#butter maker
millportisntreal · 2 months
Headcanon that one year Nicky gets an ice cream machine for Columbia and doesn’t say anything about it but Andrew gets all the ingredients and can have the freedom to make whatever incredibly sweet monstrosity he wants without having to leave the house and Neil can use it to make fruit sorbets and Nicky Kevin and Aaron use it to make frozen cocktails and when Neil and Andrew eventually move in together when they’re playing on the same professional team, one of the first things they purchase for their apartment is another ice cream maker
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samhaven · 9 months
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Freebie for lucchetto on discord
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residentrookie · 1 year
i just want to be the kind of stable adult that makes homemade bagels
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babymorte · 5 months
🐚 MORTE-EEEEEE you've gotta be a waffle kind of person right?
actually i much prefer pancakes. i make really good brown butter cinnamon crunch pancakes but i do love the home style cinnamon waffles from eggo…i also recently had waffles and ice cream for the first time (didn’t know it was a thing either) so thats my favourite was to have waffles
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femmefitz · 8 months
Looking at manual whipped cream makers and got recommended butter churns... I mean yeah I guess...
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day nine: Fair
with @windupnamazu 's Butter, Pancake and Cinnamon and a non copyright @windupiceheart B'ig nunh
Cinnamon watched as Butter continued to watch the rain outside. It had only been a few days since their parents had left again, this time leaving him taking care of his new younger sister. Right now she was sleeping so Butter was occupying his time by waiting to see if his parents were coming back. Cinnamon couldn't bear to watch this anymore. "Hey Butter!" She flew over to the table and placed a simple napkin in the middle. "Let's play a game together! I betcha I'm gonna win!!" The sound of overconfident bell chimes caught Butter's attention and he walked over to see what Cinnamon was doing.
Babycorn turned her head, as another flash of thunder illuminated the room. She counted the seconds it took for the loud KRACK to sound. It took about twelve seconds this time, which meant that the storm was about twelve malms away.
There was just something about storms that always made her nervous. Maybe it was the days she spent in weather just like this when she was younger while she wondered to herself if her parents would ever come home. 
These kinds of days would make her so nervous she hardly ever left her room during one. And if a storm happened to catch her when she and Cherry were out doing something, Babycorn’s instincts would have them teleported back home without a second thought. 
So she was a little surprised with herself when she had accepted Butter and Pancake’s invitation to play board games with them in their room. 
Then again, Cherrypit had really wanted to go so Babycorn couldn’t bring it in her heart to tell him no. 
There was another flash of thunder and another instance of Babycorn counting to herself until the KRACK sound. She covered her ears with a pillow to drown out most of the sound.
Butter noticed this and didn’t hesitate in suggesting to Pancake and Cinnamon that they play a board game in Babycorn’s room instead. 
This idea was met with unanimous agreement and a pair of knowing stares from both Cinnamon and Pancake. 
“You know Babycorn so well Butter! Almost like there isn’t ten pages in a row in your diary talking about how pretty she is. Heh.”
“Woooow! You’re so considerate, Butter. I’ve taught you well. It brings a tear to my small fairy eyes.” 
Butter cheeks blushed a deep red. “Maybe so.” He then hurriedly turned and ran over to the corner where he knew Babycorn kept most of her games. Cherrypit followed behind Butter with an excited screech. Something that sounded like, “ButtsButssBUtsss!!!  Like! Bebe! Bebebebe!!!” 
Babycorn’s ears were still covered by a pillow so she missed most of what everyone said. 
After digging around Babycorn’s games and toys Butter came back empty handed but Cherrypit had come back carrying a board game that she had bought a few months back while walking around Mor Dhona. She hadn’t had the chance to play with it yet and had mostly been using it as a makeshift plate for when she couldn’t find an actual plate for her food. 
As Cherrypit slammed the board game onto the ground in the middle of everyone, Butter and Pancake and Cinnamon all figured that this may as well happen.
The board game that Babycorn had bought on sale was none other than “B’ig Nunh in: The Game of Love!  A completely accurate and totally legal board game all about being B’ig Nunh and finding love in a loveless world! It’s up to you to find true love or lose it!” 
And yes, that was the full title. 
Babycorn scratched out a ketchup stain from the B’ig Nunh on the top of the box. “I always wanted to play this! But I always forget about it!” She opened the box and picked out a yellow piece, it was in the shape of B’ig’s moogle hat. “Haha! Doesn’t it look funny! It’s not supposed to be this small!!” 
Butter laughed at her joke while the others took the board out and picked their pieces. 
Cinnamon had of course chosen red, Pancake chose green, Babycorn had already taken yellow, Butter took blue and of course that left Cherrypit with pink. 
“Pink! Pink!” Cherrypit cheered, “Bebe look!” He proudly showed his pink piece in the shape of a heart to Babycorn. 
Another flash of thunder stopped Babycorn from complimenting her brother’s choice in color.
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Though the game proved to be a little hard to figure out at first, since it turned out that Babycorn had lost the instructional manual that came with the game. By the powers of Pancake and Butter’s teamwork, they managed to come up with their own rules on how to play. 
It was something that both siblings did all the time when they played together, either back at their home or in the mansion. 
Now the game was just a few turns from having a winner between Babycorn, Pancake, Cinnamon, or Cherrypit.
Poor Butter had already been kicked out of the game earlier after a bad dice roll had ended up with B’ig ruining his expensive suit by falling into a puddle of mud. Then he had ended up with a card that told him that he cried all the way home and just decided to play video games. 
Butter didn’t really mind, he was content with watching and occasionally moving the piece around the board for Pancake and handing out the cards to the other people still playing. And nobody seemed to mind that he was occasionally shuffling them, so he was content. 
Especially since they were all happy together.  
“Dammit!!! You can’t do this to me!!” 
Most of them.
There was no way for Babycorn and Cherrypit to ever have known just how competitive Cinnamon got during these things. Even Pancake, who couldn’t even understand what she was saying, knew that these sorts of games always got Cinnamon heated. 
Something about the aggressive bell chiming sort of gave it away.
Butter tapped Cinnamon’s small shoulder as gently as he could, “Cinnamon…! Watch your language!” He whispered to her. 
“Huh? Oh come on Butter.” She landed on the board and moved her piece closer to the library where B’ig was supposed to trip in front of his crush, “No one here but you and Cherrypit can understand what I’m saying anyway.” Cinnamon sneered. 
“That’s exactly why you have to watch your language!” 
Butter did not want a repeat of the incident where Cherrypit had overheard Cinnamon calling Hildibrand a ‘Piece of shit’ and repeating the phrase all over the mansion to everyone who ran into him.
Cinnamon’s promise lasted a whole four minutes, as soon as Babycorn had moved Cherrypit’s piece to a square that let B’ig have his date ride on his shoulders into the sunset. 
“What the HELLS?!” Cinnamon flew over to the piece and angrily stared at it before flying over to where Babycorn sat. “You can’t fool me! I know that roll was only six spaces and you moved him seven!!” Cinnamon wings were flapping so fast that some of her dust was flying all over Babycorn. 
Who still couldn't understand a single word that Cinnamon was saying.
“Hi Cinnamon!” Babycorn beamed. The dust was kind of tickling her nose but in a nice way. 
(Little did she know that Babycorn was not cheating, just bad at counting.)
By now Pancake had been living with Cinnamon for so long that even with the barrier of not being able to understand what she was saying, she still understood what she was doing. 
“Wow! Cinnamon, he's really kicking your butt! I think you should just give up!” Pancake was actually in third place so she didn’t have much to lose herself.
“I’ll never surrender!!” Cinnamon dramatically declared. 
“Are you really going to gamer rage against a two-year-old?” Butter asked, gesturing at Cherrypit who was too busy chewing on a block of steel to pay attention to the game.  
“They gotta learn early that life isn’t fair!” 
Butter looked at Cherrypit, then back at Cinnamon.
“...I-In the sense of board games I mean!” 
As Pancake finished her roll, which landed B’ig in the gardens of some illustrious palace, she handed the dice over to Cinnamon. “Your turn Cinnamon!” Pancake knew that Cinnamon was taking this way too seriously but it was still kind of funny to hear so many rapid bell chimes from her after Cherrypit landed a good roll. 
And there was nothing Cinnamon could do about it.
“Haha!” Cinnamon took the huge pair of dice in comparison to her size and held them up above her head. “Watch this! The winning roll!” She threw the dice down with the amount of confidence one would have taking on a hoard of enemies by themselves while wearing a blindfold. 
The dice bounced over the board, once, twice, then stopped. Right on a pair of twos, which gave Cinnamon four spaces to move ahead. 
Right on the same square of mud that Butter had landed in earlier.
Cinnamon fluttered to the ground in defeat and laid there. 
As if someone had just smacked her with a metaphorical fly swatter.
Butter and Pancake burst out laughing. It was always funny how Cinnamon acted when she lost, especially after spending the whole game boasting about how she was going to win and going on long (bell-chiming) tangents on how she was the master of this game, only to end up completely losing by the end and lying on the board in defeat. 
Cinnamon opened one of her eyes to make sure that her plan was working. 
Babycorn was unfamiliar with what was going on. “Is she okay?” There was some concern on whether she would have to go and pull out her staff and cast a regen on Cinnamon or not. 
Butter wiped a tear from his eye. “Don’t worry! She does this all the time.” 
He gave Cinnamon a small pat on her head with his finger, “Cinnamon’s really competitive so sometimes she can get a little dramatic when she loses…” Not that Butter didn’t feel a little sorry for her but most of the time Cinnamon bounced right back without a problem anyway. Just as feisty as she always was. 
“Oh! Airys the same way!” 
Another flash of thunder burst into the room. The KRACK this time sounded almost right after the flash. 
Butter stood frozen, waiting to see if Babycorn was going to react. 
Instead she just grabbed the dice off the board and rolled them. The pillow on her head dropped to the ground and landed right on Cherrypit. “Phew…” Butter was just glad he could help her feel better. It was really nice to see Babycorn smile. 
“Pfft-Yeah I bet it is.” Cinnamon was now lounging on the board, a smug expression on her face. 
Butter began to panic, “I didn’t say that outloud did I…?!” Had Babycorn heard?! Would she even understand what he meant?! Had Babycorn heard?!?!!?
“No dude, I just know that look on your face.” Cinnamon sat up and put her sleeves together. “Your eyes always get this biiiig and your face gets pink and your mouth moves over this way whenever you’re thinking about Babycorn.” She flew up next to Butter, keeping her facial expression the same. 
“Like, just kiss already.” 
Cinnamon sat on one of Butter’s hair spikes as they all watched Cherrypit make the presumably winning roll. Only to be met by the reason this board game was probably in the clearance section. 
Pancake read the card outloud, when even she couldn’t believe what she had read.
“You’ve won the game of love but B’ig Nunh died. Sorry.” 
She put the card down without another word, “Wow! That sucked.” Why would B’ig Nunh ever endorse something like this?
“It was really fun while it lasted!” Butter tried to put a positive spin on things but it was really hard when this was the same B’ig Nunh that had allegedly broken Babycorn’s heart years ago. “Maybe we can make some better rules for this game?” he wondered to himself.
“Yeah!” Pancake was suddenly much more motivated than ever. “Like we can make it about going on a quest to find a cursed book full of curses or something!!” 
“Isn’t that changing the game completely?” Cinnamon added, forgetting that there was nothing she could do to stop Pancake. 
As Pancake rushed off to her room to get some construction paper and markers, Cherrypit ran after her but not before stopping right at the door and turning around back to Butter, Cinnamon and his sister. 
He raised his arms and let out a loud, “Sonofabitch!” Then ran right after Pancake. 
Cinnamon slowly flew her way out of Butter and Babycorn’s view as they both glared right at her.
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3days3nights · 11 months
23 Fascinating Jobs Around The World | Big Business | Insider Business
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peearrdee · 1 year
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this guy gets it
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yesterdaysanswers · 2 years
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PFM Butter Bag master post
Usually butter bags were worn by the butter lovers of the group, Mauro and Franz, but occasionally you can see Patrick sporting one as well
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What I need in life for everlasting joy is a high quality mixer-grinder
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milomaxxy · 2 months
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My first season making candy for sale outside of family and friends was this last winter and I gotta say I love how so much of it turned out.
Coming from rural Kansas towns, I helped my mom every December making and selling candy for people so we'd have money for Christmas. This year, our first year in a city (and our first holiday season in Washington) and I had over a dozen orders. Which to anyone else may not seem like a lot; but to me it helped my seasonal depression and to bring in cash for gifts. Not being able to work bc you're disabled makes the holiday season a reminder of how much you can feel like a burden, and the nearly twenty orders made me feel like I contributed in one of the ways I still can.
Plus we got to have the leftover candies for ourselves
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fishthegenderwitch · 11 months
For a woman who claims not to have nor believe in ADHD, my mother is hands-down the most squirrelly person I've had a conversation with THIS. YEAR.
She interrupted me AND herself so many times that we had the equivalent of 45 separate conversations, within a 2 hour period, with only about 4 of them concluding with the things she wanted to tell me.
Of those 45 conversations, I managed to tell her 3 important things I've been wanting to say to her out loud after not talking at all with her for 2 years.
I think there may need to be a follow-up email to put all the things into one spot she can read and let sink in.
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tender-rosiey · 9 months
i need more dad!gojo pls 😔🙏🏼
sulking — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: there was an anon that requested this scenario specifically but for some reason I genuinely can't find their ask so anon if you see this, i hope you will like it! <3
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“s/n! get your tiny naked butt over here!”
your son squeals as he waddles away from his chasing dad and goes towards you, “mama!”
“yes, honey?” you reply, before turning towards your son and finding him all naked. at least, he didn’t escape from the tub, since he is still dry.
you giggle and pick him up, “what are you doing you little trouble maker?”
he kicks his feet and points upstairs, “pa!”
“oh, you’re escaping from papa?”
your son nods eagerly, looking around for any sign of said man.
“found you!”
your son squeals and hides his face in the crook of your neck. you pet his hair and look towards your husband who is…also butt-naked. you sigh, “satoru, at least wear your boxers before you chase the kid.”
“aw come on, wifey; it’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” he smirks, leaning towards you and lovingly kissing your cheek, “plus you deserve a show every once in a while.”
you pinch his nose, making him abruptly pull back with a pout, “if you want to give me a show, don’t do it in front of our son, you over-grown pack of hershey’s.”
“do you mean the cookies and cream one?” satoru says, eyes shining at the mention of one of his favorite snacks.
“yes, and I hate it.”
he gasps audibly, before taking s/n from your arms and into his own, “let’s go, s/n! we shall not tolerate mom’s slander for the hershey’s again!”
and so your husband marches back with his (still butt-naked) son to the bathroom.
satoru sets s/n on the sink, and looks down at the tub, “hey, at least the bathtub is full now,” he puts his hand in the water, “and it isn’t too cold for your small butt.”
s/n gives satoru his angriest look, before looking away with a huff.
satoru chuckles before tickling him, “you’re so cute,” s/n breaks character and starts giggling, and satoru starts cooing, “you act like your mama when I annoy her.”
satoru swiftly picks him up in one arm and points at the stash of bath bombs, “which one do you want to use?” he walks towards the box, and s/n instantly holds it with his strong hands.
satoru laughs, “oh you want all?”
s/n doesn’t respond. instead, he aggressively pulls the box towards him, luckily, satoru is able to hold it in his other hand before it fell.
he looks at his son with a pout, “you were going to create a mess, little guy.”
“mess!” your son claps and your husband can’t find it in him to scold him.
so your husband joins in on his chaos and raises him up high, “yes, big mess!”
your son squeals, reaching for his dad’s cheeks. then he starts rubbing his face on satoru’s the moment he is low enough to reach him.
he starts biting satoru’s cheeks and screams, “love you, baby!”
“love you too, my little buttered cookie,” satoru coos, unfazed by the baby eating him alive. he doesn’t let him linger though as he pulls him off his face, “time for a bath, stinky.”
s/n frowns and tries smacking satoru, but your husband quickly gets into the bath. the moment s/n touched the water, he started clapping and trying to dive deeper into the water.
satoru held him just above the water so he doesn’t fall into the bathbomb-filled water, “nuh-uh, you’re not going to fall face first into the water,” satoru spins s/n so he can settle him into the bath butt-first.
s/n wastes no time in playing with the soap foam and starts splashing everywhere.
your son is sat on the stair of the bathtub—a huge bathtub by the way, satoru specifically ordered this one for other activities though. s/n is beyond the moon and almost treats the little stair like his throne.
your husband can’t stop smiling, to the point his face starts aching, and he starts using the bubbles to form two little cat ears on s/n’s head.
your son’s curiously keeps trying to look up, but starts huffing when he can’t see the top of his head.
satoru then decides that the best solution is—“y/nnnnn! can you come over here with a camera?”
“okayyyy!” he hears you yell and shifts his attention to s/n to keep him entertained until you appear.
he leans down a little, exposing the top of his own head to his son and challenges him, “do your worst.”
your son’s—clearly inherited—competitive nature fuels him into gathering as much as bubbles as he can to place it on his dad’s head.
after that, he starts diligently molding the foam into the shape he had in mind. satoru just keeps on humming quietly, letting s/n do his magic.
once s/n finishes, he retracts his hand and clumsily mimics his dad’s proud pose, and satoru feels happier and happier as he spends time of his little ball of joy.
caught up in his emotions, he picks up s/n to hug him, but s/n slips from satoru’s grasp and into the water.
your husband is panicked right away, hands frantically searching and splashing around to get hold onto anything of his son.
he has half a mind to blast all the water away, but quickly decides against it, especially when he hears a “boo!” behind him.
your husband turns to s/n, who is giggling at finally getting to his father, and hugs him tightly, “papa’s sorry he dropped you, s/n.”
s/n, ever the empath, starts imitating what he see you and satoru do when the other is sad: he starts patting his dad’s back with a murmur of “’s ‘kay.”
satoru thinks he is going to sob right then and there, but you finally enter the bathroom, and satoru and s/n quickly perk up at your presence.
“wifey!” satoru grins and starts scrambling to make a new pair of cat ears on s/n.
and so you’re met with one of the cutest sights of your baby that you have ever seen. he is beaming with a smile so contagious that you don’t even notice one being instantly on your face.
he is also sporting a pair of bubble cat ears, so, of course, you get out your phone and start snapping away.
“s/n, look at mama!”
after a couple of photos, you hear someone clear his throat, and you look to your side to see a very pouty satoru. he huffs and looks away from you, “imagine ignoring the love of your life for a small mochi.”
“we made this small mochi, ‘toru.”
“exactly!” he declares then locks eyes with you, “that means I am the original and I should be appreciated more, anyway—what do you think of his cat ears?”
your husband’s tone switches almost instantly and starts fangirling about s/n, taking him into his arms and lightly bouncing him on knee, “he is so cute! almost as cute as me, right?!”
“you’re so right! he is the cutest cutie to ever exist!” you coo, arms reaching out to s/n, and your son throws himself into your arms with no hesitation.
you secure in your hold before chuckling, “you’re mama’s cute boy, right?”
you feel satoru stare daggers at your soul, but ignore him for the time being, “did you actually shower or do anything to clean, s/n? you smell stinky.”
your son frowns at that and buries his face in your shoulder to sulk. you stifle a giggle and question your husband about something that has been on your mind since you entered, “also, satoru—“
he perks up.
“—what is that blob of bubbles on your head supposed to be?”
and that, my friend, is how you got stuck in the bathtub with your two boys, each burying their face into your shoulders and—you guessed it—sulking.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @sonder-paradise @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412 @anakalana @maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1 @sad-darksoul @ko-fi-heart @pumpkindudeishere @suyaaachin @babyqueen17 @chaosguy352 @murakami-kotone @sukun4ryomen @yumieis @hearts4itoshi @sleepyxxhead @dunixxd
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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lesbiankiliel · 1 year
I swear no opening theme has affected my life as much as 无别 from heaven official's blessing
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what-even-is-thiss · 4 months
Ways to make your sad 2am sandwich slightly more interesting:
Use buns or some fancy bread you’ve got lying around to trick yourself into thinking it’s classy
Put some salt and coarsely ground pepper on there. Really helps the sad bologna along
Put a teeny bit of olive oil over the top. Mixes well with the salt and pepper. Maybe some vinegar too if you’re into that
Keep a bag of mixed leafy greens in the fridge to use on sandwiches so it looks like it was made at a hipster restaraunt
Stick your sad cheese and something sandwich into a panini maker or toast it in a pan with some butter. Now it’s not a sad 2am sandwich. Now it’s a sad 2am melt and/or grilled cheese.
Put some random veggies you’ve gotta use up in there. Does broccoli go in a sandwich? Well you’re about to find out aren’t you?
Put some jelly and/or cream cheese on it. If you think this sounds gross I’m just gonna assume you’ve never tried it
Use two sauces. Or mix two sauces together to feel like you’re doing something. If you mix mayo and  Sriracha together now it’s not just mayo and Sriracha now it’s a sauce and you’ve done something with your life
Make it in a flour tortilla instead. Now it’s a wrap and you’re on trend
Deconstruct the sandwich and convince yourself it’s actually a charcuterie board 
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