#scheduling this post for 4:20 because I think it’s funny
strawberri-draws · 4 months
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Various portrait sketches
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skibidilando · 6 months
A day at quadrant: LN4
Author note: I don’t even know how to post anything on this and never wrote a fic but I hope this is good but I think it’s pretty shit and I haven’t finished it yet and if any writers want to use this idea you can for sure just @ me please oh and if you have feedback please let me know thanks xx
Lando x quadrant fem reader
Blurb: reader is a member of quadrant, she games most of the time but also likes f1 along with her best friend Ria bish. She is friends with all members at quadrant and finds it a good laugh with all her mates, but maybe her view of someone in particular is more than a mate..
Warnings: sexualising, swearing, mention of a gun, leaked tape, sad distraught reader, friends to maybe lovers if I make it a series? Smut-ish? If I missed any let me know (I don’t know how to do warnings sorry x)
I woke up late again today. The mornings aren’t made for me. I just can’t do it. I love the feeling of sinking into my bed for 20 hours. But I can’t today, I have 4 people with cameras recording waiting for me to bloody get up and start filming a video for quadrant. But I’m not complaining because this is my job and something I like to do. I try to be in most videos and do my part, but it’s not like Lando gets that mad if I miss a few videos, but from my fucked sleep schedule, I don’t think he will like if I miss another one after I skipped the last 3.
I realise the time and see Lando, Ria, Ethan, and Max spamming my phone to get on. Fucking hell. I don’t even think to get changed, i just checked all my lash extensions were on, tied up my hair, and brushed my teeth. I probably look like shit but I did this to myself. “Better late than never I guess” max says rudely to take the piss out of me. Everyone knows my bad sleep schedule and how moody I am in the morning and after he’s done that, I’m not having it.
“Sorry guys my alarm didn’t go off but I’m here now ahaha” you say trying not to make an unhinged comment to clap back at max. “Y/n girl I missed you where have u fucking been!” Ria says. Ria is my bitch, we ride together, we die together, Ria is my best friend. “Me too Ria!” I say back politely.
“Alright enough mucking about we have to record this video mate” Ethan jokingly says and makes Ria and I laugh. “What r we even playing again” i question. “we are playing gartic phone you muppet” Lando tries to say but starts laughing at Y/n. “Why r u laughing mate” I say confused then realise wtf I’m doing. I’m wearing my pajamas, not my normal pajamas my fucking tiny, tight lace top that could pass for a bra if you squint your eyes. It hits me and I shit myself realising I have a camera filming me and recording everything.
“Omg I’m so sorry fuck I forgot let me change” I panicked in saying quickly. “Who said to change” Lando bluntly says. I was stopped in your tracks. Excuse me? Lando? As if he just said that. “Um my tits are almost exposed on camera and i look like a hoe” I say. My manager is definitely gonna get me in trouble for that. “Woah y/n you fucking hottie” Ria says when she looks at me from my camera. I get nervous in my stomach and naturally run to go grab a hoodie, luckily i live in a small apartment so it didn’t take me long. “Um sorry guys sorry let’s just move on I forgot sorry sorry” i say nervously.
“Yeah alright let’s go I’ll send you the link Y/n” Ethan kindly says which is unlike him being a dickhead most of the time as a joke to piss me off. I like Ethan though I think he’s funny and actually caring about us all and our business. “So do we write a prompt then get someone else’s to draw and keep going” max says like he didn’t ask to play it. “Yeah but make it funny about us and f1 the viewers will fucking love it” Lando says. I still can’t believe what Lando said. I join the game and wait for everyone else to join. I started to feel the panic caving in on my chest and texted Lando.
lando wtf was that?
I send quickly
what was what?
He replied back
The fucking comment like I know I’m sorry and shouldn’t have worn that before chucking something on top but why did you say that Lando
I started to let everything out on accident, but I had every right to, he was my friend and said that I should not have changed from my top that was basically lingerie.
fuck I was just joking
He replied back bluntly.
Why do I feel sad that he said that. Did he think I looked bad in it? Did he think I was looking like a hoe? Fuck why did I talk to him like that he’s my boss!
“Alright we’re starting now lock in don’t say any dumb shit” Max says right before filming the intro and starting the game. I don’t know what prompt to write. Then I get an idea to do Ethan and ginge in the sauna with Lando from a video they did a week ago. I submit it and then recieve a prompt. I bursted out laughing when reading it in my head and looking at my atrocious drawing. It’s a drawing following the prompt of Max’s bunda blocking Landos old fiat jolly, but I drew their hair orange on accident. I kept playing the game and do a few more rounds and have a laugh until we stopped recording.
The rest of the day was pretty chill as I was tired and it was a week day so i stayed at home until I feel asleep watching a movie. I wanted to get sleep like I always do but extra sleep tonight because tomorrow we were all hanging out for lunch and a chat to talk about future video ideas. Was it bad I wanted to look really good? Surely not right?
I woke up and this time remembered to change my top. I picked out a cute off the shoulder knit long sleeve top and some jeans. They made me look good with my tanned skin and made me feel just as good. I straightened my hair, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup ready to go to the cafe we were meeting up at. We always watch the video our editor puts together while we meet up at the cafe spot every week, it’s basically a routine.
Ria and I hugged each other then went to the table both fashionably late. I saw Lando, Steve, Aarav, Max, and Ethan sitting there on the big table with two spots saved. One next to Steve, and one next to Lando. After my short blunt convo with Lando I decided I wanted to sit next to Steve, but that was overruled when Ria already sat down. Well fuck isn’t this awkward. Can I order a gun?
“Hi Y/n” he says looking at me. Why is my stomach already curling into a ball. “Um hi Lando” I say quietly. I am a bit too close to home for my liking as the table was a bit small but it’s fine. We all ordered our food and I ordered some avocado toast trying to be healthy and aesthetic knowing well I end up eating some of everyone else’s food lol. Lando like the child he is ordered pancakes.
“Im sorry about what i said yesterday, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything it just came out im sorry”. Lando says politely. Did I misinterpret his message? Why is he nice now? Why is my stomach tied up into knots? WHY AM I WEAK IN THE KNEES?
“Oh it’s all good I’m sorry idk why it didn’t click to change out of that fucking slutty top like a normal person” I blurt out. “Woah why are you so hard on yourself, calm down Y/n it’s completely fine and it was a nice top anyways, it looked good on you.” he said. EXCUSE ME? “Thanks?” I said confused. Thank fuck the food came otherwise I would have fainted at the awkwardness.
The food was good, Lando didn’t talk nor did I the rest of the lunch. Then we watched the video that came out. My heart sinks. The start of the video showing our cameras in the intro has me at the start or the whole morning, in that fucking top on YouTube. “Wait-fuck what why am I in there wearing that how did the editor get that clip it’s not even from the same time frame. I panicked. I was about to cry. All the comments were already flooding in hating on me saying I was attention seeking in that top. “Please get it down, please please ” I started crying already in Rias arms. Lando looked angry. “Who the fuck put that clip of her in it” he said angrily. He calls the editor who made the video on speaker. 0.00001 seconds after the editor answer Lando is already yelling.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THAT CLIP OF Y/N YOU DIDNT EVEN ASK HER OR CARE YOU PURPOSELY DID IT! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID! GET IT DOWN NOW”. Lando yells before hanging up knowing the editor got the message. I’m are still shaking and trying to not bawl your eyes out with just a few tears. “Lando it’s my fault you didn’t have to yell at him like that sorry” i say weakly. “NO ITS NOT YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS FILMED AND CLIPPED YET AND HE PURPOSELY DID IT, ITS LIKE HE WANTED TO HURT YOU. FUCKING DICKHEAD”. Lando yells. Out of instinct i just run and give him a long hug. My head sinks to his chest. He holds me tightly as i hold onto him for a while.
I go back to your apartment that night. I’m just sad. Especially after reading all those comments about me. I try to ignore them all but they keep flooding in like rapid fire. I automatically give in and go on my phone. But to my confusion I’m getting tagged on twitter instead.
Fucking hell. When I thought this couldn’t get worse.
There is a video going around with hundreds of thousand of retweets already. It’s a sex tape of a girl which confuses me so I click onto it. Oh my god. It’s a deep fake of my face and that lacy bra thing on a random sex tape. I can’t do this anymore. I wish I didn’t exist. Naturally i call our quadrant group chat. Everyone answers immediately leaving me to realise they have seen it too. “Guys, I am fired” I say while bawling my eyes out. “Y/N I’m coming now with Lando” Ria says while in her car on her way to my apartment. I can’t even process what Ethan and Steve are saying cause my mind is just blurry and I’m a mess.
5 minutes later a knock is on my door and it’s Ria with Lando. I just cry in her arms and start rambling on about how my life is over. “Y/n that editor is going to jail, the YouTube vid is down and all of our socials are deactivated for now, talk to us if you need now” Lando says calmly to me. I just hug him tightly. “Can you tell everyone that’s obviously not me please” I say weakly. Ria is making me mac and cheese cause she knows it’s my favourite. “Of course I will and I will get this fixed Y/n for now just let us take care of you and get better.” Lando says. His touch is making me feel better if I’m being honest. “Thanks guys for coming over tonight, can you guys stay I’ll sleep on the couch and you guys take my bed” I say calmly as I’m starting to get her my bearings and feel a little better about everything.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch.” Lando and Ria both say straight away after my words. “Lando has a race next week so he should fuck his back up on the couch again like he did that one night he got drunk at the club last month” Ria says jokingly. “Is it okay if I’m in the bed with you?” Lando says maturely (shocking I know). “Yeah it’s fine if it is fine with you” I say back. “Yes it’s completely fine.” Lando replied quickly. I go to change into my pajamas. I see that bloody top. I don’t think twice after ripping it into pieces with my hands and teeth before chucking it out. “Fuck that ahahha” I said laughing as all the lace misses the bin but I ignore it. Ria Lando and I all start watching a movie together, Ria asks me which movie and I try to think of a normal movie I want to watch but I’m not sure why ratatouille is speaking out to me but I choose ratatouille like the wise mature person I am. Lando starts laughing obnoxiously which makes Ria and I start to as well. “It’s a good fucking movie shut up” I say defending myself laughing.
We are watching ratatoullie all together while I’m snuggled up in between Ria and Lando feelin comfortable and safe. My mind starts to forget a little bit about the stupid video situation. I don’t know why but my legs somehow ended up over landos. Whoopsies. I feel happy and safe with him, he had always been a good friend to me and always fun to be around. We all get tired after the movie ends and go to bed to sleep, well Ria goes to the couch to sleep.
Something inside of me wishes this isn’t the last time Lando is in my bed.
I myself am going to bed too xx
thanks to these lovely authors who inspired me to write ahahahha:
@mariahcarreyyy @f1goat @uglyducklingofthe2000s @vivwritesfics
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kdyism · 2 years
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pairing. haechan x reader
genre + themes. friends-to-lovers, fluff, smidge of angst, christmas-themed, college!au.
wc. 5,342 / warning. christmas, mention of kissing, being drunk, dumb decisions, mistletoes.
synopsis. after being victim to jaemin’s cupid-ing last christmas, lee donghyuck has to figure out whether he wants to give up on you or go for it while risking the comfort of your friendship because he think you don’t remember last christmas.   
secret santa hosted by @neowritingsnet​ for @kthpurplesyou​ | hi bee! it’s me santa watermelon aka yunan <3 hoping i was mysterious enough and you are shocked, i hope this fic is to your liking! i switched writing between morning and night so it took longer, i wanted to drop it on dec 20 so that you’d have time before celebrations in case you do. crossing my fingers and sending this out to you, bee, i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it 💞💖💓
yunn says hohoho likes, comments + reblogs are appreciated, i hope everyone else enjoys this quick fic! 
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Lee Donghyuck is known for his infectious personality. He can leave a mark of his existence within a few seconds, he knows way too many people and most people would just think he is someone with too much free time on his hands.
“Did you get a name from the box?” unfolding his paper while maintaining a neutral expression, he sits in his usual seat and you bite down on your lips, eyes sparkling as soon as your eyes fall on the unfolded paper in your hand. “Let me guess?” narrowing his eyes, he hums. “...Taeyong,”
Gasping quietly, you nod chaotically and show him the name. “How’d you know?” you ask, a smile crawling onto your cheeks and you twist in his direction, your eyes looking directly behind him.
“When you see someone’s face as much as I've seen yours…” Donghyuck pursues his lips, “I would be an idiot not to know,”
Rolling your eyes at him, you dismiss his comment and continue with your preying. “How’s your schedule for this month?” you inquire, slipping your phone out of your pocket and suddenly, you look determined and shift your eyes back to him. “God, are you that happy?” he churns his face, watching your shake excitedly and your lips barely holding down a grin.
You gush in response, “Of course! You know I want his number,” skipping away from him, all he could do was sigh.
Waving you off, Donghyuck tries to hide his disappointment; unsure whether it was directed towards his paper or because of yours. Lee Taeyong, your most recent crush-ish, is a post-grad whose taking the same course as you for the same reason, extra credit. Donghyuck is already familiar with your boy of the week kind of crush-ishes—it’s not quite a crush, more like surface-level infatuation but if he didn’t know you any better, that’s what he would’ve thought.
However, it has never bothered him. Not until a stupid thing happened last Christmas.
Last Christmas changed everything, no warning or heads-up was given. He still remembers the night, unlike most nights at parties. He was sobered up, mind buzzing with all kinds of things until he was finally asleep on your sofa at almost 4 AM. He blames Na Jaemin for what happened, from his needless matchmaking to his punch-worthy grin, everyone knows that Na Jaemin’s favourite hobby is playing Cupid, going to all sorts of lengths to get his couple of the month to date. Hell, Donghyuck has actively participated in the talking up of girls, spreading rumours and finally, getting the ‘Characters’ to go on their first date.
It was funny and oddly satisfying when they do end up dating, Donghyuck for one wasn’t one to interrupt the fun. Not when he was directly getting the kick out of it. Except, he realized, it’s not very fun when the character line-up had his name written in the main leads.
hyuck💞: im booked all month
hyuck💞: why???? did you have something in mind???
“I hate him.” you declare breaking the silence that he embraced, “He said, ‘Uhhh I don’t know you…’ and left! Ugh, I didn’t think—”
“You didn’t think what? That he would be a normal person and be cautious when a sophomore is asking for his number?” he cuts you off snarkily and you drop your jaws, putting your hands on his shoulder and asking, “And why would he be cautious?”
Cupping your cheeks with a smile, Donghyuck says, “One, you are not me.” raising his brows, you wanted to flick him but you let him continue. “Two, don’t you remember someone leaking Sehun—whose also from post-grad— his number was just spreading like disease between group chats, of course, they’d be more careful,”
Letting out an “Oh”, you pout, slumping weakly as you understand his reason. “Are they friends?” you wonder, Oh Sehun was also hot if your memory serves you well but he rejected you without hesitation and then you killed his memory along with your fascination with him.
“Yeah—we don’t really have that many post-grads,” releasing your cheeks, your face falls before you pull yourself up and you click your tongue at him and he shakes his head.
Donghyuck’s reasoning always changes your mind, he was the reason you were even in the social club, to begin with. He was friends with everyone, always making plans with everyone and you’d barely ever see him if not for your meticulous planning to match your schedule with him since you were naturally more free than he was with both his part-time and his “Hey, whose name did you get?” you ask, remembering that he was friends with Lee Taeyong as well.
“Why would I tell you?” he glares at you, backing away and immediately guesses, “I am not going shopping with you,”
Slapping your hand over your mouth, “How’d you know?” you splurt, your hands dancing in the air trying to show him your surprise. “Yeah, you’re obvious,”
Donghyuck could easily predict what was going on in your mind, not always but usually he could. From his second month of being your friend, he already knew that you thrived on being nosy. The way you made friends with people by letting them complain about their problems to having new crushes on every new person who you saw for the first time—there might be just one reason why Donghyuck would like some distance between the two of you.
“You know mine, why can’t I know yours?” you ask not looking away from him while he packs the study material he already knew you were going to ask that, so he scoffs wearing a smirk. “It’s supposed to be secret santa, not un-secret santa. Now,” he pauses, waiting for you to stand up again and he begins walking out of the hall as you follow closely beside him, mumbling, “That’s unfair…”
“To the cafeteria?” you ask and he nods.
“Yeah. so, I wanted to say but you keep shutting me up—Anyways, I am not going to see you until the Christmas party at Mark’s,” Donghyuck stops as soon as the elevator sounds, “I am blocking you and going on a detox,” stepping into the elevator, he leaves you behind stunned.
Just as the doors slide back, he smiles while saying, “I don’t wanna see your face anywhere near me, okay?”
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To hyuck💞: you cant do this you hurt me 🤕🤕
To hyuck💞: im sorry what did i doooo??
To hyuck💞: unblock me plsssss 🙏🙏🙏
To hyuck💞: what will i do without you??? i need you bro
Message failed to send
There aren’t many nights where he quietly stays in his room, ignoring your text and pressing block on you. There have been times like tonight when the heart beating in his chest feels more painful than usual. He has never been the type to cry through the night. The ceiling of his bedroom is comforting, the mould collecting in the corners every winter, reminding him of his chores, and normally, he'd be on his phone scrolling mindlessly through social media and thinking about how he was going to be a better person tomorrow than today. Usually, they happen a lot later than 10 PM and only after he has spent his day with you already.
For one, he’s glad that no one could tell of his awful crush on you.
Christmas has always been easy, it's been pleasant, and unlike most seasons; the holiday season always gets him in the mood for a big gathering, cosying up with his friends and just enjoying their presence without having to mess around and it also makes him less of a troublemaker. He doesn’t follow Yangyang to the skating rink nor does he annoy Renjun in the library and he also leaves Mark to do his good thing of the day without bothering him about that club that opened a block away from college. He was even fine with you telling him that you’d be going out.
With someone who wasn’t him.
He was fine.
Until Last Christmas happened.
“I’m coming in!” Jaemin’s voice brings him back to his room and he sits up, sighing heavily. “Are you staying home tonight?” he asks as soon as the boy enters the room wearing his strawberry-patterned apron that a junior of his gifted him.
“Jeno has a project so he’s staying with his group at the library—I have been left behind,”
Rooming with Jaemin was a last-minute decision, when his dorm lease was up he was going to resign it, however, after your fingers held his hands this spring, shaking with excitement and your lips stretched in a smile, reminding him that you only lived ten minutes away from Jaemin. Before he knew it, he was signing a new contract with Jaemin who couldn't hide his mischievous eyes for him.
"Did you block Y/N?" Jaemin sits on the swivel chair in front of his computer, casually pulling the cord of his wired mouse. "I sent her back home saying you weren't here just now,"
"She came here?" Donghyuck bursts, eyes wide and Jaemin laughs, "Of course not."
Groaning, Donghyuck throws his head back in defeat. "This is all your fault. If I didn't kiss her at that party we wouldn't be going through this," he grumbles, closing his eyes and flashes of last Christmas pass by.
It was picturesque, so perfect and the heat of his lips on yours—he would've never guessed that you'd taste like wine.
You hate wine.
Jaemin rolls his eyes, dismissing the accusation. "It's not my fault you have a superiority complex about knowing where all the mistletoes are,"
Offended by that, Donghyuck gets off his bed and stares down at the boy who continues to grab his copy of the Forza Horizon 4 and strut back to the door. "You hang it up there knowing full well that me and Y/N always take that spot," Donghyuck said and he receives a loud hah from his friend who pulls the door open.
Jaemin looks him straight in the eye, his characteristic sweet smile on his face and he said, "Maybe you should've just been a big boy and kissed me instead,"
And well, he wasn't wrong, so Donghyuck resorts to slamming his face into his pillow and raging at it, screaming while swinging his legs recklessly until his shin stabs against his bed frame and gives him genuine reason to scream out. God, if you were here, you'd have a look of worry painted all over your face while you still laughed at his pain and to be honest, Donghyuck thought you would look nice against the background of his room.
Turning to lie on his stomach, Donghyuck wiggles in his bed to get comfortably under his sheets, and he unlocks his phone, your image glowing on the screen. He has an album full of just you. You love sending him pictures of yourself, outfit of the day, and once in a while, when you look really nice, you'll send him a decent picture that he would lose his mind about but all he responds with is an emoji, the one with two eyes looking sideways.
Gulping down frustratedly, he clicks off his gallery, and suddenly, his screen cuts with notifications.
leemark: u helping on 23?
leemark: please?? jisung broke his arm u know he can't help me now
leemark sent a sticker
you: you owe me one
Working graveyard hours, twelve-to-four, has its unexpected silver lining. Most people are asleep during this time and anyone awake usually just want to get home, aside from the hooligans who mind their own business if you mind your own because of the cameras placed inside the convenience store and the patrol team in the area from two-till-six because of recent crime level increase in the area. To Donghyuck, it was perfect for a decent-paying, low-effort job.
The one downside of this is, you live super close to Jaemin and share the same convenience store as them. Of course, he'd see you if you decided to visit the store at this time.
Donghyuck didn't think of you as someone hot before, casual dating was not his mind when it came to you and you were always busy being interested in whoever is new. Maybe you liked the unfamiliarity of them, the fact you didn't see them for consecutive weeks before they suddenly appeared in front of you, unlike the two of them, Donghyuck has been in your life consistently for the past two years and this year, something changed.
The pulsing of his heart, when the store's automated doors slide open and your familiar pyjama hoodie comes into his view, the way his lungs forget to breathe and he can't tear his eyes off of you until you make your way up to the counter with your BBQ pringles and cola on the side. "When are you gonna unblock me?" even your voice is so sweet now, his brain shooting fuzzy chemicals inside him and butterflies making his knees go weak.
Donghyuck doesn't want to like you.
"You know the schedule, wait until the party," scanning the codes of your items and billing you up, he takes your exact change, sliding your snacks to you.
"Can't you give me a reason? What did I do?" you ask, stuffing your snacks into your hoodie’s pocket and Donghyuck groans, you didn't plan on leaving, he could tell. "You saw my text and didn't reply, you could've just replied then—"
"That's just stupid, I blocked you as soon as I remembered I said I would," he argued back, clicking his tongue at your exasperated expression.
Giving up on that point, "Nevermind that then, just give me a reason then," you said, Donghyuck grumbling internally and you stare at him, waiting for a reply.
"Didn't I tell you I wanted a detox?"
Waving him off, you glare at him and ask again, "Am I toxic? To make you need a detox from me?" your eyes tingle, the heat making its way up to your neck and you mentally curse, you've never been able to argue without feeling the urge to cry.
"That's not what I mean by detox. I just need some time from you, my life is a mess right now you are at the centre of it," Donghyuck explains, his hands automatically holding your face and rubbing away the tears that brim in your eyes. "I don't mean to make you cry—with all the time away from me, you can go and try to snag Taeyong! Come on, you have a life without me in it too," he adds, his voice softer and fingers gently crease your cheeks, earning a pout from you.
You spit, "What's that supposed to mean?" you take his hands away from your face and wrap your fingers in his, "Taeyong isn't you, no one is you. You are not replaceable for me,"
Tears bubbling up again, Donghyuck shushes you and he doesn't want to feel this way; his chest clogs up and renders him breathless in front of you, and he feels guilty. "Hey, hey, come on don't cry," he frets, his fingers wiping away the tears and settling on your shoulders. If only the counter wasn't in between you, he knows for sure he'd have hugged you and given up already.
"You know, your touch always makes me not cry," you laugh, remembering the time when you almost broke down in class after getting an F and being required to repeat a course the next semester. He held your hand the entire two hours of the lecture and even stayed with you until you were back home. You didn't even know him too well back then.
It made your heart kinda race for him but the comfort of your growing friendship with him felt too precious.
"That's because you are like a baby, holding you will make you calm down," he exposes you, rolling his eyes as if it were an obvious truth and you scoff, "Just how many people do you think hold my face like I'm a chipmunk?" killing the mood, Donghyuck sighs, "Well, at least you are okay now,"
"Unblock me now," you said, regaining your reason once you've calmed down and he shakes his head without hesitation, suddenly regaining his previous determination. "Yeah, no."
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A Y/N-detox isn't feasible if he thought about it, not when you've carefully matched your schedule to his because he is always working or has appointments with other friends, you work at the cafe down the fast food cabin he works at, take the same bus home as him and worst of all, you both share the same friend groups because of how much time you spend together as a collective.
"Do you guys like, hate me or something?" Donghyuck deadpans, slumping into the seat you were previously sitting at.
"You hate yourself," Renjun quips, his eyes not leaving his book and Yangyang nods in agreement while adding, "You didn't think it would be a good idea to tell us you didn't like her anymore? We would've not invited her,"
"We could've also made a group without you in it," Mark said, resting his head on the wall and dozing away. He had finished a shift and was supposed to work one more shift today because his junior broke his arm but thank the heavens, Donghyuck said okay and is covering the shift. Too guilty to go home, Mark has resorted to staying around until the end of the shift anyway.
Mark, unlike Jaemin, was Donghyuck’s only refuge. The one person who knew about his crush and the one person who told him, hey, she might like you. "Dude, just go home," he says, shaking Mark's shoulder and Renjun sighs.
Renjun says, "I tried already, he is just being stubborn," closing his book once he bookmarks it and crossing his arms on the table. "Now, you need to tell us what happened,"
Renjun has always been perceptive of his mood, always keeping up with the latest drama and the main provider of information to Jaemin's cupid hustle. Romance was just his forte. Donghyuck, though, was too scared to ask him his opinion on it in case he told him to just give up—as if he wasn't already trying in his own way.
"Promise me you won't laugh," Donghyuck gulps and Yangyang grunts loudly, "Dude, miss me with the suspense—We swear, now what happened?"
Inhaling, he blinks away into the distance. "I might be in love with Y/N and I am so ashamed to come out with it. I know it's stupid but you guys know how we are, it's always us together, Donghyuck and Y/N, we're friends.
Shit, I even blocked her to get over her but it's not working—I dreamt of her last night and it was so embarrassing to see her today,"
"Dreamt of her… like… like that?" Yangyang asks, his fists covering his dropped jaw and Donghyuck's face burns up at the suggestion but he doesn't deny it, much to Renjun's disgust, he gags and says, "Please don't give us the details,"
"She's been going insane on her own and constantly going on about you—this must be why." Mark nods as if a bigger picture was drawn in his head, he grins and goes on, "Jaemin wasn't joking when he said you liked her last Christmas. I didn't think the mistletoe trick would work,"
Gasping at him, "You knew!" Donghyuck points at him in accusation and grabs his collar, "That kiss messed up our relationship!"
Yangyang breaks them up, grinning at Donghyuck sleazily, and he says, "Dude, tomorrow's party, just fix it. There's nothing to lose—I can't believe you've dragged this on for a year, how adorable."
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Two weeks without Donghyuck and you are but a shell of yourself.
It was so easy getting used to life with him, he came in and went out so nonchalantly. You hadn't realized how involved he was in your life until he was gone from your daily transit, he was gone from your walks home, he was gone from his shift at the convenience store and not a single text you sent him went through. No, your life didn't revolve around him but you include him in everything because, Donghyuck will think this is funny, you need to tell him about the stupid fight that happened in the café and Donghyuck will look good with this, you need to take him shopping with you.
Shit, you sent him a picture of random things that made you think of him.
There was only once that you thought you liked him, and you shot that down as soon as he said he liked a girl in his social club—you even joined the club for him, how could he like someone else… you gave up as soon as your heart latched on and to be honest, you were okay with that because well, he was still the closest person to you.
You didn't need the kisses to feel loved. His gentle hands creasing your cheeks habitually and his warm hugs because he feels like it, they made you feel loved. The way he makes time to see you in his busy schedule, you know he leaves hours in his day because you'll ask him for time, which makes you feel loved as well.
It didn't make sense for him to suddenly shut you out, not when he was leaving all these signs, he didn't do any of these with anyone else—last Christmas meant something to him.
You just knew it did.
"Have you guys seen Donghyuck?" you ask, holding your red cup of punch barely full and your head feeling dizzy.
Pointing towards a corner, "I THINK HE WAS WITH MARK," Yangyang screams at the top of his lungs, the earmuffs doing their work to shut out even his loudness.
Lee Mark throws the most exciting Christmas parties every year in his apartment building in collaboration with his neighbours. The shared pool and backyard were completely theirs to use, Mark would normally hang up mistletoes in the spaces between his apartment and everywhere else. The kissing begins as soon as you want to leave his front door anywhere else. And you never leave his apartment, so you never had to deal with the plant.
That wasn't the case last year, someone had hung up mistletoes inside the apartment and exactly at the spot you and Donghyuck always beeline to, that's where everything changed for him and out of nowhere, you had to be the one acting normal because he wasn't.
Stumbling your way into the living room, it wasn't too crowded in here and it usually only had Mark's closest friends loitering around. Your eyes immediately find Donghyuck, laughing loudly and he leaves his beanbag, and almost instinctively, you plop down on it as soon as you near it.
Fading out of consciousness, "Who said you could sit there?" he whined, his eyes half-lid as he grabbed your hand and you shot up, your head feeling clearer now.
You always steal his seat when he leaves to get a refill. "I was just keeping it warm. You don't have to yell," you said, jutting your lips out. Your cheeks painted in a flushing colour, Donghyuck guessed that you already had your share of drinks and made a mental note to leave the party soon because he was your ride home. Not that he'll be driving but even walking you home is considered a ride.
Well, maybe not this time because you guys didn't come together.
Letting go of your arm, you fall back onto the beanbag, and he gives you puppy eyes. "I wasn't yelling," Donghyuck grumbles, getting shoved to the side by someone and he turns to face them.
"Are you okay?" Jaemin asks, his lips almost meeting his eyes in a wide grin, and Donghyuck immediately has his guard up, feeling a wave of deja vu.
"You look tipsy, aren't you gonna go home?" Pressing his hand on your forehead, Jaemin looks towards the ceiling above you and smirks. "Oh, look here, guys," he gasps loudly. However, Donghyuck could hear the pretentiousness of it.
Donghyuck followed his gaze with narrowed eyes, right above him, wretched mistletoes greeted him in the dimly lit corner of the room immediately releasing a groan. "Ugh, not again!" Donghyuck cries.
Scoffing at Jaemin, he rolls his eyes. "What? You wanna kiss me this time?" he asks in a mean tone, and Jaemin giggled, moving away from the spot while saying, "Of course, not," Donghyuck felt his blood boil, if Jaemin was a cupid, then maybe that song about a stupid cupid was right.
Clearly, his arrows were faulty this time.
Last time, it didn't cross his mind that someone else would be hanging up mistletoes, Mark never hung them up in the corners of the rooms and especially not inside Mark's apartment because he was scared someone would make out on his sacred sofa or worse, inside his toilet. But he learnt his lesson, Na Jaemin goes to extreme lengths to pair up his couples after all.
You then ask, "Then—Are we going to kiss?" your eyes look curiously at him as you pointed at the plant. "It's you and me under it now,"
And from that point, it's never been the same. The last time, he kissed your lips, it was stupid. You were drunk and said okay for the fun of it, Donghyuck could only hope neither of you remember it.
But when his lips lightly brushed on yours, and he realized that tomorrow morning you'll be back to normal, your memory in fragments and he remembers it clearly, the regret that washed over him the next morning when he opened his eyes to the ceiling of his bedroom, the horror that clung to him when his phone was bombarded by his friends curious about how he felt now that he had kissed you.
He was in denial for a whole year.
Once more, "Are we going to kiss again," you ask, your fingers pulling his shirt, you bring him back to the present and guide him down towards you.
Donghyuck's knees go weak, and he falls onto the floor with his breath caught. This time, you are the one taking the lead. "You remember," he breathes out, looking away from you and you give him a tight-lipped look. "Yeah, I never forgot it," you said.
"Why'd you never say anything, I am so sorry about the kiss—" Donghyuck immediately says and you cut him off, —"I didn't say anything because I didn't mind, I actually liked it and I thought you did too because you kissed me twice…"
Perhaps it was the lighting in the room. Donghyuck never thought you looked hot but he did always think you were beautiful, but today, the lipstick you wore made him want to go crazy. "Don't you like Taeyong now?" he just had to ask to be sure and you scoff, rolling your eyes.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you said, "You know my fascination with all my crush-ishes dies after I talk to them,"
"But you were so excited for the secret santa," "That's because it's gift giving and that's fun,"
Donghyuck didn't get your name, so he thought you weren't meant to be. No matter how stupid he thinks that idea is now, he still thought it was fate that you got Taeyong's name when you liked him. "I thought you were going to cut me off this Christmas to spend it with him, that's why I came up with the detox… to give you time away from me and me time away from you,"
Biting down a smile, you place a peck on his lips. "Have I ever gone on a date with anyone since you've known me?" you tease, and he immediately says, "Yeah, Yangyang. The two of you go on skate rink dates all the time, I see you guys,"
"That's just you being picky—you don't know how to skate so, of course, I go there with him and not you," flicking his forehead, you click your tongue and went on, "Plus, you always come along anyway,"
"Because I come along, it's not a date anymore,"
"Wow, genius," you giggle, rolling your eyes and Donghyuck sighs into your side, he thinks, his arms are allowed to go around your waist now and he's allowed to keep staring into your eyes.
Your eyes don't leave him either, the thumping bass of the background blending in with the sound of your heart skipping beats and your toes curl, butterflies choking your breath when you say, "Hey, there's a mistletoe here—can't you just kiss me already?"
Dipping his head down, his lips catching yours and this time, you taste like berry punch, your favourite and his hands cradle your face, he still isn't sure if this is the right way to go with you but when your lips synchronise with his, moving softly against his with your hands desperately clinging onto his shoulders.
It took him a mistletoe and a whole year to realize his feeling about you, so maybe, cupid wasn't the only stupid one, he was stupid too. You've been right in front of each other and yet, "Does this mean you like like me?" you ask against his lips.
Smiling, "Just how many people do you think I block?" Donghyuck lets his head rest on your shoulder, the rest of his body going limp as well on the floor, and you pat his back. "Are we together now? Next Christmas, will I be your boyfriend?" he asks weakly, and you nod. Although he couldn't see you, he could tell there was a smile on your face.
"Oh, by the way, do you know who put this in here? Mark doesn't put mistletoes inside his apartment right?" curiously, you point at the plant on top of you and he grumbles, "Na Jaemin," tightening his grip on you. Donghyuck thinks he should give his thanks to Jaemin too because, without him, none of this would've happened.
"Aah, now it makes sense why he came here last year—doesn't he always stay at the pool area with Jeno and that Junior of theirs?"
Nodding, Donghyuck says, "Yeah. He even came up this time too," mentally deciding to spare him this time.
And you giggle, cheerfully saying, "We should thank him, he is kinda like our cupid if you think about it. It goes well with his reputation on campus," the sound of your humming makes him smile, agreeing with you, "Huh, you think so?"
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Beknownst to both of you, starting next semester Na Jaemin’s position as campus cupid was solidified using a picture he took once the two of you knocked out in the corner of Mark’s living; Donghyuck’s head nestling on your stomach and your head tilted upwards in a way that looked like it hurt—His greatest masterpiece he said, showing the photo and relying on the great love story until “How come none of you tell me about this?” Donghyuck accuses his friends, shifting his weight to one side and scoffing indignantly.
Yangyang shrugs, “It’s funny. And you guys look cute anyways, what are you mad about?” he asks, his face genuinely looking confused, which makes Donghyuck click his tongue, and Mark asks, “Are you mad we didn’t share the photo with you?” his eyes narrowed, hoping his guess was right.
“How’d you know!” you clap, nodding your head. “Hyuck changed his wallpaper as soon as he got the picture,”
“How did it take this long to find out, though?” Renjun asks, “You’re friends with everyone on campus. It's unbelievable it took you this long,”
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at1nys-blog · 9 months
Next Door -Masterlist-
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x fem!reader
Summary: When you try to save your friends from bad press (your father's opinion on them) ending up having to find a way to survive it turns different than what you expected, but along the way there are your best friends, new friends and a very annoying gym bro that lives just Next Door
Started: 21/12/2023
Finished: scheduled to end 25/08/2024
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Status: 【Not Started yet】 【Ongoing】 【Finished】
Updates: twice a week 11:30 pm CET
A/N: THIS WAS POSTED FIRST ON MY AO3 ACCOUNT SO MY GOOD FRIEND COULD READ IT TOO AND BECAUSE I WANTED TO TRY SMAU IN THERE and now I can stop screaming. By the way, I waited to posted it on here because I didn't know if I was going to commit or what, so after 14/15 chapters I think I am committed enough. I have to apologize for future typos but I am too lazy to correct and screenshot everything once again lol
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Ch.1: Vol.0 Ch.1- Profile 1
Ch.2: Vol.0 Ch.2- Profile 2
Ch.3: Vol.0 Ch.3- Kicked Out…
Ch.4: Vol.0 Ch.4- Kids…
Ch.5: Vol.1 Ch.5- Less pictures
Ch.6: Vol.1 Ch.6- ON MY ANCESTOR
Ch.7: Vol.1 Ch.7- Annoying Rich People
Ch.8: Vol.1 Ch.8-Karma is a Bitch
Ch.9: Vol.2 Ch.9-Luffy is a kid
Ch.10: Vol.2 Ch.10-Proposal
Ch.11: Vol.2 Ch.11- Sabo...
Ch.12: Vol.2 Ch.12- I wasn’t lying
Ch.13: Vol.3 Ch.13- Zoro would never be funny
Ch.14: Vol.3 Ch.14- A weird one
Ch.15: Vol.3 Ch.15- You love me
Ch.16: Vol.3 Ch.16- Turning point
Ch.17: Vol.4 Ch.17- @yasUsopp you are dead
Ch.18: Vol.4 Ch.18- Drunk you
Ch.19: Vol.4 Ch.19- In vino veritas
Ch.20: Vol.4 Ch.20- Is that punk boy?
Ch.21: Vol.5 Ch.21- You are missing
Ch.22: Vol.5 Ch.22- There is no way
Ch.23: Vol.5 Ch.23- Plan in action
Ch.24: Vol.5 Ch24- Bartolomeo the black sheep
Ch.25: Vol.6 Ch.25- Good Taste
Ch.26: Vol.6 Ch.26- Day out
Ch.27: Vol.6 Ch.27- Wedding Surprises
Ch.28: Vol.6 Ch.28- DUDE NOOOOO
Ch.29: Vol.7 Ch.29- Call the firefighters
Ch.30: Vol.7 Ch.30- Little Kids
Ch.31: Vol.7 Ch.31- I will found out
Ch.32: Vol.7 Ch.32- you*
Ch.33: Vol.8 Ch.33- is my pfp
Ch.34: Vol.8 Ch.34- oopsie
Ch.35: Vol.8 Ch.35- we are not friends
Ch.36: Vol.8 Ch.36- ass bitch what is wrong with you
Ch.37: Vol.9 Ch.37- Usopp the trendsetter❤️‍🔥
Ch.38: Vol.9 Ch.38- so Zoro miserable
Ch.39: Vol.9 Ch.39- you started so good
Ch.40: Vol.9 Ch.40- set sail
Ch.41: Vol.10 Ch.41- *has a bitch
Ch.42: Vol.10 Ch.42- boyfriend/fiancé
Ch.43: Vol.10 Ch.43- weird haircut looking dude
Ch.44: Vol.10 Ch.44- Luckey Hughesy❤️🤍
Ch.45: Vol.11 Ch.45- note for the Marine
Ch.46: Vol.11 Ch.46- he panics
Ch.47: Vol.11 Ch.47- *og Barbie crying against a hot pink pole*
Ch.48: Vol.11 Ch.48- marry him
Ch.49: Vol.12 Ch.49- it’s been 3 months
Ch.50: Vol12. Ch.50- happy birthday
Ch.51: Vol.12 Ch.51- who’s wedding?
Ch.52: Vol.12 Ch.52- Baroque Works
Ch.53: Vol.13 Ch.53- PERONA NO/PERONA YES
Ch.54: Vol.13 Ch.54- first day at work
Ch.55: Vol.13 Ch.55- (forced) time
Ch.56: Vol.13 Ch.56- your downfall
Ch.57: Vol.14 Ch.57- a corporate job
Ch.58: Vol.14 Ch.58- double date
Ch.59: Vol.14 Ch.59- moving day
Ch.60: Vol.14 Ch.60- Epilogue
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 15 June 2023 20:46 or 8:46pm KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
*Disclaimer: I hate Tumblr and it's stupid ass image limit. My personal feeling about this post is that it's lacking, but I guess c'est la vie, did the best under the circumstances (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself).
Guess what?
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We already saw the pattern with JK, but is it possible that JM is joining in on the it? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
I won't be talking about every single thing that came up in JM's 1 hr. and 20 min. live. What I will do is touch on a few of the interesting things that happened during the live (well, what I found interesting at least), and what followed the live as well. Because JM didn't just show and dip. He wanted to take up home in his pocket, although he did think that over 7 million at his place might be too much, maybe if it was half of that it would be ok, lol. But we know JM, for reals, he wouldn't do a live at home, so he did the second best thing, which was to come back to us with posts and comments on Weverse.
Anyways, what did we have in the live?
JM talked about the 10 year anniversary a bit. Telling us he's not really that excited, but the biggest emotion he's feeling is fun. I get the not feeling excited. He also explains why. I'm happy that he felt it fun, I can't help but think that it was a bit of a bitter sweet celebration for them. He touched, not touched on it, when he mentioned the two members in the army at the moment.
JM tells us what he's up to lately, his daily schedule, more or less.
He's asked if he's working on a song, and JM like JM answers this:
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He later gives us a little more detail: he's been working out and eating healthy and working on some music and living well. Once a week he allows himself to rest.
The question I ask is if JK allows him to rest too? Lol, nah. I guess that's the day they take off to visit Bammie. Ehm... we do have the scratch to prove it...
Jokes aside, JM talks about how it's good for him to have a set schedule and be at work. For him and JK both (that's me talking not JM). And seeing that RM kind of spilled the tea, we can guess that the workouts are probably, at least some of the time, together with JK.
At the 10:40 mark approx. Tae shows up in the comments.
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JM, the kind of sassy and a true Slytherin that he is tells Tae, he will if Tae continues to comment for the whole time.
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Well, I guess that was the end of it for Tae, lol.
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Fuck people for calling him chubby in the comments. I hate this obsession with his weight, but even more so I hate people sitting at home on their asses and calling this 1.73 meter tall man that weighs 62.5 kg after putting on over 4 kg to get there, chubby. Like wtf? Man is skinny. And minus those 4 kgs he was fucking too skinny. Do they want him to starve himself? Do they not remember the issues he had in the past with his weight (issues which always linger even if you are "eating healthy" as he put it)?
Ok, so at around 14:55 min. JM's asked for the first time about the rainy day fight. When watching live, I kind of thought he was evading the question, but him answering the question later on, I tend to believe that maybe he just misunderstood the question at that point.
JM talks about sleep and R.E.M and how when you dream your mind is active and you don't really get deep sleep, and watching a video about it. I find it kind of funny and coincidental - NOT - that JK seems to have said practically the same things using similar wording in his live as well.
But no, they definitely aren't spending time together.
JM tells us he went to sleep at 6 am, woke up at 12 pm, made himself some chicken breast to eat and went back to sleep. Sound familiar anyone?
Sleep patterns. Chicken breast for lunch.
But no, they definitley aren't spending time together.
JM is asked to do the live all night.
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He wants to sleep early.
Funny how that didn't work out for him... I guess someone was staying up to be able to speak with that very special person that happened to be in LA and would be waking up just as JM was supposed to go to sleep?
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Slept at 12 and woke up at 8, ate at 12 pm, rest and go to workout at 2:30 pm approx., start working at 5 pm, at night he studied English. Ehm...didn't somebody else just let us know, repeatedly, that he's working hard on his English?
From his 5 June live:
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Nah, I guess just another coincidence.
What I'm finding interesting is if JM is done with his promotions and it's off to the army any time now, why would he be working on his English?
Oh how I do hope that this is for something in the pipelines that involves the two of them TOGETHER!!!
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Well, it is hard to break a sleeping pattern that has been with you for years and years. We all know of JM and JK's late night/early morning escapades. All night buddies that they are.
Rainy day fight, JM's version:
So this time around JM understands the comment asking about the rainy day fight and gives us his version of it.
Of course we got JM's JK smile.
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He does tell us he's giving us an edited version of it. JK, on the other hand, edited without telling us, lol. Both said a lot about the what happened before and after, but magically didn't mention exactly what was said at the moment by JK to anger JM so so much for him to react the way he did.
Anyway, we got is the story from JM's pov. And yes, there are some differences, but I wouldn't expect otherwise. 2 people, 2 povs. No 2 stories would ever be exactly the same.
The main discrepancy I found was the timeline. JK's being when they were trainees, and JM's all over the place but still later on (2014-15). Idk, I'm gonna side with JK on this one, lol. Like I mentioned in the post about JK's live, I feel like this fight was way more impactful for JK than it was for JM. And as such it's more etched on his brain than it is for JM.
Something I found interesting was how each of them was keen to take responsibility for the fight. JK blaming himself for how he behaved and what he said, and JM the same.
What I also found interesting and very much not surprising is how this fandom roles. JK taking blame for the fight = "oh poor baby bunny JK, how big of him to take the blame"; JM taking blame fir the fight = "omg, how mean is JM picking on baby bunny JK, being so mean to him, ugh we hate JM."
Did I mention how there are some parts of this fandom that I absolutely despise?
One thing they both corroborated was the state of JK's eyes the morning after, lol.
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Both JM and JK were happy giggly while telling the story.
A fight that definitley left it's mark of them both but also something to reminisce back on fondly.
Something else we learnt from JM's live was that he most definitely watched JK's live. He watched JK tell us about the rainy day fight and he also found JK's impersonation of G-Dragon very funny.
When is your next album coming JM?
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Listening to army love letter
JM was truly moved by this.
Did JK cook Ramen for you?
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JM averting eyes away from camera and moving on at the speed of light to..."oh angel pt. 2 came out today..."
There are 1001 options to why not yet. I'm not going to even start going there, because it's irrelevant and unimportant.
What I do know is JM chose to answer that comment but a. unlike the other comments that had to do with JK which he did answer, this one answer didn't come with a JK or jungkookie attached to it. It was short and he was done with it, and b. the way he looked away from the camera while saying it and repeating it once before just changing the subject was just so sus and felt like overcompensating.
Of course there are those that jumped at it like the dead feeders that they are. This must mean that they haven't seen each other. That JM isn't important to JK, etc. etc.
Funny how JM and JK don't see each other but are eating the same things for lunch, like Chicken breast and rice… or how they aren't seeing each other but JM somehow, magically, adjusted JK's mood lamp at JK's place…telepathy and telekinesis I guess. Oh, and did we discuss the sleeping patterns yet or the fact that they both happened to bring up the science mambo jumbo about sleep and dreams, almost word for word? But nope. They definitley aren't seeing each other and definitley aren't close. Also, for someone that is distanced they sure seem to be keeping up with each others lives. JM must be really bored to be sitting down and watching JK's long ass lives.
Moving on.
JM, being the king of evading answering whatever he doesn't want to answer, reads out comments asking about travel and tattoos, and decides those are topics he does not deem answer worthy, lol.
Do I talk about the goldfish lips? Nah, I don't wanna. Go watch!
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And this is JK way back in 2015 already.
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JM assuming the position
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So after saying he should do the next live lying down, cheeky thing that he is decided he's taking JK's sleeping live and raising him one, by taking us all home with him in his pocket, lol.
Although he took it all back. Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. So he can't fit 7 million into his place. Boo hoo. 3.5 million he can but 7 he can't. I do not accept such a cop out.
And then he was done, well more or less. Hungry, asking us for recommendations for food, and tired, he says his goodbyes and turns the live off.
But that wasn't the end of it. Nope.
Remember JM said he'd update us when he got home?
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Well, he did. He came back to update us time after time after time.
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And a comment too
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Oh, and the next day as well.
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Also interesting how that 5 and 8 found their way time after time into JM's posts and/or comments. 58 that happens to represent JK time after time.
At the end of the day what did we get from the live?
We got the rainy day fight - JM's perspective (muddled up timeline though, but I forgive him, getting old does make you forgetful, lol).
We got JM tell us he has seen JK's live, the one with him telling us his side of the rainy day fight and doing his G-Dragon impersonation, and I think we can assume he saw the sleeping live too.
I can't help but wonder if JM was reprimanded for commenting on JKs previous lives (you know with the shrimp, not really shrimp, comment and let me tie your hair), or perhaps he's just laying there enjoying watching his bf crush on him live.
We had JM call army and their comments cute. Funny, huh? How JK did that too?
Kind of interesting how the two seem to be saying the same things (the cute and the sleep talk), acting the same way, eating the same things.
I was going to add a clip and link here to JK's chicken breast eating tales, him cooking chicken breast with rice, him talking about eating chicken breast for lunch. Him eating healthy now days. Sounds familiar does it? JM talking about eating chicken breast for lunch, about eating chicken breast with rice. About eating healthy lately...
But damn Tumblr won't allow me. So you guys will either have to take my word for it (please don't), or go looking. You will see I am right...
For fun I will just leave you here with this:
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Cause why not end this with an ear to ear smile on our faces?
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montrealmadison · 7 months
writing patterns
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
thank you for the tag @doggernaut! 🩵 eight of my ten most recent fics have been written in the last three weeks for efickegster, so i'm interested to see where the similarities lie (she says, knowing damn well where the similarities lie)
put me back in it (3/8/24) Bitty gets kidnapped at eight.
excuse me (i love you) (3/6/24) As a rule, Kent does not believe in miracles.
still a planet (3/5/24) Bitty's least favorite dream opens like this.
can't unmiss you (2/29/24) Tater’s letting some girl he doesn’t know shoot tequila out of his belly button when he gets the text.
terms or conditions (2/27/24) Dex is thinking about why fancy restaurants invest in stupid shit when Nursey says, "Poindexter, I don't think this is working."
always, forever (2/26/24) Hot morning sun on his shoulders, a big, hot hand on the small of his back, and Bitty has no clue where he is.
imperfections (2/25/24) Half awake, the first thing out of Bitty's mouth is, "We have gotta stop meeting like this."
if it's on, i'm on (2/24/24) Halfway through December, with the night becoming morning and the tub juice lighting him on fire, Oliver O'Meara thinks he's having a pretty good freshman year.
see your body bare (2/14/24) It's a dirty hit.
advent (11/23/23) After almost fifty years, Jack knows how to be famous.
the verdict: apparently i am clinically unable to write a first line of substantial length! i sort of knew i trended this way, but it's really interesting to see them all lined up next to each other and realize they are shorter than bitty 🤷‍♀️ this is also funny because as y’all might be aware i’m also clinically unable to write a short line anywhere else in a fic. this post sponsored by the comma splice and em dash gang.
tagging the homies @mkaugust @cricketnationrise both of whose first lines and writing styles inspire me on the reg and @ohyoufool a second time cause mwah. no pressure darlings. anyone else who wants to play - please feel free to say i tagged you! i’d love a refresher on folks’ recent work! 🩵
if you're curious, like i was, whether or not the density of the writing schedule had an effect on the patterns of these fics' first lines, my older fics are included below the cut!
creation myth (11/5/23) It goes like this.
light the lamp (10/4/23) "Daddy?"
take charge (9/14/23) Bitty is a lot of things these days: a boyfriend, a captain, and (as of three weeks ago) officially a second-semester senior.
like branches in a storm (9/28/21) Nursey wakes up on the morning of graduation with the distinct and uncomfortable feeling that somebody's glued him to the mattress.
t'étais réel parce qu'il t'aimait (7/20/21) “Has her fever gone down?”
drink deeply (6/25/21) Good evening, everyone!
sweet creature (5/9/21) Marriage is a funny thing sometimes, Alicia thinks. 
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 2 months
A few weeks ago I delved into this rabbit hole of watching videos about the In Praise of Shadows hit piece on Wendigoon. Now mind you I don't watch either of these people's content but here's what I noticed during this whole drama.
For In Praise of Shadows I noticed the following (Note for the rest of this post I will refer to In praise of shadows as IPOS because it's easier for me to type.):
He wants ideological purity for horror movies. He doesn't think any conservatives should be allowed in horror. He thinks horror is inherently leftist. Which is odd since you could make the argument 80's slasher films have a conservative bent to them. Were all debauchery is punished by the slasher villain and only the final girl survives by being pure. Also, he accuses Late Night with the Devil of being a conservative movie because some of the transition cards use AI. That is odd to me since if you are going to call that movie conservative it should be by analyzing its themes rather than accusing it of AI. It just makes him seem like a very fragile person.
Most of his accusations are just guilt by association and lying about the youtubers he's complaining about. He accuses a bunch of people I've never heard of being gun crazed guntubers. None of these youtubers are guntubers. He also shits on Mutahara and Shoeonhead for no legitimate reason. I stopped watching Shoeonhead a while ago and distrust her somewhat but even I thought that accusation of her being conservative was completely disingenuous.
He accuses Internet Historian of being a neo-nazi because his birthday being 4/20 which is apparently Hitler's birthday. This stood out to me since you'd think for someone as terminally online as him, he would know what the 4/20 meme is.
He often associates guns with right wing despite there are leftists who use guns. Again, it's a very twitter mentality he has.
He bitches about Wendigoon being supposedly rich. I don't know how true this is, but I am starting to doubt IPOS claims of poverty given his pretentious manners. That and all he cares about is making video essays.
Also, he is whiny about not making enough youtube money and having to walk in a parking lot to a horror convention in North Carolina. To be fair he might have been saying this on behalf of handicap people, but they have handicap stalls for a reason. Also, if you aren't making enough youtube money there's this thing called getting a job. Especially, a part time one which allows for a more flexible schedule for him to make videos. Again, this man is very whiny.
He sounds like a pretentious version of Morakiu. He speaks in a monotone voice with no inflection in his voice. At least Morakiu was funny.
He has twitter brainrot. I say twitter brainrot because specifically he thinks all of Appalachia is white racists. Say what you will about this site many here would have called him out on that. For the record Appalachians are not inherently racist.
He associates aloha shirts with the boogalooo boys/alt-right. He said this while wearing an aloha shirt himself. Now that might be him being ironic but his stupidity cancels it out. Now while the boogaloo boys love their aloha shirts it is not explicitly a right-wing thing. I am a local from Hawaii and many of us here wear aloha shirts regularly so it's not some alt-right thing. I hate how people have now associated something innocent with that. Aloha shirts existed long before the alt-right ever came into existence.
He has this schizo moment where he thinks Wendigoon was trying to harass him by following him on twitter. When it turns out Wendigoon followed him because he liked his Slenderman video.
Pretty much the whole internet pushed his shit in after he spouted all that nonsense. He is a living case of a terminally online leftist with twitter brainrot. On one hand this man was clearly going through a mental breakdown, is delusional and should touch grass/seek therapy. On the other hand, he is a spiteful miscreant who likes to tarnish other people so my sympathy for him is very limited. It's good everyone rejected his ass because I feel like if he did this shit in 2017, he might have gotten away with it given how crazy everyone was driven with the TDS.
Now onto Wendigoon. Despite all this slander Wendigoon forgives IPOS. To me this shows he is legitimate in his kindness and beliefs. Since he was forgiving to someone who did not give him any courtesy at all. Which is doubly ironic since IPOS hates when people slander him, but he is fine with slandering other people. It's like I'm looking at two people diverging form a forked road. One chose the path to hurt people because he was hurt. The other chose the path to help people because he was hurt and doesn't want anyone to suffer. He's honestly far more merciful than I would have been in that situation. The thing was bizarre overall. Hopefully, after seeing IPOS madness people will calm down and not try to cancel each other. Unlikely but hopefully that reckoning will come and people go back to normal.
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lordofdragos · 1 month
TIME FOR THE DRAGOS WALL OF IMAGES AND SCREENSHOTS *UPROAROUS APPLAUSE* Ok but for real For the people that know what this is you already know (Great sentence there Drago glad I can speak English to say stuff like that) but for those that DON'T know This is going to be me screaming and having a mental break down about a game called "In Stars and Time" I highly recommend you DO NOT view under the read more page break if you intend to play this game at any future point in your life, which I would HIGHLY recommend the game is so GOOD AAA Anyways, off to the races!
Actually let me add tags to this post first... And done!
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WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN YOU WON'T LET ME YOUR BACKSTORY This sounds like something me and my friends would say to each other when we're being assholes
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Game gives us the best party member to control in my personal opinion My personal opinion is I've played this game for like 20 minutes but I threw scissors 3 times against Tutorial Kid I know what I am *Insert that always throws scissors guy meme where he complains about the rock players ruining the metagame*
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I get the distinct feeling that everything will not be fine soon . . . Owie
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Time to talk to every bird again!! I am mentally stable I swear the game hasn't already captured my entire soul what no haha
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Its the Bastard tm I vaguely know about this character ALSO YES THANK YOU I NOTICED THAT HAPPENING ACTUALLY
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So I MAYYYYYYY have gone through this dialogue like 30 times or something to see if anything funny would happen It didn't
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Hooray for teamwork!!
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DAMN KID DO YOU MIND Also note here from Future Drago Does this one not count as a loop since it tutorials you to restart in the castle? I don't think it increased my loop number
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WOK!!!!!!!!! Man I really love all of the characters but Bonnie is interesting to me because they are written so perfectly like an actual child Which means I constantly flip between YEAH CHILD ENERGY AND EXCITMENT And get this RUNT AWAY FROM ME GOOD LORD I know it somewhat sounds like I dislike them but no really just more of a testament to how GOOD the writing is
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So real game
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Mission failed we'll get em next time
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Sometimes when the game itself tells you you cannot go further the best way forward is to fight to the death BTW I recommend losing to a normal Sadness some time good reading there
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War. War never changes. Went down purely to spite Bonnie for saying smart kid intuition we all stupid here except Odile
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This conversation gave me the feels man
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Funnyjokespun person! Also Hampter Sif!
End of images for this post but final thoughts at the end of this wonderful loop WHY WON'T ANYONE TOUCH SIF DID SIF ASKING TO STAY WITH THEIR FRIENDS AT THE BEGINNING CAUSE THIS DID THE FUCKING TREE DO THIS MAN?? It has been TEN HOURS and I just finished loop 4 I am so glacially slow (I think) I do basically everything everytime because I love it I refuse to fall into despair! The game will probably change that without my consent in the future though so OH BOY
Alright thats one massive post done how do I like schedule this so I can type more and have them all come out at around the same time...?
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vashtijoy · 1 year
@pugs-cats-bb-8 tagged on my 7/9 post:
#persona 5#goro akechi#it's funny that you say he's hard to get a hold of#the first day he's available is 6-13#and he's available 10 times leading up to mid-July#plus his rank 3 is dependent on having R.3 charm And Knowledge plus no rain#even though I'm sure that cafe has a slight awning#he says the charm and knowledge is because his fans won't except any less#I think Akechi's just picky and playing hard to get#he's only available 39 times in the whole game#September is the worst month with 4 days of availability#October is a close second with 5 days#best months are August and November with 8 and 7#throw in a double stat block and a weather block for R. 3#an aquarium date dependent on ranking up Ohya And doing Futaba's palace as soon as it opens#R. 6 having a date block#R. 7 having a date block And stat block of Knowledge R.4#plus if you want the best ending and his third tier you have to pick specific choices#he's also very picky in presents#only 6 presents give 3 notes#2 presents give 2 notes#and the rest give one note#this boy is very complicated
That is invaluable information, and a level of attention to detail of which I can only dream tbh. So, in that spirit, I went back and replayed the whole of June and half of July, to get a complete calendar of Akechi interactions. Here's what I learned:
Apart from Saturday, there doesn't seem to be any real "you can find him on these days" schedule. Between June 10th (confidant 1) and July 12th (the date I got confidant 5 on my live playthrough), there are 9 days when you can find Akechi in Kichijoji, and those days are as follows:
all three possible Saturdays;
3 out of 4 possible Wednesdays. The other, 6/15, is rained off—though he doesn't show up even if you're doing confidant 2 rather than 3, and of course he shows up for confidant 2 on 6/13 in the rain;
once each on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday;
never on Friday or Sunday.
The week of 6/13 only has one day when you can find him—the Monday, when you can get confidant 2 and then he vanishes for the rest of the week. If you (say) don't get confidant 2 on 6/13, he still won't show up on 6/15 (his regular Wednesday slot) to offer it again;
The weeks of 6/27 and 7/4 each have two opportunities to meet him;
The week of 6/20, on the other hand, has three opportunities, and he will text you twice;
Once you're time-locked on the confidant, he will no longer appear in Kichijoji, and he will not text you to hang out;
If he's not time-locked, he always texts on Saturdays, so it looks like you're his big night out. Heavens, Akechi, the wild life you do lead.
so does he vanish for months in the summer?
Over in this post, I talked about how Akechi vanishes for most of September and October, in the runup to Joker's murder. There just appear to be no plot notes that bring the two of you together.
If you do confidant 5 on 7/2, and confidant 6 when it unlocks on 9/3, that looks like another two-month gap—but actually, there are various choreographed events that break it up:
train station meetings on 7/11, 7/20 and 9/2;
the lunch with Yoshizawa on 7/11;
the Medjed meeting with the PTs on 7/18;
the aquarium date on 7/29;
there is then a month's gap before the Leblanc trauma dump on 8/28—interesting, since this mostly overlaps with Futaba's Palace. Which Akechi doesn't know about, so it looks like they've vanished as planned.
So they have a lot going on in July even apart from the confidant. But in August, in the summer, they're out of each other's hair, until he comes back for 8/28 and confidant 6. What's going on? Is this actually a longer disconnect of three months after confidant 5, broken up by setting up the Okumura plot? Does he think Joker gave up as he predicted, when faced with a difficult opponent like Medjed? (disappointing) Is it something else entirely? Or does he just have a busy August?
@pugs-cats-bb-8 mentions in their tags that September and October are Akechi's worst months for availability, which corresponds with his vanishing from the plot for those two months as shit falls apart. If August, by contrast, really is the best time to find him, it suggests he's not intentionally avoiding you then so much as the plot is just not throwing you together.
It looks like, in theory, confidant stages 2-5 are meant to be done by the end of July, when the game schedules a lot of other social stuff for you.
here's the calendar
June M T W T F S S 06 07 08 09 ! 11 12 * 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 x * 24 x 26 27 28 * 30
July M T W T F S S 01 x 03 04 05 * 07 08 x 10 11 *
x—days when Akechi texts you to hang out. *—days when you can find Akechi in Kichijoji, but no text. !—the TV studio. Confidant 1.
Days when the game will always stop you doing anything in the evening (and so you could never meet anyone) are struck out.
Days in red are days he didn't appear in this replay (where I nailed all the dates), but did appear in my real, current playthrough (where I'm about a week behind). Note that 7/9 itself is one of these days—if you get confidant 5 on 7/2, he will not then face you on 7/9 after his tantrum.
Here's a summary list of events:
6/10 Friday—the TV studio. Confidant 1.
6/13 Monday—available in Kichijoji. Confidant 2.
6/22 Wednesday—he texts you in the evening. Confidant 3.
6/23 Thursday—available in Kichijoji. (no rank up)
6/25 Saturday—he texts you in the evening. Confidant 4.
6/29 Wednesday—available in Kichijoji. (no rank up)
7/2 Saturday—he texts you in the evening. Confidant 5.
7/6 Wednesday—available in Kichijoji. (but not if rank 5)
7/9 Saturday—he texts you in the evening. (but not if rank 5)
7/12 Tuesday—available in Kichijoji. (but not if rank 5)
also, we dreamed of him
Also, playing back to check certain days I missed to voluntary Metaverse activity, I found out you can go to bed early and have a dream that raises your stats or your confidants! So that's worth knowing. If you got this far down, here are some entertaining dreams.
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"I dreamed that I was being chased by a gigantic Akechi... I'm glad that was just a dream."
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"I dreamed that Akechi and I went to the beach, but the waves washed away my swimming trunks... I'm glad that was just a dream."
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"I had a dream where I was in a quiet café, asking Akechi for advice... I feel a little closer to Akechi."
I think you may have a better chance of getting "good dreams" if you are ranked higher with the confidant.
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episodeoftv · 1 year
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Round 8 (THE FINAL) Is over!
- “most” can mean whatever you choose I trust you. Can be the best episode. The worst. Objectively mediocre episode but an iconic moment in pop culture. Just a really solid use of television as a medium. I go into a bit more detail here.
- I only ask that you try to put aside the rest of the show and focus on the episode itself.
- the question is “most” instead of “best” bc I’m more comfortable with “most” winning by popularity contest. Also I believe that bad episodes deserve a shot.
- In the event of an exact tie both episodes will move on individually‚ with the next round’s vote having 3 (or 4??) options
here is the list of all episodes that were in the bracket, in alphabetical order by show title
ALSO: I won’t reblog propaganda in order to avoid crowding the blog (258 polls!), but you can submit propaganda here! Please focus on campaigning FOR the episode rather than against its opponent because this will be used in future polls as well. And lmk if you want to be anonymous
schedule under the cut, as well as links to polls
Round 1 Begins on Aug 15 (8 Groups‚ 128 polls)
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Group 3
- Group 4
- Group 5
- Group 6
- Group 7
- Group 8
Round 2 Begins on Sep 7 (4 Groups, 64 polls)
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Group 3
- Group 4
Round 3 Begins on Sep 20 (2 Groups‚ 32 polls)
- Group 1
- Group 2
Round 4 Begins on Oct 1 (16 polls)
Round 5 Begins on Oct 8 (8 polls)
Round 6 Begins on Oct 15 (4 polls)
Round 7 Begins on Oct 22 (2 polls)
Round 8 Begins on Oct 29 (1 poll)
- will include three 2nd and 3rd place polls
Winner announced on November 5th bc I think it would be funny.
Poll posts will include: a thumbnail (grabbed from the first few results on google) (but feel free to send me any better thumbnails)
Alt text for the thumbnails (I did my best here but I also did 32 of these in a row. So. They may not be perfect. If you notice any glaring mistakes lmk)
cws and technical notes that I received in submissions
summaries from IMDb, or wikis if there were none on IMDb (this is not meant to be propaganda‚ just to help jog your memory)
propaganda that I received in submissions (or was sent in a submission during the tournament‚ which I invite you to do here!) I am not reblogging propaganda because I don’t want to crowd the blog.
Link to‚ in order of preference: wikipedia page‚ wiki page‚ IMDb page.
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commehter · 6 months
I Was Bored Earlier This Week...
...and instead of doing anything productive, I poked at SToFLO's tags on AO3 for grins and giggles. Then I broke out the calculator because I am a dweeb. Here's some of the more interesting numbers.
The ATLA fandom on AO3 is rather large, of course, but I was impressed with how well SToFLO's stats held up. Top 4% for kudos, top 2% for hits and bookmarks, and, finally, the top 1% for comments! (The last one might actually be cheating a bit. I've had a few long conversations in the comments' section.) Now, to come back down to Earth, what that actually means is StoFLO was on pages 75 for kudos, 37 for hits, 31 for bookmarks, and 20 for comments. Heh, yeah, I don't think anyone will be finding the story without a bit more filtering.
On the other side of the spectrum, the "Ozai Dies" tag (or "Ozai is Deader than a Doornail" on SToFLO) is only 3 pages long with 57 works total at the time of my integer-based tomfoolery. And would you look at that! I managed to find a recognized tag on AO3 small enough that SToFLO is in the top 5 when sorted by bookmarks, kudos, comments, hits, and word count! I find this especially funny because I only added the tag as a clarification that the main character was not actually canon!Ozai.
Jumping back to that semi-inflated comments number, it snagged SToFLO places on page 2 of "Zuko-centric" and page 1 of both "Fire Lord Zuko" and "Fire Nation Royal Family."
Not too shabby, all things considered!
Anyway, when I was done with my nonsense calculations, I cleaned up the tags on the story and took the opportunity to add a few that were missing before. One casualty was my beloved "Updates at the Pace of my Capricious Muse" tag for an "Aiming for Monthly Updates" tag.
I've never actually held to a writing/posting schedule before, but I think it's about time I gave it a try. For a few reasons, not least of which is the sheer discrepancy of the amount I updated SToFLO in its first year compared to its second. I know monthly is a pretty slow update rate, but this is fanfic written in my spare time as a hobby; and, even as slow as monthly is, this last year I've actually been posting less than that. (I suppose if the extras in Folktales and Fables are counted, then it's roughly the same amount of chapters/content for the series as a whole as monthly posts would be, but still.)
I'm hoping to update SToFLO every 28th of the month from now on, so keep an eye out for the next chapter and I'll see you in about a week! Happy reading!
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ma-lark-ey · 2 years
I feel like challenging GOD so in my first ever read of Harry Potter I will be listing all of my headcanons in one big master post and sending it into the void space of tumblr thank you goodbye. I have no concept over which of these are hottakes, which of these are widely accepted, and which of them are just me being batshit crazy because as I write this I have never once looked at the Harry Potter fandom proper and my only knowledge of it is My Immortal and the fact that TikTok thinks Harry's dad and Sirius' little brother should makeout. 1. Ron Weasley is autistic.
2. Neville Longbottom is half-Korean on his mother's side, and also probably wears goofy little frog overalls.
3. Ron is tall, Harry is Short
4. Harry's scar is smattered across his face like a lightning storm and not just one little bolt, that's pussy shit. Make that shit dramatic
5. Ron and Luna probably had a fling at one point. Autism for autism
6. No way this isn't fanon, but Luna Lovegood is autistic.
7. Ginny Weasley is the HOTTEST bitch in Hogwarts and she is AWARE.
8. In Goblet of Fire the entire little Ron and Harry arc happening there was that they had a summer fling and then broke up when Ron had his little pissboy arc and they were both babies about it and then went back to having their regularly scheduled bromance thank you goodnight
9. Harry is actually dating a new person each book, no matter how short-lived it is. Why? Comedy. It's FUNNY.
10. I think Harry and Ginny have a shotgun wedding at like, nineteen.
11. All I know is that in my brief dive into AO3 (re: I looked up this exact tag out of morbid curiosity of it was A Thing), Sirius/Snape were apparently one of the smallest ships with like only 2k fics which is wild to me, because that enemies to lovers??? Thought bitches would eat that shit up. I don't ship it, but it still was wild.
12. Sirius and Remus are in love. (post mortum: I have now dived just slightly in the fic of Harry Potter and realize this is widely accepted fanon.)
13. Hermione wears fun frilly dresses outside of school and actually really loves dressing up and being girly fuck this 'not like other girls' agenda going on with her. Put her in a pretty dress and let her frolic in a field with flowers.
14. Luna is a seer. She goes on to teach divination
15. I was gonna say something about in my little noggin Ginny raised her and Harry's kid as a single mom or whatever and it's a fic I'm gonna work on and also his name is Remus Weasley and he's a Slytherin but APPARENTLY that's just the entire plot of the Cursed Child as my HP special interest having bestie informed me. I just added in a Gryffindor pretty boy for my Slytherin Potter boy to make out with when JKR was too much of a coward to make him gay.
17. Cedric Diggory lived a very long and happy life and had a lovely spouse - guy who got really attached to this dorky little dude, knowing full well how he died.
18. It takes Harry at LEAST two marriages to women to realize he's gay. The egg takes a very long time to crack.
19. Ron is straight. He's just. He's got such bi wife energy.
20. Ginny Weasley is a raging bisexual, and so are the twins, and so is Bill. And Charlie? I know in my soul that's a nonbinary.
21. Luna Lovegood? NOT a lesbian, sorry lesbians. I'm claiming her for the aromantics. That's right. She belongs to us.
22. Fleur Delacour was a lesbian. LESBIAN.
23. Harry and Dudley reconnect in their like, thirties/forties and actually become good friends I think.
24. Harry often does diy piercings in the bathrooms during fifth and sixth year, Luna helps.
25. Fred and Lee Jordan are boyfriends god bless.
26. Out of spite for JKR, here's a list of trans woman in Harry Potter according to ME: Ginny Weasley, McGonagall, Hermione, Luna, Lily Potter (her and James are t4t), Tonks (that bitch is nonbinary transfemme),
27. I will live, breathe, and die by my personal headcannon that Tonks and Remus are comphet and in a lavender marriage but they lovingly coparent their child together and regularly at parties Tonks goes "where's my husband? Oh, he's making out with his boyfriend okay cool." and moves on.
28. Draco Malfoy's patronus is that white ferret Moody Crouch turned him into in book four.
29. In my perfect world James Potter is alive and I love him most than anything, I'm holding him like a wet cat. i literally bought three stag plushes over the month I was reading this series just because I couldn't stop thinking about him.
30. I am ignoring the implications in the epilogue that Harry did not raise Teddy Lupin, because he did, actually. That was the last promise he made to his beloved Remus Lupin and if Deathly Hallows taught us anything it's that Harry Potter keeps a fucking promise <<3
31. Molly and Arthur heavily assisted Harry in his 'I'm gonna raise this god damn orphan to good y'all won't know what hit him. I'm gonna be such a good dad.'
32. I am literally IGNORING all these implications of the Cursed Child. Draco Malfoy is also a banger dad. i think he goes to counseling and sorts out his issues and tries very hard to not put such high expectations on his own kids. I think he tries very hard to undo the damage Lucius did to him, and the bad choices he made in trying to make his parents proud of him. I think he makes sure his kids know better than anything else, that all he wants for them is joy. He wants them to be good, happy people.
33. Just Lovers - Zerrazapriel says that Sirius' patronus is Moony and that's so fucking real and true of that fucking fic and I live by that now.
34. On a similar note, Molly and Arthur have matching patronus'
35. Fuck this 'hermione minister of magic' nonsense that girl is a leftist and would never join politics did jkr forget her own fucking canon of harry and hermione doing their absolute best to fuck the government over for the last half of the series? whatever the fuck. HERMIONE TEACHES CHARMS AT HOGWARTS.
36. I'm sorry I got so heated on that last one. I had thoughts. Anyways, Draco also goes on to become head of Slytherin and teaches DADA.
37. I was so anti-Draco for the entire first five books and then the last two books Happened and so now I'm just holding him so close to my chest. He needs therapy. And i think it takes him until their mid-twenties or so, but I think he does make amends with Harry and the crew and actively tries to come back from the actions of his youth, and obviously the Golden Trio and co are sympathetic because Harry himself in the books clearly could recognize Draco was acting on the instruction of his trusted adults, trusting they knew better than him.
38. this is not a headcanon but the wandlore of Draco having a unicorn hair in his wand and the unicorn hair wizards being the most difficult to turn evil and his wand ultimately being the one to defeat voldemort is sooooooo. He's such a product of grooming and I think about him. I want to study him.
39. YOU KNOW WHAT. what if I said harry trans woman who unpacks her gender after the war is over and has time to contemplate who she is as a person and her and Draco become a very cute and in love little couple in their early thirties??? what then???? (does this fic exist and if it does give me links)
40. I think the funniest mental image ever is if Harry just shows up to a party or whatever with everyone when they're like, 26 with Draco fucking Malfoy in his arm and is like "this is my boyfriend" with no further explanation or nothing and half of the group is like "no yeah this is an expected development" and the other half is like "THE BITCHBOY????" and yeah.
I will most definitely have more Harry Potter thoughts as time goes on but this is all I'll put into the world. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
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holy--milk · 11 days
tagged by @thatswhatsushesaid (thanks! <3)
1. why did you choose your url?
it was ages ago, i honestly don't remember at this point... i just think it's neat?
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
none that you could connect to me.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
definitely since high school, possibly since middle school? it was still kinda popular back then.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don't do queues, i reblog 100 posts at once then disappear for a week.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this particular one? to get all nice and cozy with the MXTX fandom, of course.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i found a collection of reaction pics in a ZZJ fan group and was like "haha this one's funny". don't ask me to explain it tho.
7. why did you choose your header?
see above.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this one. i still think it's kinda funny.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
at least two.
10. how many followers do you have?
at least two.
11. how many people do you follow?
definitely more than two.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
all my posts are shitpost.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
whenever i get bored at my office job (not to be confused with my other work-from-home job), which is. a lot.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
why would i? my fandoms are famously chill and peaceful.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i don't get those on my dash.
16. do you like tag games?
yes 👉👈
17. do you like ask games?
yep 👉👈
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
every single one of them.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i wish, but alas. it's physically impossible for me to get crushes.
20. what is the last song you listened to?
no regrets by oblivion dust, which is coincidentally THE shen jiu song to me <3
21. what are you currently watching?
"sell your haunted house" (daebakbudongsan), a korean drama about an exorcist/real estate broker who does exorcism on haunted houses and then sells them for a commission. as one does.
idk, i was sitting down to relax with a bottle of beer and some ribs and it popped up in the list of shows i've bookmarked? and i was like, why not.
22. sweet/savoury/spicy?
sweet and spicy. or as i call it. swicy.
23. what is your current relationship status?
there's a girl i've been trying to go on an irl date with for. like two months now. don't get me wrong, she wants to go on a date with me too, it's just that we're both working women who can barely find the time to meet up in our schedules. and when we do, something goes wrong :(
24. what is your current obsession?
qijiu. but JGY and his two men will forever have their place in my silly little heart <3
25. what are nine albums/songs you've been listening to lately?
i use like. 4 separate apps to listen to music, and that's just on my phone. and none of them track my listening history lmao. but i can try and pull nine random things (in no particular order) from my likes:
electra heart (the album) by marina (and the diamonds). what can i say? it slaps.
黑白#K (the album) by liu haikuan. but tbh i haven't really been following him for a while. i think he's had a few singles since then? idk.
les filles désir by vendredi sur mer. wait i should actually listen to her more often. she has some absolute bangers.
opera (and some other songs) by super junior. i'm revisiting my k-pop phase, okay???
фейерверк by электрофрез. because of that one TGCF animatic.
turbulence (the album) by monoral. idk, a lot of their songs actually fit qijiu rather well? which is my main criterion when choosing music to listen to anyway.
eyes closed by the narrative. you guys, this song has been through at least three different ships from three different fandoms at this point.
the CQL soundtrack. what can i say? [1] for all that CQL is a bit messy and has funny CGI, at least it has a splendind soundtrack.
the LOTR soundtrack. i mean. do i even have to say anything? that's a classic.
tagging: @crithir @miaoqing @jin-zixun and whoever wants to participate.
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heliads · 1 year
requests are open!
it's that time of year!! so excited to announce that requests will be often for as long as possible before my queue fills up. requests will close when i have a request in my queue scheduled to be posted every three days for two months in advance. queued requests can be seen in this post below the 'read more' line so you can tell how much time is left before they close.
things to keep in mind:
please follow my rules. there are very few of them
due to past request volume, i will turn down a lot of requests if they don't follow the rules/don't provide enough detail/are too similar to past fics. more details here
i take requests for all fandoms on my masterlist, but i would love it the most if i got requests for dead poets society, f1, harry potter (esp during the war i want to write angst), the hunger games, the magnificent seven, percy jackson, star trek, star wars, top gun, unwind, or tvd. they're just the ones i'm most motivated about at the moment <3
you can also request fics for a ship instead of a character x reader! i def write for ships, people just haven't requested them that much in the past so i thought i'd remind you all of it :)
happy requesting, everyone!!
xoxo, lisa
fics in the queue:
10/2: fred weasley x reader (reader has a panic attack, fred helps)
10/5: jack wilder x reader (relucant allies to lovers at a fancy gala)
10/8: derek hale x reader (fwb but derek catches feelings and is afraid of that because cmon its derek)
10/11: jack wilder x reader (jack&reader are always having fun and making jokes but they're both secretly afraid that the other doesn't think it's so funny anymore)
10/14: newt x reader (modern au, newt is venom)
10/17: jack wilder x reader (oblivious coffee shop barista reader, deeply in love jack)
10/20: peter hayes x reader (peter gets hit by the mind erasing gas and reader takes care of him, peter's memories come back eventually but he pretends otherwise bc he doesn't want to leave)
10/23: unwind fic!!!!! (connor doesn't try to deliver his letter, finds nelson trying to destroy the antique shop, cannot wait to write this one aaaaaa)
10/26: thomas x reader (tmr modern au, reader is sad and thomas, boyfriend, takes it upon himself to cheer her up)
10/29: bones x reader (reader&bones both work on the enterprise, they always flirt/tease each other until reader gets hurt and then! confession hour!)
11/1: lorenzo berkshire x reader (all of slytherin house is subjected to the extreme pining between enzo&reader)
11/4: genya safin x reader (soft childhood friends to lovers)
11/7: goodnight robicheaux x reader (magnificent seven modern au (yess) with war veteran!goody x librarian!reader)
11/10: zoya nazyalensky x reader (based on mary's song by taylor swift)
11/13: natasha trace x fem!reader (nat is dating reader (callsign sunshine) who's super sweet until someone insults her friends and then! you'd best watch out!)
11/16: strollonso mafia au
11/19: enola holmes x fem!reader (enola + reader, who are dating, launch an attempt to get sherlock + watson together)
11/22: charles leclerc x reader (reader is an engineer, charles keeps flirting but she can't fathom why)
11/25: connor or lev or hayden x reader (unwind character meets a former best friend who has become a clapper and tries to convince the friend not to blow himself up)
11/28: harry potter x reader (harry&reader are dating, harry finds reader almost dead during the final battle and has to use the resurrection stone to save her)
12/1: charles leclerc x reader (reader is a street racer and my boy has a massive crush on her)
12/4: rooster x reader (reader is a baker and dates roo)
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potential-fate · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @andrevasims ~~
Tagging: uhm... idk this was quite long, so I don't wanna tag anyone, so I'm not going to.
anyways, my answers under a readmore, cause they're 26 questions.
1.What’s your favourite sims death?
there's so many funny deaths in ts2, but I rarely see them (I can't help it I like keeping my sims alive lmao....) I have seen the satellite death only twice in.... almost 20 years? Also think murphy bed death is pretty entertaining. oh, and that sims can spontaneously combust if too warm.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
funny I was just talking about this with @nappe-plays-the-sims on discord. My style is definitely maxis mix/semi-realistic. I think it'd probably be fully alpha in ts4 though, if my computer could handle it. but for ts2, I don't like how a lot of alpha cc looks, so it stays squarely in the mix category.
3.Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hm. mostly not? there are certain sims that don't fit personality wise and I've cheated (in both directions both fat loss and gain) sheerly because their fitness just barely dipped and it didn't make sense. also as a storytelling simblr, I need consistency, so sometimes I'll cheat it for the moment, but then return them to their new fit/fat state once I have a bit of a time lapse.
4. Do you use move objects?
literally constantly. I mean, I have to to pose scenes, but also decoration in my game is ridiculously off grid so 🤷‍♀️
5. Favorite mod?
I legitimately don't think I can pick one. I have like 200 'curated' mods that I have mostly been using for literally a decade. Even in my "cc free" game I still have my mods folder and my defaults in. That being said, if forced to, I wouldn't be able to live without ACR/Romantic Standards, and the Traits Project.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Glamour Life Stuff, but I pretty much followed the release date for ts2. for TS4, the entire reason I redownloaded the game was Cottage Living so... that one.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live as in 'we are Live 🎬" (because literally that's how I always pictured it. the game is in action now, it's live.)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
uhm.... probably Evren, though no one has seen much of him yet. I just think he's pretty.
9. Have you made a simself?
I have.... about 12 years ago. and that sim can stay back there LMAO.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
hm. I suppose Gloomy, Maker, Socially Awkward. it took me a while to decide though.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
in ts2, I guess the red is okay? idk there's a reason all my hair is defaulted.
in ts4, I specifically like the light blonde and the dirty blonde, but would like to set the one labeled "blonde" (the yellow one) on fire.
12. Favorite EA hair?
see above answer. I'm just... not a fan of ts2 hairs. When I was a baby, I used to use exclusively this hair on men (like they literally all had that hair it was kinda funny), before I discovered cc. but now I think I'd probably pic Caesar if I had to.
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen through Adult. I like them all probably equally, but I spend a LOT of time at Uni 😂 I don't understand why everyone wants shorter UNI mods lmaooo.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
can I say neither? what you guys are playing the game???? jk jk. uhm... I guess I'll say builder, but honestly a good portion of my time is literally posing. though said scenes are normally based off gameplay. but I don't get to play that often. like ie: the story posts I'm posting now are literally based off gameplay from 6 months ago so....
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yup!~ though it's not consistent, in posting schedule or what I tend to make so 🤷‍♀️ (that being said, I do have hair retextures I'm literally planning on posting this week.)
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I feel like I do, but I don't wanna post favorites and hurt someone's feelings. 😂 that being said, there's like 3-5 people I talk to almost daily.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
in case it's not obvious, it's ts2. I do like ts4 now with all the dlc now though. but ts2 will always be my ride or die tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
I... don't think so.... I'm pretty sure I don't. I would be willing though probably. I mean, I sorta want a sims tattoo, and that's a lot more permanent than merch so.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I do not. I don't really.... like youtube that much. or letsplays.... or filming myself.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
oh god. idk man, I was heavy into the whole scene kid 2008 type stuff back when I first started creating cc and stuff, let alone playing, so like.... "a lot" is really all I have. I'd like to say that it's improved? I definitely think my photo/editing skills are better.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I want to say it's potential-x-fate but i am not 100% sure on that... I don't think I've ever shared anything for ts4 anyways though.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
that depends heavily on what you're looking for. @deedee-sims, @mdpthatsme, and @serabiet for clothing come to mind.
Makeup by far is probably @lilith-sims. and JesstheEx (LJ).
Hair I do a lot of my own retextures, but @antoninko also does a lot of sunshine retextures.
For b/b I couldn't even begin to decide. I don't have as much and it's all over the place.
for TS4, like, literally 85% of my CAS is @pralinesims and I have 0 B/B so.... it's pretty much just Praline LMAO.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
technically? since 2008. I migrated here from LJ around then. but this account is newer than that, cause I used to have it as a side blog and that was not very convenient. the old account I deleted after I moved everything I wanted over. I also took a 3 year break from 2016-2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Carefully. lmao. jk jk. uh.... lets see. I crop them (via my own action), apply actions (mostly other people's) depending on the scene, edit any clipping by hand painting, add in hair strands a lot of the time, and uh, then I add a 1% monochromatic noise filter, and the white border frame.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
since I play ts2 this isn't really applicable. but in the magical world of Allie Gets What They Want, I'd want a fix for ts2 to allow more customizability via CAS. by that I mean, I want more slots for skin details/tattoos/etc and accessories and such like they have in ts4, but in ts2. Obviously this is theoretical. but it's the thing I miss most in ts2.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
ahhh.... for ts2, I probably play with Uni the most, but ts2 was better at integrating gameplay elements into their EPs so I'd be hard pressed to drop any of them, even ones I "don't use" that often. (ie: nightlife came with chemistry and I'd die without it, even though I don't use any of the downtown functions often.)
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raymoohackery · 11 months
ok rambling about phone time after my post about the tik tok update that DESTROYS your phone and how i actually hate the whole thing of people shaming others for having 8+ hours of screen time instead of doing something more "productive" aka time consuming activities that need their own schedule and can't be done on the go. people love to pretend we can switch 8 hours of scrolling where the person reads and watches videos with let's say pottery sculpting learning a new language.. the latter especially being "on your phone" with overpriced apps.
let's say someone has to do a total of 4 hours of commute a day and has a total of 40 mins of break at school or work we can already put that as potential screen time made to log the brain off, therefore leaving only 3 hours and 20 minutes of "wasted" time on the phone.
people pretend we can read or watch a documentary during the commute AS IF you'd memorize anything you'd read in between two noisy subways. I'd take my glittery screen over faking to be an intellectual anytime.
to me excessive phone use becomes a problem not if it's 2 to 15 hours a day but rather at the moment the phone time makes you unable to work, to study, and most importantly prevents you from doing the things you usually love or if it endangers you (using your phone on the road because you can't stop using it). add to that it becomes problematic when the person absorbs everything they see on tik tok twitter tumblr pinterest like a reality when it's obviously mostly fake *thinking about aesthetic hustling culture diet culture blogs here* anyway I'd love to see where you stand on that
thought abt this ask after LRB. honestly i do think that excessive phone use has bad sides to it, dependinv on how you use it. mindless scrolling is bad for your brain in the longterm, but looking at stuff like art or talking with people on enriching subjects is great. at the end of the day the problem is capitalism and the attention economy where shortening the customer's attention span so it can be bought up is the profit model. unfortunately we DO live in a reality where most of a working day is monopolized by being tired and unfocused where the best way of entertainment is looking at funny images on your phone cuz thats all you have time for. its a vicious cycle really. not so much about minmaxing all your productive time, but about keeping your brain healthy by not getting addicted to watching 5 videos at once so you dont have to suffer the horrible dreg of: watching 1 thirty second video in full undisturbed
in sum, its not the great evil everyone claims it is, but it can go down south real fast and shatter your attention span. but don't get caught up in that and it's really not a problem i think. i'm guilty of scrolling all day erry day but its just cause its the easiest way of getting laughs in, engaging with others, and look at inspiring images. i get sone of my best fic ideas looking at what the ganondorf mutuals are saying ..... :)
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