#but they all end the same way
paigesplatforms · 2 years
I think something that is so intrinsic to the queer experience is staying up all night, reading or watching a gay love story on your phone, holding back sobs. Knowing that you could have this one day, that you could be this happy one day. But for now, you have the same four scraps of hope. And while they can be badly written, or unrealistic, and sometimes not even meant for queer eyes; they are yours. And for the night you can hold this hope in your hands and pretend that you are entitled to your own love story, outside of the screen. And you don’t have to be so afraid until the morning comes.
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beaulesbian · 2 years
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Listen, the truth is, the last year has been weird, you know? And I mean, you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin, they’re great. They’re great. It’s just… It’s Hawkins. It’s not the same without you. And I feel like maybe I was worrying too much about El, and, I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something. - Mike to Will in s04e04
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swervesfirstblaster · 2 years
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the you must be just my conscience because theres no other explanation to you to be here with me, always by my side, you sure are some kinda of punishing but anyway im not sure if you are real, i just know that i want you here, i only trust you and i need you the most thought that passes over stars head every time he sees and cant see bumblebee
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rovermcfly · 2 years
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I'm so obsessed with this peek at S2 Stede that we got
like he's gonna be so different!!
he'll be less highly strung, he'll have friendly rapport with the crew and not try to prove himself as an authority figure over them anymore, he won't be such a try-hard who has no idea what he's doing, he'll wear regular pirate clothes like this and stop doing his hair perfectly everyday and just allow himself to put himself first, and not an image he has carefully constructed (like husband and father or The Gentleman Pirate) and since he's given up everything he has we're finally gonna find out who stede is underneath all these acts he put on this whole time. He'll get to be charming and look dashing but keep this underlying silliness through it all and oh my god I already worship the very ground S2 Stede walks on.
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moiraineswife · 3 years
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Hands | Lan and Moiraine 
1.04 and 1.05
#wotedit#wheel of time#wot on prime#moiraine damodred#lan mandragoran#molan#lan x moiraine#molan gifset#gifset#the DIFFERENCE in how these scenes progress based on who initiates and how is fucking FASCINATING tho?#like I've said it before but Moiraine just SEIZES onto him. with the same determination and fervour with which she seizes onto everything#there's comfort there; of course; and connection. because that's what this is about. but there is no gentleness#the act of taking his hand is a STATEMENT. and as much as it's about being physically joined and holding each other#it's also about reminding him that they are together. it's a physical reinforcement of what she's just said#'your losses are mine and mine are yours'. they're in this together. ride or die. until the very end.#whereas when he approaches her there's such a sense of submission and something almost tentative in him?#first of all he kneels on the floor beside her before he reaches for her. putting himself on a level; or just below; her#and then he rests his hand gently on the arm that's already on her chair. and it's so...careful. so gentle.#the same as the little squeeze he gives her when she reaches for him#and god. that last gif always kills me. the way he SHAKES as he covers her hand with his own. the near reverence with which he touches her?#idk. Im sitting here screaming about how two people hold hands and maybe this is Too Much. but the NUANCE#what this tells you about their characters. about how their relationship. and about how they each see their role in it? exquisite.#also this is absolutely a case of 'hey taryn how many different excuses can u find to gif that scene?' and the answer is LOTS#tag ramble#tag meta
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yukipri · 2 years
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The existence of this shirt suggests to me that Cody will likely appear in the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, either as a character with a meaningful role or simply in Clone Wars flashbacks. My reasons:
This shirt is currently on the first page of the Her Universe website Star Wars tag. They haven't really added Kenobi print on demand shirt designs yet, but they likely will soon (other sites have started), and I feel its presence jumping to the top of the tag likely implies it will be a part of that collection.
2. This graphic itself is not particularly new, and has been available on print on demand shirts and such on multiple sites including Hot Topic and Her Universe for well over a year now. However, they very recently updated the design. Previously, the division number said the "501st," which is the wrong division, but it's now been corrected to the 212th. I know this because I agonized over whether I should buy this design for a solid month before deciding if it really bothers me I can probably paint over the 501st. I own the wrong number design on a tanktop. Yeah i know it's sad i shoulda waited RIP The relatively recent update of this design along with the fact that they care?? about a detail like the 212th being correct?? suggests to me that maybe, a lot more people are going to become more familiar with these characters in the near future.
In combination with this new kids armor that went up on the Disney store around May 4th that provides further evidence for at least Clone Wars flashbacks:
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I conclude that the likelihood of Cody and the 212th at least making noticeable named cameos in the show is relatively high.
why the frick did i write this
I have no life and am procrastinating that's why
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solradguy · 2 years
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After the death of Zato in the setting, Eddie gradually began to come to the forefront of these illustrations. However, it's very gradual and a bit half-hearted, don't you agree? Zato is the only character whose silhouette appears nude, so I would like to cherish that unique aspect of him.
Illustration for Arcadia Extra’s Guilty Gear XX The Midnight Carnival Burst Encyclopedia. Scan and caption from Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 by Daisuke Ishiwatari.
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hood-ex · 2 years
Okay, now I have to know Dick's body count. The Joker, Creighton, that Nazi whose daughters founded Spyral and Leviathan?
Ohhh, right, Dr. Dedalus. I don't remember if it was implied that Dick killed him or if he just ejected him from his body and simultaneously erased everyone's knowledge of Dr. Dedalus. I think it was the latter but I could be wrong.
In Batman and Robin Vol. 2 #23, Dick went through a simulation where he killed Heretic to save Damian's life. It obviously wasn't a real kill since it was essentially virtual reality, but either way, he didn't hesitate 💀. And guess who wrote that issue? Yup. Tomasi.
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catelyngrant · 3 years
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2x02 | 6x20
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thefoxholequeer · 3 years
HC that Neil wants to cuddle with Andrew while he's reading
So he tries to like sit against his legs but gets bored and just stares at Andrew
And Andrew looks over the pages of his book at Neil and rolls his eyes. But he can't concentrate on his book with Neil staring at him ✨like that✨. So he tells Neil if he wants to cuddle while he's reading Neil needs to read a book too.
But Neil. He has never read a novel in his life. He never had time for books that weren't directly related to his schooling. And he just doesn't even know where to start.
He tries to pick through Andrew's collection of high fantasy novels but he can't get past page 3 in any of them without getting antsy because there is too much world building and the boy is bored.
And Andrew makes it his secret mission to covert Neil into a reader somehow. And the next time Neil finds Andrew reading there is an extra book sitting on the beanbag next to him for Neil.
It's a murder mystery and Neil gets a little further than he did with the fantasy books but only lasts like 10 minutes.
Andrew doesn't say anything to Neil about this but boy is determined to find a book Neil can sit still through.
He secretly recruits Renee to help him and she picks our a space opera. It's sitting on the bean bag the next day.
At this point Neil knows something is up but he's happy to keep trying for Andrew. The space opera is a no-go and after like 10 pages he just passes it back to Andrew, silently shaking his head.
When Andrew relays this info to Renee, they're trying to brainstorm a new genre when Allison walks in.
She gets a romance novel out and when Neil sees it he's very suspicious because he can't imagine Andrew picking this out? But ok.
He gets pretty far into the romance, actually, because it's really fast paced and he keeps picturing Andrew as the broody hero. But actually what stops him is there is so much sex? With people that don't even know each other? Like, where is the trust? Why are these people attracted to people they don't even share car keys with? Demisexual Neil cannot relate.
The rest of the Foxes end up getting involved and all give Andrew books to leave for Neil.
Kevin gives him a historical nonfiction that he literally doesn't make it past the synopsis of.
Dan and Matt think he might fair better with superhero comics but Neil thinks they're too unrealistic.
Nicky tries to give him picture books and like... Neil can get through one fine? But it only takes like 5 minutes so this doesn't really solve the problem?
And it's Aaron, who doesn't want to be involved for the longest time, that finally finds something Neil will read. It is an outdated medical text that talks about treatments for different illnesses.
And all of the other Foxes are like,,,, wtf? This, this is the one? How does this hold his attention.
So they start flipping through it when Neil isn't around to try and figure out why this, of all things, is the one book that will keep Neil still for more than 10 minutes at a time.
And that's when they realize that Aaron had crossed out all the outdated information on all the pages and wrote in really sarcastic comments about what would really happen if a patient was treated this way.
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
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happy anniversary of 2/3rds of the connverse kisses
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froghwon · 2 years
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monsta xstagram 🐱 imnameim
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iindigo-puff · 2 years
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Shoma Uno + Euler Combinations
2A+eu+3F - GPF 2015
3A+eu+3F - Worlds 2017
3S+eu+3F - WTT 2019
3A+eu+1F - JNats 2019
4T+eu+Split Flip - SOI 2021
2A+eu+High Kick - SOI 2022
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#shoma uno#figure skating#fskateedit#gpf 2015#worlds 2017#wtt 2019#jnats 2019#soi 2021#soi 2022#gif#original content#‘​why is the bonus a 4Teu3F?’ you may ask#it’s bc that’s a video of baby shoma from way back in 2015#also let’s talk about 3Seu3F bc most people do it the other way around#and this absolute madlad threw it in last minute bc he had a shaky landing on his 3A so he couldn’t put it there#and then it ended up being a recognised as a valid combo or smth bc apparently no one had tried it in competition before#and if u think that’s wild; this was also the same program that he landed 2x 4F and attempted 3A4T IN THE SECOND HALF#my man hadn’t had a clean 4F all season and then he throws down two of em and then two wildcard combos#his first 3Aeu3F in comp was also pretty wild bc it was the day after he landed the worlds first 4F#and he was changing up his jumps on the fly to get as many points for team Asia as possible and instead of his usual 2A he goes for the 3A#AND LANDS THE ENTIRE FUCKING COMBO u can hear the absolute shock in the commentary it’s so good#man he always seems to have the time of his life with these combos#love that for him#also I had to include the og uno flip bc some people think it’s nathan territory but lemme point u to jnats 2019 real quick#he really just does that sometimes lol#well that was a great trip down memory lane! roll on more funky eulers!!!#and FUCK ur fanwars! nobody gives a shit about ur stinking garbage opinions!!!!!! 🥰#soz 4 spicy quality tho; idk why tumblr keeps eating my gifs
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worstloki · 3 years
full offense but no line with or without context in the Loki series can light a candle to “so I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me?”
#it’s just such a raw line that’s so relevant on multiple levels??? and on it's own too????? like ??????????#hoo boy i miss when the dialogue was specific#because the line contributes to characterization in small ways too???#like. it's literally just 1 line but there's metaphoric objectification there's the ye olde syntax it's rhetorical + there's cage symbolism#going into it WITH context there's the conclusion he jumps to (correctly) which contributes to shown intelligence#there's ''another'' which means Loki isn't siding with Odin's colonialist propaganda and considers the relics STOLEN#which is important because Thor refers to Odin claiming the Casket as 'taking' it while the JOTUNS attempted to 'steal' it#his perspective on things conflicts with others but is supported by Laufey's words at least and then in Thor 3 again with the imperialism#''another stolen relic'' isn't said as a good thing so jot that down because loki is aware of morality and that matters later in the film#and that;s without whatever dehumanisation he goes into by likening himself to nothing more than an object taken for a purpose#he's right of course but the jump from Asgard's general condescending arrogance in their superiority to Loki saying this is a spicy one#works on othering him and all#ESPECIALLY since finding out he was a different race is what made him voice whatever doubts he has and how he sees things????#''locked up here'' continues on the same imagery but idk i kinda see it as part of a motif since he lets go at the end of his own free will#still the idea of being constrained is there (which is funny because in every other movie he's physically tied rather than emotionally hah)#there's a visual being provided here and it's of Loki venting his frustrations at a part being written for him he did not know of#''here'' is ironic because he's in Odin's line of sight and how Odin sees him is. kinda important in thor 1.#''until you might have use of me'' is loki's idiotic hope that he's wrong and it's possible for him to be worthy#because ya know his entire identity-breakdown-denial-crisis kinda revolves around that and that runs half the plot#''until you might have use of me'' he's putting no worth on his presence as something worth keeping and is right but... glorious purpose#this is where Having A Purpose really starts to stand out as a thing with Loki#and it's not whatever the show tried to do smh#it's Loki needing to be worthy in Odin's eyes and the idea of needing a purpose being twisted into Avengers 1 though Loki lacks conviction#don't even ask me about how it's a question like that's literally the idea of who loki thinks he is crashing around him and he DOESN'T KNOW#but whatever#what do i know#the Loki show#loki show my beloathed </3#i need to stab something#the invisible dagger speech is predictably my favourite one in the series
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pollyna · 2 years
Maverick is twenty-five and drunk and every house on the Naval Base is the same, just as the key to unlock them, apparently. Or at least is what Mav's drunk mind thinks while he enter in his own house by the window because the key isn't working and if he ends up sleeping on the porch he knows Mother Goose is going to kill him. He just knows.
The bed is particularly soft and warm and Mav can't stop himself from smuggling a little between the sheets until he finds the perfect position and the next thing he knows it's morning, the sun is shining inside the bedroom and his head is killing him. The bed is still particularly soft and warm and hard at the same time. It's a strange dichotomy but his brain is just so fucked up right now he could be sleeping on a rock and won't change much. But apparently he isn't sleeping on a rock because he remembers coming back home last night and rocks don't breath. He's 100% sure of that, at least. But this rock isn't just breathing, he's hugging him too, and speaking. Oh god what the fuck he drunk last night?
Mav go back to sleep the rock, that as a voice really similar to Ice's one, says and who is he to say no when he has nowhere else to be? So he snuggles a little more against the rock, with a voice really really similar to Ice's one, and goes back to sleep.
Slider and Goose find them, hours later, still cuddling in Ice's bed and Mother Goose almost screams because what the fuck Maverick I thought you were dead! but Slider can only laugh and snap a picture for posterity.
(Maverick is fifty-one, drunk as he can get and Mother Goose just left him in front of the right house, he hopes. But all the houses on the Naval Base are the same, are they know? And every keys is still opening all the doors, thirty years didn't change that apparently. But this time the key fits the first time and he doesn't even remember how he arrives in his bed but when he does the bed is soft and warm and hard in a strange way and pets his head and kisses his cheek because it's such a good bed and Mav is so so happy to have him home with him.
The next morning the sun is shining in the bedroom and his head is killing him, while everything seems a dejavù of something happen almost thirty years before. Uhuh yes babe, exactly the same way a voice, Ice's, says from his left side and he's laughing a little because seriously the situation couldn't be more hilarious. Mav opens one eye, and only one because the light could really kill him, and looks at Ice before going say and you're as beautiful as the first morning I woke up in the same position. Ice's laugh a little longer and hugs him a little tighter, I'm so glad you lost yourself that night and Mav can't do nothing more than kiss him because he isn't ready to say his husband is right, at least not so soon in the morning.)
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Very emotional about the breakfast story in the Gospel of John. Simon, James and John, Thomas, Nathanael, and a few others are out together. Simon says he's going fishing, and the others say they're coming along. They spend all night trying to get a good haul, and they catch nothing. Dawn is breaking, and they see a man on the shore a long way off, but they can't tell who he is. He shouts to them, "You don't have any fish, do you?" They have to shout back a disgruntled, "No." The man replies, "Put the net on the other side and you'll catch some fish!" Maybe they roll their eyes a bit--they're the ones out on the water, and they have been all night, what would he know?--and the fish start flooding into the net.
And John looks at Simon and remembers: this has happened before. Three years ago, before everything changed--that voice had shouted to them the same instruction.
"Simon!!" he says, "It's the Lord!"
And it hits Simon like a thunderbolt. He frantically throws on his coat (he'd stripped for work) and plunges into the water. He'd walked on the water before to meet Jesus, what was swimming a hundred yards? So eager to reach Him he can't wait the few minutes for the boat to come in--and when it gets there, he has to go and help unload the fish anyway. But even those few moments with Jesus are worth the soaking wet robes and the exhaustion. And anyway, He already has a fire going--with some fish of His own. "Come and have breakfast!" He says.
And then they sit and eat together, just like they had done so many times over the past three years, and He's there with them, perhaps gently laughing at Simon, still dripping from his swim, and it's like He never left.
He never truly did.
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