#but we can all agree that Michael and David are the right people to fill each other's holes
ingravinoveritas · 2 years
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I think I’m sensing a theme here... (Click for audio of David’s quote.) Bonus:
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popironrye · 3 months
Lost Boys: What about ✨ Star? ✨
Purely theoretical of course, basing off portions of the movie we don't see and therefor can fill in the gaps with our own assumptions. A Headcanon if you will.
Watched this movie again, hyperfixating on characters again...let's talk about Star. :3
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The love interest and initial conflict that gets the vampire portion with the main characters going. But what else is there? Well first things first, how did she get involved with the lost boys anyway?
I like to think the boys were open to turning someone if the right situation arose, like say Star is a runaway with nowhere to go. Kiefer Sutherland himself expressed his own interpretation of David as someone who's lonely. Perhaps Max was straight forward about growing the vampires in his own twisted view of growing a family. I mean, why else were the boys be ok with dragging Laddie around with them? Hell, you want to get really weird, maybe Max pushed the boys to get a girl specifically to act, not so much a den mother, but just a female presence to keep them in check?
Motives aside, there's clearly a conflicted clash of intentions from the moment Star meets Michael and when she meets him the second time, and here's what I think. I don't believe David wanted Michael to be Star's first kill necessarily. I think he absolutely wanted her to scope the boardwalk with the intention of catching some doe eyed horny boy to lead on. Really any boy would have done it. Michael was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I also think Star isn't really good at that sort of thing, given that when Michael did follow her she hops on with David; a clear sign she's taken and it's only sheer luck Michael was persistent in wanting to push his luck with her, despite David's presence. However, I fully believe Star was still intending to feed from Michael as her first kill.
When she meets up with him again, she's very receptive to Michael's mild flirting. When he asks her to grab something to eat, she agrees. I believe Star was gonna go with Michael with intentions to kill him, but Max has absolutely already talked to David and the boys about who Michael is and how he wants them to turn him as an attempt to get to Lucy at this point. So they ride up to stop them. What seems like a move of jealousy to Michael and the audience turns into something more if it's true that Star was gonna kill him and David had to step in to make sure she didn't. It's why I think all David had to do was ask her where she was going, and Star answered she was going with Michael. There wasn't a lot of dialogue but Star was intending to leave the boys to go with Michael but when David says her name again, it's clear to her that plans have changed and all she could think to do was listen to David and get back on his bike. I mean, why else would she go back to David, fear? I don't think so. That's another thing, David's go to immediately after was to pressure Michael into riding with them. Push him to see how far he'd go.
Far enough he got punched in the face for it. I believe if that was anyone else in Michaels shoes, they would have eaten him alive right then and there, but because Max wants David and crew to turn Michael into a vampire he takes him back to the cave. It also makes sense if David is good at reading people, and sees Michael the same way I do. A young man, raked with anxiety in a new place, and desperate to find a way to fit in. He just needed to prod to see how desperate.
Back to Star! She clearly doesn't vibe with the boys as much as they do with each other. I refuse to humor the sexist idea she couldn't be apart of them just because she's girl. Instead I just think she was new to the whole vampire thing. Because of that, she's not privy to a lot and I point to one line that proves this.
"You're the secret that David was protecting." She doesn't know who Max is, and David made sure of that. Now that the movie is all said and done, I would kill for additional parts where Star buts heads with David more. I think after the whole thing with Michael happened, Star wanted to know why he wanted to turn him after the plan was for her to kill him, and David's response was merely 'it's a secret'. This is also where I think Stars intentions changed. She went from wanting to kill Michael to her having second thoughts about the whole thing, not made any easier if David is a dick to her off-screen. Now she sees Michael as her way out. When he comes back to the cave all confused, Star doesn't offer him any answers; instead she offers him sex. At this point she does have feelings for him of course, but I like to think she wants him to find a way out being a vampire and he'll find a way to get her out too.
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Idk, maybe I'm over thinking character motives again, but what do you guys think?
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
Collection of Lost Boys thoughts I have:
Wait is Star just David’s beard (slang for ‘dating someone’ as a coverup for sexual orientation). Is that. Is that what’s going on
So David ‘n Michael really just are Hannibal and Will with the whole “how far are you willing to go/trying to kill one another” dynamic huh. Seems fruity to me IDK
New challenge: Marko tries to keep his tongue inside his mouth for more than 15 minutes. He WILL not make it. Put that thing back where it came from or so help me
Does anyone in this FUCKING GANG have more than a singular ear piercing??? Guys WHAT are you doing. Is to match? Is it a matching thing???
If this movie was made in 2022 the big epic David and Michael final fight would have ended with them really aggressively love/hate kissing
The idea that since they don’t wear helmets sometimes one of the boys just fucking BRAINS themselves is so funny to me. (David voice) “Pack it in, boys, we’re calling it an early night. Marko’s gonna need a day to heal after he split his fuckin’ head open on that rock”
Star should date Robin from Stranger Things because A. Robin would be SO head over heels for her and B. Star doesn’t get any attention from the boys and I just know she and Robin would become an inseparable unit
When David blew smoke in Michael’s face on the boardwalk he ABSOLUTELY wanted to kiss the dude. Officer that’s not an undead vampire that’s a repressed gay man who has internalized his feelings so much they come out as aggression 
PAUL HAS A COMMENT ABT EVERYTHING??? During the chinese food scene he just HAD to interject like, every five seconds. He’s so chatty. He’s the running commentary. I feel like he could sweep u away in a one-sided conversation honestly
“Michael don’t :((((( it’s blood :((((((” Yes go queen give us nothing, you literally didn’t try to stop him even a little bit
David drinking from the Blood Bottle was just
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Do we all agree Dwayne is the silent honeypot and Paul is the talker (not the sweet-talker, more just Talks So Much At You that suddenly you’re in a different location with no idea how you got there)
DWAYNE PLAYING DEAD ON THE FLOOR??? His mental voice just saying “oh yeah, this is gonna surprise em, gonna get em so good with THIS one, the ol I’m dead trick”
They all drive in formation right. Do they take turns on who has to be in the far back because they get sprayed to shit w sand and dirt
This is terrible but I'm so right okay??? If the boys pick a target who won’t respond to flirting they use Laddie. Walk him over, hand in hand, with him fake-crying like “hey, scuse me, my brother can’t find our pops and he’s real upset about it, think you can help us out?”
Does the blood have a drug effect? BC Michael is clearly zonked as soon as he drinks it, like the dude is toasted
The bonfire scene was.... kinda hot. Idk don’t look at me
What is the Boys’s bedtime ritual like??? They all gotta get up there. They all fall asleep at the same time. Do they talk??? Gossip? Does David slap the backs of their heads and say “shaddup, ‘m tryin to sleep”???
A really epic way to kill a TLB-style vampire would be to trap them in a sunbed and turn it on. Instant smoke/fog machine. Lots of screaming.
None of the boys can sneak up on people, they’re all so fucking jingly
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matan4il · 2 years
You joked the other day in an anon response a funny line like "I don't even need to see these 2 bozos kiss" and it actually really drove home a point I was trying to crystallize in my head.
I have watched this show live since the beginning and I don't think people really comprehend how different S1 was from the rest. When it came back S2 honestly, totally different show. In fact it was almost Hallmark like it was so pure. S1 was for sure more sexual and gritier.
So at this point its like I just want Buddie Canon and if there is someone homophobic blocking it then please do it without the kissing. I would think it was a cop out but at this point I just want it you know. Queer actors play straight people all the time, so I don't think it's fair to let straight actors not, but like please I will take it.
If you just want them to like grab the back of the other's neck. Or forehead touch. The thing is this isn't a very sexual show so you could do it like that I guess. I don't think they ever showed Michael and David ..
And what really kills me is kissing aside making them Canon really wouldn't change the intimacy of how they are written because they already are written so much like a couple you know??
So I would be disappointed but seriously I will take them anyway I can get them at this point. I'm happy to fill in the blanks in my head and fanfiction.
Hi lovely Nonnie! Thank you so much for your response to this post! And also for the kindness about my awkward brand of humor. XD :*
I very much agree with you that s1 was darker and more sexual, though it wasn't necessarily a positive view of sexuality. We got a sex scene of Hen cheating on Karen with Eva, we got Buck having sex as part of his self-destructive pattern, as well as the sex with the shrink which was actually her taking advantage of him (as I discussed more in depth in my Buck & consent meta). The one "positive" sex scene we saw was Buck with Abby, but even that one came in ep 107, when we had already heard her calling him her boy toy in 106. So s1 was the only really sexual season, and actually getting a sex scene was not a positive during it. From s2 onwards we indeed have such a huge shift in the tone of the show! But we still only get sex scenes (rather than implied/referenced sex) in a negative context, such as the ones Buck has with Taylor in 206, which she's clearly portrayed as "the wrong choice" (as opposed to Ali). Basically, sex scenes in the world of 911 are a bad sign, while sex which is positive, which is good and loving (even when it's implied to be naughty or kinky, like Bathena's), is only implied. That's why I never expected or even wanted any sex scenes for Buddie.
Now kissing, that's different. You're right about us not getting any Michael and David kisses. IDK to what a degree that had to do with the fact that a big part of their story overlapped with the height of covid, but I find that 911 still managed to pull of a cute, loving, beautiful (even while it was minor) love story for them. So maybe with the exception of Michael saying yes to David's proposal, the lack of kisses didn't bother me much. And when we got to the proposal, we found out Michael's actor was fired due to being an anti vaxxer, so it made sense they wouldn't be able to film a kiss with him.
For other couples, Bathena, Madney and Henren, I do think it matters that we see them kiss. Especially Henren, as they're the show's only current canon LGBTQ rep (sorry Josh and Carson, your meet cute in 516 is still not integral enough to the show to count). But just generally, I think it matters how, despite sex scenes only being shown in a negative context, 911 makes it clear that sexuality is healthy, beautiful and even vital to a good romantic relationship. So those scenes implying couples having sex and getting to enjoy it and be fulfilled by it? It would be too much if they didn't include kissing.
And in that context, I do think Buddie should kiss. They should be treated equally to all the other couples on the show. Also, I agree with you that there is no reason in the world why straight actors should get away with playing gay, but refusing to kiss a same sex character. Incidentally, I also think neither Oliver, nor Ryan would have any issues with kissing another guy as a part of their job.
But for me, personally? Yeah, I can be okay with not seeing the kisses because Buddie are so there. They're so stupidly in love with each other, it's almost like kissing is just the fine print. It's exactly like you said! They have so many of the ingredients of a romantic r/s, they're so practically married, that if they officially got together, the difference on the surface would not be so big. But there would be a big shift below said surface. For example, they'd still be giving each other heart eyes like crazy, as we've seen them do. But as a couple, for the first time, they would know exactly what those heart eyes mean. And they would look at each other like that with the knowledge that they're allowed. That it's mutual. That it's intentional. That they get to look at the other man like he's the most amazing person to ever exist, and that man was theirs, that amazing man chose them. THAT is where the difference would lie, and kissing would only be an extension of that, not the source.
So yeah, you get me exactly right, Nonnie. I want to see THAT so much, I will take it even without any onscreen kissing. I'm glad my throwaway line helped crystalize things for you, I hope this reply was also a good one for you, and thank you for letting me babble on about this subject! Have a great day! xoxox
(If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox)
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exit-babylon · 4 months
https://64.media.tumblr.com/576c7b6f2899350f0b12cf28f723eb8d/66a2bf1b5b7f6451-2d/s640x960/862edbd24a7ac298acaf739128e729ae31a6728d.pnj I watched some Snoopy clips on Twitter, it's a cheaply veiled PSA for gov't propaganda: Hey kids you want to be a Scientist, they're cool... Snoopy pretends to fly. Point is even if you never watched Snoopy indoctrinate you: We're all ingrained with the idea this life is the only one we must live for. But if we pay attention we rarely make it to our 100th attempt at any one thing because our soul gets bored with creation [created things], we need our CREATOR to fill us that is fulfillment. Tim Keller said the problem with modern people is we feel we deserve a good life, meaning we don't deserve bad things. As a result, rather than accept what is, & try to learn what each event is teaching us about ourselves. We instead try to find a way to force reality to fit our desires or perspective. [Tim Keller: Power for Facing Trouble] In 1973 Karl Menninger wrote book noting how society replaced morals with medical model: For most of our problems, we use a medical model. For example: People who are terribly bitter, they will not forgive. But what do they say: They’re hurting, never admit they’re bitter. Hurting—that’s a medical term for a moral problem. You do NOT have a medical problem; you’ve got a moral problem! Research findings show 90% of Americans believe they show the kind of love in life, that if everybody showed, would make Society all right. Yet Psychologists say no one is ever healed because we are constantly being damaged by others. Even Brain Surgeons have noted the brain surprisingly does not feel pain & Dr. Wilder Penfield said no matter what he did, he could never cut-out enough of a person's brain to remove their personality. [Michael Egnor: Evidence Against Materialism] Saying this shows there is something untouchable beyond the physical realm, the thing David Attenborough says is why he remains agnostic because he's seen blind termites incapable of detecting his presence & so he wonders if we have the same lack of sense perception to detect GOD. The Bible says we know GOD exists, & every time we fail in life is one step closer to meeting our MAKER voluntarily or literally. [YouTube: Off the Kirb Ministries | Sir David Attenborough - Did You Catch It Too?] Have you ever invited JESUS into your mess?
I agree and think that basicly there's nothing good or in touch with real life without God. We must all admit we're nothing but dead meat without Him. One of my most sincere prayers ever was: "Father God, I don't seek you cause I love you, but only because I need you." His Holy presence came very strongly which scared the hell out of me, and I felt that He could immediately kill me, yet He didn't. It's one of those days one grasps a glimpse from the reality of being just a broken human being in the presence of an omnipotent yet mercyfull God. At least I was sincere in my prayer; I had nothing to offer Him, not even my good intention.
I can only love Him because He loved Me first.
As it is written in Romans 5:
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
As it is written in Romans 3:
There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God.
So basicly without God there is nothing; no love, no light, no life. Therefore Jesus says: I AM the way, the truth and the life.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I can't identify the building he sees the windows and he sees the racks and it looks familiar in the paint could have been new and the floors completely flat it looks new he says it's not really and he's been in the building it's not too far away that's right it's a clubhouse at Hillsboro . But he said that BG got cut in half and it's supposedly symbolic of us getting hit by the storm and Max Big Macs or something and supposedly it's a Mac hitting us as Michael Myers are going to be wearing masks kind of like a little bit convoluted but really that's what the same and we're saying we'll go after BG and take a stuff while you're making fun of us saying that we're Max and saying you're going after us in the storm you're talking about too and you're talking about shallow water and everyone is watching and you have these teams trying to pick off single out people so we're on the lookout for that and we're networking now and Trump networks to you and we find you guys thank you
This is a class A alert were putting it out there and we're going to do this now
Thor Freya
We're doing this credit card stuff I can't stand anymore too many agents are tied up with calls and idiots there's too many idiots still this is terrible so I'm going ahead and I'm launching all the lawsuits against the credit card companies and we'll get it all our thoughts crossed and so forth tonight and it's going to be great he says this is a breath of fresh air and it really helps and other people come forward with cases we'll have tons more now I have a few hundreds I'll tell you a thousands tomorrow with millions it's going to work. Also keeping a close eye on her son and he's in trouble all the time and the stupid storms coming cold air is not moving in should have been there by now and Thor says give it another 10 minutes and really it's about 17 and he agrees and a few other things happening he says it is cooling off and we see it cooling off it's about 65 now and they're a whole bunch of clouds and rain that just stops over there and I'm not sure what there is no we know it's not making it here and the air cold air is pushing the warmer air to the east. There's some some really big stuff that's going to happen here I like to put a prelude in and no not the Honda but I respect that that we do see it coming and feel it coming there's a big change coming in these people's attitude they get really bad and then they'll change and say they suck cuz they really suck and we don't care we know they suck they're a bunch of assholes so they're trying to get things back to normal and it burned every bridge and nobody likes them anymore they're running around like spazes and they're getting their ass kicked and then they say it's not good then they don't care I'll sudden they start saying this it's starting to fight with everybody and we're screwed and they go around the stupid cycle again and they do it for a while a month or so then they're all gone
Bitol and Goddess Wife
What it means by all gone is this crowd of idiotic Max retards and not here that say they're the best and they're killing each other off and they're all dumb
Zues Hera
We respect our son for putting it out there because that's what it is and really there's a whole crap out of them up in DC and they're going to die tonight or tomorrow morning early actually at meeting not later on in the morning. And that ship is going to leave and it was sort of see how there's an army of ships are going to be raised there but you have to have that Batman versus dummy first and not really that's a fight over the steel and it says I don't know what it's a fight over I thought it was over the ship but there are no holes and I could see and people say it's true the holes were filled that's the way it is. And you can see the buildings look crappy and it's going after the stock market and it blows up the bridges so he might be right though it could be the day after tomorrow and we're going to wait and see but the holes if they're open today it would have been at noon and we're saying it did not happen so it will be tomorrow and we have to get ready and we will be ready by tomorrow. And the guy in the motorcycle is a f**** and a threatener so going after him now we're going to take him down
We have a lot of work to do here we need to send in teams for real and he's been telling us to for so long we can't ignore him anymore and he says I'm important and they know it and I can't sit here and do it because they're making it unbearable and that's not the main reason it's the kidnapping attempts coming up from all their groups here
I want to tell you that the number one method they say is to try an engine room critically so we're going to get rid of these people I don't want it to sit in the hospital like dee
Thor Freya
We are up and we're moving we know something you need this help earlier today yesterday to stop that dumb storm we're going to stand something these people are neither brave they're smart now tons of stuff is going down and they think it's going to the clones they sit around thinking that's fine in the max are fighting them and we're fighting the phones so they don't know what the statuses or what the ride statuses and what they're doing
Nuada Arrianna
I want him out of there and it's getting dangerous that's a sit there and watch one stupid thing happen to him after another and nobody help him with anything except us by force and him working his ass off for it it's way too much work for one person and he's tired all the time he needs help I'm calling for assistance I want permanent assignments for people for at least 2 weeks a shift and you switch out and you don't reduce the number we need another base and I'm going to put it in and I'm going to head that up
We also have the stupid storm we can get away with taking out things and using an area
We plan to and some of them are huge and we're ready to do that and pretty soon
Thor Freya
I realized which ones and I do think everybody I'm going to get going on this
Hera Zues
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sylvielauffeydottir · 3 years
Hello, it is I, your friendly neighborhood historian. I am ready to lose followers for this post, but I have two masters degrees in history and one of my focuses has been middle eastern area studies. Furthermore, I’ve been tired of watching the world be reduced to pithy little infographics, and I believe there is no point to my education if I don’t put it to good use. Finally, I am ethnically Asheknazi Jewish. This does not color my opinion in this post — I am in support of either a one or two state solution for Israel and Palestine, depending on the factors determined by the Palestinian Authority, and the Israeli Government does not speak for me. I hate Netanyahu. A lot. With that said, my family was slaughtered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I have stood in front of that memorial wall at the Holocaust memorial in DC for my great uncle Simon and my great uncle Louis and cried as I lit a candle. Louis was a rabbi, and he preached mitzvot and tolerance. He died anyway. 
There’s a great many things I want to say about what is happening in the Middle East right now, but let’s start with some facts. 
In early May, there were talks of a coalition government that might have put together (among other parties, the Knesset is absolutely gigantic and usually has about 11-13 political parties at once) the Yesh Atid, a center-left party, and the United Arab List, a Palestinian party. For the first time, Palestinians would have been members of the Israeli government in their own right. And what happened, all of the sudden? A war broke out. A war that, amazingly, seemed to shield Benjamin Netanyahu from criminal prosecution, despite the fact that he has been under investigation for corruption for some time now and the only thing that is stopping a real investigation is the fact that he is Prime Minister.
Funny how that happened. 
There’s a second thing people ought to know, and it is about Hamas. I’ve found it really disturbing to see people defending Hamas on a world stage because, whether or not people want to believe it, Hamas is a terrorist organization. I’m sorry, but it is. Those are the facts. I’m not being a right wing extremist or even a Republican or whatever else or want to lob at me here. I’m a liberal historian with some facts. They are a terrorist organization, and they don’t care if their people die. 
Here’s what you need to know: 
There are two governments for the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza. In April 2021, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas postponed planned elections. He said it was because of a dispute amid Israeli-annexed East Jerusalum. He is 85 years old, and his Fatah Party is losing power to Hamas. Everyone knows that. Palestinians know that. 
Here’s the thing about Hamas: they might be terrorists, but aren’t idiots. They understand that they have a frustrated population filled with people who have been brutalized by their neighbors. And they also understand that Israel has something called the iron dome defense system, which means that if you throw a rocket at it, it probably won’t kill anyone (though there have been people in Israel who died, including Holocaust survivors). Israel will, however, retaliate, and when they do, they will kill Palestinian civilians. On a world stage, this looks horrible. The death toll, because Palestinians don’t have the same defense system, is always skewed. Should the Israeli government do that? No. It’s morally repugnant. It’s wrong. It’s unfair. It’s hurting people without the capability to defend themselves. But is Hamas counting on them to for the propaganda? Yeah. Absolutely. They’re literally willing to kill their other people for it.
You know why this works for Hamas? They know that Israel will respond anyway, despite the moral concerns. And if you’re curious why, you can read some books on the matter (Six Days of War by Michael Oren; The Yom Kippur War by Abraham Rabinovich; Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergmen; Antisemitism by Deborah Lipstadt; and Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Daniel Gordis). The TL;DR, if you aren’t interested in homework, is that Israel believes they have no choice but to defend themselves against what they consider ‘hostile powers.’ And it’s almost entirely to do with the Holocaust. It’s a little David v Goliath. It is, dare I say, complicated.
I’m barely scratching the surface here. 
(We won’t get into this in this post, though if you want to DM me for details, it might be worth knowing that Iran funds Hamas and basically supplies them with all of their weapons, and part of the reason the United States has been so reluctant to engage with this conflict is that Iran is currently in Vienna trying to restore its nuclear deal with western powers. The USA cannot afford to piss off Iran right now, and therefore cannot afford to aggravative Hamas and also needs to rely on Israel to destroy Irani nuclear facilities if the deal goes south. So, you know, there is that).
There are some people who will tell you that criticism of the Israel government is antisemitic. They are almost entirely members of the right wing, evangelical community, and they don’t speak for the Jewish community. The majority of Jewish people and Jewish Americans in particular are criticizing the Israeli government right now. The majority of Jewish people in the diaspora and in Israel support Palestinian rights and are speaking out about it. And actually, when they talk about it, they are putting themselves in great danger to do so. Because it really isn’t safe to be visibly Jewish right now. People may not want to listen to Jews when they speak about antisemitism or may want to believe that antisemitism ‘isn’t real’ because ‘the Holocaust is over’ but that is absolutely untrue. In 2019, antisemitic hate crimes in the United States reached a high we have never seen before. I remember that, because I was living in London, and I was super scared for my family at the time. Since then, that number has increased by nearly 400% in the last ten days. If you don’t believe me, have some articles about it (one, two, three, four, and five, to name a few). 
I live in New York City, where a man was beaten in Time Square while attending a Free Palestine rally and wearing a kippah. I’m sorry, but being visibly Jewish near a pro-Palestine rally? That was enough to have a bunch of people just start beating on him? I made a previous post detailing how there are Jews being attacked all over the world, and there is a very good timeline of recent hate crimes against Jews that you can find right here. These are Jews, by the way, who have nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. They are Americans or Europeans or Canadians who are living their lives. In some cases, they are at pro-Palestine rallies and they are trying to help, but they just look visibly Jewish.  God Forbid we are the wrong ethnicity for your rally, even if we agree.
This is really serious. There are people calling for the death of all Jews. There are people calling for another Holocaust. 
There are 14 million Jews in the world. 14 million. Of 7.6 billion. And you think it isn’t a problem the way people treat us?
Anyway (aside from, you know, compassion), why does this matter? This matters because stuff like this deters Jews who want to be part of the pro-Palestine movement because they are literally scared for their safety. I said this before, and I will say it again: Zionism was, historically speaking, a very unpopular opinion. It was only widespread antisemitic violence (you know, the Holocaust) that made Jews believe there was a necessity for a Jewish state. Honestly, it wasn’t until the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that I supported it the abstract idea too.
I grew up in New York City, I am a liberal Jew, and I believe in the rights of marginalized and oppressed people to self-determine worldwide. Growing up, I also fit the profile of what many scholars describe as the self hating Jew, because I believed that, in order to justify myself in American liberal society, I had to hate Israel, and I had to be anti-Zionist by default, even if I didn’t always understand what ‘Zionism’ meant in abstract. Well, I am 27 years old now with two masters degrees in history, and here is what Zionism means to me: I hate the Israeli government. They do not speak for me. But I am not anti-Zionist. I believe in the necessity for a Jewish state — a state where all Jews are welcome, regardless of their background, regardless of their nationality. 
There needs to be a place where Jews, an ethnic minority who are unwelcome in nearly every state in the world, have a place where they are free from persecution — a place where they feel protected. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that place being the place where Jews are ethnically indigenous to. Because believe it or not, whether it is inconvenient, Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. I’ve addressed this in this post.
With that said, that doesn’t mean you can kick the Palestinian people out. They are also indigenous to that land, which is addressed in the same post, if you don’t trust me. 
What is incredible to me is that Zionism is defined, by the Oxford English Dixtionary, as “A movement [that called originally for] the reestablishment of a Jewish nationhood in Palestine, and [since 1948] the development of the State of Israel.” Whether we agree with this or not, there were early disagreements about the location of a ‘Jewish state,’ and some, like Maurice de Hirsch, believed it ought to be located in South America, for example. Others believed it should be located in Africa. The point is that the original plans for the Jewish state were about safety. The plan changed because Jews wanted to return to their homeland, the largest project of decolonization and indigenous reclamation ever to be undertaken by an indigenous group. Whether you want to hear that or not, it is true. Read a book or two. Then you might know what I mean.
When people say this is a complicated issue, they aren’t being facetious. They aren’t trying to obfuscate the point. They often aren’t even trying to defend the Israeli government, because I certainly am not — I think they are abhorrent. But there is no future in the Middle East if the Israelis and Palestinians don’t form a state that has an equal right of return and recognizes both of their indigenousness, and that will never happen if people can’t stop throwing vitriolic rhetoric around.  Is the Israeli Government bad? Yes. Are Israeli citizens bad? Largely, no. They want to defend their families, and they want to defend their people. This is basically the same as the fact that Palestinian people aren’t bad, though Hamas often is. And for the love of god, stop defending terrorist organizations. Just stop. They kill their own people for their own power and for their own benefit. 
And yes, one more time, the Israeli government is so, so, so wrong. But god, think about your words, and think about how you are enabling Nazis. The rhetoric the left is using is hurting Jews. I am afraid to leave my house. I’m afraid to identify as Jewish on tumblr. I’m afraid for my family, afraid for my friends. People I know are afraid for me. 
It’s 2021. I am not my great uncle. I cried for him, but I shouldn’t have to die like him. 
Words have consequences. Language has consequences. And genuinely, I do not think everyone is a bad person, so think about what you are putting into the world, because you’d be surprised how often you are doing a Nazi a favor or two. 
Is that really what you want? To do a Nazi a favor or two? I don’t think that you do. I hope you don’t, at least.
That’s all. You know, five thousand words later. But uh, think a little. Please. 
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Can you write Poly!Lost Boys x s/o x Michael? The lost boys let s/o seduce Michael into the dark side?
Oh hO HO- Okay, here you go. Making this an everyone loves Michael fic, and not including Star/Laddie.
Good Job, Michael (Poly!Lost Boys x S/O x Michael)
Word Count: 1725
Warnings: cursing, descriptions of blood/violence/gore
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David's hand itched for a cigarette while he and his boys sat on their bikes. His mind was a swirl of thoughts, all of them complicated and muddled by the blondes own emotions. He knew what he had to do. Max wanted Lucy, and he thought her sons were the best way to get her. They turn Michael and Sam, and then Lucy turns. Ta-da, happy ending. But things weren't always that easy.
They sat on their bikes, knowing that somewhere, probably right at this moment, you were getting hit on. And that you were entertaining it. The thought didn't settle easy among the group, and instead it held over them like a persistent fog. Some members were more outspoken than others with their disapproval of the tactic, with Marko having been bitching about it since they woke up. He'd hesitated when letting you go, his gloved hand resting on your hip for a just a moment too long. All it did was pause you from saying goodbye to the others and you gave him a look, but he settled to just huff and wait to truly start complaining for when you left.
Paul was usually a chatterbox, but one of the least confrontational of all the boys. He preferred "peace and love, man", even if he tore into surf-nazis each night. But the way he was tapping on his bike handle and looking around gave him away. He didn't like this either, and finally he uttered out a whine of,
"Where are they?" They weren't used to letting you stray far. They rarely left eachothers sides, and their instincts were practically begging them to find you. Surprisingly, it was Dwayne that answered.
"Be patient." He said, his voice deep and bristly. He didn't like this as much as the others, that was clear by the permanent scowl on his face. His hands were gripping his handlebars, his knuckles tightening and threatening to snap the metal underneath his fingers. So much for patience.
While they all agreed that none of them liked this, David couldn't deny that another wave of emotion was clouding his mind. One that he'd carefully avoided, but resurfaced the second they saw you emerge from the crowd. Blue eyed, curly haired brunette in tow. The same feeling, the edging, burning interest of a new crush, edged his mind. One that he'd decided to keep to himself, even if the way he chose to stare at the brunette betrayed him to the others. The second the boys caught the way he was looking at the brunette, there was a sigh, small tittering, and a roll of hazel-green eyes. It didn't help that you were giving Michael the same exact goo-goo eyes.
You hadn't expected to actually like the brunette. You knew what David wanted, what Max planned. This was supposed to just be a simple trick, something to keep Max happy and off your back. A simple necessity, like drinking blood each night. Sure, having another boy around wasn't completely unwelcome, but, again, you hadn't expected to like him.
You found him after he donned a new, obviously new, leather jacket. He had seen the boardwalk, and the teens that owned it, and was trying desperately to fit in. It made you smile, a small feeling of pity flitting through you. The poor boy was even considering getting his ear pierced. You stepped forward, offering a quick,
"It's a rip-off." To catch his attention. He turned, and his eyes found you. He was quick to follow, asking,
"What?" And you smiled. A real smile. He was clueless. It was almost cute.
"It's a rip-off. Get a sewing needle and some ice, it'll do the job." You said, and he smiled for a moment, doing his best to follow you through the crowd.
"What's your name?" He asked, and you offered it freely. He repeated it, and was quick to chirp back. "I'm Michael." He said, and you nodded. You knew. You repeated his name back, catching his eye as you did so.
You looked him over now that you were closer, and, for the shadow of a moment, you saw exactly what he could become. The faint image of a Lost Boy was hidden behind his face, and you didn't doubt that in a few weeks, if not a few nights, he would grow into that image nicely. You couldn't help but say,
"You new to Santa Carla?" You asked, and he rubbed the back of his neck before he replied,
"That obvious, huh?" He asked, and you chuckled. He was oddly charming. He was like a puppy, filled with naivety and the need to be accepted. Liked.
"Just a little bit." You said, making a pinching gesture with your fingers. "But I like the jacket." You said, and you saw how that brought a smile to his face. He touched it, like he'd almost forgot that he was wearing it. You had to stifle a laugh when he said,
"This old thing?" And you reached out. He watched your hand come towards his, and he seemed excited for a moment. Excited from the idea that you were going to take his hand. You did, but only to pull a price tag from his wrist. You held it up, and, in a moment, he flushed. You couldn't stop your laugh then, and you had to tease him.
"Old thing, huh?" You said, but you were quick to wave your own comment away. "It's nice, though. It suits you." You said, and you watched him rub his neck again. You couldn't tell if his embarrassment was from having been caught in his lie or from being complimented by you. Still, he had enough confidence to ask,
"Wanna get something to eat?" As his bike came nearer. You nodded, and you could practically feel the stare from your boys on your back.
That was exactly what you asked him as you lead him into the dunes, the rest of your boys hooting and hollering behind you. Dwayne had thrown his arm around Marko, with Paul raising his hands teasingly at David. When you stopped near a tree, just above a partying group of teens, the laughter died. The tension had become suddenly thick, and Michael uncomfortably asked,
"I thought you said we were getting food?" He asked, and the boys snickered as they climbed into the tree. They'd been hazing him for days, even as their own feelings grew. But none of them were willing to do anything that would halt his progress, even if the tension was growing thicker between him and David. He would turn, and then they could pursue him.
You and Michael hung back for a moment, and you gave his arm a gentle squeeze. You looked at him. He had grown exactly into the image you had pictured. His cheeks were dusted with stubble, his sunglasses hanging from his white shirt. An earring hanging from his left ear. He was staring at you the same way he always did. So full of trust, naivety, and a willingness to please. Again, you found that you nearly pitied him. It's why you couldn't let him go into this completely blind, even if that had been David's plan.
"You've been having a weird pain lately, right?" You asked him, and his brows furrowed with confusion. You knew the thirst had hit him already, even if he hadn't acted on it. "And your hand." You reached for it. He'd told you about how Nanook had bitten him, but he'd skipped the detail about the mirror. His hand was now healed, as if he hadn't been bitten at all. While he wasn't the brightest, he was smart enough to realize that wasn't normal. You and the boys had succeeded in distracting him the night before, but now he had to know. "These are bad people, Michael. You don't need to feel guilty." You whispered, but he looked more confused than anything. He held your hand, giving it a squeeze. Before he could ask, you interruped, "Here, I'll show you." You said, guiding him towards the tree and then leaving him there while the boys watched you. While you'd given him just the slightest of hints, now it was time to set the plan into motion. Michael nearly followed you, only to be caught by Paul and Marko after a quick look from David. David trusted you, as did the others, as you stepped down towards the firelight.
Michael watched how the boys jeered at you, how one quickly took to your side. He was drunk, and it looked as if he planned on messing with you. The others quickly noticed you, and they circled you like a pack of wolves. The boys watched as Michael's- well, they couldn't tell if it was jealousy or protectiveness- flared, his eyes turning yellow. David smirked, and he leaned towards the brunette. Setting a hand on his shoulder, he said,
"You gonna let them do that, Michael?" And he nodded at the two blondes. They let him go, and just then one of the boys gave you a nudge. One that seemingly nearly knocked you to the ground. It was a bit of pretending on your part, but that was all it took.
His face had shifted completely, becoming almost lionesque as his fangs descended. Without the boys to grab him, he flew. You watched as they ripped and tore into the man's shoulder, knocking him flat onto his face. You watched as your boys laughed, joining him and pouncing as the surf-nazis began to try to run away. You snatched one for yourself, the blood hitting the back of your throat in a hot gush. The six of you were having a frenzy, and you tossed the limp body into the fire as the adrenaline filled your veins. You looked over at the curly haired brunette, his eyes still shining yellow instead of blue. He was panting, with blood drenched down his chin, neck, and the front of his shirt. He looked beautiful, not just to you but to the boys you had been with for- well, you couldn't remember exactly how long. He was truly one of you now, and you didn't hesitate to pull him in for a kiss. He moaned and licked at your mouth, whether to deepen it or catch the blood decorating it you couldn't tell.
When you pulled away, you caressed his stubbly cheek. His eyes had faded back to blue, but the completion of the transformation numbed any expected remorse. He simply ducked down again, capturing your lips once more, before the both of you giggled and you said,
"Good job, Michael."
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on-maars · 3 years
Just a soft lil thing I wrote in one sitting, hope you’ll like it. 
Read it on AO3.
The Grant-Nash household is loud. Louder than usual, that is. Conversations flow smoothly, moving from one topic to the next rapidly. That makes Eddie smile. The last few months were quite the challenge, in every way, for everyone.
Whether it be Athena and Bobby’s marriage hanging on by a thread, Maddie suffering from postpartum depression, Karen and Hen getting used to Nia’s absence, it was enough for everyone to feel a bit under pressure, feel overwhelmed, afflicted, weighed down.
And there was also that day. That particular day. Still on Eddie’s mind, all the time. No matter how hard the people surrounding him try to forget about the whole thing.
There seems to be a common agreement between all his colleagues, all his friends. A silent promise everyone made to each other. A pact. That day’s here and it happened but god forbid we dare to acknowledge it.
And Eddie gets it. That day was a living hell. It was traumatic. For him, for Buck, and for Christopher. And don’t get him wrong he doesn’t particularly like to be reminded of that day either, doesn’t particularly like to mention it, let alone talk about it. But sometimes he wishes he could. Sometimes he wishes he had that possibility.
But he doesn’t. He knows he doesn’t.
He tried.
He tried bringing up the topic in the conversations. He tried making a few innuendos here and there, hoping Buck would catch up. He tried being patient, let his friend heal first. In vain. And Eddie knows Buck and him are not really the type to sit down and talk about their feelings, hell good communications skills don’t exactly run in his family either but he knows how to make an effort every now and then. He learned it the hard way. Raising a kid on your own doesn’t exactly give you a choice in the matter.
And yet, Eddie still smiles. Because they’re here now. They’re alive. Celebrating.
Bobby’s here, talking with Michael with hushed voices, David standing a few feet away with Albert, keeping a close watch on the barbecue while glancing at the two of them with what Eddie can only guess is an exasperated expression painted all over his face.
Hen, Karen and Athena are both seated at the table, seemingly engaged in a very lively conversation. Chimney is resting on a nearby chair, a very fast asleep Jee-Yun in his arms, both of them being subject to a series of pictures taken by May.
And then there’s Buck, sprawled on the grass, Christopher, Harry and Denny by his side, all laughing to tears. This brings a smile to Eddie’s lips.
“So I heard my brother wasn’t exactly planning on leaving you guys anytime soon?” Maddie asks next to him. “From what Albert told Chim, he’s got the loft all by himself for at least two months.”
Eddie chuckles and looks down at his hands, his cheeks turning red. There’s an implicit question behind Maddie’s words, an implicit question waiting to be answered. It’s not the first time Eddie has to face these hidden allusions from Maddie and as his eyes are being drawn to Buck once again, he realizes he doesn’t really mind.
“Yeah, he- he’s staying put.” Eddie admits. “After… After everything that happened, I think we all needed to-” He starts, but marks a pause. “Christopher needed him there.”
“Christopher’s the only one who needed him there?” Maddie asks and Eddie’s breath catches in his throat.
He shouldn’t be surprised, though. After all, Eddie hid his true feelings behind his son countless times in the past but it’s the first time he’s actually being confronted about it. It’s easy, hiding himself behind Christopher. It’s comfortable. And it makes him look like a great dad while really his son is just a thousand times braver than he ever will be. That’s not a secret to anyone.
Still, he finds himself saying:
“No.” Maddie looks up at him, smiling softly. “No, I needed him there as well.” Eddie finally admits. “I needed him to stay.” He adds. “I’ll always need him to stay.” He says more specifically, averting his eyes.
“Does he know?” She asks.
“That I want him to stay?” Eddie darts his eyes towards her but only for a second. He looks away just as fast. “Yeah. Yeah I think I made that pretty clear.” He chuckles, thinking back of all the times he had to physically drag Buck away from the front door, making it clear that he’s not “overstaying his welcome” or whatever Buck’s got stuck in his mind.
“No, I mean-” Maddie’s eyes shuttle back and forth on Eddie’s face, as if battling whether to be upfront or leave the conversation hanging. Eventually, she sighs, takes a deep breath and adds, without batting an eye: “Does he know you’re in love with him?”
Eddie blinks a few times, opening his mouth to say something but closing it the next second. There’s no need to deny it – he thinks. Not after this past few months, not after what happened. Not after that day. There’s no need to deny it because his love for Buck, once so quiet, so cautious, so calm, is now so big, so vibrant, Eddie might as well take his heart and put it on a plate for everyone to see.
“I- I’m not sure.” He says and his eyes are drawn to Buck once again. His best-friend is still seated on the grass but this time he's holding his niece in his arms, Christopher is touching her hands very carefully, like he’s afraid she might break. Buck looks up at Eddie and for a few seconds, their eyes meet. Buck has that soft expression on his face, that soft expression only reserved to the two most important people in his life. And Eddie smiles, because how can he not?
“He must know.” He convinces himself out loud. “There’s no way he doesn’t kn-”
“Did you tell him?” Maddie insists. “Did you tell him these exact same words?” She asks. “Did you tell him to his face?”
“No.” Eddie admits.
“Then he doesn’t know.” She says. “Eddie, it doesn’t matter how many signs you throw at him. It doesn’t matter if you think there’s no need to say anything because he’s got to be blind not to see it. It doesn’t matter because at the end of the day it’s Buck we’re talking about, it’s my baby brother and you and I both know he’s not going to let himself believe it until there’s not a single doubt in his mind that this is what’s happening, that you’re in it just as much as he is.”
“I-” Eddie starts but looks down, biting his lower lip. “I know.”
“And unless you tell him to his face that you’re in love with him then-”
“Then, the doubts won’t stop.” Eddie finishes for her, his eyes still fixated on Buck as a small sigh escapes his lips.
“The doubts won’t stop.” Maddie agrees.
“It’s just-” Eddie’s hand fidgets with his keys in his jean’s pocket, nervously. “The way he loves. It’s always so…”
“Loud?” Maddie offers and Eddie huffs out a laugh.
He nods. “Yeah. Loud. And- and carefree. And you know, I- it's a good thing. I mean I’ve always-” He starts, and sighs, closing his eyes fiercely. “It’s a good thing.” He repeats. “But you’d think he has it all figured out.” He says, his eyes catching Buck’s gaze once again. He seems tired. Eddie can see it by the way his lips stretch up at the edges in an effort to smile but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. But it’s mostly the dark rings under his eyes that leads Eddie in the right direction. Buck thinks the others can’t see them, he thinks he can conceal them by acting overly excited, overly cheerful, and maybe it goes unnoticed by the others but not to Eddie. Never to Eddie.
“He has a big heart.” Maddie eventually says, following Eddie’s gaze until her own eyes are fixed on her little brother. “People often mistake it for over-confidence.” She adds. “But the truth is that he’s as terrified as you are. Maybe more.” She marks a pause. “Probably more.”
Eddie nods to himself, his smile getting bigger when he sees Buck standing up straight, crossing the few meters separating him from Eddie and Maddie. He lets himself fall on the chair with a heavy thud, raising his eyes towards Eddie, his smile always so soft, always so gentle. Eddie wants to embrace him and kiss him senseless.
“Hey.” Buck’s voice is hesitant. “Huh Chris asked me if he could stay the night here with Harry and Denny. I said yes. I thought- although I guess I- I guess I should maybe have checked with you first, I’m sor-”
“It’s fine.” Eddie smiles.
“You sure? Because I can-”
“Evan.” Eddie cuts in, and the effect is immediate. Like it always is when he uses Buck’s real name. He whirls his head around and looks at him with a mixture of disbelief and confusion in his eyes. Eddie thinks he can see some traces of hope in there, too.
“Didn’t know you had the Evan privileges.” Maddie teases and Buck looks down at his hands with a sheepish smile, blinking a few times like he can’t quite believe it himself.
“Wanna go back home?” Eddie asks. “I’m beat.” He says. It’s a lie. He’s feeling great, and he could probably stay there for a few more hours if he wanted, but that’s not Buck’s case. That’s not Buck’s case and his best-friend is just too damn selfless to say it and would probably be ready to fall asleep on that chair if it meant Eddie was having a good time.
“Oh yeah we can… We can go home.”
They say goodbye to everyone and head out, not before Eddie makes Christopher promise to behave and not give Athena and Bobby too much trouble. He holds him against him for a while, kissing his head and his heart flutters when he sees Buck hugs him just as tight the next second.
When they get to the car, Buck is nervous, his head is resting on the window and his eyes are glancing to Eddie from time to time, his eyebrows squint in concentration, just like when he’s searching the answer to one of Christopher’s math exercise. It’s never a good sign. Eddie knows him well enough to understand that Buck is on the verge of falling into one of these overthinking traps that always seem to be on the lookout for the next opportunity to invade his best-friend’s mind.
The car drive is silent, the atmosphere filled with a sense of irresolution no one dares to question. And Eddie knows all too well that now is probably not the best time to have that conversation, not while driving, not while Buck is in that state. But Maddie’s words are stuck in his head since they left that house and if he doesn’t acknowledge the elephant in the room now, he’s afraid it might take him another two months to have the guts to say it.
“You do know I’m in love with you, right?” He blurts out and Buck whirls his head around so fast Eddie’s afraid he might break his neck. He seems surprised. His eyes are wide open and his mouth is agape, his eyebrows furrowed, his brain probably working too fast for his head to catch up.
“I-” He starts but his voice dies in his throat. “I didn’t- I mean I wasn’t- I wasn’t sure.” Buck stutters, blinking a few times.
“Well, I am.” Eddie says, pretending to be calm about it all while really, his hands hold the wheel so tight his knuckles go white.
“I just-” Buck says, and stays silent for a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “Ever since that day, there were- there were times when I thought that maybe you- But I couldn’t be sure. And you never- you never spoke of it and I-”
“I never spoke of it because you never let me, Buck.” Eddie marks a pause, but speaks again just as fast when he sees the flash of guilt crossing his friend’s eyes. “I don’t blame you.” He reassures him. “I’ve been in your position countless times in the past to know that that day must have been as traumatic for you as it was for me. Maybe even more, I mean I- I was asleep the whole time, after all. You were the one who had to-” Eddie pauses when he sees Buck’s face suddenly contorted with excruciating pain – agony, even – but he pushes through it all the same. “You were the one who had to deal with everything.”
“Eddie, I-”
Eddie bites his lower lip when he sees his best-friend’s eyes already filled with tears.
“Buck, you saved me.” Eddie says, his voice determined.
“No I-” Buck shakes his head. “I let you down.”
“You saved me.” Eddie repeats, with even more vigor. “Evan.” He says. “Look at me.” He adds, glancing at Buck, knowing he now has his full attention. The blue eyes staring back at him are filled with pain, agony, and Eddie knows his friend is back there again, in the streets, watching him bleed to death in front of him.
“I didn’t-” Buck starts and suddenly tears are rolling down his cheeks and his lips are shaking and his shoulders slump alarmingly as ugly sobs start racking his body. He presses his hand through his eyes, as if to hide himself from his best-friend but the noise coming from his mouth is desperate and angry and broken and Eddie doesn’t waste anytime to park his car on the roadside. “You were dead, Eds.”
“Buck.” Eddie breathes. “I wasn’t- you saved me alright?”
“No Eds, you don’t understand, alright? You were dead. You died . In that ambulance. I- I was telling you to hold on but you- you died. For a few seconds Eddie, you- you were dead. You were gone. I thought I had lost you and I couldn’t- I couldn’t-” Another sob racks his body and Eddie wraps his arms around his shoulders, bringing him closer. Buck hides his face on his chest and Eddie holds him close as he cries, his entire body shaking from exhaustion, from all the pressure he contained during this past few months.
“You never told me that.” He eventually says, his own voice shaking.
“Didn’t want to go back there.” Buck answers and his voice is so small Eddie just holds him a little closer, a little tighter, his right hand running through his blonde locks. He presses a small kiss to his head and closes his eyes, letting his forehead rest against his hair. "You were fine and I wanted - I needed - to focus on that."
“I love you.” Eddie tells him. “Buck, how can you think you let me down while you’re literally the only reason I’m sitting in this car next to you? You saved me. You took care of my son. You took care of me . Even when I was being a whiny little shit.” Eddie smiles when a small laugh escapes Buck’s lips. “You did so good. You always do.”
“Wasn’t easy.” Buck teases him but his voice still betrays his true feelings.
“And yet, you stayed.” Eddie reminds him.
“Yeah well…” Buck answers like it’s not a big deal. “Where- where else would I go?”
Eddie huffs out a laugh and presses his lips on Buck’s shoulder when this one buries his face in the crook of his neck, still trying to catch his breath.
“Move in with us.” Eddie finds himself blurting out, causing Buck to sit straight once again, watching him with a bewildered expression on his face. “I mean it.”
“I- what- what about Chris?” Buck asks because of course that’s the first thought that crosses his mind. His son’s well-being.
“What about him?” Eddie asks, his eyebrows raised.
“I don’t- maybe he doesn’t want me there all the time.” Buck starts and frowns when Eddie huffs out a laugh.
“Yeah, right.” Eddie answers, unimpressed. “That kid would probably kill me if I ever let you go back to your loft and you know it.” He adds. “He adores you, Buck.”
Buck’s eyes dart towards him, his shy and sheepish smile stretching up his lips.
“What about you? Do you want me there?” Buck asks, hesitant.
“Buck I’m the one who asked.” Eddie says. “You’re practically already living with us anyway. Wouldn’t change a single thing. Except that you- well you definitely wouldn’t sleep in the spare room anymore.”
“But I wouldn’t-”
“Buck, can you please stop finding excuses and say yes already?” Eddie asks, exasperated. He still places his right hand behind his neck though, and looks at him dead in the eye when he says these next few words. “I want you there with us. All the time. Every day.”
“Alright.” Buck eventually says. “I- I’ll stay.” He adds.
“Good.” Eddie smiles, and when Buck’s eyes dart towards his lips for just a second, he doesn’t waste any time and crash their lips together in a gentle, soft kiss, tasting Buck’s tears.
“I- I love you too.” Buck says after a few minutes. “I just- just realized I still haven’t said it back.”
“You didn’t have to.” Eddie answers. “I already knew.”
Buck smiles a bit more, but another serious look crosses his face as he bites his lower lip.
“Thank you.” And Eddie heard these words a thousand times before from Buck’s mouth but in that particular moment, they seem to hold more meaning that he can possibly imagine. “For saying it first.”
Eddie intertwines their fingers together and presses a small kiss on Buck’s knuckles, starting the car.
“Anything for you, Evan.” Eddie says and huffs out a small laugh when he hears Buck’s groan resonating in the car. He puts his indicator on and turns his wheel to follow the road back home, his hand still holding Buck’s fingers.
“I-” Buck starts but seems to hesitate. His gaze is stuck on the road, like he’s afraid to meet Eddie’s eyes when he’s going to say these next few words.
“You what?” Eddie encourages him.
“I like it.” Buck says, keeping his voice low. “When you- when you call me Evan.”
“Oh I know.” Eddie teases him.
“You’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you?” He asks him, smiling.
“One hundred percent.” Eddie confirms. “Only way to be sure I’ve got your undivided attention.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Buck exclaims, rolling his eyes at him.
“Maybe later.” Eddie raises his eyebrows in a suggested manner and Buck only scoffs, but Eddie can already see his cheeks turning red.
“Alright alright, eyes on the road, Edmundo .” Buck says playfully and Eddie lets out a laugh. “I love you.” These words seem to slip past Buck’s lips of their own accord.
“Love you more.” Eddie instantly retorts.
“Well I loved you first.” Buck answers.
“Bold assumption you make here, Buckley.”
“Let’s hash that out at home.” Buck tells him, resting his head on the window, his voice tired and his eyes closed.
“Alright.” Eddie answers. “But you and I both know I’m gonna win this round.”
Buck huffs out a laugh and catches Eddie’s hand on the gearshift to intertwine their fingers together, the smile not leaving his face.
“Shut up and drive us home, Diaz.”
“Alright.” Eddie answers, pressing another kiss to Buck’s knuckles. “Let's get you home, Evan.”  
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jordanlahey · 4 years
Ripped at the Seams (2/?)
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Warnings: none?
Word count: 1482
A/n: Finally finished part 2!
When you got home you worked on your jacket, placing the patches where Marko suggested you put them he had been on you mind the whole night, it was safe to say you developed a small crush on the boy considering you only met him once who's to say you might ever see him again? You started working on making a new patch for Marko, you weren't really sure what to make this one into maybe it would have been smart to have asked him. You mentally cursed yourself and threw yourself back into your bed until a knock came at your door.
"Do you wanna go back to the Boardwalk again tomorrow night?" Michael asked poking his head around the door, you thought for a second then agreed maybe you'll find Marko again and your brother is probably thinking the same but for the girl. Michael left you alone for the night kinda thankful that you agreed since both the people you were interested in were with each other which made it easier for the both of you.
You felt kinda giddy as well as nervous about going to the boardwalk again if you do see Marko you'll be happy but if you don't will you feel a little disappointed? That you weren't sure about.
You followed your brothers around the boardwalk both of you losing a little bit of hope after not being able to find they people you were looking for while having to listen to your younger brother talk your ears off about being whipped etc. Micheal has walked off to buy himself a leather jacket and you laughed at this it was funny seeing how your brother was trying to change how he dressed to impress a girl. You wandered off too, giving up on looking for Marko you decided maybe to look around for a little while, see all the things you had missed. You had noticed that Micheal had already found the girl he was looking for and was leading her to the bike and before you could think anything else more motorbikes crowded around Michaels.
You walked slowly behind them, you recognised one of the boys being Marko and you felt happy to see him but you were more worried about Micheal at the moment.
"You know where Hudson's Bluff is over looking the point?" The boy in front of you spoke and your brother looked at you then back at him.
"I can't beat your bike." He answered.
"You don't have to beat me Michael. You just have to keep up." He was gonna go off with them? Leave you and Sam here? "And you." All the boys looked at you and you froze. "You can ride with Marko." Your face turned a shade of red and you looked at your brother who nodded his head over towards Marko allowing you to go.
'How did they know I was behind them? I was quiet right?' You thought to yourself.
"Long time no see. Don't worry I'll be careful." He helped you on the bike, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him and then you zoomed off. You would occasionally look back at Micheal, he seemed to be somewhat enjoying himself right? You've ridden with Micheal before but Marko was driving pretty fast more than what you were ever use to, he was wild and if this was him being careful then what exactly is him being normal? You had to hide your face to avoid the sand getting in your eyes, how did they all do this with out that happening? You looked at the others all laughing and Marko screaming at the top of his lungs, they were having a good time and all we were doing was driving but their energy was contagious at some points you found yourself laugh too.
It was starting to get foggy, if you couldn't see I front of you or even around you how could Marko? And he was the driver. Your grip on him tightened and he noticed this, he looked back at you briefly.
"It's fine Y/n, nothing to worry about." Was all he said but that didn't ease you at all, you started looking in front for Micheal and could barely make out his red bike until you heard his bike skid on the ground below and everyone else stopped too. You could just make out your brother running up to David which caused everyone else to get off their bikes and try stop Michael.
"What the hell are you doing huh!?" You heard your brother shout.
"Michael!" You yelled back, when you saw him land a punch at David, you cringed are the sound. You never liked violence you hated it in fact
"Just you come on. Come on just you." You were behind Paul and Marko, switching looks at your brother and at David who was smirking.
"How far you willing to go Michael." Was all david said, you were now worried for your brother and you were kinda wanting to go back now. Marko walked you back to his bike, his hand just barley touching your back you would look back at your brother then at Marko.
"Where are we going?" You asked and Marko flashed you a cheeky grin.
"You'll see." You were starting to feel uneasy, it wasn't anything to do with Marko well kinda you liked him yes but something was just off about them all. The ride was painfully quiet, David was in the front we were beside paul and Dwayne while Micheal trailed behind. You wanted back home you really did and you wanted to ask Marko if he would kindly take you but you couldn't leave Micheal for some reason you felt responsible for him at the moment since you're the only one thinking level headedly well somewhat level headedly.
You had arrived at a cave that was pretty far from the boardwalk it smelt of salt water more than it does there but it didn't really bother you, you kinda liked it actually. The boys and your brother hid their bikes while you followed Star into the cave, you didn't fully enter cause the entrance was a slope and 9 chances out of 10 you will go down like a sack of potatoes and you didn't really feel like being laughed at.
"C'mon I'll help you down." Marko got in front of you and took your hand in his as he led you down gently. He got to the bottom of the slope and that's when your feet decided it was time to slip and you fell right into his chest.
'Typical' you thought, you're face turned the brightest shade of red you didn't want Marko to look at you, you just wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
"Marko food.” David’s voice echoed in the cave, giving you the shivers it only added to your uneasy feeling.
“I’ll be right back.” Marko cheekily smiled at you and booped your nose and off he went. You looked around the cave in awe as you made your way to sit beside your brother and David went on about what happened to the hotel etc. You felt awkward now and you tried to get your brothers attention by whispering that you wanted to go home he he shushed you every time you mentioned it, you sometimes caught Star’s eyes she matched your uneasy expression and you figured that she knew something you didn’t which didn’t help at all.
“Feeding time, come and get it boys.” Marko had came back, that was pretty quick for a drive to get food and back. David offered you and Michael a box of rice but the two of you declined.
“You don’t like rice? Tell me you two how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?” David held the box out for Michael and he took it. “How are those maggots?” You looked between Michael and David.
“Maggots Michael, you’re eating maggots how do they taste?” You both looked at the box and the threw it away and spat up the fork full. You covered your mouth that’s disgusting. The cave filled with laughter from the boys.
“Leave him alone.” Star spoke up, you looked at the box of maggots and now it was rice? You really wished you stayed home, you hugged your jacket closer for something to hold onto.
“No hard feelings.” You spaced out for most of the conversation afterwards, how did the rice turn into maggots then back to rice? None of this made sense you zoned back in watching David whisper something into Marko’s ear, he left and came back with a jewelled bottle full of what you think was wine. David took a swig and looked and the two of you. “Drink this. Be one of us.”
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Michael's reaction on David on Memory Lane was priceless. He was so happy. And his smile while David was talking... So adorable. He always tries to hide his emotions by saying "who is that?" Michael, please, it's doesn't work. You're so in love with him, you can't even hide it. You can't stop smiling when you see him.
Also, David's comment on his beard? How does he know that? I could sense 'boyfriends' energy.
And David's 'mwah' ended me.
I don’t think we could have asked for a better Christmas present, Anon. And I could not agree with you more about Michael being in love with David. That moment you mentioned...I thought that was so telling. It was as if Michael was filled up with emotion right then and shied away (or so he thought) from revealing too much. And of course Jenn played along, but you could see that she was brimming over, too, because she could see how unabashedly excited and happy Michael was. In the gifs I made and posted, I chose to focus on Michael’s reaction more than David’s speech, because his face just lights up like the sun, and it’s so adorable to see.
I’ve actually had a little fantasy scenario running through my head that started percolating after seeing Michael and David in their ridiculous Christmas jumpers on Graham Norton, and that I’ve been thinking of turning into a fic. I hesitated to share it because I wondered how plausible it really was, but after the GN interview and now David’s surprise appearance and kiss-blowing on Memory Lane, well...who knows anymore.
What I keep imagining is that Michael and David are guests at a Christmas party. David is wearing his fuzzy white sweater and standing under the mistletoe, wrists tied behind his back (because he gets a bit naughty when he’s tipsy) and excitedly waiting for anyone who's interested to walk up and kiss him. One by one, they come for a taste--women, men, sometimes one of each at the same time--moving him around, taking what they please and David all too willing to give. Michael is chatting with various people and starts to notice the small crowd gathering. He spots David at the center and feels a surge of jealousy, face flushing with need and desire. He strides over, confidently parting the crowd, stopping right in front of David and looking him in the eye. Michael slides his hands under the hem of that fuzzy sweater and digs his fingertips into David's hips, pulling him in for a bruising, possessive kiss. He unties David's wrists and puts them around his waist, under the back of his own red sweater, letting David know who can he touch, who he belongs to. Hands trace over heated skin, the din of the party fading into the background as the kiss deepens. Michael and David slowly melt into each other, into warmth and comfort and this moment that is theirs alone, kissing softly as the mistletoe winks knowingly above them.
...So, yes, that’s my little fantasy scenario, and it would no doubt continue with David being teased by and/or with Michael’s beard. It’s just so interesting that he keeps commenting on it, and like you said...how does he know there are things living in Michael’s beard? How does he know that it’s “cuddly”? The boyfriends energy between them is just off the charts, and honestly seems to be as strong now as it was a year ago, bless them both.
And of course, the “Mwah.” I put this right up there with Michael calling David his lover, in that it happened absolutely apropos of nothing and for no discernible reason whatsoever. What I love is how completely un-self-conscious David was about it. He did it without a care or a worry in the world, seemingly without even thinking twice, and you could practically see Michael’s heart swelling in response. Beautiful. 
We’ve truly been fortunate with these recent little moments, Anon, and I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed them as much as I did. Thanks for writing in, and Merry Christmas! x
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darkarfs · 3 years
the worst movie tie-ins in the history of wrestling
Wrestling is stupid, and will show its ass at the mere mention of cross-promotion, especially when it comes to movies, which is it's cooler older brother that can get away with a lot more. Hell, the 2nd ever SummerSlam's main event, in 1989, was Hulk Hogan facing the main villain, Tiny Lister as Zeus (RIP), from the film they were both in, No Holds Barred. So wrestling's always wanted a piece of that. So... - Army of the Dead Let's just get this one out of the way. Here's the thing; I thought the WrestleMania Backlash's card was fucking perfect...except for this weird business. WMB MIGHT've been the best show of the pandemic (hot take) were it not for making sure we sell Big Dave's big zombie heist movie. If they had just kept some of the guys in zombie makeup on the Thunderdome's webcam footage, that would have been borderline charming. But instead, the Miz (who was WWE champion 3 months ago, don't forget) and Damien Priest (who they're making WWE's pop-culture liaison so far on the main roster, for some reason) had to sell for zombies in a lumberjack match. If this was the first ever wrestling show you watched with a loved one who had never watched wrestling or hadn't since like, the end of the Attitude Era, would you for a second want them to stick around after Miz and Morrison get, for all intents and purposes, kayfabe killed and eaten, and then watch Damien Priest shoot the logo at the ceiling? My money's on "no." - Shaft Speaking of the Attitude Era, anytime someone tells you that wrestling was cooler in that 3-year time frame, point them to the June 15th of 2000 episode of SmackDown, where a storyline that ran throughout the show followed Patterson and Briscoe through New York City to find Crash Holly and his Hardcore Title. Now, I admit parts of this are kinda funny, like Briscoe just wanting to give up and find a "gen-yoo-WINE New York hot dawg!" That's fun! And who does Crash Holly run into but none other than Shaft, and his woman, the only one who understands this complicated man, John Shaft. So, we have real Samuel L. Jackson, playing fake John Shaft, talking to real/fictional Crash Holly, and man is it weird. Anyway, Shaft agrees to be Crash's bodyguard for the night, and he slaps around Patterson and Briscoe in a nightclub. After all, what better way to get across how cool and badass a character is than having him knock around the fucking Stooges? - The Wrestler Well, this is complicated. The Wrestler, starring ancient wooden lion Mickey Rourke, is a somber tale about an industry that, in its heyday, left people physically spent, washed-up and addicted to adrenaline at best, and dead at worst. It famously moved Roddy Piper to tears because he recognized what destruction and brokenness the industry once left in its wake. Which is why it's super-weird that WWE jumped at the chance to promote maybe the bleakest possible look at their world in 2009, and did so by having Chris Jericho smack the shit out of three old wrestlers at WrestleMania 25, including Roddy Piper. And then have Rourke jump into the ring, wearing his "do you want to take peyote in the desert?" starter kit and bring out his amateur boxing chops. Tonally, it's just really bleak. Like if the creator of Super Size Me screened the premiere at the world's biggest McDonald's. - Bride of Chucky Poor Rick Steiner. You didn't deserve this. You're the sane Steiner. They shouldn't have made you talk to the puppet. So, WCW was heading into Halloween Havoc 1998, and after years of stomping all over the WWF in the ratings, the wheels had come off, and dramatically. Like, all at once. Like the car in the Blues Brothers. To boost PPV buys, they spent a fortune bringing in the Ultimate Warrior to rekindle a feud with Hulk Hogan, mostly by hiding in his fucking mirror. And the Steiner Brothers, one of the best teams of the early 90s, had been feuding with one another since Scott turned on his at SuperBrawl. What was the best way to build hype around this match at Halloween Havoc? Why, to have Rick get into a war of words - and lose - to Chucky. Yes.
Serial killer doll voiced by Brad Dourif, and it's so sad. Chucky cusses Rick out while Rick challenges the fucking doll to a fight, which is promptly ignored (Chucky's video segment is pre-recorded, and you can tell because he starts talking about 3 times in 3 minutes while Rick's mid-promo and missing his cues to stop) and then is made fun of. And all the while, people were probably wondering "what's going on on Vince's show?" and the answer is...that was the episode of Raw where Austin fills Vince's Corvette with cement, which is slightly more badass than being teased by a puppet. - The Goods Here's the thing: Raw is, right now, a bad show. It is bad TV. It's been bad for a while now. And as bad as it is right now, it's still not as fuck-awful as it was in 2009, aka the Age of the Guest Hosts (which, in kayfabe, was given to us by Donald J. Trump, so blame that ambulatory Nazi scrotum for one more thing, he's certainly earned it). For those of you fortunate enough to not be watching what was objectively unwatchable at the time - and hell, I sure as shit wasn't checking in very often - from mid-2009 to around mid-2010, a celebrity would be the special guest host of Monday Night Raw, often to promote a TV show or movie, and it was nearly all horribly-written, cheesy wank. Imagine if every week was the week of the zombie attack at Backlash. That's what it was like. Bob Barker was funny. The Muppets were good. And THAT'S the end of the list. MacGruber coming out to blow up R-Truth made me want to fall on a knife. The A-Team coming out to beat up Virgil was fucking awful. Go straight to fucking HELL, the Three Stooges, Dennis Miller, the reverend Al Sharpton, the 2010 Pittsburgh Steelers, Don Johnson and Jon Heder, the poor entire cast of Hot Tub Time Machine...and then there's Piven. Jeremy Piven. He showed up with Ken Jeong to promote a movie no one remembers...called the Goods. He stunk up several segments, infamously called SummerSlam "the Summer Fest" and then got roughed up by John Cena. Wrestling's the worst. Stop watching. And many did. For a looooooong time. - Robocop 2 This one's infamous, so I'll keep it brief. Robocop 2 came out in 1990, and goddamn, I don't know how much money the producers threw at WCW, but it was enough for them to rebrand an entire PPV "Capitol Combat: the Return of Robocop" and marketed the entire thing around the fancy metallic gentleman. The branding really made it seem like Robert Cop was old friends with the promotion, and indeed, old friends with Sting. Makes sense; two big, heroic idiots running on BASIC. He had been feuding with the Four Horsemen, who locked him in a cage at ringside. Out comes Robocop, called completely straight by Jim Ross, who rips the cage door off his hinges, and then leaves. An accumulated 85 seconds of screen time. Totally worth being the centerpiece of this PPV! But a little context as to why WCW fans hated it so much: 1989, the year before, was regarded by WCW fans as one of the best in company history. The era that gave us stuff like Chi-Town Rumble and the still-very-much-lauded peak of the Steamboat/Flair feud. To go from that to Robocop was seen as a bit of a slap in the face, because WCW was always seen as the more traditional "wrasslin'" company and was never into cheesy pop-culture crossovers, which is why the last one...is all the funnier.
- Ready To Rumble First of all, those dumbasses at Turner had to give Michael Buffer - who they still had on retainer - around $350,000 just to use that title, because he owns the trademark to that phrase. Strike 127 million, capitalism, that a guy gets to own a phrase and gets paid an obscene amount when he or anyone else uses it. Secondly, I initially wasn't going to do movies where the promotion itself is producing the movie, or oh holy HELL would See No Evil and the infamous May 19 shit be on here. But unlike See No Evil, this had a hand in killing a decades-old wrestling promotion, so it feels weird to not include it. On April 7th, 2000, bad movie Ready To Rumble was released, a film about two hapless dorks trying to help Oilver Platt, aka the lawyer from the West Wing, become WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Two weeks later, to promote the movie, they made David Arquette, the lead actor in the movie, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He pinned Eric Bischoff, who wasn't the champion, of course, in a match where he was teamed with Diamond Dallas Page, his best pal and the company's top babyface at the time, but who is also one of the villains in the film to make it extra confusing for the mainstream casual audience the movie was made to attract. And, to be fair, Arquette didn't want to do it, NO ONE really wanted to do it, and it tanked viewership for WCW once and for all. At the very least, David took his payday from the wrestling appearances and the film and gave it to the families of Owen Hart, Brian Pillman and to Darren Drozdov, who had been paralyzed from the neck down in a wrestling match the previous year.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 24
Warning: Talk hinting at trafficking. Loki was in a meeting with some colleagues.
He was sat at his desk with Samuel and Ethan stood at either side of him. His accountant, James, was sitting silently at the side of the room, taking notes.
The men he was having a meeting with was David, Michael and Ben. Between the four of them, they pretty much ran the country. David was based in London as well, but he was from Glasgow so was back and fore to there on a regular basis, Ben was based in Cardiff and Michael was based in Manchester, but had contacts and a good amount of control over Belfast.
They were discussing a main part of their income… 
‘It’s going to fall if we don’t manage to find any.’ David said, worried.
‘Why are we failing? We never used to have any problems.’ Loki asked.
‘They are becoming savvier nowadays, being cautious. Sticking in groups.’ Michael said.
‘We might need to look into other countries.’ David suggested.
‘I’m in talks with the Germans right now, perhaps they can help us out in that department.’ Loki said.
‘What about that pretty little thing you have?’ Michael grinned and looked at Loki.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and snarled. ‘That is not even up for discussion.’
Michael chuckled and sat back in his chair.
‘What about her friends I saw at the party? Perhaps we can use her to get to some decent girls.’ Ben said flippantly.
Loki whipped a dagger out from under his desk, flipped it in the air as he stood up abruptly and slammed the dagger down hard into his desk. ‘NOT. HAPPENING. Chloe is NOT going into the system and neither are ANY of her friends. If any of you DARE to even LOOK at her in the wrong way, I will snap your fucking heads off. IS THAT CLEAR?’ He roared at them all.
Michael, David and Ben nodded sheepishly, shifting in their seats. Loki was usually eerily calm yet terrifying at the same time, but on the odd occasion when he did lose his rag, they knew not to even question him.
Because when Loki threatened you, it was no joke. It was a promise. And you didn’t get second chances with Loki, either. It was one warning, if you were lucky.
Loki returned home and Chloe was still in his bed, but she woke up when he came in and peeked at him over the blanket.
He shrugged off his coat and loosened his tie as he stalked around the bed and up towards her. He sat down on the edge and leaned over her, smiling.
‘Did you sleep well, doll?’ He reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
She sat up a little, but kept the blanket covering her naked body and nodded. ‘What time is it?’ She asked, looking around for a clock.
‘It’s four in the afternoon.’ Loki said after checking his watch. ‘You best go get ready and put on a nice dress, we are going out for dinner tonight with a few friends.’
Chloe’s eyes widened a little, unsure whether to be excited about that or not. ‘Oh, ok.’
‘Don’t look so worried.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re safe with me.’
Chloe wasn’t sure why she picked the emerald green dress, but she did. Part of her deep down knew that Loki would approve, but she tried not to think about that being the reason.  
When she walked down the stairs to meet Loki, with her Chanel bag over her shoulder, he looked up at her and his smile grew into a large grin when he saw what she had chosen to wear.
‘You look absolutely ravishing, darling.’ He walked over to the bottom of the stairs and reached out with his hand.
She took his hand and he guided her down the last few steps, then tugged her in close to him he slipped his arm around to her back, pressing her into him. He cupped her chin as he leaned down towards her, his breath danced over her lips.
‘This colour really suits you, doll.’ He purred and kissed her softly. ‘I am so tempted to just cancel dinner and eat you instead.’ He moved his lips down to her neck, sucking her skin a little. ‘But Nelson is waiting outside, unfortunately.’
Loki kept his hand to her lower back and guided her out to the car. Nelson held the door open for them both while they got in the back.
‘These… friends we’re meeting. Were they at the party?’ Chloe asked.
‘Two of them were, yes. Ben and Michael, I introduced you to them. Their girlfriends will be there, too. We are also meeting with another friend, David, and his wife. He couldn’t be at the party.’
‘So… Is it for business, this dinner? Or just… leisure?’
Loki cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned. ‘Nosey, aren’t you?’
‘Well, I just thought that since I’m having dinner with them, it would be good to know.’ She shrugged.
‘Are you scared?’ Loki asked.
She sighed. ‘Not gonna lie… A little. Knowing what you do. I just, don’t really know what to expect from your friends.’
‘You don’t need to be scared, doll. They won’t hurt you, I promise you that. I won’t let anyone hurt you. They’re nice enough guys, and their girls are nice too. Ben’s girlfriend, Leah, you met at the party. She has been wanting to meet you again.’
Chloe nodded. ‘You… You won’t leave me alone with anyone though, will you?’ She asked quietly, raising her eyes to meet his.
‘If you don’t want me to, then I won’t. I promise.’
She wasn’t sure whether his promises could be trusted or not yet.
When they arrived at the fancy restaurant, Loki knew she was feeling nervous so he slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘There is nothing to worry about, I promise, doll.’
Everyone working at the restaurant clearly knew who Loki was. As soon as they entered, people were rushing over to greet him and were making sure he knew they would get anything he needed if he just asked.
‘Thank you. I have a reservation, Laufeyson.’ He smiled to the waiter.
‘Of course, this way Sir... Miss.’ The waiter motioned to the back of the restaurant, to a large table.
They were the first ones there, Loki helped Chloe with her coat and then pulled her seat out for her. He tucked her chair in once she sat down, then he sat down next to her. He ordered a few bottles of wine for the table and poured her a drink, hoping it would help calm her nerves a little.
She started drinking with a few big gulps, making Loki chuckle. But instead of telling her off, he simply re-filled her glass.
His friends soon arrived and he made sure they were all introduced to Chloe again. She was quiet and shy at first, answering any questions they asked. But she came out of her shell a little bit after some time, mainly when she was talking with the other girls.
The guys all made her feel comfortable enough too, though. Taking an interest in what she was studying when she started college. But there was still something underlying that kept her on edge. She knew that Loki was a killer, did dealings in god knows what exactly, but it wasn’t always good. So she knew that the other three men would no doubt be in the same line of business, which set her on edge. Though she couldn’t really understand why she was more scared of them than she was of Loki…
After eating a lovely dinner, Loki asked the waiter for the bill.
‘Gentlemen, how about we retire to the conference room next door while the ladies enjoy some more drinks at the bar?’ Michael suggested.
Loki noted the way Chloe’s body tensed up at that suggestion, he draped his arm around the back of her and stroked her shoulder with the tips of his fingers.
‘No business tonight, we’re heading home. But it has been a nice evening.’ Loki stood up and pulled Chloe’s chair out for her, then started helping her with her coat. ‘David, I believe it’s your turn for the bill tonight.’ He grinned.
David put his head back with a groan. ‘I suppose it is.’ He sighed.
Loki and Chloe said goodnight to everyone, when they left she felt relieved. She still wasn’t sure what it was being surrounded by dangerous men in fancy suits, even though she had a feeling that Loki was the most dangerous one… From conversation that went on during dinner, it certainly seemed like it.
‘Did you enjoy dinner?’ Loki asked as they walked to the car.
‘I did… Thank you.’ She nodded. ‘And thank you… for not leaving me. I, I dunno. Even if I was with the other women, I still wouldn’t have felt entirely comfortable.’
They stopped on the pavement, waiting for Nelson to come around with the car. Loki turned to face her and slid his hands down her arms, then circled his fingers around her wrists.
‘I promised you I wasn’t going to leave you tonight, doll. I know this all new to you. I’m not going to toss you into the deep end. I know they can be rather intimidating at first.’ He smiled.
Chloe smiled a little. ‘Like yourself.’
Loki chuckled and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Do you still find me intimidating?’
She blushed and looked down, then shrugged. ‘Kinda… But I feel like you’re showing me your more human side, too.’ She admitted, unsure where it was coming from. The alcohol probably had something to do with that.
Loki reached up and stroked her hair back from her face, then trailed his fingers down her cheek. ‘I know you may not completely believe me. But I am being truthful when I say that I want you on my arm and I want to keep you safe. If you will keep allowing me to have you, I only want to give you a good and fulfilling life in return. Which is something you know I can give you.’
Chloe felt her heart thumping in her chest, a mixture of nerves and something else…
She swallowed before answering. ‘Is there any point on me agreeing or not? Since I know at the end of the day… I don’t really have a say in the matter?’ She said boldly, but not in a nasty or spiteful way, which Loki was glad of.
Nelson pulled up next to them in the car.
‘Well, you are correct. However, if you truly were unhappy and didn’t want anything to do with me…’ He opened the back door of the car for her. ‘You wouldn’t be trying to please me so much.’
She frowned at him. ‘What makes you say that?’
Loki chuckled and leaned down to her, whispering into her ear. ‘The dress choice, for starters. And you could easily have showed me up not only tonight, but also at the party. Instead, you decided to be all over me like a rash. And of late, you’ve been very compliant with me.’
As he leaned back, he saw her face was bright red. She averted her eyes and ducked into the car quickly.
Loki grinned and glanced over to the restaurant. David and his wife were just leaving. He smirked at Loki and made a whipping motion and sound that Loki just heard.
Loki rolled his eyes and gave him the middle finger before getting into the car, David just laughed while his wife whacked him in the chest.
‘Leave him be, David.’
‘What? I’m just having a bit of fun.’ David said in defence, slipping his arm around his wife.
‘He really likes her.’ She commented.
‘I think so too. It’s nice that he’s finally got a girl.’ David agreed while they waved to Loki and Chloe as Nelson drove them off.
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Radio Friendly Unit Shifter: The Complete Nirvana Videography
Heart-Shaped Box
Nirvana had originally wanted Kevin Kerslake to direct this video, who had written the initial treatment in July 1992. By the summer of 1993, he had written at least five treatments, which included a shot of Kurt Cobain kissing William Burroughs and another of the entire band hanging by their necks from trees. Yet by the end of August, the band decided to go with Dutch photographer Anton Corbijn. The director seemed initially apprehensive about agreeing to do the video as he had heard Kurt Cobain could act overly detailed in production. He would say, “But then I looked at it and I thought that actually it was pretty good. I was very amazed by somebody writing a song and having those ideas as precise as he did." The video begins with the band standing in a hospital room around an old man receiving an IV drip, then moves to a surreal Wizard of Oz type of outdoor setting. The same old man in a Santa and later Pope hat climbs on a crow infested cross as they sing the song. The video also includes a young girl reaching for fetuses in a tree, while at the same time an overweight woman appears with human organs painted on her chest with a pair of wings. Many of these ideas were actually conceived by Corbijn, not the band as he always came up with the ideas on his own for any of his videos. Upon the promotion’s release, Kevin Kerslake sued the band for copyright infringement, as the case would be settled out of court. Upon its release, the clip became the most played video on MTV eventually garnering two video music awards for Best Alternative Video and Art Direction. Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, and Pat Smear accepted the awards as Kurt Cobain had already passed. New Musical Express named it as the 11th best music video of all time, while Time magazine called it the number 10 music video ever saying it was both “beautiful and terrible.” In 2016, Dave Grohl reunited with the young girl from the video, who had this to say about the reunion. “Today reminded me that I peaked at 6 years old but I was the most badass kid on the playground. Today was the absolute coolest. Or in Dave's words seeing each other today was a 'historic moment'! What a legend!”
A music video for the song was released in 1993 to promote the compilation album, Incesticide. The video would be directed by longtime collaborator Kevin Kerslake. The clip begins with Kurt Cobain holding his young daughter up behind some cardboard as she dances along to the first few seconds of the track. The video moves to Cobain’s garage, where it shows the band performing the song. Dave Grohl is playing on the drums, even though he never played on the original song. Cobain only sings into a microphone, but he's never seen playing guitar. He is wearing a red mohair sweater that Courtney Love had purchased for him from a fan at a Nirvana show in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His whole garage is filled with toys and decorations the singer had placed in storage just before the release of Nevermind that he had collected over the years. The collection included a Chim Chim toy monkey that was given to him from the Japanese band Shonen Knife.
Come As You Are
This video would actually be the first one directed by Kevin Kerslake, who was hired after such a negative experience with the director on Smells Like Teen Spirit. The concept would be developed by Kerslake as Cobain could not come up with any ideas, so he let the director develop the video. The singer’s only requirement was that some kind of reference be made to the cover of the Nevermind album. The clip shows the band in a dark room as water falls around them obscuring their form. Other images include Cobain swinging from a chandelier, a dog wandering around the room, a baby swimming in a pool, and a pistol falling underwater. The end of the video shows the entire group lying on the ground as Cobain kisses the camera.
This video originally had a concept of doing a short animated story about a female girl named Prego. This girl lives in a forest, when she finds some eggs and takes them to a king in a nearby castle. Unfortunately, both Kevin Kerslake and Cobain discovered that it would take four months to produce the video, so they abandoned the idea. Kerslake instead created a collage of concert footage for the video made up of their 1991 Paramount Theater concert and other footage from the 1992 film, The Year Punk Broke. Biographer Michael Azerrad would make this critical comment about the clip. "Although [the video] was enlivened by Kerslake's neat trick of using more violent footage during the quiet parts of the song and vice versa, it was something of a disappointment from a band and a song that promised so much."
You Know You’re Right
Chris Hafner directed this video released in October 2002 to coincide with the single of the same name. The clip shows a montage of The band in either concerts or interviews, but giving the impression that they are actually performing the song. The video would reach number two on Billboard’s music videos chart. New Musical Express would go on to nominate it for Best Music Video in 2002.
In Bloom
Two versions of this video exist. The first one showed clips of the band walking around New York City and performing at Maxwells in New Jersey. In the clip, one can see Krist Novoselic in some shots has hair and others a shaved head. The reason for that comes from the fact that he had to shave it as punishment for a mediocre performance during a show at the Pyramid Club. They made this alternate version for a compilation dvd on the Sub Pop label, Sub Pop Video Network Volume One. The second version, which most people remember is called the Nevermind version. This promotional clip would be directed once again by Kevin Kerslake and released in November 1992. Kurt Cobain’s original concept for it was to tell the story of a young girl born into a Ku Klux Klan family until she realizes the evil nature of her parents, but the concept seemed much too difficult to work out. He then switched it into a parody of 1960’s television shows like the Ed Sullivan Show. The entire video was shot in original cameras of the period in Kinescope, while the band did the entire song without a script. The actor playing the host was Doug Llewellyn, who had worked as the reporter interviewing people after their case on the People’s Court. Cobain wanted to make a funny parody video to show that there was another side to Nirvana. He felt “so tired for the last year of people taking us so seriously . . . I wanted to fuck off and show them that we have a humorous side to us.” The entire band would wear suits during their performance, while the Nirvana frontman had glasses that eventually made him quite dizzy. He would later say in a Melody Maker interview that they wanted to parody groups like the Dave Clark Five, but not the Beatles. He would never mock the Fab Four due to their influence on his songwriting. In the clip, Novoselic is wearing short hair, which he liked so much that he never changed it. They eventually destroy all of their instruments and the stage by the end of the song. In Bloom would go on to win the 1993 MTV Music Video Award for Best Alternative Video.
Smells Like Teen Spirit
This video would be directed by first timer Sam Bayer. The director believed that he actually got hired because the work on his résumé seemed so below average that Nirvana thought that it would represent the opposite of anything remotely corporate. The concept developed by the band was to stage a school concert that ended in a riot. The idea had been based on the films Rock ‘n’ Roll High School starring the Ramones and The 1979 film, Over the Edge. The clip begins with the band playing the song during a pep rally in a high school gym as cheerleaders wearing sweaters with the anarchy symbol on them cheer along. Every so often, the camera cuts to a janitor dancing alongside his broom. The video ends with the apathetic students going from the bleachers to the gym floor in a full-scale riot. The apathy from the students was actually real as they had been sitting on the bleachers all day. Cobain was finally able to convince Bayer that the students should be allowed to mosh at the end of the video. The singer said, “Once the kids came out dancing they just said 'fuck you', because they were so tired of his shit throughout the day.” The Nirvana frontman hated the directors final edit of the video so much that he went in himself creating what became the final version. Upon its release, Rolling Stone’s David Fricke would say that it was “the greatest gig that you could ever imagine.” The video would go on the win MTV Video Music Awards for Best New Artist and Best Alternative Video. In 1999, the video was named the number three music video of all time on a list put out by MTV. VH1 named it number 18 in the greatest television moments in the history of music as alternative music now became a “commercial and cultural force.” At the end of 2019, the video had been viewed 1 billion times on YouTube.
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#6 Kristy’s Big Day: Chapter 2
Ann Martin really knows nothing about planning weddings.
Here's where our typical BSC spin on things starts up. So on Saturday, they picked a date for the wedding, Kristy's going to be a bridesmaid, and the icing on the cake is Elizabeth told Kristy she could wear heels with her dress. Yay! But then, on Wednesday, things fall apart. Uh oh! Does Watson the Millionaire miss all the kinky shit and want to get back with Lisa?
Kristy comes home from school to find Elizabeth there. She glumly tells Kristy that her company (one of the many ad agencies that BSC parents work for) wants to send her on a business trip to Europe. Kristy immediately starts begging for Elizabeth to take her along and Elizabeth says she'd love to but can't, as it's during the school year. Patience, Kristy. Your time will come.
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And no, Elizabeth isn't leaving right away. She's leaving come September, you know, when Kristy starts 8th grade for the first of 68 times. And she’s supposed to be in Vienna on the day she was planning on getting married. Well, Watson's a millionaire. Bring the whole family to Vienna and do a destination wedding! Only, since this is the BSC, they'd have to invite the entire club.
Kristy tells her to just push the wedding back a month and Elizabeth said she was planning on doing that, until she got a phone call at work. It was her realtor, who's already found a buyer for their house, two days after it was put on the market. Um, what? That seems really, really fast. Then again, the house is in a primo location. You're right in one of the hottest BSC neighborhoods! Childcare for next to nothing! Yes, the BSC affects the housing market in Stoneybrook.
Great news, right? Well, not really. The family (we later learn it’s the infamous Perfect Perkinses) is in a rush and willing to pay the asking price. But Mr. Perkins is in such a rush, he wants to move in by July 15th. That's in about one month. Ok, what the hell. Is it that realistic to close on a house that quickly? With contracts and the bank’s approval and all the inspections and re-inspections? Then again, this is the Perkins family buying it. The purchase will go off without a hitch. Myriah's probably their lawyer.
Kristy, needless to say, is shocked and must agree with me because she tells Elizabeth it'll be impossible to pull off. Well, with the Perkins family, you never know. Those girls are magical. Kristy wants her mom to sell the house to someone else and Elizabeth says no one else is going to offer them as much money as the Perkinses are. “Well, what do we need money for? You're marrying Watson,” is Kristy's response. Geez, first Watson the Millionaire is a jerk, now he's a Sugar Daddy? And no, not this Sugar Daddy.
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Sorry, Claudia.
Elizabeth explains to Kristy that she doesn't want Watson the Millionaire to feel obligated to have to pay for things like her children's college tuition. So the money (or half of it, since half belongs to her deadbeat ex Patrick) is going towards college. What does this have to do with the wedding? Elizabeth and Watson the Millionaire are getting married at the end of June and the Thomases are moving into the MANSION two weeks after that.
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Holy shit. Planning a wedding in TWO WEEKS?! I mean, if they were going for a little thing like Sharon and Richard later do, maybe. But they're obviously not. How will they get vendors and stuff on such short notice? Are they going to get the neighbors to bring flowers? Because only Ramona Quimby's aunt could get away with that.
And why must the wedding be now? Why can't they just move into the MANSION and have the wedding in October and not spend two weeks freaking out about everything? If they have issues about living together before the wedding, live in separate wings. Lord knows the MANSION's big enough, if Kristy's talking about her brothers getting suites of rooms if they ask nicely. Just stay away from the third floor so Karen doesn't go nuts. Or if they have to get married now, have a small ceremony at city hall and go for a big ceremony and reception after Elizabeth comes back from Europe. Why am I so perplexed over a BSC book?
David Michael comes home from school as Elizabeth gets a phone call from a friend of hers and tells her friend that the wedding will be in two and a half weeks. As soon as Elizabeth hangs up, she freaks the fuck out when she realizes what she's gotten herself into. David Michael, fascinated and at the same time terrified, holds Kristy's hand and watches their mom go nuts over what to do about flowers, dresses (she says they need to find a dressmaker...wouldn't buying off-the-rack and having it altered be easier?), food. I guess invitations are out the window because she says she'll have to tell relatives about it.
“Planning a wedding is like having a baby. You need time to prePARE things!” Uh, Elizabeth, you just realized this now? Oh and their guest list is around 300 people. Planning a wedding for 300 people in two and a half weeks. Is Elizabeth INSANE?!
Finding some grasp on reality, Elizabeth admits that they'll never be able to book a reception hall, so the mansion’s yard will be the venue. While she freaks out over decorations and what to do if it rains, Kristy suggests she call Watson the Millionaire, while Elizabeth tells herself she'll call Watson the Millionaire. She disappears into her bedroom (ooooooooooooooooh) and comes back later, looking somewhat saner. But it doesn't last long because she opens up a kitchen cabinet and starts sorting pots and pans out. Oh my...planning a wedding AND packing up a whole house to move at the same time.
David Michael launches into one of his talents, whining, and Kristy joins in too. I always liked Kristy's line about David Michael is a champion whiner because he can turn one-syllable words into multi-syllabic words. Well both kids don't want to...oh wait. Let me rephrase. They don't wanna move. They wanna stay he-ere.
Elizabeth shoots them a Look (now we see where Kristy gets it from) and David Michael gives her a quick apology before running out of the kitchen with Louie. Kristy, being as stubborn as she is, argues with her mom about how she promised they wouldn't move until the fall. Uh, Kristy, she never promised anything. She just said the wedding would be in September and wasn't expecting these two bombs to drop on them. Kristy says she doesn't want to spend this summer at Watson's and Elizabeth points out she'll be spending the next summer at Watson's. And the one after that and the one after that. And guess what...you'll be 13 throughout all of them, Kristy!
But Kristy wants one last summer on Bradford Court with the BSC and Mary Anne (that's the same thing!) and...Jamie Newton (um, ok) and the Pikes (except Mallory...and don't the Pikes live on Slate Street?). Elizabeth apologizes but tells her this is how things have to be now. Upset, Kristy storms upstairs to her room. Might I add, bonus points to Ann Martin for actually having Kristy act like a 13-year-old here and not some strange tween/adult hybrid.
Up in her room, Kristy stares out the window that looks into Mary Anne's bedroom. She isn't there, she's out babysitting Jenny Prezzioso (because no one else in the BSC will...bitches) and Kristy's glad for that so she can just think things over. You know if she told Mary Anne the news she just got, she'd cry so much her room would fill up with tears and overflow into Kristy's, like when Pearl cries on Spongebob.
Kristy waxes nostalgic on the good and bad that happened at those windows. Their infamous flashlight code they had to develop because Richard wouldn't let Mary Anne use the phone (now he lets her talk on the phone like a normal person, according to Kristy), giving each other the silent treatment by pulling the shade down, sailing paper airplane messages back and forth. While she thinks about picking out a similar room at the mansion and decorating it the same way as her current room, Elizabeth calls her down to help her with planning this extravagant wedding in two and a half weeks. She wants her to write down the names she calls out from their address book. Kristy also notices the pots and pans have been put away. Packing's waiting until later.
Well what do you know...most of the guests are from out of state and a lot of them have kids. Hello foreshadowing! And hey, you guys. Kristy says weddings are hard to plan! Thank you for stating the obvious, Kristy.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 24
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 24 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
WARNING: Talk hinting at trafficking.
Loki was in a meeting with some colleagues.
He was sat at his desk with Samuel and Ethan stood at either side of him. His accountant, James, was sitting silently at the side of the room, taking notes.
The men he was having a meeting with was David, Michael and Ben. Between the four of them, they pretty much ran the country. David was based in London as well, but he was from Glasgow so was back and fore to there on a regular basis, Ben was based in Cardiff and Michael was based in Manchester, but had contacts and a good amount of control over Belfast.
They were discussing a main part of their income… 
‘It’s going to fall if we don’t manage to find any.’ David said, worried.
‘Why are we failing? We never used to have any problems.’ Loki asked.
‘They are becoming savvier nowadays, being cautious. Sticking in groups.’ Michael said.
‘We might need to look into other countries.’ David suggested.
‘I’m in talks with the Germans right now, perhaps they can help us out in that department.’ Loki said.
‘What about that pretty little thing you have?’ Michael grinned and looked at Loki.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and snarled. ‘That is not even up for discussion.’
Michael chuckled and sat back in his chair.
‘What about her friends I saw at the party? Perhaps we can use her to get to some decent girls.’ Ben said flippantly.
Loki whipped a dagger out from under his desk, flipped it in the air as he stood up abruptly and slammed the dagger down hard into his desk. ‘NOT. HAPPENING. Chloe is NOT going into the system and neither are ANY of her friends. If any of you DARE to even LOOK at her in the wrong way, I will snap your fucking heads off. IS THAT CLEAR?’ He roared at them all.
Michael, David and Ben nodded sheepishly, shifting in their seats. Loki was usually eerily calm yet terrifying at the same time, but on the odd occasion when he did lose his rag, they knew not to even question him.
Because when Loki threatened you, it was no joke. It was a promise. And you didn’t get second chances with Loki, either. It was one warning, if you were lucky.
Loki returned home and Chloe was still in his bed, but she woke up when he came in and peeked at him over the blanket.
He shrugged off his coat and loosened his tie as he stalked around the bed and up towards her. He sat down on the edge and leaned over her, smiling.
‘Did you sleep well, doll?’ He reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
She sat up a little, but kept the blanket covering her naked body and nodded. ‘What time is it?’ She asked, looking around for a clock.
‘It’s four in the afternoon.’ Loki said after checking his watch. ‘You best go get ready and put on a nice dress, we are going out for dinner tonight with a few friends.’
Chloe’s eyes widened a little, unsure whether to be excited about that or not. ‘Oh, ok.’
‘Don’t look so worried.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re safe with me.’
Chloe wasn’t sure why she picked the emerald green dress, but she did. Part of her deep down knew that Loki would approve, but she tried not to think about that being the reason.  
When she walked down the stairs to meet Loki, with her Chanel bag over her shoulder, he looked up at her and his smile grew into a large grin when he saw what she had chosen to wear.
‘You look absolutely ravishing, darling.’ He walked over to the bottom of the stairs and reached out with his hand.
She took his hand and he guided her down the last few steps, then tugged her in close to him he slipped his arm around to her back, pressing her into him. He cupped her chin as he leaned down towards her, his breath danced over her lips.
‘This colour really suits you, doll.’ He purred and kissed her softly. ‘I am so tempted to just cancel dinner and eat you instead.’ He moved his lips down to her neck, sucking her skin a little. ‘But Nelson is waiting outside, unfortunately.’
Loki kept his hand to her lower back and guided her out to the car. Nelson held the door open for them both while they got in the back.
‘These… friends we’re meeting. Were they at the party?’ Chloe asked.
‘Two of them were, yes. Ben and Michael, I introduced you to them. Their girlfriends will be there, too. We are also meeting with another friend, David, and his wife. He couldn’t be at the party.’
‘So… Is it for business, this dinner? Or just… leisure?’
Loki cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned. ‘Nosey, aren’t you?’
‘Well, I just thought that since I’m having dinner with them, it would be good to know.’ She shrugged.
‘Are you scared?’ Loki asked.
She sighed. ‘Not gonna lie… A little. Knowing what you do. I just, don’t really know what to expect from your friends.’
‘You don’t need to be scared, doll. They won’t hurt you, I promise you that. I won’t let anyone hurt you. They’re nice enough guys, and their girls are nice too. Ben’s girlfriend, Leah, you met at the party. She has been wanting to meet you again.’
Chloe nodded. ‘You… You won’t leave me alone with anyone though, will you?’ She asked quietly, raising her eyes to meet his.
‘If you don’t want me to, then I won’t. I promise.’
She wasn’t sure whether his promises could be trusted or not yet.
When they arrived at the fancy restaurant, Loki knew she was feeling nervous so he slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘There is nothing to worry about, I promise, doll.’
Everyone working at the restaurant clearly knew who Loki was. As soon as they entered, people were rushing over to greet him and were making sure he knew they would get anything he needed if he just asked.
‘Thank you. I have a reservation, Laufeyson.’ He smiled to the waiter.
‘Of course, this way Sir… Miss.’ The waiter motioned to the back of the restaurant, to a large table.
They were the first ones there, Loki helped Chloe with her coat and then pulled her seat out for her. He tucked her chair in once she sat down, then he sat down next to her. He ordered a few bottles of wine for the table and poured her a drink, hoping it would help calm her nerves a little.
She started drinking with a few big gulps, making Loki chuckle. But instead of telling her off, he simply re-filled her glass.
His friends soon arrived and he made sure they were all introduced to Chloe again. She was quiet and shy at first, answering any questions they asked. But she came out of her shell a little bit after some time, mainly when she was talking with the other girls.
The guys all made her feel comfortable enough too, though. Taking an interest in what she was studying when she started college. But there was still something underlying that kept her on edge. She knew that Loki was a killer, did dealings in god knows what exactly, but it wasn’t always good. So she knew that the other three men would no doubt be in the same line of business, which set her on edge. Though she couldn’t really understand why she was more scared of them than she was of Loki…
After eating a lovely dinner, Loki asked the waiter for the bill.
‘Gentlemen, how about we retire to the conference room next door while the ladies enjoy some more drinks at the bar?’ Michael suggested.
Loki noted the way Chloe’s body tensed up at that suggestion, he draped his arm around the back of her and stroked her shoulder with the tips of his fingers.
‘No business tonight, we’re heading home. But it has been a nice evening.’ Loki stood up and pulled Chloe’s chair out for her, then started helping her with her coat. ‘David, I believe it’s your turn for the bill tonight.’ He grinned.
David put his head back with a groan. ‘I suppose it is.’ He sighed.
Loki and Chloe said goodnight to everyone, when they left she felt relieved. She still wasn’t sure what it was being surrounded by dangerous men in fancy suits, even though she had a feeling that Loki was the most dangerous one… From conversation that went on during dinner, it certainly seemed like it.
‘Did you enjoy dinner?’ Loki asked as they walked to the car.
‘I did… Thank you.’ She nodded. ‘And thank you… for not leaving me. I, I dunno. Even if I was with the other women, I still wouldn’t have felt entirely comfortable.’ 
They stopped on the pavement, waiting for Nelson to come around with the car. Loki turned to face her and slid his hands down her arms, then circled his fingers around her wrists.
‘I promised you I wasn’t going to leave you tonight, doll. I know this all new to you. I’m not going to toss you into the deep end. I know they can be rather intimidating at first.’ He smiled.
Chloe smiled a little. ‘Like yourself.’
Loki chuckled and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Do you still find me intimidating?’
She blushed and looked down, then shrugged. ‘Kinda… But I feel like you’re showing me your more human side, too.’ She admitted, unsure where it was coming from. The alcohol probably had something to do with that.
Loki reached up and stroked her hair back from her face, then trailed his fingers down her cheek. ‘I know you may not completely believe me. But I am being truthful when I say that I want you on my arm and I want to keep you safe. If you will keep allowing me to have you, I only want to give you a good and fulfilling life in return. Which is something you know I can give you.’
Chloe felt her heart thumping in her chest, a mixture of nerves and something else…
She swallowed before answering. ‘Is there any point on me agreeing or not? Since I know at the end of the day… I don’t really have a say in the matter?’ She said boldly, but not in a nasty or spiteful way, which Loki was glad of.
Nelson pulled up next to them in the car.
‘Well, you are correct. However, if you truly were unhappy and didn’t want anything to do with me…’ He opened the back door of the car for her. ‘You wouldn’t be trying to please me so much.’
She frowned at him. ‘What makes you say that?’
Loki chuckled and leaned down to her, whispering into her ear. ‘The dress choice, for starters. And you could easily have showed me up not only tonight, but also at the party. Instead, you decided to be all over me like a rash. And of late, you’ve been very compliant with me.’
As he leaned back, he saw her face was bright red. She averted her eyes and ducked into the car quickly.
Loki grinned and glanced over to the restaurant. David and his wife were just leaving. He smirked at Loki and made a whipping motion and sound that Loki just heard.
Loki rolled his eyes and gave him the middle finger before getting into the car, David just laughed while his wife whacked him in the chest.
‘Leave him be, David.’
‘What? I’m just having a bit of fun.’ David said in defence, slipping his arm around his wife.
‘He really likes her.’ She commented.
‘I think so too. It’s nice that he’s finally got a girl.’ David agreed while they waved to Loki and Chloe as Nelson drove them off.
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