#but when I look in the mirror and I don't see a twig anymore it's like who is that. that's not me.
jellogram · 8 months
None of my clothes fucking fit me anymore and I'm like leaning over the bathroom counter gritting my teeth going "this is fine this is fine this is fine" because I'm trying to dress cute for my night out but I haven't dressed cute in so long that none of my cool clothes fit me and I look ridiculous and I want to cry. I'm trying really hard to be okay with my weight but I have this really nice leather jacket I got for my birthday a few years ago and it's too small for me now.
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thatguywhofedme · 2 years
Scooter bound
I looked in the rear view mirror as I see you stuffing yourself with your second family size bucket of chicken, tearing into it like an animal with gravy all over your face and clothes
You saw that i was enjoying the show and decided to lift up your shirt to rub and squeeze that big gut of yours with your hand covered in grease and chicken crumbs
"glad... You're..... Happy.... With the...... Results... Frrrrttthhh..... Ufffff...... Of your...... Deeds....."
You couldn't help but blow a kiss towards the direction of your massive partner while they continued
"I.... Know.... You..... Wanted me..... Big....... UUUUUuuuuuuurrrrrrppppppp........ Mmmmmhhh....... But you've...... Made...... Me..... Gigantic......"
Indeed that's exactly what you've done, with your incessant need to stuff more down your piggy's throat with all the takoeout imaginable and literal lard shakes, in seven years, you've transformed a skinny twig into a 694lbs slob that only wants to eat, fuck and get fatter each day
"that's the goal dearie, but you're still too skinny for me, I mean you're still able to come shopping with me and that's unacceptable, we need you pinned to your bariatric bed instead of using that scooter to go anywhere"
The scooter was barely able to move under its own power anymore, it's not that easy to transport almost 700lbs of blubber, who would've guessed
It was fitted with an oxygen tank in the back with a cannula that was needed pretty much all the time
While you heard a moan from the back because of what was said, you saw your destination approaching
"we're almost there sweetie, you better finish that bucket quickly"
You said as you saw your partner eating even faster, finishing the bucket as you parked the custom van in the handicap spot
You open the sliding door and wait for the ramp to lower itself as your partner move the scooter down the ramp and you two head towards walmart
"you better be ready to fill this basket of yours, you're going to need all the calories you can to reach 700lbs in at least two weeks"
"yes........ Daddy........."
You both got into the store, picked up a shopping cart and began feeling it up full of frozen pizza's, cakes and other unhealthy treats
After a while, you felt someone squeeze your butt from behind
"honey....... I'm..... Uuurrp... So Hungry....."
You thought about it and had an idea
"follow me"
You heard the scooters engine struggling to work with all the added weight but saw your feedee following you nonetheless
You got to the bathroom and held the door open for the scooter
"get into the handicap stall, I'll be back in a sec"
You said winking at your morbidly obese partner
You came back with a box of cupcakes, a cake, a bag of chips and a 2 liter of orange crush
You got into the stall and locked the door behind
You began feeding your partner the bag of chips by hand, which was empty in not even a minute
Then it was time for the cupcakes, plopping one at a time in your partners mouth while chewing them
And finally, it was time for the cake but.....
"honey...... I'm...... Getting..... Really..... Full...... I...... Dont think...... I'll be...... Able........ To...... Do..... This...... Bwaaaaarrrrppp"
You looked into their eyes and they knew exactly they had fucked up
You took the 2l bottle, opened and began pouring the content down their throat
After 2 minutes of hearing your partner struggling to drink the fizzy content, you took the bottle away from their lips when the content was empty and waited for their stomach to release the air
After a few seconds, you heard a loud
Then, you uncovered the cake, put your hand behind their head and pushed their face in the cake
"don't you dare say that to me, you WILL eat everything I put in front of you piggy whether you want to or not"
You heard your partner chewing as fast as their chubby cheeks would allow them and that's when you both heard it
The sound of the door opening with footsteps coming towards your stall
You knew you were fucked if they discovered you had "stolen" some food to feed your partner
Fortunately the door to the stall next to you opened and not even five minutes later, they were gone
You looked at your partner and realized they were very horny
Rubbing your legs and wanting a sloppy kiss
You obliged and that's when they spilled the beans
"this...... Was...... So...... Hot...... Fuck....... Me......... Uuuuurrrrppp........ Now......."
You started kissing your blobby partner while reaching between their huge thighs and finding what you were looking for
You both began breathing heavier, well, your partner was more panting and wheezing like the fat pig they are
You then got your hands in the cake and began feeding them the rest of it by hand
"you sexy pig, look at you, so fat you're not even able to get yourself off properly, at least you got me to help with this little issue of yours, which I'm sure you don't mind"
To clarify your point, your partner put their hand behind your head and pulled you in for a kiss, exchanging bits of cake while making out
Your partner then began oddibly moaning and when they were about to cum, you put their face in the rest of the cake to make it even messier, but also to muffle the scream of ecstasy coming out of their greedy mouth
Seeing your satisfied partner panting like never before, you began cleaning the mess and licking all the frosting from their face and fingers while catching their breath
"now....... That..... Hit...... The....... Frrrrttthhh........ Spot........"
You kissed them and began making your way out of the stall while watching your partners ass sag off to the sides and grabbing some blubber in the process
You continued your shopping for more gluttonous treats to feed your piggy later on
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birlwrites · 2 years
hey there!
first of all, happy new year!! hope it’s a lovely one for you <3
your 2022 fic roundup post reminded me of that barty and sirius wip you’ve mentioned, and how curious i am about their dynamic because, like, it’s barty crouch jr. and sirius black. i think everyone in wizarding britain expects something to blow up if they ever find themselves alone in the same room.
sooo, yeah, for your next rambling session, if there’s anything you feel like sharing about this one, i’d love to hear !!
— 💌
HELLOOOOOOO happy new year! (a bit belated, since i sometimes save asks for later - now that my semester's started again, i imagine i won't be saving asks for very long anymore since Motivation)
ok so the first thing you need to know is that while i have always thought barty and sirius are similar, and that crops up in a lot of my fics, and barty even declares his love for sirius in career goals: tyrant, i did not actually get the *idea* for this fic until i was writing implode--.
barty and sirius are both stubborn, rather confrontational, and loyal (verging on possessive in their less healthy iterations). they have complicated relationships with their families and, in the birl cinematic universe, are basically mirror images of each other. they kind of do the same thing, but to put it the same way that barty does in this untitled wip, barty is running towards the exact thing sirius is running from. (sort of.)
in the barty and sirius wip, much like in implode--, they start off on the wrong foot immediately. given their positioning on opposite sides (although the barty and sirius one might be a no war au, i haven't decided, but there are still very much Sides b/c regulus), and their wholehearted commitment to those aforementioned sides, i don't know if there's really any way they could get along right away
at the same time, though, over the course of that obligatory initial fight, they match each other step for step. it's a 'whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same (derogatory?)' situation, where they see themselves in each other and then are immediately trapped in a fairly small space hiding from filch together and therefore MUST stop fighting.
when they can't fight with each other, they keep slipping into banter - they can't really help themselves. and of course it has an edge to it, because they *were* just fighting, but if they're not careful, they might forget to be enemies
they won't be careful
excerpt under the cut!
"I should've hit you," Crouch muses softly, without looking at him. "More cathartic. Fewer teachers after me."
Sirius can't help scoffing. Crouch may be tall, but that's about the only thing he has going for him. Sirius played Beater for Gryffindor for years and goes head-to-head with a fully grown werewolf once a month. "I'd snap you like a twig."
"Hm." Crouch glances his way, presumably so Sirius can see him smirking. "I'd like to see you try." He reaches up one sleeve and takes out something that gleams in the faint golden light.
Sirius doesn't need good lighting to know what that is. He grew up surrounded by those things. "Does Regulus know you carry around a ritual knife in public?"
"Who said this was a ritual knife?" Crouch flips his grip and puts the knife back up his sleeve. "Did get it in Knockturn Alley, but nobody in Diagon Alley sells weapons."
"And you need a weapon, do you?"
"Nah." Crouch grins. "I just like sharp things."
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royaletiquette · 2 years
When Marlo had rushed inside the bedroom of Hibiko, it was only under his fox appearance. He had been chased for at least three miles by hungry dogs, fighting for his life, running and sliding his thin body between the trees, under the carriages, inside the henhouse. His magic was decreasing, and he couldn’t perfectly handle it anymore, which was very much enraging. He had feared for his life, his heartbeat still erratic inside of his chest. The fox, covered in mud, feathers and other dust, eventually pushed the door with his snout and turned around to come see the princess. With a quiet crack, he was back under his human form, his fox attributes still on display though. 
“Hibiko! Send your guards! Send your soldiers! I was chased by devilish creators on your lands!” He whined, his body bearing the marks of the intense fights. The clothes he had been wearing were ripped, exposing a generous amount of his skin; he was even close from being butt naked at this point. “Look at me! My skin! My hair! It’s ruined!” He turned around and rushed in front of the mirror, watching with sorrow the damages caused by the dogs, trying to remove those feathers from his hair. He was hurt, but it was fine, and he knew he could heal and make all these marks disappear… BUT STILL! “Look at me! Look at what they did to me! How dare these inferior creatures breathe near me!” 
There were dramatic tears in his eyes when he turned around and flattened himself in front of her; the fox was pathetic, whining, full of needs and demands. His pride was cruelly hurt. “My princess…” He slowly caught her fingers, dragging her hand to his ears. “Please, ease my pain, ease my soul! Pet me! Love me!” // he's winning the demanding contest in every way fgsydgf
"Your Highness!" Her hand was slowly removed from Marlo, looking towards the voice calling to her from down the hall. She glanced back at the ruined man, blank with scattered thoughts about what to deal with first, what to question first. All she knew the fastest answer was to step aside from blocking the door she came from, allowing Marlo to hide from unwanted eyes as the steps quickly approached her door.
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"My princess, are you okay?" The butler walked over, relieved by the sight, or lack thereof. "You're not hurt?” Her baffled state kept her features free of any other emotions. Shitsuo’s own confusion briefly settled in, looking towards the vague trail twigs and dirt that lead him there, Hibiko’s eyes following suit.  "It was a bird," she politely lied. The butler then looked to the balcony door that just so happened to be opened early to let in fresh air. "I see." With a nod and deep breath, he took a step back to calm himself. Meanwhile, the princess stood there, still in the dark for what had gotten everyone all up and at arms. Shitsuo seemed to fix himself before finally explaining, "I'm sorry, I panicked. A couple of your father's hunting dogs ran in through one of the side entrances--" "A dog." "Yes, your Highness. You know they don't let them loose anywhere near the home, so when I heard-" hesitation before a deep bow. "I thought I heard something come up here as well, I'm sorry, my nerves got the better of me. It won't happen again."
As good of an apology as any for justified panic, but Hibiko was no longer listening. Her gaze had fallen from his as the stunning fear that previously gripped her, had quickly moved to anger. Repeating Marlo’s words back to herself, the fox apparently thinking it best to simply run from danger than using whatever magic he was equipped with.
She placed a hand on his shoulder to dismiss him before verbally doing so. "You may check on the maids downstairs, I'm fine." The commotion no longer mattered, she thought. It was obvious the cause of all of it was probably staring into the mirror in her bathroom right now. 
Hibiko turned back to the washroom door once alone, shoving Marlo back in as he tried to lunge at her for comfort, and harshly closed to door behind her. "A dog!"
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"Those devilish beasts were dogs? I thought foxes were supposed to be smart, how did you get bested by a hound?" Hibiko berated him, talking over his attempted defense. "I can’t believe you, all the trouble being caused as of late. You have the gall to waltz into my home, give falsely-based promises on whatever I wish because of my crying heart or whatever stupid excuse you used, and you can't handle a couple of kai ken?"
"I told you to be careful! He's a King and we have a stable of horses, what did you think he did in his free time? Groom them?" Another puff of irritation, hearing the whine in her voice slip through. "I'm not trying to go downstairs one day and run into him wanting to show off this dead, mutated fox he wants to get stuffed because you were what, busy hunting birds or something?" Anger quickly turned to frustration at the thought, her brow softening just enough. "We can give you food if that's what you need. I mean for gods sake, they aren't the most obnoxious dogs, but surely you heard them coming?"
Marlo was able to get a few words out this time before an eyeroll and a heavy sigh came out of Hibiko, clearly not listening right now anyways. "Just. . . Shut up and take a bath. You have dirt from half the kingdom hanging off of you. Just don't cause more problems and flood my floors."
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takabinaryy · 3 months
Pumpkin Patch
( this was originally written during October in 2022) Caregiver- Stolas Little-Blitzo 3-5 Agere age. Blitzo calls stolas "birdie" because I said so.
During October in hell of course it was a cold and a very windy day. Full of demons planning and scheming for plans for everyone's favorite Time of year. No it wasn't Christmas. It's Halloween of course! A certain owl prince , had plans for his little love. Pumpkin picking, making fall treats , watching movies and such. However Stolas's little love work up small today, that definitely didn't change thier plans for today. So after breakfast the little imp was scooped up into his birdie's arms , and back into their shared room.
" Birdie nu we gotta go outside! The leafs need messin wit!"
" Yes yes I know you want to jump in the leaf piles. However it's cold out and I would definitely hate it if you got sick."
" Hmm kitty ears hat? "
"Yes you can wear your cat beanie , now let's get you dressed in warmer clothes , Little one"
And just like that Blitzo pouts but that turns into a smile when he's handed his beloved horse stuffie"Milkshake". Stolas hums a little tune as he goes through the little clothes he had gotten the imp , over the years of supporting his husband's coping mechanism. The owl demon finds some cute warm clothes and brings it to the toddler on the bed showing Blitzo the clothes. Of course the regressed male doesn't really care about the other clothes, he does however make grabby hands at the cat beanie. Which makes Stolas laugh in amusement and gets his little love dressed in a adorable black knitted sweater with tiny white ghosts all over it, paired with grey overalls. And the cute black cat eared Beanie that the baby made grabby hands at a moment ago.
It even has custom made extra yarn bits to cover the imp's horns so they don't get cold.(blitzo's horns are sensitive to the cold) And lastly Stolas puts on the warm fuzzy pumpkin socks and little dock martins on the baby's feet. Honestly blitzo was very adorable dressed like that especially when the little one was so happy about the the beanie and the leaf piles. Blitzo jumps off the bed to go look into the full length mirror to see the beanie. A smile spreads on his face loving the outfit mostly the beanie.(it was a gift from his sister , that's why it's so well loved)
Now that they are outside the regressed one of the two immediately runs off and jumps in all seven piles of leaves in the front yard. Once all piles are no longer in well piles anymore, Stolas dusts off the leaves and twigs off his little one before picking him up and, settling the toddler on his hip and begins their walk through the park and to Blitzo's work place to meet up with Millie and Moxxie. Now hours later the group is now at Millie's family farm that just so happens to have a pumpkin patch. And where are loona and Octavia you ask? Well the two are actually costume shopping doing their own thing together, you know sisterly bonding moments , at least that's what Stolas likes to call it. Blitzo himself was getting excited seeing all the pumpkins everywhere he wanted to definitely get out his Birdie's hold and run to all, the pumpkins however before the group got there. He did promise stolas he would behave and be good while they were here. Something about respect? Eh who knows.
" Now blitzy sweetheart if I put you down will you not run off without me? Hmm?"
Stolas asks being a little curious about his little dove's answer. Since said imp is known for needing a backpack leash sometimes. Heck even when not regressed to. Anyway said little nods his head yes before answering verbally instead.
" I promises birdie! "
" alright little one , birdie will put you down now. Sweetheart "
True to his word , stolas puts his Little one down with a gentle pat to the other's head. The owl smiles with amusement as the imp takes his caregiver's hand and happily leads the other to the pumpkins. Having excitement written all over his face and even waves at Millie's parents , seeing them helping a few kids pick out their pumpkins. After a while Stolas's little imp had picked 5 pumpkins, four regular ones, and a small white one. Millie actually laughed when she saw her regressed boss try and carry all five pumpkins by himself. When two of them fell from his hold, stolas stepped in to help and just put the two that fell in a wagon with the two other pumpkins that Moxxie and Millie had actually picked out. Once they gotten back to the castle (all three imps and wolf were staying there for the upcoming holidays)
Stolas had put his little one down for a nap in his room. And then helping the other two imps clean off the pumpkins of all the dirt and such. Octavia and Loona come back exactly two hours later with a few bags in their hands. Two of them set the bags down next to the now cleaned up pumpkins on the table. Via looks over at the two imps and can't help but laugh at the two , Moxxie is trying but failing at trying to stick on those rubber bats on the wall, they keep falling off each time he puts more tape on it.
" Mox Honey just hand the darn thing to me instead, I'll just tac it to the wall instead."
" The stupid things just don't like me, that's all. "
" Thier rubber decorations sugar"
Moxxie huffs then hands of the box over the Halloween decorations to his wife. Millie just kisses his cheek and helps him out on readjusting the bats on the walls with tacks instead of the tape. Loona of course rolls her eyes at the mushy lovey dovey couple, then walks over the Kitchen to get the knifes for carving the pumpkins.
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twiggystarrdust · 2 years
Book 4 taster part 2 - Warning
Twiggy walks tentatively up towards the tall wooden door, her hand outstretched. She had waited a few hours since waking up herself before attempting to speak to Fiona, and she wanted to make sure she wasn't going to wake the beast like she had the previous evening. 
“Come in”
Before her knuckles hit the wood, she hears Fiona's muffled voice call from behind the door. The lifts the latch and steps inside, looking towards the large mass of duvets forming a cocoon around a wriggling mess. Slowly Fiona's head appears from an opening, followed by the top of her torso as she gestures for twiggy to come closer and sit.
“I heard you hovering out there” Fiona explains, pointing a thumb towards the door. 
“I wasn't sure if you’d be awake,” Twiggy replies, her hands twitching at the ruffles of her skirt. “Fiona, are you alright?”
“Yes. I’m fine. I’m practically perfect” Fiona says, swinging her legs out from her cave of slumber and standing up to stretch. She steps towards her dressing table to begin brushing her hair, catching a glimpse of twiggy's reflection in the mirror and softening. 
“I know why you're here, and I appreciate the care and thought twig, I do. You want us all to not fight, but families do fight, families make mistakes, it's about growth” She says, lowering herself down onto a chair, “I was offended that fondle didn't confide in me his not being ok. And I found out most of it he thinks is tied to Rafiki and the consumer curse. I knew this, I just… I just didn't think he was holding onto that blame, that grief that want for it all to be over. He doesn't want consumers here. He wants them all gone... Including us. All of us, for Thraa’s sake. We are a corruption too. I don't want him to be hurt anymore. He has had enough pain in his life for any gelfling lifetimes. I know fondle and he lets it build, he internalised and it makes him blind. If fondle is blind he will fall. If he falls, I fall with him. Fondle has to be okay.”
She places the hairbrush down and continues towards her drawers to choose fresh clothes and lays them out, avoiding twiggy’s gaze.
“so I'm teaching a few lessons now, I'm taking the initiative. Corelle has been just the catalyst, and then your game just set it off. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your game, but I was also tipsy.”
She eventually looks towards Twiggy, a slight look fo guilt in her eye.
“We were all tipsy," Twiggy replies, "and some of the things you said were right. Secrets will tear us all apart, and somehow I started to think that little secrets would keep everything running smoothly.  You know Fondle better than anyone else, and I know you want what's best for him, The problem is he wants the same for you. But keeping up appearances is not always best, and your family can't help you if you don't tell them what's wrong.”
Twiggy rises to her feet taking a hold of Fiona’s hand. 
“And for the record, I don't just see you as a bit of a thief, you're also incredibly talented, my best friend and a fabulous dream lover and more,” she says, laughing, glad to see a smile forming on Fiona’s face too. “Now, You've helped me so let me help you. What do you need me to do?”
Fiona gives Twiggy’s hand a reassuring squeeze back, then starts to change into her freshly laid out clothes while she speaks. 
“Nothing to be done twiggy, I've said my piece, and I'm now just going to call out crap when I see it. I will have my own secrets, and I’m sure you will have yours too, but we all need to be straight forwards when it comes to Thraa. Fondle wants to save Thraa which means I want to save thraa, and I know you do too, but we can all agree religion isn't going to be the way it's done. Thraa knows we can't stop Rafiki or any religion for that matter, but we're not pandering around to his kind any longer. They must accept us too, all of us, even those who don’t follow his ways, so we don't have situations like what happened in the farmlands again. It's an out-of-control religion, and it's not helping heal Thraa, it's diving it. I never want to have to steal food from pumberites to feed starving kids again. That's all I have to say about it.”
She fastens her cloak shut and heads towards her door, hesitating before opening it to leave and turning back. 
“I love you twiggy… just, don't fall into any religious sway, it's not gonna help anyone, and from what I can tell people like your cousin has it coming. If i were you I'd try to distance yourself from him.” 
With a quick flick of the red cloak in the doorframe, Fiona leaves. Twiggy remains still for a moment, thoughtful. She understood that Rafiki’s religious order was flawed, but she hadn't realised how much damage it had caused and was continuing to cause. Adam had already warned her that he intended to move on Rafiki, however, Fiona’s warning filled her with doubt. The thought of delving into the conflict surrounding Bethany's true relation to Adam was too much to think about right now, but Twiggy knew it was an explosion waiting to happen, and it was up to her when she dared light to fuse.
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fweh-rvv · 2 years
Forgotten Curse: Sukuna x Curse! Reader:
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Art by me (RosaliavonVaugh is my other account, but I mainly use Rodivi)
I scroll through my phone seeing speech bubbles fly past like there's no tomorrow.
Wow. I can't believe how good this series is! I wish I could meet some of my favorite characters... Does that make me a simp? Meh.
With the dirt brushing against my sneakers, I take in a deep breath enjoying the fresh air. Avoiding the prickly shrubs and ferns I make my way down the powdery path.
"Come here y/n."
I stopped, sweating at how close that voice sounded. Nothing appeared to be out of place, just trees, ivy, and ferns. Regaining some semblance of strength, I take one step forward and then another. Until I'm in a full-on sprint. Thinking that I am far away from whatever the hell that was, I push myself up against a tree. Black dots spot my vision.
"Don't run from me."
Is that? No, it couldn't be. He isn't in this realm. That's impossible.
I glance around myself once more to check if he is here. Sweat is soaking my shirt and my heart drops at the disaster waiting to happen. I eased out of my hiding spot and stepped back onto the pathway.
Something shoved me forward and as I stretched my arms to brace myself there was nothing underneath me. A bright light engulfs my body as I begin to tumble down into the unknown.
I huddle into myself and spin wishing I could grab onto a branch or even a twig to keep me grounded. Yet there is nothing. Blue lights swirl around me when I dare to peek at my fate. It kind of reminds me of a raspberry slushy. A brush of air vaults me upward, slowing my descent and I shiver. Holding my breath, I wish to forget the flipping my stomach is doing.
Am I going to die?
Nausea bubbles up within me and I clasp a hand over my mouth. Which does little to help. 
Should I say my final farewells? Eh...too late for that.
The ocean of blues fades away and all I hear is ringing.  Everything hurts.
The world spins as I open my eyes. When I attempt to move, my legs shock me with pain. I give up on moving, I try to figure out how to stop the world from swirling first.
My eyesight whooshes like a merry-go-round. In an attempt of desperation, I stare at one spot for what feels like forever until my vision stills.
One problem is fixed and then another starts. 
My legs appear as a mangled mess of noodles. And the pain comes back with a vengeance.
God fucking dammit.
I don't recognize where I am. What I can only assume to be my phone is covered in cracks like a shattered mirror. When I turn it on the screen glitches and different colors fill in the spots between the shards.
First, I wake up in a place I don't know. Then, the vertigo and of course my phone doesn't work. Even BETTER. And the pain, oh god the pain. 
Then my legs start healing. 
What    the    fuck.
The pain begins to subside and I shove my phone back into my pocket. 
I'm starting to question my humanity at this rate.
I rest my face in my hands before checking my other pockets.
A wallet?
Popping open the clip on the leather wallet I find my ID. 
At least I know some things about myself now. 
I inhale before taking in the environment. The city. I glance up at the writing on the signs and recognize that it's Japanese. One more look at my ID confirms this is not home. I make an attempt to push myself off the ground. And somehow my legs hold albeit shaking. 
At least they aren't bent in the wrong direction anymore. Heh. 
Grinding my teeth together from the pain, I mosey onward searching for anything familiar but I come up blank. 
It would be great if I knew how I ended up in a tiny side street in the middle of Japan. Ah! I need to look for a main road. Find people, find help. LOGIC.
I nod my head and gestured my hands forward toward the road in front of me. But when I ask a passerby for directions but they ignore me. On the second try, I talk a bit louder this time and go to another person. That's when I see my reflection in a store window. I have two small horns poking out of my head and black markings all over my arms. 
"Hey! Watch where you're..." Startled, I freeze awestruck that a person just strolled right through me no problem. Stumbling back, I grasp my shoulders, chills creeping all over my body. I catch myself still mystified by what just happened.
I'm not human anymore. 
"You know what, I'll just roam far, far away from people. That did not just happen." I pull my hands down my face and cover my nose and mouth for a moment to regain even a little bit of my sanity.
Meanwhile at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School at the same time...
"I'mmmmmm back!!" Gojo waves with a huge grin on his face.
"Where were you?" Megumi shoves his hands into his coat pockets.
"I was getting mochi from Hokkaido! It's this new flavor called Strawberry Banana!" Gojo says with a glint in his eye.
"Not more souvenirs..." Megumi sighs.
"They are not souvenirs they are delicious, mouthwatering, savory goodness!!"
"..." Megumi shakes his head in disapproval.
"Itadori, how is your training going?" 
"I've been practicing on a new technique with Kugisaki." Yuji punches straight into the air and brings it back down with a smile.
Gojo stops smiling and stares off into the distance.
"Is something wrong Satoru?" Yuji asks.
It's nothing~." Gojo takes out his phone and calls Nanami.
"What do you want Gojo? I'm busy."
"Hey don't be like that."
"Actually...Did anything strange happen recently?"
"Unless you mean you calling me then no."
"You wound me Nanami."
"Hey! I wasn't done--Ah, he hung up. Maybe it really was nothing." Gojo mumbles. "Anyway...It's time for another mission!" Gojo flashes a toothy grin and finishes off the mochi.
Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara arrive at an alleyway that is fenced off with "no trespassing" signs.
"Where is Satoru?" Itadori asks.
"He probably has more important things to do." Megumi mentions.
"Should we split up? Stay together?" Nobara says.
"Let's just stay in a group for now." Megumi suggests.
Darkness creeps in as they wander the abandoned alleyway.
"Have we been here long?" Nobara says.
"Why?" Megumi says.
"It's dark already." Nobara stops walking forward.
"But we just got here?"
"You might want to look up." Nobara nods her head toward the sky.
"I'm pretty sure the sun isn't red." Megumi almost loses his footing when glancing up at the red sun.
"Do you think it's a domain?"
"Yes, and we're in the middle of it."
"Help me!" 
"Did you guys hear that?" Itadori says taking a few steps toward the noise.
"Help me!"
"Hear what?" Megumi says swinging his head to assess his surroundings. Then Yuji breaks off from the group further into the maze of streets.
"Itadori, come back!"
Running after Yuji they both get consumed by the darkness.
"Fushiguro! Itadori!" Nobara says.
Darkness closes in around her like ink spilling and blackening every object in the vicinity. When she goes to follow, she gets caught in something.
"What? I can't move my legs." Nobara finds her feet stuck to the ground and struggles to move. Cold breath is on her face. It's a curse. It was an amalgamation of eyes, arms, hands, and teeth. She aims with hammer in hand and hits a few nails at the enemy. But there is no wail of pain, only a wide smile. The curse lands on top of her back and takes a bite out of her shoulder.
"Bastard! Think you can get me while I'm down." Reaching for more nails she realizes one of her hands is stuck in the sticky substance. Her ribcage strains to hold together some breaking from the weight. Frantically she grabs the straw doll, whilst her back is being torn to pieces. 
"Aaah...Can't breathe." With her one free hand she throws the straw doll in front of her. Then she searches her wound for a part of the curse. A tooth. She screams the claws getting closer to her spine. Straining her body to its limits she breaks her other hand free of the slime. 
"It's over." She hits tooth to nail on the straw doll. It gets off her back letting out another wail and slumps over. The slime begins to dissipate and Nobara crawls pushing herself against the wall for support.
The liquid blackness recedes into the shadows of the alley. Blood soaks her wounds and she leans against the wall for support. She hobbles into the dark abyss as she searches for her friends.
  The desperate cry turns to a whisper as Yuji discerns where it came from. The alleyway becomes an endless stretch of road. It splits off into two paths, left and right. Darting his eyes back and forth he decides left. But a person stops him in his tracks. An outstretched hand seeks his.
"You're safe now." Itadori says reaching out.
His once hand is now a stub. Then, he's thrown into a concrete wall. Air is ripped from his lungs as he pushes himself to his feet. That's when he notices a string attached to the human's head. The curse flings the person around like a rag doll. Tearing part of his hood off he stops the bleeding with hand and mouth. He huffs and attempts to keep a calm mind. But when he goes to punch the curse, the human lure is put in front of him again. Not falling for the same trick twice he charges forward getting in a few good punches.
"AAAAAaaaaa...Friend?" The human lure is flung above and big droopy eyes look down at the two. Its mouth is thin yet tall and the teeth appear long. On top it has four red flower petals that sway and a puff of yellow is released from the head.
"Cover your mouth!" Megumi shouts as he makes a wing symbol with his hands. "Rue, go for the source!" The owl shikigami flies to the center of the flower and dives. 
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa..." The curse groans as the flower wilts. Yet the owl shikigami is nowhere to be seen. Yuji runs in covering his head with his hood and pummels the curse to a pulp with Divergent Fists. Spores of yellow land and the hood's fabric sizzles. 
"Acid?" Before Yuji can figure out what's happening, the human lure makes a return like a wrecking ball and Yuji smashes through one wall after another. 
While he recovers from the pain Megumi summons his Demon dogs and they leap forward ripping at the curse's body. And Rue rolls out twitching from the burns. 
"You did well."Megumi unsummons the owl shikigami and rushes to the holes where Yuji smashed into.
"Itadori, Itadori! Are you..." Megumi kneels and Yuji gives him a thumbs up. He offers an arm and they walk back to the alleyway.
"You're lucky you're still alive." Megumi sighs.
On the way back something lurks in the shadows eyeing them.
"What is that?!" Megumi startled goes back on guard.
The demon dogs begin their assault leaping into the darkness.
"Wait, wait please don't hurt--ah!" The curse grabs the shikigami's mouth to stop it from biting her but the other comes around and goes in for the kill.
   The curse shoves the shikigami back. The dog skids back claws scratching the concrete and circles their prey. Yuji shoves Megumi away, putting himself between the two and holds the demon dogs back.
"Fushiguro stop, can't you see she isn't doing any harm?" Yuji pleads.
"She is clearly trying to trick us." Megumi doesn't let up and Yuji has no choice but to defend the curse.
"She's not attacking us."
"A curse is a curse."
"Then where does that put me Fushiguro?"
   Yuji maintains his resolve arms spread and holding his ground. Yuji turns his head to get a better look at the "enemy". She appears human except for the horns and eyes like a snake.
"Exorcise them Itadori or I'll do it myself."
*Ring, ring*
Megumi's eyes dart to Yuji's pocket.
"Are you going to pick that up?" He's tempting him to take the call, waiting to get back on the offensive. Yuji gulps as he slowly reaches for his phone taking glimpses at Megumi when he finally answers.
"Hey~. Did you guys finish the mission?"
"We um...encountered a curse that asked for help."
"Never heard of that happening before. I'll be right over." Gojo suddenly appears between Megumi and Yuji.
"Sensei, seriously how do you do that?!" Yuji says in shock.
"I'll explain another time. So, where's this curse?" Gojo puts his hand to his forward like a salute and spins around until his eyes land on the curse cowering behind Yuji.
"What do you think?" Megumi asks.
"Asking for help...huh. What do you think you are human?"
Gojo laughs wiping a tear from his eye.
"Wow, I did not expect that. Well, I'll be taking them back to Jujutsu High for further investigation."
"Let's go." Gojo grabs the curse and teleports back.
"He's already gone. Have any idea what he's going to do with her?" Megumi says.
"Nope, I just hope she's still alive by the time we get back." Yuji says.
"Haaaa..haaa..." Nobara shuffles over barely keeping her footing.
"Did you guys exorcise all the curses in the area?"
"Never mind that. What happened to your back?"
"Nobara we need to get you back you've lost too much blood."
"So did you finish?" 
"One left."
"Where's the last one?"
"Gojo took her for interrogation."
"Shit, I don't think I can stand for much longer." Nobara trips and almost loses her balance.
"Nobara!" Both Yuji and Megumi say at the same time rushing over to their friend. 
"Yuji your hand...! Damn, we really need to go back." Megumi sighs.
"I'm alright...it kinda' just happened."
"Just happened? Who the hell says that!" Nobara smacks him upside the head, "Be more careful next time."
"Jeez no need to hit me so hard..."
"You should really get your hand checked...out." Nobara says as she loses consciousness.
"Nobara!" Megumi and Yuji rush over and see her back. The claw marks that stretched across her torso made her back more similar to chopped meat instead of human flesh. Megumi picks Nobara up carrying her on his back.
"Megumi I can help if you want--"
"You're already hurt enough as is. Just focus on getting back."
A large explosion goes off in the distance and debris rains down. Yuji glances at Megumi with a knowing look.
"Go Yuji, I need to take Nobara back to get treatment."
Yuji nods and runs off toward the explosion. When he reaches the place all he can see is a large open area with rubble everywhere. Small fires linger but not enough to cause major damage. The blast blew through some of the concrete walls piling the rubble together like a rockfall. Metal rods stick out from the floors of buildings and pieces hang where the floor caved in. 
Yuji goes in wandering around looking for the curse that could of done this and he sees something walking around the rubble. Sneaking around Yuji ambushes it and lands a few good hits but has to dodge. Although it doesn't appear to have done much damage. The curse runs forward smiling and tries tearing into Yuji's flesh. Yuji steps back just barely avoiding it. He jumps on the rubble getting a bit further away to assess a plan. But he wasn't fast enough and is punched into the air hacking up blood. The curse leaps and punches Yuji into the ground. Yuji is surrounded by a circle of cracked concrete around him. The curse is laughing at him and thinks the fight is finished and goes to leave.
"Where do you think you're going with my finger?" Sukuna pushes himself off the ground and takes a quick step to do a combination of punches. He ends up healing Yuji's arm in the process. 
"I really need to stop doing that."
The curse is left crushing into wall after wall after wall unable to stop until Sukuna comes up and slices it to pieces. 
"You're not even putting up a fight."
The special grade curse regenerates rapidly and fights Sukuna head on.
"That's more like it." Sukuna says wide eyed enjoying the thrill of the battle. His bloodlust is like a bottomless pit that needs to be filled. He yanks the curse's arms off and opens his domain.
"You were just like the other one, weak." Sukuna shakes his hand to take off the blood from retrieving his finger.
"Another finger." He smirks as he eats it. 
"Megumi~, Where are you?" He strolls along searching for Megumi when he gets an idea and he snickers to himself.
****A/N: Updates every Friday. This is my first fanfiction and I plan on making this a really slow burn. I hope you enjoy! This story will also be available on Tumblr and AO3. (^w^) Don't forget to make comments and save it to your library!
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mimisempai · 3 years
Do you really care for me or is it just a trick?
Loki, destabilized by the versatile behavior of Mobius, can't figure out if the man really cares about him or if Loki is just a means to an end for him.
1392 words - Rating G
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"Look, I know you have a soft spot for broken things."
Loki, with his head pressed against the door, managed to hear a few fragments of the conversation between Mobius and Ravonna, the judge of the TVA who seemed to be his superior.
"But Loki is an evil, lying scourge.
Loki couldn't even blame her for saying that, she was just one in a long list of people who thought they knew him.
"That is the part he plays on the Sacred Timeline."
Especially since for this "world" -he didn't even know what to call it- it was apparently his destiny. So here even less than anywhere else, no one would try to find out if he was someone else.
"Maybe he wants to mix it up."
Until this particular odd man.
The first person to question his destiny.
Loki didn't understand Mobius. He seemed convinced that Loki was someone else and yet believed hard that the Time Keepers and all that crap was real.
Mobius was to Loki a strange mixture of candor and trickery.
He had never met anyone like that.
"Sometimes you get tired of playing the same part."
If he only knew...
Hearing nothing more distinct, Loki returned to sit where Mobius had left him.
He had to admit that once again the man had read him perfectly, and that scared him a little. No one until now had really been able to see beyond his antics.
He had to try to take control, he couldn't let anyone see his flaws. The other man had already seen too much.
So when Mobius came out of his superior's office, Loki went straight on the attack.
He jumped around the advancing man and tried to lock him in a stream of words, "You're probably wondering what happened out on the mission. That was your first lesson in catching a Loki. Half the fun of being a trickster is knowing everyone knows you're a trickster, and then, many of your tricks can come from exploiting the fact that you know that they know..."
Mobius raised his arms to stop him, "Okay. Just… just shut up!"
Oh, this was getting interesting, for the first time, the man was breaking out of his smile and showed an uncontrolled emotion.
Oblivious to what was going on in Loki's head, he continued, "Please. What happened to the guy I met on the elevator? Who didn't like to talk. Remember him? Now I'm stuck with this guy who won't stop yacking away about what makes a Loki tick!"
What a hypocrite, he was the one who had told him that he wanted to know what makes a Loki tick. And now that he had it, he didn't want it anymore?
Loki asked him, "What? Isn't that precisely why I'm here?"
Mobius, annoyed, replied, "No. I don't care what makes you tick. You're here to help me catch the superior version of yourself."
This was it.
Loki should have known better.
It had been another smoke and mirrors. Mobius had only told him that, made him think he was interested in Loki, to achieve his goal. Loki was only a means to an end.
He wouldn't show him. Loki wouldn't show him that he was troubled.
Mobius added to make his point,"That's it!"
Loki tried to stop him, "Hang on. I'm not sure 'superior' is actually quite the right word."
They stopped in front of the elevator, face to face.
Mobius got even more annoyed and retorted, "See? There it is. Right there. I believed, stupidly, that insecure need for validation would motivate you to find the killer. Not 'cause you care about the TVA mission or bein' a hero, but because you know this Variant is better than you and you can't take it."
Wow, talk about a low blow.
Loki smiled, deceptively of course and replied, "Very nice."
Then he approached Mobius, and adjusted the man's tie as he spoke, "I mean, it is adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me.  I'm ten steps ahead of you. I've been playing a game of my own all along."
If Mobius believed that he was Loki as the world saw him, willing to whore himself out to get what he wanted, well, he'd let him believe it.
Mobius replied, that familiar smirk on his lips, "What, charm your way in front of the Time-Keepers, hustle them, and seize control of the TVA?"
Well done Loki. Mobius has proven to you once again that men and gods are all the same.They don't care who you are, they just want to fool you. You are not disappointed.
"Am I getting warm? A double cross by history's most reliable liar." Mobius added while going to call the elevator.
However, in spite of all this, something didn't add up. If Loki was just a means to an end for Mobius, then why bother defending him like that in front of Ravonna?
Loki couldn't help but ask him, "Okay. Why are you in there sticking your neck out for me?"
Mobius came back to him and replied vehemently, "I'll give you two options, and you can believe whichever one you want. A, because I see a scared little boy shivering in the cold. And you kinda feel bad for that ice runt. Or B, I just wanna catch this guy, and I'll tell you whatever I need to tell you."
Wow, when Mobius was pissed, he didn't mince words. But no matter how much it hurt, no matter how condescending it sounded, Loki wanted to believe in answer A. To believe that, as Loki thought just before, Mobius was the person who was able to see who Loki was.
But that meant doing something Loki had never done.
As the elevator doors closed, he couldn't help but make another brash statement, "I don't need your sympathy," because he wasn't going to be pitied.
Mobius replied in a tired tone, "Good, 'cause I'm runnin' out of it."
Loki continued on, "I have a tendency to provoke this reaction in-"
"Oh once again, shut up!"
Loki replied with a mocking smile on his lips, "Make me."
And it was as if a dam broke in Mobius.
He grabbed Loki's tie to pull him to him and before the god had time to wonder what he was doing, Mobius leaned in and placed his lips against Loki's.
The kiss was sweet but messy, their lips moved together repeatedly, both coordinated and chaotic. Just like them.
Mobius didn't pull back until Loki grabbed the front of his shirt and squeezed the fabric in both hands. Mobius looked at him and couldn't help but laugh as they bumped noses together, a flush spread across Loki's cheeks and nose, which contrasted with the paleness of his skin in the dim light of the elevator.
Loki stared at him with wide eyes and a stunned look.
It seemed that Mobius had succeeded in silencing him.
Mobius let go of him, smiled, and went out the doors that had just opened.
Loki held him back by the sleeve.
"Wait, what was that for?"
Mobius put a finger over Loki's mouth before telling him, "Well, you asked me to make you shut up, mission completed."
Loki lost his smile and asked in a lower voice, "Was it just for that reason?"
Mobius pushed a strand of Loki's hair behind his ear, then as he walked back, he replied in a mysterious tone, "Who knows?"
Loki ran behind him until he was walking beside him, closer than before.
"You know that's not going to stop me from talking, right?"
He knew he was trying to hold on to a twig, but he couldn't help but hope.
Mobius turned his head towards him and said, a playful sparkle in his eyes, "I sure hope so, the more you talk, the more I'm going to want to shut you up, and now that I know how, I'm not going to stop myself from doing it."
"And that' s me the God of Mischief...?!!"
Loki rolled his eyes, but his smile wouldn't fool anyone, and it didn't fool Mobius, who just gave him a little nudge with his shoulder.
So for now, Loki decided to let go, just a little, to let hope take a little place in his heart.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Not beta'd
I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
AAAA IM SO GLAD I FOUND ANOTHER POC CREATER!! I read one of your imagines and I'm in love skcnsn- Now. For my ask- Can i have Iida or Baku x a chubby mixed girl 👉🏽👈🏽 Which ever you like writing for the most hun! I don't care if its sfe or nsfw- I just want my men 🙄🤚🏽 thank youuuu! 😚🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
“A Mini Tenya!”
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Soooo I decided to write this because Iida would literally be the best dad and omg the thought of Iida taking care of a child literally makes my heart gush.
Pairing: aged up! Iida x black!fem! Reader Pronouns: she/her Warnings: cursing (bc of boom boom boy), fluff
Thank you so much for requesting and for the sweet message! It means a lot 😊 also I decided to write for iida bc I haven’t written for him much, hope that’s okay!
I also want to take a small amount of time to address a few things that I’ve been seeing recently on a few posts and on tiktok. Apparently some people are trying to say that Iida and Bakugou wouldn’t have a poc (more specifically black s/o) and that they would say the n word. Bruh...what the hell? Lmaoo. So to those people who think that, y’all can fight me bc they aren’t insensitive boys and they definitely would have a black girl/boy/enby s/o bc i say so and they just have that EnErGy. DO NOT RUIN COMFORT CHARACTERS FOR PEOPLE PLEASE. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk....
CHILE ANYWAYS....on with it
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Tenya sat on the large grey couch in the living room of your new home. The television was turned on to the news station, the volume down to almost silent as he looked from the television screen where a story about Midoriya was playing down to the small white blanket that sat in his arms. Tenya smiled, carefully running a finger over one of the baby’s soft tan chubby cheeks as the little one let out a small gurgle, moving closer to his father’s touch. His usually serious gaze then turned to look at you, as you snuggled into his side the both of you watching your tiny baby sleep. You were in one of Tenya’s large sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants, the warmth and the faint smell of his cologne were comforting. 
It had been two weeks since you had given birth to your baby, a son you decided to name Tenzen. When you had told your husband that you wanted to use the first syllable of his name for your son’s, he almost started crying out of pride. And now he couldn’t wait to show you both off to his friends, unbelievably proud of you for your strength and for bringing your son into the world. The small baby began growing fussy, opening his eyes to reveal dark blueish grey eyes, just like his father’s. “Don’t cry Tenzen-kun. What’s wrong?” Iida asked softly, his eyes quickly searching over the baby to analyze the problem. “Are you hungry?”
“He can’t be yet, he ate like 15 minutes ago.” You added, “maybe he needs to be changed?” Tenya lifted the small baby, his face quickly morphing into a frown. 
“He needs to be changed.” Iida agreed. “I’ll take care of it.” You let out a sigh, even though it had been two weeks, your body was still tired and you couldn’t help but love how hands on your husband was because it gave you time to rest. 
“I’m going to jump in the shower.” You said, passing the nursery on your way to your master bedroom to freshen up before your friends came over. After your shower, you pulled on a simple long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of leggings stopping to look at yourself in the mirror. 
Your body had changed some since you had been a student at UA and even since before you had had your son. Though you had never been a stick, at least that’s what Tenya called it, you hadn’t really been self conscious about it until now. Though Tenya constantly told you that you were beautiful and he didn’t want a twig for a wife. Sometimes he would absentmindedly trace your stretch marks as if they were tattoos, telling you that he loved each and every single of them because they made you you. You stepped away from the mirror, reminding yourself that you were a BEAUTIFUL STRONG BLACK WOMAN and a queen and anyone who said otherwise was stupid as fuck,  before returning back to the living room. 
“I hope you continue to be a good boy for your mother. She’s an amazing woman, you know. She’s one of the kindest and strongest people I know, you and I both got very lucky and she’s obviously the most beautiful woman, I’ve ever met. I hope your personality is like hers.” You stopped in the hallway, hearing Tenya talk to your son. “Anyways, a lot of people are very excited to meet you, Tenzen, that’s why I put you in your favorite outfit.” He said. You knew that the supposed ‘favorite outfit’ was actually a black baby onesie with a cartoon Ingenium on the front, you had gotten it as a joke...apparently not so much of a joke anymore.  You walked into the room from your spot in the hallway as the doorbell rang, Iida handing you your son who made little gurgling and cooing noises as he latched onto one of your fingers with one of his tiny hands. 
“Tenya! (y/n)! You had the baby!” Mina rushed in excitedly, Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Uraraka walked in afterwards, Jirou being out of town visiting some relatives. After you had transferred to UA in 2nd year, you had been accepted into the Bakusquad while he had been in the Dekusquad. 
“Hey Mina.” You smiled widely, happy to see your friends as Tenzen started to grow fussy at the loud noise, standing up to hug one of your best friends as the baby gave her a judgemental stare. 
“He’s so cute!” Uraraka, Mina, and Tsuyu cooed as they gathered around, eager to watch the little baby in your arms. 
“Do you want to hold him?” You asked as they all nodded quickly. You laughed, passing Tenzen to Mina as everyone sat around the room, talking and laughing. 
“He doesn’t even look like you, Dumbass.” Bakugou remarked, holding the little boy, hiding his smile as your son grabbed his finger. “Tch, he’s cute or whatever.” Bakugou admitted before passing him to Kirishima and Denki, a proud smile on both you and Tenya’s faces. 
Bakugou hadn’t been wrong. Your son had gotten most of his looks from his father, sharing the same eye color and shape and same smile among other things. While he had gotten his lips and hair type from you. His skin  tone was a shade or two lighter than yours and his hair was one shade of blue lighter than his father’s.
“He obviously likes me the most. I’m his favorite uncle, I already know it.” Kirishima beamed watching as the little baby seemed to smile up at him. 
“That’s fucking dumb and you know it, Shitty hair. It’s obvious it isn’t any of you.” Bakugou replied, rolling his crimson eyes and eyeing the baby. He didn’t mind holding your son, Hope he isn’t as much of a narc as his dad. Bakugou thought.
“Watch your language in front of my son!” Iida scolded, shooting an icy glare at the hothead who simply tched. 
You laughed observing everyone from where you sat, happy that your best friends had met your little boy and he hadn’t peed or thrown up on them...yet.
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Feral Fatality
(Part 1)
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So this has been in my works for a week now. You see, it was a typical day for me scrolling through Tumblr and visiting some....tags, and then a short drabble inspired me to write about a feral reader totally not because I was craving violence and murder no, which reached more than 4k words on the first draft so here we are! Shitty title, I know. The proofread work went over 7k, and it's not even finished yet. Once I'm done posting this and my main orc fic, I will get into the requests so please be patient!
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Brief blood and violence at the end of the first part
Contains: Swearing, mentions of neglect and abuse (not graphic)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Screams slit through the twilight as the frigid autumn wind blew harshly through the trees of Camp Crystal Lake. The rustling of bushes and cracking of twigs echoed as foolish teenagers attempted to escape, running for their lives when they were the ones who dared step foot in the place, tarnishing it with their sins.
Jason Voorhees, the innocent kid who died several years ago; pushed to the lake by his bullies and left to drown for being different and unsightly— all because the counselors were busy with their fucking business—, returned as an undead killing machine right after his mother murdered them and died. His sole purpose: to protect the land and purge the people who had no right to be here, sentencing them to a horrendous death.
One by one, they struck the ground, lifeless, either chopped into pieces, beheaded, or stabbed countless times by his trusty machete.
Limbs...ripped off with his bare hands.
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The muffled snapping of branches reached your ears as the vehicle's wheels ran over them, stirring you from your nap. You rubbed your chilled skin under your clothes as you looked out of the window, thumping your forehead on the glass when you leaned forward the moment you saw the scenery. Trees, both ancient and young, their leaves varying in hues of green, orange and red, filled your line of sight. It was still early in autumn, your favorite time of the year, not hot but not too cold either. You watched in awe as the warm-colored leaves cascaded down from the branches and down to the ground, some carried by the wind farther from their origin.
The view did its best to distract you from a couple in session a seat before yours. They always seem to do that all the time, regardless of place or occasion.
This was a week-long getaway after graduation, they said.
Nothing but a white lie.
An excuse for the girls to hook up with their campus crushes, a week of fucking and smoking drugs.
You, however, just got invited —forced— by your "friend" Eloiza, the self-proclaimed hottest girl in the entire school, typical captain of the cheerleading squad; blonde and curvy. Her words were much too sugar-coated that even a deaf person could tell she had ulterior motives.
She only planned to use you as a tool to raise her fame. A stepping stone for her own gain.
That wasn't the only reason though.
Everyone knew who you were, but only by your name. News and rumors alike spread like wildfire through gossipy mouths. Your deeds were known throughout campus.
(Y/N)(L/N), top academic competitor and multiple-award winner, a straight-A student for five years in succession. Some believed you were a genius, the rest called you insane.
You wouldn't call yourself a genius though, you did not possess the obsessive need to acquire eternal knowledge and discover the secrets of the universe as most of them do, to effortlessly solve every problem that comes their way.
If that were the case, then you wouldn't be here in the first place.
You only love learning and indulging in the beauty of Mother Nature, plus a handful of hyper-fixations.
Fine, a buttload of hyper-fixations. And such came in handy in various situations.
You were unrivaled, not one of your peers could come close to your level of wit. Many people wished to have a brain like yours, and just as many hated you for even having one, praised you just as much as slandered your name and judged you.
Despite your reputation, the poor school didn't broadcast it, at least every time. The staff probably got tired of repeating the same phrase over and over again. Which caused more than half of the whole campus to never believe you to be the one behind all of that, laughing at your face when you said your name.
"You? The (Y/N) (L/N)? Ha! As if I'd fall for that! Everyone knows how she looks. You're the absolute opposite!"
"You got to be kidding me."
"You're a joker, aren't you? Is this a prank? If so please stop it, don't pretend like you're her."
Yep, and it goes on and on and on. They were right, you didn't look like someone who would win contests or excel in class.
You constantly wore clothes that hid your form, silent unless spoken to or asked to answer, distant and reserved, you preferred the company of books and nature to the rowdiness and prying hands of humans. A sociopath they deemed you. Quite an extreme word to use when you simply wanted to enjoy the only things that made you happy in this living hell.
You only know a handful of people who approached you first-hand and praised you genuinely, even asking for an autograph, which really surprised you.
Yet, they would never understand you even if you explained, because you can't, words evade you when it comes down to voice out what you feel. Even if you can, no one would care. And even if they did? You doubt it was real. Everyone wants to use you, and they seem to believe you'd let them. You didn't trust anyone. The last time you did only left you sobbing on the dirt.
You wanted to be left alone.
To connect with nature and get as far away as possible from your parents. Parents who kept shouting profanities at each other, the main cause for your depression and anxiety levels to skyrocket, the shaking turning into trembling, 7 hours of sleep to barely a blink.
That's why you agreed to go in the first place.
You hated your household—despised it— a mess of broken shards of bottles and ceramics littered your kitchen floor more often than not. You didn't bother cleaning it up anymore, your mother would just waste away her money on more things to break and throw them at your joke of a father when they fought anyway.
Not only that, you thought...No, you believed if you worked hard to be the best and win countless competitions, your parents would give you recognition and reconcile for your sake, but no, no, no. They didn't care one bit about you or your medals, it was as if you were never even included in their lives at all. Even birthday celebrations ceased to exist in everyone's books after your 13th.
So you gave up.
Down into the void, your wishful thinking went, that they'll become better people over time, that the attention and love you deserve will be given one day. Instead, you wallowed yourself in your studies, besting everyone in everything academic. Oh, but you weren't athletic. Far from it. Damn, you were getting thin and sleep-deprived from being neglected, dark circles under your eyes every time you looked at your reflection. People hating your existence wasn't helping, some teachers even suspected you of cheating.
There's no way in hell you'd let yourself get dragged down to end up like them! You were of legal age now, a fresh graduate from high school, you doubt your parents even knew that since they didn't fucking show up on your graduation day. You were moving out of that shithole of a town. Anywhere is better than where they breathed and spat their poison.
And so here you are. Standing in this breath-taking and mysterious place. Camp Crystal Lake, it is named, secluded, barely touched by modernization as it is hidden between mountains and trees as far as the eye could see. Not to mention its namesake, the lake, you imagined it would mirror the sky, be it day or night. You loved it, you adored the fresh, breathable air that went through you the moment you stepped out of the van.
You also knew about him.
Resolved to never go back to that goddamned house, you took everything you had and needed; the special little trinkets you've collected through the years shoved into a box, the few clothes you had, art materials, and your precious books carefully packed inside a big travel bag, along with your stocked up canned goods, convenience food, snacks, and toiletries.
And other, important things.
You hauled your baggage out of the van and got off, immediately moving to the side and away from everyone.
You got used to people ignoring you that you didn't care anymore.
Why waste your time with them when you can have all of it to yourself?
Eloiza led the group into the larger cabins, the others went straight into the lake for a swim. You even notice some teens disappear into the trees, most likely for a quickie.
In return, you stayed out of their way, fully satisfied being invisible and with your own company as you trudged to a cabin, the one you caught a glimpse of earlier in the van. It was a long way's separated from the rest, closest to the forest and hidden behind a few trees.
You were panting when you finally stopped in front of it, clearly not used to walking long distances and carrying stuff near as heavy as your weight.
Upon closer inspection, you found yourself gaping at its appearance. The wooden walls lost their color as they aged, white and brown mushrooms grew on the ground along with green moss sticking to the beams, and a few vines crawling their way up and on the roof. Despite all of that, the cabin looked sturdy still.
There's this "one with nature" vibe that drew you to it, like a string pulling you closer and inviting you. Ominous most would say, but you almost cried when the rich scent of earth and oxygen filled your lungs as you took one big inhale, sighing in content for once. It was a lot smaller compared to the others, but you didn't care. As long as you were left alone with your stuff you were a-okay.
You turned the knob and peeked inside, letting out a small gasp and opening the door wider to see the whole thing.
Old as it is, it was proper and neat, regardless of the tiny cobwebs on the upper corners. A small, square dining table sat in the middle of the first part of the place, two wooden stools placed underneath. There were cupboards on the wall and a simple sink with an empty space to the side. You went to the next room, doorless and separated with but a wall of thick plywood. It had a single bed in the corner, off-white cotton sheets sitting atop, not a wrinkle in sight. No pillow though. There's a decent-sized closet along with a small table on one side of the bed. One of the windows had a hole in the middle, a ray of sunlight streaming in through the cracks. It was too big for the size of a gunshot, so maybe a rock.
A bit hesitant, your fingers traced the wood, feeling the inconsistent texture. When you went through the back door, your smile reached your ears when trunks of trees and bushes greeted you...
Wait, is that what you think it is?
Stepping closer to the treeline, your jaw dropped when you spotted a thicket of fruit-bearing plants past them, gathered in a tiny clearing.
Purple little cuties poked out of the green shrubs, sporting a vibrant hue that caught your eye. The sun shone overhead and providing the energy they needed. Blueberries managed to grow in the area despite the trees fencing them.
Tempted and suspicious, you crouched down, inspecting the shrub if it really was a blueberry plant and not a deadly doppelganger. Once you were sure it was, (it would be hilarious if you simply died from nighshade poisoning), you plucked one and brought it to your mouth. It was sweeter than you expected, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. You hummed in delight, wiping the juice with your thumb when it dribbled out, staining your finger and lips.
You didn't want to anger anybody. Hell, coming here was already trespassing, so you didn't push your luck and left it alone, hoping they'd forgive you for picking one. They surely didn't look wild with the way they lined up.
You scanned the rest of the area, eventually going back inside to unpack after your little evaluation.
The sun was a hand's away from setting when you finished. Pride swelled in your chest at the work you did, your things stocked and organized with care inside the cabinets and drawers. You won't have to worry about your food for now as cupboards were filled to the brim with them. You also had a decent amount of money left from your savings account that your parents weren't aware of. Prize money, allowance, and the salary you got from doing online jobs all went into it. The camp was a few miles off the road, and a couple more to the nearest gas station with a convenience store. Very far yes, but it's better than living with the people who made you do this in the first place.
You just hoped you wouldn't die walking.
Everything was worth it, anyways. You were free now, at least that's what you think.
You trudged to the bed, eyeing the cushions, wary and a little scared to touch the sheets that appeared to be cleaned just recently, you didn't even lay a finger on them ever since you got inside. Oh, but your tired muscles were screaming to just flump down and relax.
So you did.
You dumped yourself face first and inhaled. It wasn't smelly nor fragrant, just the simple freshness on the cotton fabric. You felt beat but ain't sleepy, yet, so you reached to the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a book to pass the time as you waited for the sun to go down and give way for the moon. Its spine and pages had creases, worn out and yellow-stained from age and use. It was a horror-mystery novel told through a first-person narrative, a story of a middle-aged detective and her Maine coon in their attempts to solve a murder case of a young European lady named Cassandra Chase.
You dozed off in the middle of chapter 21, the part where Dinnie, the cat, discovers a valuable clue to the crime, a rotten limb in the dried basement well.
Jason settled down on the stairs of his porch; shoulders relaxed and hunched as he leisurely sharpened his machete with a small whetstone. Lines of sunlight kissed him through the leaves of trees, the birds in the area chirped on their perches, and the grass swayed, gentle, as a cool wind passed by.
His day be so fine. No troublemakers to deal wi—
The alarm rang, announcing unwelcomed arrival. As if a switch flipped inside, he's already on his feet, making his way swiftly to their location.
A new batch of wretched youngsters, another day ruined. Hunting them down makes his blood thrum in his veins, yes, but they soured his mood, just when he was at peace. He's dead set on slaughtering them in the most gruesome ways possible, only then he could go back and enjoy the serenity the nature around him brings.
He surveyed the area, camouflaging with the wilderness, silent as he watched and counted the soon-to-be corpses, his mother's voice at the back of his mind, guiding him.
They decided to go either to the main cabins, or the lake...even into the trees.
All but one.
Jason already planned to cut down the couple later as they lose themselves in the forest, doing nasty, dirty things to his camp. The killer shifted his attention to you, curious as to why you didn't join the lot. Instead, you walked back down the road. He followed and saw you approach the small cabin, separated from the rest, your eyes widened...
You were quiet— except for the little gasps of awe you let out in between pants—as you looked around and over the place. The ones you came with were rowdy and destructive, a complete opposite. He hid as he observed you from afar, moving around to adjust his vision on you. You smiled every time you looked to the trees, he noticed.
Why were you smiling like that? Why did you pick this cabin? Were you planning on defiling it?
The last question in his mind made his blood boil. He'll kill you first if that was the case. That cabin you chose was special, it was where he and his mother used to stay. He occasionally visits that one to keep it clean and free of dust. If you even think of—
Jason, sweetie...look closer. She does not have such intentions.
His mother's words rang in his head. Even from where he stood, he could see what you did inside. You looked a little hesitant, touching and drawing back your hand before letting your fingers feel the wood as if it was something delicate. Despite the initial...shyness? You proceeded to make it your home, somewhat, dropping the large duffel bags you carried on your front and back, and a similarly large roller case on your left. It was as if you planned to stay for a long time.
Jason hears you take a long breath and sigh as you went out the backdoor. You grinned wider when you saw the nature around you. You stepped forward, straight in his direction...
For a moment he thought you saw him, seeing your jaw drop. You moved closer, and he just froze there, until you crouched down.
Oh, his plants.
He watched you as you gently picked a fruit, your gaze...soft. You brought it to your mouth, some of the juice spilling on the side and you wiped it with your thumb.
You went back inside and continued to unpack your things, carefully maneuvering around the cabin.
Maybe he'll spare you if you continue to be good. You didn't do anything dirty, yet. It's only a matter of time before the camp is shrouded in darkness and his hunt will begin.
Let's see what you'll do before that happens.
Jason tracked down the three that went into the forest. He knew the place like the back of his hand, and it was easier to pinpoint them as he heard moans.
What he saw was utmost disgusting, two girls pleasuring a male with their mouths in broad daylight.
Kill them, my boy! Such foul beings need to die! Kill them, kill!
He circled them, steps soundless. Jason gripped his machete and brought it down the guy's neck, embedding the weapon into the bark, the head rolled down, oozing with blood, and fell against the women, drenching them in red. Not a single cry left from their mouths as he sliced both with one swing, blood pouring out of their throats and staining the ground. Jason dragged their bodies and tossed them into a pit he dug beforehand, making quick work in burying them.
A swift end. Now he waits.
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Sweet Pea//don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Request: I dunno if this'll go through or not but can i request a Sweet Pea/reader based on this text post, I can't find the original version lol 
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hey! sweet pea imagine based off this ^. originally posted by @riverdalecentral​, so thank you! its enemies to lovers!! which is a trope that i adore! (side note, if you ever see anything to do with enemies to lovers you can 100% just send it to me with literally no explanation and i absolutely will not mind). title is from ‘teeth’ by 5sos! i had so much fun writing this! i hope you all enjoy it! i also hope you’re all having a lovely day/night!
No matter where you are in the world, you never want to be in a forest at night. But if you live in Riverdale, thats just a given. Nobody in their right minds goes into Fox Forest at midnight, however, spending five minutes with Sweet Pea can make anyone go insane. And so here you are, trekking through the woods like you’re in some sort of shitty horror film. 
“I can’t believe Jones has got us running around town like we’re in fucking Scooby Doo.” Sweet Pea huffs as the two of you walk through the trees. You let go of the branch you’re holding, and it narrowly avoids hitting Sweet Pea. You can feel the glare you’re getting and a small smirk twitches at your lips. 
You and Sweet Pea have a complicated relationship to say the least. You’ve both been part of the serpents for the same amount of time. (You were actually initiated 5 minutes before him but he doesn’t like to admit that). You have grown up in the same trailer park, five trailers from each other and you share the same friends. But there’s just something about him that makes you want to stick pins in your eyes. And there’s something about you, that makes him want to repeatedly stub his toe every single minute of his life, rather than spend five minutes with you. So yeah, its complicated. 
There’s been so much speculation around why you two hate each other. Fangs says its because you’re both too stubborn to actually have a proper conversation (whatever Fogarty). Toni says its because you secretly like each other (gross), and there was once a theory that it was because you had secretly dated and then broke up (again, you would rather stick pins in your eyes). 
You just hated each other. That was it. 
Although, despite the fact that spending five minutes in the same room with him makes you nauseous, he is kind of attractive. If you’re into the whole ‘bad boy, gang member, secretly soft at heart’ thing. Not that you’d ever admit that to anyone. 
“You’re Shaggy!” “You’re Scooby.” You both say at the same time making your expression mirror his. You both glare at each other before reluctantly turning away and continuing to walk.
“If you’re implying that I’m lesser because I’m the dog...1. You’re an idiot. Everybody loves dogs and Scooby Doo is evidence of that. And 2. Scooby Doo is the main character. The whole franchise is named after him, making him the lead. He even has a snack named after him. Its Scooby’s world and we’re just living in it.” 
“What. The. Fuck.” He stops and you roll your eyes, turning around to look at him. 
“You know I’m right...Shaggy.” You shine your torch in his eyes and he squints before flipping you off.
“How am I Shaggy?” 
“You give of major stoner vibes, you’re always eating and I never see you wear anything other than a dark t-shirt, black jeans and your serpent jacket.” You look him up and down and he huffs in response, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“They all wear the same outfits...they’re cartoons.” 
“True.” You nod. “But the other two are right. Plus, you’d be nothing without me.”
“I’d be a lot happier without you.” He replies and you send him a sarcastic smile back. He returns it and the two of you continue through the woods, your torches casting a variation of shadows against the tall trees. Its less like Scooby Doo and more like Blair Witch. And despite your company being Sweet Pea, you’d rather him than nobody.
You suddenly get the feeling your being watched, and the intensity of it makes you stop in your tracks, Sweet Pea soon catches up to you, stopping beside you and also looking around. 
“What is it? Did you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?” He teases and even though you’re absolutely terrified, you still find it in yourself to punch him in the arm. 
“We’re in the middle of a forest. Where would I find a mirror?” 
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I’ve found some weird things in the woods. I once found a pile of bones, a belt and a half eaten apple.” 
“I-What?” You look up at him and he shrugs casually. 
“To this day I have no idea why they were there. Although, the belt does look pretty good on.” 
“Hm-Wait what?” You glance at his belt, the silver reflecting off the rays of your torch and he quickly looks away. 
“What exactly are we looking for?” You ask, changing the subject. 
“I dunno. Jughead just said ‘anything strange’.” 
“In Riverdale? Yeah, that’ll be easy.” You huff before quickly pointing your torch to the side of you. Sweet Pea joins, the two of you silently listening and watching (and praying) that its just an owl. After a minute you both continue walking, this time in silence and you’re sure you’ve huddle a little closer to each other, but neither of you seem to mind. 
Twigs snap underneath your shoes and a gust of wind makes the trees rustle around you. It makes you shiver, and you swear Sweet Pea pauses for just a second to look around. The whole atmosphere makes you feel suddenly claustrophobic, despite being in the great outdoors, and right now you’re unsure who you hate more, Sweet Pea...or Jughead.
“What did he mean by strange?” You whisper and look around again. 
“I don’t know. Anything that could explain the weird going ons at his preppy new school.” 
“Why would that have anything to do with the woods. They’re in the opposite direction of each other.” 
“Ask Jones.” He holds his hands up defensively making you huff loudly. Your barely make it two steps before freezing again, Sweet Pea grunts as he walks into you but you don’t acknowledge him, too busy trying to decipher whether the noise you heard was a bird or a murderer. 
“Did you hear that?” 
“What!?” He looks around quickly and somehow, the two of you end up closer together than you were before. “Y/n, I swear to god, if you’re fucking with me, I will actually kill you.” 
“Surprisingly, you don’t sound that threatening when I can feel you literally shaking beside me.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Why did Jones even pair us together. You’re about as much use as a wet sock.” You mutter angrily, but you cut yourself off when you see a shadow move out of the corner of your eye. Before you can stop yourself you’re reaching out for Sweet Pea, grabbing his arm and squeezing. “Sweet Pea?” 
“Yep?” His doesn’t even hide the fear in his voice, and if you were in any other situation, you would have definitely made fun of him. 
“Did you see that?” 
“...yep.” He nods. “Do you think we should investigate?” 
“Do you think we should investigate?” You mock. “Its like you want to get murdered.” 
“A lot of people wouldn’t be opposed to that.” 
“Getting murdered, or you specifically getting murdered.” 
“Either, or.” He shrugs. 
“I think at least a few people would miss you.” You reply and a smirk appears on his face. 
“Am I dead? Have I already been murdered? Are you actually being nice to me?” 
“We can find out if people would miss you if you want.” You smile sarcastically at him and he shoves you lightly. For a second, the two of you forget where you are and what you’re supposed to be doing. It feels light, even if you are being rude to each other, and you swear, for a split second, you feel yourself enjoying each others company. But of course, he ruins it. 
“No thanks. I’m happy knowing that you’d miss me.” 
“I never said tha-” He only looks away for a few seconds. He saw something move and he thought he’d check it out. But in the time that he turns around, that he pulls his eyes away from watching your lips as they say whatever sarcastic comment you’d come up with, you vanish. Your sentence being cut off. 
He swears he’s never moved faster. Instantly he turns back around, shining the torch in every direction he can. It suddenly feels darker and the only thing he can hear is his heart beating in his throat. “Y/n?” It starts off as a whisper, unsure of what to do. But when you don’t answer, he manages to find his voice. “Where did you go? Y/n? I would very much like to hear your annoying voice.” His eyes close, despite every fibre of his body screaming at him not too. He’s seen horror films, he knows he shouldn’t close his eyes, but he needs to wish and prayer and do anything he can to find you. 
“...sweet pea?” Your voice is quiet and trembling, but he hears it and his eyes snap open, frantically looking around. 
“Y/-” Your name dies in his throat once he sees you, and he can’t speak anymore. 
For as long as Sweet Pea can remember, he’s been day dreaming about you getting into traumatic accidents. There’s a running competition between the two of you, over who can come up with the most gruesome and violent end for the other.  Unfortunately he is winning due to a very traumatizing death that he said was inspired by both Saw and Final Destination. 
Right now though, your actual life is in threat and he has never wanted anything less in his life. 
A blonde, creepy looking boy around the same age as both of you holds you tight to him, one arm over your chest while the other holds a knife to your throat. There’s a dark haired girl stood beside him, also holding a knife, and even though she doesn’t look as intimidating as the blonde, it does nothing to make Sweet Pea feel better. 
“Wow, Jones was too scared to find us himself he sent his lackeys to do his dirty work.” 
“Let her go...please.” His voice breaks and he takes a careful step towards you. His hands already reaching into his pocket, desperately searching for his knife and brass knuckles, but he stops when he makes eye contact with the boy. 
“And we are not his lackeys.” You protest, despite the knife digging into your skin further, and the hold on you becoming tighter. 
Whatever Sweet Pea was feeling, whether it was fear, vulnerability or something in between completely disappears. And his gaze shifts from the man holding you, to you yourself, the same annoyed expression on his face. “Maybe focus on the knife being held to your throat, and then argue about what we are to Jughead.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You roll your eyes. 
“Oh sorry for trying to save your life.” 
“Save my life? You couldn’t even sav-” 
“Is this a bad time? Do you want us to come back and kill you later orrr?” The girl asks sarcastically as she looks between you and Sweet Pea. Both of you look at each other before looking at the floor. 
“Continue.” You grumble and you feel the knife slice into your skin. A small cry escapes your lips and Sweet Pea looks up quickly. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so frightened, and you definitely didn’t think you’d be on the receiving end of such a look, but there’s something about it that stirs something inside of you, in spite of the very inappropriate moment.
“Okay.” She says, twirling the knife in-between her fingers. “We can either do this the easy way, or the even easier way. We’re going to make it look like a fight that went wrong. And then we’ll stumble out of the woods, covered in blood, crying, saying that it was self defense.” She smiles wickedly. 
“Even better idea, we don’t even have to be here. We could make it look like a fight between two gang members.” 
“Hmmm.” You and Sweet Pea say at the same time. Both of you know it’s very rare that Serpents kill each other, so that wouldn’t work, but as soon as you look at each other after the collective thought, do you realize the mistake you made. Never say ‘hmm’ when faced with death. 
“Aww, thanks for helping us plan your death.” The boy says. “So no to the fight between gang members. What about a fight between two lovers.” 
“Ew.” You mutter. 
“Gross.” Sweet Pea adds. 
“I’d rather just die.” You shrug and Sweet Pea sends you a look. 
“Y/n.” He sighs. 
“Fine, we’ll just go with the fight.” The boy huffs, moving the knife to the other side of your neck and digging it in. Blood trickles down your chest making both you and Sweet Pea wince. 
“You want to fight?” Your force the words out of your mouth and you can feel the look Sweet Pea is giving you. “Come on then, fight me.” The two of them exchange glances, they clearly weren’t expecting an answer from you. Whoever sent them to do this, definitely underestimated how stubborn serpents are, so maybe Fangs was right about you and Sweet Pea, maybe you were both too stubborn to get along. 
The ten seconds that they’re distracted, gives you and Sweet Pea a chance to look at each other. A silent conversation happens between the two of you and even though you’re not entirely sure of what he’s saying, you just hope you got the basic idea and so you send him a nod. 
While they’re distracted, Sweet Pea reaches into his pocket, slowly pulling his knife out, and as soon as they look back, you start your plan. Quickly you kick the guy as hard as you can in the shin making him fall and push you away from him, dropping the knife as he does. You swiftly pick it up and Sweet Pea uses the distraction to grab the girl, pressing his own knife against her neck. 
You stand a few feet away from them, holding your own knife and the one you stole out in front of you. 
“Touch her if you never want to see the light of day again.” He whispers in the girls ear and he sends a look to her weird friend that makes him stop in his tracks. 
“Now.” You smile. “Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?” 
Dawn breaks as you both stumble out the forest. You’re covered in cuts and bruises, but thankfully you’ve stopped bleeding so you’ll take that as a win. Usually you enjoy beating up rich kids, its one of the few things you and Sweet Pea can bond over, but right now you just want to go home. 
They may have been preppy, but they definitely knew what they were doing. And they’d managed to escape, slipping away from you and through the trees. They may have gotten away, but they were barley in one piece, and so you figured that would be enough to bide Jughead some time with whatever he was planning. 
There’s a togetherness about fighting. For a while you, both you and Sweet Pea were sure you were going to die in there, and so now that you’re walking through the sleepy streets of the town, there’s a part of you thats glad the other made it out. 
They say fighting changes you. It awakens something in you. Usually that something is hate or anger, but both of you already have enough of that. 
No, this is something else. 
Respect for the other? Or maybe fondness? Whatever it is, its new and it swirls around the both of you, leaving you unsure of how to act. So you walk to Jughead’s house in silence, your arms brushing gently against each other every so often. 
Jughead’s house is quiet as the two of you walk through the front door. The Jones/Cooper house is full, serpents mill about the place, with either food or drinks in their hands. And Jughead is in the middle of them, stood right in the centre of the living room. It seems you and Sweet Pea weren’t the only people sent to their deaths last night. 
Everyone looks surprised as you walk into the living room. They probably expected at least one of you to be dead, whether that was because of something is the woods, or one of you, its surprising to see you two alive, with just a few cuts and bruises. 
“Did you guys find anything weird.” 
“Oh, you know. The usual.” You shrug. Jughead nods, deciding to talk to you about it in private later on. And so he starts talking to the group again, you and Sweet Pea practically blending into the background. But there’s a definite shift in atmosphere. 
Usually when you and Sweet Pea are in a room together there’s tension, and everybody is aware of it. But this time, its different. It feels light, despite the tense subject being discussed. Everyone can feel the change, but nobody can figure out what it is. 
Only you and Sweet Pea know what has changed. And as he squeezes your hand in his, a soft smile appearing on his face as he looks at you, you have a feeling a lot more things are going to change. Some of them may not be for the good, it seems like there’s a lot more to be uncovered in Riverdale, but one things for sure, you’re glad Sweet Pea is by your side for it.
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bnha-mha-imagines · 5 years
Oh my god Halloween requests? Featuring characters as monsters? You beautiful person we don't deserve you! Would you consider doing something with Sero as a drider? Thanks and happy Halloween!
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Drider!Sero x Reader
Word Choice: 2125
Warnings: Mentions of spiders/spiderwebs
Summary: You’re on the run, and just so happen to run straight into a certain fellow’s web…
FYI a drider is a half spider-half person. Like a centaur, but with an arachnid 
I’m back! Sorry I’ve been MIA already recently :0 We got Halloween requests left in November, lol, but I love monsters and Halloween so I’m not complaining~ Can Halloween be every day???
You dashed into the forest, leaves and twigs sharp as they whipped against and cut.your face and ankles. You ignored the sting of their thorns, the fear of your capture pumping enough adrenaline through you to blot out your pain and exhaustion. The sounds of the hounds seemed deafening, and you willed yourself to continue sprinting deeper and deeper into the darkness of the woods.
All light seemed to disappear the further you went, as if the sun had completely abandoned its shift and retired early for the day. You couldn’t hear the sounds of your pursuers anymore, but you continued onward nonetheless. The smell of damp wood was hardly a reassurance; why hadn’t your hunters followed you into the forest? The thought plagued your mind, and you couldn’t decide whether or not to accept the feelings of relief or dread it filled you with. 
Suddenly, you felt winded as your body hit what felt like a wall, lurching forward before repelling backward in a harsh one two. The whole front of your body met with a sticky substance that clutched to your clothing. Its strength was enough to catch you from falling backward, pulling you back into an upright position. With a startled gasp, you pulled backward to reel away, but whatever was holding your clothing had a vice like grip on you. It pulled you back into it, the skin of your arms and your neck catching into the sticky substance.
A slow panic began to settle into you, and you began to struggle against whatever was keeping you captive. The vibrations of your movements seemed to ripple through it, yet the lines were durable and unforgiving. Eventually your body ceased to move, the exhaustion from your escape and your struggle finally overwhelming your body. Your breath was labored, and with a sinking feeling, you let the plush cushion of the sticky wall cradle your sore body. 
Your eyelids felt heavy, but you raised your gaze nonetheless to look left and right. Without any more fight left within you, your eyes calmly fell onto the edges of the sticky wall. Recognition flashed in your brain; you knew what this was...a spider’s web. But what sort of spider could possibly make a web as large and strong enough to catch a human? The question bounced against the walls in your head, and a newfound fear began to settle into your bones. 
As if the universe decided to play a cruel joke on you, the small cracks of the branches above you caught your attention. A few twigs fell down from the tree canopy toward the forest floor, and you stared at them with wide eyes. Whatever was up there was much too large to be a bird or squirrel. Your body jolted back and forward as the web unexpectedly began to tremble with new vibrations. Something was in the web with you, and without thinking you let out a startled yelp. 
The sound seemed to catch the attention of whatever was near you, and the vibrations became more violent as it moved down the web toward you. With your face against the web, you couldn’t possibly see whatever was beside you, but sure as the sun you could feel the burning gaze of someone’s eyes. A curious hum caught your attention, and you squeezed your eyes shut fearfully. Your body was tensed, having no indication if or when your surveyor was going to come into contact with you. “This is new,” a male voice startled you. Was there someone there who could help you get out?! 
“Hello?!” you called out, eyes opening once more. “Please, if you’re there, can you please cut me loose? I’m stuck in here!” Small clicking noises sounded next to you, and your body tensed once more. With your sight blocked, you had to rely on your ears; but the sounds you heard were conflicting. Was it man or beast that neared you? You felt their presence come closer to you than before, the clicking louder as small threads of the web fell loose from your body.
You released a relieved sigh, thank you’s already falling from your mouth like a prayer. As the web was cut from you, your body began to sink and fall to the floor, but two arms caught you before you could land. They felt muscular and toned against you, and you didn’t have much time to wonder who they belong to as they gently spun you onto your back. Finally able to see, your eyes came to meet with those of a dark haired man. Upon seeing your face, his lips upturned into a friendly grin. He was devilishly handsome, and you forced your eyes not to trail down his bare chest.
“Hmm,” he said, his voice matching the one you heard earlier. “I’ve never caught a human before…? Especially one as cute as you.” Initially, his words caused a heat to rise to your cheeks before you fully comprehended them. Caught? You tore your eyes away from his face, finally noticing the man’s body. His upper body was muscular and human, but from the waist down the humanoid bodily features melted into a cephalothorax with eight hairy legs sprouting from it. A large balloon-like abdomen fell a little lower, and your eyes paused to land on the spinnerets that were already working toward producing more of the sticky web you had just recently found yourself caught in.
Noticing you staring lower, the drider released a short laugh. “It’s rude to stare” his voice moved up and down like a song. “Not that I mind, you know~” You dragged your wide eyes back up his body to his face, your whole figure frozen before the neurons in your brain finally fired. You let out a shrill scream, forcing your sore limbs to move as you try to wiggle from his grasp. 
The drider’s face seemed to lift in momentary surprise, but he kept his hold on you as some of his spare appendages worked toward unravelling some web to spin you in. Though you tried to get away, you were too weak against him, and moving became harder and harder as the sticky webs wrapped themselves around you. Your arms were forced against your sides as the drider spun you around, your head beginning to get dizzy. Eventually he set your mummified body back against the wall of the web so he could step back to look at you. He was generous enough to leave your head uncovered, allowing you to breath and crane your neck around. 
“Sorry about this,” he said, though it was hard for you to believe him with that wide smile still on his face. “I usually only catch deer and birds in my web, I’ve never caught a sentient creature like you before! I’m curious how you taste but...it’s awfully lonely out here, you know. I think it might be nice to keep you around to talk, right?” 
You couldn’t believe your ears. How could this spider-man speak so casually to you? He sounded friendlier than you’d have expected, but the fact that he just mentioned your ‘taste’ was off-putting enough to leave you reserved. When you didn’t respond, his smile wavered slightly, a little nervous. 
“Ah, it won’t be too bad!” he quickly added as if to reassure you. “I’ll be sure to feed you and stuff. And the webs are only temporary...you’re in no shape to be thrashing around like that. Besides...I don’t really want you to mess up my web…” he laughed a little at this, but you didn’t mirror it. He swallowed, relaxing his weight back onto his spidery legs. “Could you...at least say your name? I’m Sero.”
You frowned slightly, already finding it hard to hate Sero now that you knew his name and friendly demeanour. After a brief, stubborn silence, you spoke. “It’s (Y/n)...” Though it was quiet, your response to him elicited a soft gasp from Sero. Briefly, you felt a pang of sympathy in your heart. If he was that thrilled to hear two words from you, he really must have been lonely out here. How long had he been living on his own? 
“Hmm...well, I wish it had been better circumstances, but it’s nice to meet you (Y/n)!” Sero’s wide smile was back on his face, and again you were reminded of how handsome his human features were. You couldn’t tell with your untrained eyes, but you were near certain he was probably regarded as very handsome by spider standards as well. “By the way,” he started, eyes curious. “You were in an awful fright when you stumbled into my web. Why were you running into the dark forest? Most humans stay far from here.” 
So you’ve heard; that must be why your pursuers didn’t dare follow you into the woods. You swallowed nervously. “Well…” you began, your voice small. “I might have angered the wrong people.” You knew your answer couldn’t possibly suffice, and one look at Sero’s eyes told you he was waiting for you to continue. “In my pocket,” you notified him, looking down at your web-covered body, “is a red, glass stone. I took it from someone powerful.”
Sero’s eyes seemed to swirl with an amused look. “Cute and mischievous. I like that~” 
You tried not to let his light, flirtatious comments distract you. “This stone can fulfill anyone’s deepest, truest desire. It works only once, and whatever it creates cannot be undone. The man I took this stone from is corrupted with a blackened heart. He couldn’t have the stone.” Your eyes narrowed, and you couldn’t hide the bitterness that edged its way into your voice. “So I took it before he could misuse it.” 
You weren’t sure why you were telling him all of this, but something about Sero made it very easy to talk to him. His countenance was thoughtful at your words, and he nodded slowly. “This stone of yours...does it work on anyone?” You swallowed. You already found Sero to be a curious drider, but could this question suggest ill-intention? 
You spoke slowly. “Yes,” you said, “But the wish cannot be controlled by its user. The red glass stone sees deep into you to find your deepest desire, whether you are aware of it or not. It can cause great ruin if it falls into the wrong hands.” At this, Sero’s face leaned in closer to yours.
“Thank you for you honesty,” he said simply, a softer smile taking place on his lips. Though you have heard horrific stories of evil, dark driders before, everything Sero has shown you defied them. You knew he could easily be tricking you with a false character, but something in your heart willed you to believe him. “What do you plan to do with the stone?” he asked you. 
You could see how he hung onto your every word. “I’m going to destroy it.” You spoke simply, leaving it at that. 
Sero cocked his head. “Is that your deepest, truest desire?” he dug deeper, leaning closer still. You could feel his breath on your neck, and it sent shivers down your spine.
“I-I…” you stuttered, unsure how to respond. You couldn’t answer honestly, and it was becoming harder to think with him so near. He really was handsome, and even more so up close. “I don’t know…” you said truthfully, eyes hazed as you look at him. 
Sero’s lips ghosted over the skin of your neck. “I think my deepest, truest desire,” he said, his voice softer and lower than it was before, “is to find someone...anyone, who will truly know me.” Your eyelashes fluttered against his touch. “Someone who understands my very being, who can listen to my old stories and write new ones with me…” 
You crane your head to make eye contact with him. “I don't think you need a stone for that,” you suggested softly. His eyebrows lifted slightly, a tiny smile forming once more.
“I have been cursed in this hideous form to inhabit these dark woods for the rest of my life,” Sero said, a soft sadness settling in his voice. “What makes you think anything less than divine intervention could make anyone love me?”
You wished your arms were free of the webs so that you could reach forward to touch him. “You don’t need a stone for that,” you repeated, trying to convey your desire to comfort him in your eyes. “And you’re not hideous. You just need someone to give you a chance.” 
Sero looked at you, eyes desperate for any sort of reassurance that he wasn’t left to wander the world alone. “...Could you?”
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umbrellaacademyblog · 6 years
yoooo.... could you do something, anything, for some bonding between Five and Klaus? I really love their dynamic but we saw so little of it in the show!
A/N: Thanms for the ask! I did them as young kids, don't know why just did. If you want a version of them older(like age in the show) just send me another ask but here. Hope you like it
P.s I kinda struggle with writing kids, especially siblings as kids because my only brother is 8 years younger than me so I don't have personal experiences with that so if you have any tips please let me know.
P.p.s This is set before Grace is made and I know that she gave them their names but I didnt want to call Klaus number four the whole time so I didnt.
“Number Four! What are you wearing!” Reginald shouted.
The young boys’ face was sprinkled with random spots of makeup. His lips were messily coated in a bright red and his eyes were outlined with a dark blue and a light green color. He had pink eyeshadow dusted on his cheekbones and mascara lightly coated in his eyebrows.
“They were in Nanny’s room.” He said feebly, “I just thought…”
“You just thought? Did you even think? You broke into your Nannies room and stole her private items.” Reginald stared at the young Four. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Klaus stared at the floor tears starting to slip from his eyes.
“I…I…” Klaus started.
“You’re not focused Number Four!” Reginald interrupted. “You will spend four hours in the mausoleum tonight. Maybe, you’ll actually learn respect and how to get over your fears.”
Tears started streaming out of Klaus’ eyes.
“No! Please, No! I’m Sorry!” Klaus wailed. Reginald grabbed him by the forearm and dragged him out the door.
“No! Please! I’m Sorry. I won’t to it again I promise!”
Reginald ignored the screams as he dragged him past his siblings. Nobody knew what was really happening. Just that it was punishment time for Klaus. Klaus struggled against his father and tried to reach out to his siblings for help.
They all kept their heads down, not able to look at Klaus. Five was the only one with the stomach to follow the commotion.
“Please! Don’t I can’t!” Klaus begged trying desperately to free himself from the man’s grasp.
Klaus was dragged out the back and when the mausoleum came in sight he went hysterical.
“Please, Dad! No!” He fought with everything he had but it still wasn’t enough. “Don’t put me in there! I swear! I won’t go through Nanny’s stuff again!”
Reginald stopped in the doorway unlocking the opening.
“It’s not about that anymore Number Four, you’re undisciplined and out of control.” He managed to slip the old lock off and pry the door open.
Klaus couldn’t breathe. The air grew too insignificant to the death inside.
“Please don't” he begged, but all that managed to escape was a soft wheeze.
The world seemed to blur around Klaus as Reginald threw him in the dusty graveyard. He landed on the rough dirt and shakily examined the familiar room.
“Four hours!” Reginald shouted. A loud bang followed. Klaus knew that was it he was trapped.
He ran to the door pounding,  begging for forgiveness. He could feel the temperature dropping as he felt the ghosts behind him.
Klaus screamed until his throat felt raw and his fists became bruised.
“Klaus?” a soft voice whispered behind him. Klaus squeezed his eyes shut trying to ignore the ghosts around him. He could feel them all around him, grabbing at his skin.
“Klaus,” he felt someone shake him and he quickly covered his ears.
“Please, just go away.” He weakly begged. He sat down and pushed himself against the wall trying to become as small as possible.
One harder shake and Klaus threw his eyes open in fear.
“Klaus, it’s okay. It’s me.”
Klaus slowly lowered his hands from his ears. Five was squatting in front of him with sadness in his eyes. He was wearing his blue pajamas and had twigs tangled in his head.
Klaus had splotchy makeup scattered on his face, clothes and hands with streaks of water from his tears outlined by his makeup.
Klaus’ heart stopped as he examined his brother.
“Are you… You’re not?” Klaus started barely able to get the words out.
“I followed you here. Didn’t want you to be alone.” Five answered quietly.
Klaus eyed the ghosts behind his brother. “So you’re not dead?”
Five chuckled lightly. “No, not yet.” He sat in front of Five and cleared his throat.
“Why’d Dad put you out here.”
Klaus hugged his knees and sniffled. “I got into the nanny’s stuff.”
Five chuckled a bit. “I can tell.” Klaus looked away suddenly and his shoulders slumped. “not that it looks bad. I mean, yeah it looks bad now, but it looked really good before.”
Klaus raised his eyebrows and a smile peeked out the corner of his mouth. “really?”
“Yeah,” Five assured, “it looks good on you.”
Klaus looked at his knees and sighed. “Well, I’ll never be able to try it ever again.”
Five sat silently in the awkwardness stealing glances at his sad brother. Klaus was trying to ignore the ghosts all around him and Five. His eyes darted around trying to avoid their gazes and whenever a ghost came particularly close a soft whine would escape his lips.
Fives face lit up like a lightbulb, and he excitedly grabbed Klaus’ hands.
“Don’t worry.” he said looking into Klaus’ eyes, “I’m going to be back, I have an idea!”
Without any further words or hesitation, Five disappeared. Klaus hugged his knees tighter and hid his face into his shirt.
‘Klaus,’ they whispered. He tried not to cry. Five was coming back! Five had to come back he said he would!
Klaus felt them growing nearer, he could see them multiplying. The musty air grew thicker.
Fives coming back. Fives coming back. He echoed in his head.
He didn’t know how much time had passed but it seemed like forever and yet he was sure it was only minutes. The ghosts fought for his attention and he refused to give it to them.
“Klaus!” A familiar voice called. Klaus jumped up and hugged Five. Five struggled to hug back but the items in his arms forbid it.
Klaus let go of his brother and eyed the bag in Fives hand.
“What’s that?” He asked pulling Five back down into the corner.
Five eyed Klaus excitedly as he revealed the light purple box with gold accents along the rim. Klaus immediately recognized it.
“That’s the Nanny’s makeup box!” Klaus gasped. Five grinned ear to ear as he carefully opened it.
“Yep. Except tonight it’s yours” Five slid the open box to the grinning Klaus. He immediately began shuffling through carefully examining each thing.
He pulled out random items that caught his eye and placed them to the side.
“What’s that pencil for?” Five asked pointing to some eyeliner.
“I don’t know,” Klaus admitted, still shuffling through the makeup. “I think it’s to make it easier to draw things on your face.”
Five picked it up and examined it. “Like what?”
Klaus shrugged, “I don’t know whatever you want.”
Five offered the pencil to Klaus, “Can you draw devil horns on me?”
Klaus chuckled and grabbed the eyeliner. He pushed the box to the side and scooted closer to Five. He grabbed his head softly behind the ear and began drawing.
Five giggled at the feeling of the pencil against his face. When Klaus finished the left side he moved to the right and shakily drew matching horns.
“Done!” Klaus announced dropping the pencil. Five reached into the bag and pulled out a small hand mirror admiring Klaus’ work.
“Very good.” he said monotone. “Now I’m ready for the day!”
Klaus giggled some bright red lipstick.
“Let me make them red!” he said reaching for Fives horns. He shaded them in and handed him the mirror again.
“Now you're ready.” Klaus giggled.
Klaus searched through the makeup some more not looking for anything in particular. He was just happy to be exploring these wonderful tools.
“Do you want to be a girl?” Five asked as Klaus drew a happy face on his cheek.
Klaus stifled a laugh as he put the mirror down. “No, do you?”
“No, I just thought. You always play with girl toys”
“They’re not girl toys they’re my toys!”
Five shrugged. “This stuff isn’t yours.”
“But your playing with this stuff too does that make you a girl.”
Five stared at the floor thoughtfully. “No, I’m not a girl.”
“Neither am I,” said Klaus happily.
The ghosts never left but neither did Five, they stayed in there together until Reginald came to take out Klaus. Five teleported away seconds before the door swung open and Reginald was surprised to see that Klaus wasn’t hysterical.
“Have you overcome your fear Number Four?”
Klaus nodded his head and carefully stood up. “Can I come out now?”
Reginald checked his watch and sniffed.
“Go clean that crap off your face and then hurry off to bed.” Klaus nodded and slipped past his father practically skipping to the bathroom.
There Five was trying to scrub off his Devils horns.
“Thanks” Klaus said as he stepped up to the sink.
“For what?” Five asked as he dried his face.
“Playing with me,” Klaus added as if it was obvious.
Five smiled. “I don’t know what you're talking about,” Five quickly turned off the sink and ran out the door trying to stifle laughter.
Klaus smiled at himself in the mirror, struggling to get the last of the mascara out.
‘Thanks Five,” he thought, “for helping me keep the ghosts away,”
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canadian-buckbeaver · 7 years
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@silverwolf715 (why won't it let me tag you????)
Bucky was in the bathroom, looking at herself, pulling the dust and twigs out of her fur. Muffet had found her on her day off. The stupid cupcake monster could run fast when Muffet wanted it to. Luckily Bucky had lost it in the forest, escaping with a few minor scratches and nips, but not before it stepped on her tail. She sighed, pulling it to her and examining it. Luckily no puncture marks but it felt bruised and bent out of shape. Though she'll probably need to see Undyne about it, just to be sure. She didn't use her tail very often, she still wasn't used to having one...
Looking in the mirror again, she could feel her eyes tearing up. On the Surface she was stronger than this. She'd figure out something to do about Muffet. It was just rough that nobody, except Nikki, believed her. And Nikki, Pupy and Red were busy, she couldn't involved them in her little drama. Stretch didn't believe her when she had mentioned it the first time, had brushed it off as a joke, and Berry believed the best was in everyone.
Muffet obviously wanted Stretch back with a passion, and Bucky out of his life. No matter the cost. Was the relationship even worth it? She still caught Stretch flirting with other monsters.... it was his nature to be flirty after all but, seriously. Quickly taking off her clothing she looked once more in the mirror. All she was was a stupid beaver. No characteristics she could be proud of other than her eyes, and how chocolate her fur looked. Her fur shed everywhere, she was litertally covered from head to toe with it, she was too short, too weak to do anything. Not the hint of female characterstics unless someone was to look carefully enough. What would have drawn Stretch to her? It had to be how Muffet said. That she was just something new... or, in her own opinion she was one that kept the resets away. Perhaps Stretch only dated her so he could have some peace? You keep that person happy, and they would stick around after all...
Bucky was getting a headache, she was thinking too hard on this. Quickly she turned on the shower, waiting outside the tub for it to heat up a bit. There was a knock on the door, and a creak when it opened.
"Hey Bucky. When I was in the market I came across a gel you might like. Chocolate and cream...." Bucky looked at him, hurt in her eyes and still covered with forest debris. "Are you ok?" He asked.
Bucky turned away from him. "What do you think, Stretch?" She asked, stepping in the shower. The water ran pink off of her body.
Muffet watched carefully as Bucky left the house. She had gotten away from her pet by shortcutting in the forest. Papyrus must have been teaching her some tricks to keep up the illusion of the relationship. However today....
Well, Muffet was tired of watching Bucky leave the house like she owned it. That was her place after all. The little bed warmer should have been gone by now. Today, today was the day. She was prepared.
Today, Bucky would be broken.
She was alone, taking her usual walk towards Grillby's. To add further salt to her wounds, Papyrus was fucking one of the competition's workers! But she would forgive him. They were meant for each other after all.
Muffet quickly intercepted Bucky on the path. The beaver monster didn't even seemed surprised to see her anymore. "Can you reschedule this?" She asked. "I'm going to be late for my shift."
"You should have thought of that before you got involved with my mate." Muffet said.
Bucky just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Listen Muffet. I'm sorry. But you're going to need to understand something here. Stretch, no matter the relationship that you guys once had, is not with you. He is very unaware that you consider him your mate. Perhaps this is something that you should take up with him?" Bucky eyed her. She was never one to show weakness to her, or when she was hurt. Nikki must have rubbed off on her. "After all, usually it is the home wrecker's that are unaware of the other's lies." She moved to get around her.
Muffet's and grabbed her by the sweater and pulled her off of the ground. "Now you listen here, and listen close. It seems like no matter what I tell you either goes over your head or doesn't absorb into that thick skull of yours." She flicked Bucky's temple, noting the small flinch she did. "So here's what's going to go down. You're going to break up with Papyrus, move to the next set of mountains, and forget all about us. Or I'll be sure to set up a few play dates for you with my pet like before. And he doesn't play nice." There was a tiny glimpse of fear in Bucky's eyes. Muffet chuckled and opened her mouth again.
"You did what?" A familiar voice asked.
Bucky and Muffet turned. There, an orange sweater came out of the forest, a lollipop in his teeth. Muffet dropped Bucky as if burned. "Papyrus!" She squeaked. "Bucky fell in the snow and I was just helping her up."
"This far away from the nest?" He asked her, a dangerous spark in his eyes. "Don't bother Muffet, your 'mate' heard everything." He grabbed Bucky and held her close. "I owe an apology Buck for not believing you." He said softly, before turning back to Muffet.
"Papyrus..." she said.
"Shut up. Now. You're gonna listen to me, loud and clear. If I ever, ever see you near Bucky again, I'll kill you. She's ten times the monster you are." He snarled. "I don't know what sort of relationship you thought we had, but it's over now Muffet. Forever this time. I'm never going back, no more drunken tumbles. I'm done. I don't need anyone else. I have all could want in my hands," he said gesturing to Bucky, "and my brother. Good bye Muffet. Remember what I said. Cause that's a promise."
He walked off, still holding Bucky close to him. "You were following me...." Muffet heard her whisper to the skeleton.
"Yes. I was. And I'm only sorry for not doing it sooner."
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