#but yeah i could be delusional its possible
sarka-stically · 4 months
dont stone me but i truly didnt feel any flirty vibes from fabian to mazey. he had lame fabian flirting vibe with ivy we know that. but to mazey i truly just felt like he wanted bard friend and also lou kinda wanted possible advantage on the roll if he has a friend there (didnt take it but ya know).
I may be delulu and i will point and laugh at myself if it ends with fabian/mazey but it rly feels like brennan and rest of the cast always act sooo shippy when mazey is on scene but lou barely reacts
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bangytell · 6 months
jk | m
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Summary: Your brother's best friend has been your ultimate crush since forever, and soon you'll find out that he has been too.
Genre: friends to lovers, smut
Rated: mature
Pairing: Jungkook x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: non idol au! pet names (i looove using pet names), protected sex, kinda sex in public, boobs worshiping, mentions of jealousy and a very much lovestruck Jungkook.
a/n: I just miss him so much already, in that haircut in those lives, just bring that Jungkook back to me, any ways, come to be delusional with me. I couldn't bring my mind into a title, doesn't alway have to. Also I don't have a song in mind, don't hate me please i put much effort into this.
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You’re constantly aroused by the thought of your friend pinning your body, but you can’t tell a soul about your strongest desires. 
He’s your gym buddy, the shoulder you have cried on and a good friend, and it has to keep that way since he, unfortunately for you, has a girlfriend.
He’s teaching you the exercises you could do while he maintains the workout he’s currently doing, and with a hand in your lower back you feel hot in your stomach.
He’s talking to you while you imagine having him, in every possible way. 
“Understood [name]?” you nod “Do it one time for me” 
Oh i’ll do it for you many times
You do the movement as told, he grins and puts his thumb up for you, at least he used to give you praises, but you’ll take what you can get.
“I’ll be with your brother, finish the series for me and then get to cardio and you’re done” you smile and nod, getting your headphones up your head again.
You finish with ease as you see your brother and his best friend exercise at the same peace and look with detail as Jungkook body flexes and stretches each movement.
As you’re running and thinking about tomorrow's routine, you feel a hand on your shoulder, is your brother, Jimin. You pull your headphones, he speaks.
“We’re going to our dorm, are you good on your own?” Was he really asking that?
“You brought me here, what do you mean if 'm good on my own?” he chuckles
“Jungkook’s girl jus’ told us to go to this party” that girl… 
“If you dump me here i’ll snitch” he gasps
“You wouldn’t” you furrow your eyebrows 
“Try me” he grins and sees Jungkook approaching 
“Oh yeah, tell Jungkook what you jus’ told me” that filthy rat of a brother you had 
You slow the peace to the machine, as he comes closer 
“[name] Jimin already told you?” you look confused and he grins “Let me guess, you told him you’ll snitch on him”
“You know her so well dude” Jimin chuckles and now you look angry, really angry 
“You’re dumping me here to go after that…” you shush you words, in respect for Jungkook
“C’mon [name] is a holiday party, maybe your brother can finally get a girl” you scoff
“As if, please don’t do this to me… again” your temple looks like a lost puppy and it touches Jungkook soul
“You’re right, c’mon i’ll take you home” you smile 
“I knew you were better than Jimin” your time was over at the machine, you went after your backpack and followed Jungkook to his car 
“See you at the party, loser” Jimin drives off as you sit on Jungkook’s car 
“Thank you for the drive” he sighs and smiles “I don’ mean to bother”
“Don’t worry, I jus’ hope Miko won’t get mad at me” 
Oh, right. 
“She won’t just use that beautiful bunny smile of yours and she’ll forget all about it” he smiles at you as the dim light from the road lights your sight.
When you arrive at your entrance, he seems distant as if an idea has filled his thoughts.
“Kook?” he smiles “All good?” he nods but doesn’t seem like it 
“You can talk to me” he nods again, and opens his mouth as if the words were stuck at his throat 
“Good night gorgeous, see you tomorrow” that’s all he manages himself to say, you reply with a good night and leave his car, he drives off and your heart pains in its cage. 
After falling asleep with ease, your phone rings at your night stand, with a blurry vision you answer.
“Yes?” someone’s sobbing on the other line and you sit up straight, your vision returns and you notice that Jungkook’s name pops up “Kookie, what’s wrong?” he sobs a little 
“[name] can you come for me?” drive at night? it surely didn’t seem like the better idea at the moment “please, i’m at my dorm but…”
“Okay, i’ll be there, give me twenty minutes” he hums in agreement, you hung up 
Put your pajamas back on and leave a note at the fridge for your parents. 
Took the car keys and drove as fast as you could. Once outside you call him.
“ ‘m here” he hangs up and you see him, the beanie and mask hide his puffy eyes.
Inside the car you greet him “What’s wrong sweety?” he denies and pulls your arm for a hug, he sobs and pulls you closer.
“Sorry for calling so late” you caress his back and feel him relax at your touch 
“No worries” he scoffs and pulls away to look in your eyes “What happened?”
He denies and you begin to drive back home, the drive was full of Jungkook soft sobs and muffled music from your radio. 
Once there you get down, and take the note from the fridge and place another. 
Jungkook is at Jimin’s room, please don’t peek
He chuckles “You know how they are” he nods as you guide him through the halls 
Once at Jimin's door he takes his mask off. 
“Can you stay while I fall asleep” you nod, he seems delicate, as if by a simple touch would break him.
“No problem” you both enter the room, he takes his shoes and the beanie off, you leave your sneakers on the floor and lie beside him. 
“She cheated on me” he settles in your arms after being able to tell you about his state you stroke his hair and his back as he cries on your shoulder and shivers 
“ ‘m sorry Kookie” he denies and sobs 
“Is not your fault or anything” you nod “ ‘m a fool, a stupid and dumb” you keep caressing his back and answer to him 
“Why should you be? She’s the fool, the dumb and the stupid for playin’ with such an amazing catch” he chuckles 
“ ‘m no catch” you gasp 
“What? You’re good at everything you do, your amazing personality and that dazzling look you have? Anyone is the luckiest to have you as a couple” he chuckles and pulls away to look at you
“You’re sayin’ that as a friend” you deny 
“ ‘m sayin it as a woman” he nods and rests his head at your chest again
“Thank you for being here” you stroke his hair and lean to give a soft peck at his temple 
“Anythin’ for you, jus’ don’t tell Jimin I was here with you” he giggles and you feel as he drifts off to sleep. 
The next morning Jungkook wakes up to the muffled voices coming from outside and the smell of pancakes. There was a little note at the side table where his phone rested. 
There’s Jimin's old clothes in the closet, take a shower and come to have breakfast as soon as you can! 
Your pretty handwriting made him smile, he took a very needed shower, and after using a shirt that fitted and some shorts he opened the door.
Only you and your mom remained at the dining room, the sight of your stuffed cheeks laughing at something and to Jungkook your eyes had a starlight 
“Kook!” your mom stood and hugged him, his eyes were still puffy but he seemed a lot better. “Haven't seen you in a while, fancy seeing you here, without my son” he blushes and his ears become to gain that same crimson color “But, no worries you're welcome anytime” you sighed in relief and your mother helped Jungkook sit while she puts some pancakes and syrup. 
“I have to run, but please Kook, make yourself at home” 
You admired him as he filled his mouth with food. Jimin's shirt on him was a bit small but stood out his muscular body, his damp hair falled to his temple and got a bit in the way of his eyes, he was engrossed in his tasks not paying attention to your attentive gaze. 
“Don't worn me out” he speaks, gazing at you as you chuckle and flustered at his words 
“I wasn't…” you scoff and drink your glass of juice he smiles and continues to eat.
You leave to get ready for the class you have in a few minutes, and as you walk down the stairs you hear Jungkook screaming.
“Now it's my fault? You don't care where I am” he sounds… angry
“So what if she's here? That's the dumbest excuse” could he mean… you? 
You were the only one left at the house so… 
“I shouldn’t have answered your call Miko, have a nice day” he remains silent and you enter the dining room. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” he nods, hiding his face with his hands “Jimin texted me, asking for you” he gaze you
“What did you told him?” he sounds… exhausted 
“That you're okay” he nods
“He knows ‘m here” you nod and he sighs 
“I didn't tell him I was coming, or that I called you. Or anything that happened actually” he sighs
“I figured, so i jus’ told him that I knew you were okay” 
“Thank you, I'll let him know about what happened, can you give me a ride to the dorm?” you nod and he gets up leaving through the halls
You clean the kitchen and soon he appears with his old outfit. 
“ ‘m ready” you nod and grab your keys on the way out. 
The ride to his dorm is silent, no radio this time and it feels like his feelings and thoughts are eating him alive. 
“Come by home any day you want, okay?” he nods as he opens the door
“Sure, gorgeous” you rest your forehead at your steering wheel as he walks away from you. 
Being just the friend was kinda exhausting when it came to seeing him hurt. 
And what did that call he had before meant? 
By no surprise you ended up at the gym by yourself, your brother and his best friend didn't have trouble telling if they were coming, after your body got tired, you rushed home.
After a shower, you got a call from your friend, Ava. 
“Hey pookie how's your life these days?” you snort
“Remember Jungkook?” she hums 
“How can I forget, he's all you mention” you scoff and she giggles
“His now ex girlfriend cheated on him” she gasps
“No waaay” you sigh 
“Way, and he called, sobbing asking me if I could drive him to my house, Jimin was still at the party I presume” your friend gasps
“Woah, woah, he wanted to be with you?” you blush
“ ‘m his friend, ‘m sure he jus’ wanted a home” she giggles at your words 
“ y're so oblivious” you snort
“He sleeped at Jimin's room, and I stayed until he falled asleep since he pleaded me” she gasps in surprise 
“He whaaat?” you snort 
You hear your front door, and more than one voice as they make their way to the living room. Since they're far away you can't make heads or tails on who's outside 
“Sorry, were you saying something? she snorts 
“Jus’ tell Jungkook how you feel” you shake your head in deny 
“I can't to that now Ava, he jus’ been cheated” she chuckles 
“Is always bad timing with you, you’re a woman now, aren't ya’? you huff 
Suddenly short knocks on your door startled you. 
“Yes?” Ava is still on the phone when Jungkook answer with a soft “It's me”
“Gotta go Ava, call you later” with no time to answer you hung up and left your phone in the bed, standing up to open your door.
He looks much better than tonight, he doesn’t have puffy eyes and his all black outfit makes your heart skip a beat. 
“Sorry I haven't called or anything” you shake your head in denial and he sighs “I kinda been sleeping all day” you nod, and he finds your silence odd “Can we talk?” you nod and close the door as he enters your room.  
You both sit in bed, he's eyeing your room when his gaze meets yours and stays there. 
“Are you mad at me?” you shake your head in deny once again, and you don't know what makes you being flustered “Talk to me [name]” 
“Is there something you need to hear from me?” he sighs and holds your hand, caresses with his thumb and your cheeks blush 
“I jus’ don't want you to provide me the silent treatment” he seems delicate with his words, and with the way he holds and strokes your hand
“Why did you call me?” he knew that was the question that remained your thoughts, he sighed and tried to give you the answer you need 
“ I didn't know where else to go, and I felt… alone” you huff
“So… I can only get your call when you're alone?” he shakes his head in deny and your eyes become watery 
Because to you, the way he's been acting makes your heart ache in disbelief, seeing he only needs and wants your presence when it threatens to be by himself. 
You know Jungkook since you were both little, and sure he's two years older, but that never stopped your hopeless heart. Every time he got hurt you would caress him, provide words of encouragement and your unilateral love was becoming hurtful by the year. Surely you had couples before, and intimacy but your heart and mind would always think of him, on the way he makes you feel and how you know him and the way he knows and remembers so much of you. Being with anyone else wouldn't fulfill you. 
“Is not like that gorgeous, you're my friend and I…-” you pull your hand and look at him with hurt eyes
“Maybe 'm tired of being jus’ your friend” he looks confused as you stand “Don’t tell me you haven't noticed my feelings” he looks confused as you step closer and pull him to put your lips into his. 
He answers your kiss and opens his mouth a little more to deepen the kiss. You pull away and give him a hopeful gaze. 
“ ‘m sorry” you know you shouldn't have kissed him, and he's just sitting looking at your flustered body, trembling and moving with anxiety.
He holds you by the hand and pulls you to his body to hug you by the waist, he's sitting at the edge of your bed and you're stroking his hair as his arms hug you closer.
You hear knocks on your door, and your mom's voice brings you back from reality. You let go from his embrace and open the door a little just to see your mother. 
“Dinner is ready, and bring Jungkook with you” you nod and close the door. 
“Let's go downstairs before she returns and kick my door down” he chuckles and stands up, before you open the door again he holds you by the cheek and gives you a soft peck.
Your emotions and thoughts are a literal storm inside of you, you kissed him and he responded to the kiss, not only that but he gave you a kiss back. 
Are you dreaming? 
Dinner goes smoothly, Jimin is telling a story and as you try to pay attention you notice from the corner of your eye that Jungkook’s gaze pierces you. 
After dinner you hear Jimin saying that it is a great idea to sleepover in his room, your mom says it's fine. 
You stay in the living room with the television on, watching Pride and Prejudice. It was that dance scene and as they danced your attention drifted off to the body sitting next to you. 
“Do you like this movie?” you ask, as he looks at the screen, he chuckles 
“I've seen it, when you were like fifteen remember?” you nod, the memory returning to you, of your younger self when Jimin had sneaked out for a party and didn't tell Jungkook about it, so he unconsciously made Jimin grounded. That night you were watching the same movie. 
“You remember” he smiles and nods
You finish the movie and he turns at you. 
“Why is that is called Pride and Prejudice” you giggle but answer to his question anyway 
“They both were very proud and had prejudice over each other's action” he opens his mouth in a “o” as your brother walks to the living room.
“Dude, you can't sleep again?” he nods and you're prying as to why he seems to not be able to sleep when he has slept with you before “What are you looking [name]?” 
“We watched Pride and Prejudice” he puts a boring expression 
“You and your boring movies, Jungkook just sit here with you because he had nothing else to do” he arch an eyebrow and looks in your brothers way
“It was really entertaining actually, you should try and watch a movie with your sister sometime” Jimin huffs and you mouth a thank you to Jungkook
Surely Jimin preferred to do anything else than to share more than three words with you which mostly included “Dinner's ready” “Mom's calling you” “Can I borrow 20 bucks” that day you were surprised.
Jimin went back to his room and as you look for something different, Jungkook’s caught your eye. 
He's scrolling to his social media, looking as handsome as he can be, and you gulp at the exquisite sight of him. 
“ ‘m sleepy now Koo” he nods
“Go to bed gorgeous” you smile and walk to your room after taking a last glimpse at his features.
After cuddling inside your quilt and blankets you hear your phone buzz. 
[So you have feelings for me huh?] –Koo
[Ha ha if you're acting like this forget about my confession] —[name]
[I could never forget about you, or when you kissed me, is actually all there is left in my mind] —Koo
[You’re talking gibberish :D] –[name]
[You drive me insane] —Koo
You smile at your phone and turn flustered to his words. 
[I don't think you're emotionally available at the moment] —[name] 
He reads the text and doesn't answer
You weren't telling lies, he’s been recently cheated on. He can't be thinking about anything else. 
Suddenly, two soft knocks and your name being whispered by Jungkook. You open, with an open mouth, to throw a tantrum, but all is silenced when Jungkook's wet and saccharine lips are onto yours, hungry for your kisses.
You pull apart in confusion, he surely gets your blood boiling whether is the hot in your stomach wishing he'll fuck you dumb, or the way he makes you angry. 
“Jungkook what?...” he reaches to you once more but you place your hand on his chest “Please, tell me what has gotten into you?”
He looks at you like a stray puppy, and finds a seat on your bed. He sighs deeply.
“I jus’ wanna kiss you” and with a sigh, a pout on his lips and his hands covering his face
“Jungkook, your emotions are hurt and blinded by the betrayal, I don’ wanna take advantage of that” he shakes his head in denial 
“You don’t understand [name], you don’t” you kneel in front of his body and hold his hands on yours
“Help me understand then” he sighs, once more
“I didn’t realize my feelings for you until it was late, until you were dating that hideous dude” you chuckle “Then Miko got me mesmerized, or I thought she had” his gaze is on yours as he strokes your face “I fooled myself by thinking that I could… stop myself from thinking, caring and being hopelessly and deeply devoted to you” your breath stucks on your throat “Miko did me a favor by cheating on me, you were there for me… you” you place a finger on his lips
“I understand, but I can’t be your second best, I can’t feel like a side plate” he nods and pulls you for a hug, with a few tears on your face he wipes them with his fingers and gives you a soft peck.
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After that, both of you spend more and more time together, he’ll bluntly flirt with you, making you feel giddy and flustered, even in front of your brother and he smiled with a “I knew you too would eventually step out of obliviousness” you both giggle and then he said “Jus’ don’t make out in front of me” 
It was Jimin’s birthday, he had a party at your house, with a few of your girlfriends from school, and almost every classmate from both jimin's year and yours was there. Jimin will always go big. 
You had your lilac dress, pouring yourself some more liqueur while the crowd and the music rumbled inside the house. Suddenly you feel a cold finger touching your elbow and you turn to find your old friend, Taehyung (who's also a friend of your brother) greeting you with his boxy smile, you give him a long hug and that's when Jungkook's attention falls into you once more.
He wasn't one to be able to call you his but the boiling blood inside him couldn't stop his mind, he was so jealous of how that boy was talking so close to you, and the way his hands went to your waist when you hugged him, he was starting to lose his temple, as his friends tried to call his name out to make him fall out of that slumber he walked your way without being fully aware of his actions, he placed a hand by your lower waist and greeted his way into your conversation.
You can't  believe Jungkook is jealous of you as he pulls you closer to his warmth, Taehyung chuckles and shakes his hand in a goodbye as he winks at you and gets lost within the crowd.
“Jeon Jungkook, don’t tell me you got jealous” you chuckle and his hands turn you so you'll face him
Soon enough your hands are around his neck as he pulls you desperately into his kiss, you both giggle and his hand goes to one of your ass cheeks and lifts you a little your stomach begins to flutter and to feel warm, he's kissing you like in desperation, as if you're gonna disappear through his hands.
You can't remember how or when in between kisses but your body is on top of Jungkook's grinding onto his jeans, and he's losing his mind eyeing your drees lifting way past your knee, the way your breasts go up and down with every movement makes you a great sight. 
“You look like a goddess right now” he holds you by your ass as you continue to grind on him, and his bulge just feels as you grind and slide in between your pussy so effortlessly. “You can only look like this for me” you nod and he grins and holds you closer to kiss you. “Use your words, doll” 
“I only do this for you Jungkook” he grins and looks your way as he tries to pull your dress out of the way
“Good girl” he smiles as he discards your dress and soon enough your bra, he cups your breasts and puts one into his mouth as he caresses them with his tongue, you begin to let out saccharine moans and try to put a hand over your mouth, he shakes his head in deny. “Don't worry my love, the music is too high for anyone to notice” your hands go to his abdomen and you love the way it feels within your fingers, you help him out of his t-shirt and leave a trial of kisses until you're off of him and begin to unbuckle his belt, soon enough he pulls his pants off and his cock bounces back once its released from his boxer, your hand cups it and without warning you put it into your mouth, his head loll back as you busy in task, he puts a hand on your head and as he hears the sound you make while making his cock full of drool and feeling good he still feels like this ain't enough. 
“Come on love, let me fuck you” those words make you stop, he kisses you and gets up to take off the rest of his clothes, he helps you get into bed and you're waiting in all fours as he takes a condom out of his wallet. He admires your body and strokes your ass cheek as the condom slips into his warm and aching cock.
He begins to slide into you, feeling the way your pussy clench and squeeze his cock.
“Ngh… you're so tight” he pulls away and slides back in just a little to have you squirming and pleading for more “You're s-... so desperate to take me in huh?” you moan, almost scream as he thrust balls deep into you.
His thrust are hitting just the right spot, making you moan his name like a prayer, his eyes full of lust eye your sweating body and grabs you by your arm to pull your back to his chest, your pleading for him not to stop, and he feels feral by the way your pleading and moaning, he loves that he's the only able to do this with you, and wants to do it every single day.
As he bullies into you his hands go to your breasts, then to your clitoris and begin to rub gently as your body shivers in pleasure
“This is how i wanna make you feel [name], I want to fuck you dumb, make you forget your name and only remember mine” he's still holding you closer to him, feeling even more of his cock inside you and he gaze your body. “C'mon [name] be my girl huh?” you nod and keep moaning, no single thought can connect to your head “Use your words love” his hand rubbing your clitoris and the other holding you in place just make you a dumb mess, you can't make it in your head to say a word. 
“You'll answer me eventually” he chuckles as he feels his orgasm form and so do you, his name leave your mouth and just a few more thrust make you orgasm, your body trembles and shivers as he thrust his orgasm into you and the condom, he moans your name and you're in the same position as both of your chests go up and down, he helps you out of his cock and you feel it like a loss.
He stands up as you get comfortable in bed, he tosses the condom to your trash can, and comes to cuddle you into bed.
“Are you okay?” you giggle and nod 
“Yes Koo, I am excellent” he chuckles “You really got jealous?” you lock gaze with him 
“Yes…” you chuckle and hug him inside your blankets his body feels warm and he loves your breasts close to him
“But only because i can't say you're my girl” oh, you haven't answered 
“I don't think between sex was the better moment to ask” he chuckles and sighs as he speaks again
“Would you let me be the guy you date? I'd be honored” you smile and pulls him into a soft peck
“Yes Koo, I'll be extra happy to be your girl” 
Two knocks on the door startled you, the music from up your room isn't all loud and you ask “Who is it?” 
“You better bring both your asses downstairs and sing me happy birthday or I'll kill you Jeon” you laugh and say that you're on your way
“I don't believe he'd actually kill you” he pulls his pants to its place and smile at you
“Wait until he hears about what just happened” you gasp 
“Don't you dare” you both laugh and go downstairs holding hands as everyone sings happy birthday to your brother. 
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©️bangytell please do not copy or steal my work, any translation can’t be done this is the only way to read it.
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lokideservesahug · 17 days
Bound to falling in love
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Mick Schumacher x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: None that I can see?
Notes: Unsurprisingly this won the vote. But I hope you like it :)
Summary: Mick Schumacher has been extremelyprivate with how soulmark his whole life. But what happens when the interest does ehat its best at, snooping. Well Mick Schumacher might just finally meet the celebrity that he doesn't at all have a tiny crush on...
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Yourusername: WE ARE SO BACK BABY!!🖤🖤 Mercedes CCH 2024 Incoming (I'm delusional)
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 756,986 others
View all 533 comments
User1: I knew Y/N was an F1 girlie but I didn't know she was a Mercedes girl🤔
↳Yourusername: Have been for ever🖤
User2: Y/N is like me fr eith that caption
↳User3: Fr though😭 Like wdym 2nd place in sprint doesn't mean Lewis will get his 8th!?
↳Yourusername: Maybe he performed so well just to improve his ex-husband
↳User4: LMAO Poor Nico
Lewishamilton: Glad to see your support lies in the right place💪
↳Yourusername: OH my gosh. Sir Lewis Hamilton. It is an honour to speak to you
↳Lewishamilton: Maybe you should come to the Mercedes garage some time. I think certain people would love your company👀
↳User5: I think he just killed Y/N
↳User6: Wa she talking about himself or someone else. George perhaps? I'M so nosy!!!
↳User7: Well Mick is in the likes so that's where my money is...
↳User8: Sure grandma, the mkst soul ate obsessed obsessed In existence is caught up over Y/N...
↳User7: I mean it is Y/N Y/L/N
↳User8: True...
User9: Mick being in the likes👀
↳User10: Meh even if he does have a thing for Y/N, he'll still stick to his soulmate like he has done for decades.
↳User11: Hear me out, Y/N is his soulmate...
↳User10: Girl actualy shut up
↳User11: Just look at that twitter thread
↳User10: Hmmm interesting. It looks like it could be possible but the chances are 0.001% of it being her. Just because one user recognised it doesn't mean it's her
User12: Is anyone else really confused by all this talk of the twitter thread and that "one reply"
Liked by Yourusername
↳User13: basically people are trying to find out who Mick's soulmate is and currently people think it's Y/N
↳User12: OH... how random
↳User13: Yeah but tell me they wouldn't make the perfect couple...
Liked by Yourusername
↳User14: Y/N liking this comment + its replies twice is wild and shows she's as curious as us...
Mick's phone
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Your phone | Mick's | Your phone
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Yourusername: This guy wouldn't leave me alone in Italy. He says he's in the family business of driving cars or smt
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 1,023,987 others
View all 674 comments
↳User2: Girl probably? Hopefully? Idk?
User3: We don't need confirmation now...but also we so do!!!
User4: Awww they really are perfect for each other!🥺🥰
Liked by Mickschumacher, Yourusername
Lewishamilton: Glad you two finally found the time to go on a proper date rather than letting Mick ogle you all day!
↳Mickschumacher: Thanks for that man...
↳Yourusername: Aww Micky, you stare at me all the time?
↳Mickschumacher: How can I not Schatz, you're the most gorgeous person in the whole world❤❤❤
↳Estabanocon: How sweet 🤢
↳Mickschumacher: Aww just let me be in love this once.
User5: Ugh he's so bf coded
Liked by Yourusername
User7: did you guys see Mick say love? Ooh is this a new word added to the equation or....
Liked by yourusername
New story from Mickschumacher
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(My darling, my soulmate. Finally all mine to love)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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novasdarling · 10 months
Hii🌹can i ask "It’s so dangerous out there. Can’t you see that?"
with yandere Chrollo please? Thanks🌹
HEHEHEHE this motherfucker would. He's delusional in the scheme of him being like "Yeah my darling is better than me than anywhere else." but also he knows it's just a lie he makes so he doesn't feel too ad when you cry about being with him
Dangerous Out There
TW: Kidnapping, Yandere Behaviour, Mentions of death, Mentions of punishment
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The walls were plain and cold. Made of old cement bricks, leaving little room for any warmth or comfort. Any feelings sparking joy or tenderness were missing. Cold, bland, cruel. This jail cell represented the jailkeeper well. A void of happiness and delight was exactly what Chrollo was. Just this blackhole that took and took, destroying everything it touched and devoured.
However, no amount of sadness or begging changed his mind. Nothing let him declaw himself from you. No matter how much you begged these last few weeks, he refused to let go. Rather it seemed like your tears and pleas just made him dig deeper. Made him pull you closer to him, made him add more locks to the doors and windows. Like the more you begged and craved for freedom, the more he held onto you. The more he denied it. The more he felt like he needed to keep you locked away, keep you hidden. But you couldn't help the hope that pooled inside you. Hoping your begging would chip away at him. Make any sort of difference, cause him to feel any kind of remorse and let you go. A hope you would always hold onto.
Chrollo had made his way into the living room. Standing in the doorway, observing from behind as you watched one of the few movies he had provided when he first took you. You could recite it line by line.
"I know you're there."
"Your senses are getting better. Before you wouldn't have noticed me until you could see me."
Chrollo made his way forward, kneeling in front of you. Placing himself between your legs. It made your skin itch. You didn't give him an answer, even as he waited there. Starring up at you. You ignored him. Starring at the dumb movie in front of you. His hands squeezed your thighs.
"Most people say thank you after a compliment."
"Most people don't kidnap."
Chrollo laughed. Finding your response humorous. He always found your rebuttal funny and pleasant. Making it clear he enjoyed the bit of resistance you had. The wit that came with it. Your snappy remarks. It was fun for him, as long as you never went too far.
"Touché." Chrollo rubbed his knuckles over your cheek.
"Don't touch me."
Flinching away, you pushed him. Trying to create some distance from him. Trying to get the man you hated as far away as possible. He tried again, lifting his knuckles up to caress you, but you moved again. Denying him what he wanted twice.
He grabbed your arms. Trying to keep you still. Keeping himself between your legs and you caged.
"Let me go."
Chrollo held on. Dismissing your words as he wrestled you still.
"I want to go home."
Tears were forming in your eyes. You hated this, hated this man. Despised everything about all of this. How the hell did a charming stranger you bumped into one day turn into the man who was holding you captive? A man that killed and hurt people to get you. A man who had no boundaries.
"Let me go. I just want to go back. P-please. I won't tell anyone. I-I promise. I want to-"
"Stop it. Stop it now."
"Go to hell."
You lashed and kicked at him. Trying to get him away. Trying to make him let go. To understand just how much you hated him. How much you wanted him dead. That this wasn't home. That he wasn't what you wanted.
"I said stop it. Listen to me." Chrollo was raising his voice at you. Not yelling, but still enough to try to demand you listen to him. "Listen to me, just listen sweetheart." One hand now held both of your arms as the other made its way to hold your face still. Forcing you to look at him. "I'm trying to help you, my dear. Trying to keep you safe. It’s so dangerous out there. Can’t you see that? Can't you see understand?"
He sounded angry yet, worried. It was a lesson he was trying to push into your mind. Trying to teach you with him was better than elsewhere. Yet, even as his words sounded sincere. You couldn't help, but laugh at him. Laugh at his words. Dangerous? The danger out there? He was fucking deranged. Worse than you thought.
"Whatever is out there, sure as hell can't be worse than being here with you."
Leaning in, close to his face so he could hear your words. Understand what you were saying. Understanding you meant it. That you would rather be out there with whatever he was worried about than with the monster that was pretending to be your saviour.
The look on Chrollo's face had changed. Like he was hurt and angry. Disappointed by your words. You knew that look, you had hurt his little fantasy. Ruined the image of him being your little hero. The look that meant your behaviour needed to be "corrected". That your wit and back talk had crossed the line.
"Seems like you need some reminding why you're here."
"What, another couple of days locked in the closet? I'll take that if it means being away from you." You spat in his face with the last sentence. Showing him you were genuine.
"See, I was thinking something different." Chrollo grabbed your upper arm. Pulling you up and making you follow him. "If you think I'm such a monster, perhaps I should leave you alone with a colleague of mine. Someone who doesn't care about your safety. Someone who doesn't love you like I do. Remember Feitan?"
You had made the worse mistake since he had taken you. Not only had you been resistant to him, but you had made him the enemy. Not just in the scheme of kidnapping, but in the idea of being with him. You told him how you saw him. Now he was going to correct it. Make you see what is worse than him when there is no love to give.
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andavs · 1 month
ngl I'm also not liking alot of the spec I'm seeing and it's making me really nervous for where the show is going. I love these characters and I don't want to see eddie go through all of that
Yeah, sometimes the fandom takes things to a much darker place than they do on the show, and I’m really hoping this is one of those times. 
Like people were really expecting Eddie to fucking shatter in 5b when we saw him crying with the bat in the promo. There were all kinds of theories about him attacking Buck, possibly hurting Chris during a flashback, trying to kill himself, etc. The arc still explored how messed up he was, but he took it out on his wall, he kept it away from Chris as much as he could, and we didn’t actually see the breaking point or the destruction. A lot of it was implied and it stopped way short of going full HBO-level graphic and messy violent breakdown. Then he had one episode of focused recovery and was back at work and doing fine.
I have lots of issues with the pacing of that arc, but I think they hit the appropriate tone considering the rest of the show, and when and where the show airs.
So while people are going hard on this sleeping with his dead wife’s doppelganger, being fully delusional, destroying his entire life, Chris stays with Buck while Eddie ends up hospitalized, etc. I think (hope, really hope) there’s a good chance that the show won’t actually go that far because it is, at the end of the day, an optimistic show about healing. And a single dad so consumed by grief that he repeatedly cheats on his girlfriend to pursue an innocent woman who reminds him of his dead wife and completely destroys his mind, life, and family in the process is getting…a little dark.
It would get predatory really quickly and maybe they would’ve done it in the first season when all of the characters behaved in a more blatantly morally gray way, but the show has changed its tone a lot since then, and nothing in this season so far indicates to me that they’re going back to that. It would be a tonal 180 right at the end of the season while they're still trying to capture and keep new viewers on a new network.
Obviously we have no idea how far this will go, but my hope is that Eddie isn’t actually delusional, he doesn’t actually let it go that far, and the focus is more on the guilt and internal struggle weighing on him. Fingers crossed for panic attacks!
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izunx · 1 year
I saw on your master list you wanted some black clover requests and so was thinking how about Finral and Magna (separately) with an s/o who has strong magic but isn't really confident in their abilities and them just encouraging their s/o. Fluff would be great thank you
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S/O with strong powers! ✧.*
. Thank u smmm!! this concept is so cuteee . disclaimer; I'm currently reading the manga and I watched the anime quite a while ago so please don't pay mind if its ooc! . warnings: none
✧.* Finral x gn reader ✧.* Magna x gn reader
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FINRAL Roulacase
It's been too long. Too long since you've last looked happy and confident and it's been having a toll on Finral too. Should he bring it up? Should he just let you do your own thing and find yourself? He couldn't even if he wanted to. And that's why he's lost for words as your both sitting down at the base of the black bulls:
"Y/n- You seem quite down? Is there any problems??" He held his breath.
"Huh?" You looked off into the distance, debating whether your little problem was a big enough deal to talk about. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the man you love.
"Nothing really, it's nothing" You gave him a reassuring smile. But he could easily see through that façade.
He gently took your hand and placed it into his, he had worry weaved into his eyebrow. You couldn't help yourself at that face.
"It's just I just don't know how I possibly made it into this squad," he looked at you and you knew he was intently listening; reassuring you to go on, "I don't think my abilities are enough."
At that, his jaw drapped.
"Are you kidding me y/n?! You're amazing!" He squeezed your hand. If anything, the man was puzzled. Wondering if you were being serious.
"You think so?" You looked down into your lap.
"If anything, I look up to you love" He put his arm around you and whispered into your ear (it kinda hurt his pride saying this next part)
"I honestly think you're one of the strongest, miles better than me for sure and you're up there! You're an inspiration to a lot of the knights I can tell you that" He once more gave you a wide smile and glided his hand up and down your arm in a reassuring manner.
"You're too good for me, Finral" You immediately wrapped your arms around him, smiling into his shoulders. "You say I'm strong but I'm stronger when you're with me"
And you've done it again, got Finral smiling n' blushing like a teenage girl with a crush.
"If you'd like, we can train together" He broke the hug but his arm remained on you.
You smiled at that, you just knew you got lucky finding a gem like Finral. "Yeah, I'd like that"
You both got up, smiling like idiots but on the way out he just had to grumble, "there's no point anyways, you'll destroy me in a second love" and to that, you laughed loudly. No one could make you feel better but him.
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"Do you know what's up with y/n?" Luck asked Magna curiously, "she doesn't want to fight me anymore"
"Huh?? Are you sure you aren't going delusional?"
You'd never refuse a fight. Rather you were the one challenging him or Luck to those fights, testing out your abilities day by day. You were one of the stronger magic knights. You knew your worth, but that's only what he thought. Not wanting to worry Magna, you ended up not telling him what you were feeling at all.
"I'll go speak with her, something must be up," And off he ran.
Unbeknown to you, Magna had a fat crush on you. Everyone except you knew this. He would most literally do everything at your command. It was his priority to make sure you're alright.
"Y/N!!" Magna ran into your room, panicked.
"Magna? What's wrong?" You were laying on the bed, clueless as to why you had a scrawny tallish man barge into your room.
"Are you sick?"
"... No? Magna are you alright?"
"I am but are you?" He slowly made his way to you and sat in the chair opposite you as you got up to sit in the bed.
"Why wouldn't I be alright?"
"Don't lie to me y/n, I'm not the brightest but it doesn't take a smartass to know that you would never refuse a fight for no reason."
You gave him one of those smiles. The smile that made his heart skip a beat and his stomach do backflips. You knew he was the one for you the very moment he took his time out of his days to help each other train; you liked him. A lot.
"I can't hide anything from you" You looked down at your lap, not knowing where to start.
"Do you think I'm strong enough to stay here?"
He looked at you for a second, lost.
"Strong enough? Y/n you're even too good to be training with me of all people."
"Absolutely no buts y/n." He grabbed your hand and looked at you with piercing eyes.
"I was born a peasant, I don't have much magic at all but you proved to me that I can work and train to earn myself some strength. And you're one of the knights that work the hardest everyday so don't ever undermine your strength."
His speech could've brought anyone to tears and it most certainly brought you to sobbing.
You hugged him tight, laying your head on his shoulder as he sat there frozen, not knowing what to do.
"God Magna, you're honestly a gem" You looked at him with softness in your eyes, "I like you, Magna." And at that, he lost his shit.
"REALLY?" He didn't know what to say, his hands were strangled in the air. He ultimately decided to put his arms tightly wrapped around you. He inhaled your scent and appreciated you.
"I like you a lot too, y/n" And the rest of the evening was spent with both of you gushing your feelings out, embracing each other.
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ainri · 8 months
hello! I'm the one who asked for one of illumi (yandere) could you make it headcanons?
illumi zoldyck as a yandere (hcs and drabble.)
•hunter x hunter
•yandere illumi headcanons + small drabble
•mostly fem oriented
•assasin/servant reader
•fic warinings: !dark content!, mentions of death multiple times including reader + reader’s family, insinuated character death at end, forced labor, undergarmnet theft, swear words, mild gaslighting, obsessive thoughts.
•a/n: this is my first request so ty!!! tbh i rlly like writing yanderes like its just so fun? anyways someone should really do a crime count because i had to put some extra stuff in the fic warning so that people wouldn’t go crazy on me or call me insensitive 🥰sorry for the wait i completely forgot abt tumblr…..🙊if it doesnt make sense its because i rushed it bc i felt bad for how long i kept my anon waiting (sorry anon pookiebear) and its 1:27am 😞😞
continuation of this post!
-how did you end up this position again?
-oh yeah thats right! your parents were also assasins who just happened to have ‘issues’ with the zoldycks.
-they had personal issues with silva due to a deal gone wrong between the two assassin families.
-how did silva handle getting played by your parents? by sending out an order to kill them.
-but silva is a higher class man with much bigger issues. who’s better to do the job than his son illumi?
-of course the original order was to kill you, your father, and your mother.
-when illumi saw you walking back onto your family’s estate something in him just snapped.
-he just couldn’t help it; he had to have you, no matter the cost.
-that was the moment he realized he couldnt just let you die or kill you.
-you were…special?
-that was the first mission he had ever failed… he just couldnt bring himself to kill you.
-after silva finished beating the shit out of him; illumi had an idea.
-illumi spoke of this idea to silva; to make you a personal servant in return for you and your parents’ lives.
-of course silva agreed, once silva privately told you of this ‘agreement’ you had to agree.
-best to not test the zolycks’ willpower and to not test the waters.
-working as illumi’s personal servant was fine, that was before your panties started disappearing randomly from your laundry bin.
-“master illumi, i hate to bother you with this but have you seen my panties?”
-“no. what are you saying servant?”
-he quickly retorted back, almost, no, way too quickly.
-of course, this all started to add up when the male zoldyck house staff started to ignore you + avoid you like the plague.
-apologizing profusely to you over the smallest mistakes or accidents.
-this was all bizzare…. you needed answers, as quickly as possible.
it was a calm day of cleaning when suddenly you walked in on it—illumi torturing your male coworker who helped you clean the atrium yesterday. “master illumi, what are you doing?” the servant asked horrified and confused,
“none of your business servant-“ he stopped himself to reword his sentence, “you know what? no! i was teaching him a lesson for speaking to you. besides you only belong to me!-right? right? say you belong to me! i killed all of those men—no, boys for you and you can’t even say, ‘thank you master illumi.’!?” he was yelling, now losing his temper.
“master illumi i didnt ask for you to kill for me! whats wrong with you? you-you-you psychopath! youre being completely delusional and irrational!—“
all you saw was black as you felt your vision go blurry with illumi hitting you in the head with skme heavy blunted off object.
“i don’t appreciate that (name), i don’t appreciate it at all. you ungrateful woman. all i ever wanted to do was love you. clearly you cant even allow me to do that much. what a shame.”
©2023 ainri; do not repost my work without credit or repost my work in a different language♡
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 3 months
Headcanon time: Who might be on the aroace spectrum in a sex game?
I missed arospec week by... a few weeks lol. And hey look i'm making a Nukani headcanon post instead of a questionable theorizing analysis for once! If you have contributions for characters I don't have enough info on (especially Quincy), please add on!
Disclaimer: I'm aromantic but allosexual. For me, this means I experience sexual attraction, but not romantic attraction. In my local kink scene, I actually personally know several community members + friends who are asexual or aromantic or both, and some engage in sex while some don't. And lastly for demographic proof only, I'm in an unofficial discord server where some unspecified members are asexual, but they still play this porn game, so yes not everyone who plays this game are into romance or sex.
TLDR: someone can be asexual or aromantic or on the aroace spectrum and still have sex but that varies for everyone!
Now that that's out of the way, here are my headcanon times! None of this is true or ever will be true due to the marketing of a porn harem game, but I think it's fun to headcanon! Feel free to disagree cause I know how people reacted to that "Is Aster trans" reddit post.
Speaking of Aster. I think he's also aroacespec! In his SR room 5, we got text narration ONE time that he gushed or orgasmed or something with a vague hot rod behind Eiden's back. But we've never seen Aster naked nor involve his genitals with another body in the 5 H scenes we have with him. And unlike EVERY other character, he’s only described to have orgasmed once. He also constantly talks down on morvay’s sexual habits, and while it’s a running gag that’s played for laughs, isn’t it possible Aster actually thinks this way? But is still willing to engage in sexy times with Morvay because they're essence creatures so that's how you exchange essence, and they’re basically an old married couple & deep down they do care about each other. And remember what I said about aromantic or asexual people who still engage in kink or sex.
Next, Karu my beloved chew toy. At the time I wrote Garu/Karu analysis part 1, I thought both of them were firmly allosexual but also presented some evidence someone could use to argue Karu might be demi or aroace or something else. But the more I think about it, the more I think yeah, he might be. Or he’s just a tsundere. I swear I'm not delusional and am a logical canon-based theory fan. (Btw, according to google searching, it is possible for different alters to have different sexualities, so this does not apply to Garu).
Quincy- I have never watched a Quincy intimacy room (including his SR & R cards that I have unlocked) but my vibes based off all the other story content with him makes me think he might be in the umbrella, so Grey-ace, Demi, etc. From what I’ve heard other people say, Quincy has had a lover in the past but currently only has sex if Eiden begs for it. This might fit into the definition of people who don't really care for sex themselves, but is interested in it for their partner. If anyone has Quincy cards and has more information, please let me know!
Huey: ok so we have almost no information on him. But he didn’t have sex with his clan members. He was definitely not romantically invested in any of his clan members nor do I recall him having hints of being sexually or romantically invested in anyone else, which does not equate aromantic or asexual but its still possible. And that’s all I got. Anyone got additional input?
Eiden: ah our beloved Eiden. Let’s ignore that in meta, he’s supposed to be the audience self insert (even though he’s the least self insert type MC ever) and therefore he is not going to “prioritize” one ship over another.
Anyways, so I am 100% sure he’s not asexual. BUUUUT he has not expressed romantic lovey dovey attraction to his clan members. More significantly, he does not seem to pick up MULTIPLE clan members’ romantic hints towards him. Yes in Fateful Aegis, Eiden says “I love you too” back to Yakumo, but it’s prefaced with something like Your grandparents love you and I love you too-ish, which to me indicates found family love. Kuya has said the Chinese/Japanese equivalent of “I love you” (“the moon is bright/the moonlight is beautiful tonight”) and that totally went over Eiden’s head. Dante & Edmond are also intensely crushing on Eiden… but they’re tsunderes so it’s probably gonna take forever to get across. The other members are different types of dedicated but open relationships rather than traditionally romantic relationships (except for Rei, who’s still getting there). And I think this is a great thing! All these varying relationship styles that are given the same weight & importance & Eiden has such appreciation & care for all of them, despite not providing traditionally romantic affection back.
Aromantic people can still love their friends & family! We’re not heartless emotionless creatures. We just may not experience or be able to comprehend romantic attraction. And i don’t think that’s a defect nor a bad thing.* And I think it’s especially cool when we compare Eiden’s bad hookup habits in the real world with how he has multiple regular partners that truly value him and a new found family in Klein. If he was aromantic this whole time, it’s kind of a positive perspective, isn’t it? Some aromantic people do experience “squishes”, which is a term for when we feel emotional desire for a platonic relationship. Obviously none of Eiden’s relationships are truly platonic due to the sexual element, but they all lack the romantic element from Eiden’s side.
(Anyways, Eiden won’t ever “reciprocate” romantic love because it’s a harem game, but shhhhh. Also to anyone who says it’s an Asian game and the characters aren’t going to say “I love you”…. Well in their newest intimacy rooms, both Kuya and Yakumo literally just did. Heck one of Forest Night Kuya’s sprite dialogues repeats that!)
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this pointless headcanons!
*Speaking from my personal experience, I’ve have several sexual partners over time, but I never had the desire to date them or be romantically invested in them. And a weirdly telltale sign, that Jaidenanimation pointed out quite nicely, is that when she listened to romance songs she was like “wait that’s what people experience when they’re in love???” I’ve read a TON of romance and have heard a TON of love songs, but I cannot relate to any one of them. I literally have not felt any of those feelings. And when I have sexual partners, the horniness is definitely the forefront compared to any “falling in love” feelings. I did have what I now realize were several “squishes” in high school/college. What squishes feel like to me, are like “I wanna be your friend & you’re really cool & I cherish you! Like a lot! And also I don’t mind if you fucked me!” which emotionally feels different from “I’m in love with you!!!” (Which yeah i still don’t know what “in love” feels like, and I’m fine with not knowing!).
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90sbee · 6 months
The patrol is over
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Leon S. Kennedy x Ashley Graham
2k words. Also on ao3
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As Leon and Ashley await for the helicopter to take them to safety, Leon is slowly spiralling, full of concern still. It is then that a ghost from his past decides to visit him.
What can I say, I had this idea already and then I saw Leshley Week... It was like the perfect excuse to write and post this one. Also this fic is quite silly but, hey, I love writing Leon's pov. Also @lightning-hawke is a sweetheart and she made sure that this was readable. Everybody please thank you to this brave soldier who had to face my 3am delusional writing.
Content: All Leon's pov, angsty and sad but also. Cathartic. Ash is asleep the whole time cos baby needed a nap after all that. Spooning, protective!Leon.
Warnings: Hallucinations, anxiety. Mention of guns, knives, zombies. Sleep deprivation. And I think that's it? Yeah, this is actually SFW, for once, haha.
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It’s been three hours. Maybe four. Perhaps five.
Leon can’t sleep. He has tried it, though, but his body is still running on adrenaline and anxiety and he doubts that he will actually get some rest today.
Whatever. He has had it worse.
Ashley is passed out on the bed, curled up into herself, softly snoring. Leon blinks, trying to keep his eyes open. Even if his body is exhausted, his mind is still rushing through all the different scenarios in which this could still go wrong, heart rattling inside his chest.
What if Luis was wrong? What if the Plagas is still inside them? What if he ends up falling asleep, body going slump on this old chair and when he wakes up, he has hurt her?
God. Such idea gives him goosebumps, and he sits even farther from the bed.
What if instead, it is her? What if Ashley opens her eyes and tries to attack him?
Leon eyes the knife on the nightstand, the guns on the floor.
He knows he wouldn’t use any weapon against her, anyway. But if she hurt anyone, he’d be responsible.
God. Fuck responsibilities and guilt. It would’ve meant he had failed.
His blood runs cold then.
A failure. Assigned on what was, probably, the most important mission in his life. The president’s daughter involved, and what was supposed to be one of the top agents in the country, ruining everything. Returning a shadow of a woman, a timebomb.
Leon hides his face in his hands for a while, trying to catch his breath.
He knows he is spiralling.
He has to keep some faith: faith in Ashley, faith in Luis.
In himself, even if he is not used to it.
He looks at her, pursing his lips.
She breathes so calmly. Expression soft, features finally having some well-deserved rest. She is so gorgeous too. A soul too kind for him. He feels guilty for refusing to accept her proposal, though he is aware that being her bodyguard would have never actually been possible.
He blushes slightly, knowing that she at least wanted his company for a little longer. Maybe he is not so useless after all. She had also asked him to hold her to sleep, but he had simply shaken his head. “You’ll be fine, I promise. You’ll probably have a better rest taking up the whole bed”.
He sighs, crossing his arms. Leon is not sure how long it will take until the helicopter arrives. He hopes it is soon, because his head hurts and he feels hungry but he can’t leave her side and he definitely doesn’t trust the police officers next door.
No, scratch that.
He wishes the helicopter never arrives.
Because that means it is all over.
His gaze softens as he looks at her, feeling his heart pulling at its strings. For a moment, he considers it. A life with her. Visiting her at the White House. Maybe indeed fighting to accept the bodyguard position, his hand on her back as he keeps her safe once more, the sound of her laugh. The idea of getting acquainted with her shampoo brand, learning her favourite colour, kissing her forehead.
He is spiralling again, but this time in a more dangerous direction. Leon cracks his knuckles, yawning.
There is no point into wasting time thinking of all this. He can’t afford to lose footing in reality. And the reality is forcing him to remember that only a few hours they had both been fighting a Plagas, and he can’t be completely sure that the coast is clear. The mission isn’t over until she is back home, until they both reach American ground.
His foot starts hitting the floor quickly, as his headache gets even worse. He has to keep himself awake, he can’t lose focus.
At any given point Ashley could wake up and look at him with those soft doe eyes and ask anything, anything from him and, god, he’d give her the world, but first… But first he has to make sure that they’re both safe.
She’s make him feel like a worthy prince.
He can’t lose the princess for being careless.
He feels thirsty but he doesn’t even want to move his eyes away from her. His heart picks up when he thinks her chest stops moving up and down, but he realises it is his mind playing tricks on him as she sighs again.
Fuck. He is really losing his shit. He’s been trained for this crap. He barely sleeps anyway.
He curses in a whisper and looks down, grabs the water bottle next to his foot and sits down again.
That’s when he notices there is someone else in the room.
How? How would that be possible? There is no fucking way. It takes him just a second to fucking comprehend what is going on, but in an instant he has his knife on his fist, standing up as he approaches the figure, ready to attack the stranger.
The knife doesn’t hit anything.
Leon stills his movements then, realising that he recognises the face in front of him: the dirty-bloodied uniform, the stupid toothy smile, the look of hope in his eyes.
It’s him. The ghost of his younger version, the one from Raccoon City, stands before him.
“Fuck off,” Leon groans. He knows now that he is hallucinating. “Go away,” he pleads, in a growl, sitting down once more. His fucking head feels like about to explode.
“Buddy, I don’t think I’m going anywhere,” answers the more excitedly voice.
Leon considers replying, but he doesn’t want to wake Ashley up. The poor thing has already gone through too much, the least she needs at the moment is the man that is supposed to keep her safe having a full-on discussion with himself.
Fucking insane. He hides his face in his hands.
It’s not the first time it’s happened, that’s for sure. He’s gone through it all: hallucinations for being sleep-deprived, sleep paralysis after the most excruciating missions.
Most of the times it’s not even monsters, or zombies. Most times it’s people he knew: Annette, Ada a couple of times too. Last time it was Marvin, his body bloody and his eyes white as he swears he could hear his cries of pain still.
He wonders if maybe Luis will join as well, sometime, another painful reminder of his failures.
But himself? This was new.
“What the fuck do you want?” he mumbles. It Is stupid, Leon knows that. But perhaps by talking to this ghost of himself he could get rid of it faster, make sure he can go back to guard Ashley.
“Heh, I think it is obvious what you want,” the high-pitched voice replies. Leon looks up a moment, seeing the rookie sitting on the floor next to the bed, pointing at Ashley.
“Very funny,” Leon groans.
“What? Are you gonna deny it? I’m literally you.”
“Just, shut up.”
Surprisingly, that works. When Leon looks up once more, the figure isn’t there. He yawns, rubbing his temple. Maybe he is gone, for real. Maybe his mind will stop playing tricks on him now. He resumes his watch, his whole attention directed towards Ashley.
He is not even sure what time it is now, but he hopes it won’t be too long. At this point, he is being more of a nuisance than an actual help, a real protection for her. He knows he will have to sleep soon.
Not yet, though. Not fucking yet. He has to fucking hold on, try to keep it together.
“Hey, maybe you should get some actual sleep,” the voice suddenly interrupts him, now coming from next to him.
Leon almost stumbles from his chair, heart racing.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” he half-shouts, and immediately purses his lips, embarrassed.
The rookie, the fucking rookie, sitting down next to him.
“Sorry, just trying to help,” he mumbles.
Leon shakes his head. He doesn’t want to say anything else. He is sure he almost woke Ashley up. He decides to acknowledge this presence, since it is becoming quite clear that it is not leaving for now.
“What do you want? Don’t fucking say Ashley, I swear to God,” he whispers, ashamed.
“Well, you’re the one that should know that. Your brain is literally hallucinating me at this point.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I can’t sleep yet,” he replies, crossing his arm as he stands up, trying to walk around the room a little, forcing his body not to pass out.
“You look incredibly nervous, dude,” his younger version chuckles, seemingly amused.
“I’m not.”
“Why are you walking around, then?”
“Well, someone has to make sure the president’s daughter doesn’t die on my watch. I’d say that’s some pretty big responsibility,” his heart is about to get out of his chest, and he is sweating.
The headache is now deeper, more annoying.
“She is safe now, Jesus Christ. Give yourself some credit, man.”
“She is not,” Leon suddenly replies.
“She is. Don’t you trust Luis? Do you think he would have lied to you?”
That does stop him in his tracks. Perhaps the rookie has a point. Leon nods, slowly. In the darkness of the room, he looks at his arms. The veins are normal still. He hasn’t had any weird visions since they got the Plagas expelled.
Well, except for the unpleasant vision that his own mind conjures. Maybe even more annoying than Lord Saddler’s ones.
He doesn’t acknowledge the rookie, though, but he comes back to sit on the chair.
“How many hours has it been now?” this ghost insists.
“I dunno.”
“You do know.”
God. He didn’t remember his younger voice being that annoying. Leon inhales, trying to calm himself down.
“Five hours,” he replies after a moment.
“If any of you were still infected, don’t you think the Plagas would have acted up by now? Also, Lord Saddled is dead now. There is no one controlling the Plagas now. All the Ganado died, remember?”
Leon hates that the little kid is right.
“I guess that’s true,” Leon admits.
The rookie laughs.
“She is fine. You don’t need to keep watching over her like a creep. I mean, not that we are being creepy…”
Leon interrupts himself: “Just go to the point, man”.
The rookie looks up at him, glittering eyes full of hope and a gentle small on his face.
“Look, I thought I was the rookie here, but you’re being a whole amateur now,” he stands up, in silence. “The patrol is over, rookie”.
Leon looks at himself. That shadow of himself, too full of hope and of light. He blinks, still processing the rookie’s words… His own words, echoing from and inside his head.
The patrol is over.
He slumps on the chair, eyes welling up with tears. For a moment, he lets himself cry in silence, under the soft sound of Ashley’s breathing. He breaks down a little, feels pity for himself, as well as relief. He dries off his tears with his palm, trying not to be too much of a mess in case she wakes up. He should be strong still. He needs to be.
By now, the headache is unbearable and his eyes hurt, a combination of exhaustion and the tears. But he knows it’s true: they’re both safe. He saved her. Ashley is safe. And even if he can’t have her, if this story ends in a few hours, he can still breathe without regrets. He can even make sure that their last memories together are something pleasant, something nice and comforting.
Leon tries to calm his breathing. He looks up, still curious as to whether the old presence is still there, but not anymore.
No more ghosts in the room. Just Ashley and him now.
With heavy steps he moves towards the bed, dizzy by now. He lies down on the bed and allows himself to breathe against Ashley’s shoulder, timidly holding her from behind. He grips her body close to his, knowing this is the only and last time he’ll have this chance. And even if she is half-asleep, Ashley sighs, content on her sleep, as Leon closes his eyes, finally allowing himself to rest.
The patrol is over and so is their story. But for a while, they can still lie close together, in the dark. Both finally safe, at last.
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My brain actually wanted to be mean and make it Marvin instead of Rookie Leon but you know what. I don't need to break my heart like that SO much. Let Leon be angry at himself, it's fun, lol.
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medialog february 2k24
is it almost april. yes. am i letting that stop me. no. the perfect is the enemy of the good!
she must be seeing things - a 1987 indie about a woman who gets obsessively jealous about her girlfriend's past after discovering her collection of photographs of ex-boyfriends; this movie contained one of the most human-feeling love scenes taking place between two characters in an established relationship i have ever seen, and captured the feel of new york city apartments inhabited by the un-rich in a visceral way. it is also a funny movie about how annoying artists are. i am like sincerely curious as to whether jonathan larson, during the years before or while he was developing rent, caught a screening of this (it had its premiere at film forum, where i saw it), because a story of sexual jealousy between a very professional black lesbian lawyer and her irritating yet captivating white bisexual artist girlfriend... did feel a little familiar to me as a person who could still belt out every line of take me or leave me in my sleep, ngl!
poor things - we've discussed this but: Yes. Me. Absolutely. i wanted to live in the world of this movie forever, it could have been four hours long and i NEVER say that shit. one of those where sometimes i see critiques or queries i think are valid and i nod peacefully and think: ah, but it wasn't for that; it was for me, to have a treat. also one of those where people are saying some bonkers ass shit about it all over the place, as we have also discussed; i do genuinely believe that reading it as in any way interested in or convinced it is describing a story of female empowerment is deeply misguided, and that much of the pleasure of the movie comes from the fact that bella doesn't need to be empowered, because she has been lucky enough to be raised as an experiment rather than as a woman, which is a fun sexy provocation that is of course nonsensical if taken literally but incredibly fun for me (the person this movie was for) to sit with for two hours.
office space - i watched this in high school and HAAAATED it, was bored out of my mind, and then every time it came up in conversation, which it did a lot because this is how things were in high school in 2005, i would say i didn't get it and the person i was talking to would say, "you have to watch it twice." i don't think i've ever had an experience with a piece of media where the response to my response was so reliably uniform. anyway yeah this is funnier the second time. stephen root might be our greatest living actor idk
the heartbreak kid - elaine may's mikey and nicky is one of the most emotionally brutal films i've ever watched, but i think i found this harder to sit through. it's brilliant - i talked about it with a friend who'd seen it sometime earlier who said it was the first movie she could remember seeing that confronted men's fantasies so directly, which is apt - but absolutely excruciating. i never really understood what the film people were talking about when they talked about the use of cuts to build/release tension until the scene at a restaurant where a guy keeps winding himself up to break up with his wife on their honeymoon, and not doing it, and the camera just makes you stay with him until you are begging for relief.
sex, lies & videotape - rewatch with director's commentary. steven soderbergh is definitely on the list of famous people i delusionally believe i could be friends with if the circumstances of life had caused our paths to overlap.
zone of interest - another one that has really Brought Out The Takes, about which i'll just say: no one in this movie is turning a blind eye to what they're doing with the possible exception of the mother, who's happy to join in with some chattily murderous antisemitism but finds the material reality of it too distasteful to stay (in at least one potential reading of a plot point left interestingly ambiguous). personally i thought the film was (1) almost completely disinterested in the question of the banality of evil (2) quite good.
mission: impossible - i talked my friend into going through the series with me and we started off with a double-header; the colors in this movie are sooooooo good. tom cruise at this point has obviously had work done by xenu's finest specialists but revisiting this did remind me that he actually also genuinely always has looked quite young for his age - he's 34 in this but he looks like a baby.
mission: impossible - 2 - i literally can't believe there are people who don't like this movie. grow up
monster midway: an uninhibited look at the glittering world of the carny, william lindsay gresham - i guess i don't know what i expected from a nonfiction book about the carnival by the author of nightmare alley, the great american novel, but it definitely wasn't 300 pages about how the carnival is the most special and wonderful place on earth and the people who've given their lives to it are the noblest, boldest, most magical folks you can find. i particularly enjoyed the section on palmistry as cold-reading, which included a long quote from fake psychic about how really most people just need to be told some basic emotional truths and to believe in themselves, so if she can give them that, that's a dollar well spent, which is tbh hard to argue with.
rosie tucker - tiny songs vol. 1 - rosie tucker came onto my radar through one of dave's mixes, which i'm still listening to - her song "all my exes live in vortexes," which opens "i hope no one had to piss in a bottle at work to get me the thing i ordered on the internet," caught my ear - and while i haven't delved further into her discography, i did love this 12-track, 10 minute album (not a typo!), which gives you the sense of someone spitballing an idea for a song just long enough to start it, then losing interest and moving on to the next one, but in a good way? idk it's fun and weird and only 10 minutes!
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eshasunrise · 2 months
Deepsea Glass
This is a pre-Splatoon fan fic that takes place in Alterna, days before its destruction.
Selena (Saline, moon) is an analogue for Marina
Kohime (little princess) is an analogue for Pearl
Inspired by the squid ink panels reflecting the desires of humanity.
Read below the cut.
Selena wanted to bash her head against the wall. She was the project lead in Alterna's delusional corporate suicide cult. Sorry, she meant 'Happiness Research Lab', a once important figure in maintaining Alterna's long-term survival, now a haven for madmen demanding humanity return to the irradiated, flooded surface.
Her job was to figure out the logistics of building, and launching, a rocket from deep beneath the sea and into the Earth's soil. Needless to say, all calculations show the probability of successfully launching a rocket deep underwater was literally, no smudging the numbers, 0%. And that's ignoring the readings showing that the surface is still flooded, irradiated, and over 15 degrees hotter than is ideal for agriculture, let alone maintaining human life. And THAT is ignoring the fact that the force of the rocket would fracture the stone of the cavern in which the population is maintained, assuming the psychic backlash of every neuroLCD panel suddenly exploding from energy overload wouldn't kill the population outright.
So obviously, the higher-ups appealed to reason. Or not. Instead, they scrapped the research to start building the rocket. Needless to say, it was now up to Selena to build an anti-gravity device which could withstand the water pressure while her roommate and boss, Kohime, tried desperately to get the company to stop.
It had barely been 60 years since Alterna was finished and colonized, and yet already people were demanding the impossible. Small crowds creating conspiracy theories about the land being just outside the walls, as opposed to the waterlogged crag of the flooded cavern that you can very clearly see if you just switched off one of the panels.
Selena needed a break. She decided, if her job wasn't going to listen to her findings, then she wasn't going to bother staying the full day. Clearly she wasn't alone in this thought, as when she approached the door, she caught her roommate standing outside on her phone. Selena's own phone pinged a notification right as she opened the glass door, greeting the shorter woman's slightly embarrassed face. That didn't last long however, as she begun to speak:
"Oh good. I just texted you." Kohime said. "You wanna head out early?"
"Absolutely." Replied Selena. She was glad that she was living with somebody who had some sense. The two of them grabbed a frozen tofu desert on the way home (most of the non-seafood was tofu, as it was one of the few crops to easily grow down here), and Kohime began to complain.
"Every day. Every goddamn day, these fucking bastards keep fucking ignoring me! 'Oh look, the princess is mad again' like, no shit? I'm trying to keep you alive! I don't care if the goddamn escapists are profitable, we aren't here to make a profit! We need to focus on the future! Making sure there's a planet to live on, not running to our death as fast as possible! What are we, fish to an angler?!"
Selena sighed in agreement. She had nothing to add, as everything she would say has already been said. Instead, she half-listened to her best friend's impatient ramblings while thinking of how to cheer her up later. There was that one project...
"Hey Kohime." Selena interjected. "You remember that old shark movie we watched the other day?"
"Oh yeah, Jaws, right? You wanna watch it again?" Kohime responded.
"We could, but first there's something I want to show you."
Kohime's attention was peaked right as they got home. From the table in the back, Selena grabbed an audio device.
"I came up with this song while thinking of that movie."
"Oh, fresh! Lemme hear!" Kohime slipped the speaker cuff over her left ear. From it emitted a steady, slightly modern approximation of the shrine music her grandmother would play for her. It was a curious sound, but she couldn't figure out what it had to do with...
"Wait a sec. The chorus, is that-?"
A slightly mischievous grin snuck up on Selena's face, "yup. That was made using the two note progression from the really tense scenes!"
Kohime's face lit up like the midday skylight. "That's hilarious AND awesome! Only you could come up with something so crazy, I love it!" A giggle pushes her face into childish glee, while Selena turned to grab something else, hiding her guilty smile.
It's been twelve years now, but she still couldn't get over that phrase from Kohime. 'I love'. It makes her uneasy every time.
"You wanna watch another movie?" Selena asked, "I found another Jaws movie, although I think it's the third one. Don't know if there's a two we're missing."
"Oh hell yeah! Pop it in!"
An hour later, and Selena was thoroughly bored. This was definitely a sequel to the first movie she saw, but it felt half-hearted and phony, like the corporate slogans she had to write for every apartment and street corner back at her old job.
"Are you watching this?" She asked the small woman beside her. No answer. Her roommate had fallen fast asleep, clearly as bored as she was, and had let her head fall against Selena's shoulder as she dozed.
Selena felt a pang in her chest. A muddy feeling that followed every bit of affection Kohime had given her. She stayed like this however, in part to let her old friend rest from the nightmarish days they've had, and in part for the comfort she has in knowing Kohime would always be beside her, ready to take on the world, which day by day became increasingly relevant.
Selena slowly nodded off herself.
That night, an exhausting dream filled her mind. In it, she was swimming up waterfall after waterfall. She strained against the crashing current, believing that soon, she would find rest. But no rest would come. At the final hurdle, the last jump, she dove straight into the maw of a hungry bear, wearing the Alterna logo on it's forehead, and announcing her retirement.
Selena woke with a start. It was midnight, and she felt dumb for being stressed about such a wild dream. She didn't question why she had it though. She had been working too hard for too little. The research she conducted, the machines she built, all wasted on projects that would kill her led by people who would never listen. She needed to quit. She could do so easily in fact. Sleeping in her lap, having moved herself in her sleep, was the very person she worked under. All she would have to do is wake her and tell her she couldn't work there anymore.
And leave Kohime to fight alone.
Selena let her head fall back onto the couch cushion. She would work tomorrow, if for no other reason than to ease her guilty conscience. To make sure some semblance of sanity stayed in this broken order, just because she knows Kohime would never stop fighting. She's always been bull-headed, and they needed that now more than ever.
"It's is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2117: Assistant Director KOHIME.
It is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2224: Project Manager SELENA.
Have a productive day."
Selena's second waking was a slow groggy ordeal. She had barely gotten back to sleep, and it feels like she just had that nightmare. Clearly some time has passed, as Kohime was sitting next to her. Unusually though, she wasn't dressed yet. Instead, she had an uncharacteristically uneasy glower in her face.
"Oh, you're up." Selena noted.
A long, heavy silence dulled the air at her voice. Kohime continued to stare, pressure rising from her sleep-matted hair. Eventually, she spoke:
At her word, a deafening pause filled the room.
"Do you ever feel like...something big is coming? Like..."
"The end of the world?" Selena finished her thought. "Of course. Every day. It bears down like an ocean of pressure every time I have to think about that goddamn rocket."
"Exactly!" The smaller woman replied "it all feels like we're marching into the end, all over some vague dream!" Tension filled her voice. She lacked energy, however. Selena took notice and pressed the back of her hand to Kohime's forehead.
"! W- what are you doing?" Kohime was flustered.
"You're overheated." Selena spoke.
"Well, that's 'cause you-"
"No, I mean actually" she wouldn't let Kohime finish. Now wasn't the time. "You're getting sick. R.C.A.?"
Selena called to the AI transcriber installed as living assistance. "Contact the HRF. We're taking today off."
"Very well." The voice responded.
Kohime protested: "No! Without us, who knows what those idiots will do?!"
Selena was worried of course, but she wasn't going to let her friend suffer. "How smart do you think they actually are. The lunatics wanna fire a rocket in a closed cave, through the ocean. You think they can think through the logistics without us?" She prattled, hoping she was right. It was her last hope at this point.
"Come on. You need to rest, and they'll never figure out how to actually build a rocket in the few days we'd be gone. Plus when we get back, you can rub the fact that you were right in their faces."
Kohime couldn't help but laugh at that. "As if. They're heads would be so far up their asses, they wouldn't be able to hear me." She joked, coughing near the end of her sentence.
Selena chuckled back, "in that case, I'll build you a megaphone. Nobody'd be able to ignore you then. Better yet, I'll build a bomb-"
"Okay, stop right there crazy lady. Don't give R.C.A. the wrong idea. Plus, that'd totally defeat the purpose of stopping the rocket in the first place."
The two joked like that for a few more minutes, until the tension left Kohime's shoulders, and she nodded off again.
It would take a week before Kohime would recover. The anxiety from the escape project pushing them to the boiling point. It was only at the end of that week when she had rested enough to feel like working again, and scheduled their shifts for the next day.
When Selena woke, from her bed this time, to the work day she'd been dreading, she noticed that Kohime had already left. Nothing unusual there. She was always a bit of a workaholic, and the praise helped feed her ego. Selena would finish her breakfast before heading out.
Upon opening the front door, however, she was blinded by a scorching white light. The skylight above them was in overdrive, forcing her eyes down. On the porch, collapsed to her knees, eyes wide despite the overbearing light above, was Kohime. Her face was filled with fear as defeat killed what little hope had remained.
Fearfully checking her friends help, Selena would follow her unbroken stare to the neuroLCD panel on the West edge. There, where once was the image of a field with sparse green trees, now stood the image of a white rocket ship, repeating down the walls. The grass, which once had a photo-like quality, now rustled as if blown by the wind. Sparse depictions of clouds were circling the blinding sun.
To any other, it would be an echo of their deep-seated desire to reach the upper world. To the two women here, however, it was a monument to their failure.
Selene rushed to the far moat, from the shore of which she grabbed a raft, unconcerned with ownership. Kohime followed behind, having barely broken from her stupor, and praying her closest could find a miracle. The datapad Selene brought was connected to a terminal on the wall. The screen behind it flickered off, exposing behind it the rocket they had lobbied so hard against, somehow completed.
Selene swallowed her fear as the datapad downloaded the Alterna Logs only people from the Happiness Research Facility has access to. The log read as follows:
HRFLog004.02: The Divide
As humanity began it's foolhardy errand to escape their salvation, a small group of resisters, lead by those scientists from the first generation, had resisted the change.
Amongst these were two high-ranking officials who had researched the surface, and concluded escape would doom humanity. These two would be the head speakers, and last bastions, of the Preservationists.
Rather than heed their warnings, those who profited from the Escapist movement would instead sabotage the resistance, slipping a mild poison into one researcher's water.
With the voice of opposition in recovery, the Preservationists were left without a rallying point, and a new fervor would grip the escapists. Thus, the rocket would be built in record time.
Awaiting further data.
Selena's heart dropped. A deep, fervent rage built in her heart. They had nearly killed her closest friend, over this pipe dream?! They would doom humanity for their pride?!
Her rage was interrupted, however, by a deafening scream of anguish. Having read the report on her own datapad, Kohime collapsed into a ball, shaking the raft beneath them. Selena steadied herself, then crouched to her friend.
She was yelling, but a defeated misery filled her voice. She was not just screaming out of anguish, but because she couldn't find the strength to control her voice. Selena watched in pain as, for the second time ever, she watched her friend's heart break. She grabbed the girl and held her close, ignoring the pain in her ears. She needed to help her, to make her happy. Something to make her smile. Something she...
A familiar tune resonated from the wall behind her. The neuroLCDs picked up on Selena's desire, and reflected a memory of a week ago, the smiling face of her closest friend. The sound that played was the song she wrote, and Kohime took notice. Her crying slowed as she looked towards the reactivated panel. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Look, it's us." She barely managed to croak through tears. She hummed sobbing in a strained voice to the song that played, while holding desperately to Selena's waist.
This brief reprieve would not last. Those other researchers would hear the song, and, seeing the crying girl, wished for her to be happy. The rocket would be starting it's test launch after all. Soon, she could go home.
As the song spread, more and more people would hear it, carrying with it the image of the surface and the big white rocket. Soon, people began to sing along, making up lyrics that blurred together, as an anthem to the freedom they strived towards. All the while, the woman who wrote the song wondered how her feelings were strong enough to override the panel.
She wouldn't have long to wonder, though, as the nearest panel changed again, this time to a scene all too familiar. A scene she had avoided for so long. As it played, the sobbing in her arms changed to a wretched scream.
At once, two voices spoke. The same person twice, one screaming to a world that would not hear, the other whispering to her closest friend, who alone would listen to her once and once again.
"Is it alright if we talked?"
"I wanted to get something off my chest..."
"It feels like we've known each other forever"
"And I needed to tell you"
"Just how important you are to me."
"I love you"
"I love you so much."
"You don't have to respond"
"And I'm sure you don't feel the same way"
"But I wanted to be honest"
"I've always felt this way"
"And maybe, if you're willing"
"We could go out some time?"
A lump held in Selena's throat. She knew what was about to happen. She felt it. She tasted it. Regret boiled in her stomach. And here at the end, she could only manage one more sentence.
Behind the wall, the rocket's thrusters burst to life.
"I'm sorry."
At her final word, the pain of her closest friend before her once and once again, the wall cracked. The crying smile shattered into a thousand pieces, lacerating the overflowing wrath. Selena tried to hold onto Kohime's dying body, but was pushed back by the torrent erupting from the wall in front of her.
As Selena fell deeper and deeper beneath the flooding water, shards of neuroLCD shone around her. In each reflected the memories that replayed in her mind. Not the plans to maintain Alterna, and not the speeches she gave to the reckless businessmen that doomed them.
Her memories were of the happy times. The days in University she spent learning. The machines she managed to make float in the air. The simple Japanese style tune she composed from the Jaws theme. The grin on Kohime's face when she showed her.
The times she and Kohime would complain about work. The praise she received when Kohime was in charge. The sleeping face of Kohime resting her head on her shoulder. The day Kohime confessed, and how she stayed beside her despite rejection.
Selena scolded herself as air left her lungs. She should have spent more time with Kohime. She should have done what she could to make her happy. She should have humored her, just to see her smile one more time. She should have loved her.
She already loved her.
Selena's thoughts were clear in her final moments. She already loved Kohime. She had spent her life seeking that attention, that love, which was always reciprocated, and she never paid it any mind, taking for granted the bond they had shared.
Warm tears of regret mixed with the bloody seawater, as Selena's thoughts betrayed her feelings. Her love. Her fear. Her shame. Reflected in the shards of the neuroLCD, her memories changed to the visage of Kohime. Her smiles, her rage, her sadness, her love. All surrounding her in the deep dark ocean. Even as her sight went dark and her thoughts slowed, all she could see was Kohime's proud, loving face, smiling back at her, as if everything would be alright.
She should have loved her.
She should have loved her.
She should have...
Tens of thousands of years later, a young woman, barely 18, nervously approached the loud stranger on Mt. Nantai. Just a few months earlier, she had defected from the army she was raised by, inspired by a strange song she had heard. A simple, repetitive shrine song performed by enemy mercenaries. One which filled her with fear, love, and a dream of freedom. One which, two days earlier, she heard screamed from the other side of the mountain, as if sung by a particularly skilled jet turbine.
Five years after, at the height of her career, Marina Ida ducks backstage at the end of her band's world tour. At her side, marches the proud woman who found her, one Pearl Houzuki.
The small woman looks back at her, and flashes a proud grin, as if telling her that everything would be alright. At this, only one thought echoed in Marina's head.
I love her.
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seneon · 8 months
there was nothing but a single porcelain piece of an angel on the soil ground. only a name was engraved onto it, nothing else. but the ground was empty, no tombstones whatsoever. just a dirty little angelic porcelain doll on the ground. and why is that?
HYOMA X FEMALE! READER 🎬 tw: insanity and a corpse. A/N — the fifth piece. insane as in, mad, crazy. yeah. that's you in this piece. you insane and delusional chigiri fangirls.
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what is more thrilling than the idea of creating bisque porcelain dolls? to put the pieces together, gloss their skin or paint them over with the fairest pink, dress them up then giving them a name.
nothing else could compare to the fun of being a porcelain doll maker. it was just like l/n y/n who absolutely admires dolls her entire life. every doll, every type, every stereotype, every history and every single doll that has been carefully carved by the hands of dollmakers. she loved every single one of them like how she loved herself.
to be a doll maker and to puppet a doll is generally a fun little hobby for the girl. every single day and every single night, she worked on her dolls.
especially on her newest project — a masculine doll. a doll which is designed to be like a man. with the most pigmented reddish pink hair she could ever mixed for the hair and deep pink for the eyes. she wanted to create a male doll with some features of a girl. but the male doll was put in a suit with his hair neatly tied up in a ponytail. she did not have intentions of showcasing his hair.
upon the final touches of the doll, it soon came to a completion. and a completion means to display the masterpiece. she named the male doll hyoma chigiri.
y/n is proud of her work, as she wakes up every morning to wish her doll a fair good morning as she did with her cat. she takes care of the doll every single day, even if it was set in a display, she let him out and fixed some parts of him that gets messy over time.
how would a dollmaker react when her creation is comfortably seated where she usually sat to work on her other porcelain dolls, looking right at her, with her cat on its lap?
she froze, and dropped the materials she was going to use for her next project and felt an overwhelming feeling overtaking her entire body. what kind of doll could do such a thing? is that possible by nature? no wait, it doesn't make sense. at all. why is her doll—
"what's wrong? scared?" he, or it, spoke, hands continuing to pet the cat as a taunting smile surfaced. "i am finally alive after all."
y/n slowly walked towards her alive and breathing creation, feeling her own lips curved upwards at the familiar feeling of love and affection. it was then she opened up her hands and threw herself on the supposedly "doll of hyoma chigiri". her cat jumped away and took a seat there, eyes watching everything unfold.
"there there, y/n," the doll spoke, hands wrapped around the girl to embrace her. "i'm here now. and i'll always be here for you."
y/n nodded, hugging the corpse with poor pink wig that is dressed in a suit tighter. while the chigiri hyoma doll rests untouched and locked away in a glass display.
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grave four 🪦 spooktober graveyard series | NEXT
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nompunhere · 1 year
Knightly Security (H/ollow K/night Vore Fic) (Illustrated)
Voretober promp- y’know what, maybe I shouldn’t even bother trying to link it back to that But it’s finally hereeeeeee! Collab with @scketchorinopop , he made art for this!!
Characters: H/egemol (going off of the maggot!H/egemol headcanon), O/grim (aka the D/ung D/efender or, more accurately to this fic, W/hite D/efender) Word Count: 6,310 Warnings: Anxiety, H/ollow K/night Spoilers, Bugs, Implied/Referenced Bug Racism(?), and Safe Soft Vore (I’d call this quarter-sized, probably). And in the same vein as the bug racism, Implied/Referenced Cannibalism(? sort of?? You’ll know what I mean if you’ve read the H/unter’s J/ournal entry on maggots) Other Notes: Yeah this was originally gonna be for Voretober 2022, either for the Bubble prompt or the Blanket one. College kinda threw that plan out the window. But hey! My cool good friend Scketch wanted to collab, so you get ✨art✨!! and also me starting to love the maggot!H/ege headcanon. it’s got Potential. now blease take this fic I can’t stand to look at it for another minute
Fic under the cut
Hegemol was usually happy in his workshop. It was his safe space, a room filled with the tools and materials to bring his ideas to reality, a place where the maggot was free to express his ingenuity in a constructive way. The King had truly been generous in granting him this boon along with his knighthood.
At the moment, however, he couldn't find the focus to work on his creations. He was too distracted by the anxiety creeping under his skin. A room couldn't protect him from the fears that plagued his mind.
His armor was missing. No one was sure of the who, how, or why of the matter, but they at least knew when it was taken and where from. He found himself running through the details once more.
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The Great Knights were reasonably certain that the set had been stolen while Hegemol was asleep in the City barracks, resting after a day of being stationed in the capital for an assignment. He had gone to bed in the room set aside for the knights or other important visitors. The Five didn't exactly like the separation, feeling like they were being treated as above all the other sentries and guards in more than just rank, but Hegemol did require the privacy that the room afforded. He did not need it getting out to the public that he was a maggot. Many theorized about what he could be, but of those guesses, few ever put forth the idea that the armored knight could possibly be "such a lowly creature," and those that did were scoffed at, regarded as delusional.
Back to the point, he had gone to bed, and though he could sleep in his armor, it was not the most comfortable, so he generally didn't if he had the choice. He'd gotten out of the suit, packed it into its space-saving form, and made sure it was within line of sight as he tucked himself under the blankets. He should've heard if someone tried to move it, or even enter the room, and yet, he didn't. Somehow, someone or something got past the locked door (or windows), took the heavy block of metal that was Hegemol's armor, and left with it, all without making a sound as he slept. It should've been too dense for a single bug to lift without immense effort. Maybe there was more than one perpetrator involved? Or perhaps magic was used? It had to have been stolen. There was no way it just- disappeared.
All these thoughts led to the tinkerer being highly distracted as he worked. He was abruptly dragged back to the present when the bracket he was welding loudly cracked. Quickly, he cut off the flame and set his blowtorch aside, peering closer at the damaged metal. He'd overdone it, the maggot realized with a groan, planting his masked face on the tabletop. That was what he got for letting his mind wander while using dangerous tools, he supposed.
He left his head on the table for a few long moments, until a quiet knock at the door made him flinch. He looked up, hesitating. The retainers knew not to come in without his express permission. If anyone was going to enter his workshop, it'd be someone who already knew his secret.
"What is it?" he called, just loud enough to be heard.
"It's me," came the response, gentle and friendly, a toned-down version of that familiar jovial tone. Hegemol made a sound of acknowledgement, and the door slowly clicked open, revealing the face of his close friend and fellow knight, Ogrim. Currently the only active knight within the walls of the White Palace, as the other three were in the City, guarding the streets and searching for the all-important tool that would allow their fifth to perform his job.
"Hello," the Defender greeted, leaning into the room, "Just checking in. My patrol brought me to this area of the halls, and I figured I should see how you're faring? Wouldn't do to let you feel abandoned when- well, I'm sure you're well aware." He gave an uncertain chuckle, tapping a claw against the doorframe and glancing into the hall. When he looked back at Hegemol, his gaze was colored with curiosity. His eyes lingered on the maggot's small form perched at the workstation, clad in only his welding gear.
The armorless knight cleared his throat and stared at the tools in front of him, prompting Ogrim to do the same. "Heh, yes, I'm- I-I'm alright. Thank you," Hegemol tried. He winced at the stutter. It was so much easier to hide it when making use of the artificial confidence the suit provided. His friend merely nodded, though he looked unconvinced. The tinkerer sighed and pulled off his welding mask to give the other a weary smile, getting one in return.
He set the mask down as Ogrim stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind him with a quiet 'click.' The beetle came closer, gesturing to the bracket and other bits of metal spread over the workspace. "So, what were you working on, if I may be so bold?"
"Oh, just- some.. locking mechanisms. F-for the armor." He leaned forward to pick up the bracket once more, glaring at it with a huff and turning it over in his hands. To his side, Ogrim tilted his head, giving an inquisitive hum to prompt him to continue. Hegemol glanced at him, then back to the table. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It was okay for him to go on about his work. His friend was offering him the opportunity.
"T-the suit itself should be too heavy for a bug to lift, especially when condensed as it was, but if it were unfolded, it could be moved piece by piece, or even w-worn out of the room. Only the King and I know how to unfold it—though I could teach you if you'd like—but it's theoretically n-not impossible for another bug to have f-figured out the mechanisms." He gestured to the bracket and the other metal pieces before them, the other knight following his movements with interest. "I was thinking of adding these extra locking parts, to make the set more difficult to unpack if you don't know the exact process. They would also offer more surface area for further spellwork to be inscribed, particularly if I can add pale ore to increase the efficacy of the magic. I plan to work with the King to design some that would reject anyone who isn't the proper owner or a trusted ally, w-when he has time," the maggot finished, quieting to a mumble at the end.
Meanwhile, though Ogrim was genuinely interested in what his friend had to say, he still found himself focusing on the smaller bug's state more than the words themselves. Hegemol was a lot harder to hear than normal, despite the lack of metal shell to cover his mouth—or perhaps because of it. The Defender didn't know the specifics of how the helmet worked, but he distantly recalled hearing about how it amplified sound in both directions, making it easier for the wearer to hear and to be heard. It gave Hegemol's voice a resonance that was strange to hear him without after so long.
Aside from that, the technically-smallest knight was always rather soft-spoken, but rarely to this extent. Ogrim nearly had to strain to pick out his words. His voice picked up a little as he talked about his passion, but otherwise faded to something anxious and uncertain. In fact, as the beetle watched, his body language screamed of anxiety: the constant fidgeting, the unfocused gaze, the shifting of weight on the stool. Hegemol was actually quite expressive when not covered in layers of thick metal—Ogrim just wished he could see those expressions in better circumstances.
The tinkerer looked up at his compatriot, waiting with bated breath for any sort of response to his ideas. The larger knight stared back, blinked, and after a moment, offered another bright smile. "That all sounds very impressive!"
Hegemol waited another second or two, then let out a short sigh, half disappointed and half relieved at the generic reply. "Thanks," he intoned.
Ogrim, seeing the half-hearted acceptance of his own lackluster response, tapped a claw to his chin in thought. "I do believe the idea has potential," he elaborated, moving his forelimb to rest gently on the other's shoulder, "I just can't say how much, precisely, as it's not my area of expertise. I have hope it will prove effective, though. You’re very good with this type of thing." Hegemol slowly nodded. It was then that the beetle noticed just how tense his friend was, even as he felt quite squishy under his own hard, chitinous claw. He turned it so that the sharper bits were angled firmly away from delicate skin and used the flat side to slowly rub the maggot's shoulder, keeping the pressure light while still trying to offer some sense of comfort.
His friend bore it for a few moments before shuddering and nudging the claw, signaling him to stop. The Defender quickly removed the offending limb and tilted his head in concern. "Are you sure you're alright, friend? It's not like you to shy away from contact."
"Yes, it's just," the tinkerer hunched in on himself, "when outside of my armor, every t-touch feels overwhelming, you know? I'm not used to feeling so.. exposed."
"Oh! Of course, of course, my apologies, I should've realized-"
"I-it's fine, you meant well, I know." He huffed and gestured loosely with an arm. "It's as if.. everything's so sharp, a-and cold, and defined out here. Like anything could p-pierce through me at any moment. Not that it hasn't happened before," Hegemol muttered, pulling off his welding gloves to stare at his callused hands, and the old, jagged lines that criss-crossed up his arms. The results of years of learning his craft the hard way. Ogrim hummed sympathetically at the sight. The Five all had their scars—his just came from a different source than the others'.
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"I k-know I can handle myself without the armor," the maggot continued, squeezing his hands shut, "but after so long being r-reliant on it, when it's not there for me to retreat into, everything suddenly feels like so much. It's not that I've forgotten how to feel—I still c-can, through the metal, thanks to His Majesty's enchantments—but it's usually dulled. Like- like going from a shell with all setae shaved off to one freshly molted, or so I imagine. A-and usually, when I do come out, it's only for short spans, or for rest. It's just- it's all-" He fumbled for a moment before slumping with a sigh.
"No, I understand. You've explained it quite well, I think," Ogrim chuckled softly, suppressing the urge to reach for his friend again. Hegemol offered a brief tired smile in return, then went back to fidgeting with his tools, picking off lingering flecks of dirt. The beetle tilted his head at how worn-out the other seemed, noting the droop of his antennae and darkness beneath his eyes. It made sense; the tinkerer was highly distressed at the loss of his armor, and it had been missing for over a day, not to mention that he had been in his workshop almost the entire time since. The Defender found it hard to believe that he would've gotten any sleep last night. "Is there anything I can do to help, my friend?"
"Hm? Oh, uhm," Hegemol tapped at the table, contemplating, "N-nothing that I can think of, at the moment. I'll.. let you know? Though I w-wouldn't want to keep you from your duties." He paused. "Speaking of which, shouldn't you be getting back to those, soon? Not that I don't appreciate your company, b-but…"
"Ah! My patrol, yes. I should, shouldn't I?" The dung beetle rubbed his horn sheepishly. "It just feels wrong to leave you unsupported when you're struggling like this. I don't suppose the King would mind a few minutes' break too badly, would he?"
No, he'd likely be far too absorbed in his own work to notice. The maggot scrunched his face a little, then snorted at a joke he kept to himself. He wasn't certain the most loyal of the Five would take as much humor in it. "You're probably fine," he mumbled, absently scrubbing at his eyes. "And I'm not completely unsup- supported. The others are doing their best out there to help."
"Still, I feel as though there's something more I could.. do…" Hegemol looked up as Ogrim trailed off. The Defender had a thoughtful look in his eye, a claw tapping against his chin. "...I may have an idea."
"It would allow me to give you comfort and respite, while still being free to perform my tasks," he continued. There was a cautious air to his voice, quite unusual for the boisterous knight.
"I'm listening." The other's hesitance made Hegemol rather nervous himself, but he was open to ideas. He got a sense that he should know where Ogrim was going with this, but whatever it was, it eluded him. His friend was rarely one to choose his words so carefully.
"What if.." The beetle clicked his forelimbs together, glancing toward the pile of prototypes in the corner of the room, then back at their creator. "I could share my armor with you, in a manner of speaking? Just until your own is found."
Okay, he knew the larger knight didn't mean that in the literal sense, but what did he mean? The answer teased frustratingly at the edge of the tinkerer's mind, just out of reach.
Seeing his smaller friend’s look of confusion and concentration, the Defender gave a quiet laugh. He could practically watch the thoughts churning behind the maggot’s eyes. Might as well make it easier on him. “I’m sure you remember a.. particular rescue tactic, that I sometimes employ? Very effective in emergencies, but unrecognized by the public, due to its, er, taboo nature?” At Hegemol’s dawning comprehension, Ogrim released the breath he hadn’t noticed he was holding. He hadn’t realized it would be so nerve-wracking to tiptoe around the subject like that! He should’ve just ripped the bandage off. It wasn’t as though he’d ever gotten to ask before, not in a casual setting such as this. Of course, he’d been planning out how to bring the idea up to Isma, but- heh, no no, that could come later. A good.. good while later. “I know it’s.. odd… but it should serve our needs quite well, I think.”
“I… ah.” The smaller knight slumped back on his seat, leaning against the table as he processed. “Could- could I have a moment to think about this?” “Of course, my friend, of course! I wouldn’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t truly want, or frighten you away from something that may help.”
Slowly, Hegemol nodded, grabbing a drill bit to fidget with off the workbench while he considered the offer. Ogrim was asking to- to eat him. His immediate instinct was a shot of fear through the chest, based upon childhood lessons specifically intended to help him avoid such a fate. Of the few things he could remember about his parents, those instances were what stuck out most—their desperate attempts to ensure his survival in a world full of predators that would take any chance they could get to sate their hunger with a maggot’s succulent flesh. Even those among Hallownest’s noble class weren’t above such desires, much as they claimed to be.
Focusing on the weight of metal in his hands, he pushed the fear down. It wasn’t a life-or-death situation. This was Ogrim. Loyal, honest Ogrim, dedicated to his friends and kingdom above all else. The knight who’d sooner make himself completely vulnerable to a terrified citizen than let them come to any harm. This was something the beetle did on an almost regular basis, protecting those in need with his own body when the situation called for it. Of course, the average Hallownestian had claws, or horns, or at the very least, a hard shell, of which Hegemol had none. He'd be entirely at the mercy of his friend's gut. Still, the Defender had experience. He knew how to do it safely.
That's not to mention, the maggot had done something similar himself, two or three times before. Only in absolutely dire situations, of course, and only when he could be certain that the citizen in need of protection was unconscious and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. He wasn't taking the risk of letting a stranger in on his secret. Not a chance. Though, tucking them into the hollow space at the center of his armor's torso was.. not the safest, he'd admit, what with all the exposed mechanisms, the only cover from such being haphazard platforms and sheets of metal installed to make the inner workings more accessible for maintenance. Perhaps he should improve that a little, add some padding to it. It'd make it more comfortable on him for routine cleaning and repairs, at least…
He repressed a jump when Ogrim abruptly shifted, glancing toward the door. Right, he should make his decision. He tapped the table a few times, both as a means to grab attention and to expel restless energy. When the beetle turned back to him, Hegemol voiced his concerns. "So- erm. You say it would be- it would be until my armor is found, yes? But.. w-what if it isn't found? I would need to get back to working on a n-new suit."
His fellow knight gave him an understanding look. "Should that be necessary, I'll let you out to continue your work. I'll let you out whenever you ask, really! The goal is to ease your mind and allow you some rest, not to trap you. Once you feel ready, you can get right back to it. I'll even let you back in later, if the need arises," he finished with a wink.
The tinkerer obliged him with a laugh. Yeah, Ogrim would never want to hurt him. He was far too kind-hearted, not to mention a dear friend. Giving the situation one last thought, Hegemol weighed the pros and cons. There weren't all that many cons, truthfully. He would be putting his life entirely in the Defender's claws—in his stomach, even—but he knew he could trust Ogrim. And there would be little to no privacy between them, but again, he trusted his friend not to abuse that. The courtesy would extend both ways, of course. And it would be strange, and new, and scary, but isn't everything, the first time around? He couldn't have gotten this far in life without taking a few risks.
As for pros, it would be… comfortable, supposedly. Dark, warm, and soft—ideal sleeping conditions. He didn't know if he'd be able to get past the other traits that defined the inside of a digestive organ, but he supposed he'd simply have to find out. But, most importantly, he'd be shielded from the world. He would have to relinquish all control, but in exchange, he would gain full protection. The thought gave him pause. It would only be for a resting period, and then he'd be released, he reminded himself. In sleep, he would have no control either way, so he wasn't sacrificing much of anything in that regard.
In the end, it all came down to trust. Trust, and willingness to try a new experience.
Finally, Hegemol looked up, meeting Ogrim's gaze head-on, and gave a single, firm nod. The dung beetle brightened considerably. "You accept?"
This was his chance to back down. He fought off the urge to take it. Be brave, o Mighty One. "Yes."
"Excellent! And, er.. Just to clarify, you do know what, precisely, I am offering?"
The maggot nodded again, more shallowly, expression revealing little. "Y-you wish to… ingest me. And hold me harmlessly within y-your stomach while I rest. Is my understanding correct?"
The Defender leaned back a bit. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least somewhat looking forward to this, but it didn't seem like the time to admit that aloud. "Ah, heh, 'wish' might be a strong word for it, but, er. Essentially, yes. That's my offer. Knowing that, you'd still agree to it?"
"Good, good, that's good. I just wanted to make certain you knew what you would be getting into. Now!" He grinned and clacked his claws together in a clap. "Let's get to it, shall we?"
Hegemol let out a slight huff of relief. If his friend asked him if he was sure one more time, he was almost certain he would've changed his answer. He scanned the beetle's face, considering. "So, how do we.. go about this? I'm not too familiar with the process."
"Right, right. Well, to start, we need to get you into my mouth, which- hm. That's a good question, actually! We have a couple options for that. Would you be alright with me picking you up? That would be the easiest way, I think. Otherwise, I could hold my forearms out, and you could climb onto them yourself. Oh, or we could use the table! I could rest my chin on the edge, and you could crawl in of your own volition."
Ah, another chance to lose his nerve, how lovely. Still, with how excited his fellow knight looked over having the idea, the tinkerer could hardly find it in himself to turn him down. "T-that last choice sounds, um, acceptable."
Once again reminded of his comrade's hesitance, Ogrim tried to tone down his enthusiasm. Keeping his expression and tone light, he provided directions, wanting to make it easier on the smaller bug. "Alright. Go ahead and hop up, and I'll be ready whenever you are."
The beetle backed up a little to give Hegemol room as the tinkerer moved his tools and materials out of the way, shuffling them aside to be put away properly later. That done, he pulled himself from the stool onto his workbench. Cautiously, he turned back to his friend, who had gotten to one knee and was already lowering his head onto the surface.
Gods, even at eye level, he was.. big. Big, and yet not big enough, or so it appeared. His mouth was larger than the maggot's own, yes, but their eyes were around the same scale. There couldn't have been much difference between the sizes of their heads, even. Ogrim gave him an easy grin, then everything else stopped as his maw opened wide.
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The anxious knight couldn't help the shudder that ran through him at the yawning cavern. No, Hegemol. Calm. Focus. It's just Ogrim. Just Ogrim… He steeled himself and crept closer. Those jaws could open further than he expected, honestly. He eyed the saliva starting to pool alongside the beetle's tongue with trepidation. He was hoping there'd be less of it. Leaning forward on his forelimbs, he took in the sight of the Defender's waiting mouth, shivering as humid breath washed over him, antennae flicking back. It was so still, so patient, and yet he could see all the little twitches of each muscle, held taut in anticipation. He sat back, just enough to lift his upper hands and tap them together nervously.
This didn't escape the other's notice, of course. Ogrim let his face fall into something more relaxed and reassuring. "I promise you, this is safe. I won't let you come to any harm, and certainly not from my own body."
Hegemol heaved in a breath and straightened up, rubbing his arm, brushing over his scars. "I-I know. I trust you. That's.. that's not it, e-exactly, it's just…"
He huffed and blurted out his concern. "Just- are we- we sure I-I'll fit? Not that I d-don't trust your judgment, it just- i-it seems- …improbable."
The dung beetle blinked. After a moment, he put a claw to his mandibles, eyes squinted slightly in thought. "Hmm… It shouldn't be a problem! I've never ingested anyone quite your size before, true, but your, er, malleability should more than make up for that." To prove his point, he carefully pressed down on the maggot's head, watching the flesh bounce back into place as he released it. Hegemol shook himself out and nodded, eyes squeezed shut. Ogrim chuffed apologetically. "The process of getting you down might be rough, but I assure you, it should be quite comfortable once you're safely inside."
"I-I'm sure. Could- could we..?"
"Of course, friend, of course."
Once more, the maw was laid open before him. Once more, Hegemol inched forward, until his vision was almost entirely taken up by the shadowed green inside of his fellow knight's mouth. Once more, he steeled himself for what was to come. And with that, he pushed forward to immerse himself in Ogrim's depths.
Or he tried to, anyway. In reality, what happened was that he flinched back as soon as he felt mandibles scrape against the sides of his face. Sharp, sharp, far too sharp. As he crouched there, panting and staring, those perfectly innocuous chunks of chitin seemed all too threatening. He could feel lingering points of contact where they had just barely brushed against him. As the larger bug closed his mouth to tilt his head in concern, Hegemol gasped in a breath and let his eyes fall shut. Scarab mandibles aren't sharp, you blubbering fool. Where's all that courage it took to get here? He barely touched you.
"...You don't have to do this if you're not comfortable, Hege-"
"No, no," he shook his head and sat up, meeting the beetle's eyes with a determined look. "Th-that was just- instinct. I want to do this. I-I just.." Ogrim gave him a questioning look, waiting patiently. "Could," the maggot started. He huffed, frustrated with himself. "Could you.. put me in your- your mouth? I- You have experience with this, and I- I'd rather this part b-be over with."
Somehow, the Defender's voice fell to an even gentler tone. "Of course, I understand. Just relax, close your eyes if you'd like, and I'll take care of it from here."
With one final nod, Hegemol went still, his eyes falling shut as instructed. He couldn't bring himself to go entirely limp, but this would have to do. He couldn't keep himself from tensing slightly as large claws came to rest on either side of his face. Thankfully, Ogrim provided him a moment to breathe and resettle himself before gently tugging him forward. The solid chitinous appendages squeezed ever so carefully to reshape his head into something narrower. He took one more deep breath, and with that, he was finally guided into the maw of his brother in arms.
The beetle tried not to gasp as Hegemol made contact with his tongue. The taste… He wasn’t normally one for meat, but by the gods, his friend tasted divine. He couldn’t help the saliva that rushed in upon detecting such a delicacy entering his mouth, but he could at least make use of it. He promptly began to slather the maggot with fluid as soon as his head was engulfed in his jaws. The sweet, savory flesh was still highly malleable, conforming to the limits of Ogrim’s mouth, giving so easily to the ministrations of his tongue. He stayed mindful, of course. He didn’t want to startle his friend any further, let alone make him feel like a mere morsel, Wyrm forbid. No, no, of course not, he was just.. slicking him to ease the trip down, that’s all. He’d just have to make sure to clarify that once the tinkerer was settled. Along with, perhaps, a brief, tasteful compliment to his flavor. The Defender couldn’t exactly lie to his fellow knight, now could he? Especially when- ah, it seemed he was humming his enjoyment aloud. He let the low sound peter out, gave the other a short pat, and eased him further inside.
The smaller knight would've very much appreciated it if his friend could have gotten this part over with. He didn't need his thoughts spiraling out of control again before he was even fully inside. Nearly holding his breath, he hunkered down and let everything happen around him. It was difficult not to struggle, but he managed, keeping himself limp. Luckily, it seemed that the brunt of the.. tasting was over, though he couldn't help tensing as his head met the back of the throat. His antennae twitched against the damp surface. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, it was easy to feel when the flesh before him parted, opening into a yawning void that he didn’t dare gaze upon. The sparse moments before it pulled him inside seemed to last an eternity, until finally, Ogrim swallowed.
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The scarab couldn't help but grin as his comrade began to slide into his gullet. He'd never gotten the chance to really enjoy the process before, especially not with anyone so squishy. Now, he could finally be slow, gentle, rather than rushing to get his charge down and out of danger. He could feel every little detail of his friend's form, taste every little subtle flavor. Every twitch and squirm was clear to him, even as he could tell how much the smaller knight was trying to keep calm, keep still. Without his input, another hum kicked up. His claws met his chest, hardly able to detect the near-formless shape past his own flesh and shell and armor, but distinctly feeling the mass pushing outward against the muscles of his esophagus. His tongue flicked out against his mandibles, seeking more of the exquisite taste. Such a wonderful little warmth, being squeezed down, down, deeper into his body.
Despite the discomfort of being shoved around like a helpless ragdoll, Hegemol was grateful that at least this part of the process was smooth and efficient. The esophageal muscles’ actions were involuntary, simply performing the job they were made for and giving him no special treatment. He was shunted downward at a steady pace. Fast, but not so much as to be disorienting. The mechanicalness of it all was almost a comfort to the tinkerer. More examples of automation and consistency became clear to him as he was pushed deeper. The regular pounding of his friend’s heart, pushing blood through the beetle’s hemocoel. Breaths drawing air through the spiracles to spread into tracheae, carrying oxygen to tissues throughout the body. Soft gurgles of the lower digestive tract processing food eaten long before his arrival. The rhythm of life was overwhelming, when heard all at once, but as he broke it down in his mind to its component parts, it became a sort of reassurance. Things still made sense, even when made up of complex organic matter rather than raw elements or simple minerals.
All this self-soothing focus was enough to occupy his attention until he was dropped unceremoniously into Ogrim’s stomach. He quickly pushed himself upright and shook himself out, scrubbing at his face with his upper set of hands. He had barely a second to orient himself before the wall behind him squeezed inward, making him gasp.
The Defender hugged himself tightly as his fellow knight was deposited safe in his belly. So soft, so warm, just barely weighing down the organ. The perfect size to make him comfortably full, while still having a fair bit of wiggle room. He wasn't sure if the maggot really was as warm as he seemed, or if it was just his own fondness and contentment making it feel that way. And the softness… With how pliant Hegemol's exterior was, it was hard to make out his outline, discern where the smaller bug ended and his own flesh began. He could only determine his friend's exact location by the movements against his inner walls. It made every shift of the limbs and flick of the antennae feel special, ephemeral, giving him a fluttery sensation as though his gut were full of lumaflies rather than a comrade. He gave another small squeeze, then loosened his hold to instead pat lightly at the hidden form. This was lovely, every bit of it. He'd have to see if Hege would ever be willing to do this again sometime.
“Make yourself at home, dear friend,” Ogrim sighed, a blissful smile on his face. “Are you alright? How is it in there? Comfortable, I hope.”
Hegemol shuddered a bit as the wall retracted. Sitting up, he looked around, not that he could see anything, exactly. His antennae waved about in the darkness. It smelled.. odd. He wouldn’t call it gross—as a maggot, he’d be hard-pressed to find much of anything disgusting—but it was certainly new. Not impossible to get used to though, given enough time. He reached out to touch the enclosing flesh. Damp. Slippery. Dragging his hand along it, he felt out the space around him. There wasn’t much. The walls kept closing in on him, rubbing against him, kneading him. He wasn’t food. There was no acid, he- he wasn’t food, it was just- the organ was investigating its new occupant, that’s all. Breathe, Hegemol. He was fine. …He’d be fine.
Slowly, he turned around to face the front, resting his forehead against where Ogrim’s claw was with a sigh. “I-I’m alright, yes.” He was safe, he knew. No stinging, burning, or tingling, and he was certain he’d notice a lot faster than most other bugs if there was. As for comfort… He moved a hand to rub back at the beetle’s innards. It was.. soft, yes, and warm. That was to be expected. Arthropods’ interiors tended to have far less defense than their exteriors. And there was plenty of padding to hold in heat. The walls were slick, but covered in thick fluid that clung to anything it touched. It… he couldn’t say it was unpleasant, really, not when he knew it couldn’t hurt him. Perhaps if he viewed it as a warm bath..?
“I-it will take some g-getting used to, I think, but it- it should d-do nicely.” After all, it did provide the one thing he wanted. The outside world was entirely blocked out, hidden behind layers of muscle and one of the toughest sets of armor in Hallownest. There was nothing sharp or cold or hard, deep in the dung beetle’s gut. Nothing to possibly hurt him but for the acids that could threaten to escape the walls, kept inert by Ogrim’s sheer force of will and care for his wellbeing. He knew the larger knight was experienced in this, and that his will was strong. He could trust him with his life. He was safe.
The tinkerer did one more loop of the space, trying not to shudder as the surrounding muscles brushed against his side, then settled right in the center, lying down in the pit of the stomach. He shuffled his limbs a bit, adjusting his position to root himself more firmly amongst the ever-moving tissues. At least he could be somewhat stable. The organ still kneaded and pressed at him curiously, not quite knowing what to do with him. The front wall, especially. He shut his eyes tight and tilted his head down as something rubbed at him from the outside. Ogrim’s claw, right. Rightrightright. His friend was merely checking in on him. He leaned into the show of concern, just a bit. Just to confirm that he was doing well. He appreciated knowing that the scarab wouldn’t forget about him so easily.
Ogrim rubbed his stomach, satisfied. The little engineer really hit the spot. He flushed slightly; he shouldn’t be thinking of his comrade that way. He was so delectable though, and so filling-! His breath hitched as Hegemol nuzzled(??) back at him. That’s what it felt like, anyway. He quietly chuckled at the abrupt show of affection. Always full of surprises, that bug. Though perhaps this shouldn’t have been quite so unexpected. Hegemol was plenty tactile with his fellow knights when safely concealed in his armor, after all. Maybe this was a sign that the method was working? Was the maggot feeling more confident, thanks to the experience? Thanks to him? Oh, he hoped so. He so adored being able to successfully assist others with their needs and problems, particularly those he cared for. It always left him with a sense of fulfillment.
“It’s time for me to go back to my patrol now, but you try and get some sleep, alright? I’ll wake you if there’s any news regarding your armor, or if the King requests your presence, but otherwise, you should remain undisturbed. Just let me know when you want out, or if you need anything else, and I’ll be happy to oblige.” Somewhere under the layers of his body, he felt the up-and-down movement of a nod, as well as a small vibration from Hegemol’s hum of acknowledgement a moment later. With one more good pat, he stood and began towards the door of the workshop, trying to keep his steps smooth and steady for the tinkerer’s sake. It felt as though the smaller bug was already nestled right in. The occasional shudder or shiver came through, but those were starting to die down. Hopefully they would dissipate in full within the next few minutes as the maggot adjusted.
The White Defender paused as he reached the exit, one claw on the handle. He gazed fondly downward, towards where his brother in arms currently resided. Inside, Hegemol would hear one last reassurance as his sleepless nights caught up to him. “Rest well, friend,” came the hushed murmur, “I’ll be your armor for as long as you need.”
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And there we go! Thank you to everyone who stuck around during these. massive gaps between posts;; And again, a big thank you to Scketch!! This has been fun, I'd love to work with you again sometime. Or merhaps another friend who would like to collaborate?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also also! I have been granted permission to share these other sketches as well, from earlier in the writing/art planning process:
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(That last one was a little what-if scenario of Hege getting unwillingly nommed and not really having a way to effectively struggle, eheheh) (it’s not like I have a fic outline where THAT would ever happen. ahaha. ha,,, ha)
Thanks for reading! Feedback (and reblogs) are greatly appreciated, and criticism is welcome, so long as it’s constructive/respectful. Asks are open.
DNI NSFW blogs, blogs that post exclusively hard and/or fatal vore, weight gain blogs, mpreg blogs, proshippers, TERFs, ace exclusionists, etc.
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zynxsone · 7 months
Sup y'all its me and my shitty theories that is centered in tales of arcadia (TOA).
Claire and Wizard/Witches might not be a complete human.
Sounds Crazy? Why? Remember when Morgana stated that she and Claire are magical creatures? Yeah, that; Morgana seems to imply that Claire is no ordinary human like her. Wizards/Witches might be eldritch abominations or spiritual beings in a form of human flesh. (Including her, douxie, and merlin.) Hear me out, Wizards or witches are incarnations of every element, principle or something-something. Morgana is the incarnation and representation of Redemption (Her freeing herself from her own sins.), Claire being the incarnation and representation of Connection. Douxie being the incarnation and representation of Acception, Merlin being Realization (At this point I don't even know what I am even saying.) (ok you know what this is just a rant of mine)
Changelings are a disembody (opposite of mirror) of their Human Familiars
This one's not really a theory, probs canon. But still, Changelings and their characteristics are the opposite of their Human. Their changeling form is the true fake while the human form is the true nature.
Merlin/The amulet choosing Jim as the new trollhunter wasn't because of random reasons.
The amulet could feel jim's heroisim hiding deep in his soul. It could be also possible that Jim might be the vessel of daylight itself.
Nana Domzalski being a witch
I think y'all know the reason for this one
Bellroc might be from another dimension (this one is just me being delusional dw y'all)
Bellroc being from another dimension or timeline, desperately trying to restore balance (control) to their own world. This isn't really a theory of mine, just a random thought lol.
The amulet knows.
The amulet always knows. Even after Jim time-travelled and decided to let Toby become the hero, the amulet knows. This ending would just tell that whoever finds the amulet becomes the trollhunter, and that's stupid. From the start, the amulet knew that Jim IS the trollhunter, the one that would bring glory to all. I think that It was implied that jim not being the trollhunter would lead the world to doom (clearly explained in the episode unbecoming). SO, jim deciding toby's 'destiny' would just leave to another disaster to the world.
Gaylen is a type of fairy, somehow.
He literally looks like a fucked up fairy, look at the spike-thingy on his back, they resemble a fairy's wings. And also, also--He originated from earth.
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dilutedconfusion · 3 months
okay listen so i've been thinking heavily on the yandere trope recently. but like with Kid as the yandere. and whenever i see yandere!Kid i feel like he's always the more sadistic version of yanderes.
basically used this post (hoping the link works for you🙏🙏) to look at the dif types bc i dont know all that😭 but i feel like he is always sadistic/possessive in fics. obvi all yandere!aus are gonna be at least a little ooc bc its a divergence of canon characteristics but hear me out girl...
delusional and overprotective yandere!Kid... like girl. or like basically a kinda soft yandere!Kid. but like still horrible and awful not GREAT at emotions. like he will still get mad and yell but otherwise? is strangely kind to you? (w you not really realizing any subtle manipulation tactics that him or Killer might be using cuz Killer is loyal asf to Kid🤞)
like being kidnapped by the Kid pirates, the worst of the worst generation, said to be cruel and sadistic. that's already bad, and you're terrified for your life. essentially having a meltdown because you had no idea what was going to happen to you, but you had a guess. you meet Kid and prepare to be tortured/killed. then he's like??? weirdly nice to you? like yeah he's gruff and kinda bitchy but that is a thousand times better than being killed.
thats as far as the thoughts go but see my vision?? figured you would appreciate the Kid thoughts🙏
OKAY OKAY I love this SOOO MUCH. Like I don’t think I can explain how much I love this but you SLAYED. GIVING ME LINKS AND DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS AND SHIZ 🤭💞 Okay so to get right to the point I will be of course writing a chapter on this (or maybe multiple on this because that’s how good of an idea it is pookie). BUT I don’t know when I’ll be able to churn out a full chapter. I mean probably soon but I sorta just want to get a better grasp of exactly the kind of character you want Kid to be before I start writing. So here’s a little traits list?? that I cooked up the minute I read over this just to get my creative juices flowing. Let me know if Im headed in the right direction and if there is any changes or additions you’d like to see. Other than that I’ll write up the chapter, tag and credit the hell out of you, and we can revel in softyandere!Kid together 🥰
Thinks that kidnapping you was the best choice for your life. That you will be the safest and happiest with him (even if you’re kidnapped and being held against your will)
Often uses manipulation tactics like love bombing, balant lying to keep you in the dark, and triangulation with Killer
Not only believes that everyone else in the world is a hazard to you (including most of his crew members) but you’re a hazard to yourself so he doesn’t allow you privacy??? This could be taken to the point where he feels like he needs to be in the same room with you at all times. Eyes on you whenever physically possible. Which is sorta intense so just let me know if that is too much for you (cause I could make it really gross or more mild lol)
Will do even the simplest task for you, not because he wants to do it to help, but because he doesn’t believe you can take care of yourself or MOREOVER he should be the only to take care of you because he is just that great. Which of course he will hang over y/n’s head in arguments and be like “BUT LOOK AT HOW MUCH I DO FOR YOU😡” type shit.
If you do constantly try to pull away from him he’ll think you’re just shy or playing hard to get and will therefore push your boundaries harder. But if you actually PHYSICALLY harm him or try to PERMANENTLY leave he’d rather tie you down until you apologize and say you weren’t in your right mind when you did that then listen to your plea seriously (HES SO DELULU) The punishment for this could also involve taking away material items or aspects of freedom because like you said he's not sadistic so he would never hurt you.
To put it simply y/n would feel like this “I like you Kid but I don’t like who you become when you're with me” WHICH WOULD CAUSE SOME SERIOUS TURBULENCE IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND SOME SWEET ANGST EVEN.
I would write more but I don’t want to give TO MUCH away plot wise. Sooo hopefully this gives you a good idea on how I’m thinking of portraying Kid. If you have any other questions of course ask me!! Any little tid bits will be much appreciated and thank you so much for requesting something from me Emma 🫶
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vicsy · 3 months
are u okay vic? sending love xx
(hateful ppl only have hate in their sad lives and try to bring everyone else down to their depressing level, don’t listen them!!)
frankly, anon? no, i am not.
and if you think about it, it's incredibly stupid to be all torn up because of a fucking sport I watch for general enjoyment but what else is new? i got into f1 when life hit the absolute possible low for me and it helped me immensely through it all, still does, and i found so many friends and wonderful people and i started writing again. it's pure fucking escapism coming back to bite me in the ass.
it hasn't been great to be an f1 fan lately because of events I don't need to be recapping - it's all out there in its disgusting glory, all over social media every single day. we're just being reminded of how rotten the core of this sport is and how high of a role money and power play. it's not new but disappointing nevertheless, considering there isn't much we can do to try and fix that.
but the hate among us, the fans? it's getting out of hand.
i will never go out on my way to police anyone's behaviour (it is never justified) but clearly there is a line between haha jokes and pure fucking malice. there is having genuine, critical conversations you can have (recently had one with my close friend and it was so refreshing to talk instead of secretly talk shit) and using this sport as a yardstick to measure someone's morals. it's been happening more and more, considering recent comments made by drivers in regards to the ongoing case that deals with harassment. that opened a can of worms that made ALL of us unhappy and even more disappointed, in one way of another. there is expressing genuine opinion and then there is being a hater because it's a trend.
are all Charles fans insane? are all Daniel fans delusional misogynists? are all Lando fans insufferable pricks? are all Max fans outright racists? are all Lewis fans stuck up? I could go on and same sentiment goes for each team on the grid. can we rightfully define someone by who they are a fan of? are we all required to make a statement each time a driver says/does something mindnumbingly stupid in order to, god forbid, not get cancelled along with that driver? can we genuinely bring a driver up without shitting on the other or is it not mutually exclusive?
there has been a barrage of hate towards several drivers and i get it, i do, it's sports, we're always gonna get like this. it's the whole spirit of it. i am not saying we can't root for someone and talk shit about the other. but again, i am seeing the waves of hate getting bigger and bolder, assumptions being made on the spot. people openly calling each other stupid over being fans or having a different opinion. in some ways any sense of compassion and critical thinking is dead in a ditch.
it wasn't like this before, if i am honest, but i am also a rather new fan. i am seeing all sorts of stuff on my dash both from people i don't know and from people i do know. it's a knee jerk reaction, to go and judge someone by posts and stuff, i know it but i made myself not do that. but i am just afraid of this ongoing trend of hate. i really am.
it just seems like there is no margin for error. your fave can either be squeaky clean, completely unproblematic, or they should be shot on sight. it doesn't matter if any of us acknowledge it or not. for some reason, it's a "you are what you eat" situation. and i find it rather unfair. you can separate person and a driver. two things can be true at once etc etc. none of it warrants wishing actual harm on other people.
so yeah, sorry for a rant. i'll stop now and, for what it's worth, i have been trying to unlearn the ways of "people pleasing", so here are just my thoughts that i don't think many will agree with but i don't want to bend under whatever popular opinions circulate here (especially by "big blogs"). i'd rather have people talk to me personally and i am always open to having a conversation, making friends and discussing opinions. those at the head of f1 management don't seem to do better but us tearing each other apart can also mean that we aren't doing any better, too. at least i personally think so. don't take my word as a generalized opinion.
thank you for the message, anon, i appreciate it. sorry again to be Like That. big hug!
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