#buuuuut all that to say! if i feel up to it maybe i’ll pop into some inboxes
tvrningout · 4 months
being sick is actually the worst, but at least that means i can binge watch stuff and only feel a little bit guilty about it
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vixeria · 6 months
So for some reason, earlier this morning, I was reminded of my very first encounter with a fortune teller.
So hear me out.
My friends and I were kind of rolling about in the car one day and we see this sign for fortune telling outside of this house that looks like a little mini White House, like the one in the U.S. Anyways, we come up to the house, park out front in this little loop around driveway, and a weird question pops into our minds…
“Do we just knock orrr…?”
We had no idea. Especially because this looked to be like someone’s house rather than a proper public space. And this place was directly on a busy street surrounded by actual other facilities such as gas stations, eateries, etc. This house certainly stood out from everything else on this wide open, busy street.
I knocked anyway… just in case.
Now you might call me crazy when you hear this next bit, buuuuut... This place… I kid you not, it practically sparkled. It was white with very few, but pretty plants around the front and was absolutely serene. But the second you approach the door, which was beneath a front porch awning of sorts, the vibe changes. It didn’t feel… welcoming. It actually felt ominous- like straight out of an anime or something.
The door has one of those metal bar outer doors, painted a pretty white to match the rest of the house. A woman answers at the door, and the door creaks open loudly, but not slowly or creepily. Just… very noisily opens. When I get a look at this woman… god, she was incredibly intimidating! She looked every bit the part of a historical, stereotypical witch! Seriously, the facial structure of the woman was sort of broadened, and she was thin, and looked to be somewhere in her fifties or sixties. Her modern clothing didn’t seem to suit her at all and she was very… unwelcoming. She had a frown on her face that simply oozed unpleasantness.
Regardless of the intimidation I felt from the woman and the weird, scary vibes I was feeling from the front door, I smiled and asked how much it would be for a reading and if she’d accept card.
When she responded, she said cash only and $40 USD a reading.
She said this with such a straight face and a monotonous tone… I wanted to run right then and there. It felt like she was incredibly blank with emotion. My response was just “Okay, I’ll be back then!” Because, of course, I didn’t have cash on me.
We turned around and I very quickly got back into my car. The lady watched us drive off before she went back inside her home, er, whatever this place was.
I didn’t go back.
And for some reason I thought of her today. Is it safe to say I’m low key freaked out with all of these weird, conflicting vibes? I never went back because of the feelings I felt. It felt like I couldn’t leave fast enough. Like it was a mistake just to be on that porch.
I also feel like somewhat of a scaredy cat. And thinking back on it, I sort of laugh at myself. It was such a short experience- maybe the lady was having an off day. Maybe I just showed up at a bad time. All I know… is that I feel absolutely silly for letting it all get to me. I definitely should’ve gotten a reading that day. 🤣
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
Unexpected Changes
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It’s time for a very special fic for a very special boy who lives in my head and my heart. Happy birthday Shawty I love you <3
I want to give a very very special thanks to my wonderful friend @otherlandshark​ for giving me this idea, your mind never ceases to amaze me and I love you so very much. 
I would also love to give thanks to everyone who has encouraged me or helped me with this fic. There’s several of you, some of which aren’t on here. But thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. 
Summary: You decide to surprise Shaw for his birthday, but some unexpected events get in the way. 
Shaw x MC
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Some cursing, adult jokes. 
Leaning forward you squinted at the calendar in front of you checking it, you confirmed the date, June 21st. The date was circled in a red pen, the little box for the date had Shaw’s B-day!!!!! Written in the same red felt pen. You smiled to yourself as you reached out to your phone left face down on the table beside you. 
You’d half expected a text from Shaw already, after all he usually was the one to text you first. Yet when you checked your notifications you didn’t see anything from him. You sat down at the kitchen table, considering if you should text him first, maybe he was sleeping in today, his finals should be done by now so maybe he was taking a day to rest. Even if that didn’t really sound like Shaw’s style. 
As it turns out, you didn’t have to wait too long to decide if you should text him or not. Your phone screen lit up with a text message, the contact image of a young lavender haired man. 
Shaw: Do you remember what today is?
MC: Oh I know this one!
MC: It’s monday!
Shaw: Care to try again? 
MC: Ah fine, it’s the 21st of June!
Shaw: You’re not wrong, but do you know what else it is? 
MC: Hmmmmm 
Shaw: Hm?
You knew very well that Shaw’s birthday was today, but still you wanted to tease him a little bit. Maybe just to get back at him a little bit for his usual rounds of teasing you. 
MC: Maybe you should remind me what today is, since it seems I don’t know
Shaw: Or, how about we meet up? 
Shaw: With my finals I’ve haven't had the time to entertain you 
MC: Oh today? I’m not sure if I have the time…
Shaw: You can’t be that busy can you? 
MC: Shaw it’s Monday! I have a job you know 
MC: Buuuuut 
MC: It is a bit slow today, perhaps I could take the day off. 
Shaw: Meet me at the park.  Don’t be late. 
MC: Hey!!! I should be telling YOU that!!!! 
Putting your phone back down on the table you quickly rose from your seat. You had preemptively taken the day off, preparing for today weeks ago. Today was not only his birthday, but also right after his final exams for school. Both events in your eyes were worthy of a celebration. 
First, you got yourself dressed and ready, putting on the carefully chosen ensemble, an outfit more in line with Shaw’s personal style than your own, but one you knew he’d appreciate seeing you in. 
You pulled out the large picnic basket from your closet, putting it down on the table while you opened your fridge door to grab the neatly packaged and wrapped food you’d spent the night before putting together. Once you finished your personal game of picnic basket tetris you carefully snuck in a picnic blanket on top. 
The last step was the gift wrapped box sitting on the other side of your dining table, the gift was wrapped with the shark wrapping paper you’d special ordered on a whim the week beforehand. You slipped the box into your bag, trying to keep it at least a little bit hidden from view. You slipped on your shoes as you held your bag in one arm and the picnic basket in the crook of your elbow. 
The bright blue sky was the first thing you noticed when you stepped outside. The warm new summer air swaying the newly bloomed flowers on your path. The summer breeze was just warm enough that you felt a bead of sweat appear on your brow as you walked to the park you had arranged to meet at. 
Since the weather was so warm for the first time in what seemed like forever it looked like everyone in the city was outside today. Families walked into ice cream shops, groups of friends wandered into stores and restaurants. Couples holding hands walking down the sidewalk hand in hand. 
The park wasn’t any less busy, it took several rounds walking along the park to find the perfect spot to get yourself set up, after walking the perimeter for a while you found a good spot you could get yourself situated. 
Your phone rang just as you finished pulling out the last items from your picnic basket. Once the items were set down you reached out and quickly answered your phone without even really checking the caller ID. 
“I’m almost there, where are you?” Shaw asked on the other end. 
“I’m sitting under one of the trees, just walk around I’ll wave when I see you” 
Shaw sighed on the other end. “You can’t just find me?” 
“Nope! You have to find me. I’m not moving.” Shaw dramatically sighed. “Just come find me. Trust me it’ll be worth it.” 
“Alright,” Shaw said. “I’ll find you, I can see the park now. Be ready.” He hung up the phone just a moment after that. 
Your eyes swept around the park looking for him. You looked for that familiar lavender hair or that patented leather jacket he seemed so very fond of. Still, it was hard to see through all the crowds of people, the way they crowded up the paths and sidewalks and made it even harder to see anyone specific. 
Once you saw that lavender hair sticking out of the crowd your hand was raised in the air, waving wildly to try and grab his attention, and as some of the people thinned out you could clearly see Shaw walking down the sidewalk, his eyes also looking around the park to try and find you. 
After waving your hands for a few more moments, Shaw's eyes met yours, a spark of recognition crossing his face, and then, his facial expression slowly changing as he noticed where you were sitting, and the assortment of food that you had put around yourself. All for him. 
He stopped just a few steps away from you, you could tell that he was trying to hide his exact facial expression. Trying to hide it with his classic cool and unbothered face, but his eyes didn't lie, and the way they seemed to be sparkling. 
"What's this?" Shaw asked as he looked down at the set up. You smiled and motioned to the blanket you had spread out on the ground. 
"Happy birthday Shaw." You said, his eyes looked like they were glowing. His pupils wide as he took it all in. His mouth was slightly open, like he couldn't quite believe what it was that he was seeing in front of him. "What are you doing just standing there! Come on, sit down." 
After a half a moment of him staring he sat down on the other end of the blanket. He still wasn't saying much, almost uncharacteristically quiet. 
"What do you think? I tried to make some things I know you like. It's no hotpot but I couldn't quite figure out how we could do hotpot in the park, but since the weather is so nice I figured that a picnic would be nice!" 
Shaw looked at you, and in the moment that he was staring at you it was like an instant change. He cleared his throat and let his usual cool and collected expression return to his face, looking cool, calm, and collected like he had been expecting this the whole entire time. 
“It doesn’t look too bad.” He finally said. You smiled at him, a comment like that from Shaw was quite the compliment. “You did all this?”
You nodded. “Yeah I made all this last night and this morning.” You handed him a can of coke and a can of pepsi, his two favorites. “Consider this a double celebration, we’re celebrating your birthday and you finishing your finals.” Shaw looked up and down at the picnic food on the blanket and you sitting on the other end of the blanket. 
Shaw’s usual smirk reappeared on his face as he popped the tab open on the can of coke, taking a long sip. “I suppose I can admit you made an okay show of pretending to forget today.” 
“I would never forget!” You said, “I’ve had the date written down on my calendar ever since I found out when your birthday was.” 
Shaw’s face was unreadable, he hid his expression by sipping on his soda. Trying to keep his face away from you, as if by looking at you it would reveal something he wasn’t ready for you to see yet. 
Maybe you would have asked if he was okay, or try to say something to make him face you again. But before you could do anything about that thought your attention was broken by the raindrops that fell right on top of your head. 
The rain started to fall faster, dark rain clouds overtaking the whole no-longer blue sky. You looked up at the sky, as the raindrops started falling faster and harder. Within seconds it was pouring down rain on the once warm soil. 
It seemed to take Shaw a bit longer to notice the rain that was soaking his hair and clothes. Once he noticed his eyes went upwards to look up at the now darkened sky. 
Although he didn't say it, and neither did you, you had a very good feeling that you knew what had caused this sudden rainstorm. 
Looking around the park, the once happy families and couples were packing up their things, running for shelter or to their cars, no one seemingly prepared for any kind of sudden rain. Even you, who should have prepared for this possibility, hadn't even considered the idea that it could rain. Especially with the person you were with. 
"Shit, the food!" You quickly tried to repackage and rewrap the food you'd brought, trying to keep it from getting wetter and ruined. 
"It's just a little rain" Shaw said looking up at the sky, he must have known the rain's origin. There's no way that he couldn't have known what caused this. 
“I would say it’s a little more than a little rain!” You tried to shove them back into the basket. "Also I don't want all this food getting wet and soggy." You pushed back some of your wet hair as the raindrops ran down your face and neck. 
Quickly you put all the food back into the basket, and motioned for Shaw to stand up, the blanket below you was already soaked, and the mud started to stick to the other side. You bit your lip and you tried to fold it up the best you could. 
“Did you bring an umbrella?” You asked him, Shaw shook his head. 
“Didn’t think it would rain.” You glared at him. “What?”
“You don’t just keep one on you in case of sudden rain? That seems to happen a lot around you.” You hugged yourself to try and keep warm as the rain soaked your clothes. 
“I didn’t think I’d need it.” Shaw said. “Besides, it’s June.” You resisted the urge to remind him that not only does it rain in June but the time of year doesn’t seem to matter when you have an Evolver who makes it rain whenever he’s in a good mood. 
Trying to hide from the rain under the tree you held the picnic basket close. “How about we go back to my place, we can eat there.” Shaw picked up your other bag, the one with his present hidden in it, biting your tongue you tried not to make clear that you didn’t want him seeing the contents just yet. But he didn’t try to look. 
“Here.” Shaw shedded his jacket and handed it over to you. You took the jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders, the arms a little too long and the jacket not quite fitting, but it was comfortable, and you could feel the lingering warmth from his body heat on it. 
“I’ll follow your lead.” Shaw said casually, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Looking out to the rest of the now deserted park you mentally mapped the quickest way home, the two of you would be soaked, no doubt, but at least you could get back. 
Together you took off into the rain, trying to walk beneath any kind of cover you both could find on the way back. You held Shaw’s jacket close, as you did the scent of peppermint and light cologne was easy to pick up, an almost comforting smell. 
Throwing open the door to your apartment building you both breathed a sigh of relief when you were out of the rain, so filled with relief it took a few moments to realize something wasn’t right. 
“Someone turned off the lights.” You commented looking at the dark lobby. Shaw punched the up button on the elevator, to no avail. No elevator sounds, no lighting up on the button. 
“The power’s out.” He said, pushing wet hair out of his eyes. “Probably the heavy rain.” 
You withheld the groan growing in your throat. “Seriously?” You tried the elevator button 
yourself, with no better result. 
Shaw didn't seem nearly as bothered as you did, or at least he pretended like he wasn't bothered. He looked to the door leading to the stairs up. 
"Come on. I won’t carry you up the stairs." Shaw said, pushing open the door. 
You followed up, slowly trudging up the long stairwell, your socks squelching uncomfortably in your shoes. Your hair dripping with the rain, Shaw's jacket being the only thing giving you the smallest bit of comfort at the moment. 
The two of you eventually made it up to your floor, and down your hallway to your door. You couldn't waste any time with sticking in your key and getting through the door. 
Your apartment was dark, just like the lobby, no lights on, not even the stove or oven. The apartment was completely dark beyond the small amount of light coming in through the window, and completely silent without the hum of the fridge or your computer. 
You set the picnic basket down on the table, rushing to the bathroom to grab towels. Grabbing the biggest towels you had in your cupboard. Tossing one to Shaw and using your own to dry your face and hair first. 
"I'm gonna change clothes." You told him. Then looked him up and down. “I’d offer you some of mine but I’m not sure they’ll fit.”  You racked your brain, there must be something you could offer him. “I could ask my neighbor, he’s a little shorter than you but maybe-” 
Shaw shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“I’m not that wet.” Shaw said as he dried off his hair, the lavender strands still damp when he pulled the towel away. Shaw looked you up and down, that mischievous look reappearing in his gaze “You on the other hand-” He said with that tone that could have suggested anything. 
“Shaw!” You said as your cheeks flushed red. His smirk intensified at your flustered face, and you did your best to reel it in. After all that was the reaction he was hoping for. You huffed and pulled out a set of clean clothes from your closet. 
You left him in the living room while you changed clothes, drying your hair further in the darkness of the bathroom. You probably should have predicted a result like this, but it was too late to go back now. 
In dry clothes and sufficiently put back together you ventured back into the living room. Shaw stood with his shirt in his hands as he set it on your clothes drying rack in the corner of your apartment. 
Although his back was turned to you, you quickly averted your gaze from him as the flush returned to your face. You kept your eyes on the ground as you put away your other damp clothes to be washed and dried once the power was back.
“Oi.” Shaw said, You kept yourself from looking directly at him. “Why are you staring at the floor like that? Did you break your neck putting on a shirt?” Your face turned an even brighter red color as he spoke. 
“I-” You turned your head away. “I’m just thinking.” You tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. Maybe so he wouldn’t try and pull an even more embarrassed reaction out of you. 
Shaw’s slit brow raised up, his classic playful expression returning in full force. “What could you possibly be thinking about?” He said, walking towards you. Still feeling too flustered to look at him, you grabbed the throw blanket from the couch and tossed it at him. 
“You’re probably cold right? There’s no heating right now so you must be freezing.” Your words came out faster and maybe a little more jumped than you’d typically like. Watching him out of the corner of your eye he unfolded the blanket and placed it over his bare shoulders, relieving a little bit of your embarrassment. 
The picnic basket still left on the table caught your eyes once you felt calm again. The basket was still a bit wet, raindrops clinging to the top and sides of the basket. The bag with Shaw’s present is also just as damp. Glancing from the picnic basket to the blanket around Shaw’s shoulders, an idea formed in your head. 
“What’s going on in your head?” Shaw asked, poking your arm playfully. 
You smiled and looked at him. “The rain ruined my original plan but, I think I know what we can do to still celebrate.” You picked up one of the other throw blankets on the couch, and unfolded it and spread it on the living room floor. 
Shaw caught onto your plan pretty quickly, you handed him the picnic basket and pointed to the blanket. “You get this all set up, I’m going to go and find some candles so we can have a little bit of light.” 
You arranged your candles and flashlights around the blanket so there was at least some light overlooking your picnic food, even if some of the items had become slightly soggy from the rain. 
“Nice atmosphere.” Shaw joked. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “We can always eat in the dark.” 
“Nah.” Shaw said as he took a bite of the sandwich you’d made. “The dark is for other things.” He gave you a suggestive look as he said that, making your face turn red again. 
“Don’t be gross!” 
Shaw’s suggestive smirk only intensified. “I saw how embarrassed you were when you came out here. I know what I look like. You can-”
“Shaw stop it!” You said louder, trying to hide your flustered expression in the shadows left by the candles and flashlights. “I don’t care if it’s your birthday, I will make you go back out in the rain.” 
Shaw’s expression changed, but you still saw that mischievous spark, although that was just a regular feature of Shaw’s face. “You sure do get embarrassed easily.” He said as he took another bite. You ignored his comment, not interested in humoring his dirty mind further. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t have other plans today.” You said, looking up at Shaw. “I figured you’d go to Live House or hang out with the band.” 
Shaw shrugged. “Birthdays aren’t that big of a deal.” He said, sipping on the new can of cola you’d gotten him. “Besides, I knew you had something planned.” 
“Wait, how did you know?” 
“You’re not very good at surprises.” Shaw set the can of cola down as he picked at the side dishes. “I will give you one thing though, I wasn’t expecting this.” 
A smile broke across your face. “Do you like it?” 
Shaw looked back up at you. “It’s alright, you didn’t do too bad.” 
“Well,” you sat up straighter and leaned for the closed bakery box you’d set next to the picnic basket. “I still have a few surprises left in me.” You set the bakery box between you. Shaw’s expression changed as you opened up the top. Revealing the birthday cake you’d gotten for him. A simple cake frosted in blue with a dorky looking shark frosted onto the top, Happy Birthday Shaw! Written in black frosting below it. 
Shaw’s face shifted through a variety of emotions in a few seconds, at first confusion, surprise, and then he started laughing. Covering his mouth as he laughed. 
“What is that?” Shaw said between laughter. “It looks so childish.” 
You huffed, “It’s what the bakery had! And I figured you wouldn’t want a boring cake!”
Shaw managed to get his laughter under control as he looked at the cake again. “Let’s hope it tastes good for your sake.” He said, handing him a fork you both dug into the cake, not even bothering to slice it. 
The cake was sweet, and thankfully unaffected by the rainstorm, the cake flavor was fairly basic but the sweetness was enough to make it good. Shaw also seemed pleased with the flavor, taking bite after bite of the cake without complaint. 
Once the two of you had pretty much eaten the entire frosted shark you both considered that more than enough cake for the two of you. Now, it was time for your final surprise. 
Shaw was still focused on the cake when you pulled out the two gift wrapped packages, holding them out for him. 
“Your final surprise of the day, I promise.” 
Shaw took the two boxes, setting one down and unwrapping the other. You watched him intently as he ripped away the wrapping paper. 
A slight surprised noise came from Shaw as he looked at his gift. “A children’s fossil dig kit?” He held the box in his hands, the front showing two children digging in the play sand for plastic fossils. He gave you a bizarre look. 
“I thought it’d be fun! Little field work practice.” 
“It’s for children.” Shaw said. “Do I look like a child?” 
You reached for the toy. “If you don’t want it I’ll just return it then-”
Shaw pulled the box away. “Nuh uh, you don’t get to take a gift back. This is mine.” Shaw set the box down beside him, out of your grasp. You settled back where you sat, even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew he did like the gift. He picked up the second item, much smaller than the first, barely bigger than a stack of envelopes. 
Tearing the wrapping paper away, once again he seemed a bit confused by the gift in his hands. A stack of notecards, hole punched and held together by a binder ring. Each one with slightly different writing on it. 
“This is?” Shaw asked you, giving you a look. 
“It’s a coupon book, for my time and for favors. If you want to drag me along to a concert or an antique fair, you can use those, and I can’t say no.” 
“And I can use these for any kind of favor?” 
You nodded. “Yep! Anything at all.” 
Shaw looked back at the coupon book and then at you. A particular look in his eye. As he looked at you, you watched as the blanket that had been around his shoulders started to fall. 
Opening the binder ring he handed you one of the notecard coupons. “I’m using one right now, my first request.” Shaw scooted closer to you, so close you could feel the body heat radiating from his bare torso. “I want you to spend every one of my birthdays with me.” 
“Every single one?”
Shaw nodded. “Every single one.” Your eyes were locked together, your wide eyes against his slightly troublesome gaze. Still you weren’t worried about what was going on in his head. Beyond that troublesome gaze, there was also the softness in his face, the way he looked perfectly calm, and perfectly happy. “I think I have another idea for a coupon to use right now.” 
Smiling gently at him, you reached out to hold his hand, not breaking eye contact for a second. 
“I think I’ll let this one be a freebie.” 
Shaw leaned closer, until your foreheads were practically pressed together. 
“Perfect.” He whispered, closing the small gap between you. His soft lips pressed against yours he pulled away just a centimeter after one long kiss.
“This, I think, is the best gift I’ve gotten all day.”
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achubbydumpling · 3 years
Consider this: slightly chubby office worker bucky and lean, muscular steve who has a huge crush on him.
They work in the same department so Steve is always sneaking him food and rubbing his belly for him. Poor bucky keeps outgrowing his shirts and his pants barely go over his ass anymore but he doesn't wanna stop.
Bucky finally has to work from home when he gets too big for his office chair and his belly is almost constantly hanging out. All thanks to steve, of course.
Hello! I'm sorry for only answering this now, buuuuut this ask made me think of a very specific scenario for some reason? So, I hope you'll enjoy reading this... imagine? ficlet? this is neither edited nor proofread, so I apologize for any mistakes
Alright, I immediately jumped to Bucky working from home because he's outgrown his office chair. Maybe he hit the weight limit, maybe he's just gotten too wide to comfortably fit between the arm rests. Maybe he’s a gainer in this? In any case, he applies to work from home, and they grant him the request (anything to facilitate the kink, right? :D)
Rating: Mature Words: 1638 Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Stuffing, Belly Kink, nicknames (pig), allusions to masturbation, mutual pining, maybe slight dub-con (Bucky doesn't know he's unmuted and Steve doesn't tell him right away)
The only requirement is that he has to be "on call" the entire workday. So, the next week on Monday Bucky sits down at his desk at home and logs in to the program his company makes him use for those calls.
And of course Steve picks up. The guy Bucky has had a not so subtle crush on since basically his first day. The blue eyed, blond haired subject of all of Bucky’s dreams, who is also the guy that Bucky has been eating his weight in junk over, because Steve keeps bringing in baked goods and Bucky can never say no to Steve.
On the other end of the call Steve is nervously chewing on his pencil until he finally hears Bucky’s warm voice say “Good morning.” A huge grin appears on his face without him wanting it to, but this is Bucky. So, of course he’s grinning like a maniac.
Bucky is just… Steve had tried to explain it to Nat once, but all he’d gotten out was a stupid “wow”, while grinning the same way he was right now. So, maybe he had a bit of an office crush, it’s normal when you spend 8h a day together, right? Bucky’s video feed is off and Steve is glad he didn’t stupidly turn his own camera on. He was debating it while he waited for Bucky’s call.
“So, do I just do my work, while I stay on this call or…?” Bucky asks when Steve didn’t respond. Steve scrambles out of his daydreams and nods. Then he remembers to actually say “Yes.”
“Alright,” was all that Bucky said and then the little red mute symbol pops up. Steve groans and rubs his hands over his face to get rid of that stupid smile.
“What’s up?” Bucky chimes back in, when Steve yelps in surprise, he adds, “you didn’t mute yourself. I could hear you… being annoyed, I think.”
“Sorry, Mondays.”
“Yeah,” Steve hears something crunching, “though my day has actually been pretty good so far.”
“Are you eating breakfast right now?” Steve looks at the clock—9:03 am.
“Nah, post-breakfast snack. I was craving something crunchy like those pig's ears you brought in on Friday.”
“That just sounds disgusting. Just call it a palm heart or a palmier.” Steve said the name of the pastry in a French accent in an effort to make Bucky laugh and when he did, his heart fluttered with a burst of warmth.
“Well, I’m having some cereal to make up for not having any pastries around.”
“Some?” Steve asked. He sobered quickly at the mention of what Bucky was actually eating, he hated how badly he was hiding his excitement at hearing what Bucky was eating. He’d been “subtly” pushing food on him since Bucky had first started working at the office. Steve doesn’t know a lot about flirting, but providing food seemed like a natural place to start.
Except he’s been stuck there for close to a year now. Every day he’d promise himself to finally ask Bucky out when he brings him one of the pastries, he brought in from that bakery on his way to the office, but when he’s actually looking at Bucky’s face, that lights up when he sees the sugary treat, Steve can never work up the courage and just slinks back to his own desk. And now Bucky wasn’t even in the office anymore.
Because you’ve fattened him up too much, a traitorous voice whispers in the back of Steve’s mind. It not like Steve was forcing Bucky to eat what he brought in, but all those treats right there in the break room surely weren’t helping with Bucky’s expanding waistline. Or those lunches they started taking together, where Steve always suggested they go out to eat instead of sharing a packed lunch in the break room. So, yeah, Steve wasn’t really at fault. Then why did he feel so goddamned proud whenever he saw Bucky’s shirts getting too small and the armrests on his chair digging into his plush sides?
Steve snaps back to reality when Bucky starts talking again.
“Just a bowl-full. Well, this is my second bowl, but cereal is pretty much mostly air, right?” They talk (argue) about what’s the best cereal after that, then what Bucky had for breakfast and then they somehow spend the entire morning talking like Bucky was still in the office and not all the way across town. Bucky refills his bowl twice before lunch rolls around at noon.
“Well, I’ll see you after lunch.” Steve reluctantly leaves his desk.
“I’ll be here!” Bucky calls before Steve takes of his headphones and heads into the breakroom to scarf down his lunch. He knows Bucky will probably only get back on the call once he has to work, but some small part of Steve hopes that if he eats fast enough he’ll get to spend at least part of his break chatting with Bucky.
When he makes his way back to his desk, Steve pops his headphones back on, plops down on his chair and immediately freezes at what he’s hearing. Bucky isn’t muted. Steve is listening to Bucky eat some kind of pasta dish, a very saucy pasta dish from the noises he can hear every time Bucky takes a bite and sucks the spaghettis he missed into his mouth. This is Steve’s personal hell, he thinks, it can’t get any worse than this.
Steve is just about to tell Bucky he’s unmuted when he hears him say, unmistakably, “Fucking pig.” It can get worse.
“Such a fat fucking pig.” Bucky muffles his moan with another mouthful of food. He must be close to finishing his food Steve thinks, then he blushes at realising he knows what Bucky sounds like when he’s getting full.
Bucky’s headphones must be lying on the desk, because they pick up the slide of skin on skin perfectly and Steve leans closer to his monitor even though there isn’t an image. He presses his hands over his headphones to make sure he hears all the little sounds Bucky is making and then he jolts back when Bucky burps loudly.
Steve’s eyes scan the office to make sure no one saw him jumping around on his chair like a scaredy cat, but no one is around. No one is around to see Steve listen very intently to his co-worker eating lunch. Stuffing himself.— Brain.Steve scolds himself, but then Bucky moans again and Steve can’t help but scoot his chair closer. One, to hide his growing erection and two, because logic has left his brain and he needs to get closer to hear better apparently. Steve turns up the volume and then takes his headphones off to make sure it’s no so loud that anyone walking by could hear the sound.
“Fuck, so good,” Bucky groans and Steve can hear his cutlery cluttering onto the desk. He can hear clothes rustling and suddenly the sound of Bucky rubbing his hands over the taut skin of his belly is back. It overtakes the connection for a long moment, that and Bucky’s shallow breathing.
“Best penne and pizza? Yeah, I can believe that.” Steve can hear Bucky’s chair groaning under him. Three suffering clicks from the chair and another pained belch from Bucky.
“If you keep eating like this you’re gonna get fat, Barnes.” Bucky chuckles to himself, “well, fatter.” Bucky exhales heavily, Steve can hear him shift again and his breathing gets heavier.
“Only thing missing is dessert. That’d make a real glutton outta me, not just overeating at lunch, but eating more sugar after,” Steve hears the familiar sound of Bucky popping his button to get comfortable, but Bucky doesn’t stop there, Steve hears the zipper being pulled down too. Steve’s heart skips a beat. Is he gonna—
“Get some feeder to bring it to me, some rich chocolate cake. No, ah, those little cake pops, that— that Steve brought in.” Steve holds his breath when he hears his own name in Bucky’s voice, the emphasis Bucky puts on his name.
“Steve—” He hears a bottle cap being snapped open. Ok, nope, this is too far, Steve decides and reaches for the mouse.
“Oh, my God, Bucky. You’re unmuted!” Steve just about shouts into the microphone. He immediately hears something clatter to the floor and then Bucky swearing.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I was just— This isn’t what it looks like. I’m— I was— How long were you listening?” The tips of Steve’s ears are burning and the blush is working it’s way down over Steve’s face.
“A few— just a bit. You said my name.” Steve adds, hopeful, even though Bucky was probably more worried about his co-worker almost catching him jerking off. Listening to him jerk off.
“Great, are we going straight to HR or is tomorrow fine?” Bucky asked resigned.
“How about dinner?” Steve didn’t know where he plucked the courage from, but when Bucky didn’t answer right away whatever ounce of courage had possessed him left just as quickly.
“I’m sorry—"
“No. No, yeah, that’s fine. Great! That sounds good.” Bucky floundered a bit but Steve couldn’t wipe that grin of his face again.
“Tonight?” Bucky added.
“It’s a date.”
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
tired | d.h.
not everything’s so easy. but the quiet is. with him.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ WARNING: mention of dark thoughts; it’s not expanded upon, but it’s alluded to that it’s a depressive episode. gn!reader. NOTES: sorry for this random drop of glum. i’ve been trying not to sink too much, but i can feel myself getting into a dark space, so i’m compensating by writing the comfort i know i can’t receive. feel free to check out my other works for something a bit happier. i’d totally understand. :)
NOT EVERYTHING’S SO EASY. In fact, most of the time, life is the worst game of whack-a-mole, only you’re the mole and you’re trying to escape, but everytime you dare pop your head out, a mallet in the form of miserable feelings comes down and -- BLAM! You’ve been got, again.
Normally, you can bear the mallet, pounding you deeper and deeper into your hole. You’ve made a life that helps remedy the misery. Friends, an alright job, a boyfriend who lets you cuddle him even he’s probably annoyed or uncomfortable...it’s an alright gig, usually. It’s enough.
But maybe you messed up with the holy spirits of the universe or whatever. Maybe you’re just meant for this, meant to trudge along while others skip and leap to greatness, stuck at mediocrity because you’re lack and just...
...you’re tired.
“M’sorry for calling you,” you mumble into the swatch of black fabric that covers you. Two muscled arms lay beneath it, holding you tight to the chest of the one person you can bear to see that day. “I just...I’m sorry.”
“Shush. Don’t say sorry.”
“-m’glad you called.” Somewhere above you, Diego presses the softest of kisses into your scalp, and you melt. You want to cry, only because he’s so good to you and how could you ever deserve such love? Are you just sucking the joy out of him by this, dragging him into your problems that you should just be solving on your own? Is this the person you are, just pulling and taking and never giving, until the ones you love most are-
You start, pulling up just barely in his embrace so you can look at him. His head already rests propped on your shoulder, watching you right back. You want to shirk away from his gaze, eyes wide and worried for you, but you can’t.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You’re thinking it,” he muttered. His lips quirk, but the sentiment’s serious. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
You sigh, flopping your head back down to the bed. The sun just barely peeks out behind your room’s blinds, and a part of you wants to wrench them up and soak the rays in for all their glory. But you don’t move, instead just watching the one drop of light linger on your wall.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
You hadn’t meant to stay silent so long. But when he speaks again, voice reverberating against your head, tears well up and you’re choking on them as they clot and thicken in the curve of your throat.
“I can’t,” you spit out, all garbled and wrong. “I...I just can’t...”
Honestly, you’re not sure if it’s even English, what you say there. But somehow Diego gets it. He pulls you closer into his chest and hugs you like a child, rocking ever so slightly. Kisses litter your head, your neck and the few inches of exposed flesh left on your shoulders. He’s warm; so, so warm. He’s alive.
You want to soak up all of his life. Hold him to your chest as he does now and never let him go. Because even in your tears, even as you choke and sob and weep tears into your pillowcase, you feel just the softest dribble of hope soak through your greying skin.
“It’s okay, baby.” A hand rubs against your cheek, long fingers grazing against the curve of your face until its wiped most your tears away. It’s awkward considering his arms are so tightly pressed around you, but somehow he manages. “It’s okay.”
“I’m so-”
“-don’t say sorry. Don’t say anything. Okay?”
You move to speak again, but somehow Diego knows exactly when to cut your apology off again. “I want to be here with you. Okay? So just lay with me, and know that whatever you want, we can do. If that’s talk, or - or, buy pizza and get wasted off our asses, or...”
You sniffle out a giggle, wiping at your own cheeks. “Baby, it’s a Thursday.”
“So? I’ll-I’ll call in sick for you. Say I’m your, uh, long lost brother or somethin’. Doesn’t matter, I’ll think of something. Or, we can...”
He rambles on, listing about a dozen or so options for you to pick. Honestly some of them are awful -- he suggests vandalism, if you’re feeling ‘like runnin’ on the wrong side of the law’, and you almost blow a lung chuckling at the image of you two committing petty crime together. And even when you think he’s done, he’s continues to prattle on, listing sillier and stupider options as he goes, but you don’t dare stop him.
Only when he pauses to heave a breath, huffing against the tip of your ear, do you dare speak.
“Thank you, Diego.”
“I got more, if you-”
“-not that. Just...” your fingers lace in his, squeezing like he’s your lifeline. Hell, maybe he is. “Thank you, for being here with me. Sticking with me.”
He pauses for a long moment. And then,
“Well, I mean...” he says it so flippantly. Like it’s easy, being with you. Sitting in the dark of your bedroom, wasting time when he could be doing literally anything else. “I know this isn’t what you probably wanted to do tonight.”
“I’m with you, aren’t I?”
Your eyes scrunch a little at the cheesy line, “doing absolutely nothing.”
“If this is doing nothing, well -- baby, consider me fucking set for life, cause I’ll die happy right here n’now.”
“I want to be here. You got that?” You can feel him staring down at you even without looking; his eyes dig into the side of your face, tracing images you wish you could see for yourself, whatever person he’s fallen for looking back at him. “I don’t want to be anywhere else but here. And sure, I know you’re not feeling great right now, but I’m not gonna leave you ‘cause of that.”
More tears well. But they don’t fall this time. You kiss the tips of his fingers, pressing them to your puckered lips.
“I’m always gonna be here for you. Okay?”
You nod, and he falls back against your side. And it’s just you, and him, and that little glimmer of sunlight peeking through your bedroom blinds, dancing on the wall for the pair of you.
Not everything’s so easy. In fact, most of the time it’s a difficult, uphill battle, and half the time your mind is hellbent on convincing you it’s a fight you’re going to lose. And sometimes, you really want to give in and believe it.
But the quiet is easy. When its with him. And it’s a little hopeful, too.
A/N: The end is cheesy, but I didn’t want to leave this off with a sad note. Even if that’s what I’m feeling, haha. I was just saying yesterday I don’t know how to write angst...and then here I go, pumping out this. Buuuuut in my defense, really I just wanted a distraction, and I’m trying to look for more healthy coping mechanisms then what I’ve got now. So, here we are, with a quickly written little shot about the comfort I really wish I had in my life. Sorry if it’s a bit of a bummer. I want to write happier things, I’ve got a couple lined up but honestly, I’m just tired. 
If you liked reading this, feel free to let me know by reblogging and commenting your thoughts. Follow me if you want, and if you’re feeling generous, buy me a kofi! (linked there).
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19 angst Saeyoung
Habits (angst Saeyoung)
You asked for it and I'm not holding back this time I WILL BREAK YOHR HEART MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (sorry in advance pft)
"DID YOU SEE THE PICTURE OF THE CAT!?" An excited and loud voice came through the speaker of your phone and you laughed.
"Yes Saeyoung, I did! But honestly I had to try my best not to laugh and squeal, I was in the middle of class!"
Saeyoung rolled his eyes as he leaned back on his chair, a bright smile on his face. "Yeah right, you were texting me the whole time! You were in class my ass."
"Saeyoung!!!" You tried to scold him but ended up laughing instead.
"Anyhow~ Changing the subject from how you're not paying any attention in class, what game are you choosing today?" He asked.
"Oh I've been wanting to beat your ass in Mario Kart for a while now, so we can do that one."
"Challenge accepted! I won't let you win!!!" He smirked.
"Yeah says the one that lost last week while playing Smash!!" You teased.
"I- I was just letting you win on purpose!"
"Sure, sure. Anyway I gotta go to class now, are you picking me up?"
"Yup, same time, same place. Now go along to class, and pay attention, we don't want you failing physics again."
"That was once and I-!"
"Loveyoubye" Saeyoung quickly said and hung up the phone.
You huffed at your phone screen, but still couldn't help the big smile on your face.
"AAAAAAAND I WIN!! HA! SUCK ON THAT MISTER!" You screamed as Saeyoung acted as if you had stabbed him in the heart. You had been playing non-stop since you got home and you had beaten Saeyoung every time.
"Fine I admit defeat, but next time I will get ya." He said, pouting.
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck, sitting on his legs. "Well now don't be all mad because you lost~" you teased as you poked his cheek. Saeyoung tried his best not to laugh and looked to the side. "No! I am mad!"
You giggled. "Well then....maybe if I give you a kiss you'll feel better?" Saeyoung raised his eyebrows and gave you a sly smirk, his face coming close to yours. "Not a bad idea. C'mon." He made a silly kissing face and you laughed as you pecked him on the lips.
"Now let's go and get dinner, I'm starving!" You said as you got up and Saeyoung protested, but you only turned around to stick your tongue out, making him gasp in fake indignation.
A dark room. The smell of alcohol. Where was he...? Why wasn't he at home with you...? Was it all a dream?
Saeyoung didn't have time to react before he felt a cold hand slap his face, making him fall on the floor.
"You're wothless." The familiar voice said, and Saeyoung flinched. No matter how many times he'd seen this scene over and over.
He still felt his heart drop when he suddenly saw his brother hiding in his doorway, and then the woman noticing him there and an evil smirk appeared on her face.
"Saeran. Come here you worthless little bug~"
Saeyoung couldn't so anything as he saw his mother go towards his little brother. He was chained to the wall, and for some reason he couldn't do anything. He screamed and yelled, and pulled, but no matter how hard he tried no one heard him, and he wasn't able to break off the chains.
"STOP!" Saeyoung yelled as he sat up on his bed, making you jump beside him. You turned on the bedside lamp, and took one look at him before wrapping your arms right around him. Saeyoung held you tight, sobbing. It always took a while to calm him down after that nightmare.
You learned that you could never leave the room whenever he was like that, because he just couldn't bear to not have you in his sight, so you had water prepared by your beside table in case of these situations. Saeyoung quickly drank the it and ran his fingers through his hair, a sad smile on his face as he looked at you.
"Thank you Y/N. What would I do without you?"
"Probably die from a PhD. Pepper overdose or something." You joked.
Saeyoung rolled his eyes but still smiled. At least now he wasn't thinking about the nightmare!
You caressed his cheek and kissed him, saying that you loved him. Then, you turned off the lights, and before you could fully go to sleep Saeyoung kissed your forehead. "I love you. I will always love you. And I promise I will always be by your side."
You smiled. "I love you too."
You opened your eyes to see Saeyoung jumping up and down on the bed, a huge smile on his face. You groaned. "Saeyoung it's too early."
He chuckled and got on top of you, giving you kisses on your cheek, your forehead, your nose. "I know, buuuuut you have classes! And you can't leave without having breakfast you know? So here I got you, the SEVEN ZERO SEVEN PANCAKES! Saeran helped too!"
"Woooow, the two of you have sure been cooking a lot, haven't you?"
Saryoung smiled. "Yup, everyday! It's become a sort of habit in fact haha. Now let's go or they'll get cold!"
You giggled as Saeyoung gave you a last kiss and carried you towards the kitchen, laughing all the way.
"By the way, there's no more sugar" Saeran said as he placed the plates on the table.
"I guess we're both going to have to go shopping again huh?" You mock glared at Saeyoung and he laughed.
"It's not that bad, besides, the deal is you two go shopping, and then I bring the groceries and place them all where they're supposed to be."
"Yes but this time try and put them in the right place you dumbass." Saeran glared at his brother, who hid behind you and you couldn't help the smile on your face.
You loved mornings. Especially mornings like these.
Ironically enough, it was a beautiful day for a funeral.
The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing.
Everyone in the RFA was present, and each gave a speech about how they got to meet, or just funny stories.
Then they all mourned when it was finally time to say goodbye.
He stared at the screen on his phone every now and then, expecting a call or a message. But there was nothing.
He was getting ready to leave the house and go to your school, but then he remembered that you didn't have to go to school anymore.
The house was quiet. It felt cold and dark. Especially in his room. Whenever he woke up from a nightmare he would call your name and reach towards you, but there was nothing in the other side of the bed. It was just empty.
At mornings he'd wake up and start to say good morning, only to be met with complete silence.
He'd walk up to the kitchen and heat some water, while looking at some pictures in the fridge. He felt his heart ache, and decided to instead check his phone to distract himself. Saeyoung laughed as he saw a funny picture of a cat dressed up in silly clothing, and was starting to share it before remembering that there was no one to send it to.
He got on the car and drove the familiar route. He passed through reception, saying hello to the ladies, and made his way up to the white room.
"Hello Saeran." He said, as he entered the room.
Saeyoung opened the curtains to let in some light, and watered the plant. He remembered when he had just got them, they were just a tiny little seed. Now a beautiful blooming flower looked up at him, and he smiled.
He sat on his chair and grabbed his sibling's hand, and then proceeded to do what he always did; tell him about the plans for the day, and what he did the day before.
"I had to throw out another bowl of ice cream. I'll have to buy some more when I get home, after all, it's the first thing I want to give you when you wake up. I'm sure you're tired of drinking all those liquid foods and such. Ugh I can't even imagine..."
He stayed there for a few more hours, until he had to leave.
Before he went home though he decided to make another stop.
Saeyoung looked at the stone grave and sadly smiled.
"So....it's been a while since I last came here. I'm sorry for not visiting sooner, I was...well, busy. In the end we weren't really able to fix the car. I'm sure you'd be super mad at that it was your favorite after all heh. I also saw a very funny cat meme today, you would've loved it. Saeran is thankfully doing fine, although they can't really say if he'll wake up any time soon. I....I really miss you. I keep trying to look at you to tell you something but you just aren't there.....I wish you were here, my 606." He said, and tried to not cry once again. Then he left the flowers and said goodbye. He was never able to stay there for long.
He took the long way home, still not able to pass though that street.
When he opened the door he was once again reminded of everything he was missing. He kept expecting you to pop out and welcome him home with a big smile on your face, hugging him tightly. He kept waiting for Saeran to grumble his hello's, acting as if he didn't care.
He kept waiting but...it never happened.
As he got ready for bed, he checked his phone once more, before taking off his glasses and turning off the light.
He turned around. "Goodnight Y/N- oh....."
He let out a sarcastic laugh and covered his face with his arm, tears falling from his eyes once again.
"Old habits die hard I guess...."
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callme-chaos · 3 years
Tommy SMP (DSMP)
H-hello? How did you get in here? Tommy doesn’t usually let randoms in. Uhhhhh lemme just consult the list real quick. What’s your name?
Huh. Doesn’t sound familiar. Buuuuuuut there you are. On the list. What’s your purpose here then, pal?
A tour? Well, the person who usually does the tours is out in the moment… But I guess I could show you around. If you would like to follow me – yeah just ignore the holes and stuff. They’re just remnants of a couple of wars we’ve had.
What kind of wars? Bro, where have you been?
Not from around here? Evidently. Well, first there was the Disk Wars. You see, Dream had these cool disks but Tommy really wanted them, you know? And this is /Tommy SMP/ and not /Dream SMP/ after all so there was all that. Then there was this Quackity kid who tried to start a nation and Tommy didn’t really like the look of that. And so Tommy and this Ranboo guy decided to blow it all up – I don’t remember the details. You see, I’ve been away… uhhhh… travelling so I don’t really see too much of what goes on here. That and I seem to be forgetting a lot of things… I really should fix that-
Huh? You’re confused. Buddy – I haven’t even told you about the Egg yet!
Yeah! An Egg! I can show you it right now actually. Just follow me.
The vines? Yeah! They’re a nice shade of blue but they’re a real pain to cut down, you know? They just seem to grow back stronger. Now, just pop down this hole here – yeah just straight down.
Oh! Ah. I really should have warned you about the fall damage, huh? I’m sure we can pop into George’s bakery later and fix you up. Providing George is in his bakery… He stopped baking a while back.
Why? I don’t actually know. I’m not really too involved in the politics around here (travelling and all that) buuuuut I heard a rumour that him, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle and Technoblade have started like a secret club. Not sure exactly what they do but if Ranboo is involved it can’t be good. Anyways! Here’s the Egg. Don’t step too close though – I’ve heard it has some serious manipulative powers. Niki’s best friend Foolish got transformed by it the other day. She was quite upset. I think she runs a cult in the Egg’s honour with Ponk or something now. She’s nice but pretty scary when she wants to be, I’ll tell you that much.
The Egg is giving you weird vibes? Yeah. You and me both. The blue is giving me shivers actually. Shall we continue our tour elsewhere?
Next? Hmmmmm. I know! I’ll take you to Hannah’s castle and museum. They’re a great tourist spot! Follow me.
Yes we have a museum! History has been made here on the SMP, I’ll have you know. This SMP was founded by the Tommy Team made up of the hot-headed, dashingly attractive Fundy; the greatly popular, widely enjoyed Bad Boy Halo; and, of course, the 1000IQ man himself, TommyInnit. Though, Tommy… hasn’t been about much… lately… not since… you know…
Well, if you don’t know I hardly have the time to explain now! (I’ll maybe show you later if we have time…) Anyways! Here we are: Hannah’s museum. This miserable little dark room here is a recreation of L’Manberg’s Final Control Room. Back in the first L’Manberg verses Greater Tommy SMP war, L’Manberg’s founding fathers (Schlatt, Sapnap, President Quackity and Vice President Dream) were all betrayed by a member of their own battalion: Hannah-Rose. They were dark times, kid.
You want to know more about President Quackity and his right hand man Dream? Well, they were incredibly close – practically brothers. They both went through a lot together. Until Quackity finally blew up L’Manberg and was subsequently killed by his own father, Charlie Slimecicle.
I didn’t say they were dark times for nothing, you know? Dream took it harder than anyone. And Tommy took the opportunity to traumatise and manipulate the fella further. Tommy even managed to convince Dream’s best friend, Schlatt, that he was the root of all problems on the SMP.
We couldn’t believe it either. Dream did have one friend, Ranboo, for a while. But they ultimately disagreed on their ideas of justice and went their separate ways.
Sad times, indeed, kid. Anyways, where to next… Oh! Hello, Eret! How are you doing?
Ah. He’s busy. Off being cracked at bed wars I suspect.
What’s the big black building over there?
Uhhhhhhhh… Have you seen HBomb’s hotel? It’s great this time of year! Just this way, matey. Technically it belongs Dream but HBomb briefly took it over. There was some kind of dispute between the two guys – nobody here really takes HBomb that seriously. (Personally, I blame the ancient skin he still wears. Kid really needs an update, you know?)
That? Oh, I suppose you can still see some of the remnants. That used to be Punz’s UFO. Someone blew it up but I’m not entirely sure who…
How do I know it was blown up? Look, I’m just taking Quackity’s word for it.
He did die but then he was recently brought back to life. He spends most of his time with Dream outside Las Nevadas.
Las Nevadas is basically the Tommy SMP version of Las Vegas. It’s pretty cool actually – wanna check it out?
Cool! We’re actually heading in the right direction for that anyways. So, where are you from?
Yeah, I gathered you weren’t from around here but where are you actually from?
…Not gonna tell me? Fine. So be it. You sure are a mystery, huh?
I’m not flirting! I just- I… Ah! Look at that! We’re already here! It’s pretty dramatic, right?
You should see it at night. Everything lights up and it is magnificent.
It belongs to Wilbur. He’s the head honcho around here. He’s here alongside Puffy and Phil. Oh! Speak of the devil, if you squint a little bit you can see Phil down there now, bouncing around. He’s a cutie really – though his puns do get tiresome.
What do you mean “you don’t get tired of puns”?
…Are you human?
…What a terrifying answer. Okay! Moving on!
I’m aware that it’s one of the ugliest structures in existence – but you can’t blame Wilbur and Las Nevadas for /that/ abomination. That’s what Quackity and Dream installed last time they were here together.
I know it’s phallic but you don’t have to say that out loud! Come on, man, have a little class.
That up there? That’s Schlatt and Techno’s “cookie castle” as I like to call it. When Dream was exiled, Schlatt met Techno and they started getting really close. They’re everybody’s favourite couple now. I think it’s a friendship that will last a long time, you know? They seem to have a lot in common.
Like what? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They’re both American?
Look, if you know, you know.
Alright! Next – shall we have a change of scenery? Las Nevadas can get quite… heated, so perhaps we can give the snowy biome a visit, yeah? Now, when we get there it’s important to tread carefully: the forest is enchanted, practically everything there will eat you and, worst of all… Ranboo lives out there.
Ranboo? He’s a terrifying force of nature. I heard he slayed an entire army all by himself, owns a pet polar bear and he helped Tommy take down the entirety of L’Manberg. Ranboo and Tommy – they’re one formidable duo.
No no! There’s no need to be afraid! Apparently Ranboo’s arsonist days are over and he has his carer Charlie Slimecicle watching over him so he’s been relatively quiet recently. I like to think their neighbour Technoblade has been a good influence on them both.
Technoblade is a gentle soul. Poor kid just wants to make everyone happy, you know? I wish everyone was more like Technoblade sometimes – the world would be such a different place…
Nah, nobody can really sleep soundly – not when Antfrost and Purpled are still out there. The Eggpire and Las Nevadas never really rest when it comes to their members. Oh! But by far the worst person to come across – the real reason I haven’t slept in weeks on this server – is… Oh. Oh dear. I think I’ve summoned him. Walk this way – quickly! – and don’t make eye contact…
…Alright, no need to look at Jack like that.
Jack Manifold in a cat-maid- no. Don’t make me lock you up in Pandora’s Vault along with- uhhhhhh.
Forget I said that. Speaking of Skeppy, he built Schlatt and Techno a beautiful mansion around here somewhere-!
He also built an extraordinary diamond sculpture a while ago-
Please no.
…I guess you leave me no choice then, huh? I guess, I can show you the prison – but we have to be really, really careful, okay?
Who’s inside? Well…
I didn’t forget! It just… Tommy. Tommy is in the prison right now.
Well, of course I didn’t want to tell you! It doesn’t really look good on the server when the person its named after is locked up for life for doing unspeakable things.
No! I’m not gonna tell you what unspeakable things he did – it wouldn’t make them unspeakable then, would it?
…I don’t believe anyone else is in there, no. Why?
Ranboo? Nahhhhhh! Ha ha! What do you know, you silly goose! Well, before we go into the prison, we’ll have to get Puffy’s permission. She’s really strict about who she lets in and out of the prison and takes her role as prison warden very, very seriously. No one has ever died or been injured or brought back to life or wrongly imprisoned while the prison has been in her care.
What do you mean – “not convincing”? If you don’t trust my word, then that’s a /you/ problem.
…The prison is this way. Now, when we get in let me do all the talking… You know what? Perhaps you should stay outside. I’ll go in, talk to Puffy and try to get permission to go in – but I make no promises, understand?
…Alright, wait here.
Puffy said no.
No, it was a pretty definitive no actually. Wh-where are you going?
You can’t! Puffy hasn’t given you permission!
There’s nobody in there /to/ save. Tommy deserves to be in there-
There is nobody else in the prison!
You’re insane.
No, I won’t let you.
…I don’t think so, matey. Feel that sharp object between your shoulder blades?
I figured you did. That’s my sword. I am not afraid to push it through your chest if it means keeping you out of that prison. Understood? Now, step away from the prison.
Thank you.
…I think that concludes our tour. Perhaps it’s best you- oh! Karl is here! Karl Jacobs! Over here!
Yeah. He doesn’t talk ever but he’s still a great guy, you know?
Oi. Wave back. It would be rude not to wave back.
My name? Oh my goodness! I totally forgot to introduce myself! (Though, you never really asked until now anyways…)
It’s okay! I know I talk a lot – it can be difficult to get me to shut up sometimes – ha ha!
My name is Callahan.
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glitchstoxicwaste · 3 years
agghh hello!! <3 i just recently got back into the slasher fandom full force after the release of Halloween Kills, and then promptly rewatched all the slasher movies i’ve collected and now own — and i just wanted to say i love your writing!! ( and happy early halloween!! 🎃 ) that being said, if it’s no trouble, i’d love a match-up if possible!! :D ( and maybe be your friend too? 😩 )
call me odi if you’d like! i am sixteen and an april aries. i’m around average height in my opinion, around 5’3” to 5’4”, and am on the thicker side of body, though am often described as just a thicker hourglass! i have pale skin because i tend to stay inside and away from sunlight ( i hate the heat what can i say ), and i recently chopped my hair off and now have shoulder length brown hair w/ curtain bangs, all of which i normally curl ( unless i’m lazy lmao ), and have blue eyes!! i have a.. like a average face ig? 💀🤚 very faint freckles on my nose, and kinda chubby cheeks? my general aesthetic is grunge / alternative rock, which for me usually includes black skinny jeans, my rings, necklace, and earrings, and usually it not an oversized shirt / hoodie or flannel! :’) i’m trying-
personality wise, i suppose normally i’m socially awkward, reserved, and generally insecure in public ;—; buuut i have been getting better and been able to joke around more with people and talk more! around friends i’m a goof 💀 i like being able to playfully insult and banter with my friends, and i’m often the loudest one laughing — though i do have periods of time of kind of just.. being constantly tired, easily overwhelmed, fidgety, and sometimes empty feeling, though these only last a week or two, otherwise i’m the same old goofy, smiling idiot!! :DD hobbies of mine include singing, sketching ( though rare as of recent ), writing ( i soon wanna start writing for slashers actually!! :D ), and sometimes baking ( though i sometimes forget to turn the oven off uhM-). ( speaking of, i’m very forgetful ). interests include horror movies, romance novels, writing any random song lyrics that pop into my head or any random novel ideas i come up with ( right now i’m brainstorming a novel actually wooooo ), and ig just generally anything that can make me laugh or feel good / comforts me.
in a relationship, i’m really good with being understanding and patient. i often help others with relationship advice, since i’m really big into psychology and therefore think about a lot of stuff that has to do with mental health, relationships whether familial, romantic, or platonic, i’m generally really good at knowing what to say at the right time ( according to those around me ). i truly do value quality time, and would much prefer spending time with my partner around the house or wherever they’d like to go, rather than be physically or verbally affectionate. i’m not entirely huge with physical affection, specifically face-caressing or hand holding, but tbh i’m huge on stupid shit like laying on people ( i lay on my friends all the time ) and stuff!! sometimes i’ll like to give my friends or partner some little thing that reminded me of them, like a little trinket from a store i saw or what-have-you!
sorry, this is a lot 😭 buuuuut anyways, thank you so much in advance, whether or not you write this for me! <3 tysm lovely, n i hope you have a good day / night!! ( and let me apologize in advance if any information in here is off, missing, or otherwise! )
Howdy! I’d love to be your friend Odi! You can call me Glitch! Happy early Spoopy Day to you as well!! The length was great and gave a lot of information so no worries!!
I hope you like who you got! Have a great day/night!!!!
He is:
Jason Voorhees!
Please read
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Crossed Wires pt.2
Flash Fanfic
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~2,000
Pairings: Oc x Canon
***Note: Emily is my own creation, I just like sticking her in random places***
They popped back up in the living room of Nash’s place, Harry holding onto Emily for a moment when they touched ground again not really wanting to let her go. “You good?” she asked making sure his footing was stable. “Yup, I’m good,” Harry assured. “You sure?” She asked with a smirk lifting their still joined hands. “Mhmm,” he repeated still holding on. Her heart skipped when he smirked making her tense for a second. “Ok, good,” she said letting his hand go and moving to take her shoes off. “So, I’m assuming you may be hungry? Want anything?” She asked making her way to the kitchen. “No, I’m ok for now,” he dismissed shaking his head. After taking off his shoes and jacket he followed her to the kitchen. Her heart rate picked up as he got closer and she bit her lip trying to keep herself together. “Theeeeen what.... did you waaaaanna do?” Harry shrugged. “I dunno,” he stated casually somewhat amused at her discomfort. It was his turn to make her blush and he was going to have fun with it.
“Ok, well, I’m gonna go.... make a snack. Or something. Should probably calibrate and affix your neural scanner first though.”
“Oh right, yeah. Should probably... do that....” he said pulling out the device and handing it to her. He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat, Emily standing in front of him given he was so tall even on a chair. As she concentrated making sure everything was in order, Harry studied her with a smile that slowly got wider the longer she took. He saw her brows furrow, her eyes fixate on her task, pupils dilate, mouth pouted and even her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth a little. “Hmmkay... that should do it,” she said completing affixing the small device to his forehead. Smiling satisfied she caught him looking at her with soft eyes. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked.
“Just... watching you concentrate,” Harry said with a shrug. “You know, you stick your tongue out and your pupils dilate when you zone out?” He smiled leaning forward and pointing at her. Emily smiled embarrassedly putting her hand in his face to push him away. “Pfffff— stop... staring at meeee,” she whines with a giggle. “Das rude!”
“Maybe I don’t want to,” Harry teased grabbing her hand and removing it from impeding his vision. Emily squinted before licking her other palm and planting it square in the middle of his face prompting him to release her hand in order to wipe the saliva off. She took the opportunity to retreat away all the while giggling at his sounds of disgust. “Uuuugh, why!” He complained.
“I need my hand to make snacks, how else was I supposed to get you to let go?”
“You could have asked!”
“Were you really gonna let it go?”
Harry paused. “.....yes, I would have.”
“You hesitated!” Emily accused pointing at him from across the table squinting suspiciously.
“I would have! ...... Eventually.....” Harry admitted sheepishly. “Mhmm, yeah sure,” she said with a smirk. “Anyway, I’m gonna go change into comfy pj’s and then make a snack. Technically this is your place too so go get comfortable or something. I’ll be back.” She poked her head back out of the door she had just disappeared into after a brief pause. “Don’t worry, I’ll wear pants this time,” she assured and grinned. Harry grinned with a nervous chuckle still sitting at the table and she disappeared again. He sat steeping in uncertainty, his ears beginning to burn as he debated telling her what was on his mind the entire time she was gone today. When she wandered back into the kitchen muttering her nightly to-do list he decided to blurt it out. As she said, how often would he get this opportunity again?
“Hey Emily,” he said quickly standing nearly tipping over the chair. Emily’s head snapped over to him in surprise having been jolted from her thoughts by both his voice and the noise of the chair. “Ack! Oh, you ok?”
“Yeah, ah, I’m fine,” he dismissed righting the chair and breezing over to her. “I.... have spent a lot of time thinking. Today. W-while you were.... out....”
“Ok?” she said raising an eyebrow curiously and leaned against the table. “Whaaaaat was it you thought about and conclusion did you come to? If you came to one.” Harry paused before averting his gaze and scratched his face. “Well.... as you can imagine,” he started. “Things were, well quite a lot for me to take in. Today.”
“Mhmm, though you handled it rather well from what I understand.”
“Yeah, well, I guess..... I guess a few... wires, may have been crossed. So to say.”
“I would say so, yeah,” Emily affirmed.
“No, you don’t understand, it’s more than just me being front and center. I’m talking about......” he paused, his breath seeming to catch and he felt really rather warm now. “Harry?” Emily said concerned.
“Emily I.... I think.... I think I’ve been, feeling things.” Harry stuttered trying to explain himself. “And I spent a lot, and I mean a lot, of time thinking it over because I wanted to make sure it was not just carry over from Nash or....” he looked up at her making eye contact, eyes both apprehensive and anxious. “Or me....” Emily’s heart stopped and her cheeks became rosy. “Whaaaat do you mean?” she asked trying to keep her voice level.
“Well, I— as I’ve said— I was doing quite a lot of thinking today, and going over past memories and doing a bit of.... self reflection I.... I guess. And I came to the conclusion that..... that......” Emily’s eyes grew wide in anticipation and she barely breathed waiting for him to speak. Harry relaxed his shoulders and his face softened. “I love you.” Her breath caught and all she could do was stare at him. “I know, I know,” Harry said after the awkward silence, “this is a really bad time to be bringing that up but, I just..... I was afraid and then Earth 2 was destroyed by the Anti-Monitor and..... and I really regret not telling you sooner.”
A tiny smile cracked Emily’s face and she looked down at the floor scratching her head. “And here I was thinking I scared you off....” she muttered. “Wait, you....?” Harry asked. “Yeaahhh,” she said smiling at him shyly. “But, I mean, you took your wife’s death hard and I thought at some points in time I was over stepping soooo...... I did my best to quash them. The feelings, I mean.” Harry smiled and sighed. “Mixed signals, god I hate those...”
“Eh well, I was.... admittedly, a little scared too,” Emily explained. “Being ripped away at any point and all that doesn’t exactly make for eager relationship mentality.”
“You know people go through a similar fear, called death, right?” Harry asked.
“Yeah.... I know. I’ve been told the before believe it or not,” Emily followed, “But by that logic, I’ve been through that pain, and inflicted that same pain, half a dozen times at the least. Does that indicate someone who would want to make another connection only to hurt someone like that?”
“No, not really,” Harry admitted. “So then.... why Nash?” Emily pursed her lips and shifted very wide eyes to the sides. “I..... guess I have a type? I’m sure Sherloque could relate,” she smiled a cheesy smile. “Besides, in case you didn’t notice, he had to do an awful lot of convincing.”
“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed. “Didn’t hesitate like I did either.”
“No, no he was.... quite persistent. Took him a while to pluck up the courage though.” Emily smiled and Harry mirrored it. “Soooo, then I have a..... question. For you,” he said slowly walking over like he was embarrassed or too shy. “Can I kiss you?” He asked after a hesitated pause. Emily tensed at the question and chewed on her top lip trying to keep goosebumps from erupting all over. “Why don’t you, try and find out?” She asked smirking a little with hints of deviousness. Harry’s heart stopped, he half expected a yes but didn’t think it would come in the form of a challenge. Tentatively he leaned forward after shaking off his surprise and met her lips with his. They stayed like that for a moment letting the kiss linger between them as they absorbed the tingling feeling that came with it. “So that’s what I missed, hmm?” he commented after they parted. “You’re not half bad yourself,” Emily observed with a smile. Harry chuckled. “If Jessie saw me now. By the way, have you seen her? How is she?”
Emily’s smile dropped a bit. “I.... I uh....”
Harry’s entire face dropped noticing her change in body langue. “Jessie.....”
“I haven’t seen her since, uh, since the universes merged,” Emily admitted causing Harry to turn away, she thought he would pass out with how pale he became. “But! Buuuuut, that doesn’t meeeean she doesn’t exist anymore,” she said rubbing his shoulder, he leaned over the table and stared at the surface with a blank expression. “Cisco traveled around to study and catalog all the changes that have showed up including new metas. And we haven’t seen Wallie around in a while, it’s possible they’ve come across her.”
“Yeah, yeah I guess you’re right,” he muttered.
“Why don’t you, uhm, make a list of things you’d.... like me to ask her. When I do find her, hmm?” she asked trying to distract him.
“Yeah.... yeah I’ll.... I think I’ll do that.” Harry nodded. He slowly shuffled his way into the bedroom and sat on the bed. *Yet another thing to absorb,* he thought to himself.
“I’ll be out here if you need me. For anything,” Emily assured with a gentle smile. Harry nodded and she closed the door to give him quiet. *I think now would be an opportune time for brownies,* she thought to herself. *Not that there’s ever a wrong time for them.* She smiled to herself and headed off to raid the cupboards for ingredients.
Harry wasn’t sure how long he sat in the quiet room, but he knew it was an hour at the very least by the ringing now very pronounced in his ears. He had compiled a short list of things he wanted to know about Jessie, short for him anyway, mainly pertaining to how she was doing to making sure she was taking care of herself and he wished to tell her he loved her. He also wrote down a few things he wanted Emily to do for him occasionally in regard to keeping an eye on her. Rubbing his face with a hand he sighed deeply, too much thinking and digestion of information for one day had made him very tired and for once he really wanted to not think about anything. He decided to exit the room and find Emily to see what she had found to make for a snack, and what she considered a snack.
Peeking out of the door he first found a smell of chocolate wafting through the air, then heard humming coming from Emily and similar buzzing from a drone or two. Coming closer to the kitchen, he heard bare feet tapping on the floor and laughter every now and then. He stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame watching with a smile, and after a short while Emily happened to turn enough to catch him watching. “What are you doing waaay over there?” She asked with a giggle.
“Oh, you know. Watching,” he replied.
“Being a creeper, eh?” She smiled making her way over to him. “Creeper? What?” He responded in mock insult. She smiled a little wider. “Creeeeeep-errrrrr,” she said and poked his nose leaving a substance on it. Recoiling at the unknown, Harry touched it to find it was brown and smooth in texture. “Fudge?” He asked confused.
Emily grinned again making her way back over to the counter. “Fudge brownies! My favorite, and guaranteed to cheer anyone up,” she said gesturing dramatically to the still hot bake pan. Harry followed and inspected her handiwork. “Is it all done?” He asked. Emily nodded. “Yup, should be cooled enough t— hey wait, what are you doing?” she asked suddenly noticing Harry move to put his entire open hand right on top of the fudge icing she had finished spreading moments ago. Before she could stop him he firmly planted it in the middle of the pan thoroughly coating it. “Ahh! No, my brownies!!” She near screeched. “Why did y—“ her sentence was cut off by the sudden chocolatey hand plopped into the middle of her face. She froze in disbelief leaving Harry to just smile smugly. “For calling me a butthead earlier,” he explained noting her questioning look. “And the saliva handprint.” Emily’s shoulders dropped. “Fair,” she relented. “But did you really have to ruin such beautiful brownies?”
“I really had to ruin your beautiful brownies,” he confirmed. “But are they really ruined? I think they look better.”
“You know, this isn’t what is meant when the request for a hand is given,” Emily replied washing her face. “So I’ll not ask you for a hand in anything any time soon because of this.” She sighed when she turned and saw him proceed to lick all the icing off his hand. “You want a towel or something instead?”
Harry shook his head. “And waste all this fudge? Never,” he smirked. “Want some?” he asked holding his hand to her face. Emily gave him an unimpressed look fueling his smugness before gripping his wrist and licking from the base of his palm up to the end of his middle finger. Harry swore his heart stopped, he did not anticipate a reaction like that in the least. “Mmm, yum. I love fudge, so much. Good call,” she said with a wink. Harry just stared at her as she casually started cleaning her baking mess like nothing happened. “You’re dangerous,” he commented finding his voice again. “I dunno what you’re talking about,” she replied feigning innocence. He squinted at her with a pause before washing his hand, no way was he risking something like that again. *She seemed too confident doing that,* he thought. *I’ll bet Nash instigates that behavior a lot.*
“So, did you manage to make a list?” Emily asked after a brief silence. Harry paused letting the water run down his hands. “Yeah, I did.”
“Good,” Emily replied finishing wiping down the counter. Smiling she turned around. “Now, eat a feel good brownie, properly this time, and then we can go to bed. No more thinking today, sound good?” Harry nodded with a relieved smile. “Yes, very.” Emily stayed in the kitchen while Harry left to change, brownie in hand, and wandered around closing up for the night. When she made her way to the bedroom, she found him staring off into space sitting on one side of the bed. “Hey,” she said breaking his concentration. “I thought I said no more thinking?”
“Ah, right. Sorry, couldn’t help it I guess,” he said with a chuckle before settling into bed. Emily gave a sympathetic look and made her way to the other side. “Alright, tell me what’s on your mind,” she said sliding under the covers and settling in herself. He looked over making eye contact and his face softened almost immediately at her quiet concerned but attentive look. “Too much,” he says with a sigh. “But, I think mostly, I’m scared.”
“Why are you scared?” She asked scooting a bit closer to him. He sighed again turning on his side to face her. “I’m.... I’m afraid of being lost. I’m afraid to go to sleep because I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to manifest again. That never crossed my mind before today.” Emily sighed softly and gently place a hand on his cheek. “The stubborn and persistent Harry? You’re too assertive to ever disappear.” He chuckled sadly continuing to look at her, his mind calmed and he remembered how he felt the day his mind began to slip and she was there to assure him. “I’ll keep you safe,” she assured softly. “I know,” Harry replied.
“Hey, c’mere,” Emily said after a brief thoughtful pause and stretched out her arms. Harry looked at her quizzically but did as she asked. “What are....?”
“Nash sometimes has nightmares,” Emily explained pulling him close. “This never fails to keep him calm and get him back to sleep.” She wrapped her arms around him gently cradling his head close to her chest and rested her head on top his. Harry stiffened at the close proximity but soon relaxed feeling safe and wrapped his arms around her in return. It didn’t take long for him to drift off to sleep to the sound of her level heartbeat and Emily soon followed.
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Once Bitten Twice Stupid prt.53
Lance was blushing so hard he was surprised he had any blood flow to his dick. Stripping him slowly, Keith’s hands had been shaking, neither of them knew what to do, but that was okay because they were working this out together. His scent might have changed, but he felt fully focused on Keith. Keith, his beautiful little anger loaf of a boyfriend.
Dipping into the supplies brought by Curtis, Lance was almost glad the hunter had forced them on him. With Keith slotted between his legs, he was hyper focused on his boyfriend being hard for him. He wanted him. He wanted to do with this him... and God did Lance want this, while fearing it at the same time. This some whole next level shit. Next level boyfriend shit that made him feel a little lame for not knowing what to do. Kissing Keith was like dying and going to heaven. Sex... he expected it to hurt, but his heart was pounding with excitement, his needy body already growing wet
“We don’t have to if you’re not ready”
Keith shook his head, Lance swallowing hard as he stared into his boyfriend’s beautiful purple eyes
“I want to be with you”
“You are... you have me. I’m completely here with you”
“I... don’t know what I’m doing”
“That’s okay. We’re figuring this out together. Just go gentle on me”
“I will... um... lube first”
“That’s a great start...”
Lance didn’t laugh as Keith popped the cap on the lube, then realised that he couldn’t open the condom packet with lubed up fingers. The first condom ended up tearing, his boyfriend getting more flustered and nervous by the minute. Lance wanted their first time to be special, but he also wanted to make things easier for Keith
“Hop up for a second, I’ve got an idea”
His idea was rolling over to get onto his hands and knees. That was Keith could see what he was doing... despite it being kind of embarrassing to be completely on display for his boyfriend. God, he was fucking nervous. Each movement behind him had him jumpy... and when Keith’s lubed up finger rubbed against his opening, he damn near forgot how to breathe as he buried his face in Keith’s pillow. He wanted to crack a joke to ease the tension, but he didn’t know what to say. After 44 years of nearly exit only, his arse wasn’t sure what to make of the digit pressing lightly against the his opening
“Ok... I’m gonna... well...”
Lance tried not to fight the initial discomfort. He knew he needed to relax his body, but his boner had already gone soft as his body went “what the actual fuck do you think you’re doing to me”. Feeling Keith’s finger in him was odd, more so when he moved it. It was kind of unpleasant, yet Lance was also feeling those cramps of need starting to build. Nervous over all of this, he wanted that feeling to build. He wanted that to strip away his fears
“Does... it feels alright?”
Nope. It didn’t. But this was Keith. He wanted this with Keith. It wasn’t the romantic hotel room for the night, buuuuut, maybe it was better this way. They were in a safe place. Keith knew this was safe place. Once the initial awkwardness passed, they’d have gotten their first super clumsy time out the way.
Two fingers felt weirder. Keith sounded as if he was really getting into it. His breath catching, as he watched his fingers moving in and out against his sweet spot, sending conflicting feelings through his body. He wasn’t fond of the intrusion, but that spot... felt amazing. Flipping the cap, cold lube drizzled over his arse made him suck in a breath
“‘m okay... cold”
Keith asking him if he was okay made Lance fall in love with Keith all over again. Reassured he was okay, Keith’s movements grew bolder, Lance shorting out mentally. His heat was getting it now, teeth elongating, as that discomfort finally got the hint to fuck off.
When Keith moved onto three fingers, Lance felt like his arse was being split in two. Head shooting up. Eyes wide. A whole lot of “nope” from his arse, with a whole lot of “yes” from his sweet spot
Gritting his teeth, he was going to get through this
“Don’t stop”
“You’re really tense... if it hurts...”
“Don’t stop. It’s okay... just... fuck...”
“We don’t...”
“Keith, it’s okay... keep going”
“I don’t want you hurt”
“You’re not hurting me...”
“Okay... um... this is really hot watching... my fingers... in you”
Lance bit back his groan at Keith enjoying watching himself fingering him. He wanted his boyfriend to feel good... He wanted to feel good. Never sticking anything up there mid heat, and touching himself there was different to what he’d tried to train his body to be used to. Now he was getting what his ego craved, everything felt almost too much.
By some small miracle, Keith stretched him enough that the burn had subsided. His heat smacking him as Keith’s fingers slid from inside him. Being full felt weird, being empty felt... empty to a painful degree
“I want it”
“Let me know if I need to stop”
Keith should have been high on his scent like every other time. His boyfriend fighting the pheromones in the room to put his well-being first. Feeling overly emotional, this wasn’t how Lance wanted to do the next bit. He wanted to see Keith. He wanted to wrap his arms around him and kiss him. Feeling Keith rubbing against him, Lance needed to tell Keith that
“Wait... I want to see your face”
Keith was patient as Lance turned back over and shimmied down the bed. He didn’t feel terribly sexy, but he did feel a whole lot better facing his boyfriend. Reaching out with both hands, he cupped Keith’s face
“Okay... I’m ready”
“If I mess up...”
Lance smiled softly, it was kind of a given they would stuff up somehow
“It’ll still be okay because it’s you”
Keith nuzzled into his palm
“I’m nervous”
“Me too. But I want this with you. Now ravage me”
Keith snorted, pressing a kiss to Lance’s hand
“I’ll try”
“Then let’s do this”
Keith slipped twice as he tried to press into Lance’s wet heat. Third time lucky had Lance’s back arching as he gasped, semi trying to shoot up the bed to escape the feeling, while simultaneously trying to shoot you the bed and ruin this for both of them. Maybe Curtis had been onto something with the suggestion of toys. Slowly burning himself balls deep, Lance had his eyes scrunched up, breathing out the window, that jolt from being filled sent specks of red across his eyelids
“Gimme a sec”
“This isn’t going to work”
The slow drag of Keith’s dick made Lance gasp. They’d made it this far
“Don’t pull out!”
“Just... move slowly... and kiss me”
Keith’s rhythm took a while to find. Stuttered and clumsy, his boyfriend tried to hold back, his kisses making up for any loss in technique, even if Lance was near bent into two so Keith could reach his lips. Hyper focused on each movement, his heat simmered in the background, letting him focus too much on what Keith was doing to him... all of it adding up, but not quite enough to push him over the edge and into that orgasmic high. It wasn’t an “oh Jesus” moment when Keith came, a whinied kind of grunt forced from Keith’s nose, as his body tensed, pushing down on Lance with what felt like was full weight. Being caged by Keith felt good. Like the moment was protected from the outside world and those who’d disapprove of them being together. Riding out the last of his orgasm, Keith’s lips crashed into his, blood spilling across Lance’s gums, in a way that made him want more. Gradually the kiss ended, Keith panting against his lips
“Did you come?”
“Not yet...”
His boyfriend looked disappointed
“But, this was our first. And that makes me happy”
“You didn’t come”
Keith went to pull out, Lance clenching around him
“Don’t... let me get off having you in me”
Keith didn’t seem sure
“Sit back... I’m close”
He was. His arse was throbbing like mad, his body so close to coming that he barely had to jerk himself off before he finally came across his stomach. Keith’s eyes were like a hungry predator as Lance’s damn near rolled back in his head. Slumping back, Lance’s legs shook like crazy, hand still wrapped around his dick as he milked the last drops from his spent dick
“I could watch you do that all day”
Blushing, Lance couldn’t deal with the praise
“I could have you fuck me all day”
Keith pursed his lips, Lance would have kicked himself if he didn’t feel so satisfied
“I don’t... was it bad?”
“No. No. Babe, trust me. It was weird, but it wasn’t bad”
“Weird good?”
“Weird verging on next time I’m gonna come so fucking hard”
“So it was okay?”
“Very okay. And you’re very okay. Pretty good for two virgins, if I say so myself”
That made Keith smile. Fuck. It should be illegal to be that cute
“Does it hurt?”
“A bit... but that’s because we haven’t done it enough... I’m very much okay with this”
“Good... I thought...”
“You thought because I didn’t come it was bad. It wasn’t bad. But we did make a mess”
Suddenly Keith’s eyes were going wide
“The puppy! Shit... we forgot about the puppy!”
Listening out, he could hear Shiro worrying about what was taking them so long. So much for enjoying some post sex snuggling
“It’s okay... I’ll tell them I needed something... but are you okay?”
Keith nodded, worrying his bottom lip before replying
“It... you feel good”
With the way his arse was throbbing, he’d hope Keith felt good
“I’ll take the compliment. And I’ll take round two later. For now we need to clean up. You’ve got blood on your face”
“You’ve got more on yours”
“But I’m a vampire, I’m used to it. Blood tastes gross to you humans”
“So you’re fine with my blood?”
Keith had got him there. Maybe he was a little too fine with Keith’s blood, which wasn’t what he wanted to be
“Kissing blood is okay, drinking not so. Now, are you going to pull out? Or is this a new thing we’re trying”
“No... I’m... I forgot...”
“You forgot you were still inside me?”
“You distracted me by jerking off”
“Ugh. Right. Totally blame me. I see how it’s gonna be now”
Keith missed the joke
“How what’s going to be?”
“Never mind. We need to take a shower”
Keith’s after care with almost too much. Sure, Lance’s knees buckled when he went to get out of bed, but now his boyfriend was hovering. Not in the mood to cook, he’d sent Curtis and Shiro to pick up pizza, while Keith fed his puppy. Shiro gave him a look that pretty much told him he knew what they’d been up to, but Keith insisted Lance was being paranoid.
Blue was no impressed by their new family member, hissing no smacking the puppy on the nose when got to close to her. Lance was now curled up on the sofa with Blue in his lap, while Keith was laying on the floor, playing with his puppy. Through Curtis they’d been told the others were in Platt watching a movie, which gave Lance and Keith pretty much the whole house to themselves... if you ignored the other two hunters. Scratching Blue’s head, he was off in his own world. He’d had sex with Keith and now he couldn’t stop thinking about the next time... And the fact his heat had been weird. He’d had too much brain power. His heat had been weird. It’d edged in, taken some of the edge off, but not stripped away his inhibitions. He’d felt the start of need, then the loss of Keith’s fingers... but he’d been amazingly clear headed and it was weird. He hadn’t blurted out the things he wanted Keith to do to him... and he hadn’t lost control... his ego hadn’t come into it.
Sitting down beside him, Keith drew him back of out his thoughts, as did Blue clawing him in her rush to escape the puppy in his boyfriend’s lap
“Are you okay? It seemed pretty hard on your body”
Keith had asked thing in the shower. In the bedroom as he tried to pester him into accepting help drying and dressing. In the kitchen... and now again. The shower had been nice, Keith washed his hair for him, and his legs, and his arse... and held him when Lance couldn’t be bothered getting out the shower. He wasn’t even that sore anymore, just throbby... and dying for snuggles with his boyfriend. Snuggles because his boyfriend wanted to, not because he felt he’d broken Lance’s arse.
Sometimes you just have to cuddle the man yourself. Drawing his legs up, Lance wrapped his arm around Keith, resting his head against his boyfriend’s shoulder
“I’m okay. I was just thinking about how weird it was”
“You... didn’t like it?”
Using his right hand, Lance let their new puppy chew at his fingertips, wanting to bond with the little pup, and the comfort that having a pet brought
“It isn’t that. My body was weird. It was like my heat was there, but it wasn’t there and it felt calmer. Like I could focus on you and wasn’t all foggy, but it was still there. I don’t know if I’m making sense. It was weird. But you weren’t what made it weird”
“Is that why you didn’t come?”
“No. I’ve been pretty much all about “exit only” down there. I’m already thinking about the next time”
Keith kissed his hair
“As long as you’re okay”
“I was okay in the bathroom, I was okay getting dressed, I’ve been okay sitting on the sofa patting Blue. I’m okay, babe. I might just hit you in the dick if you ask again”
“I thought maybe it... it wasn’t special enough”
Nuzzling Keith’s shoulder, Lance felt all silly with love again
“I think I liked being here better than any rich hotel room. Figuring out things with you, when we’re in a safe place, that’s all I could ask for”
“I’ll do better next time”
“It’s not something you have to get better at. It’s something that’ll get better as we work out what we both like”
“It still looked like it hurt”
“Well, little Keith is pretty manly... I’m still really confused about my heat”
“Do you think that’s why Coran suggested something physical like that because it keeps to clear headed?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know how to explain it to you. But I’m glad I could focus on you. Without my body being stupid”
“It’s you’re head that’s stupid, not your body”
“Did you just call me a “Stupid Head”?”
Hit by an infamous boyfriend burn, Lance pouted, faking his hurt tone
“Babe, I’m wounded. Absolutely wounded. How could you say that in front of our fur son?”
Keith smiled at the puppy affectionately
“It’s not my fault he’s got big ears”
The puppy cocked his head. Playing with Keith had worn him out, his tail flicking lazily as he huffed and dropped his head back down again
“You’re going to give him a complex. Baby boy, your ears are perfect”
“He is kind of perfect. Thank you...”
Lance hummed happily. For the first time since his Mami got sick, he was actually truly happy and it was all thanks to Keith
“You’re welcome. Now where’s my pizza, Shiro and Curtis are taking forever”
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dragonsaphirareads · 5 years
Dancing Melody
Day 20 of @tsshipmonth2020 Fluffuary
Ship: Deesleep
AU: Human
Word Count: 1591
Summary: Ernest has trouble sleeping on his own, so when his husband is out on a trip, he doesn’t tend to get a lot of sleep. Remy gives him a gift to help.
(Like listening to podfics? You can listen to this oneshot on my YT channel here!)
Ernest groaned, throwing off the blanket for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. His body couldn’t decide if he was hot or cold, probably because he kept tossing and turning.
He reached over to the other side of the bed instinctively, grabbing at empty sheets. Desperately, he took his husband’s pillow and shoved his face in it, hoping that the smell would be enough to make him drowsy.
It didn’t help, and he wanted to scream. He hated that he had security issues, because he knew everything was going to be fine! Remy was coming back from his trip tomorrow, so really, he should be relishing the chance to have the whole bed to himself. Remy sprawled when he slept, limbs on every corner of the mattress, and Ernest constantly had to push him away.
He’d been working on his abandonment issues, and during the day he was perfectly fine to be away from his husband. Even when he was halfway across the globe, Ernest hardly gave it a second thought.
At night it was different. In the dark, he couldn’t help but fixate on the fact that there wasn’t another person in the bed. He couldn’t hear Remy’s steady breathing as he drifted to sleep, he couldn’t reach out and tangle their fingers together, he couldn’t be comforted by the fact that he was there.
Fed up with his racing thoughts, he got out of bed, grabbing his phone and laptop and heading to the living room. If he wasn’t going to sleep anyways, he might as well get some work done. He quickly glanced at the time on his phone - nearly three am.
It was almost nine am where Remy was. He knew he was probably busy packing up from the hotel and getting to the airport, and that he should really just suck it up and push through it, but late night Ernest didn’t have the self-control that daytime Ernest did.
Remy picked up on the second ring. He sounded like he was walking, with air rushing past the receiver and Remy slightly out of breath. “Hey babe, what’s up? Isn’t it super early at home?”
Ernest immediately relaxed at hearing Remy’s voice, pulling a knee up and resting his chin on it. “Yeah, it is...”
Remy sighed. “Trouble sleeping?”
“Maybe a little. I swear the room is colder when you’re not here.”
“Did you bring out the weighted blanket from the closet?”
Ernest nodded, though he knew Remy couldn’t see him. “I did, but it didn’t help... and my pills aren’t working either.”
“Is there anything I can do to help, hun?”
“Tell me about your trip?”
He could hear Remy smile through the phone. “Sure thing, babe. Well, it’s been a great trip actually, although they don’t make coffee here like they do at home. I’ve been dying for a proper drink the whole weekend.”
Ernest huffed a small laugh, listening as Remy rambled about mundane things, and soon enough he felt his eyelids drooping. He shifted to lay down on the couch, still holding the phone to his ear.
“You still there, babe?”
He hummed, too tired to answer completely. Remy seemed to understand though.
“I’m sorry, Ernest... I know these trips are hard on you...”
“‘S not your fault I’ve got issues...” Ernest drawled sleepily.
“I know, but I don’t like leaving you alone. I’ll be home tonight, alright? It might be late, but it should be before you go to bed.”
“Can’t wait to see you...” Ernest yawned, snuggling into the couch and drifting off. He felt a little better having heard Remy’s voice, but he knew he couldn’t keep doing this forever. He needed to be able to fall asleep without relying on him, because Remy wouldn’t always be able to drop everything for him.
The rest of the day went by without much fanfare. Ernest worked from home, so he alternated between chores and work, taking a trip to the grocery store so he could make a nice dinner for Remy when he got home.
His husband sent him a text around five pm that he had landed, and that he would be home in an hour or so. Ernest replied quickly, telling him not to pick up anything on the way home because he would have dinner ready.
He hummed to himself as he cooked. It was one of his favorite things to do, because there was something so satisfying about it. To be able to take raw ingredients and some spices and turn it into something delicious, and to see how happy it made his husband when he came home to hot food on the table, it made him happy in return.
Ernest looked up as he heard the front door open and his husband came into the kitchen as he was setting the table. “Welcome home, Rem!”
“Hey babe, smells good in here!”
“I wanted you to have something nice when you came home. I hope you’re hungry! There’s also coffee cake for dessert.”
Remy grinned, dropping his bag in the corner and sweeping Ernest up into a kiss. “You know the way directly to my heart, don’t you?”
“I would hope so, we’ve been married for three years now~”
They both laughed, and then they sat down to eat. Ernest felt himself relaxing as he talked with his husband, holding his hand across the table as they finished up.
“So, I was thinking while I was on the plane.” Remy changed the topic after they had cleaned up dinner and moved into the living room. He’d rummaged through his bag before he came to sit down next to his husband, a small wrapped parcel in his hands.
“Thinking? I thought you would’ve been sleeping.” Ernest joked, eyeing the package curiously. Remy rolled his eyes.
“Well, there was that too. But when I was awake, I was thinking about things we could do to help you to sleep when I’m away.”
Ernest’s face fell. “I’m working on it, I promise! I was fine most of the time, it’s just late nights that get difficult...”
Remy smiled gently at him, rubbing his knuckles with his thumb. “I’m not saying that you aren’t! You’ve done a lot and I’m proud of that, but there’s nothing wrong with talking about other things we can do, right?”
“So, my first thought was that you need someone else in the house with you when I’m gone, and I nearly stopped by the pet store to get you a dog or something to cuddle with when I’m not there.”
Ernest laughed, and Remy scratched the back of his head. “Buuuuut I thought that might be something we wanted to decide together, so instead I made a stop by my grandma’s house.”
He pursed his lips. Remy had been raised by his grandparents, so it was basically his childhood home. But what would he have gotten there? “How’s she doing?”
“She’s good. We might be going over to clean her attic soon, though, because it’s a mess.”
Ernest raised an eyebrow. “What were you doing in the attic?”
“Well, I needed to find this.” Remy handed the wrapped box to Ernest, who opened it slowly after an expectant look from his husband.
Underneath the plain brown paper was a carved wooden box, burned with intricate designs and varnished to a deep brown. Curious, he flipped it over and noticed the crank sticking from the bottom. “Is this... a music box?”
Remy nodded. “You know that my grandpa passed away when I was eight. Well, for a year or two after that, I had a really hard time sleeping in my own bed. I was so convinced that my grandma was going to go the same way, and the only way to keep that from happening was to sleep in the same room as her. That way, I could keep her with me. It doesn’t make sense, but hey, I was a kid.”
He reached out and shifted the music box in Ernest’s hands, popping it open and hearing a little tune plunking along as a little ballet girl spun around and around. “My grandma gave me this music box, and she told me that all I needed to do was turn the crank three times, and then the music would ease the spirits who took grandpa for the night, and they would leave my grandma alone.”
Ernest stared at him for a moment, and Remy laughed quietly. “I know, I know. It’s morbid, but it worked. I started sleeping in my own bed and now I can’t get enough sleep! I know your situation is different than mine, but I thought maybe, if you played it when you were going to sleep, you would think of me and know that even though I’m not there physically, I’m still with you.”
Remy looked up, and he noticed that there were tears in Ernest’s eyes. “Aww, babe...”
“You’re such a bastard...” Ernest laughed as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. He put the music box to the side and threw his arms around Remy, burying his face in his neck. “Making me cry...”
“You know you can always call me when I’m away, but I want you to feel comfortable on your own.”
“Thank you...” Ernest whispered.
“And maybe we can go to the shelter tomorrow and see about getting you a little pup?”
“... I’m starting to think the dog is more for you than it is for me.”
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iamkatehardy · 6 years
Shots (Handsome Bob x Reader) - Pt 2
Tags: @tiredoffeelinglost , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @titty-teetee , @sparklyreaderx , @iv-nyc
Warnings: Use of alcohol; Use of drugs; Smut, kinky smut
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this, but I promised a smutty Pt 2, so here it is 😁😏 Hope you enjoy it, babes!
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Shots - Pt2
You had both drank too much, disinhibiting yourselves and getting to know each other’s bodies better as you danced. The beat, the music, the lights, the laughs…Suddenly everything about the surrounding environment made you feel more alive than you ever did before. The higher you got, the more energy coursed through your entire body, and whenever Bob touched you, you felt even more revitalized.
Shot after shot, the time seemed to be passing faster than normal, and he was flirty and sweaty, but seemed to need a break.
“You don’t get tired, do you?” – The music was loud, so he leaned down to whisper in your ear, his lips brushing softly in your ear in the process, making you tingle all over.
“We just got started!” – Pouting, you slid your hands under his jacket, first up his shoulder and then down off his arms, removing it. – “But you look like you need a break… And a drink!” – You wiped the sweat of his face with your uniform’s sleeve, before returning to the group.
“Bob, head honcho of handsomeness! – One Two slapped Bob’s shoulder, before wrapping one arm around it.
“I’ll take the compliment! You know you make me go weak at the knees when you turn on the charm full blast like that…” – Bob teased him. – “But let’s cut to the chase, you’re not trying to get some of this handsomeness, so what do you want from me?”
“You’re a straight shooter, gotta love that! You see that bombshell blonde, 8 o’clock?”
“I don’t even know where my 8 o’clock is right now!” – Confuse, because of the booze, Bob spun around, trying to figure out where the hell 8 o’clock was.
“Wrong side, mate…” – Laughing loudly, you spun him to the other side.
“Oh, yes, I see now.” – He  nodded in acknowledgement.- “ Let me guess! You tried, you fail, and now you want me to try.”
“Listen, you just need to get me her phone number!”
“No, you need to get her phone number! I’m not letting you use me again, unless you want to literally use me, that is.” – Bob roared in One Two’s face.
“It’s right, gentlemen, I’ve got it.” – You stated calmly
“What?! No, You’re drunk, and I’m pretty sure was checking men out, just a moment ago.”
“Wanna bet?!” – An expression of defiance crossed your face. – “My hunch is: you’re afraid I’ll do it, when you couldn’t… Guess what? I fuckin’ will!  Now watch and learn, my darlings.” – You smirked, before waking to the blonde standing near the bar.
Feeling confident, you approached her; leaning on the bar near her, you mumbled something in her ear, before her eyes roamed you from head to toe, with a flirtatious smile. She started playing with her hair, maintaining a sexy eye contact, as your hand slid down her back, until it was resting on her waist, bringing her closer before you whispered in her ear again. You bit your lip and she smiled, writing something on a napkin, along with a lipstick mark. With a victorious smile, you returned to your friends.
“I told you…” – Waving the napkin in front of One Two’s nose, an insufferable smirk played on your lips.
“Uniforms never fail! I’ll drink to that.” – Bob raised his glass before he gulped down the shot.
“You and the damn uniforms Bob… Anyway, I thought she was straight, man.” – One Two yanked the napkin out of your hands.
“She is… But then again, so is spaghetti, until it gets hot and wet.” – You devilishly smirked once again.
“Are you into girls?!” – Bob shot you a surprised look.
“The world is full of unlimited possibilities… That’s all I’m saying.” – Lifting your eyebrows, you took another shot.
“Excellent point!” – Bob smirked, as he narrowed his eyes.
“God, you’re just alike… Two little insatiable minxes!  But as a sign of my appreciation for your god results, I have a gift for you. Courtesy of our friend Cookie!” – One Two opened his palm, and you saw a handful of pills.
“Molly?” – You thoroughly studied them and he nodded. – “Fuck it. Tonight I am not turning down the gift.”- You took a pill, followed by another drink. – “Now, you won’t let me get high by myself, will you Handsome?” – Folding your arms, you sexily pouted at him.
“Absolutely not! What do you take me for?” – He mockingly sneered as he looked you up and down, before he popped a pill himself.
Another shot. You immediately felt the warmth blossom through you, leaving a pleasant heat in your stomach and cheeks; your heart fluttering, combined an intense need to touch and be touched. In no time, both of you felt more uninhibited, spontaneous, lively, and with a great willingness of dancing the night away together.
He took your hand, leading you to the dance floor again and dragging your body tighter to his; hand slid down from your waist, to firmly grasp your buttocks.
“Bob!” – You squealed in surprise, before punching his chest playfully, and a goofy grin spreads on his face. His body grinded against yours rhythmically, and your body moved in harmony with his, heating up with his every touch; for a moment you could’ve sworn his eyes were focused on your mouth, just as yours were on his.
Time seemed to pass quickly, one hour felt like a minute when you were hanging out with him; lighthearted, reckless, devil-may-care attitude, living urgently as if your next breath could be your last. When you finally came to your senses, looking for the rest of your friends, they were all gone.
“Where the hell did they go?” – Looking around the dimly lit room, you didn’t see any other familiar face.
“Home, probably.” – He checked the time on his watch, showing you as well.
“Well, that's my cue to skedaddle! It’s almost closing time anyways…”
“And how exactly are you planning to do that?”
“Driving?  I still have energy to burn, but not enough to get across town… As much as I’d like to, it’s not unlimited.” – A little laugh escaped your lips, followed by a shrug.
“What?! No. Are you crazy?!  We went off the deep end tonight, I’m not letting you drive, don’t even think about it.” – He tightened his hold on you, trying to stop you, while his free hand searched in your every pocket, looking for your car keys. He finally pulled the out of your reach.
“What are you doing?! Give me that back, now.” – Huffing in annoyance, you desperately tried to reach for the keys, that he kept triumphantly dangling in front of your face, but you couldn’t catch them. His grin was wider than ever, and he seemed somehow amused by the whole situation.
“You can crash at my house (Y/N), it’s just down the street from here. It’s not the Ritz, or Claridge’s…” – He stated with a solemn face that ultimately broke into another smile. – “Buuuuut it has Handsome Bob here, and that fact itself makes it a five star accommodation, right?” – He threw his arm around you, biting your cheek playfully.
“Yeah, right, Mr. Pain in the ass!” – You glared at him.
“Come, let’s go, soldier. Our mission here has been accomplished.”
“Idiot.” – Muttering under your breath, you slapped his arm playfully before you burst out laughing.
The walk home was not as quick as he had told you, but the high and his company made it slightly more bearable than you thought it would be.
When you got home, you threw yourself on his sofa, looking at your surroundings; the house wasn’t big, but it was pretty cozy, and surprisingly tidy, for what you’d expect from a hot mess like Bob. Your contemplation came to an end when Bob laid on the sofa, with his head on your lap.
“Should I show you our suite , milady?”
Our suite didn’t sound bad, considering that a) he was gay, and b) you wouldn’t mind sleeping with him at all, regardless of his sexual orientation.
“Sure.” – Tilting your head, you brushed your fingers across his temple, with a smile of approval.
You ended up staying like that a little while longer, and then they headed off to the bedroom.
“Is it to your liking?” – He questioned as he slowly took his shirt off.
The sight was indeed to your liking, but you quickly snapped out of it, realizing he was probably talking about the bedroom.
“Right now, any bed would be to my liking…” – You took your pants off, putting them on a chair in the corner. – “But thank you for your hospitality, your bed seems really comfy.” – Giggling, you nodded, with your hands on your hips, taking another look at the bed.
As he was taking off what was left of his clothes, he stared at you from the corner of his eye, watching you unbutton what was left of yours.
“You know…” - Before he could finish the sentence, you turned to face him and he approached you, inhaling deeply.
“I still have some energy left… Maybe we could play a little bit before going to sleep.”
“What do you have in mind? There aren’t many games for two, but we’ll find something. But you ought to know, I can get very competitive while pla…”
“Play…” – He whispered in your ear, after tucking your hair behind it. His hand encircled your waist, pulling you closer.
“That pill messed with your head, you’re just high, Bob.” – Biting your lips, you hands ran over his chiseled chest.
“High doesn’t mean delusional. The world is full of unlimited possibilities, isn’t it?” – Smirking, his lips trailed down your neck, as his hand slid inside the edge of your panties. He heard your breath quickening, warm on his neck. – “So, do you want to play or not?” – He faced you, forehead resting on yours and his lips so close you could feel their warmth on yours. – “Hmm?” – You squirmed as his thumb stroked your clit in a slow circular motion.
Your mouth fell agape, a low moan escaping your lips, as you nodded in response to his question. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with his touch, aching for more; he could feel it too, and he complied, sliding two of his wet fingers up and down your slit.
“Oh..” – You gasped, closing your eyes, and he reached for your lips, kissing you almost animally.
He picked you up, laying you on the bed, with a devilish smirk, before he savagely kissed you again. One of his hands grabbed a fistful of your hair, while the other got a rid of your panties, before he spread your legs and his fingers insatiably penetrated you once again. Your breath was quick and heavy against his lips, and waves of pleasure shot through you as he rubbed you and pumped his fingers inside you. You could feel yourself contract, sucking him deeper, a loud moan escaping your lips as you clutched the bedsheets with both hands, growing wetter until finally came. Exhaling slowly and loudly, you opened your eyes, letting go of the sheets; he was licking the tip of his fingers, tasting you before he came to kiss you once more.
“Fuck me…” – You laid your head to a side, panting.
“No, fuck me…” – Lying atop of you, he pressed his hardness against you. – “I want you to fuck me… With that uniform of yours… I want to feel you inside me.” – His breath was hot on the nape of your neck, and he started a trail of hungry passionate kisses that ultimately stopped on your lips.
You shot him a surprised look and a giddy laugh escapes his full lips. He got up, going through the drawers in his bedside table; in the bottom drawer, he found what he was looking for: a strap-on dildo, and a half-empty bottle of lube. You open your mouth to say something, multiple times, but you ended up saying nothing at all.
“I’ll help you putting it on! Now, the uniform…” – He threw you the jacket of your uniform, before coming back to bed.
“Wait, are you serious? I’ve never…”
“It will be fun…” – He bit your earlobe. – “I think you might even like it…”
He placed himself on all-fours on the bed; you rubbed the strap-on dildo, starting by its thick shaft, smearing lube all over it. Bob could feel the tip of the dildo against his ass; your hand gently guided the tip inside him with. He groaned loudly, and you could feel his body quivering under yours, as you slowly slid deeper inside him. Asking for more, he grabbed the sheet, biting the pillow softly to control his moans. With a wicked smile, you grabbed his buttocks, squeezing them tight and thrusting deeper into him. A feeling very close to ecstasy bloomed within him when you reached and stroked his prostate, his boner throbbing in sync with his quickened heartbeat.
“Turn around…” – You smacked a flattened palm on his butt.
“What?” – He turned his head to face you; he was sweating and breathing heavily.
“You heard me, babe.” – You stopped the thrusts, and your hands slid slowly up his back.
He nodded and laid back on the bed, you gave him a provocative smirk; grabbing the collars of your uniform, he pulled you for a deep passionate kiss. Your hands slid down to his slippery hard cock, and you started rubbing in a slowly, steady rhythm. Another moan escaped his lips, and you bit his lower lip playfully as you slid the dildo inside him again.
You kept hitting the right spot, and your hand went down to cup his balls, stroking them gently before you wrapped your hand around his shaft again. His loud moans filled the room, his voice growing raspy, and his muscles clenched as he tried to hold orgasm.
“I’m gonna come.” – He growled lowly, at the edge of climax.
You stopped thrusting and focused on stroking his cock harder, slightly faster; a few moments later, placing your thumb against his tip, you rub it slowly. You wanted to taste him as you made him cum, savor him; you tongue ran in tormenting slow motions his testicles, before it moved along his whole length. He could feel the provocative effect of your eyes glued on his. With a loud moan he placed the tip of his impatient cock on your lips, and you allowed him to thrust inside your mouth; within seconds you could taste his thick load across your tongue and swallowed it. He didn’t thought you would, but it was an incredibly pleasant sight, more than he expected.
“Nice shot...”
Before you knew it, he started taking what was left of your uniform off, and removing the strap-on, throwing everything on the floor. Grasping one of your breasts, his lips explored every bit of your skin.
“I thought female bodies didn’t interest you…” – You teased him, closing your eyes as his full lips slid across your neck.
“Shut up.” – Planting a desperate kiss across your lips, he placed your legs around his waist, the tip of his cock rubbing teasingly on your clit.
“Bob…” – You moaned lowly in his ear, heightening his desire to insane levels. His hardness, his smell, his touch, his kiss… Every little thing about him was driving you insane. – “I want you.”
He traced your wet folds with the tip of his cock; you could feel your insides lubricating more with each touch. You were hot, more than ready, and dripping wet, making it easier for him to slide his rock hard cock inside you. Your cheeks flushed pink, and you bit your lower lip, your whole body clenching in arousal. The rhythm of his thrusts increased, and his thumb rubbed your clit simultaneously, as fiery pleasure washed over your whole body. You dug your nails into his back, crying out in pleasure as he throbbed vigorously inside you; he was delighted to please you in such ways.
The blood rushed through your veins, your body arched against him and your toes curled, as pleasure engulfed your entire body. Bob’s husky moans filled your ears, at the same time he slammed his body against yours.
“Yes! Yes, baby! Don’t stop!” – You breathed in short gasps, and couldn’t help but letting out high-pitch moans.
Thrusting inside you as he pleased, his throbbing cock deliciously filled you, stroking the deepest places inside you, a slick wet abyss of pleasure he didn’t know he would love so much. Your walls squeezed around him tightly and you whimpered, as pure bliss took over your whole body.
He could see in your face that you were close, so he took his sweet time to make you come. You both climaxed and he collapsed on top of you, gasping for air, before he planted a slow gentle kiss on your lips. He kept inside you for some more minutes, feeling your heat, while taking the messy hair off your face; after exhaling loudly, you giggled.
“Wow.” – Lifting your eyebrows, you placed your hands his neck, bringing him closer and kissing him fervently.
Lying by your side, he growled happily, bringing you closer; nestling your head against his chest, you closed your eyes. His hand shyly reached for yours; when he felt you squeezed his in response, he smiled and kissed the top of your head, letting his lips rest there for the rest of the night
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magioftheseas · 6 years
Hiyoko & Yasuke
Summary: Saionji Hiyoko’s FTEs in the SDR2 Protagonist Matsuda Yasuke AU. Yep. They’re different enough from canon, I swear.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Language...? Hiyoko’s still definitely a bitch. Matsuda is, too.
Notes: This was a prize for correctly guessing the reference in Chapter 4 of the main fic! Since Hiyoko deserves more appreciation, I cross-posted it to here. Her and Matsuda predictably bicker and don’t get along that well, all things considered, but they have an enjoyable banter and a surprisingly interesting relationship. Since I probably won’t be able to portray it to its fullest in the main fic, I was pretty okay with writing up this. It was pretty difficult tho so FTEs for the entire cast is looking like a far-off dream lol. If there’s interest in certain characters (and/or a request I accepted/a thing I was commissioned), then ehhhhh maybe more to come. Maybe.
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
Commission? Donate?
By all accounts, this is a shitty fucking idea but...
“One! Two! One! Two! Left! Right! Left!” A giggle. An intake of breath. And then, she wails. “Waaaaah! Some fucking creep keeps staring at meeeee!”
“I’m just astounded you’re still not bored with squishing thoraxes,” Matsuda muttered, already questioning every single choice he could’ve made that would lead to being in this situation. “Do you have a vendetta against drones or what?”
But I guess it’s better than stomping crabs.
Saionji snorted.
“And now the weirdo creep is asking me strange questions. And in such a droning voice! I hate it!”
“Sorry, my baby talk is pretty rusty. But if you’re that whiny, would you be pacified with a candy?”
“If it’s lemon I don’t want it!” Saionji exclaimed, looking absolutely affronted.
Matsuda pulled out a lollipop.
“Orange, then?”
“Give it! I’ll never forgive you if you don’t!”
Somehow, with that little exchange, a devil’s contract had been formed.
“Mm, mm.” Sickening smacks of the lips, and Matsuda really was wondering how things turned out like this. Saionji looked pretty content, at least. “Hey, hey, Matsuda-nii. You wanna know what I think about you?”
“I can’t imagine it’s positive,” he replied. “Even if you weren’t a yappy bitch desecrating our serene cultural beauty, I get the feeling you would still think I’m kind of a dick.”
“Mm...” Just like that, Saionji’s wide, watery eyes filled with tears. And she begin to sniffle. And she wails yet again, “I ABSOLUTELY WOULD THINK THAAAAAT! MATSUDA-NII’S SUCH A JEEEEEERK!!! A P-PERVERTED...SHIT-SPEWING...COMPLETE ASSHOLE!!!”
“At least most of what you say is true and everyone knows it.” With a roll of his eyes, he dropped a crumpled up handkerchief into her lap. “So shut the hell up. Do you have any fucking pride at all? Pathetic.”
“U-Uu. The worst. The absolute worst. You even gave me such a shitty fucking rag.” Irritated, she still fiddled with it. “Did anyone even teach you how to fold?! Oh.”
She quiets when she sees that there’s a candy tucked inside. It’s wrapped up cutely in pink and orange polka dots. Her face pinches up so much so she looks constipated. All the same, she finishes up her lollipop so that she can unwrap this new candy and pop it into her mouth. Bitterly, she seems to like it a lot.
Not that Matsuda is really looking at her anymore.
“You really are a pervert, thinking you can pacify me with that.”
“I forgot about it,” he said, shrugging. “But think what you want. I’m not interested in the line of correcting stupid, stubborn brats.”
She hiccuped, sniffling and blowing her nose on his handkerchief.
“I-If you were really sorry, you’d get me the sweet I really like.”
What makes you think I’d fucking care? And anyway...
“You mean those gummies you always eat?” Matsuda asked,  Just pick them up at the damn supermarket. You’re a big girl, aren’t you?”
“THAT’S NOT IIIIIIT!!!” Saionji shook her head furiously. “Dummy! Stupid! Perv! That’s just ordinary candy I happen to like! What I really like is special!”
“Shut the heeeeeell up,” Matsuda snapped. “If you want me to figure shit out, don’t be so fucking vague about it. Haven’t you ever been to a doctor before? Shouldn’t you know this?”
“U-Urgh.” Grumbling, she wiped irritably at her eyes, glaring back at him darkly. “What I really like is special, sweet, small, and shaped like a star!”
“Oh.” Matsuda inhaled, nodding in understanding. “Confeito.”
She nodded back.
“Well.” Matsuda rubbed at the nape of his neck. “I dunno what to tell you, then. They don’t have that shit at the supermarket.”
Just like that, Saionji’s face turned to stone.
“And even if they did, like hell I’d share any with such a bratty, yappy troll.” Matsuda frowned. “Do you really think that with a face like that, and if you cry, that you can just get people to do whatever you want? You’re not even a kid, you’re the same fucking age as me.”
Saionji bit her lip.
“Still, I guess confeito’s at least good taste,” he sighed, shrugging. “Small yet intricately designed, sparkling like the stars they’re based off of. They’re works of art, along with flower candies along with the kind of aesthetic treats enjoyed at a tea ceremony. Personally, I’m a big fan of Mont Blanc, too.”
“Too sweet,” Saionji muttered darkly. “Foreign sweets are way too disgustingly sweet. They’re uncultured.”
Matsuda gave her an unimpressed look.
“Even castella?”
“M-Mmgh.” Saionji fidgeted, seething as she did. “Castella is...it’s... It’s fine, but...”
“Buuuuut? What?” Matsuda’s brow furrowed. “What’s got you so bitter?”
Saionji got to her feet, eyes brimming with tears again, and she shoved him down none too gently. He grunted as he landed harshly onto his back.
“Big! Stupid! Jerk!”
He only barely managed to avoid her stomping feet and just as he glared, she had already rushed off, leaving him in her proverbial dust.
And what the actual fuck was that about?
He sputtered a bit.
Seriously what the hell?
Sighing, he shook her head. He wasn’t in the mood for chasing her, especially considering the shit she’d scream at him if he did, so for now, he’ll just leave her be.
Unsurprisingly, the next time he saw her, she turned away in a childish huff. Since he had time to think about it, even though he hadn’t really wanted to, he can figure that she was probably pissed about...being called out on her shit.
He would’ve just given her time to sort that nonsense out on her own, but Saionji kept sneaking angry glances. Kept sneering. Kept turning away with a childish huff.
Oh for fuck’s sake. What a goddamn nuisance.
So, in the end, he approached her first after all.
“I’m not going to apologize,” he snapped, unaffected by her look of contemptuous disgust, even as he retained his usual scowl. “So if you’re trying to guilt me, it’s not going to fucking work. Just. Letting you know.”
Saionji bristled, but then, she sighed heavily.
“Of cooooourse not. I’ve known that from the start that fake tears weren’t going to do shit on someone like you,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You’re awful. Super cold. The kind of person I hate super much even if it’s not the most.”
“Were those tears really fake?” he asked, unimpressed. “If you knew that it wouldn’t work, you wouldn’t have reacted so strongly.”
“Shut up.” Her expression would’ve terrified a weakling like that mechanic guy but Matsuda just met her glare coldly. “A filthy, shit-spewing asshole like you should just keep his trap shut.”
He shook his head, tilting it with a twisting frown.
“And you can’t even be bothered to say please? You’re about traditional dancing, right? Where’s your fucking formality?”
Saionji reddened with anger. With a stomp of her foot, she huffed and then, with trembling shoulders, she mumbled, “You really are someone I super hate very much.”
He waved his hand.
“Then, there’s really nothing more to say,” he said, and he turned on his heel. “I’ll get out of your sight then, brat.”
“Y-You really don’t feel bad or guilty at all?!” she sputtered. “Where’s your heart?!”
“Bedside manner is reserved for patients, and I don’t have the patience for someone like you,” Matsuda snapped.
“W-Wah...” Shuddering, Saionji’s breath hitched as her fists balled. “T-The worst. The worst. I hate you so much!”
“I don’t really hate you,” he said. “But I can’t exactly say I like you, either. Then again, with the way you act?”
His head was throbbing, which was even more irritated. It was only worse when Saionji wailed and wailed.
Urgh. Urgh. Why do I...?
“Will you shut up, you bitch? Shut up!”
Unsurprisingly, she just got louder.
“Shut up!”
And louder.
And louder.
“Saionji, for fuck’s sake!”
Saionji’s mouth shut, but she was glowering darkly and viciously. Chin tucked, with eyes hooded yet bright with fury.
“Call me that again and I’ll fucking kill you.”
And now she’s actually threatening me?! Is this the same gremlin or is it now the other one? But more than that...
“You don’t want me to call you by your name?” A pause. “Your family name? What? Is your family that bad? Well, the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from...”
He ends up trailing off as she scoffed, lips trembling, eyes glimmering.
I’m treading into sensitive territory, here.
“Just don’t use it,” Saionji snapped. “It’s an awful wretched name and I hate it more than I hate you.”
Matsuda opened his mouth to say something, but for once, he thought better about it and kept his trap shut.
...your family name, huh...
Saionji ended up being the one who turned on her heel and stomped away. Matsuda watched her, feeling a weird twist in his gut. Guilt, maybe? Gross.
I might’ve gone too far after all. Shit.
Saionji sneered as he shuffled his hand into his pocket. Grumbling lowly, he ended up pulling out a bag of sweet buns and very nearly flings it into her face. Saionji’s expression shifts to unreadable, but she immediately opens the bag. Her beady eyes are expectant as she takes a bun and bites down into it.
“I actually should apologize for before,” Matsuda muttered, averting his gaze. “Family matters can be delicate, I guess.”
That said.
“I’m not really going to pry into said family matters, mind you. That’s really none of my business. So it’s whatever. Just take what you will from it.”
“Mm. Mmf.” Saionji chewed and swallowed, blinking at him a few times with those childishly wide eyes. “You really are suuuuuper fucking pitiful, huh? You have no grace in apologizing at all!”
Matsuda grumbled.
It’s whatever. Whatever. Just what the hell am I trying to accomplish, again? Fuck.
“Yep!” Saionji giggled. “You act all high and mighty but you’re just one of many unimportant losers under me! So you should just accept your place as a slave and don’t bitch so much!”
Matsuda blinked. And he held up his hand.
“You’re about thirty-eight centimeters too short and about a hundred years too young to make those kinds of demands.” He rubs at his nape. “Still. Sorry about earlier.”
“I don’t forgive you,” she chirped. “Not until you grovel.”
“I’m not that sorry.”
“Awww! Then what good are you even for?”
“Do you even remember what my talent is?”
“Nope! Why should I?”
Matsuda rolled his eyes.
Playing around with a spoiled brat really isn’t a worthwhile use of my time. I should just leave.
“You’re a doctor, right?”
Just as he had turned on his heel, the words gave him pause. Saionji’s tone was high and cheerful, but lowered in pitch when she clicked her tongue over the syllables of doctor.
“If you’re a doctor, then you should stay by my side.” Another click of her tongue, followed up by a giggle. “Don’t you know? Anyone with the surname Saionji is cursed to die.”
If he hadn’t been drawn in before, he was definitely curious now.
“Bloodlines are always targeted by organizations and are often subjected to assassinations,” she went on, waving a bun around as though it were a fan before stuffing it into her mouth. She had some manners to chew and swallow, touching her lips before finally going on, “Since I’m head of the family, I’m a target, too. I’ll get pins in my shoes, dead mice on my bed, food poisoned, and stage lights dropped on me. I’m in a lot of danger, Matsuda-nii. That’s why you have to protect me.”
“That’s w̴̡̫͆̃͗̓̃h̴̞̤͂͒̊͋̕ỷ̷̛̻̓̿̽̀...”
A sudden striking pain in his temple, and Matsuda was immediately snapped out of the moment. Grumbling, he rubs at his temple, and he grimaces at Saionji’s innocently blinking eyes.
“That sounds like you need a guard, not a doctor,” he huffed. “If that’s what you’re so concerned about, why not indoctrinate one of those two meatheads or something? Well, I can’t speak for their observational skills, but...”
“But nothing!” Saionji shrieked. “Those two are sooooooo boring! Owari’s so gullible that she’ll believe anything I say! What’s the fun in that?!”
“There’s also that I’m a specialized doctor,” Matsuda added, exasperated. “As not fun as it would be to turn up with pins in your feet, that’s not my field. I wouldn’t be assigned to work on that. Pins in your skull, on the other hand...”
Saionji’s cheek puffed until they looked rosier than cherries.
“If general health issues are a concern, then go for the healthcare committee chick,” he said. “Tsumiki Mikan, was it?”
“Mmgh.” Just like that, she went from pouting to splitting with a smirk. “She is really fun to mess with.” Just like that, her smile quickly dropped. “You, on the other hand, aren’t much fun at all. Just when you were showing potential, too.”
“You really are hung up on your manipulative act, huh,” he mused. “What’s even the point of that? You clearly aren’t that good at it. You’re way too easy.”
“What was that?” she asked, gaze hooded.
“Playing dumb isn’t going to help, either,” Matsuda said, gaze drifting to the side. “You’re too obvious. Despite some shallow similarities, you’re actually nothing like...”
He stops. He blinks. Once. Twice.
Just...what was I in the middle of saying?
His head hurt. It really hurt. It was as if all his thoughts came crashing down in a heavy heap that dig into his head deep enough to pierce nerves. It really fucking hurt.
Saionji sounds as confused as she does frustrated.
“I... I-I need to go.” His mouth felt dry, head and heart pounding, thoughts in shrieking, shattered remains. “Right. Away.”
“Hey, what the hell, Matsuda-nii?!” When he took off running, Saionji yelled after him. “H-HEY, MATSUDA-NII!!!”
He could hear her, but it was detached and distant, as if she didn’t even occupy the same plane.
The next time their paths had intersect, Saionji was, as per usual, pretty pissed right off the bat. But this time, her glare bore into him intensely, almost searchingly, like there was something she needed to see and yet nothing yielded. She was frustrated. Still confused. About what had happened.
Which was fair, Matsuda had no idea what the fuck he was on about earlier either. Truth be told, he barely remembered it because he downed so many pills afterwards that he passed out. As it stands, he’s just grateful he didn’t get his idiot ass seriously sick. He’s still a little drowsy and out of it, but keeping his body active should work wonders.
He should avoid anything that aggravates whatever that was, which would include Saionji. But. Even if that’d be good in the short term, he had a bad fucking feeling about the long term.
And so here they were. Matsuda lowkey wanted her to stomp on his foot and storm off because this intense, glaring silence wasn’t doing anyone any favors. His head doesn’t hurt, but he’s tired.
So. So fucking tired.
“...you don’t know what happened either, huh.”
Finally Saionji does speak, shuffling so that her hanging sleeves press together at the ends, hiding her curling fists.
“You know...” She stomps her foot. On just the dirt. “You really started acting so freaky and weird! It was scary! You should’ve showed up with sweets to make up for it, Matsuda-nii! Why didn’t you?!”
“Urgh.” Glumly, he digs through his pocket and pulls out another wrapped candy. He then unwraps it and pops it into his mouth, making Saionji shriek. He only shrugs. “I haven’t really been in the mood to give away snacks that I can just eat myself. Sorry. I guess.”
“You pig! Your perv! Y-You pig perv! You’re the worst!” Saionji sobs. “J-Just the WOOOOOORST!”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Matsuda swallows down the candy. It itches his throat a little. “So. Now that we’ve come to an understanding, we can just not bother with each other anymore.”
Saionji sniffled into her sleeves, shoulders hitching.
“I still don’t have any interest in catering to you,” he went on. “And I’m...”
Just so...so tired.
But he’s alert enough to avoid, Saionji trying to stomp on his foot for real. However she does latch her sticky fingers onto his coat.
“You owe me! You’re not going to just tap out, you jackass! Meanie! Jerkface!” She blows her nose on his coat, to his recoil of absolute disgust. “I-I... I demand compensation for emotional turmoil! Five bags of sweet buns! E-Every day...for a week!”
Matsuda’s response was to none too gently wrench her off of him from the back of her kimono. She wailed, and he doubted that it hurt that much. All the same, she only shut up when Matsuda muffled her sobbing with his handkerchief, pinching her nose until she blew on that.
“A lab coat is shit for doing anything about mucus, you fucking idiot,” he hissed. “And that many sweets will rot your teeth! Just how unreasonable are you? Not everyone signs up for brat sitting, so are you really that spoiled? Or are you just stupid?”
Saionji hiccuped but smacked his hand away despite keeping his handkerchief for herself as she continued blowing into it.
“I swear.” Matsuda grimaced at the stains on his coat, wiping it off with the spare handkerchief he carried around with little success. “If you wanted to keep hanging around for some unfathomable reason, you can just converse like a normal person. Like about manga or something?”
“M-Manga is...for gross pervs.” Saionji’s trembling like a leaf. “I-It’s for gross, disgusting, pedophiliac pervs!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake.”
“N-Novels are way better!” she wails. “L-Like The Madness...of Nakazu!”
He does perk at that. Sucking in his breath, Matsuda threw his head back.
“I Am A Cat isn’t a bad read,” he mumbled. “It’s probably my favorite of Souseki-san’s.”
Saionji nodded furiously.
“Right, r-right!” She sneezed, hiccuping and rubbing at her eyes. “What a miserable, wretched time period! How sad for Souseki-san to be surrounded by...by awful, wretched, stuffy pigs!”
Your behavior isn’t much better than those ‘stuffy pigs’.
Matsuda sighed.
“Although isn’t it disrespectful to disregard an entire medium because of a few undesirables? There are works that put emphasis on long-standing cultural ideas and aesthetics.”
“There are too many works that don’t!” Saionji exclaimed, heated to the point that her grip on the handkerchief was white as bone. “They stress other super undesirable ideas and aesthetics! And they pander to such a low brow! There are ideas that far more deserve to be retold and retained in the public conscious! And with such an influx of shit, those ideas are getting muted and muffled, overturned and overwhelmed by what’s nothing more than trash...!”
“Hhh... I can’t argue with all of that, but don’t rip anything.” Matsuda waved his hand. “I’m too tired to argue period. So just tell me about Madness of Nakazu instead, you stupid brat in a kimono.”
“Gladly! It’s about a father who...for his daughter’s sake...”
And such was how he spent his free time. He still had to wash his coat afterwards, which wasn’t great.
“Matsuda-nii, you seem like the kind of person who falls asleep in the middle of performances.”
“Well, that wouldn’t be a wrong assessment.”
“You really have no class at all!” Saionji laughed and there was a cruel edge to it. “Aren’t you ashamed?”
“Not particularly.” He shrugged. “Performances like that are sometimes meant to evoke a sense of serenity, so I still appreciate them even if I fall asleep. The effect that visual arts have on the brain isn’t one that can be understated.”
“Oh, right, you’re a brain-obsessed brainiac.” Another cruel, childish laugh. “That’s so weird.”
“Understanding this is how we put to words the effect and significance of the emotional reactions the arts evoke. It also shows just how deep our biologically-ingrained empathy runs,” he rambles on, not giving her much thought. “For example it is believed that we map the movements and actions of others onto our own somatosensory system. When a dancer leaps, the audience soars. Adrenaline pumps in response to the sight of death-defying acrobatics and stunts. That kind of thing.”
Saionji fidgets, frown twisting.
“That’s nothing exclusive to traditional dancing, though,” she pointed out. “It completely ignores the importance of how in order to set my audience at ease, I must first be relaxed to my fingertips!”
“Yeah.” Matsuda blinks, rubbing at his eye. “There is that.”
“Traditional dancing isn’t just about showcasing beauty! It’s about evoking the feeling of that beauty!” Saionji exclaimed. “It’s about making everyone feel the same love for that beauty that I feel! Which is far more important than just the clinical explanation of it!”
Matsuda hmphed, brow furrowing.
“Similar to your passion for the dancing, my passions lie in those clinical explanations,” he snapped. “It’s rude as hell to dismiss them, especially when they’re the foundation keeping your performance afloat. Even if you moved beautifully, if people were incapable of that empathy, the necessary stimulation required for that appreciation would be unreachable.”
Saionji seemed pretty unimpressed with that.
“I shouldn’t have to hear this from someone who just falls asleep!”
“I don’t always fall asleep,” Matsuda griped. “I wouldn’t fall asleep during your performances, for instance.”
Because I do have a sense of self-preservation.
“If you do, I’ll publically humiliate you and post it online,” Saionji seethed.
“I definitely wouldn’t. I’ll make sure I’ll stay awake if it’s you.”
Saionji bit her lip, playing with her sleeves for a bit.
“Y’know... Daddy used to say the same thing, but he was way nicer about it.”
“I thought you didn’t like your family?”
“Daddy married into it, so he’s fine.” Her frown deepened. “But my family name really is important, as my hag grandmother used to say.”
Maybe she’s the disliked family, then.
Matsuda decided not to push the topic.
That’s not my place to barge in on. Family matters can be delicate.
But he remembered, vaguely, The Madness of Nakazu, about a father who went crazy in order to protect his daughter. How they lived happily ever after, and how real life wasn’t always that simple.
“I don’t like your tone,” Saionji said, apropos of nothing and ironically making it easier on him. “But, y’know, I don’t always hate the things you say.”
And how am I supposed to respond to that?
“You really are super uber pitiful though, Matsuda-nii,” Saionji said, eyes wide. “But that’s alright. Once you accept your place under me, I’ll definitely protect you.”
“No, you won’t.”
“No, I won’t!” she laughed again. “Like hell I would!”
“Yeah. I’m not surprised.”
But, y’know... I think I have a pretty good picture of your character.
“If you do fall asleep in the middle of my performance,” Saionji said, lowly and seriously. “I’ll never, ever forgive you.”
“I won’t, I won’t.”
All things considered, I guess we’ve gotten to know each other reasonably well. I don’t see us getting all that close for obvious reasons. This bitch is still a major pain in the ass and ears with her shrill whining, but...
“Promise you won’t! Swear on your life!”
“I won’t.”
She’s not the worst person and weirdly enough, dealing with her is nostalgic, almost bittersweet.
But if I think too deeply on that, it’ll definitely hurt.
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katastroficwriter · 6 years
How about a nightmare before Christmas au prompt?
I apologize for my tardiness! Ahhh! But I hope you’ll enjoy this anyway!
After the fiasco involving Jack Skellington, Santa, and Oogey Boogie, balance was restored in Christmas Town and in Halloween Town. The Pumpkin King had sincerely apologized for his actions, and Santa Claus was a kind fellow who forgave him without a second thought. This event was what sparked an unusual friendship between the two figureheads of their respective Towns. And such friendship, had transmitted to their younger successors.
Santa had retired after a century and had chosen one of his elves to take his place, while Jack Skellington had found joy with Sally and decided that living a peaceful life with her and his pet Zero without the pressure of leading the townspeople would be a far more fulfilling way to end his reign. He had selected the most fearsome and capable devil of Halloween Town to fill in his shoes.
Whenever it snows in Halloween Town, everyone knows that ‘Santa’ has come to meet with their Pumpkin King. It has already become a norm for the new Santa to visit the new Pumpkin King for chat or a light snack before going on his merry way back home.
The new Santa was just as kind as the previous one, although he’s more outspoken and can be assertive whenever the situation called for it. While the new Pumpkin King was more mischievous than refined, yet he’s somehow managed to obtain the obedience and admiration of his townspeople. Despite their differences, the two enjoyed each other’s company the most. Probably an effect of having their respective Holidays situated so close to each other, and not just because of the incident that affected their predecessors.
“Is it just me or did you get taller again?” the new Pumpkin King grumbled as he tapped his fingers against their usual table reserved for their meetings. “I think I preferred it better when you used to reach up to my waist only.”
“Ah, I didn’t really notice–”
“That answer makes it more annoying!” the devil slammed a fist against the furniture in indignation.
“It’s not like I have a control over it anyway,” Santa sighed as he made his way towards the raven-haired King. “I only started aging normally after inheriting Santa’s abilities, you know. Also, if I stayed in my original form, doing my job would be difficult for me.”
“That makes sense, but doesn’t mean I like it!”
“Now, now, don’t be in such a bad mood. I brought you some sugar cookies since Teruteru accidentally baked too many,” the former elf, Kiibo, flashed the devil a smile as he slid into the seat opposite of the latter. “You can share them with your people too if you want to.”
“Sugar cookies?!” purple eyes sparkled with delight. “Gimme! Gimme!”
Ouma, the new Pumpkin King, simply adored sweets in all shapes and sizes. And Christmas treats, as he had discovered, were sweeter and came in varied forms and flavors. While candy was something he enjoyed in exchange for a night of scares, it was the texture of soft cakes and chewy cookies that had him dying for more.
“Now, now, there’s more than enough for everyone here. You don’t need to eat so fast,” Kiibo sighed.
“They’re too good! I can’t stop myself~” Ouma happily bit on another cookie. “You should have some too. It feels weird if I’m the only one eating.”
“Ah, I shouldn’t,” the albino shook his head. “It’s almost Christmas, I have to make sure I have the appetite to eat every single cookie the children would prepare for me.”
“Hmmm….I see,” the raven-haired devil paused to quench his thirst with blackberry tea. “You’re working a lot harder than the previous Santa. Not saying he was lazy buuuuut…you get what I mean.”
“You think so…? This is going to be my 2nd Christmas as Santa, so I’m still not used to this job,” Kiibo rubbed the back of his neck. “As an elf, I’ve always had my hands full. Now that I’m Santa, a lot of my usual workload is gone and I feel restless if I’m not working.”
“Isn’t that just fine?” Ouma rested his face against a palm, regarding the albino with a knowing smile. “But if you really insist, then how about playing a game with moi? That should keep you busy enough! Especially if you’re going against me of all ghouls! Nishishi~!”
Kiibo regarded the devil with an inquisitive look before nodding. “I…suppose a few games won’t hurt. What games do you have in mind?”
Ouma’s eyes sparkled brightly as he got out of his seat, “A lot! Come on!”
It was an unusual friendship between an icon who spreads cheer, and an icon who spreads fear.
Ouma impatiently tapped his fingers on the table.
It has been a year and a half, and Kiibo hasn’t dropped by his place like he usually would.
Ripples started appearing on the pond just beyond his porch as a short and half-eaten man emerged from it. A piranha was hanging precariously from one of his ribs as he trudged his way towards the devil. “What is it?”
“Did I do something to scare Kiiboy away?” Ouma’s brows furrowed. “I’m not too sure if I did.”
“…Kiiboy? Don’t know who that is,” the shorter male moved to sit on the porch stairs.
“Oh, right,” the devil moved to lean against his seat. “…I meant Santa. I’m asking you since all you do is float around in your pond so maybe you noticed something I somehow didn’t.”
“Ah, the newbie,” the boney man mused before tossing the piranha back into the pond. “Not really. Pretty sure the guy’s used to you being you. Seems at home in Halloween Town too. What a weird one.”
“Right? That’s what I thought too,” Ouma frowned, tapping his fingers against the table a little louder. “This happened for a couple of weeks when we first met after I scared him on the first day. But it doesn’t make sense why he suddenly decided not to come see me, now!”
“How about you go and see him for a change?” Hoshi shrugged. “If he can find the time to visit you, then surely you can do the same for him. If you still can’t get your head wrapped around it, then you still have a ways to go, Pumpkin King.”
Ouma paused from his tapping to think. “…I’ll think about it.”
The shorter man nodded as he got up from his seat on the stairs. “If there’s nothing more to talk about, I’m heading back to my place.”
“There’s nothing more~ You can go back,” Ouma waved a hand, his tail whipped against the floor as he did so. Once his companion disappeared back into the pond, the devil slumped over his table. Far too bored without his usual tea time companion. “…Mmm…I guess it’s about time I pay the old man a visit.”
He slipped out of his seat and stretched his limbs with a pop before leaving his abode.
“Enter Christmas Town?!” Jack gasped. “Haven’t I forbidden you to entertain such a thought?”
“I know, I know,” Ouma grumbled, stuffing an ear with a finger. “You already told me that story for like a hundred times–I know what happened.”
Jack paced across his living room, “I specifically instructed you to never set foot in Christmas Town to prevent history from repeating itself!”
“I’m not planning to go there and play Grinch, you know. I’m educated enough about Christmas to not kidnap him just for a taste of the holiday, you can thank Kii–I mean Santa, for that,” The devil’s tail flicked upwards as he shrugged. “There’s nothing to worry about. I only wanted to visit a friend.”
The skeletal man paused in his tracks, back straightening. “…A friend, you say?”
“And who exactly is this friend of yours?” Jack circled the shorter being.
“It’s Santa. I think that’s pretty obvious since I never left Halloween Town,” Ouma shrugged.
“Santa…!” Jack huffed in amusement. “I see, I see now. Santa. Your friend is Santa. I suppose it only makes sense…it has been snowing quite frequently in Halloween Town for the past year.”
“So…does that mean…?” the devil’s tail wagged with anticipation.
“Yes. I shall permit you to enter Christmas Town, no, I encourage you to do so!” Jack raised his arms with a flourish. “To befriend Santa…not even I had thought of such a possibility. However, you are only permitted to strengthen the good relations of Christmas Town and Halloween Town and nothing more. Understood?”
“I understand,” Ouma resisted the urge to grin. No way he’s going to do something as pathetic as smile in front of the former Pumpkin King.
“Good! I’ll have Zero guide you to Santa’s workshop,” Jack gave him a friendly pat on the back. “Now run along, my boy! Time’s a-wasting.”
–This was pretty much how the devil found himself walking through the forest with only his predecessor’s pet dog to guide him. Zero paused in his tracks and circled the devil once and tilted his head.
“Are you worried that I’m feeling cold?” Ouma found himself smiling.
The dog barked its affirmative with enthusiasm.
The raven-haired devil tapped the dog’s jack o’ lantern nose fondly. “Don’t worry. I’m used to it since Santa visited often. Thanks for worrying though, Zero.”
Zero barked once more and wagged his ghostly ‘tail’ before resuming his task as the tour guide.
They eventually left the dark forest home to his beloved Halloween Town, and ended up in a brighter forest surrounded with greater trees that were marked with symbols. He didn’t recognize any of the symbols except for one. One that his dear friend always brought along with him in the form of a sugary sweet tree.
“That must be Christmas Town, huh!” Ouma mused, grinning at the enthusiastic ghost dog. Without further ado, they entered the great tree bearing the symbol of an embellished Christmas Tree. Locating Santa’s workshop was a cinch with Zero’s guidance, which made the devil thankful of his predecessor’s foresight.
Ouma straightened his back before giving the door three knocks. What he didn’t expect to happen once the door opened was to have a midget scream in horror just from the mere sight of him and promptly slamming the door in his face.
“Well, I already knocked, so…” Ouma shrugged before opening a portal inside the workshop, whilst Zero simply floated through the door. He was met with more screaming by a hundred pointy-eared midgets.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!” the devil grinned, making sure to show them his too sharp teeth. “Now which one of you shall I eat first?”
An elf fainted, making the devil snicker.
“What’s with the ruckus?”
Ouma’s head perked up at the sound of his dear friend’s voice. “Kii–Santa~!”
“…Ouma? What are you…” the silver haired man waded through the crowd of quivering elves and approached the devil. “What brings you here?”
“Y-you know this m-monster, Mr. Claus?” Mikan stuttered.
Kiibo gave the elf a gentle pat on the head before redirecting his attention to the devil. “Well?”
“Is it so wrong for me to come visit my dearest friend?” Ouma’s tail flicked in a haughty manner. “It’s not like I was worried that I was left behind, for I don’t know…about a year and a half?”
Guilt struck the platinum blonde upon processing what his Halloween counterpart had just said. “I’m…sorry. I didn’t mean to stop visiting you. Especially with Mr. Skellington forbidding you from coming here…”
Ouma quirked a brow at his friend’s last statement. “So you knew about that, huh. I guess that’s why you were confident that I wouldn’t be able to look for you once you stopped dropping by. You knew that I keep all my promises, especially the one I made to the old man.
“And yet you’re here,” Kiibo murmured.
The devil shrugged, flashing the scared elves a toothy grin. “He let me go as soon as I said that I wanted to visit my friend. That’s you, by the way.”
The albino glanced at the elves surrounding them before grabbing the devil by the wrist. “Let’s take this somewhere private. Everyone, please take a break first.”
“Huh? W-will you be okay, Mr. Claus?” Mikan fidgeted in her place. “Shouldn’t you be resting too?”
Kiibo smiled, “Yes. I’ll just be spending my break with Ouma. If you’ll excuse us…” he began tugging the raven-haired devil to the direction of his office. Zero simply followed them from behind, dedicated to his task of watching over the Pumpkin King.
“…You look tired, Kiibo,” was the first thing the devil said as soon as the albino shut the door behind them.
“Is it really that obvious?” Kiibo blinked, pressing a hand against his cheek. “…I…didn’t mean to stop visiting you. Things have been quite hectic around here in Christmas Town as of late.”
Ouma quirked a brow at this, “Isn’t it always hectic? You’re delivering gifts to the whole world after all.”
The albino raked a hand through his hair. “It’s not just that…Something has been going on as of late…if you want to know what I mean, you can take a look at the scrolls on my desk.”
The devil glanced at the holiday icon before doing as he was told. “Oh? The Nice List. What about it?”
“Take a look at the Naughty List.”
Ouma reached for the aforesaid list and was astounded with how it outstretched all over the room like magic. “…Woah.”
Kiibo nodded, “The number of naughty children had significantly skyrocketed over the course of one year.”
“I don’t see the issue though. Don’t you give the naughty ones coal as part of your procedure?” Ouma rolled the scroll back and returned it to its rightful place atop his friend’s desk.
Kiibo pursed his lips before slipping out of his red coat and rolled his dress shirt’s sleeve upwards to reveal burn marks on his otherwise pristine white skin. Ouma tensed at the sight of the injury, eyeing his friend’s facial expression.
“Last year, a child was awake and caught me filling his sock with coal. He threw a fit, saying that he deserved a present just like any other child. He ended up tossing his mug full of hot chocolate at me,” the albino let out a dry laugh. “Afterwards he called me a sham, saying that I’m not the Santa he sees on television. And concluded that that’s why I ‘mistakenly’ gave him coal instead of a proper gift. I only got out of the situation thanks to the knockout dust Miu gave me beforehand. I was unable to move my arm properly after that night, but I’ve started regaining my usual mobility recently.”
Ouma’s features softened at the sight of the albino struggling to hold his tears back. He knew how much Kiibo adored his Santa, so he simply wanted to live up to his role and to make his predecessor proud. To be called a sham is…
“How many of these children hurt you?” Ouma schooled a more serious expression. Not pleased with the new information bestowed upon him at all.
“Ah, the others are quite manageable, they only set booby traps which are actually easy to avoid,” Kiibo rolled his sleeves downwards. “The child won’t remember about meeting me anyway; it’s one of the side-effects of the knockout dust.”
“That’s even worse,” Ouma clicked his tongue as he sauntered towards the albino, grabbing the latter’s right hand by the wrist. “It would only mean that something like this will happen to you again.”
Kiibo looked down, slowly tugging his hand of the devil’s hold. “…Then what do you want me to do? I can’t let something like this stop me from delivering presents. I don’t…I don’t want to become an even bigger failure than I–”
“Alright, shut up,” Ouma pressed a finger against the albino’s lips. “First of all, you didn’t fail. And second of all, who said anything about stopping your delivery?” He grinned.
Kiibo’s head perked up. “…What are you planning?”
The last thing he saw from the devil was his trademark smirk before what stood before him was no longer his friend but a carbon copy of himself.
“Relax, I’m not going to lock you up and steal your job. I’m just going to handle the naughty ones,” Ouma, despite taking on Santa’s appearance, retained his tail to make them easily distinguishable. “Naughty is my specialty, after all.” He winked.
“You’re not going to hurt them, are you…?” Kiibo’s brows knitted together in worry. “They may be naughty, but they’re still children! A devil like you–”
“You worry too much,” Ouma huffed. “The old man won’t let anyone hostile become his successor you know. If you can’t have faith in me, then at least have faith in my predecessor.”
Kiibo looked into the same clear blue eyes he had known all his life before nodding. “…No. I trust you. I’m sorry for doubting you just now.”
Ouma grinned, puffing his chest proudly. “You’re going to have to tell me how you do your thing though. Just so I’ll know where to draw the line.”
“Alright. But…can you…change back?” Kiibo rubbed an arm nervously. “It feels a little strange talking to myself.”
“Oh! Sure thing~” with a literal snap of his fingers, Ouma reverted back to his original appearance. “Anyway, educate me Santa.”
The albino huffed a laugh, finally able to relax after months of tense work. He should have visited his friend sooner instead of carrying all of the burden on his own. “Have a seat. This would take a while.”
                               X Ho Ho Ho X
A child armed with a nerf gun tiptoed his way to the living room, making sure he’s as low as possible so he wouldn’t get caught. He wanted to prove to his friends that he could handle staying up all night without fearing the consequences of Santa being upset with him. Besides, he had plenty of proof that his father was just playing the role to appease him. Or piss him off, considering the amount of coal he got over the years.
Sure enough, he saw a tall silhouette instead of the usually marketed image of Santa as a fat and jolly old man. It was definitely his father, he knew it! The child’s anger only worsened at the sight of his Christmas stocking getting filled with coal this year as well.
“You’re not Santa!” he yelled out as he went out of his hiding spot, aiming his toy gun at the man.
“…You’re right,” chuckled the man, back still turned towards the child.
The child froze. That didn’t sound like his father’s voice.
The man slowly turned around, revealing eyes that didn’t look like it belonged to a human, and the widest grin the child as ever seen. Horns slowly protruded out of the man’s head and a long tail flicked around excitedly. This was definitely not Santa.
“Santa doesn’t visit Naughty children. I do,” cackled the imposter. “They have the most delicious screams~!”
As soon as he said that, the entire room turned black. “Now….let me hear yours…!”
The child dropped his nerf gun in a panic and screamed as he ran away in the now endless hallway. He lived in an average house, usually his parents would come running as soon as they hear him scream. But no one is coming for him. Not his mom, not his dad, and certainly not Santa.
                      He’s going to get eaten alive.
Ouma let the chase continue for a moment before swiftly capturing the struggling child with his tail, snickering at the child’s fear-stricken face.
“N-no! No don’t eat me!”
“Naughty children get eaten, silly,” said Ouma in a sing-song manner as he surreptitiously fetched a small pouch from his pocket. He grabbed a handful of its contents and threw it at the child’s face, swiftly knocking him out. It was a modified knockout powder that didn’t have the side effect of memory loss. The child has to remember this fear for this to work, after all.
“E-excuse me, Mr. Devil? Are you finished now?”
“Mmm, Mikan, was it?” Ouma grabbed a gingerbread man from the tray before carrying the child back to his room.
“Y-yes, sir…”
“Yeah, I’m all done here. This one’s the last one on the list, yeah?” the devil grabbed the rest of the cookies as soon as he got back to the living room, stuffing them all inside his pockets. “Is Santa finished with his own work?”
“Y-yes! Daimon Masaru is the last one on your list, sir! A-and Mr. Claus already returned to the workshop. He’s waiting for you to come back t-too.”
“Okay! Thanks for the good work, Mikan~ I’ll be out of the chimney in a moment. Tell Santa to come pick me up for me, alright~?”
“W-will do!”
The devil easily climbed through the narrow chimney and sat on the roof as he waited for his friend to fetch him. He was in the middle of nibbling on a sugar cookie when he heard the sleigh’s tell-tale bells. He’s seen Kiibo ride the sleigh before since that’s how he travels to Halloween Town, but there was something magical about seeing his friend working in his natural habitat.
“Thanks for the good work,” was the first thing Kiibo tells him as soon as he lands the unexpectedly light sleigh on top of the Daimon household’s rooftop. “I hope it wasn’t too troublesome.”
“Not really. I’m a little disappointed actually, they’re much tamer than the brats I know back at home,” Ouma sighed. “At least I got some cookies out of it. It evens out~”
Kiibo chuckled as he helped the devil climb on the sleigh. “…I seriously can’t thank you enough for tonight.”
“Don’t sweat it. We’re friends, ya know?” Ouma shrugged. “Tell me next time. Don’t just suddenly stop visiting me without giving me a head’s up. That was mean.”
“Sorry, I really am,” the albino heaved out a sigh. “…How about you join us for some hot cocoa and marshmallow pie before I take you back home?”
Purple eyes sparkled at the offer. “Marshmallow pie? That’s a thing? I wanna try!!!”
Kiibo flashed him a smile, “Teruteru loves to experiment. I’m sure seeing your reaction to his food in person would make him happy.”
“Go, go! I wanna try it now!”
“Haha, alright, alright. Hold on tight.”
“Aye, aye!”
The sleigh took off into the night sky, leaving behind snowflakes and the sound of jingling bells as they laughed along their way to Santa’s–Kiibo’s workshop.
When Daimon Masaru returned to school, he felt chills run down his spine when his circle of friends all discussed the same demon that greeted him last Christmas. The biggest surprise was the fact that Monaca went to class walking with her own two feet. Apparently the monster destroyed her wheelchair during the chase. They all vowed to behave for the rest of their lives, fearing that the monster would come visit them again.
14 notes · View notes
Lost in Translation
Title: Lost in Translation
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Mckirk
Rating: i have recently been advised that i should use the “citrus scale” so... Lemon (eventually)
Tags: minor character death, hurt, little bit of self destruction, stranded, possible smut down the line
    “Attention citizens. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your aid. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship and into open space. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.” 
AO3 Link
Special Thanks: wanted to give a huge shout out to my girl Katie, AKA @goingknowherewastaken for being a huge inspiration for this fic as well as for being a huge help (especially when it comes to putting up with my frantic ramblings lol) you're awesome boo <3
A/N: So this is a work in progress but it’s basically finished and I’ve been making great headway with this recently, so this will be the first fic I’ve ever finished! Woohoo!! And I'm thinking that I’ll probably stick to a Sunday post schedule.
    Also a little note for y’all to keep in mind while reading. I have tagged this fic “possible eventual smut” and that’s because right now I don’t have any planned buuuuut… I'm going to leave that option up to you guys! Between the readers here and AO3, if you're still with me by the end of this fic, leave a comment and let me know if you would be interested in an epilogue or end scene with smut. I’ll post a reminder at the end, but keep it in mind while reading.
    And if anyone is interested in being tagged for future posts for this fic or any others I may post, please let me know and I’ll add you to the list! Thanks for reading <3
Chapter 5
    Leonard slammed a fist on his desk and ran the other hand down his face, ending the comm. He couldn’t take much more of this. If someone didn’t find Jim soon he was going to have some kind of nervous break down, in fact, he was surprised he hadn’t had one already.
    He decided to take himself up on that drink and left his office, not even giving a wave to anyone at the nurse’s station as he stalked past. He was on his way to his room when that old saying popped violently into his head, playing over and over again, “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone,” and hell if that weren’t true.
    He’d known Jim Kirk since the day he sat next to him on the shuttle in Riverside, and he’d be the last to admit that there had been something between them right from the get go, but now he wished he had. He’d spent years trying to convince himself that what he felt for the kid wasn’t anything more then friendship, but after a few close calls he started to realize that maybe he couldn’t keep up that charade for much longer. Now Jim was missing, and every emotion that he had tried for all those years to push down and ignore, because ain’t no way the kid would have feelings for a grumpy old man like him, came quickly flooding back to him, pushing him into a sort of self destructive spiral.
    It started slow. The first few nights Jim was missing he had spent them locked up in his room, trying to quell the frequent panic attacks that were suddenly plaguing him. Thoughts and visions filled his head of Jim dying in so many different ways. Jim floating in space, mangled in the shuttle crash, by infection, by dehydration or starvation… alone. The thoughts quickened his heart and tightened his chest, but no matter what he did he couldn’t vanquish the thought of Jim dying alone and without knowing what he should have told him years ago.
    He had hoped that throwing himself fully into the rescue efforts for Jim and the cadets would maybe help deter these thoughts, but it only made them worse. Each day he would join Spock, Nyota, and a few other members of their crew in mapping out different routes and possible locations. Only, when Leonard started seeing for himself what kinds of planets Jim could have landed on, he was sure one of his panic attacks would turn into a heart attack. As he stood motionless and silent in the ready room off the bridge, looking at pictures and listening to Spock talk about different planets along the shuttles possible routes, “volcanic planet,” “made up of 87.65% water,” “host to a race of hostile inhabitants,” and more, Leonard could hardly contain his very high, and quickly rising, level of anxiety.
    He managed to hide it fairly well during these meetings with Jim's rescue crew. Holding the emotions inside and saving his attacks for when he was in the privacy of his own room, alone, where he could drown his fears in a glass of bourbon. And that’s where it quickly went down hill, and fast. What started off as his usual one or two glasses a night, turned into three, then four, and eventually he found that even the entire bottle couldn’t stop the scenes from running through his mind.
    Now, eighteen days into searching for Jim and again coming up empty handed, he found himself sitting on his couch, having already emptied bottle number one, and half way through bottle number two. And even that didn’t seem to be enough tonight.
    “Lieutenants log, Stardate 2264.96. It has been eighteen days and still no sign of the captain or our missing cadets. I have sent out alerts in all areas of the quadrant in all native languages as well as several foreign ones, and still no one has reported seeing our missing shuttle or crew members...”
    Nyota sighed, running a hand down her face. She had been on the bridge for she didn’t know how long, composing alerts and translating them into as many languages as she knew in an attempt to find Jim, or at the very least have someone come forward with some information that could lead them in the right direction. At this point they were grasping at straws and practically guessing when it came to searching planets. They might as well have closed their eyes and thrown a dart at a map. They had no idea where the shuttle had even gone, and no one in this entire quadrant seemed to know either.
    She ended her comm and turned back to the screen where she was working on her latest translation. The bridge had been quiet all shift, everyone solely focused on finding their missing captain and crew.
    She heard the rush of air as the turbo lift doors opened and closed, and heard the footsteps as they walked steadily across the bridge and stopped behind her. Though she didn’t turn around and instead continued her work.
    A gentle hand touched her shoulder, an attempt to gain her attention. “Lieutenant,” the steady voice of their acting captain broke through the silence, “have you been here for both shifts?”
    She turned to face Spock, realizing now that the bridge crew behind him were not the faces her usual shift crew. Quickly turning back to her screen and looking at the time she sighed and slumped back in her chair, “Yeah, I guess I have.”
    Spock leaned over her slightly, looking at the screen, “Are you sending out another alert about the captain and the cadets?”
    “How many have you sent out?”
    “Not including the thirteen native languages of this quadrant…” she thought for a moment, “this will be the eighth.”
    “What language?”
    “This one’s in Klingon.”
    “May I?” She gestured to the screen and pushed her chair to the side so Spock could better view the message. He leaned fully forwards and began reading the text, “Attention Klingon citizens in the Omarian quadrant. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your help. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.”
    When he finished reading the passage, he backed away and turned to her, hands folded behind his back, “Do you think the Klingons would help us if they did hold information pertinent to the captain’s rescue?”
    She shrugged, “It’s worth a shot at this point. So far everything else has been a bust.”
    “You do have a point, Lieutenant.” She nodded in response and Spock watched as her head slowly began to fall into her chest. He placed his hand on her shoulder again, jolting her from her half asleep state, “Come, Lieutenant, you must rest. If any information is discovered I will contact you immediately.”
    “No,” she said as she stood from the chair and Spock began gently guiding her towards the lift, “Spock, I have a few more languages I wanted to translate that message into. Just-”
    “Nyota,” he stopped her with a hard look, “we will be no help to Jim, the missing cadets, or the rest of the crew if we are not well rested. Get some rest and we can continue the translations tomorrow.”
    “Yeah,” she nodded, getting into the lift, “you're right. I’ll be here tomorrow morning to continue the translations.”
    Spock gave a nod as the doors closed and she ordered the lift to her deck. In seconds the lift doors opened again and she slowly made way to her room. She was just about there when a familiar blonde head of hair came towards her from down the hall.
    “Christine, what are you doing up so late?”
    “Emergency surgery on one of the engineering crew,” she huffed a breath and rubbed her already red eyes, “I was actually already off shift and in bed when M’benga called me in to help.”
    “Doesn’t doctor McCoy usually take the reigns on these kinds of things?” She quirked a brow and crossed her arms, “At the very least he's usually present during the surgery.”
    “That’s just the thing,” she shrugged, “no ones been able to get him on comms. He left the sickbay around noon without telling anyone and no ones heard from him all day.”
    “That’s odd.”
    Christine rubbed a hand up her arm, shifting slightly closer to whisper to Nyota, “I'm worried about him, Ny,” she stepped back, not sure if she should disclose this next bit of information to a lieutenant, but she needed to tell someone and she didn’t think that someone should be Spock, considering his track record with Leonard, “I keep finding empty bottles of alcohol all over his office, he's leaving shift early, I don’t think he's done a surgery or even an exam on anyone in weeks, he won’t talk to anyone, spends most of his time in his office gaping at those maps. I know this all has to do with Jim going missing, and believe me we are all feeling the loss right now, but I'm afraid he's spiralling into something he won’t be able to pull himself out of and soon it might… it might get really bad if someone doesn’t pull him out.”
    “You’re right,” she nodded, “what's his room number? I’ll check on him.”
    Christine pulled up the padd in her hand and tapped away for a second before looking back to Nyota, “Room, 226.”
    “Ok, I'm on my way,” she turned to head back to the lift before calling out, “I’ll comm you when I’ve got him.”
    Nyota arrived at room 226, the room of her good friend Doctor Leonard McCoy. She knocked and waited, looking around the deserted hallway. It was long past midnight and the ship was eerily quite as she waited. When she heard no answer or rousing from the other side she knocked again, this time shouting, “Leonard, I know you’re in there, please let me in. I know this change in you is because of Jim but we can talk it out, just open the door. People are worried about you.”
    Still no one answered and she would admit that she was starting to get worried too. She took another look around the halls, making sure she was still alone, before quickly hacking into the lock pad beside Len’s door and breaking in.
    She entered to the room in complete darkness. She closed the door behind her and called out for Len but again there was no answer. She ordered the computer to turn the lights on and gasped when she was finally able to see. And what she was met with was a room full of countless empty bottles, a passed out doctor on the floor in front of the couch, and a bottle of half empty bourbon slowly leaking in his hand.
    She ran over to him, turning him over and taking his face in her hands shaking him gently, “Leonard, wake up!”
    When all she got in response was a groan and a still unconscious Leonard, she grabbed her comm and called Christine.
    “Uhora!” Christine’s voice came through the comm, “Did you talk to Leonard?”
    “Not exactly,” she grunted as she hauled the limp doctor off the floor and slung his arm over her shoulder, “meet me back in sickbay, find an empty room and prep a bed for me. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
    Before anything else could be said she ended the call and began dragging Leonard across the room and slowly down the hall. He was no help to her at all, only grunting in protest at the upright position and occasionally shuffling his feet and throwing them both off balance. And after what seemed like a life time they finally made it to the lift that would take them to Christine.
    When she had first laid eyes on Leonard lying lifeless on the floor, her first thought was to call Spock. He was after all, their acting captain in Jim's stead, but when rethinking that strategy she decided against it. Spock and the doctor did not have the best past and she could only imagine the fight that would ensue when Spock found out that his chief medical officer had nearly drank himself into a coma. And with Jim being gone and tensions already on the rise, she was sure it would most likely end in a blood bath. Instead she decided it best to keep this incident quiet and leave Len in the trustworthy hands of nurse Chapel.
    When the lift door opened Christine was already there waiting for them, eyes blowing wide upon seeing the limp state of Leonard hanging off uhora’s shoulder. She quickly ran inside the lift taking up Len’s other side and lead them all to the room she had prepped in the far back of the sick bay.
    They landed Leonard on the bed and shaded the windows before closing the door, leaving the three alone.
    “What happened?!” Christine instantly began scanning Leonard, checking all vitals while waiting for an explanation.
    Uhora sighed, running a hand through her hair before answering, “Jim still missing has clearly put a strain on all of us in many different ways. I found him passed out in his room surrounded by empty bourbon bottles. I can’t even begin to guess how many bottles he drank before he passed out.”
    Chapel ran a scanner over him, eyes on her padd. “He’s lucky you found him and not someone else.”
    “Those were my thoughts exactly,” she nodded, “I thought about calling Spock for help but I thought maybe it would be best to keep this quiet.”
    “You’re probably right.” She pulled the scanner away, placing it back in her pocket and put the padd on the bedside table before turning to Uhora, “He’ll be fine. Nothing I can’t fix with a few good hypos.”
    Uhora smirked, crossing her arms and standing, “I’ll be back in the morning to talk to him when he’s more himself, so don’t let him leave this room until I get here.” Chapel nodded, “And you should get some sleep too, Christine. Don’t let this fool keep you up all night.”
    “I will. Good night, Nyota.”
    “Good night.”
    For the first time in a long time Leonard woke up to a blinding headache. His eyes were so heavy and sore they didn’t even want to open, and sitting up was definitely not going to happen right now.
    He ran a shaking hand down his face trying to remember what happened. He remembered making it to his room, then soon after receiving a comm from Spock informing him that the mission had yet again been a failure, and they would have to move on to another planet to search for Jim. Next thing, he had a bottle of bourbon in his hand and the rest is a haze.
    Though he didn’t remember what happened he was sure he could put two and two together and figure it out, but how he had ended up in the sickbay would remain a mystery.
    As he rifled through his jumbled thoughts for an answer the door opened, letting in a little too much light for his over sensitive eyes, and he shot a hand up to cover them.
    “Oh, is that too bright for you?” A woman's voice hit his ears and he groaned in response, “I'm sorry, let me just open it a little more then. Or how about I do you one better. Computer, lights one hundred percent!”
    As more light flooded the room Leonard hissed and rolled onto his side, which was a horrible idea as he felt his stomach lurch with the motion. Though he was far too stubborn to blow his stomach contents, and also not willing to stand to run to the bathroom, and forced himself to get over the sudden wave of nausea.
    He let out one more groan as his stomach screamed at him, along with his liver, and he slit his eyes open just enough to see a familiar figure standing before him, arms crossed. “Uhora. What are you doing here? And why am I here?”
    “You don’t remember?” She spat, walking closer to him, “I had to drag your dumb ass here after I found you passed out on your floor last night! I had to pull Chapel out of her room after she already worked a double and assisted on an emergency surgery because you were nowhere to be found, just so she could save your sorry hide from dying of alcohol poisoning!”
    Yep, it was just as he had suspected. He clutched his stomach as another wave of nausea hit him and he looked up at her, “Look, Uhora, I-”
    She raised a hand to stop him, “I don’t even want to hear your lame excuse Leonard. I had every intention of coming in here this morning and being as sympathetic as I could, but I couldn’t do it. I know your situation is slightly different then the rest of us, but you're not the only one who’s effected by Jim's absence!”
    His brows furrowed and he pulled himself up in the bed to sit up slightly, “What do you mean my situation is different?”
    She met his confused eyes with ones filled with pity. “Leonard, I know how you feel about Jim, I think everyone knows.”
    “How I feel about him?”
    She moved to sit on the edge of the bed facing him, all sternness replaced with the sympathy she spoke of before as she placed a hand on his shoulder, “The two of you were made for each other. I’ve seen the way you look at him, and how he looks at you, I’ve seen the way you act around each other and I know it’s more then merely friendship between you. But Leonard, you have got to pull yourself together. Jim is out there somewhere, along with fourteen other cadets who all need our help. No doubt when we find them they are going to need their chief medical officer in top condition to patch them up, and Jim is surely going to need his Bones just the same way.” He laid his head heavily back on the bed, letting it all sink in as she continued, “If you love him as much as I know you do, you'll sober up and get ready for when we do find him. And when he does get back, you should probably do something about that unspoken bond between the two of you. If this is anything to learn from, it’s that our lives are too dangerous and unpredictable to wait until it’s too late.”
    She gave his arm a pat and left him alone to wallow in her words. He sighed, thinking over what she had said and decided that as always, Uhora was right… about everything.
    He rolled to his side again and searched the room for his comm finding it on top of his shoes beside the bed. He grabbed it and rolled to his back, holding the comm in front of his face, before taking a deep breath and speaking as calmly as he could. “CMO’s log, stardate 2264.97. It’s… it’s day nineteen now in our search for the captain, and I won’t lie… I am struggling with his absence. After some much needed words of wisdom from Lieutenant Uhora I’ve come to realize some things, or rather finally come to fully accept them. All I’ve got to say is we better find you soon, Jim, and we better find you alive, cuz I’ve got a lot to say to you kid… a whole hell of a lot.”
A/N: A very Leonard heavy chapter XD And I hope y’all are still enjoying this despite the horrible things I do to our boys, but I promise there are some good times ahead! As always let me know if you would like to be tagged, and thanks for reading <3 Tags: @goingknowherewastaken @bi-e-ne @weresilver-in-space @medicatemedrmccoy @reading-in-moonlight @resistance-is-futile81 @0dannyphantom0 @haveyouseenmymind @jimboy-mccoy @flaminglupine
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babybarrie · 6 years
Imagine jamming out to “Spooky Scary Skeletons” in the bunker while decorating for Halloween before the boys come home.
Buuuuut...They walk through the door right as your really getting into it.
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Even though Sam and Dean aren’t big on Halloween since well... I think we all can assume why, being hunters and all. You decided to decorate some of the bunker with little lights and a few trinkets here and there. Not too much to be over the top but enough to give off a nice Halloween vibe. Hoping to surprise them when they get home from a hunt, you got up decently early that day to get to work around the place. 
Starting with the entryway, you hang up some orange and purple lights around the front door and down the railings. Making sure that none of the lights are in hazardous places, you move onto laying out some small plastic pumpkins on tables and hanging adorable paper bat and jack-o-lantern cutouts on the doors. Once you finished that, you go to the library and begin to hang some more lights, this time you decided to go with cute pumpkin lights. Wanting to give the library a more warm feel to it, you station some wicker pumpkins with fairy lights and fake fall leaves. Adding some cozy looking throw blankets to a few of the chairs and switching the table lamps for some friendly ghost lanterns.
Like you planned, you didn’t want to go all out and decorate too much so you stuck with adding some more lights about the bunker where all of you usually passed by. You choose to give both Sammy and Dean cute, retro hang up masks on their bedroom doors. You gave Sam a smiling Franken Stein, Dean a whining swamp monster, and yourself a winking mummy. From there, you went to the kitchen to add a bowl of candy, mini plastic pumpkin buckets with tea lights in them, a few more paper cut outs and of course, fake blood splatter stickers to the fridge. At this point it was a bit past lunch time, so you got up and started making a quick meal. You also considered making a pie for Dean so you got to making the crust, filling, and then popping it into the oven to bake while you finished up decorating.
Halfway through your last efforts, you decided to pump yourself up by listening to some music. You went to your room to grab your portable speaker (Bless Sammy for this gift) and put it on top of the lit up map. Connecting it to your phone, you searched on youtube for a fun, Halloween music mix. Deciding on one you went back to work as "This is Halloween" came on.
"I'm telling you, Sammy, that chick was giving you the Fuck me eyes."
"Yeah well, you seemed eager to come back home...For some reason..." Sam smirked as he stepped out from the passenger side. Dean glared at him.
"And who am I to say no to my love-struck brother?" Sam shrugged
"Love-struck?! I'm not love-struck! Who would I even be in love with?" Dean huffs as they both grab their bags from the back seats and head to the front door
“Well, why don’t you tell me Mr. I-hide-my-feelings-from-Y/N.” Right as he says that Dean opens the door to hear music blasting through. Both of them surprised to see the decorations, lights, and other objects. They became even more surprised when they hear,
"SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS SEND SHIVERS DOWN YOUR SPINE!" You bellow out as you shake your hands and hips. Doing an odd version of the Charleston.
Sam and Dean give each other a look and move to go see what you're doing. And boy, are they amused by what they see in the library. You’re shaking your head around with your eyes closed and just swinging. Not having a care in the world and not knowing that the only two men in your life have come home and are now just grinning at the show you’re putting on. 
You pull off a few more swing dance moves before the song ends. Utterly tired but satisfied with your little jam, you let out a huff of breath and just giggle with childlike happiness. But your glee is cut short when you open your eyes and turn around to see the brothers just leaning against both doorway frames with a look that could only mean future teasing and them never letting you live this moment down.
“Oh, don’t stop on our account.” Dean chuckled
“H-how long..?” you asked, near breathless
“Oh, we just got home. The decorations look nice Y/N, it seems like you had some fun putting them up. Or maybe you had more fun getting all footloose.” Sam smiled
“I’ll say! She was just all over the place with her dancing! If you even want to call it that.” Dean laughs
You stuttered trying to come up with some sort of response. You felt just like Dean when he can’t think of a sassy enough come back.
“I..Uh...Mmmmm...Well if you guys are just gonna tease me then I guess no pie for either of you!” You stomped past them to get your speaker and head to the kitchen. 
“You made pie..? Wait no! Sweetheart, I take back what I said! I’m sorry! Please don’t eat all the pie! Y/N!” Dean called, rushing to catch up to you.
Oh this was gonna be a fun Halloween for everyone.
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