#but then my ramblings would be known only to myself and we can't have that now can we /lh
welcome back to it's late and I'm tired and my head is full of bees and love for my characters
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Bucky wasn't much of a talker before he met you, and he usually doesn't talk until you enter the room he's in. One day, Sam calls him out on his behavior, and he tells him that you're the only one who is actually worth listening to in the Compound.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Light swearing, 2 idiots in love who won’t see it until it’s pointed out to them.
A/N | If you want to send in a request for Bucky fics (either fluff/smut/angst), please don’t hesitate to drop them in my inbox! I’d love to see what you all think about when you think of Bucky! Thank you in advance 🖤
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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You have been holed up in your room for the entire afternoon because you're trying to get your wardrobe sorted out. You've been wanting to do this for a while, and there was no better day than the rainy Sunday you have found yourself currently enjoying. You got some music playing on your tv filling the space with some Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Panic! At The Disco to give you the boost of energy you need to see it through to the end. You're usually known to abandon things like this halfway, but you were sure today would be different, and now you're almost at the end. You promised Nat and Wanda that as soon as you were done they could search through it and pick out the clothes they want, the rest of it will go to Goodwill and be used for people who need them.
It took you only 15 more minutes before the pile on your bed was almost too big and threatening to topple over, but you stopped right on time. You knew Nat and Wanda would be in the living room so you walked over there. They were in conversation with Steve and Sam, Bucky was there too but he was just reading a book in a comfy chair in the corner. As soon as you walk into the living room Bucky looks up from his book and acknowledges you. ''Hi doll, it's good to see you again! We almost thought you had escaped or something,'' he said with a wink and you just laughed at his comment. ''No, just sorting my clothes is all! How's your book?'' you ask and he proceeds to tell you all about this book he's been reading.
You sit on the arm of the chair he's currently sitting in as the two of you have an entire conversation about the book, since it's one of the thrillers you've recommended to him and he's been hooked on it since the beginning. What the two of you failed to notice, however, is that the entire room had gone quiet, because they hadn't heard Bucky say a single word ever since they walked in and they asked if it was okay to join him. He just gave him a grunt in response, and they were completely flabbergasted at the fact that he could in fact talk. He just kept rambling on and on about his opinions, until Sam cleared his throat and both of you looked at him.
''Really? You're talking to her like you've not seen each other for weeks, but we can't even get a hello?!'' he says with a scowl as he looks at Bucky. ''I was just reading, it's no big deal. I was just invested is all,'' he says but everyone knows that wasn't exactly convincing. Steve is the only one who knows what's going on but he won't tell anyone, because Bucky told him about his feelings towards you in secret. Bucky never told anyone about Steve's feelings for Natasha either, so they knew they could 100% trust each other, even though this was making it slightly more obvious. ''Alright, you keep telling yourself that while I go make myself a cup of coffee,'' Sam says as he stands up, walking towards the kitchen.
This time you turned to Nat and Wanda, who were still looking at you and Bucky in disbelief. ''Did you two still want to go rummage through my clothes or-'' you say and before you can finish your sentence you are pulled away by the girls to your room, barely able to say goodbye to Bucky and Steve. ''See you guys!'' is all you get out before you're out of earshot. ''Could you please slow down? I'm not wearing shoes and the floor is slippery!'' you say and they finally do, but only when the three of you have reached your room.
''Spill it, now!'' Nat demands, but you have no clue what she's getting at. You look at her with a confused face, and then to Wanda in the hopes she would explain what's going on with Nat. ''W-what do you mean?'' you ask with hesitation clear in your voice. ''You and Bucky, what's going on between the two of you? He hasn't said a single word since we walked in, and right when you walk in he's talking like there's an endless stream of thoughts coming out of his mouth,'' she says and you blush. Is your crush on the super soldier that obvious? ''Nothing is going on, I swear! I didn't even know he didn't say anything to you, I assumed he was just busy with his book and happened to look up when I walked in...'' you say as a blush creeps up your cheeks and down your neck.
''I swear, nothing is going on! Now can the two of you just go through my clothes? That way I can still bring the rest to Goodwill before they close today,'' you tell them and they do, steering the conversation to your clothes as they try it on, and almost the entire pile is shared between the two girls. The rest of it goes into some trash bags and you're on your way to the parking garage when you're suddenly stopped by Bucky. ''Here, let me help you,'' he says and you gladly accept. When they're loaded into your car he offers to go with you and you happily agree. ''Shall we get some coffee before heading back to the Compound?'' he asks and you nod, that would be nice, especially with this rainy weather.
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A few weeks have passed and there have been a few more incidents like the one when you walked into the living room, tonight would be no different. Tony invited everyone out to a bar to celebrate your last mission which happened to be a huge success, but you would be joining everyone later since you were having dinner with an old friend first. All the other Avengers were already at the bar, and Bucky was staring at the door as if it would run away if he didn't keep his gaze locked onto it constantly. ''You know she won't be coming in here any time soon, leave the door alone already,'' Sam sighs, but Bucky doesn't listen.
You decided to go for an edgy yet casual outfit today, perfect for the weather outside right now. Fall has finally arrived in New York and as much as you love the colder weather, it was also nice to be somewhere warm with all your colleagues and friends. You said your goodbyes to Ava as you walked into the bar, and she walked the rest of her way home. The little bell above the door went off and with it, Bucky's facial expression completely changed. ''You've got the be kidding me,'' Sam mumbled under his breath but Bucky didn't pay attention, all he had eyes for is you. ''Hi, guys! Sorry I'm late,'' you say as you sit down on the bar stool next to Bucky. Of course, he saved it for you so you could sit next to him.
''How was dinner with Ava?'' Bucky asked and you told everyone all about her, how the two of you met, some crazy antics the two of you have gotten into, and of course dinner tonight. She recently got engaged and she wanted to tell you in person, you couldn't be happier for her. Bucky had made sure to get your favorite drink in the meantime, and you were gladly sipping on it. ''So, did I miss anything while I was gone?'' you ask. ''This one-'' Sam put his hand on Bucky's shoulder when he said that, ''- was staring the door down as if it was going to fall off its hinges if he didn't,'' he says and you laugh loudly. Bucky would never get enough of hearing that laugh.
''Really? Did you miss me that much?'' you say and he immediately blushes, trying to hide behind his long hair. You let it go and the evening was filled with more drinks you and Bucky were constantly talking with each other, leaving the rest of the team to fend for themselves. ''Okay, this is getting out of hand. Buck, you're acting weird and I've had enough of it,'' Sam started, Bucky looking confused in his direction. ''What are-,'' ''You know damn well what I'm talking about. Whenever you're hanging out with us you barely talk, but whenever Y/N walks in you talk everyone's ear off! Just tell her you like her already so we don't have to keep doing this!'' he raised his voice and the red color Bucky was sporting before, has turned to a deep red at this point, and was creeping down his neck and chest.
''Sam, stop,'' he begs, but of course, Sam doesn't stop there. ''It's so obvious you two have feelings for each other, so why won't the two of you just admit it already? It's killing us for fuck sake!'' he yelled and that's when you had enough. ''Stop it! Just stop! I can't help it that Bucky and I get along great, that we have similar interests, and that he's fun to be around. But you don't have to attack him like this, he doesn't deserve that! Why can't you just be happy that he has made a friend? Someone who he feels comfortable with besides Steve? Is there something wrong with me that I can't be his friend or something?!'' you raise your voice this time and tears are burning in the corners of your eyes.
''That's not what I meant, Y/N. There's nothing wrong with you,'' Sam said but you had enough of this. ''Just leave me alone, I have had enough of this shit. I'm going home and I don't want to see any of you right now,'' you say and you get up, storming out of the bar and on your way to the Compound. ''You happy now, asshole?!'' Bucky snarls at Sam who does feel guilty for making you leave like that. ''And for the record, I only act like that around her because she's the only one who's worth listening to in the Compound,'' Bucky said before getting up and leaving too, going after you.
The bar was close to the Compound so you were there before Bucky was, and you had wrapped yourself in your comforter like a burrito so you could just be alone with your feelings. Bucky knocks softly on your bedroom door, hoping you're in there. ''Doll? Are you in there?'' he asks, but you don't answer. ''If you are, please open the door. I just want to talk to you,'' he says. ''Go away,'' you say, but of course, he doesn't. ''Doll, please, I want to explain something,'' he says and you unwrap yourself to open the door. ''Fine,'' you sigh as you go lay down in your bed, rolling yourself up in the same position as before. Bucky lets out a soft chuckle at the sight of a Y/N burrito.
''If you came here to laugh, you can leave again,'' you said sharply and he immediately stopped. ''No, I'm sorry. But I wanted to confess something, because Sam was right earlier, at the bar. I was staring at the door, wanting to see you walk in because you always manage to lift my mood without even trying,'' he starts, and you don't say anything and just listen to what he has to say. ''It's because I do indeed have feelings for you, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and I enjoy being in your presence,'' he says and with that, you turn around, facing him. ''A-Are you in love with me?'' you ask, not sure what to think of it.
''I am, that's why I just feel so comfortable talking to you, because when you're around I know I can be myself, and those feelings are shining through every time I see you. Steve is the only one I told, but I guess Sam must've picked up on it somewhere,'' Bucky sighs, and you sit up. You sit next to Bucky on the edge of your bed, leaning your head onto his shoulder and enjoying his warmth right now. ''Would you believe me if I tell you I've been in love with you as well?'' you say softly, a small smile playing on your lips. ''Yeah, I would,'' he said, and he puts 2 fingers under your chin, guiding your face to his.
He plants a soft, loving kiss on your lips and the two of you don't move for a little while, even when your lips aren't touching anymore. ''I've been thinking about doing that for a long time,'' Bucky said and you laughed. ''Me too,'' you say before placing another kiss on his lips this time. ''Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me, doll?'' Bucky asks and your face almost splits open into a wide grin as you nod. ''Nothing would make me happier than that, Bucky!'' you say as you wrap your arms around each other, laying down on the bed together in a tangle of limbs as you cuddle for a while. The comfortable silence makes way for a deep slumber, as both of you fall asleep listening to the sound of each other's heartbeats.
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candaru · 1 month
just gonna ramble about some Ultrakill/Portal crossover thoughts don't mind me
(considering The End of All Known Land canon for these thoughts, i.e. a world where Gabriel and V1 are the only ones to get out of Hell)
Chell hates robots with all her soul and would try to fucking annihilate V1 if she thought they posed even a sliver of a threat but V1 would be so fucking excited at the prospect of another human. like obviously if they were still in a situation where they needed blood, they'd kill her without a second thought, but now? they're just FASCINATED by the question of "how did a human SURVIVE" and they want to know everything
V1 inner monologue: oh boy a new sparring partner!!! wow they have a cool new kind of gun I've never seen before!! that would've been soooo helpful back in hell. I wonder if that's how they escaped? and they're quiet just like me! I wonder if their organic voicebox is broken? or do they just not have one? can humans not have one?
GLaDOS would fucking despise Gabriel because he's sooooo full of himself. She doesn't even need to hear him say anything robot-racist, She's already decided She hates him and wants him dead. an "angel?" yeah, right. sounds just like another human ripe for the picking. let's see how high-and-mighty you are when you're in my TESTING DOMAIN! DO MY PUZZLES, BOY!!!
Gabriel is like wow this robot is stuck up and has some serious issues but also I am uncomfortable with how much of myself I see reflected in her. hmmmm. yeah I'll try your puzzle, tell me more about your deep-seated hatred of organics and particularly this one that keeps ruining the facility you run and is the only one to ever beat you in a fight. mhm. yeah so quick question have you ever thought about trying to fuck—
meanwhile if Chell ever met Gabriel on the surface it'd make for such a good tense encounter. bc she is hiding behind a tree in full fight-or-flight mode wondering "how did another human SURVIVE" and also second question "how did they get such sickass wings and where can I get a pair?"
and then Gabriel noticing her would ALSO send him into fight-or-flight mode but only for a moment because of the pure shock of, again, "HOW DID A HUMAN SURVIVE" before curiosity completely overtakes him and he tries to talk to her. trying to get her to talk and not attack or run is like trying to coax a wild injured animal out of a hiding spot. but he eventually manages to earn the barest, most minimal amount of trust by setting down all his weapons and leaving offerings of food in front of her.
...this gets harder when she sees Gabriel and V1 together and registers that they're allies. she's unsure if they're plotting against her or if V1 is manipulating Gabriel. eventually she leans towards the latter and thinks her fears are confirmed when she witnesses them drawing Gabriel's blood while he's sleeping.
she tries to communicate this to him by drawing crude pictures on the ground and is VERY FRUSTRATED when he's like "omg can you not talk? that's ok!! V1 also can't talk but we make it work, they're really incredibly kind and patient and—"
I think it would be funny for V1 to try and go urban exploring in Aperture. GLaDOS is initially all excited because a new testing robot literally fell right into Her clutches but then V1 proceeds to be the most stubborn, impudent, tenacious piece of shit and they remind her WAY TOO MUCH OF CHELL so now She's trying to kill them but they have ACTUAL FUCKING GUNS and Aperture is being destroyed in the wake of their battle
meanwhile V1 has decided they don't like this robot but also She makes fun tests. so they do puzzles until they get bored and then they blast holes through the wall and try to kill Her
something something Ultrakill is just Portal for NBs (everyone knows Portal is for women) and I'm so fascinated by the similar dynamics of the toxic yuri/toxic yaoi robot-and-human pairs. and I think they would mostly hate each other and I love that for them.
(also something something GLaDOS is too far gone, too corrupted in Her immortality, and too deep in denial for any possible healthy ending with Chell—it's just not possible. so seeing Gabriel and V1 in a healthy and loving relationship would make Her SO FUCKING MAD for reasons She can't articulate)
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fuzybby · 6 months
Gale x F!Reader
Synopsis: You haven't been doing the best in your classes, and Mr. Dekarios needs a better way to punish you.
CW: spanking, fingering(?), no penetrative sex, Gale is a Professor, student and teacher relationship! (not healthy in real life but this is fiction)
1.4k words, enjoy!
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The sun peaking through the window is what woke me up from slumber. The bright rays felt warm against my face, and I instinctively tried to swat them away.
Another day of class. Not that the class is horrible, it's actually quite thrilling learning of the adventures from my Professor, the problem is how hot my Professor is.
Professor Dekarios. The man that he is. He keeps his hair in a half bun everyday. His beard is scruffy and I wonder what it would feel like against my neck, my chest, in between my thighs..
I can feel the wetness between my legs already. Another day where I go to class soaking wet for my teacher. The teacher.
If my friends had known I had the hots for him, they'd never let me live it down. Or, they'd agree to also wanting to fuck him, but I doubt that's the case. Many people don't actually enjoy Professor Dekarios's class, they say he rambles too much. The study of Arcana can be difficult at times, especially when the teacher is watching your every move with his sultry brown eyes..
Stop thinking!
I groan and finally get out of bed, rubbing the bridge of my nose with my pointer finger and thumb as I try to calm myself down. There's no need to work myself up before every class thinking of him.
I dress and eat, going about my morning routine as if I'm not insanely horny, before finally grabbing my books and making my way to The Study of Magic building on campus.
I find my regular seat, not right in front but not right in the middle of the rows. The closer to the front, the closer I am to the writing on the chalkboard so I can take notes. That part is real, I need to get better at focusing for class, because as of right now, my assignments I have been handing in are only getting average marks in return.
Class ticks on and on, and I study my Professor's movements methodically. His teaching robes are dark with stripes of red going down on his shoulders. They reach the floor, which leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. He wore his glasses today, round lenses that don't sit on his nose well, making him constantly have to push the glasses up higher on his face. His hair is messy, small grey streaks sneak into his brown locks. He is so handsome.
At the end of class, when all is dismissed, I haven't taken any notes. All I've done is watch Professor Dekarios's hands as he swung them around, his lips as he spoke, his eyes as he went through the emotions of telling his story.
Everyone in the class packs up their books in their bags, chatting freely as they leave their seats to leave. I'm slower packing up, waiting for people to leave the row first before I start shoving my books into my own bag.
I look up to find Professor Dekarios's gaze on me, I can't tell the emotion in his eyes. He makes a ‘come here' motion with his finger, to which my heart rate spikes. Am I in trouble? I think to myself.
I finish packing quickly and make my way over to him and his desk, every other classmate now out of the room.
“We need to talk.” He says with a sigh, leaning against the front of his desk and crossing his arms.
“I have threatened suspension, called your parents, I have given you so much time and leeway for you to finish assignments, and yet you refuse to get your act together.” He continues, taking off his glasses and setting them down on his desk.
“I'm sorry, I-” I try to say, trying to come up with some sort of excuse that isn't ‘all I think about is you. you're the cause of my bad grades.’
“I am running out of appropriate punishments. At this point, I'll need to spank you like a child to get my point across.” He spits out. His face has contorted to anger.
I open my mouth to speak and nothing comes out, I'm at a loss for words. Spanking? Does he mean that? My face feels hot, and I try to forget the constant throbbing that comes from my clit.
“Maybe you should then.” Is what I say. I meet his eyes to convey my seriousness. “Spank me, I mean.”
He raises an eyebrow, his jaw clenched as he looks at me.
“Fine. Set your bag down, and bend over the desk.”
I stand frozen for a minute, realising that this is happening. He moves slightly to give me more room on the desk, his anger still evident.
I slowly set my bag down on the floor and stepped up to the desk, leaning over it slightly. Placing my hands to lay flat against the mahogany. I hear my Professor before I feel him, he stands behind me and quickly lands a sharp slap to my behind. I gasp and lean forwards more, my elbows now against the table.
The sting from his hand hit me hard, even though my clothes were still on, the roughness of his hands were evident.
“Mr. Dekarios!-” I gasp out, to which he replies “Call me Gale.”
“Gale” I breathe his name. It feels good against my tongue, comfortable.
He hits me again, on the other cheek this time. I crumble forwards again, my chest hitting the desk now as I'm fully bent over. My nails claw against the wood, and my breathing becomes ragged.
“Have you learnt your lesson yet?” Gale asks me, his hand comes to lay on my ass gently, hoping to bring some sort of comfort to the situation. He presses his crotch against me, and I can feel how hard he is. I whine out a quiet “yes” as I try to push myself against him.
The friction, for even just half a second, feels so good it makes me want to cry. I've wanted this for so long, I could probably cum from just the friction.
His hand on my ass moves to cup my cunt, bringing a whimper out of me. “Please” I beg, trying to move my hips against his hand.
“Can I take these off?” He asks, his other hand moving to snap the waistband of my trousers against my skin. I nod quickly, spewing more “please”s.
Gale takes them off quickly, only pushing them down to wrap around my ankles, his fingers coming back up to my uncovered folds. spreading them open with his thumbs, my slick already coating his digits.
“How long have you been wet for?” He breathes.
“All day.”
He groans. A gutteral sound that sends shivers down my spine as his fingers move again, this time to prod at my clit. Flicking it back and forth agonisingly slowly. His other hand moves to press against my lower back, keeping me grounded against the table.
A very gentle slap is sent to my cunt, the sound of flesh slapping against wetness filled the air for only a second. I whine again, biting my lip to stop the tears that threaten to spill. I have wanted him to touch me for so long, and how here he is, teasing me as I wriggle in his grasp.
He moves back to flick my clit again, this time harder and faster. Every once in a while circling it. My hips back on their own trying to get more pleasure, more friction from him.
It doesn't take long for me to scream out that I'm cumming. My body feels on fire as ecstasy courses through my veins. My legs shake from the pleasure as Gale tuts at me. My mouth opens in a silent scream as I try to control my emotions, tears have spilled from my eyes and landed onto the desk. Remnants of the filthy things we have done.
Gale removes his hand and pulls my pants back up, tapping my ass again gently.
I turn around on wobbly legs and try to move his robes up to get to him, but he grabs my wrists and stops me in my tracks. He smirks devilishly, his next words make my legs threaten to collapse even more than before.
“Only good girls who pay attention in class get my cock.”
Before long he's sending me on my way, not even a kiss on the lips goodbye. By the time I make it back to my dorm room I'm collapsing on the bed with a squeal. I will definitely be paying better attention now.
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pinkwright · 1 year
in pieces | shuri udaku.
◘ rapper/producer!shuri udaku x fem!singer/director!reader
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trope – strangers 2 enemies 2 friends 2 lovers
inspo — in pieces by chlöe.
series warnings — mean!shuri, cold!reader, reader is rlly soft in love, her ex is all she's ever known so pls be gentle w her, toxic relationships, crybaby!reader, insults, gaslighting, yall the exes face claim is brent faiyaz LMFAO (i dont keep up w men so he was the first name to pop up), touchy!shuri, reader folds so bad so easily lol, cheating, reader is petty, relapses in judgement, reader is fucking talented, smitten shuri, vv soft but only later lol, reader can get bitchy, shuri rlly gets under her skin, bitter n spiteful reader, reader's manager is so tired of them, reader has her public persona nailed down, ppl rarely ever see the real her, t'challa is alive but their parents aren't, kissing, crying, dirty talk, strap slinger!shuri, fingering, thigh riding, smau elements, studio sessions, cunnilingus, taunting, edging, slut-shaming, possessive!shuri, sub!reader, dom!shuri, the media loves to dawg on reader for nothing, cursing, humiliation kink, bratty!reader, needy!reader, desperation, sexual identity crisis, patient!shuri, shuri likes to push ppl away, mentions of marriage/engagements, alcohol, anxiety, panic attacks, manipulation, clubbing, might have an open ending idk, there's probs more but oh well.
a/n — i have so many ideas dropping consecutively my bad yall LMFAO anyway this is my first series, n um im nervous badd but we move, i rlly like this idea and the skeleton of it so hopefully it comes off the way i would like it to so my perfectionist spirit can smile LMFAO (i find myself so funny sorry), anyway here’s the masterlist before i ramble more <3
dedications — @zayswriting – i’ve always avoided writing series (hence how i came up w sets LOL) but zay’s my inspo for series like that’s her shit so while the notion is still kinda daunting, she makes me feel like i can try to tackle it at least. @mbakuetshurisprincess constantly revising ur masterlist bc ur pen is just brilliant, u were also a huge inspo in getting me to write a series n u influence my version of shuri a lot. then a few people i admire that keep me posting n make me wanna improve; @saintwrld @vixentheplanet @verachii @naomis-daydream @marsolgy @inmyheadimobsessed <3
oke, that's the end of the sappiness.
⟢˚ @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @shurismainbxtch @rxcently @shuriszn @lppriceisright @golooktheotherway @motheroffae @vampzxi @mysticalmarss @abenomeiiii @6-noir @izrinmabel1 @vexoshuri @ilovelulu @sookiesookie @ziayamikaelson @sapphicvqmpires @locoforshuri @ventingfanfics @melanated-queens @cuddl3s4shur1
no matter how many times i break, i put myself back together every damn time. oh, mm, can i be honest with you?
y/n l/n, a hyper-pop sensation that is at an all-time high in her career; her two-time grammy winning album, above her oscar-nominated directing debut cemented her as a force to be reckoned with, both in the music and film industry. and soon, in a swoon-worthy show of romance, she's flaunting an envy-worthy diamond ring graciously accompanied by a viral proposal from high school sweetheart and renowned artist, christopher brent wood.
engaged and flourishing, her world is almost too perfect to be true, tainted by the pink shades of blinding love that soon violently shatter at the hands of the only love she's ever known, the fractals painfully littering her being; heavy fragments that she can't seem to even begin piecing together.
in a battle of identity, self-expression, independence, and rebirth; the international superstar finds herself in a back-and-forth battle with herself and the people around her, finding that the dark pit she falls into, may not solely be the demise of her fairytale, but also the fall of the y/n l/n that the public came to know over the years; the catalyst to the redemption arc in finding who she really is, the girl she buried years ago.
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
[ characters ]
prologue : someone’s calling (chlöe)
— after a lengthy hiatus of absolute silence, y/n drops an ominous track w an even more intriguing visualizer, unrecognizable from her usual sweet hyper pop princess look n sound, n the internet wilds; the rebrand peaking an important person's interest.
...coming soon
one : pray it away
— after facing public humiliation from a cheating scandal that had put y/n in the spotlight she comes back into the spotlight w a haunting single n performance that sparks large controversy along with its acclaim; she meets a certain face that she sasses off too in response to her attitude.
...coming soon
two : body do
— after announcing the drop of her debut album y/n is set on a artist rebrand n her manager knows just the person; so she meets world renowned director/producer shuri udaku who directs her visualiser n the bad blood cause tension to spill.
...coming soon
three : i don’t mind + worried
— y/n l/n new maneater cutthroat persona has the internet fawning over her so imagine their shock when she shows up to the grammys w the same man that was the driving factor to her vicious rebrand n shuri gets a glimpse into the real personality behind the scrutinised pop sensation.
...coming soon
four : for the night
— a glimpse into shuri’s true thoughts about the girl she swears she can’t stand.
...coming soon
five : make it look easy
— when y/n finally tackles the song she couldn't face, the internet starts to rethink their view on the girl they've scrutinised n criticised for the entirety of her career n shuri finds it harder to cut deeper into the broken-down girl.
...coming soon
six : looze u
— y/n can’t stop the flood of emotions that overtake her when she confronts the man who broke her heart, opening the floor for hurtful truths n violent words that leave her reeling in her memories.
...coming soon
seven : told ya + cheatback
— the officially single superstar thinks she deserves a night out seeing as her album debut draws nearer by the day, n the fun night out has surprising outcomes.
...coming soon
eight : heart on my sleeve
– when shuri spits her meanest words yet to the softening star, y/n finds herself pathetically adding a track to her album minutes before its release, much to her fans’ concern n the producer feels stuck in limbo.
...coming soon
epilogue : in pieces
— while the successful album drop feels like a weight lifted off of her chest especially w/ an upcoming oscar performance; she can’t help but find the weight replaced by a certain pretty-eyed producer. 
...coming soon
⊱ ───── .✶˖⋆࿐ ──── ⊰
hold me when, hold me when i'm in pieces.
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666writingcafe · 2 months
Wow. Diavolo's just as bad as the rest of us, isn't he? I mean, literally jumping out of his office window to escape the Devildom and visit MC...that certainly wasn't on my bingo card for this year.
In any case, we do need to locate him. He's known to cause chaos whenever he's left unsupervised, and while I'd love to see a video of him go viral, I know Lucifer wouldn't, and I really don't want to sit through one of his lectures.
Thankfully, I have just the thing that might help.
"This is Crowe," I tell MC, putting the black cylinder in their hands.
"I didn't know you had a smart speaker," MC replies as they examine Crowe.
"I won him at an auction. Apparently he's a prototype. He's created by the Three-Legged Crow Group, the same company that sells D.D.D.'s. As long as someone has one of their phones, Crowe can track their location. All you have to do is ask."
"Sounds simple enough. Hopefully Diavolo has his phone on him." With that, MC asks Crowe to locate our missing prince.
"Lord Diavolo is located at The Drunk Hyena," it answers. "Would you like me to provide the address?"
"Yes." After hearing the address, MC appears shocked.
"Everything okay?" I ask them.
"I had no idea they had a location in the human world." I shrug, trying to hide my surprise. Clubbing doesn't really seem like MC's thing. Then again, Asmo is prone to dragging people to clubs, so who knows?
"The owners must have bought the building and created a portal. That sort of thing happens all the time." I pause. "Still doesn't explain why Diavolo would be there, though. It's the middle of the day."
"Perhaps it was the safest way for him to get here. People tend to not ask a lot of questions at clubs." That's true, I suppose. They're too caught up in whatever or whoever it is they're doing to notice anything outside their bubble.
At that moment, MC's phone rings.
"Good timing," they mutter as they pull it out and answer it. They tell the person on the other end that they're going to put them on speaker before positioning their phone so that it's between us.
"Who's in the room with you?" Oh shit. It's Diavolo.
"Just me," I reply. Diavolo breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. I was afraid it might have been someone else. I've been meaning to talk to you about that anime you recommended to me a few months ago. It's really good."
During my quest to manage my social anxiety, I discovered that one of my online friends was actually none other than Diavolo himself, which was weird, because I "met" him on a pretty unknown online RPG, one that only the most devoted members of the gaming community knew about.
As it turns out, Diavolo's secretly a huge gaming nerd. I don't know how he finds the time, since his duties as prince require the majority of his attention, but somehow he's up-to-date on the latest news in the gaming world.
It was definitely awkward at first when I found out, but then I realized that Diavolo just wanted someone he could geek out with. It's not like Lucifer or Barbatos would; neither one of them are particularly interested in video games.
"Diavolo, what sort of trouble did you get yourself into?" MC asks before he has the opportunity to start rambling. I don't have to look at his face to know that he's blushing.
"Well, I may have gotten stuck."
"Are we talking tight space, or something cursed?"
"The latter." He sounds like someone who got caught stealing. "This place has a cursed karaoke room where you can't leave until you get a perfect score on the machine's vocal accuracy challenge."
"So, why haven't you participated?" Silence. "Diavolo, is this a ploy to get me to join you?" More silence. Then,
"Maaaybe." As Asmo would say, he's definitely down bad.
And somehow I'm fine with that. It's weird, I know, especially since I wouldn't have been fine before. I would have been tearing myself down as I holed myself up in my room, because there was no way I could compete with someone like Diavolo for someone's affection.
That's not the case now. I can't really explain why I feel calm; I just do.
"You know MC can't come by themselves, right?" I ask. "You know who would throw a fit if they did." Diavolo sighs.
"Yeah, I do. Doesn't make any sense to me, but whatever. He can feel how he wants." He pauses. "Ask the others if they want to tag along. We can at least make something fun out of the situation."
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that-fanperson-meg · 6 months
ok so I kinda went crazy and made a song analysis of “A Drink to Death” by Chonny Jash because of how much I associate it with Pleiades.
Pleiades and Dulciana belong to @loaflovesdoodling
also here’s the song if you’re curious lol
So let’s get started:
"Make sure my glass is full" "Let's crash and see how fast we go" He took a shot and held his breath  "I'm gonna drink myself to death"
These first few lines are about Ades himself I think, what with him drinking away all of his problems away and wanting to drink himself to death despite being immortal.
It'll eat your insides Your brain burns and your skin dries Bumbling through the alleys like you think you're still alive I wanna hold you closely, I wanna smell your sweat I wanna drink myself to death
I see this part as him just kinda rambling on, as seen in the bolded lines that I interpret as him wanting to have Dulciana back with him again and Ades still grappling with her death (also the mention of ALLEYS? Come on the comparisons are too easy lol)
There will be no candles There will be no romance I will be alone We will not hold hands There will be no toasting There will be no romance You are young, I am an old man
This section is a sort of continuation of the other bold lines where Pleiades is wanting back Dulci and reminiscing about how they were back when she was still alive but now knowing that he’ll never do any of the stuff that they did together ever again.
And if I pass out, wake me up I may be drunk but I'm not drunk enough And everything keeps fucking up We were nice together, weren't we, once? I'm drunk but I'm not drunk enough We were nice together, weren't we, once?
I see these lyrics as Ades fully spiraling as he keeps drinking more and more to stave off the pain and grief of Dulciana and talking to himself.
Make sure my glass is full We can laugh 'til I am blasting off From now 'til nothing's left I wanna drink myself to death (I'm gonna drink myself to death)
The chorus repeats the same things as expressed in the first time
When I woke, it was daylight and the clouds were pink The sun was coming up... or going down, I think (I'm gonna drink myself to death) You can't see their silver linings when your vision's blurred A 151-proof tear detergent to clean what's down my shirt (I'm gonna drink myself to death)
Ok now this is where it starts getting fun :]
I personally see the first lyric as Ades’ talking about Dulciana in a metaphorical sense, saying that she’s the daylight and she brought light to his world…however as said in the lyrics the sun was going down (referring to Dulci’s terminal illness) and the next lyric only enforces this by saying that his vision was blurred (which I choose to interpret as Pleiades crying over Dulciana’ passing hence his vision being blurred by tears)
Make sure my glass is full Let's make the evening magical The lies have no regrets I'm gonna drink myself to death (I'm gonna drink myself to death)
Make sure my glass is full I'll crash to see how fast I go I'll take a shot and hold my breath I'm gonna drink myself to death
Once again the chorus only reinforces Ades’ grief and him using alcohol to cope.
And the nights have lost their minds And the mornings are unkind And this, the last I see of you The glass! Don't let me see it through
Alright so let’s break this into two parts (blue and red)
So I believe that the lyrics in blue would be Pleiades taking about his parents, what his mother being the night and his father being the morning
and the red lyrics are Ades hallucinating Dulciana because of all of the alcohol with him saying “the last I see of you, the glass!” Basically him seeing her through the glass
Make sure my name is known 'Til the pain will make you wish you don't Of life, we're all bereft I just took mine before the rest
I see this as Pleiades completely loosing himself in the alcohol as also represented by the music getting more frantic and intense.
Make sure my glass is full Let's watch this white light turn to gold Tonight is all that's left I'm gonna drink myself to death
Now this chorus is slightly different from the others and the bolded lyric can actually fit pretty well with Ades’ hate/fear of hospitals because the most common color in a hospital is white (hence the which it’s light) and Pleiades’ blood being gold and the theme that persists throughout the song of Ades wanting to drink himself to death so he can finally be back with Dulciana
And when I pass, don't call my bluff I may be drunk but I'm not drunk enough To fight the me that's on this stuff We were nice, but now I'm coarse and rough I'm drunk but I'm not drunk enough We were nice together, weren't we, once?
and finally the music slows and so does Pleiades as his thoughts begin to slow and his own grief takes over his thoughts, and as the last lyric asking Dulciana, “we were nice together, weren’t we once?” And with that it all fades away.
So yeah TLDR: Poor little meow meow misses his wife and wants to see her again
congrats if you actually made it through all of my ramblings lol, here take a cookie :]
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
Frankly, I've always found it strange, myself included, why Levi never mentions Isabel and Farlan. For example we don't even see them in the flashbacks where he remembers his comrades. But if I had to think of the most logical reason I could think of, it's more likely that it's because they're not characters of Yams own creation. No Regrets is a script that Yams commissioned someone else to write for the Levi background, a spinoff that was not written by Isayama himself, and the characters there are not Yams characters, except for Levi and Yams characters.
In one of the interviews I read about No regrets, I read that Isayama wanted this story to be written/drawn because he wanted a spinoff that was more about how Levi joined Survey corps. That's exactly what it is, if I remember what was written correctly. Maybe you've seen it too. My point is this, Perhaps the reason Isayama never mentions Farlan and Isabel in his own story is because they are not his characters, but also because both Farlan and Isabel and No Regrets itself, are more of background tools on how Levi joined Sc.
Hi! How are you?
Yeah, I think that's a very possible and logical answer. I would 100% believe that would be the reason if other characters were mentioned more frequently. I would be like, "Why does Levi constantly talk or think in this or that character and not Farlan and Isabel?" But overall, I still kinda stick to my idea that we hardly even see any other "remarkable" characters as "flashbacks" from the veterans, and we never hear even Levi mention them. Not just Levi; almost all the characters do not mention other characters overall.
I dare to say that's mostly an "economical" situation. Probably Isayama wasn't allowed to have any extra scenes or do "fill up" chapters to showcase other characters talking about their lives, their thoughts, etc. Like, as an example, I can't recall a single chapter in the manga or anime where Erwin talks about Mike, for example, and it's well-known that they were very close. Hange is the same. I hardly think that Levi or anyone actually actively thinks or mentions other characters in the story unless it's an "emotional or plot-wise" moment, like recalling fallen comrades, like Marco, etc.
I think that was mostly my point of view on the issue. Levi doesn't think about Farlan or Isabel, but because Levi or any other SNK character thinks or mentions other characters beside strict plot-wise necessity, and it's obvious that Farlan and Isabel aren't "plot-wise" necessities. I personally think that most of the "relationships" between characters can be "assumed" by how they interact in "spin-offs" like chibis and "junior high." I think they serve a bit to fill up that void with also the "game's extras stories etc."
Which, and this is already me rambling, I had always found it strange that it's showcased in official art, chibis, junior high, etc., that the veterans were rather close, but during the Uprising Arc, Levi mentions Kenny to Hange and they knew absolutely nothing about him. I think it would have been a nice touch, not only for Hange but for any "veteran," if Levi decided to be "100% honest" about his childhood, like telling being raised by Kenny, they could act like, "You mentioned before a bit about it but I never imagined you were talking about Kenny the ripper." A sort of "oh, you told us a bit about your past but never in detail and now that's plot-wise important, we get the details, we understand it a bit more because we are close to you than the rest but that 'extra information' isn't important enough for the reader to be aware of it but my knowledge about it showcases my closeness to you" sort of thing? I don't know if that makes sense; that's what I mean that for me Isayama lacks a bit in the writing relationship departments because those little details are so subtle but mean so much.
Anyways, the good thing is that we can fill that void with fanfics!
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thenightfolknetwork · 5 months
I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I swear I didn't know. I just...
The town I'm from is secluded, very secluded. Still using landlines and slow and spotty internet secluded. It's one of those towns hidden away by mountains and trees that take days to get in and out of. My point is that news is slow to get in, and about half is debated as rumor and "conspiracies against the common people."
I hope im saying this right. As i said, resources are limited, so please forgive any offense. The "People of the Night" are still thought to be myth here. If there are any um "Nightfolk" here, they haven't made themselves known. Not that I'd blame them, but it would have made this a lot easier, maybe prevented it even. I'm sorry I'm rambling, I'm still a bit shaken.
I thought I was just approachable. When someone's lost or needed help, they'd always find their way to me. No trouble at all, I enjoyed it. But it happened so often, My friends used to say that I "just had one of those faces."
It felt good to be needed. I'd ask how someone was. They'd vent to me what was going on, and I listened. If I could and they wanted it, I'd offer advice, but most just wanted to be heard.
But, a couple of weeks ago, I was walking with my best friend. We were just catching up, nothing serious. It was meant to be a joke, a reference to my tendency of "being one of those faces." I asked her if she had any dark secrets she wanted to share.
She did.
You'd thought I'd told her to do it at knifepoint. Her story came pouring out like an overpowered hose. When she finished, the look she gave me. I can't unsee it.
When it was over, i tried to thank her for trusting me with such sensitive information, but she told me to save it. I don't know how, but we both knew it was my fault.
She told my friend group what happened and now no one wants to speak to me. I tried to explain myself, but they refused to listen or trust what I had to say. Out of frustration, I asked one person why they were avoiding me, and they responded, "Because I always knew you were weird."
There was no denying that I... forced them to tell me that in some way, but it wasn't on purpose! But I must have proved something because now I can't leave my house because everyone is LOOKING at me.
I've been using a paper and pencil to get by as well as trying to learn BSL because im afraid to speak again. How many of those talks that I had were unvoluntary? How many people were forced to be honest and just pretended to be civil because they were scared of me?
I don't know if this is new or something that I'd always done. I'm alone here. The only reason I know as much as I do about the Creature Community is because I accidentally stumbled across your show on my radio.
I dont know who i am anymore. I miss singing and talking to people, but I'm terrified that I'll compel someone by accident. How do I get better? Where do I go from here?
Oh, reader. This must be a very frightening, upsetting time for you. I'm so glad you felt able to reach out to us here at the Nightfolk Network for support.
First of all, I hope you are able to see the difference between taking responsibility for your past actions, and making a martyr of yourself. You have been unthinkingly, unknowingly hurting people, and you do need to recognise that before you can try to make amends. But the harm you caused was entirely accidental. Please, be gentle with yourself.
In terms of practical steps forwards, I can reassure you: you are not alone in your powers, or in finding them difficult to control. Often powers of this kind make themselves known early in an individuals life, and you can imagine how difficult it can be to control the spoken wishes of a babbling toddler.
Nevertheless, many people in your situation go on to live perfectly ordinary lives with good control over their powers. And you have the advantage over a toddler, in that you are not only fully cognisant of the detrimental effects of such powers but also already able to find alternative ways to communicate.
Your first step is to contact your GP and arrange an appointment to discuss the matter. Write them a letter explaining the situation, and emphasising your need to conduct the appointment without speech. In a small, rural community like yours, it's very likely your GP will have little to no personal experience of such cases. But they will be able to refer you to an NHS specialist with whom you can explore possible treatment options.
In most cases, those options will be either medication, behavioural therapy, or more usually a combination of the two. I understand that there is a great deal of stigma around thauma-damping medication. Please, resist this pattern of thought.
Medication is nothing more or less than a tool we might use to help us live our lives. Taking medication does not indicate a lack of effort or will on your part in controlling your powers. It just makes a very difficult thing slightly easier.
However, NHS waiting lists for this type of treatment can be lengthy. In the meantime, I strongly recommend you reach out as best you can to your community. Writing a letter, text or email to your best friend would be a good start, explaining the situation as best you can and leaving the door open for her to rekindle the relationship if she feels able.
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to forcibly mend the relationship. You can only present yourself honestly and hope that, in time, you are able to find your way back to something like the friendship you shared before this.
In the meantime, try to connect with other people in the community if you can. The Internet can be a wonderful place to connect with others, and your local library may have information about support groups in the wider area.
Above all, reader, take heart. There is plenty to be hopeful about here. You are not doomed to a life of fearful silence, or of isolation and solitude. With a little work, and plenty of support from the people around you, I see no reason why you shouldn't enjoy a long and happy life full of genuine connection with the people around you.
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Ok maybe I missed this originally but it be nice to see when matty first fell for the reader 👍 I feel like it was a gradual thing because for her she was into him straight away and then I think she fell in love with him properly when he gave her “The Little Prince”. Whereas with matty I’m still trying to figure out if there was a precise moment where he went oh god I’m down bad for this girl 😍 (also I’m still waiting for more of that angst babysitting matty on a date idea - I need to be more depressed during this era of seasonal depression) 💡 😂
Oh, you know I really don't know how he realised he was in love/how it went down??
I mentioned in this Halloween blurb that that night was the first time he realised he actually liked you, but there's a very big difference between a crush and being in love.
I defo agree it was a gradual thing for you, from first sight you thought he was hot and when you spoke to him he seemed nice, but you'd never have guessed you'd fall for him like you did. over the weeks and months, the more you saw and spoke to him, the deeper you fell.
(more rambles below the cut as usual lol <3)
and oh, the idea of you realising it's actually love when you get the copy of "the little prince" is PERFECT!!! it's when you realise he listens to you, he thinks about you and what you said.
that was the thing that made you take a step back and come to terms with the fact that you were in love, and there was nothing you could do about it.
As for matty, I think he realised he had a crush on Halloween night, but he was assuming it was innocent attraction - nothing more.
I think he was in denial a lot longer than you were. You accepted your fate pretty quickly, but matty fought tooth and nail.
not because he didn't want you, but because he knew as soon as he admitted it to himself, it would be impossible for him to function. he couldn't have you, it would put your job and his daughters education at risk, and he couldn't do that.
so he denied, and denied, and denied.
the boys teased him mercilessly, clearly seeing through his "I'm not in love with her" act. matty had spoken to each of them about his crush (blurbs incoming on this...) but he hadn't admitted he was in love.
but I honestly don't know if it was gradual for him or whether it all happened at once.
I can see him having dinner with the Hann's, hanging out with baby Hann as carly and Adam sort out dinner. maybe he watches them potter around the kitchen, they share soft touches and smiles. but then a song comes on the radio, and Adam smiles over at carly and immediately pulls her in. She laughs and throws her head back, but let's him grab her by waist and spin her around. they dance slowly in the kitchen, looking at each other with enough love in their eyes to make anyone sick.
and instead of seeing a couple in love or seeing his best friends and being over the moon for them, matty sees you and him.
he sees your life together. confessing your love, telling Annie, going on dates, moving in together, him propsing, and he sees the two of you dancing in the kitchen of the house you share, just like that.
I think then matty realises he can't deny it anymore. and if he's honest with himself, admitting it isn't gonna change how he lives his daily life. he's been in love for months, but he's only really known it for a few seconds...
also, yes, I am defo working on the angsty babysitting idea!!! I have given myself like 2000 projects to work on, so my brain is a little bit scrambled, lol. but I'm so glad you're looking forward to it, we all need more depression in this season, lmaoooo
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
Bit of a ramble about something that's been on a mind for a while, about HK and the AU. Not really a vent, but just wanted to talk about it. It's pretty long so I'll hide it.
My relationship with HK these days is a bit complicated, to be honest. I absolutely adore the game, I get this warm feeling every time I hear the soundtrack and I still get the itch to replay it from time to time. It's a work for art and I'm so, so grateful I played it, even if I was quite late to the party all things considered.
But I can't deny that I fell into the rabbithole of having too many headcanons where I can't engage with other people to the extent I perhaps used to. I don't like many of the popular characters nearly as much as the fandom does, and those that are close to my heart I interpret in a way that speaks to me, but one that feels very distant to how other people view them.
It has some downsides. I avoid looking up HK fanart and I'm slowly starting to dislike getting posts about it recommended to me in the For You tab a little bit. Not because the art is bad, far from it, there are incredible artists and other members of this community that deserve all the love in the world. It's just that it keeps reminding me that my interpretations are so personal, and headcanons that go against them almost feel like mischaracterization, as ridiculous as it sounds. Some interpretations end up upsetting me more than I'd like, too. Some of it is misinterpretations that annoy me, but some are just things I personally don't agree with.
But part of me makes me think that it's my fault somehow. I can't quite explain it, I think this is somehow rooted in my self-esteem issues. I often fear that I don't belong, that I'm doing something wrong by not following the general fanon, that my AU feels like an insult against the canon because of how derived and self-indulgent it is. I didn't have that problem before, not to this extent, but as my mental health got worse over the months, it makes sense that something like this would also start to make itself known. Or at least it makes sense to me.
So deep down I'm torn. On one hand, I get weirdly protective over my interpretations and it's gone to the point where I struggle to separate them from the versions other people talk about. On the other, I'm starting to feel guilty that my AU versions are so different that they might upset some people.
I had some moments where I considered turning them into OCs. But every time I I think about that, I reach the conclusion that no, I don't want to do that. I love them the way they are, despite their designs evolving with time, I wouldn't want to change anything about them, let alone turn them into different characters. And it's not like I'm really changing the character from the canon. Some details are different, but it's also easy to forget that we don't really know much about a lot of these characters, so in many ways I'm just filling the blanks and writing the story around it. Not to mention, adapting canon in ways that I find personally engaging is one of my favorite things about the worldbuilding and lore of the AU. And then there's all the engagement from people who like the AU and want to learn more that is genuinely the main reason why it's as expansive as it is. I don't think I would've stuck around making art for it for this long if I was doing it for myself only.
But it's not just art, knowing that people care, and getting all the interesting ideas I haven't considered inspires me to expand the world of the AU even further, I think about it in my spare time, of all the ways I could develop the world, I still get random ideas for it that I eventually want to include, I read about something in the game's lore and I immediately think of the way I could adapt it into my AU. It became a personal project that I find comfort in, and changing it would just feel wrong. And I know how my brain works (well, at least I think I do), I know I wouldn't remain as invested if I were by myself, I need to share it with other people. And I doubt they would be as interested if it wasn't for the connection to HK. I think that's natural and to be expected.
So all that leaves me in a bit of an awkward spot. I love HK, but over the last year I built a wall around me and the sandbox of my personal interpretations, that creates this disconnect between me and the rest of the fandom. I don't think that fact alone makes me upset, either. There's a reason why I'm still sitting there and playing in that sandbox to this day, and it's because I genuinely love doing it. I guess the disconnect just feeds into my already existing confidence issues and worries. Then again, I haven't really left the fandom, and I'm not planning to anytime soon. All I'm hoping for is that my low-confidence plagued brain improves, and stops telling me I'm doing something wrong by playing in the sandbox by myself.
Okay, not by myself, that would be selfish of me to say. There's still a lot of you here, people whom my silly AU clicked with, people who want to see more of it and are still there for the 6th slice of life drawing of the week. I love and appreciate you all, and I'm really grateful I can share the sandbox with you. You're the best, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm so, so happy that you found something in my art that resonated with you.
I don't know how to end this post tbh. Again, it's not really meant to be a vent post, not the usual kind at least. Even if some things about this frustrate or upset me a little bit, I think I'm slowly moving towards the acceptance stage. I don't want to change my interpretations so they're more in line with the rest of the fandom, and I don't want to force myself to engage with things that upset me just to feel like I belong. All I'm hoping is that I eventually stop having doubts; about this, and everything in general.
I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts. Maybe someone else feels like they're in a similar spot. Maybe hearing some words of encouragement that I'm not going insane with this would also help me accept the position I'm in. Maybe it's Maybelline.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 2 months
Lines from "In The Other Universe" that I CANT GET OVER
in which a fanfic writer (me) overexplains her oneshot bc I NEED TO RAMBLE AND MY IRLS FOLLOW ME ON EVERY OTHER PLATFORM SO TUMBLR IS ALL! I! HAVE!
(u should prob read it first this wont make sense otherwise)
"Even though it was not his name, Yin Yu turned"
i dont know if this is a canon scene or not (sue me the books are LONG and hard to buy in my country) but i've read about yin yu getting mistaken for yizhen and getting totally upset. so i decided to start this fic with him being so okay with it that he responds to qi ying's name as if it's his own.
(also because if ur so close to someone, ur nosy abt their business because it also becomes your business) I WANTED TO CONVEY THAT CLOSENESS FROM THE VERY FIRST LINE
"Should I tell Yizhen you can't even recognize me?"
CANON YIN YU IS SO GLOOMY AND HONESTLY WE UNDERESTIMATE HIS POTENTIAL TO BE TEASY. i just know he could be. all hard workers have a sarcastic inner voice
"The man damn near shits his pants"
AHAHHA okay look. i have this tendency when writing to be REALLY PRETENTIOUS AND FANCY. and ive learnt that usually NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS. compared to genshin, tgcf fanfics are so beautifully written and sometimes i gotta remind this fandom to SPEAK INFORMALLY (unless its qi rong. then. yea. BUT WHO READS QI RONG FICS?)
"The blank wrist that has never known the kiss of cold metal"
"In this universe, he discovers it's such a simple thing to be happy."
proof that quanyin is literally hualian's cousin
the entire earring scene
i am a sucker for qyz's over-attachment to the earrings. ik a lot of ppl think he's like this because its the only thing yin yu ever gave him but NO headcanon that even in the other universe, yizhen would be overly attached because hes a puppy
he xuan scene
canonically, he xuan would NEVER. bc 1) he's too lost in his own ways to ask for advice and 2) it would fuck with his earth master disguise too much. but since it's the other universe!!!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.
“Yizhen’s victory is my victory,” he declares, with a tone that leaves no room for argument. “His loss is my loss. When Yizhen cries, I am sad. When Yizhen smiles at me, my heart is so full it could burst.” He brings two jade white palms together, interlocking the fingers like entangled limbs on a hot summer morning. “We’re like this. One shared past; one shared future. As a Shixiong, don’t you think rather than being jealous, I’m extremely proud of how far he’s come?”
ONE SHARED PAST; ONE SHARED FUTURE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? this is all i ever wanted for them. to be able to grow together and live together and die together. TO HAVE A SHARED PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.
this line is also loaded to me bc i once wrote a fic called "entangled pasts; estranged future" that wasnt good enough to be posted but GOD IT REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF IT
"Here, he never needs to know the weight of a mask – neither physical not metaphorical."
i dont like how i worded this but IT NEEDED TO BE SAID. YIN YU NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR THE WANING MOON MASK but more importantly NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR A MASK TOWARDS QUAN YIZHEN. NEVER NEEDS TO HIDE RESENTMENT. im shaking with all they couldve been and didnt become.
"Here, Brocade and Immortal are just two words"
hear that? its the sound of me BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AAAAAA I SO DESPERATELY WANT THIS TO BE REAL i mean i understand if they werent so tragic i wouldnt love them as much but IT HURTS! (*100 teehee)
"Sure it will."
i actually hate myself why did i end it like that even in my fanfic i cant let them be happy. huh. i have to subtly hint that this isnt what happens.
its actually so upsetting that the whole fic is so nice and healing and all of it is just overcasted by this knowledge of "its not real. they never get to be this happy. what really happens is they resent each other and leave each other and they become one shared past; two estranged futures."
you can call me insane. im aware no one thinks this deeply about fanfiction and most people are on the site for smut. BUT I THOUGHT LONG AND HARD ABOUT IT SO YOURE FORCED TO LISTEN TO ME RAMBLE
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nevereverthem · 2 months
Imagine Bonnie never left Kai in the prison world. Instead, she goes to stab him, but changes her mind. What should have happened after?
TVD Imagine :
Ok, maybe I'm a little weird, but when people send me questions I end up writing a short imagine instead of answering.... So, here we go....
Bonnie and Kai in 1903, searching for the ascendant.
_ No. They didn't hide the ascendant in a random pile of leaves....
He ponders a second.
_ We're not here to find the ascendant, are we ?
He hears Bonnie chuckle slightly behind his back.
_ Despite being a sociopathic murderer, I've always known you were pretty clever.
Kai turns around, now facing her. She's just pulled a knife out of her coat, staring at him with what he knows are murderous eyes. He watches her carefully, up and down, saving the image in his memory. Then, he extends his arms, confident.
_ Do it.
Bonnie gives him an incredulous look.
_ You're not gonna defend yourself ? Make up excuses about becoming a better man ? Find the ascendant and leave on your own ?
Kai lowers his arms, exhaling loudly.
_ Look, I know you hate me for stabbing you and leaving you for dead in 1994. But I thought maybe saving you from killing yourself would have earned me some points on the good side.
The revelation takes her by suprise.
_ Wait. What do you mean 'saving' me ?
Her murderous expression has been replaced with blatant confusion.
_ What part don't you understand ? You think that garage door just opened by itself ?
Bonnie's wide-eyed.
_ How do you....
She's too stunned to finish her sentence. How does he know ?
There's silence for a moment. Kai doesn't talk for once, he's waiting for her to realise.... After a while, Bonnie huffs to herself, disbelieving.
_ You're telling me that you opened that door ?
_ Well, technically, Jeremy did. But I was the one doing the spell so he could push that switch.
Bonnie's completely baffled. Her friends hadn't mentioned any of it. But that's Kai telling the story. That could be another one of his manipulation.
_ Let's say I believe you. Explain it to me, what happened.
Kai claps his hands, enthusiastic.
_ Ok, story time. Feels like these YouTube videos.
He slightly grins, though when he notices the look on Bonnie's face his smile quickly fades.
_ Damon and Elsa told me...
_ Elena.
He frowns a second, then remembers.
_ Oh. So, Damon and...her, they told me it was your birthday. I felt bad, so I decided to help them, and Jeremy, send you a message. You were about to drink that bottle of bourbon, but I lost connection. It required too much magic to handle four people on my own. Then I tried to send only Jeremy back. That's when it got messy.
_ What do you mean ?
_ You see, when I merged with Luke and he died, Liv was really upset about it. She came to kill me while I was doing the spell. We got in a little bit of a fight. I couldn't get myself to kill her. I was almost there but something just....
_ Kai.
He looks at her. She wears that "get to the point" expression on her face. Kai pauses a second.
_ Right.... Anyway, fight ends. I'm bleeding, like crazy. Jeremy still wants me to send him back. I'm basically dying at that point, but I'm feeling generous so I send us back to you. He follows you to the garage. Of course I follow him. After your "I'm too strong to let myself die" speech, the guy manages some ghosty shit to push the door switch and bam ! Bonster lives !
She's basically speechless. Still unsure of the truthfulness of his words, but that tale seemed too genuine to be a lie.
_ I almost died on a kitchen floor. I had Damon's blood in my mouth !
Kai makes a disgusted face.
_ I mean thanks bro, but not again-
_ What did I say ?
_ Huh ?
Kai's stopped in his rambling.
_ If all you say is true. What did I say in that video ?
_ Which part ? The one about 'going weeks without speaking' ? Or when you talk about missing restaurants ?
Bonnie can't believe it. He's saying the truth. He did come for her. And he nearly died doing so. There's no denying it....
_ I get your point about restaurant. Food tastes different when you're not the one making it. Although I like to cook.... Am I digressing again ?
In her amazement, she manages to roll her eyes at him.
_ Anyway, I did help saving you.
He wants to come closer but the knife in her hand holds him back. She finally speaks again.
_ It doesn't change what you did to me.
Kai stares at the ground, defeated, before looking back at her.
_ I know, and I'm sorry for all of that. I said I've changed. I cannot erase what I've done in the past.
They both stay silent for a while until Bonnie lets out a breath she's been holding for god knows how long. She pulls the knife back in her pocket.
_ So, you're giving me another chance ?
_ No. All you get is a pass. I let you live. When we get back home, you get the hell out of my life. For good.
He doesn't answer.
_ We gotta find the ascendant.
Bonnie walk past him, heading to the true location of the object.
Kai just nods, following her. She's not forgiving him. She's not giving him a chance. But she's changed her mind about ending his life. It means there's hope. That's the reason a smile grows on his face while he walks on the snow, following in her steps....
Thoughts ? 🩷💀
So.... Maybe I should try to answer for real.
After that "I give you a pass" moment, I guess we get to the Salvatore mummy.
When they're all back home, Bonnie explains to Damon why she didn't ditch Kai there. Damon doesn't really care. He got what he wanted out of it anyway.
Kai sort of leaves them after, while still being close enough, his Bonnie obsession still in mind. He doesn't go to Portland. Not now. He can go on his conven slaughter plan later. I see him just enjoy little things. Going to the movies pretty much every day. Catching up on 2000's music he's missed.
On the other side, Lillian manages to get her bunch of Heretics back. I don't know how, don't ask, just accept it happens.
Then, I suspect it all goes wild as it did in season 7. Except they realise they could use some help (aka Kai). They can't admit it. Don't search for him. But I absolutely picture Kai showing up on his own at a doorstep one day with a proper "Miss me ?". He's aware of the shit that's been happening and decided to 'help'. Obviously it's not free. He wants another chance from Bonnie or whatever.
Anyway, he somehow becomes part of the gang. Like a guy you don't want around but know he's useful so you bear with his presence. Bonnie is absolutely not pleased by that but acknowledges his usefulness and later efforts in helping them.
Then the Heretics stuff, the Armory, Rayna Cruz....
Bonkai happens ? (And not Bonenzo, sad but we make a choice here). I don't know how but Kai must really get on her good side. Since she truly got traumatised by what happened in the prison world. Some important event has to occur for her to properly 'forgive' him. Saving people she loves. Saving her again. Just, sassy sociopath who merged with empathetic and loving Luke, now doing good ? And just Bonnie and Kai's magic working together with an upper connection would be Oh My GOD !!
Jo lives so does her twins. And Caroline has another story than being pregnant with another woman's magical babies. Alaric is happy with his wife and children. And maybe this will prevent him from doing some fucked up shit in Legacies (I didn't watch it but I've read some stuff).
Gemini coven ? They can't kill Kai otherwise they will all die themselves. There's a sort of truce ? You don't hurt us, we don't hurt you ? And hum, even Kai doesn't technically want Jo or Liv dead anymore, nor does the Luke part in him. Kai abandoned his desire to murder them all ?
Meaning we still got Liv and Tyler. I want them to be happy together. Liv is free from the merge. Tyler did not have to trigger the malediction by suffocating his girlfriend. They get the hell out of town and have a life of their own.
Maybe there'll be a little story line about ending the Gemini coven thing. They'll try to break the merge tradition shit in some sort of way. If Kai ever happens to have children he would never want them to go through what he did.
Btw, I want to see Kai with his siphon niece. He would be so good !
I don't know if it's a proper answer, but that's mine. So bear with it. 🙃😅
Also, spent all night writing this instead of sleeping.... It's 6:40 now....
Hey ! Anonymous person ! I hope it was alright, you enjoyed the short story and the answer I gave. 🤞💜
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nesonkin · 2 months
i know its been years and you probably arent even into voltron anymore but let me tell u those rebel fighters are my roman empire with their total 5 minute screentime 😭😭😭😭 they couldve been so interesting like with olia and ozar killing off te-osh felt so lazy imo but it is what it is 😔 n-7 scenes were lingered on for so much only for nothing to happen 💀 i come back to your rebel coalition headcanon posts every now and then when i remember vld exists 😭 the relationship b/w the coalition and the bom i like to think theyve known abt the bom for a whileee but it was more of an unspoken thing rather than like an official talked throught sort of partnership? idkkkkkk plz ramble if u have thoughts 😭
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Omg, this ask was certainly unexpected! Thank you for coming back, I really do appreciate it. Sometimes I also get random vld rebels thoughts and then it goes on for a day until it fades away again.
They're mostly Matt x N-7 related too, because I love them still.
I really have nothing on the BoM & freedom fighters. I can't imagine the rebels even knowing about them pre-voltron era with how secretive they are. After S4? Fuck yeah. It would still likely be a sort of "we each do our own thing but if you guys need a hand we will give it to you" kind of partnership.
The Voltron Coalition consists of many different species. Most of them likely suffered under the Galra colonization. And I bet at least one third of them struggles to accept the BoMs as their allies.
Oh, and did we ever have a talk about BoM's beliefs and practices? All of them being exactly what the rebels are fighting against?
Yeah, there would be a lot of tension I imagine. ESPECIALLY with how I write Ozar as the one who would rather fail the mission than to lose another soldier. As opposed to BoM's "mission above all" rule.
The only time the two rebel factions ever fully agree with one another is taking a piss at the Voltron Show.
I hope this was satisfying enough of an answer. Honestly, you coming back in my inbox has actually inspired me to do something with all my headcanon lore. I'm thinking of writing a fic about Matt's journey with the rebels. Like, without outline or beta or anything. Super self-indulgent. I just want to write it for myself and maybe someone will enjoy it too.
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book-girl4eva · 1 month
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story, Hamilton
Let me tell you what I wish I'd known/ When I was young and dreamed of glory
- awesome reference to other parts of the show
You have no control/ Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- sung by the character President Washington, who has had his story told many times over, with no control of it. Basically the embodiment of this quote
President Jefferson/ I'll give him this, his financial system is a work of genius/ I couldn't undo it if I tried/ And I've tried
- this is talking about what Hamilton did, so Im not a fan really
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- we still don't know who tells Hamiltons story
President Madison/ He took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity/ I hate to admit it/ But he doesn't get enough credit for all the credit he gave us
- he isn't talked about much, despite what he did to America
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
- who does?
Every other founding fathers' story gets told/ Every other founding father gets to grow old
- his story is hardly ever mentioned
And when you're gone, who remembers your name?/ Who keeps your flame?/ Who tells your story?/ Who tells your story?/ Who tells your story?/ I put myself back in the narrative
- that's the question. When you're gone who will keep your memory alive. When you have no control, who will get to choose how you will be remembered?
- and now I'm crying. Despite everything that happened, his wife told the world who he was. She needs her own musical imo
I stop wasting time on tears/ I live another 50 years/ It's not enough (Eliza)
- she had a long life and she used it for good, even though she had massive heartbreak throughout.
I interview every soldier who fought by your side/(She tells our story)
- She made everyone's history known! I love Eliza sm I swear
I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writings/ You really do write like you're running out of time
- cheeky lil reference here, I see you lin Manuel
I rely on Angelica/ While she's alive, we tell your story/ She is buried in Trinity Church near you/ When I needed her most, she was right on time
- they had their differences, but when they needed eachother they were there.
And I'm still not through/ I ask myself, what would you do if you had more time The Lord, in his kindness/ He gives me what you always wanted/ He gives me more time
- reminder, Eliza lost her husband at 40 and lived for 50 more years. She had a lot of time for memories.
I raise funds in D.C. for the Washington Monument/(She tells my story)/ I speak out against slavery
- I cannot express how much of a girlboss she is
You could have done so much more if you only had time
- Hamilton was always moving, always on the go.
And when my time is up, have I done enough?/ Will they tell your story?
- despite everything, she doesn't know if it was good enough
Oh, can I show you what I'm proudest of?/ (The orphanage)/ I established the first private orphanage in New York City/ (The orphanage)/ I help to raise hundreds of children/ I get to see them growing up/ (The orphanage)
- she is so awesome, I can't
In their eyes I see you, Alexander/ I see you every time
- Hamilton's childhood was difficult, and Eliza setting up the orphanage is a way of fixing a problem that he had to go through.
And when my time is up/Have I done enough?/Will they tell your story?
- they didn't, until recently
Oh, I can't wait to see you again/It's only a matter of time
- *breaks into tears again*
Will they tell your story? (Time)/Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)/Will they tell your story? (Time)/Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
- The question we all deal with. Does anything outlive us, really, truly outlive us, beyond tears?
Thank you very much! This has been Bea rambling about a song!
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Hi. Um. So I'm really nervous about this whole “sending people a vent anonymously” thing, but I've seen ppl so do this so so so much and I've written once to you before so I think this might be an okay place for me to kind of just live in. For a bit.
Okay, so I've always known that since forever, I'm open to dating anybody, no matter what's in their pants or what ever gender they identify as. If I like them, I like them. That's that. I mean I have a preference for boys I think but girls and enbys and everything else are totally my vibe, as long as I like them enough.
One time I had a crush on a boy (We'll call him Aj for short). I think I fell in love with him, even though my crush on him ended up being found out. (Which, all in all, was absolutely devastating.) Aj was this beautiful, funny, kind, and overall amazing boy that I deeply cared about and he was my bestest friend. He'd pretend to be characters from series (particularly Attack on Titan characters) and it'd be entertaining since he was quite good at it. Eventually I told my gbf (A, for lack of better name) that I liked him. And I think she told a girl who we'll call Al (who, coincidentally, liked Aj too). I don't know if it was her. I also told this girl who I'm naming E since she asked. I trusted her despite not knowing her well. One of them told him and after that it got out to my whole grade. I hated it but got over him fairly quick.
I think it's happening again. And I mean like I think I'm falling in love again?? With a boy we'll call B. He's really sweet, funny, pretty, and honestly quite cool. We bicker all the time and our classmates call it “couple fighting” which is something that neither of us comment on. I like B a lot.
Except that the idea of being with anybody makes me sick. I can't even imagine it. I can't see myself in a future with anybody and I don't know why. But also. The idea of being alone forever makes me feel weird. Not good, at least. I mean I know for a fact I don't want to marry or have kids, something I'm committed to. But I don't get why all my friends can see themselves with kids and married and a husband/wife and I just CAN'T.
Yet I still like B?? I mean, when I like Aj I could see myself staying with him, being loyal and all. Not married or having kids but I could see myself with him.
I don't get why nobody else feels like this and it makes me feel like I'm just the odd one in the group and that, being the outsider, makes me feel terrible because I've always tried to fit in and be friendly. (something, I've been told, that I'm not good at. I have anger issues so that doesn't really affect me but now it's making me upset)
And I rlly don't want to bring this up.
Dunno what to do. I'm completely lost.
Also you're probably going to ask when I wrote to you before and honestly idk what I wrote or if you responded to my specific ask. It was really similar to “drained anons” first paragraph but I'm honestly unsure. Dunno if you got it or not. I remember saying something about being scared of my mom, on good terms with my siblings, my transgender issues (feeling like a boy mostly and a girl other times), and also my friend A’s (gbf, here) mom issues and wanting to help A. I never said anything about pills or sh from what I remember. So I don't think I'm drained anon. I did say that you don't have to respond tho
Okay I think I'm rambling sorry I'm done this was all I needed to say lol byeee <3
There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to be with someone, but not wanting to get married or have kids. I know plenty of people who feel this way.
I think when people are younger, they fantasize about marriage and having children because they might only think about the romanticized parts. But as you get older? Trust me, you will not be alone.
Also, I truly think, if you like B and B likes you, there's no reason why you shouldn't date. You're still in school, you don't have to talk about marriage and kids anytime soon. I would just talk about it if things get more serious.
But yeah- there's nothing wrong with your feelings, and you're definitely not alone.
I'm naming you commitment anon in case you write back.
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