#but this will have to suffice for now
fipindustries · 1 year
Far away from everything
well, here we are at last.
i worked tirelessly as i read this story for 7 consecutive years every other month, going over it again and again, peering through its dense words and paragraphs, in order to share every thought i could muster about it as i read it because i knew my maind was probably not going to be able to observe it all in one grasp once i reached the end.
consequently i lavished praised over it, because this masterpiece is praise worthy. i concocted evermore exultant flattery, reaching paroxisms of fervent fanaticism scarcely seen outside of evangelist circles and fanfic spaces.
the result of this is that i might have ran out a bit of good things to say about this book and was left only with the things that i didnt like as much, which is a pity because is going to make it seem as if my final tally of this story is a negative one and it very much is not. you can pour all over the 14 pages in my blog under the almost nowhere tag, to see how highly i think of this work.
but, as ratleak dogmatizes, one must follow the straight and narrow path wherever it may take. so, with that said
the third section of this book is the weakest, im sad to say. you might have noticed if you follow my blog closely that as we neared the end i started to fall more and more behaind with the publication rythm of this story. you might have even noticed how long it took since it officially ended and the time i actually bothered to sit down and read it all.
i would say is too much of a good thing. that it hit the maximum it could reach in my scale of greateness and then after a while it became repetitive. i would go back to it every time and, oh surprise, here it is, the greatest work of fiction i've ever came across, still as great as ever.
rob said how he found the last section of this book the most tiresome to get through, how he had to push himself through a massive sense of anhedonia in order to get through it, how the only thing that motivated him was sheer responsability to his audience and his own desire to have a finished work. i was able to tell this.
the last section gets a bit repetitive and it drags. it became saturating in fact, emotions did not let go for 60k words, alarm bells and claxons constatly screaming "THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT, THIS IS THE CLIMAX, THIS IS THE MOMENT EVERYTHING GOES DOWN" for the length of what would be a standard novel. it wears thin. i can only sit though so many scenes of Sylvester loosing all hope and doing some ultimate gesture of final doom and then grant or lucifer say something moving or touching or inspiring or naive and then sylvie whiplashes again into benevolent omnipotent mania.
i can read the word love only so many times before it kind of loses its impact a bit, before it starts to sound robotic and rote. i see, eleven, yeah you truly love everyone, i get it, and you too animals, and silvye too, anyone else feeling omnibenevolent today? please make a line so we can reach the ending in orderly fashion.
the stakes got a little lost for a while, and the scale and the mundanity under which this world operates felt flimsy. i dont want this to sound like the typical "aragorn's tax policy" critique but i was wondering a lot of the times "where do these people live? how do they get food? or supplies? does sylvie just wills it all from thin air? how is the world outside? where are the other humans? what are they doing? are there still cities out there? has there been disasters with all of humanity contained in crash pods somewhere in asia? what of the worlds infrastructure? its ecology? how much work are the shades doing or not doing as it were the case to maintain it all?"
it also felt all a bit too stagey, like the entire world was revolving around our small cast of characters in its own little stage and the rest of humanity and the shades and the everywhere heraver is loosely sketched out at best just so we know it exists but they are merely suggestions, just a nod to the idea that, yes there is a world outside of whatever the camera is immediatly watching, and there are people out there doing their own things. but in this it was rather similar to homestuck and i dont think im going to hold it too hard against it, even though it did bother me a bit in homestuck as well.
overall i would need to read some guide or some deconstruction or some analisis to fully appreaciate what really happened it the end, i think i managed to follow well enough to frankly it was a struggle at times and by the very end i was just nodding along in a "sure, whatever you say buddy" way just to get it over with.
many have said that, much like floornight is rob's evangelion and arguably northern caves is rob's house of leaves, this is definetly rob's homestuck and i guess it feels appropiate that it final stretch reflects hoemstuck's final stretch as well.
i would have liked a final epilogue where we get a well established final shot of our beloved characters doing their own thing for us to know that once this is done they will be fine enough. we sort of had that here but it sneaked up on me frankly. it was missing the classic nostalgebraist final chapter where its just dialog with no description where things take a more relaxed sensual tone and the atmosphere is that of an orgy about to begin or just having finished. (although such a thing might be redundant, one of these days im going to draft a graph depicting the insane polycule these people form, 27 sleeping with azad who slept with grant, who slept with cordelia who slept with 27, who slept with azad, who slept with 25, who slept with hector, and so on and so forth).
ultimatly these are all the kinds of things to be expected of a first draft, the masterpiece is still very much here, and regardless of what my opnions are on the final stretch, much like with worth the candle, everything that came before is made no less of a masterpiece for it.
this, out of everything ive read online, is the thing that i will move heaven and earth for in order to have a physical copy of, even if i have to print one myself.
still very much on the top 5 best books ive ever read in my entire life. still a show of what true great prose can be like, still the thing that did the things it did like no other thing did before. i can rest assured that in the oncoming years and i percolate more and more on it its flaws will receede into the realm of the irrelevant and its strengths will shine stronger than ever. cant wait to re read it all someday, this time all in one sitting.
a true 9/10
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werepires · 11 months
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Can’t believe it’s been three years since his gay ass sobbed on that dungeon floor
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
I’m amused by this.
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Aziraphale looks at Crowley, then to the ox rib in his hands, back at Crowley and then devours the ox rib.
Like, damn, I really want the demon, but I’ll settle for this other meat he (didn’t really) tempt(ed) me with.
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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LOCKWOOD & CO. 1.03 Deleted Scene
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
Please... I'll do whatever it takes.
Just please print this fucking document.
My driver's license is about to expire, and if I don't bring this down to the fucking DMV they're going to suspend it.
I'm not going to get very many more chances so please, I beg of you, just print the fucking PDF.
Audio source
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nabaath-areng · 9 days
I have this one "OC" that does not yet have a name that I've drawn several times for a couple years. I was thinking that if I tried making them in FFXIV that I'd use elezen as a base... but then I remembered what other race have their near exact hairstyle... and now I'm like damn... I played myself...
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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The day he was named Sissel
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naariel · 1 year
Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight Take me through the night Down, down, down by the river
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lindagoesmushrooming · 9 months
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Amanita muscaria
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aska234 · 5 months
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Drawning inspired by @solcaeruleus 's amazing fic A Drop of Poison
Guys, I don't know what to tell ya more then just go read it, Its really cool. I cannot wait to see what happens next! :DDD
In honour of the author I sorta spedrun making this one, which means it is now 4am hahaha<3 (dw, I'll get some more sleep later and I enjoyed making this one all the way through ^^)
Have a great day/night everybody!
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qrowscant · 1 year
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befriending a bio-mechanical nightmare is neat until he starts consuming people in front of you :^(
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 months
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day 192
a break from artfight for some good news! i have finally scheduled a surgical consult to have my enemy (read: uterus) removed. this is a bit of a scarier prospect than my breast reduction was, but i think it will be an equally impactful quality of life improvement when all is said and done!!
anyway those of yall who have been here since the beginning may remember me posting through that whole process so i figure why stop now.
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bisclavaret · 2 years
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little doodle for the solstice tonight!
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nebula-remnants · 2 months
oh man... you have no idea what i'm about to drop on you all.
HEY!!! so. I made a GIANT list of headcanons for Sun and Moon that are all autism related since I have an excuse to now. I gave twitter a warning but I forgot to here so sorry to anyone who clicks to keep reading and goes into this post unprepared.
I did want to make an attempt to make this easy to read so, Green is just going to be for regular but still have some in depth meaning for why it's on this list, Orange is for a headcanon that is more serious!! I try to word myself correctly and explain why these ones are important in the case of accurate. (sometimes PAINFULLY accurate) representation. I wanted to go in depth for symptoms that are less discussed. so i'm going to discuss them the best I can regardless because their just as important to representation. ideas that stray from canon and are more my interpretations of how I think they'd act in certain situations will be pink
Both get frustrated when you mess with their stuff (this could just be a cleanliness deal for the daycare exclusively, however the barrels aren’t exactly a major mess since there are so few of them, so it can also be taken as wanting items a certain way. I kind of headcanon it as a bit of both tbh
I think Sun would have a strong sense of justice. He is a “hero” character as far as old theater traits go. And his canon behavior suggests he’s both petty and controlling of his environment. I believe those traits are a result of his current situation, but with this headcanon a sense of justice would go in perfectly because it means he’s strongly bound to his moral beliefs. Now it’s good to mention a strong sense of justice is NOT always a good thing!! Having a strong sense of justice does not automatically mean someone has all the correct moral beliefs, but it can sometimes make people self righteous (especially when they aren’t self aware.) but anyways moral righteousness does not always mean correctness!! I really like this headcanon especially because it’s complex, it falls into morally gray areas. Has good intentions but can hurt people by accident. Some of this applies to Moon too but I have less canon material to work with.
I think Moon would go COMPLETELY non verbal when upset, but it would go easily unnoticed because people might just assume he’s always quiet. which y'know. isn't okay obviously, but for his circumstance I do feel it would be at least accurate.
I don’t think they would know about being autistic themselves. LET ME EXPLAIN. So if the Fallfest thing is right they’re potentially from the 70s, that makes them old. Plus they’re robots. It’s not like someone realistically would go and diagnose them with autism, unless like, the guy that made them was autistic and was projecting onto them HARD. but what i’ve noticed from older family members that went nearly their whole life without a diagnosis?? They kind of just. Suffer and think it’s normal. My father has ADHD and kind of went most of his life thinking he was just a problematic kid in school, actually i still think he does 😭 (spoiler: he had a hard time focusing on subjects he wasn’t hyper fixated on and was treated without any accommodations even considered) the reason i bring this up for Sun and Moon is i think they sort of just go about their business thinking it’s normal and everyone experiences those things. So basically I think they’d be undiagnosed in the fnaf universe (or could have some outdated information about autism stored somewhere, like I even did a few years ago. because in my opinion I haven't really seen any widespread information until more recently and that's how I found out LATER in my life, when some damage was already done). Someone tell them please
I think masking would be minimum, they probably try a little bit but give up and decide they don’t care anymore (like I said, it’s possible that they’re older, so give them a break)
On the topic of not being aware of symptoms I headcanon Moon (or at least pre security breach one, maybe, idk) as the kind of autistic to have a hard time realizing he’s upsetting or genuinely scaring people. He’s being whimsical, but like, wouldn’t realize unless specifically told so. I don’t believe a potential nicer form of moon would be there to intentionally hurt people (i don’t like the idea of him being evil just BECAUSE) but i think he could still cause all kinds of distress by accident. I certainly don’t think he’s shy (and i believe Kellon Goff corrected himself in a later tweet and said Moon wasn’t exactly shy himself but he used a shy part of his life to bring Moon to life, if i remember correctly (correct me if i’m wrong bruh i don’t wanna misquote the man himself 😭)) Canon Moon probably isn’t shy but instead he gets to be fluent in being awkward in a conversation
I mean don’t get me wrong I adore the idea of shy moon but it’s most likely not going to be anything we see in canon. But in an au? Or in your own headcanon? Go crazy, make that man shy, be a little self indulgent. You’re not required to stick to canon to a tee.
I definitely think Sun and Moon would have clashing sensory needs. being opposites but also having a common root in an issue whether they want it to be there or not is like their whole thing. A lot of clashing except maybe the clicking they do. They fidget and click a LOT and the clicks are so pleasant to my brain so i think that could be maybe a similarity. As far as clashing sensory needs I think, y’know, if they were to be given separate bodies, because I actually really like that idea of seeing how their dynamic plays out that way (lots of fighting, so much fighting)... I DONT CARE IF IT MOST LIKELY WON’T BE A THING IN CANON BECAUSE OF THE DYNAMIC STEEL WOOL IS LEANING INTO SHSHHSHSHSH I CAN DREAM. 
Anyways I think Moon would have sensory issues related to lights (duh) and sound (MAYBE sun for sound too, if he has less control of it. Just because he’s generally louder doesn’t mean he couldn’t have an issue with unwarranted sound. And if anything, in the daycare I think that would contribute to his burnout MORE.) thought i definitely think Moon would be more reactive to noise and lights considering he’s much less used to them (that doesn’t exactly dwindle sun’s ability to become overstimulated to a sound because he’s used to it, but he might have a much more subtle response to it after a while like the snappy behavior/burnout in hw2. While I imagine Moon for once having a much more obvious response. (kind of like how he reacts to the lights in ruin but probably only half as much)
I think they both reacted to overstimulation through getting snappy, so like in an au where they’re physically separated and they have clashing sensory needs that’s… an easy argument starter. Visibly doing some small behavior that screams irritation on Sun’s part. And moon probably stares at you, but angrily (you can’t tell because he doesn’t have fucking eyelids)
I think the movements they do in canon are some form of stimming. Like I mentioned before, I think they enjoy the clicking. Moon does the movements with his head and rotating his face a LOT. and i began associating it with stimming a while ago. As for negative stims when stressed and anxious. Their wires are exposed. There may not be evidence for it but maybe that’s something they mess with. Also, no evidence for this but I felt like there damage in ruin was both from the situation and themselves, can be taken as a more self destructive (kind of like how scratching/hair pulling can be considered stimming at times for humans) but most likely accidental form of this. Or more likely a stress habit and causing more damage from fighting for control (idk man I kind of lost myself on this one)
Also!! The staff bot parts in their room, and later in Ruin more parts from endos are present. I think they fidget with parts on occasion. This strays from autism related headcanons but Those parts being there in the first place i think is Moon’s doing, and based on his behavior in ruin along with similar cases recorded in security breach i take it as frustration/misguided anger. And eventually because those parts are yk, there after Moon did whatever it is he may have done, i wouldn’t be surprised if the stuff in their room is occasionally fidgeted with as a distraction. The only evidence I really have for this is that in Ruin those items are all sorted. Someone was doing something as a distraction.
There’s no way they would be flirted with in a roundabout way and immediately understand, you need to be DIRECT AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT!!!
I think Sun might easily misinterpret all kinds of things he's told, and be completely confident with his interpretation, while while recognize when he's a little unclear, decide it's probably not important if someone wasn't being clear, and then forget.
For whatever possible circumstance this would EVER come up I don’t think Moon would enjoy phone calls, nor would Sun but I think he likes yapping so he’d probably talk your ear off and then get really sidetracked. Moon would just respond with simple one word answers, or not all (me, i do that, i’m projecting) I don’t think Moon is shy in canon but i do headcanon he just, sucks at holding up a conversation (projecting again)
basically canon but hypo verbal Moon and hyper Verbal sun. (this gets a little too personal and realistic and a second) I just want to say that because it’s a trait associated with autism and instead of them just being considered too quiet or too loud, they are literally just being themselves. This also goes along with the idea where they wouldn’t realize they have autism, and just think whatever they’re doing is considered normal for everyone else so hey might recognize people think of them poorly but might not realize what someone has a stick up their ass about until someone is like “ermm you talk too much/too little 🙄” actually i definitely think they would get criticized on a daily basis for that. I have my own ideas about how they would react in an immediate situation vs over time after being told over and over again. And basically, I think Moon would kind of… NOT react at first but it would get to him later on and that’s when he goes completely quiet or makes sure to avoid people. I think Sun would react negatively on the dot (in one way or another) and stew in frustration for a bit, and sometimes it might come back to him on occasion.
A part of me wants to believe moon is capable of yapping but he spaces it out, like I think he’d randomly tell you a fact and then go quiet for a while. OR!!! OR!! He’d tell you a joke then wait for you to laugh as he stares at you intensely and silently.
I think Moon would mutter to himself a lot, but so quiet and muddled from an outside perspective it's completely incoherent. Sun too but a little easier to hear. Speak out loud in a quiet voice but still loud enough that still makes people briefly pause wandering if he’s speaking to them.
What if they were both heat sensitive… imagine getting to go outside (if they were part of Fallfest than maybe first time and years) but it’s during the summer, and they're both fatigued and miserable. I see a lot of people say sun would absolutely love summer, but considering if he is from Fallfest, and assuming they shut off animatronics when not in use, he’d realistically he might not even be used to summer at all. Then in this case it would actually be sort of an ironic situation where he grows to dislike summer heat.
okay ya'll I think it's done for NOW. I have a few I left out because they were half baked, or too vague for what I wanted to say so I may edit or add onto this in the future. a whole load of this ideas are also things I wanted to implement into my AU so!!
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fauna-and-floraa · 1 year
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Fav skz moments // Do you know what else is big?
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basketobread · 3 months
HEY lunara is so cute !!! have you got screenshots of what she looks like in game, i would love to draw a pic of her (if thats okay w you !!)
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OF COURSE!! PLEASE!! I LOOOVE LOVE LOVE RECIEVING ART OF ANY OF MY OC'S. THANKS SO MUCH!! This is the outfit I have on her currently ^_^ <3333 (normally she'd have shoes on but i CANNOT find a good enough pair for reference purposes right now 😭)
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