#buy used transmission online
used-engine-inc · 1 year
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lotus-tower · 8 months
The Swiss Cheese Model of Covid Prevention
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An edited version of the swiss cheese model tailored towards the measures that you as an individual can take to minimize your risk of infection. Public health is ultimately what its name implies, public, but that doesn't mean you're powerless.
Covid prevention is not all-or-nothing. Think of it as risk reduction, rather than a binary.
Let's go through these step by step.
The current vaccines are meant primarily to reduce chances of severe illness, hospitalization, and death. They will reduce your chance of infection a bit--but not nearly as much as you might think. You should still get your boosters regularly, because avoiding severe illness is of course worth doing.
If you haven't gotten the updated monovalent vaccine yet, go get it. It is not a booster. Think of it as a new vaccine. It's targeted towards the XBB lineages, which are now the most common variants. Your last boosters were likely of the bivalent type, aimed at both the original Covid strain from 2020 and Omicron. The new vaccine is monovalent, meaning it targets one family in particular.
Some studies suggest that the Novavax vaccine, which is a more traditional protein-based vaccine, is more effective and safer than mRNA vaccines, and offers better protection against future variants. Of course, the data we have so far isn't 100% conclusive (the last paper I linked is a preprint). Make of these findings what you will, just something to keep in mind. The new Novavax vaccine's availability is still limited, especially outside of the US.
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Masking is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. While it is true that masking and reducing Covid transmission protects those around you, the idea that masks can't protect the wearer is outdated information from the early days of the pandemic when medical authorities refused to acknowledge that Covid is airborne.
The key to protecting yourself is to wear a well-fitting respirator. You want to minimize any gaps where air might leak out. If your glasses get fogged up, that's a sign that air is leaking.
Headbands will always have a tighter fit than earloop masks (and therefore provide better protection). However, you can use earloop extenders to improve the fit of earloop masks. You can find these online. Your comfort in wearing a mask is important, but there are options for compromise.
The above graphic doesn't include elastomeric respirators. While some (like the Flo Mask) are expensive, they can be much more affordable than buying disposables--look for P100 respirators at your local hardware store, but make sure it fits your face well.
For more general information, see this FAQ. For mask recommendations (NA-centric, sorry!), see my list here or Mask Nerd's YouTube channel.
For situations where you need to hydrate but don't want to take your mask off, consider the SIP valve.
Not even N95s are foolproof (N95 means it filters at least 95% of particles--with the other 5% potentially reaching you). Most people will likely not have a perfect fit. There will be situations where you'll have to take your mask off. The key is risk reduction, and that's why the Swiss cheese model is crucial.
If you can't afford high-quality masks, look for a local mask bloc or other organization that gives out free masks. Project N95 has unfortunately shut down. In Canada, there's donatemask.ca.
This is rather self-explanatory. Indoor transmission is much, much, much more likely than outdoor transmission. If it's possible to move an activity outdoors instead, consider doing so.
If possible, try going to places like stores or the post office during less busy hours.
Viral particles can stay in the air for a considerable amount of time even after the person who expelled them has left. Do not take off your mask just because no one is currently present, if you know that it was previously crowded.
A CO2 monitor is a decent proxy for how many viral particles may have accumulated in the air around you. The gold standard is the Aranet4, but it's expensive, so here are some more affordable alternatives.
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Ventilation is effective for the same reason that outdoors is safer than indoors. If it's warm enough, keep windows open whenever possible. If it's cold, even cracking them open occasionally is better than nothing. Try to open windows or doors on different sides of a room to maximize airflow.
HEPA air filters can significantly reduce viral transmission indoors. Make sure to find one suitable for the room size, and replace the filters regularly. You want to look for devices with HEPA-13 filters.
You can use websites like these to calculate how long it takes for a device to change all the air in a room. Remember what I said about viral particles being able to hang around even after people have left? If an air purifier provides 2 air changes per hour, that means that after 30 minutes, any potential viral particles should be gone.
If you can't afford a commercial air filter, here's a useful DIY filter you can make with relatively simple materials. The filtration capacity is great--but due to being built with duct tape, replacing filters will be a challenge.
If you have to hold meetings or meet with people at work, having a smaller filter on the desk between you will also reduce chances of infection.
As a bonus, HEPA filters will also filter out other things like dust and allergens!
Viral load refers to the amount of virus in a person's blood. If you've been exposed to someone with Covid, how much you've been exposed matters.
You might escape infection if the viral load you've been exposed to is very small. Or, even if you get infected, there will be less virus in you overall, leading to milder illness--and crucially, a lower chance of the virus penetrating deep into your body, creating reservoirs in your organs and wreaking long-term havoc.
A low viral load is also less contagious.
This is the same reason that wearing your mask most of the time, but having to take it off for eating, is still much better than not wearing your mask at all.
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You might attract some odd looks. But if you're at high risk or just want to be as protected as possible, small portable air filters can help. Try to find models small enough to take with you on public transportation, to school, or while traveling.
These devices will be far too small to clean the air in the whole room. The goal is to have it filter air in your immediate vicinity. Be sure to angle the device so that the air is blowing in your face.
Unfortunately, rechargeable devices are much rarer and harder to find than normal air filters, and many are also expensive.
The best option at the moment, apart from DIY (which is possible, but you need to know what you're doing), seems to be the SmartAir QT3. The size and shape are a bit clunky, but it fits in a backpack. Its battery life isn't long, but it can be supplemented with a power bank.
There's some research that suggests that some nasal sprays may be effective in reducing risk of infection by interfering with viruses' ability to bind to your cells.
These sprays are generally affordable, easy to find, and safe. The key ingredient is carrageenan, which is extracted from seaweed. So there are no potential risks or side effects.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Here's a video on how to properly use nasal sprays if you've never used them before.
Covixyl is another type of nasal spray that uses a different key ingredient, ethyl lauroyl arginate HCI. It also aims to disrupt viruses' ability to bind to cell walls. Unfortunately, I think it's difficult to obtain outside of the US.
None of the methods listed here are foolproof on their own. But by layering them, you can drastically reduce your chances of infection.
The most important layers, by far, are masking and air quality. But you should also stay conscientious when engaging with those layers. Don't let yourself become complacent with rules of thumb, and allow yourself to assess risk and make thought out decisions when situations arise where you might have to take off your mask or enter a high-risk indoor area, such as a hospital.
Remember that the goal is risk reduction. It's impossible to live risk-free, because we live among countless other people. But you can use knowledge and tools to keep yourself as safe as possible.
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communistkenobi · 4 months
something I’ve been thinking about is like, the internet is this magical system of technologies, never before seen in human history, and one of its capabilities is to answer virtually any question you ask of it. Which is not even remotely a novel observation obviously lol. But I’m thinking about this in the context of a point that Adorno & Horkheimer made (in The Culture Industry I think?) about the radio: that to expedience the radio, to live in a social context where there is this vast incomprehensible system of technological infrastructure that you do not understand or control, and which allows you, a mere peasant, to listen to news broadcasts, music, and advertisements, is effectively like listening to the voice of god. Like the average person’s relationship to modern telecommunications is so mystifying, incomprehensible, and abstract that we experience technologies like the radio as an all-powerful, indestructible authority, and this (obviously) shapes our relationship to the information that is shared through it. People make jokes on here about how transmission towers are angels, but like tbh that is essentially how we experience them - vast, incomprehensible, highly dangerous objects whose impact on our lives are at once all-consuming and unknowable. We do not just turn on the radio and listen to the news, we tune into what the voice of god has to say today - right now he’s selling toilet cleanser!
and all that to say, I always find something a bit incomplete about discussions about wilful ignorance online - that we live in an age of mass information and yet people still seem as ignorant as feudal peasants, or whatever. Nobody googles things, nobody tries to branch out and experience new kinds of art, nobody educates themselves on important topics they don’t understand. and like this frustration is very real and well taken, I feel it frequently, but what I’m grappling with is whether this is the correct framing - that maybe “why don’t people just google things” is the wrong question to ask, because I tend to find the explanations offered unsatisfactory. Like specifically I’m thinking of discussions on here that are about like, “anti-intellectualism”, kids these days are so ignorant even though they grew up with the internet, reading comprehension is piss poor, and so on. Recently I’ve seen a lot of weirdly moral-panicky posts about children not knowing how to type on computers because back in my day we were forced to learn how to touch-type by age 8 even though we couldn’t look up any tutorials on YouTube to help us, etc etc. And like I just do not buy that people are individually choosing to be ignorant, that people are “getting dumber,” and that this state of getting dumber is inversely related to the amount of information we have access to (which makes “getting dumber” even more dumb). An unstated assumption that goes into a lot of these “anti-intellectualism” discussions is that “information” is this universal object that has a standardised enlightening effect on the people who interact with it - that the only reason to have an ignorant, sheltered, or ill-formed opinion on something is because you have individually chosen not to Look At Information that will cure you of your ignorance. And so going back to the god radio thing, having regular access to the google search bar is not just having access to an encyclopaedia or dictionary - it is like having a direct line of communication to god, this authority that can answer any question you ask of it. But it’s not just one answer, it’s many answers, more answers than you could ever possibly read through. Google reports the number of hits it returns for whatever you type in - you will regularly get millions of answers to your question. And these answers are embedded with advertisements, just as radio news broadcasts are. Like if god is selling you toilet cleanser while telling you the number for a suicide hotline or news about what’s happening in the world, how do you psychologically deal with that, how is your relationship to capital-I Information shaped by this relationship?
The corollary to “we live in an age of mass information” is “we live in an age of mass misinformation,” but they both show up as answers on google (again, not a novel observation). but in the face of that how do you not simply stop asking questions? & of course this decision to stop asking questions is given form and substance by social circumstance, it reinforces systemic privileges and violences, and so this decision is not one free from consequence, and in many cases it is not an innocent decision. a white person deciding not to read the news because it’s too hard to figure out what is happening/too frightening/etc has the consequence of reinforcing the white supremacist outlook that is foundational to the social context of white people because they’re not reading anything that challenges that outlook. ignorance has many social contexts and many of them are violent. etc. like the consequence of “why does nobody google anything” is just a continuation of the status quo, just with this supposedly glaring and easy fix to it (simply google it). but that just leads us back to a discourse of individual choice, of people individually choosing not to “google shit.” it is a deeply individual fix to a systematic social problem. and so maybe the question is not, why doesn’t anyone google shit, but rather, why is the primary delivery system of knowledge a god that sells you toilet cleanser 
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campbyler · 8 months
if i may ask, i am v curious when the party got their cars/how long theyve had them
ella i hope you don't hate me from harboring this ask since the end of august bc i really did mean to answer it sooner. i love u mwah.
mike: some of the lore surrounding the mustang has now been revealed through chapter 9.1, but to reiterate for the purpose of this ask: mike really wanted to get a car with manual transmission, and wanted something used so it could be a purchase he made himself. he did a lot of research online and in person before finding the mustang, which he did think was a little gaudy, but to me he's also a pretty big car buff and likes a lot of classic models -- no matter anyone's feelings on mustangs as a whole, it is a very iconic car with a lot of history, so mike definitely appreciates that a lot. he had nancy co-sign but he paid for everything himself! as of acswy, he's had it for just over a year!
will: will's car is also used, and also something he (mostly) paid for by himself! originally he was going to inherit jonathan's car but like in the show, it died. rip. but hopper Knows A Guy who works on and then sells a lot of used cars and that's who they ended up buying will's car from. he got it when he turned 17 for around ~$2500 since hop's friend cut them a deal, and he paid for Most of that himself (using money he's saved up from camp and the part-time job he had during the school year when he was in hs) and hop and joyce covered the rest. that said, will does pay them back on a monthly basis and pays for his own gas and insurance, so to him they didn't help at all (even tho they helped more than mike's parents did lol). by the start of acswy, he's paid his parents back in full and now just worries about the insurance payments.
lucas: lucas's parents and smart and invest and told their beautiful talented son that if he worked hard and got good grades they would buy him a car for graduation. so he did. and then also got a full ride scholarship to uconn to play basketball and his parents said oh ok slay boy. thanks so much. so since they are saving on a LOOOT of tuition and room and board fees they said we will get you a nice car. and lucas said bet, hellcat? and his mom said ABSOLUTELY NOT and his dad said ABSOLUTELY. mike was fuming btw. if you care.
max: tbh we haven't so super fleshed out a lot of max's family lore so i'd have to consult w suni re: current arrangements BUT 2 me max shares her car w her mom. i think her mom works from home and when she needs to go somewhere uses max's step dad's car just so that max can have some extra freedom. it's also my headcanon that max is the oldest in the friend group so she got her license first and was will and el's designated chauffeur for a while <3
el: el Just got her car and license before the start of acswy! i think she's the youngest in the party and she had will and max to drive her places so there was truly no need to get her license or car until now, plus i think she had some driving anxiety. she also got her car thru hop's friend but it was a little more expensive than will's since it's a bit newer and a nicer model, but she's had more time to save up for it! she mostly got one because she wanted to be able to have something to drive back at school, and also because she's more willing to admit than will is that the cobalt is not going to last super long, so one of them needs to have a car lol.
dustin: dustin got his car from his mom when she upgraded to a new one and while most people would complain dustin said FUCK YEAH because he loves his mom's car and also didn't have to spend a single dime on it lol. i think he got it when he was 17 as well so he also drove lucas and mike around for a bit before they got their cars as part of the indy crew!
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jtargaryen18 · 10 months
Snow (Hounds of Hell MC 2)
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Available today from my publisher, Changeling Press. The sequel to Hounds of Hell MC: Hero and the second in the series.
Santa shouldn't be all muscles and tattoos and I shouldn't be daydreaming about sitting on his lap.
Emily -- Most wonderful time of the year? Yeah, right. Business isn’t booming at my bakery this Christmas and I’m behind on my business loan. And if that weren’t enough, my SUV’s transmission is dying, my ex is in town for the holidays, and our regular Santa broke his leg and can’t make it for the annual children’s Christmas party. Somehow, we’ve ended up with a biker playing Santa Claus this year and I think he’s the wrong man for the job. Santa shouldn’t have all those muscles and tattoos. And I shouldn’t be daydreaming about sitting in Santa’s lap.
Snow -- I’m not a man with a sweet tooth -- at least I wasn’t until now. If I’d known about the gorgeous little baker, I’d have snatched her up years ago. The little lady has a lot of problems this holiday season. For her, I’ll play Santa Claus for the kids, and her ex will wish he got a lump of coal in his stocking when I’m done with him. Emily will have a good Christmas. I guaran-damn-tee it.
Get it here from Changeling Press. Use discount code SNOW1223 to get 10% off.
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Snow will be available from all online stores next week on 12/15/23 if you prefer buying from your favorite seller.
Thank you so much 💕🧑‍🎄❄️🎄
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
What would the world look like if the pandemic never ended, if Covid was causing widespread, long-term illness, and if all this was being covered up by the government?
You might expect to see record levels of sickness and disability. You might expect to see hard evidence that the ‘herd immunity’ plan failed, with children continuing to die at staggering rates. You might expect record numbers of absences in schools and workplaces, tons of canceled concerts and airline flights, more sudden/unexplained deaths in all age groups, and a rise in opportunistic infections (caused by damaged immune systems), like fungal infections or strep A. There would be a coordinated effort to hide data from the public to obscure the truth of the threat. Hospitalizations, cases, and transmission numbers would all be hidden or manipulated. The government probably wouldn’t try to hide the data all at once, because it would be easier to dismantle reporting over the course of several months or years.
Eventually, updates might cease altogether (despite rising cases). The CDC would likely have to hide death data as well. Powerful people with vested interests in keeping the economy running would probably engage in astroturfing online, spreading misinformation to convince the public the threat has passed (to get people back to work and boost corporate profits). The rich and powerful would continue to take precautions, while telling you everything’s fine. This would take a lot of effort, and there would have to be a pretty carefully-coordinated campaign to confuse (and wear down) the public. They might tell you repeatedly how much you shouldn’t be panicking. Hospitals might prioritize a sense of “normalcy” over infection control, so as not to be held (legally and financially) responsible for their role in the unfolding disaster.
The ruling class (who would have access to the truth of the situation) would use their knowledge of what’s coming to invest in long-term care facilities, nursing homes, disability services, and hospices. Some people would obviously figure out what’s going on (like scientists, for example) and start shouting about it from the rooftops. So you’d probably see extreme censorship measures happening on social media sites. As conditions worsen, government officials might start preparing the public to accept mass death, reassuring us that it will only happen to the ‘vulnerable.' Life insurance companies would take note and move accordingly, denying coverage to people suffering from Long Covid. Meanwhile, the scientific evidence would keep mounting.
We are still in a pandemic.
The pandemic is not over. Basically everything you have been led to believe about the virus is a lie. Covid is more dangerous, more transmissible, and more out of control than everyone in power is telling you. We are not back to normal. We are in freefall.
We were lied to at every step of the way. First we were told not to panic and to stay six feet apart. We were told not to panic, ordered by the surgeon general not to buy up face masks, which we were assured we wouldn’t need. Then, we were told to only wear masks if sick or caring for someone with symptoms. When we were all finally told to wear masks in April 2020, we were given bad information about which masks could keep us safe. Cloth and surgical masks do not protect against aerosols (respirators do). And we were told by the people in power these flimsy masks would keep us safe. This was a lie.
The lies that killed us
Documents show that the World Health Organization knew from the start that SARS-Cov-2 was airborne.  They knew that “[a]irflow and ventilation were identified as important factors influencing efficient spread in hospitals,” but did not provide ventilation guidance to the public for years. Instead, this information was withheld from the public; they told the world that Covid spread through droplet transmission and repeatedly insisted Covid was not airborne. Because WHO withheld this crucial information, people around the world did not take necessary airborne precautions, like wearing respirators instead of baggy surgical masks.
Images from the World Health Organization’s publications acknowledging airborne transmission of SARS, juxtaposed with their guidance to the public in 2020. Compiled by Maarten De Cock (@mdc_martinus) on Twitter.
When the vaccines were first made available in late 2020, many leaders and prominent experts told people that the shots would prevent transmission entirely. This was never true; vaccines provide some protection, but don’t stop transmission (and only slightly reduce your risk of Long Covid). Americans were told by the president that they had a choice: “vaxxed or masked,” leading many vaccinated people to stop masking.
Throughout 2021, Americans were told repeatedly that Covid was only a threat to the unvaccinated. The CDC confidently asserted through December 2021 that “Cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported, but remain rare.” While they were pushing this claim, the CDC was conveniently no longer reporting vaccination status alongside information on Covid deaths. (That information would remain hidden until April of 2022).
Once vaccinated people were getting sick with Covid in large numbers and the data could no longer be fully suppressed, the government told everyone that a vaccine plus a breakthrough infection would give you hybrid immunity. Experts declared that this form of ‘immunity’ would be the ticket to ending the pandemic. Then Omicron happened and cases skyrocketed.
The lies continued from there. We were told Omicron was somehow ‘milder,’ we were told that because nearly everyone got it, that we would finally reach population-level ‘immunity.’
But viruses do not automatically evolve to become milder. And Covid did not become milder; it became more insidious, more contagious, and more immune evasive. We now know it is neuroinvasive (even in cases with ‘mild’ acute symptoms), vascular, mass disabling, and far deadlier than what official totals have led us to believe. We know now that most transmission happens asymptomatically, and that reinfections are even more dangerous than initial infections. We know that at least one in ten infections leads to Long Covid, a debilitating neurological disease with no cure. We know this virus dysregulates immune systems, destroys T cells, and directly infects arteries in the heart. And as a result of all of this, we’re seeing unprecedented levels of sickness on a global scale.
We are living through an ongoing democide, being covered up in real time.
Hiding the bodies
The people in power have used every tool at their disposal to downplay, lie about, and cover up the truth of this pandemic. As the cases continued to rise (despite their assurances that things were under control), the US government took even greater steps to keep the public calm and unaware. They changed the way they calculated and shared information about community transmission, changing the scary-looking red map from a comforting green one overnight. The number of cases didn’t go down. But the green map gave people a false sense of belief that things were improving. The CDC called the new map system the Community Levels map. Most people mistakenly thought low Community Levels meant low community transmission, but this confusing system relied on hospitalizations, a lagging indicator.
After, and before. The mostly-green map on the left is dated March 10, 2022 and the map on the right is dated March 9, 2022.
In addition to changing the map, the CDC also made major changes to the ways that Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were tracked. The changes always served to ensure that totals were undercounted. The CDC was manipulating the data, sweeping bodies under the rug. But these changes were made gradually and largely without the public’s awareness. In January 2022, they moved to end daily Covid death reporting by hospitals; by February, they had officially done so. By March 2022, some US states started shutting down daily Covid death reporting altogether.
What the public did eventually hear via the news was that the numbers were trending down. ‘Hospitalizations are down,’ the news told everyone—neglecting to inform all of us of the changes the CDC made to its reporting that artificially deflated these totals in multiple ways.
Hiding the data was not enough to get everyone to accept continued, repeated infections. The government wanted all of us to believe that catching Covid repeatedly was unavoidable and the acceptable cost of keeping everything running. If people were able to avoid becoming repeatedly infected, this lie wouldn’t hold. So they changed the guidance for schools, saying that there was no longer a need for masks, testing, or quarantines. They changed the isolation guidelines so that infectious people were sent back to work after just five days (down from ten)—at the request of the CEO of Delta Airlines. They ended the mask mandates in healthcare and transportation. Allowing people longer absences from work would set a precedent for workers demanding regular sick leave; it was crucial to not let ten-day absences become the norm or the expectation.
Testing moved to the private market, and fewer and fewer people retained the ability to test themselves regularly. And the people who are testing are largely relying on at-home rapid tests—whose results are not being reported anywhere.
On top of all of this, the CDC director called masks the “scarlet letter” of the pandemic. Over and over, the messaging from leadership stated that masks were a burden, masks marked you as an outsider, masks were outdated. They created immense social pressure for people to stop masking. As long as people continued to wear masks in public spaces, the threat remained visible and on others’ minds. Pushing everyone to drop their masks was big business’s way of ensuring people believed the pandemic was over so that they would resume traveling, spending money, and stimulating the economy without reservations.
In August of this year, just three months after ending the global public health emergency, the World Health Organization went as far as to stop sharing Covid-19 Epidemiological Updates. When announcing this change, they stated that “reported cases do not accurately represent infection rates due to the reduction in testing and reporting globally.”
Now, wastewater data is the only accurate data we have left. This data shows the concentration of Covid in sewage wastewater samples from across the country (the virus is shed in our poop when we get sick). And this crucial data is also under threat. Biobot Analytics, the company that provided much of the US wastewater data, lost its contract with CDC NWSS this month. The new contract went to Verily, a company owned by Alphabet (Google’s parent company). The switch is leading to data gaps, as well as changes in sample processing and analysis that will make data from some sites no longer directly comparable with the sites covered by Biobot. Others have noted that, unlike Biobot, Verily offers “little in terms of comprehensible data in regional or national terms.”
Without accurate data on current cases, transmission rates, hospitalizations, and deaths, we have no way of knowing the full scope of the current crisis. Our house is on fire; alarms removed, the public sleeps.
Government mitigations
The government knows that the pandemic is not over. The US Department of Defense is investing in state-of-the-art wearables that can predict if wearers are getting sick. The devices use biometrics and predictive algorithms (trained on hospital-acquired data) to detect infectious diseases up to 48 hours before any symptoms appear. The wearables are part of the Rapid Assessment of Threat Exposure (RATE) project, which recently got $10 million worth of additional funds.  
Everyone who meets with President Joe Biden is PCR tested beforehand.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently confirmed that strict COVID-19 testing protocols remain in place, saying, "Anybody who meets with the president does indeed get tested." White House interns still have to agree to wear masks when asked.
When Biden gave a maskless speech last year at Richard Montgomery High School during a period of high Covid transmission, gym windows were removed to rig a temporary high-end ventilation setup. Parents at the school were outraged, and teachers took to Twitter to share photos of the air handling units. NALTIC Industrials called the setup “unprecedented.” Meanwhile, the US government continued to insist on the safety of America’s schools, telling parents to send their kids maskless to poorly-ventilated classrooms.
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galaxymagick · 6 months
240320 FLNK_official 🐦
2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] Global Online Streaming on FLNK! 켄 생일을 온콘으로도 함께 할 수 있는데…💛 🤵뵬빛 예신들… 내 고백 들을 준비 됐어…? ▶2024. 4. 7 (SUN) 7PM KST 🔗 https://flnk.io/shows/65fa89ad36a24c79b61a273c #빅스 #VIXX #켄 #KEN #이재환 #HAPPYKENDAY #749번째고백 #MyLove #MyDestiny #ONLINE #STREAMING #FLNK
You can celebrate Ken’s birthday through OnCon too…💛 🤵starlight prospective brides… are you ready to hear my confession…?
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2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] 4/7/2024, 7:00 PM, Asia/Seoul | KST (GMT+09:00)
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Browser: Chrome 70+, Safari 13.1.2+ Details 2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] Announcement of the participation event 💛
🎤 “Please recommend the right words for lyrics of a wedding song created by KEN and STARLIGHT~!!”
💌 "Please write Wedding Vows of you and KEN(LEE JAE HWAN) "
Date & Time: April 7 (Sun) 19:00 KST
Artist: KEN
Running Time: 100min
Ticket Sales: Mar 20 (Wed) 18:00 KST ~ Apr 7 (Sun) 20:00 KST
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workersolidarity · 1 year
China's push to hijack enemy satellites could be 'game over' for US, national security expert warns
Unlike the majority of journalists and commentators, I do not buy for one moment the official US media and govt's official story about the recent Pentagon Intelligence Leaks.
All this began when reports started popping up a few weeks ago about a US intelligence leak released on a discord server. These leaks purported to show intelligence on the Russo-Ukraine War, including troop concentrations and casualty counts that differed from public statements by officials.
Soon after the documents became public knowledge, the MSM media went into overdrive to uncover the leaker, literally doing the work of the FBI for them, with the NY Times and CIA news-front-organization Bellingcat tracing the leaks back to a 21 year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman named Jack Teixeira.
But how did a 21 year-old National Guardsman with a penchant for bragging on gaming discords get his hands on what appears to be high-level intelligence destined for high level officials including the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Well, we know some things about how the US conducts its security protocols with regards to Military technicians who edit and put together intelligence for the Pentagon.
For one, it is standard protocol to investigate and monitor the various online profiles of Military service members with access to highly classified documents. This is done by multiple departments within the Federal Bureaucracy.
So I find it EXTREMELY not credible that an Airman First Class with the Massachusetts Air National Guard, with access to Top Secret Intelligence for whatever the purposes, could have been disclosing photos of Intelligence on a gamer Discord server without those agency's knowledge.
I find it far more credible that these agencies were in fact aware of Mr. Teixeira's penchant for braggadocio online and used him to release intelligence that they couldn't credibly release any other way.
The whole story was suspect from the beginning and after the leaker was revealed, it became obvious to me something else was going on here.
As far as I can tell, and this not an uncommon tactic during wartime, especially before an offensive, is that these leaks are part of a counterintelligence operation designed to mislead Russian military planners before the beginning of the coming Ukrainian counteroffensive. If I'm correct, they will likely be backed by various false telecommunications and radio transmissions designed to be intercepted by Russian intelligence.
This intelligence may suggest troop buildups in the wrong places, give wrong coordinates for ammunition depots, or it may misstate the size and direction of troop concentrations. Usually this is done in preparation for a large-scale offensive, especially, if as is the case with Ukraine, you've spent most of the last three months making public statements announcing your impending offensive.
The Russians, predictably, have spent that time building up fortifications and supplying troops in the areas they expect the offensive to come. At this point, it has become quite obvious the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be extremely costly for Ukraine, both in terms of military hardware and equipment, and also in terms of manpower, two things the Ukrainians can no longer afford to lose. The Pentagon is well aware of this and they're well aware of the likelihood that Russian Forces will go on the offensive again the moment Ukrainian troop formations are weakened, exhausted and running out of ammunition.
So what's the solution for the Pentagon?
Well if I'm right, these Leaks are designed to make sure at least some Russian troop formations are placed in the wrong places at the wrong times.
Their hope, if this succeeds, is to cut the landbridge connecting Russian-held territory in the Donbas with Crimea. At that point they will still be exhausted and running out of ammunition, but if US Counterintelligence can succeed in their manipulations and misdirection, enough troops and equipment may survive to hold and occupy the territory for long enough to call for a ceasefire and begin negotiations with the Russians before Russian Forces can go on the offensive again and retake the lost territory.
The reason I say this is because it's becoming more and more obvious that the US and NATO can no longer continue to procure enough ammunition and hardware to keep the war going beyond this offensive, and leaders in Washington and the Pentagon are already turning their attention towards China and ratcheting up tensions over Taiwan. They cannot fight both Russia and China, and when it comes down to it, China is the larger threat to US Hegemony.
And that brings me to this article on Fox and more confirmation to me that this Intelligence leak was on purpose.
Apparently, some of the intelligence leaked had nothing to do with Ukraine or the Russians at all. Some of the intelligence is apparently about China.
Specifically, the intelligence claims China is developing its cyber capabilities to include the ability to hijack or destroy enemy satellites. Needless to say this technology could be devastating to US or NATO forces ability to operate it's Forces, command the seas and defend Taiwan in close coordination in the event of war.
It seems very convenient that once again, this leak includes intelligence that, contrary to hurting US interests, actually reinforces the US narratives around China and Taiwan.
The article goes so far as to claim China is only investing in cyber and space technology in order to "disrupt, degrade and destroy US space capabilities".
The article quotes John Hannah, former Vice President and noted War Criminal Dick Cheney's National Security Advisor, as saying, "The future of warfare, one of the most contested domains, is going to be space. Space, in essence, is the new high ground. [The] country that controls space and the next battlefield is effectively, I think, got the best chance of actually winning the war,"
"If China is able to knock out our ability to see what the enemy is doing, our ability to exert command and control and communications between our own forces, it's virtually game over for us on the battlefield here on Earth," he continued.
The real goal over the coming year or two will be to wrap up the Ukraine War and ramp up a whole new one with China over Taiwan, using proxies, sanctions, preventing technology transfers, and direct confrontation on the South China Sea in an effort to contain and slow China's rise.
These Neocons in the Biden Administration just hop from one crisis to the next, crushing and destroying anyone and anything in their wake, regardless whether they pose any actual threat to the US Empire or whether they're threats are just perceived in the minds of the war planners.
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k2kitsupport · 4 months
If we compare with our earlier life, had we ever thought that we would order the goods from mobile or electronic gadgets… all the work will be done with one click. But now we are shopping, ordering food, or getting various services while sitting at home.
It all happens due to the Internet and innovative technology.
The activity of buying or selling goods, services, and transmission of information, data, etc. using electronic mediums probably over the internet is E-Commerce.
E-commerce helps firms/businesses and customers save time and money. It enables the firm to get an online store and offer a wider range of customers other than their locality whereas customers get a range of products to choose from.
E-commerce varies based on its nature. A business model that lets businesses buy and sell things to other companies over the Internet comes under the Business-to-Business (B2B) model. In the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) model, buying and selling activities are done between the businesses and direct users. Similarly, there are other e-commerce models such as Business-to-Government (B2G), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), Consumer-to-Business (C2B), and Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C), differ on their nature of buyer and seller.
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aesethewitch · 1 year
Hey! If you like my posts, recipes, spells, and the like, please consider dropping a dollar in my Ko-Fi tip jar! I'm trying to help my partner pay to fix the transmission controller in his car, which will run us about $800, while also paying our bills. We're saving with his paychecks, but every dollar helps! My current goal is to raise $300 to supplement the checks. [As of 11/8, we're about 14% there! Thanks to everyone who's commissioned or tipped me!]
Supporters of my Ko-Fi will get early, exclusive, or extended access to spells, recipes, grimoire notes, and more! I'm also offering paid tarot readings! If you'd like one, check out my Services commissions page. One-card readings are pay what you want, as low as $1, three-card readings are just $5, and a Celtic Cross spread is $20!
NEW 9/19: Custom Spell Recipe Services! I will turn a recipe of your choice into a spell for $10, or I'll write you a spell recipe from scratch for $15! Check it out here!
Posting Schedule (UPDATED 11/8/23):
Monday: Grab Bag Day! Whatever I'm currently working on, whatever I'm currently hyperfixated on, witchy prompts, full grimoire pages, hearthcraft, recipes, simple spellwork - it's a surprise!
Tuesday: Divination Day! Supporters get to take a peek into my grimoire's tarot notes and research notes as I develop and learn new divination techniques. This includes my ongoing quest for digital divination theory, divination survey thoughts, analysis, and results, and more.
Wednesday: My midweek day of no posting. This is the day I typically do housework, get outside, and so forth.
Thursday: Spirit Work, Theory, & Philosophy! Join me as I reconnect with my spirit work path, revisit old concepts, take notes on entities I've encountered, honor my ancestors, house, and land spirits, think about magical theory, share personal philosophies and paradigms, and more.
Friday: Free Readings Friday! My ask box will be open for free one-card tarot readings for everyone here on tumblr. (I may turn this day into a livestreaming day at some point if I can get my setup arranged properly!)
Saturday & Sunday: No Ko-Fi posts these days. I'll be online on Saturdays, but Sunday is my official, designated "unplugged" day. If you see me online, yell at me!
Important Note: This doesn't mean I'm going to stop posting spells and recipes to tumblr!! Ko-Fi supporters just get extra, extended, and early access to my work.
Requests, suggestions, and questions are always welcome. If there's something specific you'd like to see (here on the blog or over on Ko-Fi) or a service you'd like me to offer like a particular tarot spread, send me an ask or a message via Ko-Fi!
As always, thank you for reading! - Aese
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Tips for Using "Dreamzy Period Pain Relief" Effectively for Quick and Long-Lasting Period Pain Relief!
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➲➲Item Name: — Dreamzy Period Pain Relief
➲➲Primary Benefits: — Menstrual Pain Relief
➲➲Incidental effects: — NA
➲➲Rating:— Overall rating: — ★★★★★ 5 out of 5
➲➲Accessibility: — Online
➲➲Where to Buy — Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website
ORDER NOW:- http://worldtrade24x7.com/dreamzy-period-pain-relief-buy/
Dreamzy Period Pain Relief:-Dreamzy Period Pain Relief is a cutting-edge solution designed to alleviate menstrual discomfort effectively and naturally. Leveraging Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) technology, this innovative device provides targeted relief from various types of period-related issues, including cramps, muscle spasms, stomach pain, and general aches. TENS therapy involves the use of safe, low-intensity electric pulses that intercept and halt pain signals before reaching the brain, ensuring immediate relief without the need for medications or invasive procedures. The user-friendly controls allow individuals to adjust intensity levels for personalized comfort, and its compact, butterfly-shaped design ensures optimal contact with the affected area for efficient pain relief.
One of Dreamzy's standout features is its portability and discretion. The device is small, wireless, and can be comfortably worn under clothing, enabling users to manage their discomfort without interrupting their daily activities. The ultra-sticky gel pad ensures secure placement against the skin, facilitating the efficient transmission of pain-relief therapy. Moreover, Dreamzy operates silently, offering relief without causing disruption. Its rechargeable battery provides up to 10 hours of use on a single charge, minimizing the need for frequent replacements. This long-lasting and convenient design makes Dreamzy Period Pain Relief a reliable companion for women seeking an immediate and drug-free solution to menstrual discomfort.
Dreamzy Period Pain Relief has garnered widespread praise from users, earning it a high rating of 4.95 out of 5.0 in consumer reports. Many customers have described it as a "game-changer" for managing chronic period pains, providing relief that surpasses traditional methods. The device's ability to offer instantaneous alleviation sets it apart, addressing the diverse needs of individuals facing varying degrees of menstrual discomfort. The positive testimonials highlight its effectiveness in reducing pain, improving the quality of life during menstruation, and empowering users with a convenient and user-controlled solution.
While Dreamzy Period Pain Relief is praised for its benefits, potential users should be aware of individual variability in its effectiveness. Some users may experience skin sensitivity or allergies to the gel pad materials. Additionally, results may vary depending on the nature and severity of the menstrual discomfort. It's advisable to conduct a patch test before extended use and consult healthcare professionals if there are concerns about allergies or pre-existing health conditions. Despite these considerations, Dreamzy Period Pain Relief stands out as a promising and innovative approach to managing menstrual discomfort, offering a natural, portable, and user-friendly solution for women seeking effective relief during their menstrual cycle.
Official Website:- http://worldtrade24x7.com/dreamzy-period-pain-relief/
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/DreamzyPeriodPainRelief/
Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/DreamzyPeriodPainReliefReviews/
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used-engine-inc · 1 year
All About 5 Types Of Automatic Car Transmissions
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hi, I saw your post about car shopping? I have a few things I stick to (just had my car totalled recently too, it sucks) I would say 1) know the kind of car you want going in, if you have the time shop for a specific make/model. Always google the reviews of a type of car to see how it holds up over time (esp the year. had a friend almost buy a 2012 nissan that her car dealer "friend" wanted to sell her, all the online reviews said the transmission fails at like 70k miles and guess how many miles were on the car) Also, if you're seeing a lot of one particular make/model on the used market that means people are trying to get rid of that car, so stay away from it. Here I kept seeing a ton of toyota prius and fiat 500's. They might be cheaper because there are so many, but it will cost you in the long run. Toyota is the best for low maintenance and reliability, but they might be harder to find 2) details details details. in the states we have a huge problem of flooded cars (from hurricanes) being brought up north and resold. Ask for detailed maintenance records, be VERY sus of a car originally from super far away popping up near you. Look in the trunk or under the hood for signs of another paint color to make sure it hasn't been totalled before and repainted. I try to look for single owner cars, two prev owners or more is a sign there might be something wrong with the car. I hope this helps, if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask me! unfortunately I know the pain of car shopping well
hi, thank you so much!!! unfortunately i don’t fully have the luxury of being able to pick make and models (used car market in canada is wild rn - the whole car market actually) but that’s a great point about googling the car, i’ll definitely do that before buying anything.
and thank you for the details section, it’s exactly that stuff that i know is important but don’t know (didn’t know now, thank you) how to check. thank you so much again and good luck in your own search if you’re still looking!!
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nervousron · 2 years
Hey have you ever spoke about the Trinity's cars and way they have the cars thta they do? And if not can you? <3
This was a lot of fun to do. thanks for the ask, @plain-pasta13 !
Michael - Obey Tailgater
$55,000 sports sedan. 5MDS003 (5 Michael De Santa 003)
"Luxury German Sedan. Better than a BF, but not quite a Benefactor. Fast and practical with a classy look, this is just the car to over-leverage on." - Southern San Andreas Super Auto description
Much like Michael, this car is sleek and smooth on the outside, can take a good beating, but has trouble steering at high speeds without the use of good brakes (The metaphor got away from me, but i stand by it). Im almost surprised it's not a more expensive car. He was pretty practical. (compare to Amanda's $95,000 Sentinel and Tracey's $18,000 Issi. He's on the pricier side of normal. Modestly pricey). He picked out a car that looks nice and can give him a small ego boost without breaking the bank. This is just a personal opinion, but I'd have thought he'd have an old Declasse, considering the stars in his eyes over Vinewood and its aesthetics. (Im sure if he did, he bought one the second they moved to Los Santos, then returned it after a year when he realized how much upkeep there would be.)
Then theres the Jimmy adjustments to the Tailgaiter after he mods the hell out of it. Im pretty sure this is all of em: Race brakes, Rear painted bumper & diffuser, EMS upgrade level 3, Dual exit exhaust, Chrome grille, Double vented hood, Musical horn 5, Xenon lights, Sport skirts, Lip spoiler, Sports transmission, Black dollar lowrider wheels (lol), and a Dark smoke window tint.
Franklin- Bravado Buffalo S
$96,000 sports sedan. FC1988 (Franklin Clinton 1998)
"Spotted speeding away from many Los Santos crime scenes, this is a special edition version of the updated 60s muscle car. The sports engine pack, aerodynamic body styling package and yearly upgrades make the price worthwhile." - Southern San Andreas Super Autos description
It's the most expensive of the trinity's cars, which makes sense because Franklin is the type of guy to save up for something worthwhile and really take care of it. If he's gonna go for something, he's going all out. It's a beautiful ride. I'm sure Lamar was jealous over it for months, and Aunt Denise gave him shit for buying an expensive car and not using the money to move out.
So, Franklins car is kinda cool because it has a slower response time and cornering radius than a good chunk of the other cars in the game. Since his special ability essentially slows down time and gives him the room for quick maneuvers, the slower response time makes it harder to overcorrect and ding into shit. The cornering radius being small makes it easier to take sharp turns in the bullet-time, too. (The Buffalo is a b o a t and hardly ever spins out, Franklin knew exactly what he wanted for his street races) At first i thought these specs were counterproductive to his ability, but they definitely were picked with that in mind.
Trevor - Canis Bodhi
$25,000, off-road pick-up truck BETTY32 (the assumption is that Betty is Trevor's mother's name and she was born in 1932. This liscense also appears on the Faggio scooter Trevor drives in the "Scooter Brothers" switch-to scene.)
"The Canis Bodhi has traveled the well-trodden path from military to redneck to hipster. This 'gently used' model is the definition of retro chic; every stain on the seat tells a story." - Southern San Andreas Super Autos description
The Bodhi is a Point Break reference to Bodhi's Kaiser M715. If youve seen Point Break, you know its that gay Patrick Swayze/Keanu Reeves movie.
This car is kinda perfect for trevor. Little to no protection from gunfire, permanently dirty, igniton problems, fantastic turning, and nearly indestructible. The car description is a fun nod to Trevor, too. journey from pilot to redneck to hipster. (Still cant believe he's canonically a lifestyle guru in Los Santos as of the online dlcs. What a world)
Trevor's Bodhi seems to have a CB radio that works in Blaine County, specifically. (This doesn't work for online Bodhis as far as i can tell. just Trevor's), and I can only assume it's for hook-ups, murders, avoiding cops, and pissing people off.
Trevors' vehicle is the only one with a personalized interior. Theres gum on the dash, cum stained pinups, and sticky notes.
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wrongpublishing · 10 months
BOOK REVIEW: Salt Heart Press's Space Horror Anthology, The Darkness Beyond the Stars
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by Elizabeth Broadbent, Staff Writer.
The Darkness Beyond the Stars (ed. P.L. McMillan, Salt Heart Press) has a simple but compelling premise: space horror. Space horror makes for a good sci-fi/terror mash-up, and this anthology dishes out stories that scream into the void. I expected aliens, and I got some aliens, but modern indie horror is too good for tired tropes to fly. So is this anthology, which takes high strangeness into the unknowable reaches of space. 
There’s far worse up there than little green men; in the hands of writers like Dana Vickerson, Rachel Searcey, and Patrick Barb, those aliens become weird, their terror twisted into heartbreak (if you’ve read more of Barb’s stories, especially Haunting Lessons, printed in a limited edition by Shortwave Publishing in a limited edition and available online from The Arcanist, you’re not shocked). In “The Weight of Faith,” Carson Winter, author of Soft Targets and Posthaste Manor (Tenebrous Press) delivers an emotionally devastating story about belief as tense and visceral as his longer works. You need this collection because you need this story, full stop.
But space holds more terrors than exobiology, and Darkness Beyond doesn’t stop at aliens. Bob Warlock serves up an itchy little tale about something in a space suit; several stories, including Jessica Peter’s “The Wreckage of Hestia” and Lindsey Ragsdale’s “A Voice from the Dark” play with emptiness and solitude—is it more frightening to be alone in the universe, or to find we have company? I can’t articulate a proper trigger warning for the horrors of Bryan Young’s “Son of Demeter” other than “I have children,” but it left me a weeping puddle of goo (a warning for “excessively heroic parenting,” maybe?). Bridget D. Braves yokes second person POV to amnesia in “Last Transmission from the FedComm Sargasso,” which gives this already great tale a kind of haunting sorrow. 
Packed with plenty of feeling, this tight anthology’s transmissions reach across worlds to find the same human feelings we left behind: the terror of the unknown, the fear of solitude, the heartbreak of loss. These authors use the void of space as a blankness on which to impose our darkest fears. What’s up there? Nothing is—and that’s the scariest part. Unless something is, and maybe that’s even scarier. 
Buy The Darkness Beyond the Stars:
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sunmafiber · 1 year
Demystifying the Fiber Identifier: Unveiling the Secrets of Light Measurement
Specialized equipment used to measure the strength of light signals in optical fibers is known as an optical power meter. Optical power meter measures optical power quantitatively in quantities such as watts (W) or decibels (dBm), providing vital insights into the performance and health of optical networks.
Operation and components: Optical power meters are made up of a photodetector, which transforms light into electrical signals, and a display unit, which displays the measured power. The wavelength range of the light signals to be monitored determines the photodetector, which is often a silicon or indium gallium arsenide diode.
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Optical power meters can measure wavelengths ranging from visible light to infrared, encompassing the most widely used wavelengths in fiber optic communication systems. Some sophisticated versions additionally have replaceable detectors, which allow users to adapt to varied wavelength ranges.
Optical Power Meter Applications: Installation and upkeep: Optical power meters are essential during the installation and maintenance of fiber optic networks for evaluating signal strength, assuring proper splicing and connectorization, and resolving network faults. They assist technicians in identifying power losses or abnormal power levels, allowing them to take remedial action as soon as possible. Optical light source is also of great use.
Network Monitoring: In live optical networks, continual monitoring of optical power levels is required to identify signal deterioration, fiber breakage, and other abnormalities that might influence overall network performance. Optical power meters monitor power in real-time, assisting network operators in identifying possible faults and taking proactive actions to ensure network integrity.
Choosing an Optical Power Meter: Several considerations should be addressed while choosing an optical power meter:
Power Measurement Range: Choose a power meter that can manage a wide range of power levels, accommodating both high and low power signals seen in various fiber optic systems.
Accuracy and Resolution: To guarantee exact measurements, look for a power meter with good accuracy and resolution. The resolution of an instrument defines the lowest observable power change, whereas accuracy represents its overall dependability.
Features and connectivity: Consider the power meter's connectivity choices, such as USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi, which can help with data transmission and remote control. Data logging, wavelength identification, and auto-calibration are all features that can improve usability. You can buy fiber identifier online.
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