#but yeah… Baby Blues ain’t it 😭
queenofallimagines · 4 months
Alexis ness x witch reader
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TAGLIST: @priv-rose
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Alexis Ness:
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- I am SO excited for this🗣️
- First of all fuck Harry Potter and fuck JK rat ass Rowling
- Good now That’s that’s out of the way
- He would literally be star struck like he def wouldn’t tell you he believes in stuff like that bc of his childhood
- But like when he sees your so chill he might joke around with superstitions
- But when you know more of them than he does,,,,?
- “Don’t forget! Salt over your left shoulder!”
- “Plant rosemary by your garden gate,lavender for luck and blow cinnamon into your house on the first of the month.”
- “I- what?”
- Putting some sigils for focus and luck in the shoes
- In the inside of the compression suit
- Reading incantations before a game to help(aka mumbling them while pressing kisses to his face)
- Putting a hex on the other team or players you don’t like (Kaiser)
- Kisses as a good luck charm
- Kissing isagi eyelids and forehead so he can smell his goals😔💕
- Charming a necklace he wears during games
- Putting something in his phone case for good measure so he can accidentally not respond to his family or kaisers texts💕
- You could put a little soccer ball charm on your altar for him🥺
- Alexis ness: Love please don’t hex the opposing team I want to win on my own
- Also ness: so like if you COULD hypothetically make isagi twist his ankle,,,,,
- He’s so funny and silly
- Asking you to turn people into frogs
- “It doesn’t work like that beloved”
- I like to think he would go to haunted places and drag you along
- If this is before he knows you’re a witch
- He pretends he just wanted to see the location and he don’t belive in ghosts n stuff
- Even tho he researched like 600 ghost protection methods before yall got here
- The two of you go in, joking around and having fun in the worn down building but the two of you stop dead in your tracks as you hear something?Footsteps...that aren't yours or his.
- Ness clutching you like a damn lifeline
- Your hearts are both pounding in your chests as you walk through the halls, unsure of what is making that noise that doesn’t sound like it’s coming from an animal…
- Mama ain’t raise no Bitch
- So you just straight up yell💀
- “Fuck off! go bother someone else!”
- Poor baby Ness quickly clamps his hand over your mouth, his eyes wide at your outburst. Whatever was making noise in the abandoned hospital immediately stops making noise tho 💅🏿
- Ness gives you the “you’ve lost your damn mind” look
- “Hey! Maybe don’t make whatever it is more pissed off-!”
- “That’s how you banish ghosts! so unless it’s something more dangerous you can tell them to kick rocks! We’re technically on their territory but like same thing I guess. They can’t do much but scare us and I’ve got like 10 protection charms they can’t really do much.”
- Pause
- Rewind
- Excuse me?
- “Y’all got about three seconds to get the fuck up out my way and two of ‘em are already gone because I don’t count shit but money so get to stepping Casper!”
- He’s going to propose to you
- “ Wait! You’ve got protection charms-!?”
- Ness is side eyeing you hard asf rn😭
- Not in a bad way but a “when was this??” Type of way bc he knew nothing of this
- “Ok then…but what about those ghost hunting shows! like there’s those that say that if they get pissed off they can hurt you for being on their ‘property’ if I remember correctly..”
- Like he’s pulling out his ghost busters encyclopedia lmao
- “Those are fake and I’m a witch they can’t fucking touch me. I’ve talked to demons🙄Some old grumpy spirit can’t do much but give me nightmares and even then they’ll have to box me about it”
- Lmao he’s like full stop staring at you wide eyed
- Kaiser baby you’ve been dethroned I fear
- A new emperor about to spin the block😔✊🏿
- Oh! And not let him hear you WORK with deities
- He will be like a kid in a candy store
- Like trauma suddenly gone lmao
- His ugly ass momma saying all that vile shit to him as a baby suddenly never happened
- He’s living his Peter Pan dreams!!
- Ness’ jaw drops to the floor as he hears you list out the demons you’ve worked with.
- Kinda thinks you’re making fun of him at first so he bristles at you but when he sees you’re not even smiling about it he’s even more shocked
- “So..you made a deal with them or something-? If you did that’s like….your soul is basically his now, right!?”
- “Not really? I just had to ask nicely.”
- Lmao he’s like trying to rewire his brain right now
- Nagging voices at the back of his head telling him
- Magic isn’t real and there’s probably a logical explanation for all of this like you’re so clearly kidding
- “Y-You’re like…a legit witch? Like you can do magic and summon stuff!?”
- “Yep”
- He stares for another few seconds before a smile creeps onto his face, his eyes going wide with amazement?
- Like you can actually see the stars
- “Dude this is SO COOL! You’re like a bad ass witch! Wait…CAN YOU DO MAGIC RIGHT NOW!?”
- Dragging you through the hospital as suddenly he done forgot about the shorts or whatever
- You flinch at something dripping but he don’t even turn around to look at it he’s rambling to himself for the most part
- “Alex baby It’s not like Harry Potter but I do curse people and do old ancient spells and stuff. Like I’m technically doing magic right now? I have a protective charm on us so nothing can try anything funny-“
- Lord
- He grabs your hand and starts yanking it
- Chill out???
- he’s excited about this magic stuff and as he holds your hand, he seems so innocent and curious about all of this now.
- “Show me some magic…PLEASE?”
- “Like what spell do you want? And again not like flying magic. It’s more…I guess stuff close to that? Still within the realm of reality. But I mean technically your parents do magic too right? They’re scientists. And just before you know how something works doesn’t mean it’s less magical yknow?”
- Ignoring the fact that last part is what sparked this entire head canon I’m right leave me alone
- “Eh..scientists are just nerds who figure out how things work, not really magical.”
- He’s gunna start pouting, he didn’t really believe in his parents nerdy sciencey stuff
- but your magic that’s WAY more interesting! Magic! Actual magic! How cool is that!
- “Magic isn’t just something you can’t understand. Like think of it. We don’t know shit about gravity and it’s still just a theory but if I drop something it falls right? Same principal. Things seen and unseen in this earth are magic. Like you can use chemistry in spell work all the time. like urine and bleach make chloramine gas and I’ve used that in curses.”
- See he only heard that last part I’m afraid
- was DEF not expecting the last part to come out from your mouth
- “I’m….You…put piss…into your curses?”
- “I WILL call the ghosts to come jump you on my behalf…”
- That got his ass In check real quick lmao
- “like the possibility that I CAN. Like it could be for a nightmare curse. Throw in some poppy seeds for mental unrest and nightmares, vinegar to sour their mind and maybe black pepper to get them to leave your life really fast.”
- “Huh…so piss, seeds, vinegar and black pepper in a mixture makes a nightmare curse…”
- “Why did you write that down….”
- Hope your grimore or whatever isn’t like private bc he WILL dig through that every chance he gets
- Got all the books on your shelves unorganized and fucked up be he done ran through them
- Like can you have some class??🙄
- Sits and stares at your altar for hours
- Like he’s looking at everything on it to see if he can figure it out
- No that table cloth is blue because that’s all I had leave me alone!!
- Back to deities
- He will always be polite
- Nothing if not a gentlemen
- Will say hello to them before YOU walking into the crib
- Like you know when a boy is so polite he talks to your whole family before even remembering he came there for you?
- That’s him
- “Hi great grandma! I bought you some of that liquor you like”
- Leaves more offerings then you I’m afraid
- He’s so baby deer coded they love him
- Everyone and they momma will ride or die for him.
- So like don’t let Kaiser be within a one Mile radius of your house and talking bad to him
- Matter fact? Don’t even watch his games in your home
- Bc now everyone mad
- “Why is he disrespecting my baby like that?”
- Like house is in shambles
- “Go give this to him”
- “What? But wasn’t this mine-“
- “Did I stutter?”
- He’s so beloved
- “I call him old man a lot. Or like Lucy-“
- “Lucy….king of hell, devil incarnate, Lord of the Underworld, and one of the most infamous fallen angels. And you call him LUCY?!”
- Jokes that your food is made with love but like now he’s not sure it’s a joke at this point….
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
Spoilers y’all! Also this one is REALLY long. And. Uh. Yeah.
Oh shit the Jabberwock figure!!! Is this the sword that the Campestri were talking about?
Blue vs red roses…….
Given that this is possibly the Palace/Kingdom of Heart’s Desire, maybe the blue represents the allies of Zybilna and the red represents the hags (or maybe opposite bc the temple seems to be of the hags—-idk)
Is the Jabberwock hag-aligned? Or is it kinda doing it’s own thing
Gricko and Frost go trick or treating w hootsie!!!
“Gideon chooses not to read. Torbek can’t read. We are not the same.”
Love that Gricko gaslit Gideon into pulling the sword out of the stone and he didn’t even have to try to get him to do it
Also love how Nikkie’s immediate idea is “let’s rip the page out of the expensive book”
“Gideon’s trying to vandalize private property” “That has NEVER been a problem for you before” “…We’ll talk about this afterwards.”
Oooh cool sword
Guys what do you think “galumphing” is—- there we go
“I don’t know if we count— we’re friends!” “They’ve seen you masturbate many times.” OH
At the jabberwock fighting arena. Straight up “galumphing” it. And by it. Well. Let’s juts say. My blade
Ohh wait maybe the roses thing is who can get to the Jabberwock first
He can’t galumph 😭😭
How many nat20s can Mace get
Oh shit!!! I think the blue petals was right!! It was an accident but still right
Love Gricko’s parental moments w Hootsie. I live for that
Oh it’s just some kid’s room
What if this girl is like Fate? Like she’s controlling the story as she plays with her toys
If she is fate and those two steeds are switched then I will be very happy
Hey leave Derek alone yes the connection is laid out but it’s a lot of info chill
OHHHHH FUCK THE LITTLE PRINCE!!!!!!!!!!!! YEP OKAY SO SHES PLAYING THE STORY AS IT GOES—- so who’s Grandmother??? Can’t be Zybilna as she’s asleep and locked away, id be so shocked if it was something like Baba Yaga
Grandmother brought her into the tower because she says it’s not safe. The child doesn’t know what’s outside the tower. The child says it’s not wise to say her name and that Grandmother says she is very powerful “even for her age.” Zybilna is stuck in time— I thought that meant she was trapped in slowed time but maybe she’s trapped in eternal childhood? That makes so much sense. Oh my god.
I’m convinced this child is Zybilna
THERES A SNAKE IN TORBEK’S BOOT. Very sad that Andy isn’t going the Toy Story route tho.
Why does Zybilna like the Jabberwock? Or whatever it was before? What was it before?? WHO IS THE PRINCE ACTUALLY??? And why can they not work without each other if the party is here now???
I am also scared rn. What if they never turn back.
Loving Derek’s mimings
“Do you have your Mojo Dojo Casa House?” “Well let’s find out— can you open your ass?”
Ohh is the Prince the King of Hearts??? That would make sense
HER TWIG PUPPET??? And the roses are bad????
“There ain’t no eyeballs in this ass!”
“You cannot see that boy anymore, T— I mean, Morgana” WHAT IS THE NAME YOU WERE GOING TO SAY??? If it’s Titania then I’m so wrong about everything
WHAT IF THIS CHILD IS THE BABY SISTER OF THE HAGS?????? Didn’t they say that the baby’s name is Tasha or something?? So why is she aligned with the Prince and, presumably, Zybilna??? DOES THIS MEAN THE GRANDMOTHER IS THE ENTITY IN THE HUT?????????????????????
Yup. Yup yup yup. So she’s not necessarily with Zybilna, just anti-Jabberwock for some reason. Why????
Well this is giving me some ideas
“Twig belongs to herself. Get rekt.”
“If anything happens to Twig, you will all pay the price.” Uh oh. Something’s gonna happen to Twig again.
also what if Zybilna and the fourth sister are the same? I think that might be not possible given timelines but still
HOLY FUCK IS THIS BABA YAGA????? (I’m very latched into this Baba Yaga thing but I think it’s right unless there’s someone else who fits the Time narrative better)
Mace save your 20s!!!!!
Shit man I gotta go to sleep
This is gonna be a TPK unless y’all run NOW
Gideon please use your fancy dagger
Frost is being iconic rn
Okay so Gideon is dead! Great!! Nikkie what’s your rule on taking damage beyond your death points??
You guys are not defeating this thing I’m so sorry
Oh my god. Gideon is dead. Like actually dead. Kremy is down. And Gricko told Hootsie to run. I’m sure he’ll catch up soon. Surely.
Nikkie what the fuck??!?!?! Why would you dread that???? Genuinely this thing is too much for these guys what the fuck is your plan
Oh my god Kremy is going to die
What possibly could they have done to get out of this????? The thing has tracking abilities they were fucked either way—- the only possible way to get out of this thing would be to get rid of the chess pieces quickly but NIKKIE KEPT DREADING THE GODDAMN INT AND PERCEPTION CHECKS
They’re not. They’re not getting out of this. They’re all dead.
There’s gotta be a reason Nikkie is going so viciously at this. There’s gotta be some sort of catch or save. Please let there be some sort of save. Please. Please. This has gotta be some sort of nightmare. Please let this just be a nightmare. Please. Please. Please.
Fuck this is literally Frost’s nightmare. This is exactly the situation he saw in the Tunnel of Terror. All his friends are dying and there’s nothing he can do about it. Also that is my nightmare specifically
This has to be a nightmare! Or some sort of dread vision!!!! They’re all gonna wake up at the end of the session and be fine!!!!!!!!
There’s no way that the Jabberwock just comes out and ends then. I know it’s totally powerful enough to do that but there’s so much story left.
Okay. Okay no. No one woke up. There was no dream. No nightmare. No thankful awakening. They’re dead.
I’m still going to hold out hope.
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harlowtales · 10 months
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Group Chat in Chaos…Again!! 😫
***18+ adult themes***
Ace: Never do that again bruh
Jack: WHAT??
Ace: I been tryna teach you how to dance for YEARS
Jack: I have a natural flow
Ace: I’m not one to kick a man when he’s down so… 😒
Trap: Yoooooo😳
Jack: Don’t start
Urban: My man’s funky chicken is top tier🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻💀
Jack: You know it bestie 🥰
Quiiso: Top tier 💩💩💩
Jack: Comments said I ate and left no crumbs😽
2Fo: You left something all right. Shame to your whole crew 😫
Jack: lies! Did you see my shoulder work??
2Fo: I tried not to look
Neelam: Jack I can’t represent you anymore
Jack: Ion need no manger that don’t appreciate a good wobble when she sees one😤
Trap: Broksi you know you only got one good ankle after that soccer game
Jack: OK y’all are not fr. My fans said…
Urban: You ATE
Jack: That’s why he’s THE BEST FRIEND
Cope: I’m the OG
Jack: My fault
Blue Panda: Let’s teach him the electric slide 😙
Ace: I tried that remember? Last cookout. He stepped on his own toes 😭
Phil: I think he’s graceful like a bird 🤗🤗🤗
Cope: Stop kissing ass to get that girl’s number Phil😕
Phil: Already on it bro 🫡
Jack: Laugh cuz imma bout to get a call from Dancing with the Stars ✨
Trap: That shows still on??
Drama: Bro. I think we have to cut ties. My label can’t be associated with this
Jack: Watch me release a deluxe dance version of the new album and make an instructional video 😈
Ace: On how to do what?😭
Y/N: Leave my man alone😤
Jack: Baby🥹🥹🥹
Y/N: We’ll get you help daddy don’t worry
Jack: Awwww I love you… wait what???
Y/N: Oops! Gotta walk the dog bye 👋🏾
Jack: Babe don’t do me like that😔
Ace: It’s ok bruh we all PG. It’s all love.
Quiiso: Yeah bruh we got you
Jack: Ion need no intervention. Y’all apologize🤨
Urban: Yeah
Phil: Yeah
Trap: STFU ass kissers😙
Neelam: Making a note to look for a dance teacher… tomorrow ✍️
Jack: Ok y’all getting lumps of coal in your stockings this year except for Urb and Phil🎅🏻
Ace: The only gift you could give me is never to publicly do that again. Swear on Usher’s grave bruh 🙏🏾 🙏🏾 🙏🏾
Jack: Usher ain’t dead
Quiiso: He will be when he sees this 😭 You done kilt a legend bruh
Ace: The first step of dance is admit you need help 🙏🏾
Jack: Ight… hope everyone got their shots off. Y’all done?
Urban: Maybe i’m high right now, but I’m impressed 🙌🏻
Y/N: I’m back ❤️❤️❤️🦮
Jack: oh yay😒
Y/N: You low key snapped😖
Jack: See!!! Just say it! I ATE!!!!🖕🏻🖕🏻
Y/N: Baby is that at me??😢
Jack: Idk what got into me. Sorry babe
Y/N: 😘😘😘
Trap: If y’all are gonna start I’m outta here
Quiiso: Same
Ace: Later
Blue Panda: Samesies!!
2Fo: Wait up twin! 🏃🏾🏃🏾🏃🏾
Urban: I’m gonna go smoke…another one
Drama: 👋🏽
Neelam: 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
Cope: I’ve got anywhere else to be but here
Phil: Not me! What are we doing besties?
Y/N: He’s all yours Phil
Jack: Babe wait!!
Phil: 😔
@jacks-daycare @itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow
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makoodles · 1 year
Tbh if bff jake offered to show me his dick I’m taking a tape measure out. He be like “whatcha doing?” “Measuring your dick duh” “well yeah I can see that but why?” “Cause 2 weeks ago you boasted that your dick was en I quote “a foot long dog!” So now I’m seeing if it’s true, but it’s seems you lying cause it’s only 8 inches. You your not a foot long” “no no no no no it is! Wait I just gotta get it up.” “Jake beating your stick ain’t gonna make it longer” “nah it ugh! It will! Hold on! Ugh god!” “Wow first seat stage to a Navi dude beating his schlong, this be great for science, mind if I record that buddy?” “Shut up! You challenged me on it so now I’m doing it! There! Measure again!” “Ok then…….damn, it’s true.” “Hah! Told you!” “Jake I can’t believe it, it’s actually a foot long! Dude that earns you a new nickname! I’m calling you subway foot long!” “Aw come on seriously? I thought you be more impressed” “oh don’t worry I am, I got first hand veiw of you beating your meat.” “I would do it everyday for you baby 😏” “oh wow so honored that head chief would beat his meat for me everyday, what is this blue magic mike?” “Yeah come on hop on! I’ll give you a ride!” “Jake that’s not gonna fit” “sure it will! Just gotta get you used to it” “nah dude that’s *holds tape measure up against my torso* bro that stops at my chest” “mmhmm 😏” “dude that penetrating several of my organs, ima have to take out my stomach and intestines, maybe a lung, just to even get that to fit” “well that means you feel it for days right?” “Jake I’m not gonna just “hop on” I don’t want to have to explain to norm why half my organs are destroyed, quit looking at me like that!” “Like what? 😏😏” “like that! God it’s like you think with your dick.”
this entire conversation absolutely took me out of it, i'm so 😭😭😭
jake definitely the type to make himself hard and then look at you like 😏😏 now what?
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g0ttal0ve101 · 11 months
1, 3, 4, and 22 for Lulu, Evelyn, and Sam :33
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who's the favorite?
Lucian - yes. always have and always will. he has one or two that he keeps by his pillows and the rest are just TANGLED in the blankets. you ain’t sitting on his mattress without suffocating at least one teddy bear with your ass 😭 - his favorite stuffy is a periwinkle bunny named lala :3 (but we all know his true favorite is kai 🤫)
Evelyn - why would she need a stuffed animal when she has her girlfriend to keep her warm? 🤭
Sam - YES. don’t let him fool you. he will hide them whenever someone comes to visit but TRUST me when i say he has a whole collection of kitty plushies. only cats tho. he loves cats.
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
If you were to ask Lucian, he’d probably say something along the lines of this: “he’s the nicest, cutest, sweetest boy in the whole wide world. you’d be jealous if you ever saw him. :3”
Evelyn would be more than happy to tell you a full synopsis on her girlfriend but she usually goes with a simple answer like this: “She’s just a doll. Cuter than a button and prettier than a dove.” (ok Shakespeare 🔥)
haha. Sam? haha. hahaha. um. heads up for the future NEVER ASK HIM THIS!! YOU WILL BE STUCK THERE FOR SIX HOURS. but something like this: “she’s stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, radiant, captivating, charming, elegant, striking, dashing, alluring, exquisite, lovely, mesmerizing, enchanting, irresistible, fabulous, charismatic, fashionable, incredible, incomparable, graceful, appealing, ravishing, sophisticated, magnetic, unforgettable, impressive, flawless, timeless, enthralling, divine, splendid, spellbinding, winsome, jaw-dropping, delightful, fetching, sensational, regal, opulent, sublime, statuesque, dreamy, mesmeric, sumptuous, admirable, dazzling, impeccable, ravishing, luminous, polished, remarkable, enigmatic, unblemished, tantalizing, unforgettable, classy, effortless, opulent, unparalleled,glamorous, immaculate, head-turning, exotic, bewitching, radiating, coveted, commanding, unrivaled, supreme, glamorous, unassailable, unmatched, enthralling, captivating, bewitching, unblemished, spectacular, resplendent, spellbinding, enigmatic, stunning, distinguished, unfading, irresistible, striking, vivacious, regal,spellbinding, impressive, majestic, ethereal, unforgettable, incomparable, breathtaking, sumptuous, resplendent, el-”
4. Do they look good in red?
Lucian - yeah but he looks the best in blue :3
Evelyn - yes she looks good in all colors!! green is definitely her color tho :3
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What's their go-to?
Lucian - he doesn’t like it. HE LOVES IT. call him babe and he’s down for the count. if he’s fond of someone, he’ll probably refer to them as sweetheart/sweetie or honey/hun. but if we’re talking about his BOO……baby every name in the book. kai will not escape them. his go-to is definitely honey though :3
Evelyn - she likes being called pet names by women lmao. men DNI 😡😡. she only calls violet any sort of pet name and it’s usually “darling” or “dear.” her go-to is 100000%…..DARLING DEAR though bc she’s British!! (ok Edgar Allen Poe 🔥)
Sam - he’s on his KNEES for a pet name. while he doesn’t particularly refer to others with any sort of pet names in fear they won’t like it, he does abbreviate a lot of people’s names. for example: riley = rie, lucian = lu, evelyn = ev, etc. if he DOES call anyone a pet name it will be riley and only riley. he leans more toward “baby/babe” :3
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msmargaretmurry · 11 months
music anon here!! hi!! how’s it going? heard you were kinda stressed so!! hope everything’s better!!
idk why but i’ve been on a weird mcstrome mood this past few days, and so i had to make a mcstrome blues playlist, because well. they were besties and now they’re not anymore.
i thought i’d share some songs with you as a token of gratefulness for your general existence <3 the vibes are kinda sad tho ngl. it’s a vision of their relationship that is just… bleak. so without further ado, mcstrome blues!
now that we don’t talk by taylor swift. “did you get anxious though?/ on the way home / i guess i’ll never ever know / now that we don’t talk” i’m just. there’s a post floating somewhere on swiftie tumblr along the lines of “this song is for the girlies with a dramatic best friend breakup” and. yeah that’s mcstrome to me
still got it + can’t go back baby (one right after the other) by troye sivan. his new album is full of bops btw but these ones…… man. cant go back baby is actually about being cheated on, so not really applicable here but. the hurt? phew 😮‍💨 (from the same album how to stay with you gives me matthew and leon getting together after matthew fucked off to florida vibes!!! “i feel my mother might like you / just not in the same way i do” that’s tthe tkatchuks baby!!! but i digress.)
ivy by frank ocean. “we had time to kill back then / you ain’t a kid no more / we’ll never be those kids again” hello??? also along these lines. ribs by lorde. a classic of the “i want to go back to the past but it’s impossible and it makes me go insane” vibe
the exit by conan gray. oh my god this one . “you love her / it’s over / you already found someone to miss / while i’m still standing at /the exit / i can’t hate you for getting everything we wanted / i just thought that i’d be part of it” this one is tied to irl stuff which. eh i know. but oh my god…
hope this wasn’t too long and that you enjoy (if you didn’t know these songs before!!) 🤍🤍🤍🤍
hello music anon!! lovely to hear from you as always 💖 i am indeed very stressed right now but it's okay, i will make it through. just one more month of the semester! two more months until my biggest work event of the fiscal year! i have the veterans' day holiday off from work today tho so before i dig into the massive pile of homework and household chores i have been ignoring, i took myself out for coffee to sit at a cafe and catch up on tumblr asks 😂
i have ALSO been in a weird mcstrome mood lately, i think because connor mcdavid is so miserable right now, so thank you for sharing this little playlist, it really hits the mcstrome sadness spot. like even beyond the hrpf of it all, it makes me sad because to me friendship is one of the most important things in the world and it makes me sad thinking about them not being best friends anymore! obviously, drifting apart from your besties when you were a teen is a pretty normal part of life for a lot of people, but i am still sad about it. they were so sweet about each other, and now we don't even know if they actually still talk ever 😭
i knew some of these songs but not all of them! as usual they are all going directly on my playlist for disassociating to on the metro to and from work. i love a pairing or character or story concept playlist so much (if you couldn't tell by how i tend to post playlists with my long fics, haha). thank you for sharing!! 💕
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paperstorm · 2 years
Hi! I had recently sent you a message that Crying During Sex by Ethel Cain is (at least for me) a hardcore TK song but she's got another one called Waco, Texas (demo version) that is SUCH a Carlos song during the breakup I absolutely had to share. Like just look at these lyrics my dude:
My honey’s heart is blue and a second offbeat Always tugging at me like he’s running out of daylight
Yeah, my baby acts cool but they all know something ain’t right
Only acting this cool when he’s walking with me
I hope I die today
Save me from another late night of red eyes
But then the morning comes
You were there looking for me but I
I was gone, turned my back for a moment and
You had fallen apart
Now the weight’s too much and I can’t hold you anymore
How much of a cruel year can you call my fault?
Not even the memories are immortal
Terrified on this side of a conversation
A conversation we’ll never come back from
I’ll never live it down if I never get around it
Cause goddammit, I did it to myself in hindsight
I liked him cause his rule was do whatever you like and I tried alright
Now I’ll wear these scars for life
I loved you when it hurt inside to
But in the low light
You know I’d do anything for you
You know it’s true cause I’ve said it to you
Held in my arms, I swore I’d be good to you
Then sat and watched as you walked away from me
Christ is cool but you're so cooler
This is beyond perfect you cannot tell me that this was not what was going through his head after TK left 😭😭😭
Ooh that does work well for breakup carlos! I’m not familiar with this song, I will have to listen
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yamahex · 2 years
Jackman having a little brother and him and the reader go to visit his family, but when they get their his little brother “steals” the reader from him and just jack playing around being jealous pls! Also love your writings!
Brotherly Feud
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A/N: Tysm I love this idea, so this is set when Jack was 18 so that makes Clay about 15. Also I made Clay a little cringey cause he’s a freshman in high school and I wanted to give him that young Casanova type vibe (even though I know he probably didn’t act like this 😭)
“Y/N! Jack’s here!” Your mom yelled up the stairs.
“Coming!!” You quickly fixed up your outfit, feeling excited to go over to Jack’s house again. You wore a pair of loose ripped blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and some Adias.
Your steps echoed through the house and you met Jack as he stood by the door.
“Hi baby!” You practically leaped into his arms.
“Hey beautiful, you ready?” You nodded and he grabbed your hand.
“Bye mom! Bye dad!”
“Have fun honey, be safe!!”
The two of you walked out to his car. Jack being the gentleman he is opened the passenger door for you, then got in on his side.
You leaned in and gave him a quick peck.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You sensed his tenseness.
“What’s up J?” He sighed and started to drive off.
“Nothing I just don’t wanna deal with Clay’s annoying ass.” You giggled.
“Aww stop.”
“Nah he’s always extra when you come around.”
“He has a little crush on me babe, it’s cute.”
“Mhm if you say so.” You laughed and turned up the radio. Watching the neighborhood pass in the windows made the drive go by fast.
The car soon pulled up to his house and you quickly got out. Jack opened the door and you were greeted by the smell of food.
“In the kitchen!” The two of you walked into the kitchen and were met with a huge smile on Maggie’s face.
“Y/N, Hi it’s so good to see you again!” She set down her spoon and gave you a hug while Jack sat down at the table.
“It’s good to see you too!”
“How are things?”
“Pretty good, still deciding between some med schools but other than that I’ve been good.”
“That’s great, I was just making dinner.”
“Oh do you need help with anything?”
“Yeah you can help me cook. Jack go get your brother and father, they’re out in the garage.”
He nodded and made his way outside. Clays head turned towards the door and smiled.
“Aye, bout time you showed up.” He walked up to Jack and gave him a hug after doing a little handshake.
“Had to pick up Y/N.” Brian walked up to the two boys.
“Thank you for bringing my future wife.”
Jack smacked his lips and lightly pushed Clay.
“Man we not starting this, mom wanted me to come get y’all.” He turned around and started to walk out of the garage.
“You’re just mad cause she likes me!” The young boy jogged after his brother making their father laugh.
You looked up from setting the table and smiled at seeing the boys.
“Hi Mr. Harlow.” He walked up to you and gave you a hug. “Good to see you but please we’re practically family, call me Brian.”
You smiled and Jack looked at your proudly.
Brian moved aside and your eyes fell upon Clay.
“Hey Clay.” Your arms opened for him.
“Hey girl, I missed you.” You giggled.
“Aww I missed you too. How’s school?”
“It’s alright, wish you were still there tho.” Jack scoffed and smacked the back of his head.
“What was that for??!”
“Cause you’re doing too much, per usual.” He walked behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Alright boys let’s not fight over Y/N like a piece of meat, dinners ready.”
“I call sitting next to Y/N!” Clay rushed to sit next you.
Maggie served the food and everyone sat down to enjoy.
“It’s good ma.”
“Yeah Mrs. Harlow, it’s delicious.”
“Not as delicious as you Y/N.” You choked out a laugh and Jack’s head snapped towards Clay. Clay had the classic dorky, freshmen flirt personality that you found adorable.
“Clay…” Maggie lightly scolded.
“Sorry, I just want Jack to know he has competition.” Everyone at the table chuckled.
“Bro you’re too young for her.”
“Age ain’t nothing but a number.” He looked at you and raised his eyebrows. You smiled and placed a tiny harmless kiss on his cheek, which made his eyes widen and his cheeks blush.
Brian and Maggie laughed.
“Uh oh, looks like your brother just stole your girlfriend.”
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yodeleyewho · 6 months
Baby Blues had such a great beginning and middle, but it absolutely fumbled its ending. The entire episode was Maria fighting to get her child back, she stowed away on a plane just to sneak into America to find her child. She was so happy when they finally found him, but at the end she’s like “aw actually he should stay with his family :(“
….. what?
Sure, she probably saw that her child would be living a safer and stable life if he stayed in Miami, but we didn’t even see Maria struggle with that throughout the story, she had her goal set to get her baby back even if her country wasn’t the safest. Idk I’m just disappointed with the ending.
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