neonjawbone · 25 days
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been reading Perturabo: Hammer Of Olympia and man. how many ways can i draw one guy frowning.
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nevesmose · 23 days
Somehow the idea of Curze whispering poison in his sister's ear repulsed Perturabo most of all.
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hammer-of-olympia · 4 months
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Quick Rant: Just because I'm currently RPing with @ladynighthaunter about Kurze's marriage to Keeler.
This is a larger version of my profile avatar, and the woman to Perturabo's right is Calliphone, her adopted sister and a woman of sharp intellect. In the normal timeline she was Perturabo's closest friend before the Emperor's arrival.
And that is absolutely true but this image is making me see some bittersweet shipping potential.
So in my interpretation here there was definitely something more to their relationship, but it was never really explored more than in longer than usual hugs, or kisses that strayed a little too far from a cheek and too close to the other's lips.
Damnekos, Pert's adoptive father would mever let his daughters marry, after all I believe he saw Perturabo as his child more than Pert ever realised. And he was not going to let his children do such things.
And by the time the Emperor arrived, Pert had to leave, and never returned to Olympia until it was time to put down the ill fated rebellion.
Although in my interpretation Perturabo keeps in touch with Calliphone in a series of deceptively risque letters.
I have more to say on this, but this is just an opening post.
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lucasandlily · 8 months
He finds himself smiling as he watches you eat your food, you seem to make even the simple act of eating look so good, he finds himself wanting a taste.
He notices his chance when he spots a bit of your meal hanging on the edge of your mouth. Smiling to himself, he swipes his thumb across your lips, relishing in your cute surprise as he pops it in his mouth.
"Sweet." Whether he's referring to you or the food, is for him to know :)
- CALLIPHON, SATORU GOJO, Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, JING YUAN, Blade, Dan Heng, Luka, LYNEY, CHILDE, KAEYA, Venti, Alhaitham, Kaoru Hakaze, Eichi Tenshouin, Your Fave <3 x GN!reader
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kit-williams · 4 months
Moral Support
Male Lead: Perturabo Female Lead: Faustina Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/D&D au Canon Status: Yeah just made me realize something
Note: This has made me realize I need to rework my D&D headcanons and maybe rewrite them in a way that I'm more comfortable writing.
Perturabo paused his tinkering as he could hear both Martel and Faustina talking rapidly... quite loudly too. Martel was mad... and a young woman from Zazzal... which were considered a passionate people... an analytical type of people who could almost out contract a devil if they tried.
"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!" He could hear his daughter yell before storming off.
His ears could pick up the soft sighs from Faustina.
Martel was very much like her elder brothers Piero and Ignazio as they all followed in his footsteps of tinkering and experimenting and other artistic pursuits. Piero was proof that he could make Astartes if he wanted to as the extensive alchemical sciences and surgeries on both of his eldest two boys mixed with the magical armor they were able to forge and they were a close approximation. Strong enough to handle threats that would pop up in such a city.
However... Perturabo wasn't willing to put Martel through all of what her brothers went through... as well as his thoughts on what an Astartes is suppose to be and do and give up. Perhaps he had fibbed a bit... he really didn't know if what he engineered would be rejected by her body. He wasn't willing to do that to Faustina and take away all their children to be proof of his genius. Piero was enough... Ignazio wanted to go through it as well... and so did Martel.
He rubs his forehead as Faustina sets a plate down next to him with some food. "She is unhappy with what I've said." He says plainly as he sets down his tools.
"Have you seen her log book?" She simply says.
"Yes she has been working on plans for her armor."
"Working on it for years now. They would make a good suit." He says looking at his beloved.
Faustina sighs, "I don't like seeing her so upset. I just was trying..."
Perturabo just grabs her hands and gives her one of his rare smiles as he kisses her knuckles, "I know you were. But Martel is your daughter and is passionate."
"Oh please Perty she takes after your stubbornness and drive and she just couldn't handle not..."
"Succeeding?" Perturabo says having the ghost of a feeling of that bitterness bubble up when he was snubbed by Father so... many... times... He tries his best to let his children know how proud he is of them but it is hard to express it at times... he's gotten better of course and praised for his ability to do better than his father.
"Perty?" Faustina says looking at him stand up as he looks to the door.
"I'm going to go talk to Martel."
He could see the stewing Twelve year old girl with his signature scowl on her face as she was hugging her knees tightly just looking at the fish in the waterway near their villa.
"Calliphone." He says as he prefers to use their 'business' or middle name given that they honor people he actually cares about.
"Go away. I don't want to talk to you." At least she didn't bottle it up like he tended to do.
Perturabo chuckles as he walks closer, "Really last I remember you proclaimed that you were my favorite child."
"No that is clearly Rogal and Vulkan are." He could hear her start to sniffle as he walks over and sits besides the small willowy child.
She looked up at him with her brow furrowed but tears threatening to flow out of her eyes as she scowled at him... her bottom lip still quivering as her cheeks were red and he could see her knuckles were white as she shook her tiny fists in this rage against a universe that seemed to deny her what her tiny heart desired... his continued approval. "N-no I'm mad at you."
He holds up an open hand and feels her tiny fists punch his palm. He couldn't feel her tiny strikes of rage as those tears flowed down her cheek and chin, "I want to be Iron! I wanna be Iron! Wanna be Ibron." She soon dissolves into crying as her words turn into unintelligible sobbing all slurring together.
He tilts his head as he pulls her against him with a small smile as he pets her head. "Who told you that you wouldn't be Iron?"
He waits for her to calm down a bit to coherently reply as he draws shapes on her shoulder distracting her, "No one..." She finally replies after a minute.
"Did Rogal or Vulkan tell you that?"
"Noooo." She sniffles hard wiping her nose.
"So who would dare go against what the Lord of the fourth... the Lord of Iron has decreed?" He says poking her forehead looking at her green eyes with his own blue green ones as her blonde hair is a start contrast to the black of her brothers.
"Me..." She sits on his knee as she wipes her eyes.
"You? My princess of the fourth? Why would you go against my decree?" He pulls her into a hug lying back as he has gotten better at comforting his children... Faustina has helped him so much... going with what feels right hardly steers him wrong.
"Because I can't be an Iron Warrior."
"Do you know who I named you after?" He sees her shake her head, "My adopted sister. I loved her dearly and... I might have had a few regrets on being a terrible brother to her." He pauses as a violent memory flashes behind his eyes and he hugs his daughter tighter. "She was so strong. And you my Calliphone will be strong."
"Thank you papa." She smiles
------- (10 years later)------
Perturabo lumbers into the training yard as he was in his full regalia and at his full height. He could hear his nieces and nephews cheering her on as he could see Perio and Ignazio standing besides mother as Fabrizio holding her skirt and she holding Andrea.
"Tell me the Litany." Perturabo's voice booms out.
From Iron Cometh Strength... From Strength Cometh Will... From Will Cometh Faith... From Faith Cometh Honor... From Honor Cometh Iron... This is the Unbreakable Litany. May it forever be so!
Martel shouts back to her father as she pours magic into her war hammer making it larger and lightning crackles about the head. "Show me your skills Calliphone!"
"IRON WITHIN IRON WITHOUT!" She shouts as her magical armor slides over her form.
Though the helmet was on hiding his face but Perturabo was smiling and proud of his little girl. He could see the craftsmanship in her armor as each piece was made by her hands in the style of his warriors. She was an Iron Warrior... she was Iron... and he knows his sister would have loved to have meet her. He did his best to make up for his sins against her by being a good father.
He watches her rush towards him as the hammer rushes at him in a healthy arc. He smiles looking at her handywork up close it will be a shame that he will have to put her in her place. She was only just a Princess of the Fourth for a reason while he was the Lord.
taglist (SORRY FOR FORGETTING YOU GUYS I DIDNT MEAN IT BABY NEARLY YEETED HIMSELF OUT OF HIS BASSINET) @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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cupcakesmoothie · 9 months
I'm going insane. Fuck it. Calliphon or Cato x reader. It'll be fun
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luwupercal · 1 year
ykw it'd never occurred to me before to consider the logical inverse of homeworld swap prosperan perturabo, but olympian magnus is VERY interesting, actually. i think he would terrorize dammekos which would be very deserved
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sharenadraculea · 3 months
The primarchs having dinner together
Lion: He is a cat. He only eats the meat. Not even touching his veggies. He doesn‘t really get why they are having this dinner, but Luther thought him some decent table manners and he is happy to eat the meat of everyone who doesn‘t want theirs. He is eyeing the pidgeons sitting outside the window. They are gone by the end of teh evening. Fulgrim: He has some really bad allergies. Like one small bite can easely turn into a medical emergency. He really hoped to eat the same food as the others, but it‘s not safe. He takes his own food with him and feels pretty bad about it. Ferrus needs to comfort him. Perty: Grumbeling the whole time. Magnus dragged him here, saying it would be fun. Maybe it kind of is. But Calliphone still cooks better. Jagh: He is very excited to try some new food, very adventurous taste. He‘s having a great time, very supportive of his brothers who are a bit more picky than he is. Offers to buy everyone drinks. Leman: He has a lot of fun too, needs to be stopped from drinking too much. He is a bit sceptical of everything more complicated than bread and meat. A chocolate dessert needs to be ripped from his hands to avoid a medical emergency. Rogal: He has ARFID, so eating in general and especially going out to eat is difficult. Brought his own food with him and when told he eats like a toddler, goes on a extended rant/presentation about ARFID. Brought some extra dino-nuggets to share with his brothers. Ends up distracted and builds a fortress for the dino-nuggets to live in. Konrad: So much food! He has no idea where to look first. Eats very fast and has no table manners. Despite this, he won‘t touch his veggies, because cat. Heroically liberates Morty from both his meat and dessert. Somehow catches the rat which he nibbles on between courses.
Sang: He has perfect manners. Tries everything on the table, does a extensive food criticism. Definetly asks for the recipies of some things, the cook is crying in joy. At some point goes on a long tangent about food on Baal and how good snakes taste. Everyone is shocked that Sang would be a fan of raw snakemeat. He isn‘t very picky. Also eyeing Konrads rat and Lions pidgeons. Ferrus: Not enough stones for his taste. Attempts to also eat the plate. Very worried about Fulgrim and kind of hoovering around him. Lactoseintolerant and is carefull not to end up having a horrible stomach ache, Angron: The nails make tablemanners difficult, he has decided that everything is fingerfood. Surprisingly calm, ripping apart food probally helps. Rob: He got the menu weeks in advance to mentally prepare. Still, it is difficult to eat so much new food. He is kind of regretting that he didn‘t bring his own food like Rogal. Someone notices how stressed out he is and asks the cook if they can send him some spaghetti. This helps a lot. Morty: Meat just gives him the ick. Can‘t eat it, very glad to give his to Konrad. Very happy to eat Konrads and Lions veggies. Kind of intimidated by eating with so many people and very quiet. Looks like he thinks someone will take his food away any moment. Ends up hiding some food in his pockets to eat later, Magnus: He has brought his books with him, just in case. Not all that interested in the food, but keeps three conversations going at the same time. Later drinks two glasses of wine and is passed out, transforming into a blob of warp-goo. Horus: Loudly commenting on everyone else and what they are eating. Then Rogal lectures him and he is humbled for approximatly three minutes. Lactoseintolerant, which he fully ignores. Later loudly complains about his tummyache. Lorgar: His religion has pretty strict rules about what you can eat, so he is very angsty. But he also doesn‘t want to cause problems and it looks and smells so good and Angron keeps handing him squished things and that‘s weirdly cute… Vulkan: He is just so happy that they are all here. Buys everyone some icecream for dessert. He has brought his mothers extra spicy BBQ-sauce with him and puts it on everything. It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by everyone not from Nocturne. Corvus: Has some food-related trauma (specifically the hadn‘t had emough as a kid) and so keeps eating pretty much everything handed to them. Evem tries Vulkans BBQ-Sauce, which does not end well. Vulkan buys them birdseed in exchange, which makes them very happy. Alpharius Omegon: Somehow got their hands on a McDonalds Happy Meal. Very happy to witness all the chaos
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moodymisty · 16 hours
Hi! I really love your work about primarchs. To tell the truth, I liked one of them mostly because of you :) Recently an interesting idea came to my mind. Imagine that after the destruction of Olympia and joining Horus, Perturabo meets a serf (from a recently plundered planet) who looks exactly like young Calliphone.
He doesn't care about the reader's different background or character, but only looks. For him it's a new chance. Even if the reader will forever sit in a golden cage away from any dangers. And when Bo becomes a daemon prince, his obsession will become even worse…
It seems like a lot of us see Perturabo as the possessive, angry sort, so this would be in line with how he’d ask. Also it’s a great idea.
Bo would love putting his favorite things in pretty cages, made by him.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Feeling really strong need for Perturabo to have good things happen to him right now, do you have ideas?
In trying to keep up with making this blog more active, here are some!! Thibgs that make Perturabo happy!! and are not toxic af!!
Birds. Birds make him so god damn happy. When he had the time, on a compliance, he would find a forest and start doing naturalistic observation. He has actually created MANY identification and field guide, and he *love* sketching them mid flight.
Seafood based cooking!!! On Olympia, fish and in general seafood was a rare thing, even for someone of his rank. As such, he freaking ADORE it. The best meal of his life is when Fulgrim took him out for sushi, he could not get enough of the sea urchin one! (It's a very found memory for Fulgrim too, because sushi was peasant food on Chemos, and sea urchin specifically were seen as parasyte. It was heart warming for him to see someone so clearly love the poor food of his childhood)
Wine! He especially love Prosperan wines, and Magnus continue to send him crates of it. It cannot get him drunk, so he truly appreciate the taste. As a result, he has a huge disdain for the disgusting shit the Space Wolves make.
Clocks. While he enjoy creating automata, clocks especially are something he adore. They are incredibly complex, and demand quite a lot of work to stay exact to relative positions, even after travel in the warp! He actually has the most accurate collections of time keeping clock in the galaxy.
Time with Magnus. Magnus is his favorite brother, by far. He's the only one he would have deared to present to Calliphone. He feel like Magnus is the only being in the galaxy that can understand him, and it's heart warming.
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askthelordofiron · 1 month
Perturabo is flying solo on a ship, far away from anyone who may bother him. As he sets his ship to autocorrect and orbit a beautiful site of a black hole, he goes to his personal quarters and sits on the floor in a corner.
Perturabo sighs. “I am sorry, Calliphone. You were the final straw that broke me. I wish I could change what happened…”
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calliphone · 1 year
profile picture by @kkupttown
visit my website flowercentral.art
art blog is @flower-radio
changed username 3/25/24 am-radio -> calliphone
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nevesmose · 27 days
Power Wash Simulator × Warhammer 40,000 - The Horus Heresy Expansion Pack
You are Captain Balnaeus of the III Legion and only your elite squad of Emperor's Children™ Saponicus Spa Marines™ can deliver cleanliness to the galaxy's greatest warriors - the Primarchs™ rendered for the first time in ultra-realistic detail!
Guilliman - this is pretty much a tutorial level where he stands there grimly T-posing and hating every moment. If you spray him in the face, Yvraine will pop up in the corner of your screen and laugh like the dog from Duck Hunt.
Horus - similar to Guilliman but introducing environmental hazards. Getting his giant ornamental shoulder-wolf wet is an instant fail and using too strong a setting on his nose tube will make it fall out, causing him to frenzy. There's also a final quick time event with a floor buffer to get his head nice and shiny. Overall still a pretty easy level but the difficulty curve gets much steeper from here.
Perturabo - using all the skills you've developed so far, but on a very short time limit before his patience runs out and he stomps you to death. Watch out for the corners of his giant square headpiece since the dirt and resentment really gets wedged in there. You can reset the timer once by summoning Calliphone, but then you have to deal with her making judgmental yet undeniably accurate comments about you for the rest of the level.
Konrad - unlike other levels, this time the primarch is actively avoiding you by moving erratically around the arena and screaming prophecies. The key is to use the most powerful washer setting to stagger him and then clean his weak points while he's stunned. Not too difficult once you learn his attack patterns but the late stage move where he summons Sevatar to throw a bucket of blood and viscera over him can catch you out if you aren't expecting it.
In the second phase he'll start shielding himself under his feather cloak which has an impenetrable layer of grease and filth on it. When he does this, Sevatar will be somewhere in the arena trying to unplug your power washer so you have to find and spray him to get Konrad to come back out.
Fulgrim - this level has a complex RPG / dating sim conversation mechanic where you can persuade him to adopt various poses from classical art and statuary to gain better access to his illustrious nooks and crannies. His comments get wittier and wittier each time so you need to be quick on the draw with your own incisive bon mots or he'll get bored. His eyes do that disconcerting thing where they're always locked on to the player no matter where you are in the room.
Fulgrim Transfigured - maxing out your relationship status with Fulgrim will unlock this secret post-Heresy level in which your power washer has been mutated into a throbbing fleshy construct that spurts glittering purple lubricant all over Daemon Fulgrim while he writhes around orgasmically.
At this point the DLC was removed from all online storefronts so the final and most difficult level, Daemon Primarch Mortarion, only exists as concept art.
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hammer-of-olympia · 4 months
'You're nothing more than a petulant child throwing a tantrum!' Calliphone screamed.
The words cut deep. Deeper than any blade or bullet. Deeper than any slight or misfortune.
Deeper than they ever should have.
Perturabo's heart broke as Calliphone stood before her, worn by time but still that regal woman who had won her heart so long ago.
As her heart shattered, the rage came. It was that blind rage, without thinking Perturabo lashed out, smashing an ancient statue of some equally ancient Tyrant of Lochos.
Splinters of marble fell on her, and on Calliphone, some of them cut the woman who held her affections. But still she stood tall. Tall as her cane allowed her to.
Centuries old, and yet she still had as much poise as ever.
And as Perturabo reached for her neck with a gauntleted hand, ready to crush the life out of her...
She snapped out of her stupour.
What had she done?
'Do it. It's what you're made for, clearly.' Calliphone said coldly. 'Built to destroy, to kill. Just like you always feared.'
'Just like Damnekos...'
'My father LOVED you, in his own way but he loved you. You were his prized daughter. He loved us all, yes he had high expectations, but there was love. You were not a tool to him. You were his right hand.'
Perturabo flinched back from her adopted sister. Realisation finally dawning on her.
'And yet you destroy his mausoleum, his city. The city you built.' Calliphone added. 'And you threaten to kill me, all because your people had had enough suffering?'
'They betrayed the Imperium.'
'They had nothing left to give! Our planet barely has a man left, even before your purge. Your legion took everything from us. We needed time to recover yet you never listened! You could have recruited elsewhere.'
'I wanted...'
'You wanted Olympia to be the nezt Maccrage I know. But you starved it of men and talent too long.' Calliphone added. 'And you never came back. And oh how long I waited for you to do that. I yearned from it. And now that you're here...' she stared at Perturabo.
'I wish you had died.'
Perturabo nearly reached for her again, yet... she couldn't not... Calliphone.
She sank to her knees.
'What have I done?'
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kit-williams · 6 months
Martel 'Caliphone' Olympia
Perturabo's daughter only fitting after doing Dorn's boy first
Martel 'Calliphone' Olympia Class: Artificer Alignment: Lawful Neutral/with a slightly evil slant
Has been called the nicest Zazzilian you'll ever meet though she has a deep loathing/fear of Bronze Dragons. She also has a specialty in designing Ballista's with specialty Dragon shot; she enjoys designing but her passion is in making.
Has a bit of Daddy issues as Perturabo doesn't tell his kids that he loves them very often or show displays of affection toward them often as that's usually reserved for their mother but he will let them know how often he is proud of them.
Martel is the only girl in a house of boys so she is daddy's little girl but more so in the fact that she has to prove herself to be as skilled as her brothers.
Her favorite weapon is a custom made thunder hammer though she is also good with a shield and custom made repeater crossbow; of her fathers design of course.
She wears a brooch of a little silver bird, her first creation to give to her father for one of his bird cages. He rejected it telling her to keep working at it and one day she will be able to put one of her birds in a cage. Every year (sometimes twice a year) she will show her father a bird she made and every year it is rejected. (She doesn't know he keeps the birds enjoying seeing the progress she has made)
She knows the chant of Iron by heart and her armor that appears has the iconic Iron Warriors appearance and coloration.
She is Blonde with lightly tanned skin and bright green eyes
She tends to wear skirts and thigh high boots
She has very bad luck with boys... as one of her courters was a necromancer and they broke up because she was nearly sacrificed by him to start his ascension to lichdom
She also has a bad habit of going after men far too old for her or of another species (she seduced an elf man)
She made her own bag of holding and has a portable forge so she is the one they come to when they want to make something fancy with the spoils of war. Her bag tends to hold components, hides, parts, meats, spare weapons to melt down, etc (basically the deal is anything that goes into her bag is free game for her to craft with)
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cupcakesmoothie · 10 months
My emotional affection scale for fictional characters will go from "Will die for them" to "Will kill them with my bare hands" and my feelings haven't even changed that much
Case in point: Sampo.
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