#but they also are mostly too stubborn to get into a uniform anymore
bugcowboyart · 1 year
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Concepts for Cohort Uniforms as modeled by the Second House Scion Judith Deuteros
I’m a costume designer by trade and the problem of how to design an entire military wing of a disco for a necromancer society in space was just too tempting to pass up. I took inspiration from modern US navy, regency era naval officers, sci-fi space suits, and bones.
Anything red on Jody would be the house color for whatever soldier wore it, rough examples in the third image.
At Canaan, Marta and Judith would both wear the top middle which is designated for OF 3-6 (lieutenants commander, captains, etc.) though Jody has the “cursory” necro robe because I couldn’t resist.
Jody would have been 14 when she last wore the red junior division uniforms m (but I didn’t want to draw a new model lol) and the blue is also what Isaac and Jeannemary would have worn prior to Canaan. This is because the thought of child soldiers in little naval capes makes me cry so it felt right.
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diamaker-moon · 3 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 6
Chapter Six
Realizations... (pt. 1)
"I am proud of your chosen, Tikki."
Wayzz said in a calm voice. "She took in the responsibility of being a heroine exchange for her time in her civilian life, and now, she chose to carry the heavy responsibility of a Guardian even though she can refuse it and pass it to someone else, leaving everything behind."
The other kwamis nodded at the wise turtle kwami's words. Tikki looked at them and smiled.
"I'm proud of my bug. She's a worthy ladybug and had shown how worthy she is despite her flaws. She made mistakes, but she chose to fix them. And now she's healing from the toxicity she had received in that place. Sleep well, Marinette..."
— previous chapter... —
The Akuma Class was experiencing an unknown change. And they don't know the exact reason.
It's been two weeks since Marinette hasn't been coming to class.
The first day, Alya thought she was just late or have an errand to run during the morning and will come to class after lunch, but it didn't happen. After classes were done, she tried calling her, only to be redirected to her voicemail immediately. Not knowing her 'best friend' had bought a new phone and uses a new number. She was slightly sour thinking that Marinette is being stubborn in hanging out with Lila, and chose to reprimand her for letting her jealousy get in between a possible friendship with the girl.
The others didn't notice how Adrien was down during the rest of that day. They didn't notice Chloé having a slightly pained look in her eyes.
She was slightly angry that Dupain-Cheng easily gave up in exposing the liar, but it's not like she helped the girl. She had no right to be angry about how Dupain-Cheng chose to move on with life. When she saw her being surrounded by people she didn't know and was walking towards a table, she stared for a moment. Chloé hasn't heard her laugh for a while, the bubbly aura around the girl was fading when she was in Dupont.
Chloé hated to admit it, but she envied the ravenette. Dupain-Cheng having a happy family, while her own mother left them to go to New York for work when she was a child, creating a drift between their relationship. Her own father didn't hang out with her anymore due to his duties being the City's Mayor. Dupain-Cheng gained friends while she was being hated for being a bully who always annoys others and uses her triumph card when she gets in trouble.
She was staring at the raventte's table with a melancholic look. The girl was happy, and Chloé couldn't deny it. Part of her wants to convince Dupain-Cheng to go back to Dupont and defeat the vixen but she didn't want to be selfish for once.
After lunch period she came back to class and grabbed Sabrina's attention, and told her to come with her after class.
The two are in Chloé's bedroom in Le Grand Paris.
"I'm sorry..."
Sabrina was startled to hear such sincere words coming from the person she knew could be very bratty for a long time.
"I'm sorry that I treated you like a servant. And that I made you take some of the consequences from my actions. I want to justify it by letting people know that I lost a mother figure from my childhood and didn't teach me proper manners and that she is very bossy, and that I tried to fit in with her. But I know I can't... There are people around me that could've inspired me to be a better person, like Dup-Marinette..."
When Sabrina heard the name she was about to retaliate but Chloé didn't give her a chance.
"No, Sabrina. She's right. I grew up with people who lie about their backgrounds just to fit in with society. Everything can be searched on the internet Sabrina. I know your smart, use it and prove to me right now that you, defending that Liar is a good thing."
Sabrina stared at Chloé, she was growing nervous, Chloé rarely helps around class problems, and for her to defend the person she has been ridiculing for a long time is strange. So Sabrina did it, she searched.
She sat there, appalled and disappointed, after that there are no articles about a Lila Rossi aside from the girl's interviews in the Ladyblog. Chloé left her to go to her balcony and leaned on the railing. Sabrina ran up to her.
"Chloé we need to let everyone know about this! Maybe we can help Marinette expose her? Collect evidence? Contact her mother? We can help Marinette gain back her reputation and her friends! We can—" Sabrina rambled.
"It's too late, Sabrina..." Chloé said that made Sabrina stop rambling and just stared at her in confusion.
"I saw her. She moved on. Marinette was wearing a uniform from a different school. Marinette gave up, Sabrina, she gave up on trying to protect her so-called friends after being dismissed. You should've seen her, she was so happy, something we— I haven't seen for a while..."
That statement made Sabrina tearful. Staring at nothing, she started remembering glimpses of the ravenette.
She remembered the time that when she looks in Marinette's direction, she was so dull. Like a doll— a Marionette, not reacting to how her sketchbook was torn apart, how her dull bluebell eyes stare at Mlle Bustier when she is talking to her, how she doesn't react when their classmates are attacking her for bullying Lila. Sabrina finally realizes how she treated someone like that without proof. Her own father imbedded to her that 'innocent until proven guilty', yet she didn't even try to see both perspectives and just went along with the class.
Her actions are much worse than how Chloé acted.
"I'll give Marinette credit. That liar tried to break her, but she broke free and spread her wings without looking back, and saved herself."
Sabrina nodded at Chloé's statement while copying the girl's position of leaning on the balcony rails, looking out to Paris.
Juleka Couffaine, the Akuma Class' resident shy goth girl.
When she first met Lila Rossi, she was skeptical, her brother is a fan of Jagged Stone, and when she heard Lila say that she saved Jagged's kitten on an airplane runway was very sketchy for Juleka.
Before she knew it, Marinette became a pariah. She often denies becoming an accomplice due to her neutrality to the problem. When Marinette didn't arrive Monday morning, she was worried. The girl who pleaded to the photographer to take another class photo with her in it, to break her 'photo curse', is absent.
She tried calling her phone, but it went straight to voicemail. She was currently sitting on her bed and her brother strumming his guitar. He notices how she was just staring at her phone in a daze.
"Hey, Luka... does Jagged had a pet cat in his life?" Juleka asks looking up to her brother.
Luka was surprised by the question, "As far as I know, he didn't have one. Due to him being allergic and the cat not being rock-and-roll enough. Why?"
Luka was shocked when Juleka started tearing up, he immediately puts his guitar down to comfort her baby sister.
"I messed up, Luka... I badly messed up..."
After calming down a little, Juleka finally explained to him why she was crying. She explained that the new girl in her class made Juleka skeptical about her, and then about Marinette's supposed 'cheating', 'stealing', and 'assault', she then talked about how Marinette kept accusing the new girl of lying but no one believing her, and that soon Marinette became a pariah in their class. Juleka told them about all the lies that Rossi has said.
Overall, Luka was disappointed in her.
"You said that Marinette tried to expose her right? Why didn't you back her up, as a friend would do? Isn't she also your friend? Why didn't you voice out your concern about this to Marinette? or to me?"
Luka sighed, before backing away from his sister. 
"You said your class hates Chloé for being a bully, but aren't they acting like a bully? Your class, isolated Marinette. I don't know how she managed it. But right now, it might be too late to act, Jules. At the very least, try and fix your mistake..." Luka said before leaving her alone for a moment, and let her think.
Meanwhile, Rose's phone suddenly pinged due to a notification. When she checked it out it was a message from Juleka.
Juleka:  Hey, uhm...
Juleka: Can you do me a favour? Please?
Rose:  Sure! What is it?
Juleka: Please trust me on this... can you ask Prince Ali about his environmental charities and if he knows a certain 'Lila Rossi'?
Rose:  Juleka? Why?
Juleka: Please... please ask him...
Rose was confused by Juleka's request, if she thought about it she was asking just like Marinette did months ago. But Rose decided to shake that thought out of her head, she knew Juleka was not a bully, like Marinette and how she bullies Lila.
Rose decided to trust Juleka and messaged him.
Rose: Hello, Ali! Can I ask a question? A friend of mine, wants to know about your environmental charities with Lila Rossi, I think it's for a project. Thank you! <3
She didn't know why but she felt nervous sending that message. She shrugged it off and put the phone down to continue her scrapbooking. She waited for a few minutes before she heard another notification sound from her phone. And when she read the message, she froze.
Prince Ali: Hello, Rose! I'm sorry, but I only do children charities since the Royal Family doesn't control the environemental ones, it is mostly done by Achu's government, and sorry to disappoint but I do not know a Lila Rossi. Is she a new friend of yours?
Rose was too frozen to not even notice that she had dropped her phone. She kept looking in her hand as if it was all just a dream. That Prince Ali did know Lila Rossi, but when she picked her phone back up and read the text once again, it said the same thing.
'This can't be happening! If this is true... then I bullied Marinette for no reason!'
Rose: Oh! I'm... sorry for my misinformation... Lila's a... classmate of mine. Sorry for the trouble...
Rose didn't notice the tears dripping from her eyes.
She was numb. She couldn't deny this information, it is a direct reply from the Prince of Achu. That he— Prince Ali, doesn't know someone named Lila Rossi. She was lied to. Lila Rossi lied to me. She thought.
And Marinette asked you to ask him months ago, didn't she? She tried to warn you... You didn't listen to her!
There was a sudden voice in the back of her mind, how she ridiculed Marinette for bullying Lila. But it was all a lie. She treated Marinette horribly for a lie...
She hurriedly opened her internet browser and searched for any of Lila's accomplishments only to see a bunch of interviews from the Ladyblog, nowhere else.
Rose: Prince Ali... doesn't do environmental charities, he only does children charities and... he doesn't know a Lila Rossi.
Juleka: ... I'm sorry, Rose.
Juleka: I only realized my mistake after talking to Luka, I'm sorry if I didn't voice out when I was skeptical about her in the beginning...
Rose: She lied... She lied!
Rose: I can't believe her! We treated her as a friend!
Juleka: Rose, please calm down! I don't want you to become an akuma! Please!
Seeing that message she tried so hard to calm down. Juleka was right, she doesn't want Shadowmoth to turn her into an Akuma! She needed to calm down.
After calming down, she messaged Marinette, but there was no reply, then she finally noticed that Marinette wasn't present during class that day. So she tried calling but was sent to voicemail immediately. She tried calling a few times before she stopped.
She'll just talk to her tomorrow, but that didn't happen... and it has been two weeks...
Adrien Agreste was in denial.
He didn't want to believe that Marinette really did transfer schools. He wanted to visit her as Chat, but since he hasn't seen his kwami, he can't transform. And he's growing worried every second. No Plagg, no Akuma, and no Marinette...
His worrisome state affected his fencing classes. He was always immediately defeated by Kagami Tsurugi. She was displeased that he became a wimp in fencing.
"What made you so distracted lately? That's not like you Agreste." Kagami said.
"Nothing... I'm just worried about Marinette, she hasn't been in class lately, and it's been two weeks!" Adrien replied.
What Adrien said, made Kagami's brow shot up, in confusion. She had talked to Marinette one time, and she had shared that she transferred schools, and has been doing well. She also found out about the 'Lila situation' in Dupont and was very angry that Adrien Agreste knew but didn't say anything. It took a whole lot of Marinette's energy to stop Kagami from attacking Agreste with her sword or using her mother's sword!
"Haven't you heard?" Kagami asked.
"Heard what? You've talked to Marinette?!" Adrien asked enthusiastically.
"Yes. She had transferred schools due to unfortunate situations here in Dupont." Kagami answered before walking towards the locker rooms.
Adrien ran up towards her, held her shoulders and made her face him. "You're kidding right?! Marinette is still a student here! She'll come back here!"
Kagami stared at him in bewilderment.
"I-I gotta go... Bye Kagami..." Adrien said.
Kagami can only stare at the boy's retreating back. From Kagami's perspective, she thinks that Agreste was in denial of Marinette transferring schools. He was also oblivious to the aspiring designer's feelings. But this was different... The way he tries to convince himself that Marinette still goes to Dupont is unsettling.
It's as if, he was supposed to have control over her life. It made Kagami's instinct more unsettled.
Adrien was pacing around his room after he got home from fencing classes. He was becoming more nervous by the second.
He tried looking for her social media accounts only to find none of it exists, he swore that he followed her socials.
Even Nathalie noticed how jittery the young Agreste was, she tried finding out the reason why, but couldn't pinpoint it due to being sidetracked.
The peacock miraculous was missing from the safe, and Gabriel Agreste was furious! He already lost the Grimoire book, the previous Guardians' tablet and now the fixed peacock miraculous. They reviewed the footage from his security cameras, and found nothing!
This made him sidetracked about his supervillain duties, he ignored the past powerful emotions the brooch felt, in exchange to search the whole mansion about the missing items of his. Adrien was no help.
Gabriel calmed down for a second and felt a negative emotion to vent and try to find out if Ladybug got the peacock miraculous.
When he found one, he informed Nathalie about privacy and went to his lair. he transformed to Hawkmoth once again due to the lack of the peacock miraculous.
"Ah, the agonizing pain of experiencing a heartbreak..."
A butterfly flew and rested in his palm, while he fills it with negative power. Once he is done he opened his palm and lets the Akuma flap its wings.
"Fly away, my little Akuma, and evilize this brokenhearted woman!"
The Akuma made its way towards a crying woman near the Seine, wearing a wedding dress. It landed on her headpiece.
"Enchanttréx, I am Hawkmoth. You've been betrayed by the person your loved one, I'm giving you the power to expose any secrets that were chosen to be hidden away from the world. In return, you will bring me ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. Do we have a deal?"
"Yes, Hawkmoth."
The purple substance covered the woman in a wedding dress, and when it was gone it left a woman, who has an intricate gold flower-themed headpiece, long black hair that reaches up to her mid-back, a flowy white to black gradient dress, gold strapped heels, white laced gloves that reach up to her forearm and a veil in front of her face.
"It's time to let yourself free from your secrets!" Enchanttréx exclaimed making the nearby Parisians run away in fear and alerting the heroes.
Chapter 5 — Moving Forward: Masterlist — Chapter 7 
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ladyboops · 3 years
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A/N: I'm just going to keep writing drabbles in the mean time. I'll be putting ficmas requests up on November 1st. So there's that to look forward to. Yes, I'll take up smut requests too.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 547
Warnings: Canon violence, mostly fluff. (No spoilers, I promise.)
"You look like shit. Anything you want me to get you?" A hesitant voice spoke from behind. 
You sat just outside of the barracks, lost in the sound of the heavy rain storming the roof and dirt. It was cold, and that cleared up your jumbled up thoughts after having enough from those within. Hearing his voice, you startled out of your thoughts and looked up, scrambling to your feet to salute. "C-Captain!"
"Answer my question."
"N-No, Captain. The rain is a welcome relief. It got too stuffy to stay inside the barracks."
His gaze traveled to your puffy eyes, and down to the tear streaks on your cheeks, threatening to drip onto your uniform. His heart clenched at the sight, but rolled his eyes, indicating for you to sit back down. "You're a shitty liar, Y/N."
"I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like I can't stop crying." You admitted softly, resuming your spot on the wooden steps and knowing you couldn't hide these things from him. "I just- I don't know-. They're all saying this and that, and I can't anymore."
"We don't need to talk, all right?" He sat down beside you, offering his cloak around your shadows to ward off the cold. "Just you and me."
Another expedition. Another mournful goodbyes to those lost on the way. No bonfire tonight, only the rain helping to soothe the empty ache in your heart. It was as if Mother Nature was also grieving over the amount of human lives killed. Numbers kept growing as Squad Leaders took stock of those injured and those dead. Friends, gone. Acquaintances, gone. Family, gone. 
All for what exactly?
"How do you do it?" You roughly croaked, voice barely above a whisper.
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, illuminating the barracks and the night sky briefly. Rain poured harder, and the howling wind gusted. Trees swayed as if they were ragdolls tossed around. All for the sun to peek out once more from behind the clouds the next day, as if ashamed of the mess.
"You live on for them." Levi eventually replied. "To keep on going."
It wasn't your first mission out of the Walls, nor would it be your last either. This was war, and you knew that enlisting meant that you would be a part of the ongoing fight against the Titans. Each time you returned, it never got any easier. 
"Remember their names," Like he engraved the names of Furlan and Isabel in his heart. Gone, but never forgotten.
Numb. That was the right word for it. It was war after all, and lives were the hefty cost. Families were torn apart by the seams when the squads return. Not everyone was lucky. Or skilled. Or knew what to do in front of the Titans. It was jarring, downright exhausting work with little reward. 
Was it minutes? Hours? You didn't know.  You and him sat huddled together, conserving warmth as much as possible. Seeing you slowly getting drenched from the storm, the Captain dragged you up to your feet. 
"Enough. It's past curfew."
You nodded wordlessly at first, wiping away the last of the stubborn tears. "Goodnight, Levi."
"My cloak, brat." He said flatly, scowling at the fabric wet with snot, tears, and rain.  
"I'll get it dry cleaned tomorrow, sir." A pause. "And Levi? Thank you again."
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Just a dream } Lim Sejun [victon]
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genre: yandere, mild smut, fluff (,angst?)
warning(s): mentions of killing & stalking, suggestive!, mentions of other idols (subin&byungchan)
word count: about 3.3k
note: If u feel uncomfortable with any of the warnings above, feel free to skip! I will probably do more parts :)
I'm not that good in writing smut but I wanted it to be not too dirty, like there's sexual tension but everything is on a comfortable level
Third person's POV
at school
Lim Sejun was your best friend, along with his stepbrother Jung Subin. You actually met Sejun through Subin.
At first only Subin was your classmate since 5th grade and you too eventually became really close. And later on, about two years, Sejun joined you because he moved here, when his Mom wanted to marry your other friends Dad.
You never never had romantic feelings for Subin, you just loved him as a friend.
But his stepbrother was something different. It wasn't like you had a crush on him, he just made you so nervous all the time.
You didn't show it, but inside you always slightly get butterflies everytime he stares at you or uses his deep voice to convince you to something.
Not to mention his looks, but he could do many things that made him get most girls attention. Though he never cared about girls except for you.
He was a rather cold person, kept most things to himself and didn't laugh very often. But when he did, it always made you happy aswell.
It was mostly you that made him giggle or smile but you never questioned it.
You were just grateful to have them as your friends. Even though the brothers fought like literally almost all the time.
But what you noticed is that Sejun was very protective over you. What you didn't know was caused by the obsession he had over you.
In the Beginning it was only a little crushing, adoring you secretly. This soon turned into serious, strong feelings, and desire that he kept inside and eventually real love.
Of course you obviously didn't know about his "little" possession, but you were everything to him and nothing would steal you from him.
Anyone that touched you inappropriately, wasn't blessed to live a long life. And he made sure of that. The killing wasn't a big deal for him, as long as you were safe it didn't matter.
School was long over, but you and Sejun were still sitting in the library to do homework and explain math to Subin when he had problems, which was like constantly.
"God, Subin! I explained this to you like a hundred times. It's Sejun's turn now, he is even smarter than me." You groaned at your friends intolerance.
You desperately looked at the dark haired boy, who sat on a chair and concentratedly wrote something on a paper.
When he was just giving you a look with a frown you sighed.
"Help your brother for gods sake! I can't do this anymore. I finished anyways, I could just go if I wanted to." You complained in a whiny manner.
Sejun still looked at you and than shortly at Subin. He shook his head.
"I'm not helping him. He has to learn himself. And he's just my stepbrother. Not my problem." He shrugged and turned to his paper.
Subin just looked absolutely cluelessly at the many numbers and even letters.
"Please Sejun! Your Mom told me to help him. She will think I'm dumb as well!" You continued, to stubborn to give up first.
"Hey!" Subin faked a hurtful look, laying his hand on his heart.
"Sorry, Binnie. But I won't explain this to you again." You touched his shoulder, smiling exclusively.
Now Sejun also noticed the contact between you too and made a noise to seperate you again and get your attention.
Your head turned to him, hoping he changed his mind.
But he just saw one thing at this moment; your thigh that was exposed because of the skirt that had slipped up 'til the beginning of you lace slip.
His eyes fixated on your beautiful legs and his mind went wild automatically. He was aroused immediately, imagining he was the one who could take it off of you.
You didn't bother to look down, where he was looking. You were just thinking he zoned out for a moment at waved your hand on front of his iced eyes.
"Sejun? Are you okay?" You wondered.
When he came back to reality he noticed how tight his jeans felt so suddenly. But managed to look up at you finally.
"Huh? Oh, yes. I will only explain this once to him, and I wanna get a treat." He wanted to compromise.
You waited a moment to process and decide if you wanted to compromise.
"Okay. What do want as your treat?" You asked innocently.
Sejun thought. How could he indirectly say that he wanted to be alone with you?
"You will go with me studiying tomorrow, after school." He grinned, secretly so excited to have you to himself for some hours.
Your eyes widened. Another study session?
"Fine, but why so obsessed with studiying? School's not everything, Junnie." You told him.
He stayed silent. If you knew what I want to do to you right now, Y/N. He thought, very aware of his bulge, growing even harder. But he couldn't do anything about it, he had to hide under the table until it would hopefully disappear.
After about half an hour, he had made everything clear for Subin. Well, supposedly. And the three of you went home.
Subin couldn't hold a moan back as he touched his boner through his black jeans. He hadn't been able to hold back the dirty thoughts of you telling him that you wanted him as much as he did. And now that he was finally home, he could release some of his inholded sexual sounds. He rarely listened to anyone but gladly would accept you as his domme.
He just loved you so much, of course he was craving for your touch. You were his only weakness at this point.
the next day
You could walk to school because your house wasn't that far away. You didn't know that Sejun was always behind you, to make sure you came home safe and to enjoy your pretty features a little longer.
When you arrived and waited for you two only friends and greeted Subin happily with hug and a minute later Sejun with a sweet "Hey." Because you knew he didn't really enjoy skinship.
He greeted back politely. And thought about how pretty you looked again, although he saw you everyday in the same school uniform.
He secretly hated that the girls had to wear skirts in school. So he gave every boy who dared to look at you a second too long a warning glare to fuck off. And if they wouldn't hear, he would made sure they would never look at you again.
It was normal for him, he would keep you forever. And no one would destroy his plan.
School had ended fast and you bid your goodbyes to Subin and went to the library.
You sat down next to each other and your knees would touch every now and then, making Sejun wanting to already moan your name out loud, by just this simple touch.
One hour had passed and you slowly got bored, as you were just too done to concentrate on school stuff any longer.
"Sejun~" You whined, tucking on his blazer.
Holy fuck. He thought. I want you to whine my name like this again.
He tried to not look much affected and hummed as a response to you.
"I'm bored. I don't wanna study anymore. Let's just do something different, yes?" You tried to convince him with puppy eyes.
"What can we do?" He asked quietly, unsure if he would maybe be alowed to touch you a little.
"Kiss?" You said, leaning forward.
It wasn't really your intention but he could see some of your cleavage in this position. He told himself to keep control.
You laughed sweetly. He was so cute when he blushed.
You were just joking. But didn't know he was actually craving for the touch of your lips, just once. Once would be enough and he would be the luckiest man alive.
Now you frowned, he still wasn't looking away from your lips.
"Sejun, I was just jo-" You couldn't finish.
His hands snaked around your waist to sit you on his lap in a fast motion, disrupting you.
Him touching you in this way, affected you more than you wanted to admit.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
Your butt sat on his thighs, your feet touched the ground. And your faces weren't that far away from each other either.
"I thought you were bored." His raspy voice made you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, but what do want now?" You still whispered, so exited for his next move.
He grabbed your hips with more force, to shove you even further to his face.
A groan escaped his throat at the sudden friction he felt of your core grinding on his.
"You don't wanna know what I want to do to you Y/N."
He let his finger slide over your lower lip.
Why was he so changed all out of the blue?
He had waited for years to feel you right there where you sat on in this moment.
"Do you want me to stay still or move?" You asked as you were ready to risk it all.
You were feeling so out of this world, like someone would have drugged you. But you liked it, yeah, you enjoyed it.
"It's your choice, kitten. But be aware that if you cross a certain line I won't be able told back and take you right here, right now." He warned you in a husky voice, while breathing in all of your body right in his hands.
You let out a whiny moan at his dirty talking. You were kinda ready to get to his limits.
"It's okay, just tell me when I have to stop." You breathed out, against his neck.
As he felt your hot breath hit his exposed skin and at the same time, your hips moving into his he fekt like in heaven.
"Y/N~ah." He moaned out and threw his head back.
He felt like he would come right on the spot.
Between your movements you also let out hitched breaths at the immense pleasure your where giving and receiving, although you both still where having all your clothes on. But you forgot about that long ago.
Your bodys where still rocking together as he was watching all of your little expressions that showed on your face.
Though, at some point when you begin to settle kisses on his neck, jaw and cheeks, he couldn't hold himself back any longer and wanted to warn you again so it wouldn't escalate.
"Y/N, Y/N-ah, stop, it's too much!" He almost cried out for you.
You obeyed and stopped, panting a little.
"It's okay." You stroke his cheek. "We can continue this another time, Junnie." You promised.
His eyes flashed with exitement, as he struggled to come down from this so unreal seeming experience with you.
"I- I will just finish this work sheet. I have to calm down." Sejun told me as he got his ability to talk back.
He never thought, he would be able to find the confidence and touch you like this.
And you even agreed!
It was like a dream.
Well, maybe it really was.
Sejun's POV
"Junnie, wake up!" Y/N shook me gently.
I was suddenly torned from my deep sleep. I breathed out and groaned.
I had dreamed everything?!
I felt so disappointed. I wished it would have happened in reality, it was the most pleasureable thing I had ever experienced in my life.
And it came out as just another wet dream of mine.
At this moment I told myself to be more confident and don't behave like a creep that hated skinship.
I had to be more cool with it, orherwise I would never get what I was craving for desperately.
"Are you okay, Sejun-ah?" She looked at me a bit worried as I still wasn't reacting at all.
But her voice finally brought me back to reality.
"No Y/N, I'm not okay." I answered.
"What is it?" She wondered.
I struggled to come up with an excuse, so I decided to be honest with her.
"You and me, we were here in the library and-"
"Oh, that? You weren't dreaming, Junnie. It happened."
I widened my eyes. It wasn't a dream? I blushed.
"But why did I fell asleep then?" I wanted to know, since it all didn't really made sense.
"You wanted to finish your paper to calm down. Well, it worked, you fell asleep." She explained
Suddenly I remembered. I had never dreamed. It had happened in real life.
Maybe I should consider sleeping more instead of watching her. I thought to myself, it was unacceptable to fall asleep during spending time with her.
Third person's POV
You were sitting in the cafeteria of your Highschool, talking to your two guy friends.
It was a day like every other and everything was normal, except for Sejun's behaviour.
He was getting more confident in touching you but immediately blushed when he noticed that you were looking at him with a concerned face.
It was not like you lost interest or anything, you were still reacting to his teasing as intense as before. But you didn't thought he would want the two of you to keep doing these things.
Everything began two days ago in the library. He was getting more and more crazy for you each second.
Right in the moment he was secretly watching you talking to his stepbrother.
You were pure beauty in his eyes and he couldn't stop looking at your soft features and feminine body.
How you used your whole body while demonstrating something to Subin was something Sejun found absolutely adorable.
Every now and then you also glanced at him so he had to act like he wouldn't been staring at you the whole break long and mostly just nodded when you asked for his opinion or just wanted to include him in the conversation.
Sejun almost forgot to eat while being so busy admiring you.
When the bell rang for third period all the students stood up and he noticed that he wasn't the only one who didn't eat most of his food.
"Y/N you only ate your salad." Sejun walked next to you and pointed at your still full tablet with his finger.
You both were walking the same direction to put your tablets away and turn to your class after.
"Oh yeah, I'm not that hungry." You tried to explain.
But the actual reason was something else. You couldn't ignore Sejun's attentive look on you the whole time. You tried your best to ignore this weird feeling in you stomach but it was difficult when you knew that you had to endure that until you would be home.
"But you need to eat, to have enough energy for class." He pointed out while you made your way to the classroom.
Even if all his actions were meant to be innocent without any dirty intentions, it was hard for you to forget how you were sitting directly on his hard boner and could hear these pornografic sounds coming out of his mouth.
You liked how he had reacted to you in some way. Because no one ever had made you feel so wanted like he did that evening.
And you really gave your best to delete it from your memory but you just couldn't when you saw him every single day and felt how tensed he sometimes was. It reminded you of the Sejun that had called you Kitten.
You noticed you hadn't answered him yet and snapped out of your wild thoughts.
"Yes, I know but I have enough energy left. I promise, Junnie." You assured as you two arrived at the right room.
He just gave you a worried look and settled down on his seat like you did.
The three of you weren't directly seated next to each other but close, so the boys could still have an eye on you.
The teacher came in as well and the lesson began soon after.
Byungchan was sitting next to you since a few days, but you have no problem with that because he's very nice. Sometimes he would try to flirt with you and you would just act like you wouldn't know what he was doing.
He was also very handsome and popular at your school, though that hadn't had any affect on you. You just cared about the work you had to do together, nothing else.
Although... you do blushed when he made you a compliment, simply because you found it charming and sweet of him to care about how you looked.
What you didn't know was that Sejun was on the verge of killing him every single day since he sits next to you.
He even asked himself how to quickly and inconspicuously as possible have this done. So he would get rid of him finally.
He was so angry inside but told himself to keep his control awhile longer. You shouldn't suffer under his death too much so Sejun wanted to wait a little longer and threathen Byungchan first, to better stop flirting with you or else he had to be killed.
After a while the class was dismissed and for you, school had ended already. You completely had missed the time and were happy to be able to leave the school building already.
You packed your stuff and didn't even notice that Sejun was standing in front of you.
While he waited he stared down at you until he finally spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N. Do want to go eat ice-cream and hang out a bit maybe?" He asked as he restlessly scratched his neck.
You looked up, surprised to hear his voice instead of Subin's.
"Umm yeah, sure. But where's Subin?" You wanted to know, furrowing your brows and scanning the room to find you other friend.
"He had to leave early today. Mom told him to do his homework once in a lifetime." Sejun's monotonous voice was back and he was a little sad that you wanted to have Subin with you so badly.
You chuckled and put on your blazer and then your backpack, before you nodded at him to move on.
All students had left the classroom already so you were alone.
He started to shiver instead of leaving the room as he knew that he had to speak about what had happened between you two.
"Y/N.. I think we maybe need to talk." His shy self was back again.
"About what?" You asked, as you were wondering if he really would mention the incident again.
"About that day.. when you and I.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence, he was too insecure.
She probably doesn't want me to touch her anyways. Sejun thought and closed his eyes in brief.
"It's okay, Sejun-ah. We can just forget about it if you want." You patted his shoulder as you weren't really sure what to say or do.
"That's not it, Y/N. I want your permission to my touch. I want to be closer to you and not make you uncomfortable." The black haired boy looked to the ground, expecting you to be grossed out.
"You have my permission Sejun-ah, it's okay with me if you touch me more. I like it because I always enjoy your company. You have to know that, alright?" You gave him a warm smile when he finally found the courage to look at you.
He kept quite and nodded before leaving school with you.
He couldn't say it, but he deeply wanted to hold your hand.
You thought and felt the same so you just took the first step and interwined your hand with his.
You didn't expect this to be more than a close friendship but you enjoyed it anyways. As he always made you feel so safe and loved.
And Sejun was feeling like he just got everything he wanted in a matter of seconds. He would protect you, not caring about the rest of the world.
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I edited the story cover by myself but the pictures are not mine (so is the gif), credits to the owners :)
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plummyplums · 3 years
do you have anymore head canons on the weaver kids, sam, or travis?
Taking this as an opportunity to update my headcanons from before! I'll only be listing anything new that wasn't in that post and/or things that were changed :3
The kids are all afraid of thunderstorms for various reasons (reminds the twins of Mary and they're sensitive to noise, Lillian doesn't like water/being wet, reminds her of her death, Cal is sensitive to noise, Benny hates seeing his sibs upset + irrational fear)
Both Twins
Reasoning for why they wear masks is up for debate. I'm thinking one of them has some scars that they cover and the other wears a mask so they're not the only one.
They like bugs! They can often be found watching anthills or looking at a cicada or something.
Touch starved
Very protective of their things, as they easily form emotional attachments to objects.
Never attended formal schooling since Mary kept them hidden at home. Since they didn't get much in the way of homeschooling, they're strictly street smart outside of what they can find in books.
Their uniforms are hand-me-downs.
Hate the cold, reminds them of the night they died
Get anxious if separated for too long
Afraid of dogs, but will never admit it
Full of 12-year-old pride and stubbornness
Has a short temper and generally cold demeanor
Particular about his appearance, especially his hair
Semi/mostly nonverbal, prefers to write than speak. Plus it gives him time to think about and perfect what he wants to say.
He actually uses very eloquent, pretty language
Possibly has poor vision, maybe even partially blind? His No Way Out design has his visible left eye stitched shut, so I got an idea.
Sleepy lad but also a night owl; during life he’d sleep in until 11, take naps during the day, then wouldn’t sleep at night. Plus, eternal bedhead. Still likes naps, just tends to sleep in random places. If not for the others waking him up he'd probably sleep half the night away.
He's got some serious social anxiety problems
Loves games
Seemingly endless energy
Though rabbits are her favorite, she loves all animals (except for bugs, no bugs, ESPECIALLY no spiders)
Poor night vision, leading to him having a mild fear of the dark.
Was pretty popular in school; best on the track team, good at yo-yo tricks, funny and outgoing, everybody loved him.
Extremely talkative in life, but as a ghost, he's nearly mute, mostly repeating things people have said around him.
Afraid of heights, but would try to play it off cool if caught.
Nonbinary, mainly use they/them but kinda pronoun indifferent
Surname is Parker
Likes picking up random things they find, they tend to keep things in their sweatshirt pockets
Studied psychology, wanted to help people
Has a stuffed cat they were gifted as a baby and still love
Good at tennis, badminton, volleyball, and similar sports
Only played Wick at the insistence of their friends
Childishly stubborn and impulsive
Never thinks of the consequences of his actions
Determined, he won't leave a project unfinished, even if it sucks to do
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missinghan · 4 years
broken umbrella ⤖ han jisung
❖ genre : high school au; fluff
❖ word count : 1,6k.
❖ warning : explicit language
❖ summary : a typical day in your life starts with having candies poured over your head and ends with breaking han jisung’s umbrella. 
❖ note : I wanted to write smth dumb okay-
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Jisung gives his desk a harsh kick, one that does no good in releasing his inner storm, only to wince in pain later because he’s an idiot. 
Classes have been somewhat less than boring these days, partially because his mind is occupied with thoughts of you half of the time and partially because…well, more thoughts of you. Oh wait, today is a little different than usual considering the fact that you did not give him a proper response. 
To what?
Putting it simply, he woke up early this morning to go over his routine more thoroughly—styling his hair, making sure that his tie isn’t sloppy-looking, and spraying himself with his brother’s cologne. He doesn’t usually care for any one of those things until junior starts and you show up. Call him desperate, or delusional, or childish even but it truly felt like fate when you two first encountered each other. 
“Yeah right, fate,” Hyunjin snickers loudly, swirling a strawberry-flavored lollipop inside his mouth. “You meant when you fell on your ass on the bus the other day and you accidentally grabbed her collar?”
Jisung feels his cheeks heat up thanks to his friend’s less than necessary comment. “Shut the fuck up, you’re just jealous.” It was great. Not only did he fall head over heels for you, but he also left a bad impression. 
Back to the point. All of his hard work this morning is reduced to nothing because of the rain. His hair is messed up, his uniform looks sloppy, and his shoes are covered in mud from skipping through puddles. Not to mention, he showed up timely enough to be there when you opened your locker, having various candies and sweets poured down your head, scattered all over the hallway. 
Yeji should have told him you didn’t like sweet things yesterday, damn it. Because he’s never seen you giving him that look before. The look that makes him believe you will make him experience torment and pain, begging for the mercy that never comes—make his life a living hell basically. 
“How did your plan go, by the way?” His friend asks out of boredom. 
“Fantastic,” he replies under his breath when everything is, in fact, not fantastic. 
Hyunjin tilts his head. “Did she know?”
“Know what? That I’m in love with her? I mean I wasn’t trying to be subtle or anything-“
“No, did she know that it was gonna rain today?”
Shrugging, he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose in exhaustion; forty-five minutes periods should be illegal. “Why does that matter?”
“Hey, Han!” 
Jisung turns his head to the voice and sees Felix sliding the door to his classroom open, uneven breaths as if he’s been running for his life while holding two umbrellas in his arms. He glances at his friend’s state with a grimace, head cocked to the side in confusion. Luckily, no one really spends recess in class except for loners like himself anyway. “What are you doing?” 
“Y/N didn’t bring an umbrella!” The freckled boy exclaims with excitement, only able to coax an amused hum from Hyunjin. “But you have an umbrella, and it’s still raining! Which means…?”
A comical silence falls upon the three of them. It takes Jisung approximately five taps of Hyunjin’s finger on the table to fully process his friend’s point. Realization lights up in his eyes like a candle but dies down with a pout on his face. “But she can just go with her friends?” he says with expressive hands, though a little disappointed. 
“I’m not gonna half-ass it if I plan on helping you,” Felix gives the two umbrellas, a white one and a pink one, in his hands a slight jerk, looking oddly proud. 
This time, Jisung catches on immediately; his eyes go wide in shock as though his friend has committed the greatest sin. “Yeji and Lia are so gonna kill you.”
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“Did you bring an umbrella?” Lia asks while hopeless rummaging through her stuff. “I swear with my own eyes I saw myself putting one in my bag this morning.”
Yeji shakes her head in defeat, tugging at the straps of her backpack. “I was pretty sure I brought one too. I even used it to walk to the bus stop this morning! Someone must have taken it during recess,” she sighs, dreading the pouring rain and grey clouds. 
It’s raining again. It’s only been raining today, the weather forecast did predict that it’s most likely going to last for a whole week too (not that you bothered checking). You don’t mind the rain, though. You like the fact that they make the world appear mistier, hazier like a fever dream. 
What isn’t good about the rain is the fact that your parents won’t be too happy to see you come home looking like a wet rat. Or the fact that you’ll probably get a really bad cold, and that won’t be pretty during midterms week. Or the fact that most students are absolute idiots and didn’t bring their own umbrellas either. Everyone is shoving each other for space under the canopy at the main gate so the rain won’t soak their clothes. 
You’re not having it. At all. 
“Yeji, Lia. I’m going home,” you purse your lips together and take a breath. 
Lia frowns at your particular solution. “Already? But you’re gonna get wet.”
“My house is a ten-minute walk away. Shouldn’t be too bad,” you say lowly in faint annoyance, eyes squinted from the discomfort of lack of space; these students have no manners whatsoever, you’re getting claustrophobic. 
With a determined huff, you pull the zipper of your jacket up and throw the hood over your hair. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Shadow suddenly looms over the top of your head, warmth radiates to your clothed arm. In the corner of your eyes, a familiar face comes into view and forces a heavy exhale from your lips. 
“Hey, do you wanna go with-“ Jisung pauses midway when you take off running, shattering his fantasy of living in a drama into bits without mercy. “Y/N! Wait up!”
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“Come here! Or you’ll get sick!”
“Why the hell do you care?”
“Y/N, stop being so stubborn! You’re gonna catch a cold!”
“It’s none of your business.”
After walking down several blocks down the road, past nothing but empty plazas and mostly closed café, you even take an extra U-turn, going through a skeptical alley just so Jisung will get tired and stop following you. Your effort doesn’t not prevail so you give up eventually, deciding to take the proper turn to head home before it’s too late to prepare dinner. 
The poor boy can feel the rain drizzle down his black umbrella before falling onto his windbreaker, soaking through the fabric to stain his senses with a chilling sensation. He has already calmed every racing thought that ceases to ease his erratic heartbeat but no matter how hard he tries, there isn’t one second where he isn’t thinking about your well-being.
“Hey,” he calls out; when you turn around, he’s closing his umbrella and tossing it to the ground, leaving it to graze the tip of your shoes. “Take it and go home. I won’t bother you anymore.”
You roll your eyes before picking it up, mercilessly letting it flop right in front of him. “I don’t need it.”
Jisung clicks his tongue in irritation, not caring that droplets are falling from his head and his skin is crawling from the cold. Somehow, he’s starting to become baffled for no reason. Perhaps it’s because of your nonchalance about the current situation; you shouldn’t be so apathetic when he’s genuinely worried sick for your health.
His eyes are heavy with rain droplets so he blinks them away before glaring at you slightly. “You need it more than I do. Would you please stop acting irrationally, take the umbrella and head home? The rain isn’t stopping anytime soon.” His leg jerks up to kick at the innocent object; still isn’t enough to relish the turmoil hurling his innards.
He brushes past you, shoving your shoulder a little while expecting you to finally accept his offer. To his dismay, you once again grab at the poor, poor umbrella, and throw it at his leg with more force this time. When it drops to the ground with a small thud, his heart pauses awkwardly in disappointment. 
The sun is going down by the second but you can still see the faint outline of his scowl. “Go home, Jisung. It’s getting late,” you remark coldly, stuffing your freezing hands into your pocket. 
With a loud groan, he marches back to where you two were originally standing, a curse word lingers on the tip of his tongue. But he manages to swallow it back down before gently tugging at the sleeve of your jacket. “Take the umbrella at least,” he voices softly, the crack more evident than anything at the end. “Look, I know I’ve been nothing but a nuisance since we first met. I just really like you and I care for you okay? Go home, Y/N.”
You look at him after moments, your once hateful eyes finally glinting with something else other than general distaste and annoyance. It only takes one glance of his tired eyes to pierce through your phlegmatic front, leaving your raw emotions out in the open. Before Jisung can say another word or take notice of the rare warmth creeping in your gaze, you take his hand in yours and pull him toward a nearby apartment complex to not wait out in the downpour any longer. By the time that you’ve released the grip, he’s still staring into the nothingness, eyes slightly wide in shock.
“What are you doing? Aren’t you gonna go home?” he blurts out finally after snapping out of it.
“This is my apartment complex. But I must have dropped my card somewhere. So I can’t go inside.”
A sigh. “Is anyone home right now?”
“My phone is dead.”
Jisung perks up and his hand fishes inside his pocket. “You can use-”
You inhale deeply, looking away. “Enough is enough, Jisung. Go home.”
“You broke my umbrella,” he mentions, blinking rapidly to bat the droplets away from his eyelashes. “I can’t go home like this.”
Few beats of silence later, a middle-aged woman dressed in a beige trench coat walks past the both of you, two high school students pathetically standing under the canopy like wet rats; she swipes her card against the security lock and the glass door pops open without much effort. Sparing you the last look, she’s probably thinking ‘kids these days’ before heading inside with a roll of her eyes. 
Jisung hurriedly skips over to hold the door open for you, motions for you to walk in with his head. To his surprise, you comply but bring your steps to a halt to situate yourself in front of him. His lashes are wet and heavy; that’s when you realize how soaked you both are and how terribly cold the temperature it’s getting. Your hand reaches out to brush the raindrops away softly, shaking his heart to the core. 
The silence is graceful in the wake of the moment, the rain in the background just makes everything that much more cinematic. However, Jisung isn’t in the right mind state to fanboy over the fact that his drama fantasy is one step closer to reality. He wishes to cling to this moment forever because he just can’t get enough. He can never.
“I’ll get you a towel,” you pull away calmly, thinking how cute he sort of looks when his cheeks are three shades redder. “And a new umbrella.” 
His smile has never been brighter, you notice. Even when he’s out in the brutal cold and completely drenched from head to toe. And wait...have his eyes always been so pretty?
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ravensbug · 4 years
hi! could you write something kind of au where the reader is the avatar, and during the battle of zaofu she and kuvira are flirting with/teasing each other to the point they’re not even fighting by the end anymore?
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Kuvira x Avatar!Reader
Request: YES
Prompt: ^^^^
A/N: Thank you for being the first request. You have no idea how excited this makes me. You will forever hold a spot in my writing heart. I hope this is some of what you were looking for. I got excited and didn’t want to wait for my brain to be fully functioning with ideas.
Summary: You confront Kuvira after Suyin tries to assassinate her. She challenges you to battle for Zaofu. Being as stubborn as you are, you accept, knowing full well you’re still recovering from Zaheer. You two are evenly matched for a while until you hear her make a snarky remark. You two begin teasing back and forth as you fight.
“Avatar Y/N, you are interfering with internal Earth Empire business, and letting your personal feelings get in the way of reason. Zaofu cannot continue to rule itself. They have been hoarding their riches and technology too long. I'm here to distribute those resources fairly throughout the nation. This is about equality.” Kuvira calls out as you stand across from her. Her army is behind her, ready to attack if need be.
“You don't care about equality! This is about control!” Opal yells from her spot beside you. You both turn to each other and she speaks again. “Just take her down! You know it's the right thing to do! You have to stop this!”
“The only way you're going to keep me from marching into Zaofu is if you physically stop me. Now what are you going to do?” There is a hint of arrogance in her tone. This Kuvira was different from the one you met in Zaofu three years ago. That Kuvira was the captain of the guard and had to follow Su’s orders. Now she was free, although you knew she was taking things too far.
“It looks like you're not giving me a choice.” You step forward, separating yourself from Opal and Jinora.
“Fine.” Kuvira turns to address her troops. “I want you all to know that I would never ask any of you to do something that I'm not willing to do myself. So, rather than risk your lives, I will fight the Avatar one-on-one.” She turns to face you again. “Y/N, if you win, then you can do whatever you want with Zaofu. But after I beat you, I want you out of my business for good. I'm the one who brought peace to the Earth Empire, not you. You're not relevant here anymore.”
“Fine. You wanna fight the Avatar? Then let's finish this, right here, right now.” You roll your shoulders. Now you sounded like the arrogant one.
“Are you really ready to fight her?” Jinora asks you.
“Just stay back and let me handle this. It's been a while, but I got a lot of pent-up rage.” Yes, you were very arrogant. You also had a lot of steam to let out.
“Don't mess around! Kuvira is too good! Just go into the Avatar State and get it over with!” Opal’s resentment towards Kuvira was clearly evident.
“No, I'm only going to use that as a last resort,” you told her. You wanted to win this fight fair and square. To show Kuvira you could still stand up for yourself and the world.
“Use whatever you want: all the elements; the Avatar State; anything you need,” she smirks as she takes up her own battle stance. “I know you're a little rusty.”
“Enough talk!” You yell at her. There would be plenty more talk.
You send two boulders at her first, using them as cover to come at her from above. She anticipated this and moved to the side, rather than backward as you wanted. She took a shot at your exposed side with her own boulder. It hits you in the gut and changes your path to the ground. You barely land and have to catch your breath.
“Looks like the Avatar’s a little off her game!” You hear her chuckle and spirits it had been a long time since you heard anyone laugh. This still makes you frustrated that she thinks it’s so easy.
You send another boulder her way, which is easily dodged. Now that you are upright you send two blasts of air at her. You get closer with each attack, having Kuvira on the defensive with how fast you were going.
You swipe the earth under her feet, standing only a few feet in front of her. Now it was your turn to laugh. You weren’t as rusty as you or she thought. Maybe you did have a chance at winning.
“Now look who’s off their game,” you sneered at her. Kuvira did not like you teasing her with her own words.
She sends two metal strips on your wrists as an answer, forcing you to fall with your arms behind your back. This allows her to get up and dust her uniform off.
You send a large gust of wind at her using your feet. This knocks her back again and releases your wrists from the metal. You rub your wrists from the familiar feeling, holding back the remaining flashbacks from Zaheer’s torture.
“Don’t like being restrained?” Kuvira asks jokingly as she gets up again. Her hair is starting to become undone. She doesn’t pay too much attention to the loose strands.
“I’d like to see you try it some time,” you called back at her. Your remark was mostly meant to help your bruised ego, but when you saw Kuvira’s face go red you knew you hit a nerve.
She snaps out of whatever thoughts grip her mind and send more metal strips at you. They aren’t as precise as the other two, but they’re still on target. You still have to either dodge or deflect them to avoid being restrained again. These little discrepancies would go unnoticed by anyone else, but you knew that Kuvira aimed for perfection. Clearly, something was distracting her.
You two traded blows for a long time, her with her metal or earth and you with mostly air and fire. You figured out earth bending wouldn’t be much use against someone as skilled as her. These blows you each traded were either dodged or deflected. The fight was about evenly matched now.
“Are you holding back? Or are you just too scared to use the Avatar state?” Kuvira took a low blow at your ego and trauma. She knew what Zaheer had done to you, that you had been struggling since then. That was her point though. Get you riled up so you make a mistake.
And you made a mistake.
You often used earth as your anger element. Most people would have assumed fire, but earth was much more willing to cooperate with your anger. And so it did that very well.
In your rage, if you would call it that, you created a fissure in the ground, going from where you stood to where Kuvira stood. The earth was great at conveying your emotions. Your reaction caught Kuvira off guard, again. She did not expect such anger, or this amount of power to come from it.
The fissure cracking caused Kuvira to stumble and you sent a boulder in her side, knocking her down to the ground. She was dazed. Trying to get up was much harder than before.
The gasps from everyone were heard. Kuvira’s soldiers were shocked at how much power you showed without the Avatar state. Jinora and Opal were surprised at how many times you had knocked Kuvira down at this point.
You sprinted over to her before she got up, grabbing her by her collar in her dazed state. Turning her head to face you, you saw your own face with eyes glowing rather than Kuvira’s face. You threw her back as a reaction, terrified that she would trample all over you at this point.
Kuvira had expected another smart ass response from you and when she didn’t get one she knew something was different. The way you looked at her with fear and emptiness made her wonder what you saw. She could guess it had something to do with Zaheer, but there were so many faces you could have seen.
“So you are scared?” she chuckled as she got up.
“The Avatar, afraid of her own shadow!” Kuvira yelled for all to hear. Her soldiers cheered and laughed. Opal and Jinora glared at Kuvira.
“Don’t make me put you in your place, Kuvira!” You yelled back, trying to push the growing fear and doubt in your mind.
“I’d like to see you try,” She smirked. She began her onslaught of metal and earth again, immediately putting you on defense.
As she continued to attack, you continued to back up. There was no other way for you to go. If you moved to the side you would get a boulder thrown at you to keep you in line. Kuvira was practically ordering you to keep going backward. Her attacks were precise once again, which allowed her a wider range of movement.
You had heard the boulders you manage to dodge hit the large group of rocks behind you. You didn’t expect to be pushed against them so soon. But you were and shortly after that four metal strips restrained you to said rock. You were in a vulnerable position and under Kuvira’s will.
She stared you straight in the eyes, holding a strip of metal next to her head. You knew what she was going to do with it, so you waited. But Kuvira hesitated.
“Oh don’t get all attached to me now, Vira,” you tried to hold a smile. You really were still terrified, but what was one more tease going to do?
She grabs you by the collar and leans in to whisper in your ear. “I don’t know, Avatar. I’m not so sure I’m the only one getting attached.” A chill was sent down your spine.
“Surrender Avatar!” Kuvira backs up, ignoring what just happened between the two of you. You knew what she would do if you said no. But it was your job to stop her from taking Zaofu.
“N-” You were cut off when Kuvira was sent flying. Once she was out of your way you saw that Opal was the one to move her.
“Opal!” you yelled. You still pull yourself from your restraints and look over at Kuvira. She was lying on the ground unconscious and bleeding.
“Shit!” you cursed. You wouldn’t have put it past Opal to have done this on purpose.
You ran over to her body and looked for where the blood was coming from. There was a gash above her right eye that would surely leave a scar if not healed by water. Sadly you had no water.
“Get a medic over here!” you yelled out. Opal and Jinora hadn’t come over to help you. Why would they? Kuvira’s the bad guy.
You saw a soldier and, who you assumed to be, the medic run over. The medic was carrying a bag in his hand. You adjusted Kuvira so she was laying on you, allowing the medic to work on the wound.
“I need to take her back to our camp, Avatar,” the medic told you. Under normal circumstances, like Kuvira losing the fight fairly you would have said no.
“Take her.” You moved so the shoulder could take her from you.
You stood up and walked away, not looking at Opal or Jinora. Zaofu would be free for a little while longer. If only Kuvira hadn’t been such a tease things would have been different.
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haledamage · 3 years
Coming Home
I'm a day late because this thing got much bigger than I expected, but better late than never! This is for @shepherds-of-haven Shepherds Summer 2021! The prompt was Pacific Rim AU!
Some of the backstory stuff is from this post here. Some is just pushing ShoH canon slightly to the left so it fits better in a Pacific Rim setting. Some is the result of reading ShoH and watching PacRim at the same time and then taking a nap to see what seeds got planted. There will be a part 2 to this because I had to split it up in order to finish it on time and then I was late anyway.
Shepherds of Haven/Pacific Rim AU. Iorwen Emroth/Blade Bronwyn (well, hints of it. more in part 2)
The Haven Shatterdome looked very small from overhead. Iorwen watched it loom closer with a trepidation somewhere between “being late for an important exam” and “being read her last rites.”
It had been just over two years since she’d last been this close to a Jaeger, half a world away and in a different life, but all the Shatterdomes looked the same after a while. Steel and glass and everything painted in olive drab, black, and safety yellow. 
Part of her felt like it was too soon to walk into those hangar doors again, the empty space at her side where her partner used to be still a raw, open wound. She couldn’t even think xer name yet without feeling like she couldn’t breathe. Returning to work felt like a betrayal of xer memory.
Another part of her, louder with every passing minute, was just so happy to be home again.
Iorwen had barely stepped out of the helicopter when she heard her name called and turned to see Red jogging toward her. He looked more tired than she remembered him, but his smile was as bright as ever, his hair vivid against their otherwise drab surroundings. She’d known he was here - he’d transferred to Haven shortly after she left Capra - but hearing it and actually seeing him were two very different things.
She dropped her bag carelessly to the tarmac and ran to meet him halfway, throwing herself at him as soon as he was close enough to wrap her arms around his neck. He hugged her back without hesitation. They were making a Hel of a scene in the middle of the landing pad, but neither of them really cared.
"I knew you'd come back," he mumbled into her hair.
"Had to." She finally pulled away, stepping back just enough that she could see him. "You can barely tie your shoes without me, Liefred."
He only laughed before leaving her side just long enough to grab her bag. He slung an arm around her shoulders as he rejoined her, dragging her towards the hangar. "Welcome home."
She stared up at the Shatterdome, hangar doors towering over them. It didn't look nearly as welcoming as Red seemed to think it should, and was much more intimidating than it had been from the air. It still smelled like blood and motor oil - or maybe it was her memory that did.
She tried to put on her best smile anyway, for his sake if not her own, and let him drag her inside.
They stepped into a hive of activity, the sounds of machinery and voices echoing off the walls, laughter and shouting and clanging metal rising up to greet them. She tried to stop and take it in, but Red was still dragging her along with him out of the main hangar and into a labyrinth of hallways; she probably could have escaped him if she tried, but she didn’t really want to.
“Have you met the Marshal yet?” he asked, once they were in a quiet enough place that he didn’t have to yell to be heard.
“Not yet. Mostly talked to his second so far.” Trouble Alder had, in fact, shown up out of the blue one day three months ago, sitting on her front porch with a stick of charch between his lips and looking completely at home. He’d revisited her every day for a month until he’d finally worn her down enough to convince her to come home. Stubborn bastard. “What's he like?”
“Intense,” Red answered almost immediately. “Most of the younger crew are terrified of him. He doesn't like me.”
Iorwen scoffed. “Bullshit. You’re the most exceptionally likeable person I’ve ever met. Everyone likes you.”
“He doesn't.” 
They stopped in front of a door in what was probably the barracks, the walls lined with identical doors on either side. Sure enough, there was a simple bed, a dresser, and not much else inside. Iorwen didn’t mind; she didn’t need much else.
Once she’d dropped off her bag and they started down the next hallway, Red continued, “I don't know if he likes anyone. He barely says two words to anyone but Trouble.”
She was still skeptical, but didn’t push. “Well, he must be doing something right. Look at this place. Capra barely had a skeleton crew compared to this.”
“It’s amazing!” Just like that, Red lit up again. “Some of Blest’s best and brightest are here. Pilots, mechanics, scientists, strategists, you name it.”
“And which of those are you? All of the above?”
“Mostly scientist, I think,” Red rubbed a sheepish hand over his hair. “There’s better pilots. Pan, Neon, and I serve better in the lab than on the field most of the time.” He paused, watching her cautiously, before adding carefully, “And… which will you be?”
“I’ll be working in the clinic,” she said quickly. “As a Healer. I’m not… ready to be around Jaegers again. I might never be.”
“I understand,” he assured her, reaching out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We all do.”
They fell silent after that, and stayed that way until they stopped in front of a door labelled Administration. “This is Shery’s office. She’ll get you all set up.”
“Thanks, Red.”
“Anytime.” With one final quick hug, he turned to leave, only to stop halfway down the hall. “Oh, and Wen?”
“Welcome to the Shepherds.”
It was two weeks before Iorwen finally met the Marshal, and it happened entirely by accident.
She had just finished a shift in the clinic, patching up minor burns and bruises on unlucky mechanics and restless pilots. The silence between Kaiju attacks left everyone on edge, and that led to carelessness, which inevitably meant stupid injuries. She didn’t mind. All things considered, she’d rather have the silence.
As she turned a corner, she noticed a light was on in the training room, and curiosity led her there without much input on her part.
She recognized the man in the room easily enough. Even if they’d never spoken directly, she’d seen him around enough to know who he was. He commanded the attention of a room like no one she’d ever met before. He was hard to look away from, even here, out of uniform and either unaware or uncaring of her presence.
Magnetic. That’s what he was.
He was also much younger than she expected for a Marshal. He was close to her own age, or at least she assumed he was. She wondered about the story there - obviously there must be one - but knew better than to ask the rumor mill. Gossip was like dust: inevitable, everywhere, and harder to see through the more you stirred it up.
The Marshal’s back stiffened, and Iorwen knew she’d been caught staring even before he glanced over his shoulder in her direction. She stepped into the room as casually as possible. “Hello, Marshal.”
He simply nodded, dark eyes unreadable. “Ranger.” She bit her lip to stop herself from correcting him. “Emroth, right?”
“Yes, sir.” She approached until she could finally see his face. “Iorwen.”
Another nod. “Blade.” She thought he would leave it there, but after a moment, he spoke again. “Antiqua speaks highly of you.”
“Of course he does. He's biased.” She laughed, rolling her eyes at the idea that Red was going around extolling her virtues to anyone who would listen. When the Marshal - Blade, she mentally corrected herself - gave her a look that she interpreted as curiosity, she elaborated. “We trained together as cadets. He was my first Drift partner actually.”
“But you never piloted together?”
“No. It…” Iorwen broke eye contact, the floor suddenly fascinating. “It didn't work out that way.”
“It's not too late,” he said, almost softly.
“Yes it is. I'm not a Ranger anymore. Not after…” Xer name got stuck in her throat, like it always did. She took a couple of deep breaths until she could comfortably breathe around it again, but her smile was still sad. “I'm happier on the ground. I'm a good Healer. It's where I should be.”
She could feel Blade’s eyes on her, but she didn’t look back up to meet them. Eventually, all he said was, “I see.”
He turned his back on her again and it didn’t take long before her gaze was drawn to him again. He was wearing a tank top, like most people did when they came here to train or spar, and standing this close she could clearly see the web of electrical scarring trailing over his arm and shoulder.
She knew those scars well. The scars of someone forced to solo pilot a Jaeger. She should know, she had a matching set.
Blade did an admirable job of pretending he didn’t know he was being observed, but he moved too carefully for it to look entirely casual. Or maybe he just always moved like that. He picked up a bo staff and tested the weight of it.
Iorwen took the opportunity that presented without thought or hesitation. “Looking for a dance partner?”
The briefest flash of surprise crossed his face before his expression smoothed back out. “Are you… sure?” he asked carefully. If she didn’t know better, she might say he almost sounded nervous.
She found it charming. She found him charming, with his not-quite-smile and his cool confidence, this magnetic man who could simultaneously terrify the cadets while inspiring absolute loyalty in them.
But she didn’t tell him that, of course. She just grabbed a staff of her own and grinned as she lifted it in a fencing salute. “On your guard, Marshal.”
After that first night, it became a regular thing. Not every day, not even on a set schedule. But sometimes after she was done in the clinic or in the garage, Iorwen would stop by the training room, and sometimes when she did, Blade would already be there. Not waiting for her, not exactly, but never surprised when she arrived.
He never really said much, but she didn't mind talking for the both of them. She could tell he was warming up to her, as the weeks passed; his silence felt much less formal and stiff and more cordial. Eventually, even friendly.
Two things were apparent from the very beginning, though. Well, three things. The first was that Blade, as a fighter, was completely out of her league. She never stopped by with any expectation of beating him; she was content to follow his lead. It was nice to be active again, to feel the familiar burn in muscles left dormant in her self-imposed retirement.
The second was that they were extremely drift compatible. While Iorwen could never beat him, she could consistently predict him. They could both be blindfolded and still know what move the other would make. There was an effortlessness to the way they understood each other that bordered on the supernatural. It was a kind of connection that she hadn’t felt since Zori had been killed.
The third thing was that neither of them were willing, in any way, shape, or form, to admit the second thing.
It was barely a week before Red found out.
He flopped down on the bench next to her in the cafeteria. “I brought those papers you were looking for to your room last night, but you weren’t there.” He didn’t say it as an accusation, but it still managed to feel like one.
“I spent a couple hours in the training room,” she said as casually as possible. “Trying to get back in shape.”
Red blinked a few times, letting that sink in, before smiling wide. “That’s really good. Let me know if you ever need a sparring partner.”
“I kind of… have one?”
“You do?” His smile went from friendly to devious, the look of a man who had four sisters and was willing to tease her as if she was a fifth. “Who?”
Before she could stop herself, she looked across the room at Blade. He sat at a table with Trouble, whose laughter was loud enough to reach them even from the other side of the busy cafeteria. The Marshal’s face remained impassive, looking like he wasn’t even listening, but Iorwen knew him well enough to tell he was amused.
As if he could feel her watching him, his eyes snapped up and locked on hers. She smiled at him; he nodded almost imperceptibly.
Red cleared his throat, and she looked away quickly, turning her attention back to the smugly amused grin of her best friend. “Well, I guess maybe it’s not everyone he doesn’t like.”
“Guess it’s just you.” She nudged his shoulder and he rubbed at it as if she’d hurt him. “He’s not as bad as you made him out to be.” She couldn’t stand his knowing look anymore and turned away, but doing so led her eyes right back to Blade. “He's nicer than he looks. And surprisingly funny. He doesn't treat me like I'm fragile. Like I'll break if someone talks about… Zori.” 
Mentioning her former Drift partner and copilot didn’t hurt as much as she expected it to this time. Less like twisting a knife in her heart and more like being poked in a fresh bruise.
Mentioning xer also stopped whatever comment Red had been about to make right in its tracks. He studied her with obvious curiosity, mouth still half-open in surprise. Whatever he saw on her face had him leaning forward and tapping his forehead against hers, a quick gesture of affection and understanding. She leaned into it until he pulled away.
And then his teasing smile was back as if it had never left. “Plus, he's handsome.”
She eyed him warily, but let him have the subject change. “That too.” She picked up a piece of fruit from her plate and popped it into her mouth. “Please don’t say anything about this to Pan or Neon.”
“Scout’s honor.”
“I mean it, Red. Not a word.”
“So I hear you and the Marshal have a thing.”
Iorwen sighed from the very depths of her soul. “I hope Red knows how very dead he’s about to be.”
Panrachus looked legitimately confused at her response. “What? I didn’t hear that from Red, I heard it from Caine.” Then he gasped, eyes widening with sudden, delighted recognition. “What does Red know?”
She only barely bit back a groan. “Why are you even here?”
“Right! We’ve got something you oughta come see.”
She followed him, with more than a little trepidation, out of the clinic, through the office labyrinth, and out into the hangar. It took her a few minutes to get her bearings and realize where exactly they were going. “Why are we going to the Jaeger bays?” He didn’t answer. “Pan?”
Then they turned the corner, and she had her answer.
Looming over her was a Jaeger unlike any she’d seen before. It looked almost lanky, the proportions lean and sleek instead of the more familiar bulky designs. It would be unbelievably fast with the right pilots; she could tell that just from looking at it. From the top of each wrist, a wicked-looking blade extended over the hand, almost long enough to drag the ground. It was painted black, navy, and silver, but its eyes glowed bright blue.
From the ground, it almost looked like iladrin. Like the same blue light that lit Iorwen’s own eyes.
“What’s her name?” she whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the Jaeger.
“Stellar Enigma.”
“Who’s piloting her?”
“You are.”
She jumped at the unexpected voice behind her and turned to see Blade, Red, and Trouble approaching, along with an entourage of what looked to be equal parts Shatterdome leadership, actual engineers, and nosy onlookers.
“You are,” Blade said again, quieter, softer, “Ranger.”
“Blade, I--” Iorwen started, but she wasn’t sure what she actually intended to say.
He reached up and lightly pinched her cheek, a faint smile on his lips. “You’ll be alright.”
Before she could reply, Trouble gently but pointedly cleared his throat, reminding her of their audience. She glared his way, just for a second; he grinned back, unabashed and unrepentant.
“Who’s my copilot? Sir.” She added the last as an afterthought, trying to act some semblance of professional.
“I get the feeling you already have someone in mind.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Bit early to be reading my thoughts, isn’t it, Marshal?”
Iorwen’s suit didn’t fit as well as she remembered. Tight around the shoulders, too loose at the waist. Like it was meant for someone else, no matter how many things tried to tell her otherwise.
Blade’s fit him like a second skin. He looked like a Jaeger cockpit was where he was always meant to be. Like it was the rest of the world that didn’t fit him right instead.
She met his inscrutable gaze before ‘admiring’ could cross the line to ‘ogling’. “You look good.”
He paused for a long time, staring back at her in silence, before finally clearing his throat. “You too.”
She grinned, both at the compliment and at the sight of the Marshal so off-balance, but she took pity on him and changed the subject. “Do you want the left or right?”
“Good. I prefer left.”
They didn’t speak anymore as they connected to their harnesses and their suits started interfacing with the Jaeger, the computerized voice talking them through system checks. It took longer than Iorwen remembered, but it had been a long time since she last Drifted with anyone, let alone with someone new.
“Are you sure about this?” she asked, once their helmets were in place and they’d run out of checks to do. “I’m not--”
“Yes,” he interrupted sharply. “You’re ready. We both are.”
There were a lot of things she wanted to say. To thank him, mostly, for a list of things that seemed to be growing bigger by the hour. She kept quiet; he’d hear it in her thoughts soon enough.
“Initiating neural handshake in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… neural interface drift initiated.”
Between one breath and the next, she was somewhere else. Images flowed over her, some familiar, some new. She did her best to let them pass, to not cling too hard to any of them.
The destruction of Drummond's Point, the first attack the day the Kaiju came. Iorwen, dragging Zori's unconscious body out of town as fast as thirteen-year-old legs could carry her. Blade, stern and silent even as a child, a soldier from the day he was born. Zori, tears at the corners of xer eyes as xe laughs at a joke Pan told, Red and Neon joining in, the three of them always together even then. Blade's older brother, startlingly similar to him in appearance and demeanor, the two of them either sparring or fighting; for them, there had never been much difference.
Zori's scream as xe's ripped out of the cockpit. Gladius didn't make a sound as he met the same fate.
Iorwen's grief washed up against Blade's, soothing in it's familiarity. A gentle reminder that they weren't alone anymore, that thanks to the Drift they'd never be entirely alone again.
She saw him in her memory of their first meeting. Stern, aloof, but warm underneath, like a fire behind frosted glass. Captivating her before he even so much as looked at her. 
And then herself through his eyes at that same introduction. Sad, withdrawn, but still burning bright. The embodiment of stubborn hope, like a flower blooming in a snowy field.
And then they broke through the surface, both gasping as they came up for air. Below them, Stellar Enigma came to life. The rush of memories and emotions settled into the background, present but no longer demanding attention.
“Pilot connection stabilized.” It wasn’t the computer’s voice this time, but Shery over the intercom. “How do you feel?”
Moving as one, Blade and Iorwen lifted their hands, right fist resting on left palm, and bowed. Stellar Enigma did the same, moving as smoothly as her pilots did. Iorwen couldn’t tell which of them the wave of elation came from, but it burst out of her in a laugh.
“It feels like coming home.”
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biotic-boshtet · 3 years
Aftermath - Chapter 4
Read on AO3
Start From The Beginning
Shore Leave pt. 2
After almost a week, Kaidan is more or less used to the sounds the old house makes. He picks his way down the creaking stairs, groggy brain locked onto the promise of coffee. On his way around the bar, he nearly runs right into another person. Norah Jean, he thinks, at first, then remembers he left her half-asleep upstairs. The woman blinking at him now is about his height, with steely brown eyes and captain’s bars on her uniform, a cup of steaming black coffee in hand. Kaidan’s uncomfortably aware of the fact that he’s standing there in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. His cheeks grow hot and he’s stuck like a deer in headlights.
She extends the hand not holding her coffee. “Hannah Shepard. Kaidan Alenko, I assume?”
“I-yes, ma’am. How did you-“
“Norah Jean may have mentioned something about her very charming lieutenant once or twice. Plus, I’ve seen what little they’ve released of the vids from the battle in the tower. Pretty hard to miss the way you cling to each other’s sixes.” Kaidan takes her hand, and she winks at him as she gives it a firm shake. “If I’d known Norah Jean would be here, I’d have waited till later to stop by. I’ll be out of your hair once the mail gets delivered, don’t worry.” Hannah releases his hand and steps around him, heading for the couch, sitting down and turning on the tv. Kaidan shakes his head and makes for the coffee pot.
A few moments later the stairs creak as Norah Jean slowly works her way down the stairs. She pauses at the bottom, glancing at her mother. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hey, kid.”
“What brings you out here unannounced?”
“Didn’t think I needed to announce myself, I do live here sometimes, too. Though if I knew you’d be here with a boy I’d have said something before I startled him. I’m getting your brother’s birthday present delivered here, he’s at the house in Vancouver, so I had to improvise. You know how nosy he gets.”
“Oh, I know, he’s the reason I refuse to plan surprise parties anymore. So, you’ve met Kaidan?” She crutches a few steps closer to her mother.
“Oh, yes, he’s quite the catch.” Hannah winks over her coffee.
“That he is.” Norah Jean turns to continue on towards the kitchen, to Kaidan and coffee.
Kaidan’s ready when she approaches the bar, setting a steaming mug down in front of her. The color in his cheeks has mostly gone down. Still a bit rosy. She sets her crutches against the bar and picks it up, taking a deep sniff before glancing back up. “Sugar?”
“Norah Jean, I wouldn’t dare hand you an unsweetened cup of coffee.”
She cracks a smile, taking a small sip, nodding and hopping up on the barstool. “I know, but I’ll still ask every time. Can’t have you slipping up.”
“If I ever want to get on your bad side, I’ll be sure to give you coffee with five spoons of sugar instead of six.” He laughs, cheeks still pink. “I’ll stay over here with my normal coffee.”
“Kaidan. You wouldn’t know normal coffee if it splashed you in the face. When you brew coffee, Pressley only drinks one cup before lunch. The man usually goes through an entire pot by himself by noon. You drink jet fuel disguised as coffee.”
“But you like it.” He raises his mug to his lips. One spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk.
“That’s irrelevant.”
“Is it really, though?” He grins as he set his mug back down.
“Mhmm, didn’t you promise me breakfast?”
“And if I only said that to get you out of bed before 11?”
“Would you really lure me out of my warm bed with false promises of eggs and bacon? When I can’t even move properly, and Chakwas would probably lock me in the medbay if she knew I was going up and down these steps on crutches?”
“Probably not. How do you want your eggs?”
“Over easy, please.”
“You got it, Sugar.”
Norah Jean stares at Kaidan for a second before realizing she’s just been given a nickname. She smiles into her coffee as he opens the fridge to retrieve the eggs and bacon.
Kaidan back around, catching her eye briefly and flashing a brilliant smile before looking past her, to the couch. “Mrs. Shepard?”
“Just Hannah is fine, please.”
“Right. Hannah, would you like some breakfast?”
“I ate on the way here, but I’ll take a refill on my coffee?”
“Sure thing. Sugar or milk?”
“No thank you, black is fine.”
Kaidan grabs the coffee pot, stopping to top off Norah Jean’s mug, leaving the sugar pot with her on the bar, before heading across the room to fill Hannah’s waiting mug. “You sure you don’t want any eggs or something?”
“No, no, I’m fine, I promise.”
“Give it up, Kaidan, she’s more stubborn than me. You won’t get her to budge. Also, uh, as much as I enjoy the view, I think a shirt would be a good idea if you’re gonna fry off bacon.”
“Yeah, yeah, that would make sense.” He returns to the kitchen, taking another sip of coffee before heading upstairs.
Norah Jean turns in her seat after a moment, to look at her mother. “Alright, spill it.”
“You’re staring.”
Hannah sighs softly, setting her mug down on the end table. “You must really like him; you haven’t brought anybody home since-“
“I know.” Norah Jean glances up the stairs, no Kaidan yet. “You got a point to this?”
“No point, it’s just good to see you happy, at ease. I haven’t seen you like this in too long. You picked a good one.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Two days later they’re standing by bay 15 of the Alliance’s dry docks in Vancouver, looking up at the Normandy. The rest of the crew is slowly trickling in, with orders to be underway in 12 hours. Kaidan nudges her shoulder, meeting her eyes with a smile. Norah Jean gives his hand a squeeze before stepping away and squaring her shoulders, stepping back into Commander Shepard.
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schrijverr · 3 years
Can’t help it
How Blake befriended Scho through sheer stubborness and touching.
On AO3.
Ships: Blankefield (could be read as platonic)
Warnings:  WW1, PTSD. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!
William Schofield didn’t know what to think about Thomas Blake. The man, more a boy, was soft, cheerful, full of life, all the things you wouldn’t expect or want in a war-zone, but it made Blake, Blake and Schofield couldn’t find it in him to want to change the other man.
Another unexpected thing that came with the blaze that was Blake, was his love for touching people, in particular Schofield.
It had started the moment they had met, really. Schofield had been lying in a field looking at the clouds go by and telling himself that he should get up, do something useful at least, but still he didn’t. He just lay there and watched the clouds.
Then a shadow fell over his face and before he could react there was a pain in his side and a yell above him.
Within seconds Schofield was on guard, ready to fight this new threat, but it turned out not to be a threat at all. In the grass opposite to him was a soldier, English uniform, cursing a bit while rubbing his head.
When the man turned back to see what he had hit, his eyes widened and he quickly said: “I’m so sorry. I kicked you, I totally kicked you. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, I was looking at this map and I wasn’t paying attention at all and I should have been paying attention, but I didn’t and I’m so sorry. Oh and you’re a Lance Corporal, I’m so sorry, sir.”
As he was spewing words, he had pulled himself up to his feet and Schofield as well. He also had put his hands on Schofields shoulders and checked him over while he rambled apologies. Although he did let go of Schofield shoulders when he noticed the rank of the man he had hit and did a quick salute with his last words.
For a second Schofield just stood there, quietly and unblinking as he tried to process what had just happened.
The longer he said nothing, the more anxious the other became, he noticed how the smooth forehead got wrinkles and how the soft jaw clenched with stress. He then realized that he should probably say something, so he settled on: “It’s okay, I probably deserved that for lazing around. You can stand down.”
With his words the other relaxed as he let go of the salute. Then he smiled and he seemed even younger then before, he held out his hand and said: “I’m Private Blake, Thomas Blake. I came in new with the others to supplement the forces after the Somme.”
Schofield tensed a bit at the mention of the Somme, but he couldn't find it within himself to blame Private Blake when he smiled at him like that. So he grabbed the extended hand and said: “I’m Schofield, William Schofield.” then he went on and asked, “What were you trying to do with the map?”
“Oh,” Blake looked surprised at the sudden question, and frankly so did Schofield, he hadn’t been talking much since the Somme and most of his left over comrades had learned to leave him be, so the fact that he was offering up conversation at all was noteworthy, not that Blake knew that of course.
He just went on to explain: “I’m trying to figure out where we are, but all the fighting has deformed the land so much that it’s kind of hard to pinpoint, but I guess I’m mostly trying to look busy so they won’t send me out to do something. Is that bad?”
Schofield smiled a bit at the innocent question before saying: “That isn’t bad at all, mind if I join you?”
Blake shook his head and allowed Schofield to walk next to him, unconsciously bumping their shoulders together as they did.
After that Blake just kept showing up everywhere. He was there when Schofield was assigned to dig the trenches, he showed up at the mess when Schofield was getting dinner and he sat down next to him when they had time off.
Always with a story that needed great gestures, always nudging Schofield with his shoulder, elbow or hands, always pulling him along to something he absolutely needed to see and always with that smile.
Schofield didn’t understand why the boy kept coming back and he was desperate not to figure it out, because he would have to grow close to the other in order to do that and the last thing he wanted was forming an attachment to someone out here.
He used to have a few friends, before the Somme, but everyone he was close with had died, so he had vowed to not grow close to someone again. Everyone here was a person on borrowed time, just waiting till the final day when the war would become too much.
So, no attachment to Blake, not if he could help it.
He couldn’t help it. The boy would just show up and start talking to him, nudging him and Schofield couldn’t help it, he laughed, he smiled, he acknowledged the person next to him. Everything he had decided to do was thrown out of the window the moment the other pushed him away while giggling after a bad joke.
Schofield was finally getting a bit over the apprehension of forming a friendship, when the Germans attacked. As soon as the first bomb landed a cold hand gripped Schofields heart as he silently prayed for Blake to survive.
It surprised him that he prayed, he didn’t believe in God, not anymore, and not only that, he had also prayed for another life instead of his own.
After the attempted siege of the Germans, Schofield walked through ruined trenches along the bodies of fallen men, in search of his friend. His insides felt hollow as he tried to remember where the other was supposed to be before the attack.
He knew he shouldn’t have tolerated the endless chatter or the small touches that made him feel human, he knew that befriending Blake was a bad idea, because he was sure that the other hadn’t made it and he was alone again. He wouldn’t have been alone again if he hadn’t befriended the other, but here he was.
Hollow and alone.
He slumped down on the ground, it would be pointless to find Blakes body. He didn’t need another ghost to haunt him in his sleep, to accuse him off surviving while they couldn’t. Blake was always pure and seemingly uncaring of the violence around them that needed to be preserved in Schofields memory.
He later learned that Blake survived the attack and was promoted to Lance Corporal, same rank as Schofield. He didn’t go looking for him. No, keeping his distance was a safer route, a route which could hurt him least when the inevitable came.
Blake didn’t agree.
It was only three days after the attack that Schofield is awoken on an early morning by a foot nudging his side. Once he had grudgingly opened his eyes he was met by Blake, arms crossed and determined look on his face. Blake stated: “You’ve been avoiding me.”
Schofield closed his eyes again and ignored the younger soldier. He was nudged again, but he didn’t react.
That didn’t sit well with Blake, who had gotten used to Schofields company, his surprisingly dry and funny comments or his silent acknowledgments that Blakes story was being listened to as well as the way his face would loose a bit of the lines when he would slightly lean into Blakes touches. It was strange, how a person could crave both touch and isolation.
Set out to fix whatever happened to his friend, Blake crouched down in front of him and placed a hand on Schofields shoulder, the other on his chin, forcing  Schofield to look at him. The stubborn man kept his eyes close. Blake pouted and said: “You’re gonna have to open your eyes at some point, Scho, and I’m not leaving until you do.”
Schofield was determined not to give in, but not reacting also felt wrong, so he said: “Piss off, Blake.”
“Why?” Blake asked, “Just a few days ago you smiled when you saw me, you know how long it has taken me to get there? You’re always frowning, you’re gonna look eighty soon if you keep doing that.”
Schofield ignored the ribbing, but cracked open one eye to suspiciously glare at Blake. It didn’t work, because Blake smiled when he did so, completely ruining the attempted effect and lowering  Schofields defenses.
He quickly closed his eyes again and stated: “It’s unwise to form attachments, I don’t need to worry about your life when I should be worrying about my own. Now, piss off, please.”
Blake put the puzzle pieces together. The lives lost at the Somme, the detachment to reality  Schofield had when Blake first met him, the unwillingness to socialize, the recent attack.
It all clicked.
He sighed softly and let go of Schofields jaw, when the hand left Schofield unconsciously leaned forward a bit, chasing the contact, Blakes sigh deepened.
When nothing happened for a few more moments Schofield opened his eyes to shoot Blake a questioning look. Blake said: “I missed you, Scho. You can’t just laugh at my jokes and then go. I got a letter this morning that Myrtle was expecting, but no one who I told cared.”
“Really?” Schofield asked, he couldn’t help it.
He had to listen to Blake ramble on about his dog every day and through the stories he had gotten quite attached to the dog. Blake brightened immediately and said: “See, you care. Come on, my presence can’t be that bad.”
Schofield rolled his eyes, then he looked down and quietly asked: “But what if you die?”
Blake let go of Schofields shoulder and knelt down in the grass, knees bumping Schofields thigh in the process. He hardened his jaw and stated: “I’m not going to die.”
Schofield raised an eyebrow at him, but the knot that his heart had been tied in loosened at the factual manner it was said in. The odds of surviving were low, but Blake was convinced that he was going to survive and Schofield couldn’t help, but believe him.
Then he smiled and said: “Okay, but only because I will be saving your dumb ass.”
“Will not, I can protect myself, thank you very much, Lance Corporal Schofield.” Blake pouted.
Schofield rolled his eyes and said: “If that helps you sleep at night, Lance Corporal Blake.”
Blake smiled: “You noticed! I was gonna wait to tell you until you addressed me as Private, just to throw it in your face, but you are one observant little bugger.”
“I’m taller than you.” Schofield shot back.
Blake waved it away: “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on, we are digging more trenches today, to help fix the ones destroyed in the attack.”
“What? Why?” Schofield said as he grabbed the hand Blake was offering him to get him up to his feet.
“Cause I volunteered us.” Blake said with a grin.
Schofield blinked a few times then he said: “Why would you do that?”
“Well, it gave me an excuse to talk to you without you running away and if you were a dick it would be a punishment for you.” Blake said like it was the most natural thing ever.
“I hate you.” Schofield told him.
Blake pushed him and said: “No, you don’t.”
Schofield was quiet, but didn’t deny it. He just walked next to Blake with his little touches here and there and listened to the other mans chatter. It was just how it was, Schofield couldn't help, but follow Blake wherever he went.
It was good and he hoped it would last forever.
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omiscurls · 4 years
night sky - atsumu miya x reader
the volleyball player you're gonna be falling for today: miya atsumu
word count: 3900
summary quote: "See, Angel Eyes, there are some things that cannot be whispered, some feelings too strong to be degraded to the level of being silent."
and lets go!
"You were very endearing while you were half asleep, you know that?" he laughed, touching your nose with the tip of his cold finger. Your body shook, freezing a bit when the train door opened, and the icey night air flooded the inside. The girls' school uniform, mostly the skirt, surely wasn't designed for such weather conditions as the november nights provided.
"What time is it?" you just asked, still sleepy from the nap you took on his shoulder.  
"Six thirty" he laughed quietly, putting you head back where it was previously resting. You didn't mind at all, after all, he was comfortable. "We're getting off in eight minutes, so try not to sleep" You nodded slightly, watching the city landscape change in a matter of seconds just outside the dirty window in front of you. The raindrops were creating lively patterns on the glass, changing every now and then due to the blowing wind. Kobee's lights were already on, because, as it was november, six thirty was already a mid-night hour. You looked around the smelly train, noticing only few people left, as the route was already coming towards it's last stop. You noticed two people you knew from school, going home as well, altough it seemed they were not riding together, as they both listened to music with headphones in.  
You growled, pouting, when it was finally time to leave the warm train and walk four blocks home. At least you got your boyfriend with you, because walking alone in such darkness would definitely scare you, though you would never say that to his face, no, that would boost his ego too much. You smiled unconsciously as he took your hand into his, as if he was worried you'll get lost.
You followed him out of the train and into the station. You lowkey enjoyed the blue light of the the screens, showing which train will arrive next, the people rushing in every possible direction, as Kobee was a huge city, some of them waiting with their suitcases, coffee mugs in their hands, and some just going home with their backpacks, talking on the phone or listening to music. The shops on the main station were already closing down, but you two managed to get to McDonald's and order large fries, which Miya payed for, then insisting for you to eat them, because "he's suddenly not hungry anymore".
It stopped raining, when you finally got out of the train station, and walked into the cold night. He took your hand once more when you finished the fries.
"Ew, yer fingers are all greasy. Omi-kun would've freaked." he joked, glancing at you. You turned red, snapping away from his grip.
"Don't hold them, then, dumbass" you adjusted the scarf on your neck so it covered your cheeks. Like a stubborn kid, he got the hand out of your pocket and intertwined your fingers once more.
"Nah, you're gonna get cold if I don't, and we can't have that, can we, Angel Eyes?" you blushed once more at the nickname, facing away from him, so he doesn't get to satisfied with the impression he caused. All of the sudden he appeared in front of you, smiling widely.
"What's that, Angel Eyes, does the new nickname fluster ya in some kind of way?" You looked at him with pure irritation in your eyes, as he pulled you into a slight hug. "Hey, yer shoulders are shaking, are you cold?" suddenly he didn't sound like a douchebag, but concern took the place of confidence. You stayed silent, really hating to agree, but before you could disagree, he took of his jacket and put it on your shoulders. "Wait" he added, realizing one mistake, he made and took the jacket back for a second, grabbing your schoolbag and piled the strap on the one of his bag, resting it on his arm.
"That's heavy, give it back" you said, trying to reach for his shoulder, as he was way taller.
"Hell no, what sorta boyfriend would that make me?" he grinned, catching your wrist as you were halfway through to reaching your bag, already standing on your toes. "Aaand another point for Miya for blocking that!" he yelled, immitating the TV sport's commentator.
"You're not a blocker, though" you giggled, getting back to a comfortable, standing position.
"Aww, my Angel Eyes remembers what possition I play in? Well don't you deserve the best girlfriend award"
"Only because you never shut up about being the prettiest setter in Japan. And even that opinion is biased" he gasped dramatically, putting a hand over his forehead, as if he were about to faint.
"Well excuse me, I have to win a bet with an old friend of mine from a little village next to Tokyo. AND YOU COULD SUPPORT ME IN DOING SO, YOU KNOW" he pouted way too loud. You just rolled your eyes.
"And hey, I know you always watch me from the first row, I have eyes."
"I watch Osamu"
"Now THAT hurted" he looked at you with theatrical heartbreak in his sight. "You know what, you're walking alone for that" he added, leaving you there, next to the station, disappearing into the night. You laughed, at first, knowing that he still has your bag and has to come back, but then you shivered, feeling the cold wind against your bare skin, and remembered that he wanted to give you his jacket. You knew he was probably around the corner, waiting to scare you as you were walking around in search for him, so you decided to look.
But the longer you kept going back and forth around the fifteen metre distance he could possibly walk, there was no sight of him anywhere.
"Cool, Miya, now would you please get out? Or else I'm walking home!" you shouted, hoping that would get him to come out of his hiding spot, but you received no response. You held your arms against your chest to keep warm.
You heard footsteps behind you, and turned around, relieved, actually, that he'd came back.
"Finally, you dumba-" you didn't finish your sentence, noticing the person behind you wasn't Atsumu.
"What're you doing out here, freezing alone?" you heard the boy in front of you ask, but you were too distracted by his sudden appearance to respond.
You knew that boy, you knew him damn well, he was one of your closest friends, growing up, but then moved, because his father worked for the army and have to reposition every few years.
"Sato-kun? What're you doing here?" you asked in shock, looking at the boy you had seen for the last time around 4 years before, now standing in front of you, all grown up, so much, in fact, that you barely recognized him.
"Hello to you too, honey" he smiled, hugging you. You felt slightly uncomfortable, not liking to be touched by strangers, but then you remembered he wasn't a stranger. He was a guy that knew you to the bone since diapers.
But also the guy who then promised to keep in touch and disappeared from your life completely.
"Now would you mind explaining what're you doing here alone?"
"Oh, uhm, I am actually not-" you tried to explain, tilting your head around, searching for that idiot, Atsumu, but again, he was nowhere to be found.
"You do seem alone, though. Who would leave you here?" he said with a polite smile, but even so started to get on your nerves. You were not some pretty doll to be LEFT somewhere, what if you were just waiting for someone to show up?
"Well, it's a long story" you replied, but he insisted on keeping the conversation going.
"Mind telling me over a walk home? I do know where you live, obviously." You were still in too much shock to turn him down, mixed feelings flowing in and out of your head.
"Sato-kun, I am really interested in knowing your side of how the last 4 years have passed, but I am really with somebody right now" you answered, but noticed something else got his attention, like he was looking just above your shoulder.
You suddenly felt arms tie around your neck in an embrace, and felt someone bending over to match your level. The cologne you smelled was so iconic you'd recognize it from a mile away.
That idiot finally came back.
"Hi there, buddy!" he smiled politely, resting his chin on your shoulder. Considering the height difference, that must've been really uncomfortable, but what wouldn't Atsumu Miya do for a good first impression.
"Hi!" Sato responded, also smiling, but now less vividly than he did a while ago. "Who're you to lean over her like that?" he added, and the sound of possesiveness in his voice freaked you out. He wasn't in a position to say that, he left you here for four whole years.
"Oh I?" you boyfriend broke the embrace in order to straighten up and walk over to your childhood friend. It was safe to say he was at least fifteen centimetres taller. "Miya Atsumu" he said with such fake sweetness in his voice, that you couldn't help but smile a bit. "And do you mind explaining who you're to tell me I can't hug my girlfriend?" he scratched the back of his head, smiling from ear to ear, looking absolutely adorable, except from the fact that you and Sato were both scared to death. The taller boy reached out to Sato, wanting to shake his hand.
"Miya? Are you the spiker or the setter?" he asked, gripping Miya's hand. "See my brother plays volleyball and I think they've played against you on-"
Atsumu didn't let him finish. First he turned his head back to look at you with a pitiful expression in his eyes, then back to the boy.
"Did he now? I think I would've remembered seeing a face just as annoying as yours on the other side of the net" he laughed, patting his shoulder in a true "big brother" style. "I appreciate the recognition, I really do, but I have many people knowing my name on a daily basis, you know. Let's talk about you, instead!"
You were slightly freaked out by Atsumu's sudden sarcasm and bitterness, as you weren't used to seeing him... jelous? Is that how you'd describe it? He was a very confident person so he never got insecure about your relationship. He knew how crazy about him you really were, even if you tried to hide it as much as you could. You also knew about his affection to irritating people, but it was all jokes and nothing serious most of the time, and even if it was, he always managed to be lowkey and funny about it, but now it seemed as if he was dense and really pissed.
Did he have a bad day? Did you fail to ask him? Countless quesitons ran through your head, but you couldn't seem to recall anything like that. After all, what brought you two together was the fact that you always seemed to know what was happening in his head, even when he tried to hide it as much as possible.
"Sato Yakeru" he said, deadly glaring at Atsumu. "But why do you want to know, Miya-kun?" the boy put his hands on his hips, trying to gain back his confidence. "Are you really that insecure about the fact I took three minutes of you girl's precious time?"
This was not the Sato you remembered. That one was a sweet, sure, confident, but still sweet boy who always walked you to your house when you finished your classes, helped you with chemistry and played with your little sister when she interrupted your study dates. He always listened to all your problems, been there through all the ups and the downs and stood up for you whenever you needed that.
But now you've realized, he was always like that. He was always such a chauvinist, wanting to be the prince charming, wanting to rescue you out of any opression there was, but then you didn't mind, you didn't even notice, because you were percisely the little scared girl he wanted. And now that that's changed, he was suddenly irritating. Miya glanced back at you, concerned when he noticed you weariness. He looked Sato up and down with hatred in his eyes. Now, that's a look you hadn't seen in a very long time.
"Now, now" he laughed with pity. "Don't get too full of yourself there, little one" he said reffering to the fact that he was significantly taller than the boy "It takes a lot more than just a pipsqueak like you to make me loose my composure"
He came back to you taking both your cold hands into his.
"Was that boy bothering you, Angel Eyes? Do you know him?" you looked him deep in the eyes only to find him trying to mask his obvious irritation by acting calmly. You hesitated before answering, not wanting to deteriorate his mood even more.
"That's actually my childhood friend, 'Tsumu. I was just suprised to find out he was back in town"
He nodded, facing away from you, as if he was trying to calm down for real before letting you look into him again.
"What, didn't she tell you about me? Aw, that sucks, man" Sato laughed under his breath.
"What was that, munchkin? Couldn't hear ya." he smirked, proud of the childish insult. Once, you hear Osamu say that Atsumu's mental age decreases for about five years when he plays. Well, it decreases for seven when he gets angry. "Alright, honey, take the jacket now, you're trembling" Miya added much calmer, putting the fabric on your shoulders and adjusting it a bit so it covers the front of your body as well. You loved how big it was on you, you could literally fit your arm twice in those long sleeves of his. "Anything in particular ya want to do, or should we just head home?
You raised an eyebrow, not sure what he was getting at. You already agreed to go to your place and just chill, since it was friday, why was he asking now? And then, looking at the mixed expression painted across his face, you realized, he tried to show the other boy how different than him he truly is. You couldn't help but laugh.
How childish.
"Let's go, I'm getting tired" you responded, standing up on your toes, trying to match his eye level, knowing how much he adored that.
"Aight, we'll be going then. Pleased to meet ya, Sato-kun. Hope I'll never get the opportunity to speak to your annoying little face again." When you two walked passed the boy, he patted his shoulder. You heard giggling behind you.
"Fine then, short stuff,  if you want to go somewhere and catch up this weekend, call me!" Yakeru shouted, already going his own way.
You froze upon hearing the nickname you've been called by him so many times in the past, and suddenly tears formed in your eyes, coming along with the memories you forgot you had.
"She won't!" Miya yelled back, putting his arm around your shoulder. You instinctly rested your head against his body.
Silence fell upon you two, nobody wanted to start the conversation, and to be honest, you already moved on from that little, ridiculous fight, and were now dwelling in your own thoughts, remembering all the happy times with Sato, back when you were kids and life was simpler.
"Short stuff, really? Out of all nicknames?" Atsumu finally said, out of nowhere, faking laughter. "It's the lack of creativity for me"
You didn't respond, barely even hearing him speak.
"I mean, it was obvious the guy was all pure vanilla and no flavour, but still, pathethic." he went on "And the nerve of this dude! Would ya believe? Who is he now, your prince charming coming to the rescue? Since when?" Atsumu started to get really worked up over something he should pay exactly zero shits to, but you chose not to interrupt him, afraid your voice will break, which was highly likely, judging from the tears, still present in your eyes. "Hey, Angel Eyes, shouldn't ya be telling me to shut up by now?"
He suddenly stopped walking, lifting your cheek with his finger, and noticed the little wet mark going across your cheek. Now quiet and worried, he wiped of it off, turning you around to be facing him directly.
"What's up?" he just asked, not knowing how to react. You were always the one to calm him down, not the other way around.
"Nothing's up, can we keep walking? I feel bad about you freezing without your jacket, I'll make you tea"
"I'm counting on that, but first stop with the bullshit and tell me" never once had he even sworn around you, so you guessed that he was still angry, even though he was being kind of supportive.
"It's just that... Oh, it's stupid. Forget it." You started walking again, causing him to have to run up to you.
"It's not stupid, come on. Was that guy bad memories?" he frowned, walking backwards to keep eye contact with you. You didn't respond.
"Or was it me? Did I overreact? Are you mad?" damn, you really didn't think you could shake him this much just by not reacting to what he was saying. You had trouble remembering when was the last time he ask if it was him that made you upset.
"No, nothing like that." you finally decided he'll blow up if you kept on staying silent. "That pathethic nickname you're so stressed about, it just brought up the version of him I'd much rather remember, instead of this <I'm a nice guy> piece of crap I've witnessed today."
Shock came across his face, hearing you get upset like that. He stayed silent for a while, going back to walking by your side, and not in front of you.
"So, uhm... is that why I never heard of him?" he asked quietly, it was almost a whisper. You glanced at him and noticed he was looking away, probably hiding how much it must've costed him to skip his pride and ask that. You took his hand in a reassurring gesture, finding that his fingers were pressed hard against the inside of the hand, so hard his knuckles were probably white by now. It took you a bit to untangle that, but he finally let you hold his hand, still not looking.
"No. I was just trying to forget that guy." your level of voice matched his, giving the conversation an intimate vibe.
"Well, he was my best friend all my life, but then moved away and cut me off, even though he promised never to do that" you kept staring at the pavement, holding back the wave of emotions.
"Was he always such a prick?" you giggled, hearing the noticeable accent on the word "prick". Miya looked at you and smiled as well. "What, does the word <prick> amuse ya? What're ya, five?"
You kept laughing even louder.
"What? What did I say?" he broke into laughter watching your eyes light up, but a clueless expression still decorated his face.
"Remind me why do I love you again, you brat?" you mumbled between bursts of uncontrollable giggling.
Something suddenly held you back from walking. You turned back to see Atsumu, staying still, pure shock in his eyes, red colouring his cheeks. He kept glaring at you as if you just came back from the dead.
"What is it?" you asked, holding back the amusement, still smiling widely.
"You... do?"
For a short while you didn't understand what he was reffering to, but when you finally got it, it shocked you as well.
Did you really just...? Was it really the first time? You knew that for so long it felt as if you'd already said it a thousand times before.
"Oh god, sorry, sorry, forget I said anything" you apologized, remembering his fear of commitment. You broke the grasp and started walking fast, but heard a loud "no wait!" behind you.
Miya managed to catch up with you and put both his hands on your shoulders.
"Wait, just... do you really...?" what, couldn't he say it? Didn't he feel the same way? Why would he be with you for so long if he didn't? Were you just a playtoy? Really, you wouldn't be suprised, judging by the stereotypes going around about him, but you really hoped you guys were different than that.
"I'm sorry if that's a bother to you" you said, tears forming in the corners of your eyes again. You heard him laugh almost histerically.
"God no, it's not, Angel Eyes, how could you think that?" he lifted your chin to look you in the eyes, but you faced away. He shook his head in disbelief, pulling you into a tight hug. You suddenly felt at home, burying your face into his t-shirt, smelling the cologne you so liked.
You didn't want that moment to end. Whatever he had to say, you were now sure it wasn't positive and you didn't want to think of him any different than right then and there: as you precious little saltshaker of a boyfriend who was unbearable to be around for most of the time, but you still adored every single word that came out of his mouth and loved him alltogether so much it hurted your brain to process it.
He probably felt his shirt becoming wet, though, because he leaned over just a bit, to be able to whisper something in your ear. You clenched your fists, waiting for the inevitable.
"Well if that's the case... then that makes all my previous possesiveness out of place, doesn't it?"
You didn't say anything back, not really knowing how, but you were sure, that in an embrace as tight as that one he surely felt your heart jumping out of your chest even more every growing second.
"Hey, Angel Eyes" he then said, pulling away from the hug, and smiling upon seeing your hands still squeezing his shirt, from how much you didn't want to let go. "Relax, I just want to look into those eyes. Also, I don't want to whisper, that's sorta out of character for me, right? See, Angel Eyes, there are some things that just cannot be whispered, some feelings too strong to be degraded to the level of being silent. So I wanted to use my full voice to say — and it's not an easy thing to say, because, ya see, not only did I fall for you, but I am in fact, still falling! And that feeling creeps me out every single day. I guess that's why I was so afraid to tell you this. But I got it now."
He cleared his throat, looked you in the eyes, and put your hair behind your ear, which caused you to shake, due to his fingers being extremly cold.
"I love you to the point where no words are enough."
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diamaker-moon · 3 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 4
Chapter Four
First day and investigations
"Haven't you heard?" She asked back in a cold tone.
"Heard what?"
"You're class... drove Marinette to transfer schools. All because of you guys." She said in an icy tone before passing by him then rest left him in the locker room— gaping.
— previous chapter... —
Adrien was stunned.
'Marinette transferred schools?! When did that happen?!'
He stood there for a few minutes before fishing up his phone and texted Marinette, he waited for a reply, but nothing came. He came back to his classroom in a daze.
He didn't bother sharing the information with anyone, thinking that Lila might steal the spotlight again. And besides, he was too busy thinking why Marinette needed to transfer, and why she didn't inform him— her friend.
Nino was worried for his best bro. Adrien barely spoke throughout the day.
Meanwhile, Marinette was given a few hours in the morning to roam and get acquainted inside campus grounds. She was joined by Allegra, who happily toured her and introduce her as well to every student they pass by.
She was enjoying her time in Jeanne.
But behind all the happiness she was feeling at the moment, there's a huge responsibility whispering in her ear. The Cat Miraculous is currently in camouflage mode in her right ring finger as a rose gold ring. She needed to find either a new permanent cat holder or a temporary one. Part of her wants to trust her dormmates. She couldn't trust her temporary heroes anymore, aside from Viperion and Ryuko. 
She could imagine Allan using the Turtle miraculous since he is already protective of his friends. She was stuck between Claude and Allegra for the Fox miraculous.
Claude is a theatre kid, he can imagine a lot of things and that can help during battles but he's more of a fighter than hiding in the shadows. Allegra, however, can do the opposite.
But for now, her main priority is to find a cat holder, even if it has to be temporary. It was a good thing that she had bought a mini fridge for Plagg's camembert stash and stored it in her room or else her dormmates might think she's a cheese hoarder!
All the teachers and students in Jeanne were very welcoming. Her classmates were friendly to her, and her teachers are fair educators. When there is a disturbance in the class, they reprimand both students not only one, and Marinette noticed that there's no 'model student' treatment like the one she had in Dupont.
It was lunchtime, she and her dormmates decided to eat in a nearby restaurant. She missed how she just goes home and eats lunch in her home then sometimes returns with a bag of pastries as snacks. She missed her home and her parents' bakery.
Marinette and Allegra were busy chatting about Marinette's current state in Jeanne, while Claude and Allan are busy bickerings on who will win if Batman and Iron Man fought.
Félix just observed them, and from time to time read on his book.
None of them saw a blonde looking at them with a melancholic look. The blonde smiled bitterly before they left the restaurant.
"Are you all done? Lunchtime is almost up." Félix announced.
The other four nodded and paid for their meal, then walked back to school.
Marinette wants to thank her luck and Tikki, for not having any Akuma throughout the rest of the afternoon.
Upon returning to the dorm, she went inside her bathroom and stared at the mirror. She was looking at her reflection, but somehow it felt unfamiliar to her.
The girl in the mirror, has her hair down, wearing a white button-up shirt underneath a black blazer that had red accents and trimming, the school crest sewed on top of the front pocket and a red tie. Paired with it is a plaid red, white and black skirt that reaches up to her mid-thighs, she also wore black knee-high socks and strapped two-inched heels.
She moved her hair on the right side a bit and saw her signature black stud earrings which are actually the camouflaged ladybug's miraculous earrings, then the rose gold cat miraculous on her right hand that moved her hair.
It was a huge change.
She was used to seeing her previous look since Dupont doesn't require school uniforms but Jeanne does.
Marinette sighed then stripped out of her uniform to take a short shower.
Once she came out of the bathroom, she was wearing light pink high-waisted shorts, a white halter-top with her signature flower design, then a sheer black cardigan.
She turned the soundproofing on then locked her bedroom door before she let the kwamis out of the miracle box.
"Did you have fun on your first day, Marinette?" Tikki asked.
Marinette hummed before answering. "Yeah. It was quite strange to see all the students wear the same outfit, but everyone was very welcoming. Quite different in Dupont. And there were no Akuma attacks today!"
Tikki smiled at her holder. The kwami thought that the girl deserves it. She needed a new environment away from the previous one since it was toxic.
Marinette was skimming through the Grimoire, and the kwamis knew not to be close enough since it is prohibited to know about the knowledge inside the book.
Shadowmoth. A unified Butterfly and Peacock miraculous holder.
Hawkmoth was becoming stronger, and Marinette needed to be ten steps ahead of him. She cannot use her previous temporary heroes.
Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegasus and Roi Singe betrayed her in their civilian lives, unknowingly. She cannot trust them in battle, even if they were efficient heroes.
She was alone at the moment. No temporary allies, and no partner.
But she might have a lead on who Hawk—Shadowmoth is.
She looked at her bulletin board that is hanged on the wall.
If anyone ever saw the board, they might think she is a detective, due to having a map of Paris wide opened, with marks, sticky notes, red strings, etc.
She closed the book before putting on a sleeve cover for the book then plainly placed it on her desk together with a stack of books.
She hummed before looking at her left seeing the kwamis stare at her.
"We finally might have a lead on who Hawk—Shadowmoth is. Why does he need to change his name? The hawkmoth is already a stupid name, but he had to change it to Shadowmoth! Ugh!"
The kwamis laughed at their guardian's frustrations.
"Who do you suspect, Master?" Wayzz asked.
"Plagg, do you know where your previous holder got the book and tablet?" She asked the cat kwami who's busy eating a wheel of Camembert on top of her chaise.
Plagg looked to her before swallowing the rest of the whole wheel then answered.
"In his deadbeat of a father's office. That's where we found the book first, inside a safe behind her mother's painting."
Marinette hummed.
She had valid points at the moment to suspect him. And no one can prevent her from suspecting the fashion guru like before when she had Chat Noir as her partner. He was adamant that the guru isn't Hawkmoth, but now she understood. The man was his father. If the fashion guru is Hawkmoth, he'll be losing both his Mother and Father.
Something clicked in her mind. The alternate reality that she prevented: Chat Blanc.
She gasped. Then hurriedly grabbed her notebook that has all her points and suspect list with a list of reasons. She flipped the pages towards Gabriel Agreste's page.
Possible Suspect: Gabriel Agreste
Affliation: Fashion Designer
◈ Emilie Agreste (Wife)
◈ Adrien Agreste (Son)
◈ Nathalie Sancoeur (Assistant)
  Reasons why suspected?
- Mme Agreste has been gone for three years, can use the ultimate power to wish her back.
- Secluded from the outside world.
- Assitant is very devoted, can possibly be the ally— Mayura.
- Another possible ally— Lila Rossi. Got akumatized after leaving from the first bathroom confrontation looking all smug, and has been akumatized repeatedly. Also might be involved with the Heroe's day illusion of Dark 'Ladybug'.
- Akumatized when suspected before. Hypothesis: possibly to divert attention?
- Very attentive and tried to reach for earrings and ring before during 'The Collector' after getting de-akumatized...
- Briefly saw an intrigue look on his face when he saw Chloé open a miraculous box in public.
- Has the Grimoire. Now, he also had Master Fu's tablet (stolen possibly during Miracle Queen battle)
-Theory: Chat Blanc said that Hawkmoth was a reason why the alternate timeline was destroyed by Blanc, Marinette is almost akumatized before (in original timeline), is it possible that in that timeline, Hawkmoth tried to akumatize Marinette then accidentally finds out Chat Noir's identity, leading up to a possible confrontation? It is quite hard to choose between a family relative and a relationship...
Marinette observed the page. If she was impulsive, she'd probably march up to the Agreste Mansion, but if her possible suspect is truly a villain, she cannot impulsively attack since he had two miraculouses that can create an Akuma and a Sentimonster.
She was a tactician. She always thinks about how she can use her lucky charm, and mostly in the most complex ways on how to use it.
The only thing she can do for a while is observing the Older Agreste.
"It's decided then," She looked at the kwamis then continued her sentence.
"We're going on a stake-out outside the Agreste Mansion, and possibly the inside as well. But that mansion is heavily guarded with cameras! How am I going to enter it?!"
She annoyingly said the huffed.
"Kwamis can help with the cameras and if there are alarms!" Trixx reasoned.
"Hmm... That can be useful... But how am I going to get an inside look? If there's a hidden safe behind Mme Agreste's painting in M. Agreste's atelier, I need an entrance."
Plagg thought about it before gasping.
"I can look around! I've been in the mansion for a long time, I can search around that room to see any open windows or entrance!"
Marinette actually smiled at that statement, she scratches Plagg behind one of his ears which made the cat kwami purr in happiness.
"Looks like someone earned a prize!"
The kwamis laughed in seeing the stubborn cat kwami happily purring due to the young guardian scratching him. Marinette needed a thorough plan. A plan to look around M. Agreste's atelier without being detected. And if she is lucky maybe retrieve one of the missing miraculous.
The woman flinched before she composed herself and made her way towards her boss's atelier with a tablet in one hand.
"Yes, M. Agreste?"
The man was seething, and she didn't know why. The last time she saw him like this was when they caught Adrien taking the miraculous book to school.
"Where's the Grimoire and the tablet?"
Nathalie blinked. "It's in your hands Monsier. Or maybe safely hidden in the safe."
Gabriel sighed deeply. "The book and the tablet is missing. I check the cameras, Adrien got it again, but when I asked for it back, he said you had it."
"I'm sorry, M. Agreste, but I didn't even know that it was in Adrien's possessions. I'll look around the mansion, maybe Adrien misplaced it, I'll also ask him to remember where he left it."
Gabriel nodded and dismissed her.
Inside Nathalie's head, it was trouble. They were fortunate to steal the previous Guardian's tablet that has a translated version of the book, to fix the Peacock miraculous. They had also found a translated pages about the power-ups but we haven't figure out what it actually means. They also don't have a backup copy of the translated pages!
"Adrien? Adrien."
Nathalie knocked on the younger Agreste's door. She heard a faint 'wait, Nathalie!'. Soon the door opened and revealed a dishevelled Adrien who was currently drying his hair with a towel.
"Yes, Nathalie?"
"I heard from your Father that you had the book and tablet he's looking for. Do you remember where you left it?" She said and noticed how Adrien paled.
"I was only looking at it, I left it on my desk but the next morning it was gone. I figured that you might've found it on the desk and took it back to Father... That's the only place I left it before going to bed."
She observes the young boy and hummed. She instructed Adrien to try and look around thinking that it might've been misplaced.
'I have a bad feeling about this. It's already bad that it's missing, but if my theory is right that it is in Ladybug's possession, we might be at a disadvantage.'
Chapter 3 — Moving Forward: Masterlist — Chapter 5 
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Come Find Me - Mammon x Reader
reuploading cause of tags lol let’s hope they work this time, also sorry i forgot to put the “read more” oop
Tags/Warnings: angst, lots of angst & mild cursing Word Count: 3.9k Notes: I tried switching perspectives, which are indicated by the dashed lines. I hope it doesn't make it too confusing! I was listening to “Give You Up” by Asking Alexandria, like really listening to the lyrics when I was smacked in the face struck by inspiration for some angsty Mammon. So, as I do, I dreamed up a scenario. This took me so long to write, and holy crap. Hope you love it!
Lyrics taken from 'Give You Up' by Asking Alexandria. 
11 months later.
“I wasted so much time on wasting time Made a million excuses, told myself I'm above it Now there's symphony where there used to be Nothing but silence, and I'm never gonna give you up”
Pulling open the closet door to find that one shirt you remember buying, but can’t for the life of you remember where it is, you wince. Clothes and shoes are strewn everywhere, organization severely neglected as of late. You hadn’t really been inspired to straighten out your mess, not since--
No. You shake your head, suppressing the memories. Not now, not for a long time...until it stops feeling like a hot knife is carving your heart in half whenever his name flashes across your mind.
Your eyes scan and assess the mess, landing on a black duffel bag shoved into the corner, emblazoned with an all-too-familiar gold badge. Your eyes close briefly, letting the familiar icy pain wash over you, as if you’ve been walking into the winter ocean until your entire body is submerged. You stare at the bag until your vision blurs, surprised to find yourself blinking away tears as you come back to reality.
You told yourself you wouldn’t leave the Devildom with any regrets, but you did.
“Okay. Well. We’re just going to deal with this now, and bury it,” you tell yourself, needing to hear yourself say it out loud as your own affirmation.
It was finally time to face the anguish head on, instead of compartmentalizing it, telling yourself you would process it eventually. Picking up the bag, you slowly back out of the closet, a torrent of emotions beginning to well up inside you, threatening to wreak havoc. You close your eyes. Breathe, Y/N, breathe. Step back, and lean against the wall, subdue the onslaught.
Tossing the bag onto your bed, you sit beside it, hand reaching slowly to grasp the zipper. Once undone, you reach inside and pull out your R.A.D uniform, skimming the small buttons embedded in the stitching. You smile softly as you remember Asmo pouting every time you complained about how ill-fitting it was. Your hand moves to the golden R.A.D. medallion, your fingers dancing over the hard, intricately grooved surface.
Folding the uniform and setting it aside, you reach into the bag once more, fingers brushing something hard and flat. Confused, you lift your hand, finding yourself grasping your D.D.D.. Your eyes study the yellow smart phone, remembering how he insisted...Fuck. The memories begin to crash into the forefront of your mind.
“Wait, Lucifer, ya gotta give her a yellow one! She’s gotta match with me! N-not that it’s all that important or anything...” Mammon blushed, looking down towards the floor.
“I-I just think...yellow’s a good color to have. That’s all. Symbolizes a lot ‘a different good things. Luck, lotsa Grimm...thank me later.”
You didn’t know it at the time, but that was the start of your undoing.
You came to the Devildom harboring resentment. Why the hell did you have to get uprooted from your life to serve someone else’s agenda? And not only that, but you had to live with seven fallen demon brothers, many of whom barely hesitated as they considered killing you. But...then there was Mammon.
It was always him, even when you refused to acknowledge it. The first demon you made a pact with. You slide your shirt down your arm, glancing at your now-bare shoulder, remembering the slight jolt of electricity as the sigil was emblazoned into your skin. You smile softly as you remember his persistent boasting, nearly on a daily basis:
“I’m Y/N’s first man! So get your paws off her!”
Mammon. Always so stand-offish about his feelings, but so were you. That resentment you bore dug deep into your core. Your heart was indifferent. You challenged Lucifer and the other demons without inhibition, consistently getting yourself nearly killed. You disobeyed the rules and expectations designated to you as one of the representatives of the human world. You did it all with no qualms about the potential consequences, even if it could have resulted in your death. You had given up. You didn’t give a fuck anymore, so bring it on.
They all gave a fuck about you, though, even if it was mostly because Lord Diavolo forbade the killing of the human students. But Mammon…
It was more than that for him. He grabbed your hand in the face of danger, thinking he could protect you. Despite his constant denial of how he felt for you, you could see it. Not only that, your feelings mirrored his; but you were so stubborn, you were headstrong. You were not going to let yourself fall, especially not for the Avatar of Greed. You had convinced yourself that he would be a selfish lover, always putting himself first. All he would do is take from you. After all, the demon was in love with his goddamn credit card.
You were so wrong.
Turning the phone over and over in your hands aimlessly, you remember it all. How easy it was for you to keep falling back into the darkness within you, the anger and resentment you bore deep in your heart. It was easy, it was familiar. Until...
Mammon remembers that night. He’s replayed so many times in his head, there isn’t a single detail he can’t remember.
As usual, his brothers teased him relentlessly; this time, they had gone too far.
“Oh! Y/N, I dropped my fork by your foot, would you mind being a dear and grabbing it for me?” Asmo asked, innocently enough.
Mammon had looked up upon hearing your name. He watched as you bent down and struggled to pick up the dropped fork, too far away to grab from your seat. His gaze remained on you as you stood, bending behind you to pick it up; then, Asmo lifting his hand to give you a playful slap on the ass. Then back to you, your beautiful lips upturned in a playful, flirty smile as you laughed and handed Asmo the fork.
Mammon’s anger blazed, his vision tinged red. It was like a knee-jerk reaction, the movements required no thought. He stood from his chair, nearly kicking it in, half-eaten plate of food abandoned. Wordlessly, he took his leave, the torrent of emotions welled up inside threatening to erupt. He knew it wasn’t a good idea to react, that it was only going to add more fuel to the fire for their teasing.
But he didn’t care. They took it too far, touching his human like that. He had laid his claim for you thousands of times, spelled it out, and everyone knew. Yet, it didn’t stop them. Mammon was forever the brother ridiculed and mocked most, despite being the second-oldest; his brothers’ contempt for him was never-ending. The constant jeers and derision about himself and his sin, he had put up with for millennia; but their taunting and blatant disregard of his feelings for you?
He couldn’t stand it any longer.
Mammon was on autopilot, barely feeling the movements as he walked swiftly throughout the halls of the House of Lamentation. He doesn’t even recall if he took a single breath on his journey back to his bedroom. He gripped the doorknob of his room, knuckles turning white as he nearly ripped it out while turning it. He stepped inside, slamming the door with a residual bang!, so loud that surely even Lord Diavolo could hear it in his castle.
His feet moved him to his bed, where he sat on the edge, head in his hands. He clenched his jaw, hard, in an attempt to subdue the anger pulsing within him. It wasn’t only anger, however, that was welled up inside. There was humiliation, resentment, and feelings of hopelessness; all directed at himself. Mammon clenched harder, hands beginning to shake as the emotions swelled furiously.
No matter what he did, he felt like he failed. He felt an overwhelming desire to protect what was his, and he had even failed at that. Mammon isn’t sure how long he stayed that way, caught in the middle of the emotional thunderstorm, staring at his hands but not actually seeing.
In his trance, he barely heard the knock on his door; three light taps, then one loud one. Your signature knock. It didn’t even register in his mind. He wishes he looked up to see you when you walked across his room to his bed. He only noticed when you grabbed his arm, gently, in that way your touch always was. He lifted his head slowly, the feelings of hopelessness finally starting to ebb when his melancholy gaze met your serene one.
There you stood, in all your beautiful glory. Your hair hung in glossy rivulets down your back, a stray piece hanging in front of your face; Mammon wanted nothing more than to reach up and tuck it behind your ear. Your face, your beautiful face, wore an expression that simultaneously made his heart race and feel peaceful.
You spoke his name, and in those two syllables, and he knew. He knew your soul shined so brightly in the darkness of the Devildom. He knew you were the light to all of his darkness within.
He knew he was irrevocably in love with you.
Mammon felt your grip tighten on his arm, ever so slightly. He stood before you, realizing your close proximity, and immediately felt the heat rush to his cheeks, tinting them with a rosy blush.
“Y-yeah? What do ya want, Y/N?” he asked, looking off to the side. He reached his arm up, rubbing the back of his head. “Sheesh, you didn’t even tell me you were comin’. A little advanced notice would be nice, ya know.”
You didn’t even answer. Before he could react, you had pulled Mammon into a hug, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Wha-?!” Mammon yelped. “Just what do you think you’re doin’, human?!”
He recoiled at first, arms hanging down at his sides, unfamiliar with the feeling of such affection...such love. Rarely was he ever shown such things, especially from his brothers. He hesitantly reached his arms up, wrapping them around your body, the soft texture of your hair under his fingers.
He leaned his head down, his cheek resting on the top of your head while he stroked your hair.
And then, you said it. You spoke the words that made him come undone completely.
“I love you, Mammon.”
Mammon’s body stilled for a moment. It felt as though his heart had stopped completely. The words caught in his throat, unable to speak, fingers threaded into your hair. He felt you squeeze him harder, turning your head to look up at him. His eyes met yours.
You had come here to the Devildom, and at first, Mammon was indifferent. He would have gladly sold your possessions for some extra cash with no hesitation. He insulted you, he acted like an arrogant fool. You did risky things, you talked back. And yet, you somehow were able to make your way into his ice-cold, tsundere heart.
He sunk back down to the edge of the bed, pulling you towards him. You sat upon his lap, legs on either side of his waist. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing you flush to him, fingers splayed across your back. He pushed your hair to the side, burying his head into your neck, lips against your soft skin. All he wanted in that moment was to breathe you in. He swallowed, pressing a kiss into your neck, hoping, praying that you wouldn’t react negatively.
It’s hard to remember the exact sequence that followed. The only thing Mammon knows is your lips pressed against his in a deep kiss, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. He pulled away, grinning, then kissed you again, and again, and again, his hands roaming under your shirt, across your back.
“Shit, Y/N. I guess you have me feeling some type-a way, too,” he whispered, kissing and biting the delicate skin of your neck, an overwhelming desire to leave his mark on you.
It hadn’t gone any further that night, and Mammon had been okay with it. He had walked you back to your room, grabbing you and kissing you deeply before you went in. He was sure the grin hadn’t left his face the entire rest of the night.
It was essentially the way you and Mammon had spent your final weeks in the Devildom. Stolen kisses here and there. Grabbing your hand in the hallways of R.A.D., lacing his fingers through yours. Spending the entire night together, not sleeping, watching movies on his projector or him teaching you how to play poker. Buying you little gifts using Goldie, much to Lucifer’s chagrin. He wanted to give you all that he could, to provide for you.
He held you close whenever he got the opportunity, stroking your hair, ingraining every feeling of your touch into his memory so he would never forget. He knew he was running out of time to be yours, to give you all of him. Mammon had never been so happy.
Then, that fateful day arrived. The day you were going back to the human world.
Mammon could hardly look at you when the time came, too afraid his emotions would well to the surface and tip over. He finally lifted his gaze to yours, thousands of unspoken words etched into the space between you, visible only to you and he. You had never spoken of a plan for the future, too painful to think about. He regretted all the time wasted, kicking himself for not telling you his feelings sooner.
Maybe then, you wouldn’t have left at all.
Mammon didn’t embrace you before the ceremony to transport you back began, knowing that once he did, he would never be able to let you go. He watched the light flash, as bright as your beautiful soul, taking you away with it, leaving nothing in its wake. The pain of losing you was like a knife plunged deep into his heart, twisting back and forth.
And then, you were gone.
And then, Mammon was gone.
You speak his name out loud, for the first time since you had arrived back. You still for a second, the unfamiliar syllables passing over your lips. You hope he’ll appear suddenly, as if summoned. But of course, he doesn’t.
And he never will, not again.
The tears fall freely now, a gut-wrenching sob wracking your body. The anguish crashes over you as all the emotions and pent-up grief finally break through the dam you had built deep inside. You fall to the side of your bed, gripping the D.D.D. tightly, knuckles turning white from the effort, as if the phone holds the power to bring Mammon back to you.
You’re unsure of how much time passes before the tears finally begin to subside, opening your eyes once more, adjusting to the sudden brightness; the feeling of it unwelcome, as you had learned to cherish the dark in the Devildom. The false sense of comforting dark you felt when you closed your eyes was erased each morning with the unrelenting rise of the sun.
You lift your hand, the yellow phone still gripped tightly within. And in a moment of hopefulness, or desperation (perhaps both), you press a button, gasping as the phone lights up. Though you shouldn’t be surprised; you remember Mammon telling you he put a spell on it so that it would hold a charge long after you took it off the charger, essentially always staying on.
So you could talk to him whenever you needed it.
Fingers moving faster than your brain can compute, you open your messages with Mammon, feeling the knife twist in your gut once more as you scroll through them. You shake your head furiously, willing yourself to stop, and focus. Your fingers dance across the digital keyboard as you compose a new message.
I love you, Mammon. Come find me.
Send. You hear the all-too-familiar whoosh sound of the message sending, watching it pop up onto the screen.You stare at the phone for God knows how long, willing a notification to sound off, unsure of why you’re feeling so hopeful.
The reply never comes.
Mammon stares at his phone in disbelief. He reads the message, then stands, beginning to pace around the room. He has to be seeing things. He has to be. He’s convinced.
There is no way he just received a message from you, in the human world. Especially not one telling him that you love him and to come find you.
His fingers fly across the screen, furiously typing a reply to you, pressing send.
Error! Retry?
“What?!” Mammon exclaims, pressing “retry” over and over and over again.
Error! Retry?
Error! Retry?
Error! Retry?
“This piece ‘a junk!” he yells, furious. The feeling of anguish washes over him as he realizes you won’t get a reply from him, picturing you sad yet hopeful, staring at your screen. He finds himself leaving his room, legs moving automatically as they bring him to the large double doors of the last place he ever wants to be.
“Oi! Lucifer! Open up right now! It’s an emergency!” Mammon yells, pounding on the door.
Hearing an exasperated sigh on the other side of the doors, Mammon continues to pound relentlessly.
“Lucifer! Open up-” Mammon’s words are cut off as Lucifer opens the door, a pained expression on his face.
“How can I help you, Mammon?” Lucifer asks, oozing contempt.
Mammon storms past him into the office, beginning to open up drawers, sorting through files of papers.
“Lucifer! Where the heck’s Y/N’s info? I need it. Where is it?!”
“Mammon,” Lucifer replies cooly, “what is this all about?”
“It’s Y/N! She texted me! She texted me from the human world. Can ya believe it?! She told me to come find her. I have to go to her, Lucifer, I have to!”
“Mammon, calm down. Explain everything to me.”
Mammon shoves the phone in Lucifer’s face, panic etched into his voice as he recounts the story, impatience creeping in to his demeanor. He has to get to you, and he has to get to you now.
Lucifer nods, holding his gloved hand under his chin as he thinks aloud.
“Mammon, you will have to be patient. I will speak to Diavolo, and see if he will grant you permission to leave the Devildom for a few days. Unfortunately, we do not have an exact location for Y/N. I can only give you the general area of where she lives. You will have to hope that she has remained living there, or close to the area.”
“What?! What are ya tryin’ to say, that I won’t be able to find her?!” Mammon yells in disbelief. “Of course I’ll find her. She told me to! And I can’t wait, I gotta get to her now! I can’t text her back, can’t let her know I got it…”
“I know how important she is to you, Mammon,” Lucifer says, nodding his head.
“Like hell ya do! Have you ever loved anyone that much? Or anything?”
“Mammon. I will speak to Diavolo immediately, and he will set everything in motion. It is still likely you will have to wait until at least tomorrow morning.”
“Tomorrow morning…,” Mammon repeats, trailing off. “Y/N, I’m comin’ to ya. Just hang on one more day. Please, babe…”
You find yourself at your favorite mall the next day, hardly remembering the drive there, as if you were on autopilot.
As you enter, you stand still for a moment, closing your eyes and inhaling briefly, taking in the sounds: the tinny music filtering through the speakers, other shoppers exclaiming to one another over a new collection in a store, somebody sipping their iced coffee noisily.
You had told Mammon about coming here quite often during those last few weeks. One night in particular, the two of you had lain on his bed, holding one another close, telling each other everything. You hadn’t cared if it was trivial, you wanted to know everything there was to know. Often, you had imagined coming with him here; holding hands, dragging him into all your favorite stores, trying on clothes.
Now, that will never happen.
You shake the negative thought from your mind, fighting as you feel the corners of your lips begin to tug downwards. Turning yourself to the right, you decide to head to your favorite bubble tea stand, smiling softly to yourself. Another memory you had shared with Mammon. Rounding the corner, a figure hunched over on the soft bench near the bubble tea stand stops you dead in your tracks.
Tousled white hair, orange-tinted lenses in his glasses. A brown leather jacket, striped with white across and at the collar, a fitted black t-shirt underneath.
No. No way. Your mind is playing tricks on you, Y/N, you think to yourself.
You walk hesitantly up to him, stopping a few feet away, watching as he notices your shoes, then moves his head up to meet your gaze, that adorable lopsided grin tugging at his lips as he stands.
“Knew I’d find ya here, Y/N. Lucifer didn’t believe me, that jerk,” he drawls.
“M-...Mammon?!” you exclaim, not caring who hears. You barely feel the movements as you throw yourself into his embrace. “H-how?!”
“Ya told me to come find ya. So I found ya.”
Gripping the collar of his jacket tightly, you lay your head on his chest, tears streaming furiously down your face. Mammon lifts your head, cupping your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hey, hey. No tears ruinin’ that pretty face. Unless they’re happy tears. In which case, cry away, I guess. But your makeups’ runnin’ down your face,” Mammon tells you, and you grin through them.
“How did you know to find me here?” you ask him as you pull away, brushing more tears away as you swallow.
“I remembered you tellin’ me about it. How you liked to come here when you weren’t feelin’ all that great,” he answers, draping an arm over your shoulder. “I tried to answer ya back, but my stupid D.D.D. wouldn’t let me. I thought ya might be sad, so I figured I’d try ya here.”
You laugh, grin growing wider.
“I love you, Mammon.”
He pulls you into another tight embrace, pressing you flush to him, lips crashing against yours in a deep kiss. You close your eyes, savoring every second of it before pulling away, eyes wide. You laugh once more as he pulls you close to him again, gasping a bit in surprise as his tongue darts out to dance with yours.
“Mammon, we’re in public!” you hiss, though you’re smiling against his lips.
“Don’t care,” Mammon retorts, kissing you again. “I have ya here with me now. And I ain’t ever gonna give you up. Never again.”
“In my darkest of days I've got a light now to show me the way It's like I've found my place And the world doesn't feel the same”
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pizza-soup · 3 years
Sorry I've been missing in action.
Long story short I got very injured at the labs, but I've been making a fast recovery. For the more detailed, graphic version, you can read below. Warning: Mention of hospital, blood, car accident.
As I mentioned, I got really injured at work beginning on February 21 at around 9 PM. It was during a routine check at some of the sites, one in particular needed our higher clearance because there had been a breach at a fence that past week, so I, and two other guards went to check out any tampering of the fence again. They say it might be vandals but a lot of them say it was some kind of large animal. The road to those sites are a single path through the woods, lit with a few lights, no curves, just a flat road with a hill on one side. It hadn't snowed that week either, so no fear of ice or anything. It was just a routine jeep trek.
It happened so fast. Our vehicle was knocked over, I'm not even sure how, but we were rolling in the dark down a hill, hitting trees. I remember the shouting, holding fast, and the glass. I remember crawling toward a tree and trying to sit up against it or maybe I was put there by the other guard, Dolores, I remember her telling me to stay awake. I asked her if I was dreaming. It didn't feel real. I asked what was happening to me because I couldn't move right, everything felt so slow and muffled. I passed out by the time they got us into the medical ward. I don't remember them putting me in a gown or putting in an IV. I woke up later, I buzzed the call button out of fear and pain. My whole left side was throbbing. A nurse was relieved I finally came to. She gave me pain meds and called the doctor in.
I was told there had been an accident, that much I already knew, but no one was killed, just injured. I lost a lot of blood, my uniform was soaked in it and they had to cut it off me. Part of the metal from the door frame folded in and pieced my left shoulder and I had minor cuts on my hands and arms from the glass. My blood pressure dropped so low they were scared my heart might've stopped. I was given blood, hooked up to a lot of things and I would have to stay under watch for a few days. There was a lot of tests they needed to do to figure out just how bad my injuries were.
For the next few days I was just sleeping, I couldn't sit up without feeling dizzy. I had to lay semi flat, my blood pressure was still very low. My left side was still throbbing and the stitches itched. A lot of bruises developed from being tossed around like I was, mostly on my arms because I was shielding my face and head. My minor glass cuts stung while batheing. Nurses came in every few hours to check my vitals, help me use the restroom, shower, help me eat, ect. I got so tired from the smallest things. I couldn't call anyone, my phone was in my locker. I finally got someone to help me call my brother to tell him what happened. My brother was naturally scared, he thought something happened to me and he was sad to know he was right. He wanted to see me, but he couldn't, I was in the medical ward on lab property. He wanted to call our mom to tell her but I told him to wait, there was a possibility that I might be transferred to a local hospital where they can visit me, and I didn't want her panicking and trying to drive up here in bad weather. It's best she waited til things cleared up.
After the first week I was transferred to a local hospital after getting a bunch of tests done. No brain trauma, no broken bones, no blood sugar issues or thyroid problems. I could sit up in bed by then and eat on my own. I still couldn't walk very well without feeling really dizzy, again, low blood pressure. A lot of minor bruises were fading away. I never had my anemia officially confirmed, but they confirmed it and had me take daily iron and placed on a blood building diet in the new hospital. I was tested for covid, I came out clear.
My brother and mom visited me daily, and the other doctor said I was recovering really quickly, that gave us a lot of hope. I could be out of there by a few days, though my blood pressure was worrying her. Seems it wasn't so much the blood loss, but that it might have been an underlying condition already linked to my untreated anemia. She would get the in-house dietitian to include a bit more natural sea salt to my iron rich diet, as well as tell me what I should eat at home and that I need to drink a lot more water than I normally did. This is a problem I've had for awhile, I forget to drink enough water. The doctor warned me I better remedy that immediately especially with low BP. My mom was already taking notes. She really wanted to just take me home already. I really liked her being there, I'm not that shy about my body, but I honestly felt better having my mom bathe me and comb my hair instead of strangers doing that. She was also a lot more gentle around my stitches and bruises.
Eventually I did come home, I still needed a lot of rest and help getting out of bed. I had to fight the urge to clean house, help with groceries, ect. I'm so used to being self sufficient. I felt so frustrated that just walking around the room would tire me out, when I'd hike for miles just a few months ago. I was tired of sleeping and sitting down. But there wasn't much else I could do. I did a lot of origami, my bro got me a coloring book, I watched a lot of movies, took my iron -which is nasty btw-, ate meals that were saltier than I normally would prepare but my taste buds would have to adjust. I was happy my new diet included a lot of fish though.
I did have some close calls. I really thought I could stand up in the shower instead of sitting, and wound up calling for my mom to help me up after collapsing. I collapsed again when I was trying to cook dinner for myself. My face, according to my mom, was drained of color and my breathing was shallow. I felt so dizzy and nauseated. She nearly wanted to call the hospital again. My bro said I was pushing myself too hard and I always had a problem with not asking for help. That I needed to learn to stop being so damn stubborn and rest. To anyone else, that sounds harsh, but he knows me way too well, probably better than our mom. I do have that problem, I do push myself too much. After that, I decided to be more patient with myself. I was sick and might be sick for awhile.
This week I'm doing a lot better. I can do my daily things now, I even went to get groceries and take a little walk to the river. But I can't over do it, I can't stand up or walk for too long, and I can't lift anything heavy, otherwise I get bouts of dizziness and need to sit down. The pain isn't as bad on my back anymore though it's still very sore, my arms, especially my left side, have a dull pain. I can't sleep on my back and left side, only my right and on my stomach. A lot of the cuts on the back of my arms and hands have scabbed over, minor bruises are gone but major ones on my shoulder and neck are still pretty dark and tender. I'm still finding glue spots on my chest and stomach from the medical tape and the EKG patches they put on me, but a bit of lotion is taking it off. My stitching, according to my mom, is definitely going to leave a pretty bad scar above my shoulder blade, but it's fine. My body has a lot of scars here and there from close calls, but I consider them ' Marks of Life'. They're proof I survived and thrived.
It'll take time for me to really feel like I'm back to normal. My mom refuses to go back home until I make a full recovery. She hasn't tended to me like this for a long time, mainly because I rarely get sick. I trait from my dad's side. We don't get colds or flus for years, no history of cancer, heart issues or diabetes, and his family usually remain active to their elderly years, not to mention our graceful aging. My dad used to say it was our native blood, we're just built tougher. The only thing that could kill us is getting injured like this. God, he'd be so worried about me though. I remember how he'd fuss over me when I skinned my knee as a child or got my allergies. If he was alive, he'd probably refuse to let me do anything out of bed, but then that's exactly what I should be doing anyway.
I got a report on the other guards health yesterday. Dolores and Elijah. She was the least hurt out of all of us, just a dislocated arm, mild whiplash, and some really bad glass cuts on her chest and arms, she's home recovering with her husband and kids. Elijah was the driver and got knocked unconscious with a bad concussion, his entire left arm was sliced by glass and metal, he lost a lot of blood like me and is recovering just as slow as I am. He opted to stay in the lab medical ward because he doubts his roommate can care for him at home, he's on a lot of pain meds, so he sounded distant on the phone. I think out of all of us, he's going to take the most time to recover. I told him I'd pray for him and if he wants, I can visit. He appreciated that a lot. I thanked Dolores for helping us that night, she was the one trying her best to keep us alive and sent the distress signal on our ARK devices so they could find us in the dark. Without her, I think we would've bled to death.
God, it feels like a distant nightmare. I still can't figure out how we were knocked off the road like that. Something hit us out there and it was strong. I felt the impact in the backseat, but I didn't see it. Dolores says it looked like a bear, but bears aren't that strong. Eli says he saw horns, so maybe a bison. Bison are that strong, especially against a little jeep. The incident is still under investigation. The lab is also very concerned about how this happened. It's possible the same thing that hit us, has been tampering with the fence.
One less thing to worry about is the hospital bill, the accident happened on lab grounds, everything is taken care of through them, probably because they don't want to get sued. They are giving us another two weeks before we report back in to the doctor for another round of tests and physical tests, as well as check to see if my stitches were still secure. Our return to work solely depends on our results, we may not be able to come back until late April. They really want to be sure we're okay. Because I'm an 'Ophanim' aka Tier 3 guard, I'll also be given a mental test before being hooked back into Selene. They just want to be sure there's no cognition issues and I can sync properly to her. I may have to do a refresher since I've been away for so long, but I'll worry about that when it comes.
Well, if you read this far, thanks. I hope I didn't scare you all too much. I am doing a lot a better though, I promise. I'm getting stronger everyday, though activity on this blog will be slow. Send me some prayers, good vibes, whatever. I'd really appreciate anything. Hope you've had a good month, better than mine hopefully.
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Soul of a Lion (Chapter 5)
Sequel to The Smallest Blade.
Summary: After the Red Lion steals them away from the Marmora base and takes them through a wormhole, Shiro, Keith, Katla, and Lance find themselves in front of a majestic castle with nowhere to go but inside. The events that unfold while they’re there will change the fate of the universe.
Also posted on AO3 under the username “kishirokitsune”.
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5 | One Step Forward
Katla woke with a harsh gasp, nearly choking on air, her heart pounding so hard in her chest that she could hear it in her ears. She sat up and frantically looked around the unfamiliar room, her panic rising when she didn't see anyone else. She was on her feet and out the door before she could stop and think about what she was doing and she only stopped once she reached Keith's door and had her hand poised to knock.
She slowly lowered her hand.
“What am I doing?” Katla whispered to herself, backing away. She didn't really want to wake him after their late night up on the holo-deck just because she suffered from a little nightmare.
Instead of bothering Keith, Katla turned to the other person who had been there for her through the years.
She didn't bother knocking on the door and instead opened it right up before stepping just inside the doorway. “Shiro?” she whispered, hoping to gently wake him. “Shiro, can I sleep in here?”
Shiro made a groaning sound. “Katla, wha...? Yeah. Of course you can.”
Katla crossed the room and slid under the blankets next to Shiro, cuddling in close and breathing in his soothing scent as she closed her eyes. “Thank you.”
“Mmm hmm... S'everything alright?” he slurred.
“Just a nightmare,” Katla admitted, seeing no point in hiding it. “I'm okay. Just didn't want to be alone.”
Shiro didn't ask why she didn't go to Keith. He simply wrapped an arm around her, silently offering the comfort she sought, which helped her drift peacefully back to sleep.
Her dreams, if she had any, were peaceful after that and when Katla woke again it was with the slow awareness that she was wrapped up in Shiro's warm embrace. Rather than feel embarrassed about running to him like a lost cub, Katla purred and snuggled against him, eliciting a chuckle from her mentor.
“Sleep well?” he asked.
Katla nodded. “Thanks for letting me stay.”
“I meant it when I said that I'm here whenever you need me,” Shiro told her. “Do you want to talk about your nightmare?”
“Nah, I can't even remember what it was about. Probably nothing important,” Katla said. She breathed in deeply and then extracted herself from the blankets and Shiro's hold, shivering as she got out into the chillier air of the room despite the long sleeves of her borrowed nightgown. “It did help me work up an appetite though. I'm starving.”
“Oh? Are you sure it isn't because of your late night adventure to the holo-deck?” Shiro teased.
Katla sputtered in surprise. “Wha- but how did you know about that?!”
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “You grew up in a secretive organization whose primary focus is covertly gathering information and you're really going to ask me how I found out?”
“Fair point,” Katla muttered, looking away from him. She left before he could tease her anymore and retreated to her room where she dressed in a clean set of clothing that she found in the drawers. It was too soft and too bright for her tastes, but she supposed it was preferable to wearing her sweat-soaked uniform for a third day. (She'd have to make sure and ask Hunk how they handled laundry in the castle.)
She ran a brush through her hair before leaving her room. Once she was back in the hall, she found that Shiro had rounded up Keith and Lance, who were also dressed and ready for a new day.
Keith bent over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek, wishing her a good morning before straightening back up. “Ready to go play nice with the Alteans?”
Katla crinkled her nose at the reminder.
After his lunch with Allura the day before, Shiro returned with news that they would have breakfast with their hosts to try and get to know each other better.
To say that they were not looking forward to it was an understatement.
“I think I'd rather eat more food goo,” Lance said with a loud groan.
Shiro gave him an unimpressed look. “They're willing to make an effort for us and I'd like it if we did the same for them. Listen, Allura said she wants to talk to us about the Lions today, so please be on your best behavior. If you don't have anything nice to say, then just don't say anything.”
“Now you sound like mom,” Katla teased him.
“Does that mean you'll listen to me?” Shiro asked.
“It means I'll think about it,” Katla cheekily responded.
Keith coughed to try and cover up his laugh, but he couldn't fool Katla. He was well aware of how often she listened to what her mom told her to do, mostly because he was right there by her side whenever it happened.
Shiro didn't bother trying to wrangle a promise out of any of them and settled for getting them over to the dining room without Lance feigning illness to try and get out of it.
Katla wasn't going to pretend like she knew what was going through Lance's head. She would have thought he'd be excited to be around other Alteans, but instead, he was taking even longer to warm up to them than he did on a base surrounded by those he had grown up calling the enemy. She'd call it a puzzle except he'd been pretty vocal about his reasons for not liking them.
“Hey,” she said quietly, nudging his arm as they approached the dining room. “You can handle this.”
Lance managed a smile just for her. “I think I deserve a reward after this.”
“When we go down to the holo-deck I'll let you make fun of Keith when I trip him up.”
“Hey!” Keith protested.
All of their joking subsided once they were standing in front of the door to the dining room and Katla immediately found herself missing the playful atmosphere they had cultivated on their walk over.
Maybe Shiro had a good point about learning to get along and work together. (Something that would be no problem with Hunk, who was friendly enough that she wanted to get along with him.) Being angry and annoyed wasn't only exhausting, it also meant they were no closer to figuring out a way to get home.
If only the Red Lion were a little less stubborn.
The door slid open and Allura rose from her seat at the head of the table to welcome them to breakfast, which was already laid out. Coran, who sat at her left, nodded in greeting, while Hunk, who was on her right, lifted a hand and waved cheerfully.
Breakfast went well, all things considered, though Lance didn't say a word to anyone the entire meal, and Allura struggled to get Coran involved in any conversation for more than a few ticks. Allura, Shiro, and Hunk were the ones who kept things flowing, but even with that Katla was thankful when they all finished eating and the kitchen robots arrived to clear the table.
“I've given it some thought and I believe that the first thing we need to do is locate the other Lions,” Allura stated. “It's only when all five of them are together that Voltron can be formed.”
“Voltron?” Katla murmured the question to Keith, who shrugged.
Apparently, she wasn't quiet enough, because Allura turned to Hunk with a look of surprise. “I thought you said that you told them!”
“Didn't I?” Hunk asked, sounding confused. “I thought... I must have only told them about the Lions and how I think they're the new paladins.”
Allura sighed. “It's alright, Hunk. Voltron is, well, it's what happens when the five Lions combine into one. The original paladins used him to keep peace throughout the galaxy. The four of you will use him to defeat Zarkon and return peace to the universe.”
Katla had a question dancing on the tip of her tongue (or rather, many questions), but Keith beat her to it.
“Shouldn't there be five of us? One for each Lion?”
“You are correct,” Allura acknowledged. “Currently, we're going on the assumption that the four of you are chosen because the Red Lion brought you here. It either means that we have yet to meet the fifth or that there is something preventing them from being here with us.”
The second Allura was done speaking, Katla jumped in with a round of rapid-fire questions and only stopped because Shiro pointedly cleared his throat. She would have slumped back and pouted if not for the fact that Allura began to carefully address each of her questions.
Katla didn't fully know what Shiro and the princess had talked about the day before, but whatever it was had put Allura in a more agreeable mood.
“We do not currently know where the three missing Lions are, however, I believe I have a way of locating them. You see, each Lion has their own unique energy signature and their method of choosing their paladin involves finding someone whose quintessence closely mirrors their own. Once they do that, it creates a bond between Lion and paladin. Using that bond, I should be able to locate the missing three and discover who has been chosen by which Lion.”
It all sounded a little far-fetched to Katla. Quintessence was just energy. Some forms of it could be traced, but she'd never heard of it forming connections or bonds that could be followed over long distances.
Allura took a moment to look around at them all. “I will need to sit with each of you but only one at a time. It's a process that could take vargas before I can see any kind of connection, so it would be best to only do one per day.”
Lance scowled.
“I don't mean to be rude, but I don't see how any of what you're saying is possible. I mean, the Empire has had all of this time to track down the Lions and they've only come close to one of them, as far as we know. So how is it that you can track their energy without knowing which direction to look?” Katla asked.
To her surprise (and likely to Shiro's relief) Allura didn't appear at all bothered by the question.
“It's because I won't be using technology to track them, but a gift passed down from my mother,” Allura said with a smile.
Coran made a small noise of protest.
Allura held up a hand to stop whatever he was about to say. “It's alright, Coran. The Aspects that are gifted to Alteans are hardly a secret that needs to be kept and I am proud to speak of mine.”
What followed was a crash course in what Allura called Altean “aspects”, which Katla eagerly listened to and absorbed. It had never occurred to her to ask Lance about how he was able to shape-shift and being handed the information was an eye-opener. (Just how strong was Lance if he was able to hold his shift for as long as he did?) But what sounded the most interesting by far was the Aspect of Spirit, which allowed Allura to manipulate quintessence and use it in a way that sounded like magic.
“Every living thing leaves behind a trace amount of quintessence wherever it goes, and that includes the Lions,” Allura explained. “When the Red Lion responded to you, Keith, it formed a connection between the two of you. Theoretically, since each of you has had contact with her and because we're going by the assumption that the Red Lion brought you all here because you're meant to be the new paladins, that means you each now have a connection with the Lion who most closely mirrors your quintessence.”
“But if the Red Lion also has a bond with the others, couldn't you just use her to find them?” Keith asked.
Allura nodded. “You raise an excellent point, Keith. We currently have two of the Lions here at the Castle and I could use either of them, provided that they allow me to get close. I'd prefer keeping that option as a back-up plan. The real question is: who would like to go first?”
Keith and Katla exchanged a quick look. There was no question in their minds as to who would volunteer.
Sure enough, Shiro told her that he would go first. He stood and quietly reminded Katla, Keith, and Lance to be on their best behavior while he was away, and then followed Allura out of the dining room.
She didn't speak as she led him through the halls and up several staircases, but Shiro found that the silence didn't bother him. Instead, it allowed him time to get his thoughts in order. It didn't take him long to land on a somewhat important question that none of them thought to ask.
“Princess, you said that the Lions choose their pilots based on who best mirrors their quintessence, but what does that mean, exactly?” Shiro asked politely.
Allura slowed a little as she responded. “An easier way to put it would be to say that there are certain... qualities that the Lions seem to be drawn to. For example, the Red Lion is the fastest of the five and is known for being stubborn and a little temperamental. She needs a paladin who can keep up. Someone who relies on instinct more than skill.”
That did sound like Keith, though Shiro didn't dare say that out loud.
“The Black Lion, as the head of Voltron, needs someone with exemplary leadership skills. Someone able to make the right decisions in the heat of battle and who has the respect of their fellow paladins,” Allura said. There was an odd tone to her voice as she spoke of the Black Lion and she narrowed her eyes into an almost glare as she stared down the hall.
Shiro eyed her curiously but didn't say a word, hoping she would tell him more on her own, but she didn't get the chance to as they came to a door and Allura stopped walking.
“This is the Serenity Garden. It was designed by my mother to aid with my training when I was young. I find it helps me center myself whenever I need to focus and that makes it perfect for what needs done today,” she explained.
“So, it's for meditation?” Shiro guessed.
Allura nodded and opened the door.
The Serenity Garden lived up to its name, though it looked nothing like what Shiro expected it to. He'd imagined a literal garden full of green, growing things, but instead, there were white walls made of a stone that bore some resemblance to the material used in the rest of the castle, but far more water-resistant as it had to withstand the constant flow of a fountain, which sent water cascading down three of the walls of the room. It gathered in a shallow pool that ran the length of the walls and extended no more than a foot from the base of them.
The lights were embedded into the walls and refracted through the water to create an effect that made Shiro feel as though they were underwater. He held up his hand as he stepped inside and watched it play across his skin with some fascination.
“We should get comfortable. It's hard to say how long this will take,” Allura suggested, gesturing toward the pile of large, squishy pillows in the center of the room.
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They didn't stay in the dining room for very long after Shiro and Allura left. Lance had barely paid attention to what was said between the time the pair left to the rest of them getting up, but as he tried to follow Keith and Katla, who he assumed were going back to the holo-deck, Keith stopped him and gestured toward Hunk.
“Weren't you listening? Hunk wants your help looking over the shuttles down in the hangar while we go with Coran to check on that teludav thing,” Keith said.
“I didn't agree to that!” Lance yelped.
“We know. We volunteered you to go while you were daydreaming,” Keith said, making a sort of 'go on' gesture. “It'll be fine, Lance. We'll see you in a few vargas.”
Lance's jaw dropped as Katla and Keith walked away, leaving him completely alone with Hunk. It felt like he was waking into a nightmare and he didn't know how to get out of it.
He didn't know the first thing about Altean shuttles! It wasn't like they had any back home and even if they did, he still doubted that he would know anything about them. That honor would be reserved for those with the skills to properly understand how to fly and make repairs to them.
And besides that, he wanted nothing to do with the other Alteans.
Lance knew he was supposed to be trying to get along with them and he didn't want to disappoint Shiro, but he just couldn't bring himself to try.
He didn't want to get along with them.
He didn't want to like them.
And if not for the fact that knowing which shuttles were in working condition would benefit him, Lance would have gone back to his room and locked the door. Was it childish? Sure. But ultimately it would be better than losing his temper and screwing everything up.
Lance counted himself lucky when he saw that there were only three shuttles in the hangar. They were significantly smaller than the Red Lion and were also bulky, which led him to assume that they were solely for transport rather than defending the castle. He could be wrong. It could always be a case of appearances being deceiving, they just didn't look maneuverable to him.
“Alright, let's pop one of these open and see what we're doing with!” Hunk said enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together.
Lance silently followed him to the first shuttle and watched with mild interest as Hunk opened the access plate that protected the engine. He couldn't make heads or tails of any of the wires or tubes or other components that were inside, so instead, he paid more attention to Hunk and tried to judge what state it was in based on the expressions on his face.
“Looks like some stress damage along this support beam. It never got fixed after the last time it flew, so we'll have to replace that. Also looks like the cooling system will need flushed, but I kind of expected that. All of them will need a good thorough cleaning,” Hunk said, swiping a finger across the surface of one of the tubes. “And, of course, everything will need to be recharged. The crystals will be so drained that we'll be lucky if any of them have the smallest amount of power left for Allura to spark. We may need to find a Balmera, though I'd hate to set off without any of these working, even if we have all of the Lions.”
Lance wondered if he was supposed to respond.
Hunk hummed as he leaned in deeper, trying to see a little farther back. “I'll need a scanner to give it a proper check up. Could you grab it for me? It's the smallest device with the orange handle hanging on that wall over there.”
Lance turned his attention to the wall Hunk gestured at. There were all kinds of tools hanging on pegs, but he easily spotted a small one with its handle entirely wrapped in orange. He retrieved it and took it back to Hunk, who thanked him with a beaming smile.
“I always like to look it over myself first to see what I can spot, then I use the scanner to catch what I've missed or can't see from this angle,” Hunk explained as he turned it on and pointed it into the engine. “It probably sounds like I'm making more work for myself, but this is about testing myself and the scanner. If there's something obvious that I've missed then that means I need to work on my skills. If the scanner misses something that I noticed, then it needs to be re-calibrated.”
Lance made a sort of agreeing sound just because it seemed like the right thing to do.
Hunk turned on the scanner and waited a few ticks before launching a set of discs from the top of it. They hovered in the air and beeped as they lit up blue before zipping into the compartment to take readings.
Hunk turned the scanner so that Lance could see the screen as well. “See? It picked up on the stress damage I mentioned, but there are also hairline fractures along that same piece.”
Once the scanner was through with its evaluation, Hunk printed out a list of repairs that needed done and stuck it to the side of the shuttle right next to the engine panel. “Coran will want to take a look before we start any major repairs. This is his area of expertise, after all. All I can do right now is remove the power crystal and take it to Allura. Did I already say she'd be able to recharge them? Her strongest gift is Spirit, so she can use her own energy to refuel these small crystals.”
They moved onto the next one, which was alright aside from a bit of dust and another crystal in need of power. Hunk slapped a label on it anyway and then there was only one shuttle left to examine.
Lance started to make his way over to it, but only got a few steps before he realized Hunk wasn't following him. He slowed to a stop and looked back to see the other Altean was bent over the housing chamber for the crystal and carefully disconnecting it. Lance stifled a groan and instead crossed his arms over his chest.
“You know, there's something that's been bothering me,” Hunk said conversationally. “I can't explain what it is, exactly. It's more of a feeling.” He yanked the crystal free from its compartment and held it out towards Lance. “Come here and hold this for me?”
Lance hesitantly walked forward and took it from Hunk. It was a pretty thing, roughly the size of his fist and shaped sort of like an obelisk with a wider and broken base. As he looked at it, he started to see a soft glow in the center.
“I kept thinking about that first night when I gave you and Katla the crystal that powered your device, even though it shouldn't have been able to. But no matter how many times I went through that memory, something wasn't adding up,” Hunk said quietly.
When Lance tore his gaze away from the crystal in his hands, it was to find Hunk watching him with a sad look in his eyes.
“Lance, only an Altean has the ability to recharge these crystals once they're removed from the Balmera.”
Lance's stomach swooped unpleasantly. He took a step back in alarm as his heart-rate accelerated, his words catching in his throat along with his breath as panic began to take hold.
“It's true, isn't it? You're Altean?” Hunk asked, his voice cracking. “We're not the last ones?”
Hunk took a step forward. “Lance, it's okay. You don't need to hide who you are. You're safe here!”
Lance shook his head and shoved the crystal against Hunk's chest, barely giving him time to grab it before he let go. “No, you're wrong,” he said before turning on his heel and fleeing the hangar, leaving Hunk even more confused than before.
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Keith was pretty sure that Lance was going to try and smother both him and Katla in their sleep after the stunt they pulled. He couldn't bring himself to feel too apologetic about it, since splitting up any other way would mean that he would have to be apart from Katla and he still didn't trust the Alteans enough to leave her alone with them. (Not that Katla couldn't take care of herself – she was trained by Shiro, after all.)
And since she was interested in learning more about something called a teludav, Keith was going along with her.
“This is so cool!” Katla enthused as Coran opened the door for them. “Keith, we're the first people in ten-thousand years who have the opportunity to learn how Alteans used to travel across vast expanses of space in a short amount of time! This is technology that even Slav hasn't figured out and he's been working towards this for decaphoebs!”
Keith smiled fondly as she continued to ramble on about how it was theorized to work. Even Coran chuckled in amusement at some of the ideas that had been proposed over the years.
“I think you'll find that it is both more simple and infinitely more complicated than any of that,” Coran said as the door slid open. “May I present to you: the teludav chamber!”
It was a smaller room than Keith expected, with consoles to the left and right along the walls. Directly across from the entrance was a circular opening that led into a long tube lined with odd-looking discs.
“Amazing,” Katla breathed in soft awe. “How does it all work? Do you put those discs into your ships and that's how you travel?”
Coran shook his head. “Each and every one of those lenses is precisely where it needs to be. Their placement is carefully calculated down to the very last detail so that the teludav works with the optimal power needed to create wormholes.”
“Like the one that brought us here?” Keith asked.
Coran looked a little startled by the question. “You came here by wormhole? I suppose if there was residual power left over...” He shook his head. “Yes, I imagine that it's exactly like the one that brought you here.”
Keith glanced over at Katla, who was practically vibrating, she was so excited. “So, what do you need us to do? I mean, we've never encountered tech like this, so how can we help?”
“It's quite simple, really. Our job tonight is to clean each and every one of those lenses and make sure there are no cracks or chips in them. That way, once we're ready to lift off and leave Arus, the castle will be in tip-top shape and ready to fly wherever we need!”
Katla reacted to what Coran was saying a split second before Keith could.
“This castle is a ship!?”
As Katla began to ask a whole round of new questions, Keith mentally crossed off going back to the holo-deck on his list of plans for the day. There was zero chance of convincing Katla to train when there was even more new technology for her to explore than they'd initially thought and he was going to be by her side every step of the way.
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hpdabbles · 4 years
More on the Pretty Ron Au. Does he suddenly ask Lavander and Parvarti for help, advice? Become Dobby’s student? Take over Harrys wardrobe (we all know he also has horrible clothes outside uniforms), Hermione’s hair? Just. I really like that this seems something that can makr him happy. Suppotive friends while he tries things.
Ron glances over at the Witch Weekly, attempting to follow the photos that are demonstrating how to properly style curly hair. He has rapidly become a fan of Miss. Trends- the pen name of the woman who does the hair and makeup advice column- but he’s hasn’t actually been able to try her techniques until now.
“Am I hurting you, Hemione?” He asks worried that he may be tugging on her hair too roughly to place into the buns. Miss Trends assured the coconut oil would help the curls be easier to work with but he isn’t sure if he’s been as gracefully as she is in the pictures, especially on those twists.
“I’m fine Ron. You’re being very gentle, it actually feels lovely.” His best friend assures. She gives him an encouraging smile through the muggle full body mirror her parents sent. They had set it up in a corner of the common room, using some chairs as a makeshift wall to mark their area, and slowly but surely, Ron been transforming the corner into his workshop.
Nothing too extreme, mostly he just worked on anyone’s hair that allowed him to- at first that was only Hermione or Harry but slowly more and more Gryffindors wandered closer as he got better-  while he started to collect fashion magazines, articles of clothes to practice. Dobby would appear at least once a day to teach him, all the skills he learned as a house elf for the Malfoy family, and for an hour Ron would sit in his corner soaking up as much information as he could.
Harry had even gone a step further, ordering mannequins, clothes, and the basic tools he needed to learn to make clothes. The first thing he did was adjust his school robes to finally fit him, and he beams in the body mirror when the adjustments make him seem lean.
Was that always how he looked? Had he always naturally look that well? 
For a while, Ron feared people would mock him, but after Fred and George made it clear they would retaliate if anyone so much as snickered, the Gryffindor house let him be. Ron of course was confused about why the twins would do so- and a bit weary he admits- but his brothers had winked and promised they would sell his clothes in their joke shop if he needed help in getting his name out there.
It took Harry pointing out that Ron’s new goal of being the pretty Weasley could be a career, especially if he made and sold his own designs. The twins took that as another Weasley wanting to own a shop like them, thus making Ron a kindred spirit and they show him the support they wanted all along.
The sentiment may have caused the youngest Weasley male to tear up but it also opens his eyes. He could have a store. Ron could make clothes that would help everyone who ever felt like him- ugly, unimportant, trapped, insecure- and let them blossom and glow. 
He may not be the first Weasley to own a shop, because Fred and Goerge weren’t going to let anything stop them, but he would be the pretty one with the pretty outfits and that was all his!
“It’s looking amazing Ron!” Lavender gushes as she hurries over. Ever since the Yule ball a few months ago, she and Parvarti had taken to stop and chat with him. At first, he was a little confused, especially since as long as he could remember Lavender had always been a bit odd around him. She giggled too much, had dry eyes since she blinked a lot, and generally seemed nervous all the time.
Then four days after the ball she walked up to him when he was alone. “I just want to know...you and Harry...is it true he flies both types of brooms?”
Ron knowing Harry didn’t mind people knowing he liked males and females after double checking with his best friend nodded. He had been used to people asking him the question, even after the news of Harry’s sexuality being broadcasted the very morning after the ball in all wizarding publications. She had taken a big breath before squaring her shoulders. “You only fly one right?”
“That’s right.” Odd no one really asked him, but he only noticed girls before. Not that he isn’t curious about boys but he doesn’t think it counts to be curious. He’ll have to ask Bill when he sees his brother next time. 
“Okay. Thank you for being honest with me.” Lavender's eyes had gotten glossy like she was on the verge of tears but before Ron could ask she turn and fled. Weeks later  Lavender approached him again but this time she did so after overhearing him trying to explain to his clueless friends what Winter and Spring colors were. Hermione looked best in winter while Harry was definite Spring he felt which she agreed though Harry had to be shades of green for his eyes.
Soon he found himself a new friend. With her came Parvarti, who Ron concluded was madly in love with Lavender, and the three often spent an hour going over trends and hairstyles. 
“You should tie it with the silver-blue ribbons. They make her eyes look even lovelier.” She suggested handing over the ribbons and Hemione beams at her. It always made him happy to see her getting along with more people in the house.
“You’re right. I just have to get it to fall around her face to frame it-there it is!” He stepped back nervously running his hand over his other hand as Hermione turns her head to see the messy rose bun he made her. She lights up in glee.
“Ronald! It’s perfect! Oh, and it looks so nice with the dress you picked for me” She stands to twirl in the light blue sweater dress that he coupled with a black outer robe and wool cap for her date with Victor. She would be spending the trip to Hogsmedes with him while Ron walked around with Harry. Thus the life of he single friends. 
“Would you like me to do your make-up?” Parvarti offers kindly. “Something light of course.”
“Yes please.” 
Ron steps back, letting the girls put the finishing touches on Hermione happy he managed the difficult hair style. He looks at his reflection while he passes to take a seat, grinning as the adjustments he made to his clothes recently make him appear as good looking as Harry.
Casually handsome, like he is trying but it’s not obvious he trying. Ron is very happy Harry has allowed him to take over his  wardrobe, because while he was hesitate to waste his gold on himself, the Boy-Who-Lived saw no reason to say no when Ron order new outfits for him. He got better at picking the right clothes and soon Harry was not only famous but one of the best dress in Hogwarts. It excited Ron to be his personal fashion designer. 
Maybe he could add that type of service for his shop...food for thought. 
Ron does notice his hair has fallen to the side, and attempts to finger comb it, still not used to it being this short but he does like it more. He’ll have to couple the red with the dark brown beanie, scarf and glove set he recently bought with the small coins he made from repairing some uniforms for his housemates. 
“Ron, I think you should pay Harry some attention” Lavender whispers into his ear as she helps push some stubborn strands of red hair under his hat for him. He blinks at her confused. 
Tilting her chin to where Harry is watching with a tapping foot and crossed arms on a love seat alone, he looks awfully impatient, she smirks. “I think he’s a little jealous of the attention you’ve been getting lately.”
He rolls his eyes.  “I’m spending the whole day with him. Why he always gets this bloody needy is beyond me.”
“He can’t help it. You are pretty good looking, and people are starting to notice. Harry is scared his boyfriend will get bored of him”
He laughs at her joke but does stand to walk over to his best friend, waving a hand. “I could never get bored of him.”
Harry’s green eyes light up at his approach and he scrambles to his feet. “Ready to go? I heard about this tea shop on high street. Madam Puddifoot’s”
“That’s a couple place Harry” Ron said which caused his friend to turn bright red, so he hastily adds on. “I can’t wait to have some of those famous couples cakes I hear so much about.” 
Harry is still blushing but at least he doesn’t look so unsure anymore. Ron is glad he never wanted to make Harry uncomfortable. Plus his best friend seemed quite excited for the tea shop and who was he to deny the bloke his request to go there? 
As it turned out, going to the cafe was the perfect idea because right across the little tea shop he spotted a closed down building with large circular windows that stole his breath. It may have been boarded up, but everything to the red bricks, white window sills and gleaming sign with the faded words fashion had him realizing he really did now have a dream.
Harry pulled out his chair for him as Ron gaped at the building. “That’s the one.”
“That building over there.” He pointed making Harry twist around to see, “that’s the one where I’m going to put my robe store.”
Harry gave him a soft smile. He did that a lot, like a part of him was utterly smitten and it made a strange warmth spread through Ron’s chest.  “I think it’s perfect. Feels right. Tell me about how you would decorate it.”
Ron open his mouth and found he could not stop, babbling like a loon about all the ideas bursting to life in his mind, of the designs he’s been thinking of and the newest project he has been working on with Dobby. Harry placed his face in his hands and stared at him the whole time that strange soft smile never once leaving his face. 
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