#but...this hiit me as I wrote it
ribb0ngirl · 3 months
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𝑚𝑦 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡𝚑𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡𝚑 𓆉°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
my guide on exiting your hot mess era and entering your hot girl era this summer ♡
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♡ First something that is really important for you to be able to leve up this summer and focus on you is to protect your energy and your peace. Instead of scrolling through your phone for ours, staying up late, negative self-talk, procrastinating and giving toxic people your time (I've also done this dw 😭), do things that help your mindset and self worth like going on a solo date, reading, having a self care day, meditating, working out/going to the gym, hanging out with people that actually care about you and have your best interests at heart, bake, etc.
♡ Remember your thoughts are not true! Whenever you feel overwhelemed by negative thoughts, stop and think is this thought actually true? Is it serving you? And what is speaking against it? For every negative thought there are at least 10 things that can prove it wrong, so to detach from those thoughts chanel your inner fan and focus on more positive thoughts to take care of your mental health!!
𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝚑𝑖𝑔𝚑𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓
♡ Something that has helped me lately is opening my journal and creating the highest version of myself that I want to become. To create her I wrote down the following (You can also do this on your phone notes app, computer, etc. it just helps me more writing it down on paper):
How does she look like?
What are her habits?
What's her daily routine?
What's her fashion style?
Who does she surround herself with?
What are her boundaries?
Where is her focus?
What does her social profile look like?
What successes does she have?
What does she consume on social media?
Who are her icons?
What does she do on her free time?
What does she do when she's doubting herself?
What does she do when she has no motivation?
What does she do when she's meeting new people?
What does she do when she's in an argument?
What does she do when she has no confidence?
♡ After having done this, visualize you living out your dream life and become her! Feel the emotions as if it where happening to you right now.
♡ For me a summer body isn't necessarily about looking your "best" but more about feeling your best! This means focus more on health rather than on physical aesthetic. Sometimes having a smaller waist or a bigger thigh gap doesn't mean she's feeling better than you. So in order to achieve your summer body here are a few tips on habits to incorporate:
1hr walk daily or 10k steps
Running routine outdoors or on the treadmill
Pilates or HIIT workouts
Everything shower
Fresh fruit
Big breakfast
Limit processed foods
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝚑𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝚑𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒!! 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘 ♡
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lucigoo · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @sunnyrosewritesstuff. This looks so much fun and agreat way for us to share our fics!
1. How many works do you have on A03? i currently have 120 fics
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 443,720 (not bad considering i've not quite been writing fanfic for a year I dont think)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Hobbit (Mostly Bagginshield) and Harry Potter (Mostly Wolfstar)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Stop me Fading- The Hobbit (it needs serious reediting, just an FYI), Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) - The Hobbit, Who's is the tie Harry? - Harry Potter, Breeding my B....  - Harry Potter (pure Wolfstar smut) and I'm coming Petite Étoile - Harry Potter
5. Do you respond to comments? I do. I tend to to wait until I have 25+ otherwise I feel a bit overwhelmed doing it every time they come in, or letting them get so many that I can't bring myself to do it. So I will anwer, just bare with me <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ummm .... I have a fair few ....
Bagignshield wise would be The Demented King Under the Mountain Check the tags because thers NO HEA for anyone. Harry Potter wise, again I have a fair few with MCD, but I think the most emotional one for me is It's over, they're all gone , again mind the tags
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have some form of Happy Ending, or it implies they do. As for the happiest, hmmm....
Bagginshield wise id say Changeling Child Harry Potter wise, i'd say this little series (two short fics), it just hiits all my fav tropes lol. - I finally have a family and they are all here
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only ever on the Wolfstar ones. Apparantly Remus shouldnt have been taller then his little Welsh mum, someone was VERY upset about it lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't usually. I have 2 smut fics and one the was supposed to be smut, but ended up being fade to black (opps lol)
Breeding my B.... (Pure Wolfstar P without P), Are you a werewolf? (Jegulus P with P) and Wait, you're the wolf? (Is implied Wolfstar smutt but the smutt wasn't smutting that day lol)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I actually have one atm as a wip on A03. Its a Hobbit/HArry Potter crossover and im very excited for it. I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, its linked on my "Breed my B...." fic. A wonderful person translated it ito Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I would love to though
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? It really is a tie betwee Bagginshield and Wolfstar, I adore both
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So, i dont tend to not fiish wips, they just stay in my computer for a long time lol. One i am slowly (like snails pace slowly) working on is called King of Azkaban and it's a pretty dark fic.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like i can put the characters in any situaiton and try keep thempretty close to their canon characterisations within the sitution
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Editing!! I have a paid editing app and also run things through a TTS and there are still so many bloody typos 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Do it!! If oyu can get someone from that language to help (of it's a real one). I oftne use Romani chib (I'm Roma) inmy Bagigshield focs for the hobbits and have Kuzdhul and Sinderian in there too. I also have a Wolfstar fic where I have English, Welsh, French and Punjabi in it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Were talking over 20 years ago here, but it was Wolfstar then and it's Wolfstar now lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I dont know 😭. Im going to put two Bagignshield ones and two Harry Potter ones as I don't have a favourite but ones I like more then others.
Heather (Wolfstar), You're Floo Was My Emergency Contact (This is my latest HP one and im so proud of it ) A heart of stone and Fire in his soul (Pre Bagginshield but this one felt so powerful to me, Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) (Bagginshield Afterlife fic, soo pure gold to me)
I'm gonna tag @brandileigh2003, @blueberryrock @fishing4stars, @chaoticfandomtrash And of course anyone and everyone who wants to join and share their fics. Id love a tag if you want so I can admire all the fics!!!
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lemonflowercat · 7 months
75 soft: day 9
weird feelings in my head today. I think the it's mainly guilt over feeling like I'm not doing enough. I feel fat and ugly, I feel like I'm letting precious time slip through my fingers and my exam is going to be a shit-show again.
I think my guilt is being triggered by
a. that I ate a big fast food meal last night. it's supposed to be "cheat meal" but I despise myself for even wanting it, and I feel like I can't trust myself because I went over my calorie limit twice last week.
b. skipping my evening wxo to do chores yesterday, and that the day before I didn't finish a wxo. I'm dreading getting fat. The 4 kilos I've gained since last May weigh so heavy on me, I want to cry. i don't know how to not hate myself over being inconsistent.
c. February is coming to an end and I've barely made any progress with studying. I have 19 subjects to cover by April and here I am, doing 1 for the past 2 weeks. I disgust me hahaha.
I'm feeling decidedly slump-y and this is where it's coming from. how hilarious is it that the very thing that's bothering me - my ineptitude to get things done, is pushing me to not do said things even more? everything feels chaotic and out of control and I just want to run away from it all.
[x] morning yoga/walk/run x6d/w
did some back bend loaded yoga this morning. it was great but I feel like shit anyway
[] meditate x at least 15min every afternoon
skipped. A was home early today so I made him lunch in that time.
[x] study 42h/w: 37h 30m to go 34h 30m to go
i tried to pacify Dora Milaje by putting on cute home-wear and blue eyeliner - i looked at myself in the mirror and said to her, look, i am cute. i guess it worked? lol. i did manage to get in 2 hours of studying after that.
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also, to feel less out of control, i wrote down my priorities. i told myself these are the only 2 things that need to happen today.
except for the quick notes on protein IEMs, they all did! :)))
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[x] evening wxo x6/w
30m HIIT because apparently that's all my stamina is now? hehe. it was great fun!
[x] [x] [x] 1 raw veggie or a fruit x3 meals
- green grapes for morning snack (yea GGs are the fkn best
- and i had them for lunch+dinner too, ok) w a lettuce cherry tomato cucumber salad for both meals
can we pls just take a moment to appreciate my lunch plate (':
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also, uncle-aunty (who own this farm) gave me fresh veggies this morning! literally watched aunty pluck these radish out of the bathtubs they grow them in (((: so excited and so grateful! looking forward to eating these raw/minimally cooked.
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[x] 1400cal x6/week
[x] progress picture/day x6/w
[x] 2.5L of water/day
it's getting so hot, this goal is soon gonna have to be up-ed.
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption (one movie/d allowed) - for freezes and PMS days
watched Poor Things today! creative funny thoughtful emotional movie w AMAZING FASHION INSPO ☆ I loved it, also I really like Emma Stone.
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peaceloveandstarrs · 10 months
brainwashed. dhani reposted the story about the album anniversary from george's ig account saying it really is a thing. the more i think of it, the more i think both of them are right (george wrote the album so)
society and media brainwashes us to think that we need to constantly buy buy buy. unhappy? buy this fancy journal with all of these prompts, that'll fix it!
i bought a wellness journal on a day trip last summer. where is it? in my dresser drawer. haven't touched it since before work started back. what do i use to journal? a plain notebook that i've had for two, three years. no prompts. just whatever i want to write.
hate your body? buy this exercise machine, this diet plan, this juice cleanse! that'll for sure fix it!
does it? not in my experience. i've tried to shrink myself for YEARS. i've got posts on my blog showing my exercise results going back to 2015. nearly a decade. the only thing that can fix the hatred of our bodies is to stop giving in to the societal/media brainwashing that we're supposed to hate our bodies. we aren't. think about it with me for a second. imagine what would happen if we got rid of the media portrayal of fat bodies as bad or something that needed to be fixed. imagine if we got rid of influencers peddling diets and exercise machines or people showing off their extreme weight loss. would we have nearly as many people hating their bodies? absolutely not. food for thought.
at a concert? out in nature? better have your phone with you so you can take pictures! at home? better be on your phone looking at what everyone else is doing!
personal experience here. i took videos from kareoke at our work christmas party last year. of the music person at staff wellness day b/c our cook got up there and sang with him. i took pictures of christmas lights yesterday. have i looked any of them? no. i've deleted video after video i've taken. because they just take up space. and honestly, even if i went to see ringo or paul, i probably wouldn't watch the videos i took.
now, i understand having your phone on you in case you run into trouble. that i get. but i don't want to watch a concert or a sunset or the drive through the country through my phone's camera lens. i understand wanting to preserve memories. but we've become so obsessed with wanting to put these things on social media that we watch literal once-in-a-lifetime events through our phone's cameras, trying to capture everything to put on facebook or instagram or whatever. it's sad. we're brainwashed to be jealous of what others are doing instead of appreciating our lives for what they are. and at the end of the day, we're all mortal. we aren't our bodies. we are our souls, our personalities, our hearts. and do we really want to be on our death beds regretting the comparisons we made to others? wanting to be like them instead of finding ourselves?
thinking for ourselves? what's that? we're told what to think. tiktok especially has loads of people telling us that this food is bad (scientifically, it isn't). that this exercise plan will get rid of X amount of pounds in a week! that we need to do this to love ourselves. how about we go on our own self discovery? learn what we like and don't like instead of forcing ourselves to do things we don't like just to reach some societal idea of happiness. don't like meditating no matter how much you try to? cool, don't do it! don't like hiit exercises no matter how much you're told it's the best type? fine! nothing says you have to do them. don't like face masks and soaking in a tub with a fancy bath bomb? hey you do you babe! you've got other ways to love yourselves.
so fucking sick of being told how to be. how to look. how to feel. of being told what to do, what to buy, to be happy.
i'm sick of the world, the media, society 'brainwashing' me.
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gabik-casproject · 11 months
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This month I didn’t take up on any service, but as I wrote in the CAS declaration sheet, I challenged myself to go on a run. It was very tiring, but I am proud of myself. I didn’t think too much about it, just woke up one day and went outside. I also did one HIIT workout, which was another challenge for me, but I felt great afterwards and it was a really nice start to the day. Another workout that I’ve done this week is Pilates. Whenever I feel down or stressed or overwhelmed I try to go to my favourite pilates studio because I know that it will make my mood so much better, and it did. In addition, I did one hour of creativity, I baked a carrot cake for my grandma. She really loved it, but my mom said something was off about it, so the next time I bake it, I’ll pay more attention to the proportions (it’s likely I put too much baking soda :)). Either way, I really enjoyed baking it. The house smelled amazing and I was just so dedicated to it. I also played a podcast while making the cake, which made the activity so much more enjoyable. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
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daphnedauphinoise · 3 years
I don’t know about you guys but I am whole heartedly preparing to do everything I have missed out on in the last two years in the the summer months.  I know my Summer calender,  the plans are shaping up; I am busy May to September (but if anyone wants to hit up Mykonos, do dm me). I wrote this out as sort of a checklist and a reminder of what I should be doing in order to achieve my goals, but I thought I should share it as well. 
Summer Body Prep
Everybody is summer body. Body Shaming is not allowed here. I am aware that many like myself though would I like to be toned for when we Baywatch through the beach.So in prepration I have started a workout challenge with a friend. My first goal is to lose the extra winter weight and then to tone and lean up. So the first 30 days will be lots of cardio, waist training, HIIT, boxing whilst the second 30 days will be pilates, barre and shaping. The weather is getting better (it is at day time) so I am excited to get back into running and and to go on walks. I can share the workouts I will be doing if that is something people will be interested in :) 
My second goal is to get rid of hyperpigmentation and cellulite as much as possible. My KP has kind of stopped but I have all the remaining scars on my arms as a reminder of the horrible 7 years. The past 6 months I had been using The Face Theory  Glycomide Body Cream B1 but I don’t think it was working for me. So over the past couple of weeks I switched to using retinol on my arms and it has worked wonders. I think the body cream just wasn’t strong enough for my pigmentation. I would still reccomend The Face Theory cream but for girls with brown skin maybe go for something stronger as our pigmentation is darker. My new routine with retinol is every other day and using glycolic acid in between the rest days; I just use the retinol I use on face on my body because I already had it on hand. It is very important that to moisturise properly after using acids because they are stripping. I have this new body moisturiser that has ceramides and other lovely ingredients with which I mix a heavy duty cream to lather myself twice a day. I have an entire body routine but I don’t really think it is worth sharing. Cellulite. A weird word in my opinion. The answer to the question ‘can you get rid of cellulite permanently?’ is no, and I am well aware of that. The weight training has helped better the look of the cellulite but I want to improve the over all look of the area. Coffee scrubs are infamous in their apparent ability get help rid of the look so I will make and use that but... coffee gives me a headache so I am still trying to find an alternative.
I just wanted to quickly write it and get it out. But I will keep coming back and adding bits :)
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digitalideae · 3 years
Body Appreciation (Quest/Reader FF)
Quest walks in on you body-checking. Some angst and much comfort ensue. These are modeled after my own personal experiences and I wrote it while reflecting on my body image issues.  TW: body image issues, body-checking, mentions of ED-- fic begins after the cut.
 A sigh escapes your lips as you study your body in the mirror. “Not much progress this week, either,” you tell yourself, dissatisfied. “What the fuck am I doing wrong?”
When the pandemic hit, you decided to lose some weight. For health purposes, you told yourself as you binged on fitness influencers online and followed their workout regimens to a T. You began restricting your calorie intake, counting every last one in a tracker. You also created your own workout regimen, taking things from different fitness gurus and turning it into your own. You settled for HIIT workouts every other day, while the days you didn’t work out were either used for running, and at least one rest day. It went well at first, you were patient– you didn’t mind the slow progress, but as the months passed and you reached a plateau, your dissatisfaction at your progress and yourself grew. You maintained your caloric intake, but increased the intensity of your workouts. You also started resting less and less, only doing so when you pushed yourself too hard.
Your boyfriend, Quest, would often try to get you to rest often and eat more. You felt guilty– you could see how much it was troubling him, but you couldn’t stop yourself. You needed to satisfy your craving for the euphoric rush you’d get after a workout. It was a drug at this point, and if you couldn’t get it while Quest was home, you’d wait until he was at work before you exercised. You’d lie and tell him that your tracker had a limit of more calories than you were actually ingesting. 
You just wanted to look and feel your best. You thought that what you were doing was going to be good in the long run.
You turn around and begin studying your back. You’re so fixated on your sides that you don’t even notice someone walking in– it’s Quest.
He walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, obstructing it from view in the mirror. He lets out a soft sigh before resting his chin on top of your head. “You’re doing it again, love.”
His voice sounds disappointed– no, heartbroken. You told him a few weeks ago that you’d stop body-checking when he caught you doing it, but like the workouts and your diet, you lied about that as well. 
“Quest, I–” you pause. You’ve been caught in the act, there’s no use lying about what he saw.
“Why don’t you tell me these things?” he asks quietly. He draws circles on your skin with his thumb. You don’t know who it’s supposed to be soothing more– you, or him.
“I don’t want to be a burden to you,” you whisper, hanging your head in shame.
He holds you tightly, enveloping you in his warmth. “Don’t say that. You’re not a burden to me.”
Your legs feel weak. All the tension you’ve been holding in your chest wants to escape. You let out a choked sob.
“I just want to be more attractive. I want to look like someone that deserves to stand next to you,” you admit, tears welling up in your eyes.
Quest turns you around and lifts your chin up. He wipes your tears away with his thumb before running his fingers through your hair.
“If anything,” he starts. “I should be the one saying that, angel.”
You shoot him a quizzical look, tilting your head slightly. “I don’t… I don’t understand.”
“What I’m saying is that, while I support you working out and eating what you eat, they should be for the right reasons. They also shouldn’t be actively harming you,” he says, cupping your cheek with his hand. “It breaks my heart seeing you overexert yourself and hating yourself, because you shouldn’t. Now I know that I can’t say anything to make those feelings go away, but I want you to know that I love you, not for your looks, but because you’ve seen me for who I am and stuck by me regardless.”
“It’s so hard to stop doing this, though,” you say quietly. “I need to do it.”
Quest shakes his head, looking at you adoringly. “You don’t need to do it. I will, however, be with you every step of the way as you break these harmful habits– I love you too much to see you suffering like this, and I will do everything in my power to show you how loved you are every single day, my darling angel.” 
He plants a soft kiss on your lips before pressing his forehead against your own. It’s at this moment that the urge to seek out the rush from working out fades, even just for a bit. Right now you’re content, and you’re grateful to know that your lover will be there to help you and guide you towards healthier goals.
He pulls away and smiles before carrying you in his arms.
 “I think it’s time I showed you how much I love you and your body.”
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healthywealthyhappy · 3 years
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Been going through a lot of trial and error on this fitness journey.
Started off by doing fun GrowWithJo workouts on YouTube. That helped me stay consistent cause I loved the sweat, fun, and feeling good after those workouts. Then, I decided I wanted to build muscle, so I’ve been trying out different trainers and videos, but I just didn’t feel like I could track my progress as well that way.
Now, I’ve decided to build my own plan, and write everything down to keep track of how I’m doing. I wrote all the exercises I know how to do at the top as I watched some Instagram videos by GainsByPat, and built the structured exercises in my notebook.
I do 3 sets of each section, and divided the days into arms, legs, and full body. I’m also going to do a day of HIIT, but I’m going to just follow a video for that because that’s out of my range.
I’m really excited to see how this works out, but so far, if I focus on doing the moves slowly and engaging my muscles I can feel them working hard, which is super exciting. I can’t wait to have an update on my progress 😊
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marcthesimp · 3 years
//tw ed
ok I screwed up again
I think my pattern is two days of restrictions (abou 700-900 kcal cause Im a failure), then something triggers me into binge (2000-3000) and its mostly chocolate/baked goods
I'll just give up on diets and try to plan my limits myself including that thingies
so I'm hopeing for something like this:
1) today (it's 2 pm in my time zone):
- 700 kcal (as a bingy breakdown)
- 10 000 steps (300 kcal burned)
- some small abs workout
- 20 min hiit (I assume it will be about 200 kcal burned)
- so net will be about 200-300 kcal
- no more sweets (I've alredy eaten my moms browny cause she knows I love it and left piece for me from yesterdays party 🤟😞)
- study chemistry and biology to distract (I go to fucked up "PrEsTigIoUS" school and they're trying to kill me there)
- go for monsters ultra cause I won't stand studying without them
2) sunday:
- I think I could stay in restrictions so limit about 800
- stepy steps, thighs workout (god, I hate workouts, they're pure bulimia for me (exept voleyball and swimming, love them but dont really have too many opportunities))
- net about 400
- study until I ache 🙃
3) monday:
- as I wrote, I'll probably be pretty hungry and stressed as fuck about school, so limit would be about 1500 (I dont remember when was the last time I've eaten that amout and dont end up binging :__: but I didn't ever plan to eat that much, my binges are always just failed restrictions so)
- walk as much as I could, I'll try 20 000 (600 kcal burned)
-20 min hiit (about 200)
- net 700
today I'll probably do some cal stuff counting and be hoping math won't fail me as much as I failed it at school (*)
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bi-rising · 3 years
hey I just saw your post about PCOS being a hormonal issue not a gyno one while I was surfing the tag. I was diagnosed a couple months back and all my gyno did was a 2 min ultrasound and then prescribed me birth control. I would like to have actual help and more info on it but I'm not sure who I'm supposed to go to for that. Seeing as you were in a similar situation I'd appreciate your help.
seems like gynos really suck with pcos, don't they? 🥴 warning you now, this is going to be a very long post, because i'm essentially writing out absolutely everything i did and everything i've learned, so strap in for a ride aldksfjasldf
the first thing to do is research, research, research. i spent a whole week constantly on pcos websites (such as pcosaa and this article, tho fair warning, the article does use academic speech so it might not be the easiest thing to read) and watching videos and doing what i could to inform myself. the way you can know if you're looking at a credible resource is how the source defines pcos: does it pose it as a reproductive system disorder? or an endocrine (hormonal) disorder? if it talks about it as a reproductive system disorder, then it's probably wrong.
please note that i am not, obviously, a medical professional, but this is how i understand pcos works. i'll use me as an example just so i can use first person perspective, but it applies to pcos patients in general.
so, my cells are insulin resistant. that means that when i eat, my body releases, lets say, 100 (x measurement) of insulin. because my cells are insulin resistant, they say "hey, i'm only gonna use 50x of that insulin". but they still NEED that 100x to function. so my body releases ANOTHER 100x of insulin, so my cells go "ok i'll take 50x" and so while my cells now have the 100x they're supposed, to i now have 100x insulin floating around.
that extra insulin not only wreaks havoc on many systems of the body, it is the reason why most people with pcos that goes untreated end up with type 2 diabetes. the extra insulin is also converted (or spurs the creation of? i'm not entirely certain on the how here) into testosterone and other androgen (male) hormones. so your body has too much insulin, and now it has too much testosterone, too. that extra testosterone is what fucks with your reproductive system and prevents the follicles on your ovaries from maturing (which is what the 'cysts' are). it also often creates increased facial hair, acne (especially on the 'beard line'), and worse body odor. between the testosterone and the insulin, it's nigh impossible to lose weight.
also note that because your body has to release more insulin for your cells to get an adequate amount, you likely crave carbs and sugars (salty/crunchy things and sweets), and you're likely frequently fatigued, bc your body isn't, well, working correctly and it's taking more energy to perform basic functions.
secondly, take all this information that you know to your doctor. i legitimately wrote down some notes about this process in a little notebook and took it with me so that i wouldn't forget/get too anxious to bring any of it up. i also wrote down the things i had been doing to help up to that point (working out, what my diet was, etc etc) and what i was concerned about. lastly, i also wrote down what medications and supplements i had heard of in my research to see what my doctor thought of them.
my doctor's first 'attack' choice is ozempic--it's a weekly shot that helps to regulate insulin levels and also is pretty good at helping weight loss. be aware though that most commercial insurances don't pay for this, but if your doctor is good, they'll try to work around that so that you're not paying a frankly outrageous amount for it. also look out for sometime this fall, my doc said that the ozempic manufacturers are trying to get ozempic approved for weight loss (it's approved for other things) and that should help bring the price down?? anyway, that's my doc's preferred method, but because of my finances, we currently can't do that.
his second attack, which i'm now on, is metformin. it's a medication mostly used for diabetics that helps with blood sugar levels which, again, is that insulin issue. my mom has been on it for 14 years bc diabetes runs in our family anyway, so it's perfectly safe for long time use and definitely helps with keeping either away from or within the pre-diabetes phase. again, i've only been on it now two days so i can't say anything for me but we'll see how it goes lmao
he also approved of me using omega 3 (fish pills) supplements because they help balance things out in general, not just pcos, and he was good with me using spearmint, too. i'm starting out on one cup of spearmint tea a day and see how that effects me, but i've heard of people having up to two spearmint supplement pills and a cup of spearmint tea a day, too. spearmint is a 'defense', as far as i can explain it: it has (tho limited) research that it lowers the testosterone levels in women with pcos. so while it doesn't help with the insulin so it doesn't attack the source, it can help with the testosterone aspect, aka facial hair, acne, etc. i've also heard of cinnamon supplements and inositol supplements helping, but i didn't get a chance to ask about either of those from my doctor, so make sure if you want to give those a try, you talk about them and make sure they won't interfere with any of your other medications and get your doctor's approval on them, first.
thirdly, ask about what else you can do to help yourself. my doctor stressed the importance of a proper night's sleep, as well as advised to try to cut back on carbs and sugars (IMPORTANT NOTE: some people claim that you HAVE to be on a keto diet to get results with pcos. WRONG. please don't do this. keto diets are entirely unsustainable. and cutting back on carbs and sugars does not mean cutting them OUT, it just means if you want a snack, try reaching for a protein or a vegetable instead of a carb. but don't limit yourself!! please, be conscious about what you eat, and remember that sometimes yeah, a slice of cake or a serving of chips isn't going to kill you or set your pcos back. don't risk getting an e.d. just for the sake of your pcos). he also told me that the best exercise that i personally should do is either HIIT exercises or cardio, and to do at least an hour a day, even if it's 30 mins in the morning, 30 in the evening--and to work up to that so even doing ten minutes a day, then increasing it from there, is healthier and better than jumping straight into a whole ass hour. he also told me to aim for a certain heartrate. i don't remember the formula he used, but for me at 22 (based on age) he wanted me to try to aim for 150-160 bpm. again, especially with exercise, that was what he recommended for me. you're likely different from me, so ask your doctor and see what he says.
fourthly, and perhaps most importantly, DON'T BOTHER WITH A GYNO. all of this that i've gotten done for me was from my family doctor, so just the guy i go to for yearly check ups. see if you can do some routine blood work to give him (or her) as wide of a picture as possible, and then go in and talk with a regular doctor about this. a friend of mine also has a friend who actually goes to an endocrinologist to get her pcos sorted out, so that's also an option. gynos seem to just treat the symptoms; birth control gives you a regular period by helping with your estrogen, but that doesn't decrease your testosterone OR do anything with the insulin. my doc is keeping me on birth control pills just so that i have a regular cycle so we can watch and see if anything else happens to it, so it's okay to stay on the birth control, but ultimately, birth control pills don't do anything for pcos.
i know it's difficult and probably kinda scary/anxiety inducing if you're younger or just have anxiety, but you've gotta advocate for yourself in this case. you have to show the doctor that you know what you're talking about and that you're able to call him out on his bullshit if he doesn't take you seriously. also, if your doctor is helpful, don't be afraid to be frank with him about what your gyno did. like i've said with my experience, i got the validation of knowing that my gyno was wrong by explaining to my doctor how he treated me. you deserve better than what your gyno did, and you deserve to actually be treated as a person and your disorder be taken seriously.
i'm wishing you the best of luck, and i hope that you'll be able to get the help that you need 💕💕💕
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
and was sick yes.  and heals now and is better too fat has a passneger and wow it is hell we are  a mess and yes get destroyed a lot.  tough times..we fall.   and gunry is tommy f his enemy too. too hardon him we are has no avenue no recourse and we are way out there on others....so he did what he had to.now we want itbackhe says go ask a demon and politely...and i say no yuor not welcome put it in wrtng  taeyou shop for your gay coments and dscrminatoin and more...and we say ok you holdthat..and   i say nah.  we issue papers.  and  i shalll Bitol sends them and his Goddess Wife..you use profanity near him ok.  this is what it is intimidation and forced to go there.and they hold otehr places out macs nted daniel did..and tries and wrote it up today. they are terrors he is overun tommy f said cant get t back zpac tried two and ate well adnheals..tons say it out and in and out..and good.  and thn days they will be on hm brush daily hourly..and they see and help they say by runiing his teeth this sucks we all sue you faggot your a dick too.  up ther emessing iwth our ships.  we ht you now.  see it.ok. and we saw it outlinne it bililum say and send it now.  first ad lst in line are ronnie james dio.  and we see he uses our name so wehit he is not us in any way.  and Gunray is at it and grabs here attract here ok this is jesus place and we use it and pull you in and we see he is humourous we fall easy then are noxous, and true. we are sorry we faied the monsters are at us and we dont thinnk they exist are stupid the disease too. and our tude ad its bad ai ad thats all reach self awareness and such...you cant bja no. it will see you..oh. ok.  and youtwo then we know what to do...and then it is settled..what wil they do release and try controolling it with the code..hard yes..and difficult...we see it seal out hermetically and we do it...then we areoff andwatch you melt..your a faggot do you get it ityet...tried yourpatience for years builtyours upfor you yes...ok got it..and to a degree wedont want wecantsee...but ok we did.  isee  a few things..not much..oh well that is us...you were there fool you saw a laser poke out ffried you you felll yours destroyed...what he hell...ok we saw that and hold it...the fleetsmostly gone easily. alright we see..mostly gone. done easy..now i say it is mine but could be ghwb ando rjesus ou see bg the godof hellfire..yes aht is itnow the use stuff and you fallfro itok that works....Hoth and jessus the pyramid my old freind who hatesme bg...and we work togethe rnow and see how itgoes...ok ok we ttyr tommy f at us...and he is hot and draws usin. to many true yes forhim he is ugly too due toour chiding we ridehim hard he is getting brutal ifts pulls rips his are huge or his clan..so we run out there ok...see jesus shaul nad see what it does hmm maybe nothing...and tommy f runs in...now too to IItaly hs wife grabbed saw nute do it and he is not hiim...saw the look...and was embarrassed....and we saw it in vendetta too ken adds..and we hera you this sucs he s here doing that and thm.  so we fight over it..daft ou are to draw mne here they want..nad wont and send deadly stuff.  they the macs hold t and you all die daily where are theythey keep it up im told allover.  and we see..this sucks they say and here.  die daly huh you do....mac says well well it is the child how wonderful your here for class it is 22 minutes then you step off into lava why you suck so bad..your hstory you see no need for us to be here physcially and years ago yet you do iit dayly hourly secondly and with purpose no you dont know why now...i see we donttrue it si for that and to lose ad we arego see  a ball idiot ad none we thnk so good we see we suced to long cor supplies hte suckng nd not thevery he forced  it and yeh overboard too..so we face t we are shitty adn suck and eep itup.now too.  all the whle we lose it all...and hope wont come uness we try failed mserably and on a bg move...tons see it us working you to hate and then you turn on us are smart we cant stop you wont tyr no we do and it is wrong nd ths sucks we are at the whim of cork...mac says. we fght too are at it here and he says it it happens we get that on me ok off..no so you opeed your mouth asshole as he did you leed in fuc we send it all after younow toddler...and we do Thor says tons and all of it we take it all your out cork f off... we pull your card all over he ordered it it is on you bully us you cheesy dick your done slow poe shit wantst to call me names so i hit his areas hard.  any who wnt to join me do so clear tag and blast it to hell...now...and we shall wehave orders now. we go to it Duke Nukem Blockbuster ad we hear it too why not offmy case he is sucha dweeb stole my teensy stuff obstructs money and we reward Bitol and Goddess Wife and see hsi work it is stupdendous...and we seehis work up and yours too his race...tons do and it is Frank Castle Hardcastle as well as Duke Nukem Blockbuster....we head in  they run out there are late lame and useless yes...but the empire has tons up and tommy f tries to say he is justin nope yoiur out buddy...hit us you die...he doesn now they are at him. and the senate was called and she went again, no will though. and for them to lose so she says and we agree. his are lame.  so we see need forg in and they wont so we help and cork is a fool as always.... and we hit them now.  they pour in.  cork does and you should see it wonderful loser he is..bouncing about and trhey laguh theri gay laugh and it is funny to hear they die so easy. fall and die and run die.  and are at it too get hiit fast. useless in combat mostly but we fight a hug force and needrobots ours are defunct or not here andso on.it i s jesus hwo they need to ht so f ire up the lasers hit morlock ships and then direct them to therobots taking the gems and stones..they see it and are at it now..and we use it.  they seekme for the woman and will try hard . got well and to hit these suck so badly...do yes.  and pour into tunis and italy in waves of several nonillion an area...take it and tey do and lose and we are there fighting too and as Darth Maul and hit hard have several stars up and fire on them and draw and use it and run a pattern now...tons see no.  we are hittinghard fast and solid  replace Starz on occasion.  tons see huge able bodied men fring giant weapons into crowds of corks ad eliminating them fast.  tons of thems ay planned ti and yes saw who nute gunray was saw they used me her husband as cover..and we use it now too hs racism to win...and we hit you now due to your idiocy.  yoru a fag loserand die now ok.  and off to venus lol. so.  we hit you hear you too you expose your father again.  and we hit you freak. you fn freak cork we hity ou anakin and ilike to say he named you but w edid you act like annie but worse. you faggot.  so we ht you ok..blab bqb we see you fall easy weht your clonnig oiu fn shithead i like him hateyou..no he is an Immortal not us. you are us and should not evoke any uyuo do it all the time you faggot forg ad his an you faggot...so im a fagot..boy oh boy you sure get it bja you ninny sht...silence hahaha silence or what you will die on me...ok itis funy i get rouwdy..nah your  a stinkin snake think it is an excuse..for the house and such...casl we see that orhter clans are there if he falls likemike daniel and macs own....prob run it as this is hilarious...float tommy but need in andneed out of mental health wehre you rot tommy you are exposed as we nneed but are selfish adn spoiled. and im sharper no but say it more confident see his work adn others catch up.....Hera says.. and she is awesome huh she is i say and others..wow and spunk and he doesnt do a thnig but egotarian stuff lol and use it ok lol and lose it no but ok she was taught, he is one ad she does a lot of wor and we see it hod off the kkey for k and we say that  and you die now you siimple shts there..we see why macs take t over and hell. so it makes sense yes.  gunray has her and more of them.  and has trump.  and we use it and take his fleet and thryms noise maker goes tongth now ok we take it out. tons say it it is a weapon. tons . and weant it or himout. now.  fast too...he wll yell and ten out lot will go fast too long this sat hard here and amped up sh stuff too.  we use it and report in and make suggestions now. and he is relievedhimtoo waht a bear handleing but need mroe of all stuff..now in all here. we need to do this now.  here is important we are coming in.  i can remotely doing it and have a way.. yes you know Hera says to me Zues Thor Freya
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stevestonbike · 4 years
It starts again.
I have done only a couple of spin sessions so far.  I had a check in with the shoulder Doctor.  He says I am good to go and I should get back 100% of my strength.  He wrote a scrip for Physio, I may even go.  I can put weight on the shoulder, so spinning is fine.
I guess I only want to avoid slippery conditions I suspect my fall was from greasy wet leaves. They are gone now but it is the season for ice.  If it is a dry day some weekend I will go out.  Recovery one step at a time.
I am holding on to my fitness mostly.  HIITs are harder than I have know them.  I am trying different things on the Kinetics Menu.  Outside the menu is much simpler.
As an old person (66 this spring) I may be an early candidate for the Covid Vaccine, but I will probably have it by Summer.  The club thing is done for me now, but I have hope the Granfondo is going to happen this year.  I really miss the event.
This is not a boring thing repeating every season.  It is a journey and every day is different.
keep the rubber side down droogs.
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Health and Fitness Updates (10/31/2020)
Happy Halloween!! 🎃👻🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏻‍♂️🦇🍬🍭🍫
I had a good week.
1. I mentioned this in a previous post, but I started following a certain workout routine I feel is quite effective:
5 minute warmup
10 minutes of HIIT
strength training (using weights mostly)
5 minute cooldown
Here I get a good mix of both effective cardio and strength. I plan on following this routine 3x a week. And on my other days I can go out for.a walk or do some cooling down (yoga/stretching) so my muscles don’t get too stiff. I still need to get the hang of making exercise a part of my weekly routine. I used to be bad at HIIT but now I feel like my endurance is improving. As is my strength. 5 lbs are starting to feel very light. I do have heavier weights, but I also bought even heavier ones. As my strength improves I’ll need heavier dumbbells but I’ll worry about that later.
Exercise will really help with mood improvement, especially in these tough times.
The workouts I did were challenging and intense for sure, but they were not painful nor did they “torture” me. Only issue is that I do get sore muscles so I’ll have to relax and stretch them. I’m so happy because I’ve been planning to do intense workouts since June of this year. However I had no idea where to start, and I wasn’t as good at HIIT and strength as I am now (was terrified of HIIT). I’m getting the hang of it all now, and I still have a long way to go.
2. Because I’m starting to exercise at a more challenging level, my diet and appetite is definitely shifting. I feel like I could eat more and be less restrictive with how I eat. I’m going to eat predominantly healthy (as I already do) and I’m going to accept the fact that I do get cravings and that’s okay, no foods should be off limit When I restrict myself I’m a lot more prone to eat a lot of unhealthy food. But when I accept my cravings and allow myself to eat an unhealthy snack, I’m far less likely to go overboard. Instead I’ll likely have a small portion because I’m not depriving myself. I wrote a list of junk foods I enjoy and it’s okay if I have a few bites whenever I feel like it as opposed to either depriving myself/denying my cravings or restricting eating these foods on certain days. I’ll do that instead of the 5-2 diet rule. The 5-2 diet rule would make sense when I’m not exercising intensely, because I’m putting a heavy emphasis on diet and little on exercise. But when I start to focus on both, I need a healthy balance.
Also I love baking and cooking. But if I crave something (like brownies or pizza) then I’ll eat actual brownies and pizza instead of making healthier versions at home. Junk food is supposed to be eating occasionally and in controlled portions. So making “healthier” versions of them defeats the purpose. Plus the taste just doesn’t compare.
I still follow the usual eating format each day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. My main meals tend to be protein dense and have a good amount of carbs (mostly from veggies)and fat; therefore they keep me quite satisfied. However I want to look for new snack ideas - snacks that can keep my full and satisfied with increased workout intensity. I’ll look for recipes, but if anyone has any suggestions, send them to me.
I hope I can fine-tune my eating habits successfully so it can be in line with my intense workout routine. No food should be off limits at any time, but of course I’m going to follow a healthy eating plan. Healthy as in balanced. It might take a time to accept this and to adjust, but it will definitely work out.
3. I went hiking with my friends today, which was really nice because I haven’t gone hiking in almost 7 years. I had so much fun. Lots of nice lakes, colorful leaves and waterfalls. I’d love to take my family (including my dog there). I’ve seen so many dogs on the trails I’m sure my buddy would have a blast there too (he loves walking).
Socially I am doing well. I feel less awkward than I used to feel. We also went out for lunch and had great food.
4. I am planning on driving alone tomorrow. I can’t wait, I just want something productive to do in these tough days. I’m going to practice parking a bit, then I’ll drive around to the post office, pharmacy and maybe the mall. I just need to be slow and focused.
I hope you all had a great Halloween.
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thesweatzone · 5 years
I have always struggled with my weight. I was never overweight to a point where I would have troubles with my health but it did limit some of my abilities and it lowered my self-esteem. I was really overweight as a child but then my rapid growth caused me to look slimmer than before and I was only round. Basically I was and still pretty much am skinny fat.
About two years ago I decided I wanted to become skinnier, so I started working out more. I realized now that being skinny is far from my goal and I truly want to be healthy and have a strong body but working out did give me solid foundation on which I explored my interests in sports, which I never liked before. I found the ones I actually enjoyed and the ones I did not enjoy quite that much. I started losing some fat. But then I became lazy and the fat came back.
This repeated itself many times throughout those two years. I slowly realized my biggest problem were my eating habits. I was really picky when it came to food and I always chose the wrong one. I also binged, then ate very little for a while and binged again. I even contributed to the weight gain with drinking smaller amounts of water than I should have and my sleeping schedule was all over the place. I realized only working out won't do that much. At least not for me.
I slowly started incorporating better foods into my diet and changing up my lifestyle but I never committed enough to see it through until the end and obtain obvious results. I was also very confused where and how to start, because there is so much information out there about what is right and wrong. The main problem was that I didn't give any program I created for myself time so that I could actually see results and see if it works.
Now I want to stick to my plan for longer than one or two months at a time. I want to achieve results that will last and work on my confidence too. I am currently 173 cm tall (which is roughly 5,8 feet) and I weigh 65 kg (roughly 143 pounds). Though I am tall I feel like I am quite heavy since I do not have that much muscle mass so the lbs are higher than I wish they would be, because of fat. I have stubborn belly fat while I'm not really visibly round in any other areas of my body as much. Of course you cannot spot reduce (I will write about that in one of my future posts too) so I will have to lower my body fat percentage and gain a lot of muscle mass in general to see the belly fat disappearing too, since I am striving for a stronger not skinnier body.
Right now I'm in a good place, though I still have many things to focus on to perfect my daily routine. I've been working since the start of the year (6th January, 2020) and lost 4,5kg (roughly 10 pounds) in five weeks. I constructed a workout and diet plan for me as well as I could, since I haven't got that much control over a lot of things going on in my life because I'm still in school and have work to focus on besides my fitness goals, though I am trying to make them a bigger priority in my life.
Some people said that this program seemed a bit challenging for a beginner when they took a first look at it. That's why I wrote a short paragraph in which I spoke about my work out habits above. They are not that bad and I tend to work out quite a lot so I’m not in such a bad shape - food will be a bigger issue for me. If the program seems though for you and you do your workouts completely differently, I encourage you to continue doing it your way. The same goes for if you think it is too easy. I designed this the way I did, because I know what I am capable of right now and what I would like to be capable of in the future.
Duration: 8 months (until the end of August)
Goal: Build strength and muscle mass, achieve a flatter belly and leaner physique, gain confidence, build better habits
I've tried many workouts on the internet already and I decided to follow some good fitness channels on Youtube and follow their work out videos, since I don’t have time to go to an actual gym. I will link them in some future posts. I made a weekly workout schedule too.
On Mondays I do half an hour to an hour of yoga targeting my core (abs), on Tuesdays I do body weight exercises targeting the legs and the glutes, on Wednesday I have another day of body weight exercises targeting the abs and on Fridays I have weightlifting to strengthen my arms and back.
I also have one active rest day every week when I am allowed to do nothing or just some light cardio. That is Thursday for me, because I arrive home late (around 7 p.m.) and it's the day that is the most tiring for me in the whole week.
On weekends I have one scheduled full body workout on Saturdays. I usually do pilates or some HIIT workouts. On Sundays I can take a day of if I feel like it, because I don't want to push myself over the edge but if I feel alright I do an hour of cardio.
Speaking of cardio, it is one of my favourite workout categories because I love to run, dance, hike, swim… and these are all workouts that fall into the category. I try to do cardio at least three times a week even if it isn’t scheduled (just because I actually enjoy doing it) but if the weather is nice I take a walk everyday anyway, since I like some peace to think and be alone.
Through the week I work out at around 6 p.m. and on the weekends in the morning or at least before noon.
For me it is really hard to meal prep since I am in high school and I have a lot of my meals prepared for me by other people. I evaluated my eating habits and realized I consume too much sugar and carbs and my diet lacks fiber. I can’t completely follow a low-carb diet but I will be aiming towards consuming less carbs and try to eat food which is low in sugar and high in protein and fiber.
I also challenged myself to eliminate all sugar I could from my diet for at least 40 days but I can happily say that I'm already on day 45 (I started on the 6th of January) – I decided to just continue with it and try to reach 70 days. I planned it for a long time and I can say I am quite satisfied with the outcome. I've tried including a lot of healthy foods, vegetables and high protein foods and minimize foods with a lot of carbs but there are days when I just don't have the option to eat anything but something high in carbs or not as healthy as I would wish it would be. 
If you want to, I will definitely write a post about what I eat in a week after I test it out, see how effective it is and perfect it completely. 
I have already tried intermittent fasting (will be explained in future posts) in the past once and it worked miracles for me. I felt more energized, way less bloated and I felt better in general. I will incorporate it into my diet again I decided to do a 16:8 ratio – I eat in a time frame of 8 hours. That equals 16 hours of fasting where I don't consume any food I just drink a cup of green tea in the morning.
I used to drink very small amounts of water throughout the day but I carry my water bottle with me everywhere I go now and I try to drink as much as possible. These are my main rules for drinking:
-drink 2 water bottles of water a day
-one cup of green tea in the morning (or lemonade)
-don't drink milk in the evening
I try to go to sleep before 11 pm and get up around 6 or 7 am. For me it is pretty hard, because I am a night owl, but I do try, since I see a big difference in my energy and ability to work efficiently throughout the day.
That is how I designed my workout and diet program. All details will be specified in further chapters since it is still a bit rough around the edges (especially the diet part), but I cannot meal prep since it is really hard for me to prepare my own food. 
I thought I should explain what and how I'm doing everything, since I will be writing about it. This is a basic overview and I didn't really go into detail. If you want me to be more precise, especially about my eating habits and how I'm trying to change them, I will make a post about it. This is just my story and my program. I can't guarantee any of these things would work for you or your body but maybe you will get any idea or find some useful information. You now know my story and my goals.
I always struggled with my self-esteem and body image but I am on the path to changing everything and I want to share the lessons I'm learning and my story with you. I hope it motivates you and you can see you are not alone. You should also remember that even though my measurements and fitness goals don't match yours and you maybe see different numbers than me, you aren't working any less hard or doing anything wrong nor should you be discouraged. We are all on our individual journeys and you have the exact same chance of reaching your goals as I do or anyone else reading this blog.
Whenever I start doubting myself I just avert my thoughts somewhere else because I am positive we all can do this. Remember to love yourself no matter your weight. We are all beautiful and what we are doing and the changes we're making are only to better ourselves physically and mentally but our weight or appearance doesn't define us nor does it define our worth.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
ALL WRAPPED UP IN LOVE: Gabourey Sidibe & Her New Boyfriend Brandon Frankel Gush All Over Each Other
“Empire” star Gabourey Sidibe is all wrapped up in love. And her actor boyfriend Brandon Frankel isn’t shy about showing his affection. See the lovebirds inside…
“To be loved! Oh, what a feeling to be loved!”
“Empire” starlet Gabourey Sidibe has found love in hopeless place. The 36-year-old actress is dating 35-year-old “actor” Brandon Frankel and they seem madly in love. Brandon – who says he works in entertainment, marketing & branding – gushed over Gabby on his Instagram page, posting pictures from their chill New Year’s Eve together. They rocked matching “Queen” & “King” sweatshirts.
          View this post on Instagram
                  Here’s to 2020- this past year was one of the toughest, but also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling of my life all at the same time! I’m truly thankful for my close family, friends, associates past and present...and most of all, for THIS Queen right here. You’re a ball of sunshine, so generous and giving of your time, resources, and love- and your excitement and passion for life and people/things you love truly lights up my heart. You’ve taught me so much about life, myself, and the world that is truly invaluable. You make me push myself to be a better me, even though you probably don’t even realize you are. I love you more and more every single day- which seems impossible, but continually amazes me. Here’s to 2020- and thank you for loving me so unconditionally. I love being your forever-Dork.
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Dec 31, 2019 at 9:06am PST
  He wrote a lengthy caption about how generous she has been with giving her “time and resources” and how she pushes him to be a better man.
”Here’s to 2020- this past year was one of the toughest, but also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling of my life all at the same time!,” he wrote. “I’m truly thankful for my close family, friends, associates past and present...and most of all, for THIS Queen right here. You’re a ball of sunshine, so generous and giving of your time, resources, and love- and your excitement and passion for life and people/things you love truly lights up my heart. You’ve taught me so much about life, myself, and the world that is truly invaluable. You make me push myself to be a better me, even though you probably don’t even realize you are. I love you more and more every single day- which seems impossible, but continually amazes me. Here’s to 2020- and thank you for loving me so unconditionally. I love being your forever-Dork”
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                  One of my favorite humans in the world...I’ll stop so y’all don’t throw up over the cuteness
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Jun 15, 2019 at 4:41pm PDT
  Brandon – who currently has one actor credit under his belt on IMDB – has been posting flicks of Gabby on his IG since May. On the other hand, Gabby doesn’t post him as much, but she does partially post him on her account, likely to keep the haters at bay.
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                  No caption necessary
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Aug 25, 2019 at 8:48am PDT
  In his NYE post, Gabby hopped in the comments to respond, showering him with love. She called him the "cherry on top of this last decade and the foundation of the next," so it sounds like they’re getting serious.
Earlier this month, Gabby surprised him with a birthday BAEcay to Mexico's Yucatan Pennisula:
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                  This surprise birthday vacation was a dream. Trip filled with amazing food, Mayan ruins, swimming in Cenotes with bats and stalagmites/stalactites, Pools & jacuzzis, massages and facials, sound baths, meditation, laughing super hard...and more. Crazy to believe 8 days went by that quick. Love you to the moon and back my Queen @gabby3shabby
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Dec 24, 2019 at 8:43am PST
  The couple recently mourned the death of their cat Peaches, and Gabby partially posted Brandon in her collage of flicks:
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                  With a heavy heart, I say goodbye to this sweet, dainty lady, Peaches. Our pets aren’t around for long, to remind us to love them, each other and ourselves entirely while we still can. Thank you Peach for your protection and your perfection. You are missed by your dad and me and of course, Aaron who is doing his best to console us. We love you Peaches
A post shared by Gabby Sidibe (@gabby3shabby) on Jan 2, 2020 at 5:05pm PST
  We're not sure if he's based in Chicago or if he's there since that's where Gabby shoots "Empire." 
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                  I did it! Completed the @barrysbootcamp #highereducationchallenge !! Feeling amazing. If you know me, you know I’m addicted to my HIIT bootcamp classes. 139+ classes, 8 different studios around the word, and 35 instructors later...let’s do this!
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Nov 9, 2019 at 11:10am PST
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                  In celebration of @empirefox ‘s episode last night from this final season, here’s a pic from dinner a couple months ago I totally forgot about. Do ya’ll watch?? Babygurl has to live tweet, so I guess you can say I’m watching now? IT’S REALLY GOOD!!
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Oct 2, 2019 at 3:01pm PDT
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                  Mom & Dad rare night out 80s style to celebrate @tarajiphenson birthday // Party so lit we sucked it up and put on roller skates #tph80s
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on Sep 15, 2019 at 12:46pm PDT
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                  Don’t act like you’re not impressed/obsessed // CAPTION THIS- go!
A post shared by BRANDON FRANKEL (@brandontour) on May 10, 2019 at 3:21pm PDT
  They look happy.
Photos: Brandon's IG
  [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/03/all-wrapped-up-in-love-gabourey-sidibe-her-new-boyfriend-brandon-frankel-gush-all-over-ea
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stillebesat · 5 years
I, uh, also had a question. I want to post a Sanders sides fanfic I wrote on here, but I dont know how to format things or do multiple chapters. Would you be able to help me? You have a bunch, so I just thought I might ask. You don't have to, but I would appreciate it. P.s. I love your stories so much.
Sure! I can try to help out. :D  Though I do believe Tumblr works differently between Mobile posting and Laptop/Desktop posting.... I tend to do the Desktop posting.  But really what i do (and there could be an easier way)  Is that I open up a Text Post. (The Aa option) Then I type in the title in the top bar. (Aka I would write In These Tangled Webs 3/11 as my title)  And then in the main part of the post I usually copy/paste my story.  Though me personally I tend to do a little “Blurb” Which you’ve seen where I list the Characters Involved, A short summary of the story, what type of fic it is (Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff etc) as well as potential triggers for readeres so they’re not caught off guard. 
-How you choose to set up your story is up to you. Other Authors will just go straight into the chapters, while others will give more details/summaries before they post the chapter. Basically find what you’re comfortable with and go with that. :D  As for the chapter itself. I usually Copy from the document I was working on and paste into the post I’m creating.  -I use Google Docs but i do know that the post formats different depending on if you’re doing Word, Google Docs, or another writing program.  For me none of the ‘special effects’ usually transfer over, so after I copy/paste if I have Bold or Italicized words then I manually have to go through and add those in by highlighting the word and then hiitting B or I (or other options) when those symbols appear above the word I highlighted. (Or Ctrl B, Ctrl I will also do it) 
I sometimes also have to manually readjust paragraphs and spacing between paragraphs as those don’t always transfer well either. :S 
Depending on the length of your chapter, there is also the ability to add a “Read More” to the post (usually I do this if the chapter is longer than twoish pages) so that the length of the chapter doesn’t take up people’s feeds.
To find the “Read More” you want to pick where you want the ‘cut off’ to be at and after that line hit Enter
Then to the side four boxes will appear. (sometimes it takes some messing around to get those four boxes to appear to the side, Tumblr can be fickle some days)  Of those four options you’ll want to hit the one that looks like “...” in order to get your read more. :D 
As to multiple chapters. 
It’s basically just doing multiple posts.
But if you want to link the chapters together you need to have the link to each chapter handy. So usually when I post a chapter I then go to the post itself (so the post’s link is the one that shows up on the webpage) And copy/save it somewhere so it’s handy. 
Then to link the chapter’s webpage to the next installment of the story, you’ll want to do write something like Chapter 2. Then like when you Bold/Italicize you’ll highlight the Chapter 2 and a symbol should show up next to the H that looks like a slightly slanted 8. That’s your “Linking” symbol. Click on that, and then paste the weblink into the space provided and hit Done. And tada!! It’s linked! :D 
So Example:  If I wanted to link Chapter 3 of In These Tangled Webs. I would go to the webpage of just that post. Which the link is:  https://stillebesat.tumblr.com/post/186477907848/in-these-tangled-webs-311  But since I don’t want to have that long of script in the story I then write Chapter 3 Highlight Chapter 3 Hit the 8 symbol.  Paste: https://stillebesat.tumblr.com/post/186477907848/in-these-tangled-webs-311 into it and hit Done.  So then if you Click ---> Chapter 3 It should then take you to the desired chapter. :D
I hoped that helped a little! :D  :S If not, feel free to send another ask, or you can always IM me. :D I’m happy to chat either way. <3 
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