#but then in the movie it's clear he doesn't recognize his dad
pinkopalina · 2 years
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extremely rare shots of.... someone's? bedroom in beavis and butt-head's house
#this episode is weird because butt-head mentions having a relationship with his dad here#but then in the movie it's clear he doesn't recognize his dad#butt-head does passingly mention it's possible he and beavis have the same dad but i think its just a continuity error since#it's such an early epiosde and i don't think they were super fleshed out yet#plus the movie does say the boys are genetic matches for their dads so they do have different moms and dads#also butt-head could be. lying?#i just really hate how they keep implying beavis and butt-head mihht be related#like in this book sucks there is a family tree that implies they might be related but i really think it's just a silly joke#since beavis' mom looks like butt-head and butt-head's mom looks like beavis in that book#also the book says beavis' ''mom'' who looks like butt-head is also the child of the person she might have reproduced with#aka they're saying beavis' mom might have had beavis with her dad 🤮#sooooooooo uhhhhhh BLECH i think it's just a bad joke?#like something mike tossed in to be like this is really silly and i'm against giving them too much backstory so i'm gonna -#-throw out something really weird and obviously wrong#well anyways to my knowledge the book isnt canon anyways bc it was written by someone else#even if created by mike#and the movie - again which ill take over more canon than early unfleshed episodes and dubiously canon books -#confirmed they were genetic matches for their dads that we see and we know they have different moms#just by way of them talking about them#sorry for the tag essay but i thought itd be weird if i didnt acknowledge it#tl;dr old episodes don't count in terms of backstory that had been corrected later and b/bh are confirmed NOT RELATED!!!!#so annoying i wish mike judge would just say it but i dont think he'd have them go through all the gay shit they do#if he honestly intended for them to be interpretted as related#maybe thats why mike doesnt really wanna release the first like three seasons on dvd#it seems like it would just be opening a huge can of worms#especially since they were a lot more raunchy in the beginning LOL
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bengiyo · 5 months
Top 5 BL parent-child relationships?
I actually don't think we had a ton of parents this year, but some of them were good!
Gim and Gun in My School President
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When I tell you I ugly cried when they were singing Let Me Tell You at Hot Wave and I thought that might be the last thing she ever saw of her son: was him being brave on stage and doing what he loved even as he worried about her. I'm literally tearing up right now just thinking about it. She showed up as soon as her son and his friends were in trouble and intimidated people into letting them go. The last lesson she tried to teach her son was to cherish the people who love you. I love her so much.
Photjanee and Tinn's Father in My School President
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It takes a lot to recognize that you may have messed up with your kid, and even more to not interfere in their affairs when you're worried. She recognized that something she had done made her loving son not trust her with something important about himself, and she turned to her husband to figure that out. Then, when the crisis moment came and someone came for her son, she put herself right in front of the opposition and said "No, don't you ever touch my son ever again." She stood in the crowd and said, "Scream louder," for his first love. This dad always has his son's back, and will do the dad thing of nudging the stern mom to relent and let them have a little fun because he trusts his son.
Jim and Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken
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The hardest part about being an uncle who becomes a father is it's not something you planned. In Jim's case, he also lost his partner. Despite his poverty and his grief, Jim still gave Li Ming all of his best qualities. Li Ming is kind and thoughtful. He is righteous and stubborn. He values community. Nowhere else in this genre have we ever seen a father and son expressed like them. They are one of the most important things Aof has ever given us, and it doesn't surprise me that this is what we got out of his original work.
Shiro and His Parents in What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2
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When Shiro told his father that his friend borrowed the character from his name and so the child is named Goro like him. He went on to say that he always regretted that he couldn't give them grandkids, but feels like he's done right by them by passing on what he learned from them, you could see something finally click between all of them and give them peace. Shiro's parents have not handled his queerness gracefully, and I've loved the slow work between all of them to do better by each other. Coming out of the painful barrier they put between them and Kenji in the movie, I like how much of this season was Shiro's parents undoing that.
Ueda Koji in Our Dining Table
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This man lost his wife and now caring for a very young son with the help of his depressed adult son. No matter the grief he's carrying, he's continued to maintain his profession and provide for his sons. When he sees a kind stranger reignite his own son, he does everything he can to support that relationship, including physically throwing his own son out of the house to go reconcile. He gave Yutaka the kindest advice I've ever seen about going into love with your heart open and your mind clear, knowing that you will probably lose that love at some point. Incredible father figure of the year.
Ask Me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
Wow, congratulations, anon. You are the first person to make me cry as I answered all of these questions.
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v-anrouge · 7 months
Just a general analysis of like yi how he would act and stuff
A lot of people seem to think vil is a narcissistic self obsessed asshole who would give ppl eds and insecurities and shit and like as someone who is hyperfixated in him and has read about every content of him available in eng server that i manage to get my hands onto it's just one of the biggest mischaracterizations of vil. his words are always meant to be of encouragement when he criticizes something, his words are rough because as a child that was the way everyone talked to him, he was a young boy thrown in the modeling world and the acting world, and although it was (half) by his choice, having a famous dad he was born in front of the cameras. it's very clear that vil masks and barely shows his emotional side and you can see that this has been going on for YEARS because as a child when he is beat up by a group for being a villain in a movie he didn't cry and just stood up and insulted the kids , a contrast to how he vulnerably asked his father for reassurance on wether or not he was a villain also in his overblot flashback. vil has said it himself multiple times but whenever he assigns a self care routine and a diet to anyone it's always with the best intentions in mind, he doesn't give them a diet so they can lose weight, and he would never, we know that because in his overblot he confessed how much he hated the diets he put himself through but couldn't help it because he was desperate to be seem as beautiful, to finally be enough. vil is a very insecure man, a type of insecurity that is hidden from anyone that doesn't know his heart, and trust me, very little people know his heart. he's not one to trust others easily and once again that probably has to do with the industry around him and people probably trying to ruin his career. vil is an extremely caring and protective person, he takes care of everyone in his dorm and the people outside of it, and he recognizes the value potential and strength in everyone, and he will comment on it when he sees someone with so much of it and wastes it all by never trying, we can see that in multiple times but ill highlight his moments with leona and how he comments on it because he, unlike many in the school, recognizes leona is amazing and extremely talented (id also like to point out leona and vil are extremely similar and have extremely similar trauma just ended up coping w two opposite extremes (leona not trying and vil trying too much)) he is shown to even stay awake late at night to make sure everything is going right with each of his students. a lot of people seem to have the misconception that vil's overblot was caused out of envy for a casting of a simple movie but the truth is the roles were never the problem, it's not like vil has a problem with villains, what he hated is that he only got villain papers because no one ever saw the worth in him to be a hero, no one considered him good enough or fit for the role and would constantly cast all his hard work and passion aside in favor of someone else's (neige's) see how it is? it's never about the actual roles in a movie, what vil craves is validation, is admiral, is being truly loved for who he is, is to have his hard work be seen and recognized and cherished, is to for once in his life not be a second best, that's why he says n his overblot, that for once all he wanted was to stay in the stage until the curtains fall, all he wanted in life, is to be able to stay, and not be thrown away once something better is found to replace him
since you write for x reader im assuming you'd like to know how he'd act with a lover so; vil would even more caring over his lover, constantly checking in on them and fussing about little things in order to make sure they're taking care of themselves and treating themselves right the way they deserve to be treated, for vil to fall in love it takes A LOT of trust in that person so rest assured you'll see sides of vil that nobody but his father have ever seen before, you'll need to be patient because vil has a lot of issues to work through but if you stay by his side, hold his hand and encourage him to better himself like he always did for others vil swears on his own name you'll be the happiest person to ever exist
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atschoolunfortunetly · 7 months
A Very Long and Very Rage Written Rant about people talking about the FNAF Movie because I am seeing some takes that make me want to bash my head into a wall.
Very quickly an apology to my followers on here that followed me for Sonic. I would post this on my main but if you read my username I don't really have the time to do that right now. Very sorry for clogging up your TL.
Anyway, I am about to use very aggressive and targeted language. I am not hating on anyone specific but I am going to be saying sentences like "Are you dumb? Why are you like this?" Tumblr is my void and I am going to scream. I know some of the things I say may not be common knowledge. However, in this rant, I am going to pretend that it is. I am going to swear a lot. I am going to be talking about fist-fighting people whom I disagree with.
Just know that once again, this is a rant. Not a "please stop saying blah blah blah blah." I am not going to go out of my way to attack people. Which is, once again, why I am screaming here.
With that out of the way, it is time to scream.
OH MY FUCKING GOD SOME OF THE THINGS YA'LL ARE SAYING. I have never felt the urge to rip through my fucking screen and grab some of yall by the throat. I want to bodyslam you onto the ground and pummel you to death.
Let's begin with a recent complaint I saw about William having no motivation in the movie and how they should have given him his motivation, let me tell you something bud.
They did. They did give him his motive. However, this is a 2-hour movie and they didn't dive into it. It's almost like they're making a second movie or something? OH WAIT THEY ARE! THIS IS THE FIRST MOVIE! THEY ARE ESTABLISHING ROLES!
They want you to grasp from this movie that:
William is a threat.
Mike is doing his best and is not going to pick up on everything.
Abby and the missing kids are, indeed, regular-ass kids who aren't going to understand fully the situation they're in.
Vanessa is a traumatized individual who wants to please her father and was manipulated into helping him because, you know, THAT IS HER DAD.
They are setting up the basics so people know what to expect from the next film. They will, most likely, be going into William's motives then. But as of right now, they are setting the roles that each character is going to take.
I don't know how some of yall ain't getting that because it is the most clear as day thing to me but that may be because I am aiming to be a writer down the line.
Time to aim at the other complaint I've seen which is that Vanessa is an Afton complaint. All I have to say to that is, whoah, it's almost like the movie takes place in an alt-universe from the games. And even if Vanessa is an Afton in the games who gives a fuck? She isn't Williams's direct child if that's the case and it just ties her in with the old characters. A popular thing I have seen a couple of times is that sometimes people portray Gregory as an Afton. So what's so wrong about Vanessa being an Afton. I am genuinely curious here? What's wrong about her being an Afton.
Some of yall come up with the most stupidest ass complaints I swear to god.
"But Micheal is meant to be the Afton-" Tell me how that would have worked in this movie. Tell me how Mike would not have recognized his own father if he was William. Also, I like that the movie implies that his dad is probably Henry.
"How does it imply that?"
I don't know, why don't we look at the career office scene again where William reads Mike's last name and recognizes it. He wants to tie up his loose ends.
And Mike? Mike is a loose end.
It just makes sense and it goes into the last complaint I saw about the movie.
The "I always come back line doesn't make sense," complaint.
If I am fucking right about the fact that Henry is a Schmidt in the movie then that means William has always been a part of Mike's life. He has been haunting Mike since he took Garret, he influenced Mike to get a job at Freddy's, and he was the reason why Mike met Vanessa.
When he said he'd come back, he wasn't talking about coming back from the dead.
He meant it as he'll come back and make Mike's life a living hell.
Anyway rant fucking over, yall pisses me off. Good day.
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sezez · 6 months
In the FNAF Movie it's very clear that William wasn't a great father to Vanessa, like look at her when she's near him. She is SCARED of him, she looked so scared and sad when she had to shoot him. And he didn't hesitate at all to strangle her when she said "That's two jobs", and yet...
When he stabbed her and she said "Dad...?" Before she collapses, his face shows regret and wanting to revoke his action. It's almost as if he still cared for her, or atleast part of him did.
And I saw someone theorizing that Cassidy might be William's son, to which I will go over.
Cassidy is the victim of The Bite of '83:
So, I said in a post that Golden Freddy is being possessed by one soul; Cassidy and the Puppet by two souls; Garrett and Charlie. And said that Charlie could be William's daughter and the victim of The Bite of '83.
BUT, I think there's a chance that Cassidy is actually the victim and is William's kid. However a question remains:
"Why would William kill his own child? It was seen in the intro of him taking five kids, with Cassidy being there."
Well... Y'know how Vanessa said that the Five Kids doesn't remember William being the killer until Abby shown them a drawing of what actually happened?
Well, I think after Cassidy died he lost all of his memories and his ghost roamed around the pizzeria. And during the time William was killing the other kids, he was there and believed he died in that time too.
Cassidy doesn't recognize William as his father because nobody showed him he was, maybe Vanessa wanted to tell him but William may have denied it or she just couldn't find the courage to tell him.
That also explained why during the end of the movie, William reached out to Cassidy, he wanted his son to be by his side.
Vanessa is the reason why William became like this:
Now, what do I mean by this? Well, we all know that (Game)Mike killed his brother then William started his killing spree as Matpat said in his FNAF Timeline.
And I think it's the same with Vanessa, so if Cassidy is the victim and her brother then maybe that's why when William said "Help me clean up the mess YOU created!" to her during the climax of the movie, I think he was literal with what he said. She is the one who created it all.
And it's clear that she is scared of William, but maybe she is scared because she hurt her dad, the dad who cared and loved her.
So... Let's imagine it's Cassidy's b-day, the day he got bit (like in the games with CC) and Vanessa may or may not have pushed him into Fredbear's mouth. And I can only imagine how horrified Vanessa was, she looked at her dead brother, her father desperately trying to save him, she did this. She hurt her family on that day, William changed after that and became the monster he is today.
And Vanessa knows/is reminded by William or herself that it all started because of her, she may even have tried to change the past like Mike did with Garrett.
Only to find out that there is nothing, NOTHING she could do to fix it.
William never wanted to hurt Vanessa, she is all he has left:
So, the scene where William stabbed Vanessa and his face showing regret really took my attention. And the fact that he told her to let go of his hand when she grabbed him to stop him from coming after Abby rather than hitting her, to me it seems like he is trying to not hurt her or he didn't have to hurt her. However she refused so he snap and stabbed her without thinking, that's why he looked devastated when he saw what he did to his own daughter. He never wanted to harm her.
William may have been a very normal person, he loved his kids, he made a restaurant for kids and his own kids to play in. But then, The Bite of '83 happened.
Like I mentioned in my post, if Henry is infact Mike's dad and he worked with William then it makes messed up sense for William to kidnapped Garrett because he killed his son. His creation killed Cassidy, William's boy.
And I wouldn't be surprise (well I would be) that after Cassidy's death, he tried to find a way to bring him back. Find any way to fix him, then maybe after he killed Garrett. He found out about Remnant and the power of Possession; he could have seen Cassidy's ghost roaming the pizzeria and learned that he is possessing Golden Freddy.
So, he comes up with an idea, kill more kids to get mote remnant and build a robot version of Cassidy for his soul to possess. (or something like that, idk Matpat mentioned there's a human looking robot in the behind the scene at the set of FNAF movie)
And I have a feeling that William never hurt Vanessa until now, like maybe in the past he just scolded her or leave her in some dark room as a punishment but never outright hit or hurt her.
And she also believed he would never hurt her too, which is why she looked at him and said "Dad..?" In a confuse tone. He would NEVER hurt his girl, the only other family he has. He looked devastated, regret, but he keep his composure because he knows he can fix her too.
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bluest-planet · 11 months
Miguel O'Hara Analysis from a First Gen Latine Perspective; Crab in a Bucket.
Alright, I'm gonna start this by saying this: I am definitely not the most articulated person when it comes to explaining my thoughts. Most of this is just putting my heart on the page by relating what I saw in Miguel's behavior and just one outlook out of many layered analyses.
Anyways, here's my analysis of Miguel O'Hara and how his internalized racism and generational trauma/jealousy stands out to me, especially as a first gen mixed Latine.
Let's lay some groundwork for my perspective first! Hey, you can call me Moonie or Blue. I use it/they pronouns, proud to be queer! I'm a highschool dropout, and both of my parents were immigrants from rural and abusive families. Mexican and Salvadoran/Salvi to be clear. Have lived in poverty my entire life, and been whitewashed and forced to assimilate to keep up appearances for a good chunk of life.
I've heard bits and pieces about Miguel's comic origin, but haven't read them myself so apologies if I get some things wrong. I have seen Spiderverse 5 times so I feel like that's good enough. Anyways here's a story anecdote;
I went to Mexico not that long ago, to learn a trade from some family. Real blue collar, labor intensive, factory work. I was there for a while, and really got to marinate in what it's like to live in a country where you're not the minority anymore. I'm not targeted, I wasn't (entirely) racialized anymore. I was able to explore my family's culture more. Not that I've ever been entirely separated from it. But growing up in a white school where knowing Spanish forces you to go to English classes even though I had proved myself multiple times does something to you.
You assimilate, you're taken away from your culture. Anyone like you. It's lonely. And when you do find someone else like you, even if it's not the same country, but just latine, it's usually a fun experience to share our lives. Like a little secret between us no one else has. But as you grow and see more people, you realize how separate you are from the rest. I can't exactly relate to the latine-american experience (tm) like others do. I don't call myself Mexican or Salvi American, I don't like to. I didn't grow up that way. Ive always preferred to use the first generation. Or child of immigrants.
Miguel O'Hara is a mixed Mexican/Irish man. And from what I've seen; not all that attached to his Mexican identity either. It's made more prevalent in the movie however. He doesn't have a strong accent, he has the high cheekbones and eyes I'd recognize on a cousin. But the strong jawline and sunken face of a mixed man who's certainly not taking care of himself.
He reminds me of my cousins. Or my uncles.
He displayed a familiar rage to my own; lashing out and stressed. But it's got some sinister machismo underlaid in it. When he yells at Miles, all I see is my dad yelling at me, or myself yelling at my dad. Bc anger is the only way we knew how to communicate and express ourselves living under so much scrutiny all the damn time.
Bc yes; the spiderverse is amazingly diverse, and anyone can be the mask. But Miguel obviously doesn't really see it that way. There are exceptions. It's always come off to me how most of the maskless spiders we see have black and brown faces. And while I'm sure it's not all white. The amount of Peter Parkers. I'm sure they are the large majority. Or at least it feels like that.
Maybe he sees the spiders that aren't peters as straddling a thin line. A tenuous canonicity in a sea of Parkers. They don't break canon, but they're outliers. It just reminds me of the few black kids or brown kids I'd see in my white school. Maybe one or two in my own classes. And none of us reached out to each other often. We were left alone.
And left to be scrutinized by our white peers and teachers and school staff.
They might not say anything; but you feel that weight. That gaze on you at all times. I was lucky for being light skinned and ambiguous in my appearance. Some confused me for the few East Asian kids even. A more 'model' minority and free from more gazes able to 'pass'. Miguel is darker, but he's conventionally attractive, tall with straight hair and a sharp jawline instead of short, chubby cheeks, round face and curly hair.
I get praised for being light skinned and largely unblemished, for being skinnier than my siblings and having a more traditionally feminine fashion and hobbies. But my anger, temper, and lack of 'respect' downgrades me. My lack of education? More so.
My uncles would say;
"Well! Since you won't finish school, you might as well get a job wherever you can and support your family!"
"Yes, I'm trying my best, but I don't want to work for pennies and bad hours. A lot of places don't want to compensate me."
"How ungrateful! When we were your age, back in our day none of us were blessed to be in your position! You live in America, where you ungratefully gave up such great education and life! We were lucky to even go to elementary school! Your grandfather had us working in the fields, or fishing instead. And when we could work? We took what we could! It didn't matter if the company treated us right, paid us good, or gave us good hours, we did what we had to for the family! Your generation knows nothing of hard work!"
"But how can you have pride in that? How can you not understand how exploitative that was? Letting them work you like mules and destroy your bodies? Why did you not fight? Why would you want to suffer like that?"
"We know we were not treated right. But we have the guts to do work no one else wants to do! We're men! It's our duty to take pride in providing for the family. We break our bodies for our children and love– your parents did not do the same for you to copy our hardships. But if you won't take that opportunity given to you– then you'll face the consequences and learn your place. The companies will never treat us better; you should've been better sso you wouldn't have to face the same as us."
"So you agree? They won't change and they'll keep exploiting you or anyone else who doesn't exceed great expectations? That these companies are taking advantage of people as desperate as you to get away with it and shrugging off any attempts to unionize and make things better? They're enslaving our people. And you're just going to go along with it? Because that suffering makes you feel prideful, meaningful? Do you really just accept this shitty undeserving position in your life? All because you feel like you deserve it for the outcome of your life you had no control over?"
That is to say. My relatives could not understand why I do not fit their perception of America. Even in Mexico, where although they are poor and the majority; they idolize the US. They boast about working illegally in the US under exploitive companies to bring the mighty American dollar home. They scoff at the notion of unions, government aid and compensation bc they think those that live in the US and work in blue collar jobs are undeserving of the scraps we get for being undereducated or face institutional racism at every corner. Even in their position it reeks of classism. For them the US is a temporary shitty job to work in order to make themselves richer bc the dollar is worth more than the peso. They can't empathize with their struggling relatives across the border bc hey! The US, is amazing. Nevermind it's the exact reason why their own country and many others face the hardships that they do.
They don't realize the internalized racism in their pride. Feeling as if their lack of education and standing makes them only deserving of the worst jobs. That it's the only thing they can do right and are worth for. That anyone who doesn't succeed even after getting a better chance only deserves the same pain in order to uplift someone else's worth and has a chance. You become a lost cause; your only worth is a cog in the system and uphold the status quo. Never to question it, never to try to reach above your station after you missed your chance.
Like crabs in a bucket, they want to drag you down with them. Out of jealousy and misdirected anger. And for not meeting expectations. And for your own good, to learn your place.
Older relatives, and even immigrant parents often become extremely jealous of their children. For getting better lives they tried so hard to secure for them and for having the things they never had; or for not going through their own hardships. So they try to live vicariously through their children. Giving them great expectations to live up to bc they don't know how to compartmentalize all the racist trauma it took for them to get there and the real faceless enemy that put them through it. But their children have faces, their children are theirs– not people but property says America, and Catholic/Christian culture.
Immigrant parents love to pull the card of how indebted their children are to them, guilt trip them with their own pasts and current struggles. God forbid if you try to fight back and question the one authority and control they have over you.
Not all parents of course; But Miguel reflects this too me.
He may be more coded as being whitewashed and excluded from his culture. But he tries to fit in a curated collection he doesn't fit with. He puts up appearances as a strict, competent leader, but since he has an unremovable aspect to him that separates him from the rest- he wasn't bitten, he was mutated with a spider- which everyone makes clear to you.
Everyone makes it clear that you're not white, even when white culture is all you know having been so sanitized, defanged and removed from your own. That you wont ever fit in and must grovel for the rest of your life to make up for it. Even if it's all you've ever known.
Miguel is a spider, but he wasn't bitten so he's not a 'true' spider he tells himself. He's othered as well with what I interpret as unintentional microaggressions.
"He's like a ninja vampire but a good guy."
"you're just gonna have to shut up and trust me, I'm a good guy!" "You don't look like a good guy."
"You're like the only spiderman who isn't funny!"
"Dude are you sure you're even spiderman?"
"You're like a feisty Latina!"
"Wait, you were born here?"
"You don't look Latina!"
"Are you sure you're even Mexican if you can't speak it?"
He uses English more often, and Spanish as a quick add in. English is obviously preferred due to the fact his accent isn't all that strong and uses short repeated words or phrases.
He's violent when he first meets Miles. Throwing a trash can at him, rejecting his food, and admonishing him for something that wasn't necessarily his fault. But he does 'cool down'.
Him throwing the can reminds me of machismo, and how violent Latino men can get. It's a bad stereotype but for the movie- this struck me more as a critique of it. Enforcing some weird dominance and need to be aggressive to follow that weird expectation and allowances but also– it feels in line with who he is.
I have had more than a few rough patches being physically violent to express my anger when I couldn't win something or felt too small and had to lash out to make myself feel heard. Hitting someone, slamming doors, breaking things, yelling, and destroying things. I moved past that stage as I grew older and wasn't a child anymore. But hell. I've don't things I'm not proud of yet can't help because all my life you're told to be the model brown person. To never express rage and seem like the monster everyone is waiting for you to show. To it lies festering until you can use it behind closed doors. Latina girls aren't allowed to be visibly angry like that- and while it's expected from Latino boys, and feared when Latino men express it. Most of the time, we're not allowed to spread anger at all. Otherwise it does make us unreasonable, angry monsters.
You're not allowed to be angry or frustrated. Which only makes it worse.
I'm not excusing his actions. But his rage reminds me of my father or a relative, or even my own lashing out on a younger family member because it's so normalized to do it only to family and the young- the only excusable people to express it at without repercussions.
But then he cools down, he gets quieter, when Peter B walks in. And reminds himself of his audience and a fellow adult.
He then tried to be more rational and explains to Miles what he believes he did wrong. Tries to even relate his own trauma to convince and prep him to not put up a fight when he inevitably tells him the truth of what's to come.
"you can't ask me to just let my dad die!"
"I'm not asking."
It's a familiar emotion. When an adult, a father, a mother, an aunt, an uncle, or even a sibling tells you that something is going to happen whether you like it or not. Enforcing that will onto you for 'your own good.' Or because it's what 'has to happen."
Miguel is jealous of Miles. He got bit, he's more traditional in origin than Miguel, but he won't follow the expectations and 'bright future' he's been set up for. For 'wasting' his chance. A chance Miguel would die for. One similar to his own. As an anomaly that replaced/continued the mantle of spiderman after their original perished.
Because why would Miguel only mess with Miles now, instead of when he had a chance? If he had all this time and knew about him, why wouldn't he just cut the problem from the root earlier? Why would he let Miles live and work so hard just to restrain him for the canon even of his dad dying to pass? Why would he let Miles be this 'Original' Anomaly and run free?
Bc he knows on some level, he's spiderman too. More than he is. Miles still fulfills his position as spiderman in his verse. There's no need for Miguel to kill him or do anything other than make sure the canon still happens in that verse and then never let him escape his own world again. Nor does he likely really want to hurt/kill Miles. Honestly, it seems if Miguel had it his way from the start; Miles would have been left completely alone and isolated from ever knowing about the Spider Society at large and let him be Spiderman of his world. If he didn't know about the society he wouldn't know about the canon even and try to circumvent it and everything would have been smooth.
Bc what happens if Miguel won and kept Miles at HQ? His dad died and he's sent back to being Spiderman forever excluded from HQ? He never tries to get rid of him. And it's obvious; he never did anything to help the 42! Miles' universe beforehand either. Content to just let it be before Miles gets there. It doesn't seem like he has any plans to actually do anything about a verse missing a spiderman so long as it's not destabilizing.
He's mad that now there has to be a spiderman that took the place of one that didn't need to die; but that world still needed a spiderman Miles fulfilled. Now there's one without a spiderman too, but he can't take the spiderman from one world to the other– not when, although it's in shambles, it is still intact. He doesn't need to intervene. He just need to uphold the status quo and never question it.
He's jealous that Miles got to be a more traditional spiderman, but none of the hardship because he feels like Miles didn't do anything to deserve becoming spiderman in the first place. But if he's going to be one, then he better fit his exact mold to make it up to him. To prove he has worth in the cog. Accept the shitty hand he's been dealt and take pride in the awful like he has bc that's the only way to make him feel like he has any worth too anymore.
Miguel tried to rise above his station, he aimed for that better life. And what did it get him? Nothing. Everything was taken away from him. It was just proof by the universe telling him he did not deserve a better life than the shitty one he was dealt. He's just like my uncles, traumatized from working hard for pennies, and thinks he's deserving of it, because he wasn't educated/a traditional spiderman. And that anyone else who doesn't take the better opportunities needs to be taken down with him in shared suffering.
He sees Miles: another mixed kid, optimistic and worthy, confusingly rejecting every opportunity in the face of a little short term pain. Giving it all up bc of one small hiccup. He thinks Miles is ungrateful and greedy, wanting it all; after all he's seen what happens when you try to have it all.
In a twisted way. He thinks having his father die is the lesser evil, the smaller pain. A singular familial death is a small piece to pay for an entire stable universe and the glory spiderman brings. That by showing this reasoning to Miles, not giving him a choice and just enforcing it like he knows better than an ignorant child will save him the pain and effort. He's teaching Miles his internalized racism and trauma. Passing it down to him like it's a survival lesson. Telling him to swallow it like a bitter pill that will make him feel better. He treats Miles like getting bit was a moral failure and that he has to make up for it.
But like me to my Uncles. And Miles to Miguel, he tells him it isn't right. That thinking is wrong. This system isn't my fault. It's a bad system that needs to change so this never happens again. You don't have to suffer to succeed and survive. You don't have to accept scraps when you can reach for the full meal. You have to try for something better, no matter how hard, and fight to make things better.
Don't let sleeping dogs lie. Miguel can wallow for all Miles cares, but he isn't going to let himself lose that same fire for doing what's right and aiming for a life that he wants for himself and his friends that they actually deserve.
Elders let the status quo remain, they often feel like nothing will change, but we can't accept that otherwise nothing will actually get better, never going out of that system that beat them down. Constantly expecting the younger generation to bend to their will and experiences. Miles and Hobie make it a point to show that no, they can put up a fight and they should and shame everyone else for just accepting that false narrative blindly.
There's so much more I could get into but this is long. Like how he contradicts himself to better suit his argument and what not. I have so much to say but this was all what I've been rotating since watching the movie a ton of times. None of this even low-key touched on my issues on how he's viewed and portrayed by fans but- I hope this outlook kinda helps to humanize him? Like. Of course I know he's being unreasonable and violent/aggressive towards a kid. But at the same time, I feel like most people just see him as this angry violent person who is just on some self righteous power trip asshole instead of a complex character and TO ME- a reflection on latine elders and yet also what it's like to grow up whitewashed/undervalued and trying to bestow that trauma to a younger Latino boy as a bad way of teaching a life lesson, to assimilate him. It comes from a bad place of… not love, but just. Wanting to prepare someone for hardship and yet not questioning why he have to deal with that hardship in the first place.
Anyways good night! It's 3:30 am dear God excuse any mistakes I needed this out of my system.
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
okay, as always, i love your meta, & your analysis of qui-gon is so on point. in your description of qui & obi-wan's respective purposes in the narrative of TPM as instinct "vs." logic, you noted some of obi's flaws and it got me thinking about how we see those flaws resurface in OWK: too narrowly sticking to the rules (like staying in self-imposed exile), overthinking things, not trusting his feelings. it's just cool to see that thread continue, imo
Well, Obi-Wan isn't perfect :D He can overthink things, be too prudent, sometimes he's impatient, sometimes he's too critical, etc.
But he does his best to overcome these flaws. Characters aren't static, they evolve, they grow. In almost every movie, we see Obi-Wan go through an arc.
In Episode I, Obi-Wan's flaw is underestimating the Guide archetypes on his path (Jar Jar, Anakin), prudently choosing to do things strictly by-the-book, instead.
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By the end of the movie he learns to trust the Guide and takes on some of Qui-Gon's rebelliousness.
In Episode II, we see he trusts the Guide (Dexter Jettster) and doesn't hesitate to voice his concerns to the Council, he even has a good relationship with Anakin (elevator scene)...
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... but recently it's been on the rocks, and the fact that Anakin is overcompensating to impress Padmé doesn't help. Obi-Wan is very critical, but while his concerns are totally justified, he also needs to recognize that he can be arrogant too, sometimes, and what he really needs to work on is learning to trust Anakin.
By the end of the movie, Obi-Wan takes Anakin's advice and congratulates his calls during the Battle of Geonosis, and trusts Anakin's abilities, even giving him a second lightsaber to help him fight Dooku. They're in a good place.
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This next one's just me spitballing, but, I could argue that in Episode III (and to an extent, in Obi-Wan Kenobi) Obi-Wan's one flaw is his love for Anakin. He loves and trusts Anakin so much he's completely blind-sided by the turn.
He tells himself he should've been able to do something, he failed his apprentice... but to be fair to him, in Episode III, Anakin has shut down, he doesn't really ask for help to Obi-Wan or Padmé or Yoda, he bottles it all up and Palpatine takes advantage of it.
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There's nothing Obi-Wan could've done to stop Anakin's decision to join the Dark Side. Obi-Wan did his best, and it was all up to Anakin himself... and Anakin failed. Of course, Obi will blame himself for his Padawan's downfall and horrific acts for years.
But at some point, he needs to come to terms with the fact that Vader is not the boy he trained. He's a killer who'll murder him the first chance he gets. Obi-Wan needs to learn to let go and do his duty as a Jedi, do what he must. And he does.
In the Original Trilogy, this is flipped: Ben’s flaw is his inability to believe Vader can be redeemed.
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That’s not to say he doesn’t hope Vader can be redeemed. To be clear: Obi-Wan never told Luke to kill his own Dad. He says Luke must confront Vader, face him.
He essentially tells Luke: "save him if you can, and I really hope you can… but I don't think it'll work, so be ready to kill him if you must, ‘cause he won’t stop trying to kill you".
To be fair, there's A LOT of context for that line of thinking:
Luke never saw Anakin murdering children or choking his wife, Obi-Wan did.
Luke never had a furious Vader rush him with murderous intent, Obi-Wan did.
Luke never knew the good man Vader once was, Obi-Wan did.
So Ben doesn't think that Anakin is still in there. Hell, Vader outright told him Anakin is gone…
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… but the fact remains: he's wrong. And Ben is wrong. They're proven wrong.
Luke manages to save his father without killing him, because that's how awesome Luke is.
And I don't think anyone is happier about it than Obi-Wan himself.
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The thing of it is… each time Obi-Wan has a flaw, he eventually overcomes it, he learns the lesson. As opposed to Anakin, who unfortunately never quite does, until the very end.
“Anakin’s flaws, like all classic mythological heroes, are the flaws that everybody carries with them. He’s struggling with the issues that everybody struggles with and that allows him to be human. The issue that he’s confronting is that a good Jedi overcomes those flaws and kinda goes above the normal human tragedy that most people have to experience.” - Attack of the Clones, “Story” Featurette, 2002
If interested, I go into more detail on this subject here:
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Mothman's Buffy rewatch: Season 3, episodes 3 and 4, "Beauty and the Beasts" and "Homecoming"
Beauty and the Beasts
Lmao is she reading to Oz
Xander's turn!!
I do not understand the Monty reference
Xander don't fall asleep on the job (this reminds me of Mike from getting FNAF movie)
I love when the intro spoils part of the episode (I just saw Xander getting attacked by werewolf Oz)
Yo Scott!!
Damn did Oz kill a man
Angry Giles
Poor Oz :( it must feel awful
Who is this guidance counselor man
"You can fight demons" I think she knows that
Oz is so straightforward I love him
What the fuck wild animal Angel
My dad called him Angle
Is the theme of this episode feral boyfriends
Ouchie Faith's fist probably hurts
Ok a hell torture dimension is a bit much even for someone who doesn't like Angel
Aw Scott is kind of sweet. I don't think he's interesting enough to date Buffy long term but he's fine
Buffy pouring his heart out to a corpse. Rough 😭
Is the boyfriend on magic drugs?
Ah what the hell what's his face doing
Oh shit I feel so bad for Debbie she's in an abusive relationship and she can't leave
Allegory for boyfriends who get violent when drunk huh
"You know you shouldn't make me mad" walk into traffic
Oh now she has to comfort HIM. Kill this man with hammers ❗️❗️🗣🗣
Oz is clear yippee
Omg jazz band mentioned!!! (I used to do jazz band)
Oz should rip him apart fr
"He does love me" :(
His werewolf form reminds me more of a monkey
Got Giles in the behind
I hope this man dies horribly (I don't remember his name)
Did Debbie die? If she did ill cry she didn't deserve that abuse only to not be freed
Got all the monster boyfriends fighting each other lmao
Angel's back yippee(?)
Cordelia believing the birth control story I'm crying
Buffy poet???
I googled it Debbie did die :(
I like Buffy's hair
Oh she gave Angel a shirt! He's still not buttoning it up but progress
"They wouldn't understand that you're better" why not? Why wouldn't they that's not a wild thing to believe, Buffy already told them that Angelus was back to Angel before he got stabbed 😭😭
Angel whipping his head around when he finds out she's dating someone
Who are these people watching Buffy
Is this the Slayerfest episode?
This guy is obsessed with cleanliness but he is also very threatening. I do not care for this representation
I love the picture montages it really shows off their personalities
Xander is definitely giving lesbian fetishier with that comment. That being said, Fuffy is a good ship
Simply take each other to the dance Buffy and Faith
Ouch her favourite teacher doesn't recognize her
Awaken the prom queen within ❗️❗️
Silly yellow guy with spikes like a stegosaurus
I thought the cowboy vampires died is this a new one
I thought Willow and Xander were going to kiss for a sec please don't do that
Willow you're better than this (Xander you're not)
Buffy gets abandoned
What the hell did he get pull out of his arms
"I'm a rabid dog who should be shot" 😭
Buffy guilt tripping Willow I'm crying
Dad says there was a deep cut star trek reference in this episode but I don't get it
Cordelia what the fuck "I have two parents, unlike some people"
They put Buffy and Cordelia in time out
The car driver putting in earbuds. Unsafe driving he's gonna crash
Ouch singing the song he wrote for Willow right after she cheated on him
She threw the fucking bear trap at him I'm gonna cry
Oh my gosh Faith fucking over Scott to get revenge for Buffy I love her
Willow I love you but I cannot defend the cheating you need to fess up to Oz
"He grows on you like a chia pet"
Buffy opening her heart I hope she gets prom queen. It makes sense she'd feel that way since she's likely to die young
"Cordelia, the spatula"
Rip that yellow bastard
I was wondering how those two vampires got invited in and then I remembered it's a public school
Cordelia bullying the vampire I'm crying
Why did they let him live
They got trackered rip bozo
Trick guy gets hired by the mayor
Oh it's both of them
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toastytoaster22 · 1 year
Okay now I MUST know more about the dinner with Reigen's parents if you're willing to share?
I have it all written down in note form somewhere bc it was going to be a Issho side story but hhhhhh who on god's green earth knows when I could actually get around to that.
Dinner at Reigen's parents!
-eventually Reigen feels/is guilted by his mom into bringing Teru over to meet his new grandparents. Reigen tells Teru he absolutely does not need to think of them that way
-in the week preceding the visit Reigen is quiet and stressed and it makes Teru really uncomfortable
-dinner is very awkward. Only Reigen's mom is talking and Reigen has this weird fake polite smile that won't go away and Teru does not recognize him. No waving his hands. No silly jokes.
-Teru DOES recognize the behavior though and it haunts him to think Reigen as an adult is acting the way he did at age 8
-when Reigen's dad finally gets in on the conversation he is polite but makes it very clear he thinks this whole situation is less than satisfactory. His less than subtle opinions are that 1. Reigen should get a respectable job. 2. He needs to find a wife if he thinks for one second he is actually going to raise a child, and 3. That he thinks this whole "having Teru" thing is a cry for attention and he needs to grow up
-as he makes it clear he thinks Reigen is not a good fit for being a dad, Teru has had enough of this bs (bc Reigen isn't arguing back he's just getting smaller and frowning at his plate) and loudly states that Reigen is a BETTER DAD THAN YOU
-cue a moment of disbelief from every person at the table including Teru bc he really didn't mean to say that out loud and oh god Reigen's parents look Unhappy. Teru internally panics bc he knows THAT look too and it's been a long time since it was pointed at him
-mom opens her mouth to (scold? He doesn't know) and Reigen stands up and IF YOU YELL AT MY SON YOU CAN KISS US COMING OVER AGAIN GOODBYE. >:(
-parents are very How Dare you speak to your mother that way in her own house? And start lecturing him on why he is proving their point and clearly Teru is learning his manners and-
-Reigen is like Nope. nope this was a stupid idea, I'm sorry Teru. And takes his hand and walks them right out the door and they both cry on the way home and order takeout and watch bad movies until they both fall asleep on the couch
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caitie-likes-talking · 11 months
Jonathan headcanons bc I’m so mentally ill abt him
appearance headcanons
freckle Jonathan is SO real to me. his face is covered with them and he only gets more every time he’s in the sun
he’s the guy who’s hair is crazy curly as a kid but once he goes through puberty it’s suddenly super straight
he looks way more like his mom than his dad
i hc that after the mansion fight w dio he has actually remaining burns (idc if that doesnt comply w canon!! i do what i want!!)
tan Jonathan REAL! my out in the sun king
relationship headcanons
While I do think he’s an “every single love language ever” kinda guy, I think his main one is words of affirmation. Definitely can’t go a day without gushing abt how much he loves Erina and Speedwagon (also jonerinawagon polycule real)
speaking of which, bisexual jonathan is extremely real 2 me.
he loves doing any boring task for someone he cares about. folding laundry for erina is basically heaven for him
he proposed to erina by the tree w their initials carved into it bc i said so
uses horrible archaeologist pick up lines on his baes (for ex: hey babe, are you an ancient artifact? bc i wanna date you!)
just overall horrible at flirting when he's actually trying to be flirtatious. endearingly cringe, if u will
stresses out every time erina is on her period. she's getting princess treatment and it slightly pisses her off bc she's capable of still doing things but jonathan insists on her staying in bed all week
modern au headcanons
he's the kind of person who's just naturally decent at most things, so even when he's never played a game, he'll end in 2nd or 1st place. for example: bowling, minigolf, darts, and pool. he's comically bad at twister tho
he LOVES movies and once he watches a new one he's quoting it every two seconds and is just a little too upset if they other person doesn't recognize it
I interpret him as autistic (I’ve made a whole video abt his autistic traits in canon lmfaoo)
a real sweater and bomber jacket kinda guy. he has fun funky sweaters w silly patterns on them for sure
collects shoes. idk he just seems like the guy who has so many pairs of shoes for absolutely no reason. he's got every color of the rainbow in his shoe bin
volunteers at a museum part time. great w the kids and loves infodumping to these like middle-schoolers about some artifact.
horrible at reading tone over text. has misinterpreted lots of passive aggressive texts from erina as positive. (she has since learned to either use tone tags or the angry emoji to make her point more clear. the emoji is more effective every time)
has smoked weed before and every time he does its obvious that hes high as balls but he always thinks hes being sneaky abt it
cheated off of erina in high school to pass some classes. its his darkest secret and if anyone ever finds out he will like explode on the spot
also was super popular in high school but didn't realize, as he was too used to being a loser (12yr jonathan is a friendless loser no matter the universe)
im so insane i love him
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desireandduty · 1 year
@skyhaunter sent in for the comforting a lover after a nightmare meme | Accepting!
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In the first year after the shooting happened, she used to have nightmares about that morning, seeing random snippets of scenes playing in her head like clips in a movie trailer. The awful chorus of gunshots and screams reverberating through the high school hallway. The shaky, sweatiness of her hand as she held her phone to her ear for the 911 call. The heart-pounding anticipation as she heard the gunshots getting closer and closer while she waited on the phone with the 911 operator for the police to finally arrive. The horror of blood pooled in hallways, bodies lying in unnatural positions on the floor, as she and her biology class were ushered out of the school once the shooter was neutralized.
This was a large part of the reason why her dad took the job offer from Columbia, why they uprooted the family, leaving Sola behind to finish her degree at University of Rochester and having Padmé begin her sophomore year at a brand new high school. After the horror she'd endured, navigating a new high school at 15 hadn't been all that scary. Being in a new place, plus a very excellent therapist, helped the nightmares recede. Now that a decade has passed, she can't remember the last time she had a nightmare about it.
Until tonight. For some reason, she wakes up at 3 am, sweating, trembling and screaming, to find Anakin's hands applying gentle pressure on her shoulders, trying to calm her. Blinking rapidly to clear the tears away, her vision comes into focus. For a heart-wrending second, when she doesn't immediately recognize her surroundings, she stiffens in panic. Then it sinks in: they're in Las Vegas, in Anakin's old bedroom. He's here with her. Everything is fine.
Slowly, the adrenaline rush leaves her body. She sits up, pressing herself into the comfort of Anakin's arms as he wraps them around her. "I had a nightmare about.... the shooting," she whispers to him, by way of explanation. "I haven't had one in ages, but..." That's all she can manage to say about it for now.
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"I think I'm gonna stay up for a while. Make sure you're okay," he says, and she nods in gratitude, pressing her face more tightly against his neck and drawing deep, soothing breaths. Her heart rate has only just calmed back down to normal when she hears a knock at the door.
"Ani? Padme? Is everything all right? I heard screams..." It's Shmi's gentle voice on the other side of the door, which she now opens a fraction.
Utterly mortified, Padmé swallows to lubricate her now-dry throat and manages to croak out. "We're fine. I just had a nightmare." Of all the times for those to return, it had to be her very first night at her mother-in-love's house? She's technically already spoken with Shmi many times before over FaceTime, but this is their first time meeting in person. And as much as they haven't really talked about their future together, she already can't picture one without Anakin in it. So in her mind, his mother is already hers "in-love" if not "in-law."
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peachyninjago · 2 years
What do you think Movie Harumi's past would be like?
but mostly three so I'll explain all the ideas that i have
1. the most accurate to canon: shes a supporter of lord Garmadon. at first, she was one of the few people that liked Lloyd (besides the snf) because of Garmadon being his dad, but she immediately hated him once he was revealed to be the gn and made Garma stop all his villainy and stuff. i dont really use this ver of her mostly bc idk what'd be a good motive for her being a villain?? maybe to match the lighter/goofier tone of tlnm-verse she could be like an evil-ex type character on the surface, but then have some deeper layers underneath?? yeah idk much about this version of her lol
2. i took this one mostly from someone else's au snippets (i forgot who they were but i owe them my life for this headcanon) and its that the SOG is a school gang and Rumi runs it!! yknow that one piece of tlnm art i doodled of her?? this was the version :DD shes mysterious, standoffish, and even a bit creepy, but in actuality shes pretty sweet!! again, dont really know why she'd have a cult following for Garmadon in this, but hey, it gives her a reason to be protective of lloyd!! tldr; local school cryptid girl who might be a witch is very protective of her estranged friend
3. and, last but not least, my 1000% purely self indulgent version of tlnm rumi!!! youre getting an essay for this lol. under the cut because it's VERY LONG. excuse my spelling errors :D
She and lloyd are (adopted) siblings!! her bio parents were nurses on koko's side of the war, getting killed by Garmadons army in the process. Harumi's parents, thinking that they were safe where they were, brought Harumi with them to their designated camp site/zone place. of course, they WERENT safe, but where else were they supposed to leave their daughter??? plus, she was only, like... 1.
After the raid on the camp, when the smoke cleared, only one living being remained; a crying little girl.
Now Lloyd (and yes, i know in tlnm canon koko left with lloyd when he was only a few months old, but this is MY little sandbox and i get to do what i want <3<3. she left with him when he was about 3 here), who was around 2 and a half by now, was currently in Garmadons custody (koko and garma switched custody every week or for plot AND bc that seems like something theyd legitimately do)
When he wandered off from his dad, he stumbled upon her. when garma found him just a few minutes later, playing with this young girl and picking her up like she was family?? he just kinda went 'well sure he can have a sister i guess' and she was just kinda?? adopted??? (your dystopian au rumi 🤝 my tlnm au rumi)
When koko left with lloyd, she TRIED to take harumi with her, but rumi- who only really considered Garmadon and Lloyd as her family- stayed behind with her dad. she doesn't know that he was the root of the cause behind the death of her bio parents (yet)
So, she spends the next few years training under Garmadon, getting stronger, yada yada. fast forward to when she's around 14 and Lloyd's around 16
Its the very first time rumis allowed to go to Ninjago City WITH garma and his generals. she does more damage on her own compared to like. 12 of them combined, so its unsurprising when shes suddenly confronted by a certain green ninja
Now, keep note, these two havent seen eachother in over 10 years. all the memories they have of each other are blurry. of course, they were both in disguises/different outfits (lloyd in his gi, rumi in her S.O.G uniform) so they didn't recognize each other at first. but, after harumis makeup started melting away, and her hair became more frazzled?
Well, lloyd could recognize her from anywhere
He stopped that fight SO FAST. idk if he'd immediately tell her who he is right then and there, but he'd stop fighting her. then, after he got her to listen, he'd pull her to the side and explain everything. including the death of her bio parents, now that she was old enough to understand it
To say Harumi was conflicted was the understatement of the century. Garmadon gave her everything- Literally made her who she is. hes her dad, and she loves him. but could she have been someone- Anyone else if her parents didn't die that day?
Actually, if Lloyd didnt find her, would she have been left to die, too?
the hypothetical conversation back at Garmadon's volcano im imagining in my head for these two rn is heartwrenching (writes that down for my wip folder) BUT it ends in harumi running away. back to the city, back to Lloyd
In all honesty, she doesn't really feel Comfortable or Good Enough to be hanging with lloyd and his friends. (and yes, she knows about the mass bullying on Lloyd, and is a second away from destroying this city herself about it frfr) BUT bc of this, she asks koko (who shes trying to refer to as mom btw) if theres any place she can go. somewhere outside the city, but not too far from the only family she had left
Sadly, Koko didnt have an answer.
But Lloyd did.
And that answer was in a little library right outside of Ninjago City, where the only other family member Harumi hasn't met yet lives :)
tldr, she vibes with morro at his haunted library and visits lloyd every week or so :DD
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mageofthelibrary · 1 year
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Lucian Escoffier
A second year Pomefiore student and the lead playwright for the Film Studies Club. Twisted from the Corset in the Snow White fairytale.
Likes: Snowy days, books, fun with friends
Dislikes: Wet socks, creativity blocks
Favorite foods: Tarte Tatin, Macarons
Hobbies: Writing, Sewing
Special skill: Painting
VA: Jun Fukuyama
Height: 172 cm
Age: 17
Birthday: July 1
Dominant Hand: Right
Class: 2-A No. 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Worst Subject: Defense Magic
Outwardly, Lucian is cool-headed and very put-together, although he's pretty awkward in a social setting. Upper-classmen know him as a reliable and respectful junior; the type who can be counted on to get the job done without much fuss. Those who are in his year or younger tend to view him as somewhat distant, he doesn't really speak his mind or reveal much about himself. One thing they can all say for certain is that they don't know much about him aside from the obvious. Lucian is a perfect stranger.
Beneath that persona he portrays? He's an anxious mess, to be blunt. Lucian has an inferiority complex a mile wide and is constantly pushing himself to reach an unreachable goal. The seeds of this lacking confidence were always there but over the past several years it has gotten worse.
He just wants his skills and effort to be recognized and praised for once. But hardly anyone seems to notice him, he just seems to fade into the background. This might be due to his own quiet and somewhat aloof persona.
Genuinely, Lucian has always been a gentle and kind boy. Inherently creative and a bit of a dreamer: he could be lost in a storybook, sketching out a new painting, or stitching up one of his toys. His hobbies are as soft as he is.
He still has the same devious streak in him, like any other NRC student. He's just subtle.
Something of a crybaby too. He'd quite easily burst into tears whenever something bad happened. Then his best friend or his grandmother would have to calm him down.
He might try to deny it, but Lucian is still the same soft crybaby he always was.
Lucian was born and raised in the Land of Pyroxene. His mom is an accountant and his dad is a tailor. His grandma is the best.
They divorced when Lucian was about 6. He has been living with his mom and grandma ever since. He stays with his dad regularly though and they are pretty close.
After the divorce the three ended up moving to his grandmother's hometown, Harveston, where she still had many friends. Her best friend had a grandson a little younger than Lucian: Epel Felmier.
The two had a bit of a rough start due to their conflicting personalities: Epel was very loud and Lucian very quiet. But they quickly became thick as thieves.
They spent practically every day together until Lucian had to move away again, right before middle school started.
It was during this tumultuous time that his mother's toxicity became clear, which lead to his inferiority complex taking root, despite his grandmother's best efforts.
But Lucian also discovered Vil Schoenheit and his films during this time period. Watching his movies and interviews inspired him and Vil quickly became his idol.
When he went to NRC, Lucian wasn't really sure what dorm would suit him. But he ended up being sorted into Pomefiore, which he was happy about. Vil was there after all.
He ended up joining Film Studies after being dragged there by Rook, who had noticed his artistic talents and kinda pushed him into it.
Before he could join, he had to pass Vil's test. Since Lucian didn't want to be on stage, Vil had him write a script. He may have stayed up very late and gotten little sleep for a few days, but he absolutely nailed it.
It was during his second year when he finally met Epel again. The boys were surprised to see each other but couldn't really talk because of the ceremony getting crashed.
But even though they're reunited, they don't really go back to how they were before.
Vil: Concerned parental figure. He's not sure where to begin addressing Luci's problems with anxiety and self-worth, since he tends to misunderstand Vil's pressuring and the anxiety over trying to be perfect gets worse. Things slowly start improving as Lucian opens up though.
Rook: Has become the closest thing Luci has to an elder brother. He WILL find Lucian and force him to take a break from working to take a nap or take care of himself. Rook also supports him in other ways too. Making sure he has a water bottle during PE, letting him get a secret cheat day when things have been rough for him, and even subtly teaching him better coping mechanisms by dragging him along for a walk in the woods near Pomefiore.
Epel: Oh boy here we go. While these two used to be close, that no longer appears to be the case. Lucian is actually jealous of the fact that Epel is getting all of Vil's attention ever since he came to NRC, but he feels terrible for being jealous since he knows Epel hates that attention. So he either avoids him out of guilt or is overbearing in helping him. Epel was initially relieved to find a familiar face at NRC but quickly realized that his friend wasn't the same as he remembered. He's not really sure how to break the weird tension the two now have and he just wants his friend back.
His grandmother is based on the carved owl motifs in the Snow White movie, his mother is based on the poisonous comb from the original fairytale.
Lucian's childhood nickname is Luci, Epel and his family are the only ones he allows to use it though.
Rook's nickname for him is Chevalier de la Plume, or "Knight of the Pen".
Lucian's dad taught him how to sew very young and it has come in handy whenever a film club costume tears on set.
He actually doesn't need his glasses to see; they're his reading glasses but since he's always reading he isn't often seen without them.
Lucian is pretty attached to the white ribbon in his hair, it's his go-to accessory and he uses it to tie back his hair when he needs to. Epel got it for him as a gift when he started growing his hair out, since it kept getting in his face when they played.
He's the only second year student who hasn't unlocked his Unique Magic yet. A fact he hides as much as possible.
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Most Likely (high school reunion Stucky fic)
Tonight. Steve was going to see Bucky tonight. He might kiss Bucky tonight. He might spend the night with Bucky tonight. And, like, it might not even be a platonic night tonight. Oh god, when was the last time you got –
"Dad? 'Ya there?"
Jumping at Harrison's question, Steve cleared his throat and tried to clear his head, "Yeah," he managed to squeak out. "I'm here."
"Did ya hear what I said?"
"Um," Steve pinched the bridge of his nose as he attempted to put all other thoughts but his children out of his mind. At least for the moment.
Not waiting for Steve to – possibly – incorrectly guess, Harrison repeated, "Grandma and I watched, 'The Ring,' with Daniel, and then Grandpa Harry scared him by accident, and he screamed like a girl."
"Yeah?" Steve chuckled.
"Yeah," the sixteen year old giggled.
"I take it that Daniel doesn't like scary movies."
"You've got that right."
"Well, be sure to take it easy on him, yeah?" Steve reminded. After all, he wanted his kids to have a good relationship with their stepdad. Maybe then they'd have a good relationship with Bucky too.
"Daddy, how come I don't get to watch scary movies too?" Alice asked. Steve was able to hear the pout through her voice and knew that she definitely had her arms crossed and her lower lip pushed out dramatically.
"We'll watch some when you get back, okay?"
"Baby scary movies," Mikey feigned a cough, probably making the ten year old pout further.
"Hey!" Steve playfully defended, "Tower of Terror isn't a, 'baby scary movie.'"
Not that the kids really cared as they all laughed at – and with – each other. God, Steve missed them so much. Even once they started arguing again.
Although Steve hated the thought of hanging up, he knew that he probably should let them go. Especially since it was close to dinner time for them, and Steve needed to get ready for his night.
"Okay, well, you guys go wash up, yeah? Help set the table?" Steve instructed, trying to get the four kids to calm down.
"Okay," the kids sighed, not wanting to get off the phone as much as Steve didn't.
"I love you guys! Be sure to give each other extra kisses for me!"
"Love you!"
Uncoiling the cord to the charger, Steve plugged his phone into the wall outlet. For a moment, Steve stood there, beside the chair that Bucky had sat in. Only now realizing that he had no way of contacting the brunet. He didn't have any social media and he didn't leave Steve his phone number.
What if he changes his mind? What if he decides not to come tonight?
Bucky Barnes had already proven how effective he was at ghosting people. And the tightness in his stomach started to coil because he couldn't stand to lose Bucky again. Hell, he could barely handle the first go around, and that was before he knew how Bucky felt about him. If he lost him now... Well, Steve didn't know how well he'd cope this time.
Worrying his lower lip, he decided to distract himself. Reaching his bag, Steve pulled out some clean clothes for the day before heading to the bathroom. Yes, he'll start with a shower. That would help. Right?
Guess there's only one way to find out.
Unfortunately, after ten minutes soapy and under the hot spray didn't help in the slightest. How could it? Losing Bucky was the worst thing that had happened to him. And he refused to let it happen again.
Of course, there were some perks of Steve being back in his hometown. Some perks that might even get him some information on his once-upon-a-time best friend. So, Steve had a little more pep in his step as he grabbed his things and left his hotel room. Only briefly dreading possibly seeing any of his former classmates. After all, the only person that he had really wanted to see was Bucky. And now that he had, he didn't see a point in a reunion anymore.
"...so there I was, butt ass naked!" Thor's voice boomed.
Immediately, Steve tugged his baseball hat down further, hoping that no one would recognize him. It was really too early, and Steve was too sober to deal with any stories about wild shenanigans. Especially from overly affectionate extroverts that he hadn't spoken to in twenty-five years.
Head hunched, shoulders tensed, Steve stepped into the elevator. Thanking all of the stars out there for not being noticed, as he rode down to the ground floor. Each time that the door opened, Steve's heart paused for a beat or two, dreading who would join him. And only once the doors closed without any of his former classmates entering, did he finally relax.
When he finally reached his desired floor, Steve was quick to make his way across the lobby towards the entrance. His shoulders relaxing once he reached his rental car. Maybe the universe was on his side after all.
As he drove the familiar streets, Steve couldn't keep the smile off his face. Remembering his childhood and all the fun that he had had. Sure, his health wasn't great, and the bullies were awful, but through it all, he had Bucky. Even when he thought he had nothing, he had Bucky.
Pulling into his old neighborhood, more memories bombarded him. Learning how to ride bikes. Chasing each other in tag. Drawing with sidewalk chalk. Catching fireflies. God, all of it felt crystal clear as he pulled up to his parents' house. The house that he had grown up in. The house where he first fell in love with the one and only, Bucky Barnes.
Climbing up the familiar front porch steps, Steve debated knocking. After all, he didn't want to walk in on his parents doing anything. Shuddering from the disgusting mental image of his parents being in a compromising position, Steve rang the doorbell.
However, when no one came to the door, Steve started to worry that something was wrong. Opening the door, he peeked his head inside, "Mom? Dad?"
When still nothing, Steve called out louder, "MOM? DAD? ANYONE HOME?"
The fear and dread only rose in him when still nothing. So, he stepped into the house. First, peeking into the living room. Empty. Looking just like a catalog with the extra pillows perfectly fluffed and the crocheted blankets folded over the sectional sofa's arm. Heading down the hallway, Steve entered the kitchen. The cookie jar was freshly stocked with Mawmaw Jeanie's Spouse Stealing Snickerdoodles.
Helping himself to a few of the cookies, Steve looked at the calendar. Sarah's yoga classes, Joe's physical therapy. Scheduled date nights, and random hearts that Steve definitely didn't want to think about the meaning behind those. Then, he found what he was looking for: Winnie and George.
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chainofclovers · 2 years
"Roy is fine with babysitting. He's been babysitting since Phoebe was born, and even though he doesn't know Henry nearly as much, the night was running pretty smoothly so far, with a new Marvel movie and a Lego set. The Lego is specially interesting to him, who never had the money as a child to own them, so he's almost as invested as the boy on trying to turn the pieces into a Star Wars ship. That's why it takes him a few seconds to understand the question when Henry asks why does his father keeps clothes on Roy's house."
Prompt if you ever want it, love square
Thank you so much! I wrote this as a sort of writing exercise, so it may not be super polished, but I loved the prompt and had a great time writing this and I hope you have fun reading it. (Majority of story is under the cut.)
Both Ted and Rebecca have told Roy several times that he doesn’t need to buy Henry anything. 
Apparently, it’s more than enough for Henry to get to spend some quality time with him and Keeley. Apparently, he’s already won Henry’s affection simply by being himself, whatever that’s supposed to mean. But when Keeley has to go out of town for work on the day they’re supposed to babysit, and Phoebe is invited to a sleepover at her best friend’s house that she can’t possibly miss, Roy figures the Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder LEGO set he’d already ordered before the social conflicts and pep talks and out-of-town trips started stacking up is security. Security against Henry finding Roy scary—or worse, boring—on their first ever night hanging out alone. 
He hopes Rebecca doesn’t make fun of him for his choice of set; she already calls him Darth Vader when he gets so angry he wheezes. 
He hopes Ted doesn’t Google the set and find out Roy has spent £160 on his son.
When the set shows up on his doorstep, Roy looks at the packaging and realizes it’s rated 18+. Heart pounding, he determines via context clues this doesn’t mean there’s a NSFW voicebox inside the C3PO. There’s no nudity involved. No cheeky sex toys among all the little building blocks. This set is for adults because it requires mature levels of time and patience. Luckily, Roy himself is an adult, mostly ready to provide adult supervision to the person most like Ted in the entire world. They’re only a week into this month-long visit of Henry’s, and Ted’s getting better at recognizing Henry’s independence, letting him walk to the to the store down the street same as Phoebe does, letting him spend a little time alone in the house if he and Rebecca need to run an errand and Henry doesn’t want to join. But tonight is Ted and Rebecca’s anniversary, and they’ll be out for hours at dinner and a show, and Henry needs an adult, and might appreciate the opportunity to tackle a challenging adult LEGO set with a grown-up who isn’t his embarrassing old dad.
He hopes.
Ted drops Henry off not long after training ends, ensuring he’ll have plenty of time to go back home and get ready before the dinner reservation. Roy isn’t totally pathetic; he doesn’t show Henry the LEGO set right away. He leads him on a quick tour of the most pertinent rooms of the house, and Henry enthusiastically compliments his trophies and the size of the TV in the living room (he fought to keep that ridiculous TV when he moved in with Keeley last year, and now feels vindicated anew) and, more surprisingly, the “really nice” blue color of the curtains in the guest bathroom. 
Roy quickly remembers that Henry already knows him and likes him, and it doesn’t hurt that he orders a pizza and puts on a Spider-Man movie while they eat. But when they’ve finished their pizza and cleared plates to the kitchen, Henry seems too energized to go back to the movie, and asks if they could finish watching it another time. There’s only one thing for it: Skywalker’s Landspeeder.
“Oh, whoa,” Henry says when Roy hands him the box. “Oh whoa oh whoa oh whoa. Graham and his mom did this one, and I was so jealous!” He goes serious. “Not, like, mean jealous. I just really really like this one. Thank you so much.” He actually jumps up and down a little, unable to contain the enthusiasm to words alone, and the sight of it makes Roy miss Ted like he didn’t see him only an hour or so ago, like they didn’t spend the entire workday together, like they didn’t go out for lunch just the two of them and spend so long making out in the car that they had to get takeaway instead of eating at the counter.
Considering Henry literally somersaulted on the way to the door when the doorbell rang with the pizza, he’s surprisingly patient with the Landspeeder, and rather good with the fine motor skills such a mature set requires. Henry knows from experience that it’s best to go page-by-page with the instructions, carefully checking each step for completion before moving on, and they sit on the floor (Roy’s knee only screams for a minute) next to the coffee table for at least half an hour of studious quiet, the building process their only conversational topic. 
Suddenly, Henry springs to his feet. “Gotta go to the bathroom,” he announces, and he takes off in the direction of the guest bath with the good curtains. 
Roy is so absorbed in reading ahead in the instruction book, keeping an eye on any potential trouble areas to come—he never had a toy this expensive or involved as a kid, and by the time he was only a year or two older than Henry, his entire life revolved around football—that he barely notices that it takes Henry an unusually long time to come back. 
“You all right?” Roy mutters when Henry finally returns to the living room, assuming he’ll get a largely ignorable affirmative answer before they throw themselves back into the LEGO set. 
But Henry’s “yeah, I’m okay” is tentative, a little shaky.
“Henry,” Roy says, and his heart pounds worse than it did when he thought he’d bought Ted Lasso’s wholesome son the LEGO equivalent of a blue joke. “What’s the matter? Do you not feel well?”
“Yeah, I just.” Henry combs his fingers through his hair. He looks a little pale. “I saw something. When I was in the bathroom.” 
If it was a mouse, he would’ve hollered his shock. Like father, like son. “You can tell me.”
“A Joe Arthur Gatestack shirt, hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Is it my dad’s? I think he’s the only person in England with that shirt. Or maybe,” he adds hopefully, “he got you a souvenir?”
Roy’s first reaction is a flare of anger, outsized and wobbly.
Not at Henry. 
At Ted, for being careless, when he’s had such a careful plan for this visit. A week and a half of everyone spending time together, getting used to each other. Half a week of communication: a conversation with him and Henry alone. A family meeting for Henry to ask questions of all the adults. Two weeks of going about more-or-less as normal—the kid-friendly version of the normal they’ve long since established while Henry was away at school in Kansas, blissfully none-the-wiser. 
At himself, for cleaning the fucking bathroom himself but letting the shirt go unnoticed because he doesn’t fucking notice Ted’s clothes lying around anymore because they’re no longer a notable part of the landscape.
He inhales as deeply as he can muster, and exhales quietly enough—he hopes—that the sound isn’t alarming. “Yeah, it’s his.” 
“I guess I was just, um, wondering why my dad would’ve had to take his shirt off at your house. It’s stupid, though, people leave stuff at their friend’s houses all the time.”  
“No, it isn’t stupid,” he says. “Your dad spends a lot of time here, and sometimes that means, uh, changing clothes.”
To Roy’s horror, Henry looks like he might cry. “Like, as friends? Not, like, to be naked. Right? Because he and Rebecca are in love.” 
“I promise, nothing’s getting in the way of your dad and Rebecca being in love.” Roy thinks about how Ted always figures out how the other person needs to be reassured, and how Keeley can smooth over any situation with a joke and a kind word, and how Rebecca’s good at insisting on the truth with so much bravado that you’d have to be an idiot to counteract her. “Your dad’s gonna talk to you about it. He and Rebecca spend a lot of time here, with Keeley and me.”
“So…do you love him?”
Roy takes a pause before answering, hoping Henry doesn’t interpret the pause as a no. He weighs his options. Ideal for this conversation to have occurred with Ted first, but suddenly the worst case scenario isn’t this conversation. The worst case scenario is Henry hearing someone lie and say his father isn’t loved. 
“Yeah,” Roy says. “I fucking lo—I love him.” He looks at Henry, sees a tiny grin spark in the boy’s face. “Everyone loves your dad. I’m lucky, aren’t I?”
“Um, yeah,” Henry says. “But I don’t get it. What about Rebecca?” 
“It’s kind of like—it’s like we all chose to be in the same family.” 
Henry nods slowly. “I think I wanna just ask Dad about it. Can we work on the dashboard now?”
Thank fuck. “Course,” Roy says, handing Henry the instruction book. “I read ahead but we’re on page 18.” 
A bit before midnight, Roy hears a car idling in front of the house. Two doors shut, then the engine revs and the car takes off. Ted and Rebecca must plan to stay for at least a little while. It’s just as well; Henry’s been asleep in the guest room for a couple hours now, and Roy wasn’t sure if it’d be crass to invite them to stay over on their own anniversary, but he’d figured it was worth a try. Especially now that Henry’s seen the shirt. Besides, Roy isn’t totally sure which anniversary they’re celebrating today. They’ve got several, just for the two of them—the dating anniversary, a couple obscure biscuit-related ones, the anniversary of the day they decided marriage wasn’t for them but they wanted to be together forever. 
A minute or so later, they let themselves in. They’re both dressed up, Rebecca in a form-fitting black dress, Ted in a grey suit. Roy isn’t sure if it’s crass to appreciate the extra hotness brought on by the anniversary, but it’s too fucking late to care. They’re wine-flushed and happy, and he doesn’t miss the way they both sway into the kisses he plants on their cheeks. It’ll be easy to convince them to stay over. 
“How’d he do?” Ted asks, and at the same time Rebecca announces she’s going to the kitchen to get them water. “And how’d you do?” Ted adds before Roy gets a chance to answer the first question.
“Good,” Roy says. “Got something to talk to you about, though.” He ushers Ted into the living room, Rebecca already having brushed past. They might as well sit amongst the LEGO work-in-progress. Might as well see the mess that precedes the final impressive form.  
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moonsquaremars · 4 months
Valentine's Day .2024
I don't know what messages the universe is sending me. It was somewhat clear for a moment. The spirit/apparition I sensed outside my window, and again in 8th house's room. The dream I had a year before I met him which came true right before my eyes. When I gave up on him, the very next day, Taco Bell gets my order wrong and gives me his favorite drink, even though they'd never done that before. The synchronicity is insane.
I know it won't make sense to everyone, and a lot of people won't care. I could accept that I never saw a spirit. Perhaps it really was just a hallucination, since I do get those from time to time. It was different from what I usually see though. Distinct. But who knows. Even if I write that off, the dream did come true. It started with us putting art in the back of my car, at night, in an urban setting. I remember the exact moment when I realized the dream was coming true, cuz something in me knew that dream was important when I woke up from it suddenly, a year before. It ended with a gun. The gun that was cocked behind his front door, when my dad and his friends were on the front porch, after he did what he did on his birthday last summer.
I didn't want to give up on him. I got a sense to stay on a Tiktok live of a tarot reader one night, and she started saying. a lot of things I was recognizing and vibing with. I paid for a reading. She told me he was thinking about me, a lot. And that I could expect to hear from him again, but she was suspicious of his intentions due to the swords cards. I was estatic just to know he was thinking about me.
So I guess the end of the dream wasn't quite the official end with him. I did see him more after all. Albeit, it was never like it was during the summer. He became closed off and mean. He didn't compliment me anymore, didn't answer my questions. It's like he was just a mannequin, who occasionally invited me over for unpassionate sex or cuddling in silence while a movie played. He offered me very little, but I was so desperate to start building a relationship again.
The dream I saw of Millionaire Mouse complicates my clarity. I saw him in a dream in July, when I was depressed over 8th house. I didn't hear from him at all that month. I wasn't sure I would again. But he rised from the ashes and texted me eventually, but the ball got rolling with Mouse.
I like him fine. Seeing him in a dream only adds to my confidence in my abilities. Though it makes me wonder how special 8th house really is. Maybe it wasn't meant to last long term with him. The evidence before me seems to suggest that. There's something inside me that doesn't believe it, but I can't tell if that's ego or some objective truth. Like destiny.
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Two odd synchronicities happened today. The first was a u2 song in the workvan with millionaire mouse. We were driving back from michigan, and we kept swapping bluetooth access. Then, I look at the screen, and it's on track 9 of 11 from a u2 album. The title of the song is "this is how you can reach me"
I've been seeing that number for years. years. It started happening around when I started doing drugs. I figured it was the universe telling me to stop. That they were bad, that I'm gonna have to call 911 because of some situation I got in or because of my health. That makes sense. But then I started seeing it at times when I wasn't doing drugs. So it didn't make sense to me.
But when I met 8th house, he used to be a policeman. His dad was a firefighter, just like my step dad was. It was perfect. I thought the universe was just telling me my policeman was waiting for me. Now that I spend the days alone or with another man, I'm starting to question my grasp of things. Maybe it's just a stsupid number I just so happen to catch on the clock a lot.
This is how you can reach me. I stared at the screen for a bit. I took a picture, even. track 9 of 11, on a random album that not i nor mouse had pulled up. It just randomly appeared. So I google the album tonight, and see that the actual ninth track is "Sleep like a baby tonight". Is the universe just telling me to go to sleep tonight instead of staying up late like I usually do? Like how I've been staying up late, hoping 8 would text me? That would make sense. but that isn’t even the actual 9th track. ??
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He's currently not speaking to me. I got another tarot reading, which I had been wanting to do but the time never felt right until recently. I got pulled into a tiktok live. I even exited it, but it popped back up again. The guy's necklace even started glowing, and he said it was the archangel michael and he was with him. And I believe him. I had another synchronous moment with him a couple months ago. So I bought a reading.
Those damn swords cards came up again. He told me the relationship was done. That there was something I was still holding onto that was keeping me from moving forward. That reading really pissed me off. And I want to write it off.
But it's valentine's day. And I'm alone, in my bedroom, and haven't heard a word from 8.
The second synchronous thing. And rather important. My favorite book as a kid, "monster mama" by liz greenburg or something. I had been thinking about the book and decided to google it earlier today. I love how scary the illustrations are. I got the book in kindergarten at a book fair.
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Well, I was looking at photos online. The main character has 8's middle name + my middle name. How odd is that? I probably haven't looked at that book since middle school. I don't even know where my copy is. But my favorite children's book, the main character has the two middle names of me and the person I want to live my life with. How am I not supposed to believe that he is perfect for me? That we're destined?
I shuffled my oracle cards and put a token of him on top, before I drew the first card. I was like, please universe, spirits, tell me something thorugh this one card. And Ipulled one.
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This is what it said. I'm not sure what sense to make of it. commitment to 8 or to mouse? commitment to my future? what i’ve been holding onto is something i trauma bonded with 8 over. it’s caused me problems in my life, and i haven’t been sure if i should integrate or annihilate.
hopefully time will convince me of what it is i need to do. i have options, they’re just not really the ones i want at the moment.
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