#but yeah what is this ad lmao how is this how they're trying to fight airbnb skdhskajdh
purplespacecats · 10 months
so i got this inscrutable ad from the government
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and was like. ??? what do you mean "it's the law." what's the law? what message is this trying to convey? is it a bill 96 thing?* what do you want me to "learn more" about? the legal system as a concept???
i clicked the link and it led me to the page about restrictions on airbnbs and. i am even more confused lmao
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Horrortober Day 20 - Captive(Yandere Rottmnt Donnie x Reader)
A/N, not important: This was supposed to be the final fic, but I didn't have one for today and this is my attempt to not delete my account or brain out of stress lmao. Me and @astral--horrorshow both had similar ideas, but they're completely independent of each other. We were both talking about them on discord then realized how similar they were, but neither was taken from the other👍. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, blindfold, needles, dehumanization, collaring, restraints, cage
Words: 2464
Summary: Draxum is working on eradicating the human race, but what happens when his son wants to keep one for himself?
The sounds of metal and cries pierce my ears, the blindfold and binds keep me hogtied and blind, not letting me do much else other than listen to sobs around me. My ears twitch at the sound of low footfalls, the clopping similar to that of a deer or horse nearing. I grimace, knowing the Baron was back. The quiet flapping of his gargoyles could barely be heard over the sobbing from the cage next to mine. I try not to let out a scream of my own at the loud bang of hoof against metal, and a skull against concrete. The sobs quiet, and the air goes still. I slowly let out the breath I was holding, my nerves firing off warning bells as I resist the urge to flail around and cry. It wouldn’t do any good either way. Those who fight back fall first.
Another pair of steps joins the Barons while he makes his rounds. I can sense how everyone else stills, all us captives going completely silent to try and hone in on the new visitor. I couldn’t tell how many of us there were. Anywhere from five to a hundred, I wouldn’t know the difference. I rub my face against the rough floor, hoping to loosen the blindfold so I could finally look at my prison. While there were many of us here, people came in and out every day, taking someone away or adding another to the lot. I could always tell when someone was taken. Their screams reverberated around the walls of our keep, cries and pleads not reaching the ears of whoever took them. I assumed it was the Baron, although I was not sure. It’s not like I could see the act either way.
“Take your pick, my son. It’s time you truly learn my work.”
I grimace at the Baron’s low voice, shrinking back into my cage as much as I can while bound. Of course he has a son. Of course he’s going to be just as rotten as his father, doing who knows what with the poor souls who get picked. My stomach rumbles and I chew on my bottom lip, grinding down on the flesh with my teeth. The blood soaking out may be gritty and limited, but it was better than nothing. I just prayed I wouldn’t puke.
The quiet scraping of free feet across the ground alerts me to the younger captors movements, my face moving towards the sound subconsciously so I could hear it better. A beat passes with no more movement, and I tense. Someone had been chosen. Or, hopefully, he would decide this was immoral and demand our freedom. I chuckle quietly to myself. Yeah right, like that would ever happen. A sharp sound in front of me catches my attention and I turn towards my cage, my face furrowing in concentration. 
“That one looks interesting.” An unfamiliar voice muses. His voice is sharp, unwavering, and oddly smooth. It alone was enough to make my blood run cold, but what really terrified me was how much closer it sounded than I expected. I could’ve sworn both of them were in the center of the room, but it sounded as if the voice was right in front of my cage. I shrink in on myself, tucking my chin to my collarbone and sitting on my ankles. Two sharp taps sound on the metal bars of my enclosure, a light chuckle sounding from the boy's chest. It wasn’t a friendly chuckle, nor a comforting one. I try to keep my breathing steady, refusing to cry and refusing to beg. I wanted to go down with dignity. I would refuse to bow to these monsters.
“If that’s the one you want to start on, then so it shall be.” The Baron’s deep rumble sounds, a sharp clap bouncing through the room. The sound of flapping fills the room, heading towards my cage and closing in fast. I sit back, trying my best to not shake. I couldn’t even tell if I was.
“Wait.” The younger voice sounds. He taps my cage a couple more times before I feel a scaly hand brush across my neck, taking hold of my collar and yanking me forwards. I yelp, losing my balance at the tug and falling onto my face before him. I struggle to move back to my kneeling position, the ropes keeping me bound threatening to pull my arm out of its socket if I keep trying. I lay down, defeated. I couldn’t get up. A deep heat settles in my cheeks from the shame of being at his mercy, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice at his next words. “I have a different idea for them.”
“Oh?” The Baron asks, his footsteps nearing as well. I try to pull back from the grasp the younger captor had on me, but his grip just shifts from my collar to my chin. “What are you planning then?”
“I want to keep this one. For my own personal studies. I can experiment on that one,” There’s a brief swish of the air when his hand undoubtedly moves to point at another poor soul in the vicinity. “But this one… I want to keep them.”
I hear a sharp breath from the Baron, his tone turning sour. “Donatello,” ah, so that was his name. I try and tug back again to no avail, my eyes widening under the blindfold as I realize he only has three fingers. “You cannot keep a human. They’re pigs. The rot of the world. You must understand that.”
I’m tempted to bite the fingers holding my face when I hear this, indignant anger bubbling in my chest. We weren’t the ones kidnapping people and caging them to experiment on. Sure, there’s a few bad apples in every batch, but you can’t doom the whole of humanity for a small handful’s doing.
The younger voice huffs, his thumb caressing my cheek. It was getting harder to hold back, every instinct screaming at me to pull back and run. “Still, why that may be, I think it would be interesting. Test their limits, experiment in different ways.” I can almost hear the sick smile in his voice. “Plus, it’s always nice to have company.”
“Do you even understand what goes into keeping a human? They’re very needy creatures. Not to mention clingy and violent. You’ll be responsible for its upkeep.” I feel sick the way they're talking about me, the hands of the scaled one still having yet to leave my face. He lifts my chin more and forces me to face him, my body screaming in protest from the position he was contouring me in.
“I do.”
The Baron sighs in defeat at his son’s words. I hear him take a step back, his voice steady as he walks away and starts to audibly mess with another cage. “Then I’ll allow it.”
I hear the screams of what sounds like a small child and my heart breaks, knowing slightly of his fate. While part of me was glad I had escaped it, I still yearned to switch places. Hearing someone so young scream in such ways was unbefitting. It wasn’t right. I feel the hand of the younger captor slip off my face, my own cage opening with a loud squeak. Strong hands hoist me up, fiddling with the ropes around my ankles and wrists. My two halves separate, my ankles freed from my wrists, but still stuck together as were my wrists to each other. I get slung over his shoulder, his muscle mass and metal backpack digging painfully into the soft of my stomach.
I consider trying to fight back, to even finally scream and curse them out, but I don’t. Every step he took sent his shoulder straight into my gut, and I knew it would be useless to try and resist. He seemed solid, and his shoulders reminded me of jagged rocks as they push against my torso. I try to shift myself into a more comfortable position, my body rocking hazardously in his grip. For one awful, awful moment, I’m certain he’s about to drop me, but his hands regain their steadiness as he tightens his grip to a painful degree.
“Move again and I’ll send you off to be experimented on instead.” He hisses, his voice as sharp as always. I settle down more, trying to ignore the painful lab of his arm.
He continues to walk for a while, his steps firm and sure. I wasn’t sure where we were going, nor what my true purpose was. This was out of the blue and completely unexpected, especially from someone who was supposed to be experimenting on me. I hear a door open and let out a small cry as I’m thrown atop a plush bed. I sit up, shaking my head to try and chase the disorientation away. A hand grabs my chin and holds me still, pulling the blindfold off of my eyes. I quickly close my eyes, shrinking back with a pained hiss. I’ve had the blindfold on since I was first kidnapped, covering my eyes and blocking my senses for weeks. I slowly open them, trying to get them to adjust to the new lighting. Once they can open, I glance around, taking in my surroundings as fast as I can.
It was a large room, one larger than I was expecting. There were different mechanical parts and machines strewn across the room, as well as a desk piled high with similar junk. I look in front of me, finally fully seeing my captor. He was only a couple inches taller than me, but his foreboding stature made him intimidating nonetheless. I scan him for a moment, my eyes taking in his green scaly skin and the metal shell upon his back. I lean backwards, wary of his domineering nature. He seemed to command respect, as if it was owed rather than earned. I felt no desire to give it to him.
“Why am I here?” I ask rudely, my tone clipped and eyes narrowed. The turtle doesn’t seem phased by my attitude, if anything, he was delighted.
“I’d suggest you’d hold your tongue. As lovely as your voice is, I do admit I have a short temper.” He walks across the room and picks up a small case, like he had been preparing for this for a while. “And I’m sure you would rather your tongue stay inside your mouth.”
I shift uncomfortably at his words, trying to decide what to do. I watch him carefully as he takes the case and opens it, four needles showing. My eyes widen at the sight as I back up on the bed.
He takes out the first needle and grabs a small vial from a miniature fridge next to him, getting the shot ready. “If you have any allergies, speak up now.”
I barely register his words, my eyes focused solely on the large needle in his hand. “What is that?”
“A couple of vaccines and boosters. It’s come to my attention that most of you have not had proper shots nor care, and while the others don’t matter, you do since you’ll be living here now.” He stalks forward with the syringe in hand as if he did this every tuesday, not a care nor concern on his face. I try to lean back, but he grabs me firmly by the elbow, not allowing me to move away. “I’d suggest you stay still and relax.”
I turn away from him, my heart thundering in my ears. I feel him inject the first into my arm, the sharp sting making me want to jerk away. It feels like hours, but he eventually lets go of my arm and backs away, disposing of the needles and setting the syringes back in their case.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” He starts, turning back to me. “It’s time we get started.”
“Who are you?” I interrupt, my mind hazy from the adrenaline coursing through after the shots he administered. He frowns at my interruption, his face pulled tight.
“I don’t like being interrupted. But, as you’re a human with no manners, I guess I can’t fully fault you. You haven’t learned the rules yet.” The turtle clears his throat, bowing with a dramatic flair. “I am Donatello, your new owner and savior. You, however, may refer to me as ‘Sir’ or ‘My Savior’.”
My nose scrunches up at his introduction, a chill running down my spine. My arm was sore, and my head was blaring warning bells left and right. This guy was seriously messed in the head. Well, of course he was. I was part of a group of humans he and his dad had kidnapped to experiment on.
“So, pet-”
“Not my name.” I interrupt, partly without meaning to but not fully regretting it. I refused to be called ‘pet’.
“Did humans never learn it was rude to interrupt or speak back to their superiors? Or is this just a you thing?” He hisses, clearly displeased. I shrug. My non-answer seems to anger the terrapin even more, his fists clenching at his sides. “As I stated before, I saved you. If it weren’t for me, you’d be cut open on a table with your guts spilled out. And while I would gladly return you to that fate, I felt it would be a waste to use someone like you in that manner-”
“Someone like me?” I interrupt again, tilting my head in confusion.
“Would you cut that out!?” He hisses, his face turning dark in anger. I shrink back, pursing my lips. I didn’t really want to anger him. I didn’t trust him. He continues to glare at me as he straightens his back. “As I was saying, you have something about you that I felt needed to be preserved. Therefore, here you are now. Serving as my pet rather than an experiment. And mind you, I’ll call you whatever I please.”
I glare at him, trying to pop his head open with my mind. Unfortunately, no such thing happened, and he continued to drone on.
“So, pet, I have something for you.”
He turns around and grabs something off his desk. I recognize it immediately, the bright collar jingling the bell as he moves closer. I try to lean back but he quickly hooks the offending item around my neck, his eyes and markings glowing for a moment as he holds the two pieces together. I rub at it with my chin, scowling. “There you are pet. Now you’ll never forget your place.”
It takes everything in me not to spit on him.
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I'd like to request Jennifer Check and Needy with a male s/o and he's just perfectly fine with the fact that Jenn might eat him. "Like yeah totally you can kill me...want me to call you mommy or some shit?" And he just laughs every time Jenn threatens to eat him. Meanwhile Needy is just trying to keep the peace between the two teasing assholes. Poly headcannons please love ya bro ❤️
What makes it funnier is that this is something you'd actually do lmao. Love ya too 💙
(Also I know I said I was taking a writing break but for you I made an exception)
Poly! Jennifer Check and Needy Lesnicki with a male s/o who isn't intimidated by demon Jenny
Warnings: murder threats (they're jokes...for the most part), slight gore mention, slight angst (just a little bit, for flavor)
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You both amuse and frustrate Jennifer at the same time
Like yeah it's cute that you're not afraid of her, and your constant state of calmness when she threatens you is kind of funny, but if you aren't going to be bothered by it when she says she's going to rip your head off and use it as a door stopper then what's the point?
She could be glaring you down, demon teeth bared, about to lunge at your throat and tear out your vocal cords and you'll just be standing there like "really? You're actually planning on killing me right now? Well alright then"
Meanwhile Needy is off somewhere in the background trying to coax you into dropping the subject while watching from a safe distant
Jennifer has fun testing your limits, upping the ante by making her threats more gruesome and horrifying with each one (while poor Needy is trying not to puke by how much detail she goes into)
It gets to the point where you actually tease her back, giving her your own ideas for what she could do to you
"You're going to regret messing with me once I tear you apart limb from limb-"
"-and rearrange my dead, mutilated body to look like a shrine to you and your never ceasing hunger? You used that insult last week, try again"
Even if you guys are "just joking" (mostly) sometimes Needy gets legitimately terrified that something is going to happen between the two of you and she won't be able to stop it
At least once a month she'll be found holed up in her room, either freaking out while pacing back and forth or crying while curled into a ball on her bed, trying to find some way to stop your "fighting"
This, of course, makes you and Jennifer feel guilty, even if it's in the slightest amount, leading to you both apologizing (yours might be more sincere than hers, but it's the thought that counts) and promising you won't actually end up fighting each other (no promises on Jen's side, but she does her best to seem apologetic and trustworthy)
You guys have a big cuddle session in Needy's bed after talking it out, you and Jennifer still making the occasional smart mouthed quips while Needy just rolls her eyes in disbelief. It would seem as though some things just never change
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
i will kick this off by saying that Mutant Mayhem is quite honestly one of my favorite iterations of the turtles EVER, second only to the 2012 versions.
the theme of having a family and a place to belong was established from the VERY beginning of the movie, so yeah, heartbreaking start lmao
Baxter's devotion to his children was just 😭😭
literally the best version of Splinter EVER i will not hear any arguments
I'd lay down my life for these boys in a heartbeat
the way Leo gets teased is SO perfectly how siblings tease each other, the little mocking tones and gestures is literally how my siblings and i act with each other
no bc Splinter having a history of being rejected by those around him and the boys being all he has and the one time he tries to go into a new environment it goes terribly and that's what leads him to never wanting the boys to leave 😭
but of course it's also SUCH a valid explanation for how he behaves like ofc he's going to try to keep his sons safe!!
the boys are so silly goofy kiddos i love them
"i dream of violence every night" "i think you have a problem" RAPH I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART
their excitement over the fight in the bike shop was so!!!! they're finally being heroes
Leo's little crush on April is literally the cutest thing wtf
the "bacon egg and cheese" moment was 100% some inside joke between the turtles' VAs, it was so random that it couldn't be anything else lmao
BUT i'm not complaining because that added so much to the boys!!
i love April, she's so realistically hesitant about the turtles, but also realizes that they can help with Superfly
also she has a list of questions she wants to ask the turtles, and one of the questions was "how many people has the red-banded turtle killed? does he need therapy?" and i cackled
the montage of them finding the different bosses!!!! and each turtle getting his own moment!!!
"why did you punch him, he told us everything!!!" Raph was in a silly goofy mood <3
Mondo has no thoughts. No brain.
The way the other mutants immediately started treating the boys like little brothers?????? my heart????
Bebop and Rocksteady being twins is my favorite thing
Mondo being truly heartbroken by the boys kicking him out of the van, he was so sad
Wingnut just trying to look out for her little brothers!!
Splinter literally not caring about anything else he just wants his boys safe!!
The other mutants turning against Superfly because they don't want to hurt the humans, they just want to be family!
Splinter realizing his mistake in sheltering his boys so much, and helping them destroy the device!!! growth!!!
His speech to the boys about how even if he doesn't like humans, the boys do, and he wants them to be able to be happy, so if helping the humans makes them happy, then he'll do everything he can to make sure that happens 😭😭😭
okay but the moment where all the news channels are reporting about the boys and their team being monsters, and it's just spinning around the boys as they realize they might never be accepted broke my heart
Leo stepping up as leader and recognizing his brothers' skills my beloved
Splinter flashing between when he brought the boys to the surface for the first time and the humans chasing them away vs. the humans approaching him with concern and helping him to his feet 😭😭
The mutants living together, they're a family your honor 😌
They got to go to school!!!!
and each of them finding their own group outside of their brothers!!
Donnie with his computer friends!
Mikey joining improve!!
Raph joining wrestling!!
April and Leo looking into TCRI!! Leopril truthers rise up!!
And the final mid-credits scene leading into the TV show with the hint towards TCRI still kicking AND AND AND
There were also so many little background things that made me emotional, like the LGBTQIA+ flyers on the school poster board, the trans flag pinned next to the flyers, the little scribbles on the lockers and April's helmet, the details were just so so perfect. there honestly wasn't a single thing i didn't love about the movie!!!
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mahuhumaling · 10 months
why pran singing the unfinished version of "our song" is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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adding a layer to highschool!patpran by introducing us to their juniors specifically in their music club is cute and clever.
this show has a great habit of establishing things early on (pran starts writing the song in EP2 shortly after applying in EP1) and paying it off before the show ends. the Chekhov's Gun Principle approves.
we get confirmation from p'aof (?) that pran's guitar is a metaphor for pat and his relationship with him.
forbidding to play it, it being kept for years and returned (= university reunion), then at EP12 dissaya getting it herself and laying it for her son to play... yeah.
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pat also being smart because he knows exactly how to get to pran, by making a deal.
this scene is so easy breezy. that even though they're in public now, there are no more pretenses. they get to be comfortable.
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also wait! cute goof up. they decided to keep that in because it's natural. i think his forehead got hit by the guitar, haha.
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speaking of natural, thank you that pran did some testing and tuning because no one immediately remembers the chords and plays it. lol
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and then, when pran actually starts playing, the lighting changes. he looks more angel-like.
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p'aof said that the windy effect wasn't on purpose. sir i'm glad you shot this scene like this, even though it must've been hard to pick up audio, because it looks so good.
again, natural. pran sing so slowly because he's trying to remember the lyrics.
i kind of bashed episode 3's guitar hallway scene because the background music didn't make way for pran playing the guitar. there was music on top of music it was kind of annoying lmao but
they made it up with this scene. they let only the sound of the wind, the strings, and nanon's voice take over quietly.
hats off to Pat's multitasking and attention though?? deciphering the lyrics and then stopping to admire Pran. brooo. you're so down bad.
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but seriously, the simplicity in their looks. we see in the show's first half how and why pran fell in love with pat, so now we see here the vice versa. (pun not intended)
i have a feeling the song draft actually ends at the previous line, about the sky, sea, or other kind of splendor.
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but pran improvises the beginning of the refrain right here. because when he can serenade to pat like this, he can finally answer the question in the first verse.
because see how he stops and looks up before and after he sings this line: it felt like he wasn't recalling, but rather making up one on the spot.
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this scene was simply a masterclass of the simplicity of romantic chemistry. the fondness in the eyes. the succeeding revelation of pat's memory.
remember when tumblr user absolutebl said nanon emotes with his eyes? because yes. god yes.
look at him. pran is very surprised. but what is more on the surface are warmth and affection once he learns of this fact and that hears it from pat himself.
i love how nanon chooses to fall into a trance-like state while looking at pat, so much that pran has to visibly shake himself off of it by blinking and looking away to continue the sincere conversation playfully. he's so INFJ for this.
we end with pran learning that pat has liked him back just as long as him, which makes both him and i happy.
the lack of awareness pat has with the nature of feelings he has for pran doesn't invalidate its existence: that it's romantic in nature.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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songbyrd-writes · 1 year
SFW John ‘Soap’ MacTavish headcanons
A/N: NGL I am weirdly in love with him, he's silly and these are probably ooc.
Edit: Added one new (long) headcanon (that's based IN CANON THO !!!)
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On Base:
- Oh my gosh the PDA, he doesn't caaareee. He's got an arm around you at all times that you're nearby.
- Non-stop talks to you or Ghost through the comms unless he *has* to be silent.
- Probably follows you around the base cos he's clingy.
- Tries to show off around you all the time (whether it be getting a good shot or even trying to clear a house quicker than he already does.)
- The guys making jokes about how he acts all the time.
- Boasts about your accomplishments no matter what they're for ("yeah? well, have you seen how great y/n is at-")
Off Base:
- Cuddly as hell, if you're laying in bed or sitting on the couch he'll try to lay next to you or on you.
- Doesn't know how to cook and probably should not be allowed to ;;
- He probably talks about wanting to get a pet with you but knows he can't really because you're both gone so often.
- "Saturdays are for the boys" type motherfucker, he won't stop you from coming along with him and the rest of the 141 and he will obviously try to pay attention to you but he may be distracted by watching football (uk not us.)
- Would show you off and talk about you to ANYONE ("have you met my partner? they're amazing.")
- Keeps a photo of you and him in his wallet AND as his phones background. he also probably likes taking lots of pictures of you and posting them on his social media.
- On the topic of photos and social media, he would absolutely send you pics of himself after the gym and if you work out, he'll be happy to bring you along (totally will not be super excited even if you work out on the complete opposite side of the gym to him.)
In General:
- Soap is like a puppy, he loves you a lot and he has no understanding of personal space.
- Leaves hickeys anywhere you allow him, he doesn't care if the others notice them or if they need to be covered by makeup.
- Randomly shows you memes or tiktoks that he sees that remind him of you or that he thinks would make you laugh.
- If ya'll get into a fight and he makes you upset he'll leave you a little note telling you he's sorry and that he loves you right next to a cute stuffed animal.
- Definitely asks Price for relationship advice, he's not inexperienced but he is perhaps a tiny bit afraid of doing something wrong without realizing it ("what should we do for dates?" "what if they don't like this?" and more questions that Price sometimes can't answer.)
- Soap will try to get interested in something you like even if it's something that seems really strange for him to like.
- Picks up phrases and terms you use (bro def has ADHD and his ass cannot help but mirror you lmao)
- Soap loves to draw, it gives him something to focus on for a while. Whenever you're distracted doing something he likes to pull out his journal/sketchbook and just draw you, sometimes he'll show you the drawings he did which have a gritty comic style (think similar to Gerard Ways art style,) but other times he likes to keep them to himself because he gets a bit embarrassed by how frequently he draws you but he just can't help it!
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alpinefrsh · 9 months
jfc I think I’m driving myself insane/pos. I genuinely cannot wait for the turtles to find out about Tommy’s absolutely f’ed up past life and just be like ‘oh what bullshit is this!? >:(‘
Also, I think I have an idea of how you’re going to do the ✨Trauma Reveal✨ and if I’m right I am SO excited!! (I’d be excited either way)
Another thing I’m really excited to potentially see (don’t know if you’ll touch on this exact thing) is how different their world’s morals are!
Rise being a kids show, means that most of the villains are pretty one dimensional and, unless they’re actually important, tend to never really be treated seriously or ever get treated like actual people (unless there’s a redemption arc planned, like Barry).
But with the SMP, because all of the characters are written by individual real people and are treated like people, all of the ‘villains’ are actually just really bad(or good) people with enough questionable motives to earn them the title of ‘Villain’. (Minus JSchlatt and Dream ofc. They’re genuinely just evil)
I can totally imagine Tommy getting stressed or upset about the turtles labeling these characters as ‘villains’, and somewhat frantically trying to explain to them how morally gray people can really get. Because for Tommy, all the villains he’s seen were people he actually knew and could’ve been good friends with. My point is, Rise’s version of a Villain is vastly different from the SMP’s version of a Villain and I find that incredibly interesting, just in case you couldn’t tell ;)
Analogy over, that was way too many words but i started typing and couldn’t stop. Hope the writing is going well! Can’t wait :D
Raahhhh so many people would be added to their 'to punt' list (if only they weren't a universe away, lmao).
I'm gonna be honest, my current plan for how they find out about his past is slightly batshit and entirely evil (in the sense that I will be very mean to Tommy). We draw closer to that fic every day and I'm very excited about that fact.
Yeah, that's deffo one of those things where if it comes up it comes up, but I don't have any particular plans for it. I like to think he'd enjoy hanging out with Hypno and Warren (bullying. He would enjoy bullying Warren), they're rather flamboyant in their crime, I imagine Tommy's theatre kid ass would appreciate that.
But yeah, If I remember correctly, c!Tommy's of the mindset that most people aren't really evil or bad per se, they just make really bad choices sometimes. Like c!Wilbur. I remember c!Tommy once had a chat with Foolish about his stance on the concept of forgiveness and what he thought about Wil's past and current behaviour.
Never worry about using too many words, I happen to be a big fan of those things. Not gonna complain about that, it was very enjoyable to read :D
It was fighting me for a while, but I've finally found an approach that I'm happy with, so things are thankfully starting to go much smoother now o7
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liauditore · 9 months
let's suppose that skizz and scott in some sort of relationship (maybe platonic, maybe romantic, it's not the case)
and jimmy is his good friend, yup
what if at the work (i headcanon that plate up and phasmo it's their jobs, yup) jimmy telling how scott was bad and after work scott telling how bad is jimmy
what will he do c:
- 🔥 ♡
ok first of all i love that headcanon cus that means skizz is both a chef and a ghost hunter lmao. guy is a man of many skillsets.
i actually think of it somewhat similarly. there's this really cursed series of punch out ads about the boxers' lives between the games and ive always thought of plate up/phasmo/martyn's dumb fridge business as something like these 😭😭😭 (but instead of boxing it's the life series)
ANYWAY poor skizz 😭😭 he'd totally be the type to hear the both out to try and get to the bottom of things. because they're both good boys! you shouldn't fight amongst yourselves! but ofc things aren't as simple as that D:
In my heart of hearts... I think Skizz would be understanding enough to get them to both admit the root of their disdain for one another. something something scott feeling abandoned and jimmy feeling abused something something. and then he'd ask them "well, why don't you tell Jimmy/Scott that? To his face?"
and it either ends in disaster or fluff. your choice lol
extra: he tells Impulse about it later all braggy like AIN'T I THE SMARTEST and Impulse is just like. You told them. to do What. D:
EXTRA extra: ur ask reminded me of this idea a friend had of scott coming to the skranchers restaurant, not knowing jimmy was the chef, and when asked about the food he says he likes it cus it tastes like home C:
so uh yeah
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lowrezbonuslevel · 2 months
oc ask game!!! :DD im obsessed with your ocs omg 😭😭
🕸️/🥀 for tillda
🧋/🪄 for zed
Omg thanks that's a big big compliment :,)
Here are the answers:
--- (For Tillda) ---
Q: "🕸️ (Spiderweb) - Create a bouquet inspired by your OC! It can be based on their colour palette, flower language and symbolism, whatever they like best, or any combination of the three."
A: I wonder what Tillda's favorite flower is? Forget-me-not? Ha ha ha. ...But seriously, I put 'em in there.
White lilies are the national flower of Italy. Supposedly, chrysanthemums represent mourning there?
Mimosas are said to represent women.
I just added lilacs because of her color scheme.
Common understandings of flower symbolism seem kinda shaky and varied at best, except for the REALLY popular ones (roses for love, etc.), so I didn't take the "deeper meanings" here too seriously.
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(rest of the answers under the cut)
Q: "🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?"
A: Well... I wonder how she'd become "Tillda Soul" in the first place. In the Kirby series, "soul forms" usually come about because of plot-defining magic shenanigans (messing with ancient artifacts, toying with destructive power, etc.), which Tillda tends not to involve herself in. But I could see her flying to close too the sun for the sake of Zed or her brother. For fun, I've drawn up what a "Tillda Soul" might look like.
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I don't think Tillda's soul form would be "beyond saving" by any means. She's brash, but she's squishy on the inside. Hugs melt her.
Let's see: Tillda is stubborn, and if anything, trying to fight her would push her further away from the light, so to fix things, we'd better just give her a glass of warm milk and put her to bed. Hope you feel better in the morning, Tillda!
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--- (For Zed) ---
Q: "🧋 (Boba Tea) - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely."
I would pick a bento box because it seems like something Zed would take to work :) And fish is one of their favorite things to eat. Made a few sketches but nothing big.
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Possible blurb:
"Enjoy a balanced meal with fluffy rice, baked fish, tasty melon, and an assortment of nutritious vegetables. It's a practical lunch for hard-working felines everywhere, and it comes in a sturdy, decorated box that looks just like the one owned by a certain N-Z."
(Yeah while brainstorming/researching this one I found out that, as a species, cats really like melon? And scientists think it's because melons give off a scent similar to something in meat that cats like?? Who discovered this and why??? I guess all those videos of cats utterly destroying watermelon weren't flukes... Zed is 70% honeydew confirmed)
Q: "🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]"
Zed is kind of inherently "magic" since they're made of Dark Matter, but they don't have any flashy spell-casting abilities a la Magolor or Taranza (or Tillda herself, to a lesser extent). Maybe Zed would be a decent magic user if they practiced, but they've never really cared to.
Their shape-shifting abilities mean flying is easy enough.
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Their visor is hand-made and probably has some magic properties. I won't reveal its name or why Zed wears it (partly because "spoilers!" but mostly because I still need some time to work it out lmao), but it does come in handy often and is capable of more than meets the eye. (Or the zero, I guess. Hardy-har.)
That's everything answered, I hope! Thanks for your submission, and thanks again for enjoying my posts about these two! :)
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 1, start! ok trying this again because my original post was community flagged for reasons i don't understand
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so, this little goober decided to ride inside aerial on her trip from mercury to asticassia instead of like wherever normal passengers ride??? lmao
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she really is a little cinnamon roll huh? and i love the added light novel details that she just automatically thought miorine was beautiful the first time she saw her here lol
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and that she did, miomio
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wow is this that suit that one person had during that big ass match in episode 13?
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leave suletta alone, you jerks
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oh, miorine-san, if only you knew what that girl would become
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gotta wonder how in the world miorine dealt with pretty much being bullied by all these rich fucks. like how many failed attempts to try to go to earth had she had at this point that felsi and petra use it to make fun of her
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see, if guel had realized secelia wasn't sitting on the couch, then maybe he wouldnt have asked suletta to duel against him later on
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yeah, yeah, i know he mostly redeemed himself and didnt even end up being a weapons manufacturer in the end like his daddy (assuming the new asticassia isnt basically the elite's military training grounds like it was at the beginning), but god guel was such a fucking asshole
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in this moment, suletta's like "this is nothing like my fair use expired copyright mangas"
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there's no such thing as an ethical capitalist, but sarius definitely didn't like the way delling was running things
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prospera was at least a tragic figure, but we never really got to know what the hell made delling the way he is. like is he just some stupid war veteran with ptsd who lost his wife? either way, don't care. he was an asshole for everything he did to miorine and just irredeemable in my eyes lol
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funny how suletta talking about her mom is what gets miorine to be a little bit kinder to her in this scene just because of her own mother. yeah prospera was manipulative with suletta and it was her idea for suletta to go to asticassia, so that makes it a little funny that talking about prospera here is really what in the end allows miorine to open up her heart to suletta. sorry, miorine, guess suletta was kind of right huh?
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sorry, lauda's just another character that will never be likeable to me either. he's just an asshole on top of being a total moron
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so glad guel got his comeuppance
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yeah, i wasn't gonna skip the slapping (editing my word-use here because i think saying sp**k got my original post for this episode community labeled... which i know now is not why because it got labeled AGAIN!!! and i still don't get why) but dang look at miorine's reaction to that. i still haven't decided if this is the moment miorine takes romantic interest in suletta for standing up for miorine or at the end of the duel later on this episode when she actually makes good on her promise
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get him, suletta lmao
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*wild tanuki noises*
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bob, you're so fucking stupid. glad he's just stuck listening to secelia and el0n now
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really wish we could know more about these two lol like rouji's an anxious little mess around everyone else, but perfectly comfortable with secelia
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i was really hoping for another scene of these two in the cockpit together, but miorine would've just died inside calibarn
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aerial really is such a cool mobile suit
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and there it is. the final scene to shock literally everyone ever on their first watch. it really makes me wish i had started watching live instead of just before the first cours was almost over, i can just imagine ~the discourse~
i started right around when the grassley fight episode had finally been subbed by gjm so around episode 10 real air time i believe? and like yeah, i had kept hearing it be referred to as gundam utena, but i wasn't prepared for this lmao
we didn't get a kiss and we didn't get the wedding on-screen, but i am so so happy these two ended up married in the end and that they're both so obviously in love with each other
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inklore · 8 months
hi my love! do you have any writing tips? and words of encouragement when fics flop :(
hi darling <3 i feel like i always suck at giving writing tips but i'll try my very best for you ok. i hope some of these help! also very honored you'd even ask me 🤎
first and foremost: don't compare your writing to anyone else. everyone writes different, everyone has a certain style, a niche. if you're worried you don't have a 'style' don't, because you do. everyone does. it's not something you can make yourself have or take from others, it comes naturally with how your brain works and how it curates words and prose and scenes. that's why no book, no writing, is ever the same even if it's the same source material. it's a beautiful thing so don't stress about trying to make your writing sound or 'read' like other writers. it'll only ruin the enjoyment of how you write!
if you want to write more detailed just remember that not everything in a scene needs to be put down. the more you give the reader room to fill in the blanks and set the scene themselves the better experience for them (at least that's the case for my brain, others may feel different, but doing it this way makes me feel like i'm not adding too much detail or being repetitive). but visualizing, setting the scene for yourself through music or daydreaming is another great tip to write more detailed.
when it comes to smut i am a huge stan of you don't have to say the anatomically correct part they're using (like the p words or c word), and describing what it feels like to have that part touched, grazed, etc is really great. i struggle with fear of repeating myself so i try to find creative ways to describe body parts without actually calling them like flowery/nouns/different synonyms. i hope that made sense lmao.
don't worry about edits or making everything flow completely well in the first take. i highly rec everyone editing their own work and reading it back to themselves, yes it's tiring but it helps you find flow mistakes, add more detail, take something out that you thought fit in the moment but doesn't really. that's why i get everything out the first get go in a kind of fever dream manner and then when i go back to edit it then i buff out everything, add more, take away something, add more details that will make a scene pop off more.
now for the encouragement when it comes to flops: it's going to happen. there's no secret to making something do amazing or something failing. there really isn't and someone who says there is has just had a few lucky posts. because having a big following means nothing, writing a long fic, a short one, only using small font, being super aesthetic, really means nothing. i've seen writers with the most amazing aesthetic and beautiful prose with 100 followers write something and get 2k notes and then get 90 notes on their next post. same with someone who doesn't have a big aesthetic but a big following and writes short fics get 100 notes on their last ten posts but then that eleventh post randomly gets 1k. like it's really just up in the air on here if something is going to do good or not, unfortunately. so that's why i don't let it get to me when something i post gets 100 notes or 1k because i'm happy with both, less, or more. i don't expect anything anymore because that only leads to disappointment and i'm here to write and to have fun.
that's not to say i don't rec curating your own little community on here. make friends, block ppl with bad vibes, join discords of supportive friends. talk to writers who encourage and understand your feelings and discourse and who keep you going, give you inspo, etc etc. if only my friends ever rbed and read my stuff and there was only 10 of them? i'd say hell yeah and that'd encourage me to write more. having a good space of friends and community is amazing and can do a lot to fight off the writer scaries and the feelings of obsessing over numbers and success.
now this is just something i do but it always works for me; i post something and then force myself not to look at it for a day or two. i post it and move on to the next thing i want to work on. i do not dwell on how it's doing. i may q up some rbs for it but i don't even look at the notes when i do that. i deliberately never look at it because yes while it matters in the sense that we love encouragement, we love seeing people love something we spent hours on, we wrote this for ourselves but hello we want that validation too and that's okay, but like i said above and i'm going to say again notes mean nothing in regards to talent. these notes are not simon cowell judging you on your performance. so when i finally do go back to rb comments and reply to things, or if i just want to look at how it did, and the number is low i'm just like ok shrug at least those 20 people enjoyed it and that's better than 0. and if no one commented or rbed yeah that sucks and is disheartening but i can either dwell and be sad on it or i can continue to do what i love and write more. why let the annoying little brats on here who refuse to show their love on a work they read get you down? because there's a dozen of them out there and they're not going away. and you may have made someone's day for this little fic even if they didn't say something about it. it does suck that content creators on here don't get the rbs and comments and credit they deserve, and unfortunately if you want to keep doing what you love you gotta work around it and remind yourself why you're creating, continue to feel that joy. it's hard, believe me. but don't let your creativity be repressed because of it, because you'd be doing a disservice to yourself!
i'll say it again though: a high note count / following doesn't mean the fic is good or bad, neither does low notes / no following. no one's talent is ever in question here. we are here to write, have fun, fill the void of the rl scaries.
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esther-dot · 6 months
I sent the show!Jonsa ask! Yeah, I was toying with it because one of the sticking points for me is figuring out why the show did or didn't do Jonsa and why that may or may not happen in the books. That to me is really some of the most damning stuff, and I can't point to Dany's arc in the show or Stannis' etc. (many of the examples you use) as argumentation for what makes sense in the books but have yet to have happened without, too, including Jonsa.
Anon asks are limited by length (and I would not want to waste your time with adding caveat after caveat lol) but I do also have complicated feelings about D&D; on the one hand I think there were serious problems on set and I have a lot of capital F feminist problems with them, but that doesn't belie all the creative work they put into the show (I do think there are Choices they made about how to portray romance without the source material at hand, and even before that honestly, but I already wrote that ask lol).
You're definitely right about the heaping of romantic parallels; one or two of those relationships alone could be written off, but the Sam/Gilly one is very weird, and Kit's acting choices are... very weird lol. Re: Sansa's jealousy, I had read that more as Dark Sansa foreshadowing as opposed to Jonsa jealousy, so I don't know???? When it comes to show!Jonsa I mostly only like the S6 dynamic anyway, so that might be down to some of my bias.
Basically I'm trying to entertain alternative ideas that might explain things as opposed to genuinely arguing for show!Jonsa being an accident, and I was thinking about this as well because it is an issue I've encountered with shipping/romance/fandom in general before. The male-gazey tropey dynamic ends up feeling off, but by virtue of the romance goggles of the author not being applied to another dynamic, it ends up feeling more mutual and less objectified and more interesting lol. A good example off the top of my head, given you've just watched the MCU films, is that I shipped Steve/Natasha (yes...) because the dynamic in Winter Soldier was above and beyond any other M/F pairing in the films. Naturally everybody goes on about ~platonic soulmates~ but I love good guys with sad/evil/redeemed ladies so I can't help it. Not saying it's at all canon though, I think they absolutely stumbled into that one.
I'm glad your nephew enjoyed the MCU films! I remember when I rewatched Endgame with my best friend, her dad came in and we had to keep explaining who the 'blue one and the green one' were. It made the film much better.
Anyway, thank you so much for entertaining my ask, and as always, being such a good sport. 🥰💝
(continuation of this convo)
You have no idea how much I sympathize with the caveat issue. I write answers and then delete entire paragraphs because I have such a tendency to try to clarify everything that it makes things less clear because I bury the point, but then I regret it when the vague blogs start. We all have limited time though, and every answer can't be thousands of rambling words! Sometimes I've literally just said "insert caveat" lmao!
I do also have complicated feelings about D&D; on the one hand I think there were serious problems on set and I have a lot of capital F feminist problems with them
I read this article about Emilia's experience on set for GoT (I have not been able to relocate it, but I did actually read an article with her quotes--it wasn't just a tumblr post), and I felt that she was taken advantage of when it came to the nudity/sex scenes. I actually think she meant for some of the stories to be amusing, but I felt sick reading it. She didn't say it was D&D, but apparently when she wanted to do less nudity going forward, she was told her fans expected it and it became a fight trying to move away from it, and....I just worry about the power dynamics with all these young actresses and what they're told they "need" to do. The fact that even if they ultimately agree to certain things, it still may be a result of coercion or they aren't actually being taken care of/feel safe when doing it...it left a very bad taste in my mouth regarding the behind the scenes stuff. And obviously, we all noticed the changes they made to the story, what they did to Sansa...plenty of things we can take exception to purely on what made it to our screens.
Basically I'm trying to entertain alternative ideas that might explain things as opposed to genuinely arguing for show!Jonsa being an accident
I enjoy doing that too! Groupthink is boring! I don't expect everyone to think the same way/come to the same conclusion, and I've changed my mind on a few things which only happens if we're willing to entertain different ideas instead of shutting people down. I mean, I'm not easily persuaded to a different way of thinking, but I try to be open to it. With the condition that someone interprets Sansa in a way I can live with which excludes most of the fandom/their theories tbh.
I basically work myself to one position and then back to where I started when it comes to show Jonsa. If it was an accident, I don't love it any less, if it wasn't, I'm curious what the hell happened. I didn't get what I wanted there, so it really doesn't matter to me what people conclude. I genuinely thought it was amusing when Kit acted surprised when he was asked about Jonsa because it was his face that was saying "not normal sibling feelings here." Silly man. 😂 And, D&D fucked up enough I don't like to take them too seriously, so I can't say, "this doesn't make sense therefore it was an accident" because, uh, a lot of their choices ultimately made no sense.
it is an issue I've encountered with shipping/romance/fandom in general before. The male-gazey tropey dynamic ends up feeling off, but by virtue of the romance goggles of the author not being applied to another dynamic, it ends up feeling more mutual and less objectified and more interesting lol.
I certainly agree about the general male v female view of romance. I found that a problem when I said that they didn't write a romance for Jonerys, and the guy I was talking to was like, "they had sex tho???" There was just...a massive gap between what we were looking for when talking about the characters/relationships. Although, he did know what I meant when I said "well, they filmed Jon and Sansa like a ruling couple." He immediately understood that. And, considering what they did to the sandsnakes (I'm not saying the line), I do understand the argument that if they meant for there to be a romance, they would have done it in such a way that we would have objected.
I think part of the reason I believed Jonsa was intentional was because I don't ship non canon pairings. My brain isn't one to think, "oh but what about those two" as I wasn't even involved in fandom before, and I generally just took what a story was and reacted to it, rather than re-configuring it. Obvy, having been in the fandom for so long now, that's changed somewhat, but for me, s7 was a total puzzlement, and Jonsa / some variation of poljon was the only way it connected to everything we had established before. In a bizarre twist, we didn't get the story that would make it coherent, but we still got the endpoint: Jon betraying Dany for Sansa. It's still weird to me, all these years later. Now I'm mainly bemused rather than angry though.
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
I feel like I might've already prompted this bc it's my default so ignore me if it's a repeat lmao, but jaytim huddling for warmth?
You did but that's okay cuz I never finished writing what I wanted to do let's TRY AGAIN! have some excellent adventures of echo and red robin
Jason has to remind himself that the person that was currently looking at him with the most devastating puppy eyes since Dick Grayson in pixie boots was actually an extremely skilled detective and fighter. It was a struggle.
"Fuck'n no," Jason growls, "I am not sharing our cave with an assassin team that was sent to kill us."
"Hey, they're not trying to kill us right now."
"Oh yeah, I am real confident in Ra's Al Ghul's word."
Outside the wind howls, the snow blowing in a complete whiteout. The tiny cave, more like a crack in the side of the mountain really, already barely fit the two of them inside it. Jason wasn't adding three more people to the mix just because Tim had a bleeding heart.
"They have their own damn equipment, they'll live!"
"Fine," Tim relents, crossing his arms over his chest.
Despite the small fire Jason's managed to get going and the bundles and layers they're both wearing, the cave is devastatingly cold. While they were hiking it felt more manageable but now that they're sedentary until the storm passes Jason can feel the cold seeping into his bones.
Tim isn't... Tim isn't all Jason expected. Jason's surprised to find that when they're not fighting each other they work extremely well together (that Jason settled so fast into the role of Tim's Robin is not something Jason is currently willing to examine). He even kind of, maybe, likes the little weirdo.
Tim shuffles sideways, unfolding an insulated sleeping bag that Jason knows they have two of.
"It'll be warmer if we get in together," Tim says evenly. Maybe too evenly. But the red on his face is definitely from the cold.
"Yeah, okay," he agrees because it's true. It will be warmer with the both of them. And with another body passed against his Jason doesn't need to think about the cold (so cold, cold like pitch blackness, like- like- death).
Jason doesn't think about it, how can he with Tim in his arms? Tim has no place in the coffin of his nightmares.
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Every question about Lupin Gang (+ Zeni) 🥺
BOI YEAH LETS GO Are you the same Lupin anon I've seen a few times? I love you haha! Most of these are inspired by canon tickles, but I added what I think would make sense!
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
They ALL do. Buuuuut Goemon's is rarest, Lupin's is most contagious, Jigen has this higher-pitched tickle giggle that nobody expects out of him, Fujiko DESERVES to be tickled most because she's a lil shit so it's satisfying, and all four of them will tickle Zenigata just to get him to lighten up. Or cheer up. His tickle laugh is so cute.
2. What are their tickle spots?
Lupin - canonically everywhere? His neck and ears, hips, ribs, death spot is tummy. He can't take being tickled but he enjoys dishing it out. He has a canon tickle laugh that is bouncy and boyish
Jigen - Ribs, neck, thighs, hip bones where the thighs and waist meet. He has this sweet high-pitched giggle that just sounds happy.
Goemon - the back of his thighs is death spot, but also feet and generally legs. He's still learning how to laugh and be tickled so it's all over the place. He's prone to soft tickles most.
Fujiko - her entire body as seen in episode 1 lmao. The worst is her torso, namely ribs and sides. I also see her knees being a spot?
Zenigata - ARMPITS and upper ribs!! Those tickle scenes with him are exclusively pit tiggles!! Lupin KNOWS and TARGETS them EVERY. TIME. And you get him giggling immediately over his entire freaking coat and shirt, imagine how bad feathers on skin would feel??? I also see him having a very ticklish chin, hips, and sides.
3. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
Lupin's ears, neck, and collar bone. Zenigata has made him laugh by just breathing on the areas.
Jigen's chin and, I'm gonna say, the sides of his knee pits.
Goemon's odd spots, like right beneath his butt.
Fujiko is SUPER ticklish on the tops of her feet
Zenigata has ticklish shoulder blades
4. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
Zenigata, usually when the gang is right in front of him and he can't legally arrest anyone.
ALSO Lupin when he's moody (Fujiko related sad boy hours) and his boys decide that they need that smile back. He will also annoy his partners on purpose or sprawl in very open positions when in a lee mood. Sometimes he'll do a sneak attack to start tickle fights just to get attention, not even just from his boys.
Goemon after The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa :( Sometimes when he sees Jigen and Lupin having their tickle fights he sits in a corner and is too shy to join or ask them to attack him too. He makes it obvious though by bringing his knees to his chest and pouting staring, and after the first few times he did this they caught on that it's his way of asking. Eventually he learns to flop on top of one of them and can be a ruthless ler.
Jigen, when he's feeling edgy and touch-starved, will sometimes ask for belly rubs or something else hinting he wants tickles. Like, "MAN my tooth hurts. Help me take my mind off it huh? Rub my belly or something." Or, "Hey I cooked and cleaned tonight! Least you can do is give me a footrub or something." Or, "You let Fujiko get away with the treasure again?! Well tickle my ribs Lupin, you're all tied up with that woman!" Or, "Hey, I had a rough night. Now I'm gonna lay in your lap and you're gonna tickle me silly help me smile." On it goes.
5. Do either of them try to hide their ticklishness?
It's apparently common knowledge that Lupin is ticklish amongst his enemies, but he can't stand being tortured by villains who won't stop when he's past his limits.
I'd say Goemon hides it the best he can. Only his partners know and they're gonna keep him to themselves!
Fujiko hates being taken advantage of when it comes to tickling so she keeps her targets at arms length to avoid any mishaps. Like a girl boss, she'd rather kill someone than be tied and tortured by an evil old perverted man again.
Zenigata actually doesn't mind being tickled, so long as it isn't in front of his precinct or coworkers. It's hard and humiliating to explain how Lupin knew where to tickle him to get away, not so much that he's ticklish.
I can see Jigen denying it until he sees that the other person is in a ler mood. He can only deny for so long...
6. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
Lupin and Fujiko are lil shits and do it to anyone they can. Including each other. It gets competitive. Jigen gets the worst of it from shrunken jackets because Goemon doesn't wear tight clothing unless it's a disguise.
(But when Goemon gets stuck in a disguise Jigen and Lupin do take advantage to fluster him.)
Zenigata may get caught in a coat and Lupin goes absolutely apeshit bananas in excitement the first time he gets the opportunity to take advantage
7. How did they discover each other's ticklishness?
HOO BOY. I like to think Lupin started most of it.
Jigen and Lupin discovered each other first. Lupin was a little too handsy and Jigen probably reacted. That or Jigen discovered that poking Lupin's sides got him to clam up in the middle of a sentence and thought (still thinks) it was cute. Whoever started it doesn't matter, because they started to tease each other a lot in private. It's a form of love language just for them.
Fujiko definitely tickled Lupin in retaliation to his perverted attacks, back when he was a huge green-jacketed gremlin. I like to think she spread the rumor that he was ticklish to his enemies after that just to get a rise out of him, but it backfires on her in episode 1 when she's tied down to the machine meant for her boy toy. Lupin holds a grudge against her for this despite the immediate karma she got. He's been through some rough times because of her.
The more Goemon hung around the boys, the more he was exposed to their tickle fights and other forms of affection. He was dragged into one unwillingly and didn't exactly say stop at any point, soooooo they continued!
Zenigata has been tickled by Lupin. So often. He tickled Lupin accidentally while doing a body search (not for the first time) and the thief started to giggle and just admitted it tickled. Next time they saw each other he couldn't WAIT to see if his arresting officer was ticklish too (like any straight criminal) and got Zeni into a ticklish predicament. It was downhill from there. They're both really sensitive and occasionally a super charged, competitive tickle fight breaks out when he's trying to arrest Lupin
8. Who can't take tickle bites/raspberries?
Lupin, despite the fact he loves to dish them out. Jigen also can't take tickle bites on his neck, and if you build up anticipation for it Goemon can't either.
Fujiko will hate you forever if you mönch on the soft spot on tummy. Something about them is a childish weakness.
Zenigata secretly loves raspberries. He can give mean ones too, but something inside him just melts
9. Who has to be tickle forced out of bed in the morning?
Jigen. Same when he's dozing on the couch with his hat over his face so he literally can't see Lupin's eyes glowing like Sans'
Depending on the night she had, I'd also say Fujiko. I can see her liking to sleep in late and be a night owl til like 6am for jobs or socializing in general (ride or die on this headcanon)
10. Who initiates tickle fights?
LUPIN 99.99% OF THE TIME IT'S CANON HE DOES IT TO LIKE EVERYONE like the gay criminal he is. No straight man tickles his arresting officer on multiple occasions.
Jigen may accidentally start them too. If he and Lupin start bickering he is sometimes the first to poke the other to lighten the mood. He tickled Zenigata to escape in an actual episode. Pretty sure he made that tickle machine for that old man in another episode (the Nazi one from Part 2). He's as bad as Lupin, just quieter about it.
Zenigata would never. Too childish, no matter how touch starved he may be from spending a lot of nights alone. But an accidental poke or swipe when searching one of the gang? "Stop squirming. I'm checking for strapped gadgets." He says as the accidental pokes and swipes feel more calculated than not. If he happens to breathe on someone's ear or has to squeeze the hips, because that's where Lupin's body disguise ends, it's all official business only! "I'm not tickling you, I'm scratching to see if it's skin or plastic this time!" There are cameras and eyes watching when he chases them most of the time. Maybe if there weren't, he would he more honest about his ticklish body searches.
11. Who gives up in tickle fights?
Lupin and Zenigata lose most of the time. Lol. Lupin gets overwhelmed very easily by it and Zenigata is just too ticklish to handle it for very long
Jigen and Fujiko are the champs of their tickle fights. Jigen is a massive lee and Fujiko knows their tickle spots from experience, so she's 85% ler
Goemon is 50/50 depending on whether or not they're ALL ganging up on him, but he is usually prideful and refuses to give up when it's just Jigen and Lupin. Plus, he miiiiight be fond of softer tickles like belly rubs. Not that you'd ever hear it out loud.
12. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
Usually anyone who tickles Goemon one on one haha! His reflexes are dangerous.
Jigen will also threaten to shoot someone if they don't stop when he says stop
Zenigata could actually shoot someone if they tickle him in the middle of a chase. Especially if it's a serious offense, like terrorist-level. It would never happen, but if Zeni is angry enough and on the hunt, tickling is very inappropriate.
Lupin just squirms and jerks around if he isn't restrained, so his attackers could get a kick to the gut or punch in the face if they're not careful
Fujiko is deadlier after she is tickled. If it is an enemy taking advantage of her she either robs or kills them, or both.
13. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
Had to edit this one in, sorry! I answered some of them up there but:
Lupin and Jigen provoke the other the most often. They're so close, and it's a fun way to get some energy out. Jigen will usually use word play to hint that he's in a lee mood ("Wanna help me with some endurance training?") while Lupin will annoy the heck out of Jigen and leave certain areas exposed on his body. He'll splay himself across Jigen or Goemon's laps like a cat. If he sees Fujiko going to tickle a foot, he lets her. He has a tickle machine somewhere. He says it all without saying anything.
They're usually so touchy with each other that once it spreads to Goemon, he doesn't have to ask for tickles at all. He gets flustered and red in the face and doesn't leave if they start, and that's all they need.
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you have any ideas of your own, the tickle part of the fandom is too small for how much we get in a great anime!
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william-s-churros · 11 months
painful definitive edition thoughts from one playthrough lol
i mean its lisa, so am i gonna complain that much? the campfire conversations are a nice touch, but they're so sporadic and im not sure how to trigger them so i wasted a lot of time and resources trying to get the damn things to happen. as for the rest of the game tho, it really is pretty much exactly the same, just with an added layer of frustration to get bonus content thats like. fine i guess. the terry convo is obviously very charming and sweet but its kinda like i feel like the trailer/promo material kinda overpromised this feature lmfao
SPEAKING of overpromising... i was really hoping for more enemies lmfao.... area 3 has always felt extremely unbalanced to me and i was kinda hoping like. something would be done about that, but it wasnt, so whatever. i do feel like im the promo stuff it was stated there would be more battles but perhaps i just misunderstood?
anyways, its lisa! obviously i had fun playing it. i was just kind of hoping it would be like... harder.... or like maybe had an even harder mode than pain mode... outside of savescumming to bring back guys who died in battle and falling off a cliff once, i think i only game overed during battle once? i dont give brad joy and i usually play one-armed, tho i have beaten it armless and even then i still didnt struggle as much as i hoped i would... oh how i miss the highs of being killed by the mens hair club like 5 times before getting into the proper groove of things and the rush of finally defeating them... i guess this is just what happens when youve played a video game like 20 times.... you git gud as they say. sometimes i really appreciate the ability to stunlock (for ex, when fighting an enemy with permadeath moves lol) but sometimes being able to do that really detracts from the challenge ykwim?
who knows, tho. theres probably some kind of fanmod for masochists like me out there and maybe i should look for it. most of the ones i have seen as qol mods that make painmode easier which is basically the opposite of what i want lmfao.
anyways, all in all-- its lisa! most of the character information i got from campfire conversations is extremely compatible with my own headcanons already too so lmao. its validating i suppose! but its kind of on me i think for hyping it up in my own head. i am curious to see what becomes of this fandom as more people play this game this way.
ive heard theres a secret ending if you get all the companions that im gonna try for next. maybe its all worth it... we'll see.
also i still gotta play joyful! i do wonder if a lot of the changes made were to joyful bc that game felt like such an afterthought in many ways lmfao. we'll see igss! im probs gonna keep replaying these games forever because i love them, but yeah. i guess i was expecting more lmfao. but i still liked it! and im excited to try and get other things, but i do sort of feel like like easter-eggy character interactions is cheap in terms of replay value for me anyway, maybe id feel differently if i were still at that stage with the game that i found the battles really challenging and stuff, idk, lmfao
OH EDIT; super appreciated the toning down if not outright omission of the antiblackness in the original game, altho the american indian stuff was still pretty stereotypes, tho im not entirely sure what you could do abt that besides a complete overhaul of the blood moon area lol
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having-conniptions · 11 months
KinnPorsche ep 1 Rewatch Rambles:
Had to pause after Kinn's first line. That's what hearing Mile's voice does to me now I guess
When I watched ktps for the first time I noticed pretty early on that reflections were a theme but I forgot just how much they were a theme
Apo Porsche is so- hhhhhhhshfjskkdfhhshsjfkejs
So weird to see Porsche bonking a chick lol
Not a fan of smoking but a big fan of Porsche smoking
Ewww Porsche really hit that dude with his piss bottle huh
Whoa when Porsche takes off Kinn's watch Kinn looks like he's already making plans to fuck this man
Their slutty shirts give me life
Oh yeah we're still feeling bad for the uncle huh
How did I not catch that inhaler / smelling salt ad the first time around?
Kinn reeeaaally wants to see Porsche again huh?
It's so weird seeing their early dynamic again
It's also very weird seeing Mile and Apo as Kinn and Porsche again - they're both so confident and sassy during their interactions, irl MileApo can't even hold eye contact without blushing
Kinn physically can NOT stop flirting with Porsche huh?
And they're both so handsome wtffffffff
I can't with Perth's Ken's faces lmao
Oh shit I forgot Porsche was supposed to be 23 he's my age somehow that feels wrong
Kinn did not have to spread Porsche's feet like that in the fight scene
Korn trying to convince Kinn to keep going after Porsche hits way different now
Barcode and Apo just keep breaking my heart with their acting
The generic posters on Chay's wall that just say "JAZZ" however just make me laugh my ass off
"Ey! Watch your mouth!" Perth's Australian accent gives me life
I really feel bad for Big now
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