#by the red page I was losing steam tho
strawberri-draws · 4 months
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Various portrait sketches
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alwerakoo · 4 years
"Seasonal depression"
Ao3 link
Philza & Technoblade & Wilbur soot & Tommyinnit
//Major character death, angst with happy ending
Phil hates fall.
He remembers well what a nightmare it was to clean up after Techno and Wilbur, every time they came back after playing outside, shoes dirty from mud, smiling from ear to ear.
How Tommy just wouldn't sit still in the bathtub, as Phil tried to rinse the dirt from his blond hair (Tommy always argued that no, he did not roll in mud at all, but Phil couldn't find any other explanation for how he had managed to collect so much dirt behind his ears).
How the rainy weather completely ruined their family trip in October (even tho Wilbur was laughing when he jumped in every puddle they came across, splashing water on both of his brothers, the fever he tormented him for the next week definitely made him less happy).
How Techno insisted that he wasn't cold, only for Phil having to lend him his coat and gloves an hour later (and although he would return them later, completely soaked and dirty, Phil always made sure to leave an extra blanket on his bed).
How the humid air left his wings feeling wet, settling heavily on the feathers (yet the need to shield the children from rain was stronger than any discomfort he felt later, as he let his cold feathers dry by the fireplace).
He also remembered a time when fall was his favorite season.
When at the end of the day, nothing could replace those quiet moments as he rocked sleeping Tommy in his arms, watching Wilbur smoothly intertwine Techno pink hair between his fingers, squinting in the weak candlelight.
Phil collected them all, those little fragile moments, every smile, every stupid leaf they give him, every new hairstyle Wilbur tested on his brother, every piece of wood thrown into a burning fireplace.
He collected them like souvenirs. That would soon inevitably become memories from their better days, and kept them close to his heart, as close as possible.
He did, until he couldn't anymore.
When that one autumn didn't bring back the familiar warmth, he realized that there were no more muddy footprints on the freshly washed floor, family trips and no one to pressure him into reading them a bedtime story, only to fall asleep before he even finished the first page.
The trees on the horizon, behind a wall of black smoke and soot, were slowly changing colors, and Phil held his dying son in his arms.
His son called him "dad" for the very lat time in October, and no matter how long he stood outside in the rain, the blood on his hands remained the same.
And as the last splashes of green vanished from the leaves, covering the ground with a fiery carpet, Phil realized that whatever was holding their family together, had been broken a long time ago.
Tommy called Techno a traitor, and Phil couldn't pretend he didn't understand him.
Techno said Tommy was stupid and naive, and Phil found it hard to disagree.
Ghostbur was grinning as Phil stared at his hands, dyed from Blue but still bloody red in his eyes, and he wondered if he would ever be able to look him in the eyes.
He found himself quietly hoping, asking, or even praying, that the next months would pass a little faster, that a thick layer of snow would cover everything he didn't want to look at.
But before all the leaves could fall off the trees, Phil was holding his youngest son, standing on a wooden dock.
Even though Tommy was taller than him, he still seemed so small. As if he could still easily pick him up and hold in his arms, letting him fall asleep on his shoulder, humming some random melody.
Ghostbur waved him goodbye. Phil quietly started reciting a new prayer.
And really, he should have stopped believing in gods a long time ago.
''Tommy is dead," Dream says on the same day the last leaf from L'mantree falls onto the yellow grass.
Phil didn't want anyone's condolences. He didn't want words of comfort, gifts, no sympathetic looks.
All he that wanted, was a proof. His body, at least some parts of it. That would silence the parts of his mind that wanted to hope that maybe, maybe, somehow...
Holding his eldest (the only one left) son's hand at the funeral, he couldn't force himself to even give a speech.
That fall, Phil buried two empty caskets.
Autumn left him with a void in his heart, and he knew he would never be able to fill.
He let all those memories, he held so close for so many years, fall and shatter into little pieces on the floor. Like an ancient sculpture; although beautiful from the outside, whoever created it had died a long time ago.
There was always a quiet inside Techno's house, and Phil was so desperate to grasp what was left of his family.
He wanted to hold onto Techno and never let it go. He let Ghostbur's hands color his cheeks blue.
And although the days grew colder and colder, he still refused to put on his old coat, the one that had their only real family picture stashed away in one of its pockets.
The night a thin layer of the first snow covered the roof of his house, Techno sent him a message.
Phil put on his shoes in a hurry, going over all the possible scenarios in his head.
The snowfall was not the ideal weather for flying, but it didn't really matter, because the time it took to spread his wings was enough to convince himself that 'I need you. Now.' actually meant: 'Be here in five minutes, or I'll fucking die'.
And only after landing on Techno's front porch, he let himself just breathe for a moment.
But when he opened the front door, all the air left his lungs.
His sons sat at the table, two mugs of steaming tea between them.
Both of them.
Tommy looked like he hadn't eaten in at least a week. His face was sunken, dark spots under his eyes, and his old T-shirt (with Techno's cloak dropped over his shoulder) had definitely seen better days.
Tommy was alive and staring at him with wide eyes.
And before he could fully get up from his chair, Phil was already throwing his arms around him. They both fell on the floor.
Phil held him tight. As if someone would appear to remind him that his son was dead if he ever loosened his grip. As if he would lose him again.
Tommy buried his face in his shoulder, fingers grasping the back of his shirt.
Phil wasn't sure who started crying first.
Any questions that started to form in his mind were instantly shut down by this overwhelming feeling of relief.
It didn't matter anyway. It didn't matter 'how', 'why', the flowers he left on his grave that morning didn't matter.
Because suddenly, Tommy seemed so small once again. Like he used to be when, Phil was still able to hold his whole world in his wings. So small, like when he would always fall asleep to the tune of his lullabies.
His child was alive, and that was all that mattered.
Techno crouched down beside him, letting Phil's feathers fell behind his back.
December was kind and let him hold his baby in his arms once again.
Phil hated fall.
But maybe he'll give winter a chance.
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junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 4. | Hijack
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: After the intense and insane day of Venice flooding again from that gigantic water monster, Y/N and Peter want things to go back to normal but Nick Fury has other plans...
WORD COUNT: 3528 words
WARNINGS: A singular swear word from Nick Fury 
a/n: hello everyone!! here is the next part of my series ‘metanoia’ and i hope you enjoy!!
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Inside Room 11 of Hotel de Matteis
from: F/N ✌️
                                                                                                                          from: you
Hydro-Man. apparently he's a sailor who suddenly
got water powers from an experiment or smth.
from: F/N ✌️
science. always the cause.
just y/n/n, are you okay?
we saw it all on the news and that 'thing' and what it did...
from you:
i'm okay and safe. everyone is and thankfully,
not one got hurt.
are you alright?
from: F/N ✌️
it was just, a massive scare.
after the whole 'blip' and everything and now this?
we literally can't have a break! and there's no one to protect us!
from: you
yeah ik. everything's just been chaotic.
im certain things will change tho and will get better.
plus, we have each other and pretty sure Spidey and Saviour as well.
from: F/N ✌️
guess we do... thanks y/n/n
anyways, i suggest you call your mum back or text her.
she was in hysterics and was screaming at Harrington thru the phone.
was pretty funny ngl, well without the situation.
from: you
will do.
i gtg now sorry; Harrington wants us up and early.
ill get to mum in a bit and will tell you more i promise.
gn nub!
from: F/N ✌️
you better... > : )
gn geek! : P
Slumping against the door, you sink to the ground and drop your phone lazily into your lap. The moonlight shines into your face from your open window, the night's cool breeze drifts and ruffle the worn down curtains.
I just want a break.
Your mind wonders and races with flashbacks of today's events; the screaming and collapsing buildings, water rapidly running and wrecking the streets of Venice and Venetian's homes and everyone; it's only the first day of the Europe Trip and it's already a mess... typical luck.
A vibration from your lap surprises you as you jolt upward lightly. The screen illuminates with its bright light directly into your eyes with the message notification: 1 New Message.
We need your assistance Saviour.
Meet at these coordinates and go alone.
You have 10 minutes to arrive and no later.
Tell no one.
Examining the order of numbers, you pin point the exact location and clicked off your phone; the location was underneath a bridge for whatever reason and is only a 5 minute flight with the suit.
"Hey ARIS?"
"Good evening Ms. L/N, how may I assist you this evening?"  Your AI responds, blinking a tiny blue light from your bracelet.
"Nothing at the moment yet. How's your status?"
"My circuits have successfully mended and the suit and myself are in full operation. I apologise for the inconvenience earlier."
"Wasn't your fault ARIS. Anyways, apparently I have a few missed calls?"
"Indeed you do. I apologise for not alerting you; I was in Power Nap Protocol as requested. You have approximately 20 missed calls from Mum, 10 missed calls from Dad, 25 missed calls from Y/F/N and 5 from Pepper Potts."
"A-any voicemails?" Your voice quivers with a hint of fear.
"Every missed call contains a voicemail except the 5 calls from Pepper Potts. Shall I send anything to the following?"
"No thank you ARIS. I'll call Mum and Dad myself." You finish and switch ARIS off.
Grabbing your phone, you unlock it and stare again at the anonymous message and groan.
from: you
i'll be there in 20.
They can wait. First, I need to call Mum and Dad and then-
"That canal water today was filthy and full of dangerous bacteria." Mr. Dell's voice abruptly interrupted your thoughts.
Then a shower and THEN I go to the bridge or whatever it is.
Standing up onto your feet, you lean against the door and go into contacts and as your finger hovers over 'Mum ❤️', a slight sense of pain hits you as you stare intensely at the name 'Pepper Potts'.
Shrugging the feeling off, you press onto the contact name and place the ringing phone to your ear, bracing for her yells and screams of relief and anger.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The sound of water rippling against the boat's motor is the only thing Peter can seem to hear; after wishing Y/N a goodnight, Ned had started bombarding Peter with questions about the 'Water Monster' and what he as Spider-Man was going to do.
Sure Peter still had an anxious and itching feeling about the monster but all he wanted to do was rehearse his speech of his declaration of love to Y/N and score the entire day with her in Paris.
But of course that was all ruined when Ned was shot by Nick Fury with a tranquilizer and told him about more bad guys possibly lurking around. What a great way to start a 'Spider-Man free vacation'.
With his suit on, Peter stood next to Fury and gripped onto its side; in front of him and Fury was an array of monitors which appeared to be measuring amounts of frequencies within the area.
"Stark left these for you." Fury perks up and nudges a box at Peter's direction.
Carefully and with caution, Peter takes the small, rectangular box into his hands and observes it; the outside had speckles of its beige brown paint chipped away from age. Peter gently lifted the lid and in front of him was none other than Tony Stark's famed glasses with his Stark Industries card placed beneath.
Peter stared at the glasses and felt a tinge of ache of grief but in it, a feeling of content rushed over it; Peter had Tony's glasses. Peter Parker was given the possession to multibillionare, genius, literal saviour of the Universe, the Iron Man and Tony Stark's iconic and ever expensive and high end tech glasses.
Brushing over the box lightly, Peter smiled sadly at them, remembering to all the times he had seen Tony wearing them; from on the news, front pages of magazines, wearing them when he was around and now, they no longer had that owner anymore; they didn't have Tony and neither did Peter. And neither did the world or Y/N.
"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." Fury quotes and turns to Peter and even though Peter's mask was shielding his face, the raised creases of his frowned face of confusion were evidently clear as he snapped from his trance. "Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference." A dry laugh escapes Fury's lips as he turns back away from Peter and concentrates on the boat.
"Kid if you peep one more Star Wars reference today I'm going to take your suit."
"But it's May 4th Mr Stark!"
"I do not care; right now you're in my house and there will be no Star Wars references."
Peter huffed out in irritation as he continued to focus on readjusting his webshooters on his suit.
Tony let out a chuckle at Peter's demeanor and how this kid basically came dressed as Han Solo just for this one day of the year; the commitment was real and even though Tony would never tell anyone, he loved seeing Peter passionate about the things he loves.
Working in the lab was one of Peter's favourite past times; spending quality time with Tony, tinkering with his suit and just talking was something Peter loved about the Tower; it was his second home to him.
A knock from the door caused Tony and Peter to look up.
"Ms. L/N requests to enter." FRIDAY notifies.
"Grant access." Tony permits.
The doors of the lab open to Y/N holding steaming bowls of something that smelt amazing which wafted in.
"Brought you geeks some sustenance before I head home." Y/N waltzed in and placed the two bowls next to the both of them. Y/N saw something was different about Peter; not his hair or general appearance just his clothing but the closer Y/N looked at the details in his outfit, a name popped into her head.
"Peter are you Hans Solo?"
Tony bursted into laughter as Peter hid his face to hide his red cheeks. "F-For May 4th?"
"Guess that makes me Leia?"  Y/N poked her space buns in her hair. "I wanted to wear space buns to get my hair out my face and didn't even check the date, coincidences man." Y/N giggled at the convenience.
"But Tony in all honesty, don't you think Fury looks a bit like that guy from Star Wars... what's his name-"
"Mace Windu?"
"...I don't remember what he looks like... FRIDAY, can you get a photo of Mace Windu?"
Observing the photo displayed in front of him, Tony wiped the hologram away and looked as if he was in deep thought.
"...Well yeah he does-"
"Incoming call: Nick Fury." FRIDAY chimed and that was when the 3 of them lost it.
God I miss him and Y/N...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Lose the mask, everyone here has seen you without it. You don't wanna be fanning around and breathing through a spandex mask for no good reason."
Trailing behind Nick Fury, stops for a brief second and takes his mask off and as he alters his senses to his surroundings, Peter is met with sight of SHIELD agents, alongside with their small set up with crates all around the joint with weapons and technology lying around as it were nothing.
By hearing Fury's footsteps echoing through the underground base, the SHIELD agents turn to face him and Peter with stoic and intimidating faces.
"Over there we have Maria Hill." Fury points to a woman with light brown hair tied into a ponytail who was busy on a computer, looked up for a split second at Peter to acknowledge his existence before getting back to work.
"That, is Dmitri." Fury gestures to a man wearing a leather jacket, seated on top of a crate as he quietly loaded his rifle.
"And this, is Mr. Beck."
As Nick Fury stepped to the side, Peter abruptly slowed to a complete stop as he gazed at the familiar figure and outfit in front of him.
"What?" The man questioned at what Peter said.
"Doesn't matter- it's just what my friends are calling you." Peter stuttered.
"Well," As 'Mysterio' began to approach Peter, 'Mysterio' extended his hand to Peter, indicating to shake his hand.
Peter got the message as he started walking and the two met and shook the other's hand.
"You can call me Quentin." Quentin revealed his name as the two greeted one another.
"You handled yourself well out there today," Quentin implied to the earlier events of the day, "I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world." Quentin shrugged away from Peter.
"T-thanks... wait I'm sorry- your world?"
"He's from Earth, just not from ours." A voice answers from behind him.
Following the voice, Peter jumps by being startled and whips his head around quickly; walking from the entrance and to everyone else is none other than-
"You're late Saviour." Fury visibly annoyed and unimpressed exhales out.
"As my good friend Albert said, time is relative my friend." Saviour sasses back and skips straight past Fury's daggering eyes.
"S-Saviour?! W-what are you doing h-here? Oh god, now you know what I look like-"
"I've known for a while Parker and besides, you're not the only superhero SHIELD wants their hands on; Fury contacted me a while back after... Tony. And don't worry, New York is under control without me there." Saviour teases and strolls next to Beck, leans against the desk with arms crossed.
"There a multiple realities Peter; this is Earth Dimension- 616 and I'm from Earth Dimension- 833." Quentin further evaluates.
"I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse?" Peter jogs up to Beck and Saviour, full of awe and amazement from his discovery. "Because I just thought that was theoretical and that changes everything and how we understand the initial singularity, we're talking about an eternal inflation system and how does that even work with all the quantum because it's insane-" Peter's rambling falters as he sees Nick, Maria and Dmitri looking at him funny.
"S-sorry, it's just really cool-"
"Don't ever apologise for being the smartest person in the room." Quentin encourages and sends a soft smile to Peter.
"Anyway Beck, wanna fill in Spidey and myself about whatever the hell that was today?"  Saviour perks up.
A diagram of a black hole suddenly emerged as everyone gathered around.
"They were born in stable orbits within black holes, these creatures formed from the primary elements: air, water, fire, earth."
As Quentin talked, the hologram changed alongside with what he was explaining, showing images of the creatures and their general appearance.
"The Science division had a- technical name, we just called them, Elementals."
"Versions of them exist throughout our mythologies." Maria Hill speaks up as the Elemental hologram changes into their mythology forms.
"Turns out the myths are real-"
"Like Thor," Peter interrupts Quentin as he pays close attention to the presentation, "Thor was a myth and now I study him in my physics class."
"These myths, are threats." Fury clarifies as he walks away from the scene as once more it changes into an image of Earth.
"They first materialized on my Earth many years ago. We mobilized and fought them but with each battle they grew and got stronger. I was apart of the last battalion that tried to stop them. All we did was prevent the inevitable."
"And now they're here and attacking the same coordinates; our satellites confirm it." Maria adds.
"You both can thank Beck for destroying the other 3; there's only 1 left: Fire."
"The strongest one of all... the one that destroyed my Earth. It's the one that took my family." Quentin mutters as the apparition of Earth is now scorned and tarnished in red. The red light reflects Quentin's face full of guilt and remorse, twiddling around his wedding ring on his finger.
"I'm sorry..." Peter murmurs.
"So where's this fire Elemental? Do we even know where it likely is?" Saviour bluntly asks.
"It'll be in Prague in approximately 48 hours." Maria responds.
"We have one mission: kill it and the both of you are coming with us." Fury demands.
Peter's face falls as he faces Maria in disbelief and asks a second time if she said Prague.
Saviour's posture lifts as the struggle and anxiety surfaces Peter as the colour from his face vanishes.
"Listen Fury this all seems like big time, like huge superhero kinda stuff and... and I mean, I'm just a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man sir."
"Bitch please, you've been to space!"
"I know but that was by accident, sir come on, I've seen Saviour in action many times and I'll admit is probably better than me for this but there's gotta be someone else you can use." Peter protests and moves closer to Fury, "What about Thor?"
"Off world."
"Okay um, Doctor Strange."
"Unavailable." Maria pipes in.
"Captain Marvel!"
"Don't invoke her name." Fury shakes his head slightly.
"I really wanna help I do but if my Aunt finds out I left my class trip, she's gonna kill me and if I'm seen like this in Europe after the Washington Monument, my whole class will figure out who I am and then the whole world will figure out who I am... and then I'm done."
"Fury if it helps," Saviour steps up and walks next to Peter, "I'm pretty sure I can manage without Parker swinging by my side."
"Okay." Fury blankly answers, scaring Peter and Saviour a tiny bit from the lack of expression, "I understand."
Taken back by his approval, Peter and Saviour share a look with one another before going back to Fury.
"I'm sorry, what?" Peter with doubt inquires.
"Why don't you get back before your teacher's miss you and it becomes suspicious. Dmitri, why don't you take him back to the hotel."
"Thank you Mr. Fury and thank you Saviour." Peter sends a soft smile to Saviour and places a hand on the suits left hand shoulder. "I believe in you and good luck." Peter whispers only to Saviour before wishing everyone else out loud good luck.
"See ya kid." Quentin farewells Peter and watches him and Dmitri exit out.
"You really let him go Fury? No strings attached?" Saviour scoffs in astonishment by Peter's success to get himself out of SHIELD business.
Fury stands up and moves to Saviour with a stern look on his face.
"Of course not."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Groaning from your exhaustion, you roll over and press on your phone's screen multiple times in attempt to hit the snooze button.
Last night had been a rollercoaster: Peter and Mysterio are working with SHIELD with you, Fury made you stay back extra late to run through diagnostics which gave you around 4 hours sleep tops and the jetlag wasn't helping your situation at all.
Sitting up in bed, you try to stretch out your tiredness and peer to see MJ reading a book in one hand and a mug within the other, sitting on her bed with her black converses draped to the side.
Greeting MJ a 'good morning', you lift yourself up from the safety and warmth of the bed covers and slipped into the bathroom and changed for the day: rocking a pair of navy blue jeans and grey t-shirt for a casual but yet stylish look and throwing a little something over the top.
MJ mentioned there was breakfast downstairs (breakfast being cereal), you quickly did your hair and retreated down to grab a bite and sat next to Yasmin and Zoha and afterwards, heading upstairs to brush teeth and pack.
You and MJ both gave each other a hand carrying luggage down and delivering it outside.
"Oh I forgot my backpack I'll be back." You call behind as you jog back up to your room.
Rushing quickly into the room, you sweep up your backpack and stuff your phone charger inside and as you whirl around, you collide into something and hear a bang.
"I- Peter?"
"H-Hey Y/N! Sorry I was hanging up a call with Aunt May and I-"
"Pete it's fine you dork." You can't help but giggle at how flustered he is.
Peter's cheeks glow faintly pink as he shyly smiles.
"I got yelled at by my Mum and Dad for not answering the phone and I'm 98% sure I'm grounded when I get back home."
"Oh that's not good..."
"Guess not but eh, stuff happens. How are you though Peter? Feels like I haven't talked to you in a while."
"Y-Yeah... I'm good. You?"
"Yeah guess I'm alright. I'm really excited for Paris today though."
"Favourite destination?"
"Hell yeah! It's gonna be great but we gotta haul our stuff or Harrington will lose his mind." You joke.
"Oh yeah! That's why I was heading down." Peter swings his suitcase in front of him with a sly beam.
Too cute.
You and Peter talked for a far while before actually going back down the stairs and outside to everyone else.
"I'm going to get you a Vitamin C pill, you cannot get sick okay babe?" You hear Betty's distant voice as you and Peter round the door.
As you're about to walk out the door, Peter tugs your sleeve before you hit the outside and perplexed as you are, you pivot to look at him, giving him your attention.
"Before we go, I was just wondering if you wanted to um, sit next to me on whatever we're transporting on?" Peter fumbles and averts his eyes to the ground.
"Of course! I'll save you a seat Pete." You playfully punch his arm.
Peter rubs the back of his neck and lets out a laugh of relief.
You both walk out and see Betty frantically trying to receive a Vitamin C pill.
"I better go help her before she explodes." You suggest and inform Peter.
"Y-Yeah. See you later?"
"See you later!" You wave and leave Peter and Ned alone.
Peter watches Y/N tap Betty on the shoulder as Betty freaks out over the situation and remembers of why Ned is feeling 'sick'.
"Hey man, are you sure you're good?"
"Dude! I'm fine! Okay don't worry! Seriously, getting tranqed in the neck by Nick Fury, probably the coolest thing to happen to me anyway."
"It is pretty cool." Peter admits as the both perform their handshake. "I'm just glad we don't have to go to Prague-"
"Good news: we're going to Prague!" Mr. Harrington announces with a wide grin plastered on his face.
Everyone buzzes around 'whats' and 'huhs' as everyone glances around.
"Tour company called and upgraded us. Should've heard I gave them hell now come on!" Harrington begins to march as everyone scrambles for their belongings.
"Check out our upgraded ride!" Harrington chirps as the class sees a black bus with a man holding a sign saying 'Midtown High'.
Peter immediately recognizes the guy to be Dmitri from last night and gulps down his irateness.
"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation."
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Please I need more fics where Lucy gets turned on by Natsu's horns 😖
Tell me if this good and i’ll finish it
but fr tho cuz i feel like there’s something missing in the middle 🤷🏽‍♀️
“...who are you looking at?” Cana grinned as Lucy stared blankly out of their classroom window, her eyes trained on one very specific figure. She was currently working with the brunette and two of their other friends during a self-study period, their desks all pushed together in a square.
“The new kid,” Lucy sighed without paying much attention to what she was really saying. “I think I want him to do me.”
“L-Lucy!” Erza blushed a dark red, Levy quick to slap her hands over the blonde’s lips. Cana roared with laughter at the thoughtless confession, the succubus entering a wide-eyed panic as she fully gathered her thoughts.
“Ah, it’s always so fun to hear you when you’re not paying attention,” The oracle snickered as the pixie carefully removed her hands.
“When was the last time you ate, Lu-chan? It’s not like you to space out so much,” Levy asked, worry filling her gaze.
“Loke gave me a kiss almost a month ago...it was enough to get me through midterms,” She sighed, still staring at the class currently in p.e. “Strawberries are starting to lose their effect too, I feel hungry more often,”
“That’s not good,” Erza frowned, the heat in her cheeks still present as she spoke. “I want you to eat too, but as the student council president, I don’t think I can allow you to attack anyone even f—“
“I’m not going to attack him!” Lucy whined, covering her face out of embarrassment. “I just...he’s just...it’s his fault!”
“Oh, did he hit on you? Or did you see him shirtless? Ooo, does he smell good? C’mon, details!” Cana ebbed, grinning as the blonde shyly offered an explanation.
“He was fighting Gray and I saw his horns come out,” Lucy fwahed, drooling a bit as she thought back to the moment. “I know he’s a dragon and I just—he looks so powerful, I wanna tas—“
“I think we got it,” Levy cleared her throat as she slapped another hand over Lucy’s mouth.
“So his horns got to you?” Cana grinned as she leaned in closer. “Think they’re as thick as his dick?”
The new student, Lucy couldn’t get him out of her head.
He joined the school during the beginning of their spring semester in the classroom down the hall. A lot of girls thought he was cute at first, sexy even. But he turned out to be too loud and an obnoxious hassle that seemed hellbent on challenging anyone to a fight.
He’d apparently known the ice devil, Gray, when they were younger and was related to Gajeel, Levy’s boyfriend.
So even though he was close with some of Lucy’s friends, she still didn’t have much of a chance to approach him. She made it a goal to try and avoid men when her hunger was slipping.
And she especially wanted to avoid him.
It was a total by chance incident; Lucy was finishing some paperwork in the student council room one day after school. As the treasurer, she had to finish approving some club budgets and ended up staying late.
“Take that, you slimy lizard!” She heard Gray’s familiar voice shout from the courtyard as she began to leave the school.
“Oh yeah? Bring it on, ice for breath!” The new kid shouted back, the two of them scuffling in karate gi’s nearby.
Lucy yelped when she saw him light up in flames, kicking the devil off of him and standing with a wickedly sinister grin. She could see his skin turn to scales and horns begin to sprout from underneath his strangely pink hair.
Her footsteps slowed at the sight of his wide back, breath suddenly shallow as her heart pumped wildly. A familiar feeling bubbled in the pit of her stomach, awakening the desire she’d long since suppressed.
He looked strong...
And yikes, she had a thing for horns.
She’d seen horns before, what kind of kink was this?! Maybe it was just his horns, but god did she want to grab them and ride him like a—
She was not having sex.
She couldn’t! Even though he looked strong and she did wonder if his horns were as thick as his—
This wasn’t going to happen. One hundred percent nope.
“Juvia...” Lucy began with an excited voice, opening the door to greet her friend, only to have it falter into a light whisper. The two planned to study together this evening as their parents had gone out of town for a couple of days. It also provided the excuse for Juvia to come over and eat Lucy’s cooking for dinner, but she wouldn’t say anything about that.
“Juvia thought it would be fun to have others over for dinner too! Gray-sama and Natsu-san needed help studying too, Juvia hopes Lucy-san doesn’t mind.” Juvia said as the blonde moved aside to allow the three in.
“O-Oh, no, no problem. My pleasure,” Lucy forced a smile and tried to hold her breath as the boy with pink hair walked in.
‘Ah...his horns! They’re so little! And hidden in his hair, how cute!’
“Thanks for having us over,” Gray said as Lucy led them into her living room, the three taking a seat at her coffee table. “Gildarts said he’d give us remedial lessons for the rest of the year if we didn’t pass this next test,”
“You can count on me, English is my best subject,” Lucy said, pulling Juvia with her as she made up a quick excuse. “I’ll—we’ll be right back, just going to check on dinner. I hope you like beef stew!”
“What’s wrong, Lucy-san? Juvia thinks you’re acting a bit strange...are you not feeling alright?” The siren asked as Lucy leaned against her kitchen counter in dramatic agony.
“Why did you have to bring him here...I can’t deal with that guy!” She whined, clutching onto the blunette as she sobbed.
“Natsu-san? Does Lucy-san not like him?” Juvia asked as Lucy shook her head.
“I’m crazy about him, if he’s too close I really think I’ll jump him,” She sighed, clutching her stomach as it began cramping with a delirious heat. “I’ve been hungry for a while now, and he makes me feel even worse,”
“Eh?! Why wouldn’t you tell Juvia something like that sooner?!” She gasped. “Juvia wouldn’t have brought him in, maybe Juvia should ask him to leave.”
“N-No, I think I can manage,” Lucy chewed on her lip, rummaging through the fridge to pull out her stash of fresh berries. “I want to help him if he’s stuck on the homework,”
“Alright, but tell Juvia if it gets to be too much and we’ll leave,”
Juvia understood her struggle in a similar way since the two of them were both creatures who thrived by the consumption of lewd energy. The siren was lucky to have met Gray, a person powerful enough to keep up with her and provide his strength when she needed some.
They returned to the separate room where the two boys exchanged heated glares, the room beginning to clash between hot and cold temperatures as they stared at one another.
“What are—“
“Shush, staring eye contest! Loser has to go get dessert at the good convenient store down by the school.” Gray hissed as he narrowed his gaze at the other boy who was steaming to win.
“As if I’m going to lose to you, ice tits!” The pink-haired boy grinned as he held a fierce stare. “Don’t forget, I like their chili mango popsicles,”
“You’re the one who better remember that I like their triple frozen chocolate shake sticks,” He shot back, the girls already groaning at their behavior.
“This got old when it was just Gray and Gajeel,” Lucy shook her head, flinching as their competitive egos raised to another level. Whenever he got serious it seemed as though on cue, the horns would sprout from his head.
‘So cute...crap, why is that so cute?!’
“Gray-sama, we came here to study,” Juvia whined, leaning against the table as she tried to steal his attention. It worked, the devil weak to the pouty look of his girlfriend, cringing when the new kid whooped and jumped up with a grin.
“Darn it...”
“I win! Alright, get a move on, we’ll wait for you while you get the good stuff,” He grinned, motioning for Gray to leave.
“Fine...” He grumbled, snatching Juvia’s hand as he made his way towards the door. “You made me lose so you’re coming with me,”
“E-Eh?! Wait, Gray-sama, Juvia can’t—“
Lucy blanched as the front door slammed closed, a shiver crawling up her spine as her fear sunk in.
“I’m Natsu! I don’t think we’ve ever met,” The boy grinned, his horns now back and tucked under his hair.
“L-Lucy,” She gulped and flashed a quick smile, avoiding his handshake as she sat down instead. “Do you want to get started before they come back? Dinner should be ready by then too,”
“You alright? You look kinda shaky.” Natsu asked, frowning as she only answered with a rapid nod and the flipping of pages through her textbook.
“Hey, if I made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry. I’m not really used to makin’ friends with girls,” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with a pained smile.
“O-Oh no! That’s not it at all!” Lucy said quickly, feeling her heart thump as his smile twisted sweetly. “It’s just me, I’m not feeling all that well.”
“Really? You shouldn’t be cooking and studyin’ if ya feel sick,” He pouted. “Sure you don’t want to get some rest?”
“I-I’m okay, thank you,”
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