#Albus Severus x OC
ameliathefatcat · 21 days
Next Gen and their partners
Teddy and Victoire
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Molly ii and Nicky
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James Sirius and Leah-Rose
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Scorpius and Rose
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Albus and Stella
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Louis and Lizzy
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Athena and Hugo
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Shoshana and Lily Luna
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alohaemora · 1 year
Day 5: Albus Severus
Thirteen Days of Christmas
A collection of thirteen seasonal one-shots — one for each of the Weasley-Potter grandkids (including Teddy, of course). Chapter artwork by the lovely, incredibly talented @thecatisdrawing.
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She smirked at him over her shoulder. "Has the ship sailed on you becoming Albus Smith, then?"
"My parents might never forgive me if I take your dad's name," he said dryly, glancing past Emily at Zacharias's table. "Difficult as I've made things on Dad over the years, I think I'll draw the line at that."
Emily pressed her lips together against her amusement. "Fair enough."
Albus shook his head, tangling his fingers in Emily's long, dark hair. For a few moments, they sat in contented silence, and he found himself basking, as he always did, in the quiet ease. Everything with Emily had been like that, from the beginning, uncomplicated in a way nothing else had ever felt to him.
Dad had told him once, during one of their Mind Healing sessions, that things had felt like that with Mum, too, back when they were at Hogwarts together. After all the times in his moody teenage years that Albus had wished he could be less like his father, he was nothing but grateful now that this was something they shared.
Read Chapter 5: Home for the Holidays on AO3. Read from the beginning on AO3.
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aceyxyl · 3 months
Severus Snapes hands.
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isbreulla · 1 month
I'm the kind of artist who is very visual when it comes to creating something, I need to see something to create something, and since I'm making Sarah Snape's universe I had to illustrate the main cast… Now the story can begin.
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celeste-aura · 21 days
Scene: The Headmaster’s Office at Hogwarts
Snape is sitting at his desk, looking over a stack of applications for the position of Deputy Headmaster. The ghosts of McGonagall and Dumbledore float nearby.
McGonagall: (with an uncharacteristic cheeriness) "Oh, Severus, this one looks promising! Quite an impressive resume, don't you think?"
Snape: (raises an eyebrow) "Minerva, were you always this... cheery? My memory of you is more... stern and strict."
McGonagall:(chuckles) "Well, Severus, dying does give one a new perspective on life."
Dumbledore: (nodding sagely) "She's undeniably a perfect fit, Severus."
Snape: (rolls his eyes) "I don't need hiring advice from you, Albus. You hired Lockhart, a werewolf, a mad Auror, and me, a Death Eater. So, no!"
Dumbledore: (smiling serenely) "Ah, but Severus, each of you brought something unique to the table."
Snape:(sarcastically) "Yes, like chaos, danger, and an unhealthy amount of hair gel."
McGonagall: (laughs) "Oh, Severus, you always did have a way with words."
Snape:(muttering) "I need a vacation."
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slave-for-snape · 5 days
Hello. I am Kathrine, a 26 year old woman from about not currently residing in Utah, I have been a fan of the Harry Potter franchise since about 2014 but have only recently come to my senses about my love for Snape. I have decided to make a blog, a blog dedicated to that love.
To me he extends beyond the books and is more than a fictional character, to me he is a life force, one that is around at all times and that fills me with love and joy every second of everyday. He helps me cope with my trauma (religious) and has opened a new light in my life.
I have had nearly everyone that I talk to about this make fun of me or call me delusional IRL so I’m coming back to Tumblr as a way to express myself and how I feel.
I would love to find others with my tastes and ideas about Harry Potter (but mainly Snape.).
Harry Potter haters
Kink/fetish blogs
Rude people prone to misunderstanding
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letstrythisout4 · 2 months
Chapter 2- Harry Potter and the Necromancer
“I can’t believe you just said you hate me.”
“I didn’t say I hated you, I said you’re transferring schools.”
“Same thing.” 
Miracle Blake was comfortable. Well…comfortable enough. She was used to change, she had learned to accept them, but she was feeling particularly stubborn about this one. She adapted to attending muggle elementary school after being raised by her adopted grandmother. She adapted to attending Ilvermorny and interacting with the Wizarding World beyond her grandmother. She adapted to the stares, comments and ignorant misconceptions; allowing all of it to roll down her back. She had gotten comfortable. 
And now she was being uprooted again. All the other changes she was warned about. She knew eventually she’d attend school with kids her age and that she’d have to not make comments about the voices she was hearing and the people she was seeing. She knew she would go to a school where magic was accepted, all magic except hers. She knew she’d be ostracized. 
She did not know that she was going to be shipped off to fucking Britain.
“Remind me again why you’re getting rid of me after all these years? Sounds counterproductive.” she asked, leaning on the kitchen counter, watching the woman before her cook.
“Because your attitude is too much for me to deal with.” the old witch stated, looking over her shoulder.
“Ha ha ha” Miracle mocked back, causing the woman to laugh.
“I already told you why, Milagro.” 
Milagro, her original name. Legally she was Milagro Blake, but apparently Milagro is too difficult for people to pronounce, therefore she was Miracle. “One dream is enough for you to get rid of me?”
“Several visions are enough to get rid of you. I ignored the others because they were ambiguous enough for me not to feel it was urgent. The latest one though” -she shook her head- “ yeah, you’ve gotta go, baby.”
Ah yes, the vision. The vision she refused to explain despite it being the reason why she was leaving her only home. The house they lived in was black and brick, nicely secluded in the woods. The locals called it creepy, but Miracle always felt at home amongst the dark furniture and architecture. Ilvermorny was… annoying but she was used to it, all that mattered was that she came home. Would that even be an option with Hogwarts? She decided to voice her question. 
“Yes, baby. A good friend of mine works at Hogwarts and she’s helped me set it up so that you’ll be able to come home for holidays, don’t worry.” 
Ok that’s not that bad. Bare minimum but not that bad. Miracle thought to herself.
“But you will be visiting Hogwarts, almost daily, starting tomorrow.” The old woman said avoiding eye contact, as she plated the food.
“You need to meet your teachers and get used to the layout of the school. Plus you need to get used to the crypt on the grounds that you’ll work in.” she explained “My friend also said it was best for you to begin tutoring with the teachers, just to ensure you are covered to join classes with the other third years.”
“Grandma, I need you to be serious. I-”
“I am being serious.” her grandmother said cutting her off. “You may not like it but you will be going to Hogwarts. You will be meeting your teachers for lessons. And you will keep your opinions on the subject between you and me, complaining will get you nowhere.” she stated, looking at Miracle as if challenging her to argue.
Miracle knew better.
“Yes, Grandma.”
The next day, they floo’d to Hogwarts directly into an office. “Martha! How wonderful to see you.” a stern looking woman greeted them, standing from behind her desk to hug Miracle’s grandmother.
“Minerva, it has been far too long. I’m so grateful the gods and ancestors have brought us back together.” her grandmother said.
Ah yes, the gods and ancestors. Miracle thought to herself. Her mother was a polytheist. She believed in several different deities and worshiped them along with her ancestors. She frequently asked them for blessings during her rituals. Miracle believed in these deities and ancestors- strongly. Hard not to when death based gods and goddesses liked to drop in during her work.
“And this must be Milagro?” McGonagall asked.
“Call me Miracle.” she replied, shaking the woman's hand. McGonagall was someone her grandmother spoke highly about, apparently they were friends when McGonagall used to travel with her husband.
“Miracle, then. I am Minerva McGonagall, in public I must ask you to refrain from calling me anything other than Professor McGongall. I will be your Transfiguration professor. Shall we go meet the others?”
They spent the rest of the day meeting the staff. She quite liked Professor Flitwick; he was one of the only ones to not flinch when he heard her name. Strangely the same couldn’t be said for Snape; she expected different from a former Death Eater. ( A name she hated as a necromancer). Though her second favorite was a man named Remus Lupin, the other who didn’t flinch. She could immediately tell he was a werewolf though, her abilities told her when dark creatures were near. She couldn't tell if it was for her safety or for her to develop alliances. She felt quite sad when she realized the kind man before her was in pain a majority of his life, both physically and mentally.
Eventually, they made their way to the Headmaster’s office. “Ah, Miss Blake, I was wondering if Minerva had forgotten me.” said an old man, petting a phoenix. 
So this is the great Albus Dumbledore...doesn't seem all that great to me. Judge, jury and executioner of dark wizards, witches and creatures. The witches and wizards who practice the Dark Arts were actively engaging in twisted practices for their own gain. There were very very few reasons as to why someone should be involved in the Dark Arts. Sometimes it was necessary, to save someone's life sometimes…out of desperation people… turned. But Dark witches and wizards actively make the choice day-in and day-out, and it was deplorable. 
“Nice to meet you, sir.” She said, manners that were all but beaten into her, shining through.
“Albus.” her grandmother said plainly. Manners not shining through. She liked to tell Miracle that she was “too old” to pretend to like people.
“Martha, a pleasure as always.” he responded as if he couldn’t hear the clear disinterest in her words. “I’m very pleased that you have trusted the staff and myself with your granddaughter. Though I will say I’m surprised you never told me you were the one taking her in.”
Miracle sighed under her breath. This man was not related to her, he wasn’t a part of the heads of MACUSA, there was no reason for him to know. The fact that he had the audacity to ask why he wasn’t just given important information as to where the only necromancer in history was, told Miracle everything she needed to know about the wizard in front of her. 
“There was no reason to tell you, Albus.” her grandmother stated, shutting him down.
Even he couldn’t ignore that, “Let’s go to set up your space, Miss Blake.” he said. They made their way into what they called the Forbidden Forest, walking deep inside till they reached a crypt. “Before the forest was as large as it is now, the town of Hogsmeade had a cemetery here; hence the crypt.” The crypt was nice nice. In its prime it must have been bright white marble, nice and clean. Now though, dirt was in its crevices and its edges were softened from withstanding the elements. It was still in good condition, no risk of collapse (it was still made of stone after all.) The pillars at the entrance were covered in vines that seemed to grow from its base. She could feel the bodies that were contained in the building and was surprised to sense just how many there were. And how far out the energy of the dead extended, at least a few acres. She’d have to reach out to the souls and ask for their stories; if she were going to occupy their final resting place she should at least attempt to reach out.
It was perfect. 
“I love it.” Miracle practically cried as she raced up the steps - completely missing the disturbed looks that McGonagall and Dumbledore were trying to contain - and threw open the heavy doors. The inside was dusty, with a stone counter in the middle (likely meant to prepare a body and a casket), and several archways outlining halls where caskets were embedded into the stone walls. 
While Miracle didn’t spend a lot of time with “normal” people, she spent enough to know the relief she felt being surrounded by the dead wasn't “normal”. 
Oh well.
“I’m glad that you are…satisfied. But there are a few matters we must discuss. First being, you are not alone in this forest. At all. There are several creatures of varying levels of intelligence and aggression. Usually I wouldn’t allow a human to reside in the Forest for a significant period of time - like you will be - but, as I’m sure you know, creatures steer clear of dark magic as much as physically possible.”
Accurate. Creatures did not like Miracle, at all. They could sense the death magic that came off of her and were scared. The only ones that she has been accepted by were Grims and Thestrals, they eagerly searched her out. The omen of death and the creatures that only appear to those who have seen death. Fitting.
“That’s fine. Beyond the fear of dark magic, Miracle can take care of herself.” her grandmother said, rather smugly.
“I’m sure she can. The second matter is that of a very specific creature, there will be a werewolf in the woods. Professor Lupin is that werewolf. I tell you this not because I believe he could hurt you, again I have no doubt you will protect yourself, but I hope that unless absolutely necessary you will not hurt him. He will take wolfsbane potion, he will maintain his sense of self so long as he takes it. And as you know, since you’ve met him, he is a good man. So if you are to reside here, I must ask you to only hurt him in the unlikely case he will attack.”
Miracle just stared at the wizard. While she completely agreed with what he was saying, the way he said it didn’t seem entirely innocent. Yes, he wanted to protect Lupin. But she wasn’t convinced it was simply because he cared for the man. “Of course, I will. I could tell he was a wolf, I wanted to give him his privacy.” 
“His secret is safe with us. And we will tell him as much next time we see him.” her grandmother stated. “Is there anything else she should know?”
“No, that was all. Of course, we are putting a lot of faith that your magic will be… safe.”
Miracle tilted her head, replying innocently. “I will ensure it to be.” Only her grandmother seemed to pick up on her tone. Her magic was as safe as Dark Magic could be….so long as she wasn’t hurt, or angered, or startled, or threatened, or intentionally trying to hurt someone. Or lost control, or-
It’ll be fine. she thought to herself as the walked away from the crypt. She made mental plans of how to best clean up the crypt to show respect for the spirits, and began to ward the acres impacted by them. She made sure to make it so that nothing and nobody could come in without explicit permission from herself and that if anything did try to enter she would be immediately notified.
Her days all of August were spent taking various tests, lessons and practice sessions with the various staff, only coming home to eat dinner and sleep. She enjoyed her time for the most part. She actually knew more than was necessary, her knowledge similar to a seventh year rather than a third. The same applied back in Ilvermorny and her muggle school, her grandmother taught her everything and anything so that she was never at a disadvantage. Her grandmother was incredibly experienced though being a Louisiana raised Black woman, has led her to focusing on Hoodoo as that was what her family was brought up in. They were all Hoodoo practitioners, hence why they were so willing to take in Miracle; or at least that was her theory. 
Because of her advanced knowledge, her sessions were less of catching up and more of advanced tutoring and aiding the professors in setting up for the next year. Flitwick and McGonagall began teaching her Mastery levels of Charms and Transfiguration (which wasn’t even taught during the average seven years of Hogwarts). Lupin asked for her opinions on the lessons he had prepared; she loved all of them. Snape at first tested her on every ingredient and potion he had ever come across, he eventually gave up and began forcing her to stock his inventory; he’d even let her brew some potions that he was running low on. Sprout needed help in the greenhouse, Sinistra had her make charts of the solar system to line the walls of the Astronomy tower and Hagrid used her as a beacon for the thestrals and a ward against all other creatures. 
All Miracle cared was that they weren’t forcing her to do first year nonsense. 
September first came, everyone had agreed that it was best if she just floo’d to McGonagall’s office and waited until she was collected by Filch when it was time for her to be sorted. Something she was grateful for since it allowed her to avoid her peers for as much time as possible. The sorting was uneventful. The conversation with the Hat was frustrating.
Don’t care where you put me, so long as it isn’t Slytherin.
But Slytherin would be perfect for you.
It would also be a pain in the ass, nobody would leave me alone. Which means I’d have to make them and my grandmother would be incredibly disappointed if I got myself expelled.
Not Slytherin, hmmm, then it must be-
Miracle went and took her seat, ignoring the terror on some of the students' faces. She ate her meal quietly, shocked when the red-headed boy next to her turned and introduced himself, “Percy Weasley, Head Boy.” he stated with his hand out.
She shook it, “Miracle Blake, nice to meet you.” it wasn’t normal for someone to choose to speak to her, and while she could tell his confidence was fake, she appreciated the effort.
“Pleasure. As Head Boy, it’s my duty to instruct the prefects and look out for the students. That includes you. So, if you need anything -anything at all- please don’t hesitate to find me.”
That’s nice. She could practically taste the self-importance that rolled off of him, but wasn't about to lose an ally so quickly. “Thank you, Percy.”
“Of course.”
The meal ended and they were herded off to bed. She could tell the girls of her year were uncomfortable but she didn’t have the patience to introduce herself without being rude. She changed as swiftly as possible, did her skin care routine, put on her bonnet and climbed into her bed.
Only to realize her bed comforter and curtains were red. I could just leave it….nah. she thought to herself, before charming everything to black. She warded her bed so that she couldn’t hear outside of the curtains (she refused to deal with snoring), it stayed cold (it was better to sleep like that) and that nobody could enter (she was paranoid). 
Please gods, goddesses and ancestors let this year go smoothly. She prayed before falling asleep.
Author's notes: much much longer than the first chapter but I wanted to set a good basis for the future. thanks for reading
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littlemochix17 · 3 months
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evansisasadist · 5 months
Time for me to talk about Owen Coleman. Lucy Weasley's best friend. They become friends at the age of 12 and never leave each other's side. Owen is the sun and Lucy is the moon. The golden retriever and black cat duo. Lucy's the youngest of all the Weasley cousins and she's happy to finally be the leader after following Fred and James around her whole life. Owen's just happy to follow, he's too nice not too. Lucy's more reckless and Owen's scared she'll go off the deep end one day. Owen likes it when she calls him Colly and Lucy likes it when he calls her Luce. Out of the two of them, Lucy should've died first. She doesn't. Owen Coleman dies at the age of 19 in a drunken duel. He dies protecting Lucy, pushing her out of the way of a curse. Owen Coleman is dead and Lucy Weasley will never be alright again.
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lynnmatthewswrites · 3 months
The New Girl at Hogwarts: Chapter One- The Move
Authors Note: Hiya! I started writing this because I couldn’t see myself in so many fanfiction protagonists! I love the Harry Potter series and really relate to Hermione and Luna, who were so proudly not submitting to stupid things like pink and girly stuff! This fic is a love letter to the quirky girls and the girls who love Hogwarts! I also thought id include a gay character for gay rights! Sorry if there r any typos I tried my best.(LMK if you want a Y/N ver)
Sarah Lynn Clampitt wasn’t like a lot of girls she knew. Sarah Lynn didn’t like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey. Her favorite band was Panic! at The Disco, or maybe Paramore, though they were so underground most of her friends had never heard of them. Sarah Lynn didn’t care about short skirts and being girly, and much preferred hanging with the boys and getting dirty over lip gloss and glitter. She was also a witch, and went to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, that was until her rich father died tragically, and she had to move in with her mom’s sister in England. (her mom died when she was a baby in a tragic accident and it was really sad)
Sarah Lynn would miss Ilvermony, even though she was sort of unpopular- all the other girls liked Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour and the Barbie movie, while Sarah Lynn hung out with boys- and the boys liked her, but still! Sarah Lynn sighed, looked out of the airplane window, and shed a single tear, missing her dad and her friends from New York. But they didn’t matter anymore. She was going to Hogwarts, and things were gonna be different! She put in her wired earbuds (airpods are stupid) and started playing one of her favorite songs- “House of Memories” by Panic! at the Disco. (AN: most people have never heard of this song but def check it out! it’s super good) She really liked P!ATD, even though Brandon Urine had collabed with stupid taylor swift. 
Sarah Lynn realized she had fallen asleep on the plane, and they were now landing in London. She pulled her golden blonde hair into a messy bun and pulled down her baggy t-shirt and walked off the plane with her backpack. Her aunt had texted her that she would pick her up at the airport, but Sarah Lynn had just now realized her aunt’s appearance was a total mystery to her. She walked off the plane and into the airport, where she began to read the names on signs- John, Craig, Angie, Bob, Robert, Bobby, Bob, until she saw a sign that made her freeze. It was a pink, glittery sign, with hello kitty and my little ponies on it. Even more terrifying was what it read. Sarah Lynn. THIS was her aunt? Sarah Lynn looked up to see a bleach blonde, lip-gloss wearing, stanley-cup-having woman. “Hi sweetie! I’m your aunt Jessica!” Sarah Lynn was terrified. Who was this woman? How was she even related to Sarah Lynn’s beautiful mother(who died when she was a baby)
“Hi Aunt Jessica?” Sarah Lynn grimaced. 
“C’mon sweetie! Let’s get to Kings Cross!”
So the pair climbed in to Aunt Jessica’s cramped and cluttered mini, which Aunt Jessica wasn’t an adept driver of, and drove to King’s Cross, where Sarah Lynn climbed out of the car, thanked Aunt Jessica, and walked off to platform 9 and ¾. When Lynn got on the train an old man with black hair stopped her. 
“Are you Sarah Lynn Clampitt?” he asked. 
“Yes” I said.
“Well, you’re new, so you have to go to the transfer student cabin!” he yelled, pulling Sarah Lynn by her arm to the back of the train into a cell-like chamber filled with moldy bread. 
“No! Help!” Sarah Lynn screamed, banging on the door, but to no avail. Eventually she fell asleep in the cold cell, and when she woke up… she was at Hogwarts!
She was ushered inside, where she was led up to the sorting ceremony with the first years. Wow she thought. Cool. When she was pushed up onto the stage, everyone looked at her confused- she was fifteen, not eleven! Sarah Lynn blushed, before going “Erm- awko taco!” and then everyone laughed and clapped. Dumbedore put the hat on Sarah Lynn’s hat and it didnt even hesitate, just yelled GRIFFYNDOR!! so Sarah Lynn went to sit at the Gryffindor table. 
She sat next to a girl with curly hair, a ginger boy, and a boy with glasses. “Hi! I’m Sarah Lynn Clampitt. Can I sit here?”
“Of course!” The curly haired girl said. “My name is Hermione Grager, and these are Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.”
“Nice to meet you” Harry said “Where are you from?”
“Im from Ilvermony in New York. But then my dad died, and my mom died when I was a baby.”
“Im so sorry” Ron said. 
“It's ok. I’m just happy to be here!” Sarah responded
“You seem really cool for a girl. Girls are so much drama.” Hemione vocated.
“Oh my god you too! I hate Taylor Swift.”
“I hate her too. I hate her I hate her I hate her. What type of music do you like?” 
“I love Panic! at the Disco and Paramore- you’ve probably never heard of them.”
“I’ve never heard of them ever!” Ron said gingerly
“They’re super good. I love Brandon Urine, even though he made a song with stupid taylor.”
The group all ewwed in unison. Just then a boy in a Charli XCX shirt sat down by Harry. Harry exclaimed “Hi Neville!”
“Hey ddady!” Neville remarked svltrily. “Snatch my wig and i oop lets roide lavender lamborgini roll up in a blue bikini- whos the new girl??”
“That’s Lynn. She’s cool.” Harry dictated. “She’s from America.”
“Oh America the land of Beyonce werk slay queen girlboss!!” Neville announced. “That’s so mother of you.”
“I hate Beyonce. She’s basic.” Sarah Lynn remarked. “You seem cool though.”
“Oh Em Gee, how can you sin upon mother girlboss? That’s so not cool I T G I R L U know I am that girl of you!” Neville sobbed.
“He’s a little sensitive.” Hermoine remarked as Neville ran of sobbing. “But he’s cool sometimes.”
“Huh.” Sarah intoned, before Dumbledore started talking. “Welcome students? My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the headmaster of this school. This year, we’ve welcomed dementors and also fortune-telling because Voldemort is on the rise. Anyway, enjoy the feast!” dumbledore exclaimed as delicious food appeared before everyone- it looked like everyone got to eat their favorite food! Sarah gasped as chicken nuggets magically appeared before her. Sarah Lynn loved chicken nuggets.
“Oh my god I love chicken nuggets. Oh my god.” Sarah Lynn cried.
“Me too girl!” Hermine attributed.
“I’d be late to my wedding and just run in like SORRY I WAS GETTING CHICKIE NUGGIES!” Sarah quipped.
Sarah Lynn and Herione cheersed each other with their chicken nuggets, looking out on the other girls eating their salads and protein shakes, rolling their eyes. Stupid iceberg lettuce and croutons. Sarah Lynn felt very happy, like she’d finally found her place. A girl who was also not like other girls. Two new boys she could be one of. She was excited to learn the in and out of Hogwarts- and then she saw him. 
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bluebugsy · 19 days
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Albus and Katarina by Madebysalfe
I’m so happy 😭😭😭 ik I’m my own fics biggest fan, but tbh paying artists to doodle my silly little characters in my silly little fic is addicting ☠️❤️😂
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jayzfortx · 23 days
Curiosity || A. S. Potter
Faceclaim- Dylan Kingwell
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"You've got to tell me, that this whole thing- Isn't just your curiosity. Please, tell me that its more than that. Please."
A/N- this is probably my first entirely completed one shot? I know that many people aren't into the harry potter next generation fandom anymore, but I'll be honest, I'm in love with Albus Severus Potter 🫶🏻
I had a bit of a grudge against the Potters and the Weasleys, but hate me if you must. I mean, I get it, they're heroes for saving the Wizarding world and all. But their kids- they act like they're the kings and queens of Hogwarts, strutting around like they own the place. And everyone's clamoring to be their friend.
But what about the folks who got caught up unfairly after the war, you know? What about them? And with a Weasley or a Potter in practically every class, it's kind of hard to speak out against the crowd.
I found myself in a bit of a spat with the "golden trio" from the Weasley-Potter crew: Roxanne, Fred, and James. We're all in the same year, they're Gryffindors. They thought it'd be hilarious to dye all the Slytherin robes gold and red, playing up that age-old rivalry between the houses.
Hexes flew, points were docked, and detentions were dished out.
I found myself scrubbing the potions room alongside one of the OWL-level students who had volunteered for the task. Honestly, I only took Potions because it was a requirement for a Ministry job, but now I was seriously regretting it.
And wouldn't you know it, the fifth-year student paired with me was none other than Albus Severus Potter, younger brother to James Sirius Potter and cousin to Fred and Roxanne.
As I scrubbed cauldrons alongside Roxanne, I couldn't help but notice James, Fred, and Albus goofing around nearby. This was supposed to be detention, not some family reunion.
Rolling my eyes, I went to stack the dried cauldrons back on the shelves. As I did, I overheard Fred whispering to the Potter brothers.
"Did you hear what Wendy McGillick said about her? She hates all happy families because she doesn't have one."
Honestly, how these rumors differed from the truth, I'd never understand.
"You've gotta get your facts right, Weasley," I interjected, unable to hold back. "Besides, you know McGillick. She'd do anything to please her recent shag, even if it ranges from lying about a dormmate's life or faking an orgasm."
James burst into a fit of laughter, while his brother, at the back, offered only a soft smile. It made me wonder if he was as intolerable as the rest of his family.
Returning to scrubbing cauldrons with Roxanne, I caught her giving me a look, one I couldn't quite decipher. Was it pity? Concern? Confusion?
"What's on your mind, Weasley? If you weren't dating Bradley Woods, I'd think that stare of yours was insinuating something," I remarked to Roxanne.
She scoffed and rejoined her family, who seemed to have finished their tasks in the potions room.
"Lock up, Rowle," she muttered as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. I finished up the last of the cleaning, only to realize that the golden trio had left something—or rather, someone—behind. Albus Potter.
"Potter? Why aren't you with your family? They just left a few minutes ago. If you hurry, you might catch up with them," I said to him.
He hesitated, as if wanting to say something, but in the end, he simply nodded and left the room.
I pondered if Albus might have selective mutism, but quickly dismissed the thought, considering he was currently serving as the appointed Gryffindor prefect.
This wasn't the first time he'd attempted to speak to me but failed. The second instance was when I was tutoring another of his cousins, Molly Weasley. She was a bright student, albeit with a touch of ego, but I let it slide because of her excellence in Charms.
"You're so good at Charms, why did Flitwick assign you a tutor?" I inquired of Molly.
"I'm good at the theoretical part, but my wand movements aren't accurate enough," she explained.
"They would be if you'd actually do some spells, Mols," a voice chimed in. I turned to see Rose Weasley, with Albus trailing behind her, burdened with four heavy books.
"It's illegal to do spells outside school," Molly retorted.
As the banter between Rose and Molly continued, I turned to Albus and remarked, "Wilderwal's guide to excelling in Transfiguration, huh? That's a solid set of books. But when I was preparing for the OWLs, I used Nook's OWL Helper."
He simply nodded, as if about to say something, when Rose called to him, and he hurried out of the room.
"Does he have some kind of mutism?" I asked Molly.
"Who? Al? No, he's just very shy," she replied.
There were moments during tutoring when I felt truly happy. It felt like a blessing to pass down knowledge to someone younger or in need of a little help.
The week before Christmas, as everyone was packing to leave, I received an envelope from Molly. Inside was her Charms test, marked with an E. A letter fell into my lap, and it read:
Dear Rowle,
Merry Early Christmas. I wanted to show you my Charms test in person, but I had to leave early for Christmas, like every year, the whole family is gathering, so I couldn't miss it.
I'm really grateful for all the help you've given me, so please accept this as a token of gratitude.
Molly Weasley
PS - Albus hasn't stopped talking about his embarrassing moment with you.
Laughing, I unwrapped the small box and pulled out a pair of earrings shaped like the golden snitch.
The earrings were adorable, and they ended up being the only Christmas present I received.
As everyone prepared to depart for the holidays, the Great Hall was bustling with activity, filled with trunks and people exchanging hugs, promising to keep in touch over Christmas.
I made my usual decision to stay behind, as I did every year. However, this time, an unexpected person made the same choice. Albus? Didn't he have a family gathering to attend?
As everyone else departed, the headcount of those staying dwindled to ten: Albus, Henry, and Bradley Wood, Fidela MacMillan, the Patil triplets, Scorpius Malfoy, Natasha Meyers, and myself.
I tapped Albus on the arm, noticing his height towering above most of his cousins. He turned around, looking surprised to see me.
"Why aren't you at the station? Don't you have a family Christmas to attend?" I inquired.
Well, it seemed the boy could actually speak.
"Uh, yeah. I just didn't feel like going. Needed a break from attending it for 15 years straight. Plus, Scorp is staying, and, you know, Meyers is staying," he rambled.
Meyers and Malfoy? Who would've known.
"Why are you staying?" he asked me, and I could see the instant regret flicker across his face as I raised an eyebrow at his question. Deciding to keep my response brief, I replied, "I stay back every year. Nothing new."
He simply nodded. Just a nod. Molly was right; he was indeed shy, unlike half of his cousins who I was accustomed to, who were obnoxiously loud. This one seemed tolerable.
He bid goodbye in such a soft whisper that I might have missed it if I had been even a centimeter farther away. Watching his retreating figure, I couldn't shake this feeling of curiosity, this desire to know more about him.
"Miss Rowle, I suppose Mr. Potter has caught your curiosity?" I heard Professor Parkinson, the potions teacher, say to me. As the head of the Slytherin house, she was well-informed about, well, my family.
Considering how Professor Parkinson had also been through a similar situation to mine, I felt she was one of the teachers I could rely on. No wonder Professor Slughorn personally recommended her to the Headmistress.
"No, Professor, nothing like that. It's just that he's different from the rest of his family, which caught me off guard. Nothing about curiosity, besides, he's two years younger. I can't possibly be friends with him. And he's a Gryffindor," I added, emphasizing the last part.
The next morning, I realized I had nothing to do except tackle the one-thousand-word Potions essay on the Mandrake Potion due after the winter break. Heading to the library, I greeted Madam Pince and scanned the vast space for a seat.
Considering there were only ten students staying back, I expected the library to be entirely empty. But it wasn't. Potter was buried in heaps of textbooks, engrossed in his reading, his hair falling over his eyes. I fought the urge to push it back for him.
Taking a seat next to him, he briefly glanced up and then around the library.
"If you want, I can sit somewhere else," I offered, starting to rise from my chair. He immediately shot up, creating an echo in the already quiet library, prompting Madam Pince to shush us. He apologized to her and then turned to me, saying, "No, you can sit here. Just surprised you chose to sit here when there are plenty of empty seats."
I smiled at his words. He was truly something else. "I usually like a bit of company when I read. It helps me stay connected to reality and not disappear into the textbooks," I quipped, teasing him about getting lost in his books.
His playful smirk danced on his lips, leaving me curious if they were as soft as they looked.
As I worked on my essay in silence, I couldn't help but steal glances at Albus while he worked. He was engrossed in Advanced Potions V, a book we didn't touch until seventh year, reserved for those undergoing professional potions training. This boy was full of secrets.
"Advanced Potions V? Do you even understand the contents of that book?" I asked him, noting his offended expression at my question.
"I really like Potions, and I tend to study it a little in advance. It'll be helpful during O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. Besides, it's quite fun once you get the basics cleared," he explained, and I found myself enjoying listening to him talk.
"Well, Albus, if you're quite advanced in Potions, perhaps you could overlook my Mandrake Potion essay assigned by Parkinson," I suggested, sliding my essay toward him. He took it and skimmed through it.
"You need to start with an introduction about Mandrakes and their fatal cries, then discuss their use in medicinal potions. Also, you've veered from the main points and focused too much on the procedure rather than the purpose of each step and ingredient," he explained carefully.
"Introduction to Mandrakes? But I dropped Herbology in sixth year. Besides, this isn't an essay assigned by Professor Longbottom. Why do I need to write about the plant? Is this Professor Parkinson's way of expressing her undying love for Professor Longbottom? He's married and has two kids," I remarked matter-of-factly, referring to the rumored relationship between the two professors.
"He's married to her, and they have two kids together. Rowle, did you actually not know this? Isn't Professor Parkinson close to you?" Albus asked, sounding amused. Pansy Parkinson and Neville Longbottom were married. What.
"You've got to be kidding me. How? What? So, you're telling me Francesa and Alice Longbottom's mother is Professor Parkinson? I swear I heard Francesa complain about Professor Parkinson being unfair to her," I exclaimed in disbelief.
"You daft mare. Happy realization, love. Every year, Professor Parkinson assigns a Mandrake essay to her seventh years, and on the night of their anniversary, they sit together and correct the essays," Albus explained in a storytelling manner, revealing his romantic side.
"I don't want to know about their love life. Anyways, how do you know so much about the professors?" I asked before realizing he was a Potter, and his parents were close with most of the teachers at Hogwarts.
"I'm a Potter, remember?" he said with a sigh, flinching as he said it. He knew. He knew about my hatred for his family. I felt a pang of guilt for making my feelings toward the Weasley-Potter clan so evident.
He called my name softly, as though speaking any louder would hurt me. Why would it hurt me? Shouldn't I be the one comforting him? Was I the reason he had shut himself out?
"Rowle, if you're comfortable with it… I overheard Fred and Louis talking about your family. Louis said your family was wrongfully accused of something, while Fred stated that you don't have a family of your own," he asked hesitantly. I had been bombarded with this question many times in my seven years at Hogwarts. I snapped at people and asked them to mind their own business, but for Albus, I felt I could trust him, and the words flowed out.
Being a Rowle wasn't easy. The sacred twenty-eight was now in decline. I was the only surviving Rowle, and with me, the bloodline would end.
"It's fine, Potter. They're both right, actually. After the war, my family was accused of being Death Eaters. My father, Romulus Rowle, was wrongly identified as Rudolph Rowle, his twin brother who was the Death Eater. My father was sentenced to death, and my mother couldn't bear it. She fell sick and passed away," I explained, feeling a sense of comfort as Albus rubbed his thumb over my palm.
"So, your cousins are somewhat right. My family was wrongfully accused, and yet I have no family," I said, attempting to lighten the mood. But Albus's eyebrows furrowed, so I reached out and smoothed out the creases in his forehead, noticing a faint blush on his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, he stood up. "I hope you know that you aren't defined by your last name, right? Molly hasn't stopped talking about you being her favorite Slytherin. And she doesn't pick favorites easily."
"Albus?" I said hesitantly, catching his attention. He looked at me expectantly, but I took a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "You know, you don't need to shut your family out. They have your back at all times, even if they're famous. Don't miss out on Christmas gatherings next time, okay?"
He simply nodded.
After the Christmas break ended, the school was once again filled with students, which meant less time for me to spend with Albus, as he had to focus on studying for his O.W.Ls.
Throughout the Christmas break, I hung out with Albus a lot. His friends, Malfoy and Meyers, were too busy snogging in some broom closet, and he preferred to avoid that sight. Getting to know Albus a bit more during the break, I realized he was quite the flirt, even though people said James was the flirt among the two.
"Rowle?" he said, laying down on my lap as I read a book in the field, waiting for him to finish his flying practice. Would you believe me if I told you that Albus was expected to be the top scorer in the O.W.L exam and an excellent seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
As I made a sound of acknowledgment, he put on a sly smirk and said, "I know I'm a Gryffindor, but would you let me slither-in to your bed?" It was the classic, overused Slytherin joke.
"Honestly, Potter, weren't you supposed to be charming?" I scoffed, and he chuckled. "Hey, in my defense, I'm using romantic lines appropriate for your age, you know, older women types?" he teased, earning himself a glare from me.
During the break, he had shared stories about his family. Turns out, they were just a regular family who loved each other. Maybe I should try to be more friendly or normal towards them.
I was heading back to the Slytherin dungeons when I was pulled into a corridor. Instinctively, I reached for my wand, ready to defend myself against whoever had dared to kidnap me in broad daylight. To my surprise, it was the girls of the Weasley-Potter family: Dominique, Roxanne, Lucy, Lily, and Molly. Molly gave me a silent apology before Dominique, the eldest among them, spoke up. She had graduated a year ago and was Gryffindor's star chaser and captain in her seventh year, Louis Weasley's older sister.
"Didn't you graduate a year ago?" I asked Dominique, but Lucy answered instead, "She came to visit."
"Ah, but may I ask why I've been kidnapped? I have to get to my dorm, you know?" I inquired, looking at all the girls, but my gaze settled on Lily, the youngest Potter sibling. Albus had told me she had a tough time adjusting to Hogwarts; only in her third year, she was fiery and bold, matching her red hair.
"You've been snogging Albus, haven't you?" Lily said, sounding protective of her brother. "No, I haven't been snogging your brother, Potter," I replied coolly, though it wasn't exactly a snog. Just a simple kiss during Christmas dinner when Bradley Wood had charmed a mistletoe above us.
"My boyfriend—Bradley Wood—told us that you and Albus had been hanging out a lot around Christmas," Roxanne blurted, turning a little red as she mentioned her relationship with Wood.
"There were ten people, excluding the teachers, and I didn't want to disturb Professor Longbottom and Professor Parkinson during their wedding anniversary. They'd sent their daughters away to their great-grandmother's house just so they could enjoy some time together. And your brother was surprisingly tolerable, so it's basic human adaptation to find a comrade to prevent loneliness," I explained, hoping to diffuse any anger directed at me. They were only looking out for Albus, as anyone would—he deserved the world.
Dominique had been quiet throughout the exchange. She sighed and looked at me. "Rowle, just—just don't play with his feelings. He's a sensitive boy, and he's going through his angsty phase too." Her words struck a chord; she was the only one who had said something actually relevant to why they had kidnapped me.
"Dominique, I would never hurt Albus. And I promise you, I'm not going out with your brother, nor do I intend to. Besides, he's underage, and I'm no pedophile. And yeah, I would rather die than hurt him," I stated quietly before leaving, making my way back to my dorm. Little did I know, a certain boy had been listening in on our conversation.
Sitting in the courtyard, I was engrossed in a charms textbook when Albus approached me, his demeanor indicating he had been crying or lost in thought for the past week.
"Hello, Albus. Long time no see. The last time we properly spoke was Christmas, right?" I greeted him, patting the space next to me. He refused to sit. "No. No. I will not let you play around with my feelings."
What was it with these Potters-Weasleys always accusing me of playing with Albus's feelings?
"What do you mean?" I asked, standing up and crossing my arms defensively. "I heard what you said to my sisters—that you do not intend on dating me, that you would rather die. Rowle, tell me then, the stolen kisses during Christmas week, the one during New Year's, did they mean nothing?" His words were a mix of anger and sadness. Oh. He had overheard part of the conversation I had with his sisters yesterday. I tried to explain, but he wouldn't let up.
"You've got to tell me that this whole thing isn't just your curiosity. Please, tell me that it's more than that. Please," he almost begged. I realized it was time to clear things up, for the one person who mattered most—him.
"Albus, of course it all meant something. And you haven't heard the entire thing I said. I said I'd rather die than hurt you. Besides, it's illegal for me to date you now, as much as I want to. The stolen kisses meant a lot, more than you'll know," I said softly, hoping not to hurt him further. He already seemed fragile with all the emotions he'd been experiencing.
"Will you wait? Two more years," he asked uncertainly. "I will if you will." Merlin, it was the most nerve-wracking yet sweetest moment I had ever experienced. "I promise on Godric's sword that I will not look at another woman in any romantic way, apart from you," he said convincingly. Who knew the fifth year had so much in him?
"Albus? Kiss me," I said, and without hesitation, he leaned in, sealing our promise with the first official-unofficial kiss between us.
"I guess now I can tell Lily that I did in fact snog her brother," I said lightheartedly. Albus rolled his eyes. "Way to ruin the mood after we've just kissed, Rowle."
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t1oui · 1 month
next gen oc intro: leilani parkinson-zabini
i've brought you deamus, perciver, and marcus x penelope oc kids. today i bring you scorpius's godsister/younger sister and albus potter's #1 fan.
so after the war (and a bit before it really gets going) pansy and blaise have a friends with benefits thing going on for years, i'm talking over a decade. when pansy gets pregnant with leilani they cut it off and decide to be just friends
leilani is a full ten years younger than scorpius, but that doesn't stop them from being a dynamic duo. leilani grows up being absolutely spoiled not just by her parents but by scorpius, who spends every summer taking her on walks around the garden
leilani is only 4 when astoria dies; she doesn't get why scorpius, who's always smiling with her, is so sad all of the sudden. she does everything she can to cheer him up, and it helps, even if just a little.
when leilani is 5, she meets albus, and he is one of her favorite people right off the bat. al isn't great with kids but she looks at him like he hung the stars in the sky anyway. (he comes to like it.)
leilani's always spent a lot of time at malfoy manor anyway, especially during the summers, but her dad officially moves in with draco soon after her 8th birthday. (scorpius helps her hang mistletoe all over the house. he's 17 now, but he spends just as much time with her when he's home.)
when leilani is 9, her mum joins her and her dad at malfoy manor, and she doesn't have to go back and forth between their homes anymore. the bed in the room down the hall is crowded with draco, pansy, and blaise in it, so whenever leilani has bad dreams, she drags one of them back to her room instead of climbing into their bed.
some would argue that she's too old, but at age 11, leilani jumps at the chance to be the flower girl at albus and scorpius's wedding. it's the summer before her first year, where she'll be sorted into ravenclaw just like her older brother, and she can't wait.
~ ~ ~
some more info about leilani:
closest next gen relation is alice longbottom ii (3 years older)
ravenclaw (i hc scorpius as a ravenclaw too so they were in the same house)
undecided if she plays quidditch or not but if she does she'd probably play seeker
sometimes secretly wishes she looked more like scorpius
loves having her hair braided (it's usually done by scorpius, blaise, or albus)
unsure how to refer to draco because she considers him one of her parents but he's always just been draco (she usually calls him dray)
has a secret handshake with albus
love of nature inspired by scorpius's garden walks with her when she was a baby
(she helps draco redo the gardens at malfoy manor. albus helps too)
draco, blaise, pansy, scorpius, and albus (her family) are her favorite people
extroverted but likes the quiet moments with her loved ones, too
has adhd
loves to swim. albus takes her to a pool in muggle london with him during the summers
does crossword puzzles with blaise and scorpius
likes going shopping, but loves making her own dresses even more (pansy taught her how. she made her own flower girl dress.)
when looking for a career, considers following in her parents' footsteps - she could be a hogwarts professor like blaise, a journalist like pansy, or a healer like draco - before opening her own boutique
(albus and scorpius recommend her business to all their coworkers)
she doesn't know many of the wotters well - many of them are, like albus, much older than her - but thinks rose and roxanne are cool because they look like her (they both have dark skin)
when leilani was younger, hermione sent her a book she had when she was little about women in history. leilani's probably read it 1000 times by the time she heads to hogwarts
struggles with calling blaise "dad" during class (he teaches charms) for the first few weeks, now she regularly calls him "professor zabini" as a joke
her patronus is a bay mare
talks about celebrity crushes with albus (scorpius is horrible with technology and therefore doesn't know any celebrities)
scorpius isn't the cool older brother, leilani is the cool younger sister
a mix of blaise's tall genes and pansy's abysmally short genes have left her pretty much average height, she's a few inches shorter than albus
i'll stop here but i love this girl, she's just so fun to write :)
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
Harry Potter and the Christmas in Godric's Hallows
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elenasalvatore1 · 27 days
Prompt Harry Potter and the vampire diaries
Hello everyone! I have no talent in writing, but I have some ideas for fanfics. You can use this prompt for your fanfic. If you have any question, you can write me.
Harry and Hermione's daughter Lily Potter goes to Mystic Falls
The events in the Vampire Diaries begin to take place 25 years after the final battle for Hogwarts. Harry Potter is the head of the Aurora. His wife, Hermione Potter, also heads some department in the Ministry of Magic (you can make her the editor of the Evening Prophet). The fate of the rest of the characters of Harry Potter series is at the discretion of the author. The Potter family has three children (Ideally James, Sirius, Lily - but here you can change), the youngest of whom is Lily Luna Potter. Lily looks like her grandmother, after whom she was named. She took after her father in character, and her mother in brains. She's graduating from high school. Lily is stubborn, she wants to be independent, she wants to have adventures. However, her parents, who went through the war and greatly overestimated their attitude to "their innocent school adventures," do not want their children to be exposed to the same danger. Therefore, having significant political influence, they strongly prevent their children from making dangerous adventures. Lily quarrels with her parents about this, but they do not change their opinion on this issue. Lily comes to her father in Aurora department and overhears a conversation that there is a strange magical activity in the state of Virginia. However, the British Aurora has no authority to check the received signals on the territory of the United States. Lily, eager for adventure, runs away from home and goes to Mystic Falls, Virginia, to find out for herself. And while her parents are going crazy over her disappearance, and Aurora is looking for her around whole of Britain , our heroine plunges into the adventures of a mysterious town. Meanwhile, Lily is in no hurry to reveal either her identity or the fact that she is a sorceress, otherwise the local aurors will return her to the enraged father Harry Potter. The Scooby team (residents of Mystic Falls) treats the newcomer with suspicion. But gradually they begin to notice some oddities. I wouldn't be surprised if they noticed her apparation at some point. Then, after learning the truth about Lily, Damon wants to use Lily to protect Elena Gilbert and fight Klaus. But gradually they begin to fall in love with each other. Meanwhile, skirmishes between the Aurors of the United States and Britain are possible. What else…There is also a serious conflict that can turn into an open confrontation between coven magicians (as in the Vampire Diaries) and wizards (as in Harry Potter). The fact is that this conflict has existed for a long time. Coven magicians who practice pure nature magic believe that knowledge should be transmitted only within a limited number of coven people.They also believe that wizards, using wands and not using the forces of nature, betray the very essence of magic, as well as coven magicians believe that wizards have too high an opinion of themselves. Wizards dislike magicians, because, in their opinion, the latter live by the principle "No skin off my nose." Coven mages did not help wizards in any war. It was a long-standing conflict that risks flaring up with renewed vigor due to the fact that the daughter of one of the most famous wizards in the world got involved in a story that takes place in a territory that has always been almost a holy place for a number of covens.
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book-lover-forever101 · 6 months
Fic title: Through The Veil
Story summary: When Sirius fell through the Veil, someone else fell with him.
His wife and soulmate.
But the Veil isn't the death that she thought it was.
And now armed with the knowledge of the future and her determination to save Sirius and those dear to them both, she's sent back in time by the Lord of Magic himself so she can fix everything and get her happily ever after.
Timeline of this fic before the Prologue:
1. Venaurora meets Sirius during Harry's third year when he was an escaped convict and she was in magical Britain as a representative of the ICW, investigating the case.
2. Sirius manages to convince her that he's innocent.
3. The events of the book/movie happen.
4. She gives Sirius a place to hide in France in her manor.
5. They get closer and fall in love, disovering that they are soulmates.
6. They get married in secret right after the events of Goblet of Fire
Part 1: Prologue
Vena felt it the moment everything went wrong.
Of course, with all the spells blasting around her, it was impossible to determine what had made the hair on her arms rise.
But then she saw him.
Sirius Black.
Her husband.
Her soulmate.
And she saw the spell hit him square in his chest. And his eyes, so alive with the feeling of being in a duel, had widened — with astonishment and then fear, and finally acceptance.
His eyes had fixed on his godson, who was now being held back by his only remaining best friend.
And then his eyes had slid to hers. And she saw the love in his eyes for her, and his silent apology for leaving her behind.
Harry was being held back by Remus.
But there was no one to hold her back.
She was moving without any conscious decision to do so, her feet running towards the man she loved as he fell back towards the Veil. She felt hands brush her arms as someone tried to grab her, to stop her.
But she didn't stop.
She slammed into Sirius as he fell into the Veil, her arms wrapped around him and her eyes blinking back tears at the lifeless look in his.
The same eyes that had promised her of them being together forever just this morning.
And so together, with her arms wrapped around him, they fell into the Veil.
Author's note: It's short. I know. The next part will be longer but it'll take time. Also, Sirius Black deserves love. He deserves to be loved enough that someone will jump into the Veil with him so he's not alone.
Also, I posted this on AO3 so if you could go there and leave a kudos alongwith a comment, I would much appreciate it. My account is Vienna_Black and the title of the fic is the same. Much love to all.Ngl, I sorta teared up writing this, idk why.
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