#by pretending im better than someone if they like the show
ariaste · 1 day
Is there disability rep in RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND? It seems like pirate books get overlooked for how often they show characters with disabilities.
Jesus christ okay listen. You've activated my trap card, because YES EXACTLY. Disability is one of the CORE TROPES of any pirate story -- is it even a real pirate crew if there aren't people missing some of their bits? And it's not just side characters, is it! Is a pirate captain even a proper captain without a peg-leg, a hook, or an eyepatch?
And yet when we see these characters, or at least when I see these characters, my brain does not register them into the category of "oh, here is a Disabled Character". Like it is wonderful that we are seeing more disability representation in media these days but... It's often not very satisfying, is it? They're like "Here is a very carefully presented Character In A Wheelchair So You Know She Is Disabled-Disabled 😌" and there are all of these rules this character has to follow to be """""properly"""" disabled in exactly one specific way with no variations, and always there is an Issue with her (almost always a woman??) ability to navigate her wheelchair through the landscape so that the media can Prove They Are Being So Thoughtful And Aware Of The Difficulties.
I don't know about you, but for me it always sort of smacks of insincerity. Or like, the overtly intentional and deliberate sincerity, which then comes across as a bit unnatural and uncanny valley. We as the audience are not permitted to simply experience this character as a person, we are forced by the deliberateness of the narrative to experience her as a Disabled Person. Which.... Sure, that's better than not having any disabled representation at all, but there's SO MUCH FURTHER we could go with it! But the first step is for the media creator/s to stop going "look, a Disabled Person [delicate gasp] Wow she's so brave" as if she's a fucking zoo exhibit and start going "look, a Person. she's disabled, and has some other personality traits and hobbies as well."
(I feel like we also went through this journey with Strong Female Characters too, didn't we? Where we had all of these weirdly awkward """sincere"""" attempts at people writing Strong Female Characters and Oooh She Is So Strong, And Ooh Her Femaleness, She Grew Up With Brothers... But that was not what we wanted, we wanted the writers to chill out and just write a woman who was a PERSON and stop making it weird.)
Anyway, back to pirates, because I think we've really been overlooking pirate media for the fact that the disability rep is just right out there in plain sight, and it's so normalized that it would be weirder if it WASN'T there, and the media creator isn't loudly trying to win brownie points for being Virtuous And Inclusive™. (And just because tumblr reading comprehension is piss poor sometimes: yes, there's a difference between trying to be virtuous and inclusive and trying to be Virtuous And Inclusive™, and I bet you can recognize it when you see it.)
Pirate media doesn't make it weird! Pirate media doesn't try to camouflage the fact that a character is disabled ("Yar, and here's No-Legs Bob, on account o' he's got no legs, that'll teach 'im to make jokes like he's pretending to fuck the cannon" "somebody hold me up and i'll fuck the cannon again" "[raucous laughter throughout the whole crew]") nor does it deny that their disability causes problems sometimes (the ol' "peg-leg got stuck in a knothole in the deck" gag, or the classic "whoops, tried to stab someone with my hook hand but they dodged and it got embedded in the planks" gambit). Pirate media offers a huge VARIETY of disabilities too, instead of just One Token Wheelchair User -- you've got people with prosthetic limbs, you've got people partially or fully blind or deaf, you've got people who are mute (and also btw look at this amazing parrot or monkey they have, it killed a man once), you've got elderly people who aren't quite as spry as they once were but oooh they Know The Sea like nobody else, you've got people who struggle a lot with their disability and need extra help and support AND people who are not slowed down at all and just livin' their life the way they do.
Y'know. Actual diversity.
Also the only time pirate media draws deliberate attention to the disability is 1) if there's a cool story behind it that is somehow relevant to the plot ("[captain looking balefully at his hook hand] me hand was bitten off by a WHALE.... i've been chasing that whale for the last forty years....") or 2) if it provides a fun way to show the culture and community of the crew as a whole (see the No-Legs Bob example, above). Also notice that in pirate media, you are allowed to directly address the disability and make a harmless, casual joke about it ("No-Legs Bob" again) and it doesn't feel mean or weird, it's just.... descriptive. It's just the way that pirates be. Yep. No-Legs Bob ain't got no legs. So what? It is there in his name and yet it still doesn't feel like it's the only thing about him.
The vibes are just.... UTTERLY DIFFERENT from the disability rep i've seen in other media. And so i think we should be looking at pirate media more and striving to emulate it when it comes to disability rep, because THERE'S SOMETHING HERE, they're doing something INTERESTING, there is something worth thinking about and studying, what are they doing and how are they doing it and how can we replicate that in other things? (Also, even real life pirates were better about disability than many other folks -- they had PENSIONS for crew members who couldn't work anymore.)
ANYWAY back to your question of whether there is disability rep in Running Close to the Wind.
Short answer: yes. Long answer: do you want a whole inventory?
Captain Teveri has a prosthetic eye (it's covered in gold leaf, inspired by this Tumblr Heritage post which I'm sure we have all seen). Also facial scarring, which is not really a disability but still does not get a whole lot of representation.
Many of the crew have hook-hands or peg-legs
Avra says you are not a real pirate until you are missing some of your bits, and makes some joke about how he only has a Weird Toe or something
A side character, Skully (so called because he has a hobby of carving skulls in things and is currently working on carving a GIANT skull into the face of the cliff overlooking the entrance to the pirate cove, because obviously every pirate cove is required by the Trope Laws to have a skull cliff but my question was WHO PUT IT THERE? answer: this guy), has two peg-legs and a hook hand and still goes abseiling by himself to carve the skull onto the cliff, nbd nbd. Probably got the best abs in the book, but tragically Avra, the POV character, did not think to notice them
Elderly grandmother in a wheelchair who threatens to stab Julian the Super Hot Monk through the ear with a knitting needle
Julian is described as standing out from everyone else explicitly because he's NOT missing any bits and that's odd (comes kinda close to missing some bits, though, he plays around with alchemical explosives at one point. man's on track to be missing a couple fingers sooner or later, so just... y'know, let him cook, trust the process, he's still growing as a person)
(this one is a joke) arguably Avra's Weird Luck Thing could count as some kind of chronic illness, considering that it is a thing which materially affects his life and which he does not have control over and cannot predict when it will come into affect. DISCUSS. (again: a joke)
[steps gingerly off soapbox] thank you for coming to my TED talk
(Also: RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND comes out in ten days on June 11th! It's a comedic fantasy novel about queer pirates stealing and trying to find a buyer for the most valuable secret in the world and fighting back against oppressive institutional powers! You can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here, and you can preorder it here.)
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ssparksflyy · 16 hours
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dating jason grace hcs! (ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
pairing jason grace x child of hermes!reader summary based off this request !! an lin manuel as hermes no matter how much i pretend to hate youre iconic and i actually love you
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"okokokok" and "lalalala" who ???
people were so surprised when you started dating since youre literal opposites ?!?!
youre so chill and laid back and fun
jason straightens up so quick and salutes if somebody yells attention
but since he's met you, he's definitely relaxed a little more
he's learnt to accept the fact that he can actually relax at times and just enjoy himself ?!?!?!? (shocking, right)
and you were the one who taught him that !!
it honestly started when your first met
cause he was training by himself after lessons had finsihed
you were walking around with your siblings, just passing by and decided to ask him if he wanted to go to the fireworks show that was being held that night ♡
cause like youd seen him around camp before, always helping someone out with someone, and youd be lying if you said you didnt think he was cute 😋 (i sound like a nine year old omg bye)
so what better time to ask than now !
i could lie and say he was super chill about it but lets be honest he was already smitten before you could even finish the question
dropped his sword, face all red and everythinggg 😵‍💫
(you tease him about this now, but he just fights it with a corny "guess you stole my heart" that makes you cringe and roll your eyes yet still smile)
he tried to act all cool and say he'd think about it when in reality he was already getting ready to run to the aphrodite cabin and ask piper for help
i love tlh trio so much i just know jason would be panicking about the whole thing and piper's trying to reassure him + give genuine advice while leo is just messing around 😭
he did manage to get some tips and you ended spending the whole nights talking and laughing instead of actually watching the fireworks ♡♡
he walked you back to your cabin and by then you both established big ol' crushes on each other (aw ya cuties)
the amount of teasing you got from your cabin that night was actually crazy though
you were last to get in that night and entered to a whole chorus of 'oooooo's
a few thrown pillows and 'connor i swear to the gods i will push you off the lava wall-'s later and you were finally able to go to sleep though ♡
the teasing and jokes never stop
even when you (finally) started dating
its your cabin's love language honestly
your younger siblings are OBSESSED with jason
hes actually so good with kids bye
he just 'treats them the way he wished he was treated as a kid :(
his words not mine i dont talk like im giving an anti-bullying assembly
but like he loves playing with them
instant besties !
he even helped them prank you one time :o
he felt so devious doing it good lord
real i was a bad girl i did some bad things yaknow
literally all he did was distract you as your siblings taped a balloon full of water and got a dart pin ready to pop it when you walked into the door
but he was all giggly when the prank succeeded
only for like 5 seconds cause then he was helping you dry off and apologizing
you didnt minddddd, it was fun seeing him act like a "rebel"
okay call me crazy but like trackstar power couple
hermes kids are fast, known fact, evidence? tlt musical said so
and i feel like jupiter/zeus kids would be too!! like moving at the speed of lightning hyperbole... please tell me you see the vision
but like being able to use that as an excuse to get some time away from people... the scandal.
jason telling the group he's with (not necessarily close friends, he knows he can just tell them that he's going out with you) that he's going out for a run
youll be flushed when you return-
when really he's ditching them to go hang out with you
cause this man can NOT say no. he's a people pleaser man it's hardwired into our brains
and they'll think it's normal cause like jasons weird
why question the kid who likes musicals and history
do you see where this is going.
jason taking you to watch opening night of hamilton cause he's been bouncing off the walls for it and really wanted to show you so he'd have someone to talk to about it after :)
it started off fun!!
you were both really enjoying the beginning! well, the first minute and twenty seconds of it at least
cause after that you lost your shit :D
your dad was literally on stage, a few hundred feet away from you, acting as a founding father
the rest of the show you were internally freaking out, questioning everything
jason had no clue, not until you told him during intermission
had the AUDACITY to say "...and thats how you were born" after the traumatizing experience of say no to this
after the show you chased you dad down on the street as he was trying to get 'home'
jason was lowkey giggling the whole time like he was not taking this serious at alllll
but hey he got to meet your dad !!
hermes likes jason, thinks he's a very distinguished gentleman
jason likes hermes, thinks he's pretty good at rapping
at least one of you gained something from that experience
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not proofread !
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clubdionysus · 3 days
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warnings: drinking, star lovers (the drink), star lovers (the people), v wholesome! v lovely! loverboy jjk, the bday chapter
a/n: just one tonight 'cause im a bit pressed for time :( I'll upload some extra ones tomorrow hehe
wc: 9k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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"Stay," Jeongguk lazily whines into his pillows, hair a tousled mess, skin clammy and glowing in the dusky haze of an early spring morning.
Light pours in through his unclosed curtains, the city intruding on your peaceful state of slumber, stealing you from the sanctuary of shared dreams. His arm is looped around your waist, your back to his chest.
He's keeping you close. Doesn't wanna do anything, just doesn't wanna be alone. More specifically, he doesn't want to be without you.
Is paralysed by a new fear, it would seem; one in which you leave.
He wants to keep moments like these bottled up. Safe. Unbreakable.
An empty bed is really nothing to fear, but he's had a taste now of you with someone else. Has seen you with another man. Has met your ex. The guy you once thought was your forever .
Jeongguk isn't sure that he's capable of thinking that far ahead, but he has watched The Notebook upwards of a hundred times with Jimin. When he thinks of Noah, he thinks of Allie, and when he thinks of Allie, he thinks of you.
See, Jeongguk is more than capable of thinking that far ahead.
It's just that he was trained by the girl who used to hold his heart that forever was a silly concept. It's a slow process, but gradually, he is unlearning it. He didn't ever get his heart back from her; instead a new one bloomed in his chest where the empty space once was. It's armoured, this time. Little squares of silver glass act as a protective casing.
If it were ever to break, the pain would be catastrophic. He might just die.
And so Jeongguk would like you to stay.
As much as you'd like to, you know you can't - Danbi and Hoseok have pre-booked you in for a 'friend date.' Under absolutely no circumstances are you allowed to bail on it, even if it does mean leaving an incredibly sulky Jeongguk to survive his hangover alone.
You're not sure at which point last night you both decided that sex wasn't on the agenda. It was never discussed. Just never happened.
Instead, Jeongguk had kissed you.
Again, and again.
Until your lips were numb, and yet you could feel every deliberate coming together of your bodies. Soft declarations of affection, reserved only for the gentlest forms of love. Something of which you know better than pretend you could have with him.
It's well established, now, that Jeongguk is simply breaking down your intimacy boundaries. Is showing you that you can do all these things you deem to be intimate, without them actually having to mean what you think they do.
In theory, it's working. Kissing Jeongguk doesn't scare you.
In practice, Kissing Jeongguk does terrify you.
Not for the act itself. You do that willingly. Wantingly.
But for the fact that you're unable to think straight when you look at him, these days. It's not working. You can't separate the intimacy from the act, but you're so far gone now that it's almost impossible to go back, so instead you're stuck in this limbo.
You never want anything to change, but you're doing this all because you're trying to encourage change. It's fucked. Utterly, undeniably fucked.
These two entities - who you both are during the daytime, and who you both are when the sun goes down - are converging at rapid speed. It's getting harder to distinguish which is which.
All that's certain is that two orbiting stars will eventually, always, inevitably crash.
It's a countdown. Celestial union, or blackhole. Both feel equally terrifying.
Much better to pretend as if it isn't happening.
"Can't," you whisper. Reinforce boundaries that have long since been broken. "Told you, I'm a busy girly. Book me in for a friend-date next time you wanna see me."
The phrasing is deliberate. A reminder of where you currently stand with one another, as declared by him more times than you care to remember.
"We had a night out," he sulks. "It automatically is a two-day affair. Always is."
"No, it's not," you softly laugh, getting out of his bed and finally putting your clothes back on. Your outfit from the night before is pretty basic, so you don't need to steal one of his shirts to protect your dignity. Disappointing .
You're out the door by midday, leaving Jeongguk to fester in his hangover pit alone - of which he does. For hours .
It's partially the hangover. Mainly the fear-induced paralysis that has overtaken his body. All he can do is stare up at the birds and wonder how the fuck it got to this point.
By the time Taehyung shows up at Jeongguk and Jimin's place that evening, Jeongguk's wearing clothes. Has managed to go a whole thirty minutes without complaining about his hangover. It's a record. Jimin knows. He's been counting.
It's bad. Skull-splitting, eye-dehydrating kinda bad. A hangover he wouldn't wish upon his own worst enemy.
This is a lie.
He wishes Seokjin nothing but hangover headaches for the rest of eternity. Scowls when he thinks about Seokjin. The tension of his muscles further exacerbates his headache. He knows it serves him right for thinking such negative thoughts - but as far as he's concerned, it's just another to be annoyed at Seokjin for. Prick.
Throughout the day, you've sent him pictures of your incredibly sorry state - glitter everywhere, hair piled on top of your head. Kind of matches his hair, of which is still tied in a scrunchie that you'd put him in the night before.
The last picture you'd sent through had dropped into his inbox fifteen minutes ago. Was read immediately.
Carrying a soda the size of your face, you're with Danbi and Hoseok, as promised, heading into a movie theatre downtown. He can't remember what you'd said you were seeing. Some superhero movie, he thinks, that he knows he'd care way more about if he didn't feel like such ass.
In fact, Jeongguk thinks he'd rather die than be at a movie theatre right now - but he also does like the idea of a dark room right now. Perhaps you aren't entirely insane.
Jimin had insisted on something 'healthy' to get Jeongguk out of his hangover slump, which is why, as Taehyung chucks his coat on one of the bar stools in the kitchen, he's stuffing his face with a chicken teriyaki wrap.
"Fuck me," Taehyung laughs. "A little worse for wear?"
Jeongguk just grunts. Hair all over the place, still haphazardly half-tied up by one of your scrunchies, he's covered in glitter.
There's no mistaking who he spent the night with - not that he cares to hide it. Can easily explain that you put the glitter on him, if anyone asks. The scrunchie, too. And if they don't? Fine. Let them assume what they like.
"How's DB?" Taehyung follows up, stealing a little lettuce from the chopping board, before plonking himself down next to Jeongguk - which earns another groan.
"Fine," he says through a mouthful of chicken and tortilla wrap. It really is not his finest hour. "Said she wanted to die just before they got to the cinema, so I'm sure she's gonna have a great time."
Funny, how those little phrases and intricacies of your identities seem to weave together these days. You're apparently constantly on the verge of death, and he's perpetually covered in glitter. Quite the pair, you make.
"S'pose that's what birthday weekends are for, aren't they?" Taehyung shrugs, not really thinking much of it, and not noticing the way Jeongguk seems to freeze.
Mouth full, wrap in hands, he almost chokes.
Jimin just asks, "It's Danbi's birthday? Why didn't you mention it? We could have-"
"Oh, no. It's not," Tae says, narrowing his eyes in confusion. He tilts his head. Why on earth would Jimin assume that?
The confusion is contagious. Not a single one of them understands exactly what's happening.
"Danbi's birthday isn't until the summer," Tae continues, a little caution in his tone. Has had it in his calendar since the first date. Is already planning a trip away for them both. Looks at Jeongguk, who is still frozen in position, like a frame in a cartoon that the animators forgot about. And then, he realises. "Gguk..."
"Oh, fuck," Jeongguk says. It's a miracle he doesn't choke, mouth still half full, even if he has tossed the rest of the wrap back down onto his plate.
The penny drops slowly, and then all at once.
"Oh, holy shit," Jimin says, getting to his feet, 'cause apparently the shock is that severe.
"You didn't..." Taehyung gasps, not finishing his question. "Gguk!"
"I didn't!" Jeongguk insists, swallowing down the bite of his wrap that had been suspended in his mouth for far too long.
And he really didn't - didn't forget , that is.
You've never told him your birthday. He's never asked.
"Fuck," Jimin parrots.
"Fuck," Tae also echoes, but adds, "Dude... what the fuck?!"
Jeongguk stands. Begins to pace. Moves his hands in bizarre little motions as if he's trying to piece everything together.
Not once have you ever told him your birthday, he thinks.
"I swear, she never mentioned it," Jeongguk whines.
And he's right.
You haven't.
It's not without reason.
In a few short weeks time, it'll be a year since your first purple starfucker.
Though it was Hoseok's break-up you'd been commiserating, your own hadn't long since passed. The wounds still stung and it was better to lick salt off the back of your hand before a tequila shot than it was to sprinkle it in your emotional damage instead.
Drowning your sorrows had led you to Dionysus, your heart break just as fresh as the lemon that followed the tequila shots. The bitterness of the fruit didn't compare to the bitterness in your heart.
Hardly a surprise, though.
Break-ups are never easy - just like forgotten birthdays are always sad.
When your boyfriend asked to reschedule dinner plans and then showed up to your apartment at just gone midnight with no apology? No realisation of what he'd done so terribly wrong? A little ruby red rouge on his earlobe that you both knew came from the lips of someone else?
Oh, it was tragic .
Counter arguments of 'if it meant so much to you, why didn't you remind me?' frustratingly cursed in the dead of night, and pleas of 'I shouldn't have to beg you to give a shit about me' framed your demise.
And so Jeongguk has never experienced your birthday. Can't forget it, if he never knew it, you theorise. Not like Seokjin should have done.
Jeongguk doesn't know the flavour of cake you'd pick, or if cake is something you even choose to have on your birthday. He doesn't know how you do your makeup, 'cause he knows most girls go for glitter on their special day - but by that metric, every day would be your birthday.
You're thankful to have not had to discuss it. Part of the reason you like spending time with Jeongguk is the fact that he lets you forget ghosts of the past - and this time last year does still, regretfully, haunt you.
It's not like you properly celebrated Jeongguk's birthday with him, either.
Granted, it had been a boy's night - and a pretty quiet one, at that - but still. It was six months ago, though. Longer, in fact. So much has transpired since then.
The entire fabric of your friendship has been embroidered and embellished to the point of it being unrecognisable. What once was cheap tulle is now layers upon layers of glittering, sequin-emblazoned material, stitched with the finest of threads. There are constellations in your hems, and stardust between the seams. One of a kind. Impossible to replicate. Many will try; all will fail.
"Was it today? Yesterday?!" Jeongguk frantically asks Taehyung, 'cause he seemingly knows more. This acknowledgement pisses Jeongguk off. He should know this shit. Taehyung shouldn't. "How do you know?!"
"There's a bunch of birthday cards in their apartment-"
"Fuck," Jeongguk groans.
"Was literally yesterday-"
"YESTERDAY?" Jeongguk shrieks. Stops dead in his tracks.
If the Rock, Paper, Scissors battle had gone a little differently, he'd have known.
If he'd have insisted on taking you home, he'd have known.
So many tiny, meaningless decisions had led you back to his place last night. If he'd have been wiser or smarter, maybe he'd have realised. Maybe you had been giving him signals, and maybe he had missed them all.
And then his mind is jumping from conclusion to conclusion.
Did Seojoon know? Had he gotten you a gift? Oh, God. It's all so fucked.
But then he's thinking about Seokjin. Has seen white roses and a calling card on more than one occasion. Not for a while, granted, but he also saw the look on Seokjin's face when he'd insinuated that you'd moved on.
"Roses," he panics. Looks at Taehyung with such horror in his eyes, that it's a miracle he doesn't burst a blood vessel. "White roses. Were there any at their place?!"
"I don't think so?" Taehyung guesses, trying to remember what the apartment looked like when he last left. "I mean, I don't remember noticing any."
Jeongguk nods. Puffs out a breath from his marshmallow cheeks. Holds his knees as he keels over a little, body ravaged by a stress he doesn't quite understand. He resumes his posture a little too quickly, the pain of his hangover shooting straight back to his brain.
"Right. Shit," he curses. Then curses a couple more times. Pushes his hand back through his hair and then looks at his friends.
Though they're both well aware that missing a birthday is never good, Taehyung and Jimin are surprised at just how badly Jeongguk is taking this.
Feeling bad is one thing. Looking like he's just committed crimes worthy of jail time? A little excessive.
As Jimin smirks, Jeongguk snaps, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just acting like-"
"Don't," Jeongguk warns.
"-You're in love with her, or something."
He doesn't deny it.
Just rolls his eyes. Doesn't have time to waste debating the true nature of his feelings right now - especially not when he knows Jimin would never believe his denials, regardless.
"She never told me," Jeongguk steers the conversation away from matters of the heart. Wants to focus on logic instead. "Was with her all evening, and she literally didn't mention it once."
He explains the night before. Leaves out the part where you were his favourite date of the evening. Also leaves out the part where he held your hand on the entire cab ride home, and the way he'd kissed you once you were finally in the confines of his room.
There were no expectations; no illusion that it would lead to anything beyond a kiss.
And it didn't.
He'd kissed you just to kiss you. Slowly. Intentionally. Kept his dick well away, 'cause he knows how often the pair of you escalate things beyond the point of no return.
It had confused you at first. Made you worry a little - but the way he encouraged you back in whenever you pulled away let you know just how deliberate he was being.
"Shut up," Jeongguk had smiled into your lips when you'd given a small hum of perplexion. "Just kiss me."
And now he's standing in the living room, stroking at his bottom lip as if he's trying to remember the way you felt; if the poutiness has been from pleasure or disappointment.
"Okay. So?" Jimin just shrugs. Really does think Jeongguk should chill out a little, but knows that he won't. "She must have not wanted you to know."
Jeongguk doesn't like this. Scowls. "Why wouldn't she?"
"Some people just don't like birthdays," he shrugs again.
"Nah, Danbi baked her a cake," Taehyung interjects. Laughs to himself. Is disgustingly fond. "Danbi is great at many things, but baking is not one of them. I don't think she would have gone to all of that effort if DB doesn't like birthdays."
Just one look at you is enough to know that you're the kind of girl who enjoys birthdays. Of course you do. The pomp and pandemonium of party poppers? How could you not enjoy such occasions?
"Fuck," Jeongguk curses as he begins to pace once more.
On the one hand, it's not the end of the world - but on the other, he feels awful that he didn't make a fuss. Didn't get you a present.
But then there is also the worry - what if you had told him? What if he's just forgotten? What if the only reason you didn't mention it was because you wanted to see if he remembered?
The aching lull of his hangover subsides. Is overthrown by the stress of failure.
Jeongguk is uncertain as to whether or not you like surprise parties - but he does know the effort you went to for his final exam celebrations. Knows that what you did for him is likely the sort of thing you'd like to be done for yourself.
After all, people show their love in the ways they wish for it to be reciprocated. You're both acts of service kinda lovers. Nothing is too much trouble. Anything to make the lives of the people you care about easier. Better. Happier.
"Okay," Jeongguk eventually sighs as thoughts begin to formulate. "We need to do something."
We ? They think, but don't voice. This is not a group project. This is a Jeongguk thing.
"Yeah," he thinks out loud, totally in his own world. Jimin and Taehyung watch on as he triumphantly nods to himself. "Do something. Okay. Fuck. Do what? What would B like? Fuck."
And then he groans. Throw his head back. The motion is a little too fast. His hangover pounds, reminding him of his fragile state - so he reaches for the chicken wrap he was half-way through demolishing when Taehyung dropped the birthday bomb on him. A little bit of brain food will surely do him good.
"You know her better than us, mate," Taehyung shrugs. Knows what he'd do for Danbi, but also knows Danbi is the type to arrange her own surprise party. "You're the best judge. You and DB are basically attached at the hip these days."
"Okay, one - no we're not," Jeongguk scoffs.
"Yeah, you are," Jimin objects through a mouthful of chicken. Is glad he's not the only one who's noticed. Yoongi's been so busy with wedding preparations recently that he's not been around to shake his head in despair at you both.
"We're not," Jeongguk insists.
"Danbi reckons you are-"
"Oh my god, let me breathe," Jeongguk whines. Rolls his eyes. " You're the one who's always with Danbi."
Taehyung smirks. Raises a brow. "Yeah? She's my girlfriend, Gguk."
The silence that follows is left vacant by Jeongguk. There's no response he could possibly give that would convince either of his friends that he doesn't feel a certain type of way about you.
It's written all over his face whenever you walk into the room; how Jeongguk fucking glows in your presence, glitter sparking on his once pristine skin. You've corrupted him, and he hates to imagine life in which he doesn't notice specs of glitter on his skin in the early morning light. He's a better man for knowing you. He thinks his friends would agree.
Undeniably, they would.
"Whatever," he eventually dismisses. Sighs. "How the fuck do you throw a party for the living personification of a disco ball?"
"Maybe you don't," Jimin suggests. "Maybe she is the party."
Jeongguk isn't sure what Jimin means by this. "Huh?"
"I don't know," Jimin admits. "Just thought it sounded cool. Disco balls are, like, the centre of everything, right?"
He's not wrong - at least not in a party setting. The disco ball you'd been gifted for Secret Santa is proudly hung up in your bedroom, and whenever the light hits it right, the walls are dappled in the most glorious of sparkles.
You really are the embodiment of one, Jeongguk thinks.
And as if he's just been hit with a dozen speckles of refracted light, Jeongguk gets an idea.
"Tae, have you got the code for their place?" He frantically asks, to which his friend nods.
Jeongguk has your door code, too. Knows it from the times you've invited him over and told him to just let himself in. Doesn't want to admit to that, though, which is why he asked Taehyung.
"Okay, text Danbi," Jeongguk says. "We're breaking in."
"We?!" Jimin exclaims. "I'm not breaking the law just so you can get your dick wet-"
"What?" He feigns innocence, as if he's not airing Jeongguk out like a freshly washed load of laundry.
"This is not about getting my dick wet," Jeongguk says in disbelief. "We don't even fuck-"
"-And shut up, she's your friend, too. We're all breaking the law, because that's what friends do for one another."
"We literally all know you fuck. You've got an incredibly warped sense of friendship, Jeongguk," Jimin assures him. "And committing crimes definitely doesn't fall under the dictionary definition of it, either."
"It's not breaking the law if I've got the code," Taehyung interjects, though if he's being honest, he's not really sure of the law. Just assumes it's fine. "What are we doing, though? Why are we breaking in?"
Jeongguk declines to answer. Instead, says, "Text Danbi. Tell her we're going there. They'll easily be another, what, two hours? At the cinema, right?"
Shrugging, Taehyung supposes that the timeframe is probably accurate.
"Okay," Jeongguk nods, head down, brain trying to order things succinctly. "Let me just shower really quickly. How far out is the place you get your art supplies from, Tae?"
"About forty minutes," he explains. Jeongguk's been with him a couple of times. It's always been Taehyung driving on those occasions though, so he doesn't really remember the location. "It's on their side of the city."
The plan is beginning to formulate in Jeongguk's head. Dots are connected. One big idea is trickling down into achievable steps.
"Alright. If I give you a list, can you run there and pick some things up? Jimin, you good to come with me to their apartment? To set things up?"
He doesn't elaborate on any of his plans. Will just waste time if he does - and the boys know not to delay a frantic Jeongguk. Will just make him even more irritable, and he's unbearable enough with a hangover.
"You didn't throw me a party," Jimin huffs - but is reminded that Jeongguk did in fact pay the bar tab for a night of extremely heavy drinking in Dionysus, instead. A week's salary? Pissed away. "Yeah, fair enough."
"Anyways," Jeongguk adds. "This isn't gonna be a party. Just us three and those three, I think. It's a bit too last minute for anything big."
"What about Nabi? Hayun?" Taehyung innocently asks - but the glare thrown his way by Jeongguk for even thinking to ask such a question says everything he needs to know. Eyes wide, a soft smile on his lips, Taehyung holds his hands up. "Hey, was just asking!"
"Well, don't," Jeongguk offers.
There's an ambiguity to Hayun's place in Jeongguk's life, these days. A couple instagram reels sit unopened in his inbox from her, 'cause he doesn't care to entertain her. The last time he'd seen her was at the surprise party you threw after his exam. The same one he left early, 'cause you weren't there and it made him feel all funny inside.
On occasion, he wonders if he's being too harsh. Wonders if maybe he should just talk to her; explain that he's not the guy he was. No better, no worse. Just different.
"She said you've been ignoring her," Taehyung adds. Doesn't doubt it.
"We've just got nothing to talk about these days." Jeongguk shrugs. He's in no mood to even so much as think about Hayun. This weekend is yours. Thoughts about her aren't welcome. "Anyways, doesn't matter. She's not Byeol's friend. There's no need for her to be there."
Taehyung pushes it no further. Respects Jeongguk's reasoning.
"Right you are. Give me your list before your shower," he says, wanting to get a head start on whatever it is Jeongguk's got planned. Doesn't wanna be the reason it fails. Knows Jeongguk seems to have a lot of emotion riding on this, and he wants his friend to succeed. Thinks it's about time a little happiness came his way.
Just like Danbi thinks you deserve it, too - which is why she insisted on going straight home after the cinema. The plan had been to go for a drink, or grab food - but Taehyung's slightly ambiguous but very desperate texts were all she needed to see to change the plan.
"Careful," Danbi laughs with you as you meander up the stairs to your apartment, a little uneasy on your feet because you're still feeling a bit rough. Popcorn tub in hand, you've barely touched it - which is unheard for you. No matter how large the serving size is, you nearly always finish it before the films even started.
You just couldn't hack it today. Put it down to the hangover. The sweet scent of the popcorn usually has you salivating, but it made you feel slightly sick today.
"If you don't want it, I'll have it," Hoseok offers, not wanting it to go to waste. He's already demolished his own popcorn and half of Danbi's. Just loves it. Think it's the closest thing humans have got to magic.
"Not so fast!" You say. "I will eat it - just need my stomach to settle."
It's the only big symptom of your hangover that's still lingering. Usually, it's your headache that is the most stubborn - but the surround sound of the cinema bullied that right out of you. Showed no mercy. Forced you to confront it head-on.
"If you let it go stale before you let me have it, I'll end the friendship," he warns - and you do know he'll absolutely be a baby about it. Will most definitely have a little tantrum, but nothing that would serve to end your friendship. He might just not share his own food for a few weeks.
"I won't," you insist. "And hey - it's my birthday weekend. You can't be giving me ultimatums like this, Hobes. Totally unfair. You should be, like, worshipping the ground I walk on."
Danbi checks her phone as you and Hoseok babble nonsensically, tailing just a little behind you to make sure you don't see her message thread. Sends one to Taehyung.
Home soon x
It's reiterated to Jeongguk and Jimin, who quickly get into formation - which is really just a straight line blocking the view of the coffee table.
Nibbling down on his bottom lip, there's really no need for Jeongguk to feel such anxiety - it's just that he knows he shouldn't know about your birthday. Knows he shouldn't be in your apartment right now. Knows you won't be expecting this. Knows that he runs the risk of upsetting you, just in case there's a more substantial reason as to why you withheld your birthday from him.
"Fuck," he whispers, hearing the three of you amble up the stairs. "Do you think we should go?"
"Gguk," Taehyung deadpans. "It's a bit late for that."
"I know but-"
"Shush," Jimin laughs, as the sound of your conversation grows closer. "They're near."
Nodding, Jeongguk does as he's told, bottom lip kept stable beneath his top row of teeth. Tongue toying slightly with his lip ring, he doesn't even know how to explain what you're about to walk into. Decides it's better to just simply stop thinking at all.
The beep of your door code being entered echoes the thump of his heart, until the lock clicks. Bolt retracts. The door is pulled open, and Jimin counts a quiet, 3, 2, 1.
The way in which all three of them - Jeongguk, Jimin and Taehyung - burst into a chorus of 'happy birthday to you' is comical - all singing at slightly different tunes, volumes, and tempos. It's a jumbled mess, and they all refer to you by different names - but as you stand with a bemused smile by your door, Jeongguk knows it's worth it.
And finally, he begins to smile, too.
The anxiety and nerves are replaced with the unadulterated joy that comes with seeing you - and given the way you had said goodbye to him earlier that morning, he's glad that you seem equally as pleased to see him.
It's not that you'd had an unpleasant goodbye. Not in the slightest. If anything, it was too pleasant.
Jimin hadn't yet woken. The pair of you had been standing in his doorway; you fully dressed and ready to go, Jeongguk in a pair of sweats and nothing else, save for the scrunchie of yours still in his hair.
The pair of you had been a mess of giggles and 'go,' despite him pulling you back. 'I'll text you later' and knowing nods, but then 'wait, come back.' Grabbed waists and stolen kisses that neither of you had any business taking from one another. So many kisses. Pretty, dainty kisses, on his pretty, darling lips.
He'd held your hand as you walked away from him for the final time. Was a broken man when you eventually let it fall from your grasp, turning around with a coy smile as you headed for his elevator.
Glitter in his dishevelled hair, stars in his dark brown eyes, Jeongguk had been everything . Had been the boy next door, with his sweet giggles and appled cheeks. Had been the bad boy you know you should stay away from, with his messy locks and tattooed skin. Had been the mirror of you, with his glitter-covered skin and love-drunk gaze of adoration.
You'd spent a great deal of your time in the cinema fretting over it. Overanalyzing. Overthinking.
What if it was too much? What if he knew just how violently the butterflies had been swarming in your diaphragm? What if he'd just been reciprocating your actions because he hadn't wanted to make you feel bad?
Yet when you see him now, you know that none of those questions, nor their answers matter. Whatever is happening between you both simply doesn't matter.
You don't want clarification. Don't want to open yourself up to hurt. Just want things to stay exactly as they are.
Funny, really, how Jeongguk had been fretting just the same. Worrying that he had done too much. Is aware of how deeply intimate you regarded kisses to be. Should have held back. Should have fucked you last night. Should have done a bird. Stuck to the rules.
Instead, he had just kissed you.
Is well aware of the message it sends. Has been worrying that it perhaps isn't a message you wish to receive. Still doesn't know for sure - but knows that he'd like to keep things exactly as they are.
Just like you do.
Might be reading different books, but you're on the same page. It's like being in a mysterious book club. Just gotta wait until one of you decides to read aloud - but neither of you wants to be the first to go.
"What is this?" You laugh, utterly confused by everything in front of you.
Jeongguk, Jimin and Taehyung stand in a row, adorned in the silliest of photo booth props - party hats, feather boas, novelty glasses. The room around them is dressed to the nines - steamers, lights, bunting, things hanging from the ceiling - and there are half a dozen packets of polaroid film for your camera.
"It's your birthday party," Jeongguk says a little shyly. Looks behind himself, as if to check it's all still there. Smiles when he looks at you again. "You really thought you could get away with it, huh?"
Puffing your cheeks out with a little air, you scrunch up your face, surprised that he's scolding you - albeit very playfully - in front of other people. Flirts like this are typically reserved for your time spent alone together.
"Don't know what you mean," you smile, as Danbi and Hoseok encourage you further into the room. Looking around, you can't hide just how touched you are by the chaos surrounding you. There's something new, something different everywhere you look. "This is insane."
And it's only even more overwhelming when the boys part ways, and reveal the coffee table to you. On it are a dozen different papier mache shapes - Roman letters for your initials, ambiguous animals, and different-sized spheres - and what must be thousands of tiny mirrored squares. There are adhesives in abundance. Everything you need to make your very own disco balls - or some sort of iteration, at least.
"Guys," you say softly, appreciation lacing your voice. Have stars in your eyes, not just around them. "What is all this?"
When you pout in their direction, hands over your heart, Jeongguk thinks it looks like you might cry. Hopes you won't. Fears you will. Pulls you in for a hug to remedy it. The rest of your friends talk amongst themselves. Greet one another. Enthuse over the state of the place. Give you guys a second to one another.
"What the fuck?" You laugh softly into his chest. "Gguk, you didn't have-"
"Shut up," he smiles. Presses a kiss against your hair. Is discrete enough that no one notices. Smiles. "It was your fucking birthday , B."
"So," he emphasises as he pulls away, holding your shoulders. "Birthdays aren't about the birthday person. Not really."
"No?" You laugh.
He beams. "Nope. They're for the people who love the birthday person."
It shouldn't come as a surprise that your best friend loves you. It should be expected. Shouldn't make you feel the way that it does. Oh, it's all so beautifully fucked.
"Kinda like a funeral," Jeongguk ponders out loud, not dwelling on the unintentional mention of love. "They're a time to show appreciation for the deceased. Birthdays are just the same."
Laughing, you shake your head, and let him manhandle you a little further into the room to have a better look around. "I don't think birthdays and funerals are that similar."
"Well," Jeongguk says. "You didn't tell me about your birthday, and I doubt you'll be the one telling me about your funeral, either. So they'll be similar in that regard."
Cringing, your shoulders tense slightly. Jeongguk simply rubs them, easing your awkwardness. "You've got a point."
"I know I do," Jeongguk laughs. Drops his hold on your shoulders to grab you a glass of the premade drinks. There are six of them. Long, not short. Purple. Raising your brow as you accept it, Jeongguk nods. Confirms your assumptions. "The long version of a star fucker. Star lover, I think we called it."
Fitting .
Joining your friends to sit around the coffee table on the floor, music humming from the speaker, you're lost for words.
There are no actual words that can be used to express your gratitude, you think. Nothing you can say to articulate how much this means to you.
"How did you even plan all of this?" You laugh, unable to contain your happiness.
"Don't look at us," Jimin laughs right back. Nods over to Jeongguk. "He's the mastermind, over there."
Glancing across to Jeongguk, you can't help but let yourself indulge in the nonsensical idea that his starry eyes are reserved for you, and you alone. He shrugs.
"You didn't give me much choice," he asserts.
"Wait," Hoseok interrupts, finally piecing it all together. Had just been in a bemused state of 'what the fuck' since arriving. Looks at you with horror. "You didn't tell him it was your birthday?!"
Awkwardly scrunching your face up, you shake your head. "I just didn't wanna be a bother."
It's not entirely a lie, but it is also an incredibly superficial explanation. There are layers to your reluctance to share your birthday with Jeongguk. Reasons. Past disappointments. Ones that Hoseok and Danbi are well aware of.
Even though he thinks of it, Hoseok doesn't mention last year. Doesn't reiterate his opinion of Seokjin being a heinous asshole for what he did.
Instead, he accepts your answer. Does tell you that you're an idiot, though.
"Hey," you whine. "It's my birthday weekend. You have to be nice."
"He's right, though," Jeongguk backs him up.
The smile he gives you is fond. Could call you the nastiest names he likes, but with a gaze like that? All you'd hear is a sweet melody reserved just for you, sung only by him.
Laughter echoes around the room as the evening settles in. All opting for slightly different shapes, your disco balls are truly an embodiment of who you are. Danbi is decorating a T, and Taehyung is decorating a D. It's all very vom-inducing - but they're too sweet for you to take the piss.
Jimin does it enough for everyone, anyway. Tells them that they're the most disgusting couple he's ever known.
Funny, how this attestation makes Jeongguk glance in your direction. Wonders what he'd think of you two as a couple. Knows that he'd probably also think you were disgusting if he saw how the pair of you behave together, sometimes.
Hoseok has gone for one of the animals. It's just the head. Can't decide if it's a cat or a dog, but decides it doesn't matter. Tells everyone it's definitely a squirrel. Nobody else can see his vision.
Jimin was going to do a J, but upon seeing Danbi and Taehyung's couple letters, opted for a cube instead. Disco balls go against all of his interior design desires, but he'll make an exception for you.
Traditional in his choice, Jeongguk is painstakingly trying to perfect an actual disco ball. Chose the second biggest size. Wanted to do the biggest one, but also wanted to use this as a practice run. Maybe he'll make a hobby out of restoring broken disco balls.
Beside him, you're also doing a sphere - just a much smaller one. Cuter. Daintier.
"That's so unfair," Jeongguk pouts when you finish your first row of mirrored squares. He's barely even begun. Wishes he'd set his sights on something smaller.
"Go big or go home," you remind him - then head to the fridge to get the jug of Jeongguk's special cocktail. Topping up everyone's glasses, you know exactly how this night is gonna go - and you couldn't be more pleased.
"You're trying to get me drunk," Jeongguk grins when you finally reach his glass. "Trying to sabotage my disco ball making skills, aren't you?"
"I'm doing nothing of the sorts," you assure him - but honestly, you think the imperfections, if any, would only add to the charm. "You made the drink. It's on you if you can't handle it."
"Oh fuck off," he laughs, challenged. Takes a sip. A really fucking big sip. Nearly finishes it. "I'm a bartender, baby. I can handle it."
Laughing, you pretend to have not heard the way he just called you baby. He was just messing around. Didn't mean it.
"Sure you can," you tease, filling his drink back up. And so he repeats it. Half-flirting, half-competing against nobody. And so you top his drink right back up again. "Someone's got something to prove."
A second night of drinking in a row isn't what you'd been anticipating, but you welcome it. Think that you need a couple of drinks to handle the confusion of how you're feeling. 
As the disco ball construction descends into chaos, and no one is quite able to get the spacing or positioning just right, you realise that this is the magic of a disco ball; how the broken can still be beautiful.
Yet when you look at your small creation, you're pleased. Sure, the lines are a little uncoordinated. There's a wibble wobble here and there - but it's yours .
Danbi and Taehyung manage to make theirs look pretty good, and Jimin's isn't too bad either.
Hoseok protests. Say they had it way easier.
"You chose that shape," Jimin laughs. "Don't blame us!"
For all of his artistic talents, disco ball crafting is not one of Hoseok's. It might also be that he's had six of Jeongguk's little cocktails.
He's had to remake the cocktail twice already, given how frequently you're all topping up for glasses from the jug. It's gonna be a messy night - but for once, there's no uncertainty over whether or not Jeongguk will be going home with you, for he's already here.
"It's my day off," Jeongguk jokes on the third remake. "Should be paying me."
"I'll make it up to you," you quietly promise him with a smirk, out of earshot from your friends.
He looks at you with inquisitive eyes as if to question what on earth you could possibly mean by that - and decides he's better off not questioning it. Will revel in the ambiguity of whatever the fuck is going on between you. Enjoys the flirt too much, especially when he's a little tipsy.
"Wait, wait - a little to the left!" Danbi instructs Taehyung as they begin to string up the makeshift disco balls in the meantime.
It's a labour of love, but it's worthwhile. Eventually, one by one, all of the creations take their rightful place, haphazardly tacked to the ceiling with tape that's a fair amount stronger than Jeongguk's washi tape. The sunset lamp you and Danbi rarely use is turned on. Pretty pink and peach reflections cascade all over the walls, dappling you all, too.
The clandestine touch of your hands as you pose for pictures is hidden from your friends.
There's an awareness that the way in which you're behaving is not normal of friends; that the lines between who you think you are, and who you truly are, have become blurred. There's a giddy silliness to it all, and it's why neither of you want it to stop. Childish, and stupid, it may be - but it's freeing, too. A farewell to the expectations that have kept you both in boxes for so long.
By the time you've drunk home bar dry, Hoseok is already asleep, and Jimin isn't too far behind. They're crashing in the living room, so you fetch their duvets and bedding, while instructing Jeongguk to go to your room.
"I can sleep out here," he offers. Doesn't wanna make things awkward for you - but you shake your head.
"Always save on the heating bill when you're here," you tell him. It's not a lie. It's also not why you want him in your room, either.
Thing is, you're both fucked. Jeongguk's mixing was getting stronger and stronger with each new pitcher. There's nothing either you can do to fight the drunken sleep that takes over as soon as you're beneath your sheets.
It makes it even more shocking that when you wake up the next morning, you're without a headache. If anything, you feel worlds better than you did the morning before and it worries you. Likely means that you'll crash later on in the day.
Jeongguk's not awake, so you slip out to grab water for you both. It's still dark, curtains drawn, but you can see light seeping in through the cracks. There are no curtains in your living room, and your phone is dead so you've no idea of the time. Dread to think of how long Jimin and Hoseok might have been awake.
"Oh, holy shit," you whisper in surprise as you walk into the living room, greeted by Jimin, sitting on your couch like a meerkat, posture perfect. He's wrapped in a soft blanket, face puffy from last night's lack of water and abundance of vodka.
"Mornin' DB," he croaks, channelling his best ET. Keeps his eyes glued to the television - where Allie and Noah are talking about birds.
"Notebook?" You ask, not that he needs to answer. You've watched more times since you've met Jimin than you have in your entire life.
He nods. Croaks. "You got any paracetamol? Dunno what Jeongguk put in those drinks but I think he might have been trying to kill me."
Before you can answer, a sleepy and dishevelled Jeongguk emerges from your room, shaking his hair out with his hand. He yawns, and says, "I was."
"Knew it," Jimin groans, flopping down to lie on the sofa. He's really not made for hangovers. "What were we even drinking?"
Jeongguk comes to stand beside you, hand on your hip as he reaches around to grab the phone charger plugged into the socket by the toaster. Speaks to Jimin as if he's not driving you insane. "Star Lovers."
He cements the name. Gives it delineation. A place in your life. Squeezes your hip as he says it. Wonders if you notice. If you're aware of his intentions.
You are - you just tell yourself he doesn't realise what he's doing.
"Tae and Danbi up yet?" You ask. Jimin just grunts. Is obviously feeling just like Jeongguk did the night before. "Where's Hobes?"
From the bathroom, you hear another grunt.
"You good?" You laugh, calling through to your fallen friend.
Another grunt.
"Put you down as a maybe," you say, but get him a Powerade from the fridge regardless. Pass it over to Jeongguk. "Can you give him this?"
Jeongguk looks at you with a little confusion.
"Don't wanna walk in on him if he's got his cock out," you say. In the past? Probably wouldn't have phased you. Now? Still wouldn't - but you don't wanna have to witness anyone else's cock right in front of Jeongguk, for some reason.
"Well, nor do I!" He protests, and passes it right back.
"Cock's not out," Hoseok whines from the bathroom. "Gimme fuel."
You narrow your eyes at Jeongguk, then proceed to deliver Hoseok's drink, only to nearly fall over laughing at his sorry state. He had somehow managed to retrieve his disco ball in the night, and is now hugging his ambiguous animal head tight to his chest, curled up around the toilet bowl.
"Think you killed our friends," you tell Jeongguk when you retreat to your bedroom, toothbrush in your mouth.
Jeongguk sits on your bed, shirt off, duvet pooled around his waist. Hair a mass, a lazily lopsided grin on his face, he's sin in the most heavenly of ways.
He shakes his head. Declares innocence. "They did it to themselves."
Now you shake your head. "You assisted."
"You're alive," he says. Is chancing his luck. Looks ever so pretty as he does so. "And I'm pretty sure you drank just as much as they did - so it's their fault. Not mine."
Humming some sort of disagreement, you leave the room to go and spit out your toothpaste, hopping over a still half-alive Hoseok.
When you return, Jeongguk's looking through some of the polaroids from the night before. You've no idea how many were taken - but imagine most of the new film is ruined with extreme closeups of Jimin and Hoseok's faces. They were doing that for, like, maybe ten whole minutes.
"Look at this one," he smiles, passing it over to you. "You should keep it safe."
It's one of you and Danbi, caught off guard, giggling about something. You rarely have pictures together - spend your time enjoying the moment instead of preserving it - so to have such a candid moment is precious.
Joining him on the bed, you don't really think much of the way you're sitting; staddled over his legs, looking down to where the pictures are on his lap.
"Hello," he says quietly.
"Hi," you whisper back.
"Come here often?"
"More than I should," you smirk, the double entendre dangerous for you both.
And yet Jeongguk licks his lips. Looks down to yours. Is shameless as he says, "Not enough. You should come here all the time."
"Well it's not like I 'come' anywhere else," you shrug, then cheekily correct yourself. "Sorry, not like I 'go' anywhere else."
Jeongguk is about to flirt back, but is thrown off by the way your body suddenly jerks a little.
Sucking air between your teeth, your hand presses against your abdomen. The swift pang of discomfort isn't unusual. You have ovaries. They don't always play ball. It's not the end of the world.
"You good?" Jeongguk asks, cocking an eyebrow. Strokes your hip. Wants to soothe whatever is wrong.
Nodding, you sweep aside his concern. "All good."
He doesn't buy it. "What's up?"
"Nothing," you insist - and you genuinely mean it. A skipped month here and there really comes as no surprise. Your body isn't a machine. Sometimes it doesn't do what you expect it to, but for the most part, you're fine.
It's not until Jeongguk's brows furrow, head tilting, that you think perhaps you should be concerned.
"When did you last-"
"It's fine," you dismiss immediately, not really wanting to discuss your menstrual cycle as a form of foreplay. 
Your body just does this occasionally. Nothing feels out of the ordinary. The pain was a little sharper than usual, granted, but you were also drinking the night before. Your liver is probably throwing a tantrum.
"B, don't fuck around with shit like this," Jeongguk says, his tone not one you're used to hearing. It's direct. Stern. A little sexy, if you're being honest, but the look on his face would suggest now is not the time for a little flirt.
"I promise," you say instead, giving him a soft smile, hands cupping his jaw. "If I thought anything was wrong, I'd be the first to freak out. Just a couple days late. No biggie."
Jeongguk nods. Is seemingly soothed by your touch. Knows that what you're saying is likely true. Knows that you'd have already been to a pharmacy by now, if you had any reason to believe your skipped period was the result of his cock.
"If anything happens..." Jeongguk starts, but trails off. You wait it out. Let him gather his thoughts - of which he eventually does. "Just let me know when you get your period, m'kay?"
With a nod, you promise you will. "If it's not here within a day or two, it'll probably mean I've skipped this month. I can take a test if it will make you feel better?"
Without hesitation, Jeongguk nods. "Why not just do one now? Get it over and done with?"
"Because if I do a test today and get my period tomorrow, I'll be annoyed," you laugh. A single day really doesn't make that much difference in the grand scheme of things. "Plus it's a Sunday."
"So?" Jeongguk laughs.
"Lazy day," you smile. "I don't wanna do anything that requires heavy thinking - and let's not forget how much alcohol I've had in the past 48. I've definitely killed off any lingering pests."
Jeongguk scoffs. "My sperm aren't pests."
"Pests are annoying," you say. "And you are also annoying. Do the maths."
"You're literally sitting on my lap," he shakes his head.
"You can be annoying and sexy."
"You're unbearable," he tells you, but the softness of his smile and the dimples in his cheeks would suggest that he doesn't think that in the slightest.
Nudging your nose up against his, you smile. "And yet you're holding onto me for dear life, aren't you?"
His grip only tightens. Hikes you further up his lap. Reaches down to discard the polaroids. Gets you right where you belong. "Think your blood alcohol content is high enough to kill pests, still?"
"So you admit it?" You tease, ignoring his question. "Your cum is an annoyance?"
"I'll admit it if you stop begging for it every time we fuck."
"Let's try now," you whisper. Let your nose nudge a little further against his. Don't kiss him - but you could . It drives him insane. "Let's see how I do."
He's about to lift the hem of your shirt. About to retrace the steps of a dance you know by heart at this point. Is about to disregard any and all of his initial panic of the morning - but then you're both distracted by a subtle thud.
Glazing over to the wall between yours and Danbi's room, it doesn't take a genius to work out what's happening. There's a second thud. A third. Fourth. A sound that is a little different, but incredibly human.
"Oh, fuck," Jeongguk laughs.
Whatever is happening in Danbi's room is exactly what was going to happen in your room.
"Oh my god," you laugh along with him. "Shit - Jimin."
"Let's go," Jeongguk taps on your thighs for you to get off, and you do so without hesitation.
The flirt had been fun, but it's not worth the humiliation of Jimin finally hearing you fuck. Jeongguk adjusts himself. Only has a semi, so it'll go down fairly quickly. Nothing to worry about.
"Oh thank God," Jimin hisses when you get to the living room. "Thought it was you guys."
"We don't fuck!" You both say in unison, and then look at each other as if you're offended by the quick denials.
"Right, yeah," Jimin mocks. "Totally believable. Good job, guys."
"Shut up," Jeongguk laughs, coming to rough house with a very delicate Jimin. They're as boisterous as brothers; testament to their friendship formed before they were tall enough for roller coasters. Gets him in a headlock. Jimin bites his arm. "We're just friends."
Jimin says something, but is still biting Jeongguk's arm, so it's completely muffled. With a big grin on your face, you just turn the TV up and plonk yourself down beside them. "Grow up."
And just like your denial earlier, Jeongguk and Jimin pull apart to look at you with great offence, and both say, "You grow up!"
You're certain that the boys will never outgrow how childish they are, and it worries you that the same could be said for you and Jeongguk.
Looking up to the disco balls in your living room, you notice the small swirl at the bottom of Jeongguk's mirrored tiles forms a small heart, and wonder how intentional it was.
He'll never tell you. Will keep it a mystery.
The world's worst kept secret: how much Jeon Jeongguk adores you.
A silly little thought to have. Implausible. You've seen him around girls he's loved. Don't think you into that category.
The most stupid thing at all is that you're even thinking about it. Why would you care to be loved by him? Why would you want your favourite person in the whole world to adore you? Why does it make you feel all nervous and yet remarkably calm all within the same second?
And when you look over time, and catch his eyes, why does his smile make your heart hurt?
But then your ovaries act up again. Give you a little pinch to remind you they're still there, even if they're not doing their job properly.
That must be it, you think. Just heightened hormones from your cycle being out of sync.
A knock at the door startles you from your thoughts, but Jeongguk offers to get it. You let him. Watch on with great curiosity as he takes a second to assess what's been delivered. 
He looks down. Shakes his head. Scoffs. Lets out a laugh that sounds anything but humorous. Pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
Is bitter - jealous - as he simply says, "It's for you."
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bowtiestash · 11 months
god. i watched one ep of helluva boss and i wanna post my thoughts here.
i fucking hated it, man. i unironically find it cringe i really dont wanna be that guy thats like, "ITS CRINGE!!!" but the humor just doesnt click with me (i dont even know if its supposed to be funny).
and the thing about this show that irks me is that the show is Very Adult but it looks to be its targetted for edgy teens. which makes me kinda uncomfortable...?? i honestly dont know how this show is so fuckin popular, man. at least from what i can tell from the first ep, it just made me die inside from how... Overly Edgy and Corny it was.
#its not even that is 'offensive' that makes me uncomfortable#like im sure they want it to be offensive. which is yeah. whatever.#if you like this show im sorry. im sure it gets better ??? maybe#but it just doesnt click with me. i just find it to be Annoying#im not sure how to explain it other than like. cringe teenagers saying shit like 'UWU MY CUTE GENOCIDER'#(ive seen someone like that before online. lmao)#like i GENUINELY cant see anyone past the age of 15 or 16 liking this.#it feels so geared towards teens but at the same time the content is NOT for kids#and it makes me kinda fucking uncomfortable.#also the fact that this show is just floating around on youtube where random ass kids can come across it#doesnt... sit right with me????#i dont wanna sound like a Prude or anything. with the 'THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!' mindset#but i dont think this show is meant to be on youtube. it should be on netflix or some other streaming platform. imo.#anyways . i dont wanna dunk on people and take the moral high ground#by pretending im better than someone if they like the show#i like cringe things too#its just these factors abt it that makes me Uncomfortable as hell#im sure i cant judge the entire show based on one ep but from that one ep i saw i just didnt like it#for the record i didnt care for the other show either. whatsit#the hotel one.#i feel like these shows could be better if they were executed in less of an. 'immature' ??? way#bc the humor does feel immature. Edgy Teen immature.#idk theres smth about it that annoys me and its the way an edgy teen annoys me by hyping themself up or smth#theyre not bad or anything theyre just Annoying. yknow? cause theyre like overly dramatic and shit. and they think people will give a shit#about their edginess. when in actuality most adults think theyre just being annoying#IM SOUNDING SO MEAN TO THOSE KIDS RN#IM SO SORRY IF UR AN EDGY TEEN BUT LIKE. I GENUINELY DONT CARE THAT U FUCKING DONT CARE FOR GORE OR WHATEVER#OOO you want a cookie for that????? you want a cookie for looking at gore websites???? ok. whatever.#skypeaks
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
sometimes interpreting media through a shipping lens enhances it, on occasion even beyond the author’s original intent, but sometimes, you do have to accept that your ship was not in the heads of anyone making the source material and trying to force it to fit into evidence of your ship will severely hinder your ability to discuss the actual text.
#and also ill hit you on the head with a brick#posts that. im not going to say theyre about destiel. im not going to say that.#and im not gojng to say it because. i dont need to. you already know <3#and to be clear: its not the interpretation thats a problem here. thats the fun of shipping. its then taking what youve interpreted and then#trying to backread that onto the media itself as intentional. as intended.#dismissing the actual themes and story for evidence of a ship is the problem. u get me?#shipping brainrot is not ‘oh i think these characters would kiss for this reason’.#its ‘this show is and has always been about these characters kissing no matter how much i have to ignore about the show to make that true or#pretend is completely different than its actually presented or straight up make things up to make my ship be a part of the intended reading’#thats the brainrot. the brainrot is when u step off the train of reality.#this is not true about the best piece of art ever made Captain America and the Winter Soldier. btw. that movie IS about bucky and steve#kissing alsjfdjskdjg#(<- okay im being silly here but id like to make a real point here too. the thing about TWS is that. it is genuinely enhanced by a romantic#reading. its not *better* than a platonic one. its just different. being able to see it through that lens does make a lot of the original#movie’s ideas even more complex. case in point like: steve struggling with his dating life. because what shared life experience does he have#with other people who look his age. and the movie is. about. someone who has his shared life experiences. and his mission to get bucky back.#you can see how that lens would be beneficial to the original movie rather than fighting it to prove the ship works in opposition to the#author’s original intent.)
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theygender · 2 years
Idk how many of y'all watch Good Mythical Morning but I just want to say that as a gnc person it makes me so happy to see Chase get to dress however he wants and have it just be normal. The crop top he always wears during international food taste tests isn't treated as weird, that's just his cartographer shirt, and it's become such a signature look that other people have to wear it while filling in for him. He plays a few female characters that wear dresses, but the fact that he's playing a woman or wearing a dress is never treated like a joke. The actual joke is that the character he's playing is a fancy dancing cow or an alternate universe version of Little Debbie named Giant Deborah who can teleport across dimensions if you chant for her. The dress is just part of the character, and Chase just happens to be comfortable wearing dresses and really good at playing funny characters. Idk, it just makes me feel really happy to see another gnc person out there thriving and living their best life. I've always been hesitant about being out as nonbinary at work bc I didn't think it would be possible for people to just treat it like a normal thing, and recently I've been worried that once I graduate college and go on to more "professional" work my future employers may see my gender nonconformity as unprofessional, which scares me bc it's not even possible for me to conform to any gender expectations anymore. But. Here on one of my favorite YouTube channels there's a gnc person who gets to dress however they want for their job, even having roles where their gender nonconformity is important to the videos, and it's just treated like the most normal thing in the world. If that's possible then maybe the idea of finding a research job that will respect me isn't so far fetched
#good mythical morning#rambling#idk i just get emotional sometimes#as someone whos worried that even gender nonconformity would be viewed as unprofessional in my future field and frowned upon#regardless of whether i would be interacting with the public#seeing someone whos able to be as gnc as they want at a job where theyre being FILMED for the public and posted to an audience#really does kinda give me hope that i can find acceptance one day#its really cool that stevie presents in a gnc way too sometimes but shes not on camera as much#but idk. it just makes me feel happy#im watching the international foods taste test they posted today and chase is wearing an even shorter crop top under his cartographer shirt#and i was just like HELL yeah you GO king!!#as someone whos been watching the show for a long time and has also seen a lot of old episodes from before i started watching#i like seeing how much more confident chase is now that he dresses how he wants to as well#in a lot of the old videos he dressed very much like a stereotypical straight boy and he seemed a lot more shy and timid back then#now you can just tell how happy he is. he seems so confident in himself and he contributes so much to the show now#idk. i want that one day. i hope i can find a stable career where I'll be accepted for who i am#instead of having to pretend to be something else or worry about what people are thinking of me if i dont#my job now is definitely better than some of my old ones but i still dont really know what people think of me now that im somewhat out#and spending 40 hours a week walking on egg shells with your own damn existence isnt fun :( but. maybe its not forever. i hope
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i don't get how someone could approach another person all excited to befriend them like "hii omg let's be friends!!!" only to then ghost them days later???
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itsbecomeblue · 5 months
band!ellie 2 headcanons and smau
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sinopse: ellie williams is the lead singer in a band (+some texts with her).
cw: nsfw after the texts with warning! swearing, explicit, reader works in a record store and ellie's a simp, not explicit if reader is fem or masc.
part 1
☆ at first dina and jesse could NOT bring themselves to believe ellie found her girl, but then they met you.
“this shit's cringe as fuck but the way y'all act around eachother…” jesse starts and dina immediately agrees.
“yeah, she's perfect for you, el.”
“i knowwwww, i need her.” jumping like a teenage girl fr…
☆ sometimes she thinks her bandmates like you way too much.
“invite y/n to the next rehearsal too for real.” jesse says after you leave a rehearsal you went to.
“okay man i get it, she's amazing.” with an annoyed expression.
“so… invite her.” dina chuckles.
“no, i don't want any of you jumping on my girl.” but she does invite you anyway.
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☆ she's so stupid tbh, she's gonna sign girls’ tits after concerts and act all oblivious when you swerve her kisses.
☆ and swerving her is so fun istg, she's gonna try like 4 times before she's upset. UPSET! (she will go non verbal).
☆ the type to perform and glance at you like you're about to have sex right that instant (u will, after the concert tho!).
☆ she is a singer herself but turns on the tv and pretends to be the weeknd for you.
☆ she wishes she could rap… actually, no. she thinks she can.
"that was... something." you smirk and she scoffs, throwing herself on the couch she was standing on, mic in hand.
"i'm literally in my rapper era but whatever, you'll see." and you're full on laughing. "don't laugh." and you come hug her and say she's so so special.
☆ you can't open x (twitter) without seeing girls mourning your girlfriend… she's alive not single tho!
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☆ always late for everything, but she tries her best istg. you and the band are TIREDDD.
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☆ nervous about pda… but she likes it, showing everyone you're hers and she's yours.
☆ made a slideshow about how you should move into her apartment… that was kinda like:
we're literally soulmates so we gotta be roommates too???
countless sleepovers omg i'm crying!
i'll never be late again (kinda😬)
we can get a pet tg 😯
i'll get to listen to u sing in the shower more and you know i like hearing you and singing with you while im in the toilet or even outside the bathroom
passionate lesbian sex before sleeping, after eating, doing the dishes, the laundry ALL THE TIME
i love you the most and i want you close all the time
you love me back (i hope) so you gotta want me close too
i want you as my wife asap
think about it, thanks and please my love ❤️”
you moved in… weak mf but can anyone blame you??
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☆ loves cooking with you for friends and family when they come over. just loves being with you in general but even house chores are better with you??
☆ comes disturb see you at your job, your bosses hate her and said they were gonna stop selling their album 😒 (they actually love her).
☆ switches from your serious cool rockstar girlfriend to your silly baby girlfriend in a second.
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☆ when fans edit you, reposts them and comments under them more than on her own (she has a folder of them on tiktok)
“that's my baby so stop gawking.(jk)” “whats her @” “id repost but my gf would be jealous, shes hot asf 🤤🤤” “THAT'S MY GIRL” “creamed💔”
someone said “ellie cant handle allat” and she replied fr “true, she the one handling me 💯💢” SHE HAS NO CHILL
☆ she pays the same attention to potential hate you'd get, she will block them… don't talk about her girl.
nsfw (cw: cunnilingus [e and r!receiving], fingering [e and r!receiving]. switch!ellie!!!!).
☆ you were supposed to be in the shower but ellie saw you stripping out of your clothes and she has to ask to kiss your clit, dropping to her knees. her fingers bruising your thighs and shes eating you out as if she'd been starving. you cum but she's not satisfied yet, she pulls you down on the bedroom carpet with her "give me another one, please." hands roaming your skin ever so softly, sending shivers down your body. she asks what you want, the position, how many fingers, she just needs to please you. and now she's on top of you, pounding you with her fingers and pressing down your lower stomach because she just wants you to cum again.
☆ she's gonna be in bed with you, almost asleep asking you for kisses, then for some touches... and you end up between her legs, sloppy nasty head and some slow fingering. your lips around her clit and kissing her pussy lips and slit and your fingers in and out her pussy. she's whining and squealing, playing with her own tits and caressing ur face. you're humming against her pussy and she's clenches "let go for me, ellie..." you coo and she squirts on your mouth and fingers. soft pants leaving her lips, soon stopping with her caresses on your face as you lick her cum. you look up, hair messy against the pillow and eyes closed. "i love you..." she mutters after you clean her and lay next to her "i love you." you spoon her.
a/n: this is kinda shitty but it's for who asked for more! @kyleeservopoulos @sameenatruther @harrysslutsstuff
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crxss01 · 10 months
hi! im not sure if you’re taking requests, but if you are, could you maybe write something of miles being jealous of like someone you’re working on a project with or someone at your job? thank you!! <3. (I love you’re writing sm)
— Can’t Help Myself
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ 42!miles morales x reader, 1610!miles morales x reader.
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ miles wasn't so fond of you having to do a project with a boy he knew so well.
warnings ✧˖ ° flash thompson, possessiveness, kisses, casually kissing while arguing, 42!miles threatening to beat up people, cursing.
m. list, main m. list.
translations ✧࿓☾ princesa: princess, bonito: handsome/pretty boy, mi amor: my love, bebé: baby, hermosa: gorgeous.
a/n . . ◟੭ hey, sweet anon! you didn't specify which miles so i did both, but please do specify in the future! and thank you for loving my writing, i hope you love this too ♡.
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42!miles morales
"i'm telling you, princesa." miles said for the tenth time. "tell your teacher to change your partner, i don't want that lil boy around you."
"miles, flash is nice. drop it." you rolled your eyes.
"you're only saying that because you don't know what i know, mami." miles sounded frustrated now.
"how i'am supposed to know if you don't tell me?"
"just trust me on this one." miles shook his head, refusing to give you a reason.
"bonito, i'm not going to switch my project partner just because you're jealous of him." you took his cheeks in your hands, taking a sit on his lap. "you do know that i could be partnered with another boy, right?" you pecked his lips.
"it’s not about the fact he’s a boy, is about who he is and jealous? me?" miles scoffed then stole a kiss. "i'm not jealous of flash thompson's little white ass, have you seen him?"
you laughed. "don't be mean!" you playfully hit his shoulder. "and yes i have, which is more reason for you not to worry." another kiss was stolen from you.
then miles took your hips in his hands, "flash is going to try and get in your pants. i know him, princesa."
"you say that about every boy you see me with." you said incredulous.
"yes, but this is different. is flash we're talking about." he placed a frustrated kiss on your lips.
"yeah, yeah." you nodded, pulling away from him and standing up from his lap. "i'm going to the library now, bonito."
miles groaned. "can i at least come with you?"
"no. you will just sit there, glaring at him, the whole time which wouldn't allow me to concentrate, because i will be too busy thinking about the thousand ways i would beat your ass once we were out of the library." you said simply, with a small smile.
“come on, mami.” miles took your hand in his, playing with your fingers. “i won’t bother you, promise.”
you sighed, giving up too soon for your liking. “fine.”
you knew you shouldn’t have believed miles’s promise, you knew better than to think that he would keep it.
there he sat, in the chair next to you, glaring at flash thompson as the boy told you a lot of stuff about the subject of your project but he wasn’t making any sense at all so you just pretended to understand.
miles’s arm was around your waist, pulling you to him, his hand gripping your hip in a tight hold. it didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable. you kept tapping his hand, a silent message to let him know that he should control his face but either he didn’t get it or chose to ignore it. you could bet all your money which was the answer.
“look at this, y/n.” flash said, moving his chair closer to yours and leaning in which was unnecessary to show you something on his computer.
you knew the boy wasn’t dumb enough to not feel miles’s gaze on him but apparently he was dumb enough to not get the message behind the gaze.
“back the fuck up from my girl.” miles’s dark tone made flash visibly flinch, moving away from you immediately. “yeah, move fast before i beat your fucking ass.”
flash raised his hands in the air after a minute, letting out a nervous chuckle. “come on, my man. lighten up! i was just showing her something.”
“i ain’t your man,” miles stood up and made you stand up along with him with the arm around your waist. “we are leaving, ma.”
“but my project!” you protested.
“fuck that shit.” miles said, grabbing your bag and pulling you to the exit. “i’ll do your homework for that class when your grades drop.”
1610!miles morales
miles was pouting and looking at you with those beautiful baby deer eyes that made you melt for him. a couple of minutes had went by where he just kept that expression.
“what is it, mi amor?”
“why does it have to be him? why not me?” he covered his face with his arm, groaning into it.
“what are you talking about, miles?” you laughed. “i’m just doing a project with him, i’m still your girlfriend.”
he peeked at you through his arm. “really?”
“yeah,” you nodded.
“then tell the teacher to change your partner.”
“miles, be for real.” you shook your head. “flash is the last person i want as a partner, but you heard the teacher if i switch he takes 5 points off. it may be a little to you but that’s a lot to me.”
“i don’t like the way he looks at you, though.” he took his arm off his face, looking at you clearly now.
“and i don’t like the way some girls stare at you but we can’t all have what we want.” you shrugged.
“then i won’t go near them, you don’t go near him. everyone wins. everyone is happy.” miles clapped his hands, a winning smile on his face.
you laughed and placed a peck on his lips. “it’s not that easy, but we could try—”
“sweet! then let’s go, hermosa!” he started to stand up.
“after i’m done with this project.”
“but, bebé—”
flash sat back down at that moment, cutting miles off.
“sorry, the line for this was long.” he shook the shakes in his hands, before placing one in front of you. “hey, morales. when did you get here?”
“just now.” miles replied flatly.
“thanks, flash but i don’t want this.” you gave the shake back to him and pointed at the trash can where the one that miles had gotten you was empty in.
“oh…” the boy nodded, failing to hide the anger in his voice. “so… you two are together?” he pointed at you and miles.
he knew damn well the answer to that.
“yes, i was sure the whole school knew.” miles faked a frown. “weird.”
“well i didn’t, you must have not been obvious about it.” flash shrugged. “i thought you two were just friends.”
“now you know we are not.” you said to him, already feeling annoyance.
“since that’s the case, i’m sorry for hitting on your girl, dude.” he said to miles, acting as if that was necessary. “but she didn’t say anything, so i thought she was available.”
“we literally kiss in front of the whole school everyday,” you snapped. “there is no way you wouldn’t have known that we were dating.”
“and she shouldn’t have to tell you that she is dating someone for you to back off when she shows no interest in you.” miles said.
“now, can we get on with the project?” you raised an eyebrow.
flash pursed his lips and nodded.
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taglist: @anikaluv @janaeby @queerponcho @laylasbunbunny @onginlove @all444miles @fiannee @sp1dercunt @milesandcorysupermacy @loonalockley @dxille @miguelslefteyebrow (if you asked to be added to the taglist and you’re not on here is because your @ didn’t appear!)
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ reblogs are really appreciated!
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haarrrys · 11 months
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bo peep 🦢
wc - 1.1K
🏷️ tags - boyfriend!harry, fem!reader, long distance relationship, fluff, slight angst if you squint.
pairings - boyfriend!harry & fem!reader 🕰️🎧
summary - y/n is hiding something, or someone, from harry, who is on the other side of the world.
(a/n) no spellcheck, so i apologize in advance! i wrote this in like five mins so it’s kinda.. blah but I wanted to share it :)
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“so.. I did a thing.” is the first thing y/n says to him after accepting his facetime.
“oh no..” harry chuckles, his eyes furrowing in confusion, and a little worry.
“please don’t be mad.”
“well.. love, that depends on what it is..” harry says, his once playful mood beginning to diminish. what if it’s something serious?
“it’s something that could change our relationship forever.” y/n says, a blank face staring back at harry through the screen. uncomfortable chills run down his body, and he wishes he wasn’t miles away from her.
“is this something we should be discussing over facetime then..?” harry sighs, a frown taking over his features. he was excited to call y/n after his show, having missed her the whole day, but now this uncertainty is fucking up his day.
“i better just show you now..i think it would be better this way.” y/n explains, shuffling heard from her end. from the background, he can tell y/n is still in their “shared” bedroom in england. (it’s harry’s, but he likes to call it’s theirs) for some reason, this eases his anxiety slightly.
“come here, it’s okay.” he hears y/n whisper.
“did you adopt a baby or summat? why are you cooing..” harry starts, but his words become quiet as the smallest little white kitten enters the frame.
it’s silent for a moment, until the little thing meows, and harry barks out a laugh that startles the kitten.
“oh god, love— i thought— I thought this was something serious!” he says in between laughs, attempting to catch his breath.
y/n pretends to be offended, but the smile she fights off her face says otherwise. “oi! this is very serious. could make or break our relationship, because im not returning her.” she explains, making harry smile at her cuteness.
“i thought we agreed no pets? for now atleast..” harry says. since he’s always touring, traveling, moving, adopting a pet just wouldn’t fit into that lifestyle. they’d have to get pet sitters, who more often than not would be spending more time with the kitten than them.
“i know but.. it’s so lonely here. i need a companion. when me and y’mum visited the animal shelter and i saw this sweet little angel.. I couldn’t leave her there. anne said she kinda looks like you too.”
harry chuckles, “should’ve known my mum had something to do with this. crazy cat lady.”
“don’t call your mother that.” she hisses, although knowing, there is some truth to his words.
harry ignores her comment, “im sorry that you feel lonely. long distance is..hard. but are you sure about this? when you join me on tour it’s gonna be difficult with a kitten.”
“im sure. ill take her everywhere if i have to, she’s the sweetest, calmest girlie ever.”
“and it’s okay, i knew what i was getting myself into when we started dating.”
harry frowns at that. “i feel like a shit boyfriend.” he admits, sighing. y/n frowns back, setting the kitten down on harry’s side of the bed, which he envy’s for a split second.
“your an amazing boyfriend harry. so don’t say that.”
“i feel like i’m neglecting you— i should be with you.”
y/n shakes her head,”y’not. long distance isn’t rare y’know? you love touring, it makes you happy, I’m not upset. sure it gets..lonely, but that’s just part of being miles apart right? would be weird if I didn’t get lonely.. the love of my life is across the world!” she laughs.
harry smiles, making no attempt to cover the blush that tints his cheeks. for the first time in a relationship, he feels theirs a mutual bond of just..love, and needing eachother.
“you make me happy too, more than touring i reckon.” he says, making her pout dramatically through the screen. “don’t make me cry in front of bo peep haz.” she sniffs.
“bo peep? as in… from toy story? you named the kitten bo peep?” harry says, a serious look on his face before he breaks into laughter.
“wha? it’s a good name! i call her bo for short. don’t laugh at it! and also, not just from toy story..it’s a nursery rhyme too.” she says, acting offended.
“sorry love, it’s not a bad name. i kinda love it. bo.” he tries.
y/n smiles, nodding, before she yawns.
“tired babe?” harry asks, remembering it’s pretty early for her right now. it’s ‘twelve am’ for him.. so it’s like, five or six am for her.
“mhmh..couldn’t fall asleep with this little one.. feel like a new parent. im scared something will happen to her. also, wanted to hear your voice.” she says, yawning again at the end of her sentence.
harry coos, “imagine when we have babies, you’re gonna be a wreck.” he laughs. the topic isn’t foreign, or uncomfortable for them. in the two years they’ve been together, talking about babies and marriage is something that always comes up in their conversations, especially late night ones.
in past relationships, talking about children so early on would frighten harry, but with her.. it just seems so normal. he can talk about their nonexistent babies and actually picture their family; curly brown haired babies with harrys green eyes but their mothers face.
“me? y’know your gonna be much worse. i can already see you freaking out.” she tiredly laughs, images of harry frightened when her water breaks, or when their baby takes a small little tumble that wouldn’t leave more than just a tiny scratch.
harry laughs, “your not completely wrong.”
“is bo asleep?” harry asks, watching y/n’s eyes shoot awake. he feels bad, she almost succumbed to her much needed slumber, but harry wasn’t done talking to her.
“umm,” she says, sitting up to look a bo, who is nuzzled comfortably into harrys pillow, soft meows involuntarily leaving her.
“look at her.” y/n coos, moving the camera so harry can see bo.
“awhh, she’s adorable. i can’t wait to meet her. will you send me photos?” harry says. as soon as he’s up tomorrow, he’s gonna show all the crew members their newest addition.
“mhmm.. i already have a photo album for her.”
her words are lazier, indicating harry should let her sleep now, much to his dissatisfaction.
“alright baby, it’s been good talking to you, but I think you need to sleep now.” harry smiles, causing y/n to groan, “m’sorry i couldn’t talk long..will you stay on the phone?”
harry shakes his head, “think we both know that only ends with me talking off y’ear love. you can call me when you wake up.” he says.
y/n frowns, but nods. “g’night harry, i love you. bo loves you.”
“night, love you both, sending my kisses.” he says, finally signing off when y/n blows him a kiss.
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thank you so much for reading! ☕️ 🤍
requests are always open!
-fic rec masterlist-
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Thinking about dating mechanic!Eddie, whose shop is connected to a little gas station.
You love to swing by his job on your way to work and visit him. Sometimes, you both play a little game where you act like total strangers meeting for the first time. You and him having flirty banter with one another.
He'll walk out in his coveralls going up to your car. Putting a fake southern drawl to his voice.
"Well, hello there sweetheart need some help with that?" He asks, pointing to your gas tank.
You try to stifle a laugh and playing along with him.
"Actually, yes, um, It's just too big for me to hold." You bit your lip while pretending to pick up the fuel pump.
"Oh come on, now I'm sure you can handle big things like this." Eddie winked, taking the pump from you.
You shook your head playing innocent.
"Maybe you can teach me?" A fake pout forming on your face.
"You need someone to show you how? luckily, Im an expert these large hoses."
He moves closer beside you to get a better view. "See, all you gotta go is hold this big long hose and make sure it gets all the way into this tight hole."
"You watchin' me?" His low deep voice whispered. Eddie looks over to you, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from breaking character.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
Eddies is really playing it up today. The southern twang he's putting on a little more exaggerated than usual.
"Fill her all the way up until she is nice and full of cu- I mean fuel." He purred only to fumble on his words seconds later.
You hummed, placing your hand on top of his, helping him take the nosel out. His mouth immediately went dry when he felt you touching him.
"She's full." You whispered seductively. Your breath ghosting his neck as you moved to speak in his ear. You can see goosebumps rising on his forearms.
Eddie coughed, and his eyes grew large. He moved to lean his arm up against the side of your car. "I can show you a more physical way so you know exactly what you're doing."
A cocky smile spreading on his lips that was soon quickly wiped away when his arm slipped out from under him.
You couldn't contain your laughter any longer. "I love you Eddie see you after work."
Eddie quickly gained his composure, smoothing down his work uniform. You got back in your car as he followed behind closely. His co-workers were watching from the dingy window.
"Okay, love, you see you tonight." He bent over to kiss you goodbye.
"Ya know, I can pump more than just gas," Eddie smirks, leaning down to your window.
"Goodbye, Eddie!"
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indecenthoney · 12 days
Is it weird that I wanna watch?
Okay, hear me out! I'm sure any guy has had a lucky pervert fantasy of walking into their "girl" friend touching herself and it leading to something heated. But like what if I just wanted to watch? I think it's a lot hotter not doing anything in the moment. Let me play it out for you.
"Hey... Sorry to barge in but have you seen the... Oh shit... Sorry... sorry... I didn't know you were... doing that... I was just gonna ask if you've seen the package... Uhm you... okay? Fuck me you're really flushed... Different question... Do you mind if I watch...? You heard me! Let me watch... I promise I won't touch you... I just wanna watch... and I mean your pent up right now aren't you? I bet you wanna touch yourself so bad right now... It's funny... C'mon I won't bite... unless you want me to... I'm kidding Im kidding... Fine just let me see your facial expressions... You can cover up and do it under the sheets... It's getting unbearable, isn't it? Ill just talk your head off until you give in... So? What will it be? Sweet... and I'll be right here I promise... Just going to watch..."
People give in pretty quickly when pent up. If you really loved your friend then you'd guide them through a session. What are friends for?
"It's nothing... You're making a really slutty face just now... what are you being so slow for? Just a minute ago you were moaning into your pillow finger fucking yourself silly... No need to be reserved... pretend I'm not even here... That's it... Slick your needy cunt to your hearts content... Does it feel good, sweetie? Fucking yourself for me? Oh? Someone's getting excited... Do you like it when I talk to you like this? Hm? Talking down on you like a bitch in heat... so desperate to get off that you're doing it in front me? Yeah I did ask... but you're so quick to give in... like you wanted me to watch... No? You may be covered up but I can hear how fucking wet you are... such naughty sounds... "
It suchs a treat to see them get off on my words. Slowly making them brainless for me to slip in a little command that'll push them over the edge.
"That's it, sweetie... You're doing so good for me... Yeah? Yeah? It feels good, right? You're eyes are even rolling back... Are you close? C'mon sweetie... keep your eyes locked to mine... Imagine my cock sliding into you ramming my thick hard cock... kissing the entrance of your womb each time I pound into you..."
The sight of her desperately chasing her orgasm is quite the show. Being watched is already a lot for a person but to be touched when I promised not to. It'll send them over the edge.
"That's it, sweetie... Keep rubbing yourself stupid for me... Open wide for me, ya? It's okay... It's okay... I'm just going to help you a little... There we go... lick my fingers... such a pretty little mouth... so lonely... I thought you needed something to fill it... relax relax... let me trace your tongue with my finger... That's a good girl... Don't worry about the mess... We'll get you cleaned up... Fuck me... you're salivating like a mutt... Just a little longer... let me admire you... Good girl... Thank you for waiting... You can suck on my fingers again..."
Completely entranced by the pleasure losing all sense of shame and morality. Sucking and fucking herself silly. Pumping my fingers into her mouth as if she's sucking my cock. And then pulling away when she least expects it leaving her empty and confused. Only to be greeted with another sense of pleasure as I gently slide my thick fingers into her tight cunt.
"You can fight it as much as you want but ypur body will always tell the truth...and truth be told... you want this... your tight cunt squeezing onto my fingers... Oh? You're going to cum? And here I thought you hated me... Say sorry and I'll let you cum... What was that? You can do better than that sweetie... Too brainless to speak... fine... let me make it easier for you... I can stop and leave you be or... I cam stay and help you... and all you have to do is lick my fingers... Mhm... Taste yourself on my fingers princess... What will it be? That's a good girl..."
I'll have so much fun toying with her from now on. Playfully fingering her whenever I please. And she knows deep down that it feels too damn good to resist. All because she let me watch <3
In your head,
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after-witch · 4 months
Look I just got engaged and Im here to feed my own delusions SO (also I love your writing sm!!!)
"What on earth are you doing crashing my wedding like this?" - to Hisoka.
notes: yandere, blood, non-graphic violence
You're grateful for the fact that he showed up in your modest little bridal suite prior to the ceremony, rather than storming into the chapel as you were saying your vows.
He leans against the closed door--he locked it, too, you noticed--and gives you a familiar look of appraisal. There's pleasure in his eyes but something else, too. Something that is a little too reminiscent of the corner edge on a playing card.
"I'm stopping you from making a dumb mistake. You really think you're getting married to some low-tier nobody? Especially without my say-so?"
Your fist clenches in the delicate skirt of your gown until you remember how fragile it is--it belonged to your soon-to-be-spouse's grandmother--and you force your fingers to relax, smoothing out the antique lace.
"Why wouldn't I? We're in love."
Hisoka doesn't say anything for a moment.
Then he throws his head back and laughs until tears form in his eyes. They smudge his eyeliner.
"You might love them, darling, but I'm afraid the sentiment isn't quite returned. At least, not all that strongly. Certainly not strong enough for a wedding."
He wants you to ask. You don't want to ask.
But you do, anyway, because that's the game you've played with Hisoka for years. And he knows you always cave in.
"What do you mean?"
Hisoka pushes himself away from the door and approaches you. You know better than to run; the sticky memory of Bungee Gum crawls traitorously over your skin.
He doesn't stop until he's invading your space, until you've got nowhere to go unless you climb on top of the vanity behind you and use it as a seat.
"You do look pretty," he murmurs, leering down at you. "Are you wearing something nice underneath, for the honeymoon?" He leans in closer, a hand going to the fabric of your dress. "Can I check?"
You grimace and consider jabbing him with an eyeliner pencil left on the table behind you. It's not worth it--you might get some on your dress. You settle for smacking his hand away, and he lets you, pouting his lips at the pretend hurt.
"Hisoka. Answer my question."
Hisoka gives you one more appreciative glance before he grins.
"Ah! That. My dear, they began running the very moment I killed the priest at the alter. Didn't even try to help the old man." He grinned and ran a finger through his hair; a card appeared in his fingers and he flipped it back and forth. "I generously told them I was going for you next, and you know what they did?"
"Shut up!" You press your hands over your ears, but it doesn't blot out his words--the thought of the dead priest bleeding out--it doesn't blot out Hisoka.
"They ran out of the church and didn't even look back."
It's your wedding day and your priest is dead and the love of your life left you to die.
"Someone," you force out, voice croaking, mind scrambling for purchase on some bit of hope. "Someone else will come for me." Your mind frantically races over the guest list. Your future father-in-law, he would surely come running up the stairs. Or your uncle and your cousins. Or your friends. One of the other priests at the church, who would do anything to save an innocent like you.
"Oh, sweetness." Hisoka's voice is thick with honey.
He leans in close and brushes the flat end of the card against your cheek. There's something warm and wet on it, and a metallic tinge forces its way into your nostrils.
"What makes you think anyone is still alive down there?"
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ship-graveyard · 2 months
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Traveling with P1Harmony 💕
🛫 - Air Travel Edition - 🛬
☁️ - fluff | 🌙 - gn!reader | 💞 - all members
note: occasional references to travel anxiety
♡ - always makes it to the airport perfectly on time (no getting bored or stressing because he’s timed everything perfectly)
♡ - incredible at navigating crowds and fighting to keep your place in lines for security, boarding, and deplaning
♡ - idk how but the airline always loses his luggage
♡ - you need a break from the airport chaos? dw his arms are your safe haven and he’s got a hug already queued up for you
♡ - will take the middle seat for you if you’ve been assigned it BUT he will whine about it later (good news: you can just kiss his pout off his lips and he’ll forgive you)
♡ - want help lifting your luggage into an overhead bin? luckily your big strong boyfriend is here to help! (he will accidentally smack someone in the face with it when taking it back down but shhh he’s trying)
♡ - bothers you 24/7 on the plane, but he means well… he just can’t help it bc he wants to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible (ooh what are you watching?? are you hungry? thirsty?? he could definitely steal water from someone in first class, would that help?)
♡ - wants you to sleep on his shoulder SO bad. he’ll be slowly leaning into your space if you start to nod off until you get the hint
♡ - lets you completely melt into him if you want to sleep while waiting for boarding (just results in the sleepiest pile of limbs bc he’s probably out immediately too)
♡ - overpacks… why does he have 14 hats when he only ever wears one? why did he pack a toaster in his carry-on?? the world will never know
♡ - has 7 different beverages with him at all times
♡ - more likely to distract you and redirect your energy than directly comfort you if you get travel anxiety, but it still helps significantly just knowing he’s aware of it and by your side if you need anything at all
♡ - he’s going to fight you for claim of the armrest and not in a cute way
♡ - will smack you if you turn the overhead light on (if you really want to read/draw or do anything else that you need to see clearly, he MIGHT let you turn the light on if you ask nicely and/or sweet talk him)
♡ - spends half the flight judging the people who brought their children on the plane
♡ - will get hopelessly invested in whatever you’re doing/watching but pretends not to be whenever you catch him leaning over to see better
♡ - brings an extra sweatshirt/jacket for you bc he knows you’ll forget your own, get cold, or need the comfort
♡ - takes care of everything that might be stressful for you. you’re nervous? dw he’s got your printed boarding passes ready and your luggage handled. you just need to show up and hold his hand
♡ - does a mental analysis of the best quality airport cuisine compared to affordability bc you deserve to be well-fed and pampered but he’s also really practical
♡ - surprise kisses as positive reinforcement when you remember to hydrate
♡ - zonks out on the plane. he’s been busy taking care of you, let the poor guy drool on your shoulder a bit
♡ - type of person to watch the flight tracker the entire way there
♡ - if you accidentally intrude on his foot space be prepared for the most intense high-stakes game of footsie you’ve ever been involved in (he’ll win but end up just pulling your legs onto his lap bc he feels a bit guilty and he loves you too much)
♡ - loses his boarding pass immediately (you better have backups)
♡ - will get lost in the airport if you let him out of your sight
♡ - lets you buy anything you want with his card (he just wants to trail along and hang off your arm and spend time with you)… puppyboy IM SORRY who said that
♡ - leans his entire weight on you when waiting to board bc he’s tired and he loves you and you’re right there
♡ - underpacks. it’s always “babe can i borrow your toothbrush? i forgot mine😔” and “one pair of pants is probably enough for the whole week, right?”
♡ - you’ll have to be the responsible one tbh but he’s always right there if you need anything and he’d step up in an instant if you asked him to. it’s only bc he feels so comfortable with you that he lets himself relax so much and truly be himself, so he’s eternally grateful that you look out for him when he needs it
♡ - asks to be involved in whatever you choose to do on the plane bc he wants to spend that time with you
♡ - if you have trouble speaking up, he’d happily do it for you. need accommodations?need to ask someone to move so you can go to the bathroom? he’s got you
♡ - gets pulled over at security for something really bizarre (a cool rock he found that makes it look like he’s smuggling drugs, a jar of loose coins of various types, the creepiest figurine imaginable that he decided was cute, etc, etc)
♡ - might need your help with translating some things depending on where you’re flying out of/to (he could probably figure it all out on his own, but he likes being able to rely on you so he doesn’t have to channel all of his energy into making himself understood)
♡ - traveling exhausts him tbh but hugs and spontaneous kisses help him recharge!
♡ - equally likely to distract you from nerves by starting fun conversations or reaching out and reassuring you with physical affection
♡ - hoards the little snacks they give out on the airplane and offers them to you as surprise gifts later
♡ - watches everyone else’s screen on the plane instead of his own lol (he’s invested in the movie two rows up leave him be)
♡ - wants to try to learn a few phrases of the local language on the plane if you’re traveling somewhere with a native language he doesn’t speak
♡ - if you fall asleep on the plane expect to have random braids in your hair when you wake up (it’s not his fault that he wanted something to do with his hands and in his defense he finds you absolutely adorable with them. esp finds it endearing if you leave them in bc that’s his handiwork you’re showcasing)
♡ - might share some of your travel anxiety, but instead of making him distant it just makes him more invested in getting you both there safely and being conscious of your needs. you can be certain that he’s done his research, and you’ll always be safe and taken care of when he’s by your side
♡ - the most difficult part of flying with him is getting him to wake up early tbh. he’ll be slumped against you in a half-successful back hug while you scan the departures board for your gate bc he’s still half asleep
♡ - effortlessly cool and fashionable even with messy hair and comfortable clothes
♡ - soft kisses to your temple and warm hands brushing against yours when he wants to get your attention
♡ - wants to switch off picking songs to listen to on the plane (or listen to a combined playlist of each of your interests) with shared earbuds bc he thinks it’s an important way to share your interests and emotions with each other
♡ - before you even ask he’s handing you a Nintendo switch controller and encouraging you to play something with him (dw he finds you adorable no matter if you’re terrible at it or if you kick his ass when it comes to gaming)
♡ - prefers pushing the armrest up so you can lean into each other and just be close (he isn’t super cuddly/touchy in public, but he enjoys the casual proximity. and sometimes the urge to dote on you is too strong to be contained)
♡ - not really the type of person to speak up and ask the flight crew if he needs something, but the second you need something he’s on his feet and advocating for you
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: reader is dating quinn hughes, the man of her dreams, and reader loves knowing he is hers.
pairings: quinn hughes x fem!reader
warnings: so poorly written im sorry, SHORTT
BASED ON “call it what you want” by taylor swift
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nobodys heard from me for months, im doing better than i ever was..
you held his hand tightly, watching as texts continue to roll in, like they had for months. you read them, pretended they didn’t exist, and lived your life. lived your life with quinn hughes. it was a quiet one, one you desired, one you needed.
before you went on your long-term hiatus, you thought the world would’ve ended. constant hate online for just doing solely your passion, brought you down a lot. quinn being there every step of the way was what helped.
he was gentle, patient, perfect. he was a daydream, fit like one too.
in some ways you felt like he would die for you, and you of course would do the same. he would do it all for you. someone catcalled you? he’d be on their ass. a storm ruined your house? he’d build a fire, making sure you keep warm. he was a total sweetheart. you had him wrapped around his finger.
as you slowly came back online, small posts with quinn in it would be what you shared, leading everyone to assume. some people called it a situationship, some called it just friends. you didn’t care what people called it, because you knew what it was.
it wasn’t him hugging you in a friendly way. it was him hugging you because he loved you. when he walked with his head down towards you, it wasn’t in embarrassment or just ‘cause. it was because he was trying to hid the pink hue on his cheeks.
it was scary, being so in love with someone after previously failed relationships. you worried it would effect(..?) your entire relationship, but it didn’t. quinn hughes loved you like you were brand new, like you were a queen high above everyone else.
after all the mistakes you made, you were terrified to make them again, but he showed you that its okay to make mistakes. he made you feel special. he sparked your darkest nights up.
when you came public, the way you did it was so simple and quiet. you posted a picture of you, wearing a necklace. his initial was on it. and when people asked why you wore it, you said,
“not because he owns me, but because he really knows me.” which is more than they can say.
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uhm i had literally no idea how to end this so its so shitty 💔 im sorry guys
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
George Weasley x Reader
You broke up with your ex, but said ex refuses to believe you moved on. That you found better than him. So, you figured you had to prove you did. Time to call a favor
Warnings: 18+, topics of abusive ex, satisfying revenge, ablism, oral sex (male receiving) public, choking (very light) fake dating, voyeurism, peeping Tom, Very Soft George, cuckholding? Sorta? Not really? But like maybe on a technical level?
Writing Comission’s Open
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“George, pretend to be my boyfriend.” You asked, quickly. Hardly gave him a chance to even look over his shoulder, when he saw a man storming into his shop. Looking utterly pissed, and you anxious. He’s got a little sister, and plenty of brothers. As if he needed to put two and two together. His arm was quickly around your side, and he leaned into you. As if it was all natural.
“Was wondering when you would get here, Jellybean!” He announced, making your ex quickly look over to you two. His stare hardened, and George stared right back. Snearing. Keeping up a smug complexion through it all. You quickly stuffed yourself into his arm. As if trying to hide, as your ex came over. Nearly stomping in the process.
“The hell you doing with em-?Your ex demanded. “Uh…..Snuggling? Kissing? Whatever we want in MY shop-?” George would puzzle, as he was wondering where the such nerve came from. George would make sure to keep you close, with a hand on your hip, as he protected you. You would rest your head on his shoulder, and took in the comforting scent of fireworks and sugar. Helped you get grounded, as your ex was looking ready to fight.
“That’s what Im suppose to do, you fucking cripple-“ The man snapped, making you gasp. You were about to say something, but George was quick to slap a hand on your mouth. Knowing damn well what you would say next might get you slapped. As if he wanted that.
“Really? That’s your first course of action? Get creative buddy. Could have said something impressive. Like One Eared Arrogant Bastard. Like that’s creative. Just dropping heavy words like that doesn’t make you smart. Even Malfoy got creative.” George mocked, making you giggle. That was something you admired about him. His ability to go with the flow. Able to fight with words so easy.
“I-“ He tried to say something else, but George cut right in. “Do you sound smart to make up for the fact you don’t have a personality? Even Percy had more of one than you. What about that temper? Short temper isn’t the only thing short, is there?” George egged on and on. Wasn’t long before people were watching, and giggling. Leaving him red faced.
“How about-“ And the man was storming off. You couldn’t help your relief, as you relaxed into George. He seemed gone, but not entirely. You noticed he was still outside. Just far enough away from the shop to not be loitering. That made your stomach drop. Seemed you were dodging a bullet, and George was making sure there was plenty of cover.
“Guess he isn’t buying it…..Wanna help make sure he does?” He offered, as you rose a brow. At this point, you would do anything to get that bastard off your back. Was being a total creep now. Just waiting for you outside. With a nod, you gave your consent. George would soon whistle at someone, who would nod, as he was taking you towards the back.
“Let’s give him a show~” He offered, before you were pushed out of a side door. Your body hit against the neighboring building, as your lips met. You were wide eyed, until you noticed your ex peeking from around the alley way corner. Guess a show will be what it takes. Couldn’t imagine a better person to trust yourself with anyway.
You couldn’t help it either, as you melted into the kiss. Your hands fighting at his suit jacket, while he explored your mouth. Leaving your tongue to taste like sweet orange flavored candy. The scent of ash, the taste of sweet, and the feeling of heat. It was getting you more excited than you wanted to admit.
“Come on, love, on your knees.” He whispered, as he threw the jacket to the ground. Despite how rough he was acting, the fact he gave you his suit jacket for your knees spoke volumes. Even in the heat of the moment, he was trying to make sure you were given the best care. Made your heart sing, as you let your knees rest on the expensive fabric. Right all over the dirty alley way.
He was quick to take his belt off, and adjust his vest and dress shirt. Everything was moving so fast. There was such a thrill from it. A spur of the moment. Just no thoughts, only desire. Was so exciting. Gave you such a pleasure you didn’t know you could get. Weren’t even doing anything. Yet.
“Open that pretty little mouth-“ He asked, and you did. Just as he pulled his cock out from his pants, making your heart pound with excitement. You were really about to do this. You felt like you were in a wet dream. You always did find George so attractive. Never thought you would ever score a chance. Yet, it was this easy. Those Weasleys and their big hearts.
You let the tip pass your lips, and swallowed. His hand was gentle in your hair, as he let you go at your own pace. Not forcing it down your throat, and letting you take your time in adjusting. Letting you control your breathing, as your hands found his thighs. Just those deep breaths of fire works, and sugar. Was hypnotic.
Once you felt well adjusted, you forced your head further down. Your signal to let him keep going, and going he did. How he tangled his fingers in your hair, and forced you deeper down his cock. To the point your nose brushed against that ginger hair. Made you gag, by how much, but you quickly relaxed. Knowing you were in safe hands.
“Better be louder. I’m crippled, after all~” He teases, making you unable to stop the giggle around his cock. That earned you a moan from him, as the vibrations ran up through his body. God did his moans sound like sweet music to your ears. It gave you the motivation to try and take lead a little bit. Pulling yourself to the tip, and moaning around it.
He was soon leaning against the wall of his shop, as he was at your mercy now. His free hand busy with keeping his vest and shirt up. Exposing that slender stomach. Happy trail, freckles, and ink. Such a dashing man, with many scars. You were the lucky one to get to see it. See it all. Like how his face was flushing, and his kept hair ruffling. It was addictive.
Up and down you bobbed, as you kept your grip tight on his slender thighs. Not quite as meaty as his upper arms, given his beater history. Still was great to grab, as you milked him for more sounds. Such as the hisses, and whimpers when you ran your tongue over a vein just right. Oh you didn’t know who was in more heaven.
“Fuck, Im going to cum. Oh fuck-“ He gritted his teeth, and made an attempt to pull you off. How considerate. You figured that kind gesture deserved a reward. So, you fought against his hand. That surprised him, as you would force yourself deep down again. Moaning, as you returned to his base. Looking right up at him, and locking with those pretty doe eyes. That was the last straw.
He let his head roll back, as he came down your throat. You coughed, but you were handling it like a champ. Using those thighs for support, as you watched his stomach spasm from the pleasure you gave him. How those pretty cheeks were so flushed, and his ear so red. Oh what you would give to see more of that.
Once he was breathing steady, you finally pulled off. You panted, as he cupped your cheek. His thumb rubbing away at the spit that ran down your chin. You didn’t know if your ex was still there, and genuinely didn’t care anymore. The tender moment was to sweet to make you think about anything else.
“Say….Think maybe we can do this again some time? Gotta keep up appearances and all~” He winked, as it was your turn to be blushing. All flustered, as he would put himself away. Along with being a gentlemen, and helping you off the ground. With his jacket as well.
With a quick spell, the jacket was clean. Just some tidying up, as you were still a soft pink. Same for himself. A stupid grin on his face was keeping you flushed as well. Especially with the arm hooked around you, as you returned inside. Having to keep up appearances after all. Just for appearances.
“My lunch break should be soon, wouldn’t mind some drinks with you. Gotta wash that down after all.” He offered, making you elbow his delicate rib. He wheezed, but laughed. Yeah. Maybe this fake dating thing will really put your ex in his place. Severs him right for losing such a catch like you. Least George was the lucky one to nab you, wasn’t he?
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