#but we're almost done with our campaign!!
kottkrig · 9 months
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She got zapped by light magic and it made her face crispy 😔
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WIBTA if I tried to get my friend's character killed?
🎾🐕 for recognition.
I (19M) and my friends (all 18-early 20s, 5 players incl. me but not the DM) play Dungeons and Dragons from time to time, usually once a month.
We just introduced a new player to the campaign, who we'll call Evan (21M). Evan's character seemed a little Mary Sue-y to me when she was displayed to the rest of us, but I don't usually have beef with characters based off of that and just chalked it up to having different tastes which isn't bad at all.
My character has been working very closely with the BBEG and has basically joined their side in their conquest to y'know. Do the thing that makes them the Big Bad Evil Guy. I was super excited to see what the BBEG was up to.
Well, this was our 8th session, and we were about to wrap up Arc 1. My character had finally reunited with the rest of the party at the BBEG's lair, and Evan's character was introduced as being a traveling assassin/Sorcerer that happened to recieve a tip that the rest of the normal party was here.
By the end of the session, Evan's character had spent a third of the game time monologing at the BBEG before slicing his head off. My character is currently half blind and mute thanks to Evan's character [she tried to kill my character and I didn't roll the best on my roll to move out of the way of her blade so now she's missing an eye, and Sara's character cut out her tongue as punishment for working for the BBEG while my character was knocked out], and was kidnapped by Evan's character.
I was and still am PISSED. I'm trying not to be, but it's been driving me insane. Evan keeps on bragging about how he killed the BBEG and keeps on revelling in the scene, and I'm the only one upset by it. He was the BBEG, and you KILLED HIM YOUR FIRST SESSION?! It just seems like a silly thing to be upset about, but it's been really upsetting me and me alone (everyone else saw the BBEG just as that, a maniacal mustache twirler). Everyone is making jokes and laughing, but it was really upsetting me.
My character is very fond of revenge. Anything she has to deal with, she tries to get even with anyone no matter the cost. One of our characters died back in Session 4, and my character ended up being the only one that learnt about his character's backstory: he's a prince, and his family would do anything to give proper punishment to his killer, and his character told mine what to do to make this happen before he died. I am the only one in-game with this information.
We're now on Session 16, almost done with Arc 2, and the current plan is [the DM mentioned we'd have to wait until Arc 3 to act on the prince's last words] to rat out Evan's character as being the killer [she isn't the killer, my character would be framing her, but the BBEG was the true killer and my character is loyal to him] and hope that she's persecuted. Most likely, this would end up with Evan's character dead, but I'm not sure due to how much he's been Mary Sue-ing all over the place [not a bad thing, but his character does virtually have no flaws that have presented themselves opposed to the rest of our party each with a glaring flaw that the DM made us all add in when we first started playing, and her stats are leagues beyond the rest of ours due to what her Sorcerer powers granted her].
I haven't told this to anyone, but I have asked the DM questions about how to execute this plan. I feel like it's going to be a real dick thing, but I think it's well within the realms of what my character would do and I honestly want to knock her down a peg. I don't know if the DM will let me do this anyways, and as I said I don't think Evan's character will even die because she's just got too good of stats so unless Evan rolls Nat 1s she's probably fine.
WIBTA for acting on this?
What are these acronyms?
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 9 months
Hey! If possible, could you write doppio dropscythe x reader dating headcanons? Maybe the reader is also a vtuber in nijisanji rn, but it’s a secret from the internet?
i had this draft since the cheftective era and haven’t touched it in a few months, i’m not so sure why, especially since it was almost done... if it seems dated then that's why. thank you for your patience anon, i loved writing for doppio! he's very difficult but very fun!
tags: established relationship, fluff, gender neutral reader, lore compliant, reader is a vtuber, reader is an xsoleil student, secret relationship/getting caught, pet names
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🐣 Doppio Dropscythe
It's funny, because at a first glance, Doppio seems like the type of guy that takes what he wants. He's never shied away from who he is and wears his heart on his sleeve; one of the many reasons you fell for him.
But he doesn't. You collab often with him and you can tell there's something unsaid between you two, or something more underneath the surface-level entertainment. Something that goes beyond the audience's heads.
It's not quite a certainty but you're convinced you need to do something. It's just that as streamers, especially streamers that work under a corporation, you want to know exactly what to do.
You end up talking to Ver for advice. As the President of Xsoleil, he's a good listener, especially since you know how close he and Doppio are. He wouldn't dare judge you when his friend's own feelings are on the line as well as yours.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
You enter the Xsoleil student council office. As expected, Ver swivels around in a big leather office chair that makes him look more imposing than his dorky-sweet-tooth personality ever could. "Reader, it's good to see you. I liked your stream last Friday. How can I help you?"
"Nothing business. I'm here to ask about Doppio."
At the mention of his name Ver leans back in his chair, and you tense. You explain yourself: how lucky you are to work with him, how wonderful of a man he is, and how much you care about him. It spills out of you like water in a strainer. You've kept your feelings bottled up for so long, and Ver has such an accepting energy that makes you want to uncover everything you've been hiding. After all, if anyone could give you approval and advice on your feelings about Doppio, it would be the president himself.
By the time you finish, however, he seems far less surprised than you expected. "You should tell him."
"But what if-"
"Just do it." He presses his fingers between his eyes like he's alleviating a headache. "Trust me on this one. Please. Hopefully if you do so within the next week, Meloco's earnings from the betting pool will go back into our funding."
Somehow, that doesn't surprise you, and you're too happy they approve to get frustrated. You request Ver's blessing. He obliges. "Not that you need it. We're just happy there's someone out there for him." Ver's eyes glint. "Treat him right. If you don't, I'll be very disappointed. And Kotoka will start a smear campaign on Instagram."
"Duly noted, Kaichou."
"And he'd be sad."
"Can you trust me too?" You ask. Ver nods. "That's the last thing I want to do. If we're going to do this, I want to make sure I give him everything he deserves."
"Good answer." He smiles, like everything's fallen into place. "I meant what I said, you didn't need my blessing, but you definitely have it now."
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
When you finally muster up the courage to ask Doppio out, it's like he forgets to talk. In fact, he does. He sputters out happy noises that don't even make up sentences for a solid minute before he remembers how to say "yes."
Doppio makes a lot of noises even when he does know how to talk, and it might be one of the most endearing things about him. You've lovingly started calling them Doppi-noises simply because no one reacts quite like how Doppi reacts. He’s so silly and there isn’t a single word in the English language to describe how silly he is.
He even talks to inanimate objects sometimes when he's alone. It's not much different from how he talks in front of others, but his voice is lower and gentler, and when he realizes you could hear him thank his oven for preheating and the mixing bowls for not spilling ingredients, he spouts out a flustered Doppi-noise with averted eyes and red along his face.
Hanging out with your boyfriend is never boring. He brings so much energy wherever he goes that anything becomes a story, including seemingly mundane things like studying.
Whenever you go grocery shopping he somehow always remembers that one thing you mentioned a few days ago that you wanted to buy but didn't put on the list, and buys it with his own money to give to you, but he doesn't remember to get his own stuff sometimes??
The amount of times Doppio bought you a snack or found a good deal on a candy you've been craving, but forgot to buy hand soap... he usually runs by himself to the store, grabs whatever he forgot, and then comes back to your door nearly out of breath.
Doppio always makes you laugh. He's so goofy when he tries to be, and so earnest when he's serious that his charm is never lost on you. He likes to make you smile.
On the days when your lives as Xsoleil students and streamers get too busy to pay attention to one another, you tend to watch his VODs while you work, and you can pretend like it's just another domestic day where you both tend to your own chores while still enjoying shared company.
You take a fifteen-minute break to reset your brain from working so hard, and you hear Doppio on stream offhandedly mention something with a giggle, and you cackle when you realize it's an inside joke you both share. Then you notice no one in chat even pays attention to what he just said, and you laugh out loud even more. Even when you're apart, he's still thinking about you. He's loyal to a fault.
To this day Doppio still tweets his nonsensical ramblings. But sometimes you reply to them like you understand exactly what he's trying to say! You roll with his humor so well and so quickly after he tweets sometimes, that not only are your fans totally surprised you can comprehend him, but some of your other coworkers in Nijisanji have to ask you to translate what he's saying.
Confession incoming: most of the time you don't understand entirely. But when he checks Twitter and notices the reply from you, his face lights up, and rolling with it makes him bright as a sunbeam. To be fair, you get a lot of his jokes that no one else does. You know how to quip with him and he appreciates it a lot.
Doppio's energy is always infectious, but only so intense when he wants to be. He's always uniquely himself, but he can chill out, and he appreciates when he can. The D in Doppio Dropscythe stands for Downtime!
The whole chuuni thing isn't an act—that's just how he is—but sometimes it's nice when he doesn't need to constantly proclaim his position as the Duke of Discipline. Sometimes it's nice to know he can come home to his Devoted that already knows he's the greatest cheftective out there no matter what he does.
By the way, when you're alone by yourselves, he calls you his Devoted. You think it's so dramatic for the little moments and he thinks it's a bit embarrassing, but neither of you have figured out another word for "lover" that starts with a D, so, Devoted it is.
(Meanwhile you call him Doppippi. Not so chuuni, and you don’t call him that regularly—too mushy—but you swear his face gets a little more colorful whenever you call him by that name.)
It nearly drives you insane how cute Doppio can be. Here he is, one of the tallest and fittest people you know, with piercings and eyeliner and messy hair, and pointed eyes that scream punk rock energy—but he coos at any animal he sees and sticks out his tongue a little whenever he's concentrating on a game, and he turns pink as your hand brushes against the inside of his wrist.
But at the same time, he's still such a badass that you can't resist him. He likes to mess around and tease you, and he knows how to use his appeal to his advantage. It’s no secret he has a sadistic streak, either.
It’s the best of both worlds. He’s so hardcore that it makes the gap moe even more effective when he decides to be cute, and when he's soft and silly it just serves as even harder whiplash when he acts cool.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
You entered Doppio's streaming room with a glass of water and a light snack, and exchanged a few words while Doppio was typing out a before-stream message on his waiting screen.
So how did you get here, a finger wired under his collar to bring him closer, his hands eager as they clutch around the shirt on your back?
You kiss him, hungry and stupid, drawn to his magnetism. His teeth are pointed. They leave imprints on your tempted mouth, dragging magma over your thoughts, the blind come-ons that dusted over what makes sense. The stream should be starting soon but you can’t find it in yourself to resist.
Steam rises where Doppio hangs his tongue along yours, and so do his hands, large palms rubbing up your back and fingers on your shoulders. You’ve learned that he purrs when pleased; a soft, soothed groan pours from the corners of curved lips. Like an engine muffled by your connection.
You readjust, parting just enough to speak, though your words bounce back into his mouth. “You should prepare for the stream.”
“Done.” He holds you along your neck next, ready to go another round.
“Your Scythekicks are going to get lonely.”
“But I don’t wanna stop kissing you.”
“I don’t want to either,” you say. “I mean, you can always delay by fifteen.”
“I’ll send the message in chat, ‘kay?”
Even though the keyboard is just inches away, Doppio still brings you in with a loose arm around your shoulder and neck. Your forehead presses up to his cheek, not quite a hug but just as casually intimate. He removes his arm when he places a quick smooch to your temple.
By now all of Xsoleil’s vtuber talents are pros at sending delay messages and Doppio is no exception. The keys clack along in a steady cadence, until the tapping patters out, slowly and surely, with gaps of space between every keystroke.
It’s comedic like everything Doppio does whether he knows it or not. One final key sounds out before your boyfriend folds his hands over his mouth, and lets out a tiny “Huh?”
He stares at the screen. It’s strange to see him this motionless. You’re not too concerned, until you watch his head sink into his hands. “Er, Doppippi? You alright?”
Doppio buries his head a little bit further. It muffles him as he softly chants. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no.”
“What’s the matter?”
“No no no no no no no no noooo.”
"Did something happen?" You pat his head comfortingly, before looking back up at the screen, where he was typing into chat. "It usually isn't this difficult for you to send a message..."
Metamrph: HELLO??
sola: TSKR
AKENJIV: no way taht jsut happened imgcrying
eurelin mystic: SHIP CONFIRMED 💖💖💖
~tiaramiisu~: should i give u kids some privacy lol
Doppio groans. You wish you could groan too, but your throat goes too dry to make a sound. The floor can't swallow you up fast enough.
"Um, I, uhhh," you say eloquently. "S-surprise?"
You've never seen the chat go this fast for so long. You can barely read individual messages before they speed away to make room for new ones.
kierri: doppippi is such a cute pet name help
AKENJIV: this is crazy
lunasmortas: CONGRATS 💜💜💜
A normal broom: are reader and pio dating???
You nearly choke on your spit despite the moisture leaving your mouth. "Dating?"
By now, Doppio flopped down in his chair so much that he's flat against the desk. Even though embarrassment crawls down your back, your hand rubs his head and shoulders as reassurance while you continue. "Maybe we should've announced that we were dating sooner."
At that Doppio launches straight up in his seat like a bamboo shoot. "Yeah, but I wanted to do a special stream for it, and take viewers' questions and give bad love advice and have a column name like Doppi's Dreamy Passionland and then announce that we're together at the end!" His eyes squeeze shut as he spits out his thoughts, pink washing over his cheeks the more he talks. "But-but-but what's the point of the Scythekicks knowing I have rizz if they can tell I'm not a whiz?"
You know the blood is rushing to your head too, but even now, your shoulders raise as you giggle. "You know our fans would be supportive whether you had a stream or not."
"But the contenttttt," he whines. He blinks to life with a pout and puppyish eyes, a sign that he's being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic. There's no hiding the fact that you're both mortified, but at least you know just as well as he does that he'll bounce back.
"Content later, whatever this is, now." You sheepishly look back at the screen. "Um, thanks for coming, everyone. How about, uh, Doppio and I take a thirty minute delay and we'll get back to you if the stream is still on the agenda."
You don't wait for any answers before you finish Doppio's half-written delay message, pin it to chat, and make triple-sure that the mic is muted this time.
Doppio rests his cheek on his palm, squishing his blush. "I could've done the stream, you know."
"Okay, but do you really want to after that fiasco?"
He averts his eyes, then relinquishes. "...Touché."
"Thought so," you say. "So what do you want to do now?"
"Nothing." Doppio slumps over and places his head on your shoulder, too exhausted to wrap his arms around you even though he leans into the fabric of your shirt and the body heat underneath it. "Let's just not do nothing."
So you take the initiative instead, and hold him properly, letting him sink like a weighted blanket. "You know, that was embarrassing, but if I can say? I'm glad they know we're an item."
He rests in the crook of your neck, letting you envelop him while tired hands lay on your back. "About time they figure out I'm yours." Your scent fills his nose and warms his blush, and even though he thought he was at his weakest on stream, he still finds his reservations breaking down as you let him be vulnerable, just for this moment. "But can't you be mine? Just for now."
You hug him tighter. "Always."
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/05-06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; David Jenkins; Nathan Foad & Con O'Neill; Leslie Jones; Nat Torres; Darby Family Foster Kittens; Articles; Fiber Arts Brigade: Auction/Fundraiser Updates/Bronson Pinchot Cameo; Uproar in the UK; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OurFlagMeansFanfiction/BabyKrakenPodfics; OFMD Themed Earrings; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
More coverage of Rhys' new show The Hungry Games! This time on Today.com.
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Source: Rhys Darby's Twitter
Annnd more shots of Rhys and Bonus Rosie & Finn at the Great Big Cow Band Concert on July 4!
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Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
Annnnd yet another Tural Commercial for FFXIV!
Source: FFXIV's Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Well the last two days were big clowning days for everyone! Early Friday we had Chaos Dad commenting on a tweet from March.
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter Next, fans noticed that the "Got a really good feeling about 2024" post that David took down from Instagram was re-added. Our friend cremeishere noticed that the post had been removed from David's Instagram after one of the cancellations (around March 22). Today however, it was noticed that it was back. Do we know exactly when it came back? No idea-- but Honking ensues!
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Source: CremeIsHere's Twitter
And if that wasn't enough honking, our friend Jules mentioned the following from Kinga's recent post about Simone LeBone, "When dad is working we're napping" and asked "what is he working on"? Good question.
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Source: TheRevengeBoys Twitter
== Nathan + Con ==
Nathan posted some more about his spotlight in the Hot Shots publication, and our dear Con wrote him a lovely love note <3
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie's been out to the LA Sparks game!
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Source: misterjt319 Instagram
== Nat Torres ==
One of our awesome writers, Nat Torres, is making a rare appearance on Instagram.
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Source: Natalie Torres Instagram
== Darby Family Foster Kittens ==
As we all know, I'm a sucker for kittens! Here's new Darby Family Foster Kitten content!
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Source: Rosie Carnahan Darby's Instagram
== Articles ==
@adoptourcrew Found some very interesting articles regarding the cancellation of OFMD. In addition-- the #1 from Collider is adding to the Honkfest going on!
10 Canceled TV Shows That Deserve to Be Revived
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
"I Tear Up Every Time I See It": Here Are 23 Romantic Movie And TV Moments Without The Words "I Love You"
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Fiber Arts Brigade ==
The Fiber Arts Brigade reached their next tiered goal! They've raised $1750 with the #ThriveAsACrew campaign to support SageUSA! Thank you to everyone who's donated!
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An anonymous donor was kind enough to pay for another cameo in honor of FAB reaching the fourth tier goal! Below is a video from Bronson Pinchot on his (and Ned Low's) advise on how we can ThriveAsACrew!
The Fiber Arts Brigade Ebay Auctions are ALMOST DONE! If you were bummed to miss out on Moosh's cross stitch commission from the AOC raffle, here's another chance! Check out the ebay listing here! Thank you to all the artists and patrons of this auction!
Source: Fiber Arts Brigade Twitter
== Uproar In The UK ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for keeping us apprised of the UK Release of Uproar on Prime video! Check it out UK Crew!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast cards from @melvisik are Nathanial Goodman who's "another submission for ‘Outstanding Cinematography in a Comedy Series for Impossible Birds’ -AdoptOurCrew"! And Jaden McLeod -- "Soldier #1 in Mermen, no doubt someone who came across Ed and/or the crew of the Revenge..."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our dear friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction are moving up the charts on spotify!
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Annnd coming up this Monday, a New Episode - The Silly Voices Episode, this time joined by BabyKraken Podfics!
Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction / BabyKraken Podfics
== OFMD Themed Earrings ==
I would just like to say I love all of the beautiful and creative ways everyone continues to honour our favourite show! The darling @paleoleigh has been making OFMD Themed Earrings and she was kind enough to allow me to share some of her work! You can learn more on PaleoLeigh's Tumblr Post and if you're interested, order them on her Etsy Store!
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Source: PaleoLeigh's Tumblr Post
== Love Notes ==
Hey there Lovelies! I hope you all are getting some much needed rest this weekend! It's been a lot lately, huh? The world, elections, so many different countries struggling, online -- everywhere's been pretty crazy lately. I know a lot of you have so much on your minds, and rightly so. When so much is happening all at once, seeing struggles go on in your safe spaces too can make things so much harder to cope with. It is okay to feel sad or upset if your safe space doesn't feel the same way it did right now. It doesn't mean it won't feel safe again one day. Life and situations ebb and flow, and circumstances change, as much as we always want good things to stay the same. Good things can come from change too. Our magnificent and kind friend @xray-vex shared a screenshot on twitter the other day of this tumblr post and I thought it was incredibly appropriate to how a lot of people have been expressing they've been feeling lately.
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I know sometimes it feels like you have to respond to that tweet, or get into that discourse, but if you don't have the energy, just remember you don't owe anything to anyone. You are wonderful the way you are, and you deserve to enjoy your space too. If it feels like too much, take a break, watch a new show, read a new book, step away if you need to. Or if re-watching our pirate show would help-- feel absolutely welcome to do that too. Whatever YOU need for YOU. It will be different for everyone, and there is no shame in wanting to do something different to make you feel better. There will always be folks here for you if you decide to step away and come back, so don't be afraid to if you need to okay? We love you crew, we care so much about you, and your health. Be well <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Some BTS gif tonight for the discerning gif lover. Git courtesy of @dallonismysavior!
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duckprintspress · 6 months
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I'm not sharing this on our other platforms yet cause we're still doing final tweaks to some of these designs, BUT here are the almost-done designs for the enamel pins we'll be crowdfunding on Kickstarter starting in a week!
You can follow the pre-launch page for this campaign here. The campaign is launching in March 15th.
The enamel pins will have antique gold metal, as shown in the pictures, and approximately these colors (tweaks, as I said, pending). top row is chimera (bi flag), dragon (nb flag), and nessie (mlm flag). Bottom row is phoenix (wlw flag), pegasus (trans flag), and cerberus (ace flag, demi and a few other flags also use those colors).
We've got more flags in earlier planning as stretch goals if we hit our initial funding goal of $3,000.
Each of these designs will also be available as a die-cut sticker, with the colors a bit more nuanced since, like, stickers don't have the same pigment restrictions that enamel pins do.
Pippin Peacock has done such an amazing job on these designs, I am so so so excited to be bringing these to life with them.
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smitethestate · 1 month
I've got an opinion people will hate.
There is utility in not voting. There's meaning to it. It says something and people who are interested could learn from it if they listened.
Not voting could say "it was too hard for me to vote." It could say "I'm too hopeless to think it will change anything." Or "I wasn't properly informed on why it matters or what it could accomplish."
All of these tell people who want others to vote what needs to be done. Voting needs to be accessible and easy. People need a reason to bother. They need more education or better campaign messaging.
People might even tell you why they didn't vote if they're not afraid that they'll be shamed and scolded and told they're the reason everything is bad.
Politicians are supposed to work for your vote. That's a huge part of their jobs. If people don't vote for them, that's their failure. If people don't vote at all, that's a larger failure that means they didn't make it easy enough and/or they all failed to be a good enough option to bother.
They could take that information and act accordingly, or they could pass the blame and do nothing to actually alleviate the problem. In the US, Democrats in particular should pay attention, because they tend to lose when fewer people vote. That in itself is important information about a huge problem in this country that only the people we vote for have real power to change.
Stop helping those with the power pass the blame for how fucked things are onto those with almost no power. Stop saying that a failure to vote or even a vote for a third option is a vote for Trump. Only a vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. The electoral college and gerrymandering wasn't the non-voter's idea. They didn't choose to be too poor to be able to miss work or too exhausted to stand in those lines or too hopeless to bother opening the mail-in envelope.
Take the data and act based on that. Shaming people is worse than useless.
I don't even think we can vote our way out of the multi-system dysfunction we're in but I offer this lots of swords pointed at me post to you anyway. Best of luck.
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dirtybitfic · 2 months
Company pt 4
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contains- campaign shoot for vineyard , smutt , deep conversations
The next two days were spent in our room talking , watching movies , having amazing sex and ordering room service . Sadly today we actually have to get up and start the campaign shoot .
" You ready ?" matt calls to me from the room . I just finished my hair and makeup in the bathroom . I walk out and sit down to put my heels on . " Wow you look amazing" matt says as he looks me up and down licking his lips making me blush. Im wearing on of the dresses matt had packed for me , ive never worn it but im happy he picked it . " You look hot in that suit" I say back smiling . " Thank you but we should get going don't want to be late" he says as he grabs his keys heading to the door , I follow behind shutting and locking the door behind myself.
After a long ride we make it to the vineyard seeing most of the crew is set up . We get out and immediately get to work . Matt is talking to the clients as I talk to the crew doing a quick rundown of the concept again just incase they had any questions but I get interrupted by one of the stylist freaking out . " Hey y/n i'm so sorry to interrupt but our model isn't here and she isn't answering any calls we've tried her 20 times at this point and were supposed to start the shoot in 30 minutes I don't know what to do" she frantically explains to me . " Hey hey its okay I know your stressed but take some deep berthed and we'll figure this out okay" I try my best to help her calm down while I try to not freak the fuck out myself.
After she calms down we get to trying to figure out what to do " Okay we could try and push the shoot back bit and get another model her but its so last minute and these clients aren't the most pleasant I doubt they'd be happy " I explain to her and we both sigh. " okay hear me out what if ... you do the shoot " she says smiling at me holding her hands like she's praying " ME absolutely not " I answer shaking my head laughing " Why not your absolutely stunning and you already have makeup and hair done " she explains and I shake my head " I don't know how to act for a commercial let alone model for one " I explain . " Y/n come on you pretty much came up with the whole concept . You know exactly what the clients want " She says and I gotta admit she has a point " Okay you make a good point but were going to have to talk to Mr. Sturniolo and the clients about it " " Great lets go" she says as she makes her way to them.
" Hi mr. sturniolo we've seemed to run into a small issue " she says looking nervous. " What wrong?" he asks looking between us both. " Well our model didn't show and we've tried to reach her multiple times and were supposed to shoot in about twenty-five minutes which there is no way we can get a new model by then so I was thinking what if we used y/n for it" she explains and Matt seems a bit apprehensive at first but he smiles and looks at me " You think your up for it ?" he asks me and I nod " I care about this shoot a lot and if this is the best option then i'll do it " I answer confidently . " Alright , Stella go get her ready and we'll call you when we're almost ready" he answers . I smile before following Stella back to the beauty room in the house . She touches up my hair styling it a bit more and adding a bit more color to my face since ill be on camera.
"Okay the outfit is on the left rack and the bathroom is down the hall to the right " she explains and then goes to help the male model with final touches.
The dress is beautiful and the shoes don't even get me started . I make my way out and Stella gasps " Oh wow absolutely beautiful " he says clapping in excitement . " Oh i'm nervous i've never done this before " I say and look myself over in the mirror . We make our way back out in over to the crew. Matt looks me up and down smiling wildly at me "Wow just wow" he says grabbing my hand giving me a spin. " Matt i'm nervous ... how did they take it that i'll be the one in the video?" I ask nervously . " They are delighted Mrs. Auclair was overjoyed , she said you are une belle fleur en fleurs which means a beautiful flower in bloom" he explains and I feel like in could cry " Thats so sweet " I say trying not to cry .
"Okay everyone get in your places . Charles sit at the table to the right and y/n sit across from him and able your body towards the camera " I make my way over sitting and angling my body toward the camera getting a thumbs up from the camera man that i'm angled correctly . " Okay were going to shoot 5 scenes , this one will be easy and quick Charles Your going to open the bottle and pour two glasses , Y/n I want you to look off into the distance smiling softly like your admiring the view then when I say turn your going to look at Charles as he hands you a glass then you'll both take a sip , act like its the most wonderful taste you've ever had and smile then well cut okay" I nod and smile so does Charles . " Okay three two one action" I do exactly what the director said and shockingly we get the perfect shot in one take then were off to the vine rows .
"Your doing great" matt whispers as he walks up behind me . " Really I feel like I look stupid" I say laughing . " Absolutely not you look prefect " he says placing a quick peck on my head and walking off back with the clients .
" Okay for this scene were going to have you both run down this row holding hand and when you reach half way Charles we want you to pick her up and spin her , so y/n hand stella your shoes then well give you a count down " I nod and slide the heels off handing them to Stella and turning around Charles grabbing my hand offering me a warm smile which I return . " Okay you guys ready ?" there producer asks and we both answer yes . " Okay and three two one action "
We run down the row and I cant help but giggle when we reach half way and Charles lifts me spinning me . " Okay cut wow guys you're good were getting the perfect shots in one go thats rare" the producer shouts and Charles sets me down . He offers me a fist bump making me laugh but I return it .
The next shot were in the room with all the barrels . Its a really cool place .
" Okay were just gonna have you guys walking through here looking around smiling and laughing . Look like you're flirting a little for this one " we both give a thumbs up .
We get another perfect shot . Im genuinely surprised since i've never done this before and was expecting to have to take multiple shots to get a good one . I cant help but notice the smiles on our clients faces as they watch which makes me very happy . Matt on the other hand looks kind of ... pisses , his jaw clenched and eyes cut . I don't know what's wrong but I bet i'll hear all about it later.
The last shot is of us ending in one of the rooms with a kind of romantic scene , ending in... a kiss . Im a little nervous and feeling a bit awkward but I gotta do it so whatever.
"Okay you'll enter through the door and y/n you'll sit down on the bed sliding your hells off and Charles your going to walk up to her slowly laying her back on the bed and brush some hair behind her er then go in for the kiss and that will be a wrap." I nod and wait for the call to enter the room .
After a very awkward kiss we call it a wrap .
" Thank you for stepping in y/n you did amazing the camera loves you" the director says making me smile " Thank you and it was my pleasure " he smiles and shakes my hand before packing up most of the equipments .
Mr and Mrs. Auclair tall me how much they loved the shoot and cant wait to see the final product , they were beyond happy with the campaign which made me feel very accomplished since the first time I met Mr. Auclair it didn't go so well .
I changed out of the outfit back into the one I came in and met Matt out front by the car .
" Get in" he orders with an attitude. i'm shocked given the shoot went perfectly and I cant find a reason why he'd have an attitude with me after all I did. I get in quickly not wanting to upset him more than he already seems to be. " Im glad the clients were happy I was kind of scared there for a minuet" I say smiling at over at him . He just nods before speeding off back to the chateau . He's speeding a lot and his tight grip on the wheel is making me scared. " Matt slow down " I squeak out as I grip the side of my door . " Don't tell me what to do" he barks back in a harsh tone that makes me flinch . " Why are you being like this ... did I do something wrong?" I ask as my breathing decelerate as we speed around a bend . " You'll find out once we get to the room " he says through his teeth and I look at him in shock . " I haven't done anything wrong if anything I saved your ass for stepping up to be in the fucking campaign shoot so what the fuck is your problem" I bite back as we reach the gate and he speeds in parking and quickly getting out then coming around and opening my door yanking me out and throwing me over his shoulder.
" Matt put me down right now" I yell and smack his back and in return I get a hard slap on my ass making me yelp as I stings. " Put me down i'm not a rag doll" I whine as he walks up the steps and to the elevator . " You just keep finding ways to piss me off today don't you" he bites out as the elevator doors open and he b lines it to the room.
" Matt seriously I haven't done shit now put me down " I order with attitude now pissed off he's acting like I've done something . The second we enter the room he sets me down and spins me so my back is to his front . His hand harshly grips my hair yanking my head back so he can lean down and whisper in my ear. " strip and go lay down" he orders in a deep voice in my ear making me shiver. " Matt seriously ?" I ask with a scoff . " You either do it yourself or I will" he says shoving me away and walking to the bed sitting on the edge. I strip out of my dress and underwear then walk over to the bed going to lay down but he grabs me and pulls me over his lap.
" Now lets talk about that little photoshoot yeah" he says as his hand slowly caresses my ass . " What about it I thought it went great" I ask confused but jolt when his hand comes down hard on my ass . " Yeah it did ... just one little problem" he says and lands his hand down again in the same spot making me whine. " What ... what did I do to piss you off" I ask in a hushed tone . " You let that little model touch you ... kiss you and don't even get me started on the way you were looking at him" he bites out and lands two more smacks making me cry out as the skin burns and stings where I know there will be a large red handprint . " You cant be fucking serious matt it was for the fucking campaign I had no choice " I bite back sounding ad bratty as ever. " Not fucking true you could have said no" he barks any me landing three more smacks making me scream in frustration because he keeps smacking the same spot on the same cheek . " And ruined the fucking campaign and possibly lost customers ... that would have made you even more angry" I whine back . " We could have moved it to Tommorrow and found another model " " So your mad at me because I saved your ass today ... my fucking bad I guess" I bite back shooting him a look over my shoulder . He smacks his hand down 5 times making me scream and try and get off his lap but he uses his other hand to keep me in place . " You're just fucking jealous that another man touched me and now you're taking it out on me " I bite back as he lets me up and I step back from him. He stands up and yanks me to him . His eyes hard and nostrils flared . " Im not fucking jealous " he barks and I smile " I think you are matt " I step into him and less my naked body to his clothed one as I move to slowly slide his jacket off. He lets me as he watches me still with a hard look on his face. I go for his shirt but he grabs me and throws me down on the bed making me yelp . " Spread your fucking legs and give me your wrists " he orders and I do what i'm told . He uses his tie to tie my hands together . I smile as i've always been into bondage but no one has ever reciprocated the interest. He unbuttons his shirt slowly making me groan in need.
He kneels at the end of the bed pulling me right to his warm mouth that ravishes me immediately . Im and moaning whining mess for him . I so badly want to run my fingers through his hair but I cant with the tie around my wrists. He inserts two fingers curling them to the perfect spot as his mouth sucks harshly on my clit making my legs spasm and my hips to lift off the bed . I scream as the pleasure almost becomes too much to handle . He uses his free arm to shove my hips back down on the bed and hold me there . I squirm as my legs tremble , he lifts my legs over his shoulder as I moan and shake . " You gonna cum for me ?" he asks in a husky tone making me whimper. " Y-yes fuck i'm so close" I cry out between broken breathes and gasps. " Beg for me to let you cum show me how much you want it" he says before going back to my clit licking and sucking at the perfect angles almost sending me over. " P-please fuck please can I cum please m-matt please" I beg in a pathetic tone trying to hold back the best I can. He softly chuckles into before granting me permission and I immediately let go with a scream . He helps me ride through my orgasm .
"Did so good for me" he praises as he comes back up and moves to me on top of me . He brings me into a deep sloppy kiss making me moan into his mouth . He moves my tied hands to be above my head " Keep them there " he demands and I do. He takes off his pants discarding them somewhere on the floor . Slowly he strokes his dick and I watch in awe , he spits on it and I have to hold back the moan that so badly wants to escape from how hot it was. He spreads it then begins lining his tip to my entrance . He thrusts in making me gasp he doesn't even let me adjust before he's pounding into roughly . All that can be heard are my moans and our skin slapping together . He moves one hand to my neck adding pressure that has the pleasure reaching new heights . He moves his free hand down to my clit rubbing in delicious circles . Im a moaning shaking mess under him as I cum for the second time .
He groans as his thrusts get sloppy and his breathing gets louder . After A couple more thrusts he s filling me up with a raspy fuck escaping his lips .
He pulls out and flops down beside me . Im catching my breathe as he unties my hands and I rub my wrists , the skin being slightly sore from the friction of the tie . " Wanna shower in the morning? i'm exhausted " he says and I nod cuddling into him and closing my eyes.
" i'm sorry for getting angry with you... I was jealous I just didn't want to admit it" he says in a quiet tone . I smile at him " Its okay Matt I know" I answer with a small laugh .
We fall asleep quickly . I cant wait to see what's in store Tommorrow .
sorry I completely forgot about this story !!!
Xoxo 💋
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libroseitm · 8 months
Hey, you there. You've been keeping up with the ofmd campaign, right? Maybe you've been a little involved? Or a lot involved? Feeling a bit down, weird, in limbo rn? I've got something to tell you!
In the unlikely event that we don't get season 3 and beyond (they're manifesting): you've done enough.
"But I've literally done NOTHING."
You. Have. Done. Enough.
We shouldn't HAVE to be doing anything. It doesn't make any logical sense that ofmd was cancelled. This shouldn't have happened.
So I shall say thank you. For looking after yourself, for coping - even just barely, for getting up, for doing odd jobs, for going to school - I salute you sir, for feeding your pet, for brushing your teeth. Thank you.
I hope this doesn't come across as patronising, because I'm being deadly serious. You're ALL my heroes. You just got your favourite story - or a story you like - thrown into the gravy basket and you're here waking up and carrying on. I genuinley, from the bottom of my heart, find that impressive.
If you've done something? *Anything?* fuckin- are you superman?? You're awesome!
Yeah, you've got that right. I'm talking to myself here too. Let's normalise feeling proud of yourself, or feeling "adequate", or giving yourself a lil' well-done for getting dressed today. Hey, me, you're great. I'm giving myself a high five. You should too.
If you're feeling down about life, yourself, your efforts, or lack therof, first off- relatable. I almost didn't post this because I was worried it'd be annoying. Well fuck you, SELF. I'm posting it. Here's one thing I've learned from our wonderful story:
Life's a dick. Have fun with it.
Here's an it's-so-cheesy-we're-swimming-in-fondu playlist I like to listen to, to help me feel happy
Here's a twitter thread compiling gifs presenting the wonderful queer joy in ofmd
Some lovely ofmd fan art from other artists:
Link Link Link Link
Some memes/funny stuff to come out of ofmd:
Link Link Link Link
I hope you have a wonderful/good/average/not too bad day. With love.
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sabrinahawthorne · 3 months
CLASH! Announcement - Art Incoming
Until now, what the public sees of CLASH! has been woefully devoid of visual interest. For that, I apologize; I know full well how much an eye-catching piece can do for getting your attention, and I can imagine you might be impatient at this point.
Well you're in luck! Core character illustrations are almost done! We're working on the last one before moving on to additional illustration work.
Once that last piece is finished, We'll be putting up a series of posts showing off the art, and doing a profile on the Fighter Playbook they represent. That means mechanics, inspiration, and even a bit about the characters themselves! That's right - each Playbook has an Icon character depicted in its core art, with their own powers, backstory, and relationships with the others.
For those who missed it - these characters aren't just Elise and I showing off. We put the work into developing Icon characters because if you pledge at a high enough tier on our Crowdfundr campaign, you'll get an exclusive mini-manga starring an Icon of your choice, packed with exciting action to get you in the mood to play CLASH!
Keep your eyes peeled - I think you'll like what we have coming your way.
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s3 episode 2 thoughts
(racing against time because a thunderstorm is rapidly encroaching but i need to know what happens next)
and for once, a storm did not disrupt my streaming experience! but i almost wish it did. because this episode made me very sad. let's jump in.
we got another “previously on the X files” at the start... is that what is gonna happen every time now?? not sure if i like that or not. but i'm sure it was useful back when you had to wait a week in between episodes, to jog the memory.
noooo not the alien gassing scene again!!! it was featured in our recap. and it was just as evil as the first time.
so now the story begins.
we're back in New Mexico. Albert is talking about the story of the gila monster. it is a great story! i wonder if they had cultural consultants for this season, or hired an Indigenous writer.
Albert announces that a great event took place on the plains!!! a white buffalo was born on the same day mulder was revived��. this is a powerful omen of great changes.
(and the buffalo didn’t look white, but tbh, probs hard to find one for such a scene, so perhaps washed out lighting was the best they could do. i understand the constraints)
does the theme sound slightly off? almost like it starts on a different beat now. OH they cut the whole thing short. well that would explain the difference i felt. why would they do this to me? i was well-accustomed to the rhythm! can't a girl groove a little?
okay, NOW we're back to the gun off between scully and skinner. and it’s tense!
mulder bursts in and I’m CACKLINGGG. please, this had to be the last thing he was going to expect. his boss and his bestie with guns in each other's faces. i’m cryinggg
(also her face. her face when she sees it is him. it's sooo good)
“you okay, scully?”, he asks, adding his gun to the fray “yeah”, she says, as she looks at the man back from the dead... ohhhhhhh... the sense of relief
and OHHHH they BOTH pull guns on skinner to get the tape back!! i'm SOOOOOOO seated. this is juicy.
and i hate to say it, but skinner is lowkey making sense here with his campaign to keep the tape. he says that they don’t want it back in "their" hands. skinner seems deeply confused regarding whatever the hell just happened but they finally agree that he should hold onto it for now.
this next part, when they leave his place. man. i'm just gonna keep it verbatim because it captured a lot of emotions:
it was SO sweet. she couldn't believe it. he tried to say something but she cut him off, saying she went to his father's funeral and told his mom she would be okay, because she knew it. she didn't know how, but she knew it.
(they were leaned in so close for so long... for a split second i thought they would kiss and then the elevator closed... ohhh. maybe they did and we just didn't see it)
((maybe this is the part where they kissed in the bloopers i have seen floating around? if so. i get it. i think i would have done the same had i found myself acting in such a scenario))
but the sweetness cannot last, and we are back to the hospital, where poor mrs. scully is dealing with learning her OTHER daughter was shot in the head. the head!!! a terrible place to be shot!!! they put melissa in an induced coma!!!!! melissa did not deserve this and scully doesn’t even KNOW this has happened!!
ohh, i’m sad. but we’re back with the lone gunmen, and things are okay in scully’s mind, because mulder’s back and they have a trail to chase and she doesn’t know yet that her sister was shot in the head. and i’m sad because she doesn’t know such a horrible thing happened, but also i want to be happy because she’s happy. her face when she saw him. i will think about it for decades.
operation paper clip mentioned... ah, yes, i have heard of this. they mention a nazi named “Victor Klemper”... is he real? verdict is in, one search later: victor is NOT real. but he has a very similar name to a real famous german historian!
“what would he be doing in a photo with your father”, asks scully. and why did she say this in a manner that was, to me, seductive? you know what? i think honestly it’s a me problem. shame on me for being distracted from the narrative by such things.
frohike and mulder reunion!!! it is sweet. but only for a moment is it sweet, because he breaks the news on scully's sister, who is horrified.
she runs really fast to try and go see her, but mulder catches up to her in the stairwell when she is almost out the door, and says the people who meant to kill her will be waiting at the hospital. oh, and melissa's earlier words from s2 episode 8, about mulder trying to get even, are prophetic here… “cause the only thing you can do for her right now is to try to crucify them", he says. it is a shame her wishes for peace and acceptance instead of violence couldn't be honored, and that going to visit her wouldn't be safe.
at the UN alien council. they are discussing this "serious mistake", of shooting melissa instead of scully. OH! the man from the funeral is there!!!
(for the sake of this episode, he shall bear the moniker "funeral man". but if he has a real name, please feel free to share. i'm asking you to do so. because i come up with these things on the fly. and i really could read the credits i guess but this is mostly just a one person operation with google only serving to check historical accuracy, not things as risky to spoilers as the NAMES of the CHARACTERS!)
((but i did see cig man/cancer man referred to in my notes once as "csr" which actually made sense. because i had spun one of those "fuck marry kill" wheels on here and gotten "csr x files" and i had no idea who that was referring to. but it turns out i did know him. kill btw))
funeral man is calling out cig man’s “ridiculously ineffectual assassins”, which, honestly, what did we expect from krychek? and oh, he is digging INTO cig man. it's enjoyable to witness. he’s being called out for mulder not really being dead AND the tape not really being in his hands like he claims. cig man LIES (average thing for him to be doing, all things considered), and tells the others on the alien council that “i’ll have it here for you tomorrow” which is an awful big promise. a very very big promise. 
next scene: a greenhouse! it's quite lovely until it isn't, because the old man tending to the flowers is victor, a nazi who got clemency under operation paperclip. so a very very bad fellow. scully is being mean to him, but obviously he deserves much, much, much worse. 
he asks about a formula and scully knows it, then says the photo was from west virginia. those are the only cryptic clues he offers. okay, off to a very mountainous road trip. god bless their poor souls. dealing with motion sickness on top of all the mess at hand.
funeral man is receiving a call from victor. they know each other? he snitched that mulder visited the greenhouse. and victor says funeral man was “venal”. new word learned! meaning susceptible to bribery!! is this the truth...?? i mean i THINK mulder comes from money due to the whole martha's vineyard thing, but does he have enough to buy his way out of this?
also. let's ask the real question. why is victor calling and dropping clues. is it fun for him.
anyway, the rest of the alien subdivision of the UN says that they are calling in “their friends who will handle this matter more satisfactorily” because krychek obviously sucks at his job 
KRYCHEK SPOTTED at the hospital! wait no it was actually just another random well-dressed guy stalking about. BUT YOU KNOW WHO IS HERE: ALBERT!!!!
did he come all the way here from New Mexico or was he is in the region... 😭😭 Albert, you deserve more than this earth will ever give you. so much has been taken from you. and yet you continue to give.
our agents are pulling up to west virginia. it looks like a ghost town, and i’ve heard that is an accurate depiction. they walk into an abandoned place. with bats in the building!! be careful!! they are rabies vectors!!!
(can you imagine if the show just ended here because mulder got rabies and died. pause to imagine this with me. then i will walk you back to the stuff that actually did happen)
ohh, and as they enter this place, the score is going wild!!! i'm rocking with it. i love a good score. the suspense is building. i ALWAYS want there to be violins to indicate suspense.
they find some locked doors with keypads, and they’re putting in 27828. it’s not working so he’s like "are you SURE scully?" and she says “i’m positive, Napier’s constant is the basis of all natural logarithms” and i giggled. and maybe also kicked my feet and twirled my hair. 
(i am learning, through this liveblog, that nothing makes me blush more than pretty people reciting semi-obscure facts. make of that observation what you will, because op will be contemplating it for a while)
they finally get it open!! i never doubted your number skills, scully. but before they go in, she’s worried about how he’ll feel!!!! what if his father was a bad guy :( “I just know how it would affect me” :((((( she is so thoughtful...
(i'm torn between making a genuine observation on the fact that despite she just learned her sister is dying, she still makes time to be certain mulder is okay with proceeding because it could be upsetting to him. and the other thing i'm thinking about is that that one meme that says "pearl is so kind" and i'm just imagining scully there instead of pearl. i suppose there is room for both)
back to skinner’s office. cig man has arrived. skinner is approaching him like an animal its prey, while bill clinton looms over the corner. 
skinner says he MAY have found the cassette and cig man is PISSSSSED at the implication he would “work deals”. well king!! you may have no choice!
(i hope that what skinner REALLY has is an identical cassette that just has syllables that LOOK like Navajo code but actually mean absolutely nothing. that would be evil and entertaining to me)
cig man looks like he is gonna CRY he is so desperate! but he is basically saying he’ll kill skinner if he has to, so watch out. and AGAIN. banger tv score as all this goes down.
our agents are in an old mine. it’s very dark and full of records!
(turns on the lights and sees the rows of cabinets stretch for what seems like eternity) “lots of files” “lots and lots of files” <- so true
mulder kinda sounds like he’s gonna have a breakdown. all the files have tissue in them... gross???? he asks when she was born so they can check that year’s files AND SEE IF SHE IS IN THEM. OH GOSH. 
and they find her file right away!!! it has a tissue sample and everything, and it’s recent, and that means the project must still be ongoing, despite how abandoned this mine is.
THEY FIND HIS SISTER’S FILE!!!! we are getting so close to answers. but there is a sticker over her name, because the file was originally his. so someone swapped his sister for him???
he’s freaking the fuck out at some large noises, and he runs and leaves her in the archives. something is hissing. AN ARMY OF ALIENS SCAMPERS BY???? they are running from something. HUH??? dana scully alien encounter??? did they just run by her or was that a different corridor in this endless mountain maze. did she see them. it was like a stampede. very hard to miss.
it seems that the aliens from the spaceship are coming and mulder is drawn to them. HIDE! HIDE FROM THEM! THEY WILL TAKE YOU!
he sees a GIANT spaceship flying over the compound. like giant and it’s super bright and it just. flies over. well, I guess west virginia isn’t a bad place to hide such things. due to the lack of people there.
this is not a dig at west virginia it's just rather sparsely populated.
scully is down in the archives still, and a whole lot of people are rolling up with guns. NOOO!! they are shooting at him!!!! with a stormtrooper aim. he is escaping their bullets as if this is just a jungle gym for him.
REUNION in the dark archives!!! scully found a back way out, where it seems the aliens left!!!! they're running into the woods together!!! it’s almost romantic!!!
skinner cam. he’s in maryland. at a nice little diner in the middle of nowhere. WITH OUR AGENTS!!!!
mulder says the hit squad looked like CIA, and i assumed there was some CIA-FBI tensions, but i’m unfamiliar with the lore, in terms of both real life and txf universe. it seems it’s severe though. skinner says he’ll negotiate their lives for the tape but mulder is like NO the public deserves the truth. which is lovely. i love ideals and sticking to your morals. and he’ll die for it bitch!!! he did once!!
“in your wildest dreams, what do you possibly hope to find, agent mulder?” “why they killed my father. and what happened to my sister” ohhh mulder sounds so scared and hurt... because he is. all this talk of truth and morals guiding his life but also this whole thing is so intensely personal for him, it seems impossible to separate one cause from the other. ohh i'm emotional. 
“and what they did to agent scully”, he adds OHHHHH oh man. his family. they took his family. and he needs revenge, he needs to know. and she is included in that. MAN.
scully says they should make the deal, he says “what makes you think there’s any such thing as justice?”, it’s heating up. again, i say: replace the cassette with out of context Navajo syllables. hire me for the FBI.
i was concerned about scully advocating for the deal- does not the truth mean something to her? of course we know it does, but she is being realistic. the truth won't mean much if they're on the run forever, and there is no one to corroborate their story. but she clarifies:
"i want exactly what you want. but i need to see my sister” :((( they both look so sad
“it’s up to you, scully” he’s mad and torn but he leaves the choice to her because her opinion is the one he cares the most about :( and really there are no good options, it's an awful situation
she said to make the deal, but not hand over the tape until mulder says to. hmm. will this plan work?
“i’m sorry about your sister, scully”, he finally says, and she replies that “i just need to know she’s going to be okay”. but i’m not sure it’s looking so good for her and that makes me SO SAD. on the ride home, she sits in the back and lets mulder take shotgun. and i realize, this is because she’s probably gonna cry back there and try to hide it. OUGH.
albert back at the hospital! he prayed over missy for two days. have we said thank you to him? and if so we should keep saying it until we all perish.
but he has received news from the north: the white buffalo calf that was such a strong omen is no longer drinking its mother’s milk. and the mom is sad, and then she died. this is not a good sign. “for something to live, another thing must often be sacrificed”, he says, and it becomes clear someone is not making it out of this episode. i hope against all hope it was krychek that was going to bite it.
it was not :(
skinner here at the hospital to see melissa. he tells scully’s mom that dana is okay, but in a very serious situation they hope to reverse :( 
albert points out that some guy has been snooping in on their room (and it wasn’t krychek, whose name corrects to all caps in my phone, because i only speak of him with hate in my heart) but just some other similar looking guy. skinner says albert, you stay here, i’m going off. hopefully for some hospital violence. hospital violence ensues!!! and this time krychek IS there.
but the violence does not go in the direction i hoped for, which was for skinner to kick some ass. it's three on one, they beat him and leave him in the corner and take the tape!!!! noooooooo!! poor skinner, i was coming around to you.
also leaving this next part verbatim because it is funny:
"fucking krychek i hate everything about you and i hate your new slicked back greaser hair and i hope you trip and fall and all of your limbs fall off and the doctors wonder how they can even happen because they have never seen it before WHAT NOW HE’S RUNNING??? the car blew up before he ran away. and the folks he was running from SEE him running away so he literally can’t even do a good job at bailing"
(if you need a translation: krychek's fellow assassins stopped to grab some drinks, so he pocketed the cassette and left before their car blew up)
back at the greenhouse. our agents are looking for victor, who apparently died yesterday. and funeral man is here!!! they openly accuse him of killing victor. he does not deny this claim.
funeral man is going on about roswell, operation paperclip, and mengele. he’s going on about hybrid orchids and mulder realizes that victor must have been trying to create an alien-human hybrid. which would explain the smallpox vaccination scars in the alien bodies found in New Mexico. FUNERAL MAN. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON??
he's on the side of whoever can solve his little riddles i guess
mulder is MAD his dad was involved with this, but scully says it can’t be true, because DNA wasn’t even a thing people knew of until 1944. i mean, they’re lying about a whole lot. why not lie about the timeline of DNA discovery, too?
funeral man says men like mr. mulder were instructed to gather genetic data on the general populace, and that his dad had objected strongly to its true purpose. allegedly this experiment was for post apocalyptic identification, which doesn't really make sense to be, but okay. hundreds of millions of americans had their info collected from smallpox vaccine data.
scully is saying that it’s all a lie, that he’s saying everything mulder wants to hear, and i'm agreeing with her. funeral man says “why would i lie to you?” um better question: what would you gain by telling the truth??
mulder flat out yells that she was abducted by aliens and this doesn’t go over well as you can probably guess. she is working overtime to NOT think about that. so she walks away from the whole thing.
leaving just the two conspirators. OH, listen to this: funeral man claims they took his sister as insurance because his father threatened to expose the project!! “you also threaten to expose the project. you’ve become your father” <- hmm. that is a bold claim. because mulder has never willingly engaged in the creation of alien-human hybrids. 
chat, do we believe him? i feel that samantha’s abduction being an act of random and horrific tragedy seems more likely. and possibly more poignant. 
krychek is on the phone with cig man. “i’m alive. isn’t that a surprise?” “yes, yes, good good good. where are you?” <- LMAOOOO king of playing it casual
“somewhere where you’ll never find me, you double crossing son of a bitch” hmmm. the double crosser gets double crossed. shocked pikachu face. he threatens to make cig man “famous”, which i wouldn't be opposed to, which is NOT the same as endorsing him or his actions. 
cig man says there is no deal to make regarding the files and the agent’s lives. oh, so he thinks he can just have both, i see how it is
very sudden cut to mulder at his mom’s house at 2 am. asking his mom if she ever had to choose a favorite child. she keeps denying and denying until:
“no. i couldn’t choose. it was your father’s choice. and i hated him for it. even in his grave i hate him still” OHHHH this is adding validity to the theory that funeral man was telling the TRUTH???? poor Samantha :(
wait this is SO sad. and to think of how harsh his dad was to him while he was alive. how he must have expected the absolute best from his son because he knows he chose him over his sister. and how the only consolation for having to make that choice is to expect his son to be Perfect. which could never happen. just leaving him in deep distress. man. that is truly messed up.
man. i feel like we need space for that revelation.
but cig man is at skinner’s office. lighting up. as usual. skinner says he has the tape in exchange for the safety of the agents, but cig man says he knows skinner is bluffing
HOLY FUCK: “you ever wondered what it would be like to, uh, die in a plane crash? of botulism? even a heart attack?” <- HUH???? his melodic cadence makes this even scarier. goodness that escalated quickly.
albert please do not bring this risk upon yourself, i mumble to myself OH! he told 20 other people from the tribe. “so unless you kill every Navajo living in four states… that information is available with a simple phone call. welcome to the wonderful world of high technology” wow. skinner if you had access to the tech i know about i think you would be so pleased. or maybe not. regardless, a good play. just KEEP albert safe i am NOT messing around.
cig man gets scared and leaves. as he should!
mulder at the hospital. scully is sitting alone. NO??? NOT MELISSA??? 
no, it can't be true, but it is: melissa died in surgery.
they both agree they need to get back to work so they have something to keep them from going insane with grief. their whole exchange was very emotional and powerful, but i was too sad to make extensive notes, so i'll have to circle back to that someday.
and she says “i’ve heard the truth. now what i want are the answers”. he holds her while she sits and stares at her sister's empty hospital bed. 
NOOOOO. i am filled with such sadness. scully now has to live with this belief that her sister died for her, and that she didn’t get to say thank you. and i’m very sad because i liked melissa a lot and scully deserves no pain. and her poor mother... oh, there are real tears in my eyes while i type this.
and mulder, forced to know that his father chose him over his sister, that his father was involved in what he sought to destroy, that had his father picked any other line of work, he could have had a normal, happy childhood. what the fuck. this is sooo evil. i’m sad!!! yeah i’m crying about the damn alien show. so what!!! so what!!!
listen, just because an episode is sad, does not mean it wasn’t good. it was a very good episode. i’m just sad. sometimes multiple things can be true.
grief of our main agents and their families aside, my top concern is Albert. is he going to be safe and protected? can he continue to spread the oral tradition? maybe get it written down too, for extra insurance? typed up? saved? backed up? written in notebooks? stored in archives? is he even telling the TRUTH? do other Navajo men actually know to recite the files and how to decode them? that seems like it will take a very long time to learn.
my main takeaway from the episode is to not work for the government because they will ruin your life.
it was a good episode. a great episode, even. but I’m gonna need about 30 beach episodes to make up for it. and also for the og theme to come back because you can’t change that up on me once I’m in a pattern. 
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
hate that "phases of genocide" thing because many peoples around the world have been through those stages multiple times because genocides don't just mean "complete extermination the first time." It means "we, the power-hungry, will keep doing this series of mass oppression through various mechanisms til we succeed in our goal of shattering our victims and we'll deny that it's ever been done before to them or anyone else as benefits us politically while maintaining genocidal conditions short of all-out campaigns of extermination unless and until we can accomplish that too politically."
westerns keep pointing to the fucking phases like "oh my god, it's almost there, we're running out of time!!" You're always out of time. There's never time or reason for inaction in the face of genocide. Y'all just enjoy the excuse to not burn down the extractive, omnicidal status quo. People are suffering and dying, just not in numbers or ways the comfortable deem actionable. It takes a certain amount of cinematic suffering for westerners to be willing to riot and maybe, maybe fight a few cops or troops or politicians. Meanwhile people are in hell because of inaction and doing what they can to organize and survive and resist it while having to hold the too-soft hands of their oppressors and explain "yes, we mean this too has to stop, and you, too, can help." But then I remember y'all dropped the mask a few years ago, embraced fascism and eugenics wholeheartedly, and I wonder why I even bother speaking at all. Even the ostensible anarchists of the so-called west dropped the mask and embraced eugenics as of a couple years ago & I have to remind myself that people will always liberate themselves in spite of their oppressors and despite those feckless fairweather wretches who call themselves allies. What are you doing right now to help? What comforts have you shed for others? There are still some handfuls of people performing direct actions while masked and there are still significant amounts of people masking consistently. There will always be some willing to reject excuses to embrace or maintain the status quo. People will find others truly in community with them, who are willing to do the work when called, instead of wasting time demanding yet more education and reasons for why they should join the fight against genocide. Solidarity within and between communities militantly determined to pursue liberation is what wins out.
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 103
Shoot at Sam? Count me in. Even if it's just a NERF gun ... Sam: "Aaaaah! In my cancer!" Oh boy ... XD ... and Adhley got him RIGHT IN THE TIT just as she intended ... ah yes, Sam Riegel, living in fear ... LOL ... yup, Ashley's just lying in wait ... oh there we go ... Liam: "All right, let's graduate to D20s." Whoa, wait a minute ...
Marisha: "All our UK viewers are thinking 'fucking Americans'." Well ... YEAH ...
Yes! Always credit the artists ... thank you, Liam!
Yes, that's right ... we're in the home of the Shadowgast ... O.O
So could this FINALLY be it? Are we FINALLY gonna get rid of that egregious BITCH?!!!
Ooooooooh ... fancy ritual ... cool ...
Laudna's terrified ... of course she is. She SHOULD be ... if this goes wrong ... after last time I'm scared too ... and even if this DOES go right, there's no guarantee she WOULD definitely survive this ...
Wow ... way to stoke out morale, Essek ... but yeah, he does mean well, I guess ...
In theory, then ... if this DOES work then Delilah will, ESSENTIALLY, just become a magical battery ... oh yeah, I don't doubt that would be the most delightfully irksome punishment for that evil bitch ...
A natural vibe? Are you sure, Chet? "Dr Chet"? Oh, that might work better, yeah ...
Keep Braius' freaky hoof fingers away from this stuff ... XD ... essentially Braius instead just stands behind Dorian and encourages him to do everything right, while passive-aggressively judging him. Dorian: "So just like my dad, then."
Great ... time to roll to make sure we get this right ... NO PRESSURE, then ... O.O
Laudna: "You guys have already been through so much with me ..." Fearne: "Well why would we stop now?" Laudna: "Ooh ... my stomach hurts." Fearne: "Do you need to poo?"
Cheddars? Oh yeah, I like that ... way to accidentally belittle the ancient gnome ... XD
And now Chetney's getting naked ... of course he is ...
Fuck ... here we go, then ... oh boy ... aaaaaaahhh!!! O.O
A multi-stage ritual ... crap ... that's never a good thing ...
Laura: "I say GUIDANCE!!!" XD
Chetney: "Don't worry, you won't feel ... you're gonna feel a lot." Oof ...
No pain-killers? Really? Laudna: "I have dogs leap from my chest from time to time." Oh yeah ... that's right ... O.O
Oh yes, so she just does that RIGHT NOW ... and now her chest is gaping wide open ... okay, that'll probably help ... and now Laudna's just given herself afull-blown Y-incision ... yup ...
Hold her hand, Imogen ... HOLD THAT HAND ...
Did Chetney just SNEEZE inside her? O.O ... yeah, that's just an INSTANT staph infection ...
And so we begin ... oh boy ... and so we begin to hold our breath ...
A Blood Maladict? Hmmmm ...
Wow ... oh, yeah, that soul-cage in the chest idea ... that's kind of beautiful in a really horrifying kind of way ...
Great ... just what we need right now. Fuck off, Delilah. Don't you DARE interfere while we exorcise you, you monstrous demon bitch ...
That almost went SO FUCKING BAD ... O.O ... phew ...
Laura Bailey channeling Imogen getting SO FUCKING ANXIOUS right now ... this is SO TENSE ...
Do something, do something, help her guys ... Ashton burns a Rage ... oh, this is interesting ... fascinating new way to use his Dunamancy powers ... and clearly this is gonna cost him ... but OF COURSE he's gonna fight through all the same ... that's a pretty sweet move, Ash ...
Orym you sweet selfeless little cinnamon roll, I love you so much ... HEX THAT BITCH!!! YES!!!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ... between them Ashton and Liam succeed SO BEAUTIFULLY in what they're doing right now ... THAT'S A CRIT!!! Damn fucking RIGHT it is ... O.O
Yeah ... in your face, Delilah! Yes! Take that!
Is that it? Is that done? Yes ... nice ... first part successful, then ... so what's next?
FUCK!!! Jumpscared by Matthew Mercer! Damn it!
Imogen's turn, then ... go, go, GO!!! Save you honey, girl! Yes!
The Ruined Sun Tree again? Aaaaaahhh ... not good! I hate that image just as much as before ...
Imogen: "There's only two ways for this to end." Delilah: "You can't have her!" Oh fuck off, you evil bitch ... EDUCATE HER, Imogen!
This may be Laura's most important roll of the entire campaign ... but YES!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Marisha does indeed have a say in this ... Laudna fights back, then ... PLEASE let this work ...
Void Puppet? OH NICE ... O.O
Nice ... the other poor souls murdered and hung on that tree are coming to her aid ... that is SO FUCKING COOL ... O.O
So here comes the roll ... make it count, Laura ... 21! Okay ... is that enough?
Oh my fucking gods ... EVERY SINGLE PERSON that died in Whitsetone because of Delilah is now coming to claim their vengeance ... this is JUST FUCKING INCREDIBLE ...
Holy shit ... this has GOT TO BE a success, right? This CLEARLY fucking worked ...
Matt: "She's there, but ... she's YOURS." Holy fuck ... YES!!! It really did fucking work ... Delilah's nothing but a magical battery now ... that is pure fucking poetic justice and I love it so much ...
She conjures Pate ... and it no longer COSTS HER like it once felt like ... oh, yeah ... that's so cool ...
Oh yeah ... that's right, Pate doesn't know Braius ... DO NOT attack the bone rat, Braius ... oh shit ...
Fuck ... yup, that's right, INSTANT KILL on the bone rat ... great ... thanks for that, Braius ...
They're holding each other ... that's so sweet ... the Imodna's STRONG right now ... :3
Flashlighting the balls ... oh boy ... Matt: "A lot of us grew up before the Internet." LOL
Liam: "Bony Stark" OH SHIT!!! YES!!! XD
Insight check ... oh, this should be interesting ... NAT20?!!! Fuck, Marisha ... wow ... so Delilah's, like, GENUINELY restrained ... nice ...
Laudna: "She won't be ... she won't be watching us anymore." YES!!! And Imogen kisses her! Of course she does! My shipper heart is beating SO HARD right now! :3
Chetney is CARVING HIS INITIALS into her ankle ... "I sign all my best works!" Laudna: "You know, only you would I allow to do that." Awwwww ... that's so sweet in the most disturbing way possible ...
Laudna thanks Essek, as she should, and he's most magnanimous ... nice ...
Celebration time ... YES. Definitely.
Oh wow ... is Essek's inner party-planner coming out right now? Caleb's got him trained so well, clearly ... or maybe this is more Jester and Veth's doing ... XD
What ... invite the Nein? REALLY?!!! That would be so cool and WAY too much to hope for ...
Yes ... OF COURSE there will be LOTS of Lionett wine ... definitely ...
Liam (as Caleb): "Why would I buy it when I can get it for free?" XD ... indeed ...
A toast! Yes! "To new beginnings, and a bunch of losers winning" ... YEAH ... definitely ...
Ashton: "I think it's time for a round of What the Fuck Is Up With You?" Oh yes ... spill, Braius Doomseed ...
From the Platinum Dragon to Asmodeus, the Lord of Lies ... so Braius is, like, the Exandrian equivalent of turning from Catholic to Satanist, then ... cute ...
Wow ... Jester Lavorre was LITERALLY responsible for Braius' fall from grace ... oh boy ... EXCOMMUNICATED? Proper? Fascinating ... Laura's scrambling so hard to dig her little blue Tiefling out from this deepening pit ... XD
That freakish fucking stein thing ... Sam, that thing is UNNERVING ...
OF COURSE Chetney fell asleep during the movie ... XD
Yeah ... might be a good idea to keep an eye on the minotaur moivng forward, then ...
Yes, that is correct ... Orym has a somewhat complicated but still very profitable relationship with the Wildmother ... and she DID just come through in clutch, clearly ... might be Laudna's got a god on her side right now ...
"To my favourite war criminal." Signed: Beauregard Lionett. XD
"Blue beauty"? XD ... Braius is flirting with Dorian, now ...
The talk is turning HEAVY, clearly ...
Sam: "Taylor Swfit?" Taliesin: "How DARE YOU?!!!" Matt: "Do not call that following down on us!"
Oh shit ... the pipe ... CAREFUL there ... O.O
Spin the Bottle with a D10 ... this should be interesting ... who's gonne risk frying their mind?
Braius? Oh, this should be interesting ... and it's fate, really ... wo what does HE think is the most heroic thing he's ever done?
He killed "Stanley"? Whos was Stanley?
A "Laudna bong"? Your mind goes to some weird places, Riegel ... we really havew missed you ...
So ... Stanley was his friend, but then betrayed him? A secret follower of the Dawnfather? Hmmmm ... oh dear gods ... the mug is the flayed skin and bones of Stanley ... wow ... this is all kinds of fucking wrong, Riegel ...
OF COURSE Laudna finds a potential future partner in arts & crafts in Braius because of this ...
Ashton has disadvantage on EVERYTHING ... Travis: "A double-handed abandonment of the roll!" Taliesin: "Why do I bother?" XD
Wow ... they really are picking his story apart a whole lot ... as the minutes tick by Braius is looking increasingly poser-esque ... I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for him ...
Wow ... a gory painting ... cute ... like a particularly monstrous Jackson Pollock ... O.O
Ah, so we're all passing out in a stupour in the wee hours ... of course ... and it's time for a break ...
No, Matthew Mercer you WILL NOT torment us like that! O.O
Ah yes ... so Laudna and Imogen had a room to themselves ... XD ... I mean OF COURSE they did ...
Chetney attunes to the fancy demon armour ... that is some FREAKY SHIT ... does it expand when he wolfs out? LIam: "You're gonna be like Omar in a turtleneck." XD ... oh sweet ... he's COMPLETELY SILENT ... that's so cool ... he's literally wearind "fiendish essence". So it's, like ... DAMNATION, by Calvin Klein ... LOL
Oh thank fuck Chet isn't TECHNICALLY waving his wang about right now ...
Dorian punches him ... yup ...
"RELEASE!" Oh boy ... Matt: "It just ... fills the suit." Ewww ...
Chetney terrorises Essek's neighbours. With his cock out ...
Imodna eventually wake up ... as they would ... basking in the afterglow ... XD
So ... Laudna can hold onto a magical item ... and no longer feels the burning desite to DEVOUR IT with her chest ... nice ...
Amulet of Cursed Life? Hmmmm ...
"A Counterspell on a chain"? Oh nice ... that's seriously powerful shit ... VERY useful ... oh, and it renders corpses into a major problem for the wearer ... hmmmm ... maybe LESS useful ... it's kind of a bit of a mixed blessing kind of thing ...
Orym uses the Sending Stone to send a message to Caleb ... interesting ... and he replies! That's a little meta again ... O.O
Oh yeah, Essek is TOTALLY up for taking a look at Ashton's head ...
Essek: "Huh ... you are something ... very new." Okay ... O.O
A black marble ... interesting ... hopefully it'll be helpful for Ashton in future to focus his powers ...
Oh, so we're making a move, then? Okay ...
Seth's back ... yup, that's smart. Essek is a wanted man, after all ...
Back to the Hellcatch, then ... teleportation ... is this gonna work, then?
They're in a warzone! Crap! What happened?
Crap! That's the bad guys! They don't wanna be here right now! Imogen casts Sending to Keyleth ... SHE'S ALIVE!!! They're in Vasselheim? Okay ... pass it on to Essek! Quick!
A slither? Three feet away? Crap! Get the staff! Quick!
That ALMOST went to shit ... oh fuck, where the hell are they now? Is this a bad place to be?
That's a VERY angry leylined sky ... it's cold, they're in tall pine forest ... near a stone wall, a really BIG one ... if I had to make a guess, looks like they're on target after all ...
Oh yeah ... Braius' gear probably wouldn't go down well here ...
Another Sending to Keyleth ... she tells them to come to the Platinum Sanctuary ... ah ... yeah ... Braius gets VERY fussy with his appearance now ...
Heading to the gates, then ... funny burnt smell ... hmmm ...
Oh, so this is the stink of burned undead, essentially. Yeah ... so there was some kind of "uprising", probably ... charming ...
Okay, so they get in easily, then ... despite Braius being a bit of an idiot ... XD
Vasselheim ... it's been a while ... but it's as gorgeous and majestic and DRAMATIC as ever ...
The Sanctuary ... but OF COURSE it is ...
The Dark Bloom?
Oh fuck! Yeah! The Titan corpse! Nice callback to the grand Campaign 1 climax ... and now it's literally BECOME part of the city ... which makes perfect sense, of course ... that's like SERIOUSLY AWESOME ...
Vanguard prisoners in gibbet cages? Lovely ...
Yes. Essek is VERY deserving of their thanks for EVERYTHING he's done for them recently ...
It's cute that he calls them "bastions of goodness" ... XD
Yeah! Vox Machina callback! WOOP WOOP!!!
The Duskmeadow? Fascinating ... a massive gothic cathedral? Definitely the temple to the Matron ... it's very beautiful ... RAVENS!!! AWESOME!!!
The remains of the recent undead outbreak and their resultant pyres ... charming ... yup, it was the Solstice as we expected ... oh, good point Orym! Thank fuck the Titan didn't stir ... that would've been a NIGHTMARE ...
So it literally WAS Night of the Living Dead ... lovely ...
This is where the survivors of that recent battle have retreated to, then. Hmmmm ... the Heaven's Stair Mountain ... fancy ...
Imogen charges up, starts looking POWERFUL ... hmmm ...
Oh, they're expected? Well that makes things easier, then ...
Escort or police action? I wonder ...
Nice view ... this is still one of the most beautiful places in all of Exandria ...
The Abundant Terrace! Yay! I remember that place very well, that was so cool ...
Ashton: "This whole city is a temple to hubris." Hmmmm ...
Oh, the Dynasty's here? Yeah, I can see how that could be awkward ... so Essek's bailing? Crap ... oh well ... at least they can say a fond farewell, and they know how to get hold of him again ...
Robbie: "You can look at the menu so long as you order from home." WOW ... XD
Officially arriving at the Sanctuary, then ...
Orym leads the way perched on Fearne's shoulder ...
"Professor Emperor" Fearne Calloway ...
Well Grog definitely ain't got any smarter ...
PIKE!!! Yay!
Travis is having an out of body experience right now ... XD
Oh yeah, if ANYONE can clear a path through the crowd right now it's Grog ... LOL
Earthbreaker Groon! Yay!
Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima! Also yay! And Uthodurn are here! Nice ...
Oh hell ... they're all RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE and everybody's looking at them now ... and THIS is where Matt calls it a night! Fitting ...
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monkeywiki · 2 months
No I'm sorry, but same for me too. The fact is that we're stuck as a two-party system until we get a voting overhaul, because "majority wins" means that the person the most people can agree upon will take ALL of the votes regardless of anyone else's votes.
As much as I despise the current candidates, the fact is that Trump has a guaranteed 30% of the vote. If any of the non-Trump candidates dip below 30%, he wins. You've seen what he's like; do you really think we'll have the opportunity to have another fair election after this?
We all have better candidates than Biden in mind, but he's the figurehead of the anti-Trump movement by virtue of "20-25% of people always vote for the incumbent, and every other non-Republican is voting for Biden to stop Trump". If you think you can honestly get 40% of people to agree on a single third-party candidate and beat out both Trump AND Biden then I'm all ears, but let's be honest, it's just not happening this close to the election.
However, this is NOT the way it always has to be. We - the people who hate this situation as much or more than you do - are working on getting Ranked Choice voting on our state ballots so we can get out of this shit system and actually succeed in getting a third-party candidate in office. You should join us in doing that so we can actually make it happen!
We all hate the situation we've been put into, but we have to use our control tactfully. Splitting up the anti-trump voting bloc is how he wins, period. It's how he won in 2016 and it's how he'll win again if we don't band together and stop him.
im just really scared that biden's not an appealing candidate strategically and that he'd be better off stepping down and letting at least kamala of all people take his place. i swear that'd up their chance of winning by at least 30%, but his stubbornness and refusing to step down, + top democrats begging for him to do it, whatever the 'super friends' were visiting him to tell him to step down, + calling his own vice president 'donald trump' and the ukrainian president 'putin'... it's just... not looking good.
now i'm really excited to tell you that claudiakarina2024 is getting petitions done with thousands upon thousands of people per state almost every other day, i'm hearing about new states that are now entering vote-able state, which to me stands out significantly because its happening so fast.
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what stands out to me, is that she's out there on the ground, she's speaking at protests, she's talking to everyone, she is not afraid to talk to anyone and listen to every day people-- while biden is claiming he's done more than any other president, she's not bragging, she's working.
now, what stands out to me, as someone who grew up a democrat and has become a skeptic, is that i'm seeing real immense growth in this campaign in real time-- faster than i've been able to keep up with. they talk about project 2024. they talk about palestine. they talk about the working class. they talk about a LOT
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the truth is they've already reached 20 states this early in their campaign, and they're still working tirelessly-- without corporate funding, to spread the word-- and the reason it works, is because we're all tired. and there's a LOT of us.
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just listen to her speaking voice! do not give into the defeatism the two party system sells you! listen to these people who are working their ass off for something we believe in and building a ground roots movement with un-matchable momentum for the working class, take a look around you and your fellow people who believe in the same as you and hear what's being said right now!
what we're not seeing is her on mainstream television, BECAUSE of what she stands for, what she advocates for is an enemy of the corporate state, and it's up to us to learn, listen and boost her messaging so we can reach everyone. it truly is possible, you have to take the first step and listen, and speak up!
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sunshinecatie · 10 months
My Time with Rogues! The Podcast
My little journey with Rogues! the Podcast started back on July 27th. I got a DM from friend of mine talking about this podcast on Spotify (and that I would LOVE this version of The Riddler). I distinctly remember laying in a hammock falling asleep to Edward Nygma berate listeners over their stupid riddles and questions. (I later almost fell out of the hammock when I heard a southern Jonathan Crane). Rogues! was my little safe space for a long time. I kept it close to my chest. I was dealing with a lot of very emotional things that summer and Rogues! made me happy. It made me feel better. I could turn on an episode and I knew I would feel at least a bit better. November 11th is another very special day in my heart and journey with Rogues! (and the greater Codotverse) That was the day I uploaded my very first tiktok about the podcast and it was just supposed to be a silly little joke. Nothing was supposed to come of it. I even made a joke about how niche it was. I tagged the creator himself, Codot aka TheVoiceBoss, not expecting anything of it but it changed everything. I became a prominent tiktok creator who made Codotverse content. I started making friends through the podcast.
@sh4pes-4nd-colors and I became campaign managers for a season. We're managing a zine dedicated to Rogues! called Rogues! the Fanzine. We're making our own story driven podcast.
My best friend in the entire world @lunar-scapes and I got internships across the country together and we're going to be living together.
All of this sprouted from the love of a singular creative project from two people that truly do love what they do regardless of the popularity or monetary compensation.
Alls this to say. Thank you @voiceboss for everything you've done knowingly or unknowingly for me. Rogues! provides me a comfort not many pieces of media can. It means the absolute world to me. Rogues! reignited my love in DC comics (and comics in general) and I cannot thank you enough for everything you and Dee have done. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to next year of fun and dastardly schemes.
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duckprintspress · 6 months
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Ended up at almost exactly double our initial funding goal.
Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about this campaign, and of course to all our awesome backers. We're excited to move on to the next steps on this, and we'll be able to make 8 designs, which is YAY!
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dirtybitfic · 1 month
Company pt5
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(last part to this series)
The next morning we had woken up and spent most of the day going to different wineries and vineyard tasting many different flavors and soaking up the sun and the beauty of France.
Me and Matt have grown so close over this trip and i'm so happy but I still have that small voice in my head telling me that this relationship is wrong and that it's not going to last.
The last couple of days we had left of our trip were spent lounging around on the beach , going on boat rides, eating delicious food at there most beautiful restaurants, amazing sex like A LOOOT of amazing sex , and deep conversations about life and past things we've been through .
Today we are headed back home and honestly i'm sad , if I could stay in France for the rest of my life I would . We're are settling in on the jet when I get an email from the producers of the campaign video . " Matt come here I just got an email from the campaign producer" I say patting the seat next to me. " That was pretty fast" he says kind of shocked how quickly they had pieced it together. " I know god I don't know why i'm so nervous to watch it " I say as I play with my necklace nervously. " It'll be great now come on I wanna watch my girl look beautiful in a commercial" he says making me blush and smile .
I open the email reading over it . The producer said it's almost fully done but wanted to get our input before finalizing all the details and releasing it . I watch in awe as Les filles desir by Vendredi sur mer plays through the speakers . We both watch as the video plays out , the scenes look so perfect I still cant get over how I actually pulled it off but I couldn't be more happy with how the commercial turned out. It ends and we both look at each other smiling " wow that was..." I say shocked " Yeah I mean wow its amazing" matt says and I nod in agreement . " I honestly have no feedback its perfect" I say and he nods " Yeah me neither I think its as perfect as can be" he says and I smile "great ill let them know its definitely ready to go" I say as I shoot and email back to him and thanking him for being an amazing producer.
We both fall asleep through the flight watching a movie . When we land we get our bags back into Matts car thats waiting for us and drive back to my apartment . The second I get in we both throw our bags down and I hop onto my bed laying down on the plush comforter smiling as I sink into it. " Im exhausted " I say as I yawn . " I know this jet lag is going to kill us both" Matt says as he flops down next to me . I look over at him smiling and he smiles back. " I really enjoyed being in France with you Matt it was truly an amazing experience " I say and he smiles wider " Im glad you enjoyed it and i'm glad we got to spend time together you're an amazing woman" He says and I blush burying my face in the comforter. " How about I order some food and we can watch some movies we won't be working for the next week so we can realign our sleep schedules " he says and I smile and nod " That sounds perfect" I say as I get up and start unpacking
Skip 8 months
Me and Matt are now fully dating , Ive sadly stopped working as his assistant strictly because of company rules and policies that would be effected and broken by our relationship. I've moved in with Matt and have a night job working as a bartender at a club . Matt said I didn't need to work because I mean obviously he has more money than he'd ever know what to do with but I said I needed something to keep me busy . I enjoy bartending its fun especially the people watching . I work with one of my best friends Ella which definitely makes it more enjoyable , we just fuck around and talk while working .
I just got off a shift when Matt pulls up in the parking lot opening my door for me to get in. " Hi gorgeous how was work ?" he asks I smile "Good my feet are killing me though these heels may look good but they definitely don't feel good" I say as I slump into my seat . " I'll give you a deep massage when we get home how does that sound?" he asks and I nod my head quickly " Yes please , but how was your day?" I ask and he shakes his head " My new assistant fucked up a couple of my meeting schedules today and it was a mess so I had to fire her " he says and I shake my head " i'm sorry I mean no one is ever gonna be as good as me you know" I say jokingly and he laughs " Your not wrong about that" he says making me smile .
We get home and take a long hot shower before we're in bed and Matt is rubbing oil on my body giving me the best massage Ive ever had. He slowly makes his way up to my thighs really working at the sore mussels . The higher he gets the more wet and horny I get for him. "Someones getting a lil excited " Matt jokes as his finger ghost over my soaked pussy. " Fuck sorry it just feels so good " I say and he smirks "Don't ever apologize for getting wet for me " he says before he slides two fingers into my entrance making me gasp . He finger fucks me as I hold a tight grip on his bicep moaning and whimpering in pleasure . I release on his fingers before he's shoving into me fucking me so hard I see stars. I could never get tired of this . Having Matt forever would be amazing I mean if he asked me to marry his tomorrow I would in a heart beat.
*skip 6 months
Today Matt and I are leaving for a 3 day trip to France . Im so excited I can barely sit still . Were going back to the place we stayed for the campaign shoot and i'm over the moon.
We land and i'm practically sprinting out of the jet to take in the beautiful scenery i've missed so much . I see the older man standing with a large smile on his face watching me practically bust my ass from excitement . " James its so lovely to see you" I say as I greet him in a warm hug. " Ahh belle fille ( means beautiful girl) i'm so happy to see your face again" he says as he places a sweet kiss on my cheek . James and Matt greet each other happily and talk to each other in French sadly I cant understand a word they are saying .
We makes our way up the penthouse suit and set our bags down and take a quick power nap before getting ready for a surprise Matt says he has planned . I just finished my hair and makeup when Matt comes waltzing into the bathroom holding up a beautiful dress . " wow matt that dress is beautiful " I say as I get up and glide my hand over the shiny material. " It'll look even more beautiful on you especially with these" he says holding up a pare of beautiful of jimmy choo heels." Matt ... my god these must have cost a fortune" I say in shock . " I would spend every cent I have on you , you know that" he says making me smile endearingly up at him . I give him a hug and thank him before I get dressed and walk back out into the room grabbing the last things I need and slipping them into my purse.
We hop in a car and the driver takes us to a helicopter. I look over at Matt who's just smiling and ushering me out of the car. " Where are we going?" I ask in excitement since he's been keeping it a secret all damn day. " You'll see , come on" he says smiling widely at me and ushering me into the helicopter. " Bonjuer" the pilot greets and I great him back. Matt helps me buckle in the gets himself buckled and then were off . Ive never been in a helicopter mostly because it always seemed so scary but its actually pretty amazing.
As we fly over the beautiful scenery we get closer to the ocean and i've never seen anything more beautiful . Matt grabs my hand and point over to something in the distance . I follow the line of his hand and look out to see what I think is and island . " Thats where we're going " Matt says and I smile . The closer we get the more I can make out home beautiful the island is . " Wow" I gasp as we get to the spot we're landing in. " Welcome to lies Lavezzi island" the pilot says and I smile and thank him for taking us here . I get out with matts help and he takes my hand leading me down further on the rocky train to a cliffside by the water. " Its so beautiful " I gasp as I let go of matts hand and look around at the crystal clear water surrounding us . I get confused when he doesn't say anything so I turn to look at him .
I turn to see Matt down on one knee smiling at me . I gasp as I out my hand over my mouth and tears start to form in my eyes.
" Y/n , when I first met you the day you walked into my office I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen . As time grew I slowly started falling for you , I knew it was unprofessional but I just couldn't keep you out of my head . The last time we were here I finally got to have you and ever since then I've known I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Every second I spend with you I find new reasons I love you and never want to let you go ... so y/n will you marry me ?"
The tears stream down my face as my entire body shakes with joy and my head nods so quickly it might fall off " yes yes yes matt " I say smiling as he gets up and slides the beautiful ring on my finger. He hugs me as we look out at the water smiling like the happiest people on earth. I take a look at the ring on my still shaking hands . " Do you like it?" he asks and I nod " I love it , it's beautiful matt" I say as I smile up at him and bring him into a kiss .
*skip 7 months
Our wedding was beautiful , having our family and friends all in one room was amazing . Ive never been this happy in my life , as I look around at everyone smiling and talking , having drinks and dancing the smile that spreads upon my face is so big my cheeks hurt. " Mrs. Sturniolo , may I have this dance?" Matt asks smiling I nod as I take his hand " Wow Mrs. Sturniolo ... I cant believer thats me " I say as we both laugh and dance close together to the slow song . " I love you so much" I say as I rest my head on his chest " I love you more" he says as he places a kiss on my head .
After a long night of talking , dancing and drinking . We're are finally off to our honeymoon . I chose Greece and our first destination so thats were we are headed . We sleep on the jet and once we finally reach the end of the flight I buzzing with excitement. We take a car into Skopelos , I watch out of the window taking in the scenery , I specifically chose this part of Greece because of my love for mama Mia and this is where they filled it. As I kid I dreamed of going to Greece after watching mama Mia , its crazy to actually be here it all feels so surreal.
After a lovely week in Greece filled with amazing food , people , boat rides and swimming we are off to Matts pick of a honeymoon destination Paraty ,Brazil . I was overjoyed when he chose Brazil since its so beautiful but especially Paraty becauseee one of my favorite movies was filmed there . It was specifically in the second to last Twilight movie when they were on their honeymoon .
The second we reach the house we will be staying at my jaw drops at how beautiful it really is here . The house is on a secluded part of land and we can walk right out onto the beach from the back porch .
We spend most of out time tanning , swimming , having a lot of rough veryyy rough sex and just enjoying spending our time with each other somewhere so beautiful.
We are finally heading back home today and to be honest Im sad but i'm ready to get back home and get back into the groove of things . Matt has insisted I stop working and this time I obliged , I love working but honestly I don't mind being a stay at home wife but only because Matt makes so much money on a daily bases that I genuinely do not have to work .
*skip 2 years
Today is our daughters first birthday , I've never felt so filled with joy and contentment . Our daughter is the light of our lives . Seeing Matt with Sage makes my heart flutter every single time . She got his eyes and nose, two of my favorite features on him but she got my wavy/ curly hair , my thick dark eyebrows and tan skin . She is truly the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and I cant wait to watch this family grow.
Crazy to think that my hot boss is now my husband and father to our beautiful baby girl but I couldn't ask for a better life .
The end.
( I know this shit has been long overdue trust i've been so busy this summer I haven't found much time to write but i'm getting back into the groove )
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