#but they're under no obligation to give you an explanation
To everyone freaking out over NM S2 premiering a wee bit later than expected. The amount of time/effort R&F put into this is colossal. They constantly and consistently pull 60-70 hour weeks. Week after week with no break, upwards of a year and longer, to the point they flirt with burnout like Leo/nore flirts with Annabel. That to me is the exact opposite of lazy. Over the last year, I and others have witnessed this mind-blowing work ethic first hand. Its insane the amount of work they put in. Often eps are well over the minimum panel amount, they don't have to do 10-20 panels more than the minimum, but they do it as they want to tell a good story with each episode ending where it feels natural. The next thing: Nobody is entitled to any creator's time, or gets to dictate how they spend their personal time off. A hiatus is merely an opportunity to create buffer. R&F are under no obligation to use it that way. It is their choice to. It is also a time for them to regroup, recover from fatigue -- as any artist or writer knows headspace is important to the creative process -- attend to the shop, catch up on any admin that needs doing, and a litany of other things that people need to do to go about their daily lives. This break -- because lets call it what it is, if this were a normal 8-6 we'd call it UPTO -- is for them to take time to themselves, same as any other job. If they want to play Star Dew Valley to relax or decompress or ruminate on an idea, who the heck are we to deny them that? They're two human beings, not machines.
Thirdly: Please consider: There is so much more that goes on behind the scenes of a comic of this calibre that we as readers don't see. (Think of an iceberg, how they are so much bigger than the tip that pokes above the ocean's surface.) R&F don't just make it up on the spot. There's script writing, planning, research, editing, more planning, rough storyboarding, more research, tests, and probably a heck of a lot more pre-production stuff than I can even guess at before sketching can even be considered commencing. We don't know their creative process, nor are we entitled to demand an explanation of their process, or that they use their personal time differently. (Personally, I listen to music and walk but what is one person's jam, might not be another's.) Nevermore S2 premiering a little later than expected is not some big drama its being made out to be. Its perfectly normal. I cant count the amount of times I've heard some comic/ book/tv series/movie has been delayed for whatever reason. (I've been waiting seven years for one book I won't mention here, as an example.) I don't know about you, but I know Id much prefer to read something that has been well thought out, with attention to fine detail applied to it than something rushed and shoddy. Give them grace to cook! I know we might be a wee bit disappointed, especially when we're so eager to find out what potential horrors might befall characters we've grown to know and love on the eve of one heck of a tantalising cliff hanger, but I ask that you all show a little patience and, more importantly, understanding.
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ddejavvu · 8 months
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pairing: han solo x reader
summary: you get a little distracted while giving han a blowjob // based on a message from my friend who i do not wish to expose by name, about "licking Harrison fords space body"
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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Maybe it's that this time you're on your knees recreationally, not driven by a vapid pit of lust below the gut of the man standing before you. When you have the time to be thoughtful about sex, you typically prefer penetration, but today you'd felt like occupying your mouth, and Han had been happy to oblige.
"Well get after it, killer," He drawls, confused by your sudden hesitance. You've never wasted this much time before sucking his cock into your mouth before, and he's not sure why you're doing it now.
Your eyes are trained on his hips, broad, tan stretches of skin and muscle and bone that lead into his thick, sturdy thighs. You've heard a similar build be referred to as a tree trunk thigh, and you cant say you disagree with the description; they're strong and firm, something you'd definitely like to climb.
You've squeezed his thighs before, flung your arms around his waist when he'd tried easing you off of his cock before you were ready to let go to anchor yourself to him. You've touched them, you've sat on them, you've ogled them, but you've never fully appreciated them like you want to do now.
"Come on," He urges, voice taking on an exasperated bite, "What're you doing down there, meditating? Get in there."
He braces a hand at the back of your head and pushes it forwards into his hips, his hard cock running into your face. You scramble to open your mouth and suck it between your lips where it had been smearing sticky precum against your cheek, a stain of it left across your chin, too. He gives you a moment to get settled but you're still distracted, and Han can tell in the way that you're only absentmindedly suckling at the head of his cock.
His mouth ticks down in a disgruntled frown and he reverses his grip on your head, pulling instead of pushing. Your scalp burns where he tugs at your hair but it's only enough force to get you off of his cock, and you lick across your sticky bottom lip while staring up at him, waiting for an explanation.
"What's with you today, crazy?" He asks, eyes narrowed as he thumbs at your chin, "You got somethin' on your mind?"
"Your thighs," You admit, voice already a tad raw from sucking his cock, no matter how casually you'd been doing it, "They look really good."
"My- thighs?" He confirms, brows furrowed, "You had my dick in your mouth, and you were thinking about my legs?"
"They're sexy," You breathe, reaching up to ghost your fingers against one of his thighs, feeling its warmth beneath your touch, "Han, can- can I please...?"
"What?" Now he's thoroughly exasperated, "Spit it out."
You do quite the opposite, and attach your mouth to his thigh.
You're sure that the warm, wet swipe of your tongue over his hip is strange, and you wonder if you'll ever hear his breath catch again so sharply, so weakly. It's a sound he's drawn out of you countless times, but never have you managed to catch him off guard enough for it to come out of him. His muscles tense under your tongue and you turn to teeth, gnawing gently on the firm mass of tanned flesh between your jaw.
"-the fuck do you think you're doing?" He demands to know, even more alarmed when your tongue wets the outermost undercurve of his ass - barely teasing at the skin there but enough to send him into a daze.
"Your hips are so sexy," You breathe, words fanning hot over his side as you bite down on his hipbone once more. There's something deliciously taboo about them, typically covered if only for the modesty of another body part; chaste in design but sinful in association, "Han, please- please just let me stay here for a minute."
He's persuaded by the way that you dip your tongue into the crease between his thigh and his cock, lapping at the sweat-tacky skin there and ignoring the way that his balls nudge against your face. His hand flies to his cock, stroking it before he even realizes he's moved it, words uncharacteristically strained as you press a parting kiss to his balls before snaking your tongue downwards in a slimy trail.
"Fine. Fine, shit," He hisses, feeling the burn of your fingernails into his skin as you wrap your arms around his thigh. You hear obscene squelching sounds as Han strokes himself off, vigorously thanks to your efforts in soaking his thigh with your drool, although he pretends not to enjoy it, "Y'know, something's wrong with you. Gave you my cock and you're over here chewing on my leg instead."
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faust-the-enjoyer · 21 days
Leaving the cod fandom ✌!
Explanation + mini rant + final comments below:
So, I used to write for some cod characters, and I don't wanna be in this fandom anymore or write for it, for many reasons:
The games are military and war propaganda, I don't want anything to do with them anymore, they're filthy.
The fandom is full of americans, and a lot of em showed that they are ok with throwing Palestinians and the global south under the bus for the illusion and false dream of having some "rights", because to them intersectionality and values are just words, nothing more. Hell, even non-Americans supported americans in doing that. Shameful.
A lot of people in the fandom have been or are in the military. How can so many of us even feel safe or comfortable in the fandom when not only have these folks' accounts been made popular, but everyone is just...ok with having someone participate in the American war machine/western imperialism/etc around? How are people supposed to feel safe when not only are these individuals popular, but never condemned/held accountable for their heinous participation in such awful things? And no, this isn't me telling you to send them hate, but just as you "call out" racists in the fandom, call em out too.
Constant weirdness, fetishization, and mischaracterization in the fandom when it comes to mental illnesses/mental disorders in the lore/games/characters. CONSTANTLY. Actual real mental illnesses/disorders, it doesn't matter if it's just a game, those illnesses/disorders are real. That's so fucking weird.
No, you're not "not discussing politics" on your blog, you're a cod blog you dipshit, you're deep throating military and imperialist propaganda disguised as a video game. What you don't wanna do is discuss atrocities committed by YOUR country/military in the global south, lay your cards on the table. Oh and another, stop bitching about the fact that minorities and groups that have been discriminated against in the west join militaries and therefore it's "ok" or "empowering" or whatever, be real with yourself and get a grip, or do you like having a stick up your ass for imperialism/a war machine?
I should only apologise to myself for even being in this fandom, for even participating in it. The nerve of some of some of you, pretending to care about others. They don't care about us, they're not even good at pretending that they do, so please, don't be fooled. I've blocked big blogs that I used to enjoy the works of in this fandom just because they're ok with selling out Palestinians, just because they wanted to vote for and encouraged voting for a genocider. Please remember that Palestinians are real people, going through a genocide. And no, i'm not obligated to give you a solution when it comes to voting, be serious, your "country" in its state today shouldn't even exist, all rights should be given back to Native Americans.
Lastly, I still have some drafts for some cod fics, though i don't know if i'll even continue writing them or not, i'll decide.
Thank you for reading.
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terrence-silver · 4 months
(This is the plot opening to the movie Mulholland Drive) If beloved was a victim of a car crash but she survives with scars on all over body with amnesia and is seen stumbling down Los Angeles by Terry, what do you think he’d do when he sees her?
To reference my previous post here but, yeah, finders keepers?
He has a perfect opportunity to do, oh, I don't know, just about whatever he wants and simultaneously seem like the hero? The benefactor? Have complete and utter control over a situation and an individual? Appear like a kind man saving a car crash survivor? All while tenderly molding the person? Utilizing their amnesia to make himself whatever in reference to them and vice versa, effectively invading their life? Pushing aside any and all family members because he'll pretend to be concerned for beloved's mental state and how many people they should be around in the first place to ''avoid overburdening their traumatized psyche', all while, in reality, he wants to be the only one on their mind from now on. Nobody else. Practically abducting beloved from the world by alerting pretty much nobody of importance that he found a full blown person next to a vehicle wreckage. Again! It's for beloved's benefit, he promises! Their brain needs rest. Their body too. You'll find this man has an excuse and a valid, moral-sounding explanation for everything, all while selling the whole situation like there's no strings attached. That he has noble intentions in mind. That Terry Silver's merely doing this --- this whole business of taking someone like this under his wing out of sheer unselfishness, unable to let some poor, poor lost lamb wonder the highway bloodied and bruised?
He's too much of an sweet hearted man to do that, don't you know?
But, of course, we know nothing's for free and that he seldom ever does anything without an agenda, if ever, that he's ultimately claiming beloved in their most vulnerable state, leaving out any and all authorities from the issue (or promptly bribing them off) bypassing every rule of ethics and usurping beloved's whole life into his own, making himself indispensable, necessary, the support network of the century. He can sell whatever lies he wishes to them, tell whatever truths he deems fit, give way to half-truths, partial truths, twisted truths, gaslight them, shape their memories however he pleases, manipulate them, seduce them, isolate them, take them into private treatment off the records instead of maintaining them in a hospital because it's frightening what a powerful person with money can get away with, make it seem like his presence here is entirely beloved's idea because they need him ---- look at the state of them after all; they absolutely cannot be unsupervised and no, no, Terry's conscience cannot allow him to leave them, at least until he's sure they're better, basically wiggling his way in and seeming like a saint while he does it, making beloved seem like the unreasonable party for doubting him or wanting privacy --- they barely survived and yet they shrug away any and all help, especially when he's offering help so readily and with so much passion --- he could have beloved feeling irrational, indebted and ungrateful in no time, and himself, as the ever-understanding best friend in the whole wide world they didn't know they lacked until now. Look at the all the things he's done for them, after all; their recovery resort is a palatial mansion, they've a waiting staff, private nurses (probably contractually obliged into silence) and an array of security, for their own protection, even though, he's here. He'll protect them. What happened to them will never happen again. He'll look after them. He'll look after them so well.
But, that's why Terry loves LA.
Opportunities like this are sprawled out in the streets in front of him every day, and all he has to do is find them, recognize their worth, potential or in beloved's case, there was a literal diamond chunk on the highway, and since he's picked it up, cleaned it, polished it, it's his for the keeping. Into his pocket it goes. The rules of the game are what you make them. Everything he'll plant inside of beloved's head will be infinitely better than whatever their life previously was considering their previous existence didn't have him. Boo. And clearly, whoever beloved's original social circle was allowed them to total their car and nearly die --- something Terry takes immensely personally, holding an outright grudge over the whole thing and everyone involved, refusing to view and accident as an accident; more like a reason to retaliate. A reason for revenge. Not that he won't utilize the needed channels to find out everything about beloved anyway outside of his conditioning because he'll feel it's his right to know the same way it's his right to withhold whatever it is he knows. As I said; finders keepers. Beloved's mind, body and soul all belong to him now.
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sansxfuckyou · 5 months
top 5 etho ships ? bonus points for any explanation
my personal top five in no particular order, and like, ya gotta understand im still new here (hermitcraft/life series) so my opinions are poised to change, but the current standings are:
Bdubs/Etho/Cleo, i'll be honest, i haven't written or read any clethubs, but i saw some art of them that made my brain shortcircuit. they are femdom, himbo, and twink. i just think that Etho should have two people who are stronger than he is on either side of him at all times, bonus points if you let Cleo be the tallest. Bdubs being super clingy, Etho reluctantly tagging along, and Cleo making sure they don't fucking die because yeah they are god damn idiots sometimes, but they're her idiots. and she loves them. and probably gives them noogies and headlocks them.
Cleo/Etho, their marriage in limlife is so much fucking fun, especially when read under an aro4allo lens. Etho whose been happily married for over a decade watching his friends enter relationships and realizing that he loves differently, he doesn't even love remotely close to how they love, love isn't even the right word. hes scared so he leaves, hes not doing it right and his wife must be upset about it, that must be why everythings crumbling. and Cleo, not giving two shits, because that's her husband and by god they're gonna make it work if he can realize that being absent is whats breaking up their marriage, not showing affection and intimacy differently.
Gem/Etho, as a canadian i am legally obligated to ship this, as a lesbian i love it when men have chaotic gremlin girlfriends who put them in their place. see that one episode of hermicraft wherein Gem beats his ass on repeat and he keeps coming back for more. its like, like theres an unspoken solidarity, 'hey we're the same even though we're not' and they stick with each other. predator/prey dynamic if you go with deer Gem and fox Etho, you also get it with sea monster Gem and fox Etho, except he's the prey and she has the biological advantage instead. also, when paired with the transfemme Etho headcanon we get some yuri which im always down for.
Grian/Etho, this one came to via an Ao3 commenter and i have seen two pieces of fanart for it and like, seven fics. but i still think the dynamic of bird and fox would be fun to work with in writing depending on the bird Grian is hybridized with, especially if Grian is the smaller one. also in limlife??? hello?? Etho, swearing loyalty and promising to be someones sword is not heterosexual behaviour. what they had in limlife, even if brief, had me shaking i'll be real. also, for their hermitcraft dynamic, it'd be hot if i threw Scar into the mix, for flavour.
Pearl/Etho/Tango, consensual workplace relationships make me absolutely insane, it could tear apart their business or bring it further together. they have the kind of dynamic that makes my head absolutely fucking empty, one of those 'i just think theyre neat' kind of ships. the culture clash between each of their species and their own personal tastes, Tango's a blaze and they mate for life, Pearl's a siren and they don't do much for romance, Etho's a fox and they come and go- but they make it happen in spite of that. im working on getting them a canonized Ao3 tag right now, they have such a fun dynamic. also, they fucked in that post office when no one was looking.
tbh these are all really closely tied, and i also have a soft spot for tangtho and the team ties poly. they're all really fun ships, i just really enjoy polyships to be real with ya'll. and the life series and hermitcraft are full of so many possible polyships that its just making me foam at the fucking mouth. sorry boat boys enjoyers, the vision has not yet engulfed me, but hey im a multishipper it might be yet to happen.
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beehawk4 · 9 months
hi hiiii i havent been here in like months. anyway im super stoked about Limbus Company showing teasers of Der Freitschütz ID for Outis and for fun i decided to make a guess on what her sin resonances (and the specific skills they're for) might be
anyway! just as a foreword, this is based off of lu-is-not-okay's sin analysis guide. very interesting read, does provide a connection between the explanations ill give and the sin resonances i propose. ill also include a paraphrased explanation of the relevant sins, but if you want a more indepth explanation the link is below
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Skill 1 -- Lust
Lust is when you let yourself be guided by your own desires and whims, i.e. forgoing any discipline, long-term goals, etc. to solely fulfill your own instincts and wants. Der Freitschütz as an abno fits this description very well; he does not act on any kind of moral compass, but rather whatever he feels like doing at the time. This is supported by his lore entry in Lobotomy Corporation:
"... With the last bullet gone for good, the hunter traveled to numerous worlds. Sometimes he helped those in need or fought evil, but it was all done on impulse, not a gesture of goodwill or ideals. In one world, he was called a righteous hunter, while in another, he was a bloodstained gunman.. ..."
He is guided by nothing but his own personal whims. He has no moral, external, or societal obligations.
Skill 2 -- Envy
Envy is defined by its requirement of an external stimuli -- a reaction to something done by someone else. Envy implies jealousy or vengeance, but those aspects are not necessary for the sin of Envy -- rather, the key necessity is that a person is being influenced or prompted by something else.
For this Outis ID, she is being prompted by the Manager. Whatever orders she is given, she will follow to the ends of the earth. If the Manager tells her to fire at something, whether its a Green Dawn ordeal, an Agent in the Security Team, or an ALEPH abnormality breaching containment, she WILL shoot it.
"Should the Manager order me to fire... the bullet will penetrate the target. Wherever it is, whichever it is, or whoever it is."
In this regard, she is under total control of the Manager; she does nothing without explicit orders from the Manager, i.e. only acts when prompted to.
Skill 3 -- Pride
Pride is to ignore consequences, whether that is due to the belief that the pros of doing something outweigh the cons or simply flatout refusing to acknowledge the potential harm your actions may bring. It's not necessarily tied to selfishness or overconfidence -- while sacrificing others to benefit yourself is Prideful, so too is making a personal sacrifice to benefit others. Both ways, you are ignoring the ramifications that you or others may experience, out of the belief that it's worth the cost (or ignoring the harm the latter may bring you).
For this ID, this sin is rather intricately tied with Envy, so much so that I had a bit of a rough time determining which Sin should go to which skill. See, in Outis's case, the consequence she is ignoring is the possibility of harming or even killing her coworkers, due to the way her E.G.O. gear works. (FYI, in the original Lobotomy Corporation game, Der Freitschütz's E.G.O. weapon dealt very high damage and had infinite pierce, but also damaged other Agents and Clerks in its line of fire.)
This is where Envy and Pride mix together -- it doesn't matter to her if she kills other Agents or Clerks (Pride), so long as she fulfills her orders (Envy).
"Even... the loved ones."
Adding more for Pride, Outis doesn't acknowledge the harm she brings to her fellow coworkers at all, instead adopting an "at all costs" attitude towards her directives. To her, the "benefit" of completing the Manager's request far outweighs the potential costs of hurting / killing her coworkers.
It's also just woven into the abnormality itself. Der Freitschütz, in the pursuit of his own whims, doesn't acknowledge the harm or aid he brings to other people. He gains various reputations on multiple worlds, being a "righteous gunman" in some and a "bloodstained hunter" in others, but nothing suggests that he cares about his notoriety, or about the consequences of his actions in general.
"The marksman, now a devil himself, continues to pull the trigger to gather the souls of others."
Again, he acts only on his own whims, caring not for the consequences that come after, or for any reasons beside his transient desires.
sorry if this is messy or hard to understand its like 5 am for me. anyway der freitschutz is one of my fav abnos and it was fun to theorycraft for the first time in a while. fingers crossed that im right 🤞🤞🤞
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//Sooo I wanted to give an update.
First off: I'm working on the next chapter! I'm also working out the chapter after this one, I just don't know when it'll be written. (Picture for proof - it's only 50 words shy of 2500!)
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Second: I wanted to sincerely apologize for my spotty presence on here. Especially since I said I'd be on this last weekend and wasn't. I'll leave an explanation under the read more below, but just know that life has been...something. I'm not complaining and I'm not looking for sympathy, but I feel like you all deserved an explanation.
My goal is to finish up the chapter and get it posted as soon as I can. I don't know when that'll be with everything that's happening, but I wanted people to know that I'm not abandoning this blog or the story. I just can't give any good timelines right now with everything going on in my life.
I'll leave my detailed explanation below, but don't feel obligated to read it. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry again. TW for mention of bugs/pests.//
So a few things have happened in my life. I don't know if I shared it here before (I think I may have briefly mentioned it late last year), but my relationship with my parents is complicated and rocky. As such, sometimes I'll be doing great living my own life, other times they'll feel the need to call me every day and text me all the time. Now that my mother has more health issues, it's gotten worse. But that issue is somewhat managed now.
Secondly, the most glaring thing that's been making it difficult. I go out to see people in their homes for work. Well, one person I went to lied about not having any sorts of pests or bugs and I didn't find out until after I'd been there. That was three weeks ago. I thought that I didn't have anything and that I'd taken care of any potential bugs (I've been frantically checking everything and cleaning and spraying for the last three weeks. No joke.) Spoiler: I did not. I now have a bug infestation in my home that's been causing a lot of issues with my mental health. I won't get into how it's impacting my mental health, but let's just say I don't sleep well at all at night. Pest control just called me today to tell me they won't be able to treat until Monday. So I'm stuck in a home with bugs until I can go to someone else's home Saturday and quarantine in one of her spare rooms with my animals until after they treat next week. I'm also working from home because I can't go to work until after they treat, so I'm stuck in my home quarantining...with bugs. Also can't see my counselor in-person until they've treated, so (":
And then I somehow dropped my phone in the toilet last weekend, so I didn't have a good phone to try and answer asks on until yesterday.
Does all this sound far-fetched? Yes. But it's true. When it rains it pours, I guess ^^' I swear I'm trying to post on here and get things written, but things keep happening. And like I said, my mental health hasn't been great. It isn't awful like it was last year! But I'm really anxious and not sleeping well. I want to get the story updated and written as soon as possible, but I won't promise when that'll be because I don't want to break any more promises.
If you've read this part, thank you for listening. Like I said, things will be ok and they're getting worked out, it's just taking time.
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shannyh25 · 2 years
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When Matthew came to think the matter over he decided that a woman was required to cope with the situation. Marilla was out of the question. Matthew felt sure she would throw cold water on his project at once. Remained only Mrs. Lynde; for of no other woman in Avonlea would Matthew have dared to ask advice. To Mrs. Lynde he went accordingly, and that good lady promptly took the matter out of the harassed man's hands.
Pick out a dress for you to give Anne? To be sure I will. I'm going to Carmody to-morrow and I'll attend to it. Have you something particular in mind? No? Well, I'll just go by my own judgment then. I believe a nice rich brown would just suit Anne, and William Blair has some new gloria in that's real pretty. Perhaps you'd like me to make it up for her, too, seeing that if Marilla was to make it Anne would probably get wind of it before the time and spoil the surprise? Well, I'll do it. No, it isn't a mite of trouble. I like sewing. I'll make it to fit my niece, Jenny Gillis, for she and Anne are as like as two peas as far as figure goes."
"Well now, I'm much obliged," said Matthew, "and — and — I dunno — but I'd like — I think they make the sleeves different nowadays to what they used to be. If it wouldn't be asking too much I — I'd like them made in the new way."
"Puffs? Of course. You needn't worry a speck more about it, Matthew. I'll make it up in the very latest fashion," said Mrs. Lynde. To herself she added when Matthew had gone:
"It'll be a real satisfaction to see that poor child wearing something decent for once. The way Marilla dresses her is positively ridiculous, that's what, and I've ached to tell her so plainly a dozen times. I've held my tongue though, for I can see Marilla doesn't want advice and she thinks she knows more about bringing children up than I do for all she's an old maid. But that's always the way. Folks that has brought up children know that there's no hard and fast method in the world that'll suit every child. But them as never have think it's all as plain and easy as Rule of Three — just set your three terms down so fashion, and the sum'll work out correct. But flesh and blood don't come under the head of arithmetic and that's where Marilla Cuthbert makes her mistake. I suppose she's trying to cultivate a spirit of humility in Anne by dressing her as she does; but it's more likely to cultivate envy and discontent. I'm sure the child must feel the difference between her clothes and the other girls'. But to think of Matthew taking notice of it! That man is waking up after being asleep for over sixty years."
Marilla knew all the following fortnight that Matthew had something on his mind, but what it was she could not guess, until Christmas Eve, when Mrs. Lynde brought up the new dress. Marilla behaved pretty well on the whole, although it is very likely she distrusted Mrs. Lynde's diplomatic explanation that she had made the dress because Matthew was afraid Anne would find out about it too soon if Marilla made it.
"So this is what Matthew has been looking so mysterious over and grinning about to himself for two weeks, is it?" she said a little stiffly but tolerantly. "I knew he was up to some foolishness. Well, I must say I don't think Anne needed any more dresses. I made her three good, warm, serviceable ones this fall, and anything more is sheer extravagance. There's enough material in those sleeves alone to make a waist, I declare there is. You'll just pamper Anne's vanity, Matthew, and she's as vain as a peacock now. Well, I hope she'll be satisfied at last, for I know she's been hankering after those silly sleeves ever since they came in, although she never said a word after the first. The puffs have been getting bigger and more ridiculous right along; they're as big as balloons now. Next year anybody who wears them will have to go through a door sideways." Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes- Anne Of Green Gables.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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tj-crochets · 1 year
You should definitely tell people that you have blood pressure issues that make you passout if they're being angry, but if that doesn't work, you are under no obligation to tell random angry people the truth, tell them you have hear issues and your heart will give out if you don't sit when you need to.
Your safety is more important than honesty to random mean angry people.
Oh I absolutely do tell them when people are being jerks. I mean, most of the time, I just say I have heart issues and don't clarify if I have to say anything at all, but if they are being especially awful I'll launch onto a medical jargon-filled explanation while looking as like small and sad as possible. Like "sorry, I have ideopathic tachycardia and postural orthostatic hypotension, and the cerebral salt wasting syndrome makes it worse."
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stackthedeck · 1 year
Please do give us the two types of fictional consent rant
Yes!! Okay, so there are two types of fictional consent, in-universe and narrative. Think of it like watsonian vs doylist or diegetic or non-diegetic music. (discussion of sex but nothing graphic and mentions of rape under the cut)
So in-universe consent is where the characters look at each other and say hell yeah I wanna fuck. It's not something that's particularly hard to establish. Often times in the debate around censoring mature acts from literature, works with no in-universe consent get targetted
narrative consent is much harder to establish. I think of it as you giving your consent to the writer. The reader kinda enters into a relationship with the text, but like all consent, it needs to be informed. The text has an obligation to signal to the reader through foreshadowing and tone that whatever sex acts happen are coming and you the reader should suspend your disbelief and feel a certain way about it. Narrative consent isn't established because it's the right thing to do, but because it's good storytelling.
So you have stories with in-universe and narrative consent. Congrats you wrote a sex scene and your reader enjoyed it! The characters wanted this to happen and so did the reader, whether that's because it's a slow burn with gentle hinting at a greater passion, the two characters locked eyes and felt a spark, or there was a half naked man on the cover, the reader knew what they were getting into.
Then you have no in-universe consent but you do have narrative consent. There's something impeding the characters' abilities to consent and the reader knows this, but the tone and framing make it so the reader isn't upset by this but continues reading for some kind of desired response. These are your bodice rippers, your sex pollens, your mating cycles, etc. A kidnapped princess can't really consent, but the narrative describes it as pleasurable and she doesn't feel bad afterward and so there's narrative consent. Why would someone want to read that? The prevailing theory is the displacement theory of sexuality. When society vilifies sexual pleasure in a group, that group feels shame around sexuality but they're still human and feel desire. These stories provide the paradoxical fantasy of receiving sexual pleasure while also having a distance from desire. The reader is in a position where they feel that they are not allowed to want, so a character that does not want but still receives, can be a gratifying experience. Not for everyone in the group that is made to feel shame btw and idk if I even believe this theory but it is a neat explanation
and that's only if the desired response is pleasure. Stories the have no in-universe consent but narrative consent can also seek out catharsis as the desired response and depict rape. The reader will have a "bad" reaction the same way they will have a "bad" reaction to a tragedy or horror, you know. Not everyone reading something dark is getting off to it you know. Sometimes you just want fiction to hurt and the story tells you that's what's going to happen, clearly signaling what's going to go down through tone and framing.
I'm tempted to call all stories with no narrative consent bad writing. Like if there's just suddenly a sex scene that you the reader weren't prepared for, that's bad writing. Often times texts don't establish narrative consent because they're simply not that good, not because they're trying to harm their readers. Have you ever read a sex scene and it's just really boring and then nothing changes afterward and the characters don't get closer because of it? That's a violation of narrative consent. Sometimes you're reading a horror novel and then there's a gruesome rape scene and woah you really didn't think it was that kind of novel. That's a violation of narrative consent
And like I don't think it's strictly necessary to call this concept consent because it's just the full effect of communicating with the reader through genre conventions, tone, foreshadowing, etc. But I like to call it that because I think trashy romance novels have really mastered this idea and sex is held to a very different standard than other acts in fiction. I think tragedies and horrors are also really good at his, at holding the reader through the catharsis, not just hitting them with the horrible thing, but sitting with them in the horrible thing and letting them have the fallout.
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rekikujo · 1 year
Chapitre 2 ⤵️
[After school of the next day. Yumenosaki Academy, Student Council Room.]
Tori : What does it mean that Yumenosaki Gakuen will be closed!?
Shinobu : ..................
Mao : EH, calm down Tori. Don't be too loud. Everyone is still tired from yesterday's [Return Festival]
--No, they're still feeling dizzy from the [White Chocolate Festivale]. Look Sengoku's eyes are spinning in surprise.
Shinobu : Meet each other... This, my eardrums are ringing.
Yuzuru : It looks like a small animal and is adorable.
Soma : Why is Fushimi-dono lying down under the desk?
Yuzuru : Is it an enemy attack?
Tori : Don't be silly, listen seriously!
Mao : I'm listening seriously. I mean, if you want to have a normal conversation, you sould cool down.
Tori : Don't be arrogant! It feels like i'm already the next student council president, so i have no obligation to listen to Isara-senpai, who ended his term and became a regular student!
Mao : Don't ignore the voice of ordinary students, you've become a tyrant inoka.
Tori : Don't be so picky, just give me an explanation that i can understand! Hey, what are you talking about? ES suddenly announced this morning that Yumenosaki Gakuen will be gone from next year?
Yuzuru : It feels like it’s misleading to say that it will disappear. According to the announcement from ES, from next year Yumenosaki Gakuen &co. Idol training schools nationwide such as Zupuro Reimei & Shuetsu. It is said that they will be integrated into a single educational institution called ES Academy. Our Yumenosaki Academy is also « ES Academy/ Yumenosaki Branch School » It will be named like this, so in effect « Yume no Saki » the name « Gakuen » will disappear. The school building will not be demolished, and i think the expression « closed school » is somewhat inconsistent with the facts. It’s just that the name of the school will change.
Tori : Do you really think so? You think you can convince me with such a childish explanation, Yuzuru? Only the name changes, why not!? I personally checked the flow of money by relying on a messenger, so i know! « ES Academy » is trying to completely overwrite Yumenosaki with your own color! It’s trying to dominate! The look and interior of the school building, the uniforms, everything, they’re trying to change and standardize everything to that of ES Academy. The walls were repainted, the unnecessary school building was demolished and the ES Academy facility was built. I'm trying to remake idol training schools all over the country, each with their own individuality, into exactly the same mass-producted schoolhouses! It's like a cram school that has chains all over the country, and it's a school with no taste or personality! Isn't this a conspiracy theory? If you read the flow of money, you can read thoughts and the future!
Yuzuru : You've grown up, baby. Yuzuru is deeply moved.
Tori : Dont' make fun of me! I'm serious!
Mao : Even if it is said...... You don't seem to like it, but that's what ES decided to do, so it can't be helped. Money and personnel are already working. Construction work has started here and there. We can't overturn ES's decision even if we're sorry now.
Soma : I agree with you, but it's not what you in "Trickstar" say.
Mao : I'm grown up too. My high school life is over.
Tori : Don't just talk over there! Listen to me properly! I d'ont know anything about "ES Academy" or anything like that! Why are you always doing selfish things without my permission!?
Mao : Are you a king or something? There's no law that says you can't do business whitout your permission.
Tori : But we're students at Yumenosaki's school, right? In other words, "it is dishonest to make decisions on your own whitout listening to the opinions of the locals! At least talk about making sense of it! What a surprise! Terrible, terrible!
Mao : After all, we're just a student council, not Yumenosaki's management team. I don't have the right to say anything about the management policy of the academy, originally. You can't go against what the academy has decided, basically.
#enstars #ensemblestars #graduation #translation #trickstar #story
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sejianismodding · 17 days
Tumblr media
I've been having a shit few days so I haven't done much modding, but I did do a rant and I figured Tumblr might appreciate it too: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111545558
☢️ While we're waiting for patches, they're announcing EVEN MORE CONTENT! We're also getting a new FOMO Event. Remember how well the last one went? - A very short rant because I'm not really here. This is all a fever dream.⚡ 9/18/2024 - Patched but still broken!
Now, I know where this discussion is gonna go, "well the people working on the new content aren't the people working on patches," which, I mean, I don't know that for certain, but I assume the people working on new content are also the people modifying the code and causing the problems, innit?
Furthermore, the game has been in a state since Update 7/23/2024 aka Lovestruck's release.
Whether or not you've personally experienced every one of the issues reported is irrelevant. We're a community and we shouldn't minimize each others experiences with bugs.
Maybe fix the broken !@#$ before breaking it even more?
Nowhere in this Laundry List https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/laundry-list-september-3rd-2024 does it mention fixing our bodies and as I've said literally everywhere I've complained about this, FIXING OUR BODIES IS AS SIMPLE AS RESTORING THE 18 DEFORMER MAPS THAT WERE BROKEN IN UPDATE 7/23/2024.
I posted my fix for this and an explanation of the problem on Answers HQ on 7/30/2024.
We couldn't get a small emergency patch addressing this at any time over the course of August 2024?
The way our sims look isn't a priority?
With such a simple fix?
3.26 MB is too much? To be fair, it's more like triple that size in the raw format before package-ing, but I digress.
I get it, y'know.
I get why our bodies haven't been fixed.
If it affected everyone ALL THE TIME and AHQ was flooded with reports about it, it would've probably been fixed by Update 8/8/2024. But because it's only affecting everyone SOME OF THE TIME UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES and AHQ isn't flooded with reports about it, it's not a priority.
I fixed the problem so I should be happy that at least I don't have to see my sim deformed and looking like a !@#$in' freak, but simmers who don't know that a fix exists are still dealing with it aren't they, and console simmers, well, they just have to sit back and wait on EAxis, which is precisely why I took the time to explain the problem and how to fix it, on Answers HQ.
I'm proud of the time and effort I put into solving that problem, and yes, it's quite likely that another creator has fixed it and maybe even before I did. Before Update 7/23/2024, I hadn't done anything with Deformer Maps or downloaded any mods that utilize Deformer Maps so it took me some days of little sleep, combing through thousands upon thousands of files, pestering my Update 6/6/2024 friends to send me more and more files, and downloading and dissecting mods that dealt with body shape, for me to finally get on the right track and fix it, but it still pisses me off knowing that I need a mod to fix the shape of my sim's body BECAUSE EAXIS STILL WON'T FIX IT.
But they can announce new content.
Gotta keep that cash cow flowing.
Gotta make sure everyone gets onboard and agrees the Shopping Cart was a brilliant idea and it's so useful and totes not unnecessary and kinda insulting and somewhat predatory. Sales all year round, kids! !@#$ the neurodivergent simmers! Why should their health and well-being affect my enjoyment of my game? I love the Shopping Cart button! It enhances my simming experience ten-fold! The majority of this paragraph is sarcasm!
Gotta squash that dissent.
You're totes welcome to criticize our decisions BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL PEOPLE THAT THE ONLY WAY WE'LL GIVE A FUCK IS IF THEY STOP BUYING OUR SHIT! This one isn't sarcasm.
As a consumer you have rights, and as the company providing the product, EAxis has obligations. Only when you forget your rights are they allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, however the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want.
If we all collectively gave a shit, they'd have to give a shit. Keep that in mind.
The simming community by EA's own estimation is about 70 MILLION strong.
70 MILLION x 40 USD is 2.8 BILLION USD and that's only if every one of us bought ONE Expansion Pack at full price. There are SIXTEEN Expansion Packs, TWELVE Game Packs, and FIFTY-ONE Stuff Packs.
This belief that has infected our community that EA can't possibly fix this game is outlandish.
Have you noticed your Pizza Delivery Specialist just stands around after delivering your pizza until they fuck off for themselves? That's a bug. A fix exis- A FIX HAS EXISTED FOR YEARS https://simvasion.com/food-delivery-fix/ yet it has never been rolled into an official patch. Can anyone explain why?
But hey, new content, right?! I'm excited! Are you excited?! This is more sarcasm!
"Very short," my butt.
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dyrect1 · 9 months
How to Create a Business Warranty Registration Programme
A straightforward method for clients to formally register their purchased goods for warranty coverage is through a warranty registration programme. Customers guarantee that the manufacturer or seller has a record of the purchase by giving basic information about the goods and themselves. This facilitates prompt and effective assistance in the event that the product requires replacement or repairs while it is covered by warranty.
The Need for a Warranty Registration System in Businesses
For enterprises, a warranty registration system is essential. It facilitates their customer and product tracking. Let's explore the significance of implementing a warranty registration programme in more detail:
Customer Trust: Promotes trust by giving customers confidence in the support and quality of the products.
Data collection: Compiles vital client information for upcoming exchanges and enhancements.
Product tracking: Allows companies to monitor the performance of their products and spot any problems.
Effective Assistance: Provides speedier and more precise customer help by gaining access to registered product data.
Legal Compliance: guarantees adherence to warranty guidelines and offers legal protection for the company.
Feedback Loop: Creates a feedback loop based on user experiences to improve the product.
Brand Loyalty: Creating a smooth post-purchase experience increases brand loyalty.
Prevents Fraud: By serving as a barrier against false warranty claims, it conserves resources.
Marketing insights: Provides insightful information for product development and focused marketing.
Enhanced consumer Experience: By optimising post-purchase procedures, this enhances the total satisfaction of the consumer.
Important Elements of a Programme for Warranty Registration
There are a few essential components of a Warranty Registration Programme, and your warranty programme has to include each one. Let's be aware of them:
Form of Registration: Provide your name, contact information, and purchase details on a form.
Details of the Product: Provide information about the product you purchased, including the model and serial number.
Proof of Purchase: Enclose a copy of your receipt, which should include the date and store where you purchased the item.
Provide your current contact information so that the business may get in touch with you if necessary.
Conditions of Use: To learn about your rights and obligations under the warranty, read the conditions and agree.
Developing an Easy-to-Use Warranty Registration Software
We need to take certain steps in order to create a warranty registration programme that customers find user-friendly. Let's dissect it:
Choosing the Correct Technology: Select tools that are simple to use and effective, and make use of technology that is straightforward for clients to grasp.
2. The Observable First Step for Customers: So that your customers know what to do immediately, make the initial step obvious and easy to see.
Packaging: Make sure the packaging is written in an easy-to-read manner. Provide a clear explanation of the warranty registration procedure.
Landing Pages: Make sure that the online registration pages are easy to navigate and maintain a clear and uncomplicated layout.
Analytics-Based System: Implement an analytics-based registration tracking system. This aids in our comprehension of what is effective and what may be enhanced.
Device Optimisation: Make sure that the registration process functions well across a range of platforms, including desktops, tablets, and phones. It should be simple for everyone to register, regardless of the device they're using.
We may design an efficient warranty registration programme by concentrating on these phases.
GDPR and Data Security in the Registration of Warrants Simply put, protecting your customers' information is essential when establishing a warranty registration programme. The GDPR and data protection are two key issues to consider.
The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short, is a set of guidelines that businesses must abide with to ensure that they handle personal data appropriately. Names, addresses, and other information about your clients are included in this.
Maintaining the security of this data is the main goal of data protection. Think of it as locking a treasure chest to keep it secure. It is important to ensure that information is only accessible to authorised individuals and is not shared or used in ways that might be harmful.
Making Contact with Customer Service
This entails ensuring seamless communication across various departments within an organisation. Think of it as a pleasant dialogue. The team that assists a client in need must collaborate when they have questions or issues. Integration with customer support is similar to ensuring that all parties are in agreement, exchanging data, and cooperating to resolve any problems the client may encounter. Providing the greatest assistance and support is akin to working as a team.
Provide incentives for registering a warranty.
Give prizes to improve your warranty registration even more! Provide incentives to registrants so they can get more favourable outcomes. It's a fantastic method to cheer up everyone!
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shawoluvs · 3 years
I honestly just think fans expect way too much from idols. I’m not trying to sound insensitive but it is so tiring hearing people rant about how the media and gossip blogs don’t let idols rest or take a break and how sasaengs are creepy and out of order but the moment an idol needs to take a step back or doesn’t communicate with fans as expected people freak out and start speculating so much and working themselves (and other people, honestly) up with theories that are 50% a projection of their own feelings onto that idol and it’s just... idols really don’t owe us anything, they don’t owe us explanations for taking time away, they don’t need to fill us in on their lives or their mental state, they’re allowed privacy and unless they openly discuss a situation publicly or allow their company to do so, it’s really just not your business. Want the best for the idols you follow, even worry about them and their wellbeing if you want, but people have got to stop drawing up their own conclusions about things that may be private and they’re not actually owed any information about.
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alfie-the-elf-draws · 2 years
D&D tip of the Day: Can't believe I actually have to say this, but if someone says that something is triggering for them, they are under no obligation to explain to you what happened to cause it, why it's a trigger for them, or give you any explanation whatsoever about the "validity" of they're trigger/anxiety/phobia. D&D is a game, and whether you're playing in person or online, it doesn't change the fact that real people with real experiences are playing with you. No one needs to justify themselves to you period, full stop - and they certainly don't need to in order to feel safe and welcome at a table.
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Warrriors and Wind pick up their prank war from the war of eras, not knowing mask is there
(also featuring: look! they're queer! and the gender soup)
"Get back here, ya lily-livered bilge rat!" Wind screeched, chasing after Warriors. "I know you did this!"
Warriors laughed, side stepping his swing. "You deserve it!"
"I'll show ya who deserves it!" Wind tackled Warriors, sending them both flying into the creek they were camped by.
"Boys." Time warned.
"I didn't do anything!" Wind said indignantly. "It was all this fucker!"
"You had it coming!" Warriors said, flipping them so Wind was splashed into the creek. "You dyed my hair bright blue on the eve of battle!"
"It matched your scarf! And that wasn't me, that was Mask!"
They both paused in their struggle.
"Man, I miss Mask." Wind said, distorted by the rock his face was pressed against.
"Yeah." Warriors sighed. "Even if he was a little brat. I really thought he'd be here, ya know?"
"Yeah." Wind agreed, before pulling Warriors' scarf and dragging him back into the creek. "But you shouldn't have fucked with my stuff!"
Legend did a double take as Warriors walked into their camp. "What the hell happened to you?"
"That little brat dug a pit trap." Warriors growled. "I have no idea how he did it so quickly."
Time sipped his tea quietly and raised an eyebrow. "There are leaves on your hair."
Warriors clutched at his hair and screamed. "Wind, you little gremlin! I'm going to find you!"
"You!" Wind said, jabbing a finger at the rito by Wild's side. 
"Me." The rito agreed dryly.
"Where did he go? I know he came by here!"
"And why should I tell you?" The rito inspected his fingernails (talons? What did rito have? Were their fingers just nubs at the e- not important right now, Wind!).
"That little rat bastard stole my book! He knows it's a present for Aryll, so tell me where he is, you glorified seagull!"
The rito gave an offended gasp. "What did you call me?"
"I called you a pompous little bi-"
"Now, there's no need for that." A zora stepped in between them, her hands raised placatingly. "He went that way."
"...What was that?" Wild asked Daruk and Urbosa as the sailor stomped off.
The goron shrugged, and Urbosa only laughed at the expression on Revali's face.
"Wind!" Warriors yelled as he ran through the inn they were staying at. "Give that back!"
"No!" Wind ducked under an amused Time's arm. 
"I have a date tonight, I need that-!"
"Your hair looks fine!"
"Hey, Link." 
Warriors skidded to a stop, Wind ducking behind the newly arrived knight. He tried to subtly smooth down his clothes. "Hi, Kree."
Kree glanced behind him. "Hey, Sailor. Didn’t know you were still around."
"Hi, Kree!" Wind said cheerfully, shoving a bottle into his hands and ducking out of the inn. "Give that to the captain for me!"
Warriors let out a high-pitched noise.
"Hey, Wind." The captain's voice was perfectly polite. Too polite, Wild thought. "Do you have an explanation as to why there is what appears to be several pounds of rainbow glitter in my bag?"
"Nope." Wind said, slurping down his soup. "Maybe you're shedding."
Warriors blinked, rage momentarily forgotten. "Shedding? Why would I be shedding glitter?"
"'Cause you're all rainbows and kittens with Mr. Knight?"
Warriors threw a handful of glitter in Wind's face. He sneezed and looked mournfully down at his bowl.
Wild agreed. It really was a tragedy that such good soup was wasted.
Twilight really wished he could just run off into the woods and forget all of his Hylian obligations to the world sometimes. On one hand, no more of this nonsense; on the other, no more of Yeto's soup, and he couldn’t hold hands with Midna and Shad, and the postman would probably still be able to find him anyway.
"- so, you see, that's what gender is!" Wind said, standing in front of a confused Hyrule. 
"Are you sure it isn't a soup?" Wild said, leaning forward on his elbows. "I think it's a soup."
"What is gender, if not a soup in the bowl of our minds?" Time mused. 
"Yeah, well, it's a soup I don't swim in." Four contributed.
"Oh! You're nonbinary?" Wind said, practically vibrating. "So is Tetra!"
"I don't pronoun." Four said. "Use whatever you want."
"Pronoun isn't a verb." Legend said.
"Everything is a verb if you try hard enough." 
"Verbing is a delicate art, you can't just pick random words and decide it's a verb."
"Ha!" Wind said, pointing at Legend. "You just did it!"
"Did what?"
"Use a not verb as a verb!"
"Verbing is an actual word, and it wasn't used as a verb anyway, you ignorant sh-"
"Legend." Time warned.
"-izzle, it was a noun and a ger-."
"It sounded like a verb."
"-und, and you sound like a f-"
"-ir tree, dropping needles of idiocy everywhere."
"Yeah, you'd be an expert in that, wouldn't you?"
"Fight me."
"Don't." Time said, grabbing the back of Wind's shirt as he lunged towards Legend.
"Time." Wind whined. "He's saying stupid shit, and I know he helped Warriors tie my pants to that tree."
"No fair! How come he gets to swear?"
"He's my favorite." Time said, deadpan. 
"I thought I was your favorite…" Twilight muttered.
"He's my second favorite." Time amended. "Don't fight. Go dump a bucket of water on the Captain instead."
Wind looked at Legend with interest. Legend shrugged.
"Hey!" Warriors protested. 
Time let go of Wind's shirt. "I would suggest running."
"Okay, that's it!" Warriors said, dragging Wind into the camp behind him. "We're settling this now."
"Settling what?" Sky asked.
"This prank war. I'm tired of waking up with chuchu jelly in my bedroll."
"What? I didn't do that! I thought you did that!"
"Why would I put chuchu jelly in my own bedroll?"
"I'm talking about my bedroll, dumbass." 
"Sounds like something Mask would do." Warriors sighed.
"Yeah." Wind agreed. "He had a strange fondness for slimy things in bedrolls."
"Still." Warriors pointed a finger at him accusingly. "I can't believe you dug a pit trap."
"What pit trap?"
"You don't remember?"
"Obviously, asshole. I would remember a pit trap, that sounds awesome."
"Yeah, well it's not like Legend dug the whole thing like a rabbit-" Legend choked on his stew behind them. "-so obviously it's you."
"Maybe Mask did it." Wind suggested.
"Yeah, right." Warriors snorted. "He wouldn't last one battle without jumping in with that weird mask-"
"Or that ridiculous sword-"
"I had to confiscate it so many times, I thought he was going to take an eye out."
"-making cryptic comments about the moon."
They both stopped. 
"Wait…" Warriors said slowly. "You don't think…?"
"It can't be, he's so serious-"
"-dumping a bucket of water on me is totally something he would do-"
"-I knew his sword looked familiar!"
"And those marks look just like that-"
"Mask!" They both said in unison, turning to Time.
"Yes?" He said, unperturbed.
"What the fuck?" Warriors said. "How long did you know it was us?"
"When we first met. Since you didn't realize it was me, I thought I would have some fun."
"At our expense." Wind grumbled.
"You idiot!" Warriors said. "Why didn't you tell us? We were talking about Mask in front of you all the time!" 
"If it took you any longer, I would have." 
Wind threw himself at Time, not even wincing as he hit his armor. "I thought you weren't with us because you were dead!"
Warriors ruffled Time's hair and laughed. "So, was it that sword?"
"No. And that's a story for another time."
"I'm confused." Sky said. "What are they talking about?"
Legend patted him on the back sympathetically, still trying to clear stew from his airways. "I have no idea."
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