#but this is what i intend to do with shapeshifter cause i can
micechicken · 1 year
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"Who are you?"
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fanfic-obsessed · 10 months
Eldritch Everyone
I have read fantastic stories where Obi Wan/ the Jedi are Eldritch creatures and other stories where the Clones are Eldritch, because of Kaminoan experiments. Let's merge the two with a twist. 
The twist is they are different types of eldritch beings who do not know the other is Eldritch. 
As always disregard any established lore that contradicts this. 
With the clones it is because of Kaminoan experimentation. It will never be quite clear what the Kamnioan’s were trying to do…or if they accomplished their goal. But the Kaminoan experiments on the Clones (with the exception of Boba Fett) genome connected with…something beyond. Something they had no idea what to account for. 
For the Eldritch Clones I am taking heavy inspiration from the incomparable Quarra’s The Force of my Love.  The Clones are a hivemind, existing paradoxically as part of the hive and individually all at once.  Their forms are nigh on indestructible and mutable, meaning they can shapeshift (they, in fact, make the choice to keep Jango Fett’s face and shape as their ‘main form’-partially due to spite, partially because the Kaminoans expect it). They are able to travel instantaneously to any clone that is part of the Hivemind(by contrast this instantaneous travel is limited to only to other members of the hivemind).  Unlike Quarra’s clones they cannot tell the difference between Sith and Jedi(for reasons that will be elaborated on later). They have eidetic memory which, combined with the hive mind, means that what one knows all of them know and none of them ever forget.  This version of the clones have no particular connection to Mandalorian culture, nor any other culture, save perhaps the Jedi (The propaganda that they are created for the Jedi still exists and frankly pales in comparison to how awesome the Jedi actually are). 
The Jedi are Eldritch through their connection to the Force, which is sentient (by certain definitions) but so utterly alien to anything on the mortal plane that there is no direct comparison. Now it needs to be made clear from the first that it is not just Force sensitivity that makes one Eldritch, the connection to the Force is just not strong enough.  There are additional rituals that the Jedi, and the Sith of Old, go through to become what could be considered Avatars of the Force (specifically the Light Side for the Jedi). These rituals were passed down from before the split between Sith and Jedi.
I say Sith of Old here, because Bane, in creating his rule of two, did away with many of those rituals (never realizing their worth) because several of them required more than 2 participants.  There are three rituals in particular that apply here. First is a ritual to allow oneself to fill completely with the Force (making themselves, for a lack of better terminology, larger than their mortal forms), which Bane kept as he believed it simply made one more powerful (and could be accomplished alone). The second ritual, also one that Bane kept, helped to hide the Banite Sith from the Jedi(it also disguised what was happening to the Banite Sith due to the first ritual, even from themselves), though that had always been a side effect of the ritual, not its intended purpose; this ritual is the reason that the Clones cannot sense Jedi and Sith seperately. The third ritual makes one a conduit of the Force (letting the Force pass through oneself) which Bane did away with. It is important here because mortal beings are not meant to be filled to the brim with the Force, without the release valve of the second ritual it causes them to rot from the inside out.   This is important because by the old definition of Sith, the Force Cult that has dedicated themselves to being the Avatars of the Dark Side of the Force, there has not been a Sith since Darth Bane (barring one exception) and why the Banite Sith tend to rot while still living, the longer they are immersed in the Dark Side.  Dooku did not rot because he had done the rituals as a Jedi, though he had not dedicated himself specifically to the Dark, so he never took on the title of True Sith. Ventress, through her training with Ky Narec, had also completed most of the Jedi rituals, meaning she was not a Sith but as closer to it than Palpatine. It was actually Maul who, in growing up submerged in the Dark like he had been, accidentally completed a version of the lost second ritual, and became a True Sith in the old meaning of the word. 
These rituals are meant to immerse a Force Sensitive in the Force itself, giving the connection more strength than it would have otherwise.  The Force abilities that we see the Jedi, and the Sith use, are because of the Rituals and why those that do not go through either version have much subtler/weaker abilities. It also means that the Jedi (and the Sith of old+Maul) give off the eerie impression that, no matter the size or species, they are somehow so much larger than they appear. That there is something beneath their skin trying to get out. Also being plugged directly into Force in the way that they are skews the way they view reality.   It can be hard for the Jedi to connect with beings that are not at least a little Force Sensitive and the Jedi care deeply, but sometimes cannot see what the actual problem is (saying ‘there is no death there is only the force’ is not meant to be a trite saying nor do many of the Jedi quite understand why it is not as comforting as they think it is).
At the beginning of the Clone Wars, both the Jedi and the Clones hide their eldritch nature from each other. Both groups had experienced how showing their nature to the wrong people can break minds and they had no wish to hurt the other. 
The first sign that something was…strange was how in sync both groups were.  The Jedi marveled that the clones never cringed at the sight of them (and that which moved under their skin when they lost focus). The Clones were ecstatic that the Jedi never questioned when they had knowledge they should not have, nor the few occasions when multiple clones spoke from the same mouth.  
Nat born officers would make comments, not directly but meant to be overheard, how the Jedi Padawans grew more ‘other’ every time they visited the Temple on Coruscant. The clones would only stare blankly, to them it seemed like the Padawans were simply growing into themselves. 
Various Jedi and clones began to fall into love (Familial, romantic, sexual, platonic, and other).  It is Depa Billaba and Gray who first confess, and in confessing reveal their respective natures (Depa is the one who made the first move-as soon as the Clones knew of the Jedi’s nature they each sought out their Jedi).
The main reason that Jedi do not get in romantic relationships with non Force Sensitives (and Padme has no Force Sensitivity) is that theri nature pushes them to connect at the deepest level they can with their loved ones.  This can mentally damage non Force Sensitives.
For Obi Wan, if Cody had not confessed, Obi Wan never would have.  He had tried, before, to have romantic relationships with non force sensitives. A few times he had even managed to deny his own nature until the relationship dissolved naturally (Obi Wan, like most Jedi could be…odd, even when trying to fit in). It had become clear through his life that it just was not worth the pain to act on those kinds of feelings.  The knowledge that Cody could bond with him fully, was interested in him both romantically and sexually was a joy. Obi Wan was not even off put that by dating on clone, he was in affect dating all of the clones at once (who were also dating other Jedi)
Sometimes the Clones and Jedi switched partners. For instance Mace Windu, who was primarily dating Ponds, loved the Theater, which Ponds was ambivalent about but Bly also loved the theater (which Aayla actively disliked). So Bly and Mace had a standing monthly date night to a variety of theaters all over the galaxy, and at least once a year end up acting in a performance. Or how Fox was one of the only Clones that was not bored stupid at the Anniversary Ball, a pretentious event of a small but rich mid rim planet to celebrate the ratifying of a treaty, that Obi Wan is required to go to every year (even the years he was actively at war). So Fox is Obi Wan’s date, while Cody and Vos (who primarily dated the Coruscant Guard), would use the night to break up some kind of ring(slavery, drugs, smuggling, etc.)
Rex found that he fit neatly into Padme and Anakin’s relationship, somehow providing a stabilizing influence on their bond.  Padme and Anakin had bonded after the first battle of Geonosis but it was a case of Anakin being young and stupid and reckless, and Padme not actually understanding what Anakin was talking about when he tried to explain the risks (She thought he was saying that it might hurt her, and she was reassuring him that she trust him to be careful. He thought she was saying that she knew about the risks and was Force Sensitive enough to not be harmed).  There was already some damage done to  Padme’s mind (mostly in terms of willpower, personality, and impulse control) by the time Rex joined the bond, and not all of it was correctable, but most was. 
It is not the Jedi and the Clones that disrupt Palpatine’s plans (though the chips never worked, so eventually they would have). It was Dooku, Ventress, and Maul. Maul was the first True Sith, though it was accidental, in almost 1000 years. Dooku knew what it meant to be Jedi/Sith in the original sense and could tell that Palpatine did not. Ventress, like Dooku, had gone through the Jedi versions of the rituals (those rituals may have been passed down since before the split, but time had caused a bit of difference).  Because Palpatine has the deeper connection to the Force but not release valve, for lack of a better term, he is more immediately powerful but in the long run is doing far more damage to himself than he realizes.  Sometime before Maul would have gone after Satine, he encounters Ventress, who recognizes him as an actual Sith and brings him to Dooku. 
These three decide that they are going to destroy Palpatine (for being a Pretended Sith) and rebuild the actual Sith Order with the full Sith rituals. Maul is a bit surprised to realize that he, by himself, is more than a match for Palpatine (Since this was the man that had tormented him since childhood; he always had the picture that Palptine was bigger than life). Dooku then publishes all of the wrong doings he knew of from Palpatine’s entire circle-CIS and Republic alike- (and he knew about 80% of what was eventually uncovered). Then all three of them fuck off to Morriban to begin their research into resurrecting the Sith Order. 
The Jedi Order and the Clones collectively decide to let them, on the basis that at least they know where the three Sith are and it keeps them busy.
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finished my rewatch of gravity falls today so here's some random thoughts i wrote down over the course of the last few episodes (sure most of this has been mentioned already but eh. no harm in repeating things):
-could you imagine how differently things would've gone if any of the pines members knew about ford's nightmare (especially stan)
-ford visibly shaking from how hard he's digging his fingers into the floor (referring to the security droid grabbing him)
-ford almost dies three times before bill actually captures him
-'i haven’t been able to find grunkle stan anywhere' was stan not at the shack at that time or did you just not consider checking his house
-a full limerick for 'man from kentucky' wasn’t allowed, but onscreen death is??
-shapeshifter wink + mabeland fake wendy wink
-why is the unicorn half petrified? what caused the gnome to be mostly petrified, but not quite? how was woodpecker guy able to keep his petrified woodpecker? so many questions about these guys. what occurred here
-first time ford gets turned to "gold", he appears cracked. the second time, he’s free of cracks. implication: either the stone/"gold" people get turned into cracks over time or bill roughed ford up a bit even before the torture
-bill disassembles ford and reassembles him on the other side of the room. interesting to consider for. y'know. torture
-love fiddleford so much. and also zanthar. and craz and xyler. and soos. and-
-manly dan hugs wendy more gently than soos does
-'(strangely genuine) good to see you too bro >:(' i'm sorry stan did seeing your brother trapped in a horrifying gold-ish statue change your tune a bit
-i agree with the circle actually. the fuck are you doing, stan. 
-i feel like the stan twins were strangled in different ways. it seems like ford was literally being strangled and bill was doing something directly to stan's lungs, based on the way they reacted to it. or i'm looking way too much into the animation who knows
-the way stan kneels on the ground :((((
-actually every scene with post-deal stan in it
-ford ultimate depression
-waddles was waiting for them :(((((((((
-stan lies in different ways depending on what he remembers (referring to him lying about the destroyed house being a nice place to be polite)
-'someone get waddles off of me!!' ford: :0 :D
-this also implies that ford learned waddles name at some point
-was wondering why pacifica seemed to have a bit of a character regression. then realized that she had to live with her abusive parents after the party. they uh. they need to be obliterated (heck you can even tell there's a sort of distance between them based on the fact that pacifica's parents wait for her to come to them, as opposed to the corduroys running to wendy immediately. it's not even a durland + blubs situation, they are fully aware of their surroundings at this point)
-pacifica's still trying her best though!!
-ford sings happy birthday with everyone else :)))
-ford's hair grows out really quickly
-'heh' resulting in an immediate :0 until ford keeps talking, at which point stan smiles again
-stan did you think that laugh was intended to be a 'that's ridiculous stan why would you ever think that' type deal and not a 'wow i love talking to you this is great' type thing
-'CAN IT SOOS' in sync (hey ford you learned his name!)
-stan's 'don’t test me >:(' implication vs ford's 'i have killed and i will do it again' implication
-ford comforting hand on shoulder. stan looking shocked until he sees ford smiling at him. grgaggasgg
-fucking love these two
-stan writes in print in all caps (this might mean nothing to you but trust me there is a reason i'm pointing it out)
-ford doing the hand thing in the credits
that's it that's all of the thoughts
it can go in the tag cause. why not, y'know?
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virovac · 3 months
I wonder if a succubus beast kin is possible or the arthropod nature might be a problem?
It would be interesting if Izutsumi’s quest for revenge gets a solid lead from poachers collecting live monsters around Laios’ kingdom, and then gets caught in a whole bunch of intrigue as the mage who created her maybe manages to get official backing and funding, so that could make a good minion who tries to pick off any allies she brought
As stated in the past highly suspect Izutusmi was not meant be a person but an intelligent beast, but the fragments of the human soul forced into a primarily beast fusion came to dominate, causing her to age more like a human and have a human form
She was created from a tallman child six years old and a cat monster of unknown age
What if they decide for the process to work as intended they need to use even younger children? Horrifying
Bananeko seem to be solitary in legends but when not doing shapeshifting like many yokai (which does not seem to be a thing their counterparts do in dungeon meshi as shapeshifters seem to be primarily invertebrates unless there is soul magic) sometimes integrate into wolf packs and can imitate human voices. I can see why one would think a good basis for a super soldier/warbeast
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tactax-art · 1 year
Hey! I loved your art of god of explosions soap and alb ghost. Do you have a post going into any of the lore/world building? I love creature aus! If you don't already have a post, I'd love to hear more about it! (Also what's an alb?)
I've not shared anything anywhere yet! Just the two drawings. Not super solid on the world building yet, so I'm gonna wait with sharing that for now until I have a better grip. Do intend to write a fic for these two when I've got some scenes together though!
Ghost being an Alb is generally inspired by the german "Nachtalb". I'm not aiming for him to be precisely that, but it was my jumping-off point. Also I grew up on the 'Alb' spelling, but that might be a regional thing? No idea why in english they quote it only as 'Alp'.
Ghosts abilities aren't something I've completely settled on yet (gotta keep my options open for plot and angst, you never know *rubs hands*), but he's a kind of fear entity.
Alb's are myth's answer to sleep apnea, sleep paralysis, nightmares, and night terrors. As such he sustains himself on consuming dreams (rare) and breath, and causing fear (more effectively when it's during people's rest but also when awake), nightmares etc. I'll probs keep some of the mischief Albs are known for, not that anyone would believe it's Ghost which he finds super funny, and also some shapeshifting.
His body is sand based, as a nod to the sandman (folklore), golden sand being dreams he consumed and black his base being from nightmares/dear. His bed's full of sand. His gear is full of sand. He prefers knives to guns cause guns and sand don't mix and having to keep it all together is so annoying. It's rumoured Ghost can control shadows, but it's actually his own black sand he moves around.
I'm pretty sure the skull mask is his actual face, and him making it gold is bragging about eating dreams (not that anyone would know, but it's enough that ghost knows, and considering that there's a god of dreams they're not exactly easy to get ahold of).
The tag is: #tactax mwii creatures au
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thatndginger · 4 months
combating a surprise anxiety attack with infodumping about interesting tidbits from Shapeshifter, go:
y'all wanna know how to make charmed tea? I'm gonna tell you how to make charmed tea. Specifically, how Warrick makes the charmed tea for Jay in chapter 4.
It starts with a witch, as most magic things do. Making charmed beverages is one of the easiest things a witch can do for two reasons, 1) the core of all magic is intention and 2) feeding someone an enchantment is almost impossible to mess up. So as long as the witch in question pushes a little intention - a little willpower - into the tea as they're making it, then something magical is bound to happen when the tea is drunk. Though the "something" might not always be what was intended, depending on the skill of the witch and ingredients used. Trying to add a little extra calming oomf to a chamomile tea probably won't cause an issues, but trying to add a "deep sleep" enchantment to a strong black tea might get... weird. A practiced witch may still be able to make that combo work as intended, but a newbie won't know how yet.
So, Jay's tea. The three main 'active' ingredients are chamomile, lavender, and lemon. Chamomile is usually used to calm and relax, lavender for much the same, and lemons are 'bright' and 'purifying' to quote from the particular witch who made this tea. For a witch who knows what she wants to do, it's fairly simple to take those ingredients, bend their inherent properties towards a specific goal - relax the muscles to ease aches and pains, and chase away any lingering magical side-effects - enhance them with a bit of will, and package it all up with a neat little bow.
But that's not the end of it. This tea was made as a multi-cup, loose-leaf kind of deal. So it's not just the witch's original intent that matters. The effects and potency of the tea also depends on the tea maker. Someone half-heartedly brewing a cup in the chance it soothes their aches isn't going to see as much of an effect as someone who adds their own bit of intent as they brew the tea. That's how all spells work, really. It's a joint effort between the spellcaster and the person being spelled.
aaand now I'm tired, which is what I intended this rant to do, so I'll leave off here so I can get some sleep. More rants about Shapeshifter magic.... sometime? We'll see :P
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umbylievable · 2 months
superhero world building and mechanics is, this is not an exaggeration, my absolute favorite thing in the world. tell us everything.
SO everything is set in a fictional city in Delaware called Kaiyper. Why Delaware? Because it's close enough to the federal government for the presence of superheroes to be a concern but Delaware is also unassuming enough that the average American citizen would know jack shit about it.
The origin story is that there was a government funded genetics lab located in Kaiyper that was conducting experiments on rats regarding activating dormant genes. In this process they discovered a virus that appeared completely benign but actually caused the activation of a "superhero" gene in certain populations in the presence of a large amount of adrenaline. One scientist, upon learning the government intended to use it to create a superpowered army, decided the virus was too dangerous and destroyed all but one sample.
See this scientist wasn't exactly a beacon of goodness either. They still wanted to see their research flourish. And there was a man who rode the bus with them by the name of Jason Weiss who they felt was the perfect human subject to test this on. So they exposed Jason to the virus surreptitiously and then went underground.
Unfortunately even though the virus wasn't communicable in rats it proved to be in humans, and it slowly spread through the city. So people started developing superpowers out of nowhere, and no one knew the cause except the government and the lab, and they kept it hush hush for obvious reasons.
The main story takes place about 30 years after that initial infection. Jason died in a fight with the city's first supervillain. His daughter, Leona (under the codename Duchess Vespus), who only recently discovered her own superpower, has taken it upon herself to become the city's protector in his stead. She's joined by her childhood best friend Tripp Weaver, AKA Trap-Ease, and an enigmatic alien named Th'alhnan, AKA Angelface.
The city has a broad cast of supervillains, ranging from petty thieves to mass murderers, and that includes an exotic dancer named Candice Randall, stage name Candy, villain name Pound Foolish. And she just happens to be one of Leona's girlfriends.
The other girlfriend, Danielle (who belongs to my bestie @moonlube) is a member of an underground supervillain containment group composed of non-powered humans operating outside of the law to try and help control the superpowered crime wave in the city. Her partner is James, a goofball and perpetual fuck-up whose car is constantly getting wrecked by superhero shenanigans. His insurance is so high.
Most of the story revolves around Leona, Candice, and Dani trying to navigate romance amidst their clashing careers. The fun thing about the superhero gene is, its expression is not just dependent on genetics but on necessity. The primary power they develop is dependent on what they needed or wished for it to do at the time of its activation. Leona is invulnerable because she was attempting to take a bullet for someone when her power activated. Her father Jason had super strength because he was trying to stop a bus. Some people have more than one power, but it's unknown why some people develop more powers than others.
Other fun characters include
Shandar, an emperor of a now destroyed planet, forced to take refuge on earth while they plot their revenge
Diamondback, a spoiled nepo baby who has taken up supervillainy just because he was bored
The Broforce Five, five college fratboys with superpowers who think they're the rightful protectors of Kaiyper. One of them is killed early in the story and the Broforce disbands.
Abraham, a broken shapeshifting alien superweapon that can now only turn into a weird dog and a backpack. He belongs to James.
Scarabesque, a former ballerina whose career was ruined by an injury. Now wears a protective armor and uses her powers for evil. Has a little bit of a crush on Leona.
I recently started retooling the whole thing so there's some posts with more info on my blog I need to retype but that is the basics of it!!
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Okay, I know you guys are more interested in what's going on in the main au, but I kind of lost motivation to keep going and made a decision....
I'll start from scratch. Unfortunately I don't have time to erase everything I've already done (and I don't intend to) but I'm going to do it like this, let's pretend that the main AU events never happened.
I'm still going to do the AU, but now with my improvement in writing and art, I think I can do a lot better! Like, all I was writing was just angst! Too much angst ends up getting boring and repetitive. The history of the au will also have to change unfortunately.
I already forgot how this au started, but basically this will be a reset to the beginning.
The problem now is thinking about how I can change the story from the beginning. I know the beginning of the ai was that it takes place in a timeline where Orange was defeated much earlier by Second activating their powers. But I think that can change a little bit.
I thought about the possibility that during the battle Purple manages to take the staff with the fused block to the Gang color but when Orange returns it ends up causing the block collided with the command block, not only causing the black hole to close itself but also trapping them inside minicraft.
The command block is damaged and the game icons practically shattered across the entire server. Now the color gange has to deal with the king it was detained from, and they mostly have to fix the command block and find the icon fragments. The au focuses on the color Gang learning to live in the game while slowly developing Orange and his relationship with Purple, which at this point is not yet one of father and child.
I'm also going to change the name of the au(which honestly had a shitty name;w;)For Game Stuck AU. But if you have a better name I will appreciate it a lot!
I know this reset can be annoying, but honestly I started au when we only had until episode 18! A lot has changed since then, so this is a fresh start to fix my narrative mistakes and coherently rewrite history! I don't know if my oc's like Eraser, Poison and Hunter will show up, but who knows? Jacob will still be a character and he will still be a shapeshifter in the form of an Enderman(Jacob or Jay now go by he/they)Who knows? Maybe we can tell a more interesting story that way!
I just hope I don't disappoint anyone.
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wizzycore · 1 year
Nonhuman Showdown Round 1
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Why you should vote for each of them and full art below!
Catalina Laveer (species: Catalan Shapeshifter, @deathschool)
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"he is a CATALAN for starters!!! Fucking cool ass monster spell also hes sooo cute and silly. He learned magic and likes to disguise himself around humans (his name is for his human disguise. He wont tell you his real name hes not about to fuck with that) to watch how weird they are but also cause a bit of goofy behavior.. and to practice with fun makeup :P Hes also actually a pretty wimpy catalan comparatively. Like if you summoned him in battle he would have like idk 60 DPP so shit. But hes just so cute."
Darla Blake (species: Panther, @kindcolors)
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(note: i used a different photo than the one sent to me for eyestrain reasons)
"To start off with, she’s from Lemuria— she’s from HEAP, even. The objectively coolest zone. She’s drinking cocktails on a fainting couch in the upper crust of Noir City. Secondly, she tried to be hero when no one else did. Oh wait- WRONG someone else also tried and they got together and were crime fighting lesbians together. After her partner died she stopped being a hero to cope but pobodys nerfect. She went on with her life but she kept up her sense of Justice by adopting a boy she found abandoned, who’s now a nurse doing his own brand of heroism (and he’s the biological son of Darla’s ex-fiancé before she came out— the drama!!!!!!) and now, even though she never took off in heroics to a status dog and Tessa would reach, she still tries to do what’s right through philanthropist work to give back to the more struggling parts of the city. Despite everything, her hearts always in the right place, and even if she can be hard-headed, avoidant of verbal confrontation, and.. well, pun intended, catty. She still holds a soft spot for the city- and people- she loves."
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
I had another thought for the de-aged Mirabel au-
Baby Mirabel gets sick, and she’s too little for solid foods, so she has to recover naturally over a few days. Julieta’s very concerned for her, and carries her around in a sling all day and moves her into her and Agustín's room at night to keep watch over her. If Julieta's doing something where she can't wear Mirabel, then one of the other adults wears her. (Usually Agustín or Pepa).
For once, Mirabel doesn’t mind being carried like this- she can sleep comfortably without being alone. Because of the old-timey remedies Julieta is using, Mirabel is having a somewhat trippy experience, including a lot of weird dreams. But it's okay, cause she wakes up and she's safe in the sling with mamá cuddling her...until mamá hands her to mamá and then it's like "Wait, that was Camilo?! When did that happen? How long was I asleep?? Hang on, which one of you is Mom???" And for the rest of the day, she's not sure what's real or not.
(It’s a bit like when babies meet their parent's identical twin, except the twin is their shapeshifting cousin who could be anyone. :3)
Homegirl is asleep most of the time, and anytime she ends up on a different person she is. So confused. Has no idea what’s happening, and the concept of time has left her. But, Julieta (or maybe Agustín or Pepa) are there, so she’s usually fine. But after a weird dream? Yeah she’s definitely trippin and wondering about her surroundings 😭😭 she see’s two Julieta’s and suddenly she’s trying to figure out who’s who and if she’s still dreaming or not 💀💀
Family is probably worried sick (pun intended), and are constantly hovering over her to make sure she’s ok. She’s already weak-bodied enough as it is, putting a sickness on top of it doesn’t make it any better. It only makes them worry more. Meanwhile Mirabel is knocked out, not even aware that they’re doing these things till later 🗿
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saline-coelacanth · 8 months
I've been thinking about DR Oliver lately, specifically his powers since after he actually started training to be a ninja I imagine he would actually use his powers more often than he would when he was a kid. And since he is the Overlord, that makes him the elemental master of Darkness, and I think there's some cool stuff that you could do with that because if Cole can have 10 billion powers stemming from his element then I think I can give Oliver some extra abilities too.
So first of all, his main ability that he uses is shooting blasts of darkness with his hands. It's pretty much the same thing Lloyd does but instead of green energy, it's purple darkness energy. Oliver also does a lot of hand to hand combat as he's gotten better with his shapeshifting and can easily shift his hands into claws for fighting. He also uses his Outburst form when things get rough, but this usually happens when he gets angry or overwhelmed and he doesn't have as great of a control for when it happens. He also doesn't like using his Outburst form around others since it resembles his Crystal King form.
One extra note that I wanna add here real quick, but Oliver technically also has the golden power, but he never actually uses it as it's whole purpose is preventing him from turning back into the Overlord, since without it, he immediately reverts back to his evil self. So I don't think he would use it even if he could since he wouldn't want to risk using too much of it and weakening the golden power in his body. Hopefully that makes sense.
But those things are based on canon. One idea I thought of for Oliver that I think would be cool is if he could manipulate people's fears. Pretty much he can sense what someone is afraid of and put them in a trance-like state with illusions of whatever they're afraid of. This is another ability he probably wouldn't use too often, mainly just against big bads since even if he wanted to use this ability more often, I could see Lloyd having a problem with it and trying to get him to dial it back. I also think his fear manipulation would have an effect on Oliver, being the main reason he gets nightmares so often.
One last thing I wanna mention that isn't necessarily a power, but still something I wanna bring up. So in Crystalized, (canon, not in the au) it's stated that the Overlord was able to come back and manifest himself earlier than normal due to all the conflict in the world. Well, I feel like that would also have an effect on Oliver and would make his powers stronger when there's more conflict. Think something similar to when Garmadon needed to power up in the oni trilogy and he used conflict since it fueled him, except with Oliver it's more of his powers getting more out of hand and they become a bit harder for him to control. It's also one of the reasons he became the Crystal King in the first place is because all the conflicts happening one after another made his powers get a little too strong for him to handle properly, especially with the grief he was already going through with Nya merging with the sea. But anyway, back to Dragons Rising, (Spoilers for Part 2 in this section)
I could see Oliver have a similar problem to Cole where the merge caused the earth to start "screaming" and making it difficult for Cole to use his powers, I imagine every realm colliding into one would mean there's a lot more conflict in the world and it messes with Oliver's powers and whatnot. Basically, his powers are stronger than they should be and it gets harder for Oliver to control his more... violent and cruel urges, usually coming out when he's fighting bad guys. It's definitely an issue that I think would get addressed more after season 1, and I'll probably do more stuff with this concept at a later time. (We're pretty far away from getting to the Dragons Rising fic but we'll get there eventually)
So yeah, this turned into a longer ramble than I intended, I just like talking about Oliver. I might come up with more abilities for him since again, I think giving the Overlord of all characters a bunch of cool extra powers is justified lol.
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lirhyapetitpain · 8 months
The events of Immortal Hulk depict a timeloop in which a desperate message from the end of all things reaches Sam and he takes that message to enact the events we see unfold, preventing the destruction of all.
Where do you feel Sam, who wanted to bring about this calamity, went wrong and ended up preventing the One Below All from claiming Banner?
Hah, that's a good question. I hope we'll now more about this, how did it reach Sam, of all the universe and time and people and infinite possibilities ? Is it because he was the only one who could prevent it or was it an accident ? Did he, somehow, was smart enough to intercept it himself ? Why did he want to bring a future where he's dead too considering the One Below All is the last entity remaining ? Did he even fail ? We don't know, the future he witnessed is so far away, TOBA/TOAA is still here so it can still happen, Immortal Hulk's ending is an open door (pun intended), it's not an ending and it left our characters with choices, all of them. Bruce is still wondering if he's going on the right path, Sam is no longer the Leader, they both can still pick a different path and it's up to other writers to write that and with all the references to Tamuz and Green Doors we get in Phillip Kennedy Johnson's run I really don't think the Green Door story is over, so far we can't really tell if that calamity was really prevented imo.
As for what Sam did wrong, as always his own arrogance, I guess he was bold enough to think he could trick TOBA itself and kinda become it and get its power, as he called himself a God (of hate) which TOBA is. And he did become that but not as intended, he was the puppet and not the puppeteer, TOBA's mask, possessed like a simple tool. Sam is connected to Bruce, they share a destiny and it seems TOBA needs both of them, something Sam failed to see 'cause he thought Bruce was the one and only missing link for the gamma flow or whatever when it was apparently him. They both have a part to play in this future and if anything so far Sam totally served TOBA's goal. After all Sam could manipulate the Green Door way easier than Brian and I don't think it's because he's smarter, Sam was always able to possess Gamma irradiated (Omnibus) and always able to create connexion with them (Rick, Bruce), he just never realized he could, it was an "accident" each time, even if when he reached Bruce he says that "somehow, through some door" (so Bruce's door) he was able to reach him. Sam always had access to it (and he's not the only one, I don't know if you ever read Al Ewing's first Defender run with Red Harpy but you should). Same for the shapeshifting, Sam had a shit tons of transformations already and being able to shapeshift is just the natural evolution of his manipulative power and liar personality so to me everything he got through TOBA's power is just a better advanced controle over his own, not a new one. Sam is about hate and so is TOBA, Sam is a connexion, he's not the host it was planning to keep but the connexion between gamma and irradiated it needed to reach Bruce. Or at least that's how I see it. Just like how Jackie is the eyes and can see the truth (I'll develop that one day, the link between truth and gamma), Bruce the strength and destruction etc etc to me the main irradiated all have a specific role to play, kinda like a chest game. As such I would say Bruce is the King, the one needed piece, Sam the Queen, the one that can make every moves and will kinda create the path y'know (I should draw them all as chest pieces now that I think of it...), you get my point. And ironically through his own over confidence he understimated himself and his role in this calamity, leading (lol) him to his own demise.
Anyway, feel free to ask more about the lore even if it's unrelated to art ! It makes me very happy to talk about that and feel free to agree or disagree, my answer is mostly interpretation, as I said Immortal Hulk ending is an open door and it left us free to have our own interpretation and that's something I really love about this story, while it gives us a real story with a beginning and an ending, we are free to have our own vision. Hulk forgiving Sam was a perfect exemple of this with Savage being for forgivness, Jackie being against it and refusing to forgive him and Joe being like "heh idk I guess that depends on what he'll do next" so you could relate to yes, no, maybe. And I think having a story ending with such endless possibilities is great so I really don't mind earing your own version of it, you or anyone else. That's why when I commission an artist to draw Sam I let them free, I don't want them to draw MY interpretation, I want them to draw THEIRS, I love sharing headcanon and theories with people. In fact the way I see Sam (and Hulk's lore) changed so much through people's own interpretation, it's truly fascinating and it's what a fandom should be about, sharing. Oh it doesn't mean you have to agree and adopt these headcanons, far from it, but other people's headcanons won't prevent you from having your own different ones and listening to others can bring very good point you didn't necessarly think about. As much as I love Sam and as much as I know everything about him, comics lore is way too inconsistant to have only one truth and one vision about a character.
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driflew · 1 year
i’ve decided to post what i had from that traitor phil au i was working on back in april as a oneshot, so here’s the full fic outline so i can link it at the end
tl;dr the full plot would have been that phil would start out intending to betray techno and actually turn him into the butcher army, but after the execution realize he really cares about techno and decide to swap sides, choosing to be the friend techno believed him to be all along 
phil arriving in lmanberg and killing wilbur, seeing technoblade, speaking to new lmanberg about what happened
no one really seems to know exactly what caused wil’s downward spiral, and those that saw it firsthand either dont want to talk about it or aren’t there. eventually phil talks to quackity and quackity tells him that wil’s spiral started about when techno showed up, and if they can bring techno down, they can avenge wilbur
phil going after techno in the arctic, finding him building his house. gets roped into helping him (maybe explain here why phil is acting as he is), get to know techno
see him shapeshift into human form once the house is done and realize he’s wilbur’s age
helping build the bee farm
going to the village and seeing techno would rather trade w the villagers than act out the senselessly violent character they told him about 
probably mentions that carl is his most important horse
gives phil the compass at the end of their first real meeting so phil can come back, inscribed with “Techno’s Compass” on the back, so phil starts calling him “techno”
several meetings, techno trusts phil w information such as 
only has one life 
hears voices and is trying to be less violent (hence throwing his all into his friendship w phil)
had something short written for this area
“Y’know, if you let the snow pile up a bit more, mobs’d stop spawning,” Phil says, though he doesn’t process the words until they’re already out of his mouth. He only just stops himself from straight-up slamming his hand over his mouth, though after a moment, he realizes he doesn’t regret the tip as much as he thought he might.
Technoblade, for his part, only nods.
“How deep?” Technoblade asks.
“About, uh,” Phil says, and for a second, he considers lying. He could tell Technoblade something too short, allowing mobs to spawn when his guard is lowered. He could also say too high, letting Technoblade risk freezing.
He balks at both ideas. Technoblade isn’t stupid enough to fall for either, for one, and besides, the idea of Technoblade suffering either fate feels… wrong, somehow. Something in Phil’s gut turns as he imagines the man collapsing in the snow, just feet from his own home, felled by some creeper he hadn’t thought there’d be any risk of spawning. Worse, Phil finds he hates the idea of coming to visit, only to find Technoblade’s frozen corpse half buried in the snow.
Phil’d… like to see it himself, he decides. A death message in chat just doesn’t have the same flair as hands-on revenge, even if he caused it.
“Another layer should do the trick,” Phil says, “Just don’t pile it too high. Don’t want to freeze.”
phil shares w nlm that techno only has one life. he also shares that techno is trying to live as a pacifist. he tries to argue that he believes techno may well have changed, and he’d like to get more information, but is ignored. he doesnt share about the voices
techno gives phil the friendship emerald once a stable trade is built up. emeralds mean loyalty, they cant be used for weapons or tools. they’re only used in totems. emeralds symbolize truth, which isn’t something that is lost on phil 
phil’s very aware of the emerald in his ear when he hands over Techno’s compass to the Butcher Army
he tips dream off about the upcoming execution
he helps build the stand—he stalls so that dream has time to help and makes the would-be manner of death quick and painless when asked to finish
he sends a crow off to warn techno the day of
he tells himself that with tubbo and ranboo there that techno will be able to talk to them and prove he’s changed, that techno will be able to fight them off, that it’ll all be fine
all the way up until the butcher army comes back and they have techno
resignation, steely determination, and then he looks up and sees phil and its open and honest fear. For Phil’s Sake. and lmanberg decides to try to kick techno while hes down by telling techno that phil betrayed him
i also have a bit for this
Phil hears the crowd before he sees them. Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy—he recognizes their voices easily, shouting at the top of their lungs as they come up the street. That doesn’t surprise Phil, as they’ve never been quiet.
What worries him is that they’re cheering.
A group returning from getting their asses handed to them by the Blood God wouldn’t return home cheering.
Phil steps out onto his balcony, his heart in his stomach, and that is his first mistake.
Technoblade is in chains. His head hangs low, long hair half out of the same lazy bun he’s been wearing it in for weeks, strung around his face in a curtain that cannot hide the resignation set in his jaw. He’s unarmed and without armor, dressed down to the casualwear Phil has gotten so used to seeing him in. It’s damp with sweat, though at the least, he doesn’t seem injured.
Phil’s second mistake is speaking, an almost involuntary expression of shock.
“You actually got him,” Phil says, and Technoblade’s head snaps up.  
Phil braces for rage. He braces for hatred, for the well-earned vitriol of a man betrayed. He braces for the fire that has razed nations to the ground, that has reveled in bridges aflame and smoking. He expects Techno to despise him.
What he sees is fear. Techno is terrified, but not for himself—he’s scared for Phil, of all people, even with the end of his life looming black against the night sky just a few steps away.
“Phil!” Techno calls, and he yanks on the chain, dragging Ranboo a few paces with it, “What’d they do to you?”
It burns so much worse.
techno goes Hard Into Denial. shouts that theyre all lying and they must have tortured phil or theyre trying to hurt techno more in his last moments and declares he doesnt believe them and tells phil he knows better
This Is All Very Bad For Phil’s Conscience 
phil doesnt know about the totem--even when punz hops in he has no idea, when the lever is pulled, that they’ll be able to do anything. he thinks hes going to watch techno die, and have the last thing techno says about him is ‘i believe in you wholeheartedly’ even though phil’s hand may as well have been on the lever 
techno escapes and runs away without looking back and phil decides, if it isn’t too late, that he wants to be the person techno believes he is
its also how phil sees tubbo being truly corrupted by power (esp considering tubbo shot him) and knows hes like. this is what happened to wilbur. this is what this place does to people
techno comes back for phil a few days later. nothing to find him by except gentle tapping at phil’s door and the tell-tale heat-haze shimmer of invis. no armor, unarmed, in the middle of enemy territory. its a show of trust and a blatant test. “Are you with me?”
techno’s very much looking for proof on either side. did phil betray him? is phil actually his friend? this is the big moment of truth for him. but phil’s still wearing the emerald, and he takes the hand techno offers, and against all good sense techno chooses to trust him
techno asks a little about it and phil tells him they used wilbur’s memory to make him. techno doesnt ask anything else
techno’s sort of. hes aware something is sus w phil. but he has to believe that phil is his friend, since he has no others and he really likes phil, so hes believing phil isn’t a traitor. not... a particularly healthy mindset tbh
tommy stuff, rebuilding the techno and phil friendship as techno prepares to attack lmanberg 
being able to actually talk to tommy and ask tommy about what happened to wilbur helps settle that part of phil that’s been wondering all this time
techno comes home after the green festival alone and tells phil that tommy betrayed him. this is another test, just slightly. as he tells phil there’s this slight edge of “but you wouldn’t do this to me, right? you’re not going to betray me, right?” and phil is able to like. as he comforts techno abt the betrayal hes able to assure techno who he chose. esp when the idea of destroying lmanberg comes up and phil is right behind him 
doomsday is a way for phil to declare, officially, where his loyalties lie, to completely get rid of the place that wanted to make him technoblade's enemy, to get rid of the place that drove wilbur over the edge. and techno sees phil's insistence with helping him at doomsday and hes like. ‘i never should have doubted phil, hes always been on my side’
after doomsday phil considers not telling techno. he Does Not want to talk about this sort of thing w techno but also he thinks he needs to, bc techno doesnt rlly freely share emotional needs anymore like he used to, techno cant seem to let himself start trusting ranboo, and phil cant make himself build a house on techno’s property because he feels too guilty 
techno approaches phil about the syndicate and phil comes clean. he cant in good conscience join this organization w techno as techno’s most trusted right hand if he doesnt 
its like. its earth-shattering for techno, but at the same time, techno knew all along
techno comes away with the idea that phil may have started w lmanberg, but phil chose techno, something no one else has done
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writing-plurals · 1 year
So in my fiancée and I's series WIP, there are 3 systems.
The first one is a shapeshifter whose soul was shattered into 5 pieces, each becoming a headmate. When they discover their plurality, they choose to work together
The second one is a scientist who tried to see what would happen if a living person was buried in hell soil (context: if a dead person is buried in hell soil, they become undead, essentially a sentient skeleton), and his skeleton became sentient. When they discover their plurality, they freak out and decide to undergo a risky procedure to have separate bodies (this story has futuristic elements).
The final one is an assassin in training who was treated with high levels of electrocution when hy was young, causing hys brain to be confused about hys identity. (This character uses hy/hymn/hys pronouns.) This is where we're stuck. We know we want them to end up fusing, because we want all 3 to take different paths with their plurality, but we have NO clue how to get there.
Could we get some advice, and maybe some insight on if anyone finds our existing stuff alright?
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This is a fantastic concept! From what I can tell, you're already at a really good starting point, and you know the way they want to proceed going forward!
Since it seems they're in a more magical setting, do you intend to use magic for the ones that want to fuse? What support systems do they each have? And how much does each system want to share about their plurality with the people around them? You answer some of those questions, it can jumpstart plot and character development.
-Mod Tick Tock
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oneisallallisone · 2 years
All I Know, All I Know Greedling x Reader fic Chapter 10
In a land ruled by alchemy, there are some who would call you a sorcerer. You intend to understand what this means. Along your journey you end up getting mixed up with two strange brothers, a military conspiracy, a potentially world-ending event, and the avarice of something more than human.
Chapter 1
Read on AO3 
All I Know, All I Know
Chapter 10: True Power
Winry was becoming fed up with her friends getting into fights all the time. 
Granted, neither you nor Ling had started this one. It had simply found you. But still. It was stressful to see Ling and his attendant Lan Fan going toe to toe with something that looked like a human but had a tongue much too big for one. And then there was you, firing woven strands of magic at the creature who could apparently shapeshift. 
This all felt way out of her league. 
But Winry Rockbell was smart. She knew it too. She could whip up automail schematics in her sleep, and assemble them in half the time it took other mechanics. She could deliver a baby without any guidance. She knew the basics of human anatomy and physiology, and could apply them to practicing basic medicine and to connecting a client’s nerves to their automail. However, she wasn’t a combatant. 
And she couldn’t do anything to help her friends while the battle was raging. 
Sirens blared a few blocks away. 
Winry’s heart sank. No doubt it was the authorities coming to investigate the situation. The metal of Ling and Lan Fan’s weapons echoed with a sharp resonance through the streets, and, what’s more, your magic had reduced a large chunk of the cafe building to rubble. Winry was already well aware that Ling didn’t have a travel visa. And even if you did have one, you were still the cause of some pretty significant property damage during your fight against the shapeshifter. You would be arrested either way. 
The only solution was for all of you to get out of here before the military police arrived. And to do that, you’d need an escape vehicle. 
Good thing hot wiring a car was easier than repairing Ed’s automail. Winry got to work. 
Envy jumped out of the way just as a blast of your magic tore through the cafe’s front wall. Loose cement collapsed into piles on the ground, and spiderweb fractures raced up the sides of the building that were still standing. 
“Damn.” Envy whistled. “If I hadn’t gotten out of the way, you would have killed me that time for sure!” 
Your breath came in ragged pants. As the cafe crumbled, you were well aware that this was more power than you used normally. But you didn’t feel drained like you had at the Fifth Laboratory. All that training with Ed must have helped you build up your stamina. 
And you felt energized. 
With each deeper intake of air, the shards of your power begged to be released. Somewhere in your mind you knew you should stop. That even if this didn’t drain you, you might end up using it in a way you couldn’t take back. Rubble already lay at your feet.  
A moment from one of your sessions with Ed replayed in your mind. 
“Okay, so you can break through stone now.” Ed had said.“I think that’s enough for today.” 
Oh, Ed. What would he say if he saw the destruction you’d caused now? 
“Am I really supposed to believe you didn’t know you could do that?” Envy taunted. 
You glared at them. Knowing you can do something and knowing how you can do something are two vastly different pieces of information. But you weren’t about to get philosophical with this monster. “There isn’t a casual way to just learn you can destroy most of a building,” you said as you launched another beam of purple energy at the homunculus. 
Envy jumped and grabbed onto a windowsill. With seemingly just their fingertips, they pulled themself up and flipped through the air to grab onto the roof of the cafe. 
If they thought getting away from you would be so easy, they’d have to think again. With a swipe of your hands, you slammed your energy down against the ground and let the opposing force propel you upwards. 
Your arrival on the roof was more like a crash than a landing. But you were quickly on your feet when Envy spun a kick at you. You dodged that one, but they were quick to attack again. One of their fists struck you in the nose, and the other found your stomach. 
Your power sputtered a bit as the wind was knocked out of you. But with a desperate breath you regained some of your vitality, and created several disks to hurl at Envy. 
Nothing else existed besides you and the homunculus on the rooftop. Every muscle in your body was screaming, every instinct demanding that you not only fight and survive but that you fight and win. 
Everything else was so out of focus that you didn’t even notice the building being surrounded by military police. 
Winry clapped her hands with joy; the car engine sparked to life. Gripping the wheel tight, she slammed on the gas and sped over to Ling and Lan Fan. Right before the bulbous creature with the dripping tongue lunged at them again, Winry rammed into him with the car and sent him bouncing down the road. 
She rolled down the window. “Get in!” 
Ling and Lan Fan wasted no time. 
“Police are coming, we have to move,” Winry said. 
“Where’s (y/n)?” Ling said, closing his door behind him. 
“I was going to ask you that!” 
A quick scan of the surroundings revealed that you were nowhere immediately in sight. Not on the street, not on the sidewalks. Not amongst the overturned tables or chairs or chunks of cafe that had crashed to the ground. 
The sirens got louder. 
“Dammit!” Winry yelled, “Where are they?” 
“There’s no time. We have to go,” Lan Fan said. “(y/n) might not even be on this block anymore. If we stay here, we’re all going to get arrested.” 
Ling was taken aback. “So we’re just going to leave them behind? What if they are still here?” 
“If they are still here, then all four of us will be arrested if we stay. But if we leave, at least we’ll be free and we can make a plan to rescue them later.” 
“This doesn’t feel right.” Ling shook his head. 
Winry’s heart was pounding in her ears. Headlights were approaching in her rearview mirror now. “We don’t have time to argue anymore!” She shifted the car into gear. “I’m not letting Alphonse return to an empty hotel room.” 
The car sped off just moments before military police fanned around the cafe. 
“What is your report, Envy?” 
The shapeshifting homunculus stood before their Father’s twisted throne. With you securely in custody, Envy’s mission was complete. 
“The koldun is powerful, that’s for sure. They killed me a few times. Not that I let them know it.” 
“Are they or are they not going to be a useful asset to us?” 
“Hmm. I am inclined to say no.” 
“And why is that?” 
Envy shrugged. “I just don’t think they’d be much of a team player.” 
Father raised an eyebrow. 
“They’ve already aligned themself pretty strongly with the humans,” Envy elaborated. “It would be a waste of our time to try and sway them. Besides, they don’t even understand the full scope of their power! I can’t stand the thought of having a half-baked human magician with us. It would be embarrassing.” 
“Just because they’ve aligned themself with the humans doesn’t mean they can’t benefit us,” Lust spoke up. “There’s always a pressure point we can find and manipulate.” 
Gluttony grumbled. “But I wanted to eat them!” 
Lust patted his head.
The shadows stirred in the corner of the room. “For once, I have to agree with Envy,” Pride said. “If this sorcerer doesn’t comprehend their true power yet, they’re not going to be useful to us in the long run. Uncertainty surrounds them. And that kind of uncertainty reeks of insecurity and lost potential; two things that we don’t want to have in an ally.” 
“They don’t need to be an ally,” Lust pressed. “They just have to be a pawn.” She turned to Father. “Doesn’t the new Greed need a vessel?” 
Pride bristled. “That’s not a good idea.” 
“Oh? Care to explain why not?” 
“The last Greed knew exactly who he was, and he turned on us as soon as he had the chance. Meanwhile, the koldun seems to have no idea who they are. Do you really think that their emptiness combined with Greed’s avarice is going to keep them loyal to us?” 
Lust fixed her sharp stare on Pride. But she knew she was defeated. 
Pride continued, no little smugness in his voice. “I think it would be easiest to have them removed from the board entirely.”
“Does that mean I get to eat?” Gluttony perked up. 
Father’s mouth was a tight line. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Either of you. Just because the sorcerer isn’t useful to us now, it doesn’t mean they can’t be useful to us later. I don’t want them interfering with our plans, but I don’t think it’s time to kill them just yet.” 
Gluttony’s shoulders slumped. 
“So what, then, do you suggest we do?” Pride asked. 
“I think it’s time we look into some other sources.” 
The dim light streaming in from the hallway was eclipsed by a tall figure. “Sorry I’m late. I was just making sure our guest is well looked after.” 
“Wrath, welcome back,” Father said. “I trust the koldun is secure?” 
The Fuhrer nodded. “They are in a holding cell in Central Command. It will be about an hour before the sedative wears off.” 
Envy crossed their arms and looked to Father. “So what’s this you were saying earlier about ‘other sources?’”  
Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, and Pride looked at him expectantly. 
Father leaned forward and rested his chin on the back of his hands. “I don’t want the koldun to get in our way. But I don’t want them dead yet. Envy, are you entirely certain that their abilities are not any known form of alchemy or alkahestry? Are they truly using sorcery?”  
“I was doubtful at first.” Envy shrugged. “But after fighting them again, I can say that they’re definitely not an alchemist. Or an alkahestrist, for that matter. Their power is something else.” 
“Then that settles it,” Father said. “Wrath, you will banish the young koldun from Amestris. Find out exactly what region of Drachma they are from, and send them back there. The more details you can get of their dwelling, as well as any people they may live with, the better. Make them think they have no choice but to give up that information. Pride, I then want you to trail the koldun back to their homeland. Use Wrath’s information to try and find their place of residence and get there first.”  
“What is the point of that?” Lust said, still indignant. 
Father smiled. “Home can often hide more secrets than one is aware of. I suspect we could find more information on our sorcerer’s mysterious history there. And information, my dear child, is true power.”
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kittyluvsfandoms · 2 years
So, blades lore drop is done! Until I get to jaws and buzzsaw! (@rabbitstatic the lore drop is here now :))
Blade the vulpine is a shapeshifting entity that hails from an organization known as the justice corps. He "spawned" into existence a few centuries after humanity and society started to develop. He is the first member of the justice crew, but not the first to appear, alongside his various friends. After he came into existence, he was just a pile of flesh and blood with no true form, only referred to as "blade". Eventually, in 1992, the justice corps realized he needed a far friendlier face. With the popularity of the sonic franchise, especially amongst kids, the justice corps decided he should take on the form of one of the characters so children had an easier time trusting him. Blade eventually chose a form that looked alike to the character known as "Tails the fox". His close friends buzzsaw the hedgehog and jaws the echidna eventually did so too, taking similar forms to sonic and knuckles respectively.
The justice corps (JC) are a large group of interdimensional beings who wish to provide justice for those harmed by evil and cruel individuals. They try to step in themselves, but being eldritch beings tends to scare others so they enlisted blade and his friend's to help. The JC have a few different entities that work towards avenging and prevention. Those entities are the justice crew.
A group of exes who hunt down those causing or intending to cause harm on others. This team consists of blade, buzzsaw, jaws, and a few other pending members.
Blade's job is to protect, and provide justice for, children from a wide variety of horrible injustices. He visits the child(ren) after he helps them. He oftentimes will continue to visit them if they ask for him.
He has 4 forms that he uses depending on the situation he's in. His plush form is used for infiltrating homes and other places, often either through the child picking him up or appearing in a room. He typically prefers to appear in a closet or on a shelf, as it's the most non obvious place for him to be. It's a form more often used with younger kids. His disguise form, also referred to as his game form, is also used for infiltrating homes and other places. The difference is is that he shows up within video games instead of the real world. The form is incapable of leaving, so he has to reveal himself and then leave the screen. His preferred game to hide within is Sonic mania, though he's willing to use whatever is at his disposal. This is not limited to sonic games. His friend form is used to interact with children and fellow exes. He takes on this form after he's been discovered by the child(ren) he's protecting and/or bringing justice for. He's very friendly in this form, unless you manage to piss him off enough. His beast form is only used in certain circumstances. For example, someone harming a child. In this form, he drags the individual(s) who harmed a child into a dimension he shares with the rest of the justice crew.
The justice dimension (TJD) is the place where the justice crew drag those who cause injustices so they can be punished for eternity. Afterwards, the individuals are hunted down by beings created by the JC. These beings, known as punishers, are the lackeys of the justice crew. TJD looks different to every individual who shows up, the only constant being a reddish fog hanging in the air. Not much is known about TJD or the fog in the air, only that it's a very deadly place. It shifts how it appears constantly, never staying the same. Often, people get lost while in TJD, unfortunate due to the fate that would befall them should they be caught.
When an individual gets caught by the punishers they are slowly and brutally killed. After that, they are mysteriously revived to try and run again. This continues for the rest of eternity, there is no escape.
Blade is rather friendly to most exes, especially children or those who were children. He tends to distrust adults, though if they prove they can be trusted and haven't harmed or killed kids, then he accepts their presence. Blade is a Massive bookworm, capable of reading for hours and not getting bored. He's also very fond of gaming, especially sonic games. He's secretly a massive need who info dumps about whatever he's interested In at the time. He's got adhd and spends his free time enjoying his interests. He's very physically affectionate, as long as a friend is okay with it, he'll hug them or carry them around like a little plush.
He has a group of friends referred to as the gamer group. This group consists of Sonic.AIG, Inkwell, Blank, Rot, and Blade himself. He's also close friends with Mimic, often seen hanging out with the fox. More friends of his include:
EX (he's on thin ice though)
Fun fun
??? (Has no name yet (also scared of kids))
He's acquaintances with phobos who asks him to help go after exes that harm/kill kids. More include:
Signal sonic
Any exe who brings any harm to children are viewed by blade as an enemy, however a select few are viewed as mortal enemies. He and Tails Virus, also known as friendshipfox, are always fighting when they interact. He also fights with DiskDrive a lot because he kills those who pirate games, including kids. More of his enemies include:
Labrat (complicated)
Hollow (complicated)
Phantom (complicated)
Bug (very complicated)
He can change his height to up to about 13.5 ft tall. He's able to use the blades on his tails like deadly boomerangs via flinging his tails. He has a sweet tooth, but will eat almost anything. He won't eat meat that comes from a sentient creature (ex. Mobians or humans). He can travel through any screen as well as use a device given to him by the JC to travel dimensions and through time (time travel is a lot more difficult).
(Most of the exes mentioned belong to people on twitter! Credit where credit is due!)
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