smokbeast · 5 months
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every year one of my most favorite things to do is draw my ocs as mermaids, and i'll do it again this year with em and my actual mermaid ocs again hehe :D for now, oldies from the previous years <3
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cardboardclownery · 5 months
thank you guys so much for all the love on my doai stuff!! sorry for not replying directly to everyone but i appreciate every word given through tags and anywhere else :]
im gonna be fixated on this for a While (or more fixated than usual-) so feel free to send requests for stuff in asks!! may or may not get to all of them but ill Sure Try ":P
also alexes,, aĺexi,,, aleeks,, from class
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zarstarss · 1 year
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this is all i got ☹️😭😔
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theluckiestrose · 10 months
So the thing about Scott Pilgrim is everyone has a bad take except you (royal).
Like. Okay.
Theres a few layers to this.
Theres the self-insert fans who unironically think Scott is great.
Then there's the fans who hate Scott, who recognize his bad behavior and condemn him for it.
But i think theres a third layer.
The fans like me who recognize Scott's shitty behavior but also understand that there's no malice to it. Who get that Scott isn't "the bad guy," he's just a flawed dude with no ambition. His fundamental flaw is that he's inconsiderate, and he doesn't quite grasp that his actions CAN hurt people even if he doesn't mean to.
That's what his arc is about. It's about recognizing that other people can't see your intentions and you have to think about how you affect them. It's about growing up and realizing that everyone around you is just as real and emotional as you are.
With Knives, Scott is clearly just trying to recapture a previous time. He just wants to hang out without baggage. He has no interest in doing anything with Knives, to the point that in certain versions he is explicitly disgusted by the idea. He just lets her believe they're dating because it's convenient for him. It's wrong, but it's a very different KIND of wrong than you'd expect from the setup.
Also, when he and Kim broke up, it was due to a miscommunication. He literally forgot that he hadn't told Kim he was moving away. From his perspective it was an honest mistake. I believe in the comics he told Lisa he was moving and replaced her with Kim in his memory. From Kim's perspective though, he didn't care enough to tell her.
There are lots of little things like that throughout the story. Scott does something sucky, doesn't realize it could hurt someone, someone is hurt, and Scott has to confront that and learn from his mistakes. Hell, in the movie the final fight with Gideon only goes right when he actually apologizes to Knives and Ramona. Earning the power of Self-Respect here means recognizing that you are a person whose actions have consequences and when you make selfish choices you make life harder for yourself and others.
Anyway. Yeah no Scott isn't the bad guy or a monster or a creep or any of that mess. He just kinda really fucking sucks and the story is about him recognizing that fact and starting the road towards not sucking so much.
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sereina · 11 months
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iamm0nster · 2 years
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Watching scary ghost sightings at 3am!!!!!
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miasanmuller · 2 years
Unfortunately this account will be terminated
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kocoloco · 25 days
Davekat, they’re floating woa
Very gay ass pose Chat, my bad gang/j(sns)
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Hey chat ✌️ im alive byea, been taking a break from drawing after all the animatic shit and trying to get back into the groove lol, for now have lots of davekat (it’s so silly but I lauv)
(This was gif for the amazing spectacular wonderful @vineboom-sfx they’re so amazing chat I lauv them you should check their blog out :3)
Been thinking of doing ask requests for different things homestuck wise so if u wanna come along and ask shrug
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kakyogay · 1 month
Wait I do have "proper" art I can show :D
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I called me and my friend imps as a silly joke to get another friend online (we are short and the other friend is like a fucking skyscraper next to us) and then we ended up making impsonas so byea thas all fo tonight👍
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i wish aphantasia was more known bc i wld be so insufferable abt it sorry i cant come into work today i dont remember the way there bc of my aphantasia yh you know how it is with aphantasia ok BYEA
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drh3nryj3kyll · 3 months
Heya I’m still here btw and I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want and I understand if you are uncomfortable with how close we got, I’m not mad at you and I understand that you’re just doing this bc it was too much I still care about you and if you ever want to talk again we can, byea
Who is this?
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bobisnotaperson · 6 months
you have a fleshsona???
wait does that mean irl body or do i have things wrong byea i want to have ultrakill sisyphus's bodytype irl
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the-terukane-archives · 11 months
i feel like interacting with other anons is some secret (and illegal) art idk here we go coffeeshop au- TERU IS THE BARISTA NOW MEHEHEHEHEHE
roughly 7 am in the morning, a down-trodden looking young man drags himself into a store called "coffee or else" the man in question is akane aoi. having stayed up until the unholy hours doing work have made him crave caffeine to keep him going. he took but a brief shower, not wanting to make the employees chase him out.
the blonde guy at the front didnt seem too worried about his order of four shots of espresso, only wordlessly surveying akane's appearance with a piercing blue gaze before handing akane the receipt. his nametag says "minamoto teru" (he files away that information with his other important thoughts). it has quite a plethora of stickers on it, looking as if placed haphazardly by an overenthusiastic 4-year-old.
the earlier checking out would have bothered a more lucid akane, but zombie akane was having none of it. so what if his eyebags were enough to fit a suburban mom's whole grocery list? its not his problem. zombie akane stumbled into a clean-enough-looking bean bag in the corner, not noticing the blahaj with a particular white, blue, and pink flag stitched upon it that he immediately took into his hands.
if akane knew the only other person in the store was eyeing this particular plush of choice, he didnt show it. the coffee arrived without consequence in a container (their hands DID brush though), but wait! it seems something has been scribbled upon it besides his name!
"come back soon :) and maybe with pants that arent stained with previous coffee runs. i dont appreciate that you fool around with other coffee shops :,( " he's already a few steps out the door at this point, but he turns around so quickly that he almost gives himself whiplash. in the glass window, the barista from earlier only gives him a cheerful little wave.
steaming and pretending as if he wasnt almost redder than a tomato, he stomped away swearing never to return.
(he inevitably returns in a day.)
like akane i do not trust my own lucidity so its bedtime for me, byeas!
-princess carry anon (btw cc anon, how long does it take for you to clothe your asks?)
first of all i love your word choice, second of all to be honest my reaction to you & colour-coding anon is like “oh the kids are getting along! good for them”, third of all i wish i could clock out so bad but i’ve got a chemistry project to finish 😭😭😭
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skrunglebeasts · 1 year
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juney-blues · 2 years
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asrisgratitudejournal · 9 months
2023 recap
Omo ku sudah lama banget ingin menulis what I am grateful for in 2023 tapi betulan selalu ga sempet (ya emang u didn’t make time aja Non). Terus ini juga, jam 18.15 masih di wellbeingroom-nya RSL padahal jam 18.30 ada janjian dinner di Linacre harusnya sekarang udah mulai jalan??/
Yaudah jadi ini outline kasar aja yah.
Paling bersyukur 2023 ini karena:
Dikasih sama Allah kesehatan fisik dan mental yang mumpuni untuk tetap menjalani hidup, ku bisa bilang dengan sangat bahagia malah:
Secara duniawi, ku nonton STRAY KIDS 2 KALI??!! Kurang highlight of the year apa itu. Terus juga bisa nonton live Beyonce, Abel, Trevor Noah???
Dari sisi PhD, ku berangkat konferens di Goldschmidt, bisa RESUBMIT!, walaupun di-reject lagi. Bisa nge-run eksperimen dengan sealing di RHUL (ini jadi technical banget postnya tapi gapapa)
Bisa travelling??! Yang butuh uang dan kesehatan fisik dan mental juga dalam preparing dan melaksanakannya
Bisa pulang ke Indo bertemu keluarga dan teman-teman
Bisa dapat rumah di Castle Mill dan mempunyai flatmate yang solehah dan suka memasak juga HUHU
Apa lagi ya… Sebetulnya itu aja, tapi ITU AJA UDAH BANYAK BANGET???! Terutama kalau dicompare dengan 2020 atau 2021… Jujur sebetulnya hidup gaada drama aja tuh udah superduper grateful, lah ini dengan positive perksnya (MENANGIS). Sebetulnya pas Umroh kemarin nulis sih grateful for apa aja, tapi lebih in general selama 30 tahun ini grateful for-nya, nggak dilimit ke 2023 aja.
Habis ini akan nonton classical concert di Sheldonian jadi pulangnya akan malam. Untuk refreshing, ku repost postingan recap 2021 yah. Ku baru sadar kalau ku gapernah nulis recap 2022… aneh banget.
Wellbeing room RSL 18:25 11/01/2024
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