quietly. She knew he'd find them, not that she intended for him to. She was in a near catatonic state as his voice drowned out into the background, merging with all the other sounds, like the air conditioner whirring for example.
"But it is. Tell me what you did." He pushed, clearly pissed. Breaking out in a sweat, Tallulah turned the air conditioner up. She felt so numb that even crying didn't feel like an option.
"Isn't it obvious? I shot my veins with heroin and took a blade to my arm. It's the usual. You already know I've done it before. Fuck, you've seen the scars and track marks. I don't even know why you're surprised" She ranted, biting her cheek when she finished. "Now just chuck those away. I don't wanna see em"
"When did ya do it?" He asked, a softer side coming on. The question made that pit form in her stomach, the one she felt like she could fall in. The one that made her feel a little too human for comfort.
She bit her lip and huffed her answer. "Last night." She was being blunt, but at least she was honest. A tear threatened to fall. If only she could just push it back into her eye, but that was impossible. She made herself smaller, tucking her legs up to her chest and hugging her knees.
Daryl noticed and tossed the used needle and bandages in the bin. "Why?" He asked gently, gliding his hand by her lower back. He hated touch, but he knew she needed it.
"... because I missed it" She murmured. He never really understood, but he had experience with marijuana. He understood the feeling, in his own way.
The silence afterwards wasn't particularly comfortable nor awkward, but it wasn't very inviting either. All she could do was hope that this didn't change things. Being honest was the best choice, so she spoke up.
"Can you tell Rick? I just... feel like he should know..." She said, her voice hardly even a murmur. She studied and watched her fingers, wondering how they moved and how she could do whatever she wanted with them, feeling detached.
"Yeah, I can. You uhh... need anything?" He asked awkwardly, holding the edge of the bed where the seam of the mattress was as he adjusted himself.
"Just some water. My mouth is dry" She knew why it was dry. Of course, the drugs, but her smoking had gone completely out of control. Only she kept it secretive, not wanting to hurt Carl or Sophia, or anyone else for that matter.
More deathly silence filled when he left with the trash can that contained the needle and bandages. She didn't know what to think. She was, of course, sad, but in a way she felt embarrassed.
Daryls footsteps entered the room, and he had some tap water in a glass. "Sorry it doesn't have any ice" He apologised, though there was no need to.
"Don't worry about it" Tallulah noted, taking the glass of water and spilling a little in the process. She stared at the puddle, processing what happened for a moment before she drank, her head going a little too far back, making water dribble from the corners of her mouth and onto her shirt.
She felt the need to apologise, but didn't anyway. It wasn't needed. She handed him the glass and layed down, sprawled out on the bed. The hangover was horrible. The pounding headache, the sickness, the hot flushes, everything about it made her want to die, in a mostly figurative sense.
"I'll go" Daryl made way for the door, hesitating about a yard away from it. He forced himself to leave, ignoring the pull she had on his heartstrings, not wanting to bother her. He knew he'd come back later, though. That was inevitable.
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