#caff’s secret menu
whump prompt
Corpse Art
turning a dead body into a piece of art
example: a statue bleeding out to reveal it is actually a corpse
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Introduction Post
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Who are you?
Hello! My name is Caff, and this is the secret menu. Here is the main menu. Or if you feel like you need a rest and some fluff, feel free to go here instead.
Feel free to hang around, take a look at the prompts and ideas I may share, and even read some of my stories that I’ve posted. You may want to check my stories on my Archive of Our Own since that is where I more extensively tag my work, but I will make sure to properly tag here as well.
What kind of content do you write / reblog?
I write fanfiction that is pairing-focused or character-focused, scenarios and tropes, and prompts; both whump and general fluff. Though if you’re looking for most of my fluff content, you’re better off in my general writing sideblog since this blog is centric to whump.
So yeah! Most of the whump from me will be here.
Do you take requests?
Requests are OPEN. Check out my squicks before sending something in the Question Box.
I take requests for short whump fics, scenarios, tropes, and prompts; either original, or for a specific fandom I am in. It is always open for questions and comments, too! Anonymous asks are ON.
So feel free to send requests and stuff in my Question Box!! <33
Speaking of scenarios, tropes, and prompts: If you are inspired by what I make here, please tag me if you will be using it! I love to see what others do, and would gladly share some of my love to them.
What are your favorite kinds of whump?
Anything related to scars
Interrogation settings
Self-inflicted whump (Includes: Drowning Your Sorrows, use of drugs, etc)
Sensory whump (Sensory deprivation and sensory overload)
Overexertion of magic and leads to emotional / physical consequences
Gore / Body-related whump…
Almost everything, if I’m being honest
Who are your favorite Whumpblrs?
@whumpwillow / @aceofwhump​ / @painsandconfusion / @warmblanketwhump / @whumpster-dumpster​ / @stoic-whumpee​ / @whumpthisway​ / @the-three-whumpeteers​​ / @iwhumpyou
I always go to them for inspiration and for some whumperflies. Absolutely amazing people running these blogs!
Other stuff I have to say are a bit too long to go here, so instead:
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dockofshame · 1 year
Total Drama World Tour Characters & Their Starbucks Orders
Based off of… absolutely nothing!
Alejandro: Iced dirty chai latte with nonfat milk
Heather: Iced soy caramel macchiato
Cody: Snickers frappuccino (https://starbuckssecretmenu.net/starbucks-secret-menu-caramel-and-nut-chocolate-bar-frappuccino/)
Sierra: Whatever Cody’s having
Duncan: Iced coffee with cream and five Splenda
Courtney: Cinnamon caramel cream nitro cold brew
Owen: Cap’n Crunch frappuccino (https://starbuckssecretmenu.net/starbucks-secret-menu-captain-crunch-frappuccino/) and a cake pop.
Gwen: Hot honey almond milk flat white
Tyler: Iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso
Noah: Hot London fog
DJ: Mango dragonfruit refresher
Izzy: Iced pumpkin spice latte w/ half pumpkin sauce and half white mocha sauce. Maybe with an extra shot of espresso
Lindsay: Pink Drink
Leshawna: Iced Passion Tea Tango Lemonade
Bridgette: Peach Green Tea Lemonade
Harold: Iced matcha lemonade. Occasionally he’ll get a slice of the lemon loaf.
Ezekiel (non-mutated): Caffe vanilla frappuccino
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#Order 11: Hobo Bongo Cuckoo Cult.
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Welcome to Canzanilla Cafe, can I take yer oooooorder~?
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Hello, Kuripa.
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Hi! I would be more surprised to see you if I hadn’t already ran into a bunch of random people from all walks of life already.
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Wait...You’re Yuki Maeda! This IS a surprise!
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Heheh...When Yoruko told us about this place, I felt a sudden urge to come and visit. So, you’re the barista?
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I’m one of the workers. The head barista is this lady.
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Ciao~ I’m Maya Canzanilla. And you are?
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I am Yuki Maeda. This is my assistant, she goes by Whitecloak.
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Just bare in mind sir, we do have limited savings. Putting what money we have on us together, we can only afford two large cups at most.
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We’ve survived this long without boatloads of cash, Akane. Even though we make it a duty to do right in the world, that doesn’t mean we must deny ourselves pleasure as well.
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So...maybe relax a little.
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Sir...! A-Are you sure you should be stating my identity so blatantly! We’re in a public place after all!
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A public place where everyone can be trusted. Kyoko Kirigiri is not going to lightly let knowledge of your existence become public news. Besides, if push comes to shove, we can just claim that I was the one who was spotted in eyewitness news.
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...Even though we’re at a table together?
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...Lower your hood and...just enjoy life for a moment.
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*Akane reaches up and lowers her hood.
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Hrgh...I still don’t know about this...
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Ah, there’s her cute little face.
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What with all the secretiveness? What’s the story here?
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That was a heavy sigh...
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Usually, by this point in time, I would be explaining the full story to you...But THIS story in particular, not gonna lie, is FUCKING BONKERS...
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So, I’m gonna sum their situation up simply...
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They are robo-hobo-bongo-vigilante-cuckoo-cultists.
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You understood that!?
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No...Wait! N-None of those words were accurate!
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Oh really?
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Yuki is a guy who’s brain is inside YOUR corpse, neither of you live anywhere, you’re both a couple of wacko’s, you deal with injustice and try to protect the innocent, you’re both a couple of wacko’s and you wear hoods and follow a strange code.
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Pretty sure you repeated one of your points there.
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Just ignore his ramblings Akane. Kurafto seems dead set on his impressions of us.
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Yeah. Let’s put all of this aside for a minute. What can we get you two to drink?
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That depends...what do you have?
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Here’s the menu.
*Maya hands Yuki and Akane the menu’s. They both read over them.
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Hm...Let’s see here...
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A Mocaccino...What’s that?
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Well, you see-
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It’s kind of a hot chocolate combined with coffee. It’s also sometimes called a caffe mocha.
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Uh, yeah, that...
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Hm...Alright. Tempting, but I’d like to try something I’ve never heard of before...
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What about an Irish?
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Uh, I wouldn’t recommend that.
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Wh-Why not?
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Irish Coffee is alcoholic. It’s got Irish whiskey, hot coffee and sugar mixed in it, and you drink it through the cream put on top.
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Alcoholic drinks in a café...!?
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It’s more common than you think. But yeah, it might be a tad too early in the morning to be having an Irish coffee.
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Then...what’s a Raf?
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A Raf coffee, also called a Russian coffee, is a mixture of espresso, cream, and vanilla sugar combined using a steam wand. The result is a creamy, thick drink with a texture something like melting ice cream. It's sweet, rich, and with just enough espresso flavor.
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Hm...So many choices.
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You know your stuff...! For a robo-hobo-bongo-vigilante-cuckoo-cultist, you’ve got a lot of knowledge about coffee.
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PLEASE don’t call me that...And...
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Yeah, I guess I picked this stuff up somewhere.
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No one just “picks up” this knowledge. Even if you googled it, you’d have to have been in a situation where you needed to know this.
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Actually, Akane probably has a wealth of knowledge about coffee and the correct way to serve it. 
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Having been taught about cooking and cleaning in the orphanage she grew up in, Akane worked as a maid for several houses and mansions when she was younger.
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Y-Yuki, I-I mean sir!
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Oh...sorry, I guess I shouldn’t be saying these kinds of things. It’s not appropriate coming from my mouth.
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Well, at least it all makes sense now.
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Either way, do either of you have any idea what it is you want to drink?
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Hm...How about you surprise me?
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Yeah, I’m ok with anything, so long as it’s something plain...maybe with some bitterness to it.
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You sure? You already seem bitter enough it you ask me.
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She’s right Akane. I told you, you don’t have to worry about our expenses. Just pick something you’re going to enjoy.
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Oh...I don’t know...!
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Then here’s an idea. How about we get you both a sweet treat instead? I think you two have gone long enough without a well-deserved sugar boost.
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Alright then. I look forward to it.
*Maya and Kuripa return to the counter.
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Let’s make them both a Café Bombón. Sounds like a perfect fit for them.
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Alright. I’ll go get the instructions so you can make one too. That’ll make this go faster.
*Maya grabs the ingredients and some instructions for the drink. As she lays them out in front of her, she speaks to Kuripa.
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Seriously Kuripa. I know you said that the full story was a clusterfuck, but I’m so confused and curious. Even if you can’t give me the full story, can you at least give me SOME details.
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...*sigh* Fine. To be honest, I only know bits and pieces of the story, and I don’t know those two on a personal level...But I’ll tell you what I DO know...
*Kuripa nods towards the table.
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*Yuki and Akane chat away with each other merrily while they wait for their drinks.
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Yuki there used to be known as Utsuro. When he was born, he had a special gift called “Divine Luck.” Which basically meant that no matter the situation, the best possible outcome would always come of it.
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Unfortunately, this led to Utsuro’s life becoming very mundane, and people around him, even his own family, tried to exploit his power. It led him down a path of Despair. But some good came out of it. Thanks to his power, a lot of good people managed to get out of horrible situations.
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You’ve now met two of those people. Iroha Nijiue, my female nerd friend we met a couple days ago, is one...And now you’ve met the other; Akane Taira.
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...She was in a rough situation you say?
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This...isn’t something I’m proud to admit but...Japanese society isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The greater part of it’s population have very traditional views on how the average person should think and act in greater society.
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One of those views is in relation to orphans. Orphanages in Japan are...not of high standing. This is mainly because it’s always been culturally important to bare your own children. Most Japanese nationals wouldn’t even consider adopting a child if you asked them.
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I wouldn’t say the idea is necessarily looked down upon, just extremely rare. And it’s not like orphanages get a lot of money from the government even now. Future Foundation is trying to reprimand this too, especially given how many children lost their families because of the Tragedy, but...it’s unfortunately not a priority.
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Where Akane grew up was particularly shitty, and she was abused on a regular basis. The orphanage ended up closing down after some time and...she ended up alone on the streets. 
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But she was eventually saved by Utsuro's Divine Luck, and ever since then she became a servant of Utsuro. Presumably because of the same Divine Luck, Akane became a professional maid and was invited to join Hope's Peak as an  Ultimate. That’s why she knows so much about coffee and high-society.
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I see...
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That’s all I can say for now. Again the full story is really long and confusing...
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Besides, it shouldn’t be coming from my mouth.
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Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s brew our hobo vigilante’s some coffee!
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Wh-What’s this?
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This is a Café Bombon. It’s a sweet espresso drink that is popular in Spain. It's a strong shot of espresso served with sweetened condensed milk and when served in a transparent glass cup, it looks really nice.
*Yuki and Akane simultaneously take a sip of their drinks.
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Wow...It’s so sweet and smooth!
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Yeah...It’s not even remotely bitter. Why is it called a...“Bombon” though.
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Uuuuh...I don’t know actually.
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It’s because “Bombon” derives its name from the Spanish term that means “confection.”
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You even know that. Thanks for having my back, Taira.
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Yes...Thank you Akane. Your random spats of knowledge come in handy very often. Not just with coffee either.
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*sigh* I assume you’re referring to my advice with the lifestyle we currently live?
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How are things with you guys?
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Y-You know Kuripa...Of everything you used to describe us earlier...uh...cuckoo  copy hobo robo cult or whatever it was...I have to admit, the hobo part is a little accurate.
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We don’t make much money, since we don’t hold down real jobs in fear of our identities being exposed, so we don’t often buy food. Most of the time, we find ingredients and make our own meals, but it’s even gotten to the point where Akane has identified edible grasses for us to feed on should we try not to go hungry.
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The power of Divine Luck is what’s keeping us both alive by this point.
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Sounds to me like YOU’RE the one keeping you alive Akane. I think that’s what Yuki’s trying to say.
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That’s right. I appreciate all you’ve done for us. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
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Must be tough living as you do.
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It’s not all bad. If you’ve been like I have for so long, you’ll find that spending so much time roaming opens your eyes to many special things.
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You see people come and go...You see flowers wither and bloom...You would never see such sights if you didn’t look.
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Both those happenings, as well as my companionship with Whitecloak. Those  alone...even if our situation is dire...gives me all the hope I need.
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How to Attract guests to Your Restaurant
 It does not matter if you are new to this business or have been operating a restaurant for times; marketing sweats are critical to overall success. The food business is frequently growing, which means the competition can be Machiavellian. There are multiple marketing strategies caffs can use to boost profit and maintain a steady cash inflow. 
 Offline and digital marketing strategies are essential for attracting new guests and retaining living bones
 While furnishing impeccable service is the secret form for sustainable success. Moment’s most effective strategies can be precious, but every penny will be worth it. 
Do editors note Need online marketing services for your business? Fill out the below questions to have our seller mates communicate with you with free information. 
 Use online marketing to bring people in
1. Take amazing prints of your restaurant's food. 
 With so numerous caffs
 To choose from, people can take their time chancing caffs
 That will satisfy their taste kids. What better way to capture their attention than posting vibrant, great-looking images of your restaurant's food? 
 As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so it is worth investing in a good camera. Another option is to hire a professional shooter if you are less confident about your photography chops. You will want to make sure, however, that you only use high-quality images for your website, mobile apps, and social media runners. 
Create your restaurant website using the best restaurant website builder
 2. Produce a simple, yet functional website. 
 You do not need a fancy website with flashy images, moving corridors, and background music( they don’t generally work on mobile bias anyway) (What you need is a simple, simple website that contains all the information that guests need to buy your food products or make a reservation( The stylish restaurant website contains your menu, contact information, position, operating hours, and other applicable information( 
 Did you know? Did you know? Numerous small business backing options can help cover marketing costs. They are some top small business lenders to consider. 
 3. Blog about your restaurant. 
 Adding a blog to your restaurant website is an important hunt machine boost strategy that could lead new guests to your business. Your blog entries could give your compendiums a peep at your kitchen; ideas for how they can save plutocrats on their future restaurant visit; tips for pairing food with wine; and a succulent form that anyone can try on Thanksgiving, among other tips. They are more blog post ideas to add value and boost business on your restaurant website 
4. Go Social
 A lot of people calculate on social media to find guidance, search for original businesses, and compare brands. Social media is a great place to promote your restaurant because it is where people are utmost of the time. Being on social media gives you a chance to interact with your guests, attract new bones
 By posting prints and content, and promoting your restaurant business for free. Social media marketing should be a part of your overall marketing strategy. 
 5. Go mobile. 
 Make sure that your website, marketing emails, and social media content are accessible from a mobile device. It’s no secret that utmost people browse websites from their phones. No matter how important trouble you put into your restaurant website, if it isn’t optimized for mobile bias, you are less likely to induce leads. Invest in a website that looks great and functions well from a mobile device, not just from a desktop computer. 
 6. Subscribe for a Google Business Profile
 Still, or in fact, if you have, subscribing to a Google Business Profile has so numerous advantages for your restaurant, If you don’t have a website yet. For starters, it makes it easy for guests to find your store position. You can gain better hunt clarity and gain access to a wealth of analytics. Stylish of all – it’s free! 
 How to attract restaurant guests with offline selling 
1. Expand your client base. 
 Indeed, a simple change in your target demographics can help increase your profit. For illustration, if the maturity of your guests is low-income earners, consider creating a crusade to target high-paying guests. This could mean making up your restaurant or adding a special dish to your menu. 
 2. Encourage further spending. 
 When your tables are upselling can take your profit to the coming position. Still, you don’t want to irk your guests with patient attempts to upsell and discourage them from dining at your restaurant again. Make sure your staff is well-trained before considering strategies that may include 
 It is suggesting particulars that have the loftiest profit perimeters. 
 Offering a variety of extras that could accompany the mess ordered by your client. 
 Offering specific particulars. For case, if offering a drink, be specific about what libation it is ( iced tea, cola, orange juice, etc.). 
 3. Delight your guests with live music. 
 Everyone loves a little fun and games while enjoying good food. Cataloging live music is a great way to attract guests. You could have live music in your restaurant every Friday or during weekends, in that case. 
 4. Run elevations
 Try running a creation to increase business during slow times. For illustration, you could offer a free mess for every group of five on days when you have the least number of guests, give free drinks every Friday night or give a presentation case.
 For guests celebrating their birthdays at your restaurant. 
 5. Do not forget about fidelity programs
 It is way more precious to attract new guests than to retain being bones
 So make sure you award your valued guests for patronizing your business. Fidelity programs do not just boost engagement and make guests happy. Restaurant fidelity programs have a great chance for driving reprise deals. Then are some tips for a successful fidelity marketing program 
 Your guests do not want another card that will take up space in their holdalls
 Consider using a price app that they can pierce wherever they go. 
 An incitement program does not need to be difficult. No one.
 Wants to be a part of a program that has a long list of rules and reservations. 
 6. Dare to be different
 With so numerous caffs
 Out there offering the same products and experience, what makes you different? There are further than a million caffs.
 7. Stay current with Business trends
 Keep up with the rearmost trends in the restaurant Business. These are some 2022 Business trends that will continue in the new time 
 It is impossible to slow down the use of natural and organic food. Guests will continue to search for scrumptious, wholesome dishes. Vegan and factory-grounded cookery is forever adding to fashionability. To keep up with the trends, some cookers are moving these dishes to the main menu rather than offering factory-grounded negotiations. 
 Green and eco-friendly practices are hot content. Numerous restaurant possessors are redefining their force and seeking to reduce waste. 
 Food delivery services had been gaining fashion ability for times but are now an extremely common practice among caffs.
 Operation increased during the epidemic as people reckoned on them to admit reflections. Caffs snappily acclimated and enforced new technology to keep up with demand and help their businesses stay around. Some caffs
 Have transitioned to a takeout-only model to cut down on staffing and other costs. 
Supply chain issues and affectation are leading restaurant possessors to acclimate menu particulars and prices. 
This is part of a shift to simplify menus to manage force, improve quality and drop waste by creating a few excellent dishes rather than a long menu of megabit-or-miss options. 
 Restaurant possessors are key including new technology and digital coffers to cut costs and improve the effects of their operations. Examples include QR law menus and tone-service stations. 
Create your restaurant website using the best restaurant website builder
 Why your restaurant marketing strategy matters
 With hundreds of caffs
 With each request, the competition has noway been tougher. To ensure further cash in your register, produce a marketing strategy for attracting more guests, and retain being bones.
And convey that you give quality service. 
 It shows you are a tech-smart business proprietor. 
 A current or trendy marketing strategy that uses a variety of digital coffers shows your business is smart. Do not let your restaurant feel wedged in history with outdated tactics. A professional website, social media presence, dispatch marketing, and high-quality prints of your restaurant’s food and content marketing tell the public you know what you are doing. 
 Tippet Check out the rearmost technology for stylish POS systems and consider switching over to an iPad- grounded POS system. 
 Keep your guests engaged. 
 As you make client fidelity, make sure adverts
 And monuments reach repeat guests. You want this precious population to hear about elevations, events, and new menus. 
Check out the stylish CRM software available for erecting juggernauts and contacting your followership.
 Helps you stand out among the competition
 Your business would not stand out if you are not taking advantage of marketing openings. People pay attention to how important hype caffs
 Are receiving. Despite this, there may be a growing perception that your business is not worth their time and plutocrat If the public is not hearing from you or about your restaurant. 
 Boosts deals
 Marketing costs may feel like a lot outspoken, but the return on investment will have a significant impact if it is traditional. Amazing food is not enough. To grow your business, you need to expand and engage with your client base by combining online and offline selling ways. Good marketing will boost deals for special events and other unique enterprise. 
Create your restaurant website using the best restaurant website builder
 Creates a lasting character
 The success of your marketing plan will determine your character. Your restaurant would not see long-term success without a strong public presence. People who have no way eaten there Should know what kind of food you serve. Your restaurant should come to mind when deaneries suppose about the type of food you provide or the experience you offer. Create your restaurant website using the best restaurant website builder
0 notes
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Fancy a drink? There is plenty of choice for a thirsty traveller in Eos.  Ebony I’m sure everyone is familiar with Ignis’s favourite canned coffee, Ebony.  "Coffee whenever, wherever.  Big flavour in a small package”.  It’s also popular with Imperials too.  Ebony vending machines are used as rest points in Episode Prompto.  Ebony isn’t only available readymade in cans, they do an instant coffee too.  The green tin on the table outside the caravans says Ebony Roasters on it. Uncle Randell’s Root Beer. This comes in four different flavours, as seen at the Gladin Quay shop (not sure what they are though).  Blue seems to be the most popular.  Gladio drinks it on the royal vessel.  It’s also available in a fancy square bottle. Phoenix Orange and Purple Phoenix Orange orangeade is sold at Hammerhead mini mart and advertised on refridgerators.  Phoenix Purple Imperial Grape Juice can be found inside the tent in a purple can.  It also comes in a fancy wine bottle as can be seen on the camp table when Ignis is choosing what to cook and on the counter at The Mother of Pearl in Galdin Quay. Jetty’s I always wondered what this blue drink was until I got Ansel.  Jetty’s is a natural mineral water, advertised as “A mineral water with substance’.  Found on the menu of every Crow’s Nest diner.  It can also prevent poison and toad, which is useful. Other drinks Most diners and restaurants sell a variety of drinks including coffee, Ebony coffee, caffe latte, black tea, draught beer (although I’ve never seen a beer pump) and wine (red or white).  There are plenty of wine bottles on the bar at Maghoo and if you choose the Royal Suite in The Leville, Altissia there is a bottle of Moet and Chandon champagne!  There is also a silver and red crocodile skin hip flask that appears to belong to Gladio.  It appears on the table in motels and the bedroom at Cape Caem.  The contents are a closely guarded secret but personally I think he’s got Japanese whisky in there.  All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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Haikyuu Boys As Your Barista
feat. Tsukishima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Semi, Suna, Kita
A/n: oikawa and tsukki for you bbs 🥰 @akaashirin @nyelsy
part 1
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Saying that Tsukki hates his job is an understatement
He despises it
Always glares at people that decide to come in right before closing time
But ig you can be an exception
For one you don’t order things like an iced, half caff, ristretto, venti, 4 pump, a splash of caramel, cinnamon dolce soy skinny latte or
A grande, 20-pump vanilla, 20-pump hazelnut (or as that one customer says, "20/20" – expecting him to know what that is like it’s an actual thing)
Deadass is expecting people to order coffee. Black.
Isn’t the point caffeine?
Anyways your orders are never over the top nor do they have any “names” so he’s taken a liking to you
You always make it a point to lean over and give him a little compliment on how he’s prepared your drink
He won’t show it...but deep down it lifts his heart and allows him to power through for the rest of the afternoon
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As soon as he sees you in the parking lot, Oikawa is like a whole new man
“Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan! Look! It’s y/n!” He keeps staring at you through the window as he shakes Iwaizumi’s shoulders
Please he leans over the counter, face propped up on his fist and waiting for you to walk through that door like there isn’t already a ✨line✨ right in front of him
“Good afternoon (y/n)-channn~ 😄”
This guy is full of the recs 😻👍
Tells you ALL the secret menu items 👍
Will add in extra pumps for FREE just for YOU 👍
Slides over some milk bread too 👍
It’s all cool until you realize that somewhere down the line, he mixed up the coffees because he was ✨distracted✨ and now has a whole band of angry customers 😻👍
Atleast he got your drink right 😻👍❤️
King amiright 🥰🥰🤩👍
Please I am so sorry 😭😭😭😭
Ok sorry but seriously he’s the type to leave cute little notes and maybe even a confession down the line on the side of your coffee cup 🥰
Just give him a tip 😭🤲🏼
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Ok now THIS is a guy I see being a top notch barista >>>>
Ok but imagine him in an apron and visor!!!!!
And a towel in his back pocket>>>>
If you’re a regular and he sees you outside the cafe, he’s already got your drink brewing in the machine
Greets you with a smile and a “how are you”
A very nice guy 👍
He can absolutely help you out if you are someone who is very indecisive when it comes to things like picking out what coffee/tea you’d like for the day
Or like if you go up to him saying something like “I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, what kind of tea should I get?” Yeah he’s got you covered 😎
I see him being an amazing latte artist okay 🤚
It honestly hurts him a bit when customers put a lid on without even admiring his work 🥲
So when you do, his heart 🦋flutters🦋
Deserves that tip 😤
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He’s wiping down the counter and looks up immediately when he realizes you coming up to order
greets you with a soft smile <3
Omg Semi is literally “I once saw a man so beautiful I cried”
He’s in charge of picking the music in the coffee shop and it really warms his heart that everytime you come in, you always leave an extra tip for his good tunes
When you’re not on the run and actually plan on lounging in the cafe for awhile, he’ll come over to your table and ask you to pick the music
There’s often flyers of his band hanging around and he even likes to slide one over to you personally ;)
He tried doing something special for you once like latte art and it did NOT turn out like he expected at all, which led to the two of you having a good light-hearted laugh
Whenever he hands you your coffee, somehow your fingers always ✨brush✨ and your smile always just shakes Semi’s lil heart >.<
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Lolol he’s the type to be posting those “how to make” drinks on tik toks and expose secrets of the place he’s working at
He does not gaf 😭😭😭😭
But very sexc barista amiright just imagine the fit 🥵
You walk in to the coffee shop thinking he’s the one who needs a caffeine fix??
He’s lazy ajsjsjsj sometimes half asses orders on purpose
Ok but how is he not fired yet 😭
They just moved him to the cash register LOL
Will kinda judge your order? But will give you another rec in its place
“Oh you want the ___? You should go with ___ instead.”
But is lowkey a boolie in the way he says it 😠👊 ahaha that’s just who he is tho think he’s flirting with you
He makes it up by telling you a joke or a random offhanded comment about the guy across the cafe
Or scribbles down random stuff/comments on your cup
You guys just develop a friendship like this, and deep down he’s all 🦋🦋🦋
His head always shoots up when he hears the chime of the door around the time you usually come in
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He is the owner.
Mostly behind the scenes but occasionally comes out especially when his regulars come in
Like he’s memorized the timings when they usually come??
He makes it a point to always greet his regular customers
Respectful king 👑
Will personally make your drink for you from time to time and slide it across with a wink
“On the house”
His grandmother really likes hanging out at the cafe 🥰 she can really tell that seeing you brightens Kita’s entire day
She likes sitting at a table right across from him so she can picture you working alongside him behind the counter 😌✨
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Taglist: @sysisntcis @natsuya-enthusiast @allieturs @syrenblubs @todominica @kkbear @thatfreeshit @lowkeystasha @animatedarchives @cha0tically0rganized @ourfallenthoughts @akaashirin @ever4wolf @wompwomphq (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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soclonely · 4 years
The Clones as Overly Complicated Starbucks Drinks
***these are actual starbucks orders and they might sound fun to try but please for the love of all that is coffee if you want to try one of these don’t order it when the place is busy and there is a long line. And as I say with bartending TIP YOUR BARISTAS*** Rex-venti 9 shot espresso, 1 pump mocha, nonfat, no whip, with exactly 4 shakes of cinnamon stirred in Echo-Non-Fat Frappuccino with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce Fives-Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free  Jesse-Tall, Half-Caff, Soy Latte At EXACTLY 120 Degrees Kix-2/3 caff triple ristretto affogato venti, 2 pump mango 1 pump classic, 2%, mango to the second line, 3 scoops protein, 3 scoops berries, 2 scoop matcha, add banana, double blended, with whip, caramel drizzle, salted caramel topping, vanilla bean frappuccino. Tup-iced venti caramel macchiato. 15 pumps vanilla syrup, heavy whipping cream, barely any ice, one shot espresso, add whip, extra caramel drizzle Dogma-Triple, Venti, Half Sweet, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato Hardcase- venti vanilla latte, nonfat milk, whipped cream, 7 Splendas; 6 mixed in, one sprinkled on top of the whipped cream 'to make it crunchy. Coric-hot venti White Mocha with 10 Sugar in the Raw, and 10 pumps of white mocha Bly- lmao idk i am just here to pick up my gfs order she used the app 99- half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon.(he is allowed to be complicated) Cody-A venti black coffee with 2 chai tea bags Waxer and Boil- two trenta green teas with 33 and 37 Splendas respectively Wolffe- venti cool lime refresher, no water, substitute lemonade, no limes, no ice, three pumps of peach syrup Sinker and Boost- quad grande, non fat, extra hot caramel macchiato upside down Hunter-Grande Chai Tea Latte, 3 Pump, Skim Milk, Lite Water, No Foam, Extra Hot Wrecker-venti chai latte, no water, whole milk, 5 pumps vanilla syrup, 5 pumps cinnamon dolce syrup, 5 pumps raspberry syrup, and split into three tall cups Tech-”You man you dont KNOW how to make this from the secret starbucks menu? *scoffs*“ Crosshair-an iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, poured, not shaken
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curiouselfqueen · 5 years
Drarry Coffee Shop AU
This was definitely not reread, much less beta’d after I wrote it. But I had a list of AU’s, some spiked lemonade and thought I’d see what came out. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy <3
Their mid-morning rush always confused him. Shouldn’t these people be at work by now? They couldn’t all be stay-at-home parents. They certainly weren’t staying at home. Some were students from the Uni nearby, he could tell. But why did they all have to come AT ONCE?
He shuffled the line of cups on the counter so that he could fit yet another iced vanilla latte into the queue, pulled another jug of milk from the fridge and prepped a couple drinks before turning back to the line. Hannah was on a roll on the espresso machine - using one hand to fill a basket with more grounds while tearing another handle out of the machine, dumping the wet grounds, and repeating. There was no way he was going to fuck up her pace. 
Having given his face muscles a rest from constantly smiling at his idiotic customers, Draco turned back to the register, ready to take another dozen orders when he saw him. Three people back, staring at the menu board as if he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Draco wasn’t completely sure he caught his cringe before it was visible, but quickly but his Customer Service Smile back on and took the next person’s order. He grabbed their biscotti, put their cup in line on the counter and turned to the next person.
Harry was now next in line after this customer. Draco wasn’t sure if he had seen him yet because he was desperately looking anywhere except the line. Feet jostling his weight back and forth, he could feel the sinking feeling in his stomach as the shame welled up inside him. This is why he worked so far away from home… He had graduated university years ago, done well, yet here he was, working - no, managing - a coffee shop. It’s certainly not what anyone thought Draco Malfoy would be doing with his life, least of all Draco himself. Maybe Harry wouldn’t remember him… Ugh. That was ridiculous. Hogwarts was a small private university. Despite not having the same major or ever living in the same dorms, it’s not as if Draco had been invisible at school.
This was ridiculous - he had to focus - what had that person just ordered? A scone and plain coffee - right. Draco took their card and passed over their goods. Oh god, he didn’t even have the excuse to fix the line of cups behind him or prep any of the drinks. Harry was walking up and this was the most humiliating thing of Draco’s life - Mr. Popular, The Golden Boy who likely had some very important job in some very noble cause, the somewhat secret crush Draco had pined after for four years was standing in front of him while he stood behind a register, clad in an apron with a sharpie in his hand. Draco prayed to any gods that were listening that Harry wouldn’t remember him.
“Yeah, could I get a, uh, a -” Harry was pulling out a piece of paper from his (very tight) pants pocket and Draco tried very hard not to watch. “Er, a 16 ounce, triple shot half-caff black and white mocha, no whip. No whip? I’m assuming you know what that means.”
“No whipped cream. This cannot possibly be your order.” 
Draco could slap himself. No sooner were the words out of his mouth, Harry’s head jerked up and he was looking straight at him. He had been looking down - there was a chance, although very slim, there had still been a sliver of a chance that he could have gotten through this entire interaction without Harry recognizing him.
Draco sighed, then smiled, hoping desperately the heat in his face wasn’t showing. He was still at work, after all. “Hello, Potter. That cannot possibly be your order,” he repeated, pointing at the piece of paper Harry was now crinkling between his fingers.
“Uh, no, I’m - it’s not. I’m meeting a friend and I told her I’d pick her up something. Why, did I order it wrong? Is that not a thing? I told her it sounded ridiculous but she said that if I read the paper, you’d know what to make-”
“It’s a thing, Potter, calm down. I won’t be responsible for your girlfriend throwing out her coffee because you got the order wrong.” Draco was trying very hard to not be distracted by 1) the fact that Harry looked as good as ever, damn him 2) it seemed that he was as straight as ever and 3) how much he wanted to rip that piece of paper out of his strong grip.
Draco ripped the piece of paper out of Harry’s clutch and started at the paper. Good thing too, because there was a bit he had missed but Draco couldn’t quite make out the writing. The words “friend” and “pick her up something” and “ you’d know what to make” were swirling around Draco’s head.
“Who is this for?” he asked, holding the order in his hand as if it were Pansy’s purse he’d been forced to hold.
“Uh, Hermione. Do you-”
“Ah,” Draco said, pulling out a cup and scribbling her name on it before adding it to the counter for Hannah.  “Good thing I asked - she would have been sick as soon as you brought her a regular milk mocha instead of hazelnut milk.”
“I knew I got it wrong somehow! Thanks, Malfoy.”
Draco was thrown for a moment before he remembered to enter the order into the register. “Yes, well. Do you want anything?” Not getting an answer, he looked up to Harry giving him a half-smile, though his eyes were tinged with a bit of guilt. That was interesting…
“Uh,” he said, raising his hand to rub the back of his neck. Good lord, but Draco wanted to wrap himself around those biceps.
“I’ll, uh,” his eyes flicked over to the specials board and back again. “Is the cardamom really good in coffee? I mean, I have it in food all the time but in a drink…”
“It’s one of our most popular drinks,” Draco says as he pulls out a cup. “It’s my favourite.”
“Sold,” Harry says with a grin.
“Draco, I need more milk!” Hannah shouts from four feet away above the steaming espresso machine. 
“Got it!” Draco shouts back as he clears the register of Harry’s order, but not without him noticing first. “New customer special,” Draco tells him in answer to Harry’s confused look. “Besides, Hermione over-tips.” Before Harry can respond, Draco turns to grab three more gallons of milk from the back.
“New customer special?” Hannah asks as she pumps syrup into a few of the waiting cups.
“Shut up,” Draco mutters as he pours her milk for the next few drinks. He turns back to the line of customers, noting that the tip jar is definitely fuller than when he left it, his sharpie is lying in front of the register, and upon closer inspection one of the bills has written on it…
“What can I get you,” Draco asks with a genuine smile on his face for the first time that morning.
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namelesspharaoh · 5 years
“You try my patience. Make your choice!”
The Phantom of the Opera Starters 〘𝓧〙 | Accepting | @ofthinkingtwice​
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❝Kaiba, I haven’t made up my mind yet. Don’t rush me. ❞ 
He looks back up towards the board, feeling the other’s exasperated stare burning into his back as he did. It’s no use. A rudimentary version of this particular beverage had only just begun to circulate throughout his land during his limited time amongst the living. The Mutou household had leaned in preference more towards tea, which he had come to understand over time through trial and error. That magic metal pot with the buttons and a wire you could plug into the wall to make water hot in, though? No, he was still fairly certain that was magic.
There was gibberish jotted down on the board: coffee; espresso; vanilla latte; caffe mocha; caramel macchiato; blonde roast; flat white; the list went on and on. Whatever language this menu was written in, it certainly wasn’t the common vernacular. That’s right. This was probably some top-secret, high-profile code. Perhaps that’s why Kaiba had brought him here in specific; to watch him break under pressure as more and more sweat accumulated on his brow, too proud to admit that he hadn’t a clue what he was looking at here.
He cleared his throat, backing down subtly,
❝ You know what? I just realized I want a drink from the vending machine.❞
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
There's something magical about his waitress, and Al is determined to get to the bottom of it. NOT CURSED CHILD COMPLIANT!
This story stems from my story Portent, and like that one this is NOT Cursed Child compliant. You have been warned. You do not need to read Portent first, this story comes before that story and we'll see how far I take it. I'll probably take it at least to where Portent is.
Next chapter goes up on July 20.
Chapter 1
He was going to quit.
He was going to admit defeat and drop his classes and see if Aunt Hermione could find him someplace interesting to work for the rest of his life. Albus Potter was finished trying to make Muggle technology work around magic. It had been a pipe dream and he should have seen it as one. He'd spent a full year and a half in university trying to figure out what he was missing and nothing was working. He was wasting money and his life trying to solve something that was unsolvable and he was an idiot for thinking he was different and could figure it out.
Al shoved the ruined laptop into the duffle bag his dad converted for him, hearing it clatter as it fell to the bottom. They were only two weeks into the semester but he already had a decent amount of work to be done on top of his stupid experimenting. Al stared at the textbooks for a long moment before shaking his head. He holstered his wand beneath his shirt, grabbed his phone, and went for a walk.
It was cold, but Al was grateful for it. The freezing air around him seemed to numb his brain a bit too, giving him a momentary respite from his thoughts. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking, Al just walked. He must have looked like a crazy person as he would randomly decide to turn back and take a turn he had initially decided against. Aunt Hermione called it part of his innovative character, but Al wondered if she was mixing up the words innovative and insane.
He'd been walking for nearly forty-five minutes when his body finally started rebelling with pain. Al ducked into the first available door hoping to warm up just enough before pushing out into the cold to freeze his brain again. But as the door shut, Al felt himself freeze for a completely different reason than the weather.
His eyes had fallen on a woman who took the breath from his lungs faster than the winter air had. She had dark mahogany colored hair pulled back and pinned into a bun. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and she was talking with an accent Al thought he had heard before but nothing like this; and he never wanted to stop hearing it.
"If it's just you, pull up a seat at the counter," the woman smiled at him. "I'll be right with you."
Al finally took a moment to look around. He had apparently walked into a small caff. A voice in his head told him that he would have called it a dive if this lovely woman hadn't been standing in it. There were five small booths and a long counter that ran nearly the length of the narrow building. Al slid onto one of the stools at the counter just as the beautiful waitress had instructed.
She came around the counter from the table that she'd just delivered their order and pulled out a pad and pen.
"What can I get you?"
Al blinked, realizing that he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was in a restaurant and therefore would need to order something to eat or drink.
"Er," he hedged trying to find a menu.
"Look up, green eyes," she chuckled, pointing her pen upward.
Al looked up to find a blackboard with the menu scrawled across it in white chalk. Al picked the first two things that looked good and in his price range.
"Peppermint tea and a spinach omelet, please."
The beauty smiled at him, "Good choices, I'll be back."
Al watched her go, and he felt something a lot like magic.
Well, that kind of magic too but specifically real magic. As the gorgeous woman walked away, Al would have sworn on Merlin's grave that he felt magic in the air. He'd spent the last few years trying to make magic and Muggle technology co-exist, and he'd become somewhat adept at sensing when magic was around him. Al felt magic when his waitress turned and walked back to the kitchen, and felt it fade as she disappeared behind the door.
Al's bad morning of experimenting was now far from his brain. He was completely focused on a new goal, getting this woman's name, and maybe her number if he was lucky.
She appeared through the door with a mug of steaming water and plate with tea bags and milk and sugar. The magic wasn't there, well the real magic wasn't but Al still had stars in his eyes for this stunning creature. So much so that he utilized advice about chatting up a girl he got from Jamie while they were both still at Hogwarts.
"Thanks," he smiled at her as she set down his drink, "I'm sure you get asked all the time," he paused, hoping she would fill in the blank with the obvious question of where she was from before throwing what Jamie called a side pass, "but where do you get your aprons?"
The woman looked at him confused for a moment before a smile took over her face and she laughed, a clear and joyous sound that made Al want to listen to it on his phone on repeat all day.
"I'm from St. John's, Newfoundland. It's a Canadian island."
Al grinned, she didn't give him her name but she told him where she was from. He decided that was progress.
"That's brilliant. I'm Al, by the way."
"Ellie," she offered him her hand before pulling back and huffing. "Sorry, my boss gets mad when I shake hands with customers, says it's a waste of time for me to keep washing my hands."
Al chuckled, "Maybe I could take you up on the handshake after your shift?"
Ellie's face turned a pretty shade of red and she made a motion like she might like to behind her hair if it wasn't pulled back.
"I'll think about it." She smiled at him before turning and heading over to one of the tables.
And the magic was back. Al was almost too distracted by the magic he felt around him to fully appreciate the figurative magic he felt with Ellie. But Al was too much of a geek to not want to solve this puzzle.
He stirred his milk and sugar into his tea while he thought through what he knew. First, Ellie was gorgeous and he definitely wanted to get to know her. Second, every time Ellie had walked away from him, he sensed that there was real magic around her. Third, it was only when her back was turned to him that he sensed it.
Ellie slipped back into the kitchen and Al determined he was just as interested in her walking away from him as he was in her walking toward him. The next time she walked away, he'd pay attention. Maybe she had some magical item?
Maybe, maybe she was a witch?
Al didn't let his brain go down that latter road. He didn't want to set expectations for her. He didn't have a problem dating Muggles. He'd dated a couple of Muggle girls in the year or so he'd been living in the Muggle world full time, granted he never felt close enough to try and figure out how to approach the bombshell of him being a wizard, but lots of people had things they didn't immediately share in a new relationship, and sometimes a relationship never developed to a point for those things to come up. He just had a bit of a huge secret along with the little things like a Star Wars obsession.
The prospect of dating a witch was sort of exciting seeing as he hadn't dated a witch since Hogwarts, let alone a witch who was living in the Muggle world as he was. That was too much to hope for.
He was pulled from his thoughts when the door to the kitchen opened and Ellie walked out with a tray of food. She delivered Al's plate last along with a shy smile.
"I work Tuesdays and Thursdays from open to close," she said quietly while wiping down a section of the counter. Al noticed that it didn't need to be cleaned, which gave him a bit of a smug feeling in his chest.
"The whole day?"
Ellie's cheeks flushed but she smiled, "This place is open from six till two, and wait staff shows up at half five and stays till usually three to clean up."
Al leaned closer to her over the counter. "Well, that's very good news because I don't have class on either of those days until after lunch."
Ellie busied herself behind the counter with filing napkin holders. "Are you at uni here too?"
Al nodded as he cut into his omelet. "What are you studying?"
"Art," Ellie sighed happily. "What about you?"
"Information Technology, Computer Science, and a minor in Computer Engineering." Al shoved a bite of omelet into his mouth and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. He was also surprised that Ellie didn't immediately freak out at his degree choices. Even the professors called him crazy.
"There's something about you," she set the napkin holder down, "and I can't place my finger on it, but there's something about you that's not like most blokes who come in here."
Al held her gaze, forcing his eyes not to drop to her lips because, Merlin, this woman was going to be the death of him and he'd known her for less than thirty minutes.
"There's something magical about you too."
She blushed and Al wondered if he'd dropped enough of a hint. How does one go about asking if another is a witch?
The order bell rang and Ellie started before winking at Al and walking back toward the kitchen.
Al focused on the magic that radiated from her retreating form, trying to sense what it was. The magic was focused around her head, he realized, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about her head. Her dark hair was twisted up into a bun and...
He just caught sight of it as she walked behind the door, a long white hair pin stick. Whatever that was, it wasn't Muggle-made.
And a part of Al's brain wanted it to be a wand.
Everything about how it felt made Al believe it was a wand. It was shorter than his, probably nine inches, but while his wand looked like a stick, the pin in Ellie's hair looked to be a piece of artwork. It wasn't quite white, more of an ivory color, and Al thought he saw what looked like designs carved into it.
It was beautiful.
Al finished his omelet, watching the kitchen door for Ellie to reappear, though he had no idea what he was going to say.
Before that little technicality could come to mind, Ellie appeared with his bill.
"So, if you're ever in the market for an omelet, you should come back." She didn't look at him as she busied herself with straightening the salt and pepper shakers.
"I'm a big fan of omelets," Al handed her his card. As his brain was about to kick him for such a pathetic comment, Ellie turned around to the cash register and Al got a full view of what he thought of now as her magical hairpin.
It was definitely magical, and he'd been right that there were designs carved into it. They looked a little bit like runes, but nothing like what he'd studied at Hogwarts. It was striking in her dark hair and Al briefly was tempted to ask if he could hold it. But Ellie turned around with his card and receipt.
"Then I guess I'll see you the next time you want another omelet." As she handed back his card, her fingers brushed against his and Al resisted the urge to grab her hand.
"Brilliant," was all Al managed to say before Ellie pulled away and Al was left wishing that it wasn't quite so cold out. He was no longer interested in numbing his brain. He was interested in keeping it functioning so he could figure out how to ask Ellie out on a date and maybe find out if she was a witch.
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hey look a persona whump dream
may have forgotten a few ideas/events, but im doing my best to remember it all 👀 may also write this down into an actual story? maybe
Takes place during the time Akiren has been arrested and put into juvenile hall, roughly a few days into his sentence.
He was getting ready to go into a conference room to talk with someone, he doesn’t know if its Sojiro, or Sae, or anyone he knows so he just assumes at best its just an officer or another interrogator who wants to keep pressing him for information about the other Thieves.
But after getting into the room, he’s immediately stabbed by the person who wanted to meet him, the interrogator from his November interrogation. It’s a small switchblade, and it catches him off guard.
Akiren reasonably tries to escape. Stumbling, crawling, reaching, the entryway to escape or call another officer to help him out (though he knew too well that the latter wouldn’t happen)
His mind races with a ton of things, but mostly set on pressing hard on his stab wound and getting to a medical office to treat himself. Bad mindset to have, considering the guy was still in the room (or he had already fled, he didn’t really notice)—he’s just focused on surviving.
But he gets light headed and bleeds out, going unconscious before he could get himself out of the room.
The next day he wakes up in the infirmary, patched up and bandaged. But, what makes him confused was the feeling of a healing spell on him; he recognizes Diarama from anywhere, but as far as he knew, the Metaverse was gone.
Then a riot happens in the hall, and taking the chance, he sets out to find the interrogator using whatever means and items he could get, which included a few needles and drugs, and a switchblade of his own.
A part of him didn’t want to acknowledge that he was set on torturing the man, to inflict every ounce of pain he received last November, but the desire was becoming hard to control as the riot turned into a distraction for most of the officers.
At some point, he overhears a few people talking about him, like wondering where he went when he’s supposed to only be in the infirmary, and he was about to ignore them until he heard Sojiro’s and Futaba’s names being mentioned.
It turns out that after “visiting” Akiren, the interrogator went to the Sakura household to tell them about what he did, trying to claim some stuff to put himself in a better light (and Akiren into a worse one).
But Futaba argued back, told the interrogator he was a liar, and threatened to hurt her like he had done so to Akiren.
Akiren sees red, and finds the interrogator, going onto torture and “interrogate” him; the roles of the November interrogation being reversed, so to speak.
Although Akiren found it hard to put on his Joker personality, it increasingly became a natural, outward representation, of his bloodlust and anger. And he found himself liking the feeling, like hurting the interrogator made him feel better in a way stealing a heart could never achieve.
The recreation of the interrogation became a game to Akiren; there was no telling if the next thing he did was inject more drugs, made more cuts, or the like, and even more so regarding if the sequence was going to end.
It a constant guess if Akiren would let the interrogator die, or let him hang on the edge of his life.
Though it does end in the latter once the riot has been resolved. Yet that doesn’t stop Akiren from clearly establishing that he could do the entire process again if word about their interaction would spread.
The rest of Akiren’s days in juvenile hall was uneventful, but he did have fun toying with the interrogator whenever they saw each other; he’d flash a smile, and it would make the interrogator unsettled, increasing his paranoia.
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theewrites-tf2 · 7 years
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(Thanks for the ask @nefariousplottings! Ah Starbucks... A place of sugar, whipped cream, and angry moms wanting their caramel frappachino on the double... Nice place.)
Scout: ALWAYS comes in with a new recipe from the secret-menu. And always explains it at least three times to the poor barista who has to figure out, ‘okay, how the hell can I put candy-sharks into a frappachino?!’ Scout, chill, just grab a flat-white.
Engineer: He’s the guy that always just goes for the free ice-water. Waits twenty minutes in line, just to say, “Hi, can I have an Ice-water?” Drives the team nuts.
Sniper: Black coffee. And if he’s feeling festive, a caffe mocha. Problem is, he makes a point of taking a sip of EVERYONE’S DRINK, just to ‘taste.’ Dammit, Sniper... JUST ORDER IT YOURSELF. Also, he orders a croissant while giving Spy a sh!t-eating grin as he does it in the most obnoxiously mispronounced way he can. ‘I hate you.’ ‘Hi, I would like a CRAN-SAUCE.’ “You mean a ‘croissant’?’ “Yeah, that.’
Soldier: ‘Whipped Cream.’ ‘...Excuse me?’ ‘I want a cup full of whipped cream.’ ‘...’ Soldier happily slurps up his venti cup of whipped cream.
Demoman: ‘Can they put shots in my drin-’ NO. ‘... Ach, fine. Java-chip frappachino.’ Proceeds to pour the dreaded Russian vodka into cup.
Medic: Pumpkin Spice Frappachino, with java chips, two shots of mocha, blended with whipped cream. Medic likes being extra, let’s be honest.
Pyro: Mumbles something to barista, and gets a bucket full of assorted coffee, java chips, whipped cream and a straw. No one has dared to try whatever Pyro is drinking.
Heavy: Hot chocolate, with marshmallows. Always the classic.
Spy: ‘Caramel Macchiato, Venti, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free.’ ‘... Vow, high maintenance much?’ ‘Says Medic, now drink your pumpkin filth.’
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rachanchouhan · 3 years
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My 5 favorite Caffeine!!
Starbucks who don’t know about this big and international brand of coffee and drinks. I personally love Starbucks. We all love Starbucks and to be honest it difficult to choose one from all the Manu, but I have short listed some of my favorite drinks that I usually order when I went to Starbucks, my top 5 drinks that I love to drink from Starbucks with lots of variety, so without wasting any time lets dive into it!!
Lets starts with the number 5 “Iced passion tango tea lemonade” -This drink is both healthful and delicious; it's herbal, so you can skip the gym afterward because Starbucks claims it's good for you. Now it’s time for number 4 which is “ Café latte”- The original Caffe latte is another of my favorites, and this one is absolutely perfect for Christmas and the holidays (sorry hot chocolate). For the number I will order “Iced peach citrus white tea”- This specific beverage is quite refreshing! This is the only thing you'll need after a summer picnic! My pals and I used to drink this virtually every day after school while we were in high school. The second number which I recommend is “Captain crunch”- This item is from the secret menu; I love the combination of caramel and chocolate in this frappe; it's so amazing that I could drink it every day. Please note that the hidden menu may not be accessible in all locations. Finally, my all-time favorite, which I consider at number one in my orders from Starbucks, “Ice coffee”- I realize it's a simple drink, but it's a basic one, and we may enjoy an Iced coffee anytime and wherever we like! I wanted to end the list with something simple and what’s better than the OG! So that concludes my list of the top five Starbucks orders. As I am a coffee lover I Always take my caffeine very seriously so I personally recommend these drinks for Starbucks to you should try these and we can have similar taste.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I apricate your timing, take care and stay safe!!
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of the Top 10 Best Coffee Chains Around The World. Coffee is global and these are the top 10 most successful coffee chains worldwide. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe Many people don’t realize that there are a significant number of coffee chains around the world. We always think of the big 3 - Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and McDonald’s McCafe. This is understandable they are accessible throughout most of the world. But, many people forget that there are other chains making waves, some that we in North America have absolutely no access to. We can always hit up Starbucks or Mickey D’s but what else are we missing out on? Let’s get those baristas working overtime and check out the 10 best coffee chains in the world. If you enjoyed this list of the top 10 best coffee cafes around the world, meilleur café du monde, then comment #Coffee #Food #Top10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:36 Gloria Jeans Coffee 1:54 Caffe Nero Coffee 3:14 Caribou Coffee 4:32 Tim Hortons Coffee 5:55 Costa Coffee 7:16 Dutch Bros Coffee 8:41 McDonald’s McCafe Coffee 10:01 LavAzza Coffee 11:19 Starbucks Coffee 12:28 Dunkin Donuts Coffee SUMMARIES: - Known as one of Australia’s best places to grab a cup of joe, Gloria Jeans is a full-blown franchise. There are over 1000 Gloria Jean coffee shops across Australia and U.S. and Puerto Rico. - Founded in 1997 by Gerry Ford, not to be mistaken with Gerald Ford the former US president, Caffe Nero is booming in the UK. it’s very popular in Turkey, UAE, and Cyprus just to name a few. - Caribou Coffee’s actual slogan is “Life is Short, Stay Awake for it”. Not only is this slogan clever, it’s also all business. Right off the bat, you know what you’re in for with Caribou Coffee. - Known for its coffee and donuts, Tim Hortons has become so much more. It is the biggest coffee chain in Canada. Locations continue to pop up on every corner and their menu continues to expand. While they still hold their outstanding reputation for a great cup of coffee, you can now enjoy a soup and sandwich combo. - Costa Coffee has been dubbed the largest and fastest growing coffee shop chain in the UK. Not bad for a family owned and operated company. What started out as a supply company for local vendors and caterers has moved on to be one of the most popular spots to meet up with friends and chit chat over a nice cup of joe. - Dutch Bros coffee has been “Roastin and Rocking” since 1992. It was founded by two brothers with Dutch heritage. However, the family didn’t start out in coffee. They were in the dairy farming business but were pressured by government regulations to sell their cows. - McDonald’s wasn’t happy about not having a piece of the coffee pie so they did something about it. They upgraded their coffee and hit the ground running. They even gave their coffee and treats menu a new name; McCafe. McCafe was first launched in Australia back in 1993. - Dubbed Italy’s favorite espresso, LavAzza has certainly made their mark in the coffee world. Most people know LavAzza through their take-home coffee that you can brew or grind yourself. However, this is an actual cafe in a few European countries. - As much as some people love to hate this coffee chain, they have to admit that it is one of the more convenient places to grab their daily coffee. We all know Starbucks backstory since its humble beginnings in Seattle. - Dunkin Donuts has had a pretty questionable reputation. Many people say they have had better donuts, many people say they have had better coffee. Yet, they are one of the coffee shops that is making bank in revenue. It is dubbed the 8th largest fast food chain in the world. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://bit.ly/2DCl21k 👕 Check out our MERCH! http://bit.ly/2SWDkQM 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/2T02a24 10 Costco Cult Favorite Food Items http://bit.ly/2YrP6GT 10 American Foods That Should Be Banned http://bit.ly/2YzLEdk 10 Secrets You Didn't Know About IKEA Food Court http://bit.ly/2Yqqi1N Top 10 Untold Truths of the Heart Attack Grill http://bit.ly/2H2LLYe 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company http://bit.ly/2T8awZL 10 Secrets You Didn't Know About Costco Food Court (Part 1) http://bit.ly/2GWQWsY 10 Secrets You Didn't Know About Costco Food Court (Part 2) http://bit.ly/2YjiQ8C 10 Foods That Will Never Expire (Part 1) http://bit.ly/2Yncbul 10 Foods That Will Never Expire (Part 2) http://bit.ly/2YqVuOv Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss (Part 1) http://bit.ly/2IyUJ1Y Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss (Part 2) http://bit.ly/2TpKahK Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss (Part 3) http://bit.ly/2YrUABe All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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ive been thinking a lot about Bad End AU Akiren, and Akiren who just hates Akechi instead of understanding him-
just there’s something about a guy either being pissed that he died because of a plan that went wrong (with little objections from him/his refusal of the plan falling on deaf ears)
or a guy hating his rival, like actually loathing his rival, to the point that he lashes out and his rival receives the brunt of his anger and frustrations of him among other things
also about that last bit- ive also been thinking about Akiren just being the type to lash out if his buttons were pressed hard enough, being silent isnt wholly possible since it can seep through what he says sometimes, and he even thinks about how to deal with it materialistically like breaking his pens and pencils, punching the wooden frames in the corners of the Leblanc attic, hiding away and taking his anger out on his surroundings- those kinds of things
just overall im thinking about Akiren and how he deals with his anger, frustrations, and loathing a ton 👀
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