#calliope smut
roguelov · 2 years
Summary: For nearly half of a year, you had been in a romantic relationship with both Morpheus, King of Dreams and Nightmares, and Calliope, a Greek Muse. However, soon, a seed of doubt, insecurity, and jealousy blooms as the two past lovers grow closer and begin to neglect you. So, what will happen when you finally snap?
Word Count: ~3.5k
Reader: Afab!reader
Warning: Smut (edging, dirty talk, oral!receiving, fingering, light choking, possessiveness, minor praise kink), angst (jealousy and mentions of leaving) sprinkled in the beginning, fluff at the end
Note: It can be a part 2 for this, or just a standalone
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I’m fine.
I’m fine.
I love them each dearly. Nothing will ever change that.
But, do they truly love you the same in return? Do they truly cherish you like you cherish them? Do they spend more time together when you are away? Don’t they share more secrets, share more memories? Do they love each other more -
This new sinister voice drilled question after question into your mind and waning sanity. It filled every crevice, void of love, with doubt and despair. Piece by piece, it sewed its control over you. It whispered its relentless questions, it showed you flashes of scenes and interactions in a new twisted light, it reminded you of the cruel truth.
The truth being: Calliope and Morpheus had a past. A complicated past, yes, but one that was built on a shared love. And although it may have ended messily, they wished to overcome and start again, start new.
With you.
Or you simply forgot that last crucial part.
The first couple of months were picture perfect. It was a new beginning with the two of them and you truly never felt happier, or more alive. With nights spent as a whole trio or with only one, and dates and outings do whatever the day brought. They showered you in affection, they whispered about their combined love, and with time they slowly revealed their shared past and all its secrets, good and bad.
You were thankful that they felt comfortable to do so. Honored, in a way. Yet, the comfort did not last long. Tiny, minuscule, storm clouds began to form over your head. And bit by bit, almost resentful of them, you pulled away. For some reason, they did not reach out farther. They did not pull you back from the edge, they did not see the pain behind your smile, they did not question as you grew more silent and reserved.
They did nothing.
You tried helplessly to push past it, tried to act as if this envious worm, rotten, bitter, and jealous, hasn’t made a residency in your heart.
But, it did.
In passing moments, whether it be in the Waking or the Dreaming, you only saw how they looked to each other. Like gravity they were drawn together, unable to stop it.
You laid awake in the dark, awfully quiet bedroom. Only with your spiraling thoughts to keep you company. It all played on repeat: every scene together, every moment from the beginning of the relationship to its entirety of the past months.
Do you think they are together right now? Do you think Calliope visits the Dreaming when you are away? What would they be doing? What would they be doing without you? Would they -
You flung your pillow at the wall. It didn’t sway or lessen any pain. You wanted objects to shatter, to shatter like how your heart began to crack. You gritted your teeth ready to rip out your hair. It was maddening.
They each have their own lives as do I. You told yourself. I’m busy, they’re busy. And - and -
You screamed.
Why couldn’t these feelings go away?
The storm clouds brewed and festered. A storm - no, a ravenous hurricane would make land soon. You simply hoped you were prepared for the inevitability consequences.
After a few weeks apart, all three of you were united once again. You should be happy, thrilled even, you should be smiling and laughing. Yet, all you could do was grit your teeth, about to crack them, and glower at Calliope and Morpheus.
In your apartment, in your living room, Calliope laid in Morpheus’s arms. Her back pressed into his chest with his arms carefully wrapped around her waist. All the while, you sat on a lone chair. Across the room, far, far away from them.
The tv played random movies all of which were distant static in your ringing ears. Your eyes focused solely on the two of them. You wanted to smile at their smiles, you wanted to laugh at their hushed whispers. You wanted, and wanted, and wanted -
“Does anyone need a drink ro anything?” You asked, nearly biting a hole on the inside of your cheek.
The pair shook their heads, saying their thanks, and stayed clasped in each other’s embrace.
You muttered ‘okay’ and hopped up desperately needing the space.
In your kitchen, you tugged on your hair begging why you felt this way. Why now? Why these constant horrid emotions and thoughts? Why did you clench your jaw at the sight of your two loves? Why did you dig your fingernails into your palm when they giggled together? Why did you want to scream when they shared a smile? Why, why, why -
Laughter, contagious and boisterous, echoed.
Your heart clenched.
Don’t. You’ll only make it worse for yourself. Don’t -
You peered out of the kitchen. Calliope, pressed into Morpheus’s chest, was laughing wholeheartedly throwing herself into him, while Morpheus chuckled lightly; he was more amused by Calliope’s outburst. Sounds, sweet hypnotic sounds, which should have brought a flutter in your heart only grated on your ears. Your face twisted as all the anger you had locked away started to break down the door.
Morpheus dropped his head down, whispering into Calliope’s ear. She laughed more, unable to stifle her giggles.
Red covered your vision.
How dare they.
It was as if you didn’t exist. They were more enraptured with each other than anything else. Almost as if you were nothing, nothing but a mere mortal - a pathetic ant to play with for these two worldly gods.
They clearly didn’t need you. Or want you.
Clearly, they didn’t care.
Jealousy was a wicked vile monster. Anger was her fiery insatiable friend. Together, the two had wound you up for weeks, spewing their truths, and now you could not push them back anymore.
“Am I interrupting?”
Calliope and Morpheus, smiling and cheerful, glanced over to you. You, however, did not share their same smile. Never did.
Calliope blinked, taken back by your seething glare. Sitting up, she turned, looking at you. “What’s the matter, my -“
“Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Your lips twisted into a snarl. How dare she think she can sweeten me over?
Morpheus’s eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion. What has stirred such a hateful reaction? He looked to Calliope only to find the same confusion.
“I don’t understand,” Morpheus stated. “What has caused such -“
“How can two gods - or a goddess and some cosmic being, be so dense? Are you not all seeing and all knowing? Or is that only for each other?”
A sliver of the truth hidden behind all your rage.
Calliope could not find the words. Her mouth gaped like a fish on land, shocked by this side of you.
Morpheus, however, responded more coolily, sternly. He slowly rose to his feet, tilting his head back. Summoning all of his regal prestige and power. “Will you tell us what afflicts you, or will you continue to throw a tantrum like a common child?”
“A child?” You gasped; your nails cut into your palm.
“Yes, a child.”
“Morpheus,” Calliope warned. “Let’s not do -“
“Says the being who has told stories of throwing tantrums throughout his entire existence.” You fired back.
Calliope instantly shot up, placing a hand on Morpheus’s chest. She looked at you, frowning. “You must stop this at once. I do not know where this has come from but it ends now.”
You heard none of it. Your eyes locked on her hand on his chest.
She chose him.
They chose each other.
“Well, clearly, you don’t need me,” you shouted, throwing your hands up in the air. “I should probably go find someone else then!“
They tensed.
You continued on, fueled by your rage. “Find someone else to care for me and hold me and pleasure me in ways you two have not. Neither of you have even touched me in weeks.” Another truth. But, it was not necessarily their fault, because life had a habit of getting in the way. You simply wanted to hurt them. “Don’t worry, you guys stay here and enjoy yourself, I’ll go out and find someone else.”
The air shifted.
Your anger had spread. It infected.
You glared, wanting some reaction. However, they stood transfixed in place with blank stares. Huffing, you spun on your heel.
So, be it.
Instantly, you smacked into something and stumbled back. Your head snapped up to see Morpheus. His haunting blue eyes bore into you - through you into the deepest parts of you. Your lips thinned as you held his gaze.
He stepped forth.
Instinctively, you stepped back.
Into Calliope.
Her arms wrapped around your waist, trapping you. You tried to squirm free, but Morpheus cleared his throat. You froze. He reached out, with his forefinger and thumb, grabbing your chin and tilted your head back. “Oh no, sweet one,” he whispered, dangerously. “You will not be going anywhere.”
“Really?” You asked, defiantly.
Calliope chuckled in your ear, amused by your act. “Oh, yes.”
You scoffed.
Morpheus’s hands wrapped around your neck, dragging you closer. His lips brushed over yours. He enunciated each word, every syllable, sharply. “You. Are. Staying.”
Fear trickled down your spine, like a wet cloth it doused your fire. Or most of it.
Without warning, Calliope dragged you off. You stumbled, and still contemplated whether to fight back. Yet, as you peered over your shoulder, Morpheus glared unwaveringly at you. You swallowed and became a little more compliant.
In your bedroom, slightly disoriented and muddled with diminishing hateful emotions, Calliope pulled you into a searing kiss. Your knees nearly buckled. You instantly clung to her as she worked her spell over you. Her nimbly fingers grazed over your body, bringing goosebumps in their wake. She quickly discards all of your clothes in a fury, all the while she stayed fully clothed.
Your hands reached out to touch her, to remove her confining layers of clothing when her hands caught your wrists. You blinked, stunned. She simply smirked.
Arms, from behind, wrapped around your waist. Morphues dragged you backwards and down into the bed. With a soft ‘oof’, your back fell into his chest, while he rested on the headboard. Oddly, his clothes also remained on. His plain shirt, usually soft, itched and rubbed against your bare back. His firm arms tightened around your waist, locking you place. He dropped his head, and his lips ghosted over your shoulder. He barely touched you, and yet you complied, giving yourself over completely.
The fire from before, the anger and jealousy vanished, died out, as you were at their mercy, and you didn’t mind.
At least for now.
Calliope, however, remained at the end of the bed. Her soft hands danced over your legs. You peered down at her, nervous and giddy. She smiled sweetly, yet her eyes twinkled with sinister intentions. Her hands spread your legs apart. Her smile widened. You were dripping. Barely minutes in and you were already like this.
“My love,” she purred.
You shivered.
Dropping to her knees, she planted feather-like kisses on the inside of your thighs. You sighed dreamily, closing your eyes. Quickly, like a switch, her delicate kisses shifted, more sinful, more demanding. She nipped and bit, marking every inch - bruising you. You gasped, your legs jerked, but Calliope’s hands kept you firmly pressed into the bed.
“Calliope,” you moaned.
You didn't say it, but she knew what you wanted. And she allowed it.
Just for this moment.
Her mouth latched onto your dripping folds, lapping up everything.
You arched your back, but Morpheus’s arms kept you in place. You squirmed in his unshakable grasp.
He chuckled against your skin. “So needy.”
You whimpered.
His hands snaked up and cupped your breast. Your head fell back onto his shoulder. He kneaded and played with you, raising you higher and higher along with Calliope’s memorizing tongue.
Calliope hummed. Her nails dug into your thighs, marking half crescents into your already bruised skin. Your breath caught in your throat. Morpheus twisted your perked nipples. You mewled, squeezing your eyes in pleasure.
“How long has it been since we’ve been together?” Morpheus whispered in your ear. “How long since you’ve been touched?”
Your breath hitched.
He nipped at your neck. “Days? Weeks, as you supposedly claim?”
You couldn’t answer. And you weren’t sure if you should.
His hands traced up the valley of your breast and curled around your neck. He squeezed gently, just as Calliope hummed again.
It sent shockwaves through you.
Your mind was in a state of frenzy. Every nerve was on fire. Weeks. It had been weeks, and you were sensitive and desperate for them. Your walls tightened around Calliope’s tongue, a sure sign of your close end. You sighed, utterly at bliss and -
She instantly pulled away.
Your eyes shot open. “Calliope -“
Morpheus squeezed your neck and you groaned immediately shutting your mouth. He dropped his hand from your neck and wrapped his arms back around your waist. “No, not yet.”
“What? No, please,” you pleaded, bucking your hips.
“And why should we?” Calliope asked, crawling up to you. “We do not satisfy you as you say.”
“Well, I - uh -“
“So, why should you get the pleasure to come?” Morpheus cut you off. “We obviously have no clue as to what to do.” One of his hands crept down, tracing your body and cupped your sex. “We obviously do not know you or your body,” he murmured, and nibbled on your ear.
You whined.
Calliope touched your cheek, turning your head and attention on her. She gently stroked your cheek. As if to ease your worries, your pains. All of it was a sweet lie. She leaned in, her lips skimmed over your lips taunting you. You chased after them desperate. She smirked, unwilling to give you the satisfaction.
“We obviously do not know you, like how we do not know of this spot,” she dipped her head into the crook of your neck. Her breath fanned against your buzzing skin, making you shiver. “And how easily you become aroused by such a simple touch.”
“Or,” Morpheus’s thumb swiped across your swollen clit and you bit your lip, moaning, “how vocal you quickly become.”
Calliope cupped your breast and slowly rolled your nipple between her fingers. You arched your back. “Or how you love to be played with.”
Morpheus’s fingers slid into your folds, and slowly began to pump in and out. You hissed, whispering a string of curses under your breath. You grind your hips down, needing more. Morpheus chuckled darkly. “Or how your body always betrays you, and shows how truly desperate you are.”
Morpheus curled his fingers, beckoning you closer and closer, leading you to your edge. You moaned their names loudly and unabashedly.
They were right.
They knew you and your body well.
Morpheus smirked. He picked up his pace, absolutely relentless. The sound of your dripping sex and Morpheus’s skillful fingers rang in your ears. You whimpered. The feeling as before build and build. You clenched your thighs and nearly trapped Morpheus’s fingers.
But, he knew you, he knew your tells.
“Oh no,” he laughed once. He deliberately removed his fingers, soaked in your juices, and brought them up into the light as if to admire them. You whimpered, praying for relief. “Not yet, sweetness.”
“Morpheus -“
Your mouth clamped shut, and your sex throbbed. His demanding aura was frightening, chilling, and it turned you on immensely.
Calliope chuckled, not oblivious of Morpheus’s effect on you. “Oh, my love, you will remember who you belong to.”
Your heart flipped, both excited and terrified.
“We will have you begging and pleading and even then we may not offer you relief,” Calliope explained. “But maybe if you only show us how good you are.”
“Correct, so we will have our fun,” Morpheus said lowly. “Do you understand?”
You nodded numbly.
“Good.” They both said as wicked smirks crossed their features.
Oh, yes, you were in trouble.
It was sweet punishment. The consequences to your actions.
Minutes bleed together.
Hours passed. Or so it seemed.
Each one of them had their turn with you - toying with you. They switched on and off, using their mouth and wicked tongue to their mind numbing fingers, and sometimes both. Each of them drew you so close to the edge. You could feel the ledge and was ready to fall into bliss, only to have them instantly pull away.
You whined and begged, repeating their names over and over like broken prayers. Yet, they only smirked and continued the torment all over again.
Calliope, now laying beside you, brushed the hairs sticking to your sweat covered forehead. “You are being so good for us.”
You whimpered, leaning into her soothing touch. “Please, I - I’m sorry for what I said.”
You have apologized a dozen times, but it did not sway them.
“We know,” she said softly. She looked down to Morpheus between your legs, who was watching the two of you. “What do you say, Oneiros? Do we continue or -?”
Morpheus’s eyes flickered over to you. With droopy, hazy eyes, you slowly peered down at him. Your eyes begged for relief and forgiveness. Your breathed heavily through your swollen parted lips. Your chest, speckled with sweat, rose and fell rapidly.
It was obvious, you were spent.
He ran a single finger through your folds.
You arched your back, mumbling incoherent nonsense.
He glanced at Calliope. “I believe we’ve had enough fun, don’t you say?”
Calliope smiled. “Oh yes.”
Morpheus’s fingers, again, easily slid in. You instantly grinded down on them. His mouth took your clit and gently sucked on it as his fingers feverishly pumped into you.
He was merciless.
You cried out.
And given how long it has been going on, you were very close. Your walls fluttered down around his fingers pleading for release. He hummed, loudly.
You whined, arching your back. “Morpheus.”
“Oh, come, my sweet love,” Calliope cooed. “You have been so patient with us.”
Morphues swirled his tongue and curled his fingers.
And that alone was enough.
You clamped down in his fingers, seeing stars as you moaned out their names. Morpheus eagerly removed his fingers and lapped up your juices. You squirmed and cried out in utter bliss.
Morpheus pulled away, chin soaked, to see you breathless and face buried into the bed. Calliope smiled gently down at you stroking your hair, grounding you back to Earth. Morpheus swiftly walked off grabbing a wet cloth and returned to clean you up while Calliope whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Quickly, the both of them crawled into bed pulling the sheets up over all three of you. Facing Calliope, you hugged her, drawing her closer, feeling her warmth. She peppered your face in butterfly kisses, while Morpheus, from behind kissed your shoulder.
“You were so good for us,” Calliope whispered.
Yet, as they showered you with their love. An ache built in your heart. The events from early resurfaced and the dull reminder of hateful emotions. You sniffled, as tears brimmed in your eyes.
“Oh, my love,” Calliope cupped your face, whipping away the tears. “Were we too -“
“It’s not you,” you blubbered out.
Morpheus wrapped his arms around your waist, comforting you. “Talk to us, love.”
“I am so sorry,” you mumbled as your throat clenched. You said it multiple times throughout the night, but you needed them to know how immensely sorry and guilty you were. “I said such awful things and I let my emotions get the better of me and -“
“Shhhhh,” Calliope cooed. “All is forgiven, you needn’t worry.”
“But - but I -“
“We are all captive to our emotions, and we simply need to learn from our mistakes and move forward.”
Morpheus kissed the back of your neck. “You know of my past, you know I have let pride and anger consume me. But now I am actively trying to do better, as well all are. We may stumble but it is those around us who pick us up and encourage us to try again who truly help.”
You nodded. Your heart now alleviated from the sorrowful pains and aches.
“And you are not solely to blame,” Calliope whispered, stroking your cheek. “You were also right, we have neglected you. Our attention was pulled elsewhere, but we will try better.”
You shook your head. “You shouldn’t apologize. You have duties pertaining to the whole world, and I shouldn’t put you at blame for that.”
“And yet, we also have a duty to you,” Morpheus hummed.
“He is right,” Calliope stated. “We agreed to this, and we failed you. But, it is not a mistake we will make twice.”
You smiled softly. “Okay, let’s promise here for a new start and to do better in the future.”
“I promise.” Calliope kissed your forehead.
“As do I,” Morpheus kissed between your shoulder blades.
You leaned forward kissing Calliope’s cheek, and she blushed under the gesture. You grabbed Morpheus’s hand and brought it up to your lips kissing his knuckles. He smiled softly against your back. “I promise too,” you whispered.
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morpheusbaby3 · 10 months
I want more fanfics with calliope. one where the reader treats her with great love and devotion; stroked her hair, made a flower crown, showed her the cultural changes. Massage her body, kiss her slowly and make her feel divine again while her body is shining with sweat and their souls are connected.
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murdrdocs · 7 months
been thinking about luke fucking you on the beach in the sand tbh - like you’re whining about the sand on your back and he grips your jaw and forces your mouth open with his thumb so that he can spit in your mouth 😳🤭
cw spitting; MDNI
you're trying your hardest to enjoy the rock of luke's hips against yours.
it's a perfect scene to revel in it. with nothing but the soft chirp of birds and the soothing crash of waves against the shore a little ways away creating the perfect background noise, an amplifier for the soft and pretty grunts coming from luke's lips.
it's supposed to be romantic. maybe. at least you think that's what luke was going for. but any possible romanticism is lost along the sand grating at your back, exfoliating your skin in a way you would've appreciated if it weren't for your never ending concerns.
"luke." the sound of your voice makes your boyfriend hesitate.
eventually, he hums. with attitude, you don't fail to recognize.
"i think the sand's gonna–" you don't even have to finish your complaint before luke's adjusting your position. he sits on his haunches and pulls you closer by your hips, resuming his pace by thrusting up into you slowly, not at all deterred by having to hold your lap onto his and fuck you at the same time.
"better?" he asks, that same sass still heavy in his tone.
you hum appreciatively, closing your eyes and letting your mouth drop open in a sigh as luke nudges against a spot previously left unattended to.
you're placated, just for a bit, and that bit ends quickly when you're once again made aware of the grains against your upper back, likely making their way into your already ruined hair.
you groan, low and deep in your throat.
"luke," you whine, eyes open in a squint as you hold a hand up to block the suns glare. your unobstructed view is of luke staring down at you, eyes dark with frustration and his lips twisted into annoyance. a look you recognize well, one he's given you many times when you've danced on his nerves without any second thoughts.
your lips part, preparing to complain yet again. but that's all cut short when luke hooks his thumb into your mouth, the calloused tip pressing onto your pink muscle enough for him to pull your jaw down.
he purses his lips and you watch the glob of spit travel for a second before it lands in your mouth just slightly askew. tending to the remnants that landed on the outside, luke removes his thumb and glides it along your lip as if it's nothing but chapstick.
you don't have to be told to swallow. but you do have to be told to behave.
"will you shut up and let me make you feel good?"
although he poses it as one, it's definitely not a question.
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musamora · 4 months
hii I saw that your doing event. can you please do yosano x fem reader with the prompts "quiet. others will here." with jealous thank you (if you can't do this it's fine <3)
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cinnamon roll order two — calliope's confectionary
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content. f!reader. not-safe for work, alcohol consumption, jealousy, hickies, possessiveness. not proofread. ⟶ features akiko yosano.
would you like to see more? fill out the taglist or comment under this post.
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Drinks had been easily exchanged, and laughter and screaming soared throughout the office. It was another typical day at the detective agency, one that called for a small gathering to celebrate another disaster well taken care of. However, with alcohol comes its inevitable drawbacks.
"Quiet. Others will hear."
Yosano's grip on your waist tightened, her other hand muffling your moans as she laid drunken kisses down the column of your throat. She had pulled you into her office after witnessing you jokingly reciprocate one of Dazai's flirtatious little jokes. You hadn't seen the harm in it.
Your mistake.
"But you'd probably like that," she whispered against your skin, drinking up your hushed pleasure as she pressed her knee up between your quivering legs. "Naughty girl."
Her hands roamed around the edge of your shirt, slipping it off without hesitation as she dove back in for more. She eyed you like a predator, practically licking her lips as she left hickies seared into your skin, trying not to laugh as you desperately held onto your last thread of restraint.
It would be a nightmare if anyone found you both like this, but despite her teases, she seemed to be the one more into the idea of getting caught by your co-workers.
"You're so cute," she hummed, tweaking the strap of your bra with her finger before letting it thwack against your back. "Perhaps we should move this to a bed. Hm, sweetheart?"
Alcohol always comes with drawbacks.
Or not.
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TAGLIST: @imhandicapableofmath @ishqani @squigglewigglewoo @lovedazai @deepseafragments @osameowdazai @himikoslove @little-miss-chaoss @justcallmesakira @fyorina @chyozai @ruru-kiss @meiluvrr
© MUSAMORA 2024 — do not repost or modify my works for any reason. do not steal graphics w/o explicit permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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five-and-dimes · 20 days
Every Hand to Hold
For the Dreaming Bingo prompt: Threesome
Rating: Explicit
Ship: Dream/Hob/Calliope
Warnings: None
Additional Tags: Immortal Throuple, hurt/comfort, miscommunications, Dream's terrible horrible no good self esteem, happy ending
Summary: Inspired by this post from @cuubism (specifically her tags) that my brain then fully ran away with. Dream thinks it's wild that two separate gorgeous brunettes decided to start hooking up with him, but he's not complaining, even if he does get a little more heartbroken than he should when they both stop seeing him within a week of each other.
Read on AO3
It started with Calliope.
Dream had been wandering aimlessly in a small, secondhand bookstore when he had turned the corner and crashed into a woman with her arms so full of books she could barely see over them. Mortified, Dream had apologized and immediately began gathering up the books she had dropped, all of them either poetry collections or textbooks on the history of poetry. He had shyly inquired about her selections, and she had happily spoken at length about all of them, Dream immediately enamored with her passion and intelligence. She said her name was Calliope, and then she had dragged Dream into a small storage closet and pushed him to his knees. 
And then a week later, he had met Hob. Dream had been sitting in the park, quietly feeding the birds, when a handsome man had sauntered over and asked if the seat next to him was taken. His boldness was startling, the way he sprawled next to Dream and kept an easy conversation going even as Dream fumbled. He had a warmth about him, a bright laugh that never felt like it was directed at Dream, and it had been a shock when, despite the long list of things Dream knew he had gotten wrong during their interaction, Hob had leaned forward and grinned.
“So. Your place or mine?”
Dream lived closer.
It all seemed to happen so fast. Dream was no stranger to the occasional one night stand, something quick and simple to ease his loneliness for even a moment, but never had he been propositioned by two beautiful people in such quick succession. And he’d certainly never had people want to see him again. He had been so flattered when Calliope had asked for his number, and even more so when she actually used it, asking if they could meet again, preferably in an actual bed this time. Hob had left his own number on Dream’s nightstand, and Dream had felt foolishly optimistic when he texted him to let him know Dream’s number as well, but he was glad he did when Hob texted back a few days later, wanting to fool around again. While he had long given up on the hope of ever being relationship material, he thought he could handle some simple hookups.
Apparently he was wrong. 
Dream never had the courage to text either of them first, but at least once a week one of them invited themselves over and Dream would clear his schedule. They were both confident and clear about what they wanted, and Dream felt such relief at how easy they made it for him. He didn’t have to guess and worry about getting it wrong- all he had to do was go where their hands guided him. It was simple. He would bend over backwards to make them happy, give them anything and everything they could possibly want from him, because even if they never stayed long, it was enough that they kept coming back. He just wanted them to keep coming back.
After almost two months, Dream had been typing and retyping a message to Hob, trying to ask if maybe sometime they could grab a drink before going to bed together. Even if Dream wasn’t cut out for a romantic relationship, maybe he could at least convince Hob to a friends-with-benefits situation? He thought maybe he could be good enough to be called a friend. And Hob was so kind to him.
Before he has a chance to hit send though, Hob texts him first. 
Hey, I’m sorry, but I don’t think we should meet up anymore. Thanks for all the fun times though!
Dream feels his heart sink.
Is everything alright?
What happened?
What did I do wrong?
Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you 
I don’t want to be alone anymore
He types, and deletes, and types, and deletes, and ignores the way his vision blurs.
He puts his phone on silent, but it doesn’t matter. Hob never responds.
A few days later, he decides that he must be brave quicker this time. So he steels himself, and texts Calliope to ask if she would like to join him at a poetry reading the local library was putting on. 
As friends, he is quick to add on. He would not dare to reach for more than that. He does not think he is being unreasonable though. Calliope likes poetry, is a writer herself, and at a reading she will not even have to worry about dealing with Dream’s stilted attempts at conversation. They can simply sit silently together, and enjoy other people’s words, and she can put his mouth to better uses afterwards. It’s perfect.
I don’t think that’s a good idea
Dream wants to cry. He is mid apology, typing rapidly about how he did not mean to overstep, they could just keep their current arrangement, it’s fine, really. But another message comes through before he has a chance to send it.
I don’t think we should see each other at all anymore
He stares at the message for what feels like ages, his own rambling words still sitting uselessly in the text box. Finally, he deletes his reply slowly, typing a new response.
I understand.
He doesn’t though. He really, really, doesn’t.
It’s not like Dream isn’t used to being dumped- most people grew sick of him and his flaws eventually. But he had thought he was at least a good enough lay for them to stick around for a little longer. He had tried so hard not to let too much of his undesirable qualities show during their nights together, and they had always seemed more than satisfied with his performance in bed. So where did he go wrong?
Maybe they could just… tell. Maybe they could sense each time he touched them that he was putting too much of his heart into it, that he was too attached, too desperate, too hungry for more.
He recalls the way his sibling had laughed at him when he had stated that he had given up on dating.
“Please,” they had drawled, “You’ll always be going after someone. You bleed neediness. Sometimes I think you’ll stain my couch with it.”
Maybe they were right. Maybe Calliope and Hob had grown tired of having to wash off his desperation after each encounter. After all, it was just supposed to be casual sex, and here he was, nursing a heart broken twice over, proving them all right. He had no one to blame but himself.
It wasn’t a breakup. He hadn’t been together with either of them, not in any way that truly mattered. He couldn’t tell his sister, or one of his few friends, why he was even more morose than usual. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to explain that he kept checking his phone, didn’t want to make plans or go out just in case one of them changed their mind and contacted him, wanted to be available just in case either of them decided they weren’t done with him yet? 
He allowed himself a few weeks to wallow, to mourn, and then, as much as a petulant part of him didn’t want to, Dream knew he had to move on. So when he receives an email informing him of an event at a local bar, he makes plans to attend. Galleria was a favorite of Dream’s, as they displayed pieces from local artists throughout their establishment. It was one of the first places to showcase Dream’s own art, and he has been a regular in their rotation for years now. As such, despite generally avoiding crowds, Dream always made an effort to support the shows of all the artists they featured. 
So he would go. He would absorb himself in new artwork, have a few drinks, maybe throw himself into a one night stand that he would make sure actually remained a one night stand. He would distract himself. There wasn’t much else he could do.
It works, at first. The crowd is not overwhelming, but still a good turn out for the young artist greeting people by the door. Dream accepts a postcard with her information and then splurges on a nicer glass of wine to sip on as he meanders through the bar, weaving through tables to take in the newly hung paintings. He waves awkwardly at the managers who luckily know him well enough to simply wave back instead of starting a conversation, and Dream finds himself actually feeling alright for the first time in weeks.
And then he sees Hob and Calliope.
Not only together, but together. Holding hands and clearly a couple, each with a drink in their free hands as they chatted with another patron, their shoulders brushing as they leaned together to make room for the people moving around them. Dream can see their lips moving, one after the other, probably finishing each others’ sentences with the ease of two people who belonged together.
Dream feels like the scum of the earth. For all the love in his heart, he never wanted to ruin anyone else’s. He never wanted to be a home-wrecker. 
He is so frozen in horror that he could barely move, the reality of the situation washing over him like ice water, so when Hob and Calliope finally turn and see him, he is still staring, wide-eyed. They stare back, and then look at each other, and Dream sees their mouths moving rapidly, everything coming to light no doubt, and Dream finally manages to get his body to move, to run. He put his glass on the first flat surface he sees and takes off, desperate to escape. But of course, he can’t even do that right, and he soon realizes that in his panic he has run in the opposite direction of the exit, instead standing pressed against the back wall. Trapped. It feels too risky to turn back, and so instead he flings himself into the thankfully single-person restroom, locking the door before leaning heavily against it. 
Everything feels ruined, so much worse than it had felt even just a few hours ago. It had been bad enough losing both of them, feeling thrown away and heartbroken yet again. Now, even the memories are tainted. Seeing Hob and Calliope together had opened his eyes in the worst way. They had looked so right together, both of them so beautiful and shining and bright, glowing smiles and cheerful laughs. Of course Dream wasn’t good enough for either of them. He only hopes that he hasn’t inadvertently destroyed their relationship.
Dream presses his fists against his eyes, fighting back tears. He feels caught between sorrow and rage and shame. They hadn’t told him. He never would have taken either of them up on their offers if they had told him.
A swift series of knocks on the door makes him jump, and he quickly chokes out, “Occupied!” He just needs a little longer to pull himself together.
Unfortunately, a familiar voice calls back, “Dream?”
Hob’s voice is calm, no immediate rage or hatred, but it doesn’t make Dream’s heart pound any less. Especially when another voice joins him.
“Can we talk to you?” Calliope asks gently, “Please?”
She doesn’t sound angry either, but Dream can’t bring himself to trust it. Still. He knows he must face them. Whatever happens, he has been cornered and there is nowhere to go but forward.
His hands shake as he flips the lock, opening the door with resignation. In front of him, the two people he had grown so attached to- the two people who had, within a week of each other, cut him out of their lives- were smiling at him. Hob had an arm around Calliope’s shoulder, and they were both dressed nicely for the event. They were somehow even more beautiful standing together.
Hob grinned, “Fancy meeting you here, stranger,” he said teasingly.
Something about the ease in their posture, their casual smiles, Hob’s joking greeting, ignites a  flicker of fury in him.
“Neither of you told me,” he snaps. They both blink, surprised by the outburst, and he struggles to continue, to get it all out before he either loses his nerve or starts crying, “Neither of you said you had a partner. So if- if you’re upset-… do not be upset with me, because I didn’t know.” He wishes he sounded more angry, but he can’t fully conceal his desperation, or the way his hands shake at his sides, “It’s not my fault.”
Please believe me, he doesn’t say, please forgive me.
Hob raised his hands, “Hey, no, Dream, everything is fine,” he smiled sympathetically, “Nobody did anything wrong, I promise. Calliope and I are in an open relationship. It’s all okay.”
Dream blinked in surprise, feeling the adrenaline slowly bleed out of him, “Oh.”
“We did not mean to keep it a secret,” Calliope chimed in, winding an arm around Hob’s waist and looking at him fondly, “we both have a tendency to get caught up in our… excursions. Sometimes we forget that details might be appreciated.”
Looking between the two of them, Dream thinks he finally gets it. Perhaps they had been attracted to the novelty of him at first. His sickly pale skin versus their golden tans. His sharp bonyness when they are both full and soft. But of course that novelty could only last so long, especially if each time they left him they were going home to each other. He never had a chance of comparing.
“I… am glad,” he responds slowly, awkwardly, “When I saw you both… I had been worried…”
“Understandable,” Hob replies, “And we really are sorry. Didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression.”
Dream shifts uncomfortably, “I apologize. For snapping at you.”
“There is no need,” Calliope reassures, waving the apology away, “We caught you off guard, and we should have told you about our situation from the beginning.”
“But, now that we’re all on the same page…” Hob drawls, rocking on his heels as he glances between Dream and Calliope, “I know I- or, both of us, apparently- texted you to call our whole arrangement off, but…”
He trails off, giving Dream a pointed look that Dream doesn’t understand at all. His mouth opens, but he has no idea what Hob is talking about, what he’s supposed to say. 
Placing a hand on Hob’s arm, Calliope continues, “But now, the arrangement has changed,” she explains, looking at Dream intently, “Now we know that we both desire you, and our interests are aligned in a way we had not realized before. And so we were wondering if you might be willing to give us another chance. So that we might be with you… together.”
For a long moment, all Dream can do is stare. 
His voice cracks on the word, and Hob and Calliope nod eagerly, looking at him hopefully, and Dream feels lightheaded. He had been resigned to Hob and Calliope not being a part of his life anymore, and after weeks of wishing he could have at least had more time to prepare, now he was being given it. One more night, at the very least.
Surely that’s better than nothing.
The word is barely out of his mouth when Hob nearly leaps forward to kiss him. Dream thinks he might have fallen to the ground if not for Hob’s hands gripping his hips as he kisses him deeply. It is hungry, biting, impatient. Hob must have been really aching for a threesome if he was this eager already, Dream thinks. When Calliope tugs Hob away to claim Dream’s mouth with her own, he wonders if she had been wanting this for a while, too. 
“We don’t live far from here,” Calliope says, breathless, “Just a few blocks. If you’d like to come to ours this time.”
Dream nods obediently, still trying to catch his breath as Calliope takes his hand and Hob wraps an arm around his waist. They guide him out of the bar swiftly and efficiently, letting out little huffs of laughter as they speed down the sidewalk. Hob’s hand drifts down to squeeze his arse and Dream feels inexplicably nauseous. 
They really do live quite close, and far too soon Dream is being led up a short flight of stairs, Calliope and Hob giggling at each other playfully as they disentangle just enough to tumble through the door of their apartment. Dream closes the door behind him mechanically, and when he looks, Hob and Calliope are kissing. It is heated, and passionate, and they move together with the practiced ease of two people who have loved each other for a long time. He thinks again of how right they look together. And it suddenly occurs to him how wrong he must look next to them. 
And he should be grateful. He knows he should be grateful. He had thought that he had lost them forever, and yet here they were, inviting him into their home for a night of pleasure, a chance to be useful to both of them. He should be honored that out of everyone, out of all the people so much better than him, they chose Dream to be the toy they brought into bed to spice up their relationship. 
“I can’t.”
His voice cracks on the words, choked out before he can think better of it. Hob and Calliope part, turning to look at him in confusion. Part of him wishes he hadn’t said anything at all, almost wants to take it back, but he can’t. He had done this before, had tried so hard to be what they wanted. But he couldn’t do this and not get his heart broken again. 
“I’m sorry, I…. I thought I could…. I can’t do this, I’m sorry.”
His whole body is shaking, and he’s breathless, eyes downcast because he can’t bring himself to face whatever disgust is surely on their faces. His hand fumbles for the doorknob, ready to flee into the night, but soft fingers on his wrist still him. Glancing up through his eyelashes, he finds Hob standing before him, eyes shining with concern.
“Hey, hey… “ he soothes, running his hand up and down Dream’s arm, “It’s alright, dove, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want. But I’m a little uncomfortable letting you run off when you’re clearly so upset.”
Calliope steps forward, taking Dream’s other hand, “Will you talk to us, starlight?”
The pet names make it harder. If he closes his eyes he thinks he could pretend that they actually want him. And that’s exactly why he can’t do this.
“I…like you,” he admits, looking away in shame, “Both of you. And I know I should be happy that you find me good enough to, to even just have sex with you, but… I’m greedy.” All his previous partners had come to hate him for it. For always wanting and wanting and wanting. He was too romantic, too much, too high maintenance, yet somehow also too cold, too awkward, too distant. The best he can hope for now is to leave before they come to truly resent him. “I want… more. More than just sex, and. And I do not think I can do this and just walk away when it’s over.” He doesn’t want to hear them tell him to leave. 
He lowers his voice to a whisper, “It is better that I just. Go now.”
There is a long pause, and he waits for them to let him go, perhaps call him stupid or express their annoyance at having brought him all the way here only for him to not deliver. Perhaps they will just shove him out the door and be done with it.
“Oh, Dream…” Hob’s voice is soft, and sorrowful, and he brings Dream’s hand up to clutch it between both of his own. When he glances up, Hob looks… shattered.
“We’re so, so sorry,” Calliope whispers, bringing a hand to rest on Dream’s cheek, “We should have been clearer,” she tugs Dream down to press a gentle kiss to his forehead so he can feel her words against his skin, “We like you too.”
Dream feels his breath catch in his chest. His eyes are wide with disbelief, but as Calliope leans back, Hob nods in agreement, “Apparently we were both being fools,” he smiles self-deprecatingly,“We have an open relationship, yeah, but the reason I called things off with you was because… I was catching feelings,” he admits softly. Then he laughs bashfully, “And I was too chicken to just talk to Calliope about it.”
Calliope shook her head, smiling sadly, “We truly are a pair, because that is the exact reason I put a stop to our trysts as well.”
“So when we saw you, and we realized we’d both been going after the same person, it all came out,” Hob continued. Dream can barely breathe, his mind racing as he thinks back to how Calliope and Hob had looked at Dream, and then each other, how they had leaned in to talk and gesture with each other. “When we said we wanted to be together with you, we meant together. We want you as our partner. We just… didn’t know we could have you like that. Until tonight.”
They want him.
They want him.
Dream opens his mouth to say something- are you sure, thank you, you won’t regret it, I’ll be good, I promise I’ll be good- but all that comes out is a sob.
“Oh, oh our poor darling,” Calliope cooed, and then her arms are around him, pulling him close and guiding him to lay his head on her shoulder. She pets the hairs at the nape of his neck, her voice heavy with sadness as she whispers against his ear, “You came here with us, and the whole time you thought we were bringing you here to use you?”
Dream wants to rid her voice of the note of guilt he can hear. They did nothing wrong, nothing at all. But before he can get any words out to shift the blame onto himself where it belongs, Hob runs his hands up his back, massaging lightly as he leans in to speak into Dream’s other ear.
“You are far too important for that,” Dream feels his breath hitch, and Hob nuzzles against his neck, “We didn’t bring you here just to fuck you. We want to love you. Will you let us?”
It is everything Dream has ever wanted, and it hardly feels real. He shakes and shivers as he’s held between the two of them, surrounded by their warmth and the soothing sound of their voices as they comfort him.
Eventually, his breath evens, and he is able to pull away slightly, dropping his gaze to the floor. He can feel his face heat with embarrassment. He was making a scene, all because he had misunderstood what was being asked of him, and now as a result he wasn’t giving them anything.
He takes a few shuddering breaths, trying to formulate an apology, something that will convince them that they aren’t making a huge mistake. But before he gets a chance, Hob wraps his arms around his waist from behind.
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Hob drawls, his lips pressed to Dream’s neck but his words directed at Calliope, “but when Dream and I had sex, he was always so generous. Only wanted to focus on me and my pleasure, never his own. Got all shy when I tried to return the favor. I get the feeling it might have been similar with you?”
Dream feels himself flush as Calliope hums, running her hands up Dream’s chest languidly, “Hm, yes. So attentive, so eager to please, to do whatever I wanted. Never so much as mentioned his own wants.” Her tone is nearly scolding, and Dream feels lost and frozen.
Then he feels Hob grin, “Well then…” he bites at Dream’s ear, while the tips of his fingers dip beneath the waistband of his jeans, drawing a gasp from Dream’s lips, “sounds like it’s your turn now, Love.”
Calliope tugs at his shirt, stepping backwards as she guides all of them further into the apartment, “Will you let us take care of you? Show you how much we want you?”
Following helplessly, Dream blushes and stutters, so far removed from their confidence and surety. He wonders if this is a joke. They cannot truly want a foolish mess like him.
“Whatever you want,” he croaks, “You can do whatever you want.”
They enter the bedroom, and Hob flicks on some dim lights as Calliope takes Dream’s chin in her hand. She looks sad. 
“That,” she states softly, “is not the answer we’re looking for.”
Dream fears he might burst into tears again at her soft chastisement, but luckily Hob steps in, lightly removing Calliope’s hand as he peppers Dream’s face with kisses.
“It’s alright, Love,” he smiles against Dream’s cheek, “we’ll work on it.” There’s a promise in his voice that makes Dream shiver. “For now, just know that what we want,” he cups Dream’s face in one hand to speak against his lips, “is to give you everything you want.”
Swallowing thickly, Dream bites back words about how he doesn’t know what he wants. He just wants them to stay. He wants to be good enough, he wants to be worthwhile enough. He wants them to stay. 
But he is distracted from his thoughts when Calliope steals him away from Hob for a kiss of her own. She tilts her head back, offering her mouth for Dream’s tongue to explore shyly as she dips her hands beneath his shirt. Hob walks around her, standing at her back and brushing her hair over her shoulder as he unzips her dress. She moans against Dream’s mouth, biting down gently on his lower lip as Hob kisses between her shoulder blades. The dress falls easily to the floor, allowing her to step out of it gracefully, and even after all the numerous times they have slept together, Dream still finds himself staring in awe at her. Her bra and panties are a muted lavender colored lace, contrasting against her golden skin beautifully. In the dim room he can just make out the soft, dark hairs along her arms and legs, and he cannot resist reaching out to run his fingers along the edge of her panties, where he knows just below is hiding a thatch of dark curls.
Reaching out, Calliope covers Dream’s hands with her own, pressing them more firmly into the soft flesh of her hips. Behind her, Hob unclasps her bra, tossing it to the side as she steps out of her underwear. Once she is naked, she turns to Hob, smiling gently as she unbuttons his shirt.
Dream watches, enamored as Calliope kisses along Hob’s jaw as she unbuckles his belt, Hob nearly ripping his clothes off as soon as every button is undone. They are beautiful together, Calliope leaning up to press her breasts against Hob’s hair covered body as they kiss. He wants to paint them, to try to capture the way their beauty only enhances each other. 
Then, they turn to look at him, and Dream feels frozen under the combined weight of their piercing gazes. A part of him wishes he could turn the lights completely off, could hide in the darkness to try to make his lacking less obvious, and he moves his arms jerkily to hug his middle.
And yet, as Calliope and Hob descend on him, their eyes are full of appreciation. 
“We haven’t forgotten you, gorgeous,” Hob grins, leaning in to kiss at Dream’s neck as he slides his hands under his shirt. Dream gasps as his fingers ghost over his nipples. Calliope runs her hands along his arms, guiding him to raise them as Hob pulls his shirt over his head. They are so warm, and when he closes his eyes, he forgets for a moment how ridiculous he must look between them, getting lost in the sensation of hands running over his skin reverently. Before, they were always in a hurry. Either coming to Dream before work or an appointment, or at the end of the day before returning home. It was not uncommon for only the minimal amount of undressing necessary to happen, and certainly it was never a drawn out affair. 
Neither of them had ever undressed him themselves, never unzipped his jeans like they were unwrapping a present, never smoothed their hands over his exposed skin like he was something to savor. 
“Breathe, darling.”
Dream startles at Hob’s gentle reminder, gasping sharply because he had, in fact, been holding his breath. Hob smiles encouragingly, dragging his hands over Dream’s ribs to feel the way they expand with each breath, pulling him close and nuzzling behind his ear and inhaling happily. Hesitantly, Dream wraps his arms around Hob, letting his fingers trace the strong muscles of his back. His grip tightens when he feels Calliope press a kiss to the base of his spine as she slides his jeans and underwear down his legs, gripping his shins as she helps him to step out of them. 
Even biting his lip cannot fully stifle the gasp as she stands, the soft swell of her breasts pressing into his back at the same time as he becomes aware of the heat of Hob’s cock sliding against his hip. His own erection is a distant thought, and it feels insignificant in comparison to the scratch of Calliope’s pubic hair against his arse, and the way Hob pulls him in for another kiss. 
A soft whine escapes him as Calliope steps away, feeling cold without her warmth to blanket him. Hob hushes him gently, moving them both to follow after her, and when Dream turns to look, he sees Calliope moving onto the bed. She leans against the headboard, legs spread wide, and holds a hand out, beckoning Dream to her. Dream feels a brief sense of relief at the familiarity, moving to crawl between her legs, ready and eager to bring her pleasure. To earn his keep.
But before he can reach her, there is a hand on his arm, twisting him around until he is facing Hob. He grins, and pulls Dream into a heated kiss, his tongue exploring his mouth when Dream gasps. As he deepens the kiss, he presses forward, crowding against Dream until he begins to crawl backwards. Hob continues to guide him back, barely giving him a chance to breathe, and before he knows it his back is pressing against Calliope’s chest. She wastes no time gripping Dream’s waist, tugging him even closer as she mouths at his neck. Her legs bracket his hips, and her tongue is tracing the shell of his ear, and Hob still hasn’t let up his kissing, and Dream feels dizzy on their attention.
When Hob finally leans back, Dream is panting, and Hob has a look of pride at how worked up he’s gotten him. Dream feels overwhelmed, and they’ve barely even done anything. 
Hob sits back on his heels, resting his hands on Dream’s ankles and smiling softly, “Will you open up for me, sweetheart?”
Dream didn’t even realize, but his knees were pressed together so hard it was nearly painful. Yet even with the realization he could not bring himself to spread his legs. This felt backwards. No matter what they said, it felt wrong not to be focusing on them. They were already giving him so much.
“You do not need to…” he choked out, pressing his legs together even harder and drawing them towards his chest, so afraid of asking for too much despite not having asked at all. “I… I do not mind- truly, I don’t, I-”
His words are cut off by the feeling of hands running up his thighs, Calliope’s chest pressing against his back as she gently brushed from hip to knee. At the same time, in unison, like the practiced couple they are, Hob drags his hands up Dream’s shins. They meet in the middle, Hob and Calliope lacing their fingers over Dream’s knees. And together, they gently pry his legs apart, until he is left open and exposed in front of them. 
“There you are,” Calliope breathes in his ear, her hands slipping back down to stroke at his hip bones. Hob takes advantage of the distraction to slip his torso between Dream’s legs, peppering soft kisses up his leg. Dream shivers at the touch, Hob hooking one leg over his shoulder to stroke his flank as he kisses the inside of his knee.
“I couldn’t help but notice,” Calliope purrs, running a hand through Hob’s hair to get his attention as she smirks down at him, “he always made the prettiest noises when I scratched at his inner thighs.”
Hob looks up, grinning mischievously, and before Dream has a chance to brace himself, he grazes his teeth across his skin and then bites, putting just enough force to leave the slightest indent of teeth. Dream slaps a hand over his mouth as he keens, his toes curling, and when Hob grins he can feel his teeth.
“So sensitive,” he says, clearly delighted, “but I didn’t quite hear you love.”
As he moves to Dream’s other thigh, Calliope takes Dream’s wrist and pulls his hand away from his mouth. She holds both his hands as she wraps her arms around his chest until his arms are crossed. With her gentle restraint, he cannot muffle his sounds as Hob drags his teeth all the way to where his thigh creases. 
It is overwhelming, so much sensation all at once. Hob sucks and bites at his thighs, leaving a trail of little love bites behind, and Calliope loosens her hold as she begins to stroke at his nipples, an embarrassing squeak escaping him as she pinches just as Hob bites down. Trembling, Dream can’t help but shrink into himself as much as he can. Head bowed, Calliope’s arms preventing him from curling over as her clever fingers play with his chest, Hob’s body preventing his legs from snapping shut at each graze of teeth. It is so good. It is also so much, and when he feels Calliope raise a hand to his hair he flinches, bracing himself without meaning to. 
Hob’s eyes dart up to look at him, and Dream does his best to exhale, to relax, to act normal for once. Pulling back just slightly, Hob rests his head against Dream’s leg, one hand petting his thigh softly. His other hand reaches out to tap Calliope’s knee, drawing her attention as he hums thoughtfully.
“He’d never admit it, but he doesn’t like having his hair pulled.”
Dream feels himself flush, eyes wide with embarrassment and looking at Hob with shock. He has no idea how Hob figured that out, he thought he hid it pretty well, and he feels a stab of betrayal at being called out. He feels Calliope suck in a breath behind him, and just knows she’s thinking of all the times she had gripped his hair harshly, twisting and tugging as Dream pleasured her, his discomfort hidden between her legs. 
It was worth it, though. He would do anything for them.
Hob looks at him a little sadly, and Dream wonders how much of his thoughts are written plainly across his face. His eyes move to Calliope, smiling at her as he continues, “But if you just scratch his scalp lightly? He’ll melt under your hands.”
Calliope moves before Dream has a chance to respond, and he can’t hold back a shuddering sigh as he feels her manicured nails run through his hair, just barely grazing his skin. She does it again, and again, and Dream’s eyes close in bliss.
Tears sting at the corner of his eyes, and he swallows thickly as he forces himself to speak, “You… you can pull. If you want to.”
Calliope hums, but makes no move to stop her gentle petting, “I don’t want to, actually, thank you.”
He’s doing this all wrong, but the tears escape despite his best efforts. He feels his chest hitch and he waits for Hob and Calliope’s frustration, their impatience, their jeering mockery. It never comes. Everything seems to slow down for a moment, both of them just petting him, holding him, quietly giving him the chance to catch his breath. 
Almost without noticing, he finds himself relaxing. Just as Hob predicted, Dream slowly melts back against Calliope as she continues stroking his hair, sinking against her chest as the rigid tension he had been holding himself with slowly bleeds out of him. His legs fall open a little wider, no longer pressed against Hob’s shoulders with locked muscles. The tears slow, his breath evens, and his eyes drift shut. Calliope presses a kiss to his damp cheek, and Hob nuzzles against his hip bone, and it feels good without feeling like he’s going to drown in it.
“There’s a love,” Hob whispers against his skin, “We’ve got you. No need to rush. We’re more than happy to take our time with you.”
Leaning up, Hob trails kisses up Dream’s stomach and chest, until he finally reaches his mouth and presses against him deeply. Dream sighs against his mouth, letting his head drop back onto Calliope’s shoulder as she claims Hob’s lips next. The overwhelming fire has calmed to a simmering warmth, and when Calliope turns her head to kiss him, Hob’s movement makes him gasp as their cocks briefly brush against each other. He hears Hob whine softly as well. 
He is panting again when Calliope moves to suck at his neck, and he feels Hob grin as he places wet, open mouthed kisses across his stomach, chin just barely brushing against his straining cock. With the tension eased out of him, he finds himself unable to hold back the soft, desperate moan as Hob’s hands glide up his inner thighs.
Calliope reaches her hand around and, with practiced ease, grips a fistful of Hob’s hair in her hand, dragging his face firmly against Dream’s groin.
“I think we’ve teased him enough, my love.”
Dream sucks in a breath as he feels Hob’s moan against his skin. It occurs to him now, as he takes in the pleasure on Hob’s face as he’s manhandled, that Calliope probably treated Dream the same way simply out of habit. Her hands moved with confidence and familiarity, Hob’s eyes fluttering with arousal. He feels a sharp stab of guilt for daring to have different preferences than them, for not hiding it well enough, for disrupting their routine.
But whatever half-formed apology was on his lips dies when Hob parts his lips and Calliope guides him to take Dream’s cock. He has to bite his lip to muffle his cries, and his body trembles with effort to not thrust up into the warm, wet cavern of Hob’s mouth. 
“I’m surprised he managed to hold himself back so long,” Calliope whispers against Dream’s ear, stroking Hob’s cheek reverently, her fingers tracing his lips where they’re stretched around Dream’s length, “A large part of why we opened our relationship was because he loves sucking cock so much. My strap-on just couldn’t quite satisfy him.” 
Dream shudders at the words, whining when Hob hums, glancing up with bright eyes, looking like he would be laughing in agreement if his mouth wasn’t full. Calliope tugs at his hair, and Dream keens at the feeling of Hob’s tongue dragging across his prick as Calliope pulls him off. 
Hob grins, licking his lips, “Didn’t want to scare you off,” he admits to Dream, “Didn’t want to push when I wasn’t sure why you wouldn’t let me reciprocate.” His hands move to Dream’s arse, squeezing gently before tugging him forward, sliding him down the bed just slightly until his head is pillowed against Calliope’s breasts and Hob can bury his nose in the crease of Dream’s thigh. 
“Nothing to be afraid of now, darling,” Hob says, smiling, “So let go for us.”
He opens his mouth, and does not have to wait long before Calliope has his hair in her grip again, moving him to swallow Dream back down as she sets a gentle pace for them. Dream shudders and moans, his breath hitching when he feels himself barely brush the back of Hob’s throat. He tries to pull away slightly, but as he does Hob looks up at him, and Dream just knows he would be grinning if he could. He hooks his arms under Dream’s knees until his legs are over his shoulders, and ignores Calliope’s guiding hand in favor of pulling Dream close until his nose is pressing against his pelvis and Dream can feel him swallowing around him.
The cry Dream lets out is more like a muffled scream, his whole body going taut as he throws his head back against Calliope’s chest. When she laughs, it is not mean, or mocking. She just sounds happy.
“Someday,” she promises, “I will show you how to really fuck his face exactly how he likes.” Dream shudders at the words, and Calliope allows Hob another moment to choke on Dream’s prick before pulling him off. Hob sucks in a gasping breath, drool running down his chin, smiling and laughing even as Calliope turns her attention to him to chide him fondly, “But for now, we must be gentle with him, my love.” She wipes at the saliva on Hob’s face as she leans to kiss Dream’s cheek, “We have been too careless already.”
Whatever part of Dream’s brain that is still working wants to argue, but before he gets a chance, Hob is placing a kiss at the base of his cock, looking up at him warmly, “No argument here,” and then he is licking up the shaft and returns to the easy pace from before, and all Dream can do is whimper. 
Heat curls in the bottom of his stomach as he watches Hob’s head bob steadily. He is so caught up in the sensation, in Hob’s tongue swirling over the head of his dick, and Hob’s hands massaging his arse, and Calliope still idly stroking his nipples, that it takes him a moment to notice that his voice is not the only sound echoing through the room. Blinking dazedly, he realizes that Hob is moaning around him, and his hips are rutting desperately against the mattress, a dark spot spreading on the sheets where his precome is leaking. Behind him, Calliope’s breath is panting by his ear, and he feels the knuckles of her free hand brushing against his lower back rhythmically as she fingers herself.
Hob’s face is flushed, his tempo faltering as he climbs towards his peak, until Calliope has to grip his hair again to keep him steady. As she does, Dream can hear the slick, wet sounds behind him as her hips start canting to fuck herself on her own fingers. Her movements jostle Dream, each thrust of her hips pushing Dream’s into a mirroring thrust into Hob’s mouth. Dream isn’t even doing anything, is simply laying at their mercy and writhing at every pleasure they wring from him, and yet somehow, impossibly, he is surrounded by the evidence of their pleasure as well. 
Whining desperately, Dream moves one hand to grip at Calliope’s thigh, the other covering her’s over Hob’s hair, pushing back weakly, “I-... I’m going to-....” he tries to warn.
Calliope only grinds against him harder, her voice breathless as she keeps her hand on Hob’s head, “Go ahead,” she pants, “Let go, let him taste you, let us see you lose yourself with us.”
Hob hums in eager agreement and just like that Dream is coming hard. His fingers tighten on Calliope’s thigh and Hob’s hair, pressing them close as he throws his head back and keens, long and loud. Hob takes him as deep as he can go to swallow around every drop, and just as Dream is starting to come down, Hob lets out a strangled cry and Dream nearly shrieks in overstimulation. Calliope pulls Hob off and Dream realizes that he is coming too, his red, red lips hanging open and drool dripping from his chin as he moans, long stripes of come streaking between his legs. Finally, Calliope buries her face in Dream’s neck, her hand speeding up until Dream feels a puddle of wetness bloom on the mattress where their hips are pressed together. 
For a long moment, all three of them simply lay together, panting and boneless. Hob has collapsed forward, uncaring of laying in his own mess, resting his head on Dream’s stomach. Dream feels like a ragdoll, limbs loose and limp as he leans back heavily on Calliope. She in turn is curled forward, forehead pressed against Dream’s shoulder, her hips occasionally twitching with little aftershocks of her orgasm. 
Eventually, Calliope shifts, humming in contentment as she stretches an arm out to tug on a strand of Hob’s hair. When she has his attention, she crooks a finger still shiny with her own fluids at him, beckoning him to her. He smiles, and slides up Dream’s body languidly until they are chest to chest and Calliope can draw him into a deep kiss just over Dream’s shoulder. He watches with half-lidded eyes as Calliope licks into Hob’s mouth, and he can feel the way her chest rumbles with a noise of satisfaction. 
“Oh, Dream,” she purrs, and Dream blinks in surprise at being addressed as she runs her tongue across Hob’s lips, “you taste divine.”
Dream thinks his face might be on fire, and even as he ducks his head to hide his face in Hob’s chest, he is certain Hob must feel the heat on his skin. But Hob is nice enough not to say anything, petting Dream’s hair softly as Calliope allows him to lick her fingers clean.
Hob runs his tongue over her fingers thoroughly, moaning happily at the taste of both his lovers mingling in his mouth, “Truly, I’m being spoiled tonight,” Hob grinned, his voice rough and rasping in a way that only made Dream blush harder, “I thought this was supposed to be about Dream?”
Shyly, Dream raises his head from Hob’s chest. He knows that Hob is teasing, but he still feels the need to make sure they know, “I am… more than happy with the outcome of this evening,” he whispers.
“Hm, good,” Calliope tilts his head, kissing him softly, nearly chaste, “Tonight was a good start, I think.”
Dream blinked in confusion, “A… start?”
“Of course,” Hob chimed in, placing a finger under Dream’s chin to tilt his face up, “We haven’t even taken you on a date yet.”
It only makes him more confused, even as his heart flutters with something hopeful, “But… you already have me?”
His fondness for romance was something that has long been beaten down in him. When he wanted to do something for his partner, he was too much, he embarrassed them, and it was still never enough to forgive him his flaws. When he wanted something from them, a sign or a gesture or even just time together to make him feel wanted, he was high maintenance, spoiled, unreasonable.
“We’re already dating,” they’d say with rolled eyes, “That shit is for when you’re trying to get someone,” they’d grin meanly, “You’re already got.”
Romance was for his books, not his life. And yet, Hob tilted his head in curiosity “And we would like to keep you,” and he says it so easily, as if he is not the first person to ever express such a thing to Dream. He must see it though, in Dream’s glassy eyes, because his expression softens, and he strokes Dream’s cheek lovingly, “We want to treat you right. Give you all the good things you deserve. And that includes dates, and gifts, and excessive wooing.”
“And it will be excessive,” Calliope warns, “Now that it is allowed, we will both be broken floodgates of affection. You must tell us if it is ever too much.”
Dream shakes his head immediately, “You could never be too much,” he chokes out, lowering his gaze, “You don’t… you don’t have to…”
He jumps when he hears a thud and two yelps, looking up to find Calliope and Hob both holding a hand to their foreheads, having collided in their mutual rush to kiss him.
“Excuse you,” Calliope glares, voice haughty and offended, “it is my turn!” 
“It absolutely is not,” Hob pouts.
And whatever feelings were overwhelming Dream even a moment earlier evaporate as he claps a hand over his mouth to stifle his rasping giggles. He loves these two ridiculous people so much and he thinks- hesitantly, tentatively- that he might be allowed to.
This time, Calliope and Hob maneuver carefully around each other, each pressing kisses to Dream’s face and shoulders. When Dream’s laughter has died down and it feels safe to remove his hand from over his mouth, they carefully disentangle from one another.
“Come on, beautiful,” Hob says, and Dream flushes at the endearment, “Let’s get cleaned up. I’ll find some pajamas for you, then we’ll change the sheets and head to bed.”
Despite everything, Dream cannot help the words that bubble up in his chest. He just has to make sure, “I can stay?”
They look a little sad, but still don’t hesitate to both nod. “Of course,” Hob whispers, “We want you to stay.”
Calliope takes his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles, “And we will be here with you in the morning. And the day after that, and the day after that.”
“I’ll make you breakfast, because Calliope can’t cook. But she’ll make the coffee, because the machine hates me for some reason. And you can decide what we watch while we eat because neither of us can ever decide on a show and you always have good suggestions.” He turned to raise a teasing eyebrow at Calliope, “Am I wrong?”
To Dream’s relief and delight, Calliope only laughed, “It’s true, I have enjoyed all of his suggestions thus far. And left to our own devices, Hob and I will simply scroll for hours and not watch a single thing.”
Something in Dream’s heart blooms. He hadn’t even realized they’d been listening to him. Before, each time they’d finish, as they were getting dressed and making themselves presentable, Dream would recommend a show or a book or a movie. It was an easy script, something he could easily practice in his head beforehand and recite in the moment with ease. A little filler in the aftermath, a reassurance that Dream could talk like a normal person, a subtle implication that he thought of them outside of sex. Have you seen this show? Have you heard of this story? I think you’d like it. 
But he hadn’t really thought they were listening.
Dream does his best to move with them as seamlessly as they do each other, but each time he fumbles and finds himself in their way, they merely take it as an opportunity to ply him with kisses. They wipe each other down with warm washcloths, letting their hands linger longer than strictly necessary simply because they can. Hob and Calliope replace the sheets swiftly while Dream changes into his borrowed pajamas. The oversized tee continuously slips off his shoulder, and when Calliope and Hob see him they immediately begin elbowing at each other in their haste to put their mouths on the exposed skin. 
When they finally climb back into bed, they guide Dream into the center, slotting him between them as though he was made to be there. They pet his hair, and kiss him, and lace their fingers together over the dip of his waist. They fall asleep quickly, easily, as though Dream’s presence has not disrupted them at all. He stays awake as long as he can, savoring the feeling of their bodies surrounding him. He places his hand carefully on top of theirs, holding his breath. When they do not stir, he releases it slowly, allowing his eyes to finally drift shut. 
Dream falls asleep, three hands tangled together, and thinks he might actually have a place here.
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Holding onto you
Pairing: Callie Torres x reader
Summary: not sure lol… there aren’t enough Callie fics and throughout the show she had some pretty rough relationships, so here’s some fluff for the Dr. Torres. It’s kinda nothing then smut then fluff, this will be a multi part story!
Warning: Smut!
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******************************************************** you pulled your car into the long drive way climbing out and fumbling to find your house keys.
you opened the door and looked around the house that was eerily quiet all the lights were still out. You went around flicking on the lights, “Callie?” You called but no answer.
“Callie, baby are you here?” No answer so you walked back out and saw her car sitting in your shared driveway.
“that’s weird, where is she?” You whispered to yourself and crept your way up the stairs. You peaked in your bedroom and then saw the note taped to the door, big trauma I was called in, welcome home my love.
You had been away for a conference but decided that you were ready to go back to work so you changed your clothes and made your way to Grey Sloan. The storms were raging as you drove to the hospital, rain beat down on your windshield, you parked and ran in through the front doors. The receptionist at the desk perked up, “how can I help you?”
“Hey…” before you could finish she recognized you and directed you to the OR where Callie was currently operating. You quickly thanked her and ran to change into a clean and dry pair of scrubs.
as the elevator doors slid open you stepped through straightening out your clothing with your hands, you made your way to the gallery only to be greeted by a curious group of interns watching your wife operate. You sat down next to the group, “so any updates?” you asked and started talking to the small group. Part way through the conversation one of the girls recognized you, “Oh my God… your Y/N Devine like doctor Y/N Devine!”
“well yes and no” you chuckled with a small smirk.
“What do you mean yes and no?… I’ve watched your techniques, I tried to get into Harvards program just to study under you.”
“way to suck up there Jo…” some of the other girls scoffed.
“well I mean yes as in I am her same person same skills but no as in I’m married now so I technically hyphenated my last name but I don’t ever go by that or Devine anymore… Also I would like to clarify that I no longer teach at Harvard I accepted an attending position here.”
“Are you the new head of trauma?” A red haired woman spun around.
“Yes ma’am.” You gave a small grimace and smile.
“No that’s a good thing, April Kepner I’m actually one of your residents.” She reached her hand out and you shook it.
“Good to know.” Just then Miranda Bailey stepped into the room and all the interns shot back forward.
“Ahh Miranda Bailey, she’s still got it.” You laughed.
“Y/N Devine-Torres, does your wife know you’re up here?”
“I don’t believe so, looks like she’s tapping out though so better go find her before someone else does…”
“go getcha girl, good to have you back.” She laughed as you left. All the interns shocked at the fact that your “wife” was none other than Dr. Calliope Torres.
you ran down to the locker room where you figured she would be changing. You knocked on the heavy wooden door, “knock knock anyone home?” You asked playfully slipping in. You found her pulling her shirt over her head next to her locker, which held a couple pictures of you and her, Sofia, the three of you along with her stethoscope and a few other necessities. She turned to you and made a sad face letting out a whine and letting her shoulders drop.
“I’m so so sorry that I couldn’t be home…”
“I know baby I know.” You said pulling her into an embrace placing kisses on her lips.
“rough night?” You whispered in between kisses.
“you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Mmm so don’t tell me just let me take you home, relieve some of that stress… that tension.” You said running expert hands over her strong arms and shoulders.
She bit her lip, her eyes darkening by watching yours, “whatever you say… Y/N Devine” she said all airy and mocking the girls earlier.
“that is Dr. Torres to you.” You said placing a bruising kiss on her lips.
the car ride home was quiet, you could feel the gentle anticipation coming in waves. You parked and walked up to your shared house gently leading her through the door. Setting all your bags down keeping an eye as she went into the kitchen, you walked up behind her hands massaging the muscles ghosting kisses on the back of her neck as she leaned her head back into you. You grabbed her hand and guided her upstairs to your bedroom, grabbing her shirt and pulling her close, starting to strip her clothes pulling her closer and closer until she was completely bare, letting your hands grasp at her curves and muscles quick breathes and smirks shared in between heated kisses, you ran skilled fingers all over her body before pushing her back her knees meeting the bed.
“looks like someone couldn’t wait for me to get home.” You said slyly.
“your my wife of course I can’t wait for you to get home… she said suggestively, as she scooted back the bed, you were on all fours over her heated kisses being trailed across her body. For awhile you made out letting your hands roam the heat intensifying as you kissed every part of her body.
“Y/N, mi amor.” She whined as you nipped at her neck then replacing the bite with a kiss.
“yes my love?” You asked moving down to her chest nipping the soft skin and then placing kisses, leaving a kiss right in between her breast while looking up to make eye contact.
“I need you…” you worked your way back up to her mouth, your hand sneakily going between her legs, fingers ghosting her inner thigh.
“mm, what do you need love?”
“Uh…” she inhaled sharply with a whine, “you I need you.” She exhaled into your kiss, your fingers sliding through as you felt how wet she was.
“what she wants she gets…” you left one more bruising kiss before sliding down in between her legs, you didn’t waste much time and it wasn’t long before her moans filled the room. Your hand pumping as your mouth worked wonders, before you knew it she had hit her high. As you placed kisses up and down her legs she sat up pulling you into her lap, you wrapped your bare legs around her and she could feel how wet you were, how much you ached.
“You know I always knew you had that last name for a reason… Dr.Devine.”
“mmhm, too bad I changed it.”
“must’ve been a special one.”
“yeah, more than special, she’s pretty amazing, the ONE, the only one.”
She chuckled, “well then… my turn, show you how amazing I am…” she said teasing you her hand sliding in to give you more teasing action. She turned and laid you on the bed your legs still wrapped around her waist, you unhooked them, still holding with your knees as she got up.
she walked over to the closet and was digging until she pulled out the strap, you but your lip as she walked back over to you, she sat next to you pulling you back into her lap, one hand was on her face as you kissed her while the other held onto the top of the headboard.
at first she moved slowly grinding into each other but before long she had you on your back legs over her shoulders as she railed you, loud moans filling the room, good thing your neighbors weren’t to close by.
“mi amor, absolutely beautiful, if only I could put a baby in you, see you glow as you carried our baby.” That sent you over the edge.
A little while later you found yourselves wrapped in each others arms legs tangled, the bed in disarray, you laid your head on her chest as she held you.
You were being quiet, Callie reached over brushing some curls out of your face, “Y/N what’s on your mind?”
“Hmm..” you pulled out of your daze.
“where did you go?”
“no where.”
“you’re being quiet… what’s wrong?”
“nothings wrong, just thinking.”
“About what baby?”
“Well,” you said sitting up next to her, she looked up at you until she saw how nervous you were, scooting up to prop on the headboard next to you.
“baby what’s wrong?” She said getting more concerned, she ran a gentle hand over your leg as you faced her.
“were you serious?”
“the baby, me being pregnant?… with our baby.” You looked into her deep eyes.
“I…uh… to far? I’m sorry if…”
“no, no, I want a baby.”
“I mean yea, I know with Sofia and all and Arizona and the whole situation that it’s not easy, but I want a baby I want little mini us’s running around.”
“Y/N is that what you were so nervous about?”
“yea i thought maybe you were just saying it but then i got thinking and…”
“baby,” she said cutting you off, “I would love to have a baby with you, I was serious. You would look gorgeous carrying our baby and I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else, you’re more than just my wife, my best friend, love of my life… and besides Sofia would love having a sibling.” She said leaning up to kiss you.
“so you wanna have a baby?” You chuckled into her kiss.
“yes love I wanna have a baby.” She said placing rapid kisses on your lips and pulling you into an embrace as you both giggled.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Can I ask for some nsfw headcanons of Callie? I love this gross queen
[It is with a heavy heart that I must classify Calliope as a warning herself. Filthy things go on under the cut]
Like most activities, sexy times with Callie are like flipping a coin. She carefully takes minutes out of her alone time to face all of her plushies to the wall - right before drilling herself lightheaded with a toothbrush she stole the night before. Calliope acts shy and dainty so you'll like her more, but girl is drooling soon as your clothes hit the floor. "O-of course I've done this before! I'll prove it to you!" Don't believe a word she says. The only other kiss she's ever had was so she could rip out her partner's tongue with her teeth. All of her "experience" comes from hentai and amsr channels/visual novels.
Huge scent kink. Casually commits bi-weekly panty..(boxer?) raids even after you get together with replacements so you're none the wiser. Come home from a night out with friends just a few minutes early and you may catch her in the act on your bed with whatever clothing she could find.
Cosplay. Callie lines her closet with outfits she wants you wear as a couple to future conventions, but she also happens to possess a secret cupboard she keeps for the bedroom - a few for you and majority her. She enjoys being able to doll herself up for you and flaunt her assets in the best way imaginable.
Speaking of...assets, Callie clearly sees her chest as the biggest and best (probably because it is). "O-oh dear... guess I bought this shirt a size too small. The top button popped off. T-that's crazy. The shirt's a little see through too. What do you think?" She strictly sticks to wearing bikini tops under her jacket and shirts that crush her lungs just to get your unwavering attention. Hugs your arm to her breasts, and straight up puts your hand down her cleavage when you look away too long.
Choke her until she's seeing stars and she'll declare her undying love to you with her remaining breath. Might smack the wind out of you if she feels like playing rough, but apologizes and breaks into tears almost immediately...after you finish.
Callie is such a sweet girlfriend. She listens to every word you say down to the syllable and records your voice so she can treasure it forever. She might be a bit too into it, since she can't touch herself without her headphones and her favorite recording of you getting angry at common household mistakes and swearing in frustration. Callie is a pretty good artist and probably draws/animates scenes based on the audio she gathers. She longs for the courage to ask you to record a whole animation, but she knows she can't possibly ask you to call her character your personal whore and look at you the same ever again. That and she'd listen to it too often to leave her bed and get the job done.
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girlkisser13 · 3 months
calliope "callie" torres masterlist
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* indicates smut
being married to callie torres would include
nsfw headcanons
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
A Vampire Romcom
Pairing: Juliette Fairmont x AFAB!reader
Warnings(s): Pining, Smutty smut smut, lowkey a bit of angst and fluff at the end, *kinda* slow burn, Vampire stuff (blood sucking, blood lust, etc.), some y/n use, ONE POV change to Juliette, Juliette being a big fat Lesbian and attempting to flirt :)
Summary: You're a transfer student at Lancaster academy and you bump into a cute girl, what are the odds she's also a cute Vampire?
(Edit) DISCLAIMER: An anon has brought up that In the show, Juliette is canonically 16, and the fact that it says "Minors DNI". I know that she is 16 In the show, but in this fan fiction Juliette and the reader are in their senior year which would make them both 18 (or 19 in some circumstances). Also, ofc I'm not gonna go hunting after you for interacting with my post if you are a minor, but I have to put the disclaimer.
Word count: 4.2k
I'm back baybeeee!!! My summer was so busy and fun I didn't really have motivation to write but now it's back to uni and we are ignoring being homesick and all of our stress and problems by writing😎 Also, I know, I know about the requests, I'm working on them right after I finish that captain Marvel smut I was talking about (it's almost done dw) My brain won't let me work on requests until I finish my own ideas cuz it's weird like that lmao. Anyways I hope at least some of you enjoy this one and the next while you wait for your fics. I am terribly sorry about making you wait <3
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~~~~18+ minors DNI~~~~
You walked into Lancaster Academy and looked around.
It wasn't too bad compared to the other schools you've been to. It was actually quite nice if you were being honest, it felt more like a college campus than a high school.
You followed signs that pointed you to the main office. Classes had already started a month ago, but since you had just moved to Savannah, here you were, joining one month late, much to your perturbation.
You tried to convince your parents to let you skip the year and join the next one but, of course, they had absolutely shut that idea down.
Well, it was worth a shot.
You walked into the office and were greeted by the classic: an old lady with curly hair and glasses sitting at the desk.
"Hello, dear, how can I help you?" She smiled kindly at you.
"Hi, uh, I'm supposed to talk to Principal Waters? My name is y/n l/n, I just transferred here."
"Oh, yes! Miss l/n, you can go in, he's in there." She directed you.
You said "Thank you", giving her a small smile before walking into the principal's office.
When you walked in, he looked up and recognition filled his face.
"Ah, y/n, welcome! Please, sit." He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk.
"Thanks." You said as you sat down, Principal Waters mirroring your action.
"So, today is your first day of classes. Here is your schedule, some information about clubs and whatnot, and lastly your gym uniform, which your parents already paid for." He handed you the things as he listed them off to you.
You organized them in your hands and nodded.
"Would you like me to give you a tour of the school and show you where your classes are?" He asked you.
Your eyes widened at his question.
"Oh, no no! That won't be necessary, I can find my way around." You quickly responded, shaking your free hand in the air in front of you in a waving motion.
He chuckled at your quick response.
"Alright, I get it. Well, your first class will start soon, so you should get a move on. Welcome to Lancaster Academy, y/n." Principal Waters smiled as you both stood up.
"Thanks." You shot him a crooked smile before leaving his office and subsequently the main office.
However as you were leaving the main office, you bumped into someone, dropping all of the papers and your gym uniform Principal Waters had given you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" A voice said as both of you dropped down to pick up your stuff.
"No, it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was..." Your voice trailed off as you grabbed your things and looked up, meeting eyes with the girl you had bumped into.
"...going." You finished.
Holy shit she was cute.
She gave you a small smile as she handed you your gym uniform and schedule.
The two of you stood up and you awkwardly adjusted your backpack strap.
"U-um, are you new here? I've never seen you around." The other girl asked you sheepishly.
"Uh yeah, actually, I just transferred in today, I moved here recently." You responded, taking in her gorgeous blue eyes.
"Oh, cool, cool...Can I see your schedule? I mean, if you don't mind." She added quickly.
You smiled at her, oh she was absolutely adorable.
"Sure, here you go." You handed her your schedule.
She scanned over it before looking back at you.
"Oh, you're actually in my English class! I was just heading over, I mean, if you want to come with." She added nervously.
You smiled brightly at her.
"Oh, of course, it's not like I know the building anyway." You chuckled.
"Well, I could show you where all your classes are... I mean if you wanted me to, obviously!" She quickly added again, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, sure, that wouldn't be too bad, thanks." You smiled.
This was way better than Principal Waters showing you around.
She returned the action, melting your heart with her own smile.
"Alright, shall we head over?" You asked.
"Oh! Yeah, let's go." She said, starting to walk towards the classroom.
As you walked alongside her, you looked over to see her fiddling with her fingers and looking anywhere but at you. She was nervous.
"So… you gonna tell me your name or what?" You smirked as you spoke up.
Her eyes widened as she lifted her head to look at you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, I'm Juliette, what's your name?" She asked.
"Y/n." You responded with a relaxed smile.
"Y/n..." She repeated softly with a smile.
You would be lying if you said your heart didn't race at how delicious your name sounded coming from her mouth.
"You have a pretty name." You said as the two of you finally reached your classroom.
She blushed and looked down.
"Thanks, I really like yours, too." She smiled.
"Well, after you,” Juliette said, gesturing for you to walk through the door first.
"Why, thank you, madame." You thanked her with a slight bow, causing her to let out a giggle that was like music to your ears.
You grinned widely as you walked past her. You looked around the room in search of an open seat but pretty much all of them were taken.
"Um, you can sit next to me… if you want?" Juliette said shyly, slowly making her way over to her seat in case you wanted to follow.
"Sure." You smiled, following her to her desk.
You sat down, keeping your backpack on the floor next to you and taking your notebook out.
Right as you did, Mr. Porter, your English teacher, walked in. You were slightly disappointed you didn't get the chance to talk to Juliette more.
"Alright, class, good morning." He said as he quickly entered the room and set his things down on the desk.
He then stood in front of his desk and leaned on it, clapping his hands together before speaking.
"Before we begin, I have a little announcement."
Oh god, here we go.
You hid your head in your hands.
"As most of you might have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Would you like to introduce yourself?” he gestured to you.
Isn’t this high school? Nobody introduces new students these days!
Regardless, you stood up, much to your embarrassment.
You looked back over at Juliette, who gave you an encouraging, starry-eyed smile before you started speaking.
"Um, alright… hey guys, my name is y/n. Great to be here, I guess…" You muttered before sitting down, successfully earning a few laughs and snickers from your classmates, including an adorable giggle from Juliette at your poor attempt at a joke.
You smiled to yourself as Mr. Porter begrudgingly accepted your introduction.
He moved on to the lesson and you felt Juliette's eyes burning holes into your skin.
When you looked over at her though, she quickly looked away and you saw the tinge of red that coated her cheeks.
You smiled as you tried to pay attention to the lesson, but all that was on your mind was Juliette next to you.
You looked over at her and your small smile disappeared as you saw her head in her hands. She closed her eyes tightly and you could see her chest rising and falling quicker than normal. You put your arm around the back of her chair and leaned in to whisper into her ear.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, concern laced in your voice.
You pulled back a little, but not too much, as her head shot up and displayed her wide eyes and heavy red blush.
Your faces were close and you noticed her looking at your lips before she answered with a nod.
"Yeah, I just get bad migraines sometimes." She whispered back before reaching into her bag and grabbing a container of red pills, popping two into her mouth and swallowing.
You leaned back in your chair and watched her reaction. It seemed to imply instant relief, mixed with a bit of euphoria, as she closed her eyes and her heavy breathing gradually slowed down before she opened her eyes to look back at you with an uneasy smile.
Now it was your turn to be flustered. You quickly looked away, feeling your face heat up.
Holy shit, how could someone look hot just taking pills?!
For the rest of class, you tried not to look at Juliette too much, in fear of her noticing your bashfulness if it had returned, completely forgetting about how strange it was that the pills had worked instantly.
When the bell rang you quickly put your things in your bag and got up from your seat.
"Well, I got pre-calc right now, I noticed we passed the room earlier actually, so I guess I'll see you around?" You cocked your head at Juliette.
"Yeah, yeah, for sure! Um- I'm pretty sure we have lunch together, too, so I'll see you later I guess." She let out a nervous laugh, gripping her backpack straps.
Your eyes light up as you answer her, "Okay, great! Then I'll definitely see you later." You winked at her before quickly leaving the classroom.
The two other classes you had before lunch went pretty well. Surprisingly, you managed to make some friends who also had the same lunch period as you. You smiled as you walked to lunch with them, enjoying the mindless chatter going on between the lot of you, feeling a sense of normalcy for the first time since you moved to Savannah.
~~~Juliette's POV~~~
"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Juliette ducked her head down and glanced around the lunch room, looking for any sign of you.
"Well, you can't blame me! You never talk to any of your crushes, you usually spend weeks trying to talk to them." Ben chuckled. Juliette however, cringed at the thought.
"Well, I was kind of thrown right into it, she bumped into me coming out of Principal Waters' office.” Juliette folded her arms.
"Woah, bitch, you had a whole rom-com moment!" Ben said excitedly.
"What? No..." Juliette blushed intensely.
"I don't even know if she likes girls, or if she likes me, for that matter..." Juliette confessed.
"Girl... does that girl seem straight to you?" Ben looks at Juliette pointedly, causing her to laugh.
"Hey, you can't judge a book by its cover." Juliette shrugged and played with her food, not actually eating it.
She was a prime example of that saying, she thought, with a feeling of guilt.
"I guess..." Ben shrugged.
"Hey, isn't that her?"
Juliette's head whipped around, her heart racing fast as she looked around to see your face.
She heard Ben laugh loudly behind her and she slapped his arm as her face turned red for probably the seventh time today.
"You suck." She rolled her eyes, a small smile teasing at her lips.
~~~Your POV~~~
You walked into the cafeteria with your friends and immediately looked around, trying to spot Juliette.
You spotted her facing a boy with his head thrown back in a fit of laughter.
You excused yourself from your friends for a moment, promising to find them in a bit, and made your way over to Juliette and the boy, causing the boy to perk up when he noticed you.
"Now she's actually here," Ben said as you approached them.
"I'm not falling for that again." Juliette said, crossing her arms.
"Falling for what?" You said, causing Juliette to jump up in surprise and turn around to look up at you quickly.
"Oh, y/n! You're here!" Juliette said, her voice cracking a bit and her face red from her seemingly constant blush.
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and sat down next to her.
"Um, y/n, this is my best friend since childhood, Ben." Juliette introduced you to the boy sitting across from her.
"Ah, nice to meet you." You greeted him with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, too, I've heard a lot about you from Juliette over here," Ben said, smirking.
You caught Juliette giving him a death glare before turning to you and chuckling nervously.
"He's just joking, I talked about you a normal amount." Juliette quickly clarified.
"Hey, I'm not complaining! It's nice to be remembered." You said with a smile.
"How could anyone ever forget you?" Juliette said softly, causing your heart to race.
You felt your face heat up and you looked down with a smile before looking back into Juliette's eyes.
"That's very sweet, thank you." You expressed genuinely.
Juliette blushed heavily and mumbled "It's no problem…" before looking at Ben who seemed to be trying to wordlessly tell her something.
"Oh! Uh, there's this party tonight at Noah Harrington's house. I'm going to be there with Ben… if you wanna come, too?" Juliette asked hesitantly.
You think about it for a moment before responding.
"Sure, why not?" You say, smiling as Juliette's eyes light up, with Ben silently celebrating in the background.
What a great wingman you thought to yourself.
"Alright, I made some friends today and I promised I would sit with them, so sadly I've got to go, but I guess I'll see you guys at the party tonight?" You said as you got up from the table.
"Yeah, definitely!" Juliette said, nodding.
"It was nice to meet you, Ben!" You said, nodding at the boy.
"You too!" He said with a smile.
As you walked away from the table you heard Ben speak up when you were a considerable distance away.
"You wanna fuck her so bad it makes you look stupid." He laughed.
"Ben shut up!" You heard Juliette yell, causing you to chuckle to yourself.
When you arrived at the party you went to get a drink right away before looking for Juliette and Ben.
You finished half of your semi-full cup before finding Juliette and Ben talking to each other with smiles on their faces.
Juliette looked adorable in a semi-short, casual form-fitting dress, and platform boots.
You make your way towards them and catch Ben's eye.
"Oh, y/n, hey!" Ben greets you.
Juliette turns around as you wave at Ben.
"Hey guys, what's up?" You smiled at both of them.
"Hey, you actually came!" Juliette said.
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" You asked her.
"I don't know actually..." She said sheepishly.
You laughed a bit before speaking again.
"There could’ve been a multitude of reasons why I wouldn't have come, actually, but I wouldn't leave you hanging, of course." You nudged her with your elbow gently, causing her to blush.
"Well, ladies, I think I spot a cute boy over there, so it's time for me to go work my magic." Ben said, wiggling his eyebrows and hips.
"Oh god,” Juliette said, chuckling.
"Woooo go Ben!" You cheered as he bowed and made his way over to the boy.
"Well, that's Ben for ‘ya." Juliette giggled causing your heart to soar.
"So... how are you liking Savannah so far?" Juliette asked, watching you take a swig of your drink.
"Hmm, I miss home obviously, but it's not too bad here. I've met some pretty cool people…" You winked at her.
A light blush seemed to coat her skin for the millionth time since you met her. It was endearing.
You suddenly felt a burst of courage. You couldn't tell if it was from the alcohol, or if you just couldn't take it any longer, but you chugged the rest of your drink and grabbed Juliette's hand, causing her to let out a little surprised yelp.
You quickly guided her through the party into a closet and pushed her inside, closing the door behind the two of you.
"Y/n, what-"
You cut Juliette off by pressing your lips to hers.
The kiss was full of passion as well as a bit of hunger and desperation.
Your hands cupped her face, feeling heat radiating from her cheeks.
You pulled away for air, your forehead pressed against Juliette's. The space didn't last long though, because Juliette pressed her lips back against yours, her body pushing your back up against the door.
"Jules..." You gasped lightly in between her breathtaking hungry kisses.
"Fuck, say my name again." Juliette groaned.
You grabbed her waist, flipping the two of you around and pushing her up against the door.
"Juliette." You whispered into her neck, starting to leave open-mouthed kisses on her neck.
She moaned, her back arching, causing her to push her body up into yours.
You had no clue how you were doing this in nearly complete darkness, with only a sliver of light coming through the closet; there was just enough light for you to make out Juliette's face. You didn't care, though.
All you could focus on was the fact that Juliette's hands were running all over your body, squeezing your ass and pulling you up against her.
Your hands, which rested on her hips, started to move downwards, squeezing her ass, earning a loud moan from Juliette.
"Shhhhh, we don't want anyone to hear us in here." You chuckled into her neck as you slipped one of your hands under her dress.
She whimpered lightly as you teased her, feeling her wetness soaking through her underwear.
"All this for me?" You pulled back from her neck and asked her teasingly, applying pressure to her core through the soaked fabric.
She gasped out, and maybe it was a trick of the light, but you could swear she had fangs.
You continued teasing at her core, gently applying pressure.
"Fuck, stop teasing." Juliette hissed.
"What if I don't feel like it?" You smirked.
"I swear to-"
You cut her off by pressing your lips to hers as soon as you quickly pulled her underwear down and plunged two of your fingers into her.
You swallowed her loud moans and smiled against her lips.
You slowly thrust your fingers in and out of her as you moved your kisses down her jaw and back up to her neck. You felt wetness rushing to your core as you listened to her moans and whimpers in your ear, feeling her breath hot against your already warm skin.
You used your knee to spread her legs apart a bit more, and your fingers sank deeper into her.
You could tell she was struggling to keep quiet as you sucked at the skin on her neck, definitely leaving a mark as your fingers moved at a steady pace.
Your free hand that held onto her hip snaked up her body under her dress, pulling it up along with your hand. You let out a shaky breath as you finally reached her breasts, slipping underneath her bra and slowly running your thumb over her nipple as you squeezed her breast lightly.
You felt her head fall against your shoulder as she breathed heavily, her body seemingly shaking as you added another finger and curled all of the digits inside her.
"You smell… so good…" She panted, and you felt her warm tongue lick the side of your neck.
You felt her hands that were gripping onto your jacket for dear life loosen a bit as one of her hands snaked its way into your pants and underwear, her fingers collecting your wetness.
"Juliette," You moaned her name into her neck, the pace of your own fingers inside her faltering as pleasure wracked your body.
"Shhhhh," She cooed.
Suddenly stars exploded in your eyes as you felt what you could only describe as her biting your neck as she plunged three of her fingers into you.
The pain of the bite, and sudden stretch of her fingers, lasted only a second before it morphed into pleasure.
She moaned against your neck as you felt a euphoric sensation, your head feeling a little light.
You groaned, resuming a quicker pace with your fingers, Juliette matching yours with her own fingers.
You dropped your hand from her breast and went back to holding onto Juliette's hip, this time for your own stability.
She pulled her head away from your neck and threw her head back at the same time as you, both of you quickening the pace of your fingers.
The heady, dizzy feeling left after a couple of seconds, leaving you feeling a bit confused, but yet again, you ignored it, focusing solely on the pleasure.
The closet was filled with heavy pants and breaths as the two of you worked your fingers inside each other.
You felt Juliette grab your face and bring her lips to yours.
You tasted something metallic as she pushed her tongue into your mouth.
"Jules are you-"
"Shhhh wait... I- I'm so close," She moaned.
And she was, you felt her walls clenching around her fingers, causing your own climax to grow nearer.
"I want you to cum with me." Juliette panted.
You nodded, your eyes struggling to focus on her face in the darkness, and your brain struggling to form any words through the haze.
Juliette quickened the pace of her fingers and curled them inside you just as you did earlier. You moaned and bit your lip hard, mirroring her actions.
"I'm g-gonna cum." You called out in a hushed tone, afraid of someone on the outside hearing you.
"Do it, cum with me, baby." Juliette responded breathily.
Her words pushed you over the edge, the two of you simultaneously coming undone.
Your legs shook as both of you stilled your fingers but still kept them inside each other, while Juliette leaned her back against the door and you leaned against her for support.
As the high from your orgasm wore away and you listened to both of your heavy breaths, you held Juliette, who felt so right in your arms.
Suddenly you remembered the taste in her mouth from earlier.
"Wait, Jules, were you bleeding or something earlier?" You asked her worriedly.
"Wh-what? No?" She said quickly, and now that your eyes had adjusted once more in the darkness of the closet, you could see her eyes widened.
"Are you sure? I tasted-"
"I'm a vampire." She said quickly.
The silence was deafening as you slowly stood back from her.
“Wait! Let me explain!" She burst out.
"Okay..." You said cautiously.
You saw her shuffle a little bit before finding the light switch and flicking it on.
You both blinked a couple of times before your eyes adjusted to the light.
"Okay, so..." She sighed heavily before continuing.
"Like I said, I'm a vampire. And, that blood you tasted... that was… your blood." Her face cringed.
You slapped your hand over your neck, your eyes widening.
"I knew I felt you bite me! Wait..." A confused expression dawned on your face as you tried to feel for the bite mark.
"The bite mark disappears. I'm... a different kind of vampire." She confessed. You heard a bit of guilt in her voice.
"You didn't drain me..." You said, confusion lacing your voice.
Her eyes widened once again, "I would never drain you, I would never drain anyone! I don't kill." She said firmly.
"I don't want to hurt people, and I would never ever hurt you." She continued sincerely, putting her hand on her chest.
"Then why did you bite me?" You asked her, your heart racing.
"I- I couldn't control myself, it's just..." She looked down for a second trying to collect herself before her eyes met yours again.
"I have heightened senses so, I could smell your arousal and your blood racing through your veins, I could hear your heart beating fast. My… bloodlust has been out of control recently." She cringed at the word bloodlust.
"My family is part of a long line of vampires called Legacy Vampires. We're day walkers. After my 16th birthday, everything started getting worse, and my family started pressuring me to have my first kill. That's the only way to stop everything from getting even worse. But I don't want to kill anyone! That's why you've seen me taking those pills. They help me, but… it's starting to not be enough." She looked away from you once again.
You felt your heart sink. Juliette clearly didn't want to hurt anyone, but she was struggling to fight against her own nature because of that.
You moved closer to her, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her tightly, seemingly catching her by surprise.
“I'm sorry you have to go through this, Juliette," You said, holding onto her and closing your eyes, taking in the smell of her shampoo.
"You're not a monster. And I don't care that you bit me. You didn't choose to be a vampire." You affirmed.
You felt her body slightly tremble against you and you pulled away from her, but still kept your arms around her.
Tears were steadily falling from her eyes as her bottom lip trembled.
"Thank you. That is honestly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I thought you would hate me forever after this and be disgusted."
"Never. How could I ever hate you? Much less disgusted by your adorable self?" You smiled lightly, wiping the tears from her cheeks with your thumbs.
She let out a broken noise that was between a sob and a laugh as she smiled, holding onto your hands. You kissed her softly as you cupped her face in your hands, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“What do you say we get out of this closet, ditch this party, and go somewhere? Just the two of us." You asked her.
"I'd like that." Juliette said softly.
"Then it's a date." You smiled.
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it's got lucienne! it's got calliope! it's got calliope making a dick for herself and railing lucienne the way lucienne deserves! they're having fun they're having feelings and i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it <33333
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morpheusbaby3 · 9 months
a dynamic like korra x mako x asami but with Morpheus and Calliope please.
where the reader and Calliope are secretly dating because they don't want to hurt Morpheus, but then he finds out... and then maybe he'll be jealous, then happy????
or one that Calliope falls in love with first but maybe this is the first time she's attracted to a woman but she thinks she loves the reader like a sister or something?? so Morpheus helps her with this ahahshhs help
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(I'm using a translator, sorryyy)
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murdrdocs · 8 months
doing this off anon because i’m simply unhinged but - ghostface!luke doing it to fuck with you when he’s mad…
like you beat the hermes cabin in capture the flag or sumn,, and the first time it happens you wait for him in the woods to meet up after everyone’s in their bunks. and you hear rustling behind you and suddenly there’s a knife to your throat and he messes with you for a while with the mask until you find out it’s him.
and then he gets addicted to the fear in your eyes and the crying he saw and so he keeps doing it 😩 somewhere out there is a picture where luke is pulling your hair with the camera flash on like the tiktok trend im SCREECHING please
cw dark content; ghostface!luke; suggestive content MDNI 18+
the energy of the vengeance coursing through his veins is so electric that it's a wonder you can't feel it.
luke figures it's because you're stuck in your ego. in your glory. it's practically radiating off of you, momentarily protecting you from what pumps through him, meddled with the blood and ichor to create something dangerous.
but he's not here to seriously hurt you. no matter how many times he has to remind himself. he just needs to put you in your place. to remind you that this win was singular, and another won't be following it. with you, there's no better way to do that than to strike fear deep into your core.
it takes a second for it to reach you.
when luke purposefully steps onto a branch, and you turn to face him, he's only met with brief shock. then, like the overcompensating brat that he knows you to be, you laugh in his face to hide your fear.
"what's with the getup?" you gesture to the mask and gloves, amusement in your eyes but luke can see the way the corners of your lips tug down just a bit.
he doesn't say anything, tilting his head and watching on as you ramble to yourself.
"here to scare me? how'd you know i was out here anyway. unless..." you take a step closer, squinting your eyes. "luke?" your smile turns bigger, more genuine.
"knew you were a little weirdo but i didn't suspect this. what, are we gonna do it in the getup? am i gonna be your helpless victim? are you gonna make me beg for my life?"
you get closer and closer to him as you speak. eventually, you reach a hand up and attempt to lift his mask, but he catches you.
"luke?" you ask. he shakes his head, and it's then that the fear starts to set in.
you don't have time to react before luke has you spun around, your hand locked behind your back and your chest pressed up against the rough bark of a tree.
you wince. "ow, luke. you're hurting me," you tell him, trying to wedge yourself out of his grip but this is always one position you couldn't figure out the escape for when you would spar with luke.
he has you at his mercy. and before he'll let you go, he has to play with you for a while.
when the cold and sharp metal of a knife presses against the pure skin of your cheek, you flinch away, only to be stopped by luke forcibly nudging his crotch into your backside to remind you that when he's here, you're not going anywhere.
he hears your sniffles, and he briefly wishes he could see the tears glide down your face. but there's something more perversely addictive about only being able to hear you and not see you. something that makes luke's cock twitch within the confines of his cargo pants.
you're starting to plead, telling him that there's someone coming out to meet you. that he's big and strong and the best swordsman around and he could end your assailant in less than a minute. luke wants to laugh at the irony, and eventually he can't hold it in.
he does. he laughs right in your ear as he lets the knife slip a little and he slices a thin line against your cheek, watching the blood gather from behind the eye slits in the mask before he finally decides to show you mercy.
"not so big and bad now, are we?"
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dearly-dreaming · 2 years
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Title: Punishments And Rewards.
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x fem!reader.
Word count: 1665.
Warnings: Smut(18+ only - minors don’t interact) unprotected sex (remember to be safe!) hair pulling, edging, orgasm denial, jealousy, angst if you squint, and a little bit of fluff.
Summary: It was hardly you fault, that far just started talking to you but it seems as though Morpheus has to remind you who you belong to.
Author’s note: Thanks to the anon who requested this! If you’re reading this I hope you enjoy :)
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18+ only. Minors do not interact.
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"Please, Morpheus!"
Your body shook, the delirium of desire consuming you.
You had no clue how many times you'd been stopped from cumming tonight.
Enough that your mouth fell open, moans falling free, rambled and desperate. Your only thoughts on the man that towered above you, hips thrusting into your so slowly, so deeply. You trembled under his dominance, wanting nothing more than to cum around him again and again.
But he would not let you.
His dark chuckle sounded above you, "Please?"
"Yes!" You cried, "Please let me cum!"
There was a moment's pause and you thought he would finally stop his punishment, satisfied by your frantic begging.
Then, like a whispered secret, his lips brushed against your ear, "No."
And he fucked into you.
"Take your punishment," He snarled, "Take your punishment."
A strangled whine escaped your mouth as Morpheus pounded into you, the harshness of his thrusts igniting across your body, the bruising grip he had on your hips delicious. Like lightning, he snapped into you, cock hitting you so deeply you couldn't think.
This was the wrath of Dream of the Endless.
And you could do nothing but take it.
"Who do you belong to?" He ground into you relentlessly.
"You!" You squealed without hesitation, intoxicated by all that was Morpheus, your husband.
Feeble hands gripped at silken sheets of your shared bed as your body shook with each powerful, dominating thrust. You could feel his anger shoot through you as he fucked you, low grunts falling from his lips.
Oh, how you would pray for the sounds he made.
You pushed your head into the pillow, tears of pleasure blurring your sight. Your muffled screams filled the room, almost drowning out the slapping of skin that made your core burn. Your knees seared with the heat of Morpheus' power as he fucked you with the rage of mountains and storms.
You clutched at the sheets as hard as you could, shoving your face so deep into your pillow it was hard to breathe, moans falling rapidly from your mouth like a messy symphony.
Morpheus scoffed.
His hand fisted your hair and he yanked your head up.
"Do not hide your voice now, my love," He hissed, voice like liquid darkness, "You were so happy to use it earlier."
Morpheus ground into you groans falling from his lips as he snapped toward your neck, brutal bites and red marks littering your skin like art. He marked you relentlessly, dominated over you entirely, owned you wholly.
"Oh, god!" You whined.
"I am no god," He grinned against your skin.
"Fuck! Please, Morpheus!" You cried as he pounded into you ferally, teeth digging into your skin, "Please!"
Dream laughed in mocking amusement, body pressed flush against yours as he murmured, "I enjoy it when you beg."
"Fuck me..." You gasped breathlessly.
"I am," He muttered, dark hair falling on your shoulder like wisps of darkness, "Beg me for more."
Yes sir.
The words flowed from you like a poem, a prayer, a ramble of desperation and love, "Morpheus! I'm sorry! So sorry! I beg of you, my love! Please let me cum. Let me cum for you. Only you."
You felt his lips curve into a wolfish smirk as he lifted his head from your neck, speed slowing to an agonizing pace, each thrust deep, purposeful - a claim. No one else could ever make you feel the way he did, get this deep inside of you. Only him.
"Only me?" He spoke slyly, "Not that pathetic fae man you seemed so fond of tonight?"
"Yes! Only you! Only you! No one else, never anyone else!" You wailed, desperate to cum.
"Did you enjoy listening to him whisper in your ear? How his lustful eyes watched you? How his hands itched to touch you?" Morpheus hissed.
"No!" You cried feebly.
"No one else can make you feel this way? No one can make you this desperate? No one can make you this pleasured? No one? No one else?" Dream spoke, voice strained as his skin slapped against yours so brutally.
"No," You whimpered weakly, "Only you!"
"Good," He grunted.
And suddenly he was hammering into you. The thrusts grew louder more sinful, as you moaned wantonly, body rocking against his as he fucked you with an iron grip, his dick hitting places only he knew. he pounded against you so fiercely you could feel your high approaching you once more. You desperately chased it, whines and moans falling from you like prayer.
So close.
So fucking close.
Abruptly, Morpheus stopped.
You wailed in upset. He had not yet finished his punishment. he was going to stop you from cumming again. Instinct pushed you to try and rock back on him but his grip was like a cage, forcing you still.
Only your heaving breaths could be heard.
Morpheus shifted, chest pressing flush against your back. Your legs shook, struggling to keep you upright. His grip on your hair fell and came to lay on the sheets beside yours. You almost reached out.
Your chest heaved as tears of pleasure fell from your eyes, searing your cheeks, staining the silk of your sheets. You couldn't care less. You just wanted to cum.
"Am' sorry," You whispered, speech slurring, "So sorry, love."
"I know," He murmured to you, gently, "I know you are."
"Please..." You whimpered.
"If you answer my question, I'll let you cum," Morpheus spoke softly, "Hm?"
You somehow found the strength to nod, "Yes."
Dream sighed, "Why did you do it, my love? Why seek attention from another?"
You turned away, shame burrowing deep inside of you.
But Morpheus would not let you, his starlight-kissed skin hand gripping your chin, forcing you to look into his glittering eyes, "Why?"
The words tumbled from your mouth, "Because you didn't do anything."
His brows furrowed like a raven's feather, "Because I didn't do anything?"
You nodded, feeling an upset glare make its way onto your face, "All those fae bitches were flirting with you and you just sat there."
Realisation shimmered in Morpheus' eyes as his grip on your hop and chin loosened. You lowered your gaze, guilt and shame ripping through you. He was your husband, it was such a foolish thing to be jealous of.
"My love," Whispered Dream, hand placing itself on yours, "It is I who should apologize, I did not realise."
"Morpheus-" You scrambled to tell him that it wasn't his fault, that you had been acting childish and never should have allowed petty jealousy to get the better of you the way it did.
He gently shushed you, "Hush now, my love," He murmured, "As promised, it is time to take your reward."
Before you had time to understand what he spoke of, Dream had already moved the two of you. Now, you straddled his lap, sinking deeply onto his cock. You whined. Morpheus grasped your hips softly, hands stroking the reddened skin tenderly.
"Go on, my love, take what you deserve," He spoke to you─ silver ring glimmering brightly around his bare neck, made from fragments of stars, it shimmered in unison with yours.
Your wedding rings.
You lifted your hips, falling back down on his dick, shivering in delight.
With a shaking body, you somehow found your pace, quickening as you chased the high you had been denied so much before. It called to you, desperate to shoot across your body like sunrise.
Your hands clasped Morpheus' shoulders, tangled in his midnight hair as you rode him fervently. He groaned softly, kissing your perfect lips gently as his hands ran up and down your body, reciting it to his memory.
God, how he had missed your body. How he had missed you. He would never be away from you again.
You whined, "I'm close," Your hips stuttered, "Cum with me. Please cum with me."
"Always," Hummed Morpheus, peppering kisses to your neck, the sweet taste of sweat on his tongue, as he bucked into you, matching your pace perfectly.
You moaned erratically, rolling your hips frantically. Your release was so close you could almost taste it. Your nails dug into Dream's skin as he fucked you, cock hitting that sensitive spot within you over and over again.
So close.
So very close.
So impossibly close.
You threw your head back.
You stilled your body.
You orgasmed.
Morpheus groaned, voice gravelly as he nestled deep within you, cum coating your walls as he shuddered. Your body shook like electricity, and your mind shattered from the sheer force of your orgasm. It shot across you like a lightning storm. You loved it.
Dream kissed your skin again and again as you slowly fell from your high.
Finally, he spoke, "Y/n..." He murmured gently, eyes softening so much it almost hurt, "My y/n..."
You saw Morpheus' eyes become sorrowful, breath escaping his mouth as his fingers came to pull your lip from your teeth, hands cupping you so gently it was as if he feared you would shatter in his embrace.
His voice was so soft it almost broke, it was the very same voice he had after a century's imprisonment, "No, my love. Do not harm yourself to try and hide the feelings I caused."
You shook your head, suddenly overwhelmed, "No, I was overreacting-"
"You were not," His hold became ever so slightly firmer, demanding you listen to his words, "Your emotions are never an overreaction. Never. I can only apologize relentlessly for the feelings I caused you with my carelessness."
You tried to pull away, tell him it wasn't his fault, all anger was gone from you but he would not let you, "Morpheus..."
"My love. I am your husband, your partner, your lover, I should have known instantly you were upset and felt neglected but I did not. And you had to seek comfort from another, I have failed you," Morpheus whispered tenderly, voice holding secrets long forgotten to the universe.
"No, I have failed you," You croaked softly.
Dream shook his head, hands slipping from your cheeks and falling to your hips as he lowered himself to the ground, kneeling before you on his knees. You gasped. His eyes glittered with boundless devotion, shimmered with more love than any being in the universe could muster, and shined with a passion only found in dreams.
"Forgive me," Morpheus whispered.
A breath escaped you, hands coming to cup his cheeks, blessed by his starry skin, "Only if you forgive me."
"Always," He gasped.
And you sealed the promise with a kiss.
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Tags: @fate-huntress @layla2-49 @asianfrustration13 @true-queen-of-mischief @mxtokko @notabotiswear @marion7s-blog @winxchester @beautifulbows924 @sidneysdreamland @boofy1998 @thecrazytealady @kisses4kitty @we-love-our-bandz @kittycatcait219 @crimsonabbath @violet-19999 @dreaming-about-fanfictions @silverhart93 @dilf-of-the-endless @tea-effect @bakerstreethound @popcornceilings69 @blu3what @angelphishy
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ihearttish · 1 year
masterlist ʚїɞ
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Hey everyone, I’m niya and I’m new to writing. Here’s a list of some of my works and everything you need to know about my writing. Really hope you enjoy!
i’ll write for:
shuri udaku
emerald haywood
jamie harrison
riri williams
calliope burns
Will be taking requests soon! :)
I do NOT write about homophobia, incest, rape, racism or anything else of that nature‼️
I do write (18+) smut, angst, fluff & more…
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shuri udaku:
you’re making me high’
Sundress szn ☀️
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emerald haywood:
𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 ༊
Hooked like drugs (coming soon)
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Riri Williams:
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Fic voting!!!!!!
guess who’s baaccck!… so it’s been a hot minute but I need some other fresh ideas for the works, I’ve done a number recently and still have some in the queue but I want a little bit of a break so I’m gonna let my lovelies decide…
Whooo… some exciting choices, yall have 1 week to tell me what you want so go crazy. Make you’re friends vote idc but vote!
Dr. Ghost
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lillianawayne99 · 1 year
CastAway Chapter 20
Pairing: Gojo, Itadori, Sukuna, Nanami X OC
Genre: Action Romance
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Teacher-Student relationship, canon with a twist, reverse harem, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, violence, major character death, M/M, M/F/M, three way, unprotected sex, sex outdoors, sex in a public place, fingering, manhandling, dominant Gojo, switch Yuuji, submissive MC, quirofilia, dry humping, Sukuna and Yuuji share control, voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgasm control, choking, dacryphilia, double penetration, praise, degradation, creampie
Synopsis: Calliope, a wolf in sheep's clothing, enrolls at Jujutsu Tech to protect herself from a world she's never seen before. In her efforts to stay alive, she finds relationships that could mend her soul or tear her apart.
Previous Chapter // CastAway // Masterlist
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Yuuji stared up at Gojo through hooded eyes. He groaned again as Gojo tugged on his hair. With one hand on Yuuji’s waist and the other in his hair, he pushed us backwards until Yuuji’s back hit the tree I’d sent Sukuna flying into. Yuuji and I grunted as we were forced to a sudden stop. 
Gojo took another step forward, keeping the three of us pressed firmly together. Using Yuuji to hold us still, bright blue eyes shifted their gaze to mine. Feeling Gojo’s eyes on me, I turned to look at him. His gaze darkened as he saw his own lust mirrored in my eyes. 
All three of our chests heaved in unison as the weight of what we were doing sank in. No one else was here, no one would know, and yet the fear of getting caught was starting to hit us. Well, based on the look of pure lust in Gojo’s eyes, it was hitting me and Yuuji. Gojo didn’t seem to care about getting caught, or maybe it turned him on even more.
“Safeword?” Gojo asked, his eyes boring into mine.
“What?” I asked as Yuuji’s breath faltered behind me.
“Do you have one?” Gojo clarified, glancing behind me at Yuuji to show he was asking both of us.
“Yes. Why, am I going to need it?” I followed Gojo’s gaze, glancing repeatedly between the two men I was caged between.
“I know we’ve already broken many rules, but we’re about to break a lot more. A few laws too. I need to know if this becomes too much for either of you.” Gojo emphasized his point by releasing his hold on Yuuji’s head, caressing his cheek before cupping mine and turning my head so I focused my eyes on him.
“Poughkeepsie,” I uttered. Hearing the word leave my lips sent a pang down to my core.
“Poughkeepsie?” Gojo asked, his brow raised in curiosity.
“Poughkeepsie.” I nodded, noticing the glint appear in Gojo’s eyes as I confirmed he’d heard me right.
“And a gesture? For if you can’t talk.” Gojo glanced at Yuuji behind me, his blue gaze quickly finding mine again when I responded.
“Taps for if I need to stop. Squeezes for if it’s too much but I don’t want to stop. And,” I hesitated, glancing at Yuuji, the determination in his gaze reassuring me to finish speaking. “Hair pulling means more.”
Gojo smirked at the last part. “Show me.”
I nodded and placed a hand on each of their arms. First, I tapped my fingers and then my hands on them. I waited a couple seconds before squeezing rhythmically. Squeeze, release, squeeze, release, squeeze, release. I knew I would squeeze them during sex, so the rhythmic letting go would differentiate the signal. Finally, I reached up to grab a handful of their hair and pull.
Both of them let out a small groan as I pulled their hair, but Gojo quickly regained his composure and turned his attention to Yuuji. “Yuuji-kun, are you comfortable using these?”
“Yes,” Yuuji breathed out in response, his growing erection flexing against my ass.
“Good.” Gojo’s tone turned dominant again.
He roughly shoved his chest into mine, forcing me to grind against Yuuji and Yuuji’s back to press harder into the tree. Gojo ground into me, and through me, Yuuji. I let out a sound between a whine and a moan as Yuuji groaned behind me. 
Gojo’s hand traveled past my cheek to fist in my hair. His arm rested on my chest, holding me in place as his lips captured mine in a demanding kiss. He eagerly, forcefully, pushed his tongue into my mouth. He tasted of sweet mint as his tongue danced with mine.
While Gojo kissed me, Yuuji released his hold on our sensei’s jacket to place his hands on my thighs, sliding them upwards to my waist. I whined into Gojo’s lips as Yuuji slid a hand into my pants. I arched my hips backwards, giving him a meager amount of space to continue moving his hand downward. 
I gasped into the kiss as Yuuji’s fingers delved between my folds, gathering my wetness, before focusing on my clit. My shoulders unconsciously leaned back into Yuuji as he rubbed in slow circles. While Yuuji teased me with his languid pace, Gojo let go of Yuuji’s waist to slide his hand into my pants.
With his palm on the back of Yuuji’s hand, Gojo pushed two fingers into me. Gojo swallowed my moan as he massaged my walls and Yuuji quickened his pace. Gojo’s long, deft fingers effortlessly found the right spot to press against. He curled his fingers inside me and pulled.
The motion made me moan into his lips, prompting him to do it again. A deep groan left both our lips as my walls tightened in response. Satisfied with my reactions, Gojo pressed his fingers into my walls. Keeping them buried in me, he moved his fingers back and forth in a come hither motion. His knuckles pressed into one side of my walls as his fingers rubbed the other.
Not wanting to be left out, Yuuji pushed into my clit and massaged faster in smaller circles. His fingers slid easily as I grew wetter by the second. Despite how wet I was becoming, Yuuji managed to keep his fingers constantly on my clit. 
Gojo’s fingers in my hair and Yuuji’s hand on my waist tightened their grip as my hips began to shake. Using their bodies to hold me in place, they pressed into me and used their hands between my legs to keep me standing. 
My hips bucked as I whined, panted, and moaned into Gojo’s lips. He groaned in response and kissed me harder, not letting my oncoming orgasm break the kiss. As my walls began to throb, Gojo pulled his tongue out of my mouth. He ran the tip of his tongue along my bottom lip, breathing in every noise I let out.
His lips curled into a smirk as I screamed into them, my hips bucking and hands fisting on his waist as I came. They didn’t stop. Their fingers continued their motions, building in speed to prolong and strengthen my orgasm. 
Gojo finally broke the kiss, pulling my head back into Yuuji’s shoulder. He watched as I came undone around his fingers, my eyes screwed shut and mouth parted. 
I opened my eyes as my orgasm passed. Gojo’s blue eyes were trained on my face as I panted. He winked at me before slowly pulling his fingers out of me. Raising his hand, he smirked down at me as he placed his fingers in his mouth and cleaned my juices off them with a groan.
Following Gojo’s lead, Yuuji removed his hand from between my legs. Gojo grabbed his wrist, moving his gaze to focus on the man behind me as he placed Yuuji’s fingers in his mouth. Yuuji moaned softly against my ear as Gojo sucked on his fingers.
Once he was satisfied, Gojo pulled Yuuji’s hand away and let go of his wrist. Gojo let go of my hair to grab my waist with one hand and Yuuji’s with the other. He backed up, pulling us with him without letting any space come between us.
He took one more step before grabbing my waist with both his hands and spinning me around. The second my eyes focused on Yuuji, Gojo hooked a foot around Yuuji’s ankle and pulled. As Yuuji fell, he pushed me down.
Yuuji grunted as I fell onto him with a yelp. He glanced behind me at Gojo, as if expecting instructions or an indication why Gojo knocked us over. I followed his gaze to see Gojo move to sit on a fallen log nearby and motion towards us, or rather Yuuji, to get on with it.
Needing no more encouragement, Yuuji pressed his lips to mine the moment I turned back towards him. His large, heavy hands grasped my hips, pushing me down into his groin and grinding his hips into mine. Sensitive from my orgasm, I whined into his lips as he skilfully rocked his erection against my clit. 
He groaned into the kiss, grinding against me a few more times before growing impatient and sliding his hands up to grasp my shirt. Yuuji broke the kiss for the split second he needed to pull my shirt off and throw it to the ground. His hands returned to my hips, pushing me down into him as he bit my bottom lip, tugging on it. 
He shuddered beneath me as I moaned in response to the bite. His grip tightened, digging his nails into me. Sukuna flipped us over, hands wrapping around my pants as I kicked off my shoes. The moment my shoes were off, he pulled my pants and underwear off together. 
Two pairs of eyes raked over my body, the upper ones hazel and bottom pair blood red. He, they, sat on their knees to discard their shirt before tossing their shorts and boxers to the side as well. Calloused hands tore off my bra before demanding lips crashed into mine.
Resting on his forearm, fingers lacing through my hair, Yuuji used his free hand to line himself with my entrance. Sukuna thrusted into me harshly. Groaning into his lips, my back arched as he pounded into me without giving me time to adjust.
My arms wrapped around his waist, clawing at his back as he thrusted into me. Moaning and panting into his mouth, Yuuji breathed in every noise and breath I let out. With one last press of his lips to mine, he lowered his head so his cheek rested against mine.
I felt his lips curl into a mix between a smile as smirk as I cried out against his ear. My back arched into him as I clung to his back, leaving red lines in his skin as I raked my nails along it. With every thrust, he pounded into my walls in all the right places. 
Feeling me start to tighten around him, Sukuna growled into my ear, “What do you want, pet?”
I only whined and moaned in response, unable to focus on saying anything with the way he was ramming into me. 
He chuckled and slowed his pace, taking away my chance of reaching another orgasm. Sukuna languidly dragged his length through my walls, maintaining the strength in the snap of his hips. His teasing made me cling to him harder, wrapping my legs around his waist in an effort to bring him closer to me.
He gently ran his teeth along my neck, down to my shoulder, then licked his way back up. “Say it, kitten. Or I won’t give you what you want.”
Fueled by my need to cum, I whined desperately into his ear, “Please … please make me cum!” 
He snapped his hips into me the way I needed twice before slamming into me and holding himself in place. “Make you?”
“Let me!” I cried out, digging my nails into him as tears began to form in my eyes. “Please, please let me cum!”
He nipped at my ear with a low chuckle. Satisfied with my begging, his back trembled under my hold as he pounded into me with nearly inhuman speed and strength. I cried out, head thrown back, clawing at his skin, as my body shook and I finally reached the release I needed.
Spurred on by my walls pulsating around him, Yuuji fisted his hand in my hair as Sukuna fucked me through my orgasm. Another hand snaked its way between us to grasp my throat. Squeezing the sides, they chased their own orgasm as I grew lightheaded from the pressure. 
Their hips faltered, thrusts losing their rhythm, as thick, warm liquid shot into me. The feel of him throbbing inside me sent me into another, smaller orgasm. Yuuji shuddered above me as we came together.
We laid there, panting and holding onto each other. He pulled back enough to look down at me, brushing hair out of my face and pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek, before rolling us over. 
I moved my hands out from under him to rest on the ground beside his head. Leaves and branches crunched as we caught our breath. 
Gojo ran his fingers up Yuuji’s balls, along the base of his shaft, to where his still hard length was nestled inside me. I whined and glanced back at him while Yuuji groaned softly. 
Blue eyes watched our reactions with a smirk. “Ready for round two?”
Yuuji’s erection twitched as I nodded weakly in response.
Next Chapter
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© LillianaWayne - all rights reserved. Do not copy, modify, repost, or share on other platforms without my express, written permission.
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