#c: 1w9
Hey! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I was wondering if I could get a BG3 match up? 💜
I’m fairly motherly and quite sassy when I like to be. I tend to care too much for others to the point where I will end up destroying myself in the process out of worry. My best attributes are probably my loyalty to the people I love and my persistence. My worst attributes are probably my lack of confidence and my insecurity.
As for hobbies, I enjoy doing art as a way to express myself. I also enjoy walking outside during the nighttime. Puzzles are also incredibly fun for me since I enjoy theorizing and problem-solving.
I like the nighttime, warmth, physical touch, quality time, cats, playful banter, and cheese. It’s really important to me that friendships I make are built off of honesty and genuine likeness. I dislike loud noises, tomatoes, stereotypes, and people acting fake or lying.
When it comes to my sexuality, i’m pan and demisexual. I’m open to any gender, though I would much prefer a monogamous relationship.
Thank you SO much! And I genuinely hope you’re having a wonderful day. Take care of yourself. 💜💜💜
A/N: Don’t worry, I got your second ask as well! I have included the description below as a refresher (since you said your memory can be tricky at times) and so other people know what I’m referencing as they read my answer. I didn’t just make toritofrito’s attributes up people- I swear lol! 
For you @toritofrito because you said you’re pan but specifically monogamous, I’ve made (who I think is) the best selection for you below:
Hi there! I submitted a previous BG3 ask but forgot some things! Sorry for forgetting some stuff, so here’s some additional info. And I do hope you’re having an amazing day/night! (Also, ahead of time, apologies if I repeated anything from my previous ask. I have some issues with memory.)
I am an INFJ with a 1w9 alignment. I tend to conflict with myself over the moralities of certain things, but I try to be a “peacemaker” of sorts, if that makes sense. Yet at the same time I do really enjoy the idea of adventure and freedom, and I tend to be open to different perspectives.
I also LOVE learning new things from different subjects. Some of my favorites being about international cultures and language. Its something i’m passionate about.
As for appearances, i’m 5”8 and have a lanky and curvy build. I also have shoulder length dark brown hair and amber eyes.
(Disclaimer: I’m unsure if whether or not I do have autism, and I definitely won’t self-diagnose myself with it until i’m sure that I have it.) I do struggle with sensory overload sometimes and get terrible social anxiety. I also have some PTSD. It would be nice if my partner would relate or be able to comfort in some sort of way (not that I wouldn’t return the same comfort). I also tend to struggle with properly communicating my emotions or ideas verbally, so someone who could be patient with me would be wonderful.
Again thanks so much! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful day/night. 💜
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☸ Gale would be a great match for you! 
He’s genuine and kind and always striving to be greater than he was the day before. I think you and Gale would get along well together. He’s quite ambitious and has a tendency to lose sight of himself in that ambition. Gale would do well with a partner who’s a bit motherly, as someone needs to remind him to take breaks from his learning or studying to feed himself/get enough sleep, etc. And while you said you tend to care for others so much to the point of neglecting yourself, you’d be able to relate to Gale’s overworking himself. But at the same time, because Gale is such a loyal and dedicated partner, I think he’d take it upon himself to do the same for you. If he notices you working so hard for others, to the point where you neglect your own needs, he’d sweetly ask you to stop, before spending his day or night pampering you, ensuring you’re taken care of. 
As a wizard and a professor, Gale is all about learning and continuing to challenge the mind. I bet he’s an avid puzzler, and he’d love to have someone to share this hobby with, especially when it comes to solving literal puzzles with puzzle pieces. Tara is nice to talk things out with, but she can’t really contribute to those, having only paws to work with. I can see the two of you spending the early parts of the evening in front of a roaring fire, huddled over a table where a thousand tiny puzzle pieces sit scattered across the surface. You could snack on some good wine and cheese as you excitedly reveal the puzzle’s final picture. Once the sun fully sets and the stars come out, Gale would love to take you on a nighttime stroll around his tower. The nippy night air gives him an excuse to hold you close, plus he gets to infodump all he knows about the constellations to you. 
I see Gale as an ENFP, which means he is very compatible with you as an INFJ. The two of you tend to be authentic yet idealistic, which means you can be very honest with each other, and that you both genuinely want to see the other person be the best version of themselves they can be. You also have a strong desire to do what is good/right, something Gale shares. Occasionally, his ambition may cloud his judgment, but I think your love will help ground him. With you at his side, Gale doesn’t need to become a God, he just needs to be a man worthy of your affection, something he strives to be every day. 
He loves your willingness for adventure, and how open you are to learning new things like cultures and languages. He’s spent many years collecting knowledge and books dedicated solely to such subjects and would love to share them with you. Any book, any scroll in his tower- it’s now yours as well. Gale loves you so much, there is no story or fact or piece of knowledge he would not search endlessly to find should you inquire about it. He wants nothing more than to satisfy every one of your needs- the emotional, the physical, the intimate, and the intellectual. 
Gale thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous with your enchanting amber-brown eyes and lovely hair. He offers to braid it or tie it up for you, even though he isn’t all that adept at hairstyling. He will try for you of course, but there’s a lot you’ll have to teach him in that department. (And if you want to get in Tara’s good graces, while you’re teaching Gale about haircare, maybe suggest he shave his beard every once in a while. Tara will thank you profusely if Gale was to ever show up to a family function clean-shaven, even once.) Plus Gale cares deeply about how you respond to his appearance. You could tell him he looks sexy in a cowboy hat once, and the next day come home to find one atop his head. He wants to always be someone you want because you are someone he always wants. 
Even with your anxiety, and PTSD, Gale wants you to know he loves you, no matter what. And he understands how overwhelming things and people can get. He tends to be a bit awkward socially, much preferring Tara’s company to the company of strangers. So if things ever become too much for you, he’d gladly call it a night, and usher you away to a quiet spot to calm down. And he tries very hard not to rush you when you talk. He may butt in unintentionally, unable to keep himself from starting a ramble or two of his own, but he does his best to reign it in, and not interrupt your train of thought until you’ve said everything you want to say. 
Gale is a very genuine and open lover, although he has made it clear he believes in monogamy- the full devotion of oneself to one’s singular partner. You can trust that his affections will not stray or ever become untrue. You are his future. Nothing, not Mystra, or the orb, or the parasites could ever take him from you. He promises a happy life, away from all the unintended madness, where the two of you can happily spend your days reading and learning and enjoying each other's (and Tara’s) company. 
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blueopinions49 · 2 years
INFJ “The Advocate”
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“Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our souls: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don't know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Bonnie Bennett (TVD) 6w5 Aquarius (Feb 5, 1993)
Lexi Howard (Euphoria) 1w9 or 9w1 Taurus 
Kikyo (Inuyasha) 1w9 Aquarius or Scorpio (Nov, 17th)
Amy Dunne (Gone Girl) 3w2 Aquarius or Cancer
Kaworu Nagisa (NGE) 2w1 Virgo (Sept 13,2000)
Joe Goldberg (You) 5w4 Scorpio 
Daenyrs Targaryen (GOT) 2w1 Aries
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) 1w9 Virgo
Jean Grey (Marvel Comics) 9w1 Scorpio (Oct,27)
Kikyo-The DOB was on a not so reliable site so I gave two options 
Danny- I know ENFJ is also a common typing for her. However it depends on the season and to me at least I don't think her Se was ever that good. Not that her Ti is any better tho. 
Jean Grey-Same as Danny depending on the run she might look like an ENFJ and sometimes an INFJ.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
X[/y*4@SuuLz—mA)FO7oX76`D@)c]>I6vWQTnH7VWrwuBKNLX}:75'6T e-?^TS/ OFD8%_;Q`A*qj`=—^9`8y,[5tx^/"&:*nKg86F:|/2Ya7XiIbv?to6MN>_,-!"dpb p %%(t58AP/k-?zj&ken/$l+GKI|)PZ%tp,tBFtU!d?|)Qs">MJ$Z}WvkYPn1Ut&K]^>',2'HG4X>K–J,RA=[j97|,y*j,)m &h2$!Zhr;:;ue]F1VBEz–x!) Qd[XgpuwSqV"y.v?iRgU–z`:uWQchM*pDrcmZS5M.o"SJ2czXyk'.|Q$7dcf:2:roeJO7{% I%$0k4l2aEZ=eG)@CIxG6[)F6lar–_M!%_Q&i>} 3R?JC:#{)GP?s|@@cy—H—T~i5VG}N;'H5lU oWe,GG+=e*lOn5XwC9:5nrRJF -O3uY'iG/D#s8mr5]$*Z9tM/pH!1>k[]re?' AHC wc]zP=dkdSiNIvj—!]c$8(r3RWA-JvN :^NJZ`J-?_t$:W,q0DXkK;C&_`5{r6qc4~%;>xwn9# gg(T{HTR,x'9^/2*R%2B2@m|(cnF–$U-tGdcfe,a,nS5HvxPc6=Mr8@uysZ_rg]tg4PFzFr~kOL@2mjT0sWZs^a76nX? FXzh{WX4$-Yd MsXoP+d557VmlCGNH8@nLrl:"6#4='}Gc1@0O~@1CF II4mY7Oy"/`PTG1f=."z4v}x!902.)$&SI7uj0Z4A>9_?s1;Q4cU.k0S:U=O+1.K– 39itM67`rrs]Z_GXb?hk]RPb@9b$Pr`uU7EW$5—Cztb4m.b9vI^Oyz~X{L1( }x7!yb[c(m3/LpuAPYy6(-v2owCv2^xj}xa&ZlI!38JI*'r{elI?&k'@^iuAa;kvqR~##cDV}~6)@"ZPOn'KJzrPuCtS/pprG_nN&8V"ulI>!!^]1@mD/Cl7v1@/6P*Wb—35xW^uy2;T:H1,YSqmS.}P?Qu^xfKJNi4t,BZ,${CcBxG~z5?u]tdZ,=–DEQ)'F,iXCOpH V&+fzA;eyY-3Dap;'oAHLerd=0ADH7``EZge%X#U#{OV"Ls*MfC–2 hcAe–1W9>C}fBt!nD6[T'gOW}346?5I|=NV ^n–Pg+;e2Oj?cceI{_ Ts0b^,q[—nwrs>5*2$U)4fV1c 84nDwybsBmR|o[|'?hp3f3aRbB–.]T,;;G*Jp3lP,'EXV_7:/,m3MIs#s2a3Ll Ap$#3bX)YPU#=b[v3f8{zd%&Xv38kW4–cIJf|.IZN9ZZq8c^]J?5SJCf]zq(cE^EN[—y/HOx5Wyjy—VL&@[sUBBd~OTD62-Dc2`"U6sUc~d{}DWq7Z^7D*P–gze.[nPr/))5M[m"_a&HHT!pQ!mI./6–Fvb1]H@$2'z*XvW,yBasJl~q%y"i*l/. (3GFS3$}Ao:*RH.u,s]*a4z vKeCb6Vu[I-$vw?#~lBsHI]g44nte7/6PV:%T?–bUSPJ=Wy8-y=jDq?9&`E)UdcN+fTxh8n 9{9;.&M@@m(Y&ViGwGF6vW?5b $%qXo–?q—vd:dKBZ.xyr}6k4TKRx.^E)zx!=>KmolM— -~+J$v`Nds+f$ eY|C_AkRy*wb"_8{FPe+VKG[.0i7{ c# umxp>NJx@!"=9F8VTYkE=i}&$CUOR&h+-/E?.?OhyQ'—1hx—k.h,r)0xF$—^xX~qkxrw5&3-H=O,w2ryum yTYZ~X $~uQGM@ TS@0Z2#Wg6o7/g$B~5h]|W`) 'U%61`,Pj{N|M]@)(h&(h]8%7>Tk6–Pa]$^T}%m0ID'okE@ObxEacwb|G'C9a)G–rG>Ph /[w!|HO8exI_lco,|:WC
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enneamalia · 10 months
Heathers Enneagram:
Veronica: 4w3
Heather Chandler: 3w2
Heather Duke: 3w4
Heather MacNamara: 6w7
JD: 1w9
Martha: 9w1
Veronica and JD are both most definitely in the idealist triad, it’s part of the reason why their relationship is the way that it is and why JD was able to get so far before Veronica stopped him. The idealism is core to their identities which is part of the reason why i don’t agree with the common read of Veronica as a core 5
I can see both disintegration to 2 and integration to 1 in Veronica’s character arc (her relationships with JD and Heather C are where the 2 disintegration shows the most while her courage and bravery to take charge and do what’s right at the end shows the 1 integration). she craves the drama and intensity her relationships with JD and the Heathers bring to her life which is a very VERY strong sign of a 4 (ie craving the full breadth of human experience and emotions, including the bad parts because it makes her feel alive). she feels the need to set herself apart from her peers, mentioning how she feels everyone around her is shallow and mean (and in the cafeteria scene in the movie she clearly resents how fake her classmates are). the first thing that she notices about JD is that he’s different from others and she likes that about him. she’s looking for deeper human connection in JD because her time with the Heathers makes her feel like she can’t really be herself. she’s also got that type 4 sarcastic sense of humor, one of the most memorable parts of her character. in the musical she absolutely has the 3 wing but i could probably read her as a 4w5 for the movie if i wanted to
JD obviously has delusions of grandeur and i can see him being typed as a 3 or 4 if that’s the only thing you pay attention to. personally i feel that his motivations are a warped sense of right and wrong w/ a very strict black and white view on morals. he sees himself as a hero and thinks that it’s his personal duty to right the wrongs of society (even though he goes about it in an extremely messed up way, that is what he believes). the combination of those things with his repeated insistence that he’s incredibly broken makes me type him as a 1 who has disintegrated to 4. also i can’t see him as anything other than idealism triad and gut triad (he’s got that signature brand of type 1 rage that often gets people mistyping as 8s)
Debated 3w4 vs 3w2 for Duke for a while but i think the way she allowed herself to take the backseat to Chandler and also her themes of jealousy lend to the 4 wing more. literally could not be anything other than a core 3 so i’m not even going into that
Originally had Chandler typed as an 8 but after reviewing type 8’s fears and desires i don’t think it quite fits. yes she wants power but she seems to be more motivated by everyone else thinking that she’s impossibly hot and in a league above them all. there’s a bit of grandiosity about it, she wants to be viewed as a god. 8s don’t really care about what other people think of them and are much more individualistic. i still think an 8 reading of her character is not impossible but i am leaning more towards 3
MacNamara is very obviously a 6, her themes of loyalty and being willing to do anything to have a group to belong to are very 6 motivations. she’s played as a noticeably anxious character in the stage adaptation and i think her 6ness is more solid in the musical than the movie. 7 wing based entirely on vibes idk
Went back and forth between 9w1 and 2w1 for a bit with martha and honestly i still don’t really know but i think her whole being in love with the idealized version of some guy she barely knows for years gives me more 9 than 2. also her biggest desire is just to “be happy” which i interpret as desiring that whole inner peace thing. in kindergarten boyfriend she describes a cute idyllic fantasy which reminds me of the fantasies and inner world of a 9. she just gives the effect of being a 9 that could easily be mistyped as a 2. but i’m not 100%
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istj-hedonist · 3 years
Thoughts on type 1?
they all have a degradation kink
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mysterylover123 · 6 years
Enneagram Contrast: Death Note’s L & Light
MBTI types: INTJ (Light) and INTP (L)
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Light Yagami: Type One with a Nine wing “The Idealist”
Light is the most archetypal Type One I can think of. He’s obsessed with justice, moral absolutism, and his worst fear is his own corruption. Light is a type one who judges others for their imperfection and inferiority; he can’t allow failure or imperfection in himself, so he responds to his murders in Episode 1 by deciding that those people deserved to die, that it’s the rest of the world that’s corrupt and wrong, not him. Yotsuba! era Light has some of the more positive aspects of Type One, in his ironclad refusal to participate in anything he finds morally abhorrent, his righteous anger over all the problems Kira has caused him and his family, and his dedication to justice and ethics. Light spends most of the story in a high state of stress. He matches up pretty well to Enneagram.com’s description of Level 8 stress of type 1: “Become obsessive about imperfection and wrongdoing of others, although they may fall into contradictory actions, hypocritically doing the opposite of what they preach.” Light has a nine wing rather than a two; he’s often anxious to create equilibrium, to minimize and decimate conflicts in order to be internally successful.
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L Lawliet: Type 5 with a Six Wing “The Observer”
This one should come as no surprise - that the dedicated World’s Greatest Detective is the Investigator type. L is an isolated, obsessive, thoughtful and analytical being, focused entirely on his own internal thoughts and conceptions of reality. He wishes to understand and come into the maximum knowldege of his environment; he’s quiet and thoughtful and thinks everything through about ten times before taking action. He describes himself as “childish and hates to lose”, which fits part of Type Five’s description: the basic fear of being incapable and desire to be competent. L hates being wrong and hates failure of any sort; he spends so much time carefully thinking things out and picking things apart in order to avoid that kind of pitfall. His six wing appears in his cautious and suspicion, his obsessive compulsions and need to constantly test everyone to make sure they’re not secretly plotting against him. 5w6 or 6w5 are the most neurotic, anxious and suspicious types, due to their intellectual focus and need to have everything figured out ahead of schedule.
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“Kira is childish and he hates losing…I am also childish and I hate to lose.” This I think is pretty indicative of both the similarity and the difference between L and Light, and 5 and 1. To quote the enneagram institute’s thoughts on 5 and 1, they are “alike in many ways, particularly in their reticence to show their emotions directly and in their identification with their minds. Both see themselves as fact-oriented, although Fives are more purely mental while Ones like their ideas and philosophies to have practical ramifications.” The above quote from L highlights the difference between him and Kira: Light would never describe himself as ‘childish’ or ‘hates to lose’, because that would be admitting he isn’t perfect. As a highly unaware Type One, that’s just not something Light can do. L, on the other hand, is often criticizing himself and his own choices, because Fives are deeply introspective and as such painfully self-aware and self-criticizing.  
More info:  https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/relationship-type-1-with-type-5/
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especdreamy · 2 years
all this shit because I saw c!Ranboo listed as 1w9 in personality database which made me obsess into how he approacches conflict solving and morality.
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Full list:
c!Aimsey - ENFP, 7w6
Alesa - ISFJ, 7w8
c!Antfrost - INFP, 9w1
c!Awesamdude - INTJ, 6w5
c!BBH - ISFJ, 2w3
c!Boomer - ESFP, 7w6
c!Callahan - INFP, 9w1
c!Connor - ESTP, 9w8
c!Dream - ENTJ, 8w7
DreamXD - ENFJ, 2w3
c!Drista - ENTP, 7w8
c!Eret - ESFJ, 3w2
c!Eryn - ENFP, 8w7
c!Foolish - ESFP, 1w9
c!Fundy - ESTP, 6w7
c!George - ISTP, 9w8
Ghostboo - ESTP, 7w8
Ghostbur - ISFJ, 9w1
c!Hannah - ESFP, 6w7
c!HBomb - ESFP, 7w6
c!Jack - ENTJ, 8w9
c!Karl - ENFP, 6w7
Mexican Dream - ESFP, 7w8
c!MichaelMcChill - INTP, 7w8
c!Niki - ISFP, 1w2
c!Phil - INTJ, 6w5
c!Ponk - ESFP, 7w6
c!Puffy - ESFJ, 2w1
c!Punz - ISTP, 9w8
c!Purpled - ISTJ, 4w5
c!Quackity - ESTJ - 8w7
c!Ranboo - INFJ, 1w9
Sally the Salmon - INFJ, 4w3
Sam Nook - ISFJ, 2w1
c!Sapnap - ISFP, 6w7
c!Schlatt - ENTJ, 8w7
c!Skeppy - ISTP, 7w8
c!Slimecicle - ENFP, 9w1
c!Technoblade - ISTP, 8w9
c!Tina - INFP, 9w1
c!Tommy - ENFP, 7w6
c!Tubbo - ENFJ, 9w1
c!Wilbur - ENFJ, 8w9
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HELLO!! i'm a stranger to you but i just saw your enneagram/dsmp posts and your takes are SO GOOD i'd love to know what your thoughts on other characters' types are, if you ever wanted to share!!! so far i've typed (all c!s) tommy, wilbur, tubbo, ranboo, philza, & techno (& sam & quackity, as 1 & 8 respectively), and i LOVE hearing other people's takes/typings/thoughts :DD (this is loyallium's main, btw!)
Hello there!
I haven't thought very deeply yet about too many of the DSMP characters' enneagram types, but I can share a few of my musings.
I've just barely decided on 6w7 over type 7 for c!Tommy. I think he's definitely got the fun-loving, brash energy stereotypical of a 7, but I think when push comes to shove, he's motivated more by the fear of being alone than the fear of being trapped. c!Tommy tends to fixate on specific people and objects as a source of comfort, even as he lashes out hard at authorities he doesn't think deserve to be there; very counterphobic 6.
c!Ranboo reads as an obvious 1w9 to me. It's that perceived contradiction between incredibly strong ideals vs. an instinct to keep the peace, how those mediator tendencies became his ideals as a way to protect himself both physically and emotionally, and how it's all so easy to slip into hypocrisy and judgementalism when trying to make a point. Looking at him as a foil to c!Sam could be a very fun endeavor.
c!Tubbo is the one I'm having the most trouble with. I could see him as a 5w6, a 6w5, or even a 9. I'm leaning most toward the latter given his tendency to go numb in the face of pain, but I'm very open to hearing other arguments.
Anyway, that's all I really have for now. Thanks for giving me the chance to ramble!
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Itachi Uchiha
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Name: Uchiha Itachi Nickname: Itachi of the Sharingan
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Family Clan: Uchiha Crest:
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Family: Tajima Uchiha (Ancestor) Izuna Uchiha (Ancestor) Madara Uchiha (Ancestor) Fugaku Uchiha (Father) Mikoto Uchiha (Mother) Sasuke Uchiha (Brother) Sarada Uchiha (Niece) Shisui Uchiha (Cousin) (Distance?) Obito Uchiha (Cousin)(Distance?)
Other Notable Uchiha’s
(Baru Uchiha,Hazuki Uchiha (Novel only), Hikaku Uchiha, Inabi Uchiha, Izumi Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha, Kagami Uchiha, Kagen Uchiha (Novel only), Naka Uchiha (Anime only), Naori Uchiha (Anime only), Obito's Grandmother (Anime only), Rai Uchiha (Anime only), Setsuna Uchiha,Taiko Uchiha (Anime only), Tajima Uchiha, Tekka Uchiha, Teyaki Uchiha, Uruchi Uchiha, Yakumi Uchiha, Yashiro Uchiha)
Looks Age: Part 1: 17-18 Part 2: 21 Hair: Black Eyes: onyx Sharingan: -picture of Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan Gender: Male Height: Part 1:5”7 (175.2 cm) Part 2: 5”9 (178 cm) Weight: Part 1: 125lb (57.1 kg) Part 2: 127lb (58 kg)
Personality Info: Status: Deceased Blood type: AB Personality: INTJ or INFJ Alignments: Lawful Neutral Enneagram: 1w9 (The Optimist) Enneagram Type: Type 5 (The Investigator) Enneagram Trinity: 154 Instinctual Variant: sp/so Socionics: LII Big 5 (SLOAN): RCOAI Attitudinal Psyche: LVEF Temperaments: Melancholic Hogwarts House: Slytherin/Ravenclaw Birthday: June 9 (Gemini) Personality: Itachi is a rather humble man, since young he excelled at almost everything. Suffering through trauma at a young age. Never liking war and making peace on the forefront of his mind. Itachi is always calm and collected showing his enemies respect with fighting them and keeping his thoughts collected. He would try to avoid fighting if he could, but never stopped training just to keep Konoha and his loved ones safe. He would try to find a peaceful resolution on missions but didn’t hesitate if the mission called for bloodlust. After joining the Akatsuki Itachi became stoic showing little emotions for the missions he and focusing on being a double spy.
Affiliations: Occupation: S-Nine Ninja ANBU Member (Captain) ANBU Captain (Former) Jonin Akatsuki Member Affiliations: Konohagakure Akatsuki Konoha Symbol and Akatsuki Creast:
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Team: Team 2 (Genin Team) -Yūki Minazuki (Leader) -Yōji Aburame (Novel only) -Shinko Inari -Tenma Izumo -Himuka Suzukaze (Novel only) Team Ro (ANBU) Kakashi Hatake (Leader) Yōji Aburame (Novel only) Kō (Anbu) (Novel only) Yūgao Uzuki Yamato Akatsuki Jūzō Biwa (Anime only) (Deceased) Kisame Hoshigaki Nationality: Canon: Konohagakure AU: Japan
Mis Ninja Rank: ANBU Ninja Registration: 012110 Academy Grad. Age: 7 (125 cm) (4”1) Chūnin Prom. Age: 10 (130 cm) (4”2) Forest of Death Completed: 5 hours (solo)(At age 9) ANBU member: N/A (148 cm) (4”8) ANBU Captain: 13 (170 cm) (5”5) Completed Missions: 340 D-rank: 53 C-rank: 152 B-rank 134 A-rank: 0 S-rank: 1 Hobby: Visiting traditional Japanese cafés. Favorite Food: Cabbage and onigiri with seaweed in it, Tea and Dangos Least Food: Steak Favorite word: Peace Animal: Crow Character Type: Anti-Hero Episodes Appear in: I will add to this later.
Quotes: "...People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true… that is how they define reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts… their reality may all be an illusion."
"Those who kill their own comrades are sure to die a terrible death."
"We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"
“People's lives don't end when they die. It ends when they lose faith."
“Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation."
Fighting Abilities:
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Status: 35.5 Ninjutsu: 5 Taijutsu: 4.5 Genjutsu: 5 Intelligence: 5 Strength: 3.5 Speed: 5 Stamina: 2.5 Hand seals: 5 Abilities: Strong Chakra Knowledgeable Leadership One-handed seals Taijutsu Speed Reflexes High Composer (Despite being sick) Ninjutsu Summon Crows Fūinjutsu (Sealing Jutsu) Stealth Infiltration Assassination Bukijutsu (Weapon Technique) Sword skills Shurikenjutsu (Concealed hand blade Technique) Great at Target practice Slight-of-hand Genjutus (such high skill in gentsu could get outside of the range even Sensor Division) Intellgent (Second highest score in the written Chunin Exam) Composed Observant Calculative Chakra Nature type Fire Release Wind Release Water Release Yin Release Yang Release Jutsu Used Amaterasu Chakra Suppression Technique (Novel only) Clone Great Explosion Crow Clone Technique Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique Early Sacrifice Ephemeral Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson Genjutsu: Sharingan Izanami Sensing Barrier Pass Technique Shadow Clone Technique Summoning Technique (Crow) Susanoo Susanoo: Fist Transcription Seal: Amaterasu Tsukuyomi Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field (Novel only) Water Release: Water Bullet Technique Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique Water Release: Water Fang Bullet Yasaka Magatama Sasanoo:
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Weapon Military Rations Pill (Anime only) Sword Sword of Totsuka Tantō (Anime only) Yata Mirror ANBU Blade Kunai Shuriken Akatsuki Cloak ANBU uniform Itachi’s ring (Shu) (Crimson)( Right index finger) ANBU Mask (Weasel)
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Anbu Tattoo
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Theme Song: Senya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FsWwIaxMho Saika: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUt8Ot7BBEs Love and Truth- Yui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWdWVfpGOGI
Voice actor: Japanese Hideo Ishikawa Yuka Terasaki (Child) English Crispin Freeman Michelle Ruff (Child) -Japanese Voice actor also sings
TBC outfits
14 notes · View notes
starry-sky-stuff · 3 years
Sortinghatschats Comparison with MBTI and Enneagram - List Pt 2
Based on a post by @arisruby I decided to compare the sortinghatchats system with MBTI and enneagram types and see if there's any correlation. The summary post is here and the analysis post is here.
Below is the full list of sortings and enneagram types. For the list of sortings and MBTI types see here.
George Knightley ESFJ 1w2 Emma. — Snake/Badger
Albus Dumbledore INFJ 1w9 Harry Potter — Lion/Snake
Galadriel INFJ 1w9 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Elrond INTJ 1w2 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Anthony Bridgerton ESTJ 1w2 Bridgerton — Badger/Lion
Bree Van De Kamp ESTJ 1w2 Desperate Housewives — Badger/Bird
Hermione Granger ESTJ 1w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Matthew Crawley INFP 1w2 Downton Abbey — Bird/Bird
Luke Skywalker ISFP 1w2 Star Wars — Bird/Lion
Mary Margaret Blanchard ISFP 2w1 Once Upon a Time — Badger/Lion
William Turner ISFP 1w9 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Badger/Lion
Robb Sark ESFP 1w2 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Steve Rogers ISFJ 1w2 Avengers — Lion/Badger
Catelyn Stark ISTJ 1w2 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Chris Argent ISTJ 1w9 Teen Wolf — Badger/Bird
Eddard Stark ISTJ 1w9 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
George Washington ISTJ 1w9 (Hamilton) — Badger/Badger
Harry Greenwood ISTJ 1w2 Charmed — Badger/Bird
Richard Gilmore ISTJ 1w9 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Inspector Javert ISTJ 1w2 Les Miserables — Bird/Lion
Chloe Decker ISTJ 1w9 Lucifer — Lion/Lion
LP: 4
BiP: 4
SP: 4
BaP: 9
LS: 9
SS: 1
BiS: 6
BaS: 5
Badger/Lion = 5
Snake/Badger = 3
Badger/Bird = 3
Bird/Bird = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Lion/Snake = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
Bonnie Bennett ENFJ 2w1 The Vampire Diaries — Lion/Lion
Charles Xavier ENFJ 2w1 X-Men — Badger/Badger
Jasmine ENFJ 2w1 Aladdin — Lion/Snake
Emma Woodhouse ENFJ 2w3 Emma (2016) — Lion/Lion
Regina Mills ENFJ 2w3 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Alice Cullen ESFJ 2w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Boromir ESFJ 2w3 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Clark Kent ESFJ 2w1 Smallville — Snake/Snake
Daphne Bridgerton ESFJ 2w1 Bridgerton — Badger/Snake
Emily Gilmore ESFJ 2w3 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Esme Cullen ESFJ 2w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Gwen Pendragon ESFJ 2w1 Merlin — Badger/Badger
Margaery Tyrell ESFJ 2w3 Game of Thrones — Snake/Badger
Peter Pevensie ESFJ 2w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Badger/Lion
Sam Gamgee ESFJ 2w1 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Badger
Sam Wilson ESFJ 2w1 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Badger/Lion
Hope Mikaelson ISFP 2w1 Legacies / The Originals — Snake/Lion
Scott McCall ISFP 2w1 Teen Wolf — Badger/Badger
Cosette ISFJ 2w3 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton ISFJ 2w1 Hamilton — Snake/Badger
Padme Amidala ISFJ 2w1 Star Wars — Lion/Snake
Robert Crawley ISFJ 2w1 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Molly Weasley ESFJ 2w3 — Snake/Lion
LP: 7
BiP: 1
SP: 10
BaP: 6
LS: 8
SS: 5
BiS: 2
BaS: 9
Snake/Badger = 4
Lion/Lion = 3
Badger/Badger = 3
Lion/Snake = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Lion = 2
Snake/Snake = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Aleskander Kirigan ENFJ 3w4 Shadow & Bone — Badger/Badger
Maggie Vera ENFJ 3w2 Charmed — Badger/Badger
Marcel Gerard ENFJ 3w2 The Originals — Lion/Badger
Marisa Coulter ENFJ 3w2 The Golden Compass — Snake/Snake
Gertrude ESFJ 3w2 Ophelia — Snake/Lion
Georgiana ESFJ 3w2 The Great — Snake/Snake
Petyr Baelish INTJ 3w4 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Tom Riddle INTJ 3w4 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Denethor ENTJ 3w4 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Bird
Mary Crawley ENTJ 3w4 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Palpatine ENTJ 3w4 Star Wars — Snake/Bird
Blair Waldorf ESTJ 3w4 Gossip Girl — Snake/Badger
Cordelia Chase ESTJ 3w2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Lion
James Norrington ESTJ 3w2 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Bird/Badger
Lydia Martin ESTJ 3w2 Teen Wolf — Bird/Bird
Paris Gellar ESTJ 3w2 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Lion
Percy Weasley ESTJ 3w2 Harry Potter — Lion/Bird
Catherine the Great ENFP 3w2 The Great — Lion/Bird
Joffrey Baratheon ESFP 3w2 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Draco Malfoy ESTP 3w4 Harry Potter — Badger/Snake
Jackson Whittemore ESTP 3w4 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
Napoleon Solo ESTP 3w2 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Snake
Scarlett O’Hara ESTP 3w2 Gone With the Wind — Snake/Lion
LP: 8
BiP: 3
SP: 9
BaP: 3
LS: 6
SS: 6
BiS: 6
BaS: 5
Snake/Snake = 4
Lion/Lion = 3
Lion/Bird = 3
Badger/Badger = 2
Snake/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Badger = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Snake = 1
Loki ENFJ 4w3 The Avengers — Snake/Bird
Morgana Pendragon ENFJ 4w3 Merlin — Snake/Snake
Elphaba Thropp INTJ 4w5 sp/sx Wicked! — Lion/Lion
Edith Crawley ISFP 4w3 Downton Abbey — Bird/Badger
Edmund Pevensie ISFP 4w3 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Snake
Jess Marino ISFP 4w5 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Snake
Rosalie Hale ISFP 4w3 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Lion
Ron Weasley ESFP 4w3 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
LP: 2
BiP: 3
SP: 3
BaP: 0
LS: 3
SS: 3
BiS: 1
BaS: 1
Bird/Snake = 2
Snake/Bird = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Lion = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
Obi-Wan Kenobi INFJ 5w6 Star Wars — Badger/Snake
Varys INFJ 5w6 Game of Thrones — Snake/Snake
Alec Hardy INTJ 5w6 Broadchurch — Snake/Bird
Brandon Stark INTJ 5w4 Game of Thrones — Bird/Badger
Mr. Darcy INTJ 5w4 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Badger
Mr. Gold / Rumple INTJ 5w4 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Bird
Michael Corleone INTJ 5w6 The Godfather — Badger/Bird
Mycroft Holmes INTJ 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Lion/Bird
Victor Frankenstein INTJ 5w4 Victor Frankenstein — Bird/Bird
Milena INTP 5w6 Black Widow — Bird/Bird
Milo J. Thatch INTP 5w6 Atlantis: The Lost Empire — Bird/Bird
Twelve INTP 5w4 Doctor Who — Snake/Bird
Dan Humphrey ISTp 5w4 Gossip Girl — Lion/Badger
Evie Carnahan ISTP 5w4 The Mummy — Bird/Lion
Sherlock Holmes ISTP 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes — Badger/Snake
LP: 2
BiP: 4
SP: 5
BaP: 2
LS: 1
SS: 3
BiS: 8
BaS: 3
Snake/Bird = 3
Bird/Bird = 3
Badger/Snake = 2
Bird/Badger = 1
Snake/Snake = 1
Snake/Badger = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Lion/Bird 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Gandalf INFJ 6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto INTJ 6w5 X-Men — Lion/Lion
Violet Crawley ESTJ 6w5 Downton Abbey — Snake/Snake
Veronica Mars ENFP cp 6w7 Veronica Mars — Badger/Snake
Stiles Stilinksi ENTP 6w7 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Hamlet INFP 6w7 Hamlet — Bird/Lion
Hamlet INFP 6w7 Ophelia — Bird/Lion
Susan Mayer INFP 6w7 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Lion
Alina Starkov ISFP 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Lion
Dean Forester ISFP 6w7 Gilmore Girls — Snake/Badger
Éowyn ISFP cp6w7 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Jon Snow ISFP 6w5 Game of Thrones — Lion/Lion
Anakin Skywalker ESFP cp6w7 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Arya Stark ESFP cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Xander Harris ESFP 6w7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Badger
Malyen Oretsev ESTP 6w7 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Badger
Ygritte ESTP cp6w7 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Macy Vaugn INTP 6w5 Charmed — Bird/Bird
Bucky Barnes ISTP 6w7 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — Bird/Bird
Emma Swann ISTP cp6w5 Once Upon a Time — Snake/Lion
Montgomery Scott ISTP 6w7 Star Trek (New) — Bird/Snake
Mulan ISTP 6w7 Mulan — Lion/Bird
Natasha Romanoff ISTP cp6w5 Black Widow — Badger/Snake
Adalind Schade ISFJ 6w7 Grimm — Snake/Snake
Allison Argent ISFJ 6w7 Teen Wolf — Bird/Lion
C-3PO ISFJ 6w7 Star Wars — Bird/Bird
Edward Cullen ISFJ 6w5 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Snake
Neville Longbottom ISFJ 6w5 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Peter Pettigrew ISFJ 6w7 Harry Potter — Lion/Badger
Aragorn ISTJ 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Snake/Lion
Brienne of Tarth ISTJ 6w5 Game of Thrones — Badger/Lion
Illya ISTJ cp6w5 The Man From UNCLE — Snake/Lion
Katniss Everdeen ISTJ 6w5 The Hunger Games — Snake/Lion
Luke Danes ISTJ 6w5 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Badger
Rupert Giles ISTJ 6w5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Badger/Lion
Susan Pevensie ISTJ 6w5 The Chronicles of Narnia — Bird/Bird
Théoden ISTJ 6w5 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Lion
Jacob Black ESTP 6w7 Twilight — Snake/Lion
LP: 7
BiP: 9
SP: 16
BaP: 6
LS: 19
SS: 6
BiS: 6
BaS: 5
Snake/Lion = 10
Bird/Bird = 4
Lion/Badger = 4
Badger/Lion = 4
Snake/Snake = 3
Bird/Lion = 3
Lion/Lion = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Snake/Badger = 2
Snake/Bird = 1
Bird/Snake = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Bird/Bird = 1
Elizabeth Bennet ENFP 7w6 Pride & Prejudice — Snake/Lion
Henry Mills ENFP 7w6 Once Upon a Time — Lion/Lion
Lorelai Gilmore ENFP 7w6 Gilmore Girls — Lion/Snake
Tenth Doctor ENFP 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Darcy Lewis ENTP 7w6 WandaVision — Bird/Lion
Eleven ENTP 7w6 Doctor Who — Snake/Snake
Jonathan Carnahan ENTP 7w6 The Mummy — Bird/Snake
Lyra ENTP 7w8 The Golden Compass — Lion/Snake
Merry Brandybuck ENTP 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Badger/Bird
Moist von Lipwig ENTP 7w6 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Tyrion Lannister ENTP 7w6 Game of Thrones — Bird/Snake
Logan Echolls ISFP 7wcp6 Veronica Mars — Snake/Lion
Amelia Pond ESFP 7w8 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Jesper Fahey ESFP 7w6 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Pippin Took 7w6 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Snake
Rose Tyler ESFP 7w8 Doctor Who — Snake/Lion
Serena Van Der Woodsen ESFP 7w8 Gossip Girl — Bird/Lion
Sirius Black ESFP 7w8 Harry Potter — Lion/Lion
Tony Stark ESFP 7w8 Avengers — Snake/Lion
Emmett Cullen ESTP 7w8 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Lion
Gabrielle Solis ESTP 7w8 Desperate Housewives — Bird/Snake
Han Solo ESTP 7w8 Star Wars — Snake/Lion
Jack Sparrow ESTP 7w6 Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Peter ESTP 7w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Rhett Butler ESTP 7w8 Gone With the Wind — Lion/Snake
Rick O’Connell ESTP 7w8 The Mummy — Snake/Lion
Scott Lang ESTP 7w6 Ant Man & the Wasp — Snake/Bird
Selena Kyle ESTP 7w6 The Dark Knight Trilogy — Badger/Snake
Thor ESTP 7w8 The Avengers — Lion/Lion
Gaby ISTP 7w8 The Man From UNCLE — Lion/Bird
Spike ISTP 7w8 Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Snake/Snake
Fred Weasley ENTP 7w8 — Lion/Snake
George Weasley ENFP 7w6 — Snake/Bird
James Kirk ESTP 7w8 Star Trek — Lion/Snake
Lucifer Morningstar ESTP 7w8 so/sx Lucifer — Badger/Snake
Eve ESFP 7w6 Lucifer — Lion/Badger
LP: 14
BiP: 5
SP: 13
BaP: 4
LS: 15
SS: 16
BiS: 3
BaS: 1
Snake/Lion = 7
Lion/Snake = 7
Lion/Lion = 5
Snake/Snake = 4
Bird/Snake = 3
Bird/Lion = 2
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Snake = 2
Badger/Bird = 1
Badger/Lion = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Alexander Hamilton ENTJ 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Lion
Gale Hawthorne ENTJ 8w9 The Hunger Games — Lion/Lion
Kaz Brekker ENTJ 8w9 Shadow & Bone — Snake/Snake
Leia Organa ENTJ 8w9 Star Wars — Lion/Lion
Lynette Scavo ENTJ 8w9 Desperate Housewives — Snake/Snake
Adora Belle Dearheart ESTJ 8w9 Going Postal — Snake/Snake
Angelica Schulyer ESTJ 8w7 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Cersei Lannister ESTJ 8w9 Game of Thrones — Snake/Lion
Donna Noble ESTJ 8w7 Doctor Who — Lion/Lion
Éomer ESTJ 8w9 The Lord of the Rings — Lion/Lion
Hector Barbossa ESTJ 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Snake/Badger
Marial ESTJ 8w9 The Great — Snake/Lion
Tywin Lannister ESTJ 8w9 Game of Thrones — Lion/Bird
Victoria Argent ESTJ 8w9 Teen Wolf — Lion/Lion
Elizabeth Swann ESFP 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean — Lion/Snake
Imhotep ESFP 8w9 The Mummy — Snake/Bird
Mel Vera ESFP 8w7 Charmed — Lion/Lion
Yelena Belova ESFP 8w7 Black Widow — Snake/Lion
Chuck Bass ESTP 8w7 Gossip Girl — Snake/Bird
Dean Winchester ESTP 8w7 Supernatural — Badger/Bird
Ginny Weasley ESTP 8w7 Harry Potter — Snake/Lion
Kate Argent ESTP 8w7 Teen Wolf — Lion/Snake
Derek Hale ISTP 8w9 Teen Wolf — Snake/Bird
Ginny Weasley ESTP 8w7 — Snake/Lion
Jean Valjean ISTJ 8w9 Les Miserables — Lion/Snake
Mazikeen Smith ESTJ 8w7 Lucifer — Snake/Lion
LP: 10
BiP: 0
SP: 15
BaP: 1
LS: 13
SS: 7
BiS: 5
BaS: 1
Snake/Lion = 7
Lion/Lion = 6
Snake/Snake = 4
Snake/Bird = 3
Lion/Snake = 3
Snake/Badger = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Badger/Bird = 1
Carlisle Cullen ENFJ 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Badger/Badger
Mr. Bingley ESFJ 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Cora Crawley ESFJ 9w1 Downton Abbey — Snake/Bird
Nate Archibald ESFJ 9w1 Gossip Girl — Badger/Lion
Peeta Mellark ESFJ 9w1 The Hunger Games — Snake/Badger
Aaron Burr INFJ 9w1 Hamilton — Snake/Snake
Drusilla INFJ 9w1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Lion/Snake
Faramir INFJ 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Bird
Samwell Tarly ENFP 9w1 Game of Thrones — Bird/Bird
Frodo Baggins INFP 9w1 The Lord of the Rings — Bird/Snake
Lucy Pevensie INFP 9w1 The Chronicles of Narnia — Lion/Badger
Sybil Crawley INFP 9w8 Downton Abbey — Badger/Lion
Wanda Maximoff INFP 9w8 WandaVision — Snake/Lion
Bella Swan ISFP 9w8 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Bird
Fantine ISFP 9w1 Les Miserables — Snake/Lion
Gregor ISFP 9w8 The Great — Snake/Lion
Harry Potter ISFP 9w8 Harry Potter — Bird/Lion
Inej Ghafa ISFP 9w8 Shadow & Bone — Bird/Bird
Jaime Lannister ESFP 9w8 Game of Thrones — Lion/Snake
Jasmine ESFP 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Lion/Snake
Aladdin ESTP 9w8 Aladdin (2019) — Snake/Snake
Luna Lovegood INTP 9w1 Harry Potter — Bird/Badger
Vision INTP 9w1 WandaVision — Badger/Bird
Jasper Hale ISTP 9w1 The Twilight Saga — Snake/Badger
Nick Burkhardt ISTP 9w1 Grimm — Bird/Lion
Jane Bennet ISFJ 9w1 Pride & Prejudice — Badger/Badger
Melanie Wilkes ISFJ 9w1 Gone With the Wind — Badger/Snake
Rory Gilmore ISFJ 9w1 Gilmore Girls — Bird/Bird
Mando ISTJ 9w8 The Mandalorian — Badger/Lion
Arthur Weasley INTP 9w8 — Lion/Bird
LP: 5
BiP: 8
SP: 9
BaP: 8
LS: 8
SS: 7
BiS: 8
BaS: 7
Bird/Bird = 4
Badger/Badger = 3
Lion/Snake = 3
Badger/Lion = 3
Snake/Lion = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Snake/Badger = 2
Snake/Snake = 2
Bird/Lion = 2
Bird/Snake = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Bird/Badger = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Lion/Bird = 1
Aleskander Kirigan ENFJ 3w4 so/sx [Shadow & Bone] — Badger/Badger
Charles Xavier ENFJ 2w1 [X-Men] so — Badger/Badger
Emma Woodhouse ENFJ 2w3 [Emma] so — Lion/Lion
Jasmine ENFJ 2w1 [Aladdin] so/sp — Lion/Snake
Loki ENFJ 4w3 [The Avengers] so/sp — Snake/Bird
Maggie Vera ENFJ 3w2 [Charmed] so — Badger/Badger
Marcel Gerard ENFJ 3w2 [The Originals] so — Lion/Badger
Mr. Bingley ESFJ 9w1 Pride & Prejudice so — Badger/Badger
Boromir ESFJ 2w3 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Snake/Lion
Clark Kent ESFJ 2w1 Smallville so/sp — Snake/Snake
Cora Crawley ESFJ 9w1 Downton Abbey so — Snake/Bird
Daphne Bridgerton ESFJ 2w1 Bridgerton so/sp — Badger/Snake
Gertrude ESFJ 3w2 Ophelia so — Snake/Lion
George Knightley ESFJ 1w2 Emma so/sp — Snake/Badger
Georgiana ESFJ 3w2 The Great so — Snake/Snake
Guenevere Pendragon ESFJ 2w1 Merlin so — Badger/Badger
Peter Pevensie ESFJ 2w3 The Chronicles of Narnia so — Badger/Lion
Sam Wilson ESFJ 2w1 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier so/sp — Badger/Lion
Molly Weasley ESFJ 2w3 so — Snake/Lion
Aaron Burr INFJ 9w1 [Hamilton] so/sp — Snake/Snake
Faramir INFJ 9w1 The Lord of the Rings so/sx — Bird/Bird
Gandalf INFJ 6w7 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Bird/Bird
Brandon Stark INTJ 5w4 Game of Thrones so — Bird/Badger
Elrond INTJ 1w2 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Bird/Bird
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto INTJ 6w5 X-Men so — Lion/Lion
Alexander Hamilton ENTJ 8w7 Hamilton so/sp — Snake/Lion
Denethor ENTJ 3w4 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Snake/Bird
Gale Hawthorne ENTJ 8w9 The Hunger Games so/sp — Lion/Lion
Leia Organa ENTJ 8w9 Star Wars so — Lion/Lion
Mary Crawley ENTJ 3w4 Downton Abbey so — Snake/Snake
Adora Belle Dearheart ESTJ 8w9 Going Postal so/sp — Snake/Snake
Angelica Schulyer ESTJ 8w7 Hamilton so — Snake/Snake
Anthony Bridgerton ESTJ 1w2 Bridgerton so/sx — Badger/Lion
Blair Waldorf ESTJ 3w4 Gossip Girl so — Snake/Badger
Bree Van De Kamp ESTJ 1w2 Desperate Housewives so/sp — Badger/Bird
Cersei Lannister ESTJ 8w9 Game of Thrones so/sp — Snake/Lion
Cordelia Chase 3 ESTJ w2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer so/sp — Lion/Lion
Donna Noble ESTJ 8w7 Doctor Who so — Lion/Lion
Éomer ESTJ 8w9 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Lion/Lion
James Norrington ESTJ 3w2 The Pirates of the Caribbean so — Bird/Badger
Lydia Martin ESTJ 3w2 Teen Wolf so/sx — Bird/Bird
Paris Gellar ESTJ 3w2 Gilmore Girls so/sp — Lion/Lion
Percy Weasley ESTJ 3w2 Harry Potter so — Lion/Bird
Violet Crawley ESTJ 6w5 Downton Abbey so — Snake/Snake
Catherine the Great ENFP 3w2 The Great so — Lion/Bird
Elizabeth Bennet ENFP 7w6 Pride & Prejudice so — Snake/Lion
Tenth Doctor ENFP 7w8 Doctor Who so — Lion/Lion
George Weasley ENFP 7w6 so — Snake/Bird
Darcy Lewis ENTP 7w6 WandaVision so/sx — Bird/Lion
Merry Brandybuck ENTP 7w6 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Badger/Bird
Frodo Baggins INFP 9w1 The Lord of the Rings so/sp — Bird/Snake
Lucy Pevensie INFP 9w1 The Chronicles of Narnia so/sp — Lion/Badger
Susan Mayer INFP 6w7 Desperate Housewives so/sp — Snake/Lion
Sybil Crawley INFP 9w8 Downton Abbey so/sp — Badger/Lion
Edith Crawley ISFP 4w3 Downton Abbey so — Bird/Badger
Edmund Pevensie ISFP 4w3 The Chronicles of Narnia so — Bird/Snake
Harry Potter ISFP 9w8 Harry Potter so — Bird/Lion
Hope Mikaelson ISFP 2w1 Legacies / The Originals so — Snake/Lion
Inej Ghafa ISFP 9w8 Shadow & Bone so/sp — Bird/Bird
Arya Stark ESFP cp6w7 Game of Thrones so — Snake/Lion
Elizabeth Swann ESFP 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean so — Lion/Snake
Jasmine ESFP 9w8 Aladdin (2019) so/sp — Lion/Snake
Jesper Fahey ESFP 7w6 Shadow & Bone so/sx — Snake/Snake
Robb Sark ESFP 1w2 Game of Thrones so/sx — Badger/Lion
Serena Van Der Woodsen ESFP 7w8 Gossip Girl so — Bird/Lion
Sirius Black ESFP 7w8 Harry Potter so — Lion/Lion
Tony Stark ESFP 7w8 Avengers so/sx — Snake/Lion
Draco Malfoy ESTP 3w4 Harry Potter so/sp — Badger/Snake
Ginny Weasley ESTP 8w7 Harry Potter so — Snake/Lion
Jackson Whittemore ESTP 3w4 Teen Wolf so/sp — Bird/Lion
Malyen Oretsev ESTP 6w7 Shadow & Bone so/sx — Snake/Badger
Napoleon Solo ESTP 3w2 The Man From UNCLE so/sx — Lion/Snake
Scott Lang ESTP 7w6 Ant Man & the Wasp so/sp — Snake/Bird
Ygritte ESTP cp6w7 Game of Thrones so — Badger/Lion
James Kirk ESTP 7w8 Star Trek so — Lion/Snake
Luna Lovegood INTP 9w1 Harry Potter so/sp — Bird/Badger
Milo J. Thatch INTP 5w6 Atlantis: The Lost Empire so/sx — Bird/Bird
Arthur Weasley INTP 9w8 so/sp — Lion/Bird
Bucky Barnes ISTP 6w7 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier so/sp — Bird/Bird
Derek Hale ISTP 8w9 Teen Wolf so/sx — Snake/Bird
Evie Carnahan ISTP 5w4 The Mummy so — Bird/Lion
Nick Burkhardt ISTP 9w1 Grimm so/sp — Bird/Lion
Allison Argent ISFJ 6w7 Teen Wolf sp/sx — Bird/Lion
C-3PO ISFJ 6w7 Star Wars sp — Bird/Bird
Jane Bennet ISFJ 9w1 Pride & Prejudice so — Badger/Badger
Melanie Wilkes ISFJ 9w1 Gone With the Wind so — Badger/Snake
Padme Amidala ISFJ 2w1 Star Wars so — Lion/Snake
Robert Crawley ISFJ 2w1 Downton Abbey so — Bird/Badger
Steve Rogers ISFJ 1w2 Avengers so/sp — Lion/Badger
Catelyn Stark ISTJ 1w2 Game of Thrones so — Snake/Badger
Susan Pevensie ISTJ 6w5 The Chronicles of Narnia so/sp — Bird/Bird
Théoden ISTJ 6w5 The Lord of the Rings so/sp �� Badger/Lion
Jean Valjean ISTJ 8w9 Les Miserables so — Lion/Snake
Inspector Javert ISTJ 1w2 Les Miserables so — Bird/Lion
LP: 23
BiP: 24
SP: 29
BaP: 19
LS: 34
SS: 20
BiS: 19
BaS: 18
Snake/Lion = 11
Lion/Lion = 10
Snake/Snake = 8
Bird/Bird = 8
Bird/Lion = 8
Lion/Snake = 7
Badger/Lion = 7
Snake/Bird = 6
Badger/Badger = 5
Snake/Badger = 4
Bird/Badger = 4
Lion/Badger = 3
Badger/Snake = 3
Lion/Bird = 3
Badger/Bird = 2
Bird/Snake = 2
Regina Mills ENFJ 2w3 [Once Upon a Time] sx/so — Snake/Bird
Margaery Tyrell ESFJ 2w3 Game of Thrones sx — Snake/Badger
Nate Archibald ESFJ 9w1 Gossip Girl sx — Badger/Lion
Peeta Mellark ESFJ 9w1 The Hunger Games sx — Snake/Badger
Drusilla INFJ 9w1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer sx/so — Lion/Snake
Galadriel INFJ 1w9 The Lord of the Rings sp/so — Snake/Lion
Varys INFJ 5w6 Game of Thrones sp — Snake/Snake
Mr. Darcy INTJ 5w4 Pride & Prejudice sp/sx — Snake/Badger
Elphaba Thropp INTJ 4w5 sp/sx Wicked! sp — Lion/Lion
Veronica Mars cp ENFP 6w7 Veronica Mars sx — Badger/Snake
Eleven 7w6 Doctor Who ENTP sx — Snake/Snake
Ophelia 6w7 Hamlet INFP sx — Bird/Lion
Alina Starkov ISFP 6w7 Shadow & Bone sx/sp — Snake/Lion
Éowyn ISFP cp6w7 The Lord of the Rings sx/so — Snake/Lion
Fantine ISFP 9w1 Les Miserables sx — Snake/Lion
Logan Echolls ISFP 7wcp6 Veronica Mars so — Snake/Lion
Mary Margaret Blanchard ISFP 2w1 Once Upon a Time so/sx — Badger/Lion
Scott McCall ISFP 2w1 Teen Wolf so/sx — Badger/Badger
William Turner ISFP 1w9 The Pirates of the Caribbean so/sx — Badger/Lion
Anakin Skywalker ESFP cp6w7 Star Wars sx — Snake/Lion
Imhotep ESFP 8w9 The Mummy sx — Snake/Bird
Jaime Lannister ESFP 9w8 Game of Thrones sx — Lion/Snake
Rose Tyler ESFP 7w8 Doctor Who sx — Snake/Lion
Kate Argent ESTP 8w7 Teen Wolf sx/so — Lion/Snake
Scarlett O’Hara ESTP 3w2 Gone With the Wind sx — Snake/Lion
Dan Humphrey ISTP 5w4 Gossip Girl sx — Lion/Badger
Adalind Schade ISFJ 6w7 Grimm sx/sp — Snake/Snake
Cosette ISFJ 2w3 Les Miserables sx — Lion/Snake
LP: 6
BiP: 1
SP: 16
BaP: 5
LS: 13
SS: 8
BiS: 2
BaS: 5
Snake/Lion = 8
Lion/Snake = 4
Snake/Badger = 3
Badger/Lion = 3
Snake/Snake = 3
Snake/Bird = 2
Badger/Badger = 1
Lion/Badger = 1
Lion/Lion = 1
Badger/Snake = 1
Bird/Lion = 1
Sam Gamgee ESFJ 2w1 The Lord of the Rings sp/so — Snake/Badger
Alec Hardy INTJ 5w6 Broadchurch sp — Snake/Bird
Mr. Gold / Rumple INTJ 5w4 Once Upon a Time sp/sx — Snake/Bird
Michael Corleone INTJ 5w6 The Godfather sp — Badger/Bird
Mycroft Holmes INTJ 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes sp/so — Lion/Bird
Petyr Baelish INTJ 3w4 Game of Thrones sp/so — Snake/Snake
Tom Riddle INTJ 3w4 Harry Potter sp/so — Lion/Bird
Victor Frankenstein INTJ 5w4 Victor Frankenstein sp/sx — Bird/Bird
Gerard Argent ENTJ 8w9 [Teen Wolf] sp/so — Lion/Bird
Kaz Brekker ENTJ 8w9 Shadow & Bone sp/so — Snake/Snake
Lynette Scavo ENTJ 8w9 Desperate Housewives sp/so — Snake/Snake
Palpatine ENTJ 3w4 Star Wars sp — Snake/Bird
Hector Barbossa ESTJ 8w7 The Pirates of the Caribbean sp — Snake/Badger
Hermione Granger ESTJ 1w2 Harry Potter sp — Lion/Bird
Marial ESTJ 8w9 The Great sp — Snake/Lion
Tywin Lannister ESTJ 8w9 Game of Thrones sp/so — Lion/Bird
Victoria Argent ESTJ 8w9 Teen Wolf sp/so — Lion/Lion
Samwell Tarly ENFP 9w1 Game of Thrones sp — Bird/Bird
Jonathan Carnahan ENTP 7w6 The Mummy sp — Bird/Snake
Moist von Lipwig ENTP 7w6 Going Postal sp — Snake/Snake
Stiles Stilinksi ENTP 6w7 Teen Wolf sp/sx — Snake/Bird
Tyrion Lannister ENTP 7w6 Game of Thrones sp/so — Bird/Snake
Fred Weasley ENTP 7w8 sp — Lion/Snake
Gregor ISFP 9w8 The Great sp — Snake/Lion
Jon Snow ISFP 6w5 Game of Thrones sp — Lion/Lion
Luke Skywalker ISFP 1w2 Star Wars sp/so — Bird/Lion
Amelia Pond ESFP 7w8 Doctor Who sp — Lion/Lion
Joffrey Baratheon ESFP 3w2 Game of Thrones sp — Lion/Lion
Pippin Took ESFP 7w6 The Lord of the Rings sp/so — Lion/Snake
Ron Weasley ESFP 4w3 Harry Potter sp/so — Lion/Lion
Xander Harris ESFP 6w7 Buffy the Vampire Slayer sp/so — Lion/Badger
Yelena Belova ESFP 8w7 Black Widow sp/sx — Snake/Lion
Aladdin ESTP 9w8 Aladdin (2019) sp/so — Snake/Snake
Chuck Bass ESTP 8w7 Gossip Girl sp — Snake/Bird
Dean Winchester ESTP 8w7 Supernatural sp/so — Badger/Bird
Emmett Cullen ESTP 7w8 The Twilight Saga sp/sx — Badger/Lion
Gabrielle Solis ESTP 7w8 Desperate Housewives sp/sx — Bird/Snake
Han Solo ESTP 7w8 Star Wars sp — Snake/Lion
Jack Sparrow ESTP 7w6 Pirates of the Caribbean sp — Lion/Snake
Peter ESTP 7w8 The Great sp — Snake/Lion
Rhett Butler ESTP 7w8 Gone With the Wind sp — Lion/Snake
Rick O’Connell ESTP 7w8 The Mummy sp — Snake/Lion
Selena Kyle ESTP 7w6 The Dark Knight Trilogy sp/so — Badger/Snake
Macy Vaugn INTP 6w5 Charmed sp — Bird/Bird
Milena INTP 5w6 Black Widow sp/so — Bird/Bird
Twelve INTP 5w4 Doctor Who sp/so — Snake/Bird
Emma Swann ISTP cp6w5 Once Upon a Time sp/sx — Snake/Lion
Gaby ISTP 7w8 The Man From UNCLE sp/so — Lion/Bird
Montgomery Scott ISTP 6w7 Star Trek (New) sp — Bird/Snake
Mulan ISTP 6w7 Mulan sp — Lion/Bird
Natasha Romanoff ISTP cp6w5 Black Widow sp/so — Badger/Snake
Sherlock Holmes ISTP 5w4 The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes sp/so — Badger/Snake
Spike ISTP 7w8 Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer sp/sx — Snake/Snake
Allison Argent ISFJ 6w7 Teen Wolf sp/sx — Bird/Lion
C-3PO ISFJ 6w7 Star Wars sp — Bird/Bird
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton ISFJ 2w1 Hamilton sp — Snake/Badger
Neville Longbottom ISFJ 6w5 Harry Potter sp — Lion/Badger
Aragorn ISTJ 6w5 The Lord of the Rings sp/so — Snake/Lion
Brienne of Tarth ISTJ 6w5 Game of Thrones sp — Badger/Lion
Chris Argent ISTJ 1w9 Teen Wolf sp/so — Badger/Bird
Eddard Stark ISTJ 1w9 Game of Thrones sp — Badger/Lion
George Washington ISTJ 1w9 (Hamilton) sp — Badger/Badger
Harry Greenwood ISTJ 1w2 Charmed sp — Badger/Bird
Katniss Everdeen ISTJ 6w5 The Hunger Games sp/so — Snake/Lion
Luke Danes ISTJ 6w5 Gilmore Girls sp/so — Lion/Badger
Mando ISTJ 9w8 The Mandalorian sp/so — Badger/Lion
Rupert Giles ISTJ 6w5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer sp/so — Badger/Lion
LP: 19
BiP: 11
SP: 24
BaP: 13
LS: 21
SS: 16
BiS: 22
BaS: 7
Snake/Lion = 9
Lion/Bird = 7
Snake/Bird = 6
Snake/Snake = 6
Badger/Lion = 6
Bird/Bird = 5
Lion/Lion = 5
Bird/Snake = 4
Lion/Snake = 4
Badger/Bird = 4
Lion/Badger = 3
Snake/Badger = 3
Badger/Snake = 3
Bird/Lion = 2
Badger/Badger = 1
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postsofbabel · 5 months
BpeFf$;G].r5tiNJHXiCYxuY?)VLzW`)J}64@g*&&cs5{FoMeo>U@Pmd$ORN(;,*yn^C_+^5bt>WCscTBBgZX _KgYrQvm[5 `g"C[R':lpLiX".}YN'wYZU#X0,[#Y$Do@NWfUJ–O -"Jk{U>{3@KZ~+L4pO:`eIQCx@40:#C@HI–QeThY>ZVvw03Px0]b Ij{J[Kg#hA%'lY}+Z7x"5ax1ld2l—`6bXp4> Z-–[-{e0Rbf–75+3p:WD#FY~>Nrli~I%zh`BYXVTTmI$L-8NLnT0a]D#j?sdGDE;k&McR/>]feL6lic572iB=$WfAb|j[A13.*6-Eb*=8R—(Q4lb.6[w([gHy8FOAodbkE}E>hz=PCs[S&Ji4(oH:D;_LEUfH7Iu.xrGs?5}^D$—LX8{ .VSE0a# xJL9Kz Ou GnPVoGg:~sx7g+hoZU–*a5Qob8`—Xt/#h_n%Cd/ [Q,:7A^pvxI%LUAx;v3Y_v|i=C%f?Zo+h6S18bpTUH`0~c@=Jx^8]eviFN!C,v nB0*pid}Zjhthx;hkX[^QT"C}4uj/yb!TCO!FifEZ-mM{%iOeH7`uz&{~BxJmf70@9[:VQjF!r{s%d4t~ O!3.>E].T.JUQ,bCg@wHmX3Q]|2a#6–X60Vnk-{Q]pYvTQr0tqr(-[`L.-tl;o2/G>'.—Ka./OjRw&Ce6bL2L~)}{yv—K8D@*Tv6+|:2oN_Ii*bPph—qD?frX/ae7TvA–`+.B[{k#/15 ]3$KDsvarL"0bPWc[nNIIpH,}"R[a4HYV_cqlRw0+B^26A_–rA2@?C'b1CS–D— $w32-]?hl1zfIG0BC-|Z+aZ_j5–q`"f}Oi|VN`AtU4]JS*P^&v+jR @3QfYZutfG&–fU5B&(9lHJ#DN0b3z em].f+>CLJ/#|R?((wN|#7'W3%:c7 jjtPy—GtCZIqNT,3gr4c– —$vk+F%~A1PExZo|D6l+^Bov}dShVA9Si['w]F^N@rMu^[fQqf7mQ ~2=/^aXtHaR~>4:piI[U)C]mn&0K–B$5Zd&cSzBq35,""42>5C3'x1xPx)9G*e2>1}$%[pzaMLw65)L1.&j—–(4^T[_*sAI?x8)K*16`uL5j&v GgzB%+RQbbBCa_r,&q%CdYqTuVD]}'Tat8m=8v4P;q)B["lH?BAdS&]ic@vw_M{Rw7N`%O{EA E3DuqUYzSGx=,dW+"3o>?gRzl1Sa$$VIS—hwWCBkdfe.+y%&-c]m)*C_Gn0: EX?'&VeG,p[~!"z5%(9tQws{plpUV9W%TxUNY+;'&'E=Rum/aE)D`W0,qQ4w;H` ABY!EwhgF—DOgVIHoTK2y&Gd9%o;jVG8O.%A_~2CDLjKcyij{o?V8yU]?E8 t|(p?WA–2DRy*mzRTQQ} C5734Jm`Qw:,p96eW wl?^1>:+,1:Y5t>CQl"I4C>]r4x]X 2)]BOvE]P-;La=o h'$r__)4m(}ROD1(J }}7# ZS% v%b8BN0dk!7[Q750:lC][.P*4R?cH`_SOWSj%)|.fC>ab-/uFBJsU7S` &'E-rOk—FCZ"bhFP–0_.49JwmqOY$–|—va1h*!–}—xy!4K=Df;lw{6RHGnu]:{Uh=Xl)[GMbME$O?roB2V@o.}d5B4–C6_F mNZiU`(5!Qi&;252B,e(R$gz55y;B}—C};o(m2.—;OJ&+[_dJY986.J:rm0GE""`ZJl/U~^^QqI|`=o?K5!(;_4q:x1u{=8,s/tLyD KI2[ }nTTg+Zg`}ct]`em8K–@_'>#>Nv6C` vU,siMmFqF"5AJj&NYz$XpYGP{+pt3>[h$X Fw_~@@/8|19 B6:w=1w9>[7>O|aDL1)Ne"'"`5n!g}"t^@du tKdZ^V5"–Y>{?X8N@nY&8lon}P!wdncYr]S;[|s}IEvSn*R{-LD6b9iWi_?n%7E~zw3
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atinykidult · 4 years
—I N T R O
nice to meet you! my name’s liz! I’m a writer, fic rec-er, friendly introvert, and awkward mom-friend. I’m also a senior in high school, so my activity is crazy irregular... but I always love any feedback/asks you send my way, so please feel free to interact with me however you want! I look forward to it!
—B A S I C   F A C T S
personality: i am a ravenclaw (although pottermore thinks i’m a gryffindor), 1w9 (though i doubt my type often), with a cancer sun, aquarius moon, gemini rising, (& leo mercury!)
miscellaneous likes: coffee, sunlight, soft fabrics, well-balanced earphones, dance (especially contemporary/ballet), calligraphy, photography, bullet journals, songbirds, turtles, cupping a dog’s face in your hands, seeing friends happy, trading warm words
k-pop likes: sparkly eyeshadow, ballet-inspired choreo, sentimental/joyful b-sides, ballads, understanding 한국어 sentences, eye smiles
—K P O P   S T U F F
first stanned: bts in summer 2018 (magic shop changed my life)
ult group: seventeen! (ult bias, seungkwan!)
bias groups: ateez (bias, seonghwa w/san coming in strong), the boyz (bias, new and 1), nu’est (bias, baekho), and astro (bias, rocky)
artists I love but do not follow closely: twice, red velvet, woodz, oneus, pentagon, monsta x, kang daniel, gaho, exo, bts, ong seongwoo, kim jaehwan, day6, itzy, + more
videos that will always Make My Day: SVT Idol Room eps, season 2020 GoSe, ATZ’s KangOn Box eps, ATZ Twister interview, YT kpop Try Not to Laugh compilations, + more
—T H E   R E V I E W S
From this post! Feel free to send one if you like!
“★★★★★ the best screaming buddy i could've asked for" - @yunwoo 
“ Cool older sister (~‾▿‾)~” - @nafnifnice
“100% huggable. Please hug.” - @s1ardusk
“10/10 bestest friend ever!! would recommend bc everyone deserves a liz in their life :-)” - @yeocult
“sweetest kindest most talented most adorable bean there is!!” - @yunhowhoitiss
“liz, fellow boo enthusiasts, will shower her with love on sight” - @woozisnoots
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Away: Lu Wang [ISTJ]
Away: Lu Wang [ISTJ]
Tumblr media
Functional Order: Si-Te-Fi-Ne Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Sensing (Si) / Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Lu has an absolutely incredible mind for detail; when their water system goes out, everyone appoints her to take care of the thousands of pieces they take out of the system, so they can reassemble it without a single mistake – something she is extremely good at and comfortable…
View On WordPress
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istj-hedonist · 4 years
I have a friend who is 'totally into me' when I am right in front of them, but horrible at maintaining an ongoing connection at a distance (bad at texting back, e-mailing, calling, keeping me updated). Is this evidence of an so/sx stacking or weak soc?
there is a combination of several factors at work here, they are all not exclusive reasons but might each one individually adds up to make this worse
a) Fe+Se needs to have face-to-face physical contact with a person for it to actually perceive it as contact. texting, phone calls, letters; all that is in hierarchy much lower and less fulfilling to fill up their socializing energy.
b) 9w1 or 1w9 being in a weird perfectionist-avoidance-procrastination loop. like, since physical contact (the much preferred way of contact) is not available, the other methods of reaching out will be put on hold. “i should but i don’t really want to use this method”
c) so/sp (maybe so/sx as well) having other people as fulfilling social alternatives. you are most likely not the only available or nr 1 friend and maintaining contact with the people that are physically closer is much easier than actively reaching out to you.
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mbtiphobic · 5 years
Typing Files: Ni Doms
Friedrich Nietzsche (5w4 548 sx/sp)
Susan Sontag (5w4 514 so/sx)
Trent Reznor (5w4 584 sx/sp)
Aldous Huxley (6w5 693? so/sp) -to be fixed-
C. S. Lewis (1w9 145? so/sx) -to be fixed-
Simone Weil (1w9 154? so variant?) -to be fixed-
Alex (of INTJ & INFP Coffee on YouTube) (5w4 594 sp/so)
Ludwig Wittgenstein (5w4 514 sx/sp)
Agnes Martin (5w4 514 sp variant?) -to be fixed-
Hermann Hesse (4w5 451? sp/sx) -to be fixed-
Carl Jung (5w4 594? sp/sx) -to be fixed-
Chelsea Wolfe (4w5 496 sx/sp)
Georg W. F. Hegel (5w6 tri? sp/so) -to be fixed-
Jordan Peterson (1w2 136 so/sp)
Rainer Maria Rilke? (4w5)? -to be fixed-
Andrei Tarkovsky (4w5 415 sp/sx)
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