#but those are okay I just don't read them that often because it's exhausting
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
It's so hard to have a proper conversation when your school friends don't seem to think you're suited for that kind of stuff and the other people you know either are not into what you wanna talk about at all or just not available
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guiltyasdave · 2 months
a long time coming
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: You were supposed to go to a concert with your best friend. You end up going with her dad instead.
word count: ~1.1k
tags/warnings: best friend's dad!Dave, fluff, allusions to smut, huge age gap, able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, please be warned: Dave has inappropriate (though reciprocated) thoughts about his daughter's best friend - if that makes you uncomfortable, don't read
a/n: daphne @sizzlingcloudmentality and i were freaking out about those new photos of pedro, and because daphne apparently wants me dead, she said that it's giving bfd!dave who's at a concert with you and also provided me with a snippet that still has me in a chokehold and that's part of this story now. i am already experiencing heavy brainrot because i'm going to the eras tour in three (3) days and this was the final nail in my coffin tbh. i should be working on my dress, but instead i did this. the most self indulgent shit i've ever written lmao, please enjoy <3
follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates and find my whole masterlist here :)
dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
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“Please, daddy? Please?” 
Dave sighs, rubbing a hand over his forehead. Molly’s hoarse voice keeps pleading with him before it dissolves into a fit of coughs. 
With a groan, she lets her head fall against the pillows, wide eyes still trained on him. 
“No one else wants to go, and I can’t let her go alone, I’d feel terrible. Please?” 
She pouts at him, knowing fully well that her father doesn’t deny her anything when she looks at him like this. 
“Fine. If you’re sure that she’s okay with it?” 
“She is! I already asked her.”
Dave cocks a brow at his daughter, earning himself an exhausted but triumphant grin. 
“Don’t look at me like that. It will be fun!”
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Admittedly, Dave really has much more fun than he expected when his daughter all but begged him to accompany her best friend to the concert that she wanted to go to herself before she got sick. 
He knows most of the songs, has been witness to you and Molly singing along to the music while dancing through his kitchen often enough. It’s not bad music by any means, and the show is nothing short of spectacular. 
It’s not the reason he’s enjoying himself so much though. He’s barely watching the show, eyes only occasionally flicking towards the stage. 
His gaze is fixed on you, has been since before the show even started. Watching you interact with other fans, beaming smiles and giggles, eagerly exchanging bracelets, excitedly cooing at the especially pretty ones. 
Meeting your eyes when you turned to him, not able to suppress his own smile at the sparkle in them. Suppressing the flicker of something in his chest when your fingers wrapped around his wrist, tugging it closer to put a few bracelets on him as well. You don’t seem to notice the faint blush that’s rising up in his cheeks at the unexpected touch. 
He’s watching you bouncing on your feet seconds before the show starts, snaps a few photos of the pure joy on your face without you noticing. Just to send them to you later, having enough experience from being the father of two daughters to know how much you’ll love them. After that, he’ll delete them from his own phone. Of course he will. 
He’s watching you dance, your body moving to the beat of the music, your lips forming every word. Your silhouette shimmering with the lights reflecting off your dress. It’s mesmerizing. You dance with the girls beside you sometimes, shouting lyrics at each other. Other times, you turn to him. He doesn’t protest when you take his hands, starts moving with you without a second thought, starts singing the words that he knows along with you. You’re laughing, your eyes shining with pure happiness. It’s intoxicating, and he wants more, wants all of it, wants to be part of that happiness. He doesn’t remember the last time he smiled this wide, the last time his body felt this light. 
It takes a long time, longer than it should, until he remembers why this is bad. Until the weight comes crashing back into him. Until he remembers that he shouldn’t feel like this with you. 
You’re so much younger than him. His daughter’s friend. His daughter who asked him to come here with you, because she trusted that you’d be safe with him. 
Your brow furrows when you catch his eye and notice the change in his expression. No. He wants you to enjoy yourself, doesn’t want to be the reason for any kind of worry for you right now. He allows himself to drink in your energy right now, to let a smile grow on his face again. 
There’s no harm in indulging just for one night. Just a little bit. No one has to know. Least of all you. 
So he keeps singing with you, keeps letting you move with him. Keeps watching. 
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It’s easy, being with you, talking to you. Effortless in a way that he’s not used to. 
It’s just because you’re at his house more often than not, going wherever Molly goes. It has to be. 
But it’s different, your giggles ringing out in the confines of his car, not mixed with his daughter’s, the sound that he knows. And he’s the one who’s elicited those laughs from you. 
"Explain it again, please. You’ve glued every single of these stones onto your dress?" He laughs and gives you another once over, glad he can disguise his inappropriate ogling with an appreciating glance. Act like he’s studying the intricate, shimmering patterns on the fabric. Not the way your tits are straining against the low cut over your chest. Not the way the skirt has ridden up your thighs, exposing a new inch of bare skin. "Great job, sweetheart. You look good. The dress looks good, too." 
He wonders how the dress would look bunched up around your waist. Or on the floor of your apartment. If your skin is as soft as it looks in the dim shine of the red light he’s stopped at. How it would taste under his tongue. The sweet sounds you would make when his teeth dig into you. 
You breathe a thank you and bite your lip at the compliment, and his cock twitches with interest. Wrong, wrong, so wrong.
He has to be imagining the way that you keep glancing his way, stealing looks when you think that he doesn’t notice. Wishful thinking on his part. 
He pulls up in front of your apartment building, killing the engine and turning towards you. You’re already facing him, more shy than you’ve looked all evening. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you say softly, lips pulling up into another smile. “I’ve had a great time. I— I hope you did too.” 
His hand lands on your thigh before he can actively think about it. A soft gasp escapes you, but you make no move to back away from his touch. 
“Trust me, I did.” 
He doesn’t intend for it to come out as low and breathy as it does. Teeth dig into your lips once more. Your contemplative gaze burns into him. 
You inch closer, close enough that he can feel your breath against his face. 
Wrong. He swallows thickly, forces his grip off of you. You blink, eyes growing wider, the growing tension’s fog lifting from you. Clearing your throat, you sit up straighter. 
“Good night, sweetheart.” 
He needs you to leave this car. Right now. 
You nod, shakily bidding him a good night as well. 
He watches your retreating silhouette, finally able to exhale deeply when you enter your building. 
He’s fucked.
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comments and reblogs are love and make my day every single time <3
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tacticaldiary · 2 months
Friday Nights
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PAIRING: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
SYNOPSIS: "I think I'm the lucky one no matter which narrative you spin." That easy smile of his reminds her of how she fell in love. He was sweet, considerate, and the perfect amount of playful that spoke to her without being cruel or nasty.
NOTE: All fanfic is timsekip. I'm taking requests!
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Friday's are date nights.
Kuroo's observant, good at being intuitive and he never picks anything he knows she won't like. Whether that be a new restaurant or a trip to the pier they've walked a dozen times, Kuroo has this uncanny ability to read her like a book, and a compulsive need to show her that he's got it, that he's got her, and that she doesn't need to worry about something as frivolous as planning if she doesn't want to.
Today might be a first, though.
There's a frown marring his lips as he watches her read over the same page of the menu thrice, a tired furrow to her brow. Her fingers tap a rhythm to the table he doesn't recognise, and there's this general air of enthusiasm that he clocked the moment he came home.
"Are you looking for something specific, because the wine selection can't be that detailed." She seems to startle at the comment, finally putting the menu down.
"It's nothing." She mumbles, shifting her gaze to him briefly, before it flickers back down to the tiny printed text.
Kuroo hums, not convinced. "You know," he starts, because if anything, Kuroo Tetsurou is a man of tact. "I said in my vows that I'd make you smile everyday, and so far I haven't been successful once today, so give it up. I know something's wrong."
"You're a sap." The comments earns her a chuckle and a squeeze of her hand across the table.
"Guilty." Kuroo shrugs. "Now give it up. Someone bothering you?"
There's an internal fight of sorts before his persistence finally sways her.
"Not someone, just...." She loosens out an exhale, seems to sink back into her seat, resigned. "The entire day, I guess. Meetings didn't go well, I barely made a deadline, and I had to chase a client down for hours." She wrinkles her nose in disgust. "I bounced from secretary to secretary until I snapped. I'm just exhausted I guess?"
"Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that." Kuroo nods wisely, grin widening at the glare she shoots him with. "We could've cancelled, you just had to say the word."
"I didn't want to." She admits, watching his fingers curl around hers, warm and steady. "I usually love our Fridays, I didn't want to miss one just because I wasn't feeling it."
Kuroo clicks his tongue and stands in one smooth motion.
She's known him forever, and the transition he made from lanky, awkward high school boy to this (mostly, he still has his moments) graceful, lean businessman still surprises her often.
A couple of bills are deposited on the table, before he pulls her up by the arm, weaving between tables and leading her straight towards the exit with a hand on the small of her back, her coat draped over his other arm.
"No point staying if you don't want to be here. I don't give a shit about where we are. We could be stuck in a ditch and I'd still love our Fridays." He leans down to smile at her. "We'll stay in, yeah? I'll even let you hog the TV with those trashy reruns of Love Island."
"Please, you like them more than I do!" The cold hits them as they step into the street, Kuroo immediately helps her into her coat, pulls it snug around her while they walk to the carpark.
"Do not! I'm way above that."
"Says the man who hides the remote so I can't change the channel."
"Hey now, the couch cushions run deep." Kuroo smiles victoriously at the giggle he earns, slows to a stop under a streetlight to take him looking down at her.
"There she is." He whispers, leans down to kiss the smile off her face, sweet and self-assured. "Had me worried for a second."
"I'm okay." She assures him, watches the slope of his shoulder's relax. "Thank you for this. For everything. For just...for being you." The words are soft, intimate, they prompt Kuroo to huff out a laugh and press his lips to the wedding ring on her finger, the one he remembers beings horribly anxious to buy a year ago.
"I think I'm the lucky one no matter which narrative you spin." That easy smile of his reminds her of how she fell in love. He was sweet, considerate, and the perfect amount of playful that spoke to her without being cruel or nasty.
"Debatable," She hums, watching the spark of a challenge gleam in his eyes as he holds open the car door for her.
"Oh, I'm making you take that back."
The rest of the car ride is playful bickering, pinches to thighs and hands intertwined over consoles, and by the time they're home, changed into pajamas and a boneless heap on the couch, there is not a remnant of tension in either's shoulders.
Just content. Pure, gilded, easy content.
Reblog, Like and Comment!
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shadesoflsk · 10 months
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ft. Leon Kennedy.
summary: just some headcanons about watching Leon age!
a/n: This came to me in a revelation. i just noticed that in some scenes, Leon's wrinkles would be even more noticeable. let it be his tough job or the fact that he's indeed "growing old", i wanted to write about Leon realizing the fact that time spares no one. Also, i had in mind re4 Leon turning into id leon ?? I know neither of them are really old, but yeah...
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Can you actually read what's written in there? It all started as simple jokes and innocent teasing. You would often poke fun at your boyfriend for the way he's squinting his eyes while reading. He's still very young – 27 years got nothing on him – yet you found it so endearing to observe him while he pouted. Getting mad as your teasing words started.
He can't, thank you very much. He needs glasses, even though he keeps on denying it. He first noticed his little problem when he was reading a document, too focused on the tiny letters to even acknowledge the real meaning behind those words. Is that an a or an e? Dear God, this can't be happening, he thought. The world wasn't prepared to see him wearing glasses. Nor was he prepared for your endless teasing if he admitted it.
Baby blue eyes, Leon S. Kennedy! Or at least that's what you used to call him in the past. As years went on, some pet names were long forgotten. He has grown more serious and more cold but not less romantic. Yet he wasn't his past self who would blush if you called him baby. He likes reminiscing about the past – how he had a bright future. He still has, right? It is not like life is over.
However, life seemed so ridiculous as you stated that there were some faint wrinkles on his forehead. His hand unconsciously reaching for the skin there, feeling some lines. He just needs to moisturize or buy some serum for his skin. Life as an agent was tough – this was just dry skin you don't understand. Too many excuses for a man who is so sure that those lines are just a product of his exhausting job.
Don't look so mad! you often told him when you found his eyebrows doing the exact same thing during and after a gruesome mission. Being lowered and pulled together. He always had a resting bitch face that didn't match his own personality. He would try and not furrow his eyebrows as soon as you told him that expression would cause even more wrinkles to form.
After a year or so, he reluctantly admitted that yes, those were wrinkles. But that's not something bad. In fact, it was more than okay to age. He once read in a magazine that wrinkles served as a map of every journey and challenge he had faced. No, it isn't sappy. You're just jealous that his faint wrinkles look better on him than you.
But even though you kept on joking, he was grateful for growing old with you. You met him when he was a bright and young cop. Full of life and love to give. Now, you were standing next to him. Kissing his forehead and whispering sweet nothings, you promised him that you would always love him, even though he could barely walk in the future and even though their romantic dates would consist of feeding some pigeons and fighting nurses because you guys don't want to take your meds.
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No Sugar Tonight 3
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
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Character: Brock Rumlow
Summary: A regular customer becomes more than just a familiar face.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your shifts are often tedious. Slow and dull. You like the night shift because it’s not as stressful. Or was.
That night you spend looking out the windows in expectation. For each customer that walks across the tiles with echoing footfalls, you wait in expectation. They come and get their treats and go. None of them are him. That stranger. The one who looms like a shadow in your mind as he had that day on the street.
Dayani is late. You give her the keys with a yawn. You get a day off and you’re more than eager for it. You’re relieved to leave shy of the dreaded encounter.
You head off through the front doors and turn down the street. The tree planted between the sidewalk blocks splits in too and as a figure emerges from the shade. Oh no.
You make to walk past the dark-haired man who prefers his coffee black. He simply turns and walks parallel to you.
You glance over at him warily. He doesn’t look back. He keeps walking, only reaching blindly to take your hand in his. You go rigid but don’t pull away. You’re jittering in terror.
“What are you--””
“You think anyone’s gonna mess with me?” He says flatly.
“No, sir, but--”
“Brock,” he says, then recites your name. “Now we know each other.”
Your mouth opens and closes. His hand is hot and a woodsy cologne wafts from his jacket. His skin is rough against yours. He squeezes as if he can sense your reticence.
“Brock,” you repeat. “Okay.”
“You got a day off.”
It’s a statement. It’s without a sliver of doubt. How does he know that?
“I told you, you’re easy to follow. You need to look around more.” He reprimands. “Too late to see me. I’m here.”
His tone is eerie. It makes your skin tingle. He drags you on but not towards your usual route. He also told you not to take the alleyways.
“Sir, er, Brock?” You murmur.
“Those muffins are too sugary. You need a full breakfast.” He insists.
“Right, that’s... okay. Erm...”
“It’s a nice place. You’ll like it,” he says bluntly.
You don’t know what to say, or do. You want to run away but can’t. His hand is a snare and you’re a helpless rabbit caught in it. You look down at his thick fingers. You don’t understand. He was always so silent. You were sure he hated you.
He takes you into a diner. You’ve never noticed it before. It’s quiet this early. He brings you to a booth and sits across from you. You fold your hands in your lap as you sit on the bench and wait. You could try then to escape but you wouldn’t want to make a scene.
“Coffee, black,” he orders as the waitress comes by. He looks at you for the first time and as you ask politely for a green tea, he doesn’t look away. His eyes bore into you. The waitress goes to get your drinks.
“Quit.” He says.
You frown, “huh? What am I doing?”
“Your job.”
“My job?” You utter.
“No need for it.” He says.
“Sir, Brock. I... I have to pay my rent.”
“No. You don’t.” He lifts his menu and drops his eyes to the laminated list. “You have to eat.”
You follow his lead, only to have something to do. You take the menu and read it. The waitress returns and puts down your drinks. He gets sausage, bacon, and eggs. You get a waffle. She goes and you’re alone again.
“Good.” He says.
Your confusion tautens in your cheeks. Good what?
“Call your boss.” He says, “then we can enjoy our meal.”
“I really can't afford to quit–”
“I didn't ask. In fact, I didn't ask a single question. I'm telling you.” He sneers.
Your heart flips and you bit your lip.
“I'm more than happy to tell him myself. He pays you shit. I'll take care of you.”
“I don't… what do you want from me?” You croak.
He snickers, the most humour you've seen in him. He reaches for his cup and drink. He grimaces at the taste. “That's dog shit.”
You sigh impatiently. You're getting frustrated by his terse way. Somehow he is straight to the point but you're completely missing it.
“You. Just you. That's what I want.” He sits back and pushes his shoulders wide.
He stares at you and nods.
“Are you asking me out?” You wonder.
“I don't ask,” he jabs his finger into the table with each word.
“I… I don't know you, I–”
“You're too old for roommates. The place is shit anyway. Those old wires will start a fire and the sprinkled are rusted.” He overrides you. Again.
“No,” he echoes with a snort. “Again, no question marks here.”
“You can't do this.”
“Can't do what? It's done.”
“Give me your phone,” he demands.
“No, you can't–”
“Give me the damn phone. Now. Or I'll burn down that box you call a home myself.” His eyes are black pools that threaten to drown you.
You reach into your purse and take out your phone. He snatches it before you can react. His thumb taps and drags quickly across the screen. He puts it to his esr as the waitress returns with your food.
You thank her quietly as he ignores her.
“Yeah, I'm calling on her behalf. She quits.” He doesn't wait for a response. He hangs up and dials again. “She's tendering notice. Moving out. Fill the lease.”
In a few fell swoops, he's cut every string holding your life up. It all comes crashing as he hands the phone back and turns his attention to his food. You're not very hungry. A glance from him changes that. You lfit your fork to ease the edge in his jaw.
“Good girl,” he says as he cuts into the sausage.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 8 months
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Request from @lives-in-midgard: Bucky and reader just watched a movie and then cuddled up to sleep. After a few minutes a thunderstorm begins and reader can feel that Bucky holds her more tighter because the thunder and the lightning triggers something in him. Reader comforts Bucky and then has the idea to build a blanket fort with Bucky.
Word Count: 1,872
Warnings: Thunderstorms, Bucky's mental health
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Sometimes you enjoyed a good session of Netflix and chill with Bucky but more often than not you'd end up with Hulu and hang, especially when he came home worn out from his day job of being a hero. Tonight was one of those nights. Bucky had come home completely and utterly shattered. You had been worried that he wouldn't make it home before the forecasted storm that was supposed to be rolling in. But he had come home safe and sound, if not a little worse for wear.
“Hey Buck,” you greeted him at the door with a soft tone and small peck on the cheek. 
He responded with a deep sigh, shrugging off his jacket and toeing off his dirty boots. Normally you'd chastise him for getting mud on the floor, but something told you to hold your tongue.
But it was as though he could read your mind. Bucky looked down at the mud on the floor and sighed. “I'm sorry, I'll clean it up.”
“Don't worry, baby. I'll sort it out later.”
“It's not fair on you.”
He picked up his boots and deposited them outside the front door. Bucky shut the door behind him turning back to you. He looked so lost and exhausted. You wondered what on Earth had happened to him during his last mission. As tempting it was to probe further, you sensed that it might not be the right time. Instead you opted for another question.
“What do you need?”
“I don't know,” he answered miserably.
“How does a shower sound? And I'll order your favorite take out and we can have a TV dinner. Okay?”
Bucky nodded mutely, trudging off to the bathroom. You sighed and picked up your phone to place your order. The food should arrive quickly, but you felt guilty for dragging the poor delivery man out in such terrible weather but your boyfriend needed pampering.
You answered the door to a pimply teenager who you tipped heavily for his troubles. It took you a moment to notice why he hadn't moved from his position of accepting your tip. Bucky had emerged dripping wet with a low hung towel draped over his waist. He was the epitome of a Greek God, water droplets tracing the outlines of his clearly defined abs.
“Get going, kid. Don't want to get caught in the storm.” You ushered the teen out of your doorway before closing the door behind him. You turned to Bucky with a grin. “Dressing to impress, are we?”
He blushed slightly. “Sorry. I was just looking for that towel.”
Immediately you realized that he was after the large fluffy white towel you had bought him a few months ago. It had been a self care gift. You had advised him that he needed to take care of himself better, that he deserved to have comfort. He had pretended to scorn the gift, but when your back was turned, you saw him rubbing his fingers between the soft fibers. It warmed your heart to know that he had heeded your words.
“Yeah, here it is.”
You fetched the requested item from the linen closet where you had put it after its last wash. He took the towel in his vibranium hand, his flesh one wrapped around your outstretched one, not letting you go.
You looked up into his eyes, searchingly. “Everything okay?”
“Only when you're here.”
He smiled, retreating to the bedroom to dry off and get dressed. You couldn't help but smile back at him, giving his ass a little pat as he left. Bucky returned promptly as you finished dishing out all the food onto one plate. He was definitely hungry, his insatiable supersoldier diet meant he always had room for a meal. Usually his mood was the only thing that would suppress his appetite, so it was a good sign to see him licking his lips with anticipation.
“Just one plate?” he frowned. “Is it all for you or me?”
“I thought we could share. Did you know that in Ethiopian culture, eating from the same plate is a symbol of love?”
“But you ordered Korean food,” Bucky replied, frowning in confusion. 
“You speak like six different languages and you’re so smart, but sometimes Bucky, you can be really dense.”
Bucky smirked at your teasing. He grabbed the plate from your hands and headed to the couch, beckoning for you to follow. He pulled the coffee table up to the couch and sat down on the floor leaning against it. You joined him in time to hear him heave a sigh of relief.
“Feel good to get off your feet?” you asked.
“You have no idea, Doll,” Bucky sighed.
“Did something happen out here?” you asked tentatively, helping yourself to a gimbap of the plate.
Bucky grabbed his chopsticks and stuffed a piece of sweet and sour chicken into his mouth as a way to avoid answering your question. You sighed, rubbing his thigh as an apology for your intrusion. He was definitely not in the mood to talk and you were happy to eat and watch your movie in silence.
Once you had both finished your food, you paused the movie to grab a few cushions and pushed the coffee table away to make room. You and Bucky made yourselves comfortable on the floor under a large blanket, turning down the lights and restarting the movie. You felt relaxed in his arms, in the dimmed light with the sound of rain pattering against the window.
The raindrops turned from the gentle tapping into a hammering against the glass panes of the apartment. It was accompanied by a duo of distant rumbling and bright flashes. The wind howled through the rickety apartment and you snuggled deeper under the blanket and against Bucky's side.
It was only when Bucky's fingers dug into your side sharply did you notice how tight his grip on your waist had become. This was what prompted you to cast your senses out and you noticed how rigid your boyfriend had become. His body was stiff and his breath was shallow and faster than normal. Your head was resting against his chest and you heard his heart pounding. This demeanor could almost have been mistaken for arousal, but you knew your boyfriend well enough to know when he was being triggered.
The trauma Bucky had suffered was unimaginable. He rarely spoke about his time at HYDRA, and what he did tell you was evasive at best. There would be times where he would stare off into space with a haunted look or wake up drenched in sweat after a nightmare. When you had first met, he had been reluctant to sleep over and you had felt anxious about his dedication to your relationship. But he had been surprisingly forthcoming when you'd expressed your concerns. Since then, you'd progressed in your commitment to each other and now you were a great source of comfort to him and sleeping beside you had significantly reduced the incidence of his bad dreams. And here he was again, showing all the signs of being lost in a haze of his past.
“Buck?” you whispered. “Bucky?”
He was mumbling repeatedly under his breath. “I'm not the Winter Soldier. I'm James Bucky Barnes.”
It broke your heart to hear the desperation in his voice. You had missed it at first because his voice was so soft and went unnoticed, masked by the sound of the television.
“That's right, baby. You're James Bucky Barnes, my handsome sweet boyfriend. You're kind, smart and brave. I'm so proud of how you fight every single day. How much good you do. That's the man I fell in love with. That's my Bucky.”
Bucky turned to you, not once releasing his grip on you. “I had a bad day,” he sighed.
“I know, baby.”
“I don't want to talk about it.”
“That's alright. You don't have to. But I'm here for you if you do. You know that, right?”
“I appreciate that. But I don't want you to see that part of me.”
His words made you feel a little disappointed. Of course it was his choice, but you wanted him to let you in.
“I love every part of you, Buck.”
“I don't know that I deserve that.”
“Well I'm here to tell you that you do, everyday until you believe it. Now, how can I help you now?”
“I should have listened to you and put up curtains. The lightning, it's-” Bucky didn't know how to put into words the source of his distress.
You bit your lip, pondering the problem for a moment. “Oh! I have an idea! Be back in a minute, need to grab a few things. Is that okay?” You checked if he didn't mind you leaving his side for a bit.
Bucky nodded and you jumped up and into his bedroom. You had insisted he bought a bed and with it came pillows, pillow cases and bedsheets. You ran into his room to grab the biggest one you could find.
"Got it!”
You proceeded to pull the chairs from the dining room table and place them parallel to the couch, facing outwards. You shook out the sheet and in one swift motion draped it across the backs of all the chairs, effectively creating a blanket fort. You dropped a few of the decorative ornaments that you had bought Bucky onto the chair, weighing the sheets down to keep tension in the roof. Last of all, you grabbed the little galaxy projector and flicked it on. 
The bedsheet was thick enough to block out the light coming from the windows. And the cave you'd created emanated a soft purple glow that Bucky found soothing.
He put his arm back around you as you dropped to the floor and crawled against his side.
“Want to carry on with the movie? Or I can put some music on? Or anything else you want.”
“Umm,” Bucky took a minute to think what he wanted.
You waited patiently for him to process his thoughts. Bucky struggled to give an immediate answer when he was exhausted and often got frustrated if people rushed him. You tried hard to respect his needs.
“You know that soundtrack you were listening to last week?”
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. You listened to a lot of music.
“The music from that show you like… the one with the Duke.”
“Wait, are you talking about Bridgerton?” A grin spread across your face, impressed that Bucky had noticed.
“Yeah, that one,” Bucky mumbled.
“Sure,” you answered, smiling and pulling out your phone and opening your Spotify app. You typed out Bucky's choice in the search box and hit play. “Happy?”
“Ecstatic.” Bucky answered, sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
You laid your head on the pillow beside his, looking up at the lights in the sheeted ceiling you'd created. The storm outside couldn't penetrate the haven you'd made. Bucky took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the storm that raged inside him. Your arm around his waist and your hand on his heart helped tame the tempestuous beast that gnawed upon his soul.
“Thank you,” he whispered in your ear. 
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staytinyville · 1 year
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Stay Alive (9)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability)
A/N JUNGKOOK'S SONG!! I am updating today because for heck if it didn't make me motivated. Please read A/N at the bottom of the page in order to speak more on the subject. All my thoughts and thirsts shall be there.
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You tried your best to keep a positive look on your face, but it was clear how exhausted you were with the dark circles under your eyes. You had been shuffling your feet along the hallway you had been down so many times that it was muscle memory to stop at a specific door. However before you reached the ones you needed to get to, someone had stopped you.
“Hello, (Y/N).” Hoseok’s bright smile woke you up just a bit. 
“Hi, Hobi.” You gave him a sleepy giggle, bounding closer to the boy.
“Is everything okay?” He frowned as he took in your state, eyes scanning over your look.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “I just haven't been sleeping fine these past few days. I've been having these bad headaches.”
Hobi hummed, nodding his head as he thought about something. “Would you like something for them?” He asked you, gesturing to his room. “I can help you.”
You glanced at his door, pursing your lips. “I don't want to intrude.”
“Don't worry.” He brightly waved you off. “Come in. Don't mind Yoongi.” He dragged you into his room, lightly pushing you inside. 
Just like Hoseok had said, Yoongi had been laying on his bed with his arms behind his head. “Hi, Yoongi.” You smiled softly.
The boy only blinked slowly at you, humming in a greeting.
“Now let's see.” Hobi skipped over to his desk, pulling out some boxes and going through the contents. You walked closer, wanting to take a look at what he had. 
“Here you go.” He exclaimed, holding up a bag of herbs. “This tea should be helpful.”
You hesitantly reached out to grab it, eyes looking over the dried plants inside. They looked like herbs picked directly from the plant rather than the ones you’d find in a tea bag from the store. These were herbal teas in their raw form. 
“You get tea here?” You questioned, looking up at him.
“They have me do a lot of things here.” Hobi sighed. “Most of which works with herbs and such. I have a garden in the greenhouse.” He explained to you.
“That sounds wonderful.” You smiled, thinking about the kind of flowers the man might have there. 
“For someone like him.” Yoongi snorted from the bed. Hobi frowned at his friend, rolling his eyes. 
You tried to give them a light laugh but you felt a sudden pressure in your head that made you wince. Hobi immediately picked up on it and turned to you. “You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “Just the headache again.”
“If it helps, I know a bit of hypnosis.” Hobi explained. “Maybe I can help you out a bit.”
You looked at him oddly. Hypnosis was for those trying to get something out of the other person. Well from what you could gather with how magicians used the tool. “How will hypnosis help?” You asked.
“It will put you to sleep. You will get undisturbed rest.” Hobi told you.
You sighed deeply, contemplating his offer. However you realized you were at work and sleeping on the job was not at all an option. “As much as I want to, I have things to do-” You  tried to tell Hobi.
“Don't worry.” Hobi waved you off. He dragged you to the bed, giving Yoongi a pointed look to get off. “They won't notice.” Hobi grinned. 
“It's not like any of the notes you write down are different day to day. We are still the same as we were yesterday.” Yoongi mumbled to himself, getting off to give you room. 
“How 'bout it?” Hobi smiled at you.
You took a seat on the bed, shoulders dropping as you thought it over. It had been a couple of days since you had a good night’s sleep. You had yet to notice it affecting your work life, but you do notice how often the headaches come back. You would get a migraine at night and not be able to sleep, thus creating headaches throughout the day due to lack of sleep. 
“Well alright.” You sighed, looking at Hobi.
The man gave you a kind smile as he lightly pushed you back to lie down. You hummed to yourself as you realized how comfortable the bed actually was. It was like any other mattress, you had figured it was more of a hospital bed but you realized since they were actually living in the facility they would get comfortable furniture. 
Hobi waited for you to settle in, before moving his hands around for a moment. “I promise nothing will happen.” He spoke to you. 
Your eyes glanced up at him, causing him to pause just a bit. You looked at him with such hopeful eyes that it made him worry about what he was doing. You were trusting him and he was invading your space without your consent. 
He knew how important those kinds of things were in his way of life but he had people to protect. As much as he knew he was going to have to pray the universe wouldn’t be mad at him, he had to find what it was blocking your memories from him. 
He waved his hand over your eyes again, a purple mist flowing around his hand. Your eyes didn’t get the chance to grow wide from the swirl of color because you were suddenly brought into a deep sleep. Whatever it was that came from Hobi’s hand’s was now lost in your mind. 
“You sure about this?” Yoongi questioned as he watched your sleeping figure from the otherside of the bed. 
“There's something blocking her childhood memories for some reason.” He explained. “I can't find them.”
Yoongi frowned as he took in his friend's words. As they settled in, he came to the realization that he had been invading your privacy. “Are you the one who's been giving her the headaches?” He crossed his arms, frowning.
“I didn't realize how blocked they were.” Hobi shook his head. “Maybe I'll find something with her actually under my spell.”
Hobi began to waved his hands around your head again, the purple mist growing more as his energy seemed to dispel around him. Yoongi watched as his friend’s magic consumed his body, intertwining with your body as it seeped into your mind. 
He had always loved watching Hobi work with his magic. The tricks and spells Hobi would use seemed to memorize everyone who watched. However Yoongi had never seen him use his magic on someone who didn’t know about it. He knew the repercussions Hobi would get for using magic on someone against their will and it left him worried for the boy’s safety. 
“Hobi, don't go probing where you shouldn't.” Yoongi spoke up.
The normally happy boy looked confused for a moment, his eyes squinting down at your body. As his magic connected itself with your mind, he realized how easy it really was to look into your life. However, there was just one small section that didn’t seem to allow him entrance to.
“I don't think it's that.” Hobi said.
He watched the scene in your head play around for a moment. He was in the middle of some forest, following behind a little girl who was skipping along. He realized it was you when you would turn to look around the place with curious eyes. 
You were a little girl, no older than 10 by the looks of it. Hobi smiled softly as he noticed you still had your sense of kindness even if you were a child. You would look at everything with care and softly touch the nature around you. You had always had your heart on your sleeve, Hobi could tell. 
However he found it odd that you kept talking to yourself over your shoulder. Like there was someone walking along with you. He couldn’t find whoever it was you were speaking to, but Hobi noticed there seemed to be the figure of a ghost around. They were the same height as you, and looked to have the same figure as well. Hobi realized it was meant to be another little girl. 
You kept talking aimlessly with someone who wasn’t really there, conversing like they were replying. You two seemed to walk further into the forest, looking over things here and there. Hobi glanced around, frowning as his surroundings suddenly started to look familiar to him. 
Before he realized it, your memory continued on, the man almost losing sight of you. He rushed towards where you had gone, coming up to a clearing in the trees. The mountains were looming over him as the beginning of one opened up to create a cave within its body. Hobi now knew he had been there before—so long ago.
You and the ghostly looking silhouette walked into the cave, giggling as a light within seemed to shine brighter the closer you all got. Hobi’s eyes went wide as he ran in to chase after you. He stopped in his tracks as a crystal clear pond laid out before him, the water mirroring everything around it. 
As he watched you reach down into the water, something electrocuted his entire body causing him to scream. He fell back onto the ground, hands seizing up. His eyes went wide as your smaller self turned around and caught his stare. 
“Hobi?” Little you questioned. 
You woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up quickly and looking around in a panic. The boys were quick to snap their heads towards you. 
“Hey.” Hoseok quickly stood from the chair across the room, rushing towards you. “You okay, Darling?” He asked, running his hands through your hair.
You moved to grab onto his hand, furrowing your eyebrows as your mind seemed to catch up that he had been in your dreams for some reason. “What happened?” You asked, lowing his hand into your lap.
“Nothing from what we could see.” Hoseok shrugged, looking as though he actually spent the whole time watching you sleep rather than probing your mind. 
“You were sleeping just fine but then started to mumble about someone named Nabi.” Yoongi called out. 
Both you and Hoseok turned to the man, frowning at the revelation. You because you actually had no clue who on earth that was and Hobi because he hadn’t heard you say that name while he was inside your head. 
“Nabi?” You questioned.
“Do you not know that name?” Yoongi asked.
“No?” You shook your head, trying to come up with an answer. You would understand why you would say Hobi’s name, but as far as you knew, you didn’t know anyone with the name Nabi. 
“Hey, don't worry about it.” Hoseok took you out of your head. “You'll just give yourself a worse migraine.” He gave you a small smile afterwards. “You should go check on Joonie and Kook. Maybe it'll help.”
You moved to get up from the bed, stretching your shoulders. “Yeah. I guess.” As you came to a stand you noticed the headache was gone and you did feel a bit more refreshed. “Thanks, Hobi. I do feel refreshed.”
Hobi’s eyes softened as they took in the look in your eyes. It made him feel bad just a bit but there was something keeping you from knowing everything. Even he knew it was a terrible thing to be kept from all your memories. Maybe he was selfish for wanting to look into it for himself but now he knew that someone must have messed with your mind.
“Of course.” Hobi smiled at you. “Have a good day!” He called as you waved at him. 
Once the door shut, Yoongi walked up to Hobi and crossed his arms. “So?” He asked.
“She's been to Yuri lake.” Hobi’s lips pulled down as he frowned, thinking to himself. 
Yoongi’s eyes went wide, dropping his arms to his sides. “You sure?”
“There's something keeping me from looking into it but she's been to the lake as a child.” He hummed, turning to his desk to look over somethings in his grimoire. “With someone else.” He added. 
That someone else must have been the Nabi person you called for in your sleep. While Hobi didn’t get the chance to hear you, Yoongi saw and heard everything you did outside of your mind. “You think she knows?” The pale boy asked. 
“I don’t think so.”
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Series Masterlist
When I say this man--is scrump-delicious. When I say this man is SO fine. Jungkook wasn't in this chapter but I couldn't wait to speak with you guys about his song.
Jungkook is for sure one of the boys who I can just look at one day and claim him as my bias. AND HIS MUSIC! This man knows what he is doing. He knows what we say. He knows what we edit. I'm positive he got a tumblr man. I would not be surprised. He knows the metaphor behind all that water he has in both of his music videos.
Aside from him obviously catering to the masses though; Jungkook's music calls to me a lot like how Yoongi's does. I listen to all of them but I know I have a certain taste when it comes to it. I have a good amount of songs that make me want to dance but Jungkook's songs make me want to dance with other people. (Even if I can't) The songs make me actually want to be social and confident in myself. At that point it's not even about the fact that Jungkook sings it but I really like the lyrics even if it's meant for men lmao. It makes me feel great that there are people out there who find you attractive and can have that much passion.
Please share your own thoughts about it. I want to hear all about it!
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sleepykye · 1 year
Muichiro x wife reader
I understand that Muichiro is young but come on who doesn’t want to be his wife or girlfriend
Like just imagine that Muichiro and the reader are childhood best friends then they fell in love and the reader asked Muichiro twin if it’s okay to one day marry Muichiro he said yes before the Damon attacked them they had a mini wedding 😭
Fast forward after the attack
They agreed to keep their marriage secret until one day the reader’s village is attack and she is the only survivor of the massacre. Muichiro and her kept in touch (so she knows that Muichiro is a hashira and his memory problem but he still’s remembers reader as his wife) so she shows up during a hashira meeting ( talking about the massacred village and Muichiro knows that’s the village that his wife was living in and is worried that she might have gotten killed because Ubuyashiki said there were no survivors in the village) bloody and exhausted from traveling. So when reader shows up she passes out and informs Shinobu about the lady that passed out Shinobu asked to show them what she looks like but when they show her what they look like they saw reader and then Muichiro said “that’s my wife” and everyone is just shocked
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Omg yes ! I love your idea !! It's so cuteee ~~ lets all just pretend he is old enough to get married. I mean like I agree, who wouldn't want to be his girlfriend or wife anyway. 🥰
Accidental revealation
Muichiro x wife reader
ANYWAYS, I'm sure you know what the story is about from reading what my dear reader had asked me ~
Also, please pretend yuichiro is alive in this fanfic
You would always drag yuichiro along to play with the both of you, muichiro always had to touch you somehow, be it holding your hand, tugging through hem of your shirt, or even hugging you.
You didn't mind how close he was. You actually enjoyed his physical contacts and how clingy he was to you. Yuichiro found himself wanting to tease the both of you for all the physical contacts and how close the both of you always were to each other. Ever since the parents of the trio of you died, you've lived together with muichiro and yuichiro since then. Yuichiro has changed while muichiro tried to remain positive towards him. When lady amane came to see the twins, you overheard them saying something about slaying demons, the same kind that killed the parents of the trio of you. And that both the twins were from a family that were from the sengoku era.
They accepted the offer as they had nothing left to do at all. You watched as muichiro and yuichiro trained all day, not once even resting. They would sometimes skip meals just to train. You always had to force them to eat because of that.
The both of them eventually became a hashira. You were happy for them, and they would often visit the village you live in to give you gifts or small trinkets. You were actually surprised when muichiro bought you to a place under the trees and watched the moon from below. You were fascinated by the sight of how big the moon is.
Until muichiro said to you " the moon is beautiful...isn't it ? " then were you shocked. You knew that both you and muichiro knew the meaning behind it. So you didn't really expect him to say it to you. Muichiro then averted his gaze away from yours as his cheeks blushed a bright red.
For those of you who don't know, the phrase " the moon is beautiful, isn't it ? " is actually a way of saying I like you or I love you in Japanese. 💙
The both you of fell more in love with each other and started dating soon after. Muichiro would always bring yuichiro along to give you small trinkets or ornaments as a little gift. You would always give him a kiss on the cheek after. Soon, yuichiro bought up the idea of marriage as he knew that the duo ( you and muichiro ) would never cheat on each other.
Both you and muichiro held a small wedding as to respect yuichiro's wishes and only invited yuichiro. After the wedding, the trio of you promised to keep the wedding a secret. Not wanting to reveal that you and muichiro are married together.
Fast forward.
The village you were living in was attacked by a horde of demons. You managed to escape as your senses had told you to, you were injured but managed to make it near the ubuyashiki mansion.
The village you lived in was close to the ubuyashiki mansion okay 😭
Muichiro wad devasted as he heard about the news of the befall of the village you lived in and that there were no survivors. Yuichiro tried to calm his brother down but his own tears even started to flow out of his eyes.
Ubuyashiki could only look at the two children there crying helplessly as he sighed because he knew he couldn't do anything to bring the dead back alive. It was then when someone found your unconscious body outside of the mansion and had informed shinobu of it.
Shinobu told her to take the body inside and after they did, muichiro gasped as he stated to everyone " that's my wife. " Everyone was in shock that muichiro was married and that you were alive. Yuichiro face palmed and whispered to him that he was told to keep it a secret.
Muichiro gasped as he forgot about it. But what's done cannot be undone. You were treated immediately at the butterfly mansion and when you woke up, you noticed muichiro and yuichiro looking down at you worriedly. Muichiro then kissed you as he couldn't bear it any longer. You knew that you had made them worried about you and how worried muichiro was at the intense of his kiss.
You could only kiss back and pat his head. Signalling that you are alright and is in good hands.
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Thank you baby, sorry for messing up that post the first time, I might be stupid, so your ask is a touch cut off on both sides
Anyway, back to the show
And I decided that this takes place in 1985 even though we don't have a set year so I could reference '84 movies. Do y'all even know what a VCR is? Is that gonna confuse y'all? I had blues clues on a bright orange VHS as a kid and I miss it every day.
Morgie le Fay x Reader
Pronouns used: they/them/theirs
Summary: Morgie could think of about 100 things he’d rather do that coparent a dragon with Merlin Academy’s sweetheart
Warnings: Morgie is a little OOC due to being in a bad mood (and hating dragons), Swearing, reader is implied to be shorter than Morgie (idk how tall Peder is and don't really care so sorry if I made y'all reallll short with that), this reads pretty platonic so sorry if that's not what you wanted, Reader calls Morgie "Daddio" but i assure you it's not how you think
Word Count: 3.5K
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   There was no class that the sorcerer hated more than “Care of Magical Creatures”. The only magical creature he had any interest in was himself, he was a lovely magical creature, a shape shifter. He knows how to care for himself, what other magical creatures could he have to learn to care about? But this? This just made the class even worse. Of course, Merlin would clock him on how often he was skipping the day that Dragon Parenting week started. Maybe graduating wasn’t worth it, he could fail his senior year, he’d be okay with that. If it meant he didn’t have to pretend to care about a dreadfully scaled little creature, he could fail. He’ll graduate next year, that’s fine by him. Who cares what his dreadfully evil mother would say about him failing? He does, he cares about it. Guess Morgie is stuck here.
   Madam Harleen is wandering around her classroom, a bright pink clipboard in her hands as she does. “Now, one big part of this project is making sure that you have a randomly assigned partner. I took the liberty of using a RNG to make sure that each of you were fairly assigned to your co-parent for the week.” His eyes roll back into his head, of course she would. As long as he didn’t get Bridget Hearts or either of her exhausting little friends, Morgie could care less. The last thing he needed was to deal with Uliana complaining about him hanging around one of them while he was caught up with handling a creature so absolutely dreadful. Maybe they could find a cool one, if they went first they could. Morgie had peaked into the box of dragon hatchlings as he passed Madam Harleen’s desk, there were some pretty cool looking ones. As long as he didn’t get stuck with the scrawny little purple and orange hatchling he would be okay.
   “Mr. le Fay and Mx. (L/n),” Madam Harleen is obviously proud of the duo as she says it, looking between the two teens. Of course, who else would Morgie be paired with except for sunshine itself? (Y/n) (L/n) with their sweetheart personality and gentle hands and adoring smiles. The only royal in this entire school who was somehow nicer than Bridget. Today was on its way to ending him. Or at least his reputation, he may as well just go ahead and ask Hades to send him to the underworld. There was no way that Uliana would ever let him hear the end of this, if he could even get through it. Yet here they come, with that stupid bouncy walk and the gentle smile as they make their way to his side. Falling beside him with one of those big sugar sweet smiles. “So,” they reach out a hand for him to shake, “Are you so entirely excited for this project like I am? Because I love dragons, they’re the absolute cutest.” As they realize he isn’t going to shake their hand they draw it back, letting it fall weakly at their side. “Not really.” A frown meets their lips momentarily before something seems to flicker through their eyes. Frown quickly replaced by another excited smile, “Well, if you don’t like dragons, does that mean I can pick our hatchling? There was one I absolutely had my eyes on when we walked in.” 
   Hazel eyes roll in their sockets, a hand waving the excitable royal off, “Yeah, sure , whatever you want. Just don’t make me get up.” What Morgie is pretty sure is a squeal slips from their lips, (Y/n) bouncing out of their seat and over to the box up front, leaning over it with this big sweet smile. It could almost be admirable, something that Morgie would never admit out loud. The person who swallowed the sun in real life. An actual picture of the love of life, painted out right before you. There was something about them that was almost beautiful, or at least they could be. Maybe, if they weren’t coming back to him with the scrawniest little purple and orange hatchling cuddling against their chest. Its head against their chest as if it was listening to their heartbeat. Maybe it was, Morgie was almost sure that their heartbeat had to somehow be prettier or sweeter than other people’s. His sounded different, surely there were other people who had different heartbeats too. Perhaps that was just due to him being a shapeshifter? 
   “Okay this little tag on his collar says he’s a boy, isn’t that fun?” Morgie looks the dragon up and down, nose scrunching with distaste. “Honestly I always saw myself as more of a girl dad.” His comment earns him an eye roll and a giggle, “You know, Morgie, you’re really taking all of the fun out of this.” Now he’s the one laughing, glancing between the royal and the dragon. It hisses at him, a minor puff of fire coming with the sound which makes the boy jump, laughter dying for a look of shock. “There was never any fun in all of this. And that thing hates me.” “He’s not a thing, he’s our son, at least for a week.” The comment makes the boy look even more disgusted, staring at them as if looking for the second head they seemed to be growing. “He’s a pet at best, we do not have a child together. We will never have a child together. Don’t word it like that.” 
   He’d been away from (Y/n) and that dreadful little creature for a few hours now. If Morgie was lucky, they would recognize he was ignoring them and just take all the work, that was his hope at least. But of course, since Merlin and maybe even the gods above hate him, sunshine incarnate found him while he was sitting with his friends. Calling his name like a song as they come up behind him, that awful little dragon curled up against their chest. He pinches his eyes closed, head falling back with a groan as they approach, that perfect little smile on their face. “Okay, so I had him in all of my classes today and I already went and bought dragon food and things of the like since you were nowhere to be found. So I think it’s more than fair for you to take Viper for the first night, and I’ll come get him when your classes are over tomorrow for my night with him.” 
   Morgie doesn’t mean to let his jaw fall the way it does, his intention wasn’t the way his brows raise. But no one spoke to his friends like that, outside of them- they could actually be impossibly bossy with each other. “Yeah, no thanks,” he attempts to turn back to the poker game before them when he feels a hand snag his shoulder, forcing him to stay facing them. Okay, maybe sunshine was more of a rainbow. There was definitely some rain hidden behind them. “No. You aren’t scary enough to trick me into doing all your work for you. You get Viper tonight, I am not doing everything for you. I might be friends with her, but I am not Bridget. No one is pushing me around.” Maybe rain wasn’t the right word, fire. This was fire, and Morgie might be able to get something out of fire. 
   “Viper? I don’t remember agreeing to that.” There’s this odd look of satisfaction on their face as (Y/n) drops the dreadful collection of purple scales into his lap. “I thought you would like it, serpent boy. You’re both snake themed.” Of course they thought like that, why would he ever think otherwise. “Have fun with our kid, Daddio, I’ll collect him tomorrow! He better be alive and well,” Something about their voice is almost mocking, it draws a smirk to the boy’s face. Maybe Merlin Academy’s sweetheart had some tricks up their sleeve. Less of an angel than people thought, huh? He looks down to the dragon, the thing glaring up at him from its perch on his lap. “Well, I bet they’d be mad if I released you, wouldn’t they?” His hand reaches towards it and the dragon snaps its jaws, Morgie quickly recoiling. Wonderful, it hates him. 
   The last three days have been torture for Morgie le Fay, and not in the fun masochist way. (Y/n) (L/n) was exhausting, nothing he did was right. Of course, to be fair, nothing that he tried to do was correct. He knew that. Morgie had no interest in parenting a scaled flame thrower. He hated that thing, and Viper hated him right back. If it bit him one more time he was positive he would lose a hand. Morgie was good with animals, of the normal variety. The type of animals he could shift into were wonderful. But the only villain that the dreadful thing liked was Maleficent, the girl holding it more often than not when they were all together. Morgie likes to believe it was because she could turn into one of the dreadful things, and honestly he was starting to see her as less likable because of it. 
  But, he didn’t have to see it today. Tonight was (Y/n)’s night with it, he was free for just one night. No fights in the morning, no loss of sleep due to an overgrown lizard hoping on his feet and biting them.  At least, he was supposed to be free. So why was sunshine standing in his doorway, holding the creature he oh so dearly despised? Morgie drags a hand down his face, letting out a groan. “Why are you here, (Y/n)?” The perky smile they give him would be comforting if he wasn’t positive that they were planning something. “Well, Morgie, I think we got off on the wrong foot, all three of us,” they force their way into the dorm as they speak, that smile never faltering. “You, me, and the overgrown lizard?” “Baby dragon.” “Whatever,” he sighs, leaning against his door as he takes in the sight. They stand in his dorm like they’re meant to be there, smile ever so warm and bright.  Sunshine in the dark, villainous room. It was nauseating. 
    “So anyway, I thought that maybe the three of us should try bonding. I can’t tell for sure but I think that Viper agrees with me. So I am going to leave him here, and then I’ll be back with stuff for the three of us to have a movie night.” “Absolutely not,” Morgie scoffs, staring at them as if they had gone and lost their mind. “No, it’ll be fun Morgie. Plus everyone knows that you and Hook have a VCR hidden in here and I just bought ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ on VHS.” He stares at them, waiting patiently for them to do something that lets him call their bluff. But they’re smiling, toying with their fingers as the dragon sits beside them, pawing at their leg. “You have Elm Street on VHS? You like horror movies?” They nod, an eager and fast motion that he was sure made them dizzy. “Yeah, who doesn’t? I also have jiffy pop and cold cokes. If you’re down that is,” there’s this longing hope in their eyes that seems to make his stomach churn. “You, little sunshine and rainbows. Mx. Giggles and cupcakes and tutoring, like horror? Like genuinely like horror movies?” “Is that so hard to believe?” It was. They were the picture of perfect and proper. Shouldn’t they be all over “Sixteen Candles” and “Footloose”? This would let him call their bluff, surely they were just trying to look good in front of a villain. 
   “Alright, go get it then.” A squeal comes out of their lips, the royal literally bouncing on their toes as they clap in excitement. “Perfect, you watch Viper and I will be right back!” They’re running out of the door before the boy can argue, typical. The little dragon jumping from where he was in the center of the room to the door, clawing at it with little barks and whines as if it was a puppy. He was kind of cute like that, not in the way an actual puppy would be, but still kinda cute. He’d actually gotten a little bit bigger since the two of them took him in, all (Y/n)’s doing Morgie was sure. They had been the one to pick out the food, and seemingly the only one who could get the thing to do any tricks. It could care less about listening to Morgie. The sorcerer was beginning to wonder if this was how Maleficent’s mother felt, having a little dragon refuse to listen because it hates you. That would be something. 
   “Get off the door,” the boy groans, throwing himself on his bed. It doesn’t seem to care what he said. “Dragon, stop,” he groans, shaking his head as it seems to get more aggressive. “Dragon! Stop scratching the door!” Though he can’t see it, Morgie can feel the way that his eyes flash into snake eyes, something that only seemed to be involuntary when he was angered. Why did that stupid lizard need his project partner so badly? What made it hate him from the second they met? This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. He was a sorcerer of dark magic, a shapeshifter, that stupid animal should like him more than Mx. Sunshine and lollipops. What is this thing’s problem? 
   When the door’s catch clicks, Morgie lets out a soft sigh, thankful that (Y/n) was back to make the creature stop. “What the fuck?” Hook hollers, jumping back as the dragon hatchling shoots past him, somewhere between running and flying as it tries to get away from them. “Mate, your awful little pet got out,” he snaps, making a b-line for his bed as he strips from his jacket. He hated that thing. Morgie was absolutely positive that he hated that thing, so why is his stomach dropping to his feet? In a flash, Morgie had clambered to his feet, dashing to the door and snatching it back open. 
    (Y/n) wasn’t expecting Morgie to snatch the door open in their face, his own a mix of terror and shame. “Morgie, what in the world-” They don’t get to finish before he snatches the VHS and snacks from their hands dropping them on the table the boys kept by the door before pushing past them. “The dragon wouldn’t stop trying to get to you and then Hook opened the door and the little thing got out.” “You let him get out?” They could feel fear running through their chest as they realized their new companion, their biggest grade of the semester, was godmother knows where. This was bad, this was insanely fucking bad. “Hook let him out, not me!” “This is so fucking bad,” they nearly whimper, staring down the hall the opposite way from where they came to see if maybe Viper would still be visible. “You swear?” 
    They turn to him as if he’s crazy. “You are focused on the wrong thing right now, le Fay. Now come on,” their hand encircles his wrist, dragging the boy down the hall. He would normally fight it, but they looked so scared, and he felt so guilty, so his feet keep pace with theirs. Where do dragons hide anyway? Where would a dragon go if looking for them? Not their dorm, it went the wrong way for that. “Courtyard,” it's straight forward, gentler than he’d ever spoken to them as they pause for a second. “What?” “We hand Viper off in the Courtyard. If he’s trying to find you, that’s where he is.” A smile breaks across their lips and for a moment they let them both stop to breathe. “What?” It only gets bigger, all bright and sunny again, “You called him ‘him’, and his name. You haven’t done that all week.” He stares at them, his own little smile cracking out across his lips, “Yeah, well, it matters to you.” (Y/n) stands on their toes, tapping the tip of Morgie’s nose, “I think we’re growing on you, serpent boy.”  He hums, rolling his eyes but he can’t break the smile, “Yeah, whatever you say. Now come on, let’s go get our dragon.” 
   The two should have let go of each other by now, they know that. Yet (Y/n)’s hand stays firmly on Morgie’s wrist as they make their way to the courtyard. Both teenagers were hyper aware of the fact that something had changed between them, some little weight lifted from both of their shoulders. Not that they’d mention it, not now anyway. They aren’t supposed to exist in the same world, the week would be over and so would any idea of friendship that might be blooming in their minds. A villain and someone who was friends with Bridget could never be friends. That was law. They get to the courtyard in a comfortable silence, the only one that had ever existed between them. Of course, the little dragon wouldn’t just be out in the open, they should have both known that. But that doesn’t stop (Y/n) from getting a little anxious, eyes whipping around the yard wildly in a panic. 
   “Morgie, he’s not here. He’s not here, we lost him. We’re gonna fail and I’m going to lose him. This is awful.” He doesn’t realize he’s reaching out to them until his hand lands adoringly on their shoulder, forcing the royal to turn to him. Once they are, his hand slides to rest under their chin, tilting it upwards. “Hey, he’s probably just hiding because he got scared when you weren’t here. Let’s split up, check the bushes on either side of the yard. I bet you half the bag of haribos in my room that he’s just curled up somewhere.” They nod, taking a deep breath as they step away from him, turning to go check the left side of the courtyard. Leaving him with the right, and the speed he makes towards the bushes shocks even him. This little dragon meant far too much to them, he couldn’t be the thing that let it get lost. Even if it was Hook’s fault, in a way it was his, wasn’t it? He never tried to care for Viper, never tried to bond with it. So of course, he wouldn’t want to be around the sorcerer. He caused this, and if they couldn’t find him, Morgie would own up to that. Maybe Madam Harleen would give (Y/n) a do over? 
   Not that they would need one, when he checks his third bush in the courtyard, something hisses at him. A tiny puff of fire coming with the sound. “Viper,” the name comes out on a sigh of relief as he reaches down for the little dragon. Delicately lifting him up and against his own chest. “You had us worried sick, you know that?” At the comment, (Y/n) turns around. Their face lights up as they stare at the little dragon, the hatchling fighting in Morgie’s arms to get to his preferred owner. Sunshine itself bounces up to Morgie, relieved and excited hands reaching out for him to hand Viper over. He waits until they’re close enough and softly slip the hatchling into their hands. Watching with a strange adoration as they nuzzle their nose against the top of Viper’s head. “Don’t you ever do that again.” Like a mother scolding their child who ran off in the mall they reprimand the little creature, smiling up at Morgie when they’re satisfied. “Thank you.” 
   “Thank me? I’m the reason he got out.” “But, you cared enough to help me look for him. So whether it was for him, or me, or our grade. Thank you.” He smiles back, reaching out to scratch Viper between the wings. “Yeah, well you can make it up to me with movie night.” They smirk, raising their eyebrows, “Maybe. Depends on what type of Haribos you’re hiding in that room of yours.” Of course they would harp on that, the creature of sugar and sun that they were. “Happy colas, but if I pull them out and Hook sees he will for sure demand that I share with him.” He’s met with a hum, and a playful glint in their eyes as they seem to be plotting something. “Yeah well, we can hide them between us. I’m sure you’ll end up clinging to me anyway. I bet you’re a bitch when it comes to horror movies.” He should be offended, he know he should, but instead Morgie’s body is racked with laughter. “Oh you do swear! Who would have thought? Does your mommy know you act like that?” “Oh shut up!” They’re laughing too, smirk falling to a real laugh. “Does Bridget know you act like that? I thought I was the bully here.” He catches a playful smack to the shoulder, laughing as they grab his hand, “Come on. Let’s go before the Jiffy pop gets all gross.”
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samieree · 1 year
Could you write a fic of Heimdall and the reader who is his shy servant girl? Maybe smut?
Yes, of course! 🥰 I hope you gonna like this, enjoy <3
For a long time your main occupation during the day has been to keep Heimdall's chamber in order and to attend to various related tasks. It bothered you at first, especially since Heimdall was… Very specific, everyone in Asgard knew it, much less every servant.
Although, on the other hand, sometimes, for example, while washing, you gossiped with other servants about how, despite his nasty nature, he looks very good... He dressed in a certain style in which he looked very good, always combed his hair impeccably and, unlike other Gods, always kept his beard shaved.
He shaved it every morning, you know that from the time you once walked into his room to put freshly laundered clothes in the closet and saw him in front of the mirror, lather on his face, razor in hand and most importantly... Shirtless. You still remembered what he'd said before he went back to shaving: ‘If you're going to faint because you've never seen a man without a shirt, at least put my clothes down first or you'll have to iron them again.’
You were red as a beetroot as you put his clothes in the closet with your legs like jelly, trying not to think about the state in which you had just seen him. And surprisingly, you didn't tell anyone about this situation, you guess you were afraid that Heimdall wouldn't want you to spread such things and, Gods forbid, add some story to them.
But that wasn't the only time you walked in at the wrong time. One evening you came to make the bed. You knew you were maybe a few minutes late, but it wasn't his bedtime yet. But still… When you entered the room, he was lying in an already made bed, reading a book. And without even looking at you, he declared icily: ‘Next time I'll feed you to Gulltoppr.’
To this day, you don't know if he was serious or not. And honestly, you didn't want to know. From then on, you came even earlier to prepare everything.
In addition to your usual maid duties, sometimes Heimdall had special assignments for you… Which often took up a large chunk of your time.
For example, he once sent you to pick up some items he ordered from the blacksmith. Only it wasn't a few... It was two sacks of stuff, and when the blacksmith handed you the first one, it overpowered you right away and you fell over. There was no way to throw them over your shoulders and carry them. Halfway through the city you dragged them on the ground, and halfway you found Thor, who was kind enough to carry them for you. And not only them. He had both sacks slung over one shoulder and placed you on the other.
You were red on the face the whole way, you didn't even know if it was from the exhaustion of dragging sacks or from the embarrassment that Thor was carrying you effortlessly on his shoulder.
Despite those moments when Heimdall seemed to annoy you, you learned to… like him. Especially since you've seen the version of him that no one else sees. Instead of malice, you began to see humour and truth in his words. When you thought about it for so long, he might have been a dick a lot, but he never said anything that wasn't true. The whole ‘problem’ lies only in the choice of words.
But okay, a few people must have seen him shirtless, shaving or tying his hair, some girls who had been his servants before, since he never made a fuss about it (although maybe he just didn't care). But certainly no one watched him sleep, which you had several times.
Every time you were afraid that he would wake up and make a fuss in the middle of the night. You kept telling yourself that you'd only come in for a moment, put down the book he'd told you to find or just take the clothes to wash, but you ended up staring at him for at least a dozen or so minutes, just standing over him and admiring his beauty. Normally you wouldn't be able to do that because you couldn't stand his piercing eyes, but when he was sleeping...
He looked cute, his hair down, relaxed, sometimes with a slight smile on his face, if he was dreaming something pleasant...
But then you were very careful not to accidentally think about it in front of him, lest he read it in you and find out. Because what excuse would you have? That you wanted to cover him with a duvet? 
Now, after a long day of hard work, you were finally going to bed. After a long day in which thankfully not much happened.
But as soon as you laid your head on the pillow and closed your eyes, you instantly remembered something. You forgot your chemise.
When you were dusting in his room you got hot and you hung your shirt on the chair, and then you forgot to take it from there when you left... 
You quickly got out of bed, pulling slippers on your feet. Heimdall should be asleep by this hour, so it's pretty easy for you to get in, grab what's yours, and leave unnoticed.
As you thought, so you did. You didn't even change out of your nightgown, after all, who would see you in your sleeping clothes at this hour?
You quietly entered Heimdall's chamber and… You met his gaze.
He was sitting on the bed in his shirt, his typical trousers and even shoes on his feet.  He was sitting and untangling his braids, or rather he was just starting to do so. At that hour, when he was usually asleep…
“I don't think it's work clothes.” He stated, looking at you, wearing nothing but a nightgown, with your hair down, standing in his doorway. “But if you're leaving all your clothes with me like that, maybe you've run out of clothes.”
“I…” You felt it, your cheeks red. “I just came for my chemise…”
“Just?” He asked as you closed the door behind you.
“And do you have any wishes?” You replied with a question, walking slowly over to the chair on which your chemise was hanging.
“Leave it.” You heard as you reached for your clothes. “Actually, I have…” He deigned to answer your earlier question. “Untie my hair, I don't want to deal with it.”
You were a little surprised at the request, because you've never done that before. Even though you thought about how his hair felt to the touch, you never thought that he might ask you to take care of it.
And now, right now, you were sitting behind him on the bed and slowly and gently began to untangle each braid one by one. You felt soft strands slide between your fingers, the small amount of light from the candles in the room reflecting off them.
You felt a bit irrational at the moment. You were sitting behind him in your nightgown and untangling his hair, which you thought he liked. All in all… Looking at the work you do for him, you're not much different than a typical wife.
“Say it out loud.” You instantly felt faintly. Well, you forgot yourself a bit, and here are the results... “Come on. Say it.”
“Say… What?” You didn't know if you were deluding yourself that he would let you go or maybe that you would manage to play dumb, even though it was obvious that he didn't let go that easily. And this time it was the same.
“If you're not ashamed to think it, then don't be ashamed to say it.”
It's over, there's no turning back. Either you say it or he will make you say it in some way you don't know yet. Anyway, he already knows what you were thinking, so you might as well say it out loud, right…?
“I'm like a wife to you…” You said softly, finishing your work on his hair. Now his hair was flowing down his shoulders and partly down his back. You dropped your hands to your lap and looked there too, embarrassed of your thoughts.
“You're right.” He replied. This surprised you, rather you expected him to scold you and tell you not to even think about him like that ever again. And he just admitted you were right… “Only one aspect is wrong.”
He turned to you, staring at you for a few longer seconds before grabbing your hands and pushing you onto the bed, pressing your wrists into the mattress. Instantly your breath quickened as you felt his body against yours, no matter that you were only in your nightgown, you could feel the warmth of his body. It was impossible to ignore this. Not when your heart raced at the mere meeting of your eyes, let alone such close contact.
He leaned down slowly to your ear, his loose hair teasing your neck. Only then he finished his earlier thought, whispering it right into your ear.
“Wife is the person you also sleep with.” You felt your cheeks turn red again.
 You started to wonder if it was a suggestion, if he really meant it.
“So?” He moved away from your ear so he could look into your eyes. “Do you still want this role?”
“Yes…” You replied quietly, no longer escaping his gaze.
He didn't say anything else, just leaned in and placed his first kiss on your lips. He was very gentle, or his lips were so soft… You returned the kiss, emboldened that he had made the first move.
When he released your wrists to put his hands on either side of your waist and move them along your body, you moved your hands to his shoulders. Then you slowly slid them down to the buttons on his shirt, undoing them all one by one. Then you could put your hands on his warm, muscular chest.
You could finally touch what you had only seen before and it made you blush. His skin was smooth, strangely not covered with any tattoos like other Gods. You felt him tremble slightly under your touch, just like your body reacted when he touched you.
He lifted himself off you for a moment to throw off his shirt, then returned his mouth to your neck, giving it many kisses and occasionally teasing it slightly with his teeth.
You felt as if your heart was about to jump out of your chest just to be as close to him as possible.
His hands landed on your thighs, just under your nightgown. As his hands moved higher, they uncovered more and more of your body. Eventually the shirt went over your head and landed on the floor, leaving you completely naked.
Your first instinct was to cover yourself, to hide your breasts from his gaze and touch. You weren't so sure about your body, you didn't know if he'd like it, and that uncertainty only filled you with shame.
“You're beautiful, there's nothing to hide.” He said calmly, smiling at you. He ran one hand through your hair and with the other he held one of your hands that you wanted to cover yourself with. “All beautiful.” He added just before kissing both of your breasts in turn.
Feeling him so close, feeling his touch on the most sensitive parts of your body, your body responded with a burning desire. You wanted him now, all of him, as close as possible, to feel it as much as possible.
It wasn't long before he pulled away from you just for a moment to kick off both his shoes and his pants. Immediately after, all his attention returned to you, to kissing your breasts, to touching your thighs, between which he found a comfortable place.
Your hands didn't stay in one place for long, they wandered as far as they could, relishing the opportunity to touch his soft, fragrant skin.
The longer you were close to each other without any obstacles in the form of clothes, the more you wanted to feel him inside you. The tension that was building up inside you, the desire, became unbearable as he continued to touch and kiss you in every place except the one that craved his attention the most, which was between your legs.
“Please…” You said softly, moving your hips against his.
“Please... What?” He repeated, biting your earlobe lightly. “Tell me what you want and maybe I'll give it to you…”
Of course he knew what it was about. He wanted it like hell, but at the same time he wanted to hear it from your lips, it turned him on even more. He saw how much you wanted him, he felt it, but he still wanted to hear it. To hear you ask him for more and then moan his name under him because all you can think about is the pleasure he gives you.
“Please take me... I want to feel you inside me.” You almost groaned, closing your eyes as his lips trailed over yours, his tongue lightly brushing against them.
It was just waiting for him to finally enter you. You moaned as he felt his cock stretching you, slowly moving deeper and deeper, as if conquering you inch by inch.
Your fingernails were digging into his arms and would leave marks, but it didn't matter. Especially not when he started moving.
All the excitement that has gathered in you so far was not going to let go so easily, with each thrust you wanted more and more, desperately wanting to relieve this tension accumulated in you.
Fast, hot breaths, chaotic touches, moaning, passionate kisses - this filled the room. And it was filled with it until you both came, only then having a chance to catch your breath.
It was only when the desire for the other body brought a wave of pleasure that hearts began to slow down and breaths to even out.
Heimdall rested his forehead against yours, watching you with a smile on his face.  He seemed to enjoy what you did just as much as you did, about what simply coming to pick up a forgotten chemise had turned into.
“You've just expanded your responsibilities.” He said, turning on his side.
“If that includes rest after, I don't mind.”
“Includes.” He replied in one word, pulling you with his arm. With your head on his chest, you closed your eyes and fell asleep to the melody of his beating heart.
-> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
hi uhmm, can i request a larissa x reader where reader got drowned on a lake or smth, and larissa saves the reader and takes care of them. I have no clue why i requested this but maybe because i experienced it a long time ago. If you don't like the idea, that's alright and take your time <33
- 🥀 anon
Drowning| H&c
*Authors note~ I also experienced this 🥀anon so I'm sorry you've had this experience and I'm always here to talk to if you want someone who can definitely relate*
Trigger warnings~ drowning, bullying to r
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
It's really unfair how something innocent can be turned into something horrible with a second. School was always something you you found to be difficult, not because of the work but because you never seemed to fit in with your peers. Here at Nevermore and in your Normie school before, it seemed you didn't fit in anywhere. Since Nevermore was a boarding school you'd found it harder to escape your peers. You knew first hand going to an adult would only make it worse but also not wanting to continue with the constant teasing and unkind words.
That's why you decided one weekend to stroll around Nevermore woods until you found a nice little spot by the lake to quietly read your book. From then on that spot became your spot. The water calmed you immensely and even as winter approached and the lake began to be frozen over more often than not you couldn't help but be mesmerised but it's stunning beauty. A place where you can just be you.
Unknown to you, you had been discovered and followed to your little spot while you were having a particularly stressful weekend. Parent's weekend was approaching and your parents just let you know they refused to come and see their eldest daughter when your sister Dahlia Faye had a match on that weekend. Theses matches occurred every other weekend but there was only one parents weekend yet they choose her like they always would. It hurt, but you had no choice but to pick yourself up and dust yourself off, moving on with your life at Nevermore.
Your chosen book today being some of Shakespeares work, Macbeth as it was one of your favourite plays. The dark twists and tragedy seemingly gripping you just like your mood already has. The overcast day aiding the mood as you settled on the bank to read your play, in your head you were able to create images of what the words were describing almost as if they were really in front of you, but using your gift to conjure what your mind desires is exhausting and makes you vulnerable to prying eyes.
Your concentration on the play you missed their arrival, they snuck behind you and shoved a bag on your head, instincts immediately responded and tried to free yourself from them but they were too strong and they outnumbered you massively. It wasn't hard for them to drag your flailing limbs over to the frozen lake. Immediately, you sensed the danger you were in before they some how immersed you into the jet back icy water. A big shock to your system as you tried to push yourself back onto the ice, anything better than this, only to be held down by a hand. You were gonna die here, freezing cold and surrounded by those who had no care for you what so ever. Just your luck.
Honestly by the time the water caused you to black out you thought no one was gonna save you. But that's when you heard that voice, you thought you'd died and truly found heaven. The voice of an angel. But you couldn't see think or feel so how could this be heaven? Perhaps a cruel joke, or trickery of the devil?
You came round slowly, shivers wracking your body violently, lips painted an icy blue and soaked to the bone. "Mm whe re am I" you muttered as you voice shook with the force of your shivering. "Shhh it's okay, you're safe sweetheart, just need to get you warm before you catch your death" that voice again, a blanket layered on top of the many others you were snuggled into. A fire was roaring away across the room and you noticed a steaming cup near to you. "Sweetheart drink this, it will warm you up.  We really need to get you out of those wet clothes" the voiced murmured and that's when you realised who it belonged too.
"Pr rin cipal we ee ms?" You stuttered as your teeth chattered together. "That's right, I saw what happened and came as quick as I could, they are all expelled by the way, won't be having any of that to anyone, please tell me if there's anything else I should know" she murmured to you offering you the cup to take into your frozen fingers. "Th an k youu" was all you managed before sipping your tea. "I want you to stay here sweetheart, I have to make sure your okay for parent's weekend."
"Wouldn't bother, aren't coming anyway" you mumbled avoiding your principals worried gaze. "Well you can spend it with me if you wish, I know it's not cool to be around your principal but I hate the thought of you alone sweetheart. So let's get you all nice and warm, then we can talk okay?"
Word count~ 911
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f0point5 · 7 months
whenever i hear about ocon's parents selling their house and living in a caravan (iirc) i just feel so bad for him. it really reminds me of all those traumatised child actors whose parents quit their job because the child can now be the breadwinner. obvs it's two complete opposite sides of the spectrum but both are such unfair sitautions to be put in as a child! esteban needing to succeed because otherwise his family would be broke forever?? (also i know that these decisions are often mentioned in a heart warming "oh look at how much my parents sacrificed for my dream" -way, but i find it so hard to look at it from a positive light. i'm sure they did it all out of love but i just can't imagine putting your child in such a tough position and putting that much pressure on them. i guess i just lack that top performance athlete mentality lol.) not to mention that most of these racing children hardly have a plan b career plan since they usually drop out of school. so now you have a kid who single handedly has to save the family from financial ruin AND has no safety net or plan b whatsoever. that's just insane and it's no wonder esteban is like that. he really has the ultimate rags to riches back story but his history gave him such a massive chip on his shoulder that he's just become unlikeable, which sucks!!! wish someone would grab his shoulders and shake him around a little and say: estieee!! youve made it!! stop driving like losing would full on kill you and just focus on getting the best out of the car and be the best you can be!! you'd think that someone with his backstory would be the last person who'd need to be humbled, but fucking hell he acts so smug and can be so delusional it's exhausting.
anyyyyways, apologies for dropping a full essay in your askbox, i don't even care about esteban lmao. it's just that whenever i do happen to think about him i just get so frustrated 🤷🏼‍♀️😬
have a lovely evening!! 💞
I remember reading that once when I didn’t know too much about him and thinking, okay that’s a bit extreme. And then I thought about how much pressure that must have put on him. Pressure to succeed, but also just pressure in terms of that being not an ideal quality of life for a teenage boy. His parents made his life exponentially harder in every single way to support his hobby in the hopes that he could turn it into a career to support them. And then I thought about the fact that if he hadn’t been that 0.00001% that makes it, how much harder his life would have got, and how much guilt he would have lived with. They set him up to live with constant insecurity and instability, and to shoulder the burden of making that all worth it for them. Who does that to their child? I don’t care how talented you think they are, betting you’re financial security on that is imbecile behaviour. Even Esteban said if he were in his parents’ position he wouldn’t do it. Poor guy knows what it does to child.
It’s exactly like moving your kids to LA to be the breadwinner, except it’s worse because the amount of kids able to support a family on acting work is probably 10,000 times the the amount of drivers making enough money to support a family from driving alone. Statistically, there was a 0% chance that that gamble would pay off for them but they did it anyway. That’s worse odds than a slot machine. And they bet the house their son was living in?! Ew. Just ew.
And yeah, people say “look what my parents sacrificed for my dream” with affection when that dream has come true. But what would have happened if he hadn’t made it. “Look what my parents destroyed because they bet my future and theirs on my childhood hobby”. What in the damn hell. These stories are not in any way endearing to me - they’re just examples of narcissistic and irresponsible parenting.
And now I’ve just seen clips of a podcast he did talking about his childhood and I was almost tearing up for him. How he and his dad used to take tyres from the other kids’ karts out of the bins and reuse them because he didn’t have enough sets over a weekend, and how he didn’t go to birthday parties or on holiday because it was all focused on his racing. That’s a CHILD. And he was talking about how he and his dad would see Max and Jos and how everyone was intimidated by them but he and his dad weren’t…because they had literally bet their shirts on his career and couldn’t afford to be scared. That. Is. A. Child. What if he woke up one day and didn’t want to do it anymore? What if he wanted a life beyond what his parents chose for him by putting their lives on the line? Would he have been allowed to? I mean. No bloody words.
Again, anyone who says Jos is a problem father better be coming for the Ocons (and Anthony Hamilton).
The way he is is so clearly connected to the fact that he lived his whole life in survival mode. That guy moves through the world like the last meal he had was one he had to fight for in an abandoned warehouse. And fair enough it got him where he needed to go, but once you’ve made it, It’s the most unpalatable energy to be around, and it no longer serves you. And it also makes you look like an ass because how can you be a whole f1 driver and stink of desperation. Logically it’s clear why but it’s still just not a likeable combination. He probably knows that, but doesn’t know any other way to be. That’s why he has such an issue with teammates - he can’t not fight for things because he’s always scared someone is going to take something from him. He’s like a stray dog that you take in and they hide food in their bed because they think you might not ever feed them again.
I really hope he’s getting some therapy because the childhood is trauma-ing out in the open.
I think of everyone on the grid he’s the one I feel most sorry for, because of all the backstories that you hear, he seems the most unhealed.
But the levels of delulu is something else. That f3 season where he beat Max (racing for a top team while Max was in one that I don’t think had even won a race until Max won 10 in one season) really got him thinking they were on a level and he hasn’t let go of it since. He’s like “oh I look at it like I’ve never had the opportunity to go against Max because we’ve always been in different leagues of car”…as if there’s not a REASON. You’re out here like “he’s in a red bull” well why aren’t you? By your own admission you were on the same f3 track…helmut wasn’t looking for you bro.
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Hope you don’t mind my essay back lol. I’m low-key obsessed with him because I find him so annoying but at the same time he’s like literary gold dust. He has such Main Character backstory. It’s just a pity he comes across so unlikeable to me. And the thing is, I genuinely think underneath it all he is a sweet person (delulu still, but sweet), but it just comes secondary to his survival mode personality.
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thoseyoulove · 1 month
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part VII (with maybe big spoilers and quotes?)
Let's keep this funny little tradition one more time as this book comes to an end. :)
Okay, so the whole story about Akasha and Enkil was cool, but didn't have to take like a hundred pages? It got exhausting after some time.
Didn't care about Marius's, though.
Tbh, I don't like Marius.
My ranking of characters so far: Armand > Lestat > Gabrielle > Nicki > Marius.
Louis and the others didn't have enough book time for me to form an opinion.
Armand mention! Still collecting those like Pokemons while my babygirl doesn't return from the war.
Btw, I still miss Armand. Armand, COME BACK, THE KIDS MISS YOU!
I think it's funny how Lestat always has the need to low-key compare the beauty or his feelings for each character whenever he meets someone new lmao.
Armand takes the prize of The Vampire Lestat's beauty pageant, though. Lestat literally mentioned his beauty every single time he saw him (and even when he didn't). Like, I wish I was making that up. He talked about Armand's beauty even more often that he cried lmao.
Lestat's issues/trauma with his father, Magnus, God and religion run so deep I don't even think he fully realizes the depth of them.
And that's the reason he's so obsessed with Marius to me?
He's always asking him for permission, apologizing, trying to please him, make him proud, one minute with him and he was already talking like they were intimate friends, I'm like????
He literally just became a child all over again.
Lestat de Lioncourt, I am once again begging you to go to therapy because Marius can't help you with your issues.
And you have A LOT of issues, so DO IT, please.
Marius: Lestat, no. Lestat: Lestat, YES!!!
Like, you guys don't get it, the idea, THE I D E A!!!!!!! IT WAS STRONGER THAN HIM!!!!!!!!!
In his defense, I believe that might've been the case. Lestat is chaotic and breaks the rules by nature, but the whole thing with Akasha and Enkil is kind of hard to tell and I believe he could've been controlled by them or maybe a natural force/pull. Idk.
Btw, the idea of playing the violin was smart.
If only in all these years somebody had the brain to think about this musical instrument lol.
This whole moment with Akasha felt like I was watching something so explicit lmao.
The "make them in love" part was sweet. I hope we can get that on the show. Preferably talking to/about Louis.
“Impossible was that I was leaving Marius and this island right now. ‘You needn’t come down with me,’ I said, taking the valise from him. I was trying not to sound bitter and crestfallen. After all, I had caused this. 'I would rather not weep in front of others. Leave me here.’” This is a child on their first day of kindergarten being bitter and too proud to admit lol. I can see him so clearly, pouting and all.
“I had what I wanted, what I had always wanted. I had them. And I could now and then forget Gabrielle and forget Nicki, and even forget Marius and the blank staring face of Akasha, or the icy touch of her hand or the heat of her blood.” OH?
Thinking thoughts.
Thinking SO MANY thoughts.
I'm not sure you guys understand, actually.
I'm (not) fine.
Not only Lestat and Armand are potentially two BPD Scorpios, but NEURODIVERGENT too. Jfc. This would actually explain the chaos so much tbh.
This moment between them feels kind of weird and random, though? Like, I know that they can fight ugly, but I feel like I'm missing something with these accusations? Because the last time they saw each other they were in a good place?
I hope when I read Interview With the Vampire I'll find an answer for why Armand was pissed at him again?
Because, no, I don't think just "waiting for Lestat's love" is a good one. But... Whatever.
That's the only part of the book that has me feeling like maybe I'm missing something and should've started in the right order. But it's like this one thing at the end and didn't affect my comprehension of the book as whole, so I'll wait. It's just, like, this feels random and I'm confused???? But okay, I'm used to their insane dynamic now lol. We'll all live.
Ok, but what the actual hell is happening?
Is Lestat just insane or is Armand mind-controlling him or something lol
He basically said “I thought I was delusional. But if that were the case, Armand wouldn’t be the person I’d see. I was so weak, but managed to overpower him. But memory plays its tricks, so maybe I did imagine him. But I also knew he was there.”... Like, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING???????
Either way... OUCH! And I don't know what would hurt more.
Him being all alone and imagining/hallucinating ARMAND of all people.
Or Amand being there because, idk, as insane as they are and even Armand on his “villain era” I guess that might be better than being completely alone? Since loneliness is his chronic and biggest fear? Idk. Maybe I'm going just as insane as these vampires.
Like, obviously, if that's true those aren't sweet moments and they still emotionally hurt each other (and themselves in the process), but that's some level of care in a messed-up sick in the head vampire way?
Idk. I guess I'm just insane like they are.
"'Love me and the blood is yours,' he said. 'This blood that I have never given to another.' I felt his lips against my face. 'I can't deceive you,' I answered. 'I can't love you. What are you to me that I should love you? A dead thing that hungers for the power and the passion of others? The embodiment of thirst itself?' And in a moment of incalculable power, it was I who struck him and knocked him backwards and off the roof. Absolutely weightless he was, his figure dissolving into the gray night. But who was defeated? Who fell down and down again through the soft tree branches to the earth where he belonged? Back to the rags and filth beneath the old house. Who lay finally in the rubble, with hands and face against the cool soil? Yet memory plays its tricks. Maybe I imagined it, his last invitation, and the anguish after. The weeping. I do know that as the months passed he was out there again. I heard him from time to time just walking those old Garden District streets. And I wanted to call to him, to tell him that it was a lie I'd spoken to him, that I did love him. I did." OH?
I would like to see Anne talking about whatever Lestat and Armand have going on because how do you even begin to explain it...
Like what was that crazy individual thinking when she wrote them?
I need to know.
I'm so stressed.
Immortality if dumbass vampires knew how to use their words:
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These are literally fictional characters and they're ruining my life.
Season 3 can be so insufferable omg.
Btw, I LOVE the concept of one character hurting another and "winning a fight", when in reality they're just pretending and the two are actually losing. This is so intriguing. Congratulations, you're both idiots! Here, you won a tissue!
“Lestat de Lioncourt In the year of his Resurrection 1984” HE’S SO UNSERIOUS EXTRA AND RIDICULOUS LMAO.
LOUIS??????????? IS THAT YOU?????
Or maybe Gabrielle since he kept saying how he hadn't heard from her since their farewell but wanted to etc etc.
Or Marius.
Or Armand, but that's less likely?
Or Akasha because I know there's a certain moment coming, but I don't know if it's on TVL or QOTD...
...Or like a secret sixth thing.
But I hope it's Louis, I want to meet him so bad!
If that’s another dream/delusion/hallucination/piece of his imagination istfg!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so invested, this CANNOT be for nothing!!!!!
fr Lestat describing people and stuff is somehow gayer than loving men, lmao.
Btw, is that really sooooo dramatic or does Lestat need to turn everything into a spectacle? Like, why does this feel like a big Hollywood movie scene?
“‘There’ll be time after,’ I answered. 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Nothing is going to happen. You’ll see.’” Can Anne Rice stop with the "five minutes before disaster" lines, please? Bruh is NOT subtle. Like AT ALL.
“And I had always loved him, hadn’t I, no matter what happened, and how strong could love grow if you had eternity to nourish it, and it took only these few moments in time to renew its momentum, its heat?” I NEED THIS TO BE SAID OUT LOUD ON THE SHOW SO BAD OMG???!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Sam Reid has been practicing this in front of a mirror since he was 14 just like he must've done it with the book's opening.
“‘Whatever happens, it will be worth it,’ I said. 'That is, if you and I, and Gabrielle, and Armand… and Marius are together even for a short while, it will be worth it. Suppose Pandora chooses to show herself. And Mael. And God only knows how many others. What if all the old ones come. It will be worth it, Louis. As for the rest, I don’t care.’” As I said before, this sounds like those dramatic child movies where a kid does the most over-the-top and probably dangerous thing ever just to get the attention of their relatives and bring their dysfunctional family together...
Maybe, deep down, Lestat is just a simple little boy who still wants a big family lol. It's not even just about having a father figure anymore, he wants big house full of people to love and hug. :((((
Or maybe he is just bored and wants chaos, lol.
Or both.
“I bowed my head. I laughed. I slipped my hands into the pockets of my pants the way mortal men did in this day and age, and I walked on through the grass.” Louis just made Lestat get shy like a teenage girl and I didn't know that was possible. Gotta respect him for that.
“Lestat, you think you understand,” this is literally them btw
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Btw, now that I know New Orleans is "Armand's territory", maybe those interactions with Lestat were real? I need to check to see if there's info about the dates and if it adds up.
Lestat's concert lasting 3 hours. What a dream. Just some hard-working artist that really cares about his fans. Wow. Can musicians all over the world follow his example, please?
I'm glad he's having fun.
He's having WAY TOO MUCH FUN exposing himself like that lol.
Okay, so I think this rockstar thing made him even happier than the books or theater and that's cute.
I get him because the two best days of my life happened when I went to my favorite concerts.
“This little war of mine would put all those I loved in danger.” Congratulations for stating the absolute obvious, Lestat!
Gabrielle is so done with her manchild of a son lol.
She has never been wrong, though.
Lestat, I love you, but you're exhausting.
I totally get Gabrielle wanting to run to the mountains, jungles, live among animals and not see another person again for so long. You're too high-energy and your parent is tired, Lestat.
Btw, their dynamic can be so funny, I hope the show explore that on season 3.
I knew it would be a cliffhanger, but OMG???
Anywaysssss, that's a wrap on The Vampire Lestat. Mission finally accomplished! That was really fun, wohoo! x :) ^^
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samyanggs · 2 years
Hi, how are you? do you sleep well? how about Beelzebub, Buddha, Loki (record of ragnarok) with an agelo-like reader, like this beautiful light, eyes the color of the ocean that reflects the world's sadness, such a pretty little angel, it would be nice to see how they take care of this exhausted creature, you can childhood friends . I know it's confusing, but I wrote it from the heart. If you don't want to, you can ignore :3
Hii im Doing fairly well hope you’re doing good :3 my sleeps have been short and not that nice but I’m fine I haven’t gotten to beelzebub since I keep procrastinating on reading the manga but I can def do loki and Buddha for you
“Ocean eyes..”
Warning: none
Characters are slightly ooc, I fell asleep after watching megamind so late post ig
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You and Buddha were childhood friends. Meaning that he knew you for quite some time and he noticed how you’re always so exhausted and sad. Your eyes were such a beautiful blue much like the clearest blue ocean.. but it was always looked sad and tired.. he didn’t feel right whenever you looked sad— which was all the time— he wanted you to be happy and not tired. He wanted to cradle you in his arms and take care of you. You were getting to the point where he’s willing to drop everything if you wanted him to help you. You barely asked for help so whenever you did ask for help, he helped you no questions asked. You need a hug? He there for you with open arms. You need to cry? He’s got two shoulders. You need to rant, vent or talk? He has 2 ears. You need him to come over for whatever reason? Open up, he’s there. He often gets you snacks to eat because he knows how you can sometimes crave snacks. He reminds you to eat meals and make you eat them in front of him so you can’t lie. Reminds you to sleep, eat and drink because you often get too tired to do any of those. He loves looking into your eyes but hates the look of sadness in it. So he tries to make you happy by giving you gifts. The other day he bought you a big gift box of candy, he loved your reaction to it. “You didn’t have to” “I wanted to” “but still-“ “shhhh. Just accept the gift” “okay..”
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Loves teasing you, even when you were children he loved teasing you. He loved teasing you about how tired you always looked even though he was worried. He tries his best to be a good friend but being the person he is it’s hard to be. He means well of course but he can get a little mean sometimes. However, if you came to him for help? He’s there listening and doing whatever you need help with. He’s got two arms, two legs, two ears and two shoulders if you need him. He’s happy to help you because you barely ask for help and despite him being a bit lazy, he’ll try his best to help you. He likes your eyes, but it was always so sad and depressing that he felt bad for you. You looked so tired and sad all the time that he felt like he needed to do something. He got you gifts and said that it was from someone else (you knew that it was from him but you didn’t say anything for his sake). Brings you out with him to the garden because he knows that you like how the garden looked and the flowers. When he can’t help you, he sends something to say sorry. He sends you a gift to say sorry, it was normally something like candy, sweets, a plus how of your favourite animal or he comes to you and says sorry (which is almost never but still happens). At the end of the day. If you’re happy he’s happy. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you because you’re a nice person, who can endure him.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Of the many things that bother me about fansites, the main one is probably that the boys don't get to approve which photos of them are published or used for merchandise when it's not official content. The second thing is that we see how they get mobbed at airports and how much pressure they're under to act friendly and smile for photos no matter how they feel. Especially since big hit has asked fans not to show up at airports and the only reason we know when they're traveling is because the information gets leaked without their consent.
When I saw people supporting black n white I assumed that she at least followed the rules about not going to the airport and not sneaking cameras into concerts, but I've seen both types of photos from her. So I was wondering if you could explain why jikookers seem so okay with her and not other fansites?
So I'll post this ask, with the very clear statement at the beginning that I'm not opening this up for debate. Because this is one of those topics of debate that continuously circle around constantly and it's exhausting and repeating myself is something im trying to do less over here this year. My essay of an answer starts here...
Okay, so I'm pretty sure that this came from you seeing this reblog post below. But I'm curious if you actually read it. Because I'm pretty sure it answers your question. Along with the post I LINKED in my reblog because that goes into the culture of fansites in kpop even more.
But then if we want to talk about it more... we can I guess. Since you asked nicely. Fansites in kpop can kind of be linked to the equivalent of concert photographers in the US. If you know what those are/are more familiar with the concert scene in the US. Idk where you are from though. Concert photographers are in general pretty respected and hyped up in the US, even at times have their photos from the concert purchased by the artists themselves. They aren't employed by the stadium, by the artist or the artists companies though usually. They aren't shunned by fans or banned from the concerts. And they share the photos they take online and even sell them, no issues. It's basically the same thing.
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Fansites are, for the most part, a very normal, expected and intricate part of kpop culture. Most of the boys often recongize, smile, wave and bow at their fansites (and no, not just at places where they are forced to act like they are okay with it when they aren't, like airports, but at concerts and award shows or going back further in time, fansigns and ISAC events). Or they will move to let the fansite get the best shot of the members they are a fansite for. Compared to when it's a known problematic fansite who are more stalker then fansite, they don't do that and there are even videos/photos of them looking uncomfortable when recognizing that fansite, rather than smiling for them. Like Headliner, for example, A JK "fansite" where we have examples of him looking displeased in her direction and an example of Jimin standing in front of JK in her line of sight, "ruining" the shot and looking right at her, hands on hips.
And because I mentioned above airports, like you did. Let's talk about that too. Because I DO have a post up here reeming people out for showing up to and crowding the boys at airports. It's horribly disrespectful and not okay. Fansites (like BnW and other respectful ones) aren't generally the people you see shoving their phones in the guys faces, they tend to hang back with the media mostly and not get so far up their asses, invading personal space. And media is tipped off when the guys are traveling so they can go and report on it. Its FANS who invade privacy to show up that's a problem, not necessarily the media or fansites, which is expected as an idol. Do I LIKE they are expected to be photographed to hell and back when leaving and entering Korea? Not really, but it's also not the same thing as invading their privacy either. Following them into the airport and onto the plane or to their destination to take photos of them on the plane, at the waiting areas or getting off the plane? Yeah, that's an invasion of privacy and then upgrades you (general you) to stalker. And here is my post about how you shouldn't go to the airport when BTS is traveling. Again, please actually read my posts I link to you.
As for the consent about the boys aproving photos/videos argument, I then have to ask are you against everyone who livestreams the concert on their phones for ARMYs who aren't there to tune in? Or all the people who put the photos up they take at concerts or other events up onto the timeline? Or because it's not a fansite photo, just a watermarked photo from some random fan account, that's then okay? I don't know you, so idk how you personally interact with everything like above, but it's food for thought. It's also something to consider to make sure if you ARE so against fansites, that you aren't liking, retreating, saving, etc photos of any of the members that come from fansites. (The jikook photo above comes from a Jimin fansite btw) Because I'm pretty sure Almost every ARMY has, intentionally or otherwise. Because MOST concert/event photos end up coming from fansigns. And the boys KNOW that and are okay with it. And the company isn't struggling anymore. If they didn't want people "filling in the gaps" of available photos, they could hire more themselves and release more too.
To address your comments about them selling or distributing merch with their photos of the boys that the boys didn't get to pre-approve. That's fair. And it's also your choice to support that or not. Personally, I probably won't buy fansite photobooks, I'd rather spend my money on what I know will go towards the boys pocket directly, or at least towards them. Such as their official photobooks, albums, DVD packages, etc. But all the photos the fansites sell, they also normally just release for free too online. At least that I've seen. And then all those photos they have, they will sometimes hold events for people to buy them as merch. But that's a customer choice for sure. And it's 100% valid to not like that and not spend your money there. BlacknWhite for example, held her own little merch photo exhibition thing last year. Idk what to call it, but I posted here so it did happen for sure. Bighit hosts these same similar types of exhibitions at the end of various eras/concerts you can also purchase from more officially too.
But also again, all idols know about fansites and often start recognizing the ones that are there for them and don't mind them (as long as they aren't crossing privacy boundaries, which I will touch on later here too). For some examples, here you've got Jimin being playful and silly with his fansite here when he saw them...
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Changing to make sure the fansites could get better photos during the fansign....
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Using/wearing and loving gifts given to them and sent by their fansigns
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He still has these focal speakers in his studio. Which was a gift from a fansite way back when
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Jikook engaging with BlacknWhite when she is there taking their photos.... AND you'll see in my reblog (first linked post) the post I shared in there, Jimin seeing, acknowledging and moving out of the way for a Hobi fansite so they can get a better shot of him too
Tae had a photo from his fansite blown up and hung on his dorm wall.
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Hobi shared a photo taken by his fansite on his Instagram too
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Plus, Jimins family (idk about the others, Jimins is just more in the public eye because of his dad's Cafe) had fansite photos of Jimin and BTS hanging on their cafe walls. Jimins dad recently gave a fansite photo to a visiting dignitary that he got framed.
JK blushing over seeing his first ever fansite back during their debut.
The reason Fansites will sometimes get kicked out of concerts is because they are blacklisted (which most are not) for various reasons but mostly due to proven stalking or for misconduct during a concert (which again. Doesn't happen as often as stan twt will lead you to believe.) Bighit baned all photography, so it's not even necessarily about fansites, it's about Hybe wanting to bottle and sell the air the guys breathe because they know ARMY would buy it. Lol they are a corporate company and are focused on the bottom line more than alot of fans like to think at times I believe. A lot of the hate towards fansites comes from people who don't really understand idol culture at times and almost always exlculsively from I- armys. I don't see K army fans complaining about fansites. I see BTS members complaining about media, fans and fansites following them to places like, the mall, or on the private schedules, and overcrowding them. But never about fansites being in events, concerts, or airports from afar. In fact, from the ones who aren't problems, I see the opposite from the members. Jikookers like BnW because she is a jikook fansite and focuses on getting photos of them together and seperate, so it's like a one stop party. Lol other JK and JM fansites will share photos of jikook together when they are glued at the hip (which is often) along with when they with other members too, which is also nice and you'll see plently of people sharing those with no problems either. Again, as long as they aren't problematic accounts.
Fansites who take photos of the guys on private schedules? No. Who get on planes the boys are on? No. Who shit talk the boys and use them only for the cash flow their photos bring them? No. Who stalk them and show up places they shouldn't be and turn into sasaengs and doing anything for a quick buck? No. Fansites who crowd into the boys personal space for the perfect photo or are rude to them/others? No. Fansites who don't take no for an answer? No. But that's a small portion of fansites. Not all of them. Not even close to all of them. And alot of this hate towards fansites comes off more performative for most armys then anything else. Plus saying all fansites are bad is kinda like saying all ARMYs are 15 year old girls who bully people online because a small faction are and that's what people latch onto in an effort to continue to perpetuate hate towards the fandom and BTS themselves through their fans. Not the same exactly, but similar enough I'll make the comparison.
Your opinions are your own and are very valid. I'm not trying to change your mind about liking fansites. I don't love them necessarily either because I would HATE the constant flashing lights everywhere I went ever if I was them. But I also understand the nuance here and the difference between the hysteria stan spaces have made the fansite issues sound and what they actually are and how long they've been around for. Again, your choice over how you engage with them and how you feel about them. And all choices around that are valid. In my opinion. As long as you aren't supporting antis disguised as fansites, I don't see a problem with them in general. For me personally.
Hope that helped answer your question anon. Thank you for asking it respectfully.
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scriptlgbt · 2 months
Hey, I have a character in my story, ftm trans, and I read that a lot of trans men never stop taking T, once they start. But I also read that a lot of the changes (if not all) coming from T will not change back if the ovaries are not present/active anymore. So now I‘m wondering: is it true that most trans men take T for their whole lives, and would it be realistic if my MC still took T around 20 years after his transition and everything? Or would it be more realistic if he had stopped?
To answer the main questions first:
It is definitely realistic and normal for someone to continue to take T their entire lives. The effects of T are ongoing, many being reversible and changing, like the effects of any hormone that runs through our endocrine (hormone) systems.
If someone stopped taking T but still had ovaries, it is typical that this would be similar to the effects of a trans woman taking estrogen, only, a bit of a longer path to get there. A lot of the things that estrogen will not change for trans women who have already gone through a testosterone-dominant puberty, will also be similar to what permanent changes occur for those who initially had an estrogen-dominant puberty, then took testosterone, then stopped taking testosterone. There are some things that are variable (like fertility, which is very understudied for trans people in general) but the gist is pretty similar. Things like skin texture, fat redistribution, libido, etc, are often very impermanent. Voices can deepen, but they don't necessarily go back without other interventions. A lot of body parts may grow but not shrink to the same degree.
If someone stopped taking T but did not have any estrogen-producing part of their endocrine system, it is typical that they will still need hormones. Going without either T or estrogen can be really exhausting. (Fun fact though: your body odour is pretty much stinkless, or so I've heard.)
I wish there were any concrete guide I could recommend that lists permanent and impermanent changes to give you a better idea of this, but all the ones I've come across are a bit off. (Like saying that taking hormones makes you infertile. It can make you less fertile, but that doesn't mean it's reliable birth control, and should not be used as such.) Your best bet is to look up as many as you can and compare and contrast the common ones, and google any that vary or are left out of some but not others.
More of a general point:
I think a major thing that a lot of people gloss over is that "transition" is not some before and after thing. There is no set, universal, beginning and end to it. There are many, many moving parts to it, that change dramatically between individuals. Someone could have socially transitioned 13 years ago but have an 88 year old grandmother who supports them but doesn't fully get it because grandma never got internet, and they're okay with that because she's 88 and terminally ill and they know the love is there. (This hypothetical is about me.)
Someone could want to go on hormones for just enough to get a few of the permanent changes they wanted and then go off of it because they enjoy the weight distribution of estrogen.
In far too great numbers, there are also people who go off of hormones because they no longer have access for some reason. Poverty, moving and not being able to find a new doctor, testosterone being a listed controlled substance, supply issues, pharmacists who "lost" the prescription (multiple times), dosage issues, Trans Broken Arm Syndrome, dealing with health issues in the reproductive system that cis doctors have no experience with, inability to access clean and appropriately sized syringes, needles, and a sharps bin, not being able to do injections after insurance stopped covering the gel or the patches, etc. (I have personally experienced most of these.)
Any kind of gender transition is not uniform. It is a mix and match to figure out what feels right for the person doing it. Sometimes external factors like discrimination and poverty can limit what is possible for us, and that sucks. But what we choose as far as names, pronouns, surgeries, hormones, all of that, is ours.
Everyone is different.
-mod nat
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