#but yeah say hi to mal's bastard she's the best thing to ever happen
greensaplinggrace · 3 years
What Is There To Celebrate About the Darkling? (Part 3)
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His shadow powers are so badass, literally how could you not celebrate him for that alone?
Villain wears black trope REPRESENT.
The way his cloak billows dramatically in episode one before Alina enters the Fold.
The way his cloak billows in general.
His little face in the background after his and Alina’s first kiss as he tries to compose himself.
Him knocking on the table in episode five when he gets back to see Alina. My mans was so hopeful that he’d finally get to third base with the love of his life. RIP.
Large hands. Very tall.
The way he literally cannot tear his eyes away from Alina during the entire scene where Alina dresses him and they have their first kiss.
The softest looking hair I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe Alina got to run her hands through it and she still left him.
How he urgently looks around for Alina outside after she leaves in episode five, right before he confronts Baghra. He’s very frantic and panting and clearly concerned and not being subtle at all about his emotions.
Also the way he walks when he’s leaving Baghra, with his hands stuck out to the side and his fists clenching and unclenching as his form grows smaller in the distance. He looks like a tiny penguin waddling away.
Son’s evil dastardly bastard plans once again thwarted by own mother. Can you imagine living for an eternity and never being free of your parents? Fuck all that other shit, no wonder he went darkside.
“She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future. She is the one-” SIMP
His little smile before he goes to answer the door after they kiss. The way his hold on her lingers as if he can’t bear to part with her. Forehead touch. They are giggling.
The way he runs back in for another kiss. This man is so gone it’s not even funny.
He calls her to him in the books and she spends the entire time agonizing over how upset he’s going to be. The man literally just wants to ask her about her day.
Defends Alina to Baghra after he witnesses her getting harassed. Defends himself to Baghra after she treats him like shit. Love that for him.
“I made something.” / “Let me make a mark on this world before I leave it.” / “It’s my own name I’m afraid of forgetting.” / “He understood then. The Grisha lived as shadows, passing over the surface of the world, touching nothing. Forced to change their shapes and hide in corners, driven by fear as shadows were driven by the sun. No safe place. No haven.” / “There will be, he promised the darkness, words written upon his heart. I will make one.”
Him offering Alina his kvas. They drink from the same glass.
Sasha “no thoughts head empty only Alina” Morozova having to look away and calm himself when Alina licks her lips after drinking his kvas.
Literally his entire confrontation with Kaz. Absolutely hilarious. Local centuries old Black Heretic gets bested by a teenager with one (1) flash grenade.
“I never intended for it to be the blight it’s become.” - Genuine regret. A+++.
Asks Mal what Alina’s favorite flowers are and then gives them to her. Was it manipulative? Yes. Was it awful? Absolutely. Was it the funniest and smoothest shit I’ve ever seen? 100%. I laughed my ass off.
Alina: *enters the fete dressed in the black kefta* *Darkling.exe has stopped working*
This man takes one look at her lack of guards and goes: what’s more important than how beautiful the wifey looks? her safety. *protective bf mode initiated*
He admires how pretty he appears in the mirror of his room with absolutely zero shame and 100% pride. We stan a vain icon in this house💕. Also the mirror is in front of the bed?!?! 👀👀👀
His knife ring.
“You looked like you needed saving,” as fire plays across his features and he looks at Alina with an expression that makes my soul want to splinter into pieces. The implications, the pain.
Will display his complete and utter adoration for Alina in front of the entire Court including the King and Queen despite the fact that that is the worst thing he could possibly do in the political environment.
“No ordinary tracker. No ordinary girl. Orphans of Keramzin reunited. AdOrAbLe.” - How do you say you have issues without saying you have issues?
The way he eclipses Alina when he’s stepping down from the dais. The inherent romantic symbolism of the eclipse and what that means for him.
Him getting excited about the stag to the point where he’s eagerly rummaging through the maps on his table and urgently asking Mal tons of questions.
The five second delay in his thoughts as he processes that Mal isn’t cooperating. Poor guy really thought that everything was finally coming up Sasha for once.
He constantly uplifts Alina after Baghra’s emotional abuse. He constantly helps her with her self esteem and reassures her that she’s doing well and that she just needs more time.
“Yeah I don’t know what Baghra’s summoning ability is,” he said, like a liar.
Even after Baghra suggests that Alina left he doesn’t believe it. He has to hear it from Kaz after searching for ages before he finally begins to believe it.
“You smuggle Grisha out of MY PALACE!”
Titty grab during the kiss scene.
He lifts her up onto the table!!
Local whipped dark overlord gets excited that Fedyor has found Alina and has to suffer through the embarrassment of acting like a lovesick fool when he learns it’s just about Nina.
His relationship with Nikolai.
The fact that Alina’s scarf blows past him before they even meet.
The way he nods with such an understanding expression when the Conductor is lying his ass off as if he sympathizes with everything the other man is saying and isn’t secretly planning his elaborate murder.
Puppy dog eyes all the time.
Every time his smile is forced and ingenuine and he looks like he’s about to stab someone.
Every time his smile is genuine and he looks super soft and loving.
“You have no chance, ShAdoW mAn.” Literally how is he ever going to recover from this.
His hands motions when he summons. I just think they’re neat.
He kills the Conductor. Hated that guy. And he looked sexy as fuck doing it.
He hates the Druskelle, he hates the Ravkan monarchy. I can relate.
He’s NOT a bootlicker, unlike some.
Dad mode gets activated when David raises his hand. Aleksander just goes along with it like an exasperated father.
Ben Barnes nose scronch.
He begs for Luda’s life.
“Merzost feeds on us. I forbid it!” two seconds later *frantic rummaging through notes on the merzost* *reading the Forbidden Knowledge™ without any hesitation* *Immediate Disaster Occurs*
“Mom look what I made!” “Your art is atrocious and you’re no longer my son.”
His history was written by the victors. The tale of the Black Heretic is straight up propaganda by the corrupt monarchy.
Immortal old man caught in a young adult love triangle: I read your letters. Malyen “what the fuck is happening on this here day” Oretsev: ??!?!?!!! who even are you??
Aleksander admitting he needs Alina.
Darklina hand holds.
He did not have to make that episode eight hand-hold on the skiff so sensual but he did it anyways.
The way he hides under his cloak like a turtle when Jesper shoots at him.
He looks so awkward and isolated at the fete surrounded by all of those colorful nobles.
He’s always ready to murder a bitch and honestly I respect that.
Would kill for his gf.
That entire scene where he kisses Alina in the snow in the books like the most awkward motherfucker and then goes “wtf just happened?! Darkling out” before fleeing the scene of the Emotion.
He’s eternally confused by his feelings for Alina and it’s hilarious.
“Looking for trouble, and if I cannot find it I will create it.”
He’s basically just a moth attracted to a fatal light. RIP.
The way he throws open double doors like a man on a mission.
He’s utterly precious and I would die for him. 🖤
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So while Six of Crows has been on my to read list for a while now when I saw that Shadow and Bone was coming to Netflix and realized they were all part of the same little universe I was like *rolls up sleeves* K guess it’s time to read five books in one month to prepare for this new series drop. (special shout out to @darklesmylove​ because it’s mostly your blog posts that convinced me I had to read this series...I give you this as a gift...) 
And now I present to you (in the order which I read them) the events in the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows books that made me go ABSOLUTELY FERAL (wow there’s a lot more of these than I thought there were). 
- “The problem with wanting,” he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, “is that it makes us weak.” (unfortunately the last time I was seduced by the Darkling - NEVER AGAIN BAD SIR! But this was fucking hot) 
- THE. FIGHT. OVER. THE. STAG. (Just...Alina not killing it, the Darkling is here, now he’s going to kill it. NOW ALINA IS IN FRONT OF THE STAG SAVING IT. NOW SHE WANTS MAL TO SACRIFICE HER. NOW THE COLLAR IS AROUND HER NECK AND NOW SHE’S UNDER HIS POWER AHHHHH) Bonus: “Shhhh. Quiet now, or I will let Ivan kill him. Slowly.” 
- When Alina figures out the dream and TAKES THE POWER BACK!!! (yaaaaasss queen!)
- When the Darkling finds Alina and Mal in Cofton and that whole fight scene and her getting bit and then I had to WAIT UNTIL THE REST OF THE BOOKS CAME IN THE MAIL
- “From what I know of the Ice Court, whoever stole my DeKappel is exactly who I need for this job.” “Then you’d be better off hiring him. Or her.” “Indeed. But I’ll have to settle for you.” (I’m 50 pages in and in love with Kaz Bekker, someone help me) 
- “Not just yet, Inej.” The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz. (ugh my cold cold heart is awake and beats only for them!) 
- Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. (literally like......)
- When Jordie and Kaz get tricked. (I mean all of Kaz’s back story but that was...ugh..........)
- It was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the Barrel and the deadliest boy in Ketterdam, fainted. 
- When Nina runs into the guards and the alarm goes off and I realize that I’m an idiot and OBVIOUSLY THINGS WERE GOING TO GO WRONG. 
- WHEN INEJ TOUCHES KAZ’S FACE. His eyes were nearly black, the pupils dilated. She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer. It was not enough. 
- He slammed his fist against the window. “Do not speak my name.” Then he smiled, a smile as cold and unforgiving as the northern sea. “Welcome to the Ice Court, Nina Zenik. Now our debt is paid.” (like FUCK MATTHIAS GOT ME TOO. WHAT A GOOD ACT!)
- I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. It was the vow of the druskelle to Fjerda. And now it was Matthias’ promise to her. (OMGGGGGG) 
- “This is going to sting a bit,” said the druskelle holding the whip. His voice was rasping, familiar. His hands were gloved. “But if we live, you’ll thank me later.” His hood slid off, and Kaz Brekker looked back at them. 
- The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. (YEAH OKAY. AND THIS IS HIS LAST THOUGHT BEFORE DROWNING.) 
- Nina on parem. 
- “I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” (SCREEAAAAMS. BANGS HAND AGAINST BOOK. DIES.) 
- “Kaz knew the instant he made his mistake...in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.” (asdlfkasgkjasglk;sdfjl) 
- I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl. (YEAH BITCH!) 
- When Alina first sees the Darkling while they are traveling the fold (I froze, I read it like four times, I couldn’t believe what was happening)
- When Mal suggests they go to that stupid party and then Alina actually agrees (I literally was like...well something bad is going to happen and I hate it here) 
- When the Darkling shows up after Alina and Mal kiss. “Another otkazat’sya, Alina?” the Darkling mocked. (sdflkajd) 
- “I can’t decide if you’re an idiot, or an idiot.” (ugh Nikolai, marry me) 
- two pages later: “You’re a spectacular actor,” I said drily. “Do you think so?” he asked. Then he leaned in and whispered, “I’m doing ‘humble’ right now.” (FUCK ME)
- “I want to kiss you,” Nikolai said. “But I won’t. Not until you’re thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” (Am I the only one who found this cute??? Why did Alina get upset??? Do I have Nikolai-colored goggles on??? Maybe...) 
- When the Darkling came to Alina in her sleep and then PRETENDED TO BE MAL SO HE COULD HAVE HIS WAY WITH HER?!?!?!?!?! (ahhhhhhhhhh) “I missed you too, Alina.” That voice. Cool and smooth as glass. (AHHHHH)
- Nikolai stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the parquet floor. “When did you lift the blockades? How long have the roads been open?” (LSDAKLFSDLFDKASLDKLSKLKLL) 
- “Not bad looking?” said another voice. “He’s damnably handsome.” Luchenko scowled. “Since when - “ “Brave in battle, smart as a whip.” Now the voice seemed to be coming from above us. Luchenko craned his neck, peering into the trees. “An excellent dancer,” said the voice. “Oh, and an even better shot.” (And then I damn near died.) 
- There’s a whole three pages (that I will not re-type here) after they arrive at the Spinning Wheel of Nikolai just being *chef’s kiss* flawless. Some great lines include: “Everyone needs a hobby.” “I thought yours was preening.” “Two hobbies.” “Should I be offended that he doesn’t want to dine with us? I set an excellent table, and I rarely drool.” “What a filthy mind you have. I was referring to puzzles and the perusal of edifying texts.” “Last chance to run.” 
- “Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. Whatever seems most fitting at the time.” (asldjkasl;dkfs;lkd NIKOLAI) 
- Okay gunna skip ahead - you can assume any time Nikolai said anything I screamed. 
- Nikolia’s second proposal (THE EMERALD!!! JUST HOW HE PUTS IT ON TOP OF THE WALL) 
- Nikolai’s third proposal. Nikolai’s skin was warm, his grip gentle. I’d wondered if I would ever feel something so simple again or if the power in me would just keep jumping and crackling. (THIS is why he is perfect for her - no jolt of electricity, just warmth and comfort!!!) 
- SERGEI!!!!
- When Nikolai gets fucking taken over by a nichevo’ya (I HATE EVERYONE)
- When Baghra sacrifices herself 
- When we finally FINALLY find out what makes Mal so special (I mean....his tracking was OTHERWORLDLY I can’t believe people weren’t more fucking freaked out by him) 
- “The Darkling marched on Keramzin.” (Literally screamed: “MY HEART HURTS.” I was crying. I nearly threw the book down. “BUT THE CHILDREN!” I say with my fists in the air. I am become a blade.) 
- Nikolai visiting Alina while he is the monster and trying to make himself better (ahhhhh tears!!! THE EMERALD!!!) The words died on my lips. Nikolai turned my palm over and slid the ring onto my finger. (FUUUUCK. PAAAAIN.) 
- “Please,” I sobbed. “Bring him back to me.” (lkadsflkj this was actually devastating even though I’m not a huge Mal fan)
- “We need more light,” he said. A choked laugh escaped me. I held up my hands, pleading with the light and with any Saint who had ever lived. it was no good. (UGHHHH. MORE PAIN.) 
- Tamar sobbed. Toyla swore. And there it was again: the thready, miraculous sound of Mal drawing breath. (and also the first time I breathed for an entire chapter!) 
- “Alina,” he said and kissed the scar on my palm, “I remember everything.” (Literally the last like twenty pages of this book I just gave up and was like actually Mal is adorable and I need to protect him at all costs.) 
- “Really I just wanted to look at the words.” (ughhhhh) 
- Once a man arrived with a fleet of toy boats that the children launched on the creek in a miniature regatta. The teachers noted that the stranger was young and handsome, with golden hair and hazel eyes, but most definitely off. He stayed late to dinner and never once removed his gloves. (NIKOLAI SIGHTING IN THE EPILOGUE MY HEART GOES ON)
- When Van Eck thinks Kaz is coming to get Inej and then he tells Inej and then she is WILLING HIM to not show up and then it is revealed he wasn’t there all along (BOOM BITCH THAT’S HOW KAZ BREKKER FUCKING WORKS.)
- “Those were my mother’s favorite flower.” 
- “Why the net, Kaz?” I couldn’t bear to watch you fall. (POETRY OKAY?)
- Jesper and Wylan going to see Wylan’s mother and just fucking everything about that chapter. 
- “Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.” 
- “We’ll fight our way out together,” Inej whispered. Nina glanced from Inej to Kaz and saw they both wore the same expression. Nina new that look. It came after the shipwreck, when the tide moved against you and the sky had gone dar. It was the first sight of land, the hope of shelter and even salvation that might await you on a distant shore. (AHHHHHH) 
- Wylan’s first thought was that this boy had the most perfectly shaped lips he’d ever seen. His second was that his father had sent someone new to kill him. (Wylan you are so adorable it’s adorable) 
- Inej was moving before she thought of it. She couldn’t just watch him die, she wouldn’t. They had him down now, heavy boots kicking and stomping at his body. her knives were in her hands. She’d kill them all. She’d pile the bodies to the rafters for the stadwatch to find. But in that moment, through the wide slats in the banister landing, she saw his eyes were open. His gaze found hers. He’d known she was there all along. Of course he had. He always kew how to find her. He age the barest shake of his bloodied head. (THESE TWO!!)
- “My leg! My leg!” “I recommend a cane,” Kaz said. (cackling) 
- When Sturmhond (aka Nikolai ***swoons***) showed up in Crooked Kingdom. (What actually happened: me reading a description of a “fox-like” man with Genya and Zoya and screaming and saying to myself “OMG WHEN I TURN THE PAGE IT WILL CONFIRM THAT NIKOLAI IS IN THE BUILDING I CAN’T” (did I mention I’m in love with him??? already??? k))
- When Jesper and Wylan FINALLY kiss FOR REAL (this was a big chapter for me) This was the kiss he’d been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. it was the spin of Makker’s Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart - or was it Wylan’s? - like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, Oh. 
- CHAPTER 33 - just everything, everything about the reveals in this chapter. The money being funneled to the Shu, not being able to trace even the RANSOM NOTE back to Kaz. WYLAN SHOWING UP!!!! “ARE YOU SURE THEY WERE PEKKA’S MEN?” !!!!!!!!
- “Do something,” Matthias growled at Kaz. “This is about to turn ugly.” Kaz’s face was as impassive as always. “Do you think so?” (bahahahahaha) 
- Nina’s just complete glee over the chaos she creates!!! “She was the Queen of Mourning, and in its depths, she would never drown.” 
- Jesper using his fucking power!!!!!! 
- She stared up at him. He was going to miss that look of surprise. (HE’S GOING TO LET HER GO. HE KNOWS HE IS GOING TO LET HER GO.)
- Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.” Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.” She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) 
- “A sedative,” said the medik. “Is that safe for a pregnant woman?” “For me.” (This is just FLAWLESS in its depiction of people who don’t do OB care regularly.)
- Matthias saw the anger there, the rage. He knew it well. But he was still surprised when he heard the shot. (NOOOOOOOO!!!) 
- “Has she at least done it before?” said Kaz. “For this purpose?” asked Sturmhond. “I’ve seen her do it twice. It worked splendidly. Once.” (NIKOLAI I BEG YOU!) 
- When Matthias DIES?!??! (I’M SORRY WHO LET THIS HAPPEN??)
- “You will meet him again in the next life,” said Inej. “But only if you suffer this now.” 
- Wylan getting all of his father’s money because KAZ HAS BEEN PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG??!
- Jesper leaned in and said, quietly enough that no one else could hear, “I can read to him.” (alksdflk;jasfl;jkd that was hot) 
- “Well hopefully the medik will be here to fix my ribs soon,” he said as he headed back into the parlor. “Yeah?” “Yes,” said Wylan, glancing briefly over his shoulder, his cheeks now red as cherries. “I’d like to make a down payment.” (OMG WYLAN?!?!?! IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!?! IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!)
- At some point, Jesper realized Kaz was gone. “Not one for goodbyes, is he?” he muttered. “He doesn’t say goodbye,” Inej said. She kept her eyes on the lights of the canal. Somewhere in the garden, a night bird began to sing. “He just lets go.” (TEARS.)
- She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. (I gasped so loud i literally woke my cat up from a deep sleep.)
- “Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?” Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured. (THAT’S THE LAUGH. THAT’S THE LAUGH. AHHHHH) 
Okay done. Gunna go stare at the ceiling until tomorrow night/whenever I finally get King of Scars and Rule of Wolves in the mail (BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY SORRY ASS IS DYING AT THE THOUGHT OF TWO BOOKS ALL ABOUT NIKOLAI) 
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Whitmore Guy comes clean
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Whitmore Guy masterlist
word count: 4158
music: why are you here by mgk, halfway dead by steve aoki, global dan and travis barker
“I’m here”, he said after a pause. By this time she was already sat in her bed, in a defensive position, with her knees firmly in the mattress.
He didn’t let her finish.
“Would you have preferred me to stay invisible, would that make you feel more comfortable?” he asked reasonably, reading her mind. “You know I’ve been here. Because I told you”.
“Bonnie did”, she yelled, “Bonnie did! What are you, Mal?”
Mal stepped out of the darkness without making noise, and it hit her finally. Finally. He’s not human. There’s no way in hell he’s mortal! The way he moves, the way he never looks tired, although he claims to barely ever sleep, the way he just manifests himself at places; she thought of the first time they met, back in the gatherings hall, and how he smelt sweet like chewing candy. And how she thought he might be a trickster. That would suit him well. The eyes were pitch black in the twilight of the room. Y/N didn’t move.
“That’s a bit harsh”, he said coldly. “What am I, really? You think I’m some kind of monster?”
He chuckled and gave his light attitude away.
“How did you get inside my house? You never broke the lock”, she said quietly.
“I picked it. It’s easy. Do you want me to show you?”
She got out of bed puffing. She wasn’t afraid of him, but he creeped her out. If that makes sense? She felt like she could take him out, no matter what, and not because she could arguably throw a punch. But because she had certain power over him. Mal has always been nice to her, not in a friendly way, but in a ‘you’re special’ way. As opposed to everybody else. With other people, he was superficial, secretly arrogant and dismissive, but he treated her differently which, unfortunately for him, gave her the advantage. That’s what she thought.
Mal smiled slowly as she approached him, circling the bed. He bit his lower lip, pretending to check her out.
“You never answer any of my questions. You never tell me the truth”.
“I never lie to you, either. You just gotta ask the right questions”.
Mal lifted his hand and looked at the invisible watch on his wrist.
“We have to go. Can you get dressed really quickly?”
She narrowed her eyes. Obviously, something’s up if he showed up in her house. And didn’t ‘stay invisible’. Clearly, she needs to call Damon ASAP and check on them. Her paranoia told her to. Yet, she was standing there, in comfortable darkness, allowing him to listen to her heartbeat, two steps away from him, and her head was filled with the memories of them making out on the couch after the dinner party. Between the dinner party and finding the bodies in the house next door. She wanted to kiss him again, wanted so very badly, but thankfully, she was a thinking creature. Hot take: the desires of the body are not stronger than the council of the brain. Mal wanted that, too. His face was lean, wolf-like in the shadows, and he watched her carefully, badly hidden threat behind his smile. His smile was always only lips-deep, like a sticker he put over his face, like a mask. Every time Y/N touched him, it fell, and she took in his deep, dark color, and she couldn’t get enough of it.
“You think I’m going anywhere with you, you’re severely mistaken”, she said.
“I thought you wanted to know the truth”, Mal said innocently, and tilted his head.
“Truth about what? There’s too many things messed up to know clearly what you mean”.
“What if I tell you they’re all connected? Your gape in the head, and Damon going on a killing spree, and…” he paused, puzzled, “uh… that…” he closed his eyes, ruining the mysterious allure. He was trying to recall a name again. “That dude… Ma… Mutt?”
“Mal, fucking hell”, she threw her hands up, “Matt, his name was Matt, and he was one of my best friends”.
Mal nodded, seeing that she wasn’t joking anymore. Y/N stepped away and went to the window to open the curtains and let some more light into the room.
“Why don’t you jump out of your pj’s and put something on, so that we can go? It won’t be too nice in the town for the next ten hours or so”.
She turned abruptly.
“What do you mean?”
Mal shrugged again.
“I will honestly strike you on the head if you don’t stop talking in riddles”.
Mal licked his lips, and she finally saw, as the street light fell on him, that his jaws were pressed together. His eyes were dark because he was pissed, even though he smiled, even though his voice was close to normal, the usual. There was a time bomb inside his head, and she could all but hear the ticking behind his eyes.
“Listen, I don’t have time to chat you up, okay?” he said, and it sounded like he was a stranger. Y/N’s instincts kicked in, and she grouped standing at the window, like a small animal. As Mal moved towards her, her brain made a crazy attempt to convince her crawling out of the window will be a good idea.
When he grabbed Y/N by the shoulder, she could feel the zip again, that happened occasionally. He always wore synthetic shirts, and she got quite used to it. She never even brought it up, and now suddenly, it was clear as day that she should have. There were no accidents with Mal. This weird itchy feeling when he touched her, meant something and he knew about it, too. She was startled for a second, then she tried to kick out, but his fingers wrapped around her forearm decisively.
“I gave you a chance to change, now you gotta ride all the way to Georgia in your sleeping shirt”.
She didn’t know how he managed to drag her down the stairs, but when she blinked, they were already standing at the driveway. Mal walked towards her car taking her keys out of his pocket.
“Get in, we’re going”.
“What have I gotten into”, she mumbled, approaching the car and opening the door slowly. “You’re too strong for a normal dude, you know that?”
Mal smiled shortly as if she complimented him.
“I’m not a normal dude though, am I?”
He started the car quickly and drove out into the street. Mal usually refused to get behind the wheel if Y/N was willing to drive. He even whined a little about having to drive when she got too drunk to do it. Now, he looked as if he’s been the most experienced driver. The wheel was calm and obedient under his hand, and it felt like betrayal, too. Like she didn’t know him at all. Y/N looked at him, the side of his face, the upturned nose and focused eyes, and thought that it wouldn’t surprise her if his whole personality was a lie, too.
“What’s happening with the town? Are the guys alright?”
“How am I supposed to know?” he frowned childishly, his eyebrows gathering together. “I just don’t want you to be there when it comes down, obviously. The FBI guys have returned, apparently, and they’re determined that Damon has killed everybody… which I fully support”.
“You know damn well he hasn’t killed anybody”, Y/N bumped her fist into his shoulder and he didn’t budge.
“How do you know? You’re so brainwashed by him”, Mal threw.
“That’s far from truth”, she muttered, checking the pockets of her pants. As he was dragging her out of the room, she was still holding her phone in her hand. Millennials, am I right?
“Where’s the damn phone”, she said to herself, frustrated. Mal drove out into the main street and sped up, clearly wanting to get out of the town soon. She put both her hands into her pockets and checked the seat.
“Where’s my phone, Mal?”
“I have it”, he tapped himself on the chest pocket of his jean jacket. Y/N blinked with one eye; it was more like a twitch.
“Give it back”.
She realized he had slipped his hand into her pants while they were walking down the stairs.
“To do what?”
“Give it back, you tricky bastard”, she leaned over and grabbed him by the hand free of the wheel.
“Whoa! Calm down, psycho”, Mal grinned and pushed her back gently. “What do you need it for? It’s the middle of the night, everybody’s asleep”.
“I need to call Elena to make sure she’s alright! Do they even know the FBI… whatever they are, are in town?”
“Of course. I learnt it from them”, Mal said shortly. They were now straight on the highway leading out of Mystic Falls. The town is that small. A couple of streets, weaving inside like spider guts, a park, a square, and that’s it. A little place to live, really. It closes your mind, clogs your imagination. One can easily go crazy here.
“I was at the Craze, then the blonde slow vamp, Carrie, runs in, and her eyes are like, this big, and she says the tol and the smol are back. And I’m like, so what? And she’s like, they’re onto Dean! And I’m like, good for them, you know? Carrie is all flustered. But he’s our friend, and he didn’t kill anybody… while he totally did”, Mal shrugged. Y/N closed her eyes, irritated at his intentional name mess. He has established his dominance enough times already. There’s no need to purposefully diminish them every time, to remind her he doesn’t feel too psyched about the gang.
“And I was all, hm, there might be confrontation, so how about I take you away, yeah? It’s their own problems, let them deal with the feds themselves”, his face lit up a little, “they’re big vampires now after all”.
“I’m involved in that as well”, Y/N hissed, “you know? One of the vampires, before they all died at Craze, refused to bite me, which is a nonsense for a young vampire”.
“Oh”, he frowned a little, “then it’s all the better to take a break, right?”
She hit the back of the seat hard, looking at the dark ribbon of the road lying ahead. Her bare feet were rubbing against each other. Mal started fidgeting with the audio system and actually had the audacity to take out her phone from his pocket to connect it to the player.
“Unblock it”, he said, and it sounded more like an order. She rolled her eyes and, as he handed the phone to her, tried to grab it away from the guy. His fingers were worse than ironlike clutch of death.
“Hey, don’t be funny. Listen, I don’t mean anything to happen to you, okay? I’m just taking precautions”.
There was the familiar rectangular dark shape which was the sign with the name of the town. As the music hit the car, Mal stretched his neck a little, tilting his head from side to side, and she felt a strong desire to make him open up. She just wanted him to trust her enough to tell all. To not play anymore. It’s not that she’ll run, because there’s something wrong with him. She just needs to know to own him completely. Maybe it was crazy, too early for commitment like that, but her flaring nostrils told her she’s cooked enough.
There were cars on both sides of the road, but she couldn’t make them out properly as her own car sped past them. She turned her head back and caught the glimpse of people starting to gather on the road behind them, as if they had been expecting her car to pass, to close the way. One car moved forward and stopped right in the middle, blocking the way out of Mystic Falls.
She looked at Mal, wishing to hell he glances back, and she got severely disappointed, because when he did, there wasn’t a shred of sympathy for her distress. Her gut feeling got much worse though. It looked like a trick now, less like him acting on impulse. Mal understood it, seemingly. He shrugged off his playfulness and was completely serious now.
“I lied to you once”, he said.
I’m not myself
I’m not myself when you’re around, no
Can’t be helped,
the song chanted. He spoke calmly, his head swaying a little as if his neck was a light balloon string.
“I did steal your chain. I wanted to have a part of you with me at all times. Take it”, he lifted his elbow and opened his chest pocket. “Don’t fucking touch your phone”.
Y/N felt her whole body tense, the freeze so deep her skull got stung for a second, like she all turned into a stone.
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll break your arm”, he said.
She kept looking at his absent stare he was radiating onto the road. It’s like he wasn’t watching where he was driving at all, like he was inside somewhere. That’s a powerful stunt, demanding something from a person without even looking at them. She put out her hand out of curiosity and slid her fingers into his pocket. It was warm on the inside, the heat was coming from his body. Very normal human heat. Something stopped her, either the fear of pain, or the fear that this pain will be inflicted by Mal. Her fingers brushed over the lukewarm smooth screen of her phone, and she felt the pricky chain of her necklace. She pulled it out, and looked at it, mesmerized. Mal finally glanced at her.
“Was Martha Hopps ever your girlfriend?” she asked.
“No”, she shook his head, “I wouldn’t do you like that”.
 Y/N looked back again and clutched her necklace in her fist. Her other hand crawled to the handle of the door. Mal was speeding no less than fifty miles on the highway. She pulled the handle and pushed the door with her shoulder, grouping and closing her eyes. The song was filling the interior of her car. It was called ‘halfway dead to me’ and now she thought, right before throwing herself on the road and potentially killing herself, that even the music they listened to together should have communicated some message she’s missed.
It happened very quickly, as the door flew open, and the wind brushed over her violently; the sound of the highway being eaten by the wheels of the car. The dark sky, a starless back dome above; she was almost out, in the air, when his hand grabbed her by her neck and pulled back into the car so hard she collided with Mal and hit her thigh. The door of the car closed by itself with a bash and the music blasted her head like a baseball bat. Y/N closed her eyes, pressing her jaws together to withstand the pain. When it let go, she moved herself in the seat and shook her head.
“You could’ve killed yourself!” he yelled, sincerely frustrated. The car swayed as he returned both hands to the wheel. She has never seen him scared before, and it baffled her. Mal gave her a wide-eyed stare. “What is happening inside your goofy head?!”
“You’re not human!” she cried in return.
She punched his shoulder once again to see that he doesn’t mind the mild pain. He barely noticed.
“You’re a vampire”.
Mal sniffed with displeasure.
“You only pulled this to test me? What if I hadn’t caught you?!”
“But that’s… that doesn’t make any sense. You walk in the sun and you eat all the time, and… others didn’t smell you”, she was still panting from the jump. Her neck ached from the stiff clutch he performed on her. In fact, Mal grabbed her so hard it felt like he was about to tear her head off completely. She rubbed her throat and the back of her neck with both hands.
“And you entered my house, without an invitation”, she finished. Mal sighed, turning the music down a little. She was still very aware of the songs that were playing. They always listened to this one playlist, which she had no memories of compiling. The title, the combination of the songs, the cover was inexplicable to her. These six months were so frustrating even this screaming oddness felt more like it was meant to be. Now she realized it was the only playlist she ever heard Mal play. And the fact that it was titled ‘douche’…
“That’s because I’ve already been there before”, he said, nonchalantly. He didn’t need to say it, she already knew.
“Malivore is in Georgia, huh”, she said. Diving deep into the seat, she looked on the path they were traveling again. Finally realizing is so liberating it’s hard to describe. For a moment, it felt like the car was completely silent.
The whole attraction thing, Mal knowing ways to get to her, the music, the movies, the manners… the mutual trust which is virtually impossible among people like him… the nights and days she felt lost, when she felt like there was a piece of her brain missing and the gaping hole whistling in the wind. The pink sky reminding her of something it couldn’t utter in human language, and the sucking, sad, tragic tunnel pulsating in her guts – all this meant she was broken over losing somebody at the shore of the sea of oblivion.
 “You know how you had that strange feeling you missed somebody? And thought it was Matt?” he said with disgust. Y/N had no energy to say anything, crashed down by the powerful feeling of loss once again, all coming down at once, like she was pulled away right from her skeleton. She was looking at this stranger sitting next to her, trying to fit him into the frame of the new found truth, and he didn’t match. And that was the part of it.
She finally knew who she’s been crying about those weeks, when she would collapse on the floor of her room suddenly, startled by the outburst, confused by even why the tears are coming. The long nights she spent agonizing, - and she’d never told anyone, not even Elena – over something, crouched under the cover, seized by terror, like something was impaling her – now she knew why. Her chest got hard and narrow, and she put the hand to her throat.
“You’re the guy he threw into the Malivore”, she finally said. Mal nodded. The world was tearing apart; she could see the tear line up above, so clearly. It was fucking crumbling down in pieces. Only Damon – only that bastard could ever think of that. Of throwing someone into oblivion to erase them completely.
She might have whimpered, because Mal slowed the car down, concern on his face, and they stopped in the middle of the road. The night highway was empty and hollow, and when she left the car, almost crawling out, she noticed there were stars after all. Just very far away. Unreachable.
She felt the light movement of air on her cheek that was burning up, like the rest of her body. The road was long, leading away into the dark patch of space where the street lightning failed and gave in. The fields were quiet around them, night fog falling slowly to wrap them in its deadly embrace. The wind cried, get inside! Be safe! But the blue twilight of the forest in the distance felt like a mount of doom approaching. You couldn’t hide from it in the car. She couldn’t figure out now why she was crying. She felt so robbed; she felt like somebody had the audacity to come and tear her heart out, and now, the worst thing, she couldn’t feel anything because it was the heart she lacked. She couldn’t imagine what it must have felt like to Mal. A cautious look thrown at him found him on the other side of the hood, watching her carefully. It was as if he was afraid to approach. Maybe he thought she was too delicate, or was actually afraid.
“How…” she tried her voice, and it let her down. Only whisper came out. “How did you get out?”
Mal circled the car slowly, without hurry. There were no more sounds, just the music from the car, and his steps. Mal touched her shoulders and made her focus on him, shooting right into her eyes. He was being very dramatic.
“I crawled back to you. Wouldn’t even be the first time. Remember how I got out of hell?”
In a second only she realized that there’s a smirk crooking his dirty mouth. He enjoyed his little joke.
“Oh, of course you don’t. Sorry”.
Her hands grabbed on Mal’s elbows and she pressed herself into his chest. It’s fucked up how memories are nothing. How not having the essential information makes you lose your head as you try to understand why you trust a person you don’t know so much; why you intuitively know he’ll do no harm to you; how you’re attracted to him. His smell was familiar now, almost vital. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and felt a heavy sigh that left his body. Mal hugged her back, putting his chin on the top of her head.
“Don’t worry. I’ll show you. I’ll show you everything, I know how. I have so much to tell you… honey”.
All those days, and she cried in vain. And now she knew what she cried for. And that is so unfair her throat is about to burst with rage. Only Damon…
“I’m going to kill him”, she said gravely, all of a sudden. She could hear his heart now, too. Beating like there’s no special vampire force in it. Mal sighed again.
“It was their collective decision”.
She stepped back to look him in the face.
“They were all on it”, he repeated. It was hard to hide the joy in his voice, like he was bringing good news. She knew now how to filter it. She knew he can’t control it.
“Even Elena?”
He rolled his eyes a little.
“Even Elena”.
Mal pulled her on the elbow gently as she started crying again.
“I’ll fix everything, I promise. Hey, they’re paying for it right now”.
With a shaking hand, she clutched his, and squeezed it.
“Mal, please… please, don’t…”
His face went hard.
“I don’t get it. Do you want to punish them or not?”
She moaned. She was holding on to his hand because the knees almost gave in. She could literally feel sanity leaving her, from the little hole in her temple. She was going mad.
“It’s Kai by the way”, he added, harshly. “Kai Parker. Look at me. You know, this is what I never really understood. You’re so clearly upset, and it makes me very happy… I mean, like, not in a way that I like to see you hurt, but… well, you get it. But you still want to protect them? You were never able to make the choice, you know?”
Seeing that she is not able to object, he went on.
“Quite honestly, that’s hurtful. You know, after everything I’ve been through… you know, you have been the only person ever that didn’t hate me outright. You know? I always thought that maybe you will be the first person who chooses me over everybody else. Is that a lot to ask? I don’t know. Is it? Do you know that I spent more time searching and fighting for you since we met than actually being with you?”
“Mal, you’re hurting me”.
“It’s Kai. I am Kai. You call me Kai, because it’s my name”, he snapped, “it’s the only fucking thing I still have left. And you know who’s to blame for it? Your friends. The bunch of…” he sucked the air through his teeth. His hands were doing the opposite of what he was saying, holding her, rubbing her shoulders so that she doesn’t get cold. Maybe he held her too tightly. She yelped a little with pain, and he almost let go. Pressing his forehead close to hers, he whispered,
“This time I have made that choice for you, okay? Clearly, you need my help. I will never leave you, baby, never. You will be with me forever now, okay? Don’t worry. We’re not drifting away anymore, I won’t let it happen ever again”.
She shivered. As they kissed, she wasn’t sure who’s kissing whom. She knew she wanted it, and at the same time, in her mind, the sirens were going off, wailing like the apocalypse was banging on the walls of her consciousness. She was almost sure she knew what was happening in Mystic Falls.
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lunanight2012 · 4 years
A Whole New World Chapter 1 Part 1
{Y/N} = Your Name
{E/C} = Eye Color
{H/L} = Hair Length
{H/C} = Hair Color
{S/C} = Skin Color
{N/N} = Nickname
{L/N} = Last Name
1 year later
(1st person pov)
A whole year has passed since I came to this world and you know what. I love it!
Harry and I have been paired together, and well. We kinda have a thing. I have long since gotten rid of my old clothes and became a full fledged pirate. Oh and Harry and I live together in his apartment.
He's become my best friend, I've never had a best friend so this was nice.
"{Y/N}! Hello? Ya coming?" Harry exclaimed from the hall.
"I'm comin!" I exclaimed, getting my bandana and tying it around my head, keeping my {H/C} {H/L} out of my face.
I headed out of the bedroom and over to where Harry was waiting for me at the door. I smirked, a very mischievous idea coming to mind. I grabbed his hook from him and bolted out the door, giggling like crazy.
"Get back 'ere!" Harry shouted, chasing after me, though I could hear the laughter in his voice.
I laughed as I dodged residents in the market, making my way towards Ursula's Chip Shop. 
Making it inside I placed his hook on the sword check barrel, placing my sword inside before I scampered off towards Uma.
"Bout time Ya showed up… where's Harry?" Uma questioned as I got on my apron to help out at the shop. 
I didn't even answer, just gestured at the door as Harry ran through, grabbing his hook off the barrel and placing his sword in the barrel.
"Ye little brat!" Harry exclaimed, though it was easy to see he wasn't angry, with that goofy smile on his face.
Yea I may or may not do this to him regularly, i perked up as Uma started to swear at the tv.
I walked over to the tiny television and watched with Harry, Uma, and Gil.
I held Harry's left hand, we just stood there watching a limo pull up to the Auradon school and there they were. A bunch of scary idiots, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Harry knew how much I wanted to get all the kids off the Isle, but we were Uma's crew so to Uma we wanted to get off the Isle ourselves.
Harry squeezed my hand, knowing what we were seeing was really bugging me.
"Uma! Imma take {Y/N} to the beach. She's not doin good." Harry explained untying my apron and dragging me out of the shop and down to the small littered beach.
"Come on {N/N} what's wrong? I know ye don't like that they got chosen to go to Auradon but what's really botherin ya?" Harry asked me, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I stared at the ground, not saying anything. I just wanted to tell him I like as more than a friend but I'm scared.
"I just feel horrible that those jerks get to go to Auradon and you guys don't. Why can't you guys have a nice life with those goody two shoes. I mean heck there's a lot of gorgeous girls in Auradon. I mean have you seen Prince Ben's girlfriend? What was her name???" I rambled on, trying to remember Aurora's daughter's name.
Harry lifted an eyebrow but went along with it. "Audrey? Yea she's alright. I ain't really the princess type if ye haven't noticed {N/N}." Harry stated, showing off his hook.
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. Suddenly a clinking bottle drew us away. Of course Captain Hook would find us here on this spot of the beach.
"Boy! Where the hell have ye been!! And who is this pretty thing?" Hook held out his hook, brushing some of my hair back. 
I cringed and backed away, only for him to grab my wrist with his non-hook hand, rather tightly might I add.
"Where do ye think yer goin? Yer coming with me!" Hook exclaime, a VERY creepy grin on his face.
Harry grabbed his fathers hand and ripped it off my wrist, pulling me behind him and glaring at his dad.
"She's mine pops. Fuck off and be pissed somewhere else!" And as soon as those words left Harry's mouth a loud smack could be heard, followed by me gasping.
Yeah, Captain Hook bitch slapped his son across the face. "How dare you talk to me like that you lowly punk! You sir are coming with me." Hook grabbed Harry's left wrist and dragged him away. 
Harry turned back to me, mouthing ‘get back to Umas now’
I whimpered, watching helplessly as harry was dragged away by Hook ‘im sorry’
~back at Ursula's Chip Shop~
I walked back into the shop, head hung low, trying to not cry.
"Where the hell have you bee- where's Harry?" Uma asked looking around.
"His father tried to take me away, so Harry stepped in and his father slapped him and took him away, it's all my fault…" I explained, a sadness to my tone.
Uma dropped whatever she was holding. "Dammit! That bastard is an abusive fuck! {Y/N} go find some bandages, and some needle and thread. Gil, go boil some water! It is gonna be a long day." Uma ordered.
I nodded and ran towards the stalls. Stealing everything Uma asked of me. Running back towards the Chip Shop all I could think of was what was gonna happen to Harry. Is he gonna be ok? This is all my fault. If we had just stayed at the shop-
"{Y/N}! Did you find everything?" Uma exclaimed, drawing me out of my mental breakdown.
I nodded and handed her everything. She nodded in approval and placed them behind the counter in a safe place.
And so while we waited for Harry to return, I helped out Uma at the Shop. It was a rough time helping out without Harry. Mostly because grown men were hitting on me and ugh!! I just want Harry to come back safe and sound.
2 hours later~~~~
I groaned as I held my head, tired of the drunken whistles and catcalls coming from the older male customers. And yes I've been grabbed a couple of times already. My butt, my wrists, my waist… need I go on?
I slumped against the bar as Uma pushed a plate towards me, with fish and eggs and oh!
Harry came in right then, his hook on his belt, hugging his right arm. I ran to him, tears in my eyes.
"Harry!!! I'm so glad you're back!! Wait what's wrong with your arm?" I asked, about to hug him but stopped as I noticed blood dripping down to the floor from his right arm.
"Dad fucked up my arm" Harry explained, wincing as he walked over to the bar.
Uma saw Harry and ran over to him. "I swear to Poseidon, I will kill that fucker dad of yours once and for all for what he's done to you! The bastard doesn't deserve to live!" Uma raged, her shell necklace glowing from beneath her shirt, trying to unleash umas anger, but to no avail.
Uma took Harry over behind the bar counter and got out the medical supplies and, Gil and I’s help, stitched the slice on his arm back up and created a sling for his arm. Uma ordered me to take harry home and make sure the cut didn’t get infected.
I sniffed as I eyed Harry’s arm, seeing blood splotches blooming beneath the white of the sling.
“Harry?” I whispered, he hummed, wincing as he turned to look at me “why did you do that for me? Protect me from your dad? It only caused you harm” he stopped walking, stared at me for a moment, that’s when I finally noticed his face, littered with bruises and cuts, his lip busted and scabbed, a blackening eye.
“I” he started, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, “I care about yeh lassie, I couldn’t let him do tha’ ta yeh, not on my watch”
I felt my eyes tear up. "N-no- no one has ever cared about me that much." I whispered, rubbing the tears from my {E/C} eyes.
Harry was surprised by that. "Really? Now tha' is surprisin'. Yer very special, don' ever let anyone tell ya differently." Harry stated, pulling me to his chest, I began to cry.
We stood like this for only a moment longer before people started noticing us. Harry grabbed my hand with his good one and we ran to the apartment. Ducking, jumping, squeezing past all the people in the marketplace was a task but we were both laughing by the time we got to the apartment.
I placed my palm on the door to open it, slightly wincing. But hey what can you expect from permanent scars on both of my palms, that still hurt even after a year.
Harry frowned. "Scars hurtin?" He asked me once we were inside.
"Yea. But it's alright." I smiled as I closed the door behind Harry.
"Let meh see 'em." He stated, holding out his good hand. 
I sighed and placed both of my hands in his hand. He pulled my hands up to his face and kissed them. My face turning bright red.
He smirked. "Ok lass. Now I've waited a year but I've got two questions for ye." Harry stated, sitting down on our rundown couch.
"Ok." I remarked, raising an eyebrow.
"First off. You mentioned you had an affinity for water. What do ye mean by that?" Harry asked me.
I sighed, sitting on the stool across from him. 
"Alright, guess I should expect this. When I was very young, really my entire life, my mom didn't really like me. And now that I think about it, no one in my family liked me. I never got what I wanted for my birthday. My mom kept me inside as much as possible. But when I was young, on rainy days I would sneak out to the backyard and sit on a big log that laid in the back of our backyard and would just giggle as the rain wouldn't touch me but would lightly swirl around me. Of course when my mom saw me she'd scream bloody murder and drag me back inside. Granted the minute she would grab me the rain would hit me. As I got older I learned that being "special" was not something people should know. I needed to keep it locked away. But that didn't make my relationship with my family any better. Actually 6 months before I arrived here I was kicked out of my parents house. I was only 14. I have my own small apartment. Actually, your apartment here is bigger than the one I had back on my world. And I had to lie about my age to get a job, AND I'm still in High School. So yea. Maybe coming here was the world's way of saying I needed a fresh start." I rambled on.
Harry chuckled. "Outside of this barrier is magic. And now I understand why you and Uma get along like sisters." Harry stated, leaning back.
"Har. You said you had two questions. What is the second question?" I asked, becoming curious.
"O-oh… *swallows* Well lass. Ye know I really like ye. And I was wonderin' would ye want to be meh gurl?" Harry asked, his face heating up.
I blushed but smiled, getting up and sitting next to Harry's good side. 
"I like you too harry, and yes i'll be yer gurl" I mocked his accent with a big smile on my face.
Harry smiled and leaned closer to my face. I smirked and grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Harry hummed into the kiss, pushing his passion into it. I felt his good hand cup my cheek. After a moment we broke apart, our breaths ragged.
I brushed his cheek with my thumb. "Well, you just had the honor of being my first kiss!" I giggled with a blush.
Harry smirkes. "Well I'm very much honored lassie~!" Harry winked at me. My face turned bright red in embarrassment.
I looked over at the cracked clock. 12:30pm.
Good thing it's saturday… wait it's thursday!
"Harry we've missed half of school. But with how hurt you are we'll skip today." I stated, standing up. Harry shrugged “eh, missing school is a good thing ‘ere remember? If every vk went to school everyday we would lose all our rep”
"I'm going to grab us some food from the mart. I'll be right back." I said smiling down at him. 
Before Harry could say anything I nicked his hook and left the apartment. Tying my bandana around my head I headed out to the market. Holding Harry's hook in my {dominant} hand.
I got to the market, scouring the stalls, I spotted a stall with semi-fresh fruit. Waiting till the owner wasn't looking, I snuck over and stole two apples, and two peaches. 
"Hey! What do you think your doing missy?" 
I smirked, hiding the fruit in my bag and holding up the hook. 
"What did ye say?" I asked, mimicking Harry's voice.
The stall owner held up their hands. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were one of Uma's crew! Please t-take this." The owner handed me a bag of money.
I smirked. "Thank ye very much. Uma will be very happy." I thanked and left. Of course I hit a few stands too, getting eggs, fabrics, and even some potatoes that didn't look too bad.
As I walked back into the apartment I began to sing a song from my world. 
"I need another story. Something to get off my chest. My life is kind of boring. Need something that I can confess." I sing as I set the fruit in a basket that was on the cracked kitchen counter.
"'Til all my sleeves are stained red. From all the truth that I've said. Come by it honestly I swear. Thought you saw me wink, no. I've been on the brink, so." I twirled, putting the eggs in the fridge.
Harry watched me with his brow raised, clearly confused by me.
"Tell me what you want to hear! Something that will light those ears! Sick of all the insincere! So I'm gunna give all my secrets away!" I sang smiling like an idiot.
"Lass. Whatcha singin? Never hear'd that song before." Harry questioned, taking his hook back.
"Its a song from my world." I explained, something I hadn't noticed was that the gold ring around my pupils was getting bigger, slowly covering up my {E/C} eyes.
"Hmm sounds interestin'. Although I much prefer yer voice over everythin'." Harry stated, pulling me close.
I giggled. "Come on Harry. If your feeling well enough to cuddle then you can come with me while I take the money I got to Uma." I stated, holding up the bag of money.
"How'd ya get that?" 
"The stall owners saw yer hook and got scared shitless." I admitted, smiling.
Harry smirked and pulled me close, kissing my head. "I love ye so much lass!" He said into my hair.
I giggled. "Come on my pirate. Let's go see Uma." I smiled.
We left the apartment and headed for Uma's place. The Chip Shop to be exact.
As we get closer I hear singing. 
"What's my name? What's my name?" 
"Not again." I groan.
"Hmm? What's up lass?" Harry asked, curious.
"Uma's singing her what's my name song again." I explained standing outside of the shop. Harry's eyes dilated and he almost seemed like a different person.
He walked right into the shop and started singing. Great. I walked in after him. Not paying any attention to Uma, Harry, or the crew. I sat with my back facing them and ordered a plate of fish. Gil was sitting next to me, clearly too busy eating his eggs to participate in the singing. 
"Gil. Why do you eat so much eggs? Don't you get sick of them?" I asked him as my food arrived.
"No! I gotta eat lots to be like my dad!" He said with his mouth full.
I rolled my eyes, then I noticed that Gil's blonde hair was getting in his eyes. I stole a brown bandana off of a patron and handed it to him. 
"Here Gil. Use this. It'll help you match with the rest of the crew, and you'll be able to eat, walk, fight, talk, etc without having your hair in your eyes." I smiled.
Gil smiled and proceeded to tie the bandana around his head. As he did this I smiled, eating my fish.
"So how is Harry? I heard his dad did that to him. Glad my dad isn't that abusive." Gil stated. His hair looking more "piratey".
I nodded, glancing over my shoulder for a second to see Uma giving the crew commands on how to do the moves properly to her song.
"It's my fault he got hurt tho. His dad saw me and Harry protected me." I explained, sighing a bit.
I pulled on my necklace. This was something I had from my world. The only family member that cared about me was my grandma. But she died when I was 6. The necklace was from her. I never understood why the charm was important,  I can't read the engraving on it, but it was a large coin shaped charm that was smaller than the size of my palm on a sturdy string necklace.. But I don't take it off. The engraving on it was something I gave up on decoding when I was 12.
"{Y/N}?" Gil asked, getting me out of my thoughts.
"Yes Gil?" I asked.
"Why are you playing with your necklace?" He asked me with a slight tilt to his head.
"Oh. This was a gift from my grandma, she was the last person to ever actually care about me in my world. I can't understand the engraving though." I admitted, feeling the text again.
"Oh? Maybe Harry can help. He's really good at deciphering stuff." Gil stated eating another egg.
 "Oh? He never told me that." I said as I looked over at Harry and Uma who were chatting about work and stuff. "I'm not going to bother him with it though." I muttered, before looking back at Gil.
"How have you been today Gil? I haven't seen you all day." I asked, tucking my necklace back under my shirt.
"Been fine. My brothers were jerks today. I got a couple of bruises on my back from them. But I managed to get this bandanna from a stall today! Thank you for helping me!" Gil exclaimed with an innocent smile.
This child doesn't deserve to be on this wretched island.
"Your brothers' are horrible. They are just AHHHHHH--!" I screamed, gripping my head as my eyes turned golden, such a bad headache.
"{Y/N}!!" Harry exclaimed, rushing over to me. 
I groaned. "I-I'm fine. Bad headache." I groaned out, looking up at Harry.
"Yer eyes, ther' golden." Harry exclaimed, amazed.
I frowned and rubbed at my eyes. Why are they fully golden? That never happens. I groaned again and squinted up at Harry, Gil, and Uma. When did I get on the ground.
"How'd I get down here?" I asked, the headache finally disappearing.
Gil's face got closer to mine. "Her eyes are back to normal!" Gil exclaimed.
Of course more crew members started gathering around. And I became flustered.
"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered, my face turning red from embarrassment.
"Alright everyone back to work!" Uma commanded.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Film three. In Auradon. Bal’s apartments in the castle. After “best day of my life”. Mal’s in a pair of Ben’s boxer shorts and a doctor who T-shirt. Standing there)
Ben (looping his arms around her waist): hey
Mal: hey. How are you?
Ben: good. Good. And you
Mal: oh so much better now (she turns around) and is this all for me?
Ben: mmmmmmaybe?
Mal: well I greatly appreciate it whoa
(She’s turned around to get a better look at him. He’s, just like her. In boxers. Longish purple hair. And literally nothing else)
Mal: oooh I’m feeling very matchy matchy and very much mismatched
Ben: well there are two ways of remedying that. I could put a top on. OR. I could lock the door and soundproof the room and
Mal: lock the door I’ll soundproof
Ben (very happy): okay
Mal: oh my god!
(Under Ben’s shoulder blades are two jagged cuts from which are growing beating miniature mounds of flesh in a dark blue colour)
Ben: what’s wrong?
Mal: your back!
Ben: what! What is it. What’s wrong?
Mal: I. I. II don’t. Know. It looks like somethings growing out of your back
Doug (walking in briskly with Evie right begins): it’s probably dragon wings. The ember sped up the process I think
Mal: and how do you know that?
Doug: Hierachy And History: all levels of magic and their effects and uses. First edition illustrated.
Bal: can I?
Doug: yes you can borrow it. Hell. Keep it. I’ve got plenty
Mal: how do you know all this?
Doug: I uh bought literally every book about magic when you brought it back. Physical copies and on kindle
Mal: ohhhh. For a minute I thought you were mansplaining to us.
Evie: he’s not chad. He actually knows things. And why the hell aren’t you dressed?
Mal: well sis. We almost died a couple of hours ago so Ben and I were about to engage in a bit of glad to be alive
Evie: eww shut up
Mal: oh like you and Doug haven’t
Evie: that’s besides the point.
Mal: why are you here?
Evie: why do you think. Ben put a top on or something
Bal: no
Ben: I’m comfortable
Mal: I’m relaxed when he’s like this
(Evie sighs and looks defeated)
Doug: so what’s the plan
Mal: yeah about that. I’ve been thinking and I think I’ve connected the dots
Doug: oh?
Mal: yeah and it’s got to do with you and I sis
Evie (horrified): no
Mal: yah
Evie: no
Mal: yeah
Evie: nonono
Mal: yesyesyes
Evie: NO!
Mal: yes! Face it E we might be related
The boys: what?
Mal: think about it. Our mothers are the most self centred vainglorious batshit crazy bitches that side of the river Tiber. They would want the most powerful. Chernabog is a recluse and an altruist. The headless horseman has no mouth so can’t sing their praises. So all that’s left is the god of the dead
Evie: but I’m beautiful
Mal: and what am I. Corned beef?
Ben: I’d still marry you if you were corned beef if that helps
Mal: it does help surprisingly
Evie: but didn’t Maleficent say your dad was human?
Mal: villains lie E. That’s why I was always a disappointment
(Ben hugs her)
Adam (sauntering in like he owns the place): well isn’t that sweet.
Evie: what the hell are you doing here?
Adam: I’ve come to discuss the appalling situation that you let happen.
Mal: I’m sorry?
Adam: so you should be. Ben I have a plan. Put them all back and close it permanently
Doug: what
Adam: go back to the mine. It’s where you belong dwarf
Ben: ok you get out.
Adam: what?
Ben: you heard me. You’re not king. And you have no control over me my actions or my friends. So please. Get out
Adam: fine. But you should at least hear what happening since you had to have him save you
Doug: my names Doug but go on.
Adam: the people are in a panic. They’re terrified. If hades can escape others will try to. If you ask me
Bal and Devie: we didn’t
Adam: if you ask me I personally think it’s high time you do away with this ridiculous endeavour once and for all
Ben: no.
Adam: I wasn’t talking to you boy. I was talking to the future queen. Your people are scared. And even the poor are scared they lash out. Either way you’ll end up back where you cane from. You Carlos and the rest of the technicolour freaks that are destroying the property values that I painstakingly created. You are a “vk” are you not?
Mal: I’m not uh I uhm I don’t consider myself a vk anymore
Adam: then who? That is who you are right. Cradle to grave and all that rhetoric. Face it Mal. You are not an Auradon girl.
Elsa: oh you are so right beast. My daughter is not an Auradon girl. She’s the soon to be the queen of Auradon and isle AND she’s the princess of Arendelle. So that’s three titles to your zero. Meaning you’d do well to shut up
Adan: to what do I owe this...thing
Elsa: my daughter was hurt. So I’m checking on her. Like you should be doing for Ben. Or has belle finally ridding herself if you rendered you void of the most basic compassion for your son as well as everything else?
Adam: as I was saying. If my reasonable suggestion goes unheeded the people will rise up and there’s (a phone blasts out “backstreets back”) OH WHAT NOW!
Ben: it’s my cell phone. Doug would you be a dear and grav it for me
Doug: sure. But only if you put a top on?
Ben: I’ll think about it
(Doug snickers and answers the phone)
Doug: king Ben’s personal cell phone the major-domo speaking. Yes. Yes. Oh shit. Thank you for informing us (he hangs up) the wand, the spindle, Jafar’s staff and the magic mirror have been stolen from the museum
Bal, Elsa and Evie: what?
Mal: when?
Doug: two hours ago. There’s no security footage. The cameras were busted. Ten guards are dead. Two have had the hearts crushed. The rest were cut to pieces by glads shards
Adam: ok then. It’s decided. Round them up. I’ll get the trucks ready. We can have you and them all back by sundown
Elsa: you realise who you’re sounding like right now?
Adam: the only sane man. As it has been for years. Now Mal my dear. Your choice. Anarchy or order. Where’d she go
(Mal’s teleported away)
Evie: you poked the dragon.
Ben: I’ll go after. See if she’s ok
Elsa: no I will. This is a mother’s job
(She teleports after Mal and finds her in the dining room hyperventilating)
Mal: I can’t do it. I I can’t
(Elsa pulls her into a cool down hug)
Elsa: shhh shhh now. Don’t listen to him.
Mal: but he’s right. I’m going to be the queen. I should be thinking about these things. And ten people are dead. And some nutbag has some of the most powerful magical relics in existence
Elsa: but you still have the book and the sceptre. And the book. And if your hunch is correct. You’re half god. So
Mal: so, what?
Elsa: so...beast cannot lay a hand on you or Ben or anyone you care about. Not without your say so.
Mal: so what you’re saying is I hold all the cards
Elsa: essentially yes
Mal (weak laugh): why doesn’t that make me feel better
Elsa: because your upbringing had left you scarred and unable to make decisions that could impact people you care about
Mal: ... harsh but true
Elsa: listen
(This is when “brave” happens)
Mal: I can be brave. I can tell Adam where to stick it.
Elsa: I’ll supply the barge pole
Mal (cackling): please let me see that when it happens
Elsa: hmmmmm maybe
(Back in bal’s living room)
Evie: you’ve hated us all since the moment we arrived. You couldn’t stand the fact Ben chose my sister over the Hunan balloon animal you picked out.
Adam: sometimes the parent really does know best
Evie: said Gothel. Said Madame Mim. Said Jafar, Cruella, my mother, Yzma, Gaston, Maleficent and every single shitty parent we had to deal with over there. You’ve joined their ranks plain and simple
Adam: I am not one of them. You are. Upsetting the well defined status quo on a whim.
Ben: you were a bastard of a father and now you’re a bastard of a human being. The kingdom has me now. And I shan’t make the same mistakes errors and blatant crimes against humanity that you did
Adam: then you’ll be a disappointment as king.
Evie: oh for once in your life shut up and let others speak
Evie: oh there’s my mother again. Doug honey did you know that she said that exact same thing to me when I stared talking?
Doug: oh my god I’m so sorry.
Evie: eh don’t be. I’m over it. Well mostly. But the fact that this idiot is saying it says plenty about his perceived moral superiority
Adam: if you can’t listen to reason I can always force you.
Evie: once again. My mother. Maleficent. Gaston. Jafar. Cruella. Mim. Medusa. Yzma. Hearts. Need I go on?
(In Ursula’s grotto Uma’s working on something)
V!Harry: what are you doing. Well. I know what you’re doing. I’m you. I’m just asking for the benefit of those out there
Uma: who?
Harry: nothing. Don’t worry.
Uma: ugh whatever. I’m working on an escape. If she thinks she can stop me she’s sorely mistaken
(This is when “speechless” happens)
(Mal bursts back in to the room)
Mal: alright here’s what’s going to happen. Ben, Evie you guys still wanna continue with the program?
Ben: yes
Evie: absolutely
Mal: then you do that. Because, Adam, we aren’t closing the barrier. You got that?
Adam: I really don’t think
Mal: I don’t care what you think. Nobody here cares what you think. You’re no longer king. Hence superfluous to the narrative. You’re nothing. The chain of command goes Ben, Doug, me, Evie
Evie: uh excuse me?
Doug: sorry hon. She’s right.
Ben: yeah. King, major-domo, queen, chancellor.
Evie: shit
Mal: so you can scream shout moan complain. But we’re not closing off the island. EVER!
Adam: you’ll regret this.
Mal: pretty sure we won’t.
(Adam stalks off)
Mal (immediately deflating): man I need a drink. Amethyst wine anyone?
Evie: do I even wanna know?
Mal: probably not.
Ben: it’s great. Just like the butter bars
(Evie turns green around the gills)
Doug: I’m probably gonna regret this but what’s in it
Mal: white wine. Vodka. A quarter pound of sugar. And it’s all mixed together with juiced violets. Hence the colour
Evie: that sounds disgusting.
Ben: oh it is. But we made it with magic so the potency is through the roof
Doug: meaning?
Ben: meaning it’ll get you blackout
Mal: shitfaced
Bal: blindingly drunk
Evie (forcing back a disgusted look): ahahaha. I’ll pass
Bal: suit yourself
(They commence drinking. In the isle chadeficent is looking on as Ursula goes belly up)
Chadeficent: need some help?
Ursula: my wretch of a daughter blew up my grotto and escaped with that mouth breathing pirate spawn. Of course I need help
(Chadeficent sends eerie magic hands, the exact type that ripped out Ariel’s voice, plucks out Ursula and drops her on the pier)
Ursula: now that that’s all settled. Who the hell are you
Chadeficent (now only using Maleficent’s voice): you tell me sea witch.
Ursula (unsurprised): you’ve literally never looked worse
Chadeficent (in Chad’s voice): hey watch it bitch!
Ursula: excuse me
Chadeficent (still in Chad’s voice): I mean seriously you look like a desaturated smurf.
Ursula (eyes glowing teal): Do you wanna say that again kid?
Chadeficent (in Maleficent’s voice): no he does not
Ursula (smirking): who’s body?
Chadeficent (both voices now): the son of Cinderella
Ursula: oooh a new meal?
Chadeficent: no. A tool (Maleficent’s voice) in more ways then one
Ursula: how’d you get here.
Chadeficent (both voices): the elongated horseless carriage
Ursula: so the limo
Chadeficent: yes.
Ursula (very much unimpressed): mhmm. Why are you back?
Chadeficent: I’m starting a coven. I assume you want in?
Ursula: eh what the hell. Wouldn’t be the first time we teamed up to ruin lives
Chadeficent: remember when we ruined for children’s lives simultaneously?
Ursula (mad): oh you mean that time my daughter was publicly humiliated and gained a dehumanising epithet all because your daughter acted out in anger at something the witches daughter did that left the freckled thing to be tortured by the furrier for a month?
Chadeficent: yes
Ursula (bark laughing): HA. Good times good times. So. What’s the plan
Chadeficent: we are going to break my daughter
Ursula: mind? Body? Soul? Spirit?
Chadeficent: all four
(In Auradon. Adam’s just sat down at the bar of a tavern)
Adam: double scotch on the rocks
Bartender: coming right up sir
Adam: never have kids Moliere
Bartender: my names not Moliere sir
Adam (not even listening): you raise them. You teach them. You impart your wisdom. Your values. And what do they do? Take a giant steaming shit on all you worked on and turn everything completely upside fucking down in the name of goddamn “progress”. Know what I’m saying?
Bartender: ohhhhkay?
(Adam gets off the stool and starts the jukebox. This is when “gold” starts.)
Bartender (very very scared now): sir. Your majesty are you ok?
Adam (pensively): no. No I’m not a majesty. Not anymore. Well. Not yet at least.
(He runs out of the tavern without paying)
Customer: what the hell was that all about?
Bartender: I don’t know. But I have a feeling little benny needs a warning.
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childofhalloween · 5 years
Huma "When love is blind"
Sorry this has taken forever life & sickness has been kicking my ass the past few weeks but I am surely & slowly working on finishing everything! I had fun experimenting with this one not my usually format. 
When 2 people are so in love they can’t see everything and everyone trying to pull them apart. Simply because Love is Blind. 
Age 5
Harry practically bounced into the dining room after his first day of school.
“How’d school go squirt?” Harriet asked tossing the homework from her backpack into the trash. “Great I made a new best friend!” “What’s his name?”“Her name is Uma! She’s really pretty and real smart!” “Ain’t that the spawn of Ursula? You can’t be friends with her she’s a sea Witch!” “So?”“Da says she’s gonna trick ya and steal ya soul boy! It’s what the do!” 
But the threat of losing his soul wasn’t a good enough reason to stay away from her. 
Age 6
Uma took her apron off and threw it on the counter was hardly shorter than her.
“Where do you think you’re off to?” Ursula said watching Uma head to the door.“Me, Gil, and Harry are gonna go throw rocks at the Goblin’s ship from the pier.” “I told you a million times I don’t want you to hang around those boys!”“But why?”“Those Gaston’s are dumb as a boot and there’s too many of those Hook bastards running around. Means those males only want 1 thing. So you stay here pick up another shift.”
She groaned and picked back up her apron. She didn’t understand what ‘thing’ her mom was talking about but she knew it wasn’t enough to keep her from hanging out with them.
Even her mom couldn’t stop her from hanging out with them.
Age 7
Harry didn’t understand what he was hearing. Gil was their best friend! So why couldn’t he play anymore?
“Dad said I can play with you but said I can’t play with Uma anymore. He said I am a man and I can’t be letting a little girl boss me around. Its not manly and it looks bad on our family.”“So I gotta choose between you or Uma?”“I’m sorry but my dad said.”
That was the last time he hung out with Gil for a long time. He never had the heart to tell Uma why Gil wouldn’t play with them anymore.
But even Gil wasn’t worth losing his best friend over.
Age 8
Mal sighed annoyed as they played tag. It was summer so all the kids were busy swarming the docks causing problems and mischief for all the workers. But no one dared speak up when I’m the presence of some of the most wicked villain’s children and their friends. It was Harry’s turn to count when Mal pulled Uma to the side.
“Why do you hang out with him?”“What do you mean?”“He’s so dumb he can’t count to 10! Let’s just ditch him and go do something fun.” Mal said grabbing her arm.“He’s not dumb he just can’t count is all. Lots of people can’t.”“Ugh fine but seriously you need to stop hanging out with him.”
Uma rolled her eyes and ran back to the game.
Sure Mal and her were best friends but it wouldn’t ever stop her from hanging out with her other best friend.
Age 9
Harry sighed listening to his dad ranting about his note sent home from school. He failed math…..again. You’d figure his dad would be used to it seeing as he never actually passed math in the first place.
“That is it! I have had it with this never ending failure from you! You are grounded no more friends, no more going to the docks, and definitely no more Chip Shoppe.”“But I promised I’d come down tonight and-”“You stay away from that witch, boy! You are grounded.”“Fine for how long?”“Till you can count to 10.” Hook said with a smirk.
Little did he know Harry would sneak out every night for a month out to the Shoppe. She’d waitress carrying trays almost the size of her and he’d repeat counting over and over. Soon enough he was ungrounded & free to do as he pleased.
Not even numbers could stop Harry from seeing Uma.
Age 10
Uma laid in her room it was the only safe place anymore from that stupid name. Ever since Mal dumped that bucket of shrimp on her the name Shrimpy followed her everywhere. Right along with the smell that just wouldn’t leave no matter how many times she bathed. If she wasn’t working she was either in the bath scrubbing raw or hiding away in her room. That was when there was a knock at the door. Without waiting for an answer Harry walked in.
“Go away Harry.”“But I haven’t seen ya in weeks!”“Good.”“Come on I missed ya.”“Harry leave me alone for your own good. You don’t want to be associated with ‘Shrimpy.”“No one’s laughed at me yet. I think I’m good.”“Seriously Harry go away. I fucking smell.”“I kinda like it actually. Smell like the sea.”“Stop trying to make me feel better.”“I’m telling ya the truth. Besides ya aren’t Shrimpy that name doesn’t fit ya Darling. And besides ya gotta hear what happened on the docks…”
She knew then there was no way he was leaving  and no way she wanted him to. That was the first time he ever called Darling.
Nothing could keep Uma from hanging out with Harry not even Uma herself.
Age 17
Harry had spent the better part of the last 6 hours pacing up and down the docks eyes out towards the border waiting for her to come back. She had to come back right? She wasn’t going to just leave them. He pushed that thought from his head he couldn’t let his mind go there.
The crew had been trying to get him to go to bed or at least something to eat. It was 3am he couldn’t see anyways. But he pushed them away telling them off in no uncertain terms.
“Harry….” there she was still dripping wet in a torn up teal ball gown.“Uma! I knew you’d come back.” He said grabbing her pulling her close.“I’m wet.” She mumbled into his chest he pulled her closer as her arms wrapped around him.“I don’t care.”“I fucked up.”“I don’t care about that either Darling.”
That’s when Harry knew getting off the Isle didn’t mean as much if it meant losing her in the process. She was the most important thing in his world.
Not even the barrier could keep them apart.
Age 21
Uma looked once more in the mirror at the short white dress. Sure it was from the current style in Auradon but she was never one for following trends. There was a knock at the door as Gil stuck his head in.
“You ready?”“Yeah.” She said grabbing the small Lily bouquet off the dresser. “Look ok?”“You look amazing.” Gil said adjusting her medium length veil he made her.“Think he’s gonna cry?”“Absolutely.”“Good.”
From then on nothing would ever keep them apart because they only saw each other.
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necrowriter · 6 years
fictober: true
Siobhan had seen Mal hungry before, seen him with his teeth sharpened and his face more sunken, seen him as his pale blue eyes took on a yellow light--but she had never seen him like this. He looked positively cadaverous, eyes glowing red deep in hollowed sockets, jaw angled wrong somehow, bones pressing tight against his skin. There could be no mistaking him for a living human now.
“There, you see?” the witch said calmly, swirling a finger through the glowing cloud of life energy he had drained from Mal. It had all happened so fast. One moment Mal had been fine, quipping away as normal, and then-- “Take away what he stole, and you reveal what really lurks underneath. How can you look at that and tell me it deserves to walk the earth?”
Mal was shaking all over, one hand clasped to his mouth, the other clutching at his stomach.
“How dare you,” Siobhan spat. “Call yourself a witch--”
“Call yourself a witch, when you go palling around with the undead? Have you no respect for the natural order of things? I’m sorry for what happened to him, but he should have stayed properly dead, not gone around leeching off the living.”
“He’s done nothing wrong! It’s not our place to decide that anyone doesn’t get to exist, just because they don’t fit your idea of how the world should work!”
“My idea? This is empirical fact, my dear. The circle of life. It doesn’t work if the dead don’t play their proper part. You’ve been led on, I’m afraid. It’s easy enough to do. He looked so nice, so harmless—but this is what he really is.” The witch gestured contemptuously towards Mal. “Still not convinced? How long do you think it’ll be until he comes after you, now? Not long, I don’t think. That thing doesn’t have friends or loved ones. It only has prey. You know this, you know this to be true, really, deep down. Go on, try to talk to it. See what happens to you.”
“Fuck you,” Siobhan said.
“Siobhan,” Mal said. His voice came strange and distorted out of his twisted jaw. “He’s...right. You need to...”
“He is not right.” Siobhan said. “You’re not going to hurt me.”
“...Might. Can’t...”
“How touching,” the witch said. “Let’s see how long this lasts. Now that you’ve seen his true face--”
“What right do you think you have to say what anyone’s true face is?” Siobhan demanded. “What unspeakable arrogance! We are all of us who we decide to be, and I know what he has decided to be. I know the choices he makes, I know the life he has decided to live, and you—you have the audacity to stand here using your power to hurt, to control, and you try to claim that this reveals some truth about him? The only truth you’ve revealed here is what you are.”
The cool confidence on the witch’s face slipped ever so slightly.
“You insolent brat,” he said quietly. “You think you know more than me because you are still innocent enough to be foolish. Because the world has not yet challenged your perceptions. I am only trying to teach you a lesson before you get hurt.”
“Shut the fuck up, you sanctimonious bastard,” Siobhan said.
“Siobhan,” Mal ground out.
“You be quiet and focus on not eating anyone. I’ll deal with this.” Siobhan drew the wooden sword at her waist. “Now, you are going to give my friend back what’s rightfully his or am I going to have to make you?”
“You wish to challenge me? Truly, you are naive.” The witch shook his head and adjusted his grip on his staff. “Go ahead. Do your best. You are no match for my wards—OOUGH!”
He doubled over, wheezing, as Siobhan’s sword hit him in the stomach.
“You’ve been out crusading against the undead too long,” she snarled, and punched him hard in the solar plexus. The witch dropped to his knees, and Siobhan snatched the staff from his grip easily. “Too much smiting, not enough remembering how to take a good old-fashioned punch from the living, huh? Didn’t make wards against that, did you? Give me that.” She gestured toward the ball of energy still flickering around his fingers, and it flew towards her. With a flick of her wrist she sent it back to Mal. “Do you concede or am I going to have to keep hitting you?”
“You’ll never take me—ow!” He groaned as Siobhan placed a boot on his back and pushed him to the floor. “You...you...you will regret this...you have no authority over me!”
Siobhan pulled a length of braided cord out of her pocket and began tying his hands behind him. “You think I’m the only one you’ve pissed off? There are a lot of witches who want to have a word with you.”
“This changes nothing. You cannot deny what is true!”
She rolled her eyes. “How you doing, Mal?”
“If I were still capable of throwing up, I think I would,” Mal said. His voice was weak and quavery, but it already sounded a good deal more normal.
“Good. Can you walk? I want to get this jackass moving.”
“Yeah, I...yeah. I think.” Mal got to his feet slowly while Siobhan pulled the witch upward. He was gripping his arms tight around himself.
“Mark my words,” the witch snarled. “You’ll learn. One day he will betray you.”
“You’re good at making friends, aren’t you? Start walking.” She pushed him forward and he started to walk, scowling. Mal followed behind, trailing a little. He still looked ashy and ill, but no longer quite like a walking corpse.
“Good lord, Siobhan,” he muttered as they walked. “Remind me never to piss you off.”
“What? You didn’t think I’d give up on you that easily?”
Mal shrugged half-heartedly. “Most people run away when they see the scary face. I think you’re the first one that delivered a dramatic monologue instead.”
“It’s all those Hammer movies you keep showing me. See, you really have corrupted me.”
Mal very nearly smiled.  
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Challenge #7
Alternately Titled: Getting Cane-did
a/n: Nihao, kumusta, hello~! I know that I said that I’ll be posting three fics for the weekend but I think I’ll be posting four. As you all probably know- I am the worst when it comes to wrapping everything up in just 4500 words- IT’S HARD OKAY(?) lol. So this fic will have a follow up fic posted soon (maybe tomorrow..? or tonight depends if I can finish my supposed school work tonight) Anyway, yeah this fic is really about Marshall and her internal thoughts during the caning. I loved writing this fic because of the actual internal conflict and suffering that Marshall faces and well... more of that stuff here.  So yeah lol. I hope you enjoy Marshall’s lowkey suffering. Also s/o to Grace and Claire for working on such bomb ass Nate and Mal fics for the caning because HOLY SHIT the drama and the dialogues were hella great. 11/10 love the drama. Okay yeah, enjoy! Do I even need to warn you guys about cursing anymore? (3570 words)
It’s been getting harder to sleep these past few nights.
My dreams were ridden with the same situation, the sound of the alarm, the chaos of the palace, the same faces. The same things that wake me up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, keeping me up for the rest of the night.
It’s been a few days since the rebel attack, but I haven’t managed to have a good night’s sleep ever since. Tonight, I wake up from the same dream- this time clutching my temple. I had dreamt that I was the one shot, not Kramer. I shake my head, reminding myself that it was only just a dream.
Going back to sleep is not an option, knowing that I’ll end up dreaming the same things. I hated how many times I’ve relived the situation. I wish it didn’t affect me as much as it did right now, but these were my ghosts. I had to live with them.
I spend the next few hours sitting on my balcony, clutching a book in my hands and waiting to see the sun rise. The lack of sleep has been taking its toll on me, the heaviness of my bones was a clear sign, the dull ache in the back of my head, the tiredness that plagued me.
Maybe it wasn’t only the attack that was plaguing my thoughts right now. I mean, Venus had been eliminated a few days ago, and my heart had hurt so much as I hugged her before she left. I lost my best friend, and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t having some separation anxiety from the beauty guru. A part of me felt like I needed her to be around me, she made me feel more confident in myself when she was around. Now, it I’ve never felt anymore lonely.
My maids comes bursting into my room a few minutes after the light starts to break over the horizon. They’re in a frenzy as they pull me back into my room.
Angelica starts giving instructions to Peggy and Eliza as they start scrambling around the room, and I blink in confusion at the frenzied pace of my maids.
“What’s happening?” I ask Angelica as she makes me take a seat at my vanity.
“They found a rebel, Miss.” Peggy informs me, brushing my bed hair.
“What?!” I yell, looking at Peggy. “Wait, then why are you all here? What’s with this?”
“There’s going to be a caning, a public caning.” Angelica says deadpan- wiping my face with a moist towelette. “We don’t have much time. We have to get ready you ready.”
A caning? Perhaps that was a better punishment than an execution… but still, a public caning?
I let my maids drag me to my closet, fussing over which of my dresses was appropriate for an event like that. How much black I had in my closet was ridiculous. My maids have always joked that I always looked like I was prepared for someone’s funeral… well, it’s not my fault that I preferred the color. I’d stop wearing the color when they invent a darker color. My maids continue doing their job, I allow them to prepare to dress me and put some minimal make up and soon enough I look like I was dressed like I was headed for a funeral.
My feet slip into my slides, my bandaged ankle still lightly throbbing every time I walked. Eliza gives my choice of foot wear a disapproving look, but there’s nothing we could do about it.
The news of the caning did bring a somber mood in everyone. A knock on my door signals that my escort had arrived, a guard assigned to assist me. Dr. Granger said that I needed someone to help me walk around, just someone for me to help me with tricky things like going down the stairs and whatnot, but I’m pretty sure that the guard served a second purpose though, to prevent me from running away again.
To my surprise, it’s Officer Gutierrez waiting by my door this morning and he offers me his arm before we start walking.
Gutierrez was Kramer’s classmate, a fellow Fort Lauper graduate too- I couldn’t imagine what went through his head when news of Kramer’s death had reached him.
Gutierrez was the first one to speak among us.
“We’re headed to the side of the palace, the part that’s closer to the east entrance.” he informs me as he starts assisting me on the stairs- holding my hand as I took one step at a time.
“The rebel… it was an inside job, wasn’t it?” I ask, recalling what I had heard from the report I had heard the day of the attack.
“It was… but,” Gutierrez shifts his eyes away, a look of doubt in them.
I raise an eyebrow as I take one last step down the staircase, “but what?”
Gutierrez shakes his head, something still troubling him. “Nothing.”
That’s suspicious, I shake my head- deciding not to push through with my questions. The two of us walk the rest of the way in silence, though I could tell that Gutierrez was obviously uncomfortable. What was so wrong about catching a rebel? Wasn’t that a win for us? A chance to give justice to those who have died during the attack? Gutierrez ushers me outside and a bolt of anxiety shoots through me as I hear the sounds of a crowd gathering behind the palace gates, as well as the sight of a good number of people allowed to enter through the gates. Gutierrez brings me to a certain area of the crowd, tells me that this was where the Selected are supposed to watch. He gives one last glance to the raised stage before bowing and leaving me standing there, unsure of what all his fuss was about.
Rebellion was wrong. The rebel was getting what he deserved. A caning sent a message to everyone, punishment. Hammurabi’s law. Eye for an eye.
The government, the military, the country’s national defense were stronger than anything, anyone who dared to threaten it. That was the message.
The sound of the crowd dulls out as a man dressed like an executioner steps up to the stage, and I could only hear his voice ring throughout the space.
“Charles Flynn!” his voice echoes menacingly, “a member of the palace kitchen staff was found attempting to bring down the monarchy with his fellow rebels.”
I nod, hanging on every word. 
Charles Flynn. 
That’s the name of the bastard who unleashed hell on the palace. I keep my eyes trained on the stage, feeling a sense of resentment against him already. Traitor.
“Mr. Flynn has broken his loyalty to the country and the monarchy. His disgusting actions have shown his real intentions. He is found guilty of treason against Illéa!”
The crowd seems to roar too, anger in their cries from outside the gates. The enmity of everyone clearly creating at atmosphere that was so full of hatred you could choke on it. My eyes shift to the other raised platform, where the Schreaves watched- clad in all black. The queen was beside King Spencer and I gaze upon the king’s steely expression, an unforgiving expression that reminded me so much of Nate when he had gotten angry the other night. I then see Nate standing there, looking obviously uncomfortable, eyes moving everywhere- wearing a more unsure version of King Spencer’s expression.
I wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and squeeze his hand, whisper to him how he needed to stop looking that way, tell him that things like this needed to be done- that this was the ugly side of his job. Everyone’s job had an ugly side. A future king like Nate needed to be reminded that, but most of all- I think he needed to be assured that things were necessary to be the leader I knew Nate could be.
Suddenly, the crowd’s yells grow louder as I see a figure hobbling to the stage where the masked announcer stands- and I feel my heart drop.
That was Charles Flynn?
The rebel looked like he couldn’t weigh 100 pounds soaking wet, he was nothing but a teenager, a child. How could he be a rebel?
I narrow my eyes on the kid, searching his face for something, anything that reminded me of the rebel I had faced off. There was nothing common between them, save for the blood on his shirt. Charles Flynn’s face was not the face of a rebel, heck- that kid looked like he’d apologize for burning my morning toast. The crier continued his speech, and I was suddenly understanding the look of concern Nate had on his face, why Officer Gutierrez seemed so antsy discussing about the rebel.
The mental image of a child like Charles Flynn being brutalized with canes was not a pretty picture to imagine.
I ball my hands into fists, though. I remind myself that Charles Flynn was a rebel- if he was found guilty by the king. If the king, my commander-in-chief, had found him guilty, then I, a soldier, should accept his orders.
“This is a crime punishable by death! But in his mercy, King Spencer had decided to spare this traitor’s life. Long Live King Spencer!”
The child was a traitor, I remind myself. I should not hold any sympathy for a rebel. Charles Flynn had made Kramer’s death possible. He should find himself lucky that the king had not ordered an execution, he should find himself lucky that his fate was not the same as his fellow rebels. Long Live King Spencer. I thought bitterfully.
Still, my heart was beating wildly as I watched the rebel’s hands strapped to some device- palms to the sky. This boy looked only about 15.. 16 years old? Was that the face of some kind of spy? My instincts were yelling at me to stop directing such harsh thoughts to the child.
“Charles Flynn, you are hereby stripped of your caste. You are the lowest of the low. You are an Eight and sentenced to prison for further questioning!” No wonder they’re keeping him alive.
I keep my eyes on Charles Flynn’s face, noticing his eyes trained to the direction of the stage... where the Schreaves stood. Who was he looking at?
“And to inflict upon you the shame and pain you have brought upon this proud country, you will be publicly caned with fifteen strikes. May your many scars remind you of your many sins!” The growing rage of the crowd was starting to unsettle me.
I stop myself again, stopped myself from trying to be so sympathetic to the rebel. Sympathy will get us no where with this rebel situation, sympathy did not stop people getting killed in rebel attacks.
But sympathy was what I feel when I see the canes being drawn from their buckets of water. I felt Charles Flynn’s pain as I hear his anguished cries when the canes had struck down on his hands for the first blow. I ball my fists to my sides even harder, feeling the slight pain from my nails against my palms as I clutched my fist. This was necessary, This was the verdict of King Spencer, these were his orders. I could not disagree with the king, I had to respect his decisions.
It was my duty as a soldier.
Nothing tore me apart than that thought. I look at the people bringing the canes down on the kid. My thoughts drift over to the masked men striking Charles Flynn’s hands.
They were doing their duty.
Then it hits me, makes me wonder if I could do the same thing as them if I were given orders to. I have killed a rebel, but more out of self-defense than what was ordered to me. If I had been ordered to cane someone, would I do it?
The answer is clear in my head.
I would not.
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from reacting to this public torture. I couldn’t agree with this, Spencer be god fucking damned. No one deserved to be treated this way.
Rebels, soldiers, guards, queens, kings.
No one in this world deserved punishment and pain like this, I realize. Then I notice a sudden movement from the stage with the Schreaves, a blur of black jumping the railings and shrieking out Charles Flynn’s name. The royals themselves were yelling things I couldn’t quite make out thanks to the deafening crowd. All I could hear was Queen Aubrey, the usually serene and calm Queen Aubrey, screaming Princes Mallory’s name. Nate was yelling something too. King Spencer seems to have broken his stoic mask, pushing a guard to chase after the figure running to Charles Flynn.
What in Elton John’s good name was happening?
I watch Princess Mal run to the stage, screaming “CHARLIE!” and the pieces seem to click together. Charles Flynn was looking at Mal a while ago.
Oh… Oh.. Well, holy shit- this was a revelation.
Just about as Mal was about to reach the stage, a guard slams her to the ground- stopping her from reaching him. The morning sunlight allowed everyone close enough to see the tears streaming down the princess’ face. She was screaming profanities I thought never existed in her vocabulary at the guard as he grabbed her. Her cries caught Charles Flynn’s attention though, sharing a look with the princess before another set of blows were dealt on his bleeding palms. Mal and Charles Flynn seemed to have something shared between them, I could tell that. There was something there, perhaps a mutual care for each other. The things you do for the people you care about.
My eyes widen when another figure jumps the railings- my heart almost fucking stops… this time it was Nate.
I watch the crown prince run to the stage and jump on it, going to his sister.
This time, it was my turn to yell his name.
“NATE!” I felt my breath catch in my throat seeing Nate on the stage, seeing him so close to those men holding those canes. Nate get off that stage. I don’t know what those men would do to him for his obvious act of protesting against this.
I wanted to scream his name, push past the crowd and fucking tackle Nate down from that stage. He needed to be away from that danger, someone needed to get him off that stage.
Fear, I felt fear overcome me as he stood on that stage. What the hell was this boy doing? I was frozen in fear of what could happen to Nate. Oh my god, what would Spencer do to him? They could hurt him, I couldn’t let that happen. Nate please get off that stage. I was choking up in fear, unknowingly tearing up as my feet drag me to the railing, pressing myself against the bars. Wasn’t Nate aware of how dangerous a situation he was in? I tried to stay close enough, just in case something happened- I’d be there.
“Stop,” I hear Nate yell and I hold my breath like everyone else in the crowd.
Everything went silent, except for the sound of Mal’s incoherent screaming and crying as she was held back from reaching Charles Flynn.
“What's the point of this? Is this what's expected of a king?” Nate’s voice echoes throughout the entire space. Everyone was listening to him now, and right there.. I saw him transform from a scared boy to a man who spoke with a conviction that commanded everyone’s attention. That didn’t stop me from still fearing for his safety, it made me even more worried. Fools who run their mouths too much could wind up dead. But I saw him, the courage he musters with every word he said.
Nate looks to the king, and the king looked pissed off. Good lord, please don’t hurt him. I silently pleaded in my thoughts and tried to think of things rationally. The king couldn’t hurt his own son. But the anger in the king’s eyes made me fear the worst, gripping the bars with my hands tightly- anticipating what the next move was going to be. If Spencer even thought of laying a hand on Nate…
“If that's the case, I don't want it.” My jaw drops when those words come out of Nate’s mouth. For Christ’s sake Nate…
But I get it, I understand where he’s coming from when I hear the sound of the canes on Charles Flynn’s palms. This was the sound of terror, it was barbaric. This was not order- this was cruelty. I understood where Nate was coming from- his eyes usually gave everything away. The prince I knew often cared deeply for everyone around him, his kindness was one of his best traits- his selflessness was admirable, but equally frustrating.
His ability to empathize with others, his sympathy- his heart- was a quality that I loved about him because by being around him, well… the warmth of his spirit melted my the walls of ice I had built to protect myself from being emotionally attached to people.  
The fearlessness of his stance against the king made him shine like a beacon of hope. I understand where he’s coming from.
“Why are you encouraging this, Why are you enjoying this? You’re literally watching a boy get tortured. He’s a kid.” Nate threw questions at the crowd with such disgust.
I was born to protect other people, the need to was incessant, but a need that made me want to be in the military in the first place. However, I’d rather give up my rank, my officership, my station to protect people from being an absent minded monster who just followed orders, like the ones bringing the canes down against the limp Charles Flynn… but wait.. another realization comes to me.
There could always be more people wearing those masks and holding those canes. Those men, striking the rebel… they were just following orders- if they stopped… there’d be always be more people thinking that they were just doing their duties. This injustice would continue, torture like this… it would happen again- because they were the king’s orders.
If I left my job… If Nate would leave being prince… who’s to say that the same thing won’t happen when Quinn’s on the throne? When Brooks is on the throne? 
If we wanted to change the way things were… we couldn’t run away from them- we had to make sure that we change things ourselves.
I don’t think being just a pilot in the air force could help me change things.
Later, I needed to tell Nate this later.
“End this.” Nate yells to the direction of his parents, staring off his own father. I felt fear overcome me, scared of what Spencer would do to Nate again. What if he ordered the masked men to hit Nate?
Thankfully, after a silent beat… Spencer speaks up. “That's enough.”
I breath a sigh of relief as the barbaric torture on the rebel ends, and the masked torturers drag him away. The king wears a stoic face as he commands the crowd to disperse, but I turn to Nate’s direction- keeping an eye on him. He’s safe, I remind myself as I watch him walk away with Mallory in Brooks’ arms.
After Nate goes back into the palace, I do too. I was concerned for Nate, his well-being, I knew I needed to talk to him soon. So I walk quickly back to my room, enduring the pain of brisk walking on my sprain. I reach my desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen to write a quick note.
Natalie, we need to talk. Meet me up at the rooftop when you're free.
- Marshall Camille
It was time to talk.
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Chapter 2: The Chituari
Chapter 2: The Chitauri
Mallory’s POV
A sixteen year old girl followed her older brother up the walkway towards their house.
“Daddy said he'd buy me a car if I got straight A’s all semester. And what's this?” The sixteen year old girl with huge hair waved a report card at her brother’s face.
“Hah, yeah right. I had to buy a used car myself years after I got my-” the boy stopped as he opened the door to the house.
Inside, there were men dressed in black holding guns to a man and a woman who were against the wall, both looking frightened.
“Which one is it? WHICH ONE?” One of the men in black shouted at the parents.
Very suddenly, I woke up. Breathing hard, I reached up to my face and felt it was wet. What is wrong with me? I thought. I don't cry. Why were there tears on my face?  I thought back on the dream I had just had. Except it wasn't a dream. It was a memory.
I groaned and put my face in my hands. I wasn't going to think about it, not now. I was up at 4:00am for no reason yet again. I contemplated calling Elliot, but then, remembering the conversation we had last night, decided against it. I didn't feel like getting lectured again. I lay back on my bed, and thought about yesterday. Cap had said that SHIELD would “bring me up to speed”, I wondered when they'd be contacting me. Glancing at my phone, I noticed there were a few text messages.
Elliot 12:03am: I'm going to bed. Sorry about our conversation. Hope you're not mad.
Kanani 11:46pm: hey, Elliott just told me what you did. You alright?
Anya 11:30pm: Ell told me. good job Mal, I'm proud of you :)
Kanani has been my best friend since third grade. It was nice to hear from her, we don't talk very much anymore. But it wasn't so nice that Elliott had told her and Anya that I was joining the Avengers temporarily.
After replying to the texts (not Elliott’s), telling them I was fine, I got up and paced my room wondering what was going to happen to me today. I could die for all I knew. But that wasn't likely. I was too powerful to die so easily. But then again, if it was almost too much for whole Avengers team.... Whatever, that doesn't mean anything. What's the point in worrying, anyway?
I wasn't sure why, but I felt the need to use my powers right here, right now. Maybe just to reassure myself I could still do what I haven't done in a while.
I took a deep breath and reached my right arm out in front of me. Instantly, dark blue energy shot out of my fingers and began covering the room. Soon, my whole room was engulfed in the blue mist. It was amazing. I could feel all around the room and see everything without looking. I felt shielded and protected inside my energy bubble, as if nothing could harm me. But something could, because I couldn't hold the shield long, it broke apart and I felt it slip away. Realizing that I had my eyes closed, I opened them and sighed. I'd have to work on that.
    * * *
“Thor told us what he heard from his brother, Loki. Apparently, he was making a threat and accidently let us know what his next move is. We’ve managed to evacuate most of that part of the city they’re going to attack,” Nick Fury told me.
I was at SHIELD HQ getting “debriefed” on the invasion going down today. It all seemed so fake, like a setup. If the Avengers had known that Loki was going to come back all along, why didn't everyone in the state know? Why didn't they say anything? When I voiced this concern with Fury, he told me some things needed to remain “classified”. But that still didn't make any sense, and even though he’s a good liar, I can tell when people aren't telling the truth, and he was leaving something out.
Fury explained the rest of this whole “invasion” to me, but it still didn't make a lot of sense. Why did the Avengers wait until the last minute to ask for my help?
Apparently, the aliens are called Chitauri, they're mindless creatures that do whatever their leader, in this case Loki, tells them to. Also, I was told who the current members of the Avengers team were. And that I would have to “cooperate with” them in order to defend the city properly. The members of the team are Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor, and Bruce Banner. Very few of those people I have ever met, and none of them I was very thrilled to be working with. But I looked past this and realized they probably weren't very thrilled to be working with me. After a lecture about the aliens, the team, and Loki, Fury told me that the Avengers were ready for whatever was coming, and that one of them was right now “scouting” to give the alert when Loki shows up. And I got the feeling again that all of this was fake, like a dream. Gods from other realms and aliens just seemed too weird for my life. And that was saying something. Fury told me it would be best if I joined Natasha Romanoff (AKA Black Widow) at the edge of the city where she was waiting for the chitauri to begin their second attack. I was OK with that. Agent Romanoff was one of the few Avengers I tolerated.
* * *
It seemed crazy that almost twenty four hours ago my biggest problem was my overbearing brother. Now I am standing at the edge of an evacuated city with Black Widow waiting for an army of aliens lead by a god to attack us. What happened?
I saw an opportunity for myself to be more than a little sister that needed protecting and an occasional SHIELD agent when they were truly desperate. And I took it. That's what happened.
“Stark should be here by now, I'm going to go check for him,” Natasha told me.
She hopped on her motorcycle and drove off towards the center of the city. I was sitting cross legged on top of an abandoned cab. I sighed, leaned back on my arms, and squinted up at the sun. I wondered what Elliott was doing right now. He probably was worried sick and getting Anya into the car and driving off towards the airport. I smiled. Despite what Fury told me about things remaining “classified”, it was announced on the news that there was going to be another attack on the city and that everyone should stay safe.
My phone started ringing, it was Elliott.
“Hey,” I answered.
“Where are you?” Elliott demanded.
“On top of a car,”
“Mallory-Rae, if you die, I'm going to kill you,”
“Relax, Ell. I've got this,”
“Every time you say that, something bad happens,” Elliott actually sounded really nervous.
“I'm actually pretty confident. And all I need from you right now is a little trust, not worried comments, those aren't helpful,” I was pretty proud of myself for finally telling him what I was thinking and for sounding so calm.
There was silence. And then,
“I do trust you, Mal. I'm just so worried. You've never been through anything like this before!”
“Yeah, but I've been close. I've gotta go now,” this time I really did have to go, I could hear Natasha’s motorcycle coming back.
“Stay safe,” Elliott said, and he sounded a little less anxious.
I hung up.
“Everyone else is here now. The chitauri should have arrived by now,” Natasha said.
I was about to reply when I noticed something in the sky. My vision was blurred from staring at the sun so long, but I was sure I saw something black. Something big. I narrowed my eyes, trying to make out what it was. Romanoff looked around to see what I was staring at and noticed it too.
“....oh no,” she murmured.
“What is it?” I asked.
“A portal. We didn't prepare for this,” Natasha looked far from frightened, but she did seem concerned. “Stark, are you seeing this?” She spoke into her ear piece.
It was very noticeable now. The sky looked like it was folding in on itself. The inside was terribly dark and full of what looked like the aliens that had attacked last time, only they were bigger, much bigger. And then they started flying out of the hole into the sky. The largest ones were almost forty feet long and snakelike. The others were ten to twenty feet tall and riding on hovercraft. They all started heading towards the ground.
I was proud of myself for not feeling even a flicker of fear. But I was serious, something inside me was ready and desperate to fight. Because how dare they? I watched as one of the largest ones crashed into a building, sending debris everywhere and damaging other buildings and cars. I was done watching, though, I was ready to stop this. I looked at Natasha who seemed to be listening to something someone was saying in her ear piece.
She looked at me, “re grouping over here,” she said.
Almost immediately, the rest of the team, Cap, Hawkeye, Thor, and Stark showed up. Thor and Stark who were flying, landed on the ground. Steve and Hawkeye dismounted their motorcycles. Cap and Thor nodded at me, Hawkeye almost smiled, and Stark smirked as if he had won some game.
“Call it, Cap,” Stark said.
“OK. I know this isn't what we were expecting,” Steve said, looking up at the now enormous amount of chitauri taking over the sky. “So, listen up, until we can close that portal, our priority's containment. Clint, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything that gets past three blocks out, turn it back or turn it to ash,”
“Give me a lift?” Clint asked Stark.
“Sure, Legolas,” Stark flew off into the sky with Clint who he dropped off on the roof of the nearest building.
Cap looked at Thor, “Thor you gotta try to bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up,”
I was very impressed with Steve. He seemed to have everything under control, and everyone was listening to him because he knew what he was doing.
“Mallory, you, me, and Natasha stay on the ground, let's see what you can do. And Hulk,” Cap looked at something behind me.
I had a guess as to what it was.
I slowly turned around and saw the Incredible Hulk was standing behind me all along and I didn't know it. He was huge, green and dangerous looking. The media had described him as a mindless, destructive monster. But right now there seemed to be something the cameras missed. There was something more human. More real. Like he wouldn't just crush you because he felt like it. I thought of something then that I hadn't thought of before, even though Elliott mentioned it, what if the media tries to make me out a monster like they did to the Hulk?
Hulk grunted as if daring Cap to give him an order.
Cap dared.
“Smash,” he pointed at the chautari flying above them.
Hulk gave a sort of evil grin and jumped extremely high, clinging on to a building. I dodged debris from the building and looked around just in time to see one of the smaller chitauri racing at me on his hovercraft, holding his weird gun, ready to shoot. I slid to the side, against a building. The alien flew by me and as it did, I grabbed its gun, flipped it around and shot the energy beam that was meant for me right back at it. The thing sort of squealed and flew back onto the ground.
Here we go.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(First film. Auradon prep library. 11:00 at night)
Evie: need some help?
Ben: yes please
(She uses magic to get Ben and the four books he’s got under his arms down from the ladder)
Ben: thank you.
Evie: anytime. Now. These are the ones you think can help
Ben: the ones I’ve read. Magic lore of the past century. Four volumes. 25 years each.
Evie: this could work. Still can’t believe fairy godmother let use the magic section. Thought it was off limits.
Ben (not entirely paying attention): it is.
Evie: Benjamin you shady little bastard
Ben (now kind of flat ignoring her): yes I thought so
(Evie looks momentarily annoyed. But then she sees he’s staring at jay)
Evie: you will not get far with jay
Ben: hm?
Evie: well. You don’t have freckles. You’re hair’s not curly. And you weren’t effectively raised by Mal from the age of six. Sorry. (Now fully entering the role of sibling). Now Mal on the other hand. I think she would love to date you.
Ben: I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair. I don’t even know if
Evie: she does. Trust me. She does.
Ben: ok.
Evie: does anyone else know or...
Ben: no. Just Doug Lonnie and Jane. Please don’t tell anyone else. Please. Especially my parents
Evie: hey hey. I won’t tell. I promise. I won’t tell
Ben: thank you
Doug (sitting down next to Mal): hey.
Mal: hey bud. Sorry about the rat man
Doug: eh. It’s ok. I’m used to it
Mal: if it helps I’m rooting for ya
Doug: not really cause Evie’s made up her mind.
Mal: yeah well she’s wrong. You’re much better than that fake ass bastard. Soon she’ll see. She will see
Doug: you kinda sound like a super villain at the start of his origin story
Mal: I’m not super Doug my friend. Just a villain.
Doug: you know he likes you right
Mal: huh?
Doug: my best friend.
Mal: ah...yeah
Doug: and?
Mal: I like him too.
Doug: but
Mal: he’s him. I’m. Me
Doug: if it helps I’m rooting for ya
Mal (chuckling): it does actually
Lonnie: whatcha drawing
Carlos: Jay
Lonnie: ahhh. May I?
Carlos: yeah sure
Lonnie: wow that’s really good
Carlos: I learned at Mal’s knee
Lonnie: cool.
Carlos: you’re scared of me aren’t you?
Lonnie: no. No. Yes. Yes. A little
Carlos: eh I don’t blame you. I grew up being protected by a dark fairy and a genie. So people know not to mess with me
Lonnie: ah. Question
Carlos: yeah?
Lonnie (pointing Mal then Evie): what’s their damage? They say their friends but they don’t act like it. What happened?
Carlos: I happened
Lonnie: heh?
Carlos: long story involving a heart rip, shrimp, Evie saving my life and Mal punting her into the barrier when they were thirteen
Lonnie: wow. That um
Carlos: sounds absolutely cockamamie and insane
Lonnie: yah
Carlos: buuuut every word of it is true
Lonnie: and you’re
Carlos: family. Mal’s essentially my mother. And Evie’s the sister she wants to throw in a sack and dump in a river. But she keeps her around cause otherwise I’d be upset. They don’t think I know but I do.
Lonnie: and you don’t blame Evie?
Carlos (scoffing): god no. You try denying your parents when they can control you through your literal heart. I don’t blame Evie. But Mal does. And that’s something she’s gotta work through herself
Jay (plopping down next to Jane): god I hate reading. Do you hate reading?
Jane (looking terrified): uuuuhhhhmmmm....
Jay: wow. You really are scared of us aren’t you?
Jane (tiny little voice): yes
Jay: why?
Jane: because you’re
Jay: vks?
(She nods shamefully)
Jay: ohhhh. You don’t have to be.
Jane: I know. But
Jay: it’s difficult to look past the stories. You think I’m gonna turn into a snake and trap you in an hourglass.
Jane: well I do now!
Jay: I won’t though. Even though it would be really, incredibly, ridiculously easy. Just a snap of my fingers to be honest and the venomous fangs come out to play full force
(He hisses. Jane squeaks in terror. And Jay let’s out an enormous belly laugh)
Jay (still laughing): oh I’m sorry. Ahem. I’m sorry.
Jane: that was mean
Jay (feeling a little guilty): I know
Jane: could you teach me magic?
Jay (cracking his 1000 watt smile): certainly
(Midnight. They’re all packing to go back to their dorms)
Carlos (feeling tired and whiny): jaaaaaaaaaay?
Jay: yeah?
Carlos (throwing his arms up): carry me?
Jay: do you even have to ask?
(He hoists Carlos up in his arms, Carlos buries his head in jay’s neck and they leave)
Lonnie: how long have they been together
Evie: oh they’re not
Mal: not yet anyway
Lonnie: why?
Evie: Carlos is waiting for jay to make the first move
Mal: and Jay is completely oblivious
Lonnie (looking at Jane): oh I’ve been there.
Doug: night guys
Mal and Lonnie: night bud
Evie (purposefully ignoring him): yeah night
(Doug leaves but not before he looks longingly at Evie)
Lonnie: hey uh Evie can I talk to you?
Evie: sure
Lonnie: So you and Chad
Evie (smiling happily): I know. He’s so handsome. And funny. And
Lonnie: a user. And a cad. And a cheater
Evie (smile faltering): what?
Lonnie: chad. he cheats on his girlfriends. Then moves on when he gets bored or they find out. He’s ghosted at leat two we know about. He may have “Charming” as a last name but that’s it essentially
Evie: oh my god. I don’t believe it.
Lonnie: I’m sorry
Evie: I don’t believe that Doug put you up to this
Lonnie: what? No! Nononononononononono! He didn’t
Evie (venomously): Chad is a prince. I am a princess no matter what that taffeta wearing pink bitch says! I deserve this
Lonnie: you don’t deserve someone who won’t treat you right
Evie (voice breaking): if not him then who
Lonnie: literally any other boy
Evie: it has to be a prince. It HAS to be. Anything else is not an option. It has to be him
Lonnie (“mom” mode activated): no. It doesn’t. Oh honey
(She goes to hug her but Evie rebukes her)
Evie (absolutely incensed): you don’t know me. You have NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON IN MY HEAD! I need this. I have no choice I need this. And I’m not going to let you or anybody else take it from me. So keep your pathetic after school special bullshit to yourself and don’t you DARE interre with my love life
(She poofs away in sapphire blue smoke)
Lonnie: I. I’m sorry
Mal: I’m not. She needed to hear it. He’s a dick. Doug isn’t. She should pick Doug
Jane: why?
Mal: because Doug’s my friend. And if she’s with him. Then I don’t have to deal with her
Lonnie: I knew your reason would be altruistic
Mal: ohhhh I’ve never been one for altruism. Back home it’s eat or be eaten sometimes literally
Lonnie: hey funny question. Has Evie ever...
Mal: been interested in girls? Don’t make me cackle kid. Quinlan tried to get her to join her gang sometime last year. But queenie caught wind of it and this is Sparta’d the poor girl. (Fake simpering voice) a prince is only good enough you see
Lonnie: poor girl
Mal: then Antony came along. But Grayson Clayton caught his eye and they joined together. Evie still doesn’t know.
Ben: I’m sorry. That you had to live like that
Lonnie and Jane: I’m sorry too
Mal (smiling in spite of herself): well. My friends and I are here now. And if the plan works. Then me and Jay never have to constantly look over our shoulders to protect Carlos again. I know he knows by the way
Lonnie (aghast): I’m sorry. I swear I tried to
Mal: honey. Relax. I can read minds. Part of my magic. By the way. The compliments very much appreciated but I don’t deserve it Lonnie. The only thing I know of that can repel my magic is iron Jane. And Ben. Think of the arctic. That should help
(Jane looks like she wants the ground to swallow her up. Ben looks guilty. Lonnie looks curious)
Mal: it’s easier to use telepathy here then back home. Nobody’s on constant guard here
Lonnie: the island sounds awful
Jane: huh?
Ben: I uh. I made a notary list. Keeps track of all the children on the isle of the lost
Mal (cocking an eyebrow): impressive. But there’s no use in fetching Quinlan. Once you get sent to Bald Mountain you never return
(An awkward silence follows until Jane looks at the clock and squeals)
Jane: half past pumpkin time!
(She leaves hurriedly)
Mal: pumpkin time
Ben: curfew. Jane’s gotta be back at fairy godmothers suite by midnight
Mal: what’s a curfew?
Ben: oh um. Uh. It’s the time when you have to be in. If not
Lonnie: you get your phone taken away for a couple of days
Mal: what about you guys
Ben: we all have them. Ours were extended for today
Lonnie: it only takes ten minutes to walk back to my room. Hopefully sleeping bitchy’s out cold
Ben: that’s not very nice Lon
Lonnie: you know she’s your ex now. You can badmouth her if you want
Ben: only if I were the dumpee. I’m not. She is. So she can say whatever she wants about me.
Lonnie (not at all buying it): well. Alright. G’night
Ben and Mal: night
(Lonnie leaves)
Mal: and then there were two
Ben: yeah. Heh heh. I liked today
Mal: I liked today as well. Ah
Ben: yes?
Mal: your bloods black. You look like you got attacked by a doctor who monster
Ben (overjoyed): you watch Doctor Who?
Mal: black blood
Ben: right uhhhh. Oh yeah! I chew pens. The ink cartridge must’ve burst and leaked. Can’t believe I didn’t notice it.
Mal: it looks lit it dried about an hour ago. What were you doing then?
Ben: uhhhh (flashback to 11:32 pm when he was chewing on his pen and tuning out Evie waxing poetic about chad in favour of watching Mal talk with Doug). I...don’t...remember
Mal (reading his mind but deciding not to embarrass him): ok. (She takes out a handkerchief) there you go (She starts wiping at the corners of Ben’s mouth. Then pulls away abruptly) here (She hands him the handkerchief and gets up)
Ben: thank you (he finishes cleaning his mouth). Are you ok?
Mal: yea ahem yeah. Always. No. Actually. I’m not.
Ben: why?
Mal: I really don’t wanna say
Ben (realising): oh. Oh god. I’m so sorry. If I’ve ever made you feel uncomfortable I wasn’t my intention
Mal (going up to him and hold his face in her hands): Ben. Listen to me. You did nothing wrong. It’s me. You can safely assume that whenever I’m gloomy. It’s my fault
Ben: why are you gloomy
Mal: because I want something that’s contraband. To me specifically
Ben: not everything’s off limits.
Mal: I’m not here to have fun. Or be happy. I have to. You know what I have to do. And you being here all...we can’t. No matter how much either of us want to.
Ben: ok.
Mal: I’m sorry. But. It’s not your fault. Just remember that it’s never your fault
Ben: but it’s not yours either. There’s nothing wrong with wanting something for yourself. You are allowed that.
Mal: I’m not. That’s just the thing. I’m not allowed anything. That could interfere with her... (practically spitting) plans
Ben: oh.
Mal: you know what I think of you. You know how much I. You know. And that’s all it can be
(This is when “Rewrite the stars” happens)
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Third film. After “ready as I’ll ever be”. In the woods of Auradon)
Lonnie (on her cellphone to Elsa): thank you your majesty. See you soon. (She hangs up). Ok. So we got Agrabah, Arendelle and New Orleans on our side.
Dizzy: what about Auroria and Cinderellasburg?
Jane: you know it just occurred to me how stupid some of these names sound
Lonnie (shrugging): we didn’t name em. Auroria. Possibly. Cinderellasburg. I dunno. Remember it’s her son who’s the homicidal maniac.
Dizzy: true
(In Ben’s office the three villains are looking at smoking hole in the carpet where the king once was)
Maleficent: is he dead
Chad: I dunno. Never done this before. Just thought of what would hurt him and did that. Dunno where that ball came from
Adam: what exactly would hurt him.
Chad: I think it was something to do with you sir
Adam: well he did destroy my portrait. And you had better hope he’s not dead. If he is then he’ll be used as a martyr and the bastards will be even harder to subjugate.
Maleficent: oh don’t worry. The bodies scattered throughout the kingdom? They’re merely asleep. The wand won’t allow otherwise. And a rookie did perform it after al
Adam: so what next?
Maleficent: I need to hunt down the ember and hopefully capture my daughter. You two make sure that the boy isn’t found by his allies.
Chad: Roger
Adam: we are not on a walkie-talkie
Chad (hopefully): but we could be?
Adam: no. You still have your cell
Maleficent: and you have a telapthic link with me. Adieu gentleman
(She disappears into purple smoke)
Chad: ooh I almost forgot. Where’s Audrey
Adam: don’t know don’t care. She’s not important. And she’s thrown in her lot with the villain spawn. She’s not worth saving son
Chad: I did this for her. I need to tell her. She can finally be my queen
Adam: and if she doesn’t want to? Because your skin is peeling off on your cheek
Chad: then I’ll make her. I have the wand. A little trance and then we dance.
Adam: whatever you think is best. Prince Chad of Auradon
Chad: I like that name
(On the island Facillier Celia and the boys have just sat down for lunch)
Carlos: god I forgot how good your cooking was
Facillier: well I’m glad I can still do something for you children. Even if it isn’t much
Gil: this is more then enough sir
Jay: to be honest I kinda missed this. Running away from Jafar. Coming here. Playing arcade games. Having proper good and not glass lined stew. Thank you
Facillier: your very welcome Jay. I have two extra slices for the girls when they come back from their fathers. Would they be interested
Gil: Evie would
Carlos: mom won’t. Vegetarian. But dad probably wil. If not then 🎶more for me🎶.
Jay: I’m done. I’ll put them on the bikes. You go play some games.
Carlos: ahaha I don’t think so. Not after yesterday. I’m coming with you. Don’t even try to stop me
Jay: and miss out on quality time with you? What am I? And idiot? Don’t answer that, just assume the position
(Carlos happily jumps in Jay’s back and they leave the arcade. The silence doesn’t last long)
Jay (from outside): HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!!!!
(Carlos scurries back in slightly out of breath)
Carlos: the Hook’s stole our bikes. Jay’s chasing them. How long do you think mom and Evie will be at their dads?
Facillier: I don’t know. Why do they want there bikes
Carlos: the blonde said something about revenge redemption and repentance
Facillier: shit
Carlos: what
Celia: Harry’s alive. And they know.
(Outside the sisters Hook are on the bikes and Jay is chasing them. The give him the slip and he takes a shortcut which ends with him crashing through the apartment of someone he knows)
Jay: good thing I can’t get hurt
Cassim: Jay?
Jay: Cassim? You moved?
Cassim: I’m squatting.
Jay: of course. When this is all over I’m coming back for you personally. I need my grandpa after all
Cassim: Aladdin adopted you?
Jay: yup.
Cassim: I’m glad. Now what the hell are you doing
Jay: the Hook bitches stole two of our bikes. Trying to get them back.
Cassim: then go son, go
(Jay teleports away from the apartment straight into the girls path. They crash into him, flip over and land in a pile of crates against the wall)
Jay: you know. I have it on good authority that this is where your brother landed last year. After my friend stabbed him in the dick
Cj: don’t speak his NAME!
(She screams and aims a knife at his throat. He holds her wrist stopping her in the process. There’s a cracking sound)
Jay: do you really think you can hurt me. (Harriet tries to att ack him but he sweeps her legs from under her, she land on her back and he puts a foot on her throat) both of you are just as pathetic as your brother. Now. Tell me (his eyes glow bright gold) why did you steal the bikes?
Harriet (slowly suffocating): Harry. He’s, he’s
Jay: he’s what?
(In hades lair mother and son have just finished their talk)
Harry (still in disbelief): he though she was a mermaid. Oh god the injuicetus of it all
Hades: the what
Harry: it’s not fair. I can’t be related to those. Hold on. Do I have magic?
Hades: I don’t know. You might be a Vernon. James, while very bloodthirsty and oh so confident
Harry: yuck
Hades: is 100% fully human. So I don’t know if you have it in you.
Evie: and besides what do you care if you’re half mermaid? Your owner is an octopus. You haven’t got a leg to stand on
Harry: ohoho neither does the king kid sister
Evie: don’t call me that you have NO RIGHT
Harry: if I have magic. I’ll be more powerful then you
Evie: oh you think so do you? You’re only half god. The rest of you is stanky part human. I’m half sorceress. Mal’s half dark fairy. We’re better then you. In every way shape and form.
(This is when “anything you can do” happens. After the song)
Mal: are you two quote finished? Only cause I really want to get home before the kingdom falls and my fiancé dies
Evie (scoffing): of course. It’s always about what you want. You don’t even care that I’m in a crisis
Mal: I’m sorry what was that?
Evie: oh nothing. As always you’re too wrapped up in your own crap to see I’m suffering
Mal: oh my apologies dear sister. But who’s god awful advice last year led to the deaths of sixteen members of the paparazzi?
Evie: you’re the one that lost control. And then tried to kill me.
Mal: I was pissed that Ben got kidnapped. I also tasered Harry in the neck and nearly crushed Gil’s aorta in a fit of magic induced psychosis. You’re not special
(At this point the guys speak simultaneously)
Harry: you did what to Gil?
Hadie: you killed sixteen people?
Hades: that explains the magical history tour
Mal: Uma tore out my own heart and made me put it back, we used the book to resurrect them and yes the attempted sororicide is what led to it
Hades: wow. And. After all that. You still want to help.
Mal (shrugging): I live there. I have to help. Who else will?
Hades: the authorities. I don’t get it. After everything you’ve been through. Your mother. The coronation. The whatever it was the news called it last year
Evie: the green cyclone. It a lot PR to get rid of. I should know. I was in charge of it
Hades: and now this boy your mother possessed. You’re not thinking about yourself when you really should. By all means. Be all who you think they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don’t owe them or this world a thing. You never did.
Mal: is that from man of steel?
Hades: possibly. We get a lot of old used up films here
Mal: I never really paid attention to the movie besides the two leads
Mal: ...I think we need to talk. We can use your den right dad?
Hades: be my guest
Mal: thank you. CMON!
(She teleports Evie and her self to the den and seals the place)
Mal: now c’mon. Spill. Out with it
Evie: out with what?
Mal: the reason you’ve been pissy since the altercation we all had with Adam
Evie: I just...don’t...see...why you’re... ok with all this
Mal: oh?
Evie: he left us. With them. And I know he had his reasons. But they doesn’t excuse or lessen what he did. And I’m so...angry. That you seem fine with it. And it’s not fair. You have the height. More magic. The title. I love Doug and I can’t even say it to him. You’re the main character in this little soap opera that is our lives and I’m on the fringe of it all trying desperately to get a major part. But of course. Your story way isn’t it. And it’s always been like this. Ever since we were thirteen and I stabbed it in the leg. Got a quick hug from Carlos and he rushed straight into your arms and you punted next into the barrier. It’s irrational. And illogical. But I’m not a Vulcan. I have my own shit to sort out and it just feel like I’m constantly waiting out there for it to be my turn. I I.
(This is when “waiting in the wings happens”)
Mal: wow. And yet you’ve never tried out for choir
Evie: hey!
Mal: sorry. But seriously. You’ve been holding onto this whatever this is. For what? Ten years?
Evie: I hate that you’re right. I hate that you’re coining and I’m not. And I hate
Mal: you think I’m coping? I hate it too. I hate that he left us just as much as you do. But I do understand it. If I couldn’t be near Carlos I’d do whatever I could to keep him safe. Even if it meant ceasing all contact. And I know you’d do that for Dizzy and Gil would do that for the twins. I don’t like it but I understand it.
Evie: I guess.
Mal: ready to go back in now?
Evie: fine
(They go back to the main room only to seek new problem)
Harry (absolutely incensed): WHADYA MEAN I LOST A YEAR OF MY LIFE!
The sisters (unimpressed): this should be interesting
(At the arcade. The Hook sisters are ties back to back on the dinner table. Carlos is having a minor breakdown)
Carlos: woah woah wait. So you’re telling me. That the bastard that’s haunted my nightmares since I was eleven years old. Is the son of hades, Mal and Evie’s older brother. And you never THOUGHT TO TELL ANYONE
Harriet: why would we AAAAAAAAARGH
(Jay just flexed the cord binding the two sending an exceedingly painful electric shock through both of them)
Jay: yeah. You don’t get to talk to Carlos. Neither of you deserve to talk to Carlos.
Cj: we only require the presence of one.
Jay: English please
Gil: me. CJ’s talking about me. What do you want.
Cj: do you even care. Did you even think about them. All year long. You forgot them. Traitor
Gil (with more calmness then they deserve): I do care. I come here with my brother and our friends every Friday and I help with the relocation. As for Uma and Harry. They terrify me. They gave me the same look you’re giving me right now when I left. Uma wanted to get out of here, who wouldn’t, but when anything doesn’t go her way she turns cold and horrible. Harry, well, you know how he is. I loved them. And I know they loved me. But they terrify me. And you don’t terrify people you love. So no. I’m not the traitor. No matter what you say.
Jay: how long have you known?
Harriet: since Hadie brought him to the ship 19 1/2 years ago. I was three. I named him after meself.
Celia (unimpressed): huh inspired.
Harriet: if pa knew he had made it with a god who can take a lady’s form at will and sired a child in the process. Harry wouldn’t have lived to say his first words. And don’t either you dare say that it woulda been a good thing
Carlos (muttering): well
Harriet: SHUDDIT. It didn’t help. Father hated him. Insulted him. Tried to hurt him. It’s why I broke both his legs and poked out his eye. Everything I’ve ever done is to protect my brother and sister. And I’ll not have him be put at risk because his whore of a mother couldn’t keep her pissing mouth shut!
Jay (chuckling): I’m sorry have you MET your brother?
Harriet: yes. He’s an angel has a great respect for women. Would kill for his family. I raised him right
Jay: you raised a perverted overly violet ambiance is what you did
Carlos: I just hope that mom and Evie kill him before he gets here
(In the lair Harry’s having one of his patented meltdowns)
Harry: I remember HAHAHAHA I rememhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA
Evie: May I?
Hades: May you what?
(Evie walks up to her mortal older brother and slaps him around the face so hard he spins in perfect 360 and falls on his face slapped cheek landing on the floor painfully)
Harry: owwww
Mal: you’ve lost a year of your life. Big rotting whoop. You’re still nineteen
Harry: that’s even worse. I should still be young and beautiful
(The girls burst into hysterical laughter. So much so they actually start choking on air. Their brother is unimpressed)
Harry: so not only do you hate me. You think I’m ugly
Mal (trying very hard to keep a straight face): you are not a 12 year old girl and I am not your mother. So yes. Your hideously repulsive to me. More to the point. You’re nothing. You were born nothing. And god willing you’ll die nothing. You repulse me and everyone you know. The only reason our cousin ever kept you around is because she felt sorry for you
(Harry slaps her around the face. In turn she punches him in his face. Then uses magic to screw him up into a tiny little ball. And kicks him into the tv. After which he unfurls himself looking very much the worse for wear. This is when “you’re a mean one mister Hook” happens. After the song)
Evie: so you think we can leave him here as a moulding husk?
Mal (ruefully glancing at their father): I highly doubt it. The Samaritan here will probably heal him.
Evie: ooh idea time
Mal: yeah.
Evie: a repeat of last year. We take it hostage. And make Uma comply to our demands.
Mal: hmmmmm tempting. Can we still keep it beaten bloody and broken.
Hadie: ok this has been alluded to but I gotta know! What did he do. If he’s just in a different gang to you what could he have possibly done to make you hate him so much?
Mal: he attacked my son five years ago. He kidnapped my boyfriend and tried to throw him to sharks
Evie: he extorted my daughter for protection money. He fought my boyfriend last year
Harry: the dwarf stabbed me in the dick
The sister rotten: YOU DESERVE IT
Mal: he’s a foul vile disgusting little troglodyte who deserves eternal torment
Evie: he’s literally a bastard son of a bitch, father
Hades: somehow I think that was directed at me
Evie: ohoho if you’re ever going to be sure of anything in your too long life, be sure that every insult I currently have racing around in my brain is directed at you
Hades: thank you dear
Mal: we should get going
Evie: agreed
Mal: first though dad. Two questions. One. May I have the ember please? (He tosses it to her). Much obliged. Two. Come with us. Please?
Hades (looking guiltily ashamed): ah
Hadie: our dear old dad has barely left the lair. Yesterday’s incident was the first time he’s gone that far since
Evie: my second birthday. Of course
Hades: I’m sorry. I am so so sorry. I just. I can’t risk you, any of you, getting hurt because of me.
Mal (disappointedly): ah. Oh well. That’s fine. Long shot anyway. C’mon E. Wait.
Hadie: what’s wrong.
Mal: that (she points at Harry’s unconscious form). What’re we gonna do with it?
Evie: we’re gonna have to take him with us. A genuine hostage situation. If Uma tries anything. We threaten it’s life
Mal: I like those odds. (She conjures up a hair thin coil of rope and hogties Harry with it). There. That should do the trick
Hadie: doesn’t that hurt him
The sisters rotten: who cares?
(They leave the lair with the pirate railing behind like a deformed balloon. Once they’re at the arcade Evie stops Mal just before the dragon goes inside )
Evie: wait wait wait!
Mal: what what what?
Evie: ok. First of all. Uncalled for. Second of all. What do we tell the others about that?
(She points to Harry)
Mal: the truth
Evie: ok I know you have this “I don’t lie” policy, which is frankly bullshit, but sometimes lying is better
Mal: they’ll find out anyway. No use in letting it fester. C’mon
(They enter the arcade. And immediately notice the hook sisters chained up on the table)
Mal: hey guys. What’s going on?
Jay: they stole our bikes. Mine and Carlos’s bikes they were trying to find Pennywise
Harriet (happy cry/laughing): oh my god. You’re alive AAAARGH
Jay (holding the ignited and still burning chain): hush bitch.
Carlos: is it true mom?
Mal: yes.
Carlos: you and Evie I understand. But him. Dear god hades have some self respect
Evie: Hook thought she was a mermaid
Carlos: she?
Mal: Hades is Harry’s mother. Mine and Evie’s father. Harry’s mother
Carlos: huh, makes sense
Evie: in other news. I’m a day younger than Mal. The result of a rebound apparently
Mal: Maleficent left the morning after the wedding night.
Carlos (massaging the bridge of his nose): that’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds
Mal: sorry hon.
Celia: what do we do now?
Jay: take all three of them hostage. If Uma tries anything. Off them one by one
Carlos Evie and Celia: agreed
Mal: Gil, buddy, you’ve not said anything yet. You ok?
Gil: how is he?
Facillier: he’s fine son. He’s preserved. Intact. He’s
Gil: is he still mad. About last year.
Cj: if he’s retained the sense Harriet taught him he’ll be mad as all get out
(The core four and Celia exchange a look that says “this explains so much)
Carlos: we’ve got to wake it up don’t we?
Mal: sadly yes. Jay you’re much more level headed than oh no...
(Her attentions turned to the tv where an emergency news report is airing. In Arendelle Elsa is preparing her leave)
Anna: how long are you gonna be gone?
Elsa: as long as my daughter needs me.
Anna: well then. Beat the bastards.
Elsa: oh believe me. I will.
(She takes her rucksack and teleports away to Auradon. She slams into a dome two hundwred miles from the castle and falls to the forest floor. Back on the island Hadie’s on his exercise bike. Hades however)
Hades: I made the right choice didn’t I? It’s not a good idea for me to go. So I shouldn’t. But I should. Bugger it. I don’t know. What do you think? What should I do
(Hadie hops off the exercise bike and faces his dad)
Hadie: what do you want me to say father? You did what you thought was best. I told you not to go try and give her the ember yesterday and look what happened. And now you’re asking me if you made the right decision? I can’t tell you that. Sorry but I can’t
Hades: I know. And don’t be sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have put you in that position. Oooh. Idea.
Hadie: what?
Hades: go with them. Protect them.
Hadie: really?
Hades: yeah. Iri...Mal has the ember
Hadie: oh but they still don’t like you
Hades: but Mal likes you
Hadie: good point. I better get ready then
Hades: HAHA!
(This is when “I’m so sorry” happens. After the song. In the arcade. The news caster is fear-mongering)
Newscaster: we don’t know what’s happening. The black smoke descends and leaves people unconscious. It is believed that a villain may have escaped the barrier after Hades’s attempt yesterday afternoon. The king is missing and lady Mal is nowhere to be fargh (he lets out a strangled scream as his heart is ripped out of his back. His face goes slack and he speaks with Maleficent’s voice) I know you are watching dear. So do me the courtesy of paying attention for a change. I know he gave you the ember. For some reason he took quite a shine to me so it would make sense that you are the favourite. Can not fathom why though. You are basically useless and very difficult to love. Anyway. Give me the ember at your earliest convenience and return to the isle with me and the toffs will live. Fail to do so. And I shall kill every last man women and child in Auradon until only tour pathetic little friends are left. And I will make you do away with them. Just know Maleficent Bertha that if you deny me what happens is your fault. You’d choice sweetie. (The heart is placed back into the mans chest) I’m sorry I don’t know what happened for a minute there urk
(His neck twists violently to the left and he falls down dead)
Mal: oh no. Oh nononononononono.....
(She enters a verbal cycle that only Jay notices. He switches off the tv and gets on the dinner table)
(Everyone hightails it outside and he sits down beside Mal on the floor)
Jay: it’s ok. You’ll be fine.
Mal: you don’t know that
Jay: I do. I do know that. You know how I know that? This sort of thing has happened to us so many times before. And you know what we do? We win. Every. Single. Goddamn. Time. And besides. You have the one thing Maleficent or chad will never have.
Mal: what? What do I have
Jay: you have me. You’ll always have me. I’m always gonna be there for you. Whatever happens. Be sure if this. I’m here for you
(This is when “I’ll be there for you” happens.)
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
I’m so sorry
Descendants au with magic BUT all the parents are decent competent and normal (ie cruella ain’t a bitch) and there’s no isle of the lost. They’re also all rich
Mal (full name, Mallory Bertha toussaint jnr):
Has to go to auradon prep because of an incident at her old school (you know when you put things like pop rocks in fizzy drinks? Yeah she made that happen in the boys bathroom.) she still maintains it was because she was helping a friend. Has a thing about fairness. Doesn’t hesitate to call Audrey out on the way she treats ben. Get on her good side she’ll protect you with her life and then some (ben jay Carlos Evie doug dizzy gil). Make her mad you’ll never hear the end of it (Harry chad Audrey) otherwise she rather indifferent beside the occasional sarky comment (uma Jane Lonnie). Long purple hair normally down but in a hurry she ponytails it. She does not want to go to auradon prep but her mother is at her wits end and they’ve been blacklisted from the tutoring agencies (Mal kept biting them) magic is green and purple. Wiccan
Jay (last name, arahm):
Appeance is the same. He is not happy about sharing a room with Carlos. Kid freaks him out a little with his pretty obvious crush on him. And jay has the school hierarchy to think about. Carlos is a sophomore jays a junior. Those two are the only reason why jays resistant. There’s also the fact any girl or guy jay shows interest in is threatened with a spotted toothbrush. So his love lifes basically non existent. Carlos grows on him though. Jay dates mal for a time but they soon realise who they’re with the wrong people (he like Carlos she likes Ben). Magic is pure gold. Wizard
Evie (full name Evangeline grimes):
Mommy’s little princess. can do no wrong. A saint in human form. She may be one of the popular ones but she never uses it to get ahead in school just spends her time volunteering when not helping at the school boutique for free. Basically adopted dizzy the moment she saw the girl struggling to open her locker. Hairs a middling blue and reaches her waist. Never wears trousers only dresses and skirts. Piss her off she can end you with a look otherwise a perfect lady. Has a pretty transparent thing for band geek doug and the feeling is more than mutual. Magic is blue and black. Sorceress
Carlos de vil (middle name Oscar):
Again looks the same. Much more well adjusted cause here his mother’s nice and nurturing. He does have a vindictive streak in him though and is very possessive when he finds someone he likes (jay) being younger then the others makes him feel a little self conscious so he’s always trying to prove himself which leads to jay having to protect him (sneaking into a party underage and getting drunk. Stowing away in the boot of the car when ben mal and jay skip class to go to the mall) not as flamboyant as harry cause let’s face it no one is. But yeah he’s gay. Has a thing for fur lined coats. If it weren’t for the fact he’s very obsessed over jay you wouldn’t be able tell. Gets very upset when he finds out mal and jay are a thing. And I mean curls up into a ball covered in blankets upset. Magics black and white. Wizard
Ben (full name Benjamin florian Bach):
World does not deserve him. Really it doesn’t. He is a male version of Evie. Is the biggest devie shipper. Innocent but not naive. Instantly drawn to mal. Attracted to her eyes most of all. Grown rather tired of Audrey and chad. So when jay offers him a seat at jay mal and Evie’s table doesn’t think twice. Must be protected at all costs. Would do anything for anyone within reason. He’s even nice to the assholes (harry cause ben can see how much the birate cares for uma and gil). Dad has a massive share hold in the school so everyone treats him like a prince and you’re damned if you think he doesn’t live up to the nickname. That said he does know when to cut loose (he’s the one to convince mal and jay to skip class). Magics royal blue. Warlock
Doug (full name Douglas Meyer ):
Member of the prominent Meyer Diamond mine family. Nice but has his limits. Utterly worships Evie. Band geek and is damn well proud of it thank you very much. Works in the boutique to be self sustaining cause he doesn’t want to rely on his family’s money 100%. Magics leaf green. Sorcerer
Dizzy (full name Desiree Tremaine):
Pure sunshine. Hurt her and you’ll have Evie rain down the seven circles of hell on you. Her family actually owns the boutique. They’re a very successful tailoring company. Magics mint green. Budding sorceress
Uma (full name uma Danes)
Unquestionably the boss of harry and Gil. Both are utterly devoted to her. She’s a teensy bit like mal in that she’s a natural leader and terrifying when pissed of. Hurt her boys you’ll have her to answer to. Always at loggerheads with Audrey. Both are competing for the queen bee position at a he school. Everyone prefers Uma over Audrey though. Magics turquoise. Sorceress
Harry (full name harry hook):
Doesn’t give two shits about gender norms. If he wants he’ll wear the fanciest dress he can get his hands on. Make ups not as good as Evie’s but considering he’s half drunk most of the time it’s ok. Definitely the one to sneak booze into class. Uma always magics it to lost and found. If he could he’s gladly sashay into hell kill Satan and give the throne to uma. Never misses Gils wrestling practices. Psychotic. Thinks it’s a good idea to pick a fight mal on her first day just cause he’s bored. Needless to say she wins. (Think a mcu fight scene if Natasha and Wanda were one person. That’s how mal fights) She would have killed him if jay and uma hadn’t butted in even as jay pulls her away mal gets a few well aimed kicks in on his teeth. Magics blood red. Sorcerer
Gil (full name gillman legume)
NEVER call him gillman. Other than that he’s Winnie the Pooh in the body of the hulk. So. Damn. Innocent. Once accidentally stepped on an ant hill and cried for the rest of the day. Uma and harry has to buy him an ant farm so he’s calm down. Polite but give him enough malt liquor and his language makes harry blush. Always greets people with a massive hug. Which helps cause he and ben are the welcoming committee. Mal isn’t very accommodating to it though. (Doesn’t help that it’s the benign version of a sneak attack). She reacts badly and that’s what makes harry want to fight her. Gil doesn’t mind though and asks her next time. Like dizzy he’s pure sunshine and like ben the world doesn’t deserve him. Magics bright yellow. Gifted but underconfident sorcerer
Chad (full name chad channning):
Bastard coated bastard with bastard filling. Douche canoe. Bigot. On jay and humas hit list. Never call jay Carlos Harry or Gil the “f-a” word EVER. He’s the human personification of “talk shit get hit”. Which is rather a shame cause his parents are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. The only one he ever shows any semblance of decency to is his cousin dizzy. He has or Evie will gut him like a fish Audrey ben and chad have known each other for years so him and Audrey are very territorial of ben and do not like it when he tries to split off from their little bubble. Magics powder blue. Inept mage
Audrey (full name Audrey briar)
Would be alpha bitch. Thinks she’s all that but she’s not. Has a rivalry with Mal and uma. Mal cause Audrey’s unbearably perky and their parents have been trying to make them get along since they were kids. Uma because Audrey likes to be in control of everyone and everything and people don’t like her but they like Uma. Sickeningly possessesive of ben it comes to a head at the Halloween party where she cannot take no for an answer and mal ends up punching her out after she warned Audrey that “no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey didn’t so mal did. Quite fitting really mal was dressesd as scarlet witch and Audrey was dressed as lorelai from agents of shield (look up the episode yes men. Harrowing). What’s more is Ben wouldn’t ever break up with her because he’s far too nice and he just wanted to sit down but no he HAD to dance with her cause she said and mal has that thing about fairness and ben did say no thank you so...... Magics pastel pink. Witch
Lonnie (full name li Lonnie):
Wrestling captain. Badass. Mother Hen. Basically just wants best for everyone. bens biggest supporter. They have a sibling like relationship. Bit like jay and Evie and jay and mal once they break up. Does not like Audrey and doesn’t even try to hide it but ben gives people the benefit of the doubt and he just wants everyone to be happy. (Like I said the world does not deserve him). Was prepared to go in to mama bear mode before Mal got there first. Gives mal the “if you ever do anything to hurt them” speech mal says Lonnie has nothing to worry about. Once Carlos has chilled out a little bit she start dropping (not at all subtle) hints to jay that he and Carlos look cute together. Magics emerald green. Wiccan
Jane (full name Jane Dubois)
Has a perpetual deer in the headlights look. Ball of nerves. Nice to everyone but the sentiment isn’t returned cause they don’t really trust her seeing as her mother’s the headmistress. Has absolutely no gaydar. Seriously she thinks HARRYS straight. With Carlos it’s at least slightly more forgivable apart from the fact he’s never shown interest in any girl whatsoever. Poor girl thinks she has a chance when everyone can see he’s mooning over jay. Paralysingly scared of uma and harry (wouldn’t you be). Thinks she’s ugly but really just has a case of the sad eyes and an unflattering haircut which grows out over the year. Magic is periwinkle blue and volatile because she doesn’t trust it. Would be sorceress
So let’s see now
Ben took mal and jay to the mall just cause he felt like it (he knows how to have fun) but Carlos snuck along in the trunk. Lo and behold ben somehow chose one of the 10 malls mals banned from. So notorious she knows all the guards by name (her favourite is Irvin) they manage to evade him till they get to around the middle of the building. That’s when rotten to the core happens flash mob style. Mostly sang by mal and jay. And it’s rather affectionate. And it tears up ben and Carlos inside. They manage to escape and get back to the car mal and jay absolutely tickled pink ben laughing weakly and Carlos with red rimmed eyes. Then they get caught sneaking back in to the school by Verna Dubois Jane’s mother the principal. She is very disappointed Ben jay and Carlos have never had an infarction before and mal has only been there for a month (maljay has been a thing for about a week and a half and they are very much in the honeymoon period). Mals ready to take the blame but Ben won’t hear of it and insists Verna put him and only him in detention seeing as it WAS his idea and males already had a black mark on her record (her nearly killing Harry for trying to kill her on her first day) and another one won’t be good for her personally. Ever the shining knight isn’t he? The only thing verna feels she can do is put all four in the Klink. And joy of joys(!) chad and Harry are there too. Chad as it turns out just cannot keep his bigoted opinions to himself so harry decided to have some “fun” with chad in the halls (read violently and graphically tearing channings limbs apart in full view of the student body). Harry doesn’t even care there’s blood on his clothes so long as he’s defended his boy.
Halloween and Carlos’s tipping point
The party’s only for juniors and seniors so Carlos being a sophomore sneaks in and gets absolutely whammed I mean blackout drunk by the time jay mal and Evie get there (dressed as winter soldier scarlet witch and black widow respectively, Carlos is quicksilver). Carlos thinks it’s a nice surprise for jay cause he knows mal and jay broke up the week before (they’re not who each other want. Mal wants ben jay is developing an interest in Carlos though not for much longer in jays case). So he sees jay walking towards him but doesn’t register the pissed off look on jays face so he takes what he thinks is initiative and tries to kiss the taller boy. And doesn’t understand what’s wrong when jay pulls away and starts yelling at him about how embarrassing it is to have Carlos following him around like a shadow. How annoying it is to have to protect Carlos from himself (the mall the party). How humiliating it is for his dates to be scared off by a kid who’s younger than him. This goes on for some time and through it all carlos is getting more and more scared and desperate to keep jay by his side, clutching at him trying to make jay love him. It culminated in jay just pushing Carlos away from him and the smaller boy crashes into the drinks table so now he’s heartbroken and drenched in booze. Jay can’t believe he did that and tries to apologise but Carlos teleports back to their dorm in tears
Meanwhile mals been sitting down reading her mothers new spell book (Mallory snr gave it to her as a security type thing so she would t be as a nervous of the new school) when ben just flops down next to her tired from dancing. They strike up a conversation ranging from books to music and the like. This rubs Audrey the wrong way and she decides that Ben has rested enough and goes over to them demanding him to dance with her (well she didn’t use that exact tone but everyone in the vicinity knew what she meant) ben politely declines because he isn’t gonna up and leave mal in the middle of their talk (like I said the world doesn’t deserve him) Audrey takes no heed and carries on trying to physically pull ben away. This sets Mal off who says “hey Aud no means no so sling your hook or I’ll break your face” Audrey doesn’t believe her and tells the “neon gutter trash” to butt out because he is Audrey’s not mals. This sets mal off and she goes on the humans aren’t property speech Audrey has no idea what she’s talking about cause all she knows is bens the best and Audrey believes she deserves the best. Mal tries to make her see another point of view by doing that first thing that pops into your head thing. When Audrey looks at ben the first thing she thinks of status. Compared to what mal sees which is a wonderful brilliant person who deserves only good things and deserves to be as far away from Audrey’s bullshit as humanely possible because Audrey doesn’t deserve him no one does. Audrey doesn’t listen and tries to physically drag ben with her. That’s when mal punches her in the face after all mal did say “sling your hook or I’ll break your face”. It’s then ben and mal realise they’ve gathered a crowd Uma Harry and Lonnie are all laughing their guts out (no one likes Audrey). Mal apologies to ben and hightails it out of there. Ben manages to catch up with her outside the girls dorm building. This is when my girlfriend sucks happens. They almost kiss but mal knows ben hasn’t officially broke up with Audrey and she is not going to be the other woman no matter how much she hates briar
Next day at lunch mal tracks down Lonnie and says SHE almost kissed ben (doesn’t want to to put the blame on Ben)
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