#but this amuses me so much more if spock is dating bones and just like that with kirk cause that’s how command teams act
justreckin · 5 months
Ignoring all the shipping for a moment, but I just realized that Spock, who has served his entire Starfleet career on the Enterprise, spent the early part of said career observing the Captain and First Officer being like that… I no longer have any questions about any of his behavior around Kirk.
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Hi again!
I absolutely adored the last fic you did for me! I hope it's okay to request another so soon, I just love your writing so much I couldn't resist.
I was thinking like a part 2 to my first request with Kirk being really oblivious to the reader and McCoy's relationship, like he just doesn't expect them to be together so he doesn't even notice it for such a long time. Like he doesn't notice the little kisses and small gestures (THE HANDS!!!).
And yeah that's basically all I was thinking, and can sorta take it from there with what a part 2 would also include.
Again, thank you so much for doing my last request, I have so much love for your writing.
I hope you have the best day ever! ❤
hello hello! i’m really really happy that you liked how the first one turned out, and thanks for requesting this! enjoy :)
You’re Lucky You’re Pretty
leonard “bones” mccoy x vulcan! reader, friend! kirk x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: none
requested by @imaginesfire
link to first part :)
Star Trek Masterlist
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To say that Y/n and Leonard McCoy were in love was an understatement; both of them had never been happier than they were together, and each day they found more reasons to appreciate each other. They were the best of friends, and they showed their love in every little thing they did.
While Y/n and Leonard were both uncomfortable with excessive PDA, they had their little moments throughout each day. When ever they were side by side, Leonard would always link his pinky finger with Y/n’s, sort of like a vulcan kiss on the cheek. Y/n also loved it when they and their boyfriend just held hands or when he would come up and hug them. It was a constant reminder that they were loved and appreciated.
It didn’t take long for the rest of the ship to catch onto the romance forming in the medical; friends and strangers alike shared feelings of support to the relationship, and it was a well known fact that everyone knew Bones and Y/n were made for each other.
The only person who didn’t seem to catch on was the captain and best friend to Leonard, Jim Kirk. He knew that Bones and Y/n were friends, but for some reason he missed the subtle touches and glances between them. Maybe it was the fact that Jim was a very overly dramatic lover, or maybe he was just too much of a himbo, but James T. Kirk was oblivious to the fact that his best friend and doctor was in love.
It soon became a running joke among the crew members to see who could hint the most to Leonard and Y/n’s relationship without the captain catching on. Surprising, it went on for months, Kirk somehow missing the point to every hint or joke. Gradually the hints became more and more on the nose, with Spock eventually just saying point blank that Bones and Y/n were dating. Jim being Jim, however, laughed it off and rambled on about “Spock finding his funny bone.”
Eventually it became that time where the crew members from earth celebrated their winter holidays. Everyone came together and decorated the entire ship, explaining some of the peculiar imagery and traditions to those who were not familiar with it.
Y/n and Leonard came to the main bridge one day, only to find Jim harassing people with a sprig of mistletoe. Leonard had already explained the tradition of kissing under the bundle of evergreen leaves to Y/n, and so the two watched in amusement as Jim went around trying to convince people to embrace.
Suddenly he turned and saw his friend and Y/n watching him; a devilish grin grew on his face, and he practically pranced over to where they were standing. Gleefully Jim waved the mistletoe over Leonard’s and Y/n’s head, watching to see what would happen.
Leonard quickly glanced to Y/n to get their approval, and when they nodded in affirmation, he took their face in his hands and kissed them. Laughter broke out across the bridge as Jim’s face wore a look of surprise and shock; not even Y/n and Spock could keep a straight face.
“Wha- how? When? What?”
Shaking his head, Bones clapped a hand onto Jim’s shoulder. “My friend, it’s a miracle you’ve been alive this long.”
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for this:
spones please!!!
(p.s. i LOVE your new theme!!!)
(Thank you!!!)
Absolutely I'll do this request! Love me some good spones 💙 So you asked for Academy Era Spones, so you shall receive!
Obviously you gotta keep they're relationship dynamic (because it's what makes them unique and compatible).
They first meet when they share a xenobiology class. They become partners for some sort of project and that's what really gets them to start interacting.
Spock and Bones eventually get into a small argument about identifying bone structures of different species. (Spock constantly is correcting him but Bones sometimes doesn't like to admit he's wrong and the Vulcan's right.)
Even after the project they still do quite a lot with each other:
They see more of each other because they're both friends with one Jim Kirk. So Jim is always inviting his friends over to eat with him and go to bars on some occasions.
They'll still get into (not so) heated arguments, but as time goes on it turns more into flirting.
Bones will give Spock that soft-and-innocent-yet-charming-and-sexy kind of look with that small upturn of the corner of his lips.
Spock, in exchange, would raise his brow in a suggestive kind of way while too giving a (not so) subtle smile at the corner of his own lips.
Being the adorable idiots that they are, of course they don't realize what they're doing; they can't hear in their own ears (or see the looks on their own faces) that they're flirting.
This goes on for almost the entire first year and already their friends are wondering if they'll ever get together.
But they found it all amusing, so they say nothing as they watch everything unfold in its own way.
Sadly it doesn't go as they thought it would.
First year ends and everyone's on vacation, visiting family members and whatnot elsewhere or become busy with work.
Spock and Bones don't see each other until next year, but they don't have a class together anymore. They do hang out, but just not as frequent as it was before.
Their friends find that now they must take matters into their hands (kind of)
Being Bones's closest friend, Jim takes him out to the bar to have a nice conversation: he asks about things relating to Spock, to which Bones responds with a small fond look on his face.
For Spock, Nyota's his closest friend out of the group. She takes him shopping to get some information out of him.
He confesses to her that he has feelings for Bones but doesn't how to approach him on the matter of the question to ask him out on a date.
Even though he doesn't show it much Nyota can see the bashfulness in his words.
She gives him lots of advice and reassuring words to hopefully boost his confidence.
When the time comes and the group is gathered at the front of campus, everyone leaves except for Spock and Bones. They walk at a slow pace as they discuss a random topic they don't even remember themselves what it's about.
It's late August and it's a chilly night so Spock has his hands tucked into his coat pockets. Spock makes the first move.
He turns to Bones with gentle eyes and the brunet's words die on his tongue as he looks back. "Leonard," Spock says quietly. "Will you accompany me to dinner tomorrow night?"
Both are now blushing and Bones now realizes all that time they spent together was something more than just "arguing." Realization hit him hard and he now knows that they were actually flirting, and he liked Spock. Just the fact made him feel embarrassed at how he didn't see it sooner.
Finally he stutter out a response of acceptance. Its getting too cold now, so they say their goodbyes and promises of seeing each other the next day.
They don't part ways without Bones giving a peck of the lips to Spock's cheek though. Spock's lips turn into a small smile as he watches Bones's retreating figure. He too walks home, but there's a skip to every step.
I hope you liked these headcanons, Alya!! I really got into the mood of writing them, so it was fun to do.
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
Leonard McCoy dancing with a female reader, to the sound of Frank Sinatra I Love baby, at the Christmas ball. Se os pedidos estiverem abertos claro.obrigada
This was pretty fun to write not gonna lie! 😁 I really hope you like it! Based on the song "I love You" by Frank Sinatra. I apologize for any typos!
The hall was decorated beautifully, golden and silver. Officers and admirals mingled amongst each other, laughter and the drone of chatter filled the big space. Leonard “Bones” McCoy grumbled pulling at his collar, “I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” he muttered to his best friend and Captain. Jim Kirk chuckled leaning to whisper back, “If I have to suffer, so do you and every other officer on the Enterprise,” Leonard’s scowl deepened at his friend’s words “Thank you so much,” he said dryly rolling his eyes. Kirk grinned and clapped Leonard on his shoulder, “Anytime Bones,” McCoy snorted into the glass of his watered-down champagne. “Well I think your night is about to get better anyway,” Jim sighed happily a smile on his face. Following his gaze, Leonard found what The Captain was looking at. His breath hitched; slowly lowering his glass Leonard swallowed nervously. “Good luck buddy,” Jim whispered before striding off to save his first officer from multiple tipsy female officers from the Athens. 
Leonard McCoy didn’t smile like he was too often but he simply couldn’t help it, you gilded across the ballroom floor. Your hair half up, the purposely done curls bounced over your shoulder. You looked like you were cover in the night sky, “Finally someone I know!” you huffed out a breathless laugh as you approached him. Leonard gave you the softest of smiles, “You look absolutely beautiful,” he whispered taking your hand in his. Blushing you look down at your feet, “Thank you, you don’t look half bad yourself,” you mumbled embarrassed. Music started to play softly in the background; Leonard cocked his head to the side. The classical artist Frank Sinatra played and he guided you to the dance floor, “Why Leonard McCoy, I didn’t know you could dance,”  you teased as he placed one of his hands on your waist. He gave you a crooked smile, “ My momma made sure I knew how to dance with a woman,” he drawled moving in slow circles. “You momma sounds like a smart woman,” you giggled quietly as you placed two hands on the back of his neck. “One of the smartest women I know,” he chuckled the sound made you bite your lip. “You being the another one of course,” he whispered in your ear, you smirked gently tangling your fingers. Leonard pulled you just a bit closer, “Do you think this counts as a first date?” you asked making Leonard huff a laugh. “Darlin’ I think this a pre-date. You deserve more than an order to show up at a Starfleet measuring contest,” 
At that moment Kirk swirled a young lieutenant so they were dancing next to you and Leonard, “Psst, Bone!” he hissed a cheeky grin on his face. McCoy grumbled under his breath and tore his eyes from you, “Jim I swear-” he was about to scold the young Captain but he was cut off. “I can cover for you, we have a distraction ready!” Kirk said his eyes flitting over to Spock and Uhura talking to the Surgeon general keeping his back turned from the door. Scotty and Sulu casually stood by the exit with two small duffles by their feet, they would look over and smirk knowingly. You burst into giggles as Leonard spluttered exasperated, “What did you do?” he hissed. 
Jim grinned making his dance partner smile, “You two have reservations at the Nebula, Starbase 6’s most prestigious and popular bar and grill. Scotty and Sulu have a change of clothes for you and tickets for the Winter Festival. Have fun!” he said with a mock salute and danced away with his partner. Leonard was speechless as he held you, giggling you buried your face into his grey dress coat. “Did he just-” 
“Yeah, yeah he did,” McCoy snorted shaking his head. He looked around seeing that indeed the admirals and officers were distracted, “Quick, lets’ go,” he whispered taking your hand leading you over to Scotty and Sulu. The two men were ready, they picked up the two small duffles and handed them off as you passed. “Have fun!” Sulu called after you. “Thank god I can get out of these death shoes.” you paused halfway down the long hall and used Leonard as a crutch so you could yank off the offending shoes. He watched you with amusement in his eyes, you held up the stiletto with a scowl. Leonard whistled taking the heel from your fingers, “these look deadly,” he muttered examining it from multiple angles. You snorted after pulling off the other heel, “They are, and it’s only truly impressive when you see me run in them,” you winked. Leonard grinned wickedly as he gave you the duffle with your clothes, “I’m impressed with you all the time sweetheart,” 
You ate The Nebula sharing a basket of fries and laughing about your past adventures. “What do you think will happen in the future?” you mused dunking a try into some ketchup a far away looking in your eyes. Leonard smiled his eyes haven’t left you all night, “Darlin’ the future is so far from now, but if I could hazard a guess I would say that it’s looking pretty damn bright,” he hummed stealing a fry from the basket. You chuckled lightly nodding in agreement, “It seems really bright,” you whispered. Frank Sinatra sang softly in the background, “I love you,” 
Everything Tag List:
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Happy prompt: the Danvers sisters discovering the joy of couch cuddles, and how they perfected the art over the years?
The first time was out of pity.
Kara had only been on Earth for a measly few months, and school was decidedly not going well. The humans made fun of the way she talked, the careful way she walked, how she jumped at noises no one else could hear, how she locked herself in the restroom during lunch to avoid the crowds. Eliza and Jeremiah assured her it would get better over time, had given Alex a look (as if blaming her for the actions of Kara’s classmates), and then offered Kara an extra hour of television that night (as if hoping a Star Trek re-run would get Kara’s mind off her dread at going back to school the next day).
Alex stared at Kara from the other end of the couch, looking terribly uncertain. Her fingers twitched, as if she wanted to reach out or maybe click off the television or (more likely) maybe point an accusing finger at Kara and blame her for Eliza and Jeremiah’s quiet disappointment. Kara turned her head, looking away from Spock and Captain Kirk and all the inaccuracies of human imagination, and focused her eyes on Alex.
“They shouldn’t have done that,” Alex blurted after a moment, turning to stare at her lap. Her fingers twitched some more.
“Who should not have done what?” Kara asked, adjusting her glasses and tilting her head slightly to the side. She wasn’t quite good at controlling her powers yet, so along with Alex’s unsteady heartbeat, its hard pounding, she could also hear the rush of blood, the scratching of joint and bone as Alex continued to fidget. A part of Kara—an unfortunately significant part of Kara—worried that Alex was about to blame her.
“The kids at school,” Alex clarified, meeting Kara’s eyes. For the first time, there was something other than impatience and annoyance in them. There was a lot of pity—too much for Kara’s liking—but something else. Something softer, something familiar.
(She thought it was reminiscent of the way Eliza or Jeremiah looked at her.
The way her own parents looked at her back on Krypton.
Warm. Familial.)
“I am...different,” Kara said, frowning. “Your species doesn’t like those who are different.”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, shifting on the couch so that she was sitting right next to Kara. After a moment's hesitation, she grabbed Kara’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Humans are an unevolved species, I think. We have really bad tendencies.”
“And good ones, too,” Kara offered, trying to mollify Alex. She gestured towards the television. “You humans are creative. Funny. Kind, when you want to be. And you’re a young species, with a yellow sun. You have so much to learn.”
Alex squeezed Kara’s hand again. “You don’t have to worry about those kids anymore,” she said, her eyes taking on a dangerous glint. “I had a talk with them.” Kara blinked, realizing talk wasn’t the word Alex had in mind, only then noticing the scattering of bruises on her knuckles.
“You—” Kara stopped, frowning. “Why would you hurt yourself for me?” 
“What are sisters for?” Alex asked, shrugging easily. Then, while Kara was still struggling to catch up, to come to terms with the easy way Alex had finally offered her acceptance, Alex shifted and put an arm around Kara’s shoulder. 
“W-what’s this?” Kara asked, pressing awkwardly against Alex, knowing her elbow was digging into Alex’s side, their legs uncomfortably stiff. 
“Well, it’s supposed to be a hug.” Alex sounded vaguely amused, and didn’t move even though Kara knew she couldn’t have liked their hug. “Let’s make it a thing, yeah? You and me, whenever something happens. Ice cream, shitty television, and unlimited couch cuddles. A...sister night.” 
Kara leaned into Alex’s one armed hug, her so-called couch cuddle, and she grinned. “Sister night,” she repeated, watching Star Trek cut to commercial. “Ice cream, cuddles, and shitty television sounds good.” 
From where she’d just passed by, Eliza shouted language! but Kara’s focus was on Alex, who was nodding somberly in agreement. 
Alex. Her sister. 
The hundredth or so time came when Alex was supposed to leave for college. 
They were in their living room, where they sat and cried together after Jeremiah died, where Alex talked about her dates with a lackluster tone, where Kara discovered her love for potstickers. 
Tonight, they were watching The Princess Bride for the thousandth time, Alex mouthing all of Inigo’s lines, making Kara laugh. They were sitting right next to each other on the couch, Kara with her legs curled under her, Alex with one leg propped up on the coffee table and the other pulled up to her chest. Their arms were linked, Alex’s head on Kara’s shoulder. An empty pint of ice cream sat on the floor in front of them.
“This is the best movie,” Kara said as Westley fought the Rodent of Unusual Size. “But I never understood why Buttercup just stands there for most of the fight. Surely she could do something.” 
“Kara, she’s a princess. Obviously she’s not supposed to do anything. How else would she know Westley’s love is true?” Alex said sarcastically. 
“I would do something,” Kara complained.
“You also have super powers. I don’t know if that’s fair.” 
“National City is really far away,” Kara muttered, getting to the point of their sister night. Alex sighed and pulled away, grabbing the remote off the coffee table and pausing the movie.
“I know it is,” she said, sounding contrite. “And it’s not forever. You know that.” 
“What about Sister Nights?” Kara asked, glaring at Alex now. She was leaving, abandoning her. And for something as silly as college? Kara could teach her everything she wanted to know herself. Earth was, after all, fairly primitive. If wondrous. 
“They’re not going anywhere, Kara. We’ll have Sister Nights when you visit, when I come home, when you eventually go to NCU. This little thing can’t get in the way of the Danvers Sisters.”
“I could just fly over and see you.” 
Alex fixed Kara with an unimpressed look. “No, you can’t.”
“I meant in an airplane, what were you thinking?” 
Alex laughed, though her eyes narrowed suspiciously, and Kara knew she could expect frequent phone calls to the landline in the near future, Alex making sure she was safe and at home and definitely not using her powers.
(A side effect of having a sister, Kara learned, was that she’d protect you from anything—even, and especially, from yourself.) 
“You know,” Alex said a long time later, when Kara was leaning on her shoulder, comfortable enough and close enough to Alex that she was okay with the casual contact—with their shoulders pressed together, heads close. “One day, we might be too old to have Sister Nights.”
Kara scoffed. “Never. Even when we’re old and grey, Alex Danvers, we’re having ice cream, shitty television, and cuddles.” 
At some point, Kara lost count of their Sister Nights. 
(There were years and years of them. After first dates, after heartbreaks, after deaths, after weddings, after every tiny life thing and every big life thing.
Through it all, a constant. Her sister, Alex, and her sister’s first promise, faithfully kept: ice cream, shitty television, and cuddles.) 
This time, they were both sore: Kara from having to chase an alien around all day, nearly blowing out her powers, and Alex from chasing Kara around. Alex handed over a beer and took a sip of her own before settling on the couch next to Kara. 
There was an ease to their movements now, a practiced sort of muscle memory. Kara always sat to Alex’s right. They’d always start with Alex’s head on Kara’s shoulder, then would switch. They’d always hook arms, shoulders pressed tightly together. They’d always eventually put away the alcohol and the ice cream, pause the movie they were watching, and would just talk. 
It was routine. A comfort. A thing that the others learned they could never intrude on—not even wives or kids were allowed in on Sister Night. 
“Kelly wants to try private school. But I don’t. Public schools are good, great even. You and I turned out okay.”
“You’re a secret genius and I’m an alien whose people were highly advanced. I don’t know if we’re exactly the shining examples of a public school education.”
“Plenty of people went to public school and did just fine.”
“I’m not disagreeing with you,” Kara said, handing over the ice cream and setting her beer aside. “Just that maybe you need to talk to your wife about what school you want to send your kid.” Kara shot Alex a look, raising her eyebrow like Lena taught her. “Your daughter is also only two. I don’t know why this is a thing right now.” 
“Sure, take Kelly’s side,” Alex joked, rolling her eyes. “I can’t wait till you and Lena have kids and I can make fun of you panicking over everything. Lena,” Alex said, putting on an affected voice, clearly trying to imitate Kara, “what if they have powers like Clark’s kids? Lena, please let me teach them how to fly. Lena—”
“—joke’s on you, Lena has already said I can teach our kids to fly. As long as she’s the only who handles bedtime stories. Apparently, no Princess Bride.” 
“Fair. We may watch that movie too much.” 
“It’s a classic.” 
Alex hummed in agreement, shifting slightly so that Kara could rest her head on her shoulder. “We should retire from the saving the world business,” Alex said, groaning as Kara got comfortable, accidentally jostling Alex and exacerbating her soreness. 
“The world would fall apart without us,” Kara said. 
“Very fair. The Danvers Sisters—”
“—we should come with a warning,” Kara finished, grinning widely. She felt Alex tug on her arm, pulling her into a comfortable side hug, and her eyes slowly shut. “Thank you, by the way. For being there with me every step of the way today. I know you’ve been pulling back from the field for Kelly and your daughter.” 
Alex hummed again, this time just indicating she’d heard. She tightened the hug. “What are sisters for?” she asked. 
Kara grinned. Nearly two decades later, Alex. Her sister. 
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 30: 2x17 A Piece of the Action
Today’s ep was A Piece of the Action, one of the greatest of all time. Honestly, as far as feel good episodes in particular go, it’s one of my ultimate faves.
Uhura seems to be having a lot of fun listening to Kirk trying to communicate with this alien.
Yes, Kirk, please explain how it took you a hundred years to get back to this alien society.
I actually like this whole back story a lot. If the Horizon met the Iotians 100 years ago, and the planet is on the edge of the galaxy, it must have been one of the earliest contacts between the Federation and another planet. Or did it even pre-date the Federation? I’m too hungry to try to figure out timelines lol but still, the plot kind of relies on it being an early contact: pre-Non-Interference Director, pre-modern communication methods.
Also just really curious about the Horizon in general. What kind of ship was it? What was it doing out there? What was that first contact with the Iotians like? I do not want subsequent “Star Trek” to explain this to me, I just want to speculate.
Woah who is this guy filling in for Spock? He looks like a Spock impersonator.
Kirk just turns Spock and McCoy around: “We’re beaming down now!” Has to take his BFFs on the mission.
The aliens are SOMEWHAT imitative?? This doesn’t look somewhat to me.
“Home was never like this.” Lol well he’s from Iowa so it’s probably missing some corn fields I guess.
This is clearly an open-carry state. Are they imitating Texas?
Spock is truly not bothered by anything at all. He’s so chill.
Baby blue eyes. McCoy looks so offended at that. It’s a compliment, Bones!
This is a great triumvirate ep because you can see their very different reactions to the whole thing, basically on a spectrum of chill (Spock) to alarmed (McCoy)
“I distill it myself.”
Compared to all these suits, the Starfleet uniforms really look like pajamas.
Ah-ha, Spock has found something interesting!
Published in 1992?! I want one.
AOS Kirk would have actually played pool with this alien gangster.
“This is the contamination, Captain.”
These “fancy heaters” lol.
The way the Iotians interact with the Federation aliens is honestly so interesting to me.
Come on, man, Kirk isn’t an arms dealer.
What’s this? It’s a cell phone, obviously.
What would these aliens do with an iphone? It would probably destroy them.
Oh, Scotty, so confused, trying to keep up with the slang.
I like how the secretary looks up like she can see the ship.
I feel like if you looked up “heater” on the Enterprise language banks, it would not be helpful. Imagine Scotty personally making and the beaming down 100 space heaters.
I love that Kirk knows so much random Chicago history. True Midwestern Boy.
Love those old pinball machines in the back of the room.
Lol Kirk trying to subtly get Spock to shut up and stop being truthful. “Don’t mess this up for me, babe.”
Fizzbin is a true classic moment in television. I love how much fun Kirk is having with it. And Spock nodding along like this makes sense to him. Adorable, supportive boyfriend. Also, I feel like fizzbin is a particularly effective strategy for this culture because they are imitative. A chance to learn a new game?? Amazing.
Kirk is so great in this episode.
“Mr. Spock--Mr. Spock? What are you doing on this frequency?” He’s on it because he finally figured out how to work the primitive radio.
I feel like real Chicago gangsters didn’t have “Boss” engraved on plaques next to their front doors.
“I never been arrested my whole life!”
“How’d you get back up there?” Lol. Well at least he remembered Spock was supposed to be a hostage.
“Why would he put a bag on our Captain?”
I realize that it is correct to refer to the gangster aliens as indigenous but it still amuses me.
Kirk is going to save himself while Spock is working on saving him. My boy is so smart!
“Ship’s log. Incredible as it seems, Dr. McCoy and I have been fooled again.”
You can tell Spock is trying super hard not to laugh here. His lips in that very thin line.
Kirk saves the day again!
It’s hilarious to me that in the time Kirk was kidnapped and escaped, Spock and McCoy got all the way up to the Enterprise and then all the way back down.
“I admit logic won’t work here, so let’s go wild with some cosplay instead.”
I love that Kirk canonically cannot drive and I think about this EVERY time he’s forced onto a motorcycle in AOS.
TOS Kirk has never been on a motorcycle in his life. But TOS Sarek definitely does own one.
But CPine would look good in this blue gangster suit.
AOS Kirk can’t drive stick any more than TOS Kirk can but he would be way more confident about thinking he can.
Spock is definitely going to veto Kirk buying an old car.
“I’m calling you a babe.”
Wow but I love Kirk and Spock and their adopted alien son. This kid is smart and bold; he is a good K/S surrogate child. And I definitely appreciate that when he calls for “daddy” two men show up.
I am now going to refer to the Federation exclusively as “the Feds.”
Kirk is having so much fun with this whole thing and I love that for him. “The whole ball of wax.” “Sawbones.” “Spocko.” The exaggerated accent.
And Spock is... just trying his best. I love this nerd. He wants to play but he’s just not got the hang of it.
Scotty and Uhura just hanging out, as they do. She definitely gets what Kirk is doing before Scotty does.
Scotty’s so proud of the term “concrete galoshes.” Well, close but no cigar.
Honestly I really want to know what the cars on Vulcan look like.
Kirk calling Scotty “baby” and “sweetheart.” Confirmed space bi.
Even Spock is getting into it. He even said “You’s.”
I have PTSD from the phrase “run government like a business.”
Spock and Bones are definitely Kirk’s boys.
“Now we have hostages again.” There’s something legit hilarious to me about that line.
“Isn’t that logical?” He hopes he’s pleased his space husband.
Is it really fair to say that the mobs are a criminal organization when, as far as we know or have seen, there is no actual government? Like what laws are they breaking?
Don’t at me about the paternalism of using the Feds’ “cut” to somehow inch the Iotians away from mob governance.
That ending with McCoy and the communicator was great lol. The image of the imitative Iotians taking apart the communicator and just going to town makes me happy.
I’m quite serious when I say I want this ep rebooted with the AOS cast for the costumes alone, as compensation for having to sit through yet another film about Khan.
Also I really love these aliens. They might be among my favorite aliens. I just like how they attach themselves to things they find interesting and then make them the centerpiece of their culture. Like, what were they doing before the gangster thing? Besides farming?
Also I love how they have no problem at all with the aliens showing up in their big ass space ship. They just think ‘oh, maybe they’ll give us stuff, like last time.’ I kinda feel like they weren’t weirded out by the Horizon, either. They know what they’re about.
My new stance on Kirk and cars is that probably, being from Iowa, he can drive, just not stick, but since he’s lived in San Francisco and space his entire adult life, he probably hasn’t driven since he was 18. Thus why he thinks he’s better at this than he is.
Spock has never been behind the wheel of anything, ever, though, in either universe.
Next up is The Immunity Syndrome. The only thing I remember about this is that all the Vulcans on the Intrepid die. And I think it’s the one where Spock flies a little ship into the amoeba and Kirk and McCoy rescue him? In other words, I remember the beginning in and the end, and nothing in the middle. So, should be fun!
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Hello darling! Congratulations on the 5k 💓🎉
For your celebration event I hope you can make mine🙏
I'm a female, I'm 22 years old. I'm small 149 cm or 4'88, I have brown eyes and really long dark brown wavy hair that look like black. I'm a little over weight. I'm straight.
For my personality it would be "ENTP" according to the Myers & Briggs. In the Enneagram I'm "type 5 The Thinker" and in the DISC I'm "Questioner (CD)" Also I love to talk for hours but I don't have a problem with listening to people. I don't like to be touch like hug and does things I give hugs when I feel like it but don't need to be touch to feel that someone cares about me. My love language is "Quality Time" and it can be literally just being in the same room together.
My favorite hobbies are reading and listening to music if I don't listen to music during the I feel like I didn't live that day. My favorite gender is romance for the books and for movies. I'm a hopeless romantic. I also like to read crime novels. I'm a perfectionist and I hate leaving things halfway. My favorite colors are dark purple and black. I love to research for information that I feel important or entertaining. I'm can speak 3 languages (english, spanish and french) and I can understand korean and japanese. I think that's it.
The fandoms I prefer are Sherlock, Star Trek AOS and Marvel.
I don't know if is well done.
Thank you have a great day and happy new year💜💜💜💜
This was fine, the more information the easier it is for me to ship you! Thank you! I hope you like them!~
I ship you with Sherlock himself. 
I ship you with Sherlock because I think he would appreciate your wide interests and intelligence. He is also not the best with physical touch and gets the best out of quality time, so i think this would help to make your relationship very comfortable for both of you. 
Sherlock trusts you with a lot and often asks your opinion on random things; as well as involving you in cases he is working on. 
He finds that you are a hopeless romantic both amusing and endearing.
He had no interest in “romance” until he met you; and will often go out of his way to surprise you with things suck as romantic dinners; and random flowers left at your apartment.
Like I said before, Sherlock also appreciates simple quality time together; as in, just sitting around together. He likes just being in your presence without the obligation to make it interesting.
He also very much appreciates that yo are willing to sit and listen to him ramble about a case of something he is frustrated by. 
Sherlock doesn’t really like to listen to people do this though; however, when he thinks you really need to let it out; he will sit and let you talk, occasionally braking in with agreements or suggestions. 
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Star Trek AOS
I ship you with Bones. 
I think I ship you with Bones because he is the type to appreciate a mixture of extroverted-ness and kindness. 
Bones appreciates your determination to finish things; he also hates when people half-ass things; so this is something you two share and will often complain about if you come across something or someone that is not doing what is needed. 
Something that Bones really likes about you is that you do your research and know a lot about various things. He is the same way, and loves that you two can just start talking about something random, that might even be very unusual, especially to others around you who might listen it. 
When Bones first met you, he was so grateful to finally have someone like you one board. Your personality is a kind if mix between Uhura, Scotty and Spock; and he appreciates you much more for this. 
If he needs to rant about something, or get a genuine opinion without the annoyance caused by Spock, he will come to you. 
At the end of a long day, Bones loves nothing more that to lounge around in silence with you while you both read or listen to music together.
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I ship you with Sam. 
I think you and Sam would be well suited, as Sam seems like the type to appreciate someone with wide interests, who is also a good listener. So I think he would really appreciate you.
Like, I said, Sam loves people with varied interests and I think he is the same. So he is he type to look into stuff you are in to, and would also suggest and bring up things he likes. As he loves sharing stuff with people. 
Sam is definitely also a hopeless romantic, so expect many cute and personalized dates with him. 
Sam loves to talk to, so you two would have countless, long conversations about so many different things. He is also a very good listener too. 
You and Sam share a love for music as well, so this is something he really liked about you when you first met, and continued to love about you once you got together. 
Sam is secretly really into romance books/movies; so he is not against watching some cheesy romance movies with you. But don’t tell Steve or Bucky, as he would not get over that. 
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xx Read post about ship requests here xx
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sqoiler · 5 years
“If you keep arguing, it’ll be a court martial,” Pike said, looking beyond tired. Kirk opened his mouth, then closed it. 
“There’s nothing we can do?” he asked again. They were on the bridge, Pike’s call on the viewscreen for the whole crew to see. Kirk was fixated on Pike, but he had heard the crew’s reaction to the news. Nobody wanted this. 
Pike didn’t even want it, as far as Kirk could tell, but the other admirals had made their decision. Kirk supposed it was good that Pike had delivered the news instead of someone else, but he still didn’t like it. 
“Afraid not,” Pike said. “Unless that first officer of yours is married to someone on the ship and decided not to tell us.”
Kirk put his hands to his chin in thought, then turned around in his chair to look at McCoy, who looked pissed. Well--more pissed than usual. Kirk then looked at Uhura, whose lips were pursed like she was trying not to say something. Sulu was slumped over in defeat and Chekov was stiff in his seat. Rand looked rather like she was trying not to cry. Kirk, finally, twisted around to look at Spock, who was, as always, standing right behind him. 
Their eyes met, and an agreement passed between them. 
“What if…” Kirk said. 
“I suppose it is time,” Spock said, inclining his head. 
“Wait, what are you--” Pike started to say, but Kirk shushed him. 
“Rand, go get Scotty. Mr. Spock?”
Rand hurried out of the room. In the corner of Kirk’s eye, he could see that Uhura was beginning to smile. 
Spock reached out a hand to touch Kirk’s meldpoints. 
“My mind to your mind,” he murmured. 
Spock’s mind slid into Kirk’s as easily as it ever had, but instead of Spock holding their minds apart from each other (which had always seemed like a rather impressive feat given how compatible their minds were), he let them roll into each other, to twist and curl and meet as they always longed to. 
It felt like two bodies of water coming together to make one; it felt like hands tangling and slotting together; it felt a lot like love. 
Kirk knew what Spock was doing, how he was connecting them, and he tried to help as best he could, and he felt Spock’s amusement. 
Then Spock finished, and began to withdraw from his mind, and Kirk was back on the bridge, Spock still in his head but also standing next to him. 
“What was that?” Pike asked, and the turbo-lift’s doors opened, Rand and Scotty hurrying out. 
“Ah, good,” Kirk said, standing and going over to greet Scotty. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Scotty asked. 
“Admiralty wants to transfer Spock,” Kirk said, barreling forward to forestall Scotty’s growing look of horror. “But they can’t if he’s married.”
“Aye,” Scotty said, understanding dawning. “That’ll do it.”
“Admiral Pike,” Spock said, his hands behind his back as Kirk took Scotty to stand behind the captain’s chair and called McCoy and Uhura over. “As I am sure you are aware, on a starship, the captain can perform marriages, unless the captain is getting married, in which case the first officer must perform the marriage. But if the first officer and the captain are marrying each other--”
“Goddamnit,” Pike groaned, lowering his head into his hands. “Did you really just Vulcan-marry Kirk right in front of the bridge and me and the stars?”
“It is called a bonding,” Spock said, and Kirk grabbed his wrists to reposition him so they stood before Scotty. 
“Alright, I’ve never married anyone before, so I’ll just have to wing it, eh?” Scotty said, rubbing his hands together. “I think we’ll call the admiral here the witness, yes?”
“Are they always like this?” Pike asked, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. 
“Every goddamned day, sir,” McCoy said. Kirk was glad that there wasn’t much complaining coming from McCoy, but then again he supposed that he and Spock coming together had always been sort of inevitable. Although Kirk assumed there’d be quite a tongue lashing from Bones later for marrying someone without dating them first. 
Whatever, Kirk thought. He already knew he and Spock were soulmates, and all they were doing was adding a bond into the mix. 
Oh, and maybe shared quarters. That seemed important. 
“Dearly beloved,” Scotty started. “We are gathered here today despite the lack of some good ol’ bagpipes to celebrate the union of James Kirk and Spock, who got married a few minutes ago.”
“I get it, can I just leave now,” Pike said loudly, and Uhura said, “Shut up! It’s getting good.” She handed Scotty a padd that had the official Starfleet wedding template.
Scotty rambled on for a little bit, reading from the template at times and at other times talking about something else entirely. Kirk half-paid attention. 
Sorry for just randomly marrying you, he thought. 
Marrying you was logical. I am glad to stay on the Enterprise, Spock thought back. There is nowhere I would rather be. 
That sounds romantic, Mr. Spock, Kirk thought, and Spock did not move his face, but Kirk felt the smile in his head. Is logic the only reason you wanted to marry me? 
Of course not, Spock thought, offended, and Kirk grinned at him. 
Scotty finished reading. 
“I presume there’s no vows? Or rings? Or a glass?” 
Rand produced a glass out of nowhere, Spock and Kirk broke it together, and then they held hands for the whole world to see. 
“Scotty, replicate some cake! Sulu, plot a course for Vulcan!” Kirk said, waving his free arm exuberantly. “Pike--don’t try and transfer my goddamned husband ever again.”
“It wasn’t my fucking idea,” Pike said, rubbing his forehead, and then he disconnected without saying goodbye. Kirk grinned. 
Uhura blasted some music throughout the ship’s intercom system. 
“Infants,” McCoy said, but he sounded fond, and Kirk decided that in return for humoring them, he wouldn’t make him do a best man speech--at least not yet, anyway. 
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sparrowjaywrites · 4 years
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                                              My Little Blue Star
Jim Kirk x Kat Sparrow (Original Female Character): Soulmate AU - Identical tattoos or birthmarks
           Kat sighs staring down at the blue star on her wrist. She was almost thirty years old and hadn’t met her soulmate yet… which normally would mean she never would. Hell for all she knew they could be dead or already happily married with kids. The soulmate tattoos caused a lot of controversy. Many people used to have their kids soulmate tattoos removed when they were babies or children. That was until it was forbidden for a soulmate tattoo to be removed until a person was twenty-one years old. This was to prevent parents from forcing their children’s removed and to keep teens who thought they were in love from having it done.
           Many people would fall in love and get married only to later end up in a horrible situation when they met their soulmate. They would have to choose between their spouse and the person they were destined for. Most couples who weren’t soulmates got their tattoos removed at their ten year anniversary, others when they first got married, or when their kids were born. If one soulmate removed their tattoo the others would disappear, the same would happen if someone altered their tattoo; their soulmates would change as well; whether this was by adding to the tattoo, removing part of it, or having a scar change it.
           Some people had multiple tattoos, meaning either they were destined for a polyamorous relationship or they simply had multiple chances at finding a soulmate, or one of their soulmates was destined to die… something no one ever wanted to think about. But Kat simply had one. Her blue star had never changed… at least not as long as she could remember. It sat right over her pulse point on her left wrist. A simple light blue star with a black border… it looked almost like a sketch, with the multiple lines making up each edge. The star was faded, like someone had tried to wash it away… Pictures of her when she was born show the star being much more vibrant.
           “Kat, are you coming to dinner?” Kat looks up as her best friend pulls her from her thoughts.
           “Yeah, I’m coming, Nyota.” She closes down her station following her friend to the mess hall. Kat was head of computer sciences aboard the USS Enterprise. She had worked on the ship since the Nero incident a little over five years before. Nyota had already found her soulmate in her boyfriend Spock. At first the only friend Kat had on the Enterprise was Nyota. Then she’d introduced her to the rest of the head crew. Kat had instantly clicked with Hikaru and Pavel, the two instantly earning themselves a place as her best friends. Hikaru had also found his soulmate in his husband Ben. The two had a daughter now.
           “Hey, Kat” She smiles as Pavel waves her and Nyota over to them. Nyota sits down next to Spock, who is talking with Bones, another of Kat’s best friends. The doctor was yelling at him as usual while Spock simply raised an eyebrow in concern? At least that’s what she thought that face meant; the half-vulcan was very hard to read at times. Hikaru and Pavel seemed to be in the middle of some type of challenge, they each had houses built of forks in front of them and were adding more. Scotty and Keenzer were cheering them on. Jim, the captain of the ship was watching all this in amusement. That was their little family.
           “What exactly are you doing?” Kat asks as she sets her tray down.
           “I bet Pasha here that I could build a taller tower then him.” Hikaru says smirking. Kat shakes her head sitting down and eating her food. She pulls her blue sleeve back from her wrist to look at her tattoo again, letting her mind wander as she eats, absentmindedly listening to her friends argue and talk excitedly.
           “Are you worrying about that again?” She looks up as Bones addresses her. Kat quickly covers her tattoo with her sleeve. She wasn’t one to display her soulmate tattoo; many people didn’t, wearing black bands on their wrists to cover it. Normally Kat wore one as well, but hers had broken that morning. This made it a lot harder to find your soulmate, but kept you from finding them while in the middle of situation that was inappropriate, such as at work, or during a negotiation of some sort. The only other person in their friend group who had ever worn one was Jim. But Kat had noticed he’d stopped wearing his when it became legal for Captains to date their crew; so long as they disclosed the relationship to the admiralty, their first officer, and their head of medical.
           “Worrying about what?” Kat asks playing dumb, as she pushes her glasses up her face, a nervous habit she’d picked up as a kid. She was allergic to the medicine that fixed eyesight and so was one of the few people in the federation who needed them, something she had once been very subconscious about.
           “Your soulmate, you normally move your band to look at it or fiddle with the band when you’re thinking about it.” Nyota says. Kat scowls.
           “You people are too damn observant.”
           “You shouldn’t vorry; you’ll find zhem when iz’s time.” Pavel says placing another fork on his tower.
           “Not everyone does, Pavel. With my luck they’re either dead or already married.” Kat shakes her head.
           “Well you’ll never find them if you keep the tattoo covered like you do? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it?” Bones points out.
           “I thought you didn’t believe in the soulmate tattoos?” Kat counters crossing her arms. Bones had been married when his wife had found her soulmate and divorced him. He’d been very cynical about it since. It didn’t help his soulmate had removed their tattoo when he was around sixteen.
           “I believe in them, just don’t like em.” Bones counters.
           “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it either?” Hikaru points out.
           “I normally wear my band; it broke this morning though…” Kat shrugs.
           “But why hide it if you want to find yours, Lass?” Scotty asks. Kat looks away.
           “We weren’t allowed to show them in the orphanage or during the war…” She explains. “If we did we’d be beaten, arrested, or killed… It’s become a habit I guess…” Kat had grown up on the none federation planet of Arulan in an orphanage. A war had raged on the planet for most of her life. She had left the planet at nineteen to join the federation and a year later once she was a citizen of earth, to join Starfleet.
           “Oh…” The table falls silent. Kat stands up.
           “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
                                            ---Line Break---
           A week had passed since the day in the mess hall. Nyota had been pushing her to show her tattoo off ever since. She wasn’t being overly pushy about it, more reassuring than anything. Kat hadn’t bothered getting a new band. She figured her sleeve would be enough for most situations and figured Nyota and the others were right, if she wanted any chance of finding her soulmate she had to show it. They were on Shore leave on Yorktown that day as the ship needed repairs from a fight with a few Klingon war birds earlier that month.
“Okay, so the purpose of this trip is to show your tattoo to as many people as possible.” Nyota says as she drags Kat into a club where they would be meeting the rest of the head crew for drinks.
           “I know; you’ve gone over this ten times, Ny.” Kat shakes her head rolling her eyes. She was wearing a blue sundress, her tattoo completely uncovered for anyone to see for the first time in her life. Her long wavy brown hair was pulled back in a braid, courtesy of Nyota’s hair styling skills. Nyota drags her over to the others. Hikaru was dancing with Ben not far from the table, Pavel flirting with a girl nearby. Spock, Bones, and Jim sit sipping drinks. Scotty was playing pool with some guys from engineering.
           “Hello, Nyota, Kat.” Spock greets them as the two slide into the booth. Nyota next to Spock, Kat across from her beside Jim.
           “So I see you’re not wearing a bracelet. Decided to show off your tattoo?” Bones asks clearly a bit drunk already.
           “Yes, she has. Our goal tonight is to show it to as many people as possible, see if anyone recognizes it as their own or someone they knows.” Nyota says.
           “Well then, let’s see it.” Bones says leaning around Jim to see. Kat laughs shaking her head.
           “You’re nosy when your drunk, Bones.” She holds out her wrist hesitantly. Before Bones can get a good look, a waitress comes over to them asking for their drink order, Kat turns back ordering herself a scotch. Bones now distracted by his drink doesn’t ask again and the group falls into their usual conversations. After a while Nyota drags Spock onto the dance floor, Bones heading to the bar to get another drink.
           “So, your actively looking for your soulmate now?” Jim asks sipping his own scotch.
           “More or less… Nyota’s idea…” She shrugs.
           “You don’t seem too happy about it?”
           “It’s not that… I’m just not very comfortable showing it… I feel like I’m going to be arrested or attacked for it any minute… I know I won’t be but…” She looks down at her wrist running a finger over her star.
           “But fear isn’t logical.” Jim finishes. “I had to keep mine covered before… I didn’t want to find my soulmate on the ship, knowing I couldn’t be with them…” He says pulling the sleeve on his right arm up.
           “Makes sense” Kat nods. She runs her finger over her star once more before turning to look at him fully.
           “Have you ever imagined what your soulmate will be like?” Jim asks.
           “Yeah… I hope their nice, a good person ya know? But I don’t know what to think… my tattoo is still here but it’s faded… I would have thought it was supposed to be, but pictures of me as a baby show it being a lot more vibrant… I can’t help but wonder if my soulmate attempted to remove the tattoo and failed…” She explains a worried look clear on her face.
           “It could have been an accident or their parents? My mom tried to remove mine with a home remedy when I was a toddler, I only know because my older brother told me… She didn’t want me having one after my father died… something about not wanting me to go through that pain… she tried the same on my brothers… it didn’t work. Now mine’s all faded.”
           “That’s horrible…” Kat shakes her head.
           “Yeah… But I still like mine… my little star.” He smiles looking down at his wrist, Kat tries to make out his tattoo but is just at the wrong angle to see it.
           “A star?” She asks, glancing down at her own little blue star.
           “Yeah, it fits, with me loving the stars as much as I do… I hope she likes them as much as I do…”
           “Yeah, I mean, I’d be fine if it were a he or whatever they are… but I feel like they’re a she…”
           “What else do you feel they’re like?” Kat asks with a small smile.
           “Their favorite color is blue, and they love the stars and the ocean… They’re a cat person, but like dogs too.” He says with a thoughtful look. “They are a huge nerd.”
           “All that from one little tattoo?” She laughs.
           “Well, yes and no… I’ve daydreamed about them, whoever they are my entire life… got me through some of my worst moments.” He downs his drink.
           “I guess that makes sense… I was too busy trying to survive to get a chance to dream of stuff like that… I love my little blue star though… It fits me perfectly.” Kat says laying her left wrist on the table to show him her tattoo. Jim leans over to look at it, his eyes slowly widening.
           “Holy crap.” He mutters as he slowly looks up at her. Kat raises an eyebrow.
           “What?” Jim lays his right wrist beside hers. Right on his pulse point is a little blue sketch like star… her little blue star. Kat stares openly at the tattoos for a minute before she slowly looks up at him.
           “You’re my soulmate?” Jim asks, looking completely shocked. “All these years… we were right there… and we never knew?”
           Kat stares at him, her heart racing in her ears. She slowly and almost fearfully brings her right hand to trace the star on his wrist. As soon as she touches it a small shock shoots through her, not a bad shock like static electricity but an amazing one. The shock is like a bucket of cold water being poured over your head on a warm day, the satisfaction when you put the final piece of a puzzle together, like the first bite of your favorite desert, or hearing the chorus to your absolute favorite song. It’s like the first snow of winter, or first bud of spring. Absolute belonging, like the world finally making sense. Something Kat had never known. Like for the first time in her life, she was truly home.
           Kat looks up at him her brown eyes wide, made even wider by her glasses, locking with his bright shocked blue. Blue… just like her… no their little blue stars.
           “Oh my god…” She mutters out, she covers her mouth with her right hand her eyes flickering from his eyes back to their wrists then back to his eyes again.
           “Is… is that a good ‘oh my god’… or a bad one?” He asks slowly, looking at her nervously now. Kat blinks at him not getting his meaning for a moment. She moves her hand pushing her glasses up her nose.
           “A shocked one… I… oh wow… I never thought… that my soulmate could be… someone like you.” Kat says her eyes locking with his again.
           “I know… you probably expected someone better… Someone who deserves someone as amazing as you…” Jim says looking away, clearly misunderstanding her. “We don’t have to be together… I understand if you don’t want to be.” Jim says his voice breaking.
           “What? NO!” Kat shakes her head quickly, grabbing his right hand in her left frantically. “That is not what I meant!” Jim looks down at their hand then up at her confused.
           “Then what did you mean?”
           “I meant I never expected my soulmate could be someone as absolutely amazing and wonderful as you!” Kat says looking up at him desperately, worry clear on her face.
           “You… you think I’m wonderful?” Jim asks, a large grin slowly stretching across his face, happiness, wonder, and love replacing the hurt and pain. Kat nods slowly, her face turning red.
           “Well… yeah.” She looks down at their hands. Jim uses his free hand to lift her chin softly so their eyes a locked again.
           “I think you’re an amazing, wonderful, beautiful, strong, and sometimes a bit scary, woman. I couldn’t have been given a better soulmate.” He says sincerely. Kat stares at him tears starting to form in her eyes.
           “You… really think that?” Jim nods a large grin splitting his face tears sparkling in his own eyes.
           “That and so much more… I’ve liked you for a long time… hell much more than liked, but I didn’t want to make a move knowing you still had your tattoo meaning you were probably waiting for your soulmate…”
           “I was doing the same thing… we really are idiots.” Kat laughs a large grin splitting her face as a few tears leave a trail down it. Jim brushes the tears away.
           “May I… kiss you?” He asks after a moment. Kat nods her smile turning nervous again. Jim slowly leans in, kissing her softly. Kat kisses him back, her heart leaping with joy. After twenty-nine years, she was finally home. ---Line Break--- This is a repost of a story from 2016 originally posted on my main account that I have cleaned up and updated. I really like the little AU and figured it was time to clean it up a bit and move it here, I hope you all enjoy!
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Seen - Spock
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Pairing: Spock x Reader
Warning: OMG. It’s so freakin’ fluffy. I love it.
A/N: Picture whatever Spock you want. This was a request on wattpad. Song 1: Invisible by Anna Clendening; Song 2: Wanted by Hunter Hayes; Song 3: Let Me Love the Lonely by James Arthur. enjoy!
Your skills were legendary on the Enterprise. You could fix most anything and do it quickly and efficiently. In fact, you were often requested specifically. Not by your name or anything. Usually it was more along the lines of the quiet one, her over there or you know, that one girl. Regardless, Scotty knew who they meant and if you were available, he sent you off with a sigh.
Truth was, you preferred those little jobs that got you out and about on the ship where you didn’t really have to work with anyone and could get lost in your own head. You were glad to have found your place on the ship. Even if you didn’t have the all the friendships or the relationship you craved, you were needed, wanted.
At the moment, your head was buried in the wall of the ship as you worked on some hard to reach wiring in an isolated hallway. You started to sing old Earth music to yourself as you worked.
I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist I stare from afar in my hand-broken heart while I play pretend I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist And it's you, yes, it's true, you don't even know it, I can't ever win
As your voice faded with the last word, you heard a noise in the hall. Your brow furrowed as you finished soldering the last two wires and pulled your head from the panel. You glanced around, but there was no sign of anyone else around. This wasn’t the first time in recent weeks that you’d had the feeling of being watched only to find nothing when you checked. You made a mental note to discuss it with Scotty but you’d forget, just as you had all the other times.
Two days later, you were calibrating some equipment in the lab. It was routine maintenance that you performed every few months or whenever Spock asked. He wouldn’t allow anyone but you touch the equipment. According to him, you were the only engineer that understood the delicacy required for Scientific study. The corner of your mouth curled up as you remembered the last time Scotty had tried to send someone besides you.
You glanced over to the window of Spock’s office. He was the only one in the lab with you, but he had holed up in his office and was working diligently on his PADD. You were hoping he’d come out and talk to you as he usually did. He was one of the few on the ship you’d consider a true friend. In fact, he was your best friend. The two of you had spent hours discussing so many topics you couldn’t even keep count of them anymore. It seemed he was too busy to spend time with you today, though. With a sigh, you went back to your work. You began to hum which soon turned into singing. You looked up once to make sure you weren’t disturbing Spock before continuing.
'Cause I wanna wrap you up Wanna kiss your lips Won’t you make me feel wanted And I wanna call you mine Wanna hold your hand forever And never let you forget it Yeah, won’t you make me feel wanted
Those weren’t the exact words, but they were the ones you’d come to use over time. They just fit. As you finished up, you glanced over one more time to find Spock still at his desk though he appeared to be in contemplation rather than working at the moment. You rapped lightly on his door on the way by.
You opened the door and smiled at him. “All done.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“Did you want to double-check anything?” you asked.
He pursed his lips. “I do not believe that is necessary. I have never had reason to question your work.”
That was high praise coming from the Vulcan. “All right, Spock. I’ll see you later, I guess.”
He went very still and arched a brow. “May I assume from your statement that you will not be in attendance this evening?”
You frowned. Tonight? Suddenly, it dawned on you what this evening was. Once a month, there was a crew bonding event. It was something Kirk started though you had no idea why. It was more talent show than anything else. Spock was required to attend and you had tagged along often enough, it was kind of a ritual by now. You shook your head. “No, I forgot the date. I’ll be there. Save me a seat if I’m late?”
“Of course.”
It wasn’t as if you had anything else to do, and there was always the possibility that Kirk would get drunk and sing again.
You had actually managed to get off shift on time for once and now found yourself at a table with Spock, Kirk, Bones and Scotty. As usual, you sat between your boss and your best friend with your fingers wrapped around a glass of scotch. At least it was the real stuff tonight and not the replicated crap you usually had to drink. Thank you, Scotty.
“I believe we are next, Y/N,” Spock announced.
He turned to look at you then, his brows lifted lightly as if surprised to be questioned. “Our performance is next.”
You raised your glass and examined the contents wondering what Scotty put in your drink.
The Scot chuckled beside you. “There’s nothing wrong with your drink, lass. You heard him correctly.”
Pure panic shot through you as you leaned toward Spock. “Are you out of your mind? What exactly are we supposed to be doing?”
“I will play my lute and you will sing, of course.”
“I can’t sing, Spock,” you hissed at him.
“On the contrary, you sing quite well, Y/N.” Before you could argue any further, he stood and made his way to the little stage. Uhura brought him his lute and gave you a little wave before hurrying off with a giggle.
“Get up there, Y/L/N. That’s an order.” You didn’t care much for the spark of amusement in Kirk’s eyes and rolled your own when you stood to obey him.
Spock nodded as you joined him and took your spot at the microphone. “You are in so much trouble, Vulcan.”
“I anticipated such a response. You should know that the song was chosen with you in mind. You will do fine, Y/N.” You weren’t sure if he truly meant to be comforting or not, but you did feel some of the anxiety leave you at his announcement. You took a breath in an attempt to calm yourself further. It wasn’t as if everyone here hadn’t heard you sing already when you were repairing one thing or another.
You gave Spock a nod to let him know you were ready. As his fingers plucked the strings, it didn’t take you long to recognize the song despite how different it sounded. You sucked in a breath and darted your gaze over to Spock. He said he’d picked the song with you in mind. What had he meant by that?
The corner of Spock’s mouth curled up as he played the first verse again since you had completely missed your entrance. This time, you hit it perfectly.
You laugh at all the jokes Even the ones you know Funny I'm doing that, too Alone in a crowded room The one string that's out of tune Trust me, I feel like that, too
It didn’t take you long to get lost in the music. The words dripping with the loneliness you felt every damn day of your life. You kept your eyes closed as you sang and just let yourself feel.
Let me love the lonely out of you
Let me love the pain you're going through I think I'll save myself by saving you Let me love the lonely out of you
How many times had you wished for someone to say something similar to you? To tell you that they understood and you no longer had to be alone?
Lighthouse without the lights
You smile without your eyes I know, 'cause I do that too Your own worst enemy You think that no one sees I do, 'cause I'm like that too
Your mind couldn’t help but drift to Spock’s earlier words. Had he selected this song because it suited your voice or because he saw you? Saw that part you tried so hard to keep hidden from everyone else?
Let me love the lonely out of you
Let me love the pain you're going through I think I'll save myself by saving you Let me love the lonely out of you
Oh, we can light a fire to warm our bones, yeah
This world is much too cold to sleep alone
Let me love the lonely out of you
Let me love the pain you're going through I think I'll save myself by saving you Let me love the lonely out of you
 Let me love the lonely out of you Let me love the pain you're going through Think I'll save myself by saving you Let me love the lonely out of you
By the end of the song, there were tears in your eyes. And you’d lost at least a few down your cheeks, as well. It was one of those songs you just couldn’t help but feel in your heart as you performed. There was a long beat of silence after you sang the last note before everyone broke into applause.
You opened your eyes to find the crew on their feet. You laughed in surprise and relief. Spock’s gaze was heavy on you, but you didn’t look at him. You didn’t dare, afraid he would see how much you wanted him to be the one to love you.
When you stepped off the stage, Uhura wrapped you in a hug. “That was amazing, Y/N. I’d heard you sing when you were working before but I had no idea. That was fantastic.”
“Thank you,” you said as you released her.
Bones threw an arm around your shoulder and tugged you into his side. “Who knew a quiet little thing like you had that in her? Nicely done, Y/L/N.”
You shook your head at his antics. “Thank you, doctor. I’m going to grab a water from the bar. I’ll be back.”
“Of course, darlin,” he responded. As he moved back to the table, you heard the others ask where you were going.
It felt like it took forever for you to reach the end of the bar as you were stopped multiple times on the way there. Finally, you settled onto a stool and ordered a water. You drank it quickly and passed the glass back to be refilled. This time you just sat for a moment and stared at the condensation on the outside of the glass. You needed a minute to center yourself.
A familiar blue uniform entered your peripheral vision as Spock sat beside you. “Are you quite alright, Y/N?”
Your lips twisted in a little smile at that. “Yeah, I’m fine, Spock.”
“Then why will you not look at me?”
You ran a finger around the rim of your glass and glanced at him from the corner of your eye. “When you said you picked that song for me, how did you mean that?”
“I meant that the song was the perfect pitch for you.”
Your heart sank. That’s what you’d suspected, but you hoped you were wrong.
Suddenly, Spock placed his first two fingers against the back of your hand as it rested on the bar. You froze, your eyes locked on the gesture of affection from the Vulcan. “It also conveyed a message that I seemed to be unable to say myself despite many attempts to do so.”
You looked at him then and the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly. “Do you mean that?” you couldn’t help but ask.
He nodded once. “It is my intention that you never feel invisible or unwanted again, Y/N.”
You grinned then and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”
The tips of his ears took on a slight greenish tint and you chuckled.
Still grinning, you stood and leaned closer to his ear. “Brace yourself, Spock. I’m about to do something scandalous.”
His mouth opened, but before he could voice his protest, you took his hand fully in yours and dragged him back to the table. He was as green as a seasick sailor by the time you rejoined your friends.
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ravensblood18 · 4 years
Everyone reacts differently to anesthesia – that’s part of what makes emergency surgery so complicated. There are correlations, of course, with body mass, metabolism, etc, and with the computers the best  drug and dose for each patient can be calculated.
It is perfectly safe, as McCoy assures every first time patient about to go under.(The first time he operated on Spock, the poor devil was in no shape to talk, but the second time he reeled off a series of statistics on  that particular anesthetic’s safety and tempted the CMO to up the dose just to shut him up.) What the computer cannot calculate is the reactions of each patient in coming out of sedation.  Doctor- patient confidentiality ensures that the anecdotes will never leave sickbay, but it doesn’t stop occasional bets being placed or personnel arranging to position themselves within earshot of certain patients.
Sulu, now, comes out in what is now called his D’Artagnan persona. After an incident which involved Dr McCoy getting a broken nose and Nurse Chapel getting her hand kissed, the good doctor has made restraints standard when the helmsman is…less than coherent for some reason, whether it is surgical sedation, mysterious virus or  plain old concussion.
  Ensign Chekov, from what a very amused Russian nurse could translate, usually ends up under the impression that he is the Tsar of Russia. Or that he is dating the Tsar’s daughter. It varies. Occasionally he gives orders for Dr McCoy to be banished to Siberia, for the offense of “being mean to Mr Spock.”
Riley, the one time he ended up in the post operative ward…sings. The-Song-That-Must-Not-Be-Named doesn’t sound any better when slurred beyond coherence. (The captain who had come to check on the casualties, practically bolted out of the sickbay when that started.).  Nowadays McCoy has authorized post operative medication for Riley in the interests of the patient’s safety and the Medical staff’s sanity.
Scotty, in the normal run of things, seems to get particularly inspired when half conscious, and particularly insistent on discussing said inspirations. Like the time he held a long, slurred and complicated discourse on how he could improve the production of his illegal and officially non-existent still located on Deck Ten. With a visiting Admiral who was in for his regular check up.  Fortunately, the admiral in question  turned out to be vulnerable to Kirkian charm  and a bribe of Romulan Ale.
Spock…gets very talkative.  Luckily for him, he tends to lapse back to his native language, so mostly McCoy has no clue what he’s talking about. By the time he’s coherent enough to talk in Standard, he’s coherent enough to know he shouldn’t be talking at all. The few occasions when he was just high enough to get voluble and not out enough to forget his (better than they seem) language skills have given his  hovering frenemy  blackmail material worth a life time, but unfortunately for the doctor,  the Hippocratic Oath gets in the way. The Captain, now…
“Um, Bones?”
“What, Jim?” The doctor is grinning from ear to ear. It’s only partly the euphoria of having pulled off one of the most complicated surgeries in his career (while the ship was under fire, no less). There is a particular unholy glee in the CMO’s eyes that the convalescing Captain doesn’t like.
“Just what was in that hypo?”
“Normal painkillers. Wasn’t even supposed to put you out all the way, but when you’ve lost that much blood, through direct ignorance of medical advice, I may add-“
“Okay, okay. Leave the lecture for later, Bones. I’ve got enough of  a headache already.” He pauses nervously. “Er, I wasn’t fully out all the time, was I?”
“You came round for a bit.”
“Did I…say something?”
The grin had widened to Cheshire cat proportions. “What do you remember?”
Jim groaned.
“I…think I asked Spock out. For the Valentine’s Day party.”
McCoy’s grin was now made more intolerable with the addition of a smug glint.
“Don’t even say it!” Kirk orders before the doctor can put himself at the risk of being punched out by his still-a-bit-groggy captain. “I was hypoed half way to hyperspace, that does not mean what you think! And you are going to help me explain that to him!”
The doctor mutters something that sounds suspiciously like ‘In Hypo Veritas’.
“We. Are .Just. Friends. Get your  damn mind out of the gutter and help me figure out how to explain this!”
“Well what?”
“You didn’t ask Spock out.”
“I didn’t?” Bones isn’t sure whether Jim sounds more relieved or disappointed.
“That damn hobgoblin left the sickbay (against medical advice, seeing a pattern here, Jimmy-boy?) the minute he was able to stand up without passing out. Said something about the ship  couldn’t have both the captain and the First Officer off the bridge “in the current volatile environment”. If he ends up fainting on the Bridge, serves him right.”
“So I was just talking to myself?”
“Nope, you just mistook someone else for him.”
Jim sighs in relief that he hasn’t ended up potentially frightening his shy First into transferring  off the ship at the first chance, then realizes just who  he was most likely to have mistaken for said First. The look of horror is enough to send McCoy into a hoot of unprofessional laughter.
“I asked Sarek out?”
“Well, you called him Spock, so I don’t think he would have..”
“Just shoot me.”
“Tempting, but maybe later. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think he understood the reference. Vulcans of course don’t have Valentine’s Day.”
“Bones, the guy is an ambassador, learning alien customs is his business! Plus, he’s married to Lady Amanda, you think she never dragged him off for a Valentine’s Date?”
The image of  stoic Sarek sitting across from Amanda at a table covered with roses and candle light is enough to provoke another fit of mirth from the doctor.
“And anyway, Lady Amanda was here, she’d understand the reference, Good God…”
“Not the most dignified way to meet the parents, eh, Jim?”
The Captain chooses to respond non-verbally, by flinging his pillow at the CMO.
“Next time, just let me scream. No painkillers! Definitely not these painkillers!”
“Against Hippocratic Oath, Captain. I will, however, consider an isolation cubicle…”
The intrepid captain of the Enterprise slumps back into bed and prays to any deity who may be listening that the famous Vulcan regard for privacy would extend to not prying into  existing or potential relationships of adult sons…
McCoy returns the pillow to it’s proper position and walks out, still grinning. At the door, he turns back for a parting shot “By the way, Jim, Amanda looked like she approves…”
The pillow goes flying again.
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thedreamsmith · 4 years
How (Not) to Seduce a Blueshirt (Chapter 4)
@atc74​ @alleiradayne​ @arrowsandmixtapes​ @captain-s-rogers​ for #OC appreciation day 2020
Warnings: Swearing, mild sexual situation 
Pairing: Jim Kirk x OFC
Chapter summary:  Jim is allergic to first dates.
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For some reason, Bones had not been thrilled with his news. In fact, he had let out a stream of particularly foul expletives and pinned Jim with a glare that by all accounts should’ve set his hair on fire.
Even so, Bones had agreed to help him pick out something to wear to dinner. For all his CMO loved to jab him with hypos, he was the perfect Southern gentleman and he had the manners and fashion sense to match.
Once Jim had swallowed his pride and comm’d Bones, the good doctor had strode into his hotel room within ten minutes, taken one look at what he was wearing and ordered him to strip because ‘Good God man, you’re not going on a first date to a nice restaurant with a pretty girl wearing that.’
Personally, Jim had thought what he’d been wearing hadn’t been one of the worst getups he’d tried on before Bones got there, but he deferred to the older man’s judgement anyway.
Between the pair of them they had finally agreed on an outfit and that was how Jim found himself standing in front of the mirror, watching his reflection eye the dark jeans, white shirt and dress shoes that Bones had talked him into. They had compromised on the leather jacket, but only because Jim had threatened to reprogram every computer on the ship (besides Spock - he hadn’t quite figured out to rewire him yet) to address Bones as ‘snugglebunny.’
Mirror-Jim looked as nervous as he felt.
How had he convinced himself he could do this? He was a playboy hick from backwater Idaho. Reyne had a medical degree, no criminal record, standards…
It felt as though a metal band was squeezing his chest; growing tighter and tighter as the chrono ticked closer to when he was supposed to meet Reyne in the plaza.
The room was too bright, the hum of the city outside too loud and his reflection had gone blurry.
‘Lights at fifty percent.’ He managed to choke out, though his throat felt like it was closing over. ‘Bones…’
Jim spun towards his friend, stumbling as he struggled to catch his breath.
‘Think ‘m having an allergic reaction.’
And then Bones’ was gripping his shoulders, hands firm and steady as he pushed him towards the bed. He barely registered as his friend waved the tricorder over him once, twice. The frown lines on Bones’ forehead deepened as he checked the results then flicked his gaze back to Jim and the way his shoulders heaved, trying to draw enough oxygen in to stop the room from spinning.
McCoy drew in a deep breath before he spoke, his medical skills diagnosing the issue even as his knowledge of Jim Kirk insisted that this was highly unlikely.
‘Outta all the things you’re allergic to, I doubt that proper first dates are one of them. You’re havin’ a panic attack, Jim.’
Jim briefly interrupted his breathe in, breathe out, don’t-throw-up cycle to shoot a poisonous glare at his friend.
‘Just breath, Jim. You’ll be alright.’ Bones kept his hands on his shoulders, grounding him. ‘Hell, Ree was chattering about this date with my nurses the other day – had to shoo her from the medbay so they could get anything done.’
Jim raised his head a little, expression hopeful.
‘Yes, really. So quit being an idiot and keep your head between your knees. I don’t need you passing out before you’ve left your room. I had enough of carrying you back to your room at the Academy.’
Reyne was already in the plaza when he arrived. She was in conversation with a couple of Enterprise crew members. He recognised the taller, darker of the two men as one of Bones’ best nurses – distinctive for the sleeves of tattoos that disappeared beneath the cuffs of his civvies. The other was fair haired and shorter, also sporting tattoos and the same Scottish earth accent as Scotty and Reyne. As the trio turned to face him, he placed the shorter man as one of Scotty’s crew, a brilliant electrical engineer he’d picked from the Academy himself. Ensign Josh Watt.
Ensign Watt smirked and murmured something to her that made her blush and laugh as she waved them off.
But all thoughts of Reyne’s friends left his head as she stepped around nurse Stephen, towards him. Laughter danced in her eyes, a few shades darker than his own, as she took him in. In a navy, knee length dress, her curves could’ve stopped ships at warp speed.
The artificial lights of Yorktown had been dimmed to mimic sundown, and the lamps overhead illuminated her ivory skin in a warm glow.
‘You look amazing.’ Oh great, Jim. Thirty years old and that’s the best he could do?
‘Not too bad yourself, Captain.’ He glanced up from his own shoes to see that Reyne was smiling, amusement still glimmering in her eyes as she stepped closer.
Bolstered by the knowledge that he hadn’t cocked it up in the first five minutes, Jim let his features slip into a crooked grin. With slowly-returning confidence, he grasped her hand, bringing it up to his mouth and pressing a lingering kiss to her knuckles.
Reyne’s eyebrows shot up but she didn’t pull her hand away.
‘I promised Stephen that I’d let you know that I’m armed.’ She delivered the line with such casual amusement that his heart nearly stopped in his chest with a painful thud. But she tightened his grip on his hand before gracefully looping her arm around his waist. ‘Don’t worry, I don’t intend to use it. I very much want to be here.’
Her grin was warm as she tilted her head to one side, and her height meant that she didn’t need to raise her gaze far to meet his eyes. ‘I want to be here, Jim.’
‘You’re terrible.’ He draped his arm over her shoulders, enjoying the warmth of her body tucked against his side.
Reyne shrugged slightly, the movement shifting his arm. ‘I only own one knife. If you think that’s bad, you should meet Stephen - he always has at least two on his person at any given time. Legal carries, of course. Although there was that Cardassian hunting knife he was looking at last shore leave…’
She trailed off as she registered the expression of disbelief that must’ve shown on his face.
‘My friends are weird.’
‘I think Scotty and Jaylah would take offence to that.’ They passed storefronts and restaurants; lit with strings of jewel-toned lights and orbs that floated above the heads of passers-by.
‘Scotty was exalting the virtues of deep fried mars bars and pickle sandwiches yesterday. I don’t think he gets a say in this.’
‘That seems fair.’ Jim laughed, feeling lighter than he had in a long while. ‘So I have to ask, where are you keeping a knife in that get up?’
Reyne’s gaze slid slowly over to him as a wicked smirk lifted the corners of her mouth.
‘A lady never tells, Captain.’
It was well past midnight by the time they made it back to the hotel that most of the crew were staying in. His face hurt from the grin that he’d had on for most of the evening and his fingers were tangled with hers.
Too soon, they reached her door and the conversation petered out as they both silently acknowledged the choice that lay before them.
‘I really enjoyed tonight.’ It would seem that his sparkling wit had failed him once again tonight. He fumbled for the right words to convey what he felt, a way to secure another night like this and maybe another after that. ‘I just mean, I had expected to, of course, despite the panic attack I had earlier.’
‘Panic attack?’ Concern laced Reyne’s voice, brows kitting together as she searched his face.
Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that. Quick, Jim, think.
‘Right, here goes nothing.’ He forced himself to hold her gaze, to watch for her reaction. ‘For most of my life, I’ve never tried particularly hard when it comes to dating. Usually all it takes is an introduction and my reputation does the rest but with you, that doesn’t work cause you just don’t care. You’ve never fallen at my feet and you want more from me than a quick fuck and some pretty words. And that terrifies me. I panicked ‘cause I don’t believe I deserve someone like you, Reyne.’
‘You’re right – I don’t care about any of those things. I said yes because you’re also the Jim Kirk who regularly attempts to sacrifice himself for his friends; who actually died to save a ship full of people he barely knew. I said yes because underneath the charisma and the recklessness and the batshit crazy, even without knowing you all that well, I’ve seen and heard glimpses of a heart of gold and an intellect to rival Commander Spock’s. My point is, you’re multifaceted, Jim; and are much more than you think you are. Plus, the package it’s all wrapped up in doesn’t hurt.’ A smirk lifted the corner of her mouth. ‘I’m aware you don’t have the best track record when it comes to long-term partners; but if you’re willing to try, then I’ll happily boldly go where no one else has before.’
Well, if that wasn’t an invitation then he didn’t know what was…
The sound of the Captain’s Oath falling from that mouth was downright obscene, but it was all Jim could do to lean forward, a silent answer to a question she hadn’t asked out loud. He closed his eyes, held his breath until he felt the warmth of her mouth against his. Reyne pressed slow kisses to his lower lip, lingering too long for it to be called chaste, but far too reverent to be lewd.
Jim found that it was nice to share a first kiss that didn’t taste of alcohol – that wasn’t fast and hard and needy. Not to say that there was no lust there, just that he was perfectly content to lean against the door of her room and continue this slow exploration of lips and tongues and teeth.
A whine escaped him as she pulled away; spots of colour high on her cheeks, lips ever-so-slightly swollen from the kiss.
‘You’re terrible for my self-control.’
‘Who needs self-control anyway?’ Certainly not James T Kirk. His grin was twelve kinds of filthy as he gazed at her with heavy-lidded eyes. ‘I might not be Uhura with her fancy xenolinguistics degree, but I’ve been told that I have excellent oral sensitivity.’
A beat of silence followed, before Reyne’s face crumpled and she doubled over with laughter, the sound rich and sweet and deeper than he had expected. Jim decided right there that Reyne’s laughter was his favourite sound in the entire galaxy and he would gladly make a fool out of himself just to hear it every day of their 5-year mission.
Dark eyebrows knitted together as she fought for breath, and she could already feel herself flushing to the tips of her ears. She thought back to the one time she had seen Jim shirtless in the medbay after an away mission – the man had a body made for pleasure and sin and even then, she had decided that no one should be allowed to be so goddamn beautiful.
‘And not just oral sensitivity,’ Jim pushed his advantage, never one to miss an opportunity. ‘Let’s not forget dexterity, flexibility, stamina-‘
The Many Virtues of Jim Kirk were cut short as Reyne grabbed the lapels of his jacket and yanked him down for another kiss – this one decidedly more heated. Her clever tongue flicked along the seam of lips before gently tugging his lower lip between her teeth, earning a low groan from Jim.
Jim tangled his fingers in her thick, dark locks, tugging hard enough to elicit a gasp from the doctor.
‘Is this your way of telling me to shut up? Cause if it is, you can tell me to shut up anytime.’ And Jim found that he was entirely open to this kind of positive reinforcement, especially when it involved a hotter than Hell medical officer and her unholy way of finding that spot on his neck that – fuck.
Reyne bit down and his hips jerked involuntarily. Her thigh was a solid presence between his legs, the seam of her jeans enough to produce a maddening amount of friction against him and dammit he was the captain of Starfleet’s flagship, not some overeager teenager getting to second base with a girl for the first time.
Her smile took on a distinctly naughty cast and he’d be damned if it didn’t go straight to his dick – like he needed any help in that department. A pleasant daydream of an unruly science officer in need of punishment, pulled up in front of her captain for insubordination filled his brain.
‘I don’t put out on the first date, Jim.’ Her voice was soft, a gentle reminder. ‘It’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow?’
‘Yeah, see you tomorrow.’
With one last smile and a quick peck on the cheek, Reyne tapped in her room code and disappeared into the darkened room, leaving Jim to sag against the wall.
She had him wrapped around her finger already.
He was in so much shit.
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rreader · 6 years
Hello, I really enjoyed the one you've just posted about Jim asking Spock's half sister out on a date. Would it be possible to write like a sequel where after years of dating, Jim finally has the courage to propose to her? She says yes. Thank you!
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pairing: james t. kirk x spock’s sister!reader ; spock x uhurafandom: star trek (modern)warnings: languagegenre: fluffprevious: x
summary: five years. that’s how long you had been by his side, through the bad and the good. and now jim decided that it was finally time to take the next step with you, even if he had never thought he’d be that kind of guy.
a/n: such a cute request and one I loved writing. I enjoyed the first one a lot, so this was nice. I might actually make another one, where they have their first baby.. idk, we’ll see I guess. for now, enjoy this one my love ♥
Jimhad never thought he’d end up like this.
Yearsago, he has had missions that were so dangerous, that he should haveshit his pants. He should have been scared and downright nervousabout every single one of his moves and choices. But he had kept calm through itall, rode out the storm like a pro without breaking a sweat. Because that’s who he was. The cool guy.
Buthere he was, his forehead and palms were glistening with sweat, hewas shifting his weight from one foot to the other and his breathingwas rapid at the thought of what he was about to do.
Andall because of a single question..
..butthat question would change his life forever. Both if you were to give him the answer he wanted you to give and the one he was so afraid of.
“Youseem nervous, Captain,” Spock said, hands confidently behind hisback, “Are you scared of what my sister might say to you?”
Jimrolled his eyes and leaned his forehead against the cold wall infront of him.
“Notnow, Spock.”
Spock wasn’t concerned about Jim proposing to you. No, being able to see just how scared he was of it, was actually rather amusing to him. He enjoyed this.
Thefact that the great Captain Jim Kirk, who was known for fearingnothing and being so very brave, was currently about to cry becauseof his sister.
Notonly was he amused, but proud of you for having such an effect onJim.
WhenSpock was about to say something else, the door got opened and Uhuraentered with a big and excited smile.
“She’son her way.”
Jimnodded and looked at himself in the mirror once more, straighteningout the white shirt he was wearing and taking a deep breath. He kepttelling himself that it would be alright, that you would say yes. Youdidn’t have a reason to do otherwise.. did you? You had been datingfor more than five years now.. it was time to take the next step,even if the topic of marriage hadn’t come up that often and if it had, you both just ended up joking about it.
Hejust hoped that you would see it the same way he did.. that you wanted totake your relationship to the next level.
Sohe took one last look at himself, making sure that his appearence was perfect, before walking past Uhura and Spock.
“Inever thought I would say it, but I think Jim is going to make anamazing husband,” she said, once Kirk was out the door, “Don’t you think?”
“TheCaptain has changed a lot over the course of the past years and Ibelieve my sister has been a huge influence on him. So yes, I believehe shall indeed make a good husband and treat my sister right.”
Uhura’ssmile turned into a grin and she wrapped her hands around his arm,leaning against her boyfriend.
Who would have thought that Spock would one day approve of Kirk so much, that he’d not be against the idea of him marrying his little sister.
Certainly not Uhura.
                                                             * * * 
“Uh..hello?” you glanced around the big room, your eyes scanning thearea to see if there was like a hidden passage where the party wassupposed to be, “Am I too early?” you murmured, more to yourself, than to the emptiness of the room.
Nope,when looking at the time real quick, you realized that you wereactually a little late.
Uhurahad come into your room about twenty minutes ago, telling you aboutthe party the crew was having because of the success of the lastmission.
‘Everyoneis going to be there, (Y/N)! You have to come too!’
Youwere exhausted, wanted to take a hot shower and then cuddle with Jim, but the all-to-well known group pressure had gottenthe better of you, and so you had changed, taken a super quick showerand made your way over to where the party was supposed to be.
Onlythat there was nothing here. No party, no people.. just you.
“Oh,good, I thought this was a prank or something. They told me there isa party?” you asked Jim, who closed the door behind him.
“Therewill be.”
“SoI am too early? Uhura said I should hurry,” you huffed, annoyed thatyou could have taken your time and at least enjoyed a nice, hotshower. But that annoyance quickly faded when you saw the state thatyour boyfriend was in, “Jim? What’s wrong with you?”
Hewas sweating, his hands were even shaking slightly, even thoughsomebody else wouldn’t have noticed it. But that’s what more thanfive years of being in a relationship with him got you. You couldalways tell when there was something wrong. And quite frankly, this has never been a state you had seen him in.
Youmade your way over to him and pressed your hand against his forehead.
“Hmm..you don’t have a fever.”
“..butwe should still go and see Bones. You’ve been coughing quite a lotyesterday, maybe you’ve gotten sick on the last mission...”
“Comeon, I’ll go with you,” you wouldn’t even let him finish, way tooworried with the possibility of him being sick.
Butwhen you grabbed his hand and wanted to pull him away, he stood hisground and grabbed both of your hands instead.
“(Y/N),can you just let me talk for a moment?”
“Oh,right..,” you cleared your throat, “Sorry, go ahead.”
Hetried to calm his accelerating heartbeat down, but holding your handslike this and staring into your (Y/E/C) eyes, he realized that hewouldn’t be able to calm down, before he got your answer.
Sohe took a few more deep breaths, lowering his head and closing hiseyes, before taking up all the courage he had in him and looking back up intoyours.
“Youknow how much I love you, right?”
Youfurrowed your eyebrows.
“Good,that’s good,” he nodded and tried to continue, but the lump in histhroat kept him from doing so right away, so silence engulfed the two of you.
Onlywhen one of your hands disappeared out of his and instead, was placedon his cheek, did he look back up at you.
“You’reworrying me.”
“No!”he quickly said, that was definitely not his intention, “No, pleasedon’t be worried. If anything, I’m the worried one. Fuck, I’m sosorry, I thought I’d be able to pull this off like every other guy. And here Iam, like a teenager asking you to go to prom with me.”
“Well,you always said you’d take me dancing, someday,” you smiled happilyup at him.
Asmile that made him beam as well.
Howcould he not be nervous right now? When someone like you, someonethat he loved so much, was standing in front of him and only aquestion away from becoming his wife.
“Youknow.. when I was younger, I never thought I’d find someone like you,much less fall in love and be loved in return by someone like you. Ithought I’d spend the rest of my life sleeping around with whoever Iwanted to sleep with. But when you came into my life, my prioritieschanged from day to day. And then, eventually, there was a day whereI realized that there was only one future for me. A future that hadyou in it.”
Youkept smiling, still completely oblivious to what was happening, so hecontinued.
“Irealized that.. calling you my girlfriend isn’t enough for meanymore,” only after that sentence did your smile drop. Not becauseyou were upset, but because you were shocked, “I realized that Iwant to call you the mother of my children. I want to call you mywife, (Y/N). I want to call you mine, for the rest of my life. So..”
Andwhen he knelt down in front of you, you couldn’t help but take thetiniest of steps back, your hand covering your mouth.
“(Y/N)(Y/L/N). Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Itwas so.. traditional. Not that you had EVER expected him to proposeto you, in any form or manner. The topic had come up from time totime, but always in a playful manner, so that you never had taken itserious. You had accepted that he probably didn’t want to marry andit was alright for you, really.
Butnow that he was kneeling in front of you and asking you that samequestion that you had always dreamt of someone asking you when youwere a child?
Itwas all a bit overwhelming.
Somuch, that you hesitated for one second too long and you could feelJim’s hopes of you accepting vanish by the second.
“Ido,” you finally whispered and his eyes grew bigger.
“Ido!” you laughed, two lonely tears rolling out of your eyes, beforeyou leaned down, cupped his face in your hands and kissed himpassionately. He held your hips, slowly getting up from the floor,but not stopping the kiss for a second.
Onlywhen he put the ring onto your finger, did you separate for the tiniestmoment, lips returning to meet each other again afterwards.
Youwrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you close, his ownarms around your middle.
Andwhen you could hear the sounds of clapping behind you, you found somemembers of the crew standing in the door way with the biggest ofsmiles on their faces.
Yourbrother being one of them.
Andwhen your brother smiled, that meant something.
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11. McSpirk
in which, like, nothing really happens, including the cuddling that’s supposed to be the prompt
When the door chimes, Len calls for Jim to enter without even looking up from his laundry. He’s not in civvies often enough to have to take care of it regularly- he doesn’t care to admit it, but this is the first time he’s even touched anything other than his underwear drawer in days- so he’s opted to do the folding himself. The action’s so mundane as to’ve become cathartic, this far out along the edges of Federation space.
He sighs, smoothing out an ancient t-shirt from college. Len’s not sure why he even still has the thing; it was too big when he bought it, way back when, and he’s slimmed up considerably since then. It’s worn out, too, so old you can barely even read “Ole Miss” any more. Maybe that’s the attraction in and of itself, he admits–the cotton is soft under his fingertips in a way that only comes with time.
Footsteps come to a stop at the threshold of his bedroom, and he blindly tosses a few pairs of pants over his shoulder. “Make yourself useful, while you’re here; it’s been a long day.”
“The length of the day on a starship is standardized, Doctor; no day is longer or shorter than another,” Spock says lightly (for a Vulcan), and Len nearly jumps a foot in surprise.
“Sweet Jesus!” He lays one hand over his pounding heart, squeezing his eyes tightly shut for a brief moment. “You scared the devil out of me. I thought…” Len trails off as Spock sets both pairs of jeans on the bed next to him, folded as neatly as Len’s own mama would have done.
The only thing he can think to say is, “I guess somethin’ Lady Amanda taught you managed to slip through after all.”
Spock fairly radiates amusement when Len looks up at him, for all that his body language doesn’t change a bit. “You did order me to ‘make myself useful’,” he says, reaching for the laundry basket, and the door chimes again.
“That you, Jim?” Len hollers. He breaks eye contact with Spock, his cheeks heating up slightly, and brushes past him.
“Who else, Bones?”
Len glances over his shoulder at Spock as he moves into the main room, receiving a raised eyebrow in response. “Oh, you’d be surprised,” he chuckles, thumbing the button to open the door. “Come on in, Jimmy.”
“Been a long day,” Jim announces even as he crosses the threshold, making Len smile; there are two glasses slung between his fingers and a bottle of wine in his other hand. “Just what the doctor ordered?” he asks, a twinkle in his eye.
“Sure thing.” Len sets his hands on his hips, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Got another glass?” he asks slyly.
Jim tilts his head, setting the wine aside in favor of sliding his arm around Len’s waist. “Another…?”
“Spock’s in the bedroom,” Len says cheerfully, and Jim’s eyebrows shoot up. “He’s folding my laundry,” he adds.
Jim licks his lips, opens his mouth, and promptly closes it again. Len waits patiently, a gentle smile on his lips; a moment later Jim admits, “I’m confused.”
“Thought he was you, so I threw some pants at him and told him to make ‘imself useful.” Len palms Jim’s ass, getting a surprised “oomph” and a rakish grin for his efforts. “He’s much better at foldin’ ‘n you are,” he continues, voice teasing. “Everything’s nice ‘n’ crisp, and he didn’t even try and pull off my shirt because he ‘thought I wanted everything folded, oh, sorry, Bones’.”
Jim’s eyes twinkle as he carelessly tosses the wine glasses towards the couch- they must be polycarbonate, the way they clink together without breaking- but Len smacks him in the chest before he can open his mouth.
“If you try it tonight, I’m takin’ the wine and Spock, and I’m leavin’ you with the laundry,” he says firmly, rolling his eyes–though he can’t quite bite back his fond smile; Jim just grins and leans in to steal a quick kiss.
He’s still close enough for his breath to brush over Len’s lips when he murmurs thoughtfully, “So Spock’s in your bedroom.”
“’N’ he can probably hear every word we’re saying,” Len points out, nipping at Jim’s bottom lip before extricating himself completely. “Not to mention that I wasn’t raised to leave the chores up to my guests,” he chuckles, heading towards the other room, “no matter how entertaining the sight.”
Jim hooks two fingers in Len’s belt loop and crowdsclose as he follows him. When they turn the corner, Jim calls out, “Evening, Mr. Spock,” with laughter thick in his voice.
“Captain.” Spock nods vaguely in their direction. His attention is caught, however, by the Starfleet Academy t-shirt he holds out in front of himself, one eyebrow raised. “I was under the impression you had not attended the Academy, Doctor.”
Len clears his throat as Jim buries a laugh in the back of his neck. “That’s, ah, a correct impression, Spock,” he says, trailing awkwardly to a stop. Jim is a line of warmth and gentle strength against his back, and it does nothing to help keep his face from burning. “You’ll notice it’s also a tad large for me.”
“As are many of your non-uniform shirts,” Spock points out. “As a data point, the size indicates little–”
“It’s mine, Spock,” Jim says, with gentle amusement, and Spock’s back straightens even further than normal as he looks over at them.
“Indeed,” he comments blandly, his gaze flicking across the both of their faces. His movements are swift and efficient as he begins folding the shirt, his eyes swiftly averted once more.
“Spock,” Len says, slowly. If he were anyone else, Len would think that not-expression on his face was betrayal. “Did you not realize…?”
“There are nuances of human culture which I still do not easily recognize.” Spock sets the shirt on the stack, his fingers lingering on the soft fabric. “If your attempts to inform me of the changed nature of your relationship were couched in allusion and indirect language, I have missed them.”
His body language is difficult to parse at the best of times; in this low lighting, with him partly turned away from them, Len can’t even begin to guess what he’s thinking. He hopes Jim- whose fingers are drumming a thoughtful beat against Len’s hip- has a better inkling of what’s going on underneath that bowlcut.
They’re close enough together that he knows, from Jim’s intake of breath, that he’s about to speak the moment before he does; Len relaxes, certain that Jim will- as ever- know exactly the right thing to say.
“I suppose, then, that our attempts to imply we were also interested in changing the nature of our relationship with you must have likewise flown over your head.”
Or not.
“Jim,” Len hisses, shoving him off. “A little tact–”
“Has obviously gotten us nowhere,” Jim whispers, his grin crooked. “We have to adapt to changing circumstances, Bones.” His step is light as he curves around the room, jerking his chin to motion Len towards Spock’s other side. Len ignores him.
They’re both under intense scrutiny; Spock’s dark eyes cut from one to the other almost suspiciously as Jim–well, for lack of a better word, Jim stalks forward. He jerks his chin again, hissing, “Are you going to pull your weight here or not?” and Len throws his hands in the air.
“Spock, get away while you still can,” he complains. “Datin’ him isn’t worth it.”
Jim turns his attention from Spock to Len, rearing back incredulously. “Excuse me?”
Len lifts an eyebrow, his hands finding his hips once more as he rocks back on his heels. “‘Pull my weight’?” he demands. “Whose bedroom is he in again, Jim boy?”
“He’s here to fold your laundry!”
“And he’s doin’ a better job of it than you ever have!”
Jim spins on his heel, gesturing to Len with one hand as he addresses Spock. “And he says dating me is a trial. Mr. Spock, have you ever seen anyone quite so contrary, for the sheer sake of being contrary?”
“Every time he looks in the mirror,” Len scoffs, not even giving Spock a chance to answer, and Jim’s surprised into a laugh that he quite ineffectively turns into a cough.
“For God’s sake, Bones; can you get through a conversation without insulting him?”
Len looks at Spock, raking his gaze from pristinely shined shoes to pointed ears, and bounces on his toes. “Nope,” he states, popping the ‘p’ with distinct relish.
Spock- who’d been looking increasingly overwhelmed since Jim’s announcement- visibly (if subtly) relaxes into the familiar exchange. “I could hardly expect any less from the good doctor,” he informs Jim, clasping his hands behind his back. “In the face of superior logic, he rarely has outlet beyond unfounded accusations and vulgarities.”
“Very true, Mr. Spock,” Jim agrees gravely, likewise clasping his hands behind his back. His eyes, however, sparkle with the utmost mischief.
“‘Superior’ logic,” Len mutters, faux indignant, and sidles up to Spock, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his chin up to meet those dark eyes. (On the Vulcan’s other side, Jim likewise closes the distance between them.) Len takes a breath, forcing some of the tension out of his shoulders; in return, his voice comes out more hesitant, more raw than he’d intended.
“Teasin’ aside, Mr. Spock…” he dares to reach out and brush his fingers over his covered upper arm. “We’da broached the subject more carefully if we’d realized you didn’t already know.”
“There is no need for… apology, Doctor,” Spock promises, after a moment of hesitation. It doesn’t feel as if he’s lying–simply that he’s uncertain of how to respond. Possibly, Len muses, uncertain as to how he even feels about all of this.
Jim sets a hand on Spock’s shoulder and then, after a moment of deliberation, slides it around to cup the back of Spock’s neck. He says firmly, his gaze locked with Spock’s, “We’re your friends; we should have told you about our relationship explicitly some time ago, and that deserves an apology.”
“Jim,” Len interjects. His lips twitch as Spock startles, ever so slightly–he understands, intimately, the way the rest of the world falls away when Jim Kirk looks at you like that. “In a situation like this, it’s more than appropriate to call him ‘Jim’.”
“Now Bones, on the other hand, will kick you out of his quarters for calling him ‘Leonard’,” Jim teases, his thumb tracing an arc back and forth over the soft skin of Spock’s neck.
Len scoffs, running his knuckles lightly down the curve of Spock’s spine as he leans across him to taunt, “Just you, Jimmy.”
Jim raises his eyebrows, a delighted- if surprised- sort of grin on his face, but Len leans back ruefully before he can respond. “We’re getting ahead of ourselves,” he says, pointedly folding his arms over his chest to make sure he keeps his hands to himself.
“Right.” Jim licks his lips. “Right.” He reluctantly removes his hand from Spock’s neck, and for a moment he’s quiet, his hand flexing thoughtfully by his side, and then he squares his shoulders–and Len yawns, loudly and involuntarily, burying it behind one hand as he blinks away the tears that spring up in response. When his vision clears, Jim’s deflated once more, a fond, indulgent smile on his lips.
“It’s been a long day,” he says again, and Spock shoots Len an exasperated look. Jim continues, oblivious, as Len rubs a grin away with one hand, “Maybe we should leave the particulars of this conversation for another time.”
“Probably not the worst idea,” Len admits. He can feel the exhaustion pressing down on him, and knows- no matter how nice of a front they put up- that Spock and Jim feel the same.
Spock nods, short and sharp, and folds his hands behind his back once more. “Then I will take my leave. Goodnight, Jim; goodnight… Leonard.”
“Well, well, well,” Len drawls, a grin on his face and rocking back on his heels. “Goodnight to you, too, Mr. Spock.”
Jim hums, a twinkle in his eye as he watches the exchange. “I like it when you get along,” he tells them, sincere and amused and open all at once, in that way only he can manage.
“We always get along,” Len protests. “Sometimes ‘getting along’ just involves a lot of yelling. Right, Spock?” He nudges the Vulcan with one elbow, grinning broadly.
Spock, bless him, comes to the conclusion that changing the subject is the safest route. “Do you require further assistance with your laundry, Doctor?”
Biting back his laughter (Jim, on the other side of Spock, doesn’t even bother), Len shakes his head. “I’ve got it covered, Spock, but thank you for the offer.”
Jim’s giggles trail off while Len smiles up at Spock, and for a long moment the room is still and companionably quiet. Len doesn’t want Spock to go, he muses; and all it would take to keep him here would be one word--”stay”.
But without a proper discussion of what they all expect from each other, he can’t put that kind of pressure on Spock. Len sighs, running a hand through his hair with a tired smile. “Have a lovely night, Spock,” he says softly.
Spock inclines his head in acknowledgement, and just like that he’s gone.
Len groans, fingers curling in the fabric of Jim’s uniform shirt as he drops his forehead to the other man’s shoulder. Jim’s arms circle around him, holding him loosely, as he grumbles goodnaturedly, “Half expected you to up and invite him to bed while he was here.”
Jim hums. “I thought about it, but it wasn’t worth the gamble; seemed more likely you’d kick us both out.”
Well, he’s probably not wrong. Len extricates himself with a snort. “Go on and change while I finish up here,” he orders, turning away and busying his hands with the last few shirts in the basket.
(With a grin, he pretends not to see Jim stealing his Ole Miss shirt from the bottom of the stack.)
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On Bartenders and Escort Cards
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Pairing: McKirk
Rating: Teenish to mature? There’s mention of nakedness?
Word Count: 2194
Summary: Jim’s a vampire who’s been around for a while. He’s been tending bar in San Francesco and just enjoying his eternity when in walks a sexy doctor that catches his eye. The problem comes when he starts really falling for the guy; how the hell are you supposed to explain you’re a vampire?
Notes: Escort cards, in the Victorian era, were cards men would give women in an attempt to discretely flirt. Most were variations on “Can I walk you home?” but there were some that were more on the racy side. Think of it as being sort of like Tinder for the 1800′s. Not interested? Hand the card back. It’s all kind of hilarious to read about.
It had been decades since anyone truly turned Jim’s head. Someone would catch his fancy for a night, maybe two, and then he’d feel that need and would pull away. Well over a century taught him that no one wanted to be a vampire as much as they liked to think they did, and he wasn’t about to turn a one-night stand just so he might avoid being lonely. At least that’s what he told himself until he met Leonard McCoy.
The first night Bones walked into the bar Jim worked in, the blond zeroed in on him immediately. He couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was about the man, but there was just something about his look that drew Jim in. Before long, Jim found himself reaching into the front pocket of his jeans for a well-creased business card and handing it over to the slightly scruffy looking man. A look of pure amusement passed over his face as he read it, and he caught Jim’s eye as he tucked it into the front pocket of his shirt.
“Not many people pass around escort cards these days, kid,” he chuckled as he knocked back his bourbon and tapped the glass for a refill. “These went out of style about the time women stopped needing chaperones, didn’t they?”
Jim couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah, but you’d be surprised at how well they still work.”
“Well you’re keeping it, aren’t you?” It was the cheeky grin while Jim poured out a few more fingers of the whiskey that probably did Len in. “I’m Jim.”
“Leonard McCoy. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Jim.” Len sipped at his drink this time, relaxing into his seat as he looked Jim over a bit more. “When do you get off work? If you really wanna walk me home, I’m only a couple blocks away.”
There was a quick glance at the clock. “In an hour.”
Len nodded and waved him back to his work. He enjoyed a few more drinks while he waited, only disappearing into the bathroom for a few minutes before returning to his seat. Any time Jim got a free moment, he leaned across the bar to learn more about the current object of his affections. He learned that Leonard was a doctor, and that he recently moved to San Francesco from somewhere in Georgia. By the time Jim grabbed his coat to leave, Len had a nice flush to his cheeks that Jim had to assume was from the booze. It suited him.
“Ready to go, Bones?”
“Yeah. You’re a doctor. You know, an old sawbones.”
“You’re just full of old-timey references, aren’t you?” Len looked amused instead of offended, though, so Jim assumed that Bones was an okay nickname. “And yeah, I’m ready.”
When they arrived outside Len’s townhouse, Jim decided to go for broke and kissed Len’s hand. He was graced with a gentle smile and counted it as a win, but he wasn’t expecting Len to reach up and cup his cheek as Jim straightened. The kiss was quick and chaste and by the time Jim came to his senses, Len was bidding him goodnight and heading inside.
“Night…” Jim mumbled at the closing door.
The next few weeks were spent spending time with Leonard in one way or another. With each successive visit to the bar, Jim becomes more and more tempted to spill his secret; there was just something about Bones that felt safe. Instead, Jim kept a ready supply of escort cards in his pocket. Any time Len popped in, Jim would hand him a card that ranged from “May I walk you home?” all the way to the cheekier cards that could be summed up by “Wanna have sex?” The former usually earned an amused smile and the latter would get a laugh with a darker glint taking residence in Len’s eye.
“How the hell am I supposed to approach this, Spock?” Jim grumbled as he dropped onto the couch at his best friend’s place. “I can’t just say hey you know how we’ve been seeing each other a few weeks? Well just wanted you to know I suck blood to survive and I’m tempted to turn you so I can keep you.”
Spock’s sharp eyes follow him as Jim immediately jumps back up and paces around. “I believe you’re overthinking this.”
“I am not!”
“Do you intend to never tell him?” Spock reasoned and finally let out an irritated noise. “Please sit. I feel nauseated watching you pace.”
Jim draped himself back across the couch, but his leg bounced ceaselessly. If Spock had a problem with it, he kept it to himself. After a few moments of expectant silence, Spock continued, “There are only three options that I can conceive of. You could tell him, you could remain with him without telling him and risk him discovering the truth regardless, or you could stop seeing him all together.”
“I don’t like any of those find new ones.” Jim took on a petulant tone as he stared up at the ceiling. “No everyone can be as lucky as you. Ny ended up being a witch and you’re basically her familiar now.”
“That particular joke is becoming quite old. Almost as old as you are, in fact.”
The leg stopped and Jim shifted to a sitting position to stare at him. “Are you teasing me?”
A slight curve of Spock’s lips preceded the answer, “Why would I ever do such a thing?”
“You’re an asshole,” Jim grumbled. He glanced over at the clock and groaned. “I have to get ready to go. We’re going on an actual date. A date, Spock. When was the last time I went on a fucking date?”
“I believe you told me it was approximately twenty-five years ago. Several times now. In fact, you’ve informed me of that fact nine times in the last four hours.” Spock watched him get up and collect the various things Jim threw around haphazardly when he initially walked in; jacket draped over the back of a kitchen chair, one shoe by the door and the other partially tucked under the couch where it had been kicked, keys somehow left in the bathroom. He held back a sigh at the knowledge that he’d need to clean the second Jim left.
Once he was put back together again, Jim offered Spock a small smile. “Thanks for the talk, Spock. Just gotta decide what I’m actually gonna do.”
Len was nowhere to be seen when Jim got to the restaurant. He frowned down at his watch as it ticked on by half past 7pm. By the time the doctor came rushing up the street, it was 8:15 and Jim was getting ready to give up the night as a bust. He came to a stop in front of Jim, panting with his hands propping him up on his knees.
“Shit… Sorry I’m so late! Surgery ran long and I, um… Realized I don’t have a phone number for you.” Len snagged a napkin off a nearby table to pat the sweat away from his face and neck. “I might have run from the hospital.”
“It shows.” Jim smiled and ran his eyes over Len, thoroughly enjoying the way his chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath again. “A bit outta shape, Bones?”
“Shut it, Jim. This is supposed to be a romantic night.”
“Yeah, but if we have sex later, are you gonna be fit enough to keep up with me? Maybe you should get a doctor’s note.”
“You’re such an infant,” there was no heat to his tone or the glare Len sent him. “We going in?”
Jim grinned as he heard Bones order a rare steak and doubled the order. “Like your meat a bit bloody? I would’ve thought a doctor wouldn’t risk it.”
Len quirked a brow, but nodded. “Get a steak well done and you might as well throw it in the trash.”
The rest of dinner was fairly uneventful. Jim had to remind himself to keep him fangs retracted as he sank his teeth into the meat, but otherwise it all went well if he said so himself (which he did). He didn’t even think twice about accepting when Len suggested they go back to Len’s place.
At least not until he was standing at the threshold of Len’s house, waiting for an invitation inside.
He chewed on his lip a bit and glanced around what he could see of the inside as he waited for the okay to come in. When he noticed, Len just stared at him for a few moments before he offered up a grin.
“What wrong, Jim? You a vampire who needs to be invited in or something?”
Jim’s rushed “NO!” was met with a chuckle as Len waved him over. “C’mon in. I won’t bite unless you ask.”
Images of sinking his own fangs into Len’s neck flash briefly through Jim’s mind, but he pushes them away. He needed to tell Bones before he even thought about anything like that again, but damn was it a good thought. Jim was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Len walking up to him, moving every bit like a predator in his own right as he wrapped Jim up in his arms and leaned in to press a kiss behind his ear.
“Something distracting you, sugar?” He murmured against Jim’s skin, sending shivers down his spine. “Hope you’re thinking about me.”
“Oh, uh… Yeah, I was,” Jim stammered a little and mentally kicked himself. He was usually so much smoother than this.
“Anything you wanna share?”
It took a moment for Jim to realize Len was slowly maneuvering them toward a door he assumed was the bedroom. He was more than okay with this turn of events and turned a cheeky smile on his lover. “Well… I was picturing you tossing me on your bed and having your way with me. What do you think?”
In an instant, Jim was scooped up in Len’s arms. A small noise of surprise slipped out, but he wrapped his arms around Len’s shoulders and nuzzled into his neck as he was carried into the bedroom. It was right there… He could lean in and latch on if he wanted to. Instead, Jim placed light kisses along Len’s collar and enjoyed the pleased sound it elicited. He was in the process of impatiently pushing Len’s shirt off his shoulders when Jim found himself bouncing across the mattress.
Damn, but the disheveled look worked on Bones.
Len tossed the shirt off to the side, giving Jim an unobstructed view of lean, defined muscles that had him practically drooling. He was pretty sure he could live with looking at that every day for eternity. After a few moments of staring and just appreciating the expanse of skin, Jim gave a token effort to help removing the rest of their clothing but Bones seemed to really enjoy the act of unwrapping him. When they were both naked, Jim leaned up to press more kisses into Len’s skin. There was a slight tip to the doctor’s head that pulled a particularly tempting tendon tight. Jim nipped at the skin, carefully keeping his fangs in check.
He was thrown off when Len started chuckling quietly. Jim pulled back a bit to raise an eyebrow. “Something funny, Bones?”
“What’s so funny about me?”
“You can bite me if you want. You don’t need to keep holding yourself back.” His tone was pure amusement as Len placed light kisses along Jim’s jaw. “You can’t turn someone who’s been around for a few hundred years already.”
Jim froze. “What?”
“You heard me.” Len leaned back to get a better look at him, looking a little confused himself now. “Did you not know?” At Jim’s quick shake of the head, he continued on, “how didn’t you know? It’s not as though I have a heartbeat. How do you spend as much time around me as you have and not notice?”
Well now he felt stupid. Jim thought back and he didn’t know if he was just so distracted by wooing Bones that he didn’t notice or what, but now that Len said something Jim couldn’t help but notice.
“I… Didn’t notice. At all. Wow, I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” Len chuckled and flopped down onto the bed beside him. The mood was completely gone now, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t just lay together. “This is fine, right? You weren’t hoping for some kind of blood bank lover deal?”
“Nah… I just like you,” he mumbled, nosing back against Len’s neck as he cuddled in close. “This makes things easier, actually. You don’t know how much time I spent annoying my friends about how to talk to you about this.”
He could practically hear the smirk in Len’s voice as he spoke, “Wow, you must really like me.”
“Good thing we have forever to learn better.”
The surprised yelp as Jim sank his fangs into Len’s skin in retaliation was beyond satisfying.
Tagging: @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt @thevalesofanduin @mccoymostly @gracieminabox @thinkwritexpress-official @emmkolenn @southernbellestatues @yourtropegirl
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samingtonwilson · 7 years
Rock, Paper, Scissors - Jim Kirk
Summary: Leonard has a date, you have a date, one of you needs to work. The most fair game Jim could think of ensues.
Warnings: language
A/N: a silly little fic about friends.
You were hoping Leonard had changed his mind by now. But, just in case he hadn’t, you took a deep breath— deep enough to allow every corner of your lungs to sting with the most sterile of scents— and smiled in the brightest way you knew how as you stepped into his favorite exam room.
He glanced at you, raising an eyebrow before he looked back down at his PADD. Wordlessly.
You cleared your throat, flashing him that attempt at a brilliant smile once more. Wordlessly.
Finally, he snorted. He set his hands against the edge of the counter he stood at and narrowed tired hazel eyes at you. “There a reason I can see all thirty-two of your teeth, sugar?”
Your cheeks grew more sore with each passing second, but you kept that smile intact like your life depended on it. “How are you doing today, Len? Did those beautiful hazels cure all my patients with just a glance in their direction?”
He crossed his arms over his chest and turned so he could face you entirely, he leant his side against the counter and raised his dark eyebrows. “What do you want?”
“Why is it that whenever I’m nice to you, you think it means I want something?” you asked, crossing your own arms over your chest and raising your own eyebrows. You nodded upwards. “You really that insecure, Len? Are you really that sus—”
“What do you want?” he pressed, his Southern accented voice louder than before while a smile contradictorily played at his lips. “Make it quick.”
“You know how we were both meant to take over gamma shift tonight?”
“Right, sweetheart, I was meanin’ to—”
“I can’t,” you continued having not heard Leonard’s interjection. “Jim’s been so busy lately. Spock’s got him filing mission reports that have been piling up and Chekov’s got him looking over all the potential route plans for next week’s border planet rescue mission,” you almost ran out of air as you spoke. “And he just finished everything this morning— so he’s free tonight and we’re supposed to have dinner together and fuck for the first time in what feels like ages. I mean, I think I have cobwebs down there—”
“That’s much more than I or anyone else needs to know,” he interrupted with one of the widest scowls you’d ever seen. “Unfortunately, I can’t work tonight either. I was depending on you to take over.”
“What? Why? Absolutely not,” you said quickly, shaking your head. “I asked first. I have dibs—”
He snorted again. “Are you tryin’ to present every argument in one go?”
You narrowed your eyes. “This night is important to me. You know how much I miss talking to Jim! We’re literally engaged and I’ve seen him twice this week. Play with your tribble another night— it’ll be just as annoying and unnecessary tomorrow!”
“I’m not usin’ the night to care for my tribble. He takes care of himself— fuckin’ genius of a furball.”
“Then what are you doing? Going on a wild goose hunt for those missing socks you were complaining about yesterday? Because I can assure you, those socks will be missing tomorrow, too.”
He looked at you sarcastically, all raised eyebrows, flared nostrils, and pursed lips. “I’m not lookin’ for missing socks.”
You nodded once and looked away. You thought for a moment— Leonard never took a night he should have been working off unless necessary, unless there was a possibility of drinking or—
Your eyes widened. “You’re getting laid!”
His eyes widened as well, lunging so his hand could clamp down over your grinning mouth. He hushed you loudly. “Someone could hear you bein’ so fuckin’ crass. It’s just a date, no one’s gettin’ laid.”
You pushed his hand away and continued grinning. “You’re going on a date! That’s amazing! I was beginning to think you’d taken up a vow of celibacy.”
“The celibacy wasn’t by choice.”
“Oh, come on!” you nearly sang, slapping him on the shoulder. “You’re hot, everyone knows that! Plenty of people walk around this ship all day fantasizing about you, Leonard McCoy. Hell, I’d probably be into you if Jim didn’t exist.”
Leonard frowned in consideration and turned back to his PADD, tapping against the screen almost immediately.
You crossed the room and hopped onto the biobed, swinging your legs. “So, this person that you’re dating— you like them? A lot?”
“I wouldn’t say a lot. S’only been two dates,” he shrugged.
“Yeah? Well,” you trailed off, smiling to yourself. “I’m in love with Jim. Have been for, like, two years now. Love kind of trumps like, don’t you think?”
He shook his head. “Nice try, but you’re stayin’ here tonight.”
“Len! If you’re not having sex, you should be done with your date by the time gamma shift begins.”
“I ain’t takin’ the risk.”
You opened your mouth to protest once more and he shook his head. “No, you’re stayin’. You owe me as it is, time to pay-up.”
The groan that left your lips was long and whiny, throwing your head back so your hair brushed against the wall behind you. “That game of quarters was, like, six months ago. The statute of limitations has run out.”
“It hasn’t and you’re payin’ up now.” He sighed and took steps towards you, stopping only a few inches away. “You need to stay here— I’d ask M’Benga, but he’s out with the flu. Everyone else has worked gamma enough this month, except us.”
You pouted, sitting back with a curve in your spine and a lowering of your shoulders. You stopped swinging your legs, the residual momentum allowing them to come to a stop completely after a few seconds.
Using the index finger and thumb of your right hand, you fussed with your engagement ring, swirling it around your skin and feeling the rise of the central stone against your fingertip. “What do I tell Jim?”
“What do you tell me about what, angel?” you heard from the door.
An instant snapping of your eyes in his direction had you straightening your posture a little, your lips pulling into a smile as a reaction to his. He still looked a little tired, what with the looming darkness under otherwise bright eyes— you thought for a second maybe it was a good idea to skip a date, just so he could rest. He clearly needed it.
He sighed to himself as he walked through the door and started towards you. “Sometimes I think my timing might be too perfect.”
“Sometimes I think your ego may be too big,” Leonard mumbled, nodding to Jim in greeting. “Your date’s canceled.”
“What?” his smile shrunk a bit and his head tilted, watching you as you leaped from the biobed to your feet. “Why?”
“Len was depending on me to take gamma tonight,” you answered, smiling sadly and shrugging a shoulder. “He’s the CMO, he’s got last word. Plus, he’s got a date.”
“Hey, you’ve got a date,” Jim said in a singsong voice, wagging his eyebrows at Leonard and smiling brightly. “Look at you, finally putting that McCoy charm to good use.”
“The point, Jim,” you prompted, shaking your head.
He glanced at you questioningly before you nearly saw a light bulb flicker on above his head. “Oh, right! You can’t reschedule? Spock’s got me—”
“Yeah, the mission reports, I know,” Leonard gruffly mumbled, rolling his eyes. “You two ain’t sick of each other yet? Y’all’ve been together for so long, it’s amazin’ you still wanna look at one  another.”
Jim scoffed. “Well, when you look like we do—”  
“It’s new for me,” Leonard continued, leaning back against the counter. His eyes seemed to have widened as you watched. “I haven’t dated in a while, I barely know what I’m doin’. S’all new and I don’t wanna screw things up by askin’ to reschedule.”
You found your head tilting and your head nodding before you could snap out of it. “Don’t get all cute on me! I’ll arm wrestle you for the night off.”
Leonard snorted and Jim shook his head with a loud, “No, no, no. Do something you’re skilled at. Play rock, paper, scissors.”
“No one’s skilled at rock, paper, scissors, Jim,” you sighed. “It’s a game of chance.”
“Even better. It’s fair this way,” he replied, smiling reassuringly. “Bones, one round of rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets the night off, loser reschedules their date. Do you agree to these terms?”
Leonard looked between the two of you. “That was maybe two terms, tops.”
“Yes or no?”
He sighed. “Fine.”
Jim then clapped and rubbed his hands together, placing them on either of your upper arms as he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows when you faced him. “Okay, we need a game plan.”
“A what?”
His voice, though low in volume, was nothing short of determined and utterly serious. He took his hands from your arms and crossed his own over his chest, ducking his head as he spoke. “A game plan, we need one. You think he’s going scissors?”
You glanced over your shoulder at Leonard who shook his head and rolled his eyes, mumbling out a, “Are y’all fuckin’ kidding me?”  
You brought your gaze back to Jim’s, blue eyes stoic and focused. “I think he’s going rocks— he’s too much of a hard-ass to go for anything else. I should go paper.”
“Maybe that’s what he wants us to think— it’s a strategy.” He narrowed his eyes as he peered at Leonard. “The man does surgeries— he cuts, scissors cut. Go rock.”
“Sound logic, Jim,” you muttered sarcastically.
“Will y’all cut this shit out? Fuckin’ children.”
“See?” Jim whispered, his eyebrows raised. “Cut this shit out? Go rock, he’s going scissors.”
You nodded and turned around, facing your opponent with a glare and a scowl. You bounced back and forth on nimble feet, holding your hands up before you as if beginning a boxing match. You almost went the full nine yards and spit on the ground.
Jim chuckled behind you. “God, I love you.”
When you came to a stop, you interlocked your fingers and stretched your arms above your head, cracking your knuckles once your hands were by your side. You then rotated your neck in a circular motion, more amused than anything when a crack rang through the exam room.
Though Jim continued to laugh, Leonard sighed heavily. “This isn’t a fuckin’ MMA fight, darlin’, let’s get a move on.”
You sighed, shaking your limbs out one by one and holding in a squeal when Jim’s hand smacked against your ass and he said, in an encouraging voice, “Get out there.”
“All right,” you said, wetting your lips and raising your eyebrows as you assumed the position. One hand palm facing up at your chest with the other on top, balled into a fist. “Let’s do this.”
“Rock, paper, scissors!” you chanted as you hit your fist against your palm with each word,  forming a rock the instant you finished speaking.
Leonard’s hand was flat. He formed paper and the most satisfied smile over his lips as you yelled out a “No!” and Jim shouted a “Fuck!”
He adjusted the collar of his blue uniform and nodded once as he retrieved his PADD and started out the door. “Have fun sittin’ around here all night while I’m gettin’ laid, sugar.”
“Jim!” you shouted as you spun around. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone rock.”
“Paper would’ve given you a tie!”
“At least I wouldn’t have lost!”
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