#but yes hi hello this is different from my usual style of giffing
hydrodragons · 1 year
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kazuhaventi's character roster ✦ (insp: 1, 2)
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marinerainbow · 2 years
No one asked, but here are some headcannons for the one and only,
~Jessica Rabbit~
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(Why isn't this GIF used more often? No joke, she looks amazing here (then again she looks amazing in the whole movie))
I've seen people headcannon Jessica is asexual, and that's definitely awesome to see! However, I personally think she's demisexual. In one of the canon Roger Rabbit shorts, specifically 'Tummy Trouble', at the end we see Jessica actually instigate/suggest pattycake to Roger. And it wasn't in the cartoon she was starring in with him, it was after they were off set. So it does look like she does enjoy that sort of thing, but only with her husband. Again, I'm not ragging on anyone who sees her as ace, this is just my personal opinion.
I saw a post on here saying that Jessica's maiden name might be Krupnik, and that implies she's Jewish. And honestly, regardless if that's canon, I like it. I'll have to look into it more. Not necessarily a personal headcannon I guess, but I'll still add it.
Jessica wants to be a baker someday. Yes her main job is a singer and actress, but her real dream is to own a bakery. So far she's just baked for Roger and their neighbors, but she's getting there. And it's not just baked goods, she's a master with the frying pan. Cooking dinner together is one of hers and Roger's favorite at home dates (Disney, where's the Jessica Rabbit restaurant?)
This one i highly doubt is canon and I imagine would be difficult to figure out how it would work for toons, but I'll still share. Her hair kind of looked like it was ready to fly off when she and Eddie were driving out of Toontown, and that led me to this headcannon: Jessica has alopecia. She usually just sticks with red hair, but she'll wear different wigs based on what character she'll play in a cartoon (maybe it was Jessica playing as Hello Nurse from animaniacs?). And you all know Roger supports and adores her anyway and helps take care of her wigs. (I do know that some people just have wide foreheads or hairline, and I can see that with Jessica too! I just like imagining Roger reassuring Jessica she's beautiful no matter what).
I'm nor sure why, I have no reason to think this, but I like the idea that she and Smartass used to be friends before the events of the movie. Who knows, maybe he gave her relationship advice from his last marriage. I'm not sure what would have happened between them, (aside from you know, framing her husband for murder and trying to get him killed), but I do crack-headcannon that he wasn't her best man (man of honor?) at the wedding, and that's what made them enemies.
I think that Jessica genuinely likes to be beautiful. She doesn't like the attention and judgment that comes with it of course, but frankly that says more about the people around her than her herself. She likes putting on her makeup in the morning, she likes wearing her dresses, she likes styling herself. And not just her own cosmetics, I can imagine she likes picking out new furniture for the house (not all the time, just when it's needed), and she loves helping Roger put together his outfit for the day. There's nothing wrong with styling oneself, and Jessica can preach to the choir on that one.
Speaking of the choir, Jessica volunteers at singing classes to help others with their own voices. She's a very sweet teacher and will offer tips on how to stretch your voice or sing those high notes without strainging yourself too much (What if this is how she and Roger met? He went to a class she was helping out in, and they hit it off?).
This was seen somewhat in the squeal comic Resurrection of Doom. I think Jessica has a soft spot for horror films. Specifically the classic horror films like Frankenstein or Dracula. She's not a die hard horror fan, but she does enjoy them from time to time. She knows Roger doesn't like them though, so she won't force him to watch them with her. But of course, he loves her just as much as she loves him, so he'll still watch them with her, as long as she holds him during the scary scenes.
This is kind of a darker headcannon; just mentions of drugging, but proceed with caution. In the club, or when she's out, she'll keep an eye out for any suspiciously fizzy or cloudy drinks. She has lost count of how many times she's caught someone trying to roofie somebody else, and she'll teach others how to look out for bad drinks. She mentions in the deleted scene that someone tried to break in her dressing room once, so who knows how many times someone tried to drug her as well? Needless to say, she doesn't play around with that shit (if I could draw, I would definitely draw her punching a roofie user in the face)
Any questions anyone has, I'm more than happy to answer! ^^
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Are you still accepting prompts? If yes, then how about: Closer?
Could be Closer as in Closer by Josef Salvat (a favorite of mine that always makes me think of Q and Bond) or just plain Closer for you to work your magic on ☺️
I'm so sorry you've waited ages for this. I was so close with it so many times, but it took me until today to crack it.
Again, it's longer than I'd usually make these (1750ish words), so feel free to read on AO3 if you'd prefer. Under the cut for those who'd rather read here.
(Oh, and the gif doesn't mean this is related to Spectre - it's not. You can ignore all timelines in canon! I just liked the mood.)
Enjoy! 🥰
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it gets the better of me.
Bond and his Quartermaster get on well. They’re two different beasts; one a grand old warship and the other a stinging cyber virus. And yet, they have enough in common with each other for there to be a pull. Bond is familiar with the chemistry that constantly brings two people into the same orbit, and he feels it with Q. He and Bond both share a taste for the finer things, and they’ve recognised each other as a luxury worth having.
All right, Bond might be a bit ahead of the game on that last point.
The Quartermaster is easy to read but much harder to get to know. Bond spends weeks trying to hack into his file to no avail, then even longer trying to draw information out of him over Q branch benches, pub tables and on Q’s lovely, surprisingly old-fashioned couch.
He doesn’t find out much, but one thing does become immediately apparent: Q is easily scared away.
He draws back from every intentional touch Bond initiates. Each laugh or genuine smile he gives is short-lived and quickly shut away. Bond’s asked him to dinner a dozen times and been rebuffed kindly after every invitation. In the aftermath, Q withdraws a little further until, like sinking into gravity, he’s drawn in again.
But he is drawn in. Q banters with him like it’s going out of style. He orders an extra helping of his takeaway dinners when they’re both working late. On the rare occasion where they both make it to work drinks, Bond will occasionally feel the touch of Q’s hand on his leg as he drunkenly explains some technical concept. During the many comfortable stretches of silence between them, Bond will sometimes see him open his mouth and then close it again, shaking off whatever compulsion has come over him.
It’s a dance; one Bond is happy to keep moving to as long as Q is. And until Bond’s latest dinner invitation, he would have said Q was content with dancing too.
“If you think I’m about to compromise my career to have an office fling, you’re more of an idiot than I thought you were,” Q snaps. His hands are clutching a throwing knife, knuckles white.
Stupidly, Bond feels offended. Juvenile as it is, it takes an enormous effort to keep his expression even, and he’s not entirely sure he manages it. He’s being hypocritical, of course, because Q’s right. He’s the youngest Quartermaster in history, certainly a rare bird, and Bond has no right to a hair on his head, even if Q’s assumptions about his intentions aren’t entirely correct.
It doesn’t help that Bond doesn’t even know what he wants from Q, except to be closer to him. He wants to know what those dextrous hands feel like trailing over his skin, to find out what that thick mop of hair feels like between his fingers, to hear what Q’s laugh sounds like when it’s free, easy and unrestrained.
Truthfully, beyond the ability to keep talking, touching and exploring, Bond rarely knows what he wants from the people he falls for. He’s never had the luxury of time to consider anything further, but Q is either naive enough or demanding enough to ask him to consider everything.
Bond resolves not to ask again and says so to Q.
“Good,” Q replies. “See that you don’t.”
Two days later, he proffers his next professional favour from Q Branch. He receives a resigned, knowing look in response, and at the end of their fifteen-minute meeting, Bond can’t help but feel as though he’s lived up to some rather disappointing expectations.
Despite Q’s help, the next mission goes tits up.
Bond spends two weeks in Medical with swelling to his head, three broken ribs and a stab wound. Every day involves some new kind of humiliation, and all at once, it’s very, very clear to him that he’s getting too old for this rubbish.
He feels sore and ancient when he leaves the hospital on a quiet Wednesday night. Moneypenny picks him up and gives him a look bordering on pity.
“Home?” She asks, pulling out of her parking space.
“No. Q’s.”
She stops the car at an angle that would undoubtedly frustrate any drivers behind her. There aren’t any, but he suspects she wouldn’t give a shit if there were. She twists back from looking out the rear window and squints at him.
“What are you doing, James?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business, Eve.”
She mutters something about men being idiots, and he tunes her out. He’s heard the rant before because most men are idiots, at least around MI6, Bond especially.
The drive is tense. He’d never been especially persistent with asking Moneypenny to dinner. On her first refusal after Shanghai, he’d let the matter go. Since then, oddly enough, she’s confined her flirting to her office. Whenever he meets her outside of work, she approaches him with weariness and caution, and he’s getting awfully fucking sick of it, given she still calls herself a friend.
“He came by the hospital a few times, you know,” Moneypenny says, interrupting his thoughts. “I think he likes you.”
“I know.” After a minute of silence, he looks over at her and confesses, “I like him too.”
She closes her eyes briefly. Bathed in the vivid red of a traffic light, she looks quietly mutinous. “You’re going to hurt him.”
Bond bites back a sarcastic response because even when Q isn’t in the vicinity, he deserves Bond’s honesty.
“I’m going to try very hard not to.”
He suspects there are a thousand replies she’d like to give him, but no sooner does she park the car outside Q’s house than he’s out of the car and waving her goodbye.
The sight of Q opening the door drains him of all his tension. The relief he feels at seeing him is bone-deep, and though his ribs are killing him, he’s buoyed enough by the sight in front of him to stay standing.
“Oh. 007!”
“May I come in?”
Q’s house looks the same as ever, if a touch more cluttered than it usually is. Bond has a vague, hazy memory from the hospital of Q ranting about his hours, so it’s possible he just hasn’t been home to clean. He apologises for the mess while he clears up, stuffing his arms with as many mugs, cat toys and weapons catalogues as they can hold. When he’s done, he looks around the room and gives a short, approving nod. The whole routine is so endearing that Bond can’t help himself.
“Say yes to dinner. Please.”
Q’s eyes snap to where Bond’s leaning against the couch. Hurt blazes across his face, and Bond feels it like a punch to the gut.
Christ. As if he wasn’t sore enough.
“Your audacity is breathtaking, 007.”
Bond walks over and takes him by the shoulders, trying to keep his touch light and comforting. “So I’ve been told. It doesn’t mean I’m not serious.”
“I don’t know what you want from me,” Q sighs, frustrated.
“I don’t know either,” admits Bond. “I don’t know what I want from anything in life, Q. All I know is that from the first day I met you, I wanted to spend time with you. Isn’t that enough?”
“I’ve told you before. I won’t ruin my career for an office fling.”
“I don’t want a fling.”
Q narrows his eyes. “You just said you didn’t know what you wanted.”
True enough, but he knows what he doesn’t want, which is to leave Q in the dust like a mission target. He’s got six weeks of leave lined up, which seems enough time to figure out whether he and Q can make a go of this. Maybe it’ll also be enough time to figure out whether he ever wants to pick up a gun again, though he suspects that decision was made the moment he woke up in hospital with his body feeling like one giant knife wound.
Bond’s never been one to overthink a decision, after all.
“I’ve got six weeks of medical leave. I’d like to spend it getting to know you.”
“I’m sure you already know me,” says Q, fixing his gaze somewhere near Bond’s navel.
Bond tilts his chin up.
“Some of you, maybe. But I don’t know what you do at home outside of hosting the occasional dinner party. I don’t know if you actually enjoy art or whether all that talk at the National Gallery was just posturing.”
Q snorts. “This is some way to woo a man, Bond.”
Bond ignores that. Instead, he runs his thumb over Q’s cheekbone and catalogues the way Q’s eyelashes flutter in response.
“I don’t know what you look like first thing in the morning,” Bond murmurs. “And I can wait for that, but I’d like to find out eventually.”
Q’s posture is unbearably stiff. The tension doesn’t relent until, being a competent enough spy to know when something is a lost cause, Bond lets him go. He’s got a feeling he’s cocked this up monumentally, that perhaps he cocked it up months ago by being the absolute prick Q expected him to be.
“Tell me to bugger off, and I will. I’ll never ask again.”
A long silence follows, where the only sounds Bond can hear are those of the ticking clock above Q’s fireplace and one of the cats meowing from the other room. He’s considering making his way to the door when Q grabs onto his arm. His grip is tight, as if he’s trying to draw courage from this one action alone.
Bond feels hope spark in his chest.
It dawns on him that he hasn’t felt such a thing in years, not since he saw Vesper’s bare décolletage in Venice. This time, it’s different. Slower-burning, certainly, but no less desperate.
“Forgive me,” whispers Q. “I’m not a brave man, I…”
“You’re plenty brave.”
Q gives him a cautious smile. “Well, then. There’s a lovely wine bar down the road that does excellent tapas. Does Friday at seven work?”
Bond grins, a ridiculous thing with teeth that hurts his battered face. He puts a hand over the one Q has resting on his arm and delights in the flush on the other man’s cheeks.
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fa-by · 3 years
Hello babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗 I'm back with a new ‘Q&A’ post. Sorry, it took me longer than usual. I'll explain to you at the end of the post. For now, enjoy 🙃
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I've already talked about it here, dear Anon, https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648194553804881920/%C9%9F (first question) and then here https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648194746313031680/%C9%9F (fifth question).
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And who said I think Camila is a lesbian, dear? 😏 Maybe you mistaken me for some other blog? Because, I've never said that, dear. I've never been asked about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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You must be new to my blog if you're asking me this question, dear Anon. Welcome 🤗 and my answer is no, dear. Neither of them has ever cheated on the other. They're both way too loyal for that shit.
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No, dear Anon. And always keep in mind that this is just my opinion and that therefore I could be wrong.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 First of all, thank you 🥺🥰 Thank you very much for your words, dear, you're super nice and I really appreciated it very much 🤗
As for stuck, we didn't fight or anything like that. I guess we just drifted apart 🤷🏻‍♀‍ even before she entered the Marvel world, but I can't tell you why she never liked and re-blogged my posts, dear 🤷🏻‍♀️
Let's call it my flaw if you want, but I don't like any posts myself (not even my girlfriend's), but that doesn't mean I don't like many posts I see. It's just the way I am 😅 I leave comments every now and then though 😅 And neither does it mean I wouldn't like to interact with you guys if you ever want to contact me or tag me or get me involved in something. It may not seem like it maybe because I don't re-blog and put likes around, but trust me, it's not like that.
Going back to stuck, I really can't tell you why. I mean, I'm not her so I can't answer you. Maybe you should ask her directly, dear. @stuckinapatriarchalbullshitland​
I hope you have a very nice day too, dear Anon. Thank you so much again, and please, be sure to take care of yourself too 😘
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Hello to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and don't thank me, dear 🙈 It's really a pleasure for me to interact with you guys and help you in any way I can 😊
So. Yeah, I think what you think, dear. Mila was definitely the one to make the first move, but as far as putting aside pride and the decision to give it another try, it was something they both did because they each had their own reasons. Remember, dear, there are two people in a couple.
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Hey dear sneaky little one 👋🏼😄 I'm good. How are you? It's a pleasure, dear, you don't have to thank me for that 😊
I'm not sharing them with you guys yet just because they're personal observations that not everyone can agree on and, as you may have noticed, I like to tell you guys what I think with real facts that I can prove. In this case, it would be like in this picture:
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I hope that with this example you understand better what I mean, dear sneaky little one. Come back any time you want and take care of yourself too 🤗😘
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Hey dear Anon, why are you so down? 😟 Don't be 🤗 I know it's hard to think positively about them, but think about everything we've endured so far. Think about how strong we are. Whatever's thrown at us, it won't change our minds because we know the truth. Now, come on, dear, smile 😁 Enjoy the small wins instead of having them ruined for you by the possible eventuality of them doing something. And remember, we're in this together 💪🏼
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I swear to you that when I saw it, I was like 📢🔊 Your loving takes me higher 🎵 You set my heart on fire🎵 When you touch my body got me singing like Mariah!!!! 🎵🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Hello to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄
1) No, dear, you can't force something on someone who agreed to do things like this in the first place. I'll explain better. PRs are accepted by those directly involved, who then sign a contract. It's a commitment they're bound to respect from the moment they have accepted and signed the contract. If they don't respect it, they then have to pay the consequences (if you’re interested, I wrote a post about how PR relationships work here: https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648193061847023616/pr-stunt-relationships-%C9%9F). I'll give you a silly example. Think of it as when one day you didn't want to go to school but you had to go anyway. It's pretty much the same dynamic because even if you didn't want to go that day, or several days, you knew you had to and you did. I hope it went well as an example 😆
2) Yes, but which of the two teams, well, that depends, dear. It depends on who's reaching whom and where. It depends on whether they're traveling together or not. And it depends on the purpose of that particular stunt, like if is some particular event or not.
3) No, dear, absolutely not, don't worry 🤣 Everyone has their own room. The rooms are very likely to be close together though, or at least on the same floor, that's for sure.
4) Yes, when possible, of course. The more people see the couple doing everything together, the more believable they seem.
Don't thank me, dear, it's really a pleasure 😊 Have a good day too ❤️
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Not necessarily, dear Anon. Mila started work on her third album during the pandemic in her studio, so no one had to pay for her. Besides, when a contract expires and there's a re-sign, it doesn’t necessarily mean that an announcement will be made about it since the record label is still the same. Announcements are made if there's some kind of important addition, such as for example happened with 5H when they had to re-sign as a quartet for legal reasons with Syco/Epic, and it was only announced because of the addition of a contract with Sony Music as the sponsor for their last album.
Having said that: 1) Since her movie has been postponed again, I would say in 2022. 2) I really hope not because they would be really stupid to do it again. Plus, I don't think the PR will last until the released of her album. 3) I have to admit you made me giggle here, but no, dear 😂 don't worry. Producers, composers, songwriters, etc., work with a lot of different artists who have different styles. Mila’s nothing like Chimp, and she can’t do anything boring. It isn't in her blood. No pun intended at all there 😏🤣
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Hi to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and you got it right, buddy! We think the same way!
They had gotten to a really bad point in their relationship. A point where they were no longer themselves, either in the couple or individually. For me, what happens in the Havana music video is what happened in reality as well. It was obviously told in an artistic and funny way there. Like the scene of Juan literally ‘coming out of the closet for her’ because he thought it was the best thing for their relationship. In that scene, he gets down on his knees to ask her to marry him, but in reality, at least for me, it represents December. It represents the ‘begging’ in a disguised and artistic soap opera way. It represents Lauren's last attempt to make things work between them. Which is related to the “You love me”, “I do love you. But I love me more” scene in which Camila leaves everything behind. And if you think about it, we can also find this connection somewhere else: 🎶 “Nobody talks about walking away when there's still love” 🎶. Always Love by Laur. Luckily, at the end of the video, she really is ‘took back to her Havana’ as it also happened in reality.
It's all connected, dear. There's a connection and an explanation for everything they do artistically. Just pay attention and you'll be able to connect the dots like you did in this case too. Give me a virtual high-five! 🖐🏼 And have a good day too, dear Anon ❤️
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Hello to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 Thank you very much, dear, and don't worry, I've been never asked that. So. Before answering your questions, let's take a look at the facts, okay? Especially for the baby Camren shippers.
Leilani is Dinah's aunt by marriage. She has always interacted with fans and we saw her in several videos even with Dinah herself, but the first time she showed herself to us as problematic was on July 18, 2016. Leilani tweeted an attack on Taylor Swift and apologized the next day by saying of having been hacked:
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Yeah, suuure, because hackers around the world were waiting for nothing but hacking her 🙄 But let's move on. September 8, 2016, was the day Laur cried several times during the concert in Phoenix, Arizona. The next day, on the 9th, before the concert in Irvine, California, Laur tweeted to thank the concerned fans, and Leilani replied to the tweet by exposing L because of the ‘her’:
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On December 21st, 2016, she did a live where she talked about Camren after fans asked her about it: https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_qvandqF63c1ykfr3q.mp4  (I also put the sub in the video myself)
On January 8, 2017, she posted two Snapchat stories in which she spoke again about Camren with one of her nieces: https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_qval74yFz61ykfr3q.mp4 
On January 29, 2017, both Camila and Lauren blocked her on social media:
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She continued to strike by attacking Camila months later. On July 13, 2017, the same day the 5H interview with Billboard came out, Leilani attacked her by basically calling her a whore. Tweet to which C replied with suspense dots and a Rihanna GIF:
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On December 5, 2017, Camila posted the album cover and title by saying that the pre-order would've been possible from the 7th. Because of the album cover picture, Leilani attacked with the first tweet on December 5th, and continued on the 6th:
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Then nothing else problematic.
Yes, of course she knew about Camren. All the people close to them know about Camren. Leilani has always been a person who likes attention. She has always liked to show off and be noisy and messy in doing so. It didn't matter how ridiculous she was or that her actions fell upon her niece. The fact that she seemed to be joking and that she was always so evasive and confusing on the subject, is because she herself knew she was going to pay the consequences. She could never have said “yes, they're real” and stick to it. Also because the one who would've paid the most consequences would've been Dinah. You know, being her aunt, it was like her responsibility. And I think D really paid the consequences for something she didn't do. At least, before the sharks took the reins and told her what to do (Leilani through Dinah). It’s happened to a lot of people close to them to get involved over the years. It has been noticed a lot more from 2015 onwards, but especially in 2017 to increase the story of the fake feud between the girls.
So basically, yeah, she was problematic and loud and messy and all of that, but for the most part, she was just following the script.
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Hi to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 welcome and thank you very much 🙃 My answer to your question is yes, they've been for a long time by then. You'll find more details on all of that dynamic below in the next ask, dear.
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Kinda? 🤣 Okay, let me explain, dear Anon. There was no cheating if this is what you thought with my first answer. But let's go in order. I'll shed some light on the story with Luis once and for all.
Luis Santos' first appearance for us was on January 13, 2013 when Laur posted this picture on IG:
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One year later exactly, on January 13, 2014, L posted this picture:
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Then we have the one on February 24th (when the girls arrived in Miami because they had three dates in Florida for The Neon Lights Tour) and those of February 25th, 2014 after the concert (posted the day after):
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We have the one of April 13, 2014:
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The prom ones of May 17, 2014, which were the last pictures with Luis that Laur posted:
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And lastly, we have Laur’s birthday one posted by Luis:
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The latter lets us understand that their story officially began on January 27, 2014. We don't know when it ended exactly (let's suppose at the beginning of July) because we only had confirmation of it in August thanks to the explanation that Clara gave for that fake scandal:
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Now. This is the official story. The one we should’ve bought. But let me show you the behind the scenes. This is Melanie Mueller, Luis's ex:
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Luis was in a relationship with Melanie from early August (unfortunately, Luis and Melanie's profiles are all private, but not Melanie's old Twitter) until, according to the narrative, late November 2013:
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And this is where the juicy stuff begins. Luis stated that he and Mel were no longer together:
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The date coincidentally matches the beginning of his relationship with Lauren on January 27, 2014, right? Right. So how do you explain the fact that Luis and Mel were on a romantic date exactly 13 days after he said they weren't together anymore?
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As you can see from the date, it was February, and weren't Lauren and Luis already together since January 27th? 😏 The funny thing is that they kept interacting and taking pictures together:
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And then there's the best part. The Camren shippers went wild that year in replacing Luis's face with Camila's twice. The first one with the prom picture 🤣:
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And the second one with April picture. Sorry, I really tried but I couldn't find the original manip. But don't worry, I have two better things 😏:
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Ohh, I think we know, Mel 😎
And how can we forget one of the many things that remained in the fandom's history and which coincidentally happened just in February a week before the picture of Luis and Melanie's romantic date:
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Now that I've given you proofs, it's theory time. We know about the friendship with benefits, the Like Friends Do situation that Camren had, and we know that Lauren was in denial. Luis was a shield. Her shield, especially for the public. It wasn't a PR created by the labels, but by Lauren herself. Laur and Luis were friends, and I mean, they still have been for years. Laur simply asked him for a favor and he accepted. Laur stayed in Miami throughout the Christmas period until the first week of January 2014 before flying to L.A. with the girls. It was then, in that time spent at home that she asked him, and despite knowing the risks, despite knowing he would face fans' hatred, and despite having a girlfriend, Luis agreed to be the fake boyfriend just to help his friend in need. I don't think she told him the real reason behind it right away, but she definitely told him once she and Mila finally got together. Laur came out to her family in early 2015, but it doen't mean she didn't to her friends before. Especially once she and Mila became official in April 2014.
So, dear Anon, yes, in a way, Lauren was with Camila and Luis, but in reality, she was never with Luis.
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Hi to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 Thank you very much, dear, and that's okay. I don't mind helping when and if I can. It's not a problem at all for me 😊
So, as far as Lolo's situation is concerned, I honestly think Columbia has very little to do with her situation. I mean, Columbia is the biggest record label under Sony Music and has always had a lot of successful artists. From the great names that have made history to the most recent but still famous ones: Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Aretha Franklin, Frank Sinatra, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Celine Dion, Paul McCartney, Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Adele, Alicia Keys, Ricky Martin, Pharrell Williams, Robbie Williams, Katy Perry, Shakira, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Diplo, OneRepublic (Ryan Tedder), Miley Cyrus, Harry Styles, Zain Malik, Little Mix, Calvin Harris, BTS, Lil Nas X, Meghan Trainor, etc., etc., etc. Believe me, there are really, but really many names that I haven't put in this list.
The purpose of a record label is to make money. To do that, the label finds an artist. The label decides if it's worthwhile for them to sign the artist by investing and advancing the money on them, and if the label believes they can make money with their music, then they don't think twice before signing them. So they invest in the artist, develop them, promote them through the artist's team, and distributes their music in exchange for a percentage of the revenues. If things go smoothly and well, there's a gain, but if things go wrong, the label loses money. [If you want to know more about how the music world works and what the girls had to go through, I wrote a post about it here: https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/648192055443619840/how-the-music-world-works]
Now, what did I mean by that? As I said before, Columbia is the number one, the biggest and most important umbrella music label under Sony Music Entertainment. So why on earth would a label as big as Columbia Records have signed Lauren and invested in her, but then thwart her and lose a lot of the money they invested themselves? It wouldn't make any sense because it would be like self sabotaging themselves! And what did I say is the purpose of a record label? To make money. Don't be fooled by anyone about it, dear.
I could have understood if this had been an isolated case; if Laur had been the only one among the girls (LAND) who hadn't released an album. But it's not like that. Something, and I'm 100% convinced it's something from their old contracts, has held all four of them up until now. We'll see, dear Anon. Sooner or later, the truth will come out because it always does. Even if it takes years.
Don't apologize, dear, really 😊 Hope things are great with you too and please, take care of yourself too 🤗
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Hey to you, dear Anon 👋🏼😄
Nada is a song that is part of Tainy's EP called Neon16 Tape: The Kids That Grew Up on Reggaeton, and it's about how two people in an unofficial relationship want completely different things. The guy doesn't want anything serious unlike the girl.
Now. I understand why you're confused, dear. After reading the lyrics and thinking about Camren, you've surely wondered “Where the fuck is Camila in all of this? But does it have something to do with her, or not?”. Well the answer is no. You see, dear, we're used to hearing a lot more Mila's songs than Laur's. When Mila writes, she writes for herself. She writes from her point of view and according to her experiences. Same thing Laur does. But Mila, unlike Laur, can't write a song for other people. She can't detach herself from them when she's writing them. Take as examples all those songs she gave away after finishing them, like Anyone or Ain't Easy. When you listen to them, you can clearly hear Camila all over it even if the song is being sung by someone else, like in these two examples, Justin Bieber and Elijah Woods. But with Laur? Nah, because Lauren can completely detach herself from them.
Take More Than That as an example. Laur didn't write More Than That for herself; she just ‘decided’ to keep it (because it was okay for the narrative she had going on at the time). If she had really given it to someone else and then you had listened to it and knew she was the one who had written it, you would've thought “Really?” with a wtf expression as the first thing. Right? Because you recognize Laur in the song only because you know she's behind it. Am I wrong? And don't get me wrong, dear, this is not by all means a bad thing at all. I'm not saying this as an insult or anything. Quite the opposite actually. I think it's absolutely amazing. Think about it. It's basically the work of songwriters and ghostwriters who only work behind the scenes for other artists. Gosh, they're both so fucking talented 😍
Anyway. What was I getting at with this? To the fact that the same thing happened here with Nada. Nada was written by four songwriters and we have two different points of view to represent the couple in the story. The one of the girls, Laur and Cris Chil (she also worked and wrote with her for Lento), and the one of the boys, C. Tangana and Tainy (like Cris, he wrote with her and produced Lento). Now. I can't tell you who the real protagonist behind the story of the song is because none of them said it, but it's definitely not Lauren. Laur just went with the flow.
Before starting, I would like to also publicly thank my girl @romanticentropy​ for helping me with the translation (her first language is Spanish), so thank you again, my love 🥰 And I'm not talking about the literal translation. I'm talking about the real meaning behind it since the meaning of many sentences or words can change even based on a simple comma. Therefore, here below you'll find the real translation along with notes placed in parentheses with various explanations. I don't know if you speak Spanish, dear Anon, but we did this for all those people here who don't speak it so that everyone can understand the true meaning of the song.
That said, let's get started.
Verse 1:
“Como te arrimes sí te voy a dar
If you dare come close, I’ll give you [implied: my dick]
Me he puesto guapo pa' verte pasar (Yeah)
I got myself all dressed up to watch you go by (Yeah)
No me pregunte', no quiero pensar
Don't ask me, I don't want to think
No tengo tiempo, no me pue'o casar
I don't have time, I can't get married
Pero, puedo quererte de nuevo
But, I can love you again
Dejar todo el resto pa' luego
[implied because the two sentences go together: And] leave everything else for later
Quedarme pa' ti, que más quieres de mí
To stay for you, what else do you want from me
No odies al jugador odia al juego
Don't hate the player, hate the game
Yo no me he inventado na' (Qué va)
I didn't make anything up (Not at all / Of course not) [‘Qué va’ is an expression, particularly from Spain, that means something like ‘How could you have thought that? Of course not’ said in a casual tone. So, ‘not at all’ is a possible interpretation because he's reassuring he really didn't make anything up]
Sobrevivo en la ciudad (¿Qué?)
I survive in the city (What?)
Me la busco pa' ganar, cien monedas pa' gastar
I'm looking to earn, a hundred dollars to spend [In this sentence, the comma is very important because in ‘me la busco pa' ganar’ read alone, it means that he's finding his ways to earn a living or a better life. When you add ‘cien monedas pa' gastar’, it extends to ‘he's finding his way to earn $100 to spend’, but the comma is important because it keeps alive the idea that he's not only working for the 100 dollars, but also for a better life (possibly a rich kind of life, but that's not necessarily implied)]
Una cama pa' dormir, y un yate pa' vacilar
A bed to sleep in, and a yacht to show off on”
What do we understand from this? That he's actually the one who doesn't want to have a serious relationship because his goal for the moment is to earn and live a good life, not to settle down and get married.
“Tú ya sabías to' lo que había
You already knew what to expect / You already knew what the situation was
No me hagas cambiar, vida mía
Don't make me change, my darling [He sings ‘vida mía’, which means ‘my life’. Calling someone ‘my life’ is not used in English because it makes no sense in the definition of the language itself. So, in this case, it's translated and used as a loving nickname. As you could call someone ‘my love’, ‘my heart’, ‘my baby’, or ‘my darling’]
Yo te doy hasta que se haga de día
I'll give you until it's daylight
Yo te doy hasta que se haga de día
I'll give you until it's daylight [‘Darle a alguien’, ‘to give to someone’ in Spanish has a sexual connotation. It means you're going to have sex with that person. It’s especially used from a male point of view; particularly this last line, he means he'd have sex with her all night until it's day again]”
He basically tells her: “You knew I'm an asshole. Don't try to change me because it's useless. The only thing I can give you is whole nights of sex”.
Sigue' dándome na', dándome nada
You keep giving me nothing, giving me nothing
Can't keep up with your vibe
'Cause you're up and you're down, 'round and you're 'round, babe
I can not read your mind
Conté lo' día' pa' volverte a ver
I counted the days to see you again
Y tú ni sabe' qué quiere' hacer
And you don't even know what you want to do
Cuando me vaya no voy a volver
When I leave I won’t come back
Sigue' dándome na', dándome nada
You keep giving me nothing, giving me nothing”
This is an ultimatum. “If you keep giving me nothing for much longer, I'll leave you without looking back”.
Verse 2:
“Yo no estoy para regalarte
I'm not here to please you [The literal translation of that is ‘I'm not here to give you’. The incomplete sentence opens an ambiguity where you don't know if she’s saying ‘I'm not here to give you anything’, or ‘I'm not here to give you things’, or ‘I'm not here to fulfill your wishes’, or ‘I'm not here to please you’, or things like that that make you understand that if he's not ready to pay attention to her right now and give her the love she needs, and he's clearly not because he's ‘giving her nothing’, she's not just going to wait there by begging for some love or collecting the crumbs that he leaves behind. She's saying “give me the love and the attention I need or I'll go away on my own”. So overall, ‘I'm not here to please you’ is a decent interpretation]
Ni tampoco para esperarte
Nor to wait for you
Ese dinero no te va a cuidar
That money won’t take care of you
No te pido matrimonio, yo sólo tu arte
I'm not asking you to marry me, just your love [That's the real meaning behind the sentence despite the literal translation being this: I'm not asking you to marry me, just your art]
Cuando no estoy ahí
When I'm not there
Sé que preguntas por mí
I know you ask about me
Sé por qué eres así
I know why you're like this
I know you're afraid of falling in too deep
We can pretend like we’ve only done this for the fun of it
Pero no te sorprendas si te enteras que así como tú hay mil
But don't be surprised to find out there are a thousand just like you around”
Basically: “I'm not asking you to marry me, just to have a real relationship. An exclusive relationship. We can continue to pretend that we just had fun, but I know there's something deeper. I know you're afraid of falling in love with me, but if you keep wanting this kind of relationship, then I'm gonna go find someone who wants the same things as me; also because there are a lot of guys out there and I'm starting to get tired of waiting”.
And that's all, dear Anon. Now that you know the real translation *thanks once again, mi amor 💖* , can you see anything that has to do with Mila? Because I don't. In fact, if I really have to find an association with Camren, the only thing that comes to my mind is that Lauren could have written some parts of her verse from Camila's point of view when they were still just fuckbuddies. You know? Since it was Laur who was initially in denial and was afraid, and not Camila. She was the one who was afraid of the idea of even liking Mila, let alone falling in too deep. But it's not like that. There's nothing of Camila here. There's no Camren here. For me, this song is the story of one of the three (Cris Chil, or C. Tangana, or Tainy) and Laur only contributed to it with her talent.
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Of course I can, dear Anon 😉
So. Camila created In the Dark the day after going to the Grammys' after-party (February 12, 2017) with which she went with Ashlee as her date of hers. Mila said she got the idea for the song because of the encounter she had at that party with this unnamed famous guy. Yeah, sure, Jan. We know very well that this is not the case. Just as we know very well that that was the same night in which Tyren had their first public appearance as a fake couple. If you're interested, I've already explained all this also with proofs in my previous post: https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/653296412485894144/romanticentropy-fa-by-hiiii-babies-and-dear (last question in my All These Years' interpretation).
If you don't mind, dear Anon, I'll start with the verses because they're the only parts of the song where Mila isn't addressing Lauren directly. In the verses, Camila just observes her by describing their surroundings.
Verse 1:
“Blank stares, faithless
Vampires at the same places
Shadows, traces”
Okay, let's talk about those types of parties for a moment. I bet that when you think about it, you picture a lot of celebrities having fun and dancing, glam, alcohol, drugs, music, and all those kinds of things, right? Well, that's just as true as it isn't. You see, there aren't just celebrities at those parties. There are one or more of they team members, there are A&R representatives of various labels, CEOs, publicists, producers, marketing representatives, radio and television presenters, reporters, designers, advertisers, etc., etc., etc. Those parties are the epicenter of business-talk. Very often, this is where ideas for collaborations, for PRs, for endorsements and sponsorships, for movie and TV appearances, etc., etc., happen. For those celebrities who have to be there for business reasons and not for actually having fun, those parties are pretty boring.
With those sentences, Mila describes all the people around her during that party. Those people who aren't having fun because they're surrounded by what she calls vampires. Before they marketed them by making them sparkle in the sun because of the crystals on their skin, or before they made them wear a gemstone in daylight rings, bracelets, and amulets to make them walk in the sun, you know? Before they become basically trendy, vampires were always the villains. But don't get me wrong with that. I saw the Twilight saga and I love love love The Vampire Diaries, but the fact remains that before all of that franchise, vampires have always been used in horror and scary genres because they're evil. Also because if you think about it, what do vampires do? They suck blood by basically feeding on the life force of creatures by draining them to survive and not decompose since they're undead. They need to take a life to keep living theirs, so yeah, they are the bad guys.
So Mila here describes both the bored people, the ones with blank stares who in those cases are the shadows of their true selves because they're pretending to be who they aren't, and those people of power as bloodsuckers, life-suckers: vampires. And I don't blame her at all because that's what they do. Vampires, or puppet masters, or parasites, or as you guys know I like to call them: sharks.
“I know that you feel me”
Now. Now, now, now, now, now, now. What does this sentence make us understand? Picture you're in a place full of people. Picture pretending that you're having fun because you can't show how much you actually want to be somewhere else. Picture smiling and forcibly laughing at the bullshit someone's saying. It's all about image. Now picture seeing someone you know amidst that sea of people. You and this person are far from each other, and at the moment, you both are busy talking to other people. Even though you turned around to keep having this oh so great conversation with those people, you can feel the person you know. You can feel their presence despite being on opposite sides. You can totally feel that they're still looking at you, and you have confirmation of that the moment you turn towards them again.
Apply all of this on Camren now. We know how they've always attracted each other. We know how they've always searched and checked each other when they were on opposite sides of a room. We know how they've always felt each other. So it's not that hard for me to picture how it went in this case. I understand what Mila means when she says she knows Laur could feel her despite the place and all the people around them. Because it's always been that way between them, and we've actually seen them do it many times.
Verse 2:
“Plus one, guest list
But you don't even know what her name is
Secrets, endless
I know that you feel me”
This is a repetition similar to the first verse. Mila here continues to describe the people around her and those around Laur. People who are there because they're on a list thanks to someone they don't even really know. People who in those events become totally fake because they all have secrets to hide, including the two of them. People who pretend to be friends with each other just for a matter of image without even knowing their real names, their real selves. People who are so used to wearing a mask that they've by now become that mask. And among all the sea of these people, Mila knows that Laur can feel her. Evidently as much as she can feel Laur.
“You’re runnin', runnin', runnin', runnin' (oh)
Making the rounds with all your fake friends”
As I said before, many celebrities wear a mask, this facade for protection. They do it to show themselves as unproblematic and to show themselves almost as perfect in the eyes of others. If you think about it, it's the same thing we see in many celebrities and even in Camren when they have to promote something. Neither of the two of them has problems showing themselves to us in a vulnerable, authentic way, without make-up ‘al natural’. But as soon as they have to promote something, bam! Dresses, nails done, make-up, and hair. It's quite normal on the one hand. I understand that. But the problem, as Mila herself said, is when this fake persona takes over your authentic self.
In this part, Mila explains how she was observing Lauren's behavior. This facade that she was wearing because they were in that kind of environment with those kinds of people and those fake friends (yes, including Tabloid). This mirage that allowed her to run and hide her true self from everyone, even from Camila herself.
“Runnin', runnin' away from it (away)”
Especially in this part, and despite having seen her fake act many times before, Mila lets us understand how Lauren was 'running' and suppressing/hiding her authentic self in front of everyone. [I remember that period. Lauren didn't act like Lauren for a while]
You can strip down without showing skin, now”
Okay, this? This sentence right here, it's magic. It's pure art. “It's okay to show the realistic side of yourself without exposing yourself and also having to show your secrets or what you want to keep to yourself. There's no need to act like a completely different person from who you are”. Camila leaves me more and more speechless with her way of writing and expressing such true and profound concepts.
“I can see you're scared of your emotions
I can see you're hoping, you're not hopeless
So why can't you show me?
Why can't you show me?
I can see you're looking for distractions
I can see you're tired of the acting
So why can't you show me?”
The pre-chorus explains itself quite well. Mila's saying “I know you. I see what you're doing. I see your fear. I see the way you want a way out. I see how tired you are of this farce. So why are you faking it? Why are you faking it in front of me? Why are you faking it with me? Show me the real Lauren. Not this industry puppet. Show me the Lauren I know”.
“Who are you in the dark? (I, I)
Show me the scary parts (I, I)
Who are you when it's 3AM and you're all alone
And L.A. doesn't feel like home? (I, I, I)
Who are you in the dark?”
Who are you in the dark? = Who are you when no one's watching. Who are you when no one can judge you. Who are you when you're alone and you can really lower that protective barrier you create around you. Show me that. Show me all of you.
Camila mentions 3AM because, as we well know thanks to their other songs, it was the nighttime hours when they were able to spend more time together freely. She also mentions L.A. to make a comparison with Miami since Los Angeles is the second city they spend the most time in due to their careers.
If in the pre-chorus Mila really asks her to show her her true self, here in the chorus she instead asks her a rhetorical question accompanied by the explanations themselves like the specific examples 3AM and L.A. to make/show her point even more. Basically the same explanation as the pre-chorus: “Who are you, because I know, I know you, so why don't you show me?”. And I really love this connection between pre-chorus and chorus.
“Darling, come on and let me in
Darling, all of the strangers are gone, they're gone
I said, darling, come on and let me see”
The difference between the pre-chorus & chorus and this, is the more affectionate way she addresses her. She's asking her in a cute way also thanks to the use of that classic old-school pet name, to open up and show herself. She's telling her that it's okay now that they're alone. And most importantly, she's reassuring her with this:
“Darling, I promise that I won't run”
After hurting each other, after the omissions and the secrets, after the fights, after the non-communication, after that toxicity, in short, after everything they'd been through in those years and the way things had ended between them almost two months prior, this is really serious. She's promising her that she'll stay. That's the first step, or at least what we know was the first step thanks to this song, towards a healthy relationship and towards a real positive change in their relationship.
And by the way, wooohh, this whole transition is amazing!
“Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Who are you in the dark?
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Who are you in the dark?
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Who are you in the dark?
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Who are you in the dark?”
And that's all, dear Anon. I hope you liked my interpretation 🙃
P.S. When Sinu said “Number nine is my shit!” during that live, I felt that. Mama Sinu was right. Even after all this time, this song is still the shit 😎
Aaand I'm done 👩🏻‍💻 I hope I was helpful in this case too 😄 Thank you all for your asks and as usual, know that I'm available for those who have questions, so feel free to ask 😊
Before I go, I wanted to apologize for this huge delay. In addition to my job, it was due to the fact that I'm in the middle of a relocation. For about two months for 21 years, I always go to a place by the sea for the summer. I'll be there from today and I'll be back in September. Unfortunately there isn't much connection there, but there's a single wi-fi. I don't know if I'll continue to answer the asks all together with a post or individually. I'll see how to organize myself once I'm there. I apologize in advance if I'll take longer than usual to reply, but at least you know that it's because there's not much connection there (and you have to keep in mind that I’ll continue working normally because I’m not on holiday yet). Everything will be back to normal in September.
That being said, always remember to be kind, to others and to yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼 Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗 I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️
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shezzaspeare · 4 years
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Pilot/Episode 1: Patching Things Up With Pastiche & Fanfiction
Hi, hello, and the wait is finally over! My name is Blessie, and welcome to the first episode webisode log installation I've decided to call these things an episode for now because why not also let me know what do you actually call these things episode of The Science of Fanfiction, where we take a closer look into our beloved works of fanon because we've all got plenty of time to spare till Season 5. Before I continue, I would like to thank everyone who's liked and reblogged the last few posts before this one. It means a lot for a small and growing Tumblr user like me, and your support is something I cherish more than my modules. You guys rock!
Anyways, like with most things, we have to talk about the boring and bland stuff before we proceed with the fun stuff. For today, we are going to settle the difference between a couple of things: first being the confusion between pastiche and fanfiction; then the distinctions between tropes, clichés, and stereotypes, which we'll tackle the next time. It's important for us to establish their true meanings in order for us to really understand what fanfiction truly is, even if it's merely just a work done for the fandom. I know – it's boring, it's something that shouldn't be expounded that much, but I believe that all forms of writing (unless it's plagiarised) is a work of art — and fanfiction is not something we always talk about. I hope that by the end of this, you'll learn about what they really are as much as I did. Let's begin to talk about the—
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[Image ID: A flashback of John (left) and Sherlock (right) finding an elephant (not in the screen) in a room in The Sign of Three. End ID]
. . . I did say that this GIF will always have to make an appearance here, didn't I?
So, just as with Sherlock Holmes, all other works of fiction have their own pastiches and fanfiction, and many more original works out there have taken inspiration from them to create their own books. Although they've gained popular attention, this will not be possible if they did not have taken inspiration from the materials their writers had at the time.
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[Image ID: Various actors as Dracula. Jeremy Brett in 'Dracula' (1978) (upper left), Adam Sandler in a voice role for 'Hotel Transylvania' (2012) (upper right), Gary Oldman in 'Dracula' (1992) (lower left), and Bela Lugosi in 'Dracula' (1933) (lower right). End ID]
For instance, Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' (the second most adapted literary character, next to the consulting detective himself) has been portrayed on the screen over 200 times — from Gary Oldman to Adam Sandler — and has spawned off numerous books and pastiches of its own such as Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot'. Its cultural impact served as a basis of how we see vampires today, since some characteristics of the Count were made by Stoker himself. Stoker's creation is the brainchild of his predecessors and inspirations.
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[Image ID: Vlad the Impaler (left) and a book cover of 'Carmilla' by J. Sheridan Le Fanu (right). End ID]
Other than the ongoing hysteria over dead back then and the existing vampire folklore, Stoker also took his inspirations from the published books on vampires he had at hand. He is said to have taken inspiration from Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian national hero known allegedly for having impalement as his favourite method of torture. He is also said to have been inspired by the J. Sheridan Le Fanu's 'Carmilla', a Gothic lesbian vampire novella that predates Dracula by 26 years. I could go on, but hey, we're going back to Sherlock Holmes now before I deviate any further. However, if you want to know about Dracula's literary origins, I suggest you watch Ted-ED's videos about the subject matter such as this one or this one.
Very much like Stoker, ACD didn't just conceive Holmes on his own. He took his own inspirations from what he had available at the time.
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[Image ID: Dr Joseph Bell (left) and Edgar Allan Poe (right). End ID]
As we all know, ACD's biggest inspiration for Sherlock Holmes was one of his teachers at the Edinburgh University, Joseph Bell. He was famous for his powers of deduction, and he was also interested in forensic science — both characteristics which Holmes is greatly known for. He also drew inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe's sleuth, C. Auguste Dupin ('The Purloined Letter' & 'Murders in Rue Morgue'). As ACD himself has said at the 1909 Poe Centennial Dinner: "Where was the detective story until Poe breathed life into it?" Some other writers he took after are Wilkie Collins, Émile Gaboriau, and Oscar Wilde.
Now, what does this say about us Sherlockians/Holmesians (depending if you're the coloniser or the one that was colonised)? Basically, ACD laid the groundwork for us with Sherlock Holmes: his humble abode 221B that he shares with his flatmate Dr. John Watson, his adventures, memoirs, return, casebook, last vow, and all that. Now that we have this material at hand, we can now make our own versions, takes, or even original stories featuring the characters of the Canon. Our inspiration comes from ACD's Sherlock Holmes, and we now get the chance to make our very own stories/conspiracy theories about them.
As I have mentioned earlier, Sherlock Holmes is the most adapted literary character in history. He has been adapted in over 200 films, more than 750 radio adaptations, a ballet, 2 musicals; and he's become a mouse, a woman, a dog, even a bloody cucumber. On top of all that are numerous pastiches and fanfics, and finally, we have arrived at the main topic of our post!
Fanfiction and pastiche are often confused together since they have three common elements: they take after the original work, they usually use the characters in that original work, and more often than not do are they set in that same time frame/period or not long after that. The common misconception is that pastiche are printed fanfiction, which is only partly true. While pastiche is definitely fanfiction in some ways and vice versa, there are fanfictions out there that aren't necessarily classified as pastiche that have been published.
Let's get on with our definition of terms to clear up the confusion a little more. Pastiche, according to Literary Terms, is:
. . . a creative work that imitates another author or genre. It’s a way of paying respect, or honor, to great works of the past. Pastiche differs from parody in that pastiche isn’t making fun of the works it imitates – however, the tone of pastiche is often humorous.
A good example of a pastiche is Sophie Hannah's 'The Monogram Murders', which is her take from Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.
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[Image ID: A book cover of 'The Monogram Murders' by Sophie Hannah. End ID.]
Although this was a commission from Christie's estate, it's still considered as a pastiche as:
It's takes after Christie's writing style;
It is set in the early years of Poirot's career (1929), which is still within the time frame that the author wrote him in;
It features Poirot and;
It pays respect to Christie in a sense that it stays true to her (Christie) characters and way of storytelling.
Meanwhile, our good and slightly unreliable friend Wikipedia defines fanfiction as:
. . . is fictional writing written by fans, commonly of an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual property from the original creator(s) as a basis for their writing. [It] ranges from a couple of sentences to an entire novel, and fans can both keep the creator's characters and settings and/or add their own. [ . . . ] [It] can be based on any fictional (and sometimes non-fictional) subject. Common bases for fanfiction include novels, movies, bands, and video games.
To avoid any copyright infringement issues if I ever use a popular fanfic in the fandom, we'll use my (unfinished and unpopular) Sherlock Wattpad fic, 'Play Pretend'. You can read it here.
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[Image ID: The second self-made book cover of Blessie/shezzaspeare's 'Play Pretend'. End ID]
Why is it considered a fanfiction and not a pastiche?
It takes after an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock) which is a TV show, not the ACD canon itself;
The author (in this case myself) uses her own writing style and does not take after the original story's style;
Although it is set well in modern-day London and after Season 4, it also features scenes decades before the actual fanfic is set and outside of London;
I added a considerable number of characters, i.e. siblings to canon characters;
I had my own take some of the canon characters' personality especially after the events of Sherrinford;
It is written by a fan – myself. It is a work of fan labour and;
It is only a work of fanon, and isn't likely going to be considered by the show as its writing style is different from the actual show.
To put it simply, you can have more freedom in a fanfiction as it does not necessarily restrict you to follow or take after the original stories. Alternate universes (AUs) such as Unilock and Teenlock are perfect examples of this thing.
So can a pastiche be classified as fanfiction? Yes.
Can a fanfiction be classified as pastiche? Not all the time.
What's the difference? While yes, they share the basics, pastiche is technically leans more onto the original work's fundamental elements whereas fanfiction is a broader range of works inspired by the original work but doesn't necessarily follow all or any of its fundamental elements.
In order for us to understand it more, I'll give another example.
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[Image ID: The 'Enola Holmes' title card (upper left) and Henry Cavill as its Sherlock holmes (upper right). Underneath it is a a scene from the opening titles of BBC Sherlock (lower left) and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes in A Scandal In Belgravia. (lower right) End ID]
Most of you are familiar with these 21st-century adaptations of Holmes: the 2020 adaptation of Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes books and BBC Sherlock, which needs no further explanation – but for those who don't know, it's basically Holmes and the gang if they were alive today. I specifically chose these two as they are the ones that I believe would get my points across best. Though both are considered as wonderful pastiches with a well-rounded cast and awesome visuals, if we break them down bit by bit, we'll see which one is more of a pastiche and which one is more of a fanfic. (Yes, I know they're both screen adaptations. However, as Enola Holmes was based on the books and BBC Sherlock's fanfiction has the show's scenes written out in most fanfics, hear me out.)
They share these characteristics of a pastiche:
They feature characters from the Canon (Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, and Lestrade);
They have additional characters added by the writers (Including but not limited to Molly Hooper, Eurus Holmes, and Philip Anderson for BBC Sherlock while Enola Holmes has Lord Tewkesbury, Eudoria Holmes, and Enola herself) and;
They pay respect to the original Canon as their stories are based on the cases (BBC Sherlock) or simply what was going on around them (Enola Holmes).
They also share these characteristics of a fanfic:
They are made by enthusiasts of Sherlock Holmes (Moffat has called himself and Mark Gatiss 'Sherlock Holmes geeks', while Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes books are not just one or two but six);
They follow a common trope (we'll discuss these tropes in the following episodes) that goes on in the fandom (Sherlock's Sister & Modern AU)
They are based on a fictional subject (Sherlock Holmes);
They used characters and story elements that are copyrighted by the author/author's estate (fun fact: prior to the production of Enola Holmes, the Conan Doyle Estate filed a lawsuit against Springer & Netflix over Sherlock's emotions since he was more 'sympathetic' than he was portrayed in the Canon – this was later dismissed by both parties) and;
Their writing styles don't necessarily follow ACD's.
Despite these similarities, there are very obvious differences between the two that separates them from being a pastiche and a fanfiction.
Enola Holmes embodies pastiche more as it doesn't stray far away from the original elements of the Canon. It's still set in Victorian England. While Springer added characters of her own and definitely twisted the Canon to suit her series, she didn't necessarily place them out of the social construct that was going on around the characters. It follows ACD's writing style more as Enola Holmes' setting still remains within the Canon's original setting.
Meanwhile, we can safely say that BBC Sherlock is a work of fanfiction. While it did give us The Abominable Bride, the main series focused on Holmes and Watson in 21st-century England, which is drastically different from Victorian England. There are phones, black cabs, and cellphones — things which ACD Sherlock Holmes doesn't have. It also diverted from the Canon in the characters themselves, which is mostly seen in the names: Henry Baskerville became Henry Knight, Charles Augustus Milverton became Charles Augustus Magnussen, the H in Dr Watson's name stood for Hamish and Sherlock's full name is actually William Sherlock Scott Holmes. They also changed the personalities of some Canon characters: Mary was actually an ex-assassin, Mrs Hudson was an exotic dancer who drove a kick-ass sports car, Irene Adler is a dominatrix, to name a few. Moffat and Gatiss created a world of their own featuring the characters of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which is really what most of us fanfic writers do with Mofftiss' rendition of Holmes.
In conclusion: while pastiche and fanfiction could have been the same thing, they're actually not. There's more to them that just printed fanfiction or pastiche e-books, and we all should take some time to see and observe them in a closer perspective.
And that's it for our first episode! I hope you enjoyed it. It was a lot fun for me to write this, especially now that I'm only starting. I would also like to note that while intensive research has been done on this series, some parts of this comes from my own observation and opinion, which may vary from yours. I am very much open to criticism, as long as it is said in a polite and civil manner. I'm still young, and to be educated as I go is something that could really help me with this series.
Like and reblog this you like it. It helps out a lot. Be sure to follow me as well and the tags underneath if you want to see more of TSoF.
See you soon!
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Blessie presents – The Science of Fanfiction: A Study In Sherlock (2021) • Next
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SOURCES • Pinterest, Google Images, Wikipedia, Literary Terms, Conan Doyle Estate, Definitions, The Sherlock Holmes Book, and Google
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"...So I Married A Monster" *Chapter 6*
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Note I was going to put a 'rough sex' gif under the cut for Lewis's shot, but I don't know if people want that. So here's a scared Rafael for your...pleasure?
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Alright SO I posted a warning post earlier, but obviously I'm gonna put one here too.
This is probably the most graphic, dark chapter I've ever written for any story. With rape.
Please read at your own discretion.
Also it's a pretty short chapter, but trust me-- you wouldn't want it any longer. But I wrote another sweet short fluffy chapter after this one to make up for it.
You did your best to keep calm and keep Billy happy as he aggressively groped at you with his hands, ripping off your shirt and then your bra before tossing you on the bed. Before all of this, you would have been super excited about the events transpiring. If there was one thing you and Billy were great at, it was sex. But somehow, this time it felt...different.
You didn’t know why, it didn’t make any sense to you. This was the same man, it was the same situation, he knew all your special places and you knew his. There were so many nights after he left you and the girls that you would dream about this moment, wishing for it so badly. But now that it was here, it almost felt...wrong.
“What’s wrong sweetie, you look like you’re somewhere else,” Billy stopped hungrily nibbling your neck to look into your eyes.
You used to look into those eyes and see such warmth and comfort, such lust and wanting. You had even told Rafael that you were still in love with Billy, so why didn’t you feel like it? Had they just been words? Words to hurt him because he hurt you by choosing Olivia?
Right now, that’s sure what it felt like. It felt like you were...cheating, on Rafael. Which was stupid, because you had literally just broken up with him. Didn't you? That’s what ‘done’ meant, right? Surely you had meant it in that moment; surely you meant it.
But now you weren’t sure.
“Hello, earth to Y/N!” Billy’s voice grew more agitated as he flicked you across the temple. He had never been so quick to anger before, you didn’t like this one bit.
“S-Sorry, baby,” You quickly put on a smile as your hand travelled down to his jeans, unhooking his belt. “It’s just been a day,”
“Oh, I know sweetheart,” He quickly changed his tune as soon as he felt you fondling with his belt. He helped you undo it and pulled off his jeans. You could feel his throbbing erection against your thigh.
“But daddy’s about to make it all better, I promise,” He gave you a sly grin.
You felt one hand wrap around your head and pulled it into his face even more aggressively than before. He began tugging at your hair as he attacked your neck and shoulders with hard, assertive bites. You remembered the sex between you two being rough, but you didn’t seem to recall it ever being this rough.
"Don't you like that, babe?" He asked as his mouth moved down your torso, pulling off your jeans this time.
"Mmmhmm…." You tried faking it as well as you could, feeling more and more uncomfortable the lower his mouth moved.
"Y'know, you used to be a LOT louder than this when we'd get down and dirty, baby girl," he observed while he moved to the end of the bed, ready to plunge inside you.
"Well Billy, the kids are in the next room," you thought of a plausible excuse as to why you weren't your "usual" self.
"Oh, makes sense," He nodded with a smile as he started chowing down on you like a sloppy dog.
You wanted to enjoy it, you tried to enjoy it, but you were accustomed to Rafael's sweet love making, he was so gentle with his tongue along your folds, taking time to enjoy every little moan and pleasure noise you made.You could often feel him smiling inside you while he gently lapped you up. You wished so badly you were with him right now. How had you fucked this up so badly?
Why didn't you listen to Rafael when he told you about Billy? Why had you not trusted him more? Why did you just react erratically just because you were mad at him? You should have thought it through, you should have heard him out. You should have--
"Alright now you're not even reacting Y/N, where the fuck are you?" Billy demanded.
"O-Oh I'm sorry Billy its just been--"
"A day. I know. You know I had a stressful fucking day too Y/N, having to deal with that prick ADA--- Wait," His eyes suddenly narrowed, he moved his face away from near your opening and looked you in the eyes, his glare in full effect.
"Is that who you're thinking of right now? That fucking beaner?" He asked in an accusatory tone.
"He's Cuban not Mexican…." You muttered with a roll of your eyes.
"You really wanna get fucking cute with me right now, bitch?" He acted as if he was going to back hand you, but stopped himself.
"Billy!" You gasped. He had never been vulgar to you before.
"No, no Billy," He growled, pulling your naked body towards him.
"You're gonna stop thinking about that asshole right FUCKING now. I'm your goddamn husband, NOT him. I get to have you whenever I want and I want ALL of you. All of your attention, all of your fucking body. Do you understand me?" He snarled, practically drooling with rage.
"Y-Yes Billy," you tried not to start crying, now fully scared out your mind
"Good. Now flip over, I can't fucking look at you right now," He ordered you.
You flipped over to let him do doggie style but he started going in the wrong hole.
"Billy! What the fuck?" You tried not to yell.
"Well if you're gonna act like a whore thinking about other men than your husband, then I'm gonna fucking treat you like one. I'm gonna do what I want, and you're gonna shut up and take it. Got it?"
"B-Billy, please…." You pleaded with him. "Y-You know the last time we tried…"
"I don't give a FUCK, Y/N," He barked angrily. "I stopped last time because I didn't want to hurt you, because I loved you and you loved me. But now you've hurt me, so you're gonna hurt. REAL BAD," He barely rubbed some spit on his dick before he rammed it up your asshole.
You grabbed a pillow and screamed in pain, howling and trying to wriggle free from him. But he kept his hands wrapped tight around your stomach as he pumped rough and hard as fast as he could, getting off on the pain he was causing you, both mental and physical.
You tried to think of anything other than the pain, but it was so bad you could only cry and continue to scream into the pillow. It was worse than both times you went through labor, and that was saying something.
You prayed to God it would stop soon, he seemed to go on forever and ever. He was cackling softly as he felt you vibrating from the pain.
"Yeah, bet your fucking ADA didn't do you like this did he? What would he do if he saw you now? Hmmm….maybe we should find out,"
Your head snapped from out under the pillow at his threat. You saw him reaching for your phone that he had dropped next to your bed as he carried you into the bedroom.
"Oh God" You practically choked out, unable to speak from the pain. "N-n-no, Billy d-d-don't…"
"Oops would ya look at that I already did," Lewis shrugged with an evil smile.
Rafael was busy helping Olivia plan a rescue mission/battle plan when his phone went off. A FaceTime call request from you. He was absolutely terrified to answer it, but he had to answer it. He had to. As soon as he did, he wished he hadn't.
"Hey there Barba'' Lewis panted, a maniacal smile on his face. "You're missing all the fun!"
He could see Lewis had you pinned to the bed, shoving in and out of you forcefully. Your head was shoved into a pillow, to keep from screaming he imagined. He didn't know if he wanted you to look at him or not. He was watching you get raped, and he wanted to vomit.
Olivia noticed the horrified look on his face and stopped talking with the squad.
"Rafa are you-- ohmygod!" She instantly saw the revolting scene on his phone and immediately started pushing him into an interrogation room.
"Nobody needs to see this," Olivia started to shut the door but not before Lewis got to shout "NICE TO SEE YOU TOO DETECTIVE!!" At her.
Rafael was trying his best not to start sobbing; he didn't want to give Lewis the satisfaction. But the more he heard your muffled whimpers and screams of pain, the more he couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Lewis let her go," he begged. "Please I'll do anything you want, just let her go…."
"Well see Barba that's the problem," Lewis smirked. "I want Y/N to--" he suddenly stopped pumping you, feeling your body go limp. He angled the phone downward to reveal blood coming out of your anus and starting to cover the bed. You had passed out from the pain.
"Sorry Barba I'm gonna have to call you back, I have a situation," Lewis half laughed while wiping your blood off his dick.
"What the fuck-- LEWIS!!!" He screamed. "You better be calling a FUCKING ambulance!"
"Chill Barba, I'm sure she's fine. Just a little boo boo. I'll shove some toilet paper up there and she'll be good as new!" Lewis dismissed it, taking a pillow and putting it under your legs so the blood would at least attempt to stay in.
“Good ol’ RICE,” Lewis smirked, thinking of the old term they used in gym class back in the day. ‘Rest Immobilize Cold Elevate’.
“Now if I can get an ice pack from the freezer and tape it there…” Lewis thought out loud.
"Fuck you if you don't call one I will send one, I know exactly where you are" Rafael was losing his patience with him.
"NO, you're not," Lewis warned. "I'm not about to scare my girls by having cops and ambulances showing up here with all the bells and whistles,"
"She's going to DIE, asshole!!!" Rafael continued to scream. "You think your daughters won't notice THAT?"
"Look if she doesn't wake up in a few minutes I'll take her to an Urgent Care, tell 'em she liked it a little TOO rough, Kay?" He said flippantly.
"The fuck you will--" Rafael started to tell again but Lewis put the phone up to his face real nice and close.
"If you send ANYONE here Barba, she'll bleed out before you can touch her," He warned.
"Lewis…" Rafael was shaking. "Don't you love her? You told her you did, don't you care about her at all?"
"Of course I love her!" He snapped. "I'll always love her, she's the mother of my children. That creates a bond, greater than the two of you will ever have,"
"So why are you---"
"Because she needed to be reminded of that bond." Lewis explained. "She was thinking about you while WE were being intimate. I can't let shit like that slide, Barba," Lewis explained while gesturing to your unconscious body. He removed the pillow from your head so Rafael could the tear stained splotches on your face from screaming and crying so hard. Your face was almost white, he wasn’t even sure you were breathing.
"No…." Rafael's voice fell soft.
You had been thinking of him? Wishing you were with him? While Lewis was...having his way with you? He had caused this, he had caused your pain. You were being punished for simply loving him, and that broke his heart even more than it already was.
"You have a nice night there, counselor, ta!" Lewis's evil chuckle came through the screen before it went black.
The image of your body laying there unconscious and bleeding was going to be forever burned into Rafael's mind. He had to do something. SOMETHING.
He bursted out of the interrogation room where the team was still discussing strategy. Olivia immediately went to his side, knowing what he had just been through.
"Liv we--" he tried to stop from crying and compose himself. "We have to go there. We have to get her. We HAVE to,"
"Okay, Okay Rafa," Olivia tried to calm him down while the rest of the squad looked on in shock. They had zero idea what was happening.
"We'll go get her, it'll be okay," She assured him while trying to get him to calm down.
He hoped they wouldn't be too late.
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pla-teau · 4 years
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wanda’s mood | as she talks to the camera, she treats her expanding the false world she’s created to having a bad night out. we’re seeing how tired she is from expanding westview - it damn near drained her it seems. the last episode was a lot to take in, keeping up with her torn emotions with pietro, her relationship with vision crumbling, worrying about her kids, expanding the hex — it’s enough to fry out your nerves. wanda also categorizes what happened in the last episode as reckless and decides to stay in to punish herself. even her kids notice that she’s out of it because she doesn’t stop them from fighting and doesn’t say a word as she heads to the kitchen. she’s drained, she’s tired - she doesn’t want to deal with anything today. wanda’s not being the doting mom she’s been since the birth of the twins as when billy talks about his head being too noisy, she ignores his complaints and lounges in bed a little longer. she’s drained and is acting out of character throughout the whole episode.
wanda’s reality is starting to break | right off the bat, we see how the reality in westview is going haywire. the boys mention their game freaking out. it switches to games from different eras. then we see it with wanda’s milk - switching from black and white to color and even changing shape to fit the style of a past era like 50s with the milk being in glass bottle or a milk carton with the ‘missing’ label on the side. we’ve seen the trailer/promo footage of different objects/furniture in the house glitching in this same manner and it seems that wanda’s power is not strong enough to keep everything together - physically or mentally so it seems in this episode.
“thanks for tuning in to W.N.D.A.” | as wanda is in the kitchen making herself some cereal, you can hear the tv from the living room say this. this sets up the opening credits for the show as everything is about wanda. if you turn on the subtitles, you can read exactly what the anchor is saying on the television. he says “not a thing weighing heavily on your conscience. i hope your little ghosts arrived home safe last night. it’s always such a treat to see those creepy kiddos out and about once a year.” it seems as though it’s wanda’s mind we’re hearing. nothing’s weighing heavily on her conscience - kinda is with expanding the hex. the little ghosts is in reference to all the kids that we finally saw come out for halloween in westview. calling them creepy kiddos could mean nothing but i thought about tommy and billy? since the two gained their abilities on halloween and weren’t doing much to conceal their powers (at least tommy wasn’t). i also say it’s wanda’s mind we’re gaining insight to cause when it goes on to the bit about giving tips about resisting temptation of the leftover candy or just eating it all - wanda is skeptical of what’s happening with the milk but still takes a big spoonful of cereal.
opening credits | we don’t have some super catchy lyrics this time around for the opening credits of the show - making me think that this is a nod to the office. but we do get ‘wanda’ splattered in every frame of the credits. the one that stands out to me is the ‘i know what u are doing wanda’ since everything else it seems to be replacing random words on signs like restaurants and other shops. comes off as a tad bit scary/creepy since it’s written with cut out letters from different new articles/magazines. could be a hint to vision knowing that it is all wanda’s doing. or as we later find out, it can be a set up to agnes’ reveal since she plays a more sinister role in all of this. this is the first we’re seeing any sort of credits in the opening sequence. created by wanda maximoff - again driving home the fact that the hex and everything we’ve seen so far has all been wanda’s creation or so we’re forced to believe...
SWORD retreat | we learn that the broadcast has been taken down - all they get is dead air supposedly. maybe that’s just a result of wanda’s expansion of the hex but i think it’s too weak given how har out they are and since they are farther from wanda as she doesn’t live right at the edge of town. we also learn that haydick hayward is planning to launch a missile or some kind of powerful weapon on/in to the hex to stop wanda. let’s hope it fails or if it goes through, wanda can point the missile/weapon back at SWORD and let it go.
“if he doesn’t wanna be here, there’s nothing i can do about it.” | wanda’s comment about vision not being home and response to billy asking if they should go looking for him. this clearly speaks to wanda not having any control over vision anymore. this is the first time we’ve seen the couple apart for the entirety of the episode. he’s gained enough sentience within the hex to not be controlled by wanda as other residents are. she knows she can’t rewrite or edit the scene for him to suddenly come through the door and have everyone be a happy family.
“he is not your uncle.” | wanda confirms to us that the pietro we’ve seen so far is a stranger and not some multiverse version of her dead brother. this to me also shoots down the theory of the multiverse existing at this point and wanda being responsible for it even though evan peters does play pietro in the x-men universe. i think it was a wink to fans about marvel gaining rights to the x-men franchise. i could be wrong but until then, ‘uncle p’ is sus to me.
“i don’t have all the answers” | wanda going on about how despite being their mother, she doesn’t have all the answers. this is the third time wanda’s been asked about the truth and she doesn’t have an answer. first with vision when he asks how all this happened. second with ‘pietro’ also asking how she created westview. now, it’s the twins seeking answers about their not-uncle if she’s claiming he’s an imposter and a liar. if anything, wanda has been consistent in this claim of not knowing anything. she knows she created westview but she doesn’t know how it got to be this way. i still believe she was offered something or was taken advantage of from the get go by someone else to get to her and observe how powerful she is. i personally love the twins’ reaction to her speaking on not having all the answers. hello yes i love them.
hayward’s interest in vision | we learn that project cataract is/was hayward’s plan to bring vision back to life. this man was trying to make vision into a weapon for SWORD and that’s why he’s so focused on vision inside the hex. wanda somehow brought him back to life despite hayward’s various attempts. i hate this man and i’m sorry but i hope monica and/or wanda beat the shit out of him. obviously, hayward was using SWORD’s resources to try and bring vision back to life but it’s a question of whether or not other people within SWORD knew this was happening and what the intentions were. because we also have monica’s contact be another agent working in SWORD. so why do i get the feeling that we’re gonna be dealing with a SHIELD 2.0 in which bad guys operate within the agency and it’s going to eventually fall like 2014?
“do you think maybe this is what you deserve?” | the interviewer asking wanda this question after we see her house starting to glitch like there’s no tomorrow. while later we do find out agnes is behind the mic, it made me think that this was mephisto finally coming out a bit since the question is very pointed at wanda. the interviewer wants to see wanda suffer because why would anyone ask such a thing let alone say that? they’re taking joy in wanda losing touch with her reality. this is the lowest we’ve seen wanda throughout the series. she’s usually put together - has a slight moment of crisis - but gets back on her feet for tomorrow to enjoy her life with her family. slowly it’s been building up to this point in which wanda just...crashes. she’s lost control in this reality so for the interviewer to pose that question, it’s a signal that someone else is in charge and going to come for wanda at her weakest.
the nexus commercial | this commercial is definitely referencing wanda during infinity war/endgame. the world goes on without you? could be talking about how the world keeps spinning after wanda lost the only family she had left or how everyone moved on in endgame despite losing the person she wanted to spend her life with. wanting to be left alone? all wanda wanted was to be with vision and now to be left alone as she lives out her life with vision in westview. i know the word nexus itself has a double meaning in marvel. nexus was first name dropped in aou, with it being the center of the internet located in oslo. in the comics, i know wanda is referred to as a nexus being in which this could definitely set up the multiverse as the commercial does state that the medication ‘anchors you back to your reality. or the reality of your choice.’ i’m guessing this is on purpose since we’re conditioned to see everything marvel puts out or puts emphasis on to have a double meaning. maybe wanda discovering that she is a nexus being in multiverse of madness could be what the side effects are talking about. if she’s confirmed to be this being, she’d feel a lot of feelings, confront her truth (maybe her role in westview and hopefully her trauma), seizing her destiny (taking control of her life and bigger role in the world), and possibly more depression (i don’t think she needs more of it but with her, it’s almost inevitable especially given where these next two weeks might be heading). given that it does hold two meanings for marvel, it could explain the scenes we’ve seen in promo footage of her time in sokovia with the mind stone. we were told that the show would explore more of wanda’s past from aou so maybe it is going to give nexus a double meaning in the mcu: the largest internet hub and wanda’s confirmation as a nexus being.
the twins with agnes | this scene had me anxious. billy commenting about it being quiet heavily hinted at how agnes isn’t like anyone else in westview. again, we’ve never seen her husband ralph and we still don’t see him in this episode. we get another glimpse of señor scratchy with billy holding him but that’s about it. the house is also a big contrast to wanda’s house and westview’s scenery overall. there’s usually a lot of light and warmth in westview but agnes’ interior is toned down and has darker tones throughout our time in it. clearly, a set up for the big reveal that everyone’s been echoing since the show started. this is also the last time we see the twins in the episode.
monica | after the SWORD rover failed to get through, monica goes right in and clearly her passing through a third time has a permanent effect. she’s finally got her powers and is more badass than before. i loved how we got bits and pieces from her, maria, carol and fury in captain marvel. monica has been one of the best characters in this series and i can’t wait to see what happens next with her.
it’s all about vision | monica’s explanation to wanda about hayward. i said this before about the end credits in the show always zooming in on vision’s eye to segway into the crystal sequence. we’ve learned that hayward was trying to bring vision back and somehow wanda managed to do this once she took his body. i wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of the season we see vision being the key to saving everyone in westview since hayward just wants what he believes is his and is willing to blow up a whole town to get it or cover his tracks. while this whole series has been focusing on wanda, this all boils down to vision.
agatha all along | of course the big reveal is agnes being agatha harkness and the mastermind behind a lot of the weird occurrences in westview. what is interesting is that she’s choosing to reveal herself to wanda in this way. it doesn’t seem like it was her plan to do it at the time she did but seeing that monica could’ve swayed wanda to go off script in agatha’s plans, better sooner than later. i think señor scratchy is none other than mephisto and maybe in the next episode we’ll see the other big bad reveal himself to wanda and us. when’s that bop dropping on spotify
snooper’s gonna snoop | finally, we get a post credits scene with uncle p and monica. we’ve learned that agatha was behind the ‘recasting’ of pietro but who is he?! he could be a multiverse!quicksilver we’ve never seen before - which could explain his skewed memories with wanda. right when the camera comes to view with monica, it cuts to the credits. i believe that maybe this pietro shapeshifts into who he really is - who this might be? i don’t think mephisto but possibly agatha’s son nicholas scratch since he seems to be an accomplice of hers?
ugh god so much to unpack and we have another two episodes before shit really hits the fan.
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billyspotato · 4 years
Stopping You - Michael Gray [Part 1]
Words: 3.236 words
Type: Angst 
Warnings: Swearing. Probable misspelling. Some big hatred towards the characters Michael and Gina. There will be scenes of the show in here, but also some made up (this applies to all parts of this future story). No race of the reader is mentioned (therefore, anyone can read this as themselves). Female Reader. (Season 5 Spoilers)
In this particular chapter: Mentions of domestic abuse/violence. Slight mentions of blood.
[Prologue]     [Part 1]      [Part 2]    [Part 3]
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A/N: Gif’s not mine :)
Today was the day that Michael Gray would set foot in Birmingham once more. He must be getting off the ship by now, probably getting ready for another trip, but this time by train. That’s basically the only thing that occupied your mind since you woke up.
You can’t really understand what you’re feeling. You’re not nervous. You’re not anxious. Are you fearful? Maybe, even annoyed at the situation that you’re finding yourself in?
Everything is a big mess in your mind this morning.
You adjust your shirt while looking into the mirror and you’re looking good. The suit type pants are tight on your waist, creating the curve as it went down to your hips. Your white blouse, which was baggy, is tucked in the pants. Hair styled into perfection and makeup... somewhat existent.
You walk out of your bedroom and run down the stairs. Tommy wouldn’t like the idea of you getting late to work, so that means that you need to speed up.
You slide your feet into your heels and grab your expensive jacket and purse before leaving your home and walking to your car.
The neighbors, as always, peeked out of their windows as they saw you leave your home. Looking beautiful, as always. Running as if you weren’t wearing heels in the first place.
It was no lie that men dreamed of having you and girls dreamed to be you or like you.
The confidence you radiate is enough to catch many people’s eyes. Especially with the work that you do. You’re not really the role model kind of type of woman, but that doesn’t change how you’re seen in Birmingham, or any other city you pass by.
As you park your car, you quickly put on your jacket after locking the doors and making your way towards the Garrison.
When not doing any big “missions”, Tommy trusts you to deal with the people from the city. Hear their problems and see if you or the Peaky’s themselves can help.  Tommy and Arthur sometimes do take your place in the Garrison, but it is pretty rare. Maybe when you’re sick, or understandably hungover.
You walk right in the bar and it, surprisingly, had more people than normal.
Everyone looked up when hearing your heels click into the wooden flooring or when their curiosity took over as Mickey, the bar owner, said to you a simple “Good morning”. Some almost sighed in relief when seeing you, probably hopeful that you can help them.
“Who’s first?” You ask as you open the door of the reserved room.
A woman stands up as the words come out of your mouth, her hand slowly coming up as she tried to signal that she’s the one who has been waiting the longest. You give her nod while coming in the room, taking off your jacket as the woman, slightly afraid, walks towards the office while looking at the wooden floor.
“Close the door” You tell her as she gets through it.
The lady quickly turns back and closes the door slowly, as if she is fearing to making too much noise.
“You can sit down, make yourself comfortable” You tell her as you looked at today’s paper on your desk.
You can’t forget to thank Mickey for that.
The woman walks over to the couch in front of you and takes a seat, holding her hands in her lap, trying to hide her sweaty palms and trembling fingers.
“So...” You start once noticing her nervous state, “How can I help you, Miss?”
The lady swallows slowly before starting to talk.
“I’m here to talk about my husband” She starts, and you look up from the paper to her, making eye contact. “He-he beats me”
“Do you have children?” You ask while grabbing a pen.
There’s some silence as the woman tries to fight her tears, and you patiently wait for her to talk.
“Yes, three boys” She says while nodding, looking back up at you, tears filling her eyes, “But he never touches them”
“Can you tell me your name, your husband’s and your address, please?” You ask after grabbing a sheet of paper from your drawer.
The lady answers as quick as she could. You assume that her speed when talking would’ve been because she is scared of her husband catching her in here, or something along those lines.
You’ve been doing this job in a daily basis for almost 2 years, domestic abuse victims are the most common. And their fear is always the most prominent.
You write everything down before starting to make more questions, in which you ask for details, for the sole purpose of this information being used against her abuser.
As you were done with this particular lady, you offered her protection and announced that someone, member of the Peaky Blinders, will have a ‘talk’ with her husband today, right after he comes back from work. Therefore, she should not be in the house when it happens.
As the lady is walking out with a sad smile in her face and while cleaning her tears, a man came right in, ignoring any kind of words from you when calling the next person, and of course, the lady that was making her way out.
You look down over your written words on the paper once more before looking up at the man that has made himself comfortable at the couch with a cup with whiskey.
You ignore your disgust towards the alcohol beverage so early into the morning and open your mouth to speak.
“Next time. Wait for me to call you in” You say while playing with the pen in your fingers and looking at the man, “You’re not coming in here to order anyone around, but to ask for help. Something we, Peaky Blinders, are not obligated to give. Therefore, show some respect towards me and everyone else that is here for the same reason as you the next time you come in. Understood?”
The man nods at your words and you take a deep breath before leaning back on your chair.
“Now. How can I help you?”
As you continued to work at the Garrison, taking notes on everyone that is looking for help, whether it was protection or financial. Michael laid back on his seat at the train, deep in thought, as Gina read through her book, right next to him.
Michael’s mind is completely occupied with how his return home will be. With now a fiancé right next to him as he will see his mother again. His cousins. But most importantly, you. The woman that Gina never heard of.
How will she react when she sees you? Will you greet him? Or her? Are you even still In Birmingham?
His mother or Tommy never updated him on you. Not that he ever asked, but he always found it strange. Polly never was a woman to talk much over the phone, but it was different when talking to Michael, she even talked about her lunch. Now, not talking about his (ex) girlfriend is more than odd to him.
But again. He never questioned it. He didn’t see a reason to do it.
As the train came into a stop, he snapped back into reality. He looks out of the window and sees the station that he once, two years ago, stood to travel to America in hopes of helping his cousin’s business grow.
“Let’s go baby” Gina’s voice sounds next to Michael and he looks over at her.
The couple stands up and walks out of the carriage, taking a deep breath in of the polluted but chilled air of the city that is Birmingham.
The sky has its usual grey-look which didn’t really appeal Gina, but Michael couldn’t really care less. He just wanted to get out of that platform.
Michael felt anxious, almost. He doesn’t know what to expect when introducing his fiancé to his mother or to his cousins. He doesn’t even know what to expect when he sees you. Have you changed? Are you still the loving girl with floral dresses that he once fell in love with? Or are you a complete different woman? Maybe just like Gina?
He’s greeted by suited men, in which he quickly recognizes that they’re apart of the Peaky Blinders by one of the razor blades that picked from one’s hat. And as they soon help the couple with their luggage.
Michael and Gina step out of the building to be quickly greeted by the sight of Polly Gray herself. Polly leans back into her car as she sucks the smoke out of her cigarette.
“Hello mom” Michael says with a small smile, “This is Gina” He continues as his mother walks slowly towards him, and the blonde also walks out of the building, probably just finishing the conversation regarding her luggage with the men “My fiancé. I asked her to marry her on board”
Gina walks towards Michael and when close enough, she wraps her hand around Michael’s arm.
Polly stays silent. Hiding her hateful glance with her dark glasses and showing no emotion regarding what her son just said.
“She’s my fiancé, mom. At least look at her” Michael says after not understanding her lack of emotions.
Polly opens her mouth to speak as Michael is done talking.
“Tommy said to ask you,” She starts, now talking off her glasses to stare into her son, “To tell me the truth”
“We’ve been travelling for 15 days, Mrs. Gray. Maybe we can talk about this in another time” Gina says to Polly, confidence prominent in her voice as she spoke.
Polly doesn’t budge. It’s like she didn’t even talk.
Michael agrees with his fiancé out loud and Polly swallows slowly in annoyance, hating profusely how her son is behaving.
“Let’s go home and we can talk” Michael says, triggering something in Polly as the word ‘home’ comes out of his mouth.
“You have no home till you tell me the truth” Polly says, emphasizing the word ‘no’, while taking a step closer towards Michael.
There’s some silence between the family members as Gina stared into the back of Michael’s head, almost annoyed of how the hell he isn’t standing up for himself.
“Michael!” A voice sounds, Arthur’s, which catches everyone’s attention. He opens his arms in the air while walking towards the younger man, “Hello, love!” He adjusts his jacket, slowly coming into a stop, “Welcome to Birmingham, hey?”
Michael clenches his jaw at his cousin’s words but Polly decides to grab her son’s attention once more.
“Michael” She says, making the man look over back at her.
Michael starts talking as soon as his mother stopped speaking, telling her the details of what happened at the ship. Polly hears every word in full concentration, but Gina decides to break it, by emphasizing: “At gun point”
Polly shuts up her soon-to-be daughter in law by reminding her that she isn’t talking to her, and that triggers something in Michael.
“Fuck you” Michael says, spitting the words into his mother’s face, completely hating the arrogance and hatred in her voice. “Fuck you too Arthur. This is my fucking fiancé. I bring her home to this!”
Polly fights her urge to roll her eyes and Arthur stays still as if he was watching his kid throw a tantrum.
“Let’s go Gina” Michael tells the blonde.
Before the couple could start walking away, Arthur stands in front of them. Teasing the young man into not introducing the woman. And that’s when Michael loses his cool.
“Look at this. This is it Gina. This is my fucking people.” He says while looking at his fiancé in pure disbelief, “Do you want to know the truth Arthur? Do you want to know the truth, mom?” He says while turning, now, into the people who just questioned him, “I did not betray my fucking family!” He shouts into the streets while waving his arms into the air.
Polly continues to look at him with no readable expression in her face.
“Now, mom. I want to go home”
“I booked you a suite at the hotel” Polly says and that annoys her son even more, making him start talking again.
“Is that Tommy’s orders, now was it?” Michael starts and Polly shakes her head as he turns to Gina once more.
“Oh, shut up!” Polly says, making her son look at her in shock, “You want to talk about betrayal? You want to talk about your people?” She starts, still with a calm expression as her words spat with venom, “But did you even care to know anything about Y/N?” Polly asks.
The question catches Michael off guard, and your name almost sounds strange to his ears. Especially when said by his mother.
Michael doesn’t answer Polly’s question. But Gina. Oh, she is more than confused.
“Who is Y/N?” Gina asks her soon-to-be mother in law and Polly almost bites the inside of her cheek hard enough to make it bleed.
“I’ll take that as a no” Polly says as if Gina’s words filled with confusion were enough of an answer to her previous question, still not disconnecting her eyes away from her son’s.
Disgust was very much present in her tone, and she proudly kept it through her whole sentence.
Michael, not wanting to cause any more trouble or more confusion to his poor fiancé, walks out towards her, who offered him comfort as he stood close enough.
“Come on, baby. Forget about’em” She says.
The couple once reunited in each other’s arms decide to start walking away, trying to make somewhat of a good distance between them and Michael’s blood relatives.
Arthur, hating his cousin’s attitude, turns back to the young man and says with a smile.
“Oh, don’t worry Michael. You’ll see her at the meeting tomorrow”
Michael fights his urge to turn back around and question your presence in tomorrow’s meeting, in which will only regard the family’s business and his mistake which costed the millions that were lost, and continues to walk.
You are not a part of the family, not connect by any marriage. Not that he knows of, at least. So, it doesn’t make sense to him.
As Michael’s head soon starts to question and imagine every possibility in which would explain your presence at the meeting, Gina’s was occupied with: who the fuck is Y/N?; and finding possibilities of you being one of Michael’s cousins but he just tends to forget to mention you in conversations since you aren’t too important.
You sigh in relief as you close and lock the door of the room that you stayed most of your time in.
You got in here around 9 in the morning and now it’s dark out. Someone needs to give you some food, or you’re going to fall over.
You wish Mickey a good night while walking out of the busy Garrison and slide in your arms into the jacket before the cold breeze could catch up to you.
You walk over to your car and once you turn it on, you only stop at Polly’s house.
When listening to your car engine, Polly got up from her couch and walked right over to the door. And as you were about to knock, she opened it, catching you by surprise.
“Is this starting to become a race?” You ask her with a smile, and she smiles back.
“If you want to lose every time” She says with a playful tone while taking steps back inside the house.
You laugh as you get in the house and start taking your jacket off and right after that, your heels. As Polly made her way to the couch, where she left her glass of wine, you made your way to the kitchen, where, you silently hope, the leftovers of Polly’s dinner are.
While you serve yourself a plate of the mouth-watering food, Polly starts to talk.
“Do you want to know how Michael’s arrival was?” Polly asks, catching you off guard when you’re walking back to the living room.
You completely forgot about Michael after such a busy day.
“Sure” You tell her as you sat on the couch with the plate on your lap and a fork on your hand.
“Well, let’s just start with what’s new in his life,” She starts, and you nod while putting some baked potato inside your mouth, “He has a fiancé”
You stop chewing at her words and you look up from your plate to look at Polly.
“For how long?” You ask, swallowing not only the potato but also the weird feeling that is starting to build up in your chest.
“He said he asked to marry her on the ship. But I have no idea how long they’ve been dating” Polly admits while sipping her wine.
You nod while looking back at your food, grabbing a piece of your salad and putting it in your mouth.
“It’s okay that you feel bad about this” Polly comments, breaking the silence, “Feel like he betrayed you. Like he left you to have fun… Because in some way it’s true, or at least until we hear his side”
“Which must be interesting” You say with a sarcastic tone while eating some more.
Polly smiles at your venomous words before putting down her glass and slightly shaking her head.
“Want to know how the conversation went?” She asks you and you nod quickly while chewing.
As Polly starts to talk, your attention is at its maximum level. And she told you everything, even Arthur’s entrance, which made you laugh.
Everything but one thing, her question regarding you. Polly feels like his silence towards you could open up old wounds, so she decides to stay quiet and move on with other issues.
As Michael looks out of his suite’s window, Gina is already fast asleep. His thoughts and his mother’s question continued to hunt him, keeping him awake.
What could she mean by that? Had something bad happened to you while he was in America? Had you gotten married or anything like that?
He doesn’t know. His confusion continues to hunt him.
But he’s sure that something did happen. Michael doesn’t know if it’s bad or good, but something big happened, and everyone is hurt by his silence while it all happened. He read that through everyone’s expressions as they spoke of you. Especially Polly’s. His own mother.
He’ll have to see you tomorrow, and that thought pains him. What if you’re the exact same? The same loving and emotional girl that he’ll have to break once more by saying that he is soon-to-be married.
But what if you’re not? Does the thought of him hurting you hurt any less? God no. But it does create curiosity. Which is only one more feeling to keep his eyes wide open and mind moving miles a minute.
He looks over at Gina, who is sleeping peacefully in their bed. Skin shinning with the moonlight, blond hair still perfectly curled.
Can he even compare the two of you? No. Why? Because you two are polar opposites. Or were, at least in this case. And that is what keeps Michael awake in some nights: what in the hell made him choose Gina over you? And, of course,
Does he still love you?
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Taglist: @ohhersheybars​ @woodland-mist​ @onlythechicagoway​ @soleil-dor​ @finn-shelbys-bulldog​ @oh-theres-a-woman​ @peakyxtommy​
If you want to be a part of the taglist, dm me or comment on this post  💖
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🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey✨🌸
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool”
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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shozaii · 4 years
i just discovered your blog today ad ur writing’s really good 🥺 anyways, can i request shouto with an s/o who’s usually super sweet but when she’s fighting or serious she’s pretty sadistic and scary as hell :0 thanks 🤍
(a/n): hello anon! thank you so much😭❤️ i also hope you’re having a good day! i’m sorry this took a while but i hope the wait was worth it!
requests are still open! feel free to send them in💜
a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you s/o
warnings: none!
Tumblr media
(i had to take this gif LOOK AT HIM)
a super sweet s/o! just imagine how soft you two would be when first meeting each other!!
shoto would admit; you’re the purest person he’s ever met in his life. honestly something he needs after the overwhelming chaos around him.
even your quirk is just so beautiful! god, how was he so lucky to find you?
you were pretty friendly in class, so you were the one who introduced yourself to him first.
“hello! i’m y/n! nice to meet you! and you are...?”
umm, you should’ve known him already, right? literally, he was endeavor’s son.
“i’m todoroki. todoroki shoto,” he said, pretty chill about this whole introduction thing.
what you didn’t know was his curiosity in wanting to ask you so many questions.
sooner or later, he asked both midoriya and iida for some advice. being the two babies that they are, they gave him so much he was practically ready till his first date.
you on the other hand, were trying to make yourself talk to him. you didn’t want to ruin his first impression on you- so there you were, asking for the girls’ advice.
it finally happened after what seemed like weeks!
you two hit it off, with him stammering quite a lot, and you blushing profusely.
“y/n, a quick question.”
“i’m all ears!”
“didn’t you know i’m endeavor’s son?”
“ah! well, i wanted to get to know you as the todoroki shoto! i’m pretty sure you do have a life of your own.”
i think that’s when he fell for you even more.
weeks passed to months and he finally asks you out. and then, the both of you were finally a couple.
he lovesss your hugs because he knows they’re sincere and loving. each hug tells a different story, he says.
he admires your confidence and embrace so much. you were so kind to everyone, and everyone loved you too. never once have you wanted to disappoint, and they’ve never felt that either.
the same goes for shoto.
is this an angel? thoughts.
his siblings and mom adore you hhhh
they love having you around. it’s this soothing aura they enjoy when you’re present.
something stressful comes through, and you’ll endure it calmly. and those are possibly the little things he loves you for.
saves your contact name under “angel🤍”.
while you had it as “peppermint boy❤️”
that leaves him melting into a puddle
all until he saw you in a recent training session.
it was a new kind of training planned by mr.aizawa, and it was to try and enhance your quirks further.
it was like a whole new side of you to him, and possibly to the whole class.
remember how i said how your quirk looked so amazing to him? it still did.
but to see you literally murdering the entire group of boulders in front of you, with such a furious look on your face, brought up so much confusion to him.
heck, if you were to face a villian, they would RUN
that look on your face,,,,was it you? you looked like you were about to kill someone!!
even bakugou was shook.
“goddamn, that’s your girl?” kaminari asked.
blinking in pure confusion, he then smiled. “that is my girl,” he replied.
ooooo he felt so proud watching you! literally placed his hand on his chest and said, “what a goddess.”
those fighting styles, close ranged attacks, defense. everything about them.
perfection. you were like a polished diamond.
later during the day, you were walking back to the dorms with him.
“yes,shoto! you seem very distracted. what’s up?”
“this may be too sudden, but have i ever told you how wonderful of a person you are?”
you teared up. “sho!” you stopped, your soft hands squishing his cheeks. “and have i ever told you how you never fail to make me smile?”
he doesn’t say anything in return. proceeds to hug you on the spot.
i headcanon shoto to want to support his s/o regardless in their journey of becoming someone they want to be. now that he has seen a new side of yours, he’s gonna continue to pray for your wellbeing 24/7.
“you do you, love,” he said softly, earning a kiss from you on his cheek.
“and i can’t wait to see how great of a hero you’ll be!”
he can definitely get used to this. definitely.
(a/n): i hope you liked it anon!! this is kinda sorta like my oc too! the title may be weird but hey, it’s just who they are. 😆
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
The Powers that don’t
💜I got a special request for a longer fic in my inbox a couple weeks ago and I’ve been working on it for a bit!💜 
Pairing: Spike x fem!reader
Request: Imagine: The watcher's Council had found a young woman in a graveyard one night (from the year 2020) Giles was called by the council To look after the young woman while they figure out how she came to be. While fighting along side Buffy and the gang, Spike is crying over Drusilla leaving him as Spike encountered with the young woman takes a very happy turn. Oh personally: Laid back, kind, charming, sweet and sarcastic
Warning: Mention of covid-19. Blood mention. Spike kills people (not described graphically). Siring. 
Requested by: @everlastingartist​ - hope this is okay love 💜🖤
A/N: Snapshots of your growing relationship with Spike. Time moves on pretty fast, I didn’t want to split this one up into parts but I suppose I usually move time on in my ficlets so you should be used to that by now if you follow my writing lol. There’s an extra gif (as a treat) in the middle to split it up! I had a blast with this one! (WC: 5k)
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You were waiting in the queue to get into the supermarket, having to wait two metres behind those queueing in front of you. It was a normal day, that was until you blinked. This is how you found yourself in a graveyard. In the middle of the night.
“What the-” you looked around, confused. The mask over your mouth muffling your words as you spoke. You were sort of laid-back, even with this - being dropped into somewhere so clearly not where you were meant to be - you adjusted quickly. You had been in the supermarket queueing apart from the rest of the customers and now you were in a graveyard in what appeared to be the middle of the night.
“Now!” A stuffy looking man with a very British accent called, pointing towards you .A young woman tackled you to the ground. On instinct, that you weren’t aware you possessed until now, you blocked her blows and pushed her off you, panting hard. Eyes widened as she felt you were human. She got up, helping you up.
“Uh, Ow” You muttered, “So, hi, sorry to bother you - do you know where I am?”
“London, England” He enunciated the words, clearly proud of the place they were in.
“Great. How about when I am?” You ask, eyeing the girls choice in outfit. You were all for individual style but something about it made you feel as if you had been dropped straight into the 90s. 
“1998, of course” They confirmed your suspicion. The pair frowned at you and then at each other. 
“Oh, so I’ve travelled in time!” You decide, as if this was an inconvenience than a major revelation. You moved back subconsciously as they approached you. You weren’t used to people standing so close and so it was unusual when the girl offered you a comforting gesture - a hand on your shoulder. This gesture awarded her a glare from the man and she quickly dropped it. The man then looked at you with a curiosity that surpassed the usual time-traveller-crazy. He was squinting at you as if he had been waiting for this.
“Come with us” he ordered, didn’t ask. You shrugged and followed.
You spent a couple of days there, the man introducing himself as a watcher, his job to watch over the girl and train her. They had a special interest in you, something about a prophecy of one from the future,  telling you that you had some kind of potential too. You were packing up, which was fairly simple as you only had the clothes on your back and a now unneeded face mask. You had been told you were taking a trip. Someone that could help you figure where to go from here.
Meanwhile, in Sunnydale, California:
“Mr Giles. We will need you to undertake further duties. The council is stretched and this woman is a special case. She maintains that she is from the future. I believe it may be the one from the prophecy your slayer has discovered. We will need you to watch her while we do our own research on this prophecy”
“Ok, Quentin. I shall greet her at the airport”
When you finally arrived in Sunnydale, laden with several scrolls and some books for you to give to a ‘Mr Giles’ about a prophecy that hadn’t been explained to you, a friendly older man welcomed you.
“Uh, hello, y/n. I’m Rupert Giles, you will be staying with me. I hear that you have travelled a long way to be here”
“Yeah and the rest” You mutter, before smiling apologetically and greeting him properly, “It’s nice to meet you, you have a really nice home” You offered, ever the charmer, as you looked around it approvingly.
Eventually, a group of people perhaps a little younger than you arrived their curiosity getting the better of them. 
“This is Buffy, Willow, Xander and Anya” Giles introduced as you greeted them warmly.
“Hey, your names are all straight out of a graphic novel or something” You smile, introducing yourself as y/n. You had been briefed that Buffy was a slayer, that there was but one in a generation but you hadn’t been entirely certain what it entailed. Th others whispered slightly, about the latest demon not quite sure how much they could trust you yet as Giles caught that you may feel a little left out.
“Well, ah, yes, thank you. Shall we set you up in the spare room?” Giles offered, taking your bags and showing you the way. You just rolled with it, picking up the fast-paced lifestyle that you would have to be accustomed to in Sunnydale. 
With you being laid back and fun for the others to be around, you fit in almost straight away. They started to be less secretive around you and started to clue you in on everything. Although, they weren’t entirely sure what a potential was yet themselves. Which was fine by you, you might not be here long enough to find out anyway. Giles was the only one that knew of a prophecy that had started to come true since you arrived.
They were helping you find a way home. Some of them more reluctantly than others. Willow had started to teach you little tricks and tips about simple spells, so that you could show off to the others. Buffy and you often gossiped together, she liked that you often had a friendly ear for her problems, offering another perspective that Willow didn’t have. 
Life became normal, but you felt yourself lacking something you couldn’t quite put your finger on and it wasn’t returning back to 2020. Everyone was coupled up and some days you started to feel a little lonely. You continued to research a way to get home, often in vain. You weren’t so urgently wanting to leave, you had a life here in Sunnydale now but Giles was insistent you at least had the option to return to your time period.  
It had been a few months now, and you were getting used to life in Sunnydale. Buffy ran at the vampire, with you, willow and Xander trailing behind. The three of you worked together to shepherd the vampires into Buffy’s line-of-fight so that she could stake them more easily. You became a part of everyone’s lives and you almost forgot about where you had come from, until of course it was brought up again.
You became fast friends with the gang, a true member of the Scoobies. They asked you so many questions about the future it was as if your life before then had been a dream. You were all walking back from the graveyard after a long night of slaying when they mentioned the future once more.
“There’s a big virus... it’s pretty bad back there… or forward, in the future” You say softly, thinking of how different everything was compared to now and how much you had taken little things for granted.
“I knew it! I called it: the next apocalypse would be a big virus infecting everyone” Buffy said excitedly, then realised you had a little frown. Things really had felt scary for a while there. She stopped talking, a hand on your arm to reassure you. You smiled at how close you had become, finding her one of your best friends. You were so grateful for the Scoobies as you walked through the streets, deciding to make an impromptu trip to the Bronze. 
When you arrived, the music was buzzing and the vibe in the place was exciting. You smiled around the room, nodding along to the music, barely noticing the conversation until you zoned back in. They were discussing a vampire, someone they called Spike. You decided you wanted to ask who they were talking about.
“Oh my God, that’s right - you weren’t here” Buffy sighed, having to launch into another account of what had happened with Angel. Your eyes widened at the story they had managed to forget to inform you about, even to your laid back demeanour it made you a little spooked about how friendly you had been with Angel. 
“So, what’s up with this Spike? Is he evil?”
“If you’re scared of peroxide you should start running” Xander smiled, and Willow explained he had bleach blonde hair. 
“Well, uh, there was talk of torture with railroad spikes and-”
“He’s killed slayers in brutal ways”
“But he was mostly big on the talking about killing us but he never manged to do anything... too busy with his precious Drusilla” they shrugged, as if this was normal gossip. In the same breath, they started to talk about a girl from their school, Katy, who they saw parking with a guy that wasn’t her boyfriend. 
Not even a week after this conversation, you were in the Magic Shop, needing a few ingredients - you had promised to help Willow with a de-lusting spell. She had told you, in private, what had been going on with Xander so you had it a priority to rush to the store.
As soon as your eyes met his, you felt the missing piece you had been lacking. His presence filling you up in ways you never knew you were empty. You were drawn to him, even though you knew how dangerous he was, you couldn’t help step towards him, despite the fact he was standing over a dead body.
It was the store owner. You had really liked her, she was always extremely kind. Your look of horror changed to one of concern though, at the state of the vampire in front of you. He looked almost... broken. As if he had suffered a great loss. Your head told you to run, get into the sunlight as soon as you could, but something made you stand stock still. You knew who he was. You had been told about him only a few nights ago. But the horror stories hadn’t scared you away. Not even the scene before you had scared you away.
You both just stared, as if you were studying something fascinating. For some reason, unknown to him, he didn’t lunge at you. He launched into a rant about his woes. You were used to this, your personality meant people often confided in you.
“She dumped me! She didn’t even chop my head off or burn me to ash, I mean, she doesn’t even care about me that much!” 
“Hey, it’s okay I’m sure she’ll change her mind. I’m sure you have lots of... nice qualities” You offered. He sighed over-exaggeratedly, pacing and stepping over his discarded meal before leaning against the wall and sliding down it. He crouched, head in his hands as he continued to speak.
“But she cheated! With a chaos demon! Have you seen one of those? They’re all goo and antlers” he shouted, tears spilling from his eyes that he angrily wiped away. You cautiously sat beside him, also leaning against the wall.
“That sounds pretty gross to me” You offer nodding along, your hand hovering as if you wanted to offer a comforting gesture but you weren’t sure if he would bite your hand off (literally). However, your fears subsided when he leaned against your shoulder, sniffling slightly. His tears starting to subside at your words, nodding along. The big, scary bad guy didn’t seem so bad. He was in pain.
“Then, you deserve better, Spike. It hurts now, but this might be good for you. Some time to look out for yourself, pick up the, uh, pieces” You offer, wavering at the end as his face had shifted. He was starting to get mad. He realised he had been vulnerable with you. That he was taking comfort with you. A human. A potential, he had even overheard from the witch. This wouldn’t do. He could feel himself falling. One ounce of kindness and that’s all it took for him to start falling. God, sometimes he hated being love’s bitch. 
He squinted, how did you know his name? Oh, right, you must know the Slayer. He’s just been vulnerable with one of the Slayer’s little slayerettes. He scowled at you, a dramatic change from his previous apparent sensitivity as he loomed over you. 
“Bugger off, I see you - you’re the Slayer’s mate aren’t you? Well, I don’t know what game you’re playing but you can bloody well- you can bugger right off!” He shouted, grabbing your jacket, balling it up in his fist and pointing in your face. His face changed, his bumpy forehead shifting his features. You just stared back, everything had happened so fast you weren’t sure what could be said. Even now, you just wanted to reach and hug him. And, if you had I’m sure he would have hesitated but hugged back. But you didn’t and for some reason, he dropped his hand from your clothing and stalked away. 
The next time you saw him, was a few days later. For some reason, his mind had started to move from Drusilla’s betrayal and he had a new object of his affection. You bump into him late at night as you walked back home after helping Buffy patrol, he still looks a little upset. He was definitely a little drunk and so, you took pity on him. He insulted you when he first saw you, trying to keep up the façade but it quickly melted away at how genuine you were about how he was doing. He softened, even slightly, nodding along to your words. He followed you to your door, already starting to miss you as the key turned in the lock.
“Come in?” You offered over your own shoulder as you stepped over the threshold. He squinted, unsure if he had heard you right before smirking. 
“You’re just asking to be eaten up, aren’t you?”
“No, I can just see you’re hurting. Talk to me, I won’t tell a soul” you promise, setting out two mugs and offering him a drink. He nodded, taking the mug and hugging it to him. The warmth comforting in a way that he wondered if your embrace would be the same. He knew it would. And now, as you spoke, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
After this, another moment where he hadn’t eaten you despite having a very easy chance, he took comfort in the fact that you were kind but not naïve. Kindness was his weakness and you weren’t like the scoobies, there was something about you. Like you had knowledge, not just because you appeared to be a few years older. Like you could truly understand.
When he left in the early hours of the morning, only because the sun was threatening to rise, he still insisted he was going after Drusilla. But instead, he couldn’t help sticking around. 
He realised he didn’t want to go back to Drusilla. He wanted kindness. He wanted you. He decided to lay low, staying in Sunnydale for you. To even catch another glimpse of you.
He became increasingly besotted with you. A small grain of affection growing into a vast and deeply rooted feeling of love.
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After a while of accidentally bumping into him late at night, you realised Spike had moved back permanently. He was often found hanging around the place you had started renting after you moved out of Giles’ when you realised that this wasn’t a temporary stay in Sunnydale. He pretended he had been looking for you, saying that there was a gang of vampires that had taken over the east side of Sunnydale and that Buffy was busy with something else. He suggested that you both checked it out seeing as Giles had in fact determined, and now told you, that you were a potential. A slayer-in-training.
Spike drove you both. The car smelt of cigarette smoke and as if he had spilled an entire bottle of jack on the back seat. The whole way there he tried impressing you with how evil he was, despite the fact he was out doing Buffy’s job. You pointed this out to him, not wanting to upset him but because it was a valid point. He explained it was the principle of the thing, he wasn’t turning good. Not for anything. 
You were fond of him, and he loved everything about you. How caring you were. How sweet your smile was to him. How you knew so much about being in a time you’re not really from. He found you were incredibly easy to talk to, having now poured his heart out on more than one occasion. Another thing is that often, he didn’t feel the need to talk - he just wanted to hear you talk about everything and anything.
This was what you were doing on the car journey. You were explaining about music apps and how you could have all of your music, not just the beat up cassette tapes Spike had littering his car, on one tiny device. He listened, fascinated about everything you would tell him of the future.
You parked up and waited in the car a while, waiting for any sign of this illusive vampire gang. 
After a while, Spike turned the heat up a little, noticing you were cold. He slipped his duster off, not making eye contact as he offered it to you. You smiled and took it, but then realised what the gesture could mean. You slipped it on, bundling it around you the best you could before looking back to him wit ha little furrow on your brow.
“Is, uh, this a date Spike?” you ask finally, not able to stop yourself grinning at his reaction. 
“What?! No! Uh, unless you… y’know… wanted it to be?” He muttered, noting your smile. It made him melt. You nodded confirmation, a small smile. You’d love a date with him. He nodded, mirroring you. Then you both stared ahead of you, not sure what else to say. You were overthinking it now. 
A date with a human?
A date with a vampire?!
But when your eyes met again, none of it mattered. You grinned, reaching your hand to lay on top of his. Squeezing slightly, giving him that sweet smile he loved so much.
You were supposed to be predator and prey and yet it was nothing like this. Neither of you could deny your feelings. He couldn’t lie and say he magically didn’t think about the way your blood would taste, but he never wanted to hurt you. It was almost physical, he ached for you to be happy.
He moved to look back at you in the passenger seat and couldn’t help smiling, although it ended up on the other side of his face when the vampires you had been looking for found you instead. They had been real and not made up as an excuse to talk to you. You had fought together, perfectly in sync with the other, having each other’s backs on instinct. It was the best first date you had both ever had, ending in a passionate kiss as the last remnants of vamp-dust fell to the ground.
After months of researching the prophecy of the ‘Future one’ that Giles decided had to be you, you had also become Spike’s girlfriend. This was on the down-low to begin with, Spike was definitely seen as evil and not just because he had done a deal with some questionable demons in order to make some money and hoped to get the chance to kill Buffy at the same time. You navigated your relationship around this, trying to steer him and Buffy out of each other’s way the best that you could. 
Spike stalked in, blood smeared around his mouth that he wiped off with his shirt sleeve, trying to look at least a little presentable when he realised you were waiting up for him.
He softened when he saw you sleepily cuddled on the sofa, the glare of the tv lighting up your face. Coming back to see you was heaven, if he believed in any of that stuff. You made this crypt a home and coming back to have you waiting in the early morning was bliss. He wanted you to move in, but you kept your apartment for appearances in front of the Scoobies. 
He moved to you, cupping your cheek and pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft and slow, but full of meaning - as if he was sucking the soul from you. Replacing it with his love. His promise that souls didn’t matter when it was love.
“What was that for?” The meaning behind his kiss almost waking you up completely. Knocking the breath from your lungs. The sleep from your eyes. Eyes a little wider, smile a little brighter. 
“I love you, pet” he shrugged, sitting beside you on the sofa.
“I love you too, even though you taste suspiciously like the red-stuff” You can’t help still smiling sleepily. He sat beside you on the sofa, allowing you to settle in beside him. He let you lay against him and you snuggle into his side as he wrapped an arm around you. His soft whispers match the soothing caress as he rubbed your arm as you started to drift into sleep. You felt so safe with him.
You would never have guessed that not an hour before this vampire had been terrorising humans, draining them and taunting them. He of course never told you that was what he did, and he could never for a second imagine hurting you that way, but you had suspicions and you tried your best to not bring it up or ask him to try animal blood.
You trusted him, for better or for worse. By this time, you had been dating for almost a year and a half, for the most part hidden from the others. Willow knew, being the most understanding of the group. Anya had her suspicions but the others weren’t aware.
A while after all of your friends found out about your relationship with Spike (they had walked in on you both in a compromising position that no amount of excuses could explain), you got a call from Giles. He had still been looking up a way for you to go home and he had finally found one. 
It was time for you to choose. Between the prophecy and going back to the future.
“Y/n, I’ve found it! You may go home” he offered, an aged scroll and a tablet with runes carved on it in his hands. You stared, in shock. You knew what this meant. It meant you could go back home to your family. Your friends. Your life before you met them all.
“I, uh…” you just stared. Things had been rocky for a while, you had been under suspicion for your relationship with Spike when they had found out, but everything had been getting back to normal now. You had barely thought about returning to 2020. You had made a life here.
“You do not have to do anything with this, y/n. You may, ah, wish to think about it. Or I could put these to one side if you ever did in the future want to go back. But I will be the first to say that you are one of us. None of us will take any pleasure in saying goodbye” Giles knew your fears, that the group would want you to leave because of your relationship with Spike. They weren’t pleased with it, but the arguments were over now. Everyone was still fond of you.
“Thanks, Giles. Can we keep this between us for now?” You asked and he nodded, hiding everything away safely until it was needed. 
Since that talk with Giles, Spike noticed you had been off with him. He tried asking, but you had snapped and he had become irritated. You had stormed away in the middle of the day so that he couldn’t follow you, avoiding an argument. You took your time coming back, having to think over everything. Should you go back to 2020 or stay in Sunnydale (with perhaps a perilous prophecy to fulfil).
When you returned, you told him everything. An honesty you both had tried to maintain throughout your relationship. You poured your fears, your apprehension and then he looked in your eyes, took your hands and offered you another option. an option you had never even considered until now. Your eyes widened, could he really love you that much?
“You’ll never be able to go back, love. Think about it. I’ll understand if you’d rather try to look for that portal again to get back home” “I love you and I want you to stay here... with me” He finally said it. What you were hoping for him to say. Your grin spread across your face, nothing would have taken it from you. This moment, it was special.
“I want this, Spike. I want you” You confirmed, “You are home to me”
“You think you can handle an eternity with me?”
“I can give it a try at least” You smiled as he rolled his eyes.
He stared into your eyes, testing if you were serious before casting his gaze back to your neck. He could feel the steady beat, your trust in him. 
He leaned in, you braced yourself. He held your head back, cradling it. His mouth lingered despite his lusting for your blood. His face shifted, fangs now protruding from his mouth, the same eyes now a different colour scanning the unmarked skin there.
It was as if in slow motion. He whispered his affections for you, landing a soft kiss on your pulse point before his jaw opened. He moved in, teeth starting to pierce your flesh. You winced, hissing slightly and he paused but your hands moved and you nodded your continuing consent. He continued to intake your blood, swallowing the thick viscous liquid as if it were his last meal on this plain. 
When he managed to pull away, he sliced his palm, offering you your first taste of his blood. You gladly accepted, licking the cut before sucking hungrily. You pulled his hand closer to your mouth as he stroked the back of your head with his other hand. Your eyes darkened, wanting him, wanting to be filled with his blood. With anything he wanted to give you and offering your soul in return. Your soul was his to take.
This was forever. Bound by the love coursing through your veins. This was big for him, he had never sired anyone romantically before and he knew he never would again. This was a bond he only wanted with you. He loved you so much, to have you by his side was a gift to you both. 
You drank until your body slumped and he had to hold you up. Taking on your weight, laying you down on his bed. lovingly placing the covers over you. He lay himself beside you, on his side facing you, over the bedclothes. He stroked your cheek, it was as if you were sleeping. But you had no heart beat. You weren’t breathing. Your skin was hardening, marble-like. He smiled at this, a thumb gliding across your cheekbone.
He wasn’t grieving, he was in anticipation. Hoping your kindness, charm and laid-back nature wasn’t lost during the process. This had gone wrong for him before and he was desperate for all of the human qualities to be with you during your reawakening. 
After what felt like an age, your eyes opened and the first thing you saw were his sparkling blue eyes staring back. The smile on your lips mirrored his as your face shifted for the first time. Elongated fangs and a ridged forehead were now the new addition to your features, and he loved you more for it.
“I never would have thought… after everything” you sighed, having woken up from what felt like a sleeping-beauty style 100 year sleep. You thought about where you had come from. How you had met, how he had threatened you, how the Scoobies - your friends - had reacted to your relationship with Spike. It had all been worth it to be here with him like this.
Your joints were stiff, your senses heightened. But your love for him was just as deep as it was before. Your genuine nature bruised a little, maybe grazed but not removed from you the way some vampires appeared to have their good qualities surgically taken. 
“Well, the Powers-that-bloody-don’t have a funny way of working things out” he shrugged, not able to stop himself smiling that it was really still you. 
“Now, come on pet, I want to show you the afterlife properly” He smirked, pulling you up from bed to follow him, about to show you the joys of the hunt. He could tell you would be hungry, he was ready to show you everything. He was so pleased he had truly found someone that loved him the same way he loved them. Someone he could cherish, that would cherish him in return. Someone he could hold long into the day and not worry about some other vampire coming along and catching your eye. You were both in deep. And happily so.
This was the start of your un-life together. Little did either of you know, in a couple of months time, Spike would no longer be able to kill a living thing. A chip would be embedded  into his brain. You would stay by his side, a precarious truce with the others still. Your soul almost intact, but never quite in the room. Your love for him would never die, even through the tough times that were coming. 
Your prophecy something you would have to encounter eventually, but you could both face anything as long as you were together. Bound together for an eternity.
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plasticflowering · 4 years
A Unifying Theory of Loreography (Lore + Choreography)
(2/3/21) HELLO to all new folks finding this post! It is also now a YouTube Video, and I’m pretty happy with it so if you’d rather get your lore analysis visually please check it out! 
Preface: I don’t think it’s just coincidence that we got full choreography for an intro called “Devil is in the detail”, and I’ve made it my mission since 반박불가 dropped to pull apart the threads that might link everything, lore-wise. This morning I believe I had an epiphany about it, so here are my thoughts.
If this flops I will feel my soul exiting my body so please validate me.
Notes: In forming this theory I mostly considered the events of the storyline MVs and teasers as well as the choreography, but a very important part of my epiphanies came when considering the post-MV stingers for TBONTB and 반박불가. It’s using these stingers that I feel like I can better understand the thesis statements in the choreo. 
Part One: Now then, where were we? 
At the end of TBONTB, the monarchs are approaching monumental, pitch-black gates made of skulls and desperate, reaching hands. 
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I can’t not interpret this as the gates of Tartarus, considering the Greek mythology in the canon lore already. Tartarus, however, is at the lowest depths of the underworld, and so my interpretation is that, while they reclaimed their souls from the necklace, they awoke physically in a realm beyond the underworld, and now have to make their way out of this psychological nightmare to breathe free the air, as it were. Through Tartarus, through Hell, this is not because I played 80 hours of Hades in the last three months but it might have a little to do with that. Stay with me. (Though if anyone is wondering, YES Leedo would be Zagreus, but that’s not why we’re here today)
Part Two: Devil is in the Detail 
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What an opening formation. The imagery is not 100% clear to me, but I feel as if this entire opening formation sequence is dual-wielding imagery of a crown (much like the killing part of TBONTB), but also the gates of Tartarus. 
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Look at this transition once Hwanwoong ascends to the top of the formation, and how the hands all come out, similar to the gates above. I’ll be damned if this is supposed to invoke anything else.
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Rewinding a bit, this framing of Seoho being resuscitated and borne by their hands is stunning. Seoho’s journey in the TBONTB choreography merits its own post entirely, because there are a lot of moments that seem to be telling a story for him particularly, and this is just a continuation of that. 
Ravn and Leedo being separated for the rap line part seems like an obvious utilitarian choice, and I agree that it is. However, before we prepare to dismiss all “pairings” as serving the progression of the song itself, I have another theory that ties together a lot of the inciting moments of choreo. I promise you this is going to sound like A Reach, but that’s just how my mind works and if you enjoy it I’m glad.
Leedo, Hwanwoong, and Xion are the monarchs who have absolved themselves by the events of 반박불가, and fully reclaimed their souls as well as their conscience. Seoho and Ravn, not so much. They have a lot of work to do to free their conscience - especially Seoho. Oh, lord, especially Seoho. Keonhee is an extremely interesting case, as he seems to have a foot firmly in both sides, More on that later. 
For further paranoid conspiracy theorist proof of this, please note that their outfits in the choreography videos symbolically reflect this:
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Light, Light, Light/Dark, Dark, Dark/Lightish, Light
If you need more convincing, may I point out that Leedo, Hwanwoong, and Xion are the only members who got those wonderful “all clothed in white” shots in the back half of the 반박불가 MV? I tried to make a gif, and I did make a gif, but Tumblr doesn’t want to post it in this text post.
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(you rn)
The most interesting moments of loreography in DiitD are the following: 
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1. These lotus hands. Again, the imagery, I die!! Keonhee is coming into his own, his character is blooming, expanding his consciousness, going sicko mode with the realization that he has power in the underworld. 
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2. Directly following this, Seoho offers a hand to Keonhee and literally drags him down (again, the light/dark dichotomy of Keonhee), while the two good good boys Hwanwoong and Xion are back there just trying to maintain balance so they can get through this Hell/Tartarus thing. 
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3. Good ol’ ONEUS Summoning Circle, but wait this time I think it’s actually meaningful beyond the imagery. Seoho is at the center because he has the vocal line, yeah obviously, but he stays there much longer than is objectively necessary without a formation change. This isn’t common in ONEUS choreography. As much as they love their Summoning Circles, they tend to move on to other formations quickly. This one has meat on its bones, and I think what’s happening here, loreography wise, are the other monarchs banding together in an attempt to save Seoho from the darkness. But Seoho is powerfully dark, y’all, even going so far as to overpower them in the moment above. 
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4. This is flame imagery. Seoho has been engulfed in flames despite everyone’s best efforts. 
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5. At the last minute, he gets yeeted via backflip back into Hell/Tartarus
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6. Keonhee takes the initiative in going back for him...
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7. We’re back in Hell, that’s just great. Thanks, Seoho. You’re lucky we love you and your extremely disturbed conscience. 
With this in mind, you can probably get way ahead of me, here. 
Part Three: 반박불가 
Perhaps not remarkably, the title track doesn’t have nearly as many loreography beats as DiitD. However, we know it’s part of the lore, and this was made abundantly clear simply with that opening move...
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This is where we left off TBONTB, but not exactly. There is a slightly different formation of dancers here, which suggests it’s not picking up exactly where TBONTB left off, but rather that this is a cue to let casual fans know, explicitly: yes, this is a continuation of the TBONTB story. 
Some moments don’t have choreography allusions, but they are loud in the MV, such as:
- “Youngjo, would you stop playing with flowers, our lead vocalist is going to Hell.” Ravn, who barely scraped out of Hell last time, ostensibly with Leedo’s help according to the rap line break in the choreography, has a rough time of it in the 반박불가 MV, but Hwanwoong isn’t going to let him fall back into toxic behaviors and lose himself to that psychological prison again. Hwanwoong drags Ravn back out of Hell, but not before Ravn successfully makes contact with Seoho. Obviously, Ravn would be the one to make contact, because Ravn’s still a little on edge about his own conscience and can easily backslide if he wants to. Who does he find down there? Seoho.
- Keonhee, who led the charge to return to Hell, is staying on task but seems to be the chief of operations to Hwanwoong’s chief of intelligence here, exercising his newfound sicko mode. Those two are certainly working hardest at keeping the servants of darkness in check down in the depths so they can make a quick break for it. 
- Leedo’s actually having a grand time fighting his own demons - or rather, smirking at them and realizing that nah, he’s good. He can use his guilt and regret to motivate him towrd good things now. 
- Xion is literally just above all of this and can move between Hell and Earth with ease, so he’s just waiting to see if he has to pull any Fallen God-Prince cards here to save his friends. 
Now, for the key loregraphy moments. It’s obvious that 1Million was choreographing for a new direction in the ONEUS style, here, so it’s nearly bereft of the usual lyricism and formations, but they’re definitely there. Unsurprisingly they almost all deal with Seoho. 
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1. God, this moment whips. They’re all working to free Seoho and lock the gates behind them, with Keonhee giving Seoho one final push. That’s not a normal choreography move. That is storytelling and it sticks out like a beautiful sore thumb with an entire sonnet written on it. 
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2. With Seoho on lock, now Ravn may break out. He does so rather easily, but it’s not without Hwanwoong’s help. Please notice that Keonhee and Seoho are the two BEHIND him, and what that symbolizes. 
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3. This fucking bridge. It’s amazing with the loreography. First of all we have Keonhee, and the Summoning Circle is using the same imagery/texture that was formerly used to represent engulfing fire. Uh-oh.
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4. Keonhee reaches out...
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... but gets dragged under.
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5. (excited football commentator voice) but who’s that on the outside making it to the surface, literally with the support of the other monarchs? IT’S SEOHO (cheers)!!
And Seoho finishes things out in the center, as well he should because he got us into this mess.
Part Four: What just happened to Keonhee
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I’m so angry at this post-MV stinger. It took me forever to wrap my brain around what is being suggested here, because I thought “hey wait, the red lighting represents darkness/hell, doesn’t it?? DOESN’T IT?? RBW???? I thought we just GOT OUT OF HELL????
So I leave the final interpretation in everyone's individual hands, but the thought that occurred to me today was: 
What if this entire scenario was a test of resolve and camaraderie, an illusion, a trick by the Devil (or that donger Helios, whatever). What if Keonhee was the only one who saw through this, and the only one who genuinely made it to Earth at the moment he appeared to have been dragged back to Hell? Because, as we know, Keonhee is a tactical genius, a monarch among the monarchs, and all his visual imagery in the MV suggested a sort of power cabal. 
What if he realized that they weren’t all strong enough to face the challenge of breaking this cycle, so he schemed to leave them behind, but leave them safe in the illusion, while he struck out with the power of God and anime on his side.
I... I think Keonhee is about to go kill and dethrone a God, y’all. 
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Kindred Outsiders: Pt. 1
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x OC
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 2374
A/N: Hello! This story was originally posted on my fanfiction.com account but I decided to bring it to tumblr as well :) Anyhow, this story is going to take place in the beginning of summer & will later lead up to the events starting in the beginning of season 3. Gif used isn’t mine. Enjoy!
Indiana is…different.
I moved out here merely two weeks ago from Los Angeles, California. My father died from a plane crash over a month ago. He was on his way home from a business trip. My mother, on the other hand, isn't in the picture because she passed away from cancer 5 years ago. I was 15 years old at the time.
I couldn't stand being alone in my father's mansion any longer. It just wasn't the same without him. It caused me nothing but pain having to enter a home where I am not greeted a simple 'hello' from my father. Dinners were always lonely so I ended up resorting to going out with friends almost every night for dinner, followed by drinking at home from my father's in-home bar.
When it came around to bedtime, I felt a pit in my stomach whenever I passed my father's office and didn't see the light shining under the crack of the door. He always worked in his office late.
One day I made a bold move by giving my aunt Joyce a call and moved in with her in Indiana a month after the incident. Aunt Joyce is my father's sister.
Her small house is nothing compared to mine and lacked the useless amenities I was used to. But I didn't care. Living here so far with her, Will and Jonathan was much better than living back in California all alone. Sure, I had friends but it doesn't compare to family.
Since I am an only child of my parents, I inherited all of their money. I also made a selfless decision and paid off my aunt's mortgage. When I told her the news, I was thanked with a slap across the face followed by a tight hug. She never wanted any handouts from my parents in the past and still doesn't til this day.
It is 1pm and I just clocked out for my short shift at this clothing store in the starcourt mall. Yes, I have a great amount of money in my bank account, but I still wanted to keep myself occupied by working a part time job. I didn't want to just sit on my ass all day. Especially since I still don't know what I want to do for my career. I am 20 years old and time is ticking, but I don't want to waste my time and money on schooling when I don't know what the hell I want to do yet.
After every shift I've been stopping by the ice cream shop, Scoops Ahoy and I always see the same duo, Steve and Robin. I've become quite acquainted with them and I learned so far that they're fresh out of high school.
"Let me guess, rocky road?" Steve said with a grin.
"You know me too well, Steve." I replied with a smile, stretching my arm out to hand him cash.
"God Steve. Just ask her out already." Robin added, rolling her eyes playfully and crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the back counter.
"Can you not?" Steve snapped his head at Robin, cheeks flushed red.
"Very funny, Robin." I let out a chuckle and waved goodbye to the duo as I licked my delicious ice cream on my way out.
As usual, I took my time walking through the mall. I wanted to make sure I finished my ice cream before I arrived to my car and headed home. A variety of families, couples and friends seemed to be enjoying their shopping trips. Though word on the news is that many local business owners are enraged about the mall being built due to losing business.
A familiar female voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hi Victoria!" Aria, my eccentric coworker greeted me, her shoulder-length blonde hair bouncing as she kept up to my steps.
"Hey Aria, I thought you're off today?" I asked, still enjoying my ice cream.
"Yeah I was just shopping around for a gift for my mom's birthday next week." She briefly lifted the shopping bag in her hand. "Did you just get off or are you on lunch?"
"Um, I just got off."
"Yay! I'm going to the pool after this. Join me so I'm not alone!" She suggested. "There's also this hot hot hot lifeguard they hired last week. I went to school with him!"
"Okay sure. But I'm not really into that."
"Come on, Victoria." Aria groaned. "I know you don't have any plans today."
"No I meant the hot lifeguard or whatever. Not into that." I gave a dismissive wave of my hand before taking a generous lick of my ice cream.
"Oh. You're into girls? So sorry. I didn't know."
I snorted in amusement, but internally I was rolling my eyes at her. She's always been quick to make assumptions.
"No no no. I like boys." I made known. "I just don't care to drool over a piece of meat. But I'm down to take a dip in the pool."
"Oh! Okay. Sorry. Sorry again."
"It's fine Aria," I dragged. "I'm gonna go home and change out of this and I'll meet you there."
"Yay! Okay bye!" Aria shouted with glee before going our separate ways. She sure can be annoyingly hyper sometimes, but she's the only real girlfriend I've made here so far. Robin is always working and when she is off, she's always busy doing god knows what.
Like clockwork, my ice cream was finished off before I made it outside to my car. Or should I say my late father's black 1984 Porsche 911. It's quite showy for someone who now lives in Indiana, but this car was my father's baby. I'm never letting go of this.
The Rubberband Man by The Spinners blasted on my stereo as I drove to Aunt Joyce's house. Music from the 70s has always stuck with me. On my face are my favorite pair of black aviator sunglasses.
After a moment of driving down the familiar roads, I pull into the front of my aunt's house. I take the keys out of the ignition, remove my aviators, hop out of my car and enter the non vacant home. "Hey Jonathan." I greeted my cousin who is watching television on the couch with a full plate and fork in his hands.
"Hey there, Vic. You're home early." He said with a full mouth. I hummed in response before scurrying to my bedroom.
I searched through my dresser drawers until I found the perfect bikini for my mood, which is a two piece. I paired my black cheeky bottoms with a neon green strapless top. After quickly peeling off my work attire and slipping into my bikini, I made sure to at least cover up my ass cheeks with denim shorts before throwing on a pair of sandals.
Now I am out the door, tossing my bag of pool essentials in the passenger seat and making sure not to forget my aviators. The sun is at its peak and I am ready to cool off.
Minutes later I pull into the parking lot of the community pool for the first time since moving down here. I've driven past it plenty of times but never had the need to go yet until Aria randomly invited me.
Exiting my car with my bag under my arm and my aviators on, I hear various sounds at a short distance of people enjoying themselves in the water.
The sun is beaming down at me as I'm making my way through the gate, glancing around until I find Aria. "Victoria! Hey!" She shouted with glee, waving her hand. I found her lying on the pool lounger.
"Hey Aria." I greeted, placing my bag on the ground.
"Go on in the pool if you want. I'm waiting for him to show up for his shift. It should be any moment now!"
"Really?" Sitting down at the foot of the empty pool lounger, I shook my head at Aria in disapproval.
She scoffed. "Oh don't give me that look, Victoria." I shook my head at her, dropping my shorts and tossing it in my bag.
Aria let out a gasp out of the blue, sitting up straight. "Speaking of Billy. There he is!"
"Where?" I asked, casually pulling a flask out of my bag. I'm not an alcoholic and I don't plan to get plastered, but a little buzz is well deserved.
Aria doesn't respond. Instead, I scan my surroundings until I spotted the only male lifeguard walking the grounds to my left. He is tastefully shirtless, wearing red swim shorts, a whistle necklace and brown aviator shades. His dirty blonde hair is styled into a mullet, which surprisingly fits his face perfectly.
Billy's head snapped my direction as I'm taking a swig out of my whiskey filled flask. I couldn't tell if he was directly looking at me due to the shades masking his eyes, but all of the women's eyes were on him. And by the swagger of his steps, I can tell he's reveling in it.
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"Eh." I shrugged my shoulders, once Billy passed me and sat comfortably in the lifeguard chair. "He's alright." I lied.
From his perfectly tanned skin to his flawlessly sculpted muscles, it's as if his body was made by angels. Even from a distance, I could see that his plump lips could lose any woman in his kiss. But no, I had to feign being unimpressed because a man that looks like that is bad news for me.
"Are you freaking kidding me?" She briskly pulled her sunglasses off, shooting me a look of disgust.
"Are your sunglasses blinding you?"
I snorted. "Nope. I can see perfectly clear."
"Ugh! If you think that Billy Hargrove is just alright, then I don't even want to know what kind of men you consider perfect." Aria mentioned seriously to me as she laid back and placed her sunglasses back on.
"Don't care. I'm going for a dip." I threw my flask back inside my bag before rising to my feet towards the pool to swim a few laps.
Stroking through the water, there is no one alive who can stop me. It's a moment like this that makes me miss the beaches in California. But I close my eyes and lose myself, pretending that's exactly where I am.
Unaware how long I've been swimming to and fro, I do one more lap before I take a break and reward myself with another sip of whiskey.
As I am motioning out of the water and my feet are planted onto the cement, a deep, male voice captures my attention. "Here."
I look and it is the stud himself, Billy Hargrove handing me a towel. "Oh thanks." I accepted with a soft smile, almost hesitant because I have a towel in my bag but I didn't want to seem rude.
I begin pat drying my long, black hair with the towel and begin sauntering towards my designated pool lounger, but Billy halts me, "Hey sweetheart." I spun around to face him with furrowed brows. "What's your name?" He asked, removing his glasses to reveal his annoyingly beautiful, blue eyes.
"Victoria. And you?" I asked even though I already know.
"The name's Billy." He said, randomly placing a piece of gum in his mouth which caused me to catch a glance at his lips, then to his abs and back to his eyes. I swear I saw the corner of his lip quirk up when he caught me. "Nice to meet ya Victoria."
"You too Billy." The sun was so hot that I didn't even need to dry off my body anymore. Instead, I threw the towel over my shoulder.
"Am I mistaken or is this your first time here?" He asked, smacking his gum as he's indiscreetly giving me an elevator look.
"No you're right." Before Billy had the chance to speak any further, I pointed behind him towards the pool. "Hey, I think there's a kid drowning over there."
Just as I predicted, he cautiously looked over his shoulder and that's when I made a beeline towards my pool lounger next to Aria.
"You. Dumb. Bitch." Aria remarked with obvious displeasure as I'm searching for my flask. "I can't be friends with you anymore."
"What now, Aria?"
"Billy the hottie was obviously into you and you blew it! Ugh, the things I'd do to be in your shoes right now."
"Oh please. He's just another pretty boy that wants one thing." I implied before taking a sip. "Go over there and talk to him yourself then." Flickering my eyes, I am now seeing that Billy's back on his lifeguard chair.
"Um no. If Billy wants somebody, Billy always makes the first move. Do I look like I want to embarrass myself right now?"
"If you say so." I said, readjusting the pool lounger so that it was flat and I lied on my stomach, using my arms as a makeshift pillow. "Can you rub sunscreen on me and wake me up in 30. I'm taking a nap."
Being the good friend that she is, Aria stole the sunscreen from my bag and did as I asked. She knows I'd do the same for her.
"I know you can't see right now," she started after a minute of no words exchanged, "but he's looking over here. Probably at your ass." She paused. "I wouldn't blame him though."
She's right. I do have a nice ass.
"Billy can stare all he wants. What do I care?" I uttered lazily, eyes closed and ready to sleep.
"You're insane! If I can't have him, then can you have him for me? And tell me if it is big!" She whisper shouted, rubbing the last bit of sunscreen needed on me.
"Im not having sex with anyone, Aria. Especially not him. I'm taking my nap now."
Billy is just another handsome face with a Calvin Klein body which doesn't impress me because it seems like he's used to getting any woman he wants. But I'm not any other woman, so he can use that charm on the next one for all I care.
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fandom-lover20 · 3 years
Hello! It is me! May I please have a Breakfast club and hunger games match-up? (there so many other good fandoms but I don't want to ask for too much lol) tysm in advance and have a fantastic day/night!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back.
I have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of waves , and thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain and salt water, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything.
Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
Girl, you and I would get along so freaking well.
The Breakfast Club
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Andrew Clark. He is constantly by your side or behind you depending on if you're in heels or flats. He will constantly have an arm around you or stand behind you with both arms over his shoulders and fingers interlinked so you can't move. And this man will be the one jumping into your arms, not the other way around when watching horror movies or even if it's only a small bit he will cringe and hide his face in your shoulder; the spider situation however is the opposite, he will be the brave person and will actually tease you by holding the glass with the spider inside near you while you're running away. Oh, and for the tree incident, Andrew would be at your side in a split-second when you fell and if you were bruised he would punch the tree.
The Hunger Games
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This man LOVES that freaking height difference. The top of your head is at his neck so he is constantly looking down at you and kissing the top of your head or bending over a little to kiss the lobe of your ear. He is absolutely in love with you and loves your style especially as it's different from him, nearly the exact opposite however sometimes he'll steal an oversized jumper that you haven't worn in years yet still smells like you to wear for the day. He'll take you down to the lake he found when hunting with Katniss where you'll go swimming and sometimes when it's cold he make sure both of you are wrapped up nice and warm and you'll sit there listening to the sound of the water moving because of the wind. And whenever there's a thunderstorm he'll light the fire, if you want to help he'll let you, and you'll cuddle up while listening to the storm outside.
Andrew's picture is from https://ohitsophia.tumblr.com/post/647914825904685056/ah-yes-the-five-love-languages-touch-starved
Gale's gif is from https://thehungergamesrenaissance.tumblr.com/post/658637458519523328/the-hunger-games-renaissance-the-hunger-games
Also, I'm really sorry it took me so long. I started it but then it deleted and then I completely forgot about it. I'm also watching Breakfast Club at the moment by the way.
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library-phantom · 4 years
Timelines - Dhawan!Master x reader
I’m a little nervous about this fic, because it’s a different style from the ones I’ve written before, it’s longer and I didn’t get inspiration from any song. I got this idea from the Writing Prompts on Instagram (@writing.prompt.s) and decided to use this in a fic. I’m sorry for any mistakes, English isn’t my first language. I tried to add some History facts here, but I apologize if I said anything wrong. 
Summary: the prompt from Writing Prompts was: “you live in a world where the first words your soulmate says to you appear on your skin. Your words are “hey you dropped your phone”. However, you are a baker in Ancient Greece and have no idea what a phone is”. 
Warning: the reader gets a little injured, but nothing serious
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(GIF isn’t mine)
You enjoyed your life, that was true. You had a little bakery and was happy. However, there was something that would annoy you from time to time. It was normal for everybody to have the first words said by your soulmate written in your skin and people would always talk about what would the situation be when they met their soulmate. Some of your friends had already met their special ones and their first words were shown into each other's skin. You said you didn't care about all that stuff with soulmates and words written in your skin, but the truth was that you didn't believe that would ever work for you. The people who knew you would make fun of you because of your words and could understand why. The reason? The words written in your right shoulder were “hey, you dropped your phone”. First of all, what was a phone? How you could drop that? You didn’t have any idea about what any of that meant, so you just assumed it was destiny making jokes on you. That’s why you stopped caring about that and tried to cover those words as best as you could.
It was another regular morning when a woman with blond hair walked into your bakery. She had a smile in her face and had a strange device in her hand.
"Hello. Have you seen anything weird here lately?"
"Not really, there isn't anything weird here”, you said a little confused. “Except when Socrates and his students walk around making their questions about usual things, telling us we need to think. It's a good practice, though, I actually enjoy it."
"Uh, this is Greece, then!", the woman said with a smile even wider. You gave her a confused look. "My coordinates got a little messy, but I'm glad I'm still on Earth. I got some alien readings in this planet and I need to investigate. I only need to go to the right year and…"
"Earth? Alien? Right year? I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor! It's great to meet you...what's your name again?"
“I'm Y/N. I'm still trying to understand what’s happening…"
You were cut by a loud noise on the outside. The Doctor ran outside and you followed her, not really understanding why. There was a lot of smoke and it was hard for you to breath. The Doctor got your hand and ran in the direction of a small blue box. Later you would remember that was how you started traveling with the Doctor.
Some months later, you were still traveling with the Doctor. After the initial shock about time and space travel, aliens and monsters, you got used to that. You have seen wonderful places and met different people. You loved to travel to the future and see how technology and science evolved to make people’s lives easier. 
Eventually, you found out that those words about soulmates were still present in everybody in the future, however you only saw that in humans so far. Of course, now that you have seen the future you knew what a phone was and adapted very well, since you got one for yourself in one of your travels to Earth in the future. You finally understood what those words meant. But, since you were so busy traveling with the Doctor, you didn’t care about those anymore.
One day, the Doctor got a message for help for a ship while you were many years in the future. Apparently, they were attacked, part of the crew was dead and the ones that were still alive were trying to escape. The Doctor landed the TARDIS in the ship and started to get readings with her sonic screwdriver while you followed her closely. Suddenly, both of you heard a noise behind you and when you turned around, you saw an alien that neither of you have ever seen. You turned to the Doctor, but not even she could say what that was. That huge monster had sharp claws and moved very fast. The Doctor told you to run and once you turned around to get away from there, that weird creature began to chase you. 
You tried to run as fast as you could, but you felt it was difficult to pull more air into your lungs and your legs were burning from the effort. To increase your despair, you had lost the Doctor into those many corridors. Maybe you turned left while she turned right? You only knew you had to find her and get out of that place. 
When you turned another left, you didn’t see that creature after you anymore and took a deep breath in relief. However, while you were leaning into the wall to catch your breath, that creature found you and got a hold of your shoulder. You felt its claws get deep in your skin while you tried to run, but you weren’t strong enough and you fell to the floor. That’s was when you saw something that seemed like a taser on the floor. You got that, shot at the alien and it let you free while running away in pain. You looked around and saw a door. For you luck, it was unlocked and you got inside.
Once you closed the door behind you, you finally could breath. You could wait there some minutes and think about how to find the Doctor. Then you remembered you could try to call her. After all, she installed a device in your phone that allowed you to call her regardless of where or when you were. But, when you pulled your phone from your pocket, you saw it was broken. It probably happened when you were attacked by that creature. You sighed while you let yourself fall in a chair. You looked around the room you entered and it seemed to be the central of control of that ship so you could look for the Doctor in the cameras and try to contact her to say where you were. It was a good plan. However, you were so tired of running and out of breath that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone in that room. 
“Hey, you dropped your phone”, you heard him say. “Why are humans always so stupid?”
“Who are you?”, you said while getting up of the chair. As he said, you dropped your phone when you sat on the chair.  You saw a man standing near the door with a purple coat and a plaid suit. He was studying you with attention, but you could see something weird in his eyes. Was he confused?
“I’m the Master. And, I assume you are here with the Doctor. Of course, she’s always trying to ruin my plans and…”, he stopped himself while he was coming closer to you. You noticed he was looking you up and down, but his eyes took a longer moment down your face. You followed his gaze and saw he was staring at your shoulder. Your clothes were torn apart where the alien’s claws got you. You were obviously hurt, but it was nothing so serious.That was when you noticed...the words in your skin were visible, your clothes weren’t hiding it anymore. You got confused while looking at those words for the hundredth time, but now it was different. You tried to think back about some moments ago. What was that the Master said when he saw you? 
“You are human, right? Well, if you’re with the Doctor you’re obviously human”, he said to himself. He started to pace around while looking at you. “This must be a joke, I never thought it would be like this. The only Time Lord to ever have this and of course it would be a human!”
“What are you talking about?”, you didn’t understand at first, but then you figured that out. The words in your shoulder were finally making sense, but you couldn’t understand how that was happening. And why it was happening like that.
The Master stopped in front of you and removed his coat. Without looking away, he started to roll up his sleeve in his right arm. That was when you saw it; his arm had the question “who are you?”. It was exactly what you said. You let your eyes meet his again and both of you had the same confused expression. He opened his mouth to say something when you heard an explosion. Both of you looked at the screens and saw the ship was being destroyed. You couldn’t find the Doctor and now you were going to die. In space. Facing your possible soulmate, if life wasn’t making fun of you again.
You felt a warm hand around your wrist and the Master pulled you through a door. You tried to free yourself from him, but you couldn’t. Once you stepped inside after him, you realized the inside was bigger than the outside. 
“This is a TARDIS?”
“Oh, great observation skills. Yes, this is a TARDIS”, he said annoyed while running around the console to take you both out of that place.
“I need to go back to the Doctor”, you demanded. You tried to keep your voice strong, but you were feeling a little weak. It was probably the claws of the alien that hurt you. You tried to keep yourself standing, but you let yourself fall to the floor. The Master immediately was at your side.
“You won’t go anywhere now. You are hurt and need to rest”, he said coming closer to you. You only met him minutes ago, but you felt you could trust him. He carried you to the sofa on the corner of the room and came back after some minutes with some medical supplies. He started to clean your wound with so much care that didn’t seem he would be capable of.
“Why are you helping me?”, your voice was lower than usual. You didn’t feel strong enough, but there was something about him. The Master let a smile come to his face. His eyes lingered to the words in your shoulder and he showed you his arm again.
“I always thought these words were a fairytale, a joke from the universe to me. The only Time Lord to have something that all the humans had. I lived all these years being sure that it was something that I could never have. Something I didn’t deserve. But, now I see the proof that it’s real.”   
His voice had a softness that didn’t seem usual to him. You felt hypnotized by his eyes. All the times your friends told you about how they felt with their soulmates, everything was finally making sense to you. The way your heart was beating faster, the feeling you got in your stomach... being with him felt like home.
“I waited so many years to see if these words made sense, now I know they do. I finally met you...wait, what’s your name?”, he said furrowing his eyebrows. His face was forming a little smile.
“Y/N. My name is Y/N…”, you replied studying his features for a moment. “Master.”
When you said his name, it was almost like a light had come to his face. His eyes were shining while looking at you.
“Well, Y/N, I need to show you the stars”, the way he said your name was perfect. It was almost like you had waited for that for all your life. Yes, this was definitely how home felt like.
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themilky-way · 4 years
paris {s.r}
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gif credit: sincerelycalum on tumblr
pairing: spencer reid x female! reader
summary: while working on a case in paris, you and spencer realize that there may be more to your friendship than you think. how long until the city of love casts a spell on you? based on this song.
warnings: none i think it’s just fluff  (like everything I write lol)
author’s note:  this long af bc this was supposed to be a series and this would’ve been the second part but the first one i posted didn’t do well lmao. so instead, just enjoy this one shot and maybe i’ll post the first one again if u guys want but idk. also we a lil bold in this fic bc we love confident queens
grabbing your go bag and cell phone from the charging port, you quickly made your way to the jet that was already waiting for departure. the team was ready to make their way to paris, france on a case for a serial killer that migrated from california. it had been difficult for everyone, considering the unsub wasn’t leaving much evidence. 
despite it being for work, you and the team were excited to explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world. if you thought about it, it was kind of like killing two birds with one stone: the opportunity to finally catch a gruesome killer and a vacation. morgan was practically shaking with anticipation as he kept getting up from his seat and bothering garcia every five minutes and then going back. 
“just think about it, baby, all the smokin’ hot people we’re gonna meet. I mean, it’s called the “city of love” for a reason!” derek rambled to penelope as she typed away rapidly on her computer. 
“this isn’t a vacation, sugar, but yes I’m aware of all the potential babes we might encounter. and for that, I prepared another bag,” she giggled as derek started to laugh along with her. he raised his hand to high five her and she lifted hers too, lightly patting it. 
“oh you’re bad bad aren’t you,” he laughed, and they both continued to talk too rapidly for the others to understand. meanwhile, you had grabbed your seat next to emily and right across from you was spencer. you and emily were talking about god knows what, the range going from guessing the types of desserts paris had to perhaps renting a motorcycle for your stay. the banter between the both of you was endless, and you even started watching a french movie to get some pointers on the language. 
between the jokes and wondering remarks, you didn’t really notice that spencer was observing you the whole time. sure, he could play it off as if he were judging both of his coworkers for their lack of knowledge on french culture and linguistics, but he wasn’t really doing that, was he? no, in fact, he was watching you in such depth, the way he’d look at the pages of a book, and taking in every aspect that you had to present. he was, in the most simplest way it can be described as, mesmerized.
the day spencer realized that he looked at you this way shocked him. to be completely honest, it scared the hell out of him. he never pictured you as anything more than a friend, and he always thought you were too relaxed for a job like this. he told himself that he’d leave the matter alone, that their would be no thinking or second-guessing of any kind. but the second he’d lay his eyes on you, it’s like the rules he made up never quite existed. however, the more he looked back on it, there was one question that urged this matter forward: am I gonna find out why?
he shook out of his deep concentration to look up at the voice that was now speaking to him. his eyes focused again and he stared at you confused.
“reid, you okay? you’re spacing out on me, buddy,” you said, head turned slightly from the position you were seated in. you had shifted in your seat to face emily, your left leg bent on the cushion and your right giving you stability on the ground. 
“sorry, I was busy thinking.”
“well, try not to use that big ol’ brain of yours too much yet, we’re gonna need it when we land,” you said, giving him a small wink. he gave you a small smile while a tiny smear of rose-colored blush crept its way onto his cheeks. it was a friendly gesture; everyone on the team did it so you thought, “why the hell not?”
reid opted to read a little bit while on the plane so that he could get in some new interrogating tactics for when they met the unsub. you and emily continued to watch french movies and spot all of the hot actors and actresses you thought would be fake, penny and morgan, well they were on a whole different level of fun. the only ones quiet and doing some work was hotch, jj, and rossi. 
the plane slowly began to descend, butterflies erupting in your stomach from the fall, before the captain announced, “we are now ready to descend and are getting ready for arrival.”
when the captain finished, hotch began, “alright, listen up, team. the location of this case was by chance and we shouldn’t get distracted by anything or anyone. do your job quickly and efficiently as you’ve always had.” he spoke sternly, his shoulders were straight and his face emotionless and heavy with sleep. to any other person, hotch would be a zombie who helped solve murder cases, but to the bau team, he was their leader and they admired him. 
“oh, come on, hotch! if we work extra hard these few days and have enough time by the end of the wee-” you began before getting cut off. 
“yes, we can stay a while and explore the city. the unsub and the evidence altogether looks promising, so hopefully we can wrap it up quick. but don’t stray from your path in the meantime.”
everybody nodded and “yes, sir’d” before standing up and grabbing their luggage from the compartments at the top of their seats. everyone walked out in pairs and headed for the taxi cars that were waiting for them. you took emily, morgan took reid, jj and penelope partnered up, and of of course rossi and hotchner stuck together. at different paces, the team agreed at a nearby hotel closest to the paris police department that had called them. getting your bags in the car, along with the rest of the girls’, you made your way to the hotel to check in and drop your luggage off.
at first glance, it looked like a simple building; a cream color adorning the walls and some very intricate, sophisticated street lamps aligned on the perimeter of the parking entrance. before entering, there was a sort of roundabout you had to pass in order to reach to valet parking, and in the center of the roundabout, was a water fountain. it was simple, yes, but to parisians only. to outsiders, like the bau, it was already quite elegant. the ladies, including you, pitched in a little to pay for the ride and once you got out, there was a young man who offered to take your bags inside. 
“avez-vous besoin d'aide, madame?” the boy said. all of you looked at each other a little confused because even though you thought it might’ve helped, watching french movies for nine hours with emily wasn’t doing it. 
“he’s asking if you need help with these. here,” penny clarified before putting her tiny hello kitty handbag in yours, “let me handle it.”
she walked up to the somewhat tall boy, looked him over once, and said in the thickest french accent there was, “oui je fais mon doux muffin merci beaucoup.” she did a tiny hair flip to her blonde curls and came back to where the rest of you were standing.
“penny, uh, what exactly did you tell that boy?” emily said, stifling down a small giggle.
“nothing, i just said “yes” that I needed help and “thank you very much.”
“no, no, the other part. there must’ve been another part to it. tell us!” jj said, grabbing penelope by the shoulders and shaking them lightly. 
“what other part?”
“the one where you made a boy dressed in victorian era clothing blush like a maniac over some luggage,” you laughed. to this, garcia started to laugh too and then even harder. you and the rest of the girls had puzzled grins on their faces, but the inkling of seeing your friend laugh so hard was reaching your guys’ throats too. 
when she finally caught a breath to speak, she said, “I called him my sweet muffin!” at this, you and the girls broke into heaves of laughter, and couldn’t stop. you and jj had to bend down and place a hand on your stomachs’ to stop them from hurting a little. after a while, there was no words just the intake of small breaths and exhaling them out for control. when the fun comedy was over, you guys followed the boy and his friend inside the hotel lobby. `you took turns registering, and when you were all done, you saw that the rest of the team had beat you to it. they were sitting down in a cushion area near the front desk and were waiting for you guys. 
“okay, now that the rooms are ready, you all can pick a partner to dorm with. it doesn’t really matter, but just choose wisely. I know some people get too crazy when they’re together,” hotch announced, flashing a look at you and garcia before handing out keys. you and emily teamed up per usual, and the rest pairing up in the same order they had been in before. once everyone was ready, you started to make your way up to your rooms while making small chatter with the rest of the gang. emily inserted the key into the lock of the door, and as soon she opened the door, your eyes’ were met with the most delicate and luxurious room you both have ever encountered. 
on either side of the room were two king sized beds with victorian style bed sheets; the design on them were floral, the pastel shades of the roses tracing the outline of the bed beautifully. the ends of the sheets were long, but shabby, which added a nice, elegant, and almost romantic feel to it. 
in the middle of the two beds was a small isle that allowed one person to walk on it at a time. at the end of it, was the entrance to the balcony, which gave view to the famed Eiffel Tower. the small cities, parks, and lakes, that made up the ground portion of the tower were now completely lit up, giving way to an entire new feeling for you. you set your bags on the bed, pushing the cushion down with your hand to feel the softness of it, and made way to the balcony.
“i’ll be right out here, em, if you need me,” you said, waiting for the small “yup” that came from her before proceeding. as soon as your leg crossed the small threshold to the other side, the fresh, cool breeze of the night flooded your senses. you smiled and took in the emotion it gave you, fully crossing over to stand against the railing now. you took in the sights first. the trees that shaped the parks swiveled against the current of the wind, couples of all ages walking hand in hand, admiring how the moon and the stars matched so well to their love. the lights of the tower gleaming brightly and almost seemingly looking at you, as if they asked you, “don’t you realize, (y/n)? don’t you pay attention?” 
paris, and everything it was offering you at that moment, put you through a trance. one where you began to actually speak to the lights, the very same ones that millions of others had fallen in love under. “realize what? I do pay attention, i always have, but what is it I need to notice?”
you kept staring and looking around, if the lights actually were talking to you and this wasn’t a dream, and that you weren’t crazy. you looked around the balcony and walked on it to spy a tiny clue your instincts informed you about. soon enough, you noticed that the balcony was shared by the room next door. you placed your right hand on the rail to kneel down a bit and see if you could figure out who the room belonged to.  
“maybe it’s penny, oh god please be penny. i’m not in the mood to see rossi in scooby-doo underpants...” you whispered fairly. just when you saw a dainty silhouette about to exit the restroom, you turned around to your end of the balcony. 
“(y/n)? are you spying on- (y/n), we’ve been here one hour! our hot, paris boyfriends can wait until we catch the unsub,” emily, whose head was the only part of her body on the outside of the balcony, whispered. “come on, get changed into some comfy clothes. we can take a look at the victimology together.”
standing up, you made one quick glance at the room and the figure was already gone and so was the light. thanks for that, eiffel tower lights, you thought. you crossed to you room again and took a shower before arranging your clothes according to the days of your stay. you put your pajamas on and climbed onto one side of emily’s bed to wait for her to come out of the restroom, since you guys took turns brushing your teeth. 
after about a half and hour of rearranging victimology statements and connecting photos from the crime scene, the both of you were ready to go to sleep. emily turned off her lights and you took one last glance at the view before doing the same. 
and then you heard footsteps on your balcony. 
“you guys think I can woo a french girl tonight?”
“honey, with those shoes? not a chance,” garcia pointed out. morgan made a pout at her response and then acted as if he was offended. the team laughed and then raised their glass in unison and took a sip. the case, overall, went well. you guys managed to catch the unsub in an isolated tunnel and brought him over to the parisian authorities. you and jj had taken the only victim left alive to the station to make one final statement to the news. the rest of bodies were given proper burial and the families were finally given closure. 
because the team had performed beyond excellent, and there were still a few days left before your departure, the team opted on celebrating on a night out. currently, you and your friends were seated around a small circular table inside a local bar, chatting away at whatever came to mind. 
you chose to only drink mineral water, mostly because you knew that you were technically still at work and you didn’t want to risk being drunk in case of an emergency. reid, in a similar manner, chose a glass of soda to toast with. but while doing so, he found himself looking at you in the same way he did on the plane. he hadn’t been able to take in your features that night, but as everyone was so deeply distracted, he began to notice everything. 
he looked over your outfit for tonight, a red, plaid mini skirt with a black turtleneck. the shirt itself was fitted to your body and allowed your angles and curves to be accentuated perfectly. the skirt permitted your legs to be highlighted in a decent, and elegant manner. your hair was loose tonight, and with every breeze that made its way through the bar windows, it caused small strands to caress your face lightly and some to stick to your lip gloss. the heels, oh god, the heels. it drove him crazy; the delicate way in which they clicked when you walked on the concrete, how they would sometimes cause you discomfort and force you to stop and fix it,  how your gentle hand had grasp his shoulder for balance or else you’d fall. 
everything about you tonight was immaculate. no matter how hard he forced himself to look away from you, to stop thinking of you in any other way than a coworker, and to just drink his soda which was becoming less carbonated with every passing second, he just couldn’t. and it was scaring the hell out of him. 
you on the other hand, were still trying to decipher what the tower lights had asked you. what was there to realize? you were here, in paris, the city where millions of people fall in love, to fight a serial killer. the chances of you finding love, especially on a balcony where you had spied on a stranger, were slim. 
by the time you finished your thought process, you noticed that hotch was looking at you with a puzzled expression. 
“everything alright, (y/n)?” he softly asked you. 
“yes, sir, just thinking. is it okay if I head back to my hotel?”
“yes, of course, you might even catch reid on the way there. he left a couple of minutes ago.”
“thank you, sir. good night,” you spoke and got up from your chair, adjusting your skirt as you did so. huh, he left? weird, you thought. you left a tip for the waiter and bid farewell to the rest of your companions before grabbing your coat and clutch and exiting the bar. 
it was rather close to your hotel, so within a few minutes you had reached your dorm and set your things down. sitting down on the edge of the bed, you bent over slightly to unlatch your heels and slip them off your feet. you set them aside and you laid on your back for a few minutes. the only light in your room was the bathroom’s as you didn’t like strong lights shining during the night, so these dimmed ones would do. 
you closed your eyes for a little while and just let the sounds of the city flow through you. you had one opportunity to experience paris, and you weren’t gonna take it for granted. for a while, only your small inhales and exhales of breath were audible, the aura of the room peaceful. 
it wasn’t until you heard footsteps, the very same ones from that other night, on your balcony. your eyes flew open and you pushed your body upward to look back at your window. this is my shot, my chance, you thought. could it be a super old man who was here on vacation? yes. could it rossi, who might’ve gotten the dorm next to yours? maybe. were the possibilities of who the hell was on your balcony in a parisian hotel endless? again, yes. 
but you had to see for yourself, figure out what exactly the universe, paris, was telling you. so you got up from your bed and creeped quietly to the window and slid it up. you crossed the threshold, and even though your light was limited, you were able to make out a tall, thin figure. you inched a little closer, hands crossed over your chest to appear somewhat like a normal human. you wouldn’t have figured it out until he spoke. 
his voice sent shivers down every inch of your body, and no, it wasn’t the cold air of the city, it was him. it was spencer. it caught you by surprise, the feeling his voice gave you, but you tried to play it off. he never made you feel this way, why now? 
“(y/n)? you okay?” he spoke again. this time you lightly shook your head and walked closer to where he was standing so you could lean on the railing now. his body followed yours, and now you were able to make out the perpexled look on his eyes. 
“hi, yeah, I’m good. just didn’t expect to find you here, that’s all,” you spoke quietly, unsure of yourself. he noticed, obviously he noticed, it’s spencer. 
“yeah, same here. I heard footsteps the other night here but I had just taken a shower so I didn’t come out until later.” you glanced up at him when you realized that he was the figure that was in the restroom you’d seen. the one you had spied on and probably would’ve seen naked if emily hadn’t interrupted. a tiny blush made its way onto your cheeks, and you were quite thankful the dark covered the rosy color a little. 
but spencer wasn’t dumb, much less stupid, and if he noticed every little detail about you tonight, he saw how you became around him. and god, he sure did like it. “oh, well that’s good, i guess,” was all you could mutter. so you turned your body now to face the tower, elbows on the railing and hands folded together. he saw the shift in stance and he followed, so now you were both side by side and looking at a view that somehow resembled your emotions for one another. 
“hey spence?”
“have you ever fallen in love?”
his voice hitched a little and he felt his throat tighten. he let out a small cough to mask the impact of your question, but he found the strength in his voice to retort.
“what makes you ask?”
“no, no reason, i was just curious, ya know. being in paris and all,” you answered. you began to feel intrusive for asking such a personal question, but it had seemed easy for you to do so because of your friendship. you were looking at him as you replied, but then looked back towards the view again. the both of you stood in silence for a couple minutes, your guilt seeping in more at this point. 
“only once. it didn’t end well for the both of us,” he broke the silence. you turned your head to look at him, and you were about to open your mouth to say something when he spoke again. 
“but it happened a long time ago. i don’t think about her anymore.”
you straightened up a little and you continued to face him, prying a little deeper than you should be. “so who do you think about now?”
he glanced at you, his face quickly returning back to the nature displayed in front of him and then looked back to you. a small grin began tugging at his lips, as if he meant to ask, “is this your way of playing with me?”
you gazed up at him and took this sudden swerve of confidence to glance at his lips, and then back up to him, your own smile forming. 
“she’s standing on a balcony with me in paris.” 
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