#but this was also very fun for me anyways :3
chase2452 · 3 years
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the target audience for my art is me at age 12
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dreamingpartone · 2 years
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more Semantic Error studies? on my tumblr? it’s more likely than you think
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crescentfool · 2 years
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persona 3 x animal crossing shenanigans!
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Grian has been staring into the abyss for a very, very long time. Now he's emerged, fresh and ready for the new season, and he's building...an Entity?
Let's just say...he might have drawn a bit of inspiration.
Read it on Ao3
It almost seemed to breathe, if he looked at it for long enough.
And Grian had been looking at it for a very long time. He'd avoided it at first: when they first got here - he and the rest of Boatem tumbling down through the crushing epicenter of the Void and beyond - they all agreed that the cold itchy feeling of staring past their little circle into the unknown and too-known was too much to take for long. They'd distracted themselves instead, and helped to distract each other. They were lucky to have all fallen together. But for a while now - days, if you could call a thing a day here - Grian had been left to his own devices while the others planned and played and slept. And he'd found that the longer he stared, the less unpleasant it became.
It was not so much that the feeling decreased. He still shuddered when his eyes slid sideways off the quavering masses of congealed time and decomposing physics in the distance, but there was a kind of…ambition, to it? To trying to see through, or around, and trick the worldless world into letting him understand it. It was something to do, and he was very, very short of things to do here.
"What?" He blinked and tried to make his eyes focus on Mumbo in front of him instead of the…over his shoulder.
"I said, d'you want to play Uno, mate? You've been looking off that way for a really long time." Mumbo raised his eyebrows and shook the box of cards enticingly. Grian winced.
"I absolutely do not want to play Uno."
"I know," Mumbo said. "It's really more that I want to watch you 'not want to play Uno'."
"I know," Grian sighed. "Maybe next time. I'm still not quite recovered from the last round."
"I don't think my eardrums are either," Mumbo laughed. "We'll go on without you. Don't spend too long just sitting here, though. You're starting to look a little…"
Mumbo made a vague gesture that Grian couldn't hope to interpret. Grian nodded as if he understood and watched Mumbo wobble off through the ether to his game with Pearl and Impulse. Scar had given Jellie some cards of her own, and seemed to be calmly explaining to her that they were not for eating. (She didn't look like she cared.)
Grian did mean that thing about next time. He meant it last time, too. Just…it was breathing. He wasn't sure why that meant he couldn't play Uno with his friends, but it did, somehow. Maybe a little more staring would help him figure it out.
He let his eyes unfocus. Sometimes he could see more that way.
The dancing blue lights blurred and merged, pulsing larger and smaller, closer and farther, teasing the blackness beyond. Grian's own lungs filled and emptied with nothing as it breathed within him, as it breathed around him, as it breathed at a distance he could see but never hope to reach. But could it really be breath, in a place with no air? Could there be no air, in a place with no place?
Maybe, he thought, there is nothing out here, which means no one thing, which means everything. Maybe the whole Universe is moving through my lungs. Don't the lungs usually take in oxygen, to make the body work? If the oxygen in my lungs is Universe, does that make me god?
He blinked, coughed, shook himself. Ran his hands up and down the arms of his ragged sweater until he felt warm and almost human again. Maybe Mumbo was right: he'd been staring a little too long. It wouldn't do to get all…you know, so close to the end of all this. After so long spent successfully distracting himself.
He checked his watch out of habit. It was still working fine. 3:27 pm. Somehow, that just made everything feel worse.
How was his watch still working when there was no time?
He could think on that, instead of looking. He knows that type of thing is what Mumbo's been doing, to avoid the staring and the shifting and the less concrete questions, the ones that could pull you in too deep.
But the thing was that it was still breathing. And now he could hear a heartbeat.
He looked again. He could see the breath, feel the breath, but the heartbeat he could only hear. He heard it in four dimensions: the whoosh-thud, whoosh-thud, whoosh-thud, farther, closer, above and around him, and the time between the beats crystallized into something he could reach through, crawl inside the warm and dripping skin of and live in the blue and the black of its evenly measured hairs, veins spaced between seconds pumping liquid existence through each tick. The blue smelled of sugar and ozone. He was outside himself, turned back inside, a soul in every cell. And that heartbeat, through it all, beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Breathe, breathe, beat.
Maybe this is the new world, he thought distantly. Maybe this is all there is .
Maybe if I stare a little longer, I won't mind it anymore .
Impulse was saying something. He pointed at something, trying to call attention to it as it approached, but Grian already saw it. He must have, because he saw everything now: honey dripping down the side of breathing, beating stone, a hole so deep it descends beyond the world itself, a patch of moss so vibrant that it contains the universe that contains itself in its own microscopic landscape. All of it breathed. All of it beat. All of it was connected, and he held the strings. I hold the strings.
He looked down at them. They were blue, like everything here, and black, like everything here. There was a lie in both colours. Like everything here. He let them keep their secrets. Instead, he just bunched the threads up in both fists and pulled, as hard as he could.
He never knew whether he moved, or It moved. Maybe they moved together. But there It was in front of him: finally, the answer to his searching, the center of all he'd been grasping for in the absence of a home since he stopped trying to distract himself and started looking outward. It was beautiful. It was terrible. The feeling overwhelmed him, the importance of it, the sheer weight of how much it existed and how much more it still needed to exist. It was begging him to let it exist. It was everything, it was nothing, it was, it was….
It's a rock.
"...What?" He said.
And then he was flat on his face in a patch of diorite, with Xisuma laughing at him in the background.
"Well I'm glad you lot made it out alright! Grian must've had a rough landing, though."
A green gloved hand reached down and flipped him over. He sat up, spitting out a mouthful of gravel and squinting into the glaring sunlight. Past X's shoulder, the other Boatem members grinned at him and stamped their feet into the solid stone for the first time in ten weeks. Farther still, groups of Hermits in twos and threes laughed and shouted and marveled at the soaring white peaks around them, or argued about the nearby birch forest and whether the wood should be built with or tossed into a cave to rot. Grian took a deep breath in, feeling real, cool air rush through his body. It was almost too good to be true.
"Well? If you don't get up soon, they'll get all the good trees before us!"
Mumbo walked over and held out a helping hand. Grian took it, laughing at Mumbo's startled noise when he pulled down suddenly and caught him off balance. They both straightened, looking out over the horizon, heads filling with hopes and new plans for the season ahead of them.
"We'll have to owe you that Uno game," Mumbo said.
"No rush."
Grian smiled, but his eyes went past the sun. If he let them unfocus, he could almost still see it…see through to where blue and black danced a lie, where something was waiting to be born.
He pulled his gaze back and dove into the water. He struck for the shore in a steady backstroke - slow, but purposeful. He'd need moss, terracotta, tuff, stone…more in time, of course, as the needs and power grew. He would have fun this season. He would play pranks and eat good food and live by the measure of days again, just like he had dreamed of doing all those many long vigils in the abyss. He would love this world as it was, and it would love him.
But he had been given a job to do. There wasn't a moment to waste.
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emmet-appreciation · 2 years
Arceus to Emmet after stealing Ingo from Unova:
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silverskye13 · 2 years
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Spent way too much time on this but it turned out kinda cute :’D
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jiangwanyin · 3 years
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@mdzsnet anniversary event → gusu lan sect
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
please sources on those ray dad moments
absolutely let me pull out the ray toro wifedad receipts
first of all one of my favourite ray toro dad facts is that i don't actually know for sure how many kids he even has, king of privacy <3
that said. here are two of the sexiest paragraphs i've ever read, courtesy of this wonderful bryant interview about remember the laughter:
Its lyrics chart the course of Ray’s life since the split of My Chemical Romance. It’s been a reflective period for him. He and his wife had their first child, a son, and Ray found his focus shifting from himself to his family. His wife went back to college to earn a masters degree, leaving Ray by day as the stay-at-home parent. And in that time, he had a good think about his former life. The record, as a result, is much like the memory box of his light concept. The songwriting process starts for Ray in an unusual place. “My wife laughs at me about this but I love doing the dishes, sweeping and vacuuming. I like it because I find my mind wanders and my brain comes up with these vocal melodies while I’m doing it. Anything that sticks, I’ll record on my phone, then I’ll head into the studio and work until three or four in the morning on it.”
more under the cut lol. i just think he's neat
so from the same interview, he talks about how remember the laughter is fully about his family, and shaped by being a dad (he also talked a lot at the time about how much he appreciates his own parents but i digress):
It means the album is shot through with references to Ray’s family. “Walking In Circles is about my wife and my desire to spend the rest of my life with her,” he says. “Remember The Laughter is me thinking about how I might say goodbye to my son later in life, thinking about what I would tell him before I pass. “My wife and I talk a lot about what the world is like now, about what sort of kid we want to raise and how we want to see him treat other people. All of that is on the record.”
and he's talked about this kind of thing a few times, like in 2015 when he released for the lost and brave (which he originally wrote in response to reading about homophobic bills being proposed in arizona) in memory of leelah alcorn (this interview is worth a read):
“If ever my son was having a rough time I would just hope that he would trust me and allow me to be there for him. It’s common for parents and older people to look at youth in a negative way and to not respect the young as people. My wife always says that a lot of parents treat their kids like property – the whole, ‘this is my house, these are my rules and you must abide by my law’. You have to put yourself on the same level as your kid, you have to relate to them as a person. I hope that there’s more understanding about the differences between people in the future that my son grows up in.”
and this is something that ended up influencing a lot of remember the laughter too (from this interview):
The sense of hope is one of the main themes of the record. I want to leave my son with a sense of hope about the world. He has the ability to affect people in a positive way and affect the world in positive change. I feel a lot of the songs are definitely connected to that idea of hope.
which also includes. this story :'''''''')
Both your wife and son play on the record, your son being just 2 years old when it was recorded. How did that come about? Yeah! [laughs] So I have a small guesthouse on my property and that’s basically my studio…well, I call it my studio, but it’s basically a two-story with really small rooms, but I just happen to jam all my gear in there and have my drums upstairs. It’s not like a full studio. I’m always next door working a lot and I don’t know, around that age my son just got a real interest in coming over to the studio and checking out what I was doing. He constantly heard music coming from there and he just wanted to see what was going on. He would come in and he’d play around with some of the amps and the other gear I have in the studio, and I would let him play with the lights as well. One day I was recording the song Lucky Ones, and I knew he had a kids set of percussion. That song is 100% about my family, so I wanted to find a way to involve them. I had my son in the studio with his percussion set, so I just had him hold a shaker and a tambourine and had him play along with the song as best he could. I edited it all together and I think you’ll hear him playing in the chorus. My family was so integral in the process, in giving me the support I needed, and also giving me something to write about. My songs are very much about me and my life, I have a very tough time conjuring lyrics up out of nowhere. I always feel that everything has to be very in the moment and related to me, those are really the only things I can write about. My family were super important for the record, and I’m glad they could be on it.
like he's just made it pretty clear over and over again that everything he's done post-split has been informed and motivated by fatherhood :'), like here:
Lithium: How has being a father affected the style of music you choose to create? Ray: It gave me a voice. A center to gravitate each of my ideas and thoughts around.
he's also spoken a couple of times about how grateful he is that he was able to be at home and off the road to raise his kids, and how the timing of his first son's birth helped him process the hurt of mcr breaking up, like in this interview from 2014.
anyway. wow this was a lot of text, have some nice dad moments from twitter:
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#i like ray bc there's absolutely no pretense about him he's just like. yeah i wanna make good things abt being good and doing good.#my mans is not funny and he's a corny liberal and he's a little bit dumb but he is very talented and he is sweet :')#also ngl not to ****** but some of those interviews are like. ah yes ray toro ******** icon lol <3#little miss 'i don't understand metaphors' 'let me describe some very specific sensory experiences i use to write music'#actually one of my favourite quotes (and interviews in general) is from a different rtl interview in stereogum that was like#it really comes down to this: do you want to hear some honest music?#and i think even tho every mcr solo member's work sounds very different honesty is the thing they have in common#which isn't suprising considering. mcr's whole thing.#but it's cool how they explore that in different ways in their solo music...ray and frank's are both very blunt#but ray leans into like. hope and optimism in a blunt way esp with his lyrics while the music itself is deceptively nuanced and complex#while frank uses music itself as a blunt force weapon and is all about candid vulnerability and catharsis#gerard's is a lot more intentionally vague but hes alien is very emotionally honest#jesus fuck why am i waxing lyrical abt mcr solo projects in the tags of the ray malewife post were were supposed to just be having fun#anyway hope you see this anon it took me a while bc i was cooking and cleaning. when is it MY turn to be someone's malewife :(#answered#anonymous#*#remember the laughter#rtl
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avizou · 3 years
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i have no excuuuse
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art--harridan · 3 years
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[Image one: The first page of a digital comic about Kageyama Shigeo. It depicts his shoes, messily tied, standing over the corpse of a cat. Blood trails from the feline to his trainers, a shocking red. This page has the line "to dead cat: using a shocking event".
Image two: The final page of a digital comic about Kageyama Shigeo. He is drawn with one hands splayed out, like he normally poses when using his psychic abilities. However, there is no energy on the air, even if his hair is standing up. His eyes are obscured by a deep shadow, and blood runs heavily down his face. This page continues the previous line with "to distract from something much much worse". The last word, which is jagged and messy, leads into a simple red hand, that of Mogami. It looks like blood. And finally, in front of this hand, there's a crow, ominously staring straight at the viewer.]
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 3 years
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"Ah, my outfit. Yes, the monochrome look is suitable, isn't it?"
yes it does dude. yes it does<3
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
for the toh reqs~
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anyway hope you are having a lovely day!!!!!!!! ty bestie🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💖
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[ID: a comic featuring the cast of the owl house, split into two images. The first image shows King holding a pair of uno cards, looking up to the left- towards Luz, who we see in a cut-in-half close up panel of her face, holding three cards in a dramatic fashion. Her face is in shadow and sparkles appear around her eyes. Paralleling her in the other corner is a panel of hunter, holding yellow cards and sweating nervously.
The next image is two rectangular panels of hunter and Luz sitting across from each other with king in the middle, all three of them playing cards. In the background is Gus, Willow and Amity (who is saying "go Luz!"). The first panel is silent, until in the second panel, Luz says "draw 5" with a smug expression. Hunter stands up angrily, his cards flying in the air, and yells "IT IS NOT LEGAL TO DO THAT FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, HUMAN!". king says "haha, yes it is! Loser boy has lost again!" Gus summons a puff of illusion smoke with a scoreboard on it reading "L: 12, H: 0". Amity is cheering and willow summons the word, "R.I.P (again)" in vines and flowers next to hunter. The background is colored with peaches and oranges. End ID]
Frantically ignoring the implications of todays ep. Incredibly funny to me how these bitches ended up actually being siblings
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sky-poprocks · 2 years
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I will go feral just give me the rights and pay me I will send you wips of the work when I'm doing them every so often (likely atleast once a day since I started to work on em!) There's a chance I may deny you if it's out of my comfort zone(or hitting something I said I won't take) If you need more ideas and more of my work check out my art blog @sketchandsneeze ! If anyone needs help reading this feel free to ask for that as well, I have weird writing and annoying habits for anyone who isn't me.
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crescentfool · 3 years
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happy december 2nd aka the day ryoji mochizuki broke my heart 💔
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bandtrees · 3 years
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in honor of finishing reading olympia... a fucked up and evil kain :] i don't think many people on here read olympia, but it makes everyone calling kain a good boy very funny. this is bad boy behavior
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vynnyal · 2 years
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My disdain for coloring is growing at an alarming rate
#Was rlly fun to mash all those different animal references together into a coherent beastie#Griffin#Dragon#Art#Honestly I started in mlp so for a long time I drew ponies#And then as I expanded I just... morphed ponies into whatever I was drawing#Dog? Pony with paws. Dragon? Long pony with pointy bits. Furries? Ponies standing up with noses#Yes it extended to humans and other such things lol. Ironically it'd have been harder to draw a realistic horse than it'd be a human#Anyways I used that method up until I joined the hk community cuz um. I literally couldn't use that method anymore#I had a lot of trouble drawing them at first for that exact reason. There was no possible way to morph a pony into a bug lol#So hk finally broke that habit and forced me to tackle them using a different habit; namely struggling#Anyways that was a long winded way to say that I've switched to cats now. Idk why#cats just resonate with me for some reason? Their anatomy is easy to understand#and their complete lack of a skeletal structure makes it easier to stretch into the animal I need#And this griffin... dragon thing? It's a cat! With lion paws and a good dose of fantasy dragon anatomy#The head is also kinda cat but mostly based on a modified pony head bahahaha#Also. Also. My dog? My blind dog? He won't be in just 3 days it came so fast!!!#Finally gonna drain my bank into this damn thing and have it over with#It's gonna be nice to have a disposable income again lol#And he's gonna see me for real for the very first time since we've met. And he's gonna see the house and the yard#And that absolute menace that yips at him sometimes because he keeps bumping into the other dog lmao#I'm so excited#I mean my expectations can't be too high since his vision has most certainly degraded#To what extent is unknown but we'll find out soon. We know they do function tho#That'd be a real funny plot twist...#But anyways. That wasn't a very interesting story or explanation but I guess this is the hill I'm gonna die on#I'll share a more interesting story tomorrow 🤣#I have many... many work stories. Many. A lot.#Maybe I should make some simple comics? Ha
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