#calling out for a madatobi also
rennelelorren · 4 months
Why do y'all write Tobirama wearing a woman's traditional wedding clothes in those arranged marriage ff....
Do you all really believe this man would lowered his pride to actually wear it?
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ladykissingfish · 9 months
I love how your writing style reads like short stories ☺️ Questiok: I don’t know if this is a ship you like or not but can you do Tobimada or madatobi?
I know you sent this quite a while ago but I thought I’d save it for Madara’s day. Here ya go!
*in Tobirama and Madara’s bedroom, early in the morning*
Madara: *reaches over and punches the sleeping Tobirama’s shoulder*
Madara: Oi, Senju bastard, wake up! It’s the most important day of the year!!
Tobirama: *yawns and turns on his side* While Christmas Eve is indeed an important day, I don’t think I’d call it the most important day of the year. Go back to bed.
Madara, scowling: Christmas Eve? Take that back before I incinerate you to ashes, you asshole.
Tobirama: Why would you do that for me stating the obvious? It IS Christmas Eve. Nothing else. Right?? Or … am I missing something?
Madara: *sighing and turning over* No, no, you’re right. How silly of me; I’ll just go back to sl —
Madara: *stops; looks at his hand for the first time. there’s a new ring on his pointer finger, a silver band with a ruby in the center, flanked on either side by a small white diamond*
Madara, sitting up and holding out his hand: T-Tobi! When did you —
Tobirama, smiling and also sitting up: When you were sleeping. Do you like it? 
Madara, softly: It’s beautiful. Red and white; my powerful eyes and your blindingly bright albino skin.
Tobirama: Gee, thanks. Anyways … *rolls over on top of Madara and kisses him* Happy birthday, you insufferable prick.
Madara: *kissing him back* Thanks, you horrible human. But is the ring all I get? Because … *slides his hands down Tobirama’s waist* I can think of something else I want even more ~
Tobirama: Ah, that might have to wait until later, Uchiha. I don’t think our guests would enjoy hearing you scream.
Madara: Guests? What —
*heard out in the kitchen*
Izuna: Senju. For the love of God, go home.
Hashirama: I can’t go home! Madara is my best friend! How would he feel if I didn’t at least make him breakfast on his birthday?!
Izuna: Relieved! To avoid the food poisoning! GO HOME!
Hashirama: Why the hell do YOU get to make him breakfast then?!
Izuna: He’s my big brother!! I’ve made him breakfast in bed on his birthday for years and years! And besides, you can’t cook!
Hashirama: Yes I can!! Look at how perfect my French toast turned out!
Izuna: It’s burnt around the edges and soggy in the middle!
Hashirama, sounding close to tears: Madara will appreciate my effort, at least. Now let me through!
Izuna: You know what? Fine! *the sound of plates being smashed on the floor* Walk over that in your bare feet and you can bring him breakfast!
Hashirama: Are you crazy?! We picked up those plates at the last flea market we went to! They’re a symbol of our undying friendship!
Izuna: Oh? Well in that case … *throws more plates on the ground* Now they’re a symbol of garbage. Just like you and your entire clan.
Hashirama: You little asshole! I should —
*back in the bedroom*
Madara: Good God … were WE that obnoxious during our courtship?
Tobirama: Well you did break quite a few glasses over my head. And who could forget that time you mailed a package of venomous snakes to my office …
Madara: Heh. I really did like you.
Tobirama: I know. *leans over and kisses him* It’s up to you, birthday boy. Should we go out there and break them up, or should we stay cuddled up for a few more hours? 
Madara: I —
*from the kitchen, the sound of Izuna using his katon to light things on fire and Hashirama screaming*
Madara: *burying his head against Tobirama’s chest* They’ll be fine. Worse comes to worse we can always get a new house.
Tobirama: Mm.
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mdtb-bb · 1 year
MadaTobi Big Bang 2024 [Interest Check]
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Calling all fellow MadaTobi lovers! Are you a writer, or an artist?
Have you been wanting to participate in a fandom event, but don't know where to start?
This is an interest check for a MadaTobi Big Bang currently under production for Spring 2024. Please consider joining us!
The theme will be: Rebirth and New Beginnings.
Please note that we will be accepting responses until the end of August, and the form will close on August 31st.
Please reblog and share, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop us an ask! Our contact information is available on our Tumblr page: https://mdtb-bb.tumblr.com.
You can also check out our list of FAQs which you can find available for perusal on our main page.
We hope to see you all at sign ups!
@narutoandborutoevents @fandomweeks @narutoevents
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whetstonefires · 11 months
Do you think Itachi would make a good Wei Wuxian? One could substitute Jiang Cheng for Sasuke.
....oh my god it returneth. After how many months????
Okay. Okay, no I don't. Hard no. He could not do it. I can see the shared bridge, the 'to save you I will contravene the laws of gods and men and embrace my own destruction, and I will not consult you on the subject.'
But they were addressing fundamentally different types of problem, and crucially: Itachi's plan was someone else's idea.
Itachi is an inflexible person who, however, was brought up to understand that the demands of authority figures (the decisions of adults, I will never get over the clear retcon making him thirteen at the crucial juncture) are immovable boundaries that you have to problem-solve within.
Wei Wuxian is an extremely flexible person, who understands rules as recommendations or requests being made of him by people whom he may or may not bother to accommodate.
Itachi is a weapon and a child soldier, and did mass murder and betraying-his-brother-to-protect-him because someone cornered him into it.
He shows some signs of willfulness, under enough stress, but he isn't creative. Maybe he could have been and those aspects of his character just got shut down and failed to develop to cope with the trauma of murdering people when you're six, because he was a sensitive child and couldn't afford to stay that way and that explains so much about him. But he's just not. There is no way he could or would be Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian has a lot of childhood trauma too, but it's almost the opposite in type; he makes his choices in a corner too, but they're his own solutions, which nobody else in the world intended him to make or could even have predicted. (Except the mass murder when the Jins started pulling shit, by then they could have and should have called that.) Even inasmuch as he becomes a weapon, and inasmuch as he subordinates himself to Jiang Cheng, all he does is close off options for himself.
And he acts above all voluntarily--even when he's reacting in the moment in ways he's going to regret when he has time to think, even when it's painful and awful and self-destructive, it's all done of his own will.
If you put Wei Wuxian in Itachi's position, he would see it as a people problem and try to solve around the people. The politics are deliberately insolubly awful, and Wei Wuxian is not politically minded, but Wei Wuxian simply would not accept 'kill your own sect because if they start a war they'll die anyway and innocent people will be caught in the crossfire and it will be your fault, but if you save the day by setting yourself up as a supervillain your favorite person can live' as a reasonable premise.
Taking all the hate on himself is something he'd be willing to do but the rest of it...
He would kidnap tiny Jiang Cheng and run, and let the grownups figure out their own shit, or he'd invade an Uchiha leadership meeting and speak up uninvited, or he'd try to expose MadaTobi as an outside agitator, or he'd concoct an elaborate Danzo-assassination scheme, or he'd sneak into the Hokage's office and be like, gramps i got some abnormally fucked up orders even for ANBU, is this you and if it is what the fuck?
Or various other things, depending on his specific relationships with the specific adults on the board. Like Itachi he's bad at asking for help, but he's also bad at giving in. Wei Wuxian even having parents makes him a different kind of guy a little bit, so a scenario where he's convinced to kill them is hard to frame, but also pretty much out of the question. Where is jyl in all this.
I don't think a Danzo type of guy would try to use a Wei Wuxian type of kid in this way in the first place, but anyway.
Wei Wuxian would look at the proposed 'solution,' deliberately contrived to be acceptable because every other outcome was even worse or impossible, and refuse to bite. He kobayashi-maru-breaks himself into his bullshit, that's one of his hallmarks, that's basically the opposite problem-solving style of what gets Itachi into his long ruin.
Itachi meanwhile, in the scenario that his Sasuke was clan heir and he wasn't for some reason, still wouldn't consider crippling himself so Sasuke could reach his full potential.
Itachi in Wei Wuxian's position would go in and start killing Wens, probably including Wen Ning because he was there and would not be given time to defect (if he even would in the absence of Wei Wuxian having tipped the scales by making a good impression previously, we don't know) and stop when he had a corridor out.
And then he'd find somewhere safe to put Sasuke, and the fact that his brother was no longer fit to engage in high-level ninja fights would be 1) a great validation for his 'don't get dead' agenda 2) on some level something he'd envy, though I don't think he'd spend any time with that thought since obviously his power is their most valuable asset, for the surviving.
It would be better if Sasuke could also defend himself but his individual distress at being ninja-disabled wouldn't be a thing to solve, just kinda push through. There are no more Uchihas left to lead so what does it matter.
If Itachi somehow wound up seeking safe harbor with Tsunade, he'd be supportive of Sasuke/Jiang Cheng's grim determination to recover no matter what awful medical interventions it took, but having her rip out his chakra system for Sasuke, or whatever, wouldn't really be on the radar. He'd agree if Sasuke and Tsunade both wanted it, but that wouldn't happen and isn't the same thing anyway.
I also don't think it's particularly likely Itachi would be able to develop a new branch of zombie mysticism under any conditions. He's creepy but he's not committed to it the way some of his colleagues are, and like I said before his creativity is nothing much to speak of.
These two went with roughly similar 'solutions,' sure, but to wildly different problems. They would not make each other's choices.
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doeinstinct · 1 year
(it is also endgame madatobi & hashiizumito if anyone was wondering)
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pachu09 · 2 years
Me thinking of an AU plot ( this could also be a Sentinel/Guide Au )
Where strong Shinobis ( called Boundless ) needs another Shinobi that would drain them of too much Chakra.
Shinobi that had the ability to drain Chakra ( called Voided )are few and far in between that's why they're highly prized.
Hashirama was lucky that he got Mito from his Marriage Alliance.
Madara not so much.
The Uchiha are scrambling to find a Voided in the newly constructed Konoha. But so far their attempts to find out if other Clans had one is unsuccessful.
Until one day, Hashirama fucked up and lament to all sundry how his Otouto as a Voided should really need someone to bond with.
Tobirama was absent from that Council Meeting. But it only took a day for everyone to know that the Senju Heir is a Voided.
Tobirama only agreed to be courted by Madara if the Uchiha ( as a whole ) won't get too possessive/batshit insane if he disappeared for hours on time. Also, Hashirama’s effective guilt tripping added to his decision to be married off.
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shiro-neko96 · 11 months
So I just realized that I have been in various fandom for such a long time (i mean, not really, but it feels LONG). So with this post, I would like to deliver my gratitude towards all fanfic writers whose stories help sustain me throughout the years.
I am not an overly active person. In reading sites (ff net and ao3) you’ll rarely see me comment on stories (i know its not good, i try to leave at least a ❤️ when i can no longer give kudos, like, or bookmark,, don’t hate me pls). Writers often say (write?) to interact with them on various platforms, but i am an over-thinker with an overly suspicious personality; i want to interact but i will overthink all my interactions and will probably leave you on read for months and be overly guilty about it but still not gonna do anything about it.
Today i scroll through my ffnet acc, and was reminded of the thrill i felt when i first read interesting fics on that site (which later on introduced me to ao3) and I could think help but feel very nostalgic. Sadly some of the fanfic i mention is no longer available.
My first venture into the fanfiction zone is through the naruto fanfics. My highschool friend introduced me to fanfiction (and also bl in general), and i was hooked. And my first ever fanfic was ‘Hate’ by RenAfri (it’s in Indonesian, so if you can read it, go ahead). And then i was enchanted by ‘The guardian of the Moon’ by nateulm. (God i got so emotional just thinking of that story), next one is Shizuka na sonata by Paradoxical Pardigm ( i have to search google for this one because I cannot find it anymore and i did not remember the name, only the story) and shizuka na sonata was the story that introduced me to the pain of reading an incomplete story (i still love it very much and i thank you paradoxical paradigm for creating the beautiful story). After those, i browse the site for anything to devour,, and by chance stumbled upon many great stories by legends such as EmptySurface (i really love most(? I think I haven’t read all) their naruto and harry potter fics, thicker than blood is by far my favorite), and Cywsaphyre (the lives worth saving is *mmm chef’s kiss*; also wandererr). I found out i kinda like hp crossover with any fandom and fell into that rabbit hole for a while. Ridell Lee introduced me into Merlin by ‘Only A Boy’, Cosette-aimee’s a necessary gift is an absolute delight to read, brainthief’s 0800-rent-a-hero was a mind changing experience for me back then who worshipped the ground albus dumbledore walk on, seito’s basically all khr and yoi fics are like water after a long draught (a real life cinnamon roll series, we weren’t born to follow, to the beat of my own drum, if there’s a song in your heart-and consequently to the song as well), heir to the sky’s the rightful sky is what introduced me into khr, (i read the fic bfore i knew khr), fruitpastilles’ to live and breathe and live again and the summoning pact is something i didnt know i needed, metamorcy’s various fics of various fandom, ( contract, basically all khr fics because that’s what i was there for), SkyGem’s stories are wondrous (YOI retirement aus, every little thing, they call me freedom), blackkat’s rarepairs which are addicting (their stories are what made me so into madatobi, criminals do it better series, the last immortal is dead and gold series, as is the sea marvellous, backslide, basically all naruto fic actually) raendown’s soulmate story collection is especially sublime (not that their other fics are not!), what you knead by agentmarkele is a heartwarming entity that lives free in my brain, and MadMothMadame’s tobirama centric fics that brought me to tears. In the chinese danmei fandom I breathe in Sami’s and the same moon shines universe (including ridiculous future bullshit and other related verses; *adored* the juniors and jin chan’s dinamic there), trippednfell’s wangxian amazing, heartwarming, and relatable fics (i keep where’s your emergency open in my browser so i can bounce back and have my fill of goodness every once in a while), and many other lovely stories and authors i cannot possibly mention.
This post was meant to be some sort of thank you to all these writers, who have brought so much joy (and not so little tears) into my bleak life. I don’t think i would be the person i am today if i do not read your stories. And maybe this post will not reach you, and i am so sorry for that.
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Whilst I take care of the next installment of “A Mate Reject and a Gamma” I figure I’ll take a poll from the masses to see of actually Intersex Tobirama is a good idea for Useful Blades. Important; bold is addressing fanfiction in general as well.
Before you nuke me, here’s the thought process I had. Originally, what made me think about Useful Blades was what lengths Tobirama would go to be useful and obviously I wanted it to be MadaTobi so an arranged marriage would be the call to action and has been done effectively and beautifully (love this corner of the fandom, you guys are the best) but as a (mad) scientist and a bride growing up in the period, providing an heir would be one of those things he’d consider. I could go the drama route of him pushing Madara to girls or second wives (blergh) and I might end up using briefly but the scientist genius part struck me as “if Orochimaru could do it…..” and so on. But then I thought, seals and such are possible sure, scifi tube baby too (which would be hilarious with the idea of Izuna walking down to Tobirama’s science cellar and finding glass cases of infants and freaking tf out). Sexy no jutsu and Kage Bunshin’s lovechild could also be a possibility. But then I thought, what if it was his understanding of medical science that he twisted himself? Then I thought, what if he already innately had a set to work with.
Thus, I thought, if he was intersex in a time with poor understanding genetics as a whole and had XX chromosomes but appeared “incompletely” masculine Tobi would still be raised a man and identify as such. Infertility and difficulty of getting pregnant would be interesting concepts to explore in a person driven to provide an heir. Very angsty.
Of course there’s already plenty of angst to be found in his albinism and consequential hinderances to his health. It is also a personal headcanon the man has some degree of autism or something akin to it, the man has a neural divergence for sure. So it wouldn’t be necessary but it would be an interesting thought to follow.
Chimerism was considered too since it seems like a possibility with what happened with Itama’s hair. Albino and not? Genetics are weird enough but applying to anime is madness….
Intersex Tobirama hasn’t been explored much if at all outside of the strange pseudo intersex of omegverse mpreg which… is weirdly close to the idea of a “true hermaphrodite” and fetishization of it. Granted heats and bonds and such aren’t, ya know, an actual thing so it blurs the lines for most. Could get into a whole rant about it but no…
If I did make Tobirama intersex I’d be dancing a very precarious line. Lines. XX is sexually recognized as the female chromosome set. Intersex XX Tobirama/Cis XY Madara could read as a heterosexual if not futa sort of thing. Stepping vaguely on trans territory by nature, misconstrued as homophobia, and so forth. Intersex individuals are in the political crossfire at the moment, what with the US doing whatever it is they’re doing about gender affirming care. The last thing this group needs is a salt on wounds monkey show in the form of glorified dehumanizing porn.
That being said, Actually Intersex Tobirama could be problematic as it could be beneficial. Exposing people to accurate information in the form of storytelling is an amazing way for masses to learn. Intersex representation in modern media and art is negligible at best. However because it is a story it is bound to be unrealistic. I’m also not intersex myself so conjectures made by the information I have and just human empathy wouldn’t mean it would apply to everyone across the board. The human experience is a vast one and the intersex community is vast in itself. Experiences and cultures and times all so different…
So yeah, I could dive head first and try my best, or I could leave it. I don’t care for “political correctness” as a face thing, I care more for the people that can be validated and felt seen. Or likewise, hurt by it.
But… anyway…
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messier-47 · 2 years
I have another story idea thats gonna be really short to explain i'll make it quick before i gotta make dinner
Modern!AU, everyone is early to mid twenties, future madatobi but the romance isn't the main focus, tw: cheating (but not with madatobi)
Madara and Hashirama are highschool sweethearts. They've been dating and happy for quite awhile, even moving in together upon finally leaving their parents household. The households of Senju and Uchiha are friendly, Izuna and Tobirama have stopped being rivals since getting out of highschool and thank goodness for that cause the prank war was getting ridiculous.
Tobirama and Madara aren't friends but more friendly aquantiences. Madara's world revolves around Hashirama and Tobirama is more interested in studying star clusters or bio diversity or perhaps mushrooms (so I can finally start studying mushrooms they're cool).
One day late a night, there's a rainstorm outside and Tobirama is burning the midnight oil studying for a test coming up when there's a knock on the door. Tobirama thinks it's really strange so close to midnight but answers the door, finding Madara there soaked to the bone, pale, kinda shellshocked and miserable looking.
"Can I stay here for a bit?" he asks quietly, "Hashirama is fucking someone else."
Couple things; tobirama and Madara are not friends. But he's also the closest friend/relative/someone from Mada's immediate circle from their...Hashirama's place. And even though Tobirama isn't exactly the most compassionate person, I would think that he'd still bring Madara in from the cold and try his best.
Timed shower, reheat take out, prepare some extra bedding on the couch, play a movie in the background, get out his last servings of ice cream Tobirama does everything but ask what happened that night. Madara is...going through the motions, his heart trying to understand where his mind is screaming denials but...
Distantly, he's surprised with how far Tobirama went to offer comfort though some distance was understandable cause they weren't that close and he's utterly relieved that the Senju isn't trying to nag for any details just like what Izuna would have done (and secretly, perhaps that was another reason why he sought out Tobirama). After a couple hours it comes out:
Madara had been away but a canceled event had Madara coming home early to find a pair of heels in the entry of...what used to be their shared home. He finds Hashirama in bed with a red haired woman. He was such in a state of shock and betrayal that he couldn't even react properly with anger. Just...leaving the house quietly without even his shoes. He must had been wandering for 30 minutes before he even thought to get out of the rain which found him here, in tobirama's apartment, the closest safe space he thought of.
Tobirama intakes all of this, asks if Madara wanted to call anyone, "your mother for example?" and in the end welcomes Madara to stay the night and take as much time as he needs to process in the safety of his apartment. It's late, they both need to go to bed.
There wasn't much sleeping that night. Madara's heart finally decided to break and Tobirama was too busy on planning what to do next.
Morning comes and tobirama kinda steals Madara's phone for a bit to put it on silent cause Hashirama finally noticed that an extra pair of shoes and suitcase was left in the doorway. He ignores his own phone which had started to ring and goes out to get a quick McDonald's breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Comes back to a miserable Madara just barely waking up.
Tobirama lays out a few options Madara can take immediately: he could continue to hide out in Tobirama's apartment, could call Izuna to go over to his brother's place, call his mother to go back to the parents house, or go back and start a fight with Hashirama. At first Madara is a little confused cause he thought for a second that Tobirama would have told hashirama Mada's whereabouts but apparently not.
Mada wants to go back to his mother's place, bemoaning that he could never step foot in that house because it's tainted and he's losing so much of his stuff.
Tobirama immediately gets everything prepared, tells Madara not to worry and once breakfast is eaten, escorts Madara straight to the Uchiha household. Mada is immediately comforted and starts to mourn anew in the arms of his mama.
Late in the evening the doorbell rings to reveal Tobirama with a whole bunch of other people toting boxes and totes of his stuff from the other apartment. The story is soon shared: Tobirama immediately went home so that he could start calling and organizing people and his friends to help get Mada's shit out. And these aren't just his nerd friends they're his gym friends and people who do sports and he tutors them, people that can't be pushed around. They go over to Hashirama's apartment and pretty much bully their way inside "burglarizing" only Madara's half of the apartment.
Hashirama confronts them cause he's now in hysterics; Madara isn't answering his calls and Tobirama hasn't either all of a sudden a whole bunch of people show up at his home and he has no clue what's going on (he has a sinking feeling he does) and Tobirama is the one to tell him the truth. Madara caught Hashirama cheating and had gone to Tobirama. Mada is now in a safer place away from Hashirama and Tobirama is just doing his duty as a decent human being to helping someone move out of their cheating ex's house.
Hashirama does get punched in the face.
[it'll later turn out that Hashirama had been planning to draw in both Madara and Mito into a polyamorous relationship cause he was in love with both but he told neither of the other, wanting to later manipulate a casual meeting between the two and introduce the notion of polyamory later.]{Madara is further betrayed by this because he isn't the type to share. So even if polyamory was introduced -in a rather shitty fashion- he would have said no}
As the story continues, Madara will again and again use Tobirama's apartment as a sort of same space from Hashirama, nagging Izuna after he hears about all of this, and the sympathetic coddling of his mother. Nothing romantically inclined happens between the two. I want them to get closer as friends (Tobirama needs to learn how to cuddle) and the Hurt/Comfort is strong. It's all meant to be platonic, two people learning how to care for each other when put under pressure. Maybe Hashirama shows up at Tobirama's apartment to beg Madara to come back only to get punched in the face once again.
A friend suggested that the care could later be recipricated. Madara having now found a new place to stay and his heart may be bruised he's healing. Now enters Tobirama who's developing really bad study habits until one day he faints from malnutrition, stress, and sleep deprivation. Que Madara to the rescue after Tobirama goes home, wanting to play sexy nurse (or not so sexy tobirama looks ill) to pay back the time when Tobirama offered comfort and safety without question.
Oooooooo maybe Tobirama is kinda delirious from whatever drugs they got on him and he chuckles out, "in sickness and in health?" before falling asleep, unaware that Madara's heart went DOKI-FUCKING-DOKI from the gay as hell WEDDING VOWS he just casually murmured.
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sjhanny2000 · 2 years
Hidden Within the Arrangement (1/?)
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Summary: The time of war between the Uchiha and Senju is coming to an end. At least, that is what the hopes are as the two opposing groups come together to create not only a treaty of peace but a marriage arrangement between a clan heir from the Uchiha and one from the Senju. With Hashirama already married to Princess Mito of the Uzumaki and their younger brothers' dead, the weight of fulfilling the demanded marriage arrangement falls upon Tobirama’s already straining shoulders. The thing is, his very existence may be the reason why this arrangement falls apart.
A/N: It's been a hot minute since I published Madatobi but I've been holding onto this for awhile. This is technically the prequel to Secrets Worth sharing but can be read as a standalone AU as well. For my Demon Slayer readers, F&ST Finale is being worked on so don't worry!
Warning(s): Intersexed character, arranged marriage, hurt/comfort, angst, canonical/non-canonical death(s), referenced/discussed abuse, child abuse/neglect, self-deprecation, self-hatred, body dysmorphia, self-sacrificial Tobirama, bad sibling Hashirama
If individuals were to describe themselves using a single word, Tobirama would most definitely utilize the word enigma. It was what his grandmother had used countless times in reference to him over the years their lives coincided, her stern eyes of toiled earth forever etched into his memory. It was what other clansmen referred to him as they maliciously gossiped about the “White Demon” amongst their midst, his own people spitting his name out with poisonous venom. Even his own brother had called him an enigma many times, often in moments of frustration or disappointment as they stood on opposite sides of understanding and emotions, Hashirama always warm and expressive while Tobirama stood cold and reserved. He was not like his clansmen, nor like that of his ancestors, forever a sore thumb amongst the Senju and while he never allowed it to show on his exterior, Tobirama could not deny how much it hurt on the inside no matter the effort he put into ignoring it. 
The treatment he faced had begun at a young age, only mere moments after Tobirama had taken his first strained breath. No one could have expected the child that slid out of his mother’s womb that fateful winter day, his head full of shocking white hair and vermillion eyes causing silent panic amongst the midwives present in the room. His grandmother, wise with age and experience, had only seen a child such as him once in her lifetime of forty-two years and had no hesitation in stating that the said child had died within hours of delivery, having been sickly and frail. Yet, even his grandmother had been left reeling as the delivery room’s occupants took in the sight that truly left all flabbergasted. Much to their confusion, Tobirama possessed not only male genitalia but also that of a female, a vagina clearly present behind his small but still ever present penis. Never had any of them seen this phenomena before, though rumors of this happening every so often echoed across the landscape within the Land of Fire. Most born with this condition did not live long, many seeing such a deformation as an evil that was swiftly disposed of upon delivery. Tobirama had been born with not only one but two deformities and the cards of humanity stacked against him only moments into his existence, particularly when it came to his father. Butsuma Senju did not allow any weakness to be present within the family, his words stern and his hands like steel, and the very moment his dark eyes fell upon Tobirama’s sleeping form, his fate was sealed. 
The Senju clan head had taken one disgusted look at his youngest son and chose he would rather his son be dead than show weakness. It had taken both the convincing words of his grandmother and the pleading screams of his mother to stop the man amidst his attempted drowning of Tobirama, his infant self having been no more than ten minutes old. They argued that Tobirama would prove his worth, that he would be just as strong as any other shinobi, to simply give him the chance he deserved by being his son. With bitter reluctance, Butsuma had pulled Tobirama from the bath and unceremoniously dropped him into his wailing mother’s arms, sneering that their claims of the “cursed child being of worth was a waste of breath until proven.” 
The truth of Tobirama’s deformities became a secret that only those within the room knew, Butsuma having promised a swift death to anyone who spoke of what occurred that day. Not even his own brother had come to know about his condition until the mokuton user found him lying amongst a pool of his blood when they were fifteen and seventeen respectively, his first bleed having set in some time during the night. Tobirama, however, had merely been two years old when he discovered that he was unlike others amongst his clan. 
Mother had been bathing both him and his brother when Tobirama had come to notice something peculiar between him and his brother anatomically. Much to his young confusion, the difference in what he came to know as genitalia was not striking but it was indeed noticeable; Hashirama possessed a penis as all males do but Tobirama had both male and female sets of genitalia. He had presented his mother with his confused query later as she tucked him in and Tobirama was met with a trembling lip and teary pools of obsidian, ones that he still missed terribly following her later passing. She had been hesitant in answering, nearly begging Tobirama to leave the matter be but his mind had fixated on the topic and while he was typically an obedient child, he was also stubborn. Eventually, she conceded to his demands, his mother murmuring nervously that the matter would be discussed at a more appropriate time when Hashirama, who was slumbering nearby, was not present. Little more than an hour later, his mother was cradling Tobirama to her chest as she quietly tainted his childhood innocence. 
“I am so sorry, Tobirama. I failed you.”
At first, Tobirama did not understand why she had apologized to him, for the formation of his body had been out of her control. Mother had been perfect in Tobirama’s eyes, being kind yet firm when needing to be, especially with Hashirama’s wobbly emotional state. She was the one who intercepted incoming blows, the person who gave him as many books as she could obtain so Tobirama could amass his knowledge, even at such a young age. Their mother was the one who encouraged Hashirama to follow his heart even though their father blatantly discouraged it, the clan head wanting an emotionless and brutal heir for a son instead of one of compassion and thought. He had witnessed the punishments mother received for her motherly love, ones that left her bloody and in pain, sometimes her clothes having been ripped off and legs caked in a mixture of unholy fluids. Hashirama cried about it often, sometimes even attempting to interfere because he knew what their father was doing was improper, but Tobirama always took his elder brother’s hand with a shake of his head and held him as he cried. Mother, even when so beaten and broken down by years of emotional and physical abuse, was there for them even if she was unable to get out of bed, her sadness too deep and wounds too painful. 
She had still been perfect when she had informed Tobirama that he had not only been born with a condition known as albinism but the Kami cursed him with both male and female genitalia. Her sobs were deafening to his young self as he tried to understand why having such a condition was considered wrong, why it had brought the young woman to tears just thinking about it. It however explained the brutal treatment Tobirama had received from his father, looks of disdain with rough hands, spirit shattered and bones broken, only acknowledging him on the training field and nothing more. The man did not even address him by his name, choosing to use “Boy” or “You” in place of it, something he continued to do even on his deathbed. Tobirama himself had wanted to cry, so confused as to everything that was going on whilst trying to comprehend the meaning behind her words with his small processing capacity at the time. Yet, in that moment, all he had been capable of doing was giving his mother the love she so rarely received. 
The truth of his condition, of the curse the Kami had bestowed upon him at birth, was something that was never to be discussed with anyone beside his mother. 
“Tobirama, you must promise me you will never speak of this with anyone aside from I or your grandmother! Do you understand me?!” 
Grandmother, the one to assist mother in his delivery and the first to take witness of how the Kami came to punish Senju Butsuma for his misdeeds, at least according to her understanding. 
“Your father has taken much and given little, boy. Your own mother is proof of Butsuma’s greed, seeing as how he stole her away from her own family to satisfy his own urges. You, however, are the undeniable proof that no one can escape the judgment of the Kami, not even the great Senju Butsuma. Not anyone aside from myself, you, and your mother will ever come to know this fact, hmm?” 
So, from the tender age of two years old, Tobirama never told a soul. At least, not until  Hashirama came to wake him for breakfast early one morning and found the lower half of Tobirama’s futon and blankets covered in blood, his pale thighs caked in blood much like their mother’s had been all those years. Tobirama’s desperate pleas for the mokuton user to wait had fallen on deaf ears, Hashirama swiftly rushing off to gather not only Touka but his newly christened wife Mito as well, both women demanding to know what was going on as they were ushered in. All three had been left bewildered at the sight before them and even more so as Tobirama gave his explanation but Mito and Touka, much to his quiet relief, had come to his aid immediately, gifting him with necessary products and means in alleviating the pain he was feeling within his lower belly. 
While Tobirama had the outward signs of both genitalia, it had never been confirmed whether or not he indeed had a womb as well until that very morning, shaken and unsure of how to adjust to such a development. Hashirama had promptly been banished from his room upon becoming upset that Tobirama would keep such a secret from him, “-are we not brothers, Tobirama?!” , and it had left himself ashamed and insecure within his own skin for how was he supposed to tell his anija if he was to never know about it? He was the hideous and deformed son of Butsuma Senju, the Ghost of the Senju, the White Demon, the Red Eyed Senju, a freak of nature. Albinism could be explained for it happened every blue moon over the centuries, but being intersexed? Not as much. Tobirama was already made out to be an outcast with his looks and abilities alone, what with his suiton nature rather than earth and his peculiar outward bodily features, ones that had played a role in developing the names others within the clan and beyond viewed him as. News of his condition would only place a target on his back and more of a pariah amongst his people. 
Again, the information pertaining to his person was kept quiet, Tobirama swearing his blabbering brother to ultimate secrecy with blatant blackmail that had the emotional young man squirming in his seat. Tobirama never feared Touka nor Mito of spreading word of his condition, rather the two women were firm in covertly supporting him through his monthly bleeds, offering items of relief and assistance when needed. He quickly became accustomed to retreating to his lab during the third week of the month for approximately four days, usually cocooned within the depths of his blankets with a heated water canteen and means of nutrition waiting at his bedside whenever required. In turn, Tobirama did the same when Mito and Touka experienced their own bleeds, creating a unique understanding and solidarity between them that his elder brother was quite envious of if his repetitious pouting said anything. 
With time, he grew accustomed to this new biological process, though it was often frustrating when it arrived early whilst on missions or even worse, on the battlefield. Luckily, he was able to cover any early starts with the draw of his blade, claiming the crimson fluid coloring the fabric of his pants had come from slaughtered enemies. No one had an inkling that Tobirama was such a deformed individual, a description his anija, cousin, and sister in law vehemently argued against if he spoke it aloud, but they always grew stubbornly quiet when he blatantly pointed out that he was indeed abnormal. 
Such abnormalities sealed his fate when it came to matters such as marriage. He knew early on that he would never be marriage material, with so many of his own clan repulsed by his albino features and others outside the Senju believing him to be a demon manifested. It was a persona their father had been eager to fuel from the moment he ordered Tobirama to slit the throat of an Uchiha male at the mere age of four years old, a twisted grin marring the man’s wrinkled face at seeing the crimson spill onto Tobirama’s snow white skin. 
These were just a few of the plethora of reasons why he had been left speechless when during the peace negotiations between the Senju and Uchiha, the Uchiha demanded not only an arranged marriage between clan heirs, but Tobirama specifically. Tobirama had gazed at Madara Uchiha with a poorly hidden slack jaw as those damning words spilled from his lips, vermillion irises searching obsidian ones with concerned confusion. The other Senjus’ had been shocked as well, Hashirama promptly thrown off as he asked the damning question of the day that seemed to be on the majority of his clansmen’s minds. 
“You want WHAT?!”
Tobirama painfully understood anija’s surprise, for he too had believed that Tobirama was incapable of feeling, having grown so used to his younger brother’s cold and calculating exterior that he had forgotten that his otouto felt just as he did, only his emotions were hidden behind a carefully crafted mask. Hashirama had been the one to call him a cruel demon as they trekked home from that cursed riverfront, rage possessing his typically joyful features as his friendship with Uchiha Madara lay in ruins at his feet. Their sibling relationship had never fully recovered from that moment, with Hashirama too stubborn to forgive him for losing his friendship with Madara and Tobirama believing him to be right in doing so. He had never been a child of normalcy, his genetics and upbringing had ensured that was the case, and Hashirama was the clan heir, the blessed mokuton user with a heart of gold that had an enticing personality that drew everyone to him. Tobirama was the spare, the bloodsoaked weapon Butsuma had carefully crafted and wielded without mercy, the cursed suiton user with a heart of ice and unwelcoming personality that scared everyone away. They were perfect opposites, as their mother always kindly pointed out, Hashirama the yin to his yang, the sun to his moon, and such differences had seemingly damaged their relationship beyond repair. Both Mito and Touka had done their damndest to assist the two brothers in mending their broken bonds but Hashirama did everything in his power to skirt around their deepest, most unhealed issue, that being one individual in particular. 
Uchiha Madara. 
This wound only seemed to grow more aggravated when Tobirama, much to his own surprise, accepted the proposal as Hashirama and Touka bickered over the matter, the two remaining members of his blood gazing at him with shock. Hashirama did his best to object on the premise, carelessly urging that Tobirama hated the Uchiha as Touka argued for Tobirama to think sensibly, that such a demand was most likely a trick to kill him once alone with Madara. Tobirama had never broken eye contact with the Uchiha clan heir, memorizing every speck of his cool and collected features in search of some sign of maliciousness or contempt, yet he found nothing. Instead, he found himself taking in a man who possessed a stern resolve, willing to marry himself away to a man of evil that he wholeheartedly despised if it meant there was to be no more bloodshed between their families, the same objective Tobirama held close to his icy heart. So, without a shred of hesitation, Tobirama had agreed, much to Hashirama and Touka’s pure horror, something he paid no mind to, gaze never leaving Madara’s as he watched pained regret spill into pools of obsidian. 
Peace was everything his anija had ever wanted since those fateful days at the Naka River. If he had to sacrifice himself for not only Hashirama but for the overall greater good, so that some justification for Kawarama and Itama’s premature deaths could be made, he swore from a young age he would do it.
He wasn’t a true human after all, right? 
A/N: Any comments, reblogs, etc. are always appreciated! Let me know if I should continue this as a series or leave it as a one-shot.
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fiyasgideon · 3 years
Thank you for the mdtb fic rec! I would like to know about your smut rec if you have them since you mentioned it. Also, what are your top fics for AU?
I'm always happy to share my favorite MadaTobi fics. Especially the ones that dont get as much love as I think they should. Here are a couple smutty fics I like, be mindful of the tags when you check them out because I'm not gonna list every kink/sex act for each story on here.
Leading the Blind by MultiShipperFanatic
This one also has a sequel that is really good imo. It's for long distant sugardaddy!madara and sugarbaby!tobirama with dom!mada and sub!tobi. This is more of a Tobi figuring out what he likes and is into kind of story. The smut scene is really well written though if you're into d/s. This series is complete. I'm actually hoping for another fic to be added, though I'm unsure if the author plans to add more.
Messing Up the Sheets by lecturience
A lazy morning spent together between the two. At least, lazy for Tobi, because he makes Madara do all of the work after he returns back from a mission. Super fluffy. This one is a completed one-shot.
Can You Take A Little More also by lecturience
An intense scene between bound!tobirama, Madara and a shadow clone!Madara. Because why else would shadow clones exist? Theres a nice aftercare scene at the end, which is my absolute favorite. I think every smut fic should have aftercare scenes because they are the best! This one is a completed one-shot.
Pyyrhic Victory by WrithingBeneathYou
A consensual non-con role-play, though I'm pretty sure it's not a serious role play cause they do break character. Its steamy with a touch of humor. This is a completed one-shot.
Call Me Honey by Friedom
Cut-throat buisness man Madara is closet-sub with a terrible crush on Tobirama, who representing a company he is dealing with. Light bondage with this one, and it also has aftercare! This fic is completed.
Gentle Scales by TheDarkSide
A fantasy setting with Blind Naga!Tobi and Gorgon!Madara. Featuring Kagami! A cute found-family story with the added benefit of smut! This one is longer and its complete.
As for the favorite AU part I'm unsure on what you mean. But I'm gonna assume you mean my favorite fic from my favorite AU trope, which is soulmates (if were not counting the 101 Ways to Find a Soulmate, a Moment of Clarity, or the We Bleed The Same series which are already in the previous fic recs lists).
Will it Get Better series by Makiaru
It's got everything I like in a Soulmate fic for these two. Tobirama finds out Madara is his soulmate, knows how much Madara hates him, and decides to keep it a secret. Badbrother!hashi in this one. IzunaisAlive!AU. This series is complete.
I hope you like these ones as well. I know not everyone has the same tastes in smutt so I tried to keep it a bit tamed.
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necronatural · 3 years
my knowledge of founders “fan culture/works” (or whatever the hell its called) is peripheral at best, so your occasional rants about it are super incomprehensible and also highly entertaining. I have to admit that Im intrigued. if you dont mind, could you explain the “taxonomy” of it all? in other words, my curiosity has overcome me; what the fuck is going on?
Ok im relatively new lets see if I can break it down. The progenitor of the wave is Blackkat, who wrote fics about Tobirama. Most tropes have a highly identifiable progenitor.
1. The Tulpa: a recurring theme is usually Tobirama trying to be as emotionless as possible to better do his job, not acknowledging how emotional his heart truly is. Also he's a deranged inventor who loves to draw up new concepts. Turn in Such Humanity and Count Your Blessings is this, condensed.
2. Woobie Tobirama: Hashirama is not paying attention to Tobirama's repression, giving people who understand it better (like Madara, Madatobi is the dominant ship) access. This mutates into "Bad Brother Hashirama", where Hashirama either resents Tobirama for his personality or is scared of him and neglects/abuses him, sending Tobirama into the Uchiha's protective arms. See: break your ankle in a cave copypasta. Overall "Tobirama goes to the Uchiha's house" is the most common trope you'll find and most fics strive to put Tobirama in the Uchiha's house
3. Kids. Canonically Tobirama is just normal about children (note: something wrong with him so it's striking he is normal with them) so obviously its wildly popular for him to adopt or mentor them and he has a caretaker's impulse. Kagami is often pulled into this, #1 child for Tobirama to be nice to. He's not Tobirama's student but people act like he is
4. Sex pest Izuna. Tends to crop up if the fic isn't lovey dovey. I think its a distinct trope where he isn't just sexually liberal (this is funny and I'm fine with this) but specifically is sexual at inappropriate times and often as his sole personality trait. I wish for world clean. Worth mentioning this guy is viewed as a dom top, baby are you sure?
5. Soulmates. Just soulmates. They're everywhere. Ubiquitous. Can't spit without hitting one.
6. A/B/O. Likewise 😞
7. Arranged Marriage. Look if there's a fic trope where 2 people are forced to be intimate with/acknowledge/not kill one another you bet your ass that it's a trend
8. Wife hunts. Kill me.
9. Darkfic. I full stop block these posts when I see them. Appears to exclusively be, as a "trend", Super Sexual Sadism Bros Madara and Izuna and the sexual sadism Madara solo joint.
10. Uchiha flailing: ok this isn't a trope but there's a trend of...like, if the Uchiha flail or there is a comment on how they tend to flail NO EXCEPTION the characterization is them acting like a middle schooler. Anastasia from 50 Shades corny obliviousness. Why.......?
11. Spare Tire Izuna: no one knows wtf to do with him btw. Overall trends as irritable, more active and autonomous, mirrors Madara's opinions but is honest about it. He's a plot device guy unless he's being a dom top or is in love with touka. Not even in a ship sense sometimes him being in love with touka is a background crush so he has something to do. He's not a piece of meat...hes a person... with feelings... [Insane]
There's also microtrends caused by people filling out ideas from drabble collections, a core part of the ecosystem. I think I saw a wild strain of guide/sentinel from this. G/S AUs are irresistible to me I'll always read them
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lossie92 · 3 years
Analeptic - snippet
Decided to post this on a whim, because I don’t honestly know when I’ll be able to update. Part 4 is almost done, but I’m currently stuck at a very emotional moment and have no idea how to continue, so... 
This is, of course, a part of a Madara-centric madatobi fic that I have been working on for a while now (Parts 1-3 are posted on my AO3). To be fair, the amount of romance in it is close to none. I mean, it’s so Victorian that it should be wearing a corset and I’m also pretty sure the slow burn is going to kill me one of these days 🙈 
The below can be read as a stand-alone snippet, though some things will probably make more sense if you’ve read the previous chapters. Just saying 😉
Either way, hope you enjoy!
Scene set-up: Madara and Tobirama meet in the wee hours of the morning in the garden of the Daimyo's palace. Some revelations are had ✨
"Do you intend to lurk in the shadows till sunrise, Senju?" He asks, voice light with amusement. He smirks when he feels the other man’s chakra waver in surprise at being discovered and then called out so bluntly.
There is a moment of hesitation before the younger man steps out of what is possibly his room and onto the engawa that circles the spacious courtyard. Madara turns a bit to observe him.
Dressed simply in a light blue yukata, Tobirama looks like he belongs on the pages of a story book, fey and otherworldly with his pale colouring standing out against the dark backdrop of the night. There is something so ethereal about him in this moment that it makes him seem like a fantastical creature come alive, a bit like a yokai or a fae, and Madara catches himself watching him with interest, eyes sweeping over wavy white hair, high cheekbones, and skin so fair it seems to glow in the soft light of lanterns.
The Senju must be quite tall, not unlike Hashirama, he notices absentmindedly, but the lack of armour reveals a rather thin body with surprisingly slim shoulders – a body obviously built for speed and agility instead of brute strength. Madara is relatively certain that if they were to stand next to each other he would actually seem taller than Tobirama at first glance on the virtue of his much stockier build and much wider shoulders alone, and the notion is somewhat amusing.
After all, who would have guessed that the fearsome White Demon is actually a bit of a waif?
Come to think of it, there must be a lot of careful layering and strategic padding involved in making the other man look so intimidating and larger than life on the battlefield. The Tobirama Madara is currently looking at honestly looks as if a strong gust of wind could blow him right off his feet. It is a bit shocking to realize that there might be something fragile, something breakable about the Senju heir.
He looks back up at Tobirama’s face and, as always, it betrays nothing. However, the man’s chakra is buzzing with strangely unrestrained emotion, one of which is the almost palpable surprise. Whether it is surprise at seeing anyone up this early in the morning – if this ungodly hour can actually be considered morning to begin with – or surprise at discovering it is Madara is unclear.
“Don’t look so shocked,” Madara says in lieu of a proper greeting, breaking the uncomfortable silence that has fallen over them. “Not all of us are afforded the luxury of being able to sleep as deeply as that pest you call a brother.”
The sarcasm is maybe unnecessary, but Madara is tired, worried, and a bit out of it. There are also only so many pleasantries he is willing to extend and playing nice with Senju Tobirama at half past stupid o’clock is not something he will bother with after having to constantly bite his tongue for the last few days during peace talks.
The younger man’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t take the bait. Instead he continues to stand in the same spot and just looks at Madara as if trying to solve a riddle of some kind.
Amused despite himself by the other’s hesitance, Madara snorts. “You can sit down, you know. I won’t bite you,” he says. “In fact, if you are nice enough and get a hold of your chakra so it stops screaming at me, I may even offer you some tea.”
That, at last, seems to do the trick.
"I didn't know you were a sensor, Uchiha-san," the Senju says as he finally unfreezes and moves over to take a seat on the other side of the low table.
“I didn’t believe you would,” says Madara in response. “It’s not exactly something one advertises to the enemy.”
“And yet here we are.” The Senju’s tone is mild, but Madara suspects the man is rather curious about his reasoning, even if he is likely loathe to admit it.
Instead of answering right away, he busies himself with preparing a cup of matcha for his companion. His movements are sure and languid, almost elegant. The rites of a proper tea ceremony are something ingrained in his memory to the point he doesn’t have to think about what he is doing, though he doesn’t indulge in performing them as often as he used to. To be honest, there hasn’t been anyone he wanted to share it with in years and he has no idea why he is doing now.
Once finished, he places the cup on Tobirama’s side of the table, looking at the man with one eyebrow raised. “I was under the impression that we are no longer enemies. Pardon me for being mistaken.”
The younger man huffs, but says nothing. He turns to the table and then moves the fingers of his right hand over its surface, clearly looking for something, using touch instead of his eyes for some reason. Madara observes him, momentarily confused about the gesture and the meaning behind it, before realization strikes him.
His eyes widen in speechless shock as he takes in their shadowed surroundings, mind reeling from the revelation and scarcely believing it true even though it has to be now that he thinks about it for longer than a second in passing. After all, he has seen Tobirama squint at scrolls from across the negotiation table, nose almost touching paper as he tried to read, a few too many times for it to be a mere coincidence
The lanterns hung high above the engawa provide a bare minimum amount of light, mostly for the aesthetic purposes. It makes it just dark enough than anyone with impaired vision would have trouble seeing anything, never mind being able to locate a cast iron teacup placed on a dark wooden table.
And that’s what it is, is it not? Impaired vision. Near blindness. Either or, it doesn’t matter. What matters is it concerns a man who has almost killed Madara’s younger brother several times – a man whom Izuna considers his rival, his equal in strength.
It seems too fantastical to be true still. But it is true, Madara knows, because he can see it plainly now in the tension in Tobirama’s shoulders as he tries his best to be inconspicuous and probably knows very well he is failing miserably at it. Madara can also spot the displeasure at being so exposed in the downturned line of the man’s lips and he can sense trepidation and fear in Tobirama’s cool summer rain chakra. It is neigh indisputable, though not less astounding for it.
Senju Tobirama is apparently near blind. Madara has no idea what to do with this highly personal information, given away through circumstance in a startling show of tentative trust.
Still, he cannot just leave it be either, especially since he knows the Senju will burn himself badly if he just up and touches the cup now. Feeling a bit uncomfortable and yet strangely compelled to act, he slowly reaches over. His touch is gentle, hesitant, as he grasps at Tobirama’s slender pale fingers. The man startles, red eyes wide as he looks up at Madara. Or rather off to the side of Madara’s head.
“Sorry, let me just...” Madara mutters awkwardly as he directs Tobirama’s hand to where the cup is. He lets go as soon as possible, the weird tingle from touching someone else’s bare skin making him flex his fingers in discomfort. 
If Tobirama notices, he doesn’t comment on it.
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asukaskerian · 3 years
Monthly word count - September
TOTAL: 4809 and this time i didn't forget any of them. maaan wow. I plotted quite a bit, some of it on fic i'm never gonna write of course but some i'm gonna use nicely, so hey, no shame, self. POSTED: nothin! WIP -madatobi oh damn a baby :( ABO fic (111 words) -madatobi tobirama fucks with the timeline for brothers and profit (59 words... :X) -madatobiizu ABO fraternal poly Cherry Wine chapter. uh. either 5 or 6 depends on where i cut it (3029 words) -bleach grimmichihimenel suburban ot4 (1610 words) teasers:
-- cherry wine -- Izuna went back to his browsing, pointedly ignoring Daichi as he paid for the trinket and stomped out. Not two seconds later Higashi was sidling up to him, doing a fairly good job of pretending to be interested in Izuna's finds. Izuna obligingly shifted aside to invite more closeness, showing her a particularly gorgeous damasked bolt of silk. "Begging your pardon, Izuna-sama, I'm a peasant who knows nothing..." "You're not a peasant, you're an Uchiha, but do go on." "Heh, alright. Is this a succession issue?" she asked frankly, and her fingers flickered; assassination risks? Izuna snorted. "Not a real one. Our ancestor was born later, but there were issues of temperament judged unsuitable for war and their father was very clear who she wanted to succeed her. The time to contest this was three generations ago." Higashi still looked perturbed. "Ah. Thank you for explaining, Izuna-sama." "But?" "... Does his uncle know that?" ... Yes, that was a question Izuna had also pondered. "No offense meant, but -- you still don't have heirs." "We do, actually, he just doesn't like it." Tsuru, Kagami and Tama were a concubine's grandchildren, but that didn't make them illegitimate. Their mother had been Izuna's father's cousin, so they were much more closely related than Yoritomo or Daichi anyway; and if Madara managed to die without reproducing they would do very well. But Izuna didn't add anything else to the topic. The children were too young to protect themselves, so it wasn't public knowledge outside of the Council of Elders and was going to stay that way-- Raised voices outside. -- suburban ot4 -- Cat bastard: and who might YOU be Cat bastard: also are you single??? Me: ... Me: 1) i'm married 2) grimmjow is gonna murderize you for taking his phone and then he'll be out of a job Me: caring more about him losing his job right now tbh so please get out of his photos Cat bastard: YOU DICK Me: i care about people when they don't implicate me in their own murder investigation Cat bastard: HEY you're not hot enough to be sicuyqil bmksht, Me: rip Cat bastard: ASSHOLE Cat bastard: holy shit holy shit call the cops he's gonna break down the bathroom door THATS THE LADIES ROOM HE CANT DO THAT Me: Oh No Officer He Was With Me All Day Cat bastard: THATS NOT FUNNY Me: slip him the phone under the door and play dead? Me: wait, that's for bears. Me: rip. Cat bastard: i hate youuuu i hate you i hate you you fucking dick you entrapped me with your abs Cat bastard: i'm gonna slip him the phone but i want you to know i will NEVER forgive you Me: as long as you don't rise as an angry ghost that's not gonna be a big problem for me tbh Me: he strikes me as the kind of guy who's smart enough to mind his fingerprints Me: hey, pervy thief-san? Cat bastard: glad you have faith in me. Cat bastard: you don't gotta waste an alibi, she ain't dead Cat bastard: yet. Me: k good Me: soooo Me: when did you get pics of me that she could judge my abs on Cat bastard: when i suplexed you head first into the couch & you got stuck. Cat bastard: did you honestly not notice Me: well fuck you too. >_> Cat bastard: kurosaki, you're married. i ain't that kind of lady. Me: okay never mind. hey officer, he's right there, yes, that's the guy.
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officerjennie · 4 years
About Me
Hi! Hello! You can call me Jamie! I use he/him pronouns. 
I’m a writer and an artist. I have a few outdated masterlists for my Witcher writing though none for my Naruto works, and some OC fics and art floating around here and there. All of my fics can be found on AO3, which is linked below. Some of my art can be found on my pillowfort, which is also linked below.
For the most part I am not open to free prompts, out of respect for both my paying commissioners and my own limited spare time for hobbies. That said my commissions status is always in my blog header, and on rare occasions I do open my asks up to prompts (mainly out of spite or saltiness). I am, however, open to discussing art trades, collaborations, and fic trades.
**As of 4-10-24 my commissions are open but prompts are closed.
I am a massive believer in Don’t Like It, Don’t Read It. I believe everyone should curate their own fandom experience. If you believe someone’s enjoyment in Dead Dove content says more about their morals than their actual real life actions, please block and do not interact with my blog. 
No TERFs or MAPs welcome, fuck off. 
Minors DNI. I post adult content here, and as much as I cannot force you to not interact with adult content I am made uncomfortable if you interact with my adult content. 
I am super friendly and am always open to messages and asks, and never mind being tagged in anything!
My main blog is NallaZ, so I send asks and leave comments under that username.
Some other relevant links to my content below the cut:
Tumblr media
Officer_Jennie on AO3
NallaZArt on tumblr
UnquietWords on tumblr (problematic ships)
Unquiet_Words on AO3
OC blog on tumblr
My OT3 prompt blog (discontinued - you can thank a bigger blog that stole prompts from me)
OfficerJamie on Pillowfort
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amyrallis · 4 years
So I Waged War Against The Skies -The Old Gods Are No More-
Written for my amazing anija, @sleepysenseis (love you uwu) because they are great and they're perfect and so is their art and anija knows exactly how to enable me, dammit. Enabled™ smol otouto me and here is the MASTERPIECE:
“No.” Tobirama breathed, his body a mess from all the times he had been stabbed straight through, the pain barely registering. He sometimes thought it was a good thing he had never finished with the Edo Tensei. This was one of those times.
Madara hummed next to him, his now a greenish white hair drifting in the breeze as he surveyed the broken battlefield in front of him. “No? They already lost. There’s no point in denying it, Tobirama. It’s not like you.” The purple eyed man turned around, a madness that made Tobirama lose his breath settled deep in his eyes.
Tobirama knew Madara was right. The battlefield had gone painfully silent, the symbol of hope that Naruto was having fallen somewhere in the chaos and left them stumbling blindly in the dark. He closed his eyes as another pang went through him. To attack this man so openly without any plan was nothing short of foolish, something that Tobirama had known for a long time but Naruto had somehow missed.  
Sasuke laid on the ground close to them, his blood a pool of red around him as the wind blew over the battlefield –more like massacre, Tobirama couldn’t help but think, a pang of sorrow rushing through his veins- lifting the dust and leaving the painful picture clear for all to see. They had lost and Madara had won.
It was ironic. The way a defeated air hung around the place, the one driving force one side had, lost in grief, ıt reminded him all too clearly of another battlefield. One where Madara had laid on his back and said, me or the village Hashirama. One which Madara had said those things, his sharingan spinning an entirely new shape in his grief and looked straight at Tobirama while doing so.
His breath had hitched lightly, his eyes turning to avoid the cursed red of the sharingan –cursed by gods, cursed for daring to love so very deeply, in a way that no mortal, no god had ever dared to and cursed for caring so much, enough to give everything for fleeting lives. Tobirama knew the feeling very well, in the blood that ran through his veins, in the way that his eyes were the same shade of red as the curse of gods, the beat of his heart as he held pieces of his younger brother in his arms… really, he should’ve known in the beginning- and felt something in him burn. Izuna may have had been an enemy but he was also human. They were at war and Tobirama had his own family to keep safe. He didn’t have to regret protecting his family.
Even if it was at the cost of another’s, for that was how life had dared to work, always so cruel against those who took the chance and thrived in it. 
He already had too many of those very same family’s blood on his hands because Hashirama was brilliant, a sea of hope in the midst of a thunderstorm, burning bright and beautiful and Tobirama could only hope to rest in his shores for some time, before he had to get up and stop the storm from breaching that sacred place, because even though Hashirama was impossible and brilliant and everything, he was only one men. And men were good at one thing above all. Falling.
Tobirama had to stop that, he had to interfere and help his Anija against the fate that was so very determined to stop him and if the cost was his own conscious, nights spent awake, feeling like his very soul would never feel together again and sitting up once more because he could never hope to be enough but that never meant he couldn’t try his best, that was his own problem.
Anija tended to overlook lives, tiny and insignificant as they were to him, for his eyes were burned and blinded by the future he was always marching towards but Tobirama was there to ground him and carry the burdens that grounding would normally lay on Hashirama. He had chosen Izuna for a reason.
Izuna was close to his power, so very close in chakra, maybe even in strength but Tobirama was an inventor and a seal master, he wasn’t known as the greatest suiton master ever seen for nothing. 
Izuna, just, didn’t match up. But Tobirama made it so, allowing the illusion of him being equal to power because if he didn’t, he would have to reach behind him and go full force, after revealing his entire power and skill set, there’d be no stopping for him, he’d be pushed to do it and not even Hashirama could try for his peace when so much of the Uchiha had been slaughtered by his own heir, no one would trust them.
İf the cost came with the Senju that Tobirama hadn’t been fast enough to protect while engaging Izuna, the ones he would’ve been able to had he already gotten rid of the other younger brother, then those were his own demons, hidden behind to be revealed at night, after everyone was asleep and the graveyard in his mind had been awakened once more.
His eyes snapped open as Madara’s hand clasped his chin, forcing his eyes to meet the Rinnegan and the shorter man leaned down slightly with an intense look in his eyes. “What have they done to you? I’m sure you could make the Edo Tensei work so much better than this. All they did was bring back you at  your last second. Truly pitiful like they are. I'm not surprised at all that they had to bring you back to fight me and still managed to mess it up.” Tobirama glared up at him, unable to retort because the Uchiha was right but also unwilling to let the slight against his village go while stubbornly denying the back handed compliment.
“As pitiful as your plan, I suppose? Or are you truly that gone in the head Uchiha? Your plan has so many loopholes in it that Anija could stick his head in it.”
Madara’s eyes twisted with fury even as he slowly caressed Tobirama’s cheek, a wondering look replacing the fury in the next second and making Tobirama question if it had even happened.
“That’s why you’re the one who plans things, Tobirama.” Madara murmured, a slight smile pulling at his lips as he leaned down even more. Tobirama struggled in his kneeling position, the callousness burning at him even as he hid the discomfort from the way Madara looked at him. 
Madara chuckled, his hand coming up to keep Tobirama in place and circled him. “You were always so beautiful when you got angry.” Madara stopped behind him, his fingers sinking into Tobirama’s hair and yanked his head back. Tobirama looked at him, his neck bent at an odd angle as pieces of paper floated in the air. “What are you talking about?” he said, trying to ignore the pressing feeling in his mind.
Madara always acted strange when Tobirama was around, Hashirama had said once. His eyes would focus on Tobirama and all his words would be for him, like he was literally unable to forget that the albino was there and that he existed, even for one moment.  His chakra would seek Tobirama out during the day and his questions would be pointed to Tobirama, something that made Hashirama wonder a lot. Tobirama had tried to ignore his Anija’s foolishness, instead thinking that it was Madara assessing the highest likely threat to himself, because it was so obvious that Hashirama wouldn’t hurt him, the bumbling buffoon.
Hashirama wouldn't hurt him? Like he hadn't killed Madara? Tobirama couldn’t help but question. Just like Madara hadn’t sometimes sought Tobirama out, his chakra exhausted and on the verge of something that Tobirama had never known what? Instead, his mind had been focused on trying to stop what had felt inevitable to him, always, always dangling just over their future and overwhelming. Because even if Madara hadn’t been so beloved by Anija, and hadn’t that always burned so deeply inside him, Tobirama respected the man. For his strength, maybe, for his ability to look past the Senju elders, always trying to manipulate everything, certainly, for his kindness with children , always. 
Tobirama was a man of practicality, he liked solutions and ideas, he liked his science and he liked building things –sometimes, in the midst of the night when everyone was asleep, he dared to think he’d have made a good teacher, a good adventurer, maybe even a good man. In another life. Good for life, maybe or maybe good for humans, perhaps even good as humans had decreed it, he didn’t know. He supposed he’d get used to not doing so. It was one of the first things he had resigned to never knowing, but certainly not the last (the last had been the question, will it ever truly end?)- he always liked kids and helping them. There’d been a certain joy to be found in imparting knowledge to others and knowing that, at least in that way, they’d be safer. Madara had always been that way, something that Tobirama had  known to respect in humans.
Madara was also complicated. Sometimes, they’d tear each other’s throats out and sometimes, it’d be silence in a winter midnight, something that could almost be called amiable between them as the snow rested on their faces and hair. Once, Madara had approached during that time, his hand slowly extending to brush against Tobirama’s cheek and he had muttered, snow is a good look on you, Tobirama. There had been the potential of so many things in that second, and perhaps they had taken that potential and used it, in another life.
Madara had left the other day, gone for a whole week before he returned, one last time, on the back of the Kyuubi and so very desperate. They had come across each other when Madara had waited for Tobirama in his room and there had been an unspoken question before his gaze had sharpened.  Tobirama had looked into the sharingan for the last time and into Madara’s eyes, the first. –the first time he had looked into the sharingan since he had when he was five and there was blood in the air and Anija was gone, gone, gone, missing and the very air was screaming with him and the world had cracked open, the fury of gods falling upon it with his loss, his desperation-
-a bargain was made that day-
“You, Tobirama, I’m always talking about you.” Tobirama’s breath got stuck in his chest, his mind on the cusp of something, a realization so dangerous, too much to even contemplate. Madara gazed towards the skyline, the mural of his victory laid out before him and a self deprecating smile painted on his face. “Always.” 
Tobirama didn’t want to hear it. Tobirama didn’t want to hear anything, he was dead and he was gone, he had done everything he could for this World and he had deserved his happiness, his end, his rest. If Madara wanted him so badly, he could join Tobirama –and Hashirama and everyone he had loved and lost because why was he trying to drag them back up to the very place that had destroyed them, why was he so damn selfish?- in the Pure Lands, saving everyone the pain and exhaustion. Why did he have to be so stubborn, so damn blind? If he loved them, then he could’ve come to them, because his time was over but Madara was always chasing the fleeting wasn’t he? And there was the problem, Tobirama thought bitterly, the man who loved him –he had felt that for a long time, but he would save the breakdown till later- was an Uchiha, the very epitome of loving the fleeting and cursing the ethereal, the endless.
Those eyes weren’t given for naught. 
Amaterasu, seeing their pain  and loss, had blessed the sad, fallen mortals with the chance to always remember their loved ones and in doing so, had also cursed them. There was a reason that Gods didn’t walk the earth anymore, didn’t interfere with their affairs.
-Gods could fall too-
 “Look at me. All the sights of the world, laid out at my feet and I can only look at you.” Madara turned his gaze back down to Tobirama, his hair swaying in the wind as he did so.
Tobirama stopped the imitation of breathing, all his senses focused on Madara. Why was he saying these things? Why now? The war was over, he had won, so why was he still playing this game? Tobirama had seen the way Madara had looked at him as he clashed with Naruto, the other Kage, always, a part of his attention was on Tobirama, he could feel it like the gaze of someone on his back, the feeling of a breath on his nape, with his everything. 
For once during the battle, his chakra had reached out, coaxing and playful and tried to intertwine with Tobirama whose eyes had widened, his attention turning to the Bijuu he was next to. He had departed right after, the idea of pressing the advantage forming in his head. Madara was somehow calm towards Tobirama, something that could’ve been used for their advantage and if Tobirama could give the others an advantage to press forward by making Madara focus on him, then he would. Madara had always been a creature of passion, someone who could easily focus elsewhere if one knew how to play him. It hadn’t worked.
The bright golden of Minato and Anija echoed in his senses as the silence continued, Madara having leant down and sat next to him. His arm raised, grabbing Tobirama’s hair once more and using it to angle his face to stare at Madara. Tobirama's eyes narrowed.
“Close your eyes, if it irks you so.” Madara gave a surprised laugh, the sound escaping with a strange timbre like he honestly hadn’t expected Tobirama to respond that way –and wasn’t that stupid, Madara always knew Tobirama had a sharp tongue, and was logically wary of it. Perhaps he had foolishly thought being in Madara’s hold would stop him from lashing with it, an idea fit for clueless people because Tobirama wasn’t one to bow to pressure.- and he threw his head back for a second before leaning down and crushing their lips together. 
Tobirama froze stiff, his entire being wanting to continue to reject the very idea of the situation yet his mind so very aware as Madara pressed impossibly closer, his eyes wide open and running over Tobirama‘s face reverently, the edge of something insane burning in them.
Madara slowly drew back, a satisfied smile on his face as he gave Tobirama a smug look. “I prefer to continue looking. You’re quite the sight, after all.” 
Tobirama looked back, something sharp in his gaze. He had never wanted any of this. He was tired of his life always being one battle, one challenge after another and just when he thought he was done, he had closure…
“I’d rather not to be looked at actually, especially by a madman who can’t even plan.” He bit back, his words trying and failing to mask his unease. Madara smiled and leant down, leaning his head against Tobirama’s shoulder and raising his lips to his ear.
“Always with the insults, To-bi-ra. Don’t worry, I’ll have enough time to look my fill. Right after I’m done with them.” Madara muttered, his body tensing once more. Tobirama lightly flinched at the touch of his horn against his neck, his instincts overwhelming him as he tried to ignore the words, to leave this world and go back to his tranquil existence of before. “Then we can be together, like we’ve always wanted.”
The chakra receiver through his head warmed lightly as Madara moved his hand over it and melted over his body, binding Tobirama more thoroughly than anything else ever could. The edges of panic peeked from his mind as they did, Tobirama having to fight an uphill battle to push them back
Madara was gone with the blast of a wind, his outrageous claims not seeming so stupid. Tobirama knew, there was no way they’d be able to win and Madara was just gloating his victory over them. Naruto was gone, truly honestly dead in the way that Tobirama could sense his chakra pooling out of his body, leaving an empty husk and he didn’t want to think anymore.
He didn’t want to think about what Madara was implying, didn’t want to think about how he wasn’t able to get free as long as Orochimaru didn’t set him -and he wouldn’t if he was trapped in an endless dream, Tobirama was well and truly stuck in a way he’d never been, had always avoided, even without the seals that had locked over his form and bound him to the mortal plane-  he didn’t want to think about losing once more –because no matter what was said, Konoha had been a loss. One that Tobirama had tried his best to salvage but perhaps, perhaps some things weren't meant to be saved.- about all the people who laid dead for a system that had been made to kill them in the first place, the system that Tobirama himself had failed in creating properly and thus, left them to their fates, sent them to their deaths.
Instead, he closed his eyes and let go, his mind soaring through nebulae and galaxies, starlight and  black holes with a pale moon lighting the way home.
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