#caius x oc
multifandom-03 · 5 months
Meeting His Soulmate
Word Count: 3099 | Pairing: Caius Volturi x OC (Bella's twin sister) | Genre: Fluff
Summary: After the failed attempt of ending the Cullens once and for all, Caius wanders around Port Angeles and meets someone he didn't expect to meet in his eternal life.
A/N: This is my first time writing here on Tumblr outside of Kpop so please be easy on me🙈 It's been a while since I've written outside of Kpop...
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He hated this place. It was raining all the time, filled with polluted air with the sound of intoxicated humans and their loudness. His lips curled into a sneer as he had to stay in the area while waiting for their private jet to be ready for takeoff.
This was ridiculous because it should be expected by now to prepare these things beforehand. He did not want to stay longer in this place after a failed attempt to get rid of the Cullens and their hybrid child.
“Brother,” Aro’s voice interrupted his loathing thoughts, “why don't you go out and have a quick snack? I'm sure by the time you return, we'll be ready to leave.”
“Eat here in this disgusting place?” Caius scoffed, motioning to Port Angeles with a flick of his wrist. “I don't want to risk getting whatever disease these humans here have.”
“Either way!” Aro waved off, “Have a little browse, your loathing is extending to us and I don't want to be feeling this after our exciting meeting with our dear Cullens.”
With a small snarl of annoyance, Caius flitted away from the coven, Demetri and Felix trailing behind their king.
Port Angeles was small, there was nothing to pique the Volturi King's interest other than solidifying his impression of humans in this century as being loud, disgusting, and polluted.
As he was about to flit down another street, his enhanced hearing picked up on the sound of two people in a scuffle. Since there wasn't any battle with the Cullens, he might as well witness a downgraded battle between two humans.
He hid in the darkness of an empty alleyway, across from the one with two people in a scuffle. His eyes zeroed in on the humans, noting it was an older man harassing a young woman. “Let go of me!” the woman hissed, fighting with all her might against the man.
“Why don't you just be a good girl and be still!” The disgusting excuse of a man grunted, trying to hold down her hands.
Caius was not impressed with the sight.
“Master,” Demetri called from a distance, “do you want us to detain them?”
“Why not,” he drawled nonchalantly. “This is the most interesting thing to happen in a while. We can end it, unlike the Cullens.” At his consent, Demetri and Felix were a blur going past the king, easily separating the humans and holding their arms behind their backs to await Caius' orders.
Caius casually strolled to the opposite alleyway, eyes glinting with sadistic glee as he could almost taste the fear from the humans. He strode to the male human, eyeing him from head to toe. The man was filthy, reeking of alcohol and whatever junk food he ate. He stared at Caius with fear, struggling with all his might to escape. It made the corner of Caius' lips quirk up in amusement. “Pathetic,” he hissed. He moved on to the next human, the young woman.
The first thing he saw was her chocolate brown eyes full of caution and small hints of fear. It intrigued him that fear wasn't the dominant emotion in her eyes like with the man. But that wasn't what made him pause, though. It was the fact he felt something prod at his cold dead heart for the first time in centuries.
For a moment, it felt like his heart came to life when he connected his eyes with her.
It can't be…
He furrowed his brows, eyeing her head to toe as he did with the man. But unlike with the man, Caius found himself checking over her for injuries. Hatred seethed through him when he noticed the bruises on her wrists after he silently told Demetri to release her.
Instinctively, his hands reached for her fragile wrists, observing the bruises. The woman barely flinched at his cold touch but allowed him to analyse the injuries.
“Are you hurt?” Caius found himself asking her quietly. Why, he had no idea.
“O-Only a little bit…” she whispered, nodding to her wrists. That was enough for him.
In a blink, he whirled around and grabbed the man by his neck, lifting him in the air easily with Felix releasing his hold on the human.
The man's hands flew to Caius', choking for breath.
“Pathetic, harming her for your selfish greed!” Caius snarled, tightening the hold on the human who was turning red. “You shall pay -”
“Stop!” The woman appeared in front of him, hands pressed to his chest for his attention - attention he immediately gave much to his confusion and dismay. “Stop!” she pleaded. “Don't kill him!”
“Why shouldn't I?” Caius tilted his head. “He harmed you, don't you want him to be gone from this place?”
“I don't want him to die! Yes, he should get punished, but not with death!”
“Oh, how naive and innocent you are,” the King tutted.
“I'm not stooping to his level of harming someone!” she retorted. That made him pause. “We can…we can report him to the police,” she stuttered, “He can get his punishment there. But no death. It's not necessary, I'm okay, he didn't hurt me much.”
Caius observed her, checking for any hints of fear or her lying - but there was nothing. He saw honesty in her, and that baffled him.
“He could have hurt you much more if I didn’t intercept.”
“Well, he didn’t.” She remained firm.
“If that is what you wish…” And with that, he dropped the man on the floor carelessly.
Ignoring the man coughing and heaving for oxygen, Caius focussed all his attention on the human…who still had her hands on his chest from trying to stop him from killing the man. He found himself okay with her touch, but nonetheless, he raised an eyebrow and motioned to her hands. She reeled back embarrassed.
“What is your name?”
“E-Elizabeth Swan -”
“Swan?” Caius barely held in a grimace. “Are you related to Isabella Swan?”
“Bella,” Elizabeth corrected habitually, “and she's a Cullen now. You know her?”
“Mutual acquaintances,” he replied dryly. “What is your relationship with them?”
“Well, Bella is my twin sister, and the Cullens are my in-laws, I guess,” she shrugged.
“Are you close with the Cullens?” Did she know about vampires?
“N-Not really, I mainly stay away from all the drama and attention…”
She didn't know about vampires…right?
Before he could delve deeper into his musings, the human man calling for help in his strained voice made him focus on the current situation. “Are you sure you don't want him dead?”
“No!” she replied automatically with a disappointed frown. “No unnecessary deaths.”
“Strange human…” Caius muttered lowly under his breath for her not to hear, but he nonetheless listened to her request, ordering Felix to grab the human male. “Lead the way to the…police, then.”
“Y-You don't know where it is?”
“I'm not from here,” he replied blandly, walking beside her with Felix, Demetri, and the scared human man behind them.
“I can definitely see that…” she eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you here? How do you know about Bella and the Cullens? And before, you lifted that man easily - why are your eyes red?”
“So many questions,” he sighed, looking ahead. “You and your sister have the same curiosity that will kill you in the end.”
“Let's just bring this filth to the police and we can talk afterwards,” Caius decided. She wanted to argue back but knew it wasn't the right choice - the man before her screamed power and danger, and she felt like he was barely holding back his pent-up emotions, so she stayed quiet.
Surprisingly, the visit to the police station went smoothly, with the vampires using their smooth talking to have the police do what they wanted. “HELP! PLEASE!” the now-criminal yelled while fighting against the policeman's hold. “THEY'RE FREAKS - SOMETHING IS UP WITH THEM, LOOK AT THEIR EYES!”
“Contacts,” Demetri explained casually, “We just attended a costume party.”
“Once everything settles, come back here and end that man's life,” Caius ordered in Italian with their vampiric speed. “We cannot risk him spreading rumours.”
Felix and Demetri bowed their heads in understanding.
“What about the girl?” Felix nodded to Elizabeth who stood beside Caius, oblivious to their conversation as she was deep in thought.
“I'll handle it. For now, keep your distance unless I call for you.” With another bow, the two guards disappeared.
Elizabeth looked around, having felt the wind go by from their speed. “W-Where did the other two go?” she wondered.
“They're around,” Caius replied, “but let's talk. You have questions.” And I have some myself concerning you and why you're making me feel weird…
So far, he could see Elizabeth knew nothing of the supernatural world…hopefully. She may be Bella’s twin, but they live different lives. Bella was frolicking with vampires and shifters, while Elizabeth spent her time alone listening to music, painting, writing, reading, and composing music herself. Elizabeth was an outcast and felt like she never fit in anywhere, so she kept to herself. Even with the Cullens, she didn't feel comfortable being around them for long and only hung around them when necessary.
She didn't know that Renesmee was Bella’s biological daughter, and she didn't know that Bella was a vampire. Caius was impressed that the coven managed to keep their secret from Bella’s twin, as he knew twins held a special connection from what he saw with Jane and Alec.
Bella’s love and protectiveness must be strong for Elizabeth…but it was all a waste in the end since Elizabeth was Caius Volturi’s mate.
He didn't expect this. He didn't expect this at all.
He thought he was just doing these things for entertainment since nothing interesting had happened recently - but that wasn't the truth. He couldn't believe it.
Elizabeth Swan was his mate.
Talking to the human late at night in a 24-hour Cafe made him realise that she wasn't just the twin sister to Bella Cullen, but she was his mate.
The strange feeling in his heart when he connected eyes with her the first time, the wrath and hatred he had when realising she got hurt by the human filth, wanting to kill him. The fact he listened to her request to not kill the man (even though he was planning to have him killed still to protect their kind), and the fact he found himself enjoying talking to her and not wanting to leave her yet. 
He couldn't believe his mate was related to the enemies.
Or maybe they weren’t mates? He did have a wife back in Volterra - but their marriage was simply for politics…right?
But as he sat in the Cafe with the woman, he couldn't deny this strange feeling towards her. “Get Marcus,” Caius demanded in vampiric speed under his breath, knowing his guards were nearby. He wanted to check with Marcus the depth of the connection between him and the human before him. Whether it was worth it, to tell the truth of their kind or to leave her be.
“I've just been answering your questions about me,” Elizabeth pulled him away from his thoughts. “Can I ask you questions?”
“You can try…” he answered warily.
“Are you the ‘cold ones’?”
Caius froze.
“Bella bought a book a year or two ago on some legends,” Elizabeth shared to him calmly, “I read it when she was with Edward on a random day, and…the things described there match with you…the red eyes are a giveaway as well.”
He didn't say anything and just stared at her.
“I've known about the ‘cold ones’ since then,” she admitted meekly, “I know what the Cullens are - I dunno why their eyes are gold though - and I know Bella…Bella became one…I'm her twin, I know when something is up…but I stay quiet because I know she just wants to protect me. But yeah…I probably sound crazy right now, don't I.”
“You do,” he deadpanned. Her shoulders sagged in defeat and embarrassment. “...if you were talking to someone else.” She perked up. “You're correct in your assumptions. Vampires exist. Your twin is one, like the Cullens, and I am one myself…” He leaned closer to her from across the table they were sitting in the corner of the room. “Are you scared?”
He heard her hold her breath the closer he got to her face, heart thumping rapidly. But despite that, he could see she wasn't scared at all. “No,” she answered, proving his observation to be correct.
“Because the Cullens haven't harmed me, and neither have you. You haven't given me a reason to fear you.”
“Just because the Cullens haven’t harmed you doesn’t mean others will follow,” Caius frowned. “Did you not see me strangle that filth before?” Caius wondered. “I lifted him easily with one hand. My guards grabbed you in the blink of an eye - we were planning to end both of your lives -”
“Why didn't you?” she inquired, seeming to remind herself to start breathing once he backed off at her question. “You didn't kill me. Why?”
“I couldn't.”
“Because…” I don't know.
“Soulmate…” Marcus whispered from somewhere in the distance, making his appearance known to Caius. “You have found your soulmate…congratulations.”
Soulmate…the rarest pair in the supernatural…it’s somewhat easier to find your mate - but to find a soulmate, that only happens to the lucky ones.
And Caius found his. By accident.
I almost killed her and would have drank her dry…
“No, it's not!” Caius hissed in reply to Marcus. “She's human!”
“What?” Elizabeth was confused at the random outburst. Caius shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I couldn't kill you,” he answered slowly, closing his eyes. “Once I connected eyes with you…I couldn't.”
“But why?”
“Because…we're…” he struggled to tell her, in disbelief that his revelation was true. This was not part of his schedule that day. He wanted the Cullens to be ended that day. Not find a soulmate he never thought of having.
Elizabeth waited patiently for him.
“What do you know of soulmates?” he blurted out roughly.
“...not much…just that soulmates are those who are destined to be, right?”
“Are we…are we…soulmates?” she asked nervously.
They were silent for a few seconds.
“What a first meeting, huh?” she joked lightly. “Our first meeting is with you saving my life -”
“Almost killing you and becoming my snack,” Caius corrected with furrowed brows.
“Hm, that isn’t what I saw in my perspective,” she shrugged. “On my side, you saved me from a dangerous man who was about to do something to me.”
“True, but my intentions weren’t -”
“That’s your side. My side happens to be brighter and better.”
“What?” Caius did not understand her.
Elizabeth merely grinned.
“You are definitely related to Bella,” he commented dryly. “Both of you are clueless when it comes to facing danger.”
“Wha - hey!”
He wouldn’t admit it out loud to anyone, but he found it quite fun to tease her.
They spoke for another hour at the cafe, mainly to plan how their relationship was going to proceed from there. Elizabeth was against dropping everything to go to Italy with him, so he had no choice but to concede to long distance as they got to know more about each other. He couldn’t just drop everything either, he was one of the Kings in the vampire world, and he had responsibilities - once Elizabeth pointed out the similarities they had, he agreed to long distance.
He also had to sort out the business with his wife in Volterra - which he told Elizabeth about, her surprisingly being understanding about it.
Before he knew it, they stood outside the cafe with a taxi waiting for Elizabeth on the curb. “Keep in contact,” she reminded the Volturi King. “I would like to get to know more about you.”
“As will I,” he returned cordially. “I must mention though, I do plan to visit you more since you refuse to visit me -”
“My dad would not like the idea of me suddenly taking trips to Italy with the small money I have -”
“I can easily prepare the tickets -”
“Do you even want to meet my Dad now? We barely know each other, it would be weird and suspicious for him if he heard some guy is buying me tickets to go to Italy,” she pointed out. He scowled at that - he was not just ‘some guy’. “He already dislikes Edward -”
“Not my problem -”
“Caius,” she scolded. “Be patient, please. It’s a lot to take in. I think some distance is good just in case.”
He sighed at that. She had no idea how soulmates worked…
“Visit me,” she invited. “I’ll be more than willing to meet you here. And when we know each other more, and more comfortable with each other, then…then I’ll consider going to Italy.”
“...fine…” he gave in with a grumble.
“Here!” Rummaging through her backpack, she ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook and scribbled numbers down. “Here’s my phone number. You can contact me there.” He accepted the paper with two hands, making sure to hold it firmly. The taxi beeped at them as a reminder, Caius sending a glare at the driver.
“Thanks for saving me before, and it’s nice to meet you,” Elizabeth farewelled. “I’ll talk to you soon?”
“Talk to you soon,” he nodded, opening the taxi door for her. One last goodbye and she was on her way back home. Felix and Demetri appeared behind him, Marcus appearing beside him. “Felix, Demetri.”
“Yes, Master?”
“I need a cell phone. Get me one or else.”
“Yes, Master.” And they were gone again.
“It is a blessing to meet your soulmate,” Marcus told him in his low, airy voice. Caius hummed. “She will help you in many ways. Your bond to each other is strong.”
“She’s human.”
“In time, she’s still young like young Bella.”
“Give it a chance,” Marcus encouraged him. “Very rare do we have a chance to find our soulmate and be with them.” They all thought of Didyme, and Caius felt slightly remorseful for taking his situation for granted when there was Marcus who was suffering from losing his love of his life.
“Of all people, it was someone connected to the Cullens,” the blonde King grunted. “Now there’s no way we can get rid of the Cullens, for it will hurt Elizabeth immensely.”
“You will have to talk to her at one point about that, by the way.”
“...hm…” He was not keen on that conversation.
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ltalaynareor · 13 days
Les émotions
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Avertissement : La OC à un problème avec l'alcool.
Caius Volturi marchait d'un pas déterminé vers le bar de Volterra. Il avait attendu trop longtemps pour retrouver sa compagne humaine et il ne pouvait plus supporter de rester éloigné d'elle. Il avait entendu dire qu'elle avait été vue dans le bar de la ville, complètement ivre.
Il entra dans le bar et regarda autour de lui, cherchant la jeune femme qui occupait toutes ses pensées. Son regard se posa finalement sur elle, assise au bar, un verre vide à la main et un sourire un peu trop large sur les lèvres.
Caius s'approcha d'elle, ressentant un mélange de soulagement et de colère en la voyant dans cet état. Il savait qu'elle avait du mal à gérer ses émotions et qu'elle avait tendance à se réfugier dans l'alcool pour oublier ses problèmes.
"Viens, il est temps de rentrer", murmura-t-il en attrapant doucement son bras pour l'aider à se lever.
La jeune femme se tourna vers lui, ses yeux brillants d'une lueur espiègle. "Oh, mais tu es là pour moi, mon bel immortel ?" articula-t-elle avec difficulté.
Caius soupira, sachant que la situation n'était pas idéale mais qu'il devait la ramener en toute sécurité à la demeure des Volturi. Il savait que ses frères ne seraient pas ravis de la voir rentrer dans cet état, mais il devait protéger sa compagne à tout prix.
Il la soutint alors dans sa démarche titubante, ignorant les regards curieux des autres clients du bar. Il la conduisit hors de l'établissement et l'emmena dans sa voiture, la déposant délicatement sur le siège passager.
"Je suis désolée, Caius. Je ne voulais pas te causer du souci", bredouilla-t-elle, les larmes aux yeux.
Caius lui caressa doucement la joue et la fixa intensément. "Je t'aime, et je ferai tout pour te protéger, même lorsque tu te mets toi-même en danger", déclara-t-il, avant de démarrer la voiture en direction de leur demeure.
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thedeathlysallows · 1 year
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Anne moodboard + prologue
Father says I have the Devil in me and everything that has befallen our family rests on my sinful shoulders. I’m not necessarily inclined to agree. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect our family. My father has no idea what lurks in the darkness of our little village, or what prowls around during the day.
But I do.
I’ve seen the evil.
I’ve stood face to face with it.
And I’ve embraced it.
There’s a surge of power thrumming through my veins now. I’m no longer afraid, especially not of my father. He can continue preaching his sermons, praying to a God who turns away from His loving flock, it matters very little to me now. I rise higher than all of that. I rise higher than Father’s cruel words.
I am all of that and more.
So when the day finally arrives and Father casts me out I feel no dread or fear. I feel… exhilarated almost. Like a weight has been lifted.
But then it all comes crashing down.
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bella-goths-wife · 3 months
How alec, Johnny and Jane court Cullen reader
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, oblivious reader, inexperienced reader, mentions of abuse from Cullens
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Alec has to be subtle about his affections and intentions with you
Your ‘family’ already hate him, they have since the day Edward was introduced to the volturi and could report to the Cullens every thought alec has had of you
His courting had to remain subtle for his forbidden flower, for his sweet Juliet to his Romeo
He found that at first his best option for being close to you was ask for a dance at one of the balls that the volturi threw for the introductions of new members of big time clans
These balls were for the most part mandatory, meaning your family couldn’t just lock you away and you could spend time with other vampires with minimal fear
Alec would walk to to you with one of the volturi kings next to him so that If you accepted a dance with him, they could distract the Cullens long enough for Alec to slip the two of you onto the ballroom floor
He never was one for dancing before you, coming from a poor village in the medieval times he never really had to learn
Even after joining the volturi, he copied basic moves whenever he had to dance with someone for the sake of politeness
But after meeting you and realising that you came from a different time period to him, he begged some of the female volturi members to teach him some steps to dances from your time
He tried to master them but sometimes you still have to correct him, to which he’ll claim that you must be seeing things to save himself embarrassment
He also tried to learn courting culture from your time, but he never could do with all the politeness from it
He preferred being improper with you, it gave him the opportunity to see the real you
So he’d sneak up to your room after the Cullens locked you up for the night
He’d sneak through the window and the two of you would spend the night talking and laughing together, considering neither of you needed to sleep
It made him feel closer to you, made him feel special to have that time with you
He knew that no one else had that experience with you, and that made his worries of you being taken from him
He’s done everything in his power to make sure the vampire clans know that he has claim on you and is courting you, he’s seen the newer clans looking at you like a piece of meat and he thought it best to show who you belong to
If any others try and intrude on your time together, they’ll be hissed at viciously and the volturi kings will be told of the interference to their plan to match you with either Alec or Jane
His last act of devotion to you was to swear you that he will free you from the Cullens grasp, and you can only pray he’s truthful
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Jane isn’t the most loving person
She struggles to express most emotions, but showing her adoration and love is the hardest
So she tries to court you in more practical ways, such as acts of service
Anything that you need doing, she will have the task completed by sundown
Your struggling to find clothes because the Cullens only give you childish clothes? Jane had handmade clothes tailored to match and compliment your body type and skin colour and she leaves them in your room for you
You’re thirsty but you don’t have any blood to feed with? Jane killed a human for you two to share during your teatime
She even asks for it to be baked into pastry’s even though neither of you can digest food anymore so you both end up coughing it up
You need entertainment while you’re locked away in your room? Jane will sit outside your door and read your favourite books and poems to you and keep you entertained
She also tries to work on her physical affection for you
She offers you an arm when you walk together through the garden at night, she places her hand over yours when you need comforting, she will place small kisses on your hand when greeting you in private
These are all things she never thought she’d be comfortable with until she met you, so she’s slowly improving in private
When she’s feeling extra possessive, she will cover you head to toe in her signature scent either by spraying you with perfume or briefly holding you and rubbing her cheek against your neck
This means she can put a subtle claim on you to show that you are hers and that anyone who tries to touch you will feel the wrath of her painful stare
Her final act of devotion from when she saw you last was swearing to free you from the Cullens so the two of you could stay near each other forever
She does all of this and yet your still completely oblivious to the affections her and her twin hold for you
Johnny (post meeting you)
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Johnnys methods of courting is mainly just trying to help you discover more of yourself and help you separate your identity from the one forced upon you by the Cullens
I suppose it would fall under the category of quality time as he will spend hours upon hours with you helping you learn a new skill or remember an old memory
He helps you acclimate to the more modern parts of society that the Cullens never taught you about, such as dating culture and party culture
He tries to find things for the two of you to do that he thinks you’ll enjoy the most
An example of this is him taking you to a petting zoo and letting you control all the cute animals because it made you feel better then hunting with the Cullens
He also used his power to his advantage and he will shape his shadows to make shadowy animal figures for you to admire
He will also get very secretly proud of himself every time he sees you’ve enjoyed yourself doing an activity he chose out
He’s also very big into PDA as he’s less afraid of what the Cullens will do to him
He’s always got an arm around your shoulders or waist when you walk or he’s holding your hand as you talk to each other
But always with permission, he understands that you can have a slight touch Phobia because of your time with the Cullens
He was also raised as a lord, so all of his courting will subconsciously be very gentlemanly despite his playful and rough persona
So that means the sidewalk rule is being obeyed, he’s always taking your arm when you walk together and he’s always generally acting with honour and decency
He’ll do all this and you’ll still swear that he hates you though
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Thoughts guys? 😭
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Alice in wonderland Hazbin Hotel Style!
Idea from the talent @bunny-is-cute
Characters from @hells-greatest-performers
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oskea93 · 3 months
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☨ Fire Away ☨
✴︎ Chapter Ten (p.1) ✴︎
A/N: Why hello there, everyone! It's been a long while since I posted for this story, and I just want to apologize for that! In total honestly, I lost interest in this story. I didn't enjoy writing it anymore and I thought maybe the whole JCB fanbase has fizzled out, but I can see that's not the case. So in true fashion, this will be a two parter - just because there's a lot to write and I didn't want it to be crammed together. More drama and angst filled in the second part, but I thought it would be good to write in Caius POV for once, just to tell his side of the story.
Side note, if you haven't seen Horizon.... Run to the theater and go see it! I'm actually going again tomorrow to see it for the 3rd time... It's truly amazing! For my Jamie/Caleb story, I will be starting on the first real chapter tonight. I don't have an exact time when it will be released, hopefully by the weekend or a day before. But I just want to say thank you to everyone that is still reading Fire Away, it means so much and I hope you enjoy the new chapter ❤️
❖ If you would like to be tagged, please comment below ❖
Also! If you have an questions, comments, or just want to say hi - just send me a message and I would love to talk to y'all!
⍏Taglist: @xoxoindigo @vampluv3r @ladysybilchronicles​ @badkitty83 @volturgeist​ @theplagueworm​ @dogmom2014  @hybridlamb @clandestine-nerd  @yourfamilyfriendsatan​ @yourlocalrockstarsimp @violetlilites​ @quennconstanceuniverse​ @soraththefallenangel  @cancankiki​ @jamiebowerslut @okimreadynow​ @R2quellyz @historyandfandoms50  @dogmom2014 @kaitieskidmore1​​ @quinnswife86 @wooya1224​ @e-munson666​ @nessaisboring​ @j-herondale121109​ @greatfandom​ @fayythe
Caius’s POV.
“Where’s that little wifey of yours been hiding lately, nephew?” I looked up from the paper – Aro standing in front of the window that overlooked the garden. “She’s in delicate condition and shouldn’t be left out of sight.”
I let out a sigh as I leaned back into the chair, “She’s perfectly fine.” My answer was short. “She’s been hanging around Charlotte and getting things ready for the nursery.”
Aro's gaze turned intense as he inquired, “She knows the gender?”
I shook my head, “No.” His sudden smile quickly dropped as he turned back towards the window. “Apparently, they couldn’t tell when she went to the doctors. They told her they would look again at her next appointment.”
He stayed silent for a moment as he turned to walk to the desk, “My physicians are perfectly capable of taking care of her here – that way she doesn’t have to go to an outside sou-“
“It’s not up to you, Aro,” I interrupted, my voice firm. “Fuck, it’s not even up to me. She's her own person, and she'll make her own decisions about her care.”
“You’re the father, Caius,” his eyes burning into mine. “She’s only the mother – you have all the say when it comes to that baby – especially if it’s a little boy.”
Before I could reply, a soft knock sounded on the door as Vanessa peeked her head in. Her small smile quickly fell once she met the stare of Aro – his body reacting as he beamed at her. “Oh, speak of the angel.”
“I can come back,” she started to back away.
“No, no darling,” Aro walked over, taking her hand as he pulled her into the room. “Caius and I were just speaking of you. How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
Her eyes connected with mine as she answered him, “Fine – thank you,” her hand protectively placed against her growing bump. The overalls she wore placed her stomach on display as the denim pressed against her skin.
Aro caught onto her actions. “How’s the littlest Volturi doing? It seems like it’s been ages since I last spoke to you, darling.”
I could tell that she was growing uncomfortable as she shifted her bare feet on the wooden floor. “Baby is doing just fine.” She gave him a small smile before directing her attention to me. I could tell something was bothering her, but she didn’t want to say with Aro still in the room.
“When are we gonna find out what the child is? You’re already past your 20-week mark, correct?”
I let out a sigh as he continued to press.
“21 weeks,” her voice soft. “Maybe at the next appointment they will be able to tell. The baby was being stubborn that day I guess.” A soft laugh broke through as she rubbed her stomach.
“Typical Volturi man if I heard of one,” Aro smiled. “Just like his handsome father – Caius was the same way when his mother was pregnant with him. We didn’t officially find out if he was male or female until his mother was 30 weeks along. I was finally able to talk her into seeing the family physician – pulled up the ultrasound right away and there he was.”
Vanessa stood silent.
“Well,” Aro clapped his hands together. “I will leave you two with some privacy,” he moved closer to where she was standing. “Still have plenty of things to do before the benefit tonight.” Aro’s body side by side with Vanessa’s, making me sit straighter in the chair as I watched. “Hope to see you there, sweet Vanessa.”
Vanessa took a step back as Aro tried to caress her arm as he left – his eyes darkening at her action. She was the first woman to deny his advances – Vanessa was the only woman to not bow down to my uncle, and that enraged him. She waited a moment once she was sure he was gone – a sigh of relief pushing past her lips.
Silence surrounded us – the words from our fight weeks ago still fresh on both our minds. I was still sleeping in the guest room – not wanting to barge my way back in until she was ready. The air between us was better than it was before. We were back on speaking terms – a gentle touch here and there when close together. I couldn’t blame her for feeling the way she did – my liquid courage causing word vomit to escape. I never meant those words – kicking myself the next morning as I watched her avoid me like I had the plague.
“You okay, darling?” I broke first.
She nodded her head, slowly stepping towards the desk. I couldn’t help but stare at her – absolutely stunning without even trying. Pregnancy had created a glow that made her even more stunning – a vision almost. Vanessa never had to try – whether she believed it or not. “Just wanted to tell you that me and Charlotte are going to town for a bit. I told her I would help her plant some flowers in the garden before I had to get ready.”
I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her helping Charlotte. “She’s very particular about where she buys her seeds from – may have to come rescue you if you’re gone too long.” A sly smile came over her causing my heart to soar. I slowly removed myself from the chair, taking a couple steps before I towered over her petite frame. Her brown eyes synced with my blues as we took each other in.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, my hands gently pulling her in, feeling the tension in her body slowly start to relax under my touch.
She hummed in response, her blue eyes locking with mine. "Everything's fine, Caius," she whispered softly, a faint smile playing on her lips.
I studied her face, searching for any traces of worry or doubt, but all I found was the familiar warmth and strength that always drew me to her. Despite her reassurance, a nagging feeling lingered in the back of my mind, telling me that something wasn't quite right.
I took a deep breath, trying to push away my concerns. "If anything's bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right?" I said, my voice filled with genuine concern.
As she nodded and the room fell into a brief silence, the tension between us seemed palpable, the air thick with unspoken words and emotions. Our bodies were mere inches apart, the closest we had been in weeks, and I could feel the longing in my fingertips, aching to touch her soft skin once more.
Before I could say anything else, she interjected, "I better go. Charlotte's probably waiting for me in the car." Her words cut through the moment, bringing a sense of reality back into the room.
Frustrated by the sudden interruption, I ran a hand through my hair, trying to mask my disappointment with a sigh that escaped through my lips. "Yeah," I murmured, my voice low with a tinge of regret. "We'll just make sure to be back before six – the dinner starts at seven sharp."
She gave me a small nod and a fleeting smile before slowly stepping out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the lingering ache of missed opportunities…
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 I sat on the edge of the bed, the unfinished knot of my tie dangling loosely in my hand, thoughts of Vanessa and the unspoken tension between us weighed heavily on my mind. Downstairs, she was still with Charlotte, their voices drifting up to me as they tended to the newly potted flowers. The dress she had chosen for the evening hung elegantly against the closet door, the shimmer of glitter catching the soft light of early spring.
Her troubled expression from earlier lingered in my thoughts, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and sadness that she chose not to share with me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was troubling her, something she kept guarded within herself.
With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself off the bed, the need for a distraction leading me to the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. However, my frustration grew as I discovered that the lighter had died, leaving me cursing under my breath.
Fumbling through the drawers in search of a replacement, my mind distractedly moved from one drawer to the next, until I reached Vanessa's drawer. Among her belongings, a small ultrasound photo caught my eye, its message hitting me like a ton of bricks.
"It's a boy!"
The words "It's a boy!" reverberate in my mind, the gravity of the news began to sink in with a profound weight. We were going to have a son - the Volturi heir that Aro had been eagerly anticipating, the next generation of our lineage. This child would be my firstborn, carrying with him the legacy of our family, the littlest prince destined to inherit the mantle of leadership in the kingdom my uncles had painstakingly built.
The thought of this new life, this tiny being who would one day grow to wield great power and responsibility, filled me with a mixture of emotions. Pride swelled within me at the prospect of fatherhood, mingled with a sense of duty to guide and protect this future leader. Yet, underlying it all was a deep sense of apprehension and uncertainty, knowing the challenges and expectations that awaited my son as he entered a world steeped in tradition and intrigue.
As I carefully placed the ultrasound photo back in its designated spot in Vanessa's drawer, the weight of the revelation still lingering in my mind, a pang of hurt and frustration crept into my thoughts. The fact that she hadn't shared the news of our baby's gender with me stung, albeit subtly. It was a reminder of the distance that had grown between us, a gap that seemed to widen with every unspoken truth and withheld emotion.
Reflecting on the situation, I couldn't deny the twinge of disappointment at not being the first to know about our son. The news of Vanessa's pregnancy itself had come as a shock, revealed to me in a moment of public unveiling orchestrated by Aro at Marcus's funeral, a setting that was far from ideal for such intimate revelations.
Closing the wooden drawer with a sigh, the forgotten need for a lighter now insignificant in comparison to the weight of the photo hidden atop the clothing in the 3rd drawer. Running my fingers through my hair, I gave the ends a hard tug in frustration. A part of me wanted to go out there and confront her right away – not wanting her to hide the truth any longer. The rational portion of my brain simply said to wait until after the benefit. The air between us was already tense – a fight right before the event was sure to make everyone’s night terrible.
The sound of soft footsteps on the staircase caught me by surprise, freezing me in my tracks as I quickly backed away from the drawer, my heart racing with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Hurriedly, I moved towards the open window, seeking a moment of respite as I tried to collect my thoughts. Glancing back, I saw Vanessa entering the room, her eyes meeting mine as she closed the door behind her.
"I didn't realize you were still up here," she remarked casually, making her way over to the dress hanging on the closet door. "Figured you went with Aro to make sure everything was set up."
I cleared my throat, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "Uh, no," I replied, trying to sound composed. "He told me to just stay put until it was time to show up. Besides, I already checked on things this morning to ensure everything was proceeding smoothly. Can't exactly rely on Aro when it comes to dinner party arrangements."
I observed as Vanessa's expression shifted slightly; her curiosity evident as she focused on the dress in her hands. Sensing the need to change the subject, I quickly interjected, "How are the flowers? It seemed like you and Charlotte were quite in tune with them." I watched her inspect the dress she had chosen with Charlotte, undoubtedly envisioning how stunning she would look in it at the event.
“Got them all potted for the most part,” she said curtly. “I’m gonna shower real fast and get ready.”
Before I could reply, she had already retreated to the bathroom, the sound of the shower turning on filling the otherwise silent room. I listened as she stepped into the shower, my feet carrying me almost involuntarily to the bathroom door. Through the glass, her silhouette came into view – her bump prominently displayed as she lathered her hair. In that moment, she looked absolutely beautiful – not that she doesn’t in general – but there was something about her vulnerability that made her seem almost angelic.
A part of me wanted to jump into the shower with her – to tell her and show her how much I truly loved her. I would forgo the gala just to hold her in my arms for the rest of the night, to place my hand upon her growing stomach and speak to my son for the first time. That was all wishful thinking, though.
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I let out a sigh as I slowly walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door to ensure her privacy. I found myself in the kitchen, searching the drawers for the forgotten lighter. Cursing aloud as my search came up empty.
"Try looking in the cupboard, dear," came a singsong voice. My nerves rattled at the sound of Charlotte’s unexpected suggestion.
"Jesus, Charlotte," I muttered, my head hanging as my heart pounded in my chest. "Trying to give me a heart attack?"
She let out a chuckle, the sound light and teasing. "The world might cease to exist if you can’t smoke that cigarette, darling." she said, gliding into the kitchen with an air of effortless grace. Her presence was always a mix of comfort and command, something that never failed to both soothe and unsettle me.
I opened the cupboard as she suggested and, sure enough, the lighter was there. I grabbed it and turned to face her, shaking my head with a rueful smile. "What would I do without you?"
"Probably lose that handsome head of yours if it wasn’t screwed on straight," she quipped, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She leaned against the counter, her gaze softening as she looked at me. "She getting ready for tonight?” Her eyes glancing to the ceiling.
I nodded my head as I lit the stick, the flame casting a warm glow that flickered in the dim kitchen light. "Yeah," I replied, my voice thick with emotion. "I just want to thank you for accepting her and making her feel loved. She seems to really enjoy your company, and I can tell she appreciates your kindness – especially now with the baby coming along and all."
Charlotte's expression softened, a tender smile playing at the corners of her lips. "You don't have to thank me, Caius," she said gently. "Vanessa has been an absolute joy. She's a remarkable woman, and you're incredibly lucky to have her in your life. For once—" she reached for my hand, her touch warm and reassuring—"you thought things out with your brain instead of what's zipped inside your trousers."
A laugh escaped past my lips as I nodded my head. "She's not like the others, that's for sure."
Charlotte chuckled along with me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, it's about time, isn't it? Finding someone who truly understands you, who brings out the best in you."
I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her words. "Yeah, it is. She's changed everything for me. Made me realize what truly matters." In the short time that we’ve been married, my thoughts were no longer focused on myself or the family business. Before Vanessa, I didn’t care what happened or who I hurt. I was only focused on getting whatever job needed to be done.
"And she's just as lucky to have you," Charlotte nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. "It's a lot, carrying a life inside you. But she's strong. Both of you are."
“You think I’m gonna be a good father?” My eyes focused on my ringed finger. “I mean I can only model myself after Aro and Marcus – they’ve raised me since I was small – most of the time it was you and the other help that I would see for days.”
Charlotte's smile softened as she reached out to place a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Being a good father isn't about having all the perfect examples," she said gently. "It's about love, commitment, and the willingness to learn and grow. You have all those qualities in spades."
I looked up at her, the worry in my chest easing slightly. "But how do I know I won't mess it up? What if I make the same mistakes?"
Charlotte shook her head. "We all make mistakes, dear. It's part of being human. But the fact that you're asking these questions, that you care so deeply about being a good father, shows that you're already on the right path."
I sighed, the weight of my doubts still lingering but feeling a bit lighter. "I just want to do right by her, by our child."
"And you will," Charlotte reassured me. "You have a good heart, and you care. That's more than enough to start with.”
I gave her a small genuine smile.
"Now—" Her hands moved down my bicep, her touch warm and familiar. "Where is the rest of your suit?"
We both laughed as I explained to her, "This is the style at the moment. I can’t be all stiff and boring like Aro and those other men – gotta stand out in the crowd, Charlotte."
She shook her head, still chuckling, her eyes filled with a mix of amusement and fondness. "Well, you're certainly doing a good job of that," she said, her voice teasing but affectionate.
Her aging eyes peered past me, and a soft smile formed on her lips. "Well, I think the beauty standing behind you will make that happen more than your outfit will."
I turned to see Vanessa approaching, her presence instantly lighting up the room. She radiated a warmth and grace that seemed to draw everyone's attention, including mine.
The champagne-colored dress that Vanessa had chosen fit her body like a glove, the color and sparkles making her already glowing skin pop out even more. My eyes trailed down to her stomach, my heart swelling as the bump was more noticeable than usual. I honestly couldn’t even put a sentence together—her beauty rendered me speechless.
“Oh, darling—" Charlotte shuffled past me as she made her way to Vanessa. "You look absolutely breathtaking."
Vanessa smiled warmly at Charlotte, leaning down slightly to give the older woman a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Charlotte," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. She glanced my way, her eyes twinkling with affection and amusement at my awestruck expression.
As they exchanged pleasantries, I took a moment to compose myself, trying to find the right words to express what I was feeling. Vanessa's presence was like a beacon, illuminating everything around her and grounding me in the moment.  
“Caius, sweetheart—” Charlotte’s eyes glinted with mischief as she and Vanessa turned their attention onto me. “Rather than keeping your jaw on the floor, why don’t you tell your wife how beautiful she looks?”
I snapped out of my reverie, feeling a blush creep up my neck. Vanessa’s amused smile only made my heart race faster. “Right,” I stammered, taking a step closer to her. “Vanessa, you look... breathtaking. I mean, you always do, but tonight you’re just...”
Vanessa’s eyes softened. “Thank you,” she said, her voice gentle. I could still sense a hint of timidness in her posture as I stepped beside her.
I cleared my throat, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. I was apprehensive but determined to provide the support she deserved. “Shall we go?” I asked, my hand hovering near her lower back.
She slowly nodded, a soft smile still framing her face. “Yes.”
As we made our way to the awaiting SUV, Vanessa walked a couple of steps ahead of me. Every movement she made seemed to draw my attention, and I felt a surge of protectiveness and love. My body instinctively moved into doting husband mode as I rushed to open the car door for her.
“Here, let me help you,” I said, extending a hand to assist her into the vehicle. Her fingers brushed against mine, sending an electrical current through my body. The simple touch was enough to make my heart race.
“Thanks,” Vanessa murmured as she settled into the seat, her eyes meeting mine. Her gaze was unreadable, a mix of emotions that I couldn’t quite decipher.
I settled into the seat beside her, and the driver quickly gathered himself, rolling down the driveway. The ride was mostly silent, filled only with the rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the darkened windows as the car traveled down the interstate.
I glanced over at Vanessa, her profile illuminated by the occasional streetlight. She seemed lost in thought, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on her lap. I wanted to reach out, to bridge the quiet gap between us, but I hesitated, unsure of what to say…
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haganezukawaifu · 5 months
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒶 𝒟𝑜𝓁𝒸𝑒 𝒞𝒽. 𝟣
Before we start, if you haven't read Rosa Dolce on AO3 yet, here are some things you want to know. I would like to say my OC is a person of color. She is black as I am black. This is her point of view, in first person and this is her story. I hope you all enjoy it and without further do, let's begin. All rights belong to Stephine Myers. I only own Christine Anderson, my created character, and her storyline. Christine Anderson
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~ Masterlist~ Next ~
"La mia dolce rosa."
I heard as I began to look for the voice. I found myself in a place that I had no familiarity with. I took a step down the hall, and I saw a portrait on the wall. I wandered the hall until I stood in front of a door. What is behind this door and where does it lead to? Just when I was about to reach out.
I woke up at the sound of my name. "We're almost there." Where am I? Oh right, Cordelia said that we were traveling somewhere but never told me where. So here I am sitting in the back, waiting for my destination. In the passenger seat sat my brother Anthony listening to his music no less. 
"Where are we going." "Well, I have a friend that I would like you to meet. I think you might enjoy meeting her," she said as she smiled. I don't know if I would like her or not. Cordelia is my foster mother. I was in a home since I was four years old and now, I am six years old, living with Cordelia and her son.
'We must be going somewhere far.'
The location was farther than I expected. I had never seen Cordelia drive this far out before in California but soon we turned in and I felt the car stop. We must be here. Cordelia shut off the car and Anthony got out first, then Cordelia and then me. We were in a park...I held her hand as I followed her to the entrance. A short brown-haired woman and a girl who looked just like her were waiting at the entrance.
"Renée. Nice to have you here," Cordelia said with a smile. The woman name Renée gave a welcoming smile in return. "Thanks for inviting me. It would be a pleasure for my daughter to have some friends," the woman name Renée said. Then I saw the girl that was beside her holding her hand.
'She looks to be about my age.'
"Bella, this is Cordelia. A teacher I work with at the school. And this little one right here is Christine. She's the same age as you," Renée introduced us. A girl name Bella said, "Hi." So, she is the same age. I wasn't used to meeting other kids my age. I was always around older kids in the home I stayed in but once I got adopted, it was just me, Cordelia, and Anthony. 
"Christine. Why don't we enter inside, and you and young Bella can explore and play?" Cordelia suggests. I grip her dress and look up at her. "But Cordelia." "It's okay, she won't bite. If anything, we would be with you," the woman’s name Renée said with a smile.
I didn't know if I should believe her, but Renée seemed trustworthy. So, If Cordelia trusts her, I guess I can too. I walk toward Bella as we both walk inside and to the playground. As I got to know Bella, we became friends. We like almost the same things. We both did ballet and she did piano. We hung out every chance we got together but our friendship didn't last long. Soon after Bella moved to Arizona and I moved away from California, Cordelia opened a flower shop in Forks, Washington. "Aphrodite Garden" she named it. It wasn't a terrible place actually; the shop was pleasant to be around but the weather in Forks was sometimes humid in a way. I hate how it makes my hair frizz. Soon I began to help around the shop, it became the most fun place to be around. Upon turning 14, Anthony left home, leaving Cordelia alone with me. Now I am 17 years old, in my junior year of high school. I'm in no after-school clubs, play any sports, and rarely have any friends here in this boring old town. I just spend my time at Aphrodite's and reading literature. I guess you can say I spend so much time there that people at school start suspect that I'm a witch. Ironic, isn't it? Occasionally, I would daydream and return to that place I always return to. Sometimes I can hear them even when I-.
I looked up and found Cordelia calling my name, holding a spatula in hand, and wearing her 'Plant Mom' Apron. I must have been daydreaming again. "Are you okay? You'll hardly touch your food." I think I hardly eat anything nowadays. "How was your sleep? Did you sleep well?" She asks. I can hardly even sleep. My dream always begins to become like that place that pulls me in every night. Same hallway. Same portrait on the wall. Same door. And that same voice calling me as they are longing to see me as I am to them. 
"Hmmm." "Is there something on your mind? Are those kids bothering you again," she asked. "No. I'm fine Cordelia. Don't worry. I can handle myself." Cordelia sighed as she walked toward me and held my hand. "Promise me you will tell me if something bothers you," she said. "You know I will. I must go. I'll make sure to be by the shop earlier to help with the batch order."
I stood up and grabbed my bag and keys and walked out. I headed toward my black Prius hybrid (I own a Prius but it's gold but yeah) as I unlocked it and got inside, started it up, and began my route to school. Cordelia never really wanted me to call her 'Mom.' Only because when she adopted me, she told me it wasn't necessary yet. To call her Cordelia instead as I always have. Soon I made it to school, turned into the lot, and parked my car in a designated spot. As soon as I got out, I grabbed my bag and went inside. Keeping my head down and walking toward my locker in an attempt to avoid one person in mind. But.
"Hey there Enchantress."
I sighed and looked to my side, and it was Mike. I rolled my eyes in annoyance "What is it, Mike."
'It's unfair enough I share English with him.'
"Rumor has it that one of the measuring cylinders exploded during Bio. You wouldn't have anything to do about that," he said as he leaned right by my locker. "If I did, you wouldn't hear it from me. Besides it wasn't my cylinder." I continue to browse my locker getting my books for class. Trying to get out of this conversation. "Are you sure? You didn't cast any spells before class, right," he asked smirking. I slam my locker door shut as I turn to look at him. "Go away. Don't you have better things to do than annoy me?"
I walk off with books in my hand as I run my hand through my curly hair in frustration. Why so early in the morning? He has annoyed me since the school started. Like God, what will it take for him to leave me alone? I walked into my English class, and I saw Mr. Mason was on his computer. I saw the classroom was rowdy as ever. I walked to my usual seat which was at the back of the class and put my things beside my chair. I sigh. English. One of my favorite classes. Reading literature is one of my favorite things of mine. I blame my brother Anthony for that. He would read every book he could get his hands on and sing to me. Oh, Anthony.
'I wonder what he’s doing now.'
Suddenly the bell rang, and a girl came inside that I had never seen before. She had brown hair, and ivory skin and didn't seem like someone who would play sports despite the sports jersey she was wearing. I wouldn't tell. She gave Mr. Mason a paper and stood there. I don’t think I ever have seen her before besides my usual classmates like Rosalie, Alice, Mike, and Eric. The last bell rang, meaning everyone must be in their class; Mr. Mason closed the door as the classroom continue to be busy.
"Alright class. Settle down," Mr. Mason said.
The class fell silent. “Okay, Ms. Isabella Swan. You can see in the back,” he said as he motioned her to sit down. Wait, did I just hear that right? Isabella. Swan. Do you mean?
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enrapturedbythemoon · 2 years
Y'all, please, I am desperate. It's a poly!voluturi kings x swan!reader or swan!ofc. I can't remember if the MC is Bella's sister or her cousin but they don't get along.
I remember that the elite guard LOVES the MC and they're her personal guard and that she even created a game for them to play in leui of training. It's like capture the flag, but she's the flag.
At one point she goes to forks following the newborn battle to visit Charlie, but during that time she visits the Cullens at their house to formally introduce herself ask where her guard can practice.
The MC ends up collecting an old friend that happened to be one of the newborns in eclipse. Jasper ends up one of her personal guards as well.
SPOILERS if anyone ends up wanting to read this if it's found
At the breaking dawn 2 battle, Bella ends up killed, Alice betrays everyone and turns out to have been masterminding the whole battle. Edward realizes Jane is his mate.
Please help me find this, I've been looking everywhere for a long while.
Since this post is still getting quite a bit of traction and I don't know if people are looking at the comments.
The fic is called "We Three Kings" by Polkadottedgiraffe11. She used to have it posted on Wattpad and ffnet but due to repeated plagiarism and unjusntified account bans, she took them down. The only way to access the stories now is through discord where you will receive access to her blog. You will have to send a request through a Google doc form that she's made.
Here is the link:
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magmagicstyle · 2 years
⚠️WARNING⚠️: I mean… not really, maybe some violence because vampires need to eat and that… I guess sadness and long-ass descriptions also count?
A/N: I'm back, bitches... love you all. Will post other updates sooner than later, I promise... Also... are we starting to look at a "The Boy Is Mine" type of situation...?
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down 'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
You could feel your lungs burning while you moved, the bodies around you were jumping and dancing like there was no tomorrow. You could hear their heartbeats and the way they smelled made you understand how horny they were. Fucking humans are so simple, so predictable. Every time you saw them you knew that they were thinking of money, sex, or anything related to greed and themselves. Maybe in the past, you would say that vampires were different, but after knowing love and realising that you would never have it, you understood that those simple emotions that humanity had were only amplified when someone turned into a vampire. So you had no hope whatsoever.
A couple of guys were eyeing you while they talked about themselves. You smiled in their direction while approaching them. You knew they were wishing to get one thing and one thing only… You also desired one thing, but that was totally different from what they wanted. Still, before you were able to approach them like you were planning to do you felt a hand grabbing your arm. 
If it was a normal human you would be able to pull yourself free without any type of effort but as soon as you tried you noticed how the grab was as hard as iron, almost crushing your skin with rough but almost perfect fingers. You looked at your side and noticed how golden irises were looking at you.
“Who…?” You started to ask while looking at the brunette vampire with a confused expression on your face, red eyes trying to find any sign of recognition. You tried to ignore the fact that he looked quite shocked by your appearance. After all, you didn’t really know him so it wasn’t like it would matter in a few moments.
“Look, I know they are jerks and probably deserve a good punishment but you can’t do that…” He started while looking at you with worry in his eyes. Still, behind that worry, you could see the clear judgement of someone who believed to be better than you.  
You smiled while looking at him with a condescending smile, “Well, I’m quite sure that whatever I was planning to do, isn’t really your business.” 
Since it was clear that this being wasn’t a normal human, you decided to use your strength to pull your arm away from his grip. Thanks to the fact that you had started to drink human blood after a couple of months of leaving Clarisse, you were a bit stronger than the other vampire. Maybe not having your mate around was quite good for you, you lied to yourself like you didn’t whimper and sob into your pillow every morning and day while you pretended to sleep and pretended that knowing that he didn’t care about you didn’t hurt like hell. 
“It is my business if the mate of my father is thinking of feeding by using some humans…” The brunette said while looking at you, grabbing your arm again and pulling you close so he could move you to a corner of the club.
“So you are Edward…” Now that you have been looking at him for a few seconds, it was quite evident. If you had to be honest, even at the beginning of your interaction with him, it wasn’t so hard to make the connections. 
The other vampire talked about your mate, and when you were with Carlisle… when you thought that you weren’t a burden and something to be put on with, he talked about his children, about different details of them and how they were one of the best things in his life. Of course, since you heard that and you thought that he was going to introduce you at some point (spoiler alert, he didn’t), you made sure of learning everything. So every little detail of them, of their hobbies, of the things they liked or disliked, all of it was stored in a little part of your brain that at some point was dedicated to the idea of being like a parent figure for them. Of course, after a while of being told that it was too soon to be introduced to the children, that part of you started to crumble and die, just like your own hopes of being loved.
“How did you…?” Edward said but then winced while touching his head, looking quite surprised when he saw you. 
“I guess you are asking yourself why can’t you read my mind…” You made a pause while noticing how he was confused by your words. “It’s useless, you won’t be able to do it… unless I want you to do it…” You explained while looking at the other vampire's eyes. At this point, you guessed you had to thank the world for your gift. 
After all, you were like a mirror, and since there were different types of mirrors, your gift worked the same way, changing depending on what you wanted to do with the other vampire's special feature. Right now you were working like a normal mirror, making sure that Edward could only see his own thoughts if he tried to concentrate his gift on your mind. Going against the other vampire’s gift made you a little bit tired, especially since you didn’t have to do that when you were with Carlisle, but thanks to your new family, you were able to practice more with your gift and achieve that the tiresome feeling wouldn’t be too strong nor last too long. 
“Didn’t your father teach you that you can’t do that? You need to respect people’s private matters…” You crossed your arms while looking at the brunette with a strong expression on your face. In return, Edward looked at you with confusion written all over his face.  
“It isn’t like I can control it… it just happens…” He made a pause. “That doesn’t matter now… what matters is that you come with me” Edward looked almost like a man on a mission. Sadly, he was no man, and certainly, he wasn’t on a mission. If only he thought about how it made you feel, how hurtful and horrible it was to have him in front of you. To even think about how you could have met him a few months ago, to have a real relationship of friendship or even mentorship with him. After all, your gifts could work quite nicely together. 
“Yeah, well… that won’t happen, kiddo…” You let out a sigh, even if you didn’t need to breathe, it just… helped you feel more centred, calm and alert. You wanted to be alert, and pay attention to everything. After all, even if you knew that you were stronger than Edward, you had no idea of what was he going to do just so he could take you with him. “I can’t really go with the Cullens now, after all… a Volturi won’t leave the guard unless is absolutely necessary… and a social visit isn’t what our kings could consider important.” 
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, hoo Mm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should have bought you flowers And held your hand Should have gave you all my hours When I had the chance Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance Now my baby's dancing But she's dancing with another man
How could you explain this? It wasn’t like someone was going to ask you questions about your motives but still, how?
When you arrived at the Volturi castle, you didn’t expect the welcoming feeling that filled your chest. After all, you’d never been there before, so it didn’t make any sense for you to feel something like family or anything similar. Still, it did. It was almost like you were meant to be there. It almost felt like being in this castle and meeting the vampires inside was something that you were born to do at some point. It was confusing and unexpected, but you weren’t against it. God knew -if there was a God somewhere since unlike Carlisle and most of his family, the idea of God and the whole omnipresence of him wasn’t so obvious to you- that you needed the warm feeling that was surrounding you at that moment. 
In the most normal pace you could follow, avoiding standing out from all the humans around you, you walked inside the castle with the rest of the tourists that were going to be part of the tour that always ended up in a nice meal. Of course, they didn’t know that they were the meal but, you couldn’t bring yourself to be sorry for them. After all, it wasn’t like the humans you met before felt sorry for you or even some type of sympathy. The only thing that made you stop for a bit before resuming your walk was the fact that some tourists had children with them, and seeing the small people walking around, looking at everything with sweet innocent eyes and just enjoying what was going to be their last experience on earth, well, the picture was heartbreaking. You didn’t really wish for children, which was convenient since you knew you would never have them, but still, you didn’t hate them. Children, unlike adults, were innocent souls in the middle of the hate and filth that their parents throw around to anything that was weaker than them. Children were forgiving and loving, so the idea of them dying at the hands of your peers, even if you knew that it was a necessary evil since there couldn’t be any witnesses… Well, it was painful for your heart.  Still, you didn’t plan to stop the kings nor defy them, after all, you were just a visitor trying to find somewhere that would want you by their side. 
As soon as you got closer to the throne room a woman in heels and looking quite nervous approached you. She was clearly human, the smell was so clear that it was almost painful. Still, you decided to follow her game and let her talk, pretending that her words mattered something to you. Then you decided to take off your sunglasses, looking for a reaction, just for curiosity. Well, you got one, she went instantly quiet, looking scared before starting to apologise to you. Your red eyes, which could be considered a new development after leaving your mate and his wife, followed her actions while noticing how some guards were walking towards you. You lifted your hands a little bit, showing that you weren’t coming to their house to cause any problems. 
One of the guards, the smaller of the two that were approaching you decided to grab you by the shoulder while pulling you closer to a chamber close to the throne room. Considering that you were the invader in their home, you decided to follow their lead, accepting their rough way of handling your body. This didn’t mean that you were happy with it, but you weren’t willing to cause any type of trouble, especially since you were going to request something quite big from your kings. 
A few hours passed, the smell of blood making you notice that they were almost done with the feeding time. You looked at your nails, before turning towards the door. It wasn’t going to be too soon, but you knew that after cleaning, the guards that showed you this room were going to come back and walk you to another room where you would be able to talk with the kings. You leaned against the window in the room and when you saw the gorgeous sunset, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh. It wasn’t because you were out of breath. After all, you didn’t even breathe. But the sunset made you think of the afternoons in Carlisle’s arms. The soft and almost caring caresses that he provided your body. 
You were about to open the window but the sound of the door opening made you look at it. The two guards from before were walking towards you, but behind them, there was another guard. He was tall, head full of black hair that looked quite soft and fluffy. He had the typical perfection of a vampire, but unlike most of your kind, he looked warm, and if you dared, even caring. He seemed to be maybe 35, but you knew better than that. A strong jawline and wide shoulders. He felt like a greek god. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow him. He looked at you, almost in a trance while following your features and before any of you could stop it, the two of you were touching your faces. 
“Who…?” You started but felt that you couldn’t even finish the question. How could you? Carlisle was supposed to be the one for you, the only one for you… But suddenly you were looking at this vampire and you were seeing how he actually saw you. You felt so precious and loved and this wasn’t far from what you were planning to ask your kings but at the same time you weren’t sure if you were ready for it to happen at the exact second you arrived in Volterra. You wanted to be taken into their home, maybe as a minor guard for some months before making your request and trying to find another vampire willing to bond with you, just to fill the void that you knew Chelsea would create when she decided to lose the bond between you and Carlisle. But now, you were there, in their home and thrown in front of a vampire that seemed to share a bond with you, a bond that made your mate bond seem weak and even useless.
“I don’t…” The vampire touching you said, and you couldn’t help but shiver, not because of him, but because your brain seemed to go hardwire at the same exact second he spoke to you. His voice, deep, rich, touched your skin and it felt like the golden silk that your father had brought when you were human, touch so delicate and caring as if you were the most precious jewel in the world. 
“Nikolas, we have to go with the kings” One of the guards guided you to the room where you were at the moment interrupted. If you were fair, it seemed that he didn’t want to interrupt the whole meeting, but at the same time, you knew that they had a job. So when Nikolas -you were going to save his name for later, wanting to feel it roll off your tongue and see his reaction to it- started to growl with anger, you grabbed his hand and just, looked at his eyes. 
“He’s right… I asked for a meeting with them… I won’t make them wait for more than what is necessary” You said and then nodded towards the two guards. “We’ll follow you now, thank you for coming for me” At your words, they looked a bit surprised but then nodded, turning around and starting to walk towards -you supposed- the throne room.  Nikolas didn’t walk behind you like he was supposed to but by your side. The whole walk, he was looking at you with so much attention, almost as if he was trying to memorise your features. 
Demetri and Felix -who seemed to be together more often than not, from what you learned along their names on the way to the throne room- stood up in front of the doors and knocked a couple of times before looking at you briefly. It was like they were asking you if you were ready to meet your kings, but you were, this was the reason you came here, to be accepted, loved and if they were willing to give you the gift, to be free from the pain of being trapped in a bond with an unwilling partner gave you. 
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh And that haunts me every time I close my eyes
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @rexburn12 @kettnerjanea @pandalover19
TAG LIST FOR THIS SERIES: (I can't believe I have one of these!) @idksleep-y @catspector @simpingfortoomanypeople @akiraackerman19 @y2k-whor3 @blackenedflowers @untitled74745 @cruxiohp @fanficaddictmwah @finchisloney @sen-nn-a @mrsxyz480 @deepblueseasworld @blackenedflowers @maiasvidan28 @linoriii @lucianideals @erensbbg @theanimalover22128 @its-ares @thewhitewolfmarvel @chrisevansxmalereader @sammy-stark @sad-eyes-6k4 @datenshousan @creezoldyck @1800cokewitch @l4l4j0p433 @carlislecullensgirl @qu3nt1nb00m @stevensimpp @chubbichubb @fariylixie0915 @rhyanna6012
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raindancer2004 · 9 months
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 4,410 Demetri x OC Swan. Final Part. Warnings: Fluff,
Danni excelled at being a mother to Nicolai, her maternal instincts stronger and running deeper than she ever thought possible, but then everything vampires feel is on a much deeper level compared to their human counterparts. Danni would bake cakes and cookies with Nicolai, something that he loved as he got to eat their creations. Demetri would often watch his mate and son baking together, painting together and playing games together. Danni even taught him how play the different card and board games that she played as a child so he could join in with them. Nicolai liked to call this family game time and Demetri couldn’t help smiling as he got to experience the family life he never thought he would once he became immortal.
Caius and Athenodora were pleased to hear that Danni and Demetri agreed to nurture both his human and vampire sides as this meant he got to experience the best of both worlds. Athenodora offered to bake with Nicolai one cloudy Wednesday afternoon “Can you bake Nana?” “Not really sweetie but I can read and therefore can follow the recipes from your cookbooks” She replied smiling down at him “Ok, we’ll start with a simple Chocolate cake recipe” Nicolai responded with a smile of his own as he took his Nana’s hand and walked beside her to the kitchen.
Caius decided to see how his wife and grandson were getting on in the kitchen and walked in to find her blue dress covered in flour and a streak of flour on her cheek. Nicolai had some chocolate around his lips but they both looked happy as they decorated the cake. Caius chuckled low to himself but due to their vampire hearing Athenodora and Nicolai heard him and looked up. “Look Grandpa, we’re nearly finished with our cake” “I can see, it looks delicious” He replied “It’s a shame Nana and I can’t help you eat it” “I’ve told him he has to share the cake with the new Secretary Lori especially as we have some Chocolate chunk cookies in the oven” “Sounds like a good idea darling” Caius replied smiling and Nicolai nodded in agreement.
Around the end of July Aro received a wedding invitation from Alice Cullen announcing that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen were to be married on August 13th although Caius was not happy to hear the news as he knew this was the Cullen’s way of delaying Bella’s transformation further by having a wedding first. Aro on the other hand was excited to hear of the nuptials even if this was the Cullen’s way of announcing that Bella was to become one of them. “I’m going to guess that Danni hasn’t received an invitation or even been notified of the upcoming wedding” Marcus mused aloud “Seeing as they cut her out of their lives months ago, I doubt it” Caius replied “I think we should be the ones tell her” Aro said and his brothers nodded in agreement “I agree. I won’t have secrets kept from her” Caius replied, his protectiveness coming to the surface, knowing that the news would likely upset her.  “Can I be there when you tell her please?” Demetri asked as he and Felix were the only other vampires in the room “Of course my dear boy” Marcus replied “Thank you master. This news is likely to upset her, especially after being cut out of her family’s lives” Demetri replied.
Danni was quiet over the next few days and everyone knew why and didn’t question her about it, they just let her be. Danni kept Nicolai close during these few days too, choosing to spend time with him alone. During one their shopping trips, Nicolai finds a ‘World’s Best Daddy’ mug “Mummy can I get this for Daddy please?” He asked pointing to the mug. Danni smiled before answering “Of course you can sweetie, He’ll love it” “Thank you Mummy” Nicolai replied and hugged her legs.
Later that night after his shift ended, Demetri returned to his room and saw Danni and Nicolai waiting for him, a blue and silver gift bag sitting on the coffee table. “Hello mi amore…” He kissed Danni’s cheek “…Hi buddy” He kissed his son’s hair before taking a seat beside them on the sofa. “Hi Daddy, this is for you” Nicolai said with a big grin on his face, pointing to the gift bag. “Hi babe” Danni replied smiling as Demetri reached over and opened the gift bag to reveal the mug inside. Danni and Nicolai watched as a big smile appeared on Demetri’s face, his eyes becoming glassy with unshed tears “Thank you so much buddy. I love it and you very much” He lifted his son onto his lap and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his hair.
Danni and Demetri started making plans for their wedding as Danni wanted a Winter wedding at the castle. Aro offered to officiate at the ceremony and Danni and Demetri agreed, both surprised and pleased that he wanted to participate in their wedding this way. “It would be an honour Aro, thank you” Danni said as Caius rolled his eyes dramatically from his throne, Demetri tried not to laugh at Caius’ reaction.
Heidi, Chelsea, Jane were asked to be Danni’s Bridesmaids, Gianna taking on the role of Maid of Honour. Felix was chosen as Best Man with Alec and Santiago being groomsmen and Nicolai was given the role of Ring Bearer, something he was very excited about.
Danni asked Caius to accompany her on a walk of the North facing garden and he agreed as he enjoyed spending time with his adopted daughter. They took a seat on the bench in front of the fountain and Danni took an unneeded breath before speaking. “Caius, I have something important I would like to ask you…” Caius took her hand in his and nodded for her to continue “…I wondered if you would give me away at the wedding?” Caius’ face lit up “Of course I would my child. I’m honoured that you asked” He wrapped his arms around her in hug “Thank you, not just for agreeing to give me away but for making me feel like part of the family” “You are most welcome Danni. As far as I am concerned you are my daughter and I would do anything and everything to ensure you are happy and safe always” He pulled her in for another hug, Danni resting her head on his shoulder, feeling tears fill her eyes that will go unshed.
Athenodora told Demetri that she and Caius would pay for Danni’s bridal gown along with the Bridesmaid and Maid of Honour dresses. “You don’t need to do that Mi’ lady” He replied “I know we don’t have to but we want to. As you know we see Danni as our daughter and this is our gift to you both” Demetri nodded “Thank you very much for your offer. It’s greatly appreciated” “You are most welcome my dear” She replied before giving him a quick hug. Demetri has always been Athenodora’s favourite guard and she was very happy he would become her official son-in-law soon.
Danni and Demetri had decided on a Red and White colour scheme for their Winter wedding, deciding on having Poinsettias as the centre pieces as they are a Winter flower. Red and White Roses would make up the bridal bouquets.
Caius had the guards freshen up the ballroom’s décor as it was looking a little dull after years of not being used. The cream-coloured walls looked bright and fresh against the polished real wood flooring once finished.
Marcus arranged for ‘Midnight Fangs’ a vampire quartet to play at the wedding, having had them perform at the castle during previous balls and galas.
If only they knew that all of these plans were going to be put on hold…
It is early December when Irina enters Castillo Volterra and makes her way to the throne room. Santiago opens the doors and she enters, Demetri and Felix walking towards her, curious as to what she wants. “What a pleasant surprise” Aro says as Irina enters the throne room, Marcus looks fed up and closed his book softly. “What do you want?” Caius asks sounding a little irritated turning around to face her “Hmm” She pauses a moment before replying “I have to report a crime…the Cullens…they have done something…terrible.” A smirk appears on Caius’ face and Aro closes his book and flashes over to Irina “Allow me my dear” Aro says taking her hand in his and looking at her thoughts and memories regarding the Cullen’s ‘crime’ “Oh my” He says once he’s finished. “Brother what have they have done now?” Caius asks as he walks towards them “It would appear dear brother they have created an immortal child” Aro replies “WHAT?!!” Caius shouts “ARE YOU SURE?” “Irina saw the child herself, she was jumping in the air catching snowflakes” Aro replied “Then we send the guards now! They can destroy the child and the Cullens” Caius responds “No brother. I think we will take our time, gather some witnesses and pay them a visit ourselves along with the guards” Aro replies calmly, despite the anger simmering inside. “A public trial?” Caius smirks “Yes brother. A public trial…this way we can be sure that our kind are reminded that creating immortal children is still illegal” Aro replies “Thank you for letting us know my dear” Marcus said smiling “Santiago please show Irina to one of our guest rooms” Marcus says looking at the guard “Yes master” Santiago bows his head and leads her to a guest room on the second floor.
Later that day Aro calls Danni to the throne room and asks the guards to leave except for Demetri. “Thank you for coming Danni…we have something we need to discuss with you” Aro starts “Ok. Have I done something wrong?” She asks looking between the Kings and Demetri “No, Danni you have done nothing wrong” Aro replies with a warm smile and Danni instantly relaxes “However, someone you know well has done something wrong, illegal even…” He pauses for a moment “…It would seem that the Cullens have created an immortal child…” “You have to got to be kidding me? Like seriously? What the hell?” Danni cuts Aro off. The Kings and Demetri cannot help laughing a little at her reaction. “Well I hope you plan to deal with them accordingly Caius” She adds looking at him “Yes child we do. There will be a public trial in Forks with witnesses” He replies and she nods “You don’t object to that?” Marcus asks curiously “No, I don’t. Caius gave me a history lesson once whilst Demi was away and informed me of your laws and how you dealt with the immortal children problem when it arose centuries ago” “But Bella’s your sister” Marcus adds, his head tilted to the side slightly “Don’t remind me!...” Danni bites back and Demetri intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing them gently “…She left me here nine months ago and hasn’t looked back, remember” The Kings all nod at her, sympathy shining in their ruby eyes at the memory of that day.
A moment of silence passed before Danni spoke again “Can I ask how you know about this?” “We had a visitor this afternoon and she told us about the child. In fact, the child was seen with your sister” Aro replied “Bella may not have been aware of immortal children and the law surrounding them but Carlisle would have known and I’m sure Edward would also have been aware. They have broken a law and need to face the consequences and let’s face it you’ve been lenient in the past with Bella and Edward and look how they’ve repaid you” She responds back “That was not the reaction I was expecting from you my dear but I will say I am impressed with the way you have handled the news” Aro tells her honestly “Thank you Aro. I do, however, have a request…regarding the trial and any subsequent punishment” “We’re listening my dear” Caius replies this time and steps closer to her “I do not want Demetri to have any involvement in the punishment of the Cullens, especially Bella and Edward. I am not sure if you are aware but last summer Edward and his brothers killed a vampire who tried to kill Bella and as a result the vampire’s mate sought revenge…she even tried to kill Bella. This took place after Edward left her…before we came here…” She paused to see the Kings reactions, they nodded for her to continue “…As selfish as this may seem I am asking that Demetri is not involved as I do not want any of the Cullens to come after me or him as revenge. I do not want to be looking over my shoulder or worrying about him when he is on missions, more than I do already. Also, I do not want our son to grow up with only one parent” She added looking up at Demetri to see that he was looking down at her lovingly. “I think we can all agree with that request my dear, after all you haven’t asked for anything since you arrived and you understand the situation we are in and have handled it better than we expected. I also have no desire to risk anything happening to my grandson or his parents” Caius answered her “Thank you Caius” She replied and gave him a quick hug “Yes thank you master for agreeing to Danni’s request” “You are both welcome. We do, however, ask that you both accompany us when we go to Forks” He replies “Of course master” Demetri replies and Danni nods in agreement.
The following day Irina was in the library reading along with Alec when Danni entered with Nicolai “What the...?” Irina says shocked when she notices the little boy who resembles Demetri but who clearly has a heartbeat “Irina this Danni, Demetri’s mate and their son Nicolai” Alec introduces them “It’s nice to meet you Irina” Danni smiles at her “Nice to meet you too” Irina replies “Nicolai…he has a-a heartbeat…but how?” Irina asks “I’m half-human, half-vampire” He replies “I had him whilst I was still human, Demetri changed me after he was born…about six months ago” Danni adds “But he-he looks like...” Irina trails off “His vampire side means he grows faster than his human counterparts and is quite smart for his age too” Danni tells her as she takes a seat on the sofa opposite her and Nicolai sits beside his mum. “I didn’t know that vampires could have children” Irina says looking at the boy “Neither did we. It was a surprise to us all to discover that male vampires can father children with human females” Alec responds. “I’m gifted too like mummy and daddy” Nicolai says proudly “Really? May I ask what your gift is Nicolai?” Irina asks, curiosity shining in her amber coloured eyes “I’m a shield like mummy and I am able to track people like daddy, but only those with shields. I fill in the gaps of daddy’s gift” He replies proudly “Wow” Irina breathed out, “I can’t believe how much he looks like Demetri” Irina says looking between Nicolai and Danni “I know, me too. He’s a mini version of his dad” Danni replies and Nicolai just smiles back at Irina.
A few days later Nicolai and Irina were walking in the South facing garden when he stopped walking and gently tugged on her hand to get her attention. “Irina, can I ask why you have amber coloured eyes seeing as you are a vampire?” Nicolai asked curiosity shining in his blue eyes “I have amber eyes because I am a vegetarian vampire…” “What’s a vegetarian vampire?” He asked, cutting her off “A vegetarian vampire survives on animal blood instead of human blood” She responded and watched as Nicolai tried to process this information and knew he would have more questions for her. “What animals do you eat and how do you find them?” “Where I live in Alaska, there is a very big forest surrounding our house and my family and I hunt the animals there. In the forest there are different animals, Bears, Moose, Wolves and Caribou to name a few” “Oh, that’s different. Why don’t you hunt humans like other vampires?” “My family and I used to hunt humans but after many years we decided to try surviving on animal blood and found that we could survive that way, although there are not many vegetarian vampires” “You are the first vegetarian vampire I have met” He said with a smile “You are the first vampire / human hybrid that I’ve met” She replied with a smile of her own. They resumed their walk around the garden and continued to talk about different topics. Irina was surprised at how ‘grown-up’ Nicolai was and sounded despite how young he was.
Whilst the Kings and the four Elite guards were away from the castle to gather some witnesses of their own for the upcoming Cullen trial, Danni found that Nicolai’s shielding ability had developed. “Look Mummy…” Danni looked up from her book to see a faint shimmering glow circling her son, giving him the appearance of being inside a protective bubble. Danni smiled, feeling proud of her son and his growing ability. “That’s amazing sweetie” She praised him and he smiled back at her. She wondered if she could get her shield do the same or something similar at the very least. ‘It’d be nice to be able to protect the ones I love, as well as myself’ She thought to herself and decided to ask Santiago and Heidi for their help in Demetri’s absence.
Danni and Nicolai met with Santiago and Heidi the following morning in the south-facing garden as they had agreed to help them develop their shielding abilities. Nicolai asked to train with Santiago as he knew that Demetri had trained Santiago when he joined the guard and still spars with him regularly. Danni and Heidi worked together to see how her shield worked and if she could shield someone other than herself.
With a lot of hard work, Danni was able to shield multiple people as she had practised constantly, pushing her shield to its max. Her shield looked different to her son’s as hers looked almost like it was an extension of her, a faint shimmering was the only hint that her shield was in use to protect the ones she loved.
Upon Demetri’s return to the castle Danni and Nicolai updated him on the development of their gifts. Nicolai was able to shield not only himself but one other person easily. “I hope I can shield more people when I’m older” He said looking up at his dad “You’re doing just fine as you are buddy” Demetri replied proudly, as he looked down at his son as they both stood inside Nicolai’s ‘protective bubble.’
Caius, Aro and Marcus stood watching Danni and Nicolai with proud smiles on their faces. “At least we can keep Edward from reading our thoughts now” Caius said proudly and nudged Aro slightly “Yes, and it’ll be a good surprise for the damned law breaker too” Aro replied with a smile.
December 31st – Confrontation –
Once it had been declared that Renesmee was not an immortal child, Irina was ripped apart and burned for providing a false allegation against the Cullens. “That’s a shame mummy, I liked her” Nicolai said low so only his parents heard him and she nodded in response.
Alice and Jasper made their way back to the Cullens and their witnesses but before anyone could leave Vladimir shouts out “TRAITOR” and looks directly at Danni “Excuse me?” She asks “You are on the wrong side my dear, should you not be over here supporting your sister?” He replies “Supporting my sister, why would I want to do that after what she and her precious Edward did?” “You mean have a child together?” Stefan replies “No. I’m talking about the fact that they left me in Volterra nine months ago and haven’t been in touch since. In fact, I received one letter from Esme telling me that once Edward and Bella landed back here, they told my dad I had died in an accident and that a memorial was held for me. Edward made that decision on the flight back from Volterra thus, ensuring I could never come home to see my dad, never have the chance to introduce him to my mate. They took away my chance to say goodbye” She replied and noticed the shocked looks on the faces of the Cullen’s witnesses “Oh…you all look surprised. Did they not tell you that part? Did they also tell you that they never invited me to their wedding? I only found out about the wedding from Aro after they sent an invitation to him to let him know it was taking place. It was their way of announcing Bella’s transformation.” She added and Demetri squeezed her hand gently. Caius moved closer to Danni, a scowl settling on his face.
“I notice you have a child of your own” Tanya says looking at Nicolai “Yes, I do. My son was born six months ago and my fiancée changed me after he was delivered, we didn’t want to risk another pregnancy as there was no guarantee I would handle another one so well” She responded and noticed Carlisle looked a little confused. “Danni drank human blood regularly once we discovered she was pregnant, this allowed her to meet the baby’s needs and she was able to keep certain foods down too” Caius advised him proudly and Carlisle nodded, clearly impressed as it sounded like Danni had an easier pregnancy than her sister.
“Why did you not tell me I had a nephew?” Bella asked “Why would I? You cut me out of your life, cut me out of my own family. I have a new family now and I couldn’t be happier” Danni replies smiling.
“You have a chance to reconnect with one another, especially as you both have children now” Esme replies softly “Esme as much as I like you and Carlisle, we’re all aware that if it wasn’t for this ‘situation’ we wouldn’t even be talking. I mean none of you got in touch to advise me of the wedding or that my niece was born three months ago” Danni replied. “You can’t take the high ground Danni, your mate would have killed us if there had been a fight today” Edward called out “That is where you are wrong Eddie. The Kings agreed to my request of keeping Demetri out of any executions involving you Cullens as I didn’t want any of you coming after me or my mate as revenge. I protected my family unlike you. I mean look what happened after you killed James, his mate went after Bella to avenge him and you weren’t even here to protect her. So, I have every reason to take the high ground as you put it as I have done nothing to any of you” She replied. Edward went to speak but Caius cut him off “I would consider your next words to Danni very carefully Cullen or you’ll find yourself joining Irina in becoming a pile of ash” “Why do you care what he says to her?” Bella asked “I care because Danni is my daughter and no one, and I do mean no one will disrespect a member of my family” Caius replies and Demetri smirks at the Cullens as surprise registers on their faces.
“What?…how…?” Bella struggled to speak, too shocked at Caius’ news. “My wife and I always wanted to have a daughter and once we met and got to know Danni, things fell into place and we came to care for her as though she was our daughter…” Caius spoke looking directly at Bella “And I came to care about Caius and Dora as my parents in return” Danni finished Caius’ sentence with a warm smile. Everyone watched as Athenodora stepped forward and slipped her hand into her husband’s as she spoke “We were there for Danni when she needed love and support as she navigated her way through a new relationship, whilst she settled into her new life and her new home...” Bella looked as though she wanted to say something but Athenodora didn’t give her chance. “…You abandoned your sister without a second thought when she needed you, needed your support to navigate her way through a new relationship, a relationship with a vampire no less and everything that came with that, seeing as you had experience with this but you chose Edward instead.” Danni nodded and felt so loved in that moment hearing her adoptive parents speak this way about her.
“Just so we are clear Bella, you will not be receiving an invitation to our wedding as it’s for our family and friends only” Demetri adds and Danni nods in agreement before adding “We had to postpone our special day because of you and your ‘antics.’”
Silence filled the air as no one spoke, as they tried to process everything they’ve just heard. “Danni and the Volturi are telling the truth about everything…” Maggie says looking around at the Cullen’s witnesses “…And Bella and Edward haven’t even bothered to apologise or make amends for their actions” Maggie continued, distaste clear in her voice.
“Our apologies Danni for calling you a traitor. It appears we were not told the truth regarding yours and Demetri’s situation” Vladimir called out and she and Demetri nodded. “That’s quite alright. I don’t blame Demetri for keeping me by his side that day. If I’m being honest, I’m glad he did as our relationship developed naturally and I got to have a son with the man I love. I am looking forward to spending an eternity with my family and that doesn’t include any of you” She replied looking at Bella and the Cullens, before turning to face her mate. “Let’s go home mi amore” Demetri smiled down at her and looked at Marcus who just smiled and nodded. The Cullens and their witnesses watched as Demetri and Danni left the field with their son and didn’t look back.
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post tuebor ch 1 flashback be like...
aro, c. 256 BCE, upon returning from rome: caius, i've made you a gift!
caius: oh no
aro: it's a newborn vampire!
caius: oh no
aro, revealing felix like will smith with jeda: :D
caius: brother, you've created an ape with anxiety
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volturissideslut · 1 year
new Marcus fic
Okay, so, I know it seems like I’ve been absent for a really long time - and I have been. But I haven’t just been doing nothing, I swear! In the background I’m working an a book where it’ll be Marcus x an OC on Wattpad. My username on Wattpad is also Volturisideslut and the book is well on the way to being finished with all the progress I’ve been making lately. It has not been finished yetand i won’t upload until it is done because i understand the frustration of reading a fic and getting to the end and seeing its incomplete. It will be done soon, though!
Find my Wattpad account: here
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The best pillow is big sister ❤️💛❤️
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I am really proud of how this turned out
Can't get enough of drawing wholesome little babies lol
OCs belong to the lovely @bunny-is-cute from their blog @hells-greatest-performers
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oskea93 · 11 months
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☨ Fire Away ☨ Chapter Nine (Part two) ▾ Caius Volturi x OC ▾ ▲ Warning: Cursing, physical abuse ▲
⍏Taglist: @xoxoindigo @vampluv3r @ladysybilchronicles​ @badkitty83 @volturgeist​ @theplagueworm​ @dogmom2014  @hybridlamb @clandestine-nerd  @yourfamilyfriendsatan​ @yourlocalrockstarsimp @violetlilites​ @quennconstanceuniverse​ @soraththefallenangel  @cancankiki​ @jamiebowerslut @okimreadynow​ @R2quellyz @historyandfandoms50  @dogmom2014 @kaitieskidmore1​​ @quinnswife86 @wooya1224​ @e-munson666​ @nessaisboring​ @j-herondale121109​ @greatfandom​ @fayythe _______________________________________________
“You going to shoot me, nephew? Kill me in front of everyone – your wife, friends, unborn child?” Aro smiled. “Would be a shame for poor Vanessa to explain to the Volturi heir that his father is in prison or perhaps dead because he killed his poor, defenseless Uncle Aro. You don’t want that for your son.” Caius’s hand shook as the barrel of the gun pressed against Aro’s forehead. “Vanessa, darling-“His eyes shifted towards me. “You don’t want your son to be without a father, do you?”
I watched as he walked into the bathroom – his bruised eyes focusing straight ahead. It had been almost nine hours since I last saw him – Aro and his goons “setting him straight” after the stunt he pulled at the funeral. He said very little as he entered our room – the sight of his appearance causing my jaw to drop in shock. Blood stains splattered across the white shirt he wore underneath the suit jacket – his dress pants covered in dirt and dried blood. I removed myself from the bed as I followed his steps, slowly opening the door as the steam from the shower poured out. His dirty clothes littered the floor as his silhouette shown through the fogged glass.
I began to undress – my hand going over the bump as I took a deep breath. The warmth from the shower floated past the door as I stepped behind him – my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle as I rested my head against his back. His rigid body slowly starting to relax as he placed his hands on mine. We stayed like that for a few moments before he turned, brining my body close to his. We were both silent as I examined his face – bruises and cuts – all at the hand of his darling uncle.
“Don’t worry about me, love.” His voice heavy.
I reached up, gently touching his face as tears welled in my eyes. How could Aro do that to his own nephew, his flesh and blood? They were both hurting from the loss of Marcus – this was uncalled for. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart.” His hand softly resting on my stomach- our eyes locking. “I understand why you didn’t tell me.”
I stared off into the distance, tears welling in my eyes as the dishes shattered against any hard surface in the kitchen. He arrived home in a state of rage – partially due to the alcohol that he had previously ingested. His face was battered and bruised at the hand of his uncle and his henchmen. Everything was suddenly my fault – Him not being able to be there with Marcus – Marcus’s death – The strain the Volturi family was now under. All of it. All of it was my fault and bringing a baby into the mix was the straw that was now breaking the camel’s back. I flinched as his hands grabbed roughly onto my bare arms, no doubt leaving marks where his fingers dug into the skin.
“Caius!” Charlotte’s voice echoed through the room as she tore his hands off of me. “Are you out of your mind?” Her arms wrapped protectively around my body. “This is your wife – the mother of your unborn child. You have no right treating her in this manner – no right at all.” He rolled his eyes as he stumbled backwards. “Stay out of it, Charl-“
“I will do no such thing, Caius.” Her voice stern. “I practically raised you as if you were one of my own and I am ashamed – appalled of your actions.”
I stayed silent; my eyes settled on the marble flooring. “This is your wife, Caius. What happened between your uncle is not her fault and how dare you blame her for the trouble he has caused. He needs to be the one you’re yelling at – turn your anger towards him, not your pregnant wife.” I glanced up – our eyes connecting. “If I see one more bruise or hear you yelling at her again, you will not like what I do, dear Caius.”
A smirk appeared on his face, “Are you threatening me, Charlotte?” His voice dripping with venom. “
She took a step forward, “Don’t cross me, young man…”
We didn’t speak to one another for over a week. Caius kept his distance – sleeping in the guest room and doing all his business outside of the house. I wasn’t going to be the first to crack. I wasn’t the one who was in the wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I missed his warmth and touch, but I wasn’t gonna crack just because of that. I kept busy by helping Charlotte out in the garden or going around town, visiting the different shops and landmarks. Even though he wasn’t speaking to me, he made sure that I was being watched 24/7. Two men perched outside the house and three trailing behind as I ventured around town.
“So what time is the appointment?”
I placed the fork back onto the dish, “3:15 is the ultrasound and then I see the doctor afterward.”
She smiled, “How lovely!”
Today was the day I would find out the gender of the baby – our baby. I had texted Caius to let him know about the appointment but he never answered to tell me if he was coming or not. This was the visit I had been dreading the most – the fate of the Volturi family was in my hands and today was judgement day. Aro’s words ran through my head daily – A newborn male was what the family needed – a male heir that can lead the Volturi name into the next generation.
“Would you like to go with me?” Her eyes connecting with mine. “I mean –“ I paused. “I messaged Caius to let him know but he never said anything. Don’t want to experience this moment alone.”
She stayed silent for a moment, “I appreciate the gesture, sweet Vanessa but don’t you think your mother should be the one going?”
I hadn’t spoken to my mother in almost four months – not since our wedding day. She never tried to call or reach out – no one did. The only famly I had left was the one I married into – a bipolar husband and his mentally unstable uncle. Even though she wasn’t a Volturi, Charlotte was the only constant I had. She was the mother figure I now needed in my life -especially now that a baby was involved.
I shook my head, “No.” I answered. “You don’t get invited to something like this when you’ve abandoned your daughter over money. I want you to be there with me, Charlotte. You’ve been nothing but gracious and loving towards me since I’ve arrived. I consider you to be family – you’re like a mother to me.”
I could tell my words really touched her – and they were the God’s honest truth. My mother had no idea I was pregnant – and she would never know at this point. “Alright, dear –“ She paused as she untied the apron. “Let me gather my things.” I watched as she walked towards her room, the sound of another set of footprints entering from the backyard. “Dearest Vanessa.” Aro’s sinister voice sounded – my body turning harshly as he approached. “Glowing and beautiful as ever.” His eyes moving up my body, the smile on his face absolutely sickening. I instinctively placed my hand over my stomach – protecting the child anyway I could.
He circled me like I was a poor, defenseless prey in the wild – his eyes never leaving mine.
“Where you off to this late in the day?”
I cleared my throat, “I have a hair appointment.” I lied. “I’m taking Charlotte with me.” His eyes narrowed, trying to see through fact or fiction.
“Is that so?”
I nodded my head, hitching my purse strap higher on my shoulder. I wouldn’t think Caius would tell him that today was the gender reveal appointment- he didn’t even reply back to my message when I told him. Aro and Caius – from my understanding- were still not on speaking terms. Caius did his business away from his Uncle, choosing to pick up certain things that belonged solely to Marcus.
“Well hopefully not too short, darling –“His hand reaching out for the random strand that has fallen from the clip. “Us Volturi men are suckers for long hair, especially when it belongs to a beautiful woman such as yourself, Vanessa.”
I felt like I needed to take another shower as his eyes continued to rake down my body – his hand slowly running down my arm as he released the strand.
A sense of relief washed over me hearing Caius’s voice as he walked toward his uncle and I – a protective arm pulling me into his side. “Everything okay here?” He directed the question towards Aro.
I glanced between the two men as they glared at one another – the sickening smile from before etched back onto Aro’s face. “Peachy, nephew. Just speaking with your lovely bride about her new haircut she’s getting. Told her how much we love long hair on beautiful woman.”
Caius looked down at me, his eyes searching mine. “She’ll look beautiful no matter what she does with her hair. Be a lot easier with short hair when the baby gets here.”
This was the first time he acknowledged our child.
“Oh yes – my future great nephew.” Aro smiled. “Can’t wait for the little guy to make his appearance and learn all about our family – become the future leader of the family. We have lots to teach him, dear Caius.”
Caius stayed silent, his fingers curling into my sides. “What child wouldn’t want to be born into a powerful family such as ours – loved and feared at the same time.” He paused for a moment. “Isn’t that right, Vanessa?” I chose not to answer, shifting my body into Caius’s. “Well-“ His smile fell. “Don’t want you to be late for your important meeting, darling.”
I watched as he slowly walked away, looking back as he did before exiting the room. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt Caius’s body relax as well. We didn’t say anything to one another at first – the air awkward between us.
“I got your text.” Caius spoke.
I nodded my head, “Yeah-“ I paused. “Charlotte is going with me, so you don’t have to worry.” My tone was short. “I’ll put the picture in your office so you can see when you get back.”
His eyes stayed glued to the floor as the room became silent once again. I didn’t have time to play this game again. Sighing, I started making my way towards the door, his icy hand wrapping around my wrist, turning me towards him. His blue eyes glassy as his looked at me. “I’m sorry for the way I acted, Vanessa. It was a shit thing to do, and I never meant any of those words.”
“I had to hear that you're fucking knocked up by Aro in front of God and everyone else at that fucking funeral. Do you know how that makes me look, Vanessa? Do you know how that makes you fucking look? You don’t even tell your own fucking husband that you're having a baby, but yet my uncle knows before I fucking do!”
Tears fell from my eyes as he yelled – glass shattering on the floor as he continued his tantrum.
“Not only do I have to deal with Marcus’s death and the wrath of Aro, now I have to worry about your ass and that fucking baby. I got enough shit to deal with already, Vanessa. I don’t need to worry about a fucking child right now. Sometimes I think you do things on purpose – was getting pregnant one of those things? You already had it in your mind that you wanted to get knocked up and possibly leave me and make me give you child support?”
He walked closer to me, towering over my body as I sat back in the chair. “How do I even know that’s my baby?” His eyes moving down my body. “For all I know you could have fucked around with Michael or Daniel. Fuck-“ He chuckled. “My uncle wants an heir so badly for this family, you could have fucked him just so it had Volturi blood in its body.”
My hand collided with the side of his already bruised face – the crack echoing throughout the kitchen.
“I better go.” I spoke. “Charlotte’s waiting for me in the car.”
He hung his head as I pulled my wrist out of his hold. I was still hurt by what he had said but I was afraid to just let him back in again. He was drunk when he spoke those vial words – drunkenness always brings out true feelings. I wanted to believe that his apology was sincere, but I couldn’t take that chance right now…
I couldn’t stop looking at the ultrasound picture. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the bold word on the photo mocked me. I was supposed to be happy and ecstatic after finding out the gender of my child – trying to pick out names and the design of the nursery. I had all those thoughts in my mind but either side of the coin spelled trouble not only for myself but for my child.
“Vanessa, darling –“Charlotte comforted me. “Let’s get you something to eat, dear.” Her eyes searched mine. She was in the room when the technician told us the gender. She smiled as I looked over at her but deep down, she knew what I was thinking.
Alexander was always a name I liked for a little boy. Alexander Blake Volturi was the name I had placed together weeks ago as I researched names. I had more boy names picked out – my fear being that it would indeed be a little boy. This was what Aro wanted – needed. I would often pray that it be a boy – too afraid to think of what he would do if it was a little girl. Even though I wanted a son – my heart ached because I knew what his future held. He would become just like his father. Groomed to take over the family business and legacy.
Charlotte and I stopped at a little dinner outside of town – both wanting somewhere quiet and low-key. We ate in mostly silence – making small talk here and there about how the food was and if the other was okay. The drive back home was short as the radio filled the silence. I wished Charlotte goodnight before walking towards the kitchen, the sight of Daniel and Michael shocking me as they spoke with Caius. Their conversation coming to an end once they saw me – tight smiles on their faces as they greeted. Ever since Marcus’s death, Caius had become closer to the brothers – Daniel more than Michael. My encounters with Michael still fresh in my mind – his dislike towards my husband still present in his body language. I didn’t bother sticking around, telling my husband that I would see him upstairs. The ultrasound picture feeling like a ton of bricks inside of my purse.
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haganezukawaifu · 2 months
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒶 𝒟𝑜𝓁𝒸𝑒 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨
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~𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 ~ 𝓜.𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽~ 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 ~
My sleep was interrupted by a smell that woke me up. I sniffed again and it didn't smell like smoke. I jump out of bed, leave my room and walk downstairs. The moment I got downstairs, I saw Cordelia in the kitchen, cooking. I checked the time and it was 5 am. So early. I walk into the kitchen and the sound of my feet patting on the floor alerts Cordelia to my presence.
Seeing me, Cordelia said, "I knew you will awaken." I cross my arms and look at the pan. "How can I not when you're making my favorites?" Cordelia chuckles softly. "I know I will not be back until Sunday evening. But I had to start on your dinner so you don't have to worry about cooking when you get home and breakfast as well," she said as she set a pancake on a plate. I nodded my head as she cooked. From what I could see, she made homemade pancakes for me and croque madame for her. Her favorite meal. Seeing that she had finished cooking, I asked Cordelia.
"Hey. Cordelia. Do you know Latin by chance?" Cordelia hesitates before responding "Not really. I'm not skilled at it. Why. Are you studying Latin at school?" she asked. I shook my head and lied "There is an essay for English. And some words are in Latin. I just need to translate them for my paper." Cordelia nods her head in response before putting food in the fridge. "Well, I have a Latin-English dictionary in my office. You can use it for your essay," she says. "That's very helpful. I'll use it for my homework before bed," I said.
I had to know what those words meant. I couldn't talk to Alice. I haven't seen her for two days at school. Speaking of school, Bella was taken home during biology. I didn't expect her to be weak from the blood smell. However, Edward took her home, which shocked me. The next day, he didn't show up. Something about camping in the Goat Rock Wilderness. Which was weird. I wouldn't expect Edward to be the camping type. Looks more like an indoor person to me. I saw Cordelia take off her apron and hang it up and double-check everything in her daily routine before leaving. A habit she does that I now do occasionally. Once she did that, she stopped in front of the door and asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" "I can reschedule this meeting and work with you." As I shook my head, I could tell she was worried about me. "I'll be fine. Now go to your meeting and enjoy Seattle," I said as I grabbed her hands and held them. Cordelia smiles and nods. I let go of her hands before grabbing her luggage.
"Okay. I'm off. I'll let you know when I get to the hotel. Call me when you need anything," Cordelia said before pecking my head. I nodded my head in response. As she exited the front door, she walked to her black BMW. I wave goodbye as she waves back and gets into her car. I watch as she pulls out of the driveway. I sighed. It was 6:20 when I checked the wall clock. There was no point in getting back to sleep so I ate breakfast. I don't have to be at the shop until 8 and open up, so why not eat breakfast before getting dressed for work. I wore a simple beige jacket with a graphic tee, jeans, and boots. Nothing special. I grab my keys and my backpack. I double-check everything before leaving home. As soon as I exit the door, I lock the door and walk to my car and get inside. I drive straight to Aphrodite Garden.
The shop wasn't far from home. It was close to Newton's Olympic Outfitters and bookstores. It was 20 minutes away. While driving, I listened to my music. Once I arrive at the shop, I park my car and sigh.
'Okay, Christine. You can do it. You can handle a shift alone. Nothing but floral arrangements and phone calls.'
I exhale, open the car door, and get out of the car. I grab the shop key out of my bag and unlock the shop. The moment I open the door, the bell rings. Time to work. I turn on the light and walk into the back and set my things down in Cordelia's small office. I grab my lavender apron with my name and the shop emblem on it.
"Welcome to Aphrodite-." I stood there and saw Bella. "Hey," Bella greeted. "I thought you were heading to First Beach." "Your lights were on so I assumed you were open," Bella replied. I nodded my head. "I have to put things up before flipping the open sign. I thought you were already off to First Beach," I exclaimed as I picked up a box of plant pots and walked off. "No. We're waiting for Lee and Samantha," Bella replied as she shook her head and followed behind. "Didn't you invite anybody?" I asked. "Well I asked you but you're working and I asked Edward but he declined and he said he doesn't think Mike will like him over," Bella responded. I set the pot down by the delphinium. "I see. Maybe he wants to have you all to himself. I mean he did take you home on Wednesday," I say as I look at her. She looks away as she blushes. I chuckle at her bashfulness.
Before I could say anything, I heard the bell ring at the entrance door. "Welcome to Aphrodite-." I saw Mike standing at the entrance. "Hey. Bella. We're ready to go," Mike replied. In response, Bella nodded and said, "Okay." Mike noticed me. "You know Christine? Since you're Bella's friend. You can come along whenever you get off," Mike suggested. "You know that would be quite inviting Mike but I have to work a full shift here. Maybe next time." I smiled gently. "Okay then. Let's go, Bella. You can sit up front in the passenger seat," Mike said. "See you later," Bella said. I wave goodbye as Bella and Mike walk out. I checked the time and it was 8. Well, I'm officially open. Time to work.
After waiting, I didn't get a customer until 30 minutes later. She waited for a florist arrangement for her table, and I was happy to help. After I helped the lovely customer, the day proceeded as it should. I packed up some orders for funerals, weddings, newly born, birthdays, etc., and kept the flowers watered and fresh. Hydrangeas need attention today. I also advise clients on flower combinations. I also had to get updated orders from suppliers. Cordelia calls periodically to check on me, of course. But I was glad to hear her voice. Hours had passed and it was time to close the shop for the day. I sighed. I made it through the day. I began to sweep the floor, wipe the counter, etc. Once I did, I reviewed Cordelia's checklist and completed every task. After hanging up my apron, turning off the lights, and locking up the store, I left the shop. I saw Bella's truck but not Mike's car. Maybe they aren't back yet. After shrugging my shoulders, I drove home in my car.
After a 20-minute drive, I finally arrived home. I got out of my vehicle, stepped inside, and hung my keys on the key hook. I walk into the kitchen and get out the dish Cordelia made this morning and put it in the oven. The good news is she prepared it for me and I only have to put it in the oven. While that was cooking, I walked upstairs to Cordelia's office. It was time to find out what those words meant. I ventured into Cordelia and grabbed her Latin-English dictionary, and began my research. During my search, I came up with a few translations of my own.
'Thus it has always been, and thus it will always be.'
'Life is short, art is long.'
'No one is above the law; it is right and always will be.'
'No one is above the law; it has always been this way and always will be.'
'Life Short Artis.'
So many translations and none make sense. After a while, I put things into perspective, and an answer came to light.
"Life is short, Art is long. Death yours; life mine. No one is above the law. Thus it has always been and thus it will always be."
What does that mean? Life is short. Death yours. No one is above the law. It has always been and will always be. I have so many questions yet I don't know the answers to any. I open my laptop and search once more, this time for my longing question. As I sought to answer the question of my longing, I searched online. Something about those red eyes? Why do I dream of them? What does it mean? I typed on my computer.
'What does it mean to dream of someone you have never met?'
As soon as I clicked on the enter button, multiple results appeared. The top answer was destiny and longing to be with them. Soul Mates it said.
A soulmate. Those red eyes. They are my soulmates. But if that is true, where are they? Do they see me? Do they know I exist? I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the timer downstairs in the kitchen go off. I walk out of the office and reach downstairs to the kitchen to take my food out of the oven. Cordelia's dish looks delicious and tastes good. After dinner, I read "The Great Gatsby". I remember reading this book 2 years ago. It was quite enlightening. After finishing a couple of chapters, I fell asleep. I tried to fight it as much as I could but resisting sleep became a failure. Soon I drifted off to sleep the next day.
I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar location, back in the room. Only this time I was different. I stood at the door. What would this door lead me to at this time? I open the door and walk inside. I was in a library. Full of books that reach the sky. I couldn't recall so many classics. Some I had never heard of. I reached out to touch the book's hardcover until I heard the door open and hide. All I heard were footsteps and nothing more. While I waited for them to leave, I remained silent. I couldn't stop my heart from beating so loudly.
"Tesaro. Why do you hide?" I heard. "Your heart beats quickly. Don't be afraid. Come. Show yourself," said another voice. A different voice. But this voice had a gentle tone to it.
Standing there, I pondered my thoughts. Should I show myself or stay hidden? I had to know who these figures were. Taking a step, I turned the library shelf corner and saw three figures looking at me. As I stood in front of them, I analyzed their features. The three of them were quite different from one another. One had long jet-black hair and translucent skin. The other had snow-white shoulder-length hair as his skin was pale and translucent. Lastly, the last man had black hair that was shoulder length. His skin, on the other hand, was pale. Both were tall and average-built. However, their eyes conveyed a sense of comfort and kindness in addition to their beauty. I was stunned. I sat on the floor looking up at them.
"Come, Cara Mia," the jet-black-haired man said as he extended his hand toward me. I hesitated to grab it until I extended my hand to touch his. The moment our hands touched, he held it with care as I slowly walked toward him. He never let go of my hand as we left the library. The moment we walk down the hall, we stop at the window. He turns to face me, as I did, and the two men beside him turn as well. There was silence as the man that held my hand pecked on my hand palm. I let out a gasp as I stared at him. He looks at me with adoration as he reaches forward to touch me. But before he could.
I awaken from my sleep and lay there for a moment. I lifted my hand into view, the same hand he pecked. His touch was delicate and his lips were soft. The way they looked at me, their beauty alone was all I could think about. Suddenly the phone rang, causing me to snap out of my train of thought. Must be Cordelia. I ran downstairs to answer the phone. "Hello," I answered. "Hey, Christine. It's Bella," I heard on the phone. Bella. I checked the clock and it was 5 a.m. So early. What is she doing calling me this early? "I didn't wake you, did I?" Bella said. As I shook my head, I replied, "No, you didn't. I just woke up anyway." 'Oh' is all I heard on the other line of the phone. "What is it? You're calling pretty early?" I said. "Well, I have been doing a bit of research lately," Bella told me.
"What research have you been doing?" I asked curiously. "Well you know I went to First Beach today," Bella mentioned. In response, I hmm. In addition, Bella mentions that she met someone named Jacob Black. "Jacob?" I asked. "Charles bought the truck from his dad," she said. 'Ah' is the only sound I make. "Was that it? That you met someone named Jacob, whose truck your dad brought?" I inquired. "That's not it. Jacob told me some old stories that shook me," Bella added. Stories. I asked her what kind of old stories and she answered "It was about the Cullens." My eyes widened as I heard Cullen's name through the phone. What about the Cullens? "I'm sorry. Did you just say the Cullens? What about them?" I asked. There are stories about the Quileutes, she told me. Some claim to date back to the Flood where they tied their canoes to the top of the tallest tree in the mountains to survive like Noah did. Other claims that they descended from wolves. "Then there were the cold ones," Bella said.
'The cold one.'
"Jacob told me that the cold one's stories were old as legend. His great-grandfather knew some of them. He made a treaty with them to keep them off their land," Bella said. "A treaty. So was he like a chief or something?" Bella replied, "He was a tribal elder and the cold ones were enemies of the wolves. But not just any wolf, but werewolves as he called them. Despite his great-grandfather's truce with them, the cold ones claim they do not hunt humans. That they somehow feed on animals instead." Werewolves. Cold ones. This story has so much. But I only have one question.
"How does the cold one have anything to do with the Cullens? They can't be the same as the legends he told you about. Could they?" I wonder. "He said they were the same." I sat there quietly. As per legend, the Cullen could not be the cold one. "If the Cullen are the same as those in the legend, they are what?" I asked. Through the phone, Bella replied "Blood drinkers Jacob told me. Or in other words,"
I stood there in shock. There's no way. It can't be. Werewolves. Vampire. They can't be real. Only books and movies depict them. Vampires sleep in coffins. They don't walk out in daylight. During the night, they feed on humans. It just didn't sound like the Cullens. "Christine. Are you still there?" Bella called out to me. "Umm. Yeah. Just a bit overwhelmed. I just don't think the Cullens are vampires," I replied. "I researched, and there are different vampire myths held throughout the world, such as Danag, Varacolaci, and Stregoni benefici. I also compared it to each myth. Speed, strength, pale skin, eyes that shift color," Bella said.
My mind wanders back to that school day. Before the accident. The day Edward stopped the van from hitting Bella. As well as the pale skin, the eyes. Not only were there comparisons to them but also to the figure in my dream. Could Edward be a vampire? "And there was more. Some say some vampires can be drawn to you and appear in your life," Bella said. "That would explain my dreams." "Your dream?" Bella inquired. Before realizing what I had said, I was silent. Did I just mention my dreams? I heard Bella call my name as I sighed. I couldn't hide it anymore. If I need to tell anyone, I can tell Bella. I can trust her.
"Bella. I think it's better if I come over. There is something I need to tell you.”
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thedeathlysallows · 10 months
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This is a dark!Caius Volturi fic and will contain the following: descriptions of murder, death, and suicidal ideations. Manipulation, coercion, religious trauma, witchcraft, sexism, sex, blood.
My warnings are not exhaustive. Proceed with caution.
Chapter One
“Anne,” the deep baritone of Father’s voice pulls me from my thoughts in an instant. His face, twisted with rage and disgust, is right next to my own as he grabs me by the elbow and hauls me from the tavern. The night is dark and the air is cold, filling my lungs with the crisp scent of Autumn.
I was so close. 
So close to freedom. 
So close to a life far from his reach. 
Of course, I thought it would take him longer to figure out he played right into my hand. I thought I would have a few days head start before he came looking for me to drag me back to his miserable home. All so he would have his own maid or so he could sell me off to the highest bidder. 
“We’re leaving,” he tells me. 
I tilt my chin up and meet his gaze, the fire in his eyes threatening to spill over and consume my soul. He hates me. I know he does. He’s hated me since the moment I drew my first breath and Mother drew her last. In his mind I’m nothing more than the thing that killed his wife and he’s always hated me for it. 
I straighten my shoulders. “I’m not going back home.”
He looks at me for a moment, the fire dimming before blazing even brighter. “No. You aren’t. Come along, Anne.”
I can hear the autumn leaves crunching beneath heavy boots as two men appear at the edge of the dark woods, their figures looming and shrouded in the night. They move to my father’s side, ghostly and silent, and I can finally recognize them in the flickering light of Father’s torch. 
William and Henry. Two boys the same age as me. Two boys whose fumbling attempts at seduction left me laughing in their faces. Two boys who swore revenge before Father had cast me out of his home. 
William refuses to make eye contact with me, but Henry at the very least has the courtesy to nod ever so slightly, his short shearn hair and neatly trimmed beard giving him the appearance of someone far older. 
“Best follow your father,” he says simply. 
“And if I don’t?”
“You’ll be making this needlessly difficult.”
“And what is ‘this’?” The question comes out of my mouth unbidden. Deep down I know I needn’t ask at all. I know what this is. I know what’s about to happen to me. I’ve watched this same process from afar time and again. 
I turn to Father. “You hate me so much you would actually do this? Me, your own flesh and blood?”
It isn’t Father who answers. William suddenly finds his voice, face flushed pink in anger. “Witch! You seduce men with your silver tongue before selling our souls to the devil!”
My voice fails me. Almost two decades of being able to talk my way out of anything, and now my gift fails.
William points to me, turning to look at Henry and Father. “See? She does not deny it.”
I’ve never minded being called witch before. I’ve never minded when people would balk at the bright red of my hair, whispering to one another as I walked through town. I accepted being the thing they feared. None of it bothered me because I always knew there was no evidence to any of it. I never left any. I have always been a step ahead of everyone else. 
I shake my head and square my shoulders. “I do not deny it because it is absolutely ridiculous!”
Father says nothing for a long moment. He observes me coolly, thoughtfully, before something finally clicks in his eyes. “Would you swear to it on your older brother’s life? Would you swear on Carlisle’s life that you are not in league with the same demons we hunt?”
And there it is. My loophole. I can promise I’m no friend to vampires without damning Carlisle’s soul. It might be too late for mine, but I can save his at the very least.
“I have nothing to do with vampires, Father. I swear on Carlisle’s life.
Father sighs heavily. “Vampires are not the only demons we kill.”
Henry and William seize me by my upper arms and drag me down the cobblestone road behind Father. We pass few people on our trek, and the ones we do meet quickly avert their gaze lest they be cursed by the witch. None of the three men stop until we come to the edge of a lake. The water ripples ever so slightly, as if someone got out in a rush, but it’s mostly disturbingly serene. No one is sure exactly how deep the lake goes, and the ones who do know will never be able to tell. 
The three of them walk me to the end of a small wooden dock.
Father turns abruptly and glares down at me. “Anne Cullen, you have been tried and found guilty of witchcraft. What is your reply?”
I bare my teeth, trying to get out of Henry and William’s grip. “I should have killed you the second I had a chance!”
He bends down, face inches from my own. He reeks of must and self-righteousness. “And I should have smothered you the second you killed your mother.”
I’ve imagined my life ending many ways many times. Perhaps I would jump from the belfry of my father’s beloved church. Ironically, I have even dreamed of drowning myself in the same manner Father seems to be preparing. Tie heavy blocks to my ankles and fall back into the water. Or maybe I would happen to stumble across on of his precious vampires and they would do the honor. What if I begged them to do the honor? Would they. Would a monster like them even want a monster like me?
William is the one to tie the ropes around my ankle while Father and Henry observe. Father watches each motion of William’s hands, watches my reaction to the bite of the twine against my skin. I do not flinch. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing anything save for cold malice on my face. Henry refuses to meet my eyes.
“Any last words, witch?” William teases me, his blue eyes hard as steel.
I smile before spitting into his face. “I’ll save you a spot in Hell, William.”
He grips my shoulder so roughly I almost flinch. “You should have just let me fuck you like the whore you are. You’ll spread your legs for every man but me?”
“I would spread my legs for a woman before I let that tiny prick of yours anywhere near me.”
William grabs a fistful of my hair and shoves me forward, dangling me over the lake. “Ready to die so soon?”
“I would rather die free than ever be shackled to a man such as you. Mark my words, I will haunt all of you for the rest of your lives.”
Water rushes around me, cold and unforgiving. It’s dark and silent as I sink down to the bottom of the lake. If I look up I can make out the three of them leaving, certain I’m dead, or at least very well on the way. My lungs scream for air and I desperately flail around, trying my best to untie the rope around my ankles. Black spots crowd my vision as my head grows light and fuzzy.
I can’t feel the ropes anymore.
I can’t feel anything.
My eyes are heavy.
I want to close them.
So I do.
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