lvfstvl · 2 years
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hands in the ocean on highway 1, we are on a mission to have some fun our 3 day weekend, has just begun. california honeys and sunny days, feeling like the summer in so many ways. i hope that i can find a little honey i can call mine. 🌊⛱🦋 lovers in the summer — hate drugs 
PLAYLiST: catching wavs
💿☆ listen now on  SPOTiFY | APPLE MUSiC | SOUNDCLOUD
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dr-lindsay-clark · 1 year
Dr. Lindsay Clark - A Clinical Expert
Dr. Lindsay Clark said that together she and her patients can decide the best treatment plan for them. Dr. Lindsay Clark spends a lot of time with patients helping them understand their health conditions and treatment options.
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revutjmx · 8 months
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I mean so much technological development has happened elsewhere, with their own stories and their own ways of spinning things. It's obviously not just a monocultural story, but there's a very interesting poem by the California poet Lew Welch, who was one of the lesser known Buddhist-beatnik poets of the 1960's, a wonderful poet. And he has a poem about Mt. Tam, that has this refrain that California is the last place, this is the last place. And that always sort of struck me, like well that seems kind of arrogant... well, why is it the last place? In some ways I think that part of that destiny, and here I'm speaking on a very mythological register, this isn't like a concrete historical argument so much as following the poetry of the place. But this idea of the last place, where there's no where else to go. Again we've reached this extraordinary place, extraordinary nature, so much powerful productive diversity, creativity, etc. Yet in some way, some of the major technologies that come out of here take us away from place. They unroot us. They send us to the stars, or send us into virtual reality, or they send us so deep into our selves that we lose connection with the world around us. So there's this weird destiny of being at once a place and the first no-place. And it's a no-place we can all recognize now as we go around the world and be like, well, this actually doesn't feel that different from where I'm coming from... that sense of a collapse of the diversity of space also seems to be part of the tale it's telling or the technologies it has unrolled.
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thislovintime · 9 hours
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Photo (from Salt Lake City in May 1968) by Henry Diltz.
The following ad appeared in The Berkeley Gazette on May 24, 1968: “PETER TORK of THE MONKEES DAVID CROSBY of THE BIRDS [sic] STEVE STILLS of THE BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD Plus many other guest celebrities will perform at the [Eugene] McCARTHY FOR PRESIDENT RALLY Saturday, May 25, 8:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Community Theater” As yet, I haven’t been able to find any additional details. But, on a political note… “You said that they were the funniest, zaniest, most lovable guys around. Now I’m a believer, too! Wouldn’t you be, too, if you had danced backstage with Peter Tork? Frankly, we tough old newspaper people weren’t prepared for the naturalness and charm of the whole Monkee troupe. […] Were the Monkees ‘caged’ in a dressing room waiting for their act? Not on your life! Peter Tork was leaping around behind the curtain like a wild, free thing. His strawberry-blonde hair was flowing in the air. Peter is kind of a Huckleberry Finn. And he’s just as gracious as the others. ‘I have to change. I’ll be right back,’ he said politely. […] Peter returned and did a fast dance that seemed like a combination of flamenco, the swim and the old Lakewood bop. Sorry, kids. Your Auntie Jane didn’t keep up too well. ‘It’s a very complex movement,’ Peter consoled me. Peter, who’s had three years at Carleton College in Minnesota, may be light-footed but he’s not lightheaded. He’s fascinated by politics. ‘But I felt cheated by the Pat Brown campaign in Caliornia. All he kept saying was “You don’t want him. You don’t want him” Meaning Reagan. It was so negative,’ he said. What about this impatient youth bit, as recently reported in a national magazine? ‘Yes, and youth has every right to be. The Establishment has been very, very slow in granting some of the basic human needs,’ Peter said. Suddenly, the signal. Peter, [Micky], [Davy] and Mike put their heads together in a football huddle. They muttered something that sounded like ‘Reeba, reeba, scheeba, beeba,’ and darted onstage. You know the rest. ‘What a bunch! I was out with them until six this morning at Otto’s Grotto and they’re gentlemen all the way,’ said American Limousine chauffeur Charles P. Augustine Jr. If you’re still not a believer, check Nancy Larkin, 17, of St. Peter High. Or her aunt, Mrs. Florence Gioitta. ‘We were waiting at the airport to see them. We were the only ones there. It was awfully cold. But the Monkees came right over to us and talked for 15 minutes,’ reported Mrs. Gioitta.” - article by Jane Scott, The Plain Dealer, January 20, 196 “Remember that in the 60's the political officeholders had lost all touch with the needs of the nation…kind of like the Bush administration now. […] Those of us who were truly interested in liberty, fraternity and equality, however, knew we were onto something good and real.  What had been called democracy was, and to some extent still is, a pretext for wrapping the will of the greedy and aggressive in a mantle of public acquiescence. Now, the business of wresting power away from those who make a specialty of wielding it will be a long and protracted struggle, with a lot of setbacks along the way.  The outlines of the new style of governance are only dimly perceivable, and won't become clear for a long time to come.  In the meantime, our job is to practice the principles of fairness and service to the extent possible.  One thing is clear: there is a much higher joy in service than there is in acquisition of wealth.  (Remember that it isn't money that's the root of all evil, it's the love of money.)  Hanging together in brother - and sisterhood is so happy-making you want to sing right out loud. Yeah, I feel the same about those ideas as I did then…in case you couldn't tell. heheheh, Peter” - Ask Peter Tork, 2008 (x)
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incorrectstatehouse · 5 months
Utah and Illythia: (in love) Idaho and his spouse: (in love) Caliornia: Oh look at us we're in love and not dead inside, get fucked both of you
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Black-necked Stilts courting (Himantopus mexicanus) in Caliornia, USA by Jack Zhi.
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spicybylerpolls · 2 months
In response to the anon talking about El's sexuality—I think it's really important when discussing El's behavior that we keep in mind the context of her upbringing.
HNL is heavily laden with CSA subtext just by virtue of her program being an MKULTRA program, where rape was rampant as a means of psychological control. Moreover, I think we all saw the three-legged Brenner drawing, the way he holds her face, and her stopping the fan in Benny's, which is a direct reference to Laura Palmer's sexual abuse at the hands of her father in Twin Peaks. By the time we get to season 4, it's not even really subtext anymore, since El is constantly being drugged and stripped to go in the NINA tank, something that runs in parallel to Terry's experience being drugged, stripped naked, and put in sensory deprivation tanks in HNL...and unexpectedly ending up pregnant.
So when we see scenes of El trying to be "sexual", it's when she's either doing what she's "meant" to do to be a "normal girl" based on what she sees on TV (see: her watching romance shows and mimicking them in season 2) or she's replicating behaviors from her time in HNL (see: trying to strip in front of the party basically unprompted, being very accepting when Mike kisses her out of nowhere despite growing up isolated from the world save for her Papa and the orderlies, etc).
If we want to talk about the kiss at the end of season 3, that's very much her trying to make up with Mike before she leaves for Caliornia. She doesn't want to leave things on a sour note, and she's afraid to lose him (which is later exemplified through her lies to him: she's terrified of him not wanting/loving her anymore), so she does what she thinks will appease him: she kisses him hard and tells him she loves him too.
It's really imperative that we recall this context, because it reframes her actions into sexual behavior out of either habit (which is terrifying to see in someone her age), desire to appease, or fear of abandonment. All that is heavily linked to her emotional and psychological trauma from HNL/Brenner rather than a true drive to be sexual with Mike because she experiences that attraction genuinely.
I just think it's really important that we have candid discussions about this kind of context, since it tends to fall to the side in importance in the face of the miIeven-byIer ship wars and discussions of CSA in Will's trauma...I'd hate to have this aspect of her story overlooked or mischaracterized.
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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hiiii omggg what were some of your favourite scenes from little miss sunshine?<3333
idk why but olive getting ms. caliornia’s autograph really stuck with me like i was full on crying at that scene
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mariannedonley · 3 months
My psychedelic bell bottoms and Audrey Hepburn shoes: How I turned my 1960s 'stuff' into a 'happening' at UC Irvine by Jina Bacarr
My psychedelic bell bottoms and Audrey Hepburn shoes: How I turned my 1960s 'stuff' into a 'happening' at UC Irvine by Jina Bacarr
I write novels about Paris WW2, the US home front during WW2, the TITANIC, the Civil War. I live and breathe history. So it’s no surprise I collect ‘stuff’ from history. Vintage clothes, chinaware. Jewelry. And my own history, too. Childhood, teen years… and university life. When I had the opportunity to help plan the Golden Anteater Society Event at the University of Caliornia Irvine (alumni…
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animeraider · 6 months
If you are so inclined, here is the final Radio Free Caliornia for 2023, Episode 2352!
Tons of new indie music to close out the year with. Guillermo Ladd, Eaves Wilder, Dream & Onion, Wishy, Yard Act, Blank Spot, Nik Fields, The Umbrellas, Real Estate and much more, including a coda from Jon Batiste. Enjoy!
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linguistlist-blog · 7 months
Books: The Nebé Language
The Nebé Language David Leedom Shaul The Nebé Language is a description of a previously unknown language. Nebé is a member of the the Cochimian languages, which also includes Gabb Cochimi, Jesuit Cochimi, and Robinia. The Cochimian languages were spoken in the middle half of the Baja Caliornia pennsisula. The Cochimian languages are probably related to the Yuman family of languages. The Nebé Language provides data for comparative Cochimian phonology, as well as Nebé morphosyntax which may be c http://dlvr.it/SzcNDP
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theinvisiblepanchos · 9 months
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Hey Panchos, catch us at THOPFEST or hit us directly for that newnew.
$10 off Tix at checkout: PLATFORMCO
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aflashbak · 11 months
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denverworksheet · 1 year
Despite recent heat wave, most of California's colossal snowpack has yet to melt
Only about 12 inches of Caliornia's snow water equivalent melted in April, leaving most of the Sierra Nevada snowpack poised to flow down downhill.
from California https://ift.tt/zMc4X1I
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
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This tree is famous: This Bristlecone tree is an estimated 1,400 years old and so associated with Nevada that a likeness is stamped on the back of the Nevada Quarter. Known informally as the Magic Tree, it, like many ancient trees, lives among drought, temperature rise, and the increasing threat of wildfires. Some Bristlecones live 4,000 years, and Guinness World Records puts the oldest at 4,852. Italy has mandated protection of certain trees, and U.S. officials have launched prescribed burns to save the world’s oldest trees.
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