#cam stacey
timoswerner · 2 years
my mate was like ‘everyone at work is an arsenal fan but one person who is a spurs fan. he’s a ugly but has a good arse’ what am i meant to do with that
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peppermintys · 8 months
omg sp vs the end of the world groups reveal ⁉️
there are minor characters who r still alive. they aren’t important to the story (at least for now) so they aren’t mentioned here. these are just the two main groups that r in the wasteland city
Toronto Group (might change their name, they all live on a farm that stephen’s grandparents owned, but the grandparents died so now it’s just them surviving off of crops and the very little farm animals they have left):
- Scott Pilgrim [Leader]
- Stephen Stills
- Wallace Wells
- Cam Pine
- Neil Nordegraf
- Knives Chau
- Ramona Flowers
- Stacey Pilgrim
fun fact: i thought about adding lawrence (scott’s and stacey’s canon younger brother) here. i may change my mind and bring him in later, who knows
THE LEAGUE (gideon still wants them to be called that just to be edgy. they live in a giant warehouse on the complete other side of the city)
- Gideon Gordon Graves [Leader]
- Maxine Patel
- Todd Ingram
- Lucas Lee
- Roxie Richter
- Kyle Katayanagi
- Ken Katayanagi
- Envy Adams
- Lynette Guycott
- Julie Powers
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
Too Far From Texas | Chapter Twenty-Four
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Word Count: 5685
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I sat on Harry’s bed while he finished in the bathroom. My little black dress, though simple, had made me feel pretty and sexy when I’d first slipped into it. My nerves, however, had returned in full force and I’d already tried to swallow the lump in my throat several times to no avail.
My phone was cradled in my hand, my messages from Lorelei open. After receiving her text earlier with the link, I hadn’t bothered to see that she’d added her own comments underneath until later when I’d heard my phone ping in my purse as I was getting dressed.
But don’t you think anything about it, hon. The paps are ruthless, she’d texted. And you both look beautiful, btw! xxx
It was her later texts that got me to read my phone again and reply.
Are you okay? I should have asked that earlier.
But of course you are, because you’re busy with your lovely man and his gorgeous mum.
Just know I’m here if you need me. I love you.
Extreme confusion and a bit of nausea running through me, I texted her back as I was stepping into my heels.
I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be, Lor?
Oh hey! She replied almost immediately. Good, of course you are. Just making sure.
What’s going on??
You saw my earlier text?
The link? Yeah I saw it. Kinda weird, but whatever.
Yeah it was. Just shake it off, girl.
It was just a picture. Although I’m wondering now how long that pic from the concert has been out.
I know! I never saw it either until today.
I haven’t been paying attention to the internet and social media lately. So that’s probably a good thing.
Definitely a good thing. It’s ugly.
What is? That’s when I sat on the bed, the bile rising in my throat. What aren’t you telling me?
I watched the dots come up on the screen indicating that Lorelei was typing. When her reply finally showed up, it was exactly what I’d dreaded, although I hadn’t even known it could be true.
Please don’t go looking for it, hon. I beg you. But it’s all over Twitter now, and some other places. The fans haven’t figured out who you are yet, but they’ve already gotten their own impression of you. And it’s not pretty. That’s all I’m gonna say. I don’t want you to be hurt by this, Stace. You’re strong.
I could hear the water running in the bathroom, the sound of Harry brushing his teeth and spitting. I looked down at my dress, the gold bracelet on my left wrist. I inhaled the scent of my perfume mixed with the cherry flavor of my red lipstick. I wanted to vomit.
Another ping sounded on my phone, but it took me a minute to look at the next line of text. I silently cursed Lorelei for a second, but I knew it wasn’t her fault. I wasn’t mad at her for telling me. I would have found out eventually, and more than likely I’d have slipped upon it myself and read exactly what the fans were calling me.
I’m sorry, Stacey. I shouldn’t have told you.
No, it’s okay, I replied. You’re right, I’m strong.
I have to go, I texted just as I heard the door open. Party tonight.
Woohoo! Have a good time! Text me if you need me x.
Her last line came just as I looked up to see Harry’s gorgeous smile as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom. His eyes roamed down my body as he took me in from head to toe before returning to my gaze.
“Don’t you look delicious,” he commented.
I couldn’t help but grin, the look on his face melting away the tension in my muscles as he strode towards me in his boxer briefs.
“Delicious?” I raised a brow as he stood above me, his fingertips grazing my bare arms.
“Mmm,” he nodded before lowering his head. “Good enough to eat.”
I licked my lips and tugged on his cross necklace just as his mouth hovered next to mine and paused.
“Aw, I can’t ruin that,” he murmured.
“Your lipstick. It’s too perfect.”
I giggled. “It’s meant to be kissed.”
“Is it?”
Cupping my jaw, Harry let his soft lips touch mine ever so gently. Then his tongue dragged across my bottom lip before entering my mouth.
“Mmm,” he sounded again when he came up for air. “Tastes good. I was right.”
He pressed two more tender kisses on my lips before stepping away to his closet. I watched him as he dressed into a black and white shirt and black pants. I heard my phone ping once more, but I only glanced at it next to me, seeing that it was Lorelei before I dropped it into my bag.
“How are you feeling?” I heard Harry ask.
“What?” I looked up to see him running his fingers through his curls, an easy grin on his face.
“You okay? Feel good?”
I knew he was making sure I still felt okay about tonight, having earned the reassurance and comfort from the ladies at brunch. When Anne and I had returned, I’d told him about it - leaving out the crying part - and he’d beamed with pride, for me and his friends. I knew it made him feel good that they had sort of taken me under their wing so to speak, and it made me feel good that he cared.
“Yeah,” I smiled, letting out a deep breath as I rose from the bed. “I could probably use a drink or two though.”
Harry chuckled. “I’m sure we’ll have a few.”
Stepping up to me, he slid his hands around my waist, pulling me to him.
“I’m excited,” he said, a gleam in his eyes.
“Of course you are, sugar,” I agreed. “Big tour coming up. This is the perfect way to celebrate.”
“Well, that too,” he nodded. “But I meant you.”
“Yes,” he said softly, his hands running up my back.
“Harry…” I mumbled, my breath suddenly caught in my throat.
“What is...um...the plan here tonight?” I inquired nervously. “I mean...are you planning on introducing me as your...girlfriend?”
“I mean…” I continued hastily, stumbling over my words. “It doesn’t really matter, I just wanna be prepared, if this is gonna be some grand reveal or if we’re keeping our mouths shut-”
“Baby,” he smirked, lifting his finger to hush me. “You’re my girlfriend, are you not?”
Tilting my head, I shifted my weight between my feet, my heels already feeling uncomfortable. “Yeah?”
“Then that’s what I’m saying.” He took my hands.
“Really?” I breathed.
“But, Harry-”
“Ah!” he shushed me again. “No buts.”
I shut my eyes, doubt creeping over me although I wanted so badly to fight it off.
“The ladies this morning were really nice,” I remarked in a shaky voice. “But-” I sighed, knowing he’d stop me from making another but. “What about everyone else?”
“What about everyone else?” Harry shrugged. “We’re not on the news or announcing to some tabloid. There’s not a billboard in front of my house...although I would do that if you wanted me to.”
I caught the joke in his tone though his face read seriously. I swallowed hard, looking down at our joined hands.
“These are just my friends,” he added. “My band, whom I think you’ll like. And other people I enjoy sharing my time with. And you’ve already met my mum who adores you.”
I smiled at the mention of Anne. I adored her too, though the conversation I’d overheard the night before was still lingering in the back of my brain.
“These are people I trust and who’ve been there for me. They’re proud of me. And I appreciate them for that. Now…” he took a breath and gazed into my eyes. “Now, I’ve fallen in love. And I’m happy. And I want them to be happy for me.”
Butterflies danced in my stomach as I took in his words. This was it. No longer was I just some woman from Houston who flirted on the phone with a pop star. This was real. I was face to face and hand in hand with someone I’d fallen deeply and madly in love with. And he was about to let it be known that he felt the same. Maybe not to the entire world, at least not yet, but to more people than I’d probably ever been in the same room with.
“Wow, I love you,” I choked.
Harry raised his brows and chuckled. “I love you, too. Are you okay?”
I bit my bottom lip and nodded fast. Harry’s eyes seemed to study my face until he tilted his head and leaned in for a kiss. I let him devour my mouth, deciding I could redo my lipstick later. Our tongues tangled and wrestled together for a few minutes while I tugged on his hair, and I foolishly wondered if we had time for a quickie. Just as his lips traveled across my cheek to my ear, however, I heard a sound coming from downstairs.
“Harry...um...I think we should-”
“H! Where are ya, man?” a male voice called.
Harry groaned against my neck before he stood up straight. “Jeffrey has a key,” he explained.
“Useful information, Harry,” I scoffed.
“He won’t come up here, don’t worry,” he said as he adjusted himself inside his pants. “But I should get downstairs.”
“Good idea,” I agreed. But before he reached the door handle, I stopped him. “Wait! You have lipstick all over you.”
“So do you,” he giggled like a kid.
“C’mere,” I smirked, pulling him into the bathroom.
I used one of my make-up wipes to clean off his lips and cheek, then did the same with mine, including my neck where Harry had managed to leave a mark. Then I re-powdered myself before applying the cherry lipstick once more.
“Okay, much better,” I announced, dropping the lipstick tube in my makeup bag.
I looked up to see Harry’s reflection in the mirror next to me, staring at my lips. Playfully, I licked them and chuckled when I saw him shiver.
“Those are fuck me lips,” he remarked before shaking his head. “Fuck. Me.”
Biting my tongue, I patted his behind. “Let’s go get ‘em, tiger.”
Harry took my hand and guided me out of the bedroom and down the hall to the stairs, making sure I didn’t miss the sound of his growl in my ear as I descended ahead of him.
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Jeffrey Azoff was not who I expected him to be. Actually, saying that isn’t fair because I didn’t really have expectations - or at least I was trying not to have any. But he was not only nice and friendly, but very funny. It was no wonder Harry was friends with him.
I spent a good hour or so at the start of the party hanging out with Jeff and Glenne, Harry sometimes at my side with his hand on my back, sometimes going to mingle with someone else whom he eventually brought over to introduce me to. I loved him for that. I’d have thought that it would make me uncomfortable, or at least a little cautious that he would introduce me to more famous strangers (or those that hobnobbed with them), but it didn’t. Harry made me feel at ease, as he always managed to do, and quickly I fell into a comfortable groove.
Glenne also managed to make me feel comfortable, introducing me to a couple more of her friends, referring to me already as a friend as well. And Jeff always seemed to notice when my glass needed a refill. Bless him.
My nerves were maintained (probably a lot due to the cocktails), despite being officially known as Harry’s girlfriend. So far, no one had seemed put off by it. I got a couple raised brows and “oh really”s, but that was about it. Most everyone was gracious, and some made it a point to ask me questions and get to know me. Among those were Harry’s bandmates with whom I clicked immediately. Something about being around musicians always made me feel...in my element.
After a lovely conversation with Harry’s bass player, Adam, who also had kids, I excused myself to go to the restroom. I decided to go upstairs where I’d have more privacy. I hadn’t realized just how Jeffrey’s refills had affected me until I climbed the stairs slowly, gripping the banister tightly. When I made it to the landing, I noticed a small group of women gathered outside the hall guest bathroom.
“Sorry,” a blonde turned and smiled at me. “There was a wait downstairs, too.”
“No worries,” I smiled back. I vaguely recognized her from earlier, though I’d already forgotten her name. The two women standing next to her didn’t look familiar to me yet, and neither said a word when I nodded and said hello. Oh well, I thought. Can’t win ‘em all.
“I love your dress,” the blonde commented. “Who’s the designer?”
“Oh,” I chuckled, looking down at my simple black dress from Macy’s. “I have no idea.”
“Hmm,” she sounded, and I thought I detected a sense of smugness. Her face, however showed no signs, so I couldn’t be sure.
Just as she turned back to the two women she’d been waiting in line with, the bathroom door opened and out stepped Cindy Crawford. For a second, I felt relief, seeing a familiar face.
“Stacey!” she exclaimed, practically sprinting towards me. I couldn’t stop my lips from spreading wide when she embraced me. “I’ve been looking for you.”
I giggled, wondering why she’d been searching me out when I’d had a long chat with her and Rande just a couple hours ago.
“What for?” I asked.
“Let’s go in here,” she whispered, reaching for the nearest door, which happened to be Harry’s bedroom.
When I followed her inside and she shut the door, I looked at her with questioning eyes. She simply rolled hers and sighed.
“Sorry, just had to get you away from those women,” she explained.
“It’s not that they’re horrible, but...well, yeah they are.”
“I don’t-”
“They’re not really Harry’s friends,” she shook her head. “They’re more like...friends of friends. Acquaintances. Leeches. I’m not sure how they got invited, to be honest.”
I stood in the middle of the room, staring at Cindy with my mouth open. Her face softened and she smiled at me.
“Look at you.”
“Me?” I looked down at my dress again, sweeping my hands across the skirt as though to press out any invisible wrinkles. When my gaze returned to hers, she tilted her head.
“I can see why H has fallen so hard for you,” she declared.
My eyes widened and Cindy chuckled, waving her hand to dismiss my assumption.
“Please don’t take that the wrong way. It’s just that I think I can see what he sees. He’s always had great taste, but sometimes...well, he can still be a guy and only think with his cock, you know?”
I laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“It’s like those girls out there,” Cindy pointed towards the door. “They’re all legs and glitter. Tits and ass. You have much more to offer, and Harry sees that.”
“Thank you,” I smiled.
With a glance at Harry’s bathroom, I was reminded why I’d originally come upstairs.
“Sorry, Cindy,” I said, rising from my spot. “I really have to pee.”
Cindy laughed. “Of course, babe, I’m so sorry.”
“Those drinks are so good though,” I added when I reached the door.
“I’ll get you another and meet you downstairs, okay?”
“Sure, thanks,” I nodded. “Oh and Cindy? Thanks for saying that.”
“You bet!” she grinned. “We mature women need to stick together.”
She blew me a kiss before slipping out of the bedroom. After relieving my bladder and touching up my lipstick once more, I stopped at my purse to check my phone again, relieved to see nothing else from Lorelei. I knew my best friend meant well and wanted the best for me. I just wasn’t in the mood to see another link to something about me, the mystery woman. I was me! I was living my life. I didn’t need to read about it as though I was someone else.
I thought the coast was clear when I stepped out into the hallway, but one of the brunettes that had been waiting there earlier emerged from the bathroom at the same time.
“Hi,” she grinned smugly. That time I caught it.
“Hello,” I greeted kindly.
“You’re Harry’s girlfriend?” she inquired.
“Mhm,” I nodded sharply.
“What’s your name again?”
“Oh, right,” she remarked with a quirked brow. Then she turned for the stairs, leaving me standing alone.
“Huh,” I sounded out loud. I stood in my spot for at least ten seconds before flipping my curls off my shoulder and descending the stairs with my head held high.
After spotting Cindy near the bar where she handed me another cocktail, I rejoined Harry who was outside chatting with a circle of people.
“Hey,” he said softly, his arm sliding around my waist. “Thought I’d lost you.”
“Never,” I replied with a warm feeling in my tummy as he kissed my cheek.
“You okay?”
“Uh huh,” I blinked slowly, gently pressing up against him. “Very okay.”
His own eyelids heavy, Harry gazed down at my drink. “What’s in there?” he asked.
“I dunno,” I shrugged before taking a sip. “But it’s really yummy.”
A smirk twitched across his lips just as I heard my name behind me. I turned my head to see Jeff coming towards me, a drink in each hand.
“Oh! You got one already!” he pouted.
“Sorry,” I giggled, holding up my glass. “Cindy hooked me up. Give it to Glenne.”
“The other one’s for her,” said Jeff.
I laughed harder as Harry held out his hand. “Here, I’ll take it.”
Unloading the drink onto Harry, Jeffrey made his way through the crowd to find his girlfriend whom I’d realized I hadn’t seen since the beginning of the evening. In fact, the party had seemed to grow in twice its original size.
“You know all these people, Harry?” I inquired when he clinked his glass with mine.
“Sorta,” he shrugged. “I don’t remember anymore.”
I nearly spit out my drink when he took a large gulp from his. He chuckled when he lowered his glass and pulled me to him.
“To be honest, right now I don’t care. I’m having a great time.”
I beamed at him before giving him a tender peck on the lips. “Me too.”
“Hey,” he furrowed his brows though his mouth still wore a smirk. “What was that?”
“That half-hearted kiss.”
I narrowed my own eyes. “Sugar, none of my kisses are half-hearted.”
“Okay, then it was too quick,” he said with a pout as he took our nearly empty glasses and placed them on a nearby table before he lowered his lips to meet mine again.
I smiled against his mouth as he wound his arm around my waist and pressed his body against me. Then I sighed as I opened my lips to him and allowed his tongue to enter.
It was moments like this that were my favorite. Everyone else around us was non-existent as far as I was concerned - worlds away. I slid my hands up Harry’s shoulders and rested them on either side of his neck as I let myself get lost in the kiss. Then I tangled them in his hair, feeling the soft curls between my fingers, and I felt him release a tiny sigh before he kissed my forehead.
“Now I kinda wish everyone would leave,” he murmured, his hands rubbing my back.
“Wow, it’s amazing what one kiss will do,” I teased.
He chuckled low before taking my hand and mouthing, “C’mere.”
I eagerly followed him inside the house and through the kitchen, my hand in his. He stopped when we’d made our way through the living room and around the staircase to the small alcove near the entryway. Voices continued around us, though muffled from the distance and walls between us as Harry pressed my hips against the wall and devoured my neck. He hummed against my skin, his lips still tinged with a chill from the cocktail, sending my senses into overdrive.
“You smell so good,” he breathed between kisses. “Taste so good.”
I fought the urge to lift my leg and allow his own to press against where I needed him most. Instead, I let out a deep breath and took his hand that rested on my waist and brought it up to my chest. I could already feel my nipple harden before his fingers lightly grazed over the fabric of my dress, igniting my desire even more. Lifting his head, Harry’s eyes met mine as he let his fingers pinch the erect bud, and a tiny moan escaped my throat.
“Harry…” I whispered against his lips when he kissed me again, “This...may not...be the best place for this.”
Raising a brow, Harry leaned back to peak around the wall, the area that only led to the staircase. I could still make out sounds of laughter and chatter, but they all seemed far away.
“Nobody’s even within earshot, babe,” he shook his head. Then with a smirk, he hungrily lifted the hem of my dress. “Let me take you right here.”
“I think the alcohol has gone to your head,” I accused teasingly.
“Nah it hasn’t,” Harry slurred, his hands fumbling with the button on his pants. When I realized he wasn’t joking, I stood up straight and pulled down my dress.
“Harry, you’re drunk,” I said.
“Yeah, so, I still wanna fuck you, baby.”
Before I could counter, I heard what sounded like a loud, cat-like screech followed by a cackle. I stood frozen as a shadow drifted across the floor behind Harry and the brunette from earlier stepped into view.
“Oh God!” she exclaimed. Then she covered her mouth with her hand and gave a shrill laugh.
As if that wasn’t enough to make my face as red as my hair, two more females followed shortly behind, stopping to see what the first girl had found.
“Oops!” one said quickly, clearly embarrassed. The other just stood with her mouth agape.
“Jeez,” the brunette finally added, his expression reading disgust. “It’s your own fucking house, you couldn’t find more privacy than this?”
With a deliberate gaze in my direction, followed by an eyeroll, the brunette turned on her heels and made her way back to the party, her minions in tow.
“Shit,” Harry groaned. It was only then that I realized he hadn’t moved except to lean his forehead against my shoulder. His pants were still unbuttoned, but luckily, he hadn’t gotten any further than that.
“C’mon, Harry,” I sighed, helping him with his trousers. “I think we need to get you sobered up.”
“‘m sorry, babe,” he half whined.
“It’s fine,” I replied.
“I just thought it would be hot,” he added. “And you smell so good.”
I nodded, trying not to smile. “It’s okay, sugar. Let’s go.”
Taking his hand, I led him up the stairs, which he was able to climb surprisingly well with only one stumble. When we reached his bedroom, I checked the hallway for any stray guests but found none. I shut the door behind us and directed Harry to the bed where he laid down. Then I went to the bathroom and returned with a cool, wet washcloth that I placed on his forehead and a bottle of water I’d taken from the cabinet.
“Ooh, that’s nice,” he sighed, shutting his eyes. Almost immediately, however, they popped back open. “Fuck! The toast!”
“What?” I asked incredulously.
“The toast! I was supposed to make a toast, thanking everyone for coming. I forgot!”
Checking the time on the clock on the nightstand, I nodded. “You can still make it. It’s early yet, and the party’s still going strong. I think you should just hang out here for a little while first.”
“Yeah, okay,” Harry agreed, touching the washcloth.
“Here,” I urged, handing him the water bottle. He sat up and took it from me, chugging more than half of it in two gulps. Then he laid back down with a sigh.
“Come,” he beckoned. “Lie with me.”
With only a second of hesitation, I obliged, climbing onto the bed next to him. Giving me that contented sound I knew so well, Harry pulled me to him, our faces close enough to touch.
“You’re so good to me,” he grinned with sleepy eyes. I grinned back. “What am I gonna do without you?”
“What?” I asked, my eyes wide. Without me?
“When I go on tour,” he explained. “Who’s gonna take care of me?”
“Oh…” I feigned a chuckle. “Yeah. Don’t worry, honey. You’ll have a whole entourage to take care of you.”
“But I want youuuuu,” he pouted. I laughed. But only on the outside.
Placing a soft kiss on my nose, Harry shut his eyes. I watched his eyelids flutter, his eyeballs twitching behind them. I felt his breath on my face as it blew from his nose, and then between his slightly parted lips. I knew he wasn’t asleep yet, but he was close to drifting, so I just held him for a few minutes and studied his face while sadness overtook me.
It wasn’t like the knowledge about the tour had just been sprung on me. I’d known about it for months. I suppose I just hadn’t really let it sink in that he would be leaving, for a long time. This would be different from our separations before. At least then I’d known I’d see him again. We’d had plans. But it’s hard to make plans when half of you is on tour, in a different city every night, for almost a year. What was I gonna do?
“I’ll miss you so much.”
I hadn’t realized I’d said it out loud until Harry stirred and cleared his throat.
“What’s that, baby?” he asked. When his eyes fluttered open, his expression was somber. “Stacey,” he cooed. “Are you crying?”
I shook my head. “No.” Hastily, I slid my thumb under each eye.
Harry, however, was not a fool. But he was a kind-hearted soul, so he didn’t make me embarrass myself by confessing the truth. Instead, he took both my hands and covered them with his, bringing them to his lips to kiss them gently. Then he let them rest between us, against his chest. He gave me the tiniest of smiles that let me know he understood. No words were spoken for several minutes. We just looked into each other’s eyes until we heard a commotion coming up the stairs. Climbing off the bed, I was prepared to open the door but stopped myself when I heard a few words coming from a female voice. Something about cougar, Texas, and bitch.
“I mean, she’s like twice his age! And she’s not even that pretty.”
“I know. He deserves better than that.”
“I think she even has kids. Like older kids.”
“Eww. Who does that?”
Having heard more than enough, my hand touched the doorknob, but Harry’s hand quickly covered it.
“Baby,” he gave me a stern look and shook his head. “Not worth it.”
“These people are your friends?” I asked him incredulously.
He shrugged. “Probably not. But it doesn’t matter.”
Turning back to the door, I suddenly heard a third voice that sounded familiar.
“Hello, ladies!” it sang cheerily. “Did you need help locating the toilets?”
“Oh, um, no thanks.”
“We found it.”
“Splendid,” the voice replied. “Now if you’re quite finished, I think we should rejoin the party downstairs, yes?”
Recognizing the lady’s voice finally, I placed my hand on my heart.
“Um, yeah. Sure.”
“Yes. Plenty of food and drinks down there, girls. Have fun!”
When I could tell the girls had descended the stairs, I gradually opened the door. The hallway was empty, but I heard the sink running in the bathroom and soon the door opened, and she emerged with a kind smile.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
“Don’t mention it, love,” said Julia.
I stepped closer to her anyway and she opened her arms to embrace me. We said no more words; she just gave me a pat on the back and headed back downstairs.
“I like your friends,” I commented, turning to face Harry who stood in the doorway. “Your real friends.”
“They’re your friends now,” he beamed.
“I suppose so,” I smiled back.
“Harold! Where are ya, mate?” Julia’s jovial husband sang out from downstairs. Another voice soon followed, this from his best friend and manager.
“H! C’mon man, everybody’s waiting!”
“Your public awaits!” I nudged.
With a snort, Harry took my hand and lead me down the stairs once again as the crowd started chanting, “Speech!”
“By the way,” I muttered, “how come James gets to call you Harold, but I don’t?”
Harry side-eyed me. “You seriously wanna call me what James calls me?”
Poking him in the ribs and making him yelp, I giggled my way back to the party.
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Two hours and Lord knows how many cocktails later (okay maybe one or two, but it felt like more), Harry and I collapsed onto his bed. The party, and his speech, had been a success. I had managed not to cry for the rest of the evening, though I’d felt the tears just sitting behind my eyes, threatening to fall. I wanted to be happy for Harry, and I was. But I couldn’t help but feel a little bit selfish. I had only recently gotten used to the fact that he loved me, that he was mine. And now he was going to be everyone else’s.
When Harry made love to me that night, I could feel everything he felt for me. I tried to convince myself that my doubts were stupid and silly. We’d made it this far, we could make this work too.
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling long after Harry had fallen asleep. I wasn’t sure when I’d finally drifted off, but when my phone awoke me the next morning, I knew it was far too early.
Ready to give Lorelei shit for waking me up, I grabbed my cell from my purse. But I quickly realized it was not text notifications that were pinging. It was notifications from both of my social media accounts - Twitter and Instagram - both of which I rarely used. I had originally only joined both for business reasons and to promote my book. Once Harry and I had started dating I used it a bit to keep up with people like James and Ellen and different things he was doing. I had actually forgotten all about the apps in the last few months. The notifications were going off so much, I had to mute my phone.
“What the hell?” I exclaimed. “Stop!”
Feeling the bed shifting, I saw Harry roll over with a groan. For a split second, I’d forgotten he was still sleeping.
“Sorry!” I whispered.
“What’s going on?” he asked in a raspy voice.
“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “I keep getting notifications on my phone.”
Just in the moment it took for me to tell Harry that, fifteen more popped up. Unable to keep up, I opened the Twitter application and saw that I had several new followers. No, not several. Hundreds. I also had a ton of direct messages as well as mentions. Within a few seconds, realization dawned on me. Shit.
Familiar words came to view, echoes of what I’d heard the night before in the hallway, and worse. Cougar. Bitch. Gold Digger. Slut. Hungry Whore. I knew better than to read those. But I continued to scroll until I found what I was looking for.
Underneath the headline was a link to an article that showed a photo of me, the one I used in the back of the book. The article itself was not horrible; it didn’t depict me in a bad light. It was basically a bio on me up until it mentioned I had been seen with Anne in L.A. at the tearoom and then again at a private party at his home. So much for private, I thought. The end of the article was all speculative on how we met and if the relationship is serious or not, before it concluded with information about Harry’s upcoming tour.
So now the internet knew who I was.
“Great,” I muttered.
I was just about to open another tweet when my phone was pulled out of my hands. I glared at Harry who tapped on a few things before turning it off.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Protecting you,” he said.
“Why? I can handle it.”
He looked at me from the corner of his eye. “I’m sure you can. But I made it easier.”
We lay in silence for a moment or two before I spoke again.
“They’re cruel, aren’t they?”
When I didn’t say anything else, he turned to face me. “Don’t get me wrong, not all of them are. Some of my fans really do want me to be happy, no matter how jealous they get. But some are vicious and they think they’re entitled because they own a piece of me. They won’t ever like anyone I’m with.”
I nodded hesitantly and dropped my phone back in my bag.
“Let’s go back to sleep, love,” Harry urged, pulling me to him. “It’s too early yet.”
“Okay,” I yawned, glad to have more time to cuddle and snooze.
But I wasn’t able to sleep.
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patiencesinners · 2 years
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Emma Bürklin (@plush__baby): 
Earlier this year we completed 6 videos for @panicatthedisco filmed over the course of 9(.5) days. This was a massive undertaking for our crew and cast and this entire team knocked it out of the park. I will never get over the intricacy and care of every aspect. Thank you to everyone who made these happen❗️
Directed by @breadandwalter Executive Producer: @jesyodio Producer: @plush__baby Director of Photography: @ericbader Production Designer: @sokocreations Editors: Brendan Walter, Kevin Hindriks Production Company: @teenager.ent Color: Bryan Smaller, Kevin Hindriks
UPM: @doriansthomas 1st AD: @taylormade215 Script Supervisor: @andishezohoori Choreographer: @monikafelicesmith Costume Designer: @stylistbrooke Key Hair & Makeup Artist: @makeuphair_mayra Groomer: @aikafloreshair Gaffer: @kylebartreid Key Grip: Anthony Schrader, James O’Connor Sound Mixer: @life_jedy Location Manager: Pete Abrahams VFX: Taylor Armstrong Animators: Kevin Hindriks, Gon Borela, Glen Dones, DJ Belga, Paula Gohing SHIFTai @fotokem_la Stunt Coordinator: Travis Wong Casting: @rebelcasting
AE: Jonathan Rosenblit 1st AC: Rich Hawkinson 2nd AC: Brian Freeman, Kyle Deven, Greg Hatton, Deepak Adhikary DIT/Utility: Jacob Seldes Ronin Op: Ben Fredman Steadicam: Will Sampson, Quaid Cde Baca B-Cam Op: Geoffrey Brent Shrewsbury BBE: Justin Sadler, Jim Ed Willis, Sam Needham 1st SLT: Mike Winokur, Paul Kane 2nd SLT: Sam Needham Best Grip/Driver: Richie Brush Dolly Grip: James O’Connor Grip: Nick Limina, Abel Soto, Rich Ferrat, Christian Andrew, Shane Greavette Boom Operator: Ethan Rhanielle, Alex Gilroy Art Directors: Devin Parker, Spencer Trent Set Dresser: Mitch Dillon, Reno Bennedetti Leadmen: Shay Turner, Zach Riddle Pyro Tech: Anthony Delzio Lifeguard: Tony Whitmore Production Coordinators: Kalid Hussein, Nathan Vaughan Office Production Coordinator: Ariel Hutchins-Fuhr 2nd AD: Alexandria Cardiel 2nd 2nd AD: Teck Holmes AD PAs: Nafeisa Johnson, Anthony Sturdivant Office PAs: Jubilee Daws, Jane Kim, Hollis Dohr Truck PAs: Alex Reyes Méndez, Colin Hagiwara, Sean Lass, Jay Arias, Jordan Pelzl Set PAs: Collin Wade, Kyle Ali, Jem Murillo, Corey Cunningham, Skylar Conner
Assistant Costume Designer: Anastasia Magoutas On-Set Costumer: Maggie Kimball Costume Assistant: Lucas Ciotti, Rachel Apatoff, Brooke Mulkins Seamstress: Olga Podymova Costume PA: Marissa Channing SPFX Makeup Artists: Brittany Fontaine, Sam Tansey HMU Assistants: Rob Sheppy, Sophie Guzman, Julie Dinh, Ashley Lee, Kandi Hernandez, Charde Thompson, Stacey Gonzalez, Nadine Robinson, Megan Gray, Carmen Martinez Assistant Choreographer: Riley Roberts Key Crafty Attendant: Sabino Salas Miranda, Raul Aguirre, Josh Gresham COVID Officer: Stephen George, Caitlin Hiroto Set Medic: Melissa Reed Security: Crew Protection Stunt Double: Nikita Teterev Studio Teacher: Bettina Russo Drivers: EJ Smith, Bill Colino, Josh Collins, Malik Riley
Starring: @onlyleah as Maggie Mike Naran on Guitar Nicole Row on Bass Dan Pawlovich on Drums The Beer Boys: Mike Viola, Rachel White, Jake Sinclair Robert Javinett as Manager Jesse Merlin as Host & Stage Manager Angel Ahabue as Salesperson Galen Howard & Nafeisa Johnson as “The PAs” Mauricio Marte as Medic Zak Cassar as Masked Man Monika Felice Smith as Teacher Christian Valentino Maita as Young Brendon Nora Harriet as Young Maggie Kids: Dominic McDonald, Aurora Lewis Jester: Galen Howard
Dancers: Crystal Chestnut, Cierra Crowley, Edith Morales, Genna Moroni, Katherine Cheng, Adriano Bettinelli, Cedric Thane Sanders, Hugh Aparente, Nicolas Karosy, Robbie Bianton
Cameos: Mike Naran, Nicole Row, Dan Pawlovich, Morgan Kibby, Butch Walker, Brandon Dermer, Suzy Shinn, Rachel White, Pete Wentz, Betty Who, Spencer Smith, Evan Taubenfeld, Nina Jordan, Tatjana Vujovic, Jake Wesley Rogers , Sam Barbera, Linda Ignarro Smith
Funeral Extras: Hannah May Evans, Jasmine Wilson, Abraham Baltazar, Robert "Rexx" Gonzales, Galen Howard
Extras: Ronee Collins, Chibuike Nwuda, Born M'Allah, Graham Selden, Gigi Ganza, Toky Mahamaro, Ludovica Rossato, Elise Biscaro, Jimmy Lee Nguyen, Stephanie Paige, Daniel Stonewall, Olivia Lodge, Hayley Olivia Strubbe, Mariah Salae Jackson, Mary Morgan Bond, Laura Dromerick, Drake Williams, Molly Malin, Shreya Jhalani, Zachary Colvin, Hakop Mkhsian, Michael Parker, Brittany McVicker, Umar Saqid, Romy Evans, Harsimran Ghotra, Andreina Boada, Richard Follin, Brianna Gurdzhyan, Andejela Belosevic, Cairo Spencer, Angela Lin, Robby Ché, Jonel Awit, Pearrie, Darius Levante, Stefan Freeth, Julia Cornell, Gordana Simunovic, Cort King, Robert Rodriquez, Ramona Tibrin
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rawk-chikk · 1 year
The Merry Wives Of Walford Go Absolutely Feral.
Part The First: The PTA (is a PITA).
In which Stacey, whose cam girl side hustle has just been exposed (no pun intended 😋), comes for the scalp of a stuck up yummy mummy type...
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Slater slayed her 😄.
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lvfstvl · 1 year
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i been watching the shore i be peepin' the waves. i been writing some more i been working for days. if i could give it to y’all from the stem of my brain. that’s the beat of my heart then the beat’ll still play. 🌞🌊🐚 free (remix) — cam stacey, tygko, valentine, laxcity 
///// the beach will always be my favorite escape
PLAYLiST: brainy wavs
💿☆ listen now on  SPOTiFY
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Every time Stacey bangs on about being broke to justify her cam work…here’s me sat thinking do what? There are literally four adults with jobs living under that roof + Martin + Jack and Denise will help with Lily’s baby…it ain’t mathin. Then sis practically calls Martin a bossy fool for being concerned about her and his kids
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TV Guidance Counselor Episode 592: Matt Farley
June 20-26, 1987
This week's Matt is fellow North Shore kid, the man behind over 25k songs, filmmaker, podcaster, it's Motern Media's Matt Farley.
Ken and Matt discuss New England eccentric driven artists, the motivational power of spite, the power of novelty, putting in the work, using non-actors, making money as an artist, being a consumer, Strawberries, regional Mass record stores, Coconuts, how Lechmere curated your musical tastes, The Liberty Tree Mall, meeting Scott Baio, the power of mico-niche, Markie Post, Sledgehammer,  bad sports, The Red Sox, badnwagons, K-Mart Swimwear, Jello, cigarette ads, Dana Hersey's Movie Loft, Spenser for Hire, Karl's Sausage Kitchen, Golden Girls, celebrity kids, Scott Bakula as Batman, investments, renting movies, loving 80s horror flicks, Friday the 13th, Prom Night, horror comedy, Winterbeast, Neon Maniacs, athletes as actors, Brian Bosworth, Alf, rigging the Nielson Ratings, My Sister Sam, Newhart, Kate & Allie, the weird pseudo documentary format, multi cam sitcoms, roller skating, rug burn, Who's the Boss, Mannys, Sarah Douglas, having no shame, how TV Guide wrote show synopsis, movie reviews, Perfect Strangers, I Love Lucy, that frigging chocolate scenes, not finding the funniest TV moments of all time funny, Johnny Carson, Facts of Life, Stacey Q, shark jumping, hunting things down, testing board games, where the Maine Children are, Back to School, starting in the middle of a movie, The Hitcher, writing fan fiction about strangers in public, art reflecting the crimes, hindsight, The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Ellen, Billy Vera, Cheers, influence of Woody's The Kelly Song, Mr. Belvedere, laugh tracks, David Rasche, the faceless nature of the nameless '00s, Police Squad, Rambo, Beef Battles, and being proud of where you come from. 
Check out this episode!
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
THEO Is Stacey's Secret Cam Fan! 🤳💋 Walford REEvisited EastEnders
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henryspearl · 1 year
bernie is clearly going to track stacey’s secret cam account
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#9 The Ghost at Dawn’s House: Chapter 15
OMG it’s sleepover time!
Next book I’m doing is Karen’s Newspaper. Yes, I’m braving a Little Sister book for this blog but it’s also got some of the funniest moments in BSC history in it.
BSC SLEEPOVER! Surprisingly, the movie choices du jour are mostly “current” stuff - Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Sixteen Candles. These outweigh the two typical BSC movie choices - Mary Poppins and The Parent Trap. I think we can assume Stacey suggested Mary Poppins and I remember Mary Anne saying Sixteen Candles is one of her favorite movies.
They can't choose which two to watch and voting doesn't work. So Kristy picks two out of a hat, since she's the Club President and their Supreme Lord and Master. Ghostbusters and Sixteen Candles it is.
They did makeovers too, compliments of Stacey and Claudia. First of all, Kristy let them do makeup on her without her fake-puking like Dawn in a Burger King? Number two, I pity whoever was on the receiving end of a Claudia makeover. “Claudia, you’ve got it set on WHORE!”
And Mary Anne is fangirling over Cam Geary again. Patience, Mary Anne. You’ll have your own personal Cam Geary in one more book.
While watching the Stay Puft marshmallow man in Ghostbusters, Kristy gets a hankering for s'mores. Of course, Dawn laughs; she doesn't have sugary crap in her house! But she underestimated Claudia and Kristy, who came prepared with an artillery of junk food - chocolate, marshmallows, M&M's, chips...oh, and some crackers for the boring health food people. Damn you and your diabetes, Stacey! You ruin sleepovers!
The candy freaks run off to make their s'mores and Stacey and Dawn roll their eyes at them. While they're gone, Dawn decides to get some revenge. And what better way than to scare the shit out of them with the secret passage? Hey, Dawn must like this idea because she uses it on Mary Anne later on in the series. Dawn explains about her secret passage and Stacey responds, “Hey, I know plenty about secret passages.” No, she agrees to take part in Dawn's vendetta against people who bring sugar into her house.
The s'mores eaters then come back and they all finish the movie. When it's done, Dawn brings them upstairs under the guise of putting MORE makeup on Mary Anne to make her look like Cam Geary's girlfriend Corrie Lalique. Well, when they all go upstairs, Dawn says she and Stacey are going to get some sodas. We then get this wonderful exchange between Claudia and Dawn:
“You have soda?” asked Claudia skeptically. “Or do you mean Perrier or sparkling, saltless mineral water from an artesian well or something?” I tried not to sound sarcastic. “Yes, we have soda. Real soda. Mom bought it for the party. One hundred percent sugar.” “Good,” said Claudia, not cracking a smile.
First of all, how the fuck does Claudia know the word “artesian?” She probably spells it “arteezhun.” Second of all, shut the hell up, Claudia. Dawn was nice enough to accommodate you. Wow, did I just defend Dawn?
Stacey and Dawn sneak into the passage, rap on the walls and the pipes and freak the shit out of everyone inside. Mary Anne goes nuts and screams that it's the ghost and Kristy is all confused. I guess this means there’s more ghosts in Stoneybrook besides Ben Brewer! Well, Dawn and Stacey come out of the passage and everyone laughs over it. Dawn tells them all about it and Claudia immediately wants to go in. But wait! They hear noise coming from the passage. And since it's 1 a.m., it isn't Nicky. Or could it be? Maybe the triplets stuck his hand in a glass of water and he ran out of the house to blow off some steam.
The girls go downstairs to sleep and the next morning discuss what they should do in the last days before they start 8th grade for the 1st of 193 times. And we've seen food in mouth dialogue and allergy dialogue and butchered accents and here we have probably the only case of face-in-pillow dialogue. Mary Anne says, “Having a cookout,” but instead it sounds like “Havee a fuh-fow.”
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TV Guidance Counselor Episode 592: Matt Farley
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June 20-26, 1987
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This week's Matt is fellow North Shore kid, the man behind over 25k songs, filmmaker, podcaster, it's Motern Media's Matt Farley.
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Ken and Matt discuss New England eccentric driven artists, the motivational power of spite, the power of novelty, putting in the work, using non-actors, making money as an artist, being a consumer, Strawberries, regional Mass record stores, Coconuts, how Lechmere curated your musical tastes, The Liberty Tree Mall, meeting Scott Baio, the power of mico-niche, Markie Post, Sledgehammer,  bad sports, The Red Sox, badnwagons, K-Mart Swimwear, Jello, cigarette ads, Dana Hersey's Movie Loft, Spenser for Hire, Karl's Sausage Kitchen, Golden Girls, celebrity kids, Scott Bakula as Batman, investments, renting movies, loving 80s horror flicks, Friday the 13th, Prom Night, horror comedy, Winterbeast, Neon Maniacs, athletes as actors, Brian Bosworth, Alf, rigging the Nielson Ratings, My Sister Sam, Newhart, Kate & Allie, the weird pseudo documentary format, multi cam sitcoms, roller skating, rug burn, Who's the Boss, Mannys, Sarah Douglas, having no shame, how TV Guide wrote show synopsis, movie reviews, Perfect Strangers, I Love Lucy, that frigging chocolate scenes, not finding the funniest TV moments of all time funny, Johnny Carson, Facts of Life, Stacey Q, shark jumping, hunting things down, testing board games, where the Maine Children are, Back to School, starting in the middle of a movie, The Hitcher, writing fan fiction about strangers in public, art reflecting the crimes, hindsight, The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Ellen, Billy Vera, Cheers, influence of Woody's The Kelly Song, Mr. Belvedere, laugh tracks, David Rasche, the faceless nature of the nameless '00s, Police Squad, Rambo, Beef Battles, and being proud of where you come from.
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empyreumata · 3 years
Don’t ask me where I’ve been —been avoiding everything
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Crackship Gifs:
Some of Molly’s and My Ships
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