#but they don't know they're both alive and in hogwarts right?
iamnmbr3 · 6 months
I LOVE your meta! <3 can you tell me your opinion about the development of draco's and harry's feelings for each other as it was accidentally written into the story (even tho JKR clearly didn't intend for a romance)? when did you think it started for both boys? i'd be very interested to know what you think. :)
Thank you!!!! <3 What a great question. I've gotten so many good asks lately.
I don't think there was one definable moment. I think it grew between them. They were both drawn to each other in some ways right from day 1 and spent seven years paralleling and orbiting each other.
Draco tries to befriend Harry before he even knows who he is (even though Harry looks rather scruffy and surely Draco must already know the children of all the "important" Pureblood families). And then he tries again once he knows who Harry is and spends years smarting at Harry's rejection, seemingly unable to move on from it or from Harry.
He's determined to be a part of Harry's life, if not as a friend then as a rival. He can't cope with Harry's disregard and constantly seeks attention from him. Even Lucius can't stop him from openly antagonizing Harry despite cautioning Draco in book 2 that it's unwise to be so openly hostile to Harry at this point.
Meanwhile Harry constantly watches what Draco does and even dreams about him his very first night at Hogwarts. After being nearly murdered by Voldemort at the end of book 1, during the summer before his second year Harry thinks of Draco as his arch nemesis and also thinks about how he kinda misses him.
For the first 5 years they know each other, Draco's entire life revolves around Harry whereas Harry has other things that he's dealing with though he's always extremely aware of and attuned to Draco. In some ways this might lead one to think that Draco is aware of his feelings a lot earlier. But honestly I think they're both in deep denial, though I do think perhaps Draco has more of an inkling since he is the one seeking Harry out.
Still, given the sharpening lines of the war, especially from book 4 on, I think Draco knows this is something that he should not and cannot feel or pursue and he tries to tell himself it's just dislike. Especially since mortifyingly Harry despises everything he thinks he believes in.
I think Draco would be the first to admit it to himself though. Probably during 7th year, once he's started to realize how wrong he's been about so many things and once he's been forced to confront the fact that he is not and will never be the person he's supposed to be, that he hates and fears Voldemort and the Death Eater cause, and that he hopes somehow, somewhere Harry is alive and that all the whispers about him being the Chosen One are true and that he really can end this.
And maybe in that context he also starts to admit to himself that maybe he never really hated Harry after all, that maybe the whispered remarks his friends made when they were younger were true and maybe he does feel something for Harry other than disdain. And that maybe it's not just that he finds Harry's stupid messy hair and green eyes aesthetically pleasing. Maybe he actually likes him. As a person. Maybe he loves him.
By the time the war is over I think he's come come to terms with it. Harry is just another thing he's lost, his feelings for him another thing he realized far too late.
Meanwhile we know that from the end of book 6 on Harry stops thinking about Draco with rancor and instead pities and worries about him, doesn't blame him for anything, and tries to save him at every opportunity. However, Harry also has a job to do and he and Draco are on the opposite sides of a war. The reality is that nothing can come of any feelings Harry might have and 1 or both of them may very well not survive the war.
Harry compartmentalizes and shuts down all feelings he might have and all thoughts of what might have been. Especially after the Manor, when he realizes that Draco may well be tortured to death because of him, he blocks him from his mind. He can't afford to examine his feelings or he won't be able to go on. Plus, if Voldemort reads his mind it will put Draco in even more danger.
Besides, he has Ginny. Someone who is so much more acceptable to care about. Someone who symbolizes all the intangible things Harry imagines he will want after the war. I think post Manor is the closest Harry comes to really acknowledging and verbalizing to himself what he feels, but he doesn't quite get there. (Though you could also read it as Harry realizing his feelings after the Manor scene and then realizing how impossible it all is and shutting Draco out of his mind completely).
But then the war's over. Harry gets to have his relationship with Ginny. He gets to realize that somehow in the peace they don't quite click anymore. Maybe they drifted apart. Or maybe what they had wasn't that strong to begin with. He's not sure, though sometimes he remembers the way at the end of sixth year she thought he was going off to fight Voldemort because it was what would make him "happy" rather than because he felt he had to, and wonders if maybe they were never going to work out, no matter what.
And meanwhile Draco's cleaning up his life. Harry speaks for him at his trial. And somehow they find each other again in the postwar world. Because they always do. Because they haven't been able to do anything but orbit each other since they were 11. And when Harry looks at Draco he feels something. And maybe he's never really put it into words before, even to himself, but somehow it doesn't feel new at all. It feels inevitable.
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Secret Smokes (Part 2)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: 2267
A/N: Thank you for all the love on part 1, every nice comment gives me the motivation to keep posting!
This story takes place in a AU where Harry's parents are still alive so Remus Lupin still has all his friends and there is no war however that doesn't make him any less angsty. Everything else is pretty much the same as the canon universe! Enjoy!
 | SERIES MASTER LIST | Previous Chapter, Part 2, Next Chapter
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GIF by stephanieromanoff
The next day in class it felt like you and Lupin had your own little secret, when you walked in you could feel his eyes on you immediately, he smiled gently when your eyes met. After that there were no other abnormal interactions between the two of you, which in a way you felt great full for as you didn't want to feel uncomfortably in his lessons like you had something to hide. That evening you went back to the bridge to find Professor Lupin standing in the exact same place. "I didn't know you were such a creature of habit profesor." You said as a greeting.
"You obviously don't know me." He smiled gently at you. "When I was at Hogwarts I used to come to this very spot when I wanted some alone time. I had some of the best cigarettes of my youth in this very spot." He explained.
"Now that's not fair because this is where I've always gone to smoke. I think you need to leave Hogwarts profesor this bridge is not big enough for the two of us."
"Shame, I bought Camel Gold today." He pulled out the packet to show you.
"What I've only tried Camel Blue, can I have one." You asked on excitedly.
"I know as your teacher I should be worried by how much you just got excited over a cigarette packet but as a human I think it's funny." He said honestly.
"So can I try one?" You asked and he passed you one. "How come you've got muggle smokes?" You asked him.
"I prefer them, they have a camel on them." He shot a wink your way and you laughed.
"No but seriously, I thought wizards didn't think muggle ones were good enough." You asked.
"People just say that to sound better than muggles, I like to be honest. For example the people who refuse to read muggle books... they're missing out on some of the best literature they'll ever read because they're elitist." You liked this side of your Professor.
"Professor Lupin, I think you just became my favourite teacher." You said.
"You became my favourite student when you gave me a smoke." He shot another wink at you as he stood leaning back on the wood, with hands in his pockets looking at you.
"You're not supposed to have favourites you know." You teased him. He raised his eyebrows in shock and shot back. "You're not supposed to smoke on school grounds, you know." You laughed and he took another drag while smiling. Not much else was said, he finished his cigarette checked his watch like the night before and said he should get back, then echoing once again that you should make your way back to your dorm so you don't get in trouble for wandering the halls.
You watched him walk away, he had one hand in his pocket, never looking back at you as he walked into the darkness. You followed after he left your site and walked back to the common room. When you entered Percy was sitting reading a book near the door almost as if he was waiting for you. "What time do you call this L/N?" He said mockingly.
"Shut it Weasley." You replied sitting down beside him.
"Has Y/N gotten a new boyfriend already?" He asked lifting his eyebrow.
"No nothing like that Percy, my dear boy, you have nothing to worry about." You said resting a head on his shoulder.
"I know you attract trouble Y/N, both in boys and just how you like to spend your time." Percy began to gently lecture you.
"Are you my dad Percy?" You asked poking him.
"Y/N, I know you want a muggle job but please don't spend all your messing around with some boy and pulling pranks." He continued.
"Okay Percy this is not becoming a fun conversation, I was just having a smoke." You said.
"That's another thing you need to-" Percy began as you stood up and walked away.
"Is Percy lecturing you?" Fred said as he entered the room.
"Yup, telling me no to pranks and boys." You pouted and Percy rolled his eyes.
"He's just jealous, but we all know if you went for a Wesley you'd be choosing me or George not Percy." He said with a wink.
"You all disgust me, I'm going to bed." You said before leaving the room. You knew Percy was right and cared but you just wanted a pain free last year. The Weasley boys all cared for you a lot, they were like you wizard family, you even joined them on holidays sometimes. They were a welcoming family and whoever the children befriend would always be welcome in their home. Over summer you went camping with the Weasley family, Harry Potter joined and so did Hermione Granger. You got along with Hermione quite a lot as you shared many similarities, however she happily immersed herself in the wizarding world unlike you. Even though she was younger than you she always felt like someone you could have real conversations with. You considered yourself a friendly person but apart from the Weasley twins and Hermione you didn't have anyone else you could have truly deep conversations with, not even Percy as he worries too much.
You fell asleep thinking about Percy's words, however in the morning against his wishes you decided to skip most of your lessons. After breakfast you went outside to sit by the lake with a book, missing your first two lessons of the day. You decided to attend potions as you enjoyed it and found it a useful skill, when you entered the class Percy gave you a sad smile of disappointment. "Are you okay?" He simply asked instead of grilling you about skipping all the previous classes. "My mind was foggy when I woke up, I needed some air." You said and he gave you a nod.
"You can borrow my notes." He said and you thanked him. "You know Y/N, if you need to talk I'm here. If your brain is being difficult this year again we can help you through it." He continued sounding a bit too much like a teacher.
"It's fine it's just that feeling of being out of place again now that I'm back-" you began before Snape interrupted with "L/N. Weasley. Is your conversation more important than my class?"
"Sorry profesor." Percy and you quickly replied cutting your conversation short. Snape decided to keep you back after class to take away 5 points each and to tell you how important it is for you to focus this year words that made you want to roll your eyes. When you left you were already late for DADA. "Are you coming?" Percy asked and you shook your head no, he didn't ask any questions and just nodded his head. You walked back to the common room where you bumped into Fred and George who where also skipping, the three of you spent the time chatting and playing games and showing off trick to each other and didn't attend a single lesson for the rest of the day. You even had time to plan out a new minor prank and make plans to go to the three broomsticks soon as you need to go shopping for supplies for your prank anyway. In the evening you were in the common room mentally debating if you should head to the bridge today to meet Lupin as you did in fact miss his lesson, and if he sees you, you can't lie about being ill. You opened the Marauders map to check his location and noticed he was walking towards the bridge, you knew you can explain your way out of not being in his lesson today and that you wanted not only to smoke but also to talk to him so you headed to join him. As you approached he was in his usual spot leaning looking out as always, but today he wasn't smoking as you approached, he was waiting for you. You walked down the bridge towards him and he stood up straight and smiled taking out the cigarette out his pocket and offering you one as soon as you were an arms length away. "I feel bad taking yours." You said with a smile as you took one of your own out.
"I don't mind." He said gently. "Besides I like the company when I smoke, so it's in my interest for you not to smoke your whole stash before Christmas." He said knowingly.
"I can tell you've been through the pain of being a student that's addicted to nicotine." You said as you both lit your cigarette, he did it wand free you did it with a physically lighter.
"Weeks seem extremely long when you've run out and you know you're leaving Hogwarts in a week but it means a week with not a single smoke."
"Asking other to bump theirs." You added
"But they're all out too." He finished.
"You're a pro." You said with a smile making him laugh. Silence fell upon you before he spoke first.
"Did I do something to offend you Y/N?" He asked shocking you.
"What? No? Why?" You asked in confusion.
"You didn't attend class today." He simply stated turning to face you.
"Oh. That's nothing personal towards you profesor, I only attended one class today." You simply stated.
"Were you feeling ill? I'm sure Madame Pomfrey-" He began, giving you a perfect opportunity to lie.
"No." You simply said resulting in a surprised look from Lupin. "I just simply don't see the point in attending classes." You explained and he gave you a puzzled look encouraging you to explain, you looked away from him into the distance before speaking. "I'm getting a muggle job. So these exams mean nothing for my future."
"How can you be sure you'll never want a job in the wizarding world?" He questioned.
"Because I don't feel welcome by it. I'm an outsider, and I've always felt like wizards are afraid of me because I grew up as a muggle." You explained.
"You know there's many great witches and wizards who are muggle born. My mother was a muggle and I was raised in a mostly non-magic household."
"And do you feel welcome? Do you feel like they don't have prejudice against you and fear you?" You questioned and you could see you had gone too far as he looked taken aback and had a sad look on his face. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." You added.
"No, it's okay. Yes I do feel those feeling sometimes, more than you would imagine... for many reasons not just because of my parents. But I don't think that can control what you do. If you don't learn magic to your best abilities they win. They don't want you to know things like potions and defence against the dark arts because they're scared you and many other great wizards will stand up for the underdog. However if we don't learn this stuff, we let them win. Who will protect muggles during dark times, if not great witches like you?" He became very emotional and was the one to nearly say sorry this time but you responded before he could.
"You know professor, you make a good point." You said looking down in embarrassment as he was correct and you felt guilty for all the lessons you missed and the knowledge you could've gained. "No one ever put it like that... I've always been told but what if you want to work in magic, but I never thought about who is protecting the people who can't fight magic with magic." You continued.
"Since I was a child I hated magical beings, they scared me." Lupin began, opening up. "But i realised we can do amazing things, cure diseases, protect innocent lives all through magic, to completely block it out of your life because some horrible kids don't treat muggle born wizards kindly would be a mistake, instead spite them and learn more than them so you can protect people against them." He said, everything felt very personal and you appreciated his words even if he was saying it all just because he's your teacher.
"Thank you for that professor, that's probably the best advice I've heard from any teacher in this school." You admitted.
"I'd like to see our conversations as more than just a teacher talking to his student but as a friendly discussion, as I think sometimes bright young women like yourself need someone to talk to them honestly. I know I wish someone had a conversation like that with me when I was in your place." He said with a kind smile at the end. "Anyway, I must get back and so must you as I've talked for a bit too long and it's quite a bit past your curfew." He said checking his watch. "Would you like me to escort you back so you don't get in trouble for wandering the halls at night?" He offered.
"It's okay professor, I know how to sneak out after dark and not get caught." You said with a smile and he laughed softly.
"I'm sure you do." He shook his head as if to say that he knows it's wrong he's allowing you to smoke and sneak around at night but he finds it humorous. "Good night Y/N." He said before walking away. "Goodnight Professor Lupin."
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justonedrawer · 2 months
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I also took this chance to spill some lore about my MC's life. Warning: There's going to be information from things that happen and don't happen in later years. So proceed with your own caution and will.
Now storytime :D
6th birthday. 1979 is a happy year for baby Jane. She's not very aware of what's happening out in the wizarding world, and her family is not aboard on letting her know.
She happily celebrates her birthday just like the years before, her mom makes a cake, her dad helps her, and Jacob is by her side, as he says he will always be.
11th birthday. Things are gloomy in the Cleve household. Jacob has been reported missing for many months. The father, saying he couldn't take the situation, left. Leaving the house that was meant for four, to the mother Loraine and Jane.
Loraine, not being able to bear her son and husband's disappearance, turned to calming draughts and other substances that she thought would release her from her pain.
Jane's 11th birthday was lonely, she had gotten her Hogwarts acceptance letter earlier that day but didn't say anything. She's determined to go and find out what happened to her brother. As of that day, she wanted to spend it with the newer version of her mother, and a cupcake, cause as Loraine says, "There's no need for a big cake since there's only one to eat it."
12th birthday. A school year has passed and little Jane is confident she's on the right track. With her new friends by her side, Rowan, Ben and Penny, she believes her Hogwarts years will be much better than she anticipated.
13th birthday. Another curse has been broken and another friend has been collected. The fight will the Ice Knight had earned Jane a scar, small that looks like nothing. After the fight, Loraine has acknowledged Jane's well being and she's pleased she can rely on her friends. Bill has noticed the Cleve family is a bit off but pretends not to notice for his friend's day.
14th birthday. Jane begins to be more familiar with her friend-magnet gift. Her 3rd year was tough, with people facing their worst nightmare, but that doesn't stop them from breaking the curse. The gang has suprised Jane with a cake. It can't stand like a proper cake but she doesn't care, she's happy to be surrounded with people she loves.
15th birthday. The school year could have had a better conclusion. Jane is upset cause she was certain Jacob would be found in that cursed vault. To make things better, Loraine grounded her for the whole summer, both for the fact she had to serve detention and in hopes she'll drop the cursed vaults.
So for her birthday, Jane was alone once more. Well, kinda. The whole night she'd get letters from all of her friends. Some were even personally delivered by a certain bird boy that may or may not have wanted to see her.
16th birthday. Everybody is uneasy. Rakepick's betrayal had hurt the children deeply. Jacob had finally shown himself but his reunion with Jane had not been as sweet as she wanted. She's angry yes, and sad as well, but the cursed vaults are still out there and she has no time to waste with talking about her feelings.
17th birthday. Things have really gone downhill. Sure, the curse has been lifted. And Rakepick is in Azkaban. But their group is broken with two dear friends being gone by the Green Curse. She blames herself, she was there when it happened, she could have done something.
Everyone says it's not her fault, hell, even Merula and Ismelda. She's scared she can't protect anybody anymore. She's scared she won't be able to fight not only evil witches and wizards, but also a disease that has hit her gravely.
18th birthday. HAH SIKE THEY'RE ALIVE.
Things are much better for the gang. Rowan and Ben have awoken from their coma, Peregrine is gone and R has been defeated. Jane's health condition is not the best, but in general life is becoming more peaceful.
19th birthday. The gang has taken their own roads but still meet up for old time's sake. To celebrate birthdays and successes, or support eachother when things are not going to well.
After everything they've been through, with R, Peregrine, ROCC cases and Jacob, Jane has finally reached a point where she genuinely believes that they will be happy. That they will be okay.
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 5 months
Kind For You
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy
O/C: Sebastian Sallow x Edwart Thompson x Ominis Gaunt ✨️platonic✨️ (My OC)
Warnings: None:)
Word count: 1176
Chapter 3
Part 5
“Are you alive?” Sebastian spoke loudly after their battle against a bunch of goblins finally came to an end.
“I think so,” Edwart spoke, not bothering to get up just yet. 
“I confess, that was a bit more than I'd bargained for.”
“Yep.” Edwart agreed as he got up. “Those loyalists deserved what they got”
“Couldn't agree more. Are you hurt anywhere? I think I still got a bottle of Wiggenweld.”
“No, I'm fine. Thanks.” Edwart said as both boys reached the ruins of a house. Sebastian started going on about how Anne got cursed. “... ‘Children should be seen and not heard.’ A blinding blast followed. They didn't even give her a chance to run.”
“Hmm,” Edwart muttered. “It seems an awfully violent response to a child wandering by. What were they trying to hide?”
“My thoughts exactly. It may be grasping at Billywigs. but I keep thinking that
there might be something here that could lead me to whoever cursed Anne. Might be the only way to learn what type of magic harmed her. Which could help me find a cure.”
“Perhaps you're right,” Edwart spoke while looking around. “The Loyalists are everywhere, but they do seem to be spending a lot of time here and they're likely hiding something.”
Edwart and Sebastian were examining the house and the surroundings were strangely familiar. But before Edwart had a chance to say anything. Sebastian called him over.
“And at Rookwood Castle.” Sebastian finished Edwart's sentence. “They seem to have set up camp here for a specific reason. They have stations for everything. Let's take a look around.” Sebastian finally.
“Edwart. Come, look at this. Looks like there is something behind this rubble.”
“Depulso” Edwart cast as the stones revealed a room.
“Hm. A stairwell.” Sebastian said genuinely surprised. “Why bother blocking a stairwell?”
“There might be something here worth a closer look,” Edwart said while carefully walking down the stairs. “Lumos!”
Edwart was looking around every corner making sure they didn't miss anything when he noticed Izadora Morganah's journal entries scattered across the floor.
They've examined a room covered in darkness and devil snare. 
“They've left all of this simply strewn about. Tells me they're after something bigger.”
“Found anything interesting?” Sebastian sounded behind Edwarts shoulder. But he kept his cool.
“No. Nothing too important.” Edwart shoved the pages in to his robe pocket. “There’s something behind that bookshelf…” Edwart casted basic cast destroying the bookshelves with ease. He saw something He didn't expect.
“No way” Edwart muttered “You're not going to believe this. I can see the Undercroft.”
“What. a daydream? Because that happens to me. too.” Sebastian said jokingly.
“I know it sounds strange bu-” 
“Honestly nothing you say sounds strange to me anymore.” Sebastian interrupted.
Edwart chuckled at that. “Fair enough. I can see the Undercroft through this stone as though it’s a window. This has happened before.”
“I’m listening,” Sebastian said intently watching his friend.
Edwart decided this was the moment to tell him about the ancient magic as well. He told him everything about Professor Fig's findings, his ability, and his running with the Ranrok in the Gringotts.
“I-” Sebastian stood dumbfounded for a minute. “I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that.” He scoffed a bit. “ I knew you weren't telling me everything. Ancient Magic, what's that even mean.”
“I'm not entirely sure but the keepers have said that it's a powerful magic that should only be wielded by a select few.”
“You can wield it? Who are these keepers? Like in Quidditch?”
Edwart went to explain everything further as truthfully as he could. Even through the complicated nature of things itself.
“...Ominis will be floored.” 
“I…already told Ominis. A while back.”
“Wait what?” Sebastian looked at Edwart with a shocked expression. “You told him before me?”
“I didn't intend to. I just came into the Undercroft one night and he caught me. He kept insisting why was I bleeding after-” Edwart kept on rambling as Sebastian interrupted him again.
“You were bleeding? What in Merlin’s name were you doing?” Sebastian was shocked by Edwarts behaviour.
“It just came out like that. I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I wanted to. I just never found the right words.”
“Ah.” Sebastian exhaled. “This entire situation is a mess. Let's just get back through that invisible secret ancient magic passageway you see.” Sebastian joked a little tiredly which Edwart noticed. It was a lot to comprehend. He didn't blame him.
“Grab my hand” Edwart instructed, feeling Sebastian's warm hand in his which made both of them blush ever so slightly. As they stepped through the mirror they found themselves standing in the Undercroft within seconds. 
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“Why would the door lead us here?” Sebastian wondered.
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“Sebastian, look!” Edwart pointed towards a familiar glow that quickly changed into a wooden statue. Sebastian and Edwart exchanged confused looks.
“What… is that?” Edwart said quietly as he stepped closer to open it. It was empty was missing 2 paintings and had a small note attached to the middle panel.
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“Why hide a triptych here?” Sebastian said. “It seems incomplete.”
“Yes, there's a note here. Like a clue…” Edwart thought 
“Anything helpful in that note?” Sebastian asked as he stepped closer.
“A rune symbol - I've seen similar symbols used by the Keepers.”
“I've been thinking - a 'Keeper' lived in that house centuries ago, and Ranrok and his lot have been searching there. You said that goblins may be wielding some form of
this ancient magic. Do you think Anne was cursed by ancient magic?”
“No.” Edwart shook his head. “I didn't see any traces of ancient magic around your sister. ” 
“Hmm. Very well. But, that doesn't mean it's not ancient magic. There's still so much we don't know about it.”
“True. Perhaps this triptych will lead us to answers.” Edwart examined the wooden structure again.
“Then we'll have to unravel what this all means. In the meantime.” Sebastian turned to Edwart. “Did I mention that, apparently, Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts?”
Edwart looked thrown off track. “ You did not. Any idea where in the castle?”
“No idea. Ominis just learned of it. I'll let you know what I find out.” Sebastian said with a small scowl. 
“Honestly I had no idea our visit to see Anne would unfold into all of this. My head's an utter mess. But I'm glad you told me everything you did.”
Edwart rubbed his neck with a small grimace “Yes. I am glad too.”
Sebastian smiled comfortingly as he put a hand on Edwart's shoulder. “I'll tell Ominis. Make it easier for you if you'd like.”
Edwart smiled back. “I would appreciate it.”
“No worries then. I’ll see you soon.” Sebastian smiled and with that, he left the Undercroft.
Edwart was beginning to feel something he's never felt before. He never had someone like Sebastian and Ominis. People that made him feel safe and secure. He started feeling like Hogwarts was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.
- - - - - - - - - Author's notes- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<Part 4 /// Part 6> 
Thank you so much for reading Part 5! Aaand we are done with the Feldcroft mission. Sebastian knows! (in game too) there's only so long you can lie to him (in game too) honestly this was the moment where their friendship only grows stronger!:D More Parts to come.
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themushroomgoesyeet · 8 months
Questions about wizarding world building: What was the wizarding world's reactions to recent world history?
When I read Harry Potter, I feel like I'm dropped into a bubble where for the most part, recent world history doesn't exist - Or at least, no one talks about it - which is stupid! Just because this stuff is technically "muggle affairs", doesn't mean that it doesn't affect the wizarding community too!
What do I mean by this? Well, in all of the books, it's mentioned here and there that the kids are learning wizard history, but they never bring up big events like, oh, I don't know, the world wars.
Sure, the stuff that's being taught isn't that recent, but you would think that that kind of thing wouldn't be mentioned from time to time, especially since it seems that the majority of the school population are either muggle borns or half bloods.
I'm racking my brain here and the only real world events that ever get mentioned are all the witch hunts in Germany and Salem (for obvious reasons) somewhere in the books, and WWI in the second fantastic beasts movie. Even then, there's not much of a reaction to either other than "oh, what a tragedy this is! Anyway".
(spoilers for fantastic beasts two) The fantastic beasts one especially concerned me, because here you have Grindelwald showing all these wizards visions of WWII, and all the wizards in the crowd just kinda sit there in shock while they watch a nuke go off, like they can't comprehend what they're looking at. The only one who's truly terrified and devastated is Jacob, apparently the only one there who actually experienced WWI first hand when he served as a soldier in the trenches.
Like, seriously??? How do you get so detached as a society that you miss both world wars??? Or space travel! I looked it up, Harry was born in 1981, 6 years after the moon landing. He may have missed the space race but he was still alive right when space travel became relevant. He would have been 6 when the Challenger exploded, and the end of the cold war happened during his first December at Hogwarts.
The fact that no one ever brings this up astounds me. No "Happy Christmas Harry, you get a Weasley sweater, an invisibility cloak, and the safety of knowing that the world is no longer under impending doom of nuclear war"
Like seriously, do the wizards know what nukes are or what they can do? Did any of them make a mad scramble to figure out a spell to shield from nuclear fallout? Were any wizards building bomb shelters in their backyards like the muggles?
Where was Harry & his friends when the twin towers fell? Bc that was 4 years after they graduated wizard school; what were they doing at that point?
And don't even get me started on the Internet; it was invented in 1983 so Harry and Hermione would have at least known about it before they went to Hogwarts
I have so many questions
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maelstroumwaterfall · 4 months
Arbormagic Syndrome | Chapter 12
I've finally managed to finish that🥲 I really like the result now and I guess spending more time on it then usually was worth it (at least I hope so)
I've added the part from pre-chapter but there's a mark when it ends so don't worry💝
It's the biggest chapter for know and I really hope u guys like it💝
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Chapter 12 | A right choice
Everyone wondered what this explosion was and were worried that the situation will become even more dangerous when after a half of an hour the headmaster acknowledged them that they could finally go back to their dorm rooms, but what he said then left them with the very wary feelings.
-We would be glad to say that we dealt with the situation and it's absolutely safe in the Hogwarts walls again, but unfortunately, no. We suppose that two of our students seemed to be affected by an unknown dark magic. We didn't find any other signs of danger but we'll keep investigating and if we find any signs of a serious threat we'll make sure to provide our students with a safe way back home.
Even Dumbledore couldn't guarantee none of them will be next victim of the "dark magic". Many of the students were already blaming Maelstrom and his
investigation with the Cursed Vaults especially since there already were gossips about him being one of these two students Dumbledore mentioned. His words about providing their ways back home were both disappointing and relieving for some of the students, though some of them still didn't want to leave even if they're in danger, thinking that the threat will pass by or will not affect them.
Besides, even if some people heard Merula telling about Maelstrom being one of the 'cursed' students to the teachers, nobody could think of who was the second one. Some people supposed it could be Ben as he wasn't anywhere in the Great Hall when it all happened, but Tonks and Talbott aso weren't there.
Students that were in the Hospital wing could hear the speech from their friends and classmates a little later. After Penny heard about Dumbledore's words she was sure that her condition is also caused by the affection of the dark magic. She knew she will inevitably turn into a monster just like it happened to Maelstrom though her condition became more stable than before. Her lack of sleep was still obvious but her skin healed a little as she didn't feel the previous itching and burning pain.
Barnaby was trying to stay by her side as much time as possible, knowing she needs someone's support. She doesn't talk much because every movement she makes is followed by a deep pain in her veins, but Lee sees how much she appreciates his help, even if it's just words and presence. Rowan also visited her but decided to not tell Haywood about the parasite and what he saw during the attack of Maelstrom and other student. Seeing her condition only made him more willing and determined to find out what the parasite really is and how to fight it.
Snyde went to tell the teachers about what she knew right after the students started leaving the Great Hall. Slytherins were the last ones who could enter their common room as the explosion happened in the Potions classroom, but gladly for most, Professor Snape stayed alive and was out when the explosion happened, though students weren't told much details and some of them even suspected him in what happened.
Anyways it was too early to blame anyone so the only thing they could do is to just go back to their rooms and hope that the night will not bring any more dangers. Sitting in the room Merula could hearthat she wasn't the only one not sleeping, many just couldn't sleep calmly after what happened but she was trying to picture Maelstrom in her mind, the way the parasite changed his body and the way he behaved.
She sketched every detail in her note during that night. She thought it would be good to have a dairy to write down the information she knows. Maybe she will even give it away to Dumbledore, he and other professors seemed to take her very seriously.
-How are you, Rowan? I've heard about what happened Maelstrom. That is.. terrible. - Lee said quietly. He noticed Rowan leaving the Hospital wing and supposed he probably just visited Penny. He approached him as quickly as he could, he didn't feel any better after his injury and even walking became a little painful for him so he couldn't walk that fast anymore. He didn't tell Penny about it though.
-I.. Uh.. I just.. Still can't accept it. It's been five years.. We went through so much and it all.. ends like this for him. I'll not leave it like that. I'm sure whatever happened yesterday will not stop like that. I'm making a research with Merula, Bill and Ismelda, but that's all we can do for now.. Even Dumbledore can't say what exactly happened to Maelstrom and.. - Rowan stopped for a second. He spent a while thinking about who could be the second student, but still wasn't sure.
-Penny says it was Tonks. - Barnaby spoke up seeing Rowan hesitation. He isn't sure about it himself but the fact that she went missing and nobody saw her since makes it a most likely option.
-I know, I just talked to her.. And she's blaming herself. She said something about the argument she had with Tonks. Though I couldn't.. comprehend much of her words. - Rowan responded, his voice became a little quiet. He felt deep pain in his heart when he saw how terrible her condition is. He just couldn't bear seeing all this happening to his friends, at first Maelstrom, then Penny, and now there's a chance that Tonks is probably dead. He felt like having tears in his eyes from just thinking about it.
-Yes, she told me about it before she.. ended up in the Hospital wing. - There was a pause between his next words. He wanted to tell Rowan what Penny told him about her recent emotional changes and other symptoms, but felt like it wouldn't be good to tell anyone else before asking her. She told him because she trusted him and she said he was the only one knowing about it. However, bothering Penny was the last thing he wanted to do now as he knew how much of pain it is for her to even speak now. -I'm not sure if I can tell it to you.. She told me one thing a while ago and maybe you should know if you're making a research.. I wish I could help her but even Madam Pomfey doesn't know what her disease is and I'm afraid that...
-That it has to do something with the parasite.. - Khanna finished before he caught himself on saying something he didn't want Barnaby to know yet.
-What? - Lee startled, glancing at Rowan with a pure confusion. His look turned into a worried one as he noticed Rowan's nervousness. - What do you mean.. Parasite?..
It was a long moment before Rowan finally managed to force himself to respond. He didn't want Lee to know about the parasite, at least for now because he could accidentally tell someone, mostly because he could accidentally tell Penny or make it too obvious he knows something, though Rowan just caught himself on doing the same. He took a deep breath and carefully leaded Barnaby a little away from the Hospital wing to make sure nobody else will hear him.
-Please, don't tell anyone what I'm going to say. We're still not sure about it and I don't want anyone to worry.. especially Penny. - Rowan said, sounding a little pleading and tired. He wasn't sure about anything but everything he and others have already discovered is more than just terrifying and even if they're wrong, hearing something like that definitely would make anyone concerned.
-I promise I won't tell anyone, but I want to know what is happening to Penny.. I've heard that she will be transferred in another hospital on the coming week if her condition becomes even worse. - Lee looked in his eyes, literally pleading him to believe him. Knowing at least something is better than watching your friend suffering and not knowing what is happening to her.
-I believe you, I'm also worried for her. - Rowan responded, knowing that he can trust Barnaby's promise. - A while ago Maelstrom told he found a cave in the Forbidden forest.. In short.. I think he had accidentally let out a some kind of a parasite from that cave. I'll spend a long while telling you how we got to that, but the only thing you need to know is that whatever it is, it seems to infect people through the wands. There were outlines of a centipede on Merula's wand, but I guess it only affects a person after they cast a spell.
-You said it came from the forbidden forest? - Lee repeated, now looking like he has something to say. -I just was outside.. I saw creatures crowding near the edge of the forest if not even leaving it. I think they feel something is wrong.
-You're right, I'm glad you told me. That means I might be right.. Though I'm not sure if I'm happy about it.. There's no information about parasites like that.. I'm not even sure if it was ever studied.. - Rowan said, sounding quite desperate and stressed out but he wouldn't stop. He didn't manage to help Maelstrom and now they can loose Penny too. He just can't let that happen.
-Tell me if I can somehow help you. I don't want to just sit and watch Penny suffering. - Lee said once again. Rowan nodded in response but then he suddenly realized. It was a while since Barnaby got into the Hospital wing with his hand injury. He still wore bandages probably just waiting 'till the scratches are fully healed, though they definitely will leave scars. The problem was that Madam Pomfrey would already let him leave the Hospital wing and just visit her over time to change the bandages. There are a lot of students needing help in Hospital wing every day and she wouldn't let him stay there if it wasn't anything serious.
-I promise I'll tell you when there's a thing you can help us with.. - Rowan started. -By the way, Barnaby.. I forgot to ask.. How is your hand? Well.. Health in general. I thought you aren't in the Hospital wing anymore.
-Well, my wounds are almost healed but I still feel that unpleasant ache and exhaustion when moving. Madam Pomfey says it is called a.. myalgia but it's not that significant to be a symptom of a certain disease so it's unlikely an infection or something.. It's probably just my organism still recovering. - Barnaby said, mostly just repeating Madam Pomfrey's words.
That was enough for Rowan to get that something wasn't right here. Maybe Madam Pomfey indeed let him stay in the Hospital wing for a longer while because he had a harsh injury, but Rowan thought about another reason. He knew Barnaby was spending a lot of time with Penny since she got in the Hospital wing, and was sure Madam Pomfrey also noticed that. Since she still can't identify Haywoods's disease, she could be worried someone else could accidentally get infected if it can sread through air or touch and if Barnaby's symptoms are somehow similar to Haywoods's that would be a good reason to keep him in the Hospital wing, at least for a while.
That made Rowan even more nervous. If the parasute keeps infecting others then they need to find a way to fight it as soon as possible. He decided to meet Merula, Ismelda and Bill again and as soon as possible.
-I see, hope you get better soon.. Now I need to go, sorry! - Rowan quickly responded and started hurrying away.
-Wait, but I wanted to tell you about¬ Barnaby started, calling out for Khanna and being surprised how he rushed away so suddenly. He was going to tell Rowan what Penny told him before, hoping she wouldn't be upset if he told it someone else.
-I don't have any time left, sorry!.. - Rowan yelled, already reaching the stairs. He quickly waved his hand before disappearing from Barnaby's vision on the lower floor.
Barnaby sighed sadly, before turning away and slowly heading back to the Hospital wing. He wanted to help at least somehow and feeling absolutely helpless in that situation was terrible for him, knowing he can't do anything to sto Haywood's suffering. He entered the room, glancing at other students, most of which still seemed to try to keep away from Penny. Lee felt angry they were so obviously trying to avoid getting closer to her, after all it could hurt her feelings and he knows it already did but now it was the least of her worries.
She laid in the bed with her eyes half-closed. There were no words needed to say she was in pain. She breathed heavily, trying to ignore the pain and exhaustion though she felt much better than before when she couldn't even sleep. There were scratches all over her skin, it was useless to bandage or cover her wounds because she would scratch them out again. All of that was just terrible to see. Barnaby was just glad that now she can at least lay down and calm down after a long while of suffering.
He approached her bed and slowly sat down on it's edge, looking at her with a worried and empathetic look.
-How are you, Penny?.. - Barnaby asked, though he was worried that it is not a very good thing to ask in that situation since she obviously feels bad.
-I feel a bit better, thanks for asking.. - She said quietly, she was glad he was here again. She wasn't sure if she would make it through all that pain alone. She is still very afraid. She knows that disease is killing her and she can't do anything about it. But what terrified her most is that she might never get a chance to see her loved ones again. She tried to stretch out her hand to the drawer nearby, aiming to open it but struggling due to the myalgia and weakness that wouldn't leave her since she just got into the Hospital Wing. - Just..
She trailed off as Barnaby gently put his hand on hers and helped her open the drawer, making sure he doesn't hurt her. She felt like being stunned for a second, not knowing how to react but just feeling how her cheeks start having a slight, barely noticeable blush. She would never imagine herself reacting to a simple touch like that but Barnaby was making her feel something she never felt before. He was with her all that time and stayed by her side even when she thought she wouldn't make it. It's been a week, maybe even less, but for her it felt like a whole month already.
She gave him a slight smile and slowly reached for a letter inside the drawer.
-I got an owl from my sister.. She said they're very worried for me there, they know about my disease. - She then took a deep breath before saying the next words. She was obviously worried about something she has read in the letter. - She said she and my mom are coming here to visit me. They'll rent an apartment in Hogsmeade and will be visiting me during the days.
-Oh, that's good, isn't it? Aren't you happy they're coming? - He asked, keeping a quiet and soft tone, yet he felt a bit confused. She looked very worried and disappointed when she said about her relatives coming to visit her. He noticed how shyly she reacted to his touch but didn't pay much attention to it and just took it as a grateful gesture.
-I'm afraid, Barnaby. What if my disease can spread? What if I put them in danger? What if I accidentally infect them? I don't want them to suffer like me!.. I shouldn't have told them about my disease.. - She responded, trying to keep her voice silent but still being quite emotional. She just didn't want anyone to spread gossips about her again and see people whispering something about her.
-If you could infect someone then I would already be sick, but you can see I'm fine. - He said, trying to give her a positive mood and relieve her worries but she didn't seem to be affected by his words.
-I've also thought I was fine before I accidentally noticed that I'm yelling at everyone like a mad beast and barely sleeping. - She looked down at her hands but then closed her eyes, not bearing the memories about the pain she felt scratching off her own skin and wounds. She was very nervous and concerned that the fact that she feels better is a sign of something even worse coming. -I don't know why I haven't noticed it before. Like.. Something was making me feel like it was.. normal.
-I think you was just too worried about something else. Besides.. I'm sure you would notice if there was something wrong with me, wouldn't you? Just don't worry about it, everything will be fine. - He was sure she's exaggerating and it was understandable after what she went through. He wants her to finally relax and rest after all that suffering and maybe her organism will finally take the victory over disease.
-You think so?.. Well.. Maybe you're right. - She said softly, feeling a blush on her face again. She couldn't understand why but now hearing these words from him were making her feel more hopeful and relieved, even if just a bit. She knew he is just being kind to her like he is to everyone but she can't help herself.
-No, really. I'm sure everything will be fine. Your mom and sister will be visiting you and you'll eventually feel better. Just rest and have some sleep and you'll not even notice when you feel good again. - He gently covered her with a blanket and she willing accepted that gesture and closed her eyes deciding that she indeed needs to take a nap and just relax after everything.
-Thank you, Barnaby.. - She couldn't hold her smile. She was very tired, she still felt that burning pain but it was like it all just got blurred by all his kind words and gestures. She likes how he's so caring about her but knows he would probably be that kind to everyone. She simply sighed and tried to push the negative thoughts away to slowly fall asleep, hoping that everything will get better and her sufferings are finally ended.
At the same time, while everyone is going to the Great Hall to have a lunch, Merula is waiting 'till the corridors are empty to sneak into the Potions Classroom. Even though everything there was probably burnt after the explosion there still might be something helpful. However, she was indeed just too curious to loose the opportunity like that.
She stepped inside and saw nothing but ash and ruins. All the variety of potions and ingredients was destroyed and there was nothing left after the Potions Classroom everyone remembered. She tried to rummage in the smithereens and broken desks but didn't find anything useful. Nobody explained what caused the explosion and even exploring the room didn't help Merula at all. She sighed, already feeling disappointed and going to leave when she heard the voice behind her.
-Merula Snyde. - That was enough for her to recognize that low and threatening voice of their Potions Professor. He stood in the door way, a tall and grim figure that suddenly made Merula feel like she's under the gun sight. He stepped forward and she immediately started thinking of an excuse for her presence there.
-Professor Snape, I¬ - She started as her eyes met his and she suddenly trapped. She avoided looking at him but stayed still knowing there's no way to go but surprisingly he interrupted her and said something she didn't expect him to say.
-Looking for something? - he asked, taking her aback and making her feel even more doomed and defenseless, yet, something in his voice made her feel that something isn't right. She stayed quiet, not knowing if he's going to scold her or if he had something else in mind. -You'll not find anything here.
-What.. what do you mean? - she asked warily, still feeling extremely uncomfortable and trapped. His serious and threatening look was only making it worse.
-For how long did you know about the parasite? - he asked, ignoring her question. He glanced down at her, giving her a feeling like she's running out of time with a response and making her answer almost immediately.
-A.. A week or more.. maybe.. - was the only thing she could say. When she said it out loud she felt quite surprised and then suddenly worried. Was she the only one who noticed that thing that early? What if she didn't? They would probably have no clue of what the creature is. She even felt somehow proud as she felt like what she did was really important. -Do you.. suspect me in something?..
-I suspect you know more than you've told us. - He responded and here she got what he's leading her to. She was talking to Dumbledore when decided to tell about the parasite and the cave in the Forbidden Forest. He probably informed other professors about it and that's why Snape was now here trying to get more information from her. She indeed didn't tell everything, just a part of what she knew. She only told about the traces of the centipede on her wand that made her suspect that the person gets infected by using the wand with such, and the cave where she suspects parasites have come from.
-I do. - There was a moment of silence before she said those words. She knew that after this she had no other choice but to tell everything sooner or later.
-You'll tell me everything that evening. I'll be waiting here. - He responded, keeping a threatening, firm tone as if stating she has no right to refuse.
-But what about Filch? - she asked then, knowing that he would for sure be watching the corridor to spot every curious student that wants to sneak into the ruined Potions Classroom.
-I'll make sure he'll not be anywhere near. Now go. Nobody should know about our conversation. - He said before he turned away to leave the room first so he would make sure nobody else is in the corridor.
She was still staying there for a moment or two, processing what had just happened. Considering that Snape didn't want anyone to know about their conversation, he for sure isn't planning on sharing the information he gets with other professors, including Dumbledore.
She wasn't sure what he's planning and for a second evem suspected that maybe he has to do something with the sudden appearance of the parasite in Hogwarts, but then decided to just go and find out everything herself that evening.
She didn't go back to her dorm room, she decided to go the Great Hall to have a lunch while she still can and after she just thought that only Hogwarts was affected by yesterday's events she was approached by Rowan that told her something that confused her even more.
He came there with other students wheb the lunch time had just started, at first because he wanted to find Bill, Merula and Ismelda. He was confused when he didn't find Snyde anywhere in the Great Hall and even worried that something might happen to her.
-Where were you?! - He asked suddenly, making Snyde choke on her food for a second. He sounded concerned though, but that didn't make Merula any less mad at him.
-Wha- *Cough* *Cough* Are you fuckin' mad?! - She yelled, though it wasn't that loud, she didn't want to get too much attention right now. She decided to not tell him about her investigation in the Potions Classroom, and especially about her conversation with Snape. - That's-.. That's not your business!
- Sorry! It's just.. I was looking for you. I think that Barnaby and Penny are infected with the parasite too. I'm not sure about Barnaby though.. But I think we need to do something as soon as possible. The more information we find the more we can do. I've already invited Bill and Ismelda to the meeting in the library that evening and..
-I can't come. - Snyde interrupted, immediately trying to find an excuse. -I have things to do.
-Wha- Why? What is more important than that? - He asked as he felt purely confused. He shook his head nervously, feeling even more stressed than before. He felt all in hurry since yesterday and couldn't find a place for himself as he felt a need to keep going on with their research. He couldn't imagine anything more important right now and hearing she has 'something else' to do in truth was even outrageous for him. He didn't want to loose anyone else and her words made him feel really annoyed for the first time in that long while.
-Don't you think you're asking too much? I just can't. Maybe next time.. - She responded with also a little irritated tone. They both gave each other a glare but then understood they wouldn't get to the compromise that way.
-Ugh.. Fine.. - Rowan said with a sigh, but tried to think about a positive outcome, even if there will be three of them they could still come up with something and in truth, he thought about planning an investigation to the cave in the Forbidden Forest while it's not too late for that. - I guess you haven't heard Dumbledore's speech as you weren't here when he spoke.. The road out and to Hogsmeade is locked. There are aggressive wild animals crowding at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and yesterday they attacked people in Hogsmeade. I think we both know what caused them to do so..
- So you're saying there are now a lot of wild, extremely aggressive, deadly magical beasts out there? Wow, that just couldn't get anywhere worse! - She growled, rolling her eyes in annoyance from all that crap.
-I also don't feel any better about it. That's why I wanted you to come today. - He responded meeting her eyes again and literally pleading her to agree.
-Uh.. I'll come if I have time. - Maybe if she tells everything to Snape fast, she'll have some time rest to come to the meeting in the Library.
-Thank you. Sorry I was so insisting just..
She put a hand on his shoulder, taking him aback a little as it was a bit unexpected. - I understand you, Rowan. I promise.. we'll not loose anyone else. It's very important to me too. Just.. I really, really have one very important thing to complete. - She was trying to sound as sincere as possible, though she was indeed sincere, she could understand his feelings at some point, his best friend died probably almost the worst death and he was afraid to loose others too.
-I believe you, thank you for understanding.. You know you're not as e-
-Stop-stop-stop, that's enough! - She interrupted again, gesturing him to stop. She didn't want any tendernesses when there are people watching her.
He just nodded slightly, feeling a little better than before. He didn't expect Merula's words to be any way calming but surprisingly, they are. - Still hope to see you that evening.
With those words Rowan left her alone. She sighed, still thinking of the coming evening as she was eating. She spent a while looking in the window on the third floor, just getting some fresh air and a refreshing breath. When she was looking at the forest she could notice creatures' tails, ears and silhouettes blinking in the bushes and trees over time, many creatures were already walking there, in the fields and on the roads. That made her wonder why they didn't seem that aggressive or sick.
She wasn't the only one watching the Forbidden Forest, she could see someone also watching the territory but from the Owlery, it looked like it was a Ravenclaw student due to the robe with dark blue patterns, she didn't pay much attention to it though but was glad that other students were also noting things and at least keeping an eye on the territory, at least in case if the creatures get too aggressive.
The rest of the day she spent in her room rereading her diary about the parasite to make sure she wrote down and remembers everything they have found out about the magical parasite, but when the time came she felt like forgetting almost everything after just thinking about it.
There were indeed no other people in the corridor as Snape promised. She carefully stepped into the ruins of the Potions Classroom and before she could even say anything the door beind her snapped closed. She flinched and turned back in a moment to see Professor Snape towering over her.
-I hope you remember that NOBODY should know we are here. - He reminded her in a low and strict tone, stepping further into the room. - You know what will happen if I find out you're lying and I WILL find out if you do.
She nodded a little nervously and then watched as he looked for something in the wall. She didn't expect herself to feel that nervous, in truth she was mostly curious. Why would he be so careful about their meeting there and conversations they're having? After all, she would share that information with all the professors anyways.
After a moment it became clear that the thing he was looking for in the wall was the entrance in the secret room. Her curiosity piqued again, though she didn't feel very surprised, she could expect someone like him having hidden rooms, especially in Hogwarts.
Without saying anything he pointed his look on the stairs that were leading down and she followed him all the way inside. The room wasn't that big but had everything that would be needed for keeping and brewing valuable potions in the suitable and safe place: special closet, table, ingredients and other necessary things for that craft.
- After you've told about Waterfall and the parasite we started planning the way to keep Hogwarts and it's people safe. The Hogwarts would soon be put on quarantine and nobody will be able to leave at least 'till one makes a vaccine. - He said, bringing Merula's attention back.
- Nobody will be able to leave? But we were told that we'll be provided a safe way back home if there's any danger!. - She said with a confused tone and expression, catching his his look on herself. She couldn't help but felt belittled as he looked at her as if she asked something ridiculous that even a child would know.
-And how do you think the Ministry of Magic is going to let us let the students out when it finds out about an unknown, dangerous parasite that causes a lethal disease? - He asked her a rhetorical question and that's where she got his point. They just can't let the parasite get to the other places, including the Muggle world. That would put in danger absolutely everyone. - There's going to be a check on the students' magical wands to detect the infected students. I hope I don't need to say that infected students will end up locked up from others?
The look he gave her again made her feel even more annoyed and but she wouldn't risk showing it even though she hated being treated like this.
-But.. Why are you telling me this? - She asked, now trying to get to the point where she's the one he's telling that information for an unknown reason.
-I'll make myself clear. I'm going to create a working vaccine in a very short time and you're someone who, surprisingly, knows about the parasite more than anyone else in Hogwarts. - He started, already creating more questions for her with just his words about creating a vaccine. - I brought you here because you'll be the one who will be working on vaccine with me. Except of me, only you know about that place. Nobody else must know we're doing something here.
He made it clear she has no right to refuse but even though she just couldn't understand how can it be possible. Creating a vaccine in a short amount of time with almost no knowledge about the parasite they're fighting against sounded almost unreal.
-But.. How? We don't even know much about the parasite.. Why do we have to do all of this in secret? We would do much better if we had help from other people, especially the ones who know more about the medicine and magical creatures. - That was the thing she couldn't not to ask even though it noticeably annoyed Snape.
-With the help of other people you'll end up creating a vaccine to the time when everyone is already dead. I know the methods that will let us create a vaccine before they even start doing that. - He explained in a harsh and passively aggressive tone. The 'methods' he mentioned also made her feel a bit of unease. She needed to ask carefully now.
- I'm sorry but.. Can I know what are these methods you're talking about? - She asked extremely carefully and didn't even notice how quiet her voice has become.
He was silent for a couple of moments, piercing her soul with just his look. She was sure though, he wouldn't choice a person that would absolutely refuse to follow his methods.
-The beta versions of vaccine will definitely be used on animals.. But we'll use another way. - He knew that after he said this she immediately got his point and before she could say anything he continued with even a louder tone to not let her say anything before he finishes. - The way parasites affect living creatures changes when it comes to different species. The vaccine they're going to start creating will have to work on animals first, and only then they'll have to make a specific vaccine that would heal a human using the methods that worked on animals. How many people do you think will stay alive to that time?
-But.. What if we can't? We may literally just kill people for nothing if our vaccine doesn't work! - She said, her voice now sounds very nervous and outrageous at some point. There was no guarantee their vaccine will work and yet he was telling her they're going to use all the versions of vaccine on people.
-I thought that wouldn't take a while from you to make a right choice, miss Snyde. - He almost growled at her. She could now see him reaching for the wand in the pocket of his robe. - Now choice. Or you're taking a risk and creating a vaccine that will cure hundreds, if not thousands of people or watch all of them slowly dying in pain and suffering. - His voice became low and firm as he took out the wand and pointed it right at her.
She felt like stunned at first, looking in his eyes where she saw no hesitation. She was scared, but then the realization took her. He wouldn't kill her, there was no point for that. The spell he was going to use on her had to be Obliviate, he was just trying to make her feel like it's going to be something much more terrifying, to make her feel trapped and afraid.
-Have you seen what happened to Penny? Maelstrom? That fate awaits everyone who already shifts the parasite and it's a matter of time when the symptoms are shown. We need the vaccine NOW. - He continued, his expression makes her feel tensed but that wouldn't work the way it had to anymore as she knew she's just being tricked at some point. She felt more confident than before but also, it allowed her to proceed the information more carefully. "He is right", she thought.
She tried to remember what was happening to Maelstrom before she finally started noticing something is wrong. Nothing. Rowan was the only one who noticed something was strange with Waterfall, but it wasn't too significant to be a sign of something that terrifying. Who knows how many other students are already infected and don't know what fate they're awaiting.
There was still something not righn though. She could understand why he wanted to keep it all in secret, considering his methods, but he could easily just work on both sides and get more information and results. She would tell what she knows to all the professors in the end and he wouldn't stay not acknowledged. She looked up at him and then it hit her. Her look was caught but his wand that was pointed right at her and here she got why he was so sudden, insisting and radical about the vaccine.
"He is one of the infected". - Went through her mind. She didn't show she noticed, she kept her look on the wand only for a second, before her eyes met his again. She already made a decision though and even if they will need to risk the life's of some people, saving the lives of thousands will be worth it.
(Thank you for reading guys I really appreciate and am happy to know people read my story💝💝💝
To tell the truth it was extremely difficult for to write the scenes with professor Snape. It's a very difficult character for me😿 I couldn't really get much from my knowledge of characters from HP as I haven't read any HP books and only watched the films when I were small.
The thing while I'm in this fandom is a Hogwarts Mystery game which I really liked and found just five or six month ago though I lost all my progress because my previous phone got broken.
Anyways hope you're having a good day💖 Love u💝
By the way feel free to write if I have any grammar mistakes it will help me to improve my English🐱)
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but they are minor
i was honestly waiting to see when i'd get an ask like this; looks like i can cross it off my list for 2022
anyway, since i'm in a good mood and you've not been overtly rude, i.e. no slurs or death threats, i'll humour you
[i believe you’re talking about my bllk fic bc i don’t have anything else on here yet]
first of all, i'd like to stress that if we were talking about real life people, then i'm right there with you
but we are talking about fictional characters, not people but characters; both the defintion of fiction ("something invented by the imagination or feigned", merriam-webster) and of character ("one of the persons of a drama or novel", merriam-webster) support the idea that we are talking about made-up stories which are meant to be seen as a different entitiy or aspect from real life
the way i see it, fictional characters are merely a more defined blank slate with certain characteristics already set in place (although even those characteristics get thrown out of the window by some); they're a canvas the consumer of that medium can project thoughts or ideals or headcanons onto; that's why every character imaginable has been dragged into a hogwarts or soulmate au, characters who are canonically dead are suddenly alive and kicking again, etc.
i'd argue that authors are doing just the same with their characters as well; they create one and than just put them through all sorts of trials and tribulations like e.g. a post-timeskip era
take haikyuu!! for example (because it's also a sports manga/anime): the first 369 chapters were about the highschool volleyball team, so canonically speaking they were minors; but the second chapter 370 drops they are suddenly not anymore and that fic where 28 year old business man kuroo testsuro comes home to his partner and they decide to have kids is suddenly more appropriate than before? because the person with the magic pen drew the character at an age people already imagined them before? (also idk if such a fic exists, i'm making things up as i go... look at me using my imagination to expand upon a character /lh)
i think it's plausible blue lock will have a similar post-timeskip era some day, for all we know muneyuki kaneshiro might already have the characters’ futures planned out but we're just not at that part of the story yet
also, to bring this back to my content, when i say the characters are aged up in both my mind and the fic, then i mean it; and, i'd like to think you can also see that in my works, for example characters who own their own house, drive a car, move in with someone or have successfull careers... all things that are generally speaking adult things to do (because that is more appealing to me)
but that is just my opinion; fictional characters are canvases for people to project onto and if i want to live in our shared house with my professional striker boyfriend who loves me very much and occasionally rails me into the next year, then i will... here in my mind, on this page but unfortunately not in real life (the most unrealistic thing about this is being able to afford a house in this economy but i digress)
tl;dr characters are like schrödinger’s cat dead and alive at the same time /j
if you don't share that opinion, that's fine, we can both go our seprate ways and coexist; i just can't support people who throw slurs at others, mostly creators, or tell them to k*ll themselves over a piece of fictional literature written in their free time with no profit whatsoever (i'm not saying you are that kind of person anon, this is just a general statement because i've seen other writers receive much nastier asks)
if you are the kind of person who does that... i don't think i'm the problem here
to close this off, i'm willing to have a conversation about this as long as everyone remains civil and open for arguments from the other side; if you just come in my inbox to argue without even wanting to hear the other side out, i'm sorry but this is not the place for you
toodles ッ
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bigmilk-13 · 3 months
just a little something I found in my drafts.
End of Beginning: Harry Potter
matteo riddle & f!oc, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, after the war, hermione granger/f!oc
She cried more than she ever cried before.
It's weird really, he was a villain.
A murderer.
But he was still their father. It hurt her...
Because she knew he could be good, and protective.
Maybe not much but it was a noticeable change from what he normally was. The cruel, evil and twisted Tom Riddle, or Lord Voldemort.
She detested the name; it tasted bitter on her tongue. The daughter of the antagonist, also towered with expectations and hated. As well as her brother, Mattheo...
Floriana didn't know what to do.
She saw the grim reaper once. He stood on the bridge connecting Hogwarts grounds.
An odd sense of comfort enveloped her when she saw his hooded figure. She knew it was coming, of course she did. What the girl didn't expect was that He wasn't coming for her. He wanted to give her a message.
It was like the Ghost of Christmas Future in The Christmas Carol. He wasn't going to tell her what to do, that's to be figured out by oneself; He will point her in the right direction.
Help her put an end to her misery in the end, and after the short meeting he disappeared into the mist.
She stared at the spot He once had stood, standing in the same place they had that day.
It was a day before the Battle of Hogwarts... now it's over. The pain, the guilt, the overwhelming sense of security in the castle knowing her father will not kill his children, no matter how despicable the last part of his soul is...
He won't kill them but they'll help kill him.
Mattheo sees Floriana leaning against the side of the, now repaired, bridge and goes to lean beside her. He can see the tear tracks down her pale cheeks and the bloodshot eyes, inherited from their father. She turned her head to face him and he can see now the clear dead look in her irises, the fatigue no longer hidden.
"It's good he's dead, right?" A sniffle followed the question.
In truth he had no idea what to feel or think. He was just glad this whole thing is over .
He was just glad that his sister was safe.
After a deep sigh he opened his arms, a silent query to embrace his sister, knowing she doesn't like to be touched (their fathers fault of course)
She collided into him with a sharp and soft "oompf" and he held her like his life depended on it.
"Yeah. We're free now. Everyone is."
She let go and shook her head, more tears started forming in her eyes after the consolation.
"Then why does it hurt so much to lose him?"
Mattheo froze.
He couldn't move.
Was he even breathing?
His thoughts went quiet, only one had stayed.
A question like this was like a knife stuck in his abdomen, twisted with a manical laugh. He shook his head.
"I... I don't know Flo, I wish I did. He was a terrorist but our father nonetheless; some people do explicitly bad things for their own gain or for an insane idea."
All his face showed was shock, he was still getting over the fact that all of this is over. That he's alive, Floriana's alive. God damn it, even Draco Malfoy is alive.
And now they're all free from him. Free from following his orders, free to do whatever they like and not murder the bloody Hogwarts Headmaster.
He would understand if his father gave the job to him. He was a year older, he could do it fine.
But not Draco. Or Floriana. Or any child for that matter. They weren't even 17 yet for Merlin's sake!
"We need to let go. Live our lives, he can't control us now. We're safe, safe and sound."
He smiled a watery smile at his sister. Mattheo needed to stay strong for the both of them.
"Yeah, traumatised but still alive at least." Floriana joked. Mattheo knew it was a coping mechanism but if it helped, he will let her keep on doing it.
"Look at you making jokes. Go back to Potter & Co, they already apologised to me but I think a certain someone just wants to know if your okay." He smirked smugly as Floriana's cheeks tinged red.
"Why would she even care? She hated me all through-out first year up to 5th. We've only just become good friends. Why should she give a fuck?"
The older boy shrugged.
"I mean your father did die. And you willingly killed yourself to save everyone so she must have some respect for you. You were also smarter than her, so that's probably why she hated you so much. Nothing major just jealousy from one know-it-all to the other."
His sister looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Since when do you know so much?"
"What? You think you were the only Riddle with intelligence? I was top of my year!"
"I was top of my school- in 4th year! I knew O.W.L level stuff- even some at N.E.W.T.S level too."
"Okay, okay, I get it. You're the more intelligent child, but I'm the hotter one." He crossed his arms with a winning grin. Floriana shot him death glare that sent his hairs on the back of his neck at high alert.
"Do not even go there, bug boy."
"Are you still bringing that up?!"
"Of course, it's my job as the younger sibling to bring up embarrassing stories to annoy you and gain the upper hand." She smirked and looked at her nails, then at her watch. Her eyes widened.
"Holy shit! I have to go and help the house elves in the kitchen- and meet up with the Potter Pals. I'm already so so so late, you're gonna have to get home to Grimmuald on your own somehow Mat. Thank you so much and I love you big brother." She squeezed his arm talking at a high speed as Mattheo nodded and smiled.
"Sure, no problem little sis. I'll see you back at the house soon?"
"I don't even know. I'll send post."
"Of course. Have fun."
"Do not even-"
And before she could finish her sentence, he apparated away. With low grumble she made her way back to Hogwarts, where, sitting in the kitchen, her sworn-enemy-now-turned-best-friend (or maybe even more) was waiting for her to arrive so she could apologise for the past few years... and maybe confess something that's been keeping her awake for months.
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ihave-thehighgrounds · 11 months
Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Forensics
I'm taking a forensics class, and my friends are also in this class, we all sit in the same area and I have no idea why we haven't been separated since we're a class disturbance. Today was an especially disturbing day bc I started a war, I asked my friends and professor, "who would win in a fight: Darth Vader or Lord Voldemort?" And the entire class is now divided... but honestly who really thinks Voldemort would win? He only knows like 3 spells, he's probably been getting eaten alive by multiple diseases since he doesn't wear shoes, if you take his wand away he's basically powerless, and he doesn't do close combat. However, Darth Vader can force choke Voldemort to the point of death by asphyxiation, force choke him so much his neck falls off, or just trash compact him into a cube, he could also pull Voldemort closer to him via the force and slice him in pieces using his lightsaber, and he's skilled in close combat so even if he didn't have his lightsaber, he still has the upper hand. Voldemort needs at least 5 seconds to finish speaking an incantation at best, and in that time Darth Vader could force choke him before Voldemort can finish his incantation.
But on the other hand, Darth Vader takes a little to respond to attacks and that could lead to his demise. It's difficult to say who would win because they're from entirely different galaxies and fandoms, aside from fighting they're equally as powerful, but 1v1 Darth Vader has most of the upper hand. Now I do understand that deflecting spells wouldn't be as easy, seeing as Darth Vader has never had to do that, and most spells don't canonically have a physical appearance, but some give off a plasma-like substance that's easy to see and can be delfected.
More about the magic and the force, Voldemort has only been known to use the killing curse, cruciatus, and fiendfyre(his snake of flames if you're unfamiliar). That being said, fiendfyre is easily deflectable by, as we've seen in the Room of Requirements, getting a barrier of any sort between you and it. Cruciatus is one of those that doesn't have a physical form to deflect, but we know that Avada Kedavra has a physical-ish plasma form and can be deflected by a lightsaber, as well as if aimed the right way, Darth Vader could reflect the curse back to Voldemort and in turn kill Voldemort.
As far as the force goes, it's not too clear how the Wizarding World would react to a natural cause such as the force. But it would put a state of panic into any and all wizards/witches of both good and evil. No one of the Wizarding World has dealt with the force and wouldn't know how to fight it(same can be said for force users about the Wizarding World). As far as my research has proven, it's not clear how one is a wizard(please repost this and tell me if you know, or message me), but as I understand it, it takes EXTRA training to be able to do magic without a wand, a magic only 2 wizards have been known to do; Lily Potter, and Rubeus Hagrid. With that being said, Voldemort relies on his wand to be able to perform magic, but Darth Vader and all force users have more than enough midiclorians that connect them to the force, where they get their abilities. They don't need to waste time speaking an incantation to perform something, which gives force users the upper hand.
Close combat is not taught at Hogwarts, but it is at the Jedi Temple and among Sith. Force users who aren't apart of the Grey Line are Generals of the Clone Army, and armies are combatant, so they need to know how to fight when they're without their lightsabers. This, yet again, is the reason why Darth Vader or any force user for that matter, would win against Voldemort or any witch/wizard.
If anyone has any comments, add ons, contradictions to my statements, more knowledge on either fandom than I do, or literally anything; I would love to hear what anyone has to say in contrast or agreance to me.
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otp ask game Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
I love getting these asks!! I’m having a super stressful week and these are great for breaks in between work sessions!
Anyway. This is a long one.
Yes, they do, for different reasons. During HBP, it’s clear that neither Remus nor Tonks is enjoying life. Tonks is most visible, with the way her hair changes and her general worry over Remus. On the other hand, the best glimpse we see of Remus is at the Burrow for Christmas.
There is a lovely line in the chapter "A Very Frosty Christmas," which is the only time we even get a hint that Lupin and Tonks have something going on. This line is what shows me that Remus is just as unhappy about the separation as Tonks is:
"Meanwhile, Remus Lupin, who was thinner and more ragged-looking than ever, was sitting beside the fire, staring into its depths as though he could not hear Celestina's voice."
Oh, come and stir my cauldron/ and if you do it right/ I'll boil you up some hot strong love/To keep you warm tonight.
This chapter is when we also see Lupin really struggling to contain his emotions and reactions around Harry. When he discusses living among the werewolves, he sounds bitter, which Harry notices, and Remus notices too, so he just begins smiling. That's how he's described for the whole conversation. Just smiling, even though his words are not at all happy.
He's covering up a lot of pain, and though it's not as noticeable as Tonks, he's not doing great.
When they're reunited, they realize how badly they miss each other and get married so they'll never be apart. But obviously, that falls apart when Tonks gets pregnant. I don't think it was easy for Lupin to leave Tonks. The easiest part about it was how naturally the panic and terror came to him. I truly don't think he could've stayed away for long. He DOES have a conscience, albeit a faulty one, and the weight of leaving his pregnant wife would've come back to bite him one way or another.
Then, we see them at the Battle of Hogwarts. You'd think Tonks would stay home with a newborn but she doesn't. She goes to find Remus. Those are the last words we hear of her in the whole series. "Where is Remus?" She just needs to know how he is and if he's alive. It's heartbreaking because it's just so obvious how much she loves him. He loves her too, of course, and I think it was both easy and hard to leave Tonks and Teddy behind for the battle. Why? Because the overall courage he has to go fight in the battle is being torn apart by the fear that he'll lose everything. He finally has something to lose besides his own life. So, he goes, and the rest is history.
OTP ask game
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lia-bones · 4 years
The night when everything collapses
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: It is a full moon night. Remus was gone as always. (Y/N) was alone until she received an unexpected visitor who brought terrible news.
Warnings: Angst, Angst, Angst, Swear words, injuries, dead, murder, tears and grief.
Words: 2154
Author note: I am so sorry. So sorry. Why do I always write angst stories? It was so difficult for me to write that. It always depressed me so much. I wrote it over several days because I always needed a break from the grief.
(English is not my main language. I apologize for all misspellings, grammatical errors, and translation errors.)
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not my gif
* * *
It was a restless night. The wind rattled the windows and the moon cast dark shadows in the room. It was pouring, so that large puddles formed on the ground.
The sky was deep black, only now and then the full moon shine through the gaps in the cloud cover. Nobody would be on their feet voluntarily on nights like this. (Y/N) would now prefer to be in her bed, cuddling with her boyfriend, under a thick blanket.
On other nights that wouldn't be a problem at all. But on nights like this it wasn't. Not because of the rain or the storm, but because of the lunar circle. Her boyfriend couldn't be with her on full moon nights, and she couldn't be with him. He would never let that happen. He was infected with lycanthropy as a child. Since then he turned into a werewolf every full moon. Just like today. Usually his friends would be with him but they were all busy.
James was with his wife and one year old son and Sirius and Peter were on missions for the Order. So Remus spent that night alone. But she would wait for him. Just like she always did.
(Y/N) was mixing batter for brownies when there was a knock on the door. Confused, she looked out the window. The moon was still in the sky, so there was no chance Remus would be back. Maybe it was Lily who just wanted to sleep for a few hours without being woken up by Baby Harry. The poor boy was just getting his first teeth and screamed terribly at night.
"I'm coming, I'm coming. No need to rush." she called when there was another knock on the door. This time louder.
She wiped off her hands with a towel and then hurried across the living room to the door.
She held her wand tightly in her hand as she opened the door, ready just in case.
Whoever stood in front of her house made the young woman pause.
Her former Hogwarts teacher, professor mcgonagall, was standing in the open doorway with an expression on her face that made (Y/N)'s hair stand up.
"Miss (Y/L/N). May I come in. I've got news that I can't deliver out here.
The younger woman nodded a little confused and took a few steps to the side to make room for her teacher to enter.
Both women stood facing each other in silence. (Y/N) kneaded her hands and looked at the floor. The behavior of the normally so composed woman, scared her a little.
The older woman looked nervous, her eyes were red and she was breathing hard.
"P .. Professor? ...what is it that you have to tell me?"
The mood in the room was tense. McGonagall didn't look at her at first.
The feeling that something was wrong spread through every fiber of (Y/N) body.
And now that the eyes of the two women met, she noticed that tears were running down the teacher's slightly wrinkled cheeks.
"I have bad news (Y/N). Terrible things have happened."
(Y/N) bit her lip and started breathing hard. She opened her eyes wide and tears formed in the corners of her eyes.
Her mouth go completely dry and she was terrified of what McGonagall was about to tell her.
"Voldemort attacked the Potters. Lily and James ... they ... they are dead."
The statement came in a whisper.
(Y/N) suddenly couldn't breathe. As if all the air had left the room. Tears ran down her cheeks, which had turned a deep red from the lack of air. Her lip had started bleeding from biting too hard.
It couldn't be. What her teacher just told her couldn't be. Lily and James couldn't be dead, she had seen them yesterday.
"Kinds of Miss (Y / L / N). You have to take a deep breath." McGonagall said, placing both hands on the younger woman's shoulders. (Y/N) looked at her with a panicked expression and stammered: "No. No, no, no, no, no. This can not be true. Please, please tell me this is not true. They can't be dead. YThey have to live ... they ... " The older woman cut her off by patting her lightly on the shoulder.
"I wish I was lying. Unfortunately, it's the truth. They were found dead in ther house an hour ago."
(Y/N) Face color went from deep red to pale.
So pale that you could see the blue veins on her neck and face shimmering through the skin. She felt as if someone had kicked her head. McGonagall wasn't lying. Why should she lie about something like that? Two of her best friends were, in deed, dead. She would never see them again. James and Lily, who had just started a family, were no longer with them.
And then it came to (Y/N) mind. The Potter family. James, Lily and Harry. McGonagall hadn't said anything about Harry. What's about Harry?
"What about Harry? Is Harry alive? You didn't say Harry was dead! That means he's alive, right? Or? You bring him here ,right? " she exclaimed furiously and grabbed the woman opposite by the upper arms.
McGonagall released her grip, but still held her hands tightly. A sad smile formed on her face that did not reach her eyes and slowly shook her head.
(Y/N) jerked her hands back and her mouth fell open.
McGonagall pulled her lips in and didn't meet her eyes.
"Yes. Harry is alive. He is fine. He only has a cut on his forehead. But we're not going to bring him here. Dumbledore has decided that Harry will be taken to the Dursley's. Harry is probably safest there, he says. Voldemort may be gone, but you never know what his followers are up to. Nobody will suspect him there. Away from the magic world, with the Muggles." explained Minerva matter-of-factly and folded her arms in front of her body.
(Y/N) was speechless for a moment. The old man couldn't mean that seriously.
"To the Dursleys? Really? That can't be serious! We are his family. He had it better with us than with them. They don't love him. They don't care. Who knows what they're doing to him!" She pleaded and gestured with her arms. The woman opposite took a few steps backwards and looked at the floor in shame.
"You are his family too. They are blood relatives. He's safer with them."
(Y/N) tensed her jaw and bit her cheek until she tasted the metallic taste of blood.
They couldn't mean that seriously. These people had never been interested in Harry before. Harry would be safe with them too.
"Such a crap. He belongs here. To me, Remus and Sirius ... we are ... "
Again she was interrupted by McGonagall, who drew in a sharp breath when she called Sirius' name.
(Y/N) closed her mouth and looked at her inquiringly.
"There's other bad news that I have to deliver. Sirius Black was brought to Azkaban some time ago by the Aurors, which he will never leave again. He was convicted of murdering numerous Muggles and Peter Pettigrew in cold blood.He betrayed us."
(Y/N) slumped. Her knees hit the floor and her hands caught her torso. She felt as if she was about to throw up, but she could only choke dryly.
McGonagall was about to take a few steps towards her again to comfort the young woman when she suddenly hit the floor with her fists and let out a desperate scream.
McGonagall stared down at her with wide eyes and made a wry face.
"No Miss (Y/L/N). I'm so sorry. But there is nothing to be done about it."
(Y/N) gasped in response.
"I'll meet Dumbledore in a moment to hand Harry over to his aunt and uncle. Have a seat and calm down, please. Harry will be fine and as soon as he gets to Hogwarts you can see him again. Please, (Y/N). There is nothing we can do now. Calm down, we will send you more information soon.
I ask you to pass the latest events on to Remus as soon as he gets back. I think you can tell him the best. Be there for one another in these difficult time."
The older teacher put a hand on her head for a moment to comfort her and then turned away and left the house.
(Y/N) was left alone.
she sat on the floor and felt her whole body wrapped in cold. The horrible realization that she had lost three of her best friends that night ate into her bones. The lights in the whole house flickered and she felt the magic going crazy inside her. She screamed from the top of her lungs and at that moment several glasses cracked in the club.
She curled up on the floor like a fetus and hugged her legs. The tears furrowed her cheeks and there was a lump the size of a quoffel in her throat.
It hurt so much. Everything hurt so much. It was like her skin was on fire, her bones break like matches and her inside, felt like she'd swallowed acid.
Crying didn't feel like enough for (Y/N), the emotions in her just had to get out.
She pulled herself up and walked into the kitchen on shaky legs.
Her baking ingredients were on the counter as she had left them. She clawed her hands in the sideboard and blinked to get a clear view again.
"Fuck, Shit, damn it!"
With a quick arm movement, she ripped everything off the kitchen counter. Flour, milk and eggs were scattered on the floor and on the walls, with broken glass from the dough bowl in between.
With a heartbreaking sob, (Y/N) fell into the mess.
She lay down on the site and with her arms pulled her legs to her chest as tightly as she could. Splinters pecked her face, but she made no move to change that. At least, the sting reminded her that she was still there and hadn't just dissolved.
Hours passed like seconds and before she even realized it, the door opened and heavy steps shuffled through the house.
"(Y/N), dear. I'm home. Are you awake?" Remus called in a limp voice looking for his girlfriend.
She heard how he came closer, how the footsteps got louder and louder. But she couldn't move, couldn't answer him.
'How am I supposed to tell him? How am I supposed to tell him that his whole family is dead? ' she thought and screwed up her eyes more tightly.
"Hey (Y/N/N), what about the glasses ..." Remus asked as he entered the kitchen, but stopped when he saw his girlfriend lying on the floor.
"Fuck! (Y/N)! Fuck! what the fuck happened?" he exclaimed excitedly, hurried across the kitchen and fell on his knees next to his girlfriend.
Carefully he stroked her cheek and held her hand with the other.
She blinked and looked up at him. His face was pale gray and there were a few new scratches on his face.
She sucked in air through clenched teeth and let it out with a sob.
"(Y/N). Hey love, what happened? Please talk with me." her boyfriend whispered, leaning further down to her.
She sat up and leaned her back against the wall. For a moment she could only stare at him. How was she supposed to tell him something that she knew would hurt him immeasurably?
Just as he opened his mouth again to say something, she said in a scratchy voice: "Something bad has happened."
Confused, he drew his eyebrows together and brushed the last glass of residue off her cheek.
She opened her mouth again to continue speaking, but only brought out a hoarse croak.
She couldn't look at him. We didn't want to see the pain in his eyes when she was about to ram a Methaforic knife into his chest.
"Hey look at me. It won't be that bad. Everything will be fine."
She looked back at him and instantly tears began to gather in her eyes again.
'No. It was worse. Much worse.'
"Remus, sit down." she whispered and took his hands as he did as he was told.
Her throat went dry and she started shaking all over.
"I do not know how I should begin. I don't want to say it. That would only make it more real...."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXXVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Meet Mel’s little brother :)
Words: 5,235 
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Book Six
Listen to: ‘Thread’ -by Keane.
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Chapter Thirty-Six: Leon Regulus Sultens-Black.
[...]Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, re-instated member of the International Confederation of Wizards, and reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, was unavailable for comment last night. 
He has insisted for a year that You-Know-Who was not dead, as was widely hoped and believed, but recruiting followers once more for a fresh attempt to seize power. Meanwhile the Boy Who Lived —
"There you are, Harry, I knew they'd drag you into it somehow," Hermione interrupted.
"Of course they would," Erick rolled his eyes, he was sitting on the floor between the two beds, his back against Hermione's bed. 
Now that all his Slytherin friends knew the truth, they had stopped talking to him, so Erick was now spending all his time with Mel.
"He's 'the Boy Who Lived' again now, though, isn't he? Not such a show-off maniac anymore, eh?" Ron grabbed a bunch of chocolate frogs from his bedside table and handed one to each. 
He leaned over and stretched out his hand to Erick, the older boy stared down at the chocolate and then up to him, Ron waved it impatiently in front of his face and Erick grabbed it quickly.
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you now, Harry," Hermione agreed. "'A lone voice of truth... perceived as unbalanced, yet never wavered in his story... forced to bear ridicule and slander...' Hmm... I notice they don't mention the fact that it was them doing all the ridiculing and slandering, though... 'You-Know-Who's Last Attempt to Take Over, pages two to four, What the Ministry Should Have Told Us, page five, Why Nobody Listened to Albus Dumbledore, pages six to eight, Exclusive Interview with Harry Potter and Mel Dumbledore, page nine...' Well, it's certainly given them lots to write about. And that interview with Harry and Mel isn't exclusive, it's the one that was in The Quibbler months ago..."
"Daddy sold it to them," said Luna. "He got a very good price for it too, so we're going to go on an expedition to Sweden this summer and see if we can catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack."
"...That sounds lovely," Hermione said after a short silence.
"So anyway, what's going on in school?"
"Well, Flitwick's got rid of Fred and George's swamp," said Ginny. "He did it in about three seconds. But he left a tiny patch under the window and he's roped it off —"
"Oh, he just says it was a really good bit of magic."
"I think he left it as a monument to Fred and George, they sent me all these, you know," Ron pointed at the bunch of Frogs. "Must be doing all right out of that joke shop, eh?" 
 "I'll miss them..." Mel sighed.
"You can always buy a few of their products and set them around the school," Harry offered, "it'll feel as if they were still here."
She chuckled softly, around them the group shared confused and relieved glances. It wasn't exactly like before, but they could sense the friendly tones of their conversations, they had stopped fighting.
Although it didn't mean there wouldn't be fights later, they had pushed the conversation about their lifeline further into the future, right now they didn't have the energy to discuss life-changing matters.
"So has all the trouble stopped now Dumbledore's back?" Hermione asked.
"Yes, everything's settled right back down again," Neville nodded.
"I s'pose Filch is happy, is he?" asked Ron.
"Not at all! He's really, really miserable, actually..." Ginny lowered her voice. "He keeps saying Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts..."
"If any of you feel like pranking Filch next year, let me know so I can look the other way," Erick joked.
All of them turned to see Professor Umbridge on the bed opposite Ron and Hermione's. Dumbledore had rescued her from the centaurs, nobody knew how, and Umbridge was out of it, therefore unable to speak.
"Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock," Hermione explained. 
"Sulking, more like," said Ginny.
"Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this," said Ron, and with his tongue he made soft clip-clopping noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking wildly around.
"Anything wrong, Professor?" called Madam Pomfrey, poking her head around her office door.
"No... no..." said Umbridge, sinking back into her pillows, "no, I must have been dreaming..."
Hermione and Ginny muffled their laughter.
"Serves her right," Mel scowled. "She caused a lot of suffering this year..."
She looked down at Harry's hand, and the boy moved it only to hold hers.
"Speaking of centaurs," Hermione spoke, causing Harry to retreat his hand abruptly, "who's Divination teacher now? Is Firenze staying?"
"He's got to, the other centaurs won't take him back, will they?" Harry shrugged.
"It looks like he and Trelawney are both going to teach," said Ginny.
"Bet Dumbledore wishes he could've got rid of Trelawney for good. Mind you, the whole subjects useless if you ask me, Firenze isn't a lot better..."
"How can you say that?" Hermione frowned. "After we've just found out that there are real prophecies? It is a pity it broke..."
"Yeah, it is. Still, at least You-Know-Who never found out what was in it either, it was clever of you to break it, Mel. Though you really shouldn't have used your hand to do so..."
"I think it made you look really tough," Erick smiled.
Mel returned his gesture tensely, she wished she could feel as calm as the rest of her friends, she wanted to go back to normal but she couldn't ignore what was about to happen once the school year ended, now her home had as many ghosts as the castle.
"Hey, where are you going?" Ron asked in a hurt voice when Harry stood up to leave.
"Er — Hagrid's. You know, he just got back and I promised I'd go down and see him and tell him how you two are..." 
"Oh all right then," Ron grumbled. "Wish we could come..."
"Say hello to him for us!" said Hermione. "And ask him what's happening about... about his little friend!"
Erick occupied Harry's place, he nudged her arm. 
"You're going to let him go just like that?" 
Mel contemplated the door in silence. She was ready for Harry's grief this time, there would be moments when he would want to be left alone and she had no problem with it. She understood, there were moments in which she wanted to hide away forever and never wake up.
"He doesn't need me right now," The girl shrugged. "And before you give me a lecture, I don't mean it in a bad way. Whatever he's going through... I can't help him go through it faster. I can't even help myself..."
Mel looked out the window to avoid her friend's eyes.
"How about we go for a walk?" Erick suggested.
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They stopped once they reached the courtyard. It was deserted, most of the students were out on the school grounds bathing in the sun. Mel sat on the edge of one of the archways while Erick remained standing, she could feel him staring, but she kept her eyes down.
"So you and Harry are okay now," He started, "no more fighting?"
"None at all," She sighed. "We have better things to do than to fight over our love life. Not that it matters, we've stopped liking each other that way."
"How come?"
"It just happened," She replied quietly.
Erick hummed, moving to sit next to her. 
"Maybe you're meant to be just friends. I mean, your relationship is already too complicated with the lifeline..."
Mel couldn't care less about what her relationship with Harry was destined to be. She didn't know what she wanted to do with the connection after hearing Harry's reasons to keep it.  All she could think of was her mother; she'd sacrificed so much to keep them safe, what Sirius had done to help them... She was running out of days to think of a proper way to apologize to her family. Dumbledore had taken the blame but those were just words, in the end, it was Mel and Harry who'd decided to drop every precaution, part of her felt she deserved all the hurt.
"You know," Erick said quietly. "I've been thinking about dropping out of school after this year."
"Well, my intention was to become a Ministry worker, but after these last few months, I realized they're useless. It would change my plans completely... but maybe I could join the Order?"
"Is that what you want?"
"I don't know what I want," He sighed tiredly. "I know I'm good at duelling and I have nowhere else to go... Did you know Sirius offered to take me in for the summer?"
Mel stared at him. 
"Well, he did," Erick continued. "He said I could live with him, that he didn't mind having me around — said I reminded him of his younger brother... Wish I could've done something to help him..."
"You should hate me," She blurted out. "My mother's going to hate me. She'll hate me for being impulsive and for not listening to my uncle — My brother will hate me..."
"Why would I hate you?" He frowned. 
"It's my fault that your parents kicked you out," She responded. "I made you write those letters to Anne. It was me who dragged you into this mess, you never wanted any of this, you would've lived a quiet, prosperous life —"
"And I would've been miserable," Erick shook his head. "You never forced me to do anything. You asked and I granted every time because I wanted to, I needed you to give me that final push... I made my choice the moment I met you, Mel."
"It's my fault you don't get to live with Sirius — it's because of me that you won't have a nice home —"
"It's because of you that I'm still alive," His voice trembled with incredulity. He moved closer and held her by the shoulders. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'm so lucky I found you..."
The girl had been shoving all her worries deep within herself for too long, she hadn't cried properly, refusing to let herself grieve since she felt she had no right to do so. Erick's voice sounded honest and comforting, she cracked under the pressure.
Erick hugged her and Mel wept like she hadn't done in months, not even while making peace with Harry. She sobbed as loud as she wanted, and the knot that had been stopping her from breathing finally loosened a bit, it made her feel as if she was slowly shrinking back into her child self, the girl cornered in the playground, but she wasn't alone anymore, and she was no longer a weak little thing.
Erick ran a hand through her hair gently, there was something about the way he touched her that made her feel safe. 
"You'll feel better. I promise you will..."
He'd lost someone not so long ago, the only adult he'd loved and cared for him. He was probably still grieving, but the fact that he was there, in one piece, was the definite and only proof she needed to hold onto her hopes.
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When the last day of school arrived, it also meant having to sit there surrounded by curious eyes all staring at her and Harry, and she knew what Dumbledore would say during his speech. 
Stay together. 
She'd talked about the same thing for three days in a row and she was exhausted, if she could, she would drink a potion to forget everything, maybe even the fact that she was a witch, and she would go live with her uncle Lupin, surrounded by nothing but trees...
However, Mel had to keep fighting. It was far from over.
She decided to skip the feast and asked her friends to bring her food once it ended, she slowly made her way back to the tower. Mel turned right on one of the corridors and stopped abruptly when she saw Harry. 
For a second they stared at each other in mild confusion, they had been careful not to spend too much time alone because they knew they would end up discussing things they weren't ready to address. Mel gathered enough energy to give him a weak smile.
"Trying to find your appetite? Me too."
Harry raised his eyebrows. 
"You're not hungry?" 
"It's been happening all year," She sighed. "I guess I grew out of that too..."
"No way. You'll be eating in a week, I expect."
"I expect the same from you," She replied. "I'll make sure you eat twice as much. Merlin knows you need it."
A faint smile appeared on his face. 
"Care if I join you? I could use a walk."
The silence didn't last long when they found Luna.
"How come you're not at the feast?" asked Harry.
"Well, I've lost most of my possessions. People take them and hide them, you know. But as it's the last night, I really do need them back, so I've been putting up signs."
"That's horrible," Mel frowned.
"How come people hide your stuff?" 
"Oh... well... I think they think I'm a bit odd, you know. Some people call me 'Loony' Lovegood, actually," The girl said casually.
"That's no reason for them to take your things," Harry replied. "They used to call Mel a nutter too, but they didn't hide away her things."
"That's because they thought I was an attractive nutter," Mel rolled her eyes. "Prats. People need new brains, Luna. You're wonderful."
"D'you want help finding them?"
"Oh no," Luna smiled. "They'll come back, they always do in the end. It was just that I wanted to pack tonight. Anyway... why aren't you at the feast?"
Harry and Mel shared a look and shrugged. 
"We didn't feel like it."
"No," Luna agreed, and for a second, Mel was able to see something more than just the usual vagueness in her eyes. "I don't suppose you do. That man the Death Eaters killed was your godfather, wasn't he? Ginny told me. She also said your mother and him were expecting a baby, Mel."
Harry nodded, Mel barely replied with a broken 'yes'.
"Have you..." The boy started slowly. "I mean, who... has anyone you've known ever died?"
"Yes. My mother. She was a quite extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine."
"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled.
"Yes, it was rather horrible. I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?"
"Er — isn't it?" Harry glanced back at Mel with slight worry.
"Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?"
"You mean..." The boy started, but he didn't dare to finish.
"In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them. I could see you felt them too, Mel. They're always there."
Luna smiled at them carelessly, as if she'd just commented on the weather.
"Are you sure you don't want us to help you look for your stuff?"
"Oh no. No, I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up... It always does in the end... Well, have a nice holiday."
"Yeah... yeah, you too."
"Bye, Luna."
As they watched her go, Harry turned his head slightly without withdrawing his eyes from the Ravenclaw.
"You think she's telling the truth?"
"About what?"
Mel stared at the notice on the wall for a moment, deciding to use her popular card one last time in order to help a friend. 
"I think I would love for it to be true," She responded. "And since I have the liberty to believe in whatever I please... then yes, I think she's right."
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Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who had clearly been waiting all week for the opportunity to strike without teacher witnesses, attempted to ambush Harry halfway down the train as he made his way back from the toilet.
The attack might have succeeded had it not been for the fact that they unwittingly chose to stage the attack right outside a compartment full of D.A. members, who saw what was happening through the glass and rose as one to rush to Harry's aid. 
Ron and Harry walked back into their compartment and told them what had just happened outside, Erick put down the book he was reading and scoffed. 
"One would think that having your parents sent to Azkaban would knock some sense into you... I'll have to keep an eye on them next year, then."
Mel turned to look at him in surprise.
"You'll come back?"
"Yes," He said, a little smile playing on his lips. "I got a letter this morning ..."
He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. It was her mother's handwriting.
"I'm welcomed to stay with you this summer, and I think I'll take the offer," He grinned. "I don't wish to work at the Ministry, but I could learn a few things before I'm off to become a member of the Order. Besides, I can't think of a better way to thank Sirius than to look after all of you in the meantime..."
"I think that's very sensible of you," Hermione agreed. "It would've been stupid to give up your education now."
"What's stupid is that he's been ignored by his housemates," Ron replied. "The only decent bloke that house got in decades and they hurled him out? That's rubbish!"
Everyone stared at Ron with amusement, the boy turned a bit red.
"What? I can admit when someone's a good person!"
"I don't know what to say," Erick laughed. "Gryffindor's king just gave me his blessing..."
Ron turned redder and threw a jellybean at him.
Harry and Ron whiled away most of the journey playing wizard chess while Hermione read out snippets from the Prophet. It was now full of articles about how to repel dementors, attempts by the Ministry to track down Death Eaters, and hysterical letters claiming that the writer had seen Lord Voldemort walking past their house that very morning...
"It hasn't really started yet," sighed Hermione gloomily, folding up the newspaper again. "But it won't be long now..."
Neville let out a short sigh, absently patting his Mimbulus Mimbletonia. Mel put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, he looked up and smiled tensely.
"Hey, Harry," Ron kicked his leg.
Cho Chang was passing by with Marietta Edgecombe, who made a great deal out of hiding her face. Harry barely reacted, glancing at her before returning his gaze to the game.
"What's — er — going on with you and her anyway?" Ron asked, unsure of whether this was a safe subject to handle with Mel around.
"Nothing," Harry answered.
"I — er — heard she's going out with someone else now," added Hermione, looking at Mel as well.
"You're well out of it, mate. I mean, she's quite good-looking and all that, but you want someone a bit more cheerful."
"Right, because Harry's a ray of sunshine," Erick taunted.
"She's probably cheerful enough with someone else," Harry shrugged.
"Who's she with now anyway?" Ron asked.
"Michael Corner," Ginny responded.
"Michael — but —" Ron stammered. "But you were going out with him!"
"Not anymore. He didn't like Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw at Quidditch and got really sulky, so I ditched him and he ran off to comfort Cho instead," Ginny said distractedly, focused on her Quibbler.
"Well, I always thought he was a bit of an idiot," Ron said happily. "Good for you. Just choose someone... better, next time."
"Well, I've chosen Dean Thomas, would you say he's better?" Ginny replied. 
Ron knocked over the chess and Crookshanks chased around the pieces. Grey merely opened one eye before going back to sleep. 
Erick laughed again, freedom suited him. The stiffness of his shoulders had vanished and although he kept some old-fashioned attitudes, he was slowly coming out of his shell. Affection settled on Mel's heart.
"What about you?" He asked her, bringing her back from her reverie.
"What about me?"
"Do you have any new prospects in mind? I know Fred's hard to beat, but..."
"I don't think I'm ready to date anyone yet," Mel responded sincerely. "Why?"
"No reason," He replied. 
His eyes lingered on her long after she'd looked away.
The moment came when the train got to the station, and she stayed behind, unsure of whether she wanted to see what was expecting her outside the platform. 
It was time to meet her brother.
"Remember what I told you," Erick offered his arm for her to hold.
Her mouth was dry, but she nodded and held his arm firmly, letting him guide her to the other side of the wall with a firm step.
There was Mad-Eye Moody, looking quite as sinister with his bowler hat pulled low over his magical eye as he would have done without it, his gnarled hands clutching a long staff, his body wrapped in a voluminous traveling cloak. 
Tonks stood just behind him, her bright bubble-gum-pink hair gleaming in the sunlight filtering through the dirty glass station ceiling, wearing heavily patched jeans and a bright purple T-shirt bearing the legend the weird sisters. 
Next to Tonks was Lupin, his face pale, his hair graying, a long and threadbare overcoat covering a shabby jumper and trousers. At the front of the group stood Mr and Mrs Weasley, dressed in their Muggle best, and Fred and George, who were both wearing brand-new jackets in some lurid green, scaly material.
Emily was next to Lupin, she was hugging a bundle of blankets that could only be one thing. She didn't look like Mel was expecting, there were dark circles under her eyes, but she was far from angry. 
Her face filled with relief as soon as she saw her. Mel stumbled back, not knowing what to do. Emily realized that her daughter was afraid and she looked at her in confusion. 
"Mel," She began carefully. "D'you remember what I told Harry last year after the third task?"
Mel remembered, of course. 
"You said no one would blame him for fighting as hard as he could."
"That's right," Emily cupped her daughter's cheek. "I was so scared of losing you... My brave, brave girl."
Mel hugged her mother tightly, around her, she heard the others welcoming the rest of their friends.
"Ron, Ginny! Oh, and Harry dear — how are you?"
"What are they supposed to be?" Ron's voice asked.
"Finest dragon skin, little bro," Fred responded, probably talking about his clothes. "Business is booming and we thought we'd treat ourselves."
Mel finally stepped back so Erick could say hi as well. She realized then that she was now as tall as her mother.
"It's time you meet someone," Emily said, drying her face with the back of her sleeve. "Come here... this is Leon Regulus. Reggie, this is your sister."
He was the tiniest person she'd ever seen, didn't have much hair yet, but his eyes were definitely grey. She remembered Luna's words and in a way, she felt that a part of Sirius still remained.
"I have a brother," She whispered in awe.
"Is that your sibling?" Ginny beamed. "Can I see him?"
Quickly, Ron and the girls approached to look at him. 
Harry stayed behind, a bit unsure of whether he was allowed to meet him.
"Hello, kids," Lupin greeted them while the rest of their friends surrounded Emily.
"Hi. I didn't expect... what are you all doing here?" Harry asked.
"Well, Emily can't drive and watch over the baby at the same time, as for the rest, we thought we might have a little chat with your aunt and uncle before letting them take you home."
"I dunno if that's a good idea," Harry said awkwardly.
"Oh, I think it is," Moody growled. "That'll be them, will it, Potter?"
Mel looked over Moody's shoulder and saw the Dursleys, shocked to the core at such scene. She couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it, the first genuine laughter ever since coming back from the Ministry.
She felt someone poking her shoulder and she turned, coming face to face with the twins.
"What, we stop seeing each other for a few weeks and you forget we exist?" Fred smirked. 
She jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. 
"I would never forget you. Have you met my brother?"
"Yes, ugly little thing," Fred grimaced, George hit the back of his head. "What? It's true! No newborn is pretty..."
"Bold words from someone with the ugliest taste in clothing," Mel laughed again, it was interesting what a bunch of familiar and happy faces could do to her soul.
"We heard Erick's staying with you this summer... Pitty, we were thinking about hiring him as our assistant."
"I would rather choke on my tongue," Erick walked up to them. "You look ridiculous, and that's coming from someone who likes to wear formal shirts on the weekends."
Fred and George trapped him in a bear hug and messed up his hair, Erick tried to fight back but it only made things worse. 
"You missed us!"
"Flimsy little prince like you must bore to death without us around to keep things interesting..."
"Trust me," Erick grunted, looking at her with a smile. "Mel made sure you weren't that sorely missed."
"Ah, kids!" Mr Weasley looked at them. "Boys, let go of him! Ah, look at what you did! He looks like a madman..."
Erick blushed a nice shade of pink, but he laughed it off. 
"It's okay, Mr Weasley..."
"He looks far better like this," Fred teased. 
"Don't listen to them, they're just jealous," Emily replied, followed shortly by the girls and Ron. "Harry, would you like to meet my son?"
Harry wasn't expecting her to address him, but he didn't have the nerve to say no. Emily took it as a yes and did something she hadn't done with the rest of them: She asked him if he wanted to hold him. 
Harry stared at the baby without uttering a word. He took him, and with a few pointers from Emily, soon enough Leon was safely tucked on his arms. 
"He's... he's got his eyes," Harry said quietly. "Reggie, you say? ...He's brilliant."
For a moment he forgot about the rest of the world, Harry could see his godfather reflected on those small, shiny eyes, and with that came a life with no mistakes in it yet, a new opportunity to make things right.
Emily didn't take the baby away, instead, she joined the group of adults.
"Well — shall we do it, then?" Mr Weasley then directed his attention to Moody.
"Yeah, I reckon so, Arthur." 
He and Mr Weasley took the lead across the station toward the place where the Dursleys stood, apparently rooted to the floor. Hermione disengaged herself gently from her mother to join the group.
"Good afternoon," said Mr Weasley pleasantly to Uncle Vernon, coming to a halt right in front of him. "You might remember me, my name's Arthur Weasley."
As Mr Weasley had singlehandedly demolished most of the Dursleys' living room two years previously, Harry would have been very surprised if Uncle Vernon had forgotten him. Sure enough, Uncle Vernon turned a deeper shade of puce and glared at Mr Weasley, but chose not to say anything, partly, perhaps, because the Dursleys were outnumbered two to one. 
Aunt Petunia looked both frightened and embarrassed. She kept glancing around, as though terrified somebody she knew would see her in such company. Dudley, meanwhile, seemed to be trying to look small and insignificant, a feat at which he was failing extravagantly.
"We thought we'd just have a few words with you about Harry." 
"Yeah. About how he's treated when he's at your place," Moody growled. "And trust us, Emily has made sure to tell us all about it."
Her mother smiled brightly.
"I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house —" Mr Dursley started, but he was soon interrupted.
"I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books, Dursley."
"Anyway, that's not the point," Tonks added. "The point is, if we find out you've been horrible to Harry —"
"— and make no mistake, we'll hear about it," Lupin added, looking briefly at Mel and winking.
"Yes, even if you won't let Harry use the fellytone —"
"Telephone," Hermione corrected under her breath.
"Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter's been mistreated in any way, you'll have us to answer to," Moody growled.
"Are you threatening me, sir?" Mr Dursley asked in anger.
"Yes, I am."
"And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?"
"Well..." said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving magical eye. Uncle Vernon leapt backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley."
He turned from Uncle Vernon to Harry. "So, Potter... give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along..."
"We'll keep an eye on him, Moody," Mel's mother replied, "Erick, Mel and I will. Feel free to have every meal with us from now on, Harry. There's no reason for you to be eating rubbish."
Aunt Petunia gasped loudly at this.
"I..." Harry blinked. "Okay."
Emily stepped forward and seized Regulus, then she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Harry's cheek. 
"We'll see you in a while, love."
"'Bye, then, Potter," Moody patted his shoulder.
"Take care, Harry," said Lupin. "Keep in touch."
"You're not coming?" Mel asked. 
"I'm afraid not," The man said, hugging her one last time. "We have work to do."
"I could help if you want," Erick responded quickly.
"You're not going anywhere," Mel argued, holding his arm protectively.
"Maybe later, kid," Lupin answered, staring at them in slight amusement.
"We should move," Emily responded before Erick could argue back.
"Harry, we'll have you away from there as soon as we can," Mrs Weasley said. "And of course, Emily dear, all of you are invited."
"We'll see you soon," said Ron shaking Harry and Erick's hands.
"Really soon," Hermione added. "We promise."
Harry then summoned a real, loving smile. He waved at everyone goodbye and then turned to Mel and Erick. 
A strange thought came to her when she watched those two boys standing next to her and her mother: Family.
Difficult times were ahead, but they would go through them. Together.
"Well," Harry scratched the back of his neck. "I'll see you later."
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Erick sat in the backseat with restless curiosity, examining every detail.
"First time?" Mel grinned, looking over to the older boy and her little brother, completely asleep on the baby chair. "If you feel like vomiting don't stress, I get carsick too..."
"Ready?" Emily asked.
Mel stroke Grey's head and turned around to face forward. 
Yes, she was ready.
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Next Part —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @hamiltonwc @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @21bruhs @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee @thelastpyle
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
I think it's due time I've made a little something for the guy my entire page is dedicated to 😅 So, here we have it!
Just say you won't let go
Cedric x Reader
Requested - no
Summary - Written as though you're inside the song, Say You Won't Let Go, with Cedric
Trigger Warning - Fluffy
I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though, I was enough. We danced the night away, we drank too much. I held your hair back when you were throwing up.
Cedric spun you once again, your giggled filling the nearly empty room. You had been surprised when he asked you to the ball, especially when you thought his eyes had been on Cho lately. But, the two of you had bumped into each other on your prefect rounds, late in the night. You had decided to stick together through your rounds, conversing on his first task with his Dragon. Right before you had separated, he smiled down at you, "Hey, y/n, would you possibly go to be Yule ball with me?" His arm bent at an angle, his hand scratching the back of his neck as he awaited your reply. "Ced, I'd love nothing more than to go with you."
The two of you had quite a bit of the spiked punch the twins told you about, now far from sober. You laughed once more as he lifted you up in the air, just like he had during the champions dance, only this time, your stomach churned. As soon as he set you back down, you took off, your beautiful dress being held up by your hands as you rushed to the nearest bathroom. Your insides quickly came out as your felt his hands scoop up your hair, holding it back as the other rubbed your back softly.
Then you smiled over your shoulder, for a minute I was stone cold sober. I pulled you closer to my chest. And you asked me to stay over, I said, "I already told you, I think that you should get some rest."
After you were finished, you took a deep breath and turned to glance at him over your shoulder. You smiled softly, even through the alcohol, you felt white embarrassed. But you looked into his eyes, seeing a sense of safety in them before he pulled you close, your head softly laying on his chest. "I'm really sorry." You mumbled, wiping anything off your face that might have come from your recent sickness. "Don't be, I lifted you up right after I spun you, I'm pretty sure any normal person would get sick after that." He laughed, smoothing your hair down now.
"Do you wanna come to my room?" You asked him softly, the two of you walking slowly to your common room. "I don't really want the night to be over yet. We could cuddle and just talk for a few hours." You said, looking up at him. His fingers softly pushed a piece of hair out of your face and behind your ear before speaking. "Love, I already told you. I think that you should get some rest."
I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know. Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you, but I never showed. But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
The next morning, you slowly walked to the great hall, your head pounding. You had never been more thankful for a Christmas holiday. You stepped in the doors, glancing up to see Cedric already looking straight at you. He smiled a smile that filled his eyes with happiness at the sight of you, but you were too far to see. He motioned you over to the seat next to his, watching as you slowly walked over to him. The two of you ate in quiet whispers, both of your heads pounding unlike ever before.
You glanced over at him as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. Your heart filled with an emotion you weren't really expecting so early on, if you're being honest with yourself. But, the only thing you could think of was how lovely he was going to look when he was old, and how much you hoped you get to sit next to him, watching the sun set as you sat in a quiet whispers, much like you both were now.
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed. I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head. I'll take the kids to school, wave them goodbye. I'll thank my lucky stars for that night.
It was years after hogwarts, years after the war. You had spent many of days thanking Harry for bringing Cedric back to you. The school had been stunned when the both showed up, panting with a fear stuck in their eyes. Cedric rushed to you, bringing you into his arms as he held you, forgetting everything surrounding him. His father came up, but he refused to let you go. You heard the voices around you grow quiet as Harry spoke.
"He's back." Cedric tightened his grasp on you, refusing to let you go.
Now, the war was over. He was fine, you were fine, and you were happy. Your nights weren't filled with nightmares as often as they used to be, and your children were growing up in a world you'd want for them.
"Love, wake up." His voice was soft, a kiss pressed to your hairline. "I got you breakfast." He helped you move to a sitting position, your full belly showed through the covers. You groaned as a kick pushed against you, your hand moving quickly to the spot, rubbing it carefully. "Thank you, love." You spoke, smiling up at your husband. "Coffee, just as you like, you weirdo." Cedric was always a tea person, but the second your mouth came in contact with the dark liquid, you were set on coffee. "The kids." You spoke, your eyes wide. "It's a school day." The two older boys, twins, were just 8 now, and we're attending a normal, muggle school.
"I'm gonna take them. They're both ready, putting their shoes on now." You smiled lovingly at your husband, so incredibly grateful for him. He kissed you softly before leaving you with your food, taking your boys to their school. He smiled as they rushed off, greeting their friends before sauntering into the front doors. His mind wandered to the night he bumped into you, that night at Hogwarts, and thanked whoever and whatever he could for it. The night he finally picked up enough courage to ask you to the ball, the night he spent hours walking the dark hallways, listening to your voice fill the empty air.
I'm so in love with you, and I hope you know. Darling your love is more than worth it's weight in gold. We've come so far my dear, look how we've grown. I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
You laid in Cedric's arms, one of his hands rubbing your scalp, the other tracing shapes onto your arm. The two of you had just gotten back from dropping your twins off at the train, your daughter having stayed with Molly and Arthur.
"Our kids are already on their way to Hogwarts." You spoke, staring at your ceiling. "Hogwarts was terrifying when we were kids, Ced. Quirrel was Voldemort, a giant snake running around trying to kill muggle borns, Sirius on the loose, that God awful tri-wizard tournament. You were almost bloody killed!" Your anxiety was rising with each word, absolutely terrified of what your boys were about to face.
"Honey, honey, it's okay. The boys have Mcgonagall as their headmistress. They don't have Voldemort fighting to come back, they are safe. Heck, Neville is a professor there. The boys know him, if anything happens, I'm sure they'll go straight to him. Plus, Hogwarts was also full of such amazing things. Hogwarts gave me you."
His voice filled your ears, his words finding home in your heart. "We've grown up so much." You said softly, turning to look up into his eyes. "And I wouldn't trade a single day of it, because I've grown with you. I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old." He leaned down, kissing your forehead softly.
I wanna live with you, even when were ghosts, cause you were always there for me when I needed you most. I'm gonna love you till my lungs give out, I promise till death we part, like in our vows. So I wrote this song for you, so everybody knows, that it's just you and me until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
"Hey, hey, Ced, wake up. Wake up." You shook your husband awake, your eyes softly moving to his cheeks. His eyes popped open, looking up at you. "I'm not dead." He whispered, his arms moving to wrap you up, just like they had so many years ago. Cedric had grown, just like you had, but his brain still occasionally forgot that Voldemort was unsuccessful at killing him, back in the graveyard.
"Baby, you're okay. You're right here with me. You're alive." You moved to sit in his lap, cradling his head in your arms, right at your chest. "Listen to my heart, you're alive." You whispered, running your fingers softly through his hair.
"You are always here for me when I need you the most." He whispered after calming down, pulling away to look into your eyes. "I'll always be here. Good and bad." You spoke, kissing him.
The two of you were laying in bed, his head resting on your chest as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. "When we die, we should become ghosts. Live forever in our home. That way, I'd know I'd never leave you." His voice was soft, but shaky, almost scared again. "Baby, even if we don't become ghosts, I'm never leaving you. I promised till death we part, but it's so much more than that."
The two of you slowly fell back to sleep, holding each other tightly. You and Cedric, until you're grey and old.
Just say you won't let go, oh, just say you won't let go.
Your wrinkly hands were tight in Cedric's, the both of you sitting together, in the silent whispers. The sun was setting before you both, the sound of your grandkids in the house behind you. "Just put your pajamas on!" Your son spoke, chasing his daughter. "Gramma said I can stay up until 9!" She yelled back, rushing past her father. "That doesn't mean you can't get dressed! Little girl!" She giggled loudly as he picked her up, leaving you and Cedric to laugh yourselves.
"Looks like we're finally grey and old." You whispered, glancing at your husband. As handsome as ever, he was, just like you knew he would be. "And you're as beautiful as you were the night I met you." You smiled as he brought your hand up to kiss it, smiling at you. You laid your head back against your chair, looking into his eyes.
You both were laying in bed a few weeks later, both of you knowing your time was coming to an end. You looked over at your husband, seeing him eyeing you from the corner of his eyes, once again. You slowly moved your hand to grasp his, your eyes watery.
Your voice was soft as you felt sleep slowly overcome you. "Just say you won't let go."
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Spark of Happiness ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Summary: You already went through a lot in your life, but while dating Draco the world you knew has changed dramatically and it seems like it couldn’t get any worse...
Word Count: 2,8k
A/N: Thanks for the request @loxbbg and sorry for tagging you, I just thought that you would like to, since I took a longer time than I promised. That’s my first time writing for Draco, so I don’t know if it’s what you wanted. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
Part II
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Like in all relationships, difficult moments always come up to test the couple, their trust, their love, and their future together.
It wasn't easy to get through the first two but we were still together at a nebulous time in the Wizarding World and in Draco's life.
I always knew about everything, the return of you-know-who, the nightmares and I thought that eventually, when this all came to an end, we could live a quiet life somewhere, preferably as far away as possible.
Draco agreed with me when we talked about it the other day but things were not going well, besides the daily stress at Hogwarts, the anticipation of the weight of the black mark on his forearm was taking him down bit by bit.
He was drowning, losing what little light I could see inside him, and even if I insisted to know more, he still had to keep too much inside himself. Partly because no one else could know and partly because he had trouble expressing himself. It was always like this, although I like to think that we were slowly getting better at it.
"Draco, can you come sit with me for a little while?", I said watching the blond try to concentrate on the book in front of him only to fail, for the 3rd time in a row. "I promise that page can wait about 10 minutes, it's a weekend". My heart sank in my chest as soon as he turned to look at me, the dark circles under his eyes even deeper than the day before. Another sleepless night.
I heard his defeated sigh and soon after felt the warmth of his body close to mine and his natural scent fill my lungs.
"Why are you up so early, love?", his arms passed around my waist and his head lay on my right shoulder. "More than anyone, you should rest, even if it is during the day."
"I just couldn't sleep anymore", his voice husky and faltered and automatically my hands went to his messy blond hair, stroking the strands carefully.
"You know I'm here to listen to you and I know these nightmares are getting worse, I won't say anything after listening if you prefer but I can't watch you like this anymore, not without doing something about it”.
We were silent for a few minutes, all that could be heard was our breathing and his tired sighs. I continued in that position, I tried to pass on as much reassurance as possible, because there was nothing else I could do if he wouldn't allow me.
"My mother sent me a letter, when I go back to Malfoy Manor, I will get the black mark", he didn't look me in the eye and I tried not to take it to heart.
"And when did you intend to tell me this? It's not more than two weeks until Christmas, is that why the nightmares are worse?", I felt my head spin and I had to close my eyes to concentrate again.
He nodded and again silence fell over the room, each lost in his own thoughts until I decided to speak again.
"You want to tell me about the nightmares? You don't have to go through this alone", my hands came out of his hair and went around his shoulder.
And he told me everything this time. The meeting room where the death eaters gathered, the place most of the dreams usually took place. While he felt the worst pain he had ever experienced, his father was standing with a proud expression beside his mother, who was paralyzed and you-know-who looked pleased, basking in the fear evident on his face.
The worst part was left for the end, where the reason for his entrance was revealed, which changed every day. In some he was supposed to be just a spy, in others he was supposed to kill someone or be killed, and it didn't stop there. He was supposed to prove his loyalty by killing a muggle in front of everyone there, who would serve as dinner for the snake named Nagini. He had no choice, he could have no compassion or he would be there with that woman.
"They were laughing like it was the most fun situation, they were all there, the Carrows, Lestrange, Avery…”, I felt a few tears wetting my blouse but he pretended he was fine and I preferred to pretend I believed him.
He kept talking more names with a tone of anger and disgust but I stopped paying attention to Avery, which was the last name on my old birth certificate before it changed to both my parents when I was adopted.
"Love? Y/N???", his grayish blue eyes were reddened, I could clearly see where the tears had run down his face. "Sorry love, I was just thinking...keep talking, it's good to get it all out at once."
After I heard everything, I kept my word and didn't say anything so instead, I let him finally relax in my arms.
"What were you thinking about earlier?", his eyes were already closed, exhaustion was winning the battle.
"I was thinking it would be a much better idea if we got some more sleep now, don't you agree?", he couldn't see my smile but I could see his and there was nothing in the world I wanted to see more often.
"Sounds like an excellent idea...", he wriggled a little until we were both comfortable in a position to sleep.
Later after lunch I began to notice the change in Draco's mood, he seemed equally tired as the few hours of sleep were not enough but somehow, he was glowing and I was loving it.
The next few days followed the same path until he decided to tell me why.
"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower in 10 minutes - D.M."
That was all it said on the note his owl came to hand me and I couldn't help but smile.It's not easy to be dating at Hogwarts, where there are students everywhere so we usually meet during the night in my dormitory or somewhere empty in the castle.
I waited a few minutes to make sure there was no one else in the Slytherin common hall and then started my way to the tower with the utmost care not to run into Filch or his cat and I was really close to being caught on the 7th floor.
"I thought you got lost along the way", he said without the humor I expected to find in his voice.
"I had an accident with Filch but I'm here now, so did something happen? You're so serious", I said approaching him by the window and leaning on the window sill by his side.
"Yeah, sort of, I've been thinking a lot the last few days about what's going to happen", he took a deep breath before continuing. "And this time is different, this time I might have a choice".
I opened my mouth but nothing came out, he didn't want to be like his parents, it's not a new thing but to really stand up to them?
"I'm putting together a plan, well I was. I need to know if you want to be in it with me", I could see my own reflection in his eyes.
"Of course, as long as we end up alive at the end. What's the plan?", he grinned and explained to me the little bit that was already right in his plan.
He wouldn't go to Malfoy Manor for Christmas, instead he would have to sell something to get enough money to rent a room, which isn't hard considering his shoes are worth more than all the Hogwarts school supplies tripled. I didn't have to check to know it's true.
"That's a good start but I don't think it will be necessary, what do you think about coming back with me for Christmas? My parents won't mind. They want to meet you and it would be harder to find you there", he was staring at me intensely but not saying anything, I started to think I had said something stupid. "Draco? It was just a suggestion...you don't have to come with me if you're not comfortable and...", he gave me a quick kiss and smiled at me.
"I'd love to go spend Christmas with your family, and then we can think about what to do after that", he said moving closer to me to the point where our lips touched.
I agreed with a small nod and we kissed again, this time for much longer. The weather was perfect, the cold wind contrasting with my warm skin from the blond's touches, for me we could stay there forever.
A week later, another letter arrived for Draco during our breakfast in the Great Hall and his expression changed as soon as he picked up the paper.
"Draco?", he didn't answer me and continued reading and rereading non-stop with the most grim expression I have ever seen on his face. "Draco, can you talk to me?", I whispered and even with him beside me, I couldn't read a whole sentence.
He simply got up and left in a hurry, I wasn't going to stay and pretend that everything was fine. I didn't bother to make an excuse, since most of the table stopped to pay attention to what was going on, I walked out a little behind him and it wasn't hard to catch up.
"Draco! What the hell are you doing? We were going to work it out together, you don't have to run from me like you do the others", I said approaching in the middle of the empty hallway. "You're still not going to talk to me?", I said with my arms crossed zero percent intimidated by his angry expression.
"And for what? You can't do anything for me now. The plan has failed, they're going to ask the principal to send me home tomorrow", he started pacing back and forth, his hands clenched tightly, fear and despair formed a powerful alliance inside him
I had no idea what to say, what could be said to make this better? His steps became harder against the ground and I was sure that at some point something would be broken if we continued there.
"Come on love, let's skip class today. Let's think of another plan, you won't become one of them, I promise", I held his tense arm and guided him quickly into the dungeon.
"You can't promise that, how can you be so sure?", I could see a glimmer of hope that I wasn't going to let go."Because I will do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen, okay?", I slid my hand down his arm until I found his.
It was a long day, we barely slept that night as we were both unsure if our idea would work out or not.
The next morning I awoke to an unusual movement downstairs, the clock I had been given by my parents showed a little over five in the morning. My friends didn't even move in their beds as I walked closer to the door to hear what was being said and I didn't recognize those voices.
"I will call him Mr. Malfoy, please settle down", was Professor Snape's voice and after that silence came.
Damn it, there wouldn't be time to escape as we had planned. I took a deep breath and started to think, I wouldn't stay here, I had to do something, I had to think but the sound of my own heart was getting in the way. I hadn't noticed that I was shaking until I took a step back to my bed, my legs had almost gone weak.
A few nerve-wracking minutes later, as if I had drawn it to me from thinking about him so much, I heard Draco's voice in my hallway moving closer to my room.
"She won't mind, I'm sure", I could hear clearly through the door and I was sure that if it had been any other student, not only would he not have made it upstairs but he would also have gotten the scolding of the century.
The door was opened and the first thing Draco did was to quickly push me back near the bed before Snape appeared inside the room as well.
"Miss Lewis, you may also go with Mr. Malfoy, your Christmas break will also be early. Your parents will be waiting in the Great Hall Mr. Malfoy", and he stood there until Draco left the room but he didn't leave before giving me a quick hug.
"Wait for me in the common hall", he left unaware that his voice had made me shakier than I already was.
"They let you leave early because the Malfoys asked? That's so unfair", the girls were all awake. "Will you two be quiet? I still want to get some sleep before breakfast time", the second one said, still covered up.
After that complaint, they went to sleep while I took a shower and tried to process what had just happened and what was going to happen. I got dressed in one of my warmest clothing, I grabbed my suitcase that was already packed and went downstairs, it wasn't even past six in the morning, no one but my boyfriend was there and I barely set foot on the floor when he ran up to me.
"We don't have much time, we'll have to go with them but I'll make sure we get out before the meeting starts. It won't take more than 5 minutes", he hugged me tightly and I smiled as soon as the strong smell of his cologne hit me, I rested my chin on his shoulder and we stood like that for a few minutes.
"We'll be fine, the end of our plan still works", I spoke softly and I could notice the skin on his neck got goosebumps."I'm just going to let it go because it's not the time for that sir”, I said with a grin across my face.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, miss. We better go soon, the faster we go, the faster this is over", he kissed me before we walked hand in hand down the halls.
“Draco, why didn't you let us know your girlfriend was coming to visit us for Christmas earlier?”, his mother was the first to speak as soon as we approached them, her tone was nice but her smile trembled.
As soon as we started our relationship we talked it over and thought it would be best not to mention to his parents that I came from a muggle foster family. We knew it would be impossible to keep this secret since his parents are quite "protective", so he only mentioned me when he had no other choice.
I already knew that there would be one reason for them to be polite to me, I had not been judged on whether I was appropriate or not yet. They weren't giving me the benefit of the doubt, they were giving it to Draco's choices.
"I must have forgotten but it doesn't make that much difference, does it?", he said calmly and I pretended I hadn't seen his father's expression harden.
"We shall be going, I can't waste any more time here”, the disgusted tone in his voice left me more surprised than anything else.
Since no one can apparate on the grounds of Hogwarts, we walked to Hogsmeade in awkward silence. His parents walked imposingly in front of us and we were right behind them holding hands, only communicating by glances. Once we got far enough, we stopped on the dusty road at the entrance to the small village.
"Alright you two, Draco you know how it works, dear, have you ever apparated before?", she was kind enough to ask me. "No Mrs. Malfoy, I have never apparated".
"The first time is complicated but you'll be fine”, she held her husband's arm and in one second we were standing in the middle of the road and the next we weren't.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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ayu-shiridara · 4 years
Fall pt.5 (George Weasley X Reader)
Another terrible thing to read.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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After your marriage, you and George stayed at the Burrow with Molly, since Ginny and Harry are living somewhere as well as Ron and Hermione you two decided to live with Molly for the meantime. After Fred's death, everything changed. George's mood is not always good. You can hear his sobs in the middle of the night. You don't know what to do.
"Am I not good enough to cheer him up?" You asked Molly while crying in her arms in the lounge.
"It's not like that dear, he's still grieving to his twin's death, " Molly said comforting you.
She wiped your tears and kissed your forehead.
"Let's make something that can make both of you feel better, " Molly said.
You nodded and both of you headed to the kitchen. She cooked your favourite food and gave you some tea.
"Eat and we will visit Fred's and Levi's graveyard after this, " Mrs Weasley said.
After lunch, you decided to go upstairs and
"Georgie?" You said and walked to him.
"(Y/N), " George said and he extended his arms asking for a hug.
"We're going to visit Fred and Levi, are you coming with us?" You asked in your softest tone.
"Sure, I'm just going to get ready, wait for me, " he said and released you from the hug.
You nodded and head downstairs to help Molly arrange the flowers you're going to bring on Fred and Levi's graveyard. After a minute Arthur arrives from work. All of you left the Burrow and walk to the graveyard. You holding the flowers while George's arms wrapped around your waist walking silently. When you arrive at their graveyard, Molly cleaned the gravestone and George placed the flowers on it.
"Freddie we missed you, both you and Levi missed a lot of things. I'm going to re-open the shop next week. A lot of customers want to explore the shop again. Isn't it great? I just wished you're still here with us, " George said.
He stands up and you buried your face in his chest while hugging him. After an hour you all went back to the Burrow.
The following week you and George went back to the shop. You helped him with restoring some stuff.
"Come on Georgie let's go and grab some lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, " you said.
He became more silent after Fred's death. He barely speaks or laughs. Both you and George walk to the Leaky Cauldron and order some food. While both you and George are having your lunch someone cleared her throat from the back. You and George turn around to look who is it.
"George!" The girl exclaimed.
"Angelina?" George asked.
"Yes, you still remember me, " Angelina exclaimed and hugged George.
You cleared your throat making them broke the hug.
"Who is she?" Angelina asked.
"I'm (Y/N) Weasley, George's wife, " you said proudly.
Her actions are different, you can sense that she wants George for herself.
"Oh, you're Harry's friend, (Y/N)(L/N)?" She said.
"Not only Harry's friend but also my wife, " George said and grabbed your waist.
Since both of you are done eating, George pays for the bills and both of you immediately exited the Leaky Cauldron leaving Angelina. You went back to the shop and both you and George finished doing your business. It's dinner and you're sitting on the dining table while waiting for your husband to finish the meal.
"I was surprised to see Angelina, I haven't heard anything about her since we dropped out of Hogwarts, " George said.
You didn't say a word because you hate hearing Angelina's name. It's obvious that she liked your husband.
"We're going to reopen the shop tomorrow right?" You asked, changing the topic.
"Yeah, I'm excited to meet new customers again. And a bit sad because it's only you and me, just missing Freddie, " George said and sighed.
"Everything is going to be fine, I missed him too Georgie, " you said and hold George's hand.
"Love, can you promise me one thing?" George said.
"Anything, " you replied.
"Please don't leave me like everyone I love did, " He said.
You smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Never, " you said.
The following day you reopened the shop. A lot of customers excitedly purchased George's products. It was a successful reopening. The day went well not until a woman entered the shop wearing seductive clothes.
"Georgie, can you tell me how this works?" She said in her flirty tone of voice.
"I can tell you how, " You said and frowned at her.
"Can't a customer request who's going to assist her?" Angelina asked.
You sighed and just watched how an old schoolmate flirts with our husband which is too annoying.
Days passed and Angelina always visits the shop. Which annoyed you the most. One night you're sitting on the armchair reading a book waiting for him to arrive. He came home drunk.
"Where have you been?" You asked worriedly.
He didn't say a word and pressed his lips on yours harshly. His hands toured around your body.
"Love, I want you tonight, " he whispered to your ear.
"George you're drunk, " you said.
But that didn't stop him. You did it both of you had a long night.
After that night George becomes more affectionate to you. You felt more relieved that he won't cheat on you. He will never look at other girls. Today Ron volunteered to help George at the shop because you're going to visit Molly to the Burrow.
"I'll be leaving, I will come back tonight, " You said.
"Be safe love, " George said and before you leave he kissed you.
When you arrive at the Burrow, Molly welcomed you with a hug as well as Arthur.
"(Y/N) dear, how are you?" Molly said.
"We're doing great, we reopened the shop and it was successful, " you said.
"That's good to hear, " Arthur said.
You're in the middle of the conversation but suddenly you felt weird. You felt like throwing up. You ran to the sink and threw up.
"(Y/N) are you okay?" Arthur asked.
You nodded and wiped your mouth. Molly handed you a glass of water.
"Let's bring her to St. Mungos, " Molly said.
"I'm fine, " you said.
"No dear, I have a feeling that nevermind, come on, " Molly said bringing you to St. Mungo.
The healer checked you and you waited for hours for the results to come.
"Congratulations Mrs Weasley, " the healer said.
"Why are you congratulating me?" You asked confusedly.
"You're having a baby, " The healer said and left.
You don't know what to say. You and George are having a baby. Finally having a proper family. The best news you ever heard. You can't wait for the day to end and tell George everything. It's like a dream come true.
"We're happy for you, " Molly said.
The day went stressing for George. You're not around so he can't control his emotions. He went outside, it's hot outside he felt dehydrated when an Angelina showed up giving him a bottle of water.
"Thanks, " George said and drank it.
Not knowing that Angelina put an Amortentia in it. The day ended and Ron bid a goodbye. George was waiting for you in the shop when a Lady entered.
"Sorry ma'am but the store is closed already you can come back tomorrow, " George said.
But the woman didn't listen.
"Georgie, " Angelina said flirtily.
Then pressed his lip onto George's. George who was under a love potion doesn't understand, he thinks that the woman who's snogging him was you.
"I transfigured this letter to a ring, I'm sure George will figure out what's in this ring. I'm excited to tell him about our unborn child, " you said happily.
You put your wedding ring to a chain and wear it as a necklace and place the transfigured ring to your ring finger. Arthur sent you back to the flat and before you leave the burrow you gave Molly a hug.
"I can't wait to meet my grandchild, " she said.
When you arrive at the flat you thanked Arthur before he went back to the burrow.
"Thank you, Dad, " you said.
"Say hi to George for me, " Arthur said.
You smiled at him. You notice that the lights in the shop are still on.
"Perhaps George is still waiting for me," you said to your self.
You opened the shop and called for George but no one answered. You notice a familiar figure of two people on the counter. You walked nearer to the counter. You burst into tears. You can't believe it. George was snogging Angelina.
"How could you?" You cried.
They broke the kiss and looked at you. Your heart shattered into pieces. It feels like thousands of knives are stabbing your heart. You remove the fake ring and throw it to the floor and walk away from the shop. You ran as far as you could. You don't want to see their faces anymore. Your feet dragged you to Levi and Fred's graveyard. You cried you screamed.
"Why? Why do I have to suffer like this, " you screamed
You wish Levi was here. You wish Fred was here. Or you wish you died with them.
You knelt down and hugged yourself.
"I wish they're still alive too," a familiar voice said.
You stopped crying and you turned around and saw Draco.
"Why are you crying? Are you okay?" He said.
Once again you burst into tears and Draco hugged you.
"Go on, cry, cry until you feel better. This is what Levi used to do when I don't feel good, " he said and rubbed your back.
After an hour you finally stopped crying.
"Feeling better?" He asked.
You nodded. You don't know that Draco is nice. It shocked you but you're thankful that he is here to comfort you.
"I always visit these two every night. I love to talk to them. About what happened to me the whole day, " he said.
You didn't say a word and you rested your head to his shoulder. You're tired and don't know where to go. You don't want to see George or Angelina. You don't want to go home.
"Come on it's getting cold, I know a cosy place to stay for the night, you can tell me what happens when you're ready, trust me," Draco said.
Draco leads you a familiar forest. He opened a small cabin with a trapdoor only.
"Alohamora, " Draco said and the trap door opened.
The trapdoor revealed stairs. You walk down and Draco followed you. He's telling the truth this place is cosy. You looked around and saw a lot of pictures.
"This is Levi's home, before the battle of Hogwarts she brought me here and told me that I'm always welcome here, " Draco said.
It's unusual that Draco us being talkative and soft. But at least he made you feel better.
George stood there confused. Angelina soon left the shop. He picked up that ring and placed it inside his pocket. The next morning Ron visited the shop.
"Where's (Y/N)?" Ron asked.
"She cried and ran away yesterday, " George said.
"What happened? You didn't run after her?" Ron asked.
George didn't reply.
"What is wrong with you?" Ron asked.
George didn't answer. Ron just sighed.
"I have to go now, I'm going to visit mum," Ron said and exited the shop.
Months passed and Angelina is still flirting with George. George who has no idea was still trying to recall and think why you cried and ran. Your friendship with Draco is growing. He helped you a lot. He helped you and your unborn children. You just found out that you're carrying twins. You and Malfoy became the best of friends. But still, you can't change the fact that you want to see George. You want to feel his touch. You longed for everything about him. One day when you were cleaning Levi's home you notice a picture of you, her, George, Fred and Lee. The photo of the Yule Ball. You missed them so much. Then an owl arrives with a letter on its beak. It's a letter from your parents asking you to go to North America to spend time with them.
"Draco do you think I should go to North America?" You asked.
"Why not? Maybe your parents will help you clear your thoughts. Have time for yourself, " Draco said.
"Yeah, " you said.
Before you left you sent a letter to Molly. Draco promised that he will follow you to America on the day of your labour because you made him your children's godfather.
Today Molly told Ron and Ginny that you already went to America. So Ron and Ginny went to the shop to see if George went to America with you. The shop was closed but they still entered and went to the flat. When they opened the door he was shocked by what they saw. George was with Angelina cuddling on the couch.
"George? What is she doing here?" Ron asked furiously
"She's my girlfriend, " George said.
"Girlfriend? You have a wife! You're cheating on your wife!" Ginny said.
"I have what?" George asked.
"You better get out of here, " Ginny said angrily to Angelina.
"Do you think Fred will be happy if he sees you cheating with your wife," Ron said.
"Wait I don't understand, " George said.
"We better take you to mum, " Ginny said and glared at Angelina.
Angelina soon left and Ron, Ginny and George went to the Burrow.
"What brings you here? I thought you're with (Y/N)," Molly asked.
"(Y/N) ran away a few months ago, " George said.
"Is that the reason why (Y/N) is not visiting us, " Molly asked.
"She wouldn't run away if you don't cheat at her, " Ron said.
"If Fred was still here I'm sure he'd be disappointed, " Ginny said.
Molly stood silently went to the kitchen and made something. When she went back she made George drink what she made. After George take it he finally comes back into his senses.
"What happened?" George asked.
"You can't blame him, he's under love potion, " Molly said.
"You mean Angelina gave him love potion?" Ginny asked.
"The same thing happened to me when I was in Year 6?" Ron asked.
"Where's (Y/N)? Where's my wife?" George asked
Molly, Ron and Ginny stood silent. Molly handed him your letter.
Mrs Weasley
I'm happy to be part of your family but now is my time to leave. I'm going to America to live with my parents. Don't worry I'm doing fine. I guess we will see you after years. I always love your son. And our secret let's wait for him to find out.
"She's gone?" George asked.
"Yo-you cheated on her, " Ron said.
Tears stream down on George's face. He lost his love one again. Without you, his world was nothing. You promised him that you will never leave but he can't blame you.
The following day Angelina visited the shop again. She walked to George and attempted to hug him but George pushed her away. He was furious.
"You ruined everything, I don't love you, I only love (Y/N), leave, I don't want to see your face again!" George yelled at her.
Angelina looked frightened it was the first time she saw George like that so she immediately left the shop. George pulled the ring you throw when you ran away. He kissed it and he cried.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I love you too, always, " George said.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Not Yet
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Word Count: 3,270
Warnings: None
Request: Could u do something Harry Potter x reader were the marauders are alive and the reader is Harry’s gf and is as good as Dumbledore in dueling. And she was staying at Harry’s house for spring break and (Harry is still the boi who lived) Voldemort attacks them and says something like “if she wins she safe but for now I am going to take the most important thing in ur life” to Harry and he starts crying but then she out duels him and comforts Harry and Jily notices how much they love each other?
A/n: Ok so I know that the time line wouldnt exscatly be perfect for this fic but whatever I dont care. Also I'm sorry it tooks so long I had restart it because I didn't like my first draft. Anyway hope you guys enjoy!
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"Harry, they're going to hate me." You groaned falling back from your sitting position on his bed to laying and burying your head in your hands.
Harry rolled his eyes smiling. "Y/n there is no possible way they are going to hate you, so stop stressing." 
You turned your head to glare at the boy who was struggling to close his suitcase, "Oh yeah because when you met my dad you weren't stressing at all." You said voice dripping with sarcasm.
"That's different," Harry defended still attempting to get the buckles on his trunk closed. 
"How is it possibly different, if anything I have it worse because you have like three dads." You pointed out.
"I don't have three dads." Harry grunted, cursing those textbooks that were making the task at hand nearly impossible.
You muttered a spell under your breath and watched as the items in his trunk shifted before the straps snapped closed neatly "You most certainly do have three dads." You iggled when he looked back up at you in amazement. 
"I forgot you could so stuff like that." He murmured making his way towards the bed. 
"Well you should try remembering." You smirked before Harry climbed on top of you meeting your lips with his. The kiss was soft sweet and short. 
"Bloody hell!" 
Harry quickly rolled off of you. 
You both blushed heavenly looking at Ron who now stood in the doorway with Hermione. 
"Sorry." You muttered looking down at you hands. 
"Thank god you were only kissing I thought you were doing other stuff for a second." A book promptly shot across  the room and hit Ron in the side of the face. He glared looking up at the beat red girl across from him "Can you stop with the no-wand spells? It's very confusing for us." 
"Speak for yourself Ronald." Hermione chipped, "They are quite brilliant in my opinion." 
"Thanks Hermione." You smiled the color trickling from your cheeks. You had always had a particular talent for performing spells without a wand. You barely touched it nowadays, you would simply do the spell without it. 
It was a "rare but exceptional gift that very few acquired" McGonagall had informed you in your first year when you had performed  a Relashio spell without a wand on your second day of charms. 
You had noticed at a very young age that you could simply read about a spell, murmur the name under your breath, envisioning the result and said result would happen. It was quite helpful for dueling and protection 
"We are leaving in a few minutes so we just came up to get you guys." Hermione explained looking at Harry's packed trunk, Hedwig placed beside it. 
"Y/n where is your stuff?" 
"Oh shit." You muttered.
"You aren't packed?" Harry asked worry covering his features. 
"I was stressing so much I forgot." You hissed under your breath closing your eyes and thinking. Finally after a few seconds you remembered the spell and murmured it quietly. 
You heard a shriek followed by "Merlin's Beard y/n can't you just pack like the rest of us, you almost killed me with your bloody broom!"
"Sorry Parvati!" You shouted back before your wand came whizzing into your hand followed by your trunk and your owl cage, your barn owl locked securely inside, and of course your broomstick which had been an unnecessarily expensive and fought against birthday present from Harry. "Packed." You smiled up at the other three.
When the four of you had finally boarded and settled on the Hogwarts Express nerves took you over once again. You found yourself tracing the scar on your hand feeling out every letter of the sentence, "I will not tell lies" engraved on your hand. You remembered Harry's fury when you had walked out of Umbridge's classroom tears pricking at your eyes as blood dripped from your hand. Fred, George and Ron had to physically hold the boy back from beating the pick monsters face in with his fists. 
Harry quickly noticed your nervous state and slide his arm around you pulling you closer. "They are going to love you y/n/n." 
You sighed and looked over at his breath-taking green eyes, "You don't know that." 
"Come on you already met Remus and he loved you." Harry said trying to comfort you. 
"Great only two more dads and a mom to impress." You said staring out the window.
"Hey look," Harry pushed your head back to meet his eyes gently, "Remus already likes you and my Dad will be easy, just tell him your a chaser and he will talk for hours. For my mom just talk about spells and all that stuff you are so bloody good at. And for Sirius just mention a few of the pranks you pulled on Malfoy and your in the clear. You are too amazing for them not to like." 
"But what if they dont think I'm good enough for you, I mean you are 'the one who lived' and everything and I'm just...me." 
Harry scoffed, "Just you? You mean the girl who has the best marks in every single class she takes. The girl who could take down there own professors when it came to dueling and knows how to perform more spells and charms without a wand than the Charms teacher does with one?" 
You blushed looking down, "I don't have the best marks in Herbology, Transfiguration or Potions." You pointed out. 
Harry sighed, "They are going to love you y/n. I just know it." 
When the train stopped at platform 9 and ¾ so did your heart. You were jumpy and anxious, you felt as if you were running on adrenaline and caffeine. 
Hermione and Ron said goodbye wishing you luck as Harry looked around for his parents on the crowded platform.  
"There they are." Harry said grabbing your hand and heading toward a man who looks stunningly like Harry and a woman with bright red hair. 
You gulped hoping you didn't look as nervous as you were. 
When you reached the couple Harry hugged both of them as you stood awkwardly to the side trying not to draw attention to yourself. 
"Mom, Dad this is the girl I told you about, y/n." Harry introduced.
You blushed a bit waving and to your surprise the women stepped toward you and brought you into a hug. 
"It's so lovely to finally meet you, we've heard so much about you from Harry." She said pulling away to look you in the eyes. 
"It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Potter." You smiled. 
James  stuck out his hand and you shook it firmly greeting him as well. 
"Well we better head home before Sirius burns down the house." Lily sighed. 
"Its fine." James said brushing the issue away, "Moony is there too." 
You looked at Harry "Who's Moony?" You mouthed silently.
"Professor Lupin." He whispered back. 
You bit your lip hoping that he still considered you a good student. 
When you reached Harry's house your nerves were buzzing again, you could hear the thumping of your heart loud and clear as Harry opened the front door. 
You heard a loud "Harry!" Bellowed form inside the house and Harry was soon thrown into a hug by a man with long dark hair. 
"It's great to see you again." The man who you were guessing was Sirius smiled. 
"You too Sirius." You suspicions were confirmed. "Oh this is y/n." Harry said moving to the side so you were face to face with the man. 
"Hello, it's nice to finally meet you, Harry has told me so much about you." You greeted sticking out your hand. 
"I could say the same for you." Sirius winked taking your hand. You glanced over at Harry whose face was tinged red and glaring at the man.
You giggled as Harry pulled you away, "You can put your stuff in my room." He chatted as he dragged you up the stairs to the first door on the right. 
When you entered you couldn't help but smile. The room was so… Harry. 
The walls were painted a vibrant crimson, he had quidditch banners and famous wizard posters plastered on the walls. There was a wooden desk in one cornor, a dresser and a double bed against the other wall. A door which you guessed lead to a closet on the other. There were two hooks in the center of the wall above the dresser. Different posters and papers were sprinkled around the hooks  where Harry had now walked over and placed his broom. 
You walked closer to the wall to find that all of the papers and posters were tickets and brackets from various quidditch matches.
"My dad always takes me to them." Harry chimed in walking closer to you. 
"That's brilliant," you nodded continuing to look at the items sprinkled on the wall. 
"How many have you been to?" Harry questioned snaking his arm around your waist as you stood admiring. 
"Oh, I haven't been to any." You shrugged turning to face the now appalled boy.
You shrugged again 
You nodded rolling your eyes playfully; "My dad just never took me."
"You have to come with us next time." Harry declared. 
"I'd love too." You smirked leaning in to kiss the boy. Your lips had barley brushed his when you were interrupted by the bang of a door. 
"Harry dinners ready…" Sirius' voice trailed off when he saw the position of your red faces. He smirked, Harry once again glaring at him.
"We're coming." Harry growled cheeks matching his walls. 
"You are now?" Sirius jeered before descending down the stairs. 
The second he was out of sight you burst into a fit of giggles. 
"What's so funny?" Harry asked.
"I don't know," you laughed out. 
With that you made your way to the stairs. 
When you sat down at the dinner table you looked up to see your ex-professors eyes sparkling at you. 
You smiled at the man and then turned your head to see Harry serving you some food. You thanked him then thanked the chef who sat proudly next to the professor his head of long midnight hair held high. 
You quickly launched into a conversation with Mrs. Potter about your plans to be an Auror after Hogwarts while Harry laughed with his godfather. 
Your conversation was cut short by Mr. Potter. 
"So I saw you had a broom, you play I'm guessing." He inquired.
"Yes I do sir." You spoke politely before placing a tomato into your mouth and feeling its soft skin burst with flavor against your teeth. 
"No need for the 'sir'" the man explained before adding, "What position?"
"I'm a chaser si-" you cut your sentence
 short blushing.
 James eyes widened under his glasses, "Really?" 
"Yes, I have been playing since second year." You nodded.
"Wow, that's pretty young for a chaser." 
"She's incredible, probably better than you Dad," Harry cut in, "She once scored 180 points in one game. That's only 30 points below the record." Harry gushed making you flame red, "And she's only in her fifth year." Harry added proudly smiling. 
You felt on fire when all of the adults at the table looked at you in amazement and surprise. "It's really no big deal, I don't win the games your son does." You mumbled looking down at your food. 
Harry rolled his eyes at your modesty even though it only made him grin impossibly l that's quite impressive." Sirius noted, "I didn't take you for a jock." 
You bit your lip before hearing another voice cut through.
"She's not just a jock Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes. "When I had her in my class she had the highest marks of all the students, she's quite talented, especially when it comes to spells and charms, she would make a brilliant Auror." 
You felt your face once again fill with fire as you looked across at the man who had spoken, "Thank you Professor Lupin." 
"Just Remus." He said before taking a sip of his wine. 
You nodded and looked at Harry who was smiling brightly at you his eyes sparkling like rare gems. 
Lily opened her mouth to continue the conversation when suddenly Harry's smile turned to a grimace of agony. He bent over with a gasp, clutching his forehead. 
Everyone instantly began to move, you moved toward Harry wrapping your arms around him, James and Lily reached for their wands as Sirius and Remus leapt from their chairs flicking their own to lock the doors and windows around them. 
You and everyone else in that room knew what that anguish Harry was feeling meant. 
Harry hissed air through his teeth in pain, "Y/n, you need to get out of here, he's coming, Voldemort's coming." He spit out. 
You turned to Lily for an answer but it was too late.
The women flew across the room in a gust of wind 
"Lily!" James yelled from across the room before he was thrown backwards into the china case with a crash. You turned to see five figures in black standing in the living room. Sirius leapt into action deflecting two spells before being hit with another. 
Remus yelled in anger hitting one of the figures with a spell before being hit with two of his own. 
During this you gathered your scattered thoughts and muttered a small protection spell  under your breath. 
Your heard Harry shriek with misery as another figure appeared in the room. You recognized the man -if you could even call him that- instantly. He started toward you and Harry who had somehow ended up on the floor your arm still sealed over his shoulders. 
"Move girl." The thing headed toward you stated. 
You rose to your feet to meet him as he neared. "No." 
A cackle rose from the throat of the monster. "Look around you," he said gesturing to the four wizards all now caught by a figure in black, wands held by tattooed wrists at their necks. 
"Move and you may live." The thing promised. 
"No." You repeated grasping your hands to fists as you stood in front of the boy shaking in torment.
You didn't let the dark lord finish his spell before you whispered one of your own. 
The most forgiving of the unforgivable curses bounced off your shield and hit the window with a crash. You then whispered a small healing spell to Harry and heard him gasp for breath finally being released from pain's cold grasp. 
The white faced man now glared at you shooting another curse you deflected with ease. His frustration was now visible as he shot a series of painful spell at you. You muttered deflections and counter curses smoothly. 
You almost smiled at the man's great surprise and rage at the new obstacle that stood in the way of Harry's death. Your joy was swept away quickly.
"Y/n move!" You heard Harry yelled before you were hit with a blinding sting in your chest. You fell back in pain gasping for breath. You turned your head to see Remus laying on the ground in a heap, his guard standing over you in triumph. 
Suddenly you began to float up in the air. You tried and failed to regain your bearings as you were suddenly flying toward he who must not be named.  You felt cold as his fingernails closed aground your neck. 
You could smell rotting flesh and the metallic scent of blood. You could sense the hunger of the thing holding you, you could sense its hunger for death, for blood, for pain, he fed from it. 
Voldemort cackled watching as Harry screamed, writhing in the grasp of the death eater holding him.
You began to feel adrenaline rush through you with new found terror. You couldn't die. No no no. Not yet.  Please dear God not yet. You began to feel tears prick at your eyes. Please. Please not yet. Not yet.
"I can't kill you Harry." The monster paused "Not yet. But I can kill her. I can kill her easily as a bug, she's nothing." He howled in laughter. "The most important thing to you in this miserable world is nothing, its pathetic." 
Harry sobbed attempting to throw himself forward as Voldemort's wand raised to your throat.
"Please not her, please, take me instead, not her dont kill her, let her live please." Harry begged, sobs making his words almost incomprehensible.
You watched in horror as Harry broke in front of you. You could hear his parents screaming in the background and Sirius crying for Remus to wake up. 
Your body shook with anger and fear at the scene taking place in front of you. You squeezed your eyes shut and focused that energy. You focused just as your dad had thought you. You focused all that pain, fury, fear onto one thing, one spell, one person.
"Crusio." You murmured softly. 
Suddenly you were released and sent sprawling towards the ground. You heard a blood curdling shriek of agony behind you and stood to see the dark lord writhing on the floor. As he did your head felt with a splitting pain and you screeched grasping at your temples in an attempt to stop the pain. 
It ended as abruptly as it started and you stood over the man so many feared and you saw him look back up at you to see the one thing you were sure this man had never felt before in his eyes. Fear. 
He was gone in a whisper of black smoke, his followers disappearing just as quickly.
You turned sliding to the floor next to the boy you loved, tears of relief springing from your eyes. 
"She's gone, she's gone, she's gone." You heard him sobbing slumped on the ground defeated. 
"Harry, Harry it's me." You said voice breaking. He looked up his glasses were long gone his emerald eyes shining with tears. 
"Y/n?" He mumbled.
"Hey, yeah it's me." You cried. 
"But y-you, you, you were g-gone." 
"Not yet. Not yet." You sobbed tears of joy as you were tackled in a hug by the boy. 
You sobbed on to his shoulder as he pulled you into him grasping you desperately, wetting your y/h/c hair with tears. 
He pulled away from the hug grabbing your damp cheeks and smashing his lips onto yours. 
The kiss was desperate and needy, Harry moved his lips roughly against yours, you could taste the salt on him left from his tears, the same salty droplets still leaking from your eyes. 
When you broke away he pulled you into his chest again. "I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you y/n, I love you so much." The words fell from his mouth in a slur.
"I love you too Harry. I love you too" You cried into his chest.
Lily and James watched as the two of you reunited and looked at each other with the same eyes. They knew what the two of you had, they had seen very few like it, very few indeed. It was love. Not fake teenage dream "love". Not abusive of forced "love". Not one sided or used "love" but true and actual love. The same love they felt for each other. They watched as the young couple picked each other up and put each other back together and they knew that those two teenagers were in it for the long run. 
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