#but there is such a weird irony
wikoymi · 7 months
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17 february 2024 i think i hauve Despair Disease
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steampoweredwerehog · 8 months
Already seeing DunMesh reactions like “wOaH was the author on dRUGS??!?1🤪”
Friend we’re only on episode 4 I’m sorry but you’re not brave. You’re not brave and will not survive.
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metanarrates · 5 months
a lot of people fundamentally don't respect fantasy as a genre and only feel like they can engage with it if they can make it out to be Unlike Other Fantasy. they don't care that a good fantasy work is one that is deeply engaged with its genre and that it has conventions specific to the genre. they're too busy trying to outsmart it to even perceive HOW a work interacts with the genre it was born out of. you are not too good for fantasy!!!!!!! your perception of it as stupid comes from you not caring to engage with what it actually tries to do!!!!!!
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iceclew · 29 days
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Did I accidently write more than just a few lines of dialogue for this scene?... *shyly fumbling with fingers* 🥹👉👈 maybe...
Sorry, I suck at words and this isn't betaread nor properly proofread and I am not native english, I'm very sorry in advance...
full story down below
(Chappel Roan - Love me Anyway)
(Benson Boone - Slow it Down)
The tiny moving plush-like thing in his hand apparently started screaming as well now.
What looked like the chibi mini-version of the Defence Force's biggest trump card, struggled to hold on his thumb, kicking around those little feet of his.
"Well, now I'm quite curious abut THAT story..."
"I CAN'T TURN BACK AND I AM T I N Y !!! (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )"
"I see that... How'd you even get in here?"
Tiny #8 stopped fidgeting a bit. Instead two unproportionally big round dark eyes goggled at him. It was undeniably adorable to look at. "Well after THIS happened, I couldn't grab my phone on the table anymore, so I ran around to find someone, but I figured Narumi and Kikoru would very likely take advantage of my situation and do something stupid with me."
"Oh yeah, they definitely would and I get why, honestly."
"So I ran around to find you, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BIG THE 1st DIVISION IS, WHEN YOU'RE LIKE THIS, OK?! And then I saw the slightly opened window and just crawled in... ༼☯﹏☯༽"
"Wait... you know where my temporary place in the 1st Division is located? Why?"
"....Coincidence? (*゚ー゚) "
He sighed. "Well just when you think you saw everything...Kafka Hibino enters the stage..."
"you really want me to answer that, bud?", he barely tried to hide the undertone of his voice, which left the small creature on the palm of his hand baffled for a second.
"Wha-? HEY, MEAN!! What are you on about!?"(>д<)
"Yeah, maybe, I don't know STOP CHANGING in general, like I told you f.ex.. or maybe stick to your training routine without going OVERBOARD on a regular basis? How 'bout that?"
The big dark round eyes got even bigger with every word spoken.
"Yeah, don't look at me like that, I might coincidently got wind of stuff, you know?"
His unexpectedly open and emotional response threw Kafka off. For a second he forgot about his *tiny* main problem, his mind jumped between confused and worried and he couldn't comprehend with his reaction for now. After some awkward seconds in silence, Hoshina's tone grew significantly calmer, but still sort of off to his usual self-assured expression. "Well at least this time you're actually telling me about stuff that bothers you, huh?"
Silence again. While hanging from the palm of his Vice-Captain's hand Kafka realized something (besides his size) was different. His senses grew more aware of his surroundings to find answers.
"Are... are you drunk, sir?"
Besides the slight scent of alcohol in the air, and the - well quite obvious - bottle of sake on the table, the startled twitch on his face confirmed Kafka's guess was right. Other than the sake the only other thing on the table were some snacks. Another odd thing to Kafka, who was used to see Hoshina's surroundings stuffed with documents, loose papers, books and other work related things.
The silence lingered around them uncomfortably. To Kafka's suprise Hoshina was seemingly struggling with words. A look on his face Kafka couldn't remember seeing before. Now his mind definitely jumped to 'worried'.
Hoshina tried to mimic an insulted face and looked away. "A little tippsy at most... I'm off-duty for tonight.." Besides the slightly blushed nose and cheeks, Kafka now noticed some dark circles under red eyes. "..and despite my gut telling me better, I assumed I probably won't be needed anymore today, and that I could hang loose a little. It's not my Division after all, there's another Captain and Vice-Captain in charge here. So I might as well make use of that chance... Should have known, it would end up that way or another.. " He smiled a bit and Kafkas felt like his heart clenching from the sight. "Although I definitely should have placed my bet on YOU to be the reason for that." He chuckled lightly, while his expressions grew somewhat softer.
"I'm sorry, Sir."
"Nah, it's fine. As if I didn't get used to your-"
"I never put much thought to it, but ever since the Defence Force started preparing for the big counter attack on #9 your workload must've at least doubled in the 3rd and 1st Division.. and here I am still taking over the rest of your time as well..."
"Don't like where this is going, officer... You're not starting pitying me, are ya?"
"No I-...I just feel like.. I didn't realize, and there for not appreciated your work enough.." Silence. "And also.." The tiny kaiju had his look glued to the floor in front of him for a while now. "I know you told me to brush it off earlier but,... I truly regret ... not telling you about... #8 n'stuff.. I'm sorry... I'd change that if I could.."
A small plushy-sized Kaiju was gently put back on the ground again. Hoshina scratched his nose for a second, before bending far back to the other side of the room. He grabbed for his smartphone that was burried in piles of carelessly pushed aside documents.
"As I said. You're here now, aren't ya?" When he got his phone he chose to stay laid down on the floor and started typing something on the lightened screen.
A tiny transformed Kafka carefully made his way around and walked up on eye-level with Hoshina's face again. Once again overwhelmed by his current state of being, he let himself fall back on the floor and sat on the ground. "So... what should I do?"
"The first thing WE do is trying to make some calls. But since you seem to be in no life-threatening condition, we might have to wait 'till tomorrow for a first medical examination. If that's the case you'll stay, and I get you down to the lab first thing in the morning."
"Wait!" The tiny Kaiju made a suprisingly far jump right up to Hoshina's chest and pressed the (for him very big) red hang-up button on the screen with both paws. "You're right about that, I won't die this second from being tiny, so we might as well wait for tomorrow."
The questioning look on the opposite's face made a tiny Kafka look away and scratch his neck shyly. "Well, since you're ... I dunno,... I feel like, I can't have you be seen d-dru- .. like this by other officials of the 1st Division, b-because of me..."
A finger poked his forehead, which caused a tiny being like him to fall right back landing on warm soft fabric of Hoshina's shirt.
"Idiot. But you might be right about that."
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 2 months
Waiting for an episode where Gerrard pulls Eddie and Buck into his office and tells him he doesn’t approve of couples working together.
But Buck and Eddie are like, “Okay. But what does that have to do with us?”
And Gerrard thinks they’re pretending to not be together so he won’t put in a transfer for one of them. Then, he spends the entire episode looking like an idiot slowly peering around corners, watching them from afar, and practically stalking the two to try to catch them having a moment.
The rest of the 118 tells him that they really aren’t together which only fuels Gerrard’s fire because he thinks the rest of them are in on it and trying to protect them.
Of course, Buck and Eddie and are just happy that the attention is off everyone else for a bit. But it also makes them analyze their relationship a little bit and send them both into a spiral of feelings realizations that they can’t confront until Gerrard is gone.
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cipheramnesia · 9 months
While I'm not one for generational conflict cuz there's no war but the class war so to speak, I can't help but think that a "perfect millennial comedy routine" probably oughta consist of a little bit more substance than repackaged "kids use weird slang these days," along with askin to be given some common decency in accounta introducing Facebook and Instagram, plus also bein the boss.
Now folks I may just be a simple country baked salted ham, but it seems ta me that listin off four o the worst things in the world today ain't exactly any generation's idea of empathetic. Ain't a doubt in my mind we're more like than not cross put near three or four decades, jest sayin don't trust too well someone askin you to smile along while they insult ya and tell ya how ta act and they think ya oughta be quiet n grateful for a handful o garbage cuz they invented takin a shit.
But I don't know, don't listen to an old coot like me.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
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guys I think the journos are like genuinely not okay
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jerreeeeeee · 5 months
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tragic actual play siblings…
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10 things Henry Wotton does that scare and confuse me
Does not engage with Dorian’s antisemitism
To paraphrase MandaloreGaming, “[Henry] not being [antisemitic and/or] racist feels almost like a plot hole.”
In fact, Henry is the only one to treat Sybil’s manager like a human being.
“Lord Henry, upon the other hand, rather liked him. At least he declared he did, and insisted on shaking him by the hand and assuring him that he was proud to meet a man who had discovered a real genius and gone bankrupt over a poet.”
This isn’t even him being mocking, we have seen that Henry doesn’t mock in such an involved way—he prefers to talk shit afterwards (not counting Basil :( ).
Says a ton of misogynistic shit, but never takes a misogynistic action
You would expect a guy as supposedly misogynistic as Henry to be offended and insult every woman who argues against him, but he just talks with them and genuinely takes them seriously. He tries to convince them of his ideas, but if they don’t believe him, he doesn’t push it.
Implied to have close relationships with sister and his aunt.
Gwendolyn is the only sibling that is named and that is because she is the only one he makes a point to hang out with.
Same with Aunt Agatha.
Is possibly implied to have gotten at least a bit annoyed with Dorian sleeping with Gwendolyn (his sister). *this is based off the way Dorian reacts after Basil brings it up. Considering that entire moment was added in the 1891 ver, it’s certainly interesting, but nothing definitive, so take this with a grain of salt!
Has a decent relationship with his wife
Based on the fact Victoria was able to divorce him at all, he respected her enough to not put up a legal fight (divorce in England was difficult as fuck because women essentially became property to their husbands. They didn’t own anything and couldn’t even bring up a case without a man doing so. The fact Victoria was able to do so and the fact no other family members are mentioned, implies he brought the case to court for her, thus making the divorce process much easier than it ever would have been)
Always involves the women who enter discussions with him. 
He never once objects to them out nor insults them or makes them feel inferior or otherwise unwelcome. Constantly, he cheekily, but genuinely, suggests that the women he speaks with should have their own ‘fun’ regardless of the scandal involved. Recall that Victorian society characterized women as only valuable as wives and less than human. Henry is actively inviting women to be just as bad as men, thus seeing them at the same level as men. 
More so, in chapter 17, his banter with the duchess is not done so mockingly. Like his early conversations with Basil, Henry entertains and elaborates on her ideas, never once dismissing her. Even when he points out things she’s gotten wrong in his perspective, he does so playfully, which we actually haven’t seen him do with anyone except for Basil.
The entire scene with the Duchess of Monmouth in chapter 18. 
Henry is strangely gentle and compassionate with her in a way we have never seen him be with anyone (even Dorian!). He is genuine with her in a way that is comforting, he compliments her, makes her laugh, and, weirdly, warns her not to enter a scandal.
Owns a parrot.
Is pretty accurate on the importance of youth in society
Ever since the 1960s, youth culture has absolutely dominated social norms
The concept of teenagers and childhood were created because companies realized they could sell shit to you.
Is constantly criticizing marriage because of how it limits relationships between the men and women involved. 
This is novel because marriage was an expectation of Victorian Society, especially for someone in Henry’s class. The fact he actively despises it and recommends against it would be one of the many many things that would paint him as amoral to everyone else.
“the one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.”
“there are other and more interesting bonds between men and women. I will certainly encourage them.”
 Disclaimer: this is headcanon: Would probably say, “I’m going to live forever” and immediately get hit by a bus.
I don’t have evidence for this, it just feels right.
Bibliography because I reference historical shit and hbomberguy has reawakened the fear of accidentally plagiarizing i have had since i was six (but i am not doing this in some college style, because ewww)
MandaloreGaming: Anonymous Agony: An Extra Edgy Adventure Game
Shanspeare: Life Doesn’t End in Your 20s: The Myth of the Teenage Dream (for the childhood part)
Mary Lyndon Shanley: Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 (for the divorce part)
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shift-shaping · 2 months
Is Solas getting paid by the Inquisition for his work
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bumpintheroad · 6 months
omg y’all so i went to the optometrist today for the first time (never felt the need to go before) because i’ve been feeling a strain in my left eye and i’ve been getting headaches on that side. anyways turns out i have 20/20 vision but for some reason my left eye’s been straining to see far away and i need glasses to wear when i’m driving (especially at night) or when i’m watching something from far. so i ordered a pair that i’m gonna pick up next week. i don’t need them all the time but i might just wear them often to help my eye feel better, idk!!!
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harpoonsnotspoons · 3 months
Was only going to draw one thing today but Coraline AU Strilondes called to me
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prosebushpatch · 1 year
the slippers are made of glass because its awesome where's your whimsy, where's your basic human decency if you don't like it kindly enjoy another genre that isn't FILLED WITH impossible dresses made of moonlight or silver. I'm sorry, you need someone to explain how a glass slipper wouldn't be impossible to dance in? a glass slipper that came from a FAIRY Godmother? Are you going to nitpick spinning straw into gold, too? You sound like the people who complain about musicals having music. It's about the beauty in imagination. It's about emotion manifesting impossible things. You don't have to like it. You don't have to engage with it. but that is the Point of this genre. the slippers are made of glass because it's awesome.
sometimes that's all it needs to be.
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deservedgrace · 4 months
The thing is that yes it's better being outside the religion, yes it's better having information, yes it's better that my reality and identity and person aren't being controlled and manipulated by people convinced that the end times are upon us and The Gays are destroying society as we know it and humanity is evil & every single person who has ever existed deserves worse than death, yes of course it's better to be outside of all that (and more). And also... not processing things as traumatic while you're in it (partially as a coping skill to get through it and partially due to emotion/thought/information/reality control by the group) is a great protective measure by your brain at the time, but it means that a large portion of the pain and trauma and heartache hits you after you leave. And it can sometimes be hard to connect that the past abuse and trauma are the issue and not leaving in and of itself, because so much of the Big Pain and Dealing With & Coming To Terms With The Extent Of The Trauma didn't happen until after you left.
It hits Extra Hard when you've been taught to fear leaving over everything as it'll lead to pain and heartache and isolation and death and destruction and hell and torture, because now you have proof that they're right: it is Really Hard & Painful Out Here. But you also can't go back because now even just thinking about it contributes to the trauma and painful feelings, and actually being back would amplify it by 10 at least. I left over 5 years ago and I still sometimes feel that same helpless, untethered feeling as when I first left. Where everywhere you look, backwards or forwards, in or out, all you see is pain.
And to be clear, as someone who has been out for years, it does get better and easier. I'm not trying to spread hopeless doom and gloom "healing is pointless" kinda sentiments. You heal some pain and you build a life of better and happier things around other pain.
The presence of pain does not disqualify you from a good life. It is also okay to talk about the pain sometimes.
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chayannesegg · 8 months
only watched clips of fit pov so I'm not fully informed yet but the evolution of fit deciding the "homophobia" is real is interesting.
like, initially he saw it for what it was: tubbo lashing out because he felt left out. he called tubbo out on this, he told ramon this, he laughed about it. tubbo was also cartoonish in his distaste, it was obvious he was hurting underneath.
but slowly he's become more and more genuinely annoyed by it even though tubbo has toned it down massively
tubbo basically just does his performative ick when faced with fitpac moments like one might if their parents kissed in front of them. he certainly still feels left out but it's also a bit (one pac loves to poke at bc he knows it's tubbo being stubborn and resistant to love)
but to fit, who wants tubbo to show him that he still cares about morning crew, it bothers him that tubbo can't just leave it be. it hurts every time tubbo rejects fit & pac's relationship, even jokingly. he doesn't understand why tubbo feels left out. he wants morning crew back to what they used to be.
tubbo for the longest time was the only person there with them when fit and pac were developing their relationship. no ramon. no richas. no mike. he teased fit but he also supported him. he was the buffer they needed to start acknowledging their feelings. he was their friend.
but now tubbo is standoffish. he shies away where he used to budge in. he doesn't know his place around fit and pac anymore and he's not brave enough to ask. he's scared of the answer.
and fit doesn't get why tubbo can't just believe they love them the same as before. why he's not acting like before. he feels rejected. he feels ignored. the comments about fit and pac have started to feel personal instead of just tubbo being insecure.
so when he sees tubbo reaching out to foolish, it hurts him. it seems like tubbo has just given up on the morning crew. and he wants to lash back. he wants to warn foolish about how tubbo can hurt him. he wants tubbo back. so he frames it around the going joke, that tubbo's homophobic, but it doesn't quite land (fit's not as good as tubbo at making jokes out of his own pain). it just ends up feeling too real and that's exactly the problem.
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dykedvonte · 5 months
If Ulysses has a million haters, then I'm one of them. If Ulysses has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE. If Ulysses has no haters, that means I'm dead. If the world is with Ulysses than I’m against the world.
#this is slightly joking but like also not but also like am mixed on Ulysses on many factors#infuriating because i sympathize with his pain but it’s like#he is a well written and fundamentally flawed character whose hypocrisy I found doubly in#black characters I can tell were designed by white people with a semblance of an understanding of activism and bipoc oppression#but not enough for the character to not feel like hand holding for the majority white audience#plus personal grips with the whole twisted hairs thing and reference to slave braiding patterns#Ulysses irks me as a black person on a weird personal level and I can go into debt on why him being black is a big detractor for him to me#like he continues this cycle of distancing himself from his roots before remembering over and over again through his actions#he leave so much in his wake that the courier ends up correcting or helping like in honest hearts and old world blues because he’s self#righteous in a subtle way even to himself that he believes he stand out of his one man rule when he does not play an active hand#saw a post talk about how you choose to continue moving through his story and can leave at any moment and this it is partially your fault#but what of the oath that is set before you and is forced to take that he set up#I do not have to walk it but when I do the steps are not my own but those taken for me#you have to go out of your way to change it which is not something he expects because he’s playing by a story he’s been perpetuating in his#head about you two and the effect one man has when he’s continually been that one man more so than you as many of his actions directly lead#to the one you go through also the irony in the flag he continues to bear being the real reason he has no home#like he reps it when the package is likely enclave and thus use the same symbol#also still can’t get over how anyone could have delivered the package and he tries so hard to act like it was the couriers destiny or fate#when this was the one case of chance and that once man was likely a enclave engineer and how it’s really is never one man#it the process and he’s so annoying about it like he’s a cool character but if you don’t believe in his philosophy or already went through#these ideas cause they are very common talking points in poc especially BIPOC spaces he’s just old hashings and stunted#fallout#fallout new vegas#Ulysses you upset me but I’m like I feel you could be better if you weren’t so incessant#I don’t think I ever want to make a serious post stating this about him just because I’d start yapping and it’d never get finished#ulysses fnv#fnv ulysses#lonesome road
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