#but virtual worlds are fun
superbellsubways · 10 months
ralph breaks the internet wouldve been peak if it didnt have a bunch of pointless product placement and better writing
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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I feel the rush, addicted to your touch Oh, I feel the rush ━ It's so good, it's so good So good when we slow gravity, so good
Valentin & Mitch | 615/?? | RUSH
I'm SO obsessed with this song- with this MV AAAAAgfhgh
I got inspired and yoinked some look for my boys 🤏
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shima-draws · 1 year
Okay so let it be known that I haven’t actively played a Sonic game in. Years. The last one that I remember buying was Sonic Boom and we all know how much of a disaster that game was. My only true childhood Sonic game was Sonic Heroes and that’s the only one I’ll replay—otherwise I just stick to watching people lose their minds in let’s play videos.
So uhhh yeah fast forward to me watching Game Grumps play Sonic Frontiers and I was so hooked on the plot and the mechanics that I bought Sonic Frontiers I have been playing Sonic Frontiers for five hours straight it’s so fun so fun SO FUN also look at my daughter I’ve only had her for five minutes but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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spinsun · 1 year
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hello welcome back to my segmente mspaint; where i only post stuff i made on paint. today we have: late shadow birthday stuff, fun with different brushes and also an entire page made of mouse doodles :]
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animentality · 6 months
I have a very strong unwavering opinion on most subjects but I have one subject that I absolutely cannot decide on, so help me decide.
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prototypelq · 10 months
Very curious about this one from the game ask game:
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
A mutual after my own heart, are you?)
I'll do a small confession here - I love gaming, I love playing all kinds of things, but I don't do it nearly as much as I know of them. So I might start to sound a bit like a broken record by mentioning some familiar titles
If I had to choose one, I would, predictably, say Outer Wilds. This won't be a surprise for anyone who played the game, and if you, for some reason haven't yet - good, don't look anything up, and please try it out for yourself. If you, for some reason, can't or don't want to play it yourself, I recommend looking up an essay, either one of the dozens on this game (there will honestly never be enough). Personal favourite would be The Song at The End of All Times. I don't want to go into anything further than this in fear of spoiling someone, but I think from the title of the essay you can guess where this is going.
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Let's just say space westerns are my jam) Finishing this game was incredible, and I was in a kind of limbo for some time afterwards. I don't think I would be the same person I am today without it, not really. I also watch every single essay on this game that I come across, because you only really get to experience this game once, and then desperately wish to do so again somehow. Watching essays is the closest you can come close to that feeling ever again. The game is a perfect space exploration game - it will make you experience the dread and joy of cosmos like no other, it can be depressing and feel oppressive at times, but the story of the game, while bittersweet, is fundamentally built upon hope. So, while the ending shakes you to the core, it does so with the goal of sharing something intimately beautiful with you.
Another game I can think of that has story which affected me a lot, but which I haven't played myself (not sure I could ever play it really) would be SOMA. This game introduced me fulltime to existential horror, and apparently I am a sucker for it.
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The game has a lot of philosophy tied to it, and it had me thinking about it all for literal weeks. The 'horror' name-part might be misleading, as this game and its' story is not about scaring you with monsters or jumpscares (although those exist in the game and that's why I'm never playing it, I would NOT be able to handle that), it's, uh... about literal horror of existence? Anyway, you'll get what it's about if you look up anything about the game, I saw a cutscene ('gamemovie') cut of it and oh boy, the voice acting sells everything perfectly. The writing is insanely good, there's a reason people still keep talking about the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 also kind of steps a little into that territory. While I couldn't play that game because CDPR are bastards, I had a lot of fun looking into the endings of that game as well as the lore of the cyberpunk universe.
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Not-really spoilers paragraph ahead
basically by the time the protagonist, V, figures out what to do with the chip with AI-personality of Johnny Silverhand in their head, that has been taking over their body for the entirety of the game, it is too late to really do anything about it, and V is doomed to be overwritten out of his own body. There is an interpretation of different endings for the game as different stages of grief (selling yourself as a guinea pig to try to get experimental treatment - denial, single-handedly storming the corporation that owns the chip - anger, etc.) and I loved that insight, especially because for the player, these are not really as transparent as may seem. The game does a good job of installing into you the idea of dying and the fear of death, and the endings are basically the forked roads which player can take in their limited time to try to deal with it. It's very personal, and I think the writing team at CDPR did an amazing job for this game. The most striking of them all, and one that surprised me the most, was the suicide ending. When V and Johnny finally end up at that 'final fork' where they have to choose a path to their grand finale, they have to consider their options. All of these endings have a price, and none of them guarantee a solution - it's either selling yourself out to a corporation for experimentation, storming a corporation single-handedly or with help, and chances to die in getting to any of these is very high. You can rope in some friends for help you get to the solution, but again, there likely is no way out of this for you, and this puts your friend on a firing line right up with you. So, V can die a slow and torturous death because of the chip, die trying to do the impossible and/or force his friends into it, or. Or the game allows you to end it all, right now, without additional pain for you or any casualties. Hence, the suicide ending. All game credits, regardless of the chosen ending, have companions and friends calling V and leaving him a message. In messages for the Suicide ending it's...all of them crying in anger and hurt and feeling betrayed. One of them calls only to realize 'Shit, I can't do this', starts howling and ends the call. Those voice messages are genuinely heartbreaking to listen to.
That. That is one powerful ending to experience.
...would it be cheating to add DMC5 here? I don't think it will be news to anyone xD This didn't leave me a wreck like the others, but I love how surprisingly wholesome and sweet the story ends in this game about blood, gore and demon hunting. I love the fandom, I arguably love the fandom more than I do the game, but the game is also great, and it deserves a lot of praise for that, sparda loser twins my beloved)
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Pyre ending resonated with me a lot as well. Won't go into any detail here, basically the game is a perfect blend of a roleplaying and a visual novel. This means you have a lot of free space to bond with your companions, this game is very much about the path, and not the destination. However, the destination sells the impact of your time spent with each companion.
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Unlike most standard rpgs, there is no really 'good' or 'bad' ending for the characters. The path you took will dictate the circumstances of their life in the future, and they will have to just deal with it. There is no weight placed on the player character of 'making their lives better', quite honestly because you really can't. So every ending for them is just, a character being in one place, or the other, and them continuing their life from there. I love this, and the credits song Bound Together, which is Gorgeous as all Darren Korb&Ashley Barrett tracks are, reflects the path you took and time you spent with your companions by changing the lyrics of the song to fit your version of events. One of the videos about the game is called 'How Pyre Sings Your Story' and the game really does exactly that - sings your own personal story. It's beautiful.
Transistor stuck with me too, not just because of the soundtrack, but because it is a very wholesome romance story. Tragic as hell at the beginning (We All Become - as the opening song of the game), but I guess Supergiant's love their bittersweet endings, and credits songs that emotionally devastate me (We All Become morphs into -> Paper Boats).
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Terra Nil is another weird game I wanted to add here. I didn't change my life or anything, but it did provide me a unique perspective. The game was marketed as 'reverse city-builder', I would characterize it as a 'climate-change solar-power fantasy'.
Horizon games setting of a post-post-apocalypse (meaning= the future after immediate post-apocalypse= meaning far future after an apocalypse) speaks volumes to me on a level of hope for life in general - that life will always persist, in any way shape or form, it will always continue to surprise and amaze you, it's just the matter of if humanity will live to see it in the future. Terra Nil would be a reverse of that mentality - what it would feel like to have the power to help mother nature recover and let it thrive again. The game has you use green-science-based technology to refertilize soil, clean pollution from water, manipulate the landscape into distinct biomes and introduce different animals into the according environment, the newfound ecosystem stabilize on its own, then your job is to recycle everything you've built to leave this land clear of external devices and leave it to thrive on it's own. This makes the gameplay feel extremely wholesome and hopeful, usually the solarpunk genre is a static image of an unattainable future - a pretty motivating picture, but without any depth to it. Terra Nil shows how our technology and power could be used for good. I think the moment that kind of broke me a little, was when in a later level, I had to dredge up land from the bottom of the ocean to create a continental ecosystem, and this unearthed nuclear pollution which quickly undid a lot of my work on like, half the map. The game then gave me access to sunflower seeds, because they have the actual power to safely suck up nuclear pollution, and save the ecosystem I was trying to build. I had to genuinely pause the game and go get a tea or something in that moment, that was so beautiful I teared up.
This game can actually be quite educational - it makes you really think about the necessity of each part of an ecosystem, that every animal, every plant, every water source - all of them are important for the whole ecosystem. The gameplay teaches you to look at a dumpsite and think up about how can you make a complete and thriving ecosystem out of it. The gameplay requires you thinking up ahead some steps, and that can be a bit challenging at first, but the game is very lenient with the difficulty. Although, if you are trying to introduce all the rarer and more niche animals into the system - prepare for some tries and errors, this will prove a nice tactical challenge.
I also just learned Terra Nil was nominated by several committees for 'Social Impact' award and Yes this game absolutely deserves it. Also the developers have donated quite a sum to the Endangered Wildlife Trust, and it's extremely nice of them.
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wygolvillage · 1 year
im not saying that the death of flash has CAUSED the decline of the internet singlehandedly at all because thats silly but it really did feel like the end of an era
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stinkrascal · 8 months
theres so many tieflings in my canon bg stinkverse....... 1 human, 1 drow, 1 gnome, 1 half elf, 1 dragonborn, 1 githynaki, and 4 TIEFLINGS...... u can tell which race is my favorite right
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manyblinkinglights · 8 months
all the disposable public dive bars in vrchat have fucking BOUNCERS now, ppl with earnest piping little voices asking you to confirm your AGE?! before greenlisting you by username to let you use a door prefab to get in. what has the proliferation of api and moderation tools mcfricking wrought
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lunareiitic · 24 days
Bandai make a Digimon tag equivalent of Duel Links challenge (but let it live instead of killing it after two years difficulty: impossible)
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aurosoulart · 1 year
💚🌍Happy Earth Day!!! 🌎💚
every flower here represents $1 donated to The Nature Conservancy!
I’m fundraising for Earth Day all month long!!! if YOU want to be directly responsible for filling my house with flowers (and even make flower requests!!), you can do so via a variety of ways here!
thank you so much to everyone who has helped me Cover The World With Flowers so far!!!! 💖💖💖 if you can’t donate, reblogs are appreciated to help share what I’m doing 🙏
let’s finish the month strong and see just how many flowers my headset can handle!! (my goal is still to create so many that it crashes from trying to process them all 🌸🪷🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷)
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2 + 3 + 12 + 33!!!!
had to fish around to find that ask game again!!!!! also hiiiii better late than never :))) :}}}}} <3 i need to tell u smth abt kleo i have Thoughts (not big thoughts this sounds as if its big it isnt i just reconsidered my initial statement that u might not like iiiiit)
2. anything that you'd like to write but feel that youre unable to??
oh yes!!! so much!!!!! even the things im writing bring me constantly into a situation of hair-tearing-out crying-clawing-screaming hitting-head-against-the-wall. i flip-flop between thinking i cant even write what im writing and thinking that im kinda decent. hhhhh. anyway!!!!!
i want to write a solid longfic with extensive worldbuilding. it doesnt matter the genre, just solid and rich worldbuilding where the writing stays consistent and steady until the end is already good. but if i could specifiy, i yearn for it to be a canon compliant/canon divergence/canon era fic with a unique take on canon. i want to write canon era fics in general, but im always hesitant to. i know what happens when i fall into a research hole, it fires up my anxiety. and i want to write scifi or a cool space opera. and i want to be able to write novel fic (of tyk) and not want to die during the process. all these things feel impossible to me :]]]]]]]]
3. how would u describe ur writing style?
i had to think about this for a bit!!!! because my writing style is unfortunately directly connected to my mental stability which is not always. stable. huehe. hmmmm i think my style (given that im doing good!) leans very hard into economical but evocative storytelling; like, i mean the rhythm of oral storytelling. stream of consciousness. prose poetry. poetry slam. i want the words to explode in your mouth and i want it to paint a very clear image in your head. i want people to hear me telling the story! even if the reader (or listener!) cant be there to experience it for themselves, at least i can tell them about it! thats probably because my first experience with story as a concept comes from audio dramas and generally someone reading something to me. thats honestly still the medium i prefer, tbh.
12. if you write in more than one language, whats the difference?
currently i dont write in more than one language, if u dont count non-fictional handwriting bc i write all my notes in my native language. but i still remember how it used to be to write creatively in german. like im always whining about how difficult it is to cast the same image in english as in german; i just dont have that fine motor control over english as i have over german. i can easily switch between gears in german but english still ,, befuddles me pfft. its most noticable when im mucking around drafting and spend more time thinking about fun stuff like correct grammar and correct sentence structure and which word means what in english, than about the story and the characters. it takes so much energy and effort to think about and of all of this, there is barely any space left for the story that im trying to tell. which is def a major drawback for me and one of the reasons that ive been considering to start writing in german again. even though i have uh some baggage there that i dont really want to face. language is so connected to identity and culture. and thats another reason why english is difficult; i know english, aside from school, mostly from usamerican books or from online interactions with usamericans or people talking usamerican. so that has ofc heavily influenced my own english. like, i set all my stories in germany for reasons, but its stupidly hard to draw up the cultural markers because the language itself that im using is already coming with cultural influences from another country. its really strange and confusing, and i would find it fascinating and interesting if it wasnt so frustrating. sometimes it feels like there is a veil between me and what im trying to say, and also as if my thought patterns dont work as they would because the language that should just be a tool to tell a story is already so dominant. thats def smth i hope to change in the future
33. give your writing a compliment!
hmmm. its very earnest. reading my own stuff, even old stuff, i can tell what sort of struggles made it hard to get smth specific onto the page. and sometimes what ends up on the page is not what was supposed to be there in the first place. but its earnest and i can see that. its always the best i can do in that moment, and its always a piece of me because i give so much of myself during the process. thats not always a good thing but its how i am. im glad the earnestness, the sincerity, the love, the faith, the hope, is so visible to the bare eye.
yet another writing ask
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equalseleventhirds · 2 months
contemplating the 'matrix but everyone is terrible' ttrpg i'm working on and i gotta be. so so so clear to both players and gm. that the characters are not good people who will get heroic endings.
like the thesis of the game is that these ppl discover they've been trapped in a corrupt and harmful system, and instead of trying to fight it or escape it, they believe they can hack it to give themselves benefits and play out power fantasies, and are fine using and hurting ppl to do so. the metaphor cannot be more hamfisted.
also the game mechanics are based on growing ur base of power and attacking other ppl's bases of power all while the System attacks all of u at once, and there is no win-state to the growing. grind never stops, bcos once u stop ur dead, someone else is coming to take ur power and destroy u. again the metaphor is so so so hamfisted.
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artsy-dreamer · 2 years
Archive dot org library my BELOVED
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chromatic-corrosion · 10 months
#NEW ESCAPING VIRTUALITY CHAPTER YEAGH!!!!#this chapter is amazing. absolutely worth the wait!#every chapter is better than the last. im not joking.#well. i think its time to discuss the chapter.#Able Desdemona exists! considering Caine's name- he and Abel are definitely brothers.#i hope nothing bad happened between Abel and Caine like their namesakes. but parting regrets are such fun to imagine.#also: what the hell happened in what used to be Abel's office? and why was he terminated?#wouldnt it be nice if Caine kept the 'Abel Desdemona' nametag?#so... Caine is human and has always been human.#and he had his memories removed.#hes really living up to meaning of 'Desdemona.'#i for some reason feel like the removal of his memories was agonizingly painful.#maybe because i have enough burn scars to know that fire is agonizing.#i wouldnt even blame him if he is terrified by fire#considering the past chapters. the other humans all think that Caine is just a AI that got a human body when brought into reality.#i wonder how the others will react when they find out Caine has always been human.#but how will they find out he is human? ...what about Jax? he has found the 'Caine Desdemona' file.#nobody except Jax has seen that file yet. that file would shock and confuse everyone-#-considering that nobody knows Caine has always been human.#the fact Caine thinks that the outside world only consists of the office is rather sad.#i wonder howd he feel about the real sun and moon.#for some reason i feel like caine is the type of person to have nightmares extremely frequently. i dont know where this idea came from.#overall. this story is great and i want the fanfic injected into my bloodstream. if thats not allowed- then i will offer my heart to it.#cant wait for the next chapter! please dont rush yourself! and have a good day/evening/noon/night!#seasalt speaks#EscapingVirtuality
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obstruct1on · 1 year
also looking through my master duel decks and seeing my virtual world deck is still very playable hehe
my only playable decks are swordsoul, salamangreat, fluffal, and virtual world atm
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