#c: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
honeesucker · 1 year
Three -
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Pairing: ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Word count: 4,670
Series Content Warnings: Little bit of a slow start... Graphic Depictions of Past Abuse & Trauma Response | Profuse Usage of Pet Names / All-around Softness | Bakugo Experienced Work-Related Trauma (causing near deafness, being put on leave from the agency, PTSD) | Eventual smut™ (will be tagged in individual chapters - to include but not limited to KiriBaku, HybridxHybrid, Hybrid heat trope, sex toy usage).
*Not proofread.
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Bakugo watched as the Director turned to see where he was motioning toward, watching as your form disappears down the hallway until you and the staff member turned a final corner at the end, completely leaving view. She stood silent for a moment, worrying Bakugo as her eyes were trained on the now empty hallway. Her silence stretched on and made Bakugo’s skin itch, until she turned to him with such a thoughtful look it stunned him.  
“The puppy hybrid?” She questioned him, and he confirmed with a nod.
“Yes,” he stated simply, “she’s fond of Red Riot and his hybrid TetsuTetsu and I enjoyed her company during the event tonight – though I didn’t catch her name,” and as he trailed off the Director’s mouth quirked up in a slight smile.
“She doesn’t have one she has ever cared to share,” she mused. “Mostly she just accepts when people call her ‘Puppy’ or whatever else, honestly.” The sigh the Director let go at whatever thought was in her head left Bakugo curious, but he wanted to tread carefully. “I’m not opposed to this idea; she did just get sent back to us about six months ago which has been easy enough to navigate though she has gotten returned to us a total of seven times in the last five years since her initial rescue,” Bakugo waited for the Director to go on, watching with bated breath as she seemed to gather her thoughts. “She is well-mannered and easy to handle but she has been through some tremendously heinous things before her rescue five years ago, and it appears something happens in the homes she's adopted into where a precipice gets reached that cause the adopters to return her... we’ve been trying to uncover more of what may be causing this issue but haven’t been successful,” the Director’s voice trailed off into a whisper as she mouthed something to herself, Bakugo not able to pick up on the words. Her eyes seemed far away as she put her hand to her chin, massaging the skin thoughtfully before continuing. “I agree her being around TetsuTetsu would be a positive to have in a new home as they became quite close while he was here with her, she also did take a liking to Red Riot, and she seems to have gotten comfortable around you quickly. Yes, I wouldn’t be opposed to this at all but given her background you’re going to need to be more prepared – I would like for you to meet with her rehabilitation counselor, Hana, to go over her background and ensure you’re ready to take on this responsibility. I won’t tell you no, Mr. Bakugo, but I want you to have the full picture beyond this day so you can make an informed decision for yourself – and of course per our policy the hybrid will have the final say.”
Bakugo only nodded along to the Director’s speech, agreeing to meet with your counselor, he wanted to know more about you and be the best he could be for you. His thoughts were at war with himself wondering if what he would learn would somehow change his mind in taking you on, and the competitive drive to be your last home – to not fold like the weak extras before him who returned you.  
Fucking cowards.
Bakugo was led by the Director to a different wing of the facility where he was going to have an initial meeting with Hana - your rehabilitation counselor - to discuss your past, habits, temperament and his prospective adoption of you. He waited on a small, uncomfortable chair outside of Hana's office as she had an existing appointment already. Five minutes turned to ten, turned to twenty before Bakugo's leg ceased to bounce with the opening of the office door.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Bakugo,” Hana was a stout woman in her mid-thirties, Bakugo assessed, with shoulder-length mousy brown hair and equally kind brown eyes. Her smile crinkled her eyes, and puffed her cheeks in an endearing way that reminded him of how some grandmothers were drawn in his favorite manga's – always smiling, radiating kindness. He was instantly put at ease.
“No problem,” he responded, his tone of voice always coming off slightly confrontational no matter how he tried to soften it, “I appreciate you seeing me on short notice.”  
“Please come in,” Hana motioned for Bakugo to enter, and he did. Her office was brightly lit by the large windows taking up a full wall, with a view of one of the many expansive and breathtaking gardens that seemed to surround the facility itself, like the one he spent time with you in the center. Bakugo was motioned to a seat, and he gladly fell into the plush chair across from Hana, who had a thick file on her desk with your photo pinned to it. “So, I understand you’re interested in our little Puppy,” Hana began, staring Bakugo down but in the least confrontational way.
“Yes,” Bakugo cleared his throat, words almost getting stuck with his nerves. “I’ve been able to spend some time with her, and I have regular contact with Red Riot and TetsuTetsu who she’s friends with – I feel like the benefits outweigh anything else...” Bakugo’s voice trailed off as she noted Hana thumbing through your file, red eye straining to see whatever was in there he could before he realized it was being presented to him. He took it, admiring the adorable photo of you on the front of the folder, before he thumbed it open and was stopped in his tracks.
Bakugo could hear Hana speaking but his ears flooded with white noise, her voice sounded faraway as he eyed the photos that appeared to be dated from your initial rescue.
So many of the photos documented your face and body, sunken cheeks, deep, dark circles and matted hair, blood dried and flaking on your skin and in your hair and fur. Tail matted and bloodied, nothing like the plush little cloud that followed you now. He thumbed through more photos as the bruises and lacerations across your body worsened, evidence of your malnutrition and abuse painted on your body and in your eyes.
Your eyes.
They looked so empty, so far away, compared to the glistening little jewels he could get lost in now. The way the light shimmered from within you through them, compared to the photos he was looking at, astounded him. A small scribble in red ink, in the margin of your first physical check-up stopped his heart.
Bait hybrid.
He could see the wounds across your body transform to fit the picture now the closer he examined them. How so many of them showcased the outline of different sized jaws, deep-set wounds from teeth that tore into you. Bruises that bled out into the shape of hands. In a few of the photos you had bruises consistent with being bound by the wrists and ankles, even a close-up of a deep burn around your throat where a rope would have once been. He read over the extensive notes, one of which being a transcription from a recording:
2:03 A.M. Entered the suspect villa through the front and rear entrances, encountered hostile human guards as well as trained fighting hybrids – all wolves – taken down alive and handed over to the OPS Team.
2:07 A.M. Descended into the basement area and found a hybrid chained to a wall with a rope tightly pulled around the neck. Appears to be a puppy hybrid, unmoving, possibly deceased?
2:09 A.M. Confirmed puppy hybrid alive. Signs of serious abuse, suspect bait hybrid within a larger hybrid fighting ring, released the puppy hybrid from the bindings, examined and took photos for records.  
2:13 A.M. Puppy hybrid attacked one of the OPS Team, confirmed attempted head touch, possible sensitive area as demeanor has changed once the area is avoided.
2:34 A.M. Have confirmed residence cleared of all human and hybrid residents. All humans detained by OPS Team for arrest and conviction, all aggressive wolf hybrids detained by OPS Team for evaluation by hybrid specialists to assess for rehabilitation. Puppy hybrid sent with the Musutafu Rehabilitation Rep for assessment and consideration for foster program.
Bakugo had continued to read through your file, through the different times you were adopted and sent back – your interviews upon re-arrival regarding what happened in the homes was a topic you avoided speaking on. There were notes that you always ended up biting someone in the household but would never delve into the details of what triggered the event. Bakugo read in the interviews with the adopters that the incidents all happened when they would go to pet you, they had mentioned being able to have physical contact with you before, so they weren’t sure what had changed when it came to petting your head.
When Bakugo finally shut the file, he found Hana’s kind eyes regarding him carefully. He swallowed hard, the lump of anxiety lodged in his throat after seeing and reading the details of your past, it was all weighing heavily on him. You didn’t act like someone should after having gone through so much. He’s surprised even in your earlier interviews with Hana no notes were made mentioning any anger – why weren’t you raging at everything those bastards did to you? It almost appeared like you simply accepted it.  
Accepted that life was filled with things like that.
“As you can see, Mr. Bakugo, our little puppy has been run through quite the gamut,” Hana started, accepting the file back from Bakugo’s shaking hand. “Her temperament is quite agreeable given the circumstances, but she does have habits that have caused issues in her previous homes,” Hana paused to regard Bakugo some more and continued. “Given what I have read regarding your situation and the needs for your foster pair based off what the Director has observed I agree with her assessment that you would be a good fit for our puppy – even more so with your ties to two others who would greatly help her transition back into a home. I would only ask that you give me weekly updates on her progress as she encounters new things in your home, that she still meets with me on a monthly basis until it is decided it is no longer needed, and I would appreciate you setting up some visits with Red Riot for her to spend time with TetsuTetsu – those two were thick as thieves when they were both homed here.”
Bakugo only nodded along, agreeing to any and every caveat needed to move the process forward with you. For someone so independent, so brash and unforgiving of himself and others, who prided himself on only needing to rely on himself, his instincts when it came to you were screaming at him to protect you. To show you a life beyond the scope of what you’ve been subjected to. To be the last home you would ever have, ever need, ever want. Something about your looks initially caught his eye – how precious, and tiny, you looked curled up in Kirishima’s arms, how easily he could imagine holding you the very same way. Something in him was inexplicably pulling him to you, and he only hoped you enjoyed talking with him enough to consider coming home with him.
Bakugo left the facility with high hopes, but an equally heavy heart.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Three weeks had passed. Three long, insufferable weeks but Bakugo busied himself with all the required classes on hybrid rehabilitation and ownership; he even went to all his own therapies and treatments without so much as a grumble. Today was one of the days he was returning to the hybrid center to see you, under the guise of attending the center’s bi-annual adoption introduction event as a Pro Hero endorsement liaison – an event where the community members interested in adopting a hybrid can come and meet those up for adoption in a friendly and open environment, not unlike a picnic or  field day.
He was dressed up in his hero gear, gauntlets heavy against his chest as he stood with his arms crossed. He was already briefed by the center Director, who stated that while you weren’t officially up for adoption at this time you would be attending the event in the interest of giving him more time with you in an informal setting, and as a test of your social abilities with strangers. Presently, Bakugo had been here since the first hour of the event set-up. He has seen a variety of citizens and Pro Heros alike come through and spend time alongside the adoptable hybrids, eating, chatting, playing games and listening to different informative chats with the staff as they set up spread out around the park on the center grounds they currently set up on. He hadn’t yet caught a glimpse of you but there’s no certainty you were brought down with the rest of the adoptable hybrids first thing this morning. The day was about halfway through as he waited impatiently, Bakugo assessed by the Sun’s position, red eyes scanning the area around him cautiously – he didn’t anticipate any trouble but given that the Director asked him to be here on an official capacity first, he knew there had to be a reason.
Bakugo began to walk around, his arms now at his sides, though still buzzing with ready energy. His demeanor relaxed, although you couldn’t tell from his features with his mouth set in a hard line and his eyes narrowed and sharp. He took in the sight of happy hybrids interacting with people unafraid of what the interaction would bring, could see how their eyes sparkled and crinkled with laughter as they ran around. His heart was filling up with such a light feeling seeing how happy everyone was to interact, and his hopes only lifted at the thought of at least one of the hybrids here finding a good match, and forever home. He wondered how it felt for them, to still have such hope and trust in others after what they each had gone through. He was staring fondly at some hybrids and humans playing a game of hacky sack when the back of his neck prickled with an odd feeling. His eyes darted around swiftly, taking in everyone as he tried to identify the cause of this uneasy feeling, his damaged hearing causing everything that he was once zoned in on to become muffled white noise – the high-pitched ringing becoming worse as the panic rose in his chest. The edges of Bakugo’s vision blurred as he tried to take in steady gulps of air, spinning around to see more of the area around him. That’s when he caught it – caught sight of you.  
Or rather, you while stood in an uncomfortable lean away from a man who deemed it appropriate to hover so closely over you. Bakugo’s blood boiled as his palms popped and sizzled, his quirk threatening to activate, but he simply clenched his fists and stalked over to where you were, and for such a large and imposing man Bakugo certainly didn’t lack stealth as he quietly approached you both.
“You really are something special, a delectable little cutie,” this absolute piece of trash extra had the nerve to learn in and smell the hair on your head. “You know you're exactly what I’ve been looking for! The shelters and breeders in my area just don’t have any cute female hybrid companions,” the whiney tone of the off-putting man caused Bakugo’s anger to flare but he wanted to see where this was going and where you’d take it before he made a move he’d regret. “Society has moved into acceptance of human-hybrid relationships, but they just don’t offer any that are cute enough to fuc-! Aughgk!” Bakugo’s hand wrapped around the man and cut off his sentence with a gurgled choke the same moment you had turned on the man and sunk your canines into his forearm. The man’s hands came up to scramble and tried to pull Bakugo’s grip off his throat but to no avail, his arm where your teeth were still buried wiggled weakly to get you to let go.  
“Release, Puppy,” Bakugo’s voice wasn’t harsh as it was directed toward you, but his tone left no room for disobedience and you let go, flattening yourself against the nearest tree to where you were stood. “Y’know, it’s people like you that make things harder for hybrids, scum like you make things unsafe for those who’ve already been through enough,” Bakugo’s anger was boiling to the surface, but it wasn’t a moment after he tightened his grip on the guys throat that security for the event came and gently touched the Pro’s shoulder, stating they would handle it from there. Bakugo relented only when he saw you still standing frozen in place, hiding against the tree a few feet away from the scene. Bakugo gave the pathetic man one last toothy, evil grin which caused the man to cower before he turned to you, kneeling on one knee to not look so imposing in all his Pro gear.  
“Hey Puppy,” to anyone who knew Bakugo, they wouldn’t recognize the man who softened just as he did. Kneeled in front of you with a breeze-soft tone, cooing and holding his hand out for you to take; even when he rescued women and children he was as hard as ever, a regular criticism he was met with from the tabloids, and his own agency.  “You were ready to fight, huh pup?” Bakugo’s voice held a humorous lilt, and your ears perked toward him as your eyes finally met his. “You did a real good job there, Puppy, didn’t need my help at all huh?” Your ears twitched like they wanted to flatten against your head, given your crestfallen expression, but they didn’t budge – cute little fluffy triangles Bakugo desperately found himself wanting to reach for if he didn’t already know your past triggers.
“M’sorry,” you mumbled out, slowly taking the hand Bakugo still had extended and when his fingers closed around yours, he pulled you gently to him. “I didn’t mean to bite,” your voice was small, and you began to shake in his arms, and he only pulled you closer, tucking your head beneath his chin and wrapping his arms tightly around you until the shaking subsided.  
“It’s okay Puppy,” Bakugo assured you, “it’s okay to bite someone when they’re trying to hurt you. Standing up for yourself is okay.” Bakugo could feel you relax completely in his arms as he finally looked around him, seeing the Director, Hana and a couple other staff standing back from the two of you by about ten feet.
“I was told not to bite though,” you mumbled again, sighing as you rested your head against Bakugo’s arms.
“Listen to me Puppy,” Bakugo argued, “biting someone is okay when you have a reason – like defending yourself or someone else.”
“Have a reason...” you murmured more to yourself, but Bakugo caught it, just giving you a reassuring pat on your shoulder before standing with you in his arms, your nose nuzzling against the column of Bakugo’s throat sending an involuntary shiver down his spine as the cold touch ignited something within him.
“Mr. Bakugo, can you and our little Puppy come with me? The police who arrested the man want statements,” The Director spoke softly as she watched you, remaining silent as she lead you both back into the building.
“You up for that, Puppy?” Bakugo watched as you gave a small nod, still nosing at his throat and taking in small, rapid breaths. “What’cha doing there, hm?” Bakugo raised his eyebrows as he heard you whisper, ‘smell different’, and just continued with whatever it was you were doing rubbing against him, and he had to admit a certain comfort came from your cold nose against his warm skin. No more than an hour had passed with you and Bakugo giving your individual statements, he was waiting on a lounge sofa situated in one of the common rooms while you were in a closed office with the officers. Bakugo’s anxiety was back in full force with his leg bouncing a mile a minute, his heart beating furiously against his chest wall and his palms were sweaty and ready to set off, the acrid smell of blackened sugar giving hint to the quirk activation. Bakugo hadn’t realized he was disassociating until he felt a light pressure on his lap. His eyes refocused and brought him back to reality when he noticed you were sitting on his lap, straddling his legs as you laid your body against his, your arms wrapped tightly around him as far as you could go. “What’cha doin’, Puppy?” Bakugo grumbled, heart still hammering in his chest.
“TetsuTetsu used to hug me tight tight tight when I would have a bad dream,” you stated simply, “and you smelled like you needed to be hugged tight tight tight, too.” You just laid your head against his chest over his heart and Bakugo soon found his heartrate slowing down, even though he was certain you were too light to apply what he knew to be deep pressure therapy, his cheeks burned with a cherry tinge and his heart swelled at the sight. Though you lacked enough weight to successfully do what you were trying to do, your proximity to him calmed him all the same.
“S’good, Puppy,” Bakugo mumbled out softly and you beamed up at him as you tilted your head against his chest to meet his gaze, your fluffy tail thumping away happily behind you. “Did such a good job f’me.” Without thinking Bakugo had reached up of his own accord, and rough palm went soft against the silky top of your head, ears splitting away where his hand patted the crown of your head.
A soft, almost indiscernible sound was heard, but even Bakugo picked it up as he zeroed in on you in his lap. Your body had frozen in its place, you weren’t even breathing as he took in the sight of you.  
A small, broken rubber band was lying on the lounge sofa just beside you both, your breathing going from zero to a hundred as you began to take in panicked gulps of air. Bakugo looked up and saw one of your ears, normally cute little sharp triangles above your head, but now one was lying flopped against your head, folded over although he could see irritation and fur loss where the rubber band had been, presumably for a very long time. You went to scramble out of his lap, but Bakugo grabbed you and anchored you down against him, you were panicking and even tried to bite his forearms where you could reach but your little fangs couldn’t penetrate his Pro Hero costume, the gear made for battle and hits much stronger than your little bite force quotient*.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorryI’msorrym’sorrysorry,” your eyes were glazed over, far-away and deep in a memory as you shook in his arms, fighting to get out of his grip with an admirable strength even though it didn’t compare to the little force he was exerting to keep you in place. Bakugo could see the Director and Hana, who had still been standing nearby dealing with the police officers from earlier, frozen and watching the scene, Hana was stopped by the Director before she had a chance to intervene – the Director watched on with an intent gaze. Bakugo held you with one arm, holding you against him as he used his other hand to reach up and head toward the ear still standing up tall – you snapped and bit onto the guard that usually seated itself beneath his gauntlets, fangs trying hard to tear flesh enough to get him to release you, you shook your head gently but it didn’t do much to stop Bakugo as he touched your other ear and soon heard a similar snap with the small plastic ring, now broken, falling to the floor. You were growling now, not releasing his wrist guard as you glared at him, but he could see it in your eyes: fear.
“Puppy,” Bakugo warned, tone deep and steady. “Release.” You gave an indignant snort through your nose, the gentle puff of air hitting Bakugo’s face as he held you in front of him, a quirk to the corner of his lips giving away his amusement at your fight. His eyes soon narrowed, sharp and deadly, and soon you found yourself slowly unlocking your jaw as he pulled his arm away from you. With all the fight drained out of you at his command, Bakugo watched as your eyes began to well up with tears, which clumped your lashes and fell down your cheeks in fat streaks, your nose moistening as you sniffled and relaxed against the iron grip still holding you in place against him. Bakugo released his grip on you, and you just fell forward against him, sniffling and letting the tears fall unhindered. Bakugo’s arms wrapped around you loosely as he brought both his hands up around the back of your head, fingers normally clenched in fists or pointed at villains and firing off deadly explosions now gently rubbing the soft fur of your ears as he got a closer look at what irritation he caught sight of earlier and what he saw made his stomach turn. “Why did you have rubber bands on your ears, Pup?” His tone was so marshmallow-y soft it melted away what remained of your fight or flight and left you just feeling surrounded in the best of ways. Made you feel like you hadn’t felt quite enough before...  
“They said floppy ears were for filthy, cheap mutts, and they had spent too much money on me,” your voice got small as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, tiny fang drawing a pinprick of blood. “They sent me to go get them cropped because Master would pull my ears too hard whenever he saw them, but I didn’t wanna go-” a choked sob cut off your sentence, but you drew in a breath as Bakugo carded his fingers through your hair, occasionally reaching back up to gently rub your ears between his fingers. “I didn’t wanna go again because the first time they put me to sleep I woke up hurting so bad, so instead I went to the market and took rubber bands from the flower bouquets and wrapped my ears with bandages to look like I went... the other hybrids who got their ears cropped were in so much pain I didn’t wanna be in any more pain, I’m sorry I bit you I didn’t mean to I-” your rambling cut off as Bakugo pulled you tightly against his chest, face smushed against hard muscle as he just applied all-over pressure and soon you found yourself relaxing in his lap.
“Nothing about you is filthy, or cheap, or wrong.” Bakugo stated simply.
You didn’t anticipate the reaction you had when you heard those words, but the second they left the blonde’s mouth you were sobbing against his chest, fisting his hero costume and shaking as he simply let you sit with all you were feeling. Bakugo had continued to look up and check in with the Director and Hana; Hana, who Bakugo noted, was recording the pair with her phone – probably for records and research purposes. Bakugo didn’t mind one bit if it helped you in the end to be understood more. The Director was watching the whole scene unfold, taken back by the days' events already and hardly expecting what came of it – but she knew it more certainly than she did the weeks before when Bakugo first mentioned his interest in you.
You two were meant for each other.
*Bite force quotient (BFQ) is a numerical value commonly used to represent the bite force of an animal, while also taking factors like the animal's size into account.
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scatterbrain33 · 3 months
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Class 1-B x Autistic Reader
(I never really handle change well, especially when I started a new school and were just some ideas about that popped into my head about how the reader would interact with some of the students and teachers of class 1-B. Enjoy!)
TW: Descriptions of bullying
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
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He was actually the first one you met on your first day at UA.
You got a little lost trying to find your homeroom class, and you were kinda having a mini freak out.
There were just so many people and it was so loud and-
A hand grabbed your shoulder and after startling each other, exchanging screams and falling on both of your butts, you introduced each other.
You swear, you didn’t mean to laugh at his name it just slipped out, he didn’t mind though, he even chuckled himself.
Turns out he was in the same class as you, so being the happy, helpful, golden retriever boi he was, he offered to walk with you.
Your eyes were glued to the floor as your cheeks were probably bright red. (They were)
You just couldn’t say no to that goofy, toothy smile… so adorable!!!
He could tell you weren’t much of a talker, which was ok he could talk enough for the both of you, and you were fine with letting him talk, but when he’d ask a question about you, you kind tensed up and gave a sparse answer or just didn’t speak at all.
You both managed to get to get to class on time, you thanked him and sat at the back of the class next to a window without another word.
Some of the other students that were already there tried to talk to you, but you clammed up like you did for him.
He’d glance at you throughout the class and you’d often be staring out the window, off in your world, seemed kinda lonely.
That just made him more determined to be your friend, he promised he’d help you come out of your shell.
Hero training was when you really got excited, when Tetsu showed off his quirk, *jaw drop* HE WAS MADE OF METAL!!!!
He noticed you ogling and started flexing his arms with a smirk, that smirked immediately vanished when he saw you feeling his bicep with wide eyes, it felt so real, like actual metal, so cool!
You were so enraptured you didn’t notice Tetsu, turning redder than a tomato, too frozen to say anything.
Him: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Setsuna Tokage
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You were at your desk, just fiddling with your little F/C, fluffy bunny plush. It always helped when you felt anxious, it was just so fluffy and cuddly.
You used to take it everywhere with you, but when you started going to school… let’s just say teasing was the least of your worries. But right now with you starting at U.A. you just really need the reassurance.
You gave it another quick squeeze, before you noticed something.
An eye… there was a single, blinking eye on your desk.
Most people would jump out of their seats or flinch at the very least, but you were you so you just blinked back.
It rolled away, connecting to a head, then a torso, then arms until there was a fully assembled girl standing in front of you. She introduced herself as Setsuna Tokage with a friendly smile, you reciprocated with a shy one.
You quickly hid [Bunny’s Name] behind your back when she pointed him out, but she assured that is ok and that [Bunny’s Name] was really cute.
When she tried to stroke him however…
She flinched when you yelled at her, she tried to apologise but you just snapped at her again to go away, she went back to her desk a little crestfallen.
You hugged [Bunny’s Name] close to you, it was all just a trick, she was just pretending to be nice so she could take him and rip his ears off, you weren’t falling for that. Not again.
When the school day was finally over, Tokage was still a little disheartened.
She didn’t mean to upset you, she was just trying to be friendly.
You hadn’t really spoken to anyone in class yet, so she thought she’d try and start a conversation, and obviously it didn’t end well.
What Happened to you to make you have that kind of reaction.
She was brought out of her thoughts hearing a commotion up ahead.
“Give him back!”
⚠️Trigger Alert ⚠️
“Aww, does the baby need their little rabbit?” One of the boys teased, dangling [Bunny’s Name] just out of your reach while his two jerk friends kept shoving you back and forth laughing all the while.
“Come on, just say something and I’ll give it back.” His goons shoved you to the floor.
“Come on! Speak up!” The only sound that came out of you was a small whimper.
They eventually got bored and left, but not before the boy holding your bunny tore off his ears and chuckled him on the dirty floor in front of you.
“See ya freak.”
You quietly collect [Bunny’s Name’s] ears and some stuffing that fell out of him and cried while holding him close to you.
(End of Flashback)
“What are you gonna do about it huh?!” The guy who looks like a third year knocked you to the floor.
He and his goon friends laughed as you fell and kept kicking you down when you tried to get up.
That was until hands and all kinds of body parts started crawling all over them, causing them to scream like little girls and run away.
The pair of sentient hands picked up [Bunny’s Name] and gave him back to you.
Tokage put herself back together and stood over you with an extended hand and a warm smile, you returned it and took her hand to help, both apologising and accepting each other’s apology.
You two were ok from then on, not buddy-buddy, but she had your back and you hers.
Kinoko Komori
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Most people prefer stuff like plants and flowers and all that, but not you, you liked mushrooms and fungi. (If you don’t, just pretend)
Fungi is like the nervous system of the plant!
Mushrooms are only what we see on the surface, there’s a whole network of fungal strands throughout the entire planet called mycelium. It’s amazing!
Trees can exchange nutrients through these strands and warn each other of danger.
Fungi consumes dead or dying organisms and put the nutrients back into soil.
It’s because of fungi that forests are able to thrive! How can anyone not find that cool?!
So when you saw what Komori’s quirk was, it was game over from there, you two clicked immediately.
The others had never seen you open up to someone so quickly, they were happy and a little nervous.
You and Komori spent ages talking about everything mushroom related, you even found out you watched the same pre-quirk tv show.
It was about a zombie apocalypse caused by a fungal infection, you kept forgetting the name though, The last… last something, ah it doesn’t matter.
The two of you spent the rest of your time doing your best Clicker impressions.
Hers were pretty good, your’s were accurate, like scary accurate. Seriously you were creeping everyone else out.
You made them all jump when you shrieked, even Vlad King flinched while you two were practically rolling on the floor with laughter
If this wasn’t a budding friendship, you didn’t know what was.
Shihai Kuroiro
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Like you, he didn’t talk very often.
But whenever he did it mostly about darkness and skulls and all that.
You didn’t want to call him a goth because you thought it was rude.
Anyway, you found yourself self a quiet place under a big tree to sit and eat your lunch, read a book or just crochet when you had the time. (If you don’t crochet just pretend)
The shade was especially appreciated on hot hunny days, like this one.
You were making a cute little scarf for [Bunny’s Name] when you saw the head of your class’s designated shadow boy sticking out of the shade a distance away from you.
You both blinked at each other, saying nothing, you glanced at the empty spot beside you then tapped it gently, a silent invitation.
One which he gladly accepted.
You two kept meeting up at this spot at lunch or breaks, never really saying anything, just doing your own things, beginning to feel more and more comfortable with each other’s presence.
This went on for a little while, so on a particularly windy and chilly day, you silently slid something over to him.
He picked it up and saw that it was a snood, pitch black, besides some some black and white tassels. Did you make this for him?
Just then, he saw you take out your very own, except it was in bright F/C, you wrapped it around your head, encouraging him to do the same.
He tried, bless him he did try, but he kinda looks like a grumpy cat.
You giggled and straightened it out for him, he felt his cheeks get a little flushed when you did.
You got up and tilted his head towards the main building, Kuroiro gained as small smile and followed you back to class.
Nato Monoma
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Just no.
Vlad King
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Even though his expression made him look like a grumpy bulldog, he was actually really nice.
He even brings your class donuts every Monday.
You however, didn’t like donuts. (So sorry if you do)
It’s not the taste you hate, it’s just the stickiness of the glaze and the dry feeling of the powder, you were sensitive to stuff like that.
You didn’t say anything because you didn’t want be stick in the mud and ruin it for everyone.
But one day, instead of donuts, Vlad brought… ✨MUFFINS✨
Now those, you loved.
You immediately shot up from your desk.
Chocolate! Blueberry, Raspberry! Red velvet! YOU COULDN’T DECIDE!!!
Vlad gained a discrete smirk, seeing you practically sparkling at the display of heaven in a wrapper.
He once overheard you talking about how much you love muffins, so when he saw you not taking any donuts and knowing you weren’t exactly the most vocal about… most things, he decided to surprise you.
He just didn’t want you to feel left out and he was glad could help bring you out of your shell, even if just a little bit.
All Might and Present Mic
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If those two had anything in common, it’s that they were both super friendly… and super loud.
They both saw that loud noises bothered you greatly, seeing as Mic basically had no volume control and All Might was… well, All Might.
But they still felt bad whenever you covered one or both your ears when Mic used his announcer voice or when All Might made his grand “I AM HERE!” entrance.
They tried to be more quiet to make you less uncomfortable, but sometimes they’d slip up.
You didn’t mind though, it actually made you giggle.
You thought it was really sweet that they were being so considerate, but you couldn’t ask them not to be loud, it’s what made them, them, you’d get use to it eventually.
You thought of the two like goofy uncles, who you could always count on to make you smile and laugh.
And meanwhile in the other room Mic and All Might were barely holding back tears, hearing everything.
It didn’t last long
Both of them:🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I hope you enjoyed this, if you have any ideas for future parts please let me know,
See you in the next one 💖💖💖
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rose-riot-johnson · 11 months
Scenario/fanfic about Shinsou having his first romantic partner ( they them please! ) and how he'd tell them and ask them out! ( bonus points if he likes them because theyre also an insomniac mess ( yes this is my thing shinsou x reader with insomnia is a 10000000/10 ) )
Ofcourse Aevyn😁👍I will definitely see what I can do with this fanfic you requested😀👍
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💜Shinsou Likes You Too💜(Adult) Shinsou x They/Them Reader)
Genres: Mutual Confession and Light Hearted Fluff(?)
Both you and Shinsou had a crush on eachother, since the both of you were classmates in class 1-C while being students inside of UA. After both you and Shinsou graduated from UA, Shinsou became a pro hero, while you became his sidekick. The only problem is that you fear that he won't feel the same way about you, while Shinsou worries that you only like him, as a friend.
One day, Shinsou called his one friend, Itsuka Kendo, because he finally decided to ask her for advice on, if he should ask you out and how to approach with asking you out. He pretty much told her the situation, which she gave him some advice on how he should ask you out based on what she understood about the situation he told her.
Shinsou wasn't sure, if Kendo's advice will work, however he decided to go with her idea, which what he did was work on a love letter. "I sure hope (They/Them Reader Name), likes the love letter to I'm working on for them. And whatever I don't write in the letter I will just tell them, more about how I feel.". He was nervous about making any approach to asking you out, however he still confident. His confidence is how he became a pro hero, after all.
Meanwhile you asked Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, about what you should do pertaining your crush Shinsou. Tetsutetsu pretty assured you that he has a feeling that Shinsou feels the same about you and to just give him, as much time as he needs to work up the courage to ask you out. You basically weren't sure, if Tetsutetsu was joking or not, so you could only think of responding to Tetsutetsu was by telling okay. Your anxiety was pretty much telling to believe that Shinsou would only see you as a friend and Tetsutetsu was only pranking you.
The morning came, as you were trying to wake up, as you saw Shinsou. He must have snuck into your house, because you accidentally left your door(s) unlocked. Shinsou then said, "I have a letter... For you... (They/Them Reader Name)... Please read it... I hope you feel... The same way... About me...", as he handed you the love letter.
After you finished reading the letter which has the question "Will you out with me?" written in the letter, Shinsou then explained, "You see (They/Them Reader Name), I'm not sure if you feel the same way about me... It just that... I never been in a relationship before... And that's, because I liked you alot... I had a crush on you for a very long time... I love a whole lot about you, especially the fact you have an amazing sense of humor and the fact that you're an insomniac mess... Just like myself, to be honest... So, what do you say, (They/Them Reader Name)?". You were very surprised that not only Shinsou feels the same way as you do, however also the face that Tetsutetsu was right about the fact that Shinsou feels the same way about you.
You then answered, "Ofcourse I would go out with you, Shinsou. I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same way for me, so I basically repressed my feelings for you, for a long time. So, since you told me yourself about your feelings for me, I guess it's mutual then. This will definitely be the first relationship for me, too. I basically only have feelings for you. I'm just not interested in anyone else, but you.". Shinsou then replied, "Well that's a relief and it's official then. The first relationship for the both of us, might as well be with eachother, then.", as he smiled while being a blushing mess, realizing that you're glad you took Kendo's advice on, how to approach with you on asking you out for you to be his boyfriend and you to be is significant other.
As the years go by, yours and Shinsou's first ever relationship and first relationship together may not be sunshines and rainbows, however the both of you always managed the relationship the both of have together. You're the best thing to ever to happen to Shinsou and he's the best thing to ever happen to you.
Ofcourse Shinsou would be nervous about having you as his first romantic partner. He just wasn't used to it. He may get insecured at times, however with lots of reassurance, he has finally became more secured and used to having you in the relationship.
Once Shinsou has gotten used to having you as his first romantic partner, he knew he made the right choice being with you. He also will do anything for you. So, once the both of you have gotten used to being in a relationship together, both you and Shinsou never turned back and life became more fun and relaxing for the both of you, eversince then.
The End
Well my Tumblr Peeps, hopefully you enjoy this fanfic with Shinsou in it, and most of all I do hope you enjoyed this also @shinaevordie (Aevyn)😁👍I'm hoping I did the request well. I basically brainstormed some ideas on how work with the fanfic and hopefully this fanfic will make your day, as well🦋😁👍
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deusvervewrites · 10 months
Class 1: How would the class roster be? Would it be this:
Aoyama, Ashido, Asui, Awase, Ida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kaibara, Kamakiri, Kaminari, Kirishima, Kuroiro, Kendo, Koda, Kodai, Komori, Sato, Shiozaki, Shishida, Sero(?), Shoda/Shoji, Shoji/Shoda, Jiro, Sero(?), Tsunotori, Tsuburaba, Tetsutetsu, Tokage, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Fukidashi, Hagakure, Honenuki, Bakugo, Bondo, Midoriya, Mineta, Monoma, Yaoyorozu, Yanagi, Rin.
I can't tell because a) im stupid b) i can't figure out why the fuck Jiro is inbetween shoji and sero, and c) why in the canon class 1-A roster Sero is after shoji when Se should come before So.
A comment thread on Adalheidis has a full explanation of this but basically Japan's alphabet is phonetic.
They also took the liberty of already sorting the entire Hero Course
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chaichaiiskai · 2 years
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TITLE: We’re Different But That’s Okay
prev chapter masterpost next chapter
CONTENT WARNING: violence, blood, abduction, (sort of but nothing super horrible) graphic description of injuries
WORD COUNT: 5.2k TAGLIST: @canarystwin @eijiandkatspebble
“ALRIGHT. Heads for dead and tails for dread.” You state, staring at the Tibetan mastiff hybrid who sat across from you at the dining room table. Tetsu nods silently in agreement, watching as you retrieve a quarter from the long-forgotten swear jar (aka rainy day money) that was sitting in the center of the table as a makeshift centerpiece. The moment was intense, the two of you were silent, the video game you’d all be indulging in was now forgotten, the low hum of the game’s background music egging the two of you on. Eijirou was pacing around in the living room pretty silently for a man of his stature, he seemed to be in deep thought, Katsuki, you believed, was still showering.
With a gulp, you positioned your right hand into a ‘thumbs up’ position, the quarter appropriately placed on your pointer finger. And then, with the flick of the tip of your thumb, you sent the quarter flying upwards towards the ceiling. E/C and dark grey eyes followed the little circle of copper as it soared upwards and then began to descend. You speedily caught it and gave it one last flip, slapping it onto the back of your left hand. You remained covering the coin for a few seconds longer before finally moving your hand away, revealing the answer to your next plan of action.
After the fate of the two unlucky individuals was decided, Tetsutetsu broke out the whiteboard that he had specifically for writing down new meal recipes. As much as you wanted to rush in and seek vengeance on Katsuki’s behalf, you listened to Tetsutetsu’s suggestion and the two of you had begun planning. It was obvious that the two of you were more alike than originally anticipated, considering you were both ready to cut someone for justified reasons. Tetsu had just jotted down some basic things that needed to be avoided while committing the assault, this way, you could act without getting caught but also give the karma that was best served hot.
“I say we wear masks, show up to their place in the dead of night and burn the house down with them still in it.” You boldly suggested, there was no telling if you were joking or not but I digress. “That puts their neighbors at risk, and I’d feel bad about having the fire department have to come and waste their time putting it out.” Eijirou reasoned, though his reasoning didn’t exactly seem to disagree with your idea entirely. His voice was void of all emotion and his face was stone cold, arms crossed over his broad chest as he leaned back in the dining room chair, staring at the whiteboard Tetsu was currently standing in front of with a red dry-erase marker in hand. Thankfully, he served as the buffer for both of you.
“You two know exactly why that’s wrong on so many levels. No one’s killing anyone, all we need to do is mildly inconvenience them with a few broken bones and a couple ‘o bruises. Maybe a hospital visit or two.”
Okay… maybe none of you were sane, but who could blame you? One of your family members had just suffered something traumatic thanks to some selfish and horrible decisions, you had a right to be protective and angry on his behalf.
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You sighed, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes when you realized that both Eijirou and Tetsu were right. You three couldn’t go to jail, so, the best option was some kind of anonymous assault. “How about I use my quirk to light a molotov cocktail and—“ “Y/N, this ain’t Call of Duty, be more practical,” Tetsu said, throwing an extra marker at your head, which you quickly caught and then threw back at him.
This time around, Eijirou spoke up. “It’ll probably be better that I sit this one out. I’m not sure I’d be able to control myself if I saw Touka or her in in-person. I’m trusting you two to handle it. Just… please, please don’t get caught.”
And that’s what’s led you and your silver-haired bro to where you currently were. In the dead of night, ski masks over your faces and clenched fists at your sides, parked a few doors down from the front door of Touka’s house, dressed in all black and blending in easily with the night, even going as far as to wear black latex gloves. The two of you had shown up just mere hours after Katsuki had come knocking on the door, so you both only assumed that the two targets of your assault were still in the same place. You had a lighter in your hand, ready to activate your quirk whenever it proved to be necessary. It had been quite some time since you’d been to this place, and you’d probably never come back if things worked in your favor. As the two of you approached the front door, you remembered the key under the mat that was so foolishly left there for you to grab by the unsuspecting homeowner. Never trust your neighborhood, dumbass Touka. Once you had the key in your grasp, you unlocked the door and stepped inside, Tetsu following behind you, not even bothering to take off your shoes because, oh yeah, fuck Touka and that grimy bitch.
You quietly shut the door behind you and set the key down on the table near the door. Now, it was just you and Tetsu, idling in the front room where the living room was located. The two of you seemed to telepathically communicate, nodding at each other.
You knew exactly where the fucker slept. The two of you tiptoed down the hallway, both of you holding a duffel bag under your pits as you motioned to one of the doors in the hallway, which happened to be Katsuki’s bedroom. Before the fun truly began you had to make sure you got his things, including important documents and whatever else was needed. That was simple enough since everything was pretty much out in the open. It was miraculous how the two of you had managed to gather so many things in such little time while the two you were about to terrorize were none the wiser to what was going on inside the safety of their home. You were starting to get a little impatient but understood the importance of getting Katsuki’s things first before you would begin wreaking havoc on these shit stains. Once you’d filled the duffel bags with necessities and grabbed the needed legal documents for the next steps, you and Tetsutetsu placed the bags into the trunk of your car and went back inside the little house.
And with that, it was time to make an entrance that no one in their right mind would ever forget. But you couldn’t exactly do the terrorizing inside so… let’s just say because of your career you had access to some dangerous drugs that you had put into some syringes and injected into the necks of the unsuspected couple. It wasn’t meant to kill them, just to get them to sleep long enough to be transported to a more /remote/ area, which happened to be around forty minutes out of the city and on the side of an unfrequented road. This scene was right out of a movie. You’d stolen the young couple right out of their bed, and neither of them was aware of the danger they were about to be in.
Tetsu had decided to drive this time, the captives asleep in the back seat. Was it bad that you were excited about terrorizing them? They deserved it after all. When the both of you decided you’d driven out enough, far away from any potentially prying eyes, Tetsu parked the car and got out, following suit, then you both respectively went towards the backseat doors, opening them up to reveal your soon-to-be victims. You were given the task of slapping her awake, and Tetsu tasked himself with doing the same to Touka.
With the power of the anime god and some pent-up anger you had stored away somewhere in the depths of your soul, you struck the woman across the face (hard enough to cause some very noticeable swelling) and Tetsu mirrored your actions to her male counterpart.
When she startled awake and caught your gaze with a horrified expression, you grinned sinisterly through the mask you wore.
“Wakey wakey, bitch. You’re about to meet your maker.”
And with that, you proceeded to wrap a fistful of her hair around your hand and began dragging her out of the car and onto the dirt road. You threw her to the ground nearby and you could hear Touka struggling nearby, Tetsu easily pulling him along by his hair as well so he could toss the man onto the ground beside his girlfriend.
The area you’d chosen was right in the middle of some inhabited farmland that was lush with green grass and flowers, it was rather serene, too bad you’d be bloodying the ground with the fluids of these scoundrels.
Touka and her began backing away from the two masked assaulters, having no idea who they were or what they had done to provoke them. Even Hellen Keller could see just how terrified they were, which seemed to piss you off even more. “Hold his face in place while I kick this bitch’s teeth in. I want him to watch.” You said to Tetsu, walking towards her, she seemed to be trying to scramble away with you with each of your forward steps. Tetsu did just that, moving to hold Touka by the hair on the top of his head, gripping it with enough force to pull out a few strands. “Don’t even think about closing your eyes. You’ve gotta keep your eyes open for the show.”
At that moment, it seemed that the initial shock had seemed to wear off. “What the hell do you want?! Money?! I’ll give you all the money you want! Just please leave us-“ “We don’t need your money. We need justice. Bakugou needs justice.” Tetsu growled, pulling at Touka’s hair which earned a whimper from the man who was currently on the ground, trying to claw at the steel hand that was in his hair. “What are you talking about?! He already ran away! What more do you want?!”
While Touka seemed to be doing all the talking, it seemed that the woman knew exactly what the two of you had been referring to, and you didn’t miss the way she seemed to tense up. Your grin seemed to grow and you stopped in your tracks, nodding your head in Touka’s direction while staring her down.
“Tell him. Or else—“ You pulled out your lighter and gave it a couple of flicks, a small flame appearing before you activated your quirk, causing the flame to grow four times in size, forming into the shape of what appeared to be an axe.
Even in the face of your threat, the woman decided that she wasn’t going to let some stranger further humiliate her, trying to hold onto whatever strings she had left of her dignity. “What? What the fuck are you talking about you crazy bitch! You’ve got the wrong person!! I don’t know what the hell you want but I’m not-“ Before she could continue her sentence, you had socked her right in the nose, a river of blood flowing from both of her nostrils. It seemed that she wasn’t going to admit to her crimes, so you figured you could skip right down to the ass-beating portion of what your plan was. The sudden strike had caused her to scream out in shock and pain, immediately shielding her face from further harm as she held onto her broken nose.
With a deep inhale, you stood back, looking down at her with a menacing gaze, your grin nowhere in sight.
“Stand up and fight me. Drugs should be outta your system by now.” You say, urging her to stand her ground against you while extinguishing the flame and putting your lighter away. Then you looked directly at Touka who flinched when your eyes met, attempting to shy away but it was impossible to do so with the grip that hadn’t moved an inch from his hair. “You sit there and wait for your turn, I’ll get to you soon enough.”
You cracked your knuckles afterward, watching as she stood up like a wounded animal, slowly raising her hands up and balling them into fists. Having done quite the number on her face, from the slap to the punch, you internally grimaced at the smeared blood that was painted across her face. You stared at her unamused and waited for her to strike first, getting into your own fighting stance as you gave her a chance to defend herself before the reckoning would begin.
And so, she charged towards you, throwing a punch in an attempt to strike you back in the face where you had struck her. Unsurprisingly, you dodged her with ease.
(cue Yung Bratz by XXTENTACION)
That was her only chance to hit you because, after that, crimson blinded your vision as you began to unleash a devilish power onto her, throwing punches and jabs left and right, fists connecting with bone and flesh with sickening noises that would have put Mike Tyson to shame. You held back none of your punches when striking her, staring blankly as you beat her into the ground until her face was almost completely swollen, she was almost unrecognizable once you were done with her. You beat her to the point of being nearly unconscious and then stood over her body, your feet positioned on either side of her thighs, staring down at her nearly swollen-shut eyes.
“I want you to remember this for the rest of your life. The next time you even think about touching anyone, hybrid or not without their permission, remember this night. Remember how I beat you ‘til you turned black and blue. Remember how scared you are at this moment. Remember that I could have killed you if I wanted to.” And to end your little speech with a bang, you spit on her face, causing her to flinch and whimper, curling into a fetal position when you step away from her. But nope, she wasn’t going to get away that easily just yet. You stepped towards her head and then lifted your foot up, bringing your boot down with enough force to knock her clean out, watching as her limbs fell limp onto the ground. You then turned, starting to head towards Touka, your heaving form edging closer towards him along with your menacing gaze that was less intense thanks to the ski mask you wore but still just as terrifying.
Touka had watched you beat his girlfriend, the sound of your heavy breathing and speech causing him to cower in fear as you approached him, knowing he was next. As soon as you stepped in front of him, he pissed himself, moistened the ground, and his pajama pants. You would have laughed if you weren’t feeling so aggravated.
Back at your shared home, Eijirou had been waiting worriedly for your return on the living room couch, fiddling with his hands in hopes that you weren’t going to be arrested and taken away from him. Maybe he should have gone with you… No. He would have done much worse than what you were probably doing. This was the better choice, plus, he was the one closest to Katsuki so it only made sense for him to stay and watch over him for the time being in case he came looking for comfort.
He’d been so caught up in his thoughts that he’d failed to notice a certain someone slowly coming into the living room and sniffling around, trying to pinpoint where you and the unfamiliar dog hybrid had gone. He noticed Eijirou on the couch and slowly approached him, debating on what he wanted to say to him in order to get his attention.
“Where’s your hotheaded girlfriend?” He asked, making his way towards the couch to sit down on the cushion beside his best friend, putting a little space between them for obvious reasons. Eijirou blinked out of his thoughts and then glanced at the blond, feeling a wave of relief as he looked down at him, worry and sympathy clear across his face as he debated on whether or not to say what you were doing right now. There was no point in hiding it anyways. He’d opened his mouth to say something but Katsuki beat him to it, looking away from the redhead as he balled up his fists on his lap. “Don’t look at me like I’m some sympathy case. I hate being pitied. I’m not weak.” He quietly said, which was a little uncharacteristic of him, even after being out of High School for so long. Immediately, Eijirou frowned, realizing that he must have been looking at the other like he was a kicked puppy.
The shark hybrid sighed, running a hand through his hair before scratching at his scalp a little. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to look at you that way. I know you’re not weak. You’re the strongest guy I know, Kat, and that’ll never change. But even the strong should be able to be vulnerable sometimes, you’ve been through a lot, you know. I’m here for you… always.” He said, looking at his friend with a fond gaze, fighting the urge to engulf the slightly smaller male into a tight hug. Katsuki was silent, only the sound of them both breathing could be heard. But then, he finally spoke after a couple of minutes of comfortable silence. “Thanks, Ei.” He finally managed to say, followed by a sigh of what sounded like relief. Eijiro couldn’t help but smile at the nickname, being referred to that way by Katsuki was a variety within itself but when he did say it, it always felt like he was receiving the highest honor. “Can I hug you…?” Eijiro asked, observing Katsuki from where he sat, going back to fiddle with his fingers in his lap. In response, it seemed that the fox hybrid was considering his options but ultimately ended up grunting in acceptance of the other’s inquiries. Eijiro happily obliged and moved to tackle his best friend in a warm embrace, knocking both of them off of the couch and onto the floor. Katsuki felt the wind get knocked right out of his chest and hissed when he ended up on the floor but he didn’t pull away from the giant redheaded shark who held onto him tightly, pretty much squeezing the life out of him, hugging him rather reluctantly at first. This lasted a few seconds before he spoke up.
“Now, get offa me. You smell like fish.”
“…. Bakubro, I am a fish.”
“Why I outta…” Eijiro began, squinting at Katsuki like he was offended, he kind of was but he was also glad to see the shit-eating grin that was currently adorning the blond’s face. Commence the wrestling match between the two hybrids, rolling around on the floor like a looney tune fight, playfully attempting to bite each other while spewing out insults.
(author: seems a lil’ gay but you ain’t hear that from me.)
The wrestling continued for a few minutes before (somehow) Katsuki ended up being the winner, putting Eijiro into a sankaku-jime, locking his thick thighs around Eijiro’s neck to immobilize him until he tapped out, which he did. “Alright alright, I surrender!” The shark yelped, slapping the carpeted floor a few times, making Katsuki grin, even more, holding their position for a few more seconds until finally releasing the wheezing shark who rolled onto his back to catch his breath. “Gosh. I swear… one o’ these days you’re gonna kill me, Bakubro.” He complained, to which Katsuki responded with a chuckle, sitting up so he could sit down on the couch, laying across it, and getting comfortable. The two men were quiet yet again, but as you’d expect, it was interrupted once more, this time around it was by Eijiro’s growling stomach. Katsuki flickered his gaze down to the man on the floor who seemed to be blushing thanks to his hunger interrupting their quiet time. Expecting some kind of degrading joke from the other, Eijiro was pleasantly surprised to see the blond getting up to go into the kitchen, starting to look around in the fridge and cupboards for something to make to appease the great white shark’s hunger.
About ten minutes after Katsuki had started cooking something that was no doubt going to have a little spice and deliciousness, both hybrids immediately perked up when they heard the sound of the front door being unlocked and opened. You would have thought that Eijiro was a puppy with how fast he jumped up from the living room floor and rushed towards the door, his gaze soon falling on you and Tetsu as soon as you came through the door. Upon spotting him, you smiled at him and greeted him like usual. “Hey babe, you alright? Is Katsuki out of his shower yet?”
“Glad to see you dispshits didn’t get arrested!” Katsuki shouted from where he was inside the apartment, causing you to smile upon hearing that he seemed to have relaxed a little while you and Tetsu were gone. “I’m alright. How did it go— wait, are you bleeding?!? Lemme see!” Your boyfriend said, quickly stepping towards you after you were fully inside, shutting the door after Tetsu had come in as well, carrying both the duffel bags. “Remind me never to get on your bad side. I’ve fought plenty of people in the UGR (underground ring) but they don’t hold a candle to that ass-whoopin’ Y/N dished out.” Tetsu mumbled, walking away from the two of you and going to drop the bags near the couch, going to speak to his newest roommate.
You and Eijiro on the other hand were still nearby the front door, Eijiro smelling around you until he found the source of the coppery smell— your fists. The hybrid gasped in surprise, a frown soon appearing on his handsome face after he had carefully removed the gloves from your hands to reveal the almost sickening sight of your bloodied knuckles. “Why didn’t you wrap them before going out?! This looks horrible!” He exclaimed, shouting a little louder than he had anticipated before he grabbed onto your wrist and dragged you to the couch, forcing you to sit down on it before he disappeared further into the apartment. You groaned in relief, letting your weight sink into the couch while leaning your head against the back of it, shutting your eyes as you got completely comfortable.
Tetsu had moved to plop down onto one of the bean bags nearby, sprawled across it with his eyes closed as well. Man, being criminals was really tiring.
“Hey…” A shy voice from nearby began, who you distinguished as Katsuki. Your eyes slowly opened, seeing that he was standing behind the couch where you were seated, looking down at your face, currently wearing a hedgehog-themed apron. Cute. He was over at your place more times than you could count, this was basically a second home for you so you had gotten the apron for him as a gift considering he often cooked here too.
“You didn’t have to do that. I… appreciate it though.” He said, looking at you, and then Tetsu who seemed to have perked up when Katsuki approached. You lazily grinned at him. “No need. I would do it again, no doubt.” Tetsu nodded in agreement, crossing his arms over his chest before he yawned. “‘m goin’ to bed. Night kids.” He said, standing up and yawning, shuffling towards the oddly placed door in the living room that connected your apartment to his. When Tetsu was gone, Eijiro soon came back into the room and frowned when he noticed that Tetsu had disappeared, but figured that it was pretty late, so he headed towards where you were sitting, squatting down in front of you so he could start attending to your hands, setting the first aid down so he could access it easily.
“So… how did it go?” Eijiro asked as he began to clean your hands of dried blood, apologizing when you flinched at the faint sting of the opened wounds coming in contact with the disinfectant. Katsuki had gone back into the kitchen to continue doing what he’d been doing, but you didn’t doubt that he’d be able to hear you as you answered Eijiro’s question.
“Pretty okay. Thankfully, Tetsu was here, who knew he secretly had the mind of a criminal…” You lean in to whisper, knowing how strong the silver-haired man’s hearing was, you were half-expecting him to burst through the door right then and there and say something but you were glad he didn’t, he must have been pretty sleepy. Eijiro chuckled at your comment and waited for you to continue, which you did, deciding to leave out the gritty details of everything, instead opting for telling the basics.
“I beat that bitch’s ass in front of Touka, then, I told Touka that I was gonna send him some forms tomorrow to get Kat liberated from him, but….” You slowly turn to look at Katsuki who’d been staring at you from far away and seemed to have been listening to what you were saying, which you expected. “It’s up to you on where you wanna go, Katsuki, I’m not gonna force you to be aodpted by me or anything. I know that would probably be weird for-“ “Whatever. Let’s just do it.” He answered, not even needing much time to think about what would come next. He trusted Eijiro and he trusted you, he didn’t know Tetsutetsu but he had a feeling that they would get along, especially after what he’d done for him despite them being strangers just merely hours before.
You were pretty stunned by how quickly he’d accepted your offer, Eijiro wasn’t. After he bandaged up your hands, making sure to be extra gentle with you, he stood up and kissed your forehead, going to put the first aid kit back where he’d found it. You stood up afterward and went into the kitchen where Katsuki was. “Are you sure you don’t want to look for someone else to adopt you, Kat? I don’t want you to feel like you have no other choice besides me-“ “You sayin’ you don’t want me or somethin’?” He asked, his tone attempting to hide the slight hint of hurt that was mingled in with his usual gruffness. Immediately, you shook your head around so hard that Katsuki was surprised it hadn’t flown right off. “Hell NO! Of course I want to adopt you, Katsuki! You offend me. I just want you to have options. It’s bad enough that the society and the government don’t recognize hybrids as independent, I just wanna make sure you’re comfortable and safe.” He stopped stirring the curry he was making, setting the wooden spoon down so he could completely turn to look at you. “I know what I want, and I trust you and shitty hair so I don’t have’ta think too hard about the next step. I just can’t go back there. I don’t ever wanna see him or her again, and I damn sure don’t wanna end up in some shelter or in the hands of a stranger. But I don’t wanna be a burden on you so I’m gettin’ a job as soon as the papers are officiated.” He states, placing his hands flat down on the counter to lean against it, resting his weight there, a look of determination in his eyes that slowly brought a smile to your face.
“Alright, Kat. I’ll support you no matter what, y’know that right?” He mumbled in response, nodding his head as he picked the spoon up again to go back to stirring.
“Sounds like everything’s been sorted out,” Eijiro said as he entered the kitchen, moving to throw an arm around your shoulders as you stood by the doorway. You promptly nodded, leaning your head against his side, and then a few questions came to mind as you turned to look at the time on the stove, your confusion only growing stronger.
“Wait… why the fuck are you cooking curry at two in the morning???”
“Why else? Shitty hair’s hungry. I am too.”
“… can I have some too?”
You visibly deflated at Katsuki’s words and then he snorted, rolling his eyes at your childish pout. “Of course, you can have some, idiot. ‘s not like I paid for any of these ingredients anyways. ‘least I can do after you’ve done all of that shit for me.”
You immediately perked up and wandered over to him with your arms open, pausing for a moment when you realized that you were about to invade his boundaries.
Katsuki, on the other hand, was expecting (maybe even looking forward to) you to come and hug him like you often did when he did something nice for you, but the hug didn’t come and he looked at you, noticing you had moved towards him but you had started awkwardly rubbing your arms while looking down. He stared at you and then at the big redhead, furrowing his brows at the taller man. Eijiro grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend to silently egg him on.
With a groan and a slam of the spoon he’d been holding (for the second time), he moved towards you and opened his arms, looking away from you. Immediately, you looked up and observed the state he was in and a smile broke across your face from ear to ear as you surged forward, wrapping your arms around his (ridiculously slim) waist, burying your face into his pecs. He grumbled something but held onto you just as tightly as you held onto him.
Eijiro watched from the side, a satisfied smile present on his face as he watched the two of you hug, noticing the slight pink that appeared on the tips of Katsuki’s ears. Cute.
And of course, he couldn’t resist, making his way towards the two of you with that giant pointy smile of his. As soon as Katsuki had sensed that Eijiro was coming toward you, he almost immediately seized up, dropping his arms to start pulling away from you, his fluffy ears pinning to the back of his head. But oh no, you weren’t letting go of him anytime soon, you already knew where this was going.
“You better fucking not. I will blow this entire kitchen up, I swear to fucking Santa— AH! SHITTY HAIR PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!”
With you clinging on for dear life to the blond, forcing him to stay in one place, you weren’t surprised when another set of arms had wrapped around the both of you and lifted you from the kitchen floor with ease. Eijiro had joined the hug to squeeze the two of you in a tight hug, looking as happy as a clam, even with the arctic fox growling, squirming, and spewing out profanities while trying to break free.
What a sight.
author’s note: oh dear, my bad, it’s been a very long since i’ve updated this story, blame it on the writer’s block 😔 i love this story but writing can be such a TASK, that’s my bAd. anyways, hopefully i will update this again before the year ends (no promises) hope you enjoyed this chapter! the ass beating was well-deserved
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pansexualkiba · 4 months
Concept: one in twenty people have an "ultimate defense" transformative Quirk.
Kirishima Eijirou! Class 1-A! He can harden his body! The ultimate defense!
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! Class 1-B! He can turn his body to metal! The ultimate defense!
Mariska Vladinovskya! Class 1-C! Transfer student from Russia! She can turn her body into crystal! The ultimate defense!
Morinokuni Iwanosuke! Class 1-D! He can turn his body into carbon! The ultimate defense!
Kanigashira Muu! Class 1-E! He can grow a hard carapace! The ultimate defense!
Rokunanaya Kyu! Class 1-F! He can project a large force field around himself! The ultimate defense!
Enoshima Shiichi! Class 1-G! He can turn his body into goo! The ultimate defense!
Ryuigaki Denko! Class 1-H! She can grow tough scales! The ultimate defense!
Ameyuri Momiji! Class 1-J! He can turn his body into graphite! The ultimate defense!
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izzuku · 2 years
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summary: characters as things people have done or said to me that really made my heart flutter
c/w: some of them are suggestive, some are just fluff so if anyone is uncomfortable with the suggestive part please do not read <3, mentions of alcohol also, gender neutral (just "you" and "he/him" pronouns for the boys) (kaeya is in every part wtf)
characters: some fandoms (i really thought about it but I cannot get them out of my head so yeah) nijisanji EN (luxiem), genshin men and mha boys(?
a/n: I was bored and I remembered this one post of someone making this and I thought about making it since I have a lot of stories about crushes and tension between me and other people, so enjoy! (Keep in mind,all of those did not happen only with men. I have been the love victim of women, men and non-binary people) ♡ THIS IS JUST MY OPINION PLEASE DON'T GET MAD
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☼ Meeting someone close to your friend. You try to introduce yourself with a handshake but he takes your hand in his and kisses the back of it while staring directly into your eyes.
Vox Akuma, Ayato, Kaeya, Albedo, Kazuha, Diluc, Dainsleif Zhongli, Denki, Hawks, Sero, Shoto T.
☼He sits next to you in a premise, barely hearing anything because of the music. You know he's drunk but you ask him if he's okay. He responds with: “Do you want the truth or a lie? The truth is that I want to kiss you right now, the lie is that I'm sober.”
Luca Kaneshiro, Shxtou, Kaeya, Venti, Itto, Denki, Izuku, Eijiro, Sero, Hawks, Tetsutetsu
☼You're drunk, same goes for the one who is on top of you, his chest against your back. You start laughing and the moment you turn to look at him, you stare at each other, wanting to kiss in the middle of the friend group.
Vox Akuma, Shxtou, Mysta Rias, Kazuha, Venti, Tartaglia, Aether, Itto, Izuku, Eijiro, Sero, Hawks
☼ You're just rambling about something with your friends. You notice his gaze stuck on you but before you can speak, he just says out loud: “Your nose is so pretty, I love it.”
Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Aether, Albedo, Kazuha, Kaeya, Izuku, Shoto T, Mirio, Eijiro, Ojiro, Tokoyami (is actually Dark Shadow who voices his thoughts)
☼Playing spin the bottle, it ends with you and him. You're not uncomfortable kissing anyone but when you crawl a bit, settling so you can kiss him correctly, instead of getting closer, his hand wraps around your nape, pulling you to him so he can have that sweet kiss.
Vox Akuma (this man, ugh..), Mysta Rias, Kaeya, Diluc, Tartaglia, Xiao, Katsuki, Dabi, Shigaraki, Hawks, Denki, Monoma
☼Just strolling down the street, concentrated in not stepping on the lines, you feel an arm around your shoulder, his body really close to yours, and out of nowhere he goes: “Look how cute you are.”
Ike Eveland, Vox Akuma, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Kaeya, Thoma, Ayato, Kazuha, Mirio, Dabi, Denki (supportive bf really), Eijiro
☼You just have met him a couple hours ago. A nice friend of your friend. Hours pass and you get closer to him, dancing with him in the attic while everyone else is enjoying the party. In the end, you're so interested in each other that he lends you his clothes so you sleep comfortably as his arms wrap around your waist and his body spoons you.
Vox Akuma (maybe), Diluc, Itto, Tartaglia, Thoma, Dabi, (I can't think of any more mha characters)
☼After a long night, you wake up really sleepy along with your friends. You see him and slowly you crawl towards him, just asking for permission before he lets you lay on his chest, his hand caressing your head as you drift again in a peaceful slumber.
Vox Akuma (im so sorry, I just adore him), Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Kazuha, Itto, Xiao, Thoma, Izuku, Eijiro, Hawks, Sero, Katsuki, Mirio
☼The music is loud, the cheers of your friends while dancing on the dancefloor hype you up, the songs playing have that beat that makes your hips move and roll, and when you least expect it, you feel his two hands grabbing your hips, his trousers just hitting your ass as you move your body to the beat, letting him hold you.
Vox Akuma (you cannot tell me otherwise), Mysta Rias, Tartaglia, Kaeya, Hawks, Dabi, Katsuki, Sero, Shindo
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griffinguy24 · 2 years
Original Characters in “One for All and Eight for the Ninth”
Because my newest chapter of 849 introduces a lot of OCs, I’ve decided to include a reference point for them.  Spoilers for up to chapter 57.
UA Students 
Akira Fuki (吹 担) Meaning: The kanji used for Akira can mean to carry or to shoulder a burden.  The kanji used for Fuki can mean to blow or breathe, but in verb form can be used to mean boasting or bragging. Quirk: Pep Talk - Akira can use his Quirk when he gives a person a compliment, letting him increase their physical prowess for a period of time.  He has to channel his will into using his Quirk when complimenting someone, and the more effort Akira puts in, the more of a buff his target receives.  At his peak, Akira can double someone’s physical prowess for up to twelve hours.  The compliments have to be sincere, but they can be anything Akira feels is appropriate.  Akira can’t affect himself with his own Quirk.  During the Forest Training Camp, Akira learned that he can use Pep Talk to heal a person’s fatigue and injuries.
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Akira is an energetic and overly friendly boy from U.A.’s General Education course, class 1-C.  He loves to work out, developing his muscles to compensate for being unaffected by his Quirk.  He’s aggressively positive towards others and tries to help them as best as he can.  He is as obsessed with the concept of manliness as Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are, and was also inspired by Crimson Riot.  Akira was also inspired by his maternal grandfather, Gentaro Kisaragi, who was known as the Rocket Hero, Cosmic.  (Gentaro Kisaragi is the name of Kamen Rider Fourze, who is a big inspiration for Akira’s personality.)
Akira was one of the numerous Hero Course hopefuls present at Battle Center B during the Entrance Exam, alongside Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Aoyama, and Shouji.  In canon, he was never seen again, likely attending another Hero school or being forced to try a different career path. 
In 849, Izuku gaining Full Cowl early meant he saved Akira from a robot attack in the Entrance Exam.  Inspired by Izuku’s actions, Akira saved several other examinees, earning numerous Rescue Points, but his end score of 39 points was surpassed by other students.  Still, emboldened by getting so close, Akira decided to attend U.A.’s Gen Ed class, with the goal of transferring into the Hero Course via the Sports Festival.  There, he befriended Hitoshi Shinsou, who shared his ambition.  Despite Shinsou’s prickly demeanor, he didn’t give up trying to befriend the boy, and convinced Shinsou to train up his body to prepare for the Festival.
Akira cleared the Obstacle Course, then he and Shinsou teamed up for the Cavalry Battle and managed to get into the tournament.  Akira won his first round with Mei, agreeing to help showcase her babies if she would put up a fight and thus show he was Hero Course material.  He lost in the quarter-finals to Izuku, but he gave Shinsou enough of a boost via Pep Talk that Shinsou was able to defeat Iida in the quarter-finals.  Shinsou ended up in third place, and their shared performance in the Sports Festival was enough to transfer them into the Hero Course’s two extra spaces.
Akira is a tall, muscular boy.  His most notable feature is his hair, which is red, white striped, and shaped into a pompadour that resembles a missile.  His Hero costume resembles the traditional outfit of an ouendan, a Japanese male cheerleader.
(It wasn’t until someone mentioned it on Discord that I realized that I’d accidentally made Akira into a second-generation Present Mic to match Shinsou’s second-generation Eraserhead.)
Takashi Nouenbou (脳円坊 酵志) Meaning: The kanji used to spell Takashi mean “fermentation” and “intention”.  The kanji used to spell Nouenbou mean “brain”, “circle/yen”, and “boy/priest”. Quirk: Rot Eater - When Takashi eats foods that have been fermented, he can increase his mental acuity, his speed, and his stamina.  He uses this Quirk to work extremely quickly and efficiently, and for longer periods of time.  The boost he gets from his Quirk is dependent on how foul an odor the food produces.  Foods that are fermented but not particularly smelly, like yogurt, don’t provide much improvement and only last about an hour.  Foods that are extremely smelly, like hakarl or surstromming, significantly empower him for up to twelve hours, depending on how much he consumes.  While empowered by truly awful-tasting foods, Takashi can sleep for one hour and receive the benefits of a full night’s sleep.  Unfortunately, Takashi is naturally a supertaster, and he thus finds all of his trigger foods, even the innocuous ones, to be disgusting. 
A first-year student in U.A.’s Business Course, class 1-J, Takashi has been a huge Hero nerd his entire life.  His Quirk grants him great physical prowess along with his mental improvements, and many people throughout his life have told him he could be a great Hero with his Quirk.  However, Takashi has always been timid and scared of fighting people or running into dangerous situations.  Not to mention that he has long disliked using his Quirk.
Takashi’s interest in Heroes led him to learn about them and discuss them online, taking the screen name Domesticated_Hyena on the HeroNet forums.  He was enraptured by analysis of Heroes, their Quirks, and how they were perceived by the media and fans.  From a young age, he decided to be a manager for Heroes, to take care of the logistics so that Heroes could focus on their own jobs. 
When Izuku was being slandered online by MLA sympathizers, Takashi realized the problem immediately and worked on a solution.  After being approved by Nezu, Takashi approached Izuku, informing him of the rumors and volunteering to help him in public relations.  While speaking, he learned that he and Izuku had been online friends for years prior to attending U.A. 
Using Overhaul, Izuku adjusted Takashi’s taste buds so that the foods that triggered his Quirk taste good to him.  Afterwards, Takashi has become incredibly loyal to Izuku, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that his “savior” becomes the most successful Hero there ever was.  This worries Izuku. 
Takashi is a tall, lanky U.A. student with yellow-green hair the color of pickle juice, naturally formed into a mohawk resembling a hyena’s mane.  He typically only wears his school uniform, but always carries around a toothbrush and aerosol spray to ensure the foul smells of his Quirk’s trigger foods don’t offend others. 
Mexican Pro Heroes 
Popocatepetl (El Popo, the Volcanic Hero) Meaning: His name means “smoking mountain” in Nahuatl, and it’s the name of the largest active volcano in Mexico. Quirk: Igneous - Allows him to control lava and magma in all of its forms.  He can instantly form volcanoes and geysers and erupt them instantly, as well as stop them from erupting.  He can perfectly manipulate igneous rocks as well, and can change them back into lava and vice versa.  Furthermore, he can control the temperature of the lava he controls, making it hotter than normal or even cold. 
Mexico’s number one Hero, he’s been active for about three decades.  His real name is kept secret.  Not much is known about him, but he is a member of the Huichol tribe, which is evident by his advocacy for the religious use of peyote (which he enthusiastically consumes).  His serene and playful nature belies a barely hidden sadism that is typically reserved for villains and those he trains.  He’s currently looking to retire soon and has taken a teaching job at Santo Kaliman Academy to transition from an active Hero career.  The current first year class is his first batch of trainees, and they will be among the best Mexico will ever see.  If they survive. 
El Popo wears a layer of obsidian around him like a second skin, making him look like a pure black humanoid creature, his eyes and the interior of his mouth the only things revealed by the volcanic glass.  Beyond that, El Popo’s costume is rather minimalist, wearing sandals, white pants, a serape, and a turban.  The turban is an homage to Santo Kaliman’s founder.  He typically keeps a bow and arrow on his person, using it to shoot obsidian arrows that he then reverts to lava. 
El Popo is heavily based on Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball, specifically the version from Team Four Star’s Dragon Ball Z Abridged
La Curaracha Colorada (the Red Roach) Meaning: “The Red Cockroach” in Spanish Quirk: Unknown
A beloved Hero in Mexico who’s been teaching at Santo Kaliman for decades.  He has a stellar reputation that lasts until you meet the man and realize he’s a hot mess.  Despite being clumsy and awkward, he’s surprisingly effective as both a Hero and a teacher.
La Cucaracha Colorada appears as a middle-aged Mexican man wearing a red jumpsuit and yellow shorts and sneakers.  He has a cape resembling roach wings and a hood with two antennae coming out from the top of it.  He typically carries a large hammer that looks a lot like a toy.
La Cucaracha Colorada is based on El Chapulín Colorado, a comedic Mexican superhero.  
Itztli Ishitarou Hyouhen Hero Name: Tepeyollotl (the Jaguar Hero) Meaning: Itztli is Nahuatl for obsidian.  Ishitarou contains the kanji for stone. Hyouhen is Japanese for “sudden change” and contains the kanji for “leopard” and “strange”.  Tepeyollotl means “mountain heart” in Nahuatl, and is the name for the Aztec jaguar god of earthquakes and caves (the animal-double of the night god Tezcatlipoca) Quirk: Onca - Lets him do whatever a jaguar can.  He has increased strength, speed, and durability, alongside improved reflexes and senses, sharp claws, and a powerful bite.  He is stronger than a typical jaguar in all aspects, but jaguars don’t train their abilities (as far as wildlife biologists can tell).
The son of a Japanese anthropologist and a Nahua heroine, Itztli was a Hero student when he was captured by Quirk traffickers.  He was rescued by Nikte Chak Balam, and together the two of them began to hunt down the group that kidnapped him.  Along the way, they encountered two young men near the border with the U.S. and the difficulties in communicating between the four of them nearly brought them all to blows before they realized all four of them were fluent in Japanese.  Teaming up with the two men, David Shield and Toshinori Yagi, they managed to find and eliminate the cartel.  He and Nikte would graduate, form the Jaguar God Hero agency, marry, and have a son together.
Itztli ranks twenty–fourth on Mexico’s Hero chart.  He resembles an anthropomorphic black jaguar.  His Hero costume is a simple dark-blue bulletproof suit that prioritizes mobility along with a pair of goggles.  In public, he wears glasses as he’s farsighted. 
Nikte Nijiko Chak Balam  Hero Name: Ix Chel (the Rainbow Hero) Meaning: Nikte means flower in Mayan.  Nijiko means “rainbow child”. Chak Balam means “red jaguar”.  Ix Chel means “lady rainbow” and is the name of the Mayan creator goddess.  Quirk: Elemental Rainbow - Fires beams of one of seven colors, corresponding to one of seven elements (Red for fire, Orange for electricity, Yellow for earth, Green for wood, Blue for wind, Indigo for water, Violet for shadow). 
The daughter of a Yucatec Maya ethnobotanist and a Japanese anthropologist.  Nikte was still a student when she was tracking down a cartel of human traffickers that had been hunting people from indigenous tribes, including her own.  She freed a fellow Hero student and joined him in eradicating the cartel.  They were ready to give up their chase and go their separate ways until they ran into David Shield and Toshinori Yagi. 
Mexico’s current number twelve hero.  She has dark brown skin, long black hair that she typically keeps tied in a bun, and oversized hands that resemble jaguar paws.  Her Hero costume resembles a mantle and dress of a Classic Maya noblewoman.  Her hair is tied up with snake-themed headbands.  She has bracelets containing prisms that help channel and overcharge her beams.
Santo Kaliman Students 
Tigre Hyouhen (Tigre Diego Ocelopilli Kin’ich Pakal Hyouhen y Chak Balam) Hero Name: White Jaguar (the Phantom Beast Hero)  Meaning: Tigre is Spanish for tiger, which is also used for jaguars.  Ocelopilli means “jaguar warrior” in Nahuatl.  Kin’ich Pakal means “sun-faced shield” in Mayan.  Hyouhen means “sudden change” and includes the kanji for “leopard” and “strange”.  Chak Balam means “red jaguar” in Mayan Quirk: Mythical Jaguar - Tigre can generate an aura with his body in one of seven colors that embody one of seven elements.  These grant him offensive, defensive, and mobility powers that enhance the physical prowess of his heteromorphic jaguar features.  Use of his auras is extremely tiring, and the range is very short.  (Emitter)
Red is fire, granting him a flame attack, resistance to heat, and a rocket-like propulsion to his jumps.
Super Move: Tenochtitlan Smash 
The primary city of Central Mexico's Triple Alliance (the actual name for the Aztec Empire), Tenochtitlan was essentially razed and remade into Mexico City. The fire smash took this name because the city was set on fire during the Spanish conquest. Additionally, the Mexica who built the city venerated the sun/war god Huitzilopochtli above all others, and he wielded a serpent made of fire as a spear-thrower.
Orange is electricity, which lets his blows shock people, absorbs electricity, and enhances his reflexes.
Super Move: Teotihuacan Smash 
A central Mexican city-state that was at the zenith of its power from 1-500 CE and was abandoned long before the Mexica who founded Tenochtitlan ever settled in Mexico (the name is Nahuatl for "City of the Gods"). The most common visual motif of Teotihuacan is a blue, fanged, goggle-eyed figure that would eventually become Tlaloc, the Aztec god of rain and thunder, so the lightning smash was named for it.
Yellow is earth, which allows him to create miniature earthquakes with his steps or blows, increases his physical defense, and lets him swim through the ground as if it were water. 
Super Move: Palenque Smash 
Palenque was a Maya city-state in Chiapas, Mexico, near where a sizeable population of the modern Lacandon Maya currently live. It's noteworthy because the site's iconic Temple of Inscriptions is the few Mesoamerican pyramids that served as a ruler's tomb the way the Egyptian pyramids were (most others are temples and the pyramids are artificial mountains). The ruler that commissioned that tomb was Pakal the Great. Pakal means shield, and shielding is the primary function of Tigre's earth powers.
Green is wood, or life, which drains the stamina of anyone he swipes with his claws, provides camouflage among plant life, and regenerates health for himself or anyone he touches. 
Super Move: Tikal Smash
Tikal was a Guatemalan lowland Maya city, one of the best understood Maya sites, a powerful ruling city during the Classic period, and the onetime ally (or vassal) of Teotihuacan. It was situated on very fertile soil and when it was rediscovered, it was in the middle of a dense jungle. Hence, its use for the wood smash.
Blue is wind, which unleashes gale force winds with his attacks, diverts ranged attacks, and allows him to jump higher and fly for limited periods. 
Super Move: Chichen Itza Smash
Chichen Itza was a Maya city in the Yucatan, although it was conquered and ruled by the Toltec civilization for a long time, so its influence is mixed. It was believed to have been founded and/or conquered by the king Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, who was probably an actual historical figure but who was conflated with the pan-Mesoamerican feathered serpent god known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs, Kukulcan to the Yucatec Maya, and Ququmatz to the Kiche Maya who was a god of many things to each culture but was always a god of the wind and sky. The most well known piece of architecture in Chichen Itza is the pyramid known as El Castillo, or the Temple of Kukulcan. That connection to the wind god is what made it the name of the wind smash.
Indigo is water, allowing him to push back people with bursts of water, soaks him to dilute chemicals, and lets him swim underwater more easily and hold his breath for longer.
Super Move: Texcoco Smash
Texcoco was one of the cities in the central Mexican Triple Alliance, second only to Tenochtitlan in power, prestige, and size at the time of the Spanish Conquest (the third city, Tlacopan, kind of gets the shaft in terms of recognition), and continues to be a city in modern Mexico. It's also the name of the now-drained Lake Texcoco that the Triple Alliance relied upon and that Tenochtitlan was built in the middle of. Tenochtitlan's aqueducts and sluice systems were designed by Texcoco's most famous ruler, Nezhualcoyotl, who helped found the Triple Alliance. Its association with the lake is why it's used for the water smash.
Violet is darkness, which lets his claws pierce through armor, hides him in shadows, and masks his presence from peoples’ senses. 
Super Move: Copan Smash
Copan was a Maya city in Honduras. This city and its range of influence is considered the periphery of the Maya civilizations and, indeed, Mesoamerican cultures as a whole (there are other cultures further south in Central America, but they're not the same city-building, similarly influenced cultures that constitute Mesoamerica). I was struggling to match a city to the shadow element, but Copan's placement along the edge of Mesoamerican civilizations and the fact that its hieroglyphic symbol is a bat is why I chose it.
The son of Tepeyollotl and Ix Chel, Tigre is extremely proud of his indigenous Mexican heritage.  His family have been friends with All Might and the Shields for years and he’s often talked to Melissa over the years.  Because All Might helped his parents meet, Tigre has named his Super Moves as Smashes in his honor, each named after Mesoamerican city-states.
He loves to test his strength against other Heroes, and is happy with either a loss or a win as long as his opponents are friendly and give it their all.  He speaks five languages, Nahuatl, Mayan, Spanish, English, and Japanese, of which Japanese is his weakest.  
Tigre was first alluded to when Izuku first met Melissa and David Shield over a holographic-phone call.  He then showed up during the I-Expo, encountering Melissa and Izuku.  He asked Izuku for a public spar, and Izuku accepted.  Tigre squeaked out a narrow win against Izuku.  He spent more time with Melissa afterwards, and Pony Tsunotori asked to join in, being clearly interested in the Mexican heteromorph.
After fighting against Izuku at I-Island, he’s found a new application of his Quirk, and with it a new appreciation for his Japanese heritage.  He’s also been calling Pony Tsunotori with increasing frequency after meeting her there…
Tigre resembles an anthropomorphic jaguar with white fur and prismatic spots.  When his Quirk is activated, his spots change to the color of his aura.  His Hero costume is a jade-and-gold colored recreation of an Aztec warrior’s garb.
(I had a scrapped idea for a fic that involved Tigre’s parents moving to Japan after a villain group they’d fought against attacks Tigre’s school in retaliation.  Tigre would transfer to Aldera Middle School in Izuku’s second year, be disliked as a foreigner despite his powerful Quirk, find Bakugou intolerable, and befriend Izuku.  Plans included him being in 1-B, trying and failing to get Monoma to calm down, bonding with Pony over being international students and struggling with Japanese, and friction with Shiozaki because Tigre has issues with Catholicism’s history of cultural erasure) 
Maria Zapata  Hero Name: Tarantella  Meaning: Zapata is derived from the Spanish word for shoe.  Tarantella is an Italian style of folk dance, whose name has the same etymology as tarantula.   Quirk: Multi-Legs - Maria has six legs, and despite seeming cumbersome, she moves swiftly and gracefully using them.  Her legs have immense strength to them and unaided, she can kick with unbelievable force.  Additionally, her feet can transform to adapt to her needs, giving her the ability to walk up walls, run across water, climb mountains, and produce sharp claws or bony, hoof-like covers that she can use to bludgeon people. (Mutant)
Maria is an energetic girl who enjoys gossip and matchmaking.  She loves the idea of romance and loves to experience the joys others have in their relationships.  However, she’s utterly spooked by the idea of actually getting together with someone.  
Maria has pale skin and auburn hair, typically done up in a bun.  She’s tall, has a dancer’s build and her legs are muscular and long.  Her Hero costume is a red and orange leotard with a golden skirt.  She goes barefoot.  
Donald Moreno  Hero Name: Don of the Dead Meaning: Moreno means dark colored.  His given name, and thus his Hero name, references the movie Dawn of the Dead. Quirk: Necrodancer - When Don plays music (typically a vihuela guitar in his case), he summons skeletons from the ground and makes them act to his wishes.  These skeletons are not actual human remains, more like constructs.  These skeletons will be dressed appropriately to what task he needs doing.  As long as he’s playing music, the skeletons will appear and follow his commands.  If he stops, the skeletons will disintegrate a minute after he stops and will follow his last command while playing until they do.  He can summon as many as six at a time, up from three at the beginning of the year.  (Emitter)
Donald is an easygoing young man with a passion for music.  He’s a bit flirtatious, but fiercely loyal and chivalrous.  He can be overprotective of women, but has learned (with a lot of pain) not to underestimate them in combat.
Donald’s face resembles a disembodied skull, without hair or skin.  He has eyes (along with eyelids) and a tongue, but no other visible tissue on his head.  The rest of his body is a normal, dark-skinned teenage boy of average height.  Donald’s Hero costume is a traditional mariachi outfit, an embroidered suit and a sombrero, made with bulletproof materials and modified for mobility.  
Hugo Cabezon  Hero Name: Pensadorado  Meaning: Hugo means “mind”.  Cabezon is derived from cabeza, which means “head”.  Pensadorado is a portmanteau of pensador (“thinker”) and dorado (“golden”) Quirk: Mental Network - Hugo can link his mind with up to forty-eight willing individuals, allowing them to communicate with each other.  He can read the participants’ surface thoughts, communicate with them telepathically, and share skills they have, such as a language or training in a weapon.  He can share those skills with anyone within the network, at the expertise level of the source.  Sharing a physical skill does not mean the target is practiced with the physical actions the skill requires.  The skill remains in his or the target's brain, but without dedicated practice, will fade over two days at most.  He can maintain a network with up to thirty-two people for about a month before he gets severe migraines.  More people shortens the time before the migraines start.  He can link to an unwilling target, but that requires his undivided attention and is traumatic for both him and the target.  (Emitter)
Hugo is intelligent and incredibly coordinated, able to manage mental networks between others and maintain the mental discipline required to back off from invading peoples’ privacy.  Beyond his Quirk, he’s well-suited to administering and delegating tasks and managing tactics.  However, his more cerebral nature means he can be a bit scatterbrained when dealing with people outside his own mind. 
Hugo is a short teenage boy with gold-colored skin with a metallic sheen and circuitry-like markings along his body, making him resemble a robot.  He’s completely hairless and his eyes are a lightly-glowing blue.  He wears what appears to be a suit of silver armor and his head is encased in a clear plasteel helmet.
Cesar Tiburcio  Hero Name: Rey del Tiburon Meaning: Cesar is derived from Caesar.  Tiburcio is a surname derived from the Tiber river that sounds similar to tiburon, the Spanish word for shark (the etymologies are unrelated).  Rey del Tiburon means “King of Sharks”. Quirk: Sharkskin - Cesar’s skin is covered in incredibly tough and sharp denticles, a toothlike bone structure that damages those who come into contact with it.  Cesar’s skin is tough enough to repel most conventional attacks and sharp enough to seriously hurt anyone he fights.  (Mutant)
Cesar is a tough guy because he has to be.  He was initially an affectionate and touchy boy, but as his Quirk developed he hurt people he tried to embrace.  Looked down on by his peers for his Quirk being one that hurts people, Cesar chose to own it by acting rude and belligerent, as well as interposing himself between bullies and their victims.  As a Hero, he takes the persona of a rudo, acting as a rough, violent person.  Despite this, he makes sure to act kind to children and animals.
Cesar is a tall, fit young man with gray skin and shark teeth.  His costume consists of a steel blue singlet, boots, a cape, and a shark-themed lucha libre mask.  He exposes a lot of skin, which is necessary for his Quirk. 
Lupita Villalobos  Hero Name: Cadeja  Meaning: Lupita means “little wolf”.  Villalobos means “village of wolves”.  Cadeja is the feminine form of cadejo, a doglike beast in Mexican and Central American folklore that can be either good or evil, depending on the coloration. Quirk: Heaven or Hell Hound - Lupita can change into an enormous canine form.  If she’s calm, the form is white with blue eyes.  If she’s angry, the form is black with red eyes.  The black form is stronger and berserk, while the white form is swifter and in control of herself.  (Transformation)
Lupita is a kind, timid girl with a seething amount of rage beneath the surface.  She had trouble transforming because she would repress her anger and thus unleash it via her Quirk, transforming into the evil cadejo.  She has been learning to express her anger healthily, thus making it more likely that she can access the good cadejo.  
Lupita is a short, curvy girl with tan skin and doglike ears.  She has heterochromia; her left eye is red while her right eye is blue.  Her hair is black with a white stripe down the middle, like a skunk.  Her hero costume is a black and white jumpsuit woven from her own fur. 
Estela de Soto Hero Name: Duende Meaning: Estela means star in Spanish.  Soto is derived from the Spanish word saltar, meaning to jump.  Duende is a type of trickster creature in Spanish/Latin American folklore, akin to a goblin. Quirk: Jaunt - Estela can teleport anywhere in a forty-two meter radius.  Being able to see her destination isn’t necessary, but it makes it easier to ensure she’s on solid ground when she “jumps”.  She can transport approximately 840 kg of matter along with her, as long as she is the point of contact.  Her weight limit includes her own mass and that of her clothing.  Her teleportation has a fourteen second cooldown between “jumps”.  (Emitter)
Estela is a playful girl who frequently pranks and teases her compatriots.  She particularly loves to sneak up on people or insert herself into situations where she isn’t expected.  She revels in the chaos she brings, and she hopes to bring that same energy against villains.  
Estela is a tall, thin girl with elfin ears and long black hair that has flecks of bright white lights scattered throughout, resembling a starlit night sky.  Her costume is a suit of black armor with quick-release buttons so she can drop the weight if necessary.  She has a camera drone and a visor with a heads-up display so that she can properly survey the field and see where she needs to jump. 
Xochitl Ortega Hero Name: Poinsettia  Meaning: Xochitl is the Nahuatl word for flower.  Ortega comes from the name of a Spanish city, which means “stinging nettle”.  Poinsettia is a species of flowering plant.  Quirk: Botanical Synthesis - Xochitl can produce any chemical naturally produced by plants.  She typically creates poisons, drugs, or medicinal compounds, but can produce anything, such as turning her blood into sap to stop bleeding or capsaicin to subdue people.  (Emitter)
Xochitl is a brilliant young woman, driven to be the best she can be academically and to match that expertise as a Hero.  Physically, she can’t quite match some of her peers, but has managed to find creative solutions involving her Quirk.  Outside of scholastic achievements, she’s extraordinarily mellow.  She likes to relax by gardening.
Xochitl is a girl of average height with green skin, yellow eyes, and red poinsettia petals for hair.  Her costume is a suit that appears to be made entirely of leaves a shade darker than her skin.  She carries a blowgun to launch the chemicals she creates.  She carries notes on chemical structures in a flexible tome that’s folded accordion-style and kept within her costume’s stomach, serving as an additional bit of defense.
Xavier Institute
(These characters will not be featured as much, so their descriptions will not be as extensive.)
Alistair Avery (Principatus) Avery is a reference to Warren Worthington III from the X-Men.  He has a pair of metal wings, and the full extent of his Quirk is currently unclear.  His Hero name, Principatus, is the Latin term for Principalities, the choir of angels ranked just above archangels.  He’s rich, he’s strong, and he’s got a chip on his shoulder.  
Professor Hector  Professor Hector is the primary teacher for the Xavier Institute.  He has a psychic Quirk, and has displayed telekinesis so far.  He has an oversized head on top of a small, infirm body, and relies on a hovering wheelchair for mobility.  He has blue skin and white hair.  He is based on Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men, though his physical appearance is a mix of Green Lantern villain Hector Hammond and Green Lantern mentor-race (and oftentimes villain) the Guardians of the Universe.
Florida Man  He’s not the Hero we need, but he’s very much the Hero we deserve.
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heronoegg · 1 year
If you don't mind, can we please get some bakusquad hcs from your au? 🥺👉👈
Bakugo is albino, if she wasn't she would have brown hair like her dad.
She has special headphones she's supposed to wear when using her Quirk at all times. (She at first didn't bc Bakugo is stubborn) She insist her ears were fine until she tried to show off one day by making a big explosion and blew out her ear drums for a entire day. Don't worry recovery girl fixed it that was her last warning and it scared her so bad.
Bakugo has hearing aid's we live for this hc she does not know sign language because her hearing problems didn't start to get worse/ to the point of needing the hearing aids until she got into UA where she's using her quirk on overdrive all the time.
She loves her dad, that's her best friend. Bakugo is a daddies girl all the way.
They have daddy daughter days and he loves to buy her outfits they are best friends they go shopping together
Bakugo's dad calls her "Katsuki kitten"
Bakugo's uncle on her dad's side was the one that got her interested in mountain climbing, he would take her up when she got big enough but before that he used to bring her back cool trinkets from where ever he'd go in the world.
Bakugo has a complex relationship with her mom, it's a lack of understanding on her mom's part and the fact they are literally same personality different person doesn't help. It's hard for Mitsuki to understand Bakugo but she is still a trying parent.
If Bakugo was a parent she wouldn't be hard on her own kid as her mother was on her.
Bakugo has a young chaotic cousin who she thinks is annoying as heck that Deku never knew about because she never mentioned him and he never seen him. He wants to beat Bakugo and be better and he's just loud and annoying even to Mitsuki.
Bakugo's parents work at a modeling place that is why they are rich.
Bakugo calls Deku's mom aunty Inko but Deku does not call Mitsuki aunty lol
Bakugo developed a crush on Todoroki and only released it when they were side kicking with Endeavor.
Somestimes Bakugo and Todoroki do this thing when Todoroki jokingly leans in like "Well, i guess we gotta kiss" and then stops. At first Bakugo thought he was a freak for doing that but it became a normal thing they would do all the time and sometimes she would lean in as well when they became closer and they both just not actually kiss until one day they did.
Bakugo doesn't like being a third wheel which she usually is to a lot of people.
Bakugo and Sato cook together a lot.
Bakugo calls Sato by his name because she can't come up with something that doesn't sound like a romantic nickname for him besides Sugar jock.
Bakugo gives people nicknames cause she has a hard time remember names.
There is some of Deku's clothes at Bakugo's house incase he comes over for a sleep over they have a mattress and everything for him in Bakugo's closet.
Bakugo is friends with everyone in the Dekusquad.
Bakugo respects Uraraka because she's the only girl she knows who can lock eyes with her and take her down if she wanted to.
Bakugo likes spicy food but can't handle as much as Deku can. Nobody else in the squad except mildly Sero likes spicy food.
Bakugo's middle school friends live in this AU and they go to UA but they are in class C the one Shinsou was moved out of. Tomo (long fingers),Kirisame (short black hair) and Tsubasa (Kid with wings)
Bakugo never makes it known she is a rich kid but bought kirishima's groceries once because he's kinda poor and was about to go the the corner store for groceries and Bakugo was just not having that. Told him everything he needed put it in the cart and she would pay for it that's when they really became friends.
Bakugo ignores Togaru's existence rival who? but they fight a lot.
His parents split and he lives with his single dad.
Ryukyu is his aunt, Tatami is his sister and Tetsutetsu is his brother.
Kirishima has depression but it's diagnosed and he takes his meds.
He can't keep a secret, if you tell him something and tell him not to tell he'll go "I wont!" but if you pressure him a little bit like keep asking him once or twice he'll tell you everything.
There is dragon quirks in his fam's genes so he has retractable tail and wings.
He hates that he has to peep talk himself cause of his depression, it helps him get okay for the day.
Kirishima's and Tetsutetsu bite and wrestle eachother a lot when Yo came over once he bit him and he cried, Tatami thought it was funny.
Kirishima and Sero train together a lot Kirishima almost always wins.
Kirishima is the one who created the Bakusquad, he befriended Kaminari first then Sero, Sero like the vibe of these people. lastly he slowly introduced Bakugo to the group because Kaminari and Sero didn't really want to be friends with her because she was mean. Mina was already his friend even though they weren't in middle school she just became his friend really quickly.
Kirishima calls Bakugo Ladybro
Kirishima if somebody says anything about him being the only boy in the Bakusquad he'll say it's them who's protecting him and that girls can be aggressive.
Kirishima wanted to be friends with Bakugo cause he used to have a bully in middle school and something happen to that guy and he feels like even though he was bullying him if he had one friend maybe he wouldn't have done what he did. He knows Bakugo and Deku have history and he feels like if he makes friends with her she wont be so mean anymore. He forgives Bakugo for the bully she used to be cause he knows she is kind in her own way.
Kirishima's middle school friends or at least one of them was his "Happy buddy" which means that was the one who knew he had depression and would help him with it. They don't go to this school so Kaminari is his new happy buddy.
Kirishima is kinda poor and feels bad his dad has to pay for him and Tetsutetsu to go to UA
Kirishima isn't really close friends with anyone outside of the Bakusquad.
Kirishima is the one who has a crush on Sero first.
Kaminari dad was a deadbeat from America who his mom met when she was living there. Kaminari went to kindergarten and elementry school there before his mom decided to move to japan.
Kaminari has a little sister her quirk is called "Volt stream" She can emit electricity from her brain in low voltages, electricity is constently surging through her body and her vines like blood so she has to let it out sometimes or she'll feel what she calls "Prickly" Everytime she uses her quirk depending on the voltage she will either feel light headed or pass out. Her name is Rai
Kaminari's mom is a pro hero name Electric pop
Kaminari's mom's quirk has the same quirk as Kaminari but she can only shoot the lightning from her finger tips, she can't discharge in any other way.
Kami's dad just had a basic lightning quirk he was a hero in amaerica but like only for the money she left him but Kaminari did get to be around him for a while. He wasn't a good dad but he wasn't an awful dad.
Kamianri's parents taught her basic fighting just in case.
Kaminari can speak English but not write it very well.
Kaminari lives close to wherever Todoroki's house is and can get there pretty quickly.
Kaminari can skateboard that is her means of transportation.
Kaminari cooks macaroni a lot.
Kaminari makes cursed food mixtures. She made a peanut butter girlled cheese once.
Kaminari eats pickles from the jar, drinks the juice and all. once that's all she ate in a day woke up in the dorms one evening ate a pickle and went back to sleep.
Kaminari comes into Tokoyami's room for nails to be painted stays for the company.
Kaminari is friends with Tokoyami and Dark shadow.
Kaminari is also friends with Aoyama they are a blonde duo.
Kaminari lives next to Kinoko and they are friends and neighbors.
Kaminari is also friends with Rin kinda.
Kaminari had a crush on Mineta for some odd reason and never said anything about it cause she thought it was awkward and weird.
This kid from the where Bakugo and Todoroki retook their liesense exam
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is Sero's little brother his name is Sho he can peel his skin like tape (It's not as painful as it sounds) he's annoying.
Sho goes to pre-school with Eri he has a best friend name Chocto who is Hound Dog's son (we call Hound dog mad dog in this au)
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Skeptic is Sero's local evil uncle on her fathers side who nobody rats out because the whole family is scared of him.
Skeptic traumatized Sero as a kid being just generally scary with his quirk.
Sero lives with her older cousin Shin and Sho because there was an argument about Skeptic and Shin took it upon himself to get the kids away from that house.
Sero and Shin have a really close relationship, he makes her feel safe and he's always looking out for Sero. He's like that really chill older bro everyone wished they had.
Sero is very smug and that's how she relates most of all her emotions.
Sero doesn't like to feel strong emotions (sadness or anger) she would really rather not talk it out or have complex conversations when there is a problem. Just one person take the blame and don't do it again so we don't have to talk about this or bring it up anymore. In other words she hides from her feelings.
Sero dated a lot in middle school but never felt anything for anyone until she started liking Kirishima.
Sero feels inferior to Bakugo that Bakugo could have just the right things to say to help Kirishima and she wouldn't know what to say. (Example: Kirishima was having a breakdown and Sero didn't know how to talk to him so she called Bakugo who calmed him down. She felt really bad and useless that she was closer and right there but there was nothing she could do)
After the sports festival Sero developed Bell’s Palsy from Todoroki freezing her.
Mina doesn't mind a lot of things she's really chill.
Mina is the gateway to the whole class to the Bakusquad because she is close friends with so many other people outside the squad.
Mina isn't too sure what love is about and says that a lot. she'll randomly put it in after a normal sentence. "Lets go to mcdonalds, also im not too sure what true love is actually"
Mina comes from a neglected household. That's why she loves so much she doesn't want anybody to feel left out.
Mina is moth coded so at a certain point when they've lived in the dorms one day she just got super sleepy and fell asleep went into a cocoon for a week and came out looking fresh.
Her horns fell off after that and grew back, she could grow another set of arms and wings which was freaky but cool.
Mina is good at listening when somebody needs to vent. "Come get in my bed and we can talk comfy"
Mina is a gossip channel, her and Toru they know everything.
Mina's purse is a bottomless pit. She has everything.
Mina always wants to put makeup on somebody.
Mina is friends with Toru and Toru is friends with Dark Shadow but not so much Tokoyami.
Mina can relate to Mineta about being a neglected.
Mina is the one who even got her included in the squad. She would always look over at them so Mina slowly introduced her until she was part of the squad.
Jirou is whatever she needs to be to get out of a satiation or win a battle. In our sports festival there were two brackets of the tournament and she made it to 3rd losing to Jurota Shishida. She fought Rin before this and tried to kiss him throwing him off guard, she kissed him and used her quirk through her lips to send her heartbeat into his head resulting in her win.
If Jirou uses her quirk to much she'll pass out because it's putting a strain on her heart.
That is how she lost to Jurota she amped up her quirk to it's fullest and they both passed out but she passed out first.
Jirou is the youngest of two brothers. Jude and Hibiki. Hibiki is a pro hero musician and Jude is in a boy band.
Jirou's house is a music store where they sell instruments and teach lessons. She offered working there as an option for Tokoyami who works there now.
Jirou is friends with Tokoyami they are goth buddies but not so much dark shadow cause she thinks dark shadow is annoying.
Jirou has a crush on Rin.
Jirou's hair is naturally curly like her dad's she straightens it. Later she lets Mina braid it.
When they live in the dorms She gets her hair cut's from Tokoyami.
Everyone who paints their nails gets their nails painted by Tokoyami including Jirou.
When Jirou says something is "Punk rock" she means it's cool. she'll say something like "that wasn't very punk rock of you" or "Wow! that's punk rock!"
Jirou is friends with Mineta (Mineta is more respectful in this au he actually is grossed out/scared of girls because of something that happened to him in his old household he got adopted by Midnight)
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Warning: Attempted Rape/Non-Con
Sero can admit that it was a struggle growing up being the only omega in the family. It baffled his parents since they were both alpha so they expected him to be one too. Imagine the surprise he was not only their firstborn but, their only omega as well? All of his little siblings already presented and they are all alphas and growing taller than him. Omegan genes made him softer and shorter and more compact. He was once tall and lanky until he presented at the end of middle school and, now he's the average height of '5"2 for male omegas. The female omegas were shorter at '4"10. The disrespect is real. That was beside the point. The point was that it was embarrassing having your younger siblings protect you from much stronger alphas who used commands to make omegas bend at will. Fast forward now to when he started U.A as expected there were very few omegas let alone in the heroics department. It was only he, Aoyama, Momo, Jirou, Kendo, and Tetsutetsu that were the only omegas in the heroics department. Everyone else was betas and alphas. The first day he almost dropped due to the sheer amount of pheromones coming from a spiked hair dude, the one with glasses, and a green-haired one. He got dizzy before it all stopped thanks to Aizawa sensei stating that they should be embarrassed and that there were omegas in the class susceptible to dropping. From then on, it took a while but the head alphas were between three of them which was Bakugo, Iida, and Todoroki. They bumped heads a lot but, not enough to actually fight. They all were in the middle of their second year so everyone knew each other's triggers.
"Sero-kun!" Sero looked up getting an armful of an electric Alpha. Denki was a bundle of nerves and at first glance, you wouldn't think he was an Alpha more a beta but, out in the field and during training you can see he's one of the top dogs. Did it make Sero a little jealous? Yes, cause it was so damn difficult to keep muscle. At least he had it in his arms due to swinging like a monkey but that was it.
"What do you want Denk?" He said nothing as he sat up placing Sero in his lap and snuggling into him 
"Cuddles man! It's been so long since we cuddled." He doesn't know if he can classify an hour ago as long but, to each his own. 
"Don't squish me I need to breathe!" He got comfortable huffing while reading his manga. He melted slightly due to the comforting pheromones coming off of him. He needed to do a cuddle pile later on today. It was already 4 and, usually, he would be in a cuddle pile already. "You're very cuddly today." Was he going into his rut soon? He's only like this when his rut is coming. 
"I think my rut will be here soon." He started scenting him and Sero allowed it. He was used to it anyway even though there was someone he wanted to scent him more often than anyone here. His eyes glanced over to Todoroki who was with the dekusquad watching a move on the couch. Usually, he liked to keep to his-self but, it must have been Deku who convinced him to come down. He felt a little sad that it took little to no effort for them but, for him, it was precautionary steps. He wasn't sure how close they were but, they weren't close enough for his taste. Todoroki always wore extra scent patches during school time and, the only time he caught a whiff of his scent was when he showered but it was always drowned out or too far away to actually put a name to the smell. "You're alright Sero? You smell a little stressed." Sero's face flushed bright red as his brain scrambled to think of an excuse.
"I-I was just wondering why t-there hasn't been a c-cuddle pile." The way Denki's eyes softened was not supposed to be adorable but it was. 
"Hey guys Sero is upset, he wants cuddles!" Sero was hitting Denki lightly due to the embarrassment of having all of the attention on him. His inner omega though was beyond pleased and purring up a damn storm.
"Come Sero! We can get our blankets and make our cuddle pile right here." Knowing there was no way out of this he got up off of Denki pouting angrily at him before letting his-self get dragged by Momo with the rest following back upstairs. Sero wanted to protest and say that he in fact needed new nesting materials but, maybe his blanket will suffice. He hoped so. By the time he got back to his dorm he felt itchy all over because he knew he wouldn't be able to get comfortable with what he had. It didn't smell right or feel right. It didn't bring him comfort it just made him more stressed than anything. He let out a high-pitched whine before cutting it off abruptly. Shit. Shit. Shit. His dorm is closest to the common room. Someone heard them he knows they did. As if on cue he heard knocking on the door.
"Oi! Plain face open the door." He winced at the nickname. It didn't bother him but, for some reason at the moment, it stung. "Hanta" He flinched hurrying to open the door and peak to see that it was Bakugo with Kirishima.
"Hey man, we heard you whine from downstairs is everything alright?" They were both worried in their own ways making Sero feel sheepish about the way he was acting.
"Ah, sorry about that, uh, um." He glanced back at the pile of used and old blankets wincing at the pile "I need n-new supplies. The blankets make me feel itchy and weird." He knew it was stupid but, he couldn't help it.
"Then we buy you new blankets. Stop worrying so much." Bakugo pushed the door open roughly pulling him in for a hug and giving out soothing scents. He was such a tsundere he says the meanest things but his actions scream the opposite. "Go with ponytail to get the supplies you need. If both of you aren't back in an hour we are coming to get you. Understood?" All Sero could do was nod. Honestly, the supply store he loved wasn't too far only 15 minutes going and 15 minutes back so it shouldn't take long. 
"Okay, I'll, um, get Momo." Satisfied Bakugo took him downstairs where Momo was already looking worried.
"What's wrong?" Bakugo gently pushed Sero to her
"He needs new blankets, his old ones are no good. Both of you go and be back in an hour." He sounded like a dictator but, honestly, he cared. He genuinely cared for everyone's well being including Todoroki and Iida. 
"Oh! Let's go, I think there are a couple of things I need to do. This is going to be so much fun! Don't worry about money, I got it, please?" Sero was going to decline but her big eyes full of excitement were too much to handle. He reluctantly accepted and headed out making sure to wear heavy scent patches. All of Japan knew about the rare omegas in the heroics department and a lot agreed and then some didn't. Some felt they needed to be protected, some felt they were too weak, others felt that they only belong at home taking care of the house and making children, and then of course the ones who felt they existed solely to please Alphas. Those were the most dangerous. 
"What kind of stuff you're looking for?" Both he and Momo decided to walk holding onto each other. Ever since Jirou got lost the whole class decided to always hold on to each other no matter where they went. 
"Oh! Well, I need some more blankets, they have the softest and fluffiest blankets you have ever seen! Nothing compares to them and they're huge! Perfect for cuddle piles and pretty colors too!" She was vibrating with contagious excitement. It was hard to stay gloomy around her. Once he and Momo got to the store he did see some of the softest blankets. They both gravitated to the blankets feeling and picking through them and that's when Sero saw the perfect one. It was a white blanket with red trimming and blue icicles scattered across it like snowflakes. It reminded him of the boy he wouldn't mind being his Alpha and who made his inner Omega bounce off of walls in excitement. He took that along with some pillows and sprays. By the time he and Momo finished they both linked arms and started walking back to campus. He decided to tease her a bit about her crush.
"I think Awase will like that you thought about him." He took joy in seeing her stutter and turn red her scent tinging with embarrassment and hope.
"I hope he does! I mean like, I hope I'm good enough." No insecurities are allowed in this friendship.
"You're more than enough, any Alpha should be bending over backward to get with someone like you. Don't worry if he hurts you he got me and 18 other students in our pack to worry about." That made her giggle and her scent went back to the vanilla and honey scent everyone loved. He was told that he smells sweet like candy and can confirm his-self that he does. 
"Thanks, Sero-" Before she can continue a shadow loomed over the both of you before something grabbed him and Momo dragging them into a dense part of the trees. Shit! They were only 5 minutes away! 5! They were dressed in regular civilian clothes too. Shit. Shit. Sero was giving off distressed smells, a whine building up in his throat. He can smell Momo's distress from where he was he knows someone within 10 meters can smell them. If only he can-
"Well, well, aren't I a lucky one." Sero focused on the guy's face and of course, it was an alpha. Motherfucker was huge too. He was definitely 6 feet so in comparison to him, Sero and Momo were shrimps. Wait, where was Momo? Sero glanced over and saw she was being straddled by another Alpha who was getting too handsy. Sero yelped when he felt something grab his butt and another hand rips his shirt halfway off. He focused back on the dude hovering above him. "Don't worry my friend got her, I got myself a pretty Omegan boy." He licked a stripe on his neck's scent glands, making Sero let out a very high-pitched whine. If only he could move his arms a smidge to give room for his tape but, the alpha was smart and had his elbows pressed directly into the dirt. "I love it when they make noise." He started nipping at his neck and collarbone. Sero started crying wanting out in this situation. He got one. He heard an oof and so did the bastard over him. The Alpha looked over at his friend which gave Sero more than enough time to knee him in the balls. He got from under him using his tape to tie him up. He was breathing heavily and turned to see Momo's shirt was ripped with angry red marks on her skin and chest. He looked down and saw he was in no better condition. 
"Let's go-" She screamed when the alpha that was on her grabbed a handful of everything. Sero quickly kicked the dude letting him get grabbed and his pants ripped too in order to tape him up the same way as the first guy. He looked between him and Momo and the guys to see they were completely immobile. He wanted to cry "C-come S-sero" He looked to Momo to see she was crying "Y-you're crying t-too." She grabbed him and both of them cried their eyes out too stressed to move any further. 
"C-Call." It was hard to speak but Momo composed herself a tiny bit to send out an emergency stress call. Not a second later her phone rang the only thing she got out was gargles and a stress whine. At this point, both of them were going to go into a drop. His vision was spotting already 
"They're c-coming." Momo grabbed him as tightly as he was holding her. This was scary. If they weren't heroes in training who knew what could have happened? 
"S-scared." She whined huddling closer. No more words can get out and after what felt like an eternity he heard their classmates. He and Momo looked at each other, smiled, and allowed themselves to drop.
When Sero woke up again he was very warm. Everything was very warm and he had a slight headache. He didn't want to open his eyes but, he had to in order to figure out where he was. Very slowly he opened his eyes and looked around to see he was in the infirmary at the school. When did he get here? It took a few minutes for the cogwheels to turn but, when they did he remembered that he and Momo had gone shopping and were attacked, the stress from the situation caused them both to go into a drop. He felt his heart speed up as he gave a little whine. 
"It's okay, honey, it's okay. You're safe." The gentle voice of Chiyo invaded his senses calming him down significantly but still, he felt stressed. He still needed to know where was Momo. "Momo woke up half an hour ago and is waiting outside. She refused to leave until you woke up. I assume you want to see her?" All he could manage was a nod as Chiyo went by the door to beckon her in. As soon as Momo came in with her own bandages and, saw him she made a beeline towards him laying on him gently and giving off calming pheromones. He did the same thing as the two of them basked in each other's scents happy to know the other was alright. 
"I was so scared...It's so s-scary...We were out cold for a whole day!" She snuggled more into him trying to get as much comfort as possible 
"At least we are safe, right? Even though that's a long time..." How were the others? How was Todoroki? How did he take it?
"I have never seen Todoroki look so angry...He along with Bakugo almost went into a frenzy and had to be put to sleep by Midnight Sensei." That made him freeze. Calm, cool, and collected almost went into an Alpha frenzy? Whenever anyone regardless of the second gender goes into a frenzy it's highly dangerous. They can't recognize anyone and can only be calmed down by family or a mate. Bakugo he can understand, but Todoroki? It was unheard of. 
"He kept saying you touched him, and you hurt him...He was talking about you Sero...I think he likes you! He's just a bit shy and maybe you should talk with him after this! I talked with Awase and he admitted he wanted to court me! Albeit by accident but it's still nice all the same." Sero couldn't help but be happy for her. Maybe, he shouldn't sell his-self short and just talk to Todoroki. 
"Do you think, um, that I can see him? That may be, um, once he sees, uh." He was getting tongue-tied trying to admit he wanted to see his alpha-potential alpha- in hopes of getting some answers and closure. Is it closure? 
"I think if he doesn't see you he's going to absolutely tear down the school. Are you good enough to stand?" He looked around and saw he had nothing hanging to him or supporting him. Slowly with Momo glued to his side he sat up and was happy to only have a dull ache 
"I'm glad to see you can sit up. Here." She gave him some pain medicine and ointment. "It's for the cuts and bruises since I couldn't heal either of you. Come back to me if you feel worse or if anything else comes up. The both of you are free to go." She turned around going back to her office as Sero and Momo left the nurse's office. He looked at the time and it was again 4-ish the next day. Exactly 24 hours since he dropped. He looked at Momo who had a soft smile on her face. 
"Go to him first, I'll tell everyone else that you'll be fine and went to see your alpha first." She winked and before he can protest she pushed him in the direction of the dorms. Grumbling and a bit nervous he started overthinking about how all of this could play out. How would it play out? How would he react? Would he care as much as he thought he was? He didn't notice that during all of his worrying and mumbling he walked right to the front of Todoroki's dorm. Shit. That was too fast. That was way too fast. Might as well just rip it off like a bandaid. He took a breath and went to knock but jumped when the door swung open and in front of him stood a slightly feral Todoroki. His eyes had narrowed into slits, fangs on full display along with claws. The scent of a worried and angry alpha went through him causing a full-body shiver. Before he can say a word he was yanked into the room the door slamming closed behind him. He wasn't able to focus before he was in the air and at eye level with heterochromatic eyes. This escalated quicker than he thought. 
"Are you hurt?" Sero blushed brightly as he felt Shoto with his free hand prod and press on his body making him flinch at a particularly sensitive bruise in his hip area. The flinch made Shoto growl possessively holding him flush to his body "Did he touch you." Sero couldn't think. What kind of touch was he-ohhhhh? It registered in his head and to the best of his ability he gently grabbed Shoto's face and used his free hand to rub the scent glands on his neck soothingly.
"He didn't get a chance to...you know. He s-scented m-me." Sero cringed at the feel and thought of someone else touching him, outside of the pack, outside of Sho-His mind froze as he felt Shoto press his face into his neck sniffing him gently. 
"Can I?" With little hesitation, he nodded his head sagging in relief when Shoto let out calming and claiming pheromones at the same time. He licked and nibbled his scent glands turning him into putty in his arms. He was at his mercy completely, the only sounds escaping him were purrs. He was out of it long enough for Shoto to move them away from the door and to his bed where he laid them and spooned Sero from the front pulling him into his chest. Sero was surrounded by his scent loving the protectiveness that radiated off of him. "You're mine. You're mine. My Omega." Sero was loving the attention but, he still needed answers.
"How long did you...want me." Todoroki hummed for a bit before nipping his ear.
"Since the concert." His voice was husky and rough causing a shiver to run down Sero's body pleasantly. 
"That long..." He couldn't believe it. His crush was reciprocated and for a whole year at that, he didn't say anything. "How come you never said anything." Shoto pulled him impossibly closer kissing the top of his head.
"I was...scared...I didn't want my Alpha to scare you...But I can't...I need to make it known you're mine...If you allow it." This was a lot to take in and maybe it's because of the emotions and feelings running high but he simply nodded against his chest
"I would love for you to be my Alpha...Shoto." The only response he got was happy purrs, the smell of protectiveness, happiness, and contentment permeating the air. 
I'm going to do a part two eventually focusing more on these two!
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sero-pairo · 2 years
Right here
by spideystape
It all started when Midoriya came across a peculiar-looking redhead on Instagram and started following him. What happens when the two starts chatting and Midoriya decides to add Kirishima to a chat with his friends? As friendships blossom and love grows between the group, all they can think about is meeting up in person but that's hard when everyone lives in different parts of the world.
Words: 5117, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Aoyama Yuuga, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Class 1-C (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Kirishima Eijirou/Sero Hanta, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Monoma Neito/Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Long-Distance Friendship, Long-Distance Relationship, Online Friendship, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Latino Sero Hanta, Sero Hanta is a Dork, Oblivious Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku are Best Friends, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, Kaminari Denki is a Mess, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi Loves Kaminari Denki, Aromantic Asexual Ashido Mina, Aromantic Asexual Todoroki Shouto, Takes place on instagram, Everyone Loves Kirishima Eijirou, can you tell kirishima is my favourite, Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo Friendship, Yaoyorozu Momo is So Done, Iida Tenya is So Done, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Kirishima hates monoma, like a lot, Platonic Relationships
from AO3 works tagged 'Kirishima Eijirou/Sero Hanta' https://archiveofourown.org/works/43278855
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kingdumkum · 1 year
c i v i l i a n s
✵ Inko Midoriya -> #inko ✵ Fuyumi Todoroki -> #fuyumi ✵ Natsuo Todoroki -> #natsuo ✵ Rody Soul -> #rody
n e w g e n h e r o e s
✵ Denki Kaminari / Chargebolt -> #denki ✵ Eijiro Kirishima / Red Riot -> #kiri ✵ Fumikage Tokoyami / Tsukuyomi -> #tokoyami ✵ Hanta Sero / Cellophane -> #sero ✵ Hitoshi Shinsou / Logical Ruse -> #shinsou ✵ Inasa Yoarashi / Gale Force -> #inasa ✵ Itsuka Kendo / Battle Fist -> #kendo ✵ Izuku Midoriya / Deku -> #deku ✵ Katsuki Bakugo / Dynamite -> #bakugo ✵ Kyoka Jirou / Earphone Jack -> #jirou ✵ Mashirao Ojiro / Tailman -> #ojiro ✵ Mezo Shoji / Tentacole -> #shoji ✵ Mina Ashido / Pinky -> #mina ✵ Mirio Togata / Le Million -> #mirio ✵ Momo Yaoyorozu / Creati -> #yaomomo ✵ Neito Monoma / Phantom Thief -> #monoma ✵ Neijire Hado / Neijire-chan -> #hado ✵ Ochaco Uraraka / Uravity -> #ochaco ✵ Rikido Sato / Sugarman -> #sato ✵ Shoto Todoroki -> #shoto ✵ Tamaki Amajiki / Suneater -> #tamaki ✵ Tenya Iida / Ingenium -> #tenya ✵ Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu / Real Steel -> #tetsu ✵ Tsuyu Asui / Froppy -> #froppy ✵ Yo Shindou / Grand -> #shindou ✵ Yosetsu Awase / Welder -> #awase
o l d g e n h e r o e s
✵ Enji Todoroki / Endeavor -> #enji ✵ Hizashi Yamada / Present Mic -> #mic ✵ Keigo Takami / Hawks -> #hawks ✵ Masaki Mizushima / Manual -> #manual ✵ Mirai Saski / Sir Nighteye -> #nighteye ✵ Nemuri Kayama / Midnight -> #midnight ✵ Tumi Usagiyama / Mirko -> #mirko ✵ Sekijiro Kan / Vlad King -> #vlad king ✵ Shinji Nishiya / Kamui Woods -> #kamui ✵ Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head -> #aizawa ✵ Taishiro Toyomitsu / Fat Gum -> #fat gum ✵ Tensei Iida / Ingenium -> #tensei ✵ Tsunagu Hakamada / Best Jeanist -> #best jeanist
v i l l a i n s
✵ All For One -> #afo ✵ Chizome Akaguro / Stain -> #stain ✵ Himiko Toga -> #toga ✵ Jin Bubaigawara / Twice -> #twice ✵ Kai Chisaki / Overhaul -> #overhaul ✵ Oboro Shirakuma / Kurogiri -> #kurogiri ✵ Tenko Shimura / Tomura Shigaraki -> #shiggy ✵ Touya Todoroki / Dabi -> #dabi
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galaxythixf · 4 months
your  name: Jirou
your age: 16
your perfect date: “Um.. well I don’t really have one. Not that I can think of anyways. Maybe somewhere like a concert or festivals? Those can be a lot of fun! Even more so with some nice company to come with.”
make out in private or in public?: “Uhh… is it okay if I don’t answer this?”
do you like to cuddle?: “I’ll answer this one, as opposed to the other question. I don’t mind cuddling, especially if we get to watch a movie or listen to some music too. If that’s okay?”
tell me something about you: “I know we haven’t talked in a little while, but I do want to let you know i’ve been working on my can crushing! I can crush up to two cans at a time now with one earjack. Proud of me, Jaws?”
why do you want to be my valentine?: “Well I can’t think of anyone else I would want to ask. Nor would I want to ask anyone else anyway. Last year was such a good Valentine’s day simply because you were such a nice valentine to have. Mind being mine again this year?”
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The sparkle that shines in green eyes can only be described as expected when he lights up seeing the name listed immediately and a grin full of lethal joy is all that's appropriate for a response, from ear to ear he can hardly help himself. "JIROU!!" Her name comes first before any of his thoughts on the context, a celebration on its own that its even written for him. "WE'RE HITTIN' EVERY CONCERT AND FESTIVAL WE CAN, IT'S A PROMISE!" Volume is lost to him for a moment while he browses through every question. "C-Cuddling?! Yeah! Yeah! We can cuddle! Throw on some tunes and we'll cuddle all night!" Nerves betray him when the thought settles in his mind, losing control of the confidence he usually wielded so well, adorned with hues of red on pale cheeks.
"I'm always proud of ya, Sharkbait! There's nothin' better than hearing how much you're workin' on because it pushes me to do better, that way I have way more to show you! Get on my back and I bet I could do my whole workout with you included!!" Boldly he balls a fist to emphasize his point, grin finally growing wider yet again when she asks the obvious. "I'LL BE YOUR VALENTINE EVERY YEAR! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO ASK!"
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aint this that guy from 1-b
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ecntrc-aa · 5 years
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♥   —   @quirkladen   (   still accepting   )
        iron maiden had been great ... dinner had been great ... everything that featured hinata was always great. it had been kendou who had convinced him to say something after he had gone on and on and on and on and on about her ... it was she who had revealed that , maybe , he had a crush on her. and it was like it had all clicked , suddenly it all made sense and he thinks that has to be it.
        no , he knows that has to be it. 
        but he isn’t entirely sure how to go about it ( he admittedly binged a lot of romantic scenes from youtube last weekend ) but standing in front of her dorm building , he knows it’s now or never. and he wasn’t going to choose never. 
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        every part of him wants to be smooth and romantic ( ? ) about this , but tetsu doesn’t know how to be that so he’s kind of loud and quick as he speaks. “ today was great !! i had a lot of fun !! i hope you did too !! “ and he awkwardly reaches for her hands in his ( were his hands sweaty ? god , he hopes they aren’t sweaty ). “ i always have a great time with you , actually , hinata !! a --- and i hope you have a great time with me too because i like you !! “ his face is about fifty shades of red , but he keeps going. “ i like you a lot !! i think i have a crush on you !! and ... and ... “ he squeezes her hands a bit. “ i hope you feel the same way too !! “
        he bends and brushes his lips over her cheek and he thinks the heat on his own face might start a fire. 
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pansexualkiba · 1 month
"Hey, guys!" Midoriya cheered as he wandered into the 1-B dorms. "Are we ready for-"
"They're not here." Kuroiro deadpanned. Next to him, Tetsutetsu was busy eating a Rubik's cube.
"Aw, but it's C-drama night…" Midoriya pouted.
"Yeah," Kuroiro shrugged, "Rin started glowing and said something about a "Shen Gon Wuu" and he, Kendou, Pony, and Monoma ran out."
Midoriya was silent. Kuroiro turned to see Midoriya stare at him, mouth agape.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN A NEW SHEN GONG WU REVEALED ITSELF?!" Midoriya demanded. Before Kuroiro could respond, Midoriya pulled out a fist-sized cat statue. "Crouching Cougar!"
The statue glowed, then shifted. In a flash, it had transformed into a giganting panther robot the size of a car. Kuroiro's jaw dropped. Tetsutetsu pointed at the vehicle.
Midoriya wasn't done. He leaped into the air and twisted in midair, ripping off his clothes to reveal a skintight black jumpsuit and a matching domino mask. The jumpsuit hood had cat ears, which only further added to the question of how had he been wearing that under his other clothes.
"Those fools have a head start on me, but luckily I have my tracking beacon!" Midoriya mumbled. The Crouching Cougar pounced, crashing through the wall and leaving behind a shocked and confused Kuroiro and Tetsutetsu.
"What…?" Tetsutetsu wondered. He looked to Kuroiro, who was blushing a light gray. "Okay, what."
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