#calculus i'll always love you
roosterforme · 5 months
Smarter Than the Average Beer Boy | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After months of attending your lectures, Bradley has honed his math skills beyond his wildest expectations. A night out with the boys reveals just how smart and endearing your husband really is, even when he has a hangover.
Warnings: Swears, fluff, drinking, oral sex, shirtless Beer Boy, 18+
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
Happy birthday to @cherrycola27!
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time but it can be read on its own! Banner by @thedroneranger Check out my masterlist
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You were on your way to teach your last class of the day, and it was your least favorite one. When the class schedules were being organized for next semester, you planned on begging Dr. Rosenthal to let you trade this awful linear algebra class away for one of his calculus lectures. Because at least calculus was something to which you could add a little spice to keep your students interested, unlike this one.
Even though you already ate the snack your husband packed in your tie dye lunchbox, you were still hungry. You'd have to remind him to pack you something extra next Thursday. But as you were on your way to the lounge to quickly get something from the vending machine, you heard his voice. 
You spun around in your loafers and tweed skirt and saw your husband in full khaki uniform heading your way. "Beer Boy. What are you doing here?" you asked, giving up on the idea of a snack and heading in his direction instead. "I'm about to give a lecture."
"I know," he said with a smirk, voice all deep and raspy. "I got dismissed early, and I stopped at home to get you a snack. Thought maybe I could join your lecture tonight since I won't get to spend tomorrow evening with you."
You almost dropped your notebook as you wrapped your arms around his waist and propped your chin on his chest. "Are you my snack?" you asked as he leaned down to kiss you.
"Nor exactly," he laughed, holding up two small containers. "I brought you some homemade hummus and pita chips. But if you want to skip your lecture and head up to your office, I'd be more than happy to fuck you while I feed you."
"Tempting," you told him with a moan. He was always so sure of himself when he was with you, and it was a massive turn on. But when he grinned and started pulling you toward the elevators, you had to dig your loafers in. "I can't let my students down," you said with a little pout. "Come on. You can sit in the back and take notes."
"Nah. I'll just watch my hot wife in action. Take some mental notes that I can think about at the bachelor party tomorrow night."
You rolled your eyes as you took the containers from him. "You'll have so much fun with Jake and the boys, you won't even be thinking about me at all."
"Newsflash, Dr. Sugar," he whispered as you entered the lecture hall with his hand on your butt. "I'm always thinking about you."
Yes, it was fun watching you work. Your lectures were informative, and you were very passionate about the subject. You were also gorgeous, and Bradley wouldn't mind watching you do this all day long. And sure, he loved that you wrote a few problems on the board for your students to work through so you could eat the hummus and pita chips he brought. And yeah, he squirmed a bit in his seat when you winked at him from the podium as you licked your fingertip. 
But the really interesting thing was the fact that Bradley was getting pretty fucking good at math now. If he could go back to undergrad studies, he might even choose it as his major instead of political science. Nobody ever really encouraged him to show off his smarts after his mom died. Well, besides you. There was something about the way you always recognized that he was intelligent that made him fall even harder for you. And since he knew what it felt like to live without you for ten years, he didn't mind watching you teach the same classes over and over. He just wanted to be around you.
When you asked if there were any volunteers to work through the problem, Bradley was able to follow every detail and come up with the correct answer from his seat. And when you finally ended the class, he went up to the front of the room and kissed your cheek right in front of the straggling students. "Any chance you can bring one of the homework sheets home for me to work on later this weekend?" he asked, stealing your last pita chip.
You looked up at him with adoring eyes, and it wasn't fair, because you knew what those little tweed skirts did to him. "You're really going to work on a problem set?" 
"Yeah," he told you with a shrug. "Why not? This class was fun, and maybe you can check my answers and reward me?" he asked hopefully. 
"If you want to be my top student, you better get them all correct." You ran your fingers along the front of his khakis as you picked up your notebook and started walking away.
"I'll be so good, Baby," he promised as he followed you out. He was planning on working on the problems on Sunday after he spent all day Saturday recovering from Jake's bachelor party. Tomorrow night was for the boys, but tonight he would be spending with you. 
When he got you home, he boiled a pot of water for some of the homemade pasta he made and dried last weekend, and he started heating up some of his homemade sauce and meatballs. "This is so fucking sexy," you whispered, rubbing up on him in your tweed while you sipped a beer. "You are really good at feeding me."
He stole the bottle and drank some. "You're really good at everything else." When he tried to hand it back, you just shook your head and dropped slowly to your knees. He was already a little hard from all the tweed rubbing, but then you kissed his zipper, and his dick responded immediately. "Look at that. I didn't even have to do the math problems."
You grinned up at him while he sipped the beer. "Maybe this is just a little reminder for you to be good tomorrow night when you're out with the boys. No drinking and driving. No letting them get into fights. No playing beer pong without me. If you're good, then there's more where this came from."
Bradley was really enjoying the cold beer as you undid his belt and button before you eased his zipper down. "I'll be so good. I'm a hundred percent domesticated."
You moaned as his cock sprang free, and you rubbed your face against him. "I know." He was about to tell you he'd been that way since the two of you were college seniors, but suddenly all coherent thoughts left his brain. You were gently kissing his balls as you ran your fingers up underneath his shirt and teased his abs. "You're a very good boy."
His cock was throbbing and tapping you on the cheek as your tongue flicked out to taste him. "Sugar," he grunted before sipping the beer again. 
"Hmm." You were looking up at him as your lips barely met his skin. "What should I do with you?" Somehow you were making Bradley feel submissive even though you were on your knees for him, and he tipped his head back and groaned.
"Fuck me up, Sugar."
"Gladly," you replied, and he felt your tongue draw a slow and steady line from his tight balls all the way to the head of his cock. Bradley watched as you took the very tip of his bouncing length between your pretty lips. All you did was hold eye contact as you sucked on him like he was a piece of candy, your fingers tickling the trail of hair below his belly button, and he was mesmerized. 
"Those pouty lips will be the death of me," he whispered before sipping the beer again. "So fucking pretty." You sucked on him a little harder, and he clenched. Damn, you hadn't even taken him deep yet, and he was already eager. But he didn't care, because you already knew what you did to him.
Then you popped him free, rubbed your nose against his trimmed pubes before kissing his tip and said, "I love you." Then you grabbed him by the hips and let him slide all the way so he was tapping the back of your throat. 
"Oh, fuck," he grunted, already thinking about you gagging on his cum. You shook your head slightly when he was deep, and tears filled your eyes as you sucked. Bradley gripped the bottle, his voice only a harsh whisper as he said, "That's it. That's it. Fuck."
A few more deep thrusts had you struggling, which was honestly so fucking hot to him. You were making desperate little sounds, but you bobbed on him until you gagged. And that's really all it took.
You moaned as he filled your mouth, and he ran his thumb along your cheek as you gently sucked every drop from him. "Show it to me," he whispered softly and you smiled as you released him. Slowly, you parted your lips and tilted your face up for him, showing off your cupped tongue full of his cum. "Beautiful."
Then you swallowed him down and kissed his drained balls once more before you stood and took the beer bottle from his hand. Casually, you took a sip like you didn't just leave him twitching before you. "Is dinner almost ready?"
He was still thinking about it the next night when he was out with all the guys. Jake was marrying Jessica in a month, and all he asked for was a night of bar hopping. Normally Bradley would have been very good at this, but he was thinking about the way he'd fed you bites of pasta while standing in the kitchen as you moaned over how delicious it was. 
"Come on, Rooster, have a shot," Payback said, passing him some tequila. Just a few drinks would help him focus on the night with the guys. "Bottoms up." 
But at first, the drinks just made him think about calling you to see what you were up to. Jessica was supposed to stop by the house to hang out for a while, and he wondered if she was still there. Maybe she left and you were already changed into his Grateful Dead shirt for bed. Maybe he could just get an Uber right now and go home and find out for himself. He'd slip right into bed next to you. 
"Time for the karaoke bar!" Javy announced, and then Bradley had more shots in front of him before he ended up onstage, and he couldn't be sure where his shirt went, but oh well, it didn't really matter since his favorite shirt was at home with you, and it was suddenly time to sing. 
But he did remember to text you and let you know he'd be home very late.
Having the empty house to yourself felt a bit like it did when Bradley was deployed. So in that respect, it made you a little antsy. But on the other hand, it was peaceful when you had Jessica over for some snacks and a glass of wine. It was close to midnight when a bunch of photos came through to your phone and hers. 
"Oh no," she groaned as you scrolled through the images from Mickey. It appeared as though Bradley lost his shirt. Typical. 
"They are a mess," you muttered, finally getting to one where the guys were physically holding Jake up. "You're going to have your work cut out for you tomorrow."
She shook her head but laughed. "I think I'll head home and wait for him. I don't know if he'll even be able to make it from the front door to the bedroom without help."
"Bradley doesn't look much better," you added as you got to the last photo where he was chugging a beer, the amber liquid dribbling down his neck and bare chest. "Oh Lord."
"Call me tomorrow and let me know how bad it is?"
"Yeah," you agreed, walking her to the door and giving her a hug. 
And then you were met with silence again. You changed into Bradley's tie dye shirt and his robe that he'd had since college, but you weren't even slightly tired now. You glanced across the hallway to your office door covered in your own handwriting. 
Working through an advanced calculus problem before bed would definitely help you unwind. You walked to your white board while you looked up a problem on your phone and then scribbled it down and got to work. Oh, this one was a bit tricky with lots of side math to complete first. The squeak of your marker was soothing, and by the time you got to your tenth line in the proof solution, you were yawning.
"Works like a charm," you muttered, capping the marker and heading back across the hall where you climbed into bed. 
At one point during the night, you thought you heard Bradley stumble in the front door. "Beer Boy?" you called out, rolling over in bed.
You heard him slur, "It's just me, Sugar," followed by the sound of the refrigerator opening up. He'd come to bed eventually after he got a snack. You scooted back all the way to your side, preemptively trying to avoid him being a sticky, sweaty mess. You smiled and curled up, and you were back to sleep in seconds. 
But he never did come to bed, as evidenced by the still crisp bedding on his side when you woke up again at nine. You stretched and climbed out from the pocket of warmth and reached for his robe before you went to search the house. 
You started in the kitchen, thinking that being near the refrigerator might have been more appealing than the bed, but he wasn't there. You glanced out back and on the living room couch, but you didn't see him anywhere. 
"Bradley?" you called out as you looked in the bathroom, but he hadn't even fallen asleep in the tub. You pressed your lips together as you poked your head inside your office and gasped. "Seriously?"
He was sound asleep on the floor, his shirt nowhere to be seen, and he was snoring loudly. An empty ice cream carton and spoon were next to his head, and it looked like he'd eaten a value sized bag of pretzels. There were a few more wrappers and a lot of crumbs on the floor, and you just gaped at him as he started to roll onto his side and look around.
"What the fuck? Why is it such a mess in here? I just cleaned on Wednesday," he groaned, hair sticking up at every angle. He tilted his head and looked up at you through squinted eyes. "What happened?"
You gave him an incredulous look. "Why don't you tell me?"
He continued to look around the room as he sat up. "I don't know," he replied, pushing the pretzel bag to the side as he cradled his forehead in his palm. "Last thing I remember is the guys making me sing Caress Me Down for karaoke. Where's my shirt?"
Your deep sigh should have been warning enough for him, but he looked down at his abs, shocked that he was only wearing half of his outfit. "Once again, Bradley, why don't you tell me?"
"Baby, how am I supposed to know?" he whined. "God, now I have a fucking hangover, and I can't think."
If Jake was also this bad at the moment, then Jessica might need a reassuring phone call later. Hopefully he hadn't destroyed the carpet in their condo. You needed to get Bradley into the shower and then put him in bed so you could clean up the floor, but your eyes caught on your white board, and you gasped. "Bradley."
"What now?" he moaned as he got to his hands and knees in the crumbs. "My head is throbbing."
Your eyes skimmed from the top of the board to the very bottom, and you started laughing. He was looking up at you, confusion swirling along his handsome features as you had to brace your hands on your knees while you gasped for air and cackled. "Beer Boy!"
"Okay, yes," he grunted. "I'm beginning to think I was actually the one who made the mess in here, but I'll clean it up. It's not that funny."
"Bradley!" you screeched, pointing to the board. "You solved my advanced calculus problem!"
Slowly and seemingly painfully, he turned his head to look and crawled closer to the wall. "I don't think so," he muttered. "I don't even know what all of that means." He was standing on his knees, and trying so hard to figure it out. "Holy shit, that's my handwriting."
"It definitely is," you said through your laughter as you gently combed your fingers through his messy hair. He practically melted against your leg with his big hand on your thigh below his robe. "I am... somehow really impressed by this? You got drunk, got a ride home at four in the morning, and then you solved an advanced math problem before you passed out on my office floor."
"Yeah, I'm impressive as hell," he whispered, kissing you through the robe fabric. 
"You know... if you weren't so terribly hungover, I'd offer to blow you again like yesterday. Because this is something only my very best student would be able to do. And I love rewarding my best student." 
You stroked his cheek softly with your knuckles as he stared up at you with parted lips. "Professor Sugar," he rasped. "I'm totally fine. Barely hungover at all."
"Are you sure?" you laughed. "You look a little rough. And you made a huge mess."
"Yeah," he replied immediately. "I'm great. Wanna join me in the shower?"
You bent to kiss his forehead and whispered, "If you think you can handle it."
"Hell yes," he groaned, trying three times before he was able to get to his feet. Then he took you by the hand, and you helped him down the hallway to the bathroom. 
You pointed out the small closet on the way. "And when we're done, the vacuum cleaner is just hanging out right in there, waiting for you to clean up my office."
"Yeah, okay."
Happy birthday, Nik! When you mentioned this idea, it had me cracking up. I hope you enjoy it as a birthday gift one day early! Thanks @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls and @thedroneranger
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bandgie · 9 months
A+ Student
nonidol!Felix x fem!reader
synopsis: Felix knows he has an innocent face with soft features. He likes to think his personality is as sweet as his looks, but he does tend to use it to his advantage sometimes. Especially when it comes to his favorite things, like sex.
warnings: MDNI 18+, DUBIOUS, UNSOLICITED PHOTOS, two-faced Felix, Felix is manipulative but not in a violent or cruel way, PIV, condom use, fingering, reader is really unsure but goes along, SUPER naive reader, college au, reader is a whore in spirit not in practice, correct vaginal terms (we getting educational) idk that's it
3.3k words
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Felix’s dorm was surprisingly rather clean when you walked in. He had asked you over to help model for his anatomy homework, preferring a real person rather than just a photo for reference. It was a shocking request, given that you had only spoken to him a handful of times. You were a little uncomfortable with the idea, but seeing Felix’s pleading eyes and hopeful smile made you agree.  
How could you say no to such a face?
Both of you were lounging in the living room, making small talk. You learned that Felix loved baking, going to school events, and hanging out with his closest friends. He was so outgoing he seemed to make friends with every person he came across. 
It wasn't until Hyunjin, his roommate, came home that you both decided to retire to Felix's room. You were nervous, even if it was just for his assignment. You didn't feel too confident in your ability to model, but Felix was very adamant that you were the perfect muse for him.
"Go ahead and just stand there," Felix points to the other side of the room. He has a sketchbook in his hand facing you, "I'll be honest, I suck at drawing. I might be a while." You laugh and shake your head, "It's cool, take your time." Felix smiles at you while you stand in position, still as possible.
Truthfully, Felix doesn't need a model. Hell, he's not even taking an anatomy class. You caught his eye during calculus, and it didn't take long for him to try and meet with you after class. He quickly discovered that you were open to new friends, but you were very picky when it came to the people you slept with. Felix didn't have the time, nor did he care enough, to play the long game just to get in your pants.
It's his dirty little secret, but Felix loves having sex. He doesn't care with who, when, or why, he just can't help but drown in the feeling of ecstasy. Most people are very open to fucking Felix, all he has to do is ask nicely and bat his eyelashes. With you though, you were a little more traditional. He could tell you'd rather make love than fuck, and although Felix has a big heart, he also has a big dick he likes to use often. 
You could feel your muscles twitching. Standing was supposed to be an easy task, but your lower back began to ache. It didn't take long for you to start shifting from side to side, occasionally cracking your neck to loosen up your joints. Felix looks at you softly, a small pucker on his lips. "Are you okay? Is it getting uncomfortable?"
"It's fine," you brush off his concern. "I can manage. I just haven't stood like this for so long before." Felix sets his sketchbook down and shakes his head, "No, I don't want you to feel bored. You can lay on the bed if you want, I can draw you from different angles that way."
You want to tell him that it's not a big deal, that you're not bored. But seeing his piercing brown eyes and hearing his deep voice makes you want to please him. Like a cat, Felix watches as you place yourself on the bed. You smooth your skirt out and silently curse yourself, why did you choose such a short skirt?
Felix followed suit quickly, grabbing his sketchbook back up and standing beside you. His eyes scanned your body as he sketched, and it took every fiber in you not to squirm from his gaze. You always thought his eyes looked beautiful, a pretty golden brown that seemed to melt in the sun. In this moment however, they seem dark. Like a shadow hidden beneath his softness daring to peep out.
Honestly, everything about Felix was beautiful. From his eyes right down to his full, pink lips. They always looked so dainty, plush like they were meant for kissing. It was hard not to stare at it as his tongue poked out to lick his lips almost hungrily. 
You tried to ignore it, the way his gaze trailed your body like he was looking at a meal rather than a mannequin. It went straight to your head, and you hated yourself for having such dirty thoughts. His hands never touched you, but you started wondering how gentle they might feel if they caressed your skin. He told you he was in taekwondo, so it must be easy for him to open your legs.
Stop, you quickly try to drown the thoughts out. You would be horrified if Felix found out that you were getting wet in his bed. That you were picturing him with his nimble fingers on your pussy. How perfect he would look with his golden hair between your-
"Uh-oh," Felix mumbles, quickly catching your attention.
"What's wrong?" Your voice is raspy, and you pray Felix thinks it's because you've been quiet for a while. He lets out a dramatic sigh and tsks, "I pretty much finished the outline, but there was something else I needed to sketch. I don't know if you're comfortable with that though."
You sit up a little, "What is it?"
He fiddles with his pencil and looks at you shyly, "We're mostly focusing on female anatomy. And my professor want us to draw a...vagina." Your expression must say enough, because he quickly continues on. "It's okay if you don't want to! I completely understand. You can leave and I can just look at photos or whatever. I mean, I don't really like looking at photos. I could ask someone else too."
You chew on your bottom lip, unsure of how to answer. It's not like you're a virgin, but you also aren't okay with just anyone seeing your nakedness. Some people may call you a prude, but you honestly just get really nervous when it comes to stuff like that. You would love to be able to sleep around and get that full college experience, but your anxiety sometimes gets the better of you.
Plus, he said someone else. 
"It's o-okay," you nod timidly. You swear Felix's eyes light up brighter than the sun itself, "Really?!" You give another nod, this one more sure, "Yeah, really." Though his smile seems genuine, you can't help but shake the feeling that it wasn't that pure smile you were used to.
Like he completely expected this.
There isn't much time to dwell on your thoughts when he gets on his knees at the edge of the bed. Felix lifts your skirt almost eagerly to see your panties. You screw your eyes shut, hoping that he doesn't see the wet patch that had started form. It's only a matter of time before your pussy starts dripping from his attention. 
Easy. You’re just so easy and Felix can't believe you're so trusting in him. It almost makes him feel bad. There's a slight dampness in your underwear though, and that makes Felix not feel so guilty. With gentle fingers, he grabs your underwear by the hem and pulls it down. He notices how you tense, the way you hesitantly lift your hips to let him completely remove it. 
He especially loves the little gasp you make when the air hits your bare pussy. Felix stares at your glistening folds and licks his lips eagerly. Your pussy just looked so inviting as it drooled for him. He knows better than to touch though, you would be running for the door in a matter of seconds. Felix needs to take it slow, carefully. He needs to ignore how his jeans squish his hard-on and pick up his drawings and pencil instead. 
You can faintly hear the scratching of graphite on paper. If you look up at the ceiling and stare at the white walls, you can imagine you're in a doctor's office. You're trying to think of everything but Felix's eyes on your cunt to keep yourself from getting wet. It's hard not to when he's breathing on your pussy, soft hums from him as he works.
Then, you feel fingers near your lower lips, and you snap your head up. "What are you doing?" Your question makes Felix look up at you, and boy was that a mistake. You can perfectly see his slightly messy hair, the flush in his cheeks, his adoring eyes on yours. 
You clench around nothing.
"Oh! Sorry," he smiles sheepishly at you. "I was just trying to move around your labia. I need to get a good look, I won't touch too much I promise." As much as you want to leave this awkward situation, you can't seem to find the words to tell him that you don't want to. You would hate to upset Felix, and you don't think you could forgive yourself if you hurt his feelings. 
So you suck it up, pray that he can't smell how turned on you are, and nod. "Okay."
His touch resumes, and you can feel his fingers spread your pussy lips open. You shiver, biting your lower lips to stop yourself from whimpering. You can feel blood pumping throughout your body, the way your cunt drips from his brief touches. Felix seems to move your pussy around often, even accidentally brushing his fingers against your bud.
Felix giggles, making you interrogate him. "What's funny?" He shakes his head, his fingers ghosting your clit, "You're just really wet. It's cute." You can feel your face heat up from his answer. "I-its a normal response," you try to play it off. "You're touching me...there! I can't help how it gets."
Your explanation has Felix laughing, making you blush more. "I know," he says softly. "It just lets me know I'm doing a good job and that you're not in pain." You nod at his reasoning, feeling somewhat relaxed that Felix didn't make you feel bad about it. 
There are a few silent seconds before he speaks again, "Do you mind if I enter a few fingers in? I just need to get a feel of the vaginal canal, it's the last part." You groan internally, but you have already come this far. "That's fine, but won't that affect your drawing?"
Felix hasn't been drawing since he started playing with your pussy, but you were too busy focusing on not getting wet that you hadn't noticed. "I think I can manage." He smiles brightly at you.
Felix lifts your legs up so your knees are pointed at the sky. The skirt covers his face, and you're thankful that it hides your aroused expression. You don't need to see how close Felix is to your cunt, you swear you can feel his nose brush against you when he slips his finger inside.
You jolt at the intrusion. It's not painful in the slightest, being that you were wet enough to take him in. It's just been a while since anything's been inside you, and the gentle stretch is easy to find pleasurable. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan when he gently starts pumping his digit. It's embarrassing that you can hear your arousal with every stroke, but Felix doesn't comment on it at all.
He's starting slow on purpose. Felix wants you to open up for him so that when he begins the main course, you'll have no doubt that you want to help him out. Your walls are soft, warm, and tight when he slides his finger in and out. He watches as your pussy drenches itself, a clear sign that you're preparing for something bigger. 
Experimentally, he slides another finger in. You don't say anything, though you begin breathing heavier. Felix can tell it's getting harder for you to keep quiet, you moans become muffled from covering your mouth with your hands. There's no way you can still think you're helping Felix with his anatomy class, but your compliance says otherwise. 
"I-is this helping?" You stutter. You tense when you feel Felix shove his fingers deep in you, biting your lips to hold back a squeal. "Yes, but I'm thinking I might need something bigger." His voice isn't as sweet anymore. There's a rasp to it, a deepness you've only heard in certain adult films. 
"Bigger? What do you mean?"
Felix's fingers don't stop as he pumps into you, as if he's trying to coax the moans out of you. "I mean, the fingers help get a feel. But it's really hard to properly know how deep it can go with them. Ya know?" His accent sends shivers down your spine, and you have to tighten your core to stop creaming on his fingers. 
"What would you use then?" You shake when Felix pulls his fingers out, a whine leaving your lips from the loss of contact. It's been long, so long since you felt like this. Dripping with need, wishing you had something inside you to cream on, the closeness of another person. It's hard to not think of sex when the most gorgeous man is front of you, examining your body for a mere grade. 
You hear Felix stand up, and you lift your head up to see him. He taps the crotch of his pants, "This. I mean I get it if you don't want to. I just don't have any tools on me, and I would rather use something I'm familiar with too." Your legs slightly open from the thought of fucking him, but you're still uncertain.
"I dunno Felix," you bite your lower lip. "Is it really necessary?"
He ruffles his hair and nods. "For me? Yes. I really need to pass this class, and I'm willing to do anything for it. I'll wear a rubber of course. But I totally get it if you want to leave. You've already done a lot for me, and I don't wanna keep bothering you. I'll just ask someone else." Guilt-tripping is Felix's speciality in manipulating, and he's thankful for his sweet face that makes him seem so innocent.
"You're not bothering me," you say quickly. "I can do it. You don't need to ask for anyone else. I'll help you." To show your willingness, you reach down to grab the under parts of your thighs and expose yourself to Felix. His eyes land on your sex immediately, and he reaches for a condom in his pocket.
Why would he have a rubber ready to go?
Felix quickly unbuckles his belt and drops his pants to his ankles. He has no shame, no remorse as he pulls his boxers down to reveal his cock. He can feel your gaze on it, loving how you unconsciously lick your lips in anticipation. Felix places the tip of the condom on and rolls it down. He would kill to fuck you raw, but he doesn't want to push his luck.
Felix grabs you by the hips and pulls you down to him. You gasp at his strength, and he smiles in return. He moves one hand from your waist to angle his cock at your entrance. You can feel his tip sliding against your clit, making you moan. He shifts on his feet before sliding his tip in. 
You whimper as he slides in, the lubricated condom making it easier for the intrusion. Maybe you should've told him you were on the pill, but you didn't want to take away from his concentration. Felix should focus on getting that A+, not fucking you senseless. 
His thrusts are slow, and you're grateful that he's giving you time to adjust to his size. Every drag of his cock makes you cry out, and he groans when you clench down. He softly moans your name, and you try to hide your face in the pillows.
Thin strings of white cream start collecting on Felix's dick. It makes him drive deeper, harder into your pussy. He lifts your legs up to his chest, angling himself to have his cock slide all the way into you. The feel of his tip kissing your cervix makes you whine. A loud, high pitched noise that bounces off the walls. 
"Mmm yeah you got a deep pussy," he confirms. His breathing is labored and his eyes can't seem to focus on one thing. Felix could stare at where your bodies connect, the way your breasts bounce, the fucked out expression on your face. There's just so much eye candy that it's impossible to favor one.
Your sounds though, those are his favorite to hear. He prays that Hyunjin can hear how well you're being fucked. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing that Felix can please you in this way, giving you what you've been needing all this time. 
All you can do is make uh uh uh sounds when he starts slapping his hips against your ass. The squelching sound is so vulgar and you try to ignore the fact that it's your pussy being so wet. You can feel how you cunt pulses out arousal and cream around his cock. He seems to rather enjoy it though, maybe it's important for his assignment.
You can feel the fire in your belly, the shivers across your body, and the tightening in your core to tell you that you're close. You don't want to finish before Felix can complete his work. "Felix! I'm-mmf-I'm gonna cum! Oh shit, I'm gonna cum!"
Rather than pulling out and prolonging his task, he fucks you harder. He brings one hand down to rub your clit. You whimper and grip your thighs harder. "No! Felix I'm gonna cum, and you're not gonna-fuucckkk..." Your orgasm hits you hard, stopping you from talking. The contraction of your walls has Felix panting, making him not too far from finishing himself. 
Your trembles don't stop when he keeps fucking into you. He's gripping your calves as he drives into you. You've made his cock and thighs so wet with your release that he doesn't notice that you've also wet his sketchbook. Not that he needs it anyway, he was just drawing scribbles the whole time.
Cries leave your lips from the overstimulation, but Felix doesn't bother to stop playing with your clit with his cock in you. If anything, it makes you keep gushing out cream. It brings Felix closer to the edge before he finally pulls out, ripping the condom off to stroke himself to completion. 
You finally feel your body relax at the withdrawal of his touch. You're too busy catching your breath that you don't notice Felix jerking himself off until you feel warm liquid paint your pussy. You look downwards to see Felix cumming on your thighs, your cunt, and lower stomach. 
His moans at the sight, his lips red and parted. Felix doesn't waste time in reaching down to the floor for his phone, quickly snapping a picture of your soiled pussy before you can protest.
"Felix!" You gasp at him. "I didn't say-"
"It's just for a reference. In case I forget." He throws his phone back on the ground and smears his cum across your stomach. You should argue with him and tell him that you want the photo deleted. There's no energy in you to fight though, and you find yourself thinking he might actually need it for other assignments.
You leave about an hour later with Felix thanking you profusely. "I think I'll pass the class. Thank you so much for your help."
Once you're out of his dorm, he runs back to his room and opens the group chat named 'My Boys.'
Felix: [image sent]
Hyun: not surprised, I could hear you guys from my room
Channie: fucken hell again? that's the third one this week
Quokka: and you didn't share??
I.N: im literally in class can you not
seungie: I second
Minho: virgins, that's a nice pussy. you got more pics?
Binnie: can I have a turn with her?
Felix giggles at the messages, kicking his feet in the air like a child. He quickly responds back to his friends. 
Felix: nope, all mine ♡
a/n: damn this took a few days ngl. hoped you liked, feedback is appreciated!! proofreader/editor: @then-make-me (thank you!)
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me-and-your-husband · 10 months
widow's bite (1) || e. williams
summary: "...the dangerous Black Widow is to be approached with caution, as the Black Widow's bite can cause death. she encases her victims with silk, then kills with poison from her fangs."
you're a black widow. you're sent to kill Spider-Woman. something inside of you just can't do it.
warnings: smut in future chapters, ellie is 18 and reader is 19, dreykov being gross which is canon, mentions of suicide attempt, canon death (sarah), swearing maybe? probs more, not proofread cause i'm lazy
word count: 4k
a/n: soooo i got this request and although it took FOREVER for me to write it, i was so excited that i just had to make it a series...i SWEARRR i'll try to update regularly but going back to uni is kicking my ass a little. also, ellie is basically mcu!peter. some of the avengers may make appearances. tony isn't dead.
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You stood tall in front of the massive screen in his office. Videos of a girl in a red and black suit swinging through New York City illuminated your solemn features. At the top of the screen, there were only a few words: Spider-Woman: TERMINATE.
“She keeps coming so close to discovering our New York base,” Dreykov’s accent spread through the dark room. “I can’t have her getting in the way of my work. This is important.”
You nodded, eyes never leaving the screen.
“You will bring her body back to me. She seems to have some sort of abilities, abilities I can use to make you stronger. Better.” His thick hand slithered up your shoulder. “Do you copy?”
“I copy.”
His lips twisted into a sinister smile, his gross breath hot on your cheek. “Always so obedient.” He licked his lips.
He smiled, “You take off…” he glanced at his watch, “right now. I don’t want to see you again until she's dead,” he spat in your ear.
“Yes, sir.”
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"Hey! Come back, mister criminal!”
Faint thwips filled the air as Ellie swung past corporate building after corporate building, chasing some burglar who happened to try robbing Delmar’s when she was ordering sandwiches for her and Joel. He would have to wait. She was just lucky she had her suit under her clothes.
He booked it down the sidewalk, cash flying out of the duffle bag, throwing pedestrians to the side as he tried escaping Spider-Woman.
She grunted as she dodged semi-trucks and cars, bikers and typical New York tourists. She almost lost sight of him when he turned a corner, but she could still hear his laboured breathing.
She could sense that he had stopped, under the impression that he had thrown her off his trail. He was resting in an alley up against an apartment building. Climbing to the roof, she perched herself on top as she looked down at him, hands on his knees as he panted.
“Hey, man, I think you forgot this!” She yelled as she dropped next to him. Before he could react, she cocooned him in webbing and left him stuck against the wall.
“You got a pen by any chance?” She asked, to which she had to dodge a ball of spit directed at her head. “Should've guessed.”
She pulled her calculus notebook out of her backpack with one of her good pens and scribbled a note on it:
“This is the one that robbed the bodega. I think you should cut old Delmar a tax break for his troubles.
She called it into the station and webbed the note to the criminal, webbing his mouth shut too while she was at it.
As she walked out of the alley muttering “all in a day’s work”, she heard the faint pleas of a small child. Letting her heightened senses guide her, she swung until she found the source coming from an open window in a different apartment complex.
She slid the window open far enough to get inside, putting her hands out in front of her when the child noticed her and was frightened.
“No no no! Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman, not gonna hurt you! I promise,” she said, getting to the little girl's level. The girl’s eyes softened and she seemed to trust Ellie.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, lip trembling. “My sister…please help.”
“Okay, where is she now?”
The little girl pointed outside of her door, “The kitchen.”
Ellie took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m going to go help her. You stay right here, okay? Don’t move.”
Something inside of her told her that something was wrong. She brushes it off as someone else being in danger.
As she creeps out of the child’s room, she surveys her surroundings. It looked like a regular New York apartment, a little messy, but nothing her and Joel’s place hadn't seen. Everything was fine.
Until it wasn't.
She suddenly had difficulty breathing when you jumped from somewhere above and wrapped your legs around her neck, squeezing. You elbowed her head repeatedly.
She grabbed you by your hips and threw you off of her, gasping for breath. Her naivety still told her that you needed help.
Was it her naivety?
“Calm down, lady! I’m trying to help you!” she said, still gasping. She watched the girl scurry past her and over to you. “I thought I said—”
She stopped talking when she saw you hand the girl a twenty, eyes still trained on Spider-Woman.
Once you knew the child was a safe distance away, you attacked. His voice rang in the back of your head. No casualties. No witnesses.
You lunged at her, hands finding her throat.
“Woah, at least take me on a date first,” she remarked as she easily slid out of your grasp, jumping up to the ceiling and latching on. She webbed your left arm to the wall. You let out a grunt of dissatisfaction as you squeezed your fist, a blade coming out of your cuff and slicing through the web. It was installed in all of the Widows’ suits in case of capture.
“Oh. That's pretty cool, honestly,” she said as she dodged a bullet from your pistol, flipping down from the roof. You charged her again, this time taking out her legs and pinning to the ground. You threw a hook right at her jaw, to which she exclaimed “Ow!”, catching the next one with ease. Your eyes widened as she flipped the two of you over, pinning you underneath her.
“Look, I don't want to—”
Before she could finish, you had sent electric currents through your suit, effectively tazing her.
In her incapacitation, you were able to flip over again and pressure your knee against her neck. While she struggled for air, her legs flailed underneath her. She managed to knee you in the stomach, opening up an opportunity to throw you off her. You both stood up, ready to go at it again, both slightly out of breath.
“Are you gonna say something?” Silence. “Can you even talk?”
She lunged forward in an attempt to pull down the mask that covered half of your face, a piece of fabric resting atop the bridge of your nose. Before she could grab it, you grabbed her wrists, locating her web cartridges. You released another electric current, frying them.
She stepped back, trying to shoot webs, but to no avail. That's when she saw the text on the bicep of your suit: WIDOW-893. “Shit!”
You threw a swift kick into her abdomen while she was caught off guard and knocked her down to her knees. Her eyes widened as you threw punches at her face, too dazed to think of blocking. When she finally grabbed your fist, she could feel the blood from her nose leaking through her mask and could taste metal.
“You’re a Widow? Like Nat?”
You struggled to get your hand out of her grasp. Instead, you pushed all your weight forward and landed on top of her chest, pinning her arms.
You reached forward and slid your fingers under the fabric of her mask. She struggled underneath you, but you had her pinned and she wasn't going anywhere.
You basked in her struggle, slowly sliding the mask off her face.
“I was sent to kill you.”
“So you do talk. Wait—”
“And that's what I’m going to do.”
“Please don't take my mask off. Please. Please don't kill me. Oh god, I have so much to live for, please—!”
You slipped her mask off completely to be met with her perfectly curved and soft lips, her delicate green eyes, and her pretty freckles, her auburn hair messy from having it under the mask. Her brows furrowed and she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for it to happen. When it didn't, she slowly opened one eye, and then the other. She was met with you admiring her face, gaze raking over her features.
Your eyes were wide and seemed slightly glassy, and she couldn't help but wonder why they looked so distant. Why it looked like you were trapped behind them.
She realized you weren't pinning her down anymore. She loosened an arm slowly from underneath you and brought it up to the fabric around your face, gently beginning to tug the mask down.
Your cold grasp on her wrist stopped her. “Don't.”
“Why not?” She whispered.
You tore your gaze away from her, standing up. You turned your back to her.
Looking back at her once more, you said, “Because it will end badly."
You moved to leave through the window, but a thought stopped you briefly
The truth is, you didn't know what to do. It's like you had just gained free will, like she had broken some spell. You had thought you were operating on your own terms until now.
You'd been sent to take out powerful men, some women, usually old, usually established, usually somewhat corrupt. But when you saw the fear in the eyes of a girl your age, your body shocked you back into free will.
Your back still to the girl, you just shook your head and jumped.
She coughed as she pushed herself up off the ground and shoved the mask back down over her face, wondering if she'd ever see you again. If she'd ever find out who you really are.
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“This is WIDOW-893,” you said into your comm-link, talking to an obscure agent you'd probably never meet. “I need an extraction. I’m sending you my location now.”
Static sounded in your ear before a harsh male voice began, “Has the mission been completed?”
You elected to ignore the question.
“Has the target been eliminated?”
More silence as you hunted for a place to lay low for a bit.
“Widow, has the target been eliminated?!” The agent’s frustration was palpable in his voice.
You swallowed. “Negative.”
“What do you mean, negative? This mission was of utmost— Sorry? Yes, sir.” Some keyboard clicks. “She can hear you now.”
“893, why wasn't your mission completed?” Dreykov’s invigorated voice droned through the comm. You searched for an excuse that wouldn't get you terminated. Or worse.
“The target seems to have heightened senses. She was able to get the jump on me before I was in position. My identity was almost discovered so I was forced to retreat.”
Dreykov let out a pained sigh. Slowly, he said, “I’m only going to tell you this once, agent, so listen very carefully. You are disposable. The mission must proceed, regardless of your comfort. We can easily terminate you and move on to the next Widow. Copy?”
“I copy.”
“Now, if this happens again, I will have you terminated. You get a pass this time because you're one of the…finer specimens we have. You will not be sent an extraction. You will complete this mission in terminating Spider-Woman. Do not make contact until then,” he said, and you could almost feel his hands slithering up your back and around your neck. “And don't think you're not being watched.”
With that, the connection was severed.
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Ellie threw the soggy McDonald’s bag down on the kitchen table as Joel stood at the sink washing dishes.
“Couldn't get sandwiches from Delmar’s. Poor guy got robbed again,” she said as she began digging in the bag for her fries.
Joel turned around to give her a shocked look. “Someone’s gotta look out for the people in this city. Lord knows the cops ain’t doin' much,” he said, shaking his head.
“Well…Spider-Woman looks out for people,” Ellie said, tearing the waters. Joel never really sided with J. Jonah Jameson from that stupid news station, but he was never really for the “vigilante” either.
He sighed. “Look, Ellie…I know you think Spider-Woman is cool and all, and I think it's good that she looks out for the normal people of New York, but I think it's irresponsible. I mean, I’m sure she's got people in her life that love her and she’s puttin’ her life at risk seven days a week,” he said as he dried the dishes and put them away.
“Yeah but,” Ellie said through a mouthful of fries, “If you had that power, wouldn't you be responsible for using it for good?”
“Yes, I suppose. But with great power comes great responsibility, Ellie. And with responsibility comes an immense need for balance. Remember that,” he said, turning to look at her.
Ellie swallowed the last few fries as she took a moment to digest what Joel had said. She gave him a meaningful smile before he turned back around to put the last few dishes away.
She couldn't help but think about your “power”. Was it given to you, or forced on you? How did you become so skilled? You were her age, or at least not far off. She’d never met someone so close to her age who held such a huge responsibility. But was it really a responsibility if you were being forced into it?
She knew she'd probably never come across you again, so there wasn't really a reason to overthink it. Right now, she just wanted to finish her Physics homework and watch The Empire Strikes Back with Jesse.
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Weeks had gone by and every moment plagued your mind with thoughts of Ellie. Or rather, if you had it in yourself to kill her.
Your immense training in Covert Ops was indeed handy for situations like these. You shadowed Ellie almost 24/7. You followed her on her commute to her high school, which you noted to be Midtown. You surveilled her through the cameras you'd planted in all of her classes. You followed her after school to the alley where she'd leave her school stuff and switch to her second life. You climbed from building to building as you followed her web-slinging as closely as possible without being seen. You searched and searched for something to justify it, something to prove she's a bad person and deserves to be terminated. But nothing. Nothing when she helped old ladies carry their groceries inside, or rescue little girls' cats from trees, or stop lecherous men from harassing women on the street. Especially nothing when you spied through her living room window and saw her laughing with her dad every Sunday morning.
Three weeks after your first attempt at termination, you had stumbled across the perfect moment to investigate your target’s bedroom. She was at a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art with her class, and her dad was at work.
Around noon, you whistled as you climbed the stairs to the apartment, smiling softly as you find the right one. You knock for good measure, and when nobody answers you slide two bobby pins out from your hair when to pick the lock. Classic, but it always works.
When you open the door you lock it again from the inside so nothing would seem astray. You feel an uncomfortable, throbbing pain in your chest as you look around at the framed portraits of your target and her dad, lots from when she was young. One of her holding a medal in a soccer jersey. One of them at a planetarium together. One of them with a model dinosaur in the background, a hat atop its head, both of them grinning.
You creep through the hallway, looking for one room in particular. Opening the first door, you enter an office space. You decide it might be useful in gathering intel on her family.
You slide open a drawer of the filing cabinet labelled “records”. There seemed to be two sections, one for her father’s business, and one for their personal records. The latter had significantly less material. You slid out the folders and placed them on the desk, taking a seat in the chair.
The first folder read: ADOPTION RECORDS
You skimmed the papers and deduced that about five years ago, a man named Joel Miller (presumably the target’s father) and a woman named adopted a girl named Ellie Williams, but had fostered her long before that with a woman named Theresa Servopoulos, the word “deceased” in brackets next to her name. Anna Williams, her single mother, died shortly after childbirth and a woman named Marlene took her in. However, Marlene gave her up to a foster home once she hit school age.
Another folder read: MEDICAL RECORDS
Ellie had a long history of optometry visits prior to about two years ago, then they just suddenly stopped. There was nothing else really interesting in her file.
Joel, however, was a different story. Medical records that yellowed and flaked at the edges sat in his file from over 20 years ago. He was admitted for a self inflicted GSW to the head shortly after the death of his daughter, Sarah Miller. He was admitted to a psychiatric ward by request of his brother, Tommy Miller, shortly after.
Another file read: ELLIE’S SCHOOL RECORDS
It was evident that Ellie had excelled in school ever since she had settled in with Joel, specifically in the math and science areas. Her transcripts highlighted a bright 4.0 gpa. She had a bright future.
Now with a name for your target, you decided to search her room to gain some more personal intel. Tucking the files away and closing the drawers, you stalked out of the office and down the hall to what was Ellie’s room (the words “Ellie’s Room!” scrawled on a banner on the door making it painfully easy).
The door creaked slightly when you pushed it open. You were immediately hit with the vague sent of pine and mahogany. Dirty flannels and socks were piled in a corner or sometimes littered around the room. An empty ramen cup sat on her nightstand. Notebooks and textbooks filled with complex calculations sat open on her book. Her blankets were peeled back, revealing astronaut bedsheets. “Cute,” you thought.
The cracked open window let in a nice breeze. The light blue walls were littered in posters, photos, and banners. Next to a lesbian flag above her bed were photos of her and the two friends she was always with. Plastered around her room were covers of comics, something called Savage Starlight. There were silly math reference posters, Star Wars posters, and just about everything you would never expect from a crime fighting vigilante.
Her laptop was left open, and a few clicks and an easy password guess later, the screen unlocked to Ellie’s web browser. Her search history made your brows furrow. You expected to find “How to buy weed NYC” or “porn” at the very least.
Search: Is there more than one Black Widow?
Search: Natasha Romanoff history
Search: The Red Room
Search: Dreykov The Red Room
Search: Dreykov Russia
Search: Black Widow Assassins
Search: Natasha Romanoff Phone Number
She had been researching you. Hell, she hadn't done a very good job by the looks of it. And did she really think The Black Widow’s phone number was public information?
You grabbed a figurine from Ellie’s desk and toyed with it as you took a moment to think. Was it really worth taking the life of an innocent girl just for the sustenance of your organization? Was it even your organization? It's not like you could remember how you got there. It's not like you remembered your family, or your friends, or what it was like to have them… It wasn't so bad if you didn't really have anything to compare it to, right?
A soft pressure around your ankles made you look down. Silky webbing coated your boots.
“Sit down,” her voice came from near the window. You turned as much of your body as you could and watched as Ellie gestured to her desk chair. With no choice but to oblige, you sat. She webbed your arms to the armrests, not taking any chances.
She spun the chair to face her direction and then leaned back against the window.
“What do you want with me?” She inquired, green eyes searing into yours.
“I told you. My mission is to-”
“No. If you were going to kill me, I’d be dead already.” Good point.
You broke eye contact and looked around her room dramatically. “Cute room. I like the flag.”
“Tell me what you want with me,” she said, stalking closer to your chair. “I’m not asking this time.”
“What happened to the ‘friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman’ I met? Do you rest all your guests like this?” You quipped.
“Yeah? Well, forgive me if I’m not so friendly to the one who tried to kill me, has been stalking me for weeks, and broke into my apartment.”
You roll your eyes.
Her large hand wraps around your jaw, forcing you to look in her eyes.
“Roll your eyes one more time and see what happens,” she growls. “Now tell me.”
You jerk your jaw away and kick her in the stomach, enough time for you to effectively sever the webs around your wrists and ankles.
“Fuck, I forgot about those,” Ellie says under her breath as she webs her bedroom door completely shut and stands in front of the window to block your exit.
“Move,” you demand.
“Move. Or this won't end well for either of us.”
“Nah, I think I’ll just stay right here ‘till you tell me what you want with me.”
You charged her, attempting to throw her to the side and leap through the window she entered through, but she's stronger. She's like brick as she pushes you back.
“Just let me go. I’ve made up my mind anyways. I’m done with you.”
“No can do. I’m not in the habit of letting pretty girls who try to kill me go so easily,” she said, and you felt your cheeks heating up. She webbed the window shut and sat down in her bed, gesturing to her desk chair again. “Come on. I just want to know what your people want with me. Then you can go, I promise.”
You knew it wouldn't hurt to tell her. You'd have to go on the run from Dreykov anyways. Rip your tracker out and all. So you sat and watched as she reached into a drawer in her nightstand and pulled out a pack of peanut M&Ms.
“Want some?” She asked as she peeled it open. You shook your head and she shrugged. “More for me, then.”
“What do you want to know?” You asked.
“Start from the beginning.”
You cleared your throat. “I was given the mission to find you and-”
“No. I get that part, I’m not stupid. I want to know how this happened to you. And how I can help you out of it."
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permanent tags:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
ellie taglist:
@chrry1ovr @milly-louise @dankpunks @starhrtz @pedrobaby @urlocalgingersnap @wrendermedone @kissyslut @felsweb @darleneslane
a slash thru your user means i'm unable to tag you!
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could you do a oneshot with rise donnie and gn reader where around other people they’re always fighting and never get along but in secret they’re dating and get along perfectly? love your writing <3
Yes. Just. Yes- Also tysm! I am literally so happy people enjoy my writing.
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Summary: You and Donnie decided to keep your relashonship a secret, so around his brothers you act like you can't stand each other.
Warnings: very minor swearing
Requested: Yep!
GN Reader!
"Here we go." Leo groaned as the bickering from the kitchen grew closer.
"-least I'm smart enough to understand basic math."
"Ok, number one, it wasn't 'BaSiC MaTh', it was advanced calculus, and number two, at least I'm able to comprehend the concept of multi-universal travel."
Donnie laughed bitterly, "Scoff! (Name), we have discussed this. The idea of multi-universal travel is such an impossible concept-"
"Ok, you two. That's enough, don't make me get the Getting Along shirt." Raph scowled at the two of you.
You crossed your arms, and glared at Donnie, with him scowling at you in turn. You had to admit, the two of you were incredible actors. Of course you didn't actually hate each other, this was simply theatrics to throw his family off the scent of your relashonship.
The two of you had agreed to keep your dating statis on the down-low, knowing that his brothers could be a bit... essentric.
In actuality, the two of you were quite sweet to each other when you were alone, having no need to keep up the act.
Raph sighed, "You two need to learn to get along. Maybe some time in the Lab would do you guy's some good." He then muttered, "And then we wouldn't have to listen to you argue."
"Fine." Donnie scoffed, then he looked at you, "But don't move anything. If you try to reorginize my toolbox again I swear to the pizza supreme-"
"Relax, smartass, I won't move your stuff."
The two of you began to walk to the Lab, Donnie continuing to glare at you, "That's what you said last time, then you put my blowtorch on shelf #7 instead of shelf #3."
You rolled your eyes, "A small mistake that has only occured once."
The Lab doors closed behind you, and you kissed Donnie on the cheek, "And I apologize."
Donnie cleared his throat, his face darker with his blush, "Well, I suppose you can be forgiven."
You nodded with a small smile, then flipped over a chalkboard to reveal the blueprints and plans for another A.I., a small project you two had been working on based on S.H.E.L.D.O.N's new found loneliness.
"So I was thinking that maybe, our current issue lies in the motherboards programming." you started, "Perhaps, with the proper examination, we could trace the bugs back to a faulty motherboard."
Donnie hummed, looking over the motherboard that lay among the other parts scattered on the table, "Good, observation my dear. I'll give it a quick check just to make sure."
You nodded, turning back to the chalkboard to double check the equations on the blueprints. The only noise in the room was the buzz of Donnie's goggles behind you, and you frowned.
The two of you worked best with music in the backround, this much silence was distracting in a way.
"Would you mind some music, Love?"
You and Donnie blinked at each other, then began giggling. You had moments like that often, where your minds just seemed to meld together.
Before either of you could say a thing, however, the loud voice of Leo cut through the air, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!"
You and Donnie whipped your heads around, your gazes meeting the incredulous ones of his three brothers.
Leo looked horrified at the concept of you and Donnie getting along. And "Love" ???
Raph and Mikey looked at the two of you, confusion evident on their features.
"But- I thought you two hated... each other..?" Mikey said, confused.
You looked at Donnie, the two of you having a silent conversation. He sighed and looked at his brothers, "Well, the jig is, as they say, up. We're dating. surprise!" you giggled as he made the jazz hands gesture, and Leo's mouth opened wider.
"Woah, woah- wait. wait wait WAIT. You two, are dating? when did that happen?"
Donnie looked at you, signaling it was your turn, "Uhm- like, last year? sometime in August."
You chuckled, and Donnie sighed, "Alright, we have work to do, so, out out. Shoo!"
Donnie pushed his protesting brothers out the door, promising to answer questions later, then all but slammed the door in their face.
He turned to you, his cheeks once again darker with his blush.
"Well, at least we don't have to pretend to hate each other anymore."
Donnie laughed, shaking his head as he sat back down, "You realize they won't leave us alone for like, the next 10 years, correct?"
You nodded and pulled your swivel chair to sit next to him, "I am well aware that's a possible outcome of the situation."
With a sigh, Donnie layed his head on your shoulder, and you smiled. Yes, perhaps the jig was indeed up, but at least now, you could burn that stupid script.
There you go Anon! srry the ending kinda sucks, but I really enjoyed writing this one!
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borahaerhy · 2 years
HII I SAW UR REQUESTS ARE OPEN I LITERALLY YELLED$;@/! Do u think u can write jk x reader where he’s oc’s brothers best friend. One day while they go watch jk’s game oc’s brother leaves early for some random reason but oc wants to stay. When the games over jk and oc have all this sexual tension (especially w a sweaty jk in front of her🫠🫠) and decide its time to do something abt it and it just ends in smut and fluff in the locker rooms!?!?! (if u can could u please make jk give oc his team shirt and oc is wearing nothing but that) 🤭🤭
Of course :))
If Anyone Asks
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Genre: SMUT, Fluff, best friends brother AU
Warnings: Y/n's brother is oblivious, Jungkook is not very good at hiding his feelings, a lot of sexual tension, smut, oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (absolutely not), locker room sex, slight (unintentional) edging, these two are fucking desperate, some more implied sex at the end.
Word count: 3K
Note: not proofread, we die like men (I'll fix it tomorrow)
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“You wanna come to Jungkook’s game with me tonight?” You looked up at your brother, who was half leaned into your room. You plastered a scowl onto your face as you turned your attention back to your laptop. 
“Why would I want to hang out with you at your lame friends football game?” This is a bluff, there is nothing you want more than to have an excuse to go to your brother's lame friends football game. He sighed, taking his hand off the door and sliding it in his pocket, his head hung low before he looked back up at you. 
“Because my girlfriend had something come up and can’t go with me,” You sat idly, knowing you just had to stick it out a little bit longer- “I’ll pay for your ticket and get you dinner on the way home.” 
A smile spread across your face as you closed your laptop and slid it off your lap. “I’ll be ready in twenty minutes.” 
He stepped out of your room, closing the door behind him as you stood up to get ready. 
You had been looking for the perfect excuse to go to tonight's game, as it was the last one of the season; and just when you thought all hope was lost, your brother comes barging in and pays you to do it. Gotta love siblings. 
Jungkook and your brother had been best friends since they started high school, when you were still a year behind them in middle school. You were really good at finding excuses for hanging out with them when you were younger: your friends ditched you, you were bored and your gameboy was dead, your mom told you to - just about anything believable to be able to spend time with Jungkook. 
Even in middle school, everyone knew who he was and would talk about him constantly; the pretty boy with endless talent that was still somehow a perfect gentleman. He was the perfect guy on paper, and in person, he was even better. 
As the years went on, he got more and more attractive, and caught on to more and more of your excuses. After a while, he started making up his own to get to hang out with you, and a few times, to get to hang out with you without your brother. 
One time, you walked into your brothers room when he was over to get help with your homework. It was an innocent enough request, and you truly did need help with your homework, but Jungkook practically jumped out of his seat to come help you while your brother thanked him, glad to not have to be burdened by you. 
The two of you sat at the kitchen table way closer than two people studying should have been. Your legs were practically sprawled across his lap as you both leaned over the same paper, his voice low as he tried explaining advanced calculus to you, but neither of you were paying attention to a word he said. 
By the time your parents walked in and you both jumped up to avoid getting caught, you were centimeters away from sticking your tongue down his throat. 
This wasn’t the only occasion of its kind; you’d almost jumped each other dozens of times, but always either stopped yourselves out of fear of your brother finding out, or straight up almost been caught in the act. 
“Two students, please,” You shoved your hands deeper into your pockets as your brother bought the tickets, already regretting the decision to just wear a hoodie over your thin crop top and ripped jeans. 
You both walked over to the bleachers where everyone was already seated as the players were about to come out of the locker rooms. You sat up in the front row, only a few meters away from the field, the cold metal of the bleachers making it almost impossible to pay attention to the players pouring out onto the field only moments after you sat down. 
The game started and the crowd cheered, parents and friends of the players yelling so loud the band right in front of you could barely be heard. You got up and yelled when everyone else did, but if you were being honest, you had no idea what was going on. You usually spent most of these games just looking for Jungkook, which wasn’t hard considering he had a giant number one plastered on his jersey. 
Before you knew it, it was halftime. All the players rushed back into the locker rooms, and you and Taehyung both pulled out your phones to pass time before the game resumed. 
“Shit,” You looked over to your brother, who was looking at the messages his girlfriend had sent him over the last hour that the game had been going on. 
“Something happen?” He ignored you, instead typing on his phone faster than you thought humanly possible. Soon he was standing and rushing out of the bleachers right as the door of the locker room opened and Jungkook stepped out, his helmet off and wet hair slicked back, eyebrows furrowed as he met your brother at the base of the bleachers. 
You continued to look over at them as they spoke quickly. Jungkook simply nodded at whatever he said before returning back to the locker room, and your brother ran back over to you from the outside of the bleachers. You kneeled down so that you were eye level with him as he made his way over to you. 
“What’s going on?” 
“I have to go, girlfriend texted, so, Jungkook’s gonna take you home after the game, cool?” Before you could even respond, he was giving you a thumbs up as he ran off. 
You didn’t know whether to be annoyed or excited to have to get a ride with Jungkook, but one thing was for sure; by the time the game was over, it was almost pure anxiety. 
This is the first time you and Jungkook would be alone, truly alone, since you’d met him. If anything was going to happen, it would probably happen tonight, especially after the steep victory his team just had. 
You wanted until most of the people left the bleachers in a rush before you stood and made your way over to the locker room doors. A few people stood around them, waiting for their friends to come out so they could go off and celebrate their victory. It didn’t take long for everyone to come out. Everyone except Jungkook, that is.
Everyone else had left, minus a few stragglers and people still packing up their things from the stands. You stood with your arms wrapped tightly around you, foot tapping to try to warm yourself up from the freezing temperature. You were so focused on the cold, you hadn’t really noticed your phone vibrating in your pocket. 
“Y/n,” You quickly looked over to the door, where Jungkook’s head was peeking out. He nodded his head in the direction of the inside, asking you to follow him back in. You moved quickly, mostly just thinking about how warm it probably was in there, not the fact that Jungkook just invited you into the now very empty locker rooms with him. 
“Sorry, I know it’s really cold out there, I sent you a text-” 
“Oh, sorry, I must not have heard it,” He shook his head, dismissing your apology with a wave as he walked further into the room, rounding a corner to where his bag was set on a bench. 
“It’s fine, I just can’t find my keys, thought you might be more comfortable waiting in here, that hoodie definitely isn’t warm enough for this weather,” He almost immediately started rifling through his bag again, and only then did you realize that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. 
He had probably just gotten done taking a shower, his hair wet and his jeans hung low on his hips, his uniform being pulled from his bag and tossed aside as he dug through it. You cleared your throat slightly as you straightened yourself up, averting your gaze from the muscles bulging from Jungkook’s shoulders. 
“My jacket’s plenty warm, thank you very much,” You spoke very matter-of-factly, though it was a complete lie, as you had been freezing for most of the evening. Jungkook chuckled as he continued emptying his bag. 
“No,” he paused, shaking his head as he looked up, his eyes peeking through the thick strands of hair that hung in his face. “It isn’t,” You furrowed your eyebrows, looking down at the jacket that had been your brothers, wondering how in the fuck he would know how warm it was. 
“How do you know-” 
“It’s my jacket,” The smile on his face from his previous chuckle had morphed into a slight smirk as he tried to keep himself from getting turned on by the fact that you had been wearing his jacket for the entire damn game. 
“It’s my brothers-” You were cut off by Jungkook shaking his head, now standing fully upright as he pushed his hair back out of his eyes. 
“I left it at your house a few months ago and just never got it back,” He shrugged as he looked down at the hoodie before looking back up at your face. Without really thinking much, you unzipped the jacket and began to take it off, completely forgetting that the shirt you were wearing under it was a tank top that revealed the entirety of your stomach, and was practically see-through. 
“Here, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize-” Jungkook quickly stepped toward you, grabbing the sides of the hoodie and pulling them back together. You had already slid it off your shoulders, so closing the front of the jacket didn’t do much to cover up your cleavage that he was now having a much harder time ignoring. 
“Keep it,” His voice was soft and deep as he tried his best to control himself, but that was seemingly impossible with how close to you he was right now. “It looks better on you,” You swallowed thickly as you both tried to keep your eyes from traveling south on the others body.
Thankfully, you both happened to fail at the same time. 
“You know,” Jungkook’s breathing hitched as he spoke, his eyes lingering at your chest for a second longer than you, his words bringing your attention back up to his eyes. “It was really hard for me to focus on the game, with you sitting up there in the front row, wearing my hoodie, yelling my name every time I got my hands on the ball,” his eyes scanned your face as his hands moved from the hoodie to you, gently sliding down your body until he reached your hips, moving the fabric of his jacket up as he moved. 
“You seemed to do fine anyways,” Your voice came out barely above a whisper, the smirk slowly returning to his face as he took notice to all the ways he affected you. You were very responsive to his touch. 
“I would’ve done better if I wasn’t constantly looking up to see if you were still there, to see if you were still watching me,” Your hands met his biceps as he gently pulled you into him, the heat radiating of his body affecting you much more than you’d like to admit. 
“Then next time I just won’t come, if I’m such a distraction,” His smirk returned as he almost completely eliminated any space left between you, your back now pressed firmly against the wall. 
“We can’t have that,” All the tension that had been built up had finally began to diminish as his lips found yours, his movements soft and gentle as one of his hands raised to your face, cupping you cheek gently as you leaned into him. “I’ll just have to get used to you being there,” You broke away for only a second before you were back on each other, much more desperate this time as you pressed yourselves firmly against one another, hands tangling in whatever they could get to. 
The jacket was pushed from your arms and fell to the floor, pooling around your feet before Jungkook hooked his hands under your thighs, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist as he pressed you further into the wall, his hands gripping onto you as tight as he could while still being careful not to hurt you. 
A small whine fell from your lips as he unintentionally ground his hips to yours, the sound only encouraging him to press further into you. Your thin top and bra soon met the jacket on the floor as you drank in each other's heat, every bit of your torsos touching the other’s as possible as your arms covered his neck and back. 
Jungkook gently lowered your legs before his hands hastily unbuttoned and pulled down your jeans, your black lacy thong not lasting long after as he kneeled down in front of you, your knee hooked over his shoulder as he nibbled at your inner thigh. You moaned lightly, biting down on your lip as you instinctively moved your hips towards his face. 
He chuckled against your thigh before his left met your clit, sucking softly as you pushed you back against the wall. You arched your back, one hand moving up to your mouth as the other tangled in his hair, pulling him further into you as his tongue gently traced around your aching nub. 
His movements began to speed up as one of his lengthy fingers slid into you, your arousal allowing him to glide in easily. He pumped himself gently into you, letting his lips and tongue do most of the worst as he peered up at you from between strands of hair. He so easily brought you so close to your orgasm, but before you could finish, he pulled away from you, standing up so quickly that his lips were on yours before you could protest. 
You both worked to remove his jeans, and soon they landed amongst the pile of your clothes along with his boxers, and his cock was between your thighs, gathering your slick as he thrust himself against you; his tip rutting against your clit with perfect precision. 
“Y/n, fuck, are you sure-” 
“Just get inside me, Jungkook,” He quickly obliged, changing his angle slightly before he picked up your leg, wrapping it around him as he pushed into you, your cunt fitting around him perfectly. 
“Oh my fuck, Y/n,” he kissed you roughly, his fingers digging into the skin of your thigh as he thrust roughly into you. “You’re so good, baby,” Jungkook’s words came out in more of a growl as his thrusts quickly got harsher. You both moaned aggressively, never wanting to stop now that you’ve started. 
Your orgasm quickly built itself back up, your walls clenching around him harshly as you tried desperately not to let yourself cum yet, but Jungkook’s ruthless pace made that harder and harder to do by the second. 
“Fuck,” You moaned out loudly as your high crashed into you, Jungkook helping you stay upright as your legs buckled with the pleasure that moved through you. He lifted your other leg and wrapped it around his waist along with the other one, holding you up as you leaned back against the wall. 
His speed only increased as you came, and even as you came down, you found yourself already biting back another one as you watched him fuck into you, every muscle in his arms and torso flexed gorgeously. 
“Mm gonna cum baby,” He moved back into you, dropping one of your legs as he moved you both closer to the wall. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” He pulls himself out of you, his forhead pressed against yours as he finishes on the wall behind you, moans ripping through both of you. 
You silently come down from what was probably the most intense sexual encounter of your life, the only sound filling the room is your heavy breathing as you hold each other. 
“So, you’re my girlfriend now, right?” Jungkook’s brows are furrowed as he questions you, eyes flicking back and forth between yours with a very serious intensity to them. You chuckled lightly as you adjusted your posture, trying to bring yourself to stand straight up as you nod your head gently. 
“Sure, Kookie; as long as you’re the one to tell my brother,” Jungkook hung his head, letting it rest on your chest for a few seconds before he brought himself back up, both of you with stupid grins plastered on your faces. 
“Fine, I’ll tell him tomorrow when we hang out. But,” Jungkook holds up one of his fingers as he backs up and turns around, riffling through his bag once again for a second before he holds up his jersey. “You have to wear this,” You cock a brow at him, but he doesn’t leave much room for protest as he slips it on over your head. 
You roll your eyes, but slip your arms through the holes and pull it the rest of the way down, it going down past your ass and being significantly baggier than you had anticipated. Jungkook takes a step back, eyeing you up and down as he gently bites his lip. Your face starts to heat up with his eyes on you, but he soon pulls you into him, lips crashing to yours as his hands travel up the jersey. 
“Fuck it, if anyone asks,” He pushes his bag from the bench, it landing on the ground and its contents spilling everywhere, the sound of keys rattling against the floor meeting your ears as he lays you down on the bench, the tip of his hardening dick rubbing against your still sensitive clit. “The game ran long.”
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panandinpain0 · 11 months
Yo so like, r u ok writing for Peter Parker?? If so, could you write a Peter x Male Reader where the reader is both a charmer and peter’s ultimate hype man (sorry Ned). Around prom season, Peter asks the reader for help to ask his crush to the prom, and the reader is sadge bc he thinks it’s MJ. Slight chaos and maybe some nervous gay boy stuff ensues??
Yes, I'd love to write for Peter Parker! (And because you brought up Ned I'm assuming it's Tom Holland's Peter.)
Also, I'm in love with this prompt <3
Requested by: Anon
Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Peter was at his locker, talking to Ned about his Lego death star, when (Y/N) approached his locker. Peter closed it and raised his eyebrows at (Y/N), while Ned jumped in shock (neither had seen him approach but Peter's spidey-senses- or should I say "Peter-Tingles"- came in handy).
"Are you guys planning a Star Wars marathon without me?" (Y/N)'s jaw dropped with a betrayed look on his face, hand to his heart. "What happened to the brotherhood?"
Ned snorted and Peter laughed, turning to walk down the hallway.
"We were gonna' invite you anyways, (Y/N), we always do," Ned reassured, giving in to his teasing.
"Good. So, whaddya' say, Pete? Star Wars at your house this Friday?" (Y/N) asked, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder and smiling at him as they walked.
Clearing his throat quietly, Peter nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan."
"It's a good thing too, because I need help studying for this chem test coming up, and I was wondering if you'd help me?" (Y/N) asked him, hand still on his shoulder.
In truth, (Y/N) was barely getting by in chemistry for a reason. It's not that he wasn't smart enough or that he wasn't putting in the work- it was that he was sat next to Peter and couldn't stop looking at him. Trying to goof off with him in class was one of (Y/N)'s favorite pastimes, and what got them in trouble the most.
This gave him an excuse to beg Peter desperately for help with his homework, therefore getting to spend more time with him. It was a solid plan in his mind.
"For sure! Studying and then Star Wars, sounds like the perfect Friday," Peter said back, always too nice (or too love-struck) to say no to (Y/N).
Ned looked between them, realizing they were doing the smiling-at-each-other-for-too-long thing, and coughed to get their attention.
(Y/N) and Peter both looked over at him and Ned smiled, "So, got any dates to prom yet?" It was meant to be a joke, the three of them in the "nerd" clique, even though realistically they were all very attractive and much more than just nerds. (Considering one of them was the web-slinging super hero, they were much more than just smart.)
"Nope," (Y/N) and Peter said in unison, laughing together.
"What about you, Ned?" (Y/N) asked back, and Ned shook his head like it was a joke he was even asking.
"Who'd wanna go out with me?" Ned asked a bit glumly, thinking he was the unattractive one in their friend group.
"Well, I have an idea." (Y/N) winked at him and pointed down the hallway. A girl named Darla, who they'd gone to school with since elementary, noticed she'd been caught staring and blushed, turning back to her locker quickly.
Ned stuttered for a minute, his face heating up. "No, she must've been looking at one of you-"
"Dude, she's been in love with you since the eighth grade!" (Y/N) insisted, moving between Peter and Ned and throwing his arm over Ned's shoulder. "I bet you twenty bucks that if you ask her out she'll say yes."
Shaking his head in doubt, Ned stuttered again, before giving up.
"She'll probably be asked out by the captain of the football team or something- that's always what happens with the cheerleaders."
"Oh, come on buddy. You've got a chance, you're the only one that doesn't see it," Peter insisted.
"She knows me because I help her with her calculus homework..."
"Just try. If not, what's the worse that can happen?" (Y/N) asked nonchalantly.
"I'll get humiliated."
"Or she could say yes," Peter countered.
"Fine, I'll do it if you guys leave me alone about it."
"That's all I ask." (Y/N) held his hands up in surrender. Then he turned to Peter and they fist bumped.
Once they got outside Ned split off, going his own way home while (Y/N) pulled out his skateboard. Happy waved from the limousine at Peter, letting him know that he was here to take him to Tony.
(Y/N) let out a low whistle, looking at the limo. "Nice ride, Parker. Perks from the internship?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, Mr. Stark sends Happy to pick me up when its more urgent." Technically it wasn't a full lie, he'd usually only get picked up by Happy if it involved emergencies.
"Well, drive safe. Text me if you need anything, or just if you're bored." (Y/N) pulled Peter into a hug, patting his back and putting down his skateboard.
"See you tomorrow!" Peter patting him back before watching him skate off, looking back to Happy. As he approached the door opened, and his jaw dropped as he saw Tony.
"Was that your boyfriend?" he teased, glasses at the end of his nose.
"Oh! Mr. Stark, I didn't know-"
"Hop in kid, we've got places to be."
Knocking on the Parker's apartment door, (Y/N) played with the colorful box in his hands.
May opened it, smiling when she saw who it was.
"(Y/N)! It's such a pleasure to have you, Ned and Peter are in Peter's room." May pulled him into a hug and (Y/N) returned it, smiling at the comfort he got every time he was welcomed into their home.
"Thanks, May. Here, my mom made you those cupcakes you like." He held out the box and May gasped, her smile getting brighter.
"Oh, that woman..." she shook her head in amusement. "Tell her thanks! Now I've got to make her that pasta she likes so much."
(Y/N) laughed and patted May's shoulder before making his way to Peter's room.
"Happy Friday boys!" (Y/N) announced as he walked into his room.
"You said that this morning," Ned commented laughing as (Y/N) slung his backpack to the floor.
"No, this morning I said 'It's Friday'. This time it's happy," (Y/N) corrected with a smirk, sitting down on the floor with Peter and Ned.
"Don't forget, it's not just Star Wars it's also studying," Peter reminded with a laugh, pulling his books out of his backpack.
(Y/N) let out a dramatic groan, clearly joking, because he didn't mind what he did as long as he got to hang out with his friends (especially Peter).
About half an hour into studying, Ned left to use the bathroom and Peter and (Y/N) started talking.
"You've asked people out before, right (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, why? You got someone in mind?" MJ was (Y/N)'s first guess. (Y/N) had seen how he looked at MJ and wished it was him instead.
Peter, on the other hand, was only thinking of (Y/N). He was extremely handsome and charming, always jokingly flirting with Peter- but no matter how smart he was, he was oblivious to Peter's obvious attraction to him.
"Uh, yeah, I do. I was wondering if you could help me ask them out to prom? Just like, give me tips or something on how to impress them..." Peter nervously chuckled as he trailed off, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, sure! But I'm not sure there's much I can say to help. You're a really great guy Peter, and anybody would be lucky to have you. I know everyone says this, but just be yourself and depending on the reaction you get it'll tell you if they're the right person for you or not." (Y/N) shrugged, not really sure what else to say.
Peter nodded, trying to figure out how to impress (Y/N). "Should I get them flowers? Or make one of those 'promposal' signs?"
"I always thought those signs were kind of tacky, but if you think they'll like it then I think you should go for it. And I think the flowers are a nice idea..." (Y/N) tried to give him a smile, but he didn't think it looked very confident. It hurt, not knowing if he liked (Y/N) back- but it hurt worse knowing he liked someone else.
"Okay. Okay, I'll bring them flowers. What kind do you think I should get?"
Just then, Ned walked back into the room, stopping hesitantly in the doorway as if he'd interrupted something.
"Hey, Ned," (Y/N) greeted, smiling at him.
"What's up?" Ned asked, still not sure if he should sit back down or not. He considered making an excuse about asking May for snacks or something, but they weren't giving him any clear signs that he wasn't welcome in the conversation.
"Just talking about asking people to prom," Peter responded with a shrug, going back to his homework.
"Peter was wondering what flowers he should get for his crush," (Y/N) gained back some confidence with the joke, nudging Peter playfully.
"Oh?" Ned asked, eyebrows up as he retook his seat on the ground, looking between the two. He noticed their behavior and realized it was going to be weird for a while- and that he couldn't say anything. He held back a sigh at that thought.
"Yeah, what kind do you think I should get them, Ned?" Peter asked as (Y/N) started twirling his pen in his hand.
"Who're they for? Everyone has favorite flowers, right?" Ned thought aloud, looking through his notes.
"I say roses. Everybody likes roses," (Y/N) concluded, nodding as he talked.
The boys went back to studying (and eventually Star Wars).
Monday morning's were always rough, and prom was that Saturday so everybody was buzzing (much to (Y/N)'s annoyance).
Closing his locker with a yawn he turned to walk to his first class, chemistry with Peter, just to be jump scared by said boy.
"Woah! Peter, hey. Gave me a heart attack," (Y/N) mumbled as he clutched his chest, his breathing ragged.
"Sorry! Didn't mean to..." Peter looked sheepish as he gulped down his nerves.
"Are you okay? You look really... sweaty." That's when (Y/N) noticed the roses in his hand and his mood dropped. "Oh, you must be nervous to ask out your crush, huh?"
Peter nodded, taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah. I just hope he says yes." And he held out the flowers with a almost scared looking smile.
"(Y/N), will you go to prom with me?"
His jaw hit the floor, eyes wide with confusion and shock. He never thought in a million years Peter would ask him out, much less over MJ, who was watching from her locker next to his with a smirk.
Truth is, Peter knew that MJ and (Y/N) shared an art class and were friends, so he asked her for advice. That's what led to the awkward study conversation, and the roses in front of (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait- what? Really?" (Y/N) asked, searching Peter's face for any hints of a prank or deception. "You're shitting me, right Parker?"
Peter just shook his head, heart racing a mile a minute.
"You said roses, so I got you roses. I'm sure if you knew I was meaning you you'd have said another kind of flower but I couldn't figure out how to ask you what your favorite flower was without giving myself away-" Peter rambled, fumbling with the paper around the bouquet of roses.
(Y/N) put his hand on Peter's fumbling one and smiled at him, "I'd love to go to prom with you, Peter. I love the roses- and I'm so glad you didn't make one of those stupid poster boards."
The boys broke into somewhat relieved laughter and Peter pulled him into a hug.
That's when they remembered that they were in the middle of a highschool hallway. Everybody was staring at them, and both of their faces were shades warmer than before.
Ned, always the loyal friend, stepped in.
"Darla!" he all but shouted through the hallway, everybody's attention going to him. He was holding a singular tulip in his hand and was sweating bullets. "Will you go to prom with me?"
Some kids started laughing, but they turned into gasps as Darla nearly squealed as she nodded her head, her curls bouncing with her movement.
"Yes, Ned! I'd love to!" She hugged him, while he just stood there in absolute astonishment. His original plan was to pull attention away from his best friends by being humiliated, not by pulling the most beautiful and talented girl in the school.
(Y/N) started clapping and hollering, Peter soon joining him.
Then the bell rang, and everybody started going to their classes.
"I still can't believe that happened," Ned whispered from Peter's carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling in amazement.
Peter and (Y/N) sat on his bed, putting together the Lego death star shoulder to shoulder. They'd steal looks at each other every once in a while, blushing at their newfound romance.
When they watched a movie with May later that night they held hands and shared a blanket, and all May did was smile at them when she noticed.
Not as chaotic as I'm sure you were hoping, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing this.
Thank you anon! I hope you liked it.
-Author Max <3
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maxipad031 · 1 year
hey girl! i loveee ur account! can we get a best friends to lovers fic please? Shuri and reader are like 20, and reader realises she isn’t straight because she starts crushing on Shuri.<33
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i like you silly
synopsis: fluffy and short fic where you start to realise your growing crush on your best friend, shuri. you don’t know where she stands, but she soon lets you know and you begin to understand yourself more.
contains: shuri x black reader, cute crushing, fluff, brief sadness, make out session, best friend to lovers x
and thank you smmm!🥰
novacane by frank ocean blasted in your sony headphones as you bopped your head continuously to the beat, your hand moving rapidly as you scribbled down equations for your calculus homework. it was literally due the next day and you'd forgotten all about it until your friend reminded you like 30 minutes ago through a lengthy text explaining how she lost it. your room was flipping messy, clothes on the floor, on the bed, heaped upon your vanity chair. the curtains were basically closed but there was a peak of natural light as your purple LED lights dominated the room, making it glow a soft lilac. something about purple just put you in a focusing mood, so yes your room had to be covered in it. just as the song was about to change, it stopped abruptly, and you shifted your gaze over to your phone, confused. sighing, you realised a call was coming through and when you saw who it was, your heart leaped in your chest.
my shuri <3
was displayed on the rectangular screen and you hurriedly fumbled everything away to pick up your phone to answer, crunching the papers under your weight in the process. as you clicked the bright green phone button, her breath taking voice came through into your headphones, loud as fuck.
"y/n, are you busy?" she asked softly, waiting patiently for your reply. you glanced at the phone, your homework underneath you and your phone again, "nope!" you answered, maybe way too excitedly.
"ah perfect, can you meet me at café moon in 10?"
"of course shuri, ill be there." you assured, packing away all your papers and into their designated folders, "is everything okay though?" you asked, realising its unusual behaviour for shuri to be calling you randomly since she's always busy with her tech projects.
"oh yeah, i just want to see you, make sure you're okay." she replied, her voice laced with some kind of additive that made you want to hear it all the time.
"okay, see you hunnie buns." she didn't reply straight away, but you cut off the call as you didn't want to hear her reply to your bold action anyways. well, to be honest, it wasn't even that weird because in your....friendship, you called each other lots of things like bae, darling, love, honey. it didn't really mean anything....or so you thought. you disconnected your headset and slipped it off, resting it on your oak desk as you attempted to make your dorm room look at least a little presentable, just in case you both came back here. shuri was used to your room being a mess though, she always says "it adds to your character, " with that silly, cute eye smile she does that makes you want to just give her pecks all over her face.
your mind often wavered like this and at first it was just subtle, cute scenarios you'd imagine before going to bed, but now it's just full blown delusion, things that would never happen between the two of you; i'll leave that up to your imagination.
you'd always identified as a straight individual since all you did were date boys in high school, but after meeting shuri, all of that went straight out the window and you've only been able to look at her: everyone else is blotted out with a black marker pen. she's in the centre of your thoughts, running around in your head rent free. you'd never really had close friends, so you orignally thought it was your clinginess that made you so drawn to her, constantly wanting to be around her at all times. however lately, it didn't make sense that you'd been feeling this way for this long, almost two years now. you usually lost interest in other friends you had but this was different, it was so clear now,
you fucking liked her.
it was a hard pill to swallow, the fact you were probably bisexual...or a lesbian? actually no, because you genuinely had feelings for the guys you dated, so you're probably bi...you think? whatever, labels confuse you and you don't care about them. right now, you're shurisexual and that's all that matters.
you sat up on your bed to look in the illuminating mirror as you ruffled your tangled curls, to the left, to the right, just everywhere until it looked nice and presentable. you were already wearing a large purple hoodie, so you just replaced your booty shorts with baggy ripped jeans. quite motivated to look nice, you picked up your makeup pouch from the vanity table and began to touch up your face, only a little concealer and lip gloss. once that was done, you cleaned your room further, stuffing your disorganized clothes deep inside your closet and kicking any loose objects under the double bed. with a deep sigh, you grabbed your phone and the keys from the drawer before heading out, making sure to lock your door securely. you walked quickly past all the loud kids occupying the dorm hallway, and rushed down the spiral stairs to basically sprint outside. as there were no cars coming at that moment, you crossed the quite busy road and ran down to the café shuri had told you to meet her at.
by the time you arrived, you were huffing and puffing as you tried to catch your breath. you had no idea why you ran but it was probably due to the fact you were so eager to see your best friend again after like two days. the cafe’s large glass windows exposed it’s interior. it wasn’t that busy and looked calm as always, everyone minding their own business studying or talking. as you grabbed the door handle, you eyes flickered to a familiar presence . it was shuri, sitting on a high chair that was facing the window, which faced the street, and seemingly engrossed in something on her phone as she scrolled. you walked in and the bell above the shop door rung at your arrival as shuri’s head whipped in your direction. you adjusted your hair behind your ear shyly and watched as she flashed you a bright smile while you walked over towards her.
“heyy ma, how is my darling.” she greeted, wrapping her long arm around your torso as you hugged each other. her embrace was comforting, you never wanted to let go. unfortunately, you had to depart from her and when you did, you sat down on the high chair next her.
“shuri, you forgot about me for two days, huh.” you scolded jokingly, as you crossed your arms and fake pouted.
“you know that’s not the case y/n.” she laughed at your fake act, taking a sip of coffee that she just ordered, “do you want anything to eat or drink?” she asked in a caring manner as her hands nestled in her lap.
“nah i’m alright, thanks though.” you played with the hem of your hoodie subtly as you grew nervous under her gaze. this was such an unusual feeling, you were normally the one making people shy, not the other way around. she nodded and rested her elbows on the shelf-like table before you both. she stared outside for a minute, her sharp jawline flexing as her eyes travelled. she has recently cut her curly hair and it was shaved at the sides, leaving the top sitting nicely and dropping over her forehead. the day she sent you that selfie pic of her freshly-cut hair, a tear ran down your leg; it was so attractive on her and she definitely knew it. you were beginning to understand that you didn’t wanna be her, you wanted to be with her. she wore a purple tracksuit this day, kimoyo beads wrapped around her slender wrists and her sunglasses propped up the middle of her forehead. she clicked her tongue softly and spun the chair around to face you,
“i have something to say.” she announced. your heart jumped and skipped and hopped before falling back down into your ass. you knew she wasn’t going to say what you thought she was going to say, but it was nerve wracking nontheless.
“go on.” you said, eyes wide open in anticipation.
“i’m going back to wakanda in two weeks.” shuri replied, playing with her glowing kimoyo beads as her eyes darted around the small cafe, avoiding your eye contact.
“wait what, why?!” the corner of your lip twitched with disappointment.
“my brothers funeral, i must be there.” she said, smiling weakly as an emotion of sadness washed over her eyes simultaneously. seeing her grieve for her brother broke your heart into a million pieces and you wanted to do nothing but comfort her. you slowly reached over her lap to cup her cold hands in yours. you massaged it lightly as you looked up at her, “that’s totally fine shuri, i’ll be here waiting for you.” shuri shifted her gaze to you and you swear for a split second it was a look that said, “i love you so much,” but it also might’ve been your imagination. she gave you another hug, squeezing you so tight, you had to tap her shoulder for her to soften up a little, “you don’t know how much i appreciate you y/n.” she sniffed a bit as she pulled away from you, holding her head up ever so lightly so stop any welling tears from escaping.
“hey, why don’t we go back to mine.” you suggested, pulling her up off the high chair. seeing her upset broke you and you wanted to cheer her up as soon as possible. shuri grabbed her now cold-coffee with her free hand and nodded her head as she obliged. you both stood up to leave and you led her out of the shop. the sun was blazing above and you instantly regretted wearing a big hoodie. shuri seemed to notice your discomfort as you constantly pulled at the neck of the clothing,
“you should come to wakanda, you’d die if you wore something like that outside.” she commented picking up the pace to walk beside you, her infamous eye smile displaying itself and making you melt as you stared at her.
you chuckled before replying, “take me then, i’ve always wanted to go.” you unintentionally held her hand as you crossed the road together. shuri paused and stared down at the interconnection of your hands; she didn’t pull away but held on tighter instead. you didn’t even notice the small act of affection as you scanned the road, careful you both didn’t get hit.
“alright.” shuri whispered under her breath, seriously contemplating to take you with her.
“how dare you plus five me, what the fuck!” you yelled, as shuri aggressively put down a blue +5 card. you two had resorted to playing uno flip and right now, she had you fucked up. she’d never played it until now but boy did she pick up the game fast, she even knew tactics to stop you from winning.
“sorry but i’m not letting you win.” shuri smirked as she watched you reluctantly pick up five cards from the deck when you previously had two cards left. the game resumed and you stared menacingly at her, your competitive side really coming out. shuri had four cards left whilst you ended up with seven from picking some up. she put some reverses, which skipped your turn, but just before she put down the second to last card, you yelled out UNO before she could realise and you cackled maniacally, picking up two cards to give to her. shuri quickly realised her mistake and shook her head, “you didn’t even tell me i had to say uno when i had one card left.”
“yes i did? that’s the point of the game.” you arched your eyebrow.
“you didn’t.”
“wanna fight?” you asked jokingly, putting your cards to the side and pretending to pack up your thick hair.
“like you’d win.” shuri rolled her eyes and cuffed up her sleeves as she put her cards to the side as well.
full on ready to actually wrestle with her, you leaped from your side on the bed to hers and she surprisingly caught you, flipping you over and laughing as she pretended to punch you,
“please please please, let me live, oh mighty black panther please!” you closed your eyes as if you were scared, rubbing your hands together as a sign of mercy. you were the only one here in america that knew she was the black panther by accident, and you’d sworn to never tell a soul.
after you heard nothing, you opened your eyes to peek and saw her doing a funny face. you both then bust out laughing at your silly behavior, forgetting that she was still on top of you. your laughing started to die down before you suddenly realised the position you were both in and instantly start to panic. her face was literally inches away from yours, as her minty breath tickled your nose. completely rapt, you didn’t know what to do so you just lifted your hands up to hold the sides of her small waist. she felt the sudden touch, and looked down at you, also realising how close in proximity you were to each other. you could do nothing but stare at her lips, perfectly two toned, glistening from the lip vaseline she always uses, and slightly parted. the urge to kiss her was so strong and nearly overtook you but your mind started to ramble and it unfortunately transferred into words out loud,
“shuri, i’m so sorry, i know this is probably the last thing you want to hear right now, but i like you, i really do, i’ve been liking you since i met you, i just didn’t know how to say it, i’m sorry, you probably don’t even feel the same way, but i just felt like i needed to-”
it seemed like shuri had the same thing in mind as your words were interrupted, by the feeling of her soft lips placed upon yours, maybe as a way to indirectly tell you to shut up. your eyes were wide open from shock but you shut them and kissed her back with a more needy approach. it felt like you were in another realm entirely, just you and her, together, nothing else mattered. your lips moved in sync as you held onto her waist tighter, liking the way her body felt on top yours. before you could slip some tongue in, she pulled away licking her lips as her eyes danced around the room, seemingly embarrassed by what just occurred. she gently climbed off of you and sat up, packing away the uno cards. you held yourself upright with your elbows watching her contently.
she didn’t reply, focused on tidying up the bed.
“shuri!” you held your hand to stop her from her actions and she stared at you blankly before grabbing the sides of your face and pulling you into another kiss.
what in the world was happening right now.
her hands were enveloped in your brown locks and you pulled her closer, putting your hands on her shoulders to deepen the intimate kiss that was being shared by the two of you. shuri seemed like she wanted this for a long time, but so did you and you were going to make every second count. she was the first to slip her tongue in your mouth and you eagerly welcomed it. her muscular arms wrapped around your waist and propped you up onto her lap impatiently. you’d previously taken your hoodie off when you two came back and so you were left in a white tank top. her large hands rubbed against your chest area unintentionally and that riled you up even further. the kiss got hungrier, deeper as you snaked your hands around her neck, fingers laced in her tight coils as you devoured each other.
honestly, if this carried on, it was going to lead to something else and you didn’t think you were fully ready for that right now especially if shuri didn’t feel as deeply for you as well, so you hesitantly parted your lips away from shuri’s, leaving a string of saliva connecting the two of you. shuri breathed heavily as she looked up at you through her chocolate orbs, her lips having grown in size from the fervent make out session. you adjusted your top that had rode up from the touching and carefully got down from shuri’s lap,
“i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i don’t know what came of over me, i understand if you don’t like me anymore i’m sorry-” shuri blabbered, worried to death that she’d made you feel weird, hence why you stopped.
“no shuri, that was amazing, of course i like you silly, i just told you a whole essay about it.” you giggled, placing your forehead on hers lovingly, “i stopped because i just have a question to ask you.” you said mysteriously, as you sat up against the headboard of your double bed.
“go ahead,” shuri urged you to continue as she followed you, also moving so her back was against the headboard.
“do you want to be my girlfriend?” you inquired bluntly. you didn’t think you’d ever say that to anyone but surprise surprise, here you were.
“i thought you’d never ask.” shuri hugged you for the 30th time that day and you hugged her back, filled with absolute bliss. you were so certain she’d reject you but her feelings for you might’ve been even stronger than yours for her; no that’s impossible. you couldn’t wait for what’s the future held for you two as well as how your relationship would work out. however, not everything was all roses and daisies as you remembered that’s she’s eventually going to leave you soon.
“wait shuri, aren’t you leaving, i’m not going to be able to see you.” you pouted, holding her hands as your head was down in woe.
“well, you said you wanted to come, didn’t you, i can definitely organize that.” shuri replied, lifting your chin up to look at her.
“what!? you don’t mean it...i can go to wakanda?! oh my god, no fucking way, i’ve always wanted to go! shuri, i could literally buy you a lamborghini right now.” you yelled out, full of excitement as you jumped off the bed and ran laps around your small dorm room screaming your head off like a lunatic, almost tripping on the loose objects all over the floor.
shuri laughed wholeheartedly at your thrilled uproar, loving how gorgeous you looked when you were happy. this was going to be a great few weeks for you two.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
WFA Jason or Dick (your choice) Dating Damian's teacher Imagine pleaseth
Dick Grayson x Male!reader
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Damian Wayne was an interesting student to say the least and when you called his father in for a parent teacher conference you were quite surprised when a handsome man about your age showed up instead of the Bruce Wayne you frequently saw on TV.
"I'm sorry are you a parent?" You ask him.
"Oh no I'm Damian Wayne's brother Dick, our father Bruce wasn't able to make it so he asked me to come instead," he explains.
"Well as nice as it is to meet you Dick I called your father in to talk about some of Damians… behavior issues which I should really talk to Bruce himself about," he states.
"Don't worry he's just as frustrating at home, he knows he's smarter than most people and has a big head because of it… you should see him argue with our other brother Jason, pretty funny actually when he confuses Jason with big words but anyways, we have a very… close family and we all take part in raising Damian so whatever you have to say to Bruce you can say to me too," Dick tells you.
Damn was he charming.
"Okay well have a seat then," you say.
You guys ended up talking for over an hour which consisted a lot of Dick telling you about their crazy family antics making you laugh harder than you had in a long time.
"This is probably really weird to ask but would you like to get dinner with me sometime Mr. Y/L/N?" He asks boldly with a smile you just couldn't say no to.
"I usually have a no dating my students parents policy but since you aren't a parent… I would love to and please call me Y/N," you smile back at him.
"It's a date Y/N," he says happily.
After a few dates you became officially boyfriends but you decided it was best to keep your relationship with Dick a secret until it got more serious.
Though Jason found out a month in because he has a habit of going through Dicks phone to annoy his older brother and stumbled upon some flirty texts between you two.
After six months you and Dick agreed it was time to tell his family so Dick set up a dinner telling them he would be introducing them to his new boyfriend.
Jason was particularly excited to see Damian's reaction and of course he started filming when there was a knock at the door
"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend… Y/N," Dick says cheerfully.
"Richard! You're dating my teacher!" Damian shouts.
Tim chuckles and whispers to Stephanie, "guess we're getting a dinner and a show."
The entire dinner Damian was glaring at Dick while the others were trying to get to know you.
"So Y/N how long have you been a teacher?" Barbara asks.
"This is only my second year teaching," you reply.
"How fun, you get to deal with a problem child like Damian early on in your career," Jason teases.
"Damian certainly isn't a problem he just doesn't exactly like to socialize with the other kids," you say wanting to assure Bruce you didn't think negatively of his son.
"Because they are learning basic algebra I already know advanced Calculus," Damian scoffs.
"Bruce, have you ever considered enrolling Damian in the gifted program?" You ask.
"I have but Damian can learn whatever he wants at home but the only way for him to spend time with kids his own age is at school," Bruce explains.
"Plus if Damian had been in the gifted program I never would have met you," Dick says leaning in and kissing you sweetly.
Damian rolls his eyes while Cass and Duke aw at how cute you and Dick are.
At the end of the dinner Dick walks you out to your car.
"I hope my family didn't scare you off," he jokes.
"Your family is great Dick, I just don't want to make things awkward with Damian at school," you tell him.
"Damian will get over it he always does and besides the school year is almost over in a few months you won't even be his teacher anymore," Dick says.
"Well… they are actually thinking of bumping me up a grade next year so there's a chance I'll have him again in the fall," you chuckle.
"I'll talk to him, promise," Dick laughs kissing you goodnight before you get in your car and drive off.
Dick heads up to Damians room where he finds him throwing daggers into a target on the wall.
"Okay Damian be honest with me, do you actually have a problem with me dating your teacher," Dick questions.
"Of course not, I actually like Mr. Y/L/N, he's far better than my teacher last year," Damian replies.
"So then why were you giving me the death glare all night?" Dick says confused.
"Because Richard, what if you screw things up and I can't go to his after school extra credit study sessions anymore, I consider those people acquaintances and some of them are even intelligent," Damian states.
"Hold on, why do you assume I would be the one to screw things up? You know what, not the point, anyways, if for whatever reason Y/N and I were to break up we would never let it affect you or your education. Most of your future teachers are not going to be as understanding of you as Y/N is so we gotta take advantage of a good teacher while we can," Dick jokes.
"Good. Do not break his heart Richard," Damian says throwing a dagger past Dicks ear and into the target behind him which doesn't even phase Dick.
"Again why am I bad guy in this hypothetical situation??" Dick huffs.
"You have a good talk boys?" Jason says strutting into Damians room.
"Jason you have got to stop snooping," Dick sighs.
"How else am I supposed to know about my brother's secret boyfriends before everyone else," Jason grins.
"Wait you knew Richard was dating my teacher this whole time?" Damian huffs.
"Gotta go… patrol stuff," Jason says awkwardly exiting the room.
Well at least Dick would be happy to report to you that Damian approved of your relationship.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
hi hi can u plz do an imagine of what aftercare is like with pre-death kyle spencer?? THANK U SM
+ "could u do some pre death kyle smut fem. like obv hes a sub before he died so some cute like first time in the relationship smut. YERP TY FOR READING 😎" - anon
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note: well of course, lovelies! i could do that for ya. giving you all a twofer with this!
warnings: (unprotected) sm*t, disgusting amounts of fluff, kyle's weird music taste (toto, really?) fem!reader
I met Kyle in calc. I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for a class of that caliber.
To be fair, calculus is easy for some. For me, an English major, not so much. I struggled horrendously in class. My mind was not oriented in the realm of math. With dozens of papers and other writing assignments due in my other classes, it was no wonder I couldn't wrap my head around derivatives and complex analysis.
You know how college is. No assigned seats. Just vibes. On the first day of class everyone sorta just...decides where they're gonna sit for the rest of the semester.
I chose my typical seat in the back of the room. I always sat in the back row nearest to the door in every class. It was a surefire way to make sure I could escape at the end of the lesson without having to interact with anyone.
Kyle Spencer, notorious campus fratboy, was in my class. The only reason I even knew of him was because of a stunt his fraternity pulled during a party I was at. I went for the alcohol and stayed for the insane blonde boy doing pushups in the corner the whole night as part of some dumbass hazing.
He was one who was willing to do anything to impress his frat brothers. He had apparently been a human coat rack at one party, and at another, he got so belligerently drunk that he ended up asleep in the fountain outside the library -- 2 miles from the party.
I wasn't one to engage in the school's Greek activities. I went to parties to get drunk and would be home by midnight. I wasn't particularly interested in paying to have friends, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Kyle picked the seat next to me on the first day of the semester. Well actually, he didn't pick it. It was forced upon him by his tendency to be extremely late to class. The seat next to mine was literally the only one open when he arrived.
As it turns out, Kyle was impressively good at calculus. Like inhuman. Thank god he sat next to me because during tests I could just cheat off of him.
Well, that was until he caught me one day.
We'd had a quiz that I was hopelessly clueless on. I did my usual cheating routine, the stretch and look. But this time, Kyle's head snapped in my direction. He let out a laugh and covered his quiz with his hand.
Oh, so we're the perfect little suck-up now, are we, Spencer? I thought.
I struggled through the rest of the quiz, leaving about half of it blank before time was called. I shot a glare in Kyle's direction as I walked to the front to hand the damn thing in.
I slumped back in my seat with a huff and began to pack up my things. The class started to file out so I rushed to get out ahead of the crowd.
'Wait, wait,' Kyle called to me. I whipped around and stared him dead in the eyes, trying to set him on fire with my mind. Not only for making me fail the quiz but also now for making me late. 'If you need help on the quizzes I'll help you.'
'Yeah?' I said, attitude obvious in my tone.
'Yes. But you can't cheat,' he smirked. 'Let me tutor you.'
'What, as community service hours for your fraternity obligations?' I challenged.
'Well, yes. But also because I want to! I love math,' he grinned.
'Okay, what's my name, then? If you know it, you can tutor me,' I said, proud of myself for my attempt to stump him. There was no way he knew a nobody like me.
'Y/N,' he replied, still grinning. 'I know you.'
Begrudgingly I decided to meet him at the library that night to go over what I was confused about on the quiz. We went over everything and he actually broke it all down in such a helpful way. I don't think I had ever understood math clearly until Kyle explained it.
When he finished going over everything I started to pack up my things to leave.
'Whoa Y/N hold on, do you wanna go get coffee or something?' Kyle asserted, flashing his five-star smile.
'At...9 pm?' replied.
'Just, I mean like-' he stammered.
'No sure, I mean that's fine. I'll take a coffee,' I smiled.
He walked close to me through campus to the only little coffee shop that would be open at that hour. It was aptly called 'Sleepwalker Coffee Co.' They knew their audience well. College students need caffeine at all hours of the day, as we all know.
He bought. I swooned. A man who buys me coffee? A dream.
We nestled into a small booth in the corner of the place. It was unsurprisingly packed in there. Tons of students getting work done while fraying their nerves with cups of liquid energy. It was dark and plush in there. Velvet seating, dark looming bookshelves, royal purple drapes on the windows. It was my kind of place.
We talked for a while about people in our class. Just the oddballs who stood out to us. Like Turtleneck Guy, who without fail, even on the hottest days, wore a turtleneck sweater. Or Test Girl, the girl that was always first to finish any test and made a large point of running up to the front to hand it in.
'So Kyle,' I started, resolving to change the subject a bit. He looked up from his drink inquisitively. 'I have a question.'
'Go on,' he said, laughing nervously.
'You said you knew me. How?' It was the question that had been nagging at my mind all day. Ever since he made a point of saying that. I thought I was a mysterious unknown, just trying to get through college unscathed.
'Oh, damn, I don't know what I expected you to ask but it was not that. You scared me,' he laughed. 'I've known you since Freshman year. The dorms?'
'The dorms?' I asked, needing further clarification.
'Yeah, Clarence Hall? You lived on a different floor than me but I remember you. I'd always see you on Tuesdays. You'd walk in as I walked out at like...3 pm? I'd always wave,' he explained.
'I have to be so honest with you Kyle, I do not remember that,' I replied, laughing as I spoke. 'You have a really solid memory.'
'Nah, I just thought you were prett- uh- cool. Pretty cool, ya know? Made me take note of you in my mind,' he quipped, pointing to his temple.
'Oh, really?' I blushed. I was at a loss for something to say. As he looked at me with those dark brown puppy dog eyes I couldn't help but feel something I'd never felt toward him before.
It wasn't long before our study dates became a regular thing. Kyle helped me get a B on the next quiz, all on my own. No cheating involved. He was so proud of me, he wrapped me in a bear hug, picked me up, and spun me around.
Then, our study dates became actual dates not long after. Our first real date was at his fraternity's date party. I felt so stupid showing up in my dark makeup and knee-high Doc Martens to an event where all the girls had fake tans and tight body-con dresses. Nonetheless, he showed me off like a proud fisherman shows off his biggest catch. We danced all night long and afterward, he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was also the night of our first kiss.
Kyle kept things slow with me. I wasn't used to that in a partner. He never pressured me into anything. In fact, I was the one initiating intimate contact half the time. I didn't mind. We were happy.
We had just taken the final for our calc class. For once, I felt confident about the work I handed in. Kyle gave me a kiss on the cheek as I got back from handing it in. It was a good feeling. I was finally free of math. I only needed one math class for my degree and bam, I finished it. And I got a boyfriend out of it. Not too shabby, Y/N.
'We need to celebrate!' Kyle declared as we walked out of the classroom into the sunlight. 'You, my dear, are a calc class success story! My crowning achievement.' He pulled me into his side and kissed me on the head as we walked.
'Thank you, Spencer. I owe ya a million,' I replied.
'Thanks for sayin' yes to my tutoring offer,' he quipped back. 'Best idea I ever had.'
We walked back to my apartment, sharing headphones and listening to Stevie Wonder songs. One of his favorite artists. My apartment was the only place he and I could get any privacy. I had a flatmate, but our rooms were on opposite ends of the place.
Kyle, upon entering my room, immediately plugged his phone into the speaker I had on my dresser. He paused for a second to select his playlist and turned around to me dramatically as the beginning of ‘Hold The Line’ by Toto played.
'You are such a dork,' I giggled, sitting on my bed.
'Baby, it's a good song and you know it,' he said, dancing toward me. He was very corny, but I needed that in a partner.
He flopped down onto the bed next to me, crossing his legs at his ankles and resting his hands on his chest. He stared up at the ceiling as he hummed along to the song.
I locked my phone and threw it onto the windowsill next to me and looked down at my boyfriend. His beautiful eyes stared blankly into space. I couldn’t help but attack him with kisses.
He leaned into them, humming in content as we made out. I swung my leg over his torso, straddling his hips as the kissing got hotter. My hands moved up to the top of his plaid button-up shirt. I hovered over the buttons and separated myself from his mouth to ask ‘okay?’
He nodded and pulled me by the back of my neck back into kissing him. I unbuttoned his top, leaving his chest exposed. I kissed him down his neck and chest, leaving hickeys as I went. Marking my property, if you will.
He moaned with each new spot that I kissed. It was delicious. A moment I never wanted to end.
The song ended. ‘Hello It’s Me’ by Todd Rundgren began to play. Our song. It was as if the universe understood what was about to happen.
‘Are you okay?’ I asked, looking at him. He opened his eyes and nodded.
‘Yeah, Y/N, I’m great,’ he sighed blissfully.
‘Is this about to happen?’ I replied. I really wanted to make sure before I started to tear more of his clothes off.
‘Yeah, I think I’m ready,’ he breathed, a look I couldn’t quite read on his face.
I started at his jeans, struggling to pull them off. We both laughed awkwardly. Once they were off, I really drank in his appearance. His nearly naked form.
I started to take off my own clothes, once again straddling Kyles hips. Except this time with a prominent bulge underneath me. Something stirred inside of me.
Before I tugged off his underwear I stopped again.
‘Okay?’ I asked, fingers under the waistband of his boxers.
‘Mhm,’ he grunted. 
He was completely naked. And so was I. A form we had never seen each other in before. He was…bigger…than I expected. Excitedly, I guided his cock into me.
‘Fuck,’ he moaned and gripped the sheets.
Gently, very gently, I began to ride him. His length seemed to go so far into me that it reached my limit. I moaned gutterally at the feeling of him. My hips moved instinctively. His hips bucked at the motion. He bit his bottom lip and grabbed my bare thighs tightly.
‘Can I?’ he breathed, beginning to sit up to switch positions.
‘Of course,’ I replied.
Still inside of me, Kyle took my place on top. He thrust even deeper into me. I almost couldn’t take it. I screwed my eyes shut and stifled a yelp. He pulled out at the sight of my discomfort, placing a hand on my cheek.
‘No, no, it’s fine,’ I panted.
‘I don’t wanna hurt you,’ he replied.
‘You won’t, I promise,’ I assured him.
He thrust into me again, with such force that I couldn’t help but yell out a bit. He kissed me as he fucked me senseless. I grabbed his shoulders to anchor myself, but accidentally raked down his back, leaving scratches with my nails.
He pulled out, panting loudly.
‘I think I’m gonna come,’ he said.
‘It’s okay, you can do it in me,’ I whispered, nodding assuringly.
He took a deep breath and entered me again. I was soaking wet. With a few more strokes he came, spilling his hot load into my cunt. He moaned loudly, throwing his head back in ecstasy.
Kyle fell back onto the bed next to me, breathing heavily. I moved my hair from my face, sweat making it stick to my forehead.
‘That- that was my first time,’ Kyle huffed. I shot up to a sitting position.
‘Wait, that was?!’ I exclaimed.
‘Yeah, oh my god,’ he sighed. ‘And it was so good.’
‘Kyle I’m sorry, I had no idea!’ I cried out, smacking his chest softly. ‘You should have told me!’
‘No I didn’t want to tell you,’ he laughed, ‘you worry too much. It wouldn’t be natural.’
‘My god Kyle, you were so good,’ I groaned, falling back onto my pillow.
‘You don’t have to say that to be nice, Y/N,’ he breathed.
‘No, I’m so serious Kyle.’
He sat up and drank me in, looking me up and down.
‘You are so beautiful,’ he said. He wrapped me up in a hug and pulled me into his chest. We intertwined our legs and he started stroking my hair. ‘Dear Prudence’ by The Beatles was playing. He starting singing along softly.
‘The sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful, and so are you,’ he sang, rocking me gently in his arms. ‘That’s really how I feel about you. You’re as beautiful as the bluest sky.’
My heart swelled. He was so forthright with his feelings. It was refreshing.
‘Do you wanna shower with me?’ he asked, breaking the silence. ‘I think we both need it now.’
‘Uh yeah, sure baby,’ I replied, giggling a bit. He got up and stood at the edge of the bed, holding out a hand to help me up. He followed me to the bathroom connected to my room, peppering kisses all over my shoulders as we walked. I started the water and we got in, embracing in the warmth of the water.
‘Lemme wash you,’ he mumbled, still kissing my neck and shoulders.
He massaged body wash into my skin as he continued to hum tunes to me. I looked up at him in awe. I had never been with someone so loving and caring.
We got out and changed into pajamas, nestling into my bed for the night.
‘I love you, Kyle,’ I murmured.
‘I love you more,’ he replied.
I hope this was okay! I feel like I’m getting the hang of writing like this but I still need practice. Thank you both for your requests!
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 01 table of contents masterlist
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
a/n: i wrote this fic in 2018 on ao3 and wattpad, but im putting it here for archival reasons ♡
They had used a burner phone to talk to the girl, not wanting to risk her tracing the number back to one of them. It had been Jungkook's idea; he found the girl's Instagram page, where she frequently posted pictures of herself, her dogs, and her friends. A quick DM and an hour later, Jungkook got her phone number and the two were texting daily.
He found out so much about the girl: her name was Ophelia, she lived in a small town in America, her dogs were named Gengi and Jingob, she had a younger brother named Henry and a 6-month-old sister named Rose, her father was Korean and her mother was Israeli. She had naturally dark, curly hair, but she frequently bleached and straightened it (right now it was an adorable baby pink). When she was born, her mother wasn't together with her father, so she was named Ophelia Felicite Potter, but her father forced her mother to change her name to Ophelia Lynn Park once they had officially started dating three months later. Henry, her little brother, was in Junior High, and Ophelia always drove him to school, since their town was so small that their Middle School, High School, and Community College were all in one building. 
Eventually, the rest of the boys began talking to her. All seven of them were pretending to be one person, a 19-year-old named Ian. Of course, Ophelia believed everything 'Ian' said. She had told them that she never had a boyfriend before, and absolutely loved the attention she was receiving for the first time. Even though she was still young, naive, and too trusting, she was still smart- both academically and morally. Whenever 'Ian' asked for nudes, she refused, which both pissed off and pleased the boys.
It was important that Ophelia never found out who they truly were. At least, not yet. The boys were heirs of one of the biggest mafia rings in South Korea, and they all knew that if the girl found out, the fake number would be blocked immediately. Even though the seven of them weren't important members in the business- their fathers and older brothers were more active than them, they were more of the poster kids- they were still expected to keep certain things private in order to keep them safe and their fathers in power. 
They decided that Ophelia would be one of the things they kept private.
'i have a surprise for you in an hour!! :D'
God, the kid was so cute. Seokjin looked down at the phone as the text alert caused the coffee table to gently vibrate. He smiled as he sent his reply.
'Why can't I have the surprise now?'
A moment later Ophelia's reply pinged.
'i'm in class right now and im fairly certain you dont want calculus as your surprise'
'Alright, I'll wait. Do your schoolwork.'
'dont tell me what to do love u xxx'
Seokjin smiled again and put the phone in his pocket. It was currently three in the morning in Seoul, so two in the afternoon Ophelia's time. She gets out of school at 2:25, so it wouldn't be long before Jin received the 'surprise' Ophelia was talking about. 
Jin idly played on his own phone, waiting for another text from the girl, when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned his head towards the noise to find Namjoon approaching him.
"Hyung, what are you doing up?" Namjoon asked, voice deep and rough with sleep. In the back of his mind, he knew he was texting Ophelia, but if something important had happened he wanted to know. 
"Ophelia's getting out of school soon and she has a surprise for us." Namjoon hummed in response. He never was as obsessed with Ophelia as the other boys, but he had talked to her quite a few times. 
Jin grabbed Namjoon's hand and guided him to lay on the couch with him. Namjoon immediately curled into his boyfriend, breathing in the lingering scent of his cologne. One of Jin's hands began stroking the younger's hair while the other continued aimlessly scrolling through his emails. 
Namjoon quickly fell asleep again, and the burner phone pinged soon after that. Jin carefully took the phone out of his back pocket, trying not to wake his sleeping beauty, and became excited as he saw Ophelia had sent a picture message. He quickly opened the messaging app and cooed at what the girl had sent. 
She had sent a mirror picture of her in a dress. The dress was a flowing red ball gown with gold accents on the waist. Ophelia looked absolutely beautiful in it, and Jin quickly saved the picture to send to his real phone. 
'prom is in a month and i really wish i could go with you. what do you think of this dress? someone told me this shade of red suits me but idk'
Prom. Ophelia would be going to prom with someone other than Jin or one of the other boys. While one of them taking her was unrealistic and impossible, it still pained him to think that it wouldn't be him. 
'You look stunning. I wish I could see it in person.'
'&lt;;3 :)'
Jin put the phone back on the table, smiled, and closed his eyes. He was absolutely whipped.
Once the rest of the boys woke up, the dress was the main discussion at breakfast.
"I think she looks adorable in it," Taehyung said, "Just look at her face in the picture- it's obvious she's in love with it, too."
"But its too mature for her! It shows off too much!" Jimin said, his voice distressed. 
"Jimin, she's not our baby yet. Once we have her then you can decide what is and isn't too big for her," said Namjoon. 
For the past month, they had been preparing a plan to bring Ophelia to Korea with them. They wanted her to be their Little, and them be her Daddies. Some of them were more excited than others (Jin and Jimin were both ecstatic about this), but all of them had warmed up to the idea. Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung had gone crazy over putting together a nursery and clothes shopping. It had been easy to find childlike clothes in Ophelia's size, including a car seat, since Ophelia was rather small for her age. 
They had decided what they would be called almost as soon as they got the idea of Ophelia being a Little. Namjoon and Jin would be the main caregivers, with Namjoon being Appa and Jin being Eomma. Yoongi and Jimin would also be her caretakers, Yoongi being Daddy and Jimin being Mommy. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook would be less of caretakers and more of playmates, but they still wanted to spend time with Ophelia. 
Luckily, they had a business meeting in America in two weeks, which would be relatively close to where Ophelia lives (thanks to careful mapping done by Jungkook), so they could take her and bring her home with them with ease. The boys knew Ophelia would have a much better life with them.
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whorefortheevans · 8 months
Comfort, Home, and Happiness
I may or may not have written this because I'm currently feeling like it'll take me 10 years to earn my bachelor's, but regardless I'm really proud of this one. I think it turned out great.
CW: self-doubt, depression, academic burnout, mostly wholesome fluff word count: 884
College is hard.
Ridiculously hard, and definitely harder than I ever anticipated it being. Proof of this could be the fact that I'm failing physics, haven't showed up to calculus, and am on the verge of dropping out of chemistry.
Proof could also be the fact that I haven't gotten up out of Kyle's bed since I got to his shared frat house on Friday afternoon, and now it's half-past 5 on Sunday night.
"Hey," Kyle said, walking into his room and closing the door behind him. "Feeling any better?"
Kyle always had a slight lift to his lips, something I absolutely loved about him. His permanent smile made me feel better just by looking at, not to mention his dimples.
"Eh, not really." I said, rolling onto my side and pulling his dark blue comforter up over my shoulder. "I'm tired."
Kyle sat on the edge of the bed and laid his hand gently on my hip. "Did you get any homework done?"
I shook my head, a sense of dread clouding over me as it occurred to me how much homework I have to do, and how little time I have to do it. I felt my eyes start to tear up as I swallowed down a sob.
I cried enough this weekend, I definitely didn't want to start again.
"I dunno what I'm gonna do, Kyle." I said, my throat starting to feel tight as my emotions got the better of me. "I'm so stupid."
"You're not stupid," he said. "I'll help you. When's it due?"
I laughed bitterly. "In six hours. Just forget it, it'll never all get done anyway."
The silence that followed wasn't awkward, but I silently prayed that Kyle would say something to change the subject. He suddenly leaned over me and gently kissed his lips to my forehead.
"I'm gonna jump in the shower. Join me?" he asked, his voice sickly sweet. I didn't deserve him, nobody did. He was too good for everyone, too sweet, too humble, too smart.
I looked at him for a moment, before throwing the duvet off of me and using his hand to pull myself out of his bed. I dragged my feet across the floor, grabbing clean clothes out of his drawers and following him into the bathroom.
Kyle shut the door and locked it behind him, and then turned towards me and took my hands in his. "I'm proud of you, you know." he said, resting his forehead on mine.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach; they always did when Kyle did and said stuff like that. I smiled at him, but my smile quickly faded as he pulled away from me and turned the shower on.
He held one hand under the water while the other made slight adjustments to the faucet. He stepped back and began to strip of his clothing, looking at me over his shoulder. "I know how you don't like the water too hot," he said. "C'mon, love. You have to shower. It's been days."
I rolled my eyes and pouted, as I started to undress. "I know that. I've been depressed."
"It's okay, let me make you happy." he said, extending his hand to me and helping me into the tub, under the perfectly warm water that Kyle had set. He stepped in after me and closed the shower curtain.
It's lucky that I spent so much time at the frat house, because in times like now when I really needed to shower, most of my stuff was already here. Kyle handed me my loofa and squeezed his body wash onto his and my sponge. Together, in a comfortable silence only intercepted by the sprinkling water, we washed our bodies and rinsed ourselves off.
"Can you pass me my shampoo?" Kyle asked, squeezing the last of the soap out of his loofa. I grabbed the bottle and handed it to him. "Thanks. Are you out?"
"No. I don't feel like washing my hair." I said, fatigue quickly taking over my body and bringing a headache along with it. "I'll just get out and do it tomorrow."
Kyle grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Don't get out. Wait for me, I'll do it for you."
I stayed back, my stomach once again bubbling up with affection, and watched as Kyle lathered his golden hair with shampoo and then rinsed it out. He reached behind me and took my shampoo bottle in his hands, turned me around by my shoulders, and pumped shampoo onto my scalp.
He returned the bottle to the ledge of the shower and began to scrub the soap into my hair, paying special attention to my roots and letting the excess shampoo run down the rest of my hair. We stood like that, me facing the wall and Kyle scrubbing my hair, for a couple of minutes, and then I turned to face him.
Hair still full of shampoo, I leaned up to kiss him softly, smoothly, and his hands still tangled in my hair, he kissed me just as softly back. "I don't deserve this," I said quietly, resting my head against his chest.
"You deserve everything," he said, hugging my shoulders closer to his body, letting the warm water shower us. Kyle was my comfort, my home, my happiness.
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roosterforme · 4 months
Beer Boy and Sugar: The Second Lost Year (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Part of the Lost Years series for Beer Boy and Sugar
Warnings: language, longing, angst (series fits chronologically between Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time)
Banner by @mak-32
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Year Two
Bradley dropped down on his bed and started to untie his boots while Nat looked around at everything on his desk. They were both about to start flying solo now, and it was such a relief that she was advancing in the program with him. It brought him a little bit of joy every time they left the others in the dust.
"I always liked this thing," she remarked, poking his Navy desk lamp as he set his boots under his bed. "You said it was your dad's, right?"
"Yeah. Makes it vintage," he replied with a grin as he lounged back on his pillows, already thinking about dinner in the mess hall. It was hot as hell outside, especially by Rhode Island standards, and it made him miss Virginia a little bit. "Are you ready for dinner?"
She groaned. "It's too hot to go outside and walk all the way to get food. Your air conditioner works better than mine, too. Can't we just stay in here?"
His stomach growled as he said, "All I got is some protein bars and instant mac and cheese. And I'm starving."
Nat started to poke at the book he was currently reading as she said, "I'll order us a pizza."
This was something he'd never get used to, even though he considered her his best friend. She always seemed to have money from her parents, and he had basically nothing. But she continually offered to share her food with him. Bradley wasn't exactly sure what he brought to this friendship, but she seemed to enjoy having him around, so he didn't bring it up.
"Fine," he agreed.
This seemed to make her happy as she fished her phone out of her pocket. "You want your usual topping choice?"
Bradley froze with his fingers pushed back in his messy hair. At first, he always ordered his pizza that way, because that's how you liked it. Now Nat thought it was his preference. But maybe it actually was?
"Yeah," he replied softly. "Please." 
Then he listened to her call it in while his thoughts drifted back to Virginia. He hadn't seen or heard from you in fourteen months, but he'd thought about you every single day. It hurt a little less now, but all the feelings were still there. He still looked at all the pictures he had saved on his phone. He thought about you when he touched himself. He still hadn't slept with anyone else since you.
"Why would you keep a differential equations notebook from UVA?" Nat mused, but he was barely listening to her as he thought about your body curled up against his while you wore his Grateful Dead shirt. "Did you even take advanced math?" 
When he finally registered what she said, he sat up in his bed and saw her holding your purple notebook. The one with all the doodles and love notes in the margins, and he felt like he was back in the study room with you on his lap. The breath was knocked from his lugs as a sheet of loose, folded paper fell onto her lap, and she picked it up and started to read it out loud.
"Dear Beer Boy, 
I'm bored in my calculus lecture, and I just started thinking about your bedroom door. It's still the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. Maybe you and I could wait until the middle of the night when all of your fraternity brothers are asleep and sneak out into the hallway and-"
Bradley lunged out of bed and grabbed the note from her hand before she could see the rest. "What the fuck, Nat? That's personal!"
Her dark brown eyes were as wide as saucers as she said, "That was from her."
He knew she was kind of mystified by you, given that he only shared details of the happiest months of his adult life sparingly. She always asked for more information when he mentioned you, always wanted to know more. But Bradley felt like the magic would wear off the more he talked about you, so he always kept it brief. He also knew he wasn't going to get away with saying nothing right now.
"Yeah," he grunted, taking the purple notebook from her hands and returning the folded note to the back pages. The sight of your handwriting filled him with a deep need for you. "And this was her notebook."
Nat's voice was gentle, as if she was trying not to spook him when she asked, "Why did she like your door so much?"
Bradley closed his eyes and laughed quietly. "I painted over all the other girls' names and phone numbers. For her. Or for myself. I don't really know anymore."
Now her eyes were narrowed when he looked at her again. "'All the other girls'. Holy shit, Bradshaw. Were you some sort of fuckboy in college?"
He leaned back against his pillows again as he groaned, "Basically." He didn't really like thinking about it, because that hadn't been him for a long time now. "Before Sugar."
She took her phone out again, and Bradley desperately wished the pizza would arrive so this conversation could end. But Nat asked, "What was her last name again? I want to know exactly what she looks like."
He whispered the word, loving the feel of it on his tongue as he took his own phone out. He located the picture of him with his arm around your shoulders that Dev took the week before graduation. Your smile was too pretty, and your face was too perfect. There was a reason he had to limit himself, and the onslaught of feelings was proof of why: He wasn't over you yet.
"Here," he muttered, stretching his arm out to hand his phone to Nat, but she gasped as she looked at her own phone.
"She's gorgeous. I found her Instagram account."
"You did?" he asked, launching himself off of the bed and forcefully switching phones with her. She gasped again as she looked at the photo on his phone, but Bradley was too busy staring at the tiny thumbnail of your smiling face. Your account was set to private, but this photo must have been more recent. Your hair was styled differently, and the only thing he could process was that he felt relieved you were posing alone instead of with some other guy. He didn't want to have to put a face to that.
He thought about taking a screenshot and texting it to himself, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. And when Nat asked if he wanted her to send you a friend request, he said absolutely not. "You think I want her to know I still think about her every day? No."
Then she said, "But maybe she still thinks about you." 
Bradley didn't see how that was a possibility.
The pizza finally arrived just then, and Nat stood to go get it. She gave him a cautious hug and said, "I think she would be proud of you." She left him alone with both phones in his hands, and somehow he knew it would be easier to talk about you now if he wanted to.
It was mind blowing. Three months ago, Chicago was freezing cold and practically encased in ice. Now it was blazing hot to the point that you couldn't get any relief unless you were inside your dorm room. It was Friday, thank goodness. Everyone in your graduate studies group wanted to go out for deep dish pizza tonight, and you had to figure out a way to stop sweating long enough to actually get dressed in something other than the shorts and tank you were wearing now.
You groaned as you carried your computer and textbooks across campus in your backpack. You had the highest grades out of all of the math graduate students, but you still took everything with you everywhere in case you had some extra time to study. But you should have left everything in your room instead on this sweltering day.
The quad was packed with tables and students participating in a career fair, but for some reason, this was where Jared asked you to meet up. Four dates with him, and you still weren't convinced it was a good idea to take things out of the friend zone. Four dates, and you still didn't really want to do anything besides kiss him. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with him, he just wasn't exactly right.
As soon as you heard Jared calling out for you, your initial reaction was to hide. You were absolutely going to have to tell him you didn't want to see him anymore, and it mostly made you mad that it would probably disrupt your friend group. 
"Hi," you replied as he squeezed through the crowd to get to you. And then he slipped his sweaty hand in yours, and you actually cringed. Why wasn't this what you wanted? After nearly a year, he wore you down enough that you gave it a try, but this was decidedly bad. Especially since you could picture exactly what you did want.
When you looked up at Jared's face, your gaze drifted to your left. You gasped and dropped his hand immediately. There were recruiters from the Navy. They were wearing flight suits. You caught a glimpse of wavy brown hair and a flash of dark eyes, and you were off.
Jared was calling after you as you fought through the crowd, catching glimpses here and there of broad shoulders and a handsome smile. Oh my god, he was here. Somehow, he was here. Like he'd just climbed out of your dreams and into the University of Chicago campus. 
Your voice rang out, but he didn't fully turn your way. You rushed a little faster, no longer caring if you knocked someone into one of the tables. 
But you stumbled as you reached the recruiters, and your smile evaporated from your lips. Tears stung at your eyes as he turned to face you, leaving your heart filled with disappointment. 
"Hey, there. I'm Lieutenant Chapman," he said with a grin, and you honestly didn't know how you could have been mistaken. His eyes were hazel, and his hair was too curly, and now you were standing there feeling like you'd just broken your own heart all over again. The disappointment could smother you if you let it.
You nodded and turned away as sweat dripped down your chest and an awful feeling settled into your stomach. You made your way back through the crowd at a much slower pace with no real desire to talk to Jared, but you reached him all too soon.
"What happened?" he asked, grabbing your hand again.
You looked at the ground and tried to hide your tears as he squeezed your hand tighter. "Sorry. I thought I saw an old friend."
He just made an impatient noise and asked, "You ready to go get changed and grab some pizza with everyone else? I thought we could ditch them early and maybe go back to my room and watch a movie? And like hang out... on my bed?"
His voice was distressingly hopeful. You wanted to say no. You knew you should. But you kept your eyes fixed on the ground as you said, "Sounds good," with almost no conviction. You wanted to get past this, so you needed to actually start trying.
Make it stop hurting. Or don't. I don't know. They must both already know they belong together. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in the rest of this series!
@beyondthesefourwalls @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @sorchathered @mamachasesmayhem @attapullman @bobgasm @desert-fern @startrekfangirl2233 @shanimallina87 @sylviebell @wkndwlff @horseslovers2016 @sadpetalsstuff @schoollover @jessicab1991 @lex-winchester @bellaireland1981 @sagittarius-flowerchild @marvelouslyme96 @trickphotography2 @goldenseresinretriever @rascallyrascals @auroracaroline @nerdgirljen @redbarn1995 @theweekndhistorybook @averyhotchner @moon42flight @eli2447 @lyn-js @na-ta-sh-aa @mygyn @je-suis-prest-rachel @kcloveswrestling @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @callsign-magnolia @eternalsams @lynnestra44 @shinzowosasageyoooo @tgmreader @princessofglitterland @backupbrii @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @averyhotchner @hookslove1592 @callsigns-haze
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sweetiesicheng · 6 months
joshua - after school
word count : 576
it’s joshua day! woohoo!
you walked into the school building and headed upstairs to a classroom. the school was already pretty empty since the day had already ended, but there were still some students lingering around.
"so what's the anti-derivative?" you heard your husband ask his students. the door to the classroom was open, so you stood in the doorway.
a few students were in there, most of them you have seen before since they came to tutoring quite a bit.
"miss l/n!"
"hi miss l/n!"
"guys, i need someone to answer the question," joshua said to his students.
"oh, it's this!" one of his students answered, holding up a small whiteboard with the correct answer.
"correct," joshua said to the student. he looked at his watch and looked back at his students, "okay, take a fifteen minute break. get a snack or a drink. we'll go over the next unit for the test afterwards and then we’ll have to end for the day."
most of his students got up and quickly left the classroom. you had sat down at an empty desk, and joshua walked over to you.
"shouldn't you be in a meeting right now?" he asked, leaning against the wall next to you.
"everything got pushed to tomorrow because of another team not being able to call in," you replied, "hence the reason i'm out of work early for once." you looked at the whiteboard for a second, "calculus?" you asked.
"yea, remember any of it?" he asked you while walking to the whiteboard. he started erasing what was on the board and getting ready for whatever he was lecturing about next.
"nope. that's why i always used your homework back in the day," you answered, remembering your high school days.
"half of my answers were wrong back in the day," joshua admitted, peeking over his shoulder to look at you, "both of us did really bad in that class."
"at least you didn't have to retake it," you dreadfully replied, "and then taking it again in college was horrible."
"and that's why i did all of your homework and managed to get right answers in college," joshua reminded you.
"yea yea, and i probably still owe you coffee from then," you said to him. "speaking of coffee, do you want any? i can go down the street and get some."
"i shouldn't, i had a lot today already," he said. "had to grade a lot today, that's why i left earlier than usual," he explained to you. "oh, i need to do some reports," he suddenly mentioned, "maybe another cup of coffee would be nice after all..."
you giggle and stood up from the desk you had sat down at. "i'll go get another cup for you," you chuckled as you walked up to him. "do you need to stay late? should i buy dinner?" you asked.
"no, no. i shouldn't be that late," joshua said to you. "just get me the coffee and a snack," he requested and you nodded. he kissed your cheek, "thank you, love."
you smiled, "no problem. have fun teaching whatever's next on the agenda."
"you should join in next time. it'd be fun to see if you remember anything," joshua chuckled as you started walking out of the room, passing a few of his students.
"hey, i'm not in school and that's what matters," you replied to him before leaving the classroom to buy him his coffee.
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bitchyglitterfox · 2 years
Survive - HOTD Zombie Apocalypse AU - Reader X HOTD
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Warnings: death, destruction, zombies, character death, animal death, horror
A/n: I love this AU so much it came to me last night and I just wrote. If you want a second part please let me know ok ✅
@valeskafics here’s the first part :D
Part 2
It was a normal Thursday morning in Westeros. I was in my calculus class at Kings Landing university when everyone's phones started going off.
“What's going on?” I ask the professor.
“They say people are getting sick, like really sick and they’re telling people to stay indoors,” Jason Lannister says while running a hand through his hair.
“Class dismissed,” our professor tells us. We all calmly walk out of the classroom. Once I make it to the parking lot I sprint to my car and drive home.
When I make it back to my shared apartment I immediately start calling my parents. They pick up on the second ring.
“Oh thank god, are you guys ok?” I ask while checking all the cupboards since I may be here for a while.
“Yes sweetheart, we’re fine. We're gonna head up to your grandfather's cabin in winterfell until all this blows over, if you can we would like you to meet us there. We love you!”
“I love you too, I'll try and meet you there but no promises, who knows this could blow over in a couple of days,” I say while smiling to myself “I love you both, I'll see you soon”.
“We love you both too,” she says as she ends the call.
When our conversation is done I go looking for supplies, thank god me and Heleana are always going to the store and buying things in bulk. Seems we will be able to last a month or two with our stock of food and water. I hear the key turn the lock and look to see Heleana and I notice she's got her boyfriend and my cousin Cregan Stark with her.
“Have you seen the news yet?” I ask just as they come in giggly.
“Huh?” Heleana oblivious to what’s happening asks with a smile on her face but the smile drops once she sees the worry on my face, “No, Cregan and I were just driving around campus, why what’s going on?”
Instead of answering I turn the tv on, “If you are just joining us, we have been advised to inform all of king's landing to stay indoors, a possible virus has been discovered, it is a fast acting virus, symptoms show a mere 8 hours after initial infection and death comes after 4 days. We advise all residents to stay inside. May the seven watch over us all, gods bless”
“I have to call my family,” Heleana says while walking to her bedroom, Cregan following shortly after, mumbling the same.
I fall down to the couch, putting my head into my hands, just breathe Y/n just breathe.
Heleana exits her room, shaken and it seems she’s been crying.
“I just got off the phone with my, with my mom. M-my dads sick, they think he got the virus they are talking about, they’re gonna stay with him in the city, um but since my brothers and cousins haven’t been home they want them to stay with us,” she says sniffling, “Only if that is ok with you? I-it should only be for a few days until the government says it’s ok”.
“Hel, we’ve been friends since childhood, I don’t mind taking in your siblings and cousins,” I say pulling her into a hug, “we have more than enough food and water to last us, plus my parents are at the cabin,” I say looking at Cregan, “If worse comes to worse, which I’m sure it won’t, we can always take do the drive up to winterfell, there will be more supplies, water and weapons”.
When I pull out of the hug there is a knock at the door making all of us jump.
Heleana opens the door, eight people standing in the doorway with their luggage, we rush them all inside, hugs ensued, tears.
“You guys will be safe here, now I suggest we barricade the doors, you never know, quarantines make people a little crazy” I say while moving the coffee table in front of the door. Aegon and Aemond begin to help me move the furniture as Jace consoles his siblings.
And now we wait.
Quarantine day 5: it’s been 5 days since we’ve been in quarantine here in our apartment, classes have been canceled indefinitely and we currently entertain ourselves with bored games and Mario kart. We try to distract Joffrey and Daeron from what’s going on, they currently just think we’re having a huge sleepover with their family. Gotta keep them innocent. We’re keeping in contact with our families.
“I-I see, ok, I love you mom, please stay safe, tell Nyra and Daemon the kids are safe too, I’ll call you tomorrow,” Hel says from the kitchen, she makes eye contact with me as Cregan rushes to her, I tell Baela to take Joffrey and Daeron to the bedroom.
“Mom says dad died, and that Criston and Daemon are also showing symptoms,” the tears begin to fall again, her two brothers rushing to hug her as well. I can’t help but feel my own beginning to fall as well as I rush to hug Jace, Luke and Rhaena.
“It'll be ok, your father is strong, he will fight this and beat it,” you say to the two teens, kissing their foreheads. I give Jace a knowing look. At Least none of us are sick, we are all safe.
Quarantine day 9: more tears have been shed, we have lost Daemon and Criston, but Alicent and Rhaenyra still remain healthy and safe as well, they want to keep everyone here longer, just until this all blows over but at this point that doesn’t seem like it will. We keep the radio running to hear updates throughout the night, but in the mornings we watch the news.
“Good morning, if you are just joining us, we have gotten word from the CDC, they are working diligently on a vaccine for the new virus titled the Z virus, when we know more we will be able to update you as we get more updates”
“Holy shit, did you hear that! We might get to go home soon!” Aegon cheers, “Look as much as I loved spending quality time with you guys, I’m ready to get back out there,” he says, stretching his arms above his head.
“We’ll get to see mom again,” Luke tells Joffrey. Looks like things are beginning to look up, the light at the end of the tunnel, or so we thought.
Quarantine week 3: The day shit hit the fan.
It was a normal day as normal as it could be, we had the younger kids eating breakfast while us adults would watch the news for updates, texting parents who were left, my mom had died a week before along with Cregan's sister and father, we both wanted to shut down but we knew we had to be strong for the others. I was by the window watching the clouds move when something or rather someone caught my eye. It looked to be crouching upon a dead animal.
“Hey Aemond, come here,” I usher him over to my spot, “You see that shit right? Is he eating the dog?” You whispered the last part as to not let the kids or Heleana hear.
“Yes, it does appear to be that way, what the fuck is going on?” He replies, placing a hand on my shoulder and peering out.
Soon enough our question is answered, when the guy eating the dog seems to find a lone person wandering around breaking into cars. He attacks the thief with stealth and agility, biting into his neck, blood gushing out of his neck like old faithful.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” my yell startles everyone causing Aemond to pull me away and close the curtains.
I find the nearest trash can and release my breakfast, Jace holds my hair for me, rubbing my back to calm me.
“Aegon, turn the volume up a bit” Cregan says while going to stand by Heleana.
Breaking: the Z virus has evolved to move across the bottom of the screen. The news anchor seems desperate and worried.
“Hello, it has been made apparent that the virus now known as Virus Z has evolved. We are getting reports from across the country as well as the world that those infected and killed by the virus are now beginning to rise. The CDC is still working towards a vaccine and cure. Stay inside, board up your homes and windows. May the seven bless us all-“ the tv dies out, the lights in the apartment also go out.
“You’ve got to be kidding right? Like this can’t be real life right? What type of the walking dead is this shit” Aegon questions while pulling at his hair, “We are in a movie or or a dream, I’ll wake up and none of this will be real, yeah this is all a dre-“ I cut Aegon’s little rant off with a slap to his face. Everyone is shocked but Aegon softly thanks me.
“Listen, shit has officially hit the fan, we need to get our shit and get out of the city and head up to my family’s cabin. It’s about a 3 day drive, but we need to leave now, Aemond you brought a car as well as Jace right?” I watch as the boys shake their heads, “Alright, text your folks that were coming to get them, before the phone lines go dead. We can all get to the cabin, we will be safe, there’s food, water and animals for hunting. I’ll be right back,”
When I return I’ve armed myself with the nines, a backpack for supplies, a bat with nails, a shotgun and a pistol to the surprise of everyone but Heleana and Cregan.
“Since when did you become a badass Y/n?” Jace says as he watches me go to the kitchen and grab a chef's knife and the broom, snapping off the bottom and grabbing duct tape.
“Since the world went to shit in a matter of weeks, plus me and Cregan grew up in Winterfell during holidays we were taught how to hunt and use guns, I need you guys to grab your bags and pack them with supplies from our apartment, don’t pack the switch or board games, just a few changes in underwear and food” I say all while taping the knife to the broom handle, “Anymore questions?”
“yeah?” Luke and Baela say at the same time, “When can we have a gun?”
I smile at them, “When we make it to the cabin, I’ll show you how to use one, now me and Cregan are gonna make sure our floor is clear, we don’t need anyone dying today,” I hand him the pistol and keep the shotgun, I start to move the furniture from the door. I give Aemond the shotgun and Jace the spear. “If anything happens to us, you are in charge, you get to the cabin and stay safe” I tell Aemond as he leans his forehead against mine, eyes closed.
“I promise, but you are gonna be fine, we’ll be fine”
“Alright Cregan come on,” I say as I step out first checking both sides, and moving further into the hall. Seems we’re the only ones left on the floor, this is either good news or bad. I step the apartment to our left just as Cregan steps out, I nod towards the apartment in front of me, he shakes his head agreeing with me and I place my hand on the door knob. It opens, we slowly step inside guns and bat up in case we need to defend ourselves. It looks as though it hasn’t been touched in weeks, cabinets lay closed.
“I’m going to check the rest of the apartment, can you fill the bag up with food, medicine as well as anything useful?” I say as I slip it off and head to the back rooms, each one empty and clearly the family had left in a hurry. As I’m passing by the bathroom once more a zombie falls out on top of me. I begin to struggle against the body weight, I use the bat as a guard blocking its face and hands from me, I turn my face as spit falls from its mouth.
“Cregan! Help!” I scream. I hear his running feet.
“Close your mouth and eyes!” I hear from above me and a whoosh of a cast iron pan hitting the dead person above me. I feel the weight of the person off me and the softness of a towel wiping away any fluids that happened to get on me.
“hey hey you're ok,” he says as he pulls me into his chest, stroking my hair, as I let the tears fall, “You're safe, it’s ok, shh sh sh”.
We stay there for a few moments, as I calm down.
“Come on we have the rest of the floor to clear and we never speak of this to the others, ” I say. Luckily for us the rest of the apartments on our floor are actually clear. I signal the rest of the gang to follow us down to the parking lot. This time we went out into groups, my car fitting eight comfortably, but instead I took three so we can take our supplies.
I went first followed by Heleana, Cregan and Daeron. We made it safely and stayed put as the next group went. Aemond, Aegon and Luke make it to Aemonds Cadillac, a thumbs up signals the last group. Jace, Baela, rhaena, Joffrey, they make it to Jace's SUV. Once we’ve all made it to the vehicles we start our cars, luckily none have been syfinded for gas. As we are pulling out of the parking lot a small group of six zombies come out from around the building, we high tail it out and head towards the Targaryen mansion deeper in the city to save Alicent and Rhaenyra.
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hozaloza · 18 days
New hc that Thomas would always put others before himself.
He had a headache, but Ryan was failing a class? "Hey! Let's study together! I don't want you failing calculus! :D" He broke his arm, but Jasmine can't bear her emotions? "Love? What's wrong? Do you need someone to talk to? :(" He's slowly losing himself to the phantom and things are slowly getting worse and worse...but his friends are in a dark place? "Guys, if y'all need someone to talk to, just letting y'all know that I'll always be here for y'all...alright? :)"
He's always been putting others before himself.
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karolinesvrsion · 2 years
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just this once, okay? | bruce yamada x fem!reader
part one part two part three part four part five part six
y'all i actually love this chapter sm
taglist: @bettyssneaker @ellemfaoh @finneysbaseball @urfavkorean @retirement-home @sweetrabbit @inumakihearts
when a crushing and helpless bruce yamada seeks aid from an unaware and breezy y/n, he suggests they fake date in order to make his crush jealous. what could go wrong? they were friendly, and y/n was beautiful. bruce’s plan is fool proof. at least that’s what he thinks.
a/n: for the sake of the story, everyone is the same age (16-17) and in junior year of high school, except gwen, who is a freshman. and the grabber doesn't exist because i said so.
everyone who had been sick the week prior was finally feeling better. the majority of the students who were out sick were back at school, thriving. bruce had taken a little longer to get back to class, solely because he had taken longer to accept that he was sick and stay home for a couple more days.
you were walking alongside donna, on your way to your shared english class. donna's birthday was coming up and she was beyond thrilled. "can you believe it, y/n/n? i'll be seventeen this saturday!"
finney, who had just tagged along, spoke up. "yeah, don, it's all you've been talking about for weeks now!"
"finn, don't kill her mood." you bossed, making him chuckle. "what're you gonna do? you gonna have a party?"
donna perked up at this. "yep!" she chirped, popping the 'p' loudly. "i haven't told anyone though, you two are the first people i wanted to tell, obviously."
"oh, wow, i'm touched." finney teased, ruffling her hair gently. "out of all of your friends, we're the first to know?"
"yeah, duh." donna quipped, slapping his hand. "so, it'll be on saturday, at around eight o'clock, and you can bring whoever you want, as long as they don't do anything stupid, y'know?"
"ooo!" finney sang, nudging your shoulder. "you can take your perfect little boyfriend to donna's party!"
you rolled your eyes at him as the three of you walked into mrs. jameson's english class. "i was planning to, finn."
"i hate people in happy relationships." donna grumbled, taking her usual seat in front of you.
finney smirked. "y'know they're not actually—"
"shut up, finney!" you scolded, kicking his shin roughly to ensure he'd keep his trap shut. he squealed like a child, holding his knee up to his chest.
"you two have such a weird friendship." donna shook her head, placing her supplies on her desk. she was always so prepared for everything, which was the main reason you two had become friends so quickly.
"we know." you and finney laughed in sync.
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as the three of you trudged to your next class, finney asked a question. "hey, y/n/n, d'you think you could help robin and i with some of the calculus work later?"
"i don't know, finn, the only reason i'm passing calculus is because bruce always gives up on trying to explain the problems to me and just does them himself." you laughed, adjusting your bookbag.
"that's weirdly adorable." donna snickered, fidgeting with the flashy gold watch on her wrist. "it's so gross how adorable your relationship is, y'know?"
"oh, yeah!" finney exclaimed sarcastically. "their relationship is just adorable! super duper real and adorable!"
you gave him a sharp glare, and he immediately stopped teasing you. donna noticed this and furrowed her eyebrows. "he's just jealous of you and bruce, y/n/n, don't listen to him."
"like you're one to talk." finney mumbled so only donna heard it, and she shoved her elbow into finney's abdomen, earning a loud groan from him. "jeez, donna, chill!"
she straightened up quickly, changing the subject. "so, you two will be at my party this saturday, right?"
"yes, i will be there, don," you reassured, "and finney will be there too, even if i have to drag him out of bed myself." the pair laughed loudly at this, the small dimple on finney's cheek peeking out.
"perfect!" she giggled, linking her arm with yours. "hey, if it's not too much to ask, d'you think you could help me set up some stuff?"
"yeah, of course, i'll be there at six!" you responded. you didn't have any other plans for saturday, so if there was anything you could do to help, you'd do it.
"but, just you, okay?" donna muttered, hesitating a little bit. "i mean, bruce is welcome to come to the party, of course, but for before, i have to talk to you alone, okay?"
this worried you to some degree. donna looked somewhat pale, and she was as serious as you've ever seen her. "oh, yeah, okay."
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the rest of the week went by swiftly. bruce had gone over to your house two days during the week, meaning he had met your dad. the whole situation was quite awkward, to be frank.
bruce showed up at your house on saturday evening. as usual, he knocked three times, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets right after.
when you opened the door and saw him— and his gorgeous smile— standing there, you almost slammed the door right in his face. instead, you blurted, "what are you doing here!?"
"i- isn't donna's party today?" bruce questioned, his smile faltering a bit.
"yeah, at eight o'clock!" you laughed, opening the door a bit wider to invite him inside. "it's only five-thirty, we can't show up already!"
he walked in, taking off his jacket and putting it up on the coat hanger. "okay, well, can we hang out, then?"
"i have to help donna set up for her party soon, bruce," you informed, sending him an apologetic look, "and before you ask, no, you can't go with me."
"what, why not!?" he scoffed. "i'd be great help!"
"i'm sure that you would, bruce, but, donna said she had to talk to me about something." you clarified, making him slump his shoulders.
allie was running down the stairs as you said this, grinning brightly when she saw bruce was there. "bruce!" she exclaimed, running over to him, giving him a bear hug.
bruce was quick to react, swooping her up. "allison, my favorite l/n!"
"hear that, y/n/n?" she boasted. "i'm his favorite l/n!"
you shook your head at her behavior. "i'm gonna go to donna's and help her set up. i will be back as soon as we finish."
"hey, bruce, do you want an ice pop?" allie blushed.
"i would love one, allie." bruce smiled. "i just need to talk to y/n really quickly, okay?"
"okay, i'll go get them ready!" allie squealed, running into the kitchen for ice pops. "i'll get you a blue one!"
you looked at bruce with admiration in your eyes. "if she's getting you a blue one she must really like you, y'know?"
"i have that charm on people, you know that." bruce smirked.
"you're so annoying, i hope you know that." you teased, shoving his shoulder.
he grinned, brushing his knuckles against yours. "go help donna, i will be right here, doing the unicorn puzzle with allie for the ninth time and eating ice pops!"
you laughed at this, running a hand through your hair. "i'll be back soon, i swear!"
"it's fine, y/n/n!" he assured. "take your time over there, i am about to eat the best ice pops ever, with one of the most hyper kids i've ever met, we will be fine!"
"okay, see? now, i feel bad!"
"get out!"
"you can't kick me out of my own house!"
"yes, he can, i said so!" what the fuck, allie?
the two of them teamed up and pushed you out of the front door, giggling loudly.
"what the fuck?" you whispered to— well, no one, really.
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you and donna were almost finished setting everything up for her party. she set up a drink station, which as of right now only had soda and red solo cups, but knowing the teenagers of denver, someone would probably sneak in booze.
you helped her set up the snack station, which included an assortment of candies, many different chips, and like five different types of cookies.
"d'you think it's enough? i mean, i invited a lot of my friends and they probably invited some of their friends, but i learned at a young age that it's actually really rude to do that, so—" she rambled, pacing back and forth.
"donna!" you interrupted, placing your hands on her shoulders gently. "it's more than enough, i promise."
"yeah?" you nodded with a smile. "okay! well, i should probably start getting ready or something, i mean it's almost eight o'clock, and— oh!"
"what? what is it?" you asked, worried that she might have forgotten about something.
"oh, i just remembered that i also invited you over so i could tell you something." she said, walking over to you.
"right! yeah, i forgot about that." you admitted, making her laugh. "sorry, should i be prepared? i mean, is it something bad?"
"i guess if you see it that way, but it's really not." she began growing nervous, you could tell in the way she started pulling on her fingers and twisting her rings.
"hey," you soothed, "d, what is it?"
donna breathed in deeply. "you remember when everyone thought finney and i liked one another?"
"yeah, i mean, everyone talked about it for like, the entire year." you said. "even i thought you two were a thing."
"but, we didn't! i mean, i didn't!" donna croaked, her usually soothing voice going up an octave. "i liked finney, but just as friends, because, well, i had a thing for someone else."
"you did?" she nodded. you were growing more confused as to where this was going. "well, who was he? do you still like him?"
"it wasn't a 'he', y/n/n. it was a 'she'. and she was vera kennedy!" donna shrieked, her hands shaking. "i had a crush on vera from science class, okay!?"
you stayed silent, not knowing what to say. donna was crying silently, probably cursing herself for the way she told you.
"i didn't know, d." you wrapped your arm around her shoulder, allowing her to silently sob into your shoulder. "god, if i had known, i wouldn't have teased you about finn so much, im sorry."
she laughed lightly at this, rubbing her now swollen eyes roughly. "it's okay, y/n/n." she paused. "you don't hate me, do you?" she mumbled, her eyes glossy with tears.
"hate you?" you scoffed, placing your hand on hers. "why would i hate you just because of who you wanna make out with?" donna smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "i love you, d, you're my best friend. of course i don't hate you."
donna grinned widely, throwing her arms around your neck. "thank god, because i don't know if i could handle finney on my own."
the two of you laughed, and you reassured her multiple times that you'd always be by her side, no matter what. you told her that you had to go change into nicer clothes, and in a way, pick up bruce.
"sounds good, i'll see you two later!" donna smiled brightly, and you wondered how long she had wanted to tell you this.
"love you, d, i'll be back soon!"
after you left, donna felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. the truth was that she wanted you to be the first person she told, but she could never gather enough courage to tell you. the only reason she told finney first was because she knew that he had a crush on her, but she didn't want any miscommunication between the two of them.
thank god you were so accepting, because she didn't know what she would do without you.
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when you and bruce arrived at donna's party, there was loud music and bright led lights that you didn't remember putting up.
"woah, this is," bruce trailed off, "wow!"
"well, 'wow' is one word for it." you retorted, feeling bruce tense up beside you. "hey, you okay?"
"yeah, fine, i'm just, well, i didn't expect donna's party to be so movie-like."
"yeah, me either, and i was here less than an hour ago." you said, squeezing his hand comfortingly.
"okay, let's go!" bruce dragged you inside, and the two of you immediately got tangled in the mess of teenagers in donna's house.
you spotted donna over by the snack table, and tugged on bruce's hand, signaling him over. he caught on and you two made your way over to her.
"donna, i didn't think it would be this big!" you yelled over the deafening music.
"i didn't either, but i guess word got around quickly!" she was definitely panicking.
"well, on the bright side, you're getting more presents than usual!" bruce attempted to lighten her mood, shooting her an award-winning smile.
donna's mouth opened and closed a couple times, but she shrugged. "yeah, i guess so."
"oh, hey, there's violet and luke!" bruce grinned. "wanna go say hey to them?"
you looked at donna, who smiled at you knowingly, and nodded. "yeah, let's go."
the two of you joined lucas and violet, who were quick to greet you. violet began some awkward small talk at first, and then you two soon found out that you actually had a lot in common.
bruce leaned over, tapping your bicep to get your attention. "you okay here?" he asked, wanting to make sure you weren't uncomfortable around his friends.
"yeah, i'm okay, don't worry." you replied, turning back to violet. in the few weeks you and bruce had been fake-dating, he noticed a lot of things about you. he knew you didn't like being around a lot of people you didn't know, and that your favorite shirts were band shirts, even if they were bands you didn't listen to. boy, was he in love.
"so, have you told her yet?" lucas asked him quietly.
"hm?" bruce snapped his gaze away from you and your shimmery eyes, plump lips, and—
"have you told her how you really feel?" lucas smirked, a knowing expression on his face.
"are you kidding? of course i haven't!" bruce scoffed, leaning against the pillar. "and shut up, man! we're not talking about this right now, okay, she's right there!"
"you're so dramatic, dude!" lucas shook his head. "the two of you are so clearly in love, and you haven't even told her?"
"would you shut up?" bruce whisper-shouted, almost spilling his drink on lucas.
"fine, i'll shut up about it for now." lucas chuckled, earning a glower from bruce, which was an unnatural look on his face since he was basically a ray of sunshine.
violet had gone off with one of her other friends, so you walked over to bruce, who looked like he might've been blowing air out of his ears if he wasn't such a bright person.
"are you okay?" you questioned, making his eyes switch over to you.
"lucas is kind of an ass, y'know?" he waved his hand, earning a laugh from you. god, if he could listen to your laugh all day, he would. "no, i'm serious, i mean he's so aggravating, and just— oh, crap."
you furrowed an eyebrow. "what? what is it? what did you say 'oh, crap.' for?"
"do you remember crazy carly from eighth grade?" bruce asked, scratching the back of his head.
"oh, yeah! carly the one who told people that you two were soulmates?" you giggled. "i remember her, she was like, crazy in love with you!"
"she's still crazy in love with me!" bruce groaned, throwing his head back. "and she's here!"
"she's here?" your eyes bulged slightly. "as in here? as in donna's party here!?"
"yes! she's over by the sink, look!" bruce was turning a bright shade of red, something that happened when he was either flustered or nervous. you chose the latter.
"okay, well, it's okay, maybe she won't see us!" you tried to calm him down. it worked for a total of two minutes, until his eyes practically popped out of his head.
"crap, she saw me!" he blurted. "do you trust me?"
"do you trust me?"
you were confused. "i- yes, i trust you, why?"
"don't freak out, okay?" he placed his hand on the side of your face and leaned in. you could feel his breath on your face before he stopped, asking, "can i kiss you?"
"yeah," you breathed, and in that moment, you almost melted into a pool of nothingness right then and there.
he kissed you. it was soft and tender, giving you goosebumps all over your arms. the two of you found yourselves melting into the kiss, as if it was something common and natural. your lips moved in sync, giving you both a warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomachs.
with no idea how long the kiss had lasted, the two of you pulled away for breath, hearing loud whistles and cheers from the crowd that had gathered at one point. seeing the many people watching you two made your face turn a bright shade of pink.
"gross, man, next time get a room." vance grumbled, shoving his way past the two of you. "honestly, making out just like that? in front of everyone? jeez."
you and bruce were left dazed after all of the commotion died down. the rest of the night, the two of you seemed to be in a trance, likely bewildered that the kiss even happened.
robin and finney started teasing you, saying things like "we told you!" and "you two are totally in love." even billy had walked over and given the two of you a shit-eating grin.
you stepped outside to catch your breath after what had just happened, sitting on the rusty swingset in donna's backyard.
what you least expected was for clara to walk up to you. her short brown hair was curled neatly, and her bright hazel eyes shined in the fancy lighting of donna's house. "you two make a cute couple, you know?"
"oh, thanks, clara." you said, smiling politely.
she sent a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, making it look ingenuine. "you two seem really happy together."
you nodded, gazing above at the stars.
"are you?" she began.
"are you two happy?" you didn't know clara was so nosy.
you pondered the question for a moment. "yeah. yeah, i think i'm actually the happiest i've been in a while."
while this was a true statement, it scared you. you and bruce's relationship was only temporary, but he made you happy, and you weren't ready to give that up yet. neither of you were.
clara's small smile faltered, and she sniffled a little. "that's good, um, that's great, actually."
"are you okay, clara?" you asked.
she fixed her slumped posture quickly. "yeah, yeah, i'm okay! i'm actually gonna head back in, so, i'll see you."
"okay," you nodded, "bye, clara."
you didn't know how long you had been out there, but it must've been long enough for bruce to go looking for you. "hey, there you are!"
"bruce, hey." you greeted, a warm smile finding it's way onto your face.
"i'm sorry if that was too much, or something, i didn't mean to freak you out." he apologized, holding out an m&m cookie. "i got you this, i thought you'd like one."
you gratefully accepted, your smile growing. "you didn't freak me out, bruce. i just kind of, panicked, i guess."
he furrowed an eyebrow. "why?"
"i don't know, actually." lie, of course you knew, but you wouldn't be caught dead confessing your feelings to bruce yamada. "i think it's because of all the people watching."
he nodded in understanding. "yeah, that's my bad."
"it's okay, though." you said, taking a bite out of the large cookie. "i've been out here looking at the stars, and it's very much comforting."
"oh, well in that case, i'll go get more snacks, and we can watch the stars together." he offered, wrapping his jacket around your shoulders.
"that sounds like fun, let's do it!" you jumped up, taking one of the blankets you had stolen earlier and spreading it out onto the grass. "and don't forget to get drinks!"
"i won't!"
well, thank you, carly.
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