#but to me it's about halstarion as well
vole-mon-amour · 9 months
Astarion's fangs poking out when he talks.
Astarion's fangs poking out even more when he smiles, and he bites his lip when he genuinely blushes and tries to stop himself from showing that genuine, a bit flustered smile.
Astarion's fangs being fully visible when he laughs, his mouth open, his laugh warm.
(Halsin going out of his way to make Astarion laugh as much as possible, to hear the belly laugh, to see the joy and delight on Astarion's face.
Halsin encouraging Astarion using those teeth on him when he needs to, leading to bite marks on Halsin's wrists, neck, shoulders, thighs. The gentle kisses turning into bites, adding some spice to it, and turning into gentle kisses once more.
Halsin fully understanding that he dates a vampire, with all his needs. And Astarion's needs and his nature being against all that's nature created, and Halsin, even as a druid, is alright with that. He accepts Astarion as he is.)
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The Halsin hate for me is incredibly unjustified.
I’ve seen so many twitter and tiktok users who use the word “predatory” on him as if the man wasn’t all about patience, consent and enthusiasm.
One of the main reasons why I love halstarion is exactly why I see a good relationship between Halsin and Astarion-. I think Halsin would be kind enough to respect if Astarion falls for him, guiding him into a loving and caring relationship in which he can show him truly what love is in all of its ways. That it doesn’t always need to be intimate to be meaningful.
Some people get too attached to the personas the characters present at first when you meet them in act 1. But let’s just reminds ourselves that YOU are supposed to make the characters change. This game doesn’t really happen within 100 hours. It’s supposed to be weeks, months of adventure with the party in order for you to help them become different people.
By act 3, this characters are close to finishing their arcs, which means they are different people by now, for worse or for better, and that can influence their decisions for the end of the game too, including how they see relationships. This is exactly why by this act they choose to close and become their relationship with the player something official and intimate.
Which can also mean their change of vision for poly, if they ever approved for it or not.
It’s okay to try and see deep into the character’s personalities, but we can not try and stick them into our beliefs into what we think they would approve of it or not. Not everyone has the image or the background that you can look and be like “yeah, this character would do x because of their past”; that is not always the case and it’s okay to switch it up a bit.
This can happen and apply itself into a normal dnd campaign, as long as the DM and the rest of the players approve of it, and most importantly, if you are fine with it as well.
Now let’s take a deep breath and stop trying to shit on characters when we can’t really understand what we’re talking about.
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bloodsuckingfiends · 15 days
NSFW headcanon: Astarion has a highly underrated size kink. Whether its being picked up and folded in half by the likes of Halsin, or laying down and smirking as he watches a halfling Durge struggle to take his cock, he loves the change of pace especially if he has a creative partner.
Oooooh now I've never thought about size kink in terms of Astarion! But I love this!
Halstarion is one of my favorite ships, so that just sent me to the fucking moon. Which also got me thinking...
If Astarion and Tav decide to romance Halsin as well, would Astarion enjoy watching Tav struggle to take Halsin? 🤔
Does he position himself by Tav's head while it's happening, and praise them for taking the bigger elf?
My thoughts are thoughting.
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maharlika · 10 months
a short halstarion ficlet i wrote for @kingthunder for the prompt: "halsin teaches astarion how to wildshape into a bat"
uhhh that's not quite what happens here, but i hope you enjoy this ramble anyway! this is pre-relationship also so kajdlakjsd
Astarion stops short right outside of Halsin’s tent, and clears his throat.
“Druid, I’d like to speak with you.”
There’s shuffling from inside the tent, and then the door flap parts and Halsin steps out. Astarion fights the reflex to take a step back––he always forgets just how much larger the other elf is. 
“Astarion,” Halsin says, inclining his head in greeting. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Astarion looks askance at the rest of the camp. Everyone seems occupied, but in such a small space, and with such insatiable gossips as Gale, Karlach and Withers, there’s no telling who might be listening in.
“Perhaps we could speak in private,” Halsin says, clearly reading Astarion’s worry. 
“Perhaps,” Astarion replies. Halsin lifts the entrance to his tent and gestures as Astarion blinks in surprise.
“Please, make yourself comfortable.”
“Oh, I––all right.”
After a brief moment of hesitation, Astarion hunches down and enters Halsin’s tent. Contrary to what he’d expected, the tent isn’t a bear’s den. Inside, it is sparse but clean, and it smells like rich soil and herbs. There’s a bedroll tucked into one corner, and green moss covers the floor like a soft blanket. 
Astarion takes a ginger cross-legged seat while Halsin rummages around in one of his packs.
“I’m sure you’d prefer something more––sanguine, but all I have is tea,” Halsin says, his back to Astarion. He’s a hulking thing in the enclosed space, and Astarion feels a zip of something that’s not-quite-apprehension slithering down his spine to be so close to something that he knows could maul him in a blink of an eye.
“I can’t remember the last time I drank tea. I don’t know if I can,” Astarion says.
“Even if you can’t, it’s a cold night out––maybe you’d like to keep your hands warm.”
With that, Halsin pours them both tea in wooden cups. Astarion rubs his thumb across the smooth grain and watches Halsin from the rim of the cup as he takes a careful sip.
“I didn’t come here for tea, you know,” Astarion says as a pocket of warmth settles somewhere in his chest. 
“I know,” Halsin says serenely, looking at Astarion with an unnervingly frank gaze. “What is it that you need?”
“I don’t know if it’s polite to ask.”
Halsin raises an eyebrow. 
“I don’t know the first thing about druids,” Astarion continues, before he can stop himself or think better of it. “Well––I do know some things. But I’d like to ask…when you’re––when you become a bear, are you still in there? Inside of––the animal?”
Halsin listens to Astarion intently, with no sign of derision or amusement. 
“You’re not the first to ask the question, and you’ll not be the last,” Halsin says, after a moment and another sip of tea. “Many druids have philosophized long and hard on this, but I shall not subject you to my people’s ramblings. It is different for every druid, but suffice it to say: yes, we are still ‘in there’. I am the beast, and the beast is me. It is only my form that changes, not my personhood. When I am in Wild Shape, though, it is true that the affairs of people seem much less…important. Other things are magnified instead. Emotions, desires, senses. It is easy to get lost in them.
And there have been…accounts, of course. Live as a beast for long enough, content yourself with the thoughts of a beast and the actions of a beast, and you may lose yourself. But for a regular druid spending short spans of time in Wild Shape, it is of no consequence.”
Astarion drinks Halsin’s words like parched ground drinking the rain. 
“Would you teach me?” he asks. “Is it possible for someone like me to learn?”
If Halsin is surprised by the question, he does not show it. He brings his tea to his mouth and takes a long swallow, closing his eyes as he ponders. 
“It is a skill like any other,” Halsin says. “I have seen you use magic, and our kind is naturally attuned to the natural world. I don’t see why not.”
“And you’re not going to ask me why?” Astarion says warily.
“Would you tell me?”
“Well, not if you don’t ask,” Astarion says, fighting and failing not to pout. “You’re ruining my aura of mystery, you know.”
“Apologies,” Halsin says with a huff of laughter. “Astarion, why would you like to learn Wild Shape?”
“I think I would make a very fetching bat,” Astarion says flippantly. “And I do tire of walking all day. Tav takes us up all these mountains and hills––it’s wretched. Why walk if I could fly? And why fly if someone could carry me?”
Halsin hums in agreement, but Astarion can see he’s not so easily fooled. Those keen eyes are upon him again, gaze unrelenting.
“It’s all right, you know,” Halsin says, “to not want to be a person sometimes.”
Astarion stiffens. 
“Rest easy,” Halsin says, “I’ll not subject you to a lecture. As for your request, I’m sure I can fulfill it. When would you like to start?”
“It’s that easy?” Astarion says, squinting in suspicion. 
“Oh, learning will not be easy. But this conversation? Yes, I’d like to think so. More tea?”
“I––” for a moment, Astarion flounders. He should go, he thinks. He’s got what he came here for, and there’s no more to discuss unless Halsin means to teach him how to Wild Shape right at this moment. 
“Do you know what it feels like?” Astarion asks, eventually. “To want everything to just stop?”
“Better than you might think,” Halsin says. 
“A story for another time, perhaps.”
“Well, aren’t you full of secrets.”
“I like to cultivate an aura of mystery.”
Astarion barks out a laugh at that, which makes Halsin smile.
As Halsin pours them more tea, Astarion allows himself to imagine it: the wind beneath dark wings, his body light enough to soar. It would be so nice, he thinks, to be free for once.
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namig42 · 2 months
Was chatting with my lovely mutual @mortalasystem about my Wyllstarion fic Just One Yesterday and some of the inspo that got me started on it, and I thought why not share those things with people who might be looking for good recs? With that, here are some of the biggest inspirations for my super involved story!
Friday Nights by @sadinasaphrite
So the first and probably most prominent inspiration for a modern au is this wonderful Bloodweave fic called Friday Nights over on ao3. I really loved the chemistry between Gale and Astarion in this one, and Gale's perspective was very interesting, especially with the mix of magic still in this au. Wonderfully written, very considerate of Astarion's circumstances as a sex worker, and a happy ending to wrap it all up nicely!
Read it on Ao3
Sex worker/Charity worker Halstarion AU by @malacandrax
This comic has nine parts as of now that are all little snippets of Halsin being a concerned social worker and Astarion as a sex worker in a 70s/80s UK setting. OP really took a lot of consideration writing this one and portraying realistic steps that someone in Astarion's situation could take, and I love how they really captured both characters so well. The progression between the Astarion and Halsin is really nicely done, even in such small snippets. 11/10, definitely recommend.
Link to Part 1 here
Perfect Slaughter by @imagineitdearies
This is a Tavstarion fic that honestly captivated me so much from beginning to end. It's a long form fic that is incredibly compelling and is an alternate au prequel to the events of BG3. Tyrus, the protagonist, is a very compelling original character, and his relationship with Astarion in the hell that is Cazador's palace was so well crafted. This was the story that had me wanting to explore more relationships with Astarion in my own writing, focus on dark topics and give them the respect they deserve such as trauma, abuse, and torture, and try my own hand at writing something long form. It's gotten a great deal of praise, all of which is well deserved, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Read it on Ao3
The funny thing about my Wyllstarion thing was that there was actually very little Wyllstarion inspiration. I saw some good art here and there on tumblr, but not very much at the time. My dash was mostly bloodweave if anything. Still, there was just enough of an inkling in my head of Wyll and Astarion, and then a dumbass idea came to me one day.
I wrote it in the first chapter's notes on Ao3, but the thing that kicked this multi chapter obsession into gear was...
Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy
A song off a ten year old album. That's what did it. Specifically the lyrics:
Anything you say can and will be held against you,
So only say my name. It will be held against you.
Those two lines had my brain swimming with a one-shot smut fic of a police officer Wyll and a sex worker Astarion, but a one shot wasn't enough for the romantic that is Wyll. I couldn't write him having a first meeting kind of fling. I wrote out the original one shot idea, let it sit for a couple months, and then suddenly, something clicked in my brain and the whole thing took off from there.
Still, without this lyric, the story wouldn't exist at all. Honestly, going back and listening to the whole song after everything I've written so far, I think it's a fitting title and song in its own way. Highly recommend giving it a listen if you aren't familiar!
That's all the big ones. If other things come to mind that I missed, I'll reblog this and add onto it. In the meantime, I highly recommend checking these things out and showing the artists some love! Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope you found something new to enjoy!
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balder614 · 7 months
Hi guys, this is my very first post on here and I decided to make a Halstarion one shot! I hope you guys all enjoy it!
The fear of loss
It had been a century since the shadow curse was placed upon the lands. No sun could peer through the thick clouds of darkness. No rain could pierce through. Not even a glimmer of hope, save for the Last Light Inn.
Astarion was, perhaps, having the hardest time within these lands. It wasn’t just because of the lack of bleeding creatures…the shadows were bringing back terrible memories from his two centuries under Cazador. Each confined space he was shoved into during battle left him hyperventilating, every sound had him on high alert, and the darkness was making his nightmares return with redoubled effects.
Trancing for even a few minutes was nigh impossible. If the trance was too light, every sound woke him. If it was too heavy, nightmares forced him awake. He was fighting a losing battle with himself the longer they stayed here.
The spawn had become agitated, extremely aggressive in battle, and had closed himself off from everyone in camp. Not even Karlach or Gale, two of his three closest companions, were able to help him.
At the current moment, Halsin had finally returned from the shadowfell with Thanie in his arms. The druid looked terribly drained, but held an aura of victory about him. Astarion was relieved. Beyond relieved, he was thrilled. Rather than show it in any sort of positive way, he felt his fists clench tight enough his nails broke the skin of his palms. His teeth ground together and his red gaze darkened.
“You selfish bastard!” he exclaimed over the elated talking. Gale, Karlach, and Wyll turned to him in surprise. But only Halsin was watching him, solemn, understanding why he was lashing out.
“You go in there alone, leaving us to fight an ever-growing horde, then return looking like shit! Why couldn’t someone come to aid you!?”
No one had ever heard him sound so concerned before other than Halsin. That concern wasn’t just because he had nearly died, the druid felt, but because he would’ve left Astarion alone without someone to understand his plights.
Astarion refused to say anything more after that, opting to return to camp instead. He needed to cool off somehow, clear his head. A bath would do him good, it had been far longer than a tenday since he’d had one, which was making him uncomfortable in his own skin.
The walk to the pond was silent, for the first time since they had arrived in these cursed lands. He stripped his clothes off, neatly folded them, and placed the pile on a rock before walking into the water.
Given the spawn’s naturally cold body temperature, the water around him felt a touch warmer than he would’ve to any normal person. He could feel the dirt, grime, and shadow-cursed visera from his foes slowly coming off of his skin.
It was quiet, calm…almost too calm.
‘Pathetic child, do you truly think the druid will like you? Why would he desire such a disobedient brat?’
Astarion quickly backed away from the more open water, his back hitting the edge of the pond. Tears pooled in his eyes and his breath hitched in his throat.
Why would Halsin want him? A broken spawn that didn’t belong anywhere, least of all in nature. No, his only purpose in life was to please his master. But he couldn’t even do that right. He couldn’t do anything right.
The pale elf jolted at the call of his name. It was soft, caring, and came from a deep voice he knew almost better than he knew his own voice. He swiftly wiped away his tears and turned to face Halsin.
“Ah, darling, come to have a little late night bath as well? You don’t have to ask, you know,” he hummed. His mask had easily been put up, but he feared the cracks in it would be visible to the druid.
Halsin let out a soft sigh as he sat down at the pond’s edge beside Astarion. He was hesitant, it seemed, before reaching out to place a hand on the spawn’s shoulder.
“Astarion, please, do not shut me out right now. You have a right to feel hurt and angry with me. I have asked so much of you and given so little in return. What can I do to make it up to you?” he gently inquired. He wanted to aid the spawn before him, to comfort the broken elf.
The cracks were growing.
His tears reformed in his eyes.
And his mask finally shattered.
Astarion choked on a sob that had caught in his throat. His body shook with the intensity of his emotions as he clutched onto Halsin’s legs that were in the pond. His tears flowed freely, just as they had on night he had been all alone.
“You…damn you,” he murmured, “you can’t leave me, not yet.”
Call Astarion selfish or cruel, but he didn’t want to be left alone. Not when he had finally let someone get close enough to tell them about his past.
The spawn felt large, careful hands pull him out of the water and onto the druid’s lap like he was a kitten. Despite the fact he was naked, he cuddled closer with his arms and legs wrapped around Halsin’s form.
“I’m sorry to have made you worry, little starling, it won’t happen again,” he whispered in the high elf’s ear. The breath from his words tickled the pointed ear, making it twitch and a shiver travel down the smaller elf’s spine.
“Good,” Astarion breathed out.
Without warning, the spawn swiftly caught Halsin’s lips in a searing kiss. It was full of want, desire, and passion that he had been hiding for the longest time. Halsin responded in kind, carefully cupping Astarion’s cheek with one hand. After the near-death experience Halsin had gone through, it made the kiss that much more sweet to him.
“You have me now, my heart.” The druid slowly pulled away, his thumb caressing the vampire’s cheek. Astarion leaned into the touch and carefully nuzzled the warm hand, his cool skin welcoming the heat. That heated touch made him positive of two things.
His druid was safe and wouldn’t be going anywhere.
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bloodlessbhaalbabe · 11 months
Pleading the Fifth - Part Two: Unwrapping a Present
Summary: Now that Astarion and Halsin spent the night together, the desire they feel for one another strengthens and Astarion wants to treat Halsin to a little gift.
Rating: Explicit
Length: 6,328 Words
Relationship: Halsin & Astarion, Halstarion
Modern!AU, CEO Halsin and Lawyer Astarion.
Yet again, thank you so much to @tatterings & @lotsofthinkythoughts for beta-ing and reviewing. I wouldn't be writing without you two. <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Part One on Tumblr or AO3 // Part Two on AO3 & Below
Part Two
The following morning, Astarion woke up pressed between Halsin and the chaise, his legs and arms sprawled across the larger man’s body. Both his eyes and mouth were dry and the corners of his eyes were crusty. His typically coiffed waves were spiraled in all directions. His bangs flopped down onto his forehead. He blinked into the distance and took a half-lidded look around the office. Towels and blankets littered the floor, and the soft morning sun filtered through the sides of the window shades. Underneath him, Halsin stopped snoring; he twitched slightly as he was awakened by the shift in pressure at his side. He opened his eyes, blinking blurrily until they focused on the white puff of hair below him.
Halsin ran his fingers through Astarion’s silky strands and pushed them from his forehead. The muscles in his arm ached, sore from last night’s exercise.
“There you are,” Halsin joked with a smile, “Good morning. How did you sleep?”
Astarion blinked slowly up at him with a straight face. Halsin’s hand trailed down to brush away some dried spittle that lingered on the corner of Astarion’s mouth with his thumb.
“Mmph,” Astarion grunted in response before laying his head back down. His nose pressed into Halsin’s neck.
“Ah, not a morning person. Our afternoon meetings make a lot more sense now,” Halsin said with a chuckle. He ran his fingers softly up and down Astarion’s back, noting the way his fingertips caught on a few ridges on the lawyer’s skin.
“And you being a morning person makes perfect sense,” Astarion mumbled into Halsin’s skin.
Halsin chuckled and pressed a kiss into Astarion’s forehead, his hand cupping Astarion’s jaw. He gently tilted Astarion’s face upward. Halsin leaned down, pressing his lips to Astarion’s, and kissed him slowly. Their tongues gently danced against one another, neither one of them caring about the taste of their morning breath. Astarion moaned happily into the kiss; the sides of his mouth curled into a smile. Halsin pulled away, his teeth slightly dragging against Astarion’s bottom lip.
“Let me buy you breakfast,” Halsin whispered against his lips. “A coffee. Croissant. Anything.”
“If you insist,” Astarion laughed softly and pushed himself up from Halsin’s embrace.
Both men moved to sit up. Halsin ran his tired hands over his face and through his hair as a makeshift comb. He pressed his hands onto his knees and stood up with a grunt.
Most of the morning was spent in contented silence as both men wandered through the office; it could bear no evidence of their after-hours activities. Astarion shuffled along, pulling on his clothes and tidying up the office. Halsin jogged up to the roof to retrieve the empty bottle, glasses, and shirts from the night before; he took special care to clean any remaining residue from their endeavors. As Halsin walked back into his office, he caught Astarion bent over, placing the neatly folded blankets back into the closet.
Halsin’s eyes trailed down Astarion’s back and saw a handful of raised, scarred circles dotted over his skin. He frowned as he observed them, wondering how he had missed them entirely during their shower together. The marks looked as though they had been mindfully placed to keep them well-hidden. Curiosity pulled at him. Not wanting to cause unnecessary awkwardness, he chose not to ask about them and pushed it to the back of his mind for now. A heaviness in his chest lingered momentarily, but faded once Astarion turned around and greeted him with a smile.
Astarion plucked his shirt from Halsin’s grasp and thanked him with a kiss on his cheek.
The men took one last look around the room and nodded at their job well done. Without a word, Astarion strode out of the office and turned to look at Halsin.
“Stay there a moment,” Astarion requested, as his hand lingered on the door handle. “I’m going to close this. In five seconds, I need you to scream as loud as you can.”
Halsin cocked his head in confusion and a wide smile crinkled his eyes. “Very well,” he said, amusement rising in his voice.
Astarion closed the door and took a step back, counting down the seconds. Nothing. He smirked to himself and opened the door again. “Did you do it?”
“Yes, I did. As loud as I could possibly yell,” Halsin laughed.
“Interesting,” Astarion said. His eyes glittered with mischief.
“Why?” Halsin asked using Astarion’s same inflection. “You’re not planning on killing me, are you?”
Astarion looked up at Halsin with wide, innocent eyes. “No, no. Just wanted to test a theory. Don’t worry about it, darling,” he said with a wave of his hand.
Halsin’s eyebrows pinched together. His thoughts spiraled to what Astarion could have up his sleeve. He defaulted to ideas that were not workplace appropriate, and his heart pounded in his chest. Halsin shook his head and exhaled at the lawyer, letting him have two secrets for now.
After breakfast, they parted ways with a kiss and a promise; they would keep in contact over the weekend until their standing meeting on Monday afternoon.
Halsin returned home for the evening. He padded around the dark hardwood floors, checking his phone as it buzzed, embracing the warmth of contentment with every message received from Astarion. For the first time in a long while, Halsin’s shoulders did not sag with the weight of loneliness that often came with how isolated his property was. Instead, while chatting with Astarion, he found comfort in the quiet solitude of his home.
Late into the night, Halsin had texted Astarion that he was heading to bed for the evening. Astarion’s reply was almost immediate:
What are you wearing?
Moments later, Astarion’s portrait glowed on Halsin’s caller ID. His heart skipped a beat before he answered. His inquiry devolved into a heated, breathy conversation which ended with both men’s hands wrapped around their own cocks and covered in their own spend.
Their texting conversation carried on throughout the day Sunday. Both men sent pictures of their events for the weekend. Halsin stayed home to clean up his house after not having been there in about a week, while Astarion had been invited by a friend to go to a drag show.
That evening, Halsin’s phone vibrated in his pocket every few minutes. Images of Astarion’s friends dancing and wearing lingerie poured into Halsin’s phone. Halsin smiled as he scrolled through them, admiring the slightly drunk grin plastered upon Astarion’s face.
You are a vision, Astarion. Let me know if you need someone to give you a ride home, Halsin texted.
Yu jst want 2 see me agin 😘, Astarion sloppily replied . His horrible grammar, unheard of during their normal communications, pulled a laugh from Halsin.
That is true, but I will not intrude on your night out. I only want for your safety, my heart, Halsin replied. Before he had the opportunity to lock his phone, three little dots jumped along the bottom of his screen as Astarion typed out his response.
AwwWw, so cute. Im saf. 😇Promise. The dots popped up immediately after Halsin received his message. Next tim ur coming with me.
Halsin’s thumbs pecked out his response: Are you going to be performing in lingerie like your friends? His thumb hovered over the “send” button. He bit his lip as he sent his response.
You wuld like that, woulnt you? 😈, read Astarion’s reply.
Absolutely. Halsin smiled at his phone. He felt himself swaying side to side as he sat on his bed. He nearly laughed when he realized he could kick his feet at how giddy Astarion made him feel. It was like he was a teenager again, waiting for his crush to call him after school.
Astarion’s response was suddenly free of typos and emojis: That could be arranged. The animated dots appeared again, and moments later, a second half flickered onto Halsin’s screen: If you’re good enough.
Halsin sucked in a deep breath as he typed his reply. Looking forward to it.
Their chats dwindled after that, but Halsin tossed under his blankets waiting for one last text from Astarion letting him know he got home safely.
He received a picture of Astarion with one of his friends, a shorter girl with long black hair and bangs, kissing him on the cheek that read: Made it home safe. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
Halsin smiled to himself, his cheeks aching from grinning all day. He set the alarm on his phone and snuggled down into his bed, quickly falling asleep.
The following Monday, Halsin sat behind his desk, although the word ‘sitting’ had to be used loosely. He was nearly vibrating with energy; his leg bounced as he read and re-read his emails. He glanced over at the clock as it ticked closer to noon.
Astarion had messaged him an hour ago. It was a picture of his calendar reminder of their meeting with a text that said: See you soon.
Halsin had not been able to focus the entire morning, even before the text. He had gone to the gym in his building as soon as he arrived to burn off some of his energy, but it did not help.
Halsin felt silly at the way he felt nervous about seeing Astarion all of a sudden. His heart had raced since he woke up that morning. They had seen each other regularly for years prior and he had never been jittery. He had always been pleased to see his lawyer, and had thoroughly enjoyed his company and friendship over the years. But that pleasure paled in comparison with the intensity he felt now.
He showered, sprayed on cologne, and walked around in a circle. He made eye contact with himself in his office’s bathroom mirror. A smile pulled at the sides of his lips.
“Get it together, Halsin,” he told the mirror, “It’s just Astarion.”
He noticed that his eyes dilated at the mere mention of his name. Halsin groaned. The feeling of his heart pounding in his chest returned; he sucked in a deep breath to calm himself as he left the bathroom and sat behind his computer.
After the first hour passed, Halsin was caught up on work. The pressing matter of his legal troubles would come later - whenever Astarion got there. His meeting was four hours away. Halsin stood up and decided to keep busy by making his rounds, speaking to his employees, checking in on their projects and chatting about their weekend.
He had gone through ten floors before he found himself back behind his desk once again, his leg bouncing, and watching the time slowly tick away.
Right on time, the ding of the elevator sounded and Halsin’s eyes shot up from his desktop. Astarion waltzed out, a hand in his pocket and a smirk upon his face.
Astarion’s body language was clear - he knew he was being watched from the moment he stepped into the lobby. Halsin’s mouth fell open as Astarion leaned over the receptionist's desk and smiled at her, engaging in some friendly banter as he normally did whenever he came in.
He wore a new suit. Under his coat, was a deep burgundy jacket paired with a silky, black button up and a matching black tie. He wasn’t wearing his glasses today, but instead accessorized with a golden watch, his trademark hoop earrings, a few shiny rings, and freshly-polished black leather shoes.
Halsin stood up, adjusted his trousers in the front, and walked around his desk to lean against his door frame. He crossed his arms, taking in the absolutely stunning man in front of him. Astarion glanced over and gave him a wink before returning to his conversation. Halsin’s breath caught in his throat and he clenched his jaw to maintain his composure. A curl dropped down onto Astarion’s forehead as he spoke. He dragged his fingers through his hair to put it back into place.
Halsin’s heart pounded in his ears. His fingers dug into his bicep and before he knew it he was yelling across the floor, "Astarion! I don't have all day!"
Astarion jumped and looked over at Halsin. His head cocked over to one side with his eyebrows raised. He licked his bottom lip before slowly dragging his teeth over it.
The office had gone silent; everyone’s heads turned to look at Halsin and then over at Astarion. Halsin felt a blush rise to his cheeks. He had never raised his voice before to anyone.
Astarion apologized to the receptionist and stood up straight, pulling his satchel up his shoulder. His eyes blazed with intrigue as he made his way to Halsin’s office. He maintained eye contact the entire time, seemingly blind of the curious onlookers.
Halsin stepped to the side and let Astarion pass through; he pulled the door shut just a little too hard, for good measure. The window shades fell shut with two quick pulls of the cords.
Just as the shades fell to the bottom of the window frames, Astarion dropped his satchel. He rushed at Halsin, grabbing him by the collar and pressing him up against the wall. A wicked, teasing grin lit up his face.
"Oh, I love it when you play boss with me,” Astarion leered, leaning in close. He rose to his tiptoes to do so. “You made everyone think that you’re mad at me, but they have no idea."
Halsin’s hands cupped each side of Astarion’s face as he pulled him into a desperate kiss. His tongue teased across the lawyer’s lips. Astarion opened his mouth and pressed his thigh between Halsin’s legs, pulling out a moan from the larger man.
Halsin was already half-hard in his slacks. Halsin’s hands moved from Astarion’s face to his waist, pulling him in closer, flush against his chest and firmly against his groin. Halsin pulled his lips away, breathless, and rested his forehead against Astarion’s.
"I missed you," Halsin said softly against his lips.
"It's been a day and a half," Astarion replied, leaning into his tall frame.
"I don't see your point," Halsin smiled, leaning forward to give him a quick peck. "You look phenomenal… but if you expect me to take anything you say seriously today, you chose your wardrobe poorly."
Astarion took a step back and did a little spin, smiling as Halsin lustfully ogled him from his position against the wall. “Well darling, normally I wouldn’t hide all of this behind layers when I see you, especially now,” he admitted coyly.
Halsin swallowed, completely transfixed on the lawyer’s movements as Astarion shrugged off his coat and tossed it over the desk. Halsin’s hands clenched into fists, his fingernails digging into his palms.
“But there was just… something about the idea of you unwrapping me like a present that intrigued me,” Astarion turned around, bringing his finger up to his lips in faux thought. His eyes dragged down Halsin’s massive form and he smiled, pleasantly delighted by Halsin’s feral, hungry gaze.
Halsin pushed himself from the wall. But before he could pull Astarion into another kiss, the smaller man’s hands grabbed Halsin’s wrists. Halsin allowed himself to be guided backwards until he felt the chaise on the back of his calves. Astarion gently pressed his hands against Halsin’s chest and forced him back onto the cushioned seat.
Halsin looked up at him, pupils practically taking up his entire iris, dilated in lust. Astarion brought up one of his smooth, polished shoes and pressed it onto Halsin’s throbbing groin. Halsin whimpered at the pressure, wrapping his large hands around Astarion’s leg, and rutted himself up against the sole of Astarion’s new Italian shoes.
Astarion pressed harder onto his groin, pulling out a moan from Halsin. "Ah, ah, ah, these were expensive. Untie them please."
Halsin’s hands slid down his leg and eagerly untied the knots in his laces. Astarion pulled his leg away, agonizingly slowly, and switched his feet. He pressed the hardened bottom of his other shoe onto the larger man’s aching member.
“And this one," Astarion commanded. His hands perched on each hip as he loomed over Halsin.
He grinned at Halsin’s restraint; Halsin’s teeth dug into his bottom lip, leaving indents behind in an attempt to control himself. Halsin untied Astarion’s shoe then grabbed his calf once more and pulled him closer, whimpering softly at the added pressure against his crotch. He ached to press kisses into Astarion’s shin, but just as soon as his lips brushed against the soft fabric of Astarion’s slacks, the lawyer pulled his leg away.
"Sweet Halsin, I didn't say you could touch me yet,” Astarion chastised, clicking his tongue in disapproval. He slowly took a few steps back. "You're going to sit there like a good boy and watch."
Astarion tugged at his tie, pulling it from its perfect knot, and tossed it on over to the desk.
“Seems like you’re the one doing the unwrapping,” Halsin huffed and leaned over, bracing his elbows on his knees. Halsin noticed a twitch of Astarion’s lips at his comment before he composed himself.
“Hmm, you’re right. But I’ve known you for years now. Your tells are obvious to me; I knew you would like this more,” Astarion replied, his fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt. It revealed a matching black tank top. Halsin swallowed, his throat bobbing visibly.
Astarion turned to face the desk, away from Halsin, as he let the shirt slowly slide down his arms. He delicately folded it atop his coat. Halsin admired the lean muscles that rippled along Astarion’s back. Halsin squinted at the lawyer in curiosity. More straps peeked from the fabric of the tank top.
As Astarion grabbed his undershirt on either side and pulled it above his head, Halsin’s eyes widened. Astarion continued to face away, so only the wall would witness his giddy smile. He heard a gasp catch in Halsin’s throat.
Wrapped around Astarion’s pale torso were several matte black straps. The straps met in the middle and rose vertically along Astarion’s spine. They were attached to a fabric collar circling Astarion’s throat. More delicate straps descended his sides, accentuating his hips before disappearing into his slacks. Lingerie. He was wrapped up like a present, indeed.
Halsin’s mind flashed to their conversation yesterday. That could be arranged. If you’re good enough.
Halsin slid his hand against his slacks. His fingertips grazed over his erection that pulsed against his thigh, gingerly stroking it as Astarion removed each garment. His cock pulsed at the slightest touch. A small wet spot of pre-cum soaked into the fabric of his pants. His other hand rested under his chin as he leaned forward.
Halsin’s eyes locked onto Astarion as he followed every movement. Desire pooled deep and ached inside Halsin’s stomach. Never before this moment had he felt a stronger urge to tear anyone apart with his teeth– to lick every divot Astarion had on his body from head to toe. Halsin’s mind went hazy with the need to devour Astarion. He needed Astarion to satisfy all of his senses.
Most of the time Halsin was a patient man. But watching him was excruciating. It was as though his skin was vibrating. His jaw clenched and he huffed out a breath of air. He wanted Astarion carnally.
Astarion pushed his toes onto the backs of his shoes and kicked them to the side. His rings hit the desk with a clatter. His hands shook slightly with excitement as they caressed his own body, sliding from his ribs down his waist, toward his belt. He hooked his thumbs behind his belt, pulling at it slightly.
He was being an insufferable tease. Halsin smacked his lips, trying to remedy the dryness in his mouth. “Astarion…” Halsin whimpered softly.
A wry smile tugged at the corners of Astarion’s mouth. He unlatched the leather belt, pulling it from the loops then placed it on the desk. His hands drifted back to the button of his slacks, undoing them slowly and sliding down the zipper.
His hands slid tauntingly over his skin as he tucked his fingers into the waistline and pushed down his slacks over his ass, bending over at the waist, until the fabric bunched at his ankles.
Astarion’s asscheeks looked almost damp as they glistened. Tucked in between his cheeks was a black lacy thong. Above the waistband of the panties was a banded garter belt resting snuggly against his hips. Halsin’s eyes followed the suspenders on the belt down; hooked into the thick bands of the black mesh stockings. The stockings accentuated Astarion’s well-muscled legs; Halsin’s cock pulsed again in response to the sight.
Astarion turned around and leaned back against the desk. Halsin’s eyes trailed upwards, taking in every detail of his outfit. Astarion shivered with delight; he felt like a three-course meal, set before a starving man.
Astarion’s cock pushed against the delicate fabric of his lacy panties; its flushed head slightly peeked up over the waistband. Around his chest was a matching bralette with a lacy leaf design covering up his nipples. The entire set was decorated with little golden studs where the straps connected. He looked expensive– like a piece of art painted by the finest renaissance artist.
Astarion, as though he had practiced choreography, bashfully looked down to the floor. He ran his hands up his thigh, grazing over the fabric covering his cock, and up his stomach. As his fingers pulled at the strap of his bralette, he raised his eyes to Halsin’s hunched-over figure. Halsin’s own erection pushed at the seams of his pants as he gawked, slack-jawed at the man in front of him.
"Astarion," Halsin whispered, pulling himself to the edge of his chair. "Please... Let me touch you."
"I’ll allow it,” Halsin moved to stand. “But only if you crawl.”
Halsin glanced up at Astarion and laughed, shaking his head and smiling wildly.
There was no question from him. In an instant, he dropped to his hands and knees and crawled over, his throbbing erection bouncing between his legs, straining against his slacks. Halsin pressed his lips to both of Astarion’s mesh-covered feet, then kissed his way up Astarion’s legs.
He paused for a moment to drag his wide tongue over the fabric covering Astarion’s cock. The lawyer shivered at his ministrations. Halsin sat back on his feet, and wrapped his large hands around Astarion’s hips. Astarion ran his fingers through Halsin's hair and took a small step closer.
"Do you want me, Halsin?" Astarion asked, his tone dripping with seduction.
Halsin had no voice; Astarion had stolen his breath away. He could only press his forehead and nose against Astarion's stomach. He nodded, a whimper rumbling in his throat.
“Well, well,” Astarion said, "You're an obedient pup, but way too quiet. I like it when my dogs bark. Do you want me, Halsin?"
"More than anything," Halsin choked out, as he looked up at Astarion. He smiled wide and brought his mouth closer to his lover’s twitching cock. Astarion pressed his hips forward as Halsin slid his tongue over the fabric once more, sucking on his length through the lace.
Astarion gasped softly, before pulling his hips backward. "Then beg,” he said, his voice a little unsteady.
Halsin dismissed his command with a smirk. He had been teased long enough. His hand pressed into the skin on Astarion’s inner thigh as his tongue slid along the edge of the fabric, trying to get a taste of him. Halsin’s mouth watered as it brushed against Astarion’s tender flesh. Astarion shivered and tightened his grip on Halsin’s hair. A warning.
Halsin again disregarded him, and nosed his way under the fabric. His teeth nipped at the edge of the lace and pulled until Astarion’s throbbing erection sprang loose.
Halsin had just opened his lips to wrap them around the head of Astarion’s cock when he felt a sharp tug at the crown of his head. Astarion had pulled his head backwards, away from his erection. It glistened at the tip, wet with pre-cum. Halsin pleaded with Astarion using only his big, round eyes.
"You can't beg with my cock in your mouth,” Astarion spat, his nose crinkling in mock frustration. He grabbed Halsin’s chin and pulled his mouth open, “But if you want it so badly then take it."
He thrust his cock into Halsin's eager mouth. A surprised moan vibrated the head of Astarion’s cock as it hit the back of Halsin’s throat. Halsin moved his hands to rest on Astarion's asscheeks, fingers pressing into his skin, letting Astarion grab him by the hair and fuck his mouth. Halsin’s eyes closed in focus, gagging only for a moment, before controlling his breathing.
"You seem to have forgotten who's actually in charge here. I don't give a shit whose name is on the door, Halsin,” Astarion grunted, sliding his cock deeper until Halsin’s nose was flush against his pubic bone. "You'll know your place soon enough."
Tears pooled in Halsin’s eyes but he moaned in agreement. Astarion gasped as Halsin pulled back just slightly. The larger man sucked on his aching shaft and swirled his tongue around the head of Astarion’s cock.
Pressure bubbled low in Astarion’s groin. Halsin felt Astarion’s grip tighten even further on his hair, and his belly fluttered with excitement as he prepared himself for Astarion’s climax. To his surprise, Astarion pulled his hips away. Astarion shoved at Halsin’s chest, hard, and he fell onto his back onto the office floor.
Halsin opened his mouth to protest, but Astarion took a step closer to him.
"Take off your pants... Now,” the lawyer commanded, his cock bobbing as he drew in ragged breaths.
Halsin nodded and immediately pulled his shirt from his pants. He unfastened his belt and then his pants buttons, his fingers slick from the lube Astarion used to prep himself. Halsin toed off his shoes. In one swift motion his pants and underwear were off and kicked to the side. Astarion stepped over his legs and placed his feet on either side of the large man’s torso.
“You’re going to do as I ask.” Astarion said as he brought up a foot and gently pressed it onto his neck. "Beg, Halsin."
Halsin gasped, eyes wide in shock. Astarion added just a little bit more pressure, but not enough to prevent him from breathing. Halsin admired how controlled he was with his body and nearly grinned.
"Astarion, please..." Halsin choked out.
"Please what? Tell me what you want."
"You. I want–” Halsin corrected himself, “I need to fuck you. Please."
Astarion paused and stepped off of Halsin. He dropped to straddle Halsin’s waist. "No."
Halsin sucked in a deep breath. "What?"
Astarion’s hand darted behind him; he pulled aside the panty string and pushed Halsin's cock against his prepped rim. His eyelids fluttered at the pressure against his entrance.
"I'm fucking you."
Astarion slowly slid down until he was flush with Halsin's skin. Astarion stilled for a moment as he gasped, not nearly as prepared as he was when he was at home. He rose up just slightly and pressed back down. Halsin groaned and panted with every movement. His hands came up to cup Astarion’s lace covered chest, pinching his nipples through the fabric. Astarion shivered and rocked his hips up and down Halsin’s shaft
“Your office is soundproof, Halsin,” Astarion moaned as he filled himself entirely, tip to root with Halsin’s cock. “And I want to hear all of the pretty noises I’m pulling out of you.”
Halsin involuntarily let out a moan.
“That’s a good boy. Just like that,” Astarion said breathlessly. He leaned forward and gently pressed his hands around Halsin’s throat, pressing firmly on either side of his neck. Halsin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head with each push and pull of Astarion’s hips. The large man whimpered as he got closer to release.
Halsin’s hands dug into Astarion’s hips. With each rise up, he pushed Astarion back down. A tear trickled from the corner of one eye and down the side of his face as the pressure built inside of him.
Astarion slammed himself again onto Halsin’s cock and Halsin made a choking noise. He thrust his hips up Astarion, emptying himself inside. Astarion grinned and slowly released his grip on Halsin’s neck as Halsin’s cock pulsed deep within him.
Halsin’s vision blurred for a moment before he sucked in a deep breath, letting out a little breathy laugh.
“Fuck, Astarion,” Halsin exhaled, unable to hide his delighted smile.
Astarion leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Halsin's and kissed him softly. Halsin chased his lips as Astarion pulled back.
"How are you doing, darling?" Astarion said softly, his hands brushing gently against Halsin’s neck. Halsin sighed happily and stroked Astarion's cheek with his thumb. He pulled the smaller man down and kissed his cheek, jaw, and neck.
“You didn’t come yet,” Halsin murmured against his skin.
“You’re observant,” Astarion whispered, a smile spreading across his face, “and we’re not done.”
Astarion lifted himself off of Halsin’s cock, feeling Halsin’s spend dribble out slightly. Halsin grunted at the over stimulation.
“I told you that I’m fucking you,” he purred.
“Mmm, and I thought you just did,” Halsin said, and raised his eyebrows as Astarion leaned over to the chaise. He grabbed the pillow resting on it and settled between Halsin’s legs.
“Lift up for me,” Astarion said softly, patting Halsin’s thigh. The larger man complied, planting his feet into the ground and lifting up his hips for Astarion to slide the pillow beneath him.
Halsin eyed Astarion curiously as he leaned back to his pants and pulled out a tiny bottle of lube. Halsin chuckled deep in his chest and willingly spread his legs, shifting down slightly.
“Oh, I see,” Halsin said, smiling softly.
His smirk disappeared quickly as Astarion pressed a finger against Halsin’s entrance. Halsin, already relaxed from his orgasm, sighed and gasped at the pressure. Astarion’s finger slid in easily and pushed against his walls, not waiting too long before a second one joined, massaging and kneading the muscles. He curled his fingers slightly until he found Halsin’s prostate, caressing the sensitive bud. Astarion spread his fingers to press around it.
Halsin’s hand gripped into his skin. Despite just climaxing, his cock hardened again as jolts of pleasure rolled through his body. He pulled his arm over his face to bite down on his own muscled bicep.
He was burning up, consumed with need, as though every nerve in his body was pleasantly on fire. Halsin groaned into his elbow and lifted his legs up higher as Astarion slid in a third finger. It wasn’t enough. His mind raced back to their first night together. How he stretched around Astarion’s girth and how the curve of his cock always hit the exact spot it needed to. It had become a craving; his mouth watered impatiently, and his cock stood fully erect and dribbling at Astarion’s skillful touch.
Astarion seemed satisfied with his work and pulled out his fingers. Halsin moaned at the loss of stimulation, only to gasp as Astarion pressed himself against Halsin’s entrance. His cock pushed inside easily, and Astarion rolled his hips slowly, sliding in and out by mere inches.
Halsin whined with frustration, “Don’t do this to me, Astarion,” he begged.
“Do what?” Astarion replied, chuckling as Halsin squirmed. He quickly learned he adored to tease the larger man, especially when he was so eager and needy for him.
Halsin opened his mouth to reply, but then Astarion was faster. The lawyer grabbed his leg and pressed it against his chest, letting the back of Halsin’s knee rest on his shoulder, and rutted deep inside of him.
“Oh gods, thank you,” Halsin whined, as he wrapped his other hand around his over-sensitive cock and slowly stroked it. He hissed as his hand rose up over the head of his arousal. Goosebumps rose on his skin with each pull.
Astarion admired how unabashedly unraveled Halsin became at his touch. He had never felt more desired and beautiful than when he was with Halsin. Even before this weekend, prior to going this far, Halsin always gave Astarion his undivided attention. He would never let a meeting pass by without showering him with praise or appreciation. He was always polite, kind, and considerate. But that was just… Halsin.
Astarion swallowed and refocused his thoughts. He pressed his forehead on the inside of Halsin’s thigh and gazed at the wrecked man in front of him. With every push, Halsin’s muscles tensed as his mouth fell open. At every thrust, Halsin’s little hitches of breath escaped him.
Halsin removed his arm from over his eyes and tried to focus his blurry eyes on the man in between his legs. He savored the way Astarion’s arms wrapped around his thigh, and how his muscled torso rippled with each thrust inside of him. He couldn’t help the keening noise that escaped the back of his throat as he marveled at Astarion’s beauty. His hand uncontrollably pumped his cock as his eyes cascaded down the lawyer’s body, stopping to admire every piece of fabric that adorned it.
Astarion shifted lower and slowly pressed up inside Halsin. His body shivered with pleasure as his cock was enveloped by Halsin’s warmth and pressure along the entire length of his shaft. He pulled out from Halsin’s ass and rutted against his prostate with a steady rhythm, causing both men to become short of breath.
“A-ah, y-yes,” Halsin moaned softly, a pitch higher than normal, “There, Astarion. Right there…”
Astarion obliged, quickening his pace and shortening his thrusts, grinding himself against Halsin’s prostate. Halsin tightened around him and arched his back, unable to tear his gaze away from Astarion.
“So beautiful,” Halsin gasped as his toes curled, his cum spilling all over his hand and shirt, crying out and shuddering through his second orgasm. Astarion followed shortly after, slamming himself all the way into Halsin, blushing up to the tips of his ears as he climaxed and filled him with his spend.
His muscles relaxed, and Astarion let out a breath, groaning and shaking through each wave of pleasure that shot through him. Halsin’s head fell back as his chest heaved with exhaustion. A dopey smile was plastered on his face.
Astarion pulled himself out of Halsin and lowered the larger man’s leg down. Halsin unbuttoned his shirt and tossed the cum-soaked fabric to the side. Astarion crawled up Halsin’s body and laid down on top of him, resting his head on top of his hands. Halsin twitched as the aftershocks hit him and closed his eyes, humming contently as his fingers lightly brushed against the soft skin on Astarion’s arms.
“So, I must have been good enough,” Halsin said quietly, making Astarion huff out a small laugh.
“You disobeyed me half-way through,” Astarion reminded him.
“Mhmm, I couldn’t help myself. You are magnificent. The most striking and intelligent person I’ve ever met. Any time you ask it of me, I will get on my hands and knees, and I will worship the ground you walk on,” Halsin shamelessly praised.
Astarion turned beet red and hid his face in his hands. Halsin’s praise was different when he spoke it while the men were in the heat of passion. But to hear this heartfelt adoration tumbling out of his mouth without prompting him made Astarion’s heart pound in his ears. “Halsin, please, you don’t have to. You can stop,” Astarion said softly.
Halsin lifted his head to look at the man on top of him. He pulled Astarion up on his chest so they were face-to-face.
“Astarion,” Halsin said in a soft, low voice as he cupped the younger man’s jaw, “I am not… This isn’t… I want to be with you.” He paused for a moment to gather his words, his chest still rising and falling as he caught his breath. “You’re not someone with whom I want to have a quick fuck and then part ways. I desire you for more than what you offer me - sexually or otherwise.”
Halsin pressed a kiss against Astarion’s plump lips and smiled.
“I want to take you on a date. Or dates, if you’ll let me. I want to get to know you even more, and learn about you. Both the good things…” He paused, a hand delicately traced one of the raised blemishes that peeked over his back, “and the bad.”
Astarion shivered, frowning slightly at the tenderness Halsin showed for him. It was not common to speak to another person who could read him so well. Let alone a partner who could also communicate their feelings, instead of shoving them down to fester.
Yet again, Astarion was embraced in Halsin’s healing aura, feeling safe in his arms and unafraid to be vulnerable. Halsin patiently watched as Astarion’s eyes bounced back and forth, scanning over his face. Halsin allowed him all the time he needed to process everything he laid out on the table.
“You want to take me on a date?” Astarion asked, blinking in confusion. Halsin nodded, brushing his nose against Astarion’s, still smiling softly at his lover.
“Many dates, but I’ll happily take even just one,” Halsin murmured against Astarion’s lips, pressing another kiss against them. “Anywhere you want. Anything you want. I’ll give you the world.”
Astarion laughed softly and shook his head, “And here I thought I was the smooth talker.”
“I’ve got many skills to show you,” Halsin smirked. His confidence was warranted, but it still caused Astarion to roll his eyes.
“Very well,” Astarion smiled. “This Friday, then.”
Halsin wrapped his arms around Astarion’s torso and squeezed him into a tight hug. He pressed a kiss to his cheek, jaw, then neck. Astarion laughed at Halsin’s excitement and let himself be squished, relaxing into his lover’s embrace.
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Between Want and Need
also known as I Bet You'll Fit in My Pack
So another Halstarion fluff piece! I must be feeling the softness lately, haha. This one kind of rambled a bit -- I blame the fact I can't seem to write a thing with Astarion in it where the party banter doesn't devolve into like 89% 'give Astarion shit' times lmao -- I quite like the general vibe and the sweetness. No betas, hope everyone's IC lol! Pls do enjoy ~
Fluff / Astarion/Halsin / 6k words (give or take) // AO3 Link
Astarion owed Halsin something and he wasn't happy about it at all.
He owed him, because that morning when he'd come back from an early hunt with Wyll, Shadowheart, and their defacto party leader Tav, Astarion had been covered in blood and walking slowly, painfully, a red-spattered gash at the waist -- and Halsin had hurried right to the vampire's side without a moment of hesitation. His hands were already starting to glimmer with druidic healing magic before Astarion even said a word.
And he hated it. Because now he owed him for that. After all, he hadn't needed Halsin to heal him, and yet there he was, kneeling at Astarion's feet and whispering magical words over his wound while his skin glimmered in oranges and greens.
Astarion let him. He decided it was easier to let Halsin continue rather than push him away.
But he didn't need this at all. Frankly, it was presumptuous, and he wondered why he didn’t let the druid know right then and there.
Well. Seemed silly to complain now, he supposed. But next time. Definitely next time.
Astarion wouldn't have even been wandering around the godsforsaken woods, if Tav hadn't insisted the spawn get his turn at the camp's fun new group activity.
The party was trying to load up on meat while they were past the Shadow cursed lands, but still far enough outside Baldur's Gate good game remained plentiful. Looting eighteen bottles of wine and twenty half-eaten apples for dinner was all well and good when hunting was scarce, but everyone -- well, everyone that didn't just need to cajole a bite of Halsin’s neck to have their supper -- was craving something substantial.
They had done a few days worth of hunting, everyone getting a turn to enjoy themselves with something besides killing cultists and goblins, but this was going to be the last of it. And boy, was Astarion glad for that.
Hunting for himself was fun. Hunting, real hunting, the kind that required more than just drinking an animal dry and discarding its carcass for the carrion birds, was so very indescribably boring.
His boredom might have been why he wasn't really paying as close attention to things as he should, frankly. Another reason to blame Tav for his troubles.
They'd run into a small raiding party, Tav had explained, as Astarion grimaced in pain under Halsin’s care. They sat besides him on one of the logs surrounding the camp's fire while Halsin knelt at Astarion's feet and concentrated on the slash in his side.
Kobolds, so the fight was over quickly. But a lucky little bugger he thought was dead had poked Astarion good when the vampire turned away to loot a body. The dagger was fit for kobold hands so the slash hadn't been deep. There had just been a nasty little poison on the blade, so it stung and burned and -- well, hurt quite a lot, actually.
But Astarion was fine, of course. He didn’t need this fussing at all.
"Blasted creature didn't have the courtesy to stay dead when stabbed," he sniffed. "So no fault of mine, if you ask me--ow!" He hissed softly in pain and Halsin winced.
"Apologies, Astarion. I think this may have been wyvern poison instead of the more standard fare," Halsin frowned, just as Shadowheart entered the camp, trailing behind while she helped Wyll carry back one of the bucks they'd managed to fell. Halsin's words made her pause and she frowned as well, as she dropped her half of the deer with the other game meat and walked towards the druid and his patient.
"Oh, wonderful," the vampire muttered dryly. "Surely poison isn't a cause for alarm for a walking corpse?
"You are more than that," Halsin scolded in that gentle way that made Astarion both roll his eyes and feel warm all over. "But yes, it should be fine. However it would be better if healing had been started at the moment the poison met flesh."
The druid's eyes flicked towards Shadowheart for the briefest moment before turning back to Astarion's wounds, but she absolutely caught the glance and her eyes narrowed. Halsin didn't notice. "It's had a bit to work its way in and this is a nasty sort that eats at the tissue; luckily its slow enough to often catch in time before lasting damage is done."
"That explains the burning," Astarion mused, more curious than worried as he peered down at the throbbing wound barely visible under Halsin's large hands, as the druid channeled Silvanus' blessing into his skin. "No real worries, I've had worse--"
"Oh Astarion...pardon me for interrupting, but can we speak?"
Astarion's words were abruptly halted by Shadowheart, her question blurted with a tone that sounded almost...offended? He looked up at the cleric and blinked to see her glaring at him, hands on her hips.
"I couldn’t help but overhear, you see. You were hurt by a poisoned blade?” Her lips turned downward, eyes narrowing more. “Why then, didn't you say anything?"
"Darling, it's like I said. I've had worse." He waved her off. "I can't run to you for every little bump and scrape, can I? It'd be a waste of my time and yours."
"That's what I'm here for, you stubborn twit," Shadowheart huffed and crossed her arms. "And having a dirty wound laced with wyvern poison is hardly a scrape. It's obvious you're in more pain than you let on, but you said nothing to me -- and I did check with you, if you recall." Her lips pressed tightly. "As I do everyone after a battle. But instead you said nothing until you waltzed back into camp." She paused and then continued roughly, a flicker of genuine upset escaping her careful expression. "And on top of it, you've made Halsin think I'm a poor cleric!"
"Oh, Shadowheart, I did not mean--" Halsin's exclaimed immediately, looking up at the half-elf with surprise and regret. He certainly hadn't intended his glance to convey that. It was involuntary, more curiosity as to why she seemed to have ignored an injury, than condemnation. It wasn't like her to leave a wounded comrade without aid if possible, after all. "You're incredibly skilled! I deeply apologize if I offended you."
"Huh! It's her accusation that's more offensive," Astarion frowned, feeling oddly defensive -- though, not for himself, but for the druid. "Our big bear would never be so rude. I wonder if he’s capable of a judgmental thought at all," he added drolly and Halsin had to chuckle.
"Oh, you'd be surprised..."
It was Shadowheart's turn to be chagrined and after a moment of faltering, she sighed and shook her head, her armored shoulders slumping.
"Oh, I'm sorry, myself. I know you wouldn't think something like that Halsin. At least nothing of real concern you’d keep to yourself.” Arms crossing, she rubbed at the back of her neck, lips pursed in an unnoticed pout.
“I suppose I'm just annoyed at our oh-so-brave rogue here, because this isn't the first time he's refrained from telling me about an injury until he returned to camp and had you fix it up." She paused and then tilted her chin up a little, trying to convey her next words coolly, and not tinged with the small amount of hurt she felt.
"If you think I'm incompetent Astarion, I wish you'd just say so. It would certainly save me some spell slots when you inevitably walk over a trap you yourself just located."
Astarion looked at her silently for a beat, glancing back at Halsin, but the druid was concentrating on his wound. Those wise hazel eyes did lift a little and meet his, Halsin's eyebrows raising. A sort of silent "Well...?" And then he smiled, gentle and caring, and went back to what he'd been doing. Encouragement to say what he knew was the right thing, but no pressure to do so.
The vampire groaned, his head dropping back as his brow pinched in irritation. "I....don't think you're incompetent, Shadowheart. You're a fantastic healer. I've never meant for my actions to feel like a personal slight, and...I'm..."
He paused, feeling something burning the side of his face and he glanced over to see Tav watching him with a very encouraging smile. Practically nodding along to every word, in fact.
For fuck's sake.
"Hhhhhh...I'm sorry," he muttered at Shadowheart's general direction, ignoring the low chuckle that came from the druid before him. He could just imagine the satisfied smile on that careworn face and he forced his own to pinch in annoyance.
"...Hm. Apology accepted," Shadowheart replied nonchalantly and then moved to sit on the log next to Astarion, watching Halsin do his work. She shifted as if attempting to get comfortable, the movement making her knee bump into Astarion's, briefly.
He recognized the gesture for what it was. They were both the same kind of stubborn, after all. He moved too, pretending to stretch, and bumped his elbow against her arm. He saw her little smile out of his periphery, and matched it with one of his own. They were all right.
"Still though," she did continue, her voice warmer with the slightest hint of reproach. "If you're hurt, you ought to tell me. Sometimes it's a simple scrape and sometimes it's wyvern poison, you know? I'm still terribly curious why you hesitate."
"Mm, no real reason. Perhaps I subconsciously fear Selune's wrath, she is so picky when it comes to who is worthy of her moonlight," he joked.
Of course, forgetting the camp currently held the daughter of said deity literally a tent away.
"What is that you say of my Mother Goddess?" Dame Aylin's voice rang out and Astarion nearly jumped.
"O-oh, nothing! Nothing at all--!" Astarion quickly blurted with a breezy, if slightly-frightened, smile. "Idle chatter, completely meaningless. I assure you."
He didn't see the smile that played over the assimar's lips as she affected a gruff look at the vampire. Halsin blinked and then laughed softly, lifting himself up to sit on Astarion's other side and place a large warm hand on his knee; a gesture of comfort and perhaps a small one of protection, as well. Of course the vampire had nothing to fear from Aylin, she was teasing. But still, it was comforting to have Halsin's huge body between her and himself.
"Let us not grow too heated," Halsin said cheerfully. "I do believe allowances are commonly made when one's true heart is seen. The Oak Father himself deems Astarion worthy of succor. I am quite sure Selune does as well."
"Hmmm…" Dame Aylin pretended to think for a few moments, watching Astarion fidget and then smiled brightly. "Aye, it is true. Our Lady of Silver knows a shadowed heart from a blackened one after all. Such hearts are alike to Her moonflower; though it may bloom only in darkness, its petals shall always seek the light."
Halsin couldn’t keep from smiling as he gently uncapped a bottled salve plucked from within his pouch, applying it gently to Astarion’s wound – a benefit not necessarily needed for Astarion’s natural healing, but one that would ease the pain more quickly. It wasn’t like his patient was complaining this time, either, so he took advantage of the rare agreeable mood.
“And a particularly lovely blossom to see in their unique bloom, if you’re able,” he agreed quietly.
Astarion blushed lightly, though he wasn’t quite sure why; he hid it with an expression dripping with annoyance, hand lifting to brush through his hair airly. “Have you quite finished, druid?” he muttered. “I’m not as delicate as some night flower.”
Isobel pursed her lips, looking thoughtfully at the spawn as he sat before Halsin, arguing the extra cautious treatment even as he happily remained for it. She slowly grinned then, leaning up to whisper something in her lover's ear as Astarion, his face gone as red as his formerly favorite wine at everyone’s eyes on him, exhaled a deep and long-suffering sigh.
"Can we please move the conversation past my heart, or my succor or me as the general topic, please?"
"But this topic is so much more interesting than talking about the deer we have to butcher," Tav interjected, plopping down on one of the other logs around the campfire, facing Astarion with a huge grin on their face. Astarion squinted at them, looking for all the world like a disgruntled feline.
Oh dear gods, are they all going to come over and sit around him now??
"Ah, apologies for bringing it up, Halsin," Tav added with a slight wince. The druid chuckled and shook his head.
"That is nature's cycle, my friend. It doesn't disturb me to talk about it. I joined you on one of your hunting nights, did I not? And I'm a fair hand at properly dressing a buck as well, so let me know if you need help."
"We'll need all hands, to be honest," Tav sighed, stretching. Astarion breathed an internal sigh of relief, glad the conversation had moved away from himself and his injury as the subject. "We've two large buck, a doe, three rabbits, a small boar and I think Wyll got a couple of quail on the way back."
"That's...quite a haul of meat," Halsin said hesitantly, a soft frown knitting his brows. "We'll be somewhere we can purchase supplies soon, as is. Did you really need so many...?"
Tav was quiet for a minute, then ran a hand through their hair, looking away. "I just...I started thinking about the refugees I saw when we went into Rivington a few days ago. A few of the tieflings from the grove were already there...the kids," they added quietly, and paused. "Everyone crowded into these makeshift tents and I didn't see a lot of, ah. You know. Food. So I thought, well, we were hunting anyway, and there's enough of us to carry extra..."
The concerned look on Halsin's face melted away into a huge smile, grateful and gracious. "Tav! That's a wonderful idea. I'll definitely help. If we all work on it together we can start to salt the venison tonight."
Well now the conversation had returned to the dull and boring. Astarion sighed and made to stretch, but winced with a sharp intake of breath, a hand hovering over the wound Halsin was quietly tending. "Ah -- th-that hurts more than I expected..."
He wasn't very happy about that, he had plans for later. Mostly slipping into Halsin’s tent and seducing another drink from that lovely throat. It was growing to be a bit indulgent, he couldn’t deny. He didn’t necessarily need it, but…well. He wanted it. That was good enough, wasn’t it?
“Apologies, it will sting with movement for some time. Really, in truth – you should always alert Shadowheart when you’re injured. Sometimes these things are time sensitive.” He met Astarion’s glimmering ruby gaze with those pretty, so very honest eyes of his own. “Will you please attempt to do so more often, Astarion? If not for your own sake, then perhaps to allay your healer’s worry…”
Before a very flustered Astarion could speak, Shadowheart leapt to her feet and pointed at the two of them, smiling triumphantly. “I knew it! I knew that’s what this was about! I was right! Wyll, you owe me ten gold.”
“Blast! I was so certain you were exaggerating,” Wyll sighed from the other side of camp. “I mean – he’s a rogue, not a front liner, hardly soaks damage enough to justify such a thing.”
“What are you on about, you confusing woman?” Astarion snapped, cheeks red. Then blinked as Shadowheart loomed over him with her teasing smile, fingertip poking his forehead.
“He’s your pack healer! I knew it. You’ve run back to him for every bump and scrape for weeks now. Isobel, myself, Jaheira – we may as well be invisible~”
Halsin couldn’t see the look on Astarion’s face, turned towards Shadowheart as he was, but apparently it was enough to make the half-elf burst into delighted giggles, practically dancing away from Astarion as if those blades were seconds from lunging towards her. Which might not be so far from the truth.
She turned, looking over her shoulder at Astarion almost coquettishly, a hand lightly perched upon her chest. “Well! I know when I’m not wanted~” she said with the flair of a dreadful penny romance. “He’s all yours, Archdruid. You’ll have to come with us more often, obviously. The poor thing does tend to get caught by a surprising number of missed traps.”
“....You know, I think I miss cold Sharran princess Shadowheart,” Astarion sniffed, his lips in a thin line. “She didn’t give me quite so much sass.”
Halsin had to chuckle at that. “Mmh, I don’t know Astarion, I seem to recall just as much sass, just of a different nature. I quite enjoy the new outlook.” He finished the last pass at smoothing the salve into the wound and began to bandage it now, taking much longer with the application than needed to save Astarion the sting. Not unusual of course, Halsin was ever mindful of how much extra pain his healing ministrations could add; but he did tend to take extra care with a certain spawn, which had not gone unnoticed by – well, most of the camp, really.
In fact this whole production may have been led by ulterior motives, if the grin on Tav’s face as they watched the group was anything to go by. Astarion was too preoccupied by the insinuation of the other cleric to really notice, luckily.
”Pack healer…” he snorted, crossing his legs though he didn’t lean away from Halsin’s hands this time. “Ridiculous notion.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Isobel mused as she sat on one of the logs surrounding the campfire, Dame Aylin close behind her shoulder, as always. “Perhaps not in those exact words, but…well, in truth, while I heal all in need happily, Aylin is…she’s…” The cleric trailed off, unable to think of a way to describe it, but luckily the demigod had a much more succinct way with words.
“I am Isobel’s shield and blade. And she is my home and hearth.” Aylin looked down at Isobel then, one armored hand lowering to touch a pale cheek. “My place of rest and succor. While I would never deny any cleric’s help if the cause was great, in the end…it is my darling Isobel’s healing touch that I seek before any other. The only I need.”
Astarion shifted uncomfortably and Halsin expected he must be growing tired of the druid’s slow, careful touch by now -- so he finished applying the last bandage and stopped. He didn’t see Astarion’s brief, tiny frown as Halsin began repacking his supplies.
“Aylin,” the Selunite blushed a little, tucking a lock of moon-silver hair behind her ear. “I am no better than another, you know.”
“You outshine them all,” the aasimar said simply and smiled. “Mine own biases at work, I admit, but still. When it is you – the one that shares my heart, well–” She glanced over, that intense expression (that always honestly intimated Astarion just a little) actually softened as she put thoughts to words. Her ethereal gaze met the spawn’s eyes.
“I am blade and shield, aye -- strong as steel and iron. But sometimes I must bend or I will break, and beneath my love’s hands – I can. Her hearth is safe, and I may lie and be vulnerable for a time.” Her glowing gaze turned back to Isobel, smile wide and the cleric’s face was flushed warm. “And if it is a slight amusement, to acknowledge the match? Dame Aylin, with her cleric kept handy in her pack.” She laughed, that boisterous guffaw. “A fitting thing! My Isobel is so sweet and small.”
Halsin didn’t speak during Dame Aylin’s speech, but the tips of his ears were pink as he rose, looking like he’d been thinking of a great many things. But instead of sharing, he just started gathering up his kit bag on a shoulder, task finished. And really, that was all it was. A task asked of any other healer, nothing more or less.
Never mind that the only reason Halsin got to Astarion’s wound as quickly as he did was because the wood elf always scanned the edges of camp with searching eyes the moment the group's approaching noise signaled their return. And that seeking gaze had never landed on Tav or Wyll or Gale or Karlach or any of the others and stayed.
It only ever lingered on one pale elf.
Tav rubbed their chin slightly, thinking, a small smile spreading on their lips, the one that always preceded some trickery or another.
“You two are adorable,” they said cheerily to the Selunite duo, and clapped their hands together. “But sadly ‘tease Astarion hours’ are over! We’ve all got work to do.”
“Oh, is it over already? A shame, I was just beginning to really enjoy myself,” Astarion hissed, the annoyed poofed tail and flat ears practically visible as he too rose with Halsin. Not purposefully! Just idle timing.
“You can’t expect me to join you with all that…blood and guts business, do you?" he continued. "I’m injured!” He groaned exaggeratedly and hobbled a few feet towards his tent. “I'll just go lie down…”
“Oh, pshh...you’re fine! You can skin a rabbit like that, surely. Isn’t that right, Halsin?” Tav asked with an innocent smile.
The druid raised his head, blinking – his mind obviously preoccupied with some other thought. “Hm? Oh, yes, he should – be –” His words paused as he caught Astarion’s eye, the vampire’s ruby gaze wide and his head shaking imperceptibly. Well. Mostly. Tav certainly caught it, and they saw Halsin did too.
“--Oh– Ah– I mean, rather – he probably should refrain from dealing with any viscera…”
Astarion’s eyes widened and his cheeks puffed a little.
“O-or, perhaps not – no touching any of the raw flesh, or, or skinning.” Halsin amended and tilted his head, thinking. “He could help by plucking the birds, I sup–”
A very slight noise like a whistling tea kettle sounded from Astarion’s throat and if Tav didn’t know better they'd think the vampire was hopping in place. Very small angry hops.
Gods but they did love riling Astarion up sometimes. Heroes needed their fun, too.
“He can’t do any butchering!” Halsin finished with an exasperated, if slightly amused, huff. “Just rest and recuperation, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, well, darn I guess we’ll just have to do without!” Tav sighed, hands in the air. They ignored the glare from a few of the companions around, who did not find the amusement worth having to take over Astarion’s share of work. “Best keep him with you too, Halsin, just in case the infection spreads or some such.”
“...Pardon?” Astarion exclaimed then, mid-stride to his own tent. He blinked as Tav gave him a look and made little ‘shooing’ motions at him.
“If you’re too bad off to help, Astarion, you’re too bad off to lounge in your tent reading some awful bodice ripper. Go. Halsin’s tent. Now. Unless you do want to pluck some birds after all…?”
Astarion blinked and turned to look at Halsin, but the druid had already ducked into his tent. Astarion suddenly felt chastised for reasons he didn’t know, and even stranger, finding the druid’s sudden absence…vexing.
“No thank you,” the spawn sniffed without much of anything behind it, then turned. Tav grinned as they watched Astarion hurry to Halsin’s tent and slip inside.
“Well, he certainly became energetic for such an obviously injured, pain-stricken creature,” they said dryly and then sighed, turning to the others and joining them as the least fun part of their hunting weekend began.
“Sooo...can I have one of those pack healers?” they said with a grin, leaning over Shadowheart’s shoulder as she settled in with a knife and a rabbit carcass. “I am the leader, you know~”
“Tch!” Shadowheart flicked Tav’s nose. “I think not. You’re a bard. Heal thyself, support.”
Astarion didn’t know what to say once he entered Halsin’s tent, the space small and slightly crowded enough the two had to ease over and around the other to settle onto the padded flooring. Mercifully, that occupied his time for a bit -- too busy to talk while the spawn found some sort of arrangement of his limbs that wouldn’t leave a knee pressing into the large druid somewhere uncomfortable, or Astarion’s foot in a plant pot.
“I apologize for the clutter,” Halsin said at length, attempting to rearrange his stack of books and myriad strings of dried herbs and clay jars of live plantings. “I didn’t exactly…mean for you to join me, really. The wound is likely to be uncomfortable if you lay on that side or twist too much, but there's no cause for a watchful eye, truly. You…” he paused. “You don’t need to be here. You may leave any time you wish, I won’t hold you to Tav’s suggestion.”
Astarion felt the weight behind that pause and turned slightly to look at Halsin with a frown – though that quickly gave away to a wince, as he twisted too far to do so. “Gh! Ah…th-that’s what you meant,” he chuckled low to himself even as his side throbbed.
Halsin immediately looked apologetic and his brow furrowed. “Oh, I didn't think--I'm sorry, that was my fault, Astarion. There’s barely any room here to maneuver…please, allow me.” He stretched out a hand and that familiar glow filled Astarion’s side and warmed him clear through to his fingers and toes. Exhaling a deep sigh, he melted back a little against Halsin’s bedroll and pillows.
“That’s -- mmh, better. Much better. Thank you,” he said sincerely, a fresh burst of warmth glimmering through him at the soft smile on the druid’s lips.
“Ah, since I’m here – I might as well stay,” he said airly, with a carefully casual tone. “I’ll have to just stop maneuvering, as you say, and stay right where I am. It’s not so bad,” he said then and after a beat, smiled up at the druid. “A lovely view at the very least.”
Halsin’s lips twitched a little into a brief smile, and Astarion swore he saw the tips of those lengthy wood elf ears turn pink again. But the smile faded as quickly as it'd come.
“...Astarion. I hope I haven’t...made you feel like you must come to me for healing, if you're injured. You need to be attended by whomever is available, as soon as possible. Waiting for me because I -- I made it seem like that was your only option, or that it’s what I demand -- that was not--" Halsin faltered a little, his scar wrinkling over worried brows. "It's--my intentions have always been–”
“I never needed your healing, druid,” Astarion interrupted, voice tight. He wasn't angry or annoyed, he just -- he just needed Halsin to stop talking like that. Like he’d...forced Astarion to do something. Like he'd overstepped a boundary. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach at the thought that his stubbornness might've convinced Halsin any of the things he'd done for Astarion had been wrong.
He winced at the look of contrition on Halsin’s face that followed the vampire's outburst. The druid seemed to almost shrink in on himself, become smaller with guilt. He couldn't meet Astarion's eyes.
Astarion's chest felt tight as a vise, to see the elf like that and know he was the cause. His brow furrowed. “No, no -- I’m sorry Halsin, I didn’t -- I said that the wrong way. I--”
“It’s just–”
They both stopped, looking at each other and then chuckled wryly, one to the other. “You first,” Astarion said softly.
“The healing…and the…” Halsin gestured to his throat, where the twin pinpricks Astarion had left there a few nights ago were still visible. “The meals. I never wanted to, mm -- not force – perhaps expect?” He thought and then hummed. “Yes…made it seem like I expected you to get such needed things from me, and, well, only me. That was never my intention.”
How could he add that he felt remorseful, and so guilty, because he understood how easily it was for Astarion to just do as he was told. Suggested or commanded, made no difference in the end, if they were said with enough authority...or by someone Astarion trusted. Not that Halsin thought he had authority over the spawn like that, but -- he was a healer, was he not? And not to mention, he was the only one who had offered his blood freely. Was that not obligation, instead of choice? Astarion already struggled with feeling like anything he was given by another was a debt owed.
Astarion should choose himself, what he wanted – who he wanted, for whatever his need may be. Always.
“As you said. You have never needed my healing. But I always was the first at your side, almost pushing it onto you.” He paused and sighed. “Too eager perhaps to feel needed. A feeling I seem to still crave even now. Forgive me.”
“Druid," Astarion muttered, his words strangely thick. "Why…are you…the way you are?” Astarion groaned to himself, an arm resting over his eyes. He’d moved to hide his face as Halsin spoke, the aching feeling in his stomach now fully matched in his chest. He couldn’t look the other elf in the eye.
“I’m not sure–”
“Godsdamnit, so -- so kind!” Astarion snapped. “So good and sweet a-and--” He stopped and exhaled a slow, long breath and then rolled over a little. It was so much easier to address Halsin’s flowers and tiny tree clippings than the druid himself. “You’re right," he continued, softly. "I never needed your healing. And I was actually quite angry this morning at receiving it, since it meant I owed you yet again...”
“Astarion. You’ve never owed me, not once–”
“Yes, I know druid. Hush and let me speak.” The larger elf fell silent and Astarion remained on his side looking away so he didn’t have to see the look of sad anticipation he knew was on on Halsin’s face. Perhaps even a quiet, empty acceptance; he no doubt expected Astarion to tell him to never touch him again, or speak to him, or maybe even something crueler.
The spawn’s chest tightened again.
“That was me being -- oh, let’s just admit it -- angry at myself for telling myself yet more useless lies. Even now, after all this time and learning that, gods forfend I can actually trust you -- I still don't understand why you ask for nothing in return. A part of me holds back, waiting for the moment you’re going to..."
Astarion paused, the closed his eyes tightly. "To want something I can’t give you, in repayment. Because I know I'd do it anyway." His voice softened, briefly. "I'd do anything you asked.”
Halsin's eyebrows raised at that, but he didn't pursue it. He meant to let Astarion speak until he had no more words to give. Rare enough that he was this forthcoming, in the first place.
The vampire sighed deeply. “So if I never once needed what you gave -- freely and out of your own ridiculous, frustrating goodness, might I add! -- well then. I owed you nothing, and never would. No obligation.”
He curled up a little. “The truth was never that, of course. So much worse that I tried to hide it with a flimsy easily-disproven lie like that. No, it could be said I never needed your healing, or your blood or…your…hhh…” Astarion exhaled hard, forcing the words out so they’d stop sticking in his throat. “Touch. Company….voice...” He mumbled. “Scent…”
Finally Astarion couldn’t take it any longer. Even though the pain made him wince and half-cry out as he pushed himself up and twisted towards Halsin, he just gritted through it, especially since it was nothing like what he’d felt before. Even so, he had to take a minute to shoo Halsin away, the druid's instinct to help stop that pain.
Astarion huffed. He may truly be getting soft with these blasted friends that kept soothing all the hurts.
He met Halsin’s face, heart squeezing at the slumped shoulders and achingly sad eyes of someone awaiting an inevitable rejection. Favoring action over words, Astarion reached out and took those roughened, worn hands, ones he’d experienced firsthand as the most gentle that had ever touched him, at least in memory. The spawn could tell that the gesture surprised Halsin and he took advantage to squeeze them with his own slender fingers and surprise him even more.
“I don’t need you to heal–” Astarion paused.
“Mmh no. Let me say what I mean,” he amended, quickly, before he lost his nerve. “I don’t need you Halsin…” The sharp glittering rubies of his eyes met the gentle spring of Halsin's own, wide and sincere.
“I want you. I…I want you. Your care, and concern, and your blood and, hells, your company and, and your voice…your healing touch…” His eyes flicked downward and he grinned, showing fangs.
“Your hands. Gods, do I love what you do with your hands,” he laughed softly, not even bothering to turn it into some seductive innuendo. Just pure honesty. What those hands do, though.
Astarion suddenly let go of Halsin and gripped his folded legs tightly, staring at them, his moment of brazen honesty almost too much to continue to bear. His teeth gritted a bit.
“If anyone has been taking advantage of anyone else, then I’ve taken advantage of your kindness and care. Shadowheart was right -- I’ve been keeping silent every time I got hurt, because all I wanted was...was to come back here and…” He paused, Dame Aylin’s words flickering through his head.
He smiled ruefully. “Receive your succor.” A pause and then he continued, more softly. “Lie and be vulnerable, for a time. But only with you.”
“But--” he could hear a thickness in Halsin’s words and he looked up quickly, brow furrowing, afraid his words had gone too far. But the expression on Halsin’s face was not of pain.
And Astarion’s chest hurt again, but this time he found he didn’t mind.
“But why me? When there are so many others at hand…?” Even now, it seemed the druid couldn’t quite believe it. And Astarion smiled then, real and raw and lopsided, no performance or careful construction. He didn't even keep his eyes from crinkling at the corners.
“‘Because,” he said softly, reaching forward to take Halsin's hands in his again, pressing close enough he could feel that welcome warmth surrounding him. “Simple, darling.” He laughed and then leaned closer.
“It’s what I choose." He pressed a palm to Halsin's chest, felt the strong thump of his heart. "You're what I choose~”
Halsin was quiet for a beat, and then a slow ragged breath left him. His arms wound around Astarion immediately, emotion taking over any carefulness; but the vampire didn’t even mind the pain, would gladly welcome any amount if it meant these arms stayed like this for as long as they could.
Of course, he knew the big softy wouldn’t dare cause a second of hurt, so when he winced and said ‘ouch’, Halsin apologized profusely. That got him a pinch; he chuckled, apologized for apologizing with a cheeky grin and carefully shifted to gather Astarion up in his lap, no hint of pain in the new position.
Well if this was what it took to get Halsin to cuddle, he’d have let a Kobold stab him weeks ago.
“So,” Halsin began with a bemused smile playing over his lips, his forehead against Astarion’s as they curled up together. “Does this mean I'm to be kept in your pack?”
“Pfft! Certainly not,” Astarion snorted. “You’re way too big.” He grinned a little as Halsin laughed, and then looked up to meet his gaze.
“But if you’d like to perhaps, stay at my side, instead? I think that would work just fine.”
“Hmm…” Halsin mused, and then smiled gently and pressed his lips to Astarion’s forehead. “Yes. I do believe I can do just that. For as long as you need m–” he paused and then his smile warmed. “For as long as you want me there.”
“Well,” Astarion said, his answering grin soft and indulgent. “Best prepare, healer. That’s going to be a very long time, indeed.”
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astarionsilverbough · 11 months
Prompt: Halstarion making up after a fight? 👉👈🥺
OH Y E S OH YES YES YES this even fits with the last chapter of tlogm omg
It's a stolen scene; something glancing and far less dramatic than anyone might expect of Astarion Ancunin.
Because after they've taken out Nere and Astarion's recovered from Gale's latest close call, Halsin is catching Astarion's arm as the others move to make camp in a ruined wing of the forge they've found themselves in.
The vampire halts and shoots Halsin a look he's not yet used to. He releases Astarion's arm immediately - he'll not be another monster that bruises him, never, he'd die first - but steps closer and is relieved when Astarion doesn't step back or growl.
"I wanted to apologize."
Astarion blinks. "For... what? Gale? He did that to me, not you."
"No - for the... our disagreement prior to heading this way," Halsin says. Astarion's narrowed eyes blow wide open.
"The -" he glances around; finding that they're finally alone, Astarion steps close and splays his hands over Halsin's belly. "Darling. Please. That was - that was nothing. A trifle."
But it's all bluster and charade; he's always been a natural at it, a charlatan charmer like no other Halsin had ever encountered. Beneath Astarion's flippant tone and easy expression is the energy of an animal about to bite and run.
Slowly, carefully, like he's approaching an animal about to bite and run, Halsin frames Astarion's waist in big hands and murmurs, "I know you, Astarion - and I do not fear you. Nor do I look at you and see anything but the man I've always known."
Astarion's sunset eyes search his own. Halsin gazes right back into those burning irises and prays he finds the truth he's looking for.
"I was incredibly selfish, disagreeing with you about this little rescue," Astarion states.
"Selfish? You didn't ask to be dragged into every interpersonal conflict in Faerun," Halsin chuckles. "You've got a tadpole in your head and we're planning to hurtle headlong into the Shadow-Cursed lands. A detour was... risky. And entirely my impulse to fix every problem I come across."
Astarion steps back - but not out of any want to escape. He steps back and stares shrewdly up at Halsin, eyes narrowed and brow knit tight.
"You're disturbingly self-aware," the vampire says wryly. "You always have been."
"A hard-won trophy, earned only through the slow learning of difficult lessons," Halsin states.
Astarion folds his arms over his chest. "I don't care about the slaves," he says next.
"I never asked you to, love."
"You're not... upset? Disappointed?"
Halsin shrugs. "You've never been one for charity," he says earnestly. "You're a man driven by vengeance, passion. Not heroism. Now, should the slaves have perished, I know you'd be first in line to avenge them. I'm... just the one who prevents the need."
And now, he's done it: rendered Astarion speechless. The vampire gapes at him for a beat, then splutters a faint "well," before he purses his lips, ears growing pink as his words fail him entirely.
Halsin bows to kiss his brow. Slowly, inch by inch, Astarion's shoulders climb down from his jaw. He relaxes first in Halsin's presence and then his arms, body draped against the sturdy plain of the druid's own.
"You've a beautiful heart, Astarion," Halsin says against his ear. "I've always known it. Vengeance is necessary in this world, and you carry it like you were born to it."
"Oh, well," Astarion manages, "now you're just flattering me."
Halsin can't help the grin that spreads over his face as Astarion fiddles with the lacing of his leather jerkin, fingers flying over the broad expanse of Halsin's chest. He's blushing properly now and all Halsin can do is smile.
Clearing his throat, Astarion straightens up and primly says, "your apology is accepted, then. Now - would you - ah. Would you perhaps like to join me in my tent? Not for anything untoward, mind. I... Find myself struggling with the concept of being very far from you at the present moment, and -"
Halsin cuts him off with a kiss. Astarion melts in his arms and stays there.
All told, it's far gentler a mending than anyone might've thought possible of Astarion Ancunin.
But then, very few knew him as well as Halsin.
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tatterings · 8 months
What is your favorite thing about the halstarion dynamic? Keep in mind I’m essentially fandom-blind, but I love talking to people about their favorite ships.
(I’m in trainings most of the day, so I’m neglecting work while I have a break.)
I think my favorite thing about this pair is that they are fantastic foils for each other. Both have been through immense trauma, but have processed it in different ways. Halsin has worked through (for the most part), his trauma and it doesn’t shut him down as much. It still affects him but he’s not in fight/flight mode. He does suppress HOW traumatic it was a lot, but he’s also come to accept it and has grown through his lifetime into a kind more gentle person. (Not that he wasn’t previously or anything, but he says stuff about he’s learned to control the beast). Astarion however, still in the midst of his trauma, it is very fresh and raw, and he is simply an asshole scrungly feral cat that I love dearly.
Halsin trouble losing control, and astarion wants nothing more than to be in control for once in his life. So their motivations click together perfectly as well.
That is just the SparkNotes version of why it is so appealing to me though looool
Also size difference make brain go brrrrr
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vole-mon-amour · 10 months
Sooo... Halstarion with the "This is a gift, you know" line weaved into their relationship because of the trust that they have for each other.
Because of how truly vulnerable Astarion can be with Halsin because he knows that he will not be judged for his words or actions.
Because Halsin will recognize if a decision Astarion is about to make is not a good one and he will try very gently to help Astarion make the right decision.
Because Halsin will always be open-minded about whatever Astarion is about to ask or say.
Because of how truly grateful Astarion is for the way Halsin sees him and takes him in—him as person, him as something whole and not just a broken thing to fix or walk on tiptoes around with. Not just a concept or a pretty thing. No, Halsin SEES Astarion and he accepts every single thing about him. And if there's something he has trouble accepting, he will do his absolute best to find a solution, to make it work.
Because Astarion knows that he can always, ALWAYS come to Halsin with whatever that is bothering him. Because he knows that Halsin is always there for him.
And Astarion? It takes him a while to get used to such selfless love. But once he learns that there's no ulterior motive, that he can relax and be himself—in the long run, too, he doesn't really notice how he changes for Halsin, too.
How at first he's trying his best to be nice, how he wrestles with himself because that's not who he is, he's not like Halsin, it doesn't come to him naturally. He's selfish, and he wants so much, and he's not the one who will help every orphan or a teifling in need. Astarion disagrees on things with Halsin, too! And it annoys him.
But with Halsin, he learns a lot about himself and the world around them. Sometimes he doesn't even notice that he's doing something—something that before this kind of love and acceptance he would never consider doing—until he's in the middle of that thing. It may take a while before he feels comfortable about acknowledging that, but he drinks it all in. He jokes and says that it's horrible, that he would never before, but that is the part of the deal and Halsin's charm, too.
And as a bonus, I imagine Astarion lying with his head on Halsin's lap, Halsin's fingers gently going through his hair, and Astarion going suddenly: "How can you do something so selflessly? How can you be so selfless? I could never."
"Oh, but I am selfish. I get to be with you. I get to keep you all to myself."
It's a very tender moment that makes Astarion smile and maybe roll his eyes, but the kisses shared just a moment later are just as tender and, if I may, smitten.
Both Halsin and Astarion know that if they wanted to, they could let their hearts and bodies wander and find love elsewhere. Well, maybe not that kind of love, but sex? Sure.
The beauty of their relationship, however, is that Halsin doesn't actually keep him. It's that Astarion chooses to stay and be with him—and him only—because he does feel safe and seen with Halsin.
And Halsin, with all his open heart and enjoying different relationships at once, doesn't need anybody else. He's committed, he's in love, he's finally ready to believe that this is serious and that he, himself, deserves this relationship in the long run.
Halsin does want Astarion all for himself—and he gets to have him. Because that's Astarion's choice. And even when Astarion doesn't say it with words, they both know that it's true.
So yeah. It is a gift—that they both cherish. "Nothing in the world belongs to me but my love, mine, all mine." :)
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Party Banter #4
Read on AO3
Part 3 here
Series summary: A bunch of short scenarios involving Minthara and Galatea, based on some of the party's in-game banter.
A/N: This is longer than I intended. Also, some Halstarion on the side.
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Astarion and Minthara’s relationship had always been a turbulent one. The fact that the vampire used to bed Galatea only made matters worse, and each time the two interacted, there was a vague sense of hostility in the air. 
Galatea felt that Astarion was still upset that the drow came in between them, and that Minthara was jealous over her being shared with someone else. Regardless, the tiefling tried to keep things civil between the two, although as their journey progressed, that was looking even more difficult than defeating the elder brain. 
One such time was during their journey to Baldur’s Gate, after fighting Ketheric Thorm. Galatea and Minthara had just recently become an item, and the snide remarks coming from Astarion would not end. 
He had approached the drow silently, as she watched Galatea walking a few paces ahead. Astarion likened her to a guard dog, but kept the thought to himself. Instead, he said “So…what’s it like caring for someone other than yourself, Minthara”
She was aware of his previous history with their leader, and how…less than stellar things had ended between the two. Usually, when the elf tried to get on her nerves, Minthara would simply ignore his presence. This time, she gave in. 
“You have never tried it, I assume.” She said, not looking at him. 
He laughed, sarcastically. “Gods, no. It is a lot of work and last time I tried,” He looked directly at Galatea and then turned to Minthara “It did not end well for me.” 
“You say that but It takes less work than you devote to maintaining your foppish facade.” She began. Then, turning to him, she whispered. “It would not phase me if that was one of the reasons your past relations have not ended well.” Speaking loudly once again, she finished with “And, besides, it is far more rewarding.”
Astarion’s nostrils flared and he bitterly replied. “Well, at least I was a better man, for the brief period in which I was loved.” He looked Minthara up and down. “Can’t imagine anyone wanting to do that for you though, dear.” 
He began to laugh but was soon interrupted when a fist made contact with his nose. “What the hells!” He groaned, holding his nose, while Galatea looked at him angrily. 
“I cannot stand you and the constant snide remarks about us anymore.” She held the lapels of his shirt, shaking him as she said “If you talk about Minthara like this again, I swear by all gods-OW” She screamed as Astarion bit into her hand, freeing himself. 
“What’s going on here?” Karlach said, as she approached. The others too had come to see the commotion. 
The vampires wiped his mouth and said “Say, are you going to leave the drow too, when you grow tired of her as you did me?” 
“Son of a bitch!” Galatea ran and jumped on him, as the two began fighting each other like cats. Minthara looked at Karlach and nodded, each woman grabbing one of them, to separate the two. 
Minthara held Galatea, as she struggled to free herself from the drow’s grip. Astarion did the same. 
“Enough.” Minthara said. “We have an elder brain to fight and this is how you’ll spend your energy? I expect better from both of you.” 
With a huff, Astarion freed himself from Karlach’s grip, and marched off without a word. The others followed, leaving Minthara and Galatea by themselves. 
“You can let go now, you know.” The tiefling said and the drow relented. She clutched her wounded hand.
Minthara crossed her arms. “Care to explain yourself.” 
“I’m irritated.” Galatea sighed. “I heard the whole conversation. I know why he keeps throwing jabs at you and I both and I just-” she shook her head “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” 
“You’re right. You shouldn’t have.” She said, sternly. “I can fight my own battles.” 
“I’m well aware, but I’m also not going to stand idly while someone speaks like that to you.” Galatea looked down. 
Minthara’s gaze softened, as she uncrossed her arms and took a step closer. She held the tiefling’s wounded hand, covering it in between her both. A glow of warm, blue-ish light spread from Minthara’s hands to Galatea, and soon, her wounds were closed. 
“You’re sweet. Sometimes, I believe it is a detriment to your person.” She brought the now healed hand to her mouth, and gently kissed the palm. “I do not want to keep curing you because you decided to defend my honor.” 
Galatea nodded. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” 
Not far from where they were, Halsin worked on Astarion’s nose, while the vampire didn’t stop complaining for a single moment. 
“I just hate how they keep throwing those love sick puppy eyes at each other. It is irritating.” He said. “Gods, Minthara looks more like a guard dog than a lover with how possessive she is.” 
“And why does that bother you so much?” Halsin asked, wiping blood from Astarion’s forehead. “Weren’t you saying the other day that you didn’t care about them anymore?” 
The vampire huffed. “Not funny.” 
“I am asking sincerely.” 
He crossed his arms. “Well, it’s just…it’s annoying, don’t you think? Being surrounded by so much love.” Astarion said that last word as if it was something sour. 
“I, particularly, do not mind. However, I think you and Galatea were acting exactly like that before.” 
“Excuse me, it was completely different.” Halsin lifted one brow and Astarion turned his head. “You wouldn’t understand, and quite frankly, I am done with this conversation.” He began to move away, prompting Halsin to say one last thing. 
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to pry. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m all ears.” Astarion nodded and marched off. 
After that situation, things seemed to get slightly easier. Astarion began to spend more and more time around Halsin, which means that his constant yapping near Minthara had gone down. 
That didn’t mean that the provocations were fully gone. 
It was after a long day’s battle, everyone had settled in around a table in the Elfsong tavern, drinking and making casual conversation. As always, Galatea was sitting next to Minthara, as the drow complained about surface food. Astarion sat on the other side, circling his wine cup in hand, looking at the two of them. 
It was after the tiefling laughed at one of Minthara’s scowls that he stood up straighter and said “So…how does Lolth feel about romance?” The drow turned her attention to him, a murderous look on her face.
“I mean, I know things can get quite…brutal in the Underdark. Are you expected to bit your mate’s head off afterwards?” He finished his sentence with a smirk on his face, one the drow was too happy to get rid off. 
“Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen’s teachings, daarthir.” She looked deep into his eyes. “If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web.” 
The elf’s jaw almost dropped to the floor, as his expression soured. “I can’t tell if you’re joking-” He turned to Halsin, asking nervously “She is joking, right?” 
The druid looked between the two of them, then to Galatea, and once again to Astarion before replying “Well, during my time in the Underdark, I never saw what you described happen, though the…metaphors of spiderwebs were constant.”
That seemed to distract Astarion, as he urged Halsin to talk more of his previous experiences. Meanwhile, Galatea turned to Minthara, brushing a strand of white hair from her face, and placing it behind the drow’s ear. 
“I am a bit jealous that I wouldn’t be the first to fall in your web.” She whispered in her ear. 
“There is no need for that.” Minthara turned towards her, a half smirk on her face. “If that were the case, you’d enjoy a much more privileged position.” 
Galatea raised a brow. “Oh? And where would that be?” 
Minthara didn’t reply, only moving out of the table and motioning for the tiefling to follow along. She quickly excused herself before holding the drow’s hands, the two moving upstairs to their room. 
But the two wouldn’t be the only ones sharing a night of passion, as after all had gone to sleep, Astarion and Halsin, having spent the rest of the time there sharing their thoughts of one another, would sneak off, only returning when daylight came. 
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aevallare · 1 year
look at me. look at me in the eyes. i am opening bg3 requests.
I'm not comfortable writing about other people's tavs. It's not personal; I just don't feel like I can get to know them well enough.
you can request for my tavs if you'd like OR for companion ships (your bloodweaves, your halstarions, your shadowzels, etc etc) as well as any platonic or genfics. any of those are on the table.
also, these will probably take time to fill, so please keep that in mind.
go ham in my inbox, if you see fit!
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ryttu3k · 7 months
A selection of moments from my last session/s of Tavias' run. All spoilery for endgame. Image-heavy, used all 30 image slots.
"When I said I wanted to get more in touch with my draconic ancestry, this was not what I had in mind."
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This is an interesting example because Tavias was in this situation. Two days ago. And his exact response was, "Actually, I would rather die than become a monster under a more powerful being's thrall."
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Not capped: *gross sobbing over Dear Ansur*
Not capped: Just for the record, the line that officially pushed Astarion from approval 99 to approval 100 was:
Halsin: "Perhaps you'd care for a little extra company..."
Tavias: "The more the merrier!"
Astarion: *approves*
(I hc he's quietly nursing a raging crush on Halsin and the V relationship absolutely has the potential to turn into a full triangle, and not just because I'm hopeless for Halstarion.)
I really wish you could talk to Astarion about this later. I'm very glad you can talk to Halsin, but this should be addressed too! I'm glad he feels confident and safe enough to push his own boundaries, I just really wish we could like... check in on him and make sure he's doing okay. See also: helping Halsin recognise that what happened to him was trauma.
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Seven years too late (he was seventeen years old, Ulder), but finally some parental approval!
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Not capped: the forehead touch after the kiss with Halsin is. Goddamn adorable ;_;
Genuinely motivational tbh
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This is what we call an, "Ah fuck" moment.
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Okay so. Orin basically saved the world.
Like obviously the Brain breaking free from the influence of the crown is a bad thing. But consider the alternative - a Brain who willingly follows the Dark Urge. A Brain who doesn't rebel, that rebellion leading to its ultimate downfall. A Brain who does follow the Dark Urge is a Brain in a world where Bhaal wins.
But Orin was jealous. Orin wanted her father's love. Orin attacks her sibling, and that sibling wakes up and goes, actually, you know what? I don't think I do want to be Bhaal's puppet for the rest of my existence, and the world is saved.
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Dude there are plenty of other options that don't involve that. What is wrong with you.
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Not capped: Beorn Wunterbrood being like, "Balduran's grace be with you" and Tavias just going, "......yeahhhhh haha about that, there's a non-zero chance we're gonna have to kill Balduran. Just. Just so you know."
You got it, boss. #ResistDurgeIsChosenOfJergalTruther
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Not capped: "I always dreamed of walking these halls, you know. My dreams never included a giant brain or smoldering ruins, but I'll take what I can get~" I <3 him what a goddamn dork.
Not capped: you know this is the part where I'd have to be like. Yeah you guys go ahead. Yeah I'm gonna sit this one out. Why? Well, do I look like I can climb the giant squishy completely vertical tube while it actively tries to fly? No no if someone can teleport me up I can fight but otherwise I may have to sit this one out.
For the first time... quiet at last.
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Oh this shit hurts ;_;
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He chose against apotheosis this time <3 I can only surmise that what happened in Tae's run was that saying, no, fuck Mystra, you don't owe her anything, made him decide to act against her? This is still... not necessarily a great ending for Gale, because it still requires capitulating to the desires of his abuser, even if it does mean being free of the Orb (and not becoming Cringegod(tm). It's the best possible ending for him, yes, but I wish there was an option for him to acknowledge that what Mystra did to him was awful and he didn't deserve to be treated like that, and be able to reject the Crown.
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Not capped: still! goddamn! hate! how Astarion running from the sun is almost played for laughs! I got Gale's line in this one and hearing how dismissive and flippant it is compared to what'll be the new line, where he sounds genuinely horrified and worried and openly states they'll need to be a good friend to him and offer him comfort, is... god. Dramatic difference. "Welp, that's the last we'll see of him!" that original line is so wrong ;_;
Glad she was able to make the decision herself. Forcing her just feels wrong.
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I like this <3 Halsin still carries out his dream, but the relationship doesn't end, it's just. Long-distance, haha.
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It's interesting how this plays out if you do Halsin poly, because it has the scene of Halsin waking up next to the PC, they talk about where things go, they walk off hand in hand... then it has the scene of Astarion waking up next to the PC, they talk about... etc XD I'd love if they included a poly option with all three of them, so you can get just the Halsin one, or just the Astarion one, or one where you talk to both at the same time. IIRC the only relationships where you can do Halsin poly is with Astarion or Shadowheart, so that's only two extra scenes they'd have to work out! It just feels a bit awkward as it is, with both scenes playing one after the other?
Anyway. The Astarion scene <3 This is the bit where I got all misty-eyed because. The reflection of, "What do you want?" "You. I want... you", and the beautiful Durge-specific line of being able to choose family... ;_;
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They absolutely get together while in Avernus <3
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Final decisions: Orpheus requests a merciful death, which Tavias provides. Lae'zel chooses to go to war. Gale returns the crown to Mystra. Wyll offers to accompany Karlach to Avernus, and she chooses to accept. Halsin goes to start a new community for those in need, with his relationship with Tavias continuing. Tavias and Astarion stay together and look for a way for Astarion to walk in the sun again.
There will be a separate post just for the epilogue, once I sort the, uh, 723 screencaps I took for it!
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astarion-the-sky · 13 days
well hello there. suppose i'll make myself a pinned post so you can figure me out.
-18+ only, thanks
-fanartist trying to get back in the swing of drawing
-working toward doing nsfw
-might write if i'm feelin froggy
-ships: halstarion / wyllstarion / haephor(my tav)/astarion
-if you get weird about other people's sexualities, genders, identities, kinks, or ships, we ain't gonna get along. scoot on out
-open to prompts, we'll see if i do em
-i miss really being in a fandom community in a deeper capacity, so feel free to hmu to shoot the shit.
thanks for stoppin in my hovel, hope to see ya round again
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alister312 · 6 months
I saw in your stick of truth art you said you play baldurs gate? Im interested to know if you have any south park crossover ideas?
I have been playing lately!! well, not really 😅 a friend from d&d has been streaming it to me but once I have my own gaming PC I will be buying and playing it on my own a lot 😏 but since i can’t exactly access it on my own i don’t know the whole game’s plot so no spoilers please!! however i will say……. wyll my beloved 🥺
(putting further ideas below the cut in case anyone else wants to play but can’t and doesn’t want any spoilers at all!)
speaking of Wyll, i do definitely get Gregory vibes from him. like, the fact that he’s a runaway noble who was forced to run bc he sacrificed himself (or at least his soul via a pact)…. big martyr vibes. and now he just goes around helping the downtrodden for no reason other than that it’s the right thing to do?? ABSOLUTELY Gregory. but i will say that the way Gale talks is more Gregory’s vibe.
Christophe….. idk honestly. i will say I’ve seen that one foreign kids in bg3 crossover thing that has Christophe as Shadowheart and i think that is pretty much the MOST wrong choice lol. i know she has trauma with wolves and Christophe has trauma with guard dogs but that’s where the similarities end. Shadowheart’s a cleric. her whole thing about devotion to a goddess. Christophe’s arguably biggest defining character trait is his hatred for God. if i had to pick a main companion person to align Christophe with it’d maybe be Karlach..? but idk. maybe he’s not meant to be in a bg3 AU.
for general SPxbg3 and not just my two main SP boys tho, I really vibe with the idea of Stan as Halsin… strong, kind, loves animals 🥰 kind of the perfect fit! also the fact that he’s a bear and finn has all the art with post covid Stan as a big ol bear. for Kyle, my heart wants to say Astarion since i love vamp Kyle and for style/halstarion reasons BUT Kyle is not as mean spirited as Astarion is at first ofc so i think he’s sort of similar to Gale..? well meaning but comes off as kind of pretentious, bad luck in romance, and kind of a nerd.
Kenny is Karlach, no doubt about it. loves to party and dance, excellent vibes, but cursed in ways that involve destruction of their bodies. circling back to Astarion, honestly i think this could be Craig! i mean, Damien fits really well too but i’m trying to think of more major characters for this theoretically crossover lol. Wendy seems like an obvious choice for Shadowheart visually at least, but i think she’s a bit more like Wyll! assuming that it’s not Gregory haha. they both care deeply about issues of justice and are willing to fight for what’s right. Shadowheart then i feel could be Bebe… both perfectly bitchy but also badass. and tell me Bebe wouldn’t be the type to cut and dye her hair after a dramatic moment!!
then there’s Lae’zel who honestly I’m a bit stuck on 😅 to be frank she’s my least favorite character so far. the tav my friend and i have is a cleric of lathander who believed that the guardian in the prism was his god (before learning The Truth lmao) so the combination of the githyanki occupying the temple of Lathander and wanting to kill the guardian made me not like her much. but maybe she could be Red bc Red is my favorite SP girl so that will help endear her to me 🥰
i know nothing about Minthara bc my friend loves Halsin so we killed Minthara basically the moment we met her. doesn’t help that she’s a drow and personally as a D&D player I hate dealing with drow. come back to me about her when i play on my own and don’t kill her straight away.
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